Location{world=CraftWorld{name=DIM7},x=1019.4152018724111,y=19.83268274250654,z=-272.7364086811798,pitch=59.698822,yaw=159.58534} Exp: 100 ItemStack{DIVINERPG_SCYTHE x 1} ItemStack{COOKED_CHICKEN x 13} ItemStack{DIRT x 38} ItemStack{TORCH x 2} ItemStack{TWILIGHTFOREST_ITEMSTEELEAFHELM x 1} ItemStack{BREAD x 12} ItemStack{COOKED_BEEF x 5} ItemStack{STONE_AXE x 1} ItemStack{DIAMOND_PICKAXE x 1} ItemStack{BUCKET x 1} ItemStack{POTION x 1} ItemStack{WOOL x 1} ItemStack{WITCHERY_SEEDSARTICHOKE x 1} ItemStack{WRITTEN_BOOK x 1, BOOK_META:{meta-type=BOOK, title=Notes on the Fire Swamp, author=A Forgotten Explorer, pages=[§8[[An explorer's notebook, written on fireproof paper]]§0 Fire is a trivial obstacle for a master explorer such as myself. I have traversed seas of fire, and swam through oceans of lava. The burning air here is an interesting variation,, but ultimately no hinderance. What does stop me though is that I have encountered another protection spell, this time surrounding a mighty creature that must be king of this fire swamp. This is not the first protection spell I have, encountered, and I am beginning to unravel the mysteries of how they work. If this spell is like the others, it will be sustained by a powerful creature nearby. Surrounding the fire swamp are several wet swamps, and under those, swamps are labyrinths full of minotaurs. The logical choice to bind such a spell to would be some sort of powerful minotaur, different in some way from the others that surround it...]}} ItemStack{WHEAT x 1} ItemStack{TWILIGHTFOREST_TILETFLOG x 7} ItemStack{TWILIGHTFOREST_ITEMIRONWOODINGOT x 2} ItemStack{TWILIGHTFOREST_TILETFFIREJET x 1} ItemStack{TWILIGHTFOREST_ITEMMEEFRAW x 3} ItemStack{SPIDER_EYE x 2} ItemStack{STRING x 3} ItemStack{SLIME_BALL x 2} ItemStack{TWILIGHTFOREST_ITEMMAZEMAPFOCUS x 1} ItemStack{SULPHUR x 2} ItemStack{TWILIGHTFOREST_ITEMMAZEWAFER x 9} ItemStack{MILK_BUCKET x 1} ItemStack{MELON x 4} ItemStack{POTION x 1} ItemStack{TWILIGHTFOREST_ITEMSTEELEAFINGOT x 12} ItemStack{BLAZE_ROD x 1} ItemStack{DIRT x 64} ItemStack{STRANGERMIND_DARKNESSBOOTS x 1} ItemStack{STRANGERMIND_DARKNESSLEGS x 1} ItemStack{STRANGERMIND_DARKNESSCHEST x 1} ItemStack{STRANGERMIND_DARKNESSHEAD x 1}