Location{world=CraftWorld{name=world},x=-2096.5,y=66.0,z=2676.5,pitch=5.999958,yaw=-158.94891} Exp: 28 ItemStack{IRON_SWORD x 1} ItemStack{CARROT_ITEM x 37} ItemStack{DIVINERPG_BLOODGEM x 4} ItemStack{DIVINERPG_RUPEEPICKAXE x 1} ItemStack{FLINT_AND_STEEL x 1} ItemStack{WRITTEN_BOOK x 1, BOOK_META:{meta-type=BOOK, title=Notes on a Pointy Tower, author=A Forgotten Explorer, pages=[§8[[An explorer's notebook, gnawed on by monsters]]§0 I have begun examining the strange aura surrounding this tower. The bricks of the tower are protected by a curse, stronger than any I've seen before. The magic from the curse, is boiling off into the surrounding area. In my homeland I would have many options for dealing with this magic, but here my supplies are limited. I shall have to research..., §8[[Many entries later]]§0 A breakthrough! In my journeys I sighted a huge snake-like monster in a decorated courtyard. Nearby, I picked up a worn down, discarded green scale. The magic in the scale seems to have the, curse-breaking properties I need, but the magic is too dim. I may need to acquire a fresher specimen, directly from the creature.]}} ItemStack{DIVINERPG_REALMITEINGOT x 3} ItemStack{TORCH x 56} ItemStack{FORESTRY_SCOOP x 1} ItemStack{ROTTEN_FLESH x 6} ItemStack{STICK x 4} ItemStack{SCILLA_SC214 x 2} ItemStack{RAW_CHICKEN x 1} ItemStack{WHEAT x 2} ItemStack{FEATHER x 1} ItemStack{GOLD_NUGGET x 2} ItemStack{WRITTEN_BOOK x 2, BOOK_META:{meta-type=BOOK, title=Notes on a Swampy Labyrinth, author=A Forgotten Explorer, pages=[§8[[An explorer's notebook, written on waterproof paper]]§0 The mosquitoes in this swamp are vexing, but strange. The vast majority of them seem to have no natural source, nor do they seem to have a role in the local ecology. I have begun to, suspect that they are some kind of magical curse. §8[[Next entry]]§0 Now that I have encountered a protection spell on the ruined labyrinth here, I consider my suspicions confirmed. Both the protection, spell and the mosquitoes are a curse. This curse seems to have a different source from the others I have encountered. I will have to research further... §8[[Next entry]]§0 The curse seems to, be of a type too powerful for one being alone to produce. Several wizards working in combination would be necessary. If one of the wizards stopped contributing, the whole of the curse over the entire swamp would fall. Strangely, , my divinations do not show signs of any nearby living wizards. I did see something interesting in one of the nearby pointy-roofed towers though...]}} ItemStack{COBBLESTONE x 4} ItemStack{DIRT x 3} ItemStack{IRON_SPADE x 1} ItemStack{IRON_INGOT x 1} ItemStack{IRON_BOOTS x 1} ItemStack{IRON_LEGGINGS x 1, UNSPECIFIC_META:{meta-type=UNSPECIFIC, enchants={PROTECTION_ENVIRONMENTAL=2}}} ItemStack{IRON_CHESTPLATE x 1, UNSPECIFIC_META:{meta-type=UNSPECIFIC, enchants={AUT_EPAIR=2}}} ItemStack{IRON_HELMET x 1}