[00:00:00] [L] xx_VR_xxx: много* [00:00:12] [G] Bycinka: !Cколько хомов и приветов у игрока ? [00:00:13] [L] xx_VR_xxx: надо бы пороха побскребсти [00:00:16] [G] xx_VR_xxx: ! 2 привата 3х3 чанка [00:00:27] Feltaxa issued server command: /sethome [00:00:32] Feltaxa issued server command: /warp shop [00:00:34] Feltaxa issued server command: /we cui [00:00:36] [G] Bycinka: !Спасибо ,а хомов [00:00:46] [L] xx_VR_xxx: а хомов скок не помнишь? вроде один по логике [00:00:52] Feltaxa issued server command: /home [00:00:54] Feltaxa issued server command: /we cui [00:00:55] [G] xx_VR_xxx: ! 1 [00:01:05] [G] Bycinka: !Благодарю [00:01:11] [L] xx_VR_xxx: думаю скоро Арина поубивает нас за что то [00:01:23] [L] xx_VR_xxx: жопа чешется а жопа не врет Хд [00:01:38] I_Quantum_I issued server command: /god [00:01:40] I_Quantum_I issued server command: /pvptoggle [00:01:40] I_Quantum_I issued server command: /pvp [00:02:35] [L] xx_VR_xxx: я на связку думаю сегодня завтра сделать [00:02:49] [L] xx_VR_xxx: связанная броня [00:02:57] [L] xx_VR_xxx: была) [00:03:01] [L] xx_VR_xxx: неа [00:03:04] [L] xx_VR_xxx: ага [00:03:06] [G] Bycinka: !Строиться в каком можно мире? [00:03:10] [L] xx_VR_xxx: меня орки выебали [00:03:16] [G] Feltaxa: !warp world [00:03:19] [G] I_Quantum_I: !В строительном [00:03:21] [G] Bycinka: !Ок [00:03:26] [G] I_Quantum_I: !)) [00:03:27] [L] xx_VR_xxx: и - сет [00:03:36] Cro_SS_O issued server command: /home [00:03:37] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /god [00:03:47] [L] xx_VR_xxx: жесткие они [00:03:50] [L] xx_VR_xxx: ага [00:03:57] [L] xx_VR_xxx: а тогда его не было хд) [00:04:06] Bycinka issued server command: /randomtp [00:04:06] Bycinka issued server command: /rtp [00:04:11] [L] xx_VR_xxx: ну я пошел в квест мир [00:04:38] [L] xx_VR_xxx: ну если я зачарю броню и сделаю зелько то мне будет пофиг на них я просто тестил скок влетает по мне [00:04:38] [L] xx_VR_xxx: урона [00:04:48] [L] xx_VR_xxx: 2 сердца снимает мне эндермен [00:04:58] [L] xx_VR_xxx: так связка в фулл прокачке 100% резист урона [00:05:02] [L] xx_VR_xxx: хоть вся араба пусть [00:05:31] [L] xx_VR_xxx: чтобы быстрее заполнялись [00:05:34] [L] xx_VR_xxx: нужно чтобы цветки [00:05:43] Feltaxa issued server command: /voteday [00:05:43] [L] xx_VR_xxx: дневные по факту дно это чисто для начала [00:05:46] I_Quantum_I issued server command: /yes [00:05:48] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /yes [00:06:00] [L] xx_VR_xxx: просто нужно чтобы накопить на крафт вещей для следующих цветков [00:06:08] Cro_SS_O issued server command: /kit start [00:06:08] [L] xx_VR_xxx: нужна начальная мана [00:06:10] Cro_SS_O issued server command: /kit eat [00:06:19] [L] xx_VR_xxx: вазки ж делал мод [00:07:11] [L] xx_VR_xxx: это еще и техномод [00:07:30] [L] xx_VR_xxx: на чем ты там фармил [00:08:16] I_Quantum_I issued server command: /playtime [00:08:31] Nekit192 зашёл [00:08:36] [L] xx_VR_xxx: стоп стоп [00:08:46] [L] xx_VR_xxx: у тебя тенька зачем тебе пб ихор [00:08:52] Nekit192 issued server command: /we cui [00:09:01] [L] xx_VR_xxx: пустотка* [00:09:23] [L] xx_VR_xxx: ага ты его еще заряди [00:09:24] Cro_SS_O issued server command: /home [00:09:38] [L] xx_VR_xxx: для этого ботанию развивать надо [00:09:41] [L] xx_VR_xxx: ну да [00:09:52] [L] xx_VR_xxx: годно [00:10:07] Cro_SS_O issued server command: /warp forest [00:10:09] [L] xx_VR_xxx: алина потом заходит а на одной базе 6 человек и такая вы че совсем [00:10:16] [L] xx_VR_xxx: Арина* [00:10:19] Cro_SS_O issued server command: /we cui [00:10:29] Cro_SS_O issued server command: /we cui [00:10:39] [L] xx_VR_xxx: с дивайном вообще ппц [00:10:45] [L] xx_VR_xxx: это похуже невермайна [00:10:56] [L] xx_VR_xxx: там косяк с хп вышел хД [00:11:07] [L] xx_VR_xxx: 26к хп [00:11:26] [L] xx_VR_xxx: немного сильные боссы [00:11:42] Bycinka issued server command: /endershest [00:11:44] [L] xx_VR_xxx: слушай,а утебя таум открыт же да? [00:11:49] [L] xx_VR_xxx: а блен [00:11:59] Feltaxa issued server command: /sethome [00:12:06] [L] xx_VR_xxx: я забыл чела попросить в таум рг добавить аааа,чорт [00:12:30] [L] xx_VR_xxx: у меня тиммейт тот рг сделал для таума и не добавил еще [00:13:17] Bycinka issued server command: /money [00:13:41] [L] xx_VR_xxx: для кого? [00:13:48] [L] xx_VR_xxx: порох надо еще [00:14:00] Cro_SS_O issued server command: /kit start [00:14:05] [L] xx_VR_xxx: не,немного [00:14:15] Nekit192 issued server command: /randomtp [00:14:15] Nekit192 issued server command: /rtp [00:14:48] [G] xx_VR_xxx: ! ага,ток она в привате ну я завтра с утра попрошу чела добавить [00:14:48] Nekit192 issued server command: /home [00:15:11] Nekit192 issued server command: /randomtp [00:15:11] Nekit192 issued server command: /rtp [00:15:43] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /playtimetop [00:15:56] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /playtime [00:16:12] Feltaxa issued server command: /voteday [00:16:15] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /yes [00:16:15] I_Quantum_I issued server command: /yes [00:16:46] I_Quantum_I issued server command: /home [00:16:50] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /home [00:17:14] [G] xx_VR_xxx: ! слишком дорого и нужен хотя бы 1 [00:17:59] Feltaxa issued server command: /sethome [00:18:03] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /tpa I_Quantum_I [00:18:20] I_Quantum_I issued server command: /home [00:18:22] I_Quantum_I issued server command: /tpaccept [00:18:41] Feltaxa issued server command: /home [00:18:42] [L] xx_VR_xxx: жручее ппц [00:19:01] Feltaxa issued server command: /sethome [00:20:29] Nekit192 issued server command: /home [00:21:12] [L] xx_VR_xxx: багуется опять вещи [00:21:13] [L] xx_VR_xxx: щас [00:21:15] xx_VR_xxx вышел [00:21:16] Ilya192 зашёл [00:21:28] xx_VR_xxx зашёл [00:21:32] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /we cui [00:21:41] Cro_SS_O issued server command: /home [00:21:45] Cro_SS_O issued server command: /we cui [00:21:58] Ilya192 issued server command: /we cui [00:22:20] [L] xx_VR_xxx: больше надо [00:22:48] Feltaxa issued server command: /home [00:23:55] [G] xx_VR_xxx: ! еще угля накопай там [00:24:13] Ilya192 issued server command: /home [00:24:47] I_Quantum_I issued server command: /home [00:25:16] Nekit192 issued server command: /m Ilya192 /warp world [00:25:22] I_Quantum_I issued server command: /warp mining [00:25:25] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /randomtp [00:25:25] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /rtp [00:25:25] I_Quantum_I issued server command: /we cui [00:25:47] Ilya192 issued server command: /warp world [00:25:50] Ilya192 issued server command: /we cui [00:25:53] Nekit192 issued server command: /m Ilya192 /call Nekit192 [00:26:01] I_Quantum_I issued server command: /randomtp [00:26:01] I_Quantum_I issued server command: /rtp [00:26:05] Feltaxa issued server command: /sethome [00:26:23] Feltaxa issued server command: /warp shop [00:26:25] Feltaxa issued server command: /we cui [00:26:30] Ilya192 issued server command: / [00:26:36] Feltaxa issued server command: /home [00:26:38] Feltaxa issued server command: /we cui [00:26:47] Feltaxa issued server command: /warp shop [00:26:50] Feltaxa issued server command: /we cui [00:26:50] Ilya192 issued server command: /call Nekit192 [00:26:53] Nekit192 issued server command: /tpaccept [00:26:56] Feltaxa issued server command: /home [00:26:59] Feltaxa issued server command: /we cui [00:27:06] Feltaxa issued server command: /voteday [00:27:09] Nekit192 issued server command: /buyflag [00:27:10] I_Quantum_I issued server command: /yes [00:27:19] Nekit192 issued server command: /playtime [00:27:37] Bycinka issued server command: /randomtp [00:27:37] Bycinka issued server command: /rtp [00:28:02] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /list [00:28:11] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /tpa I_Quantum_I [00:28:16] Feltaxa issued server command: /home [00:28:38] Nekit192 issued server command: /rg addmember Ilya192 192 [00:28:44] Nekit192 issued server command: /rg addmember 192 Ilya192 [00:28:50] I_Quantum_I issued server command: /home [00:28:53] I_Quantum_I issued server command: /we cui [00:28:55] I_Quantum_I issued server command: /tpaccept [00:29:16] [L] xx_VR_xxx: хорошо [00:29:32] Feltaxa issued server command: /home [00:29:46] I_Quantum_I issued server command: /warp world [00:29:51] I_Quantum_I issued server command: /warp mining [00:29:53] I_Quantum_I issued server command: /we cui [00:30:25] I_Quantum_I issued server command: /randomtp [00:30:25] I_Quantum_I issued server command: /rtp [00:30:53] Scilla вышел [00:32:53] Feltaxa issued server command: //chunk [00:32:53] Feltaxa issued server command: //outset 16 [00:32:53] Feltaxa issued server command: //wand [00:32:55] Feltaxa issued server command: //chunk [00:32:55] Feltaxa issued server command: //outset 16 [00:32:55] Feltaxa issued server command: //wand [00:33:03] Feltaxa issued server command: /rg claim 65721 [00:33:07] Feltaxa issued server command: /sethome [00:33:27] Feltaxa issued server command: /home [00:35:04] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /money [00:35:05] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /randomtp [00:35:05] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /rtp [00:35:19] Bycinka issued server command: /randomtp [00:35:19] Bycinka issued server command: /rtp [00:35:38] Cro_SS_O issued server command: /randomtp [00:35:38] Cro_SS_O issued server command: /rtp [00:36:08] Bycinka issued server command: /spawn [00:36:10] Bycinka issued server command: /we cui [00:36:25] Nekit192 issued server command: /randomtp [00:36:25] Nekit192 issued server command: /rtp [00:36:28] Feltaxa issued server command: /home [00:37:09] Feltaxa issued server command: /sethome [00:37:10] Feltaxa issued server command: /warp shop [00:37:11] Cro_SS_O issued server command: /randomtp [00:37:11] Cro_SS_O issued server command: /rtp [00:37:12] Feltaxa issued server command: /we cui [00:37:20] Feltaxa issued server command: /home [00:37:22] Feltaxa issued server command: /we cui [00:37:58] Cro_SS_O issued server command: /randomtp [00:37:58] Cro_SS_O issued server command: /rtp [00:38:57] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /list [00:39:00] Bycinka issued server command: /warp quest [00:39:05] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /tpa I_Quantum_I [00:39:21] Bycinka issued server command: /warp world [00:39:23] Bycinka issued server command: /we cui [00:39:44] Bycinka issued server command: /randomtp [00:39:44] Bycinka issued server command: /rtp [00:40:04] I_Quantum_I issued server command: /home [00:40:07] I_Quantum_I issued server command: /we cui [00:40:11] I_Quantum_I issued server command: /tpaccept [00:40:45] Exetorics зашёл [00:40:45] Nekit192 issued server command: /home [00:40:52] Bycinka issued server command: /randomtp [00:40:52] Bycinka issued server command: /rtp [00:40:56] Exetorics issued server command: /we cui [00:41:12] Feltaxa issued server command: /home [00:41:27] Exetorics issued server command: /spawn [00:41:28] Exetorics issued server command: /we cui [00:41:38] Bycinka issued server command: /randomtp [00:41:38] Bycinka issued server command: /rtp [00:42:17] Bycinka issued server command: /randomtp [00:42:17] Bycinka issued server command: /rtp [00:42:33] Cro_SS_O issued server command: /home [00:43:24] Ilya192 issued server command: /mpcaseshop [00:43:29] Ilya192 issued server command: /mpcaseview 70 [00:43:29] Exetorics issued server command: /home [00:43:30] Ilya192 issued server command: /buycase 70 [00:43:31] Exetorics issued server command: /we cui [00:43:48] Ilya192 issued server command: /kit eat [00:43:55] Ilya192 issued server command: /kit eat [00:43:59] Ilya192 issued server command: /kit start [00:44:00] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /playtime [00:44:06] lilgonerww зашёл [00:44:14] [L] Ilya192: t [00:44:14] lilgonerww issued server command: /we cui [00:44:24] [L] lilgonerww: n [00:46:03] Ilya192 вышел [00:46:31] [L] Exetorics: ./god [00:46:33] [L] Exetorics: ./fly [00:46:39] [L] Exetorics: ./pvp [00:46:49] lilgonerww issued server command: /god [00:47:05] lilgonerww issued server command: /fly [00:47:11] lilgonerww issued server command: /pvptoggle [00:47:11] lilgonerww issued server command: /pvp [00:47:41] [L] xx_VR_xxx: вянут [00:47:53] [L] xx_VR_xxx: забить на них) [00:50:51] Cro_SS_O issued server command: /randomtp [00:50:51] Cro_SS_O issued server command: /rtp [00:51:42] Exetorics issued server command: /s lilgonerww [00:52:27] Feltaxa issued server command: /warp shop [00:52:28] Feltaxa issued server command: /we cui [00:52:37] Feltaxa issued server command: /home [00:52:40] Feltaxa issued server command: /we cui [00:53:03] Cro_SS_O issued server command: /home [00:53:15] [L] xx_VR_xxx: тебе ванишь и полет доступ потму что у тебя это с доната Мод идет [00:53:49] Exetorics issued server command: /tp lil [00:54:53] Nekit192 issued server command: /home [00:55:05] Bycinka issued server command: //chunk [00:55:05] Bycinka issued server command: //outset 16 [00:55:05] Bycinka issued server command: //wand [00:55:23] Exetorics issued server command: /tp Exetorics -2068 90 736 [00:55:23] Exetorics issued server command: /tppos -2068 90 736 [00:55:49] Nekit192 issued server command: /randomtp [00:55:49] Nekit192 issued server command: /rtp [00:56:24] [L] xx_VR_xxx: ну че можно ппробовать сделать руны, [00:56:26] Feltaxa issued server command: /randomtp [00:56:26] Feltaxa issued server command: /rtp [00:56:31] [L] I_Quantum_I: Давай) [00:56:43] Bycinka issued server command: /rg claim dw [00:56:54] [L] xx_VR_xxx: нитки перья и шерсть [00:56:58] [L] xx_VR_xxx: щас поищу у себ [00:57:00] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /home [00:57:02] Bycinka issued server command: /sethome [00:57:08] Nekit192 issued server command: /randomtp [00:57:08] Nekit192 issued server command: /rtp [00:57:11] Bycinka issued server command: /home [00:57:24] Cro_SS_O issued server command: /_ЩТУН [00:57:27] [L] Feltaxa: p [00:57:30] Feltaxa issued server command: /randomtp [00:57:30] Feltaxa issued server command: /rtp [00:57:34] Cro_SS_O issued server command: /money [00:57:45] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /warp shop [00:57:51] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /we cui [00:58:12] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /money [00:58:29] Feltaxa issued server command: /randomtp [00:58:29] Feltaxa issued server command: /rtp [00:59:03] Nekit192 issued server command: /home [00:59:21] Bycinka issued server command: //sel [00:59:24] I_Quantum_I issued server command: /zsel [00:59:28] I_Quantum_I issued server command: /zsell [00:59:30] Nekit192 issued server command: /randomtp [00:59:30] Nekit192 issued server command: /rtp [01:00:00] Feltaxa issued server command: /home [01:00:21] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /home [01:00:24] Feltaxa issued server command: /voteday [01:00:26] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /we cui [01:00:28] I_Quantum_I issued server command: /yes [01:01:21] Exetorics issued server command: /rg i [01:02:19] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /tpa I_Quantum_I [01:02:23] I_Quantum_I issued server command: /tpaccept [01:02:27] Nekit192 issued server command: /home [01:03:32] Feltaxa issued server command: /mpcaseshop [01:03:34] Feltaxa issued server command: /mpcaseview 70 [01:03:35] Feltaxa issued server command: /rollcase 70 [01:03:49] Feltaxa issued server command: /mpcaseview 70 [01:03:50] Feltaxa issued server command: /rollcase 70 [01:04:06] [L] xx_VR_xxx: о.о эм прикол [01:04:17] Feltaxa issued server command: /mpcaseshop [01:04:18] Feltaxa issued server command: /mpcaseview 70 [01:04:19] Feltaxa issued server command: /rollcase 70 [01:04:21] [L] I_Quantum_I: шо таке [01:04:30] [L] xx_VR_xxx: руны закинул крафт сделался а руны не потратились о.о [01:04:32] Feltaxa issued server command: /mpcaseview 70 [01:04:33] Feltaxa issued server command: /rollcase 70 [01:04:42] [L] I_Quantum_I: ооо [01:04:44] [L] I_Quantum_I: найс [01:04:45] [L] I_Quantum_I: )) [01:05:11] [L] xx_VR_xxx: реально рофл [01:05:17] [L] I_Quantum_I: найс [01:05:21] [L] I_Quantum_I: ))) [01:05:38] [L] I_Quantum_I: ставь 400 распространителей [01:05:46] [L] I_Quantum_I: делаем беск ист маны [01:05:49] [L] I_Quantum_I: и идем спать [01:05:51] [L] I_Quantum_I: )) [01:05:53] [L] xx_VR_xxx: Хд [01:06:33] Be3obra3niy зашёл [01:06:47] Be3obra3niy issued server command: /we cui [01:06:48] Exetorics issued server command: /rg i [01:06:59] Be3obra3niy issued server command: /kist [01:07:02] Be3obra3niy issued server command: /list [01:07:36] [L] Be3obra3niy: 123 [01:08:20] [L] I_Quantum_I: а этот расп не подкл? [01:08:22] Bycinka issued server command: /home [01:08:26] [L] xx_VR_xxx: какой [01:08:30] [L] I_Quantum_I: эт [01:08:39] [L] xx_VR_xxx: он для передачи в крафтилку рун [01:08:43] [L] I_Quantum_I: нет чел [01:08:50] [L] I_Quantum_I: я же показываю [01:08:52] [L] I_Quantum_I: этот [01:08:55] [L] xx_VR_xxx: я тебя не вижу даже хд [01:08:56] [G] Exetorics: !без здароу [01:08:59] [L] I_Quantum_I: всм [01:09:00] [L] xx_VR_xxx: ты в ванише [01:09:04] I_Quantum_I issued server command: /vanish [01:09:06] I_Quantum_I issued server command: /vanish [01:09:09] [L] I_Quantum_I: ytn [01:09:11] Exetorics issued server command: /echest [01:09:12] [L] I_Quantum_I: я тут [01:09:13] [L] xx_VR_xxx: хм [01:09:15] [L] xx_VR_xxx: щас [01:09:18] Exetorics issued server command: /home [01:09:18] [L] xx_VR_xxx: а вот щас да [01:09:26] [L] I_Quantum_I: эти 2 [01:09:26] [L] xx_VR_xxx: а этот пока для прикола [01:09:28] [L] I_Quantum_I: подкл? [01:09:33] [L] I_Quantum_I: пон [01:09:38] [L] xx_VR_xxx: тааак [01:09:55] [L] xx_VR_xxx: ахахах ема сьедают [01:10:00] [L] I_Quantum_I: это ты цветку скормил? [01:10:02] [L] xx_VR_xxx: да [01:10:10] Exetorics issued server command: /echest [01:10:14] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /kit [01:10:15] [L] I_Quantum_I: можно же сделать ферму по арбузам [01:10:27] Exetorics issued server command: /w Be3obra3niy игнор? [01:10:31] I_Quantum_I issued server command: /kit eat [01:10:34] [L] xx_VR_xxx: ема они ману вырабаыватют [01:10:37] Exetorics issued server command: /back [01:10:49] Exetorics issued server command: /randomtp [01:10:49] Exetorics issued server command: /rtp [01:10:52] [L] I_Quantum_I: и жрут много [01:10:54] [L] I_Quantum_I: хех [01:11:04] Bycinka issued server command: /rg s [01:11:07] [L] I_Quantum_I: я выкинул весь кит на еду [01:11:11] [L] I_Quantum_I: тогда пошла жара [01:11:26] [L] xx_VR_xxx: ферму морковки надо [01:11:32] [L] xx_VR_xxx: на автомате [01:11:35] [L] I_Quantum_I: морковь лучший варик? [01:11:40] [L] xx_VR_xxx: чем сытнее еда [01:11:42] [L] xx_VR_xxx: чем лучше для нас [01:11:50] [L] I_Quantum_I: морковь разве сытная? [01:11:53] Be3obra3niy issued server command: /list [01:11:58] [L] I_Quantum_I: не легче на мясе сделать: [01:11:59] Be3obra3niy issued server command: /m I_Quantum_I ты где? [01:12:00] [L] xx_VR_xxx: ну одна из,да и она на автомате [01:12:00] [L] I_Quantum_I: ?? [01:12:09] [L] xx_VR_xxx: просто ферму поставил и подавай морковь [01:12:10] I_Quantum_I issued server command: /m Be3obra3niy у себя на хате [01:12:17] Be3obra3niy issued server command: /r почему в табе нету? [01:12:25] Bycinka вышел [01:12:27] Exetorics issued server command: /r я как бы понимаю у нас были разногласия и ругань, но как бы просто поздароваться то можно [01:12:31] I_Quantum_I issued server command: /m Be3obra3niy не знаю, я не в ванише [01:13:00] I_Quantum_I issued server command: /kit eat [01:13:22] [L] xx_VR_xxx: ну почти пол басика найс чо сказать [01:13:23] [L] I_Quantum_I: давай сделаем ферму [01:13:31] lilgonerww issued server command: /home [01:13:38] [L] xx_VR_xxx: ага,ток теперь нужна морковь хд [01:13:42] [L] I_Quantum_I: изи [01:13:45] [L] I_Quantum_I: тп ко мне [01:13:50] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /tpa I_Quantum_I [01:13:51] Feltaxa issued server command: /rg select [01:13:58] I_Quantum_I issued server command: /tpaccept [01:14:00] [L] I_Quantum_I: вот [01:14:03] [L] I_Quantum_I: и картошка [01:14:05] [L] xx_VR_xxx: ооо [01:14:06] [L] I_Quantum_I: и морковь [01:14:06] [L] xx_VR_xxx: стоп [01:14:22] [L] I_Quantum_I: что не нравится7 [01:14:24] [L] xx_VR_xxx: имба я щас) [01:14:26] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /home [01:14:28] Exetorics issued server command: /money [01:15:00] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /tpa I_Quantum_I [01:15:04] I_Quantum_I issued server command: /tpaccept [01:15:19] [L] I_Quantum_I: так не легчн светильник роста? [01:15:26] [L] xx_VR_xxx: нету пока что его [01:15:29] Cro_SS_O был кикнут [01:15:29] Cro_SS_O вышел [01:15:29] Feltaxa был кикнут [01:15:29] Feltaxa вышел [01:15:29] I_Quantum_I был кикнут [01:15:29] I_Quantum_I вышел [01:15:29] Nekit192 был кикнут [01:15:29] Nekit192 вышел [01:15:29] xx_VR_xxx был кикнут [01:15:29] xx_VR_xxx вышел [01:15:29] Exetorics был кикнут [01:15:29] Exetorics вышел [01:15:29] lilgonerww был кикнут [01:15:29] lilgonerww вышел [01:15:29] Be3obra3niy был кикнут [01:15:29] Be3obra3niy вышел [01:15:33] Сервер выключился [01:16:12] Сервер включился [01:16:29] Nekit192 зашёл [01:16:31] Feltaxa зашёл [01:16:32] Feltaxa issued server command: /we cui [01:16:33] Cro_SS_O зашёл [01:16:34] Be3obra3niy зашёл [01:16:34] Nekit192 issued server command: /we cui [01:16:36] Be3obra3niy issued server command: /we cui [01:16:38] I_Quantum_I зашёл [01:16:39] Cro_SS_O issued server command: /we cui [01:16:41] xx_VR_xxx зашёл [01:16:41] I_Quantum_I issued server command: /we cui [01:16:44] Nekit192 умер (PROJECTILE) [01:16:47] Nekit192 issued server command: /we cui [01:16:53] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /we cui [01:17:12] lilgonerww зашёл [01:17:13] lilgonerww issued server command: /we cui [01:17:34] Be3obra3niy issued server command: /tp I_Quantum_I [01:17:37] Be3obra3niy issued server command: /tpa I_Quantum_I [01:19:35] Feltaxa issued server command: /rg select [01:20:03] Exetorics зашёл [01:20:05] Exetorics issued server command: /we cui [01:20:08] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /tpa I_Quantum_I [01:20:09] lilgonerww issued server command: /fly [01:20:11] I_Quantum_I issued server command: /home [01:20:14] I_Quantum_I issued server command: /tpaccept [01:20:47] lilgonerww issued server command: /god [01:20:59] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /kit eat [01:21:09] I_Quantum_I issued server command: /kit eat [01:21:31] lilgonerww issued server command: /god [01:21:40] lilgonerww issued server command: /home [01:21:57] lilgonerww issued server command: /randomtp [01:21:57] lilgonerww issued server command: /rtp [01:22:15] Be3obra3niy вышел [01:22:39] lilgonerww issued server command: /home [01:25:04] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /home [01:25:12] I_Quantum_I issued server command: /tp xx_VR_xxx [01:25:31] I_Quantum_I issued server command: /we cui [01:25:39] I_Quantum_I issued server command: /we cui [01:25:47] I_Quantum_I issued server command: /we cui [01:27:34] Exetorics issued server command: /echest [01:27:56] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /clan [01:28:10] I_Quantum_I issued server command: /home [01:28:14] I_Quantum_I issued server command: /we cui [01:28:23] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /tpa I_Quantum_I [01:28:23] I_Quantum_I issued server command: /tpaccept [01:28:59] Exetorics issued server command: /kit [01:29:13] I_Quantum_I issued server command: /home [01:30:33] I_Quantum_I issued server command: /kit eat [01:31:32] lilgonerww issued server command: /home [01:31:41] Feltaxa issued server command: /voteday [01:31:43] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /yes [01:31:43] I_Quantum_I issued server command: /yes [01:37:37] Feltaxa issued server command: /home [01:38:53] Feltaxa issued server command: //sel [01:38:59] Feltaxa issued server command: /warp ad [01:39:01] Feltaxa issued server command: /we cui [01:39:26] [L] xx_VR_xxx: я пока афк 10-15 минут [01:40:22] I_Quantum_I issued server command: /playtime [01:40:27] I_Quantum_I issued server command: /playtimetop [01:40:35] Exetorics issued server command: /repair [01:40:36] I_Quantum_I issued server command: /money top [01:40:52] Exetorics issued server command: /w lilgonerww /repair [01:41:33] Exetorics issued server command: /home [01:41:44] lilgonerww issued server command: /home [01:42:12] Exetorics issued server command: /echest [01:42:58] Exetorics issued server command: /back [01:43:19] Feltaxa issued server command: /home [01:43:21] Feltaxa issued server command: /we cui [01:43:47] Feltaxa issued server command: /warp shop [01:43:49] Feltaxa issued server command: /we cui [01:43:54] Feltaxa issued server command: /spawn [01:44:16] Feltaxa issued server command: /home [01:44:18] Feltaxa issued server command: /we cui [01:44:23] I_Quantum_I issued server command: /playtime [01:44:32] Nekit192 вышел [01:44:42] lilgonerww вышел [01:44:52] Exetorics issued server command: /back [01:44:53] Nekit192 зашёл [01:44:57] Nekit192 issued server command: /we cui [01:45:17] Exetorics issued server command: /kit [01:45:28] I_Quantum_I issued server command: /kit [01:45:39] Feltaxa issued server command: /home [01:45:57] I_Quantum_I issued server command: /kit [01:47:31] lilgonerww зашёл [01:47:40] lilgonerww issued server command: /we cui [01:48:27] Exetorics вышел [01:49:45] lilgonerww issued server command: /fly [01:50:44] [L] xx_VR_xxx: о все я тут [01:50:49] [L] xx_VR_xxx: ухты [01:51:00] [L] xx_VR_xxx: щас [01:52:01] [L] xx_VR_xxx: нужен инфузер [01:52:20] [L] xx_VR_xxx: он из драконик эволюшена [01:52:22] [L] xx_VR_xxx: где заряжается [01:52:29] [L] xx_VR_xxx: дэ [01:52:49] [L] xx_VR_xxx: da.. [01:53:01] [L] xx_VR_xxx: веселье [01:53:03] [G] Nekit192: !