[00:00:14] [G] ZlouLemon: ! драконическая руда редкая? [00:00:27] [G] Heia: !неочень [00:00:34] DeD_Makar issued server command: /warp mining [00:00:35] DeD_Makar issued server command: /we cui [00:00:35] [G] ZlouLemon: ! а для чего она [00:00:37] DeD_Makar issued server command: /randomtp [00:00:37] DeD_Makar issued server command: /rtp [00:00:57] [G] Heia: !для мода [00:01:10] [G] ZlouLemon: ! ну что из нее скрафтить омдно [00:01:13] [G] ZlouLemon: ! можно [00:01:13] [G] Heia: !драконикой там можна заниматся [00:01:17] [G] ZlouLemon: ! оружие броню? [00:01:33] [G] Heia: !нада качатся перед тем как скрафтить [00:01:51] [G] Heia: !но можна [00:02:23] kajiit issued server command: /randomtp [00:02:23] kajiit issued server command: /rtp [00:03:05] kajiit issued server command: /randomtp [00:03:05] kajiit issued server command: /rtp [00:03:37] [G] ZlouLemon: ! фиолетовая чувырла опасная в аду? [00:03:51] [G] ZlouLemon: ! сколько у неё хп [00:03:54] DeD_Makar issued server command: /home [00:03:55] [G] Heia: !в аду все опасное [00:03:56] DeD_Makar issued server command: /we cui [00:04:12] kajiit issued server command: /randomtp [00:04:12] kajiit issued server command: /rtp [00:04:16] [G] ZlouLemon: ! она пропала лол [00:04:22] [G] xx_VR_xxx: ! зареспавнилась [00:05:33] tyrik75 issued server command: /sethome [00:06:22] kajiit issued server command: /home [00:06:33] DeD_Makar вышел [00:06:46] [G] xx_VR_xxx: ! ZlouLemon а че без того меча пошел? [00:06:56] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /randomtp [00:06:56] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /rtp [00:06:57] [G] ZlouLemon: ! я зеленый взял [00:07:05] [G] xx_VR_xxx: ! так красный сильнее [00:07:11] [G] ZlouLemon: ! я знаю [00:07:15] [G] xx_VR_xxx: ! жалко? [00:07:18] [G] ZlouLemon: ! чтобы все сразу не просрать [00:07:29] [G] xx_VR_xxx: ! я тебе щас таких штук 10-15 могу сделать,не переживай за него [00:07:34] [G] ZlouLemon: ! я кстати 6 ардита нашел [00:07:42] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /home [00:07:53] [G] ZlouLemon: ! и 14 ужаса [00:08:03] MrDimonsterR issued server command: /set home [00:08:10] MrDimonsterR issued server command: /home [00:08:16] [G] ZlouLemon: ! о кобальт [00:08:19] MrDimonsterR issued server command: /we cui [00:08:31] MrDimonsterR issued server command: /tpa Heia [00:08:32] [G] ZlouLemon: ! ардит с комабльтом мешать да? [00:08:36] Heia issued server command: /home [00:08:38] Heia issued server command: /tpaccept [00:08:40] [G] xx_VR_xxx: ! да [00:08:40] MrDimonsterR issued server command: /we cui [00:09:20] kajiit issued server command: /randomtp [00:09:20] kajiit issued server command: /rtp [00:09:42] MrDimonsterR issued server command: /sethome [00:09:46] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /warp end [00:09:47] [G] ZlouLemon: ! лол [00:09:49] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /we cui [00:09:50] MrDimonsterR issued server command: /home [00:09:51] tyrik75 issued server command: /home [00:09:56] [G] ZlouLemon: ! тут исушитель без рук [00:10:01] [G] ZlouLemon: ! стрёмный [00:10:13] kajiit issued server command: /randomtp [00:10:13] kajiit issued server command: /rtp [00:10:28] MrDimonsterR issued server command: /kit start [00:10:39] [G] ZlouLemon: ! нам нужна адская крепость? [00:10:45] [G] xx_VR_xxx: ! ну.. хз [00:11:14] Cro_SS_O issued server command: /ЫУЕРЩ_Е [00:11:16] Cro_SS_O issued server command: /spawn [00:11:18] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /warp ad [00:11:20] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /we cui [00:11:44] Cro_SS_O issued server command: /we cui [00:12:45] Cro_SS_O issued server command: /kit start [00:13:24] Cro_SS_O issued server command: /home [00:13:32] Cro_SS_O issued server command: /we cui [00:13:44] kajiit issued server command: /randomtp [00:13:44] kajiit issued server command: /rtp [00:13:46] Cro_SS_O issued server command: /_ЩТУН [00:13:50] kajiit issued server command: /home [00:13:54] Cro_SS_O issued server command: /money [00:13:56] Heia issued server command: /home [00:14:12] MrDimonsterR вышел [00:14:28] Heia issued server command: /home [00:15:23] DeD_Makar зашёл [00:15:26] DeD_Makar issued server command: /we cui [00:16:27] DeD_Makar issued server command: /warp mining [00:16:30] DeD_Makar issued server command: /we cui [00:16:31] DeD_Makar issued server command: /randomtp [00:16:31] DeD_Makar issued server command: /rtp [00:18:24] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /home [00:18:26] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /we cui [00:18:38] [G] ZlouLemon: ! а что еще нам нужно чтобы печка работала в тинкете [00:18:45] lilgonerww зашёл [00:18:48] Heia issued server command: /home [00:18:55] lilgonerww issued server command: /we cui [00:18:55] [G] xx_VR_xxx: ! контролер плавильни [00:19:06] DeD_Makar issued server command: /home [00:19:07] DeD_Makar issued server command: /we cui [00:19:11] claus_cold1 умер (FALL) [00:19:14] claus_cold1 issued server command: /we cui [00:19:21] claus_cold1 issued server command: /home [00:19:22] claus_cold1 issued server command: /we cui [00:19:37] Heia issued server command: /home [00:20:24] Heia issued server command: /home [00:20:26] ZlouLemon issued server command: /home [00:20:30] ZlouLemon issued server command: /we cui [00:20:31] Heia issued server command: /warp forest [00:20:32] Heia issued server command: /we cui [00:20:34] [L] xx_VR_xxx: как тебе кирка? [00:20:39] [L] ZlouLemon: rhenj [00:20:41] [L] ZlouLemon: круто [00:20:53] [L] ZlouLemon: как там тот контролер [00:21:00] [L] xx_VR_xxx: контроллер правльни [00:21:06] [L] xx_VR_xxx: 997 [00:21:25] [L] ZlouLemon: есть кирпичи эти? [00:21:31] [L] xx_VR_xxx: увы но нет [00:21:38] claus_cold1 issued server command: /home [00:21:38] [L] xx_VR_xxx: надо цемент делать [00:21:39] DeD_Makar issued server command: /warp mining [00:21:41] DeD_Makar issued server command: /we cui [00:21:42] [L] ZlouLemon: щас тогда за ними пойду [00:21:43] DeD_Makar issued server command: /randomtp [00:21:43] DeD_Makar issued server command: /rtp [00:22:16] lilgonerww вышел [00:23:09] ZlouLemon issued server command: /randomtp [00:23:09] ZlouLemon issued server command: /rtp [00:23:51] ZlouLemon issued server command: /homw [00:23:54] ZlouLemon issued server command: /home [00:24:03] [L] ZlouLemon: принес [00:24:13] claus_cold1 issued server command: /tpa Lana_Luna [00:24:14] Lana_Luna issued server command: /tpaccept [00:24:16] claus_cold1 issued server command: /we cui [00:24:27] Lana_Luna issued server command: /home [00:24:30] Lana_Luna issued server command: /we cui [00:24:33] Lana_Luna вышел [00:24:38] [L] ZlouLemon: щас все будет [00:24:39] [L] ZlouLemon: так [00:24:48] [L] ZlouLemon: ведро лавы еще вроде нужно [00:24:53] claus_cold1 вышел [00:25:03] [L] xx_VR_xxx: щас [00:25:09] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /warp ad [00:25:12] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /we cui [00:26:23] [L] ZlouLemon: контролет плавильни где должен быть [00:26:30] [G] ZlouLemon: ! контролет плавильни где должен быть [00:26:35] [G] ZlouLemon: ! над резервуаром? [00:26:41] [G] xx_VR_xxx: ! сбоку [00:26:52] [G] ZlouLemon: ! типо для топлива? [00:27:03] [G] xx_VR_xxx: ! в плане [00:27:12] [G] ZlouLemon: ! ну в него лаву лить? [00:27:16] [G] xx_VR_xxx: ! да [00:27:18] [G] ZlouLemon: ! или там вся жижа будет [00:27:20] [G] ZlouLemon: ! понял [00:27:43] [G] ZlouLemon: ! а как те трубки называються с которых наливать всё [00:28:05] [G] ZlouLemon: ! и куда лаву лить [00:28:10] [G] xx_VR_xxx: ! в контролер [00:28:54] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /home [00:28:57] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /we cui [00:28:59] Lana_Luna зашёл [00:29:21] Lana_Luna issued server command: /we cui [00:29:24] [L] xx_VR_xxx: ам [00:29:28] [L] xx_VR_xxx: а че не нравится [00:29:30] [L] xx_VR_xxx: ей [00:29:48] claus_cold1 зашёл [00:29:50] claus_cold1 issued server command: /we cui [00:29:51] [L] ZlouLemon: а что такое [00:30:15] [L] ZlouLemon: лаву вроде не сюда лить надо [00:30:25] [L] ZlouLemon: тут жидкости [00:30:35] MrDimonsterR зашёл [00:30:51] MrDimonsterR issued server command: /we cui [00:31:00] [L] xx_VR_xxx: ааа [00:31:02] [L] xx_VR_xxx: резервуар [00:31:23] Lana_Luna issued server command: /tpa claus_cold1 [00:31:25] claus_cold1 issued server command: /tpaccept [00:31:28] Lana_Luna issued server command: /we cui [00:31:36] [L] ZlouLemon: что? [00:31:40] [L] xx_VR_xxx: 999 [00:31:55] DeD_Makar issued server command: /home [00:31:57] DeD_Makar issued server command: /we cui [00:32:02] [L] ZlouLemon: для лавы? [00:32:02] [L] xx_VR_xxx: f cnjg [00:32:28] [L] xx_VR_xxx: слив плавильни нужен* [00:32:50] ZlouLemon issued server command: /randomtp [00:32:50] ZlouLemon issued server command: /rtp [00:33:56] [G] ZlouLemon: ! хеххеххее [00:34:04] [G] ZlouLemon: ! тут два голема друг друга бьют [00:34:09] [G] ZlouLemon: ! я такого ещще не видел [00:34:34] claus_cold1 issued server command: /tpa Lana_Luna [00:34:34] Lana_Luna issued server command: /tpaccept [00:34:37] Lana_Luna issued server command: /home [00:34:38] Heia issued server command: /home [00:34:40] Heia issued server command: /we cui [00:34:40] Lana_Luna issued server command: /we cui [00:34:55] Lana_Luna issued server command: /tpa claus_cold1 [00:34:58] claus_cold1 issued server command: /tpaccept [00:35:01] Lana_Luna issued server command: /we cui [00:35:06] ZlouLemon issued server command: /home [00:35:27] [L] xx_VR_xxx: держи [00:35:41] MrDimonsterR issued server command: /tpa Heia [00:35:42] Heia issued server command: /tpaccept [00:35:52] claus_cold1 issued server command: /home [00:35:52] [L] xx_VR_xxx: страую можешь в сундук закинуть [00:35:54] claus_cold1 issued server command: /we cui [00:35:55] [L] xx_VR_xxx: старую [00:35:56] [L] ZlouLemon: перешёл на красную сторону [00:35:57] [L] ZlouLemon: хех [00:35:59] [L] xx_VR_xxx: ахахах [00:35:59] Cro_SS_O вышел [00:36:02] DeD_Makar issued server command: /home [00:36:04] [L] xx_VR_xxx: все теперь ты ситх [00:36:10] Heia issued server command: /warp forest [00:36:11] Heia issued server command: /we cui [00:36:12] MrDimonsterR issued server command: /home [00:36:14] Heia issued server command: /we cui [00:36:27] [L] ZlouLemon: так что нам там еще надо [00:37:25] kajiit умер (ENTITY_ATTACK) [00:37:28] kajiit issued server command: /we cui [00:37:40] kajiit умер (ENTITY_ATTACK) [00:37:43] kajiit issued server command: /we cui [00:37:56] tyrik75 умер (ENTITY_ATTACK) [00:37:58] tyrik75 issued server command: /we cui [00:38:00] [L] ZlouLemon: куда его [00:38:13] [L] xx_VR_xxx: сбоку от контролера [00:38:16] [L] xx_VR_xxx: а слив сделал? [00:38:30] DeD_Makar умер (VOID) [00:38:33] [L] xx_VR_xxx: о [00:38:33] DeD_Makar issued server command: /we cui [00:38:35] [L] ZlouLemon: так? [00:38:39] DeD_Makar умер (VOID) [00:38:40] [L] xx_VR_xxx: работает [00:38:40] [G] tyrik75: ! ребят а почему эндермен убил меня с 1 удара учитывая то, что я был в броне ?\ [00:38:42] DeD_Makar issued server command: /we cui [00:38:48] DeD_Makar умер (VOID) [00:38:51] DeD_Makar issued server command: /we cui [00:38:56] [G] ZlouLemon: ! ендермен просто скачал майнкрафт премиум [00:38:58] [G] xx_VR_xxx: ! аххааха,там просто эндерменов урон подняли чуток) [00:39:06] DeD_Makar issued server command: /home [00:39:13] [G] tyrik75: ! нихуя себе чуток [00:39:18] [G] xx_VR_xxx: ! Х [00:39:25] [G] kajiit: ! чуток - это на какую чувствительность психики рассчитано? [00:39:37] [L] ZlouLemon: блииин [00:39:44] [L] ZlouLemon: а как [00:39:57] [L] ZlouLemon: а если тут лава как сюда будет течь жилкость [00:40:12] [L] xx_VR_xxx: нужен слив [00:40:18] [L] xx_VR_xxx: сюды поставить тогда [00:40:30] [L] xx_VR_xxx: местами поменяй и слив сделай [00:40:46] Scilla issued server command: /warp end [00:40:49] Scilla issued server command: /we cui [00:40:49] [L] ZlouLemon: так? [00:40:57] MrDimonsterR issued server command: /tpa Heia [00:40:59] Heia issued server command: /tpaccept [00:41:01] MrDimonsterR issued server command: /we cui [00:41:08] [L] xx_VR_xxx: слив нужен [00:41:11] MrDimonsterR issued server command: /home [00:41:13] MrDimonsterR issued server command: /we cui [00:41:22] [L] xx_VR_xxx: 997:1 [00:41:29] MrDimonsterR issued server command: /home [00:41:34] MrDimonsterR issued server command: /tpa Heia [00:41:38] Heia issued server command: /tpaccept [00:41:39] MrDimonsterR issued server command: /we cui [00:42:01] [L] ZlouLemon: куда его пихать [00:42:09] Lana_Luna умер (FALL) [00:42:12] Lana_Luna issued server command: /we cui [00:42:17] [L] xx_VR_xxx: во [00:42:19] Lana_Luna issued server command: /home [00:42:22] Lana_Luna issued server command: /we cui [00:42:23] [L] ZlouLemon: так [00:42:26] [L] ZlouLemon: надо формочку [00:42:29] Lana_Luna вышел [00:42:30] [L] ZlouLemon: щас зделаю [00:42:30] [L] xx_VR_xxx: да [00:42:35] [L] xx_VR_xxx: нужно золото закинуть [00:42:41] [L] ZlouLemon: зачем [00:42:56] claus_cold1 вышел [00:43:11] [L] xx_VR_xxx: чтобы формочку [00:43:54] [L] ZlouLemon: ого [00:43:58] [L] ZlouLemon: тут скины есть [00:44:01] [L] ZlouLemon: за игровую валюту? [00:44:06] [L] xx_VR_xxx: не знаю если честно [00:44:07] DeD_Makar умер (PROJECTILE) [00:44:08] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /warp shop [00:44:09] DeD_Makar issued server command: /we cui [00:44:11] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /we cui [00:44:13] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /home [00:44:18] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /we cui [00:44:27] [G] ZlouLemon: ! а за что покупать скины на кастомизации [00:44:32] [G] ZlouLemon: ! кто згает [00:44:35] [G] Scilla: ! за эмы [00:44:40] [G] ZlouLemon: ! а как их получить [00:44:41] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /playtime [00:44:49] [G] Heia: !как попасть в високогорие? [00:44:52] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /money top [00:45:00] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /mpcaseshop [00:45:03] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /mpcaseview 72 [00:45:04] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /buycase 72 [00:45:23] [G] Scilla: ! ZlouLemon голосуй на сайте и переводи на серв, торгуй + сами капают паз в полчаса [00:45:25] Scilla issued server command: /money top [00:45:39] [L] ZlouLemon: а как переводить [00:45:43] [L] ZlouLemon: ок посмотрю [00:45:58] [G] xx_VR_xxx: ! Scilla как поживаешь [00:46:03] [G] Scilla: ! Heia не совсем понятно о чем речь [00:46:19] [G] Scilla: ! xx_VR_xxx спасибо,неплохо. а ты? [00:46:26] [G] Heia: !сумеречний лес [00:46:40] [G] xx_VR_xxx: ! Расслабляюсь на сервере после сессии,кайф что сказать) [00:46:55] [G] Scilla: ! Heia там по цепочке надо проходить квесты [00:47:01] MrDimonsterR issued server command: /tpa Heia [00:47:03] [G] ZlouLemon: ! а где моя фапка [00:47:04] Heia issued server command: /tpaccept [00:47:06] [G] ZlouLemon: ! шапка [00:47:16] [G] ZlouLemon: ! я одел бесплатную шапку а ее нету [00:47:19] [G] Scilla: ! ZlouLemon надеть надо после покупки [00:47:27] [G] ZlouLemon: ! так она бесплатная [00:47:46] [G] Heia: !а што нада пройти перед високогорием? [00:47:57] [G] ZlouLemon: ! не одеваеться [00:48:02] Scilla issued server command: /money [00:48:28] MrDimonsterR issued server command: /home [00:48:30] MrDimonsterR issued server command: /we cui [00:48:33] [L] ZlouLemon: уже есть рамки? [00:48:37] [L] xx_VR_xxx: какие рамки [00:48:39] [L] ZlouLemon: золотые [00:48:47] [L] xx_VR_xxx: а,я думал ты их сделал хд,щас [00:48:54] [L] ZlouLemon: я хочу зделать имбовый молот [00:49:06] [L] xx_VR_xxx: принеси железный слиток [00:49:34] [L] xx_VR_xxx: мне [00:49:38] [L] ZlouLemon: у тебя [00:49:54] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /[v [00:50:05] MrDimonsterR issued server command: /tpa Heia [00:50:08] Heia issued server command: /tpaccept [00:50:09] MrDimonsterR issued server command: /we cui [00:50:10] [L] xx_VR_xxx: вуаля [00:50:21] [L] ZlouLemon: надо еще [00:50:33] [L] ZlouLemon: там же много чего [00:50:46] [L] xx_VR_xxx: какие именно нужны [00:50:49] [L] xx_VR_xxx: палки или чего там [00:50:51] [L] ZlouLemon: ну для молота [00:51:06] [L] xx_VR_xxx: сделай каменный аналог того что надо и сюда неси [00:51:48] Heia вышел [00:52:11] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /voteday [00:52:16] ZlouLemon issued server command: /no [00:52:19] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /yes [00:52:28] [L] ZlouLemon: а че тут жезл валялся [00:52:34] [L] xx_VR_xxx: j [00:52:38] [L] xx_VR_xxx: спасиб [00:52:45] tyrik75 issued server command: /home [00:52:53] Scilla issued server command: /server [00:53:12] [L] xx_VR_xxx: вуаля [00:53:22] [L] ZlouLemon: у тебя палка [00:53:54] [L] ZlouLemon: ээээй [00:54:00] [L] ZlouLemon: они же не одеваються [00:54:05] [G] ZlouLemon: ! они же не одеваються! [00:54:07] [L] xx_VR_xxx: будут одеваться наверно [00:54:26] [L] ZlouLemon: смотри сколько добра [00:54:35] [L] xx_VR_xxx: лавы столько нет [00:54:56] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /we cui [00:55:45] Mautil зашёл [00:55:50] [G] ZlouLemon: ! а окей [00:56:02] Mautil issued server command: /we cui [00:56:20] [G] Mautil: !Ася, ты де [00:56:29] [G] xx_VR_xxx: ! А,Рулька [00:56:33] [G] xx_VR_xxx: ! Маутил [00:56:38] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /home [00:56:38] [G] Mautil: ! ахвахвхаахв [00:56:40] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /we cui [00:56:44] Mautil issued server command: /call xx_VR_xxx [00:56:49] Mautil issued server command: /call xx_VR_xxx [00:56:59] [G] Mautil: !А че с тп [00:57:04] [G] xx_VR_xxx: ! /warp world пропиши [00:57:05] Scilla issued server command: /alisa [00:57:07] [G] xx_VR_xxx: ! а потом тп [00:57:10] Mautil issued server command: /warp world [00:57:12] Mautil issued server command: /we cui [00:57:16] Mautil issued server command: /call xx_VR_xxx [00:57:19] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /tpyes [00:57:24] [L] Mautil: хуя [00:57:31] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /rg addmember dom4ik Mautil [00:57:32] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: //sel [00:57:34] DeD_Makar issued server command: /warp shop [00:57:36] DeD_Makar issued server command: /we cui [00:57:39] [L] ZlouLemon: привет [00:57:49] [L] xx_VR_xxx: вот познакомьтесь [00:57:55] Scilla вышел [00:57:58] [L] ZlouLemon: кто ты [00:57:59] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /we cui [00:58:10] [L] Mautil: Начальник Аси [00:58:14] [L] Mautil: в другом месте xD [00:58:26] [L] ZlouLemon: всм в другом месте [00:58:38] [G] xx_VR_xxx: !какой же у нас рофляный портал в аду [00:58:40] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /home [00:58:41] [L] Mautil: не суть [00:58:42] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /we cui [00:58:51] [L] Mautil: в общем, дружбан [00:58:54] [G] ZlouLemon: ! портал одноразка [00:58:59] [L] xx_VR_xxx: че вы тут [00:59:06] [L] ZlouLemon: надо еще кобальта [00:59:06] tyrik75 issued server command: /home [00:59:06] [L] Mautil: а че за хуйня с миром [00:59:08] [L] Mautil: ало [00:59:11] [L] xx_VR_xxx: каким миром [00:59:25] [L] ZlouLemon: я за кобальтом [00:59:27] [L] Mautil: ща скрин кину [00:59:35] ZlouLemon issued server command: /we cui [00:59:58] DeD_Makar issued server command: /home [01:00:00] DeD_Makar issued server command: /we cui [01:00:32] [L] Mautil: и где папка скриншотов [01:00:41] [L] Mautil: чота не иэу [01:00:47] [L] Mautil: вижу [01:00:52] [L] xx_VR_xxx: я хз [01:01:04] [L] Mautil: ааа... мне видяху надо наверное настроит [01:01:52] ZlouLemon issued server command: /home [01:01:54] ZlouLemon issued server command: /we cui [01:01:57] Heia зашёл [01:01:59] Heia issued server command: /we cui [01:02:03] Heia issued server command: /tpa MrDimonsterR [01:02:06] [L] ZlouLemon: Ася [01:02:09] [L] xx_VR_xxx: а [01:02:11] MrDimonsterR issued server command: /tpaccept [01:02:13] [L] ZlouLemon: зацени чил зону [01:02:21] [L] xx_VR_xxx: хаха я уже видел [01:02:35] Heia вышел [01:02:43] MrDimonsterR умер (PROJECTILE) [01:02:47] MrDimonsterR issued server command: /we cui [01:02:53] Heia зашёл [01:02:55] Heia issued server command: /we cui [01:03:02] [L] Mautil: все вроде как [01:03:03] MrDimonsterR issued server command: /tpa Heia [01:03:06] Heia issued server command: /tpaccept [01:03:07] MrDimonsterR issued server command: /we cui [01:03:15] Mautil issued server command: /mpcaseshop [01:03:15] Heia вышел [01:03:17] [L] ZlouLemon: зацени чил зону [01:03:25] Mautil issued server command: /kit eat [01:03:35] [L] Mautil: збс [01:03:37] DeD_Makar issued server command: /randomtp [01:03:37] DeD_Makar issued server command: /rtp [01:04:00] [L] ZlouLemon: а вы без войса? [01:04:05] DeD_Makar issued server command: /randomtp [01:04:05] DeD_Makar issued server command: /rtp [01:04:12] [L] Mautil: где тинкер верстаки [01:04:13] [L] Mautil: без [01:04:16] [L] xx_VR_xxx: не ну можем кнш пойти [01:04:47] DeD_Makar issued server command: /randomtp [01:04:47] DeD_Makar issued server command: /rtp [01:04:49] [L] ZlouLemon: бля [01:04:52] [L] ZlouLemon: ардит надо [01:04:57] DeD_Makar issued server command: /randomtp [01:04:57] DeD_Makar issued server command: /rtp [01:05:03] MrDimonsterR issued server command: /home [01:05:05] MrDimonsterR issued server command: /we cui [01:05:34] [G] DeD_Makar: !есть возле ково серебряное дерево ?) [01:05:40] [L] Mautil: чо [01:05:43] Hard_2_Kill был кикнут [01:05:43] Hard_2_Kill вышел [01:05:43] ZlouLemon был кикнут [01:05:43] ZlouLemon вышел [01:05:43] xx_VR_xxx был кикнут [01:05:43] xx_VR_xxx вышел [01:05:43] Zero09 был кикнут [01:05:43] Zero09 вышел [01:05:43] kajiit был кикнут [01:05:43] kajiit вышел [01:05:43] tyrik75 был кикнут [01:05:43] tyrik75 вышел [01:05:43] DeD_Makar был кикнут [01:05:43] DeD_Makar вышел [01:05:43] Mautil был кикнут [01:05:43] Mautil вышел [01:05:43] MrDimonsterR был кикнут [01:05:43] MrDimonsterR вышел [01:05:47] Сервер выключился [01:06:26] Сервер включился [01:06:44] Mautil зашёл [01:06:46] xx_VR_xxx зашёл [01:06:46] Hard_2_Kill зашёл [01:06:47] Mautil issued server command: /we cui [01:06:48] DeD_Makar зашёл [01:06:48] Hard_2_Kill issued server command: /we cui [01:06:51] DeD_Makar issued server command: /we cui [01:06:53] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /we cui [01:06:54] kajiit зашёл [01:06:56] kajiit issued server command: /we cui [01:07:08] ZlouLemon зашёл [01:07:10] [G] DeD_Makar: !есть возле ково серебряное дерево ?) [01:07:11] ZlouLemon issued server command: /we cui [01:07:12] DeD_Makar issued server command: /randomtp [01:07:12] DeD_Makar issued server command: /rtp [01:08:22] [L] ZlouLemon: ардит сраный [01:08:27] DeD_Makar issued server command: /randomtp [01:08:27] DeD_Makar issued server command: /rtp [01:08:32] ZlouLemon issued server command: /we cui [01:09:08] DeD_Makar issued server command: /randomtp [01:09:08] DeD_Makar issued server command: /rtp [01:09:13] tyrik75 зашёл [01:09:15] tyrik75 issued server command: /we cui [01:09:44] [G] ZlouLemon: ! а почему жемчуг в енде запрещен [01:09:48] [G] ZlouLemon: ! щачем он тогда [01:09:52] [G] ZlouLemon: ! в аду [01:10:22] DeD_Makar issued server command: /randomtp [01:10:22] DeD_Makar issued server command: /rtp [01:10:33] ZlouLemon issued server command: /home [01:10:34] DeD_Makar issued server command: /randomtp [01:10:34] DeD_Makar issued server command: /rtp [01:10:35] ZlouLemon issued server command: /we cui [01:10:39] DeD_Makar issued server command: /warp mining [01:10:40] DeD_Makar issued server command: /we cui [01:10:44] DeD_Makar issued server command: /randomtp [01:10:44] DeD_Makar issued server command: /rtp [01:10:47] DeD_Makar issued server command: /randomtp [01:10:47] DeD_Makar issued server command: /rtp [01:10:49] DeD_Makar issued server command: /randomtp [01:10:49] DeD_Makar issued server command: /rtp [01:10:55] Mautil вышел [01:10:55] [L] ZlouLemon: хей [01:10:57] [L] ZlouLemon: ася [01:10:58] [L] ZlouLemon: а [01:10:59] [L] ZlouLemon: ладно [01:11:36] tyrik75 issued server command: /kit eat [01:11:38] kajiit issued server command: /kit eat [01:11:45] Scilla зашёл [01:11:56] Scilla issued server command: /we cui [01:13:55] DeD_Makar issued server command: /home [01:13:57] DeD_Makar issued server command: /we cui [01:13:59] [L] ZlouLemon: хей [01:14:00] Scilla issued server command: /home [01:14:01] Scilla issued server command: /we cui [01:14:05] [L] ZlouLemon: зацени валыну [01:14:21] Mautil зашёл [01:14:26] [L] xx_VR_xxx: збс но в след раз нужно бумагу использовать [01:14:30] [L] ZlouLemon: спешка почти 50 [01:14:30] [L] xx_VR_xxx: а так топ [01:14:36] [L] ZlouLemon: пофиг на бумагу [01:14:37] Mautil issued server command: /we cui [01:14:43] [L] xx_VR_xxx: модификаторов больше будет [01:14:45] [L] ZlouLemon: я не мелочусь [01:14:47] [L] ZlouLemon: ) [01:15:13] [G] xx_VR_xxx: ! Scilla посоветуй начальный меч а то 14 урона маловато [01:15:45] [G] DeD_Makar: !куплю серебряное дерево [01:16:26] [L] xx_VR_xxx: у тебя это есть? [01:16:51] [L] ZlouLemon: она выпадает из тех фиолетовых сувырл в аду? [01:16:54] [L] xx_VR_xxx: да [01:16:57] [L] ZlouLemon: тогда нет [01:17:07] [L] ZlouLemon: хей ася [01:17:21] [L] ZlouLemon: какую сторону ты выбираешь [01:17:25] [L] ZlouLemon: светлую [01:17:30] [L] ZlouLemon: или темную [01:18:36] Mautil вышел [01:18:40] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /warp end [01:18:43] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /we cui [01:19:21] ZlouLemon issued server command: /we cui [01:19:49] DeD_Makar issued server command: /warp shop [01:19:51] DeD_Makar issued server command: /we cui [01:20:24] DeD_Makar issued server command: /home [01:20:27] DeD_Makar issued server command: /we cui [01:21:25] Mautil зашёл [01:21:40] Mautil issued server command: /we cui [01:22:51] [G] xx_VR_xxx: ! Scilla а как тут идти по боссам в дивайне кого убивать и что делать? [01:23:18] [G] ZlouLemon: ! ооо босы жто геморой))) [01:23:52] DeD_Makar вышел [01:23:57] tyrik75 issued server command: /randomtp [01:23:57] tyrik75 issued server command: /rtp [01:25:00] xx_VR_xxx вышел [01:25:50] Mautil issued server command: /we cui [01:26:35] tyrik75 issued server command: /randomtp [01:26:35] tyrik75 issued server command: /rtp [01:26:45] [G] ZlouLemon: ! а если у меня защита от огня я могу плавать в лаве? [01:27:38] [G] tyrik75: ! не в лаве ты плавать не можешь ты просто не будешь гореть и получать огненный урон [01:27:57] [G] ZlouLemon: ! а я как дурак лаву обходил и боялся [01:27:59] [G] tyrik75: ! не в лаве ты плавать не можешь ты просто не будешь гореть и получать огненный урон [01:28:52] tyrik75 issued server command: /randomtp [01:28:52] tyrik75 issued server command: /rtp [01:30:51] [G] ZlouLemon: ! ад не такой уже и страшный [01:31:18] xx_VR_xxx зашёл [01:31:44] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /we cui [01:31:52] Mautil issued server command: /call xx_VR_xxx [01:32:04] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /home [01:32:05] Mautil issued server command: /call ZlouLemon [01:32:05] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /we cui [01:32:09] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /tpaccept [01:32:11] Mautil issued server command: /we cui [01:32:15] Mautil issued server command: /sethome [01:32:26] ZlouLemon issued server command: /tpaccept [01:32:28] Mautil issued server command: /we cui [01:32:29] [G] Scilla: ! xx_VR_xxx начало описано в таумономиконе. Далее - в произвольном порядке. Но тебе надо будет в [01:32:30] [L] Scilla: кипящие земли. [01:32:55] [G] Scilla: ! в кипящие земли. а это целый квест по добыче рессор:) [01:32:59] [L] ZlouLemon: водя тёпленькая [01:33:28] tyrik75 issued server command: /home [01:34:53] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /tpa Mautil [01:34:57] Mautil issued server command: /tpyes [01:34:59] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /we cui [01:36:29] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /tpa Mautil [01:36:31] Mautil issued server command: /tpyes [01:37:26] tyrik75 issued server command: /kit start [01:38:23] Scilla issued server command: /home [01:38:46] Mautil issued server command: /home' [01:38:48] Mautil issued server command: /home [01:38:49] Mautil issued server command: /we cui [01:38:50] Mautil умер (FIRE_TICK) [01:38:53] Mautil issued server command: /we cui [01:39:00] [G] ZlouLemon: ! ффф [01:39:29] Scilla issued server command: /money top [01:39:45] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /home [01:39:47] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /we cui [01:40:16] Scilla вышел [01:41:54] ZlouLemon issued server command: /home [01:41:57] ZlouLemon issued server command: /we cui [01:42:05] [L] ZlouLemon: я вернулся наконецто [01:42:19] [L] xx_VR_xxx: спс [01:43:05] [L] ZlouLemon: ася решил выбрать красную сторону [01:43:06] [L] ZlouLemon: хех [01:43:10] [L] xx_VR_xxx: Ася это я [01:43:21] [L] ZlouLemon: ааааааааааааа [01:43:25] [L] ZlouLemon: а он кто [01:43:28] [L] xx_VR_xxx: Рулька [01:43:43] [L] Mautil: зови меня ультимой [01:43:54] Mautil убил xx_VR_xxx (DIVINERPG_NETHERIUMSWORD) [01:43:57] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /we cui [01:44:17] [L] ZlouLemon: а из чего крафтить ся [01:44:23] [L] ZlouLemon: мульти инструмент [01:44:24] [L] ZlouLemon: синий [01:44:33] [L] Mautil: из инструментов [01:44:39] [L] ZlouLemon: каких [01:44:43] [L] xx_VR_xxx: рупиевых [01:44:52] [L] ZlouLemon: тогда иду искать рупий) [01:45:21] [G] ZlouLemon: ! а на какой высоте чаще всего рупий [01:45:31] [G] xx_VR_xxx: ! +_ 8-9 смотри там [01:46:38] Mautil issued server command: /we cui [01:47:22] [G] ZlouLemon: ! амазонитная руда нада? [01:47:26] [G] xx_VR_xxx: ! да [01:47:31] [G] ZlouLemon: ! редкая? [01:47:32] [L] Mautil: ?home [01:47:34] Mautil issued server command: /homw [01:47:35] [G] xx_VR_xxx: ! +- [01:47:35] Mautil issued server command: /home [01:47:37] Mautil issued server command: /we cui [01:47:41] [G] ZlouLemon: ! а спафиры [01:47:47] [G] xx_VR_xxx: ! все нада [01:49:13] [G] Mautil: !Лазурит увидишь - копай [01:49:28] [G] ZlouLemon: ! а ой [01:49:32] [G] ZlouLemon: ! ладно [01:52:47] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /randomtp [01:52:47] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /rtp [01:53:21] [G] ZlouLemon: ! а [01:53:25] [G] ZlouLemon: ! страшный звук [01:53:34] [G] ZlouLemon: ! тут в шахте чтото как сова гудит что это [01:53:41] [L] Mautil: ?home [01:53:43] Mautil issued server command: /home [01:53:53] kajiit issued server command: /randomtp [01:53:53] kajiit issued server command: /rtp [01:53:54] [G] ZlouLemon: ! аааааааааа [01:54:06] [G] ZlouLemon: ! капец [01:54:18] [G] ZlouLemon: ! эта фигня на меня вылезла [01:54:28] kajiit issued server command: /randomtp [01:54:28] kajiit issued server command: /rtp [01:55:27] Mautil вышел [01:55:27] kajiit issued server command: /randomtp [01:55:27] kajiit issued server command: /rtp [01:57:48] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /home [01:58:24] ZlouLemon issued server command: /home [01:58:29] [L] ZlouLemon: хоба [01:59:24] [L] xx_VR_xxx: о 12 руды [01:59:31] [L] ZlouLemon: ща дюпну [01:59:35] [L] xx_VR_xxx: как [01:59:52] [L] xx_VR_xxx: места неь хд [02:00:53] [L] ZlouLemon: д [02:00:57] [L] xx_VR_xxx: нить нужна [02:00:58] [L] ZlouLemon: дюп отменяеться [02:01:08] [L] ZlouLemon: рупий не горит) [02:01:19] [L] ZlouLemon: аааа [02:01:20] [L] ZlouLemon: зачем [02:01:24] [L] ZlouLemon: ты золото в печке [02:01:39] Mautil зашёл [02:01:42] [L] xx_VR_xxx: не знаю [02:01:44] [L] ZlouLemon: в большой печке оно удваиваетьс\ [02:01:51] [L] ZlouLemon: идем [02:01:55] Mautil issued server command: /we cui [02:02:04] [L] xx_VR_xxx: верю верю [02:02:07] [L] ZlouLemon: меня чел научил что в ней руды удваиваюьбся [02:02:09] tyrik75 issued server command: /home [02:02:25] [L] ZlouLemon: особенно золото и жеоезо [02:03:06] ZlouLemon issued server command: /we cui [02:03:13] ZlouLemon умер (LAVA) [02:03:18] ZlouLemon issued server command: /we cui [02:03:21] [L] ZlouLemon: юлять [02:03:22] [L] ZlouLemon: поменя [02:03:24] [L] ZlouLemon: почему [02:03:27] [L] ZlouLemon: сука [02:03:34] [L] xx_VR_xxx: где ты сдох [02:03:36] [L] ZlouLemon: у меня же огнепрочность [02:03:38] [L] ZlouLemon: я в лаве умер [02:03:40] [L] xx_VR_xxx: аа [02:03:43] [L] ZlouLemon: почемууу [02:03:45] [L] xx_VR_xxx: ты на блок упал [02:03:47] [L] ZlouLemon: да [02:03:47] [L] xx_VR_xxx: и урон от блока [02:03:50] [L] ZlouLemon: та нет [02:03:53] [L] ZlouLemon: урон постепенно шел [02:03:55] [L] ZlouLemon: пиздец [02:03:57] [L] xx_VR_xxx: э.. [02:04:04] [L] ZlouLemon: у меня все вещи были свои [02:04:12] [L] xx_VR_xxx: ой та лан вернем все [02:04:18] [L] ZlouLemon: все пропало [02:04:26] [L] ZlouLemon: весь рупий [02:04:26] Be3obra3niy зашёл [02:04:30] [L] xx_VR_xxx: на [02:04:37] Be3obra3niy issued server command: /we cui [02:04:44] [L] ZlouLemon: спасибо [02:04:51] Mautil вышел [02:04:53] Be3obra3niy issued server command: /list [02:04:54] [L] ZlouLemon: пошёл за лавой называеться [02:04:56] Be3obra3niy issued server command: /randomtp [02:04:56] Be3obra3niy issued server command: /rtp [02:04:58] [L] ZlouLemon: ) [02:04:59] Be3obra3niy issued server command: /warp world [02:05:00] Be3obra3niy issued server command: /we cui [02:05:10] Be3obra3niy issued server command: /randomtp [02:05:10] Be3obra3niy issued server command: /rtp [02:05:18] [L] ZlouLemon: топ 10 тупых неоссознаных смертей [02:05:24] [L] xx_VR_xxx: все будет хорошо,а я фармить эндерменов [02:05:26] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /warp end [02:05:28] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /we cui [02:05:33] Be3obra3niy issued server command: /randomtp [02:05:33] Be3obra3niy issued server command: /rtp [02:05:35] Be3obra3niy issued server command: /randomtp [02:05:35] Be3obra3niy issued server command: /rtp [02:05:53] Be3obra3niy issued server command: /randomtp [02:05:53] Be3obra3niy issued server command: /rtp [02:06:17] Be3obra3niy issued server command: /randomtp [02:06:17] Be3obra3niy issued server command: /rtp [02:06:47] Be3obra3niy issued server command: /randomtp [02:06:47] Be3obra3niy issued server command: /rtp [02:06:54] ZlouLemon issued server command: /we cui [02:07:25] Be3obra3niy issued server command: /randomtp [02:07:25] Be3obra3niy issued server command: /rtp [02:07:28] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /home [02:07:29] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /we cui [02:07:54] Be3obra3niy issued server command: /kit eat [02:08:13] [G] ZlouLemon: ! молот не сгорел фухх [02:08:28] Be3obra3niy issued server command: /randomtp [02:08:28] Be3obra3niy issued server command: /rtp [02:08:34] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /we cui [02:08:54] Mautil зашёл [02:08:57] Be3obra3niy issued server command: /randomtp [02:08:57] Be3obra3niy issued server command: /rtp [02:09:03] Be3obra3niy issued server command: /randomtp [02:09:03] Be3obra3niy issued server command: /rtp [02:09:11] Mautil issued server command: /we cui [02:09:28] Be3obra3niy issued server command: /randomtp [02:09:28] Be3obra3niy issued server command: /rtp [02:09:43] Mautil вышел [02:10:23] Be3obra3niy issued server command: /randomtp [02:10:23] Be3obra3niy issued server command: /rtp [02:10:37] Be3obra3niy issued server command: /randomtp [02:10:37] Be3obra3niy issued server command: /rtp [02:11:30] ZlouLemon issued server command: /home [02:11:32] ZlouLemon issued server command: /we cui [02:11:58] Be3obra3niy issued server command: /randomtp [02:11:58] Be3obra3niy issued server command: /rtp [02:12:03] ZlouLemon issued server command: /we cui [02:12:35] ZlouLemon issued server command: /home [02:12:37] ZlouLemon issued server command: /we cui [02:12:38] Be3obra3niy issued server command: /randomtp [02:12:38] Be3obra3niy issued server command: /rtp [02:12:39] Be3obra3niy issued server command: /randomtp [02:12:39] Be3obra3niy issued server command: /rtp [02:12:46] Mautil зашёл [02:13:02] Mautil issued server command: /we cui [02:13:18] Be3obra3niy issued server command: /randomtp [02:13:18] Be3obra3niy issued server command: /rtp [02:13:26] Be3obra3niy issued server command: /randomtp [02:13:26] Be3obra3niy issued server command: /rtp [02:13:41] Be3obra3niy issued server command: /randomtp [02:13:41] Be3obra3niy issued server command: /rtp [02:13:43] Be3obra3niy issued server command: /randomtp [02:13:43] Be3obra3niy issued server command: /rtp [02:13:43] Be3obra3niy issued server command: /randomtp [02:13:43] Be3obra3niy issued server command: /rtp [02:13:56] Mautil вышел [02:14:00] Be3obra3niy issued server command: /randomtp [02:14:00] Be3obra3niy issued server command: /rtp [02:14:49] ZlouLemon вышел [02:15:26] Be3obra3niy issued server command: /randomtp [02:15:26] Be3obra3niy issued server command: /rtp [02:15:34] Exetorics зашёл [02:15:43] Be3obra3niy issued server command: /randomtp [02:15:43] Be3obra3niy issued server command: /rtp [02:15:43] Exetorics issued server command: /we cui [02:15:50] Exetorics issued server command: /spawn [02:15:51] Exetorics issued server command: /we cui [02:16:21] Be3obra3niy issued server command: /randomtp [02:16:21] Be3obra3niy issued server command: /rtp [02:16:35] Mautil зашёл [02:16:37] Be3obra3niy issued server command: /randomtp [02:16:37] Be3obra3niy issued server command: /rtp [02:16:50] Be3obra3niy issued server command: /randomtp [02:16:50] Be3obra3niy issued server command: /rtp [02:16:50] Mautil issued server command: /we cui [02:17:03] Mautil вышел [02:17:44] Be3obra3niy issued server command: /randomtp [02:17:44] Be3obra3niy issued server command: /rtp [02:17:46] [G] xx_VR_xxx: ! Exetorics привет,как поживаешь? [02:18:34] [G] Exetorics: !Вроде не плохо [02:19:00] Exetorics issued server command: /dupeip be3obra3niy [02:19:07] Exetorics issued server command: /w Be3obra3niy Арина ты? [02:19:08] [G] xx_VR_xxx: ! Случаем не чаришь?) [02:19:13] [G] Exetorics: !Пока нет [02:19:18] [G] xx_VR_xxx: ! Жуаль [02:19:23] [G] Exetorics: !но и не бесплатно [02:19:43] [G] Exetorics: !на базу могу зачарить [02:19:50] [G] xx_VR_xxx: ! бесконечонсть [02:20:28] Exetorics issued server command: /home [02:20:29] Be3obra3niy issued server command: /randomtp [02:20:29] Be3obra3niy issued server command: /rtp [02:20:30] Exetorics issued server command: /we cui [02:20:31] Mautil зашёл [02:20:47] Mautil issued server command: /we cui [02:20:58] [G] Exetorics: !за 10ку зачарю [02:21:02] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /money [02:21:06] [G] xx_VR_xxx: ! emeralds? [02:21:12] [G] Exetorics: !Валюты эм [02:21:31] [G] xx_VR_xxx: ! ну я просто не шарю за валюту проекта,ну которые /mone [02:21:32] [G] Mautil: !Кто нибудь вкурсах, что делать если текстуры лагают ? Становятся однотонными в разных тонах.. [02:21:39] Exetorics issued server command: /echest [02:21:48] [G] Exetorics: !+ [02:22:23] [G] Mautil: !Модеер? [02:22:34] [G] Exetorics: !я не модер как таковой [02:22:38] [G] Exetorics: !я донат мод [02:22:48] Zmeeust зашёл [02:22:51] [G] Exetorics: !А что касается твой проблемы, к сожалению помочь не могу [02:22:58] [G] Exetorics: !так как не вкурсе [02:23:02] tyrik75 issued server command: /warp shop [02:23:03] tyrik75 issued server command: /we cui [02:23:07] tyrik75 issued server command: /home [02:23:08] tyrik75 issued server command: /we cui [02:23:14] Zmeeust issued server command: /we cui [02:23:42] Zmeeust issued server command: /kit start [02:24:02] Zmeeust issued server command: /kit eat [02:24:08] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /tpa Exetorics [02:24:13] Exetorics issued server command: /tpaccept [02:24:15] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /we cui [02:24:25] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /money pay Exetorics 10 [02:24:51] [L] xx_VR_xxx: cпасибо [02:24:53] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /home [02:24:58] [L] Zmeeust: Всем привет [02:25:15] [G] Zmeeust: !Какой максимальный размер привата? [02:25:15] Be3obra3niy issued server command: /randomtp [02:25:15] Be3obra3niy issued server command: /rtp [02:25:25] [G] Exetorics: !тут автоматическое выделение [02:25:26] [G] Be3obra3niy: !У простых игроков 3х3 чанка [02:25:33] [G] Zmeeust: !Понял, спасибо [02:25:38] [G] Zmeeust: !А кол-во какое? [02:25:42] Zmeeust issued server command: /warp world [02:25:43] [G] Exetorics: !прописываешь /zone и выделяется рг 3х3 чанка, для обычного игрока 2 привата [02:25:47] Zmeeust issued server command: /we cui [02:25:51] Be3obra3niy issued server command: /randomtp [02:25:51] Be3obra3niy issued server command: /rtp [02:25:52] Zmeeust issued server command: /randomtp [02:25:52] Zmeeust issued server command: /rtp [02:25:57] [G] Zmeeust: !Спасибо [02:26:07] Mautil вышел [02:26:15] Zmeeust issued server command: //chunk [02:26:15] Zmeeust issued server command: //outset 16 [02:26:15] Zmeeust issued server command: /zone [02:26:18] Be3obra3niy issued server command: /randomtp [02:26:18] Be3obra3niy issued server command: /rtp [02:26:40] Zmeeust issued server command: /rg [02:26:52] Zmeeust issued server command: /rg claim Overlord [02:26:55] Zmeeust issued server command: /sethome [02:27:01] Be3obra3niy issued server command: /randomtp [02:27:01] Be3obra3niy issued server command: /rtp [02:27:01] tyrik75 issued server command: /randomtp [02:27:01] tyrik75 issued server command: /rtp [02:27:14] Ficuslerik зашёл [02:27:43] Zmeeust issued server command: //sel [02:27:49] kajiit issued server command: /home [02:27:56] Be3obra3niy issued server command: /randomtp [02:27:56] Be3obra3niy issued server command: /rtp [02:27:56] [L] Be3obra3niy: .кез [02:28:00] Zmeeust issued server command: /home [02:28:10] Be3obra3niy issued server command: /randomtp [02:28:10] Be3obra3niy issued server command: /rtp [02:28:20] Be3obra3niy issued server command: /randomtp [02:28:20] Be3obra3niy issued server command: /rtp [02:28:21] Be3obra3niy issued server command: /randomtp [02:28:21] Be3obra3niy issued server command: /rtp [02:28:21] Be3obra3niy issued server command: /randomtp [02:28:21] Be3obra3niy issued server command: /rtp [02:28:23] Be3obra3niy issued server command: /randomtp [02:28:23] Be3obra3niy issued server command: /rtp [02:28:24] Ficuslerik issued server command: /we cui [02:28:26] tyrik75 issued server command: /randomtp [02:28:26] tyrik75 issued server command: /rtp [02:28:32] Be3obra3niy issued server command: /localspy [02:28:34] Be3obra3niy issued server command: /socialspy [02:28:48] Exetorics issued server command: //sel [02:28:49] Exetorics issued server command: //sel [02:28:50] Exetorics issued server command: //sel [02:28:52] Be3obra3niy issued server command: /randomtp [02:28:52] Be3obra3niy issued server command: /rtp [02:29:10] Mautil зашёл [02:29:22] Be3obra3niy issued server command: /randomtp [02:29:22] Be3obra3niy issued server command: /rtp [02:29:26] Mautil issued server command: /we cui [02:29:39] Exetorics issued server command: /rg i [02:29:54] tyrik75 issued server command: /home [02:30:12] Be3obra3niy issued server command: /randomtp [02:30:12] Be3obra3niy issued server command: /rtp [02:30:53] Exetorics issued server command: /zw [02:30:59] Exetorics issued server command: /zs 20 [02:31:08] Ficuslerik вышел [02:31:11] Be3obra3niy issued server command: /randomtp [02:31:11] Be3obra3niy issued server command: /rtp [02:31:59] Exetorics вышел [02:32:01] Be3obra3niy issued server command: //chunk [02:32:01] Be3obra3niy issued server command: //outset 16 [02:32:01] Be3obra3niy issued server command: //wand [02:32:01] Mautil вышел [02:32:19] Be3obra3niy issued server command: /rg claim be31 [02:32:24] Be3obra3niy issued server command: /s/el [02:32:25] Be3obra3niy issued server command: //sel [02:32:26] Be3obra3niy issued server command: /rg s [02:32:40] Be3obra3niy issued server command: //chunk [02:32:40] Be3obra3niy issued server command: //outset 16 [02:32:40] Be3obra3niy issued server command: //wand [02:32:45] Be3obra3niy issued server command: /rg claim be32 [02:32:57] Be3obra3niy issued server command: //chunk [02:32:57] Be3obra3niy issued server command: //outset 16 [02:32:57] Be3obra3niy issued server command: //wand [02:33:01] Be3obra3niy issued server command: /rg cliam be33 [02:33:14] Be3obra3niy issued server command: //chunk [02:33:14] Be3obra3niy issued server command: //outset 16 [02:33:14] Be3obra3niy issued server command: //wand [02:33:21] Be3obra3niy issued server command: /rg claim be33 [02:33:31] Be3obra3niy issued server command: //chunk [02:33:31] Be3obra3niy issued server command: //outset 16 [02:33:31] Be3obra3niy issued server command: //wand [02:33:32] Be3obra3niy issued server command: /rg claim be34 [02:33:38] Be3obra3niy issued server command: /rg s [02:33:47] Be3obra3niy issued server command: /rg s [02:33:54] Be3obra3niy issued server command: /rg i [02:33:58] Be3obra3niy issued server command: /rg remove be33 [02:34:02] Be3obra3niy issued server command: /rg i [02:34:03] Be3obra3niy issued server command: /rg s [02:34:14] Be3obra3niy issued server command: //chunk [02:34:14] Be3obra3niy issued server command: //outset 16 [02:34:14] Be3obra3niy issued server command: //wand [02:34:20] Be3obra3niy issued server command: /rg claim be33 [02:34:40] Be3obra3niy issued server command: //chunk [02:34:40] Be3obra3niy issued server command: //outset 16 [02:34:40] Be3obra3niy issued server command: //wand [02:34:45] Be3obra3niy issued server command: /rg claim be35 [02:34:53] Be3obra3niy issued server command: //chunk [02:34:53] Be3obra3niy issued server command: //outset 16 [02:34:53] Be3obra3niy issued server command: //wand [02:34:55] Be3obra3niy issued server command: /rg claim be36 [02:35:01] Be3obra3niy issued server command: //rg i [02:35:02] Be3obra3niy issued server command: //rg i [02:35:06] Be3obra3niy issued server command: /rg i [02:35:39] Be3obra3niy issued server command: /vote day [02:35:43] Be3obra3niy issued server command: /vote sun [02:36:19] Be3obra3niy issued server command: //sel [02:36:36] Be3obra3niy issued server command: //sethome [02:36:46] Be3obra3niy issued server command: /sethome [02:38:24] ZlouLemon зашёл [02:38:29] ZlouLemon issued server command: /we cui [02:39:33] Hard_2_Kill issued server command: /playtimetop [02:39:39] Hard_2_Kill issued server command: /playtimetop clear [02:39:41] [G] ZlouLemon: ! всем споки ноки [02:39:52] [G] xx_VR_xxx: ! спокойной [02:40:14] [G] ZlouLemon: ! я инструмент поставил в сундук с оружием [02:40:18] [L] xx_VR_xxx: хорошо [02:40:41] ZlouLemon вышел [02:42:37] Mautil зашёл [02:42:53] Mautil issued server command: /we cui [02:42:58] kajiit issued server command: /randomtp [02:42:58] kajiit issued server command: /rtp [02:44:50] Zmeeust issued server command: /buyflag [02:45:25] TexasMen зашёл [02:45:56] Mautil вышел [02:46:24] Hard_2_Kill issued server command: /mods [02:46:25] TexasMen issued server command: /we cui [02:46:29] Hard_2_Kill issued server command: /money [02:46:30] Hard_2_Kill issued server command: /playtime [02:46:34] Hard_2_Kill умер (ENTITY_ATTACK) [02:46:36] Hard_2_Kill issued server command: /we cui [02:46:59] [G] TexasMen: !Ысем привет [02:47:09] [G] xx_VR_xxx: ! привет привет [02:47:13] Zmeeust вышел [02:47:16] Be3obra3niy issued server command: /list [02:47:40] Hard_2_Kill вышел [02:48:01] Be3obra3niy issued server command: /randomtp [02:48:01] Be3obra3niy issued server command: /rtp [02:48:07] Be3obra3niy issued server command: /randomtp [02:48:07] Be3obra3niy issued server command: /rtp [02:48:08] Be3obra3niy issued server command: /randomtp [02:48:08] Be3obra3niy issued server command: /rtp [02:48:26] Be3obra3niy issued server command: /randomtp [02:48:26] Be3obra3niy issued server command: /rtp [02:48:27] Be3obra3niy issued server command: /randomtp [02:48:27] Be3obra3niy issued server command: /rtp [02:49:07] kajiit issued server command: /randomtp [02:49:07] kajiit issued server command: /rtp [02:49:12] [G] xx_VR_xxx: ! Как поживаешь? [02:49:17] Mautil зашёл [02:49:33] Mautil issued server command: /we cui [02:49:34] [G] TexasMen: !та норм все) Ты как? [02:49:34] kajiit issued server command: /randomtp [02:49:34] kajiit issued server command: /rtp [02:49:48] kajiit issued server command: /randomtp [02:49:48] kajiit issued server command: /rtp [02:49:49] tyrik75 issued server command: /randomtp [02:49:49] tyrik75 issued server command: /rtp [02:49:57] [G] Mautil: !Я крч все испробовал - ничего не помогает.. [02:49:58] [G] xx_VR_xxx: ! да вот сессию отмучался теперь сижу кайфую кокраз сервер недавно вайпнулся [02:50:19] kajiit issued server command: /randomtp [02:50:19] kajiit issued server command: /rtp [02:50:29] Mautil issued server command: /warp shop [02:50:29] kajiit issued server command: /randomtp [02:50:29] kajiit issued server command: /rtp [02:50:30] Mautil issued server command: /we cui [02:50:42] tyrik75 issued server command: /randomtp [02:50:42] tyrik75 issued server command: /rtp [02:50:47] [G] TexasMen: !Ооо , сессии , последнюю сдал лет 5 назад :D [02:51:00] [G] Mautil: ! TexasMen. ты не вкурсе случаем [02:51:13] [G] TexasMen: !Именно? [02:51:22] kajiit умер (PROJECTILE) [02:51:23] [G] Mautil: !Как пофиксить баг с текстурами, вплане они моргают, меняют цвет [02:51:25] kajiit issued server command: /we cui [02:51:42] [L] Mautil: ,рщьу [02:51:45] Mautil issued server command: /home [02:51:47] Mautil issued server command: /we cui [02:51:58] [G] TexasMen: !Попробуй в настройках поставить минмалки [02:52:17] [G] TexasMen: !по сути это не баг , а связано с твоим компьютером [02:52:34] [G] Mautil: !Знаешь, ему 1 месяц толька)) [02:52:48] [G] Mautil: !Странно весьма [02:53:07] [G] TexasMen: !Ну тогда не в курсе честное слово )) [02:53:30] [G] Mautil: !Тупо все розовое, то синее xD [02:53:50] [G] Be3obra3niy: !клиент попробуй переставь [02:54:07] xx_VR_xxx вышел [02:54:30] [G] Mautil: !Пробовал [02:56:11] Be3obra3niy issued server command: /money [02:56:16] [G] Be3obra3niy: !куплю боты путеш [02:56:29] [G] Be3obra3niy: !а не не куплю [02:56:34] [G] TexasMen: !Продам [02:56:42] [G] TexasMen: !А как хош) [02:56:44] Be3obra3niy issued server command: /tpa TexasMen [02:57:06] Mautil вышел [02:57:16] Be3obra3niy issued server command: /randomtp [02:57:16] Be3obra3niy issued server command: /rtp [02:57:25] tyrik75 issued server command: /home [02:57:38] Be3obra3niy issued server command: /randomtp [02:57:38] Be3obra3niy issued server command: /rtp [02:57:40] Be3obra3niy issued server command: /home [02:58:45] TexasMen issued server command: /tpaccept [02:59:04] [G] TexasMen: !Высылай еще раз [02:59:07] Be3obra3niy issued server command: /home [02:59:09] Be3obra3niy issued server command: /tpa TexasMen [02:59:12] [G] TexasMen: !Я ток подошел [02:59:15] TexasMen issued server command: /tpaccept [02:59:22] [L] Be3obra3niy: van sec plz [02:59:26] [L] TexasMen: ? [02:59:34] [L] Be3obra3niy: ща вкину деньги [03:00:50] Mautil зашёл [03:01:05] Mautil issued server command: /we cui [03:01:18] [G] Mautil: !Ой да ладно [03:01:22] [G] Mautil: !Все. [03:01:28] [G] TexasMen: !Что? [03:01:31] [L] Be3obra3niy: ммм вкусно [03:01:34] [G] Mautil: !Исправил [03:01:38] [L] Be3obra3niy: карту залочили [03:01:42] [G] TexasMen: !крос) [03:02:03] [L] TexasMen: есть 30 валюты? [03:02:16] [L] Be3obra3niy: откуда [03:02:20] [L] Be3obra3niy: и почему 30 [03:02:32] [L] TexasMen: ну потому что могу продать за 25-30 [03:02:46] kajiit issued server command: /home [03:02:49] [L] TexasMen: или они дешевле? [03:02:56] [L] Be3obra3niy: на них написано [03:02:58] [L] Be3obra3niy: ) [03:03:08] [L] Be3obra3niy: почти на всём написано [03:03:08] [L] TexasMen: сорян [03:03:10] [L] TexasMen: ))) [03:03:25] [L] Be3obra3niy: мб что то равноценное тебе дать? [03:03:31] [L] TexasMen: давай [03:03:42] [L] Be3obra3niy: ща по сундукам посмотрю [03:03:44] Be3obra3niy issued server command: /home [03:04:04] Be3obra3niy issued server command: /kti [03:04:05] Be3obra3niy issued server command: /kit [03:04:10] xx_VR_xxx зашёл [03:04:17] Be3obra3niy issued server command: /kit [03:04:25] Be3obra3niy issued server command: /kit [03:04:32] Be3obra3niy issued server command: /kit [03:04:32] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /we cui [03:04:41] Be3obra3niy issued server command: /kit [03:05:41] Be3obra3niy issued server command: /tpa TexasMen [03:05:45] TexasMen issued server command: /tpaccept [03:06:07] [L] TexasMen: о как [03:06:14] [L] TexasMen: дороговато)) [03:06:38] [L] Be3obra3niy: могу ещё таких дать [03:06:45] [L] Be3obra3niy: и взять вещи из блуда у тебя) [03:06:51] [L] TexasMen: откуда ? [03:06:56] [L] Be3obra3niy: blood magic [03:06:56] Be3obra3niy issued server command: /mpcaseshop [03:07:00] Be3obra3niy issued server command: /mpcaseview 71 [03:07:02] Be3obra3niy issued server command: /mpcaseshop [03:07:03] Be3obra3niy issued server command: /mpcaseview 76 [03:07:05] Be3obra3niy issued server command: /mpcaseshop [03:07:06] [G] Mautil: ! xx_VR_xxx тп [03:07:06] Be3obra3niy issued server command: /mpcaseview 75 [03:07:08] Be3obra3niy issued server command: /mpcaseshop [03:07:12] Be3obra3niy issued server command: /mpcaseview 74 [03:07:13] Be3obra3niy issued server command: /mpcaseshop [03:07:14] Be3obra3niy issued server command: /mpcaseview 72 [03:07:16] Be3obra3niy issued server command: /rollcase 72 [03:07:18] [L] TexasMen: а как понять что они из этойго? [03:07:37] [L] Be3obra3niy: в неи напиши @blood [03:07:43] [L] Be3obra3niy: и нажми 2 раза лкм [03:07:46] Mautil issued server command: /home [03:07:48] [L] Be3obra3niy: и смотри по сундука [03:07:49] [L] Be3obra3niy: м [03:07:58] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /tpa Mautil [03:08:05] [L] Mautil: все уже [03:08:06] [L] Mautil: на [03:08:09] [L] TexasMen: а я ее отключил , из-за нее лагало [03:08:15] [L] xx_VR_xxx: ooo [03:08:22] [L] Mautil: я починил хуйню эту [03:08:29] [L] Be3obra3niy: а эт норма [03:08:34] [L] TexasMen: вот [03:08:49] [L] TexasMen: ну у меня есть один узел на 350 каждого аспекта) [03:08:56] [L] TexasMen: так что норм)) [03:09:26] TexasMen issued server command: /fly [03:09:36] kajiit issued server command: /randomtp [03:09:36] kajiit issued server command: /rtp [03:10:29] TexasMen issued server command: /near [03:11:01] TexasMen issued server command: /near [03:11:48] [L] Be3obra3niy: знаю все моды [03:11:51] [L] Be3obra3niy: но они все через таум [03:11:56] [L] Be3obra3niy: таум = зло [03:12:18] [L] TexasMen: почему? [03:12:23] [L] Be3obra3niy: лень изучать [03:12:29] [L] Be3obra3niy: из вайпа в вайп аспекты [03:12:43] [L] TexasMen: у меня есть кига со всеми знаниями) [03:12:53] [L] Be3obra3niy: у меня нету деняг на эту книгу [03:13:21] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /msg Mautil и как фикс [03:13:38] Mautil issued server command: /r Вилюху настроил [03:13:40] kajiit issued server command: /home [03:15:00] [L] Be3obra3niy: я на минутку отойду [03:15:06] [L] TexasMen: стой [03:15:31] Mautil issued server command: /r где креонит руду найти [03:15:46] [G] TexasMen: !Продам книгу со всеми знаниями таумкрафта [03:16:01] TexasMen issued server command: /money [03:16:02] Be3obra3niy issued server command: /money top [03:16:04] TexasMen issued server command: /money top [03:16:36] [L] Be3obra3niy: я туть [03:16:50] Mautil issued server command: /home [03:16:58] [L] TexasMen: Сейчас сделай тп на меня [03:17:07] Be3obra3niy issued server command: /tpa TexasMen [03:17:17] TexasMen issued server command: /tpaccept [03:17:37] [L] Be3obra3niy: r[v [03:17:38] [L] Be3obra3niy: кхм [03:17:42] Be3obra3niy issued server command: /inf 2.7 [03:17:54] [L] Be3obra3niy: я конечно добрый [03:18:03] [L] TexasMen: сколько стоит аура? [03:18:07] [L] Be3obra3niy: какая? [03:18:13] [L] Be3obra3niy: на 350 основных? [03:18:18] [L] TexasMen: такая как ты мне кинул [03:18:23] [L] TexasMen: да [03:18:24] [L] Be3obra3niy: 30-50 [03:18:42] [L] TexasMen: на 350 = 30-50? [03:18:51] [L] Be3obra3niy: тот который я тебе дал он креативный [03:18:56] [L] Be3obra3niy: он делает рандомные [03:19:04] [L] Be3obra3niy: если ты про тот который у тебя в ките попался то 75 [03:19:08] [L] Be3obra3niy: в бутылке [03:19:21] [L] Be3obra3niy: проще будет если покажешь [03:19:41] [L] TexasMen: давай за книгу такой как в ките , если по цене подходят [03:19:53] [L] Be3obra3niy: в ките у тебя [03:19:59] [L] TexasMen: да [03:20:04] [L] TexasMen: на 350 [03:20:08] [L] Be3obra3niy: на 350 нету [03:20:11] [L] Be3obra3niy: есть креативные [03:20:22] [L] TexasMen: кстати откуда? [03:20:28] [L] Be3obra3niy: магия [03:20:39] [L] TexasMen: я серьезно) [03:20:42] [L] Be3obra3niy: я тоже [03:20:47] [L] Be3obra3niy: если я скажу хто я был тут [03:20:52] [L] Be3obra3niy: то страшно станет [03:20:53] [L] Be3obra3niy: ) [03:21:03] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /msg Mautil будем в дс? [03:21:15] [L] Be3obra3niy: кста [03:21:18] [L] Mautil: не, умя тут спят, а то разбужу [03:21:19] [L] TexasMen: Ну напугать вряд ли сможешь) я успел увидить все что страшно) [03:21:26] [L] Be3obra3niy: у тебя есть на время мультитул на время [03:21:41] [L] TexasMen: так [03:21:45] [L] Be3obra3niy: дай пж [03:21:45] [L] TexasMen: погоди [03:21:51] [L] Be3obra3niy: а то я чистить задолбаюсь [03:21:51] [L] TexasMen: у тебя дс есть? [03:21:54] [L] Be3obra3niy: да [03:22:02] [L] Be3obra3niy: заходи в войс сервера в магик [03:22:18] [L] TexasMen: у еня дс на телефоне [03:22:28] [L] TexasMen: ноут слабый [03:22:32] [L] Be3obra3niy: ну так [03:22:51] [L] Be3obra3niy: дай свой дс [03:22:53] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /msg Mautil так ток я буду говорить [03:23:24] [L] Mautil: осколков? [03:23:28] Be3obra3niy issued server command: /amucfg [03:23:29] [L] Mautil: нету [03:23:33] [L] TexasMen: кабан#0594 [03:23:55] Mautil issued server command: /we cui [03:24:00] [L] Be3obra3niy: кинул [03:24:00] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /we cui [03:24:20] Mautil issued server command: /home [03:24:22] Mautil issued server command: /we cui [03:24:25] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /home [03:24:27] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /we cui [03:24:42] [L] Mautil: Я молот собираюсь качать) [03:25:26] [G] xx_VR_xxx: ! TexasMen а за что продаешь? [03:25:50] [G] TexasMen: !Назови цену [03:25:57] [G] xx_VR_xxx: ! я без понятия [03:26:14] [G] TexasMen: ! за 100 берешь? [03:26:21] [G] xx_VR_xxx: ! Эмов? [03:26:27] [G] TexasMen: !да [03:26:39] [G] xx_VR_xxx: !подожди-ка щас [03:27:04] [G] TexasMen: !так обожди [03:27:19] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /mpcaseshop [03:27:30] Be3obra3niy issued server command: /kit eat [03:27:31] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /money [03:27:32] [L] Mautil: чего? [03:27:35] Mautil issued server command: /money [03:27:42] [L] Mautil: Эмов 9 [03:27:48] Mautil issued server command: /pay xx_VR_xxx 9 [03:27:52] Mautil issued server command: /money [03:28:02] Mautil issued server command: /money pay xx_VR_xxx 9 [03:28:17] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /money [03:29:52] [L] Mautil: всмысле блять [03:30:07] Mautil issued server command: // [03:30:07] Mautil issued server command: // [03:30:07] [L] Mautil: ... [03:32:53] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /money [03:33:07] TexasMen вышел [03:33:32] TexasMen зашёл [03:33:37] TexasMen issued server command: /we cui [03:35:15] kajiit issued server command: /home [03:36:09] Mautil issued server command: /home [03:37:06] Be3obra3niy issued server command: /home [03:37:16] Be3obra3niy issued server command: /sethome [03:37:20] Be3obra3niy issued server command: /sethome [03:37:55] [L] Mautil: креонит руду де добыть [03:38:18] [L] Mautil: прост [03:38:41] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /msg TexasMen еще продаешь? [03:38:52] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /money [03:39:25] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /tpa Mautil [03:39:28] Mautil issued server command: /tpyes [03:39:30] [G] xx_VR_xxx: ! TexasMen готов купить хд [03:39:43] [G] TexasMen: !Рано) [03:39:50] [G] xx_VR_xxx: ! ? [03:39:58] [G] TexasMen: !Оставлю на лучий день) [03:40:04] [G] xx_VR_xxx: ! ,_, [03:40:20] [L] Mautil: опа [03:40:29] [L] Mautil: на карте чел с которого осколки дропают [03:40:33] [G] xx_VR_xxx: ! я значит ждал пока дичьтопкрафт хотя бы на миллиметр прогрузится мде [03:40:36] [G] TexasMen: !Я узнал истенную стоймость книги , если есть 800 эмов (со скидкой) то го [03:40:49] [G] xx_VR_xxx: ! ну так зачем был за 100 карл предлагать [03:40:54] [G] xx_VR_xxx: ! Cringe [03:40:58] [G] TexasMen: !Не знал цену [03:41:06] [G] xx_VR_xxx: ! -_- [03:41:12] [G] TexasMen: !Сорри [03:41:24] [G] xx_VR_xxx: ! чуял жопой что надо было продолжить изучать [03:41:26] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /home [03:42:02] [G] Mautil: !тп [03:42:07] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /tpa Mautil [03:42:10] [G] Mautil: !подбери, ибо мало хп [03:42:13] Mautil issued server command: /tpyes [03:42:27] TexasMen issued server command: /fly [03:42:30] [L] xx_VR_xxx: на 2 хватает [03:42:40] [L] xx_VR_xxx: еще 9 над [03:42:43] [L] Mautil: кк [03:42:46] TexasMen issued server command: /vanish [03:42:59] [L] xx_VR_xxx: так возьми площадку разравняй прям комнату [03:43:07] [L] Mautil: Я лазурит ещу)) [03:43:10] [L] Mautil: ищу [03:43:31] [L] Mautil: добыча 2 хуле [03:45:20] [L] Mautil: +2 [03:45:23] [L] Mautil: 3 [03:45:28] [L] Mautil: осколки [03:45:45] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /home [03:45:54] [L] Mautil: ,рщьу [03:45:56] Mautil issued server command: /home [03:45:59] TexasMen issued server command: /vanish [03:46:06] [L] Mautil: его с лука, он в близи наверх подкитывает [03:46:55] TexasMen issued server command: /randomtp [03:46:55] TexasMen issued server command: /rtp [03:47:21] TexasMen issued server command: /randomtp [03:47:21] TexasMen issued server command: /rtp [03:47:36] [L] Mautil: добычей добить надо будет [03:47:56] xx_VR_xxx умер (FALL) [03:47:59] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /we cui [03:48:25] [L] Mautil: 500 хп осталось [03:48:44] [L] Mautil: чтобы увидеть прям к нему подойди [03:49:33] [L] Mautil: 322 [03:49:38] [L] Mautil: лол [03:49:41] [L] Mautil: хвахвах [03:49:52] TexasMen issued server command: /tp Be3obra3niy [03:50:24] [L] Mautil: еще 7 осколков [03:51:15] TexasMen issued server command: /home [03:53:47] TexasMen issued server command: /tp Be3obra3niy [03:54:11] [L] Mautil: 20 штук надо [03:54:12] [L] Mautil: авазвз [03:54:48] Be3obra3niy issued server command: /sethome [03:54:49] Be3obra3niy issued server command: /home [03:54:51] Be3obra3niy issued server command: /warp shop [03:54:53] Be3obra3niy issued server command: /we cui [03:55:10] Be3obra3niy issued server command: /home [03:55:12] Be3obra3niy issued server command: /we cui [03:55:16] kajiit issued server command: /randomtp [03:55:16] kajiit issued server command: /rtp [03:55:40] [L] Mautil: он взрывает блоки в аду [03:55:43] [L] Mautil: и летает [03:56:20] TexasMen issued server command: /home [03:58:52] kajiit issued server command: /home [04:00:34] Mautil issued server command: /home [04:01:03] Mautil issued server command: /call xx_VR_xxx [04:01:08] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /tpaccept [04:02:44] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /home [04:03:12] [L] Mautil: +8 [04:04:41] tyrik75 issued server command: /home [04:05:58] [L] Mautil: na [04:06:00] tyrik75 был кикнут [04:06:00] tyrik75 вышел [04:06:00] Be3obra3niy был кикнут [04:06:00] Be3obra3niy вышел [04:06:00] kajiit был кикнут [04:06:00] kajiit вышел [04:06:00] Mautil был кикнут [04:06:00] Mautil вышел [04:06:00] TexasMen был кикнут [04:06:00] TexasMen вышел [04:06:00] xx_VR_xxx был кикнут [04:06:00] xx_VR_xxx вышел [04:06:04] Сервер выключился [04:06:42] Сервер включился [04:07:02] Be3obra3niy зашёл [04:07:05] xx_VR_xxx зашёл [04:07:05] Be3obra3niy issued server command: /we cui [04:07:10] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /we cui [04:07:16] Mautil зашёл [04:07:19] Mautil issued server command: /we cui [04:07:21] TexasMen зашёл [04:07:22] kajiit зашёл [04:07:24] kajiit issued server command: /we cui [04:07:29] TexasMen issued server command: /we cui [04:07:36] TexasMen issued server command: /fly [04:08:07] un5redictable зашёл [04:08:11] un5redictable issued server command: /we cui [04:08:30] un5redictable issued server command: /money [04:09:04] Mautil issued server command: /call xx_VR_xxx [04:09:07] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /tpaccept [04:11:22] Be3obra3niy issued server command: /mpcaseshop [04:12:24] tyrik75 зашёл [04:12:25] tyrik75 issued server command: /we cui [04:13:58] kajiit issued server command: /home [04:14:52] Be3obra3niy issued server command: /kit start [04:15:19] Mautil issued server command: /call xx_VR_xxx [04:15:22] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /tpaccept [04:15:36] [L] Mautil: хватит, наверное, теперь ждем в дали [04:15:54] Be3obra3niy умер (PROJECTILE) [04:15:56] [L] Mautil: что стоит*? [04:15:57] Be3obra3niy issued server command: /we cui [04:16:12] [L] xx_VR_xxx: project e [04:16:15] [L] Mautil: рили [04:16:30] [L] Mautil: не помню.. [04:16:47] [L] Mautil: гномье проклятье ммм [04:17:24] [L] Mautil: сюда [04:18:03] TexasMen issued server command: /money [04:18:03] [L] Mautil: эндеры [04:18:09] TexasMen issued server command: /mpcaseshop [04:18:15] TexasMen issued server command: /mpcaseview 74 [04:18:18] TexasMen issued server command: /mpcaseshop [04:18:29] xx_VR_xxx умер (ENTITY_ATTACK) [04:18:32] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /we cui [04:18:37] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /tpa Mautil [04:18:38] Mautil issued server command: /tpyes [04:19:01] [L] Mautil: осколки не проеби главное [04:19:29] [L] Mautil: че та [04:19:46] [L] Mautil: хуясе [04:20:55] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /home [04:22:31] [G] Mautil: !с 2ух 19ш [04:23:02] TexasMen issued server command: /we cui [04:24:10] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /we cui [04:24:35] TexasMen issued server command: /fly [04:24:46] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /we cui [04:24:51] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /home [04:25:29] Mautil умер (ENTITY_ATTACK) [04:25:31] Mautil issued server command: /we cui [04:25:34] [L] Mautil: блять [04:25:37] [L] Mautil: их там дохуя [04:26:21] [L] Mautil: паук уебал меня [04:27:43] [L] Mautil: ты видел сверкающую кирку [04:27:45] [L] Mautil: у нее 70 эфф [04:27:58] [L] Mautil: у меня 2 хуйни выпали эти для нее [04:28:11] [L] Mautil: дуй сюда [04:28:23] Be3obra3niy вышел [04:28:26] TexasMen вышел [04:28:42] [L] Mautil: ооо [04:28:46] [L] Mautil: добычей добиваем [04:33:36] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /home [04:34:30] Mautil issued server command: /home [04:34:40] [L] Mautil: Я все крч, спать, засиделся xD [04:34:59] [L] Mautil: до завтра [04:35:10] [L] Mautil: скок в итоге камней [04:35:35] [L] Mautil: збс, надо будет добычей добивать как-то [04:35:47] kajiit issued server command: /randomtp [04:35:47] kajiit issued server command: /rtp [04:36:13] [L] Mautil: 912 [04:36:13] kajiit issued server command: /randomtp [04:36:13] kajiit issued server command: /rtp [04:36:30] [G] xx_VR_xxx: ! un5redictable [04:36:34] [G] un5redictable: !? [04:36:38] [G] xx_VR_xxx: ! не знаешь как дистанционо видеть хп босса? [04:36:46] [G] xx_VR_xxx: ! а то подходить не варик) [04:36:55] kajiit issued server command: /randomtp [04:36:55] kajiit issued server command: /rtp [04:36:59] [G] un5redictable: !Даже не знаю как это возможно) [04:37:10] [G] un5redictable: !Тоже задавался этим вопросом перед вайпом [04:37:12] [G] xx_VR_xxx: ! просто по логике должно сверху но этого нет [04:37:29] [L] Mautil: 377 [04:37:34] [G] un5redictable: !У тебя хп мобов не показывает на верху экрана? [04:37:45] [G] xx_VR_xxx: ! ну я вот бью кузнечика и сверху нет полоски [04:37:47] [G] un5redictable: !По центру [04:37:58] [G] xx_VR_xxx: ! неа [04:38:07] [L] Mautil: 124 [04:38:14] [G] un5redictable: !Я тоже пытался включать [04:38:36] [G] un5redictable: !Как раз перед вайпом у меня слетела эта настройка, пытался настроить [04:38:43] [L] Mautil: нулкый он [04:38:45] [L] Mautil: нулевый [04:38:47] kajiit issued server command: /randomtp [04:38:47] kajiit issued server command: /rtp [04:38:51] [L] xx_VR_xxx: давай [04:38:55] [G] un5redictable: !Но безуспешно [04:38:59] [G] xx_VR_xxx: ! грустно [04:39:04] [G] un5redictable: !Тока помогло [04:39:12] [L] Mautil: за заебал [04:39:28] [G] un5redictable: !Переустановить клиент, а то есть удалил папку с magic в самом sidemc [04:39:42] [G] un5redictable: !И скачал по новой его, и тока потом проблема была решена [04:39:46] un5redictable issued server command: /god [04:39:47] un5redictable issued server command: /fly [04:39:48] un5redictable issued server command: /god [04:39:52] un5redictable issued server command: /home [04:39:58] kajiit issued server command: /randomtp [04:39:58] kajiit issued server command: /rtp [04:40:02] [L] Mautil: давай мне [04:40:13] un5redictable issued server command: /home [04:40:14] un5redictable issued server command: /spawn [04:40:22] un5redictable issued server command: /we cui [04:40:22] kajiit issued server command: /randomtp [04:40:22] kajiit issued server command: /rtp [04:40:25] kajiit issued server command: /randomtp [04:40:25] kajiit issued server command: /rtp [04:40:34] un5redictable issued server command: /home [04:40:38] un5redictable issued server command: /we cui [04:40:56] un5redictable issued server command: /fly [04:40:56] [L] Mautil: он ахуел [04:40:57] un5redictable issued server command: /god\ [04:40:58] [L] Mautil: xD [04:40:58] un5redictable issued server command: /god [04:40:59] un5redictable issued server command: /god [04:41:26] xx_VR_xxx умер (ENTITY_ATTACK) [04:41:48] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /we cui [04:42:07] un5redictable issued server command: /zset 0 [04:42:17] [L] Mautil: 4 [g [04:42:19] [L] Mautil: 4 hp [04:42:22] [L] Mautil: у него [04:42:23] kajiit issued server command: /randomtp [04:42:23] kajiit issued server command: /rtp [04:42:35] un5redictable issued server command: /zset 0 [04:42:49] un5redictable issued server command: /zset 0 [04:42:59] un5redictable issued server command: /zset 0 [04:43:03] [L] Mautil: 4 xD [04:43:10] un5redictable issued server command: /zset 0 [04:43:22] un5redictable issued server command: /zset 0 [04:43:34] un5redictable issued server command: /zset 0 [04:43:38] [L] Mautil: 600 [04:43:43] un5redictable issued server command: /zset 0 [04:43:53] [L] Mautil: 90 [04:44:04] [L] Mautil: 4 [04:44:10] kajiit issued server command: /randomtp [04:44:10] kajiit issued server command: /rtp [04:44:26] [L] Mautil: 700 [04:44:29] un5redictable issued server command: /zset 0 [04:44:39] [L] Mautil: 200 [04:44:52] [L] Mautil: не увидел)) [04:44:52] un5redictable issued server command: /zset 0 [04:44:55] [L] Mautil: 176 [04:44:56] kajiit issued server command: /home [04:45:03] [L] Mautil: 6 [04:45:03] un5redictable issued server command: /rg sel [04:45:08] un5redictable issued server command: //sel [04:45:17] un5redictable issued server command: /zset 0 [04:45:21] [L] Mautil: это завтра все :D [04:45:24] un5redictable issued server command: /zset 0 [04:45:29] un5redictable issued server command: /zset 0 [04:45:44] [L] Mautil: самсмогешь? [04:46:15] un5redictable issued server command: /zset 48 [04:46:33] un5redictable issued server command: /zset 48 [04:46:39] un5redictable issued server command: /zset 48 [04:46:44] un5redictable issued server command: /zset 48 [04:46:50] un5redictable issued server command: /zset 48 [04:47:09] un5redictable issued server command: /zset 0 [04:47:21] un5redictable issued server command: /zset 0 [04:47:29] [L] Mautil: остальные порты на руде слава богу [04:47:34] un5redictable issued server command: /zset 0 [04:47:45] un5redictable issued server command: /zset 0 [04:47:54] un5redictable issued server command: /zset 0 [04:48:05] un5redictable issued server command: /zset 0 [04:48:15] un5redictable issued server command: /zset 48 [04:48:29] [L] Mautil: авахвха [04:48:33] un5redictable issued server command: /zset 48 [04:48:39] un5redictable issued server command: /zset 48 [04:48:40] kajiit issued server command: /randomtp [04:48:40] kajiit issued server command: /rtp [04:48:40] [L] Mautil: ору [04:48:45] un5redictable issued server command: /zset 48 [04:48:50] un5redictable issued server command: /zset 48 [04:49:16] [L] Mautil: с этих тоже дропает [04:49:24] un5redictable issued server command: /zset 0 [04:49:29] un5redictable issued server command: /zset 0 [04:49:35] un5redictable issued server command: /zset 0 [04:49:44] un5redictable issued server command: /zset 48 [04:49:49] un5redictable issued server command: /zset 48 [04:49:59] un5redictable issued server command: /zset 48 [04:50:06] un5redictable issued server command: /zset 48 [04:50:11] un5redictable issued server command: /zset 48 [04:50:13] un5redictable issued server command: /zset 48 [04:50:29] [L] Mautil: ахвахахавхавх [04:52:13] kajiit issued server command: /randomtp [04:52:13] kajiit issued server command: /rtp [04:52:27] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /home [04:52:33] [G] Mautil: !