[00:01:53] Allgiri issued server command: //chunk [00:01:53] Allgiri issued server command: //outset 16 [00:01:53] Allgiri issued server command: /zone [00:02:27] Allgiri issued server command: //chunk [00:02:27] Allgiri issued server command: //outset 16 [00:02:27] Allgiri issued server command: //wand [00:03:39] Allgiri issued server command: //chunk [00:03:39] Allgiri issued server command: //outset 16 [00:03:39] Allgiri issued server command: /zone [00:04:16] Allgiri issued server command: /expand 20 [00:04:18] Mautil issued server command: /home [00:04:19] Mautil issued server command: /we cui [00:04:23] Allgiri issued server command: //chunk [00:04:23] Allgiri issued server command: //outset 16 [00:04:23] Allgiri issued server command: /zone [00:04:25] Allgiri issued server command: //chunk [00:04:25] Allgiri issued server command: //outset 16 [00:04:25] Allgiri issued server command: /zone [00:04:31] Cro_SS_O issued server command: /home [00:05:42] Allgiri issued server command: //chunk [00:05:42] Allgiri issued server command: //outset 16 [00:05:42] Allgiri issued server command: /zone [00:06:01] Allgiri issued server command: //chunk [00:06:01] Allgiri issued server command: //outset 16 [00:06:01] Allgiri issued server command: /zone [00:06:03] Allgiri issued server command: //chunk [00:06:03] Allgiri issued server command: //outset 16 [00:06:03] Allgiri issued server command: /zone [00:06:10] Mautil issued server command: /warp forest [00:06:12] Mautil issued server command: /we cui [00:06:16] Mautil issued server command: /we cui [00:06:59] Mautil issued server command: /home [00:07:01] Mautil issued server command: /we cui [00:07:02] Mautil issued server command: /randomtp [00:07:02] Mautil issued server command: /rtp [00:07:23] Cro_SS_O issued server command: /MONEY [00:07:33] Mautil issued server command: /randomtp [00:07:33] Mautil issued server command: /rtp [00:07:47] Mautil issued server command: /home [00:07:51] Allgiri issued server command: //chunk [00:07:51] Allgiri issued server command: //outset 16 [00:07:51] Allgiri issued server command: /zone [00:08:14] Allgiri issued server command: //chunk [00:08:14] Allgiri issued server command: //outset 16 [00:08:14] Allgiri issued server command: /zone [00:08:24] Allgiri issued server command: //chunk [00:08:24] Allgiri issued server command: //outset 16 [00:08:24] Allgiri issued server command: /zone [00:08:31] Allgiri issued server command: //chunk [00:08:31] Allgiri issued server command: //outset 16 [00:08:31] Allgiri issued server command: /zone [00:08:33] Allgiri issued server command: //chunk [00:08:33] Allgiri issued server command: //outset 16 [00:08:33] Allgiri issued server command: /zone [00:08:35] Allgiri issued server command: //chunk [00:08:35] Allgiri issued server command: //outset 16 [00:08:35] Allgiri issued server command: /zone [00:08:37] Allgiri issued server command: //chunk [00:08:37] Allgiri issued server command: //outset 16 [00:08:37] Allgiri issued server command: /zone [00:08:39] Allgiri issued server command: //chunk [00:08:39] Allgiri issued server command: //outset 16 [00:08:39] Allgiri issued server command: /zone [00:08:40] Allgiri issued server command: //chunk [00:08:40] Allgiri issued server command: //outset 16 [00:08:40] Allgiri issued server command: /zone [00:08:44] Allgiri issued server command: //zone [00:08:46] [L] Mautil: плкуаай [00:08:48] Allgiri issued server command: //sel [00:08:51] [L] Mautil: покупай [00:09:01] [L] xx_VR_xxx: щас [00:09:19] H00DRICH issued server command: /home [00:09:20] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /warp shop [00:09:25] Allgiri issued server command: /region [00:09:25] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /we cui [00:09:29] Allgiri issued server command: //chunk [00:09:29] Allgiri issued server command: //outset 16 [00:09:29] Allgiri issued server command: /zone [00:10:26] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /home [00:10:29] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /we cui [00:10:36] [L] xx_VR_xxx: где ты [00:10:59] [L] xx_VR_xxx: хайпова [00:11:12] [L] Mautil: ахвахвх [00:11:21] [L] xx_VR_xxx: еблан блять узел [00:11:50] [L] xx_VR_xxx: на 7 [00:11:57] [L] xx_VR_xxx: збс [00:12:03] [L] Mautil: потом улуччшу одним методом [00:12:17] Lana_Luna issued server command: /home [00:12:30] Exetorics issued server command: /back [00:12:39] [L] xx_VR_xxx: де железа [00:13:02] Allgiri issued server command: //chunk [00:13:02] Allgiri issued server command: //outset 16 [00:13:02] Allgiri issued server command: //wand [00:13:02] [L] Mautil: на [00:13:19] Allgiri issued server command: //chunk [00:13:19] Allgiri issued server command: //outset 16 [00:13:19] Allgiri issued server command: //wand [00:13:20] [L] xx_VR_xxx: 1 нехватает мем [00:13:20] Exetorics issued server command: /repair [00:13:22] Exetorics issued server command: /back [00:13:35] [L] xx_VR_xxx: нашел [00:13:43] Allgiri issued server command: //chunk [00:13:43] Allgiri issued server command: //outset 16 [00:13:43] Allgiri issued server command: /zone [00:13:45] Exetorics issued server command: /rg i [00:13:50] Exetorics issued server command: /rg remove magesexe [00:14:04] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /home [00:14:12] Allgiri issued server command: /rg claim yarick heusos [00:14:23] Exetorics issued server command: /heal [00:14:31] [L] Mautil: скопай [00:14:31] [G] Exetorics: !Продам багровые ритуалы [00:14:37] Allgiri issued server command: /sell [00:14:40] Allgiri issued server command: //sel [00:15:06] [L] Mautil: железо где [00:15:10] [L] xx_VR_xxx: нету [00:15:54] [L] xx_VR_xxx: ее катализаторы кратфить обожаю их [00:16:01] [L] Mautil: откуда у нас 79к жидкого изюма [00:16:05] [L] xx_VR_xxx: каво [00:16:10] Cro_SS_O issued server command: /home [00:16:16] [L] xx_VR_xxx: ЫВЫВХы=ахывахвы=хаыва [00:16:17] [L] xx_VR_xxx: ЧТО [00:16:22] [L] xx_VR_xxx: 9к крови [00:16:24] [L] xx_VR_xxx: аъывъаыъваъывъаыъваыъва [00:16:29] [L] Mautil: че за баг [00:16:45] [L] xx_VR_xxx: может он чет сплавил [00:16:46] [L] xx_VR_xxx: аъаъаъа [00:16:54] [L] Mautil: что он сплавит на 79к [00:17:04] [L] xx_VR_xxx: изумрудный хлам [00:17:23] [L] Mautil: +emc [00:17:30] [L] xx_VR_xxx: кокраз нужен он нам [00:17:34] Allgiri issued server command: /randomtp [00:17:34] Allgiri issued server command: /rtp [00:18:19] lilgonerww зашёл [00:18:24] [L] xx_VR_xxx: говорит он удваивается [00:18:28] lilgonerww issued server command: /we cui [00:18:28] Exetorics issued server command: //chunk [00:18:28] Exetorics issued server command: //outset 16 [00:18:28] Exetorics issued server command: /zone [00:18:31] Exetorics issued server command: /rg claim magesexe [00:18:39] Exetorics issued server command: /zw [00:18:44] Exetorics issued server command: /home [00:18:56] Allgiri issued server command: /randomtp [00:18:56] Allgiri issued server command: /rtp [00:19:02] [L] Mautil: все имба [00:19:03] Exetorics issued server command: /back [00:19:06] [L] Mautil: с висом разобрался [00:19:28] [L] xx_VR_xxx: эм.. [00:19:30] Exetorics issued server command: /zs 20 [00:19:33] [L] xx_VR_xxx: походу у емс баг [00:19:41] [L] xx_VR_xxx: я засунул блок и ток 1 скрафтился хахахаха [00:19:44] Exetorics issued server command: /zs 20 [00:19:55] [L] Mautil: лол [00:20:06] Exetorics issued server command: /zs 20 [00:20:14] [G] xx_VR_xxx: ! Модеры туть? [00:20:16] Exetorics issued server command: /zs 20 [00:20:20] Exetorics issued server command: /zs 20 [00:20:23] Exetorics issued server command: /zs 20 [00:20:27] [L] xx_VR_xxx: ну блин я почти доделал связку [00:20:31] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /playtime [00:20:38] [L] xx_VR_xxx: еще 6 ч до награды хых [00:20:56] Exetorics issued server command: /zs 20 [00:21:09] Exetorics issued server command: /zs 20 [00:21:17] [L] xx_VR_xxx: это не смешно [00:21:23] [L] xx_VR_xxx: ради 1 пороха сток изумруда [00:21:31] Exetorics issued server command: /zs 20 [00:21:49] Exetorics issued server command: /zs 20 [00:21:57] Yunia зашёл [00:22:00] Allgiri issued server command: /home [00:22:09] Yunia issued server command: /we cui [00:22:16] Exetorics issued server command: /zs 20 [00:22:18] [G] xx_VR_xxx: ! кто то порох продает? [00:22:34] Exetorics issued server command: /zs 20 [00:22:55] [G] Yunia: !у меня есть совсем немного [00:22:56] [L] Mautil: ой бл [00:23:04] [L] Mautil: крафт осмата хуевый [00:23:05] Exetorics issued server command: /home [00:23:30] Lana_Luna issued server command: /sethome [00:23:32] Lana_Luna issued server command: /randomtp [00:23:32] Lana_Luna issued server command: /rtp [00:23:52] [L] Mautil: ладно до завтра [00:23:57] [L] xx_VR_xxx: до завтра [00:24:07] [L] Mautil: я к вечеру буду [00:24:11] Mautil вышел [00:24:21] [G] Exetorics: !У меня есть 32 [00:24:28] [G] xx_VR_xxx: ! За что продашь7 [00:24:33] [G] Exetorics: !эмы [00:24:36] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /money [00:24:36] Lana_Luna issued server command: /home [00:24:39] [G] xx_VR_xxx: ! сколько? [00:24:44] Yunia issued server command: /home [00:24:51] [G] Exetorics: !Щас ещё 2 нашёл, 34 пороха [00:25:10] [G] Exetorics: !10.2эм [00:25:29] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /tpa Exetorics [00:25:35] Exetorics issued server command: /tpaccept [00:25:41] [L] Exetorics: я тут [00:25:42] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /money pay Exetorics 10.2 [00:25:54] [L] xx_VR_xxx: спасибо [00:26:01] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /home [00:26:14] lilgonerww issued server command: /randomtp [00:26:14] lilgonerww issued server command: /rtp [00:26:28] [G] Yunia: !кто-то продаст синюю слизь? [00:26:51] H00DRICH issued server command: /home [00:27:25] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /we cui [00:28:44] lilgonerww issued server command: /home [00:28:46] Exetorics issued server command: /back [00:29:03] Yunia issued server command: /home [00:29:08] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /home [00:29:11] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /we cui [00:29:19] Yunia issued server command: /randomtp [00:29:19] Yunia issued server command: /rtp [00:30:04] Exetorics issued server command: /home [00:30:24] Exetorics issued server command: /echest [00:30:29] Allgiri issued server command: /home [00:30:47] Lana_Luna issued server command: /warp forest [00:30:50] Lana_Luna issued server command: /we cui [00:30:57] Lana_Luna issued server command: /we cui [00:31:01] Exetorics issued server command: /repair [00:32:19] Allgiri issued server command: /randomtp [00:32:19] Allgiri issued server command: /rtp [00:33:04] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /randomtp [00:33:04] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /rtp [00:33:39] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /randomtp [00:33:39] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /rtp [00:34:53] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /home [00:36:47] Allgiri issued server command: /home [00:37:23] Cro_SS_O issued server command: /MONEY [00:37:46] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /rg i [00:37:47] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /rg sel [00:38:16] Allgiri вышел [00:39:08] [G] xx_VR_xxx: ! как же геморно призывать из-за фикса демона о.о [00:39:09] Exetorics issued server command: /w lilgonerww I will be back soon [00:39:11] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: //sel [00:39:13] H00DRICH issued server command: /home [00:39:23] [G] Exetorics: !Если хочешь могу продать тебе сердце демона :1 [00:39:46] [G] xx_VR_xxx: ! демона с блада я ставлю на подстамент вещи а фикс их делает фантомными и не ставит о. [00:40:11] Yunia issued server command: /playtimetop [00:40:17] [G] Exetorics: !Видел бы ты чем я занят [00:40:17] [G] xx_VR_xxx: ! да что за бред было 7 теперь 4 я всего то поставил их на постамент не смешно [00:40:18] Yunia issued server command: /playtime [00:40:26] Yunia issued server command: /money [00:40:29] [G] xx_VR_xxx: ! теперь 5 -_- [00:40:30] [G] H00DRICH: !по 2 раза вещи кликай [00:40:30] Yunia issued server command: /money top [00:40:37] [G] Exetorics: !Опа худрич [00:40:46] [G] H00DRICH: !на подстаменты [00:41:00] [G] xx_VR_xxx: ! ни че го [00:41:17] [G] xx_VR_xxx: ! буду воронкой делать ,_, [00:41:28] Exetorics issued server command: /home [00:41:48] [L] Exetorics: я афк [00:41:53] [G] H00DRICH: !а ты элементаля или демона призываешь? [00:41:57] [G] xx_VR_xxx: ! элементаря [00:43:06] [G] xx_VR_xxx: ! даже воронкой ,_, [00:43:16] H00DRICH issued server command: /tpa xx_VR_xxx [00:43:24] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /home [00:43:24] H00DRICH issued server command: /m xx_VR_xxx тпни посмотрю [00:43:26] [G] xx_VR_xxx: ! щас [00:43:39] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /tpyes [00:43:49] [L] xx_VR_xxx: vv [00:43:50] lilgonerww вышел [00:44:16] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /home [00:44:20] [L] H00DRICH: есть шанс что не выпадет [00:44:23] [L] H00DRICH: осколок [00:44:30] [L] H00DRICH: проще купить их [00:45:10] [L] xx_VR_xxx: стрелы есть? [00:45:23] [L] H00DRICH: есть [00:45:24] H00DRICH issued server command: /kit start [00:45:26] [L] xx_VR_xxx: дай одну [00:45:58] [L] xx_VR_xxx: пппц кнш [00:46:00] [L] H00DRICH: ты бы автоматический алтарь сделал [00:46:03] [L] H00DRICH: проще было бы [00:46:09] [L] xx_VR_xxx: да я попозже сделаю [00:46:18] [L] xx_VR_xxx: еще думаю на чем сделать автоматическую [00:46:29] [L] H00DRICH: ведьмы, слизни [00:46:40] [L] H00DRICH: профитней ведьмы [00:46:57] [L] xx_VR_xxx: ммм [00:46:58] [L] xx_VR_xxx: панимаю [00:47:12] [L] xx_VR_xxx: мне всего 1 еще нужна [00:47:26] Exetorics вышел [00:47:27] [L] H00DRICH: ты для брони чтоли [00:47:34] [L] H00DRICH: чтобы по 2 сигила вставлять [00:47:40] [L] xx_VR_xxx: да [00:47:41] [L] xx_VR_xxx: ммм [00:47:46] [L] xx_VR_xxx: как обыно скам херня эти элементари [00:47:55] [L] H00DRICH: из них не всегда падает [00:48:24] [L] xx_VR_xxx: мне просто связки удобнее брони нету для меня [00:48:33] [L] H00DRICH: ну да она годная [00:48:41] [L] xx_VR_xxx: а если ее еще зачарить [00:48:43] [L] xx_VR_xxx: мама не горюй [00:48:49] Lana_Luna issued server command: /home [00:48:51] Lana_Luna issued server command: /we cui [00:49:03] [L] H00DRICH: омегу бесконечную сделать [00:49:08] [L] H00DRICH: будет жёстко [00:49:11] [L] xx_VR_xxx: знать бы как ых [00:49:23] [L] xx_VR_xxx: я чет пытался [00:49:24] [L] H00DRICH: я знаю [00:49:36] [L] xx_VR_xxx: интересно [00:49:41] [L] H00DRICH: крови дофига ток нужно [00:49:45] [L] H00DRICH: и всё [00:49:48] [L] xx_VR_xxx: ритуал продления? [00:49:53] [L] H00DRICH: агась [00:49:57] [L] xx_VR_xxx: так его грузить надо ;c [00:50:06] [L] H00DRICH: если кого нибудь на рг поставить [00:50:09] [L] H00DRICH: то будет норм [00:50:24] [L] xx_VR_xxx: ну так то да [00:50:43] [L] xx_VR_xxx: да блять [00:50:54] [L] H00DRICH: мечом на добычу попробуй [00:50:58] [L] xx_VR_xxx: нема :c [00:51:18] [L] H00DRICH: фигово [00:51:29] [L] xx_VR_xxx: опа [00:51:35] [L] xx_VR_xxx: мир решил сжалиться [00:52:10] [L] xx_VR_xxx: тэк поножи .. [00:52:38] [L] H00DRICH: сигил божественности подготовил? [00:52:48] [L] xx_VR_xxx: я его с собой носить буду когда 6 сделаю [00:53:04] [L] xx_VR_xxx: а то 2 сердца всего [00:53:08] [L] xx_VR_xxx: хоть и бесплатные [00:53:43] [L] H00DRICH: былобы здесь разложение [00:53:47] [L] xx_VR_xxx: ахаха [00:53:48] [L] xx_VR_xxx: о дааа [00:53:59] [L] H00DRICH: это имба [00:54:03] [L] xx_VR_xxx: такое мы одобряем [00:54:37] [L] xx_VR_xxx: тэк [00:54:40] [L] xx_VR_xxx: еще бы вихрь [00:55:03] H00DRICH issued server command: /home [00:55:44] [L] xx_VR_xxx: если тут омега будет работать как я думаю думаю на связку з8 нацепить [00:55:47] [L] xx_VR_xxx: по кайфу чисто [00:56:10] [L] xx_VR_xxx: надо будет шлемак переделать.. [00:56:15] [L] xx_VR_xxx: протупил с ним [00:56:21] [L] xx_VR_xxx: ну лан [00:57:38] Exetorics зашёл [00:57:40] Exetorics issued server command: /we cui [00:59:08] Exetorics issued server command: /money [00:59:24] Exetorics issued server command: /home [00:59:25] Exetorics issued server command: /spawn [00:59:26] Exetorics issued server command: /we cui [00:59:37] H00DRICH issued server command: /playtime [00:59:38] H00DRICH issued server command: /playtimetop [00:59:41] Exetorics issued server command: /w lil я поеду через 20 минут [00:59:45] H00DRICH issued server command: /playtime [00:59:53] H00DRICH issued server command: /playtimetop clear [00:59:58] H00DRICH вышел [01:02:20] [G] xx_VR_xxx: ! такое мы осуждаем [01:02:59] Exetorics issued server command: /money top [01:04:56] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /we cui [01:05:27] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /home [01:05:31] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /we cui [01:06:12] Exetorics issued server command: /home [01:06:13] Exetorics issued server command: /we cui [01:06:43] Lana_Luna issued server command: /home [01:07:12] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /we cui [01:07:24] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /home [01:07:27] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /we cui [01:07:40] Exetorics issued server command: /home [01:07:47] xx_VR_xxx вышел [01:07:52] Exetorics issued server command: /back [01:07:56] xx_VR_xxx зашёл [01:08:03] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /we cui [01:09:06] Lana_Luna issued server command: /home [01:10:36] Lana_Luna issued server command: /randomtp [01:10:36] Lana_Luna issued server command: /rtp [01:11:06] Lana_Luna issued server command: /randomtp [01:11:06] Lana_Luna issued server command: /rtp [01:11:13] Exetorics issued server command: /hat [01:11:32] Lana_Luna issued server command: /randomtp [01:11:32] Lana_Luna issued server command: /rtp [01:12:08] xx_VR_xxx вышел [01:12:46] Lana_Luna issued server command: /randomtp [01:12:46] Lana_Luna issued server command: /rtp [01:13:03] Scilla был кикнут [01:13:03] Scilla вышел [01:13:03] Cro_SS_O был кикнут [01:13:03] Cro_SS_O вышел [01:13:03] Lana_Luna был кикнут [01:13:03] Lana_Luna вышел [01:13:03] Yunia был кикнут [01:13:03] Yunia вышел [01:13:03] Exetorics был кикнут [01:13:03] Exetorics вышел [01:13:07] Сервер выключился [01:13:43] Сервер включился [01:14:03] Scilla зашёл [01:14:05] Scilla issued server command: /we cui [01:14:05] Yunia зашёл [01:14:08] Cro_SS_O зашёл [01:14:08] Yunia issued server command: /we cui [01:14:08] Exetorics зашёл [01:14:10] Exetorics issued server command: /we cui [01:14:12] lilgonerww зашёл [01:14:13] Lana_Luna зашёл [01:14:15] Cro_SS_O issued server command: /we cui [01:14:18] Lana_Luna issued server command: /we cui [01:14:20] lilgonerww issued server command: /we cui [01:14:44] Lana_Luna issued server command: /randomtp [01:14:44] Lana_Luna issued server command: /rtp [01:14:49] Scilla issued server command: /money [01:15:08] Lana_Luna issued server command: /randomtp [01:15:08] Lana_Luna issued server command: /rtp [01:15:11] Lana_Luna issued server command: /randomtp [01:15:11] Lana_Luna issued server command: /rtp [01:15:35] Lana_Luna issued server command: /randomtp [01:15:35] Lana_Luna issued server command: /rtp [01:15:37] Lana_Luna issued server command: /randomtp [01:15:37] Lana_Luna issued server command: /rtp [01:16:03] Lana_Luna issued server command: /randomtp [01:16:03] Lana_Luna issued server command: /rtp [01:16:24] Lana_Luna issued server command: /randomtp [01:16:24] Lana_Luna issued server command: /rtp [01:16:28] Lana_Luna issued server command: /randomtp [01:16:28] Lana_Luna issued server command: /rtp [01:16:30] Lana_Luna issued server command: /randomtp [01:16:30] Lana_Luna issued server command: /rtp [01:16:59] Exetorics issued server command: /money [01:19:24] Exetorics вышел [01:27:23] Lana_Luna issued server command: /randomtp [01:27:23] Lana_Luna issued server command: /rtp [01:27:48] Lana_Luna issued server command: /randomtp [01:27:48] Lana_Luna issued server command: /rtp [01:28:11] Lana_Luna issued server command: /randomtp [01:28:11] Lana_Luna issued server command: /rtp [01:28:13] Lana_Luna issued server command: /randomtp [01:28:13] Lana_Luna issued server command: /rtp [01:28:35] Lana_Luna issued server command: /randomtp [01:28:35] Lana_Luna issued server command: /rtp [01:28:39] Lana_Luna issued server command: /randomtp [01:28:39] Lana_Luna issued server command: /rtp [01:30:06] Lana_Luna issued server command: /randomtp [01:30:06] Lana_Luna issued server command: /rtp [01:31:14] Lana_Luna issued server command: /randomtp [01:31:14] Lana_Luna issued server command: /rtp [01:35:15] Lana_Luna issued server command: /randomtp [01:35:15] Lana_Luna issued server command: /rtp [01:35:41] Lana_Luna issued server command: /randomtp [01:35:41] Lana_Luna issued server command: /rtp [01:36:07] Lana_Luna issued server command: /randomtp [01:36:07] Lana_Luna issued server command: /rtp [01:36:47] Lana_Luna issued server command: /randomtp [01:36:47] Lana_Luna issued server command: /rtp [01:37:23] Cro_SS_O issued server command: /MONEY [01:37:47] lilgonerww вышел [01:38:39] Yunia issued server command: /home [01:40:24] Yunia issued server command: /randomtp [01:40:24] Yunia issued server command: /rtp [01:41:20] lilgonerww зашёл [01:41:28] lilgonerww issued server command: /we cui [01:41:35] Cro_SS_O issued server command: /home [01:42:42] Yunia issued server command: /home [01:43:32] Lana_Luna issued server command: /home [01:43:54] Lana_Luna issued server command: /randomtp [01:43:54] Lana_Luna issued server command: /rtp [01:45:11] Lana_Luna issued server command: /randomtp [01:45:11] Lana_Luna issued server command: /rtp [01:45:27] Lana_Luna issued server command: /randomtp [01:45:27] Lana_Luna issued server command: /rtp [01:45:36] Lana_Luna issued server command: /randomtp [01:45:36] Lana_Luna issued server command: /rtp [01:45:38] Lana_Luna issued server command: /randomtp [01:45:38] Lana_Luna issued server command: /rtp [01:46:18] Lana_Luna issued server command: /randomtp [01:46:18] Lana_Luna issued server command: /rtp [01:47:07] Lana_Luna issued server command: /randomtp [01:47:07] Lana_Luna issued server command: /rtp [01:47:09] Lana_Luna issued server command: /randomtp [01:47:09] Lana_Luna issued server command: /rtp [01:47:11] Lana_Luna issued server command: /home [01:48:07] Lana_Luna issued server command: /randomtp [01:48:07] Lana_Luna issued server command: /rtp [01:48:25] Yunia issued server command: /home [01:49:05] Lana_Luna issued server command: /randomtp [01:49:05] Lana_Luna issued server command: /rtp [01:49:31] Lana_Luna issued server command: /randomtp [01:49:31] Lana_Luna issued server command: /rtp [01:49:55] Lana_Luna issued server command: /randomtp [01:49:55] Lana_Luna issued server command: /rtp [01:49:58] Lana_Luna issued server command: /randomtp [01:49:58] Lana_Luna issued server command: /rtp [01:50:32] Lana_Luna issued server command: /randomtp [01:50:32] Lana_Luna issued server command: /rtp [01:50:54] Lana_Luna issued server command: /randomtp [01:50:54] Lana_Luna issued server command: /rtp [01:50:58] Lana_Luna issued server command: /randomtp [01:50:58] Lana_Luna issued server command: /rtp [01:51:32] Lana_Luna issued server command: /randomtp [01:51:32] Lana_Luna issued server command: /rtp [01:52:45] I_Quantum_I зашёл [01:52:52] I_Quantum_I issued server command: /we cui [01:55:00] Yunia issued server command: /randomtp [01:55:00] Yunia issued server command: /rtp [01:55:08] Yunia issued server command: /home [01:55:11] I_Quantum_I issued server command: /money top [01:55:15] xx_VR_xxx зашёл [01:55:23] I_Quantum_I issued server command: /playtime [01:55:25] I_Quantum_I issued server command: /playtimetop [01:55:40] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /we cui [01:55:54] Yunia issued server command: /home [01:56:05] I_Quantum_I issued server command: /kit start [01:56:51] xx_VR_xxx умер (ENTITY_ATTACK) [01:56:54] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /we cui [01:56:58] xx_VR_xxx умер (ENTITY_ATTACK) [01:57:07] I_Quantum_I issued server command: /vanish [01:57:11] I_Quantum_I issued server command: /tp xx_VR_xxx [01:57:46] I_Quantum_I issued server command: /m xx_VR_xxx нужна помощь? [01:57:53] I_Quantum_I issued server command: /m xx_VR_xxx отвечай в глобал [01:59:25] I_Quantum_I issued server command: /vanish [02:00:00] I_Quantum_I issued server command: /m xx_VR_xxx ауу [02:01:10] I_Quantum_I issued server command: /god [02:01:36] [G] I_Quantum_I: !Добрый вечер [02:01:50] [G] Yunia: !вечерочек [02:02:12] I_Quantum_I issued server command: /home [02:02:43] I_Quantum_I issued server command: /tp I_Quantum_I 555 76 1492 [02:02:43] I_Quantum_I issued server command: /tppos 555 76 1492 [02:03:45] I_Quantum_I issued server command: /rg info [02:04:01] I_Quantum_I issued server command: /tp xx_VR_xxx [02:04:19] I_Quantum_I issued server command: /tp xx_VR_xxx [02:05:47] I_Quantum_I вышел [02:05:53] I_Quantum_I зашёл [02:05:55] I_Quantum_I issued server command: /we cui [02:06:01] I_Quantum_I issued server command: /god [02:06:03] I_Quantum_I issued server command: /god [02:06:12] I_Quantum_I issued server command: /tp xx_VR_xxx [02:08:33] I_Quantum_I issued server command: /vanish [02:09:35] I_Quantum_I issued server command: /oi xx_VR_xxx [02:09:46] bumhik зашёл [02:09:48] lilgonerww вышел [02:09:59] bumhik issued server command: /we cui [02:10:20] I_Quantum_I issued server command: /whois xx_VR_xxx [02:10:55] [G] bumhik: ! привет всем [02:11:06] [G] Yunia: !qq [02:11:09] [G] I_Quantum_I: !Привет) [02:11:47] I_Quantum_I issued server command: /dupeip xx_vr_xxx [02:12:27] [G] Yunia: !есть у кого звезда ада? [02:12:33] [G] bumhik: ! + [02:12:39] [G] Yunia: !или зачарованное яблоко? [02:12:49] [G] Yunia: !почём продашь? [02:13:52] Yunia issued server command: /money [02:13:56] Yunia issued server command: /warp shop [02:13:58] Yunia issued server command: /we cui [02:14:04] Yunia issued server command: /money top [02:14:57] Yunia issued server command: /home [02:14:58] Yunia issued server command: /we cui [02:15:19] bumhik issued server command: /tp Yunia [02:16:02] [L] bumhik: 80 ;v [02:16:08] [L] bumhik: 80 эм [02:16:12] [L] Yunia: ух [02:16:17] I_Quantum_I issued server command: /zwand [02:16:26] [L] Yunia: поторопился ты с телепортом тогда) [02:16:35] [L] bumhik: пон [02:16:36] bumhik issued server command: /home [02:17:26] I_Quantum_I issued server command: /localspy [02:17:33] I_Quantum_I issued server command: /home [02:17:46] I_Quantum_I issued server command: /zs 5 [02:17:53] I_Quantum_I issued server command: /zs 5 [02:18:01] I_Quantum_I issued server command: /zs 5 [02:18:08] I_Quantum_I issued server command: /zs 5 [02:18:16] I_Quantum_I issued server command: /zs 5 [02:18:22] I_Quantum_I issued server command: /zs 5 [02:18:43] Yunia issued server command: /we cui [02:18:49] bumhik issued server command: /kit [02:19:26] Yunia issued server command: /home [02:19:27] Yunia issued server command: /we cui [02:19:40] I_Quantum_I issued server command: /zs 20 [02:19:53] I_Quantum_I issued server command: /zs 20 [02:20:02] I_Quantum_I issued server command: /zs 20 [02:20:12] I_Quantum_I issued server command: /zs 20a [02:20:15] I_Quantum_I issued server command: /zs 20 [02:20:16] Lana_Luna issued server command: /randomtp [02:20:16] Lana_Luna issued server command: /rtp [02:20:33] Lana_Luna issued server command: /randomtp [02:20:33] Lana_Luna issued server command: /rtp [02:20:36] Yunia issued server command: /we cui [02:21:04] Lana_Luna issued server command: /randomtp [02:21:04] Lana_Luna issued server command: /rtp [02:21:56] I_Quantum_I issued server command: /warp shop [02:21:59] I_Quantum_I issued server command: /we cui [02:22:22] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /we cui [02:22:29] bumhik issued server command: /botania-share botania.entry.entropinnyum [02:22:30] bumhik issued server command: /botania-share botania.entry.entropinnyum [02:22:36] I_Quantum_I issued server command: /home [02:22:37] [G] xx_VR_xxx: ! люблю очистку [02:22:38] I_Quantum_I issued server command: /we cui [02:22:51] I_Quantum_I issued server command: /tp xx_VR_xxx [02:23:15] I_Quantum_I issued server command: /m xx_VR_xxx не в очистке дело [02:23:28] I_Quantum_I issued server command: /m xx_VR_xxx ты где прятался? [02:23:39] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /r я зашел на сервер и ждал прогрузки ;/ [02:23:42] bumhik issued server command: /botania-share botania.entry.narslimmus [02:23:42] bumhik issued server command: /botania-share botania.entry.narslimmus [02:23:43] bumhik issued server command: /botania-share botania.entry.narslimmus [02:23:44] bumhik issued server command: /botania-share botania.entry.narslimmus [02:23:58] bumhik issued server command: /botania-share botania.entry.narslimmus [02:23:58] bumhik issued server command: /botania-share botania.entry.narslimmus [02:24:01] I_Quantum_I issued server command: /m xx_VR_xxx хмм [02:24:07] I_Quantum_I issued server command: /m xx_VR_xxx ладно [02:24:13] I_Quantum_I issued server command: /m xx_VR_xxx история такая [02:24:26] I_Quantum_I issued server command: /m xx_VR_xxx ты умер 2 раза подряд [02:24:27] bumhik issued server command: /botania-share botania.entry.narslimmus [02:24:28] bumhik issued server command: /botania-share botania.entry.narslimmus [02:24:39] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /r Весело [02:24:41] I_Quantum_I issued server command: /m xx_VR_xxx я тпнулся к тебе чтобы узнать причину смерти [02:24:58] I_Quantum_I issued server command: /m xx_VR_xxx твои вещи были на зомбаках [02:25:11] I_Quantum_I issued server command: /m xx_VR_xxx но то что ты прогружался 10+ минут [02:25:18] I_Quantum_I issued server command: /m xx_VR_xxx очень странно [02:25:25] I_Quantum_I issued server command: /m xx_VR_xxx твои ресурсы у меня [02:25:27] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /r оперативка забивается чет жестко [02:25:36] I_Quantum_I issued server command: /m xx_VR_xxx я тебе их верну [02:25:49] I_Quantum_I issued server command: /m xx_VR_xxx Ну в этом мы разберемся, оператива или нет [02:25:55] I_Quantum_I issued server command: /home [02:26:12] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /r это да [02:26:14] I_Quantum_I issued server command: /tp xx_VR_xxx [02:26:23] I_Quantum_I issued server command: /vanish [02:26:37] [L] I_Quantum_I: это то что я выбил у зомби [02:26:43] [L] I_Quantum_I: это всё твое? [02:26:44] [L] xx_VR_xxx: Спасибо большое [02:27:00] [L] I_Quantum_I: Я вопрос задал [02:27:03] [L] xx_VR_xxx: да мое [02:27:09] [L] I_Quantum_I: Хорошо [02:27:18] [L] I_Quantum_I: Приятной игры :) [02:27:20] I_Quantum_I issued server command: /home [02:27:44] lilgonerww зашёл [02:27:46] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /msg I_Quantum_I спасибо большое)самое основное сохранилось ^^а то думал кирдык пол дня зря [02:27:52] lilgonerww issued server command: /we cui [02:28:10] I_Quantum_I issued server command: /m xx_VR_xxx Приятной игры :) [02:28:25] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /r Кстати не подскажешь,проблема с ЕМС есть [02:28:34] I_Quantum_I issued server command: /m Yunia нужны звезды ада? [02:28:52] I_Quantum_I issued server command: /money top [02:28:57] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /r вот у пороха там допустим 32 емс я закинул в сундук и положил обсы у которой намного больше емс [02:28:57] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /r но сделалась всего 1 штука пороха,хотя по логике должно было 20-30 [02:29:04] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /r не знаете в чем может быть проблема? [02:29:05] Yunia issued server command: /m I_Quantum_I смотря за что [02:29:21] I_Quantum_I issued server command: /m Yunia 50 эм - 1 шт [02:29:52] Yunia issued server command: /m I_Quantum_I нет, спасибо, для меня дорого :с [02:30:23] I_Quantum_I issued server command: /m xx_VR_xxx хмм, попробуй ложить меньше, хотя там разницы нет [02:30:30] I_Quantum_I issued server command: /m Yunia 45? [02:30:35] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /r пробовал и так даже [02:30:48] I_Quantum_I issued server command: /m xx_VR_xxx странно [02:31:02] I_Quantum_I issued server command: /m xx_VR_xxx как мод называется? [02:31:09] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /r Project E [02:31:19] bumhik issued server command: /home [02:31:22] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /r а блок в котором это делается конденсатор энергии [02:31:43] Yunia issued server command: /m I_Quantum_I да, не, всё равно не на себя в итоге потрачу. я просто не знала сколько они стоят, [02:31:43] Yunia issued server command: /m вот и спросила [02:34:21] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /playtime [02:34:46] I_Quantum_I issued server command: /m xx_VR_xxx ты хочешь из обсидиана порох сделать? [02:35:21] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /r ну там можно вложить обсидиан он отдаст емс и пойдет на крафт пороха и такие приколы не ток с [02:35:21] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /r порохом там еще с светокамнем и многими другими вещами [02:35:38] I_Quantum_I issued server command: /m xx_VR_xxx да да, хмм [02:36:03] I_Quantum_I issued server command: /m xx_VR_xxx ты уверен что нужно не намного больше емс для того чтобы скрафтить порох? [02:37:12] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /r в порохе 192 емс в 1 обсидиане 32 [02:37:27] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /r я щас вложил 2 обсидиана и там 5-7% заполненой шкалы [02:37:46] I_Quantum_I issued server command: /m xx_VR_xxx да, и? [02:38:21] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /r если математикой узнать сколько нужно будет обсидиана и сколько это выйдет в емс выйдет не [02:38:22] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /r равноценно [02:38:40] I_Quantum_I issued server command: /m xx_VR_xxx Ну это да [02:38:58] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /r просто хочу понять это баг или это тк нужно,просто всегда я ложил и все нормально было,где был [02:38:59] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /r проджект е [02:39:09] I_Quantum_I issued server command: /m xx_VR_xxx Ладно, я завтра разберусь в этом моде, он для меня новинка [02:39:26] Avakad зашёл [02:39:29] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /r ну он тут троху урезаный,для магика а то наабузят щас себе палочки и будут стаками продавать) [02:39:31] I_Quantum_I issued server command: /m xx_VR_xxx Мне интересно как проходит преобразование енергии и как работает мод [02:39:33] Exetorics зашёл [02:39:35] Exetorics issued server command: /we cui [02:39:46] Avakad issued server command: /we cui [02:40:00] I_Quantum_I issued server command: /m xx_VR_xxx Это да) [02:40:19] I_Quantum_I issued server command: /m xx_VR_xxx А чего не сделаешь себе сборщик енергии? [02:40:29] Avakad issued server command: //chunk [02:40:29] Avakad issued server command: //outset 16 [02:40:29] Avakad issued server command: //wand [02:40:30] I_Quantum_I issued server command: /m xx_VR_xxx он же вроде генит емс [02:40:32] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /r там же философский камень нужен [02:40:36] I_Quantum_I issued server command: /m xx_VR_xxx да [02:40:46] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /r а на философский камень нужно наболдашник гномье проклятье [02:40:47] I_Quantum_I issued server command: /m xx_VR_xxx вроде не сложно сделать [02:40:47] Cro_SS_O вышел [02:41:04] I_Quantum_I issued server command: /m xx_VR_xxx даа [02:41:19] Avakad issued server command: /rg claim hause2 [02:41:20] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /r это найти еще гномов а если у них еще и спавн редкий как обычно то сложно [02:41:24] Avakad issued server command: //sel [02:41:26] Avakad issued server command: /home [02:41:32] Avakad issued server command: /mpcaseshop [02:41:35] I_Quantum_I issued server command: /m xx_VR_xxx Да он крафтится [02:41:36] Avakad issued server command: /mpcaseview 70 [02:41:37] Avakad issued server command: /buycase 70 [02:41:40] Avakad issued server command: /rollcase 70 [02:41:44] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /r гномье проклятье?? [02:41:46] I_Quantum_I issued server command: /m xx_VR_xxx тебе таум надо изучить [02:41:52] bumhik issued server command: /money [02:41:52] Avakad issued server command: /mpcaseview 70 [02:41:54] Avakad issued server command: /buycase 70 [02:41:55] Avakad issued server command: /rollcase 70 [02:42:00] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /r он же вроде крафтиться если есть мод на реликвии там добавили [02:42:08] Avakad issued server command: /mpcaseview 70 [02:42:10] Avakad issued server command: /buycase 70 [02:42:10] Avakad issued server command: /rollcase 70 [02:42:12] Lana_Luna issued server command: /kit start [02:42:15] I_Quantum_I issued server command: /m xx_VR_xxx yup [02:42:24] Avakad issued server command: /mpcaseview 70 [02:42:25] Avakad issued server command: /buycase 70 [02:42:26] Avakad issued server command: /rollcase 70 [02:42:33] I_Quantum_I issued server command: /m xx_VR_xxx ну, я таум не купил еще [02:42:50] Avakad вышел [02:42:52] I_Quantum_I issued server command: /m xx_VR_xxx но как помню с прошлого вайпа, крафтится [02:42:59] I_Quantum_I issued server command: /m xx_VR_xxx но достаточно дорого [02:43:02] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /r получается это в кастомной вкладке наверное [02:43:12] I_Quantum_I issued server command: /m xx_VR_xxx Да [02:43:24] I_Quantum_I issued server command: /m xx_VR_xxx будет таум, скажу где и как [02:43:35] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /r лучше бы крафтился предмет чтобы не отлетать от босса с 28к хп который телепортируется и одним тп [02:43:36] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /r сносил 80% хп когда у тебя броня на -75% срез урона) [02:43:57] I_Quantum_I issued server command: /m xx_VR_xxx Хех. не я такого тут не встречал [02:44:07] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /r а я думал не встречу такого сегодня встретил о.о [02:44:32] I_Quantum_I issued server command: /m xx_VR_xxx Ладненько, пошел я спать, а то после 15 часовой смены глаза слипаются [02:44:39] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /r Спокойной ночи [02:44:43] I_Quantum_I issued server command: /m xx_VR_xxx спокойной [02:44:52] I_Quantum_I вышел [02:47:13] Exetorics issued server command: /rg sel [02:47:18] Exetorics issued server command: /rg sel [02:47:59] Exetorics issued server command: /zw [02:48:23] Exetorics issued server command: /zs 0 [02:48:30] Exetorics issued server command: /zs 0 [02:48:48] Exetorics issued server command: /zs 0 [02:49:06] Exetorics issued server command: /zs 0 [02:49:39] Exetorics issued server command: /zs 0 [02:49:41] Yunia issued server command: /home [02:49:42] Yunia issued server command: /we cui [02:49:45] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /randomtp [02:49:45] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /rtp [02:49:50] Exetorics issued server command: /zs 1 [02:49:55] Exetorics issued server command: //desel [02:50:21] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /randomtp [02:50:21] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /rtp [02:50:28] Exetorics issued server command: /rg i [02:50:50] Yunia issued server command: /home [02:50:50] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /randomtp [02:50:50] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /rtp [02:51:04] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /randomtp [02:51:04] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /rtp [02:51:06] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /randomtp [02:51:06] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /rtp [02:52:18] Yunia issued server command: /home [02:52:25] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /home [02:52:50] lilgonerww вышел [02:56:43] bumhik issued server command: /vanish [02:56:46] bumhik issued server command: /tp Lana_Luna [02:56:47] Yunia issued server command: /home [02:57:31] bumhik issued server command: /tp xx_VR_xxx [02:58:02] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /we cui [02:58:51] bumhik issued server command: /home [02:59:07] Yunia issued server command: /home [02:59:11] bumhik issued server command: /vanish [02:59:16] bumhik issued server command: /tp Yunia [02:59:17] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /randomtp [02:59:17] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /rtp [02:59:19] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /warp ad [02:59:29] [L] bumhik: тебе ещё нужна звезда ? [02:59:39] [L] bumhik: Yunia, [02:59:51] [L] Yunia: смотря за сколько [03:00:17] [L] bumhik: кровавая руна 42 штуки и звезда твроя [03:00:19] Exetorics issued server command: /workbench [03:00:38] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /warp emd [03:00:41] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /warp end [03:00:44] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /we cui [03:00:52] lilgonerww зашёл [03:00:55] [L] Yunia: ахах, поняла) но к сожалению я магию ещё даже не начинала [03:01:00] lilgonerww issued server command: /we cui [03:01:06] [L] Yunia: я тут больше по тинкеру парюсь [03:01:16] [L] bumhik: пон [03:01:19] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /home [03:01:21] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /we cui [03:01:25] Exetorics issued server command: /rg i [03:01:34] [L] Yunia: если надо что-то отлить из оружия или инструментов - обращайся [03:01:35] Exetorics issued server command: /rg flag exh2 lava-flow allow [03:01:43] Exetorics issued server command: /buyflag [03:01:52] [L] Yunia: могу предложить самовосстанавливающуюся кирку на шелковое касание [03:01:56] Exetorics issued server command: /buyflag exh2 lava-flow allow [03:02:01] [L] bumhik: я не понимаю этот мож [03:02:13] [L] bumhik: у меня это всё есть) [03:02:31] [G] Exetorics: !То чувство когда ты дон мод но не можешь поставить флаг lava-flow [03:02:38] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /buyflag [03:02:40] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /buyflag list [03:02:50] [G] xx_VR_xxx: ! бывает [03:03:06] [G] Exetorics: !Я тут печь запилил а лаву в ручную придётся заливать [03:03:06] [L] Yunia: тогда даже не знаю, что тебе предложить) [03:03:13] [L] bumhik: а зачем зеведа? [03:03:18] [G] xx_VR_xxx: ! Ура теперь меня ендермен не шотает с 1 удара [03:03:27] Exetorics issued server command: /rg flag exh2 mob-spawning deny [03:03:32] [G] xx_VR_xxx: ! Достижение [03:03:32] [L] Yunia: для тесака на 50 урона [03:03:37] [L] Yunia: причём не мне)))))) [03:03:50] [L] bumhik: прикольно) [03:03:56] [G] xx_VR_xxx: ! Щас еще завтра или сегодня бахну на з4,а в будущем на з8 [03:04:07] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /warp shop [03:04:10] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /we cui [03:04:27] [L] Yunia: в общем за тинкером, если что-то потребуется - приходи) [03:04:34] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /money [03:04:40] [L] bumhik: хорошо )) [03:05:19] [L] bumhik: можно я тут у тебя пченицу украду с семечкам)) [03:05:32] Exetorics issued server command: /home [03:05:40] [L] Yunia: конечно [03:05:50] Yunia issued server command: /home [03:05:51] [G] xx_VR_xxx: ! адская печь? [03:05:53] Exetorics issued server command: /rg i [03:05:57] Exetorics issued server command: /seen moin1k [03:06:06] Exetorics issued server command: /rg removemember exh3 moin1k [03:06:10] Exetorics issued server command: /rg removemember exh3 Moin1k [03:06:27] bumhik issued server command: /home [03:06:46] Exetorics issued server command: /heal [03:06:47] Yunia issued server command: /home [03:06:52] bumhik issued server command: /randomtp [03:06:52] bumhik issued server command: /rtp [03:06:52] [L] bumhik: .rtp [03:07:14] Yunia issued server command: /money [03:07:18] Yunia issued server command: /money top [03:07:50] bumhik issued server command: /m Yunia если есть янтарь могу за янтарь продать) [03:08:00] bumhik issued server command: /m Yunia 4 стака янтарая) [03:08:11] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /mpcaseshop [03:08:14] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /mpcaseview 70 [03:08:14] bumhik issued server command: /randomtp [03:08:14] bumhik issued server command: /rtp [03:08:14] [L] bumhik: .кез [03:08:15] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /rollcase 70 [03:08:30] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /mpcaseview 70 [03:08:31] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /rollcase 70 [03:08:45] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /mpcaseview 70 [03:08:46] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /rollcase 70 [03:09:03] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /money [03:09:08] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /playtime [03:09:12] Yunia issued server command: /m bumhik 15 янтаря о чём ты. я тут как дворф из богом забытой деревни) [03:09:30] bumhik issued server command: /randomtp [03:09:30] bumhik issued server command: /rtp [03:10:04] bumhik issued server command: /m Yunia не хочешь попоч а за помощ я тебе дам звезду [03:10:31] Yunia issued server command: /m bumhik что надо сделать? [03:10:49] bumhik issued server command: /m Yunia добывать янтарь) [03:11:21] Yunia issued server command: /m bumhik ух, звучит больно, но хорошо [03:12:37] bumhik issued server command: /tpahere Yunia [03:12:46] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /home [03:12:49] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /we cui [03:13:14] Exetorics issued server command: /heal [03:13:20] Yunia issued server command: /home [03:13:28] Yunia issued server command: /tpaccept [03:13:28] bumhik issued server command: /tp Yunia [03:13:43] [L] bumhik: как успех? [03:14:03] [L] Yunia: только топор доделала [03:14:25] [L] Yunia: теперь с деревьями буду за раз разбираться [03:14:32] [L] Yunia: ) [03:14:52] Exetorics issued server command: /wb [03:14:56] Exetorics issued server command: /workbenchj [03:14:57] Exetorics issued server command: /workbench [03:15:09] Exetorics issued server command: /workbench [03:15:22] Yunia issued server command: /randomtp [03:15:22] Yunia issued server command: /rtp [03:15:34] [G] Exetorics: !VR тп оцени печь [03:15:38] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /tpa Exetorics [03:15:43] Exetorics issued server command: /tpaccept [03:16:06] [L] xx_VR_xxx: я думал ты функциональную построил а это строительная [03:16:08] [L] xx_VR_xxx: хехе [03:16:16] bumhik issued server command: /tp Yunia [03:16:24] [L] Exetorics: для этого мне и надо было отключать флаг [03:16:30] [L] Exetorics: а хрен там был [03:16:34] [L] Exetorics: в ручную сделал [03:16:43] Exetorics issued server command: /rg i [03:16:44] [L] xx_VR_xxx: солидно выглядит [03:16:49] Exetorics issued server command: /s xx_VR_xxx [03:17:00] [L] xx_VR_xxx: кайф [03:17:02] bumhik issued server command: /randomtp [03:17:02] bumhik issued server command: /rtp [03:17:04] [L] Exetorics: да ты тут не умрёшь)) [03:17:08] [L] Exetorics: даже если прыгнишь с неба [03:17:09] [L] xx_VR_xxx: так я не умру и так [03:17:15] [L] xx_VR_xxx: хоть с 2000 высоты [03:17:15] bumhik issued server command: /m Yunia тп [03:17:20] [L] Exetorics: у меня флаг на бессмертие тут стоит [03:17:23] bumhik issued server command: /tpahere Yunia [03:17:23] [L] xx_VR_xxx: у меня анулирование урона от падения и так [03:17:26] [L] xx_VR_xxx: и от лавы [03:17:31] Yunia issued server command: /tpaccept [03:17:39] [L] bumhik: постой пожалуста тут [03:17:41] Exetorics issued server command: /s xx_VR_xxx [03:17:43] [L] Yunia: стою [03:17:45] [L] bumhik: я щас тп домой [03:17:51] [L] bumhik: еи прилечу [03:17:52] bumhik issued server command: /home [03:18:01] [L] Exetorics: потом тут оформить как кузню и вообще шик будет [03:18:11] [L] xx_VR_xxx: согласен [03:18:11] bumhik issued server command: /tp Yunia [03:18:46] [L] bumhik: спасибо [03:18:47] [L] xx_VR_xxx: удивляюсь немного с игроков [03:18:51] [L] Exetorics: ? [03:18:51] [L] bumhik: что как там янтарь? [03:18:54] [L] Yunia: да не за что) [03:18:57] [L] xx_VR_xxx: сегодня просыпаюсь пишет тиммейт [03:18:59] [L] Yunia: ищется [03:19:06] [L] bumhik: ну и прекрасно [03:19:12] [L] bumhik: я тоже полетел искать [03:19:15] bumhik issued server command: /randomtp [03:19:15] bumhik issued server command: /rtp [03:19:17] [L] xx_VR_xxx: мол там игрок сказал другому дам подарок,тот принял тп и чел убил его и того кто сидел в мэ [03:19:18] Yunia issued server command: /randomtp [03:19:18] Yunia issued server command: /rtp [03:19:24] [L] xx_VR_xxx: я такой ну ладно,потом решим вопрос [03:19:33] bumhik issued server command: /randomtp [03:19:33] bumhik issued server command: /rtp [03:19:42] [L] xx_VR_xxx: и этот кто убил вместо того чтобы быстро слинять тупо перебирал выпавшие ресы и наши за это время [03:19:43] [L] xx_VR_xxx: тупо загасили его [03:19:56] [L] Exetorics: мда [03:20:19] Yunia issued server command: /randomtp [03:20:19] Yunia issued server command: /rtp [03:20:21] [L] xx_VR_xxx: не ну кнш урон у ендерменов зачетный [03:20:37] [L] Exetorics: да тут хрен пойми что сделали с уроном [03:20:42] [L] xx_VR_xxx: ну им апнули нехило так [03:20:52] [L] Exetorics: а игрокам занерфили [03:21:03] Yunia issued server command: /m bumhik нужен ещё узел ауры? [03:21:17] [L] xx_VR_xxx: в броне с 75% резистов ендермены за тычку пол хп сносят [03:21:24] [L] xx_VR_xxx: я про боссов молчу [03:21:30] [L] xx_VR_xxx: с 28к хп и уроном в пол лица [03:22:08] [L] xx_VR_xxx: где то слайм чанки что ль [03:22:15] [L] Exetorics: внизу пещера [03:22:18] [L] xx_VR_xxx: а [03:22:26] bumhik вышел [03:23:36] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /playtimetop clear [03:23:39] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /playtime [03:23:50] [L] xx_VR_xxx: м еще 4ч и можно кит юзать [03:23:58] [L] Exetorics: грац [03:24:07] [L] xx_VR_xxx: а то тиммейт уже замучался с чернильницей [03:24:24] [L] Exetorics: кро урон получает? [03:24:26] [L] xx_VR_xxx: я [03:24:32] [L] Exetorics: сфига? [03:24:35] lilgonerww вышел [03:24:36] [L] xx_VR_xxx: кровь кончилась [03:24:52] [L] xx_VR_xxx: на базе реагенты делаются видимо кровь сожрали с концами [03:25:26] Yunia issued server command: /randomtp [03:25:26] Yunia issued server command: /rtp [03:25:45] [L] xx_VR_xxx: а че побелели вы [03:26:08] [L] Exetorics: в плане побелели [03:26:16] [L] xx_VR_xxx: в табе вы крассные были уже белые [03:26:23] [L] Exetorics: хз [03:26:27] [L] Exetorics: у меня досихпор красные [03:26:49] Yunia issued server command: /randomtp [03:26:49] Yunia issued server command: /rtp [03:27:05] lilgonerww зашёл [03:27:13] lilgonerww issued server command: /we cui [03:27:25] Yunia issued server command: /randomtp [03:27:25] Yunia issued server command: /rtp [03:27:29] [L] xx_VR_xxx: о тут тот мем остался с крыльями бабочки [03:27:41] [L] xx_VR_xxx: *порхай как бабочка жаль что ты приемный* [03:27:45] [L] Exetorics: xD [03:27:55] [L] Exetorics: что общего между инвалидом и пчёлкой? [03:28:13] [L] xx_VR_xxx: не знаю [03:28:16] [L] Exetorics: жалко [03:28:23] [L] xx_VR_xxx: Хах [03:28:46] lilgonerww вышел [03:28:53] lilgonerww зашёл [03:28:55] lilgonerww issued server command: /we cui [03:29:06] Yunia issued server command: /randomtp [03:29:06] Yunia issued server command: /rtp [03:29:08] [L] Exetorics: ты знаком с Candis? [03:29:26] Lana_Luna issued server command: /home [03:29:30] [L] xx_VR_xxx: с кем? [03:29:41] [L] Exetorics: Can this dick fit in your mouth [03:29:42] bumhik зашёл [03:29:54] bumhik issued server command: /we cui [03:29:57] [L] xx_VR_xxx: хаха ор [03:30:08] bumhik issued server command: /m Yunia я тут [03:30:17] [L] Exetorics: у англоговорящих есть такая фишка как у нас в своём роде [03:30:23] [L] Exetorics: они когда пишут Can this [03:30:31] [L] Exetorics: могут написать Can dis [03:30:36] bumhik issued server command: /tp Yunia [03:30:42] Lana_Luna issued server command: /randomtp [03:30:42] Lana_Luna issued server command: /rtp [03:30:54] Yunia issued server command: /home [03:30:55] [L] xx_VR_xxx: кстати [03:30:57] bumhik issued server command: /tp Yunia [03:30:58] [L] xx_VR_xxx: вопрос такой [03:31:06] Lana_Luna issued server command: /randomtp [03:31:06] Lana_Luna issued server command: /rtp [03:31:09] Lana_Luna issued server command: /randomtp [03:31:09] Lana_Luna issued server command: /rtp [03:31:10] [L] xx_VR_xxx: про квест мир,он стоит его прохождение и что он вообще даст? [03:31:24] Lana_Luna issued server command: /randomtp [03:31:24] Lana_Luna issued server command: /rtp [03:31:35] [L] Exetorics: хз [03:31:49] Lana_Luna issued server command: /warp ad [03:31:53] Lana_Luna issued server command: /we cui [03:31:56] [L] Exetorics: я вообще досихпор жду элитку на магик [03:32:02] [L] xx_VR_xxx: элитку? [03:32:04] [L] Yunia: ща инвентарь почищу и дальше пойду, не боись [03:32:05] [L] Exetorics: получил её в награду в конкурсе репостов [03:32:08] [L] xx_VR_xxx: а [03:32:10] bumhik issued server command: /randomtp [03:32:10] bumhik issued server command: /rtp [03:32:12] [L] Exetorics: попросил передать игроку [03:32:20] [L] Exetorics: в итоге один пишет что не умеет [03:32:28] [L] Exetorics: второй "я подумаю над этим стоит ли" [03:32:31] bumhik issued server command: /rt[ [03:32:47] bumhik issued server command: /randomtp [03:32:47] bumhik issued server command: /rtp [03:32:59] [L] Exetorics: типо бля [03:33:02] [L] Exetorics: всмысле подумаю [03:33:12] [L] Exetorics: я как бы её выйграл приняв участие в конкурсе [03:33:18] [L] Exetorics: а тут "я подумаю" [03:33:37] [L] xx_VR_xxx: мде [03:33:47] Yunia issued server command: /randomtp [03:33:47] Yunia issued server command: /rtp [03:35:51] [L] Exetorics: мой бобик блохаст но не очень пузат [03:35:55] Yunia issued server command: /randomtp [03:35:55] Yunia issued server command: /rtp [03:36:00] [L] Exetorics: довакин помоги моя головааа [03:36:38] bumhik issued server command: /home [03:38:05] [L] Exetorics: чтоб ты понимал [03:38:15] [L] Exetorics: я там в пещере опусташил озеро лавы [03:38:29] [L] xx_VR_xxx: а мог бы просто сделать сигил лавы и не парится хд [03:38:37] [L] Exetorics: не [03:38:40] [L] Exetorics: так не интересно [03:38:43] [L] xx_VR_xxx: еще как [03:38:47] Yunia issued server command: /home [03:39:20] [L] xx_VR_xxx: эх [03:39:25] [L] xx_VR_xxx: вот бы бич свиней найти [03:39:29] Lana_Luna issued server command: /home [03:39:32] Lana_Luna issued server command: /we cui [03:40:54] [L] Exetorics: чё бл [03:41:03] [L] Exetorics: я не могу поставить железную руду [03:41:30] Yunia issued server command: /randomtp [03:41:30] Yunia issued server command: /rtp [03:41:33] [L] xx_VR_xxx: запрещено ставить теперь хд [03:41:51] Lana_Luna вышел [03:41:59] Lana_Luna зашёл [03:42:02] [L] Exetorics: яж найду выход [03:42:03] Exetorics issued server command: /zw [03:42:04] Lana_Luna issued server command: /we cui [03:42:11] Exetorics issued server command: /zs 15 [03:42:17] Exetorics issued server command: /zs 15 [03:42:23] Exetorics issued server command: /zs 15 [03:42:28] Exetorics issued server command: /zs 15 [03:42:33] Exetorics issued server command: /zs 15 [03:42:34] Exetorics issued server command: /zs 15 [03:42:39] Exetorics issued server command: /zs 15 [03:42:41] Exetorics issued server command: /zs 15 [03:43:29] [L] Exetorics: как тебе?) [03:43:48] [L] xx_VR_xxx: а че оставишь в булжыном стиле или в другом потом? [03:43:58] [L] Exetorics: булыгу потом поменяю местами [03:44:08] [L] Exetorics: гдето обсидиан гдето камень [03:44:12] [L] xx_VR_xxx: найс [03:44:13] [L] Exetorics: гдето булыга останется [03:44:45] Exetorics issued server command: /workbench [03:45:03] bumhik issued server command: /m Yunia скок нашла? [03:45:08] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /money [03:45:09] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /money top [03:45:17] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /playtime [03:45:19] lilgonerww вышел [03:45:28] Yunia issued server command: /m bumhik суссмарно 22 [03:45:29] [L] xx_VR_xxx: хм,пока ты строишь пойду опробую квест мир [03:45:31] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /warp quest [03:45:34] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /we cui [03:45:58] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /warp quest [03:46:17] [G] xx_VR_xxx: !обидно режим бога выключили которого нет ;c [03:46:18] bumhik issued server command: /m Yunia лоадно пойдёт [03:46:22] Yunia issued server command: /randomtp [03:46:22] Yunia issued server command: /rtp [03:46:33] Yunia issued server command: /randomtp [03:46:33] Yunia issued server command: /rtp [03:46:41] Yunia issued server command: /randomtp [03:46:41] Yunia issued server command: /rtp [03:46:47] bumhik issued server command: /tp Yunia bumhik [03:46:53] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /home [03:46:55] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /we cui [03:46:56] Exetorics issued server command: /zs 1 [03:47:00] [G] xx_VR_xxx: ! хахахаха фига орк преследует [03:47:02] bumhik issued server command: /tp Yunia [03:47:09] [L] bumhik: ec_ [03:47:11] [L] bumhik: усё [03:47:16] [L] bumhik: хорош [03:47:39] [L] bumhik: бери весть янтарь и тп ко мне [03:47:42] [L] Yunia: ща тогда сгоняю, за остальным, а то мало ли померла бы) [03:47:42] bumhik issued server command: /home [03:47:45] Yunia issued server command: /home [03:47:45] Exetorics issued server command: /zs 45 [03:47:47] [G] xx_VR_xxx: ! Exetorics самое страшное когда не знаешь сколкьо хп тебе снесет моб которого ты не знаешь [03:47:48] Exetorics issued server command: /zs 47 [03:47:52] Exetorics issued server command: /zs 48 [03:47:55] [G] xx_VR_xxx: ! молишься чтобы хотя бы удар выдержал [03:47:56] Exetorics issued server command: /zs 48 [03:47:58] Exetorics issued server command: /zs 48 [03:48:02] Yunia issued server command: /tpa bumhik [03:48:02] Exetorics issued server command: /zs 48 [03:48:04] Exetorics issued server command: /zs 48 [03:48:07] bumhik issued server command: /tpaccept [03:48:08] Exetorics issued server command: /zs 48 [03:48:10] Exetorics issued server command: /zs 48 [03:48:21] Exetorics issued server command: /zs 1 [03:48:24] [L] Yunia: СПАСИБО [03:48:35] [L] Yunia: муа [03:48:43] Yunia issued server command: /home [03:49:15] bumhik issued server command: /vanish [03:49:20] bumhik issued server command: /tp Exetorics [03:49:56] Exetorics issued server command: /zs 1 [03:50:06] bumhik issued server command: /tp Scilla [03:50:28] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /home [03:50:37] bumhik issued server command: /tp xx_VR_xxx [03:50:44] Lana_Luna issued server command: /home [03:50:51] lilgonerww зашёл [03:50:56] Exetorics issued server command: /home [03:50:59] lilgonerww issued server command: /we cui [03:51:10] Exetorics issued server command: /back [03:51:52] Lana_Luna issued server command: /randomtp [03:51:52] Lana_Luna issued server command: /rtp [03:52:01] bumhik issued server command: /vanish [03:52:15] [L] bumhik: блин тяжёлый мод [03:52:19] [G] xx_VR_xxx: !какой [03:52:27] [L] bumhik: всё так долго происходитт [03:52:30] [L] xx_VR_xxx: о.о [03:52:30] [L] bumhik: вот этот [03:52:33] [L] xx_VR_xxx: ааа [03:52:35] [L] xx_VR_xxx: не не долго [03:52:38] [L] xx_VR_xxx: просто руны стоковые [03:52:38] Lana_Luna issued server command: /randomtp [03:52:38] Lana_Luna issued server command: /rtp [03:52:39] [L] bumhik: эти камушки [03:52:46] [L] bumhik: ну руды [03:52:50] [L] bumhik: руны [03:52:53] [L] xx_VR_xxx: легко делаются [03:52:59] [L] bumhik: долго [03:53:02] [L] xx_VR_xxx: не [03:53:06] [L] bumhik: да [03:53:16] Lana_Luna issued server command: /randomtp [03:53:16] Lana_Luna issued server command: /rtp [03:53:19] [L] xx_VR_xxx: если знать откуда брать реген вообще нет проблем [03:53:47] [L] xx_VR_xxx: зато броня ух,для пве это вообще мощь [03:53:56] [L] bumhik: хаха [03:54:03] Lana_Luna issued server command: /randomtp [03:54:03] Lana_Luna issued server command: /rtp [03:54:23] [L] xx_VR_xxx: она еще не чареная и не под бафом [03:54:23] [L] bumhik: 4 уровень, [03:54:25] [L] bumhik: ? [03:54:27] [L] xx_VR_xxx: да [03:54:29] [L] xx_VR_xxx: нету звезд просто [03:54:35] Lana_Luna issued server command: /randomtp [03:54:35] Lana_Luna issued server command: /rtp [03:54:55] [L] xx_VR_xxx: щас кровь коплю на квест мир [03:54:58] Lana_Luna issued server command: /randomtp [03:54:58] Lana_Luna issued server command: /rtp [03:54:59] [L] xx_VR_xxx: интересно вынесут меня или не [03:55:04] Lana_Luna issued server command: /randomtp [03:55:04] Lana_Luna issued server command: /rtp [03:55:18] Yunia issued server command: /warp shop [03:55:19] Yunia issued server command: /we cui [03:55:23] [L] bumhik: я не понимаю не чего [03:55:27] [L] xx_VR_xxx: ? [03:55:33] [L] bumhik: я почти не знаю этот мод [03:55:37] Lana_Luna issued server command: /randomtp [03:55:37] Lana_Luna issued server command: /rtp [03:55:39] [L] xx_VR_xxx: он легкий очен [03:55:53] [L] xx_VR_xxx: ты ложишь камень на алтарь [03:55:56] Yunia issued server command: /home [03:55:58] Yunia issued server command: /we cui [03:56:01] Lana_Luna issued server command: /randomtp [03:56:01] Lana_Luna issued server command: /rtp [03:56:03] [L] xx_VR_xxx: кинжалом коааешь себя и тем самым пополняешь алтарь [03:56:07] [L] xx_VR_xxx: а алтарь пополняем предмет [03:56:08] Lana_Luna issued server command: /randomtp [03:56:08] Lana_Luna issued server command: /rtp [03:56:11] [L] xx_VR_xxx: кровью [03:56:21] Lana_Luna issued server command: /home [03:56:26] [L] bumhik: ты щас что делвешь? [03:56:36] [L] xx_VR_xxx: пополняю свою сеть крови чтобы броня работала [03:56:39] [L] xx_VR_xxx: и инструменты [03:56:55] [L] bumhik: нифига се [03:57:05] [L] xx_VR_xxx: броня в стоке 80% сопры урона [03:57:08] [L] bumhik: пропитаная алмазная кирка есть? [03:57:16] [L] xx_VR_xxx: да ну ее в баню делать) [03:57:21] Yunia issued server command: /home [03:57:24] [L] xx_VR_xxx: это для мазохистов [03:57:29] [L] xx_VR_xxx: не стоит того [03:57:32] [L] bumhik: там крафт канешно это капец [03:57:40] [L] xx_VR_xxx: связанная лучше в данном плане [03:57:51] Yunia issued server command: /home [03:58:04] [L] xx_VR_xxx: ну шо пошли тогда сомной посмотрим выдержит ли броня квест мир хаха [03:58:06] [L] bumhik: она в 1 блок копает? [03:58:07] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /warp quest [03:58:09] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /we cui [03:58:12] [G] Exetorics: !Кузнечная зона готова на 80% [03:58:14] [G] xx_VR_xxx: ! связанная или пропитка? [03:58:15] bumhik issued server command: /tp xx_VR_xxx [03:58:17] bumhik issued server command: /we cui [03:58:22] [G] Exetorics: !кто хотел бы оценить?) [03:58:23] bumhik issued server command: /tp xx_VR_xxx [03:58:28] bumhik issued server command: /home [03:58:30] bumhik issued server command: /we cui [03:58:31] bumhik issued server command: /tp xx_VR_xxx [03:58:32] bumhik issued server command: /we cui [03:58:39] Lana_Luna issued server command: /randomtp [03:58:39] Lana_Luna issued server command: /rtp [03:58:45] [G] Yunia: !я) [03:58:49] [G] Exetorics: !тп [03:58:58] [L] xx_VR_xxx: ема я обосрался [03:58:59] [L] bumhik: ну как [03:59:00] Yunia issued server command: /tpa Exetorics [03:59:02] [L] xx_VR_xxx: когда в паутину попал [03:59:03] Exetorics issued server command: /tpaccept [03:59:05] Lana_Luna issued server command: /randomtp [03:59:05] Lana_Luna issued server command: /rtp [03:59:10] [L] xx_VR_xxx: меня тупо начали зажимать ахаха [03:59:11] [L] xx_VR_xxx: ну слушай [03:59:14] [L] xx_VR_xxx: хочешь прикол? [03:59:17] [L] Yunia: мать моя женщина [03:59:17] [L] bumhik: >? [03:59:22] [L] Yunia: сильно) [03:59:32] [L] xx_VR_xxx: вот у тебя броня из ихора и она будет столько же урона получать как и моя у которой крафт из алмазов [03:59:33] [L] xx_VR_xxx: и стекла ХД [03:59:36] Lana_Luna issued server command: /randomtp [03:59:36] Lana_Luna issued server command: /rtp [03:59:41] [G] Exetorics: !VR я тут преобразил зону, осталось наковальни прифигачить :D [03:59:52] [G] xx_VR_xxx: ! а мы тут тестим брони на орков хаахаха [03:59:57] Lana_Luna issued server command: /randomtp [03:59:57] Lana_Luna issued server command: /rtp [04:00:03] Lana_Luna issued server command: /randomtp [04:00:03] Lana_Luna issued server command: /rtp [04:00:06] Yunia issued server command: /home [04:00:49] [G] xx_VR_xxx: ! пробивают жестко кшн [04:01:04] Lana_Luna issued server command: /randomtp [04:01:04] Lana_Luna issued server command: /rtp [04:01:06] [L] lilgonerww: я на демки чекнула, выглядит шикарно [04:01:26] Exetorics issued server command: /money [04:01:55] Exetorics issued server command: /spawn [04:01:55] bumhik issued server command: /eat [04:01:56] Lana_Luna issued server command: /randomtp [04:01:56] Lana_Luna issued server command: /rtp [04:01:56] Exetorics issued server command: /we cui [04:02:04] [L] bumhik: а что с монетками делать? [04:02:20] [L] xx_VR_xxx: честно? я хз наверное на торговом городе обменивать [04:02:45] xx_VR_xxx умер (ENTITY_ATTACK) [04:02:46] Lana_Luna issued server command: /randomtp [04:02:46] Lana_Luna issued server command: /rtp [04:02:50] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /we cui [04:02:53] [G] xx_VR_xxx: ! mmm [04:02:56] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /tpa bumhik [04:03:02] [G] xx_VR_xxx: ! вот и гг моей броне походу [04:03:05] bumhik issued server command: /tpaccept [04:03:06] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /warp quest [04:03:09] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /we cui [04:03:12] [G] xx_VR_xxx: ! вот и гг моей броне походу [04:03:14] [G] xx_VR_xxx: ! блен [04:03:16] [G] xx_VR_xxx: ! не то [04:03:17] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /warp quest [04:03:27] Lana_Luna issued server command: /randomtp [04:03:27] Lana_Luna issued server command: /rtp [04:03:33] [L] bumhik: а ты где [04:03:36] [L] xx_VR_xxx: умер [04:03:45] xx_VR_xxx умер (ENTITY_ATTACK) [04:03:50] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /we cui [04:03:52] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /warp quest [04:03:55] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /we cui [04:04:05] Exetorics issued server command: /home [04:04:06] Exetorics issued server command: /we cui [04:04:12] xx_VR_xxx умер (ENTITY_ATTACK) [04:04:18] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /we cui [04:04:22] Exetorics issued server command: /tp xx_VR_xxx [04:04:22] [G] xx_VR_xxx: ! нафига я туда пошел ... [04:04:25] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /tpa bumhik [04:04:26] [L] Exetorics: где [04:04:27] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /warp quest [04:04:29] Exetorics issued server command: /tp xx_VR_xxx [04:04:30] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /we cui [04:04:31] Exetorics issued server command: /we cui [04:04:35] [G] bumhik: ! тп не принемается [04:04:37] Exetorics issued server command: /tp xx_VR_xxx [04:04:51] Exetorics issued server command: /home [04:04:53] bumhik issued server command: /eat [04:04:53] Exetorics issued server command: /we cui [04:04:54] Exetorics issued server command: /tp xx_VR_xxx [04:04:56] Exetorics issued server command: /we cui [04:06:06] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /tpaccept [04:06:06] Exetorics issued server command: /heal [04:06:15] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /tpahere xx_VR_xxx [04:06:36] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /playtime [04:06:40] [L] Exetorics: даже я в годе получаю звездюля [04:06:50] [L] bumhik: не чего я не нашёл [04:06:52] [L] xx_VR_xxx: жесткие челы [04:07:03] [L] Exetorics: иди сюда ВР [04:07:12] [L] Exetorics: что нашёл отдаю [04:07:14] xx_VR_xxx умер (ENTITY_ATTACK) [04:07:19] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /we cui [04:07:20] Exetorics issued server command: /home [04:07:22] Exetorics issued server command: /we cui [04:07:26] Exetorics issued server command: /tp xx_VR_xxx [04:07:26] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /tpa Exetorics [04:07:29] [L] Exetorics: стой [04:07:47] [L] Exetorics: у тебя ресы тоже были? [04:08:04] [L] xx_VR_xxx: да у меня там целый сет был хд,походу уже быЛ [04:08:14] bumhik issued server command: /home [04:08:16] bumhik issued server command: /we cui [04:08:19] [L] Exetorics: остальное наверное сгорело [04:08:22] [L] Exetorics: там же огонь [04:08:30] [L] xx_VR_xxx: грустна [04:08:36] [L] Exetorics: я что смог то собрал [04:08:42] Exetorics issued server command: /tp Scilla [04:08:50] Exetorics issued server command: /tp bumhik [04:08:54] [L] Exetorics: а ты уже дома [04:08:59] [L] Exetorics: я думал ты всё ещё там [04:09:07] [L] bumhik: а что мне там делать [04:09:14] [L] Exetorics: хз xD [04:09:14] [G] xx_VR_xxx: ! ендермены ваншотают,боссы ваншотают крипы ваншотают,интересно в чем нужно быть чтобы хотя бы не [04:09:15] [L] xx_VR_xxx: пробивали [04:09:24] [L] Exetorics: ну что мог то собрал и вернул ему [04:09:26] [G] xx_VR_xxx: ! пробивали [04:09:29] [L] Exetorics: пол сета 3 меча [04:09:46] [L] bumhik: жёстко [04:09:51] [L] Exetorics: это да [04:09:56] [L] Exetorics: даже нас в годе дамажат [04:09:57] [L] Exetorics: пздц [04:10:03] [L] bumhik: ну [04:10:07] [L] Exetorics: это легал вообще? [04:10:16] [L] bumhik: незнаю [04:10:17] [G] xx_VR_xxx: ! лан я спать,лень броню делать..задолбался ее уже [04:10:21] [G] Exetorics: !Аке [04:10:26] [G] Exetorics: !хотя стой [04:10:32] [G] xx_VR_xxx: ! ? [04:10:32] [G] Exetorics: !чекни апгрейд [04:10:34] Exetorics issued server command: /home [04:10:36] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /tpa Exetorics [04:10:45] bumhik issued server command: /tp Exetorics [04:10:46] Exetorics issued server command: /tpaccept [04:10:59] [L] xx_VR_xxx: ухты, [04:11:01] bumhik issued server command: /eat [04:11:10] [L] bumhik: норм) [04:11:23] [L] xx_VR_xxx: вот так и живем [04:11:31] [L] Exetorics: эт да [04:11:33] [L] xx_VR_xxx: собираешь пол дня броню а какие то крипы ее сжиают^^ [04:11:51] [L] xx_VR_xxx: надо чекнуть зачем монеты [04:11:54] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /warp quest [04:11:56] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /we cui [04:11:59] [L] bumhik: во во [04:12:12] bumhik issued server command: /tp xx_VR_xxx [04:12:13] Exetorics issued server command: /kit [04:12:13] bumhik issued server command: /we cui [04:12:24] Lana_Luna issued server command: /sethome [04:12:45] [G] xx_VR_xxx: ! а тоесть чтобы получить несчастные таум вещи начального этапа нужно порвать жопу с орками мм [04:12:50] [G] Exetorics: !xD [04:12:59] [L] bumhik: хахахаха [04:13:16] Scilla был кикнут [04:13:16] Scilla вышел [04:13:16] Yunia был кикнут [04:13:16] Yunia вышел [04:13:16] Exetorics был кикнут [04:13:16] Exetorics вышел [04:13:16] bumhik был кикнут [04:13:16] bumhik вышел [04:13:16] Lana_Luna был кикнут [04:13:16] Lana_Luna вышел [04:13:16] lilgonerww был кикнут [04:13:16] lilgonerww вышел [04:13:16] xx_VR_xxx был кикнут [04:13:16] xx_VR_xxx вышел [04:13:20] Сервер выключился [04:14:00] Сервер включился [04:14:18] Scilla зашёл [04:14:20] Scilla issued server command: /we cui [04:14:24] Yunia зашёл [04:14:26] Yunia issued server command: /we cui [04:14:31] lilgonerww зашёл [04:14:33] lilgonerww issued server command: /we cui [04:16:16] Lana_Luna зашёл [04:16:20] Lana_Luna issued server command: /we cui [04:17:39] bumhik зашёл [04:17:42] bumhik issued server command: /we cui [04:18:43] lilgonerww вышел [04:19:17] bumhik issued server command: /we cui [04:19:36] Yunia issued server command: /home [04:19:48] bumhik issued server command: /vanish [04:19:50] bumhik issued server command: /tp Lana_Luna [04:20:19] [G] bumhik: ! чарю вещи писать в лс [04:20:42] bumhik issued server command: /god [04:22:34] [G] Yunia: !куплю жемчуг эндера 1 шт [04:22:51] bumhik issued server command: /vanish [04:23:22] [G] bumhik: ! продам [04:23:32] bumhik issued server command: /home [04:23:45] bumhik issued server command: /tp Yunia [04:23:46] Yunia issued server command: /m bumhik почём? [04:23:55] [L] bumhik: 1 эм [04:24:21] [L] Yunia: не помню как переводить на счёт :с [04:24:40] [L] bumhik: ./money pay bumhik 1 [04:25:01] Yunia issued server command: /money pay bumhik 1 [04:25:10] [L] Yunia: мерси [04:25:13] Yunia issued server command: /home [04:25:49] [L] bumhik: а есть что то быстрое и капает там 3 на 3 или больше [04:25:54] [L] bumhik: с этого мода [04:26:06] [L] Yunia: вот молот на картине [04:26:15] [L] bumhik: он быстро капает? [04:26:24] [L] Yunia: 3 на 3 копает [04:26:38] [L] Yunia: чтобы прям быстро надо много красной пыли [04:26:57] [L] bumhik: пон [04:26:58] bumhik issued server command: /randomtp [04:26:58] bumhik issued server command: /rtp [04:29:26] Yunia issued server command: /home [04:30:21] Yunia issued server command: /randomtp [04:30:21] Yunia issued server command: /rtp [04:31:31] Yunia issued server command: /randomtp [04:31:31] Yunia issued server command: /rtp [04:32:01] bumhik issued server command: /hhome [04:32:03] bumhik issued server command: /home [04:32:59] Yunia issued server command: /randomtp [04:32:59] Yunia issued server command: /rtp [04:45:18] Yunia issued server command: /randomtp [04:45:18] Yunia issued server command: /rtp [04:46:00] Yunia issued server command: /m bumhik меняю янтарь на алюминий, если тебе янтарь ещё нужен, конечно [04:46:32] bumhik issued server command: /m Yunia у меня нету алюминия , и янтарь не нужен уже [04:46:48] Yunia issued server command: /randomtp [04:46:48] Yunia issued server command: /rtp [04:50:15] bumhik issued server command: /rpt [04:50:19] bumhik issued server command: /randomtp [04:50:19] bumhik issued server command: /rtp [04:50:42] bumhik issued server command: /randomtp [04:50:42] bumhik issued server command: /rtp [04:50:45] bumhik issued server command: /randomtp [04:50:45] bumhik issued server command: /rtp [04:51:12] bumhik issued server command: /home [04:53:05] bumhik issued server command: /m Yunia есть 1 арлемит? [04:53:56] Yunia issued server command: /m bumhik если это что-то из таума, то однозначно нет [04:55:15] Yunia issued server command: /randomtp [04:55:15] Yunia issued server command: /rtp [04:55:48] bumhik issued server command: /home [04:56:05] Yunia issued server command: /warp mining [04:56:06] Yunia issued server command: /we cui [04:56:08] Yunia issued server command: /home [04:56:10] Yunia issued server command: /we cui [04:57:00] bumhik issued server command: /we cui [04:59:17] bumhik issued server command: /home [04:59:20] bumhik issued server command: /we cui [05:04:40] Yunia issued server command: /warp mining [05:04:42] Yunia issued server command: /we cui [05:04:44] Yunia issued server command: /randomtp [05:04:44] Yunia issued server command: /rtp [05:05:15] Yunia issued server command: /randomtp [05:05:15] Yunia issued server command: /rtp [05:07:46] Yunia issued server command: /randomtp [05:07:46] Yunia issued server command: /rtp [05:08:01] bumhik issued server command: /home [05:08:27] Yunia issued server command: /money [05:08:29] Yunia issued server command: /money top [05:10:06] yaroxa_kosolapy зашёл [05:10:07] Yunia issued server command: /home [05:10:08] Yunia issued server command: /we cui [05:10:24] yaroxa_kosolapy issued server command: /we cui [05:10:31] Yunia issued server command: /warp mining [05:10:32] Yunia issued server command: /we cui [05:10:34] Yunia issued server command: /randomtp [05:10:34] Yunia issued server command: /rtp [05:13:26] bumhik issued server command: /vanish [05:13:29] bumhik issued server command: /tp Lana_Luna [05:13:38] bumhik issued server command: /tp Yunia [05:13:39] bumhik issued server command: /we cui [05:14:32] bumhik issued server command: /vanish [05:15:00] [L] Yunia: чего такое? [05:15:15] [L] bumhik: просто летаю [05:15:39] bumhik issued server command: /vanish [05:15:41] bumhik issued server command: /tp Yunia [05:16:24] bumhik issued server command: /vanish [05:17:19] bumhik issued server command: /home [05:17:21] bumhik issued server command: /we cui [05:17:44] bumhik issued server command: /tp Scilla [05:17:54] [L] Lana_Luna: Почему я не могу найти летучую мышь джунглей и остальных тварей из этих мест? Нашла одного паука. [05:17:55] [L] Lana_Luna: Уже часа 3 ищу [05:18:02] bumhik issued server command: /tp yaroxa_kosolapy [05:18:33] bumhik issued server command: /vanish [05:18:34] [L] Lana_Luna: может это быть связано с выставлением сложности игры админом [05:18:41] [L] bumhik: это моцарт ? [05:19:48] [L] bumhik: это моцарт ? [05:20:02] Yunia issued server command: /home [05:20:04] Yunia issued server command: /we cui [05:20:14] bumhik issued server command: /vanish [05:20:38] [L] bumhik: я просто слушаю музыку)) [05:20:47] [G] yaroxa_kosolapy: !