Где можно легко фармить экспу [01:53:04] [L] xx_VR_xxx: драконя ядра [01:53:14] [L] xx_VR_xxx: их покупать [01:53:17] [G] Feltaxa: !Привет пчелы по сути [01:53:17] [L] xx_VR_xxx: а крафт не виден мне [01:53:29] [G] Feltaxa: !Можешь кварц по аду добывать копалкой 3х3 [01:53:33] [G] Nekit192: !Привет, нету пчел [01:53:34] [G] I_Quantum_I: !Чаришь меч на опыт 5, делаешь фармилку и вот [01:53:36] [G] Nekit192: !Спасибо) [01:53:50] Nekit192 issued server command: /warp ad [01:53:54] Nekit192 issued server command: /we cui [01:53:55] [L] xx_VR_xxx: не у меня у тиммейта [01:54:03] [G] Feltaxa: !Типо образованность? I_Quantum_I [01:54:04] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /list [01:54:08] [G] I_Quantum_I: !дадада [01:54:22] [G] I_Quantum_I: !Забыл как назывался зачар [01:54:38] [G] Feltaxa: !Да-да. Но он же только в осмате, поэтому на ранних этапах кварц [01:54:51] [L] xx_VR_xxx: у меня там не изучено нет смысла [01:54:55] [G] I_Quantum_I: !Ну, можешь попросить кого то зачарить и заплатить [01:55:09] [L] xx_VR_xxx: том у тиммейта проюзан [01:55:18] [L] xx_VR_xxx: он тауматург [01:55:39] [G] Feltaxa: !+, но это если не боишься в чат писать [01:55:50] [G] xx_VR_xxx: ! А чего боятся [01:55:53] [G] Nekit192: !Внатуре [01:56:18] [G] Feltaxa: !хз, игроки отвечают. Как-то не по себе. [01:56:53] [G] Nekit192: !С девочками тоже не по себе знакомиться? [01:57:08] [G] Feltaxa: !С мальчиками скорее [01:57:14] [G] I_Quantum_I: ! Nekit192 попрошу по вежлевее [01:57:16] [G] Feltaxa: !А нееееееееееееее сейчас же закон вышел [01:57:17] [G] xx_VR_xxx: ! Меня Ася зовут [01:57:49] [G] Nekit192: !Здесь не было никакого грубого подтекста [01:58:02] [G] Feltaxa: !Всё в порядке. Квантум [01:58:03] [G] I_Quantum_I: !Хорошо, значит мне показалось [01:58:42] [G] I_Quantum_I: ! Feltaxa, оки [01:59:03] [G] Feltaxa: !Ну я понимаю, типо булят бла-бла-бла xD. Но девчата как-то боком поэтому наоборот проще [01:59:03] [G] Nekit192: !Кстати, а вам не нужен java разработчик?) [01:59:33] [G] Nekit192: !По-разному бывает [01:59:41] [G] Feltaxa: ! Nekit192 на сервер? Скорее всего на волонтерской основе) [01:59:50] [G] I_Quantum_I: ! Nekit192 все вопросы по тех части и с такими предложениями к тех. админу [02:00:03] [G] Nekit192: !На сайте можно вакансии посмотреть? [02:00:20] [G] I_Quantum_I: !Насколько я знаю, вакансий нет [02:00:49] [G] Feltaxa: !На сайте они не выставлены, но ты даже на среднюю оплату не надейся. Увы доход у сервера маленький [02:01:10] [G] I_Quantum_I: !Не сказал бы что маленький доход) [02:01:20] [G] I_Quantum_I: !Но да, и не большой [02:01:34] [G] Nekit192: !Я готов работать по фану, мне опыт нужен) [02:01:44] lilgonerww вышел [02:02:01] [G] I_Quantum_I: ! Nekit192, все вопросы к вышестоящим) [02:03:22] [L] xx_VR_xxx: я тут [02:03:46] [L] xx_VR_xxx: так я не отхожу [02:03:49] [L] xx_VR_xxx: я просто не двигаюсь [02:03:52] Nekit192 issued server command: /spawn [02:03:56] Nekit192 issued server command: /we cui [02:04:06] [L] xx_VR_xxx: я щас тогда [02:04:07] xx_VR_xxx вышел [02:04:31] Nekit192 issued server command: /home [02:04:35] Nekit192 issued server command: /we cui [02:06:11] I_Quantum_I issued server command: /kit eat [02:06:12] Feltaxa issued server command: /home [02:06:15] I_Quantum_I issued server command: /playtime [02:06:44] I_Quantum_I issued server command: /tp xx [02:06:56] I_Quantum_I issued server command: /vanish [02:07:01] I_Quantum_I issued server command: /tp Feltaxa [02:07:39] [G] Nekit192: !Кто-то может зачарить кирку на осмоте? [02:07:57] I_Quantum_I issued server command: /tp Nekit192 [02:08:34] Feltaxa issued server command: /money [02:08:37] Feltaxa issued server command: /mpcaseshop [02:08:39] Feltaxa issued server command: /mpcaseview 70 [02:08:40] Feltaxa issued server command: /buycase 70 [02:08:41] Feltaxa issued server command: /rollcase 70 [02:08:45] I_Quantum_I issued server command: /home [02:09:01] I_Quantum_I issued server command: /vanish [02:09:06] I_Quantum_I вышел [02:09:22] I_Quantum_I зашёл [02:09:27] I_Quantum_I issued server command: /we cui [02:09:37] Nekit192 вышел [02:09:40] Feltaxa issued server command: /home [02:10:23] I_Quantum_I issued server command: /vanish [02:10:26] I_Quantum_I issued server command: /tp Feltaxa [02:11:05] I_Quantum_I issued server command: /tp Cro_SS_O [02:11:14] I_Quantum_I issued server command: /home [02:11:18] I_Quantum_I issued server command: /vanish [02:14:21] I_Quantum_I issued server command: /playtime [02:14:34] I_Quantum_I вышел [02:14:37] xx_VR_xxx зашёл [02:14:53] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /we cui [02:14:58] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /list [02:15:46] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /playtime [02:15:49] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /playtimetop [02:17:04] Feltaxa issued server command: /home [02:17:10] Feltaxa issued server command: /sethome [02:18:55] [L] xx_VR_xxx: м [02:19:29] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /home [02:19:54] xx_VR_xxx вышел [02:24:45] [G] Feltaxa: !Удачи Cro_SS_O [02:24:53] [G] Feltaxa: !Я спать, считай сервер твой [02:25:04] Feltaxa вышел [02:27:19] BOBAHBEPTYXA зашёл [02:27:22] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /we cui [02:27:46] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /playtimetop [02:27:57] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /playtimetop clear [02:27:59] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /playtime [02:45:02] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /playtime [02:47:22] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /mpcaseshop [02:47:23] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /mpcaseview 70 [02:47:24] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /buycase 70 [02:48:38] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /money [02:48:42] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /mpcaseshop [02:48:43] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /mpcaseview 70 [02:48:44] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /buycase 70 [02:48:45] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /rollcase 70 [02:48:58] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /mpcaseshop [02:49:00] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /mpcaseview 70 [02:49:00] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /buycase 70 [02:49:02] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /rollcase 70 [02:49:14] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /mpcaseshop [02:49:15] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /mpcaseview 70 [02:49:16] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /buycase 70 [02:49:17] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /rollcase 70 [02:49:29] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /mpcaseshop [02:49:31] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /mpcaseview 70 [02:49:32] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /buycase 70 [02:49:32] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /buycase 70 [02:49:32] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /buycase 70 [02:49:32] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /buycase 70 [02:49:33] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /buycase 70 [02:49:33] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /buycase 70 [02:49:33] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /buycase 70 [02:49:33] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /buycase 70 [02:49:33] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /buycase 70 [02:49:33] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /buycase 70 [02:49:33] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /buycase 70 [02:49:34] BOBAHBEPTYXA был кикнут [02:49:34] BOBAHBEPTYXA вышел [02:49:44] BOBAHBEPTYXA зашёл [02:49:46] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /we cui [02:49:47] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /mpcaseshop [02:49:48] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /mpcaseview 70 [02:49:49] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /rollcase 70 [03:05:09] BOBAHBEPTYXA вышел [03:05:13] BOBAHBEPTYXA зашёл [03:05:15] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /we cui [03:07:48] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /we cui [03:07:55] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /we cui [03:08:15] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /we cui [03:10:09] Cro_SS_O вышел [03:22:19] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /home [03:22:22] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /we cui [03:25:37] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /we cui [03:31:28] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /home [03:31:30] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /we cui [03:32:43] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /warp shop [03:32:45] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /we cui [03:32:46] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /money [03:32:49] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /mpcaseshop [03:32:50] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /mpcaseview 70 [03:32:51] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /buycase 70 [03:32:51] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /buycase 70 [03:32:54] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /rollcase 70 [03:33:06] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /home [03:33:08] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /we cui [03:34:18] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: //wand\ [03:34:20] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: //chunk [03:34:20] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: //outset 16 [03:34:20] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: //wand [03:34:25] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /rg claim 2 [03:35:26] xx_VR_xxx зашёл [03:35:55] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /we cui [03:37:27] [G] xx_VR_xxx: ! че не спишь [03:37:30] [G] BOBAHBEPTYXA: !Добрутро [03:37:39] [G] BOBAHBEPTYXA: !Скоро в школу [03:39:01] [G] xx_VR_xxx: ! А,а у меня ток 3:38 [03:39:15] [G] BOBAHBEPTYXA: !4:38 [03:39:39] [G] BOBAHBEPTYXA: !А ты в каком класе [03:39:50] [G] BOBAHBEPTYXA: !я земноводный [03:42:09] [G] xx_VR_xxx: ! я колляжник [03:42:26] [G] BOBAHBEPTYXA: !это что-то нехорошое? [03:42:41] [G] BOBAHBEPTYXA: !а ритуал well of suffuring будет бить яростных зомби? [03:43:29] [G] xx_VR_xxx: ! по идеи должен [03:43:56] [G] BOBAHBEPTYXA: !а есди не будет? [03:44:27] [G] BOBAHBEPTYXA: !у тебя есть дети? [03:44:43] [G] xx_VR_xxx: ! нет [03:44:49] [G] BOBAHBEPTYXA: !а девушка? [03:44:57] [G] xx_VR_xxx: ! нет [03:45:05] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /spawn [03:45:08] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /we cui [03:45:12] [G] BOBAHBEPTYXA: !а ты будешь её искать в маинкрафте? [03:45:25] [G] xx_VR_xxx: !Неа [03:45:39] [G] BOBAHBEPTYXA: !тебе не нравится маинкрафт да? [03:46:08] [G] xx_VR_xxx: ! почему [03:46:33] [G] BOBAHBEPTYXA: !я вот люблю маикрафт и хачу натит тут спукника жизни на всю жизн [03:46:57] [G] xx_VR_xxx: ! о.о [03:47:14] [G] BOBAHBEPTYXA: !но мне говорят нада школу идти там все будет [03:47:26] [G] BOBAHBEPTYXA: !а там мне толка лицо месят [03:48:16] [G] BOBAHBEPTYXA: !а я знаю что главное сделат скрытна шобы и школу хадить и маинкрафт играт [03:48:24] [G] BOBAHBEPTYXA: !равно сделать [03:48:27] [G] BOBAHBEPTYXA: !равнавесие [03:48:30] [G] BOBAHBEPTYXA: !баланс [03:48:57] [G] BOBAHBEPTYXA: !а ты что девушка [03:49:03] [G] xx_VR_xxx: ! Может быть [03:49:15] [G] BOBAHBEPTYXA: !я не туда начал [03:49:21] [G] BOBAHBEPTYXA: !у тебя парень есть? [03:49:26] [G] xx_VR_xxx: ! нет [03:49:50] [G] BOBAHBEPTYXA: !как у такой красивай нет парня? [03:49:56] [G] xx_VR_xxx: ! Ну вот так [03:50:13] [G] BOBAHBEPTYXA: !а хочешь парня в маинкрафте? [03:50:49] [G] BOBAHBEPTYXA: !у меня скоро тут будет свой дом не в ипотеку [03:51:02] [G] BOBAHBEPTYXA: !