Все что-ли? [04:52:43] [G] Mautil: !Математик xD [04:52:44] Mautil issued server command: /home [04:52:49] kajiit issued server command: /randomtp [04:52:49] kajiit issued server command: /rtp [04:52:59] un5redictable issued server command: /home [04:53:04] [L] Mautil: da [04:53:11] [L] Mautil: че ты ржешь [04:53:13] [L] Mautil: я не знал [04:53:14] [G] un5redictable: !? [04:53:22] [G] xx_VR_xxx: ! ? [04:53:25] [G] Mautil: !? [04:53:48] kajiit issued server command: /randomtp [04:53:48] kajiit issued server command: /rtp [04:53:52] [L] Mautil: 2 выпаде [04:54:21] [L] Mautil: 974\ [04:54:40] [L] Mautil: 300 [04:55:27] [L] Mautil: 91 вроде [04:55:48] [L] Mautil: 18 [04:56:02] [L] Mautil: отхил [04:56:09] un5redictable issued server command: /home [04:56:17] un5redictable issued server command: /back [04:56:17] [L] un5redictable: .ифсл [04:56:31] [L] Mautil: не молч [04:56:33] [L] Mautil: скок [04:57:04] un5redictable issued server command: /home [04:57:10] un5redictable issued server command: /back [04:57:22] [L] Mautil: чамы [04:57:25] [L] Mautil: часы [04:57:30] [L] Mautil: нет [04:57:38] un5redictable issued server command: /zset 48 [04:57:42] [L] Mautil: скинь [04:57:59] [L] Mautil: и в чем трабл изи же [04:58:05] [L] Mautil: а котёл нужен [04:58:06] un5redictable issued server command: /zset 48 [04:58:30] kajiit issued server command: /randomtp [04:58:30] kajiit issued server command: /rtp [04:58:46] kajiit issued server command: /home [04:58:48] un5redictable issued server command: /list [04:59:02] un5redictable issued server command: /sethome mob [04:59:06] [L] Mautil: все я спать нахуй [04:59:14] [L] Mautil: портал сделали хуле [04:59:16] [L] Mautil: молодцы [04:59:48] Mautil вышел [05:00:23] un5redictable issued server command: /zset 0 [05:01:10] [G] xx_VR_xxx: ! un5redictable кристалы с таума есть? [05:03:59] [G] xx_VR_xxx: ! куплю кристалы с таума [05:07:11] [G] un5redictable: !Тут [05:07:19] [G] un5redictable: !У меня их не так много [05:07:22] [G] xx_VR_xxx: ! ых [05:10:03] un5redictable issued server command: /warp help [05:10:11] un5redictable issued server command: /pcreate mob [05:10:15] un5redictable issued server command: /pcreate warp [05:10:18] un5redictable issued server command: /pcreate [05:10:23] un5redictable issued server command: /pwarp [05:10:28] un5redictable issued server command: /warp private [05:10:32] un5redictable issued server command: /warp private mob [05:10:44] un5redictable issued server command: /warp private ka4 [05:10:48] un5redictable issued server command: /warp private ka [05:10:52] un5redictable issued server command: /warp private [05:10:56] [L] un5redictable: mob [05:11:20] un5redictable issued server command: /private [05:11:29] un5redictable issued server command: /warp private 123 [05:11:35] un5redictable issued server command: /warp create [05:11:45] un5redictable issued server command: /warp private ho [05:11:51] un5redictable issued server command: /warp private shop [05:11:59] un5redictable issued server command: /warp private spawn_mob [05:12:51] un5redictable issued server command: /ipreport xx_vr_xxx [05:13:28] un5redictable issued server command: /home [05:13:36] SimpleMimpl зашёл [05:14:03] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /we cui [05:14:23] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /home [05:14:26] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /we cui [05:14:37] [G] xx_VR_xxx: ! засну искав эти кристалы [05:15:30] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /fly [05:15:30] [L] SimpleMimpl: .адн [05:16:00] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /kit [05:16:15] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /warp mining [05:16:18] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /we cui [05:16:20] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /randomtp [05:16:20] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /rtp [05:17:03] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /randomtp [05:17:03] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /rtp [05:17:26] un5redictable issued server command: /zset 89 [05:18:05] un5redictable issued server command: /zset 35 [05:18:06] SimpleMimpl вышел [05:18:11] un5redictable issued server command: /zset 35 [05:18:19] un5redictable issued server command: /zset 35 [05:18:24] un5redictable issued server command: /zset 35 [05:18:52] un5redictable issued server command: /home [05:18:56] un5redictable issued server command: /home [05:19:07] un5redictable issued server command: /home [05:19:12] un5redictable issued server command: /home [05:19:26] un5redictable issued server command: /god [05:19:30] un5redictable issued server command: /home [05:19:40] un5redictable issued server command: /zsell [05:20:26] un5redictable issued server command: /fly [05:20:29] un5redictable issued server command: /home [05:20:43] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /randomtp [05:20:43] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /rtp [05:20:52] un5redictable issued server command: /fly [05:20:53] un5redictable issued server command: /god [05:21:43] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /randomtp [05:21:43] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /rtp [05:22:26] tyrik75 issued server command: /home [05:24:11] kajiit issued server command: /randomtp [05:24:11] kajiit issued server command: /rtp [05:24:23] xx_VR_xxx вышел [05:24:26] kajiit issued server command: /randomtp [05:24:26] kajiit issued server command: /rtp [05:25:08] kajiit issued server command: /randomtp [05:25:08] kajiit issued server command: /rtp [05:25:41] kajiit issued server command: /randomtp [05:25:41] kajiit issued server command: /rtp [05:26:19] kajiit issued server command: /randomtp [05:26:19] kajiit issued server command: /rtp [05:27:18] tyrik75 issued server command: /tpa kajiit [05:27:23] kajiit issued server command: /tpaccept [05:29:21] tyrik75 issued server command: /home [05:30:03] kajiit issued server command: /tpaccept [05:30:06] kajiit issued server command: /randomtp [05:30:06] kajiit issued server command: /rtp [05:30:30] SimpleMimpl зашёл [05:30:34] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /we cui [05:31:03] [G] SimpleMimpl: ! un5redictable ты че в админы заделался? [05:31:11] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /fly [05:31:11] [L] SimpleMimpl: .адн [05:32:01] un5redictable issued server command: /home [05:33:09] un5redictable issued server command: /ekit top [05:33:13] un5redictable issued server command: /money [05:33:27] un5redictable issued server command: /warp quest [05:33:31] un5redictable issued server command: /we cui [05:33:59] un5redictable issued server command: /home [05:34:03] un5redictable issued server command: /we cui [05:34:29] un5redictable issued server command: /back [05:34:33] un5redictable issued server command: /we cui [05:34:47] [G] SimpleMimpl: !куплю чернильницу [05:34:50] [G] SimpleMimpl: !и тростник или бумагу [05:34:52] un5redictable issued server command: /kit eat [05:35:35] xx_VR_xxx зашёл [05:35:55] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /we cui [05:38:22] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /home [05:38:24] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /we cui [05:39:02] tyrik75 issued server command: /tpa kajiit [05:39:25] kajiit issued server command: /tpaccept [05:40:19] un5redictable умер (ENTITY_ATTACK) [05:40:25] un5redictable issued server command: /we cui [05:40:35] un5redictable issued server command: /back [05:40:40] un5redictable issued server command: /back [05:40:41] un5redictable issued server command: /warp quest [05:40:45] un5redictable issued server command: /we cui [05:41:10] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /randomtp [05:41:10] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /rtp [05:41:10] [L] SimpleMimpl: .кез [05:41:13] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /tpa un5redictable [05:41:15] [G] tyrik75: !ребят а реалмитовую кирку запретили ? [05:41:35] [G] tyrik75: ! если так то зачем реалмит вообще нужен ? [05:41:44] un5redictable issued server command: /tpaccept [05:41:55] [G] xx_VR_xxx: ! крафт просто невиден нужно изучить в тауме [05:42:05] [G] tyrik75: !аааа [05:42:15] un5redictable issued server command: /endersee [05:42:24] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /randomtp [05:42:24] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /rtp [05:42:24] [L] SimpleMimpl: .кез [05:42:53] un5redictable issued server command: /endersee [05:43:02] [G] SimpleMimpl: !тростник есть возле кого? [05:43:03] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /money [05:43:04] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /money top [05:43:17] [G] xx_VR_xxx: ! могу дать [05:43:21] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /tpa xx_VR_xxx [05:43:24] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /tpyes [05:43:33] [L] xx_VR_xxx: держи [05:43:38] [L] SimpleMimpl: Благодарю [05:44:05] un5redictable issued server command: /home [05:44:09] un5redictable issued server command: /we cui [05:44:12] [L] SimpleMimpl: а [05:44:13] [L] SimpleMimpl: вот че [05:44:16] [L] SimpleMimpl: перо или чернильница [05:44:17] [L] xx_VR_xxx: ? [05:44:18] [L] SimpleMimpl: ?) [05:44:20] un5redictable issued server command: /endersee [05:44:33] [L] SimpleMimpl: расщепитель аспектов бесполезный [05:44:35] un5redictable issued server command: /endersee [05:44:38] [L] xx_VR_xxx: почему [05:44:50] [L] SimpleMimpl: по 1 аспекту пол часа расщепляет [05:44:54] un5redictable issued server command: /warp quest [05:44:56] [L] xx_VR_xxx: да не [05:44:57] un5redictable issued server command: /we cui [05:45:03] [L] xx_VR_xxx: кликер поставл пошел сгонял попить пришел и все [05:45:08] [L] SimpleMimpl: ))) [05:45:15] un5redictable issued server command: /tpaccept [05:45:37] [L] SimpleMimpl: тебе что нибудь нужно? [05:45:42] [L] SimpleMimpl: например 1 аура [05:46:03] [L] xx_VR_xxx: лучше завтра давай ты дашь стабилизированый кристал а то чот лень хд [05:46:10] [L] xx_VR_xxx: и aer кристал как там [05:46:15] [L] SimpleMimpl: а он у меня есть [05:46:18] [L] SimpleMimpl: этот стабилизированный [05:46:20] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /hoem [05:46:20] [L] SimpleMimpl: .рщуь [05:46:22] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /home [05:46:22] [L] SimpleMimpl: .рщьу [05:46:43] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /tpa xx_VR_xxx [05:46:46] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /tpyes [05:46:52] [L] SimpleMimpl: такое только есть [05:46:58] [L] xx_VR_xxx: ооо [05:47:02] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /home [05:47:02] [L] SimpleMimpl: .рщьу [05:47:22] [G] xx_VR_xxx: ! теперь можно спать [05:48:00] xx_VR_xxx вышел [05:48:09] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /randomtp [05:48:09] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /rtp [05:48:09] [L] SimpleMimpl: .кез [05:48:39] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /randomtp [05:48:39] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /rtp [05:48:39] [L] SimpleMimpl: .кез [05:48:41] un5redictable issued server command: /home [05:48:45] un5redictable issued server command: /we cui [05:48:50] un5redictable issued server command: /god [05:48:51] un5redictable issued server command: /fly [05:49:16] un5redictable issued server command: /near [05:49:20] un5redictable issued server command: /near [05:49:25] un5redictable issued server command: /near [05:49:29] un5redictable issued server command: /near [05:50:06] un5redictable issued server command: /rg info [05:50:22] un5redictable issued server command: /list [05:50:38] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /home [05:50:38] [L] SimpleMimpl: .рщьу [05:50:42] [L] un5redictable: хай [05:50:46] [L] SimpleMimpl: дарова [05:50:48] [L] un5redictable: что тпшился? [05:50:57] [L] SimpleMimpl: да я думал ты админом стал хха) [05:51:03] [L] un5redictable: да не) [05:51:08] tyrik75 issued server command: /home [05:51:11] [L] un5redictable: Сильно запарно [05:51:11] [L] SimpleMimpl: я у тя [05:51:12] [L] SimpleMimpl: узнать хотел [05:51:16] [L] SimpleMimpl: есть у тебя стол зарядный [05:51:22] [L] un5redictable: на чар? [05:51:29] [L] SimpleMimpl: чтобы палку ставить [05:51:31] [L] SimpleMimpl: заряжалась [05:51:42] [L] un5redictable: аа [05:52:25] [L] un5redictable: за 7 сделаю верстак и вис заряжатель [05:52:28] [L] un5redictable: надо? [05:52:51] [L] un5redictable: мм [05:52:55] [L] SimpleMimpl: да [05:52:56] [L] SimpleMimpl: нада [05:52:57] [L] un5redictable: верстак уже есть у тебя [05:53:08] un5redictable issued server command: /home [05:53:19] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /randomtp [05:53:19] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /rtp [05:53:19] [L] SimpleMimpl: .кез [05:53:54] [G] SimpleMimpl: !вот так ходишь [05:53:58] [G] SimpleMimpl: !Шабашные ведьмы везде [05:54:01] [G] SimpleMimpl: !а когда они нужны будут [05:54:03] [G] SimpleMimpl: !Не найдёшь никогда [05:54:06] [G] un5redictable: !+ [05:54:21] [G] SimpleMimpl: !у тебя там куриц нет рядом? [05:54:24] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /randomtp [05:54:24] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /rtp [05:54:24] [L] SimpleMimpl: .кез [05:54:31] kajiit issued server command: /home [05:54:35] [G] un5redictable: !Неа [05:55:33] un5redictable issued server command: /back [05:55:44] [G] un5redictable: !Сделал [05:55:47] [G] SimpleMimpl: !сек [05:55:56] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /randomtp [05:55:56] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /rtp [05:55:56] [L] SimpleMimpl: .кез [05:56:11] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /randomtp [05:56:11] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /rtp [05:56:11] [L] SimpleMimpl: .кез [05:56:13] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /home [05:56:13] [L] SimpleMimpl: .рщьу [05:56:14] [G] SimpleMimpl: !тп [05:56:41] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /money pay un5redictable 7 [05:56:55] [L] SimpleMimpl: пасиба [05:57:09] [L] SimpleMimpl: не вижу сколько в узле [05:57:16] un5redictable issued server command: /home [05:57:24] un5redictable issued server command: /back [05:57:33] [L] un5redictable: всех аспектов по 13 [05:57:39] [L] SimpleMimpl: да ну [05:57:42] [L] un5redictable: ага [05:57:43] [L] SimpleMimpl: че так мало [05:57:47] [L] SimpleMimpl: была по 15 [05:57:48] [L] SimpleMimpl: 159 [05:57:50] [L] SimpleMimpl: 150 [05:57:54] [L] SimpleMimpl: я её возбудил [05:57:58] [L] SimpleMimpl: хуже сделал похожду [05:58:11] un5redictable issued server command: /home [06:00:30] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /randomtp [06:00:30] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /rtp [06:00:30] [L] SimpleMimpl: .кез [06:01:12] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /randomtp [06:01:12] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /rtp [06:01:12] [L] SimpleMimpl: .кез [06:01:32] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /warp forest [06:01:35] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /we cui [06:01:41] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /we cui [06:01:46] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /fly [06:01:46] [L] SimpleMimpl: .адн [06:03:05] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /home [06:03:05] [L] SimpleMimpl: .рщьу [06:03:08] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /we cui [06:03:41] un5redictable issued server command: /money [06:03:59] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /fly [06:03:59] [L] SimpleMimpl: .адн [06:05:04] [G] SimpleMimpl: !Куплю перья [06:05:45] kajiit issued server command: /randomtp [06:05:45] kajiit issued server command: /rtp [06:06:13] kajiit issued server command: /randomtp [06:06:13] kajiit issued server command: /rtp [06:06:43] kajiit issued server command: /randomtp [06:06:43] kajiit issued server command: /rtp [06:08:13] kajiit issued server command: /randomtp [06:08:13] kajiit issued server command: /rtp [06:11:34] tyrik75 issued server command: //chunk [06:11:34] tyrik75 issued server command: //outset 16 [06:11:34] tyrik75 issued server command: //wand [06:11:53] tyrik75 issued server command: //chunk [06:11:53] tyrik75 issued server command: //outset 16 [06:11:54] tyrik75 issued server command: //wand [06:12:09] tyrik75 issued server command: //chunk [06:12:09] tyrik75 issued server command: //outset 16 [06:12:09] tyrik75 issued server command: //wand [06:12:36] kajiit issued server command: /randomtp [06:12:36] kajiit issued server command: /rtp [06:13:21] tyrik75 issued server command: //chunk [06:13:21] tyrik75 issued server command: //outset 16 [06:13:21] tyrik75 issued server command: //wand [06:13:36] tyrik75 issued server command: //chunk [06:13:36] tyrik75 issued server command: //outset 16 [06:13:36] tyrik75 issued server command: //wand [06:13:53] kajiit issued server command: /randomtp [06:13:53] kajiit issued server command: /rtp [06:13:58] kajiit issued server command: /randomtp [06:13:58] kajiit issued server command: /rtp [06:14:06] [G] tyrik75: ! ребят а как здесь приватить регион ? [06:14:17] tyrik75 issued server command: //chunk [06:14:17] tyrik75 issued server command: //outset 16 [06:14:17] tyrik75 issued server command: /zone [06:14:36] tyrik75 issued server command: //chunk [06:14:36] tyrik75 issued server command: //outset 16 [06:14:36] tyrik75 issued server command: /zone [06:14:40] tyrik75 issued server command: //chunk [06:14:40] tyrik75 issued server command: //outset 16 [06:14:40] tyrik75 issued server command: /zone [06:14:52] tyrik75 issued server command: //chunk [06:14:52] tyrik75 issued server command: //outset 16 [06:14:52] tyrik75 issued server command: /zone [06:15:48] tyrik75 issued server command: //sel [06:16:43] kajiit issued server command: //chunk [06:16:43] kajiit issued server command: //outset 16 [06:16:43] kajiit issued server command: /zone [06:17:13] kajiit issued server command: /home [06:17:15] un5redictable issued server command: /list [06:17:16] kajiit issued server command: /home [06:17:23] kajiit issued server command: //chunk [06:17:23] kajiit issued server command: //outset 16 [06:17:23] kajiit issued server command: /zone [06:17:32] kajiit issued server command: //chunk [06:17:32] kajiit issued server command: //outset 16 [06:17:32] kajiit issued server command: /zone [06:17:58] kajiit issued server command: //chunk [06:17:58] kajiit issued server command: //outset 16 [06:17:58] kajiit issued server command: /zone [06:18:21] tyrik75 issued server command: //chunk [06:18:21] tyrik75 issued server command: //outset 16 [06:18:21] tyrik75 issued server command: /zone [06:19:14] kajiit issued server command: //chunk [06:19:14] kajiit issued server command: //outset 16 [06:19:14] kajiit issued server command: /zone [06:19:24] kajiit issued server command: //chunk [06:19:24] kajiit issued server command: //outset 16 [06:19:24] kajiit issued server command: /zone [06:19:48] kajiit issued server command: //chunk [06:19:48] kajiit issued server command: //outset 16 [06:19:48] kajiit issued server command: /zone [06:20:07] kajiit issued server command: //chunk [06:20:07] kajiit issued server command: //outset 16 [06:20:07] kajiit issued server command: /zone [06:20:29] kajiit issued server command: //chunk [06:20:29] kajiit issued server command: //outset 16 [06:20:29] kajiit issued server command: /zone [06:20:52] kajiit issued server command: //chunk [06:20:52] kajiit issued server command: //outset 16 [06:20:52] kajiit issued server command: /zone [06:21:01] kajiit issued server command: //chunk [06:21:01] kajiit issued server command: //outset 16 [06:21:01] kajiit issued server command: /zone [06:21:12] kajiit issued server command: //chunk [06:21:12] kajiit issued server command: //outset 16 [06:21:12] kajiit issued server command: /zone [06:21:49] kajiit issued server command: //chunk [06:21:49] kajiit issued server command: //outset 16 [06:21:49] kajiit issued server command: /zone [06:22:14] kajiit issued server command: //chunk [06:22:14] kajiit issued server command: //outset 16 [06:22:14] kajiit issued server command: /zone [06:22:42] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /warp ad [06:22:45] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /we cui [06:23:02] kajiit issued server command: //chunk [06:23:02] kajiit issued server command: //outset 16 [06:23:02] kajiit issued server command: /zone [06:23:09] kajiit issued server command: //chunk [06:23:09] kajiit issued server command: //outset 16 [06:23:09] kajiit issued server command: /zone [06:23:40] kajiit issued server command: //chunk [06:23:40] kajiit issued server command: //outset 16 [06:23:40] kajiit issued server command: /zone [06:23:51] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /fly [06:23:51] [L] SimpleMimpl: .адн [06:24:01] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /home [06:24:01] [L] SimpleMimpl: .рщьу [06:24:04] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /we cui [06:24:31] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /warp ad [06:24:33] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /we cui [06:24:42] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /fly [06:24:42] [L] SimpleMimpl: .адн [06:24:52] tyrik75 issued server command: //sel [06:24:55] tyrik75 issued server command: //chunk [06:24:55] tyrik75 issued server command: //outset 16 [06:24:55] tyrik75 issued server command: /zone [06:27:57] tyrik75 issued server command: /rg claim ypaa [06:28:22] tyrik75 issued server command: /rg addmember kajiit ypaa [06:28:31] kajiit issued server command: //sell [06:28:35] kajiit issued server command: //sel [06:28:39] tyrik75 issued server command: /rg addmember ypfaa kajiit [06:28:46] tyrik75 issued server command: /rg addmember ypaa kajiit [06:32:59] Zmeeust зашёл [06:33:32] Zmeeust issued server command: /we cui [06:33:45] Zmeeust issued server command: /warp portals [06:33:49] Zmeeust issued server command: /we cui [06:34:04] Zmeeust issued server command: /home [06:34:07] Zmeeust issued server command: /we cui [06:34:38] un5redictable issued server command: /home [06:35:01] un5redictable issued server command: /kit eat [06:35:03] Zmeeust issued server command: /warp mining [06:35:05] Zmeeust issued server command: /we cui [06:35:09] un5redictable issued server command: /warp quest [06:35:16] Zmeeust issued server command: /randomtp [06:35:16] Zmeeust issued server command: /rtp [06:35:16] un5redictable issued server command: /we cui [06:35:52] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /home [06:35:52] [L] SimpleMimpl: .рщьу [06:35:54] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /we cui [06:38:43] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /warp ad [06:38:45] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /we cui [06:38:51] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /fly [06:38:51] [L] SimpleMimpl: .адн [06:39:16] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /home [06:39:16] [L] SimpleMimpl: .рщьу [06:39:20] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /we cui [06:39:48] [G] SimpleMimpl: !Куплю перья [06:40:07] [G] Zmeeust: !Сколько штук? [06:40:12] [G] SimpleMimpl: !сколько есть? [06:40:17] [G] Zmeeust: !Несколько [06:40:18] tyrik75 issued server command: /sell [06:40:20] tyrik75 issued server command: /sel [06:40:23] [G] SimpleMimpl: !все куплю [06:40:29] tyrik75 issued server command: //sel [06:40:37] [G] Zmeeust: !По эко сколько они стоят?Мне больше не нужно [06:40:45] tyrik75 issued server command: /warp [06:40:57] tyrik75 issued server command: /spawn [06:41:00] tyrik75 issued server command: /we cui [06:41:15] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /spawn [06:41:17] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /we cui [06:41:23] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /fly [06:41:23] [L] SimpleMimpl: .адн [06:41:49] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /home [06:41:53] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /we cui [06:41:57] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /tpa Zmeeust [06:42:04] Zmeeust issued server command: /home [06:42:10] Zmeeust issued server command: /we cui [06:42:31] Zmeeust issued server command: /tpaccept [06:42:34] un5redictable issued server command: /home [06:42:39] un5redictable issued server command: /we cui [06:42:42] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /fly [06:42:42] [L] SimpleMimpl: .адн [06:42:44] Zmeeust issued server command: /tpahere SimpleMimpl [06:42:44] un5redictable issued server command: /warp quest [06:42:46] [L] SimpleMimpl: ку [06:42:48] un5redictable issued server command: /we cui [06:42:51] un5redictable issued server command: /warp quest [06:42:55] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /money top [06:42:56] [L] Zmeeust: Привет, узнал цену по эко? [06:43:06] [L] SimpleMimpl: ну ты скажи цену [06:43:12] [L] Zmeeust: У меня пять штук, но будет еще [06:43:18] [L] Zmeeust: По эко гляну сейчас на сайте [06:43:19] [L] SimpleMimpl: да хватит пока что [06:43:30] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /money pay Zmeeust 3 [06:43:33] [L] SimpleMimpl: хватит думаю [06:43:40] [L] SimpleMimpl: удачи [06:43:41] [L] Zmeeust: Яйца нужны? [06:43:46] [L] SimpleMimpl: давай [06:43:47] [L] Zmeeust: Сделаешь у себя с воронкой ферму [06:43:55] [L] SimpleMimpl: а да мне лень [06:43:58] [L] SimpleMimpl: ферму делать [06:43:59] [L] Zmeeust: 0.2х8 [06:44:01] [L] SimpleMimpl: просто пригодиться [06:44:06] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /money pay Zmeeust 1.6 [06:44:13] [L] Zmeeust: Слушай [06:44:16] [L] SimpleMimpl: м [06:44:20] [L] Zmeeust: Яйца очень ценный ресурс для Витчери [06:44:24] [L] Zmeeust: Ты сделаешь в 1 блок ферму [06:44:27] kajiit issued server command: /randomtp [06:44:27] kajiit issued server command: /rtp [06:44:35] [L] SimpleMimpl: да я уже забыл что такое витчери ахха) [06:44:36] [L] Zmeeust: И воронку с сундуком [06:44:46] [L] Zmeeust: Я сразу сообразил куриц поймать [06:44:53] [L] SimpleMimpl: да у меня яйца есть [06:44:54] [L] SimpleMimpl: куриц [06:44:56] [L] SimpleMimpl: призывать их [06:44:58] tyrik75 issued server command: /home [06:45:00] tyrik75 issued server command: /we cui [06:45:03] [L] Zmeeust: Не трать [06:45:04] [L] SimpleMimpl: срочно понадобиться когда [06:45:06] [L] SimpleMimpl: потрачу [06:45:08] [L] Zmeeust: Те можно в спавнера засунуть [06:45:13] [L] Zmeeust: Лучше эти [06:45:17] [L] SimpleMimpl: угу [06:45:20] [L] SimpleMimpl: ладно ушёл я [06:45:23] [L] Zmeeust: Удачи товарищ [06:45:24] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /home [06:45:24] [L] SimpleMimpl: .рщьу [06:45:37] un5redictable issued server command: /home [06:45:40] un5redictable issued server command: /we cui [06:45:41] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /randomtp [06:45:41] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /rtp [06:45:41] [L] SimpleMimpl: .кез [06:45:55] un5redictable issued server command: /randomtp [06:45:55] un5redictable issued server command: /rtp [06:45:58] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /randomtp [06:45:58] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /rtp [06:45:58] [L] SimpleMimpl: .кез [06:45:59] Zmeeust вышел [06:46:05] un5redictable issued server command: /warp ad [06:46:10] un5redictable issued server command: /we cui [06:46:11] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /randomtp [06:46:11] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /rtp [06:46:11] [L] SimpleMimpl: .кез [06:46:26] un5redictable issued server command: /god [06:46:28] un5redictable issued server command: /fly [06:46:30] un5redictable issued server command: /fly [06:46:51] [G] SimpleMimpl: !у тебя там спрутов нет рядом? [06:46:54] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /randomtp [06:46:54] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /rtp [06:46:54] [L] SimpleMimpl: .кез [06:48:32] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /home [06:48:32] [L] SimpleMimpl: .рщьу [06:49:01] tyrik75 issued server command: /warp portal [06:49:03] tyrik75 issued server command: /we cui [06:49:31] tyrik75 issued server command: /we cui [06:49:55] un5redictable issued server command: /tppos [06:50:01] kajiit issued server command: /home [06:50:02] un5redictable issued server command: /tppos -2500 60 -2344 [06:50:10] [G] SimpleMimpl: !ни 1 не вылупиласьахахах [06:50:45] tyrik75 issued server command: /we cui [06:50:46] un5redictable issued server command: /tppos -2500 60 2344 [06:50:48] tyrik75 issued server command: /warp portal [06:50:50] tyrik75 issued server command: /we cui [06:50:56] un5redictable issued server command: /tppos -2500 60 -2344 [06:51:01] tyrik75 issued server command: /we cui [06:51:04] tyrik75 issued server command: /warp portal [06:51:05] tyrik75 issued server command: /we cui [06:51:23] tyrik75 issued server command: /we cui [06:53:17] [G] un5redictable: !Какой то баг сделали после вайпа [06:53:28] [G] un5redictable: !Мобы не померают в лаве, так же утро не убивает их [06:53:32] [G] un5redictable: !Странно [06:53:51] [G] SimpleMimpl: !+ [06:54:48] un5redictable issued server command: /home [06:54:52] un5redictable issued server command: /we cui [06:55:20] un5redictable issued server command: /back [06:55:20] [L] un5redictable: .ифсл [06:55:24] un5redictable issued server command: /we cui [06:55:30] un5redictable issued server command: /spawn [06:55:34] un5redictable issued server command: /we cui [06:55:49] un5redictable issued server command: /back [06:55:53] un5redictable issued server command: /we cui [06:58:08] kajiit issued server command: /home [06:58:33] un5redictable issued server command: /zwand [06:59:01] un5redictable issued server command: /zset 112 [06:59:16] un5redictable issued server command: /zset 112 [06:59:27] un5redictable issued server command: /zset 112 [06:59:49] un5redictable issued server command: /zset 112 [07:00:04] un5redictable issued server command: /zset 112 [07:00:26] un5redictable issued server command: /zset 112 [07:00:32] bumhik зашёл [07:00:37] un5redictable issued server command: /zset 112 [07:00:44] bumhik issued server command: /we cui [07:00:44] un5redictable issued server command: /zset 112 [07:00:51] kajiit issued server command: /randomtp [07:00:51] kajiit issued server command: /rtp [07:00:56] un5redictable issued server command: /zset 112 [07:01:22] un5redictable issued server command: /zset 112 [07:01:40] un5redictable issued server command: /zset 112 [07:01:57] kajiit issued server command: /randomtp [07:01:57] kajiit issued server command: /rtp [07:02:46] un5redictable issued server command: /zset 112 [07:02:54] tyrik75 умер (LAVA) [07:02:56] un5redictable issued server command: /zset 112 [07:02:59] tyrik75 issued server command: /we cui [07:03:06] un5redictable issued server command: /zset 112 [07:03:22] un5redictable issued server command: /zset 112 [07:03:37] un5redictable issued server command: /zset 112 [07:03:44] kajiit issued server command: /home [07:03:47] un5redictable issued server command: /zset 112 [07:03:53] un5redictable issued server command: /zset 112 [07:03:59] un5redictable issued server command: /zset 112 [07:04:08] un5redictable issued server command: /zset 112 [07:04:15] un5redictable issued server command: /heal [07:04:32] kajiit issued server command: /randomtp [07:04:32] kajiit issued server command: /rtp [07:05:46] kajiit issued server command: /randomtp [07:05:46] kajiit issued server command: /rtp [07:06:15] kajiit был кикнут [07:06:15] kajiit вышел [07:06:15] SimpleMimpl был кикнут [07:06:15] SimpleMimpl вышел [07:06:15] un5redictable был кикнут [07:06:15] un5redictable вышел [07:06:15] bumhik был кикнут [07:06:15] bumhik вышел [07:06:15] tyrik75 был кикнут [07:06:15] tyrik75 вышел [07:06:19] Сервер выключился [07:06:55] Сервер включился [07:07:13] SimpleMimpl зашёл [07:07:16] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /we cui [07:07:24] kajiit зашёл [07:07:25] kajiit issued server command: /we cui [07:07:36] kajiit issued server command: /randomtp [07:07:36] kajiit issued server command: /rtp [07:08:30] bumhik зашёл [07:08:33] bumhik issued server command: /we cui [07:08:45] kajiit issued server command: /randomtp [07:08:45] kajiit issued server command: /rtp [07:08:48] bumhik issued server command: /warp shop [07:08:50] bumhik issued server command: /we cui [07:09:02] bumhik issued server command: /money [07:09:19] un5redictable зашёл [07:09:24] un5redictable issued server command: /we cui [07:09:29] kajiit issued server command: /randomtp [07:09:29] kajiit issued server command: /rtp [07:09:53] kajiit вышел [07:10:32] bumhik issued server command: /home [07:10:35] bumhik issued server command: /we cui [07:11:20] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /warp ad [07:11:23] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /we cui [07:11:27] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /fly [07:11:28] [L] SimpleMimpl: .адн [07:11:52] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /spawn [07:11:52] [L] SimpleMimpl: .ызфцт [07:11:56] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /we cui [07:12:24] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /home [07:12:24] [L] SimpleMimpl: .рщьу [07:12:27] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /we cui [07:12:36] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /rpt [07:12:36] [L] SimpleMimpl: .кзе [07:12:38] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /randomtp [07:12:38] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /rtp [07:12:38] [L] SimpleMimpl: .кез [07:12:42] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /fly [07:12:42] [L] SimpleMimpl: .адн [07:13:06] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /home [07:13:06] [L] SimpleMimpl: .рщьу [07:15:16] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /setwarp home [07:15:19] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /setwarp [07:15:21] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /warp [07:15:27] bumhik issued server command: /kit [07:15:30] [L] SimpleMimpl: как создать варп [07:15:33] [G] SimpleMimpl: !Как варп создать? [07:15:36] bumhik issued server command: /kit [07:15:40] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /warp create home [07:15:43] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /money [07:15:55] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /warp private home [07:15:58] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /money [07:16:08] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /money top [07:19:33] bumhik issued server command: /randomtp [07:19:33] bumhik issued server command: /rtp [07:21:11] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /endershect [07:21:14] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /enderchest [07:21:36] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /randomtp [07:21:36] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /rtp [07:22:28] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /home [07:22:45] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /enderchest [07:22:48] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /randomtp [07:22:48] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /rtp [07:23:10] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /randomtp [07:23:10] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /rtp [07:23:16] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /randomtp [07:23:16] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /rtp [07:24:41] bumhik issued server command: /home [07:24:42] un5redictable issued server command: /home [07:24:46] un5redictable issued server command: /we cui [07:25:26] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /randomtp [07:25:26] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /rtp [07:25:30] un5redictable issued server command: /endersee [07:25:39] un5redictable issued server command: /warp quest [07:25:43] un5redictable issued server command: /we cui [07:25:43] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /randomtp [07:25:43] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /rtp [07:26:06] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /randomtp [07:26:06] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /rtp [07:26:39] un5redictable issued server command: /home [07:26:43] un5redictable issued server command: /we cui [07:27:02] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /randomtp [07:27:02] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /rtp [07:27:57] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /randomtp [07:27:57] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /rtp [07:28:07] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /home [07:28:07] [L] SimpleMimpl: .рщьу [07:28:26] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /randomtp [07:28:26] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /rtp [07:28:26] [L] SimpleMimpl: .кез [07:28:31] bumhik issued server command: /randomtp [07:28:31] bumhik issued server command: /rtp [07:28:39] un5redictable issued server command: /warp end [07:28:42] un5redictable issued server command: /we cui [07:30:19] SimpleMimpl issued server command: //chunk [07:30:19] SimpleMimpl issued server command: //outset 16 [07:30:19] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /zone [07:30:26] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /rg claim witchery [07:30:35] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /rg flag witchery pvp deny [07:31:09] bumhik issued server command: /randomtp [07:31:09] bumhik issued server command: /rtp [07:31:10] un5redictable issued server command: /home [07:31:15] un5redictable issued server command: /we cui [07:31:28] un5redictable issued server command: /warp ad [07:31:32] un5redictable issued server command: /we cui [07:31:42] un5redictable issued server command: /tppos -2500 60 -2344 [07:31:48] un5redictable issued server command: /tppos -2500 50 -2344 [07:31:51] un5redictable issued server command: /tppos -2500 50 -2344 [07:31:53] un5redictable issued server command: /tppos -2500 50 2344 [07:33:00] SimpleMimpl issued server command: //sel [07:33:18] un5redictable issued server command: /home [07:33:22] un5redictable issued server command: /we cui [07:33:32] un5redictable issued server command: /back [07:33:36] un5redictable issued server command: /we cui [07:33:39] un5redictable issued server command: /spawn [07:33:42] un5redictable issued server command: /we cui [07:33:54] un5redictable issued server command: /back [07:33:59] un5redictable issued server command: /we cui [07:34:40] tyrik75 зашёл [07:34:41] un5redictable issued server command: /spawn [07:34:44] un5redictable issued server command: /we cui [07:34:49] tyrik75 issued server command: /we cui [07:34:58] un5redictable issued server command: /back [07:35:01] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /sethome [07:35:03] un5redictable issued server command: /we cui [07:35:03] tyrik75 issued server command: /home [07:35:07] un5redictable issued server command: /tppos 2500 50 2344 [07:35:32] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /warp list [07:35:35] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /warp home [07:35:46] un5redictable issued server command: /god [07:36:07] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /home [07:36:16] bumhik issued server command: /home [07:37:32] Jabuti зашёл [07:37:48] Jabuti issued server command: /we cui [07:37:54] Jabuti issued server command: /home [07:39:36] tyrik75 вышел [07:39:56] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /home [07:39:58] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /warp home [07:39:58] [L] SimpleMimpl: .цфкз рщьу [07:40:12] [G] SimpleMimpl: !Куплю степло 2 стака [07:40:13] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /home [07:40:13] [L] SimpleMimpl: .рщьу [07:41:05] Jabuti issued server command: /home [07:41:32] un5redictable issued server command: /home [07:41:37] un5redictable issued server command: /we cui [07:42:04] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /enderchest [07:42:04] [L] SimpleMimpl: .утвуксруые [07:42:48] un5redictable issued server command: /warp end [07:42:52] un5redictable issued server command: /we cui [07:43:10] un5redictable issued server command: /tppos 10000 70 10000 [07:43:16] un5redictable issued server command: /tppos 10000 70 10000 [07:43:18] un5redictable issued server command: /back [07:43:20] un5redictable issued server command: /warp end [07:43:27] un5redictable issued server command: /tppos 10000 70 -10000 [07:43:31] un5redictable issued server command: /tppos -10000 70 -10000 [07:43:36] un5redictable issued server command: /tppos -10000 70 5000 [07:43:41] un5redictable issued server command: /tppos 5000 70 5000 [07:43:44] un5redictable issued server command: /warp end [07:44:09] Jabuti issued server command: /warp end [07:44:10] Jabuti issued server command: /we cui [07:44:19] [L] Jabuti: слушай [07:44:29] [L] un5redictable: ? [07:44:43] [L] Jabuti: не поможешь пж с осколками края? а то вчера нивидемый моб убил и мой лук взорвался [07:44:52] [L] un5redictable: - [07:45:18] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /warp home [07:45:18] [L] SimpleMimpl: .цфкз рщьу [07:45:23] [L] Jabuti: а откуда у тебя уже такой сет [07:45:38] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /home [07:45:38] [L] SimpleMimpl: .рщьу [07:45:40] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /kit start [07:45:49] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /warp home [07:45:49] [L] SimpleMimpl: .цфкз рщьу [07:45:55] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /home [07:45:55] [L] SimpleMimpl: .рщьу [07:46:50] yaroxa_kosolapy зашёл [07:47:09] yaroxa_kosolapy issued server command: /we cui [07:47:56] un5redictable issued server command: /home [07:48:00] un5redictable issued server command: /we cui [07:48:05] bumhik issued server command: /home [07:48:29] un5redictable issued server command: /warp ad [07:48:34] un5redictable issued server command: /we cui [07:48:41] un5redictable issued server command: /tppos -2500 50 2344 [07:48:56] un5redictable issued server command: /tppos 2500 50 2344 [07:49:07] un5redictable issued server command: /tppos -2500 50 -2344 [07:50:30] un5redictable issued server command: /home [07:50:33] un5redictable issued server command: /we cui [07:51:18] un5redictable issued server command: /spawn [07:51:23] un5redictable issued server command: /we cui [07:51:36] un5redictable issued server command: /home [07:51:40] un5redictable issued server command: /we cui [07:51:53] Jabuti issued server command: /warp end [07:51:55] yaroxa_kosolapy issued server command: /randomtp [07:51:55] yaroxa_kosolapy issued server command: /rtp [07:52:00] un5redictable issued server command: /spawn [07:52:05] un5redictable issued server command: /we cui [07:52:07] yaroxa_kosolapy issued server command: /warp mining [07:52:09] yaroxa_kosolapy issued server command: /we cui [07:52:18] yaroxa_kosolapy issued server command: /randomtp [07:52:18] yaroxa_kosolapy issued server command: /rtp [07:52:21] un5redictable issued server command: /money [07:52:24] un5redictable issued server command: /ekit top [07:52:28] yaroxa_kosolapy issued server command: /randomtp [07:52:28] yaroxa_kosolapy issued server command: /rtp [07:52:36] un5redictable issued server command: /home [07:52:39] un5redictable issued server command: /we cui [07:52:51] Zmeeust зашёл [07:53:23] Zmeeust issued server command: /we cui [07:53:29] yaroxa_kosolapy issued server command: /home [07:53:31] yaroxa_kosolapy issued server command: /we cui [07:53:34] Zmeeust issued server command: /rg sel [07:53:39] Zmeeust issued server command: /home [07:53:40] Jabuti issued server command: /kit eat [07:53:41] Zmeeust issued server command: /rg sel [07:54:21] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /tpahere yaroxa_kosolapy [07:54:29] yaroxa_kosolapy issued server command: /tpahere bumhik [07:54:31] Zmeeust issued server command: //sel [07:54:37] Zmeeust issued server command: /playtimetop [07:54:39] yaroxa_kosolapy issued server command: /tpaccept [07:54:42] [G] bumhik: ! yaroxa_kosolapy ??? [07:54:47] Zmeeust issued server command: /playtimetop clear [07:54:49] Zmeeust issued server command: /playtime [07:54:59] Zmeeust issued server command: /warp world [07:55:02] Zmeeust issued server command: /warp mining [07:55:06] Zmeeust issued server command: /we cui [07:55:11] Zmeeust issued server command: /randomtp [07:55:11] Zmeeust issued server command: /rtp [07:55:20] [L] SimpleMimpl: че ты ту броню не надел [07:55:21] bumhik issued server command: /god [07:55:23] bumhik issued server command: /god [07:55:47] yaroxa_kosolapy issued server command: /home [07:56:05] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /home invite yaroxa_kosolapy [07:56:10] bumhik issued server command: /tp yaroxa_kosolapy [07:56:11] un5redictable вышел [07:56:15] [L] bumhik: ? [07:56:22] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /warp home [07:56:35] yaroxa_kosolapy issued server command: /m bumhik случайно [07:56:54] [L] SimpleMimpl: чо надо [07:57:02] Jabuti issued server command: /warp end [07:57:07] [L] bumhik: не чего [07:57:10] bumhik issued server command: /home [07:57:13] [L] SimpleMimpl: ну чучуть кыш [07:58:20] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /home [07:58:20] [L] SimpleMimpl: .рщьу [07:58:50] bumhik issued server command: /warp forest [07:58:57] bumhik issued server command: /we cui [07:59:06] bumhik issued server command: /we cui [07:59:11] bumhik issued server command: /warp forest [07:59:13] bumhik issued server command: /we cui [07:59:20] bumhik issued server command: /we cui [07:59:35] bumhik issued server command: /home [07:59:36] bumhik issued server command: /we cui [07:59:48] bumhik issued server command: /warp forest [07:59:50] bumhik issued server command: /we cui [07:59:56] bumhik issued server command: /we cui [08:00:40] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /private info [08:00:41] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /info [08:00:44] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /rg info [08:00:58] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /warp home [08:01:10] un5redictable зашёл [08:01:14] [L] SimpleMimpl: гусь [08:01:16] un5redictable issued server command: /we cui [08:01:17] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /home [08:01:17] [L] SimpleMimpl: .рщьу [08:01:26] un5redictable issued server command: /god [08:01:28] un5redictable issued server command: /god [08:01:33] un5redictable issued server command: /warp ad [08:01:38] un5redictable issued server command: /we cui [08:01:40] un5redictable issued server command: /tppos -2500 50 -2344 [08:02:09] un5redictable вышел [08:02:19] un5redictable зашёл [08:02:24] un5redictable issued server command: /we cui [08:03:01] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /warp home [08:03:01] [L] SimpleMimpl: .цфкз рщьу [08:03:03] un5redictable issued server command: /home [08:03:06] un5redictable issued server command: /we cui [08:03:17] [L] SimpleMimpl: молодец [08:03:19] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /home [08:03:19] [L] SimpleMimpl: .рщьу [08:03:56] Zmeeust issued server command: /mpcaseshop [08:04:19] [G] Zmeeust: !Как посмотреть границу чанков? [08:04:59] Zmeeust issued server command: //sel [08:06:09] Zmeeust issued server command: /home [08:06:22] Zmeeust issued server command: /we cui [08:06:27] Zmeeust вышел [08:07:04] un5redictable issued server command: /home [08:07:18] un5redictable issued server command: /we cui [08:07:51] bumhik issued server command: /home [08:07:53] bumhik issued server command: /we cui [08:08:43] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /kit eat [08:08:48] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /warp home [08:08:48] [L] SimpleMimpl: .цфкз рщьу [08:09:01] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /kit [08:09:01] [L] SimpleMimpl: .лше [08:09:06] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /kit [08:09:06] [L] SimpleMimpl: .лше [08:09:32] [L] SimpleMimpl: донт тач [08:09:41] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /home [08:09:41] [L] SimpleMimpl: .рщьу [08:10:44] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /warp home [08:10:44] [L] SimpleMimpl: .цфкз рщьу [08:10:46] [L] SimpleMimpl: Ясик [08:10:48] [L] SimpleMimpl: тяпку роста дай [08:10:55] [L] SimpleMimpl: слыш [08:10:56] un5redictable issued server command: /home [08:11:01] un5redictable issued server command: /we cui [08:11:31] yaroxa_kosolapy issued server command: /warp end [08:11:33] yaroxa_kosolapy issued server command: /we cui [08:12:01] un5redictable issued server command: /warp shop [08:12:04] un5redictable issued server command: /we cui [08:13:05] Jabuti issued server command: /mpcaseshop [08:13:08] AYLIEXEC зашёл [08:13:08] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /tpa yaroxa_kosolapy [08:13:09] un5redictable issued server command: /home [08:13:14] un5redictable issued server command: /we cui [08:13:16] yaroxa_kosolapy issued server command: /tpaccept [08:13:18] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /we cui [08:13:20] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /we cui [08:13:25] [L] SimpleMimpl: вот ты дурак [08:13:27] [L] SimpleMimpl: тебя убьют тут [08:13:29] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /home [08:13:33] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /fly [08:13:33] [L] SimpleMimpl: .адн [08:14:02] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /call Jabuti [08:14:05] Jabuti issued server command: /tpaccept [08:14:06] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /we cui [08:14:07] [L] SimpleMimpl: ))) [08:14:38] [L] SimpleMimpl: ы [08:14:40] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /home [08:14:40] [L] SimpleMimpl: .рщьу [08:14:42] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /we cui [08:14:48] un5redictable issued server command: /we cui [08:15:25] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /fly [08:15:25] [L] SimpleMimpl: .адн [08:16:18] yaroxa_kosolapy умер (ENTITY_ATTACK) [08:16:22] yaroxa_kosolapy issued server command: /we cui [08:16:51] yaroxa_kosolapy issued server command: /warp end [08:16:53] yaroxa_kosolapy issued server command: /we cui [08:17:02] un5redictable issued server command: /home [08:17:07] un5redictable issued server command: /we cui [08:17:39] SimpleMimpl issued server command: //chunk [08:17:39] SimpleMimpl issued server command: //outset 16 [08:17:39] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /zone [08:18:08] SimpleMimpl issued server command: //sel [08:18:42] yaroxa_kosolapy issued server command: /money [08:18:46] yaroxa_kosolapy issued server command: /warp shop [08:18:47] yaroxa_kosolapy issued server command: /we cui [08:18:53] bumhik issued server command: /randomtp [08:18:53] bumhik issued server command: /rtp [08:19:16] un5redictable issued server command: /we cui [08:20:30] yaroxa_kosolapy issued server command: /home [08:20:32] yaroxa_kosolapy issued server command: /we cui [08:21:57] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /home [08:21:59] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /we cui [08:22:16] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /warp end [08:22:17] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /we cui [08:23:46] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /randomtp [08:23:46] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /rtp [08:23:46] [L] SimpleMimpl: .кез [08:24:02] yaroxa_kosolapy issued server command: /money [08:24:19] Jabuti issued server command: /home [08:24:19] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /home [08:24:20] Jabuti issued server command: /we cui [08:24:21] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /we cui [08:24:23] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /randomtp [08:24:23] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /rtp [08:24:23] [L] SimpleMimpl: .кез [08:24:26] un5redictable issued server command: /home [08:24:29] un5redictable issued server command: /we cui [08:24:39] yaroxa_kosolapy issued server command: /warp ad [08:24:41] yaroxa_kosolapy issued server command: /we cui [08:25:03] Jabuti issued server command: /warp end [08:25:04] Jabuti issued server command: /we cui [08:25:05] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /warp end [08:25:06] Jabuti issued server command: /kit eat [08:25:06] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /we cui [08:25:27] un5redictable issued server command: /randomtp [08:25:27] un5redictable issued server command: /rtp [08:25:37] yaroxa_kosolapy issued server command: /money [08:25:56] Jabuti issued server command: /warp end [08:25:57] bumhik issued server command: /home [08:26:10] un5redictable issued server command: /home [08:26:22] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /home [08:26:22] [L] SimpleMimpl: .рщьу [08:26:28] un5redictable issued server command: /warp ad [08:26:31] [L] bumhik: rg info [08:26:32] un5redictable issued server command: /we cui [08:26:34] un5redictable issued server command: /tppos -2500 50 -2344 [08:26:35] Jabuti issued server command: /warp end [08:26:36] bumhik issued server command: /rg info [08:26:40] un5redictable issued server command: /home [08:26:41] yaroxa_kosolapy issued server command: /warp shop [08:26:43] yaroxa_kosolapy issued server command: /we cui [08:26:44] un5redictable issued server command: /we cui [08:26:53] un5redictable issued server command: /spawn [08:26:57] un5redictable issued server command: /we cui [08:27:11] un5redictable issued server command: /warp ad [08:27:15] un5redictable issued server command: /we cui [08:27:19] un5redictable issued server command: /tppos -2500 50 -2344 [08:28:15] un5redictable issued server command: /spawn [08:28:18] un5redictable issued server command: /we cui [08:28:33] un5redictable issued server command: /back [08:28:33] [L] un5redictable: .ифсл [08:28:37] un5redictable issued server command: /we cui [08:29:06] un5redictable issued server command: /home [08:29:10] un5redictable issued server command: /we cui [08:29:13] yaroxa_kosolapy issued server command: /money [08:29:24] yaroxa_kosolapy issued server command: /warp ad [08:29:26] yaroxa_kosolapy issued server command: /we cui [08:29:43] Jabuti issued server command: /warp end [08:30:49] TexasMen зашёл [08:31:17] bumhik issued server command: /vanish [08:31:21] bumhik issued server command: /tp AYLIEXEC [08:31:23] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /warp ad [08:31:23] bumhik issued server command: /we cui [08:31:26] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /we cui [08:31:31] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /fly [08:31:31] [L] SimpleMimpl: .адн [08:31:39] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /home [08:31:39] [L] SimpleMimpl: .рщьу [08:31:42] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /we cui [08:31:51] TexasMen issued server command: /we cui [08:31:54] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /warp home [08:31:54] [L] SimpleMimpl: .цфкз рщьу [08:32:14] TexasMen issued server command: /fly [08:32:20] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /fly [08:32:20] [L] SimpleMimpl: .адн [08:32:33] bumhik issued server command: /tp Jabuti [08:32:33] Jabuti issued server command: /warp end [08:32:42] bumhik issued server command: /tp SimpleMimpl [08:32:45] bumhik issued server command: /we cui [08:33:00] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /home [08:33:00] [L] SimpleMimpl: .рщьу [08:33:13] bumhik issued server command: /tp TexasMen [08:33:15] bumhik issued server command: /we cui [08:33:26] bumhik issued server command: /tp un5redictable [08:33:28] bumhik issued server command: /we cui [08:34:07] bumhik issued server command: /tp un5redictable [08:34:16] un5redictable issued server command: /home [08:34:26] bumhik issued server command: /home [08:34:39] un5redictable issued server command: /we cui [08:34:40] Jabuti issued server command: /home [08:34:41] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /home [08:34:42] Jabuti issued server command: /we cui [08:34:42] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /we cui [08:35:48] Jabuti issued server command: /home [08:35:51] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /home [08:36:01] SimpleMimpl issued server command: //chunk [08:36:01] SimpleMimpl issued server command: //outset 16 [08:36:01] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /zone [08:36:27] SimpleMimpl issued server command: //sel [08:37:35] Jabuti issued server command: /home [08:37:39] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /home [08:38:41] un5redictable issued server command: /home [08:38:46] un5redictable issued server command: /we cui [08:39:09] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /warp ad [08:39:12] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /we cui [08:39:15] [L] SimpleMimpl: а.дн [08:39:17] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /fly [08:39:23] un5redictable issued server command: /we cui [08:39:28] Jabuti issued server command: /we cui [08:39:31] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /home [08:39:31] [L] SimpleMimpl: .рщьу [08:39:32] TexasMen issued server command: /home [08:39:33] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /we cui [08:39:37] TexasMen issued server command: /we cui [08:39:40] [L] SimpleMimpl: адн [08:39:42] [L] SimpleMimpl: адн [08:39:44] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /fly [08:39:44] [L] SimpleMimpl: .адн [08:39:52] yaroxa_kosolapy issued server command: /randomtp [08:39:52] yaroxa_kosolapy issued server command: /rtp [08:39:59] un5redictable issued server command: /home [08:40:03] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /warp home [08:40:03] [L] SimpleMimpl: .цфкз рщьу [08:40:03] un5redictable issued server command: /we cui [08:40:10] un5redictable issued server command: /back [08:40:14] un5redictable issued server command: /we cui [08:40:25] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /home [08:40:25] [L] SimpleMimpl: .рщьу [08:41:39] SimpleMimpl issued server command: //chunk [08:41:39] SimpleMimpl issued server command: //outset 16 [08:41:39] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /zone [08:43:17] un5redictable issued server command: /home [08:43:22] un5redictable issued server command: /we cui [08:44:09] un5redictable issued server command: /we cui [08:44:23] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /call Jabuti [08:44:28] Jabuti issued server command: /tpaccept [08:44:36] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /we cui [08:47:30] yaroxa_kosolapy issued server command: /home [08:47:32] yaroxa_kosolapy issued server command: /we cui [08:47:34] bumhik вышел [08:47:46] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /call Jabuti [08:48:41] Jabuti issued server command: /playtime [08:48:52] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /ekit top [08:48:58] Jabuti issued server command: /home [08:48:59] Jabuti issued server command: /we cui [08:49:01] Jabuti issued server command: /playtime [08:49:22] Jabuti issued server command: /we cui [08:49:45] un5redictable issued server command: /home [08:49:49] un5redictable issued server command: /we cui [08:54:35] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /home [08:54:36] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /we cui [08:54:43] Jabuti issued server command: /home [08:54:44] Jabuti issued server command: /we cui [08:55:35] un5redictable issued server command: /warp ad [08:55:40] un5redictable issued server command: /we cui [08:55:45] un5redictable issued server command: /tppos -2500 50 -2344 [08:55:47] Jabuti issued server command: /home [08:56:49] TexasMen issued server command: /cart all [08:57:00] TexasMen issued server command: /fly [08:57:06] TexasMen issued server command: /cart all [08:57:12] TexasMen issued server command: /mpcaseshop [08:57:15] Jabuti issued server command: /randomtp [08:57:15] Jabuti issued server command: /rtp [08:57:17] TexasMen issued server command: /mpcaseview 74 [08:57:20] TexasMen issued server command: /rollcase 74 [08:57:29] Jabuti issued server command: /randomtp [08:57:29] Jabuti issued server command: /rtp [08:57:31] TexasMen issued server command: /mpcaseview 74 [08:57:31] Jabuti issued server command: /home [08:57:33] TexasMen issued server command: /rollcase 74 [08:57:44] TexasMen issued server command: /mpcaseview 74 [08:57:46] TexasMen issued server command: /rollcase 74 [08:57:56] Jabuti issued server command: /randomtp [08:57:56] Jabuti issued server command: /rtp [08:58:02] TexasMen issued server command: /mpcaseview 74 [08:58:03] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /randomtp [08:58:03] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /rtp [08:58:04] TexasMen issued server command: /rollcase 74 [08:58:09] Jabuti issued server command: /call AYLIEXEC [08:58:12] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /tpaccept [08:58:15] TexasMen issued server command: /mpcaseview 74 [08:58:17] TexasMen issued server command: /rollcase 74 [08:58:28] TexasMen issued server command: /mpcaseview 74 [08:58:31] TexasMen issued server command: /rollcase 74 [08:58:33] [G] SimpleMimpl: !)) [08:58:44] TexasMen issued server command: /mpcaseview 74 [08:58:46] TexasMen issued server command: /rollcase 74 [08:58:47] [G] SimpleMimpl: !ух) [08:58:58] TexasMen issued server command: /mpcaseview 74 [08:58:59] TexasMen issued server command: /rollcase 74 [08:59:11] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /warp ad [08:59:11] TexasMen issued server command: /mpcaseview 74 [08:59:13] TexasMen issued server command: /rollcase 74 [08:59:13] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /we cui [08:59:17] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /fly [08:59:17] [L] SimpleMimpl: .адн [08:59:24] TexasMen issued server command: /mpcaseview 74 [08:59:25] TexasMen issued server command: /rollcase 74 [08:59:30] un5redictable issued server command: /home [08:59:34] un5redictable issued server command: /we cui [08:59:35] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /home [08:59:35] [L] SimpleMimpl: .рщьу [08:59:37] TexasMen issued server command: /mpcaseview 74 [08:59:38] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /we cui [08:59:39] TexasMen issued server command: /rollcase 74 [08:59:39] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /home [08:59:40] SimpleMimpl issued server command: //sel [08:59:48] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /warp home [08:59:48] [L] SimpleMimpl: .цфкз рщьу [08:59:50] TexasMen issued server command: /mpcaseview 74 [08:59:52] TexasMen issued server command: /rollcase 74 [08:59:52] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /home [08:59:52] [L] SimpleMimpl: .рщьу [09:00:04] TexasMen issued server command: /mpcaseview 74 [09:00:04] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /warp ad [09:00:06] TexasMen issued server command: /rollcase 74 [09:00:08] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /we cui [09:00:14] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /m TexasMen дай 1 книгу Техас) [09:00:16] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /fly [09:00:16] [L] SimpleMimpl: .адн [09:00:19] TexasMen issued server command: /mpcaseview 74 [09:00:22] TexasMen issued server command: /rollcase 74 [09:00:33] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /home [09:00:33] [L] SimpleMimpl: .рщьу [09:00:36] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /we cui [09:00:36] TexasMen issued server command: /mpcaseview 74 [09:00:38] TexasMen issued server command: /rollcase 74 [09:00:51] TexasMen issued server command: /mpcaseview 74 [09:00:54] TexasMen issued server command: /rollcase 74 [09:00:56] un5redictable issued server command: /home [09:00:57] un5redictable issued server command: /spawn [09:01:00] un5redictable issued server command: /we cui [09:01:05] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /call Jabuti [09:01:06] TexasMen issued server command: /mpcaseview 74 [09:01:08] TexasMen issued server command: /rollcase 74 [09:01:10] Jabuti issued server command: /home [09:01:10] un5redictable issued server command: /warp ad [09:01:15] un5redictable issued server command: /we cui [09:01:16] un5redictable issued server command: /tppos -2500 50 -2344 [09:01:22] TexasMen issued server command: /mpcaseview 74 [09:01:24] TexasMen issued server command: /rollcase 74 [09:01:32] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /mpcaseshop [09:01:38] TexasMen issued server command: /mpcaseview 74 [09:01:40] TexasMen issued server command: /rollcase 74 [09:01:41] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /mpcaseview 74 [09:01:46] un5redictable issued server command: /home [09:01:48] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /mpcaseshop [09:01:49] un5redictable issued server command: /we cui [09:01:49] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /mpcaseview 72 [09:01:52] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /mpcaseshop [09:01:53] TexasMen issued server command: /mpcaseview 74 [09:01:54] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /mpcaseview 76 [09:01:54] TexasMen issued server command: /rollcase 74 [09:01:55] un5redictable issued server command: /back [09:01:55] [L] un5redictable: .ифсл [09:02:00] un5redictable issued server command: /we cui [09:02:03] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /mpcaseshop [09:02:05] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /mpcaseview 71 [09:02:08] TexasMen issued server command: /mpcaseview 74 [09:02:09] TexasMen issued server command: /mpcaseshop [09:02:21] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /mpcaseshop [09:02:22] un5redictable issued server command: /spawn [09:02:25] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /mpcaseview 70 [09:02:26] un5redictable issued server command: /we cui [09:02:29] TexasMen issued server command: /m SimpleMimpl ты знаешь ее стоймость? [09:02:35] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /m TexasMen неа -ахаха) [09:02:36] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /money [09:02:39] un5redictable issued server command: /back [09:02:43] un5redictable issued server command: /we cui [09:02:53] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /fly [09:02:53] [L] SimpleMimpl: .адн [09:02:54] TexasMen issued server command: /m SimpleMimpl 1000) [09:03:01] Jabuti issued server command: /we cui [09:03:02] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /we cui [09:03:06] TexasMen issued server command: /m SimpleMimpl на спавне посмотри [09:03:09] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /home [09:03:09] [L] SimpleMimpl: .рщьу [09:03:11] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /home [09:03:11] Jabuti issued server command: /home [09:03:13] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /we cui [09:03:13] Jabuti issued server command: /we cui [09:03:40] un5redictable issued server command: /back [09:03:44] un5redictable issued server command: /we cui [09:03:45] Jabuti issued server command: /we cui [09:03:52] un5redictable issued server command: /home [09:03:56] un5redictable issued server command: /we cui [09:04:08] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /we cui [09:04:21] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /home [09:04:21] [L] SimpleMimpl: .рщьу [09:06:13] yaroxa_kosolapy issued server command: /warp end [09:06:15] yaroxa_kosolapy issued server command: /we cui [09:08:06] TexasMen issued server command: /mpcaseshop [09:08:17] yaroxa_kosolapy issued server command: /home [09:08:19] yaroxa_kosolapy issued server command: /we cui [09:08:44] un5redictable issued server command: /warp ad [09:08:47] un5redictable issued server command: /we cui [09:08:50] un5redictable issued server command: /tppos -2500 50 -2344 [09:09:05] yaroxa_kosolapy issued server command: /warp end [09:09:07] yaroxa_kosolapy issued server command: /we cui [09:09:24] yaroxa_kosolapy умер (ENTITY_ATTACK) [09:09:29] yaroxa_kosolapy issued server command: /we cui [09:09:31] SHIZAFRENIAA зашёл [09:09:32] TexasMen issued server command: /mpcaseshop [09:09:33] yaroxa_kosolapy issued server command: /warp end [09:09:35] TexasMen issued server command: /mpcaseview 75 [09:09:35] yaroxa_kosolapy issued server command: /we cui [09:09:38] TexasMen issued server command: /rollcase 75 [09:09:44] SHIZAFRENIAA issued server command: /we cui [09:09:49] TexasMen issued server command: /mpcaseview 75 [09:09:50] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /home [09:09:51] TexasMen issued server command: /rollcase 75 [09:09:51] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /we cui [09:09:52] Jabuti issued server command: /home [09:09:54] Jabuti issued server command: /we cui [09:10:02] TexasMen issued server command: /mpcaseview 75 [09:10:04] TexasMen issued server command: /rollcase 75 [09:10:13] SHIZAFRENIAA issued server command: /eat [09:10:14] TexasMen issued server command: /mpcaseview 75 [09:10:17] TexasMen issued server command: /rollcase 75 [09:10:28] TexasMen issued server command: /mpcaseview 75 [09:10:29] TexasMen issued server command: /rollcase 75 [09:10:40] TexasMen issued server command: /mpcaseview 75 [09:10:42] TexasMen issued server command: /mpcaseshop [09:10:45] TexasMen issued server command: /mpcaseview 70 [09:10:46] TexasMen issued server command: /rollcase 70 [09:10:58] TexasMen issued server command: /mpcaseview 70 [09:11:00] TexasMen issued server command: /rollcase 70 [09:11:12] TexasMen issued server command: /mpcaseview 70 [09:11:13] TexasMen issued server command: /rollcase 70 [09:11:18] Jabuti issued server command: /randomtp [09:11:18] Jabuti issued server command: /rtp [09:11:19] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /randomtp [09:11:19] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /rtp [09:11:24] TexasMen issued server command: /mpcaseview 70 [09:11:26] TexasMen issued server command: /rollcase 70 [09:11:37] TexasMen issued server command: /mpcaseview 70 [09:11:39] TexasMen issued server command: /rollcase 70 [09:11:50] TexasMen issued server command: /mpcaseview 70 [09:11:52] TexasMen issued server command: /rollcase 70 [09:11:57] SHIZAFRENIAA issued server command: /mpcaseshop [09:12:01] SHIZAFRENIAA issued server command: /mpcaseview 74 [09:12:03] SHIZAFRENIAA issued server command: /rollcase 74 [09:12:04] TexasMen issued server command: /mpcaseview 70 [09:12:06] TexasMen issued server command: /rollcase 70 [09:12:17] TexasMen issued server command: /mpcaseview 70 [09:12:18] SHIZAFRENIAA issued server command: /eat [09:12:19] TexasMen issued server command: /rollcase 70 [09:12:20] SHIZAFRENIAA issued server command: /mpcaseshop [09:12:22] SHIZAFRENIAA issued server command: /mpcaseview 72 [09:12:23] SHIZAFRENIAA issued server command: /rollcase 72 [09:12:32] TexasMen issued server command: /mpcaseview 70 [09:12:34] TexasMen issued server command: /rollcase 70 [09:12:37] SHIZAFRENIAA issued server command: /mpcaseview 72 [09:12:38] SHIZAFRENIAA issued server command: /rollcase 72 [09:12:45] TexasMen issued server command: /mpcaseview 70 [09:12:50] SHIZAFRENIAA issued server command: /mpcaseview 72 [09:12:51] SHIZAFRENIAA issued server command: /rollcase 72 [09:13:01] Jabuti issued server command: /call AYLIEXEC [09:13:02] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /tpaccept [09:13:04] SHIZAFRENIAA issued server command: /mpcaseview 72 [09:13:06] SHIZAFRENIAA issued server command: /rollcase 72 [09:13:19] SHIZAFRENIAA issued server command: /mpcaseview 72 [09:13:21] SHIZAFRENIAA issued server command: /rollcase 72 [09:13:34] SHIZAFRENIAA issued server command: /mpcaseview 72 [09:13:35] SHIZAFRENIAA issued server command: /rollcase 72 [09:13:49] TexasMen issued server command: /mpcaseshop [09:13:50] SHIZAFRENIAA issued server command: /mpcaseview 72 [09:13:51] SHIZAFRENIAA issued server command: /rollcase 72 [09:13:52] TexasMen issued server command: /mpcaseview 70 [09:13:54] TexasMen issued server command: /rollcase 70 [09:14:05] SHIZAFRENIAA issued server command: /mpcaseview 72 [09:14:07] TexasMen issued server command: /mpcaseview 70 [09:14:08] TexasMen issued server command: /rollcase 70 [09:14:09] SHIZAFRENIAA issued server command: /eat [09:14:11] SHIZAFRENIAA issued server command: /warp shop [09:14:12] Jabuti issued server command: /randomtp [09:14:12] Jabuti issued server command: /rtp [09:14:12] SHIZAFRENIAA issued server command: /we cui [09:14:19] TexasMen issued server command: /mpcaseview 70 [09:14:20] SHIZAFRENIAA issued server command: /home [09:14:22] TexasMen issued server command: /rollcase 70 [09:14:22] SHIZAFRENIAA issued server command: /we cui [09:14:25] Jabuti issued server command: /home [09:14:25] SHIZAFRENIAA issued server command: /mpcaseshop [09:14:26] yaroxa_kosolapy issued server command: /home [09:14:26] SHIZAFRENIAA issued server command: /mpcaseview 72 [09:14:27] SHIZAFRENIAA issued server command: /rollcase 72 [09:14:28] yaroxa_kosolapy issued server command: /we cui [09:14:33] TexasMen issued server command: /mpcaseview 70 [09:14:35] TexasMen issued server command: /rollcase 70 [09:14:38] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /warp home [09:14:38] [L] SimpleMimpl: .