мб моцарт хз [05:21:43] [L] Lana_Luna: можно поинтересоваться что это значит? [05:21:55] Yunia issued server command: /home [05:22:04] bumhik issued server command: /tp Lana_Luna [05:23:13] Yunia issued server command: /warp mining [05:23:15] Yunia issued server command: /we cui [05:23:17] Yunia issued server command: /randomtp [05:23:17] Yunia issued server command: /rtp [05:23:57] [L] bumhik: ты не протов я тут просто полетаю [05:24:37] bumhik issued server command: /tp Yunia [05:24:38] bumhik issued server command: /we cui [05:27:01] bumhik issued server command: /home [05:27:03] bumhik issued server command: /we cui [05:27:22] Yunia issued server command: /m bumhik слушай, если будешь находить алюминий, то собирай пожалуйста, я потом его у тебя выкуплю [05:27:38] bumhik issued server command: /m Yunia хорошо [05:27:50] bumhik issued server command: /tp Yunia [05:27:52] bumhik issued server command: /we cui [05:29:03] Yunia issued server command: /randomtp [05:29:03] Yunia issued server command: /rtp [05:29:44] Yunia issued server command: /randomtp [05:29:44] Yunia issued server command: /rtp [05:30:44] Yunia issued server command: /randomtp [05:30:44] Yunia issued server command: /rtp [05:32:46] bumhik issued server command: /warp forest [05:32:48] bumhik issued server command: /we cui [05:32:51] bumhik issued server command: /we cui [05:33:40] Yunia issued server command: /randomtp [05:33:40] Yunia issued server command: /rtp [05:33:53] yaroxa_kosolapy issued server command: /home [05:35:54] Lana_Luna issued server command: /home [05:36:12] bumhik issued server command: /fly [05:36:33] yaroxa_kosolapy issued server command: /home [05:37:29] [L] Lana_Luna: мод, ты все еще здесь? можешь помочь с моим вопросом? [05:39:31] Yunia issued server command: /home [05:39:33] Yunia issued server command: /we cui [05:39:52] yaroxa_kosolapy issued server command: /home [05:41:41] yaroxa_kosolapy issued server command: /money [05:41:47] yaroxa_kosolapy issued server command: /mpcaseshop [05:41:51] Yunia issued server command: /home [05:41:53] yaroxa_kosolapy issued server command: /mpcaseview 70 [05:42:04] yaroxa_kosolapy issued server command: /mpcaseshop [05:42:15] bumhik issued server command: /home [05:42:17] bumhik issued server command: /we cui [05:44:46] bumhik issued server command: /warp ad [05:44:48] bumhik issued server command: /we cui [05:45:15] Lana_Luna вышел [05:45:23] yaroxa_kosolapy issued server command: /mpcaseshop [05:45:24] yaroxa_kosolapy issued server command: /mpcaseview 70 [05:45:25] yaroxa_kosolapy issued server command: /buycase 70 [05:45:28] yaroxa_kosolapy issued server command: /rollcase 70 [05:46:40] TexasMen зашёл [05:47:41] TexasMen issued server command: /we cui [05:48:19] [G] TexasMen: !Всем привет) [05:48:30] [G] bumhik: !qq [05:48:31] [G] Yunia: !приветик [05:48:40] TexasMen issued server command: /fly [05:49:11] Yunia issued server command: /m TexasMen привет, по поводу тесака. почти готов. нашел зачарованное яблоко? [05:49:33] TexasMen issued server command: /m Yunia сейчас замучу яблочко) [05:50:05] bumhik issued server command: /ghome [05:50:07] bumhik issued server command: /home [05:50:09] bumhik issued server command: /we cui [05:50:24] [G] TexasMen: !Жуткая метель... инет лагает как никогда... [05:50:47] Yunia issued server command: /m TexasMen есть око эндера? [05:51:26] TexasMen issued server command: /m Yunia да [05:51:44] Yunia issued server command: /m TexasMen дашь/продашь? [05:51:52] TexasMen issued server command: /m Yunia дам [05:52:02] [G] TexasMen: !Как зачаровать голд яблоко? [05:52:31] TexasMen issued server command: /spawn [05:52:32] Yunia issued server command: /warp forest [05:52:33] Yunia issued server command: /we cui [05:52:36] TexasMen issued server command: /we cui [05:52:37] Yunia issued server command: /we cui [05:53:15] TexasMen issued server command: /home [05:53:22] TexasMen issued server command: /we cui [05:53:43] yaroxa_kosolapy issued server command: /home [05:55:12] yaroxa_kosolapy issued server command: /home [05:55:24] TexasMen issued server command: /money [05:55:27] TexasMen issued server command: /money top [05:55:51] TexasMen issued server command: /warp shop [05:55:55] TexasMen issued server command: /we cui [05:56:12] yaroxa_kosolapy issued server command: /КЕЗ [05:56:25] yaroxa_kosolapy issued server command: /randomtp [05:56:25] yaroxa_kosolapy issued server command: /rtp [05:56:50] yaroxa_kosolapy issued server command: /randomtp [05:56:50] yaroxa_kosolapy issued server command: /rtp [05:56:54] yaroxa_kosolapy issued server command: /randomtp [05:56:54] yaroxa_kosolapy issued server command: /rtp [05:57:51] TexasMen issued server command: /home [05:57:56] TexasMen issued server command: /we cui [05:58:05] TexasMen issued server command: /АДН [05:58:09] TexasMen issued server command: /fly [05:58:25] TexasMen issued server command: /sethome [05:58:46] TexasMen issued server command: /m Yuniaтак , еще раз что надо? [05:58:58] TexasMen issued server command: /m Yunia так , еще раз что надо? [05:59:35] Yunia issued server command: /m TexasMen зачарованное яблоко, алмазный блок и желательно много кварца [06:00:20] TexasMen issued server command: /m Yunia могу тп? [06:00:22] [L] yaroxa_kosolapy: кез [06:00:27] yaroxa_kosolapy issued server command: /randomtp [06:00:27] yaroxa_kosolapy issued server command: /rtp [06:00:48] Yunia issued server command: /m TexasMen ну, я в лесу, но впрнц можешь [06:00:52] TexasMen issued server command: /tp Yunia [06:00:57] TexasMen issued server command: /we cui [06:01:44] [L] Yunia: ща блок заберу и будет готово [06:02:04] TexasMen issued server command: /fly [06:02:26] Yunia issued server command: /home [06:02:27] Yunia issued server command: /we cui [06:02:49] TexasMen issued server command: /near [06:02:56] TexasMen issued server command: /tp Yunia [06:03:01] TexasMen issued server command: /we cui [06:03:33] TexasMen issued server command: /m Yunia у меня еще кварц остался [06:03:53] Yunia issued server command: /m TexasMen не, этого более чем [06:04:03] TexasMen issued server command: /m Yunia ок [06:04:04] yaroxa_kosolapy issued server command: /home [06:04:09] TexasMen issued server command: /home [06:05:18] [G] TexasMen: !Продам сингулярную жемчужену [06:05:33] TexasMen issued server command: /fly [06:05:38] Yunia issued server command: /tpa TexasMen [06:05:43] TexasMen issued server command: /tpaccept [06:06:10] [L] TexasMen: это оплата [06:06:17] [L] Yunia: остальное не пригодилось) [06:06:25] [L] TexasMen: отлично [06:06:41] [L] TexasMen: спасибо [06:06:41] yaroxa_kosolapy issued server command: /home [06:06:53] [L] Yunia: ой, а можно попросить око эндера и жемчуг? [06:07:16] [L] TexasMen: жемчуг маны? [06:07:23] [L] Yunia: не, энд [06:07:32] [L] TexasMen: а его по мойму нет [06:07:39] [L] Yunia: ну ладно [06:08:17] [L] TexasMen: не [06:08:21] [L] Yunia: :с [06:08:25] [L] TexasMen: жемчуга нет [06:08:28] [L] Yunia: сколько с меня? [06:08:41] [L] TexasMen: это в оплату за тесак [06:08:48] [L] Yunia: спасибо :з [06:08:56] [L] TexasMen: и тебе [06:09:00] [L] Yunia: ну не спали его на этот раз)) [06:09:05] Yunia issued server command: /home [06:09:07] [L] TexasMen: ой нет [06:09:10] yaroxa_kosolapy issued server command: /home [06:10:24] Yunia issued server command: /home [06:10:50] Yunia issued server command: /kit start [06:11:44] Yunia issued server command: /warp ad [06:11:45] Yunia issued server command: /we cui [06:11:49] TexasMen issued server command: /vanish [06:11:57] TexasMen issued server command: /tp Yunia [06:12:09] TexasMen issued server command: /we cui [06:12:28] Yunia issued server command: /m bumhik продашь око эндера, если есть и почём? [06:12:47] TexasMen issued server command: /fly [06:12:48] bumhik issued server command: /warp end [06:12:51] bumhik issued server command: /we cui [06:13:01] bumhik issued server command: /m Yunia так же 1 эм) [06:13:09] Yunia issued server command: /home [06:13:10] Yunia issued server command: /we cui [06:13:16] TexasMen issued server command: /fly [06:13:18] TexasMen issued server command: /fly [06:13:20] TexasMen issued server command: /tp Yunia [06:13:25] TexasMen issued server command: /we cui [06:13:38] BOBAHBEPTYXA зашёл [06:13:44] Yunia issued server command: / m bumhik давай сразу два) [06:13:47] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /we cui [06:14:01] Yunia issued server command: /m bumhik давай сразу два) [06:14:19] Yunia issued server command: /home [06:14:24] BOBAHBEPTYXA вышел [06:14:35] TexasMen issued server command: /tp Yunia [06:14:49] bumhik issued server command: /tp Yunia [06:14:51] bumhik issued server command: /we cui [06:14:54] [L] TexasMen: Yunia [06:14:55] yaroxa_kosolapy issued server command: /home [06:15:00] [G] Yunia: !ау [06:15:06] [L] bumhik: ау [06:15:32] [L] TexasMen: вопрос rfr cltkfnm nfrbt ;t jxrb& [06:15:36] Yunia issued server command: /m bumhik я тебе писала: давай сразу два) [06:15:42] [L] bumhik: ок [06:15:49] [L] TexasMen: Как сделать такие же очки? [06:15:49] [L] bumhik: 2 так 2 [06:15:53] yaroxa_kosolapy issued server command: /home [06:15:55] Yunia issued server command: /money pay bumhik 2 [06:16:03] Jabuti зашёл [06:16:10] [L] Yunia: стой не то [06:16:16] Jabuti issued server command: /we cui [06:16:23] [L] bumhik: а что надо [06:16:26] yaroxa_kosolapy issued server command: /home [06:16:33] [L] Yunia: который с пылью огненной [06:16:37] [L] bumhik: пон щас [06:16:38] bumhik issued server command: /home [06:16:59] TexasMen issued server command: /spawn [06:17:00] bumhik issued server command: /tp Yunia [06:17:03] [L] bumhik: на [06:17:04] TexasMen issued server command: /we cui [06:17:08] TexasMen issued server command: /warp shop [06:17:20] [L] Yunia: thx) [06:17:46] bumhik issued server command: /warp end [06:17:48] bumhik issued server command: /we cui [06:17:51] yaroxa_kosolapy issued server command: /home [06:18:25] Jabuti issued server command: /playtime [06:18:59] yaroxa_kosolapy issued server command: /home [06:19:13] TexasMen issued server command: /we cui [06:20:37] [G] TexasMen: !Продам палку на 100 вис заряженую [06:20:53] Yunia issued server command: /m TexasMen давай я тебе такие сделаю они из тинкера, быстро крафтятся [06:21:25] Yunia issued server command: /warp shop [06:21:27] Yunia issued server command: /we cui [06:21:52] Yunia issued server command: /home [06:21:53] Yunia issued server command: /we cui [06:23:00] Yunia issued server command: /home [06:25:00] [G] Yunia: !Техас, тп пожалуйста, а то не отображаешься [06:25:20] TexasMen issued server command: /tp Yunia [06:25:27] Yunia issued server command: /tpaccept [06:25:42] [L] TexasMen: да? [06:25:54] [G] Yunia: !почему-то не онлайн [06:26:03] [L] TexasMen: я в ванише) [06:26:17] [G] Yunia: !короче давай тебе очки отдам [06:26:23] [L] TexasMen: не [06:26:38] [L] TexasMen: все ок , просто поинтересовался)) [06:26:49] TexasMen issued server command: /fly [06:26:50] [G] Yunia: !а, ну, короче они из тинкера [06:26:57] [L] TexasMen: поняд [06:27:00] [L] TexasMen: спасибо [06:27:01] bumhik issued server command: /home [06:27:03] bumhik issued server command: /we cui [06:27:07] [G] Yunia: !крафтятся в два присеста [06:27:15] [L] TexasMen: ок [06:27:21] [L] TexasMen: если что скажу)) [06:27:24] [L] TexasMen: спасибо [06:27:33] [L] TexasMen: если что пиши в глобал [06:27:40] TexasMen issued server command: /home [06:28:47] yaroxa_kosolapy issued server command: /home [06:29:13] Yunia issued server command: /home [06:29:44] Yunia issued server command: /randomtp [06:29:44] Yunia issued server command: /rtp [06:30:17] Yunia issued server command: /warp shop [06:30:18] Yunia issued server command: /we cui [06:31:24] Yunia issued server command: /home [06:31:26] Yunia issued server command: /we cui [06:31:42] Yunia issued server command: /randomtp [06:31:42] Yunia issued server command: /rtp [06:32:03] Yunia issued server command: /randomtp [06:32:03] Yunia issued server command: /rtp [06:32:48] yaroxa_kosolapy issued server command: /home [06:34:09] Yunia issued server command: /randomtp [06:34:09] Yunia issued server command: /rtp [06:35:12] bumhik issued server command: /home [06:35:39] bumhik issued server command: /randomtp [06:35:39] bumhik issued server command: /rtp [06:35:43] TexasMen вышел [06:36:12] Jabuti вышел [06:36:21] yaroxa_kosolapy issued server command: /home [06:37:36] bumhik issued server command: /home [06:38:07] Yunia issued server command: /randomtp [06:38:07] Yunia issued server command: /rtp [06:38:19] Yunia issued server command: /warp forest [06:38:20] Yunia issued server command: /we cui [06:38:23] Yunia issued server command: /we cui [06:40:34] [G] bumhik: ! кто-нибудь изучает батанию? [06:41:06] Yunia умер (ENTITY_ATTACK) [06:41:09] Yunia issued server command: /we cui [06:41:12] bumhik issued server command: /tp Yunia [06:41:14] bumhik issued server command: /we cui [06:41:37] [L] bumhik: далеко рипнулась? [06:41:46] [L] Yunia: не, [06:41:54] [G] yaroxa_kosolapy: !куплю железо [06:41:56] [L] bumhik: ну ладно тогда [06:42:11] [G] bumhik: ! продам [06:42:20] bumhik issued server command: /tp yaroxa_kosolapy [06:42:22] bumhik issued server command: /we cui [06:42:25] [G] yaroxa_kosolapy: !цена? [06:42:39] yaroxa_kosolapy issued server command: /money [06:42:40] [L] bumhik: скок железо надо? [06:42:48] [G] yaroxa_kosolapy: !в стаках [06:42:58] [G] yaroxa_kosolapy: !сколько за стак [06:42:58] [L] bumhik: lf [06:43:00] [L] bumhik: да [06:43:54] [L] bumhik: 15 эм [06:44:03] [L] bumhik: 1 стак [06:44:13] [G] yaroxa_kosolapy: !давай за 12? [06:44:16] [L] bumhik: 15 [06:44:33] yaroxa_kosolapy issued server command: /money [06:44:42] [L] bumhik: ну и [06:44:48] [G] yaroxa_kosolapy: !cxbnf. [06:44:48] [L] bumhik: да нет [06:44:52] [G] yaroxa_kosolapy: !считаю [06:45:15] Yunia issued server command: /home [06:45:16] Yunia issued server command: /we cui [06:45:17] [G] yaroxa_kosolapy: !4 стака за 57 отадашь?3 не зватает [06:45:38] [L] bumhik: ну ток 3 смогу [06:45:42] bumhik issued server command: /home [06:45:43] TexasMen зашёл [06:45:47] [G] yaroxa_kosolapy: !давай 3 [06:45:52] bumhik issued server command: /tp yaroxa_kosolapy [06:45:59] [L] bumhik: перводи [06:46:37] [G] yaroxa_kosolapy: !сек [06:46:41] TexasMen issued server command: /we cui [06:47:06] TexasMen issued server command: /vanish [06:47:13] TexasMen issued server command: /fly [06:47:30] bumhik issued server command: /money [06:47:56] BOBAHBEPTYXA зашёл [06:48:05] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /we cui [06:48:15] [G] yaroxa_kosolapy: !не,много проссишь [06:48:17] yaroxa_kosolapy issued server command: /home [06:48:29] bumhik issued server command: /home [06:48:41] bumhik issued server command: /tp BOBAHBEPTYXA [06:48:44] bumhik issued server command: /we cui [06:48:47] yaroxa_kosolapy умер (FALL) [06:48:49] yaroxa_kosolapy issued server command: /we cui [06:48:58] bumhik issued server command: /home [06:49:00] bumhik issued server command: /we cui [06:50:29] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /kit [06:50:35] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /kit [06:50:46] Yunia issued server command: /randomtp [06:50:46] Yunia issued server command: /rtp [06:51:01] TexasMen issued server command: /warp ad [06:51:05] TexasMen issued server command: /we cui [06:51:15] TexasMen issued server command: /fly [06:51:36] yaroxa_kosolapy issued server command: //waand [06:51:44] yaroxa_kosolapy issued server command: //chunk [06:51:44] yaroxa_kosolapy issued server command: //outset 16 [06:51:44] yaroxa_kosolapy issued server command: //wand [06:52:05] yaroxa_kosolapy issued server command: /rg claim [06:52:31] Yunia issued server command: /home [06:54:04] Yunia issued server command: /home [06:54:19] yaroxa_kosolapy issued server command: //pos1 [06:54:46] [L] yaroxa_kosolapy: как заприватить [06:54:54] [G] yaroxa_kosolapy: !как заприватить [06:55:09] yaroxa_kosolapy issued server command: //chunk [06:55:09] yaroxa_kosolapy issued server command: //outset 16 [06:55:09] yaroxa_kosolapy issued server command: /zone [06:55:30] yaroxa_kosolapy issued server command: /rg claim [06:55:48] [G] BOBAHBEPTYXA: !Как стол трансмутации сделать? [06:55:51] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /randomtp [06:55:51] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /rtp [06:55:52] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /randomtp [06:55:52] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /rtp [06:55:54] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /warp [06:55:56] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /warp list [06:56:06] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /warp list 2 [06:56:09] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /warp world [06:56:11] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /we cui [06:56:32] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /randomtp [06:56:32] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /rtp [06:56:59] yaroxa_kosolapy issued server command: /rg claim [06:57:17] TexasMen issued server command: /vanish [06:57:37] yaroxa_kosolapy issued server command: //sel [06:57:54] yaroxa_kosolapy issued server command: /home [07:00:25] Yunia issued server command: /home [07:00:59] BOBAHBEPTYXA вышел [07:01:43] yaroxa_kosolapy issued server command: /home [07:02:10] Yunia issued server command: /randomtp [07:02:10] Yunia issued server command: /rtp [07:03:03] Yunia issued server command: /warp forest [07:03:04] Yunia issued server command: /we cui [07:03:10] Yunia issued server command: /we cui [07:03:18] yaroxa_kosolapy issued server command: /warp mining [07:03:20] yaroxa_kosolapy issued server command: /we cui [07:03:26] yaroxa_kosolapy issued server command: /randomtp [07:03:26] yaroxa_kosolapy issued server command: /rtp [07:04:09] BOBAHBEPTYXA зашёл [07:04:16] yaroxa_kosolapy issued server command: /randomtp [07:04:16] yaroxa_kosolapy issued server command: /rtp [07:04:18] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /we cui [07:07:02] [G] bumhik: ! BOBAHBEPTYXA надо изучать тамукрафт тут все моды свфзаны [07:07:09] [G] BOBAHBEPTYXA: !каво [07:07:16] [G] BOBAHBEPTYXA: !понял [07:07:22] yaroxa_kosolapy issued server command: /randomtp [07:07:22] yaroxa_kosolapy issued server command: /rtp [07:07:23] [G] bumhik: ! моды взаимосвязаны [07:07:37] [G] Yunia: !не так не интересно, надо все сторонние кроме таума/))) [07:08:00] [L] bumhik: )) [07:08:19] bumhik issued server command: /randomtp [07:08:19] bumhik issued server command: /rtp [07:08:57] Yunia issued server command: /home [07:08:59] Yunia issued server command: /we cui [07:09:09] bumhik issued server command: /home [07:09:30] BOBAHBEPTYXA вышел [07:12:06] [G] Yunia: !куплю слезу гаста [07:12:58] Yunia issued server command: /warp shop [07:12:59] Yunia issued server command: /we cui [07:13:31] Yunia issued server command: /money [07:13:32] Scilla был кикнут [07:13:32] Scilla вышел [07:13:32] bumhik был кикнут [07:13:32] bumhik вышел [07:13:32] Yunia был кикнут [07:13:32] Yunia вышел [07:13:32] TexasMen был кикнут [07:13:32] TexasMen вышел [07:13:32] yaroxa_kosolapy был кикнут [07:13:32] yaroxa_kosolapy вышел [07:13:36] Сервер выключился [07:14:12] Сервер включился [07:14:33] Scilla зашёл [07:14:34] Yunia зашёл [07:14:35] Scilla issued server command: /we cui [07:14:36] Yunia issued server command: /we cui [07:14:37] TexasMen зашёл [07:14:43] TexasMen issued server command: /we cui [07:14:55] TexasMen issued server command: /fly [07:14:59] Yunia issued server command: /m TexasMen есть слеза гаста? [07:14:59] bumhik зашёл [07:15:02] bumhik issued server command: /we cui [07:15:29] Yunia issued server command: /m bumhik есть слеза гаста? [07:15:29] TexasMen issued server command: /m Yunia вроде была of gjcvjnh. [07:15:42] TexasMen issued server command: /m Yunia Ща посмотрю [07:15:52] bumhik issued server command: /m Yunia да помоему тп [07:16:01] yaroxa_kosolapy зашёл [07:16:04] yaroxa_kosolapy issued server command: /we cui [07:16:14] bumhik issued server command: /m Yunia 2.5 эм [07:16:15] Yunia issued server command: /tpa bumhik [07:16:20] bumhik issued server command: /tpaccept [07:16:21] Yunia issued server command: /we cui [07:16:47] Yunia issued server command: /money pay bumhik 2.5 [07:16:58] [L] Yunia: спасибо [07:17:02] Yunia issued server command: /home [07:17:38] Be3obra3niy зашёл [07:17:47] Yunia issued server command: /home [07:17:48] TexasMen issued server command: /home [07:17:52] Be3obra3niy issued server command: /we cui [07:17:53] TexasMen issued server command: /we cui [07:18:53] TexasMen issued server command: /m Yunia есть [07:19:00] TexasMen issued server command: /m Yunia тп на меня [07:19:07] Yunia issued server command: /tpa TexasMen [07:19:10] TexasMen issued server command: /tpaccept [07:19:28] [L] Yunia: сколько с меня? [07:19:32] yaroxa_kosolapy issued server command: /randomtp [07:19:32] yaroxa_kosolapy issued server command: /rtp [07:19:41] [L] TexasMen: потом сочтемся) [07:19:42] yaroxa_kosolapy issued server command: /home [07:19:44] yaroxa_kosolapy issued server command: /we cui [07:19:48] [L] Yunia: океюшки) [07:19:55] [L] Yunia: спасибо [07:19:56] Yunia issued server command: /home [07:20:29] yaroxa_kosolapy issued server command: /home [07:20:51] bumhik вышел [07:21:09] TexasMen issued server command: /fly [07:21:33] [L] Be3obra3niy: 123 [07:22:11] [G] TexasMen: !Куплю звезду нижнего мира [07:23:35] bumhik зашёл [07:23:39] TexasMen issued server command: /warp shop [07:23:48] bumhik issued server command: /we cui [07:23:49] TexasMen issued server command: /we cui [07:24:40] Yunia issued server command: /m TexasMen да, кстати, если тесак будет подходить к уже к исходу жизни, не дай ему сломаться, а [07:24:41] Yunia issued server command: /m отнеси мне на починку. вещи из тинкера можно чинить [07:25:12] TexasMen issued server command: /m Yunia окей [07:25:27] Yunia issued server command: /m TexasMen а отнеси мне на починку, вещи из тинкера можно чинить [07:25:28] yaroxa_kosolapy issued server command: /home [07:25:47] TexasMen issued server command: /m Yunia Хорошо, спасибо :)))) [07:25:51] yaroxa_kosolapy issued server command: /home [07:27:57] Yunia issued server command: /money [07:28:00] Yunia issued server command: /money top [07:28:06] Yunia issued server command: /mpcaseshop [07:28:20] Yunia issued server command: /playtime [07:28:24] Yunia issued server command: /playtimetop [07:28:33] Yunia issued server command: /warp quest [07:28:34] Yunia issued server command: /we cui [07:29:01] TexasMen issued server command: /warp end [07:29:08] TexasMen issued server command: /we cui [07:29:09] BOBAHBEPTYXA зашёл [07:29:15] TexasMen issued server command: /warp ad [07:29:18] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /we cui [07:29:21] TexasMen issued server command: /we cui [07:29:29] yaroxa_kosolapy issued server command: /home [07:29:39] TexasMen issued server command: /enderchest [07:29:58] TexasMen issued server command: /warp end [07:30:03] TexasMen issued server command: /we cui [07:30:13] yaroxa_kosolapy issued server command: /home [07:31:49] TexasMen issued server command: /home [07:31:56] TexasMen issued server command: /we cui [07:32:16] TexasMen issued server command: /enderchest [07:32:38] Yunia issued server command: /home [07:32:40] Yunia issued server command: /we cui [07:33:30] TexasMen issued server command: /tp Yunia [07:33:48] TexasMen issued server command: /home [07:34:26] TexasMen issued server command: /tp Yunia [07:34:41] [L] Yunia: чего такое? [07:34:49] [L] TexasMen: dct jr) [07:35:02] [L] TexasMen: yfitk nen d fle inerb htibk gjljuyfnm [07:35:22] [L] TexasMen: все ок , в аду нашел штуки решил поделиться) [07:35:34] TexasMen issued server command: /warp forest [07:35:35] [L] Yunia: ой, спасибо :з [07:35:41] TexasMen issued server command: /we cui [07:36:00] TexasMen issued server command: /we cui [07:36:10] TexasMen issued server command: /warp forest [07:36:15] TexasMen issued server command: /we cui [07:36:28] Yunia issued server command: /m TexasMen спасибо) [07:36:58] [G] BOBAHBEPTYXA: !Что за дома из эндер камня в обычном мире? [07:37:11] [G] bumhik: ! просто постройки [07:37:11] [G] yaroxa_kosolapy: !как заприватить [07:37:31] yaroxa_kosolapy issued server command: //chunk [07:37:31] yaroxa_kosolapy issued server command: //outset 16 [07:37:31] yaroxa_kosolapy issued server command: /zone [07:37:45] Yunia issued server command: /home [07:37:59] yaroxa_kosolapy issued server command: /rg claim yasik [07:38:03] TexasMen issued server command: /enderchest [07:38:39] TexasMen issued server command: /enderchest [07:38:51] yaroxa_kosolapy issued server command: /sel [07:38:56] yaroxa_kosolapy issued server command: //sel [07:38:59] yaroxa_kosolapy вышел [07:39:01] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /list [07:39:08] TexasMen issued server command: /enderchest [07:39:33] [G] BOBAHBEPTYXA: !А тут есть квесты? [07:39:38] Be3obra3niy issued server command: / [07:39:41] [G] bumhik: !да [07:39:42] [G] Be3obra3niy: !/warp quest [07:39:59] Yunia issued server command: /home [07:40:03] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: //pos1 [07:40:06] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: //pos1 [07:40:08] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: //chunk [07:40:08] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: //outset 16 [07:40:08] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: //wand [07:40:17] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: //chunk [07:40:17] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: //outset 16 [07:40:17] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: //wand [07:40:26] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /rg claim doms [07:40:31] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /sethome [07:44:06] TexasMen issued server command: /enderchest [07:44:10] Be3obra3niy вышел [07:44:25] TexasMen issued server command: /home [07:44:39] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: //sel [07:44:43] TexasMen issued server command: /we cui [07:45:01] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /warp quest [07:45:02] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /we cui [07:46:10] Yunia issued server command: /home [07:46:26] TexasMen issued server command: /back [07:46:40] TexasMen issued server command: /we cui [07:47:39] [G] BOBAHBEPTYXA: !Пацаны! А где вкусное озеро? Я координаты не записал [07:47:54] [G] bumhik: ! какое озеро? [07:48:17] [G] BOBAHBEPTYXA: !Озеро с рыбой вкусное [07:48:32] [G] bumhik: ! ты квесты проходишь ? [07:48:35] [G] BOBAHBEPTYXA: !да [07:48:41] [G] bumhik: !я не знаю [07:49:06] bumhik issued server command: /spawn [07:49:08] bumhik issued server command: /we cui [07:49:13] bumhik issued server command: /warp shop [07:49:51] bumhik issued server command: /home [07:49:53] bumhik issued server command: /we cui [07:50:19] Yunia issued server command: /m TexasMen ладно, я спать. приятной игры [07:50:50] TexasMen issued server command: /heal [07:51:24] Yunia issued server command: /warp shop [07:51:25] Yunia issued server command: /we cui [07:51:48] TexasMen issued server command: /heal [07:51:52] TexasMen issued server command: /heal [07:52:50] TexasMen умер (ENTITY_ATTACK) [07:53:04] TexasMen issued server command: /we cui [07:53:13] TexasMen issued server command: /back [07:53:18] TexasMen issued server command: /spawn [07:53:25] TexasMen issued server command: /we cui [07:53:28] Yunia вышел [07:54:03] TexasMen issued server command: /back [07:54:08] TexasMen issued server command: /we cui [07:54:11] SimpleMimpl зашёл [07:54:12] TexasMen issued server command: /spawn [07:54:19] TexasMen issued server command: /we cui [07:54:31] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /we cui [07:54:52] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /fly [07:57:03] SimpleMimpl issued server command: //chunk [07:57:03] SimpleMimpl issued server command: //outset 16 [07:57:03] SimpleMimpl issued server command: //wand [07:57:03] [L] SimpleMimpl: ..цфтв [07:57:35] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /rg claim yasik [07:58:04] [G] bumhik: ! ктонибудь шарит в блуд моде? [07:58:10] [G] SimpleMimpl: !что именно нао тебе? [07:58:13] SimpleMimpl issued server command: //sel [07:58:26] [G] bumhik: ! у меня алтарь 4 уровнем делаться не хочет [07:58:32] [G] bumhik: ! тп [07:59:02] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /call bumhik [07:59:05] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /home [07:59:06] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /we cui [07:59:09] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /call bumhik [07:59:11] TexasMen issued server command: /spawn [07:59:11] [G] bumhik: ! мож я что то не так ставлю [07:59:19] bumhik issued server command: /tpaccept [07:59:27] [L] BOBAHBEPTYXA: Не так ставишь [07:59:32] [L] BOBAHBEPTYXA: Эти блоки на уровень ниже надо [07:59:36] [G] SimpleMimpl: !ща с ек [07:59:37] TexasMen issued server command: /gog [07:59:38] [L] BOBAHBEPTYXA: Весь 4 круг [07:59:39] [L] bumhik: ааааа [07:59:42] [L] bumhik: пон спасибо [07:59:49] TexasMen issued server command: /god [08:00:01] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /home [08:00:01] [L] SimpleMimpl: .рщьу [08:00:17] TexasMen issued server command: /home [08:00:31] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /warp home [08:00:31] [L] SimpleMimpl: .цфкз рщьу [08:00:32] TexasMen issued server command: /we cui [08:01:26] [L] BOBAHBEPTYXA: Красные блоки тоже на 1 вниз надо опустить [08:01:41] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /warp home [08:01:41] [L] SimpleMimpl: .цфкз рщьу [08:01:41] TexasMen issued server command: /god [08:01:41] Mass1ime зашёл [08:01:47] TexasMen issued server command: /fly [08:01:54] [L] BOBAHBEPTYXA: А у тебя не будет еще 4 таких блока? [08:02:18] [L] bumhik: будет ну тут просто так давать не чего не льзя [08:02:26] [L] bumhik: чтоб экономику не портить сервера [08:02:28] [L] BOBAHBEPTYXA: Жаль. У меня ничего нет [08:02:33] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /home [08:02:34] Mass1ime issued server command: /we cui [08:02:46] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /tpa bumhik [08:02:52] bumhik issued server command: /tpaccept [08:03:18] [L] bumhik: ? [08:03:35] [L] SimpleMimpl: крови достаточно? [08:03:35] [G] TexasMen: !Куплю звезды нижнего мира [08:03:47] TexasMen issued server command: /mpcaseshop [08:03:48] [L] bumhik: норм всё уже [08:03:51] TexasMen issued server command: /mpcaseview 72 [08:03:53] [L] SimpleMimpl: а уже 4? [08:03:55] TexasMen issued server command: /mpcaseshop [08:03:56] [L] bumhik: да [08:03:58] TexasMen issued server command: /mpcaseview 70 [08:03:58] [L] SimpleMimpl: а всё [08:04:02] TexasMen issued server command: /rollcase 70 [08:04:14] TexasMen issued server command: /mpcaseview 70 [08:04:15] TexasMen issued server command: /rollcase 70 [08:04:26] TexasMen issued server command: /mpcaseview 70 [08:04:27] TexasMen issued server command: /rollcase 70 [08:04:55] TexasMen issued server command: /mpcaseview 70 [08:04:56] TexasMen issued server command: /rollcase 70 [08:05:28] TexasMen issued server command: /mpcaseview 70 [08:05:29] TexasMen issued server command: /rollcase 70 [08:05:49] TexasMen issued server command: /mpcaseview 70 [08:05:51] TexasMen issued server command: /rollcase 70 [08:06:07] TexasMen issued server command: /mpcaseview 70 [08:06:08] TexasMen issued server command: /rollcase 70 [08:06:25] TexasMen issued server command: /mpcaseview 70 [08:06:26] TexasMen issued server command: /rollcase 70 [08:06:28] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /we cui [08:06:32] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /fly [08:06:32] [L] SimpleMimpl: .адн [08:06:37] TexasMen issued server command: /mpcaseview 70 [08:06:39] TexasMen issued server command: /rollcase 70 [08:06:50] TexasMen issued server command: /mpcaseview 70 [08:06:51] TexasMen issued server command: /rollcase 70 [08:07:03] TexasMen issued server command: /mpcaseview 70 [08:07:04] TexasMen issued server command: /rollcase 70 [08:07:16] TexasMen issued server command: /mpcaseview 70 [08:07:17] TexasMen issued server command: /rollcase 70 [08:07:29] TexasMen issued server command: /mpcaseview 70 [08:07:30] TexasMen issued server command: /rollcase 70 [08:07:41] TexasMen issued server command: /mpcaseview 70 [08:07:43] TexasMen issued server command: /rollcase 70 [08:07:54] TexasMen issued server command: /mpcaseview 70 [08:07:55] TexasMen issued server command: /rollcase 70 [08:08:06] TexasMen issued server command: /mpcaseview 70 [08:08:08] TexasMen issued server command: /rollcase 70 [08:08:19] TexasMen issued server command: /mpcaseview 70 [08:08:20] TexasMen issued server command: /rollcase 70 [08:09:17] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /warp list [08:09:19] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /warp end [08:09:20] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /we cui [08:10:34] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /home [08:10:35] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /we cui [08:10:40] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /warp end [08:10:41] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /we cui [08:12:15] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /home [08:12:17] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /we cui [08:13:02] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /money [08:13:04] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /money top [08:15:05] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /randomtp [08:15:05] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /rtp [08:15:09] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /warp end [08:15:10] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /we cui [08:16:37] [G] bumhik: ! какие цветы не прехотливые для маны? [08:16:47] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /warp home [08:16:47] [L] SimpleMimpl: .цфкз рщьу [08:16:50] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /we cui [08:17:04] bumhik issued server command: /vanish [08:17:07] bumhik issued server command: /tp BOBAHBEPTYXA [08:17:09] bumhik issued server command: /we cui [08:17:47] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /home [08:17:48] bumhik issued server command: /tp Mass1ime [08:17:48] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /we cui [08:17:50] bumhik issued server command: /we cui [08:18:20] bumhik issued server command: /tp Scilla [08:18:43] bumhik issued server command: /tp TexasMen [08:18:50] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /fly [08:19:48] bumhik issued server command: /vanish [08:19:57] [L] bumhik: это можно и не выбрасвать [08:20:02] [L] bumhik: а в инвентаре водитьц [08:20:12] [L] bumhik: что бы изучать [08:20:31] [L] TexasMen: ну я деревяный так что таким методом играю)) [08:20:37] [L] bumhik: )) [08:20:51] [L] bumhik: попробуй [08:22:24] bumhik issued server command: /tp Mass1ime [08:22:38] [L] Mass1ime: ' [08:22:40] [L] Mass1ime: э [08:22:44] bumhik issued server command: /tp Mass1ime [08:22:49] [L] Mass1ime: непон [08:23:16] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /warp home [08:23:16] [L] SimpleMimpl: .цфкз рщьу [08:23:17] [L] bumhik: какие цветы не прехотливые для маны? [08:23:25] [L] Mass1ime: я хз даже [08:23:33] [L] Mass1ime: я в основном не по ботании [08:23:37] [L] bumhik: ну ладно тогда [08:23:39] bumhik issued server command: /home [08:23:46] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /warp home [08:23:46] [L] SimpleMimpl: .цфкз рщьу [08:24:06] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /home [08:24:13] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /sethome [08:25:08] Mass1ime issued server command: /randomtp [08:25:08] Mass1ime issued server command: /rtp [08:25:34] [G] SimpleMimpl: !Куплю стак железа [08:25:36] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /warp home [08:25:36] [L] SimpleMimpl: .цфкз рщьу [08:25:40] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /home [08:25:40] [L] SimpleMimpl: .рщьу [08:25:45] [G] TexasMen: !Продам [08:25:50] Mass1ime issued server command: /randomtp [08:25:50] Mass1ime issued server command: /rtp [08:25:53] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /warp home [08:25:53] [L] SimpleMimpl: .цфкз рщьу [08:26:44] TexasMen issued server command: /m SimpleMimpl за 10 эмов [08:26:54] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /tpa TexasMen [08:26:59] TexasMen issued server command: /tpaccept [08:27:25] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /money pay TexasMen 10 [08:27:27] [L] SimpleMimpl: спасибо [08:27:29] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /warp home [08:27:29] [L] SimpleMimpl: .цфкз рщьу [08:28:25] yaroxa_kosolapy зашёл [08:28:28] yaroxa_kosolapy issued server command: /we cui [08:28:47] [L] yaroxa_kosolapy: э лошпендос [08:29:25] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /rg addmember yasik yaroxa_kosolapy [08:29:27] yaroxa_kosolapy issued server command: /home [08:30:06] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /randomtp [08:30:06] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /rtp [08:30:09] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /randomtp [08:30:09] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /rtp [08:30:42] [L] yaroxa_kosolapy: мне с чего начать [08:30:44] [L] yaroxa_kosolapy: таум [08:33:14] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /warp home [08:33:14] [L] SimpleMimpl: .цфкз рщьу [08:33:18] Mass1ime issued server command: /randomtp [08:33:18] Mass1ime issued server command: /rtp [08:33:22] [G] SimpleMimpl: !Техас [08:33:25] [G] SimpleMimpl: !ещё железо надо [08:33:28] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /tpa TexasMen [08:33:30] TexasMen issued server command: /tpaccept [08:33:52] [L] SimpleMimpl: ещё есть? [08:33:55] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /home [08:34:01] [L] TexasMen: сколько надо? [08:34:06] [L] SimpleMimpl: да я не знаю оно улетает [08:34:07] [L] SimpleMimpl: хаха [08:34:14] [L] SimpleMimpl: у меня 39 эмов есть [08:34:21] Mass1ime issued server command: /randomtp [08:34:21] Mass1ime issued server command: /rtp [08:34:22] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /money top [08:34:25] [L] TexasMen: ок ща [08:34:25] yaroxa_kosolapy issued server command: /money pay SimpleMimpl [08:34:39] yaroxa_kosolapy issued server command: /money pay SimpleMimpl 57 [08:34:40] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /randomtp [08:34:40] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /rtp [08:34:48] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /money top [08:35:08] [L] TexasMen: на 39 эмов [08:35:10] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /money pay TexasMen 39 [08:35:11] [L] SimpleMimpl: вот [08:35:12] [L] SimpleMimpl: спасибо [08:35:15] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /warp home [08:35:15] [L] SimpleMimpl: .цфкз рщьу [08:35:39] yaroxa_kosolapy issued server command: /home [08:35:40] Mass1ime issued server command: /home [08:35:44] [L] SimpleMimpl: ртуь [08:35:46] [L] SimpleMimpl: ртуть дай [08:36:19] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /warp home [08:36:19] [L] SimpleMimpl: .цфкз рщьу [08:36:34] Mass1ime issued server command: /randomtp [08:36:34] Mass1ime issued server command: /rtp [08:36:41] TexasMen issued server command: /money [08:36:43] TexasMen issued server command: /money top [08:36:59] Mass1ime issued server command: /kit eat [08:38:05] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /randomtp [08:38:05] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /rtp [08:38:23] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /randomtp [08:38:23] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /rtp [08:38:36] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /randomtp [08:38:36] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /rtp [08:38:42] Mass1ime issued server command: /randomtp [08:38:42] Mass1ime issued server command: /rtp [08:39:05] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /randomtp [08:39:05] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /rtp [08:39:47] yaroxa_kosolapy issued server command: /home [08:39:50] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /home [08:39:50] [L] SimpleMimpl: .рщьу [08:39:57] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /warp home [08:39:57] [L] SimpleMimpl: .цфкз рщьу [08:39:58] Mass1ime issued server command: /randomtp [08:39:58] Mass1ime issued server command: /rtp [08:40:52] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /randomtp [08:40:52] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /rtp [08:41:06] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /randomtp [08:41:06] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /rtp [08:41:11] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /randomtp [08:41:11] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /rtp [08:41:16] yaroxa_kosolapy issued server command: /home [08:41:19] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /randomtp [08:41:19] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /rtp [08:41:46] [G] BOBAHBEPTYXA: !Может кто на слизневый остров тепнуть? [08:41:48] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /money [08:41:54] [G] Mass1ime: !А сам? [08:42:02] [G] TexasMen: !тп на меня [08:42:05] [G] BOBAHBEPTYXA: !Найти не получается. Мб у кого есть рядом [08:42:07] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /call TexasMen [08:42:17] [G] Mass1ime: !У меня этих островов забито тут [08:42:23] bumhik issued server command: /home [08:42:25] TexasMen issued server command: /tpaccept [08:42:29] [G] Mass1ime: !Ток донат его облутал уже наверно [08:42:31] [L] BOBAHBEPTYXA: Cgfcb,j [08:42:34] [L] BOBAHBEPTYXA: Спасибо [08:42:39] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /money pay Mass1ime 9 [08:42:46] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /home [08:42:50] [G] Mass1ime: !эм? [08:42:58] [G] BOBAHBEPTYXA: !Не туда( [08:43:11] [G] TexasMen: !Опять? [08:43:15] Mass1ime issued server command: /money [08:43:18] Mass1ime issued server command: /money help [08:43:22] Mass1ime issued server command: /money -h [08:43:24] Mass1ime issued server command: /money -help [08:43:28] [G] BOBAHBEPTYXA: !Да нет. Деньги просто не туда отправил) [08:43:33] Mass1ime issued server command: /set [08:43:51] Mass1ime вышел [08:44:03] yaroxa_kosolapy issued server command: /home [08:44:18] yaroxa_kosolapy issued server command: /home [08:44:35] yaroxa_kosolapy вышел [08:44:54] [G] TexasMen: !У меня куча омулетов для обмена в магазине , продаю! [08:45:10] [G] BOBAHBEPTYXA: !омулеты( [08:45:34] [G] TexasMen: !Не правильно написал? [08:45:46] [G] BOBAHBEPTYXA: !Через "А" вроде пишется [08:46:03] [G] TexasMen: !Сорри , я плохо русский знаю) [08:46:04] [G] SimpleMimpl: !кому какая разница как пишется) [08:46:17] [G] BOBAHBEPTYXA: !вна2ре [08:46:22] [G] TexasMen: !Что помню то помню) [08:46:26] [G] BOBAHBEPTYXA: !выглядит приколна [08:46:50] [G] BOBAHBEPTYXA: !xD [08:47:04] [G] BOBAHBEPTYXA: !А днем тут много людей играет? [08:47:04] bumhik issued server command: /home [08:47:10] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /warp home [08:47:10] [L] SimpleMimpl: .цфкз рщьу [08:47:17] TexasMen вышел [08:47:54] TexasMen зашёл [08:48:05] TexasMen issued server command: /we cui [08:48:16] TexasMen issued server command: /fly [08:48:16] [L] TexasMen: .адн [08:49:03] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /randomtp [08:49:03] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /rtp [08:49:47] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /home [08:51:38] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /warp home [08:51:38] [L] SimpleMimpl: .цфкз рщьу [08:52:01] Mass1ime зашёл [08:52:46] Mass1ime issued server command: /we cui [08:53:06] Mass1ime issued server command: /money set [08:53:18] Mass1ime issued server command: /money top [08:53:32] Mass1ime issued server command: /setmoney [08:53:35] Mass1ime issued server command: /h [08:53:39] Mass1ime issued server command: /help [08:53:40] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /home [08:54:34] Mass1ime issued server command: /money BOBAHBEPTYXA [08:54:43] [G] SimpleMimpl: !отдам глину) [08:54:47] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /call SimpleMimpl [08:54:52] [G] SimpleMimpl: !обоженная разных цветов [08:54:54] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /tpaccept [08:54:54] [L] SimpleMimpl: .езфссузе [08:55:06] [L] SimpleMimpl: ещё надо? [08:55:11] [L] BOBAHBEPTYXA: спасибо [08:55:11] [G] Mass1ime: !напомните команду для передачи денег? [08:55:15] [L] BOBAHBEPTYXA: Не влезет много [08:55:18] [L] BOBAHBEPTYXA: Но я бы взял [08:55:21] [G] SimpleMimpl: ! /money pay ник сумма [08:55:24] [L] SimpleMimpl: ну приди ещё раз [08:55:25] [L] SimpleMimpl: )) [08:55:30] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /home [08:55:35] Mass1ime issued server command: /money pay BOBAHBEPTYXA 9 [08:56:07] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /call SimpleMimpl [08:56:08] [G] Mass1ime: !Вернул случайно отправленные денюшки [08:56:15] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /money pay TexasMen 9 [08:56:18] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /tpaccept [08:56:18] [L] SimpleMimpl: .езфссузе [08:56:23] [G] BOBAHBEPTYXA: !Спасибо [08:56:28] [L] BOBAHBEPTYXA: Спасибо [08:56:29] [L] SimpleMimpl: ща ещё [08:56:31] [L] SimpleMimpl: погоди тут [08:56:33] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /warp home [08:56:33] [L] SimpleMimpl: .цфкз рщьу [08:56:39] [G] TexasMen: ! BOBAHBEPTYXA за что это? [08:56:49] [G] BOBAHBEPTYXA: !За телепортацию на остров [08:56:59] Mass1ime issued server command: /home [08:57:02] [G] TexasMen: ! А что так можноьбыло? xD [08:57:19] [G] BOBAHBEPTYXA: !Ну мне чел сказал что тут надо платить [08:57:31] [G] SimpleMimpl: !вован [08:57:32] [G] SimpleMimpl: !тп ко мне хаха [08:57:37] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /call SimpleMimpl [08:57:39] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /tpaccept [08:57:39] [L] SimpleMimpl: .езфссузе [08:57:46] [L] SimpleMimpl: короче тут 9000 блоков [08:57:48] [L] SimpleMimpl: готовься [08:57:56] [L] BOBAHBEPTYXA: Я не унесу [08:57:58] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /home [08:58:08] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /call SimpleMimpl [08:58:13] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /tpaccept [08:58:13] [L] SimpleMimpl: .езфссузе [08:58:30] [L] BOBAHBEPTYXA: Мне хватит. Спасибо большое =) [08:58:32] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /home [08:58:32] [L] SimpleMimpl: ля [08:58:34] [L] SimpleMimpl: я уже набрал [08:58:38] [G] SimpleMimpl: !я уже набрал ещё партию хаах [08:58:42] [G] SimpleMimpl: !забери вот ещё и всЁ) [08:59:00] Mass1ime issued server command: /randomtp [08:59:00] Mass1ime issued server command: /rtp [08:59:08] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /call SimpleMimpl [08:59:12] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /tpaccept [08:59:12] [L] SimpleMimpl: .езфссузе [08:59:20] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /home [08:59:25] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /tpa BOBAHBEPTYXA [08:59:31] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /tpaccept [08:59:42] [L] SimpleMimpl: вот [09:00:01] [L] SimpleMimpl: 23000 блоков было её [09:00:03] [L] SimpleMimpl: ))) [09:00:08] [L] BOBAHBEPTYXA: Спасибо. Потом буду дом строить =)\ [09:00:47] [L] SimpleMimpl: а че в земле то хаха [09:00:54] [L] BOBAHBEPTYXA: Компактно [09:00:58] [L] BOBAHBEPTYXA: Пока так [09:01:22] [L] SimpleMimpl: палку зарядить? [09:01:29] [L] BOBAHBEPTYXA: Да пока не надо это [09:01:38] [L] BOBAHBEPTYXA: Когда надо будет сама зарядится [09:01:59] [L] SimpleMimpl: ахаха [09:02:00] [L] SimpleMimpl: унитаз [09:02:01] [L] SimpleMimpl: чтоли [09:02:23] TexasMen issued server command: /warp forest [09:02:24] [L] BOBAHBEPTYXA: Да =( [09:02:41] [L] SimpleMimpl: хм [09:02:42] TexasMen issued server command: /we cui [09:02:50] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /warp home [09:02:50] [L] SimpleMimpl: .цфкз рщьу [09:02:59] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /home [09:03:02] TexasMen issued server command: /we cui [09:03:35] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /home [09:04:51] TexasMen issued server command: /home [09:05:04] TexasMen issued server command: /we cui [09:05:18] Mass1ime issued server command: /randomtp [09:05:18] Mass1ime issued server command: /rtp [09:05:32] TexasMen issued server command: /back [09:05:45] TexasMen issued server command: /we cui [09:05:49] Mass1ime issued server command: /randomtp [09:05:49] Mass1ime issued server command: /rtp [09:06:40] Mass1ime issued server command: /randomtp [09:06:40] Mass1ime issued server command: /rtp [09:08:05] TexasMen issued server command: /fly [09:09:21] Flysnake_ зашёл [09:09:49] Flysnake_ issued server command: /we cui [09:09:56] Mass1ime issued server command: /randomtp [09:09:56] Mass1ime issued server command: /rtp [09:10:25] Mass1ime issued server command: /randomtp [09:10:25] Mass1ime issued server command: /rtp [09:11:25] Mass1ime issued server command: /randomtp [09:11:25] Mass1ime issued server command: /rtp [09:11:48] Mass1ime issued server command: /randomtp [09:11:48] Mass1ime issued server command: /rtp [09:11:51] Mass1ime issued server command: /randomtp [09:11:51] Mass1ime issued server command: /rtp [09:12:00] Flysnake_ issued server command: /mpcaseshop [09:12:06] Flysnake_ issued server command: /mpcaseview 70 [09:12:14] Mass1ime issued server command: /randomtp [09:12:14] Mass1ime issued server command: /rtp [09:12:18] Mass1ime issued server command: /randomtp [09:12:18] Mass1ime issued server command: /rtp [09:12:38] Flysnake_ issued server command: /ekit top [09:12:58] Mass1ime issued server command: /randomtp [09:12:58] Mass1ime issued server command: /rtp [09:13:15] Flysnake_ issued server command: /warp mining [09:13:16] Flysnake_ issued server command: /we cui [09:13:20] Mass1ime issued server command: /randomtp [09:13:20] Mass1ime issued server command: /rtp [09:13:23] Mass1ime issued server command: /randomtp [09:13:23] Mass1ime issued server command: /rtp [09:13:25] Mass1ime issued server command: /randomtp [09:13:25] Mass1ime issued server command: /rtp [09:13:40] Flysnake_ issued server command: /spawn [09:13:43] Flysnake_ issued server command: /we cui [09:14:00] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /home [09:14:00] [L] SimpleMimpl: .рщьу [09:14:00] Mass1ime issued server command: /randomtp [09:14:00] Mass1ime issued server command: /rtp [09:14:12] Flysnake_ issued server command: /mpcaseshop [09:14:13] TexasMen issued server command: /kit start [09:14:17] Flysnake_ issued server command: /warp shop [09:14:29] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /mpcaseshop [09:14:32] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /mpcaseview 71 [09:14:48] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /mpcaseshop [09:14:51] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /mpcaseview 76 [09:14:52] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /mpcaseview 76 [09:14:55] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /mpcaseshop [09:14:57] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /mpcaseview 75 [09:14:57] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /home [09:14:59] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /warp home [09:14:59] [L] SimpleMimpl: .цфкз рщьу [09:15:01] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /mpcaseshop [09:15:02] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /mpcaseview 74 [09:15:02] Flysnake_ issued server command: /money [09:15:12] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /mpcaseshop [09:15:13] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /mpcaseview 72 [09:15:17] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /mpcaseshop [09:15:17] Flysnake_ issued server command: /kit eat [09:15:18] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /mpcaseview 70 [09:15:29] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /mpcaseshop [09:15:41] Mass1ime issued server command: /we cui [09:15:42] yaroxa_kosolapy зашёл [09:15:44] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /randomtp [09:15:44] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /rtp [09:16:01] yaroxa_kosolapy issued server command: /we cui [09:16:06] BOBAHBEPTYXA убил BOBAHBEPTYXA (THAUMCRAFT_ITEMMANABEAN) [09:16:09] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /we cui [09:16:25] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /randomtp [09:16:25] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /rtp [09:16:25] TexasMen issued server command: /home [09:16:29] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /warp home [09:16:29] [L] SimpleMimpl: .цфкз рщьу [09:16:49] TexasMen issued server command: /we cui [09:17:11] [G] bumhik: ! кто продаст 2 галема? [09:17:32] TexasMen issued server command: /back [09:17:34] bumhik issued server command: /tp TexasMen [09:17:42] bumhik issued server command: /we cui [09:17:43] TexasMen issued server command: /we cui [09:17:49] bumhik issued server command: /home [09:17:52] bumhik issued server command: /we cui [09:18:05] bumhik issued server command: /kit [09:19:31] yaroxa_kosolapy issued server command: /randomtp [09:19:31] yaroxa_kosolapy issued server command: /rtp [09:19:58] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /home [09:20:01] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /kit start [09:20:28] TexasMen issued server command: /fly [09:21:27] Flysnake_ issued server command: /warp quest [09:25:07] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /list [09:25:48] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /warp quest [09:25:50] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /we cui [09:26:26] yaroxa_kosolapy issued server command: /randomtp [09:26:26] yaroxa_kosolapy issued server command: /rtp [09:26:45] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /home [09:26:46] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /we cui [09:26:47] [G] SimpleMimpl: !Техас [09:26:49] [G] SimpleMimpl: !перья есть? [09:27:05] [G] TexasMen: !неа [09:27:32] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /warp home [09:27:32] [L] SimpleMimpl: .цфкз рщьу [09:28:14] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /warp home [09:28:14] [L] SimpleMimpl: .цфкз рщьу [09:29:07] Mass1ime issued server command: /home [09:29:12] Mass1ime issued server command: /we cui [09:29:41] yaroxa_kosolapy issued server command: /home [09:30:08] [G] TexasMen: !Как пройти блок в сумеречном лесу? [09:30:14] [G] SimpleMimpl: !дайте 2 пера) [09:30:17] [G] SimpleMimpl: !товарисчи [09:30:28] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /home [09:30:32] TexasMen issued server command: /home [09:30:53] TexasMen issued server command: /we cui [09:30:57] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /warp home [09:30:57] [L] SimpleMimpl: .цфкз рщьу [09:32:09] [G] SimpleMimpl: !куплю 2 пера [09:32:24] [G] TexasMen: !Тп на меня [09:33:03] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /tpa TexasMen [09:33:09] TexasMen issued server command: /tpaccept [09:33:20] yaroxa_kosolapy issued server command: /home [09:33:21] [L] TexasMen: ради тебя нашел курицу) [09:33:24] [L] SimpleMimpl: спасибо) [09:33:27] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /warp home [09:33:27] [L] SimpleMimpl: .цфкз рщьу [09:33:27] yaroxa_kosolapy issued server command: /tpa SimpleMimpl [09:33:30] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /tpaccept [09:33:30] [L] SimpleMimpl: .езфссузе [09:33:44] [G] TexasMen: !Еще надо? [09:33:55] [G] SimpleMimpl: !да пока нет вроде) [09:34:02] yaroxa_kosolapy issued server command: /spawn [09:34:03] yaroxa_kosolapy issued server command: /we cui [09:34:06] yaroxa_kosolapy issued server command: /home [09:34:08] yaroxa_kosolapy issued server command: /we cui [09:34:11] [G] SimpleMimpl: !а че ща эндерперл на пьедистал не поставишь? [09:34:24] [G] SimpleMimpl: !а всё [09:34:39] BOBAHBEPTYXA умер (FALL) [09:34:42] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /we cui [09:35:29] TexasMen issued server command: /fly [09:35:54] yaroxa_kosolapy issued server command: /home [09:36:02] [G] SimpleMimpl: !техас [09:36:04] [G] SimpleMimpl: !нада ещё 2 ахха) [09:36:09] [G] TexasMen: !Тп [09:36:14] [G] Mass1ime: !Весело [09:36:19] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /tpa TexasMen [09:36:19] [G] Mass1ime: !когда у самого 6 [09:36:24] TexasMen issued server command: /tpaccept [09:36:35] [L] SimpleMimpl: кенту ранец делаю [09:36:36] bumhik issued server command: /warp ad [09:36:38] bumhik issued server command: /we cui [09:36:39] [L] SimpleMimpl: перья надо постояно хаах [09:36:41] [L] SimpleMimpl: у тебя нет волатус? [09:36:46] [L] SimpleMimpl: аспект [09:36:48] [L] TexasMen: Где курицы? [09:36:55] [L] SimpleMimpl: не знаю хахаа [09:37:08] [L] TexasMen: не нету его [09:37:20] bumhik issued server command: /warp forest [09:37:21] [L] TexasMen: попробуй заспавнить ее [09:37:22] bumhik issued server command: /we cui [09:37:24] [L] TexasMen: дома [09:37:24] [L] SimpleMimpl: ага [09:37:26] bumhik issued server command: /we cui [09:37:28] [L] SimpleMimpl: надо 2 [09:37:31] [L] SimpleMimpl: чтобы размножить [09:37:37] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /warp home [09:37:37] [L] SimpleMimpl: .цфкз рщьу [09:37:44] TexasMen issued server command: /mpcaseshop [09:38:03] bumhik issued server command: /home [09:38:06] bumhik issued server command: /we cui [09:38:08] TexasMen issued server command: /mpcaseview 70 [09:38:11] TexasMen issued server command: /mpcaseshop [09:38:15] TexasMen issued server command: /mpcaseview 72 [09:38:17] TexasMen issued server command: /rollcase 72 [09:38:23] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /home [09:38:49] TexasMen issued server command: /mpcaseview 72 [09:38:51] TexasMen issued server command: /mpcaseshop [09:38:54] TexasMen issued server command: /mpcaseview 76 [09:39:13] TexasMen issued server command: /mpcaseshop [09:40:03] Flysnake_ issued server command: /warp quest [09:40:13] Mass1ime issued server command: /randomtp [09:40:13] Mass1ime issued server command: /rtp [09:40:24] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /rg info [09:40:32] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /rg removemember milfa228 yaroxa_kosolapy [09:41:13] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /rg addmember milfa228 yaroxa_kosolapy [09:41:16] TexasMen issued server command: /mpcaseshop [09:41:24] Mass1ime issued server command: /home [09:41:37] TexasMen issued server command: /mpcaseview 75 [09:41:54] TexasMen issued server command: /rollcase 75 [09:42:10] Mass1ime issued server command: /home [09:42:10] TexasMen issued server command: /mpcaseview 75 [09:42:12] TexasMen issued server command: /rollcase 75 [09:42:22] TexasMen issued server command: /mpcaseview 75 [09:42:27] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /warp home [09:42:27] [L] SimpleMimpl: .цфкз рщьу [09:42:28] TexasMen issued server command: /rollcase 75 [09:42:42] Flysnake_ issued server command: /money [09:42:56] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /warp home [09:42:56] [L] SimpleMimpl: .цфкз рщьу [09:43:00] Mass1ime issued server command: /randomtp [09:43:00] Mass1ime issued server command: /rtp [09:43:51] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /home [09:44:03] Mass1ime issued server command: /randomtp [09:44:03] Mass1ime issued server command: /rtp [09:44:15] Mass1ime issued server command: /randomtp [09:44:15] Mass1ime issued server command: /rtp [09:45:03] Mass1ime issued server command: /randomtp [09:45:03] Mass1ime issued server command: /rtp [09:46:15] Flysnake_ issued server command: /warp quest [09:46:41] Mass1ime issued server command: /home [09:47:16] Mass1ime issued server command: /randomtp [09:47:16] Mass1ime issued server command: /rtp [09:47:26] Flysnake_ issued server command: /warp quest [09:48:01] Mass1ime issued server command: /randomtp [09:48:01] Mass1ime issued server command: /rtp [09:48:19] TexasMen вышел [09:48:25] SimpleMimpl вышел [09:48:27] Mass1ime issued server command: /randomtp [09:48:27] Mass1ime issued server command: /rtp [09:48:53] yaroxa_kosolapy вышел [09:50:25] Flysnake_ issued server command: /home [09:50:52] Flysnake_ issued server command: /warp mining [09:51:09] Flysnake_ issued server command: /we cui [09:51:30] Flysnake_ issued server command: /randomtp [09:51:30] Flysnake_ issued server command: /rtp [09:52:27] Mass1ime issued server command: /randomtp [09:52:27] Mass1ime issued server command: /rtp [09:52:57] Mass1ime issued server command: /randomtp [09:52:57] Mass1ime issued server command: /rtp [09:53:18] Mass1ime issued server command: /home [09:54:31] bumhik вышел [09:54:52] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /home [09:54:57] Flysnake_ issued server command: /home [09:54:59] Flysnake_ issued server command: /we cui [09:55:20] Flysnake_ issued server command: /warp world [09:55:22] Flysnake_ issued server command: /we cui [09:55:32] Flysnake_ issued server command: /randomtp [09:55:32] Flysnake_ issued server command: /rtp [09:55:40] Flysnake_ issued server command: /sethome [09:55:50] Mass1ime issued server command: /home [09:57:01] bumhik зашёл [09:57:14] bumhik issued server command: /we cui [09:57:25] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /warp list [09:57:27] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /warp forest [09:57:29] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /we cui [09:57:56] bumhik вышел [09:58:17] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /we cui [09:58:29] Flysnake_ issued server command: /randomtp [09:58:29] Flysnake_ issued server command: /rtp [09:58:31] Flysnake_ issued server command: /sethome [09:58:50] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /randomtp [09:58:50] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /rtp [10:00:12] bumhik зашёл [10:00:16] Condesce зашёл [10:00:26] bumhik issued server command: /we cui [10:00:35] Condesce issued server command: /we cui [10:00:43] Condesce issued server command: /alisa playtimereport [10:01:46] Condesce issued server command: /alisa [10:02:13] bumhik вышел [10:02:41] Condesce issued server command: /spawn [10:02:42] Condesce issued server command: /we cui [10:02:43] Flysnake_ issued server command: /randomtp [10:02:43] Flysnake_ issued server command: /rtp [10:02:47] Flysnake_ issued server command: /sethome [10:03:02] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /home [10:03:03] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /we cui [10:04:24] bumhik зашёл [10:04:37] bumhik issued server command: /we cui [10:06:11] Condesce issued server command: /screenall [10:06:14] bumhik вышел [10:06:20] bumhik зашёл [10:06:22] bumhik issued server command: /we cui [10:07:20] bumhik issued server command: /randomtp [10:07:20] bumhik issued server command: /rtp [10:09:08] bumhik issued server command: /home [10:09:30] Mass1ime вышел [10:10:03] Condesce issued server command: /tp Condesce 907 69 70 [10:10:03] Condesce issued server command: /tppos 907 69 70 [10:10:17] Condesce issued server command: /thru [10:10:49] Condesce issued server command: /thru [10:10:50] Condesce issued server command: /thru [10:10:51] Condesce issued server command: /thru [10:11:00] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /warp min [10:11:02] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /we cui [10:11:06] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /randomtp [10:11:06] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /rtp [10:11:44] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /home [10:11:46] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /we cui [10:11:52] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /warp forest [10:11:54] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /we cui [10:11:55] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /money [10:12:00] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /we cui [10:12:43] Flysnake_ issued server command: /sethome [10:12:46] Flysnake_ issued server command: /spawn [10:13:03] Flysnake_ issued server command: /we cui [10:13:17] bumhik issued server command: /warp end [10:13:19] bumhik issued server command: /we cui [10:13:26] bumhik issued server command: /home [10:13:28] bumhik issued server command: /we cui [10:13:46] Scilla был кикнут [10:13:46] Scilla вышел [10:13:46] Flysnake_ был кикнут [10:13:46] Flysnake_ вышел [10:13:46] BOBAHBEPTYXA был кикнут [10:13:46] BOBAHBEPTYXA вышел [10:13:46] Condesce был кикнут [10:13:46] Condesce вышел [10:13:46] bumhik был кикнут [10:13:46] bumhik вышел [10:13:50] Сервер выключился [10:14:26] Сервер включился [10:14:42] BOBAHBEPTYXA зашёл [10:14:43] Condesce зашёл [10:14:44] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /we cui [10:14:44] Flysnake_ зашёл [10:14:45] Condesce issued server command: /we cui [10:14:47] Scilla зашёл [10:14:49] Scilla issued server command: /we cui [10:14:49] Flysnake_ issued server command: /we cui [10:14:50] xx_VR_xxx зашёл [10:15:05] bumhik зашёл [10:15:07] bumhik issued server command: /we cui [10:15:10] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /home [10:15:12] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /we cui [10:15:15] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /sethome s [10:15:16] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /we cui [10:15:59] bumhik issued server command: /warp ad [10:15:59] [G] xx_VR_xxx: ! дратути всем [10:16:01] bumhik issued server command: /we cui [10:16:05] [G] BOBAHBEPTYXA: !q [10:16:08] [G] bumhik: ! qq [10:16:11] bumhik issued server command: /warp end [10:16:12] bumhik issued server command: /we cui [10:16:27] [G] xx_VR_xxx: ! пора восстанавливть вчерашнее последствия орков ХД [10:16:29] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /home [10:16:30] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /we cui [10:16:46] bumhik issued server command: /home [10:16:48] bumhik issued server command: /we cui [10:16:50] [G] xx_VR_xxx: ! жду когда в след вайпа тебя короба будет с двух прокастов выносить в палату [10:17:07] SimpleMimpl зашёл [10:17:10] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /we cui [10:17:15] [G] Condesce: !Кого именно? [10:17:29] bumhik issued server command: /warp ad [10:17:31] bumhik issued server command: /we cui [10:17:35] [G] Condesce: !А так привет) [10:18:01] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /fly [10:18:01] [L] SimpleMimpl: .адн [10:18:23] [G] BOBAHBEPTYXA: !А гномье проклятие можно сделать как-то? [10:18:26] [G] xx_VR_xxx: ! Condesce я вчера решил броню проверить которую пол дня собирал,пошел меня толкнули в паутину и [10:18:26] [L] xx_VR_xxx: убили и броня фулл в огонь упала ,_, [10:18:38] [G] bumhik: ! торговаться с гномом надо [10:18:40] [G] xx_VR_xxx: ! и убили и броня фулл в огонь упала ,_, [10:18:49] [G] Condesce: !Броню жалко [10:18:54] [G] xx_VR_xxx: ! Это да [10:18:55] [G] SimpleMimpl: !гнома найди волшебника [10:19:01] [G] xx_VR_xxx: ! она выдерживала удар эндермена ХД [10:19:05] [G] Condesce: !А так гномье проклятье можно получить торгуясь с гномом-волшебником либо же убив его [10:19:07] [G] xx_VR_xxx: ! а это не каждая могет хахаха [10:19:14] [G] BOBAHBEPTYXA: !А если я найду гнома, в чем его домой принести? [10:19:16] [G] SimpleMimpl: !убьёшь не упадет) [10:19:20] [G] SimpleMimpl: !не принесёшь домой) [10:19:28] [G] BOBAHBEPTYXA: !Блин. Как быть [10:19:28] [G] SimpleMimpl: !апокрифы изучи клетку гнева [10:19:29] [G] Condesce: !В банку можно его запихать как помню [10:19:31] [G] SimpleMimpl: !там будут вилы ещё [10:19:35] [G] SimpleMimpl: !делаешь крисстал специалный [10:19:39] [G] SimpleMimpl: !убиваешь вилами гнома [10:19:47] [G] SimpleMimpl: !он в крисстале у тебя будет [10:19:47] [G] BOBAHBEPTYXA: !А. Спасибо. Буду искать [10:19:49] [G] SimpleMimpl: !клетку гнева ставишь [10:19:52] [G] SimpleMimpl: !в неё крисстал [10:19:53] [G] SimpleMimpl: !рычаг [10:20:03] [G] Condesce: !так же понадобится эссенция [10:20:03] [G] SimpleMimpl: !там покажет какой аспект нужен будет для того чтобы этот моб спавнился [10:20:04] [G] xx_VR_xxx: ! Condesce ну я учел ошибки,теперь буду сразу под з4 делать и 10+ эффектов кидать на себя XD [10:20:09] [G] Condesce: !она пишется на кристалле [10:20:23] [G] BOBAHBEPTYXA: !Да для начала надо изучить все это) [10:20:31] [G] Condesce: !И так же на самой клетке, если у тебя будут очки ьоткровения (или же на шлеме будет зачар и прочее) [10:20:32] [G] SimpleMimpl: !да хаха [10:20:36] [G] BOBAHBEPTYXA: !Как можно на старте бумагу пофармить кроме как выращивать тростник? [10:20:42] [G] SimpleMimpl: !тп ко мне) [10:20:50] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /call SimpleMimpl [10:20:52] [G] xx_VR_xxx: ! дюпать ее(шучу) [10:20:55] [G] Condesce: !бесплатно давать тросник/бумагу будешь?) [10:20:57] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /tpaccept [10:20:57] [L] SimpleMimpl: .езфссузе [10:21:03] [G] Condesce: !Без обсужденя дюпов [10:21:12] [G] SimpleMimpl: !ни в коем случае Аришка) [10:21:17] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /pay SimpleMimpl 9 [10:21:24] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /money pay SimpleMimpl 9 [10:21:27] [L] BOBAHBEPTYXA: спасибо [10:21:32] Condesce issued server command: /we cui [10:21:33] [L] SimpleMimpl: пожалуйста [10:21:34] [G] xx_VR_xxx: ! он просто свою смерть симитирует и чел возьмет тростник хаха изи схема [10:21:39] [G] SimpleMimpl: !))) [10:21:47] Condesce issued server command: /cases list [10:21:56] [L] BOBAHBEPTYXA: Разрешите войти пожалуйста [10:22:07] Condesce issued server command: /cases add xx_VR_xxx 74 2 [10:22:13] Condesce issued server command: /cases add xx_VR_xxx 71 1 [10:22:18] [G] xx_VR_xxx: ! жестокие мобы в этом мире [10:22:31] Condesce issued server command: /m xx_VR_xxx с техом разговаривали, выдали тебе 2 удачи и дк (кейсы), можешь проверять [10:22:36] [G] xx_VR_xxx: ! Модеров с годом пробивали орки это вообще мем было хых [10:22:37] [L] BOBAHBEPTYXA: xD [10:22:39] [L] SimpleMimpl: )) [10:22:41] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /mpcaseshop [10:22:45] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /mpcaseview 74 [10:22:51] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /r ухты,спасибо большое [10:22:53] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /mpcaseshop [10:22:54] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /mpcaseview 74 [10:22:57] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /rollcase 74 [10:22:59] Condesce issued server command: /r ) [10:23:10] [G] xx_VR_xxx: ! хахахаха [10:23:13] [G] xx_VR_xxx: ! Easy [10:23:18] [L] BOBAHBEPTYXA: Это типо мэ система? [10:23:20] [G] SimpleMimpl: !понимаю) [10:23:25] [L] SimpleMimpl: ага [10:23:29] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /mpcaseshop [10:23:31] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /mpcaseview 74 [10:23:32] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /rollcase 74 [10:23:40] [L] SimpleMimpl: шифт [10:23:45] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /mpcaseshop [10:23:47] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /mpcaseview 72 [10:23:48] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /rollcase 72 [10:23:50] [L] BOBAHBEPTYXA: дичь [10:23:54] [L] SimpleMimpl: потом нормально доделаю заза) [10:24:01] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /mpcaseshop [10:24:02] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /mpcaseview 72 [10:24:03] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /rollcase 72 [10:24:11] [L] SimpleMimpl: я ещё ферму големов не делла [10:24:11] Flysnake_ issued server command: /HOME [10:24:14] Flysnake_ issued server command: /we cui [10:24:14] [L] SimpleMimpl: лень чет [10:24:14] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /mpcaseshop [10:24:15] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /mpcaseview 72 [10:24:16] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /rollcase 72 [10:24:22] [L] BOBAHBEPTYXA: Нормально у тебя так всего [10:24:27] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /mpcaseshop [10:24:29] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /mpcaseview 72 [10:24:30] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /rollcase 72 [10:24:37] [L] BOBAHBEPTYXA: Надо отойти, папа собирается ломать лицо [10:24:37] [L] SimpleMimpl: угу [10:24:39] BOBAHBEPTYXA вышел [10:24:40] [L] SimpleMimpl: ) [10:24:41] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /mpcaseshop [10:24:43] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /mpcaseview 71 [10:24:44] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /rollcase 71 [10:24:57] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /enderchest [10:24:58] [G] xx_VR_xxx: ! [f[f[f[ff [10:25:08] [G] Condesce: !Как повезло то) [10:25:14] [G] xx_VR_xxx: ! Дикий по [10:25:16] [G] xx_VR_xxx: ! пон [10:25:25] [G] xx_VR_xxx: ! Я окупилс Хд [10:25:26] [G] SimpleMimpl: !жёстко) [10:25:30] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /lfy [10:25:31] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /fly [10:25:32] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /god [10:25:33] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /help [10:25:36] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /kit [10:25:46] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /mpcaseshop [10:25:48] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /mpcaseview 71 [10:25:58] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /warp home [10:25:58] [L] SimpleMimpl: .цфкз рщьу [10:26:08] bumhik issued server command: /home [10:26:10] bumhik issued server command: /we cui [10:26:16] [G] xx_VR_xxx: ! Залетные кейсы я считаю [10:26:30] [L] SimpleMimpl: Аришка [10:26:42] [G] xx_VR_xxx: ! о приваты,годнота,окупилось [10:26:48] [G] Condesce: !ну вот) [10:26:54] [G] Condesce: !И флаги [10:27:04] [L] SimpleMimpl: Арина [10:27:06] [G] xx_VR_xxx: ! ОООО [10:27:16] [G] xx_VR_xxx: ! Сохранения ивентаря [10:27:19] [G] xx_VR_xxx: ! Nice [10:27:20] [G] Condesce: !Что за аббревиатура?) [10:27:30] [G] xx_VR_xxx: ! теперь не буду просирать вещи) [10:27:52] [G] Condesce: !А то я вижу что у тебя там какое-то общество с ограниченной отвественностью [10:27:58] [G] SimpleMimpl: !то чувство когда сьел пол килограма мороженного) [10:28:01] [G] Condesce: !или это капс? [10:28:08] [G] Condesce: !Блин, морожку теперь хочу [10:28:23] [G] SimpleMimpl: !ты мне скажи [10:28:25] [G] xx_VR_xxx: ! с ограниченной ответственностью это я теперь хаха [10:28:26] [G] SimpleMimpl: !кирку 50лвл убрали? [10:28:33] Bukycbka зашёл [10:28:35] [G] Condesce: !давно уже [10:28:37] [G] SimpleMimpl: !(((( [10:28:47] [G] SimpleMimpl: !зачем [10:28:51] Bukycbka issued server command: /we cui [10:28:55] bumhik issued server command: /warp ad [10:28:55] [G] Condesce: !как вернулась с 20-19 году, ее уже не было [10:28:56] bumhik issued server command: /we cui [10:29:00] [G] SimpleMimpl: !в 20 была [10:29:02] [G] SimpleMimpl: !у меня была она [10:29:19] Bikqwe зашёл [10:29:25] [G] Condesce: !Ну в таком количестве на магике я не видела как раньше [10:29:43] [G] SimpleMimpl: !тупо с 2-3 руды лазурита [10:29:46] [G] SimpleMimpl: !2 стака выходило хаах [10:29:55] Bikqwe issued server command: /we cui [10:30:03] [G] Bukycbka: !Куплю адский нарост [10:30:03] [G] Condesce: !Убивая эндеров, много тоже жемчуга выпадало [10:30:09] [G] SimpleMimpl: !эт да [10:30:11] Flysnake_ issued server command: /warp pset fly [10:30:23] Flysnake_ issued server command: /sethome [10:30:25] [G] SimpleMimpl: !зря убрали [10:30:31] [G] Bikqwe: ! Condesce Ты 24/7 на серве сидишь? [10:30:33] Flysnake_ issued server command: //chunk [10:30:33] Flysnake_ issued server command: //outset 16 [10:30:33] Flysnake_ issued server command: //wand [10:30:43] [G] Condesce: !нет\ [10:30:46] [G] xx_VR_xxx: ! Condesce ага,еще бы щас убить этих эндерменов ХД [10:30:49] [G] Condesce: !Я по ночам сплю [10:30:50] [G] xx_VR_xxx: ! с их маленьким уроном [10:31:14] [G] Condesce: !нуу..) Я то легко убью [10:31:15] Flysnake_ issued server command: /rg claim fly [10:31:18] [G] SimpleMimpl: !включай режим бога [10:31:20] [G] SimpleMimpl: !и иди бей [10:31:25] Flysnake_ issued server command: /rg info [10:31:29] [G] xx_VR_xxx: ! Откуда я тебе достану этот режим [10:31:33] [G] SimpleMimpl: !у тебя есть) [10:31:35] [G] SimpleMimpl: ! /god [10:31:37] [G] Condesce: !У тебя он есть [10:31:38] [G] SimpleMimpl: ! /fly [10:31:39] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /god [10:31:40] Bikqwe issued server command: /home [10:31:42] [G] xx_VR_xxx: ! нет прав [10:31:42] Bikqwe issued server command: /we cui [10:31:44] [G] SimpleMimpl: !есть [10:31:51] [G] Condesce: !А нет [10:31:56] [G] xx_VR_xxx: ! нету [10:31:57] [G] Condesce: !только что глянула на сайте [10:32:00] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /god [10:32:04] [G] SimpleMimpl: !а ну тада [10:32:06] [G] SimpleMimpl: !