жили бы вмети [03:51:05] [G] BOBAHBEPTYXA: !вмести [03:51:35] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: //sel [03:52:25] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /votesun [03:52:29] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /yes [03:54:54] [G] BOBAHBEPTYXA: !ты не любиш обшатся на свободные темы да? [03:55:06] [G] BOBAHBEPTYXA: !ты толька скажи я перестану [04:00:37] [G] xx_VR_xxx: ! я отходив [04:00:39] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /home [04:00:44] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /we cui [04:03:14] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /seen BOBAHBEPTYXA [04:03:19] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /dupeip bobahbeptyxa [04:05:01] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /randomtp [04:05:01] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /rtp [04:10:02] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /home [04:12:44] xx_VR_xxx вышел [04:15:45] BOBAHBEPTYXA был кикнут [04:15:45] BOBAHBEPTYXA вышел [04:15:49] Сервер выключился [04:16:26] Сервер включился [04:23:23] BOBAHBEPTYXA зашёл [04:23:32] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /we cui [04:24:03] BOBAHBEPTYXA вышел [04:24:32] BOBAHBEPTYXA зашёл [04:24:35] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /we cui [04:24:36] BOBAHBEPTYXA вышел [04:26:14] BOBAHBEPTYXA зашёл [04:26:24] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /we cui [04:52:12] bumhik зашёл [04:52:26] bumhik issued server command: /we cui [04:53:00] bumhik issued server command: /tp BOBAHBEPTYX [04:54:10] bumhik issued server command: /home [04:59:18] bumhik issued server command: /cart ll [04:59:22] bumhik issued server command: /cart all [05:00:15] bumhik issued server command: /tp BOBAHBEPTYXA [05:00:37] [L] bumhik: можешь продать аморфный катализатор 2 шт [05:00:54] [L] BOBAHBEPTYXA: Каво?7? [05:01:02] [L] BOBAHBEPTYXA: Я не способен такое сделать [05:01:16] bumhik issued server command: /home [05:08:24] bumhik issued server command: /randomtp [05:08:24] bumhik issued server command: /rtp [05:09:13] bumhik issued server command: /hom e [05:09:15] bumhik issued server command: /home [05:10:17] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /jome [05:10:18] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /home [05:10:22] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /playtime [05:10:26] bumhik issued server command: /randomtp [05:10:26] bumhik issued server command: /rtp [05:10:36] bumhik issued server command: /home [05:11:46] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /money [05:12:07] bumhik issued server command: /warp ad [05:12:10] bumhik issued server command: /we cui [05:12:28] bumhik issued server command: /home [05:12:30] bumhik issued server command: /we cui [05:20:47] bumhik issued server command: /playtime [05:25:50] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /home [05:28:15] bumhik issued server command: /randomtp [05:28:15] bumhik issued server command: /rtp [05:28:32] bumhik issued server command: /home [05:33:12] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /warp end [05:33:13] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /we cui [05:35:45] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /home [05:35:46] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /we cui [05:38:24] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /warp portal [05:38:26] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /we cui [05:38:29] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /we cui [05:39:09] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /home [05:39:10] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /we cui [05:39:19] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /warp ad [05:39:20] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /we cui [05:39:39] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: //chunk [05:39:39] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: //outset 16 [05:39:39] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: //wand [05:39:47] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /rg claim adf [05:40:15] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: //sel [05:42:56] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /home [05:42:57] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /we cui [05:44:48] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /we cui [05:44:57] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: //chunk [05:44:57] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: //outset 16 [05:44:57] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: //wand [05:45:01] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /rg list [05:45:04] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /rg delete adf [05:45:07] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /rg claim adf [05:46:17] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: //sel [05:48:28] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /home [05:48:29] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /we cui [05:50:56] bumhik issued server command: /kit [05:52:25] bumhik issued server command: /kit [05:54:27] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /warp forest [05:54:29] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /we cui [05:54:32] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /we cui [05:57:10] bumhik issued server command: /tp BOBAHBEPTYXA [05:57:12] bumhik issued server command: /we cui [05:57:12] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /home [05:57:14] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /we cui [05:58:29] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /we cui [05:58:49] bumhik issued server command: /home [05:58:51] bumhik issued server command: /we cui [06:00:14] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /home [06:00:15] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /we cui [06:00:45] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /warp forest [06:00:46] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /we cui [06:00:49] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /we cui [06:03:53] bumhik issued server command: /zset 159 [06:04:13] bumhik issued server command: /zset 159 [06:05:32] bumhik issued server command: /zset 159 [06:05:53] bumhik issued server command: /zset 159 [06:06:03] bumhik issued server command: /zset 159 [06:07:18] bumhik issued server command: /warp ad [06:07:20] bumhik issued server command: /we cui [06:07:30] bumhik issued server command: /home [06:07:32] bumhik issued server command: /we cui [06:08:05] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /home [06:08:06] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /we cui [06:08:19] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /we cui [06:11:07] bumhik issued server command: /warp ad [06:11:09] bumhik issued server command: /we cui [06:11:41] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /home [06:11:42] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /we cui [06:19:33] bumhik issued server command: /home [06:19:35] bumhik issued server command: /we cui [06:20:23] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /randomtp [06:20:23] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /rtp [06:20:51] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /randomtp [06:20:51] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /rtp [06:20:58] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /randomtp [06:20:58] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /rtp [06:20:59] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /randomtp [06:20:59] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /rtp [06:21:19] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /randomtp [06:21:19] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /rtp [06:21:28] BOBAHBEPTYXA умер (FALL) [06:21:31] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /we cui [06:23:19] [G] BOBAHBEPTYXA: !Удалились шмотки( [06:23:21] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /home [06:25:53] bumhik issued server command: /randomtp [06:25:53] bumhik issued server command: /rtp [06:26:19] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /home [06:26:54] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /votesun [06:26:58] bumhik issued server command: /yes [06:27:06] bumhik issued server command: /home [06:32:07] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /home [06:33:44] bumhik issued server command: /zset 159 [06:34:23] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /home [06:37:33] bumhik issued server command: /zset 159 [06:37:40] bumhik issued server command: /zset 159 [06:37:42] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /warp ques [06:37:44] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /we cui [06:37:44] bumhik issued server command: /zset 159 [06:37:46] bumhik issued server command: /zset 159 [06:37:52] bumhik issued server command: /zset 159 [06:37:59] bumhik issued server command: /zset 159 [06:38:56] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /home [06:38:58] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /we cui [06:39:29] bumhik issued server command: /tp BOBAHBEPTYXA [06:40:17] [L] BOBAHBEPTYXA: Это кирка 5х5? [06:40:26] [L] bumhik: 7 на 7 [06:41:01] [L] bumhik: не матерись [06:41:46] bumhik issued server command: /tp BOBAHBEPTYXA [06:41:50] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /home [06:41:52] [L] bumhik: это [06:42:05] bumhik issued server command: /home [06:43:43] bumhik issued server command: /home [06:44:12] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /randomtp [06:44:12] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /rtp [06:48:10] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /home [07:02:35] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /randomtp [07:02:35] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /rtp [07:03:11] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /randomtp [07:03:11] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /rtp [07:03:41] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /rg i [07:05:57] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /randomtp [07:05:57] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /rtp [07:07:58] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /rg i [07:08:00] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /home [07:15:15] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /home [07:15:42] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /playtime [07:15:58] bumhik был кикнут [07:15:58] bumhik вышел [07:15:58] BOBAHBEPTYXA был кикнут [07:15:58] BOBAHBEPTYXA вышел [07:16:03] Сервер выключился [07:16:39] Сервер включился [07:17:03] bumhik зашёл [07:17:06] bumhik issued server command: /we cui [07:18:22] bumhik issued server command: /playtime [07:20:03] BOBAHBEPTYXA зашёл [07:20:05] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /we cui [07:22:00] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /randomtp [07:22:00] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /rtp [07:22:28] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /home [07:25:46] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /randomtp [07:25:46] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /rtp [07:26:16] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /randomtp [07:26:16] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /rtp [07:26:46] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /randomtp [07:26:46] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /rtp [07:27:21] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /home [07:45:36] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /randomtp [07:45:36] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /rtp [07:45:37] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /home [07:45:58] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /money [07:46:00] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /mpcaseshop [07:46:02] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /mpcaseview 70 [07:46:03] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /buycase 70 [07:46:03] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /buycase 70 [07:46:03] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /buycase 70 [07:46:04] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /rollcase 70 [07:47:19] bumhik issued server command: /rg magazin pvp deny [07:47:34] bumhik issued server command: /rg glag magazin pvp denu [07:47:44] bumhik issued server command: /rg flag magazin pvp deny [07:47:49] bumhik issued server command: /rg info [07:48:00] bumhik