цфкз рщьу [09:14:40] SHIZAFRENIAA issued server command: /mpcaseview 72 [09:14:41] SHIZAFRENIAA issued server command: /rollcase 72 [09:14:41] [L] SimpleMimpl: о кабан [09:14:46] Jabuti issued server command: /home [09:14:50] TexasMen issued server command: /mpcaseview 70 [09:14:51] TexasMen issued server command: /rollcase 70 [09:14:53] SHIZAFRENIAA issued server command: /mpcaseview 72 [09:14:55] SHIZAFRENIAA issued server command: /rollcase 72 [09:15:01] yaroxa_kosolapy вышел [09:15:02] TexasMen issued server command: /mpcaseview 70 [09:15:04] TexasMen issued server command: /rollcase 70 [09:15:09] SHIZAFRENIAA issued server command: /mpcaseview 72 [09:15:10] SHIZAFRENIAA issued server command: /rollcase 72 [09:15:15] TexasMen issued server command: /mpcaseview 70 [09:15:17] TexasMen issued server command: /rollcase 70 [09:15:28] TexasMen issued server command: /mpcaseview 70 [09:15:30] TexasMen issued server command: /rollcase 70 [09:15:41] TexasMen issued server command: /mpcaseview 70 [09:15:43] TexasMen issued server command: /rollcase 70 [09:15:47] SHIZAFRENIAA issued server command: /warp shop [09:15:49] SHIZAFRENIAA issued server command: /we cui [09:15:54] TexasMen issued server command: /mpcaseview 70 [09:15:55] TexasMen issued server command: /rollcase 70 [09:16:01] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /warp bshop [09:16:02] un5redictable issued server command: /home [09:16:04] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /warp lit [09:16:05] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /warp list [09:16:06] un5redictable issued server command: /we cui [09:16:06] TexasMen issued server command: /mpcaseview 70 [09:16:08] TexasMen issued server command: /rollcase 70 [09:16:14] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /warp casin [09:16:16] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /we cui [09:16:19] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /home [09:16:19] TexasMen issued server command: /mpcaseview 70 [09:16:32] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /fly [09:16:37] Jabuti issued server command: /we cui [09:16:37] SHIZAFRENIAA issued server command: /home 1 [09:16:39] SHIZAFRENIAA issued server command: /we cui [09:16:47] SHIZAFRENIAA issued server command: /money [09:17:29] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /we cui [09:17:33] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /money [09:17:36] SHIZAFRENIAA issued server command: /voteday [09:17:39] SHIZAFRENIAA issued server command: /yes [09:17:40] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /yes [09:17:40] Jabuti issued server command: /yes [09:18:06] un5redictable issued server command: /yes [09:18:13] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /home [09:18:13] [L] SimpleMimpl: .рщьу [09:18:16] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /we cui [09:18:19] un5redictable issued server command: /warp ad [09:18:19] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /warp home [09:18:19] [L] SimpleMimpl: .цфкз рщьу [09:18:22] un5redictable issued server command: /we cui [09:18:25] un5redictable issued server command: /tppos -2500 50 -2344 [09:18:27] TexasMen issued server command: /mpcaseshop [09:18:29] TexasMen issued server command: /mpcaseview 72 [09:18:31] TexasMen issued server command: /rollcase 72 [09:18:44] TexasMen issued server command: /mpcaseview 72 [09:18:46] TexasMen issued server command: /rollcase 72 [09:18:57] TexasMen issued server command: /mpcaseview 72 [09:18:58] TexasMen issued server command: /rollcase 72 [09:19:04] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /fly [09:19:04] [L] SimpleMimpl: .адн [09:19:19] TexasMen issued server command: /mpcaseview 72 [09:19:21] TexasMen issued server command: /rollcase 72 [09:19:33] TexasMen issued server command: /mpcaseview 72 [09:19:35] TexasMen issued server command: /rollcase 72 [09:19:35] Jabuti issued server command: /mpcaseshop [09:19:48] TexasMen issued server command: /mpcaseview 72 [09:19:50] TexasMen issued server command: /rollcase 72 [09:20:18] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /warp home [09:20:18] [L] SimpleMimpl: .цфкз рщьу [09:20:23] TexasMen issued server command: /mpcaseview 72 [09:20:25] TexasMen issued server command: /rollcase 72 [09:20:37] TexasMen issued server command: /mpcaseview 72 [09:20:39] TexasMen issued server command: /rollcase 72 [09:20:50] TexasMen issued server command: /mpcaseview 72 [09:20:52] TexasMen issued server command: /rollcase 72 [09:20:53] SHIZAFRENIAA issued server command: /eat [09:21:04] TexasMen issued server command: /mpcaseview 72 [09:21:05] TexasMen issued server command: /rollcase 72 [09:21:16] TexasMen issued server command: /mpcaseview 72 [09:21:18] TexasMen issued server command: /rollcase 72 [09:21:31] TexasMen issued server command: /mpcaseview 72 [09:21:38] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /warp home [09:21:38] [L] SimpleMimpl: .цфкз рщьу [09:22:02] SimpleMimpl вышел [09:22:42] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /home [09:22:45] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /we cui [09:22:45] Jabuti issued server command: /home [09:22:47] Jabuti issued server command: /we cui [09:23:14] TexasMen issued server command: /mpcaseshop [09:23:16] TexasMen issued server command: /mpcaseview 72 [09:23:17] TexasMen issued server command: /rollcase 72 [09:23:20] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /randomtp [09:23:20] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /rtp [09:23:28] Jabuti issued server command: /call AYLIEXEC [09:23:29] TexasMen issued server command: /mpcaseview 72 [09:23:30] TexasMen issued server command: /rollcase 72 [09:23:30] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /tpaccept [09:23:37] un5redictable issued server command: /home [09:23:41] TexasMen issued server command: /mpcaseview 72 [09:23:41] un5redictable issued server command: /we cui [09:23:42] TexasMen issued server command: /rollcase 72 [09:23:53] TexasMen issued server command: /mpcaseview 72 [09:23:54] TexasMen issued server command: /rollcase 72 [09:24:07] TexasMen issued server command: /mpcaseview 72 [09:24:08] TexasMen issued server command: /rollcase 72 [09:24:20] TexasMen issued server command: /mpcaseview 72 [09:24:21] TexasMen issued server command: /rollcase 72 [09:24:32] TexasMen issued server command: /mpcaseview 72 [09:24:33] TexasMen issued server command: /rollcase 72 [09:24:44] TexasMen issued server command: /mpcaseview 72 [09:24:46] TexasMen issued server command: /rollcase 72 [09:24:57] TexasMen issued server command: /mpcaseview 72 [09:25:07] TexasMen issued server command: /rollcase 72 [09:25:19] TexasMen issued server command: /mpcaseview 72 [09:25:27] Jabuti issued server command: /home [09:25:51] Jabuti issued server command: /call AYLIEXEC [09:25:52] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /tpaccept [09:26:15] Jabuti issued server command: /home [09:26:24] Jabuti issued server command: /call AYLIEXEC [09:26:27] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /tpaccept [09:26:50] Jabuti issued server command: /call AYLIEXEC [09:26:52] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /tpaccept [09:26:56] TexasMen issued server command: /mpcaseshop [09:27:00] TexasMen issued server command: /mpcaseview 71 [09:27:04] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /home [09:27:04] Jabuti issued server command: /home [09:27:10] TexasMen issued server command: /rollcase 71 [09:27:38] TexasMen issued server command: /mpcaseview 71 [09:27:40] TexasMen issued server command: /rollcase 71 [09:28:13] TexasMen issued server command: /mpcaseview 71 [09:28:14] TexasMen issued server command: /rollcase 71 [09:28:16] Jabuti issued server command: /we cui [09:28:17] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /we cui [09:28:23] Jabuti issued server command: /we cui [09:28:26] TexasMen issued server command: /mpcaseview 71 [09:28:27] TexasMen issued server command: /rollcase 71 [09:28:31] Jabuti issued server command: /we cui [09:28:34] SHIZAFRENIAA issued server command: /mpcaseshop [09:28:36] SHIZAFRENIAA issued server command: /mpcaseview 71 [09:28:39] TexasMen issued server command: /mpcaseview 71 [09:28:56] [G] TexasMen: !ааа заче мне делюкс? [09:29:06] un5redictable issued server command: /list [09:29:22] [G] un5redictable: !Поверх мода дали делюкс?) [09:29:30] [G] TexasMen: !Да) [09:29:39] [G] un5redictable: !Нормуль (: [09:30:00] [G] TexasMen: !Зачем?? И что мне с ним делать? [09:32:05] SHIZAFRENIAA issued server command: /eat [09:33:38] TexasMen issued server command: /ender chest [09:33:48] un5redictable issued server command: /home [09:33:51] TexasMen issued server command: /ender chest [09:33:56] TexasMen issued server command: /ende chest [09:34:05] TexasMen issued server command: /enderchest [09:34:24] SHIZAFRENIAA issued server command: /eat [09:35:16] SHIZAFRENIAA issued server command: /voteday [09:35:19] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /yes [09:35:22] Jabuti issued server command: /yes [09:35:34] TexasMen issued server command: /yes [09:38:33] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /home [09:38:34] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /we cui [09:38:35] Jabuti issued server command: /home [09:38:37] Jabuti issued server command: /we cui [09:39:02] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /randomtp [09:39:02] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /rtp [09:39:15] Jabuti issued server command: /randomtp [09:39:15] Jabuti issued server command: /rtp [09:39:23] un5redictable issued server command: /home [09:40:40] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /call Jabuti [09:40:41] Jabuti issued server command: /tpaccept [09:40:47] un5redictable issued server command: /home [09:40:50] Jabuti issued server command: /randomtp [09:40:50] Jabuti issued server command: /rtp [09:41:35] SimpleMimpl зашёл [09:41:40] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /we cui [09:41:43] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /fly [09:41:43] [L] SimpleMimpl: .адн [09:42:00] Jabuti issued server command: /home [09:42:11] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /home [09:42:11] [L] SimpleMimpl: .рщьу [09:42:11] Jabuti issued server command: /call AYLIEXEC [09:42:11] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /tpaccept [09:42:44] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /warp home [09:42:44] [L] SimpleMimpl: .цфкз рщьу [09:42:56] Jabuti issued server command: /home [09:42:57] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /kit top [09:43:13] Jabuti issued server command: /call AYLIEXEC [09:43:16] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /tpaccept [09:43:29] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /randomtp [09:43:29] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /rtp [09:43:31] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /money top [09:43:51] Jabuti issued server command: /home [09:43:58] [G] un5redictable: !блин офигенный мод ezstorage [09:44:06] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /home [09:46:49] SHIZAFRENIAA issued server command: /eaty [09:46:51] SHIZAFRENIAA issued server command: /eat [09:47:04] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /money [09:47:17] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /money top [09:47:32] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /mpcaseshop [09:47:35] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /mpcaseview 70 [09:47:36] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /buycase 70 [09:47:39] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /rollcase 70 [09:47:53] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /mpcaseview 70 [09:47:54] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /buycase 70 [09:47:54] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /buycase 70 [09:47:55] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /buycase 70 [09:47:55] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /rollcase 70 [09:48:08] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /randomtp [09:48:08] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /rtp [09:48:08] [L] SimpleMimpl: .кез [09:48:10] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /mpcaseview 70 [09:48:11] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /rollcase 70 [09:48:24] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /mpcaseview 70 [09:48:25] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /rollcase 70 [09:48:33] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /warp home [09:48:33] [L] SimpleMimpl: .цфкз рщьу [09:48:39] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /mpcaseview 70 [09:48:39] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /buycase 70 [09:48:41] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /mpcaseshop [09:49:52] un5redictable issued server command: /money [09:49:56] un5redictable issued server command: /money top [09:50:25] un5redictable issued server command: /warp ad [09:50:30] un5redictable issued server command: /we cui [09:50:31] un5redictable issued server command: /warp end [09:50:31] _Micio_ зашёл [09:50:36] un5redictable issued server command: /we cui [09:50:50] _Micio_ issued server command: /we cui [09:51:11] Jabuti issued server command: /we cui [09:51:25] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /we cui [09:51:51] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /m TexasMen можно я тпшнусь поизучаю у тебя дома что нибудь [09:51:52] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /mpcaseshop [09:52:00] _Micio_ issued server command: /warp world [09:52:02] _Micio_ issued server command: /we cui [09:52:03] un5redictable issued server command: /home [09:52:05] _Micio_ issued server command: /randomtp [09:52:05] _Micio_ issued server command: /rtp [09:52:06] un5redictable issued server command: /we cui [09:52:23] un5redictable issued server command: /we cui [09:52:33] un5redictable issued server command: /we cui [09:52:43] un5redictable issued server command: /we cui [09:53:18] _Micio_ issued server command: /kit eat [09:53:20] _Micio_ issued server command: /randomtp [09:53:20] _Micio_ issued server command: /rtp [09:53:20] Jabuti issued server command: /call AYLIEXEC [09:54:29] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /tpa un5redictable [09:54:34] un5redictable issued server command: /tpaccept [09:55:06] un5redictable issued server command: /home [09:55:09] un5redictable issued server command: /we cui [09:55:14] un5redictable issued server command: /tpaccept [09:55:42] [L] SimpleMimpl: о ты за витчери шаришь? [09:55:57] [L] SimpleMimpl: лол у меня там всякого [09:55:58] [L] SimpleMimpl: и 8к [09:56:03] [L] SimpleMimpl: есть череп? [09:56:06] [L] SimpleMimpl: лишний [09:56:18] [L] un5redictable: тока иссушителя [09:56:21] [L] SimpleMimpl: ну [09:56:22] [L] SimpleMimpl: как раз [09:56:25] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /home [09:56:27] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /we cui [09:56:28] Jabuti issued server command: /home [09:56:30] Jabuti issued server command: /we cui [09:56:50] [L] SimpleMimpl: щас вампиром можно становиться? [09:57:13] Jabuti issued server command: /we cui [09:57:14] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /we cui [09:57:39] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /home [09:57:39] [L] SimpleMimpl: .рщьу [09:57:52] SHIZAFRENIAA issued server command: /home [09:57:52] Jabuti issued server command: /home [09:57:53] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /home [09:57:54] Jabuti issued server command: /we cui [09:57:55] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /we cui [09:57:59] SHIZAFRENIAA issued server command: /playtime [09:58:04] SHIZAFRENIAA issued server command: /buyflag [09:58:09] SHIZAFRENIAA issued server command: /eat [09:58:10] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /we cui [09:58:13] SHIZAFRENIAA issued server command: /kit [09:58:15] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /m un5redictable без головы 8500 с головой 6к хахаах [09:58:51] Jabuti issued server command: /we cui [09:59:27] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /tpahere un5redictable [09:59:50] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /warp home [09:59:50] [L] SimpleMimpl: .цфкз рщьу [09:59:54] Jabuti issued server command: /home [09:59:55] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /home [09:59:55] Jabuti issued server command: /we cui [09:59:56] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /we cui [10:00:16] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /m _Micio_ ты с какого года играешь? [10:00:28] TexasMen issued server command: /ZS 0 [10:00:32] Jabuti issued server command: /we cui [10:00:33] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /we cui [10:00:46] _Micio_ issued server command: /m SimpleMimpl Одесса а ты с какого [10:00:52] TexasMen issued server command: /ZS 0 [10:00:57] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /m _Micio_ с какого года [10:01:03] TexasMen issued server command: /ZS 0 [10:01:11] un5redictable issued server command: /tpaccept [10:01:11] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /m _Micio_ раньше играла? [10:01:15] TexasMen issued server command: /ZS 0 [10:01:24] TexasMen issued server command: /ZS 0 [10:01:25] un5redictable issued server command: /near [10:01:38] TexasMen issued server command: /ZS 17 [10:01:41] _Micio_ issued server command: /m SimpleMimpl да ) я тут все время играю [10:01:47] TexasMen issued server command: /ZS 17 [10:01:55] TexasMen issued server command: / [10:02:00] TexasMen issued server command: /ZS 17 [10:02:02] un5redictable issued server command: /home [10:02:09] TexasMen issued server command: /ZS 17 [10:02:10] Jabuti issued server command: /home [10:02:11] Jabuti issued server command: /we cui [10:02:14] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /home [10:02:16] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /we cui [10:02:24] TexasMen issued server command: /ZS 0 [10:02:31] TexasMen issued server command: /ZS 0 [10:03:07] Jabuti issued server command: /we cui [10:03:08] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /we cui [10:03:57] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /tpahere _Micio_ [10:05:10] _Micio_ issued server command: /randomtp [10:05:10] _Micio_ issued server command: /rtp [10:05:39] Jabuti issued server command: /home [10:05:40] Jabuti issued server command: /we cui [10:05:41] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /home [10:05:42] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /we cui [10:06:07] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /home [10:06:08] Jabuti issued server command: /we cui [10:06:15] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /we cui [10:06:25] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /tpa _Micio_ [10:06:29] Jabuti был кикнут [10:06:29] Jabuti вышел [10:06:29] un5redictable был кикнут [10:06:29] un5redictable вышел [10:06:29] AYLIEXEC был кикнут [10:06:29] AYLIEXEC вышел [10:06:29] TexasMen был кикнут [10:06:29] TexasMen вышел [10:06:29] SHIZAFRENIAA был кикнут [10:06:29] SHIZAFRENIAA вышел [10:06:29] SimpleMimpl был кикнут [10:06:29] SimpleMimpl вышел [10:06:29] _Micio_ был кикнут [10:06:29] _Micio_ вышел [10:06:33] Сервер выключился [10:07:10] Сервер включился [10:07:28] SimpleMimpl зашёл [10:07:30] Jabuti зашёл [10:07:31] TexasMen зашёл [10:07:31] AYLIEXEC зашёл [10:07:33] Jabuti issued server command: /we cui [10:07:34] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /we cui [10:07:42] TexasMen issued server command: /we cui [10:07:44] SHIZAFRENIAA зашёл [10:07:44] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /we cui [10:07:46] SHIZAFRENIAA issued server command: /we cui [10:07:54] Jabuti issued server command: /home [10:07:55] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /tpa TexasMen [10:07:56] Jabuti issued server command: /we cui [10:07:56] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /home [10:07:57] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /we cui [10:09:06] TexasMen issued server command: /tpaccept [10:09:11] [L] SimpleMimpl: о дарова [10:09:22] [L] TexasMen: привет [10:09:34] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /we cui [10:09:40] [L] SimpleMimpl: о [10:09:43] [L] SimpleMimpl: давай обменяемся хаха [10:09:49] [L] TexasMen: это не все) [10:10:07] [L] SimpleMimpl: а че у тебя приват такой большой? [10:10:18] [L] TexasMen: а что? [10:10:22] [L] SimpleMimpl: у меня маленький [10:10:23] [L] SimpleMimpl: (( [10:10:38] [L] TexasMen: это два привата на стена к стене [10:10:43] [L] SimpleMimpl: аа [10:10:48] SHIZAFRENIAA issued server command: /voteday [10:10:54] [L] SimpleMimpl: ну так махнем хаха [10:10:54] TexasMen issued server command: /yes [10:10:55] Jabuti issued server command: /yes [10:10:55] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /yes [10:10:56] [L] SimpleMimpl: не глядя [10:11:01] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /home [10:11:02] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /we cui [10:11:11] [L] TexasMen: у меня есть такой)) [10:11:13] [L] SimpleMimpl: ( [10:11:15] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /yes [10:11:31] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /fly [10:11:32] [L] TexasMen: 170 эмов если есть то скину [10:11:38] TexasMen issued server command: /money [10:12:00] [L] SimpleMimpl: жестко [10:12:10] [L] TexasMen: они стоят дороже [10:12:18] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /warp forest [10:12:19] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /we cui [10:12:26] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /we cui [10:12:50] TexasMen issued server command: /fly [10:13:12] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /home [10:13:14] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /we cui [10:13:37] [L] SimpleMimpl: ещё есть что изучить можно [10:13:53] [L] TexasMen: могу пустить в шахту) [10:13:56] [L] SimpleMimpl: давай [10:14:16] [L] SimpleMimpl: ))) [10:14:38] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /home [10:16:07] [G] TexasMen: !Куплю мозги зомбо 3 стака за 20 эмов [10:16:18] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /money [10:16:25] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /mpcaseshop [10:16:28] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /mpcaseview 70 [10:16:29] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /buycase 70 [10:16:29] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /rollcase 70 [10:16:35] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /warp home [10:16:35] [L] SimpleMimpl: .цфкз рщьу [10:16:38] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /money [10:16:43] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /mpcaseview 70 [10:16:55] TexasMen issued server command: /near [10:17:43] TexasMen issued server command: /kit [10:18:43] Jabuti issued server command: /randomtp [10:18:43] Jabuti issued server command: /rtp [10:18:52] SHIZAFRENIAA issued server command: /eat [10:18:52] un5redictable зашёл [10:18:59] un5redictable issued server command: /we cui [10:19:07] Jabuti issued server command: /randomtp [10:19:07] Jabuti issued server command: /rtp [10:19:10] Jabuti issued server command: /randomtp [10:19:10] Jabuti issued server command: /rtp [10:19:35] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /warp home [10:19:35] [L] SimpleMimpl: .цфкз рщьу [10:19:37] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /home [10:19:37] [L] SimpleMimpl: .рщьу [10:19:51] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /warp home [10:19:51] [L] SimpleMimpl: .цфкз рщьу [10:19:55] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /randomtp [10:19:55] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /rtp [10:20:14] Jabuti issued server command: /randomtp [10:20:14] Jabuti issued server command: /rtp [10:20:17] Jabuti issued server command: /money top [10:20:48] [L] AYLIEXEC: дарова [10:20:48] Jabuti issued server command: /money top [10:20:50] Jabuti issued server command: /randomtp [10:20:50] Jabuti issued server command: /rtp [10:20:57] [L] TexasMen: привет [10:21:34] TexasMen issued server command: /kit [10:21:46] Jabuti issued server command: /call AYLIEXEC [10:21:48] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /tpaccept [10:21:58] Jabuti issued server command: /home [10:22:06] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /kit start [10:22:14] TexasMen issued server command: /kit [10:22:20] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /home [10:23:36] TexasMen issued server command: /kit [10:23:36] SimpleMimpl вышел [10:24:09] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /home [10:24:31] TexasMen issued server command: /kit [10:24:31] SHIZAFRENIAA issued server command: /warp ad [10:24:33] MrDimonsterR зашёл [10:24:34] SHIZAFRENIAA issued server command: /we cui [10:24:45] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /rg s [10:24:47] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /rg s [10:24:48] MrDimonsterR issued server command: /we cui [10:25:23] AYLIEXEC issued server command: //sel [10:25:29] SHIZAFRENIAA issued server command: /eat [10:25:32] TexasMen issued server command: /kit [10:25:47] SHIZAFRENIAA issued server command: /home [10:25:49] SHIZAFRENIAA issued server command: /we cui [10:26:10] SHIZAFRENIAA issued server command: /heal [10:26:27] SHIZAFRENIAA умер (MAGIC) [10:26:31] SHIZAFRENIAA issued server command: /we cui [10:26:49] TexasMen issued server command: /kit [10:27:26] [G] SHIZAFRENIAA: !почему после смерти предметы пропадают [10:28:02] SHIZAFRENIAA issued server command: /kit start [10:28:03] [G] TexasMen: !В привелегии указано что инвентарь при смерти сохраняется? [10:28:31] [G] SHIZAFRENIAA: !так именно они выпали и пропали [10:28:34] Jabuti issued server command: /randomtp [10:28:34] Jabuti issued server command: /rtp [10:29:23] [G] TexasMen: !Потому что очищение было [10:29:32] Jabuti issued server command: /home [10:29:32] [L] SHIZAFRENIAA: так я умер после очистки [10:29:42] [G] TexasMen: !Плюс привелегия Premium не поддерживает сохран лута [10:29:55] [L] SHIZAFRENIAA: так я умер после очистки [10:30:00] [G] SHIZAFRENIAA: !так я умер после очистки [10:30:25] SHIZAFRENIAA issued server command: /eat [10:30:26] [G] TexasMen: !Тогда сорри , лаг вышел [10:31:36] un5redictable issued server command: /warp ad [10:31:40] un5redictable issued server command: /we cui [10:31:46] un5redictable issued server command: /tppos -2500 50 -2344 [10:32:06] [G] TexasMen: !Куплю 3 стака мозгов [10:32:33] SHIZAFRENIAA issued server command: /eat [10:33:20] un5redictable issued server command: /home [10:33:25] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /home [10:33:25] un5redictable issued server command: /we cui [10:34:32] un5redictable issued server command: /back [10:34:36] un5redictable issued server command: /we cui [10:36:32] un5redictable issued server command: /home [10:36:36] un5redictable issued server command: /we cui [10:36:52] un5redictable issued server command: /back [10:36:56] un5redictable issued server command: /we cui [10:37:08] SHIZAFRENIAA issued server command: /randomtp [10:37:08] SHIZAFRENIAA issued server command: /rtp [10:37:50] SHIZAFRENIAA issued server command: /randomtp [10:37:50] SHIZAFRENIAA issued server command: /rtp [10:37:57] SHIZAFRENIAA issued server command: /eat [10:39:10] [G] SHIZAFRENIAA: !куплю чернильный мешочек [10:39:10] Jabuti issued server command: /home [10:39:35] SHIZAFRENIAA issued server command: /home [10:40:14] SHIZAFRENIAA issued server command: /eat [10:42:02] un5redictable issued server command: /home [10:42:06] un5redictable issued server command: /we cui [10:43:24] SHIZAFRENIAA issued server command: /voteday [10:43:26] Jabuti issued server command: /yes [10:43:28] TexasMen issued server command: /yes [10:43:30] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /yes [10:44:05] SHIZAFRENIAA issued server command: /randomtp [10:44:05] SHIZAFRENIAA issued server command: /rtp [10:44:07] SHIZAFRENIAA issued server command: /warp mining [10:44:11] SHIZAFRENIAA issued server command: /we cui [10:44:34] SHIZAFRENIAA issued server command: /randomtp [10:44:34] SHIZAFRENIAA issued server command: /rtp [10:44:59] un5redictable issued server command: /back [10:45:02] un5redictable issued server command: /we cui [10:46:54] SHIZAFRENIAA issued server command: /home [10:46:56] SHIZAFRENIAA issued server command: /we cui [10:46:57] Jabuti issued server command: /randomtp [10:46:57] Jabuti issued server command: /rtp [10:47:12] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /hng [10:47:15] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /randomtp [10:47:15] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /rtp [10:47:22] Jabuti issued server command: /randomtp [10:47:22] Jabuti issued server command: /rtp [10:48:13] Jabuti issued server command: /randomtp [10:48:13] Jabuti issued server command: /rtp [10:48:34] SHIZAFRENIAA issued server command: /money [10:48:38] Jabuti issued server command: /home [10:48:39] SHIZAFRENIAA issued server command: /playtime [10:48:50] Jabuti issued server command: /call AYLIEXEC [10:48:53] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /tpaccept [10:48:59] Jabuti issued server command: /home [10:49:00] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /home [10:49:59] [G] un5redictable: !Продам некро кости [10:51:20] [G] un5redictable: !А что варп приватный тока платно создавать можно? [10:51:35] [G] TexasMen: !Только платно [10:52:17] bumhik зашёл [10:52:24] [G] un5redictable: !А то пытался сегодня создать его до посинения [10:52:30] bumhik issued server command: /we cui [10:52:34] [G] TexasMen: !Хех) [10:52:42] [G] un5redictable: !Потом тока осенило что платно может быть [10:52:47] bumhik issued server command: /mpcaseshop [10:54:19] TexasMen issued server command: /randomtp [10:54:19] TexasMen issued server command: /rtp [10:54:33] Jabuti issued server command: /rg s [10:54:50] [G] un5redictable: !Не в курсе с набалдажником перемещения можно спавнеры таскать ? [10:54:59] [G] TexasMen: !Нет [10:55:06] [G] TexasMen: !Нельзя [10:55:11] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /rg s [10:55:33] Jabuti issued server command: //sel [10:55:34] [G] un5redictable: !Ядро так же не работает на них, как и перед вайпом? [10:55:52] [G] TexasMen: !Вроде да [10:56:14] [G] TexasMen: !Кому надо зарядить палку , у менятут три ауры найдено)) [10:56:18] AYLIEXEC issued server command: //sel [10:56:19] [G] TexasMen: !Можете тп [10:56:31] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /home [10:56:34] bumhik issued server command: /tp TexasMen [10:56:58] [L] bumhik: что за наряд [10:56:59] [L] TexasMen: тут еще 1 [10:57:06] [L] TexasMen: Кейсы) [10:57:14] [L] bumhik: а пон [10:57:17] bumhik issued server command: /home [10:57:23] un5redictable issued server command: /zwarp [10:58:17] SHIZAFRENIAA issued server command: /eat [10:58:33] TexasMen issued server command: /home [10:58:44] un5redictable issued server command: /home [10:58:54] un5redictable issued server command: /we cui [10:59:13] AYLIEXEC умер (ENTITY_ATTACK) [10:59:16] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /we cui [11:00:01] Jabuti issued server command: /home [11:00:03] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /home [11:00:12] SHIZAFRENIAA issued server command: /voteday [11:00:17] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /yes [11:00:17] bumhik issued server command: /yes [11:00:21] TexasMen issued server command: /yes [11:01:01] un5redictable issued server command: /we cui [11:01:11] un5redictable issued server command: /ekit to [11:01:12] un5redictable issued server command: /ekit top [11:03:20] Jabuti issued server command: /home [11:03:56] SHIZAFRENIAA issued server command: /eat [11:04:10] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /home [11:04:52] SHIZAFRENIAA issued server command: /warp list [11:05:32] [G] SHIZAFRENIAA: !где можно палочку зарядить? [11:05:37] Jabuti issued server command: /home [11:05:41] SHIZAFRENIAA issued server command: /warp list [11:05:51] [G] bumhik: ! на скоко вис палочка ? [11:05:56] [G] SHIZAFRENIAA: !50 [11:06:11] [G] bumhik: ! 3 эма я заряжу [11:06:17] SHIZAFRENIAA issued server command: /money [11:06:24] [G] SHIZAFRENIAA: !давай [11:06:29] [G] bumhik: ! тп [11:06:41] SHIZAFRENIAA issued server command: /tpa bumhik [11:06:48] bumhik issued server command: /tpaccept [11:06:53] un5redictable issued server command: /monmey [11:07:00] [L] SHIZAFRENIAA: как тебе скинуть эмы [11:07:08] un5redictable issued server command: /money [11:07:11] un5redictable issued server command: /money top [11:07:23] [L] bumhik: ./money pay bumhik 3 [11:07:32] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /home [11:07:33] Jabuti issued server command: /home [11:07:36] SHIZAFRENIAA issued server command: /money pay bumhik 3 [11:07:47] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /warp ad [11:07:49] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /we cui [11:07:52] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /home [11:07:53] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /we cui [11:07:54] [L] SHIZAFRENIAA: спасибо [11:07:55] SHIZAFRENIAA issued server command: /home [11:08:08] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /we cui [11:08:44] un5redictable issued server command: /home [11:08:49] un5redictable issued server command: /we cui [11:09:19] SHIZAFRENIAA issued server command: /eat [11:09:23] SHIZAFRENIAA issued server command: /playtimetop [11:09:25] SHIZAFRENIAA issued server command: /playtime [11:10:26] Jabuti issued server command: /home [11:10:42] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /home [11:10:43] SHIZAFRENIAA issued server command: /home [11:10:44] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /we cui [11:10:44] SHIZAFRENIAA issued server command: /randomtp [11:10:44] SHIZAFRENIAA issued server command: /rtp [11:11:13] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /warp ad [11:11:15] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /we cui [11:11:24] bumhik issued server command: /randomtp [11:11:24] bumhik issued server command: /rtp [11:11:36] SHIZAFRENIAA issued server command: /home [11:11:39] Jabuti issued server command: /home [11:12:18] Jabuti issued server command: /call AYLIEXEC [11:12:21] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /tpaccept [11:12:24] Jabuti issued server command: /we cui [11:12:42] bumhik issued server command: /home [11:12:55] SHIZAFRENIAA issued server command: /voteday [11:12:59] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /yes [11:13:02] TexasMen issued server command: /yes [11:13:04] Jabuti issued server command: /yes [11:13:46] SHIZAFRENIAA issued server command: /eat [11:13:50] [G] un5redictable: !У меня у одного мобы не мрут от солнца и лавы? [11:14:03] [G] TexasMen: !У меня тоже) [11:14:09] SHIZAFRENIAA issued server command: /heal [11:14:11] Jabuti issued server command: /call AYLIEXEC [11:14:13] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /tpaccept [11:15:04] un5redictable issued server command: /warp ad [11:15:08] un5redictable issued server command: /we cui [11:15:15] un5redictable issued server command: /tppos -2500 50 -2344 [11:15:31] SHIZAFRENIAA issued server command: /playtime [11:15:34] SHIZAFRENIAA issued server command: /money top [11:15:54] Jabuti issued server command: /call AYLIEXEC [11:15:58] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /tpaccept [11:17:44] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /home [11:17:46] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /we cui [11:17:58] un5redictable issued server command: /endersee [11:18:05] Jabuti issued server command: /tpaccept [11:18:14] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /tpaccept [11:18:18] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /call Jabuti [11:18:18] Jabuti issued server command: /tpaccept [11:18:20] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /we cui [11:18:34] SHIZAFRENIAA issued server command: /m bumhik можешь еще раз зарядить палочку? [11:18:42] un5redictable issued server command: /endersee [11:18:51] bumhik issued server command: /m SHIZAFRENIAA да [11:18:57] SHIZAFRENIAA issued server command: /tpa bumhik [11:19:00] bumhik issued server command: /home [11:19:03] bumhik issued server command: /tpaccept [11:19:10] [L] SHIZAFRENIAA: так же 3? [11:19:16] [L] bumhik: да [11:19:18] SHIZAFRENIAA issued server command: /money pay bumhik 3 [11:19:32] un5redictable issued server command: /home [11:19:36] un5redictable issued server command: /we cui [11:19:51] SHIZAFRENIAA issued server command: /eat [11:20:07] [L] SHIZAFRENIAA: спасибо [11:20:08] SHIZAFRENIAA issued server command: /home [11:20:38] TexasMen issued server command: /kit start [11:20:45] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /home [11:20:47] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /we cui [11:20:48] SHIZAFRENIAA issued server command: /money [11:20:56] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /call Jabuti [11:20:58] Jabuti issued server command: /tpaccept [11:20:59] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /we cui [11:22:00] Cro_SS_O зашёл [11:22:06] SHIZAFRENIAA issued server command: /rg [11:22:34] Cro_SS_O issued server command: /we cui [11:22:47] SHIZAFRENIAA issued server command: //chunk [11:22:47] SHIZAFRENIAA issued server command: //outset 16 [11:22:47] SHIZAFRENIAA issued server command: /zone [11:23:06] SHIZAFRENIAA issued server command: //sel [11:23:22] SHIZAFRENIAA issued server command: //chunk [11:23:22] SHIZAFRENIAA issued server command: //outset 16 [11:23:22] SHIZAFRENIAA issued server command: /zone [11:23:29] SHIZAFRENIAA issued server command: /rg claim 123 [11:23:38] Jabuti issued server command: /home [11:23:40] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /home [11:23:40] Jabuti issued server command: /we cui [11:23:42] SHIZAFRENIAA issued server command: //sel [11:23:42] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /we cui [11:23:43] SHIZAFRENIAA issued server command: //chunk [11:23:43] SHIZAFRENIAA issued server command: //outset 16 [11:23:43] SHIZAFRENIAA issued server command: /zone [11:23:47] SHIZAFRENIAA issued server command: /rg claim 123 [11:23:54] SHIZAFRENIAA issued server command: //sel [11:24:00] SHIZAFRENIAA issued server command: //chunk [11:24:00] SHIZAFRENIAA issued server command: //outset 16 [11:24:00] SHIZAFRENIAA issued server command: /zone [11:24:04] SHIZAFRENIAA issued server command: /rg claim 123 [11:24:10] SHIZAFRENIAA issued server command: //sel [11:24:11] SHIZAFRENIAA issued server command: //chunk [11:24:11] SHIZAFRENIAA issued server command: //outset 16 [11:24:11] SHIZAFRENIAA issued server command: /zone [11:24:28] SHIZAFRENIAA issued server command: //sel [11:24:30] SHIZAFRENIAA issued server command: //chunk [11:24:30] SHIZAFRENIAA issued server command: //outset 16 [11:24:30] SHIZAFRENIAA issued server command: /zone [11:24:34] SHIZAFRENIAA issued server command: //sel [11:24:35] SHIZAFRENIAA issued server command: //chunk [11:24:35] SHIZAFRENIAA issued server command: //outset 16 [11:24:35] SHIZAFRENIAA issued server command: /zone [11:24:38] SHIZAFRENIAA issued server command: //chunk [11:24:38] SHIZAFRENIAA issued server command: //outset 16 [11:24:38] SHIZAFRENIAA issued server command: /zone [11:24:43] SHIZAFRENIAA issued server command: //chunk [11:24:43] SHIZAFRENIAA issued server command: //outset 16 [11:24:43] SHIZAFRENIAA issued server command: /zone [11:24:47] SHIZAFRENIAA issued server command: //sel [11:24:49] SHIZAFRENIAA issued server command: //chunk [11:24:49] SHIZAFRENIAA issued server command: //outset 16 [11:24:49] SHIZAFRENIAA issued server command: /zone [11:25:13] SHIZAFRENIAA issued server command: //sel [11:25:17] SHIZAFRENIAA issued server command: /vote day [11:25:21] SHIZAFRENIAA issued server command: /voteday [11:25:24] Jabuti issued server command: /yes [11:25:26] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /yes [11:26:15] SHIZAFRENIAA issued server command: /eat [11:27:35] SHIZAFRENIAA issued server command: //chunk [11:27:35] SHIZAFRENIAA issued server command: //outset 16 [11:27:35] SHIZAFRENIAA issued server command: /zone [11:28:12] Cro_SS_O issued server command: /money [11:30:01] Jabuti issued server command: /home [11:31:50] Jabuti issued server command: /mpcaseshop [11:31:50] Jabuti issued server command: /mpcaseshop [11:32:57] SHIZAFRENIAA issued server command: /eat [11:33:41] bumhik issued server command: /zset 2 [11:33:52] bumhik issued server command: /zset 2 [11:33:57] ZlouLemon зашёл [11:34:02] bumhik issued server command: /zset 2 [11:34:09] bumhik issued server command: /zset 2 [11:34:13] bumhik issued server command: /zset 2 [11:34:15] bumhik issued server command: /zset 2 [11:34:15] ZlouLemon issued server command: /we cui [11:34:20] bumhik issued server command: /zset 2 [11:34:23] SHIZAFRENIAA issued server command: /randomtp [11:34:23] SHIZAFRENIAA issued server command: /rtp [11:34:32] Jabuti issued server command: /home [11:34:41] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /home [11:35:04] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /home [11:35:18] SHIZAFRENIAA issued server command: /home [11:36:26] 50kg_seksa зашёл [11:36:38] 50kg_seksa issued server command: /we cui [11:37:31] SHIZAFRENIAA issued server command: //sel [11:38:46] [G] ZlouLemon: ! а сколько монет дают за 1 голос [11:38:47] SHIZAFRENIAA issued server command: /randomtp [11:38:47] SHIZAFRENIAA issued server command: /rtp [11:38:53] SHIZAFRENIAA issued server command: /voteday [11:38:56] Jabuti issued server command: /yes [11:38:56] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /yes [11:39:09] [G] bumhik: ! 30 и за 2 голос 50 [11:39:25] [G] ZlouLemon: ! а они сразу перечисляються на сервер? [11:39:26] un5redictable issued server command: /home [11:39:31] SHIZAFRENIAA issued server command: /eat [11:39:37] [G] TexasMen: ! Продам магически бур :) [11:39:40] [G] bumhik: ! нет там есть распределение в личном кабинете [11:40:07] un5redictable issued server command: /endersee [11:40:39] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /home [11:41:05] [G] ZlouLemon: ! блин [11:41:13] Jabuti issued server command: /home [11:41:16] [G] ZlouLemon: ! в чего впн не помогает))) [11:41:25] SHIZAFRENIAA issued server command: /eat [11:41:39] SHIZAFRENIAA issued server command: /home [11:41:44] SHIZAFRENIAA issued server command: /tpahere 50kg_seksa [11:41:55] 50kg_seksa issued server command: /tpaccept [11:42:02] bumhik issued server command: /tpy [11:42:04] bumhik issued server command: /randomtp [11:42:04] bumhik issued server command: /rtp [11:42:17] un5redictable issued server command: /we cui [11:42:27] 50kg_seksa issued server command: /warp world [11:42:29] 50kg_seksa issued server command: /we cui [11:42:56] bumhik issued server command: /home [11:42:56] 50kg_seksa issued server command: /tpa SHIZAFRENIAA [11:42:58] SHIZAFRENIAA issued server command: /tpaccept [11:43:22] SHIZAFRENIAA issued server command: /rg addmember 50kg_seksa [11:43:28] SHIZAFRENIAA issued server command: /rg addmember 123 50kg_seksa [11:43:35] SHIZAFRENIAA issued server command: /randomtp [11:43:35] SHIZAFRENIAA issued server command: /rtp [11:44:47] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /home [11:44:52] [G] ZlouLemon: ! а за эми покупаеться игровая валюту? [11:45:05] SHIZAFRENIAA issued server command: /rg addmember 123 50kg_seksa [11:45:07] SHIZAFRENIAA issued server command: /eat [11:45:09] 50kg_seksa issued server command: /kit eat [11:45:17] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /call Jabuti [11:45:17] ZlouLemon issued server command: /we cui [11:45:20] Jabuti issued server command: /tpaccept [11:45:36] TexasMen issued server command: /yes [11:45:36] ZlouLemon issued server command: /we cui [11:45:43] ZlouLemon issued server command: /we cui [11:45:50] [G] TexasMen: ! Продам магически бур :) [11:45:51] SHIZAFRENIAA issued server command: /randomtp [11:45:51] SHIZAFRENIAA issued server command: /rtp [11:45:51] ZlouLemon issued server command: /we cui [11:46:06] [G] SHIZAFRENIAA: !куплю палку на 100 вис [11:46:12] Jabuti issued server command: /home [11:46:15] [G] TexasMen: !Продам [11:46:16] [G] AYLIEXEC: !Продам сердце дракона :) [11:46:20] [G] SHIZAFRENIAA: !сколько [11:46:24] [G] SHIZAFRENIAA: ! и за что [11:46:38] [G] TexasMen: !15 эмов [11:46:40] SHIZAFRENIAA issued server command: /playtime [11:46:43] SHIZAFRENIAA issued server command: /money [11:46:45] TexasMen issued server command: /warp shop [11:46:58] [G] SHIZAFRENIAA: !блин у меня только 12 [11:47:00] MrDimonsterR issued server command: /kit eat [11:47:00] TexasMen issued server command: /we cui [11:47:02] ZlouLemon issued server command: /we cui [11:47:10] [G] SHIZAFRENIAA: !ща через пять минут [11:47:28] [G] TexasMen: !Ок [11:47:40] SHIZAFRENIAA issued server command: /eat [11:47:57] ZlouLemon issued server command: /we cui [11:47:57] [G] SHIZAFRENIAA: !эу [11:48:02] SHIZAFRENIAA issued server command: /tpa TexasMen [11:48:28] Jabuti issued server command: /home [11:48:28] [G] SHIZAFRENIAA: !принимай [11:48:33] TexasMen issued server command: /home [11:48:35] ZlouLemon issued server command: /we cui [11:48:46] TexasMen issued server command: /we cui [11:48:50] TexasMen issued server command: /tpaccept [11:48:55] un5redictable issued server command: /home [11:49:02] un5redictable issued server command: /we cui [11:49:11] SHIZAFRENIAA issued server command: /money pay TexasMen 15 [11:49:20] [L] SHIZAFRENIAA: спс [11:49:24] [L] TexasMen: И тебе [11:49:35] SHIZAFRENIAA issued server command: /home [11:49:53] bumhik issued server command: /money [11:50:20] TexasMen issued server command: /playtime [11:50:25] TexasMen issued server command: /playtimetop [11:50:30] TexasMen issued server command: /money top [11:50:41] Jabuti issued server command: /home [11:51:41] TexasMen issued server command: /playtimetop clear [11:52:28] [G] TexasMen: !Продам узлы ауры) [11:52:38] [G] SHIZAFRENIAA: !в банке? [11:52:46] [G] TexasMen: !Есть и в банке [11:52:59] [G] SHIZAFRENIAA: !че по аспектам [11:53:08] [G] TexasMen: !Все по 100 [11:53:14] [G] SHIZAFRENIAA: !какие [11:53:24] SHIZAFRENIAA issued server command: /heal [11:53:53] TexasMen issued server command: /mpcaseshop [11:54:31] [G] TexasMen: !Aer aqua ignis ordo perditio terra [11:54:32] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /home [11:54:53] [G] SHIZAFRENIAA: !за что продашь? [11:55:00] [G] TexasMen: !"vs [11:55:05] [G] TexasMen: !Эмы [11:55:09] [G] SHIZAFRENIAA: !сколько [11:55:17] [G] TexasMen: !120 [11:55:52] Cro_SS_O issued server command: /money [11:56:00] un5redictable issued server command: /money [11:56:13] [G] TexasMen: !Продам палку на 1000 [11:56:50] SHIZAFRENIAA issued server command: /EAT [11:57:06] [G] Jabuti: ! чую, что-то нехорошее произойдет [11:57:16] [G] TexasMen: !К примеру? [11:57:22] [G] AYLIEXEC: !Узнаешь [11:57:27] [G] ZlouLemon: ! неподскажите почему в Едеме может подвсать иногда [11:57:45] [G] Jabuti: ! из-за мобов которые толи мяукают, то ли че [11:57:53] [G] TexasMen: ! AYLIEXEC а точнее?) [11:57:54] [G] Jabuti: ! у меня так, во всяком случае [11:58:03] [G] Jabuti: !всему свое время, техас [11:58:03] TexasMen issued server command: /fly [11:58:04] [G] AYLIEXEC: !да [11:58:12] un5redictable issued server command: /home [11:58:18] Condesce зашёл [11:58:19] [G] ZlouLemon: ! вот щас иду иду и тут бац зависло на секунды полторы [11:58:27] [G] TexasMen: !Что случилось? [11:58:39] Condesce issued server command: /we cui [11:58:49] Condesce issued server command: /tp 50kg_seksa [11:58:53] [L] Condesce: 50kg_seksa [11:58:59] [L] Condesce: ghjie cvtybnm ybr [11:59:07] [L] Condesce: стой [11:59:12] un5redictable issued server command: /warp ad [11:59:17] un5redictable issued server command: /we cui [11:59:21] un5redictable issued server command: /tppos -2500 50 -2344 [11:59:26] [L] Condesce: привет [11:59:29] [L] Condesce: прошу сменить ник [11:59:36] [L] 50kg_seksa: на что [11:59:38] [L] Condesce: т.к. твой сенйчас нарушает правило 1.8 [11:59:40] [G] TexasMen: !Кто-то инфой поделится? [11:59:42] [L] Condesce: сейчас* [11:59:49] [L] Condesce: на любой разрешенный [11:59:53] [G] ZlouLemon: ! какой [11:59:54] [L] 50kg_seksa: например [12:00:01] [G] Jabuti: ! техас, как долго ты тут играешь ? [12:00:05] [L] Condesce: У меня нет примеров [12:00:10] [L] Condesce: Можно звйти в генераторы ников [12:00:12] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /home [12:00:13] [G] TexasMen: !Недели полторы [12:00:19] [L] Condesce: но который у тебя - нарушает правила [12:00:24] [G] Jabuti: ! я имею ввиду вообще на данном серве [12:00:28] Condesce issued server command: /rg list -p 50kg_seksa [12:00:34] [L] 50kg_seksa: а как менять [12:00:41] [L] Condesce: просто создать новый аккаунт [12:00:41] [G] TexasMen: !Я про него и говорю. [12:00:44] [L] Condesce: этот будет забанен [12:00:45] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /home [12:00:52] [G] Jabuti: ! а, ок, а если вообще на проекте ? [12:00:53] [L] Condesce: по п.п. 1.8 [12:00:55] [L] 50kg_seksa: норм [12:00:55] [G] TexasMen: !Последний раз в 2017 играл [12:01:08] [G] Jabuti: ! пон [12:01:08] un5redictable issued server command: /home [12:01:12] un5redictable issued server command: /we cui [12:01:15] [L] Condesce: выложи вещи и поставь тут метку [12:01:18] [G] TexasMen: !Так что произошло то? [12:01:22] [L] Condesce: если понадобится [12:01:29] [G] TexasMen: !Бо я уже напрягся [12:01:55] [L] Condesce: Я могу подождать если нужно [12:02:08] 50kg_seksa вышел [12:02:09] Condesce issued server command: /screenall [12:02:13] Cro_SS_O issued server command: /money [12:02:28] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /home [12:02:50] un5redictable issued server command: /back [12:02:53] Condesce issued server command: /ban 50kg_seksa 1.8 [12:02:54] un5redictable issued server command: /we cui [12:02:58] [G] Jabuti: !а, ну вот [12:03:06] [G] AYLIEXEC: !как и говорили [12:03:10] bumhik issued server command: /inf 1.8 [12:03:13] [G] TexasMen: !А об этом речь была? [12:03:19] [G] Condesce: !F j xtv htxm& [12:03:23] [G] Condesce: !о чем говорите? [12:03:30] [G] ZlouLemon: ! о вы из англии [12:03:34] ZlouLemon issued server command: /home [12:03:35] ZlouLemon issued server command: /we cui [12:04:02] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /home [12:04:05] Cro_SS_O issued server command: /money [12:04:24] Cro_SS_O issued server command: /warp shop [12:04:31] Cro_SS_O issued server command: /we cui [12:04:42] Condesce issued server command: /oi 50kg_seksa [12:04:59] Condesce issued server command: /gm 0 [12:05:19] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /home [12:05:23] [G] ZlouLemon: ! а как эмы перевести на сервер [12:05:39] [G] TexasMen: !На сайте во вкладке личный кабинет [12:05:49] [L] ZlouLemon: там вроде другое переводиться [12:05:53] [G] Condesce: !Личный кабинет ---> Игровая валюта [12:05:54] [G] ZlouLemon: ! там вроде другое переводиться [12:06:08] [G] Condesce: !и там перевести игровую валюту [12:06:11] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /home [12:06:36] [G] ZlouLemon: ! там нету кнопки выбора сервера [12:06:44] [G] TexasMen: !Ты с телефона? [12:06:46] [G] Condesce: !если с телефона - включи режим полной версии [12:06:48] bumhik issued server command: /home [12:06:50] [G] ZlouLemon: ! да [12:07:01] [G] Condesce: !Она после появится [12:07:03] Phoenix221 зашёл [12:07:06] [G] TexasMen: !Версию для ПК сделай [12:07:06] Cro_SS_O issued server command: /money [12:07:07] Condesce issued server command: /ipreport [12:07:10] Cro_SS_O issued server command: /home [12:07:14] Cro_SS_O issued server command: /we cui [12:07:16] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /home [12:07:18] [G] ZlouLemon: ! о спасибо [12:07:23] [G] ZlouLemon: ! и так теперь [12:07:25] Phoenix221 issued server command: /we cui [12:07:26] Condesce issued server command: /dupeip phoenix221 [12:07:31] bumhik issued server command: /home [12:07:32] [G] TexasMen: !Выбирай сервер [12:07:39] [G] TexasMen: !И вводи кол-во [12:07:41] bumhik issued server command: /warp forest [12:07:42] Phoenix221 issued server command: /warp world [12:07:44] bumhik issued server command: /we cui [12:07:45] Phoenix221 issued server command: /we cui [12:07:47] [G] Condesce: !Выбирай Magic и вводи сумму которая у тебя есть [12:07:48] [G] ZlouLemon: ! перевел [12:07:48] bumhik issued server command: /we cui [12:07:49] [G] TexasMen: !Перевести валюту [12:07:50] Phoenix221 issued server command: /randomtp [12:07:50] Phoenix221 issued server command: /rtp [12:07:56] Phoenix221 issued server command: /tpa MrDimonsterR [12:07:56] Condesce issued server command: /money ZlouLemon [12:07:58] MrDimonsterR issued server command: /tpaccept [12:07:59] [G] ZlouLemon: ! а как ее чекать [12:08:06] [G] Condesce: !/money [12:08:08] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /home [12:08:11] Condesce issued server command: /gm 1 [12:08:13] ZlouLemon issued server command: /money [12:08:14] Condesce issued server command: /localspy [12:08:20] [G] ZlouLemon: ! пишет 66 [12:08:28] [G] TexasMen: !Ну [12:08:29] [G] ZlouLemon: ! а я отправил 30 [12:08:32] [G] ZlouLemon: ! это как [12:08:42] SHIZAFRENIAA issued server command: /playtime [12:08:44] [L] TexasMen: а , донатная валюта 1 к 2 [12:08:51] [G] Condesce: !Возможно ты наиграл еще [12:09:00] [G] TexasMen: !или донатная валюта 1 к 2 [12:09:05] Phoenix221 issued server command: //chunk [12:09:05] Phoenix221 issued server command: //outset 16 [12:09:05] Phoenix221 issued server command: /zone [12:09:06] [G] Condesce: !т.к. за 30 минут игры дается 3 эма [12:09:14] [G] ZlouLemon: ! а теперь понятно [12:09:28] Condesce issued server command: /money top [12:09:29] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /home [12:09:56] bumhik issued server command: /home [12:09:57] bumhik issued server command: /we cui [12:09:59] SHIZAFRENIAA issued server command: /voteday [12:10:01] Jabuti issued server command: /home [12:10:02] Condesce issued server command: /no [12:10:02] Jabuti issued server command: /yes [12:10:03] bumhik issued server command: /no [12:10:03] Condesce issued server command: /no [12:10:06] TexasMen issued server command: /no [12:10:08] Jabuti issued server command: /no [12:10:18] Phoenix221 issued server command: /kit eat [12:10:20] [G] ZlouLemon: ! а для чего фрагменты Едема [12:10:26] [G] ZlouLemon: ! почемуто нету крафтов [12:10:27] r3dd3yyes зашёл [12:10:28] Bikqwe зашёл [12:10:41] r3dd3yyes issued server command: /we cui [12:10:47] r3dd3yyes issued server command: /warp world [12:10:49] r3dd3yyes issued server command: /we cui [12:10:54] Bikqwe умер (ENTITY_ATTACK) [12:10:54] [G] Condesce: !Крафтом нет, потому что их сначал нужно изучить в таумономиконе [12:10:58] Phoenix221 issued server command: /rg claim dd [12:11:02] Bikqwe issued server command: /we cui [12:11:06] r3dd3yyes issued server command: /tpa SHIZAFRENIAA [12:11:08] [G] ZlouLemon: ! блин а как [12:11:09] Bikqwe issued server command: /we cui [12:11:12] SHIZAFRENIAA issued server command: /tpaccept [12:11:16] [G] ZlouLemon: ! это же дивайн рпг [12:11:21] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /home [12:11:22] [G] ZlouLemon: ! почему нужен тауни [12:11:26] [L] SHIZAFRENIAA: ты как умер [12:11:30] [G] Condesce: !объединение идет модов [12:11:34] SHIZAFRENIAA issued server command: /eat [12:11:37] [G] un5redictable: !Magic+RPG [12:11:39] [L] Bikqwe: Убил кто-то [12:11:40] [G] ZlouLemon: ! а как изучить крафты [12:11:45] [L] Bikqwe: По типу зомби [12:11:45] [L] SHIZAFRENIAA: dtob [12:11:47] [G] Condesce: !Нужно изучать таумкрафт [12:11:52] [L] Bikqwe: Где мои вещи? [12:11:53] [L] SHIZAFRENIAA: вещи [12:11:59] [G] Condesce: !советую по этому смотреть гайды [12:12:00] [G] ZlouLemon: ! а если я полный 0 в таумкрафте [12:12:00] Condesce issued server command: /pickup [12:12:10] [G] Condesce: !ответ выше [12:12:19] [G] TexasMen: !Могу продать книгу изучения , но она дорогая) [12:12:20] [G] ZlouLemon: ! там непонятно ничего [12:12:21] Bikqwe issued server command: /msg SHIZAFRENIAA Можешь в дс зайти [12:12:25] [G] ZlouLemon: ! сколько? [12:12:32] [G] un5redictable: !Xex [12:12:32] [G] TexasMen: !Вроде 1000 [12:12:38] SHIZAFRENIAA issued server command: /m у меня мут еще на 2 дня [12:12:40] [G] ZlouLemon: ! а что та книга дает [12:12:48] [G] TexasMen: !Все изучения ьаума [12:12:48] [L] SHIZAFRENIAA: у меня мут на 2 дня [12:12:49] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /home [12:12:59] [G] ZlouLemon: ! они уже изучены? [12:13:02] [G] Condesce: !полностью изученный таумкрафт и показываются все крафты которые могу понадобиться [12:13:04] [G] TexasMen: !Да [12:13:11] [G] ZlouLemon: ! 1000 чего [12:13:13] [L] Bikqwe: Я тогда позвоню [12:13:14] [G] ZlouLemon: ! изумрудов7 [12:13:17] [G] Condesce: !Эмы, игровая валюта [12:13:18] [G] TexasMen: !Эмов [12:13:21] [L] SHIZAFRENIAA: я в дс сижу [12:13:24] un5redictable issued server command: /home [12:13:25] [G] Condesce: !не изумруды [12:13:28] un5redictable issued server command: /we cui [12:13:36] [L] SHIZAFRENIAA: с друзьями [12:13:44] [G] TexasMen: !Они на сайте выглядят как изумруды) [12:13:45] [G] ZlouLemon: ! давай полностью мануалиновый молот с улучшениями и 60 эмов)))) [12:13:46] [L] Bikqwe: Я тебе звоню [12:13:55] [L] SHIZAFRENIAA: зачем [12:13:56] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /home [12:14:00] [L] Bikqwe: Надо [12:14:01] [G] Condesce: !не равноценно как-то... [12:14:01] [G] un5redictable: !Но тебе всё равно нужно будет смотреть гайд как пользоваться таумом [12:14:08] [G] TexasMen: !Вот-вот [12:14:14] [G] ZlouLemon: ! я думаю очень даже выгодно [12:14:16] [G] un5redictable: !Так как не которые вещи из divine нужно делать через таум [12:14:19] SHIZAFRENIAA issued server command: /kit eat [12:14:22] [G] ZlouLemon: ! мне какаято книжка а тебе молот крутой [12:14:31] [G] ZlouLemon: ! ) [12:14:41] ZlouLemon issued server command: /randomtp [12:14:41] ZlouLemon issued server command: /rtp [12:14:44] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /warp ad [12:14:47] [G] TexasMen: !Эта книга так же крута) И у меня достаточно всяких инструментов) [12:14:48] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /we cui [12:14:51] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /home [12:14:53] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /we cui [12:15:05] [G] ZlouLemon: ! но этот молот крутой [12:15:09] [G] ZlouLemon: ! прям супер супер [12:15:11] r3dd3yyes issued server command: /kit eat [12:15:25] [G] TexasMen: !Верю , но он мне не очень нужен) [12:15:30] [G] Condesce: ! ZlouLemon /inf 2.7.2 [12:15:31] Scilla зашёл [12:15:31] [L] Bikqwe: Ппц у тебя киты кншн [12:15:33] Scilla issued server command: /we cui [12:15:36] [G] ZlouLemon: ! чо? [12:15:40] Jabuti issued server command: /inf 2.7.2 [12:15:44] [G] ZlouLemon: ! ненадо банить( [12:15:50] [G] Condesce: !Советую ознакомиться) [12:15:58] [G] ZlouLemon: ! что это [12:16:00] [G] Condesce: !Это не бан и не предупреждение [12:16:05] [G] TexasMen: !Правила [12:16:05] [G] Condesce: !пункт правил [12:16:09] ZlouLemon issued server command: /inf 2.7.2 [12:16:10] AYLIEXEC вышел [12:16:13] [G] TexasMen: !На сайте можешь узнать [12:16:16] AYLIEXEC зашёл [12:16:18] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /we cui [12:16:21] [L] Bikqwe: bb [12:16:22] Bikqwe issued server command: /randomtp [12:16:22] Bikqwe issued server command: /rtp [12:16:24] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /home [12:16:25] [G] ZlouLemon: ! причем тут конкурс [12:16:31] [G] un5redictable: !Condesce, а мод ez storage не багоный?) [12:16:39] [G] Condesce: !его исправили [12:16:42] [G] ZlouLemon: ! а зачем мне этот пункт [12:16:45] [G] un5redictable: !А то боюсь что все вещи котррые там лежат пропадут [12:16:50] [G] un5redictable: !Эт хорошо [12:16:51] Condesce issued server command: /inf 2.7.2 [12:16:57] [G] Condesce: !хм.. Тут не подправили [12:17:03] [G] Condesce: !Посмотри на сайте [12:17:07] [G] Scilla: !ну на шар крови он не среагировал. остальное его не убивало [12:17:12] [G] ZlouLemon: ! лень [12:17:17] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /home [12:17:26] [G] Condesce: !При совершении купли-продажи (обмена/бартера) стоимость обмениваемых ресурсов должна быть [12:17:27] [L] Condesce: равноценной. [12:17:30] [G] Condesce: !равной [12:17:33] [G] Condesce: !В кратце [12:17:45] [G] ZlouLemon: ! так я шутил [12:17:53] SHIZAFRENIAA issued server command: /voteday [12:17:53] un5redictable issued server command: /warp ad [12:17:53] [G] ZlouLemon: ! и вообще я не знаю цен [12:17:55] [G] TexasMen: !А если я продавец и хочу уступить - канает?) [12:17:58] un5redictable issued server command: /we cui [12:18:08] un5redictable issued server command: /tppos -2500 50 -2344 [12:18:13] [G] Condesce: !Не канает [12:18:19] [G] TexasMen: !Ок [12:18:19] [G] ZlouLemon: ! а почему так [12:18:21] [G] Condesce: !правила есть правила [12:18:24] Phoenix221 вышел [12:18:30] [G] ZlouLemon: ! а продавец может выставить свои цены??? [12:18:33] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /home [12:18:35] [G] Scilla: ! это какой-то метод канадских полисменов, погоди Condesce [12:18:52] [G] Condesce: !) [12:18:56] [G] TexasMen: !К примеру что ты имеешь в виду? [12:19:06] [G] Scilla: ! ZlouLemon может, не ниже минимальных, но и не завышать запредельно [12:19:25] [G] ZlouLemon: ! а та кига с иследованиями насвегда идет? [12:19:30] MrDimonsterR вышел [12:19:30] [G] Condesce: !идет на вайп [12:19:33] [G] ZlouLemon: ! или только тогда когда она в руках [12:19:58] Bikqwe issued server command: /sethome [12:20:01] [G] Condesce: !Она юзается и у тебя на весь вайп есть крафт из нее [12:20:12] [G] Bikqwe: !Кому-то нужна шабашная ведьма? [12:20:19] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /home [12:20:28] Jabuti issued server command: /home [12:20:29] [G] Scilla: ! Bikqwe красивая? [12:20:33] [G] ZlouLemon: ! одолжу таум книгу полностью изученую на 10 секунд))) [12:20:43] [G] Bikqwe: !Ну так [12:20:52] [G] Scilla: ! ZlouLemon она одноразовая [12:20:52] [G] Condesce: !Она не так работает.. ZlouLemon [12:21:01] SHIZAFRENIAA issued server command: /randomtp [12:21:01] SHIZAFRENIAA issued server command: /rtp [12:21:05] [G] ZlouLemon: ! а как [12:21:06] [G] un5redictable: !ZlouLemon, она однаразывая [12:21:15] [G] ZlouLemon: ! а откуда у него тогда книга [12:21:20] [G] un5redictable: !К примеру ты её взял и нажал пкм по ней [12:21:27] [G] un5redictable: !И все ты получил все знания тайма [12:21:37] [G] un5redictable: !И она пропала, а знания остались у тебя до след вайпа [12:21:46] SHIZAFRENIAA issued server command: /eat [12:21:57] TexasMen вышел [12:22:00] un5redictable issued server command: /home [12:22:04] un5redictable issued server command: /we cui [12:22:04] [G] Condesce: ! ZlouLemon ее можно на спавне купить и на сайте [12:22:05] Bikqwe issued server command: //chunk [12:22:05] Bikqwe issued server command: //outset 16 [12:22:05] Bikqwe issued server command: //wand [12:22:09] Bikqwe issued server command: /rg claim privet1 [12:22:16] [G] Scilla: ! ZlouLemon и в кейсах и в китах [12:22:30] [G] ZlouLemon: ! а сколько кейсы стоят [12:22:30] Tiger_eye зашёл [12:22:33] Condesce issued server command: /mpcaseshop [12:22:43] Bikqwe issued server command: /mpcaseshop [12:22:45] Tiger_eye issued server command: /we cui [12:22:45] [G] Condesce: ! F6 - кнопка с кейсами, там показываются цены [12:22:47] Bikqwe issued server command: /mpcaseshop [12:22:47] Condesce issued server command: /mpcaseshop [12:22:49] Bikqwe issued server command: /mpcaseshop [12:22:49] ZlouLemon issued server command: /mpcaseshop [12:22:51] SHIZAFRENIAA issued server command: /mpcaseshop [12:22:54] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /mpcaseshop [12:22:56] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /mpcaseview 70 [12:22:57] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /buycase 70 [12:23:00] [G] Condesce: !либо же в инвентаре кнопка с кейсами (вроде есть) [12:23:01] ZlouLemon issued server command: /mpcaseview 70 [12:23:10] un5redictable issued server command: /mpcaseshop [12:23:15] un5redictable issued server command: /mpcaseview 72 [12:23:18] [G] Condesce: !В чате** [12:23:25] ZlouLemon issued server command: /buycase 70 [12:23:25] TexasMen зашёл [12:23:26] ZlouLemon issued server command: /rollcase 70 [12:23:38] TexasMen issued server command: /we cui [12:23:41] ZlouLemon issued server command: /mpcaseview 70 [12:23:42] ZlouLemon issued server command: /buycase 70 [12:23:43] ZlouLemon issued server command: /rollcase 70 [12:23:48] [G] Scilla: ! Только учитывай, что шанс выпадения не самый высокий [12:23:49] Condesce issued server command: /ipreport [12:23:49] TexasMen issued server command: /fly [12:23:54] ZlouLemon issued server command: /mpcaseview 70 [12:23:55] Bikqwe issued server command: /sel [12:23:55] ZlouLemon issued server command: /buycase 70 [12:23:56] ZlouLemon issued server command: /rollcase 70 [12:23:56] Bikqwe issued server command: //sel [12:24:02] SHIZAFRENIAA issued server command: /home [12:24:06] Exetorics зашёл [12:24:07] [G] TexasMen: ! Scilla Мне уже 5 выпало) [12:24:11] ZlouLemon issued server command: /mpcaseview 70 [12:24:11] ZlouLemon issued server command: /buycase 70 [12:24:13] [G] Scilla: ! или как говорится: "он не маленький, просто вода холодная" [12:24:15] Exetorics issued server command: /we cui [12:24:18] SHIZAFRENIAA issued server command: /mpcaseshop [12:24:19] SHIZAFRENIAA issued server command: /mpcaseview 71 [12:24:20] Exetorics issued server command: /spawn [12:24:22] Exetorics issued server command: /we cui [12:24:25] [G] Condesce: ! xdd [12:24:27] SHIZAFRENIAA issued server command: /mpcaseshop [12:24:27] [G] TexasMen: !Азхахах [12:24:31] SHIZAFRENIAA issued server command: /mpcaseview 71 [12:24:36] [G] ZlouLemon: ! мне почти выпал предмет желтой редкости((( [12:24:53] [G] TexasMen: !Шансы... шансы [12:24:53] Jabuti issued server command: /home [12:24:54] SHIZAFRENIAA issued server command: /mpcaseshop [12:24:55] [G] Scilla: ! ZlouLemon ещё вырас....повезёт [12:24:58] Condesce issued server command: /dupeip r3dd3yyes [12:25:09] Condesce issued server command: /m r3dd3yyes тебя телепортировать к твоим вещам? [12:25:31] Bikqwe issued server command: /msg Condesce А сколько надо на стажёра наиграть? [12:25:37] Tiger_eye issued server command: /vanish [12:25:42] SHIZAFRENIAA issued server command: /heal [12:25:42] Tiger_eye issued server command: /cases [12:25:45] Tiger_eye issued server command: /cases help [12:25:49] Tiger_eye issued server command: /cases ;ist [12:25:52] Tiger_eye issued server command: /cases list [12:25:56] [G] ZlouLemon: ! а на молот работает удача??? [12:25:56] Condesce issued server command: /m Bikqwe 50 часов, и так же аккаунту более месяца регистрации [12:26:00] uniqe зашёл [12:26:05] [G] Condesce: !Если ты наложил ее - то да [12:26:20] Condesce issued server command: /oi ZlouLemon [12:26:24] uniqe issued server command: /we cui [12:26:41] [G] Condesce: !У тебя только спешка, так что нет [12:26:49] Jabuti issued server command: /rg s [12:26:51] Jabuti issued server command: //sel [12:26:53] [G] ZlouLemon: ! а откуда ты узнал [12:27:03] [G] Scilla: ! пойду наложу кому-нибудь под приват удачи...Condesce, твой где?:) [12:27:18] Exetorics issued server command: /home [12:27:19] Scilla issued server command: /oi ZlouLemon [12:27:19] Exetorics issued server command: /we cui [12:27:20] [L] bumhik: f [12:27:21] [G] Condesce: !Ну, потом расскажу [12:27:28] [G] TexasMen: !Удача это хорошо , сейчас посмотрим на нее)) [12:27:29] un5redictable issued server command: /home [12:27:34] [G] ZlouLemon: ! ты можешь чекать мой инвентарь? [12:27:39] [G] Condesce: !А вот откуда я узнала.. Секрет)) [12:27:44] [G] TexasMen: !Она старший админ [12:27:53] [G] un5redictable: !Condesce, а что за плюха мобы не мрут от солнца и лавы?) [12:27:54] [G] Condesce: !не админ, всего лишь модератор) [12:27:57] [G] TexasMen: !Модер ,сорри [12:28:00] un5redictable issued server command: /we cui [12:28:01] Exetorics issued server command: /echest [12:28:02] [G] Scilla: ! ZlouLemon в книжках по тинкеру есть способы улучшений инструментов. твой манулиновый молот можно [12:28:04] [L] Scilla: проагрейдить [12:28:04] Jabuti issued server command: /home [12:28:04] SHIZAFRENIAA issued server command: /eat [12:28:06] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /home [12:28:19] [G] Scilla: ! проагрейдить, в том числе на удачу [12:28:23] [G] Condesce: !Я уже отписала по этому поводу, нашему теху, жду ответа [12:28:49] Exetorics issued server command: /hat [12:28:55] [G] ZlouLemon: ! что за нафиг [12:28:58] SHIZAFRENIAA вышел [12:28:59] [G] TexasMen: !Во фарт , три узла подряд) [12:29:06] [G] ZlouLemon: ! почему я получаю урон от огня [12:29:10] [G] ZlouLemon: ! у меня же защита [12:29:17] [G] TexasMen: ! Scilla Спасибо за удачу) [12:29:18] [G] Condesce: !У тебя полный сет? [12:29:21] [G] ZlouLemon: ! да [12:29:26] Condesce issued server command: /oi ZlouLemon [12:29:37] [G] ZlouLemon: ! я так один раз в аду прыгнул в лаву и стал получать урон и умер [12:29:37] Exetorics issued server command: /echest [12:29:40] Cro_SS_O issued server command: /money [12:29:40] [G] Condesce: !ты случаем не в лаве? [12:29:45] [G] ZlouLemon: ! в лаве а что? [12:29:48] [G] Condesce: !от огня же, не от лавы [12:29:57] [G] ZlouLemon: ! но я плавал в лаве и ничего небыло [12:30:32] [G] Condesce: !лучше все же воздержаться от заплывов по лаве [12:30:37] Jabuti issued server command: /home [12:30:42] uniqe issued server command: /home [12:30:46] [G] TexasMen: !Новый вид спорта [12:30:48] [G] ZlouLemon: ! я помню очень долго в аду в лаве плавал [12:30:49] Exetorics issued server command: /home [12:30:56] Exetorics issued server command: /echest [12:30:57] [G] ZlouLemon: ! а щас в маленькой луже чуть не умер [12:30:59] Exetorics issued server command: /back [12:31:01] [G] un5redictable: !Так же перестали спавнится мобы с которых падают поврежд.осколки [12:31:26] Cro_SS_O issued server command: /kit start [12:31:31] [G] ZlouLemon: ! админы [12:31:35] [G] Scilla: ! un5redictable ты про Grue? [12:31:43] [G] un5redictable: !Ага [12:31:43] SHIZAFRENIAA зашёл [12:31:49] [G] Scilla: ! тп [12:31:53] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /home [12:31:53] Condesce issued server command: /pickup [12:31:55] un5redictable issued server command: /tp Scilla [12:31:55] Condesce issued server command: /pickup [12:31:56] SHIZAFRENIAA issued server command: /we cui [12:31:57] uniqe issued server command: /home [12:31:58] un5redictable issued server command: /home [12:31:59] Condesce issued server command: /tp ZlouLemon [12:32:01] un5redictable issued server command: /we cui [12:32:01] Jabuti issued server command: /home [12:32:02] Exetorics issued server command: /echest [12:32:03] un5redictable issued server command: /tp Scilla [12:32:08] [G] ZlouLemon: ! а если я построю очень красивую постройку на вайпе мне поставят памятник?)) или типо того [12:32:10] [G] Scilla: ! они спавнятся. биом равнина -лес глубина меньше 176 [12:32:13] SHIZAFRENIAA issued server command: /eat [12:32:20] [G] Scilla: ! *16 [12:32:20] [G] Condesce: !Хмм.. Возможно) [12:32:24] SHIZAFRENIAA issued server command: /heal [12:32:26] Condesce issued server command: /back [12:32:37] [G] ZlouLemon: ! а гриф же запрещен да? [12:32:41] [G] ZlouLemon: ! просто привата не хватит [12:32:42] [G] un5redictable: !Спасибо, а то весь день искал [12:32:55] SHIZAFRENIAA issued server command: /heal [12:32:57] [G] Condesce: !Если постройка не в привате - это уже совсем другое [12:32:59] [G] Scilla: ! ZlouLemon у тебя их 2 [12:33:08] uniqe issued server command: /voteday [12:33:11] SHIZAFRENIAA issued server command: /voteday [12:33:12] [G] Condesce: !если понадобится - я добавлю своих приватов [12:33:14] SHIZAFRENIAA issued server command: /yes [12:33:14] Jabuti issued server command: /no [12:33:14] Bikqwe issued server command: /yes [12:33:17] Cro_SS_O issued server command: /yes [12:33:22] SHIZAFRENIAA issued server command: /heal [12:33:24] [G] ZlouLemon: ! просто чтобы не сломали)) [12:33:29] [G] Condesce: !но, это исключение [12:33:35] SHIZAFRENIAA issued server command: /eat [12:33:38] Jabuti issued server command: /home [12:33:39] [G] Condesce: !ради красоты то можно [12:33:45] [G] ZlouLemon: ! да [12:33:46] TexasMen issued server command: /cart all [12:33:46] [L] TexasMen: .