жалко) [10:32:10] [G] Condesce: !хилка есть раз в 10 минут [10:32:18] [G] SimpleMimpl: ! /healme [10:32:22] [G] Condesce: !по мне так это жестоко [10:32:26] [G] Condesce: !или просто /heal [10:32:27] Flysnake_ issued server command: /rg info [10:32:30] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /healme [10:32:38] Flysnake_ issued server command: /sethome [10:32:39] [G] xx_VR_xxx: ! жаль не поднять донат хд [10:32:47] [G] SimpleMimpl: !у тебя пока этот есть [10:32:49] Flysnake_ issued server command: /spawn [10:32:49] [G] SimpleMimpl: !50% скидка [10:32:52] [G] SimpleMimpl: !на покупку другого [10:33:12] Flysnake_ issued server command: /we cui [10:33:12] [G] xx_VR_xxx: ! нету 50% [10:33:29] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /enderchest [10:33:29] [L] SimpleMimpl: .утвуксруые [10:33:34] [G] Bikqwe: !Скупаю всю гнилую плоть [10:33:39] [G] Bikqwe: !И паутину [10:33:51] [G] xx_VR_xxx: ! Мне еще осколок мироздания дропнулся,считаю неплохо [10:33:51] Flysnake_ issued server command: /home [10:33:56] Flysnake_ issued server command: /we cui [10:34:08] xx_VR_xxx вышел [10:34:19] Flysnake_ issued server command: //sel [10:34:20] [G] Condesce: !осколок крутой, чтобы сделать себе лезвие или первородку [10:34:54] [G] SimpleMimpl: !первородка [10:34:58] [G] SimpleMimpl: !была у меня 1000лвл) [10:35:03] [G] SimpleMimpl: !+вампром 10лвл становишься [10:35:06] [G] SimpleMimpl: !плащь и ещё пару вещей [10:35:10] [G] SimpleMimpl: !и ты никогда никем не убьёшься [10:35:19] [G] SimpleMimpl: !арина [10:35:21] [G] Condesce: !Ау [10:35:22] [G] SimpleMimpl: !щас вампиром можно? [10:35:25] [G] Condesce: !Да [10:35:27] [G] SimpleMimpl: !оуоуоыо [10:35:28] [G] SimpleMimpl: !ништяк [10:35:46] Flysnake_ issued server command: /spawnb [10:35:48] Flysnake_ issued server command: /spawn [10:35:50] Flysnake_ issued server command: /we cui [10:35:56] [G] Bikqwe: !Слишком геморно вампиром быть [10:35:59] [G] SimpleMimpl: !не [10:36:00] [G] Bikqwe: !Люкан имба [10:36:03] [G] SimpleMimpl: !если умеешь [10:36:03] Flysnake_ issued server command: /home [10:36:06] Flysnake_ issued server command: /we cui [10:36:11] [G] SimpleMimpl: !оборотень убивается на раз два [10:36:41] [G] Condesce: !на любое превращение есть противодействие [10:36:53] [G] SimpleMimpl: !никогда и ничем ты не убьёшь меня [10:36:56] [G] SimpleMimpl: !когда я стану вампиром 10лвл [10:37:01] [G] SimpleMimpl: !и пару вещичек надену [10:37:10] [G] Condesce: !огонь, деревянный меч и кол [10:37:16] [G] SimpleMimpl: !бесполезно) [10:37:22] [G] Condesce: !И чесноком отгородить себя))) [10:37:36] Condesce issued server command: /thru [10:37:46] Condesce issued server command: /thru [10:37:48] Condesce issued server command: /thru [10:37:49] Condesce issued server command: /thru [10:37:59] [G] SimpleMimpl: !ниче се [10:38:04] [G] SimpleMimpl: !креонитовый крисстал нашёл [10:38:06] [G] SimpleMimpl: !он тема [10:38:14] [G] Condesce: !Да, он ближе к бедроку спавнится [10:38:14] xx_VR_xxx зашёл [10:38:15] Flysnake_ issued server command: /buyflag [10:38:23] Condesce issued server command: /list [10:38:30] Flysnake_ issued server command: /money top [10:38:33] Condesce issued server command: /mod [10:38:34] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /we cui [10:38:34] Condesce issued server command: /mods [10:38:38] Flysnake_ issued server command: /money [10:38:39] [G] xx_VR_xxx: ! Открылся хд [10:38:50] [G] Bikqwe: !Кого-то голодный узел интересует или как там его [10:38:56] [G] xx_VR_xxx: ! не лучшая идея выкидывать из МЭ вещи,крашит моментально [10:39:01] bumhik issued server command: /home [10:39:03] [G] SimpleMimpl: !притягивает [10:39:04] Flysnake_ issued server command: /spawn [10:39:04] bumhik issued server command: /we cui [10:39:08] Flysnake_ issued server command: /we cui [10:39:09] [G] Condesce: !такое лучше вообще не делать [10:39:19] [G] SimpleMimpl: !аура притягивает? [10:39:21] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /warp shop [10:39:21] [G] Condesce: !А то потом потеряешь дк шлем какой-нибудь [10:39:23] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /we cui [10:39:39] [G] xx_VR_xxx: !Кто [10:39:42] Flysnake_ issued server command: /warp list [10:39:51] [L] Flysnake_: kit [10:39:53] Flysnake_ issued server command: /kit [10:39:57] [G] Condesce: !ну, xx_VR_xxx, а то выкидывает из ez вещи)) [10:40:00] Condesce issued server command: /thru [10:40:06] Condesce issued server command: /tp xx_VR_xxx [10:40:08] Condesce issued server command: /we cui [10:40:16] Flysnake_ issued server command: /home [10:40:16] [G] xx_VR_xxx: ! а,прсто я начал искать дк шлемак) [10:40:21] Flysnake_ issued server command: /we cui [10:40:21] [G] Condesce: !) [10:40:26] mirov22 зашёл [10:40:33] Condesce issued server command: /ipreport [10:40:34] Bikqwe issued server command: /msg Condesce Можешь тп? [10:40:36] [L] xx_VR_xxx: ну еще пару таких открытий и на палочку хватит [10:40:42] Condesce issued server command: /tp Bikqwe [10:40:44] mirov22 issued server command: /we cui [10:40:45] Condesce issued server command: /we cui [10:40:50] Condesce issued server command: /thru [10:41:01] [L] Bikqwe: Такая конструкция сервер нагружает? [10:41:02] [G] SimpleMimpl: !уже 24 крисстала) [10:41:11] [L] Condesce: не сильно [10:41:14] Condesce issued server command: /gc [10:41:14] [L] Condesce: .gc [10:41:16] mirov22 issued server command: /ekit top [10:41:22] [L] Condesce: а хотя тпс просел [10:41:31] Bikqwe умер (VOID) [10:41:34] Bikqwe issued server command: /we cui [10:41:38] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /enderchest [10:41:38] [L] SimpleMimpl: .утвуксруые [10:41:39] Bikqwe issued server command: /tpa Condesce [10:41:45] bumhik issued server command: /tp mirov22 [10:41:47] bumhik issued server command: /we cui [10:42:07] Condesce issued server command: /gc [10:42:14] [G] xx_VR_xxx: ! Все смотрят в донате: киты, команды [10:42:20] [G] xx_VR_xxx: ! Также я: ивент сейвит - окупается [10:42:22] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /home [10:42:24] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /we cui [10:42:31] [G] Condesce: !хаха [10:42:47] bumhik issued server command: /home [10:42:49] bumhik issued server command: /we cui [10:42:55] [G] xx_VR_xxx: ! А /god /fly я себе сам сделаю [10:42:57] Flysnake_ issued server command: /home [10:43:00] Condesce issued server command: /home [10:43:02] mirov22 issued server command: /tpa bumhik [10:43:06] bumhik issued server command: /tpaccept [10:43:08] mirov22 issued server command: /we cui [10:43:34] bumhik issued server command: /rg addmember kazino mirov22 [10:43:43] Condesce issued server command: /screenall [10:43:47] Flysnake_ issued server command: /home [10:43:53] Bikqwe умер (FALL) [10:43:56] Bikqwe issued server command: /we cui [10:44:06] [G] SimpleMimpl: !есть у кого обсидиан?) [10:44:10] [G] Bikqwe: !А голодный узел вещи же пожирает? [10:44:12] [G] xx_VR_xxx: ! был когда то,орки сьели [10:44:15] [G] SimpleMimpl: !да [10:44:17] [G] SimpleMimpl: !пожирает [10:44:22] [G] Bikqwe: !гг вп [10:44:28] [G] xx_VR_xxx: ! Ф [10:44:30] [G] SimpleMimpl: !всё подряд [10:44:31] [G] SimpleMimpl: !и людей [10:44:33] [G] SimpleMimpl: !и мобов [10:44:35] [G] Condesce: !все ест [10:44:38] [G] SimpleMimpl: !раньше ставил узел и рядом спавнер [10:44:41] [G] SimpleMimpl: !и ништяк) [10:44:46] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /warp home [10:44:46] [L] SimpleMimpl: .цфкз рщьу [10:44:49] [G] Condesce: !не юзала никогда голодку [10:44:52] [G] SimpleMimpl: !)) [10:44:53] [G] SimpleMimpl: !Зря [10:44:55] [G] SimpleMimpl: !прикольная вещь [10:45:13] [G] xx_VR_xxx: ! а есть тут типо как докупить донат имея при себе текущий? [10:45:17] [G] SimpleMimpl: !да [10:45:20] [G] SimpleMimpl: !я же тебе говорил [10:45:22] mirov22 issued server command: /money [10:45:22] [G] SimpleMimpl: !На сайт зайди [10:45:24] Condesce issued server command: /cases add Condesce 71 1 [10:45:31] [G] xx_VR_xxx: ! ну я зашел [10:45:36] [G] Condesce: !там на сайте ---> Донат ---> сревер [10:46:02] bumhik issued server command: /fod [10:46:03] Condesce issued server command: /mpcaseshop [10:46:04] Condesce issued server command: /mpcaseview 71 [10:46:04] bumhik issued server command: /god [10:46:05] Condesce issued server command: /rollcase 71 [10:46:09] Bikqwe issued server command: /warp shop [10:46:12] Bikqwe issued server command: /we cui [10:46:19] Condesce issued server command: /mpcaseview 71 [10:46:21] bumhik issued server command: /rg flag pvp deny kazino [10:46:22] [G] xx_VR_xxx: ! ну там фулл прайс пишет ._, или так и должно? [10:46:37] bumhik issued server command: /rg flag kazino pvp deny [10:46:39] [G] Condesce: !У тебя там сверху не показывается что у тебя там уже донат есть? [10:46:44] bumhik issued server command: /money [10:46:45] Bikqwe issued server command: /home [10:46:47] Bikqwe issued server command: /we cui [10:46:50] [G] xx_VR_xxx: ! неа [10:46:52] bumhik issued server command: /god [10:46:55] [G] Condesce: !странно [10:47:27] [G] xx_VR_xxx: ! просто типо купить и нигде не показывает что делюкс [10:47:36] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /warp home [10:47:36] [L] SimpleMimpl: .цфкз рщьу [10:47:58] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /enderchest [10:47:58] [L] SimpleMimpl: .утвуксруые [10:48:04] [G] Condesce: !Я спрошу, как это вообщ работает [10:48:08] mirov22 issued server command: /money [10:48:23] [G] xx_VR_xxx: ! ну если можно будет докупить будет гуд [10:48:27] mirov22 issued server command: /kit eat [10:48:38] [G] Bikqwe: !Может там у кого-то остался 1 лишний магический пьедестал [10:48:44] [G] SimpleMimpl: !ды) [10:48:46] [G] SimpleMimpl: !тп [10:48:53] Bikqwe issued server command: /tpa SimpleMimpl [10:48:55] [G] Bukycbka: !Куплю нарост [10:48:57] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /tpaccept [10:48:57] [L] SimpleMimpl: .езфссузе [10:48:58] [G] Bikqwe: !Это же тильт [10:49:04] [G] Bikqwe: !Все вещи просрать [10:49:11] [L] SimpleMimpl: бери [10:49:11] [L] SimpleMimpl: всё [10:49:19] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /msg Condesce а так большое спасибо за кейсики,приятно^^ [10:49:19] Bikqwe issued server command: /money pay SimpleMimpl 1 [10:49:21] Bukycbka issued server command: /warp ad [10:49:23] Bukycbka issued server command: /we cui [10:49:24] [L] Bikqwe: Мне один нужен [10:49:27] [L] SimpleMimpl: забери [10:49:32] [L] Bikqwe: Не [10:50:33] [L] SimpleMimpl: копается [10:50:33] [L] SimpleMimpl: ? [10:50:37] [L] Bikqwe: Да [10:50:44] [L] SimpleMimpl: пол часа [10:50:46] Condesce issued server command: /r ) [10:50:46] [L] Bikqwe: Сапоги делаешь? [10:50:47] [L] SimpleMimpl: и такая дырка [10:50:48] [L] SimpleMimpl: готова [10:50:50] [L] SimpleMimpl: ранец [10:51:03] [L] SimpleMimpl: только мне лень дальше хаха [10:51:06] [L] Bikqwe: У тебя же вообще не стабилизирован [10:51:08] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /r вопрос по квест миру откуда брать монеты покруче там железные и прочее? [10:51:10] [L] SimpleMimpl: я знаю [10:51:14] [L] Bikqwe: И ранец та ещё хрень [10:51:15] [L] SimpleMimpl: ниче не будет) [10:51:19] [L] SimpleMimpl: да ранец не мне [10:51:21] [L] SimpleMimpl: кенту [10:51:22] [L] SimpleMimpl: хаха [10:51:32] Condesce issued server command: /r можно с боссов некоторых выбивать, в лесу с босса можно выбить [10:51:33] [L] Bikqwe: Ладно...Бедный кент [10:51:47] [L] SimpleMimpl: а никак) [10:51:50] [L] SimpleMimpl: не доделал [10:51:50] [L] SimpleMimpl: хаха [10:51:54] [L] Bikqwe: ) [10:52:01] [L] Bikqwe: Сделай лифт [10:52:03] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /playtime [10:52:04] Condesce issued server command: /r а так, все шансы можно посмотреть в таумономиконе во вкладке quests (там все изначально открыто) [10:52:04] [L] Bikqwe: И не парься [10:52:05] [L] SimpleMimpl: точно [10:52:07] [L] SimpleMimpl: я вспоминал [10:52:09] Condesce issued server command: /thru [10:52:09] [L] SimpleMimpl: как называется [10:52:11] [L] SimpleMimpl: у [10:52:18] Condesce issued server command: /thru [10:52:18] Condesce issued server command: /thru [10:52:19] Condesce issued server command: /thru [10:52:20] [L] Bikqwe: Я за 2 года название не забыл [10:52:28] [L] SimpleMimpl: да треш хаха [10:52:45] [L] Bikqwe: Стой а можно твою палочку одолжить? [10:52:46] [L] SimpleMimpl: не хватит алмазов [10:52:57] [L] Bikqwe: Что за крафт?! [10:52:59] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /enderchest [10:52:59] [L] SimpleMimpl: .утвуксруые [10:53:07] [L] Bikqwe: Раньше была шерсть [10:53:09] [L] SimpleMimpl: 8 алмазных блоков и эндерперл 1 [10:53:11] [L] SimpleMimpl: раньше [10:53:12] [L] SimpleMimpl: это раньше) [10:53:23] Bikqwe issued server command: /money pay SimpleMimpl 5 [10:53:27] Bikqwe issued server command: /home [10:53:29] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /kit [10:53:42] [G] xx_VR_xxx: ! Пипец хахаах [10:53:47] [G] SimpleMimpl: !куплю стак алмазов) [10:53:52] [G] xx_VR_xxx: ! хахаахахах Condesce тп позырь [10:53:57] Condesce issued server command: /tp xx_VR_xxx [10:53:58] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /tpa xx_VR_xxx [10:54:00] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /tpyes [10:54:03] [L] Condesce: 0-0 [10:54:07] [L] xx_VR_xxx: '' [10:54:07] Bikqwe issued server command: /msg SimpleMimpl Как набалдажник снять? [10:54:07] Condesce issued server command: /pickup [10:54:08] [L] xx_VR_xxx: '' [10:54:12] [L] xx_VR_xxx: вернул [10:54:12] [L] Condesce: оно бы пропало [10:54:14] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /m Bikqwe шифт Ф [10:54:14] Bikqwe issued server command: /msg SimpleMimpl А всё [10:54:17] [L] Condesce: если бы я подобрала [10:54:17] Bikqwe issued server command: /tpa SimpleMimpl [10:54:23] [L] xx_VR_xxx: я случайнсортировку включил в /kit [10:54:31] [L] Condesce: что у меня то будет [10:54:38] [L] Condesce: если я включу случайно там [10:54:40] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /enderchest [10:55:22] [L] xx_VR_xxx: жестко [10:55:26] [L] Condesce: ) [10:55:28] [L] xx_VR_xxx: один миссклик [10:55:32] [L] SimpleMimpl: вот ещё [10:55:35] [L] xx_VR_xxx: спасибо [10:55:39] [L] Condesce: зато сколько ресурсов [10:55:49] [L] xx_VR_xxx: радио имба [10:55:59] [L] SimpleMimpl: Арина [10:56:02] [L] Condesce: слушаю [10:56:05] Bikqwe issued server command: /tpa SimpleMimpl [10:56:08] [L] SimpleMimpl: матрицу где смотреть насколько стабилизирована [10:56:09] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /warp home [10:56:09] [L] SimpleMimpl: .цфкз рщьу [10:56:11] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /tpaccept [10:56:11] [L] SimpleMimpl: .езфссузе [10:56:13] [G] xx_VR_xxx: ! Там счеты есть [10:56:16] [G] xx_VR_xxx: ! в витчиг гаджест [10:56:23] [G] xx_VR_xxx: ! Полезная вещь и легкая в крафте [10:56:27] Condesce issued server command: /m SimpleMimpl нужно сделать счеты в витчинг гаджетс [10:56:32] [G] xx_VR_xxx: ! даже покажет где у тебя несиметрично [10:56:36] [G] xx_VR_xxx: ! прям кордами [10:56:43] [G] Condesce: !Показывает пару у которой нет симметрии* [10:57:04] bumhik issued server command: /playtime [10:57:06] [L] Bikqwe: У тебя гнилая плоть есть? [10:57:15] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /enderchest [10:57:20] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /kit [10:57:42] [L] SimpleMimpl: rnj [10:57:57] [L] Bikqwe: Гнилая плоть [10:57:59] [L] Bikqwe: С зомби [10:58:07] Flysnake_ issued server command: /home [10:58:07] [L] SimpleMimpl: да [10:58:08] [L] SimpleMimpl: стак [10:58:13] [L] Bikqwe: О куплю [10:58:17] [L] SimpleMimpl: бери [10:58:36] Bikqwe issued server command: /money pay SimpleMimpl 6.4 [10:58:40] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /enderchest [10:58:41] Bikqwe issued server command: /home [10:58:42] mirov22 issued server command: /sethome [10:58:45] [L] Condesce: если мешаю могу уйти [10:58:59] Bukycbka умер (FALL) [10:58:59] Bikqwe вышел [10:59:01] [L] xx_VR_xxx: если бы ты мешала я бы сказал давно [10:59:03] Bukycbka issued server command: /we cui [10:59:04] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /enderchest [10:59:05] [L] Condesce: ахаха [10:59:09] [L] Condesce: но все же [10:59:14] [L] Condesce: вдруг там побоялся и прочее [10:59:20] [L] xx_VR_xxx: я? [10:59:36] [L] Condesce: Нуу\ [10:59:42] [L] Condesce: Логично по сути [10:59:43] [L] Condesce: ладно [10:59:46] [G] Bukycbka: !Куплю нарост 3 шт [10:59:59] Bukycbka issued server command: /kit start [11:00:06] [L] Condesce: по поводу выбитого доната я отписала там человеку и жду от него ответа [11:00:07] [L] xx_VR_xxx: увы,но после одного случая я уже модеров на базе не боюсь [11:00:31] [L] xx_VR_xxx: случайно творческую вещь сделал меня крашнуло,перезахожу а на базе начиная с хелпера заканчивая [11:00:31] [L] xx_VR_xxx: Основателем Проекта [11:00:40] Bukycbka issued server command: /kit eat [11:00:40] [L] Condesce: да я и сама мод состав не боюсь [11:00:43] Flysnake_ issued server command: /mpcaseshop [11:01:20] Bukycbka issued server command: /randomtp [11:01:20] Bukycbka issued server command: /rtp [11:01:21] [L] Condesce: Слуш, может войс? если есть такая возможность? (Я имею ввиду дс) [11:01:25] [L] xx_VR_xxx: можно [11:01:31] [L] Condesce: Магик [11:01:38] [L] xx_VR_xxx: щас только микро подрублю [11:01:44] [L] Condesce: Ок [11:01:48] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /enderchest [11:02:03] Bukycbka issued server command: /home [11:02:29] Flysnake_ issued server command: /rg info [11:03:01] mirov22 issued server command: /home [11:03:22] Flysnake_ вышел [11:03:22] Condesce issued server command: /history xx_vr_xxx [11:03:32] bumhik issued server command: /m Condesce можешь тп кое что спросить надо [11:03:33] yaroxa_kosolapy зашёл [11:03:41] Condesce issued server command: /tp bumhik [11:03:47] [L] Condesce: ? [11:03:48] [L] bumhik: как из забрать [11:03:51] [L] Condesce: никак [11:03:55] [L] bumhik: капец [11:03:58] [L] Condesce: ) [11:04:01] [L] bumhik: ( [11:04:02] yaroxa_kosolapy issued server command: /we cui [11:04:27] [L] SimpleMimpl: не трогай [11:04:28] [L] bumhik: у тебя щас в руке он был [11:04:32] [L] Condesce: у меня креатив [11:04:36] [L] bumhik: ааа [11:04:44] [L] bumhik: а их скрафтить можно? [11:04:47] [L] Condesce: - [11:04:49] [L] SimpleMimpl: дай [11:04:51] [L] SimpleMimpl: чернильные мешочки [11:05:05] Bukycbka issued server command: /money [11:05:08] [L] bumhik: полная печаль [11:05:11] [L] Condesce: ага [11:05:12] Bukycbka issued server command: /shop [11:05:16] [L] Condesce: они на постоянке ману регенят [11:05:20] [L] bumhik: посади типо случайно мне их [11:05:21] Flysnake_ зашёл [11:05:23] [L] bumhik: я шучу [11:05:25] Bukycbka issued server command: /qs sell [11:05:25] [L] bumhik: если что [11:05:32] Flysnake_ issued server command: /we cui [11:05:34] [L] Condesce: пробовала [11:05:38] [L] Condesce: не получилось) [11:05:45] Bukycbka issued server command: /warp shop [11:05:46] Bukycbka issued server command: /we cui [11:06:08] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /warp home [11:06:08] [L] SimpleMimpl: .цфкз рщьу [11:06:37] Condesce issued server command: /tp xx_VR_xxx [11:06:55] Condesce issued server command: /screenall [11:07:06] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /money [11:07:32] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /m xx_VR_xxx где эти счеты находятся не вижу? [11:07:57] Condesce issued server command: /m SimpleMimpl в самой середине [11:08:04] Bukycbka issued server command: /home [11:08:06] Bukycbka issued server command: /we cui [11:08:12] Condesce issued server command: /r рядом с новыми эффектами [11:08:34] [G] SimpleMimpl: !не понял хаха) [11:08:41] [G] SimpleMimpl: !в какой книге? [11:08:43] [G] SimpleMimpl: !таум? [11:08:45] [G] xx_VR_xxx: ! да [11:08:48] [G] Condesce: !В колдовских устройствах в таумономиконе [11:08:50] [G] SimpleMimpl: !всё [11:08:51] [G] SimpleMimpl: !Нашёл [11:08:59] bumhik issued server command: /home [11:08:59] [G] xx_VR_xxx: ! Крафт легкий там три красителя и палки [11:09:38] Bukycbka issued server command: /money [11:11:28] Bukycbka issued server command: /erp [11:11:30] Bukycbka issued server command: /randomtp [11:11:30] Bukycbka issued server command: /rtp [11:11:59] bumhik issued server command: /home [11:12:04] mirov22 issued server command: /home [11:12:09] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /randomtp [11:12:09] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /rtp [11:12:09] [L] SimpleMimpl: .кез [11:12:31] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /warp home [11:12:31] [L] SimpleMimpl: .цфкз рщьу [11:12:36] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /feed [11:12:36] [L] Condesce: ю.ауув [11:12:37] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /feed [11:12:39] [L] Condesce: ./feed [11:12:41] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /feed [11:13:14] [L] xx_VR_xxx: щас [11:13:28] [G] SimpleMimpl: !есть красный и зеленый краситель?) [11:13:30] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /randomtp [11:13:30] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /rtp [11:13:30] [L] SimpleMimpl: .кез [11:14:15] Condesce issued server command: /home ex [11:14:25] [G] SimpleMimpl: !куплю зеленый краситель [11:14:30] Condesce issued server command: /thru [11:14:39] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /randomtp [11:14:39] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /rtp [11:14:39] [L] SimpleMimpl: .кез [11:15:46] Exetorics зашёл [11:15:52] Condesce issued server command: /tp Exetorics [11:15:56] Exetorics issued server command: /we cui [11:16:09] Condesce issued server command: /gc [11:16:16] mirov22 issued server command: /warp forest [11:16:18] mirov22 issued server command: /we cui [11:16:23] mirov22 issued server command: /we cui [11:16:27] bumhik issued server command: /warp forest [11:16:30] bumhik issued server command: /we cui [11:16:35] bumhik issued server command: /we cui [11:16:45] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /randomtp [11:16:45] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /rtp [11:16:45] [L] SimpleMimpl: .кез [11:16:57] Exetorics issued server command: /echest [11:17:04] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /randomtp [11:17:04] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /rtp [11:17:04] [L] SimpleMimpl: .кез [11:17:14] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /randomtp [11:17:14] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /rtp [11:17:14] [L] SimpleMimpl: .кез [11:17:36] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /randomtp [11:17:36] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /rtp [11:17:36] [L] SimpleMimpl: .кез [11:17:47] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /randomtp [11:17:47] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /rtp [11:17:47] [L] SimpleMimpl: .кез [11:18:53] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /randomtp [11:18:53] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /rtp [11:18:53] [L] SimpleMimpl: .кез [11:20:12] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /randomtp [11:20:12] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /rtp [11:20:12] [L] SimpleMimpl: .кез [11:20:19] [G] SimpleMimpl: !кактус есть у кого 1? [11:20:39] Condesce issued server command: /tp Exetorics [11:20:39] [G] SimpleMimpl: !кактус есть у кого 1? [11:20:41] [G] bumhik: ! как теперь достижение смотреть [11:20:41] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /randomtp [11:20:41] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /rtp [11:20:41] [L] SimpleMimpl: .кез [11:21:22] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /randomtp [11:21:22] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /rtp [11:21:22] [L] SimpleMimpl: .кез [11:21:24] Exetorics issued server command: /randomtp [11:21:24] Exetorics issued server command: /rtp [11:21:30] Exetorics issued server command: //desel [11:21:46] mirov22 issued server command: /tpa bumhik [11:21:50] bumhik issued server command: /tpaccept [11:22:03] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /warp home [11:22:03] [L] SimpleMimpl: .цфкз рщьу [11:23:44] bumhik issued server command: /tp mirov22 [11:24:37] Exetorics issued server command: /god [11:24:38] Exetorics issued server command: /god [11:24:39] Exetorics issued server command: /god [11:24:49] Flysnake_ вышел [11:25:07] Flysnake_ зашёл [11:25:12] Flysnake_ issued server command: /we cui [11:26:20] Condesce issued server command: /screenall [11:26:41] Mass1ime зашёл [11:26:48] Mass1ime issued server command: /we cui [11:27:08] [G] Mass1ime: ! Condesce Приветствую [11:27:20] [G] Mass1ime: !Остальным соболезную (тоже привет) [11:27:24] [G] Condesce: !привет [11:27:36] [G] bumhik: ! как теперь достижение смотреть [11:27:59] [G] Condesce: !ну, никак, либо же спросить у меня, если это по твайлайту [11:28:13] [G] bumhik: ! капец [11:29:43] Exetorics issued server command: /echest [11:30:13] [G] SimpleMimpl: !Куплю гнилую плоть и великое дерево [11:30:29] [G] Mass1ime: !Если не нравиться - можно на форуме написать жалобу, ну или идею (хотя кому она нужна?) [11:30:41] Mass1ime issued server command: /randomtp [11:30:41] Mass1ime issued server command: /rtp [11:30:54] Exetorics issued server command: /echest [11:30:56] [G] Bukycbka: !А здесь кирка из ботании работает 11на11? [11:30:59] [G] Condesce: !нет [11:31:16] Mass1ime issued server command: /randomtp [11:31:16] Mass1ime issued server command: /rtp [11:31:17] [G] Bukycbka: !даже 3еа3? [11:31:21] [G] SimpleMimpl: !3х3 молот [11:31:24] [G] SimpleMimpl: !из тинкера [11:31:26] [G] xx_VR_xxx: ! молот [11:31:29] [G] SimpleMimpl: !и пробужденная ихориевая 5х5 [11:31:39] Mass1ime issued server command: /randomtp [11:31:39] Mass1ime issued server command: /rtp [11:31:45] Mass1ime issued server command: /randomtp [11:31:45] Mass1ime issued server command: /rtp [11:32:07] [G] Bukycbka: !Она полностью запрещенна? [11:32:10] [G] Mass1ime: !К чему приватить деревни [11:32:15] [G] Mass1ime: !тупость помойму [11:32:19] [G] SimpleMimpl: !нет [11:32:20] [G] Condesce: !эта кирка из ботании - запрещена [11:32:22] Mass1ime issued server command: /warp forest [11:32:23] [G] SimpleMimpl: !кто вампиром хочет стать [11:32:27] Mass1ime issued server command: /we cui [11:32:27] [G] SimpleMimpl: !жители нужны [11:32:29] [G] SimpleMimpl: !чтобы их не убили [11:32:32] [G] SimpleMimpl: !приватят [11:32:33] bumhik issued server command: /tp mirov22 [11:32:42] Bukycbka issued server command: /home [11:32:45] Exetorics issued server command: /echest [11:32:53] [G] Mass1ime: !Но не в копательном же [11:33:00] Mass1ime issued server command: /we cui [11:33:14] [G] SimpleMimpl: !а там не знаю) [11:33:16] [G] bumhik: ! какая очивка после лича? [11:33:31] bumhik issued server command: /tp mirov22 [11:33:34] Mass1ime issued server command: /randomtp [11:33:34] Mass1ime issued server command: /rtp [11:33:48] Flysnake_ issued server command: /home [11:34:05] Flysnake_ issued server command: /mpcaseshop [11:34:15] Flysnake_ issued server command: /mpcaseview 70 [11:34:27] Condesce issued server command: /thru [11:34:29] Flysnake_ issued server command: /mpcaseshop [11:34:30] Condesce issued server command: /tp Exetorics [11:34:31] Condesce issued server command: /pickup [11:34:33] bumhik issued server command: /tp mirov22 [11:34:34] Condesce issued server command: /pickup [11:34:34] Flysnake_ issued server command: /money [11:34:53] Condesce issued server command: /tp Exetorics [11:34:55] Mass1ime issued server command: /home [11:34:59] Mass1ime issued server command: /we cui [11:35:12] mirov22 вышел [11:35:18] Mass1ime issued server command: /warp end [11:35:19] mirov22 зашёл [11:35:21] Mass1ime issued server command: /we cui [11:35:21] mirov22 issued server command: /we cui [11:37:21] [G] SimpleMimpl: !куплю гнилую плоть [11:37:45] mirov22 issued server command: /tpa bumhik [11:37:46] Exetorics issued server command: /echest [11:37:47] Condesce issued server command: /tp xx_VR_xxx [11:37:49] bumhik issued server command: /tpaccept [11:38:39] Exetorics issued server command: /echest [11:38:49] Exetorics issued server command: /echest [11:39:10] Exetorics issued server command: /echest [11:39:15] Mass1ime issued server command: /warp mining [11:39:19] Mass1ime issued server command: /we cui [11:39:23] Mass1ime issued server command: /randomtp [11:39:23] Mass1ime issued server command: /rtp [11:39:25] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /home [11:39:25] [L] SimpleMimpl: .рщьу [11:39:31] Exetorics issued server command: /echest [11:39:33] Condesce issued server command: /tp Exetorics [11:39:33] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /warp home [11:39:33] [L] SimpleMimpl: .цфкз рщьу [11:39:40] Flysnake_ вышел [11:39:42] Exetorics issued server command: /echest [11:40:11] Exetorics issued server command: /money [11:40:13] Flysnake_ зашёл [11:40:19] Flysnake_ issued server command: /we cui [11:40:36] mirov22 issued server command: /home [11:40:38] bumhik issued server command: /home] [11:40:39] mirov22 issued server command: /we cui [11:40:40] bumhik issued server command: /home [11:40:43] bumhik issued server command: /we cui [11:41:39] mirov22 issued server command: /warp forest [11:41:41] mirov22 issued server command: /we cui [11:41:48] Condesce issued server command: /gm 0 [11:41:49] mirov22 issued server command: /we cui [11:41:54] Exetorics issued server command: /home [11:41:55] mirov22 issued server command: /warp forest [11:41:56] bumhik issued server command: /tp mirov22 [11:41:57] mirov22 issued server command: /we cui [11:41:58] bumhik issued server command: /we cui [11:42:04] Exetorics issued server command: /back [11:42:06] mirov22 issued server command: /we cui [11:42:07] bumhik issued server command: /we cui [11:42:12] Condesce issued server command: /gm 1 [11:42:20] yaroxa_kosolapy issued server command: /home [11:42:32] Condesce issued server command: /tp xx [11:42:35] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /tpaccept [11:42:36] Exetorics issued server command: /tp xx_VR_xxx [11:42:37] [G] SimpleMimpl: !Куплю янтарь [11:42:42] [G] SimpleMimpl: !янтарные блоки, кирпичи [11:42:48] [G] SimpleMimpl: !гнилую плоть [11:42:48] Condesce вышел [11:42:55] bumhik issued server command: /home [11:42:56] bumhik issued server command: /we cui [11:42:57] Condesce зашёл [11:43:00] Condesce issued server command: /we cui [11:43:29] bumhik issued server command: /tp mirov22 [11:43:31] bumhik issued server command: /we cui [11:44:27] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /enderchest [11:44:27] [L] SimpleMimpl: .утвуксруые [11:44:35] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /randomtp [11:44:35] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /rtp [11:44:35] [L] SimpleMimpl: .кез [11:44:40] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /home [11:44:41] [L] SimpleMimpl: .рщьу [11:45:19] Heia зашёл [11:45:30] Heia issued server command: /we cui [11:45:39] bumhik issued server command: /tp mirov22 [11:46:21] Mass1ime issued server command: /randomtp [11:46:21] Mass1ime issued server command: /rtp [11:47:03] [L] xx_VR_xxx: Можно просто Ася/Син [11:47:16] Exetorics issued server command: /money [11:47:59] Condesce issued server command: /home [11:48:02] Condesce issued server command: /rg i [11:48:36] mirov22 issued server command: /warp forest [11:48:38] mirov22 issued server command: /we cui [11:48:43] mirov22 issued server command: /we cui [11:48:55] Condesce issued server command: /rg flag Condesce entry allow [11:48:58] Condesce issued server command: /thru [11:49:03] Condesce issued server command: /s xx_VR_xxx [11:49:15] Exetorics issued server command: /home [11:49:26] [G] SimpleMimpl: !есть возле кого берёза? [11:49:30] [L] xx_VR_xxx: 547 x2 [11:49:36] [L] xx_VR_xxx: 546 x64 [11:49:46] bumhik issued server command: /tp mirov22 [11:49:49] [L] xx_VR_xxx: 4593:1 [11:49:56] [L] xx_VR_xxx: 4543:1 [11:50:27] un5redictable зашёл [11:50:51] un5redictable issued server command: /we cui [11:50:53] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /warp home [11:50:53] [L] SimpleMimpl: .цфкз рщьу [11:50:56] Mass1ime issued server command: /randomtp [11:50:56] Mass1ime issued server command: /rtp [11:50:57] un5redictable issued server command: /god [11:51:05] un5redictable issued server command: /god [11:51:08] bumhik вышел [11:51:08] Bikqwe зашёл [11:51:09] un5redictable issued server command: /kit [11:51:14] bumhik зашёл [11:51:16] bumhik issued server command: /we cui [11:51:25] Bikqwe issued server command: /we cui [11:51:39] mirov22 issued server command: /home [11:51:40] Condesce issued server command: /vanish [11:51:41] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /home [11:51:41] [L] SimpleMimpl: .рщьу [11:51:41] mirov22 issued server command: /we cui [11:51:44] Condesce issued server command: /vanish [11:51:51] [G] Bukycbka: !почему у меня над бассейном не показывается искра? [11:51:53] yaroxa_kosolapy issued server command: /home [11:51:58] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /randomtp [11:51:58] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /rtp [11:51:58] [L] SimpleMimpl: .кез [11:52:05] [G] Mass1ime: !текстуры шалят [11:52:06] un5redictable issued server command: /money [11:52:07] [G] Bikqwe: !Куплю нитки [11:52:20] [G] Bukycbka: !мне надо её переставить [11:52:30] [G] Bukycbka: !А оно не показывает [11:52:32] Exetorics issued server command: /echest [11:52:36] Bukycbka issued server command: /money [11:53:09] Bikqwe issued server command: /kit eat [11:53:15] Heia вышел [11:53:26] un5redictable issued server command: /sethome gf [11:53:45] Heia зашёл [11:53:46] Heia issued server command: /we cui [11:53:47] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /randomtp [11:53:47] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /rtp [11:53:47] [L] SimpleMimpl: .кез [11:53:55] Exetorics issued server command: /money [11:54:14] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /randomtp [11:54:14] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /rtp [11:54:14] [L] SimpleMimpl: .кез [11:54:49] Exetorics issued server command: /echest [11:55:01] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /randomtp [11:55:01] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /rtp [11:55:01] [L] SimpleMimpl: .кез [11:55:06] Exetorics issued server command: /repair [11:55:44] Bikqwe issued server command: /home [11:55:58] SimpleMimpl issued server command: //chunk [11:55:58] SimpleMimpl issued server command: //outset 16 [11:55:58] SimpleMimpl issued server command: //wand [11:55:58] [L] SimpleMimpl: ..цфтв [11:56:01] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /rg claim dom2 [11:57:31] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /enderchest [11:57:31] [L] SimpleMimpl: .утвуксруые [11:57:41] SimpleMimpl issued server command: //sel [11:57:42] Mass1ime issued server command: /home [11:57:49] Mass1ime issued server command: /we cui [11:58:26] Bikqwe issued server command: /randomtp [11:58:26] Bikqwe issued server command: /rtp [11:58:57] SimpleMimpl вышел [11:58:57] yaroxa_kosolapy вышел [11:59:07] Bikqwe issued server command: /randomtp [11:59:07] Bikqwe issued server command: /rtp [11:59:09] un5redictable issued server command: /list [11:59:13] SimpleMimpl зашёл [11:59:13] yaroxa_kosolapy зашёл [11:59:16] yaroxa_kosolapy issued server command: /we cui [11:59:17] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /we cui [11:59:32] [L] un5redictable: Condesce, приватные варпы тока платно создавать можно? [11:59:45] Condesce issued server command: /rg flag Condesce entry deny [11:59:45] un5redictable issued server command: /rg list [11:59:49] Condesce issued server command: /thru [11:59:50] Condesce issued server command: /thru [11:59:51] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /fly [11:59:51] [L] SimpleMimpl: .адн [11:59:58] Condesce issued server command: /thru [12:00:09] Bikqwe issued server command: /randomtp [12:00:09] Bikqwe issued server command: /rtp [12:00:13] bumhik issued server command: /randomtp [12:00:13] bumhik issued server command: /rtp [12:00:16] bumhik issued server command: /home [12:00:18] bumhik issued server command: /we cui [12:00:19] Condesce issued server command: /thru [12:00:22] un5redictable issued server command: /tppos 5000 80 10000 [12:00:28] bumhik issued server command: /tp mirov22 [12:00:46] Condesce issued server command: /rg flag Condesce entry allow [12:01:20] [G] Bikqwe: !Куплю нитки [12:01:25] un5redictable issued server command: /home [12:01:33] [G] SimpleMimpl: !как день [12:01:35] [G] SimpleMimpl: !сдеать [12:01:39] Bukycbka вышел [12:01:40] [G] Condesce: !/votesya [12:01:44] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /votesya [12:01:45] [G] Condesce: !/voteday [12:01:45] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /votesun [12:01:47] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /voteday [12:01:49] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /yes [12:01:50] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /yes [12:01:50] Exetorics issued server command: /no [12:01:51] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /yes [12:01:53] Heia issued server command: /yes [12:01:55] Bikqwe вышел [12:01:56] bumhik issued server command: /no [12:02:01] Bikqwe зашёл [12:02:03] Bikqwe issued server command: /we cui [12:02:16] un5redictable issued server command: /yes [12:02:26] un5redictable issued server command: /back [12:02:39] un5redictable issued server command: /tppos 5000 80 -10000 [12:02:48] bumhik issued server command: /warp ad [12:02:50] bumhik issued server command: /we cui [12:03:24] Bikqwe issued server command: /voteday [12:03:26] Exetorics вышел [12:04:33] Bikqwe issued server command: /randomtp [12:04:33] Bikqwe issued server command: /rtp [12:04:38] un5redictable issued server command: /list [12:05:42] yaroxa_kosolapy вышел [12:05:42] SimpleMimpl вышел [12:06:09] un5redictable issued server command: /money top [12:06:35] Condesce issued server command: /gm 0 [12:06:39] un5redictable issued server command: /ekit top [12:06:44] yaroxa_kosolapy зашёл [12:06:46] yaroxa_kosolapy issued server command: /we cui [12:06:47] Bikqwe issued server command: /randomtp [12:06:47] Bikqwe issued server command: /rtp [12:06:52] Condesce issued server command: /pickup [12:06:53] Condesce issued server command: /pickup [12:06:57] Condesce issued server command: /gm 1 [12:07:48] Condesce issued server command: /pickup [12:07:58] Mass1ime issued server command: /warp forest [12:08:02] Mass1ime issued server command: /we cui [12:09:02] Bikqwe issued server command: /home [12:12:08] Condesce issued server command: /oi xx_VR_xxx [12:12:44] Condesce issued server command: /heal xx_VR_xxx [12:14:22] Mass1ime issued server command: /we cui [12:15:15] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /playtime [12:15:16] Condesce issued server command: /playtime xx_VR_xxx [12:15:51] mirov22 issued server command: /warp forest [12:15:54] mirov22 issued server command: /we cui [12:16:01] mirov22 issued server command: /we cui [12:16:32] yaroxa_kosolapy issued server command: /home [12:17:52] yaroxa_kosolapy issued server command: /home [12:18:33] Loki_69709 зашёл [12:18:49] Loki_69709 issued server command: /we cui [12:19:23] [G] Loki_69709: !Привет всем [12:19:41] [G] Loki_69709: !Кондеса, как пользоваться премиум ак? [12:19:50] [G] Condesce: !напиши турбоноску [12:20:04] [G] Loki_69709: !На форуме что ли? [12:20:08] [G] Condesce: !в дс [12:20:13] [G] Loki_69709: !нету дс [12:20:24] [G] Condesce: !Сейчас тогда еще напишу ему [12:20:33] [G] Loki_69709: !Благодарен [12:20:38] Loki_69709 issued server command: /money top [12:20:56] [G] Loki_69709: !После вайпа так много игроков [12:21:01] [G] Loki_69709: !странно ) [12:21:07] [G] xx_VR_xxx: ! Вроде логично [12:21:09] bumhik issued server command: /m Condesce продашь сердце алхимия? [12:21:18] Loki_69709 issued server command: /playtime [12:21:52] Loki_69709 issued server command: /tpa xx_VR_xxx [12:21:55] Bikqwe issued server command: /voteday [12:21:57] Bikqwe issued server command: /yes [12:22:00] Mass1ime issued server command: /yes [12:22:02] Condesce issued server command: /r могу, но потом отлетим оба за 2.7 [12:22:03] [G] xx_VR_xxx: ! Loki_69709 зачем? [12:22:06] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /yes [12:22:07] yaroxa_kosolapy вышел [12:22:11] [G] Loki_69709: !просто, посмотреть [12:22:13] [G] Bikqwe: !Куплю нитки [12:22:16] [G] xx_VR_xxx: ! увы не могу пока что [12:22:19] bumhik issued server command: /m Condesce нормально чё [12:22:22] [G] Loki_69709: !жаль [12:22:23] yaroxa_kosolapy зашёл [12:22:27] yaroxa_kosolapy issued server command: /we cui [12:22:27] Condesce issued server command: /r я вне игрового процесса [12:22:39] bumhik issued server command: /m Condesce пон [12:22:53] Loki_69709 issued server command: /tpa Bikqwe [12:22:58] bumhik issued server command: /m Condesce скок можно иссушителей спавнить ? [12:23:00] Loki_69709 issued server command: /warp world [12:23:02] Loki_69709 issued server command: /we cui [12:23:02] [G] Mass1ime: !реалмит.. [12:23:05] Condesce issued server command: /r не более 5 [12:23:06] [G] xx_VR_xxx: ! ? [12:23:09] Loki_69709 issued server command: /randomtp [12:23:09] Loki_69709 issued server command: /rtp [12:23:10] [G] Mass1ime: !Хм, он нужен разве [12:23:35] Loki_69709 issued server command: /tpa Condesce [12:23:50] Loki_69709 issued server command: /randomtp [12:23:50] Loki_69709 issued server command: /rtp [12:24:06] Loki_69709 issued server command: /money top [12:24:10] Loki_69709 issued server command: /tpa Heia [12:24:19] Loki_69709 issued server command: /kit eat [12:25:11] [G] bumhik: ! кто продаст сердце голема алхимия ? [12:25:33] [G] Loki_69709: !Быстро вы за неделю развинулись наверно [12:26:00] Condesce issued server command: /oi xx_VR_xxx [12:26:03] Loki_69709 issued server command: /randomtp [12:26:03] Loki_69709 issued server command: /rtp [12:27:29] bumhik issued server command: /home [12:27:29] Heia вышел [12:27:31] bumhik issued server command: /we cui [12:27:41] Loki_69709 issued server command: /randomtp [12:27:41] Loki_69709 issued server command: /rtp [12:27:42] yaroxa_kosolapy issued server command: /home [12:27:56] [G] Loki_69709: !Надо кому портал? [12:28:03] Loki_69709 issued server command: /randomtp [12:28:03] Loki_69709 issued server command: /rtp [12:28:13] [G] bumhik: ! какой портал? [12:28:19] [G] Bikqwe: !Куплю нитки [12:28:43] [G] Loki_69709: !ну где жемчужена из боссов выпадает [12:28:48] [G] Loki_69709: !забыл как назв портал [12:28:53] bumhik issued server command: /tp Loki_69709 [12:28:54] [G] Loki_69709: !древних крч [12:28:58] yaroxa_kosolapy issued server command: /home [12:29:47] [L] bumhik: спасибо [12:29:49] [L] Loki_69709: ага [12:29:52] un5redictable issued server command: /home [12:29:58] bumhik issued server command: /home [12:30:42] Loki_69709 issued server command: /randomtp [12:30:42] Loki_69709 issued server command: /rtp [12:31:04] bumhik issued server command: /tp mirov22 [12:31:06] bumhik issued server command: /we cui [12:31:14] Loki_69709 issued server command: /m Condesce узнала как?) [12:31:26] Condesce issued server command: /r тебе должны выдать [12:31:34] Condesce issued server command: /r я не могувыдавать привелегии [12:32:02] bumhik issued server command: /home [12:32:04] bumhik issued server command: /we cui [12:32:15] Loki_69709 issued server command: /m Condesce ну типа у меня есть премиум ак и еще должны выдать какие-то привелегии? [12:32:25] bumhik issued server command: /tp mirov22 [12:32:26] bumhik issued server command: /we cui [12:32:28] mirov22 issued server command: /home [12:32:31] mirov22 issued server command: /we cui [12:32:36] Loki_69709 issued server command: /randomtp [12:32:36] Loki_69709 issued server command: /rtp [12:32:55] mirov22 issued server command: /tpa bumhik [12:32:57] bumhik issued server command: /tpaccept [12:32:59] yaroxa_kosolapy issued server command: /randomtp [12:32:59] yaroxa_kosolapy issued server command: /rtp [12:33:00] mirov22 issued server command: /we cui [12:33:07] Loki_69709 issued server command: /m Condesce Ира еще играет? [12:33:13] Condesce issued server command: /r Пока не заходила [12:33:42] Loki_69709 issued server command: /m Condesce у нее свет в день ток 4 часа [12:33:55] Condesce issued server command: /r Знаю [12:34:21] mirov22 issued server command: /tpa bumhik [12:34:23] bumhik issued server command: /tpaccept [12:34:28] Loki_69709 issued server command: /m Condesce а еще играют те игроки которые раньше были? [12:34:37] Mass1ime issued server command: /kit eat [12:34:45] Loki_69709 issued server command: /randomtp [12:34:45] Loki_69709 issued server command: /rtp [12:35:08] Condesce issued server command: /rg addmember Condesce xx_VR_xxx [12:35:10] yaroxa_kosolapy issued server command: /randomtp [12:35:10] yaroxa_kosolapy issued server command: /rtp [12:35:20] [G] Bikqwe: !А это нормально что Divine RPG в таумономиконе? [12:35:24] [G] xx_VR_xxx: ! da [12:35:24] [G] Condesce: !Да [12:35:45] Loki_69709 issued server command: /randomtp [12:35:45] Loki_69709 issued server command: /rtp [12:36:57] mirov22 issued server command: /tpa bumhik [12:36:59] bumhik issued server command: /tpaccept [12:37:09] Loki_69709 issued server command: /tpa Flysnake_ [12:37:12] Loki_69709 issued server command: /randomtp [12:37:12] Loki_69709 issued server command: /rtp [12:37:26] Flysnake_ issued server command: /m Loki_69709 ? [12:37:38] Loki_69709 issued server command: /m Flysnake_ в гости можно?) [12:37:45] Flysnake_ issued server command: /m Loki_69709 нет) [12:37:53] Loki_69709 issued server command: /m Flysnake_ мда [12:37:54] yaroxa_kosolapy issued server command: /randomtp [12:37:54] yaroxa_kosolapy issued server command: /rtp [12:37:58] Bikqwe issued server command: /warp shop [12:37:59] Bikqwe issued server command: /we cui [12:38:07] Flysnake_ issued server command: /m Loki_69709 еще не на что смотреть 1 день играю [12:38:08] bumhik issued server command: /home [12:38:10] mirov22 issued server command: /warp forest [12:38:10] bumhik issued server command: /we cui [12:38:12] mirov22 issued server command: /we cui [12:38:15] Flysnake_ issued server command: /m Loki_69709 xd [12:38:15] mirov22 issued server command: /we cui [12:38:44] Loki_69709 issued server command: /m Flysnake_ понял [12:38:56] Flysnake_ issued server command: /homd [12:38:57] Flysnake_ issued server command: /home [12:39:01] Loki_69709 issued server command: /m Flysnake_ может помочь чем-то? [12:39:18] Loki_69709 issued server command: /m Flysnake_ [12:39:34] Bikqwe issued server command: /home [12:39:34] Loki_69709 issued server command: /randomtp [12:39:34] Loki_69709 issued server command: /rtp [12:39:36] Flysnake_ issued server command: /m Loki_69709 да не [12:39:36] Bikqwe issued server command: /we cui [12:39:45] Flysnake_ issued server command: /m Loki_69709 сам справлюсь [12:39:59] Loki_69709 issued server command: /m Flysnake_ ну ок, удачи в игре [12:40:09] Flysnake_ issued server command: /m Loki_69709 спс тебе тожн [12:40:27] Condesce issued server command: /oi [12:40:49] un5redictable issued server command: /tppos -5000 80 -10000 [12:41:04] Flysnake_ issued server command: /home [12:41:07] Loki_69709 issued server command: /m bumhik еще один портал, надо? [12:41:16] bumhik issued server command: /tp Loki_69709 [12:41:35] yaroxa_kosolapy issued server command: /randomtp [12:41:35] yaroxa_kosolapy issued server command: /rtp [12:41:42] Condesce issued server command: /rg removemember Condesce xx_VR_xxx [12:41:43] [L] Loki_69709: дай на топор направленный удар [12:41:45] Condesce issued server command: /thru [12:41:49] Condesce issued server command: /s xx_VR_xxx [12:41:53] [L] Loki_69709: ато лупишь их долго что скушно [12:42:05] [L] bumhik: ? [12:42:10] [L] Loki_69709: дай на топор направленный удар [12:42:17] [L] bumhik: эт как [12:42:18] un5redictable issued server command: /home [12:42:24] un5redictable issued server command: /back [12:42:25] [L] Loki_69709: в чарилке [12:42:26] SimpleMimpl зашёл [12:42:28] [L] Loki_69709: осмот столе [12:42:47] [L] bumhik: пон спасибо [12:42:48] Flysnake_ вышел [12:42:50] [L] Loki_69709: ага [12:42:54] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /we cui [12:42:57] yaroxa_kosolapy issued server command: /randomtp [12:42:57] yaroxa_kosolapy issued server command: /rtp [12:42:58] bumhik issued server command: /tp mirov22 [12:43:00] bumhik issued server command: /we cui [12:43:02] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /tpahere yaroxa_kosolapy [12:43:10] yaroxa_kosolapy issued server command: /tpa SimpleMimpl [12:43:10] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /enderchest [12:43:10] [L] SimpleMimpl: .утвуксруые [12:43:15] Loki_69709 issued server command: /randomtp [12:43:15] Loki_69709 issued server command: /rtp [12:43:16] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /tpaccept [12:43:16] [L] SimpleMimpl: .езфссузе [12:43:22] bumhik issued server command: /tp mirov22 [12:43:22] [L] SimpleMimpl: давай [12:43:23] [L] SimpleMimpl: вещи [12:43:24] [L] SimpleMimpl: для очков [12:43:50] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /warp home [12:43:50] [L] SimpleMimpl: .цфкз рщьу [12:43:53] bumhik issued server command: /tp mirov22 [12:44:08] bumhik issued server command: /tp mirov22 [12:44:18] bumhik issued server command: /tp mirov22 [12:44:18] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /tpa yaroxa_kosolapy [12:44:20] [G] Loki_69709: !тотемы надо кому? [12:44:22] Condesce issued server command: /thru [12:44:25] bumhik issued server command: /tp mirov22 [12:44:25] Condesce issued server command: /s xx_VR_xxx [12:44:33] yaroxa_kosolapy issued server command: /tpaccept [12:44:36] [L] SimpleMimpl: иди домой [12:44:38] [L] SimpleMimpl: и делай очки свои [12:44:40] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /fly [12:44:40] [L] SimpleMimpl: .адн [12:44:45] bumhik issued server command: /tp mirov22 [12:44:49] [G] Loki_69709: !надо всего лишь прийти с киркой [12:44:58] Flysnake_ зашёл [12:45:00] Loki_69709 issued server command: /money [12:45:01] bumhik issued server command: /tp mirov22 [12:45:06] [L] SimpleMimpl: кыш [12:45:10] Flysnake_ issued server command: /we cui [12:45:25] yaroxa_kosolapy issued server command: /home [12:45:48] bumhik issued server command: /tp mirov22 [12:46:02] Loki_69709 issued server command: /m Condesce тебе порталы нужны? [12:46:09] Condesce issued server command: /r я вне игрового процесса [12:46:17] Condesce issued server command: /thru [12:46:17] Loki_69709 issued server command: /m Condesce понял [12:46:17] Condesce issued server command: /thru [12:46:21] Condesce issued server command: /s xx_VR_xxx [12:47:15] un5redictable issued server command: /home [12:47:18] Condesce issued server command: /warp end [12:47:19] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /warp end [12:47:21] Condesce issued server command: /we cui [12:47:23] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /we cui [12:47:26] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /feed [12:47:29] bumhik issued server command: /home [12:47:31] bumhik issued server command: /we cui [12:47:35] un5redictable issued server command: /back [12:47:35] Condesce issued server command: /s xx_VR_xxx [12:47:53] Loki_69709 issued server command: /randomtp [12:47:53] Loki_69709 issued server command: /rtp [12:48:04] bumhik issued server command: /tp mirov22 [12:48:05] bumhik issued server command: /we cui [12:48:31] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /weather [12:48:43] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /voterain [12:48:46] Loki_69709 issued server command: /randomtp [12:48:46] Loki_69709 issued server command: /rtp [12:48:48] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /voteweather [12:48:51] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /voteday [12:49:13] Loki_69709 issued server command: /randomtp [12:49:13] Loki_69709 issued server command: /rtp [12:49:44] Loki_69709 issued server command: /tpa SimpleMimpl [12:49:50] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /tpaccept [12:49:50] [L] SimpleMimpl: .езфссузе [12:50:14] [G] Mass1ime: !О [12:50:15] [L] Loki_69709: как пользоваться премиум? [12:50:19] [G] Mass1ime: !нага изичная xD [12:50:35] un5redictable issued server command: /home [12:50:40] un5redictable issued server command: /back [12:50:57] [L] Loki_69709: хм.. и странно, у тебя пишет елит у меня нет [12:51:08] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /feed [12:51:23] [L] SimpleMimpl: блять [12:51:25] [L] SimpleMimpl: не правильно построил [12:51:30] [L] Loki_69709: бывает [12:51:47] Condesce issued server command: /tp xx_VR_xxx [12:52:15] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /enderchest [12:52:15] [L] SimpleMimpl: .утвуксруые [12:52:35] Mass1ime issued server command: /home [12:52:39] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /feed [12:52:45] Mass1ime issued server command: /we cui [12:52:49] bumhik issued server command: /tp mirov22 [12:54:41] un5redictable issued server command: /jump [12:54:58] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /heal [12:54:59] bumhik issued server command: /home [12:55:01] bumhik issued server command: /we cui [12:55:02] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /home [12:55:06] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /we cui [12:55:06] Condesce issued server command: /tp xx_VR_xxx [12:55:09] Condesce issued server command: /we cui [12:55:16] [L] SimpleMimpl: тебе что то нужно? [12:55:19] [L] Loki_69709: нет [12:55:32] [L] SimpleMimpl: я дом построю потомр азыграю [12:55:35] Jabuti зашёл [12:55:43] [L] Loki_69709: дом разыграешь? [12:55:45] [L] SimpleMimpl: ага [12:55:48] Jabuti issued server command: /we cui [12:55:55] [L] Loki_69709: зачем? [12:55:59] [L] SimpleMimpl: а зачем мне 4ый дом? [12:56:06] [L] SimpleMimpl: мне нравиться стриоть [12:56:08] [L] SimpleMimpl: я строю [12:56:24] bumhik issued server command: /home [12:56:26] [L] Loki_69709: а че то дерево [12:56:30] [L] Loki_69709: ток* [12:56:42] [L] SimpleMimpl: почему нет?) [12:56:46] Bikqwe issued server command: /warp shop [12:56:49] Bikqwe issued server command: /we cui [12:56:56] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /kit [12:57:05] Condesce issued server command: /kit [12:57:07] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /kit delamor [12:57:18] [L] Loki_69709: и как разыгривать будешь? [12:57:36] Condesce issued server command: /kit [12:57:39] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /kit [12:57:48] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /kit sorry [12:57:51] Condesce issued server command: /kit [12:58:01] bumhik issued server command: /tp mirov22 [12:58:03] bumhik issued server command: /we cui [12:58:13] yaroxa_kosolapy issued server command: /randomtp [12:58:13] yaroxa_kosolapy issued server command: /rtp [12:58:40] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /playtime [12:58:45] yaroxa_kosolapy issued server command: /randomtp [12:58:45] yaroxa_kosolapy issued server command: /rtp [12:58:52] bumhik issued server command: /tp mirov22 [12:58:56] un5redictable issued server command: /home [12:59:20] Loki_69709 issued server command: /tpa Jabuti [12:59:22] un5redictable issued server command: /back [13:00:12] Mass1ime issued server command: /warp forest [13:00:16] Mass1ime issued server command: /we cui [13:00:24] Mass1ime issued server command: /we cui [13:00:31] [L] Loki_69709: ты сам строишь? [13:00:34] [L] Loki_69709: или по гайду? [13:01:30] yaroxa_kosolapy issued server command: /randomtp [13:01:30] yaroxa_kosolapy issued server command: /rtp [13:02:07] bumhik issued server command: /home [13:02:09] bumhik issued server command: /we cui [13:02:13] bumhik issued server command: /randomtp [13:02:13] bumhik issued server command: /rtp [13:02:25] bumhik issued server command: /home [13:02:40] [L] SimpleMimpl: не спрашивай почему зеленая [13:02:42] [L] SimpleMimpl: сам не знаю [13:02:47] bumhik issued server command: /tp mirov22 [13:02:48] [L] Loki_69709: )))) [13:02:49] bumhik issued server command: /we cui [13:03:05] un5redictable issued server command: /ekit [13:03:07] Jabuti issued server command: /home [13:03:07] un5redictable issued server command: /ekit top [13:03:09] [L] SimpleMimpl: чет не то [13:03:14] [L] SimpleMimpl: не красиво [13:03:15] [L] SimpleMimpl: да [13:03:18] [L] SimpleMimpl: да [13:03:19] [L] xx_VR_xxx: микро умер,,перекинь [13:03:33] [L] Loki_69709: может березы? [13:03:36] [L] Loki_69709: или ель? [13:03:52] [L] SimpleMimpl: хм [13:04:04] [L] yaroxa_kosolapy: далбич [13:04:08] [L] yaroxa_kosolapy: нитки есть [13:04:29] yaroxa_kosolapy issued server command: /randomtp [13:04:29] yaroxa_kosolapy issued server command: /rtp [13:04:54] yaroxa_kosolapy issued server command: /home [13:04:58] Yunia зашёл [13:05:11] Yunia issued server command: /we cui [13:05:25] Yunia issued server command: /home [13:05:26] Yunia issued server command: /we cui [13:05:32] [L] SimpleMimpl: пойдёт [13:05:45] yaroxa_kosolapy issued server command: /tpa SimpleMimpl [13:05:51] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /tpaccept [13:05:51] [L] SimpleMimpl: .езфссузе [13:05:55] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /rg flag dom2 pvp deny [13:05:56] bumhik issued server command: /home [13:05:58] Jabuti issued server command: /home [13:05:58] bumhik issued server command: /we cui [13:05:59] [L] SimpleMimpl: че [13:06:10] SimpleMimpl issued server command: //chunk [13:06:10] SimpleMimpl issued server command: //outset 16 [13:06:10] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /zone [13:06:12] [L] yaroxa_kosolapy: ебик [13:06:16] SimpleMimpl issued server command: //sel [13:06:17] [L] yaroxa_kosolapy: нитки есть [13:06:21] SimpleMimpl issued server command: //chunk [13:06:21] SimpleMimpl issued server command: //outset 16 [13:06:21] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /zone [13:06:22] [L] yaroxa_kosolapy: 5 раз спрашиваю [13:06:25] [G] Bikqwe: ! Condesce А чё бекус девушка? [13:06:25] bumhik issued server command: /tp mirov22 [13:06:27] [L] SimpleMimpl: я тебе рожу их? [13:06:27] bumhik issued server command: /we cui [13:06:31] SimpleMimpl issued server command: //sel [13:06:36] [G] SimpleMimpl: !Бехус это Бека [13:06:41] bumhik issued server command: /home [13:06:43] [G] SimpleMimpl: !где ты его видел? [13:06:43] bumhik issued server command: /we cui [13:06:49] [G] Bikqwe: !/spawn [13:06:50] yaroxa_kosolapy issued server command: /home [13:06:52] yaroxa_kosolapy issued server command: /kit start [13:06:52] [G] Mass1ime: !хоть не бяка [13:06:53] yaroxa_kosolapy issued server command: /kit eat [13:06:53] bumhik issued server command: /tp mirov22 [13:06:55] bumhik issued server command: /we cui [13:06:56] [G] SimpleMimpl: !а [13:07:18] [G] Bikqwe: !Тп дай) [13:07:40] un5redictable issued server command: /home [13:07:57] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /time [13:08:00] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /playtime [13:08:11] bumhik issued server command: /home [13:08:13] bumhik issued server command: /we cui [13:08:13] mirov22 issued server command: /home [13:08:16] mirov22 issued server command: /we cui [13:08:17] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /playtime [13:08:32] [L] SimpleMimpl: может на пол хоть пригодятся [13:08:40] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /stop [13:08:40] [L] xx_VR_xxx: .ыещз [13:08:42] [L] SimpleMimpl: да прикольно [13:09:03] un5redictable issued server command: /home [13:09:44] Yunia issued server command: /home [13:09:48] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /playtimetop [13:10:03] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /playtimetop [13:10:06] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /playtime [13:10:28] [L] SimpleMimpl: есть березовые плирты? [13:10:29] Jabuti issued server command: /playtime [13:10:33] [L] SimpleMimpl: береза нужна [13:10:33] [L] Loki_69709: неа [13:10:36] Bikqwe issued server command: /home [13:10:38] Bikqwe issued server command: /we cui [13:10:39] [L] SimpleMimpl: постой тут [13:10:41] [L] Loki_69709: ок [13:10:42] [L] SimpleMimpl: я сетхом не ставил [13:10:43] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /randomtp [13:10:43] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /rtp [13:10:43] [L] SimpleMimpl: .кез [13:10:50] [G] SimpleMimpl: !есть возле кого береза? [13:11:00] AYLIEXEC зашёл [13:11:02] [G] bumhik: ! есть тп [13:11:02] [G] mirov22: ! есть [13:11:05] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /tpa bumhik [13:11:09] bumhik issued server command: /tpaccept [13:11:12] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /we cui [13:11:16] Jabuti issued server command: /home [13:11:20] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /playtime [13:11:32] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /feed [13:11:48] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /playtime [13:11:52] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /tpa Loki_69709 [13:11:55] Loki_69709 issued server command: /tpaccept [13:12:15] Condesce issued server command: /playtimetop [13:12:16] [L] Loki_69709: ладно [13:12:30] [L] Loki_69709: наверное пойду [13:12:33] [L] SimpleMimpl: куды [13:12:36] [L] Loki_69709: хз [13:12:42] [L] Loki_69709: бегать а потом из игры [13:12:47] Scilla issued server command: /spawn [13:12:49] Scilla issued server command: /we cui [13:12:58] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /m Condesce тп ко мне и посмотри вверх [13:13:01] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /playtime [13:13:04] Condesce issued server command: /tp AYLIEXEC [13:13:16] [L] Condesce: ахахха [13:13:20] [L] AYLIEXEC: пхапха [13:13:20] Scilla issued server command: /home [13:13:22] Scilla issued server command: /we cui [13:13:35] [L] AYLIEXEC: гасуся [13:13:39] Loki_69709 issued server command: /tpa Yunia [13:13:51] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /playtime [13:13:57] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /ekit top [13:14:00] Scilla был кикнут [13:14:00] Scilla вышел [13:14:00] xx_VR_xxx был кикнут [13:14:00] xx_VR_xxx вышел [13:14:00] Mass1ime был кикнут [13:14:00] Mass1ime вышел [13:14:00] mirov22 был кикнут [13:14:00] mirov22 вышел [13:14:00] Condesce был кикнут [13:14:00] Condesce вышел [13:14:00] un5redictable был кикнут [13:14:00] un5redictable вышел [13:14:00] bumhik был кикнут [13:14:00] bumhik вышел [13:14:00] Bikqwe был кикнут [13:14:00] Bikqwe вышел [13:14:00] Loki_69709 был кикнут [13:14:00] Loki_69709 вышел [13:14:00] yaroxa_kosolapy был кикнут [13:14:00] yaroxa_kosolapy вышел [13:14:00] SimpleMimpl был кикнут [13:14:00] SimpleMimpl вышел [13:14:00] Flysnake_ был кикнут [13:14:00] Flysnake_ вышел [13:14:00] Jabuti был кикнут [13:14:00] Jabuti вышел [13:14:00] Yunia был кикнут [13:14:00] Yunia вышел [13:14:00] AYLIEXEC был кикнут [13:14:00] AYLIEXEC вышел [13:14:04] Сервер выключился [13:14:49] Сервер включился [13:15:06] Flysnake_ зашёл [13:15:06] Loki_69709 зашёл [13:15:07] Condesce зашёл [13:15:09] Loki_69709 issued server command: /we cui [13:15:09] Condesce issued server command: /we cui [13:15:11] xx_VR_xxx зашёл [13:15:12] Flysnake_ issued server command: /we cui [13:15:13] Bukycbka зашёл [13:15:16] Bukycbka issued server command: /we cui [13:15:21] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /we cui [13:15:21] bumhik зашёл [13:15:24] bumhik issued server command: /we cui [13:15:28] SimpleMimpl зашёл [13:15:32] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /we cui [13:15:34] Jabuti зашёл [13:15:36] Jabuti issued server command: /we cui [13:15:51] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /day [13:15:54] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /fly [13:15:56] AYLIEXEC зашёл [13:15:56] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /voteday [13:15:58] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /we cui [13:15:59] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /yes [13:15:59] Jabuti issued server command: /yes [13:16:00] bumhik issued server command: /no [13:16:03] Loki_69709 issued server command: /yes [13:16:03] mirov22 зашёл [13:16:03] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /yes [13:16:06] mirov22 issued server command: /we cui [13:16:27] un5redictable зашёл [13:16:33] un5redictable issued server command: /we cui [13:16:36] [L] AYLIEXEC: я немного не понимаю как части для портала крафтить из ботании [13:17:12] [L] AYLIEXEC: в инете погляжу тогда потом [13:17:26] [L] Condesce: там короче светопыль нужна [13:17:41] [L] Condesce: посмотри через неи [13:17:45] [L] Condesce: или в книге [13:17:48] [L] AYLIEXEC: я глядел [13:17:50] [L] AYLIEXEC: не понял [13:18:08] [L] AYLIEXEC: лан потом погляжу в инете [13:18:13] [L] Condesce: 581: [13:18:17] [L] Condesce: 5 [13:18:33] Yunia зашёл [13:18:34] [L] Condesce: 3 шт понадобится [13:18:34] Yunia issued server command: /we cui [13:18:53] Loki_69709 issued server command: /tpa bumhik [13:18:54] [L] AYLIEXEC: а бля так легко [13:18:57] [L] AYLIEXEC: хахах [13:19:08] bumhik issued server command: /m Loki_69709 ? [13:19:19] [L] Loki_69709: ?m bumhik в гости [13:19:26] Condesce issued server command: /localspy [13:19:29] Loki_69709 issued server command: /m bumhik в гости [13:19:33] bumhik issued server command: /tpaccept [13:19:43] Bikqwe зашёл [13:19:47] Bikqwe issued server command: /we cui [13:19:48] [L] Loki_69709: и это за неделю? [13:19:52] [L] Loki_69709: после вайпа? [13:19:56] [L] bumhik: за 15 часов [13:19:59] [L] Loki_69709: ппц [13:20:04] [L] AYLIEXEC: а то там в книге какой-то зелёный портал в крафте показывало [13:20:22] [L] Loki_69709: мощно [13:20:24] [L] Condesce: 603 [13:20:43] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /feed [13:21:10] [L] Loki_69709: ихр купил по скидке? [13:21:14] [L] Loki_69709: или так ака есть [13:21:18] mirov22 issued server command: /warp ad [13:21:21] [L] Loki_69709: как* [13:21:21] mirov22 issued server command: /we cui [13:21:24] [L] AYLIEXEC: сделал [13:21:34] [L] AYLIEXEC: только откуда у меня террасталь это загадка [13:21:38] [G] Bikqwe: !Как боевой таум доспех открыть? [13:21:41] [L] Condesce: 578: [13:21:42] [L] bumhik: ну кит у модерки там такой есть [13:21:46] [L] Condesce: 1 [13:21:48] [L] Loki_69709: а [13:21:58] [L] Condesce: 2 [13:21:59] [G] bumhik: ! Bikqwe изучить [13:22:06] [G] SimpleMimpl: ! ,ev[br [13:22:08] [G] SimpleMimpl: ! Bikqwe [13:22:09] SHIZAFRENIAA зашёл [13:22:11] [L] AYLIEXEC: ? [13:22:11] [L] Loki_69709: ферма? [13:22:12] [G] SimpleMimpl: ! bumhik [13:22:15] [L] Loki_69709: будет [13:22:15] [G] SimpleMimpl: !всех перебрал [13:22:17] [G] SimpleMimpl: !мне снова надо [13:22:18] [L] Condesce: 2 шт [13:22:19] [G] SimpleMimpl: !за березой) [13:22:20] [G] SimpleMimpl: !можно? [13:22:22] SHIZAFRENIAA issued server command: /we cui [13:22:22] Yunia issued server command: /randomtp [13:22:22] Yunia issued server command: /rtp [13:22:27] [G] bumhik: !тп [13:22:29] [L] AYLIEXEC: там цветы показывает [13:22:29] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /tpahere Loki_69709 [13:22:34] Loki_69709 issued server command: /tpaccept [13:22:34] [L] AYLIEXEC: ты про криссталы как из симса [13:22:37] [L] SimpleMimpl: постой а тут [13:22:38] [L] SimpleMimpl: плез) [13:22:39] [L] Condesce: из симса [13:22:45] [L] SimpleMimpl: ща я прибегу [13:22:52] [L] Loki_69709: иди [13:22:56] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /tpa bumhik [13:23:01] bumhik issued server command: /tpaccept [13:23:04] Jabuti issued server command: /home [13:23:07] yaroxa_kosolapy зашёл [13:23:10] yaroxa_kosolapy issued server command: /we cui [13:23:14] [L] AYLIEXEC: не нахожу что-то [13:23:18] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /playtimetop [13:23:20] mirov22 issued server command: /warp ad [13:23:24] Yunia issued server command: /home [13:23:33] [L] bumhik: вотъ [13:23:35] [L] Condesce: как крафтить пилоны? [13:23:44] Bikqwe issued server command: /kit start [13:23:47] [L] Condesce: 587:1 [13:23:49] [L] AYLIEXEC: нашёл [13:23:56] Scilla зашёл [13:23:59] Scilla issued server command: /we cui [13:23:59] [L] Condesce: не правильноа id написала [13:24:24] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /warp quest [13:24:26] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /we cui [13:24:32] Loki_69709 issued server command: /m Condesce так ты даже уже ничего не продаешь? [13:24:37] Condesce issued server command: /r + [13:24:37] un5redictable issued server command: /home [13:24:43] Condesce issued server command: /r мне и нельзя [13:24:46] Yunia issued server command: /home [13:24:47] Condesce issued server command: /r у меня креатив [13:24:48] Loki_69709 issued server command: /m Condesce на повышение пошла прост [13:25:00] Loki_69709 issued server command: /m Condesce а что сейчас делаешь? [13:25:01] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /tpa Loki_69709 [13:25:03] Condesce issued server command: /pickup [13:25:04] Loki_69709 issued server command: /tpaccept [13:25:07] [L] SimpleMimpl: о пасиба [13:25:10] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /money top [13:25:21] Condesce issued server command: /r ну, ищу просто баги, допы и слежу за игроками [13:25:32] Loki_69709 issued server command: /m Condesce понял)) [13:25:34] un5redictable issued server command: /home [13:25:34] xx_VR_xxx умер (ENTITY_ATTACK) [13:25:40] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /we cui [13:25:41] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /warp quest [13:25:44] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /we cui [13:25:47] bumhik issued server command: /m Condesce где повреждёные осколки брать? [13:25:47] Loki_69709 issued server command: /m Condesce настроение как? [13:25:56] Condesce issued server command: /r норм [13:25:59] SHIZAFRENIAA issued server command: /kit [13:26:00] [L] AYLIEXEC: готово [13:26:17] mirov22 issued server command: /home [13:26:19] mirov22 issued server command: /we cui [13:26:21] Condesce issued server command: /m bumhik выбивать с мобов которые спавнятся ближе к бедроку, лучше вырить большу шахту там [13:26:27] [L] Condesce: 2 бассейна [13:26:32] [L] Loki_69709: покажешь потом сой дом? [13:26:33] [L] AYLIEXEC: есть [13:26:38] [G] Bikqwe: !Как боевой таум доспех открыть? [13:26:43] [L] Condesce: и жизнедеренво [13:26:43] [L] SimpleMimpl: да у меня мой хаах [13:26:44] [L] SimpleMimpl: дырка [13:26:44] [G] Loki_69709: !изучить [13:26:45] [L] SimpleMimpl: в земле [13:26:49] [G] Bikqwe: !Требуются изчения [13:26:49] [G] SHIZAFRENIAA: !мозги хавай [13:26:52] [L] Loki_69709: аа [13:26:58] bumhik issued server command: /home [13:27:02] [L] AYLIEXEC: ща нарублю [13:27:04] mirov22 issued server command: /tpa bumhik [13:27:04] [L] SimpleMimpl: мне он нужен только для хранения вещей [13:27:05] [G] Condesce: !нужно изучить зачарование наполнением [13:27:07] bumhik issued server command: /tpaccept [13:27:14] [G] SimpleMimpl: !матрицу короче) [13:27:19] Bikqwe issued server command: /msg SHIZAFRENIAA Уже древние знания открылись [13:27:23] [L] Loki_69709: понял [13:27:44] [L] Loki_69709: ты на каком сервере играл до вайпа? [13:27:51] [L] SimpleMimpl: я в 20 году последний раз играл [13:27:55] [L] Loki_69709: аа [13:28:39] yaroxa_kosolapy issued server command: /home [13:29:18] Condesce issued server command: /m Bikqwe так же изучи злого зомби и злой узел таумометром, если не тот не открыт мозгв банке* [13:29:23] Bukycbka issued server command: /money [13:29:26] Bukycbka issued server command: /warp shop [13:29:28] Bukycbka issued server command: /we cui [13:29:32] Yunia issued server command: /home [13:29:43] Bikqwe issued server command: /randomtp [13:29:43] Bikqwe issued server command: /rtp [13:29:44] Mass1ime зашёл [13:29:52] Exetorics зашёл [13:29:55] [L] Condesce: и ману в бассейны [13:30:00] Mass1ime issued server command: /we cui [13:30:01] Exetorics issued server command: /we cui [13:30:02] [L] AYLIEXEC: а как [13:30:08] [L] Condesce: искрами [13:30:09] Bikqwe issued server command: /rg info [13:30:20] [L] Condesce: можно сделать дополнение к искре "Рассеивание" [13:30:29] [L] AYLIEXEC: у меня 2 есть [13:30:46] [L] Condesce: либо же переносить ману при помощи планшета [13:30:53] [L] Loki_69709: неплохо [13:30:58] [L] AYLIEXEC: а как доплнение [13:31:03] [L] Flysnake_: ? [13:31:07] [L] Condesce: в NEI [13:31:07] [L] Loki_69709: а я домики не люблю из дерева [13:31:14] [L] Loki_69709: у меня больше хайтек [13:31:19] [L] SimpleMimpl: ну потом для тебя хайтек построю [13:31:25] [G] SHIZAFRENIAA: !куплю семечки [13:31:27] [L] Loki_69709: у меня был дом хайтек [13:31:32] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /home [13:31:34] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /we cui [13:31:35] [L] SimpleMimpl: у меня их было около 8 [13:31:36] Jabuti issued server command: /home [13:31:39] [L] SimpleMimpl: огромных домов [13:31:47] [G] SHIZAFRENIAA: !пшеницы [13:31:47] [L] Loki_69709: я строил типа как у старка [13:31:51] [L] Condesce: лучше при помощи планшета тебе покап [13:31:52] [L] Loki_69709: типа [13:31:55] [L] Condesce: пока* [13:31:56] [L] AYLIEXEC: ок [13:32:25] [L] Condesce: дс? [13:32:29] [L] AYLIEXEC: ладн [13:32:31] [L] Loki_69709: хмм [13:32:37] Condesce вышел [13:32:40] [L] Loki_69709: может построить башню старка [13:32:51] [L] SimpleMimpl: может и построю потом) [13:33:01] Yunia issued server command: /home [13:33:10] [L] Loki_69709: да я вот думаю, но и так играть не буду [13:33:18] [L] Loki_69709: хз стоит ли [13:33:29] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /money [13:33:31] Yunia issued server command: /home [13:34:45] Bikqwe issued server command: /voteday [13:34:46] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /money top [13:35:22] Flysnake_ issued server command: /home [13:35:28] [L] Loki_69709: да ну в баню [13:35:33] [L] Loki_69709: там строить и строить [13:35:40] [L] SimpleMimpl: хахаха [13:35:47] [L] Loki_69709: да рили [13:36:07] yaroxa_kosolapy вышел [13:36:38] Bikqwe issued server command: /home [13:37:22] Bikqwe issued server command: /randomtp [13:37:22] Bikqwe issued server command: /rtp [13:38:14] SHIZAFRENIAA issued server command: /cart all [13:38:44] Yunia issued server command: /we cui [13:38:52] SHIZAFRENIAA issued server command: /eat [13:38:53] Loki_69709 issued server command: /m Flysnake_ го вместе играть? [13:39:09] [G] xx_VR_xxx: ! Not found [13:39:17] [G] Bikqwe: !В шабаше максимум 6 ведьм да? [13:39:20] [G] xx_VR_xxx: ! da [13:39:31] [G] Mass1ime: !Редстоун вообще нужен? [13:39:36] [G] xx_VR_xxx: ! в плане? [13:39:37] Flysnake_ issued server command: /m Loki_69709 вместе в каком плане? я так понял ты где-то уже рядом живешь [13:39:49] [G] Mass1ime: !Для крафтов важных [13:40:04] Loki_69709 issued server command: /m Flysnake_ ну вместе в одном привате [13:40:08] [G] xx_VR_xxx: ! ну он рано или поздн нужен,так что лучше храни его,а в бладе он прям нужен будет 100% [13:40:13] Loki_69709 issued server command: /m Flysnake_ я дом построю [13:40:17] Flysnake_ issued server command: /m Loki_69709 не так не хочу [13:40:29] Loki_69709 issued server command: /m Flysnake_ жаль [13:40:49] Flysnake_ issued server command: /m Loki_69709 мне и без дома хорошо xd [13:40:58] Jabuti issued server command: /home [13:41:11] Loki_69709 issued server command: /m Flysnake_ понял [13:41:20] Loki_69709 issued server command: /m Flysnake_ нет так нет [13:41:27] Bikqwe issued server command: /msg SHIZAFRENIAA Семена пшеницы нужны? [13:42:08] Loki_69709 issued server command: /spawn [13:42:09] Loki_69709 issued server command: /we cui [13:42:24] Jabuti issued server command: /home [13:43:22] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /warp quest [13:43:25] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /we cui [13:44:04] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /warp quest [13:44:21] Yunia issued server command: /warp ad [13:44:33] BOBAHBEPTYXA зашёл [13:44:42] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /we cui [13:44:46] Jabuti issued server command: /warp end [13:44:48] Jabuti issued server command: /we cui [13:44:55] Bikqwe issued server command: /randomtp [13:44:55] Bikqwe issued server command: /rtp [13:45:05] Jabuti issued server command: /home [13:45:07] Jabuti issued server command: /we cui [13:45:25] [G] xx_VR_xxx: ! фига орки прочность просаживают.. [13:45:26] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /home [13:45:29] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /we cui [13:45:35] [G] Loki_69709: !+ [13:45:40] Flysnake_ вышел [13:45:46] [G] Loki_69709: !ты еще не был в шахте) [13:46:07] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /home [13:46:10] [G] xx_VR_xxx: ! да я если сделаю броню которая вчера была под чарами и баффом то хоть вся орда там нападет будет [13:46:11] [L] xx_VR_xxx: пофиг но я пока другое делаю [13:46:27] [G] Loki_69709: !какая бронь? [13:46:39] [G] xx_VR_xxx: ! вязанка [13:46:59] [G] Loki_69709: !код [13:47:07] [G] xx_VR_xxx: ! от карты? [13:47:11] [G] Loki_69709: !