issued server command: /rg flag bshop pvp deny [07:48:36] bumhik issued server command: /rg flag bshop mobs deny [07:49:05] bumhik issued server command: /rg flag bshop mob-damage deny [07:49:21] bumhik issued server command: /rg flag kazino mob-damage deny [07:49:51] bumhik issued server command: /rg flag kazino mob-spawning deny [07:50:11] bumhik issued server command: /rg flag bshop mob-spawning deny [07:54:56] bumhik issued server command: /vanish [07:55:00] bumhik issued server command: /tp BOBAHBEPTYXA [07:56:32] bumhik issued server command: /we cui [07:57:18] bumhik issued server command: /vanish [08:06:44] bumhik issued server command: /home [08:06:46] bumhik issued server command: /we cui [08:10:49] BOBAHBEPTYXA вышел [08:10:53] BOBAHBEPTYXA зашёл [08:10:55] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /we cui [08:12:19] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /playtime [08:12:21] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /playtimetop [08:12:22] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /playtimetop clear [08:20:33] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /home [08:22:56] [L] bumhik: 0.5 [08:31:11] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /warp forest [08:31:13] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /we cui [08:31:16] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /we cui [08:34:11] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /home [08:34:12] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /we cui [08:42:11] bumhik issued server command: /tp BOBAHBEPTYXA [08:42:39] bumhik issued server command: /home [08:47:09] bumhik issued server command: /home [09:13:17] bumhik issued server command: /warp end [09:13:20] bumhik issued server command: /we cui [09:15:09] bumhik issued server command: /home [09:15:10] bumhik issued server command: /we cui [09:16:18] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /money [09:16:19] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /playtime [09:23:07] bumhik issued server command: /tp BOBAHBEPTYXA [09:23:58] [L] bumhik: как кирку с помощью блуда зачарить? [09:24:06] [L] BOBAHBEPTYXA: хз [09:25:03] bumhik issued server command: /home [09:31:12] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /randomtp [09:31:12] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /rtp [09:31:13] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /home\ [09:31:15] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /home [09:33:56] bumhik issued server command: /home [09:36:02] Flysnake_ зашёл [09:36:25] Flysnake_ issued server command: /we cui [09:37:08] bumhik issued server command: /tp Flysnake_ [09:37:11] Flysnake_ issued server command: /mpcaseshop [09:37:16] Flysnake_ issued server command: /mpcaseview 70 [09:37:28] Flysnake_ issued server command: /buycase 70 [09:37:29] Flysnake_ issued server command: /rollcase 70 [09:38:03] [L] bumhik: гле сферу добыл? [09:38:06] Flysnake_ issued server command: /money [09:38:19] bumhik issued server command: /vanish [09:38:27] [L] Flysnake_: о [09:38:34] [L] Flysnake_: кейс открыл [09:38:35] [L] bumhik: привет [09:38:37] [L] Flysnake_: ку [09:38:41] [L] bumhik: а пон [09:38:54] [L] Flysnake_: неизвестный амулет [09:39:02] [L] Flysnake_: этот ? [09:39:08] [L] bumhik: за неё можно купить в /warp shop [09:39:18] [L] Flysnake_: да уже прочитал [09:39:26] [L] bumhik: ты шаришь за blood мод? [09:39:35] [L] Flysnake_: надо будет посмотретьь что там есть [09:39:40] [L] Flysnake_: поидеи нет [09:39:54] [L] Flysnake_: в основном таум ботания тинкетр [09:40:07] [L] bumhik: вот и я немогу понять как кирку через него зачарить [09:40:13] [L] Flysnake_: аа [09:40:22] [L] Flysnake_: а че не через осмат стол? [09:40:31] [L] bumhik: не чарится на осмате [09:40:46] [L] Flysnake_: ясн ну я не в теме тогда [09:40:54] [L] Flysnake_: я так понял ты ихор не крафтил? [09:40:58] [L] bumhik: нет [09:41:06] [L] bumhik: ты бы крафт его видел [09:41:09] [L] bumhik: там емааа [09:41:13] [L] bumhik: вобще пипец [09:41:14] [L] Flysnake_: да я знаю [09:41:27] [L] bumhik: ладно удачи [09:41:30] [L] bumhik: я пошёл [09:41:32] [L] Flysnake_: для этого его изучить надо [09:41:37] [L] Flysnake_: ага давай [09:41:41] bumhik issued server command: /home [09:42:39] Flysnake_ issued server command: /warp shop [09:42:42] Flysnake_ issued server command: /we cui [09:45:55] Flysnake_ issued server command: /home [09:45:57] Flysnake_ issued server command: /we cui [09:46:07] Flysnake_ issued server command: /warp shop [09:46:09] Flysnake_ issued server command: /we cui [09:46:38] Flysnake_ issued server command: /money [09:49:38] Flysnake_ issued server command: /home [09:49:40] Flysnake_ issued server command: /we cui [09:49:58] Flysnake_ issued server command: /warp shop [09:50:00] Flysnake_ issued server command: /we cui [09:52:15] Flysnake_ issued server command: /home [09:52:17] Flysnake_ issued server command: /we cui [09:53:38] Flysnake_ issued server command: /warp mining [09:53:41] Flysnake_ issued server command: /we cui [09:54:04] Flysnake_ issued server command: /randomtp [09:54:04] Flysnake_ issued server command: /rtp [09:55:39] Flysnake_ issued server command: /randomtp [09:55:39] Flysnake_ issued server command: /rtp [09:57:06] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /home [09:57:49] Flysnake_ issued server command: /home [09:57:53] Flysnake_ issued server command: /we cui [10:02:53] Flysnake_ issued server command: /home [10:03:30] Flysnake_ issued server command: /warp quest [10:03:33] Flysnake_ issued server command: /we cui [10:06:20] Flysnake_ issued server command: /money [10:15:19] bumhik issued server command: /playtime [10:15:25] Flysnake_ issued server command: /warp quest [10:16:12] bumhik был кикнут [10:16:12] bumhik вышел [10:16:12] BOBAHBEPTYXA был кикнут [10:16:12] BOBAHBEPTYXA вышел [10:16:12] Flysnake_ был кикнут [10:16:12] Flysnake_ вышел [10:16:16] Сервер выключился [10:16:51] Сервер включился [10:17:10] bumhik зашёл [10:17:13] Flysnake_ зашёл [10:17:13] bumhik issued server command: /we cui [10:17:18] Flysnake_ issued server command: /we cui [10:19:10] BOBAHBEPTYXA зашёл [10:19:12] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /we cui [10:20:01] bumhik issued server command: /warp end [10:20:03] bumhik issued server command: /we cui [10:23:59] BOBAHBEPTYXA вышел [10:24:04] BOBAHBEPTYXA зашёл [10:24:05] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /we cui [10:26:20] Flysnake_ issued server command: /money [10:26:30] Flysnake_ issued server command: /home [10:26:33] Flysnake_ issued server command: /we cui [10:27:31] Flysnake_ issued server command: /m bumhik слушай хотел спросить тут предметы можно продовать ? [10:27:46] Flysnake_ issued server command: /m bumhik или только покупать? [10:27:52] bumhik issued server command: /m Flysnake_ можно [10:28:01] Flysnake_ issued server command: /m bumhik как? [10:28:12] bumhik issued server command: /m Flysnake_ строить магазин [10:28:29] Flysnake_ issued server command: /m bumhik понял [10:28:37] Flysnake_ issued server command: /m bumhik а типо мпс [10:28:47] Flysnake_ issued server command: /m bumhik а типо нпс [10:28:50] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /home [10:28:52] bumhik issued server command: /home [10:28:55] bumhik issued server command: /we cui [10:29:02] bumhik issued server command: /m Flysnake_ тп [10:29:11] Flysnake_ issued server command: /tp bumhik [10:29:22] Flysnake_ issued server command: /spawn [10:29:24] Flysnake_ issued server command: /we cui [10:29:28] Flysnake_ issued server command: /tpa bumhik [10:29:31] bumhik issued server command: /tpaccept [10:29:33] Flysnake_ issued server command: /we cui [10:29:38] [L] bumhik: 0.4 [10:29:54] [L] bumhik: 1 [10:30:03] [L] Flysnake_: ? [10:30:11] [L] bumhik: типо того вот смотри [10:30:13] [L] bumhik: магаз [10:30:15] [L] bumhik: делаю [10:30:20] [L] bumhik: вот [10:30:46] [L] Flysnake_: аа [10:30:47] [L] bumhik: 1 [10:30:53] [L] Flysnake_: панял [10:31:21] [L] bumhik: 7 [10:31:21] Flysnake_ issued server command: /home [10:31:45] [L] bumhik: 8 [10:31:57] Flysnake_ issued server command: /warp quest [10:32:07] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /home [10:32:13] Flysnake_ issued server command: /we cui [10:32:26] BOBAHBEPTYXA умер (MAGIC) [10:32:35] [L] bumhik: 16 [10:33:23] BOBAHBEPTYXA вышел [10:33:37] [L] bumhik: 0.5 [10:33:43] BOBAHBEPTYXA зашёл [10:33:46] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /we cui [10:35:05] [L] bumhik: 0.01 [10:35:16] [L] bumhik: 0.03 [10:35:31] [L] bumhik: 0.16 [10:35:48] [L] bumhik: 1 [10:36:12] [L] bumhik: 1.1 [10:37:12] [L] bumhik: 3 [10:37:30] [L] bumhik: 0.16 [10:37:46] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /home [10:38:22] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /warp fores [10:38:23] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /we cui [10:38:25] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /we cui [10:38:51] TexasMen зашёл [10:38:52] [L] bumhik: 1.3 [10:39:54] TexasMen issued server command: /we cui [10:40:00] [L] bumhik: 0.8 [10:40:16] Flysnake_ issued server command: /home [10:40:18] Flysnake_ issued server command: /we cui [10:40:22] [L] bumhik: 0.8 [10:40:38] [L] bumhik: 0.8 [10:40:55] TexasMen issued server command: /money [10:40:57] [L] bumhik: 1.3 [10:40:59] TexasMen issued server command: /money top [10:41:05] TexasMen issued server command: /mpcaseshop [10:41:11] TexasMen issued server command: /mpcaseview 71 [10:41:13] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /home [10:41:13] [L] bumhik: 0.8 [10:41:15] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /we cui [10:41:20] TexasMen issued server command: /cart all [10:41:24] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /randomtp [10:41:24] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /rtp [10:41:27] TexasMen issued server command: /mpcaseshop [10:41:28] [L] bumhik: 1.3 [10:41:30] TexasMen issued server command: /mpcaseview 74 [10:41:34] TexasMen issued server command: /rollcase 74 [10:41:43] Flysnake_ issued server command: /warp quest [10:41:44] [L] bumhik: 7 [10:41:45] Flysnake_ issued server command: /we cui [10:41:47] TexasMen issued server command: /mpcaseview 74 [10:41:49] TexasMen issued server command: /rollcase 74 [10:41:59] [L] bumhik: 0.8 [10:42:02] TexasMen issued server command: /mpcaseview 74 [10:42:04] TexasMen issued server command: /rollcase 74 [10:42:10] [L] bumhik: 0.8 [10:42:16] TexasMen issued server command: /mpcaseview 74 [10:42:18] TexasMen issued server command: /rollcase 74 [10:42:27] [L] bumhik: 10 [10:42:30] TexasMen issued server command: /mpcaseview 74 [10:42:32] TexasMen issued server command: /rollcase 74 [10:42:43] TexasMen issued server command: /mpcaseview 74 [10:42:45] TexasMen issued server command: /rollcase 74 [10:42:52] [G] BOBAHBEPTYXA: !Нормальная тема [10:42:57] TexasMen issued server command: /mpcaseview 74 [10:43:00] TexasMen issued server command: /rollcase 74 [10:43:00] bumhik issued server command: /mpcaseshop [10:43:09] bumhik issued server command: /mpcaseview 71 [10:43:12] TexasMen issued server command: /mpcaseview 74 [10:43:14] TexasMen issued server command: /rollcase 74 [10:43:20] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /mpcaseshop [10:43:21] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /mpcaseview 70 [10:43:22] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /buycase 70 [10:43:22] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /buycase 70 [10:43:23] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /rollcase 70 [10:43:25] TexasMen issued server command: /mpcaseview 74 [10:43:28] TexasMen issued server command: /rollcase 74 [10:43:39] bumhik issued server command: /warp shop [10:43:41] TexasMen issued server command: /mpcaseview 74 [10:43:42] bumhik issued server command: /we cui [10:43:42] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /home [10:43:44] TexasMen issued server command: /rollcase 74 [10:43:51] bumhik issued server command: /home [10:43:54] bumhik issued server command: /we cui [10:43:57] TexasMen issued server command: /mpcaseview 74 [10:43:59] TexasMen issued server command: /mpcaseshop [10:44:02] bumhik issued server command: /mpcaseshop [10:44:03] TexasMen issued server command: /mpcaseview 71 [10:44:06] TexasMen issued server command: /mpcaseshop [10:44:06] bumhik issued server command: /mpcaseview 74 [10:44:15] bumhik issued server command: /mpcaseshop [10:44:16] [G] TexasMen: !да [10:44:17] bumhik issued server command: /mpcaseview 72 [10:44:26] [G] TexasMen: !