сфке фдд [12:33:51] TexasMen issued server command: /cart all [12:33:52] [G] ZlouLemon: ! это будет очень красиво [12:34:06] TexasMen issued server command: /mpcaseshop [12:34:09] TexasMen issued server command: /mpcaseview 74 [12:34:10] SHIZAFRENIAA issued server command: /eat [12:34:11] TexasMen issued server command: /rollcase 74 [12:34:14] SHIZAFRENIAA issued server command: /playtime [12:34:17] SHIZAFRENIAA issued server command: /money [12:34:20] Exetorics issued server command: /back [12:34:21] TexasMen issued server command: /mpcaseview 74 [12:34:26] TexasMen issued server command: /rollcase 74 [12:34:27] [G] ZlouLemon: ! приваты 3 на 3 чанка да? [12:34:30] Exetorics issued server command: /kit [12:34:31] [G] Condesce: !lf [12:34:31] [G] Scilla: ! + [12:34:32] [G] Condesce: !Да [12:34:38] TexasMen issued server command: /mpcaseview 74 [12:34:42] [G] Scilla: !грац [12:34:46] SHIZAFRENIAA issued server command: /eat [12:34:46] [G] TexasMen: !Ааахахах [12:34:47] [G] Scilla: ! в 6-раз [12:34:47] [G] Condesce: !вот та самая книжка [12:34:51] [G] TexasMen: !Да [12:34:56] [G] ZlouLemon: ! копец я тоже зочу [12:34:59] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /mpcaseshop [12:34:59] Scilla issued server command: /mpcaseshop [12:35:01] Exetorics issued server command: /back [12:35:01] Scilla issued server command: /mpcaseview 74 [12:35:03] Scilla issued server command: /rollcase 74 [12:35:04] [G] TexasMen: !Кейс удачи [12:35:08] TexasMen issued server command: /mpcaseshop [12:35:09] Condesce issued server command: /mpcaseshop [12:35:10] TexasMen issued server command: /mpcaseview 74 [12:35:11] Condesce issued server command: /mpcaseview 74 [12:35:13] Condesce issued server command: /mpcaseshop [12:35:13] TexasMen issued server command: /rollcase 74 [12:35:18] Scilla issued server command: /mpcaseview 74 [12:35:21] [G] ZlouLemon: ! а из железного такая книга выпадает? [12:35:22] [G] Scilla: !ахаххахах [12:35:23] ZlouLemon issued server command: /mpcaseshop [12:35:26] ZlouLemon issued server command: /mpcaseview 74 [12:35:29] [G] Condesce: !там модно посмотреть что падает [12:35:30] SHIZAFRENIAA issued server command: /mpcaseshop [12:35:32] SHIZAFRENIAA issued server command: /mpcaseview 74 [12:35:33] [G] Condesce: !зайдя в список кейсов [12:35:34] SHIZAFRENIAA issued server command: /mpcaseshop [12:35:36] ZlouLemon issued server command: /mpcaseshop [12:35:36] [G] Scilla: ! ZlouLemon гораздо реже [12:35:39] [G] Condesce: !ну и нажав на кейс [12:35:40] ZlouLemon issued server command: /mpcaseview 71 [12:35:43] Condesce issued server command: /mpcaseshop [12:35:44] Condesce issued server command: /mpcaseview 70 [12:35:44] Bukycbka зашёл [12:36:00] [G] Scilla: ! Condesce их почем продавать можно? [12:36:00] [G] ZlouLemon: ! хахаха там прям как в кс [12:36:00] Bukycbka issued server command: /we cui [12:36:04] TexasMen вышел [12:36:08] Scilla issued server command: /home [12:36:09] Bukycbka issued server command: /home [12:36:10] Bukycbka issued server command: /we cui [12:36:12] [G] ZlouLemon: ! мне по 5 эм можно продать)) [12:36:23] [G] Scilla: ! 700-800 вроде ценник был? [12:36:25] [G] Condesce: !за тридорого [12:36:27] Bukycbka issued server command: /kit start [12:36:32] TexasMen зашёл [12:36:32] [G] Condesce: !800 как помню [12:36:37] [G] Condesce: !на сайте такова цена) [12:36:43] SHIZAFRENIAA issued server command: /eat [12:36:43] TexasMen issued server command: /we cui [12:36:53] [G] ZlouLemon: ! а ктото за 1000 предлагал? [12:36:55] uniqe issued server command: /randomtp [12:36:55] uniqe issued server command: /rtp [12:37:00] [G] Condesce: !за 1к на спавне так же [12:37:02] [G] TexasMen: !За 10 кейсов 400 с копейками [12:37:06] TexasMen issued server command: /fly [12:37:13] SHIZAFRENIAA issued server command: /heal [12:37:13] TexasMen issued server command: /mpcaseshop [12:37:16] TexasMen issued server command: /mpcaseview 74 [12:37:18] TexasMen issued server command: /rollcase 74 [12:37:21] Bukycbka issued server command: /kit eat [12:37:25] [G] ZlouLemon: ! а рубли это донатные да? [12:37:29] TexasMen issued server command: /mpcaseview 74 [12:37:30] [G] Condesce: !Да [12:37:31] TexasMen issued server command: /rollcase 74 [12:37:32] [G] ZlouLemon: ! или их ккто обменивать можно [12:37:34] bumhik issued server command: /rg info [12:37:34] [G] ZlouLemon: ! ок [12:37:44] TexasMen issued server command: /mpcaseview 74 [12:37:45] TexasMen issued server command: /rollcase 74 [12:37:48] Condesce issued server command: /tp AYLIEXEC [12:37:51] SHIZAFRENIAA issued server command: /heal [12:37:56] TexasMen issued server command: /mpcaseview 74 [12:37:58] TexasMen issued server command: /rollcase 74 [12:38:01] Tiger_eye issued server command: /mt reload [12:38:11] TexasMen issued server command: /mpcaseview 74 [12:38:13] TexasMen issued server command: /rollcase 74 [12:38:19] [G] Tiger_eye: ! нарисовал цену на книжку [12:38:21] Jabuti issued server command: /warp mining [12:38:22] bumhik issued server command: /warp shop [12:38:23] Jabuti issued server command: /we cui [12:38:23] TexasMen issued server command: /mpcaseview 74 [12:38:24] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /warp mining [12:38:25] Jabuti issued server command: /randomtp [12:38:25] Jabuti issued server command: /rtp [12:38:25] bumhik issued server command: /we cui [12:38:25] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /we cui [12:38:27] [G] Tiger_eye: ! Всем привет [12:38:30] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /randomtp [12:38:30] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /rtp [12:38:36] [G] Condesce: !жесть 799 [12:38:36] Tiger_eye issued server command: /ipreport [12:38:39] [L] bumhik: норм [12:38:40] [G] TexasMen: !Привет) [12:38:44] [G] ZlouLemon: ! кстати я заметил что ваш домен сервера не заблокирован у нас [12:38:48] Tiger_eye issued server command: /dupeip scilla [12:38:50] uniqe issued server command: /randomtp [12:38:50] uniqe issued server command: /rtp [12:38:53] [G] TexasMen: !Книга изучений 799? [12:38:59] [G] Condesce: !минималка [12:39:03] Condesce issued server command: /warp shop [12:39:07] [G] TexasMen: !Продам книгу за 800) [12:39:09] Condesce issued server command: /we cui [12:39:09] [G] ZlouLemon: ! у вас хост стоит гдето в Европе или в России? [12:39:14] TexasMen issued server command: /mpcaseshop [12:39:16] SHIZAFRENIAA issued server command: /heal [12:39:17] TexasMen issued server command: /mpcaseview 74 [12:39:17] Yunia зашёл [12:39:19] TexasMen issued server command: /rollcase 74 [12:39:30] Yunia issued server command: /we cui [12:39:30] TexasMen issued server command: /mpcaseview 74 [12:39:32] TexasMen issued server command: /rollcase 74 [12:39:43] TexasMen issued server command: /mpcaseview 74 [12:39:44] TexasMen issued server command: /rollcase 74 [12:39:52] Cro_SS_O issued server command: /money [12:39:54] SHIZAFRENIAA issued server command: /eat [12:39:54] TexasMen issued server command: /mpcaseview 74 [12:39:55] TexasMen issued server command: /rollcase 74 [12:40:08] TexasMen issued server command: /mpcaseview 74 [12:40:09] TexasMen issued server command: /rollcase 74 [12:40:10] Yunia вышел [12:40:15] bumhik issued server command: /home [12:40:17] bumhik issued server command: /we cui [12:40:20] TexasMen issued server command: /mpcaseview 74 [12:40:21] TexasMen issued server command: /rollcase 74 [12:40:32] TexasMen issued server command: /mpcaseview 74 [12:40:35] un5redictable issued server command: /endersee [12:40:35] TexasMen issued server command: /rollcase 74 [12:40:36] Scilla issued server command: /mpcaseshop [12:40:38] Scilla issued server command: /mpcaseview 74 [12:40:39] Scilla issued server command: /rollcase 74 [12:40:42] [G] ZlouLemon: ! реально удача) [12:40:45] Jabuti issued server command: /randomtp [12:40:45] Jabuti issued server command: /rtp [12:40:46] TexasMen issued server command: /mpcaseview 74 [12:40:48] TexasMen issued server command: /rollcase 74 [12:40:53] Scilla issued server command: /mpcaseview 74 [12:40:54] Scilla issued server command: /rollcase 74 [12:40:55] [G] ZlouLemon: ! а чо за стикеры [12:41:00] TexasMen issued server command: /mpcaseview 74 [12:41:02] [G] Condesce: !В чате [12:41:05] SHIZAFRENIAA issued server command: /heal [12:41:08] Scilla issued server command: /mpcaseview 74 [12:41:09] Scilla issued server command: /rollcase 74 [12:41:10] [G] ZlouLemon: ! тут? [12:41:10] [G] Condesce: !Смайлик справавнизу [12:41:15] [G] Condesce: !справа внизу* [12:41:21] TexasMen issued server command: /mpcaseshop [12:41:24] [G] ZlouLemon: ! нету [12:41:24] Scilla issued server command: /mpcaseview 74 [12:41:25] Scilla issued server command: /rollcase 74 [12:41:26] TexasMen issued server command: /mpcaseview 74 [12:41:28] TexasMen issued server command: /rollcase 74 [12:41:29] [G] ZlouLemon: !где [12:41:32] [G] ZlouLemon: ! ого [12:41:37] [G] Condesce: !Справа в углу внизу [12:41:39] TexasMen issued server command: /mpcaseview 74 [12:41:39] Scilla issued server command: /mpcaseview 74 [12:41:40] Scilla issued server command: /rollcase 74 [12:41:40] TexasMen issued server command: /rollcase 74 [12:41:45] [G] Condesce: !там смайлик [12:41:47] [G] Condesce: !В чате [12:41:51] TexasMen issued server command: /mpcaseview 74 [12:41:53] Scilla issued server command: /mpcaseview 74 [12:41:54] Scilla issued server command: /rollcase 74 [12:41:55] [G] ZlouLemon: ! нету [12:41:55] [G] TexasMen: !Ахахаха [12:42:01] TexasMen issued server command: /mpcaseshop [12:42:03] TexasMen issued server command: /mpcaseview 74 [12:42:04] TexasMen issued server command: /rollcase 74 [12:42:07] un5redictable issued server command: /endersee [12:42:08] Scilla issued server command: /mpcaseview 74 [12:42:08] Condesce issued server command: /screenall [12:42:09] Scilla issued server command: /rollcase 74 [12:42:15] TexasMen issued server command: /mpcaseview 74 [12:42:17] TexasMen issued server command: /rollcase 74 [12:42:21] un5redictable issued server command: /home [12:42:24] Scilla issued server command: /mpcaseview 74 [12:42:26] Scilla issued server command: /rollcase 74 [12:42:27] TexasMen issued server command: /mpcaseview 74 [12:42:35] un5redictable issued server command: /endersee [12:42:37] SHIZAFRENIAA issued server command: /heal [12:42:39] Scilla issued server command: /mpcaseview 74 [12:42:39] Scilla issued server command: /rollcase 74 [12:42:44] [G] Condesce: !по кнопкой край у тебя [12:42:45] [G] ZlouLemon: ! а мы в строительном мире? [12:42:48] SHIZAFRENIAA вышел [12:42:50] r3dd3yyes умер (PROJECTILE) [12:42:54] Scilla issued server command: /mpcaseview 74 [12:42:54] r3dd3yyes issued server command: /we cui [12:43:05] r3dd3yyes вышел [12:43:05] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /randomtp [12:43:05] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /rtp [12:43:25] TexasMen issued server command: /mpcaseshop [12:43:27] TexasMen issued server command: /mpcaseview 71 [12:43:29] TexasMen issued server command: /rollcase 71 [12:43:37] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /randomtp [12:43:37] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /rtp [12:43:41] TexasMen issued server command: /mpcaseview 71 [12:43:42] TexasMen issued server command: /rollcase 71 [12:43:48] Condesce issued server command: /we cui [12:43:53] TexasMen issued server command: /mpcaseview 71 [12:43:55] TexasMen issued server command: /mpcaseshop [12:44:14] [L] ZlouLemon: хахах [12:44:19] [G] ZlouLemon: ! такого я еще не видел [12:44:23] ZlouLemon issued server command: /home [12:44:24] Condesce issued server command: /tp ZlouLemon [12:44:30] [L] Condesce: строительный мир [12:44:51] ZlouLemon вышел [12:44:59] Tiger_eye issued server command: /mt reload [12:45:10] TexasMen issued server command: /home [12:45:14] uniqe issued server command: /home [12:45:21] ZlouLemon зашёл [12:45:24] ZlouLemon issued server command: /we cui [12:45:24] Scilla issued server command: /mpcaseshop [12:45:27] Scilla issued server command: /mpcaseview 74 [12:45:28] Scilla issued server command: /rollcase 74 [12:45:29] uniqe issued server command: /kit eat [12:45:35] Condesce issued server command: /list [12:45:39] [L] ZlouLemon: привет [12:45:42] Scilla issued server command: /mpcaseview 74 [12:45:43] Scilla issued server command: /rollcase 74 [12:45:52] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /home [12:45:54] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /we cui [12:45:55] Jabuti issued server command: /home [12:45:57] Scilla issued server command: /mpcaseview 74 [12:45:57] [G] Condesce: !только смотрите, без спама стикерами) [12:45:57] Jabuti issued server command: /we cui [12:45:58] Scilla issued server command: /rollcase 74 [12:46:03] [L] ZlouLemon: окей [12:46:04] [L] ZlouLemon: а [12:46:05] [G] TexasMen: !Океюшки) [12:46:11] Scilla issued server command: /mpcaseview 74 [12:46:12] Scilla issued server command: /rollcase 74 [12:46:19] [L] ZlouLemon: а как развиваться легче всего [12:46:25] [L] Condesce: изучая таумкрафт [12:46:26] Scilla issued server command: /mpcaseview 74 [12:46:28] Scilla issued server command: /mpcaseshop [12:46:30] [L] ZlouLemon: я просто за моды ничерта не шаю [12:46:31] [G] TexasMen: !Ооо [12:46:32] Scilla issued server command: /mpcaseview 75 [12:46:34] Scilla issued server command: /rollcase 75 [12:46:35] Bikqwe issued server command: /home [12:46:35] uniqe issued server command: /mpcaseshop [12:46:35] [L] Condesce: понимаю [12:46:36] un5redictable issued server command: /home [12:46:38] uniqe issued server command: /mpcaseview 76 [12:46:40] uniqe issued server command: /mpcaseshop [12:46:41] [L] Condesce: они легкие [12:46:41] uniqe issued server command: /mpcaseview 75 [12:46:43] uniqe issued server command: /mpcaseshop [12:46:44] uniqe issued server command: /mpcaseview 74 [12:46:46] [L] ZlouLemon: неа [12:46:46] uniqe issued server command: /mpcaseshop [12:46:48] uniqe issued server command: /mpcaseview 72 [12:46:48] [L] Condesce: интуитивно понятно что да как [12:46:48] Scilla issued server command: /mpcaseview 75 [12:46:49] uniqe issued server command: /rollcase 72 [12:46:49] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /randomtp [12:46:49] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /rtp [12:46:50] Scilla issued server command: /rollcase 75 [12:46:50] [L] ZlouLemon: меня пытались научить [12:46:53] Bikqwe issued server command: /rg info privet1 [12:46:59] [L] Condesce: это лучше самому постигать [12:47:02] uniqe issued server command: /mpcaseview 72 [12:47:02] un5redictable issued server command: /we cui [12:47:03] uniqe issued server command: /mpcaseshop [12:47:03] Scilla issued server command: /mpcaseview 75 [12:47:04] uniqe issued server command: /mpcaseview 70 [12:47:04] Scilla issued server command: /rollcase 75 [12:47:05] [L] Condesce: и грызть эту книжку самому) [12:47:06] uniqe issued server command: /mpcaseshop [12:47:08] uniqe issued server command: /mpcaseview 71 [12:47:10] uniqe issued server command: /mpcaseshop [12:47:11] [G] TexasMen: !Продам 5 книг изучения таума)) [12:47:15] Jabuti issued server command: /randomtp [12:47:15] Jabuti issued server command: /rtp [12:47:18] Scilla issued server command: /mpcaseview 75 [12:47:19] [G] Condesce: !Я бы купила( [12:47:20] Scilla issued server command: /mpcaseshop [12:47:22] Scilla issued server command: /mpcaseview 71 [12:47:23] Scilla issued server command: /rollcase 71 [12:47:29] [G] TexasMen: !Хихихи) [12:47:31] [L] ZlouLemon: я умею только строить а моды это не моё [12:47:36] Scilla issued server command: /mpcaseview 71 [12:47:41] [L] Condesce: ( [12:47:42] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /tpaccept [12:47:46] [G] TexasMen: !О а мне поножи выпали) [12:47:48] Bikqwe issued server command: /sethome [12:47:50] SHIZAFRENIAA зашёл [12:47:54] Jabuti issued server command: /call AYLIEXEC [12:47:56] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /tpaccept [12:47:56] Bikqwe умер (MAGIC) [12:48:00] Bikqwe issued server command: /we cui [12:48:03] SHIZAFRENIAA issued server command: /we cui [12:48:05] [G] TexasMen: !Почти драконий сет собрал еще) [12:48:07] [L] Condesce: в некоторых модах понадобиться ровно и симметрично строить [12:48:14] [G] TexasMen: ! И посох выпал)))))) [12:48:16] [L] ZlouLemon: ты где [12:48:23] [L] Condesce: тут [12:48:31] uniqe вышел [12:48:47] Exetorics issued server command: /echest [12:48:50] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /randomtp [12:48:50] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /rtp [12:48:53] bumhik issued server command: /randomtp [12:48:53] bumhik issued server command: /rtp [12:49:02] TexasMen issued server command: /mpcaseshop [12:49:04] TexasMen issued server command: /mpcaseview 70 [12:49:05] bumhik issued server command: /randomtp [12:49:05] bumhik issued server command: /rtp [12:49:06] TexasMen issued server command: /rollcase 70 [12:49:17] TexasMen issued server command: /mpcaseview 70 [12:49:18] TexasMen issued server command: /rollcase 70 [12:49:21] [L] ZlouLemon: а какой есть блок которого очень много [12:49:26] [L] ZlouLemon: и он красивый [12:49:29] Scilla issued server command: /money [12:49:29] TexasMen issued server command: /mpcaseview 70 [12:49:34] TexasMen issued server command: /money [12:49:34] [L] Condesce: камень [12:49:36] TexasMen issued server command: /money top [12:49:41] [L] Condesce: при помощи стамески его можно изменять [12:49:44] TexasMen issued server command: /playtime [12:49:46] TexasMen issued server command: /playtimetop [12:49:49] TexasMen issued server command: /playtimetop clear [12:49:50] [L] ZlouLemon: как [12:49:54] TexasMen issued server command: /mpcaseshop [12:49:56] Jabuti issued server command: /home [12:49:58] TexasMen issued server command: /mpcaseview 70 [12:49:58] [L] Condesce: делаешь стамеску [12:49:59] TexasMen issued server command: /rollcase 70 [12:50:01] [L] ZlouLemon: типо плавить? [12:50:01] [L] Condesce: там их 3 [12:50:04] [L] Condesce: нет [12:50:22] [L] Condesce: там 3 стамески, железная, алмазная, обсидановая [12:50:28] Jabuti issued server command: /call AYLIEXEC [12:50:29] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /tpaccept [12:50:30] [L] Condesce: а, каень нельзя в нее [12:50:30] Scilla issued server command: /home [12:50:32] [L] Condesce: камень* [12:50:37] TexasMen вышел [12:50:54] [L] Condesce: доски [12:50:54] [L] ZlouLemon: а что ставить на моло [12:51:01] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /randomtp [12:51:01] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /rtp [12:51:01] [L] ZlouLemon: чтобы он был шелковым [12:51:03] Exetorics issued server command: /echest [12:51:08] Jabuti issued server command: /randomtp [12:51:08] Jabuti issued server command: /rtp [12:51:11] [L] ZlouLemon: мне просто нужно много серого цвета блоки [12:51:15] Exetorics issued server command: /kit [12:51:22] [L] Condesce: Шелковистая драгоценность [12:51:25] TexasMen зашёл [12:51:34] [L] ZlouLemon: а как ее добыть [12:51:38] TexasMen issued server command: /we cui [12:51:42] [L] Condesce: она крафтится [12:52:06] [L] Condesce: советую посмотреть в NEI (строка внизу инвентаря и список предметов справа [12:52:07] Bukycbka issued server command: /home [12:52:07] [L] ZlouLemon: ооо [12:52:08] [L] Condesce: ) [12:52:12] [L] ZlouLemon: нелорого [12:52:12] un5redictable issued server command: /home [12:52:16] un5redictable issued server command: /we cui [12:52:18] [L] ZlouLemon: а [12:52:27] [L] ZlouLemon: а на дивайн рпг ставиться шелк? [12:52:36] Scilla issued server command: /home [12:52:38] [L] Condesce: именно который для тинкера - нет [12:52:44] [L] Condesce: а просто зачары - да и нет [12:52:48] [G] TexasMen: !Ладненько , желаю всем хорошего дня, а я спать умчал :) [12:52:59] [L] ZlouLemon: эх [12:53:09] TexasMen issued server command: /enderchest [12:53:09] [L] TexasMen: .утвуксруые [12:53:16] [L] ZlouLemon: получаеться надо плавить много камня))))) [12:53:18] [G] Scilla: ! споконой ночи:) [12:53:20] Condesce issued server command: /we cui [12:53:23] [G] ZlouLemon: ! или целать цемент [12:53:27] Condesce issued server command: /tp ZlouLemon [12:53:27] Bukycbka issued server command: /randomtp [12:53:27] Bukycbka issued server command: /rtp [12:53:27] un5redictable issued server command: /home [12:53:29] bumhik issued server command: /home [12:53:29] Condesce issued server command: /we cui [12:53:33] bumhik issued server command: /randomtp [12:53:33] bumhik issued server command: /rtp [12:53:35] [L] Condesce: зачем [12:53:40] [G] TexasMen: !Спасибо [12:53:41] [L] ZlouLemon: для построки [12:53:49] [G] TexasMen: ! ZlouLemon что? [12:53:58] [G] ZlouLemon: ! ничего [12:54:01] [L] Condesce: хм [12:54:03] [L] ZlouLemon: у меня есть проект [12:54:06] [G] TexasMen: !Я так и подумал) [12:54:17] Bukycbka issued server command: /randomtp [12:54:17] Bukycbka issued server command: /rtp [12:54:20] TexasMen issued server command: /kit [12:54:20] [L] TexasMen: .лше [12:54:27] Bikqwe issued server command: /money [12:54:27] [L] ZlouLemon: правда делать его чтобы надо попотеть [12:54:30] [L] ZlouLemon: особенно одному [12:54:31] Bikqwe issued server command: /warpshop [12:54:34] Bikqwe issued server command: /warp shop [12:54:36] Bikqwe issued server command: /we cui [12:54:37] [L] ZlouLemon: а рабов у меня тут нету [12:54:38] TexasMen вышел [12:54:39] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /tpaccept [12:54:39] un5redictable issued server command: /warp ad [12:54:40] Bukycbka issued server command: /randomtp [12:54:40] Bukycbka issued server command: /rtp [12:54:42] Bukycbka issued server command: /randomtp [12:54:42] Bukycbka issued server command: /rtp [12:54:43] un5redictable issued server command: /we cui [12:54:44] [L] ZlouLemon: надо позвать их себе [12:54:44] [L] Condesce: а у тебя разве нет тиммейтов? [12:54:52] un5redictable issued server command: /tppos -2500 50 -2344 [12:54:56] [L] ZlouLemon: я к этим двум присоеденился [12:54:58] Jabuti issued server command: /call AYLIEXEC [12:54:59] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /tpaccept [12:55:01] [L] Condesce: видела [12:55:01] Bukycbka issued server command: /randomtp [12:55:01] Bukycbka issued server command: /rtp [12:55:04] Bukycbka issued server command: /r [12:55:06] Bukycbka issued server command: /randomtp [12:55:06] Bukycbka issued server command: /rtp [12:55:07] Bukycbka issued server command: /randomtp [12:55:07] Bukycbka issued server command: /rtp [12:55:08] Bukycbka issued server command: /randomtp [12:55:08] Bukycbka issued server command: /rtp [12:55:09] [L] ZlouLemon: но они шарят во всем [12:55:10] [L] ZlouLemon: а я нет [12:55:14] [L] ZlouLemon: так что тут я раб) [12:55:21] Bikqwe issued server command: /home [12:55:24] Bikqwe issued server command: /we cui [12:55:27] [L] Condesce: хм, тогда посмотри гайды [12:55:30] [L] Condesce: в виде видео [12:55:30] bumhik issued server command: /home [12:55:31] Bukycbka issued server command: /randomtp [12:55:31] Bukycbka issued server command: /rtp [12:55:33] [L] ZlouLemon: зачем [12:55:37] Bukycbka issued server command: /randomtp [12:55:37] Bukycbka issued server command: /rtp [12:55:37] [L] ZlouLemon: мне не это нужно [12:55:40] [L] ZlouLemon: мне нужно строить [12:55:41] [L] Condesce: так более понятно просто [12:55:59] [L] Condesce: при помощи стамески нельзя кстати заменяить камень [12:56:05] [L] ZlouLemon: пойду моря буду выкапывать))) [12:56:06] [L] Condesce: доски красиво выглядят [12:56:15] [L] Condesce: удачки [12:56:21] Scilla issued server command: /home [12:56:21] Exetorics issued server command: /w Condesce для чего нужен "тар"? [12:56:22] [L] ZlouLemon: и тебе [12:56:52] Condesce issued server command: /r Хороший вопрос, используется как лава [12:57:06] Exetorics issued server command: /r ладн, щас поищу инфу в гугле) [12:57:34] Condesce issued server command: /r смешаете его с лавой или водой, он превратится в асфальт. [12:57:39] Condesce issued server command: /r вот) [12:57:40] Exetorics issued server command: /r + [12:57:45] Exetorics issued server command: /r щас нашёл тоже) [12:57:53] Condesce issued server command: /r на английской вики правда [12:58:00] Exetorics issued server command: /r ну я там же [12:58:18] [G] ZlouLemon: ! а почему броня водного дыхания не дает водное дыхание [12:58:33] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /home [12:58:36] [L] Condesce: ща проверим [12:58:36] un5redictable issued server command: /home [12:58:39] Condesce issued server command: /gm 0 [12:58:40] un5redictable issued server command: /we cui [12:58:49] Bikqwe вышел [12:58:53] Condesce issued server command: /pickup [12:58:58] Bikqwe зашёл [12:59:04] [L] Condesce: дает [12:59:10] Jabuti issued server command: /home [12:59:11] Bikqwe issued server command: /we cui [12:59:11] [L] Condesce: не тону ведь [12:59:13] Condesce issued server command: /god [12:59:17] Condesce issued server command: /god [12:59:23] [L] ZlouLemon: а я тону [12:59:25] [G] un5redictable: !Как вкл ночное зрение на шлеме ихор? [12:59:32] [G] un5redictable: !Или оно само от воды вкл тока? [12:59:35] [G] Condesce: !Оно включается лишь по подении в воду [12:59:42] [G] un5redictable: !Понял [12:59:46] Condesce issued server command: /oi ZlouLemon [12:59:50] [L] ZlouLemon: но я же тону [12:59:50] un5redictable issued server command: /zset 0 [12:59:56] [L] ZlouLemon: чего неработает [12:59:58] [L] Condesce: у тебя сет шадиума [13:00:00] un5redictable issued server command: /zset 0 [13:00:01] Scilla issued server command: /home [13:00:08] [L] ZlouLemon: да [13:00:16] [L] ZlouLemon: а у него ефект водного дыхания [13:00:20] un5redictable issued server command: /zset 0 [13:00:21] [L] ZlouLemon: а его нету [13:00:27] Jabuti issued server command: /randomtp [13:00:27] Jabuti issued server command: /rtp [13:00:30] [L] Condesce: вижу, скажу [13:00:31] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /randomtp [13:00:31] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /rtp [13:00:33] Condesce issued server command: /gm 1 [13:00:46] [L] ZlouLemon: кстати [13:00:47] un5redictable issued server command: /zset 1 [13:00:51] Jabuti issued server command: /call AYLIEXEC [13:00:52] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /tpaccept [13:01:02] un5redictable issued server command: /zset 1 [13:01:04] [L] ZlouLemon: незериумная броня не всегда спасает от огня [13:01:10] Jabuti issued server command: /home [13:01:12] [L] ZlouLemon: работает по настроению [13:01:34] [G] Bikqwe: !Где aer много? [13:01:36] un5redictable issued server command: /zset 48 [13:01:45] un5redictable issued server command: /zset 48 [13:01:45] Jabuti issued server command: /call AYLIEXEC [13:01:47] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /tpaccept [13:01:53] [G] Condesce: !Если для стола - то лучше делать стол расщепления и в нем жарить верстаки [13:01:55] un5redictable issued server command: /zset 48 [13:02:03] un5redictable issued server command: /zset 0 [13:02:07] [G] Condesce: !А если для плавки, то можно юзать тросник [13:02:11] Jabuti issued server command: /randomtp [13:02:11] Jabuti issued server command: /rtp [13:02:12] [G] Scilla: ! проще всего с тросника. автоферму сделать и вперёд [13:02:13] un5redictable issued server command: /zset 48 [13:02:15] [L] ZlouLemon: пхех [13:02:19] [L] Condesce: ) [13:02:21] Scilla issued server command: /home [13:02:22] [L] ZlouLemon: штырящий грибок [13:02:22] un5redictable issued server command: /zset 0 [13:02:25] [L] Condesce: Ага [13:02:30] un5redictable issued server command: /zset 48 [13:02:31] [L] ZlouLemon: кстати [13:02:34] [L] Condesce: слушаю [13:02:36] [L] ZlouLemon: я наложил алмаз на молот [13:02:38] Jabuti issued server command: /call AYLIEXEC [13:02:38] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /tpaccept [13:02:39] un5redictable issued server command: /zset 0 [13:02:39] [L] ZlouLemon: а прочности нету [13:02:47] [L] ZlouLemon: непоказываеться что она есть [13:02:48] Jabuti issued server command: /randomtp [13:02:48] Jabuti issued server command: /rtp [13:02:48] [L] Condesce: он добавляет прочность [13:02:52] Bikqwe issued server command: /home [13:02:58] [L] Condesce: положив в стол ты ее увидишь [13:03:02] [L] Condesce: справа [13:03:05] un5redictable issued server command: /zset 48 [13:03:06] [L] ZlouLemon: а когда навожу мышкой пишет просто удача и спешка [13:03:07] [L] ZlouLemon: и все [13:03:18] [L] ZlouLemon: а на столе пишет просто алмаз [13:03:18] Jabuti issued server command: /home [13:03:22] [L] Condesce: нужно так же его положить [13:03:27] [L] Condesce: и все его харпактеристики покажуться [13:03:39] [L] Condesce: характеристики [13:03:50] [L] ZlouLemon: там написано просто алмаз [13:03:59] [L] Condesce: 500 вроде [13:04:01] [L] Condesce: добавляет [13:04:13] [L] ZlouLemon: аа [13:04:14] [L] ZlouLemon: да [13:04:47] un5redictable issued server command: /home [13:04:56] [G] Bikqwe: !Кто-то палочку зарядит? [13:05:05] [G] Exetorics: !За отдельную плату да [13:05:07] [G] Bukycbka: !А что за креонитовая руда? [13:05:09] Condesce issued server command: /gm 0 [13:05:12] Bikqwe issued server command: /tpa Exetorics [13:05:18] Exetorics issued server command: /home [13:05:21] Exetorics issued server command: /tpaccept [13:05:26] Condesce issued server command: //heal [13:05:29] Condesce issued server command: /heal [13:05:33] Condesce issued server command: /god [13:05:34] Condesce issued server command: /god [13:05:38] [L] Bikqwe: Стоимость? [13:05:41] Condesce issued server command: /gm 1 [13:05:49] Exetorics issued server command: /w Condesce сколько с него спросить за палку на 25?)) [13:05:51] [L] ZlouLemon: а где менять эти амулеты [13:05:53] [L] ZlouLemon: где НПС [13:06:10] [L] Condesce: ./warp shop [13:06:12] [L] Exetorics: 1 эм [13:06:18] Bikqwe issued server command: /money pay Exetorics 1 [13:06:19] ZlouLemon issued server command: /warp shop [13:06:22] ZlouLemon issued server command: /we cui [13:06:26] Condesce issued server command: /tp ZlouLemon [13:06:29] Condesce issued server command: /we cui [13:06:38] [L] Condesce: пошли [13:06:44] Jabuti был кикнут [13:06:44] Jabuti вышел [13:06:44] un5redictable был кикнут [13:06:44] un5redictable вышел [13:06:44] bumhik был кикнут [13:06:44] bumhik вышел [13:06:44] Cro_SS_O был кикнут [13:06:44] Cro_SS_O вышел [13:06:44] Condesce был кикнут [13:06:44] Condesce вышел [13:06:44] Scilla был кикнут [13:06:44] Scilla вышел [13:06:44] AYLIEXEC был кикнут [13:06:44] AYLIEXEC вышел [13:06:44] Tiger_eye был кикнут [13:06:44] Tiger_eye вышел [13:06:44] Exetorics был кикнут [13:06:44] Exetorics вышел [13:06:44] Bukycbka был кикнут [13:06:44] Bukycbka вышел [13:06:44] ZlouLemon был кикнут [13:06:44] ZlouLemon вышел [13:06:44] SHIZAFRENIAA был кикнут [13:06:44] SHIZAFRENIAA вышел [13:06:44] Bikqwe был кикнут [13:06:44] Bikqwe вышел [13:06:48] Сервер выключился [13:07:33] Сервер включился [13:12:20] Сервер включился [13:12:36] Cro_SS_O зашёл [13:12:37] Jabuti зашёл [13:12:39] Jabuti issued server command: /we cui [13:12:39] Bikqwe зашёл [13:12:40] Scilla зашёл [13:12:41] Scilla issued server command: /we cui [13:12:42] Cro_SS_O issued server command: /we cui [13:12:43] Bukycbka зашёл [13:12:45] AYLIEXEC зашёл [13:12:46] Bukycbka issued server command: /we cui [13:12:47] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /we cui [13:12:47] Tiger_eye зашёл [13:12:50] Tiger_eye issued server command: /we cui [13:12:51] Bikqwe issued server command: /we cui [13:12:51] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /home [13:12:52] Tiger_eye issued server command: /vanish [13:12:56] Condesce зашёл [13:12:57] Bikqwe issued server command: /home [13:12:59] Condesce issued server command: /we cui [13:13:09] ZlouLemon зашёл [13:13:12] ZlouLemon issued server command: /we cui [13:13:19] Bikqwe issued server command: /kit start [13:13:51] [L] ZlouLemon: и что там за штуки))) [13:14:07] [L] ZlouLemon: ооооооооо [13:14:08] [L] ZlouLemon: радио [13:14:16] [L] Condesce: да [13:14:18] [L] ZlouLemon: типо можно свою музыук7??? [13:14:23] [L] ZlouLemon: как она работает [13:14:24] [L] Condesce: Да) [13:14:32] [L] Condesce: Ну, нужно взять ее ссылку [13:14:40] [L] Condesce: и вставить в радио [13:14:47] Tiger_eye issued server command: /mt reload [13:14:55] [L] ZlouLemon: блииин [13:14:59] [L] ZlouLemon: дорого( [13:15:08] [L] ZlouLemon: а как амулеты собирать [13:15:13] [L] Condesce: Кейсы крутить [13:15:18] [L] ZlouLemon: какие [13:15:21] [L] Condesce: любые [13:15:23] [L] ZlouLemon: а [13:15:33] [L] ZlouLemon: а я думаю откуда они у меня появились [13:15:36] [L] Condesce: ) [13:15:48] [L] ZlouLemon: жаль могу голосовать только за 1 [13:15:58] [L] ZlouLemon: а за 50 не грузиться [13:16:00] bumhik зашёл [13:16:03] Exetorics зашёл [13:16:03] bumhik issued server command: /we cui [13:16:05] Exetorics issued server command: /we cui [13:16:09] [L] Condesce: ( [13:16:14] [L] Condesce: Это частая проблема сайта [13:16:26] [L] ZlouLemon: а за меня могут голосовать?))) [13:16:35] [L] Condesce: Там только ник нужно ввести [13:16:39] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /money [13:16:43] [L] Condesce: после захода на сайт и регистрации там [13:16:48] [L] Condesce: ну, через вк там [13:17:15] [L] ZlouLemon: просто у меня даже с впн не грузит [13:17:24] [L] ZlouLemon: а в россии сайт работает? [13:17:26] Bukycbka issued server command: /home [13:17:32] [L] Condesce: Изредка нормально [13:18:08] [L] ZlouLemon: процессор с видеокартой хех [13:18:29] Condesce issued server command: /tp Jabuti [13:18:30] Bukycbka вышел [13:18:32] Condesce issued server command: /we cui [13:18:44] Condesce issued server command: /oi Jabuti [13:18:58] Condesce issued server command: /warp end [13:19:01] Condesce issued server command: /we cui [13:19:04] Scilla issued server command: /home [13:19:32] ZlouLemon issued server command: /we cui [13:20:01] bumhik issued server command: /randomtp [13:20:01] bumhik issued server command: /rtp [13:20:12] ZlouLemon вышел [13:20:23] bumhik issued server command: /randomtp [13:20:23] bumhik issued server command: /rtp [13:20:27] bumhik issued server command: /randomtp [13:20:27] bumhik issued server command: /rtp [13:20:49] Healthy зашёл [13:21:01] Healthy issued server command: /we cui [13:21:41] Bukycbka зашёл [13:21:43] Condesce issued server command: /tp Exetorics [13:21:46] Condesce issued server command: /we cui [13:21:58] Bukycbka issued server command: /we cui [13:22:01] [L] Condesce: Сам знаешь что мне это не надо [13:22:16] [L] Exetorics: но они пропали [13:22:19] [L] Condesce: возможно кто-то с привилегнией тпхнулся) [13:22:20] [L] Exetorics: а везде всё закрыто [13:22:24] [L] Condesce: либо же задиспавнились [13:22:39] bumhik issued server command: /home [13:22:44] [L] Exetorics: пока они прикреплены к алтарю анимацией призыва они не деспавнятся же [13:22:52] Jabuti issued server command: /randomtp [13:22:52] Jabuti issued server command: /rtp [13:22:56] [L] Condesce: Это лишь мое предположение [13:23:13] [L] Exetorics: теперь блть искать новых [13:23:17] Bukycbka issued server command: /money [13:23:22] Bukycbka issued server command: /mpcaseshop [13:23:26] [L] Condesce: ( [13:23:30] Healthy issued server command: /mpcaseshop [13:23:33] Healthy issued server command: /mpcaseview 70 [13:23:34] Healthy issued server command: /rollcase 70 [13:23:36] Bukycbka issued server command: /mpcaseview 70 [13:23:37] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /warp mining [13:23:38] Bukycbka issued server command: /buycase 70 [13:23:39] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /we cui [13:23:39] Bukycbka issued server command: /rollcase 70 [13:23:42] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /randomtp [13:23:42] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /rtp [13:23:46] Healthy issued server command: /mpcaseview 70 [13:23:48] Healthy issued server command: /rollcase 70 [13:23:55] Bukycbka issued server command: /mpcaseview 70 [13:23:57] un5redictable зашёл [13:23:58] Bukycbka issued server command: /buycase 70 [13:23:59] Bukycbka issued server command: /rollcase 70 [13:24:02] Healthy issued server command: /mpcaseview 70 [13:24:04] Healthy issued server command: /mpcaseshop [13:24:05] un5redictable issued server command: /we cui [13:24:11] Bikqwe issued server command: /warp shop [13:24:11] Condesce issued server command: /thru [13:24:14] Bikqwe issued server command: /we cui [13:24:15] Exetorics issued server command: /w Condesce выбора то нету [13:24:24] Bukycbka issued server command: /randomtp [13:24:24] Bukycbka issued server command: /rtp [13:24:47] [G] Bikqwe: !Куплю золото [13:24:53] Bikqwe issued server command: /home [13:24:54] [G] Exetorics: !Сколько надо? [13:24:55] Bikqwe issued server command: /we cui [13:24:58] Condesce issued server command: /warp end [13:25:01] Condesce issued server command: /we cui [13:25:01] Bukycbka issued server command: /randomtp [13:25:01] Bukycbka issued server command: /rtp [13:25:07] un5redictable issued server command: /god [13:25:08] un5redictable issued server command: /god [13:25:17] Bikqwe умер (ENTITY_ATTACK) [13:25:20] Bikqwe issued server command: /we cui [13:25:21] Bukycbka issued server command: /randomtp [13:25:21] Bukycbka issued server command: /rtp [13:25:22] Bukycbka issued server command: /rpt [13:25:23] Bukycbka issued server command: /randomtp [13:25:23] Bukycbka issued server command: /rtp [13:25:24] [G] Bikqwe: !10шт [13:25:25] Bukycbka issued server command: /randomtp [13:25:25] Bukycbka issued server command: /rtp [13:25:25] Bukycbka issued server command: /randomtp [13:25:25] Bukycbka issued server command: /rtp [13:25:26] Bukycbka issued server command: /rpt [13:25:28] Exetorics issued server command: /home [13:25:29] Bukycbka issued server command: /randomtp [13:25:29] Bukycbka issued server command: /rtp [13:25:43] Bukycbka issued server command: /randomtp [13:25:43] Bukycbka issued server command: /rtp [13:25:44] Bukycbka issued server command: /randomtp [13:25:44] Bukycbka issued server command: /rtp [13:25:45] Bukycbka issued server command: /randomtp [13:25:45] Bukycbka issued server command: /rtp [13:25:51] Exetorics issued server command: /w Bikqwe 3 эма [13:25:51] Bukycbka issued server command: /randomtp [13:25:51] Bukycbka issued server command: /rtp [13:25:52] Bukycbka issued server command: /randomtp [13:25:52] Bukycbka issued server command: /rtp [13:25:54] Bukycbka issued server command: /rtp; [13:25:55] Bukycbka issued server command: /randomtp [13:25:55] Bukycbka issued server command: /rtp [13:25:59] Exetorics issued server command: /randomtp [13:25:59] Exetorics issued server command: /rtp [13:25:59] Bikqwe issued server command: /tpa Exetorics [13:26:03] Bikqwe issued server command: /money pay Exetorics 3 [13:26:08] Exetorics issued server command: /tpaccept [13:26:10] Healthy issued server command: /randomtp [13:26:10] Healthy issued server command: /rtp [13:26:11] Jabuti issued server command: /home [13:26:12] Bukycbka issued server command: /randomtp [13:26:12] Bukycbka issued server command: /rtp [13:26:14] Bikqwe issued server command: /home [13:26:19] Bukycbka issued server command: /randomtp [13:26:19] Bukycbka issued server command: /rtp [13:26:21] Bukycbka issued server command: /randomtp [13:26:21] Bukycbka issued server command: /rtp [13:26:40] Condesce issued server command: /tp AYLIEXEC [13:26:43] Condesce issued server command: /we cui [13:26:47] Jabuti issued server command: /home [13:26:59] Condesce issued server command: /pickup [13:27:19] Jabuti issued server command: /home [13:27:29] Condesce issued server command: /tp Jabuti [13:27:32] Condesce issued server command: /we cui [13:27:52] Bukycbka issued server command: /randomtp [13:27:52] Bukycbka issued server command: /rtp [13:28:00] Condesce issued server command: /thru [13:28:12] Healthy issued server command: /randomtp [13:28:12] Healthy issued server command: /rtp [13:28:22] Bukycbka issued server command: /randomtp [13:28:22] Bukycbka issued server command: /rtp [13:28:28] Healthy issued server command: /randomtp [13:28:28] Healthy issued server command: /rtp [13:28:39] Healthy issued server command: /randomtp [13:28:39] Healthy issued server command: /rtp [13:28:40] Bukycbka issued server command: /randomtp [13:28:40] Bukycbka issued server command: /rtp [13:28:42] Bukycbka issued server command: /randomtp [13:28:42] Bukycbka issued server command: /rtp [13:28:43] Bukycbka issued server command: /randomtp [13:28:43] Bukycbka issued server command: /rtp [13:28:44] Bukycbka issued server command: /randomtp [13:28:44] Bukycbka issued server command: /rtp [13:28:47] Bukycbka issued server command: /randomtp [13:28:47] Bukycbka issued server command: /rtp [13:28:48] Bukycbka issued server command: /randomtp [13:28:48] Bukycbka issued server command: /rtp [13:28:51] bumhik issued server command: /home [13:28:56] Mautil зашёл [13:29:03] Condesce issued server command: /screenall [13:29:12] Mautil issued server command: /we cui [13:29:16] Exetorics issued server command: /echest [13:29:31] Bukycbka issued server command: /randomtp [13:29:31] Bukycbka issued server command: /rtp [13:29:36] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /home [13:29:38] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /we cui [13:29:44] Bukycbka issued server command: /randomtp [13:29:44] Bukycbka issued server command: /rtp [13:29:49] Mautil issued server command: /we cui [13:29:57] Healthy issued server command: /randomtp [13:29:57] Healthy issued server command: /rtp [13:29:59] Healthy issued server command: /skip [13:30:02] Healthy issued server command: /skipnight [13:30:15] Bikqwe issued server command: /playtimetop [13:30:27] Exetorics issued server command: /randomtp [13:30:27] Exetorics issued server command: /rtp [13:30:28] Bikqwe вышел [13:30:40] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /home [13:30:46] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /home [13:31:06] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /warp forest [13:31:08] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /we cui [13:31:13] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /we cui [13:31:43] Bukycbka issued server command: /randomtp [13:31:43] Bukycbka issued server command: /rtp [13:32:02] un5redictable issued server command: /home [13:32:03] un5redictable issued server command: /randomtp [13:32:03] un5redictable issued server command: /rtp [13:32:21] Bukycbka issued server command: /randomtp [13:32:21] Bukycbka issued server command: /rtp [13:32:25] Healthy issued server command: /randomtp [13:32:25] Healthy issued server command: /rtp [13:32:42] Healthy issued server command: /randomtp [13:32:42] Healthy issued server command: /rtp [13:32:50] Exetorics issued server command: /echest [13:32:53] un5redictable issued server command: /spawn [13:32:57] Exetorics issued server command: /echest [13:32:58] Bukycbka issued server command: /randomtp [13:32:58] Bukycbka issued server command: /rtp [13:32:58] un5redictable issued server command: /we cui [13:32:59] un5redictable issued server command: /home [13:33:04] un5redictable issued server command: /we cui [13:33:12] Exetorics issued server command: /echest [13:33:15] Bukycbka issued server command: /randomtp [13:33:15] Bukycbka issued server command: /rtp [13:33:16] Exetorics issued server command: /echest [13:33:16] Bukycbka issued server command: /randomtp [13:33:16] Bukycbka issued server command: /rtp [13:33:17] Bukycbka issued server command: /randomtp [13:33:17] Bukycbka issued server command: /rtp [13:33:26] Bukycbka issued server command: /randomtp [13:33:26] Bukycbka issued server command: /rtp [13:33:36] Condesce issued server command: /rg i [13:33:48] Healthy issued server command: /randomtp [13:33:48] Healthy issued server command: /rtp [13:33:49] Jabuti issued server command: /randomtp [13:33:49] Jabuti issued server command: /rtp [13:34:15] Condesce issued server command: /tp AYLIEXEC [13:34:18] Condesce issued server command: /we cui [13:34:21] Condesce issued server command: /thru [13:34:53] Jabuti issued server command: /home [13:35:00] bumhik issued server command: /home [13:35:02] un5redictable issued server command: /money [13:35:07] Healthy issued server command: /randomtp [13:35:07] Healthy issued server command: /rtp [13:35:11] Condesce issued server command: /thru [13:35:12] Condesce issued server command: /thru [13:35:13] Condesce issued server command: /thru [13:35:16] Bukycbka issued server command: /randomtp [13:35:16] Bukycbka issued server command: /rtp [13:35:19] Healthy issued server command: /home [13:35:32] Condesce issued server command: /tp Jabuti [13:35:35] Condesce issued server command: /we cui [13:35:36] bumhik issued server command: /randomtp [13:35:36] bumhik issued server command: /rtp [13:35:42] Condesce issued server command: /thru [13:35:44] Bukycbka issued server command: /randomtp [13:35:44] Bukycbka issued server command: /rtp [13:35:59] Bukycbka issued server command: /randomtp [13:35:59] Bukycbka issued server command: /rtp [13:36:01] Healthy issued server command: /randomtp [13:36:01] Healthy issued server command: /rtp [13:36:15] Bukycbka issued server command: /randomtp [13:36:15] Bukycbka issued server command: /rtp [13:37:04] Jabuti issued server command: /randomtp [13:37:04] Jabuti issued server command: /rtp [13:37:06] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /home [13:37:08] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /we cui [13:37:31] Jabuti issued server command: /home [13:37:46] bumhik issued server command: /randomtp [13:37:46] bumhik issued server command: /rtp [13:38:21] Exetorics issued server command: //chunk [13:38:21] Exetorics issued server command: //outset 16 [13:38:21] Exetorics issued server command: /zone [13:38:22] Bukycbka issued server command: /randomtp [13:38:22] Bukycbka issued server command: /rtp [13:38:24] Exetorics issued server command: /rg claim magesexe [13:38:30] Bukycbka issued server command: /tpa Healthy [13:38:33] Healthy issued server command: /tpaccept [13:38:37] Exetorics issued server command: /zw [13:38:42] Exetorics issued server command: /echest [13:38:59] Exetorics issued server command: /zs 20 [13:39:12] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /home [13:39:16] Exetorics issued server command: /zs 20 [13:39:32] Exetorics issued server command: /zs 20 [13:39:48] Exetorics issued server command: /zs 20 [13:40:09] Exetorics issued server command: /zs 20 [13:40:24] bumhik issued server command: /home [13:40:46] Exetorics issued server command: /zs 20 [13:40:48] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /home [13:41:13] Exetorics issued server command: /home [13:41:13] Condesce issued server command: /ec [13:41:18] Bukycbka issued server command: /home [13:41:23] Exetorics issued server command: /echest [13:41:54] Bukycbka issued server command: /tpa Healthy [13:41:57] Healthy issued server command: /tpaccept [13:42:24] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /home [13:42:26] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /home [13:42:36] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /home [13:42:39] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /home [13:42:40] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /home [13:42:40] Condesce issued server command: /s AYLIEXEC [13:42:49] Condesce issued server command: /s AYLIEXEC [13:42:52] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /home [13:42:58] Condesce issued server command: /gm 1 [13:43:00] Exetorics issued server command: /back [13:43:01] Condesce issued server command: /fly [13:43:04] Exetorics issued server command: /tp Exetorics -6937 76 -1800 [13:43:04] Exetorics issued server command: /tppos -6937 76 -1800 [13:43:18] Exetorics issued server command: //desel [13:43:41] Condesce issued server command: /tp Exetorics [13:44:17] Healthy issued server command: /home [13:44:47] Healthy issued server command: /tpa Bukycbka [13:44:48] SHIZAFRENIAA зашёл [13:44:57] Bukycbka issued server command: /tpaccept [13:45:02] SHIZAFRENIAA issued server command: /we cui [13:45:09] Scilla issued server command: /home [13:45:17] Scilla issued server command: /back [13:46:46] Bukycbka issued server command: /home [13:46:50] bumhik issued server command: /home [13:46:57] SHIZAFRENIAA issued server command: /heal [13:47:31] bumhik issued server command: /randomtp [13:47:31] bumhik issued server command: /rtp [13:47:33] Bukycbka issued server command: /tpa Healthy [13:47:43] Healthy issued server command: /tpaccept [13:48:15] Condesce issued server command: /thru [13:48:28] Bukycbka issued server command: /removehome [13:48:31] Healthy issued server command: /home [13:48:48] Healthy issued server command: /tpa Bukycbka [13:48:48] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /home [13:48:58] [G] Bukycbka: !как удалить home? [13:49:01] Bukycbka issued server command: /tpaccept [13:49:05] [G] Condesce: !переставить его если только [13:49:15] Bukycbka issued server command: /sethome [13:49:20] [G] Bukycbka: !Спасибо [13:49:23] Condesce issued server command: /delhome [13:49:24] Healthy issued server command: /home [13:49:36] Healthy issued server command: /tpa Bukycbka [13:49:39] Bukycbka issued server command: /tpaccept [13:49:52] Exetorics issued server command: /back [13:49:53] Exetorics issued server command: /back [13:49:54] Mautil issued server command: /home [13:49:56] Exetorics issued server command: /home [13:49:56] Mautil issued server command: /we cui [13:50:00] Exetorics issued server command: /back [13:50:00] Healthy issued server command: /home [13:50:03] Exetorics issued server command: /delhome [13:50:07] SHIZAFRENIAA issued server command: /heal [13:50:10] Exetorics issued server command: /delhome Exetorics [13:50:17] Healthy issued server command: /tpa Bukycbka [13:50:18] Exetorics issued server command: /delhome home [13:50:20] SHIZAFRENIAA issued server command: /playtime [13:50:21] Exetorics issued server command: /home [13:50:22] Exetorics issued server command: /we cui [13:50:24] Exetorics issued server command: /back [13:50:24] SHIZAFRENIAA issued server command: /money [13:50:26] Exetorics issued server command: /we cui [13:50:26] Bukycbka issued server command: /tpaccept [13:50:35] bumhik issued server command: /randomtp [13:50:35] bumhik issued server command: /rtp [13:50:39] [G] Exetorics: ! Bukycbka /delhome home [13:50:46] Healthy issued server command: /home [13:50:52] [G] Condesce: ! Вот, сейчас потестили [13:51:03] SHIZAFRENIAA issued server command: /kit [13:51:03] Exetorics issued server command: /tp Exetorics -1648 72 3795 [13:51:03] Exetorics issued server command: /tppos -1648 72 3795 [13:51:04] Scilla issued server command: /home [13:51:11] Exetorics issued server command: /sethome base [13:51:13] Scilla issued server command: /back [13:51:13] Exetorics issued server command: /home [13:51:15] Exetorics issued server command: /tp Condesce [13:51:19] Condesce issued server command: /s Exetorics [13:51:20] Bukycbka issued server command: /delhome [13:51:28] Bukycbka issued server command: /delhome home [13:51:29] [G] Mautil: !А как крафтить расплавленный кристалл? [13:51:38] Bukycbka issued server command: /sethome 1 [13:51:40] yaroxa_kosolapy зашёл [13:51:40] Bukycbka issued server command: /home [13:51:52] [G] Condesce: !его нужно сначала изучить в таумономиконе [13:51:54] [G] Scilla: ! таумономикон в помощь. [13:51:58] yaroxa_kosolapy issued server command: /we cui [13:52:00] [G] Condesce: !Во вкладке Дивайна [13:52:00] [G] Mautil: !Ммм [13:52:26] Healthy issued server command: /tpa Bukycbka [13:52:35] Bukycbka issued server command: /tpaccept [13:52:46] [G] Mautil: !Том записи исследований разрешен? [13:52:49] Condesce issued server command: /screenall [13:52:51] [G] Condesce: !Запрещен [13:53:06] ZlouLemon зашёл [13:53:09] ZlouLemon issued server command: /we cui [13:53:19] [L] Mautil: q [13:53:32] [L] ZlouLemon: вы уже были в едеме? [13:53:38] [L] Mautil: Да [13:53:40] [L] Mautil: вчера сделали [13:53:44] [L] ZlouLemon: и как там [13:53:47] [L] Mautil: норм [13:53:54] bumhik issued server command: /home [13:54:03] [L] ZlouLemon: а куда всю жижу потратили [13:54:11] [L] AYLIEXEC: ботания сломалась у меня [13:54:12] SHIZAFRENIAA issued server command: /voteday [13:54:14] [L] Mautil: какую жижу [13:54:16] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /yes [13:54:17] Condesce issued server command: /yes [13:54:20] [L] ZlouLemon: ну [13:54:29] [L] ZlouLemon: ардит и каброн [13:54:34] Condesce issued server command: /screen Exetorics [13:54:37] [L] ZlouLemon: там вчера был сплав [13:54:39] [L] Mautil: а ну, на молот [13:54:42] [L] ZlouLemon: а что такое клеар [13:54:44] [L] ZlouLemon: и симтерия [13:54:48] [L] ZlouLemon: мистерия [13:54:55] [L] Mautil: хз [13:55:03] [L] ZlouLemon: а [13:55:14] [L] ZlouLemon: а зачем из нее блоки делать [13:55:21] Condesce issued server command: /thru [13:55:30] [L] Mautil: Чиню инструмент [13:55:33] Condesce issued server command: /thru [13:55:37] Condesce issued server command: /thru [13:55:42] Condesce issued server command: /thru [13:55:45] [L] ZlouLemon: пойду зделаю подхемную хату [13:55:53] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /home [13:56:04] Mautil issued server command: /we cui [13:56:06] Scilla issued server command: /home [13:56:11] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /home [13:56:24] yaroxa_kosolapy issued server command: /randomtp [13:56:24] yaroxa_kosolapy issued server command: /rtp [13:57:00] yaroxa_kosolapy issued server command: /randomtp [13:57:00] yaroxa_kosolapy issued server command: /rtp [13:58:06] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /home [13:58:37] [G] ZlouLemon: ! лол тут можно предметы на землю ложить [13:58:45] [G] ZlouLemon: ! лол тут можно предметы на землю ложить [13:58:47] [G] ZlouLemon: ! ой [13:58:51] [L] Exetorics: can dis [13:59:01] [L] Exetorics: did you spoke to candis? [13:59:28] bumhik issued server command: /warp end [13:59:32] bumhik issued server command: /we cui [14:00:13] Bukycbka issued server command: /randomtp [14:00:13] Bukycbka issued server command: /rtp [14:00:24] [G] SHIZAFRENIAA: !куплю перья [14:00:31] [G] ZlouLemon: ! за сколько [14:00:32] Exile45 зашёл [14:00:39] Exetorics issued server command: /money [14:00:45] [G] SHIZAFRENIAA: !не знаю [14:00:51] Exile45 issued server command: /we cui [14:01:00] [G] ZlouLemon: ! 3 эм за штуку [14:01:11] [G] SHIZAFRENIAA: !дорого [14:01:12] [G] ZlouLemon: ! 2 [14:01:35] Bukycbka issued server command: /home [14:01:35] [G] ZlouLemon: ! а сколько перьев надо [14:01:37] [G] bumhik: ! скок перьев надо? [14:01:44] [G] SHIZAFRENIAA: !32 [14:01:52] [G] ZlouLemon: ! давай 10 за 15 [14:02:02] SHIZAFRENIAA issued server command: /money [14:02:09] [G] SHIZAFRENIAA: !у меня нету эмов [14:02:20] bumhik issued server command: /home [14:02:22] bumhik issued server command: /we cui [14:02:26] bumhik issued server command: /warp ad [14:02:28] bumhik issued server command: /we cui [14:02:38] [G] ZlouLemon: ! а что можешь предложить [14:02:42] Exile45 issued server command: /kit eat [14:02:45] [G] SHIZAFRENIAA: !че тебе надо [14:02:47] Bukycbka issued server command: /randomtp [14:02:47] Bukycbka issued server command: /rtp [14:02:54] Exile45 issued server command: /warp ad [14:02:56] Exile45 issued server command: /we cui [14:03:02] [L] ZlouLemon: много цемента [14:03:04] Bukycbka issued server command: /homwe [14:03:06] Bukycbka issued server command: /home [14:03:13] [G] ZlouLemon: ! блин что за [14:03:23] [G] SHIZAFRENIAA: !что? [14:03:24] yaroxa_kosolapy issued server command: /randomtp [14:03:24] yaroxa_kosolapy issued server command: /rtp [14:03:29] [G] ZlouLemon: ! почему у меня тут красными кнопками Л и Клиар [14:03:40] [G] ZlouLemon: ! почему они красные [14:04:09] Bukycbka issued server command: /kit start [14:04:23] [G] ZlouLemon: ! огооооо [14:04:29] [G] ZlouLemon: ! тут огромные рыбы [14:04:30] [G] Condesce: !они красные потому что там уведомление [14:04:43] [G] Condesce: !А точнее сообщение [14:04:45] SHIZAFRENIAA issued server command: /voteday [14:04:48] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /yes [14:04:48] Exetorics issued server command: /no [14:04:50] bumhik issued server command: /home [14:04:51] [G] ZlouLemon: ! какой урон у кита? [14:04:52] bumhik issued server command: /we cui [14:04:55] bumhik issued server command: /no [14:04:58] [G] Condesce: ! Выбери [*] в чате чтобы было все [14:04:59] Condesce issued server command: /no [14:04:59] [G] ZlouLemon: ! он ваншотит? [14:05:04] [G] Condesce: !может если слабая броня [14:05:08] SHIZAFRENIAA issued server command: /warp shop [14:05:10] SHIZAFRENIAA issued server command: /we cui [14:05:16] [L] ZlouLemon: незериумная броня [14:05:16] [L] Mautil: 2 [14:05:18] Condesce issued server command: /voteday [14:05:23] [G] SHIZAFRENIAA: !warp list [14:05:29] Healthy issued server command: /kit start [14:05:30] SHIZAFRENIAA issued server command: /warp list [14:05:32] Tiger_eye issued server command: /yes [14:05:40] Scilla issued server command: /home [14:06:32] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /home [14:07:15] Exetorics issued server command: /rg i [14:07:17] SHIZAFRENIAA issued server command: /home [14:07:19] SHIZAFRENIAA issued server command: /we cui [14:07:20] Exetorics issued server command: /rg remove magesexe [14:07:28] Condesce issued server command: /rg list -p Exetorics [14:07:33] [G] SHIZAFRENIAA: !куплю перья [14:07:34] SHIZAFRENIAA issued server command: /money [14:07:43] un5redictable issued server command: /mpcaseshop [14:07:44] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /m Condesce ботания не работает [14:07:49] [G] ZlouLemon: ! есть алмазы? [14:07:50] Condesce issued server command: /tp AYLIEXEC [14:07:54] [G] SHIZAFRENIAA: !да [14:08:00] [G] un5redictable: !А что за vote приз в кейсе? [14:08:03] [G] ZlouLemon: ! обмениваешь на перья? [14:08:07] [L] AYLIEXEC: нет не это [14:08:11] [G] SHIZAFRENIAA: !да [14:08:12] [G] Exetorics: !привилегия Vote [14:08:13] [L] AYLIEXEC: цветы горят а мана нее идёт [14:08:17] [G] Exetorics: !по типу премиума и т.д [14:08:18] Mautil issued server command: /home [14:08:21] Mautil issued server command: /we cui [14:08:26] [L] Condesce: это визуальный баг [14:08:28] Scilla issued server command: /home [14:08:41] [G] SHIZAFRENIAA: !сколько у тебя есть перьев [14:08:48] [G] ZlouLemon: ! !* [14:08:50] [G] ZlouLemon: ! 18 [14:08:52] un5redictable issued server command: /mpcaseshop [14:08:54] un5redictable issued server command: /mpcaseview 70 [14:08:55] un5redictable issued server command: /buycase 70 [14:08:56] un5redictable issued server command: /rollcase 70 [14:09:01] [G] SHIZAFRENIAA: !сколько алмазов хочешь? [14:09:14] un5redictable issued server command: /mpcaseshop [14:09:14] SHIZAFRENIAA issued server command: /randomtp [14:09:14] SHIZAFRENIAA issued server command: /rtp [14:09:16] un5redictable issued server command: /mpcaseview 72 [14:09:16] [G] ZlouLemon: ! я незнаю цен [14:09:17] un5redictable issued server command: /buycase 72 [14:09:17] un5redictable issued server command: /buycase 72 [14:09:17] un5redictable issued server command: /buycase 72 [14:09:17] un5redictable issued server command: /buycase 72 [14:09:17] un5redictable issued server command: /buycase 72 [14:09:18] un5redictable issued server command: /buycase 72 [14:09:25] un5redictable issued server command: /mpcaseshop [14:09:26] [G] ZlouLemon: ! ну давай 3? [14:09:27] Exetorics issued server command: //chunk [14:09:27] Exetorics issued server command: //outset 16 [14:09:27] Exetorics issued server command: /zone [14:09:28] un5redictable issued server command: /mpcaseview 70 [14:09:30] un5redictable issued server command: /buycase 70 [14:09:30] un5redictable issued server command: /buycase 70 [14:09:31] un5redictable issued server command: /buycase 70 [14:09:31] un5redictable issued server command: /buycase 70 [14:09:31] un5redictable issued server command: /rollcase 70 [14:09:31] Exetorics issued server command: /rg claim magesexe [14:09:33] [G] Mautil: !Лемон, где границы привата? [14:09:40] [G] ZlouLemon: ! незню [14:09:44] [G] Condesce: !/rg s чтобы узнать границы [14:09:45] un5redictable issued server command: /mpcaseview 70 [14:09:45] SHIZAFRENIAA issued server command: /home [14:09:46] Exetorics issued server command: /home [14:09:46] un5redictable issued server command: /rollcase 70 [14:09:49] [G] Condesce: !прописывать находясь в привате [14:09:52] Exetorics issued server command: /back [14:09:55] Mautil issued server command: /rg s [14:09:55] Condesce issued server command: /tp Exetorics [14:09:57] un5redictable issued server command: /mpcaseview 70 [14:09:58] un5redictable issued server command: /rollcase 70 [14:10:01] Mautil issued server command: //sel [14:10:03] [G] Mautil: !ty [14:10:03] ZlouLemon issued server command: /home [14:10:07] ZlouLemon issued server command: /rg [14:10:08] SHIZAFRENIAA issued server command: /tpa ZlouLemon [14:10:09] un5redictable issued server command: /mpcaseview 70 [14:10:11] un5redictable issued server command: /rollcase 70 [14:10:14] [G] SHIZAFRENIAA: !принимай [14:10:15] ZlouLemon issued server command: /tpaccept [14:10:24] un5redictable issued server command: /mpcaseview 70 [14:10:24] Mass1ime зашёл [14:10:25] Exetorics issued server command: /zs 20 [14:10:26] un5redictable issued server command: /money [14:10:41] Exetorics issued server command: /zs 20 [14:10:49] [L] SHIZAFRENIAA: спс [14:10:51] SHIZAFRENIAA issued server command: /home [14:10:52] [L] ZlouLemon: удачи [14:10:56] Exetorics issued server command: /zs 20 [14:10:57] [L] ZlouLemon: а откуда у тебя такая броня [14:11:01] [L] ZlouLemon: ты гд [14:11:04] [L] Mautil: светая [14:11:05] yaroxa_kosolapy issued server command: /randomtp [14:11:05] yaroxa_kosolapy issued server command: /rtp [14:11:08] [L] ZlouLemon: какая [14:11:12] Mass1ime issued server command: /we cui [14:11:13] [L] Mautil: светая [14:11:14] Exetorics issued server command: /zs 20 [14:11:18] un5redictable issued server command: /ekit top [14:11:18] Exetorics issued server command: //desel [14:11:27] [L] ZlouLemon: из этого? [14:11:32] [L] Mautil: д [14:11:33] Exetorics issued server command: /zs 20 [14:11:34] [L] ZlouLemon: а [14:11:35] [L] ZlouLemon: пон [14:11:43] [L] ZlouLemon: чо это [14:11:48] SHIZAFRENIAA issued server command: /voteday [14:11:52] Condesce issued server command: /thru [14:11:57] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /we cui [14:12:01] [L] ZlouLemon: а где вы босов убили [14:12:02] [L] ZlouLemon: столько [14:12:06] [L] Mautil: здесь [14:12:15] [L] ZlouLemon: так они же высоко подкидыва.т [14:12:21] [L] ZlouLemon: как вы его на открытой месности убили [14:12:21] [L] Mautil: ну, мы с лука ебашили [14:12:24] Condesce issued server command: /localspy [14:12:26] [L] ZlouLemon: а ясно [14:12:35] [G] Mautil: !Есть у кого мрамор? [14:12:41] [L] ZlouLemon: да [14:12:49] [L] Mautil: Давай весь, базу надо строить [14:12:53] [L] ZlouLemon: держи [14:12:53] [L] Mautil: живем как бомжи [14:12:56] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /home [14:12:57] [L] ZlouLemon: итальянский мрамор))) [14:12:58] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /we cui [14:13:02] Mautil issued server command: // [14:13:02] Mautil issued server command: // [14:13:02] [L] Mautil: ... [14:13:17] Exile45 issued server command: /home [14:13:18] Exile45 issued server command: /we cui [14:13:22] yaroxa_kosolapy issued server command: /randomtp [14:13:22] yaroxa_kosolapy issued server command: /rtp [14:13:33] yaroxa_kosolapy умер (FALL) [14:13:36] yaroxa_kosolapy issued server command: /we cui [14:13:47] [L] ZlouLemon: базу значит?) [14:13:50] [L] ZlouLemon: под землей? [14:13:53] [L] Mautil: не [14:13:56] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /home [14:14:17] [L] ZlouLemon: ты перешл на светлую сторону? [14:14:24] [L] ZlouLemon: кстати как тебя звать я забыл [14:14:30] [L] Mautil: Ультима [14:14:32] Mass1ime issued server command: /home [14:14:38] [L] ZlouLemon: тима значит [14:14:38] yaroxa_kosolapy issued server command: /randomtp [14:14:38] yaroxa_kosolapy issued server command: /rtp [14:14:42] [L] Mautil: добываем мрамор [14:14:46] [L] ZlouLemon: зачем [14:14:56] Condesce issued server command: //set 20 [14:14:59] yaroxa_kosolapy issued server command: /randomtp [14:14:59] yaroxa_kosolapy issued server command: /rtp [14:15:03] [L] Mautil: Основной блок для базы [14:15:04] yaroxa_kosolapy issued server command: /randomtp [14:15:04] yaroxa_kosolapy issued server command: /rtp [14:15:05] Mautil issued server command: /randomtp [14:15:05] Mautil issued server command: /rtp [14:15:06] Mass1ime issued server command: /randomtp [14:15:06] Mass1ime issued server command: /rtp [14:15:09] Mass1ime issued server command: /warp world [14:15:11] Condesce issued server command: //set 20 [14:15:13] Mass1ime issued server command: /we cui [14:15:13] [L] ZlouLemon: уже есть чертежы базы? [14:15:25] Condesce issued server command: //set 20 [14:15:28] Mass1ime issued server command: /randomtp [14:15:28] Mass1ime issued server command: /rtp [14:15:34] Condesce issued server command: //set 20 [14:15:40] Condesce issued server command: //set 20 [14:15:42] yaroxa_kosolapy issued server command: /randomtp [14:15:42] yaroxa_kosolapy issued server command: /rtp [14:15:48] Condesce issued server command: //sel [14:16:02] Healthy issued server command: /sethome [14:16:03] Healthy issued server command: /randomtp [14:16:03] Healthy issued server command: /rtp [14:16:08] Healthy issued server command: /randomtp [14:16:08] Healthy issued server command: /rtp [14:16:20] yaroxa_kosolapy issued server command: /randomtp [14:16:20] yaroxa_kosolapy issued server command: /rtp [14:16:29] [G] ZlouLemon: ! а на тинкет работают ванильные зачарования????? [14:16:34] [G] Mautil: !yt [14:16:35] [G] Condesce: !нет [14:16:38] [G] ZlouLemon: ! жаль [14:16:40] Healthy issued server command: /randomtp [14:16:40] Healthy issued server command: /rtp [14:16:45] [G] Mass1ime: !Ничего не жаль [14:16:49] Mass1ime issued server command: /randomtp [14:16:49] Mass1ime issued server command: /rtp [14:16:51] [G] ZlouLemon: ! почему [14:17:06] [G] Mass1ime: !вырастешь - пймёшь xD [14:17:14] [G] ZlouLemon: ! -_- [14:17:16] Healthy issued server command: /randomtp [14:17:16] Healthy issued server command: /rtp [14:17:23] [G] Mautil: !Модификаторы - это и есть зачары) [14:17:32] [G] Mass1ime: !ye pfxtv [14:17:41] [G] Mass1ime: !ну зачем ты спалил* [14:17:41] Exetorics issued server command: /echest [14:17:42] [G] ZlouLemon: ! мне их нехватает [14:17:47] [G] Mautil: !Он мой тиммейт xD [14:17:49] Mautil issued server command: /home [14:17:52] [G] Condesce: !их можно добавлять [14:17:54] [G] ZlouLemon: ! я это зна. [14:18:01] [G] ZlouLemon: ! я знаю про модификаторы [14:18:03] Scilla issued server command: /zset 2088 [14:18:12] yaroxa_kosolapy issued server command: /randomtp [14:18:12] yaroxa_kosolapy issued server command: /rtp [14:18:16] [G] Condesce: !так же если делать инструменты из бумаги, бумага дает сама по себе модификаторов [14:18:17] [G] ZlouLemon: ! но другое я не хнаю [14:18:34] [G] Mass1ime: !Бумага к перезаписываемости [14:18:44] yaroxa_kosolapy issued server command: /tp yaroxa_kosolapy 2001 77 -1749 [14:18:44] yaroxa_kosolapy issued server command: /tppos 2001 77 -1749 [14:18:53] yaroxa_kosolapy issued server command: /tp yaroxa_kosolapy 2001 77 -1749 [14:18:53] yaroxa_kosolapy issued server command: /tppos 2001 77 -1749 [14:19:19] Mautil issued server command: /rg s [14:19:23] Scilla issued server command: /zsell [14:19:33] ZlouLemon вышел [14:19:40] yaroxa_kosolapy issued server command: /kit start [14:19:42] yaroxa_kosolapy issued server command: /kit eat [14:19:44] ZlouLemon зашёл [14:19:47] ZlouLemon issued server command: /we cui [14:19:48] ZlouLemon умер (ENTITY_ATTACK) [14:19:51] ZlouLemon issued server command: /we cui [14:19:56] Bukycbka issued server command: /HOME [14:20:24] ZlouLemon умер (ENTITY_ATTACK) [14:20:26] ZlouLemon issued server command: /we cui [14:20:28] Condesce issued server command: /pickup [14:20:29] [G] ZlouLemon: ! ааааааааааа [14:20:30] Condesce issued server command: /pickup [14:20:31] [G] ZlouLemon: ! почему [14:20:33] Condesce issued server command: /tp ZlouLemon [14:20:40] [G] Mautil: !Че там [14:20:41] SHIZAFRENIAA issued server command: /randomtp [14:20:41] SHIZAFRENIAA issued server command: /rtp [14:20:52] Mass1ime issued server command: /randomtp [14:20:52] Mass1ime issued server command: /rtp [14:20:57] [G] Mautil: !Де ты умераешь [14:21:08] [L] ZlouLemon: спасибо [14:21:09] [G] Mass1ime: !Наверно у алтаря [14:21:12] [L] Condesce: угусь [14:21:13] Healthy issued server command: /home [14:21:15] [G] Condesce: !Я уже помогла [14:21:18] Mass1ime issued server command: /randomtp [14:21:18] Mass1ime issued server command: /rtp [14:21:18] [G] ZlouLemon: ! да меня тут птица в шахте убивала [14:21:22] [L] Mautil: Ладно, не успел [14:21:24] [G] ZlouLemon: ! я не мог ее ударить почемуто [14:21:29] Mautil issued server command: /home [14:21:31] [G] ZlouLemon: ! у нее нету физ урона чтоли? [14:21:35] [L] Condesce: есть [14:21:42] [L] ZlouLemon: а почему я не мог ее ударить [14:21:48] [L] Condesce: возможно не попадал [14:21:54] [L] ZlouLemon: я впритык бил [14:21:55] [L] Condesce: т.к. я спокойно убила [14:22:04] [L] Condesce: но не попадала [14:22:26] Condesce issued server command: /we cui [14:22:43] SHIZAFRENIAA issued server command: /home [14:22:50] Exile45 убил SHIZAFRENIAA (TCONSTRUCT_CLEAVER) [14:22:53] SHIZAFRENIAA issued server command: /we cui [14:22:56] un5redictable issued server command: /warp ad [14:23:02] un5redictable issued server command: /we cui [14:23:08] un5redictable issued server command: /tppos -2500 50 -2344 [14:23:19] Healthy issued server command: /randomtp [14:23:19] Healthy issued server command: /rtp [14:23:25] Condesce issued server command: /screenall [14:23:35] SHIZAFRENIAA issued server command: /eat [14:23:53] Exile45 вышел [14:24:05] Healthy issued server command: /home [14:24:31] Condesce issued server command: /oi Be3obra3niy [14:24:56] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /m Condesce я бобика сделал [14:24:57] [G] ZlouLemon: ! ааа [14:25:04] [G] ZlouLemon: ! фиолетовый динозавр опасный? [14:25:07] [G] Mass1ime: !А что эндер построек много [14:25:07] [G] bumhik: ! нифига народу [14:25:08] Condesce issued server command: /tp AYLIEXEC [14:25:11] Condesce issued server command: /we cui [14:25:18] [G] Condesce: !Да опасный [14:25:25] [G] ZlouLemon: ! он меня ваншотить будет?? [14:25:29] [G] Condesce: !Нет [14:25:30] [G] Mautil: !нет [14:25:32] [G] Condesce: !но бьет больно [14:25:45] SHIZAFRENIAA issued server command: /randomtp [14:25:45] SHIZAFRENIAA issued server command: /rtp [14:25:45] Mass1ime issued server command: /randomtp [14:25:45] Mass1ime issued server command: /rtp [14:25:49] [L] AYLIEXEC: бобок [14:25:54] [G] Exetorics: !Багровые ритуалы интересуют кого?) [14:26:03] yaroxa_kosolapy issued server command: /home [14:26:06] [G] Mass1ime: !О круто, островок [14:26:21] bumhik issued server command: /randomtp [14:26:21] bumhik issued server command: /rtp [14:26:34] Mass1ime issued server command: /playtime [14:26:36] [G] ZlouLemon: ! они слабые хахах [14:26:37] Mass1ime issued server command: //chunk [14:26:37] Mass1ime issued server command: //outset 16 [14:26:37] Mass1ime issued server command: /zone [14:26:42] Exile45 зашёл [14:26:48] Mass1ime issued server command: //chunk [14:26:48] Mass1ime issued server command: //outset 16 [14:26:48] Mass1ime issued server command: /zone [14:26:56] Exile45 issued server command: /we cui [14:26:58] Exetorics вышел [14:27:07] Mass1ime issued server command: //chunk [14:27:07] Mass1ime issued server command: //outset 16 [14:27:07] Mass1ime issued server command: /zone [14:27:10] Healthy issued server command: /randomtp [14:27:10] Healthy issued server command: /rtp [14:27:17] Mass1ime issued server command: //chunk [14:27:17] Mass1ime issued server command: //outset 16 [14:27:17] Mass1ime issued server command: /zone [14:27:27] Healthy issued server command: /home [14:27:28] [L] Condesce: можно обратно зайти?))) [14:27:32] [L] AYLIEXEC: куда [14:27:35] [L] Condesce: в дс [14:27:39] [L] AYLIEXEC: как хочешь [14:27:41] Mass1ime issued server command: /rg claim Mass1ime [14:27:42] Jabuti issued server command: /kit eat [14:28:09] ZlouLemon issued server command: /home [14:28:10] yaroxa_kosolapy issued server command: /warp quest [14:28:12] yaroxa_kosolapy issued server command: /we cui [14:28:20] bumhik issued server command: /rt[ [14:28:23] bumhik issued server command: /randomtp [14:28:23] bumhik issued server command: /rtp [14:28:24] [G] ZlouLemon: ! я так понимаю щитов на этой версии нету [14:28:27] SHIZAFRENIAA issued server command: /tpaccept [14:28:28] SHIZAFRENIAA issued server command: /home [14:28:29] [G] Mass1ime: !ytne [14:28:32] [G] Condesce: !нет [14:28:33] [G] Mass1ime: !