брони [13:47:21] [G] xx_VR_xxx: ! 4547 [13:47:26] Bikqwe issued server command: /home [13:47:49] [G] Loki_69709: !аа [13:47:54] [G] xx_VR_xxx: ! Ага [13:47:58] [G] Loki_69709: !я тебя с 1 удару чпокну [13:48:06] [G] Loki_69709: !ток меч мне тот что у меня был и все [13:48:17] un5redictable issued server command: /home [13:48:21] [G] Loki_69709: !там впринципе чарка решает [13:48:24] bumhik issued server command: /home [13:48:25] mirov22 issued server command: /home [13:48:32] [G] xx_VR_xxx: ! говорю про защиту от орков,ты -- щас меч достану и чпокну с удара [13:48:34] [G] xx_VR_xxx: ! Cringe [13:48:39] Mass1ime issued server command: /home [13:48:42] [G] Loki_69709: !хаха [13:48:49] Mass1ime issued server command: /we cui [13:49:02] Flysnake_ зашёл [13:49:03] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /pvptoggle [13:49:03] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /pvp [13:49:04] [G] Loki_69709: !ну я бы эту бронь не брал на квесты [13:49:09] [G] Loki_69709: !я делал пустотную [13:49:13] Flysnake_ issued server command: /we cui [13:49:18] [G] Loki_69709: !она восст [13:49:31] [G] xx_VR_xxx: ! так она дешевле и ее под 99% резист урона можно и еще под сигилами и все [13:49:46] [G] Loki_69709: !может быть [13:49:52] Exetorics issued server command: /echest [13:50:01] [G] Loki_69709: !у тебя осмот стол есть? [13:50:17] [G] xx_VR_xxx: ! не,я таум не делаю,тиммейт делает [13:50:56] [G] xx_VR_xxx: ! что то я слышал про чарку что решает,походу догадываюсь о какой ты чарке [13:51:07] [G] Loki_69709: !направленный удар [13:51:17] [G] xx_VR_xxx: ! Ну удачи [13:51:22] [G] Loki_69709: !сделай себе макс. и меч возьми на 44 урона [13:51:30] [G] Loki_69709: !тебе легче будет бить их [13:51:34] [G] Loki_69709: !с 1 удара всех [13:51:45] [G] Loki_69709: !и не будешь мучиться [13:51:52] bumhik issued server command: /god [13:51:54] [G] Loki_69709: !да я и так играть не буду [13:52:22] Bukycbka issued server command: /money [13:52:22] bumhik issued server command: /god [13:52:23] Exetorics issued server command: /warp neth [13:52:24] Exetorics issued server command: /warp ad [13:52:26] Exetorics issued server command: /we cui [13:52:31] Exetorics issued server command: /tp Exetorics -898 72 -758 [13:52:31] Exetorics issued server command: /tppos -898 72 -758 [13:52:32] Mass1ime issued server command: /warp ad [13:52:33] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /msg Loki_69709 я бы не советовал распостранять про направленый [13:52:35] Mass1ime issued server command: /we cui [13:52:40] [G] Bikqwe: !+ихор [13:52:45] [G] Loki_69709: !+ [13:52:50] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /r 2.3,потому что направленный не работает так как надо [13:52:57] Flysnake_ issued server command: /money [13:52:59] Loki_69709 issued server command: /m xx_VR_xxx а почему так? [13:53:08] [G] SHIZAFRENIAA: !куплю философский камень [13:53:16] Loki_69709 issued server command: /m xx_VR_xxx а он типа работает жестко? [13:53:22] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /r он не должен так настакивать урон,он по одной цели должен и слетать при переходе на другой [13:53:32] Loki_69709 issued server command: /m xx_VR_xxx ааа [13:53:33] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /r очень,за такое можно и по шапке получить [13:53:46] Loki_69709 issued server command: /m xx_VR_xxx понял, спасибо что предупредил [13:54:00] Jabuti issued server command: /home [13:54:00] Exetorics issued server command: /tp Exetorics -43 50 279 [13:54:00] Exetorics issued server command: /tppos -43 50 279 [13:54:03] un5redictable issued server command: /tppos -8000 70 -9800 [13:54:06] [G] Bikqwe: !Куплю нитки [13:54:16] [G] SHIZAFRENIAA: !куплю наболдашник гномбе проклятие [13:54:23] [G] SHIZAFRENIAA: !гномье [13:54:27] [G] Yunia: !паутину всм? [13:54:31] [G] Bikqwe: !Нитки [13:54:36] [G] xx_VR_xxx: ! Loki_69709 да я хочу связку сделать прсто она для меня удобна прям,а потом зачарю,и у меня еще [13:54:36] [L] xx_VR_xxx: кольцо есть [13:54:38] [G] Bikqwe: !Из пауков падают [13:54:38] [G] Loki_69709: !да, паутина [13:54:41] [G] xx_VR_xxx: ! кольцо есть [13:54:43] bumhik issued server command: /home [13:54:51] [G] Loki_69709: !кольцо +1? [13:54:51] [G] xx_VR_xxx: ! которое регенит столько хп сколкьо ты нанес ударом [13:54:57] Exetorics issued server command: /pvptoggle [13:54:57] Exetorics issued server command: /pvp [13:54:58] un5redictable issued server command: /tppos -8000 70 9800 [13:55:04] [G] Loki_69709: !норм [13:55:18] Yunia issued server command: /m Bikqwe сколько тебе нужно? [13:55:27] Bukycbka issued server command: /home [13:55:27] un5redictable issued server command: /tppos 8000 70 9800 [13:55:29] Bukycbka issued server command: /we cui [13:55:31] Bikqwe issued server command: /msg Yunia Стак [13:55:39] Loki_69709 issued server command: /m xx_VR_xxx ты на мегике с вайпа? [13:55:46] Loki_69709 issued server command: /m xx_VR_xxx или играл уже? [13:55:47] Yunia issued server command: /money [13:55:47] Bikqwe issued server command: /r Или всё что есть [13:55:50] [G] xx_VR_xxx: ! пипец вроде прочность 6 стоит на предмете а за пару минут половину прочности просадил [13:55:50] un5redictable issued server command: //chunk [13:55:50] un5redictable issued server command: //outset 16 [13:55:50] un5redictable issued server command: //wand [13:55:53] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /r играл раньше [13:55:54] Yunia issued server command: /home [13:55:55] [G] SHIZAFRENIAA: !кто может продасть клетку гнева? [13:55:55] Yunia issued server command: /we cui [13:55:57] un5redictable issued server command: //sel [13:55:57] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /r но не прям [13:56:06] Loki_69709 issued server command: /m xx_VR_xxx аа [13:56:08] [G] Bikqwe: !Много покупаешь [13:56:10] Yunia issued server command: /tpa Bikqwe [13:56:11] un5redictable issued server command: /tppos 8000 70 -9800 [13:56:13] [G] SHIZAFRENIAA: !да [13:56:14] Bikqwe issued server command: /tpaccept [13:56:16] [G] xx_VR_xxx: ! Багатый [13:56:21] Loki_69709 issued server command: /m xx_VR_xxx [13:56:25] [L] Bikqwe: Цена? [13:56:26] Loki_69709 issued server command: /money top [13:56:28] [G] SHIZAFRENIAA: !как наболдашник получить [13:56:34] [G] Loki_69709: !сделать [13:56:34] [G] Yunia: ! 5 эм [13:56:39] [G] SHIZAFRENIAA: !гномье проклятье [13:56:39] Bikqwe issued server command: /money [13:56:39] [G] Loki_69709: !но сначала изучи в тауме [13:56:43] [G] SimpleMimpl: !у гнома [13:56:46] Bikqwe issued server command: /money pay Yunia 5 [13:56:47] [G] SimpleMimpl: !выкупить [13:56:48] [G] Loki_69709: !а это [13:56:51] [G] SHIZAFRENIAA: !так я его не могу изучить [13:56:52] [G] AYLIEXEC: ! SHIZAFRENIAA /inf 3.1.1 [13:56:52] un5redictable issued server command: /home [13:56:54] [G] Loki_69709: !да, у гнома надо выкупить [13:56:54] [L] Bikqwe: Плоть гнилая есть? [13:56:58] [L] Yunia: да [13:57:01] [G] SHIZAFRENIAA: !бля [13:57:01] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /inf 3.1.1 [13:57:03] [L] Yunia: ой не стак взяла [13:57:04] un5redictable issued server command: /back [13:57:07] [G] Exetorics: ! SHIZAFRENIAA гномье проклятье можно получить торгуя с гномом в маг лесу [13:57:07] [L] Yunia: ща донесу [13:57:14] [L] Bikqwe: Возьми стак паутины [13:57:14] Yunia issued server command: /home [13:57:15] [G] Exetorics: !А ещё не матерись [13:57:16] [G] SHIZAFRENIAA: !дорого [13:57:21] [G] SHIZAFRENIAA: !оке [13:57:28] Bukycbka issued server command: /randomtp [13:57:28] Bukycbka issued server command: /rtp [13:57:32] [G] SHIZAFRENIAA: !че гномам надо [13:57:32] [G] Loki_69709: !не дорого если это 5 эмов [13:57:37] [G] Loki_69709: !алмазики [13:57:41] [G] xx_VR_xxx: ! золото [13:57:43] [G] Exetorics: !Железо, золото, алмазы [13:57:43] [G] Loki_69709: !изумруды [13:57:45] [G] xx_VR_xxx: ! изумруды [13:57:46] Yunia issued server command: /m Bikqwe стака гнилушки хватит? [13:57:46] [G] Loki_69709: !золото [13:57:50] [G] Loki_69709: !и т.д [13:57:52] [G] Exetorics: !Все ресурсы что имеют ценность [13:57:53] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /inf 3.1.1 [13:57:55] [G] Loki_69709: !+ [13:57:56] Bikqwe issued server command: /r Да [13:57:57] [G] SHIZAFRENIAA: !куплю золото [13:58:03] [G] Loki_69709: !хаха [13:58:06] Yunia issued server command: /tpa Bikqwe [13:58:10] [G] SHIZAFRENIAA: !железо пойдет7 [13:58:12] [G] Exetorics: !+ [13:58:13] Bikqwe issued server command: /tpaccept [13:58:13] [G] SHIZAFRENIAA: !? [13:58:13] [G] Loki_69709: !да [13:58:16] [G] SimpleMimpl: !они всё жрут) [13:58:18] [G] SimpleMimpl: !ценное [13:58:24] [G] Loki_69709: !ток найти сложно гнома) [13:58:26] [G] xx_VR_xxx: ! Могу золото продать [13:58:28] [L] Yunia: 3 [13:58:31] Bikqwe issued server command: /money pay Yunia 6.4 [13:58:33] [G] Exetorics: !Они таки едят золото :D [13:58:33] [G] BOBAHBEPTYXA: !Гном же не торгует за железо [13:58:34] [G] SHIZAFRENIAA: !а сердце драгона? [13:58:39] [L] Yunia: удачи) [13:58:42] [G] xx_VR_xxx: ! о.о [13:58:43] [L] Bikqwe: Там минималка на плоти [13:58:48] [G] xx_VR_xxx: ! я жру сердце дракона0 [13:58:50] [G] Loki_69709: !ты сердце себе оставь [13:58:51] [L] Yunia: ? [13:58:52] [G] xx_VR_xxx: ! на завтрак [13:58:52] [G] Exetorics: ! BOBAHBEPTYXA с каких пор? [13:58:54] [L] Bikqwe: Забей [13:58:56] [L] Bikqwe: Удачи [13:58:58] [G] SHIZAFRENIAA: !оставлю [13:59:03] [G] Loki_69709: !молодец [13:59:04] Yunia issued server command: /home [13:59:05] [G] SHIZAFRENIAA: !найдите мне гнома пж [13:59:05] [G] BOBAHBEPTYXA: !Тут не знаю, но всегда когда играл не торговали [13:59:21] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /warp ad [13:59:22] [G] Exetorics: !Они брали всегда и железо и золото и алмы [13:59:22] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /we cui [13:59:29] Flysnake_ issued server command: /home [13:59:34] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /m SHIZAFRENIAA жопа тебе дорогой [13:59:35] un5redictable issued server command: /home [13:59:44] [G] SHIZAFRENIAA: !есть у кого стол трансмутации? [13:59:46] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /home [13:59:48] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /we cui [14:00:01] [G] Loki_69709: !сделай [14:00:02] Flysnake_ вышел [14:00:08] [G] SHIZAFRENIAA: !набалдашник нужен [14:00:10] Bikqwe вышел [14:00:10] Yunia issued server command: /home [14:00:28] Bukycbka issued server command: /randomtp [14:00:28] Bukycbka issued server command: /rtp [14:01:03] Jabuti issued server command: /home [14:01:08] SHIZAFRENIAA issued server command: /randomtp [14:01:08] SHIZAFRENIAA issued server command: /rtp [14:01:21] Condesce зашёл [14:01:31] [G] Loki_69709: !кто рыбку ловить на кветах? [14:01:34] [G] SHIZAFRENIAA: !так стоп набалдашник же только у маг гнома [14:01:35] Bukycbka issued server command: /randomtp [14:01:35] Bukycbka issued server command: /rtp [14:01:37] [G] Loki_69709: !квестах [14:01:38] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /m SHIZAFRENIAA помянем [14:01:41] [L] Loki_69709: да [14:01:42] [G] SimpleMimpl: !да [14:01:42] Yunia issued server command: /home [14:01:43] Condesce issued server command: /we cui [14:01:44] [G] Loki_69709: !да [14:01:49] [G] SHIZAFRENIAA: !так он редкий [14:01:52] [G] Loki_69709: !да [14:01:55] [G] Exetorics: !не особо) [14:02:07] [G] SHIZAFRENIAA: !мне за два года один раз поподался [14:02:09] Condesce issued server command: /warn shizafreniaa 3.1.1 [14:02:11] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /randomtp [14:02:11] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /rtp [14:02:13] [G] Loki_69709: !ну еще не находил [14:02:14] [G] SHIZAFRENIAA: !э [14:02:16] Bukycbka issued server command: /randomtp [14:02:16] Bukycbka issued server command: /rtp [14:02:23] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /m SHIZAFRENIAA а я говорил [14:02:30] [G] Exetorics: !Арина делает атата [14:02:38] [G] Condesce: !Игрок тебе сказал /inf 3.1.1 [14:02:45] [G] SHIZAFRENIAA: !че это [14:02:47] Mass1ime issued server command: /home [14:02:47] [G] Condesce: !ты после написал еще раз сообщение о купле-продаже [14:02:53] Mass1ime issued server command: /we cui [14:02:54] [G] Condesce: !В следующий раз будет мут [14:03:02] [G] SHIZAFRENIAA: !окей [14:03:04] Exetorics issued server command: /echest [14:03:09] SHIZAFRENIAA issued server command: /randomtp [14:03:09] SHIZAFRENIAA issued server command: /rtp [14:03:11] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /home [14:03:16] Bukycbka issued server command: /randomtp [14:03:16] Bukycbka issued server command: /rtp [14:03:30] [G] Condesce: !Сообщения о &cкупле-продаже &f раз в &65 минут [14:04:04] Bukycbka issued server command: /randomtp [14:04:04] Bukycbka issued server command: /rtp [14:04:04] [G] SHIZAFRENIAA: !а на варпе набалдашники продаются? [14:04:07] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /randomtp [14:04:07] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /rtp [14:04:15] [G] Loki_69709: !нет [14:04:16] Condesce issued server command: /m Loki_69709 надеюсь ты больше не будешь расспространять информацию по поводу чара [14:04:18] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /m xx_VR_xxx слушай ты тут? [14:04:20] [G] SHIZAFRENIAA: !обидно( [14:04:30] Loki_69709 issued server command: /m Condesce извини, не знал [14:04:30] [G] SimpleMimpl: !Господа товарисчи, нужно ваше содействие [14:04:37] Jabuti issued server command: /home [14:04:41] [G] SimpleMimpl: !чистую стеклянную панель, либо обычную срочно куплю) [14:04:49] Condesce issued server command: /screenall [14:04:49] Loki_69709 issued server command: /m Condesce если считаешь нужн_м принять меры, это в твоих руках [14:04:50] [G] SHIZAFRENIAA: !помогите гнома найти [14:04:59] Loki_69709 issued server command: /m Condesce нужным* [14:05:09] Mass1ime issued server command: /warp forest [14:05:09] Condesce issued server command: /r Я лишь предупреждаю пока что [14:05:10] [G] SHIZAFRENIAA: !у обычно есть шанс выбить? [14:05:13] Mass1ime issued server command: /we cui [14:05:15] [G] Condesce: !нет [14:05:20] Mass1ime issued server command: /we cui [14:05:20] Jabuti issued server command: /home [14:05:29] SHIZAFRENIAA issued server command: /eat [14:05:36] [G] SHIZAFRENIAA: !сложно [14:05:37] Loki_69709 issued server command: /m Condesce хорошо Арина [14:05:42] [G] Yunia: !куплю синюю слизь [14:05:47] Condesce вышел [14:06:09] Yunia issued server command: /warp ad [14:06:10] Yunia issued server command: /we cui [14:06:14] Exetorics issued server command: /echest [14:06:29] Exetorics issued server command: /playtime [14:06:52] Bukycbka issued server command: /randomtp [14:06:52] Bukycbka issued server command: /rtp [14:07:10] [G] SimpleMimpl: !куплю стеклянную панель) [14:07:30] Bukycbka issued server command: /randomtp [14:07:30] Bukycbka issued server command: /rtp [14:07:34] Yunia issued server command: /m SimpleMimpl сколько и какую именно? [14:07:37] Exetorics issued server command: /echest [14:07:43] Condesce зашёл [14:07:45] Condesce issued server command: /we cui [14:07:49] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /m Yunia желательно гладкую, но можно и обычную стака 2) [14:07:51] SHIZAFRENIAA issued server command: /heal [14:07:56] Bukycbka issued server command: /randomtp [14:07:56] Bukycbka issued server command: /rtp [14:08:05] [G] Condesce: ! SimpleMimpl [14:08:11] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /home [14:08:13] [G] SimpleMimpl: !Нет такого) [14:08:22] [G] xx_VR_xxx: ! Реально [14:08:27] [G] un5redictable: !Condesce, сколько приват варпы для меня стоят? [14:08:29] [G] Condesce: !неу тогда варн ему прилетит, раз его нет [14:08:33] [G] xx_VR_xxx: ! хахаха [14:08:33] [G] Condesce: !75 [14:08:41] [G] Condesce: !ну* [14:08:45] Yunia issued server command: /m SimpleMimpl могу отлить такие, но не сразу [14:08:52] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /m Yunia давай пока обычные) [14:09:05] BOBAHBEPTYXA вышел [14:09:05] [G] SimpleMimpl: !Он говорит не надо [14:09:08] Loki_69709 issued server command: /spawn [14:09:09] BOBAHBEPTYXA зашёл [14:09:11] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /we cui [14:09:11] Loki_69709 issued server command: /randomtp [14:09:11] Loki_69709 issued server command: /rtp [14:09:14] [G] Condesce: ! Надеюсь понятно почему я назвала его? [14:09:14] Loki_69709 issued server command: /warp world [14:09:16] Loki_69709 issued server command: /we cui [14:09:21] Jabuti issued server command: /home [14:09:36] [G] SimpleMimpl: !ес ес тбхс) [14:09:40] [G] SHIZAFRENIAA: !зачем деревни приватить? [14:09:45] SHIZAFRENIAA issued server command: /randomtp [14:09:45] SHIZAFRENIAA issued server command: /rtp [14:09:51] [G] Mass1ime: !для вампиров [14:09:53] [G] xx_VR_xxx: ! Бизнес [14:09:53] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /randomtp [14:09:53] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /rtp [14:09:58] [G] Loki_69709: !)) [14:10:07] [G] Yunia: ! я например в ней живу, так что... [14:10:16] Loki_69709 issued server command: /randomtp [14:10:16] Loki_69709 issued server command: /rtp [14:10:17] [G] SimpleMimpl: !Юня, так что ты сделаешь панель стеклянную? [14:10:45] Exetorics issued server command: /echest [14:10:46] Loki_69709 issued server command: /randomtp [14:10:46] Loki_69709 issued server command: /rtp [14:10:50] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /home [14:10:55] Condesce вышел [14:10:58] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /money [14:11:01] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /money top [14:11:02] Loki_69709 issued server command: /warp end [14:11:04] Loki_69709 issued server command: /we cui [14:11:13] Yunia issued server command: /home [14:11:14] Yunia issued server command: /we cui [14:11:19] [G] Yunia: !сделаю [14:11:26] Zero09 зашёл [14:11:28] [G] SimpleMimpl: ! &2Шпасиба [14:11:29] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /randomtp [14:11:29] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /rtp [14:11:36] Zero09 issued server command: /we cui [14:11:45] Loki_69709 issued server command: /warp ad [14:11:47] Loki_69709 issued server command: /we cui [14:11:49] SHIZAFRENIAA issued server command: /eat [14:11:49] [L] SHIZAFRENIAA: .уфе [14:12:24] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /feed [14:12:34] Exetorics issued server command: /echest [14:12:44] Loki_69709 issued server command: /m Condesce [14:12:52] Exetorics issued server command: /echest [14:12:54] [G] SHIZAFRENIAA: !voteday [14:13:00] SHIZAFRENIAA issued server command: /voteday [14:13:00] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /tpahere Yunia [14:13:03] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /yes [14:13:04] Mass1ime issued server command: /no [14:13:05] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /no [14:13:08] un5redictable issued server command: /ekit top [14:13:08] [L] un5redictable: .улше ещз [14:13:09] Exetorics issued server command: /home [14:13:11] Exetorics issued server command: /we cui [14:13:11] bumhik issued server command: /no [14:13:14] [G] Loki_69709: !Кто не против развиваться вместе? [14:13:14] Bukycbka issued server command: /yes [14:13:16] Loki_69709 issued server command: /yes [14:13:23] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /home [14:13:27] [G] SHIZAFRENIAA: !гнома найди и я подумаю [14:13:27] Exetorics issued server command: /back [14:13:29] Exetorics issued server command: /we cui [14:13:32] [G] Loki_69709: !хаха [14:13:33] [L] BOBAHBEPTYXA: за [14:13:36] [L] BOBAHBEPTYXA: сменить [14:13:38] [G] Mass1ime: !только если я у кого то [14:13:43] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /yes [14:13:45] Bukycbka issued server command: /randomtp [14:13:45] Bukycbka issued server command: /rtp [14:13:53] [G] Loki_69709: !да я сам бомж [14:13:58] Loki_69709 issued server command: /warp world [14:13:59] SHIZAFRENIAA issued server command: /randomtp [14:13:59] SHIZAFRENIAA issued server command: /rtp [14:14:00] Loki_69709 issued server command: /we cui [14:14:03] Loki_69709 issued server command: /randomtp [14:14:03] Loki_69709 issued server command: /rtp [14:14:06] [G] SimpleMimpl: !так 5 минут прошло [14:14:12] [G] Loki_69709: !и? [14:14:17] [G] SimpleMimpl: !&3Куплю стеклянную панель. Либо гладкую стеклянную панель. Срочно! [14:14:20] [G] Loki_69709: !я не развиваюсь [14:14:22] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /randomtp [14:14:22] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /rtp [14:14:25] [G] Loki_69709: !а [14:14:26] SHIZAFRENIAA issued server command: /eat [14:14:28] [G] Loki_69709: !ты про это [14:15:04] un5redictable issued server command: /ekit top [14:15:04] [L] un5redictable: .улше ещз [14:15:09] Bukycbka issued server command: /randomtp [14:15:09] Bukycbka issued server command: /rtp [14:15:18] Yunia issued server command: /home [14:15:25] Exetorics issued server command: /heal [14:15:39] SHIZAFRENIAA issued server command: /tpaccept [14:15:40] SHIZAFRENIAA issued server command: /randomtp [14:15:40] SHIZAFRENIAA issued server command: /rtp [14:15:51] [G] SHIZAFRENIAA: !как ртп работает? [14:16:05] [G] Loki_69709: !в копательном или в строительном [14:16:06] [G] SHIZAFRENIAA: !почему меня 2 раза в одно и тоже место тепнуло [14:16:09] [G] Loki_69709: !рандомно тп [14:16:12] Zero09 issued server command: /warp mining [14:16:13] Zero09 issued server command: /we cui [14:16:14] [G] xx_VR_xxx: ! рандом сыграл [14:16:16] [G] Loki_69709: !бывает такое [14:16:17] Zero09 issued server command: /randomtp [14:16:17] Zero09 issued server command: /rtp [14:16:25] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /randomtp [14:16:25] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /rtp [14:16:29] SHIZAFRENIAA issued server command: /randomtp [14:16:29] SHIZAFRENIAA issued server command: /rtp [14:16:34] [G] Loki_69709: !ко мне тп [14:16:35] Bukycbka issued server command: /randomtp [14:16:35] Bukycbka issued server command: /rtp [14:16:42] [G] SHIZAFRENIAA: !зачем [14:16:44] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /feed [14:16:47] [G] SHIZAFRENIAA: !гнома нашел? [14:16:48] [G] Loki_69709: !я в этом лесу нде гном может быть [14:16:54] SHIZAFRENIAA issued server command: /tpa Loki_69709 [14:16:55] [G] Loki_69709: !нет [14:16:57] Loki_69709 issued server command: /tpaccept [14:17:10] [L] Loki_69709: в руках [14:17:13] [L] Loki_69709: держи [14:17:16] [L] Loki_69709: ценность [14:17:18] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /home [14:17:25] Jabuti вышел [14:17:29] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /randomtp [14:17:29] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /rtp [14:17:29] bumhik issued server command: /home [14:17:31] Jabuti зашёл [14:17:32] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /m Yunia нет стекла? [14:17:33] Jabuti issued server command: /we cui [14:17:48] Exetorics issued server command: /home [14:17:50] Exetorics issued server command: /we cui [14:18:02] [G] SimpleMimpl: !Локи [14:18:05] [G] Loki_69709: !да? [14:18:05] [G] SimpleMimpl: !пойдём дом продам) [14:18:07] Exetorics issued server command: /echest [14:18:10] [G] SimpleMimpl: !стекла сам повставляешь [14:18:13] [G] SimpleMimpl: !мне лень чет уже [14:18:17] Bukycbka issued server command: /randomtp [14:18:17] Bukycbka issued server command: /rtp [14:18:17] [G] Loki_69709: !хаха, мне не нужен дом [14:18:17] Exetorics issued server command: /back [14:18:18] Exetorics issued server command: /we cui [14:18:24] un5redictable issued server command: /ekit top [14:18:26] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /m Loki_69709 ты не будешь катать? [14:18:26] Yunia issued server command: /m SimpleMimpl отливаю, стак есть, второй уже на подходе [14:18:31] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /tpahere Mass1ime [14:18:32] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /randomtp [14:18:32] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /rtp [14:18:33] [G] Loki_69709: !я же говорил, не люблю из дерева [14:18:38] un5redictable issued server command: /ekit top [14:18:38] [G] SimpleMimpl: !а ну оке) [14:18:41] un5redictable вышел [14:18:41] Loki_69709 issued server command: /m SimpleMimpl нет [14:18:53] un5redictable зашёл [14:18:55] un5redictable issued server command: /we cui [14:18:56] Loki_69709 issued server command: /m SimpleMimpl если буду играть с кем то, о возможно и буду [14:18:58] Bukycbka issued server command: /randomtp [14:18:58] Bukycbka issued server command: /rtp [14:19:12] Mass1ime issued server command: /tpdeny [14:19:15] un5redictable issued server command: /ekit top [14:19:22] un5redictable issued server command: /back [14:19:36] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /tpahere Mass1ime [14:19:42] Mass1ime issued server command: /tpdeny [14:19:49] [L] SimpleMimpl: че я тебя не вижу [14:19:56] un5redictable issued server command: //chunk [14:19:56] un5redictable issued server command: //outset 16 [14:19:56] un5redictable issued server command: //wand [14:20:06] bumhik issued server command: /home [14:20:08] un5redictable issued server command: /home [14:20:11] un5redictable issued server command: /rg info [14:20:12] Bukycbka issued server command: /home [14:20:16] un5redictable issued server command: /back [14:20:23] un5redictable issued server command: /rg claim un5_2 [14:20:26] SHIZAFRENIAA issued server command: /eat [14:20:32] Loki_69709 issued server command: /randomtp [14:20:32] Loki_69709 issued server command: /rtp [14:20:36] un5redictable issued server command: /rg flag un5_2 pvp deny [14:20:44] un5redictable issued server command: /rg flag un5_2 pvp mob-damage deny [14:20:45] SHIZAFRENIAA issued server command: /randomtp [14:20:45] SHIZAFRENIAA issued server command: /rtp [14:20:56] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /tpahere Mass1ime [14:21:00] un5redictable issued server command: /rg flag un5_2 pvp mob-d [14:21:04] un5redictable issued server command: /rg flag un5_2 pvp m [14:21:05] [G] Mass1ime: !длячего? [14:21:10] SHIZAFRENIAA issued server command: /randomtp [14:21:10] SHIZAFRENIAA issued server command: /rtp [14:21:10] [G] SimpleMimpl: !я тебя не вижу ни разу хаха) [14:21:15] SHIZAFRENIAA issued server command: /tpaccept [14:21:15] [G] SimpleMimpl: !2 раза ты принял ни разу не увидел [14:21:16] SHIZAFRENIAA issued server command: /randomtp [14:21:16] SHIZAFRENIAA issued server command: /rtp [14:21:18] Loki_69709 issued server command: /m SimpleMimpl так как прем ак получить, мне типа дали же прем но.. [14:21:21] SHIZAFRENIAA issued server command: /home [14:21:21] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /randomtp [14:21:21] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /rtp [14:21:22] Mass1ime issued server command: /tpdeny [14:21:26] [G] Mass1ime: !Это отклонение [14:21:28] [G] SimpleMimpl: !а ты отклонил [14:21:30] [G] SimpleMimpl: !тьфу [14:21:31] Yunia issued server command: /tpa SimpleMimpl [14:21:31] Exetorics issued server command: /echest [14:21:33] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /tpaccept [14:21:33] [L] SimpleMimpl: .езфссузе [14:21:43] [L] SimpleMimpl: а зацени [14:21:43] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /mpcaseshop [14:21:44] Loki_69709 issued server command: /randomtp [14:21:44] Loki_69709 issued server command: /rtp [14:21:46] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /mpcaseview 76 [14:21:49] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /mpcaseshop [14:21:51] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /mpcaseview 75 [14:21:54] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /mpcaseshop [14:21:55] un5redictable issued server command: /rg flag un5_2 mob-damage deny [14:21:56] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /mpcaseview 74 [14:22:00] [L] Yunia: красота [14:22:03] un5redictable issued server command: /home [14:22:06] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /mpcaseshop [14:22:07] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /mpcaseview 71 [14:22:09] [L] SimpleMimpl: да теперь надо как-то втихаря разыграть его) [14:22:10] Loki_69709 issued server command: /randomtp [14:22:10] Loki_69709 issued server command: /rtp [14:22:12] un5redictable issued server command: /rg flag un5_2 pv [14:22:14] un5redictable issued server command: /back [14:22:15] [L] Yunia: можно я у тебя этот алюминий откопаю?) [14:22:19] [L] SimpleMimpl: копай) [14:22:22] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /home [14:22:28] Zero09 issued server command: /randomtp [14:22:28] Zero09 issued server command: /rtp [14:22:29] [G] Loki_69709: !сколько стоит меч на 40 урона? [14:22:34] [L] SimpleMimpl: ух [14:22:38] [L] SimpleMimpl: скольок [14:22:40] [G] SHIZAFRENIAA: !как метку поставить [14:22:40] un5redictable issued server command: /zset 0 [14:22:43] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /home [14:22:45] [G] Exetorics: !n [14:22:46] [G] Loki_69709: !N [14:22:48] [L] Yunia: ну давай 10 [14:22:50] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /money pay Yunia 10 [14:22:54] [G] SHIZAFRENIAA: !спасибо [14:22:59] [G] Exetorics: !всегда пожалуйста [14:22:59] un5redictable issued server command: /zset 0 [14:23:00] Loki_69709 issued server command: /randomtp [14:23:00] Loki_69709 issued server command: /rtp [14:23:18] SHIZAFRENIAA issued server command: /money [14:23:22] SHIZAFRENIAA issued server command: /home [14:23:28] SHIZAFRENIAA issued server command: /randomtp [14:23:28] SHIZAFRENIAA issued server command: /rtp [14:23:34] un5redictable issued server command: /zset 2 [14:23:37] Zero09 issued server command: /home [14:23:39] Zero09 issued server command: /we cui [14:23:45] Exetorics issued server command: /home [14:23:49] Exetorics issued server command: /we cui [14:23:59] [L] SimpleMimpl: такой простенький [14:24:00] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /mpcaseshop [14:24:02] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /mpcaseview 71 [14:24:05] Loki_69709 issued server command: /randomtp [14:24:05] Loki_69709 issued server command: /rtp [14:24:10] [L] Yunia: скорее маленький [14:24:12] un5redictable issued server command: /zset 2 [14:24:13] [G] SimpleMimpl: !&4Продам дом) [14:24:15] [L] SimpleMimpl: ну [14:24:17] [L] SimpleMimpl: я так [14:24:20] [L] Yunia: мне кажется больше в этом проблема [14:24:20] [L] SimpleMimpl: просто так строю [14:24:22] un5redictable issued server command: /zset 0 [14:24:26] [G] SHIZAFRENIAA: !куплю гнома [14:24:30] un5redictable issued server command: /zset 2 [14:24:31] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /money top [14:24:38] [L] Yunia: но так или иначе - красоивое)) [14:24:46] [L] SimpleMimpl: Следом хочу [14:24:47] [L] SimpleMimpl: Хайтек [14:24:50] bumhik issued server command: /tp SimpleMimpl [14:24:51] [L] SimpleMimpl: построить [14:24:57] [L] SimpleMimpl: снаружи не будет казаться таким большим [14:25:00] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /kit eat [14:25:00] [L] SimpleMimpl: но за то с нутри [14:25:03] [L] SimpleMimpl: будет побольше [14:25:03] [L] bumhik: что есть покупатели ? [14:25:05] [L] SimpleMimpl: даже гараж) [14:25:10] [L] SimpleMimpl: да не [14:25:13] [L] SimpleMimpl: я же отдать хочу [14:25:17] [L] SimpleMimpl: бомжу какому-нибудь [14:25:18] un5redictable issued server command: /zset 0 [14:25:22] [L] SimpleMimpl: для палева *продам" [14:25:42] un5redictable issued server command: /zset 0 [14:25:47] un5redictable issued server command: /zset 0 [14:25:54] [L] Yunia: что ж удачи в продаже, пойду в свою лачугу в деревне)) [14:25:54] un5redictable issued server command: /zset 0 [14:25:56] [L] bumhik: нормальный домик [14:26:01] Yunia issued server command: /home [14:26:05] [G] SHIZAFRENIAA: !а гнома можно в кристал импринтинга поместить? [14:26:08] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /m Yunia если хочешь живи тут) [14:26:09] un5redictable issued server command: /zset 0 [14:26:13] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /m Yunia я удалю приват [14:26:14] un5redictable issued server command: /zset 0 [14:26:15] [G] Loki_69709: !вроде нет [14:26:19] [G] Loki_69709: !можно в банку [14:26:19] [G] BOBAHBEPTYXA: !Можно [14:26:20] [G] SimpleMimpl: !да [14:26:21] [G] SimpleMimpl: !можно [14:26:24] [G] Loki_69709: !а [14:26:26] [G] Loki_69709: !тогда топ [14:26:27] un5redictable issued server command: /zset 0 [14:26:28] [G] BOBAHBEPTYXA: !Напиши в NEI кристалл [14:26:35] un5redictable issued server command: /zset 0 [14:26:47] Yunia issued server command: /m SimpleMimpl звучит заманчиво, но мне слишком дорого переносить плавильню [14:26:52] un5redictable issued server command: /zset 0 [14:26:57] un5redictable issued server command: /rg info [14:27:04] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /kit eat [14:27:07] Loki_69709 issued server command: /randomtp [14:27:07] Loki_69709 issued server command: /rtp [14:27:10] un5redictable issued server command: /zset 2 [14:27:11] MrDimonsterR зашёл [14:27:11] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /m Yunia ну если что пиши) [14:27:13] Exetorics issued server command: /rg i [14:27:16] un5redictable issued server command: /zset 2 [14:27:16] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /enderchest [14:27:16] [L] SimpleMimpl: .утвуксруые [14:27:21] bumhik issued server command: /home [14:27:26] MrDimonsterR issued server command: /we cui [14:27:31] [G] Yunia: !кому там гнном нужен был?* [14:27:38] [G] SHIZAFRENIAA: !мне [14:27:39] un5redictable issued server command: /zset 2 [14:27:43] Loki_69709 issued server command: /tpa Yunia [14:27:44] [G] Yunia: !тп [14:27:44] un5redictable issued server command: /zset 2 [14:27:46] [G] SimpleMimpl: !Новички есть?) [14:27:49] un5redictable issued server command: /zset 2 [14:27:51] un5redictable issued server command: /zset 2 [14:27:51] SHIZAFRENIAA issued server command: /tpa Yunia [14:27:55] Yunia issued server command: /tpaccept [14:28:01] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /call Yunia [14:28:04] MrDimonsterR issued server command: /kit eat [14:28:08] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /msg Yunia можно поторгую? [14:28:10] Loki_69709 issued server command: /tpa BOBAHBEPTYXA [14:28:10] MrDimonsterR issued server command: /randomtp [14:28:10] MrDimonsterR issued server command: /rtp [14:28:16] [L] Yunia: ? [14:28:16] [L] SHIZAFRENIAA: где [14:28:19] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /tpaccept [14:28:21] [L] BOBAHBEPTYXA: , [14:28:23] [L] BOBAHBEPTYXA: ? [14:28:29] [L] SHIZAFRENIAA: не тот( [14:28:33] Loki_69709 issued server command: /tpa SHIZAFRENIAA [14:28:37] SHIZAFRENIAA issued server command: /tpaccept [14:28:37] [L] Yunia: так вот перед тобой же [14:28:41] [L] SHIZAFRENIAA: не тот [14:28:45] [L] Loki_69709: не тот [14:28:49] [L] SHIZAFRENIAA: мне гном маг нужен [14:28:52] Yunia issued server command: /m BOBAHBEPTYXA в плане? [14:28:57] [L] Loki_69709: он с наболд [14:28:58] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /r c гномом [14:28:58] [L] Yunia: а сорян [14:28:58] [L] Loki_69709: в руке [14:29:00] un5redictable issued server command: /zset 35:14 [14:29:01] [G] Mass1ime: !О да [14:29:02] un5redictable issued server command: /zset 35 [14:29:05] [G] Mass1ime: !- лич [14:29:08] un5redictable issued server command: /zset 35 [14:29:13] un5redictable issued server command: /zset 35 [14:29:15] un5redictable issued server command: /zset 35 [14:29:21] Yunia issued server command: /m BOBAHBEPTYXA Это не маг оказался [14:29:21] un5redictable issued server command: /zset 35 [14:29:22] Exetorics issued server command: /echest [14:29:31] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /r жаль( [14:29:35] Yunia issued server command: /home [14:29:50] Healthy зашёл [14:29:54] [L] Loki_69709: ты здесь живешь? [14:29:57] [L] Yunia: да [14:29:57] SHIZAFRENIAA issued server command: /randomtp [14:29:57] SHIZAFRENIAA issued server command: /rtp [14:30:03] Healthy issued server command: /we cui [14:30:12] [L] Loki_69709: одиночка [14:30:16] [L] Loki_69709: или с друзьями? [14:30:22] [L] Yunia: скорее я таума не знаю [14:30:27] Exetorics issued server command: /warp neth [14:30:30] Exetorics issued server command: /warp ad [14:30:31] Exetorics issued server command: /we cui [14:30:32] [L] Loki_69709: он изи [14:30:33] [L] Yunia: типа моё колронное - тинкер [14:30:41] [L] Yunia: остальное - дремучий лес) [14:30:41] Exetorics issued server command: /back [14:30:42] [L] Loki_69709: слабо [14:30:44] Exetorics issued server command: /homne [14:30:46] Exetorics issued server command: /back [14:30:48] Exetorics issued server command: /home [14:30:48] [L] Loki_69709: но научишся [14:30:49] Exetorics issued server command: /we cui [14:30:52] [L] Yunia: знаю [14:30:53] [L] Loki_69709: я же научился [14:30:53] un5redictable issued server command: //sel [14:31:02] Yunia issued server command: /home [14:31:27] Yunia issued server command: /home [14:31:33] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /tpahere MrDimonsterR [14:31:49] [L] MrDimonsterR: pfxxtv [14:31:54] [L] MrDimonsterR: зачем [14:32:09] Bukycbka issued server command: /randomtp [14:32:09] Bukycbka issued server command: /rtp [14:32:30] Yunia issued server command: /warp ad [14:32:31] Yunia issued server command: /we cui [14:32:36] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /tpahere Zero09 [14:33:02] Bukycbka issued server command: /randomtp [14:33:02] Bukycbka issued server command: /rtp [14:33:03] un5redictable issued server command: /tppos 7534 68 -7672 [14:33:32] un5redictable issued server command: /home [14:33:35] [G] Loki_69709: !не [14:33:38] [G] Loki_69709: !врятли найду [14:33:47] Bukycbka issued server command: /randomtp [14:33:47] Bukycbka issued server command: /rtp [14:33:55] un5redictable issued server command: /warp forest [14:33:56] SHIZAFRENIAA issued server command: /home [14:33:57] un5redictable issued server command: /we cui [14:34:08] un5redictable issued server command: /we cui [14:34:44] Bukycbka issued server command: /randomtp [14:34:44] Bukycbka issued server command: /rtp [14:35:05] Loki_69709 issued server command: /randomtp [14:35:05] Loki_69709 issued server command: /rtp [14:35:07] un5redictable issued server command: /tppos 4600 80 2000 [14:35:19] MrDimonsterR issued server command: /home [14:35:20] Yunia issued server command: /warp ad [14:35:42] MrDimonsterR issued server command: /randomtp [14:35:42] MrDimonsterR issued server command: /rtp [14:35:45] [G] SHIZAFRENIAA: !как варочная стойка из ботании делается? [14:35:47] [G] Loki_69709: !куплю меч на 44 урона [14:36:14] [G] Loki_69709: !5977 [14:36:16] [G] SimpleMimpl: !&2 Новички есть алио?))) [14:36:32] un5redictable issued server command: /tppos 2300 80 -2700 [14:36:38] un5redictable issued server command: /tppos 2300 80 -3700 [14:36:40] Exetorics issued server command: /w xx_VR_xxx чек алтарь xD [14:36:44] Exetorics issued server command: /money [14:36:46] Exetorics issued server command: /r тп [14:36:53] Yunia issued server command: /home [14:36:54] Yunia issued server command: /we cui [14:36:59] [G] Loki_69709: !да много тут [14:37:00] SimpleMimpl вышел [14:37:08] MrDimonsterR issued server command: /randomtp [14:37:08] MrDimonsterR issued server command: /rtp [14:37:15] [G] BOBAHBEPTYXA: !Я сегодня зашел [14:37:21] SimpleMimpl зашёл [14:37:25] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /we cui [14:37:28] Yunia issued server command: /playtimetop [14:37:29] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /fly [14:37:29] [L] SimpleMimpl: .адн [14:37:31] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /god [14:37:31] [L] SimpleMimpl: .пщв [14:37:33] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /god [14:37:33] [L] SimpleMimpl: .пщв [14:37:33] Bukycbka issued server command: /home [14:37:36] Yunia issued server command: /home [14:37:45] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /votenight [14:37:49] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /votenight [14:37:50] un5redictable issued server command: /home [14:37:53] un5redictable issued server command: /we cui [14:37:57] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /tpahere Healthy [14:37:58] Exetorics issued server command: /warp neth [14:37:59] un5redictable issued server command: /back [14:37:59] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /tpahere Exetorics [14:38:00] Exetorics issued server command: /warp ad [14:38:01] Exetorics issued server command: /we cui [14:38:02] un5redictable issued server command: /we cui [14:38:04] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /tpahere MrDimonsterR [14:38:04] Exetorics issued server command: /back [14:38:06] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /tpahere mirov22 [14:38:07] Exetorics issued server command: /tpaccept [14:38:08] Exetorics issued server command: /we cui [14:38:11] MrDimonsterR issued server command: /home [14:38:13] [L] Exetorics: ? [14:38:18] [G] SHIZAFRENIAA: !у кого есть поратал в багровые лабиринты? [14:38:20] [L] Exetorics: что [14:38:26] [L] SimpleMimpl: rhfbdj [14:38:26] MrDimonsterR issued server command: /tpaccept [14:38:27] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /warp forest [14:38:28] Healthy issued server command: /randomtp [14:38:28] Healthy issued server command: /rtp [14:38:28] [G] Loki_69709: !находил недавно [14:38:28] [L] SimpleMimpl: красиво нет [14:38:28] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /we cui [14:38:30] Zero09 issued server command: /home [14:38:30] Loki_69709 issued server command: /randomtp [14:38:30] Loki_69709 issued server command: /rtp [14:38:31] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /we cui [14:38:38] [G] Loki_69709: !найти? [14:38:38] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /speed 2 [14:38:41] [L] MrDimonsterR: класно [14:38:45] [L] Exetorics: красиво но тесновато [14:38:47] [L] Exetorics: тп ко мне :D [14:38:50] Exetorics issued server command: /home [14:38:50] [L] SimpleMimpl: да ща [14:38:51] [G] SimpleMimpl: !ща [14:38:59] [L] SimpleMimpl: Жить хочешь тут? [14:39:06] [L] MrDimonsterR: нет [14:39:25] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /tpa Exetorics [14:39:27] Yunia issued server command: /m SHIZAFRENIAA ты эту штуку имеешь в виду? [14:39:30] Exetorics issued server command: /tpaccept [14:39:32] Yunia issued server command: /tpahere SHIZAFRENIAA [14:39:34] MrDimonsterR issued server command: /home [14:39:51] [L] SimpleMimpl: а где картина не понял хаха [14:40:15] [L] SimpleMimpl: ты тута не опух хаха [14:40:18] Loki_69709 issued server command: /kit eat [14:40:19] [L] Exetorics: xD [14:40:30] [L] SimpleMimpl: а че картину и на пол можно? [14:40:35] Yunia issued server command: /home [14:40:40] [L] Exetorics: её можно ставить куда угодно [14:40:44] [L] SimpleMimpl: прикол [14:40:49] Loki_69709 issued server command: /randomtp [14:40:49] Loki_69709 issued server command: /rtp [14:40:56] [L] SimpleMimpl: ну ты сетнул [14:40:59] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /tpa Exetorics [14:40:59] [L] SimpleMimpl: так не прикольно хаха [14:41:05] [L] Exetorics: я не сетал [14:41:08] Exetorics issued server command: /tpaccept [14:41:13] [L] Exetorics: всё в ручную копал [14:41:24] [L] xx_VR_xxx: dfe [14:41:29] Healthy issued server command: /randomtp [14:41:29] Healthy issued server command: /rtp [14:41:35] [L] xx_VR_xxx: щикарно выгляди [14:41:38] MrDimonsterR issued server command: /randomtp [14:41:38] MrDimonsterR issued server command: /rtp [14:41:43] Loki_69709 вышел [14:41:47] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /tpahere Exetorics [14:41:48] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /warp home [14:41:48] [L] SimpleMimpl: .цфкз рщьу [14:41:55] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /tpahere Exetorics [14:41:55] [L] Exetorics: самый прикол что круг поменял цвет из за обсидиановых блоков [14:41:57] SHIZAFRENIAA issued server command: /eat [14:41:57] [L] SHIZAFRENIAA: .уфе [14:42:13] [L] Exetorics: ща в дс тебе кину ориг [14:42:20] Healthy issued server command: /randomtp [14:42:20] Healthy issued server command: /rtp [14:42:21] un5redictable issued server command: /endersee [14:42:22] Yunia issued server command: /m SimpleMimpl если нравится строить, может сможешь сделать мне дом побольше в той деревне?) [14:42:22] Yunia issued server command: /m Материалы предоставлю :з [14:42:40] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /tpa Yunia [14:42:50] Yunia issued server command: /m SimpleMimpl с меня материалы :з [14:42:55] Yunia issued server command: /tpaccept [14:42:56] bumhik issued server command: /home [14:43:19] Exetorics issued server command: /tp SimpleMimpl [14:43:22] [L] Exetorics: ? [14:43:31] [L] Exetorics: Yunia дароу [14:43:34] Jabuti issued server command: /home [14:43:36] [L] Yunia: приветик [14:43:38] Healthy issued server command: /randomtp [14:43:38] Healthy issued server command: /rtp [14:43:44] [L] Exetorics: тп ко мне оцени алтарь :D [14:43:47] Exetorics issued server command: /back [14:44:08] [L] Exetorics: видел дс? [14:44:20] [L] Yunia: я так понимаю с меня доступ к привату, да?ъ [14:44:21] un5redictable issued server command: /endersee [14:44:28] MrDimonsterR issued server command: /randomtp [14:44:28] MrDimonsterR issued server command: /rtp [14:44:49] Yunia issued server command: /tpa Exetorics [14:44:53] Exetorics issued server command: /tpaccept [14:45:21] [L] Yunia: выгляди эпично, ещё бы я что-то в этом понимала)) [14:45:25] un5redictable issued server command: /endersee [14:45:32] [L] Exetorics: тип тёмная магия все дела :D [14:45:41] [L] Yunia: инквизитор [14:45:43] un5redictable вышел [14:45:53] un5redictable зашёл [14:45:57] un5redictable issued server command: /we cui [14:45:59] Yunia issued server command: /home [14:46:07] bumhik issued server command: /repair [14:46:13] MrDimonsterR issued server command: /home [14:46:15] bumhik issued server command: /repair [14:46:18] bumhik issued server command: /repair [14:46:18] [L] Exetorics: я отошёл [14:46:24] un5redictable issued server command: /home [14:46:27] un5redictable issued server command: /we cui [14:46:29] un5redictable issued server command: /tppos 7534 68 -7672 [14:46:32] Zero09 issued server command: /kit eat [14:46:32] Healthy issued server command: /home [14:46:34] MrDimonsterR issued server command: /randomtp [14:46:34] MrDimonsterR issued server command: /rtp [14:46:46] un5redictable issued server command: /zset 1041 [14:46:52] Healthy issued server command: /randomtp [14:46:52] Healthy issued server command: /rtp [14:46:56] un5redictable issued server command: /zset 1041 [14:47:03] un5redictable issued server command: /zset 1041 [14:47:03] Healthy issued server command: /home [14:47:11] un5redictable issued server command: /zset 1041 [14:47:13] un5redictable issued server command: /endersee [14:47:23] un5redictable issued server command: /god [14:47:23] Exile45 зашёл [14:47:23] SHIZAFRENIAA issued server command: /eat [14:47:23] [L] SHIZAFRENIAA: .уфе [14:47:39] Healthy issued server command: /randomtp [14:47:39] Healthy issued server command: /rtp [14:47:42] Exile45 issued server command: /we cui [14:47:42] un5redictable issued server command: /god [14:47:47] MrDimonsterR issued server command: /home [14:48:02] un5redictable issued server command: /zset 1041 [14:48:09] un5redictable issued server command: /zset 1041 [14:48:16] un5redictable issued server command: /zset 1041 [14:48:23] un5redictable issued server command: /zset 1041 [14:48:30] Healthy issued server command: /randomtp [14:48:30] Healthy issued server command: /rtp [14:48:43] Yunia issued server command: /home [14:48:47] un5redictable issued server command: /zset 1041 [14:48:51] Bukycbka issued server command: /randomtp [14:48:51] Bukycbka issued server command: /rtp [14:48:54] un5redictable issued server command: /zset 1041 [14:48:59] [L] SimpleMimpl: я тут [14:49:01] un5redictable issued server command: /zset 1041 [14:49:07] bumhik issued server command: /home [14:49:07] un5redictable issued server command: /zset 1041 [14:49:11] [L] SimpleMimpl: тэк [14:49:11] [L] Yunia: отличненько) [14:49:17] [L] SimpleMimpl: о гном [14:49:22] [L] SimpleMimpl: ГНОМ маг [14:49:25] MrDimonsterR issued server command: /warp portals [14:49:27] MrDimonsterR issued server command: /we cui [14:49:28] Exile45 issued server command: /kit eat [14:49:31] Exile45 issued server command: /warp ad [14:49:32] un5redictable issued server command: /home [14:49:32] Exile45 issued server command: /we cui [14:49:33] [L] SimpleMimpl: в яму его срочно [14:49:34] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /home [14:49:35] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /we cui [14:49:36] [L] Yunia: агааа [14:49:39] un5redictable issued server command: /endersee [14:49:47] Professa91 зашёл [14:49:54] Exetorics issued server command: /money [14:49:56] Exetorics issued server command: /spawn [14:49:57] [L] SimpleMimpl: ааа бы стрее хахаа [14:49:58] Exetorics issued server command: /we cui [14:50:07] Professa91 issued server command: /we cui [14:50:12] mirov22 issued server command: /home [14:50:13] un5redictable issued server command: /back [14:50:13] [L] un5redictable: .ифсл [14:50:14] [L] SimpleMimpl: замани его золотом [14:50:19] [G] SHIZAFRENIAA: !зарядите палку пж [14:50:20] [L] Yunia: нету [14:50:22] Healthy issued server command: /randomtp [14:50:22] Healthy issued server command: /rtp [14:50:23] [L] SimpleMimpl: алмазы [14:50:23] [L] SimpleMimpl: железо [14:50:28] un5redictable issued server command: //chunk [14:50:28] un5redictable issued server command: //outset 16 [14:50:28] un5redictable issued server command: //wand [14:50:31] [G] Exetorics: !за отдельную плату заряжу) [14:50:32] un5redictable issued server command: //chunk [14:50:32] un5redictable issued server command: //outset 16 [14:50:32] un5redictable issued server command: //wand [14:50:32] [G] SimpleMimpl: !Гном маг) [14:50:35] [G] SimpleMimpl: !нашёл [14:50:38] Bukycbka issued server command: /randomtp [14:50:38] Bukycbka issued server command: /rtp [14:50:45] Professa91 issued server command: /spawn [14:50:46] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /msg SimpleMimpl можно поторгую? [14:50:46] SHIZAFRENIAA issued server command: /tpa SimpleMimpl [14:50:47] Professa91 issued server command: /we cui [14:50:47] [L] SimpleMimpl: вот [14:50:49] [G] SHIZAFRENIAA: !прими [14:50:49] Healthy issued server command: /home [14:50:51] [L] SimpleMimpl: неа [14:50:52] [G] SimpleMimpl: !не [14:50:54] [G] SimpleMimpl: !я сам поторгуюсь [14:50:58] un5redictable issued server command: /rg claim un5_3 [14:50:58] [G] SHIZAFRENIAA: !кабанчиком [14:51:04] [G] SHIZAFRENIAA: !вместе [14:51:06] [L] SimpleMimpl: Юня [14:51:06] Exetorics issued server command: /home [14:51:07] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /r печалька( [14:51:07] un5redictable issued server command: /rg flag un5_3 pvp deny [14:51:08] Exetorics issued server command: /we cui [14:51:08] [L] SimpleMimpl: следи за ним [14:51:10] [G] SHIZAFRENIAA: !поделим [14:51:11] [L] SimpleMimpl: щас я [14:51:12] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /warp home [14:51:12] [G] Exetorics: !Го я с вами :D [14:51:12] [L] SimpleMimpl: .цфкз рщьу [14:51:13] Professa91 issued server command: /randomtp [14:51:13] Professa91 issued server command: /rtp [14:51:16] un5redictable issued server command: /rg flag un5_3 mob-damage deny [14:51:21] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /tpa Yunia [14:51:25] Exetorics issued server command: /echgest [14:51:26] [G] SHIZAFRENIAA: !го [14:51:27] Exetorics issued server command: /echest [14:51:27] Yunia issued server command: /tpaccept [14:51:30] MrDimonsterR issued server command: /home [14:51:31] [L] SimpleMimpl: стой [14:51:32] MrDimonsterR issued server command: /we cui [14:51:35] Mass1ime issued server command: /home [14:51:37] [G] SHIZAFRENIAA: !прими [14:51:40] [G] SHIZAFRENIAA: !пж [14:51:41] Yunia issued server command: /tpaccept [14:51:43] Mass1ime issued server command: /we cui [14:51:43] [G] SHIZAFRENIAA: !ьрат [14:51:45] [G] SHIZAFRENIAA: !брат [14:51:47] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /home [14:51:50] [G] SHIZAFRENIAA: !сын\ [14:51:52] [L] SimpleMimpl: ограздай [14:51:53] un5redictable issued server command: /zset 0 [14:51:54] Exetorics issued server command: /tp SimpleMimpl [14:51:54] Mass1ime вышел [14:51:55] [L] SimpleMimpl: ограждай быстрее [14:52:01] [L] Exetorics: xD [14:52:10] Professa91 вышел [14:52:18] SHIZAFRENIAA issued server command: /tpa Exetorics [14:52:20] [G] SHIZAFRENIAA: !палку [14:52:23] Yunia issued server command: /home [14:52:28] Healthy issued server command: /tpa BOBAHBEPTYXA [14:52:30] mirov22 issued server command: /we cui [14:52:32] Healthy issued server command: /tpa Bukycbka [14:52:32] Exetorics issued server command: /home [14:52:34] Exetorics issued server command: /tpaccept [14:52:35] [G] SHIZAFRENIAA: !пж [14:52:35] Bukycbka issued server command: /tpccept [14:52:37] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /tpaccept [14:52:39] Yunia issued server command: /tpaccept [14:52:41] [G] SHIZAFRENIAA: !Сколько [14:52:42] Bukycbka issued server command: /tpaccept [14:52:46] [L] Exetorics: какая палка [14:52:47] un5redictable issued server command: //sel [14:52:48] bumhik issued server command: /we cui [14:52:51] [L] SHIZAFRENIAA: 100 вис [14:52:56] [L] SHIZAFRENIAA: только акву [14:52:58] [L] Exetorics: а так тут немного надо [14:53:29] Yunia issued server command: /home [14:53:48] [G] un5redictable: !А что ли как-то посмотреть через команду какие блоки я могу сетить бесконечно [14:53:58] [G] Exetorics: !на сайте [14:54:01] [G] xx_VR_xxx: ! сайт [14:54:03] [G] un5redictable: !А то на сайте чёрт ногу сломит [14:54:09] [G] un5redictable: !Ага [14:54:11] [G] Exetorics: !Ток на сайте [14:54:24] [G] un5redictable: !Показывает что его можно сетить, но в итоге нельзя [14:54:29] [L] SHIZAFRENIAA: как такой же узел сделать [14:54:38] [L] Exetorics: это у меня из кита узел [14:54:43] [L] SHIZAFRENIAA: а [14:54:45] SHIZAFRENIAA issued server command: /home [14:54:51] Exetorics issued server command: /tp SimpleMimpl [14:54:52] un5redictable issued server command: /zset 5 [14:54:53] [G] SHIZAFRENIAA: !спасибо [14:55:11] [L] SimpleMimpl: козёл [14:55:14] [L] Exetorics: ты его задобрил [14:55:15] bumhik issued server command: /homme [14:55:17] bumhik issued server command: /home [14:55:18] [L] SimpleMimpl: да [14:55:18] [L] Exetorics: а нет [14:55:19] bumhik issued server command: /we cui [14:55:20] [G] xx_VR_xxx: ! Кто то звезды продает? [14:55:21] [L] SimpleMimpl: почти [14:55:34] mirov22 issued server command: /home [14:55:37] mirov22 issued server command: /we cui [14:55:39] [L] Exetorics: погоди [14:55:41] [L] Exetorics: не кидай так [14:55:48] [L] SimpleMimpl: уже стак сожрал [14:56:16] Yunia issued server command: /home [14:56:16] [L] SimpleMimpl: вот козёл хахаах [14:56:37] SHIZAFRENIAA issued server command: /home [14:56:38] [L] SimpleMimpl: ты че а [14:56:38] bumhik issued server command: /we cui [14:56:39] [L] SimpleMimpl: козёл [14:56:42] [L] Yunia: в долм екго [14:56:50] Healthy issued server command: /tpa Bukycbka [14:56:52] [L] xx_VR_xxx: ю [14:56:56] Bukycbka issued server command: /tpaccept [14:56:56] un5redictable issued server command: /home [14:56:57] [L] Exetorics: не бей его [14:57:15] [L] SimpleMimpl: сюда [14:57:16] [L] SimpleMimpl: юня [14:57:17] [L] SimpleMimpl: быстрее [14:57:19] un5redictable issued server command: /back [14:57:31] SHIZAFRENIAA issued server command: /m Exetorics еще можешь зарядить? [14:57:43] [L] SimpleMimpl: ну [14:57:43] un5redictable issued server command: /zset 1041 [14:57:46] [L] SimpleMimpl: закрывай [14:57:48] [L] Exetorics: мы его заблочили [14:57:50] un5redictable issued server command: /zset 1041 [14:57:51] [L] SimpleMimpl: всё [14:57:53] [L] SimpleMimpl: ахахха [14:57:54] [L] SimpleMimpl: наш [14:57:55] SHIZAFRENIAA issued server command: /eat [14:57:55] [L] SHIZAFRENIAA: .уфе [14:57:57] bumhik issued server command: /home [14:57:57] un5redictable issued server command: /zset 1041 [14:57:59] bumhik issued server command: /we cui [14:58:03] [L] SimpleMimpl: дай я сторгую [14:58:04] un5redictable issued server command: /zsel [14:58:06] un5redictable issued server command: /zsell [14:58:28] un5redictable issued server command: /warp forest [14:58:30] un5redictable issued server command: /we cui [14:58:35] un5redictable issued server command: /we cui [14:58:47] [L] Exetorics: йоу куда [14:58:52] [L] Exetorics: там мои алмы были xD [14:58:53] [L] SimpleMimpl: алмазы пропали [14:58:59] mirov22 issued server command: /money [14:59:02] [L] SimpleMimpl: он пустой [14:59:02] [L] SimpleMimpl: всё [14:59:16] Exetorics issued server command: /echest [14:59:23] [L] SimpleMimpl: алмазы [14:59:24] [L] SimpleMimpl: где [14:59:24] [L] SimpleMimpl: хахаах [14:59:26] [L] SimpleMimpl: последние [14:59:36] bumhik issued server command: /we cui [14:59:40] [L] SimpleMimpl: ну всё только убивать [14:59:42] [L] SimpleMimpl: он пустой [14:59:44] Exetorics issued server command: /echest [14:59:46] [L] Yunia: у меня инвент пууст) [14:59:50] un5redictable issued server command: /tppos 540 70 240 [15:00:04] [L] Yunia: а такая ипопея была по ловле)) [15:00:16] [L] SimpleMimpl: да [15:00:17] [L] SimpleMimpl: он не дал [15:00:18] mirov22 issued server command: /we cui [15:00:18] [L] SimpleMimpl: наболд [15:00:19] [L] SimpleMimpl: козёл [15:00:24] [L] Yunia: да [15:00:30] [L] SimpleMimpl: а [15:00:30] [L] Exetorics: я ща [15:00:32] [L] SimpleMimpl: он торгует [15:00:35] [L] Exetorics: будь тут [15:00:36] Exetorics issued server command: /home [15:00:41] KitKas зашёл [15:00:42] [L] SimpleMimpl: на зелья [15:00:44] Yunia issued server command: /home [15:00:53] [G] SHIZAFRENIAA: !кто может палку зарядить? [15:00:53] Exetorics issued server command: /back [15:01:05] SHIZAFRENIAA issued server command: /money [15:01:06] SHIZAFRENIAA issued server command: /playtime [15:01:09] bumhik issued server command: /home [15:01:11] bumhik issued server command: /we cui [15:01:11] SHIZAFRENIAA issued server command: /playtimetop [15:01:13] KitKas issued server command: /we cui [15:01:16] SHIZAFRENIAA issued server command: /playtimetop [15:01:18] SHIZAFRENIAA issued server command: /playtimetop clear [15:01:28] [L] Exetorics: твою мать [15:01:28] SHIZAFRENIAA issued server command: /randomtp [15:01:28] SHIZAFRENIAA issued server command: /rtp [15:01:31] Exetorics issued server command: /home [15:01:31] [L] SimpleMimpl: он злой на тебя [15:01:33] mirov22 issued server command: /we cui [15:01:38] [L] SimpleMimpl: атади [15:01:40] [G] SHIZAFRENIAA: !warp list [15:01:41] [L] SimpleMimpl: ща [15:01:42] [L] SimpleMimpl: стой [15:01:44] SHIZAFRENIAA issued server command: /warp list [15:01:48] [L] SimpleMimpl: злой [15:02:06] [G] Exetorics: !Мне к нему нельзя больше [15:02:09] [G] SimpleMimpl: !угу [15:02:10] [G] Jabuti: ! тп шиза [15:02:18] SHIZAFRENIAA issued server command: /tpa Jabuti [15:02:19] KitKas issued server command: /randomtp [15:02:19] KitKas issued server command: /rtp [15:02:19] [L] Yunia: как это вообще работает?) [15:02:19] [G] Exetorics: !я ещё не нажал на куб а меня выкинуло [15:02:23] [G] SimpleMimpl: !) [15:02:24] [G] Exetorics: !от того случайно и ударил его [15:02:25] Jabuti issued server command: /tpaccept [15:02:26] [L] SimpleMimpl: ну [15:02:27] [L] SimpleMimpl: короче [15:02:29] bumhik issued server command: /we cui [15:02:30] [L] SimpleMimpl: приручаешь его [15:02:33] [L] SimpleMimpl: железо кидаешь [15:02:38] [L] SimpleMimpl: когда зеленые такие вокруг него полетят [15:02:40] [L] SimpleMimpl: значит приручил [15:02:40] Bukycbka вышел [15:02:41] [L] SimpleMimpl: и торгуешься [15:02:43] [L] SimpleMimpl: железом золотом [15:02:45] [L] SimpleMimpl: алмазами [15:02:46] [L] SimpleMimpl: изумрудами [15:02:47] [L] SimpleMimpl: не берёт [15:02:50] [L] SimpleMimpl: злой пока [15:02:51] [L] SimpleMimpl: подожди [15:02:55] KitKas issued server command: /money [15:02:56] [L] Jabuti: 100 эмов за зарядку [15:02:59] KitKas issued server command: /randomtp [15:02:59] KitKas issued server command: /rtp [15:03:04] Exetorics issued server command: /tp Exetorics 3001 68 -1243 [15:03:04] Exetorics issued server command: /tppos 3001 68 -1243 [15:03:05] [L] SHIZAFRENIAA: чего [15:03:06] Bukycbka зашёл [15:03:09] Bukycbka issued server command: /we cui [15:03:09] Exetorics issued server command: /randomtp [15:03:09] Exetorics issued server command: /rtp [15:03:14] un5redictable issued server command: /back [15:03:15] [L] SHIZAFRENIAA: там только акву [15:03:16] un5redictable issued server command: /back [15:03:17] [L] SimpleMimpl: Золото есть? [15:03:20] un5redictable issued server command: /home [15:03:22] un5redictable issued server command: /we cui [15:03:23] un5redictable issued server command: /tppos 7534 68 -7672 [15:03:24] [L] Yunia: руда [15:03:25] Exetorics issued server command: /randomtp [15:03:25] Exetorics issued server command: /rtp [15:03:26] mirov22 issued server command: /we cui [15:03:28] Yunia issued server command: /home [15:03:29] [L] SimpleMimpl: поплавь [15:03:32] un5redictable issued server command: /zset 1041 [15:03:36] Exetorics issued server command: /randomtp [15:03:36] Exetorics issued server command: /rtp [15:03:38] un5redictable issued server command: /zset 1041 [15:03:45] un5redictable issued server command: /home [15:03:46] Bukycbka вышел [15:03:47] [L] Jabuti: 20 эмов тогда, если 1 [15:03:50] [L] Jabuti: элемент [15:03:52] [G] SimpleMimpl: !не хочет бльщше) [15:04:00] [L] SHIZAFRENIAA: 10 только есть [15:04:08] un5redictable issued server command: /back [15:04:09] [L] SHIZAFRENIAA: надо было хотя бы уточнить сколько надо [15:04:10] [G] Exetorics: !я щас ищу ещё один маг лес [15:04:17] [L] Jabuti: дауж сорян [15:04:18] [G] SimpleMimpl: !этот всё [15:04:20] [G] SimpleMimpl: !не принимает [15:04:23] [G] SimpleMimpl: !ни золото ни алмазы [15:04:27] un5redictable issued server command: /zset 1041 [15:04:31] [G] Exetorics: !у него перезаряд [15:04:35] [G] Exetorics: !погоди чуть чуть и примет [15:04:36] un5redictable issued server command: /zset 1041 [15:04:38] [L] SHIZAFRENIAA: спасибо [15:04:40] SHIZAFRENIAA issued server command: /home [15:04:44] un5redictable issued server command: /zset 1041 [15:04:48] SHIZAFRENIAA issued server command: /eat [15:04:48] [L] SHIZAFRENIAA: .уфе [15:04:49] un5redictable issued server command: /zset 1041 [15:04:53] un5redictable issued server command: /zset 1041 [15:04:55] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /m Yunia стой возле него чтобы не пропал [15:04:56] KitKas issued server command: /home [15:04:57] Exetorics issued server command: /randomtp [15:04:57] Exetorics issued server command: /rtp [15:04:59] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /m Yunia стой возле него чтобы не пропал я ща алмазы принесу и железо [15:05:10] bumhik issued server command: /РЩ_У [15:05:11] [L] SimpleMimpl: а то закончилось всё [15:05:12] [L] SimpleMimpl: ща [15:05:12] bumhik issued server command: /РЩ_У [15:05:14] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /warp home [15:05:14] [L] SimpleMimpl: .цфкз рщьу [15:05:15] bumhik issued server command: /home [15:05:15] bumhik issued server command: /we cui [15:05:18] Zero09 issued server command: /home [15:05:28] Loki_69709 зашёл [15:05:32] un5redictable issued server command: /zset 20 [15:05:32] Exetorics issued server command: /randomtp [15:05:32] Exetorics issued server command: /rtp [15:05:39] Healthy issued server command: /home [15:05:41] Loki_69709 issued server command: /we cui [15:05:45] Exetorics issued server command: /tp Exetorics -1514 94 -71 [15:05:45] Exetorics issued server command: /tppos -1514 94 -71 [15:05:46] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /tpa Yunia [15:05:47] bumhik issued server command: /home [15:05:49] Yunia issued server command: /tpaccept [15:05:51] BOBAHBEPTYXA вышел [15:05:56] BOBAHBEPTYXA зашёл [15:05:57] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /we cui [15:05:58] Exetorics issued server command: /tp Exetorics 1227 63 -2476 [15:05:58] Exetorics issued server command: /tppos 1227 63 -2476 [15:05:59] [L] SimpleMimpl: не [15:06:00] [L] SimpleMimpl: погоди [15:06:02] [L] SimpleMimpl: ещё не время [15:06:06] [L] SimpleMimpl: вот видишь у него на палке наболд [15:06:07] Exetorics issued server command: /tp Exetorics 550 72 -2585 [15:06:07] Exetorics issued server command: /tppos 550 72 -2585 [15:06:08] [L] SimpleMimpl: вот его надо [15:06:10] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /money [15:06:11] MrDimonsterR issued server command: /randomtp [15:06:11] MrDimonsterR issued server command: /rtp [15:06:17] [G] Loki_69709: !кто в джунглях живет? [15:06:19] un5redictable issued server command: /rg claim df [15:06:21] Exetorics issued server command: /tp Exetorics -394 93 -3338 [15:06:21] Exetorics issued server command: /tppos -394 93 -3338 [15:06:21] SHIZAFRENIAA issued server command: /m Exetorics еще можешь зарядить? [15:06:25] Exetorics issued server command: /tp Exetorics 21 85 -3804 [15:06:25] Exetorics issued server command: /tppos 21 85 -3804 [15:06:30] Exetorics issued server command: /tp Exetorics -7 81 -4381 [15:06:30] Exetorics issued server command: /tppos -7 81 -4381 [15:06:30] [G] AYLIEXEC: !маугли [15:06:33] un5redictable issued server command: /zsell [15:06:34] [L] SimpleMimpl: тесак на сколько урона? [15:06:40] Loki_69709 issued server command: /randomtp [15:06:40] Loki_69709 issued server command: /rtp [15:06:41] Exetorics issued server command: /tp Exetorics 1907 63 2841 [15:06:41] Exetorics issued server command: /tppos 1907 63 2841 [15:06:45] Exetorics issued server command: /tp Exetorics 357 81 2175 [15:06:45] Exetorics issued server command: /tppos 357 81 2175 [15:06:45] [L] Yunia: это на 19 [15:06:48] Exetorics issued server command: /tp Exetorics -637 69 2093 [15:06:48] Exetorics issued server command: /tppos -637 69 2093 [15:06:53] [L] SimpleMimpl: на 50+ кварца миллион надо [15:06:55] MrDimonsterR issued server command: /randomtp [15:06:55] MrDimonsterR issued server command: /rtp [15:06:58] [G] Exetorics: !так я в маг лесу [15:06:59] Bukycbka зашёл [15:07:02] [L] Yunia: ну, не 50+ [15:07:02] [G] SimpleMimpl: !найдёшь кричи [15:07:03] un5redictable issued server command: /zset 0 [15:07:04] bumhik issued server command: /we cui [15:07:05] [G] SimpleMimpl: !я блоки возьму [15:07:09] un5redictable issued server command: /zset 0 [15:07:10] [G] Loki_69709: !Мне джунгли надо [15:07:10] [G] Exetorics: !аке [15:07:13] [L] Yunia: но я недавно 2 таких сделала [15:07:15] [L] Exetorics: а стоп [15:07:16] [G] SHIZAFRENIAA: !найдите гнома [15:07:17] Bukycbka issued server command: /we cui [15:07:17] [L] Exetorics: я тут xD [15:07:21] [L] SimpleMimpl: ахаха [15:07:21] un5redictable issued server command: /zset 0 [15:07:25] [G] Loki_69709: !ты портал хотел [15:07:27] [G] Loki_69709: !я нашел [15:07:27] un5redictable issued server command: /zset 0 [15:07:31] [G] SHIZAFRENIAA: !хахахаахха [15:07:33] [G] SimpleMimpl: !он злой на тебя хахаах [15:07:34] [G] SHIZAFRENIAA: !ща [15:07:39] un5redictable issued server command: /zset 2 [15:07:40] [G] SimpleMimpl: !прям бежал к тебе [15:07:43] [L] SimpleMimpl: что у тебя за броня Юня? [15:07:44] [G] Exetorics: !Пуся не злися [15:07:46] un5redictable issued server command: /zset 1 [15:07:46] SHIZAFRENIAA issued server command: /home [15:07:52] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /call SimpleMimpl [15:07:52] SHIZAFRENIAA issued server command: /eat [15:07:52] [L] SHIZAFRENIAA: .уфе [15:07:53] [L] Yunia: тинкеровская [15:08:01] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /msg SimpleMimpl можно попробую поторговать? [15:08:02] [L] Yunia: улонение, ноное зрение [15:08:02] un5redictable issued server command: /zset 0 [15:08:02] [L] SimpleMimpl: прикол [15:08:09] un5redictable issued server command: /zset 0 [15:08:14] un5redictable issued server command: /zset 0 [15:08:14] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /m BOBAHBEPTYXA у него перезаряд я сам хочу наболд выторговать [15:08:16] [L] Yunia: мягкое падение, двойной прыжок и быстрое плавание [15:08:21] un5redictable issued server command: /zset 0 [15:08:21] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /m BOBAHBEPTYXA наболд заберу, приму [15:08:27] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /r угу [15:08:29] SHIZAFRENIAA issued server command: /home [15:08:32] [L] Yunia: бедавлага)) [15:08:36] [G] SimpleMimpl: !он от сюда в тебя стреляет) [15:08:38] un5redictable issued server command: /zset 2 [15:08:40] Exetorics issued server command: /voteday [15:08:43] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /yes [15:08:45] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /no [15:08:46] SHIZAFRENIAA issued server command: /yes [15:08:47] Loki_69709 issued server command: /yes [15:08:48] Exetorics issued server command: /yes [15:08:50] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /r А перезаходили? Говорят что если чанки отгрузить - кд спадет [15:08:51] Yunia issued server command: /yes [15:08:51] un5redictable issued server command: /yes [15:08:52] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /yes [15:08:54] Healthy issued server command: /randomtp [15:08:54] Healthy issued server command: /rtp [15:08:56] [L] SimpleMimpl: Юня [15:08:57] bumhik issued server command: /home [15:08:59] [L] Yunia: ау [15:09:00] bumhik issued server command: /we cui [15:09:02] [L] SimpleMimpl: давай перезайдём может получится [15:09:05] mirov22 issued server command: /home [15:09:05] [G] SHIZAFRENIAA: !ало локи [15:09:06] SimpleMimpl вышел [15:09:07] Healthy issued server command: /randomtp [15:09:07] Healthy issued server command: /rtp [15:09:07] mirov22 issued server command: /we cui [15:09:09] [G] SHIZAFRENIAA: !ты нашел? [15:09:14] SimpleMimpl зашёл [15:09:14] yaroxa_kosolapy зашёл [15:09:15] Yunia вышел [15:09:16] [G] Loki_69709: !гнома? [15:09:17] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /we cui [15:09:20] [G] SHIZAFRENIAA: !портал [15:09:21] Yunia зашёл [15:09:22] Yunia issued server command: /we cui [15:09:23] [G] Loki_69709: !да [15:09:26] Healthy issued server command: /randomtp [15:09:26] Healthy issued server command: /rtp [15:09:26] un5redictable issued server command: /home [15:09:27] SHIZAFRENIAA issued server command: /tpa Loki_69709 [15:09:32] yaroxa_kosolapy issued server command: /we cui [15:09:33] [L] SimpleMimpl: не хочет [15:09:35] [L] SimpleMimpl: пися [15:09:39] un5redictable issued server command: /ekit top [15:09:40] [L] Yunia: вредина [15:09:48] [G] Loki_69709: !мне что с ттого? [15:09:50] [L] Yunia: вот и пусть сидит наказанный [15:09:54] Healthy issued server command: /randomtp [15:09:54] Healthy issued server command: /rtp [15:09:56] [L] SimpleMimpl: главное чтобы не пропал хаха [15:09:58] BOBAHBEPTYXA вышел [15:09:58] [L] SimpleMimpl: ,адн [15:10:00] [G] SHIZAFRENIAA: !10 эмов [15:10:00] mirov22 issued server command: /we cui [15:10:00] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /fly [15:10:00] [L] SimpleMimpl: .адн [15:10:02] BOBAHBEPTYXA зашёл [15:10:04] SHIZAFRENIAA issued server command: /money [15:10:04] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /we cui [15:10:07] [L] SimpleMimpl: погоня была то хахаа [15:10:08] [G] Loki_69709: !я че, нинешный [15:10:25] Exetorics issued server command: /randomtp [15:10:25] Exetorics issued server command: /rtp [15:10:33] [L] Exetorics: ахахах [15:10:34] [L] SimpleMimpl: епта [15:10:37] [L] Exetorics: ртпшнулся сюда [15:10:41] Yunia issued server command: /home [15:10:42] SHIZAFRENIAA issued server command: /home [15:10:46] Exetorics issued server command: /randomtp [15:10:46] Exetorics issued server command: /rtp [15:10:50] Zero09 issued server command: /warp shop [15:10:51] [L] Yunia: ? [15:10:51] Zero09 issued server command: /we cui [15:10:55] [L] SimpleMimpl: вот у тебя в печке [15:10:56] KitKas issued server command: /randomtp [15:10:56] KitKas issued server command: /rtp [15:10:58] [L] Exetorics: я прописал ртп [15:10:59] [L] SimpleMimpl: ты за тинкер хорошо шаришь да? [15:11:00] [L] Exetorics: и оказался тут [15:11:02] Scilla issued server command: /mpcaseshop [15:11:04] Scilla issued server command: /mpcaseview 74 [15:11:05] [L] Exetorics: +- [15:11:05] Scilla issued server command: /rollcase 74 [15:11:06] [L] Yunia: есть такое) [15:11:07] Exetorics issued server command: /randomtp [15:11:07] Exetorics issued server command: /rtp [15:11:09] [L] SimpleMimpl: я Юне [15:11:14] [L] SimpleMimpl: я вот в нем не очень) [15:11:17] [G] Exetorics: !Кому там берёза нужна была? [15:11:18] KitKas issued server command: /randomtp [15:11:18] KitKas issued server command: /rtp [15:11:20] [L] SimpleMimpl: что добавлят модификатор [15:11:20] Scilla issued server command: /mpcaseview 74 [15:11:21] KitKas issued server command: /randomtp [15:11:21] KitKas issued server command: /rtp [15:11:21] Scilla issued server command: /rollcase 74 [15:11:22] KitKas issued server command: /randomtp [15:11:22] KitKas issued server command: /rtp [15:11:22] [G] Exetorics: !я тут березёвый лес нашёл [15:11:23] [G] SHIZAFRENIAA: !гном [15:11:25] Jabuti issued server command: /playtime [15:11:28] [L] SimpleMimpl: звезда [15:11:29] [L] Yunia: каколй именно? [15:11:29] Jabuti issued server command: /e kit top [15:11:29] [G] Loki_69709: ! [15:11:32] [G] Exetorics: !с обелиском [15:11:33] [L] SimpleMimpl: золотой блок и алмаз [15:11:33] [G] Loki_69709: !упс [15:11:35] Scilla issued server command: /mpcaseview 74 [15:11:35] [L] Yunia: доп слот [15:11:36] Scilla issued server command: /rollcase 74 [15:11:36] Jabuti issued server command: /ekit top [15:11:38] [L] SimpleMimpl: ещё что не помню [15:11:38] KitKas issued server command: /home [15:11:41] Zero09 issued server command: /home [15:11:42] bumhik issued server command: /we cui [15:11:43] Zero09 issued server command: /we cui [15:11:46] [L] Yunia: и это тоже доп слот [15:11:50] Scilla issued server command: /mpcaseview 74 [15:11:50] [L] SimpleMimpl: ну [15:11:51] Scilla issued server command: /rollcase 74 [15:11:51] [L] SimpleMimpl: я знаю [15:11:52] [L] SimpleMimpl: а что ещё [15:11:57] [G] Exetorics: !Шиза ты гнома нашёл? [15:11:57] [L] SimpleMimpl: 3-4 можно доп слота сделать [15:11:59] SHIZAFRENIAA issued server command: /eat [15:11:59] [L] SHIZAFRENIAA: .уфе [15:12:04] Scilla issued server command: /mpcaseview 74 [15:12:05] Scilla issued server command: /rollcase 74 [15:12:14] Bukycbka issued server command: /HOME [15:12:27] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /mpcaseshop [15:12:28] [L] Yunia: можно сделать какие-то части оружия из бумаги, да прочность просядет, но будут ещё слоты доп [15:12:31] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /mpcaseview 70 [15:12:34] [L] SimpleMimpl: эт тоже знаю [15:12:36] [L] SimpleMimpl: лезвие [15:12:37] [L] Yunia: по количествум бумажных леталей [15:12:38] [L] SimpleMimpl: делают из бумаги [15:12:39] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /money [15:12:39] [L] SimpleMimpl: для тесака [15:12:53] [L] Yunia: нет, всё кроме лезмия из бумаги [15:12:55] [G] un5redictable: !А что за прикол с волшебной палочкай?) [15:12:58] [L] SimpleMimpl: а да [15:13:05] [G] Exetorics: !? [15:13:06] un5redictable issued server command: /back [15:13:15] [L] SimpleMimpl: )) [15:13:27] Exetorics issued server command: /randomtp [15:13:27] Exetorics issued server command: /rtp [15:13:29] [G] un5redictable: !Зачем она, дм как желез меч [15:13:30] [L] SimpleMimpl: 2 печи [15:13:32] un5redictable issued server command: /home [15:13:37] [L] Yunia: ну, изначально [15:13:39] [G] xx_VR_xxx: ! смысле [15:13:40] [G] un5redictable: !ааа [15:13:44] [G] un5redictable: !1500 прочность [15:13:47] Scilla issued server command: /mpcaseview 74 [15:13:47] [L] Yunia: я хотела делать плавильню и печь [15:13:48] Scilla issued server command: /rollcase 74 [15:13:49] KitKas issued server command: /we cui [15:13:51] Bukycbka issued server command: /kit eat [15:13:54] un5redictable issued server command: /back [15:13:57] [L] Yunia: но оказалось, что тут нет контроллера печи [15:14:02] Scilla issued server command: /mpcaseview 74 [15:14:03] Exetorics issued server command: /near [15:14:03] Scilla issued server command: /mpcaseshop [15:14:05] Exile45 issued server command: /home [15:14:05] Scilla issued server command: /mpcaseview 72 [15:14:05] [L] Yunia: а постройку теперь жалко сносить)) [15:14:06] Exile45 issued server command: /we cui [15:14:07] KitKas issued server command: /we cui [15:14:12] KitKas issued server command: /home [15:14:13] [L] SimpleMimpl: че за козёл [15:14:15] Exetorics issued server command: /near [15:14:19] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /home [15:14:24] Exetorics issued server command: /rg i [15:14:28] [L] SimpleMimpl: неа [15:14:29] [L] SimpleMimpl: не берёт [15:14:36] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /we cui [15:14:38] Bukycbka issued server command: /randomtp [15:14:38] Bukycbka issued server command: /RTP [15:14:49] [L] Yunia: вреднючий какой [15:14:53] Yunia issued server command: /home [15:14:59] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /home [15:15:02] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /we cui [15:15:02] [L] SimpleMimpl: да треш вообще [15:15:05] Exetorics issued server command: /money [15:15:15] Healthy issued server command: /home [15:15:16] Yunia issued server command: /home [15:15:18] Bukycbka issued server command: /randomtp [15:15:18] Bukycbka issued server command: /RTP [15:15:20] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /mpcaseshop [15:15:26] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /mpcaseshop [15:15:29] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /mpcaseview 70 [15:15:30] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /buycase 70 [15:15:31] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /rollcase 70 [15:15:33] [L] SimpleMimpl: тебе дать ковёр прикольный? [15:15:39] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /warp home [15:15:39] [L] SimpleMimpl: .