еще 28 драконьих кейсов [10:44:26] bumhik issued server command: /mpcaseshop [10:44:28] bumhik issued server command: /mpcaseview 70 [10:44:30] TexasMen issued server command: /mpcaseshop [10:44:34] TexasMen issued server command: /mpcaseview 71 [10:44:39] bumhik issued server command: /buycase 70 [10:44:42] bumhik issued server command: /rollcase 70 [10:44:44] TexasMen issued server command: /rollcase 71 [10:44:55] TexasMen issued server command: /mpcaseview 71 [10:44:55] bumhik issued server command: /mpcaseview 70 [10:45:21] bumhik issued server command: /mpcaseshop [10:45:22] bumhik issued server command: /mpcaseview 70 [10:45:24] bumhik issued server command: /buycase 70 [10:45:24] TexasMen issued server command: /mpcaseshop [10:45:25] bumhik issued server command: /rollcase 70 [10:45:27] TexasMen issued server command: /mpcaseview 71 [10:45:30] TexasMen issued server command: /rollcase 71 [10:45:38] bumhik issued server command: /mpcaseview 70 [10:45:40] bumhik issued server command: /buycase 70 [10:45:41] bumhik issued server command: /rollcase 70 [10:45:42] TexasMen issued server command: /mpcaseview 71 [10:45:45] TexasMen issued server command: /rollcase 71 [10:45:55] bumhik issued server command: /mpcaseview 70 [10:45:56] TexasMen issued server command: /mpcaseview 71 [10:45:56] bumhik issued server command: /mpcaseshop [10:45:57] TexasMen issued server command: /rollcase 71 [10:46:11] TexasMen issued server command: /mpcaseview 71 [10:46:13] TexasMen issued server command: /rollcase 71 [10:46:22] [L] bumhik: 2.7 [10:46:24] TexasMen issued server command: /mpcaseview 71 [10:46:26] TexasMen issued server command: /rollcase 71 [10:46:40] TexasMen issued server command: /mpcaseview 71 [10:46:41] [L] bumhik: 0.3 [10:46:42] TexasMen issued server command: /rollcase 71 [10:46:53] TexasMen issued server command: /mpcaseview 71 [10:46:55] TexasMen issued server command: /rollcase 71 [10:47:06] [L] bumhik: 0.3 [10:47:09] TexasMen issued server command: /mpcaseview 71 [10:47:15] bumhik issued server command: /money [10:47:16] TexasMen issued server command: /rollcase 71 [10:47:22] bumhik issued server command: /mpcaseshop [10:47:28] TexasMen issued server command: /mpcaseview 71 [10:47:29] bumhik issued server command: /mpcaseview 75 [10:47:30] TexasMen issued server command: /rollcase 71 [10:47:41] bumhik issued server command: /mpcaseshop [10:47:41] TexasMen issued server command: /mpcaseview 71 [10:47:43] TexasMen issued server command: /rollcase 71 [10:47:44] bumhik issued server command: /mpcaseview 70 [10:47:45] bumhik issued server command: /buycase 70 [10:47:48] bumhik issued server command: /rollcase 70 [10:47:55] TexasMen issued server command: /mpcaseview 71 [10:47:57] TexasMen issued server command: /rollcase 71 [10:48:09] bumhik issued server command: /mpcaseshop [10:48:10] bumhik issued server command: /mpcaseview 70 [10:48:11] bumhik issued server command: /buycase 70 [10:48:15] bumhik issued server command: /rollcase 70 [10:48:19] TexasMen issued server command: /mpcaseview 71 [10:48:20] TexasMen issued server command: /rollcase 71 [10:48:33] TexasMen issued server command: /mpcaseview 71 [10:48:35] TexasMen issued server command: /rollcase 71 [10:48:46] TexasMen issued server command: /mpcaseview 71 [10:48:47] [L] bumhik: 0.1 [10:48:48] TexasMen issued server command: /rollcase 71 [10:48:53] bumhik issued server command: /mpcaseshop [10:49:00] bumhik issued server command: /mpcaseview 70 [10:49:01] TexasMen issued server command: /mpcaseview 71 [10:49:01] bumhik issued server command: /buycase 70 [10:49:02] TexasMen issued server command: /rollcase 71 [10:49:03] bumhik issued server command: /rollcase 70 [10:49:13] TexasMen issued server command: /mpcaseview 71 [10:49:14] Flysnake_ issued server command: /home [10:49:15] TexasMen issued server command: /rollcase 71 [10:49:17] bumhik issued server command: /mpcaseview 70 [10:49:18] Flysnake_ issued server command: /we cui [10:49:19] bumhik issued server command: /buycase 70 [10:49:20] bumhik issued server command: /rollcase 70 [10:49:26] TexasMen issued server command: /mpcaseview 71 [10:49:27] Flysnake_ issued server command: /spawn [10:49:28] TexasMen issued server command: /rollcase 71 [10:49:29] Flysnake_ issued server command: /we cui [10:49:40] TexasMen issued server command: /mpcaseview 71 [10:49:42] TexasMen issued server command: /rollcase 71 [10:49:53] bumhik issued server command: /warp shop [10:49:56] bumhik issued server command: /we cui [10:49:58] TexasMen issued server command: /mpcaseview 71 [10:50:00] TexasMen issued server command: /rollcase 71 [10:50:01] bumhik issued server command: /money [10:50:09] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /home [10:50:11] TexasMen issued server command: /mpcaseview 71 [10:50:14] TexasMen issued server command: /rollcase 71 [10:50:27] TexasMen issued server command: /mpcaseview 71 [10:50:29] TexasMen issued server command: /rollcase 71 [10:50:40] TexasMen issued server command: /mpcaseview 71 [10:50:42] TexasMen issued server command: /rollcase 71 [10:50:54] TexasMen issued server command: /mpcaseview 71 [10:50:56] TexasMen issued server command: /rollcase 71 [10:51:07] TexasMen issued server command: /mpcaseview 71 [10:51:09] TexasMen issued server command: /rollcase 71 [10:51:22] TexasMen issued server command: /mpcaseview 71 [10:51:24] TexasMen issued server command: /rollcase 71 [10:51:35] TexasMen issued server command: /mpcaseview 71 [10:51:37] TexasMen issued server command: /rollcase 71 [10:51:49] TexasMen issued server command: /mpcaseview 71 [10:51:50] TexasMen issued server command: /rollcase 71 [10:52:02] TexasMen issued server command: /mpcaseview 71 [10:52:21] Flysnake_ issued server command: /mpcaseshop [10:52:24] [G] TexasMen: !Круто , премка на 6 месяца xD [10:53:21] Flysnake_ issued server command: /spawn [10:53:31] bumhik issued server command: /mpcaseshop [10:53:36] bumhik issued server command: /mpcaseview 76 [10:53:39] bumhik issued server command: /mpcaseshop [10:53:42] bumhik issued server command: /mpcaseview 74 [10:53:43] bumhik issued server command: /buycase 74 [10:54:50] Flysnake_ issued server command: /kit start [10:55:01] Flysnake_ issued server command: /home [10:55:15] Flysnake_ issued server command: /we cui [10:55:53] bumhik issued server command: /home [10:55:56] bumhik issued server command: /we cui [10:56:01] bumhik issued server command: /mpcaseshop [10:56:05] Flysnake_ issued server command: /kit eat [10:56:05] bumhik issued server command: /mpcaseview 74 [10:56:08] bumhik issued server command: /rollcase 74 [10:56:22] bumhik issued server command: /mpcaseview 74 [10:56:24] bumhik issued server command: /rollcase 74 [10:56:27] Flysnake_ issued server command: /playtime [10:56:31] Flysnake_ issued server command: /playtimetop [10:56:37] bumhik issued server command: /mpcaseview 74 [10:56:38] bumhik issued server command: /mpcaseshop [10:56:40] bumhik issued server command: /mpcaseview 70 [10:56:41] Flysnake_ issued server command: /spawn [10:56:42] bumhik issued server command: /rollcase 70 [10:56:44] Flysnake_ issued server command: /we cui [10:56:57] bumhik issued server command: /mpcaseshop [10:56:58] bumhik issued server command: /mpcaseview 70 [10:56:59] bumhik issued server command: /rollcase 70 [10:57:13] bumhik issued server command: /mpcaseview 70 [10:57:13] Flysnake_ issued server command: /mpcaseshop [10:57:14] bumhik issued server command: /rollcase 70 [10:57:16] Flysnake_ issued server command: /mpcaseview 70 [10:57:19] Flysnake_ issued server command: /mpcaseshop [10:57:25] Flysnake_ issued server command: /playtimetop clear [10:57:29] bumhik issued server command: /mpcaseview 70 [10:57:29] Flysnake_ issued server command: /mpcaseshop [10:57:30] bumhik issued server command: /rollcase 70 [10:57:35] Flysnake_ issued server command: /money top [10:57:43] bumhik issued server command: /mpcaseview 70 [10:57:44] bumhik issued server command: /rollcase 70 [10:57:59] bumhik issued server command: /mpcaseview 70 [10:58:05] bumhik issued server command: /rollcase 70 [10:58:18] bumhik issued server command: /mpcaseview 70 [10:58:19] bumhik issued server command: /rollcase 70 [10:59:16] [L] bumhik: 0.6 [10:59:30] bumhik issued server command: /mpcaseshop [10:59:34] bumhik issued server command: /mpcaseview 75 [10:59:35] bumhik issued server command: /rollcase 75 [10:59:37] Flysnake_ issued server command: /help [10:59:42] Flysnake_ issued server command: /lis [10:59:46] Flysnake_ issued server command: /list [10:59:49] bumhik issued server command: /mpcaseview 75 [10:59:53] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /money [10:59:55] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /playtime [10:59:57] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /playtimetop [11:00:01] bumhik issued server command: /home [11:00:07] bumhik issued server command: /money [11:00:07] TexasMen issued server command: /enderchest [11:00:12] bumhik issued server command: /warp shop [11:00:14] bumhik issued server command: /we cui [11:00:25] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /playtimetop 2 [11:00:30] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /playtimetop 6 [11:00:33] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /playtimetop 10 [11:00:39] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /playtimetop 20 [11:00:45] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /playtimetop 15 [11:00:47] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /playtimetop 13 [11:00:49] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /playtimetop 11 [11:00:57] TexasMen issued server command: /kit [11:01:08] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /playtimetop [11:01:18] TexasMen issued server command: /kit [11:01:25] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /playtimetop clear [11:01:25] [L] BOBAHBEPTYXA: Чет лагает [11:02:14] Flysnake_ issued server command: /we cui [11:02:18] bumhik issued server command: /home [11:02:18] TexasMen issued server command: /kit [11:02:21] bumhik issued server command: /we cui [11:02:28] Flysnake_ issued server command: /warp quest [11:02:30] Flysnake_ issued server command: /we cui [11:03:30] TexasMen issued server command: /kit [11:03:43] [L] bumhik: 0.6 [11:03:55] bumhik issued server command: /vanish [11:03:58] bumhik issued server command: /tp TexasMen [11:04:11] TexasMen issued server command: /kit [11:04:11] [G] BOBAHBEPTYXA: !Может кто-то скипетр сделать с моих ресурсов? Не хватает вис( [11:04:29] [G] TexasMen: !Yf crhjkmrj dbc yflj& [11:04:38] [G] TexasMen: !На сколько вис надо? [11:04:56] [G] BOBAHBEPTYXA: !81 пишет [11:04:57] [G] TexasMen: !У меня есть на 100 [11:05:06] [G] TexasMen: !Могу продать [11:05:09] [G] BOBAHBEPTYXA: !Можно воспользоваться? Сразу заряжу и заплачу [11:05:22] [G] BOBAHBEPTYXA: !Да мне только на 1 раз [11:05:24] bumhik issued server command: /tp BOBAHBEPTYXA [11:05:30] [G] BOBAHBEPTYXA: !Да и денег у меня 3 бакса всего [11:05:32] [G] TexasMen: !Зарядить надо?\ [11:05:44] [G] BOBAHBEPTYXA: !Нет, зарядка есть [11:06:01] [G] BOBAHBEPTYXA: !У меня просто у самого жезл на 75, делаю сразу на 150 [11:06:13] [G] TexasMen: !Так , тогда не понял что надо? Скипинт? [11:06:22] [G] TexasMen: !Так , тогда не понял что надо? Скипинт? [11:06:25] bumhik issued server command: /tp Flysnake_ [11:06:28] bumhik issued server command: /we cui [11:06:32] [G] TexasMen: !Сорри , нечайно [11:06:36] TexasMen issued server command: /kit [11:06:43] [G] BOBAHBEPTYXA: !Сделать скипетр с моих ресурсов. Там просто вис надо и все [11:06:45] bumhik issued server command: /home [11:06:48] bumhik issued server command: /we cui [11:06:59] [G] BOBAHBEPTYXA: !У меня в палке недостаточно большой обьем вис. На 75 всего [11:07:02] [L] TexasMen: 1Тп на меня [11:07:17] [G] TexasMen: !Тп на меня [11:07:28] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /call TexasMen\ [11:07:30] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /call TexasMen [11:07:35] TexasMen issued server command: /tpaccept [11:07:47] bumhik issued server command: /playtime [11:07:59] [L] TexasMen: такой нужен? [11:08:07] bumhik issued server command: /ekit top [11:08:08] [L] BOBAHBEPTYXA: Угу [11:08:30] [L] BOBAHBEPTYXA: Ресы тебе остальные скинул .-. [11:08:34] [L] BOBAHBEPTYXA: Думал ты сделаешь [11:09:06] Flysnake_ issued server command: /warp quest [11:09:24] [L] TexasMen: покрытый таум металом зараженный жезл? [11:09:34] [L] BOBAHBEPTYXA: Cкипетр [11:09:56] [L] TexasMen: он?? [11:09:56] [L] BOBAHBEPTYXA: Спасибо большое [11:09:59] [L] BOBAHBEPTYXA: да [11:10:05] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /money pay TexasMen 3 [11:10:06] [L] TexasMen: 10 эмов [11:10:07] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /money [11:10:12] bumhik issued server command: /vanish [11:10:16] [L] TexasMen: ну и так сойдёт) [11:10:20] [L] BOBAHBEPTYXA: Как будут, еще докину. Ладно? [11:10:30] [L] TexasMen: понадобится [11:10:36] [L] BOBAHBEPTYXA: нет [11:10:40] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /home [11:10:42] [L] TexasMen: как знаешь [11:11:59] TexasMen issued server command: /kit [11:11:59] [L] TexasMen: .