нету* [14:28:38] [L] Mass1ime: Бесит клава [14:28:42] [L] Mass1ime: Ой [14:28:45] [L] Mass1ime: Ну ладно [14:28:51] yaroxa_kosolapy issued server command: /warp mining [14:28:52] yaroxa_kosolapy issued server command: /we cui [14:29:10] yaroxa_kosolapy issued server command: /randomtp [14:29:10] yaroxa_kosolapy issued server command: /rtp [14:29:18] Mass1ime issued server command: /kit start [14:29:20] Mass1ime issued server command: /kit eat [14:29:20] [L] ZlouLemon: о1 [14:29:22] [L] ZlouLemon: ой [14:29:28] Mass1ime issued server command: /randomtp [14:29:28] Mass1ime issued server command: /rtp [14:29:31] [L] ZlouLemon: я нечайно полкублок поставил в полку [14:29:35] un5redictable issued server command: /home [14:29:43] un5redictable issued server command: /we cui [14:29:44] [L] ZlouLemon: а для чего это [14:29:49] [L] Mautil: это хранения)) [14:30:04] bumhik issued server command: /randomtp [14:30:04] bumhik issued server command: /rtp [14:30:05] [L] ZlouLemon: тут не стакаються вещ? [14:30:07] [L] ZlouLemon: ого [14:30:08] [L] Mautil: левый клик берешь [14:30:11] [L] Mautil: правый ставишь [14:30:13] [L] ZlouLemon: до 1000 будет? [14:30:16] [L] Mautil: нет уж [14:30:20] bumhik issued server command: /ekit top [14:30:21] [L] Mautil: при улучшении только [14:30:22] [L] ZlouLemon: а до скольки [14:30:28] [L] Mautil: 8 стаков [14:30:32] [L] ZlouLemon: круто [14:30:54] SHIZAFRENIAA issued server command: /randomtp [14:30:54] SHIZAFRENIAA issued server command: /rtp [14:31:02] [L] ZlouLemon: пойду зделаю ФЕРМУ для фиолетовых динозавров [14:31:07] [L] Mautil: она есть [14:31:09] [L] Mautil: снизу [14:31:17] [L] ZlouLemon: где [14:31:24] [L] Mautil: вниз спустись [14:31:30] SHIZAFRENIAA issued server command: /randomtp [14:31:30] SHIZAFRENIAA issued server command: /rtp [14:31:32] un5redictable issued server command: /zset 0 [14:31:38] SimpleMimpl зашёл [14:31:42] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /we cui [14:31:44] un5redictable issued server command: /zset 0 [14:31:48] un5redictable issued server command: /zsell [14:31:49] Mass1ime issued server command: /rg info [14:31:50] [G] SimpleMimpl: !Кабан косолапый ватсап зайди [14:31:53] Mass1ime issued server command: /rg info Mass1ime [14:31:59] SHIZAFRENIAA issued server command: /eat [14:32:00] [L] SimpleMimpl: опа [14:32:03] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /fly [14:32:03] [L] SimpleMimpl: .адн [14:32:06] [L] SimpleMimpl: куку [14:32:09] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /tpa yaroxa_kosolapy [14:32:14] [L] un5redictable: ку [14:32:17] [G] Mass1ime: !Я крутой [14:32:18] yaroxa_kosolapy issued server command: /tpaccept [14:32:21] un5redictable issued server command: /home [14:32:22] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /we cui [14:32:23] [G] Mass1ime: !Забыл сетхом ткнуть [14:32:26] [G] Mass1ime: !xD [14:32:28] SHIZAFRENIAA issued server command: /randomtp [14:32:28] SHIZAFRENIAA issued server command: /rtp [14:32:30] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /kit start [14:32:32] [L] SimpleMimpl: на [14:32:33] [L] ZlouLemon: а [14:32:33] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /fly [14:32:33] [L] SimpleMimpl: .адн [14:32:35] [G] Condesce: !если есть приват, то /rg i название рг [14:32:40] [G] Condesce: !там покаутся корды [14:32:40] [G] ZlouLemon: ! а для чего рука ведьмы [14:32:48] [G] Mass1ime: !Это знаю, иди пешком [14:32:51] [G] Condesce: !Ее можно переделать в гнилую плоть как помню [14:32:52] bumhik issued server command: /home [14:32:55] [L] Mautil: это витчери [14:32:58] SHIZAFRENIAA issued server command: /randomtp [14:32:58] SHIZAFRENIAA issued server command: /rtp [14:32:59] [L] Mautil: там сложно)) [14:33:00] [G] Condesce: !А так ее использование запрещено [14:33:07] [G] ZlouLemon: ! блин жаль [14:33:23] [L] SimpleMimpl: на это возьми [14:33:28] [G] ZlouLemon: ! кто Кира Йошикаге [14:33:33] Mass1ime issued server command: /randomtp [14:33:33] Mass1ime issued server command: /rtp [14:33:34] SHIZAFRENIAA issued server command: /eat [14:33:36] [G] ZlouLemon: ! у меня для него есть рука ведьмы [14:33:54] SHIZAFRENIAA issued server command: /randomtp [14:33:54] SHIZAFRENIAA issued server command: /rtp [14:33:59] Mass1ime issued server command: /randomtp [14:33:59] Mass1ime issued server command: /rtp [14:34:06] [L] SimpleMimpl: дай факелы [14:34:17] [L] SimpleMimpl: кабэн [14:34:30] SHIZAFRENIAA issued server command: /randomtp [14:34:30] SHIZAFRENIAA issued server command: /rtp [14:34:31] Scilla вышел [14:34:32] [L] SimpleMimpl: иди сюда [14:34:34] [L] SimpleMimpl: ясик [14:34:39] Tiger_eye вышел [14:34:40] SHIZAFRENIAA issued server command: /home [14:34:43] [L] SimpleMimpl: сюда идиэ [14:34:56] Condesce issued server command: /oi AYLIEXEC [14:35:00] [L] SimpleMimpl: фармить опыт можно [14:35:05] Jabuti issued server command: /home [14:35:21] Mass1ime issued server command: /randomtp [14:35:21] Mass1ime issued server command: /rtp [14:35:37] [L] Mass1ime: мда [14:35:39] SHIZAFRENIAA убил Exile45 (DIVINERPG_NETHERIUMSWORD) [14:35:42] Exile45 issued server command: /we cui [14:35:44] [G] Mass1ime: !Мда, щупальце выбил [14:35:45] [G] ZlouLemon: ! великаны под землей сильные? [14:35:49] [G] Mautil: !Не [14:35:50] [G] Mass1ime: !И куда мне его... [14:36:11] Mass1ime issued server command: /spawn [14:36:12] [L] SimpleMimpl: снова умрёшь ахах [14:36:16] Mass1ime issued server command: /we cui [14:36:19] Condesce issued server command: /thru [14:36:20] Condesce issued server command: /thru [14:36:33] Mass1ime issued server command: /warp world [14:36:34] bumhik issued server command: /kit [14:36:37] Mass1ime issued server command: /we cui [14:36:52] Mass1ime issued server command: /randomtp [14:36:52] Mass1ime issued server command: /rtp [14:37:24] Jabuti issued server command: /money top [14:37:27] Condesce issued server command: /money top [14:37:29] Exile45 issued server command: /kit start [14:37:30] Exile45 issued server command: /kit eat [14:37:42] Condesce issued server command: /money set Condesce 10000 [14:37:48] Exile45 issued server command: /warp ad [14:37:49] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /money top [14:37:50] Exile45 issued server command: /we cui [14:37:50] Jabuti issued server command: /money top [14:37:51] un5redictable issued server command: /warp ad [14:37:54] Condesce issued server command: /money set Condesce 10000000 [14:37:56] un5redictable issued server command: /we cui [14:37:58] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /money top [14:38:04] Condesce issued server command: /money set Condesce 0 [14:38:12] Condesce issued server command: /playtimetop [14:38:25] [L] Condesce: ./playtimetop [14:38:25] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /play time top [14:38:33] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /playtimetop [14:38:37] Jabuti issued server command: /playtimetop [14:38:38] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /home [14:38:45] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /playtimetop [14:38:45] Jabuti issued server command: /playtime [14:38:49] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /playtimetop clear [14:38:55] Jabuti issued server command: /playtimetop clear [14:39:39] Healthy issued server command: /spawn [14:39:39] SHIZAFRENIAA issued server command: /heal [14:39:42] Healthy issued server command: /we cui [14:39:46] Exile45 issued server command: /home [14:39:48] Exile45 issued server command: /we cui [14:40:03] bumhik issued server command: /money [14:40:14] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /randomtp [14:40:14] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /rtp [14:40:14] [L] SimpleMimpl: .кез [14:40:14] bumhik issued server command: /randomtp [14:40:14] bumhik issued server command: /rtp [14:40:21] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /warp mining [14:40:24] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /randomtp [14:40:24] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /rtp [14:40:24] [L] SimpleMimpl: .кез [14:40:31] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /randomtp [14:40:31] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /rtp [14:40:31] [L] SimpleMimpl: .кез [14:40:40] Condesce issued server command: /rg i [14:40:41] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /randomtp [14:40:41] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /rtp [14:40:41] [L] SimpleMimpl: .кез [14:40:50] un5redictable вышел [14:41:03] un5redictable зашёл [14:41:08] un5redictable issued server command: /we cui [14:41:35] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /m un5redictable слушай у тебя осмат есть? [14:41:46] Bukycbka issued server command: /SPAWN [14:41:50] Bukycbka issued server command: /we cui [14:41:51] Healthy issued server command: /home [14:41:53] Healthy issued server command: /we cui [14:42:27] AYLIEXEC убил Jabuti (DIVINERPG_HALITEBLADE) [14:42:28] [G] ZlouLemon: ! как будто в думе убиваю нечисть [14:42:29] Jabuti issued server command: /we cui [14:43:01] un5redictable issued server command: /tppos -2500 50 -2344 [14:43:02] yaroxa_kosolapy issued server command: /home [14:43:04] yaroxa_kosolapy issued server command: /we cui [14:43:10] Bukycbka issued server command: /HOME [14:43:12] Bukycbka issued server command: /we cui [14:43:19] Healthy issued server command: /sethome [14:43:35] Bukycbka issued server command: /SPAWN [14:43:37] Bukycbka issued server command: /we cui [14:43:42] Exile45 issued server command: /warp ad [14:43:44] Exile45 issued server command: /we cui [14:43:45] SHIZAFRENIAA issued server command: /warp ad [14:43:50] SHIZAFRENIAA issued server command: /we cui [14:43:53] [G] Mautil: !ты снизу? [14:43:53] SHIZAFRENIAA issued server command: /eat [14:43:59] [G] ZlouLemon: ! да [14:44:02] Condesce issued server command: /fly [14:44:03] Mautil issued server command: /call ZlouLemon [14:44:05] [G] ZlouLemon: ! тут полная рубиловка [14:44:11] ZlouLemon issued server command: /tpaccept [14:44:13] [L] Mautil: мне 27 осколка надо [14:44:16] Condesce вышел [14:44:24] [L] Mautil: не мешай погоди [14:44:30] [L] Mautil: Я добычей их [14:44:33] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /home [14:44:48] Mass1ime issued server command: /randomtp [14:44:48] Mass1ime issued server command: /rtp [14:44:50] [G] ZlouLemon: ! а как добычу добавить [14:44:54] [L] Mautil: лазурит [14:44:56] [G] SimpleMimpl: !чары [14:45:03] [G] ZlouLemon: ! ааа [14:45:03] Mass1ime issued server command: /randomtp [14:45:03] Mass1ime issued server command: /rtp [14:45:07] [G] ZlouLemon: ! я думал это только для кирки [14:45:14] Mass1ime issued server command: /randomtp [14:45:14] Mass1ime issued server command: /rtp [14:45:15] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /home [14:45:25] [L] ZlouLemon: скок тебе надо [14:45:27] [L] Mautil: 27 [14:45:34] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /randomtp [14:45:34] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /rtp [14:45:34] [L] SimpleMimpl: .кез [14:45:34] Mass1ime issued server command: /randomtp [14:45:34] Mass1ime issued server command: /rtp [14:45:37] Mass1ime issued server command: /randomtp [14:45:37] Mass1ime issued server command: /rtp [14:45:39] [L] ZlouLemon: на [14:45:40] Mass1ime issued server command: /randomtp [14:45:40] Mass1ime issued server command: /rtp [14:45:42] [L] ZlouLemon: держи [14:45:44] bumhik issued server command: /home [14:45:50] SHIZAFRENIAA issued server command: /eat [14:45:51] [L] Mautil: ооо спс [14:45:54] un5redictable issued server command: /home [14:45:56] Mautil issued server command: /home [14:45:59] un5redictable issued server command: /we cui [14:46:04] Mass1ime issued server command: /randomtp [14:46:04] Mass1ime issued server command: /rtp [14:46:05] SHIZAFRENIAA issued server command: /heal [14:46:05] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /randomtp [14:46:05] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /rtp [14:46:05] [L] SimpleMimpl: .кез [14:46:06] Mass1ime issued server command: /randomtp [14:46:06] Mass1ime issued server command: /rtp [14:46:07] Bukycbka вышел [14:46:15] [G] ZlouLemon: ! ух чуть не помер [14:46:19] Mass1ime issued server command: /randomtp [14:46:19] Mass1ime issued server command: /rtp [14:46:21] Exile45 issued server command: /warp ad [14:46:29] Mass1ime issued server command: /randomtp [14:46:29] Mass1ime issued server command: /rtp [14:46:31] Mass1ime issued server command: /randomtp [14:46:31] Mass1ime issued server command: /rtp [14:46:36] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /randomtp [14:46:36] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /rtp [14:46:36] [L] SimpleMimpl: .кез [14:46:49] Scilla зашёл [14:46:54] Mautil issued server command: /call ZlouLemon [14:46:57] un5redictable issued server command: /warp shop [14:46:58] Mass1ime issued server command: /randomtp [14:46:58] Mass1ime issued server command: /rtp [14:47:01] Scilla issued server command: /we cui [14:47:01] un5redictable issued server command: /we cui [14:47:04] ZlouLemon issued server command: /tpaccept [14:47:06] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /tpa yaroxa_kosolapy [14:47:17] SHIZAFRENIAA issued server command: /home [14:47:18] Mass1ime issued server command: /randomtp [14:47:18] Mass1ime issued server command: /rtp [14:47:19] Jabuti issued server command: /home [14:47:19] SHIZAFRENIAA issued server command: /we cui [14:47:20] yaroxa_kosolapy issued server command: /tpaccept [14:47:23] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /we cui [14:47:23] Mass1ime issued server command: /randomtp [14:47:23] Mass1ime issued server command: /rtp [14:47:25] Mass1ime issued server command: /randomtp [14:47:25] Mass1ime issued server command: /rtp [14:47:25] SHIZAFRENIAA issued server command: /heal [14:47:31] [G] ZlouLemon: ! лол [14:47:31] SHIZAFRENIAA issued server command: /warp ad [14:47:33] SHIZAFRENIAA issued server command: /we cui [14:47:34] [G] ZlouLemon: ! я бегать не могу [14:47:44] [G] Mautil: !Тебя моб пометил)) [14:47:53] [G] ZlouLemon: ! и что теперь [14:48:05] SHIZAFRENIAA issued server command: /eat [14:48:18] un5redictable issued server command: /warp forest [14:48:25] un5redictable issued server command: /we cui [14:48:26] Mass1ime issued server command: /randomtp [14:48:26] Mass1ime issued server command: /rtp [14:48:35] SHIZAFRENIAA issued server command: /heal [14:48:39] un5redictable issued server command: /tppos -2000 50 4000 [14:48:41] [L] SimpleMimpl: &4 треш [14:48:45] Mass1ime issued server command: /randomtp [14:48:45] Mass1ime issued server command: /rtp [14:48:46] Mautil issued server command: /home [14:48:48] un5redictable issued server command: /fly [14:48:49] un5redictable issued server command: /fly [14:48:52] [G] Mautil: !Убей моба. [14:48:52] Mass1ime issued server command: /randomtp [14:48:52] Mass1ime issued server command: /rtp [14:48:59] Mautil issued server command: /we cui [14:49:00] [G] ZlouLemon: ! какого [14:49:07] [G] Mautil: !Который ослепил [14:49:08] un5redictable issued server command: /tppos -2000 50 6000 [14:49:09] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /warp ad [14:49:10] yaroxa_kosolapy issued server command: /tpa ZlouLemon [14:49:12] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /we cui [14:49:18] [G] ZlouLemon: ! я же всех убил [14:49:18] bumhik issued server command: /vanish [14:49:18] [G] SimpleMimpl: !&2хватит в чат писать [14:49:22] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /fly [14:49:22] [L] SimpleMimpl: .адн [14:49:24] un5redictable issued server command: /tppos -2000 100 6000 [14:49:27] [G] Mautil: !Запрещено?) [14:49:28] bumhik issued server command: /tp SimpleMimpl [14:49:29] yaroxa_kosolapy issued server command: /tpa ZlouLemon [14:49:31] bumhik issued server command: /we cui [14:49:35] [G] Mass1ime: !А что, не нравиться? [14:49:37] [G] ZlouLemon: ! косолапый зачем тп [14:49:40] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /warp home [14:49:40] [L] SimpleMimpl: .цфкз рщьу [14:49:43] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /we cui [14:49:48] [G] yaroxa_kosolapy: !подарок хочу дать [14:49:50] bumhik issued server command: /vanish [14:49:52] bumhik issued server command: /vanish [14:49:54] SHIZAFRENIAA issued server command: /home [14:49:56] ZlouLemon issued server command: /home [14:49:56] SHIZAFRENIAA issued server command: /we cui [14:49:59] Mautil issued server command: /m ZlouLemon не стоит, убьет еще [14:50:00] Mass1ime issued server command: /randomtp [14:50:00] Mass1ime issued server command: /rtp [14:50:05] Bukycbka зашёл [14:50:11] bumhik issued server command: /tp ZlouLemon [14:50:13] bumhik issued server command: /we cui [14:50:14] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /tpa yaroxa_kosolapy [14:50:18] ZlouLemon issued server command: /tpaccept [14:50:18] un5redictable issued server command: /tppos -2000 50 6000 [14:50:21] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /home [14:50:25] Bukycbka issued server command: /we cui [14:50:35] [L] ZlouLemon: что [14:50:41] [L] ZlouLemon: спасибо [14:50:49] Bukycbka issued server command: /HOME [14:50:50] Mautil issued server command: /home [14:50:52] Bukycbka issued server command: /we cui [14:50:52] Mautil issued server command: /we cui [14:50:55] SHIZAFRENIAA issued server command: /warp end [14:50:55] yaroxa_kosolapy issued server command: /tpaccept [14:50:56] bumhik issued server command: /tp SHIZAFRENIAA [14:50:57] SHIZAFRENIAA issued server command: /we cui [14:50:58] bumhik issued server command: /we cui [14:51:00] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /fly [14:51:00] [L] SimpleMimpl: .адн [14:51:05] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /invsee [14:51:07] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /invise [14:51:10] [L] ZlouLemon: ты кто [14:51:10] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /invisee [14:51:12] Exile45 issued server command: /warp end [14:51:14] Exile45 issued server command: /we cui [14:51:14] [L] SimpleMimpl: человек [14:51:16] bumhik issued server command: /tp AYLIEXEC [14:51:18] bumhik issued server command: /we cui [14:51:19] [L] ZlouLemon: а как ты летаешь [14:51:20] Exile45 issued server command: /home [14:51:21] SHIZAFRENIAA issued server command: /eat [14:51:22] Exile45 issued server command: /we cui [14:51:25] [L] SimpleMimpl: руками [14:51:28] [L] Mautil: xD [14:51:29] [L] SimpleMimpl: по потолку [14:51:33] [L] ZlouLemon: это команда или броня [14:51:41] SHIZAFRENIAA issued server command: /home [14:51:43] SHIZAFRENIAA issued server command: /we cui [14:51:45] Mass1ime issued server command: /randomtp [14:51:45] Mass1ime issued server command: /rtp [14:51:54] Healthy issued server command: /randomtp [14:51:54] Healthy issued server command: /rtp [14:52:06] [L] ZlouLemon: а как [14:52:08] Mass1ime issued server command: /randomtp [14:52:08] Mass1ime issued server command: /rtp [14:52:09] [L] ZlouLemon: тут же приват [14:52:09] [G] yaroxa_kosolapy: !ой [14:52:10] Mass1ime issued server command: /randomtp [14:52:10] Mass1ime issued server command: /rtp [14:52:11] [L] Mautil: Это донат [14:52:13] [L] Mautil: забей [14:52:16] yaroxa_kosolapy убил ZlouLemon (DIVINERPG_NETHERIUMSWORD) [14:52:19] ZlouLemon issued server command: /we cui [14:52:19] yaroxa_kosolapy убил Mautil (DIVINERPG_NETHERIUMSWORD) [14:52:22] Mautil issued server command: /we cui [14:52:23] yaroxa_kosolapy убил ZlouLemon (DIVINERPG_NETHERIUMSWORD) [14:52:23] [L] SimpleMimpl: лол [14:52:25] [L] SimpleMimpl: чо за [14:52:25] [L] SimpleMimpl: тип [14:52:27] yaroxa_kosolapy issued server command: /home [14:52:30] ZlouLemon issued server command: /we cui [14:52:31] un5redictable issued server command: /tppos 52000 100 6000 [14:52:35] [G] ZlouLemon: ! найсм гриф [14:52:40] un5redictable issued server command: /tppos 52000 100 1000 [14:52:45] Mautil убил yaroxa_kosolapy (DIVINERPG_SANDSLASH) [14:52:45] yaroxa_kosolapy issued server command: /home [14:52:48] yaroxa_kosolapy issued server command: /we cui [14:52:52] Healthy issued server command: /home [14:52:56] [L] Mautil: иди сюда [14:52:57] [G] ZlouLemon: ! а какого хера он гриферит [14:52:58] [L] Mautil: бери лут [14:53:08] [G] yaroxa_kosolapy: !заебали в чат писать [14:53:10] [G] ZlouLemon: ! где [14:53:15] [G] Mass1ime: !о [14:53:17] [G] Mass1ime: !Алмаз [14:53:19] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /home [14:53:19] [G] Mass1ime: !пхпх [14:53:23] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /warp home [14:53:23] [L] SimpleMimpl: .цфкз рщьу [14:53:23] [G] Mautil: !Я же сказал, не тепай левых [14:53:27] [G] Mautil: !У них же на уме одно [14:53:29] bumhik issued server command: /tp yaroxa_kosolapy [14:53:29] [G] Jabuti: ! чел харошь [14:53:35] [G] Mass1ime: !А кста [14:53:40] [G] ZlouLemon: ! а где он умер [14:53:57] [G] Mass1ime: !Лемон, вы принимаете людей? [14:54:05] [G] ZlouLemon: ! а разве за гриф не банят? [14:54:09] [G] ZlouLemon: ! типо лол в привате убиват [14:54:21] [G] SimpleMimpl: !разрешено в привате убивать [14:54:22] bumhik issued server command: /tp ZlouLemon [14:54:28] Mautil issued server command: /rg flag [14:54:29] [G] Mass1ime: !Тут пвп разрешено [14:54:32] Mautil issued server command: /rg info [14:54:34] Mass1ime issued server command: /randomtp [14:54:34] Mass1ime issued server command: /rtp [14:54:37] [L] SimpleMimpl: вот ты тииип [14:54:38] [G] ZlouLemon: ! а в чем прикол привата тогда [14:54:39] bumhik issued server command: /vanish [14:54:40] [L] SimpleMimpl: надо тесак сделать [14:54:43] SHIZAFRENIAA issued server command: /heal [14:54:45] [G] ZlouLemon: ! если тебя убьют [14:54:46] [G] SimpleMimpl: !твои вещи не заберут [14:54:47] [G] SimpleMimpl: !с сундука [14:54:52] [L] bumhik: что произошло? [14:54:56] [G] Mass1ime: !Гриф без разрешения никак [14:55:01] Mass1ime issued server command: /randomtp [14:55:01] Mass1ime issued server command: /rtp [14:55:09] un5redictable issued server command: /tppos 4584 100 1005 [14:55:09] Mautil issued server command: /kit start [14:55:14] [G] ZlouLemon: ! да сюда чел тепася сказал подарок даст [14:55:19] [L] ZlouLemon: а потом убивать начал [14:55:22] [G] Mass1ime: !Не верь лучше [14:55:26] [G] Mautil: !НЕ тепай никого, пожалуйста)) [14:55:34] [L] ZlouLemon: окей [14:55:35] [L] bumhik: ну а зачем ты веришь [14:55:38] [L] bumhik: ему [14:55:43] [L] ZlouLemon: я просто думал гриф запрещен [14:55:46] Exile45 вышел [14:55:47] [L] Mautil: Он меня не слышит xD [14:55:48] [L] bumhik: откл пвп стоит 100 эм [14:55:54] [L] ZlouLemon: того [14:56:02] un5redictable issued server command: /tppos -2000 100 6000 [14:56:04] [L] ZlouLemon: ого [14:56:10] Mass1ime issued server command: /randomtp [14:56:10] Mass1ime issued server command: /rtp [14:56:19] [L] ZlouLemon: а как тут чар [14:56:22] Mass1ime issued server command: /randomtp [14:56:22] Mass1ime issued server command: /rtp [14:56:23] [L] ZlouLemon: говоили что нельзя [14:56:28] [L] bumhik: что именно [14:56:34] Mass1ime issued server command: /randomtp [14:56:34] Mass1ime issued server command: /rtp [14:56:34] [L] bumhik: через асмат стол [14:56:36] [L] ZlouLemon: чары ванильные [14:56:38] [L] ZlouLemon: а [14:56:39] [L] ZlouLemon: ясно [14:56:42] Mass1ime issued server command: /randomtp [14:56:42] Mass1ime issued server command: /rtp [14:56:42] [L] SimpleMimpl: надо тесак сделать [14:56:44] [L] SimpleMimpl: на 40+ урона [14:56:54] [L] ZlouLemon: получаеться тут могут убить просто так [14:56:55] Mass1ime issued server command: /randomtp [14:56:55] Mass1ime issued server command: /rtp [14:56:57] un5redictable issued server command: /tppos 4584 100 2005 [14:57:06] [L] ZlouLemon: :( [14:57:06] [L] bumhik: ну да это пвп сервер [14:57:21] [L] Mautil: в локале материться можно? [14:57:29] [L] ZlouLemon: я запрещаю [14:57:31] [L] bumhik: неа [14:57:44] [L] Mautil: ибо без мата это не описать xD [14:57:50] un5redictable issued server command: /tppos 4584 100 3005 [14:57:59] un5redictable issued server command: /tppos 4584 100 6005 [14:58:00] [L] bumhik: без мата а то мут [14:58:04] [L] bumhik: а то и бан [14:58:14] [L] ZlouLemon: тоесть мат нельзя [14:58:18] [L] bumhik: неь [14:58:20] [L] bumhik: нет [14:58:24] [L] ZlouLemon: а убивать в привате кучу раз можно [14:58:30] [L] Mautil: Можно0 [14:58:33] [L] SimpleMimpl: куда тебе адскую печку поставить [14:58:34] [L] SimpleMimpl: ясик [14:58:35] un5redictable issued server command: /tppos 4584 100 6005 [14:58:38] [L] ZlouLemon: типо лол я спавнюсь и сразу убивает [14:58:40] [L] SimpleMimpl: ведро с лавой принеси [14:58:41] [L] SimpleMimpl: 1 [14:58:43] un5redictable issued server command: /tppos 4584 100 4505 [14:58:59] [L] SimpleMimpl: азахаха [14:59:04] [L] SimpleMimpl: нет [14:59:04] Mautil issued server command: /home [14:59:04] bumhik issued server command: /vanish [14:59:06] [L] SimpleMimpl: не за домом [14:59:08] Mass1ime issued server command: /randomtp [14:59:08] Mass1ime issued server command: /rtp [14:59:11] [L] SimpleMimpl: тут [14:59:15] bumhik issued server command: /tp Scilla [14:59:16] un5redictable issued server command: /randomtp [14:59:16] un5redictable issued server command: /rtp [14:59:21] un5redictable issued server command: /tppos 4584 100 -3505 [14:59:26] Mass1ime issued server command: /randomtp [14:59:26] Mass1ime issued server command: /rtp [14:59:28] Healthy issued server command: /randomtp [14:59:28] Healthy issued server command: /rtp [14:59:29] Mass1ime issued server command: /randomtp [14:59:29] Mass1ime issued server command: /rtp [14:59:32] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /home [14:59:32] [L] SimpleMimpl: .рщьу [14:59:35] Mass1ime issued server command: /randomtp [14:59:35] Mass1ime issued server command: /rtp [14:59:46] Healthy issued server command: /home [14:59:49] yaroxa_kosolapy issued server command: /warp ad [14:59:49] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /warp home [14:59:49] [L] SimpleMimpl: .цфкз рщьу [14:59:50] yaroxa_kosolapy issued server command: /we cui [14:59:58] bumhik issued server command: /tp un5redictable [14:59:59] yaroxa_kosolapy issued server command: /randomtp [14:59:59] yaroxa_kosolapy issued server command: /rtp [15:00:00] Zero09 зашёл [15:00:00] bumhik issued server command: /we cui [15:00:10] Zero09 issued server command: /we cui [15:00:19] bumhik issued server command: /home [15:00:19] [L] ZlouLemon: чо куда все руды пропали [15:00:21] bumhik issued server command: /we cui [15:00:26] Hard_2_Kill зашёл [15:00:30] [L] Mautil: в новом все [15:00:37] Hard_2_Kill issued server command: /we cui [15:00:38] [L] ZlouLemon: а [15:00:42] Mass1ime issued server command: /randomtp [15:00:42] Mass1ime issued server command: /rtp [15:00:42] un5redictable issued server command: /tppos -4584 100 -3505 [15:00:52] Mass1ime issued server command: /randomtp [15:00:52] Mass1ime issued server command: /rtp [15:01:01] un5redictable issued server command: /tppos -2\584 100 -3505 [15:01:04] Mass1ime issued server command: /randomtp [15:01:04] Mass1ime issued server command: /rtp [15:01:05] un5redictable issued server command: /tppos -2584 100 -3505 [15:01:13] un5redictable issued server command: /tppos -2584 100 -1505 [15:01:14] Mass1ime issued server command: /randomtp [15:01:14] Mass1ime issued server command: /rtp [15:01:26] un5redictable issued server command: /tppos -2584 100 1505 [15:01:33] Mass1ime issued server command: /randomtp [15:01:33] Mass1ime issued server command: /rtp [15:01:34] un5redictable issued server command: /tppos 2584 100 1505 [15:01:39] Hard_2_Kill issued server command: /playtimetop [15:01:40] Mass1ime issued server command: /randomtp [15:01:40] Mass1ime issued server command: /rtp [15:01:44] Hard_2_Kill issued server command: /playtimetop clear [15:01:48] un5redictable issued server command: /tppos -5584 100 0 [15:01:57] Mass1ime issued server command: /randomtp [15:01:57] Mass1ime issued server command: /rtp [15:02:01] yaroxa_kosolapy issued server command: /home [15:02:03] yaroxa_kosolapy issued server command: /we cui [15:02:03] Mass1ime issued server command: /randomtp [15:02:03] Mass1ime issued server command: /rtp [15:02:05] Mass1ime issued server command: /randomtp [15:02:05] Mass1ime issued server command: /rtp [15:02:07] un5redictable issued server command: /tppos -3584 100 0 [15:02:13] yaroxa_kosolapy issued server command: /warp ad [15:02:15] yaroxa_kosolapy issued server command: /we cui [15:02:26] [G] ZlouLemon: ! а как удачу на меч из дивайна наложить [15:02:37] [G] Mautil: !добычу* [15:02:38] Jabuti issued server command: /mpcaseshop [15:02:39] Jabuti issued server command: /mpcaseshop [15:02:40] un5redictable issued server command: /tppos 0 100 -4000 [15:02:43] [G] ZlouLemon: ! ну да [15:02:56] Hard_2_Kill issued server command: /home [15:03:12] Hard_2_Kill issued server command: /home [15:03:14] Healthy issued server command: /randomtp [15:03:14] Healthy issued server command: /rtp [15:03:14] yaroxa_kosolapy issued server command: /home [15:03:15] yaroxa_kosolapy issued server command: /we cui [15:03:24] bumhik issued server command: /tp Hard_2_Kill [15:03:43] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /home [15:03:43] [L] SimpleMimpl: .рщьу [15:03:48] yaroxa_kosolapy issued server command: /home [15:03:55] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /warp home [15:03:55] [L] SimpleMimpl: .цфкз рщьу [15:03:55] yaroxa_kosolapy issued server command: /warp ad [15:03:56] Mautil issued server command: /home [15:03:57] yaroxa_kosolapy issued server command: /we cui [15:04:06] bumhik issued server command: /tp Bukycbka [15:04:39] bumhik issued server command: /tp Healthy [15:04:49] bumhik issued server command: /tp SHIZAFRENIAA [15:04:51] Healthy issued server command: /randomtp [15:04:51] Healthy issued server command: /rtp [15:05:01] Mautil issued server command: /warps [15:05:04] Mautil issued server command: /warp list [15:05:12] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /home [15:05:12] [L] SimpleMimpl: .рщьу [15:05:17] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /warp home [15:05:17] [L] SimpleMimpl: .цфкз рщьу [15:05:28] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /home [15:05:36] Mass1ime issued server command: /sethome [15:05:39] Bukycbka issued server command: /randomtp [15:05:39] Bukycbka issued server command: /rtp [15:05:39] [L] Bukycbka: .кез [15:05:49] Hard_2_Kill issued server command: /kit start [15:05:49] Jabuti issued server command: /home [15:05:52] bumhik issued server command: /vanish [15:05:55] [G] Mass1ime: !Ура, нашёл дом [15:05:55] yaroxa_kosolapy issued server command: /home [15:05:56] yaroxa_kosolapy issued server command: /we cui [15:05:56] Healthy issued server command: /randomtp [15:05:56] Healthy issued server command: /rtp [15:06:00] [L] Mass1ime: И пару островов [15:06:04] [G] Mass1ime: !И пару островов [15:06:06] yaroxa_kosolapy issued server command: /warp ad [15:06:08] yaroxa_kosolapy issued server command: /we cui [15:06:11] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /home [15:06:17] [G] ZlouLemon: ! опять бегать не могу [15:06:23] [G] ZlouLemon: ! но я убил того кто меня замедлил [15:06:25] [G] ZlouLemon: ! что делать [15:06:27] Bukycbka issued server command: /randomtp [15:06:27] Bukycbka issued server command: /rtp [15:06:27] [L] Bukycbka: .кез [15:06:29] Hard_2_Kill issued server command: /home [15:06:30] Healthy issued server command: /randomtp [15:06:30] Healthy issued server command: /rtp [15:06:35] [L] SHIZAFRENIAA: ? [15:06:44] [L] bumhik: нечего [15:06:47] [G] Mass1ime: !Мб проклятье сделали? [15:07:05] ZlouLemon issued server command: /home [15:07:20] [L] bumhik: а тут водогортензии нужны ? [15:07:23] Mautil issued server command: /call ZlouLemon [15:07:24] [L] SHIZAFRENIAA: да [15:07:26] [G] ZlouLemon: ! у меня прям на хоме череп хех [15:07:30] Healthy issued server command: /randomtp [15:07:30] Healthy issued server command: /rtp [15:07:32] [G] ZlouLemon: ! я подумал это призрак [15:07:36] ZlouLemon issued server command: /tpaccept [15:07:36] [L] SHIZAFRENIAA: она почему то не работает [15:07:42] ZlouLemon вышел [15:07:47] [L] bumhik: у меня они постоянно умирали [15:07:56] [L] bumhik: я не знаю типо в чём прикол [15:08:00] [L] SHIZAFRENIAA: семя разростания нужны [15:08:00] Mass1ime issued server command: /rg select [15:08:03] Healthy issued server command: /randomtp [15:08:03] Healthy issued server command: /rtp [15:08:04] [L] SHIZAFRENIAA: чтоб не умирали [15:08:07] Mass1ime issued server command: /rg select Mass1ime [15:08:27] un5redictable issued server command: /tppos 779 100 -4374 [15:08:27] Healthy issued server command: /tpa Bukycbka [15:08:34] Bukycbka issued server command: /tpaccept [15:08:34] [L] bumhik: и куда его [15:08:39] Mass1ime issued server command: /mpcaseshop [15:08:47] [L] SHIZAFRENIAA: на землю [15:08:48] [L] bumhik: на цветок кликнуть [15:08:51] [L] bumhik: пон [15:09:01] Bukycbka issued server command: /randomtp [15:09:01] Bukycbka issued server command: /rtp [15:09:08] Mass1ime вышел [15:09:10] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /home [15:09:10] [L] SimpleMimpl: .рщьу [15:09:11] Healthy issued server command: /home [15:09:14] [L] bumhik: давно играешь>? [15:09:18] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /warp home [15:09:18] [L] SimpleMimpl: .цфкз рщьу [15:09:27] [L] SHIZAFRENIAA: 3 дня [15:09:34] [L] SHIZAFRENIAA: ну еще 2 года назад играл [15:09:38] [L] bumhik: до вайпа неиграла ? [15:09:45] [L] SHIZAFRENIAA: неа [15:09:53] [L] bumhik: ну ладн пон [15:09:56] SHIZAFRENIAA issued server command: /eat [15:09:56] Mautil issued server command: /home [15:09:56] [L] bumhik: удачи [15:09:59] Healthy issued server command: /randomtp [15:09:59] Healthy issued server command: /rtp [15:10:02] [L] SHIZAFRENIAA: спасибо [15:10:05] bumhik issued server command: /home [15:10:40] un5redictable issued server command: /endersee [15:10:41] yaroxa_kosolapy issued server command: /home [15:10:43] yaroxa_kosolapy issued server command: /we cui [15:10:49] Zero09 issued server command: /home [15:11:28] Bukycbka issued server command: /randomtp [15:11:28] Bukycbka issued server command: /rtp [15:12:11] Mass1ime зашёл [15:12:14] Mass1ime issued server command: /we cui [15:12:44] Healthy issued server command: /home [15:13:24] Bukycbka issued server command: /warp ad [15:13:26] Bukycbka issued server command: /we cui [15:13:58] Mass1ime issued server command: /money top [15:14:21] Healthy issued server command: /randomtp [15:14:21] Healthy issued server command: /rtp [15:15:12] SHIZAFRENIAA issued server command: /trash [15:15:22] Bukycbka issued server command: /randomtp [15:15:22] Bukycbka issued server command: /rtp [15:15:24] Bukycbka issued server command: /home [15:15:27] Bukycbka issued server command: /we cui [15:15:31] [L] SimpleMimpl: атайди [15:16:11] Zero09 issued server command: /warp list [15:16:35] Mautil issued server command: /warp end [15:16:38] Mautil issued server command: /we cui [15:16:44] un5redictable issued server command: /tppos -3584 100 0 [15:16:51] Mautil умер (ENTITY_ATTACK) [15:16:56] un5redictable issued server command: /tppos 2584 100 1505 [15:16:56] Mautil issued server command: /we cui [15:17:01] Mautil issued server command: /warp end [15:17:03] Mautil issued server command: /we cui [15:17:10] Mautil issued server command: /home [15:17:12] Mautil issued server command: /we cui [15:17:32] Healthy issued server command: /home [15:17:35] SHIZAFRENIAA issued server command: /eat [15:17:54] Hard_2_Kill issued server command: /home [15:18:01] [L] SimpleMimpl: где мотыга роста [15:18:03] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /warp home [15:18:03] [L] SimpleMimpl: .цфкз рщьу [15:18:05] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /home [15:18:05] [L] SimpleMimpl: .рщьу [15:18:11] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /home [15:18:11] [L] SimpleMimpl: .рщьу [15:18:13] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /warp home [15:18:13] [L] SimpleMimpl: .цфкз рщьу [15:18:31] [L] Jabuti: хее [15:19:08] [L] SimpleMimpl: Ясик [15:19:10] Healthy issued server command: //chunk [15:19:10] Healthy issued server command: //outset 16 [15:19:10] Healthy issued server command: //wand [15:19:10] [L] SimpleMimpl: смотри чо есть [15:19:25] Healthy issued server command: //chunk [15:19:25] Healthy issued server command: //outset 16 [15:19:25] Healthy issued server command: //wand [15:19:27] [L] SimpleMimpl: бойся [15:19:35] Healthy issued server command: //chunk [15:19:35] Healthy issued server command: //outset 16 [15:19:35] Healthy issued server command: //wand [15:19:39] Healthy issued server command: //chunk [15:19:39] Healthy issued server command: //outset 16 [15:19:39] Healthy issued server command: //wand [15:19:41] Healthy issued server command: //chunk [15:19:41] Healthy issued server command: //outset 16 [15:19:41] Healthy issued server command: //wand [15:19:44] Hard_2_Kill issued server command: /home [15:19:45] [L] SimpleMimpl: На [15:19:49] [L] SimpleMimpl: пригодится [15:19:52] [L] SimpleMimpl: Жидкое золото [15:19:53] Healthy issued server command: /rg claim govnogovna [15:20:01] Healthy issued server command: /rg addmember govnogovna Bukycbka [15:20:06] Healthy issued server command: //sel [15:20:48] [L] SimpleMimpl: ща сделаю [15:20:50] [L] SimpleMimpl: тесак [15:20:57] [L] yaroxa_kosolapy: щас че делать [15:21:31] Jabuti issued server command: /mpcaseshop [15:22:00] [L] SimpleMimpl: ясик [15:22:09] SHIZAFRENIAA issued server command: /playtime [15:22:10] Mass1ime issued server command: /randomtp [15:22:10] Mass1ime issued server command: /rtp [15:22:13] SHIZAFRENIAA issued server command: /money [15:22:21] Mass1ime issued server command: /home [15:22:37] Mass1ime issued server command: /randomtp [15:22:37] Mass1ime issued server command: /rtp [15:23:22] SHIZAFRENIAA issued server command: /warp ad [15:23:25] SHIZAFRENIAA issued server command: /we cui [15:23:33] Hard_2_Kill issued server command: /home [15:23:51] Hard_2_Kill issued server command: /home [15:23:54] [L] SimpleMimpl: Ясик [15:23:59] SHIZAFRENIAA issued server command: /home [15:24:01] SHIZAFRENIAA issued server command: /we cui [15:24:06] Healthy issued server command: /rpt [15:24:08] Healthy issued server command: /erp [15:24:11] Healthy issued server command: /randomtp [15:24:11] Healthy issued server command: /rtp [15:24:16] Healthy issued server command: /home [15:25:00] Healthy issued server command: /randomtp [15:25:00] Healthy issued server command: /rtp [15:25:24] Healthy issued server command: /randomtp [15:25:24] Healthy issued server command: /rtp [15:25:25] un5redictable issued server command: /tppos -2584 100 -3505 [15:25:26] Healthy issued server command: /randomtp [15:25:26] Healthy issued server command: /rtp [15:25:31] un5redictable issued server command: /tppos -2584 150 -3505 [15:25:35] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /m Condesce z [15:25:38] [L] SimpleMimpl: Арина ты тут? [15:25:40] Mautil вышел [15:26:06] SHIZAFRENIAA issued server command: /voteday [15:26:10] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /yes [15:26:12] SHIZAFRENIAA issued server command: /money top [15:26:12] Mass1ime issued server command: /no [15:26:17] Scilla issued server command: /yes [15:26:18] bumhik issued server command: /no [15:26:21] Hard_2_Kill issued server command: /home [15:26:24] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /m un5redictable как картинку поставить? [15:26:25] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /m un5redictable как картинку поставить? онлайн [15:26:31] un5redictable issued server command: /tppos -2819 200 -3566 [15:26:38] [L] SimpleMimpl: на лук [15:26:40] [L] SimpleMimpl: сила нужна [15:26:41] [L] SimpleMimpl: на меч острота [15:27:22] Hard_2_Kill issued server command: /home [15:27:28] bumhik вышел [15:27:41] bumhik зашёл [15:27:43] bumhik issued server command: /we cui [15:27:47] [L] SimpleMimpl: Ясик [15:27:48] Hard_2_Kill issued server command: /home [15:27:49] [L] SimpleMimpl: найди 1 изумруд [15:27:51] [L] SimpleMimpl: и алмазы [15:28:19] yaroxa_kosolapy issued server command: /money [15:28:23] yaroxa_kosolapy issued server command: /money [15:28:31] Jabuti issued server command: /we cui [15:28:39] Healthy issued server command: /home [15:29:10] KitKas зашёл [15:29:11] Mass1ime issued server command: /randomtp [15:29:11] Mass1ime issued server command: /rtp [15:29:14] yaroxa_kosolapy issued server command: /money pay SimpleMimpl 89 [15:29:23] Mass1ime issued server command: /randomtp [15:29:23] Mass1ime issued server command: /rtp [15:29:25] Hard_2_Kill issued server command: /home [15:29:29] Jabuti issued server command: /home [15:29:31] Jabuti issued server command: /we cui [15:29:32] [L] SimpleMimpl: Ясик [15:29:33] [L] SimpleMimpl: на [15:29:36] [L] SimpleMimpl: смотри [15:29:37] Mass1ime issued server command: /randomtp [15:29:37] Mass1ime issued server command: /rtp [15:29:40] KitKas issued server command: /we cui [15:29:56] Zero09 issued server command: /kit start [15:29:57] Mass1ime issued server command: /randomtp [15:29:57] Mass1ime issued server command: /rtp [15:30:01] [L] SimpleMimpl: иди в дом [15:30:02] Mass1ime issued server command: /randomtp [15:30:02] Mass1ime issued server command: /rtp [15:30:05] Mass1ime issued server command: /randomtp [15:30:05] Mass1ime issued server command: /rtp [15:30:14] Mass1ime issued server command: /randomtp [15:30:14] Mass1ime issued server command: /rtp [15:30:21] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /tpahere yaroxa_kosolapy [15:30:33] Mass1ime issued server command: /randomtp [15:30:33] Mass1ime issued server command: /rtp [15:30:35] [L] SimpleMimpl: на [15:30:40] SHIZAFRENIAA issued server command: /eat [15:30:44] Jabuti issued server command: /playtimetop clear [15:30:45] [L] SimpleMimpl: кобыла [15:30:52] [L] SimpleMimpl: в шахту [15:30:53] [L] SimpleMimpl: с ним [15:30:54] [L] SimpleMimpl: ништяк [15:30:56] [L] SimpleMimpl: 3х3 копает [15:31:00] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /playtimetop [15:31:04] Zero09 issued server command: /home [15:31:07] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /playtimetop clear [15:31:21] Zero09 issued server command: /sethome [15:31:27] [L] yaroxa_kosolapy: ебааа [15:31:29] [L] yaroxa_kosolapy: кайф [15:31:32] [L] SimpleMimpl: не матерись [15:31:32] Hard_2_Kill issued server command: /home [15:31:38] un5redictable issued server command: /home [15:31:39] [L] yaroxa_kosolapy: еще че можно мделать [15:31:44] un5redictable issued server command: /we cui [15:31:46] [L] yaroxa_kosolapy: как ты смотришь [15:31:52] xx_VR_xxx зашёл [15:31:54] [L] yaroxa_kosolapy: ? [15:32:00] KitKas issued server command: /kit start [15:32:04] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /we cui [15:32:33] KitKas issued server command: /kit eat [15:32:33] Hard_2_Kill issued server command: /home [15:32:49] [L] SimpleMimpl: алмаз нужен [15:32:49] [L] SimpleMimpl: 1 [15:32:52] [G] SimpleMimpl: !Куплю 1 алмаз [15:32:53] [G] SimpleMimpl: !срочно [15:32:55] [L] SimpleMimpl: дай [15:32:59] [L] SimpleMimpl: верни [15:32:59] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /home [15:32:59] [L] SimpleMimpl: топор [15:33:10] [G] xx_VR_xxx: ! Заходишь вместо сна на сервер чтобы выключить пвп [15:33:11] Hard_2_Kill issued server command: /home [15:33:17] Mautil зашёл [15:33:20] Mautil issued server command: /we cui [15:33:29] Mautil issued server command: /home [15:33:30] Mautil issued server command: //sel [15:33:33] [G] xx_VR_xxx: ! продам [15:33:43] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /rg flag [15:33:46] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /buyflag [15:33:50] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /buyflag pvp [15:33:52] [L] Mautil: yaroxa_kosolapy - это он [15:34:02] [G] xx_VR_xxx: ! yaroxa_kosolapy а ты умен [15:34:12] un5redictable issued server command: /money [15:34:16] [L] xx_VR_xxx: теперь из-за инвалида валюту тратить на покупку флага [15:34:23] Hard_2_Kill issued server command: /randomtp [15:34:23] Hard_2_Kill issued server command: /rtp [15:34:26] Hard_2_Kill issued server command: /home [15:34:27] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /buyflag dom4ik pvp deny [15:34:30] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /yes [15:34:33] [L] xx_VR_xxx: vse [15:34:36] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /tpa xx_VR_xxx [15:34:40] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /tpyes [15:34:43] [L] Mautil: эт кто кста [15:34:48] [L] xx_VR_xxx: кто из [15:34:50] [L] SimpleMimpl: Цена [15:34:53] [L] xx_VR_xxx: сестра [15:34:54] [L] Mautil: киткас [15:34:56] [L] xx_VR_xxx: какую дашь [15:34:57] [L] Mautil: а [15:34:59] [L] SimpleMimpl: не 1 нужен [15:35:01] [L] SimpleMimpl: сколько есть? [15:35:04] [L] xx_VR_xxx: 14 [15:35:07] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /money pay xx_VR_xxx 8 [15:35:10] [L] SimpleMimpl: давай [15:35:11] [L] SimpleMimpl: всё [15:35:19] [L] SimpleMimpl: благодарю [15:35:21] [L] xx_VR_xxx: угу [15:35:33] yaroxa_kosolapy issued server command: /home [15:35:33] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /warp nome [15:35:33] [L] SimpleMimpl: .цфкз тщьу [15:35:35] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /warp home [15:35:35] [L] SimpleMimpl: .цфкз рщьу [15:35:37] [L] SimpleMimpl: ясик [15:35:39] [L] SimpleMimpl: я у них дома был [15:35:41] SHIZAFRENIAA issued server command: /money [15:35:42] [L] SimpleMimpl: могу прилететь рядом [15:35:44] [L] SimpleMimpl: тебя тпшнуть [15:35:48] [L] SimpleMimpl: и скажу куда бежать [15:35:50] [L] yaroxa_kosolapy: делай [15:36:00] [L] SimpleMimpl: ща [15:36:27] Hard_2_Kill issued server command: /mods [15:36:32] [L] xx_VR_xxx: стоп [15:36:35] [L] xx_VR_xxx: Ультима [15:36:38] [L] Mautil: м [15:36:39] [G] Hard_2_Kill: !у кого можно дом изучить? [15:36:41] [L] xx_VR_xxx: вы все таки убили его и засейвили вещи? [15:36:43] [L] yaroxa_kosolapy: лук на силу 4 нужен [15:36:48] [L] SimpleMimpl: ща я теюе сделаю [15:36:49] [L] SimpleMimpl: тебе [15:36:51] [L] SimpleMimpl: сделаю топор [15:36:51] [L] Mautil: да вроде, его сет в сундуке [15:36:54] [L] SimpleMimpl: будешь балдеть [15:36:59] [L] SimpleMimpl: он сразу ресурсы будет с руды делать [15:37:01] [L] xx_VR_xxx: ххаывхыфхахывахывхаыхваыва [15:37:01] [L] Mautil: в мэ* [15:37:04] [L] xx_VR_xxx: ебать лох [15:37:10] [L] xx_VR_xxx: аахахахахахахаха [15:37:24] [L] SimpleMimpl: 4 пороха надо [15:37:36] Hard_2_Kill issued server command: /randomtp [15:37:36] Hard_2_Kill issued server command: /rtp [15:37:39] [G] Bukycbka: !как сделать планшет в драконике ? [15:37:50] [L] yaroxa_kosolapy: я добуду [15:37:54] [G] SimpleMimpl: ! xx_VR_xxx есть поррох? [15:37:56] [L] yaroxa_kosolapy: порох [15:38:11] [L] Mautil: 41 шт есть [15:38:12] [L] SimpleMimpl: один хотябы [15:38:16] Hard_2_Kill issued server command: /randomtp [15:38:16] Hard_2_Kill issued server command: /rtp [15:38:33] [G] xx_VR_xxx: ! есть вроде [15:38:36] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /tpa xx_VR_xxx [15:38:39] [G] SimpleMimpl: !1 нужен [15:38:40] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /tpyes [15:38:41] Mass1ime issued server command: /randomtp [15:38:41] Mass1ime issued server command: /rtp [15:38:41] [L] SimpleMimpl: 1 [15:39:05] [L] xx_VR_xxx: Ультим [15:39:09] [L] Mautil: м [15:39:12] [L] xx_VR_xxx: порох де [15:39:14] [L] Mautil: в мэ [15:39:27] [L] SimpleMimpl: о пасиба [15:39:30] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /home [15:39:30] [L] SimpleMimpl: .рщьу [15:39:35] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /warp home [15:39:35] [L] SimpleMimpl: .цфкз рщьу [15:39:41] yaroxa_kosolapy issued server command: /home [15:39:46] [L] xx_VR_xxx: интересная мэшка [15:39:50] [L] yaroxa_kosolapy: делаем их? [15:39:59] Hard_2_Kill issued server command: /randomtp [15:39:59] Hard_2_Kill issued server command: /rtp [15:40:10] [L] SimpleMimpl: на ведро лавы [15:40:11] [L] SimpleMimpl: принесы [15:40:16] yaroxa_kosolapy issued server command: /home [15:40:17] [L] Mautil: в дс? [15:40:24] yaroxa_kosolapy issued server command: /warp ad [15:40:24] [L] xx_VR_xxx: конечно я прсто ток проснулся хахах [15:40:26] yaroxa_kosolapy issued server command: /we cui [15:40:30] [L] xx_VR_xxx: зашел чтобы фастом флаг поставить [15:40:39] Hard_2_Kill issued server command: /randomtp [15:40:39] Hard_2_Kill issued server command: /rtp [15:40:48] [L] xx_VR_xxx: че за сет [15:40:54] [L] Mautil: света [15:40:57] [L] xx_VR_xxx: откуды [15:41:13] [L] Mautil: вот [15:41:24] yaroxa_kosolapy issued server command: /home [15:41:26] yaroxa_kosolapy issued server command: /we cui [15:41:29] [L] xx_VR_xxx: понимаю [15:41:40] [L] xx_VR_xxx: норм меч [15:41:46] SHIZAFRENIAA issued server command: /home [15:41:47] [L] yaroxa_kosolapy: мы их пойдем чпонькать? [15:41:47] [L] xx_VR_xxx: еще 1 есть хд? [15:41:51] [L] SimpleMimpl: ща погоди [15:41:54] [L] Mautil: в мэ [15:42:27] Healthy вышел [15:42:28] Hard_2_Kill issued server command: /randomtp [15:42:28] Hard_2_Kill issued server command: /rtp [15:42:34] un5redictable issued server command: /we cui [15:43:17] Hard_2_Kill issued server command: /randomtp [15:43:17] Hard_2_Kill issued server command: /rtp [15:43:28] Mass1ime issued server command: /home [15:43:54] bumhik вышел [15:43:55] yaroxa_kosolapy issued server command: /home [15:43:55] Hard_2_Kill issued server command: /randomtp [15:43:55] Hard_2_Kill issued server command: /rtp [15:44:05] [G] Bukycbka: !Как сделать информационный планшет? [15:44:12] [G] Bukycbka: !Тут краыфт поменяли [15:44:19] [G] Bukycbka: !крафт* [15:44:25] Hard_2_Kill issued server command: /randomtp [15:44:25] Hard_2_Kill issued server command: /rtp [15:44:31] Hard_2_Kill issued server command: /home [15:44:34] [L] SimpleMimpl: ты молотом копай [15:44:35] [L] SimpleMimpl: дубина [15:45:03] Mass1ime issued server command: /randomtp [15:45:03] Mass1ime issued server command: /rtp [15:45:22] KitKas issued server command: /randomtp [15:45:22] KitKas issued server command: /rtp [15:45:39] Mass1ime issued server command: /randomtp [15:45:39] Mass1ime issued server command: /rtp [15:45:44] KitKas issued server command: /randomtp [15:45:44] KitKas issued server command: /rtp [15:45:49] KitKas issued server command: /randomtp [15:45:49] KitKas issued server command: /rtp [15:45:55] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /warp home [15:45:55] [L] SimpleMimpl: .цфкз рщьу [15:46:07] Mautil вышел [15:46:08] yaroxa_kosolapy issued server command: /home [15:46:11] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /money [15:46:13] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /money top [15:46:15] Mass1ime issued server command: /randomtp [15:46:15] Mass1ime issued server command: /rtp [15:46:15] [L] SimpleMimpl: короче [15:46:18] [L] SimpleMimpl: бери [15:46:18] SHIZAFRENIAA issued server command: /eat [15:46:20] SHIZAFRENIAA issued server command: /randomtp [15:46:20] SHIZAFRENIAA issued server command: /rtp [15:46:21] [L] SimpleMimpl: тыкай пкм сюда [15:46:27] [L] SimpleMimpl: клади молот [15:46:29] [L] SimpleMimpl: и обсидиан [15:46:33] KitKas issued server command: /home [15:46:35] Mass1ime issued server command: /randomtp [15:46:35] Mass1ime issued server command: /rtp [15:46:40] Mass1ime issued server command: /randomtp [15:46:40] Mass1ime issued server command: /rtp [15:46:40] [L] SimpleMimpl: чинит [15:46:41] [L] SimpleMimpl: его [15:46:41] Mass1ime issued server command: /randomtp [15:46:41] Mass1ime issued server command: /rtp [15:46:44] [L] yaroxa_kosolapy: пон [15:46:47] [L] yaroxa_kosolapy: от л [15:46:52] [L] yaroxa_kosolapy: от души [15:46:58] [L] SimpleMimpl: копай [15:47:00] [L] SimpleMimpl: )) [15:47:07] SHIZAFRENIAA issued server command: /randomtp [15:47:07] SHIZAFRENIAA issued server command: /rtp [15:47:25] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /m un5redictable есть осмат стол? [15:47:32] Condesce зашёл [15:47:35] Mass1ime issued server command: /randomtp [15:47:35] Mass1ime issued server command: /rtp [15:47:42] [L] SimpleMimpl: пщ [15:47:55] Condesce issued server command: /we cui [15:48:05] Mass1ime issued server command: /warp forest [15:48:11] Mass1ime issued server command: /we cui [15:48:18] Mass1ime вышел [15:48:22] [L] SimpleMimpl: короче [15:48:25] [L] SimpleMimpl: надо ещё лазурит [15:48:28] [L] SimpleMimpl: чтобы на удачу [15:48:29] [L] SimpleMimpl: он был ещё [15:49:03] SHIZAFRENIAA issued server command: /eat [15:49:12] Mautil зашёл [15:49:28] Mautil issued server command: /we cui [15:49:40] SHIZAFRENIAA issued server command: /home [15:49:40] Mautil issued server command: /we cui [15:49:42] [L] SimpleMimpl: ты че [15:49:42] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /we cui [15:49:43] [L] SimpleMimpl: пропускаешь [15:49:45] [L] SimpleMimpl: железо [15:49:51] SHIZAFRENIAA issued server command: /randomtp [15:49:51] SHIZAFRENIAA issued server command: /rtp [15:50:22] SHIZAFRENIAA issued server command: /home [15:50:38] Zero09 issued server command: /home [15:50:59] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /warp home [15:50:59] [L] SimpleMimpl: .цфкз рщьу [15:51:06] [L] xx_VR_xxx: подожди у меня охлад был выключен и тротлинг ых [15:51:07] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /m Condesce Аринка [15:51:12] Condesce issued server command: /r ? [15:51:14] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /m Condesce Аринка привет, подскажи как онлайн картинку поставить ) [15:51:26] [L] xx_VR_xxx: подставка охлаждающая была офнута [15:51:30] [L] SimpleMimpl: иди сюда Аринка [15:51:31] Condesce issued server command: /r привет, просто на блок, и там вставляешь ссылку на картинку URL ее [15:51:41] [L] xx_VR_xxx: я даже щас говорить не смогу услышишь ты ток э а о э а э [15:51:45] [L] SimpleMimpl: не канает [15:52:02] [L] xx_VR_xxx: проц герцовку до 0.7 скинул [15:52:12] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /home [15:52:14] SHIZAFRENIAA issued server command: /randomtp [15:52:14] SHIZAFRENIAA issued server command: /rtp [15:52:23] un5redictable issued server command: /hela [15:52:23] SHIZAFRENIAA issued server command: /randomtp [15:52:23] SHIZAFRENIAA issued server command: /rtp [15:52:27] SHIZAFRENIAA issued server command: /eat [15:52:29] [L] xx_VR_xxx: стрелы блять [15:52:34] SHIZAFRENIAA issued server command: /randomtp [15:52:34] SHIZAFRENIAA issued server command: /rtp [15:52:39] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /home [15:52:41] SHIZAFRENIAA issued server command: /randomtp [15:52:41] SHIZAFRENIAA issued server command: /rtp [15:52:45] [L] SimpleMimpl: Не работает [15:52:46] [L] SimpleMimpl: Арина [15:52:50] SHIZAFRENIAA issued server command: /randomtp [15:52:50] SHIZAFRENIAA issued server command: /rtp [15:52:51] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /we cui [15:52:51] SHIZAFRENIAA issued server command: /home [15:52:55] SHIZAFRENIAA issued server command: /randomtp [15:52:55] SHIZAFRENIAA issued server command: /rtp [15:53:02] SHIZAFRENIAA issued server command: /warp mining [15:53:04] SHIZAFRENIAA issued server command: /we cui [15:53:07] Hard_2_Kill issued server command: /tpa Zero09 [15:53:25] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /money [15:53:26] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /mpcaseshop [15:53:27] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /warp shop [15:53:27] [L] SimpleMimpl: .цфкз ырщз [15:53:28] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /mpcaseview 70 [15:53:28] SHIZAFRENIAA issued server command: /trash [15:53:29] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /buycase 70 [15:53:30] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /rollcase 70 [15:53:30] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /we cui [15:53:33] SHIZAFRENIAA issued server command: /trash [15:53:34] SHIZAFRENIAA issued server command: /home [15:53:36] SHIZAFRENIAA issued server command: /we cui [15:53:43] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /mpcaseview 70 [15:53:50] yaroxa_kosolapy вышел [15:53:55] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /tpa Mautil [15:53:58] Mautil issued server command: /tpyes [15:54:07] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /we cui [15:54:10] [G] Hard_2_Kill: !у кого можно дом изучить? [15:54:11] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /tpa Mautil [15:54:17] KitKas issued server command: /home [15:54:17] Hard_2_Kill issued server command: /kit eat [15:54:25] Hard_2_Kill issued server command: /home [15:54:39] [G] SHIZAFRENIAA: !кто может зарядить палочку? [15:54:51] [G] SimpleMimpl: !тп [15:55:00] SHIZAFRENIAA issued server command: /tpa SimpleMimpl [15:55:04] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /warp hpme [15:55:04] [L] SimpleMimpl: .цфкз рзьу [15:55:07] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /warp home [15:55:07] [L] SimpleMimpl: .цфкз рщьу [15:55:10] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /we cui [15:55:15] Jabuti issued server command: /randomtp [15:55:15] Jabuti issued server command: /rtp [15:55:17] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /tpaccept [15:55:17] [L] SimpleMimpl: .езфссузе [15:55:21] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /warp mining [15:55:22] Jabuti issued server command: /home [15:55:23] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /we cui [15:55:24] Condesce issued server command: /bc Уважаемые игроки! Ивенты начнутся через 5 минут! [15:55:25] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /randomtp [15:55:25] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /rtp [15:55:29] Jabuti issued server command: /randomtp [15:55:29] Jabuti issued server command: /rtp [15:55:42] Jabuti issued server command: /randomtp [15:55:42] Jabuti issued server command: /rtp [15:55:52] [L] SimpleMimpl: ты шаришь как онлайн картину поставить [15:55:54] [L] SimpleMimpl: я что то забыл [15:56:04] Condesce issued server command: /screenall [15:56:05] Jabuti issued server command: /randomtp [15:56:05] Jabuti issued server command: /rtp [15:56:08] Jabuti issued server command: /randomtp [15:56:08] Jabuti issued server command: /rtp [15:56:11] [L] SHIZAFRENIAA: url сыллку надо вставить [15:56:14] [L] SimpleMimpl: ну [15:56:15] [L] SimpleMimpl: я знаю [15:56:17] [L] SimpleMimpl: но не получается [15:56:24] Hard_2_Kill issued server command: /tpa Zero09 [15:56:26] [L] SimpleMimpl: поставил [15:56:27] [L] SHIZAFRENIAA: не знаю тогда [15:56:30] Zero09 issued server command: /tpaccept [15:56:43] [L] SHIZAFRENIAA: спасибо [15:56:44] Jabuti issued server command: /randomtp [15:56:44] Jabuti issued server command: /rtp [15:56:44] SHIZAFRENIAA issued server command: /home [15:56:52] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /warp shop [15:56:52] [L] SimpleMimpl: .цфкз ырщз [15:56:54] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /we cui [15:57:26] Jabuti issued server command: /randomtp [15:57:26] Jabuti issued server command: /rtp [15:57:46] SHIZAFRENIAA issued server command: /heal [15:58:09] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /home [15:58:09] [L] SimpleMimpl: .рщьу [15:58:11] SHIZAFRENIAA issued server command: /kit eat [15:58:12] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /we cui [15:58:22] Bukycbka issued server command: /money [15:58:23] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /fly [15:58:23] [L] SimpleMimpl: .адн [15:58:43] [G] SHIZAFRENIAA: !че делать если в узле нету одного основного аспекта? [15:58:45] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /warp home [15:58:45] [L] SimpleMimpl: .цфкз рщьу [15:58:54] [G] Condesce: !узлы можно создавать [15:58:56] [G] SimpleMimpl: !Кто шарит как поставить онлайн картину? [15:59:08] [G] SHIZAFRENIAA: !я создал [15:59:22] [G] SHIZAFRENIAA: !и у меня нету одного аспекта [15:59:46] Jabuti issued server command: /randomtp [15:59:46] Jabuti issued server command: /rtp [15:59:56] KitKas issued server command: /homt [15:59:59] KitKas issued server command: /home [16:00:02] Condesce issued server command: /mpcaseshop [16:00:05] Condesce issued server command: /mpcaseview 71 [16:00:05] Jabuti issued server command: /home [16:00:09] Condesce issued server command: /mpcaseshop [16:00:11] Hard_2_Kill issued server command: /randomtp [16:00:11] Hard_2_Kill issued server command: /rtp [16:00:13] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /home [16:00:13] Hard_2_Kill issued server command: /home [16:00:14] Condesce issued server command: /enew spleef [16:00:15] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /we cui [16:00:15] Condesce issued server command: /bc С правилами ивентов можно ознакомиться у NPC, прописав /eobs. [16:00:16] Jabuti issued server command: /home [16:00:16] Condesce issued server command: /bc Не забудьте очистить свои инвентари! [16:00:20] Zero09 issued server command: /home [16:00:21] Condesce issued server command: /ejoin [16:00:22] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /ejoin [16:00:24] Condesce issued server command: /we cui [16:00:27] Condesce issued server command: /gm 0 [16:00:27] Jabuti issued server command: /ejoin [16:00:29] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /ejoin [16:00:30] Jabuti issued server command: /we cui [16:00:31] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /we cui [16:00:33] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /ejoin [16:00:38] SHIZAFRENIAA issued server command: /enjoi [16:00:40] Hard_2_Kill issued server command: /ejoin [16:00:41] Hard_2_Kill issued server command: /we cui [16:00:44] Zero09 issued server command: /ejoin [16:00:45] SHIZAFRENIAA issued server command: /enjoin [16:00:45] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /ejoin [16:00:46] Zero09 issued server command: /we cui [16:00:48] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /we cui [16:00:55] SHIZAFRENIAA issued server command: /ejoin [16:00:57] KitKas issued server command: /randomtp [16:00:57] KitKas issued server command: /rtp [16:00:57] SHIZAFRENIAA issued server command: /we cui [16:01:11] [G] Condesce: !ждем еще кого-то? [16:01:14] un5redictable issued server command: /home [16:01:19] un5redictable issued server command: /we cui [16:01:29] KitKas issued server command: /home [16:01:42] [L] Condesce: &cСтартую [16:01:44] Condesce issued server command: /estart [16:02:09] [L] SimpleMimpl: s [16:02:11] [L] SimpleMimpl: ы [16:02:15] Condesce issued server command: /gm 1 [16:02:16] Condesce issued server command: /thru [16:02:20] [L] SimpleMimpl: ути [16:02:22] [L] Condesce: привет [16:02:23] [L] SimpleMimpl: мой уголок [16:02:26] [L] Condesce: окапываться нельзя) [16:02:29] SHIZAFRENIAA issued server command: /home [16:02:30] [L] SimpleMimpl: ну тю [16:02:31] SHIZAFRENIAA issued server command: /we cui [16:02:33] [L] SimpleMimpl: пусти тада [16:02:41] un5redictable issued server command: /warp ad [16:02:45] un5redictable issued server command: /we cui [16:02:47] Condesce issued server command: /s SimpleMimpl [16:02:51] Condesce issued server command: /thru [16:02:56] Condesce issued server command: /gm 0 [16:02:57] un5redictable issued server command: /tppos -4000 60 2150 [16:03:52] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /ping [16:03:54] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /home [16:03:56] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /we cui [16:03:57] [L] Jabuti: минус тима хех [16:03:58] [L] SimpleMimpl: ы [16:04:03] Condesce issued server command: /ereward SimpleMimpl [16:04:05] Condesce issued server command: /estop [16:04:06] Condesce issued server command: /enew tntrun [16:04:08] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /ejoin [16:04:08] Hard_2_Kill issued server command: /ejoin [16:04:09] Condesce issued server command: /ejoin [16:04:09] Zero09 issued server command: /ejoin [16:04:13] Jabuti issued server command: /ejoin [16:04:16] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /ejoin [16:04:21] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /ejoin [16:04:38] [L] Condesce: &cСтартую [16:04:40] Condesce issued server command: /estart [16:04:41] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /m Condesce куда крисстал потратиь можно? [16:04:57] [L] SimpleMimpl: ой ля [16:05:06] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /warp shop [16:05:06] [L] SimpleMimpl: .цфкз ырщз [16:05:09] Condesce issued server command: /r /warp shop [16:05:16] Condesce issued server command: /ereward AYLIEXEC [16:05:17] Condesce issued server command: /estop [16:05:18] Condesce issued server command: /enew Listva [16:05:18] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /home [16:05:19] Zero09 issued server command: /ejoin [16:05:20] Hard_2_Kill issued server command: /ejoin [16:05:20] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /we cui [16:05:20] Condesce issued server command: /ejin [16:05:21] Zero09 issued server command: /ejoin [16:05:24] Hard_2_Kill issued server command: /ejoin [16:05:24] Jabuti issued server command: /ejoin [16:05:25] Zero09 issued server command: /ejoin [16:05:25] Condesce issued server command: /ejoin [16:05:25] [L] Condesce: .уощшт [16:05:27] Hard_2_Kill issued server command: /ejoin [16:05:27] SHIZAFRENIAA issued server command: /ejoin [16:05:29] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /ejoin [16:05:30] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /we cui [16:05:31] Hard_2_Kill issued server command: /ejoin [16:05:36] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /ejoin [16:05:41] SHIZAFRENIAA issued server command: /ejoin [16:05:43] SHIZAFRENIAA issued server command: /we cui [16:05:46] Condesce issued server command: /r там можно у нпс обменять [16:05:54] [L] Condesce: &cСтартую [16:05:55] Condesce issued server command: /estart [16:05:56] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /m Condesce что то ценное?) [16:06:02] Condesce issued server command: /r ихор пробужденный [16:06:05] [L] SimpleMimpl: не повезло [16:06:07] [L] SimpleMimpl: хахаах [16:06:09] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /warp shop [16:06:09] [L] SimpleMimpl: .цфкз ырщз [16:06:10] [L] Jabuti: бывает [16:06:40] SHIZAFRENIAA issued server command: /home [16:06:42] SHIZAFRENIAA issued server command: /we cui [16:07:29] Condesce issued server command: /ereward Jabuti [16:07:31] Condesce issued server command: /estop [16:07:31] Jabuti issued server command: /home [16:07:32] Condesce issued server command: /enew Kovriki [16:07:32] Zero09 issued server command: /ejoin [16:07:33] Hard_2_Kill issued server command: /ejoin [16:07:33] Jabuti issued server command: /we cui [16:07:33] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /ejoin [16:07:34] Condesce issued server command: /ejoin [16:07:37] Jabuti issued server command: /ejoin [16:07:39] Jabuti issued server command: /we cui [16:07:48] [L] Condesce: &cСтартую [16:07:50] Condesce issued server command: /estart [16:07:53] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /m Condesc так ты дай ещё 25 хаахах [16:07:55] SHIZAFRENIAA issued server command: /ejoin [16:07:55] Bukycbka issued server command: /warp [16:08:03] Bukycbka issued server command: /warp shop [16:08:06] Bukycbka issued server command: /we cui [16:08:38] Mautil issued server command: /home [16:08:39] [G] Condesce: !Продолжение после &cрестарта&f! [16:08:40] Mautil issued server command: /we cui [16:09:10] KitKas issued server command: /home [16:09:29] Exile45 зашёл [16:09:34] Condesce issued server command: /ereward Hard_2_Kill [16:09:36] Condesce issued server command: /estop [16:09:47] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /home [16:09:48] Exile45 issued server command: /we cui [16:09:53] Zero09 issued server command: /ejoin [16:09:54] [G] Condesce: !Продолжение после &cрестарта&f! Повторяюсь [16:10:04] Condesce issued server command: /gc [16:10:51] [L] AYLIEXEC: я застрял [16:11:15] Condesce issued server command: /thru [16:11:18] Condesce issued server command: /gm 1 [16:11:19] Condesce issued server command: /thru [16:11:26] Condesce issued server command: /tp ay [16:11:27] SHIZAFRENIAA issued server command: /trash [16:11:33] SHIZAFRENIAA issued server command: /warp ad [16:11:35] SHIZAFRENIAA issued server command: /we cui [16:11:47] [L] Mautil: на мой [16:11:48] Condesce issued server command: /gc [16:11:53] Cro_SS_O был кикнут [16:11:53] Cro_SS_O вышел [16:11:54] AYLIEXEC был кикнут [16:11:54] AYLIEXEC вышел [16:11:54] SHIZAFRENIAA был кикнут [16:11:54] SHIZAFRENIAA вышел [16:11:54] SimpleMimpl был кикнут [16:11:54] SimpleMimpl вышел [16:11:54] un5redictable был кикнут [16:11:54] un5redictable вышел [16:11:54] Jabuti был кикнут [16:11:54] Jabuti вышел [16:11:54] Scilla был кикнут [16:11:54] Scilla вышел [16:11:54] Bukycbka был кикнут [16:11:54] Bukycbka вышел [16:11:54] Zero09 был кикнут [16:11:54] Zero09 вышел [16:11:54] Hard_2_Kill был кикнут [16:11:54] Hard_2_Kill вышел [16:11:54] KitKas был кикнут [16:11:54] KitKas вышел [16:11:54] xx_VR_xxx был кикнут [16:11:54] xx_VR_xxx вышел [16:11:54] Condesce был кикнут [16:11:54] Condesce вышел [16:11:54] Mautil был кикнут [16:11:54] Mautil вышел [16:11:54] Exile45 был кикнут [16:11:54] Exile45 вышел [16:11:57] Сервер выключился [16:12:43] Сервер включился [16:12:59] KitKas зашёл [16:13:02] KitKas issued server command: /we cui [16:13:03] Hard_2_Kill зашёл [16:13:04] Hard_2_Kill issued server command: /we cui [16:13:05] AYLIEXEC зашёл [16:13:06] Jabuti зашёл [16:13:06] Cro_SS_O зашёл [16:13:07] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /we cui [16:13:08] Jabuti issued server command: /we cui [16:13:14] Cro_SS_O issued server command: /we cui [16:13:15] SHIZAFRENIAA зашёл [16:13:18] SHIZAFRENIAA issued server command: /we cui [16:13:22] un5redictable зашёл [16:13:28] xx_VR_xxx зашёл [16:13:28] un5redictable issued server command: /we cui [16:13:31] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /we cui [16:13:33] Exile45 зашёл [16:13:36] Exile45 issued server command: /we cui [16:13:47] Condesce зашёл [16:13:52] Condesce issued server command: /we cui [16:13:54] SHIZAFRENIAA issued server command: /home [16:13:55] Condesce issued server command: /enew Kovriki [16:13:56] SHIZAFRENIAA issued server command: /we cui [16:13:58] Jabuti issued server command: /ejoin [16:13:59] [L] AYLIEXEC: я застрял [16:14:03] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /ejoin [16:14:04] [L] Condesce: &6Ускоренные [16:14:06] Zero09 зашёл [16:14:06] [L] AYLIEXEC: случайно [16:14:09] Condesce issued server command: /ejoin [16:14:12] Bukycbka зашёл [16:14:15] Bukycbka issued server command: /we cui [16:14:16] Zero09 issued server command: /we cui [16:14:24] Zero09 issued server command: /ejoin [16:14:28] Hard_2_Kill issued server command: /ejoin [16:14:47] [L] Condesce: &cСтартую [16:14:50] Condesce issued server command: /estart fast [16:15:10] [G] xx_VR_xxx: ! может уже кто то палки заряжает? [16:15:10] Mautil зашёл [16:15:11] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /money [16:15:13] Mautil issued server command: /we cui [16:15:16] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /time [16:15:18] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /playtime [16:15:33] Condesce issued server command: /ereward AYLIEXEC [16:15:34] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /home [16:15:35] Condesce issued server command: /estop [16:15:36] Condesce issued server command: /enew TNTBow [16:15:36] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /we cui [16:15:37] Hard_2_Kill issued server command: /ejoin [16:15:37] Condesce issued server command: /ejoin [16:15:38] Jabuti issued server command: /ejoin [16:15:42] Zero09 issued server command: /ejoin [16:15:45] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /ejoin [16:15:47] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /we cui [16:15:48] SimpleMimpl зашёл [16:15:52] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /we cui [16:16:05] Condesce issued server command: /gm 0 [16:16:08] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /m Condesc 1 мала хаха [16:16:13] Mautil вышел [16:16:25] [L] Condesce: &cСтартую [16:16:27] Condesce issued server command: /estart [16:16:31] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /warp home [16:16:31] [L] SimpleMimpl: .цфкз рщьу [16:16:34] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /we cui [16:16:47] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /ejoin [16:16:53] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /eobs [16:16:57] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /we cui [16:17:00] Exile45 issued server command: /warp forest [16:17:01] Exile45 issued server command: /we cui [16:17:07] Exile45 issued server command: /we cui [16:17:10] Exile45 issued server command: /we cui [16:17:17] Exile45 issued server command: /we cui [16:17:32] SHIZAFRENIAA issued server command: /money [16:17:34] SHIZAFRENIAA issued server command: /mpcaseshop [16:17:37] SHIZAFRENIAA issued server command: /mpcaseview 70 [16:17:38] SHIZAFRENIAA issued server command: /buycase 70 [16:17:42] SHIZAFRENIAA issued server command: /rollcase 70 [16:18:02] Condesce issued server command: /ereward AYLIEXEC [16:18:04] Condesce issued server command: /estop [16:18:05] Zero09 issued server command: /ejoin [16:18:05] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /home [16:18:06] Condesce issued server command: /enew Archery [16:18:06] Zero09 issued server command: /ejoin [16:18:07] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /we cui [16:18:08] Hard_2_Kill issued server command: /ejoin [16:18:08] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /ejoin [16:18:09] Jabuti issued server command: /ejoin [16:18:10] Condesce issued server command: /ejoin [16:18:10] SHIZAFRENIAA вышел [16:18:13] Bukycbka issued server command: /warp pvp [16:18:14] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /ejoin [16:18:16] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /we cui [16:18:19] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /ejoin [16:18:20] Bukycbka issued server command: /home [16:18:21] Bukycbka issued server command: /we cui [16:18:48] [L] Condesce: &cСтартую [16:18:50] Condesce issued server command: /estart 70 [16:18:57] [L] xx_VR_xxx: 75 [16:19:06] Exile45 issued server command: /home [16:19:07] Exile45 issued server command: /we cui [16:19:48] Mautil зашёл [16:19:57] Exile45 issued server command: /warp forest [16:19:59] Exile45 issued server command: /we cui [16:20:02] Exile45 issued server command: /we cui [16:20:03] [L] SimpleMimpl: жесть хахаа [16:20:04] Mautil issued server command: /we cui [16:20:10] Condesce issued server command: /ereward Jabuti [16:20:12] Condesce issued server command: /estop [16:20:13] [L] Jabuti: 1257, слабовато [16:20:17] Zero09 issued server command: /ejoin [16:20:19] [L] Condesce: Второй круг будем? [16:20:21] [L] SimpleMimpl: не [16:20:23] [L] SimpleMimpl: другое давай [16:20:30] [L] Jabuti: голодные игры бы ( [16:20:32] Jabuti issued server command: /home [16:20:34] Jabuti issued server command: /we cui [16:20:35] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /warp home [16:20:35] [L] SimpleMimpl: .