цфкз рщьу [15:15:44] [L] Yunia: давай [15:15:45] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /mpcaseview 70 [15:15:46] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /buycase 70 [15:15:50] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /tpa Yunia [15:15:54] Yunia issued server command: /tpaccept [15:16:02] [L] Yunia: я думала мы дом сделаем [15:16:10] [L] SimpleMimpl: да я чет гнома увидел хаха [15:16:21] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /warp shop [15:16:22] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /we cui [15:16:24] [L] SimpleMimpl: ломай она падает [15:16:29] Zero09 issued server command: /home [15:16:37] [L] SimpleMimpl: прикольные блоки [15:16:39] [L] SimpleMimpl: красивые [15:16:40] [L] Yunia: ковер такой смешной [15:16:40] bumhik issued server command: /home [15:16:42] bumhik issued server command: /we cui [15:16:45] Exetorics issued server command: /tp Exetorics -1523 28 -767 [15:16:45] Exetorics issued server command: /tppos -1523 28 -767 [15:16:50] [L] Yunia: как советский)) [15:16:53] [L] SimpleMimpl: ))))) [15:16:56] Bukycbka issued server command: /randomtp [15:16:56] Bukycbka issued server command: /RTP [15:16:57] [L] SimpleMimpl: тебе сколько годиков? [15:17:02] mirov22 issued server command: /home [15:17:05] mirov22 issued server command: /we cui [15:17:11] bumhik issued server command: /we cui [15:17:14] mirov22 issued server command: /we cui [15:17:15] [L] SimpleMimpl: а [15:17:15] SHIZAFRENIAA issued server command: /kit [15:17:17] Bukycbka issued server command: /randomtp [15:17:17] Bukycbka issued server command: /RTP [15:17:18] Bukycbka issued server command: /randomtp [15:17:18] Bukycbka issued server command: /RTP [15:17:19] Bukycbka issued server command: /randomtp [15:17:19] Bukycbka issued server command: /RTP [15:17:20] Bukycbka issued server command: /randomtp [15:17:20] Bukycbka issued server command: /RTP [15:17:20] [L] Yunia: по какому принципу эти летающие огни атакуют? [15:17:21] Bukycbka issued server command: /randomtp [15:17:21] Bukycbka issued server command: /RTP [15:17:26] [L] SimpleMimpl: это виспы [15:17:27] [L] Yunia: 20 :з [15:17:35] [L] Yunia: точно [15:17:38] [L] SimpleMimpl: прикол мне тоже 20) [15:17:45] [L] SimpleMimpl: Казалось бы [15:17:49] Loki_69709 issued server command: /m Exetorics а как свой прем получить? [15:17:51] bumhik issued server command: /home [15:17:51] Zero09 issued server command: /home [15:17:52] mirov22 issued server command: /home [15:17:53] bumhik issued server command: /we cui [15:17:54] mirov22 issued server command: /we cui [15:17:55] [L] SimpleMimpl: Уже и в армии был, что меня привело сюда -_- [15:17:56] Exetorics issued server command: /r в плане? [15:18:02] yaroxa_kosolapy issued server command: /home [15:18:08] [L] Yunia: уф... [15:18:09] yaroxa_kosolapy issued server command: /randomtp [15:18:09] yaroxa_kosolapy issued server command: /rtp [15:18:25] [L] Yunia: ну хоть под мобилку не попал [15:18:26] Loki_69709 issued server command: /m Exetorics ну типа я получил прем ак на мес за топ по деньгам [15:18:31] [L] SimpleMimpl: Я с Казахстана) [15:18:33] Loki_69709 issued server command: /m Exetorics елита [15:18:34] [L] SimpleMimpl: Мне вообще ровно [15:18:36] Loki_69709 issued server command: /m Exetorics но нету [15:18:39] [G] Healthy: ! А на чём молот делается? Разве не на обычном столе деревянном? [15:18:43] Exetorics issued server command: /r тебе нужно отписать ГА [15:18:46] [L] Yunia: а это просто чудесно)) [15:18:46] yaroxa_kosolapy issued server command: /home [15:18:47] [G] SimpleMimpl: !))) [15:18:49] Exetorics issued server command: /r или турбоноску [15:18:51] [L] SimpleMimpl: Дэ [15:18:54] Loki_69709 issued server command: /m Exetorics в дс? [15:18:54] mirov22 вышел [15:18:55] [G] AYLIEXEC: !Нет на улучшенной станции [15:18:55] [G] xx_VR_xxx: ! Инженерная кузня [15:18:56] [L] SimpleMimpl: А ты откуда [15:19:01] Exetorics issued server command: /home [15:19:05] MrDimonsterR issued server command: /home [15:19:05] [L] Yunia: РФ [15:19:06] SHIZAFRENIAA issued server command: /home [15:19:06] [G] Exetorics: !Ладно ребят [15:19:10] [G] Exetorics: !мне на работу пора [15:19:13] [G] Exetorics: !увидимся ещё [15:19:15] [G] xx_VR_xxx: ! удачи [15:19:16] [G] SimpleMimpl: !Жалко тебя) [15:19:20] Exetorics вышел [15:19:29] [G] SHIZAFRENIAA: !гном есть у кого? [15:19:35] yaroxa_kosolapy вышел [15:19:36] [G] SimpleMimpl: !да но не торгуется с нами) [15:19:44] [G] SHIZAFRENIAA: !почему [15:19:48] [G] SimpleMimpl: !перезаряд) [15:19:48] [L] Yunia: ну, я не пацан это проще [15:19:53] SHIZAFRENIAA issued server command: /home [15:19:57] [G] SHIZAFRENIAA: !долго [15:20:02] SHIZAFRENIAA issued server command: /eat [15:20:02] [L] SHIZAFRENIAA: .уфе [15:20:08] [G] SimpleMimpl: !значит он умрёт [15:20:25] [G] SHIZAFRENIAA: !это вопрос [15:20:30] [G] SimpleMimpl: !утверждение хаха [15:20:46] [G] SHIZAFRENIAA: !мне было лень до знака вопроса тянутся [15:20:49] Yunia issued server command: //chunk [15:20:49] Yunia issued server command: //outset 16 [15:20:49] Yunia issued server command: /zone [15:21:03] Bukycbka issued server command: /randomtp [15:21:03] Bukycbka issued server command: /RTP [15:21:14] Zero09 issued server command: /home [15:21:14] Yunia issued server command: /home [15:21:18] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /home [15:21:20] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /we cui [15:21:20] [L] SimpleMimpl: Может шлёпнем его [15:21:22] Bukycbka issued server command: /randomtp [15:21:22] Bukycbka issued server command: /RTP [15:21:34] Bukycbka issued server command: /randomtp [15:21:34] Bukycbka issued server command: /RTP [15:21:40] [L] Yunia: плётки у меня нет [15:21:45] [L] SimpleMimpl: хвыфхвхыхф [15:21:48] [L] SimpleMimpl: вот ты какая) [15:21:49] [G] bumhik: ! магазин делать? [15:21:53] [G] SHIZAFRENIAA: !да [15:21:54] [G] SimpleMimpl: !конечно) [15:21:57] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /money [15:21:57] KitKas issued server command: /randomtp [15:21:57] KitKas issued server command: /rtp [15:22:10] [G] bumhik: ! у меня просто был до вайпа [15:22:16] [G] bumhik: ! я вот щас думаю [15:22:16] [G] SimpleMimpl: ! bshop? [15:22:20] [G] bumhik: ! да [15:22:25] [G] SimpleMimpl: !да прикольно) [15:22:30] [G] SimpleMimpl: !я там фрагменты знаний покупал [15:22:31] [G] SimpleMimpl: !Бегал [15:22:42] [L] Yunia: а что вообще делают эти джеки? [15:22:50] [L] SimpleMimpl: не знаю [15:22:51] [L] SimpleMimpl: вообще [15:22:51] Yunia issued server command: /home [15:22:53] [L] SimpleMimpl: бесполезные [15:22:59] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /money [15:23:12] Healthy issued server command: /kit start [15:23:32] MrDimonsterR issued server command: /randomtp [15:23:32] MrDimonsterR issued server command: /rtp [15:23:39] MrDimonsterR issued server command: /home [15:23:46] [L] Yunia: как ты жесток [15:23:52] [G] bumhik: ! завтра буду делать [15:23:52] [L] SimpleMimpl: да жалко его [15:23:57] MrDimonsterR issued server command: /randomtp [15:23:57] MrDimonsterR issued server command: /rtp [15:23:58] KitKas issued server command: /home [15:24:01] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /enderchest [15:24:01] [L] SimpleMimpl: .утвуксруые [15:24:24] [L] SimpleMimpl: человек [15:24:25] [L] SimpleMimpl: огонь [15:24:28] [L] SimpleMimpl: шахтёр [15:24:30] [L] SimpleMimpl: и время) [15:24:30] Yunia issued server command: /home [15:24:49] [L] SimpleMimpl: а где строить то будем [15:24:56] [L] SimpleMimpl: до куда приват [15:24:56] [L] Yunia: ща покажу [15:25:09] MrDimonsterR issued server command: /randomtp [15:25:09] MrDimonsterR issued server command: /rtp [15:25:35] Bukycbka issued server command: /HOME [15:25:49] MrDimonsterR issued server command: /randomtp [15:25:49] MrDimonsterR issued server command: /rtp [15:25:51] Jabuti issued server command: /kit eat [15:25:53] Jabuti issued server command: /home [15:25:53] yaroxa_kosolapy зашёл [15:25:53] Healthy issued server command: /randomtp [15:25:53] Healthy issued server command: /rtp [15:25:56] [L] Yunia: короче предлагаю снести эту башню и достроить дом, которй соединится с двумя соседними [15:26:02] Nekit192 зашёл [15:26:11] yaroxa_kosolapy issued server command: /we cui [15:26:14] [L] Yunia: ровно до стены того дома [15:26:17] [G] bumhik: ! хороший онлайн [15:26:17] Healthy issued server command: /randomtp [15:26:17] Healthy issued server command: /rtp [15:26:19] Healthy issued server command: /randomtp [15:26:19] Healthy issued server command: /rtp [15:26:23] Nekit192 issued server command: /we cui [15:26:41] Yunia issued server command: /home [15:26:41] [L] SimpleMimpl: а [15:26:47] [L] SimpleMimpl: а я думаю как невидимая лестница [15:26:51] un5redictable issued server command: /home [15:26:52] Healthy issued server command: /randomtp [15:26:52] Healthy issued server command: /rtp [15:26:52] Bukycbka issued server command: /KIT [15:26:58] [L] SimpleMimpl: то ли я гоню, то ли крыша едет [15:27:08] [L] SimpleMimpl: а впринципе [15:27:08] [L] Yunia: ахахах [15:27:09] [L] SimpleMimpl: ща [15:27:11] [L] SimpleMimpl: тп ко мне [15:27:12] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /home [15:27:12] [L] SimpleMimpl: .рщьу [15:27:12] Zero09 issued server command: /randomtp [15:27:12] Zero09 issued server command: /rtp [15:27:14] SHIZAFRENIAA issued server command: /voteday [15:27:17] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /yes [15:27:17] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /yes [15:27:20] Loki_69709 issued server command: /yes [15:27:21] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /yes [15:27:23] Yunia issued server command: /tpa SimpleMimpl [15:27:24] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /yes [15:27:26] Zero09 issued server command: /home [15:27:28] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /tpaccept [15:27:28] [L] SimpleMimpl: .езфссузе [15:27:31] [L] SimpleMimpl: есть такое [15:27:31] KitKas вышел [15:27:33] [L] Yunia: о [15:27:35] [L] SimpleMimpl: халтура хаха [15:27:41] yaroxa_kosolapy issued server command: /tpa SimpleMimpl [15:27:43] [L] SimpleMimpl: но с алтарём [15:27:43] Zero09 issued server command: /home [15:27:47] Healthy issued server command: /randomtp [15:27:47] Healthy issued server command: /rtp [15:27:48] [L] Yunia: я такое строила, я тапкое люблю)) [15:27:52] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /tpaccept [15:27:52] [L] SimpleMimpl: .езфссузе [15:28:09] Nekit192 issued server command: /randomtp [15:28:09] Nekit192 issued server command: /rtp [15:28:10] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /rg info [15:28:11] Nekit192 issued server command: /randomtp [15:28:11] Nekit192 issued server command: /rtp [15:28:13] Mautil зашёл [15:28:17] Condesce зашёл [15:28:18] Zero09 issued server command: /randomtp [15:28:18] Zero09 issued server command: /rtp [15:28:19] Nekit192 issued server command: /wortkd [15:28:19] [L] yaroxa_kosolapy: пвп есть? [15:28:20] Condesce issued server command: /we cui [15:28:20] Nekit192 issued server command: /world [15:28:22] [L] SimpleMimpl: нет [15:28:24] Condesce issued server command: /screenall [15:28:29] Mautil issued server command: /we cui [15:28:31] Nekit192 issued server command: /warp world [15:28:32] [L] yaroxa_kosolapy: врубай [15:28:33] Nekit192 issued server command: /we cui [15:28:34] [L] SimpleMimpl: нет [15:28:35] Nekit192 issued server command: /randomtp [15:28:35] Nekit192 issued server command: /rtp [15:28:35] SHIZAFRENIAA issued server command: /randomtp [15:28:35] SHIZAFRENIAA issued server command: /rtp [15:28:39] [L] yaroxa_kosolapy: каблук [15:28:40] [L] Yunia: можно не надо?) [15:28:44] [L] SimpleMimpl: ты че пес [15:28:47] [L] SimpleMimpl: я ща приду к тебе [15:28:49] SHIZAFRENIAA issued server command: /home [15:28:59] Healthy issued server command: /randomtp [15:28:59] Healthy issued server command: /rtp [15:28:59] SHIZAFRENIAA issued server command: /randomtp [15:28:59] SHIZAFRENIAA issued server command: /rtp [15:29:02] SHIZAFRENIAA issued server command: /randomtp [15:29:02] SHIZAFRENIAA issued server command: /rtp [15:29:06] SHIZAFRENIAA issued server command: /randomtp [15:29:06] SHIZAFRENIAA issued server command: /rtp [15:29:07] [L] yaroxa_kosolapy: кинул меня [15:29:10] [L] SimpleMimpl: кто [15:29:12] [L] SimpleMimpl: ебанулся чтоли [15:29:13] MrDimonsterR issued server command: /home [15:29:15] [L] yaroxa_kosolapy: забыл скем кашу варил [15:29:17] SHIZAFRENIAA issued server command: /heal [15:29:20] Loki_69709 issued server command: /m Condesce ты сможеь помочь найти джунгли? [15:29:21] bumhik issued server command: //chunk [15:29:21] bumhik issued server command: //outset 16 [15:29:21] bumhik issued server command: //wand [15:29:21] [L] SimpleMimpl: ахыхвыфх [15:29:23] [L] SimpleMimpl: сук [15:29:25] [L] SimpleMimpl: вот ты [15:29:26] [L] Yunia: ладно, не буду разрушать семью) [15:29:26] [L] SimpleMimpl: кабан [15:29:26] Zero09 issued server command: /home [15:29:29] Healthy issued server command: /randomtp [15:29:29] Healthy issued server command: /rtp [15:29:32] [L] SimpleMimpl: ахаха [15:29:35] Condesce issued server command: /r есть компас [15:29:37] [L] SimpleMimpl: Ясик [15:29:37] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /randomtp [15:29:37] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /rtp [15:29:38] Healthy issued server command: /home [15:29:39] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /home [15:29:40] [L] SimpleMimpl: чо ты мутишь [15:29:43] Loki_69709 issued server command: /m Condesce а какой надо? [15:29:44] [L] SimpleMimpl: пробка китайская [15:29:47] [L] Yunia: а то разлучница тут нашлась видите ли [15:29:47] MrDimonsterR issued server command: /randomtp [15:29:47] MrDimonsterR issued server command: /rtp [15:29:48] bumhik issued server command: //chunk [15:29:48] bumhik issued server command: //outset 16 [15:29:48] bumhik issued server command: //wand [15:29:48] [L] yaroxa_kosolapy: оооо [15:29:50] [L] yaroxa_kosolapy: дааааа [15:29:53] bumhik issued server command: //chunk [15:29:53] bumhik issued server command: //outset 16 [15:29:53] bumhik issued server command: //wand [15:29:53] Condesce issued server command: /r 7616 [15:29:55] [L] SimpleMimpl: ему 12 лет [15:29:57] [L] SimpleMimpl: не слушай его [15:29:59] bumhik issued server command: //sel [15:30:00] Condesce issued server command: /r и там jungle [15:30:02] bumhik issued server command: //chunk [15:30:02] bumhik issued server command: //outset 16 [15:30:02] bumhik issued server command: //wand [15:30:02] SHIZAFRENIAA issued server command: /randomtp [15:30:02] SHIZAFRENIAA issued server command: /rtp [15:30:05] Bukycbka issued server command: /warp ad [15:30:05] [L] yaroxa_kosolapy: кетш [15:30:07] Bukycbka issued server command: /we cui [15:30:07] [L] yaroxa_kosolapy: 12 [15:30:08] [L] SimpleMimpl: хвыфхыхф [15:30:11] [L] Yunia: а то есть у тебя статья? [15:30:11] [L] SimpleMimpl: 13 [15:30:15] [L] yaroxa_kosolapy: тебе 10 [15:30:22] [L] SimpleMimpl: хыфвхфыхфыфывхфызокущхцкл [15:30:24] Loki_69709 issued server command: /m Condesce ща сделаю [15:30:26] un5redictable issued server command: /back [15:30:26] [L] SimpleMimpl: да и деньги на донат у мамы взял [15:30:28] [L] yaroxa_kosolapy: ты моя сестра теперьэ [15:30:29] [L] SimpleMimpl: не говори никому [15:30:35] Zero09 issued server command: /money [15:30:35] MrDimonsterR issued server command: /randomtp [15:30:35] MrDimonsterR issued server command: /rtp [15:30:35] Nekit192 issued server command: /kit food [15:30:37] Nekit192 issued server command: /kits [15:30:38] SHIZAFRENIAA issued server command: /eat [15:30:40] Zero09 issued server command: /warp shop [15:30:41] Nekit192 issued server command: /kit top [15:30:42] Zero09 issued server command: /we cui [15:30:54] [G] SimpleMimpl: !кто за витчери шарит? [15:30:54] [L] Yunia: какие-то больно тесные отношения для брата с сестрой [15:30:59] SHIZAFRENIAA issued server command: /randomtp [15:30:59] SHIZAFRENIAA issued server command: /rtp [15:31:00] Exile45 issued server command: /home [15:31:00] [L] SimpleMimpl: он насмотрелся [15:31:04] [G] Condesce: !Что такое? [15:31:05] [L] yaroxa_kosolapy: мне нравится [15:31:07] Condesce issued server command: /pickup [15:31:08] [L] SimpleMimpl: 8400 [15:31:08] KitKas зашёл [15:31:08] Condesce issued server command: /pickup [15:31:09] [L] SimpleMimpl: силы [15:31:09] bumhik issued server command: /rg addmember bshop [15:31:10] Condesce issued server command: /localspy [15:31:11] [L] SimpleMimpl: надо 10к [15:31:11] [G] SHIZAFRENIAA: !за гнома шаришь? [15:31:11] Zero09 issued server command: /home [15:31:13] Zero09 issued server command: /we cui [15:31:13] KitKas issued server command: /we cui [15:31:14] [G] SimpleMimpl: !был [15:31:15] [G] SimpleMimpl: !умер [15:31:17] [G] SimpleMimpl: !теперь нету [15:31:19] MrDimonsterR issued server command: /randomtp [15:31:19] MrDimonsterR issued server command: /rtp [15:31:19] bumhik issued server command: /rg claim bshop [15:31:20] [G] SHIZAFRENIAA: !всм [15:31:27] bumhik issued server command: /sell [15:31:28] [G] SimpleMimpl: !упал отжался [15:31:29] [G] Condesce: !Что [15:31:31] bumhik issued server command: //sel [15:31:40] [L] Mautil: дай книгу [15:31:58] Bukycbka issued server command: /HOME [15:31:59] [L] yaroxa_kosolapy: к тебе или ко мне? [15:32:00] Bukycbka issued server command: /we cui [15:32:02] [L] yaroxa_kosolapy: ) [15:32:06] [L] Mautil: скрафтить надо\ [15:32:07] [L] SimpleMimpl: ты иди к Данилу [15:32:08] [L] SimpleMimpl: хахах [15:32:11] Condesce issued server command: /tp SimpleMimpl [15:32:13] [L] Mautil: а блять [15:32:16] [L] SimpleMimpl: он тебе массаж простаты сделает [15:32:17] [L] Condesce: так что надо то [15:32:22] [L] SimpleMimpl: \ [15:32:25] [L] SimpleMimpl: алтарь 8к [15:32:25] [L] yaroxa_kosolapy: я уже от него,он готовый [15:32:26] [L] SimpleMimpl: силы [15:32:28] [L] SimpleMimpl: надо 10к [15:32:30] [L] Yunia: эротишно [15:32:33] [L] SimpleMimpl: чо ещё не поставил [15:32:34] yaroxa_kosolapy issued server command: /home [15:32:40] [L] Mautil: ебать крафт ихора нахуй [15:32:42] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /home [15:32:51] [L] Mautil: сердце демона надо [15:32:54] [L] Condesce: ну, берете раскапываете маленькую ямочку и там выращиваете растения из витчери [15:32:55] Loki_69709 issued server command: /m bumhik продай 1 редстоун, ток тп ко мне [15:32:57] MrDimonsterR issued server command: /randomtp [15:32:57] MrDimonsterR issued server command: /rtp [15:33:00] [L] yaroxa_kosolapy: каблыч [15:33:01] [L] Mautil: и се [15:33:02] [L] Condesce: так же пшеницу, адский нарост и прочее [15:33:02] [L] Mautil: ^D [15:33:03] Yunia issued server command: /home [15:33:05] SHIZAFRENIAA issued server command: /eat [15:33:20] [L] Mautil: v pizde [15:33:23] [L] SimpleMimpl: ага [15:33:23] [L] Condesce: вот так [15:33:30] [L] SimpleMimpl: смотри [15:33:37] [L] SimpleMimpl: вот это туда перенести [15:33:37] [L] SimpleMimpl: да [15:33:40] [L] Condesce: да [15:33:44] [L] SimpleMimpl: щас же вылезет [15:33:45] [L] Condesce: но лучше под землю [15:33:46] [L] SimpleMimpl: гомункул [15:33:51] [G] Loki_69709: !кто продаст 1 редстоун? [15:33:57] [L] Condesce: т.к. тебе еще круги рисовать [15:33:58] [G] yaroxa_kosolapy: !я [15:34:00] [G] Yunia: !я могу) [15:34:04] [L] SimpleMimpl: мел куплю [15:34:11] [G] Healthy: ! Ребят, кто-то первую самую книга из тинкера может дать?) [15:34:12] Loki_69709 issued server command: /tpahere Yunia [15:34:16] [G] yaroxa_kosolapy: ! 11 стаков могу [15:34:19] [G] Yunia: !может [15:34:26] Yunia issued server command: /home [15:34:32] [G] Healthy: ! Yunia, дашь? [15:34:33] Condesce issued server command: /kit start [15:34:34] Loki_69709 issued server command: /m Yunia тп [15:34:42] [G] yaroxa_kosolapy: !еще один каблук [15:34:42] [G] Healthy: ! Прилетишь на спавн? [15:34:43] Yunia issued server command: /tpa Healthy [15:34:45] Healthy issued server command: /spawn [15:34:47] Healthy issued server command: /we cui [15:34:49] Healthy issued server command: /tpaccept [15:34:53] Loki_69709 issued server command: /tpahere yaroxa_kosolapy [15:34:56] Yunia issued server command: /spawn [15:34:56] [G] Healthy: ! Приходи на спавн [15:34:57] Yunia issued server command: /we cui [15:35:01] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /spawn [15:35:03] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /we cui [15:35:03] bumhik issued server command: /zset 159 [15:35:04] [G] Condesce: !самая первая книга крафтится [15:35:04] Scilla issued server command: /server [15:35:07] [G] Condesce: !Ее можно скрафтить [15:35:08] [G] Healthy: ! От души <3 [15:35:08] [L] Mautil: для ихо кирки нужно кристалл скопление ммм [15:35:09] bumhik issued server command: /zset 159 [15:35:11] Healthy issued server command: /home [15:35:13] Healthy issued server command: /we cui [15:35:16] [G] Healthy: ! Та мне влом было [15:35:21] un5redictable issued server command: /home [15:35:21] Yunia issued server command: /tpa Loki_69709 [15:35:23] bumhik issued server command: /zset 159 [15:35:25] Loki_69709 issued server command: /tpaccept [15:35:27] Yunia issued server command: /we cui [15:35:28] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /home [15:35:30] bumhik issued server command: /zset 159 [15:35:30] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /we cui [15:35:34] [G] Condesce: !Но все же, раздаватьв ещи бесплатно нельзя [15:35:34] [G] SimpleMimpl: !какой же бесячий [15:35:35] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /mpcaseshop [15:35:36] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /mpcaseview 70 [15:35:37] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /buycase 70 [15:35:37] [G] SimpleMimpl: !мандрагор [15:35:38] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /rollcase 70 [15:35:42] [L] Yunia: ещё?) [15:35:42] Loki_69709 issued server command: /m money Yunia 0.03 [15:35:43] Exile45 issued server command: /randomtp [15:35:43] Exile45 issued server command: /rtp [15:35:48] [G] xx_VR_xxx: ! О охае Condesce [15:35:49] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /mpcaseshop [15:35:49] [L] Mautil: ладно займуся [15:35:49] bumhik issued server command: /zset 159 [15:35:50] [G] Healthy: ! Извиняюсь, в следующий раз буду договориваться [15:35:50] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /warp home [15:35:50] [L] SimpleMimpl: .цфкз рщьу [15:35:50] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /mpcaseview 70 [15:35:54] Loki_69709 issued server command: /money pay Yunia 0.03 [15:35:57] MrDimonsterR issued server command: /randomtp [15:35:57] MrDimonsterR issued server command: /rtp [15:35:59] [L] Loki_69709: ща [15:36:00] [G] Condesce: !Агась [15:36:03] [L] Loki_69709: мне ток 1 [15:36:06] [L] SimpleMimpl: чо ты [15:36:07] [L] yaroxa_kosolapy: че пришел каблук [15:36:08] MrDimonsterR issued server command: /home [15:36:08] [L] SimpleMimpl: херню мутишь [15:36:08] Loki_69709 issued server command: /money pay Yunia 0.03 [15:36:12] Condesce issued server command: /thru [15:36:14] Condesce issued server command: /thru [15:36:16] [L] Loki_69709: а че не могу перевести? [15:36:20] [L] yaroxa_kosolapy: где дом [15:36:22] [L] Yunia: не знаю) [15:36:24] [L] yaroxa_kosolapy: покажы [15:36:25] [L] Yunia: забей [15:36:27] bumhik issued server command: /m Condesce а мне можно сферы из стекла делать? [15:36:27] [L] Loki_69709: как там перевести, забыл [15:36:29] Condesce issued server command: /m AYLIEXEC ахае [15:36:29] [L] SimpleMimpl: нету [15:36:38] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /home [15:36:38] [L] SimpleMimpl: .рщьу [15:36:41] Condesce issued server command: /m bumhik - [15:36:43] Loki_69709 issued server command: /money pay Yunia 0.003 [15:36:47] [L] Yunia: ./money pay имя сумма [15:36:51] Yunia issued server command: /home [15:36:52] bumhik issued server command: /m Condesce а тебе ? [15:36:55] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /randomtp [15:36:55] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /rtp [15:36:55] [L] SimpleMimpl: .кез [15:36:55] Loki_69709 issued server command: /money pay Yunia 1 [15:36:58] Condesce issued server command: /r +- [15:37:04] bumhik issued server command: /zset 159 [15:37:06] Yunia issued server command: /money [15:37:11] Yunia issued server command: /money top [15:37:16] SHIZAFRENIAA issued server command: /eat [15:37:16] [G] SimpleMimpl: !ясик тп [15:37:17] Bukycbka issued server command: /warp ad [15:37:19] Bukycbka issued server command: /we cui [15:37:21] Yunia issued server command: /playtime [15:37:21] bumhik issued server command: /m Condesce а если ты сделаешь мне то это бан? [15:37:27] Condesce issued server command: /r + [15:37:30] SHIZAFRENIAA issued server command: /home [15:37:32] [L] Mautil: одним словом все кринж [15:37:34] Condesce issued server command: /tp AYLIEXEC [15:37:39] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /kit top [15:37:39] [L] SimpleMimpl: .лше ещз [15:37:39] Yunia issued server command: /home [15:37:42] bumhik issued server command: /m Condesce это печально [15:37:46] bumhik issued server command: /zset 159 [15:37:48] Loki_69709 issued server command: /m Condesce сделал [15:37:55] Condesce issued server command: /gm 0 [15:37:59] bumhik issued server command: /zset 159 [15:38:10] Condesce issued server command: /pvptoggle [15:38:10] Condesce issued server command: /pvp [15:38:15] SHIZAFRENIAA issued server command: /randomtp [15:38:15] SHIZAFRENIAA issued server command: /rtp [15:38:24] Loki_69709 issued server command: /randomtp [15:38:24] Loki_69709 issued server command: /rtp [15:38:26] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /tpahere yaroxa_kosolapy [15:38:27] Condesce issued server command: /gm 1 [15:38:30] bumhik issued server command: /zset 159 [15:38:31] MrDimonsterR issued server command: /kit eat [15:38:32] un5redictable issued server command: /home [15:38:33] Yunia issued server command: /ekit top [15:38:36] MrDimonsterR issued server command: /randomtp [15:38:36] MrDimonsterR issued server command: /rtp [15:38:40] bumhik issued server command: /zset 159 [15:38:44] Exile45 issued server command: /randomtp [15:38:44] Exile45 issued server command: /rtp [15:38:48] bumhik issued server command: /zset 159 [15:38:52] Condesce issued server command: /m Loki_69709 теперь пкм им по воздуху и ищи джунгли [15:38:55] bumhik issued server command: /zset 159 [15:38:58] Condesce issued server command: /fly [15:39:06] Loki_69709 issued server command: /m Condesce а тебе чарить другоим игрокам вещи можно? [15:39:08] MrDimonsterR issued server command: /randomtp [15:39:08] MrDimonsterR issued server command: /rtp [15:39:10] un5redictable issued server command: /tppos 7534 68 -7672 [15:39:11] Condesce issued server command: /r нет [15:39:14] [L] Mautil: та там мракометалл нужен [15:39:23] bumhik issued server command: /zset 159 [15:39:23] Bukycbka issued server command: /warp ad [15:39:33] Condesce issued server command: /tp Jabuti [15:39:36] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /home [15:39:37] Yunia issued server command: /home [15:39:40] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /tpahere yaroxa_kosolapy [15:39:46] Condesce issued server command: /pvptoggle [15:39:46] Condesce issued server command: /pvp [15:39:54] Condesce issued server command: /fly [15:39:55] un5redictable issued server command: /home [15:40:04] Jabuti issued server command: /home [15:40:07] Condesce issued server command: /vanish [15:40:23] yaroxa_kosolapy issued server command: /tpaccept [15:40:27] [L] SimpleMimpl: вот он [15:40:44] un5redictable issued server command: /home [15:40:45] Exile45 issued server command: /home [15:40:53] [L] Mautil: ахвахвахавх [15:40:59] [L] Mautil: как [15:40:59] [G] SimpleMimpl: !Есть новички на сервере? [15:41:05] un5redictable issued server command: /home [15:41:07] [G] bumhik: ! + [15:41:08] Bukycbka issued server command: /HOME [15:41:10] Bukycbka issued server command: /we cui [15:41:11] [G] AYLIEXEC: !+ [15:41:15] SHIZAFRENIAA issued server command: /eat [15:41:15] [L] SHIZAFRENIAA: .уфе [15:41:21] [G] SimpleMimpl: !ну кто нуждается в жилье) [15:41:24] yaroxa_kosolapy был кикнут [15:41:24] yaroxa_kosolapy вышел [15:41:25] yaroxa_kosolapy зашёл [15:41:27] [L] Mautil: я в одиночку тестить [15:41:28] yaroxa_kosolapy issued server command: /we cui [15:41:29] Condesce issued server command: /tp SimpleMimpl [15:41:29] Mautil вышел [15:41:30] Exile45 issued server command: /call SHIZAFRENIAA [15:41:30] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /rg info [15:41:30] [L] SimpleMimpl: .кп штащ [15:41:31] SHIZAFRENIAA issued server command: /tpaccept [15:41:32] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /rg info [15:41:32] [L] SimpleMimpl: .кп штащ [15:41:34] SHIZAFRENIAA issued server command: /home [15:41:35] Mautil зашёл [15:41:37] Condesce issued server command: /thru [15:41:39] Mautil issued server command: /we cui [15:41:42] [L] yaroxa_kosolapy: пойдет [15:41:48] [L] yaroxa_kosolapy: но не жил бы тут [15:41:51] [L] Condesce: Это мне?? [15:41:56] [L] SimpleMimpl: Забирай хаха [15:41:56] [L] Condesce: спасиииба [15:42:00] [L] Condesce: хахаха [15:42:03] un5redictable вышел [15:42:07] [L] Mautil: ниче уже [15:42:08] [L] SimpleMimpl: я построил думал подарю какому нибудь типу [15:42:10] [L] SimpleMimpl: кто только зашёл [15:42:15] Loki_69709 issued server command: /randomtp [15:42:15] Loki_69709 issued server command: /rtp [15:42:16] [L] SimpleMimpl: а все такие охреневшие, что никому и не надо) [15:42:17] MrDimonsterR issued server command: /randomtp [15:42:17] MrDimonsterR issued server command: /rtp [15:42:22] Condesce issued server command: /thru [15:42:25] [G] yaroxa_kosolapy: !дарим дом [15:42:28] Condesce issued server command: /thru [15:42:32] Zero09 issued server command: /randomtp [15:42:32] Zero09 issued server command: /rtp [15:42:33] [G] yaroxa_kosolapy: !кому надо тп [15:42:36] [G] Condesce: !&cбез ресов [15:42:39] [G] SimpleMimpl: !да [15:42:41] [G] SimpleMimpl: !пустой [15:42:43] [G] SimpleMimpl: !абсолютно) [15:42:51] Loki_69709 issued server command: /randomtp [15:42:51] Loki_69709 issued server command: /rtp [15:42:58] Nekit192 issued server command: /sethome [15:43:02] Nekit192 issued server command: /call yaroxa_kosolapy [15:43:05] yaroxa_kosolapy issued server command: /tpaccept [15:43:08] [L] Mautil: у нас ресы по базе хуй пойми как разбросаны - это меня бесит [15:43:16] [L] Nekit192: можно забирать? [15:43:21] [G] yaroxa_kosolapy: !да [15:43:22] [G] xx_VR_xxx: ! Condesce не подскажешь способы получения звезд?ну или прям быстро найти сушки [15:43:24] [G] SimpleMimpl: !&4Отдам дом в хорошие руки. Бесплатно. Без ресов [15:43:24] [L] Nekit192: спасибо [15:43:26] Nekit192 issued server command: //chunk [15:43:26] Nekit192 issued server command: //outset 16 [15:43:26] Nekit192 issued server command: //wand [15:43:32] [L] yaroxa_kosolapy: распривать ему [15:43:32] Zero09 issued server command: /randomtp [15:43:32] Zero09 issued server command: /rtp [15:43:40] Nekit192 issued server command: /rg claim 192 [15:43:44] [L] SimpleMimpl: писят рублёв [15:43:45] MrDimonsterR issued server command: /randomtp [15:43:45] MrDimonsterR issued server command: /rtp [15:43:51] [L] yaroxa_kosolapy: вхвхвхвхвхвхвхв [15:43:54] [G] Condesce: !Расчистить территорию в аду и там фармить, если в самом начале, а так сделать клетку гнева [15:43:59] [G] Condesce: !И поставить ее в аду [15:43:59] [L] yaroxa_kosolapy: отдай бесплатн [15:44:01] Nekit192 issued server command: /rg claim 192 [15:44:12] [L] Nekit192: у меня нет никаких 50 рублев) [15:44:14] [G] SimpleMimpl: !да туда скелета обычного если запихаешь [15:44:14] [L] Mautil: вилы [15:44:18] [G] SimpleMimpl: !в аду поставишь клетку [15:44:20] [G] SimpleMimpl: !будут сушаки [15:44:20] [L] SimpleMimpl: ладно [15:44:21] [G] bumhik: ! да да эт хорошая идея [15:44:22] [L] SimpleMimpl: заберай [15:44:26] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /rg info [15:44:28] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /rg delete dom2 [15:44:30] [L] SimpleMimpl: всё [15:44:30] yaroxa_kosolapy issued server command: /home [15:44:31] [L] SimpleMimpl: привать [15:44:32] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /feed [15:44:33] [L] SimpleMimpl: я удалил регион [15:44:37] H00DRICH зашёл [15:44:37] [G] bumhik: ! а ещё и тапор собиратель [15:44:40] Nekit192 issued server command: /rg claim 192 [15:44:43] [G] SimpleMimpl: !тесак [15:44:45] [G] SimpleMimpl: !или что то друго [15:44:47] H00DRICH issued server command: /we cui [15:44:48] [L] Nekit192: спасибо большое, ребят [15:44:48] [G] SimpleMimpl: !что больше голов даёт [15:44:49] [G] Condesce: !тесак выкл [15:44:49] Zero09 issued server command: /home [15:44:51] [L] SimpleMimpl: да удачи) [15:44:54] [G] Loki_69709: !тесак - [15:44:56] [L] SimpleMimpl: заприватил? [15:44:57] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /rg info [15:44:57] [L] SimpleMimpl: .кп штащ [15:44:57] [G] Condesce: !так что только топор собирателя черепов [15:44:59] [L] Nekit192: да [15:44:59] [G] bumhik: !тапор собератель черепов [15:45:02] [L] SimpleMimpl: ну всё удачи [15:45:07] [L] Nekit192: и вам [15:45:08] H00DRICH issued server command: /home [15:45:08] [G] SimpleMimpl: !я сделал тесак же [15:45:12] Nekit192 issued server command: //sel [15:45:15] [G] xx_VR_xxx: ! Kek [15:45:18] Mass1ime зашёл [15:45:19] MrDimonsterR issued server command: /home [15:45:20] [G] Loki_69709: !не поможет [15:45:20] yaroxa_kosolapy issued server command: /warp ad [15:45:21] yaroxa_kosolapy issued server command: /we cui [15:45:26] [G] SimpleMimpl: !понял [15:45:27] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /warp home [15:45:27] [L] SimpleMimpl: .цфкз рщьу [15:45:31] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /home [15:45:31] [L] SimpleMimpl: .рщьу [15:45:33] Condesce issued server command: /gc [15:45:36] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /enderchest [15:45:36] [L] SimpleMimpl: .утвуксруые [15:45:48] Nekit192 issued server command: /warp set 192 [15:45:50] SHIZAFRENIAA умер (ENTITY_ATTACK) [15:45:53] SHIZAFRENIAA issued server command: /we cui [15:45:53] Nekit192 issued server command: /kit start [15:45:55] Nekit192 issued server command: /kit eat [15:45:59] [G] xx_VR_xxx: ! у нас в печке 54к крови это и смешно и грустно как то [15:46:02] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /enderchest [15:46:02] [L] SimpleMimpl: .утвуксруые [15:46:11] Mass1ime issued server command: /we cui [15:46:19] [G] SimpleMimpl: !Арина [15:46:22] Jabuti issued server command: /home [15:46:24] [G] SimpleMimpl: !а на сколько блоков можно вниз? [15:46:25] [G] Condesce: !Читаю [15:46:34] [G] Condesce: !По поводу [15:46:41] [G] SimpleMimpl: !витчери [15:46:45] Nekit192 issued server command: /home [15:46:53] SHIZAFRENIAA issued server command: /tpa Exile45 [15:46:54] [G] Condesce: !Ямку не более 11 блоков вниз\ [15:46:58] [G] SimpleMimpl: !понял [15:47:01] Exile45 issued server command: /tpaccept [15:47:06] bumhik issued server command: /zset 95 [15:47:09] [G] Mass1ime: !круто, и как китов умивать? [15:47:19] [G] xx_VR_xxx: ! Луком [15:47:20] [G] SimpleMimpl: !режим бессмертия и полетел хаха [15:47:27] yaroxa_kosolapy issued server command: /home [15:47:29] yaroxa_kosolapy issued server command: /we cui [15:47:42] yaroxa_kosolapy issued server command: /randomtp [15:47:42] yaroxa_kosolapy issued server command: /rtp [15:47:47] bumhik issued server command: /zset 112 [15:47:55] SHIZAFRENIAA issued server command: /home [15:47:55] Loki_69709 issued server command: /cart all [15:47:58] bumhik issued server command: /zset 112 [15:48:01] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /warp home [15:48:01] [L] SimpleMimpl: .цфкз рщьу [15:48:06] Exile45 issued server command: /home [15:48:07] bumhik issued server command: /zset 112 [15:48:13] [L] Mautil: xD [15:48:17] bumhik issued server command: /zset 112 [15:48:23] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /enderchest [15:48:23] [L] SimpleMimpl: .утвуксруые [15:48:32] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /home [15:48:32] [L] SimpleMimpl: .рщьу [15:48:33] bumhik issued server command: /zset 112 [15:48:37] [G] SimpleMimpl: !куплю семена арбуза, тыквы [15:48:37] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /home [15:48:40] [G] SimpleMimpl: !картошка, морковка [15:48:40] MrDimonsterR issued server command: /randomtp [15:48:40] MrDimonsterR issued server command: /rtp [15:48:50] [L] yaroxa_kosolapy: бич [15:48:54] [L] yaroxa_kosolapy: зач тебе [15:49:08] Yunia issued server command: /m SimpleMimpl много надо? [15:49:11] [G] SimpleMimpl: !нет не много [15:49:14] Jabuti issued server command: /home [15:49:22] bumhik issued server command: /zset 112 [15:49:27] Condesce issued server command: /screenall [15:49:29] bumhik issued server command: /zset 112 [15:49:32] yaroxa_kosolapy issued server command: /m SimpleMimpl нах тебе [15:49:36] bumhik issued server command: /zset 112 [15:49:36] yaroxa_kosolapy issued server command: /randomtp [15:49:36] yaroxa_kosolapy issued server command: /rtp [15:49:43] H00DRICH убил Zero09 (DIAMOND_AXE) [15:49:43] bumhik issued server command: /zset 112 [15:49:45] Zero09 issued server command: /we cui [15:49:50] bumhik issued server command: /zset 112 [15:49:53] yaroxa_kosolapy issued server command: /randomtp [15:49:53] yaroxa_kosolapy issued server command: /rtp [15:49:58] bumhik issued server command: /zset 112 [15:50:21] [L] SimpleMimpl: Арина [15:50:22] yaroxa_kosolapy вышел [15:50:23] [L] SimpleMimpl: Что ты ещё говорилоа [15:50:57] bumhik issued server command: /zset 159 [15:51:07] Condesce issued server command: /tp H00DRICH [15:51:14] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /warp home [15:51:15] [L] SimpleMimpl: .цфкз рщьу [15:51:17] bumhik issued server command: /zset 159 [15:51:19] [L] Mautil: piar [15:51:35] bumhik issued server command: /zset 159 [15:51:44] bumhik issued server command: /zset 159 [15:51:49] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /home [15:51:49] [L] SimpleMimpl: .рщьу [15:51:53] bumhik issued server command: /zset 159 [15:52:03] bumhik issued server command: /zset 159 [15:52:08] SHIZAFRENIAA issued server command: /randomtp [15:52:08] SHIZAFRENIAA issued server command: /rtp [15:52:10] [L] xx_VR_xxx: п [15:52:18] SHIZAFRENIAA issued server command: /eat [15:52:18] [L] SHIZAFRENIAA: .уфе [15:52:34] [G] SHIZAFRENIAA: !гном есть у кого? [15:52:36] MrDimonsterR issued server command: /home [15:52:36] [G] SimpleMimpl: !есть кремень у кого? [15:52:50] [G] SHIZAFRENIAA: !за гнома [15:53:01] [G] SimpleMimpl: !ацтан со своим гномом) [15:53:03] [G] SimpleMimpl: !убил я его уже [15:53:15] [G] SHIZAFRENIAA: !еще найди [15:53:18] MrDimonsterR issued server command: /randomtp [15:53:18] MrDimonsterR issued server command: /rtp [15:53:37] [G] SimpleMimpl: !там в далеке посмотри, пятки сверкают как бегу [15:53:50] Bikqwe зашёл [15:54:08] [L] SHIZAFRENIAA: у.фе [15:54:10] SHIZAFRENIAA issued server command: /eat [15:54:10] [L] SHIZAFRENIAA: .уфе [15:54:19] Bikqwe issued server command: /we cui [15:54:27] H00DRICH issued server command: /kit eat [15:54:33] Condesce issued server command: /tp Zero09 [15:55:11] xx_VR_xxx вышел [15:55:16] MrDimonsterR issued server command: /randomtp [15:55:16] MrDimonsterR issued server command: /rtp [15:55:27] xx_VR_xxx зашёл [15:55:34] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /we cui [15:55:38] Condesce issued server command: /oi Zero09 [15:55:43] MrDimonsterR issued server command: /randomtp [15:55:43] MrDimonsterR issued server command: /rtp [15:55:45] SHIZAFRENIAA issued server command: /eat [15:55:45] [L] SHIZAFRENIAA: .уфе [15:55:49] H00DRICH issued server command: /mods [15:55:49] [L] Zero09: NS F[ETK& [15:55:54] [L] Zero09: ТЫ АХУЕЛ? [15:55:56] SHIZAFRENIAA issued server command: /randomtp [15:55:56] SHIZAFRENIAA issued server command: /rtp [15:56:02] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /feed [15:56:11] bumhik issued server command: /zset 95 [15:56:20] [L] H00DRICH: чё [15:56:22] bumhik issued server command: /zset 20 [15:56:30] [L] Zero09: админы шаллят [15:56:32] Loki_69709 issued server command: //chunk [15:56:32] Loki_69709 issued server command: //outset 16 [15:56:32] Loki_69709 issued server command: /zone [15:56:34] [L] Condesce: ytn [15:56:35] [L] Condesce: нет [15:56:45] [L] H00DRICH: контекс [15:56:50] [L] H00DRICH: ты чё шалишь [15:56:52] [L] Zero09: зачем?э [15:56:53] [L] Condesce: не [15:56:56] SHIZAFRENIAA issued server command: /eat [15:56:56] [L] SHIZAFRENIAA: .уфе [15:56:58] [L] Condesce: я только чтьо пришла [15:57:03] SHIZAFRENIAA issued server command: /randomtp [15:57:03] SHIZAFRENIAA issued server command: /rtp [15:57:06] Condesce issued server command: /vanish [15:57:13] [L] H00DRICH: значит шизу словил [15:57:15] [L] H00DRICH: извини [15:57:19] Bikqwe issued server command: /home [15:57:27] MrDimonsterR issued server command: /randomtp [15:57:27] MrDimonsterR issued server command: /rtp [15:57:37] [L] H00DRICH: около меня фигурки появлялись [15:57:39] [L] H00DRICH: доигрался [15:57:40] Mautil issued server command: /home [15:57:43] [L] Zero09: мне броню местами меняешь? [15:57:44] [L] Condesce: фигурки? [15:57:47] [L] H00DRICH: ага [15:57:48] [L] Zero09: фигурки [15:57:51] [L] Condesce: С броней да [15:57:56] [L] H00DRICH: ну типо [15:57:59] [L] Zero09: фигурки броня [15:58:04] [L] H00DRICH: у тя тоже шиза? [15:58:06] [L] Condesce: ток броня [15:58:07] [L] Condesce: ахахах [15:58:10] [L] Mautil: [p [15:58:13] [L] Mautil: hz [15:58:15] [L] Zero09: а фигурки [15:58:17] SHIZAFRENIAA issued server command: /randomtp [15:58:17] SHIZAFRENIAA issued server command: /rtp [15:58:18] [L] Zero09: эт шиза [15:58:18] [L] Condesce: что фигурки [15:58:25] [L] Zero09: появляются [15:58:28] SHIZAFRENIAA issued server command: /kit [15:58:31] [L] Zero09: прям передо мной [15:58:31] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /m bumhik слушай друг, у тебя есть яйцо призыва курицы? [15:58:31] SHIZAFRENIAA issued server command: /randomtp [15:58:31] SHIZAFRENIAA issued server command: /rtp [15:58:33] [L] Condesce: наверно барышником форте эвалар надышались [15:58:37] [L] Zero09: появлялись* [15:58:38] [G] Bikqwe: !В 4 часа ивенты ,да? [15:58:41] SHIZAFRENIAA issued server command: /home [15:58:45] [L] H00DRICH: наверно [15:58:48] SHIZAFRENIAA issued server command: /eat [15:58:49] [G] Condesce: !да [15:58:59] [L] H00DRICH: нормально нас размазало [15:59:02] Loki_69709 issued server command: //sel [15:59:09] MrDimonsterR issued server command: /home [15:59:15] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /enderchest [15:59:15] [L] SimpleMimpl: .утвуксруые [15:59:32] Condesce issued server command: /gc [15:59:40] H00DRICH issued server command: /home [15:59:44] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /warp home [15:59:44] [L] SimpleMimpl: .цфкз рщьу [15:59:55] SHIZAFRENIAA issued server command: /warp shop [15:59:59] SHIZAFRENIAA issued server command: /we cui [16:00:04] Condesce issued server command: /bc Уважаемые игроки! Ивенты начнутся через 5 минут! [16:00:07] [L] Mautil: 549 камня в мэ [16:00:15] [G] SimpleMimpl: !Срочно куплю нити [16:00:16] [G] Mass1ime: !ачо? [16:00:25] Condesce issued server command: //gc [16:00:27] Condesce issued server command: /gc [16:00:31] Yunia issued server command: /m SimpleMimpl сколько нужно? [16:00:36] Bikqwe issued server command: /msg SimpleMimpl Свечи? [16:00:43] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /m Yunia штук 20 [16:00:50] [G] Mass1ime: !Что за ивент? [16:00:52] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /enderchest [16:00:52] [L] SimpleMimpl: .утвуксруые [16:00:55] Yunia issued server command: /tpa SimpleMimpl [16:00:58] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /tpaccept [16:00:58] [L] SimpleMimpl: .езфссузе [16:01:05] Bikqwe умер (PROJECTILE) [16:01:08] Bikqwe issued server command: /we cui [16:01:08] [L] SimpleMimpl: ого [16:01:08] [G] Condesce: !ивенты - сплиф, тнт-ран и прочие [16:01:10] [L] SimpleMimpl: пасиба [16:01:11] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /feed [16:01:12] Bikqwe issued server command: /SPAWN [16:01:13] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /heal [16:01:14] Bikqwe issued server command: /we cui [16:01:16] Bikqwe issued server command: /home [16:01:17] SHIZAFRENIAA issued server command: /home [16:01:18] Bikqwe issued server command: /we cui [16:01:20] SHIZAFRENIAA issued server command: /we cui [16:01:21] [G] Condesce: !либо, можем начать пораньбше, если хотите) [16:01:23] Loki_69709 issued server command: /sethome [16:01:28] MrDimonsterR вышел [16:01:29] [G] Mass1ime: !Ну блин [16:01:35] [G] Mass1ime: !поесть можно? [16:01:36] [G] AYLIEXEC: !Хотим [16:01:39] [G] Bikqwe: !Давай [16:01:42] [L] SimpleMimpl: Юня [16:01:46] [L] SimpleMimpl: а у тебя яйца призыва курицы нет? [16:01:47] [L] Yunia: а [16:01:47] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /kit [16:01:47] [L] SimpleMimpl: .лше [16:01:49] [G] Mass1ime: !=( [16:01:56] [L] Yunia: нет [16:02:06] [L] SimpleMimpl: блин [16:02:17] [L] SimpleMimpl: а обычные яйца курицы [16:02:19] [L] Yunia: можно в магазине купить вроде [16:02:24] [L] Yunia: есть [16:02:30] Yunia issued server command: /home [16:02:31] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /we cui [16:02:39] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /home [16:02:42] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /we cui [16:02:44] bumhik issued server command: /zset 20 [16:02:44] Yunia issued server command: /tpa SimpleMimpl [16:02:52] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /tpaccept [16:02:52] [L] SimpleMimpl: .езфссузе [16:02:54] bumhik issued server command: /zset 20 [16:02:57] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /enderchest [16:02:57] [L] SimpleMimpl: .утвуксруые [16:02:59] SHIZAFRENIAA issued server command: /randomtp [16:02:59] SHIZAFRENIAA issued server command: /rtp [16:03:04] bumhik issued server command: /zset 20 [16:03:10] [L] SimpleMimpl: ох пасибки [16:03:11] bumhik issued server command: /zset 20 [16:03:13] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /warp end [16:03:16] SHIZAFRENIAA issued server command: /voteday [16:03:17] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /we cui [16:03:17] [L] Yunia: всё что есть [16:03:19] Jabuti issued server command: /no [16:03:20] Condesce issued server command: /yes [16:03:20] Yunia issued server command: /yes [16:03:21] Bikqwe issued server command: /yes [16:03:21] Loki_69709 issued server command: /yes [16:03:23] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /no [16:03:27] SHIZAFRENIAA issued server command: /eat [16:03:29] Yunia issued server command: /home [16:03:31] bumhik issued server command: /zset 20 [16:03:37] [L] Zero09: уйди пж [16:03:39] Loki_69709 issued server command: //chunk [16:03:39] Loki_69709 issued server command: //outset 16 [16:03:39] Loki_69709 issued server command: /zone [16:03:43] bumhik issued server command: /zset 20 [16:03:44] Yunia issued server command: /warp quest [16:03:45] Yunia issued server command: /we cui [16:03:47] Condesce issued server command: /tp AYLIEXEC [16:03:47] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /heal [16:03:51] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /home [16:03:51] [L] SimpleMimpl: .рщьу [16:03:55] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /feed [16:03:55] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /warp home [16:03:55] [L] SimpleMimpl: .цфкз рщьу [16:03:58] Loki_69709 issued server command: //chunk [16:03:58] Loki_69709 issued server command: //outset 16 [16:03:58] Loki_69709 issued server command: /zone [16:04:03] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /m Yunia 1 кремня или зажигалки нет? [16:04:07] Loki_69709 issued server command: //chunk [16:04:07] Loki_69709 issued server command: //outset 16 [16:04:07] Loki_69709 issued server command: /zone [16:04:11] Loki_69709 issued server command: //chunk [16:04:11] Loki_69709 issued server command: //outset 16 [16:04:11] Loki_69709 issued server command: /zone [16:04:13] Loki_69709 issued server command: //chunk [16:04:13] Loki_69709 issued server command: //outset 16 [16:04:13] Loki_69709 issued server command: /zone [16:04:15] Bikqwe issued server command: /mpcaseshop [16:04:22] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /enderchest [16:04:22] [L] SimpleMimpl: .утвуксруые [16:04:28] [G] Bikqwe: !Мне нужен парикмахер [16:04:32] [G] Bikqwe: !Мне кажется я зарос [16:04:35] Nekit192 issued server command: /sethome [16:04:36] Loki_69709 issued server command: /rg claim dom-1 [16:04:49] Loki_69709 issued server command: /sethome [16:04:55] Loki_69709 issued server command: /sethome [16:04:56] [G] SimpleMimpl: !либо я тупой, либо лыжи не едут как портал в ад делается -_- [16:05:05] [G] Loki_69709: !)))) [16:05:08] Condesce issued server command: /enew spleef [16:05:09] Yunia issued server command: /home [16:05:09] [G] Loki_69709: ! [16:05:10] Condesce issued server command: /bc С правилами ивентов можно ознакомиться у NPC, прописав /eobs. [16:05:10] SHIZAFRENIAA issued server command: /eat [16:05:10] Yunia issued server command: /we cui [16:05:11] Condesce issued server command: /bc Не забудьте очистить свои инвентари! [16:05:12] Bikqwe issued server command: /eeobs [16:05:15] Bikqwe issued server command: /eobs [16:05:16] Condesce issued server command: /ejoin [16:05:17] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /enjoin [16:05:17] Bikqwe issued server command: /we cui [16:05:19] Condesce issued server command: /we cui [16:05:20] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /ejoin [16:05:22] Bikqwe issued server command: /ejoin [16:05:22] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /we cui [16:05:25] Loki_69709 issued server command: /spawn [16:05:27] Loki_69709 issued server command: /we cui [16:05:28] Bikqwe issued server command: /ejoin [16:05:29] Zero09 issued server command: /ejoin [16:05:29] Condesce issued server command: /gm 0 [16:05:31] Zero09 issued server command: /we cui [16:05:32] [G] Yunia: !нужно перед этим инвент чистить? [16:05:35] [G] SimpleMimpl: !куплю зажигалку [16:05:36] [G] Bikqwe: !+ [16:05:37] Jabuti issued server command: /ejoin [16:05:38] Loki_69709 issued server command: /ejon [16:05:41] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /home [16:05:41] [L] SimpleMimpl: .рщьу [16:05:47] Loki_69709 issued server command: /ejoin [16:05:49] [G] Condesce: !Смотрите только, будет сейчас рестарт, пока только 1 ивент [16:05:50] Jabuti issued server command: /ejoin [16:05:51] Jabuti issued server command: /we cui [16:06:04] [L] Bikqwe: чел..... [16:06:06] [G] Condesce: !ждем еще кого-то? [16:06:08] [L] Jabuti: чел... [16:06:18] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /warp home [16:06:18] [L] SimpleMimpl: .цфкз рщьу [16:06:28] Yunia issued server command: /ejoin [16:06:34] [G] Condesce: !Нужно очистить инвентари и прописать /ejoin [16:06:39] [G] Condesce: !И за победу даются награды [16:06:43] SHIZAFRENIAA issued server command: /randomtp [16:06:43] SHIZAFRENIAA issued server command: /rtp [16:06:56] [G] SHIZAFRENIAA: !найдите маг гнома пж [16:07:03] SHIZAFRENIAA issued server command: /playtime [16:07:18] bumhik issued server command: /tp SHIZAFRENIAA [16:07:20] SHIZAFRENIAA issued server command: /randomtp [16:07:20] SHIZAFRENIAA issued server command: /rtp [16:07:25] bumhik issued server command: /tp SHIZAFRENIAA [16:07:26] [G] Condesce: !Яйцо призыва мага можно выбить на рулетке на /warp casin [16:07:33] [L] Bikqwe: Походу начинай [16:07:35] [L] SHIZAFRENIAA: юф [16:07:35] [G] Condesce: !!мага гнома* [16:07:41] SHIZAFRENIAA issued server command: /warp casino [16:07:48] [G] Condesce: !ну, в целом гнома, для клетки [16:07:51] [L] Condesce: &cСтартую [16:07:53] SHIZAFRENIAA issued server command: /warp casin [16:07:55] SHIZAFRENIAA issued server command: /we cui [16:07:55] Condesce issued server command: /estart [16:07:56] Healthy вышел [16:08:31] bumhik issued server command: /home [16:08:42] SHIZAFRENIAA issued server command: /randomtp [16:08:42] SHIZAFRENIAA issued server command: /rtp [16:08:43] SHIZAFRENIAA issued server command: /home [16:08:45] SHIZAFRENIAA issued server command: /we cui [16:08:48] Yunia issued server command: /tpa SimpleMimpl [16:08:52] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /tpaccept [16:08:52] [L] SimpleMimpl: .езфссузе [16:08:59] [L] Zero09: 'n xt [16:09:02] [L] SimpleMimpl: ой [16:09:04] Condesce issued server command: /gm 1 [16:09:04] [L] SimpleMimpl: пасиба [16:09:04] Condesce issued server command: /thru [16:09:05] [L] Zero09: эт че [16:09:07] Yunia issued server command: /home [16:09:11] bumhik вышел [16:09:15] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /heal [16:09:25] bumhik зашёл [16:09:27] [G] SimpleMimpl: !давайте ночь сделаем все дружно [16:09:28] bumhik issued server command: /we cui [16:09:30] Condesce issued server command: /thru [16:09:31] Condesce issued server command: /thru [16:09:42] Condesce issued server command: /ereward Zero09 [16:09:45] Condesce issued server command: /estop [16:09:58] Condesce issued server command: /bc Продолжение ивентов после рестарта! [16:10:03] Jabuti issued server command: /home [16:10:04] Jabuti issued server command: /we cui [16:10:05] Zero09 issued server command: /home [16:10:07] Zero09 issued server command: /we cui [16:10:17] Loki_69709 issued server command: /home [16:10:18] Loki_69709 issued server command: /we cui [16:10:21] Yunia issued server command: /randomtp [16:10:21] Yunia issued server command: /rtp [16:10:28] SHIZAFRENIAA issued server command: /home [16:10:34] [G] SimpleMimpl: !Куплю обычные куринные яйца, либо яйцо призыва курицы [16:10:37] Yunia issued server command: /home [16:10:41] Zero09 issued server command: /kit eat [16:10:44] Yunia issued server command: /warp shop [16:10:45] Yunia issued server command: /we cui [16:10:49] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /home [16:10:53] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /we cui [16:10:58] Exile45 issued server command: /home [16:11:02] [L] Bikqwe: чел....... [16:11:18] bumhik вышел [16:11:26] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /warp home [16:11:26] [L] SimpleMimpl: .цфкз рщьу [16:11:41] Jabuti issued server command: /rpt [16:11:42] Jabuti issued server command: /tp [16:11:44] Jabuti issued server command: /randomtp [16:11:44] Jabuti issued server command: /rtp [16:11:45] Yunia issued server command: /m SimpleMimpl яйцо призыва за 16 пойдёт тебе? [16:11:46] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /home [16:11:48] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /we cui [16:11:49] [G] SimpleMimpl: !да [16:12:04] [L] Mass1ime: Круто [16:12:14] [G] Mass1ime: !отошёл покушать, и ивент [16:12:20] [G] Mass1ime: !Круто [16:12:21] Yunia issued server command: /tpa SimpleMimpl [16:12:24] [G] Bikqwe: !Та не парься [16:12:28] [G] Bikqwe: !Сейчас ещё будут [16:12:31] [G] Bikqwe: !После рестарта [16:12:33] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /tpaccept [16:12:33] [L] SimpleMimpl: .езфссузе [16:12:34] [G] Mass1ime: !и толк? [16:12:35] Yunia issued server command: /we cui [16:12:43] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /money pay Yunia 16 [16:12:45] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /money [16:12:46] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /money top [16:12:48] [G] Loki_69709: !мы ток 1 ивент пройшли [16:12:56] [G] Condesce: !Пока только 1 [16:12:57] [G] Jabuti: ! после рестарта будут остальные [16:13:05] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /home [16:13:08] SHIZAFRENIAA issued server command: /eat [16:13:23] Yunia issued server command: /home [16:13:23] SHIZAFRENIAA issued server command: /randomtp [16:13:23] SHIZAFRENIAA issued server command: /rtp [16:13:26] [G] Mass1ime: !а слитки дивана не все с минценой? [16:13:34] Jabuti issued server command: /home [16:13:37] [G] Condesce: !не все с мин ценой [16:13:44] Yunia issued server command: /randomtp [16:13:44] Yunia issued server command: /rtp [16:13:47] Yunia issued server command: /home [16:13:49] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /m Condesce Арина, для вампира как называется эта граната [16:13:53] Loki_69709 issued server command: //sel [16:13:59] Condesce issued server command: /r солнечная, кварцевая [16:14:00] [G] SimpleMimpl: !всё нашёло [16:14:05] [G] SimpleMimpl: !на англ) [16:14:12] [G] Loki_69709: !молот кто продаст? [16:14:20] [G] Loki_69709: !обычный из адского камня [16:14:22] AYLIEXEC был кикнут [16:14:22] AYLIEXEC вышел [16:14:22] Scilla был кикнут [16:14:22] Scilla вышел [16:14:22] Jabuti был кикнут [16:14:22] Jabuti вышел [16:14:22] Exile45 был кикнут [16:14:22] Exile45 вышел [16:14:22] Loki_69709 был кикнут [16:14:22] Loki_69709 вышел [16:14:22] Bukycbka был кикнут [16:14:22] Bukycbka вышел [16:14:22] SimpleMimpl был кикнут [16:14:22] SimpleMimpl вышел [16:14:22] Yunia был кикнут [16:14:22] Yunia вышел [16:14:22] BOBAHBEPTYXA был кикнут [16:14:22] BOBAHBEPTYXA вышел [16:14:22] Nekit192 был кикнут [16:14:22] Nekit192 вышел [16:14:22] Condesce был кикнут [16:14:22] Condesce вышел [16:14:22] KitKas был кикнут [16:14:22] KitKas вышел [16:14:22] Mautil был кикнут [16:14:22] Mautil вышел [16:14:22] H00DRICH был кикнут [16:14:22] H00DRICH вышел [16:14:22] Mass1ime был кикнут [16:14:22] Mass1ime вышел [16:14:22] SHIZAFRENIAA был кикнут [16:14:22] SHIZAFRENIAA вышел [16:14:22] Zero09 был кикнут [16:14:22] Zero09 вышел [16:14:22] xx_VR_xxx был кикнут [16:14:22] xx_VR_xxx вышел [16:14:22] Bikqwe был кикнут [16:14:22] Bikqwe вышел [16:14:26] Сервер выключился [16:15:16] Сервер включился [16:15:36] xx_VR_xxx зашёл [16:15:36] Jabuti зашёл [16:15:37] Condesce зашёл [16:15:38] Jabuti issued server command: /we cui [16:15:39] Bikqwe зашёл [16:15:40] Condesce issued server command: /we cui [16:15:40] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /we cui [16:15:48] AYLIEXEC зашёл [16:15:49] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /we cui [16:15:53] H00DRICH зашёл [16:15:53] Bikqwe issued server command: /we cui [16:15:55] H00DRICH issued server command: /we cui [16:15:59] Bikqwe issued server command: /ejoin [16:16:02] Zero09 зашёл [16:16:02] Yunia зашёл [16:16:04] Yunia issued server command: /we cui [16:16:04] Zero09 issued server command: /we cui [16:16:09] Zero09 issued server command: /ejoin [16:16:25] Loki_69709 зашёл [16:16:27] Loki_69709 issued server command: /we cui [16:16:30] Zero09 issued server command: /ejoin [16:16:32] SHIZAFRENIAA зашёл [16:16:34] SHIZAFRENIAA issued server command: /we cui [16:16:35] Condesce issued server command: /enew tntrun [16:16:37] Bikqwe issued server command: /ejoin [16:16:37] Condesce issued server command: /ejoin [16:16:37] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /ejoin [16:16:39] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /we cui [16:16:41] Loki_69709 issued server command: /eobs [16:16:41] Zero09 issued server command: /ejoin\ [16:16:42] Condesce issued server command: /ejoin [16:16:43] Loki_69709 issued server command: /we cui [16:16:43] Zero09 issued server command: /ejoin [16:16:45] Zero09 issued server command: /we cui [16:16:46] Condesce issued server command: /gm 0 [16:16:48] SimpleMimpl зашёл [16:16:50] Jabuti issued server command: /ejoun [16:16:50] SHIZAFRENIAA issued server command: /kit [16:16:51] Loki_69709 issued server command: /ejoin [16:16:52] Jabuti issued server command: /ejoin [16:16:52] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /we cui [16:16:53] SHIZAFRENIAA issued server command: /eat [16:16:53] Jabuti issued server command: /we cui [16:17:00] H00DRICH issued server command: /ejoin [16:17:01] H00DRICH issued server command: /we cui [16:17:05] [G] Condesce: !ивенты запущены! /ejoin чтобы зайти! [16:17:12] Exile45 зашёл [16:17:15] Exile45 issued server command: /we cui [16:17:16] Yunia issued server command: /ejoin [16:17:17] Yunia issued server command: /we cui [16:17:18] [L] Condesce: &cСтартую [16:17:22] Mautil зашёл [16:17:23] Condesce issued server command: /estart [16:17:25] Mautil issued server command: /we cui [16:17:35] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /we cui [16:17:43] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /warp home [16:17:43] [L] SimpleMimpl: .цфкз рщьу [16:17:46] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /we cui [16:18:02] [L] Bikqwe: чел... [16:18:03] Condesce issued server command: /ereward Jabuti [16:18:08] Condesce issued server command: /estop [16:18:10] Zero09 issued server command: /ejoin [16:18:11] Condesce issued server command: /enew Listva [16:18:11] H00DRICH issued server command: /ejoin [16:18:12] Loki_69709 issued server command: /ejoin [16:18:12] Zero09 issued server command: /ejoin [16:18:13] H00DRICH issued server command: /ejoin [16:18:13] Condesce issued server command: /ejoin [16:18:13] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /ejoin [16:18:15] Jabuti issued server command: /ejoin [16:18:15] H00DRICH issued server command: /ejoin [16:18:17] [L] Bikqwe: Мне бы самому удержаться на блоках [16:18:19] SHIZAFRENIAA issued server command: /randomtp [16:18:19] SHIZAFRENIAA issued server command: /rtp [16:18:19] Bikqwe issued server command: /ejoin [16:18:20] [L] Mautil: можешь нафармить эндеров, жемчуги именно в энде [16:18:20] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /we cui [16:18:24] [L] Bikqwe: А ты ещё и подрезаешь [16:18:26] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /fly [16:18:26] [L] SimpleMimpl: .адн [16:18:27] Yunia issued server command: /ejoin [16:18:32] Yunia issued server command: /ejoin [16:18:36] [L] Jabuti: ты мне ? [16:18:38] SHIZAFRENIAA issued server command: /randomtp [16:18:38] SHIZAFRENIAA issued server command: /rtp [16:18:40] Exile45 issued server command: /ejoin [16:18:40] Mass1ime зашёл [16:18:41] Exile45 issued server command: /we cui [16:18:43] [L] Bikqwe: Получается [16:18:44] Mass1ime issued server command: /we cui [16:18:49] SHIZAFRENIAA issued server command: /home [16:18:49] [G] Condesce: !Ждем еще кого-то на ивенты? [16:18:50] Yunia issued server command: /ejoin [16:18:52] [G] SHIZAFRENIAA: !z [16:18:54] [G] Mass1ime: !аа [16:18:54] [G] SHIZAFRENIAA: !я [16:18:56] [G] Mass1ime: !опять [16:19:04] [L] Bikqwe: чел... [16:19:08] [G] Mass1ime: !команду можно? [16:19:10] SHIZAFRENIAA issued server command: /ejoin [16:19:12] SHIZAFRENIAA issued server command: /we cui [16:19:35] [L] Bikqwe: Начинай [16:19:41] [L] Condesce: &cСтартую [16:19:41] [G] Mass1ime: !Мм [16:19:43] Condesce issued server command: /estart [16:19:51] [G] Mass1ime: !круто [16:19:58] [G] Mass1ime: !ещё ивент прозивал [16:20:00] Mautil issued server command: /we cui [16:20:19] Scilla зашёл [16:20:21] [L] Condesce: SHIZAFRENIAA [16:20:22] Scilla issued server command: /we cui [16:20:24] Scilla issued server command: /home [16:20:25] [L] SHIZAFRENIAA: а [16:20:27] [L] Condesce: мут чата? [16:20:33] [L] SHIZAFRENIAA: за что [16:20:39] [L] SHIZAFRENIAA: я же не в чат писал [16:20:42] [L] Condesce: за войс с матом) [16:20:43] Mautil issued server command: /home [16:20:45] Mautil issued server command: /we cui [16:21:16] Scilla issued server command: /voteday [16:21:20] Mass1ime issued server command: /yes [16:21:23] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /no [16:21:27] Scilla issued server command: /server [16:21:28] [L] Bikqwe: чел... [16:21:33] [L] Condesce: AYLIEXEC выиграл т.к. худрич завис [16:21:36] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /warp home [16:21:36] [L] SimpleMimpl: .цфкз рщьу [16:21:39] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /we cui [16:21:39] Condesce issued server command: /ereward AYLIEXEC [16:21:40] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /home [16:21:41] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /we cui [16:21:42] [G] SimpleMimpl: !не нада днь [16:21:42] Mass1ime вышел [16:21:43] [G] SimpleMimpl: !вы что [16:21:45] [G] SimpleMimpl: !я же умру [16:21:50] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /ejoin [16:21:51] Condesce issued server command: /estop [16:21:52] Condesce issued server command: /enew Kovriki [16:21:53] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /ejoin [16:21:53] Condesce issued server command: /ejoin [16:21:54] Zero09 issued server command: /ejoin [16:21:54] Loki_69709 issued server command: /ejoin [16:21:54] [G] Bikqwe: !Вампирыш [16:21:55] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /we cui [16:21:56] H00DRICH issued server command: /ejoin [16:21:57] SHIZAFRENIAA issued server command: /ejoin [16:21:58] Bikqwe issued server command: /ejoin [16:21:59] Condesce issued server command: /ejoin [16:21:59] Jabuti issued server command: /ejoin [16:22:00] Yunia issued server command: /ejoin [16:22:00] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /enderchest [16:22:00] [L] SimpleMimpl: .утвуксруые [16:22:04] SHIZAFRENIAA issued server command: /ejoin [16:22:10] [L] Bikqwe: Время дальтонику выйграть в ковриках) [16:22:12] Exile45 issued server command: /ejoin [16:22:23] [L] Condesce: &cСтартую [16:22:25] Exile45 issued server command: /ejoin [16:22:25] Condesce issued server command: /estart [16:23:22] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /time [16:23:22] [L] SimpleMimpl: .ешьу [16:23:26] [L] SimpleMimpl: время [16:23:28] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /dhtvz [16:23:28] [L] SimpleMimpl: .время [16:23:41] Bikqwe issued server command: /money [16:23:43] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /fly [16:23:43] [L] SimpleMimpl: .адн [16:23:51] Condesce issued server command: /ereward H00DRICH [16:23:52] Yunia issued server command: /money [16:23:53] Condesce issued server command: /estop [16:23:55] Yunia issued server command: /money top [16:23:55] Condesce issued server command: /enew Kovriki [16:23:56] Zero09 issued server command: /ejoin [16:23:57] Jabuti issued server command: /ejoin [16:23:57] H00DRICH issued server command: /ejoin [16:23:58] SHIZAFRENIAA issued server command: /ejoin [16:23:59] [L] Bikqwe: Condesce а награду за ивенты можно покупать? [16:24:00] Loki_69709 issued server command: /ejoin [16:24:00] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /ejoin [16:24:01] SHIZAFRENIAA issued server command: /mpcaseshop [16:24:01] Bikqwe issued server command: /ejoin [16:24:04] [L] Condesce: да [16:24:06] Yunia issued server command: /ejoin [16:24:07] Exile45 issued server command: /ejoin [16:24:08] [L] Condesce: не меньше 16 эмов [16:24:13] [G] Bikqwe: !Скупаю награду за ивенты [16:24:13] Condesce issued server command: /ejoin [16:24:17] Mautil issued server command: /home [16:24:18] [L] Condesce: &cУскоренные [16:24:19] [G] Bikqwe: !1шт -20 эмов [16:24:23] [G] SimpleMimpl: !))) [16:24:30] [L] Condesce: &cСтартую [16:24:35] Condesce issued server command: /estart fast [16:24:37] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /enderchest [16:24:37] [L] SimpleMimpl: .утвуксруые [16:24:41] Condesce issued server command: /gm 1 [16:24:41] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /home [16:24:41] [L] SimpleMimpl: .рщьу [16:24:50] Condesce issued server command: /thru [16:24:59] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /warp home [16:24:59] [L] SimpleMimpl: .цфкз рщьу [16:25:04] Condesce issued server command: /thru [16:25:08] [L] Condesce: H00DRICH [16:25:11] [G] SimpleMimpl: !можно постоянно ночь пожалйста [16:25:13] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /god [16:25:13] [L] SimpleMimpl: .пщв [16:25:13] [L] Condesce: интернет лагает? [16:25:14] BOBAHBEPTYXA зашёл [16:25:15] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /god [16:25:15] [L] SimpleMimpl: .пщв [16:25:15] [L] H00DRICH: + [16:25:17] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /we cui [16:25:30] Condesce issued server command: /ereward Exile45 [16:25:33] Condesce issued server command: /estop [16:25:33] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /m Yunia Слушай, можешь штучек 5-10 чистого стекла дать срочненько) [16:25:34] Condesce issued server command: /enew TNTBow [16:25:36] H00DRICH issued server command: /ejoin [16:25:36] Zero09 issued server command: /ejoin [16:25:37] Bikqwe issued server command: /ejoin [16:25:38] Loki_69709 issued server command: /ejoin [16:25:41] Jabuti issued server command: /ejoin [16:25:43] SHIZAFRENIAA issued server command: /ejoin [16:25:44] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /enjoin [16:25:46] Yunia issued server command: /home [16:25:48] Yunia issued server command: /we cui [16:25:48] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /ejoin [16:25:50] Condesce issued server command: /m SimpleMimpl нельзя) [16:25:52] Condesce issued server command: /ejoin [16:25:54] Exile45 issued server command: /ejoin [16:25:55] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /ejoin [16:25:57] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /ejoin [16:25:59] Condesce issued server command: /gm 0 [16:25:59] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /we cui [16:26:01] Yunia issued server command: /tpa SimpleMimpl [16:26:03] [L] Bikqwe: Condesce А ты можешь сделать 3 круга? [16:26:06] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /tpaccept [16:26:06] [L] SimpleMimpl: .езфссузе [16:26:08] [L] Condesce: нет [16:26:10] [L] SimpleMimpl: чуть не сгорел [16:26:13] [L] SimpleMimpl: о [16:26:14] [L] SimpleMimpl: стой [16:26:14] Nekit192 зашёл [16:26:14] Yunia issued server command: /ejoin [16:26:16] Yunia issued server command: /we cui [16:26:16] [L] Condesce: &cСтартую [16:26:18] Nekit192 issued server command: /we cui [16:26:21] Condesce issued server command: /estart [16:26:56] Yunia issued server command: /m SimpleMimpl чего хотел-то? [16:27:00] [L] Bikqwe: А [16:27:04] [L] Bikqwe: Спринт [16:27:32] Exile45 issued server command: /money [16:27:34] Exile45 issued server command: /money top [16:28:04] [L] Bikqwe: Мне нравится люди стреляют [16:28:07] Mass1ime зашёл [16:28:10] [L] Bikqwe: И они падают [16:28:17] [L] Bikqwe: Бегаешь по тебе стреляют [16:28:20] [L] Bikqwe: Ты падаешь [16:28:32] Condesce issued server command: /ereward H00DRICH [16:28:34] Condesce issued server command: /estop [16:28:34] Condesce issued server command: /enew Archery [16:28:35] Zero09 issued server command: /ejoin [16:28:35] Loki_69709 issued server command: /ejoin [16:28:36] Jabuti issued server command: /ejoin [16:28:36] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /ejoin [16:28:37] Condesce issued server command: /ejoin [16:28:37] H00DRICH issued server command: /ejoin [16:28:39] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /ejoin [16:28:40] SHIZAFRENIAA issued server command: /ejoin [16:28:46] [G] Bikqwe: !Скупаю награду за ивенты. 20эмов за штуку [16:28:46] Yunia issued server command: /ejoin [16:28:48] Bikqwe issued server command: /ejoin [16:28:54] Mass1ime issued server command: /we cui [16:28:54] Exile45 issued server command: /ejoin [16:29:04] [L] BOBAHBEPTYXA: Что на этом ивенте делать? [16:29:07] [L] Condesce: &cСтартую [16:29:07] [L] BOBAHBEPTYXA: Где лук? [16:29:09] [L] Jabuti: стрелять [16:29:09] [G] Mass1ime: !Lf xnj [16:29:12] Mautil issued server command: /home [16:29:12] Condesce issued server command: /estart 95 [16:29:14] Mass1ime issued server command: /eobs [16:29:17] Mass1ime issued server command: /we cui [16:29:42] [G] Mass1ime: !Я опять неуспел [16:29:45] [G] Mass1ime: !что за карма? [16:29:58] [G] SimpleMimpl: !Юня [16:29:58] Mautil issued server command: /home [16:30:00] [G] SimpleMimpl: !ты же в деревне [16:30:02] [G] SimpleMimpl: !там жители есть?) [16:30:25] Condesce issued server command: /ereward Loki_69709 [16:30:30] Condesce issued server command: /estop [16:30:32] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /fly [16:30:32] [L] SimpleMimpl: .адн [16:30:35] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /god [16:30:35] [L] SimpleMimpl: .пщв [16:30:36] [L] Condesce: второй круг будем? [16:30:37] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /god [16:30:37] [L] SimpleMimpl: .пщв [16:30:42] [L] Bikqwe: + [16:30:42] SHIZAFRENIAA issued server command: /home [16:30:44] SHIZAFRENIAA issued server command: /we cui [16:30:45] [L] Mass1ime: =_= [16:30:47] Exile45 issued server command: /home [16:30:49] Exile45 issued server command: /we cui [16:30:53] [L] Condesce: BOBAHBEPTYXA [16:30:58] [L] Condesce: запись идет [16:30:58] Mautil issued server command: /we cui [16:31:04] StackZs зашёл [16:31:05] [L] Condesce: хахахаха [16:31:10] [L] Condesce: ладно [16:31:17] [G] Condesce: ! &cНа ивентах не материтесь! [16:31:19] StackZs issued server command: /we cui [16:31:20] SHIZAFRENIAA issued server command: /randomtp [16:31:20] SHIZAFRENIAA issued server command: /rtp [16:31:21] Exile45 issued server command: /warp shop [16:31:22] Exile45 issued server command: /we cui [16:31:23] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /heal [16:31:23] [L] SimpleMimpl: .руфд [16:31:24] [L] Condesce: второй круг будем? [16:31:25] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /heal [16:31:25] [L] SimpleMimpl: .руфд [16:31:26] [L] Mass1ime: обязательно блинб [16:31:26] [L] Bikqwe: + [16:31:31] [L] Bikqwe: Двигайтесь [16:31:33] Condesce issued server command: /enew spleef [16:31:36] Condesce issued server command: /ejoin [16:31:36] Loki_69709 issued server command: /ejoin [16:31:37] Jabuti issued server command: /ejoin [16:31:38] Zero09 issued server command: /ejoin [16:31:38] StackZs issued server command: /ejoin [16:31:39] Mass1ime issued server command: /ejoin [16:31:40] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /ejoin [16:31:40] Bikqwe issued server command: /ejoin [16:31:41] StackZs issued server command: /ec [16:31:43] Yunia issued server command: /ejoin [16:31:48] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /randomtp [16:31:48] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /rtp [16:31:48] [L] SimpleMimpl: .кез [16:31:50] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /ejoin [16:31:54] StackZs issued server command: /kit [16:32:10] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /randomtp [16:32:10] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /rtp [16:32:10] [L] SimpleMimpl: .кез [16:32:12] H00DRICH issued server command: /ejoin [16:32:15] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /randomtp [16:32:15] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /rtp [16:32:15] [L] SimpleMimpl: .кез [16:32:18] [L] Condesce: &cСтартую [16:32:19] StackZs issued server command: /randomtp [16:32:19] StackZs issued server command: /rtp [16:32:21] Condesce issued server command: /estart [16:32:22] StackZs issued server command: /sethome [16:32:28] SHIZAFRENIAA issued server command: /eat [16:32:28] [L] SHIZAFRENIAA: .уфе [16:32:28] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /randomtp [16:32:28] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /rtp [16:32:28] [L] SimpleMimpl: .кез [16:32:32] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /heal [16:32:32] [L] SimpleMimpl: .руфд [16:32:34] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /randomtp [16:32:34] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /rtp [16:32:34] [L] SimpleMimpl: .кез [16:32:39] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /randomtp [16:32:39] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /rtp [16:32:39] [L] SimpleMimpl: .кез [16:32:40] StackZs issued server command: /clear [16:32:40] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /randomtp [16:32:40] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /rtp [16:32:40] [L] SimpleMimpl: .кез [16:32:41] StackZs issued server command: /ejoin [16:32:44] StackZs issued server command: /eobs [16:32:46] [L] Zero09: ты издеваешься [16:32:47] [G] SimpleMimpl: !есть рядом с кем деревня [16:32:47] StackZs issued server command: /we cui [16:32:52] SHIZAFRENIAA issued server command: /warp shop [16:32:54] SHIZAFRENIAA issued server command: /we cui [16:32:54] [L] Zero09: у тебя блоки на ивенте в прривате [16:32:56] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /mpcaseshop [16:32:57] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /mpcaseview 70 [16:32:58] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /buycase 70 [16:32:59] [L] Condesce: StackZs, опа [16:33:00] [L] StackZs: не успев [16:33:01] [L] Zero09: я не могу чела скинуть [16:33:04] [L] StackZs: Привет [16:33:07] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /heal [16:33:07] [L] SimpleMimpl: .