Location{world=CraftWorld{name=DIM7},x=649.4994213504891,y=31.5823096112552,z=-87.69999998807903,pitch=10.100398,yaw=281.0406} Exp: 28 ItemStack{COOKED_BEEF x 8} ItemStack{BREAD x 16} ItemStack{COOKED_CHICKEN x 13} ItemStack{MELON x 16} ItemStack{COOKIE x 30} ItemStack{WRITTEN_BOOK x 1, BOOK_META:{meta-type=BOOK, title=Notes on a Stronghold, author=A Forgotten Explorer, pages=[§8[[An explorer's notebook, written on faintly glowing paper]]§0 The tendrils of darkness surrounding this area are just a manifestation of a protective spell over the entire dark forest. The spell causes blindness, which is quite vexing. I have, seen several interesting things in the area and would like to keep exploring. §8[[Next entry]]§0 I have found ruins in the dark forest. They belong to a stronghold, of a type usually inhabited by knights. Rather than, knights though, this stronghold is full of goblins. They wear knightly armor, but their behavior is most un-knightly. §8[[Next entry]]§0 Deep in the ruins, I have found a pedestal. The pedestal seems to be of a type that, knights would place trophies on to prove their strength. Killing a powerful creature would seem to weaken the curse on the dark forest, and placing a trophy associated with the creature on the pedestal would likely grant access into the, main part of the stronghold. The only creature I have seen so far seen so far of sufficient power is the many-headed beast in the fire swamp. How vexing...]}} ItemStack{WHEAT x 2} ItemStack{AIR x 0} ItemStack{AIR x 0} ItemStack{AIR x 0} ItemStack{AIR x 0}