лше [11:12:28] Flysnake_ вышел [11:12:29] BOBAHBEPTYXA вышел [11:12:30] bumhik вышел [11:12:33] BOBAHBEPTYXA зашёл [11:12:34] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /we cui [11:12:39] bumhik зашёл [11:12:42] bumhik issued server command: /we cui [11:12:48] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /pvptoggle off [11:12:48] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /pvp off [11:12:50] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /pvptoggle [11:12:50] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /pvp [11:13:03] Flysnake_ зашёл [11:13:08] Flysnake_ issued server command: /we cui [11:13:56] bumhik issued server command: /warp shop [11:13:59] bumhik issued server command: /we cui [11:15:13] MrDimonsterR зашёл [11:15:28] MrDimonsterR issued server command: /we cui [11:15:52] bumhik issued server command: /home [11:15:54] bumhik issued server command: /we cui [11:16:16] Flysnake_ issued server command: /home [11:16:18] Flysnake_ issued server command: /we cui [11:18:52] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /home [11:19:10] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /home [11:19:30] bumhik issued server command: /randomtp [11:19:30] bumhik issued server command: /rtp [11:19:47] MrDimonsterR issued server command: /home [11:19:53] bumhik issued server command: /randomtp [11:19:53] bumhik issued server command: /rtp [11:19:55] bumhik issued server command: /randomtp [11:19:55] bumhik issued server command: /rtp [11:20:19] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /home [11:20:37] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /we cui [11:22:24] Flysnake_ вышел [11:23:16] Flysnake_ зашёл [11:23:30] bumhik issued server command: /randomtp [11:23:30] bumhik issued server command: /rtp [11:23:31] Flysnake_ issued server command: /we cui [11:23:34] bumhik issued server command: /home [11:25:14] BOBAHBEPTYXA умер (ENTITY_ATTACK) [11:25:18] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /we cui [11:25:32] Flysnake_ вышел [11:25:37] Flysnake_ зашёл [11:25:38] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /we cui [11:25:42] Flysnake_ issued server command: /we cui [11:25:59] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /home [11:26:01] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /we cui [11:26:29] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /we cui [11:26:39] MrDimonsterR issued server command: /kit eat [11:28:58] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /home [11:29:00] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /we cui [11:29:28] MrDimonsterR issued server command: /randomtp [11:29:28] MrDimonsterR issued server command: /rtp [11:30:29] bumhik issued server command: /randomtp [11:30:29] bumhik issued server command: /rtp [11:31:22] MrDimonsterR issued server command: /home [11:31:32] bumhik issued server command: /home [11:32:16] MrDimonsterR issued server command: /playtime [11:32:32] MrDimonsterR issued server command: /warp quest [11:32:34] MrDimonsterR issued server command: /we cui [11:32:40] MrDimonsterR issued server command: /home [11:32:42] MrDimonsterR issued server command: /we cui [11:32:47] MrDimonsterR issued server command: /warp shop [11:32:48] MrDimonsterR issued server command: /we cui [11:33:57] MrDimonsterR issued server command: /home [11:33:59] MrDimonsterR issued server command: /we cui [11:34:42] bumhik issued server command: /vanish [11:34:47] bumhik issued server command: /tp Flysnake_ [11:35:02] bumhik issued server command: /tp MrDimonsterR [11:35:22] Flysnake_ issued server command: /warp quest [11:35:25] bumhik issued server command: /tp BOBAHBEPTYXA [11:35:32] Flysnake_ issued server command: /we cui [11:36:59] bumhik issued server command: /home [11:41:53] Flysnake_ умер (ENTITY_ATTACK) [11:42:30] Flysnake_ вышел [11:43:04] Flysnake_ зашёл [11:43:08] Flysnake_ issued server command: /we cui [11:43:16] Flysnake_ issued server command: /warp quest [11:43:16] Flysnake_ issued server command: /we cui [11:47:56] TexasMen issued server command: /kit [11:48:07] TexasMen вышел [11:48:37] TexasMen зашёл [11:48:46] TexasMen issued server command: /we cui [11:48:48] Flysnake_ issued server command: /warp quest [11:48:51] TexasMen issued server command: /kit [11:48:59] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /randomtp [11:48:59] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /rtp [11:49:00] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /home [11:49:44] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /money [11:49:47] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /money top [11:49:57] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /playtime [11:50:05] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /playtimetop 10 [11:50:11] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /playtimetop clear [11:50:36] Flysnake_ вышел [11:51:04] Flysnake_ зашёл [11:51:09] Flysnake_ issued server command: /we cui [11:51:21] TexasMen issued server command: /kit [11:51:56] TexasMen issued server command: /kit [11:52:05] BOBAHBEPTYXA вышел [11:52:10] BOBAHBEPTYXA зашёл [11:52:11] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /we cui [11:53:08] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /home [11:53:26] TexasMen issued server command: /kit [11:56:13] TexasMen issued server command: /kit [11:56:57] [L] TexasMen: в [11:57:11] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /home [11:57:40] [L] TexasMen: в [11:57:44] TexasMen issued server command: /kit [11:58:07] Flysnake_ issued server command: /spawn [11:58:14] TexasMen issued server command: /kit [11:58:25] Flysnake_ issued server command: /ekit top [11:58:42] Flysnake_ issued server command: /warp quest [11:59:30] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /home [12:00:00] TexasMen issued server command: /kit [12:01:57] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /randomtp [12:01:57] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /rtp [12:01:58] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /home\ [12:01:59] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /home [12:03:53] TexasMen issued server command: /kit [12:05:05] TexasMen issued server command: /kit [12:08:31] [L] bumhik: 5 [12:09:13] Flysnake_ issued server command: /spawn [12:09:20] Flysnake_ issued server command: /home [12:09:25] MrDimonsterR issued server command: /randomtp [12:09:25] MrDimonsterR issued server command: /rtp [12:09:51] Flysnake_ вышел [12:10:09] [L] bumhik: 0.1 [12:10:44] Flysnake_ зашёл [12:10:49] Flysnake_ issued server command: /we cui [12:11:34] [L] bumhik: 10 [12:11:48] MrDimonsterR issued server command: /randomtp [12:11:48] MrDimonsterR issued server command: /rtp [12:11:58] Flysnake_ issued server command: /warp quest [12:12:15] Flysnake_ issued server command: /we cui [12:13:45] bumhik issued server command: /vanish [12:13:49] MrDimonsterR issued server command: /randomtp [12:13:49] MrDimonsterR issued server command: /rtp [12:15:31] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /home [12:16:55] TexasMen вышел [12:17:27] MrDimonsterR issued server command: /home [12:19:28] yaroxa_kosolapy зашёл [12:19:46] yaroxa_kosolapy issued server command: /we cui [12:19:59] yaroxa_kosolapy issued server command: /home [12:23:27] Go_Pro123 зашёл [12:23:48] Go_Pro123 issued server command: /we cui [12:25:02] Go_Pro123 issued server command: /ekit [12:25:07] Go_Pro123 issued server command: /ekit top [12:25:10] Go_Pro123 issued server command: /kit [12:25:15] Flysnake_ issued server command: /warp world [12:25:16] TexasMen зашёл [12:25:26] Go_Pro123 issued server command: /randomtp [12:25:26] Go_Pro123 issued server command: /rtp [12:25:41] Go_Pro123 issued server command: /warp quest [12:25:45] Flysnake_ вышел [12:25:46] Go_Pro123 issued server command: /randomtp [12:25:46] Go_Pro123 issued server command: /rtp [12:26:01] Go_Pro123 issued server command: /home [12:26:01] Flysnake_ зашёл [12:26:05] Flysnake_ issued server command: /we cui [12:26:13] TexasMen issued server command: /we cui [12:26:29] Go_Pro123 issued server command: /warp world [12:26:31] Go_Pro123 issued server command: /we cui [12:26:32] Flysnake_ issued server command: /warp quest [12:26:40] Flysnake_ issued server command: /we cui [12:26:48] Go_Pro123 issued server command: /randomtp [12:26:48] Go_Pro123 issued server command: /rtp [12:28:35] Flysnake_ issued server command: /warp shop [12:29:11] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /home [12:29:11] [L] BOBAHBEPTYXA: .рщьу [12:29:21] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /warp end [12:29:22] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /we cui [12:29:49] Flysnake_ issued server command: /money [12:29:59] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /home [12:29:59] [L] BOBAHBEPTYXA: .рщьу [12:30:00] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /we cui [12:30:22] yaroxa_kosolapy вышел [12:30:51] Go_Pro123 issued server command: //chunk [12:30:51] Go_Pro123 issued server command: //outset 16 [12:30:51] Go_Pro123 issued server command: //wand [12:30:59] Go_Pro123 issued server command: //chunk [12:30:59] Go_Pro123 issued server command: //outset 16 [12:30:59] Go_Pro123 issued server command: //wand [12:31:08] Go_Pro123 issued server command: /rg claim sss [12:32:34] MrDimonsterR issued server command: /home [12:32:36] Go_Pro123 issued server command: /sethome [12:33:13] Flysnake_ вышел [12:33:41] Flysnake_ зашёл [12:33:49] Flysnake_ issued server command: /we cui [12:39:05] Go_Pro123 issued server command: /kit eat [12:39:40] Go_Pro123 вышел [12:42:49] un5redictable зашёл [12:43:24] un5redictable issued server command: /we cui [12:44:34] un5redictable issued server command: /home [12:45:11] un5redictable issued server command: /kit [12:45:48] MrDimonsterR вышел [12:46:13] Flysnake_ issued server command: /home [12:46:44] Flysnake_ вышел [12:47:39] Flysnake_ зашёл [12:47:46] Flysnake_ issued server command: /we cui [12:47:48] TexasMen вышел [12:51:34] Flysnake_ issued server command: /warp shop [12:52:05] Flysnake_ вышел [12:52:25] Yunia зашёл [12:52:38] Yunia issued server command: /we cui [12:53:33] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /playtime [12:53:41] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /playtimetop 10 [12:53:50] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /playtimetop [12:53:56] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /playtimetop clear [12:54:23] Flysnake_ зашёл [12:54:29] Flysnake_ issued server command: /we cui [12:54:34] Yunia issued server command: /randomtp [12:54:34] Yunia issued server command: /rtp [12:55:32] Yunia issued server command: /randomtp [12:55:32] Yunia issued server command: /rtp [12:56:16] TexasMen зашёл [12:56:27] SHIZAFRENIAA зашёл [12:56:43] SHIZAFRENIAA issued server command: /we cui [12:57:14] Go_Pro123 зашёл [12:57:17] TexasMen issued server command: /we cui [12:57:21] Go_Pro123 issued server command: /we cui [12:57:33] Flysnake_ issued server command: /home [12:58:03] SHIZAFRENIAA issued server command: /kit [12:58:05] Flysnake_ вышел [12:58:09] SHIZAFRENIAA issued server command: /playtime [12:58:12] SHIZAFRENIAA issued server command: /money [12:58:14] SHIZAFRENIAA issued server command: /mpcaseshop [12:58:15] SHIZAFRENIAA issued server command: /mpcaseview 70 [12:58:16] SHIZAFRENIAA issued server command: /buycase 70 [12:58:17] SHIZAFRENIAA issued server command: /rollcase 70 [12:59:00] Flysnake_ зашёл [12:59:03] TexasMen issued server command: /cart all [12:59:05] Flysnake_ issued server command: /we cui [12:59:08] TexasMen issued server command: /mpcaseshop [12:59:14] TexasMen issued server command: /mpcaseview 74 [12:59:17] TexasMen issued server command: /rollcase 74 [12:59:28] TexasMen issued server command: /mpcaseview 74 [12:59:30] TexasMen issued server command: /rollcase 74 [12:59:41] TexasMen issued server command: /mpcaseview 74 [12:59:43] TexasMen issued server command: /rollcase 74 [12:59:54] TexasMen issued server command: /mpcaseview 74 [12:59:57] TexasMen issued server command: /rollcase 74 [13:00:07] SHIZAFRENIAA issued server command: //chunk [13:00:07] SHIZAFRENIAA issued server command: //outset 16 [13:00:07] SHIZAFRENIAA issued server command: /zone [13:00:09] TexasMen issued