Location{world=CraftWorld{name=DIM7},x=1805.300000011921,y=37.0,z=141.30000001192093,pitch=61.77576,yaw=159.98999} Exp: 100 ItemStack{DIVINERPG_RUPEERAPIER x 1} ItemStack{DIAMOND_PICKAXE x 1} ItemStack{STONE_AXE x 1} ItemStack{COOKED_CHICKEN x 4} ItemStack{TORCH x 61} ItemStack{WORKBENCH x 1} ItemStack{WOOD_STEP x 22} ItemStack{POTION x 1} ItemStack{COAL x 64} ItemStack{COBBLESTONE x 64} ItemStack{LOG x 50} ItemStack{LEATHER x 2} ItemStack{CHAINMAIL_HELMET x 1} ItemStack{DIRT x 5} ItemStack{ARROW x 58} ItemStack{TWILIGHTFOREST_ITEMVENISONRAW x 5} ItemStack{POTION x 1} ItemStack{COOKED_BEEF x 16} ItemStack{BUCKET x 1} ItemStack{DIAMOND x 9} ItemStack{TCONSTRUCT_HEARTCANISTER x 1} ItemStack{BOW x 1} ItemStack{TWILIGHTFOREST_TILETFFIREFLY x 2} ItemStack{TWILIGHTFOREST_TILETFFIREFLYJAR x 1} ItemStack{TWILIGHTFOREST_ITEMTROPHY x 1} ItemStack{WRITTEN_BOOK x 1, BOOK_META:{meta-type=BOOK, title=Notes on an the Highlands, author=A Forgotten Explorer, pages=[§8[[An explorer's notebook, damaged by acid]]§0 There seems to be no way to protect myself from the toxic rainstorm surrounding this area. In my brief excursions, I have also encountered another protection spell, similar to the, others I have witnessed. The spell must be connected to the toxic storm in some way. Further research to follow... §8[[Next entry]]§0 Such supreme weather magic must be the result of an unequaled weather, magician. Such a person would likely hide themselves in an extreme environment, far away. Based on my logic, I would expect to find such a person somewhere on the glacier, perhaps in some sort of fortress there...]}} ItemStack{STICK x 4} ItemStack{WOOD x 41} ItemStack{CHAINMAIL_BOOTS x 1} ItemStack{CHAINMAIL_LEGGINGS x 1} ItemStack{CHAINMAIL_CHESTPLATE x 1} ItemStack{AIR x 0}