руфд [16:33:10] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /htalme [16:33:10] [L] SimpleMimpl: .рефдьу [16:33:13] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /healme [16:33:13] [L] SimpleMimpl: .руфдьу [16:33:16] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /randomtp [16:33:16] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /rtp [16:33:16] [L] SimpleMimpl: .кез [16:33:41] Condesce issued server command: /gm 1 [16:33:41] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /randomtp [16:33:41] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /rtp [16:33:41] [L] SimpleMimpl: .кез [16:33:41] Condesce issued server command: /thru [16:33:51] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /heal [16:33:51] [L] SimpleMimpl: .руфд [16:33:52] SHIZAFRENIAA issued server command: /money [16:33:53] Exile45 issued server command: /money [16:33:57] Condesce issued server command: /thru [16:33:58] SHIZAFRENIAA issued server command: /home [16:34:00] Condesce issued server command: /gm 0 [16:34:00] SHIZAFRENIAA issued server command: /we cui [16:34:08] [L] Mass1ime: толк в углу мне стоять было [16:34:09] SHIZAFRENIAA issued server command: /randomtp [16:34:09] SHIZAFRENIAA issued server command: /rtp [16:34:14] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /tpa Mautil [16:34:17] Mautil issued server command: /tpyes [16:34:20] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /we cui [16:34:22] [L] Mautil: запривать эту хуйню [16:34:25] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /warp home [16:34:32] [L] xx_VR_xxx: ofc [16:34:56] [L] Condesce: это нпс [16:35:02] StackZs issued server command: /eobs [16:35:10] SHIZAFRENIAA issued server command: /m Exile45 ./money pay ник сумма [16:35:11] [L] Zero09: кондеска настрой ивент [16:35:16] SHIZAFRENIAA issued server command: /randomtp [16:35:16] SHIZAFRENIAA issued server command: /rtp [16:35:18] [L] Zero09: блоки крайние не ломаются [16:35:29] [L] Condesce: настрою [16:35:29] SHIZAFRENIAA issued server command: /eatr [16:35:31] SHIZAFRENIAA issued server command: /eat [16:35:35] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /home [16:35:35] [L] SimpleMimpl: .рщьу [16:35:53] SHIZAFRENIAA issued server command: /randomtp [16:35:53] SHIZAFRENIAA issued server command: /rtp [16:35:54] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /warp home [16:35:54] [L] SimpleMimpl: .цфкз рщьу [16:35:55] [L] xx_VR_xxx: топор бы взял ых [16:36:00] [G] Exile45: ! ЭУУУУ куплю осмат цену обсудим на месте !!!!!! [16:36:01] [L] Mautil: для него 1 череп надо [16:36:08] [L] Condesce: &cСейчас награда будет выдаваться игроку который упал до вас [16:36:14] [L] Bikqwe: Соло [16:36:15] [L] Mautil: неси рычаг [16:36:16] [L] Mass1ime: а какая буква говорить? [16:36:17] Condesce issued server command: /ereward Bikqwe [16:36:21] Condesce issued server command: /estop [16:36:22] Condesce issued server command: /enew tntrun [16:36:22] SHIZAFRENIAA issued server command: /randomtp [16:36:22] SHIZAFRENIAA issued server command: /rtp [16:36:23] Jabuti issued server command: /ejoin [16:36:23] Bikqwe issued server command: /ejoin [16:36:23] H00DRICH issued server command: /ejoin [16:36:24] Condesce issued server command: /ejoin [16:36:25] [L] xx_VR_xxx: щас [16:36:25] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /ejoin [16:36:26] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /home [16:36:27] H00DRICH issued server command: /ejoin [16:36:28] Loki_69709 issued server command: /ejoin [16:36:28] Mass1ime issued server command: /ejoin [16:36:29] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /we cui [16:36:29] StackZs issued server command: /ejoin [16:36:30] Yunia issued server command: /ejoin [16:36:30] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /ejoin [16:36:33] Zero09 issued server command: /ejoin [16:36:34] [G] SimpleMimpl: !Срочно куплю 20 золота [16:36:36] [G] SimpleMimpl: !за 15 эмов [16:36:37] [L] Mass1ime: не выходит [16:36:37] StackZs issued server command: /ejoin [16:36:46] SHIZAFRENIAA issued server command: /randomtp [16:36:46] SHIZAFRENIAA issued server command: /rtp [16:36:49] SHIZAFRENIAA issued server command: /randomtp [16:36:49] SHIZAFRENIAA issued server command: /rtp [16:36:57] Bikqwe issued server command: /msg SimpleMimpl После этого ивента продам [16:37:02] Bikqwe issued server command: /r 5мин [16:37:02] [L] Condesce: &cСтартую [16:37:06] Exile45 issued server command: /home [16:37:07] Condesce issued server command: /estart [16:37:08] Exile45 issued server command: /we cui [16:37:21] SHIZAFRENIAA issued server command: /eat [16:37:38] [L] Mass1ime: аж залагало [16:37:40] Condesce issued server command: /ereward Jabuti [16:37:42] Condesce issued server command: /estop [16:37:43] Condesce issued server command: /enew Listva [16:37:44] Loki_69709 issued server command: /ejoin [16:37:45] Zero09 issued server command: /ejoin [16:37:45] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /ejoin [16:37:45] H00DRICH issued server command: /ejoin [16:37:45] Condesce issued server command: /ejoin [16:37:46] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /ejoin [16:37:47] Zero09 issued server command: /ejoin [16:37:47] Jabuti issued server command: /ejoin [16:37:47] Yunia issued server command: /ejoin [16:37:48] StackZs issued server command: /ejoin [16:37:48] Mass1ime issued server command: /ejoin [16:37:48] Condesce issued server command: /ejoin [16:37:49] Bikqwe issued server command: /ejoin [16:37:51] Zero09 issued server command: /ejoin [16:37:52] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /tpa Bikqwe [16:37:53] StackZs issued server command: /ejoin [16:37:54] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /ejoin [16:37:56] Bikqwe issued server command: /r Сек [16:38:00] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /ejoin [16:38:01] Jabuti issued server command: /eleave [16:38:02] Bikqwe issued server command: /r Я забыл про этот ивент [16:38:03] Jabuti issued server command: /ejoin [16:38:05] [L] Condesce: &cСтартую [16:38:05] Jabuti issued server command: /ejoin [16:38:07] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /m Bikqwe срочно надо [16:38:08] Jabuti issued server command: /ejoin [16:38:08] Bikqwe issued server command: /r Я на ковры скипну [16:38:12] Condesce issued server command: /estart [16:38:15] Bikqwe issued server command: /r Так срочно? [16:38:16] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /tpa Mass1ime [16:38:19] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /msg Mass1ime упс [16:38:21] [L] Loki_69709: го на коврах стаем рандомно? [16:38:22] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /tpa Mautil [16:38:23] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /m Bikqwe да я днём не могу ходить [16:38:26] Condesce issued server command: /gm 1 [16:38:27] Mautil issued server command: /tpyes [16:38:30] [L] Jabuti: вставай [16:38:31] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /we cui [16:38:38] SHIZAFRENIAA issued server command: /randomtp [16:38:38] SHIZAFRENIAA issued server command: /rtp [16:38:40] SHIZAFRENIAA issued server command: /playtime [16:38:54] [L] SHIZAFRENIAA: e/at [16:38:56] [L] Yunia: gj rfrjve ghbywbge kbcndf hf,jnftn& [16:38:56] SHIZAFRENIAA issued server command: /eat [16:39:04] [L] Mass1ime: ааа [16:39:07] [L] Mautil: заприватил? [16:39:07] Yunia issued server command: /gj rfrjve ghbywbge kbcndf hf,jnftn? [16:39:10] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /msg SimpleMimpl еще покупаешь? [16:39:14] [L] xx_VR_xxx: еще нет [16:39:15] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /home [16:39:17] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /we cui [16:39:22] Condesce issued server command: /oi Zero09 [16:39:22] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /m xx_VR_xxx да [16:39:23] Bikqwe issued server command: /home [16:39:24] [L] Yunia: по какому прниципу листва работает? [16:39:25] Bikqwe issued server command: /we cui [16:39:26] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /tpa xx_VR_xxx [16:39:28] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /r щас [16:39:28] Yunia issued server command: /ejoin [16:39:29] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /tpyes [16:39:31] Condesce issued server command: /oi Zero09 [16:39:34] Yunia issued server command: /ejoin [16:39:37] Bikqwe issued server command: /tpa SimpleMimpl [16:39:41] [L] SimpleMimpl: о можно я утебя крови попью [16:39:41] [L] xx_VR_xxx: скок там? [16:39:43] [L] xx_VR_xxx: надо было [16:39:46] [L] SimpleMimpl: 20 [16:39:51] Bikqwe issued server command: /tpa SimpleMimpl [16:39:53] Condesce issued server command: /ereward BOBAHBEPTYXA [16:39:56] Condesce issued server command: /estop [16:39:57] Condesce issued server command: /enew Kovriki [16:39:58] Zero09 issued server command: /ejoin [16:39:58] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /ejoin [16:39:59] Jabuti issued server command: /ejoin [16:39:59] Condesce issued server command: /ejoin [16:39:59] H00DRICH issued server command: /ejoin [16:39:59] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /ejoin [16:40:00] [L] Loki_69709: го на коврах стаем рандомно? [16:40:00] Zero09 issued server command: /ejoin [16:40:01] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /money pay xx_VR_xxx 15 [16:40:02] Yunia issued server command: /ejoin [16:40:03] Loki_69709 issued server command: /ejoin [16:40:03] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /warp home [16:40:03] Bikqwe issued server command: /tpa SimpleMimpl [16:40:03] Mass1ime issued server command: /ejoin [16:40:04] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /money [16:40:06] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /ejoin [16:40:06] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /tpaccep[t [16:40:07] Zero09 issued server command: /ejoin [16:40:09] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /tpaccept [16:40:09] StackZs issued server command: /ejoin [16:40:14] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /money pay Bikqwe 15 [16:40:15] Bikqwe issued server command: /ejoin [16:40:16] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /money [16:40:17] Bikqwe issued server command: /we cui [16:40:28] [G] Bikqwe: !Скупаю награду за ивенты. 20эмов за штуку [16:40:39] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /tpa Mautil [16:40:39] SHIZAFRENIAA issued server command: /eat [16:40:44] Mautil issued server command: /tpyes [16:40:47] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /we cui [16:40:48] StackZs issued server command: /ec [16:40:49] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: //chunk [16:40:49] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: //outset 16 [16:40:49] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /zone [16:40:53] [L] Condesce: &cСтартую [16:40:53] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /rg claim dom4ik3 [16:40:56] Condesce issued server command: /estart [16:41:00] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /rg addmember dom4ik3 Mautil [16:41:00] Condesce issued server command: /gm 0 [16:41:02] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: //sel [16:41:06] SHIZAFRENIAA issued server command: /home [16:41:07] [L] Mautil: kk [16:41:10] Mautil issued server command: /home [16:41:12] Mautil issued server command: /we cui [16:41:12] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /home [16:41:15] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /we cui [16:41:41] Yunia issued server command: /home [16:41:42] Yunia issued server command: /we cui [16:41:45] SHIZAFRENIAA issued server command: /warp mining [16:41:47] SHIZAFRENIAA issued server command: /we cui [16:41:49] SHIZAFRENIAA issued server command: /warp end [16:41:51] SHIZAFRENIAA issued server command: /we cui [16:41:52] Yunia issued server command: /money [16:41:55] Yunia issued server command: /money top [16:41:56] [L] StackZs: Лан всем удачи [16:42:01] Yunia issued server command: /playtimetop [16:42:08] Condesce issued server command: /thru [16:42:08] StackZs вышел [16:42:15] Condesce issued server command: /thru [16:42:17] SHIZAFRENIAA issued server command: /we cui [16:42:23] Loki_69709 issued server command: /home [16:42:23] Condesce issued server command: /ereward Jabuti [16:42:25] Loki_69709 issued server command: /we cui [16:42:25] Condesce issued server command: /estop [16:42:26] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /ejoin [16:42:32] Loki_69709 вышел [16:42:32] Condesce issued server command: /enew Kovriki [16:42:32] Bikqwe issued server command: /ejoin [16:42:33] Zero09 issued server command: /ejoin [16:42:33] H00DRICH issued server command: /ejoin [16:42:33] Jabuti issued server command: /ejoin [16:42:33] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /ejoin [16:42:34] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /ejoin [16:42:35] [L] SHIZAFRENIAA: e/at [16:42:35] Mass1ime issued server command: /ejoin [16:42:36] SHIZAFRENIAA issued server command: /eat [16:42:38] [L] Condesce: &6Ускоренные [16:42:39] [L] Mautil: иди фарми перлы [16:42:41] Condesce issued server command: /ejoin [16:42:42] [L] Mautil: дохуя причем [16:42:50] [G] SHIZAFRENIAA: !куплю маг гнома [16:42:59] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /randomtp [16:42:59] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /rtp [16:42:59] [L] SimpleMimpl: .кез [16:43:03] [L] Condesce: BOBAHBEPTYXA [16:43:06] [L] Condesce: без мата [16:43:08] [L] SimpleMimpl: м [16:43:12] [L] Mautil: иди фарми перлы [16:43:13] [L] Mautil: дохуя причем [16:43:19] Zero09 issued server command: /ejoin [16:43:20] [L] Condesce: &cСтартую [16:43:24] Condesce issued server command: /estart fast [16:43:25] [L] SimpleMimpl: м [16:43:25] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /randomtp [16:43:25] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /rtp [16:43:25] [L] SimpleMimpl: .кез [16:43:29] Condesce issued server command: /gm 1 [16:43:30] [L] Mautil: нет такого [16:43:36] [G] SimpleMimpl: !возле кого есть деревня рядом? [16:43:39] Condesce issued server command: /thru [16:43:40] [L] Mautil: он поджигает [16:43:45] [G] Bikqwe: !+ [16:43:48] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /tpa Bikqwe [16:43:50] Bikqwe issued server command: /home [16:43:51] Condesce issued server command: /thru [16:43:52] Bikqwe issued server command: /we cui [16:44:01] Bikqwe issued server command: /tpaccept [16:44:07] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /heal [16:44:07] [L] SimpleMimpl: .руфд [16:44:07] [L] Mautil: из света сделай [16:44:08] [G] SHIZAFRENIAA: !возле кого есть маг гном? [16:44:15] [L] SimpleMimpl: куда [16:44:18] [L] Bikqwe: Cек [16:44:23] Condesce issued server command: /ereward H00DRICH [16:44:25] Condesce issued server command: /estop [16:44:25] [L] SimpleMimpl: слушай дай я у тебя крови попью [16:44:26] Condesce issued server command: /enew TNTBow [16:44:28] Jabuti issued server command: /ejoin [16:44:28] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /ejoin [16:44:28] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /ejoin [16:44:30] Zero09 issued server command: /ejoin [16:44:30] [L] SimpleMimpl: иди сюда [16:44:30] H00DRICH issued server command: /ejoin [16:44:32] Mass1ime issued server command: /ejoin [16:44:34] Condesce issued server command: /ejoin [16:44:41] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /warp end [16:44:41] SHIZAFRENIAA issued server command: /randomtp [16:44:41] SHIZAFRENIAA issued server command: /rtp [16:44:44] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /we cui [16:44:51] Bikqwe issued server command: /MSG Condesce Подожди [16:44:53] [L] SimpleMimpl: ништяк [16:44:55] Condesce issued server command: /r жду [16:44:55] SHIZAFRENIAA issued server command: /warp mining [16:44:56] [L] Bikqwe: Всё? [16:44:57] SHIZAFRENIAA issued server command: /we cui [16:44:57] [L] SimpleMimpl: ага [16:44:59] [L] SimpleMimpl: 4 капельки в тебе [16:45:02] Bikqwe issued server command: /ejoin [16:45:04] Bikqwe issued server command: /we cui [16:45:08] [G] SimpleMimpl: !а деревня то где [16:45:09] [G] SimpleMimpl: !хаха [16:45:09] SHIZAFRENIAA умер (FALL) [16:45:12] xx_VR_xxx умер (ENTITY_ATTACK) [16:45:14] SHIZAFRENIAA issued server command: /we cui [16:45:15] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /we cui [16:45:15] SHIZAFRENIAA issued server command: /warp mining [16:45:18] SHIZAFRENIAA issued server command: /we cui [16:45:19] [L] Bikqwe: В том направлении вродь [16:45:21] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /warp end [16:45:23] [G] Bikqwe: !В том направлении вродь [16:45:24] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /we cui [16:45:41] [L] Bikqwe: го? [16:45:42] [G] SimpleMimpl: !нема [16:45:44] [G] SimpleMimpl: !((( [16:45:45] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /randomtp [16:45:45] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /rtp [16:45:45] [L] SimpleMimpl: .кез [16:45:46] SHIZAFRENIAA issued server command: /home [16:45:48] SHIZAFRENIAA issued server command: /we cui [16:45:54] Condesce issued server command: / OI A [16:45:55] xx_VR_xxx умер (ENTITY_ATTACK) [16:45:56] Condesce issued server command: /OI A [16:46:00] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /we cui [16:46:05] Condesce issued server command: /ЩШ О [16:46:05] [G] xx_VR_xxx: ! Solidno [16:46:06] Bikqwe issued server command: /msg SimpleMimpl Тогда сорри [16:46:07] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /warp end [16:46:08] Condesce issued server command: /OI AYLIEXEC [16:46:10] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /we cui [16:46:13] [G] SimpleMimpl: !да меня лилит чуть не убила) [16:46:15] Condesce issued server command: /OI JA [16:46:16] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /randomtp [16:46:16] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /rtp [16:46:16] [L] SimpleMimpl: .кез [16:46:19] xx_VR_xxx умер (ENTITY_EXPLOSION) [16:46:23] [L] Bikqwe: Начинай [16:46:25] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /we cui [16:46:25] [L] Condesce: &cСтартую [16:46:28] Condesce issued server command: /estart [16:46:34] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /randomtp [16:46:34] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /rtp [16:46:34] [L] SimpleMimpl: .кез [16:46:37] [L] Bikqwe: Понял [16:46:39] SHIZAFRENIAA issued server command: /kit start [16:46:39] [G] xx_VR_xxx: ! Мне кажется или ендерменов надо нерфить чуток [16:46:42] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /warp end [16:46:43] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /randomtp [16:46:43] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /rtp [16:46:43] [L] SimpleMimpl: .кез [16:46:44] KitKas зашёл [16:46:44] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /we cui [16:46:47] [G] Bikqwe: !Скупаю награду за ивенты. 40эмов за штуку [16:46:51] KitKas issued server command: /we cui [16:46:52] [G] Bikqwe: !Цена всё выше [16:46:54] SHIZAFRENIAA issued server command: /kit [16:46:54] [G] SimpleMimpl: !Вроде так много людей, дайте деревню возле кого есть [16:46:56] xx_VR_xxx умер (ENTITY_EXPLOSION) [16:46:59] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /we cui [16:47:03] Zero09 issued server command: /home [16:47:03] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /money top [16:47:04] Zero09 issued server command: /we cui [16:47:06] H00DRICH issued server command: /home [16:47:08] H00DRICH issued server command: /we cui [16:47:08] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /warp end [16:47:11] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /we cui [16:47:14] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /randomtp [16:47:14] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /rtp [16:47:18] Exile45 issued server command: /kit eat [16:47:26] [G] SimpleMimpl: !то их миллион, то ни 1 [16:47:32] xx_VR_xxx умер (ENTITY_ATTACK) [16:47:37] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /we cui [16:47:37] Zero09 issued server command: /home [16:47:43] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /randomtp [16:47:43] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /rtp [16:47:57] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /warp end [16:48:01] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /we cui [16:48:13] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /randomtp [16:48:13] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /rtp [16:48:18] Condesce issued server command: /ereward Jabuti [16:48:20] Condesce issued server command: /estop [16:48:22] Condesce issued server command: /enew Archery [16:48:24] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /ejoin [16:48:24] Condesce issued server command: /ejoin [16:48:24] Mass1ime issued server command: /ejoin [16:48:27] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /eobs [16:48:28] Jabuti issued server command: /ejoin [16:48:32] xx_VR_xxx умер (ENTITY_ATTACK) [16:48:32] [L] Bikqwe: Всё? [16:48:37] Bikqwe issued server command: /ejoin [16:48:37] Jabuti issued server command: /ejoin [16:48:38] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /we cui [16:48:41] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /ejoin [16:48:45] xx_VR_xxx вышел [16:48:46] Bikqwe issued server command: /money [16:48:51] KitKas issued server command: /money [16:48:54] xx_VR_xxx зашёл [16:48:54] [L] Bikqwe: Это ласт [16:49:05] Condesce issued server command: /gm 0 [16:49:07] Condesce issued server command: /gm 1 [16:49:11] Condesce issued server command: /ejoin [16:49:13] Condesce issued server command: /gm 0 [16:49:14] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /we cui [16:49:17] KitKas issued server command: /randomtp [16:49:17] KitKas issued server command: /rtp [16:49:22] KitKas issued server command: /home [16:49:26] [L] Condesce: &cСтартую [16:49:27] Condesce issued server command: /estart 70 [16:49:27] [L] Mautil: ебут? [16:49:35] [L] Mautil: авхахвха [16:49:36] xx_VR_xxx вышел [16:49:45] xx_VR_xxx зашёл [16:50:28] xx_VR_xxx вышел [16:50:31] Exile45 issued server command: /home [16:50:40] SHIZAFRENIAA вышел [16:50:47] SHIZAFRENIAA зашёл [16:50:50] Condesce issued server command: /ereward Jabuti [16:50:50] SHIZAFRENIAA issued server command: /we cui [16:50:50] Bikqwe issued server command: /msg Jabuti Эмы нужны всем [16:50:53] [L] Mass1ime: =) [16:51:00] Bikqwe issued server command: /r Я предлагаю выгодную цену за них [16:51:03] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /fly [16:51:03] [L] SimpleMimpl: .адн [16:51:05] SHIZAFRENIAA issued server command: /eat [16:51:07] Bikqwe issued server command: /r 40эмов - 1 алмазик [16:51:08] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /warp home [16:51:08] [L] SimpleMimpl: .цфкз рщьу [16:51:19] Zero09 issued server command: /home [16:51:21] Condesce issued server command: /estop [16:51:23] Condesce issued server command: /bc Уважаемые игроки! Ивенты окончены! [16:51:29] SHIZAFRENIAA issued server command: /randomtp [16:51:29] SHIZAFRENIAA issued server command: /rtp [16:51:38] Condesce issued server command: /gm 1 [16:52:18] [G] Mautil: !В чем много praecantatio [16:52:18] SHIZAFRENIAA issued server command: /tpaccept [16:52:19] SHIZAFRENIAA issued server command: /home [16:52:25] [G] Bikqwe: !Скупаю награду за ивенты. 40эмов за штукую. Эмы - игровая валюта необходимая всем .Всего 80 этой [16:52:25] [L] Bikqwe: замечательной игровой валюты оченб мало [16:52:30] [L] Condesce: AYLIEXEC [16:52:40] [G] Bikqwe: !замечательной игровой валюты оченб мало [16:52:57] Condesce issued server command: /thru [16:53:02] [G] Bikqwe: !А я предлагаю за каждую вашу победу 40 эмов [16:53:16] Condesce issued server command: /thru [16:53:21] [G] Bikqwe: !Это почти осмат стол [16:53:27] Condesce issued server command: /s AYLIEXEC [16:53:27] yaroxa_kosolapy зашёл [16:53:46] [G] Mass1ime: !Можно домой идти? [16:53:46] yaroxa_kosolapy issued server command: /we cui [16:53:57] [L] Mass1ime: инцест... [16:53:59] [L] Mass1ime: xD [16:54:04] yaroxa_kosolapy issued server command: /tpa SimpleMimpl [16:54:07] Jabuti вышел [16:54:10] Condesce issued server command: /thru [16:54:12] Bikqwe issued server command: /mpcaseshop [16:54:18] Condesce issued server command: /forcespawn ayliexec [16:54:20] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /we cui [16:54:23] [L] Mass1ime: о [16:54:29] [L] Mass1ime: уже дети амогусы xD [16:54:33] [L] Bikqwe: Condesce Помоги меня что-то преследует [16:54:38] yaroxa_kosolapy issued server command: /tpa SimpleMimpl [16:54:41] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /tpaccept [16:54:41] [L] SimpleMimpl: .езфссузе [16:54:57] [L] SimpleMimpl: стой ты [16:54:59] [L] SimpleMimpl: кровь попью [16:55:00] Exile45 issued server command: /randomtp [16:55:00] Exile45 issued server command: /rtp [16:55:03] xx_VR_xxx зашёл [16:55:05] [L] Bikqwe: ? [16:55:08] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /home [16:55:09] Exile45 issued server command: /home [16:55:16] Condesce issued server command: /tp AYLIEXEC [16:55:18] Condesce issued server command: /we cui [16:55:25] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /we cui [16:55:27] Zero09 issued server command: /home [16:55:32] Mass1ime issued server command: /ejoin [16:55:54] Mass1ime issued server command: /ejoinejoin [16:55:55] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /warp shop [16:55:57] Bikqwe issued server command: /warp shop [16:55:57] [L] yaroxa_kosolapy: меня сделай [16:55:58] Mass1ime issued server command: /ejoin [16:56:01] Nekit192 issued server command: /rg sel [16:56:12] [L] SimpleMimpl: у меня ещё лвл маленький [16:56:12] Nekit192 issued server command: //sel [16:56:26] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /home [16:56:29] Jabuti зашёл [16:56:42] Jabuti issued server command: /we cui [16:56:45] [G] xx_VR_xxx: !куплю нарост 1 штука [16:56:47] H00DRICH issued server command: /home [16:56:47] Mass1ime issued server command: /ejoin [16:56:50] Jabuti issued server command: /home [16:56:50] Mass1ime issued server command: /home [16:56:51] Jabuti issued server command: /we cui [16:57:01] Mass1ime issued server command: /we cui [16:57:05] [L] yaroxa_kosolapy: а как ваще меня сделать [16:57:07] [L] yaroxa_kosolapy: чо нада [16:57:08] Bikqwe issued server command: /money pay BOBAHBEPTYXA 40 [16:57:10] [L] SimpleMimpl: кровь мою выпьешь [16:57:11] [L] SimpleMimpl: и всё [16:57:12] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /mpcaseshop [16:57:13] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /mpcaseview 70 [16:57:13] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /buycase 70 [16:57:14] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /rollcase 70 [16:57:16] SHIZAFRENIAA issued server command: /randomtp [16:57:16] SHIZAFRENIAA issued server command: /rtp [16:57:24] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /mpcaseshop [16:57:25] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /mpcaseview 70 [16:57:25] yaroxa_kosolapy issued server command: /home [16:57:26] [G] Bikqwe: !Скупаю награду за ивенты. 40эмов за штукую. [16:57:26] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /buycase 70 [16:57:27] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /rollcase 70 [16:57:28] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /home [16:57:28] KitKas issued server command: /money [16:57:32] SHIZAFRENIAA issued server command: /randomtp [16:57:32] SHIZAFRENIAA issued server command: /rtp [16:57:41] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /mpcaseshop [16:57:42] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /mpcaseview 70 [16:57:43] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /buycase 70 [16:57:43] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /buycase 70 [16:57:47] KitKas issued server command: /money pay xx_VR_xxx 18 [16:57:47] SHIZAFRENIAA issued server command: /randomtp [16:57:47] SHIZAFRENIAA issued server command: /rtp [16:57:54] Yunia умер (ENTITY_ATTACK) [16:57:54] [L] yaroxa_kosolapy: ко мне [16:57:57] Yunia issued server command: /we cui [16:57:59] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /warp home [16:57:59] [L] SimpleMimpl: .цфкз рщьу [16:57:59] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /home [16:58:01] yaroxa_kosolapy issued server command: /tpaccept [16:58:01] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /we cui [16:58:08] SHIZAFRENIAA issued server command: /eat [16:58:32] [L] SimpleMimpl: всё [16:58:40] [L] yaroxa_kosolapy: еще [16:58:46] [L] SimpleMimpl: сам делай че ты же умный [16:58:48] Mass1ime issued server command: /warp ad [16:58:51] Mass1ime issued server command: /we cui [16:58:52] [L] yaroxa_kosolapy: ага ебт [16:58:57] [L] yaroxa_kosolapy: попробую [16:58:58] SHIZAFRENIAA issued server command: /home [16:59:03] Bikqwe issued server command: /home [16:59:05] Bikqwe issued server command: /we cui [16:59:14] Bikqwe issued server command: /voteday [16:59:14] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /playtime [16:59:17] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /yes [16:59:17] Condesce issued server command: /no [16:59:17] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /yes [16:59:18] SHIZAFRENIAA issued server command: /yes [16:59:19] Zero09 issued server command: /yes [16:59:19] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /no [16:59:19] Jabuti issued server command: /no [16:59:34] Bikqwe issued server command: /randomtp [16:59:34] Bikqwe issued server command: /rtp [16:59:42] [G] SimpleMimpl: !вот вы [16:59:45] [G] SimpleMimpl: !плохие [16:59:46] Zero09 issued server command: /home [16:59:53] [G] Condesce: !Кто? [16:59:54] [G] Condesce: !Я? [16:59:56] [G] SimpleMimpl: !вы все [16:59:59] [G] Bikqwe: !Я за люканов [17:00:04] [G] SimpleMimpl: !меняете ночь на день [17:00:39] H00DRICH issued server command: /randomtp [17:00:39] H00DRICH issued server command: /rtp [17:00:40] H00DRICH issued server command: /home [17:00:46] H00DRICH issued server command: /randomtp [17:00:46] H00DRICH issued server command: /rtp [17:00:47] H00DRICH issued server command: /spawn [17:00:49] H00DRICH issued server command: /we cui [17:00:59] H00DRICH issued server command: /home [17:01:00] H00DRICH issued server command: /we cui [17:01:02] Mass1ime issued server command: /kit eat [17:01:23] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /Money [17:01:36] SHIZAFRENIAA issued server command: /randomtp [17:01:36] SHIZAFRENIAA issued server command: /rtp [17:01:40] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /warp shop [17:01:42] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /we cui [17:01:49] SHIZAFRENIAA issued server command: /УФЕ [17:01:49] [L] SHIZAFRENIAA: .УФЕ [17:01:53] SHIZAFRENIAA issued server command: /eat [17:01:53] [L] SHIZAFRENIAA: .уфе [17:01:58] SHIZAFRENIAA issued server command: /randomtp [17:01:58] SHIZAFRENIAA issued server command: /rtp [17:02:00] SHIZAFRENIAA issued server command: /randomtp [17:02:00] SHIZAFRENIAA issued server command: /rtp [17:02:05] SHIZAFRENIAA issued server command: /randomtp [17:02:05] SHIZAFRENIAA issued server command: /rtp [17:02:18] Bikqwe issued server command: /tpahere SimpleMimpl [17:02:23] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /tpaccept [17:02:23] [L] SimpleMimpl: .езфссузе [17:02:29] [L] SimpleMimpl: а [17:02:34] [L] Bikqwe: Секунду [17:02:36] [L] Bikqwe: Постой [17:02:37] [L] SimpleMimpl: я уже нашёл [17:02:38] [L] SimpleMimpl: деревню [17:02:41] Bikqwe issued server command: /home [17:02:51] Bikqwe issued server command: /tpa SimpleMimpl [17:03:01] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /tpaccept [17:03:01] [L] SimpleMimpl: .езфссузе [17:03:04] [L] yaroxa_kosolapy: деня [17:03:06] [L] SimpleMimpl: ай [17:03:10] [L] Bikqwe: Ты мой друг [17:03:11] [L] yaroxa_kosolapy: набалдашник [17:03:11] [L] Bikqwe: Пока [17:03:14] [L] Bikqwe: Ты мне помог [17:03:16] [L] yaroxa_kosolapy: это что\ [17:03:38] [L] SimpleMimpl: ))) [17:03:47] [L] Bikqwe: Ну блин кирку не взял [17:03:55] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /warp home [17:03:55] [L] SimpleMimpl: .цфкз рщьу [17:04:06] Nekit192 issued server command: /home [17:04:12] [G] BOBAHBEPTYXA: !В какой вкладке изучается конденсатор эссенции? [17:04:22] SHIZAFRENIAA issued server command: /eat [17:04:25] [G] Condesce: !знания древних мастеров Аркан [17:04:25] [L] yaroxa_kosolapy: дура ты то че умираешь [17:04:35] [G] Condesce: !ы* после ускорителя матрицы [17:04:37] [G] BOBAHBEPTYXA: !спасибо [17:04:38] [L] SimpleMimpl: я же не бессмертный [17:04:42] [L] yaroxa_kosolapy: как [17:04:48] SHIZAFRENIAA issued server command: /home [17:05:06] Zero09 убил H00DRICH (DIVINERPG_NIGHTMARESWORD) [17:05:09] H00DRICH issued server command: /we cui [17:05:12] Bikqwe issued server command: /randomtp [17:05:12] Bikqwe issued server command: /rtp [17:05:13] Condesce issued server command: /screenall [17:05:21] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /warp end [17:05:24] [L] SimpleMimpl: жопой об косяк [17:05:24] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /we cui [17:05:26] [L] SimpleMimpl: головой об стенку [17:05:29] [L] SimpleMimpl: писькой об коленку [17:05:42] [L] yaroxa_kosolapy: хочу вампом статб [17:05:43] [L] SimpleMimpl: ты меня своими оружиями не убьёшь [17:05:44] [L] SimpleMimpl: дядя [17:05:55] Condesce вышел [17:05:56] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /enderchest [17:05:56] [L] SimpleMimpl: .утвуксруые [17:05:57] [L] yaroxa_kosolapy: что такое набалдашник [17:06:00] [L] SimpleMimpl: ща [17:06:11] [L] SimpleMimpl: слыш [17:06:11] Mass1ime issued server command: /home [17:06:14] [L] SimpleMimpl: встань под лестницу [17:06:14] Bikqwe issued server command: /randomtp [17:06:14] Bikqwe issued server command: /rtp [17:06:19] Mass1ime issued server command: /we cui [17:06:19] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /tpa yaroxa_kosolapy [17:06:22] yaroxa_kosolapy issued server command: /tpaccept [17:06:28] KitKas issued server command: /randomtp [17:06:28] KitKas issued server command: /rtp [17:06:28] [L] SimpleMimpl: говорю под лестницу [17:06:30] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /fly [17:06:31] Bikqwe issued server command: /randomtp [17:06:31] Bikqwe issued server command: /rtp [17:06:32] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /god [17:06:34] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /pvptoggle [17:06:34] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /pvp [17:06:36] SimpleMimpl убил yaroxa_kosolapy (DIVINERPG_NETHERIUMSWORD) [17:06:39] yaroxa_kosolapy issued server command: /we cui [17:06:46] [L] SimpleMimpl: вфыхфыхыфх [17:06:54] Jabuti issued server command: /home [17:06:56] [L] yaroxa_kosolapy: еблан? [17:06:59] Bikqwe issued server command: /randomtp [17:06:59] Bikqwe issued server command: /rtp [17:07:02] [L] SimpleMimpl: смотри рукой ударю [17:07:03] [L] SimpleMimpl: ясик [17:07:12] [L] yaroxa_kosolapy: 1 [g [17:07:14] Nekit192 issued server command: /rg sel [17:07:15] [L] SimpleMimpl: это только 2 лвл [17:07:16] [L] SimpleMimpl: вампира [17:07:20] [L] yaroxa_kosolapy: 1 хп [17:07:24] Nekit192 issued server command: //sel [17:07:31] SHIZAFRENIAA issued server command: /eat [17:07:33] KitKas вышел [17:07:35] [L] SimpleMimpl: а ты меня побей [17:07:38] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /home [17:07:40] [L] SimpleMimpl: слыш [17:07:42] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /we cui [17:07:49] [L] SimpleMimpl: бей [17:07:51] yaroxa_kosolapy убил SimpleMimpl (DIVINERPG_BLOODCRUSTSWORD) [17:07:54] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /we cui [17:07:58] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /warp home [17:07:58] [L] SimpleMimpl: .цфкз рщьу [17:08:03] [L] yaroxa_kosolapy: ахахахахахахахахахаххахахахахахахахахахахаххахахахахахахахаххахаххаха [17:08:05] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /warp home [17:08:05] [L] SimpleMimpl: .цфкз рщьу [17:08:11] [L] SimpleMimpl: гы [17:08:13] SimpleMimpl убил yaroxa_kosolapy (DIVINERPG_NETHERIUMSWORD) [17:08:16] SimpleMimpl умер (FIRE_TICK) [17:08:16] yaroxa_kosolapy issued server command: /we cui [17:08:20] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /we cui [17:08:23] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /warp home [17:08:23] [L] SimpleMimpl: .цфкз рщьу [17:08:25] [L] yaroxa_kosolapy: ах ты пидор [17:08:30] [L] yaroxa_kosolapy: у тебя мой меч [17:08:32] Bikqwe issued server command: /randomtp [17:08:32] Bikqwe issued server command: /rtp [17:08:33] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /home [17:08:34] [L] yaroxa_kosolapy: отдай [17:08:35] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /we cui [17:08:35] [L] SimpleMimpl: у меня мой меч [17:08:37] [L] SimpleMimpl: тупой [17:08:40] SimpleMimpl убил yaroxa_kosolapy (DIVINERPG_NETHERIUMSWORD) [17:08:42] Bikqwe issued server command: /home [17:08:43] yaroxa_kosolapy issued server command: /we cui [17:08:47] [L] yaroxa_kosolapy: ты еблан [17:08:51] [L] yaroxa_kosolapy: мой мечь [17:08:52] un5redictable зашёл [17:08:54] [L] SimpleMimpl: я его себе сам сделал сука [17:08:57] SimpleMimpl убил yaroxa_kosolapy (DIVINERPG_NETHERIUMSWORD) [17:08:59] [G] SHIZAFRENIAA: !куплю адский нарост [17:09:00] yaroxa_kosolapy issued server command: /we cui [17:09:04] [L] yaroxa_kosolapy: чары какие\ [17:09:06] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /god [17:09:06] [L] SimpleMimpl: .пщв [17:09:07] [L] yaroxa_kosolapy: стоят [17:09:09] KitKas зашёл [17:09:11] [L] SimpleMimpl: прочность 3 [17:09:13] KitKas issued server command: /we cui [17:09:14] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /fly [17:09:14] [L] SimpleMimpl: .адн [17:09:15] un5redictable issued server command: /we cui [17:09:16] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /heal [17:09:16] [L] SimpleMimpl: .руфд [17:09:18] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /pvptoggle [17:09:18] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /pvp [17:09:18] [L] SimpleMimpl: .змз [17:09:21] SHIZAFRENIAA issued server command: /warp ad [17:09:22] [L] yaroxa_kosolapy: вещи отда [17:09:23] SHIZAFRENIAA issued server command: /we cui [17:09:48] [L] SimpleMimpl: размечтался [17:09:50] Bikqwe issued server command: /PLAYTIME [17:09:50] [L] SimpleMimpl: щас я буду 10лвл [17:09:50] Jabuti issued server command: /randomtp [17:09:50] Jabuti issued server command: /rtp [17:09:51] [L] SimpleMimpl: вампир [17:09:54] [L] yaroxa_kosolapy: вжхвжхвхвхвхвхвхвхвхвххвхвхвхвхв [17:09:56] KitKas issued server command: /home [17:10:03] un5redictable issued server command: /tppos 7534 68 -7672 [17:10:26] Bikqwe issued server command: /msg SimpleMimpl ЗАрядишь палку? [17:10:30] SHIZAFRENIAA issued server command: /home [17:10:32] SHIZAFRENIAA issued server command: /we cui [17:10:47] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /m Bikqwe тп [17:10:52] Bikqwe issued server command: /tpa SimpleMimpl [17:10:57] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /tpaccept [17:10:57] [L] SimpleMimpl: .езфссузе [17:11:04] [L] yaroxa_kosolapy: бл [17:11:08] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /we cui [17:11:12] Jabuti issued server command: /home [17:11:12] [L] yaroxa_kosolapy: ты мне обьяснишь [17:11:12] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /rg info [17:11:17] [L] yaroxa_kosolapy: что такое набалдашник [17:11:29] [L] Bikqwe: Это зрень на палку [17:11:33] SHIZAFRENIAA issued server command: /warp ad [17:11:35] SHIZAFRENIAA issued server command: /we cui [17:11:36] [L] Bikqwe: Работает как заклинание [17:11:39] [L] yaroxa_kosolapy: жезл? [17:11:44] [L] Bikqwe: + [17:11:46] Jabuti issued server command: /randomtp [17:11:46] Jabuti issued server command: /rtp [17:11:51] [L] SimpleMimpl: помнишь я в тебя льдом кидался [17:11:51] [L] Mautil: АСЯ [17:11:52] [L] SimpleMimpl: ясик [17:11:55] [L] SimpleMimpl: это наболдашник был [17:12:01] [L] xx_VR_xxx: f [17:12:07] [L] Bikqwe: Не убей меня [17:12:09] Bikqwe issued server command: /voteday [17:12:11] [L] yaroxa_kosolapy: кто это [17:12:11] Jabuti issued server command: /no [17:12:12] SHIZAFRENIAA issued server command: /yes [17:12:12] [G] SimpleMimpl: !нет [17:12:13] Bikqwe issued server command: /no [17:12:13] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /yes [17:12:13] [L] SimpleMimpl: не меняй [17:12:14] [L] SimpleMimpl: ты чо [17:12:16] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /no [17:12:21] Nekit192 issued server command: /home [17:12:28] [L] SimpleMimpl: на [17:12:30] Zero09 issued server command: /no [17:12:32] [G] Mautil: !Куплю адский нарост. [17:12:35] yaroxa_kosolapy убил Bikqwe (DIVINERPG_BLOODCRUSTSWORD) [17:12:38] Bikqwe issued server command: /we cui [17:12:40] [L] yaroxa_kosolapy: ой [17:12:45] [L] SimpleMimpl: тупой [17:12:46] [L] SimpleMimpl: чтоли [17:12:46] Bikqwe issued server command: /tpa SimpleMimpl [17:12:47] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /pvptoggle [17:12:47] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /pvp [17:12:47] [L] SimpleMimpl: .змз [17:12:51] [G] yaroxa_kosolapy: !сорян [17:12:52] [L] SimpleMimpl: не трогай его [17:12:54] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /tpaccept [17:12:54] [L] SimpleMimpl: .езфссузе [17:13:00] [L] SimpleMimpl: на [17:13:15] [L] SimpleMimpl: он просто конченый [17:13:16] Mautil issued server command: /warp shop [17:13:17] Mautil issued server command: /we cui [17:13:22] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /pvptoggle info [17:13:22] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /pvp info [17:13:23] [L] Bikqwe: Таумометр [17:13:27] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /pvptoggle [17:13:28] [L] Bikqwe: Стоп [17:13:33] [L] Bikqwe: А да [17:13:36] [L] Bikqwe: Всё спасибо) [17:13:38] [L] Bikqwe: Удачи [17:13:40] Bikqwe issued server command: /home [17:13:44] H00DRICH issued server command: /home [17:13:46] [L] SimpleMimpl: ща кильну тебя [17:13:47] [L] SimpleMimpl: собака [17:13:50] Bikqwe вышел [17:13:53] SHIZAFRENIAA issued server command: /eat [17:13:53] [L] SHIZAFRENIAA: .уфе [17:13:59] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /pvptoggle [17:14:05] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /pvptoggle [17:14:05] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /pvp [17:14:05] [L] SimpleMimpl: .змз [17:14:28] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /fly [17:14:28] [L] SimpleMimpl: .адн [17:14:30] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /god [17:14:30] [L] SimpleMimpl: .пщв [17:14:31] SimpleMimpl убил yaroxa_kosolapy (DIVINERPG_NETHERIUMSWORD) [17:14:34] yaroxa_kosolapy issued server command: /we cui [17:14:41] Jabuti issued server command: /home [17:14:42] [L] yaroxa_kosolapy: вещи [17:14:44] SHIZAFRENIAA issued server command: /home [17:14:47] [L] SimpleMimpl: не адам [17:14:47] SHIZAFRENIAA issued server command: /we cui [17:14:49] SimpleMimpl убил yaroxa_kosolapy (DIVINERPG_NETHERIUMSWORD) [17:14:52] yaroxa_kosolapy issued server command: /we cui [17:14:59] [G] Mautil: !Неужели ни у кого нет адского нароста? [17:15:02] [L] yaroxa_kosolapy: и так лагает еще в крысу убил [17:15:04] [G] SimpleMimpl: !в аду есть) [17:15:05] Mautil issued server command: /home [17:15:07] Mautil issued server command: /we cui [17:15:08] [L] SimpleMimpl: аххвах [17:15:10] [G] Mautil: !Знаю) [17:15:26] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /fly [17:15:26] [L] SimpleMimpl: .адн [17:15:27] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /god [17:15:27] [L] SimpleMimpl: .пщв [17:15:28] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /pvptoggle [17:15:28] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /pvp [17:15:28] [L] SimpleMimpl: .змз [17:15:31] [L] SimpleMimpl: ))) [17:15:33] [G] H00DRICH: !у кого осмат есть? [17:16:06] Exile45 вышел [17:16:34] Mautil issued server command: /we cui [17:16:45] Nekit192 issued server command: /home [17:16:49] KitKas issued server command: /randomtp [17:16:49] KitKas issued server command: /rtp [17:16:53] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /playtimetop clear [17:16:55] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /playtimetop [17:17:01] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /playtimetop clear [17:17:03] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /playtime [17:17:06] KitKas issued server command: /randomtp [17:17:06] KitKas issued server command: /rtp [17:17:08] KitKas issued server command: /randomtp [17:17:08] KitKas issued server command: /rtp [17:17:09] KitKas issued server command: /randomtp [17:17:09] KitKas issued server command: /rtp [17:17:11] KitKas issued server command: /randomtp [17:17:11] KitKas issued server command: /rtp [17:17:16] KitKas issued server command: /randomtp [17:17:16] KitKas issued server command: /rtp [17:17:22] H00DRICH issued server command: /randomtp [17:17:22] H00DRICH issued server command: /rtp [17:17:53] H00DRICH issued server command: /randomtp [17:17:53] H00DRICH issued server command: /rtp [17:17:53] KitKas issued server command: /randomtp [17:17:53] KitKas issued server command: /rtp [17:18:01] [G] SimpleMimpl: !есть люди которым не жалко чтобы у них выпили 4 капельки крови? :3 [17:18:08] [G] BOBAHBEPTYXA: !tp [17:18:12] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /tpahere BOBAHBEPTYXA [17:18:16] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /tpaccept [17:18:19] H00DRICH issued server command: /randomtp [17:18:19] H00DRICH issued server command: /rtp [17:18:31] H00DRICH issued server command: /home [17:18:41] [L] SimpleMimpl: о пасиба [17:18:48] [L] BOBAHBEPTYXA: кровососы [17:18:49] H00DRICH issued server command: /randomtp [17:18:49] H00DRICH issued server command: /rtp [17:18:51] [L] SimpleMimpl: ))) [17:19:07] H00DRICH issued server command: /money [17:19:16] SHIZAFRENIAA issued server command: //chunk [17:19:16] SHIZAFRENIAA issued server command: //outset 16 [17:19:16] SHIZAFRENIAA issued server command: /zone [17:19:20] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /home [17:19:36] SHIZAFRENIAA issued server command: //sel [17:19:56] H00DRICH issued server command: /randomtp [17:19:56] H00DRICH issued server command: /rtp [17:20:16] KitKas issued server command: /home [17:20:26] Mass1ime issued server command: /warp ad [17:20:34] Mass1ime issued server command: /we cui [17:21:26] H00DRICH issued server command: /spawn [17:21:27] H00DRICH issued server command: /we cui [17:22:18] yaroxa_kosolapy вышел [17:22:32] Nekit192 issued server command: /home [17:23:14] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /warp shop [17:23:20] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /we cui [17:23:35] KitKas issued server command: /randomtp [17:23:35] KitKas issued server command: /rtp [17:23:46] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /home [17:23:49] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /we cui [17:24:12] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /home [17:24:13] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /we cui [17:24:30] Jabuti issued server command: /randomtp [17:24:30] Jabuti issued server command: /rtp [17:25:08] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /we cui [17:25:09] SHIZAFRENIAA issued server command: /eat [17:25:23] Jabuti issued server command: /randomtp [17:25:23] Jabuti issued server command: /rtp [17:25:26] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /randomtp [17:25:26] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /rtp [17:25:35] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /home [17:25:38] KitKas issued server command: /home [17:25:58] SHIZAFRENIAA issued server command: //chunk [17:25:58] SHIZAFRENIAA issued server command: //outset 16 [17:25:58] SHIZAFRENIAA issued server command: /zone [17:26:40] Mass1ime issued server command: /warp ad [17:26:41] Mautil issued server command: /kit eat [17:26:50] Jabuti issued server command: /home [17:26:50] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /home [17:26:52] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /we cui [17:27:03] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /we cui [17:27:04] Jabuti issued server command: /we cui [17:27:36] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /home [17:27:37] SHIZAFRENIAA вышел [17:27:45] Mautil issued server command: /home [17:27:46] Jabuti issued server command: /kit eat [17:27:47] Mautil issued server command: /we cui [17:27:57] KitKas вышел [17:28:11] KitKas зашёл [17:28:13] KitKas issued server command: /we cui [17:28:14] Jabuti issued server command: /warp ad [17:28:20] [L] Mautil: пиздец ни крепости, ни нароста [17:28:27] [G] xx_VR_xxx: ! Куплю нарост [17:28:35] [G] SimpleMimpl: ! Torn Page есть у кого? либо где можно её купить?? [17:28:42] [G] SimpleMimpl: !7895:160 ид [17:28:51] [G] Mass1ime: !Лист витчери? [17:28:54] [G] SimpleMimpl: !да [17:28:57] [G] Mass1ime: !В деревнях [17:29:03] [G] SimpleMimpl: !да я не могу бегать там хахах) [17:29:21] Mautil issued server command: /kit top [17:29:22] [G] SimpleMimpl: !на 4 лвл не могу повыситься [17:29:26] [G] SimpleMimpl: !жду жду [17:29:37] [G] Mass1ime: !У меня последняя книжка [17:29:41] [G] SimpleMimpl: !дай [17:29:43] [G] SimpleMimpl: !прочту [17:29:49] [G] Mass1ime: !А от неё толк то есть? [17:29:54] Jabuti issued server command: /home [17:29:55] Jabuti issued server command: /we cui [17:29:57] [G] SimpleMimpl: !у меня есть она, но она не фулл [17:30:01] [G] SimpleMimpl: !там только 3 [17:30:03] Mautil issued server command: /we cui [17:30:05] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /tpa Mass1ime [17:30:09] [G] SimpleMimpl: !только ты в тенёк встань [17:30:14] [G] Mass1ime: !ща по аду попегаю [17:30:18] [G] SimpleMimpl: !забей [17:30:22] [G] SimpleMimpl: !я потерял всю кровь) [17:30:22] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /home [17:30:24] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /we cui [17:30:26] [L] Mass1ime: эм [17:30:30] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /call SimpleMimpl [17:30:30] Mass1ime issued server command: /home [17:30:31] [G] SimpleMimpl: !дайте попить кто не жадный)) [17:30:33] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /tpaccept [17:30:33] [L] SimpleMimpl: .езфссузе [17:30:34] Mass1ime issued server command: /we cui [17:30:50] [G] Mass1ime: !У меня дома тень [17:30:51] [L] BOBAHBEPTYXA: подкармливаю вампиров [17:30:54] [G] Mass1ime: !ток факела [17:30:56] [L] SimpleMimpl: ух пасиба за листок [17:30:59] [G] SimpleMimpl: !факела не тсрашно [17:31:01] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /home [17:31:04] H00DRICH issued server command: /home [17:31:06] H00DRICH issued server command: /we cui [17:31:18] [G] Mass1ime: !7941:9 [17:31:23] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /randomtp [17:31:23] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /rtp [17:31:35] [G] Mass1ime: !ghbybvf.& [17:31:35] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /home [17:31:38] [G] SimpleMimpl: !у меня 1 только [17:31:38] [G] Mass1ime: !принимаю?* [17:31:45] [G] SimpleMimpl: !давай [17:31:53] Mass1ime issued server command: /tpaccept [17:32:02] H00DRICH issued server command: /home [17:32:06] [L] SimpleMimpl: да епта [17:32:07] [L] SimpleMimpl: застрял [17:32:09] [L] Mass1ime: в привате пить можно? [17:32:14] [L] SimpleMimpl: не могу тебя выпить [17:32:14] [L] Mass1ime: де? [17:32:23] KitKas вышел [17:32:26] Jabuti issued server command: /home [17:32:28] [L] Mass1ime: а что так? [17:32:33] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /kit eat [17:32:36] [L] SimpleMimpl: во [17:32:38] [L] SimpleMimpl: надо было книгу [17:32:39] [L] SimpleMimpl: прочитать [17:32:40] [G] xx_VR_xxx: ! Куплю креодитовые кристаллы [17:32:43] [L] Mass1ime: =) [17:32:49] [L] SimpleMimpl: благодарю [17:32:53] [L] Mass1ime: незачто [17:32:55] [L] Mass1ime: =() [17:32:56] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /playtimetop [17:33:02] [L] SimpleMimpl: ничего с собой нет [17:33:05] [L] SimpleMimpl: чтобы дать [17:33:07] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /playtimetop clear [17:33:08] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /enderchest [17:33:08] [L] SimpleMimpl: .утвуксруые [17:33:12] [L] Mass1ime: обидно что нельзя меня пить [17:33:17] [L] SimpleMimpl: можно [17:33:18] [L] SimpleMimpl: за приватом [17:33:32] [L] Mass1ime: тут мб? [17:33:37] [G] H00DRICH: !у кого есть осмат [17:33:48] Mass1ime issued server command: /rg info [17:33:48] [G] Mautil: !NG [17:33:50] [G] Mautil: !TP [17:34:01] [L] SimpleMimpl: благодарю [17:34:04] H00DRICH issued server command: /m Mautil 1 минутку [17:34:05] [L] Mass1ime: незачто [17:34:06] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /tpa Mautil [17:34:06] [G] Mautil: ! xx_VR_xxx [17:34:11] Mautil issued server command: /tpyes [17:34:11] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /warp home [17:34:11] [L] SimpleMimpl: .цфкз рщьу [17:34:14] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /we cui [17:34:23] [L] Mautil: приват спавнер и ставь варп [17:34:29] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /warp st [17:34:32] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /setwarp [17:34:38] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /warp set spawner [17:34:45] H00DRICH issued server command: /kit eat [17:35:00] Jabuti issued server command: /we cui [17:35:01] [L] Mautil: убей эти фиоол хуйни прошу [17:35:01] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /we cui [17:36:31] [G] SimpleMimpl: !почему сферы не наполняются солнцем?) [17:36:45] H00DRICH issued server command: /spawn [17:36:46] H00DRICH issued server command: /we cui [17:36:47] H00DRICH issued server command: /home [17:36:49] H00DRICH issued server command: /we cui [17:36:51] [G] Mass1ime: !мб дожди? [17:37:00] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /playtimetop [17:37:01] [G] SimpleMimpl: !а [17:37:03] [G] SimpleMimpl: !я дебил [17:37:04] [L] Mautil: ну какой-то пидор весь нарост собрал [17:37:04] [G] SimpleMimpl: !кто знал [17:37:06] [G] SimpleMimpl: !я знаю теперь [17:37:13] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /warp home [17:37:13] [L] SimpleMimpl: .цфкз рщьу [17:37:23] Mass1ime issued server command: /warp forest [17:37:28] Mass1ime issued server command: /we cui [17:37:44] Mass1ime issued server command: /we cui [17:37:48] BOBAHBEPTYXA вышел [17:37:53] BOBAHBEPTYXA зашёл [17:37:55] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /we cui [17:38:02] Nekit192 issued server command: /randomtp [17:38:02] Nekit192 issued server command: /rtp [17:38:02] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /enderchest [17:38:02] [L] SimpleMimpl: .утвуксруые [17:38:47] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /enderchest [17:38:47] [L] SimpleMimpl: .утвуксруые [17:39:00] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /home [17:40:29] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /randomtp [17:40:29] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /rtp [17:40:31] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /home [17:40:43] H00DRICH issued server command: /home [17:40:48] Nekit192 issued server command: /home [17:41:26] un5redictable issued server command: /home [17:42:16] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /home [17:42:18] un5redictable issued server command: /back [17:42:23] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /we cui [17:42:27] Nekit192 issued server command: /randomtp [17:42:27] Nekit192 issued server command: /rtp [17:42:30] un5redictable issued server command: /home [17:42:36] un5redictable issued server command: /back [17:42:38] H00DRICH issued server command: /home [17:44:25] Nekit192 issued server command: /home [17:45:19] Mautil issued server command: /home [17:45:22] Mautil issued server command: /we cui [17:45:27] Mass1ime issued server command: /kit eat [17:45:49] un5redictable issued server command: /list [17:45:57] KitKas зашёл [17:46:02] KitKas issued server command: /we cui [17:46:29] un5redictable issued server command: /rg sel [17:46:36] [L] Mautil: Ася, накопай своей киркой эндерняка пж [17:46:37] un5redictable issued server command: /rg sel un5_2 [17:46:42] un5redictable issued server command: /rg sel un5_3 [17:46:44] un5redictable issued server command: /rg sel un5_2 [17:46:51] un5redictable issued server command: /home [17:46:53] KitKas issued server command: /money [17:46:56] un5redictable issued server command: /back [17:47:02] KitKas issued server command: /money [17:47:06] KitKas issued server command: /warp shop [17:47:09] KitKas issued server command: /we cui [17:47:37] un5redictable issued server command: /zset 0 [17:47:45] KitKas issued server command: /warp world [17:47:49] KitKas issued server command: /we cui [17:47:53] un5redictable issued server command: /zset 0 [17:47:56] [L] Mautil: Ася, накопай своей киркой эндерняка пж [17:47:58] [L] xx_VR_xxx: была бы кирка она [17:48:00] un5redictable issued server command: //sel [17:48:11] [L] Mautil: всмысле блять [17:48:12] un5redictable issued server command: /zset 0 [17:48:14] [L] Mautil: а де та [17:48:21] H00DRICH issued server command: /mods [17:48:22] un5redictable issued server command: /zset 7 [17:48:29] [G] H00DRICH: !у кого есть осмат? [17:48:32] Jabuti issued server command: /home [17:48:34] Jabuti issued server command: /we cui [17:48:40] [L] Mautil: что сделана? [17:48:44] H00DRICH issued server command: /home [17:48:45] Jabuti issued server command: /we cui [17:48:47] un5redictable issued server command: /zset 0 [17:48:52] Jabuti issued server command: /we cui [17:49:01] Jabuti issued server command: /we cui [17:49:16] H00DRICH issued server command: /home [17:49:53] un5redictable issued server command: /zset 8 [17:49:59] Mautil issued server command: /warp end [17:50:01] Mautil issued server command: /we cui [17:50:39] un5redictable issued server command: /zset 1 [17:50:52] [G] SimpleMimpl: !на улице день? [17:50:54] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /fly [17:50:54] [L] SimpleMimpl: .адн [17:50:57] Mautil issued server command: /home [17:50:59] Mautil issued server command: /we cui [17:51:04] [G] Mautil: !+ [17:51:10] [G] Mautil: !Наступает ночь [17:51:15] un5redictable issued server command: /zset 0 [17:51:16] [G] SimpleMimpl: !есть у кого кварц? [17:51:32] [G] SimpleMimpl: !отбой [17:51:37] un5redictable issued server command: /zset 0 [17:51:46] H00DRICH issued server command: /home [17:51:47] [G] Mass1ime: !в аду много же [17:51:51] [G] SimpleMimpl: !да [17:51:54] [G] SimpleMimpl: !уже нашёл сферы) [17:51:55] un5redictable issued server command: /home [17:51:56] un5redictable issued server command: /back [17:52:34] un5redictable issued server command: /tppos 7534 68 -7672 [17:52:50] KitKas issued server command: /home [17:53:34] Nekit192 issued server command: /home [17:54:04] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /home [17:54:06] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /we cui [17:54:08] Jabuti issued server command: /home [17:54:09] Jabuti issued server command: /we cui [17:54:24] un5redictable issued server command: /home [17:54:27] un5redictable issued server command: /back [17:54:40] un5redictable issued server command: /zset 1 [17:54:47] un5redictable issued server command: /zset 1 [17:55:00] KitKas issued server command: /randomtp [17:55:00] KitKas issued server command: /rtp [17:55:08] KitKas issued server command: /money [17:55:34] [G] Mass1ime: !толи пойди подобывать железо золото? [17:55:37] Jabuti issued server command: /warp mining [17:55:39] un5redictable вышел [17:55:39] Jabuti issued server command: /we cui [17:55:40] Jabuti issued server command: /randomtp [17:55:40] Jabuti issued server command: /rtp [17:55:48] [G] SimpleMimpl: !да [17:55:49] [G] SimpleMimpl: !иди) [17:55:53] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /money top [17:55:55] [G] SimpleMimpl: !потом чя куплю [17:56:11] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /home [17:56:21] [G] Mass1ime: !Можешь писать, что именно нужно =) [17:56:30] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /voteday [17:56:32] [G] SimpleMimpl: !день) [17:56:33] Jabuti issued server command: /no [17:56:34] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /yes [17:56:34] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /yes [17:56:36] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /yes [17:56:37] Mass1ime issued server command: /yes [17:56:44] KitKas issued server command: /home [17:56:45] [G] BOBAHBEPTYXA: !Ты же за ночь всегда [17:56:52] [G] SimpleMimpl: !да сферы наполняются [17:56:54] [G] SimpleMimpl: !солнцем) [17:56:55] [G] Mass1ime: !он втени [17:57:06] [G] SimpleMimpl: !солнечные гранаты нужны) [17:57:20] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /we cui [17:57:39] Mautil issued server command: /we cui [17:58:01] Jabuti issued server command: /randomtp [17:58:01] Jabuti issued server command: /rtp [17:58:56] SiminNovichek зашёл [17:59:48] SiminNovichek issued server command: /we cui [18:00:04] [G] SimpleMimpl: !ночь не наступила ещё? [18:00:12] [G] BOBAHBEPTYXA: !полдень [18:00:27] [G] Mass1ime: !редстоун? [18:01:14] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /home [18:01:19] SiminNovichek issued server command: /randomtp [18:01:19] SiminNovichek issued server command: /rtp [18:01:35] SiminNovichek issued server command: //chunk [18:01:35] SiminNovichek issued server command: //outset 16 [18:01:35] SiminNovichek issued server command: //wand [18:01:38] SiminNovichek issued server command: /warp eorld [18:01:40] SiminNovichek issued server command: /warp world [18:01:45] SiminNovichek issued server command: /we cui [18:01:48] SiminNovichek issued server command: /randomtp [18:01:48] SiminNovichek issued server command: /rtp [18:02:01] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /home [18:02:05] SiminNovichek issued server command: //chunk [18:02:05] SiminNovichek issued server command: //outset 16 [18:02:05] SiminNovichek issued server command: //wand [18:02:12] SiminNovichek issued server command: /region claim domdd [18:02:18] SiminNovichek issued server command: /sethome [18:02:36] Jabuti issued server command: /home [18:02:37] Jabuti issued server command: /we cui [18:02:58] Nekit192 issued server command: /randomtp [18:02:58] Nekit192 issued server command: /rtp [18:04:05] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /call SimpleMimpl [18:04:10] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /tpaccept [18:04:10] [L] SimpleMimpl: .езфссузе [18:04:21] [L] SimpleMimpl: это [18:04:22] [L] SimpleMimpl: за чо [18:04:30] [L] BOBAHBEPTYXA: Я не знаю( [18:04:41] [L] BOBAHBEPTYXA: Еще и покусали до кучи [18:04:49] [L] BOBAHBEPTYXA: Ну ладно. Получается за отсос [18:04:51] [L] SimpleMimpl: ) [18:04:54] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /home [18:04:54] Nekit192 issued server command: /erp [18:04:55] [L] SimpleMimpl: хахаха [18:04:56] Nekit192 issued server command: /randomtp [18:04:56] Nekit192 issued server command: /rtp [18:05:03] [G] SimpleMimpl: !когда там ночь не видно? [18:05:06] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /enderchest [18:05:06] [L] SimpleMimpl: .утвуксруые [18:05:16] Jabuti issued server command: /home [18:05:17] [G] BOBAHBEPTYXA: !Минуты 3 [18:05:35] Zero09 issued server command: /kit start [18:05:57] SiminNovichek issued server command: /KIT EAT [18:06:41] Zero09 issued server command: /home [18:06:47] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /voteday [18:06:52] [G] SimpleMimpl: !меняем [18:06:52] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /yes [18:06:54] Mass1ime issued server command: /yes [18:06:54] SiminNovichek issued server command: /no [18:07:02] H00DRICH issued server command: /home [18:07:28] [G] BOBAHBEPTYXA: !Продам гномье проклятье за 100 валюты [18:07:41] [G] SimpleMimpl: !у тебя их сколько хахаах) [18:07:47] [G] BOBAHBEPTYXA: !3 было [18:07:50] [G] SimpleMimpl: !де взял [18:07:52] [G] SimpleMimpl: !ты вор) [18:07:55] [G] SimpleMimpl: !у гнома спёр [18:07:55] [G] BOBAHBEPTYXA: !Купил у гнома [18:08:05] [G] BOBAHBEPTYXA: !Он еще живой кстати [18:08:10] Nekit192 issued server command: /randomtp [18:08:10] Nekit192 issued server command: /rtp [18:08:10] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /msg Mautil времено покину [18:08:25] Zero09 вышел [18:08:47] KitKas issued server command: /randomtp [18:08:47] KitKas issued server command: /rtp [18:09:31] SiminNovichek issued server command: /WARP list [18:09:32] SiminNovichek issued server command: /WARP list [18:09:40] SiminNovichek issued server command: /warp portals [18:09:44] SiminNovichek issued server command: /we cui [18:09:51] Mautil issued server command: /call xx_VR_xxx [18:09:54] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /tpyes [18:09:56] SiminNovichek issued server command: /we cui [18:09:57] Mautil issued server command: /we cui [18:10:10] [L] Mautil: все нафармил я тебе черепов [18:10:11] KitKas issued server command: /home [18:10:19] Zero09 зашёл [18:10:29] Zero09 issued server command: /we cui [18:10:37] [G] Mass1ime: !трофеи с сумречного некому не нужны? [18:10:43] SiminNovichek issued server command: /m Mass1ime mne [18:10:43] [L] Mautil: я пошел крч [18:10:44] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /money [18:10:49] SiminNovichek issued server command: /m Mass1ime НУЖНЫ [18:11:00] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /warp set [18:11:13] Mautil вышел [18:11:32] Mass1ime issued server command: /r У меня пока первые 2, я по лесу бегать буду [18:11:39] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /we cui [18:11:46] SiminNovichek issued server command: /m Mass1ime не можешь дать подержать нагу и лича? [18:11:57] Nekit192 issued server command: /home [18:12:02] SiminNovichek issued server command: /call mass [18:12:11] Mass1ime issued server command: /r могу продать, у меня дома их много [18:12:15] KitKas issued server command: /randomtp [18:12:15] KitKas issued server command: /rtp [18:12:19] [G] H00DRICH: !у кого есть осмат? [18:12:25] SiminNovichek issued server command: /m Mass1ime брат просто подержать длйа ачивки [18:12:29] KitKas issued server command: /home [18:12:34] SiminNovichek issued server command: /m Mass1ime и отдам [18:13:06] Mass1ime issued server command: /r ща нагу быстренько убью, а то я там ток [18:13:10] Zero09 issued server command: /money [18:13:29] H00DRICH issued server command: /money [18:13:30] yaroxa_kosolapy зашёл [18:13:34] H00DRICH issued server command: /playtime [18:13:35] H00DRICH issued server command: /playtimetop [18:13:51] yaroxa_kosolapy issued server command: /we cui [18:14:21] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /home [18:14:23] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /we cui [18:14:25] [L] yaroxa_kosolapy: лошпендос [18:14:32] [L] yaroxa_kosolapy: книги по тинкеру где [18:14:37] [L] SimpleMimpl: в сундуке [18:14:42] yaroxa_kosolapy issued server command: /home [18:14:47] [L] SimpleMimpl: где печка [18:14:48] [L] SimpleMimpl: тинкера [18:15:00] [L] SimpleMimpl: вот тут где то [18:15:07] Mass1ime issued server command: /tpaccept [18:15:40] SiminNovichek issued server command: /m Mass1ime ну что? [18:15:57] H00DRICH issued server command: /m xx_VR_xxx адский нарост есть? [18:16:15] H00DRICH issued server command: /playtimetop clear [18:16:16] Mass1ime issued server command: /home [18:16:23] Mass1ime issued server command: /we cui [18:16:34] H00DRICH issued server command: /m Jabuti адский нарост есть? [18:16:47] H00DRICH issued server command: /M SiminNovichek адский нарост есть? [18:17:07] Zero09 issued server command: /home [18:17:14] Mass1ime issued server command: /tpahere SiminNovichek [18:17:19] SiminNovichek issued server command: /tpaccept [18:17:19] [G] SimpleMimpl: !да опять сферы не набрались((( [18:17:21] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /voteday [18:17:24] SiminNovichek issued server command: /we cui [18:17:25] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /no [18:17:30] Jabuti issued server command: /no [18:17:32] [L] SiminNovichek: дай сердце [18:17:33] [L] SimpleMimpl: ясик у тебя задание [18:17:34] [L] SiminNovichek: наги [18:17:34] H00DRICH issued server command: /M SimpleMimpl адский нарост есть? [18:17:35] [L] SimpleMimpl: крышу сделать [18:17:37] [L] SiminNovichek: одно [18:17:55] [L] SiminNovichek: ща сек [18:17:56] [L] SimpleMimpl: слышишь кабан [18:18:03] [L] SiminNovichek: нету посоха? [18:18:06] [L] SiminNovichek: лича [18:18:10] H00DRICH issued server command: /m SimpleMimpl ты должен рг прогружать чтобы накопились [18:18:13] Nekit192 issued server command: /rg sel [18:18:21] Nekit192 issued server command: /rg sel [18:18:23] H00DRICH issued server command: /m SimpleMimpl и чтобы над сферами ничего не было [18:18:24] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /yes [18:18:32] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /m H00DRICH я возле них стою) [18:18:38] Nekit192 issued server command: /rg delete 192\ [18:18:40] [L] SiminNovichek: все благодарю [18:18:41] H00DRICH issued server command: /m SimpleMimpl и последнее [18:18:42] Nekit192 issued server command: /rg delete 192 [18:18:43] [L] Mass1ime: =) [18:18:44] SiminNovichek issued server command: /warp portals [18:18:48] H00DRICH issued server command: /m SimpleMimpl адский нарост есть? [18:18:48] Nekit192 issued server command: //chunk [18:18:48] Nekit192 issued server command: //outset 16 [18:18:48] Nekit192 issued server command: //wand [18:18:49] SiminNovichek issued server command: /we cui [18:18:53] Nekit192 issued server command: /rg claim 192 [18:18:54] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /m H00DRICH неа))) [18:18:55] [G] BOBAHBEPTYXA: !Может кто-то 1 слиток пустотного металла продать? [18:18:56] SiminNovichek issued server command: /we cui [18:19:04] [G] SimpleMimpl: !да [18:19:04] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /money [18:19:04] [G] SimpleMimpl: !тп [18:19:07] Mass1ime issued server command: /randomtp [18:19:07] Mass1ime issued server command: /rtp [18:19:09] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /call SimpleMimpl [18:19:13] Mass1ime issued server command: /kit eat [18:19:14] Nekit192 issued server command: //sel [18:19:19] H00DRICH issued server command: /m SimpleMimpl ну не копятся потому что тут день и ночь меняется по кд [18:19:22] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /tpaccept [18:19:22] [L] SimpleMimpl: .езфссузе [18:19:25] xx_VR_xxx умер (FIRE_TICK) [18:19:29] Mass1ime issued server command: /randomtp [18:19:29] Mass1ime issued server command: /rtp [18:19:31] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /we cui [18:19:32] H00DRICH issued server command: /M SimpleMimpl фигово тебе [18:19:33] Mass1ime issued server command: /randomtp [18:19:33] Mass1ime issued server command: /rtp [18:19:43] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /home [18:19:45] Loki_69709 зашёл [18:19:47] [L] SimpleMimpl: так [18:19:53] H00DRICH issued server command: /m xx_VR_xxx адский нарсот другалёчик [18:19:56] H00DRICH issued server command: /m xx_VR_xxx есть? [18:19:57] [L] SimpleMimpl: пустотный [18:19:58] Loki_69709 issued server command: /we cui [18:19:59] [L] SimpleMimpl: с капли же [18:20:04] [L] SimpleMimpl: на вот [18:20:12] [L] SimpleMimpl: я не могу сделать его))) [18:20:13] [L] BOBAHBEPTYXA: Я не могу его делать( [18:20:14] Nekit192 issued server command: /warp portals [18:20:14] Mass1ime issued server command: /home [18:20:14] [L] SimpleMimpl: хз почему [18:20:16] Nekit192 issued server command: /we cui [18:20:17] [G] Loki_69709: !Молот кто продаст? [18:20:17] [L] SimpleMimpl: не изучил его [18:20:22] [L] BOBAHBEPTYXA: Да [18:20:26] [L] SimpleMimpl: я тоже хаха [18:20:29] [L] SimpleMimpl: ) [18:20:31] [L] SimpleMimpl: стой [18:20:32] [L] BOBAHBEPTYXA: Я просто пустотную рапиру сделать хочу [18:20:34] H00DRICH issued server command: /m Scilla адский нарост есть? [18:20:38] [L] SimpleMimpl: на [18:20:40] [G] yaroxa_kosolapy: !продам обсидиановый молот [18:20:41] [L] BOBAHBEPTYXA: Не, это не надо [18:20:47] Nekit192 issued server command: /mpcaseshop [18:20:49] H00DRICH issued server command: /m yaroxa_kosolapy адский нарост есть? [18:20:50] [L] BOBAHBEPTYXA: Я буду узел на матрице делать потом [18:20:53] Nekit192 issued server command: /mpcaseview 70 [18:20:54] Nekit192 issued server command: /buycase 70 [18:20:55] [L] SimpleMimpl: ) [18:20:57] [L] BOBAHBEPTYXA: А 1 семя пустотное бы взял [18:21:01] Nekit192 issued server command: /home [18:21:03] [L] BOBAHBEPTYXA: Спрошу в чате кто сможет сделать [18:21:04] Nekit192 issued server command: /we cui [18:21:15] yaroxa_kosolapy issued server command: /m H00DRICH no [18:21:30] [G] BOBAHBEPTYXA: !Может кто за мои ресурсы сделать 1 пустотный слиток? [18:21:35] [G] BOBAHBEPTYXA: !Просто изучения нет [18:21:37] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /home [18:21:37] Loki_69709 вышел [18:21:40] H00DRICH issued server command: /m BOBAHBEPTYXA адский нарост есть? [18:21:41] yaroxa_kosolapy issued server command: /m Loki_69709 нужен молот? [18:21:48] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /r адского нароста пока нет [18:21:49] Mass1ime issued server command: /warp world [18:21:49] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /enderchest [18:21:49] [L] SimpleMimpl: .утвуксруые [18:21:50] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /warp ad [18:21:53] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /we cui [18:21:53] Mass1ime issued server command: /warp forest [18:21:59] Mass1ime issued server command: /we cui [18:22:01] H00DRICH issued server command: /m Mass1ime адский нарост имеется? [18:22:13] [L] SimpleMimpl: чур меня не трогать кабан [18:22:13] Mass1ime issued server command: /we cui [18:22:14] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /enderchest [18:22:14] [L] SimpleMimpl: .утвуксруые [18:22:17] Nekit192 issued server command: /home [18:22:18] Mass1ime issued server command: /r - [18:22:24] H00DRICH issued server command: /warp ad [18:22:25] H00DRICH issued server command: /we cui [18:22:32] [L] SimpleMimpl: ты че пес [18:22:35] [L] SimpleMimpl: я же убью тебя щас [18:22:40] BOBAHBEPTYXA умер (FALL) [18:22:44] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /we cui [18:22:47] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /warp end [18:22:48] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /warp ad [18:22:49] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /we cui [18:22:50] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /we cui [18:22:52] [G] SimpleMimpl: !как так Вован [18:22:55] [G] SimpleMimpl: !вертуха не помогла? [18:23:06] [G] BOBAHBEPTYXA: !Ногу потянул [18:23:07] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /home [18:23:08] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /we cui [18:23:13] H00DRICH issued server command: /home [18:23:15] H00DRICH issued server command: /we cui [18:23:30] Bikqwe зашёл [18:23:33] Bikqwe issued server command: /we cui [18:23:44] Bikqwe issued server command: /voteday [18:23:47] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /no [18:23:48] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /yes [18:23:50] [G] H00DRICH: !куплю адский нарост [18:23:56] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /yes [18:23:57] H00DRICH issued server command: /no [18:24:36] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /warp mining [18:24:38] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /we cui [18:24:40] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /randomtp [18:24:40] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /rtp [18:26:39] Zero09 умер (PROJECTILE) [18:26:42] Zero09 issued server command: /we cui [18:27:25] H00DRICH issued server command: /spawn [18:27:26] H00DRICH issued server command: /we cui [18:27:27] H00DRICH issued server command: /home [18:27:29] H00DRICH issued server command: /we cui [18:27:38] [L] yaroxa_kosolapy: LTYZ [18:27:42] Nekit192 issued server command: /home [18:27:43] SiminNovichek issued server command: //sel [18:27:45] [L] yaroxa_kosolapy: ltyz [18:27:46] [L] SimpleMimpl: я не могу выйти [18:27:47] [L] SimpleMimpl: чо [18:27:52] [L] yaroxa_kosolapy: в кратце [18:27:58] [L] yaroxa_kosolapy: за тинкер [18:28:04] [L] yaroxa_kosolapy: че как плавить [18:28:13] yaroxa_kosolapy issued server command: /tpahere SimpleMimpl [18:28:13] [L] SimpleMimpl: что хочешь расплавить в печь кидай [18:28:14] [L] SimpleMimpl: и всё [18:28:18] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /tpaccept [18:28:18] [L] SimpleMimpl: .езфссузе [18:28:22] [L] SimpleMimpl: ты пес [18:28:27] [L] yaroxa_kosolapy: я хочу самую мощную кирку [18:28:29] [L] SimpleMimpl: я горю [18:28:36] [L] SimpleMimpl: я не знаю какая самая мощная [18:28:38] [L] SimpleMimpl: не помню я тинкер [18:28:49] Bikqwe issued server command: /randomtp [18:28:49] Bikqwe issued server command: /rtp [18:29:11] [G] BOBAHBEPTYXA: !