цфкз рщьу [16:20:37] [L] Condesce: другого нет [16:20:38] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /we cui [16:20:42] Jabuti issued server command: /ejoin [16:20:49] Condesce issued server command: /bc Уважаемые игроки! Ивенты окончены! [16:20:53] Jabuti issued server command: /call AYLIEXEC [16:20:55] Hard_2_Kill issued server command: /home [16:20:56] Hard_2_Kill issued server command: /we cui [16:20:56] Zero09 issued server command: /home [16:20:58] Zero09 issued server command: /we cui [16:21:00] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /tpaccept [16:21:04] [G] SimpleMimpl: !Кто шарит как поставить онлайн картинку [16:21:06] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /fly [16:21:06] [L] SimpleMimpl: .адн [16:21:07] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /god [16:21:07] [L] SimpleMimpl: .пщв [16:21:16] [G] Jabuti: ! я [16:21:17] Scilla зашёл [16:21:19] Scilla issued server command: /we cui [16:21:20] Jabuti issued server command: /call SimpleMimpl [16:21:20] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /tpahere Jabuti [16:21:22] Condesce вышел [16:21:23] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /tpaccept [16:21:23] [L] SimpleMimpl: .езфссузе [16:21:25] Hard_2_Kill issued server command: /home [16:21:26] [L] Jabuti: куда [16:21:30] [L] SimpleMimpl: да вот стенка [16:21:32] [L] SimpleMimpl: я не помню [16:21:33] [L] SimpleMimpl: тупо [16:21:35] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /home [16:21:36] [L] Jabuti: что ты хоч поставить [16:21:38] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /we cui [16:21:42] [L] SimpleMimpl: да там обезьянка с мандарином хаха [16:21:43] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /warp shop [16:21:45] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /we cui [16:21:49] [L] Jabuti: короче ставь в центр [16:21:55] [L] Jabuti: такс [16:21:57] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /home [16:21:59] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /we cui [16:22:00] [L] Jabuti: терь в инете [16:22:00] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /rg sel [16:22:01] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: //sel [16:22:06] Tiger_eye зашёл [16:22:06] [L] Jabuti: нажимай пкм на гифку [16:22:08] [L] SimpleMimpl: взял [16:22:09] [L] SimpleMimpl: урл [16:22:16] [L] Jabuti: копировать адресс картины или как-то так [16:22:19] [L] Jabuti: туда вставляй [16:22:20] Tiger_eye issued server command: /we cui [16:22:27] [L] Jabuti: и там будет кнопка поставить или как-то так [16:22:33] [L] Jabuti: и жди пока загрузится [16:22:41] [L] Jabuti: если правильная ссылка, то получится [16:22:41] [L] SimpleMimpl: нажал [16:22:42] Tiger_eye issued server command: /st reload [16:22:44] [L] SimpleMimpl: save [16:22:46] [L] Jabuti: да [16:22:49] Tiger_eye issued server command: /vanish [16:22:51] [L] SimpleMimpl: чет не появляется [16:22:53] [L] SimpleMimpl: кобыла [16:22:54] Tiger_eye issued server command: /tpo Hard_2_Kill [16:22:56] Tiger_eye issued server command: /we cui [16:23:02] Zero09 issued server command: /randomtp [16:23:02] Zero09 issued server command: /rtp [16:23:04] [L] Jabuti: скинь мне ссылку я посмотрю [16:23:07] [L] SimpleMimpl:  [16:23:09] Tiger_eye issued server command: /list [16:23:12] Zero09 issued server command: /home [16:23:19] [G] Bukycbka: !как посмотреть до куда бьёт приват? [16:23:21] [L] Jabuti: я хз почему-то скопировать не могу [16:23:23] [L] Jabuti: ща [16:23:35] [G] Mautil: !/rg s [16:23:39] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /rg s [16:23:39] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /rg se [16:23:44] [L] Jabuti: ты гифки через tenor берешь ? [16:23:49] [L] SimpleMimpl: не гифка [16:23:52] [L] SimpleMimpl: в гугле картинку [16:23:52] [L] SimpleMimpl: взял [16:23:53] SimpleMimpl issued server command: //sel [16:23:54] Bukycbka issued server command: /rg s [16:23:58] [L] Jabuti: без анимации ? [16:24:01] [L] SimpleMimpl: да [16:24:13] [L] Jabuti: а это у тебя прост онлайн картина а не гифка так ? [16:24:17] [L] SimpleMimpl: дэ [16:24:18] [L] Jabuti: такс [16:24:21] Tiger_eye issued server command: /spawn [16:24:23] Tiger_eye issued server command: /we cui [16:24:24] [L] SimpleMimpl: я вот тоже голову ломаю [16:24:30] [L] SimpleMimpl: там вроде надо указыать на сколько вправо [16:24:31] [L] Jabuti: скинь дс [16:24:32] [L] SimpleMimpl: насколько влево [16:24:36] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /warp mining [16:24:38] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /we cui [16:24:41] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /randomtp [16:24:41] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /rtp [16:24:41] Bukycbka issued server command: /home [16:24:53] [L] SimpleMimpl: нема дс у меня [16:24:56] [L] SimpleMimpl: лень скачивать ( [16:24:58] [L] Jabuti: блин [16:24:59] [L] Jabuti: короче [16:25:02] [L] Jabuti: попробуй так [16:25:07] [L] Jabuti: открой картинку в новой вкладке [16:25:12] [L] Jabuti: и скопируй ее ссылку [16:25:18] Bukycbka issued server command: /randomtp [16:25:18] Bukycbka issued server command: /rtp [16:25:21] Zero09 issued server command: /home [16:25:22] [L] SimpleMimpl: да я сделал так) [16:25:34] [L] Jabuti: а с другими картинками ? [16:25:42] [L] Jabuti: или размер поставь побольше 10 на 10 например [16:26:05] [L] SimpleMimpl: мдж [16:26:26] Bukycbka issued server command: /randomtp [16:26:26] Bukycbka issued server command: /rtp [16:26:34] [L] Jabuti: л [16:26:35] [L] Jabuti: о [16:26:37] [L] SimpleMimpl: другая тоже не канает [16:26:41] [L] Jabuti: а я вижу [16:26:43] [L] SimpleMimpl: а [16:26:44] [L] SimpleMimpl: хаха вижу [16:26:46] [L] SimpleMimpl: понял [16:26:55] Zero09 issued server command: /home [16:26:59] Bukycbka issued server command: /randomtp [16:26:59] Bukycbka issued server command: /rtp [16:27:00] [L] Jabuti: ладн удачи тогда с обезьянкой [16:27:03] Jabuti issued server command: /home [16:27:22] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /home [16:27:24] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /we cui [16:27:40] Bukycbka issued server command: /randomtp [16:27:40] Bukycbka issued server command: /rtp [16:27:49] Bukycbka issued server command: /kit eat [16:28:13] Hard_2_Kill issued server command: /randomtp [16:28:13] Hard_2_Kill issued server command: /rtp [16:28:13] Hard_2_Kill issued server command: /home [16:28:40] un5redictable issued server command: /home [16:28:44] un5redictable issued server command: /we cui [16:28:48] Bukycbka issued server command: /randomtp [16:28:48] Bukycbka issued server command: /rtp [16:29:15] Jabuti issued server command: /home [16:29:22] Jabuti issued server command: /randomtp [16:29:22] Jabuti issued server command: /rtp [16:29:47] Jabuti issued server command: /warp mining [16:29:49] Jabuti issued server command: /we cui [16:29:56] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /warp forest [16:29:57] Jabuti issued server command: /randomtp [16:29:57] Jabuti issued server command: /rtp [16:29:58] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /we cui [16:30:03] Exile45 issued server command: /money [16:30:04] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /we cui [16:30:29] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /tpahere Jabuti [16:30:39] Jabuti issued server command: /home [16:30:41] Jabuti issued server command: /we cui [16:30:46] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /home [16:30:48] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /we cui [16:30:48] Jabuti issued server command: /tpaccept [16:30:55] [L] Jabuti: да [16:30:56] Bukycbka issued server command: /randomtp [16:30:56] Bukycbka issued server command: /rtp [16:31:03] [L] SimpleMimpl: )) [16:31:06] [L] Jabuti: неплохо [16:31:10] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /warp forest [16:31:13] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /we cui [16:31:14] [L] Jabuti: лан я пошел кристаллы искать [16:31:15] un5redictable issued server command: /home [16:31:16] [L] SimpleMimpl: какие [16:31:17] [L] Jabuti: удачи [16:31:17] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /we cui [16:31:19] [L] Jabuti: а [16:31:21] [L] Jabuti: порядка [16:31:23] Hard_2_Kill issued server command: /home [16:31:24] [L] Jabuti: 10 штук [16:31:31] Bukycbka issued server command: /randomtp [16:31:31] Bukycbka issued server command: /rtp [16:31:34] [L] Jabuti: тхенкс [16:31:40] [L] SimpleMimpl: у тебюя [16:31:40] Jabuti issued server command: /home [16:31:43] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /home [16:31:45] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /we cui [16:31:46] [G] SimpleMimpl: !у тебя дома поизучать есть че? [16:31:56] un5redictable issued server command: /back [16:31:58] un5redictable issued server command: /back [16:31:59] [G] Jabuti: ! смотря что тебе надо [16:32:00] un5redictable issued server command: /warp ad [16:32:03] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /tpa Jabuti [16:32:04] un5redictable issued server command: /we cui [16:32:07] Jabuti issued server command: /tpaccept [16:32:07] un5redictable issued server command: /tppos -4000 60 2150 [16:32:08] [G] SimpleMimpl: !матрица не открывается [16:32:18] [L] Jabuti: аа [16:32:33] [L] SimpleMimpl: головы наоборот [16:32:35] [L] Jabuti: а ты изучал че в таумономиконе ? [16:32:37] [L] SimpleMimpl: дистабилизируют [16:32:38] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /kit eat [16:32:42] [L] Jabuti: ааа [16:32:44] [L] SimpleMimpl: фуфло они [16:32:46] [L] Jabuti: тп домой я к тееб [16:32:48] [L] SimpleMimpl: лучше короче [16:32:54] [L] SimpleMimpl: криссталы смешанные [16:32:55] [L] SimpleMimpl: кластеры [16:32:57] [L] Jabuti: у меня стабилизируют [16:32:57] [L] SimpleMimpl: свечи [16:33:04] [L] SimpleMimpl: янтарные кирпичи [16:33:10] [L] Jabuti: я когда их поставил сразу 3 единицы дало [16:33:15] Exile45 issued server command: /home [16:33:16] Exile45 issued server command: /we cui [16:33:25] [L] SimpleMimpl: че она не открывается [16:33:30] [L] SimpleMimpl: епте [16:33:32] [L] Jabuti: а ты что изучил то [16:33:37] [L] Jabuti: ты наверн чет не изучил [16:33:37] [L] SimpleMimpl: да я всё изучил [16:33:40] [L] SimpleMimpl: что было в таумониконе [16:33:43] [L] Jabuti: а элементы все открыл ? [16:33:48] [L] SimpleMimpl: дэ [16:33:50] [L] SimpleMimpl: аспекты [16:33:51] [L] SimpleMimpl: ? [16:33:51] [L] Jabuti: хм [16:34:00] [L] Jabuti: дай мне ресы и палочку я скрафчу [16:34:01] Bukycbka issued server command: /randomtp [16:34:01] Bukycbka issued server command: /rtp [16:34:11] [L] SimpleMimpl: да сделать не проблема [16:34:14] [L] SimpleMimpl: изучить надо её мне [16:34:28] [L] Jabuti: странно [16:34:34] [L] SimpleMimpl: а [16:34:35] [L] SimpleMimpl: может [16:34:35] [L] Jabuti: у меня после неск изучений она открылась [16:34:38] [L] SimpleMimpl: зачар ткань надо [16:34:39] [L] SimpleMimpl: изучить [16:34:43] [L] Jabuti: да наверн кст [16:34:57] [L] Jabuti: я из всех разделов немного поизучал [16:34:59] Bukycbka issued server command: /randomtp [16:34:59] Bukycbka issued server command: /rtp [16:35:27] [L] SimpleMimpl: ладно [16:35:29] [L] SimpleMimpl: побежал [16:35:31] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /warp home [16:35:31] [L] SimpleMimpl: .цфкз рщьу [16:35:31] [L] Jabuti: удачи [16:35:43] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /warp ad [16:35:45] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /we cui [16:35:50] Bukycbka issued server command: /rt0p [16:35:51] Bukycbka issued server command: /randomtp [16:35:51] Bukycbka issued server command: /rtp [16:36:15] un5redictable issued server command: /home [16:36:18] un5redictable issued server command: /we cui [16:36:44] Bukycbka issued server command: /randomtp [16:36:44] Bukycbka issued server command: /rtp [16:36:58] Bukycbka issued server command: /randomtp [16:36:58] Bukycbka issued server command: /rtp [16:37:04] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /home [16:37:07] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /we cui [16:37:28] Bukycbka issued server command: /randomtp [16:37:28] Bukycbka issued server command: /rtp [16:37:33] Bukycbka issued server command: /homke [16:37:36] Bukycbka issued server command: /home [16:37:41] Bukycbka issued server command: /rg s [16:37:45] Bukycbka issued server command: /rg [16:37:51] Bukycbka issued server command: /rg n [16:38:15] [G] Bukycbka: !Как сделать, чтобы регион не был показан(выделен) [16:38:23] Bukycbka issued server command: /sell [16:38:25] un5redictable issued server command: /home [16:38:29] Bukycbka issued server command: //sel [16:39:02] [G] SimpleMimpl: !открыл) [16:39:14] Hard_2_Kill issued server command: /home [16:39:22] [G] Jabuti: ! норм [16:39:49] Hard_2_Kill issued server command: /home [16:39:56] un5redictable issued server command: /home [16:40:32] Bukycbka issued server command: /randomtp [16:40:32] Bukycbka issued server command: /rtp [16:40:37] Mautil issued server command: /warp shop [16:40:39] Mautil issued server command: /we cui [16:40:51] Mautil issued server command: /home [16:40:53] Mautil issued server command: /we cui [16:40:55] Bukycbka issued server command: /home [16:41:03] un5redictable issued server command: /warp ad [16:41:07] un5redictable issued server command: /we cui [16:41:11] un5redictable issued server command: /tppos -4000 60 2150 [16:42:42] un5redictable issued server command: /tppos -4000 60 -2150 [16:42:47] Exile45 issued server command: /warp ad [16:42:49] Exile45 issued server command: /we cui [16:43:10] un5redictable issued server command: //chunk [16:43:10] un5redictable issued server command: //outset 16 [16:43:10] un5redictable issued server command: //wand [16:43:16] un5redictable issued server command: /rg claim un5 [16:43:17] un5redictable issued server command: //sel [16:43:23] un5redictable issued server command: /rg flag un5 pv [16:43:25] Zero09 issued server command: /home [16:44:36] [G] xx_VR_xxx: ! какие есть способы полета [16:44:41] [G] SimpleMimpl: !ранец) [16:44:44] [G] SimpleMimpl: !меч бури [16:44:54] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /we cui [16:45:25] Mautil issued server command: /randomtp [16:45:25] Mautil issued server command: /rtp [16:46:22] un5redictable issued server command: /rg delete un5 [16:46:23] un5redictable issued server command: /rg list [16:46:34] [G] xx_VR_xxx: ! понимаю [16:46:34] un5redictable issued server command: /rg info ad [16:46:37] Zero09 issued server command: /warp ad [16:46:39] Zero09 issued server command: /we cui [16:46:41] un5redictable issued server command: /warp ad [16:46:54] Hard_2_Kill issued server command: /money [16:46:56] Hard_2_Kill issued server command: /playtime [16:46:59] Mautil issued server command: /randomtp [16:46:59] Mautil issued server command: /rtp [16:47:12] un5redictable issued server command: /home [16:47:16] un5redictable issued server command: /we cui [16:47:18] Hard_2_Kill issued server command: /rg addmember 1700/888 H00DRICH [16:47:27] Hard_2_Kill issued server command: /rg addmember 1700/888 H00DRICH [16:47:35] Hard_2_Kill issued server command: /rg addmember 1700/888 H00DRICH [16:47:55] Hard_2_Kill issued server command: //chunk [16:47:55] Hard_2_Kill issued server command: //outset 16 [16:47:55] Hard_2_Kill issued server command: /zone [16:47:56] Hard_2_Kill issued server command: //chunk [16:47:56] Hard_2_Kill issued server command: //outset 16 [16:47:56] Hard_2_Kill issued server command: /zone [16:47:58] Hard_2_Kill issued server command: //chunk [16:47:58] Hard_2_Kill issued server command: //outset 16 [16:47:58] Hard_2_Kill issued server command: /zone [16:47:59] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /votesun [16:48:25] un5redictable issued server command: /home [16:48:29] Hard_2_Kill issued server command: /home [16:48:35] Hard_2_Kill issued server command: //chunk [16:48:35] Hard_2_Kill issued server command: //outset 16 [16:48:35] Hard_2_Kill issued server command: /zone [16:48:38] un5redictable issued server command: /home [16:48:39] Hard_2_Kill issued server command: //chunk [16:48:39] Hard_2_Kill issued server command: //outset 16 [16:48:39] Hard_2_Kill issued server command: /zone [16:48:43] Hard_2_Kill issued server command: //chunk [16:48:43] Hard_2_Kill issued server command: //outset 16 [16:48:43] Hard_2_Kill issued server command: /zone [16:48:51] un5redictable issued server command: /we cui [16:49:01] Zero09 issued server command: /home [16:49:03] Zero09 issued server command: /we cui [16:49:14] Zero09 issued server command: /home [16:49:19] Hard_2_Kill issued server command: //chunk [16:49:19] Hard_2_Kill issued server command: //outset 16 [16:49:19] Hard_2_Kill issued server command: /zone [16:49:21] Zero09 issued server command: //chunk [16:49:21] Zero09 issued server command: //outset 16 [16:49:21] Zero09 issued server command: /zone [16:49:29] Hard_2_Kill issued server command: /rg delete 1700/888 [16:49:35] Zero09 issued server command: /rg claim greg [16:49:48] Hard_2_Kill вышел [16:49:55] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /m Jabuti можно вашим осматом воспользоваться на пару минут? [16:50:01] Zero09 issued server command: /rg addmember greg H00DRICH [16:50:07] Jabuti issued server command: /r а с твоим что ? [16:50:14] Zero09 issued server command: /home [16:50:16] Zero09 issued server command: /warp ad [16:50:18] Zero09 issued server command: /we cui [16:50:33] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /m Jabuti у меня нету заха) [16:50:33] Exile45 умер (ENTITY_ATTACK) [16:50:37] Exile45 issued server command: /we cui [16:50:44] Jabuti issued server command: /r чего ? [16:50:51] Exile45 вышел [16:50:52] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /m Jabuti осмата только тотемы) [16:51:19] KitKas issued server command: /tpa xx_VR_xxx [16:51:24] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /warp ad [16:51:24] Jabuti issued server command: /r я за, но тим против [16:51:26] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /we cui [16:51:29] Jabuti issued server command: /r извини [16:51:33] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /fly [16:51:33] [L] SimpleMimpl: .адн [16:51:54] H00DRICH зашёл [16:52:05] H00DRICH issued server command: /we cui [16:52:26] H00DRICH issued server command: /tpa Zero09 [16:52:29] H00DRICH issued server command: /kit eat [16:52:31] Zero09 issued server command: /home [16:52:33] Zero09 issued server command: /we cui [16:52:35] Zero09 issued server command: /tpaccept [16:52:36] H00DRICH issued server command: /we cui [16:52:38] Zero09 issued server command: /rg addmember greg H00DRICH [16:52:45] Zero09 issued server command: /warp ad [16:52:46] Zero09 issued server command: /we cui [16:52:49] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /warp home [16:52:49] [L] SimpleMimpl: .цфкз рщьу [16:52:52] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /we cui [16:53:27] Mautil issued server command: /home [16:53:48] H00DRICH issued server command: /home [16:53:49] H00DRICH issued server command: /we cui [16:53:50] H00DRICH issued server command: /tpa Zero09 [16:53:56] Zero09 issued server command: /tpaccept [16:53:58] H00DRICH issued server command: /we cui [16:54:17] Bukycbka issued server command: /randomtp [16:54:17] Bukycbka issued server command: /rtp [16:54:40] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /home [16:54:40] [L] SimpleMimpl: .рщьу [16:54:44] H00DRICH issued server command: /spawn [16:54:44] Zero09 issued server command: /home [16:54:45] H00DRICH issued server command: /we cui [16:54:46] Zero09 issued server command: /we cui [16:54:50] H00DRICH issued server command: /tpa Zero09 [16:54:52] Zero09 issued server command: /tpaccept [16:54:53] H00DRICH issued server command: /we cui [16:54:55] H00DRICH issued server command: /sethome [16:55:07] Bukycbka issued server command: /home [16:55:08] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /home [16:55:14] H00DRICH issued server command: //chunk [16:55:14] H00DRICH issued server command: //outset 16 [16:55:14] H00DRICH issued server command: /zone [16:55:17] H00DRICH issued server command: //chunk [16:55:17] H00DRICH issued server command: //outset 16 [16:55:17] H00DRICH issued server command: /zone [16:55:24] Bukycbka issued server command: /money [16:55:31] H00DRICH issued server command: /randomtp [16:55:31] H00DRICH issued server command: /rtp [16:55:32] H00DRICH issued server command: /home [16:55:48] H00DRICH issued server command: /money [16:55:50] H00DRICH issued server command: /home [16:55:58] Zero09 issued server command: /home [16:56:14] AYLIEXEC умер (ENTITY_ATTACK) [16:56:16] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /we cui [16:56:26] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /tpa Jabuti [16:56:42] KitKas issued server command: /randomtp [16:56:42] KitKas issued server command: /rtp [16:56:55] Jabuti issued server command: /r ? [16:56:57] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /kit eat [16:57:10] Zero09 issued server command: /warp ad [16:57:12] Zero09 issued server command: /we cui [16:57:28] KitKas issued server command: /home [16:58:47] Mautil issued server command: /we cui [16:58:59] Zero09 issued server command: /warp ad [16:59:11] Zero09 issued server command: /home [16:59:12] Zero09 issued server command: /we cui [16:59:48] un5redictable issued server command: /tppos 100 50 100 [16:59:55] un5redictable issued server command: /rtp [17:00:22] H00DRICH issued server command: /mods [17:00:24] KitKas issued server command: /randomtp [17:00:24] KitKas issued server command: /rtp [17:00:54] [G] H00DRICH: !есть у кого осмат? [17:00:56] H00DRICH issued server command: /money [17:01:09] KitKas issued server command: /randomtp [17:01:09] KitKas issued server command: /rtp [17:01:46] Zero09 issued server command: /kit eat [17:01:55] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /home [17:01:57] H00DRICH issued server command: /home [17:01:57] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /we cui [17:01:58] KitKas issued server command: /home [17:01:59] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /kit eat [17:02:12] H00DRICH issued server command: /home [17:02:26] Zero09 issued server command: /warp ad [17:02:28] Zero09 issued server command: /we cui [17:02:33] SimpleMimpl вышел [17:03:03] KitKas issued server command: /randomtp [17:03:03] KitKas issued server command: /rtp [17:03:06] Mautil issued server command: /rtp [17:03:11] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /warp shop [17:03:14] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /we cui [17:03:38] KitKas issued server command: /randomtp [17:03:38] KitKas issued server command: /rtp [17:03:55] Bukycbka issued server command: /randomtp [17:03:55] Bukycbka issued server command: /rtp [17:03:57] KitKas issued server command: /randomtp [17:03:57] KitKas issued server command: /rtp [17:04:03] KitKas issued server command: /randomtp [17:04:03] KitKas issued server command: /rtp [17:04:41] KitKas issued server command: /home [17:05:23] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /home [17:05:25] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /we cui [17:05:53] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /kit eat [17:06:31] Bukycbka issued server command: /randomtp [17:06:31] Bukycbka issued server command: /rtp [17:07:06] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /we cui [17:07:10] Jabuti issued server command: /randomtp [17:07:10] Jabuti issued server command: /rtp [17:07:28] un5redictable issued server command: /endersee [17:07:31] KitKas issued server command: /we cui [17:07:39] Jabuti issued server command: /home [17:07:45] H00DRICH issued server command: /rg claim 170O/888 [17:07:54] Jabuti issued server command: /kit eat [17:08:31] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /home [17:08:32] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /we cui [17:08:38] Bukycbka issued server command: /randomtp [17:08:38] Bukycbka issued server command: /rtp [17:08:55] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /we cui [17:09:00] un5redictable issued server command: /home [17:09:04] un5redictable issued server command: /we cui [17:09:25] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /warp shop [17:09:27] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /we cui [17:09:39] yaroxa_kosolapy зашёл [17:09:43] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /home [17:09:46] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /we cui [17:09:57] yaroxa_kosolapy issued server command: /we cui [17:10:01] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /warp shop [17:10:03] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /we cui [17:10:13] Jabuti issued server command: /money [17:10:17] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /home [17:10:20] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /we cui [17:10:30] un5redictable issued server command: /back [17:10:31] [G] xx_VR_xxx: ! кто то куски дикого леса продает? [17:10:34] un5redictable issued server command: /we cui [17:10:58] yaroxa_kosolapy issued server command: /home [17:11:02] Bukycbka issued server command: /randomtp [17:11:02] Bukycbka issued server command: /rtp [17:11:27] Bukycbka issued server command: /randomtp [17:11:27] Bukycbka issued server command: /rtp [17:11:29] Bukycbka issued server command: /randomtp [17:11:29] Bukycbka issued server command: /rtp [17:11:35] Mautil issued server command: /home [17:11:37] Mautil issued server command: /we cui [17:11:45] [G] Mautil: !Я отойду [17:11:47] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /home [17:11:53] [G] xx_VR_xxx: ! окей [17:11:55] Mautil вышел [17:12:52] Scilla issued server command: /list [17:13:01] Scilla issued server command: /server [17:14:10] Zero09 issued server command: /home [17:14:12] Zero09 issued server command: /we cui [17:14:17] Zero09 issued server command: //sel [17:15:29] Bukycbka issued server command: /randomtp [17:15:29] Bukycbka issued server command: /rtp [17:15:55] KitKas issued server command: /home [17:15:58] KitKas issued server command: /we cui [17:16:09] un5redictable issued server command: /home [17:16:13] un5redictable issued server command: /we cui [17:16:29] H00DRICH issued server command: /home [17:16:44] Zero09 issued server command: /home [17:16:49] H00DRICH issued server command: /home [17:16:51] yaroxa_kosolapy умер (FALL) [17:16:54] yaroxa_kosolapy issued server command: /we cui [17:17:01] [G] xx_VR_xxx: ! Хд [17:17:12] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /warp shop [17:17:14] yaroxa_kosolapy умер (FALL) [17:17:14] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /we cui [17:17:16] yaroxa_kosolapy issued server command: /we cui [17:17:27] Jabuti issued server command: /money [17:18:19] Jabuti issued server command: /money pay AYLIEXEC 50 [17:18:27] Mautil зашёл [17:18:30] Mautil issued server command: /we cui [17:18:44] Jabuti issued server command: /warp shop [17:18:46] Jabuti issued server command: /we cui [17:18:52] Mautil issued server command: /we cui [17:19:07] un5redictable issued server command: /back [17:19:09] Jabuti issued server command: /home [17:19:09] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /home [17:19:11] Jabuti issued server command: /we cui [17:19:11] un5redictable issued server command: /we cui [17:19:12] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /we cui [17:19:16] un5redictable issued server command: //wand [17:19:21] un5redictable issued server command: //wand [17:19:28] Bukycbka issued server command: /home [17:19:59] Bukycbka вышел [17:20:18] Bukycbka зашёл [17:20:48] Bukycbka вышел [17:21:07] Bukycbka зашёл [17:21:11] Bukycbka issued server command: /we cui [17:21:58] Zero09 issued server command: /home [17:23:19] [G] xx_VR_xxx: ! кто то на добычу чарит? [17:23:47] KitKas issued server command: /randomtp [17:23:47] KitKas issued server command: /rtp [17:24:00] Mautil issued server command: /kit eat [17:24:10] Zero09 issued server command: /home [17:24:25] KitKas issued server command: /home [17:24:34] KitKas issued server command: /randomtp [17:24:34] KitKas issued server command: /rtp [17:24:42] KitKas issued server command: /home [17:24:44] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /home [17:24:46] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /we cui [17:26:33] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /warp mining [17:26:35] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /we cui [17:26:40] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /randomtp [17:26:40] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /rtp [17:26:48] Mautil issued server command: /home [17:26:50] Mautil issued server command: /we cui [17:27:11] KitKas issued server command: /kit start [17:29:05] un5redictable issued server command: /worldborder [17:29:14] un5redictable issued server command: /endersee [17:29:19] un5redictable issued server command: /home [17:29:23] un5redictable issued server command: /we cui [17:29:36] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /randomtp [17:29:36] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /rtp [17:29:59] Mass1ime зашёл [17:30:14] un5redictable issued server command: /back [17:30:15] Mautil issued server command: /randomtp [17:30:15] Mautil issued server command: /rtp [17:30:15] [G] xx_VR_xxx: ! yaroxa_kosolapy побазарим?) [17:30:18] un5redictable issued server command: /we cui [17:30:29] H00DRICH issued server command: /randomtp [17:30:29] H00DRICH issued server command: /rtp [17:30:29] H00DRICH issued server command: /home [17:30:56] Mass1ime issued server command: /we cui [17:31:05] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /home [17:31:08] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /we cui [17:31:16] Mautil issued server command: /home [17:31:30] Jabuti issued server command: /home [17:31:37] Mautil issued server command: /randomtp [17:31:37] Mautil issued server command: /rtp [17:31:52] Zero09 issued server command: /warp end [17:31:53] Bukycbka вышел [17:31:54] Zero09 issued server command: /we cui [17:32:04] Bukycbka зашёл [17:32:05] yaroxa_kosolapy issued server command: /home [17:32:06] Bukycbka issued server command: /we cui [17:32:16] Mautil issued server command: /home [17:32:31] Zero09 умер (ENTITY_ATTACK) [17:32:35] un5redictable issued server command: /home [17:32:36] Zero09 issued server command: /we cui [17:32:38] un5redictable issued server command: /we cui [17:32:41] Zero09 issued server command: /warp end [17:32:43] Zero09 issued server command: /we cui [17:32:51] Bukycbka issued server command: /randomtp [17:32:51] Bukycbka issued server command: /rtp [17:33:00] Zero09 issued server command: /home [17:33:01] Zero09 issued server command: /we cui [17:33:13] Bukycbka issued server command: /home [17:33:13] Mautil issued server command: /we cui [17:33:14] [G] xx_VR_xxx: ! Яроха [17:33:18] mi1nttt зашёл [17:33:29] mi1nttt issued server command: /we cui [17:33:35] yaroxa_kosolapy issued server command: /home [17:33:37] un5redictable issued server command: /money [17:33:39] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /we cui [17:33:40] un5redictable issued server command: /ekit top [17:33:43] Mass1ime issued server command: /we cui [17:33:51] Superdildo2017 зашёл [17:33:54] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /we cui [17:34:07] Superdildo2017 issued server command: /we cui [17:34:10] un5redictable вышел [17:34:12] Mass1ime issued server command: /randomtp [17:34:12] Mass1ime issued server command: /rtp [17:34:33] mi1nttt issued server command: /randomtp [17:34:33] mi1nttt issued server command: /rtp [17:34:52] yaroxa_kosolapy issued server command: /randomtp [17:34:52] yaroxa_kosolapy issued server command: /rtp [17:35:05] mi1nttt issued server command: /tpa Superdildo2017 [17:36:07] Bukycbka вышел [17:36:12] Mass1ime issued server command: /home [17:36:15] Superdildo2017 вышел [17:36:16] Mass1ime issued server command: /we cui [17:36:18] Bukycbka зашёл [17:36:20] Bukycbka issued server command: /we cui [17:36:23] [L] Mass1ime: Ого [17:36:27] Bukycbka вышел [17:36:32] [G] Mass1ime: !Меня в сумречном избили [17:36:44] Mass1ime issued server command: /randomtp [17:36:44] Mass1ime issued server command: /rtp [17:36:45] KitKas issued server command: /randomtp [17:36:45] KitKas issued server command: /rtp [17:37:30] KitKas issued server command: /randomtp [17:37:30] KitKas issued server command: /rtp [17:37:31] Mass1ime issued server command: /randomtp [17:37:31] Mass1ime issued server command: /rtp [17:37:34] mi1nttt issued server command: /randomtp [17:37:34] mi1nttt issued server command: /rtp [17:37:43] mi1nttt issued server command: /mpcaseshop [17:37:49] mi1nttt issued server command: /mpcaseview 70 [17:37:50] mi1nttt issued server command: /buycase 70 [17:37:51] mi1nttt issued server command: /buycase 70 [17:37:52] mi1nttt issued server command: /mpcaseshop [17:37:53] mi1nttt issued server command: /mpcaseview 74 [17:37:54] mi1nttt issued server command: /mpcaseshop [17:38:28] Mass1ime issued server command: /randomtp [17:38:28] Mass1ime issued server command: /rtp [17:39:11] KitKas issued server command: /randomtp [17:39:11] KitKas issued server command: /rtp [17:39:48] Superdildo2017 зашёл [17:39:49] KitKas issued server command: /randomtp [17:39:49] KitKas issued server command: /rtp [17:39:52] Bukycbka зашёл [17:40:03] Superdildo2017 issued server command: /we cui [17:40:08] KitKas issued server command: /randomtp [17:40:08] KitKas issued server command: /rtp [17:40:08] Bukycbka issued server command: /we cui [17:40:12] Zero09 issued server command: /home [17:40:14] KitKas issued server command: /randomtp [17:40:14] KitKas issued server command: /rtp [17:40:32] Zero09 issued server command: /randomtp [17:40:32] Zero09 issued server command: /rtp [17:40:49] Superdildo2017 issued server command: /kit top [17:40:54] mi1nttt issued server command: /tpa Superdildo2017 [17:41:01] Superdildo2017 issued server command: /tpaccept [17:41:05] Mass1ime issued server command: /randomtp [17:41:05] Mass1ime issued server command: /rtp [17:41:26] KitKas issued server command: /randomtp [17:41:26] KitKas issued server command: /rtp [17:41:46] Zero09 issued server command: /randomtp [17:41:46] Zero09 issued server command: /rtp [17:41:56] KitKas issued server command: /randomtp [17:41:56] KitKas issued server command: /rtp [17:42:11] [G] Zero09: ! почему мобы фиолетовые из дивайна не спавнятся [17:42:24] [G] Jabuti: ! не везет [17:42:27] KitKas issued server command: /randomtp [17:42:27] KitKas issued server command: /rtp [17:42:41] mi1nttt issued server command: /randomtp [17:42:41] mi1nttt issued server command: /rtp [17:42:41] KitKas issued server command: /home [17:42:47] Zero09 issued server command: /randomtp [17:42:47] Zero09 issued server command: /rtp [17:42:51] Superdildo2017 issued server command: /randomtp [17:42:51] Superdildo2017 issued server command: /rtp [17:42:53] mi1nttt issued server command: /randomtp [17:42:53] mi1nttt issued server command: /rtp [17:43:02] mi1nttt issued server command: /warp world [17:43:03] mi1nttt issued server command: /we cui [17:43:16] Superdildo2017 issued server command: /warp world [17:43:17] Superdildo2017 issued server command: /we cui [17:43:29] mi1nttt issued server command: /randomtp [17:43:29] mi1nttt issued server command: /rtp [17:43:35] Superdildo2017 issued server command: /tpa K [17:43:44] Superdildo2017 issued server command: /tpa mli [17:43:46] Superdildo2017 issued server command: / [17:43:50] Superdildo2017 issued server command: /tpa m [17:43:55] mi1nttt issued server command: /tpaccept [17:44:50] Zero09 issued server command: /randomtp [17:44:50] Zero09 issued server command: /rtp [17:45:22] Mass1ime issued server command: /randomtp [17:45:22] Mass1ime issued server command: /rtp [17:45:29] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /money [17:45:49] Zero09 issued server command: /home [17:46:37] Mautil issued server command: /home' [17:46:39] Mautil issued server command: /home [17:46:41] Mautil issued server command: /we cui [17:46:42] Mass1ime issued server command: /randomtp [17:46:42] Mass1ime issued server command: /rtp [17:46:47] Superdildo2017 issued server command: /tpa m [17:46:49] mi1nttt issued server command: /randomtp [17:46:49] mi1nttt issued server command: /rtp [17:46:58] mi1nttt issued server command: /tpa Superdildo2017 [17:47:03] Superdildo2017 issued server command: /tpacc [17:47:10] Superdildo2017 issued server command: /tpp m [17:47:14] Superdildo2017 issued server command: /tpa m [17:47:16] mi1nttt issued server command: /randomtp [17:47:16] mi1nttt issued server command: /rtp [17:47:25] mi1nttt issued server command: /randomtp [17:47:25] mi1nttt issued server command: /rtp [17:47:47] [G] xx_VR_xxx: ! ограничить воронку для алтаря да это жестко [17:47:54] mi1nttt issued server command: /tpa Superdildo2017 [17:47:59] Superdildo2017 issued server command: /tpaccept [17:48:31] Mass1ime issued server command: /randomtp [17:48:31] Mass1ime issued server command: /rtp [17:48:46] Mass1ime issued server command: /randomtp [17:48:46] Mass1ime issued server command: /rtp [17:49:02] Superdildo2017 issued server command: //chunk [17:49:02] Superdildo2017 issued server command: //outset 16 [17:49:02] Superdildo2017 issued server command: //wand [17:49:02] Mautil вышел [17:49:12] Superdildo2017 issued server command: //chunk [17:49:12] Superdildo2017 issued server command: //outset 16 [17:49:12] Superdildo2017 issued server command: //wand [17:49:14] Mass1ime issued server command: /randomtp [17:49:14] Mass1ime issued server command: /rtp [17:49:24] Superdildo2017 issued server command: /tpa [17:49:24] mi1nttt issued server command: //chunk [17:49:24] mi1nttt issued server command: //outset 16 [17:49:24] mi1nttt issued server command: //wand [17:49:29] Superdildo2017 issued server command: //chunk [17:49:29] Superdildo2017 issued server command: //outset 16 [17:49:29] Superdildo2017 issued server command: //wand [17:49:29] mi1nttt issued server command: //chunk [17:49:29] mi1nttt issued server command: //outset 16 [17:49:29] mi1nttt issued server command: //wand [17:49:36] mi1nttt issued server command: /wand [17:49:41] Mass1ime issued server command: /randomtp [17:49:41] Mass1ime issued server command: /rtp [17:49:55] mi1nttt issued server command: /wand [17:50:10] Superdildo2017 issued server command: //chunk [17:50:10] Superdildo2017 issued server command: //outset 16 [17:50:10] Superdildo2017 issued server command: //wand 1 [17:50:20] mi1nttt issued server command: /randomtp [17:50:20] mi1nttt issued server command: /rtp [17:50:24] Superdildo2017 issued server command: /randomtp [17:50:24] Superdildo2017 issued server command: /rtp [17:50:33] Zero09 issued server command: /warp list [17:50:37] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /playtimetop [17:50:38] Zero09 issued server command: /warp list 2 [17:51:15] Zero09 issued server command: /home [17:51:26] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /playtimetop clear [17:51:35] Mass1ime issued server command: /randomtp [17:51:35] Mass1ime issued server command: /rtp [17:51:57] Mass1ime issued server command: /randomtp [17:51:57] Mass1ime issued server command: /rtp [17:52:00] Mass1ime issued server command: /randomtp [17:52:00] Mass1ime issued server command: /rtp [17:52:02] yaroxa_kosolapy issued server command: /home [17:52:02] Mass1ime issued server command: /randomtp [17:52:02] Mass1ime issued server command: /rtp [17:52:07] mi1nttt issued server command: /tpa Superdildo2017 [17:52:09] Superdildo2017 issued server command: /randomtp [17:52:09] Superdildo2017 issued server command: /rtp [17:52:13] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /we cui [17:52:17] Superdildo2017 issued server command: /tpaccept [17:52:29] Mass1ime issued server command: /randomtp [17:52:29] Mass1ime issued server command: /rtp [17:52:29] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /home [17:52:32] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /we cui [17:52:44] Mass1ime issued server command: /warp mining [17:52:48] Mass1ime issued server command: /we cui [17:53:00] Mautil зашёл [17:53:03] Mass1ime issued server command: /randomtp [17:53:03] Mass1ime issued server command: /rtp [17:53:16] Mautil issued server command: /we cui [17:53:20] Mass1ime issued server command: /randomtp [17:53:20] Mass1ime issued server command: /rtp [17:53:30] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /home [17:53:40] Zero09 issued server command: /home [17:53:48] mi1nttt issued server command: /mpcaseshop [17:53:51] Mass1ime issued server command: /randomtp [17:53:51] Mass1ime issued server command: /rtp [17:54:09] Mass1ime issued server command: /randomtp [17:54:09] Mass1ime issued server command: /rtp [17:54:18] Mass1ime issued server command: /randomtp [17:54:18] Mass1ime issued server command: /rtp [17:54:43] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /home [17:55:10] Mass1ime issued server command: /randomtp [17:55:10] Mass1ime issued server command: /rtp [17:55:22] yaroxa_kosolapy issued server command: /home [17:55:27] Mautil issued server command: /we cui [17:55:29] Mass1ime issued server command: /randomtp [17:55:29] Mass1ime issued server command: /rtp [17:55:34] ZlouLemon зашёл [17:55:38] Mass1ime issued server command: /randomtp [17:55:38] Mass1ime issued server command: /rtp [17:55:53] ZlouLemon issued server command: /we cui [17:56:16] [L] xx_VR_xxx: м? [17:56:21] [L] ZlouLemon: меня слышно? [17:56:26] [L] xx_VR_xxx: минутку у меня звуки на 0 [17:56:40] [L] xx_VR_xxx: о теперь слышно [17:56:42] Mautil issued server command: /home [17:56:44] Mautil issued server command: /we cui [17:56:46] [L] xx_VR_xxx: отлично даже [17:56:46] Zero09 issued server command: /mpcaseshop [17:56:56] [L] xx_VR_xxx: в личном кабинете [17:56:57] Jabuti issued server command: /we cui [17:56:58] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /we cui [17:57:03] [L] xx_VR_xxx: да [17:57:05] [L] xx_VR_xxx: бесплатно [17:57:14] [L] xx_VR_xxx: даже плащ можно но у меня чет не зашло\ [17:57:22] [L] xx_VR_xxx: щас на босса идем [17:57:26] Mass1ime issued server command: /randomtp [17:57:26] Mass1ime issued server command: /rtp [17:57:34] Mautil issued server command: /we cui [17:57:36] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /we cui [17:58:06] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /tpa Mautil [17:58:08] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /home [17:58:10] Mautil issued server command: /tpyes [17:58:11] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /we cui [17:58:13] Jabuti issued server command: /home [17:58:15] Jabuti issued server command: /we cui [17:58:23] Tiger_eye issued server command: /ipreport [17:58:28] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /tpa Mautil [17:58:30] Mautil issued server command: /tpyes [17:58:37] Superdildo2017 issued server command: /randomtp [17:58:37] Superdildo2017 issued server command: /rtp [17:58:46] [L] Jabuti: фризы кжадые 3 секи [17:58:53] [L] AYLIEXEC: хахах [17:59:01] [G] ZlouLemon: ! а кто киткас [17:59:01] Mass1ime issued server command: /randomtp [17:59:01] Mass1ime issued server command: /rtp [17:59:06] [G] xx_VR_xxx: !сестра [17:59:23] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /home [17:59:44] [G] ZlouLemon: ! я к вам на боса? [17:59:55] [G] xx_VR_xxx: ! можешь но нужен лук или стреляющее [18:00:01] [L] Jabuti: на [18:00:13] [L] Jabuti: завтра зачарю [18:00:21] Mass1ime issued server command: /randomtp [18:00:21] Mass1ime issued server command: /rtp [18:00:22] [L] AYLIEXEC: да давай сча [18:00:25] [G] ZlouLemon: ! а мечем его нельзя? [18:00:31] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /we cui [18:00:34] mi1nttt issued server command: /randomtp [18:00:34] mi1nttt issued server command: /rtp [18:00:43] [G] xx_VR_xxx: ! не [18:00:45] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /home [18:00:47] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /we cui [18:00:55] Jabuti вышел [18:00:56] Superdildo2017 issued server command: /tpa mi1nttt [18:00:58] mi1nttt issued server command: /tpaccept [18:00:59] Mass1ime issued server command: /randomtp [18:00:59] Mass1ime issued server command: /rtp [18:01:06] Zero09 issued server command: /home [18:01:09] AYLIEXEC вышел [18:01:26] Mass1ime issued server command: /home [18:01:27] Mass1ime issued server command: /we cui [18:01:31] Mass1ime вышел [18:01:36] Superdildo2017 issued server command: /tpa mi1nttt [18:01:39] mi1nttt issued server command: /tpaccept [18:02:32] mi1nttt issued server command: //chunk [18:02:32] mi1nttt issued server command: //outset 16 [18:02:32] mi1nttt issued server command: /zone [18:03:09] KitKas issued server command: /randomtp [18:03:09] KitKas issued server command: /rtp [18:03:11] Jabuti зашёл [18:03:11] [G] ZlouLemon: ! на этой версии можно зажимать ударами да? [18:03:15] [G] xx_VR_xxx: ! дэ [18:03:21] [G] ZlouLemon: ! класс [18:03:24] Jabuti issued server command: /we cui [18:03:34] [G] xx_VR_xxx: ! ZlouLemon пошли в голосовой чат на сервере в дс проекта [18:03:35] KitKas issued server command: /randomtp [18:03:35] KitKas issued server command: /rtp [18:03:41] [G] ZlouLemon: ! ок [18:03:49] yaroxa_kosolapy issued server command: /home [18:04:31] mi1nttt issued server command: /region claim 123321 [18:04:32] [G] xx_VR_xxx: ! ZlouLemon мы тебя ждем [18:04:37] mi1nttt issued server command: /buyflag [18:04:44] mi1nttt issued server command: //sel [18:04:52] Superdildo2017 issued server command: /tpa mi1nttt [18:04:52] xx_VR_xxx умер (FALL) [18:04:56] mi1nttt issued server command: /tpaccept [18:04:58] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /we cui [18:05:05] KitKas issued server command: /home [18:05:07] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /tpa mau [18:05:10] Mautil issued server command: /tpyes [18:05:12] mi1nttt issued server command: /buyflag [18:05:12] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /we cui [18:05:38] KitKas issued server command: /randomtp [18:05:38] KitKas issued server command: /rtp [18:05:56] mi1nttt issued server command: /add owner Superdildo2017 123321 [18:05:59] yaroxa_kosolapy issued server command: /home [18:06:01] mi1nttt issued server command: /help [18:06:07] KitKas issued server command: /randomtp [18:06:07] KitKas issued server command: /rtp [18:06:38] yaroxa_kosolapy issued server command: /warp mining [18:06:40] yaroxa_kosolapy issued server command: /we cui [18:06:43] KitKas issued server command: /home [18:06:52] yaroxa_kosolapy issued server command: /randomtp [18:06:52] yaroxa_kosolapy issued server command: /rtp [18:06:55] mi1nttt issued server command: //rg addmember 123321 Superdildo2017 [18:07:00] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /home [18:07:01] KitKas issued server command: /money [18:07:03] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /we cui [18:07:08] [G] Superdildo2017: !как добавить в регион? [18:07:16] Mautil issued server command: /home [18:07:18] KitKas issued server command: /kit eat [18:07:18] Mautil issued server command: /we cui [18:07:28] [G] xx_VR_xxx: ! /rg addmember name region name player [18:08:10] mi1nttt issued server command: /rg info [18:08:43] Mautil issued server command: /we cui [18:08:46] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /we cui [18:08:53] mi1nttt issued server command: /rg addmember 123321 Superdildo2017 [18:09:11] mi1nttt issued server command: /sethome 123 [18:09:20] mi1nttt умер (PROJECTILE) [18:09:20] Superdildo2017 issued server command: /sethome [18:09:23] mi1nttt issued server command: /we cui [18:09:25] xx_VR_xxx умер (ENTITY_ATTACK) [18:09:30] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /we cui [18:09:35] Mautil issued server command: /home [18:09:37] Mautil issued server command: /we cui [18:09:52] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /we cui [18:09:58] Superdildo2017 умер (PROJECTILE) [18:10:00] xx_VR_xxx умер (ENTITY_ATTACK) [18:10:00] Superdildo2017 issued server command: /we cui [18:10:02] Mautil issued server command: /we cui [18:10:05] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /we cui [18:10:12] ZlouLemon issued server command: /we cui [18:10:12] Mautil issued server command: /we cui [18:10:15] xx_VR_xxx умер (ENTITY_ATTACK) [18:10:15] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /we cui [18:10:19] Jabuti issued server command: /we cui [18:10:19] ZlouLemon вышел [18:10:22] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /we cui [18:10:33] Mautil issued server command: /home [18:10:36] xx_VR_xxx умер (ENTITY_ATTACK) [18:10:36] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /we cui [18:10:44] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /we cui [18:10:50] Superdildo2017 issued server command: /delhome [18:10:54] xx_VR_xxx умер (ENTITY_ATTACK) [18:10:58] Superdildo2017 issued server command: /tpa mi1nttt [18:10:59] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /we cui [18:11:03] Jabuti issued server command: /home [18:11:04] Jabuti issued server command: /we cui [18:11:05] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /we cui [18:11:05] mi1nttt issued server command: /tpaccept [18:11:13] Mass1ime зашёл [18:11:34] [G] xx_VR_xxx: ! Scilla можешь как нибудь помочь?хд [18:11:53] Bukycbka умер (ENTITY_ATTACK) [18:11:55] Mass1ime issued server command: /we cui [18:11:56] Bukycbka issued server command: /we cui [18:12:44] yaroxa_kosolapy issued server command: /randomtp [18:12:44] yaroxa_kosolapy issued server command: /rtp [18:12:49] yaroxa_kosolapy умер (FALL) [18:12:59] yaroxa_kosolapy issued server command: /we cui [18:13:07] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /we cui [18:13:12] xx_VR_xxx умер (ENTITY_ATTACK) [18:13:17] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /we cui [18:13:17] yaroxa_kosolapy issued server command: /warp mining [18:13:19] yaroxa_kosolapy issued server command: /we cui [18:13:24] yaroxa_kosolapy issued server command: /randomtp [18:13:24] yaroxa_kosolapy issued server command: /rtp [18:13:27] xx_VR_xxx умер (ENTITY_ATTACK) [18:13:28] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /we cui [18:13:35] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /we cui [18:13:59] Mass1ime issued server command: /warp ad [18:14:03] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /we cui [18:14:03] Mass1ime issued server command: /we cui [18:14:04] xx_VR_xxx умер (ENTITY_ATTACK) [18:14:11] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /we cui [18:14:20] xx_VR_xxx умер (ENTITY_ATTACK) [18:14:24] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /we cui [18:14:31] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /we cui [18:14:49] [G] xx_VR_xxx: ! Как отреспавнить босса? [18:15:15] Mass1ime issued server command: /home [18:15:19] Mass1ime issued server command: /we cui [18:15:30] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /we cui [18:15:30] xx_VR_xxx умер (ENTITY_ATTACK) [18:15:41] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /we cui [18:15:42] Mass1ime умер (ENTITY_ATTACK) [18:15:46] Mass1ime issued server command: /we cui [18:15:51] xx_VR_xxx умер (ENTITY_ATTACK) [18:15:54] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /we cui [18:15:57] Mautil issued server command: /randomtp [18:15:57] Mautil issued server command: /rtp [18:16:03] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /we cui [18:16:12] xx_VR_xxx умер (ENTITY_ATTACK) [18:16:14] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /we cui [18:16:20] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /we cui [18:16:21] yaroxa_kosolapy issued server command: /randomtp [18:16:21] yaroxa_kosolapy issued server command: /RTP [18:16:29] xx_VR_xxx умер (ENTITY_ATTACK) [18:16:31] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /we cui [18:16:38] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /we cui [18:16:50] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /we cui [18:16:52] xx_VR_xxx умер (ENTITY_ATTACK) [18:16:58] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /we cui [18:17:07] xx_VR_xxx умер (ENTITY_ATTACK) [18:17:09] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /we cui [18:17:18] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /we cui [18:17:28] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /we cui [18:17:29] xx_VR_xxx умер (ENTITY_ATTACK) [18:17:38] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /we cui [18:17:44] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /playtime [18:17:52] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /we cui [18:17:54] xx_VR_xxx умер (ENTITY_ATTACK) [18:18:01] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /we cui [18:18:10] xx_VR_xxx умер (ENTITY_ATTACK) [18:18:12] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /we cui [18:18:21] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /we cui [18:18:32] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /we cui [18:18:33] xx_VR_xxx умер (ENTITY_ATTACK) [18:18:43] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /we cui [18:18:53] yaroxa_kosolapy issued server command: /home [18:18:55] Mass1ime issued server command: /warp forest [18:18:55] yaroxa_kosolapy issued server command: /we cui [18:18:59] Mass1ime issued server command: /we cui [18:19:15] Mass1ime issued server command: /we cui [18:19:36] Mautil issued server command: /home [18:19:51] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /we cui [18:19:52] xx_VR_xxx умер (ENTITY_ATTACK) [18:20:01] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /we cui [18:20:04] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /sethome [18:20:16] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /we cui [18:20:17] xx_VR_xxx умер (ENTITY_ATTACK) [18:20:18] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /sethome [18:20:24] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /we cui [18:20:26] Mautil issued server command: /randomtp [18:20:26] Mautil issued server command: /rtp [18:20:27] xx_VR_xxx умер (ENTITY_ATTACK) [18:20:34] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /we cui [18:20:38] xx_VR_xxx умер (ENTITY_ATTACK) [18:20:38] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /sethome [18:20:38] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /sethome [18:20:45] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /we cui [18:20:53] xx_VR_xxx умер (ENTITY_ATTACK) [18:20:58] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /we cui [18:21:03] xx_VR_xxx умер (ENTITY_ATTACK) [18:21:12] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /we cui [18:21:12] Mass1ime issued server command: /kit eat [18:21:18] xx_VR_xxx умер (ENTITY_ATTACK) [18:21:21] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /we cui [18:21:25] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: / [18:21:27] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /sethome [18:21:28] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /sethome [18:21:28] xx_VR_xxx умер (ENTITY_ATTACK) [18:21:31] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /we cui [18:21:32] yaroxa_kosolapy вышел [18:21:35] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /sethome [18:21:38] xx_VR_xxx умер (ENTITY_ATTACK) [18:21:43] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /we cui [18:21:48] Condesce зашёл [18:21:48] xx_VR_xxx умер (ENTITY_ATTACK) [18:21:54] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /we cui [18:21:57] nikitasolo69 зашёл [18:21:58] xx_VR_xxx умер (ENTITY_ATTACK) [18:21:59] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /home [18:22:06] Condesce issued server command: /we cui [18:22:06] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /we cui [18:22:06] nikitasolo69 issued server command: /we cui [18:22:08] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /home [18:22:08] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /home [18:22:09] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /home [18:22:10] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /home [18:22:11] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /home [18:22:11] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /home [18:22:13] Condesce issued server command: /gm 1 [18:22:14] xx_VR_xxx умер (ENTITY_ATTACK) [18:22:17] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /we cui [18:22:18] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /home [18:22:18] Condesce issued server command: /tp xx_VR_xxx [18:22:20] Condesce issued server command: /we cui [18:22:24] xx_VR_xxx умер (ENTITY_ATTACK) [18:22:30] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /we cui [18:22:47] [L] xx_VR_xxx: мы не ожидали такого [18:22:50] nikitasolo69 issued server command: /warp quest [18:22:54] Bikqwe зашёл [18:23:03] [L] Condesce: Советую в следующий раз подготовиться [18:23:04] Mautil issued server command: /home [18:23:07] mi1nttt issued server command: /spawn [18:23:08] mi1nttt issued server command: /we cui [18:23:09] mi1nttt issued server command: /home [18:23:11] mi1nttt issued server command: /we cui [18:23:13] mi1nttt issued server command: /randomtp [18:23:13] mi1nttt issued server command: /rtp [18:23:13] [L] xx_VR_xxx: это да,просто впервые вижу таких боссов [18:23:17] [L] Condesce: И постараться больше не спамить смертями [18:23:23] [L] xx_VR_xxx: знаю [18:23:24] Bikqwe issued server command: /we cui [18:23:54] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /home [18:23:55] [L] Bikqwe: Ты 24/7 на серве сидишь? [18:24:03] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /warp world [18:24:07] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /we cui [18:24:24] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /tpa Mautil [18:24:26] [L] Bikqwe: Condesce [18:24:27] Mautil issued server command: /tpyes [18:24:30] Superdildo2017 issued server command: /randomtp [18:24:30] Superdildo2017 issued server command: /rtp [18:24:31] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /sethome [18:24:47] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /we cui [18:24:54] mi1nttt issued server command: /home [18:24:57] [L] Condesce: я подобрала [18:25:15] [L] Condesce: увидела вещи, а щас очистка [18:25:17] nikitasolo69 issued server command: /randomtp [18:25:17] nikitasolo69 issued server command: /rtp [18:25:17] [L] xx_VR_xxx: походу помянем там еще были рядышком хаха [18:25:26] [L] xx_VR_xxx: оперативка 99% ммм [18:25:26] Mautil issued server command: /we cui [18:25:40] [L] Condesce: жесть [18:25:52] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /ofc [18:25:53] mi1nttt issued server command: /randomtp [18:25:53] mi1nttt issued server command: /rtp [18:25:53] nikitasolo69 issued server command: /randomtp [18:25:53] nikitasolo69 issued server command: /rtp [18:25:58] nikitasolo69 issued server command: /warp world [18:25:59] nikitasolo69 issued server command: /we cui [18:26:00] Superdildo2017 issued server command: /tpa mi1nttt [18:26:01] nikitasolo69 issued server command: /randomtp [18:26:01] nikitasolo69 issued server command: /rtp [18:26:03] Condesce issued server command: /screenall [18:26:07] Mautil issued server command: /home [18:26:09] Mautil issued server command: /we cui [18:26:27] mi1nttt issued server command: /home [18:26:29] mi1nttt issued server command: /tpaccept [18:26:31] xx_VR_xxx вышел [18:26:41] [G] Bikqwe: !У кого-то много тростника? [18:26:42] xx_VR_xxx зашёл [18:26:46] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /we cui [18:27:06] [G] Bikqwe: !Хорошо я вопрос поставил) [18:27:17] [G] Zero09: ! lthmvjdj [18:27:24] Mautil issued server command: /we cui [18:27:36] Bikqwe issued server command: /randomtp [18:27:36] Bikqwe issued server command: /rtp [18:27:47] [L] xx_VR_xxx: помянем [18:27:59] SimpleMimpl зашёл [18:28:03] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /home [18:28:03] Mautil issued server command: /home [18:28:05] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /we cui [18:28:05] Mautil issued server command: /we cui [18:28:07] Condesce issued server command: /home [18:28:10] Condesce issued server command: /we cui [18:28:19] [G] Mautil: !Куплю сбалансированный кристалл [18:28:23] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /we cui [18:28:26] Condesce issued server command: /tp Superdildo2017 [18:28:31] [L] Condesce: Superdildo2017 [18:28:33] [L] Condesce: привет [18:28:37] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /warp home [18:28:37] [L] SimpleMimpl: .цфкз рщьу [18:28:41] [L] Superdildo2017: ну здарова [18:28:50] Mass1ime issued server command: /randomtp [18:28:50] Mass1ime issued server command: /rtp [18:28:53] [L] Condesce: У тебя тут ник нарушает пправило 1.8 [18:28:54] Mass1ime issued server command: /home [18:29:01] nikitasolo69 issued server command: /randomtp [18:29:01] nikitasolo69 issued server command: /rtp [18:29:02] Mass1ime issued server command: /we cui [18:29:02] [L] Superdildo2017: какие правила [18:29:06] [L] Condesce: 1.8 [18:29:18] [L] Superdildo2017: и че мне переделывать ник [18:29:26] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /warp pvp [18:29:28] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /we cui [18:29:29] [L] Condesce: Ну, зарегестрировать новый аккаунт [18:29:35] [L] Condesce: А этот будет забанен [18:29:36] [L] Superdildo2017: окей [18:29:37] Bikqwe issued server command: /home [18:29:42] [L] Superdildo2017: щас ресы выложу [18:29:43] [L] Condesce: сложи вещи в сундук [18:29:45] [L] Condesce: угусь [18:29:48] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /home [18:29:50] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /we cui [18:29:52] [L] Superdildo2017: стой [18:29:54] [L] SimpleMimpl: арина [18:29:55] [L] Condesce: да? [18:29:56] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /warp home [18:29:56] [L] SimpleMimpl: .цфкз рщьу [18:30:00] [L] SimpleMimpl: есть осмат стоЛ? [18:30:03] [L] Superdildo2017: почему моего тима кто-то бьет дома [18:30:14] [L] Condesce: возможно моб [18:30:25] [G] SimpleMimpl: !есть у кого осмат? [18:30:26] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /money [18:30:35] Condesce issued server command: /rg i [18:30:46] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /fly [18:30:46] [L] SimpleMimpl: .адн [18:30:48] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /god [18:30:48] [L] SimpleMimpl: .пщв [18:30:50] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /god [18:30:50] [L] SimpleMimpl: .пщв [18:30:53] Superdildo2017 вышел [18:31:01] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /tpa Bukycbka [18:31:15] Condesce issued server command: /ban Superdildo2017 1.8 [18:31:24] Bikqwe issued server command: /info 1.8 [18:31:25] KitKas issued server command: /randomtp [18:31:25] KitKas issued server command: /rtp [18:31:28] Mass1ime issued server command: /warp quest [18:31:31] Mass1ime issued server command: /we cui [18:31:38] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /rg info [18:31:38] [L] SimpleMimpl: .кп штащ [18:31:39] [G] Bikqwe: !База [18:31:46] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /spawn [18:31:47] [L] SimpleMimpl: .ызфцт [18:31:48] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /we cui [18:31:49] KitKas issued server command: /home [18:31:54] [L] SimpleMimpl: Арина на спавне можно юзать осмат? [18:32:12] Mautil issued server command: /we cui [18:32:19] [G] xx_VR_xxx: ! Condesce можно вопрс пока вы тут? [18:32:29] [G] Condesce: !? [18:32:34] [G] SimpleMimpl: !Арина шо ты молчишь [18:32:38] [G] xx_VR_xxx: ! есть способ смены ника? [18:32:42] Bukycbka умер (ENTITY_ATTACK) [18:32:45] Bukycbka issued server command: /we cui [18:32:53] [G] Condesce: !только если регать новый акк [18:32:58] [L] Jabuti: арин тп ко мне пж вопрос есть [18:33:03] [L] SimpleMimpl: аоаоуоаоа [18:33:04] [G] xx_VR_xxx: ! жестко [18:33:24] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /warp home [18:33:24] [L] SimpleMimpl: .цфкз рщьу [18:33:26] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /we cui [18:33:34] [G] Jabuti: ! Condesce можешь тп на секунду ? [18:33:39] Condesce issued server command: /tp Jabuti [18:33:44] [L] Jabuti: зачар такой же ? [18:33:51] [L] Condesce: + [18:33:53] nikitasolo69 вышел [18:33:53] Mass1ime issued server command: /home [18:33:54] [L] Jabuti: спс [18:33:57] [L] Jabuti: я пошел [18:33:58] Jabuti вышел [18:33:58] Mass1ime issued server command: /we cui [18:34:42] Mautil issued server command: /home [18:34:44] Mautil issued server command: /we cui [18:34:51] H00DRICH issued server command: /randomtp [18:34:51] H00DRICH issued server command: /rtp [18:34:52] H00DRICH issued server command: /home [18:35:04] [G] Mautil: !Что за неясная пустота убивает в терне? [18:35:10] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /we cui [18:35:11] H00DRICH issued server command: /home [18:35:12] KitKas issued server command: /we cui [18:35:15] Mautil issued server command: /we cui [18:35:15] Condesce issued server command: /vanish [18:35:21] Condesce issued server command: /tp Mautil [18:35:23] Condesce issued server command: /we cui [18:35:28] Zero09 issued server command: /home [18:36:02] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /tpaccept [18:36:03] Mautil issued server command: /call xx_VR_xxx [18:36:05] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /fly [18:36:05] [L] SimpleMimpl: .адн [18:36:07] Mautil issued server command: /home [18:36:07] H00DRICH issued server command: //sel [18:36:09] Bikqwe issued server command: /warp shop [18:36:09] Mautil issued server command: /we cui [18:36:10] Bikqwe issued server command: /we cui [18:36:11] Mautil issued server command: /home [18:36:11] Mass1ime issued server command: /rg select Mass1ime [18:36:14] Mautil issued server command: /home [18:36:16] Mautil issued server command: /call xx_VR_xxx [18:36:18] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /tpaccept [18:36:19] Zero09 issued server command: /m Condesce почему мобы из дивайна не спавнятся [18:36:20] Mautil issued server command: /we cui [18:36:40] Mass1ime issued server command: //sel [18:36:41] Condesce issued server command: /m Zero09 нужно чуть подождать [18:36:46] Condesce issued server command: /back [18:36:49] Condesce issued server command: /we cui [18:36:51] Mautil issued server command: /home [18:36:53] Mautil issued server command: /we cui [18:36:55] Condesce вышел [18:36:55] [G] Zero09: ! ? [18:37:01] Mautil issued server command: /we cui [18:37:01] Condesce зашёл [18:37:04] Condesce issued server command: /we cui [18:37:23] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /home [18:37:25] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /we cui [18:37:27] KitKas issued server command: /home [18:37:30] KitKas issued server command: /we cui [18:37:33] Mautil issued server command: /home [18:37:35] Mautil issued server command: /we cui [18:37:51] Mautil issued server command: /we cui [18:37:57] [G] Zero09: ! их всеравно нет [18:38:02] Bikqwe вышел [18:38:09] Bikqwe зашёл [18:38:12] Bikqwe issued server command: /we cui [18:38:20] [G] Zero09: ! где грю спавнятся? [18:38:25] ZlouLemon зашёл [18:38:38] [G] Condesce: !лучше выкопать себе шахту [18:38:43] [G] Condesce: !Там больше будет мобов спавниться [18:38:47] ZlouLemon issued server command: /we cui [18:38:49] Zero09 issued server command: /m Condesce тпнись ко мне поможешь [18:38:55] Condesce issued server command: /tp Zero09 [18:39:01] [L] Condesce: побольше и выше [18:39:02] [L] Zero09: вот шахта [18:39:10] ZlouLemon issued server command: /we cui [18:39:16] [G] Mass1ime: !А на какой высоте, пупсик? [18:39:20] [L] Zero09: они не спавнятся [18:39:33] ZlouLemon issued server command: /home [18:39:35] [L] Zero09: даже в обычных шахтах [18:39:38] [L] Condesce: так же возможно слишком высоко [18:39:51] Ktulhu43 зашёл [18:39:53] [L] Condesce: 55 высок [18:39:54] ZlouLemon issued server command: /tpa xx_VR_xxx [18:39:56] [L] Condesce: высота* [18:39:57] Bikqwe issued server command: /warp casino [18:39:57] [L] Zero09: грю вообще на поверхности бегали [18:39:58] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /tpaccept [18:39:59] Bikqwe issued server command: /warp list [18:40:02] [L] Condesce: Это раньше [18:40:04] Bikqwe issued server command: /warp list 2 [18:40:07] Ktulhu43 issued server command: /we cui [18:40:11] [L] Zero09: ясно [18:40:21] Ktulhu43 issued server command: /tpa mi1nttt [18:40:24] ZlouLemon вышел [18:40:25] mi1nttt issued server command: /tpaccept [18:40:26] Ktulhu43 issued server command: /we cui [18:40:26] [L] Zero09: 55 высота сейчас [18:40:31] [L] Zero09: а нужна какая [18:40:34] [L] Condesce: слишком высоко [18:40:36] [L] Condesce: чуть пониже [18:40:36] [G] SimpleMimpl: !куплю обсидиан [18:40:43] [L] Zero09: на сколько? [18:40:48] [L] Condesce: ну хзхз [18:40:53] [L] Condesce: ближе к бедроку лучше [18:41:20] Mass1ime issued server command: /spawn [18:41:24] Mass1ime issued server command: /we cui [18:41:24] Condesce issued server command: /thru [18:41:25] Mass1ime issued server command: /home [18:41:30] Mass1ime issued server command: /we cui [18:41:32] [G] Bikqwe: !Лютые заносики только тут [18:41:39] [G] SimpleMimpl: !) [18:41:40] Zero09 issued server command: /home [18:41:51] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /warp end [18:41:53] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /we cui [18:41:57] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /fly [18:41:57] [L] SimpleMimpl: .адн [18:42:00] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /money [18:42:03] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /warp shop [18:42:06] [L] Zero09: Ты можешь помочь его вывкопать? [18:42:06] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /we cui [18:42:14] [L] Condesce: я вне игрового процесса [18:42:38] Bikqwe issued server command: /home [18:42:40] Bikqwe issued server command: /we cui [18:42:45] [G] SimpleMimpl: !че странника края убил [18:42:46] [G] SimpleMimpl: !2к хп [18:42:49] [G] SimpleMimpl: !Ниче не упало) [18:42:54] [L] Zero09: ебаная шахта [18:42:57] [G] Condesce: !это торговец [18:43:00] [G] SimpleMimpl: !хахаха [18:43:03] Mass1ime issued server command: /rg member [18:43:03] [G] Mautil: !авхавх [18:43:08] [G] Bikqwe: !Челик лютый [18:43:10] Mass1ime issued server command: /rg [18:43:19] [G] SimpleMimpl: !понял хаах [18:43:47] Zero09 issued server command: /home [18:43:48] Mass1ime issued server command: /rg addmember Mass1ime cro [18:43:50] mi1nttt issued server command: /randomtp [18:43:50] mi1nttt issued server command: /rtp [18:43:56] Condesce issued server command: /thru [18:43:58] Mass1ime issued server command: /rg removemember Mass1ime cro [18:44:02] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /warp home [18:44:02] [L] SimpleMimpl: .цфкз рщьу [18:44:05] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /we cui [18:44:25] Condesce issued server command: /thru [18:44:29] Condesce issued server command: /thru [18:44:33] Condesce issued server command: /thru [18:44:34] Condesce issued server command: /thru [18:44:35] Condesce issued server command: /thru [18:44:47] Mass1ime issued server command: /warp ad [18:44:52] Mass1ime issued server command: /we cui [18:45:02] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /fly [18:45:02] [L] SimpleMimpl: .адн [18:45:14] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /warp casion [18:45:18] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /warp casino [18:45:19] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /warp [18:45:21] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /warp list [18:45:24] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /warp casin [18:45:50] Mass1ime issued server command: /home [18:45:51] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /warp end [18:45:54] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /we cui [18:45:54] Mass1ime issued server command: /we cui [18:45:58] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /fly [18:45:58] [L] SimpleMimpl: .