Продам адский нарост за пустотный слиток [18:29:23] SiminNovichek issued server command: /warp pset [18:29:25] SiminNovichek issued server command: /warp pset [18:29:25] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /home [18:29:28] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /we cui [18:29:28] SiminNovichek issued server command: /warp pset 11 [18:29:33] H00DRICH issued server command: /M BOBAHBEPTYXA давай за эммы на них ты купишь себе пустотный слиток [18:29:56] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /r Может тогда ты купишь и мне продашь? [18:30:01] Bikqwe issued server command: /randomtp [18:30:01] Bikqwe issued server command: /rtp [18:30:14] H00DRICH issued server command: /M BOBAHBEPTYXA ага делать мне нехуй [18:30:21] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /heal [18:30:21] [L] SimpleMimpl: .руфд [18:30:26] Bikqwe issued server command: /randomtp [18:30:26] Bikqwe issued server command: /rtp [18:30:32] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /god [18:30:32] [L] SimpleMimpl: .пщв [18:30:33] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /fly [18:30:33] [L] SimpleMimpl: .адн [18:30:40] [G] BOBAHBEPTYXA: !Куплю пустотный слиток за семя пустоты, 2 железа и 10 эмов [18:30:42] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /money [18:30:45] [G] SimpleMimpl: ! вован [18:30:47] [G] SimpleMimpl: !можешь ведро воды [18:30:51] [G] SimpleMimpl: !принести) [18:30:54] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /call SimpleMimpl [18:30:54] [G] SimpleMimpl: !пожалуйста) [18:30:57] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /tpaccept [18:30:57] [L] SimpleMimpl: .езфссузе [18:31:05] [L] SimpleMimpl: блдагодарю [18:31:06] Bikqwe issued server command: /randomtp [18:31:06] Bikqwe issued server command: /rtp [18:31:06] [L] SimpleMimpl: юрефд [18:31:07] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /home [18:31:08] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /htal [18:31:08] [L] SimpleMimpl: .рефд [18:31:10] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /heal [18:31:10] [L] SimpleMimpl: .руфд [18:31:15] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /god [18:31:15] [L] SimpleMimpl: .пщв [18:31:18] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /god [18:31:18] [L] SimpleMimpl: .пщв [18:31:36] Bikqwe issued server command: /randomtp [18:31:36] Bikqwe issued server command: /rtp [18:31:38] [G] BOBAHBEPTYXA: !У кого открыты древние знания? [18:31:41] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /warp shop [18:31:43] [G] Bikqwe: !+ [18:31:43] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /we cui [18:31:46] SimpleMimpl умер (FIRE_TICK) [18:31:49] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /we cui [18:31:55] H00DRICH issued server command: /home [18:31:56] [G] Mass1ime: !солнце? [18:31:59] Bikqwe issued server command: /randomtp [18:31:59] Bikqwe issued server command: /rtp [18:32:00] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /warp home [18:32:00] [L] SimpleMimpl: .цфкз рщьу [18:32:01] Bikqwe issued server command: /randomtp [18:32:01] Bikqwe issued server command: /rtp [18:32:01] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /god [18:32:01] [L] SimpleMimpl: .пщв [18:32:05] Anarin2222 зашёл [18:32:09] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /msg Bikqwe можешь пожалуйста сделать пустотный слиток за семя пустоты и 10 эмов? [18:32:15] H00DRICH issued server command: /we cui [18:32:19] Anarin2222 issued server command: /we cui [18:32:20] Bikqwe issued server command: /randomtp [18:32:20] Bikqwe issued server command: /rtp [18:32:24] [G] yaroxa_kosolapy: !кто за тинкер шарит [18:32:26] Bikqwe issued server command: /r Да окей [18:32:30] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /home [18:32:31] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /we cui [18:32:32] Bikqwe issued server command: /r Только надо изучить [18:32:35] Bikqwe issued server command: /randomtp [18:32:35] Bikqwe issued server command: /rtp [18:32:39] [G] SimpleMimpl: !просрал шар ёпта [18:32:39] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /call Bikqwe [18:32:50] Bikqwe issued server command: /home [18:32:52] Bikqwe issued server command: /kit eat [18:32:54] Bikqwe issued server command: /tpaccept [18:32:56] [L] SimpleMimpl: уйди [18:32:57] [L] SimpleMimpl: блять [18:32:58] [L] SimpleMimpl: пробка [18:33:12] H00DRICH issued server command: /home [18:33:13] [L] Bikqwe: Cек [18:33:13] H00DRICH issued server command: /we cui [18:33:14] yaroxa_kosolapy issued server command: /home [18:33:21] [L] BOBAHBEPTYXA: Вот это берлога тауматурга) [18:33:27] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /rto [18:33:28] [L] Bikqwe: + [18:33:29] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /randomtp [18:33:29] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /rtp [18:33:31] KitKas issued server command: /randomtp [18:33:31] KitKas issued server command: /rtp [18:33:32] [L] SimpleMimpl: иди сюда поставь сферу [18:33:33] H00DRICH issued server command: /we cui [18:33:40] H00DRICH issued server command: /home [18:33:42] H00DRICH issued server command: /we cui [18:33:44] yaroxa_kosolapy issued server command: /tpa SimpleMimpl [18:33:47] [L] SimpleMimpl: ща [18:33:48] [L] SimpleMimpl: погоди [18:33:55] Zero09 убил H00DRICH (AWWAYOFTIME_ENERGYSWORD) [18:33:57] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /tpaccept [18:33:57] [L] SimpleMimpl: .езфссузе [18:33:57] H00DRICH issued server command: /we cui [18:33:59] [G] BOBAHBEPTYXA: !F [18:34:08] [L] SimpleMimpl: сверху стоят [18:34:11] [L] SimpleMimpl: их поставь [18:34:14] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /fly [18:34:14] [L] SimpleMimpl: .адн [18:34:18] [L] SimpleMimpl: сюда [18:34:19] [L] SimpleMimpl: иди [18:34:22] [L] SimpleMimpl: блять ЯСИК [18:34:23] [L] SimpleMimpl: заебал [18:34:28] KitKas issued server command: /randomtp [18:34:28] KitKas issued server command: /rtp [18:34:28] yaroxa_kosolapy issued server command: /home [18:34:31] [L] SimpleMimpl: вот в эти [18:34:33] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /money pay Bikqwe 10 [18:34:45] [L] SimpleMimpl: короче [18:34:50] [L] SimpleMimpl: когда они желтые станут [18:34:51] [L] BOBAHBEPTYXA: Оу [18:34:51] [L] SimpleMimpl: собери [18:34:52] [L] yaroxa_kosolapy: меня делаешь вампом, [18:34:53] Anarin2222 вышел [18:34:54] [L] SimpleMimpl: пкм так же [18:35:03] [L] SimpleMimpl: через 2 дня [18:35:04] [L] SimpleMimpl: будут [18:35:05] [L] SimpleMimpl: желтые [18:35:05] [L] BOBAHBEPTYXA: Спасибо [18:35:07] [L] SimpleMimpl: я пошёл [18:35:08] SimpleMimpl вышел [18:35:11] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /home [18:35:11] [L] Bikqwe: нез [18:35:14] [L] yaroxa_kosolapy: игровые [18:35:17] yaroxa_kosolapy issued server command: /? [18:35:22] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /playtimetop [18:35:29] H00DRICH issued server command: /we cui [18:35:47] H00DRICH issued server command: /rg removemember 170O/888 Zero09 [18:35:57] H00DRICH issued server command: /rg removemember 170O/888 Zero09 [18:36:04] H00DRICH issued server command: /rg removemember 17O0/888 Zero09 [18:36:09] [G] Mass1ime: !Я поймался а голодный узел [18:36:10] H00DRICH issued server command: /rg list [18:36:15] H00DRICH issued server command: /home [18:36:16] H00DRICH issued server command: /we cui [18:36:19] [G] Bikqwe: !гг [18:36:19] H00DRICH issued server command: /rg i [18:36:22] Zero09 issued server command: /kit eat [18:36:24] [G] Bikqwe: !Сейчас вверх полетишь [18:36:31] H00DRICH issued server command: /rg removemember 170o/888 Zero09 [18:36:41] H00DRICH issued server command: /spawn [18:36:42] H00DRICH issued server command: /we cui [18:36:44] [G] Mass1ime: !Могу сломать, могу координаты продать [18:36:50] KitKas issued server command: /randomtp [18:36:50] KitKas issued server command: /rtp [18:36:57] H00DRICH issued server command: /home [18:36:58] H00DRICH issued server command: /we cui [18:37:16] H00DRICH issued server command: /we cui [18:37:29] KitKas issued server command: /randomtp [18:37:29] KitKas issued server command: /rtp [18:37:47] Zero09 issued server command: /rg removemember greg H00DRICH [18:38:16] SiminNovichek issued server command: /ЛШЕ [18:38:17] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /warp que [18:38:17] SiminNovichek issued server command: /kit [18:38:19] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /we cui [18:38:23] H00DRICH issued server command: /home [18:38:25] H00DRICH issued server command: /we cui [18:38:30] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /warp que [18:38:34] Mass1ime умер (FALL) [18:38:38] Mass1ime issued server command: /we cui [18:38:46] [G] Mass1ime: !эм [18:38:51] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /home [18:38:53] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /we cui [18:38:56] [G] Mass1ime: !фмыфле? [18:39:03] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /warp ad [18:39:04] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /we cui [18:39:24] KitKas issued server command: /home [18:39:29] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /home [18:39:30] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /we cui [18:39:32] [G] Mass1ime: !немного странно, что я умер от воды xD [18:39:51] Mass1ime issued server command: /home [18:39:55] Mass1ime issued server command: /we cui [18:40:07] Bikqwe issued server command: /randomtp [18:40:07] Bikqwe issued server command: /rtp [18:40:08] yaroxa_kosolapy вышел [18:40:36] Bikqwe умер (ENTITY_ATTACK) [18:41:01] Bikqwe вышел [18:41:04] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /home [18:41:06] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /we cui [18:41:08] H00DRICH issued server command: /home [18:41:14] Bikqwe зашёл [18:41:27] Bikqwe issued server command: /we cui [18:41:30] Bikqwe issued server command: /we cui [18:41:49] SiminNovichek умер (ENTITY_ATTACK) [18:41:52] SiminNovichek issued server command: /we cui [18:41:59] Bikqwe issued server command: /randomtp [18:41:59] Bikqwe issued server command: /rtp [18:42:07] SiminNovichek issued server command: /РЩ_У [18:42:09] SiminNovichek вышел [18:42:11] Bikqwe issued server command: /randomtp [18:42:11] Bikqwe issued server command: /rtp [18:42:13] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /warp forest [18:42:15] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /we cui [18:42:18] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /we cui [18:42:34] Bikqwe issued server command: /spawn [18:42:37] Bikqwe issued server command: /we cui [18:42:38] Bikqwe issued server command: /randomtp [18:42:38] Bikqwe issued server command: /rtp [18:42:39] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /mpcaseshop [18:42:42] Bikqwe issued server command: /randomtp [18:42:42] Bikqwe issued server command: /rtp [18:42:45] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /mpcaseview 72 [18:42:47] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /mpcaseshop [18:43:00] H00DRICH issued server command: /kit eat [18:43:07] Bikqwe issued server command: /randomtp [18:43:07] Bikqwe issued server command: /rtp [18:43:09] Bikqwe issued server command: /home [18:43:12] Bikqwe issued server command: /we cui [18:43:13] Bikqwe issued server command: /randomtp [18:43:13] Bikqwe issued server command: /rtp [18:43:49] H00DRICH вышел [18:43:53] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /kit hunter [18:43:53] Bikqwe issued server command: /randomtp [18:43:53] Bikqwe issued server command: /rtp [18:44:09] Bikqwe issued server command: /randomtp [18:44:09] Bikqwe issued server command: /rtp [18:44:10] Bikqwe issued server command: /randomtp [18:44:10] Bikqwe issued server command: /rtp [18:44:12] Bikqwe issued server command: /randomtp [18:44:12] Bikqwe issued server command: /rtp [18:44:23] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /we cui [18:44:35] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /we cui [18:44:38] Zero09 issued server command: /rg info [18:44:41] Zero09 issued server command: /rg info [18:44:43] Jabuti issued server command: /home [18:44:45] Bikqwe issued server command: /randomtp [18:44:45] Bikqwe issued server command: /rtp [18:44:49] I_Quantum_I зашёл [18:44:51] I_Quantum_I issued server command: /we cui [18:45:31] KitKas issued server command: /home [18:45:39] Bikqwe issued server command: /randomtp [18:45:39] Bikqwe issued server command: /rtp [18:45:41] KitKas issued server command: /sethome [18:45:51] Allgiri зашёл [18:46:05] Allgiri issued server command: /we cui [18:46:31] Jabuti issued server command: /randomtp [18:46:31] Jabuti issued server command: /rtp [18:46:32] [L] Mass1ime: чем бы заняться... [18:46:33] I_Quantum_I был кикнут [18:46:33] I_Quantum_I вышел [18:46:34] I_Quantum_I зашёл [18:46:35] [G] Mass1ime: !чем бы заняться... [18:46:38] I_Quantum_I issued server command: /we cui [18:46:54] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /warp ad [18:46:55] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /we cui [18:47:02] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /list [18:47:04] [G] I_Quantum_I: !Изучать таумкрафт) [18:47:10] [G] I_Quantum_I: !Да и не только) [18:47:12] Jabuti issued server command: /kit eat [18:47:13] [G] Mass1ime: !Лень таум изучать [18:47:20] [G] Bikqwe: !Стажёр [18:47:22] [G] I_Quantum_I: !Витчери) [18:47:25] [G] Mass1ime: !на тмскай наигрался там [18:47:26] [G] Bikqwe: !Привет [18:47:30] [G] Mass1ime: !витсери [18:47:31] [G] I_Quantum_I: !Привет [18:47:33] [G] Mass1ime: !ммм [18:47:41] Allgiri умер (ENTITY_ATTACK) [18:47:43] Allgiri issued server command: /we cui [18:47:49] Zero09 issued server command: //chunk [18:47:49] Zero09 issued server command: //outset 16 [18:47:49] Zero09 issued server command: /zone [18:48:05] Allgiri issued server command: /randomtp [18:48:05] Allgiri issued server command: /rtp [18:48:23] [G] I_Quantum_I: !Не нравится витчери?) [18:48:33] Bikqwe issued server command: /home [18:48:39] [G] Bikqwe: !Имба же мод [18:48:41] Bikqwe issued server command: /randomtp [18:48:41] Bikqwe issued server command: /rtp [18:48:48] [G] I_Quantum_I: !Согласен) [18:48:50] Zero09 issued server command: //sel [18:48:52] BOBAHBEPTYXA умер (FALL) [18:48:56] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /we cui [18:48:59] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /warp ad [18:49:00] [G] Mass1ime: !да просто многое потом усложняется [18:49:00] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /we cui [18:49:07] Allgiri issued server command: /randomtp [18:49:07] Allgiri issued server command: /rtp [18:49:17] Mass1ime issued server command: /money [18:49:19] [G] Bikqwe: !Ну я уже 3-ёх шабашных ведьм нашёл [18:49:22] [G] I_Quantum_I: !В том и суть. Чтобы было интересно) [18:49:31] Allgiri issued server command: /randomtp [18:49:31] Allgiri issued server command: /rtp [18:49:33] Allgiri issued server command: /randomtp [18:49:33] Allgiri issued server command: /rtp [18:49:37] [G] Bikqwe: !4-ый визер [18:49:38] [G] Mass1ime: !ведьма и жизнь на острове... [18:49:42] [G] Bikqwe: !Зачем вам так много [18:49:44] [G] I_Quantum_I: ! Bikqwe молодец) [18:49:57] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /home [18:49:59] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /we cui [18:50:00] Bikqwe issued server command: /randomtp [18:50:00] Bikqwe issued server command: /rtp [18:50:04] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /home [18:50:05] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: / [18:50:05] [L] xx_VR_xxx: . [18:50:09] Bikqwe issued server command: /home [18:50:12] Zero09 вышел [18:50:25] Jabuti issued server command: /randomtp [18:50:25] Jabuti issued server command: /rtp [18:50:26] Bikqwe issued server command: /randomtp [18:50:26] Bikqwe issued server command: /rtp [18:51:06] Allgiri issued server command: /home [18:51:36] Bikqwe issued server command: /randomtp [18:51:36] Bikqwe issued server command: /rtp [18:51:40] KitKas issued server command: /home [18:52:06] Bikqwe issued server command: /randomtp [18:52:06] Bikqwe issued server command: /rtp [18:52:30] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /spawn [18:52:32] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /we cui [18:52:33] Jabuti issued server command: /home [18:53:10] KitKas вышел [18:53:24] Jabuti issued server command: /call AYLIEXEC [18:53:25] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /tpaccept [18:53:37] Jabuti issued server command: /home [18:53:57] Yunia issued server command: /home [18:54:11] Jabuti issued server command: /call AYLIEXEC [18:54:13] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /tpaccept [18:54:30] Jabuti issued server command: /home [18:54:55] Mass1ime issued server command: /warp ad [18:55:07] Mass1ime issued server command: /we cui [18:55:14] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /tpaccept [18:55:20] Jabuti issued server command: /call AYLIEXEC [18:55:22] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /tpaccept [18:55:39] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /home [18:55:40] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /we cui [18:55:49] Jabuti issued server command: /call AYLIEXEC [18:55:52] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /tpaccept [18:55:56] Bikqwe issued server command: /home [18:55:58] Jabuti issued server command: /home [18:56:51] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /warp ad [18:56:53] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /we cui [18:57:12] Jabuti issued server command: /call AYLIEXEC [18:57:14] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /tpaccept [18:57:33] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /home [18:57:34] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /we cui [18:57:39] Mass1ime issued server command: /kit eat [18:57:39] I_Quantum_I issued server command: /playtime [18:57:45] Jabuti issued server command: /home [18:57:46] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /warp ad [18:57:47] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /we cui [18:57:56] Yunia умер (ENTITY_ATTACK) [18:57:59] Yunia issued server command: /we cui [18:58:34] Bikqwe issued server command: /voteday [18:58:38] I_Quantum_I issued server command: /no [18:58:45] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /yes [18:58:58] Jabuti issued server command: /call AYLIEXEC [18:59:00] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /tpaccept [18:59:01] KitKas зашёл [18:59:08] KitKas issued server command: /we cui [18:59:40] Bikqwe умер (ENTITY_ATTACK) [18:59:43] Bikqwe issued server command: /we cui [18:59:46] Zero09 зашёл [18:59:51] Yunia issued server command: /home [18:59:57] Zero09 issued server command: /we cui [19:00:23] BOBAHBEPTYXA убил Mass1ime (TCONSTRUCT_RAPIER) [19:00:31] Jabuti issued server command: /home [19:00:32] Zero09 вышел [19:00:33] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /randomtp [19:00:33] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /rtp [19:00:34] Mass1ime issued server command: /we cui [19:00:42] [G] Mass1ime: !Во тварь вова [19:00:46] [G] Bikqwe: !Куплю 1 железо [19:00:49] Bikqwe issued server command: /home [19:00:51] Bikqwe issued server command: /home [19:00:54] [G] BOBAHBEPTYXA: !Там все на месте [19:00:55] Bikqwe issued server command: /home [19:00:56] Jabuti issued server command: /call AYLIEXEC [19:00:56] Bikqwe issued server command: /spawn [19:00:58] Bikqwe issued server command: /we cui [19:01:00] [G] BOBAHBEPTYXA: !Просто нога зачасалась [19:01:00] Bikqwe issued server command: /home [19:01:01] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /tpaccept [19:01:02] [G] Mass1ime: !Последнего сета лишил xD [19:01:04] Bikqwe issued server command: /we cui [19:01:06] [G] Mass1ime: !yeye [19:01:09] [G] Mass1ime: !нуну [19:01:14] Mass1ime issued server command: /tpa BOBAHBEPTYXA [19:01:18] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /tpaccept [19:01:22] Mass1ime issued server command: /we cui [19:01:34] [G] Mass1ime: ![jnm dthyek? b nj cgfcb,j =) [19:01:44] [G] BOBAHBEPTYXA: !Не понятно( [19:01:49] [G] Mass1ime: !Хоть вернул, и то спасибо [19:02:04] Jabuti issued server command: /home [19:02:15] I_Quantum_I issued server command: /warn mass1ime 3.2 [19:02:35] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /inf 3.2 [19:02:41] [G] I_Quantum_I: !ай я яй, нельзя оскорблять [19:02:53] [G] Mass1ime: !Да я обосрался [19:02:56] Jabuti issued server command: /call AYLIEXEC [19:02:57] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /tpaccept [19:02:59] Allgiri issued server command: /kit eat [19:03:01] KitKas issued server command: /home [19:03:06] [G] I_Quantum_I: !Прости( [19:03:11] Allgiri issued server command: /randomtp [19:03:11] Allgiri issued server command: /rtp [19:03:32] Jabuti issued server command: /call AYLIEXEC [19:03:34] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /tpaccept [19:04:00] KitKas issued server command: /randomtp [19:04:00] KitKas issued server command: /rtp [19:04:00] Jabuti issued server command: /home [19:04:20] [G] BOBAHBEPTYXA: !Я думал что меч из пустотного металла будет сам себя чинить, а он не чинит [19:04:24] KitKas issued server command: /home [19:04:25] [G] BOBAHBEPTYXA: !почему так? [19:04:37] Bikqwe issued server command: /home [19:04:51] KitKas issued server command: /home [19:04:56] Jabuti issued server command: /call AYLIEXEC [19:04:57] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /tpaccept [19:05:00] Jabuti issued server command: /home [19:05:10] KitKas issued server command: /money [19:05:27] Yunia issued server command: /home [19:05:57] Jabuti issued server command: /call AYLIEXEC [19:05:58] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /tpaccept [19:06:00] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /home [19:06:02] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /we cui [19:06:05] [G] Yunia: !ГНОМ Маг [19:06:07] Jabuti issued server command: /home [19:06:12] [G] Yunia: !Кому нужен был? [19:06:26] [G] BOBAHBEPTYXA: !Продам набалдашники гномье проклятие за 20 эмов [19:06:29] KitKas issued server command: /randomtp [19:06:29] KitKas issued server command: /rtp [19:06:43] Yunia issued server command: /home [19:07:09] Jabuti issued server command: /call AYLIEXEC [19:07:10] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /tpaccept [19:07:11] KitKas issued server command: /randomtp [19:07:11] KitKas issued server command: /rtp [19:07:12] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /warp ad [19:07:14] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /we cui [19:07:17] Jabuti issued server command: /home [19:07:19] Jabuti issued server command: /call AYLIEXEC [19:07:21] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /tpaccept [19:07:33] Jabuti issued server command: /home [19:07:34] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: / [19:07:34] [L] xx_VR_xxx: . [19:07:41] Mass1ime issued server command: /we cui [19:07:46] KitKas issued server command: /home [19:07:47] [G] I_Quantum_I: ! Yunia без капса пожалуйста [19:08:04] Jabuti issued server command: /call AYLIEXEC [19:08:05] Mass1ime issued server command: /we cui [19:08:06] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /tpaccept [19:08:23] Mass1ime умер (FALL) [19:08:27] Mass1ime issued server command: /we cui [19:08:31] [G] Bikqwe: !Куплю ледяной кристалл [19:08:32] [G] Mass1ime: !ммм [19:08:35] Jabuti issued server command: /call AYLIEXEC [19:08:36] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /tpaccept [19:08:37] [G] Mass1ime: !Круто [19:08:44] [G] Mass1ime: !а кто меня толкнул то? [19:08:45] Jabuti issued server command: /home [19:09:01] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /help [19:09:03] Yunia issued server command: /home [19:09:03] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /god [19:09:04] [G] Mass1ime: !И смысл... [19:09:06] Jabuti issued server command: /call AYLIEXEC [19:09:08] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /tpaccept [19:09:20] Jabuti issued server command: /home [19:09:46] Jabuti issued server command: /call AYLIEXEC [19:09:48] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /tpaccept [19:10:06] Jabuti issued server command: /call AYLIEXEC [19:10:08] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /tpaccept [19:10:11] Yunia issued server command: /home [19:10:14] KitKas issued server command: /randomtp [19:10:14] KitKas issued server command: /rtp [19:10:17] Jabuti issued server command: /home [19:10:32] Nekit192 вышел [19:10:35] Jabuti issued server command: /call AYLIEXEC [19:10:35] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /tpaccept [19:10:41] Jabuti issued server command: /home [19:11:32] KitKas issued server command: /home [19:11:37] Jabuti issued server command: /call AYLIEXEC [19:11:39] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /tpaccept [19:11:44] Jabuti issued server command: /home [19:12:11] KitKas issued server command: /randomtp [19:12:11] KitKas issued server command: /rtp [19:12:58] Jabuti issued server command: /call AYLIEXEC [19:12:59] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /tpaccept [19:13:36] Jabuti issued server command: /call AYLIEXEC [19:13:37] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /tpaccept [19:13:43] KitKas issued server command: /home [19:14:10] Jabuti issued server command: /call AYLIEXEC [19:14:11] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /tpaccept [19:14:18] Jabuti issued server command: /home [19:14:19] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /home [19:14:20] KitKas issued server command: /home [19:14:21] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /we cui [19:14:50] AYLIEXEC был кикнут [19:14:50] AYLIEXEC вышел [19:14:50] Scilla был кикнут [19:14:50] Scilla вышел [19:14:50] Jabuti был кикнут [19:14:50] Jabuti вышел [19:14:50] xx_VR_xxx был кикнут [19:14:50] xx_VR_xxx вышел [19:14:50] I_Quantum_I был кикнут [19:14:50] I_Quantum_I вышел [19:14:50] Allgiri был кикнут [19:14:50] Allgiri вышел [19:14:50] BOBAHBEPTYXA был кикнут [19:14:50] BOBAHBEPTYXA вышел [19:14:50] Yunia был кикнут [19:14:50] Yunia вышел [19:14:50] KitKas был кикнут [19:14:50] KitKas вышел [19:14:50] Bikqwe был кикнут [19:14:50] Bikqwe вышел [19:14:50] Mass1ime был кикнут [19:14:50] Mass1ime вышел [19:14:54] Сервер выключился [19:15:34] Сервер включился [19:15:51] Jabuti зашёл [19:15:52] BOBAHBEPTYXA зашёл [19:15:52] Jabuti issued server command: /we cui [19:15:53] Scilla зашёл [19:15:54] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /we cui [19:15:55] Scilla issued server command: /we cui [19:15:56] xx_VR_xxx зашёл [19:15:56] I_Quantum_I зашёл [19:15:58] Mass1ime зашёл [19:15:58] Yunia зашёл [19:16:00] I_Quantum_I issued server command: /we cui [19:16:00] Yunia issued server command: /we cui [19:16:06] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /we cui [19:16:09] Bikqwe зашёл [19:16:10] KitKas зашёл [19:16:11] Bikqwe issued server command: /we cui [19:16:14] Mass1ime issued server command: /we cui [19:16:17] KitKas issued server command: /we cui [19:17:02] Allgiri зашёл [19:17:05] Allgiri issued server command: /we cui [19:17:29] Bikqwe issued server command: /randomtp [19:17:29] Bikqwe issued server command: /rtp [19:18:07] I_Quantum_I issued server command: /vanish [19:18:08] Bikqwe issued server command: /randomtp [19:18:08] Bikqwe issued server command: /rtp [19:18:08] AYLIEXEC зашёл [19:18:11] I_Quantum_I issued server command: /tp xx_VR_xxx [19:18:16] I_Quantum_I issued server command: /rg info [19:18:19] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /dupeip xx_vr_xxx [19:18:19] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /we cui [19:18:24] I_Quantum_I issued server command: /rg info [19:18:30] I_Quantum_I issued server command: /rg info [19:18:42] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /warp end [19:18:43] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /we cui [19:19:04] Bikqwe issued server command: /randomtp [19:19:04] Bikqwe issued server command: /rtp [19:19:14] Bikqwe умер (FIRE_TICK) [19:19:18] Bikqwe issued server command: /we cui [19:19:24] [G] Bikqwe: !Я в лаве ртпхнулся [19:19:25] Jabuti issued server command: /call AYLIEXEC [19:19:27] [G] Bikqwe: !Это нормально [19:19:29] [G] Bikqwe: !!?! [19:19:29] I_Quantum_I issued server command: /home [19:19:31] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /tpaccept [19:19:31] Allgiri issued server command: /home [19:19:34] Bikqwe issued server command: /spawn [19:19:36] Jabuti issued server command: /home [19:19:37] Bikqwe issued server command: /we cui [19:19:39] Bikqwe issued server command: /home [19:19:41] KitKas issued server command: /home [19:19:44] [G] Mass1ime: !да [19:19:44] Bikqwe issued server command: /we cui [19:19:46] [G] I_Quantum_I: !Ну, на то оно и рандом тп) [19:19:52] Bikqwe issued server command: /randomtp [19:19:52] Bikqwe issued server command: /rtp [19:19:57] Mass1ime issued server command: /randomtp [19:19:57] Mass1ime issued server command: /rtp [19:20:16] Bikqwe issued server command: /randomtp [19:20:16] Bikqwe issued server command: /rtp [19:20:19] Bikqwe issued server command: /randomtp [19:20:19] Bikqwe issued server command: /rtp [19:20:30] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /randomtp [19:20:30] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /rtp [19:20:33] Bikqwe issued server command: /randomtp [19:20:33] Bikqwe issued server command: /rtp [19:20:51] Bikqwe issued server command: /randomtp [19:20:51] Bikqwe issued server command: /rtp [19:21:09] Mass1ime issued server command: /randomtp [19:21:09] Mass1ime issued server command: /rtp [19:21:15] Bikqwe issued server command: /randomtp [19:21:15] Bikqwe issued server command: /rtp [19:21:17] Bikqwe issued server command: /randomtp [19:21:17] Bikqwe issued server command: /rtp [19:21:35] Bikqwe issued server command: /randomtp [19:21:35] Bikqwe issued server command: /rtp [19:21:51] Bikqwe issued server command: /randomtp [19:21:51] Bikqwe issued server command: /rtp [19:21:51] Jabuti issued server command: /call AYLIEXEC [19:21:53] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /tpaccept [19:21:58] Mass1ime issued server command: /spawn [19:22:06] Mass1ime issued server command: /we cui [19:22:10] Jabuti issued server command: /home [19:22:11] Mass1ime issued server command: /home [19:22:16] Mass1ime issued server command: /we cui [19:22:45] Bikqwe issued server command: /randomtp [19:22:45] Bikqwe issued server command: /rtp [19:23:10] [L] AYLIEXEC: ты где потерялась [19:23:14] Bikqwe issued server command: /randomtp [19:23:14] Bikqwe issued server command: /rtp [19:23:38] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /randomtp [19:23:38] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /rtp [19:23:40] Bikqwe issued server command: /randomtp [19:23:40] Bikqwe issued server command: /rtp [19:24:02] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /home [19:24:04] Bikqwe issued server command: /randomtp [19:24:04] Bikqwe issued server command: /rtp [19:24:04] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /we cui [19:24:09] Bikqwe issued server command: /randomtp [19:24:09] Bikqwe issued server command: /rtp [19:25:12] [G] Yunia: !куплю око эндера или огненный порошок [19:25:15] Jabuti issued server command: /call AYLIEXEC [19:25:16] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /tpaccept [19:25:31] Jabuti issued server command: /home [19:25:39] [G] Mass1ime: !что лучше, вампир или ведьма? [19:25:52] [G] Bikqwe: !Ведьмой же нельзя быть [19:26:08] [G] xx_VR_xxx: ! можно быть либо вампиром либо ликантропом(оборотнем) или гибридом [19:26:10] [G] Mass1ime: !а кто то шабаш уже собирал [19:26:21] Jabuti issued server command: /call AYLIEXEC [19:26:22] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /tpaccept [19:26:23] Bikqwe issued server command: /msg xx_VR_xxx Быстро кншн [19:26:26] Jabuti issued server command: /home [19:26:28] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /r ? [19:26:31] [G] Mass1ime: !Вр с повышением [19:26:36] [G] Mass1ime: !xD [19:26:39] [G] xx_VR_xxx: ! Сяб [19:26:48] Bikqwe issued server command: /r Сегодня только обсуждали [19:26:50] Jabuti issued server command: /call AYLIEXEC [19:26:51] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /tpaccept [19:26:58] Jabuti issued server command: /home [19:27:00] [L] Mass1ime: Ликантроп неуклюж вроде в начале [19:27:04] [G] Mass1ime: !Ликантроп неуклюж вроде в начале [19:27:14] [G] Bikqwe: !Он легко качается [19:27:17] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /r ну да [19:27:44] Yunia issued server command: /randomtp [19:27:44] Yunia issued server command: /rtp [19:27:49] [G] xx_VR_xxx: ! Качается легко имет две формы,повышенный дамаг с руки в форме [19:27:56] Jabuti issued server command: /call AYLIEXEC [19:27:57] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /tpaccept [19:28:02] Jabuti issued server command: /home [19:28:28] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /randomtp [19:28:28] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /rtp [19:30:26] Yunia issued server command: /randomtp [19:30:26] Yunia issued server command: /rtp [19:31:05] Jabuti issued server command: /call AYLIEXEC [19:31:06] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /tpaccept [19:31:10] Jabuti issued server command: /home [19:32:21] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /home [19:32:31] Jabuti issued server command: /call AYLIEXEC [19:32:33] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /tpaccept [19:32:38] Jabuti issued server command: /home [19:33:01] Allgiri issued server command: /kit start [19:33:04] [G] BOBAHBEPTYXA: !Есть предмет который будет камень удалять? [19:33:21] [G] Bikqwe: !Набалдажник есть [19:33:23] [G] Bikqwe: !Вроде [19:33:26] [G] xx_VR_xxx: !Зачарование потребление [19:33:38] [G] BOBAHBEPTYXA: !А для молота? [19:33:42] Flysnake_ зашёл [19:33:58] Flysnake_ issued server command: /we cui [19:34:13] [G] xx_VR_xxx: ! Можно талисман черной дыры привязать на камень чтобы он забирал его [19:34:31] [G] BOBAHBEPTYXA: !Крч либо дорого, либо не для меня( [19:34:59] Flysnake_ issued server command: /spawn [19:35:07] Flysnake_ issued server command: /we cui [19:35:07] AYLIEXEC вышел [19:35:33] [G] Bikqwe: !Куплю кожу 4шт [19:35:34] Bikqwe issued server command: /home [19:35:59] Yunia issued server command: /warp mining [19:36:00] Yunia issued server command: /we cui [19:36:04] Yunia issued server command: /randomtp [19:36:04] Yunia issued server command: /rtp [19:36:07] [G] xx_VR_xxx: ! Продам [19:36:11] Bikqwe issued server command: /tpa xx_VR_xxx [19:36:14] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /tpyes [19:36:18] [L] xx_VR_xxx: за что? [19:36:25] Bikqwe issued server command: /money pay xx_VR_xxx 5 [19:36:30] Bikqwe issued server command: /home [19:37:09] AYLIEXEC зашёл [19:37:21] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /we cui [19:37:40] [G] BOBAHBEPTYXA: !А есть сумка чтобы в нее можно было закидывать гипернетический нитор?\ [19:37:58] [G] Bikqwe: !Бездонная сумка [19:38:10] [G] I_Quantum_I: !по факту [19:38:12] [G] BOBAHBEPTYXA: !А дешевле? [19:38:34] [G] I_Quantum_I: !Ну [19:38:41] [G] I_Quantum_I: !Дешевле только на базаре) [19:38:59] [G] Bikqwe: !Куплю ледяной кристалл [19:39:01] [G] Bikqwe: !2шт [19:39:09] [G] BOBAHBEPTYXA: !тп [19:39:18] Bikqwe issued server command: /tpa BOBAHBEPTYXA [19:39:22] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /tpaccept [19:39:23] Bikqwe issued server command: /money pay BOBAHBEPTYXA 1 [19:39:35] [L] Bikqwe: Cпс [19:39:38] Bikqwe issued server command: /home [19:39:44] [L] Mass1ime: Быть вампиром, и одновременно оборотень должен будет убивать [19:39:50] [G] Mass1ime: !Быть вампиром, и одновременно оборотень должен будет убивать [19:40:03] Flysnake_ issued server command: /home [19:40:06] [G] Mass1ime: !гениально, а где я найду оборотня? [19:40:13] Yunia issued server command: /randomtp [19:40:13] Yunia issued server command: /rtp [19:40:14] Flysnake_ умер (ENTITY_ATTACK) [19:40:17] [G] Bikqwe: !Ритуал [19:40:19] [G] Bikqwe: !Есть [19:40:19] Jabuti issued server command: /call AYLIEXEC [19:40:20] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /tpaccept [19:40:32] Jabuti issued server command: /call AYLIEXEC [19:40:34] Flysnake_ вышел [19:40:35] Jabuti issued server command: /home [19:40:41] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /tpaccept [19:40:44] Jabuti issued server command: /home [19:40:48] [G] Mass1ime: !по моему, когда ты вампир, оборотнем стать ток через укусы оборотня [19:40:55] Jabuti issued server command: /call AYLIEXEC [19:40:55] Allgiri умер (ENTITY_ATTACK) [19:40:55] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /tpaccept [19:40:58] Allgiri issued server command: /we cui [19:41:09] KitKas issued server command: /randomtp [19:41:09] KitKas issued server command: /rtp [19:41:23] [G] xx_VR_xxx: ! Гибриды запрещены [19:41:30] [G] Mass1ime: !А найс [19:41:39] KitKas issued server command: /randomtp [19:41:39] KitKas issued server command: /rtp [19:41:43] yaroxa_kosolapy зашёл [19:41:44] KitKas issued server command: /home [19:41:46] yaroxa_kosolapy issued server command: /we cui [19:41:55] Jabuti issued server command: /call AYLIEXEC [19:41:56] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /tpaccept [19:42:00] Flysnake_ зашёл [19:42:08] Flysnake_ issued server command: /we cui [19:42:08] [G] Mass1ime: !тогда невыгодно ни то ни то [19:42:18] Jabuti issued server command: /call AYLIEXEC [19:42:22] Flysnake_ issued server command: /we cui [19:42:22] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /tpaccept [19:42:26] Jabuti issued server command: /home [19:42:30] Condesce зашёл [19:42:37] [G] xx_VR_xxx: ! Выгодно быть человеком [19:42:48] Condesce issued server command: /we cui [19:42:54] Jabuti issued server command: /call AYLIEXEC [19:42:55] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /tpaccept [19:42:55] Flysnake_ умер (ENTITY_ATTACK) [19:42:59] [G] I_Quantum_I: !Выгодно купить привилегии со скидкой [19:42:59] Flysnake_ issued server command: /we cui [19:43:17] Flysnake_ issued server command: /kit start [19:43:25] Jabuti issued server command: /home [19:43:29] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /home [19:43:34] Flysnake_ умер (ENTITY_ATTACK) [19:43:38] Flysnake_ issued server command: /we cui [19:43:46] I_Quantum_I issued server command: /vanish [19:43:48] I_Quantum_I issued server command: /vanish [19:43:51] Condesce issued server command: /pickup [19:43:54] I_Quantum_I issued server command: /tp Flysnake_ [19:44:00] Jabuti issued server command: /call AYLIEXEC [19:44:02] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /tpaccept [19:44:07] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /home [19:44:08] Jabuti issued server command: /home [19:44:21] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /playtimetop [19:44:23] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /playtime [19:44:38] Condesce issued server command: /alisa toggledetect [19:44:41] Condesce issued server command: /alisa playtimereport [19:44:48] lilgonerww зашёл [19:44:49] Condesce issued server command: /vanish [19:44:54] Flysnake_ issued server command: /sethome [19:44:55] yaroxa_kosolapy issued server command: /warp ad [19:44:56] lilgonerww issued server command: /we cui [19:44:58] yaroxa_kosolapy issued server command: /we cui [19:44:58] Condesce issued server command: /tp xx_VR_xxx [19:44:59] Flysnake_ вышел [19:45:06] I_Quantum_I issued server command: /tp xx_VR_xxx [19:45:17] Jabuti issued server command: /call AYLIEXEC [19:45:18] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /tpaccept [19:45:21] Condesce issued server command: /home [19:45:22] Jabuti issued server command: /home [19:45:22] Condesce issued server command: /thru [19:45:27] Condesce issued server command: /s xx_VR_xxx [19:45:31] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /god [19:45:34] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /fly [19:45:56] yaroxa_kosolapy issued server command: /home [19:45:58] yaroxa_kosolapy issued server command: /we cui [19:45:58] Yunia issued server command: /randomtp [19:45:58] Yunia issued server command: /rtp [19:46:12] I_Quantum_I issued server command: /rg info [19:46:14] I_Quantum_I issued server command: /rg info [19:46:17] I_Quantum_I issued server command: /rg info [19:46:19] I_Quantum_I issued server command: /rg info [19:46:19] Allgiri issued server command: /we cui [19:46:33] Jabuti issued server command: /call AYLIEXEC [19:46:36] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /tpaccept [19:46:41] Jabuti issued server command: /home [19:47:10] yaroxa_kosolapy issued server command: /warp ad [19:47:12] yaroxa_kosolapy issued server command: /we cui [19:47:17] yaroxa_kosolapy issued server command: /home [19:47:17] Condesce issued server command: //set 1 [19:47:21] yaroxa_kosolapy issued server command: /home [19:47:21] Jabuti issued server command: /call AYLIEXEC [19:47:22] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /randomtp [19:47:22] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /rtp [19:47:22] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /tpaccept [19:47:23] yaroxa_kosolapy issued server command: /home [19:47:24] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /home\ [19:47:25] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /home [19:47:25] yaroxa_kosolapy issued server command: /we cui [19:47:25] Condesce issued server command: //set 1 [19:47:35] Condesce issued server command: //set 1 [19:47:39] Jabuti issued server command: /home [19:47:41] Condesce issued server command: //set 1 [19:47:47] I_Quantum_I issued server command: /home [19:47:49] Condesce issued server command: //undo [19:47:59] Condesce issued server command: //set 1 [19:48:17] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /money [19:48:29] yaroxa_kosolapy issued server command: /warp ad [19:48:31] yaroxa_kosolapy issued server command: /we cui [19:48:41] Jabuti issued server command: /call AYLIEXEC [19:48:42] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /tpaccept [19:48:50] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /warp ad [19:48:52] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /we cui [19:48:53] Jabuti issued server command: /home [19:49:02] Condesce issued server command: /rg flag Condesce mob-spawning allow [19:49:09] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /fly [19:49:13] [L] AYLIEXEC: норм [19:49:17] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /fly [19:49:33] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /home [19:49:34] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /we cui [19:49:56] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /warp ad [19:49:56] yaroxa_kosolapy issued server command: /home [19:49:58] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /we cui [19:49:59] yaroxa_kosolapy issued server command: /we cui [19:50:03] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /money [19:50:05] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /playtime [19:50:07] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /playtimetop [19:50:10] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /playtimetop clear [19:50:16] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /money [19:50:16] Jabuti issued server command: /call AYLIEXEC [19:50:18] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /warp ad [19:50:18] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /tpaccept [19:50:25] Condesce issued server command: /s xx_VR_xxx [19:50:31] [L] xx_VR_xxx: сигил предсказателя [19:50:33] Yunia issued server command: /randomtp [19:50:33] Yunia issued server command: /rtp [19:50:48] Bikqwe issued server command: /warp shop [19:50:51] Bikqwe issued server command: /we cui [19:50:56] [L] xx_VR_xxx: не агрятся [19:50:59] Jabuti issued server command: /home [19:51:06] Yunia issued server command: /randomtp [19:51:06] Yunia issued server command: /rtp [19:51:13] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /kit eat [19:51:20] Bikqwe issued server command: /home [19:51:23] Bikqwe issued server command: /we cui [19:51:38] I_Quantum_I issued server command: /tp xx_VR_xxx [19:51:38] yaroxa_kosolapy issued server command: /warp ad [19:51:40] yaroxa_kosolapy issued server command: /we cui [19:51:45] Yunia issued server command: /home [19:51:46] Yunia issued server command: /we cui [19:51:54] [L] xx_VR_xxx: работает как швейцарские часы [19:52:17] BOBAHBEPTYXA убил yaroxa_kosolapy (TCONSTRUCT_RAPIER) [19:52:22] yaroxa_kosolapy issued server command: /we cui [19:52:44] [G] yaroxa_kosolapy: !земля круглая,пересечемся [19:52:50] [G] BOBAHBEPTYXA: !Ок [19:53:05] Condesce issued server command: //set 1 [19:53:06] [G] Mass1ime: !чапалаха выдал? [19:53:18] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /home [19:53:20] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /we cui [19:53:22] I_Quantum_I issued server command: /tp BOBAHBEPTYXA [19:53:23] Condesce issued server command: /vanish [19:53:42] [G] Mass1ime: !продам трофеи наги и лича [19:53:44] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /m Condesce ты где [19:53:50] Condesce issued server command: /r ща буду [19:54:22] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /warp ad [19:54:23] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /we cui [19:54:25] [G] Yunia: !куплю поршень [19:54:27] I_Quantum_I issued server command: /tp BOBAHBEPTYXA [19:54:27] Yunia issued server command: /randomtp [19:54:27] Yunia issued server command: /rtp [19:54:31] I_Quantum_I issued server command: /we cui [19:54:38] I_Quantum_I issued server command: /tp BOBAHBEPTYXA [19:54:44] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /home [19:54:46] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /we cui [19:54:46] Allgiri был кикнут [19:54:46] Allgiri вышел [19:54:48] Allgiri зашёл [19:54:49] Allgiri issued server command: /we cui [19:54:52] Condesce issued server command: /screenall [19:55:06] Allgiri был кикнут [19:55:06] Allgiri вышел [19:55:06] MrDimonsterR зашёл [19:55:06] Condesce issued server command: /vanish [19:55:06] Allgiri зашёл [19:55:08] Allgiri issued server command: /we cui [19:55:10] Condesce issued server command: /tp BOBAHBEPTYXA [19:55:10] Yunia issued server command: /randomtp [19:55:10] Yunia issued server command: /rtp [19:55:21] MrDimonsterR issued server command: /we cui [19:55:29] Condesce issued server command: /tp I_Quantum_I [19:55:31] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /home [19:55:31] Condesce issued server command: /we cui [19:55:32] [G] Bikqwe: !Чтобы великое дерево вырастить нужно ставить 4 саженца? [19:55:41] [G] BOBAHBEPTYXA: !1 хватит [19:55:41] [G] Mass1ime: !1 [19:55:49] [G] Condesce: !1 хватит [19:55:56] [G] Mass1ime: !площадь лучше 3*3 делай [19:56:00] [G] I_Quantum_I: !1 [19:56:00] [G] xx_VR_xxx: ! 1 [19:56:02] [G] Condesce: !но его нельзя выращивать косной мукой [19:56:09] Flysnake_ зашёл [19:56:09] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /list [19:56:20] [G] I_Quantum_I: !но нельзя выращивать костной мукой [19:56:21] Yunia issued server command: /randomtp [19:56:21] Yunia issued server command: /rtp [19:56:25] [G] Bikqwe: !Ладно [19:56:26] Condesce issued server command: /tp AYLIEXEC [19:56:28] Condesce issued server command: /we cui [19:56:30] Flysnake_ issued server command: /we cui [19:56:30] I_Quantum_I issued server command: /home [19:56:33] I_Quantum_I issued server command: /we cui [19:56:38] [G] Mass1ime: !Ибо 2*2 нужно для роста (на тмскае так было) [19:56:44] I_Quantum_I issued server command: /playtime [19:56:46] MrDimonsterR issued server command: /randomtp [19:56:46] MrDimonsterR issued server command: /rtp [19:56:59] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /playtime [19:57:06] I_Quantum_I issued server command: /feen [19:57:10] I_Quantum_I issued server command: /seen [19:57:11] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /fine [19:57:14] I_Quantum_I issued server command: /seen I_Quantum_I [19:57:29] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /seen xx_VR_xxx [19:57:29] I_Quantum_I issued server command: /seen xx_VR_xxx [19:57:34] yaroxa_kosolapy issued server command: /warp ad [19:57:36] yaroxa_kosolapy issued server command: /we cui [19:57:40] [G] Mass1ime: !Я не понимаю, а к чему дублить за ст.модератором? [19:57:55] [G] Mass1ime: !это глупо немного [19:58:03] Condesce issued server command: /rg info co [19:58:09] Condesce issued server command: /rg i Condesce [19:58:30] Mass1ime issued server command: /home [19:58:47] Allgiri умер (ENTITY_ATTACK) [19:58:50] Allgiri issued server command: /we cui [19:59:08] [G] Bikqwe: !Но умно [19:59:09] I_Quantum_I issued server command: /tp Allgiri [19:59:11] I_Quantum_I issued server command: /we cui [19:59:39] Allgiri issued server command: /kit start [19:59:39] Flysnake_ issued server command: /RG INFO [19:59:41] Allgiri issued server command: /kit eat [19:59:42] [G] Bikqwe: !Ивенты? [19:59:44] Flysnake_ issued server command: /rg info [19:59:50] [G] Mass1ime: !Разве? [19:59:52] [G] Condesce: !будут [19:59:55] Yunia issued server command: /randomtp [19:59:55] Yunia issued server command: /rtp [19:59:56] [L] Mass1ime: А [19:59:58] [G] Mass1ime: !А ок [20:00:01] Condesce issued server command: /bc Уважаемые игроки! Ивенты начнутся через 5 минут! [20:00:12] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /mpcaseshop [20:00:13] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /mpcaseshop [20:00:14] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /mpcaseview 70 [20:00:15] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /mpcaseview 70 [20:00:16] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /buycase 70 [20:00:16] [G] Mass1ime: !Я себе кнопочку забиндил уже [20:00:16] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /buycase 70 [20:00:17] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /buycase 70 [20:00:17] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /buycase 70 [20:00:17] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /buycase 70 [20:00:17] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /buycase 70 [20:00:17] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /buycase 70 [20:00:17] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /buycase 70 [20:00:17] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /buycase 70 [20:00:18] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /buycase 70 [20:00:18] AYLIEXEC был кикнут [20:00:18] AYLIEXEC вышел [20:00:24] Jabuti issued server command: /home [20:00:25] AYLIEXEC зашёл [20:00:27] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /we cui [20:00:30] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /mpcaseshop [20:00:31] MrDimonsterR умер (ENTITY_ATTACK) [20:00:34] MrDimonsterR issued server command: /we cui [20:00:34] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /mpcaseshop [20:00:36] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /mpcaseview 70 [20:00:36] lilgonerww вышел [20:00:38] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /rollcase 70 [20:00:44] Jabuti issued server command: /randomtp [20:00:44] Jabuti issued server command: /rtp [20:00:53] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /mpcaseview 70 [20:00:54] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /rollcase 70 [20:00:58] Yunia issued server command: /randomtp [20:00:58] Yunia issued server command: /rtp [20:01:02] MrDimonsterR issued server command: /randomtp [20:01:02] MrDimonsterR issued server command: /rtp [20:01:03] Allgiri умер (ENTITY_ATTACK) [20:01:05] MrDimonsterR issued server command: /randomtp [20:01:05] MrDimonsterR issued server command: /rtp [20:01:06] Allgiri issued server command: /we cui [20:01:07] [L] Mass1ime: 3 бошки лича и 5 наги [20:01:09] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /mpcaseview 70 [20:01:10] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /rollcase 70 [20:01:10] [G] Mass1ime: !3 бошки лича и 5 наги [20:01:23] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /mpcaseview 70 [20:01:26] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /home [20:01:31] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /fly [20:01:32] Jabuti issued server command: /randomtp [20:01:32] Jabuti issued server command: /rtp [20:01:59] MrDimonsterR issued server command: /randomtp [20:01:59] MrDimonsterR issued server command: /rtp [20:02:00] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /we cui [20:02:05] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /home [20:02:07] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /we cui [20:02:14] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /we cui [20:02:17] Yunia issued server command: /randomtp [20:02:17] Yunia issued server command: /rtp [20:02:24] Bikqwe умер (PROJECTILE) [20:02:27] Bikqwe issued server command: /we cui [20:02:31] MrDimonsterR issued server command: /randomtp [20:02:31] MrDimonsterR issued server command: /rtp [20:02:34] Yunia issued server command: /randomtp [20:02:34] Yunia issued server command: /rtp [20:02:37] Jabuti issued server command: /home [20:02:38] Yunia issued server command: /randomtp [20:02:38] Yunia issued server command: /rtp [20:02:40] [G] Mass1ime: !жалк что труб нету тут [20:02:42] Yunia issued server command: /randomtp [20:02:42] Yunia issued server command: /rtp [20:02:45] Condesce issued server command: /vanish [20:02:45] MrDimonsterR issued server command: /home [20:02:46] Yunia issued server command: /randomtp [20:02:46] Yunia issued server command: /rtp [20:02:48] Condesce вышел [20:02:48] MrDimonsterR issued server command: /kit eat [20:02:53] MrDimonsterR issued server command: /randomtp [20:02:53] MrDimonsterR issued server command: /rtp [20:02:54] Condesce зашёл [20:02:56] MrDimonsterR issued server command: /randomtp [20:02:56] MrDimonsterR issued server command: /rtp [20:02:57] Condesce issued server command: /we cui [20:02:58] MrDimonsterR issued server command: /randomtp [20:02:58] MrDimonsterR issued server command: /rtp [20:03:01] yaroxa_kosolapy issued server command: /we cui [20:03:08] Bikqwe issued server command: /spawn [20:03:10] Bikqwe issued server command: /we cui [20:03:13] Bikqwe issued server command: /home [20:03:15] Bikqwe issued server command: /we cui [20:03:41] Yunia issued server command: /randomtp [20:03:41] Yunia issued server command: /rtp [20:03:42] MrDimonsterR issued server command: /randomtp [20:03:42] MrDimonsterR issued server command: /rtp [20:04:02] MrDimonsterR issued server command: /randomtp [20:04:02] MrDimonsterR issued server command: /rtp [20:04:06] MrDimonsterR issued server command: /randomtp [20:04:06] MrDimonsterR issued server command: /rtp [20:04:08] yaroxa_kosolapy issued server command: /home [20:04:08] MrDimonsterR issued server command: /randomtp [20:04:08] MrDimonsterR issued server command: /rtp [20:04:23] Mass1ime issued server command: /kit eat [20:04:28] [G] xx_VR_xxx: ! Mass1ime а для чего тебе конкретно трубы? [20:04:29] MrDimonsterR issued server command: /randomtp [20:04:29] MrDimonsterR issued server command: /rtp [20:04:31] MrDimonsterR issued server command: /randomtp [20:04:31] MrDimonsterR issued server command: /rtp [20:04:35] MrDimonsterR issued server command: /randomtp [20:04:35] MrDimonsterR issued server command: /rtp [20:04:37] [G] Mass1ime: !Пчёлки [20:04:58] MrDimonsterR issued server command: /tp MrDimonsterR -928 104 -2485 [20:04:58] MrDimonsterR issued server command: /tppos -928 104 -2485 [20:04:59] [G] Mass1ime: !тоесть предметы [20:04:59] [G] xx_VR_xxx: !а,понял,думал просто вещи перенести,тогда не прокатит вариант с кучей воронок [20:05:04] [G] Bikqwe: !Ивент [20:05:04] Condesce issued server command: /enew spleef [20:05:06] I_Quantum_I issued server command: /god [20:05:07] MrDimonsterR issued server command: /randomtp [20:05:07] MrDimonsterR issued server command: /rtp [20:05:07] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /home [20:05:08] Bikqwe issued server command: /ejoin [20:05:08] Condesce issued server command: /eobs [20:05:08] Mass1ime issued server command: /ejoin [20:05:10] Condesce issued server command: /we cui [20:05:11] Bikqwe issued server command: /ejoin [20:05:13] Bikqwe issued server command: /we cui [20:05:13] I_Quantum_I issued server command: /home [20:05:15] Mass1ime issued server command: /we cui [20:05:18] I_Quantum_I issued server command: /we cui [20:05:21] Allgiri был кикнут [20:05:21] Allgiri вышел [20:05:21] Condesce issued server command: /gm 0 [20:05:21] Jabuti issued server command: /ejoin [20:05:21] Allgiri зашёл [20:05:22] [G] Mass1ime: !Воронки муторно [20:05:22] Jabuti issued server command: /we cui [20:05:23] Allgiri issued server command: /we cui [20:05:25] Flysnake_ issued server command: /ejoin [20:05:26] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /ejoin [20:05:26] MrDimonsterR issued server command: /randomtp [20:05:26] MrDimonsterR issued server command: /rtp [20:05:27] Condesce issued server command: /gm 1 [20:05:27] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /we cui [20:05:31] I_Quantum_I issued server command: /ejoin [20:05:31] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /r да нет [20:05:31] Condesce issued server command: /gm 0 [20:05:32] Allgiri issued server command: /home [20:05:32] MrDimonsterR issued server command: /randomtp [20:05:32] MrDimonsterR issued server command: /rtp [20:05:33] Flysnake_ issued server command: /home [20:05:33] I_Quantum_I issued server command: /we cui [20:05:34] Condesce issued server command: /ejoin [20:05:37] Bikqwe issued server command: /r Да нет [20:05:38] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /r миссклик* [20:05:41] Allgiri был кикнут [20:05:41] Allgiri вышел [20:05:42] Allgiri зашёл [20:05:44] Allgiri issued server command: /we cui [20:05:45] [G] xx_VR_xxx: ! да нет [20:05:47] Flysnake_ issued server command: /home [20:05:49] Flysnake_ issued server command: /ejoin [20:05:49] lilgonerww зашёл [20:05:51] Flysnake_ issued server command: /we cui [20:05:57] lilgonerww issued server command: /we cui [20:06:01] [L] Condesce: &cСтартую [20:06:03] [G] Mass1ime: !Слишком муторно, даже вагонетка с воронкой [20:06:07] Condesce issued server command: /estart [20:06:15] Yunia issued server command: /randomtp [20:06:15] Yunia issued server command: /rtp [20:06:27] [L] Mass1ime: мм [20:06:37] Allgiri был кикнут [20:06:37] Allgiri вышел [20:06:38] Allgiri зашёл [20:06:40] Allgiri issued server command: /we cui [20:06:49] [L] Mass1ime: с [20:06:54] [L] Mass1ime: я промолчу =) [20:07:04] Allgiri был кикнут [20:07:04] Allgiri вышел [20:07:05] Allgiri зашёл [20:07:07] Allgiri issued server command: /we cui [20:07:09] Yunia issued server command: /randomtp [20:07:09] Yunia issued server command: /rtp [20:07:10] lilgonerww вышел [20:07:18] lilgonerww зашёл [20:07:19] lilgonerww issued server command: /we cui [20:07:31] Condesce issued server command: /ereward Jabuti [20:07:32] Condesce issued server command: /estop [20:07:33] Condesce issued server command: /enew tntrun [20:07:34] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /ejoin [20:07:35] I_Quantum_I issued server command: /ejoin [20:07:36] Condesce issued server command: /ejoin [20:07:37] Bikqwe issued server command: /ejoin [20:07:37] Mass1ime issued server command: /ejoin [20:07:37] Flysnake_ issued server command: /ejoin [20:07:38] Jabuti issued server command: /ejoin [20:07:45] Flysnake_ issued server command: /ejoin [20:07:52] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /home [20:07:53] MrDimonsterR issued server command: /randomtp [20:07:53] MrDimonsterR issued server command: /rtp [20:07:54] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /we cui [20:07:55] [L] Condesce: &cСтартую [20:07:57] Condesce issued server command: /estart [20:08:16] Yunia issued server command: /randomtp [20:08:16] Yunia issued server command: /rtp [20:08:19] [L] Mass1ime: да блин [20:08:20] MrDimonsterR issued server command: /randomtp [20:08:20] MrDimonsterR issued server command: /rtp [20:08:26] [L] Mass1ime: клаву выкину скоро [20:08:36] Yunia issued server command: /warp mining [20:08:37] Yunia issued server command: /we cui [20:08:39] Yunia issued server command: /randomtp [20:08:39] Yunia issued server command: /rtp [20:08:42] Yunia issued server command: /randomtp [20:08:42] Yunia issued server command: /rtp [20:08:45] Condesce issued server command: /ereward Jabuti [20:08:47] Condesce issued server command: /estop [20:08:47] Condesce issued server command: /enew Listva [20:08:49] Bikqwe issued server command: /ejoin [20:08:49] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /ejoin [20:08:49] Mass1ime issued server command: /ejoin [20:08:50] Condesce issued server command: /ejoin [20:08:50] Jabuti issued server command: /ejoin [20:08:51] Flysnake_ issued server command: /ejoin [20:08:51] Bikqwe issued server command: /ejoin [20:08:53] Mass1ime issued server command: /ejoin [20:08:56] Flysnake_ issued server command: /ejoin [20:08:57] Mass1ime issued server command: /ejoin [20:08:58] Jabuti issued server command: /eleave [20:08:59] Jabuti issued server command: /ejoin [20:09:02] yaroxa_kosolapy issued server command: /ejoin [20:09:07] I_Quantum_I issued server command: /ejoin [20:09:09] [L] Condesce: &cСтартую [20:09:13] Condesce issued server command: /estart [20:09:19] yaroxa_kosolapy issued server command: /ejoin [20:09:25] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /we cui [20:09:32] yaroxa_kosolapy issued server command: /eobs [20:09:34] yaroxa_kosolapy issued server command: /we cui [20:10:10] [L] Mass1ime: что за карма? [20:10:55] Mass1ime issued server command: /ejoin [20:11:00] Mass1ime issued server command: /ejoin [20:11:13] [L] Bikqwe: О очки [20:11:15] [G] Condesce: !На сейчас пока ивенты закончатся, полчаса и снова начнуться, мне нужно отойти срочно xddd [20:11:15] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /warp shop [20:11:17] Mass1ime issued server command: /ejoin [20:11:19] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /we cui [20:11:22] Condesce issued server command: /ereward I_Quantum_I [20:11:23] Flysnake_ issued server command: /home [20:11:24] Condesce issued server command: /estop [20:11:25] Flysnake_ issued server command: /we cui [20:11:26] Condesce вышел [20:11:27] [L] I_Quantum_I: оки [20:11:29] Jabuti issued server command: /home [20:11:29] Mass1ime issued server command: /ejoin [20:11:30] Jabuti issued server command: /we cui [20:11:31] yaroxa_kosolapy issued server command: /home [20:11:33] yaroxa_kosolapy issued server command: /we cui [20:11:38] Bikqwe issued server command: /msg I_Quantum_I Тебе нужны эти алмазы [20:11:40] Flysnake_ вышел [20:11:43] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /home [20:11:43] Bikqwe issued server command: /r Могу купить за 40 эмов [20:11:44] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /we cui [20:11:45] yaroxa_kosolapy issued server command: /home [20:11:50] yaroxa_kosolapy issued server command: /warp ad [20:12:08] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /home [20:12:10] Heia зашёл [20:12:11] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /we cui [20:12:13] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /home [20:12:13] I_Quantum_I issued server command: /m Bikqwe нужны [20:12:15] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /we cui [20:12:24] Heia issued server command: /we cui [20:12:26] yaroxa_kosolapy issued server command: /home [20:12:28] Bikqwe issued server command: /r Так нужны? [20:12:33] Bikqwe issued server command: /r Их минималка 16 [20:12:37] Yunia issued server command: /home [20:12:38] yaroxa_kosolapy issued server command: /we cui [20:12:38] Yunia issued server command: /we cui [20:12:47] I_Quantum_I issued server command: /m Bikqwe а ты думаешь мне эмы нужны? [20:12:48] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /randomtp [20:12:48] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /rtp [20:12:58] Bikqwe issued server command: /r Да [20:13:07] I_Quantum_I issued server command: /m Bikqwe нет, не нужны [20:13:08] Bikqwe issued server command: /r Всем нужны [20:13:09] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /home [20:13:10] yaroxa_kosolapy вышел [20:13:20] I_Quantum_I issued server command: /m Bikqwe значит кроме меня) [20:13:30] Bikqwe issued server command: /r ( [20:13:32] I_Quantum_I issued server command: /home [20:13:35] [G] xx_VR_xxx: ! Куплю слезы гаста [20:13:35] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /home [20:13:36] I_Quantum_I issued server command: /we cui [20:13:37] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /list [20:13:45] [G] Bikqwe: !Может гатса? [20:13:55] [L] MrDimonsterR: сколько нада [20:13:56] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /msg xx_VR_xxx сколько за шт? [20:14:12] [G] Jabuti: ! гатс не плачет [20:14:31] [G] Bikqwe: !Поэтому его слёзы - раритет [20:14:40] I_Quantum_I issued server command: /money [20:14:44] I_Quantum_I issued server command: /money top [20:14:54] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /we cui [20:15:01] [G] Bikqwe: !Как и совершенно чистый алмаз с огранкой [20:15:02] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /msg BOBAHBEPTYXA 2.5? [20:15:08] I_Quantum_I issued server command: /god [20:15:11] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /r сколько надо? [20:15:20] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /r сколько есть? [20:15:21] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /home [20:15:23] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /we cui [20:15:29] [G] Jabuti: ! ну у нас их было 21, щас 18 [20:15:39] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /r 40 [20:15:42] Mass1ime вышел [20:15:43] Bikqwe issued server command: /warp shop [20:15:48] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /r давай штук 10 [20:15:49] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /money [20:15:53] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /r tp [20:15:53] I_Quantum_I issued server command: /playtime [20:15:56] I_Quantum_I issued server command: /playtimetop [20:15:56] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /tpa BOBAHBEPTYXA [20:16:01] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /tpaccept [20:16:03] I_Quantum_I issued server command: /warp shop [20:16:05] [G] Bikqwe: !Осмат стол значит [20:16:06] I_Quantum_I issued server command: /we cui [20:16:08] MrDimonsterR issued server command: /home [20:16:12] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /money pay BOBAHBEPTY 25 [20:16:12] Heia issued server command: /home [20:16:13] [G] Bikqwe: !А тотемы тебе не нужны? [20:16:14] Heia issued server command: /we cui [20:16:18] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /money pay BOBAHBEPTYXA 25 [20:16:21] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /mpcaseshop [20:16:22] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /mpcaseview 70 [20:16:23] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /buycase 70 [20:16:24] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /rollcase 70 [20:16:24] [G] Jabuti: ! нашел в 1 день [20:16:39] [L] Bikqwe: И что купил всё что нужно? [20:16:42] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /home [20:16:43] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /money [20:16:47] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /mpcaseshop [20:16:48] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /mpcaseview 70 [20:16:49] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /buycase 70 [20:16:50] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /rollcase 70 [20:16:56] I_Quantum_I issued server command: /warp quest [20:17:02] [G] Jabuti: ! я считаю, Что для игроков без доната и понимания почти всех модов, у нас довольно неплохой уровень [20:17:03] [L] Jabuti: развития [20:17:15] [G] Jabuti: ! развития [20:17:17] Bikqwe issued server command: /tpa Jabuti [20:17:24] Bikqwe issued server command: /msg Jabuti Можно посмотреть:? [20:17:30] Jabuti issued server command: /tpaccept [20:17:32] Bikqwe issued server command: /we cui [20:17:42] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /we cui [20:17:59] I_Quantum_I issued server command: /home [20:18:00] Heia issued server command: /warp forest [20:18:00] [G] Yunia: !куплю око эндера [20:18:01] Heia issued server command: /we cui [20:18:03] I_Quantum_I issued server command: /we cui [20:18:06] Heia issued server command: /we cui [20:18:07] I_Quantum_I issued server command: /god [20:18:18] Heia вышел [20:18:25] KitKas issued server command: /randomtp [20:18:25] KitKas issued server command: /rtp [20:19:00] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /home [20:19:02] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /we cui [20:19:29] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /kit start [20:19:36] KitKas issued server command: /randomtp [20:19:36] KitKas issued server command: /rtp [20:20:16] KitKas issued server command: /randomtp [20:20:16] KitKas issued server command: /rtp [20:20:22] MrDimonsterR вышел [20:20:29] I_Quantum_I вышел [20:20:36] KitKas issued server command: /randomtp [20:20:36] KitKas issued server command: /rtp [20:20:39] KitKas issued server command: /randomtp [20:20:39] KitKas issued server command: /rtp [20:20:41] KitKas issued server command: /randomtp [20:20:41] KitKas issued server command: /rtp [20:20:43] KitKas issued server command: /randomtp [20:20:43] KitKas issued server command: /rtp [20:21:05] Bikqwe issued server command: /botania-share botania.entry.welcome [20:21:10] [G] BOBAHBEPTYXA: !Почему я не могу взять хлеб из стола трансмутаций? [20:21:14] KitKas issued server command: /randomtp [20:21:14] KitKas issued server command: /rtp [20:21:28] [G] BOBAHBEPTYXA: !Понял [20:21:30] [G] xx_VR_xxx: ! ЕМС хватает? [20:21:34] Allgiri вышел [20:21:39] [G] BOBAHBEPTYXA: !Там какой-то дикий множитель который не отображается [20:21:58] KitKas issued server command: /home [20:21:58] [G] BOBAHBEPTYXA: !А на сколько множится есть информация? [20:22:06] [G] xx_VR_xxx: ! Хм,щас уточню [20:24:05] [L] AYLIEXEC: не кидал [20:24:09] I_Quantum_I зашёл [20:24:13] I_Quantum_I issued server command: /we cui [20:24:27] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /we cui [20:24:34] KitKas issued server command: /randomtp [20:24:34] KitKas issued server command: /rtp [20:24:46] [G] xx_VR_xxx: ! Так много на самом деле 10-15х может дальше больше [20:24:53] I_Quantum_I issued server command: /money top [20:24:59] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /hom [20:25:01] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /home [20:25:03] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /we cui [20:25:11] lilgonerww вышел [20:25:43] [G] BOBAHBEPTYXA: !12 ровно [20:26:40] KitKas issued server command: /home [20:26:41] [G] xx_VR_xxx: ! Ну близко было хд [20:26:56] [G] BOBAHBEPTYXA: !Не, ну это как бы жестко [20:27:01] [G] BOBAHBEPTYXA: !Но всеравно удобно [20:27:17] [G] xx_VR_xxx: ! Ну чтобы в первый день не абузили миллиард алмазов и подобных ресурсов где есть ЕМС [20:27:35] [G] BOBAHBEPTYXA: !Уже зааубиз в первый день) [20:27:52] [G] BOBAHBEPTYXA: !Сча наделаю рыбы и пойду квест сдавать [20:28:02] Jabuti issued server command: /playtime [20:28:05] Bikqwe issued server command: /playtime Jabuti [20:28:11] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /warp quest [20:28:13] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /we cui [20:28:14] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /playtimetop [20:28:23] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /playtimetop clear [20:28:41] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /home [20:28:43] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /we cui [20:29:03] KitKas issued server command: /tpa xx_VR_xxx [20:29:43] Yunia issued server command: /home [20:30:17] KitKas issued server command: /randomtp [20:30:17] KitKas issued server command: /rtp [20:30:34] KitKas issued server command: /randomtp [20:30:34] KitKas issued server command: /rtp [20:30:45] KitKas issued server command: /randomtp [20:30:45] KitKas issued server command: /rtp [20:31:32] Yunia issued server command: /home [20:31:42] Condesce зашёл [20:31:45] Condesce issued server command: /we cui [20:31:46] Bikqwe issued server command: /money pay Jabuti 5 [20:32:00] Bikqwe issued server command: /home [20:32:09] I_Quantum_I вышел [20:32:10] [G] Condesce: !Ну что, продолжаем? [20:32:15] [G] xx_VR_xxx: !Да [20:32:19] Condesce issued server command: /gc [20:32:39] [G] Jabuti: ! да [20:32:41] [G] AYLIEXEC: !ДА [20:32:44] Yunia issued server command: //chunk [20:32:44] Yunia issued server command: //outset 16 [20:32:44] Yunia issued server command: /zone [20:32:49] Condesce issued server command: /enew Kovriki [20:32:51] Condesce issued server command: /ejoin [20:32:53] Bikqwe issued server command: /ejoin [20:32:54] Jabuti issued server command: /ejoin [20:32:55] Bikqwe issued server command: /we cui [20:32:55] Jabuti issued server command: /we cui [20:32:56] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /ejoin [20:32:58] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /we cui [20:33:01] Yunia issued server command: /home [20:33:03] KitKas issued server command: /randomtp [20:33:03] KitKas issued server command: /rtp [20:33:34] Yunia issued server command: /home [20:33:35] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /list [20:33:45] [G] Condesce: !Если зайдет еще один игрок, то будет &62 круга! [20:34:09] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /ejoin [20:34:12] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /we cui [20:34:22] Yunia issued server command: /home [20:34:31] [L] Condesce: вставать на цвет который покажется в чате [20:34:43] [L] xx_VR_xxx: дикий пон [20:34:47] [L] Condesce: &cСтартую [20:34:50] Yunia issued server command: /home [20:34:51] KitKas issued server command: /home [20:34:51] Condesce issued server command: /estart [20:35:06] Yunia issued server command: /home [20:35:06] spak4412 зашёл [20:35:17] spak4412 issued server command: /we cui [20:35:52] Condesce issued server command: /ereward Jabuti [20:35:56] Condesce issued server command: /estop [20:35:57] Condesce issued server command: /enew Kovriki [20:36:00] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /ejoin [20:36:04] Jabuti issued server command: /ejoin [20:36:04] [L] xx_VR_xxx: я в дс отвечал в это время [20:36:05] Bikqwe issued server command: /ejoin [20:36:13] Yunia issued server command: /home [20:36:19] Condesce issued server command: /ejoin [20:36:25] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /ejoin [20:36:40] [L] Condesce: &cСтартую [20:36:45] Condesce issued server command: /estart fast [20:36:45] [L] xx_VR_xxx: которую успешно профукал хд [20:36:46] Bukycbka зашёл [20:36:50] Bukycbka issued server command: /we cui [20:37:13] spak4412 issued server command: /sethome [20:37:35] Condesce issued server command: /estop [20:37:36] Condesce issued server command: /enew Archery [20:37:38] Condesce issued server command: /ejoin [20:37:38] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /ejoin [20:37:38] Bikqwe issued server command: /ejoin [20:37:42] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /ejoin [20:37:48] [L] xx_VR_xxx: а это что [20:37:49] Allgiri зашёл [20:37:53] Condesce issued server command: /oi Jabuti [20:38:00] Yunia issued server command: /home [20:38:01] Condesce issued server command: /gm 1 [20:38:03] Allgiri issued server command: /we cui [20:38:03] Condesce issued server command: /oi Jabuti [20:38:12] Jabuti issued server command: /ejoin [20:38:33] [L] Condesce: &cСтартую [20:38:37] Condesce issued server command: /estart 60 [20:38:55] I_Quantum_I зашёл [20:38:56] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /home [20:39:18] I_Quantum_I issued server command: /we cui [20:39:37] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /home [20:39:42] Allgiri issued server command: /rg list [20:39:46] Condesce issued server command: /ereward Jabuti [20:39:51] spak4412 issued server command: /playtimetop [20:39:52] I_Quantum_I issued server command: /ejoin [20:39:54] Condesce issued server command: /estop [20:39:56] Allgiri issued server command: //rg addmember +yarick shpak [20:39:58] Condesce issued server command: /estop [20:39:59] Condesce issued server command: /enew TNTBow [20:40:00] Allgiri issued server command: //rg addmember [20:40:01] Condesce issued server command: /ejoin [20:40:02] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /ejoin [20:40:02] Bikqwe issued server command: /ejoin [20:40:04] I_Quantum_I issued server command: /ejoin [20:40:07] I_Quantum_I issued server command: /we cui [20:40:11] Jabuti issued server command: /ejoin [20:40:13] Bikqwe issued server command: /eobs [20:40:16] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /ejoin [20:40:17] Bikqwe issued server command: /eleave [20:40:19] Bikqwe issued server command: /ejoin [20:40:25] Yunia issued server command: /home [20:40:26] Allgiri issued server command: //rg addmember [20:40:27] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /ejoin [20:40:33] Allgiri issued server command: /rg addmember +yari [20:40:46] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /we cui [20:40:48] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /exit [20:40:52] Allgiri issued server command: /rg addmember yarick spak4412 [20:40:58] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /tp I_Quantum_I [20:41:01] [L] Bikqwe: Давай [20:41:02] [L] Condesce: &cСтартую [20:41:02] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /home [20:41:05] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /we cui [20:41:05] Condesce issued server command: /estart [20:41:07] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /ejoin [20:41:17] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /ejoin [20:41:18] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /home [20:41:20] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /we cui [20:41:44] Yunia issued server command: /home [20:41:47] [L] Bikqwe: ) [20:41:51] Condesce issued server command: /ereward Bikqwe [20:41:54] Condesce issued server command: /estop [20:41:55] [L] Bikqwe: Морально задавил [20:41:58] [L] Condesce: Второй круг? [20:42:02] [L] Bikqwe: + [20:42:03] [L] I_Quantum_I: da [20:42:06] [L] Jabuti: да [20:42:08] [L] AYLIEXEC: + [20:42:11] Condesce issued server command: /enew spleef [20:42:14] Condesce issued server command: /ejoin [20:42:16] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /ejoin [20:42:16] I_Quantum_I issued server command: /ejoin [20:42:18] Bukycbka issued server command: /money [20:42:25] Jabuti issued server command: /ejoin [20:42:31] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /spawn [20:42:31] Bikqwe issued server command: /ejoin [20:42:33] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /we cui [20:42:49] Jabuti issued server command: /home [20:42:51] Jabuti issued server command: /we cui [20:42:51] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /home [20:42:53] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /we cui [20:42:54] Jabuti issued server command: /ejoin [20:42:55] Jabuti issued server command: /we cui [20:42:58] [L] Condesce: &cСтартую [20:43:01] Condesce issued server command: /estart [20:43:22] [L] I_Quantum_I: ахахах [20:43:22] Condesce issued server command: /thru [20:43:27] BOBAHBEPTYXA вышел [20:43:32] BOBAHBEPTYXA зашёл [20:43:34] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /we cui [20:43:49] Condesce issued server command: /ereward Bikqwe [20:43:51] Condesce issued server command: /estop [20:43:53] Condesce issued server command: /enew tntrun [20:43:56] I_Quantum_I issued server command: /ejoin [20:43:56] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /ejoin [20:43:58] Condesce issued server command: /ejoin [20:44:01] Jabuti issued server command: /ejoin [20:44:01] I_Quantum_I issued server command: /ejoin [20:44:02] [L] Bikqwe: А как? [20:44:14] Bikqwe issued server command: /ejoin [20:44:21] Bikqwe issued server command: /ejoin [20:44:30] Allgiri issued server command: /home [20:44:32] [L] Condesce: &cСтартую [20:44:34] [L] I_Quantum_I: не слышу тебя [20:44:36] Condesce issued server command: /estart [20:44:42] Allgiri умер (FIRE_TICK) [20:44:44] Allgiri issued server command: /we cui [20:44:47] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /god [20:45:27] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /home [20:45:30] Condesce issued server command: /ereward Jabuti [20:45:32] Condesce issued server command: /estop [20:45:32] BOBAHBEPTYXA вышел [20:45:35] Condesce issued server command: /enew Listva [20:45:38] BOBAHBEPTYXA зашёл [20:45:38] Bikqwe issued server command: /ejoin [20:45:39] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /ejoin [20:45:40] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /we cui [20:45:42] Jabuti issued server command: /ejoin [20:45:44] Condesce issued server command: /ejoin [20:45:48] I_Quantum_I issued server command: /ejoin [20:46:04] [L] Bikqwe: Я стою на этой точке доталово [20:46:08] Condesce issued server command: /enew spleef [20:46:10] spak4412 убил Allgiri (BOW) [20:46:10] KitKas issued server command: /randomtp [20:46:10] KitKas issued server command: /rtp [20:46:12] [L] Condesce: &cСтартую [20:46:14] Condesce issued server command: /estart [20:46:19] Allgiri вышел [20:46:25] Condesce issued server command: /thru [20:46:28] Condesce issued server command: /fly [20:46:50] Yunia issued server command: //sel [20:46:59] KitKas issued server command: /home [20:47:31] [L] Jabuti: я - [20:47:38] [L] Bikqwe: Я тож [20:47:42] KitKas issued server command: /kit eat [20:47:42] Healthy зашёл [20:47:45] [L] Jabuti: да ты вин енивей [20:47:49] [L] Jabuti: я 6 раз победил [20:47:51] [L] Bikqwe: Ага [20:47:52] [L] Bikqwe: ) [20:47:54] Healthy issued server command: /we cui [20:47:58] Condesce issued server command: /ereward Bikqwe [20:47:59] [L] Jabuti: поэтому моя победа не считается [20:47:59] Healthy issued server command: /home [20:48:00] Condesce issued server command: /estop [20:48:00] Condesce issued server command: /enew Kovriki [20:48:02] Condesce issued server command: /ejoin [20:48:02] I_Quantum_I issued server command: /ejoin [20:48:04] Jabuti issued server command: /ejoin [20:48:04] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /ejoin\ [20:48:05] Bikqwe issued server command: /ejoin [20:48:06] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /ejoin [20:48:09] Condesce issued server command: /gm 0 [20:48:24] [L] Jabuti: щас если я выиграл, то я не выиграл [20:48:32] [L] Condesce: &cСтартую [20:48:33] [L] Bikqwe: Ладно [20:48:35] [L] Jabuti: если выиграл я, то выиграл тот, кто до меня короч [20:48:35] Allgiri зашёл [20:48:36] Condesce issued server command: /estart [20:48:48] Allgiri issued server command: /we cui [20:48:56] Allgiri issued server command: /we cui [20:48:58] [G] BOBAHBEPTYXA: !Получается за 4 алмаза я могу получить 1 порох [20:49:04] [G] BOBAHBEPTYXA: !Звучит классно) [20:49:08] [G] xx_VR_xxx: ! Звучит вкусно [20:49:25] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /money [20:49:40] [G] BOBAHBEPTYXA: !А может кто-то 4 слитка манастали продать? [20:49:48] Condesce issued server command: /ereward AYLIEXEC [20:49:50] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /home [20:49:51] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /we cui [20:49:52] Condesce issued server command: /estop [20:49:54] [G] xx_VR_xxx: ! я [20:49:55] Condesce issued server command: /enew Kovriki [20:49:57] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /ejoin [20:49:58] I_Quantum_I issued server command: /ejoin [20:49:58] Bikqwe issued server command: /ejoin [20:49:59] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /we cui [20:50:02] Jabuti issued server command: /ejoin [20:50:02] [G] BOBAHBEPTYXA: !Какая цена? [20:50:06] [L] Condesce: &c Ускоренные [20:50:08] Condesce issued server command: /ejoin [20:50:15] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /money [20:50:21] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /msg BOBAHBEPTYXA 0.4 шштук [20:50:26] [L] Condesce: &cСтартую [20:50:29] Yunia issued server command: /home [20:50:31] Condesce issued server command: /estart [20:50:35] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /pay xx_VR_xxx 2 [20:50:41] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /money pay xx_VR_xxx 2 [20:50:44] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /call xx_VR_xxx [20:50:49] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /tpyes [20:51:04] Yunia issued server command: /home [20:51:37] lilgonerww зашёл [20:51:42] Condesce issued server command: /ereward I_Quantum_I [20:51:43] Condesce issued server command: /estop [20:51:46] lilgonerww issued server command: /we cui [20:51:46] Condesce issued server command: /enew TNTBow [20:51:48] I_Quantum_I issued server command: /ejoin [20:51:48] Condesce issued server command: /ejoin [20:51:49] Jabuti issued server command: /ejoin [20:51:49] Bikqwe issued server command: /ejoin [20:51:49] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /ejoin [20:51:59] [L] Bikqwe: Года два назад [20:52:03] [L] Condesce: квантум [20:52:03] [L] AYLIEXEC: андрюха ну ты чё упал [20:52:04] [L] Condesce: иди сюда [20:52:07] [L] Condesce: прикол покажу [20:52:07] [L] Bikqwe: Везде были такие ивенты [20:52:10] Condesce issued server command: /gm 1 [20:52:12] [L] Jabuti: gjy [20:52:14] [L] Jabuti: пон * [20:52:20] I_Quantum_I issued server command: /ejoin [20:52:23] Condesce issued server command: /s I_Quantum_I [20:52:31] [L] BOBAHBEPTYXA: бдсм клуб какой-то [20:52:35] [L] Condesce: &cСтартую [20:52:37] [L] xx_VR_xxx: получается так [20:52:37] [L] Bikqwe: А на мэджике были созданные сморучно ,совершенно другиек [20:52:38] Condesce issued server command: /estart [20:52:40] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /home [20:53:07] Healthy issued server command: /randomtp [20:53:07] Healthy issued server command: /rtp [20:53:08] Bikqwe issued server command: /warp shop [20:53:20] Healthy issued server command: /warp mining [20:53:21] Healthy issued server command: /we cui [20:53:25] Healthy issued server command: /randomtp [20:53:25] Healthy issued server command: /rtp [20:53:27] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /spawn [20:53:29] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /we cui [20:53:30] Healthy issued server command: /randomtp [20:53:30] Healthy issued server command: /rtp [20:53:32] Healthy issued server command: /randomtp [20:53:32] Healthy issued server command: /rtp [20:53:33] Healthy issued server command: /randomtp [20:53:33] Healthy issued server command: /rtp [20:53:40] Bikqwe вышел [20:53:50] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /home [20:53:52] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /we cui [20:53:53] [L] I_Quantum_I: ахаха [20:53:59] Condesce issued server command: /ereward AYLIEXEC [20:54:06] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /randomtp [20:54:06] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /rtp [20:54:09] Condesce issued server command: /estop [20:54:10] Condesce issued server command: /enew Archery [20:54:10] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /home [20:54:12] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /we cui [20:54:12] Condesce issued server command: /ejoin [20:54:14] I_Quantum_I issued server command: /ejoin [20:54:17] Jabuti issued server command: /ejoin [20:54:18] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /ejoin [20:54:19] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /we cui [20:54:22] Healthy issued server command: /home [20:54:23] Healthy issued server command: /we cui [20:54:30] Allgiri issued server command: /randomtp [20:54:30] Allgiri issued server command: /RTP [20:54:40] [L] Condesce: &cСтартую [20:54:44] Condesce issued server command: /estart 80 [20:55:17] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /randomtp [20:55:17] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /rtp [20:55:45] Yunia issued server command: /home [20:56:00] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: / [20:56:09] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /rg sel [20:56:12] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /rg i [20:56:13] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /rg i [20:56:14] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /rg i [20:56:18] Allgiri issued server command: /randomtp [20:56:18] Allgiri issued server command: /rtp [20:56:26] Yunia issued server command: /home [20:56:29] Condesce issued server command: /ereward AYLIEXEC [20:56:30] Condesce issued server command: /estop [20:56:33] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /home [20:56:34] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /we cui [20:56:36] Condesce issued server command: /bc Уважаемые игроки! Ивенты окончены! [20:56:41] I_Quantum_I issued server command: /home [20:56:43] I_Quantum_I issued server command: /we cui [20:56:57] Jabuti issued server command: /home [20:56:59] Jabuti issued server command: /we cui [20:57:11] Jabuti issued server command: /warp shop [20:57:12] Jabuti issued server command: /we cui [20:57:45] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /rg s [20:57:54] AYLIEXEC issued server command: //sel [20:58:02] Jabuti issued server command: /home [20:58:04] Jabuti issued server command: /we cui [20:59:27] Yunia issued server command: /home [21:00:39] Allgiri умер (PROJECTILE) [21:00:42] Allgiri issued server command: /we cui [21:00:50] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /home\ [21:00:52] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /home [21:01:00] I_Quantum_I issued server command: /vanish [21:01:06] I_Quantum_I issued server command: /tp Allgiri [21:01:08] Allgiri issued server command: /randomtp [21:01:08] Allgiri issued server command: /RTP [21:01:18] I_Quantum_I issued server command: /god [21:01:21] Allgiri issued server command: /KITS [21:01:23] Allgiri issued server command: /kit top [21:01:25] Allgiri issued server command: /kits [21:01:29] Allgiri issued server command: /kit start [21:01:36] Yunia issued server command: /home [21:01:51] I_Quantum_I issued server command: /home [21:01:59] I_Quantum_I issued server command: /tp Allgiri [21:02:03] MiyaGiUsbHub зашёл [21:02:08] I_Quantum_I issued server command: /home [21:02:17] Condesce issued server command: /tp AYLIEXEC [21:02:20] MiyaGiUsbHub issued server command: /we cui [21:02:20] Condesce issued server command: /we cui [21:02:23] Yunia вышел [21:02:25] Condesce issued server command: /fly [21:02:28] I_Quantum_I issued server command: /vanish [21:02:34] Condesce issued server command: /screenall [21:02:55] Bukycbka issued server command: /kit eat [21:03:49] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /home [21:04:10] Bukycbka issued server command: /randomtp [21:04:10] Bukycbka issued server command: /RTP [21:04:59] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /lsit [21:05:00] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /list [21:05:05] Healthy issued server command: /randomtp [21:05:05] Healthy issued server command: /rtp [21:05:29] Healthy issued server command: /randomtp [21:05:29] Healthy issued server command: /rtp [21:05:31] Healthy issued server command: /randomtp [21:05:31] Healthy issued server command: /rtp [21:06:13] Healthy issued server command: /randomtp [21:06:13] Healthy issued server command: /rtp [21:06:42] Healthy issued server command: /randomtp [21:06:42] Healthy issued server command: /rtp [21:07:31] Healthy issued server command: /randomtp [21:07:31] Healthy issued server command: /rtp [21:07:42] I_Quantum_I issued server command: /tp xx_VR_xxx [21:08:02] MiyaGiUsbHub issued server command: /mpcaseshop [21:08:03] Condesce issued server command: /thru [21:08:04] MiyaGiUsbHub issued server command: /mpcaseview 70 [21:08:06] MiyaGiUsbHub issued server command: /buycase 70 [21:08:06] I_Quantum_I issued server command: /money pay xx_VR_xxx 19 [21:08:10] Healthy issued server command: /randomtp [21:08:10] Healthy issued server command: /rtp [21:08:18] MiyaGiUsbHub issued server command: /buyflag [21:08:32] MiyaGiUsbHub issued server command: /kit eat [21:08:32] [L] I_Quantum_I: дай кинжал, и положи в алтарь) [21:08:34] Healthy issued server command: /randomtp [21:08:34] Healthy issued server command: /rtp [21:08:37] Healthy issued server command: /randomtp [21:08:37] Healthy issued server command: /rtp [21:08:37] [L] I_Quantum_I: )) [21:08:40] [L] xx_VR_xxx: чо [21:08:45] [L] I_Quantum_I: активировать [21:08:50] [L] xx_VR_xxx: аа шар [21:08:56] [L] I_Quantum_I: шя [21:08:58] I_Quantum_I issued server command: /home [21:09:04] Healthy issued server command: /randomtp [21:09:04] Healthy issued server command: /rtp [21:09:07] I_Quantum_I issued server command: /tp xx_VR_xxx [21:09:08] Allgiri issued server command: /kit eat [21:09:24] [L] xx_VR_xxx: зачем [21:09:24] Cro_SS_O зашёл [21:09:30] [L] xx_VR_xxx: и откуда [21:09:31] [L] I_Quantum_I: и его активироват [21:09:40] Condesce issued server command: /oi Jabuti [21:09:57] [L] xx_VR_xxx: зачем то [21:10:06] Cro_SS_O issued server command: /we cui [21:10:06] [L] I_Quantum_I: зач егок себе привязал? [21:10:08] Allgiri issued server command: /randomtp [21:10:08] Allgiri issued server command: /rtp [21:10:14] [L] xx_VR_xxx: так а что ты хотел [21:10:18] [L] I_Quantum_I: -_- [21:10:20] [L] I_Quantum_I: забей [21:10:23] [L] I_Quantum_I: дай кирку [21:10:30] Healthy issued server command: /randomtp [21:10:30] Healthy issued server command: /rtp [21:10:42] lilgonerww вышел [21:10:49] lilgonerww зашёл [21:10:49] [L] I_Quantum_I: не привязанную [21:10:50] lilgonerww issued server command: /we cui [21:10:54] [L] I_Quantum_I: зачем мне твоя [21:11:02] [L] xx_VR_xxx: перепривяжи на себя просто [21:11:15] [L] xx_VR_xxx: шифт пкм и шифт пкм [21:11:22] [L] xx_VR_xxx: и она на тебя уйдет [21:11:25] [L] xx_VR_xxx: а ты не сможешь в рг [21:11:28] Healthy issued server command: /randomtp [21:11:28] Healthy issued server command: /rtp [21:11:56] [L] xx_VR_xxx: откуда шар 6 лвла [21:12:04] [L] I_Quantum_I: я миллионер [21:12:08] [L] xx_VR_xxx: понимаю [21:13:19] I_Quantum_I issued server command: /home [21:13:33] Allgiri issued server command: /randomtp [21:13:33] Allgiri issued server command: /rtp [21:13:44] Cro_SS_O issued server command: /kit start [21:13:59] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /list [21:14:05] Mautil зашёл [21:14:13] I_Quantum_I issued server command: /home [21:14:16] Bukycbka issued server command: /tpa Healthy [21:14:21] Healthy issued server command: /tpaccept [21:14:22] Mautil issued server command: /we cui [21:14:37] Condesce issued server command: /tppos 1400 74 -520 [21:14:42] Condesce issued server command: /rg i [21:14:46] Condesce issued server command: /rg i [21:14:53] [L] Condesce: spak4412 [21:14:55] lilgonerww вышел [21:15:29] Cro_SS_O issued server command: /randomtp [21:15:29] Cro_SS_O issued server command: /rtp [21:15:34] Condesce issued server command: /ipreport [21:15:47] Condesce issued server command: /tp MiyaGiUsbHub [21:15:51] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /home [21:15:53] MiyaGiUsbHub issued server command: /home [21:15:56] AYLIEXEC вышел [21:15:59] Condesce issued server command: /tp ay [21:16:01] Condesce issued server command: /tp ja [21:16:04] AYLIEXEC зашёл [21:16:05] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /we cui [21:17:09] I_Quantum_I issued server command: /zset 5 [21:17:21] Jabuti issued server command: /rg s [21:17:23] Jabuti issued server command: /rg s [21:17:25] Jabuti issued server command: /rg i [21:17:33] Healthy issued server command: /home [21:17:33] Jabuti issued server command: /rg addmember aboba MiyaGiUsbHub [21:17:36] Jabuti issued server command: //sel [21:17:41] Bukycbka issued server command: /HOME [21:17:48] lilgonerww зашёл [21:17:56] lilgonerww issued server command: /we cui [21:18:07] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /playtimetop [21:18:09] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /playtimetop clear [21:18:10] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /playtime [21:18:12] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /playtimetop [21:18:23] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /playtimetop clear [21:18:38] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /mpcaseshop [21:19:12] Allgiri был кикнут [21:19:12] Allgiri вышел [21:19:13] Condesce issued server command: /thru [21:19:14] Allgiri зашёл [21:19:15] Allgiri issued server command: /we cui [21:19:15] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /list [21:19:28] Allgiri был кикнут [21:19:28] Allgiri вышел [21:19:29] Allgiri зашёл [21:19:31] Allgiri issued server command: /we cui [21:19:46] Jabuti issued server command: /home [21:19:57] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /mpcaseview 70 [21:19:58] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /buycase 70 [21:20:00] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /mpcaseshop [21:20:24] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /money [21:20:25] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /money top [21:20:47] Allgiri issued server command: /home [21:20:48] Bukycbka issued server command: /SPAWN [21:20:50] Bukycbka issued server command: /we cui [21:21:44] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /r I_Quantum_I я надеюсь ты связ кирку не абузишь годом?) [21:21:46] Bukycbka issued server command: /randomtp [21:21:46] Bukycbka issued server command: /RTP [21:21:50] Bukycbka issued server command: /warp world [21:21:51] Bukycbka issued server command: /we cui [21:21:52] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /r миссклик [21:21:54] xx_VR_xxx вышел [21:21:54] Bukycbka issued server command: /randomtp [21:21:54] Bukycbka issued server command: /RTP [21:22:15] Healthy issued server command: /warp ad [21:22:16] Healthy issued server command: /we cui [21:22:28] spak4412 вышел [21:23:27] Condesce issued server command: /alisa [21:23:28] Mautil вышел [21:23:34] Mautil зашёл [21:23:37] Mautil issued server command: /we cui [21:24:02] Cro_SS_O issued server command: /randomtp [21:24:02] Cro_SS_O issued server command: /rtp [21:24:06] Condesce issued server command: /alisa mods list [21:24:13] Condesce issued server command: /alisa mods add 1 xx_VR_xxx [21:24:23] Condesce issued server command: /alisa playtimereport [21:24:36] Condesce issued server command: /alisa mods list [21:25:13] Condesce issued server command: /votesun [21:25:18] MiyaGiUsbHub issued server command: /yes [21:25:19] Jabuti issued server command: /yes [21:25:19] I_Quantum_I issued server command: /no [21:25:20] Bukycbka issued server command: /yes [21:25:29] Cro_SS_O issued server command: /yes [21:25:30] Condesce issued server command: /tp AYLIEXEC MiyaGiUsbHub [21:25:48] Condesce issued server command: /tp AYLIEXEC Jabuti [21:25:53] KitKas вышел [21:27:59] I_Quantum_I issued server command: /m Condesce построишь мне домик в котором я буду житьб??)) [21:28:03] Cro_SS_O issued server command: /money [21:28:08] Condesce issued server command: /r конечно [21:28:10] Healthy умер (ENTITY_ATTACK) [21:28:14] Healthy issued server command: /we cui [21:28:20] Condesce issued server command: /vanish [21:28:22] Healthy issued server command: /kit start [21:28:26] I_Quantum_I issued server command: /m Condesce ооо, отличнр [21:28:27] Healthy issued server command: /warp ad [21:28:29] Healthy issued server command: /we cui [21:28:29] Cro_SS_O issued server command: /kit eat [21:28:52] xx_VR_xxx зашёл [21:28:54] Condesce issued server command: /vanish AYLIEXEC [21:28:56] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /we cui [21:28:57] Condesce issued server command: /tp AYLIEXEC MiyaGiUsbHub [21:29:06] Healthy issued server command: /kit eat [21:29:15] Condesce issued server command: /tp AYLIEXEC [21:29:32] Bukycbka issued server command: /HOME [21:29:48] Condesce issued server command: /oi Mautil [21:29:52] Condesce issued server command: /oi MiyaGiUsbHub [21:29:52] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /list [21:30:00] Allgiri вышел [21:30:23] Condesce issued server command: /vanish AYLIEXEC [21:30:49] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /home [21:31:01] AYLIEXEC вышел [21:31:02] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /lага [21:31:08] AYLIEXEC зашёл [21:31:09] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /we cui [21:31:21] Condesce issued server command: /pickup [21:31:23] Condesce issued server command: /pickup [21:31:35] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /home [21:31:45] Condesce issued server command: /tp AYLIEXEC [21:31:50] Jabuti issued server command: /call AYLIEXEC [21:31:51] Condesce issued server command: /tp Jabuti [21:31:51] MiyaGiUsbHub issued server command: /kit start [21:31:54] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /tpaccept [21:32:29] Healthy issued server command: /home [21:32:30] Healthy issued server command: /we cui [21:32:32] Condesce issued server command: /tp ay [21:32:59] Condesce issued server command: /screenall [21:33:05] Jabuti issued server command: /call AYLIEXEC [21:33:06] I_Quantum_I issued server command: /tp xx_VR_xxx [21:33:14] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /tpaccept [21:33:34] [L] Mautil: у людей уже ихор -.-. [21:33:43] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /randomtp [21:33:43] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /rtp [21:33:45] [L] I_Quantum_I: я донатер [21:33:48] [L] Mautil: а. [21:33:48] [L] xx_VR_xxx: ну [21:33:54] Bukycbka умер (SUFFOCATION) [21:33:54] Bukycbka вышел [21:34:01] [L] xx_VR_xxx: Ультима у тебя фулл таум че ты ноешь хд [21:34:02] Cro_SS_O issued server command: /randomtp [21:34:02] Cro_SS_O issued server command: /rtp [21:34:03] [L] I_Quantum_I: ахахах [21:34:06] [L] Mautil: авхавхах [21:34:09] Bukycbka зашёл [21:34:11] Bukycbka issued server command: /we cui [21:34:11] [L] Mautil: и че [21:34:15] [L] Mautil: это ничего не дает [21:34:18] [L] xx_VR_xxx: дает [21:34:34] Jabuti issued server command: /call AYLIEXEC [21:34:37] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /tpaccept [21:34:44] [L] Mautil: надеюсь он не убьет, как тот чел в тот раз [21:34:45] [L] Mautil: авхахва [21:34:51] [L] xx_VR_xxx: Хочешь прикол? [21:34:56] [L] xx_VR_xxx: тот чел в бан мог отлететь за такое [21:35:00] [L] Mautil: рили? [21:35:04] [L] xx_VR_xxx: да [21:35:07] Bukycbka issued server command: /we cui [21:35:08] [L] Mautil: а за что? [21:35:13] [L] xx_VR_xxx: нельзя так делать как он сделал [21:35:13] [L] I_Quantum_I: скажи мне кто это был? [21:35:14] Jabuti issued server command: /call AYLIEXEC [21:35:15] Bukycbka issued server command: /HOME [21:35:18] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /tpaccept [21:35:24] Bukycbka issued server command: /randomtp [21:35:24] Bukycbka issued server command: /RTP [21:35:26] Bukycbka вышел [21:35:29] [L] xx_VR_xxx: ой..там ник длинный ярослав или как там не помню [21:35:40] Bukycbka зашёл [21:35:42] Bukycbka issued server command: /we cui [21:35:44] [L] I_Quantum_I: если увидишь его на серве пиши мне [21:35:44] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /tpaccept [21:35:45] [L] xx_VR_xxx: но его вы и так наказаи убив хд [21:35:57] Jabuti issued server command: /call AYLIEXEC [21:35:57] Bukycbka issued server command: /HOME [21:35:57] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /tpaccept [21:36:00] Jabuti issued server command: /home [21:36:13] [L] xx_VR_xxx: как вовремя я выключил звуки игры [21:36:13] Bukycbka issued server command: /HOME [21:36:16] Bukycbka issued server command: /randomtp [21:36:16] Bukycbka issued server command: /RTP [21:36:21] Jabuti issued server command: /call AYLIEXEC [21:36:22] [L] xx_VR_xxx: а теперь слышу [21:36:23] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /tpaccept [21:36:28] Bukycbka issued server command: /HOME [21:36:29] [L] Mautil: а вы стажеры, а я никто :с [21:36:33] Condesce вышел [21:36:54] Jabuti issued server command: /call AYLIEXEC [21:36:54] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /tpaccept [21:37:11] [L] xx_VR_xxx: противный звук у них [21:37:15] Jabuti issued server command: /call AYLIEXEC [21:37:16] [L] I_Quantum_I: да да [21:37:16] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /tpaccept [21:37:23] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /rg flag [21:37:24] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /rt i [21:37:25] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /rg i [21:37:29] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /mone [21:37:31] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /money [21:37:34] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /home [21:37:35] Jabuti issued server command: /home [21:38:00] [L] xx_VR_xxx: эт че [21:38:42] [L] I_Quantum_I: око древних [21:38:46] [L] I_Quantum_I: не? [21:38:49] [L] xx_VR_xxx: дэ [21:38:52] [L] Mautil: ofc [21:38:54] MiyaGiUsbHub issued server command: /home [21:39:44] Jabuti issued server command: /warp mining [21:39:46] Jabuti issued server command: /we cui [21:39:48] Jabuti issued server command: /randomtp [21:39:48] Jabuti issued server command: /rtp [21:39:54] lilgonerww вышел [21:40:19] Jabuti issued server command: /home [21:40:21] Jabuti issued server command: /we cui [21:40:59] [L] Mautil: а че так мало [21:41:05] [L] Mautil: я мог бы 14к сделать [21:41:09] [L] xx_VR_xxx: делай [21:41:20] [L] Mautil: потом, дай закончу с таумом [21:41:25] I_Quantum_I вышел [21:41:25] [L] xx_VR_xxx: смысл от 14к если нет ритуалов с 10+к [21:41:35] [L] Mautil: для галочки [21:41:39] [L] xx_VR_xxx: 10 подряд ритуалов на проклятие [21:42:08] [L] xx_VR_xxx: так надо бы связку сделать опять ахаха [21:42:14] [L] Mautil: ну ты лох :d [21:42:25] [L] xx_VR_xxx: асуждаю такое [21:43:05] [G] Mautil: !Куплю ледяные осколки [21:43:09] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /call MiyaGiUsbHub [21:43:12] MiyaGiUsbHub issued server command: /tpahere AYLIEXEC [21:43:17] MiyaGiUsbHub issued server command: /tpaccept [21:43:24] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /home [21:43:26] Cro_SS_O issued server command: /home [21:43:38] [L] Mautil: по братски накопай стак ледяных осколков [21:43:53] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /randomtp [21:43:53] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /rtp [21:44:04] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /call Jabuti [21:44:04] Healthy вышел [21:44:24] Healthy зашёл [21:44:25] Healthy issued server command: /we cui [21:44:38] Jabuti issued server command: /home [21:44:38] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /home [21:45:15] Mautil issued server command: /randomtp [21:45:15] Mautil issued server command: /rtp [21:46:15] Mautil issued server command: /warp mining [21:46:16] lilgonerww зашёл [21:46:17] Mautil issued server command: /we cui [21:46:24] lilgonerww issued server command: /we cui [21:46:25] Mautil issued server command: /randomtp [21:46:25] Mautil issued server command: /rtp [21:46:41] I_Quantum_I зашёл [21:46:44] I_Quantum_I issued server command: /we cui [21:47:14] Mautil issued server command: /randomtp [21:47:14] Mautil issued server command: /rtp [21:48:11] I_Quantum_I issued server command: /vanish [21:48:11] [L] I_Quantum_I: .мфтшыр [21:48:34] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /home [21:48:54] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /msg Mautil tu gde [21:48:59] Mautil issued server command: /r ищу портал [21:49:01] Jabuti issued server command: /warp mining [21:49:03] Jabuti issued server command: /we cui [21:49:03] Jabuti issued server command: /randomtp [21:49:03] Jabuti issued server command: /rtp [21:49:06] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /randomtp [21:49:06] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /rtp [21:49:16] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /back [21:49:24] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /randomtp [21:49:24] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /rtp [21:49:36] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /randomtp [21:49:36] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /rtp [21:49:56] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /v [21:50:17] Bukycbka issued server command: /money [21:50:18] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /randomtp [21:50:18] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /rtp [21:50:18] Jabuti issued server command: /randomtp [21:50:18] Jabuti issued server command: /rtp [21:50:32] Bukycbka issued server command: /EKIT TOP [21:50:53] Jabuti issued server command: /kit eat [21:50:53] I_Quantum_I issued server command: /home [21:51:02] I_Quantum_I issued server command: /vanish [21:51:02] [L] I_Quantum_I: .мфтшыр [21:51:41] Mautil issued server command: /randomtp [21:51:41] Mautil issued server command: /rtp [21:52:01] Mautil issued server command: /randomtp [21:52:01] Mautil issued server command: /rtp [21:52:11] Jabuti issued server command: /call MiyaGiUsbHub [21:52:13] Bukycbka issued server command: /mpcaseshop [21:52:14] MiyaGiUsbHub issued server command: /tpaccept [21:52:16] Jabuti issued server command: /we cui [21:52:32] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /randomtp [21:52:32] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /rtp [21:52:34] Jabuti issued server command: /home [21:52:53] Mautil issued server command: /randomtp [21:52:53] Mautil issued server command: /rtp [21:53:08] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /gof [21:53:28] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /home [21:53:51] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /warp shop [21:53:52] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /we cui [21:54:10] Mautil issued server command: /randomtp [21:54:10] Mautil issued server command: /rtp [21:54:41] Cro_SS_O вышел [21:54:50] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /money [21:54:54] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /mpcaseshop [21:54:56] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /mpcaseview 70 [21:54:57] Cro_SS_O зашёл [21:54:57] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /buycase 70 [21:54:58] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /rollcase 70 [21:55:02] Cro_SS_O issued server command: /we cui [21:55:12] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /mpcaseview 70 [21:55:13] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /home [21:55:15] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /we cui [21:55:26] Mautil issued server command: /randomtp [21:55:26] Mautil issued server command: /rtp [21:56:20] Healthy issued server command: /randomtp [21:56:20] Healthy issued server command: /rtp [21:56:29] Hard_2_Kill зашёл [21:56:39] Hard_2_Kill issued server command: /we cui [21:56:50] Mautil issued server command: /randomtp [21:56:50] Mautil issued server command: /rtp [21:57:14] Bukycbka issued server command: /randomtp [21:57:14] Bukycbka issued server command: /RTP [21:57:29] Hard_2_Kill issued server command: /money [21:57:35] Hard_2_Kill issued server command: /mods [21:57:50] Hard_2_Kill issued server command: /money pay H00DRICH 123 [21:57:59] Hard_2_Kill issued server command: /money [21:58:07] Hard_2_Kill issued server command: /playtime [21:58:24] Hard_2_Kill issued server command: /kit start [21:58:39] I_Quantum_I issued server command: /vanish [21:58:44] I_Quantum_I issued server command: /tp Bukycbka [21:58:56] Mautil issued server command: /r нет порталла пиздец [21:58:58] Hard_2_Kill issued server command: /warp forest [21:58:59] Hard_2_Kill issued server command: /we cui [21:59:39] Hard_2_Kill issued server command: /we cui [21:59:48] I_Quantum_I issued server command: /m xx_VR_xxx низя отходить [22:01:05] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /msg I_Quantum_I так я просто в афк я чат смотрю [22:01:11] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /list [22:01:50] Mautil issued server command: /randomtp [22:01:50] Mautil issued server command: /rtp [22:02:10] Cro_SS_O issued server command: /randomtp [22:02:10] Cro_SS_O issued server command: /rtp [22:02:30] MiyaGiUsbHub issued server command: /home [22:02:58] Hard_2_Kill issued server command: /home [22:02:59] Hard_2_Kill issued server command: /we cui [22:03:03] Hard_2_Kill issued server command: /spawn [22:03:04] Hard_2_Kill issued server command: /we cui [22:03:23] Hard_2_Kill issued server command: /playtime [22:03:54] Hard_2_Kill issued server command: /money [22:04:31] Mautil issued server command: /randomtp [22:04:31] Mautil issued server command: /rtp [22:04:53] Cro_SS_O issued server command: /home [22:05:00] Cro_SS_O issued server command: /kit start [22:05:03] Cro_SS_O issued server command: /kit eat [22:05:05] Mautil issued server command: /randomtp [22:05:05] Mautil issued server command: /rtp [22:05:21] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /playtime [22:05:45] Mautil issued server command: /randomtp [22:05:45] Mautil issued server command: /rtp [22:06:01] Hard_2_Kill issued server command: /playtime [22:06:32] I_Quantum_I issued server command: /home [22:06:34] I_Quantum_I вышел [22:06:59] Cro_SS_O issued server command: /randomtp [22:06:59] Cro_SS_O issued server command: /rtp [22:07:04] Mautil issued server command: /randomtp [22:07:04] Mautil issued server command: /rtp [22:07:13] Mautil issued server command: /home [22:07:15] Mautil issued server command: /we cui [22:07:25] [L] Mautil: ты добыл? [22:07:26] Cro_SS_O issued server command: /randomtp [22:07:26] Cro_SS_O issued server command: /rtp [22:07:27] [L] Mautil: крис [22:07:45] Mautil issued server command: /kit top [22:07:49] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /kit eat [22:08:04] Bukycbka issued server command: /RPT [22:08:05] Bukycbka issued server command: /randomtp [22:08:05] Bukycbka issued server command: /RTP [22:08:19] [L] xx_VR_xxx: да [22:08:27] [L] Mautil: cgc [22:08:34] I_Quantum_I зашёл [22:08:36] [L] Mautil: хуя [22:08:38] I_Quantum_I issued server command: /we cui [22:08:45] [L] Mautil: имба [22:08:48] I_Quantum_I issued server command: /vanish [22:11:16] lilgonerww вышел [22:12:02] Cro_SS_O issued server command: /home [22:12:04] [L] xx_VR_xxx: рестарт [22:12:04] Mautil issued server command: /we cui [22:12:05] [L] xx_VR_xxx: ждем [22:12:29] Healthy issued server command: /home [22:12:32] Bukycbka issued server command: /HOME [22:13:23] Mautil умер (ENTITY_EXPLOSION) [22:13:27] Mautil issued server command: /we cui [22:13:36] Hard_2_Kill вышел [22:13:39] Mautil issued server command: /we cui [22:13:41] Avakad зашёл [22:13:54] Mautil умер (PROJECTILE) [22:13:58] Mautil issued server command: /we cui [22:14:00] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /ekit top [22:14:02] Avakad issued server command: /we cui [22:14:11] Mautil issued server command: /we cui [22:14:13] Mautil умер (ENTITY_EXPLOSION) [22:14:18] Mautil issued server command: /we cui [22:14:22] [L] xx_VR_xxx: ты чо [22:14:30] [G] I_Quantum_I: !Не делай так больши, прошу тебя) [22:14:31] Mautil умер (PROJECTILE) [22:14:31] Mautil issued server command: /we cui [22:14:35] [G] I_Quantum_I: !Жесть [22:14:36] Mautil issued server command: /we cui [22:14:42] I_Quantum_I issued server command: /tp Mautil [22:14:44] Avakad issued server command: /money [22:14:48] Avakad issued server command: /mpcaseshop [22:14:49] Mautil умер (PROJECTILE) [22:14:49] Mautil issued server command: /we cui [22:14:51] Avakad issued server command: /mpcaseview 70 [22:14:52] Avakad issued server command: /buycase 70 [22:14:53] I_Quantum_I issued server command: /we cui [22:14:53] Avakad issued server command: /rollcase 70 [22:14:54] Mautil issued server command: /we cui [22:15:00] [G] Mautil: !Задеспавните это гово. [22:15:03] Healthy issued server command: /randomtp [22:15:03] Healthy issued server command: /rtp [22:15:04] [G] Mautil: ! xD [22:15:07] Jabuti был кикнут [22:15:07] Jabuti вышел [22:15:08] Scilla был кикнут [22:15:08] Scilla вышел [22:15:08] BOBAHBEPTYXA был кикнут [22:15:08] BOBAHBEPTYXA вышел [22:15:08] MiyaGiUsbHub был кикнут [22:15:08] MiyaGiUsbHub вышел [22:15:08] xx_VR_xxx был кикнут [22:15:08] xx_VR_xxx вышел [22:15:08] AYLIEXEC был кикнут [22:15:08] AYLIEXEC вышел [22:15:08] Bukycbka был кикнут [22:15:08] Bukycbka вышел [22:15:08] Healthy был кикнут [22:15:08] Healthy вышел [22:15:08] Cro_SS_O был кикнут [22:15:08] Cro_SS_O вышел [22:15:08] I_Quantum_I был кикнут [22:15:08] I_Quantum_I вышел [22:15:08] Avakad был кикнут [22:15:08] Avakad вышел [22:15:08] Mautil был кикнут [22:15:08] Mautil вышел [22:15:08] lilgonerww зашёл [22:15:11] Сервер выключился [22:15:55] Сервер включился [22:16:13] Cro_SS_O зашёл [22:16:14] Scilla зашёл [22:16:16] Cro_SS_O issued server command: /we cui [22:16:17] xx_VR_xxx зашёл [22:16:18] AYLIEXEC зашёл [22:16:18] Scilla issued server command: /we cui [22:16:20] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /we cui [22:16:20] I_Quantum_I зашёл [22:16:21] Jabuti зашёл [22:16:23] I_Quantum_I issued server command: /we cui [22:16:24] Jabuti issued server command: /we cui [22:16:24] MiyaGiUsbHub зашёл [22:16:26] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /we cui [22:16:31] MiyaGiUsbHub issued server command: /we cui [22:16:41] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /we cui [22:16:46] Mautil зашёл [22:16:48] Mautil issued server command: /we cui [22:16:51] [L] I_Quantum_I: нету ресиков [22:16:58] Mautil issued server command: /we cui [22:17:04] Bukycbka зашёл [22:17:08] Bukycbka issued server command: /we cui [22:17:20] [L] Mautil: такой п.... [22:17:22] [L] Mautil: -лут [22:17:29] lilgonerww зашёл [22:17:30] lilgonerww issued server command: /we cui [22:17:34] [L] I_Quantum_I: перекрой лаву [22:17:39] [L] Mautil: чем нечем [22:17:40] [L] I_Quantum_I: а всё [22:18:07] Avakad зашёл [22:18:11] Avakad issued server command: /we cui [22:18:30] [L] xx_VR_xxx: блиа [22:18:34] [L] I_Quantum_I: сложно будет [22:18:43] Avakad issued server command: /kit eat [22:18:50] [L] Mautil: я бухать [22:18:54] [L] I_Quantum_I: ахаха [22:18:55] Jabuti issued server command: /call AYLIEXEC [22:18:55] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /tpaccept [22:18:57] [L] I_Quantum_I: это не выход [22:18:58] Avakad issued server command: /kit start [22:19:00] Jabuti issued server command: /home [22:19:00] [L] Mautil: это надо отметить [22:19:07] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /home [22:19:25] [L] xx_VR_xxx: го туды [22:19:28] [L] Mautil: 0 инфы про боссов, неужели так сложно написать, что он все ВЗРЫВАЕТ [22:19:34] [L] I_Quantum_I: ну го [22:19:47] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /warp quest [22:19:47] Healthy зашёл [22:19:49] Healthy issued server command: /we cui [22:19:49] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /we cui [22:20:03] [L] Mautil: после убийства же сундук появляетмя [22:20:09] Mautil issued server command: /kit eat [22:20:12] [L] xx_VR_xxx: рили [22:20:24] [L] Mautil: Ася, ты лут мой видел? [22:20:28] [L] xx_VR_xxx: какой лут [22:20:39] [L] Mautil: обычный [22:20:44] [L] xx_VR_xxx: который в лаве [22:20:50] [L] Mautil: там же не было лавы [22:20:50] Mautil умер (PROJECTILE) [22:20:55] Mautil issued server command: /we cui [22:21:32] Avakad issued server command: /spawn [22:21:34] Avakad issued server command: /we cui [22:22:04] Avakad issued server command: /home [22:22:07] Avakad issued server command: /we cui [22:22:07] Healthy issued server command: /randomtp [22:22:07] Healthy issued server command: /rtp [22:22:18] Avakad issued server command: /spawn [22:22:18] Avakad issued server command: /we cui [22:22:23] Healthy issued server command: /home [22:22:51] Avakad issued server command: /warp forest [22:22:54] Avakad issued server command: /we cui [22:23:49] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /home [22:23:50] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /we cui [22:24:04] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /warp quest [22:24:04] Avakad вышел [22:24:06] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /we cui [22:24:07] [L] I_Quantum_I: )) [22:24:13] [L] xx_VR_xxx: серьезно? [22:24:15] [L] I_Quantum_I: да [22:24:19] [L] I_Quantum_I: и ради этого? [22:24:24] [L] I_Quantum_I: мы били его столько? [22:24:26] [L] xx_VR_xxx: аххавыхаыхвах [22:24:28] [L] I_Quantum_I: ахахаххахаха [22:24:34] [L] I_Quantum_I: я не могу [22:24:37] [L] I_Quantum_I: умора [22:24:39] [L] xx_VR_xxx: там крч говорила Арина [22:24:46] [L] xx_VR_xxx: просто произошел баг с настройкой х [22:24:51] [L] xx_VR_xxx: и уу них теперь по 24к +- хп [22:24:57] [L] I_Quantum_I: ахахахахах [22:25:00] [L] I_Quantum_I: круто)) [22:25:02] Bukycbka issued server command: /randomtp [22:25:02] Bukycbka issued server command: /RTP [22:25:05] [L] xx_VR_xxx: реальные боссы хаахахаха [22:25:21] [L] xx_VR_xxx: так это ты еще в годе а попробуй без него хахаха [22:25:41] [L] I_Quantum_I: половина тебе [22:25:43] [L] I_Quantum_I: )) [22:25:47] [L] xx_VR_xxx: ну да все честно [22:25:49] [L] I_Quantum_I: ну да)) [22:26:08] [L] I_Quantum_I: на и это [22:26:12] [L] I_Quantum_I: у меня статуретка [22:26:37] Bukycbka issued server command: /randomtp [22:26:37] Bukycbka issued server command: /RTP [22:26:53] [L] xx_VR_xxx: надо продигать услуги убьем боссов из дивайна) [22:27:08] I_Quantum_I issued server command: /home [22:27:10] I_Quantum_I issued server command: /we cui [22:27:27] Bukycbka issued server command: /randomtp [22:27:27] Bukycbka issued server command: /RTP [22:27:41] Bukycbka issued server command: /HOME [22:27:53] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /home [22:27:59] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /we cui [22:28:10] [G] Mautil: ! I_Quantum_I [22:28:13] [G] I_Quantum_I: !Да? [22:28:16] [G] Mautil: !продай 4 камешка этих плиз [22:28:25] [G] I_Quantum_I: !40эм [22:28:28] Mautil issued server command: /money [22:28:31] [G] Mautil: !tp [22:28:42] I_Quantum_I issued server command: /tpa Mautil [22:28:45] Mautil issued server command: /tpyes [22:28:47] [L] xx_VR_xxx: гений хд [22:29:04] Mautil issued server command: /money pay xx_VR_xxx 40 [22:29:08] [L] Mautil: oi [22:29:11] [L] xx_VR_xxx: hahahahaha [22:29:13] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /Scam [22:29:14] [L] Mautil: передай ему [22:29:14] [L] xx_VR_xxx: Scam [22:29:17] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /money pay I_Quantum_I 40 [22:29:21] [L] Mautil: меня отвлекли [22:30:15] I_Quantum_I issued server command: /home [22:30:52] Healthy issued server command: /randomtp [22:30:52] Healthy issued server command: /rtp [22:31:10] Healthy issued server command: /retp [22:31:11] Healthy issued server command: /randomtp [22:31:11] Healthy issued server command: /rtp [22:31:14] Healthy issued server command: /randomtp [22:31:14] Healthy issued server command: /rtp [22:31:17] Healthy issued server command: /randomtp [22:31:17] Healthy issued server command: /rtp [22:31:19] Healthy issued server command: /randomtp [22:31:19] Healthy issued server command: /rtp [22:31:31] Healthy issued server command: /randomtp [22:31:31] Healthy issued server command: /rtp [22:31:51] Healthy issued server command: /randomtp [22:31:51] Healthy issued server command: /rtp [22:31:53] Feltaxa зашёл [22:31:54] [G] xx_VR_xxx: ! Мне кажется с такими приколами невермайн курит в сторонке [22:32:06] Feltaxa issued server command: /we cui [22:32:09] [G] I_Quantum_I: !Упс) [22:32:19] Bukycbka issued server command: /randomtp [22:32:19] Bukycbka issued server command: /RTP [22:32:32] [L] Mautil: опять заскамили [22:32:43] [G] Mautil: ! I_Quantum_I [22:32:47] [G] I_Quantum_I: !Да? [22:32:50] [G] Mautil: !тп [22:32:56] I_Quantum_I issued server command: /tp Mautil [22:33:01] [L] I_Quantum_I: да? [22:33:05] [L] Mautil: в ккниге сказано [22:33:06] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /home [22:33:08] [L] Mautil: дает полет [22:33:08] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /we cui [22:33:10] [L] Mautil: где полет [22:33:18] [L] xx_VR_xxx: скинь мне сет [22:33:21] [L] Mautil: очередной скам [22:33:21] Feltaxa issued server command: /warp [22:33:23] Feltaxa issued server command: /warp list [22:33:26] Feltaxa issued server command: /warp list 2 [22:33:28] [L] I_Quantum_I: ахахах [22:33:28] Feltaxa issued server command: /warp shop [22:33:31] [L] I_Quantum_I: скинь ему сет [22:33:33] [L] xx_VR_xxx: сет дай [22:33:33] [L] I_Quantum_I: он покажет [22:33:40] [L] Mautil: у него флай [22:33:41] [L] Mautil: оло [22:33:43] [L] I_Quantum_I: нету [22:33:45] [L] xx_VR_xxx: нету у меня флая [22:33:45] [L] I_Quantum_I: у него [22:33:50] [L] I_Quantum_I: у меня только есть [22:33:53] [L] xx_VR_xxx: меня лишили флая [22:34:00] [L] xx_VR_xxx: я полуфабрикат [22:34:01] Feltaxa issued server command: /money [22:34:03] [L] Mautil: ася [22:34:03] [L] I_Quantum_I: ахахахах [22:34:06] Feltaxa issued server command: /mpcaseshop [22:34:06] [L] Mautil: за скам зарежу [22:34:09] Feltaxa issued server command: /mpcaseview 70 [22:34:10] Feltaxa issued server command: /rollcase 70 [22:34:12] [L] xx_VR_xxx: эм [22:34:14] [L] xx_VR_xxx: я серьезно [22:34:17] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /fly [22:34:23] Feltaxa issued server command: /mpcaseview 70 [22:34:24] Feltaxa issued server command: /rollcase 70 [22:34:29] [L] I_Quantum_I: нам низя вводить игроков в заблужнение [22:34:33] [L] I_Quantum_I: за это снятие [22:34:37] [L] xx_VR_xxx: так в описании не написано о.о что дает флай [22:34:37] Feltaxa issued server command: /mpcaseview 70 [22:34:38] [L] I_Quantum_I: поэтому поверь [22:34:39] Feltaxa issued server command: /rollcase 70 [22:34:41] [L] I_Quantum_I: он не лжет [22:34:44] [L] Mautil: в книге сказано лол [22:34:49] [L] xx_VR_xxx: Да хоть в Библии [22:34:49] Feltaxa issued server command: /mpcaseshop [22:34:51] Feltaxa issued server command: /mpcaseview 70 [22:34:52] Feltaxa issued server command: /rollcase 70 [22:34:55] [L] Mautil: это скам [22:35:03] [L] I_Quantum_I: Ну [22:35:08] [L] I_Quantum_I: заскамили получается [22:35:14] [L] xx_VR_xxx: емаааа [22:35:15] Healthy issued server command: /hoem [22:35:16] [L] xx_VR_xxx: скорость 4 [22:35:17] Healthy issued server command: /home [22:35:18] [L] Mautil: это не смешно [22:35:18] [L] xx_VR_xxx: сила 2 [22:35:22] [L] xx_VR_xxx: фига [22:35:23] [L] I_Quantum_I: дай сет [22:35:32] [L] xx_VR_xxx: ток вернешь [22:35:33] [L] xx_VR_xxx: а то жопа [22:35:53] [L] xx_VR_xxx: попробуй в ином мире [22:35:55] [L] Mautil: квантцм прочти в книге [22:35:55] Healthy issued server command: /spawn [22:35:57] Healthy issued server command: /we cui [22:35:59] [L] Mautil: что там написано [22:36:02] Feltaxa issued server command: /warp world [22:36:03] Feltaxa issued server command: /we cui [22:36:09] Feltaxa issued server command: /randomtp [22:36:09] Feltaxa issued server command: /rtp [22:36:15] MiyaGiUsbHub issued server command: /home [22:36:17] [L] I_Quantum_I: ну броня активна [22:36:31] Healthy issued server command: /home [22:36:32] lilgonerww issued server command: /randomtp [22:36:32] lilgonerww issued server command: /rtp [22:36:33] Healthy issued server command: /we cui [22:36:38] [L] Mautil: ладно [22:36:40] [L] Mautil: бог с ним [22:36:43] [L] Mautil: но книгу почините [22:36:46] [L] Mautil: это заблуждение [22:36:48] [L] I_Quantum_I: оке) [22:36:56] [L] xx_VR_xxx: передадим [22:37:08] [L] xx_VR_xxx: а Квантум [22:37:09] [L] xx_VR_xxx: рофл [22:37:17] [L] xx_VR_xxx: в вики написано что она должна креат полет давать [22:37:31] [L] I_Quantum_I: Да [22:37:33] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /randomtp [22:37:33] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /rtp [22:37:34] [L] I_Quantum_I: смерть [22:37:35] lilgonerww issued server command: /randomtp [22:37:35] lilgonerww issued server command: /rtp [22:37:35] [L] xx_VR_xxx: надо Арину поднять [22:37:40] [L] Mautil: Если игрок наденет полный комплект Ангельских Доспехов, он получит:Полёт Защита От Повреждений При [22:37:41] [L] Mautil: Падении [22:37:56] [L] Mautil: вот это прикол [22:37:59] [L] I_Quantum_I: чел [22:38:01] [L] I_Quantum_I: слушай [22:38:04] [L] I_Quantum_I: перезайди [22:38:07] Mautil вышел [22:38:12] Mautil зашёл [22:38:14] Mautil issued server command: /we cui [22:38:15] [L] I_Quantum_I: пробуй [22:38:19] Bukycbka issued server command: /kit eat [22:38:20] [L] I_Quantum_I: не? [22:38:29] [L] I_Quantum_I: дай мне [22:38:42] I_Quantum_I вышел [22:38:51] I_Quantum_I зашёл [22:38:52] lilgonerww issued server command: /randomtp [22:38:52] lilgonerww issued server command: /rtp [22:38:55] I_Quantum_I issued server command: /we cui [22:38:59] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /warp quest [22:39:01] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /we cui [22:39:05] Bukycbka issued server command: /randomtp [22:39:05] Bukycbka issued server command: /RTP [22:39:10] [L] I_Quantum_I: скам [22:39:23] lilgonerww issued server command: /home [22:39:25] I_Quantum_I issued server command: /mpcaseshop [22:39:30] I_Quantum_I issued server command: /mpcaseview 74 [22:39:35] I_Quantum_I issued server command: /mpcaseshop [22:39:37] Mautil issued server command: /randomtp [22:39:37] Mautil issued server command: /rtp [22:40:00] lilgonerww issued server command: /randomtp [22:40:00] lilgonerww issued server command: /rtp [22:40:01] [L] I_Quantum_I: да [22:40:02] [L] I_Quantum_I: )) [22:40:08] lilgonerww issued server command: /home [22:40:12] [G] xx_VR_xxx: ! Mautil все пучком,не выбрасывай пока ее [22:40:12] [L] I_Quantum_I: треш [22:40:22] [G] Mautil: !и не думал [22:40:38] [G] xx_VR_xxx: ! передано вышестоящим [22:40:39] [G] Mautil: !тп ася [22:40:43] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /tpa Mautil [22:40:45] Mautil issued server command: /tpyes [22:40:49] Mautil issued server command: /we cui [22:40:50] I_Quantum_I issued server command: /home [22:40:57] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /warp quest [22:41:11] [G] Mautil: !ТУТ эндермены епта [22:41:13] [L] xx_VR_xxx: м [22:41:17] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /tpa Mautil [22:41:20] Mautil issued server command: /tpyes [22:41:25] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /we cui [22:41:28] [L] Mautil: вали их в годе [22:42:21] [G] I_Quantum_I: ! Mautil без таких выражений пожалуйста [22:42:24] Bukycbka issued server command: /HOME [22:42:32] [G] Feltaxa: !пжлст [22:42:41] [G] xx_VR_xxx: ! I_Quantum_I видел что страники края продают? удачу 5 хд [22:42:46] dadafgg1s зашёл [22:42:48] Mautil issued server command: /home [22:42:50] Mautil issued server command: /we cui [22:42:50] [G] I_Quantum_I: !Ахахах [22:42:52] [G] I_Quantum_I: !Покажи [22:42:57] dadafgg1s issued server command: /we cui [22:42:57] I_Quantum_I issued server command: /tp xx_VR_xxx [22:42:59] I_Quantum_I issued server command: /we cui [22:43:03] [G] Mautil: ! Ася сам справлйся там жестко убивают [22:43:08] [G] Mautil: !выбей сингу [22:43:10] [L] xx_VR_xxx: во [22:43:20] [L] xx_VR_xxx: до конца гартай [22:43:29] [L] I_Quantum_I: у меня защита 3 [22:43:36] [L] xx_VR_xxx: в самый конец [22:43:46] [L] I_Quantum_I: аааа [22:43:54] [L] I_Quantum_I: оно постоянно генит новы [22:44:03] Healthy issued server command: /randomtp [22:44:03] Healthy issued server command: /rtp [22:44:19] [G] xx_VR_xxx: !Скрижаль нашел [22:44:24] [G] Mautil: !Молодец [22:44:29] [G] xx_VR_xxx: ! карта имба тут [22:44:29] Healthy issued server command: /home [22:44:52] dadafgg1s issued server command: /m xx_VR_xxx а как получить ежедневный бонус если скипнул иконку вначале? [22:45:10] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /r пробовали перезаходить? [22:45:16] dadafgg1s issued server command: /m xx_VR_xxx неа [22:45:21] dadafgg1s issued server command: /kit eat [22:45:23] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /r попробуйте на сервер перезайти [22:45:26] dadafgg1s вышел [22:45:27] Feltaxa вышел [22:45:31] dadafgg1s зашёл [22:45:32] dadafgg1s issued server command: /we cui [22:45:32] [L] I_Quantum_I: класс удача 5 [22:45:40] dadafgg1s issued server command: /m xx_VR_xxx сенкс [22:45:47] dadafgg1s issued server command: /warp world [22:45:48] I_Quantum_I issued server command: /vanish [22:45:48] dadafgg1s issued server command: /we cui [22:45:50] dadafgg1s issued server command: /randomtp [22:45:50] dadafgg1s issued server command: /rtp [22:45:53] I_Quantum_I issued server command: /home [22:45:56] I_Quantum_I issued server command: /we cui [22:46:01] I_Quantum_I issued server command: /vanish [22:46:05] I_Quantum_I issued server command: /tp dadafgg1s [22:46:24] dadafgg1s issued server command: /randomtp [22:46:24] dadafgg1s issued server command: /rtp [22:46:28] Jabuti issued server command: /warp quest [22:46:30] Jabuti issued server command: /we cui [22:46:33] dadafgg1s issued server command: //chunk [22:46:33] dadafgg1s issued server command: //outset 16 [22:46:33] dadafgg1s issued server command: /zone [22:46:46] I_Quantum_I issued server command: /tp dadafgg1s [22:47:23] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /home [22:47:25] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /we cui [22:47:54] dadafgg1s issued server command: //chunk [22:47:54] dadafgg1s issued server command: //outset 16 [22:47:54] dadafgg1s issued server command: /zone [22:47:59] dadafgg1s issued server command: //chunk [22:47:59] dadafgg1s issued server command: //outset 16 [22:47:59] dadafgg1s issued server command: /zone [22:48:07] Jabuti issued server command: /tpaccept [22:48:08] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /call Jabuti [22:48:09] Jabuti issued server command: /tpaccept [22:48:14] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /warp quest [22:48:16] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /we cui [22:49:01] [G] xx_VR_xxx: ! еее,щас будим убивать [22:49:05] [G] Mautil: !кк [22:49:10] Jabuti issued server command: /home [22:49:12] Jabuti issued server command: /we cui [22:49:17] [G] xx_VR_xxx: ! Претатор [22:49:37] dadafgg1s issued server command: /kit start [22:49:39] dadafgg1s issued server command: /kit eat [22:49:42] Jabuti issued server command: /warp quest [22:49:44] Jabuti issued server command: /we cui [22:50:11] Bukycbka вышел [22:50:30] Bukycbka зашёл [22:50:32] Bukycbka issued server command: /we cui [22:50:36] I_Quantum_I issued server command: /tp xx_VR_xxx [22:50:37] Scilla issued server command: /home [22:50:39] I_Quantum_I issued server command: /we cui [22:50:44] Scilla issued server command: /van [22:50:47] Scilla issued server command: /vanish [22:50:50] [L] I_Quantum_I: f[f[f [22:50:50] Scilla issued server command: /tp xx_VR_xxx [22:50:52] [L] I_Quantum_I: ахаха [22:50:56] Scilla issued server command: /we cui [22:51:00] [L] I_Quantum_I: шо ты наделал [22:51:03] [L] I_Quantum_I: )) [22:51:11] [L] xx_VR_xxx: связка ломает пространство [22:51:24] [L] xx_VR_xxx: я б тут жил [22:51:30] [L] Scilla: извращенец [22:51:32] Jabuti issued server command: /home [22:51:35] Jabuti issued server command: /we cui [22:51:38] lilgonerww issued server command: /randomtp [22:51:38] lilgonerww issued server command: /rtp [22:51:41] [L] xx_VR_xxx: кто [22:51:57] [L] I_Quantum_I: ай я яй [22:51:58] Jabuti issued server command: /warp quest [22:52:00] Jabuti issued server command: /we cui [22:52:03] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /home [22:52:05] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /we cui [22:52:05] [L] I_Quantum_I: а кто без разрешения тп-хается [22:52:13] [L] Scilla: твой тех [22:52:31] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /warp quest [22:52:33] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /we cui [22:52:46] Healthy issued server command: /randomtp [22:52:46] Healthy issued server command: /rtp [22:52:55] [L] I_Quantum_I: какой ты тех? [22:53:03] [L] Scilla: техничный тех [22:53:28] Healthy issued server command: /home [22:53:32] [G] xx_VR_xxx: ! Mautil оцени комнату [22:53:37] Mautil issued server command: /call xx_VR_xxx [22:53:40] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /tpyes [22:53:41] [L] I_Quantum_I: не надо [22:53:44] [L] I_Quantum_I: он помрет [22:53:46] [G] xx_VR_xxx: ! блен,незя [22:54:01] [G] Mautil: !Сингу выбил? [22:54:04] [G] xx_VR_xxx: ! да [22:54:17] Scilla issued server command: /home [22:54:19] Scilla issued server command: /we cui [22:54:28] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /home [22:54:33] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /we cui [22:54:51] I_Quantum_I issued server command: /home [22:54:55] I_Quantum_I issued server command: /we cui [22:55:04] Mautil умер (WITHER) [22:55:06] Mautil issued server command: /we cui [22:55:22] [L] Mautil: 0 зашиты [22:55:35] lilgonerww вышел [22:55:42] lilgonerww зашёл [22:55:43] lilgonerww issued server command: /we cui [22:55:53] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /warp quest [22:55:53] Jabuti issued server command: /warp quest [22:56:22] [L] I_Quantum_I: смерть [22:56:25] Scilla issued server command: /tp I_Quantum_I [22:57:17] Scilla issued server command: /list [22:57:59] Jabuti issued server command: /warp quest [22:59:39] MiyaGiUsbHub issued server command: /home [23:00:05] Scilla issued server command: /home [23:00:05] lilgonerww issued server command: /home [23:00:15] Scilla issued server command: /list [23:00:21] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /home [23:00:22] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /we cui [23:01:25] Jabuti issued server command: /home [23:01:27] Jabuti issued server command: /we cui [23:02:03] Healthy issued server command: /time [23:02:07] Healthy issued server command: /ekit top [23:02:15] [L] Mautil: накопай ртути плез [23:02:15] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /vanish [23:02:21] Bukycbka issued server command: /EKIT TOP [23:02:37] I_Quantum_I issued server command: /vanish [23:02:39] I_Quantum_I issued server command: /vanish [23:02:43] I_Quantum_I issued server command: /tp dadafgg1s [23:03:00] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /voteday [23:03:01] Jabuti issued server command: /yes [23:03:04] MiyaGiUsbHub issued server command: /yes [23:03:05] I_Quantum_I issued server command: /no [23:03:06] [L] xx_VR_xxx: кого крови нет [23:03:07] Bukycbka issued server command: /yes [23:03:22] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /warp quest [23:03:24] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /we cui [23:03:57] Jabuti issued server command: /playtimetop [23:04:11] Jabuti issued server command: /playtimetop clear [23:04:28] lilgonerww issued server command: /randomtp [23:04:28] lilgonerww issued server command: /rtp [23:04:58] lilgonerww issued server command: /randomtp [23:04:58] lilgonerww issued server command: /rtp [23:05:13] Feltaxa зашёл [23:05:16] Feltaxa issued server command: /we cui [23:06:08] lilgonerww был кикнут [23:06:08] lilgonerww вышел [23:06:09] lilgonerww зашёл [23:06:10] lilgonerww issued server command: /we cui [23:06:16] MiyaGiUsbHub issued server command: /home [23:06:22] MiyaGiUsbHub вышел [23:07:20] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /home [23:07:22] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /we cui [23:07:26] Mautil issued server command: /home [23:07:32] dadafgg1s вышел [23:07:33] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /warp quest [23:07:35] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /we cui [23:07:37] I_Quantum_I issued server command: /home [23:07:44] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /home [23:07:46] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /we cui [23:08:02] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /warp quest [23:08:04] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /we cui [23:08:12] Jabuti issued server command: /warp quest [23:08:14] Jabuti issued server command: /we cui [23:08:48] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /we cui [23:08:55] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /home [23:09:21] I_Quantum_I issued server command: /cart all [23:09:37] I_Quantum_I issued server command: /repair [23:10:19] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /dupeip [23:10:23] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /dupeip lilgonerww [23:10:33] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /home [23:10:35] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /we cui [23:10:52] Jabuti issued server command: /money [23:10:53] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /money [23:10:57] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /dupeip kitkas [23:10:57] [L] xx_VR_xxx: v [23:10:59] Jabuti issued server command: /home [23:11:01] Jabuti issued server command: /we cui [23:11:01] lilgonerww issued server command: /home [23:11:55] Jabuti вышел [23:12:13] Feltaxa issued server command: /sethome [23:12:15] AYLIEXEC вышел [23:12:17] lilgonerww issued server command: /randomtp [23:12:17] lilgonerww issued server command: /rtp [23:12:18] Feltaxa issued server command: /warp casino [23:12:22] Feltaxa issued server command: /warp shop [23:12:23] lilgonerww issued server command: /randomtp [23:12:23] lilgonerww issued server command: /rtp [23:12:24] Feltaxa issued server command: /we cui [23:12:33] Feltaxa issued server command: /home [23:12:35] Feltaxa issued server command: /we cui [23:13:07] I_Quantum_I issued server command: /vanish [23:13:08] lilgonerww issued server command: /home [23:13:10] I_Quantum_I issued server command: /vanish [23:13:14] I_Quantum_I issued server command: /tp Bukycbka [23:13:17] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /v [23:13:32] MrDimonsterR зашёл [23:13:33] I_Quantum_I issued server command: /tp Cro_SS_O [23:13:47] MrDimonsterR issued server command: /we cui [23:13:53] I_Quantum_I issued server command: /tp Feltaxa [23:14:03] xx_VR_xxx вышел [23:14:17] I_Quantum_I issued server command: /tp MrDimonsterR [23:14:20] xx_VR_xxx зашёл [23:14:26] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /we cui [23:14:42] Feltaxa вышел [23:15:00] I_Quantum_I issued server command: /tp lilgonerww [23:15:46] [L] Mautil: Ладно, до завтра. Завтра буду авто сортировку аспектов делать [23:15:50] [L] Mautil: а нет вру [23:15:54] [L] Mautil: завтра меня не будет [23:15:56] [L] Mautil: весь день [23:16:00] [L] xx_VR_xxx: окей [23:16:15] Mautil вышел [23:16:44] I_Quantum_I issued server command: /home [23:16:59] Feltaxa зашёл [23:17:01] Feltaxa issued server command: /we cui [23:19:00] Healthy вышел [23:19:28] MrDimonsterR issued server command: /kit eat [23:19:32] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /randomtp [23:19:32] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /rtp [23:19:44] MrDimonsterR issued server command: /randomtp [23:19:44] MrDimonsterR issued server command: /rtp [23:20:23] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /tpa I [23:20:27] Cro_SS_O issued server command: /home [23:20:36] MrDimonsterR issued server command: /randomtp [23:20:36] MrDimonsterR issued server command: /rtp [23:20:44] Bukycbka issued server command: /randomtp [23:20:44] Bukycbka issued server command: /RTP [23:20:47] I_Quantum_I issued server command: /vanish [23:20:51] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /tpa I_Quantum_I [23:20:55] I_Quantum_I issued server command: /tpaccept [23:21:01] Bukycbka issued server command: /randomtp [23:21:01] Bukycbka issued server command: /RTP [23:21:02] Bukycbka issued server command: /randomtp [23:21:02] Bukycbka issued server command: /RTP [23:21:03] [L] xx_VR_xxx: была бы я бы тепнулся [23:21:03] Bukycbka issued server command: /randomtp [23:21:03] Bukycbka issued server command: /RTP [23:21:04] Bukycbka issued server command: /RPT [23:21:05] Bukycbka issued server command: /randomtp [23:21:05] Bukycbka issued server command: /RTP [23:21:09] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /tp I_Quantum_I [23:21:14] Bukycbka issued server command: /randomtp [23:21:14] Bukycbka issued server command: /RTP [23:21:15] MrDimonsterR issued server command: /randomtp [23:21:15] MrDimonsterR issued server command: /rtp [23:21:16] I_Quantum_I issued server command: /rg addmember tytyty22 xx_VR_xxx [23:21:36] MrDimonsterR issued server command: /randomtp [23:21:36] MrDimonsterR issued server command: /rtp [23:21:40] [L] xx_VR_xxx: распространителей? [23:21:41] MrDimonsterR issued server command: /randomtp [23:21:41] MrDimonsterR issued server command: /rtp [23:21:45] Bukycbka issued server command: /randomtp [23:21:45] Bukycbka issued server command: /RTP [23:21:46] [L] xx_VR_xxx: по факту 6 [23:21:59] [L] xx_VR_xxx: а ты что хочешь то [23:22:03] [L] xx_VR_xxx: ферму маны7 [23:22:07] MrDimonsterR issued server command: /randomtp [23:22:07] MrDimonsterR issued server command: /rtp [23:22:15] [L] xx_VR_xxx: а на чем будет ? [23:22:19] [L] xx_VR_xxx: гурмалилисы пламя края [23:22:33] [L] xx_VR_xxx: ну в одном случае поставлять уголь в другом еду [23:22:50] [L] xx_VR_xxx: ну для начала пламя края лучше бы,потому что руны потом крафтить [23:22:59] [L] xx_VR_xxx: у тебя связ кирка какое фармить х [23:23:01] [L] xx_VR_xxx: хд* [23:23:07] [L] xx_VR_xxx: один клик - пещер [23:23:50] lilgonerww issued server command: /randomtp [23:23:50] lilgonerww issued server command: /rtp [23:23:52] Feltaxa issued server command: /sethome [23:24:04] [L] xx_VR_xxx: линзы не нужны [23:24:10] [L] xx_VR_xxx: они на крафт терастали будут ток нужны [23:24:18] Bukycbka issued server command: /HOME [23:24:39] [L] xx_VR_xxx: нужны ж цветки которые будут вырабаывать [23:24:51] [L] xx_VR_xxx: ну тебе нужен старт поэтому нужны эти щас [23:25:04] [L] xx_VR_xxx: дневной цветок для начала самого [23:25:20] [L] xx_VR_xxx: не,крафтится в аптекаре [23:25:30] [L] xx_VR_xxx: ага [23:26:06] I_Quantum_I issued server command: /home [23:26:12] [L] xx_VR_xxx: а имба,у тебя лепестки нужны прям есть [23:26:25] [L] xx_VR_xxx: у тебя мод что ль был? [23:26:34] Feltaxa issued server command: /home [23:26:37] [L] xx_VR_xxx: куды куды хд [23:26:58] [L] xx_VR_xxx: может у тебя ивент фантомно пустой [23:27:00] I_Quantum_I issued server command: /pickup [23:27:04] I_Quantum_I issued server command: /pickup [23:27:11] I_Quantum_I вышел [23:27:24] I_Quantum_I зашёл [23:27:31] I_Quantum_I issued server command: /we cui [23:28:04] I_Quantum_I issued server command: /kit [23:28:33] [L] xx_VR_xxx: жесткий кит кнш у модов [23:28:44] [L] xx_VR_xxx: жестка [23:28:55] [L] xx_VR_xxx: нужны любые семяна [23:29:01] [L] xx_VR_xxx: пшеницы беладоны [23:29:06] [L] xx_VR_xxx: да [23:29:07] Bukycbka вышел [23:29:18] I_Quantum_I issued server command: /home [23:29:40] [L] xx_VR_xxx: аа,земля нужна,фиг поставишь на дерево хд [23:29:55] MrDimonsterR вышел [23:30:00] [L] xx_VR_xxx: вот тут 3х3 [23:30:04] [L] xx_VR_xxx: да [23:30:14] I_Quantum_I issued server command: /zset 0 [23:30:21] [L] xx_VR_xxx: мы такое одобряем [23:30:25] I_Quantum_I issued server command: /zset 1 [23:30:35] [L] xx_VR_xxx: 3 [23:30:38] I_Quantum_I issued server command: /zset 3 [23:31:21] lilgonerww issued server command: /home [23:31:56] [L] xx_VR_xxx: да я слишком ленив для переезда.проще я сделаю телепрот между двумя базами [23:32:19] [L] xx_VR_xxx: почему [23:32:30] [L] xx_VR_xxx: так оба представителя хелперы [23:32:33] lilgonerww вышел [23:32:38] [L] xx_VR_xxx: ну можно [23:32:45] [L] xx_VR_xxx: так реально го [23:33:12] [L] xx_VR_xxx: ночь [23:33:13] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /votesun [23:33:19] [L] xx_VR_xxx: ночь щас нужен день [23:33:22] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /votesay [23:33:24] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /voteday [23:33:27] I_Quantum_I issued server command: /yes [23:33:27] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /yes [23:33:27] Feltaxa issued server command: /no [23:33:36] Cro_SS_O issued server command: /yes [23:34:10] [L] xx_VR_xxx: потому что распространители слишком жесткие им нужен определный заполненость у них чтобы пердать в [23:34:10] [L] xx_VR_xxx: басик [23:34:25] [L] xx_VR_xxx: не не [23:34:33] [L] xx_VR_xxx: просто мана сначало копиться у них [23:34:36] [L] xx_VR_xxx: а потом они в басик ее отдают [23:34:41] [L] xx_VR_xxx: но так как они слишком жесткие [23:34:51] [L] xx_VR_xxx: потому что мана от цветков мало заполняет их [23:35:06] [L] xx_VR_xxx: так нужно поэтапно идти не получится перепрыгнуть [23:35:19] [L] xx_VR_xxx: в итоге сможешь но не прям щас [23:35:33] [L] xx_VR_xxx: либо ждать либо сделать послабее расространители [23:36:00] [L] xx_VR_xxx: щас [23:36:01] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /home [23:36:16] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /tpa I_Quantum_I [23:36:40] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /playtimetop [23:36:50] I_Quantum_I issued server command: /tpaccept [23:36:59] [L] xx_VR_xxx: ага [23:37:12] [L] xx_VR_xxx: нужен угль [23:37:39] Feltaxa issued server command: /sethome [23:37:41] Feltaxa issued server command: /warp shop [23:37:43] Feltaxa issued server command: /we cui [23:37:55] Feltaxa issued server command: /home [23:37:57] Feltaxa issued server command: /we cui [23:39:46] Feltaxa issued server command: /sethome [23:40:02] [L] xx_VR_xxx: кстати ботанию имеет смысл изучать не только ради заряжалки [23:40:14] [L] xx_VR_xxx: венки имбовые [23:40:23] [L] xx_VR_xxx: считай это как тотем бессмертия [23:40:33] Feltaxa issued server command: /home [23:40:37] [L] xx_VR_xxx: сейвит тебе жизнь [23:40:49] Cro_SS_O issued server command: /kit start [23:41:10] [L] xx_VR_xxx: в два слишком геморно [23:41:32] [L] xx_VR_xxx: еще угль хд [23:41:39] I_Quantum_I issued server command: /kit start [23:41:51] [L] xx_VR_xxx: ага [23:42:02] Bycinka зашёл [23:42:16] Bycinka issued server command: /we cui [23:43:47] [G] Bycinka: !Привет [23:43:51] [L] xx_VR_xxx: жрет медленно кнш,надо сделать побольше таких цветков но надо порох [23:43:53] [G] I_Quantum_I: !Привет) [23:43:54] [G] xx_VR_xxx: ! Привет [23:43:59] [G] Feltaxa: !охаё [23:44:12] [L] xx_VR_xxx: ес [23:44:19] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /voteday [23:44:22] Feltaxa issued server command: /yes [23:44:23] I_Quantum_I issued server command: /yes [23:44:24] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /yes [23:44:25] Cro_SS_O issued server command: /yes [23:45:56] [L] xx_VR_xxx: проверяю подключнены ли они и проверяю наличие маны в них [23:46:07] [L] xx_VR_xxx: наведи на распространители [23:46:22] [L] xx_VR_xxx: да опять очистка да ек макарем с этим вашим углем [23:48:30] Bycinka issued server command: /kit eat [23:48:51] Cro_SS_O issued server command: /home [23:49:36] Cro_SS_O issued server command: /randomtp [23:49:36] Cro_SS_O issued server command: /rtp [23:50:48] Feltaxa issued server command: /sethome [23:50:49] Feltaxa issued server command: /warp shop [23:50:51] Feltaxa issued server command: /we cui [23:50:57] [L] xx_VR_xxx: прогресс идет пока скудно но идет [23:51:02] Feltaxa issued server command: /home [23:51:04] Feltaxa issued server command: /we cui [23:51:12] [L] xx_VR_xxx: проверить хочу гифку [23:51:19] Bycinka issued server command: /randomtp [23:51:19] Bycinka issued server command: /rtp [23:51:27] Bycinka issued server command: /randomtp [23:51:27] Bycinka issued server command: /rtp [23:51:46] [L] xx_VR_xxx: тенор не жрет походу [23:52:00] [L] xx_VR_xxx: она то работает [23:52:08] Bycinka issued server command: /warp world [23:52:09] Bycinka issued server command: /we cui [23:52:35] Bycinka issued server command: /randomtp [23:52:35] Bycinka issued server command: /rtp [23:53:16] [L] xx_VR_xxx: фига мета у зельки [23:53:49] Bycinka issued server command: /ec [23:54:40] Cro_SS_O issued server command: /randomtp [23:54:40] Cro_SS_O issued server command: /rtp [23:54:54] Feltaxa issued server command: /vote day [23:55:03] Feltaxa issued server command: /voteday [23:55:07] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /yes [23:55:07] Cro_SS_O issued server command: /yes [23:55:08] I_Quantum_I issued server command: /yes [23:55:49] Feltaxa issued server command: /sethome [23:55:51] Feltaxa issued server command: /warp shop [23:55:53] Feltaxa issued server command: /we cui [23:56:05] Feltaxa issued server command: /home [23:56:07] Feltaxa issued server command: /we cui [23:56:26] Bycinka issued server command: /randomtp [23:56:26] Bycinka issued server command: /rtp [23:56:27] Feltaxa issued server command: /warp shop [23:56:28] Feltaxa issued server command: /we cui [23:57:12] Feltaxa issued server command: /home [23:57:14] Feltaxa issued server command: /we cui [23:57:15] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /pvptoggle [23:57:15] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /pvp [23:57:15] I_Quantum_I issued server command: /god [23:57:19] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /god [23:57:19] I_Quantum_I issued server command: /pvptoggle [23:57:19] I_Quantum_I issued server command: /pvp [23:57:31] [L] xx_VR_xxx: пвп тру и год офф [23:57:40] [L] xx_VR_xxx: мм [23:57:48] I_Quantum_I issued server command: /pvptoggle [23:57:48] I_Quantum_I issued server command: /pvp [23:57:51] I_Quantum_I issued server command: /pvptoggle [23:57:51] I_Quantum_I issued server command: /pvp [23:58:05] Cro_SS_O issued server command: /randomtp [23:58:05] Cro_SS_O issued server command: /rtp [23:58:05] Cro_SS_O issued server command: /randomtp [23:58:05] Cro_SS_O issued server command: /rtp [23:58:12] [L] xx_VR_xxx: 38 [23:58:25] [L] xx_VR_xxx: отхилься [23:58:27] I_Quantum_I issued server command: /feed [23:58:39] [L] xx_VR_xxx: так я хп обновить хотле [23:59:06] [L] xx_VR_xxx: 3 удара [23:59:15] [L] xx_VR_xxx: у тебя еще пб не чарен [23:59:33] [L] xx_VR_xxx: драконику з4 как кирке добыча 5 [23:59:52] [L] xx_VR_xxx: типикал ботания [23:59:58] [L] xx_VR_xxx: а говорят что в бладе ждать надо моног