адн [18:46:00] Mass1ime issued server command: /warp ad [18:46:04] Mass1ime issued server command: /we cui [18:46:10] ZlouLemon зашёл [18:46:26] yaroxa_kosolapy зашёл [18:46:34] ZlouLemon issued server command: /we cui [18:46:46] yaroxa_kosolapy issued server command: /we cui [18:46:49] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /warp home [18:46:49] [L] SimpleMimpl: .цфкз рщьу [18:46:51] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /we cui [18:47:27] [L] SimpleMimpl: видос посмотри [18:47:29] [L] SimpleMimpl: в ватсапе [18:47:32] Zero09 issued server command: /home [18:47:41] Mautil issued server command: /home [18:47:43] Mautil issued server command: /we cui [18:48:04] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /warp shop [18:48:12] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /warp ad [18:48:14] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /we cui [18:48:16] mi1nttt issued server command: /tp mi1nttt -2069 71 -1486 [18:48:16] mi1nttt issued server command: /tppos -2069 71 -1486 [18:48:17] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /fly [18:48:17] [L] SimpleMimpl: .адн [18:48:20] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /spawn [18:48:26] Condesce issued server command: /ipreport [18:48:26] mi1nttt issued server command: /tp mi1nttt -2073 69 -1484 [18:48:26] mi1nttt issued server command: /tppos -2073 69 -1484 [18:48:29] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /ekit op [18:48:48] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /warp shop [18:48:51] Zero09 issued server command: /home [18:48:52] mi1nttt issued server command: /randomtp [18:48:52] mi1nttt issued server command: /rtp [18:49:01] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /home [18:49:05] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /we cui [18:49:07] [G] Bikqwe: !Ппц [18:49:12] [G] Bikqwe: !Вот так изучай таум [18:49:16] [G] SimpleMimpl: !))) [18:49:26] mi1nttt issued server command: /home [18:49:45] Ktulhu43 issued server command: /tpa mi1nttt [18:49:46] mi1nttt issued server command: /tpaccept [18:50:16] Zero09 issued server command: /home [18:50:21] Condesce issued server command: /screenall [18:50:39] Zero09 issued server command: /home [18:50:52] yaroxa_kosolapy issued server command: /home [18:50:57] ZlouLemon вышел [18:51:02] Mass1ime умер (FIRE_TICK) [18:51:02] Mass1ime issued server command: /home [18:51:08] Mass1ime issued server command: /we cui [18:51:10] mi1nttt issued server command: /rg addowner 123321 ktulhu43 [18:51:22] mi1nttt issued server command: /rg addmember 123321 ktulhu43 [18:51:29] mi1nttt issued server command: //chunk [18:51:29] mi1nttt issued server command: //outset 16 [18:51:29] mi1nttt issued server command: /zone [18:51:30] Zero09 issued server command: /home [18:51:40] mi1nttt issued server command: //sel [18:51:44] mi1nttt issued server command: /warp forest [18:51:46] mi1nttt issued server command: /we cui [18:52:07] mi1nttt issued server command: /home [18:52:08] mi1nttt issued server command: /we cui [18:52:21] Mass1ime issued server command: /randomtp [18:52:21] Mass1ime issued server command: /rtp [18:52:28] Ktulhu43 issued server command: /tpa mi1nttt [18:52:32] mi1nttt issued server command: /tpaccept [18:52:44] Mass1ime issued server command: /randomtp [18:52:44] Mass1ime issued server command: /rtp [18:52:49] Mass1ime issued server command: /randomtp [18:52:49] Mass1ime issued server command: /rtp [18:53:01] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /rg info [18:53:01] [L] SimpleMimpl: .кп штащ [18:53:19] SimpleMimpl issued server command: //chunk [18:53:19] SimpleMimpl issued server command: //outset 16 [18:53:19] SimpleMimpl issued server command: //wand [18:53:19] [L] SimpleMimpl: ..цфтв [18:53:26] Mass1ime issued server command: /randomtp [18:53:26] Mass1ime issued server command: /rtp [18:53:27] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /rg claim ifrit [18:53:27] [L] SimpleMimpl: .кп сдфшь ifrit [18:53:30] mi1nttt issued server command: //chunk [18:53:30] mi1nttt issued server command: //outset 16 [18:53:30] mi1nttt issued server command: /zone [18:53:32] SimpleMimpl issued server command: //sel [18:53:32] [L] SimpleMimpl: ..ыуд [18:53:33] Bikqwe issued server command: /playtime [18:53:41] mi1nttt issued server command: /region claim 321123 [18:54:14] mi1nttt issued server command: /rg addmember 321123 ktulhu43 [18:54:17] Zero09 issued server command: /home [18:54:26] H00DRICH issued server command: /spawn [18:54:27] H00DRICH issued server command: /we cui [18:54:29] H00DRICH issued server command: /home [18:54:29] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /warp home [18:54:29] [L] SimpleMimpl: .цфкз рщьу [18:54:30] H00DRICH issued server command: /we cui [18:54:32] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /we cui [18:54:42] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /warp home invite yaroxa_kosolapy [18:54:49] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /warp invite home yaroxa_kosolapy [18:54:56] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /warp invite yaroxa_kosolapy home [18:55:21] Zero09 issued server command: /home [18:55:24] Mass1ime issued server command: /home [18:55:30] mi1nttt issued server command: //sel [18:55:36] Zero09 issued server command: /home [18:55:43] ZlouLemon зашёл [18:56:08] ZlouLemon issued server command: /we cui [18:57:25] ZlouLemon вышел [18:57:30] Bikqwe issued server command: /warp nether [18:57:35] Bikqwe issued server command: /warp list [18:57:39] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /kit [18:57:40] [L] SimpleMimpl: .лше [18:57:41] Zero09 issued server command: /home [18:57:50] Bikqwe issued server command: /warp otherworld [18:57:54] Bikqwe issued server command: /we cui [18:58:06] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /fly [18:58:06] [L] SimpleMimpl: .адн [18:58:14] Bikqwe issued server command: /warp ad [18:58:16] Bikqwe issued server command: /we cui [18:58:35] Bikqwe issued server command: /home [18:58:38] Bikqwe issued server command: /we cui [18:59:08] edmond_s02 зашёл [18:59:13] OXI_ANIME зашёл [18:59:30] Zero09 issued server command: /home [18:59:36] OXI_ANIME issued server command: /we cui [18:59:36] edmond_s02 issued server command: /we cui [19:00:11] Zero09 issued server command: /home [19:00:23] H00DRICH issued server command: /home [19:00:27] Zero09 issued server command: /home [19:00:35] H00DRICH issued server command: /kit eat [19:00:54] Ktulhu43 issued server command: /warp forest [19:00:56] Ktulhu43 issued server command: /we cui [19:01:21] H00DRICH issued server command: //chunk [19:01:21] H00DRICH issued server command: //outset 16 [19:01:21] H00DRICH issued server command: /zone [19:01:38] Ktulhu43 issued server command: /warp quest [19:01:43] Ktulhu43 issued server command: /warp mining [19:01:44] Ktulhu43 issued server command: /we cui [19:01:56] OXI_ANIME issued server command: /randomtp [19:01:56] OXI_ANIME issued server command: /rtp [19:02:08] Ktulhu43 issued server command: /warp forest [19:02:09] Ktulhu43 issued server command: /we cui [19:02:10] OXI_ANIME issued server command: /randomtp [19:02:10] OXI_ANIME issued server command: /rtp [19:02:12] mi1nttt issued server command: /warp forest [19:02:13] mi1nttt issued server command: /we cui [19:02:20] OXI_ANIME issued server command: /warp world [19:02:21] mi1nttt issued server command: /we cui [19:02:21] OXI_ANIME issued server command: /we cui [19:02:22] Ktulhu43 issued server command: /we cui [19:02:35] OXI_ANIME issued server command: /randomtp [19:02:35] OXI_ANIME issued server command: /rtp [19:02:49] edmond_s02 issued server command: /kit start [19:02:54] Mass1ime issued server command: /randomtp [19:02:54] Mass1ime issued server command: /rtp [19:03:14] [G] Bikqwe: !Капец, почему кто-то может купить книгу открывающие все исследования , а кто-то сидит по 4-5 часов [19:03:15] [L] Bikqwe: чтобы открыть БАЗУ [19:03:17] edmond_s02 issued server command: /tpa OXI_ANIME [19:03:22] [G] Bikqwe: !Чтобы открыть базу [19:03:23] [G] SimpleMimpl: !интереснее же [19:03:25] [G] SimpleMimpl: !сидеть [19:03:28] Zero09 issued server command: /home [19:03:36] OXI_ANIME issued server command: /tpaccept [19:03:37] edmond_s02 issued server command: /we cui [19:03:52] [G] SimpleMimpl: !я сам весь изучил [19:04:01] [G] Bikqwe: !От повтора одних и тех же действий тебе просто скучно [19:04:13] [G] SimpleMimpl: !ну это да [19:04:41] [G] Mass1ime: !А всмысле пассивные мобы урон друг от друга не получают? [19:04:53] [G] SimpleMimpl: !глина нужна кому? [19:04:57] [G] SimpleMimpl: !20стаков за 5эмов [19:05:01] [G] Condesce: !Технический администратор об этом уже знает [19:05:14] Zero09 issued server command: /home [19:05:21] edmond_s02 issued server command: /kit eat [19:05:43] KitKas issued server command: /money [19:06:16] [G] xx_VR_xxx: ! Condesce как превратить виртуальную валюту в бумажки? [19:06:17] yaroxa_kosolapy issued server command: /home [19:06:22] [G] SimpleMimpl: !банкомат там [19:06:27] [G] Bikqwe: !На варп шопе [19:06:30] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /warp shop [19:06:33] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /we cui [19:06:41] [G] SimpleMimpl: !так что глина нужна кому? [19:06:41] Mautil issued server command: /home [19:06:49] [L] SimpleMimpl: ты [19:06:51] [L] SimpleMimpl: ахахах [19:06:52] [L] SimpleMimpl: смотри [19:06:54] [L] SimpleMimpl: как это делается [19:06:56] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /money pay [19:07:03] Mass1ime issued server command: /randomtp [19:07:03] Mass1ime issued server command: /rtp [19:07:06] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /msg KitKas /money pay xx_VR_xxx 39 [19:07:13] [G] Condesce: !там на спавне есть банкомат [19:07:16] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /spawn [19:07:24] [G] Condesce: !При помощи него можно превратить в бумажки [19:07:25] KitKas issued server command: /moni pay xx_VR_xxx 39 [19:07:26] [G] Mass1ime: !Банкомат в магии? xD [19:07:31] KitKas issued server command: /money [19:07:35] [G] Condesce: !У нас тут и компьютеры есть) [19:07:41] H00DRICH issued server command: /rg addmember 17O0/888 Zero09 [19:07:48] [G] xx_VR_xxx: ! походу я слепой ;c [19:07:51] KitKas issued server command: /money pfy xx_VR_xxx 39 [19:07:52] [G] Mass1ime: !Мистически работают от маны Condesce всё xD [19:07:52] [G] Condesce: !ща покажу [19:07:53] H00DRICH issued server command: /rg addmember 170O/888 Zero09 [19:07:59] Condesce issued server command: /tp xx_VR_xxx [19:08:02] Condesce issued server command: /we cui [19:08:05] [L] SimpleMimpl: иди сюда [19:08:05] [G] Mass1ime: !Бедная Condesce [19:08:05] OXI_ANIME issued server command: /kit eat [19:08:08] KitKas issued server command: /money pay xx_VR_xxx 39 [19:08:10] [L] SimpleMimpl: тп ко мне [19:08:11] [L] Condesce: ./warp shop [19:08:14] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /warp shop [19:08:14] Condesce issued server command: /warp shop [19:08:23] Mass1ime issued server command: /randomtp [19:08:23] Mass1ime issued server command: /rtp [19:08:33] [L] xx_VR_xxx: ffff [19:08:36] [L] xx_VR_xxx: спасибо,не увидел [19:08:40] [L] Condesce: на мониторчик) [19:08:43] [L] Condesce: угусь [19:08:48] H00DRICH issued server command: /randomtp [19:08:48] H00DRICH issued server command: /rtp [19:08:50] [G] Condesce: !Да ладно, все нормально [19:08:51] H00DRICH issued server command: /home [19:08:58] H00DRICH issued server command: //sel [19:09:00] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /money [19:09:06] Mass1ime issued server command: /randomtp [19:09:06] Mass1ime issued server command: /rtp [19:09:13] Mass1ime issued server command: /randomtp [19:09:13] Mass1ime issued server command: /rtp [19:09:31] Ktulhu43 issued server command: /tpa mi1nttt [19:09:34] mi1nttt issued server command: /tpaccept [19:09:39] Mass1ime issued server command: /randomtp [19:09:39] Mass1ime issued server command: /rtp [19:09:42] Zero09 issued server command: /home [19:09:58] Mass1ime issued server command: /randomtp [19:09:58] Mass1ime issued server command: /rtp [19:10:01] [G] xx_VR_xxx: ! what ис плотный кусок серебра и как его добыть? [19:10:07] Mass1ime issued server command: /randomtp [19:10:07] Mass1ime issued server command: /rtp [19:10:11] Zero09 issued server command: /warp ad [19:10:13] Zero09 issued server command: /we cui [19:10:26] Mass1ime issued server command: /randomtp [19:10:26] Mass1ime issued server command: /rtp [19:10:28] [G] Condesce: !У Эцио покупается за 100 эмов [19:10:39] Mass1ime issued server command: /randomtp [19:10:39] Mass1ime issued server command: /rtp [19:10:58] [L] xx_VR_xxx: а кусочек? [19:11:05] Mass1ime issued server command: /randomtp [19:11:05] Mass1ime issued server command: /rtp [19:11:25] [L] Condesce: так вот [19:11:39] OXI_ANIME issued server command: /randomtp [19:11:39] OXI_ANIME issued server command: /rtp [19:11:50] yaroxa_kosolapy issued server command: /home [19:11:52] Ktulhu43 issued server command: /tpa mi1nttt [19:11:52] edmond_s02 issued server command: /tpa OXI_ANIME [19:11:57] OXI_ANIME issued server command: /tpaccept [19:11:58] [L] SimpleMimpl: тут [19:12:00] Zero09 issued server command: /home [19:12:00] [L] SimpleMimpl: сюда складывай [19:12:00] [L] xx_VR_xxx: а [19:12:01] Zero09 issued server command: /we cui [19:12:03] Zero09 issued server command: /warp ad [19:12:04] [L] Condesce: ) [19:12:05] Zero09 issued server command: /we cui [19:12:11] mi1nttt issued server command: /tpaccept [19:12:11] [L] xx_VR_xxx: там просто уменьшенная иконка [19:12:17] KitKas был кикнут [19:12:17] KitKas вышел [19:12:17] Cro_SS_O был кикнут [19:12:17] Cro_SS_O вышел [19:12:17] Scilla был кикнут [19:12:17] Scilla вышел [19:12:17] Tiger_eye был кикнут [19:12:17] Tiger_eye вышел [19:12:17] H00DRICH был кикнут [19:12:17] H00DRICH вышел [19:12:17] Zero09 был кикнут [19:12:17] Zero09 вышел [19:12:17] Mautil был кикнут [19:12:17] Mautil вышел [19:12:17] mi1nttt был кикнут [19:12:17] mi1nttt вышел [19:12:17] xx_VR_xxx был кикнут [19:12:17] xx_VR_xxx вышел [19:12:17] SimpleMimpl был кикнут [19:12:17] SimpleMimpl вышел [19:12:17] Bukycbka был кикнут [19:12:17] Bukycbka вышел [19:12:17] Condesce был кикнут [19:12:17] Condesce вышел [19:12:17] Bikqwe был кикнут [19:12:17] Bikqwe вышел [19:12:17] Ktulhu43 был кикнут [19:12:17] Ktulhu43 вышел [19:12:17] yaroxa_kosolapy был кикнут [19:12:17] yaroxa_kosolapy вышел [19:12:17] Mass1ime был кикнут [19:12:17] Mass1ime вышел [19:12:17] edmond_s02 был кикнут [19:12:17] edmond_s02 вышел [19:12:17] OXI_ANIME был кикнут [19:12:17] OXI_ANIME вышел [19:12:20] Сервер выключился [19:13:06] Сервер включился [19:13:23] Zero09 зашёл [19:13:23] mi1nttt зашёл [19:13:24] Scilla зашёл [19:13:24] Zero09 issued server command: /we cui [19:13:24] xx_VR_xxx зашёл [19:13:25] mi1nttt issued server command: /we cui [19:13:26] Scilla issued server command: /we cui [19:13:29] Zero09 issued server command: /home [19:13:31] Mass1ime зашёл [19:13:31] Zero09 issued server command: /we cui [19:13:32] H00DRICH зашёл [19:13:32] Condesce зашёл [19:13:33] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /we cui [19:13:34] H00DRICH issued server command: /we cui [19:13:35] Mass1ime issued server command: /we cui [19:13:35] Condesce issued server command: /we cui [19:13:36] edmond_s02 зашёл [19:13:40] edmond_s02 issued server command: /we cui [19:13:56] OXI_ANIME зашёл [19:13:59] OXI_ANIME issued server command: /we cui [19:14:03] [L] xx_VR_xxx: ухты узел на 50 аспектов [19:14:15] Zero09 issued server command: /home [19:14:22] [L] Condesce: Ага [19:14:51] OXI_ANIME умер (ENTITY_ATTACK) [19:14:55] OXI_ANIME issued server command: /we cui [19:14:59] Ktulhu43 зашёл [19:15:02] Ktulhu43 issued server command: /we cui [19:15:08] Ktulhu43 issued server command: /tpa mi1nttt [19:15:10] mi1nttt issued server command: /tpaccept [19:15:11] OXI_ANIME issued server command: /kit start [19:15:27] OXI_ANIME issued server command: /tpa edmond_s02 [19:15:32] edmond_s02 issued server command: /tpaccept [19:15:33] OXI_ANIME issued server command: /we cui [19:15:36] SimpleMimpl зашёл [19:15:40] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /we cui [19:15:45] H00DRICH issued server command: /spawn [19:15:46] H00DRICH issued server command: /we cui [19:15:47] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /fly [19:15:47] [L] SimpleMimpl: .адн [19:16:01] Zero09 issued server command: /home [19:16:23] OXI_ANIME issued server command: /randomtp [19:16:23] OXI_ANIME issued server command: /rtp [19:16:43] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /money [19:16:46] edmond_s02 issued server command: /randomtp [19:16:46] edmond_s02 issued server command: /rtp [19:16:48] yaroxa_kosolapy зашёл [19:16:50] yaroxa_kosolapy issued server command: /we cui [19:16:51] Ktulhu43 issued server command: /tpa mi1nttt [19:16:54] mi1nttt issued server command: /tpaccept [19:16:57] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /home [19:16:57] Zero09 issued server command: /home [19:17:00] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /we cui [19:17:04] Mautil зашёл [19:17:05] edmond_s02 issued server command: /randomtp [19:17:05] edmond_s02 issued server command: /rtp [19:17:07] Mautil issued server command: /we cui [19:17:14] Mautil issued server command: /money [19:17:17] edmond_s02 issued server command: /randomtp [19:17:17] edmond_s02 issued server command: /rtp [19:17:36] Zero09 issued server command: /kit eat [19:17:58] Ktulhu43 issued server command: /tpa mi1nttt [19:18:01] mi1nttt issued server command: /tpaccept [19:18:41] edmond_s02 issued server command: /randomtp [19:18:41] edmond_s02 issued server command: /rtp [19:19:23] edmond_s02 issued server command: /randomtp [19:19:23] edmond_s02 issued server command: /rtp [19:19:38] edmond_s02 issued server command: /randomtp [19:19:38] edmond_s02 issued server command: /rtp [19:19:59] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /money [19:19:59] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /money [19:20:08] edmond_s02 issued server command: /randomtp [19:20:08] edmond_s02 issued server command: /rtp [19:20:31] SimpleMimpl был кикнут [19:20:31] SimpleMimpl вышел [19:20:32] SimpleMimpl зашёл [19:20:36] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /we cui [19:20:39] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /fly [19:20:39] [L] SimpleMimpl: .адн [19:21:02] Mautil issued server command: /pay money xx_VR_xxx 39 [19:21:11] Mautil issued server command: /mony [19:21:13] Mautil issued server command: /money [19:21:23] Mautil issued server command: /money pay xx_VR_xxx 40 [19:21:25] edmond_s02 issued server command: /randomtp [19:21:25] edmond_s02 issued server command: /rtp [19:21:26] H00DRICH issued server command: /home [19:21:27] H00DRICH issued server command: /we cui [19:21:29] H00DRICH issued server command: /randomtp [19:21:29] H00DRICH issued server command: /rtp [19:21:32] OXI_ANIME issued server command: /randomtp [19:21:32] OXI_ANIME issued server command: /rtp [19:21:42] H00DRICH issued server command: /home [19:21:49] edmond_s02 issued server command: /randomtp [19:21:49] edmond_s02 issued server command: /rtp [19:21:53] mi1nttt issued server command: /tpa Ktulhu43 [19:21:56] Ktulhu43 issued server command: /tpaccept [19:22:00] edmond_s02 issued server command: /tpa Condesce [19:22:13] edmond_s02 issued server command: /tpa SimpleMimpl [19:22:28] Condesce issued server command: /thru [19:22:29] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /tpaccept [19:22:29] [L] SimpleMimpl: .езфссузе [19:22:30] Condesce issued server command: /thru [19:22:31] Condesce issued server command: /thru [19:22:33] Condesce issued server command: /thru [19:22:38] yaroxa_kosolapy issued server command: /home [19:22:51] OXI_ANIME issued server command: /tpa y [19:23:24] OXI_ANIME issued server command: /tpa edmond_s02 [19:23:25] edmond_s02 issued server command: /tpaccept [19:23:43] [L] SimpleMimpl: хахаах [19:23:45] mi1nttt issued server command: /randomtp [19:23:45] mi1nttt issued server command: /rtp [19:23:47] [L] SimpleMimpl: тупые чтоли [19:23:52] [L] SimpleMimpl: отлетят же щас [19:23:57] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /fly [19:23:58] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /god [19:24:04] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /rg flag milfa228 pvp allow [19:24:06] [L] OXI_ANIME: ку [19:24:22] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /kit eat [19:24:29] [L] OXI_ANIME: чо ето? [19:24:29] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /pvptoggle on [19:24:29] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /pvp on [19:24:32] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /pvptoggle [19:24:32] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /pvp [19:24:36] SimpleMimpl убил edmond_s02 (DIVINERPG_NETHERIUMSWORD) [19:24:41] SimpleMimpl убил OXI_ANIME (DIVINERPG_NETHERIUMSWORD) [19:24:42] edmond_s02 issued server command: /we cui [19:24:45] OXI_ANIME issued server command: /we cui [19:24:46] [L] SimpleMimpl: dc_ [19:24:48] [L] SimpleMimpl: всё [19:24:52] edmond_s02 issued server command: /tpa Scilla [19:24:55] Condesce issued server command: /thru [19:24:57] Condesce issued server command: /thru [19:25:02] OXI_ANIME issued server command: /tpa yaroxa_kosolapy [19:25:05] [L] SimpleMimpl: всё [19:25:06] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /pvptoggle [19:25:07] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /pvp [19:25:09] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /god [19:25:09] [L] SimpleMimpl: .пщв [19:25:11] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /fly [19:25:11] [L] SimpleMimpl: .адн [19:25:32] edmond_s02 issued server command: /kit start [19:25:36] edmond_s02 issued server command: /kit eat [19:25:44] yaroxa_kosolapy issued server command: /tpaccept [19:25:46] OXI_ANIME issued server command: /we cui [19:25:47] edmond_s02 issued server command: /tpa OXI_ANIME [19:25:49] yaroxa_kosolapy убил OXI_ANIME (DIVINERPG_NETHERIUMSWORD) [19:25:52] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /rg flag milfa228 pvp deny [19:25:54] OXI_ANIME issued server command: /we cui [19:25:57] [L] SimpleMimpl: всё отключил [19:26:03] OXI_ANIME issued server command: /tpa yaroxa_kosolapy [19:26:05] [G] Condesce: !вам помочь?* [19:26:07] Condesce issued server command: /pickup [19:26:13] Condesce issued server command: /tp edmond_s02 [19:26:14] edmond_s02 issued server command: /tpahere Ktulhu43 [19:26:20] Condesce issued server command: /tp OXI_ANIME [19:26:29] [G] OXI_ANIME: !можеш принять? [19:26:33] Ktulhu43 issued server command: /tpa mi1nttt [19:26:37] mi1nttt issued server command: /tpaccept [19:26:41] Condesce issued server command: /screenall [19:26:51] edmond_s02 issued server command: /tpahere Zero09 [19:27:07] H00DRICH issued server command: /home [19:27:18] H00DRICH issued server command: /Sethome [19:27:45] edmond_s02 issued server command: /tpa SimpleMimpl [19:27:55] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /tpaccept [19:27:55] [L] SimpleMimpl: .езфссузе [19:27:58] edmond_s02 issued server command: /we cui [19:27:59] yaroxa_kosolapy issued server command: /home [19:28:06] OXI_ANIME issued server command: /tpaccept [19:28:06] mi1nttt issued server command: /home [19:28:08] mi1nttt issued server command: /we cui [19:28:12] mi1nttt issued server command: /randomtp [19:28:12] mi1nttt issued server command: /rtp [19:28:12] OXI_ANIME issued server command: /tpa H00DRICH [19:28:18] OXI_ANIME issued server command: /tpa edmond_s02 [19:28:21] Condesce issued server command: /we cui [19:28:25] edmond_s02 issued server command: /tpaccept [19:28:27] Ktulhu43 issued server command: /tpa mi1nttt [19:28:27] OXI_ANIME issued server command: /we cui [19:28:32] mi1nttt issued server command: /tpaccept [19:28:32] Condesce issued server command: /thru [19:28:34] Ktulhu43 issued server command: /we cui [19:28:34] [G] OXI_ANIME: !ку [19:28:53] [L] SimpleMimpl: Вам че глины дать? [19:28:54] Condesce issued server command: /thru [19:28:56] Condesce issued server command: /thru [19:28:59] [G] OXI_ANIME: !где мы? [19:29:04] [L] SimpleMimpl: в я ме [19:29:05] Condesce issued server command: /tp OXI_ANIME [19:29:15] Zero09 issued server command: /home [19:29:38] Condesce issued server command: /home [19:29:40] Ktulhu43 issued server command: / [19:29:42] Ktulhu43 issued server command: /tpa mi1nttt [19:29:44] mi1nttt issued server command: /tpaccept [19:29:53] [G] yaroxa_kosolapy: !за мной идите [19:30:19] [L] OXI_ANIME: тут приват [19:30:20] yaroxa_kosolapy issued server command: /home [19:30:30] mi1nttt issued server command: /home [19:30:35] H00DRICH issued server command: /home [19:30:38] KitKas зашёл [19:30:41] KitKas issued server command: /we cui [19:30:49] [L] SimpleMimpl: Вам глина нужна? [19:30:50] [L] OXI_ANIME: он тут в первий раз [19:31:02] H00DRICH issued server command: /randomtp [19:31:02] H00DRICH issued server command: /rtp [19:31:04] yaroxa_kosolapy issued server command: /home [19:31:12] mi1nttt issued server command: /tpa Ktulhu43 [19:31:17] Ktulhu43 issued server command: /tpaccept [19:31:32] Bikqwe зашёл [19:31:39] [L] SimpleMimpl: на [19:31:42] mi1nttt issued server command: /home [19:31:55] [L] OXI_ANIME: можеш мени ресы отдать. [19:31:57] Bikqwe issued server command: /we cui [19:31:59] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /kit start [19:32:00] [L] OXI_ANIME: ? [19:32:10] mi1nttt issued server command: /tpa Ktulhu43 [19:32:12] Ktulhu43 issued server command: /tpaccept [19:32:30] Condesce issued server command: /thru [19:32:46] Condesce issued server command: /thru [19:32:57] [L] OXI_ANIME: алмазка ето не мое [19:33:00] [L] edmond_s02: ПАСИБО [19:33:01] [G] yaroxa_kosolapy: !с ним поделишься [19:33:19] Condesce issued server command: /gm 0 [19:33:26] edmond_s02 issued server command: /kit eat [19:33:26] Bikqwe issued server command: /msg Condesce А вот ты знала что я был в Мод.составе? [19:33:33] OXI_ANIME issued server command: /kit eat [19:33:38] [L] SimpleMimpl: глину [19:33:39] [L] SimpleMimpl: ещё [19:33:40] [L] SimpleMimpl: ясик [19:33:44] [L] SimpleMimpl: 2 куска [19:33:58] Condesce issued server command: /gm 1 [19:33:59] Condesce issued server command: /thru [19:34:08] Condesce issued server command: /thru [19:34:40] [L] OXI_ANIME: можна 2 золото на таум термометер [19:34:42] [L] edmond_s02: МОЖНО С ВАМИ [19:34:47] yaroxa_kosolapy issued server command: /home [19:34:51] Condesce issued server command: /thru [19:34:57] Ktulhu43 issued server command: /randomtp [19:34:57] Ktulhu43 issued server command: /rtp [19:34:58] [L] edmond_s02: В ТИМЕ [19:34:59] Condesce issued server command: /pickup [19:35:05] edmond_s02 issued server command: /kit eat [19:35:23] [L] OXI_ANIME: сенкую [19:35:26] edmond_s02 issued server command: /kit eat [19:35:44] [L] OXI_ANIME: матреца? [19:35:44] [G] yaroxa_kosolapy: !все давайте по домам джиги разошлись [19:35:53] [L] edmond_s02: МОЖНО В ПРИВАТ? [19:36:15] H00DRICH issued server command: /home [19:36:17] H00DRICH issued server command: /kit eat [19:36:21] [L] edmond_s02: можно? [19:36:31] OXI_ANIME issued server command: /spawn [19:36:33] OXI_ANIME issued server command: /we cui [19:36:33] Mautil issued server command: /kit start [19:36:44] [L] Mautil: Ася ппотом я пока занят [19:36:47] [L] xx_VR_xxx: оке [19:36:52] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /rg flag milfa228 pvp allow [19:37:00] yaroxa_kosolapy убил edmond_s02 (DIVINERPG_NETHERIUMSWORD) [19:37:05] edmond_s02 issued server command: /we cui [19:37:06] [L] SimpleMimpl: ну ты гусь [19:37:07] [G] yaroxa_kosolapy: !нельзя [19:37:13] OXI_ANIME вышел [19:37:25] [G] yaroxa_kosolapy: !давай тп ко мне [19:37:27] edmond_s02 вышел [19:37:33] H00DRICH issued server command: /home [19:37:35] mi1nttt issued server command: /tpa Ktulhu43 [19:37:37] [G] xx_VR_xxx: ! yaroxa_kosolapy шо игнорым [19:37:43] Ktulhu43 issued server command: /tpaccept [19:37:48] [G] yaroxa_kosolapy: !че надо [19:37:54] mi1nttt issued server command: /randomtp [19:37:54] mi1nttt issued server command: /rtp [19:38:03] [G] xx_VR_xxx: ! Говорю классный мув с тп на базу и убийством челов и чела который был в МЭ [19:38:26] [G] Mautil: !xD [19:38:29] yaroxa_kosolapy issued server command: /home [19:38:51] [G] yaroxa_kosolapy: !я с кайфом сдох потом [19:38:59] [G] Condesce: !Что у вас прорисходит? [19:39:03] [G] xx_VR_xxx: ! У кого [19:39:08] [G] yaroxa_kosolapy: !все ровно [19:39:26] H00DRICH issued server command: /home [19:39:28] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /msg Mautil с кайфом сдох хаха [19:39:32] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /m Condesce можно я глину просто так отдам её 50+ стаокв [19:40:16] yaroxa_kosolapy issued server command: /home [19:40:54] H00DRICH issued server command: /home [19:41:02] Condesce issued server command: /thru [19:41:22] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /home [19:42:29] Ktulhu43 issued server command: /tpa mi1nttt [19:42:30] mi1nttt issued server command: /tpaccept [19:42:38] mi1nttt issued server command: /home [19:43:25] mi1nttt issued server command: /tpa Ktulhu43 [19:43:28] Ktulhu43 issued server command: /tpaccept [19:43:52] yaroxa_kosolapy вышел [19:43:58] Condesce issued server command: /thru [19:44:01] Condesce issued server command: /thru [19:44:53] Condesce issued server command: /thru [19:45:18] mi1nttt issued server command: /home [19:45:24] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /rg sel [19:45:35] Condesce issued server command: /thru [19:45:41] Condesce issued server command: /thru [19:45:43] Ktulhu43 issued server command: /tpa mi1nttt [19:45:50] mi1nttt issued server command: /tpaccept [19:46:23] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: //chunk [19:46:23] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: //outset 16 [19:46:23] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /zone [19:46:29] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: //chunk [19:46:29] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: //outset 16 [19:46:29] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /zone [19:46:32] Condesce issued server command: /thru [19:46:37] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /rg sel [19:46:39] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /rg sel [19:46:40] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /rg sel [19:46:41] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /rg sel [19:46:42] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /rg sel [19:46:45] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /rg sel [19:46:46] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /rg sel [19:46:47] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: //sel [19:46:48] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: //sel [19:46:49] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /rg sel [19:46:52] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: //chunk [19:46:52] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: //outset 16 [19:46:52] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /zone [19:46:55] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /rg claim dom4ik2 [19:46:56] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: //sel [19:46:58] Condesce issued server command: /thru [19:47:02] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /rg addmember dom4ik2 KitKas [19:47:09] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /rg addmember dom4ik2 mi1nttt [19:47:15] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /rg help [19:47:27] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /rg remobemember dom4ik2 mi1nttt [19:47:34] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /rg removemember dom4ik2 mi1nttt [19:47:37] Bikqwe был кикнут [19:47:37] Bikqwe вышел [19:47:41] Bikqwe зашёл [19:47:42] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /rg addmember dom4ik2 Mautil [19:47:43] Bikqwe issued server command: /we cui [19:47:43] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: //sel [19:47:53] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /warp shop [19:47:53] [L] SimpleMimpl: .цфкз ырщз [19:47:56] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /we cui [19:48:43] [G] Bikqwe: !Палочку кто-то зарядит? [19:48:51] [G] SimpleMimpl: !давай через 2-5минуток [19:48:53] Bikqwe вышел [19:48:54] [G] SimpleMimpl: !я на варп шопе [19:49:02] Ktulhu43 issued server command: /warpshop [19:49:05] Bikqwe зашёл [19:49:07] Bikqwe issued server command: /we cui [19:49:14] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /rg info [19:49:23] H00DRICH issued server command: /home [19:49:30] [G] Bikqwe: !Палочку кто-то зарядит? [19:49:41] mi1nttt issued server command: /warp ad [19:49:42] mi1nttt issued server command: /we cui [19:49:43] Bikqwe был кикнут [19:49:43] Bikqwe вышел [19:49:45] Bikqwe зашёл [19:49:55] Bikqwe issued server command: /we cui [19:50:02] [L] Bikqwe: 1 [19:50:09] mi1nttt issued server command: /home [19:50:10] mi1nttt issued server command: /we cui [19:50:11] [G] Bikqwe: !Палочку кто-то зарядит? [19:50:21] [G] Condesce: !давай без такого спама [19:50:31] [G] Bikqwe: !А понял [19:50:41] [G] Bikqwe: !Забей [19:50:41] [G] Condesce: !:З [19:50:59] [G] xx_VR_xxx: ! Дружелюбие хех,мило [19:51:04] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /warp home [19:51:04] [L] SimpleMimpl: .цфкз рщьу [19:51:07] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /we cui [19:51:10] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /tpahere Bikqwe [19:51:14] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /fly [19:51:14] [L] SimpleMimpl: .адн [19:51:26] Bikqwe issued server command: /tpaccept [19:51:31] Bukycbka зашёл [19:51:33] [L] Bikqwe: ? [19:51:34] Bukycbka issued server command: /we cui [19:51:37] [L] SimpleMimpl: палку давай [19:52:38] H00DRICH issued server command: /rg flag [19:52:42] Bikqwe issued server command: /home [19:52:45] H00DRICH issued server command: /flag list [19:52:52] Bukycbka умер (ENTITY_ATTACK) [19:52:54] H00DRICH issued server command: /rg flag [19:52:55] Bukycbka issued server command: /we cui [19:52:55] [G] SimpleMimpl: !ни пасиба ни досвиданья) [19:53:04] [G] Condesce: !? [19:53:13] Jabuti зашёл [19:53:16] H00DRICH issued server command: /rg flag 170O/888 mob-damage [19:53:16] Condesce issued server command: /rg i [19:53:26] Jabuti issued server command: /we cui [19:53:31] H00DRICH issued server command: /buy-flag [19:53:35] H00DRICH issued server command: /buy flag [19:53:46] H00DRICH issued server command: /buyflag [19:53:54] Jabuti issued server command: /warp quest [19:53:56] Jabuti issued server command: /we cui [19:53:59] H00DRICH issued server command: /buyflag 170O mob-damage deny [19:54:07] H00DRICH issued server command: /buyflag 170O/888 mob-damage deny [19:54:10] H00DRICH issued server command: /yes [19:54:37] [G] Bukycbka: !Найс баланс [19:54:41] Bikqwe issued server command: /msg SimpleMimpl Пасиб [19:54:48] [G] Bukycbka: !Меня убивает паук эндера за тычку [19:54:52] Bikqwe issued server command: /msg SimpleMimpl Просто отойти надо было [19:54:56] [G] Bukycbka: !-все вещи [19:55:01] [G] SimpleMimpl: !эт да [19:55:08] [G] Condesce: !Ну, вот так [19:55:12] [G] xx_VR_xxx: ! Отрузи чанк [19:55:14] [G] xx_VR_xxx: ! ливни оттуда [19:55:27] [G] Bukycbka: !Не успел [19:55:33] [G] Condesce: !там они еще некоторое время остаются прогруженными [19:55:41] SimpleMimpl вышел [19:55:41] [G] Bukycbka: !в момент когда бежал [19:55:43] [G] xx_VR_xxx: ! не знаю,в моем случае они почти моментально отгружаются [19:55:43] Condesce issued server command: /thru [19:55:58] DeD_Makar зашёл [19:56:06] [G] Bukycbka: !Прибежал и в это время вещи пстёрли [19:56:14] DeD_Makar issued server command: /we cui [19:56:21] Bukycbka issued server command: /kit eat [19:56:34] Condesce issued server command: /bc Уважаемые игроки! Ивенты начнутся через 5 минут! [19:56:40] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /playtime [19:56:44] H00DRICH issued server command: /home [19:56:48] Condesce issued server command: /thru [19:56:54] Jabuti issued server command: /warp quest [19:57:01] Zero09 issued server command: /home [19:57:17] Condesce issued server command: /thru [19:57:20] H00DRICH issued server command: /home [19:57:21] H00DRICH issued server command: /home [19:57:33] Zero09 issued server command: /home [19:58:23] H00DRICH issued server command: /home [19:58:43] H00DRICH issued server command: /home [19:58:54] Mass1ime умер (PROJECTILE) [19:58:57] Mass1ime issued server command: /we cui [19:59:21] H00DRICH issued server command: /m Condesce есть адский нарост? [19:59:28] Condesce issued server command: /r Я вне игрового процесса [19:59:29] Zero09 issued server command: /home [19:59:32] Condesce issued server command: /r а так есть)) [19:59:45] Zero09 issued server command: /home [20:00:07] H00DRICH issued server command: /m Condesce можешь случайно уронить его на землю? [20:00:20] Condesce issued server command: /r можешь случайно ввести команду бана, не более) [20:00:23] Condesce issued server command: /enew spleef [20:00:24] Condesce issued server command: /bc С правилами ивентов можно ознакомиться у NPC, прописав /eobs. [20:00:25] Condesce issued server command: /bc Не забудьте очистить свои инвентари! [20:00:27] Jabuti issued server command: /home [20:00:28] KitKas issued server command: /we cui [20:00:28] Condesce issued server command: /eobs [20:00:29] Jabuti issued server command: /we cui [20:00:31] H00DRICH issued server command: /m Condesce могу [20:00:32] Condesce issued server command: /we cui [20:00:34] DeD_Makar вышел [20:00:37] Bikqwe issued server command: /eobs [20:00:37] KitKas issued server command: /we cui [20:00:39] Bikqwe issued server command: /we cui [20:00:43] Jabuti issued server command: /ejoin [20:00:44] Jabuti issued server command: /we cui [20:00:46] Condesce issued server command: /ejoin [20:00:46] H00DRICH issued server command: /home [20:00:50] Condesce issued server command: /gm 0 [20:00:52] Bikqwe issued server command: /home [20:00:54] Bikqwe issued server command: /we cui [20:01:09] H00DRICH issued server command: /tjoin [20:01:10] Heia зашёл [20:01:16] H00DRICH issued server command: /ejoin [20:01:17] H00DRICH issued server command: /we cui [20:01:21] Heia issued server command: /we cui [20:01:24] Zero09 issued server command: /ejoin [20:01:29] Bikqwe issued server command: /ejoin [20:01:31] Zero09 issued server command: /ejoin [20:01:31] Bikqwe issued server command: /we cui [20:01:33] Zero09 issued server command: /we cui [20:01:51] Condesce issued server command: /screenall [20:02:18] [L] Condesce: &cСтартую [20:02:23] Condesce issued server command: /estart [20:03:08] Heia вышел [20:03:12] Ktulhu43 issued server command: /tpa mi1nttt [20:03:15] mi1nttt issued server command: /tpaccept [20:04:03] [L] Jabuti: эх [20:04:07] [L] Bikqwe: Cоло) [20:04:16] [L] Jabuti: я упал случайно, но ок [20:04:17] Condesce issued server command: /ereward Bikqwe [20:04:20] Condesce issued server command: /estop [20:04:21] [L] Jabuti: соло так соло [20:04:21] Condesce issued server command: /enew tntrun [20:04:23] Zero09 issued server command: /ejoin [20:04:23] H00DRICH issued server command: /ejoin [20:04:24] Jabuti issued server command: /ejoin [20:04:26] Bikqwe issued server command: /ejoin [20:04:27] Condesce issued server command: /ejoin [20:04:39] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /we cui [20:04:55] [G] xx_VR_xxx: ! Condesce оценила уже наш портал в аду?) [20:04:59] [G] Condesce: !да [20:05:09] [G] Condesce: !Такой же на прошлых вайпах находила [20:05:11] [L] Condesce: &cСтартую [20:05:12] Condesce issued server command: /estart [20:05:37] Heia зашёл [20:05:38] Heia issued server command: /we cui [20:05:40] Heia issued server command: /home [20:05:41] Heia issued server command: /we cui [20:05:57] Condesce issued server command: /ereward Jabuti [20:05:59] Condesce issued server command: /estop [20:06:01] Bukycbka issued server command: /erp [20:06:01] [L] Jabuti: соло получается ? [20:06:03] Condesce issued server command: /enew Listva [20:06:04] Zero09 issued server command: /ejoin [20:06:04] Bukycbka issued server command: /kit start [20:06:06] H00DRICH issued server command: /ejoin [20:06:06] Condesce issued server command: /ejoin [20:06:08] Heia issued server command: /warp forest [20:06:08] Zero09 issued server command: /ejoin [20:06:08] H00DRICH issued server command: /ejoin [20:06:09] Heia issued server command: /we cui [20:06:10] Bikqwe issued server command: /ejoin [20:06:10] Jabuti issued server command: /ejoin [20:06:11] H00DRICH issued server command: /ejoin [20:06:13] Heia issued server command: /we cui [20:06:14] Bikqwe issued server command: /ejoin [20:06:31] [L] Condesce: &cСтартую [20:06:33] Condesce issued server command: /estart [20:06:50] Bukycbka issued server command: /randomtp [20:06:50] Bukycbka issued server command: /rtp [20:06:54] [L] Jabuti: крепись зеро [20:06:56] Heia issued server command: /home [20:06:58] Heia issued server command: /we cui [20:07:05] [L] Condesce: Крепитесь [20:07:17] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /home [20:07:17] Heia issued server command: /warp forest [20:07:19] Heia issued server command: /we cui [20:07:20] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /we cui [20:07:23] Heia issued server command: /we cui [20:07:24] Bukycbka issued server command: /randomtp [20:07:24] Bukycbka issued server command: /rtp [20:08:05] [L] Jabuti: яя гг [20:08:15] Condesce issued server command: /ereward Jabuti [20:08:16] Condesce issued server command: /estop [20:08:17] [L] Jabuti: ну или нет [20:08:19] Condesce issued server command: /enew Kovriki [20:08:19] Zero09 issued server command: /ejoin [20:08:20] H00DRICH issued server command: /ejoin [20:08:21] [L] Bikqwe: Я понял тaктику [20:08:21] Condesce issued server command: /ejoin [20:08:23] Jabuti issued server command: /ejoin [20:08:27] [L] Jabuti: тут нет тактики [20:08:30] [L] Jabuti: чистый рандом [20:08:32] [L] Condesce: Такстика - выжить [20:08:35] Bikqwe issued server command: /ejoin [20:08:36] [L] Condesce: тактика* [20:08:48] [L] Condesce: &cСтартую [20:08:50] Condesce issued server command: /estart [20:09:17] Bukycbka issued server command: /randomtp [20:09:17] Bukycbka issued server command: /rtp [20:09:48] Condesce issued server command: /ereward H00DRICH [20:09:50] Condesce issued server command: /estop [20:09:51] Condesce issued server command: /enew Kovriki [20:09:53] Zero09 issued server command: /ejoin [20:09:54] [L] Jabuti: кросс [20:09:54] Ktulhu43 умер (FIRE_TICK) [20:09:56] Jabuti issued server command: /ejoin [20:09:57] [L] Condesce: &cУскоренные [20:09:58] H00DRICH issued server command: /ejoin [20:09:58] Ktulhu43 issued server command: /we cui [20:09:59] Condesce issued server command: /ejoin [20:10:04] Ktulhu43 issued server command: /tpa mi1nttt [20:10:06] mi1nttt issued server command: /tpaccept [20:10:07] Ktulhu43 issued server command: /we cui [20:10:16] Bukycbka issued server command: /randomtp [20:10:16] Bukycbka issued server command: /rtp [20:10:17] Ktulhu43 issued server command: /sethome [20:10:35] Bukycbka issued server command: /mpcaseshop [20:10:40] Bukycbka issued server command: /mpcaseview 72 [20:10:43] Bukycbka issued server command: /mpcaseshop [20:10:44] Bukycbka issued server command: /mpcaseview 70 [20:10:45] Bukycbka issued server command: /buycase 70 [20:10:46] [G] Condesce: !Если кто-то сейчас зайдет на ивенты, то они продолжатся! [20:10:47] Bukycbka issued server command: /rollcase 70 [20:10:47] mi1nttt issued server command: /warp shop [20:10:49] mi1nttt issued server command: /we cui [20:10:53] Bikqwe issued server command: /ejoin [20:10:57] [G] Condesce: !иначе это последний ивент на сегодня [20:11:04] [L] Condesce: &cСтартую [20:11:08] Condesce issued server command: /estart fast [20:11:15] Bukycbka issued server command: /money [20:11:18] Bukycbka issued server command: /mpcaseshop [20:11:19] Bukycbka issued server command: /mpcaseview 70 [20:11:20] Bukycbka issued server command: /buycase 70 [20:11:21] Bukycbka issued server command: /rollcase 70 [20:11:28] mi1nttt issued server command: /home [20:11:29] mi1nttt issued server command: /we cui [20:11:39] Bukycbka issued server command: /mpcaseshop [20:11:40] Bukycbka issued server command: /mpcaseview 70 [20:11:40] Bukycbka issued server command: /mpcaseview 70 [20:11:41] Bukycbka issued server command: /buycase 70 [20:11:43] Bukycbka issued server command: /rollcase 70 [20:11:54] mi1nttt умер (VOID) [20:11:54] Condesce issued server command: /ereward Jabuti [20:11:55] [L] Jabuti: это было быстро [20:11:56] Condesce issued server command: /estop [20:11:56] mi1nttt issued server command: /we cui [20:11:58] Condesce issued server command: /enew TNTBow [20:12:00] Bikqwe issued server command: /ejoin [20:12:00] H00DRICH issued server command: /ejoin [20:12:00] Zero09 issued server command: /ejoin [20:12:01] Jabuti issued server command: /ejoin [20:12:03] mi1nttt умер (VOID) [20:12:04] Condesce issued server command: /ejoin [20:12:05] mi1nttt issued server command: /we cui [20:12:37] [L] Condesce: &cСтартую [20:12:38] Mautil issued server command: /rg s [20:12:39] Condesce issued server command: /estart [20:12:45] mi1nttt issued server command: /tpa Ktulhu43 [20:12:47] Ktulhu43 issued server command: /tpaccept [20:13:01] mi1nttt issued server command: /home [20:13:17] Ktulhu43 issued server command: /home [20:13:42] Bukycbka issued server command: /home [20:14:02] [L] Bikqwe: Ладно я косой [20:14:31] Bikqwe issued server command: /mpcaseshop [20:14:31] Bikqwe issued server command: /mpcaseshop [20:14:36] Bikqwe issued server command: /mpcaseview 74 [20:14:52] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /msg Mautil чек на базу [20:14:53] Ktulhu43 умер (VOID) [20:14:56] Ktulhu43 issued server command: /we cui [20:15:14] Condesce issued server command: /ereward Jabuti [20:15:14] [L] Mautil: че за сигил [20:15:15] Condesce issued server command: /estop [20:15:18] Condesce issued server command: /enew Archery [20:15:19] [L] xx_VR_xxx: полета [20:15:19] [L] Mautil: полета? [20:15:19] Bikqwe issued server command: /ejoin [20:15:20] Jabuti issued server command: /ejoin [20:15:20] Condesce issued server command: /ejoin [20:15:20] H00DRICH issued server command: /ejoin [20:15:20] Zero09 issued server command: /ejoin [20:15:26] [L] Mautil: имба [20:15:39] [L] xx_VR_xxx: а если связ вещи работают это гг)) [20:15:39] [L] Jabuti: удачи на ласт ивенте всем [20:15:40] [L] Mautil: KitKas занята? [20:15:57] [L] KitKas: нет [20:15:59] [L] Condesce: &cСтартую [20:16:01] Condesce issued server command: /estart 60 [20:16:15] [L] Mautil: можешь, пожалуйста, если не сложно, идти накопать много мрамора [20:16:18] [L] Mautil: ) [20:16:26] [L] xx_VR_xxx: скажи ей где он [20:16:39] [L] Mautil: ./rtp пиши и ищи горы его там много [20:16:51] KitKas issued server command: /randomtp [20:16:51] KitKas issued server command: /rtp [20:17:04] [L] Bikqwe: 354 [20:17:04] Condesce issued server command: /ereward Jabuti [20:17:06] [L] Jabuti: блин, меньше чем в тот раз [20:17:09] Condesce issued server command: /estop [20:17:11] [L] Mautil: ты купил узел? [20:17:11] [L] Jabuti: всего 1176 (( [20:17:15] [L] Condesce: будем второй круг? [20:17:18] [L] Bikqwe: + [20:17:18] Ktulhu43 issued server command: /home [20:17:22] [L] xx_VR_xxx: не,так ты еще не сделал преобразовалку [20:17:23] [L] xx_VR_xxx: смысл [20:17:27] [L] Mautil: ладно [20:17:32] Condesce issued server command: /enew spleef [20:17:33] [L] Jabuti: ну мне ток 1 раз выиграть еще и все больше нельзя будет [20:17:33] Condesce issued server command: /ejoin [20:17:34] [L] xx_VR_xxx: но денег хватает [20:17:34] Zero09 issued server command: /ejoin [20:17:34] H00DRICH issued server command: /ejoin [20:17:36] Jabuti issued server command: /ejoin [20:17:38] Ktulhu43 умер (VOID) [20:17:39] Bikqwe issued server command: /ejoin [20:17:41] Ktulhu43 issued server command: /we cui [20:17:59] [L] xx_VR_xxx: cпрашивает мрамор на поверхности или внутри? [20:18:11] [L] Mautil: на поверхности бывает и внутри [20:18:13] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /money [20:18:21] [L] Condesce: &cСтартую [20:18:25] Condesce issued server command: /estart [20:19:33] [L] Bikqwe: Ппц [20:19:36] Condesce issued server command: /ereward Jabuti [20:19:39] [L] Bikqwe: Что со спринтом [20:19:40] Condesce issued server command: /estop [20:19:42] Condesce issued server command: /enew tntrun [20:19:43] [L] Jabuti: хз [20:19:44] Zero09 issued server command: /ejoin [20:19:45] Condesce issued server command: /ejoin [20:19:45] H00DRICH issued server command: /ejoin [20:19:46] Bikqwe issued server command: /ejoin [20:19:48] Zero09 issued server command: /ejoin [20:19:49] Condesce issued server command: /ejoiun [20:19:49] Bikqwe issued server command: /ejoin [20:19:53] Condesce issued server command: /ejoin [20:19:55] [L] Jabuti: подождите еще 1 игрока щас зайдет [20:19:57] Jabuti issued server command: /ejoin [20:20:13] AYLIEXEC зашёл [20:20:23] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /we cui [20:20:25] KitKas issued server command: /randomtp [20:20:25] KitKas issued server command: /rtp [20:20:43] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /ejoin [20:20:44] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /we cui [20:20:56] [L] Condesce: &cСтартую [20:20:58] KitKas issued server command: /randomtp [20:20:58] KitKas issued server command: /rtp [20:21:02] Condesce issued server command: /estart [20:21:23] KitKas issued server command: /randomtp [20:21:23] KitKas issued server command: /rtp [20:21:31] [L] Bikqwe: Халява [20:21:39] [L] AYLIEXEC: чел... [20:21:41] Heia issued server command: /kit eat [20:21:45] [L] Mautil: какой размер привата макс? [20:21:49] [L] xx_VR_xxx: 3ъ3 [20:21:50] H00DRICH issued server command: /ejoin [20:21:53] [L] Jabuti: ну да, победить из 8 ивентов 2 раза это халява, согл [20:21:59] [L] Bikqwe: ) [20:21:59] Condesce issued server command: /ereward Bikqwe [20:22:00] [L] xx_VR_xxx: я уже один расширил [20:22:01] [L] xx_VR_xxx: сюда [20:22:01] Condesce issued server command: /estop [20:22:02] Condesce issued server command: /enew Listva [20:22:03] [L] xx_VR_xxx: и добавил тебя [20:22:04] Jabuti issued server command: /ejoin [20:22:04] Zero09 issued server command: /ejoin [20:22:04] Condesce issued server command: /ejoin [20:22:05] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /ejoin [20:22:06] Bikqwe issued server command: /ejoin [20:22:06] H00DRICH issued server command: /ejoin [20:22:14] Condesce issued server command: /thru [20:22:14] [L] Mautil: лучше отдельный чанк на матрицу [20:22:15] Condesce issued server command: /thru [20:22:16] Condesce issued server command: /thru [20:22:18] Condesce issued server command: /ejoin [20:22:25] [L] Condesce: &cСтартую [20:22:29] Condesce issued server command: /estart [20:22:31] [L] xx_VR_xxx: если связка будет работать [20:22:35] [L] xx_VR_xxx: я буду счастлив [20:22:46] [L] Mautil: и выебишь того босса? [20:22:50] MrDimonsterR зашёл [20:22:54] [L] xx_VR_xxx: связка которая инструменты [20:22:59] [L] xx_VR_xxx: броня 100% будет работать [20:23:06] MrDimonsterR issued server command: /we cui [20:23:09] Phoenix221 зашёл [20:23:15] Condesce issued server command: /screenall [20:23:28] MrDimonsterR issued server command: /tpa Heia [20:23:31] Heia issued server command: /tpaccept [20:23:31] Phoenix221 issued server command: /we cui [20:23:33] MrDimonsterR issued server command: /we cui [20:23:38] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /msg Mautil там за 24 часа дают кит неплохой [20:23:39] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /playtime [20:23:43] Mautil issued server command: /kit top [20:23:43] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /r у меня уже 14 [20:23:50] [L] Mautil: 14 часов [20:24:19] [L] Bikqwe: Соло) [20:24:22] [L] AYLIEXEC: чел... [20:24:24] Condesce issued server command: /ereward Bikqwe [20:24:26] Condesce issued server command: /estop [20:24:27] Condesce issued server command: /enew Kovriki [20:24:28] [L] Jabuti: чел... [20:24:28] Zero09 issued server command: /ejoin [20:24:29] Condesce issued server command: /ejoin [20:24:30] Jabuti issued server command: /ejoin [20:24:30] Bikqwe issued server command: /ejoin [20:24:30] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /ejoin [20:24:31] H00DRICH issued server command: /ejoin [20:24:38] [L] Bikqwe: Мне нравится эта реакция [20:24:44] [L] AYLIEXEC: чел... [20:24:46] [L] Jabuti: чел... [20:25:01] Mautil issued server command: /rg info [20:25:02] [L] Jabuti: ты для меня, как грифиит для гатса [20:25:07] [L] Jabuti: гриффит * [20:25:16] [L] Condesce: &cСтартую [20:25:19] Condesce issued server command: /estart [20:25:25] Mautil issued server command: /rg s [20:25:27] Mautil issued server command: /rg s [20:25:33] Mautil issued server command: //chunk [20:25:33] Mautil issued server command: //outset 16 [20:25:33] Mautil issued server command: //wand [20:25:33] Heia убил MrDimonsterR (DIVINERPG_NETHERIUMSWORD) [20:25:37] MrDimonsterR issued server command: /we cui [20:25:44] MrDimonsterR issued server command: /tpa Heia [20:25:46] Heia issued server command: /tpaccept [20:25:48] MrDimonsterR issued server command: /we cui [20:25:56] [L] Mautil: а тут по другому приватят чтоле [20:25:57] [L] xx_VR_xxx: м [20:26:00] [L] xx_VR_xxx: да [20:26:05] [L] Mautil: только 1 чанк? [20:26:10] spak4412 зашёл [20:26:11] [L] xx_VR_xxx: автоматок 3х3 вроде хз [20:26:20] spak4412 issued server command: /we cui [20:26:31] Mautil issued server command: //chunk [20:26:31] Mautil issued server command: //outset 16 [20:26:31] Mautil issued server command: //wand [20:26:42] Mautil issued server command: //chunk [20:26:42] Mautil issued server command: //outset 16 [20:26:42] Mautil issued server command: //wand [20:26:58] [L] Bikqwe: Давай Jabuti [20:27:04] Mautil issued server command: //chunk [20:27:04] Mautil issued server command: //outset 16 [20:27:04] Mautil issued server command: //wand [20:27:05] [L] Jabuti: без шансов [20:27:05] [L] AYLIEXEC: чел... [20:27:09] Mautil issued server command: //chunk [20:27:09] Mautil issued server command: //outset 16 [20:27:09] Mautil issued server command: //wand [20:27:10] Condesce issued server command: /ereward H00DRICH [20:27:12] Condesce issued server command: /estop [20:27:13] Condesce issued server command: /enew Kovriki [20:27:15] [L] Jabuti: я чел.... [20:27:15] Zero09 issued server command: /ejoin [20:27:16] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /ejoin [20:27:17] Bikqwe issued server command: /ejoin [20:27:17] Jabuti issued server command: /ejoin [20:27:19] H00DRICH issued server command: /ejoin [20:27:21] [L] AYLIEXEC: ты чел... [20:27:21] [L] Condesce: &сУскоренные [20:27:23] Condesce issued server command: /ejoin [20:27:25] [L] Bikqwe: я тоже чел... [20:27:33] Mautil issued server command: /rg claim thaum [20:27:39] Condesce issued server command: /m spak4412 привет, можешь сказать с чем у тебя ник связан? [20:27:42] [L] Mautil: добавь в овнеры, я заприватить не могу [20:27:50] [L] Condesce: &cСтартую [20:27:54] Condesce issued server command: /estart fast [20:27:54] MrDimonsterR issued server command: /home [20:27:55] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /rg addowner dom4ik Mautil [20:27:56] MrDimonsterR issued server command: /we cui [20:27:58] [L] xx_VR_xxx: net prav [20:27:58] Condesce issued server command: /localspy [20:28:05] [L] Mautil: лол [20:28:20] [L] Condesce: ой [20:28:27] Mautil issued server command: //chunk [20:28:27] Mautil issued server command: //outset 16 [20:28:27] Mautil issued server command: //wand [20:28:32] [L] AYLIEXEC: ой [20:28:35] Mautil issued server command: //chunk [20:28:35] Mautil issued server command: //outset 16 [20:28:35] Mautil issued server command: //wand [20:28:46] Mautil issued server command: /rg claim thaum [20:28:47] [L] Jabuti: отдайте выигрышь AYLIEXEC [20:28:48] [L] Condesce: Я не тот ивент запустила или тот? [20:28:48] [L] Mautil: О се [20:28:51] [L] Jabuti: тот [20:28:52] [L] AYLIEXEC: тот [20:28:54] [L] Jabuti: тк быстрее было [20:28:55] [L] Condesce: а все [20:29:04] [L] Condesce: выигрыш отдается второму месту [20:29:05] [L] Zero09: я перед ним [20:29:18] Condesce issued server command: /ereward Zero09 [20:29:20] Condesce issued server command: /estop [20:29:22] Condesce issued server command: /enew TNTBow [20:29:23] [L] Zero09: я перед ним [20:29:24] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /ejoin [20:29:24] Condesce issued server command: /ejoin [20:29:25] Jabuti issued server command: /ejoin [20:29:25] Bikqwe issued server command: /ejoin [20:29:25] Zero09 issued server command: /ejoin [20:29:27] H00DRICH issued server command: /ejoin [20:29:42] KitKas issued server command: /home [20:29:42] [L] Condesce: &cСтартую [20:29:45] Condesce issued server command: /estart [20:29:59] spak4412 issued server command: /kit start [20:30:05] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /home [20:30:21] Phoenix221 issued server command: /ejoin [20:30:37] [L] Mautil: спаибо :3 [20:30:47] [L] xx_VR_xxx: норм психанула [20:30:56] [L] Mautil: теперь все это постелить надо xD [20:31:04] Condesce issued server command: /ereward AYLIEXEC [20:31:06] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /home [20:31:07] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /we cui [20:31:08] Condesce issued server command: /estop [20:31:08] Condesce issued server command: /enew Archery [20:31:09] Zero09 issued server command: /ejoin [20:31:10] Bikqwe issued server command: /ejoin [20:31:10] Condesce issued server command: /ejoin [20:31:10] H00DRICH issued server command: /ejoin [20:31:11] Jabuti issued server command: /ejoin [20:31:12] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /ejoin [20:31:14] [L] xx_VR_xxx: стой [20:31:14] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /we cui [20:31:16] [L] xx_VR_xxx: дай мрамор в руки [20:31:21] [L] xx_VR_xxx: а [20:31:22] Phoenix221 issued server command: /ejoin [20:31:22] [L] Mautil: в мэ [20:31:23] [L] xx_VR_xxx: нет емс у него [20:31:25] [L] xx_VR_xxx: жаль [20:31:26] Phoenix221 issued server command: /we cui [20:31:29] Bikqwe issued server command: /eobs [20:31:38] spak4412 вышел [20:31:39] Bikqwe issued server command: /warp shop [20:31:39] [L] Condesce: &cСтартую [20:31:42] Condesce issued server command: /estart 70 [20:32:18] Ktulhu43 умер (VOID) [20:32:21] Bikqwe вышел [20:32:21] Ktulhu43 issued server command: /we cui [20:32:29] MrDimonsterR issued server command: /playtime [20:32:48] [L] Jabuti: уфф новый рекорд [20:32:50] [L] Mautil: ема тут гора [20:32:52] H00DRICH issued server command: /home [20:32:53] H00DRICH issued server command: /we cui [20:32:55] Zero09 issued server command: /home [20:32:55] [L] AYLIEXEC: шд братек [20:32:57] Condesce issued server command: /ereward AYLIEXEC [20:32:57] Zero09 issued server command: /we cui [20:32:58] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /home [20:32:58] Condesce issued server command: /estop [20:32:59] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /we cui [20:33:01] Condesce issued server command: /bc Уважаемые игроки! Ивенты окончены! [20:33:02] Mass1ime умер (ENTITY_ATTACK) [20:33:05] Mass1ime issued server command: /we cui [20:33:13] Jabuti issued server command: /home [20:33:14] Jabuti issued server command: /we cui [20:33:22] Condesce issued server command: /gm 1 [20:33:26] Phoenix221 issued server command: /home [20:33:27] Condesce issued server command: /tp AYLIEXEC [20:33:31] Condesce issued server command: /we cui [20:33:33] Condesce issued server command: /thru [20:33:36] Phoenix221 issued server command: /tpa MrDimonsterR [20:33:42] MrDimonsterR issued server command: /tpaccept [20:33:44] Phoenix221 issued server command: /we cui [20:33:48] H00DRICH issued server command: /home [20:33:51] Jabuti issued server command: /warp shop [20:33:52] Jabuti issued server command: /we cui [20:34:05] Jabuti issued server command: /home [20:34:06] Jabuti issued server command: /we cui [20:34:13] Phoenix221 issued server command: /sethome [20:34:19] MrDimonsterR issued server command: /tpa Heia [20:34:21] Heia issued server command: /tpaccept [20:34:23] MrDimonsterR issued server command: /we cui [20:34:32] H00DRICH issued server command: /home [20:34:41] Condesce issued server command: /alisa playtimereport [20:34:46] Jabuti issued server command: /warp quest [20:34:48] MrDimonsterR issued server command: /home [20:34:48] Jabuti issued server command: /we cui [20:34:49] MrDimonsterR issued server command: /we cui [20:34:54] [L] AYLIEXEC: сюда иди леталка [20:35:00] Zero09 issued server command: /home [20:35:15] [L] AYLIEXEC: оно просто багнуло в целом [20:35:19] [L] AYLIEXEC: я заного ставил [20:35:45] [L] AYLIEXEC: какую кирку можно зачарить на осмате [20:35:46] Zero09 issued server command: /kit eat [20:35:52] [L] Condesce: алмазная [20:35:56] [L] Condesce: и мнгогие другие [20:36:11] [L] AYLIEXEC: мне нужны многи другие [20:36:13] [L] AYLIEXEC: какие [20:36:17] H00DRICH issued server command: /home [20:36:19] H00DRICH issued server command: /warp ad [20:36:20] [L] Condesce: их долго перечислять [20:36:20] [L] xx_VR_xxx: че за методика построения матриц [20:36:21] H00DRICH issued server command: /we cui [20:36:25] [L] Mautil: моя [20:36:32] [L] xx_VR_xxx: надеюсь не кривая [20:36:36] [L] Condesce: незериумную нельзя [20:36:37] [L] AYLIEXEC: хотя бы лучше на каст чем алмазная [20:36:43] [L] Mautil: сам ты кривой) [20:37:07] H00DRICH issued server command: /home [20:37:08] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /ekit top [20:37:08] H00DRICH issued server command: /we cui [20:37:19] Jabuti issued server command: /playtime [20:37:23] [L] xx_VR_xxx: там кстати жезл на 100 вис продают [20:37:23] [L] AYLIEXEC: а какую можно [20:37:30] [L] Condesce: огненную [20:37:31] [L] Mautil: сам сделаю [20:37:31] [L] xx_VR_xxx: серебрянодревесный с таум наконечником [20:37:53] [L] Condesce: кобольдитовую можно [20:37:57] [L] AYLIEXEC: а как крафтить то [20:38:09] [L] Condesce: скрафтить какую именно? [20:38:18] [L] AYLIEXEC: Кобальдитовую я знаю как [20:38:19] Mautil вышел [20:38:21] [L] AYLIEXEC: а огненную как [20:38:25] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /home [20:38:29] [L] Condesce: ее нужно сначала в тамономиконе изучить [20:38:41] [L] AYLIEXEC: понял пошёл за кобальдитом [20:38:48] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /warp ad [20:38:49] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /we cui [20:38:52] [L] xx_VR_xxx: Ультим [20:38:57] MrDimonsterR issued server command: /tpa Heia [20:39:02] Heia issued server command: /tpaccept [20:39:04] MrDimonsterR issued server command: /we cui [20:39:11] Condesce issued server command: /hat [20:39:24] [G] Bukycbka: !Здесь есть варпы игроков? [20:39:25] Condesce issued server command: /hat [20:39:25] Ktulhu43 убил Ktulhu43 (THAUMCRAFT_ITEMMANABEAN) [20:39:28] Ktulhu43 issued server command: /we cui [20:39:37] [G] Condesce: !/warp list [20:39:42] Condesce issued server command: /warp list [20:39:45] Condesce issued server command: /warp list 2 [20:39:50] Condesce issued server command: /warp list 3 [20:39:54] Mass1ime issued server command: /kit start [20:39:56] Mass1ime issued server command: /randomtp [20:39:56] Mass1ime issued server command: /rtp [20:40:01] Phoenix221 issued server command: /warp list [20:40:02] Bukycbka issued server command: /warp list [20:40:08] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /home [20:40:10] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /we cui [20:40:12] Heia issued server command: /home [20:40:13] Heia issued server command: /we cui [20:40:19] Condesce issued server command: /thru [20:40:22] H00DRICH issued server command: /home [20:40:22] [L] AYLIEXEC: не нашёл [20:40:23] Bukycbka issued server command: /warp mining [20:40:24] Condesce issued server command: /thru [20:40:26] Bukycbka issued server command: /we cui [20:40:31] Bukycbka issued server command: /randomtp [20:40:31] Bukycbka issued server command: /rtp [20:40:31] Heia issued server command: /tpa MrDimonsterR [20:40:34] MrDimonsterR issued server command: /tpaccept [20:40:35] Heia issued server command: /we cui [20:40:36] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /we cui [20:40:51] Condesce issued server command: /m AYLIEXEC он добывается с хобгоблинов и взаимодействия с ними [20:40:54] [G] Mass1ime: !Опять ивенты зиваю [20:40:56] Condesce issued server command: /r а это тнкеровский [20:41:04] [L] AYLIEXEC: а [20:41:07] [L] AYLIEXEC: ёмаё [20:41:08] Condesce issued server command: /r б [20:41:09] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /home [20:41:10] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /we cui [20:41:12] Heia issued server command: /home [20:41:13] Heia issued server command: /we cui [20:41:15] Phoenix221 issued server command: /kit start [20:41:22] [G] Ktulhu43: !как зфряжать палочку? [20:41:25] [L] AYLIEXEC: а их где искать [20:41:31] Heia issued server command: /tpa MrDimonsterR [20:41:33] [G] Mass1ime: !Мобы и узлы ауры [20:41:36] [G] Condesce: !бегать по миру и заряжать от узлов, убивать мобов [20:41:50] [L] AYLIEXEC: а где их искать то [20:41:53] Heia issued server command: /tpa MrDimonsterR [20:41:55] [L] Condesce: нуу [20:42:03] [L] Condesce: легче сделать другую кирку [20:42:06] [L] Condesce: эдема [20:42:08] [L] AYLIEXEC: какую [20:42:17] [L] AYLIEXEC: Так а её тоже можно зачаровать? [20:42:21] [L] Condesce: + [20:42:34] mi1nttt вышел [20:42:34] Heia issued server command: /tpa MrDimonsterR [20:42:37] [L] AYLIEXEC: да там блин она из каждой предыдущей делается [20:42:42] MrDimonsterR умер (ENTITY_ATTACK) [20:42:47] MrDimonsterR issued server command: /we cui [20:42:48] H00DRICH issued server command: /randomtp [20:42:48] H00DRICH issued server command: /rtp [20:42:49] [L] Condesce: нет [20:42:50] Heia issued server command: /warp forest [20:42:51] [L] Condesce: эдем [20:42:51] Heia issued server command: /we cui [20:42:54] Heia issued server command: /we cui [20:43:11] [L] AYLIEXEC: лан пошли искать [20:43:12] Bukycbka issued server command: /money [20:43:24] H00DRICH issued server command: /randomtp [20:43:24] H00DRICH issued server command: /rtp [20:43:26] Condesce issued server command: /thru [20:43:30] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /we cui [20:43:33] Bukycbka issued server command: /rt0p [20:43:34] Bukycbka issued server command: /randomtp [20:43:34] Bukycbka issued server command: /rtp [20:43:39] Condesce issued server command: /thru [20:43:42] Condesce issued server command: /thru [20:43:42] Condesce issued server command: /thru [20:43:42] Bukycbka issued server command: /home [20:43:42] Condesce issued server command: /thru [20:43:44] Bukycbka issued server command: /we cui [20:44:06] MrDimonsterR issued server command: /tpa Heia [20:44:08] Heia issued server command: /tpaccept [20:44:09] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /m Condesce ну ты где [20:44:11] MrDimonsterR issued server command: /we cui [20:44:15] Condesce issued server command: /tp AYLIEXEC [20:44:18] Condesce issued server command: /we cui [20:44:22] [G] Heia: !админи можна тп на точку смерти? [20:44:23] [L] Condesce: тут [20:44:27] [L] AYLIEXEC: отлично [20:44:35] [G] Condesce: !Ну, да [20:44:46] [G] Mass1ime: !Лол [20:44:50] [L] AYLIEXEC: у кого-то помимо валеры от этих котов лагает тоже [20:44:59] [L] Condesce: жесть [20:45:07] [L] Condesce: добывай руду [20:45:09] [L] AYLIEXEC: у меня не лагает [20:45:14] [L] AYLIEXEC: там можно из душ делать [20:45:18] [G] Mass1ime: !если его тепнут, то моя логика сломается [20:45:18] [L] AYLIEXEC: нет разве? [20:45:27] [G] Condesce: !Я лишь скзаала что могу [20:45:41] Heia issued server command: /m Condesce сейчас дам корди [20:45:42] [G] Mass1ime: !Я тоже сказал [20:45:44] [G] Mass1ime: !xD [20:45:50] Mass1ime issued server command: /randomtp [20:45:50] Mass1ime issued server command: /rtp [20:45:50] Heia issued server command: /m Condesce ток ето сумеречний [20:45:57] Condesce issued server command: /spawn [20:45:59] Condesce issued server command: /we cui [20:46:10] Condesce issued server command: /we cui [20:46:11] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /we cui [20:46:18] Mass1ime issued server command: /randomtp [20:46:18] Mass1ime issued server command: /rtp [20:46:21] Zero09 issued server command: /home [20:46:23] Condesce issued server command: /pickup [20:46:24] Heia issued server command: /m Condesce x-3601 z-1496 y-22 [20:46:27] [G] Mass1ime: !да что за напасть [20:46:28] mi1nttt зашёл [20:46:29] Phoenix221 issued server command: /randomtp [20:46:29] Phoenix221 issued server command: /rtp [20:46:29] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /home [20:46:32] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /we cui [20:46:34] [G] Mass1ime: !Как в пустыне, так сачков нет [20:46:35] Zero09 issued server command: /home [20:46:37] Heia issued server command: /tpa Condesce [20:46:38] mi1nttt issued server command: /we cui [20:46:46] Mautil зашёл [20:46:48] Ktulhu43 убил mi1nttt (THAUMCRAFT_WANDCASTING) [20:46:49] Mautil issued server command: /we cui [20:46:50] Condesce issued server command: /tppos 3601 22 1496 [20:46:51] mi1nttt issued server command: /we cui [20:46:56] Condesce issued server command: /s Heia [20:46:58] Condesce issued server command: /thru [20:47:01] Condesce issued server command: /thru [20:47:03] Condesce issued server command: /thru [20:47:06] [L] Heia: спс огромное [20:47:07] Phoenix221 issued server command: /randomtp [20:47:07] Phoenix221 issued server command: /rtp [20:47:08] Ktulhu43 убил mi1nttt (THAUMCRAFT_WANDCASTING) [20:47:09] [L] Condesce: euecm [20:47:10] [L] Condesce: угусь [20:47:11] mi1nttt issued server command: /we cui [20:47:13] MrDimonsterR issued server command: /tpa Heia [20:47:15] Heia issued server command: /tpaccept [20:47:18] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /m Condesce ты где потерялась [20:47:27] Condesce issued server command: /tp AYLIEXEC [20:47:29] Condesce issued server command: /we cui [20:47:53] Phoenix221 issued server command: /home [20:47:59] MrDimonsterR issued server command: /home [20:48:01] MrDimonsterR issued server command: /we cui [20:48:07] Mautil issued server command: /randomtp [20:48:07] Mautil issued server command: /rtp [20:48:30] mi1nttt вышел [20:48:41] [L] AYLIEXEC: у меня 26 фрагментов [20:48:43] Bukycbka issued server command: /warp list [20:48:48] Mautil issued server command: /randomtp [20:48:48] Mautil issued server command: /rtp [20:48:54] Bukycbka issued server command: /warp casin [20:48:55] Bukycbka issued server command: /we cui [20:49:28] Phoenix221 issued server command: /tpa Heia [20:49:29] Heia issued server command: /tpaccept [20:49:33] Phoenix221 issued server command: /we cui [20:49:35] Mautil issued server command: /randomtp [20:49:35] Mautil issued server command: /rtp [20:49:36] Mass1ime issued server command: /home [20:49:54] Mautil issued server command: /home [20:49:59] [L] AYLIEXEC: чё тут земля какая плотная [20:50:52] Phoenix221 issued server command: /home [20:50:54] Phoenix221 issued server command: /we cui [20:51:06] Bukycbka issued server command: /warp world [20:51:08] Bukycbka issued server command: /we cui [20:51:12] Bukycbka issued server command: /randomtp [20:51:12] Bukycbka issued server command: /rtp [20:51:23] [L] AYLIEXEC: 1 крисстал есть [20:51:27] [L] Condesce: ура [20:51:31] Bukycbka issued server command: /randomtp [20:51:31] Bukycbka issued server command: /rtp [20:51:34] Bukycbka issued server command: /warp shop [20:51:35] Bukycbka issued server command: /we cui [20:52:50] [L] xx_VR_xxx: ДАААААААААААААААААААААААААААААААААААААААаа [20:52:54] [L] xx_VR_xxx: СЮДААААААААААААААААААААААААААААААААААААА [20:53:02] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /home [20:53:02] Condesce issued server command: /m xx_VR_xxx что у тебя там?? [20:53:18] [G] Ktulhu43: !кому-то нужна палочка? [20:53:19] Bukycbka issued server command: /randomtp [20:53:19] Bukycbka issued server command: /rtp [20:53:25] Bukycbka issued server command: /home [20:53:26] [L] xx_VR_xxx: идем за мной [20:53:27] Bukycbka issued server command: /we cui [20:53:30] Bukycbka issued server command: /randomtp [20:53:30] Bukycbka issued server command: /rtp [20:53:34] [G] Condesce: !бесплатно нельзя раздавать, сразу говорю [20:53:45] [L] AYLIEXEC: я об этом же подумал [20:53:47] [G] Bukycbka: !Продайте золото [20:53:47] [L] xx_VR_xxx: зырь один клик [20:53:50] [G] Ktulhu43: !a продать за малую цену [20:53:58] [G] Mass1ime: !Только землю булыгу иещё что то [20:53:58] [L] Mautil: имба [20:54:03] [G] Condesce: !Минимальная цена строится из затраченных материалов [20:54:03] [L] Mautil: скок лп жрет [20:54:07] [L] xx_VR_xxx: 10к 1 клик [20:54:12] [L] xx_VR_xxx: в будущем будет по мелочи [20:54:12] [G] Ktulhu43: !я ее выбил [20:54:18] [L] Mautil: крутой [20:54:23] [G] Mass1ime: !И что? [20:54:23] Condesce issued server command: /oi KitKas [20:54:25] Mautil issued server command: /home [20:54:27] Condesce issued server command: /oi Ktulhu43 [20:54:32] [G] Bukycbka: !Куплю золото [20:54:37] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /home [20:54:41] Phoenix221 issued server command: /warp mining [20:54:43] [G] Condesce: !там минимальная цена указана [20:54:44] Phoenix221 issued server command: /we cui [20:54:48] KitKas issued server command: /home [20:54:48] H00DRICH issued server command: /randomtp [20:54:48] H00DRICH issued server command: /rtp [20:54:55] Phoenix221 issued server command: /randomtp [20:54:55] Phoenix221 issued server command: /rtp [20:55:03] [G] Condesce: ! Bukycbka, купле-продажа раз в 5 минут [20:55:12] [G] xx_VR_xxx: ! Condesce извиняюсь просто спустя 1 год вижу этот предмет рабочий а не нерфнутый в хлам) [20:55:20] [L] AYLIEXEC: ты сейчас то пойдёшь дисс? [20:55:21] [G] Condesce: !хахаах, что за предмет? [20:55:28] [L] Condesce: я ща отойду [20:55:30] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /msg Condesce связанная кирка [20:55:33] [L] AYLIEXEC: ладно [20:55:37] Condesce issued server command: /r да, она не тронута) [20:55:52] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /r я думал она будет урезана,и неактивироваться [20:55:55] Bukycbka issued server command: /randomtp [20:55:55] Bukycbka issued server command: /rtp [20:56:02] Condesce issued server command: /r она лишь чуть пофикшена [20:56:16] Bukycbka issued server command: /randomtp [20:56:16] Bukycbka issued server command: /rtp [20:56:17] [G] Ktulhu43: !всем удачи [20:56:23] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /r ну это да.но работает и это круто [20:56:28] Bukycbka issued server command: /randomtp [20:56:28] Bukycbka issued server command: /rtp [20:56:31] Ktulhu43 вышел [20:56:46] [L] xx_VR_xxx: я теперь чувствую себя повелителем мира [20:57:19] Jabuti issued server command: /home [20:57:21] Jabuti issued server command: /we cui [20:57:24] Mautil issued server command: /randomtp [20:57:24] Mautil issued server command: /rtp [20:57:27] [L] Condesce: умница)) [20:57:27] Jabuti issued server command: /warp quest [20:57:29] Jabuti issued server command: /we cui [20:57:34] [L] AYLIEXEC: ща ещё валере нада [20:57:34] MrDimonsterR issued server command: /tpa Heia [20:57:35] Mautil issued server command: /randomtp [20:57:35] Mautil issued server command: /rtp [20:57:40] Heia issued server command: /tpaccept [20:57:40] [G] Bukycbka: !Куплю золотые слитки [20:57:42] MrDimonsterR issued server command: /we cui [20:57:46] [G] xx_VR_xxx: ! сколкьо? [20:57:58] [G] Bukycbka: !Мне пару штук надо [20:58:01] [G] Condesce: ! Bukycbka, я предупреждала о купле-продаже [20:58:06] MrDimonsterR issued server command: /home [20:58:08] MrDimonsterR issued server command: /we cui [20:58:08] [G] Bukycbka: !Прошло [20:58:15] [G] Condesce: !2 минуты, не 5 [20:58:22] [G] Bukycbka: !Я не засекал [20:58:31] [G] Condesce: !Это можно включить [20:58:32] [G] Mass1ime: !Мм [20:58:32] [G] xx_VR_xxx: ! Bukycbka за что купишь? [20:58:38] [G] Bukycbka: !предлогай [20:58:38] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /playtime [20:58:51] [G] Bukycbka: !За железо [20:58:57] Bukycbka issued server command: /home [20:58:59] [G] xx_VR_xxx: ! Давай лучше за дерево [20:59:03] [G] Condesce: !обмен должен быть равноценным, сразу говорю [20:59:13] Bukycbka issued server command: /kit start [20:59:14] [G] xx_VR_xxx: ! менят теперь ванильные не интересуют по типу железа алмазов0 [20:59:18] Condesce issued server command: /tp AYLIEXEC [20:59:39] [G] xx_VR_xxx: ! или давай за Эмы [20:59:40] Mautil issued server command: /randomtp [20:59:40] Mautil issued server command: /rtp [20:59:40] [L] AYLIEXEC: а на квестах много дают денег? [20:59:42] [G] Bukycbka: !У меня 62 дуба есть [20:59:44] [L] Condesce: +- [20:59:45] [G] Bukycbka: !Эиов нет [20:59:56] [G] xx_VR_xxx: ! там же за час или скок там 3 эма дают [21:00:04] KitKas issued server command: /money [21:00:06] [G] Mass1ime: !пол часа [21:00:07] [G] Bukycbka: !в казино проиграл [21:00:15] [G] xx_VR_xxx: ! Грустна [21:00:20] [L] AYLIEXEC: нас тут троя уже точно не пойдёшь? [21:00:21] [G] xx_VR_xxx: ! а скок ты собираешься купить вообще? [21:00:21] [L] Condesce: Я отойду [21:00:23] Mautil issued server command: /home [21:00:24] Condesce вышел [21:00:25] [L] AYLIEXEC: ладно [21:00:29] Jabuti issued server command: /home [21:00:30] [G] Bukycbka: !Мне штук 30 [21:00:31] Jabuti issued server command: /we cui [21:00:32] Jabuti issued server command: /money [21:00:42] [G] Bukycbka: !Сколько дерева должно быть? [21:00:45] MrDimonsterR issued server command: /home [21:00:54] [G] xx_VR_xxx: ! так курс минимальный 0.3 получается 9 эмов,щас конвертирую в дуб [21:00:56] Jabuti issued server command: /randomtp [21:00:56] Jabuti issued server command: /rtp [21:01:08] [G] xx_VR_xxx: ! а, у дуба нет минимальки ых [21:01:22] [G] Bukycbka: !Модер [21:01:23] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /kit eat [21:01:26] [G] Bukycbka: !подскажи [21:01:32] [G] Bukycbka: !Что делать? [21:01:32] [G] xx_VR_xxx: ! давай за 45 железа [21:01:37] [G] xx_VR_xxx: ! получится равноценно [21:01:42] Jabuti issued server command: /randomtp [21:01:42] Jabuti issued server command: /rtp [21:01:43] [G] Bukycbka: !Слитки?\ [21:01:44] [G] Mass1ime: !палка 4 [21:01:48] [G] Mass1ime: !Делай вывод [21:02:01] [G] Mass1ime: !Лучше иногда модераторов не доставать [21:02:10] [G] Bukycbka: !Давай [21:02:13] [G] xx_VR_xxx: ! Ну слитки [21:02:15] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /trade [21:02:18] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /trade Bukycbka [21:02:22] [G] Bukycbka: !Две минуты [21:02:32] [G] xx_VR_xxx: ! Otkat трейда? [21:02:37] [G] Mass1ime: !Хотя что я несу [21:02:45] [G] Bukycbka: !Что за откат? [21:02:52] [G] xx_VR_xxx: ! ну я просто трейд кинул и ты пишешь две минуты [21:02:58] [G] xx_VR_xxx: ! думал откат трейда [21:03:02] Jabuti issued server command: /randomtp [21:03:02] Jabuti issued server command: /rtp [21:03:14] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /calc [21:03:15] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /calc [21:03:17] [G] Bukycbka: !Я доплавлю [21:03:17] KitKas issued server command: /kit eat [21:03:17] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /calc 2 2 [21:03:21] [G] Bukycbka: !И кину [21:03:21] H00DRICH issued server command: /M Bukycbka спустись к бедроку и добудь креонитовую руду [21:03:22] [G] xx_VR_xxx: ! а,окей [21:03:37] H00DRICH issued server command: /M Bukycbka переплавь в кристалы и из них золото [21:03:47] Bukycbka issued server command: /r H00d Спасибо [21:03:50] H00DRICH issued server command: /m Bukycbka сделаешь [21:04:13] MrDimonsterR вышел [21:04:36] Jabuti issued server command: /randomtp [21:04:36] Jabuti issued server command: /rtp [21:04:52] Phoenix221 issued server command: /home [21:04:54] Phoenix221 issued server command: /we cui [21:05:05] Phoenix221 вышел [21:05:06] Mautil issued server command: /we cui [21:05:13] Bukycbka issued server command: /trade accept [21:05:17] Bukycbka issued server command: /trade xx [21:05:34] Bukycbka issued server command: /trade VR [21:05:42] Bukycbka issued server command: /trade хх [21:05:57] [G] Bukycbka: !кидай [21:06:00] Jabuti issued server command: /home [21:06:04] Heia вышел [21:06:29] Mautil issued server command: /home [21:06:30] Mautil issued server command: /we cui [21:06:34] Zero09 issued server command: /home [21:07:18] Zero09 issued server command: /home [21:07:40] [G] Bukycbka: !xx Кидай трейд [21:08:08] Mass1ime issued server command: /randomtp [21:08:08] Mass1ime issued server command: /rtp [21:08:19] Mass1ime issued server command: /randomtp [21:08:19] Mass1ime issued server command: /rtp [21:08:36] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /home [21:08:38] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /we cui [21:08:41] Mass1ime issued server command: /randomtp [21:08:41] Mass1ime issued server command: /rtp [21:09:03] Mass1ime issued server command: /randomtp [21:09:03] Mass1ime issued server command: /rtp [21:09:06] Mass1ime issued server command: /randomtp [21:09:06] Mass1ime issued server command: /rtp [21:09:13] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /trade Bukycbka [21:09:25] Bukycbka issued server command: /trade accept [21:09:28] KitKas issued server command: /playtime [21:09:29] [G] xx_VR_xxx: ! кинул [21:09:39] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /playtime [21:09:48] KitKas issued server command: /playtimetop [21:09:54] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /trade Bukycbka [21:09:57] KitKas issued server command: /playtimetop clear [21:10:27] Zero09 issued server command: /home [21:10:32] Mass1ime issued server command: /home [21:11:02] KitKas issued server command: //chunk [21:11:02] KitKas issued server command: //outset 16 [21:11:02] KitKas issued server command: /zone [21:11:08] Mass1ime issued server command: /randomtp [21:11:08] Mass1ime issued server command: /rtp [21:11:17] KitKas issued server command: //sel [21:11:19] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /we cui [21:11:23] KitKas issued server command: //chunk [21:11:23] KitKas issued server command: //outset 16 [21:11:23] KitKas issued server command: /zone [21:11:30] Zero09 issued server command: /home [21:11:32] KitKas issued server command: //sel [21:11:34] Bukycbka issued server command: /trade accept [21:11:39] KitKas issued server command: /money [21:11:39] [G] Bukycbka: !Ну [21:11:42] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /trade Bukycbka [21:11:46] Bukycbka issued server command: /trade accept [21:11:47] Bukycbka issued server command: /trade accept [21:11:50] Zero09 issued server command: /home [21:11:50] Bukycbka issued server command: /trade accept [21:11:54] [G] xx_VR_xxx: ! я то кидаю [21:11:59] Bukycbka issued server command: /trade accept [21:12:04] [G] Bukycbka: !Этот игрок занят [21:12:08] Jabuti issued server command: /warp quest [21:12:10] Jabuti issued server command: /we cui [21:12:10] Bukycbka issued server command: /trade accept [21:12:11] Bukycbka issued server command: /trade accept [21:12:16] [G] xx_VR_xxx: ! крч походу трейд обкурился,тепайся давай так [21:12:24] Bukycbka issued server command: /tpa xx_VR_xxx [21:12:28] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /tpyes [21:13:31] Mass1ime issued server command: /randomtp [21:13:31] Mass1ime issued server command: /rtp [21:13:44] Zero09 issued server command: /kit eat [21:13:54] [L] xx_VR_xxx: он изучает все норм [21:13:57] Mass1ime issued server command: /randomtp [21:13:57] Mass1ime issued server command: /rtp [21:14:06] [L] xx_VR_xxx: как тот челик не убьет хахах [21:14:14] Mass1ime issued server command: /randomtp [21:14:14] Mass1ime issued server command: /rtp [21:14:15] Jabuti issued server command: /money [21:14:18] Mass1ime issued server command: /randomtp [21:14:18] Mass1ime issued server command: /rtp [21:14:19] Avakad зашёл [21:14:20] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /home [21:14:21] Mass1ime issued server command: /randomtp [21:14:21] Mass1ime issued server command: /rtp [21:14:21] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /we cui [21:14:22] Mass1ime issued server command: /randomtp [21:14:22] Mass1ime issued server command: /rtp [21:14:39] Avakad issued server command: /we cui [21:14:49] Mass1ime issued server command: /randomtp [21:14:49] Mass1ime issued server command: /rtp [21:15:02] Bukycbka issued server command: /homwe [21:15:02] [L] Bukycbka: .рщьцу [21:15:04] [G] xx_VR_xxx: ! кто то чарит на сомате? [21:15:07] Bukycbka issued server command: /home [21:15:07] [L] Bukycbka: .рщьу [21:15:26] [L] xx_VR_xxx: Ультима жду осмат [21:15:35] [L] Mautil: авхах [21:15:45] Jabuti вышел [21:15:52] Jabuti зашёл [21:15:55] Jabuti issued server command: /we cui [21:16:06] [L] Mautil: просьба [21:16:11] Mass1ime issued server command: /randomtp [21:16:11] Mass1ime issued server command: /rtp [21:16:18] [L] xx_VR_xxx: Ультима хочешь рофл? [21:16:20] [L] Mautil: добудь светокамня стака 2, у тя полет как никак [21:16:30] [L] xx_VR_xxx: базе ден [21:16:40] [L] xx_VR_xxx: а точне 14 часов ей [21:16:47] [L] Mautil: авахвха [21:16:55] [L] xx_VR_xxx: и это я еще никуда не тороплюсь [21:17:00] [L] Mautil: добудь светокамня стака 2, у тя полет как никак [21:17:02] [L] xx_VR_xxx: оке [21:17:05] [L] xx_VR_xxx: а с тебя осмат [21:17:26] Jabuti issued server command: /money [21:17:31] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /we cui [21:17:49] Bukycbka issued server command: /randomtp [21:17:49] Bukycbka issued server command: /rtp [21:18:31] KitKas issued server command: /randomtp [21:18:31] KitKas issued server command: /rtp [21:19:03] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /home [21:19:17] Mass1ime issued server command: /randomtp [21:19:17] Mass1ime issued server command: /rtp [21:19:32] H00DRICH issued server command: /home [21:19:43] KitKas issued server command: /home [21:19:51] Mass1ime issued server command: /randomtp [21:19:51] Mass1ime issued server command: /rtp [21:19:55] Avakad issued server command: /home [21:20:06] Avakad issued server command: /kit start [21:20:10] Jabuti issued server command: /warp quest [21:20:22] Mass1ime issued server command: /randomtp [21:20:22] Mass1ime issued server command: /rtp [21:20:37] H00DRICH issued server command: /home [21:20:43] H00DRICH issued server command: /kit eat [21:20:47] Zero09 issued server command: /home [21:20:56] Avakad issued server command: /kit eat [21:20:58] Bukycbka issued server command: /randomtp [21:20:58] Bukycbka issued server command: /rtp [21:21:06] Bukycbka issued server command: /randomtp [21:21:06] Bukycbka issued server command: /rtp [21:21:30] Mass1ime issued server command: /randomtp [21:21:30] Mass1ime issued server command: /rtp [21:21:43] Mass1ime issued server command: /randomtp [21:21:43] Mass1ime issued server command: /rtp [21:22:04] Mass1ime issued server command: /randomtp [21:22:04] Mass1ime issued server command: /rtp [21:22:17] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /kit eat [21:22:20] Mass1ime issued server command: /randomtp [21:22:20] Mass1ime issued server command: /rtp [21:22:27] MiyaGiUsbHub зашёл [21:22:32] Bukycbka issued server command: /randomtp [21:22:32] Bukycbka issued server command: /rtp [21:22:39] Mass1ime issued server command: /randomtp [21:22:39] Mass1ime issued server command: /rtp [21:22:51] MiyaGiUsbHub issued server command: /we cui [21:22:56] Zero09 убил H00DRICH (DIVINERPG_NIGHTMARESWORD) [21:22:57] Mass1ime issued server command: /randomtp [21:22:57] Mass1ime issued server command: /rtp [21:22:59] H00DRICH issued server command: /we cui [21:23:07] Mass1ime issued server command: /randomtp [21:23:07] Mass1ime issued server command: /rtp [21:23:10] Bukycbka issued server command: /randomtp [21:23:10] Bukycbka issued server command: /rtp [21:23:42] Bukycbka issued server command: /randomtp [21:23:42] Bukycbka issued server command: /rtp [21:24:02] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /buyflag [21:24:05] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /buyflag list [21:24:15] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /rg info [21:24:23] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /home [21:24:26] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /we cui [21:24:30] Jabuti issued server command: /money [21:24:35] KitKas issued server command: /randomtp [21:24:35] KitKas issued server command: /rtp [21:25:13] MiyaGiUsbHub issued server command: /tp call AYLIEXEC [21:25:25] Jabuti issued server command: /home [21:25:26] MiyaGiUsbHub issued server command: /ward world [21:25:27] Jabuti issued server command: /we cui [21:25:28] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /home [21:25:28] [L] Mautil: имба спс [21:25:30] KitKas issued server command: /home [21:25:38] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /m MiyaGiUsbHub /warp world [21:25:43] [L] xx_VR_xxx: у меня теперь желание сделать связку хд [21:25:44] MiyaGiUsbHub issued server command: /warp world [21:25:45] MiyaGiUsbHub issued server command: /we cui [21:25:52] H00DRICH issued server command: /randomtp [21:25:52] H00DRICH issued server command: /rtp [21:26:01] MiyaGiUsbHub issued server command: /tp call AYLIEXEC [21:26:13] MiyaGiUsbHub issued server command: /call AYLIEXEC [21:26:14] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /tpaccept [21:26:22] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /rg addmember pep MiyaGiUsbHub [21:26:23] H00DRICH issued server command: /randomtp [21:26:23] H00DRICH issued server command: /rtp [21:26:40] MiyaGiUsbHub issued server command: /call AYLIEXEC [21:26:41] Bukycbka issued server command: /randomtp [21:26:41] Bukycbka issued server command: /rtp [21:26:43] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /tpaccept [21:26:43] Avakad issued server command: /randomtp [21:26:43] Avakad issued server command: /rtp [21:26:49] MiyaGiUsbHub issued server command: /sethome [21:26:49] Jabuti issued server command: /sethome [21:26:49] [L] Jabuti: .sethome [21:26:52] H00DRICH issued server command: /randomtp [21:26:52] H00DRICH issued server command: /rtp [21:27:14] Jabuti issued server command: /we cui [21:27:15] MiyaGiUsbHub issued server command: /we cui [21:27:16] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /we cui [21:27:22] H00DRICH issued server command: /randomtp [21:27:22] H00DRICH issued server command: /rtp [21:27:36] Mass1ime issued server command: /randomtp [21:27:36] Mass1ime issued server command: /rtp [21:27:45] Avakad вышел [21:27:49] H00DRICH issued server command: /randomtp [21:27:49] H00DRICH issued server command: /rtp [21:28:09] Bukycbka issued server command: /randomtp [21:28:09] Bukycbka issued server command: /rtp [21:28:13] H00DRICH issued server command: /randomtp [21:28:13] H00DRICH issued server command: /rtp [21:28:15] H00DRICH issued server command: /randomtp [21:28:15] H00DRICH issued server command: /rtp [21:28:23] Mass1ime issued server command: /randomtp [21:28:23] Mass1ime issued server command: /rtp [21:28:39] Bukycbka issued server command: /randomtp [21:28:39] Bukycbka issued server command: /rtp [21:28:44] Mass1ime issued server command: /randomtp [21:28:44] Mass1ime issued server command: /rtp [21:28:48] Mass1ime issued server command: /randomtp [21:28:48] Mass1ime issued server command: /rtp [21:28:49] H00DRICH issued server command: /randomtp [21:28:49] H00DRICH issued server command: /rtp [21:28:49] Mass1ime issued server command: /randomtp [21:28:49] Mass1ime issued server command: /rtp [21:29:01] Jabuti issued server command: /home [21:29:03] Jabuti issued server command: /we cui [21:29:07] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /home [21:29:07] Mautil issued server command: //sel [21:29:08] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /we cui [21:29:08] MiyaGiUsbHub issued server command: /home [21:29:09] MiyaGiUsbHub issued server command: /we cui [21:29:11] H00DRICH issued server command: /randomtp [21:29:11] H00DRICH issued server command: /rtp [21:29:13] H00DRICH issued server command: /randomtp [21:29:13] H00DRICH issued server command: /rtp [21:29:15] Mass1ime issued server command: /randomtp [21:29:15] Mass1ime issued server command: /rtp [21:29:15] H00DRICH issued server command: /randomtp [21:29:15] H00DRICH issued server command: /rtp [21:29:25] [L] xx_VR_xxx: тут шар армока есть [21:29:27] Cro_SS_O зашёл [21:29:34] Cro_SS_O issued server command: /we cui [21:29:34] [L] Mautil: я тебе на ав выдам авхахвах [21:29:43] [L] xx_VR_xxx: ты крафт его видел тут? [21:29:45] [L] xx_VR_xxx: чек дс [21:30:11] [L] xx_VR_xxx: подожги [21:30:22] [L] xx_VR_xxx: воду теперь [21:31:42] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /we cui [21:31:42] MiyaGiUsbHub issued server command: /we cui [21:32:46] Bukycbka issued server command: /home [21:33:08] H00DRICH issued server command: /home [21:33:10] KitKas вышел [21:33:13] H00DRICH issued server command: /randomtp [21:33:13] H00DRICH issued server command: /rtp [21:33:17] Mass1ime issued server command: /home [21:33:22] Bukycbka issued server command: /randomtp [21:33:22] Bukycbka issued server command: /rtp [21:33:33] Cro_SS_O issued server command: /money [21:33:33] MiyaGiUsbHub issued server command: /kit eat [21:33:45] Zero09 issued server command: /home [21:33:51] H00DRICH issued server command: /randomtp [21:33:51] H00DRICH issued server command: /rtp [21:34:05] Bukycbka issued server command: /randomtp [21:34:05] Bukycbka issued server command: /rtp [21:34:06] Zero09 issued server command: /home [21:34:17] [L] xx_VR_xxx: так [21:34:20] [L] xx_VR_xxx: я щас растелюсь [21:34:35] Jabuti issued server command: /playtime [21:34:37] Jabuti issued server command: /playtimetop [21:34:46] Jabuti issued server command: /playtimetop clear [21:34:56] H00DRICH issued server command: /home [21:35:05] [L] Mass1ime: п [21:35:21] Jabuti issued server command: /warp quest [21:35:23] Jabuti issued server command: /we cui [21:35:55] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /home [21:35:56] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /we cui [21:35:59] MiyaGiUsbHub issued server command: /home [21:36:00] H00DRICH issued server command: /randomtp [21:36:00] H00DRICH issued server command: /rtp [21:36:01] MiyaGiUsbHub issued server command: /we cui [21:36:06] Mautil issued server command: /randomtp [21:36:06] Mautil issued server command: /rtp [21:36:30] Jabuti issued server command: /money [21:36:43] Mautil issued server command: /randomtp [21:36:43] Mautil issued server command: /rtp [21:36:53] Cro_SS_O issued server command: /kit eat [21:36:59] Jabuti issued server command: /home [21:37:01] Jabuti issued server command: /we cui [21:37:08] Mautil issued server command: /randomtp [21:37:08] Mautil issued server command: /rtp [21:37:09] Mass1ime issued server command: /home [21:37:10] Mautil issued server command: /randomtp [21:37:10] Mautil issued server command: /rtp [21:37:44] Mass1ime issued server command: /randomtp [21:37:44] Mass1ime issued server command: /rtp [21:38:05] Mass1ime issued server command: /randomtp [21:38:05] Mass1ime issued server command: /rtp [21:38:35] Mass1ime issued server command: /randomtp [21:38:35] Mass1ime issued server command: /rtp [21:38:38] Mautil issued server command: /home [21:38:41] Cro_SS_O issued server command: /kit start [21:38:45] Mass1ime issued server command: /randomtp [21:38:45] Mass1ime issued server command: /rtp [21:39:33] Bukycbka issued server command: /home [21:39:34] Mass1ime issued server command: /randomtp [21:39:34] Mass1ime issued server command: /rtp [21:39:50] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /msg Mautil свободен на дс? [21:40:04] [L] Mautil: не, сорри, я фильм смотрю))) [21:40:09] [L] xx_VR_xxx: аа [21:40:24] Mautil issued server command: /randomtp [21:40:24] Mautil issued server command: /rtp [21:40:32] Jabuti issued server command: /randomtp [21:40:32] Jabuti issued server command: /rtp [21:41:05] Mautil issued server command: /home [21:41:19] Mautil issued server command: /randomtp [21:41:19] Mautil issued server command: /rtp [21:41:52] Zero09 вышел [21:42:15] Mautil issued server command: /randomtp [21:42:15] Mautil issued server command: /rtp [21:42:23] Jabuti issued server command: /randomtp [21:42:23] Jabuti issued server command: /rtp [21:42:44] Mautil issued server command: /randomtp [21:42:44] Mautil issued server command: /rtp [21:42:53] spak4412 зашёл [21:42:56] Jabuti issued server command: /home [21:43:03] spak4412 issued server command: /we cui [21:43:12] Allgiri зашёл [21:43:15] Mautil issued server command: /randomtp [21:43:15] Mautil issued server command: /rtp [21:43:26] Allgiri issued server command: /we cui [21:43:34] Mautil issued server command: /randomtp [21:43:34] Mautil issued server command: /rtp [21:43:40] Mautil issued server command: /randomtp [21:43:40] Mautil issued server command: /rtp [21:43:41] Mautil issued server command: /randomtp [21:43:41] Mautil issued server command: /rtp [21:43:57] Zero09 зашёл [21:43:59] Allgiri issued server command: / [21:44:02] Allgiri issued server command: /kits [21:44:05] Allgiri issued server command: /kit top [21:44:06] Zero09 issued server command: /we cui [21:44:12] Allgiri issued server command: /randomtp [21:44:12] Allgiri issued server command: /rtp [21:44:18] Ript1de зашёл [21:44:20] spak4412 issued server command: /randomtp [21:44:20] spak4412 issued server command: /rtp [21:44:21] Mautil issued server command: /randomtp [21:44:21] Mautil issued server command: /rtp [21:44:36] Ript1de issued server command: /we cui [21:44:48] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /home [21:45:04] spak4412 issued server command: /tpa Allgiri [21:45:06] Mautil issued server command: /randomtp [21:45:06] Mautil issued server command: /rtp [21:45:06] Allgiri issued server command: /randomtp [21:45:06] Allgiri issued server command: /rtp [21:45:16] Ript1de issued server command: /tpa Allgiri [21:45:25] Allgiri issued server command: /warp world [21:45:26] spak4412 issued server command: /tpa Allgiri [21:45:26] Allgiri issued server command: /we cui [21:45:35] spak4412 issued server command: /randomtp [21:45:35] spak4412 issued server command: /rtp [21:45:37] Mautil issued server command: /randomtp [21:45:37] Mautil issued server command: /rtp [21:45:43] [L] Allgiri: как со спавна выйти [21:45:46] spak4412 issued server command: /kit eat [21:45:47] [L] Mass1ime: а пон [21:45:48] Allgiri issued server command: /home [21:45:49] Allgiri issued server command: /we cui [21:45:52] spak4412 issued server command: /warp world [21:45:53] spak4412 issued server command: /we cui [21:45:53] Mass1ime issued server command: /randomtp [21:45:53] Mass1ime issued server command: /rtp [21:45:58] spak4412 issued server command: /randomtp [21:45:58] spak4412 issued server command: /rtp [21:46:02] Mautil issued server command: /randomtp [21:46:02] Mautil issued server command: /rtp [21:46:04] Mautil issued server command: /randomtp [21:46:04] Mautil issued server command: /rtp [21:46:07] spak4412 issued server command: /tpa Allgiri [21:46:12] Allgiri issued server command: /randomtp [21:46:12] Allgiri issued server command: /rtp [21:46:19] Allgiri issued server command: /tpaccept [21:46:20] Mass1ime issued server command: /randomtp [21:46:20] Mass1ime issued server command: /rtp [21:46:29] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /home [21:46:32] [L] Allgiri: как выйти со спавна [21:46:35] Mass1ime issued server command: /randomtp [21:46:35] Mass1ime issued server command: /rtp [21:46:47] Mass1ime issued server command: /randomtp [21:46:47] Mass1ime issued server command: /rtp [21:47:01] Allgiri issued server command: /warp world [21:47:02] Allgiri issued server command: /we cui [21:47:03] Mass1ime issued server command: /home [21:47:05] Allgiri issued server command: /randomtp [21:47:05] Allgiri issued server command: /rtp [21:47:07] Jabuti issued server command: /call AYLIEXEC [21:47:08] Mautil issued server command: /randomtp [21:47:08] Mautil issued server command: /rtp [21:47:10] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /tpaccept [21:47:17] Ript1de issued server command: /warp world [21:47:19] Ript1de issued server command: /we cui [21:47:27] Ript1de issued server command: /randomtp [21:47:27] Ript1de issued server command: /rtp [21:47:54] Mautil issued server command: /randomtp [21:47:54] Mautil issued server command: /rtp [21:48:06] Mautil issued server command: /kit top [21:48:20] Mautil issued server command: /kit top [21:48:22] Mautil issued server command: /randomtp [21:48:22] Mautil issued server command: /rtp [21:48:43] Allgiri issued server command: /tpaccept [21:48:44] Mautil issued server command: /randomtp [21:48:44] Mautil issued server command: /rtp [21:48:47] Mautil issued server command: /randomtp [21:48:47] Mautil issued server command: /rtp [21:48:59] spak4412 issued server command: /tpa Allgiri [21:49:04] Zero09 issued server command: /home [21:49:16] Allgiri issued server command: /tpaccept [21:49:20] Mautil issued server command: /home [21:49:20] Jabuti issued server command: /call AYLIEXEC [21:49:23] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /tpaccept [21:49:32] spak4412 issued server command: /tpahere Ript1de [21:49:48] Ript1de issued server command: /tpa Allgiri [21:49:53] Allgiri issued server command: /tpaccept [21:50:12] Zero09 issued server command: /home [21:50:26] Ript1de issued server command: /kit eat [21:51:02] Mautil issued server command: /randomtp [21:51:02] Mautil issued server command: /rtp [21:51:20] Jabuti issued server command: /call AYLIEXEC [21:51:23] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /tpaccept [21:51:25] spak4412 issued server command: /randomtp [21:51:25] spak4412 issued server command: /rtp [21:52:01] spak4412 issued server command: /tpa Allgiri [21:52:02] Allgiri issued server command: /tpaccept [21:52:10] Mautil issued server command: /randomtp [21:52:10] Mautil issued server command: /rtp [21:52:26] Jabuti issued server command: /warp quest [21:52:28] Jabuti issued server command: /we cui [21:52:29] Mautil issued server command: /randomtp [21:52:29] Mautil issued server command: /rtp [21:52:49] Mautil issued server command: /randomtp [21:52:49] Mautil issued server command: /rtp [21:53:19] Zero09 issued server command: /home [21:53:26] Mautil issued server command: /randomtp [21:53:26] Mautil issued server command: /rtp [21:53:39] Avakad зашёл [21:53:42] Avakad issued server command: /we cui [21:54:12] Mautil issued server command: /randomtp [21:54:12] Mautil issued server command: /rtp [21:54:29] Cro_SS_O issued server command: /MONEY [21:54:51] Jabuti issued server command: /home [21:54:53] Jabuti issued server command: /we cui [21:54:54] Mautil issued server command: /randomtp [21:54:54] Mautil issued server command: /rtp [21:55:07] Jabuti issued server command: /call AYLIEXEC [21:55:12] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /tpaccept [21:55:12] Mautil issued server command: /randomtp [21:55:12] Mautil issued server command: /rtp [21:55:14] Mautil issued server command: /home [21:56:03] Ript1de issued server command: /tpa Allgiri [21:56:04] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /home [21:56:06] Jabuti issued server command: /home [21:56:36] Allgiri issued server command: /tpaccept [21:56:52] Avakad вышел [21:58:09] H00DRICH issued server command: /home [21:58:32] Allgiri issued server command: /randomtp [21:58:32] Allgiri issued server command: /rtp [21:58:50] Ript1de issued server command: /randomtp [21:58:50] Ript1de issued server command: /rtp [21:59:01] Jabuti issued server command: /warp quest [21:59:03] Jabuti issued server command: /we cui [21:59:07] Jabuti issued server command: /home [21:59:09] Jabuti issued server command: /we cui [21:59:19] Jabuti issued server command: /warp quest [21:59:21] Jabuti issued server command: /we cui [21:59:27] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /call MiyaGiUsbHub [21:59:29] Bukycbka issued server command: /randomtp [21:59:29] Bukycbka issued server command: /rtp [21:59:31] MiyaGiUsbHub issued server command: /tpaccept [21:59:42] Mass1ime вышел [21:59:53] Allgiri issued server command: /tpa r1pt1de [21:59:56] [L] Mautil: я отойжу [21:59:59] [L] xx_VR_xxx: оке [22:00:04] H00DRICH issued server command: /randomtp [22:00:04] H00DRICH issued server command: /rtp [22:00:11] Allgiri issued server command: /tpa ript1de [22:00:25] Ript1de issued server command: /tpaccept [22:00:31] spak4412 issued server command: /tpa Allgiri [22:00:42] Allgiri issued server command: /tpaccept [22:00:56] H00DRICH issued server command: /randomtp [22:00:56] H00DRICH issued server command: /rtp [22:01:16] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /home [22:02:01] H00DRICH issued server command: /home [22:02:26] Bukycbka вышел [22:02:50] H00DRICH issued server command: /home [22:03:11] H00DRICH issued server command: /home [22:03:57] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /kit eat [22:04:00] H00DRICH issued server command: /home [22:04:39] H00DRICH issued server command: /home [22:04:49] Bukycbka зашёл [22:04:53] Bukycbka issued server command: /we cui [22:04:58] Bukycbka issued server command: /home [22:04:58] [L] Bukycbka: .рщьу [22:05:40] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /call MiyaGiUsbHub [22:05:43] MiyaGiUsbHub issued server command: /tpaccept [22:06:00] Bukycbka вышел [22:06:05] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /home [22:06:46] MrDimonsterR зашёл [22:07:02] MrDimonsterR issued server command: /we cui [22:08:01] H00DRICH issued server command: //chunk [22:08:01] H00DRICH issued server command: //outset 16 [22:08:01] H00DRICH issued server command: /zone [22:08:11] H00DRICH issued server command: //sel [22:08:25] Phoenix221 зашёл [22:08:52] Phoenix221 issued server command: /we cui [22:09:28] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /money [22:09:30] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /mpcaseshop [22:09:32] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /mpcaseview 70 [22:09:33] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /buycase 70 [22:09:33] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /buycase 70 [22:09:33] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /buycase 70 [22:09:34] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /rollcase 70 [22:09:48] H00DRICH issued server command: /home [22:09:48] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /mpcaseview 70 [22:10:07] H00DRICH issued server command: /home [22:10:27] [L] Mautil: температура поднялась блэт [22:10:31] [L] xx_VR_xxx: ема.. [22:10:34] [L] Mautil: я до 00 посижу исе [22:11:24] MiyaGiUsbHub issued server command: /home [22:11:25] Bukycbka зашёл [22:11:41] Bukycbka issued server command: /we cui [22:11:54] Jabuti issued server command: /warp quest [22:12:01] Phoenix221 issued server command: /randomtp [22:12:01] Phoenix221 issued server command: /rtp [22:12:21] Phoenix221 issued server command: /home [22:12:25] Mautil issued server command: /randomtp [22:12:25] Mautil issued server command: /rtp [22:12:40] Scilla был кикнут [22:12:40] Scilla вышел [22:12:40] xx_VR_xxx был кикнут [22:12:40] xx_VR_xxx вышел [22:12:40] AYLIEXEC был кикнут [22:12:40] AYLIEXEC вышел [22:12:40] Mautil был кикнут [22:12:40] Mautil вышел [22:12:40] Jabuti был кикнут [22:12:40] Jabuti вышел [22:12:40] MiyaGiUsbHub был кикнут [22:12:40] MiyaGiUsbHub вышел [22:12:40] H00DRICH был кикнут [22:12:40] H00DRICH вышел [22:12:40] Cro_SS_O был кикнут [22:12:40] Cro_SS_O вышел [22:12:40] spak4412 был кикнут [22:12:40] spak4412 вышел [22:12:40] Allgiri был кикнут [22:12:40] Allgiri вышел [22:12:40] Zero09 был кикнут [22:12:40] Zero09 вышел [22:12:40] Ript1de был кикнут [22:12:40] Ript1de вышел [22:12:40] MrDimonsterR был кикнут [22:12:40] MrDimonsterR вышел [22:12:40] Phoenix221 был кикнут [22:12:40] Phoenix221 вышел [22:12:40] Bukycbka был кикнут [22:12:40] Bukycbka вышел [22:12:44] Сервер выключился [22:13:30] Сервер включился [22:13:46] Ript1de зашёл [22:13:48] Allgiri зашёл [22:13:48] Jabuti зашёл [22:13:50] Ript1de issued server command: /we cui [22:13:50] Allgiri issued server command: /we cui [22:13:51] spak4412 зашёл [22:13:51] Jabuti issued server command: /we cui [22:13:53] Cro_SS_O зашёл [22:13:53] spak4412 issued server command: /we cui [22:13:57] xx_VR_xxx зашёл [22:14:00] Cro_SS_O issued server command: /we cui [22:14:01] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /we cui [22:14:16] H00DRICH зашёл [22:14:18] H00DRICH issued server command: /we cui [22:14:27] Phoenix221 зашёл [22:14:31] Phoenix221 issued server command: /we cui [22:14:44] MrDimonsterR зашёл [22:14:47] MrDimonsterR issued server command: /we cui [22:15:02] MrDimonsterR issued server command: /tpaccept [22:15:25] Phoenix221 issued server command: /home [22:15:38] spak4412 issued server command: //chunk [22:15:38] spak4412 issued server command: //outset 16 [22:15:38] spak4412 issued server command: /zone [22:15:56] Phoenix221 issued server command: /home [22:16:02] Jabuti issued server command: /home [22:16:04] Jabuti issued server command: /we cui [22:16:24] MrDimonsterR issued server command: //chunk [22:16:24] MrDimonsterR issued server command: //outset 16 [22:16:24] MrDimonsterR issued server command: /zone [22:16:39] Jabuti issued server command: /we cui [22:16:56] Mautil зашёл [22:16:59] Mautil issued server command: /we cui [22:17:12] Mautil issued server command: /randomtp [22:17:12] Mautil issued server command: /rtp [22:17:45] Mautil issued server command: /randomtp [22:17:45] Mautil issued server command: /rtp [22:18:15] Avakad зашёл [22:18:18] Avakad issued server command: /we cui [22:18:28] AYLIEXEC зашёл [22:18:29] H00DRICH issued server command: /home [22:18:31] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /we cui [22:18:49] spak4412 issued server command: //chunk [22:18:49] spak4412 issued server command: //outset 16 [22:18:49] spak4412 issued server command: /zone [22:19:09] Avakad вышел [22:19:17] spak4412 issued server command: //chunk [22:19:17] spak4412 issued server command: //outset 16 [22:19:17] spak4412 issued server command: /zone [22:19:22] H00DRICH issued server command: /home [22:19:37] spak4412 issued server command: /buyflag [22:19:49] spak4412 issued server command: //chunk [22:19:49] spak4412 issued server command: //outset 16 [22:19:49] spak4412 issued server command: /zone [22:19:52] Mautil issued server command: /randomtp [22:19:52] Mautil issued server command: /rtp [22:20:10] Bukycbka зашёл [22:20:13] Bukycbka issued server command: /we cui [22:20:41] Allgiri был кикнут [22:20:41] Allgiri вышел [22:20:42] Allgiri зашёл [22:20:47] spak4412 issued server command: //sel [22:21:01] Allgiri был кикнут [22:21:01] Allgiri вышел [22:21:01] Allgiri зашёл [22:21:03] Allgiri issued server command: /we cui [22:21:14] spak4412 issued server command: //chunk [22:21:14] spak4412 issued server command: //outset 16 [22:21:14] spak4412 issued server command: /zone [22:21:17] Mautil issued server command: /randomtp [22:21:17] Mautil issued server command: /rtp [22:21:20] spak4412 issued server command: //chunk [22:21:20] spak4412 issued server command: //outset 16 [22:21:20] spak4412 issued server command: /zone [22:21:35] spak4412 issued server command: //chunk [22:21:35] spak4412 issued server command: //outset 16 [22:21:35] spak4412 issued server command: /zone [22:21:42] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /kit eat [22:21:56] Mautil issued server command: /randomtp [22:21:56] Mautil issued server command: /rtp [22:22:04] MiyaGiUsbHub зашёл [22:22:09] Phoenix221 issued server command: /tpa MrDimonsterR [22:22:10] MiyaGiUsbHub issued server command: /we cui [22:22:12] Jabuti issued server command: /home [22:22:12] MrDimonsterR issued server command: /tpaccept [22:22:14] Jabuti issued server command: /we cui [22:22:14] spak4412 issued server command: /home [22:22:15] Jabuti issued server command: /warp quest [22:22:16] spak4412 issued server command: /we cui [22:22:17] Jabuti issued server command: /we cui [22:22:27] spak4412 issued server command: /tpa Ript1de [22:22:34] Ript1de issued server command: /tpaaccept [22:22:54] Ript1de issued server command: /tpaccept [22:22:55] spak4412 issued server command: /we cui [22:22:55] Phoenix221 issued server command: /tpa MrDimonsterR [22:22:55] MrDimonsterR issued server command: /tpahere Phoenix221 [22:22:59] MrDimonsterR issued server command: /tpaccept [22:23:24] H00DRICH issued server command: /randomtp [22:23:24] H00DRICH issued server command: /rtp [22:23:25] Jabuti issued server command: /home [22:23:26] H00DRICH issued server command: /home [22:23:26] Jabuti issued server command: /we cui [22:23:34] Jabuti issued server command: /warp quest [22:23:36] Jabuti issued server command: /we cui [22:23:38] Mautil issued server command: /home [22:24:03] H00DRICH issued server command: /home [22:24:30] H00DRICH issued server command: /home [22:24:53] Zero09 зашёл [22:24:54] Zero09 issued server command: /we cui [22:25:13] spak4412 issued server command: /rg [22:25:24] spak4412 issued server command: /privat rg [22:25:39] H00DRICH issued server command: /home [22:25:49] Jabuti issued server command: /home [22:25:51] Jabuti issued server command: /we cui [22:25:53] H00DRICH issued server command: /home [22:26:06] Jabuti issued server command: /warp quest [22:26:08] Jabuti issued server command: /we cui [22:26:09] Zero09 issued server command: /kit start [22:26:13] Phoenix221 issued server command: /kit eat [22:26:23] H00DRICH issued server command: /kit start [22:26:51] Bukycbka issued server command: /money [22:26:58] Zero09 issued server command: /home [22:27:12] Zero09 issued server command: /home [22:27:16] Bukycbka issued server command: /warp quest [22:27:18] Bukycbka issued server command: /we cui [22:27:20] H00DRICH issued server command: /home [22:27:46] Jabuti issued server command: /mpcaseshop [22:27:46] Jabuti issued server command: /home [22:27:48] Jabuti issued server command: /we cui [22:27:59] Cro_SS_O issued server command: /MONEY [22:28:06] Jabuti issued server command: /kit eat [22:28:20] Jabuti issued server command: /warp quest [22:28:23] Jabuti issued server command: /we cui [22:28:31] spak4412 issued server command: //rg claim spak [22:29:13] Scilla зашёл [22:29:14] Scilla issued server command: /we cui [22:29:31] Scilla issued server command: /money [22:29:37] Phoenix221 issued server command: /home [22:30:01] Bukycbka issued server command: /home [22:30:03] Bukycbka issued server command: /we cui [22:30:07] Mautil вышел [22:30:24] Jabuti issued server command: /home [22:30:26] Jabuti issued server command: /we cui [22:30:32] spak4412 issued server command: /warp 1 [22:30:48] spak4412 issued server command: /warp 1 [22:30:51] H00DRICH issued server command: /home [22:30:54] Healthy зашёл [22:31:03] Jabuti issued server command: /we cui [22:31:08] Healthy issued server command: /we cui [22:31:09] spak4412 issued server command: /wand [22:31:11] Jabuti issued server command: /we cui [22:31:15] spak4412 issued server command: /wand [22:31:18] Jabuti issued server command: /we cui [22:31:37] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /tps [22:31:38] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: // [22:31:44] spak4412 issued server command: /wand 2 [22:32:10] Allgiri issued server command: /help [22:32:19] Allgiri issued server command: /command [22:32:23] Allgiri issued server command: /help [22:33:23] Ript1de вышел [22:33:39] Jabuti issued server command: /home [22:33:41] Jabuti issued server command: /we cui [22:33:50] H00DRICH issued server command: /kit eat [22:33:58] Mautil зашёл [22:34:03] spak4412 issued server command: /wand 1 [22:34:14] H00DRICH issued server command: /home [22:34:15] Mautil issued server command: /we cui [22:34:30] [G] Mautil: !Куплю кристалл порядка [22:35:10] spak4412 issued server command: /mpcaseshop [22:35:12] spak4412 issued server command: /mpcaseview 70 [22:35:14] spak4412 issued server command: /buycase 70 [22:35:16] spak4412 issued server command: /buycase 70 [22:35:27] Zero09 issued server command: /home [22:35:47] [L] Mautil: братан [22:35:50] [L] xx_VR_xxx: п [22:35:52] [L] xx_VR_xxx: а? [22:36:00] [L] Mautil: у тебя мега кирка, найди мне руды порядка и огня [22:36:01] [L] Mautil: )) [22:36:20] [L] Mautil: че ты мучаешься [22:36:22] [L] xx_VR_xxx: щас доделаю на связку кристалы и кровь накоплю [22:36:26] [L] Mautil: давай я тебе сет выфармлю [22:36:34] [L] xx_VR_xxx: какой [22:36:40] [L] Mautil: дикий [22:36:52] [L] xx_VR_xxx: тебе еще и эдем придется фулл [22:36:56] Zero09 issued server command: /home [22:37:06] [L] Mautil: ща быстро [22:37:20] Mautil issued server command: /we cui [22:37:34] Scilla issued server command: /rg i [22:38:07] Scilla issued server command: /rg i [22:38:12] H00DRICH issued server command: /home [22:38:17] Mautil issued server command: /kit eat [22:38:20] Allgiri был кикнут [22:38:20] Allgiri вышел [22:38:21] Scilla issued server command: /rg f sc6 mob-damage allow [22:38:21] Allgiri зашёл [22:38:33] Allgiri был кикнут [22:38:33] Allgiri вышел [22:38:34] Allgiri зашёл [22:38:36] Allgiri issued server command: /we cui [22:38:39] Scilla issued server command: /rg f sc6 damage-animals allow [22:38:44] [G] xx_VR_xxx: ! кто то чарит на осмате? [22:38:55] Mautil issued server command: /home [22:38:56] Mautil issued server command: /we cui [22:38:58] spak4412 вышел [22:39:09] [L] Mautil: хотя не, я лучше к осмату дойду до 00))) [22:39:14] [G] Jabuti: ! да [22:39:26] [G] xx_VR_xxx: ! Jabuti за скока? мне бы лук и кирку [22:39:51] [G] Jabuti: ! ща сек [22:40:20] H00DRICH issued server command: /home [22:40:33] H00DRICH issued server command: /home [22:40:45] [G] Jabuti: ! тп [22:40:46] Zero09 issued server command: /home [22:40:50] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /tpa Jabuti [22:40:54] Jabuti issued server command: /tpaccept [22:41:01] [L] Jabuti: говори что и на какой уровень чарить [22:41:03] [L] xx_VR_xxx: скока [22:41:04] [L] Jabuti: я скажу цену [22:41:31] [L] xx_VR_xxx: кирка на удачу максимальную это сколько будет? [22:41:37] [L] Jabuti: ща [22:42:01] [L] Jabuti: 9 эмов [22:42:13] [L] xx_VR_xxx: и лук на бесконечность силу скок там выйдет? [22:42:33] Scilla issued server command: /rg i [22:42:43] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /msg Mautil челики уже в халитках [22:42:45] [L] Jabuti: сила тож макс ведь ? [22:42:58] Mautil issued server command: /r ппохуй, я же не робот [22:43:13] Zero09 issued server command: /home [22:43:24] Mautil issued server command: /home [22:43:25] [L] xx_VR_xxx: да [22:43:31] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /rg i [22:43:33] [L] Jabuti: 27 эмов кирка + лук [22:43:40] [L] Jabuti: я пересчитал, чтоб лишнего не взять [22:43:49] [L] xx_VR_xxx: хорошо [22:43:57] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /money pay Jabuti 27 [22:43:57] Phoenix221 issued server command: /randomtp [22:43:57] Phoenix221 issued server command: /rtp [22:44:22] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /home [22:44:33] Bukycbka issued server command: /РЩ_У [22:44:33] [L] Bukycbka: .РЩ_У [22:44:35] Bukycbka issued server command: /HOME [22:44:50] [G] Mautil: !Продайте кто-нибудь кристалл огня) [22:44:56] H00DRICH issued server command: /home [22:45:13] [L] Jabuti: ток на удачу ? [22:45:25] [L] xx_VR_xxx: ну давайте и эффективность уже тогда.я доплачу [22:45:28] [L] xx_VR_xxx: пасибо [22:45:29] [L] Jabuti: 3 эма [22:45:30] [L] Jabuti: еще [22:45:36] Allgiri был кикнут [22:45:36] Allgiri вышел [22:45:36] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /money pay Jabuti 3 [22:45:37] Allgiri зашёл [22:45:37] [L] xx_VR_xxx: vse [22:45:38] Allgiri issued server command: /we cui [22:46:02] Allgiri был кикнут [22:46:02] Allgiri вышел [22:46:03] Allgiri зашёл [22:46:06] Allgiri issued server command: /we cui [22:46:10] Zero09 issued server command: /home [22:46:15] [L] AYLIEXEC: он ща дозарядит ещё палку [22:46:21] [L] AYLIEXEC: и доделает [22:46:22] [L] xx_VR_xxx: хорошо [22:46:25] Zero09 issued server command: /home [22:46:35] [L] Jabuti: какого [22:46:40] [L] Jabuti: ща сек заного зачарю [22:46:48] H00DRICH issued server command: /home [22:46:49] [L] Jabuti: аа [22:46:50] [L] Jabuti: все [22:46:51] [L] Jabuti: ща [22:46:54] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /call MiyaGiUsbHub [22:46:56] H00DRICH issued server command: /home [22:46:56] MiyaGiUsbHub issued server command: /tpaccept [22:47:10] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /home [22:47:11] [L] Jabuti: немного гуи багнулся [22:47:13] Scilla issued server command: /warp mining [22:47:14] Scilla issued server command: /we cui [22:47:14] [L] xx_VR_xxx: Спасибо [22:47:16] Phoenix221 issued server command: /randomtp [22:47:16] Phoenix221 issued server command: /rtp [22:47:20] [L] Jabuti: без б [22:47:22] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /home [22:47:36] Cro_SS_O issued server command: /sethome [22:47:37] H00DRICH issued server command: /home [22:48:51] Scilla issued server command: /home [22:48:52] Scilla issued server command: /we cui [22:49:04] Scilla issued server command: /back [22:49:05] Scilla issued server command: /we cui [22:49:13] Mautil issued server command: /homr [22:49:15] Mautil issued server command: /home [22:49:56] H00DRICH issued server command: /home [22:50:31] [L] xx_VR_xxx: щас крови на пару кликов сделаю и идем [22:51:14] H00DRICH issued server command: /home [22:51:21] [L] xx_VR_xxx: идем [22:51:35] H00DRICH issued server command: /home [22:51:37] [L] xx_VR_xxx: тепайс [22:51:38] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /randomtp [22:51:38] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /rtp [22:51:38] [L] Mautil: 31 высота [22:51:42] Mautil issued server command: /call xx_VR_xxx [22:51:53] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /tpyes [22:52:02] [L] Mautil: 31 высота [22:52:15] Mautil issued server command: /call xx_VR_xxx [22:52:19] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /tpyes [22:52:28] Cro_SS_O issued server command: /sethome [22:52:30] Healthy issued server command: /randomtp [22:52:30] Healthy issued server command: /rtp [22:53:11] H00DRICH issued server command: /home [22:53:12] Healthy issued server command: /randomtp [22:53:12] Healthy issued server command: /rtp [22:53:12] Cro_SS_O issued server command: /rg claim home1 [22:53:37] Cro_SS_O issued server command: /worldEdit [22:53:44] [L] Mautil: мб ниже [22:53:48] Healthy issued server command: /rto [22:53:49] Healthy issued server command: /randomtp [22:53:49] Healthy issued server command: /rtp [22:53:55] Cro_SS_O issued server command: //chunk [22:53:55] Cro_SS_O issued server command: //outset 16 [22:53:55] Cro_SS_O issued server command: /zone [22:54:16] [L] xx_VR_xxx: все,_, крови нет [22:54:20] Cro_SS_O issued server command: /playtime [22:54:25] [L] Mautil: пиздец блять [22:54:28] Cro_SS_O issued server command: /rg claim home1 [22:54:29] [L] xx_VR_xxx: м? [22:54:31] Healthy issued server command: /randomtp [22:54:31] Healthy issued server command: /rtp [22:54:34] [L] Mautil: огненного нет [22:54:35] Phoenix221 issued server command: /home [22:54:39] H00DRICH issued server command: /home [22:54:45] [G] xx_VR_xxx: ! Куплю огненный кристал с таума [22:54:50] H00DRICH issued server command: /home [22:54:53] Healthy issued server command: /home [22:55:07] Allgiri issued server command: /sethome [22:55:11] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /home [22:55:28] Zero09 issued server command: /home [22:56:09] Healthy issued server command: /randomtp [22:56:09] Healthy issued server command: /rtp [22:56:20] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /we cui [22:56:22] Mautil issued server command: /randomtp [22:56:22] Mautil issued server command: /rtp [22:56:28] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /we cui [22:56:37] H00DRICH issued server command: /home [22:56:46] [L] xx_VR_xxx: м [22:56:55] Mautil issued server command: /randomtp [22:56:55] Mautil issued server command: /rtp [22:57:04] Cro_SS_O issued server command: /kit start [22:57:05] H00DRICH issued server command: /home [22:57:15] Mautil issued server command: /we cui [22:57:22] Phoenix221 issued server command: /home [22:57:27] Healthy issued server command: /randomtp [22:57:27] Healthy issued server command: /rtp [22:57:45] Scilla issued server command: /home [22:57:47] Scilla issued server command: /we cui [22:57:52] Phoenix221 issued server command: /home [22:57:59] Mautil issued server command: /warp forest [22:58:00] H00DRICH issued server command: /home [22:58:01] Mautil issued server command: /we cui [22:58:05] Mautil issued server command: /we cui [22:58:11] Phoenix221 issued server command: /randomtp [22:58:11] Phoenix221 issued server command: /rtp [22:58:28] Healthy issued server command: /randomtp [22:58:28] Healthy issued server command: /rtp [22:58:33] Cro_SS_O issued server command: //sel [22:58:41] Jabuti issued server command: /randomtp [22:58:41] Jabuti issued server command: /rtp [22:58:44] Cro_SS_O issued server command: /spawn [22:59:06] Cro_SS_O issued server command: /we cui [22:59:08] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /home [22:59:11] Healthy issued server command: /randomtp [22:59:11] Healthy issued server command: /rtp [22:59:17] Allgiri умер (PROJECTILE) [22:59:20] Allgiri issued server command: /we cui [22:59:21] Cro_SS_O issued server command: /home [22:59:21] Cro_SS_O issued server command: /we cui [22:59:33] Healthy issued server command: /randomtp [22:59:33] Healthy issued server command: /rtp [23:00:16] Jabuti issued server command: /randomtp [23:00:16] Jabuti issued server command: /rtp [23:00:48] Jabuti issued server command: /home [23:00:58] Cro_SS_O issued server command: /warp forest [23:01:04] Cro_SS_O issued server command: /we cui [23:01:05] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /tpa Mautil [23:01:10] Mautil issued server command: /tpyes [23:01:12] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /we cui [23:01:14] Cro_SS_O issued server command: /we cui [23:01:14] Phoenix221 issued server command: /randomtp [23:01:14] Phoenix221 issued server command: /rtp [23:01:18] Mautil убил Cro_SS_O (DIVINERPG_HITHEALSWORD) [23:01:21] Cro_SS_O issued server command: /we cui [23:01:26] Cro_SS_O issued server command: /we cui [23:01:32] [L] Mautil: я чела убил [23:01:33] [L] Mautil: въвхвхв [23:01:34] Phoenix221 issued server command: /warp ad [23:01:38] Healthy issued server command: /randomtp [23:01:38] Healthy issued server command: /rtp [23:01:39] [G] Cro_SS_O: !ну ты черт [23:01:40] Phoenix221 issued server command: /we cui [23:01:42] MrDimonsterR issued server command: /playtime [23:01:43] Cro_SS_O issued server command: /warp forest [23:01:44] [G] Mautil: !))) [23:01:48] [L] xx_VR_xxx: [f[f[f[f [23:01:48] Cro_SS_O issued server command: /we cui [23:01:52] MiyaGiUsbHub issued server command: /home [23:01:57] Cro_SS_O issued server command: /we cui [23:02:11] Cro_SS_O issued server command: /home [23:02:12] Healthy issued server command: /randomtp [23:02:12] Healthy issued server command: /rtp [23:02:13] Phoenix221 issued server command: /randomtp [23:02:13] Phoenix221 issued server command: /rtp [23:02:16] Phoenix221 issued server command: /warp mining [23:02:16] Cro_SS_O issued server command: /we cui [23:02:18] Phoenix221 issued server command: /we cui [23:02:21] Phoenix221 issued server command: /randomtp [23:02:21] Phoenix221 issued server command: /rtp [23:02:38] Allgiri issued server command: /kit eat [23:02:41] Cro_SS_O issued server command: /kit eat [23:02:42] Healthy issued server command: /randomtp [23:02:42] Healthy issued server command: /rtp [23:02:46] [L] Mautil: кринж [23:03:03] Bukycbka issued server command: /rto [23:03:03] Cro_SS_O issued server command: /warp forest [23:03:04] Bukycbka issued server command: /randomtp [23:03:04] Bukycbka issued server command: /rtp [23:03:08] Cro_SS_O issued server command: /we cui [23:03:16] Cro_SS_O issued server command: /we cui [23:03:18] [L] xx_VR_xxx: jjjj [23:03:31] [L] xx_VR_xxx: Дюпай его [23:03:32] [L] Mautil: 5 шт все [23:03:35] Mautil issued server command: /home [23:03:37] Mautil issued server command: /we cui [23:04:05] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /home [23:04:09] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /we cui [23:04:38] Healthy issued server command: /home [23:05:06] Bukycbka issued server command: /home [23:05:06] [L] Bukycbka: .рщьу [23:05:11] Zero09 вышел [23:05:48] Phoenix221 issued server command: /randomtp [23:05:48] Phoenix221 issued server command: /rtp [23:07:19] Phoenix221 issued server command: /kit eat [23:07:28] Phoenix221 issued server command: /randomtp [23:07:28] Phoenix221 issued server command: /rtp [23:08:15] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /playtime [23:08:38] Cro_SS_O issued server command: /kit start [23:08:51] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /kit eat [23:09:00] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /playtimetop [23:09:00] MrDimonsterR issued server command: /tpa Phoenix221 [23:09:09] Jabuti issued server command: /playtime [23:09:12] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /playtime clear [23:09:13] Phoenix221 issued server command: /tpaccept [23:09:15] MrDimonsterR issued server command: /we cui [23:09:20] [L] Mautil: удачей вскопни [23:09:22] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /playtimetop clear [23:09:36] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /ekit top [23:10:08] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /randomtp [23:10:08] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /rtp [23:10:32] MrDimonsterR issued server command: /home [23:10:34] MrDimonsterR issued server command: /we cui [23:10:57] Phoenix221 issued server command: /randomtp [23:10:57] Phoenix221 issued server command: /rtp [23:11:14] Healthy issued server command: /rg info [23:11:15] Healthy issued server command: /rg info [23:11:17] Healthy issued server command: /rg info [23:12:34] Phoenix221 issued server command: /randomtp [23:12:34] Phoenix221 issued server command: /rtp [23:13:00] Healthy issued server command: /kit start [23:13:18] Phoenix221 issued server command: /randomtp [23:13:18] Phoenix221 issued server command: /rtp [23:13:41] Phoenix221 issued server command: /home [23:13:42] Phoenix221 issued server command: /we cui [23:13:43] Phoenix221 вышел [23:14:10] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /home [23:14:48] Allgiri вышел [23:15:13] Mautil issued server command: /randomtp [23:15:13] Mautil issued server command: /rtp [23:15:22] Healthy issued server command: /warp end [23:15:25] Healthy issued server command: /we cui [23:15:39] Healthy умер (ENTITY_ATTACK) [23:15:43] Healthy issued server command: /we cui [23:15:47] Healthy issued server command: /warp end [23:15:48] Healthy issued server command: /we cui [23:15:51] Mautil issued server command: /randomtp [23:15:51] Mautil issued server command: /rtp [23:16:29] Mautil issued server command: /randomtp [23:16:29] Mautil issued server command: /rtp [23:16:40] Healthy issued server command: /we cui [23:16:56] Healthy issued server command: /randomtp [23:16:56] Healthy issued server command: /rtp [23:17:04] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /call MiyaGiUsbHub [23:17:07] MiyaGiUsbHub issued server command: /tpaccept [23:17:10] Bukycbka issued server command: /randomtp [23:17:10] Bukycbka issued server command: /rtp [23:17:22] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /home [23:17:46] Bukycbka issued server command: /randomtp [23:17:46] Bukycbka issued server command: /rtp [23:18:19] Mautil issued server command: /randomtp [23:18:19] Mautil issued server command: /rtp [23:18:41] Healthy issued server command: /randomtp [23:18:41] Healthy issued server command: /rtp [23:19:09] Mautil issued server command: /randomtp [23:19:09] Mautil issued server command: /rtp [23:19:34] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /rg s [23:19:36] Bukycbka issued server command: /erp [23:19:37] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /rg s [23:19:43] Bukycbka issued server command: /home [23:19:44] Phoenix221 зашёл [23:19:44] AYLIEXEC issued server command: //sel [23:19:56] Cro_SS_O issued server command: /home [23:20:04] Cro_SS_O issued server command: /we cui [23:20:05] Mautil issued server command: /home [23:20:07] Phoenix221 issued server command: /we cui [23:20:40] Phoenix221 issued server command: /randomtp [23:20:40] Phoenix221 issued server command: /rtp [23:21:40] Phoenix221 issued server command: /randomtp [23:21:40] Phoenix221 issued server command: /rtp [23:21:52] [L] Mautil: в мэ дохуя стекла [23:21:53] Healthy issued server command: /randomtp [23:21:53] Healthy issued server command: /rtp [23:22:14] Cro_SS_O issued server command: /warp end [23:22:20] Cro_SS_O issued server command: /we cui [23:22:21] [L] Mautil: сделай алхим стойку из блады [23:22:57] Healthy issued server command: /rto [23:23:01] Healthy issued server command: //rtp [23:23:04] Healthy issued server command: /randomtp [23:23:04] Healthy issued server command: /rtp [23:23:50] Bukycbka issued server command: /tpa Healthy [23:23:51] [L] xx_VR_xxx: обса [23:23:52] Healthy issued server command: /tpaccept [23:24:03] [L] Mautil: на [23:24:45] Bukycbka issued server command: /home [23:24:45] Phoenix221 issued server command: /home [23:25:11] Cro_SS_O issued server command: /home [23:25:17] Cro_SS_O issued server command: /we cui [23:25:20] Healthy issued server command: /randomtp [23:25:20] Healthy issued server command: /rtp [23:25:29] Healthy issued server command: /randomtp [23:25:29] Healthy issued server command: /rtp [23:25:53] Cro_SS_O issued server command: /randomtp [23:25:53] Cro_SS_O issued server command: /rtp [23:25:56] Scilla issued server command: /home [23:26:23] Healthy issued server command: /rpt [23:26:24] Healthy issued server command: /randomtp [23:26:24] Healthy issued server command: /rtp [23:26:28] Mautil issued server command: /randomtp [23:26:28] Mautil issued server command: /rtp [23:26:55] Healthy issued server command: /randomtp [23:26:55] Healthy issued server command: /rtp [23:27:30] MiyaGiUsbHub issued server command: /home [23:28:01] Cro_SS_O issued server command: /randomtp [23:28:01] Cro_SS_O issued server command: /rtp [23:28:03] Mautil issued server command: /randomtp [23:28:03] Mautil issued server command: /rtp [23:28:06] Lana_Luna зашёл [23:28:21] Mautil issued server command: /randomtp [23:28:21] Mautil issued server command: /rtp [23:28:26] Healthy issued server command: /randomtp [23:28:26] Healthy issued server command: /rtp [23:28:28] Lana_Luna issued server command: /we cui [23:28:30] MrDimonsterR issued server command: /randomtp [23:28:30] MrDimonsterR issued server command: /rtp [23:28:40] MrDimonsterR issued server command: /randomtp [23:28:40] MrDimonsterR issued server command: /rtp [23:28:47] [G] Bukycbka: !Куплю нарост [23:28:56] Cro_SS_O issued server command: /randomtp [23:28:56] Cro_SS_O issued server command: /rtp [23:29:11] Mautil issued server command: /randomtp [23:29:11] Mautil issued server command: /rtp [23:29:33] Cro_SS_O issued server command: /randomtp [23:29:33] Cro_SS_O issued server command: /rtp [23:29:33] Healthy issued server command: /home [23:29:53] Mautil issued server command: /randomtp [23:29:53] Mautil issued server command: /rtp [23:30:16] Jabuti вышел [23:30:26] Phoenix221 issued server command: /warp ad [23:30:28] Phoenix221 issued server command: /we cui [23:30:42] Cro_SS_O issued server command: /randomtp [23:30:42] Cro_SS_O issued server command: /rtp [23:30:46] Mautil issued server command: /home [23:30:51] Mautil issued server command: /randomtp [23:30:51] Mautil issued server command: /rtp [23:30:52] Bukycbka issued server command: /warp ad [23:30:54] Bukycbka issued server command: /we cui [23:31:19] Bukycbka убил Phoenix221 (IRON_SWORD) [23:31:24] Phoenix221 issued server command: /we cui [23:31:27] Mautil issued server command: /randomtp [23:31:27] Mautil issued server command: /rtp [23:31:34] Mautil issued server command: /home [23:31:36] Phoenix221 issued server command: /warp ad [23:31:38] Phoenix221 issued server command: /we cui [23:31:42] Healthy issued server command: /home [23:31:43] Bukycbka issued server command: /home [23:31:43] [L] Bukycbka: .рщьу [23:31:45] Bukycbka issued server command: /we cui [23:31:48] Mautil issued server command: /we cui [23:31:52] Phoenix221 issued server command: /home [23:31:54] Phoenix221 issued server command: /we cui [23:32:20] Healthy issued server command: /randomtp [23:32:20] Healthy issued server command: /rtp [23:32:27] Bukycbka issued server command: /warp ad [23:32:28] Bukycbka issued server command: /we cui [23:33:03] Lana_Luna issued server command: /kit eat [23:33:26] Bukycbka issued server command: /home [23:33:29] Bukycbka issued server command: /we cui [23:33:34] Healthy issued server command: /randomtp [23:33:34] Healthy issued server command: /rtp [23:33:58] Bukycbka вышел [23:34:38] Healthy issued server command: /randomtp [23:34:38] Healthy issued server command: /rtp [23:34:49] Healthy issued server command: /home [23:34:49] Mautil issued server command: /home [23:34:51] Mautil issued server command: /we cui [23:34:55] Healthy вышел [23:36:15] Cro_SS_O issued server command: /home [23:37:25] [L] Mautil: ой ебать [23:37:29] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /home [23:37:31] [L] xx_VR_xxx: ? [23:37:32] [L] Mautil: для стабилизатора нужна хуйня с блады [23:37:37] [L] xx_VR_xxx: какая [23:37:42] [L] Mautil: mgicales [23:37:48] Cro_SS_O issued server command: /money [23:37:53] [L] xx_VR_xxx: ну вот и делай хых [23:38:06] [L] xx_VR_xxx: кстати [23:38:07] MrDimonsterR issued server command: /home [23:38:08] [L] xx_VR_xxx: вопрс [23:38:11] Scilla issued server command: /voteday [23:38:14] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /yes [23:38:15] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /yes [23:38:16] Cro_SS_O issued server command: /yes [23:38:16] Scilla issued server command: /votesun [23:38:17] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /yes [23:38:18] MiyaGiUsbHub issued server command: /yes [23:38:22] [L] xx_VR_xxx: как звезды добыть [23:38:29] [L] Mautil: ада? [23:38:32] Cro_SS_O issued server command: /kit eat [23:38:35] Scilla issued server command: /votesun [23:38:41] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /yes [23:38:42] Cro_SS_O issued server command: /home [23:38:43] MiyaGiUsbHub issued server command: /yes [23:39:04] [L] xx_VR_xxx: да [23:39:09] Cro_SS_O issued server command: /home [23:39:23] [L] Mautil: спавнера скелетов в ад и тесак бумажный вкачать его и збс [23:39:32] MrDimonsterR issued server command: /randomtp [23:39:32] MrDimonsterR issued server command: /rtp [23:40:23] xx_VR_xxx умер (ENTITY_ATTACK) [23:40:25] MrDimonsterR issued server command: /home [23:40:25] Mousepad зашёл [23:40:27] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /we cui [23:40:31] [L] xx_VR_xxx: ммммм [23:40:33] MrDimonsterR issued server command: /kit eat [23:40:38] Mousepad issued server command: /we cui [23:40:46] MrDimonsterR issued server command: /randomtp [23:40:46] MrDimonsterR issued server command: /rtp [23:40:52] [L] xx_VR_xxx: кинжал фулл хп дропнул понимаю [23:41:14] Mousepad issued server command: /screenshot [23:41:22] Mousepad issued server command: /screen xx_VR_xxx [23:41:30] Mautil issued server command: /randomtp [23:41:30] Mautil issued server command: /rtp [23:42:01] Mautil issued server command: /randomtp [23:42:01] Mautil issued server command: /rtp [23:42:23] Mautil issued server command: /randomtp [23:42:23] Mautil issued server command: /rtp [23:42:27] Mautil issued server command: /randomtp [23:42:27] Mautil issued server command: /rtp [23:42:31] Mautil issued server command: /home [23:42:46] [L] Mautil: ртпнулс в лаву прикинь [23:42:48] Professa91 зашёл [23:43:05] [L] xx_VR_xxx: невезучий [23:43:06] Mautil issued server command: /home [23:43:08] Professa91 issued server command: /we cui [23:43:08] Mautil issued server command: /randomtp [23:43:08] Mautil issued server command: /rtp [23:43:28] [L] xx_VR_xxx: надеюсь успею сегодня сделать [23:43:59] Professa91 issued server command: /ekit top [23:44:08] Cro_SS_O issued server command: /randomtp [23:44:08] Cro_SS_O issued server command: /rtp [23:44:25] Mautil issued server command: //chunk [23:44:25] Mautil issued server command: //outset 16 [23:44:25] Mautil issued server command: //wand [23:44:28] Mautil issued server command: /rg claim spawner [23:44:30] Mautil issued server command: //sel [23:44:34] Cro_SS_O issued server command: /kit start [23:44:53] Cro_SS_O issued server command: /randomtp [23:44:53] Cro_SS_O issued server command: /rtp [23:45:20] [G] Professa91: ! Как сделать во весь экран? [23:45:22] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /kit eat [23:45:25] Professa91 issued server command: /money [23:45:29] Mautil issued server command: /randomtp [23:45:29] Mautil issued server command: /rtp [23:45:32] [G] xx_VR_xxx: ! F11 [23:45:39] [G] Professa91: ! Не работает [23:45:48] [G] AYLIEXEC: !F8 [23:45:53] [G] Professa91: ! от души [23:45:59] Professa91 issued server command: /warp quest [23:46:07] Mautil issued server command: /randomtp [23:46:07] Mautil issued server command: /rtp [23:46:33] Mautil issued server command: /randomtp [23:46:33] Mautil issued server command: /rtp [23:46:48] Professa91 issued server command: /randomtp [23:46:48] Professa91 issued server command: /rtp [23:46:48] [L] Professa91: .кез [23:46:49] Professa91 issued server command: /randomtp [23:46:49] Professa91 issued server command: /rtp [23:46:52] Professa91 issued server command: /spawn [23:46:54] [G] xx_VR_xxx: ! как можно перетащить спавнер? [23:46:54] Professa91 issued server command: /randomtp [23:46:54] Professa91 issued server command: /rtp [23:47:08] Phoenix221 issued server command: /randomtp [23:47:08] Phoenix221 issued server command: /rtp [23:47:14] Professa91 issued server command: /warp ad [23:47:16] Professa91 issued server command: /we cui [23:47:19] Professa91 issued server command: /spawn [23:47:22] Professa91 issued server command: /we cui [23:47:41] [G] Mousepad: !Если бы знал бы магические моды, подсказал бы( [23:47:45] MrDimonsterR issued server command: /home [23:47:45] [G] Mousepad: !Набалдашник перемещение не? [23:47:47] Phoenix221 issued server command: /home [23:48:01] [G] xx_VR_xxx: ! да я хочу узнать он работает на спавнеры или нет,а то на многих убирают функцию [23:48:02] Professa91 issued server command: /warp forest [23:48:04] [G] Cro_SS_O: !никак [23:48:10] Professa91 issued server command: /we cui [23:48:12] [G] Cro_SS_O: !клетку гнева делай [23:48:16] MrDimonsterR issued server command: /randomtp [23:48:16] MrDimonsterR issued server command: /rtp [23:48:20] Professa91 issued server command: /spawn [23:48:23] Professa91 issued server command: /we cui [23:49:11] Mousepad вышел [23:49:13] Phoenix221 issued server command: /warp mining [23:49:15] Phoenix221 issued server command: /we cui [23:49:22] Phoenix221 issued server command: /randomtp [23:49:22] Phoenix221 issued server command: /rtp [23:49:32] Professa91 issued server command: /warp shop [23:50:16] [G] xx_VR_xxx: !жестка [23:50:33] Professa91 issued server command: /home [23:50:35] Professa91 issued server command: /home list [23:50:37] Professa91 issued server command: /war [23:50:38] Professa91 issued server command: /warp [23:50:39] MrDimonsterR issued server command: /randomtp [23:50:39] MrDimonsterR issued server command: /rtp [23:50:40] Professa91 issued server command: /warp list [23:50:44] Professa91 issued server command: /warp pvp [23:50:46] Phoenix221 вышел [23:50:54] Phoenix221 зашёл [23:50:58] Phoenix221 issued server command: /we cui [23:50:59] Professa91 issued server command: /spawn [23:51:09] Professa91 issued server command: /warp forest [23:51:13] Professa91 issued server command: /we cui [23:51:50] MrDimonsterR issued server command: /randomtp [23:51:50] MrDimonsterR issued server command: /rtp [23:52:38] Professa91 вышел [23:52:57] MiyaGiUsbHub issued server command: /home [23:53:28] Cro_SS_O issued server command: /home [23:53:32] Mautil issued server command: /home [23:53:40] Phoenix221 вышел [23:55:35] MiyaGiUsbHub issued server command: /money top [23:55:41] MrDimonsterR issued server command: /home [23:55:42] MiyaGiUsbHub issued server command: /money [23:55:44] MiyaGiUsbHub issued server command: /warp shop [23:55:47] MiyaGiUsbHub issued server command: /we cui [23:55:58] MrDimonsterR вышел [23:55:58] MiyaGiUsbHub issued server command: /mpcaseshop [23:56:06] MiyaGiUsbHub issued server command: /playtimetop [23:56:11] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /mpcaseshop [23:56:13] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /mpcaseview 70 [23:56:14] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /buycase 70 [23:56:15] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /rollcase 70 [23:56:20] MiyaGiUsbHub issued server command: /playtimetop clear [23:56:21] MiyaGiUsbHub issued server command: /playtime [23:56:26] MiyaGiUsbHub issued server command: /warp quest [23:56:27] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /mpcaseview 70 [23:56:28] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /buycase 70 [23:56:29] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /mpcaseshop [23:56:42] MiyaGiUsbHub issued server command: /home [23:56:44] MiyaGiUsbHub issued server command: /we cui [23:57:56] AYLIEXEC вышел [23:57:56] H00DRICH issued server command: /home [23:58:03] H00DRICH issued server command: /playtime [23:58:03] MiyaGiUsbHub вышел [23:58:05] H00DRICH issued server command: /playtimetop [23:58:28] Allgiri зашёл [23:58:40] H00DRICH issued server command: /mods [23:58:42] Allgiri issued server command: /we cui [23:58:55] Exetorics зашёл [23:59:00] [G] H00DRICH: !у кого осмать есть? [23:59:05] Exetorics issued server command: /we cui [23:59:26] H00DRICH issued server command: /home [23:59:31] Mautil issued server command: /randomtp [23:59:31] Mautil issued server command: /rtp [23:59:45] Mautil issued server command: /warp forest [23:59:47] Mautil issued server command: /we cui [23:59:51] Mautil issued server command: /we cui [23:59:58] H00DRICH issued server command: /home