server command: /mpcaseview 74 [13:00:11] TexasMen issued server command: /rollcase 74 [13:00:16] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /mpcaseshop [13:00:18] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /money [13:00:23] TexasMen issued server command: /mpcaseview 74 [13:00:25] TexasMen issued server command: /rollcase 74 [13:00:39] TexasMen issued server command: /mpcaseview 74 [13:00:40] TexasMen issued server command: /rollcase 74 [13:00:52] TexasMen issued server command: /mpcaseview 74 [13:00:53] TexasMen issued server command: /rollcase 74 [13:01:05] TexasMen issued server command: /mpcaseview 74 [13:01:07] TexasMen issued server command: /rollcase 74 [13:01:20] TexasMen issued server command: /mpcaseview 74 [13:01:22] TexasMen issued server command: /rollcase 74 [13:01:39] TexasMen issued server command: /mpcaseview 74 [13:01:41] TexasMen issued server command: /rollcase 74 [13:01:52] TexasMen issued server command: /mpcaseview 74 [13:01:59] TexasMen issued server command: /rollcase 74 [13:02:11] TexasMen issued server command: /mpcaseview 74 [13:02:14] Flysnake_ issued server command: /warp add [13:02:16] TexasMen issued server command: /rollcase 74 [13:02:19] Flysnake_ issued server command: /warp ad [13:02:28] TexasMen issued server command: /mpcaseview 74 [13:02:29] TexasMen issued server command: /rollcase 74 [13:02:40] Flysnake_ issued server command: /we cui [13:02:40] TexasMen issued server command: /mpcaseview 74 [13:02:42] TexasMen issued server command: /rollcase 74 [13:02:52] TexasMen issued server command: /mpcaseview 74 [13:02:55] TexasMen issued server command: /rollcase 74 [13:03:06] TexasMen issued server command: /mpcaseview 74 [13:03:09] TexasMen issued server command: /rollcase 74 [13:03:20] TexasMen issued server command: /mpcaseview 74 [13:03:22] TexasMen issued server command: /rollcase 74 [13:03:23] Go_Pro123 вышел [13:03:33] TexasMen issued server command: /mpcaseview 74 [13:03:37] TexasMen issued server command: /rollcase 74 [13:03:49] TexasMen issued server command: /mpcaseview 74 [13:03:51] TexasMen issued server command: /rollcase 74 [13:04:01] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /home [13:04:03] TexasMen issued server command: /mpcaseview 74 [13:04:05] TexasMen issued server command: /mpcaseshop [13:04:08] TexasMen issued server command: /mpcaseview 70 [13:04:11] TexasMen issued server command: /mpcaseshop [13:04:13] TexasMen issued server command: /mpcaseview 72 [13:04:16] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /mpcaseshop [13:04:16] TexasMen issued server command: /mpcaseshop [13:04:21] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /mpcaseview 72 [13:04:21] TexasMen issued server command: /mpcaseview 75 [13:04:24] TexasMen issued server command: /mpcaseshop [13:04:26] TexasMen issued server command: /mpcaseview 71 [13:04:29] TexasMen issued server command: /rollcase 71 [13:04:31] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /mpcaseshop [13:04:33] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /mpcaseview 76 [13:04:35] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /mpcaseshop [13:04:36] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /mpcaseview 75 [13:04:41] TexasMen issued server command: /mpcaseview 71 [13:04:43] TexasMen issued server command: /rollcase 71 [13:04:52] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /mpcaseshop [13:04:54] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /mpcaseview 74 [13:04:56] TexasMen issued server command: /mpcaseview 71 [13:04:58] TexasMen issued server command: /rollcase 71 [13:05:01] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /mpcaseshop [13:05:02] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /mpcaseview 71 [13:05:08] SHIZAFRENIAA issued server command: /eat [13:05:11] TexasMen issued server command: /mpcaseview 71 [13:05:37] Yunia issued server command: /home [13:05:50] bumhik issued server command: /vanish [13:05:59] Flysnake_ issued server command: /kit eat [13:05:59] bumhik issued server command: /tp Yunia [13:06:13] SHIZAFRENIAA issued server command: /voteday [13:06:16] Yunia issued server command: /yes [13:06:17] bumhik issued server command: /yes [13:06:18] TexasMen issued server command: /yes [13:06:19] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /yes [13:06:24] TexasMen issued server command: /money [13:06:29] TexasMen issued server command: /playtime [13:06:45] Flysnake_ issued server command: /spawn [13:06:49] bumhik issued server command: /tp SHIZAFRENIAA [13:07:16] Flysnake_ вышел [13:07:40] bumhik issued server command: /tp BOBAHBEPTYXA [13:07:52] TexasMen issued server command: /ekit top [13:08:34] bumhik issued server command: /hom e [13:08:36] bumhik issued server command: /home [13:09:01] Flysnake_ зашёл [13:09:04] bumhik issued server command: /vanish [13:09:09] Flysnake_ issued server command: /we cui [13:09:39] mirov22 зашёл [13:09:41] bumhik issued server command: /tp un5redictable [13:09:58] mirov22 issued server command: /we cui [13:10:00] Flysnake_ issued server command: /home [13:10:02] Bukycbka зашёл [13:10:06] Flysnake_ issued server command: /we cui [13:10:17] bumhik issued server command: /tp Bukycbka [13:10:19] Bukycbka issued server command: /we cui [13:11:04] Flysnake_ issued server command: /warp ad [13:11:14] Yunia issued server command: /home [13:11:15] Flysnake_ issued server command: /we cui [13:11:19] Healthy зашёл [13:11:31] bumhik issued server command: /home [13:11:32] Healthy issued server command: /we cui [13:12:17] mirov22 issued server command: /kit eat [13:12:46] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /randomtp [13:12:46] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /rtp [13:12:54] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /randomtp [13:12:54] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /rtp [13:12:59] bumhik issued server command: /vanish [13:13:02] bumhik issued server command: /vanish [13:13:03] Yunia issued server command: /home [13:13:09] BOBAHBEPTYXA вышел [13:13:15] BOBAHBEPTYXA зашёл [13:13:17] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /we cui [13:13:26] [G] Yunia: !куплю око эндера [13:13:38] [G] TexasMen: !Продам [13:13:55] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /randomtp [13:13:55] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /rtp [13:14:01] Yunia issued server command: /tpa TexasMen [13:14:06] Yunia issued server command: /money [13:14:07] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /home [13:14:07] [G] TexasMen: !А стой , око нету :((( [13:14:09] Yunia issued server command: /money top [13:14:19] [G] Yunia: !стою) [13:14:29] [G] bumhik: ! тп у меня есть [13:14:31] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /msg Yunia 2 tp [13:14:37] [L] bumhik: 1.3 [13:14:40] [G] TexasMen: !Жемчуга тонна xD [13:14:43] Bukycbka issued server command: /ekit top [13:14:58] [G] bumhik: ! Yunia тп [13:15:12] mirov22 issued server command: /we cui [13:15:21] Yunia вышел [13:15:25] mirov22 issued server command: /home [13:15:25] Yunia зашёл [13:15:27] mirov22 issued server command: /we cui [13:15:27] Yunia issued server command: /we cui [13:15:35] TexasMen issued server command: /enderchest [13:15:41] bumhik issued server command: /m Yunia тп [13:15:45] Yunia issued server command: /tpa bumhik [13:15:48] bumhik issued server command: /tpaccept [13:15:59] [L] bumhik: вот [13:15:59] mirov22 issued server command: /we cui [13:16:11] [L] bumhik: алоо [13:16:12] [L] Yunia: почему-то онлайн не отображаешься.. [13:16:25] bumhik был кикнут [13:16:25] bumhik вышел [13:16:25] un5redictable был кикнут [13:16:25] un5redictable вышел [13:16:25] TexasMen был кикнут [13:16:25] TexasMen вышел [13:16:25] SHIZAFRENIAA был кикнут [13:16:25] SHIZAFRENIAA вышел [13:16:25] Flysnake_ был кикнут [13:16:25] Flysnake_ вышел [13:16:25] mirov22 был кикнут [13:16:25] mirov22 вышел [13:16:25] Bukycbka был кикнут [13:16:25] Bukycbka вышел [13:16:25] Healthy был кикнут [13:16:25] Healthy вышел [13:16:25] BOBAHBEPTYXA был кикнут [13:16:25] BOBAHBEPTYXA вышел [13:16:25] Yunia был кикнут [13:16:25] Yunia вышел [13:16:29] Сервер выключился [13:17:07] Сервер включился [13:17:25] SHIZAFRENIAA зашёл [13:17:27] SHIZAFRENIAA issued server command: /we cui [13:17:28] bumhik зашёл [13:17:28] Healthy зашёл [13:17:29] un5redictable зашёл [13:17:30] Healthy issued server command: /we cui [13:17:31] BOBAHBEPTYXA зашёл [13:17:31] Yunia зашёл [13:17:32] bumhik issued server command: /we cui [13:17:32] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /we cui [13:17:33] Yunia issued server command: /we cui [13:17:34] Bukycbka зашёл [13:17:35] un5redictable issued server command: /we cui [13:17:36] [L] Yunia: о [13:17:36] TexasMen зашёл [13:17:36] Bukycbka issued server command: /we cui [13:17:38] mirov22 зашёл [13:17:41] mirov22 issued server command: /we cui [13:17:42] TexasMen issued server command: /we cui [13:17:47] Yunia issued server command: /money pay bumhik 1 [13:17:53] TexasMen issued server command: /warp shop [13:17:58] TexasMen issued server command: /we cui [13:18:08] Yunia issued server command: /money pay bumhik 0.3 [13:18:26] [L] Yunia: пришло? [13:18:39] [L] bumhik: стой [13:18:48] [L] bumhik: тут можно покупать [13:18:54] [L] bumhik: это же магазин [13:18:58] [L] Yunia: как? [13:19:06] SHIZAFRENIAA issued server command: /voteday [13:19:09] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /yes [13:19:10] [L] bumhik: лкм и в чат скоко хочешь купить [13:19:11] Yunia issued server command: /yes [13:19:20] [L] bumhik: по табличке [13:19:27] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /voteday [13:19:34] [L] Yunia: 4 [13:19:40] [L] Yunia: а [13:19:44] [L] Yunia: поняла [13:19:44] [L] bumhik: пон? [13:19:47] [L] Yunia: спасибо [13:20:07] bumhik issued server command: /we cui [13:20:20] TexasMen issued server command: /enderchest [13:20:46] Yunia issued server command: /home [13:20:56] Flysnake_ зашёл [13:21:04] Flysnake_ issued server command: /we cui [13:21:46] TexasMen issued server command: /home [13:21:51] TexasMen issued server command: /we cui [13:22:23] Yunia issued server command: /home [13:22:34] SHIZAFRENIAA issued server command: /eat [13:22:36] Bukycbka issued server command: /money [13:22:37] SHIZAFRENIAA issued server command: /kit [13:22:38] TexasMen вышел [13:22:56] Yunia issued server command: /home [13:23:19] Healthy issued server command: /randomtp [13:23:19] Healthy issued server command: /rtp [13:24:06] bumhik issued server command: /TP mirov22 [13:24:08] bumhik issued server command: /HOME [13:24:11] bumhik issued server command: /we cui [13:24:13] bumhik issued server command: /TP mirov22 [13:24:15] bumhik issued server command: /we cui [13:24:34] Yunia issued server command: /money top [13:24:40] Healthy issued server command: /randomtp [13:24:40] Healthy issued server command: /rtp [13:25:29] Yunia issued server command: /warp ad [13:25:30] Yunia issued server command: /we cui [13:25:34] bumhik issued server command: /HOME [13:25:37] bumhik issued server command: /we cui [13:25:50] bumhik issued server command: /we cui [13:26:39] Healthy issued server command: /home [13:27:27] Yunia issued server command: /randomtp [13:27:27] Yunia issued server command: /rtp [13:27:42] Yunia issued server command: /warp ad [13:28:27] un5redictable issued server command: /kit [13:28:33] Yunia issued server command: /warp ad [13:28:51] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /playtime [13:29:18] un5redictable вышел [13:29:27] Healthy issued server command: /randomtp [13:29:27] Healthy issued server command: /rtp [13:29:59] Healthy issued server command: /randomtp [13:29:59] Healthy issued server command: /rtp [13:30:36] Healthy issued server command: /randomtp [13:30:36] Healthy issued server command: /rtp [13:30:57] SHIZAFRENIAA issued server command: /kit [13:31:00] SHIZAFRENIAA issued server command: /voteday [13:31:04] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /yes [13:31:07] bumhik issued server command: /no [13:31:41] [G] BOBAHBEPTYXA: !Желание большинства так сказать [13:31:50] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /playtimetop [13:31:53] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /playtimetop clear [13:32:38] Healthy issued server command: /randomtp [13:32:38] Healthy issued server command: /rtp [13:34:06] Healthy issued server command: /home [13:34:20] Flysnake_ issued server command: /spawn [13:34:51] Flysnake_ вышел [13:35:25] bumhik issued server command: /HOME [13:35:29] bumhik issued server command: /we cui [13:35:54] [L] bumhik: 3 [13:36:13] [L] bumhik: 2 [13:36:23] Flysnake_ зашёл [13:36:26] [L] bumhik: 2 [13:36:34] Flysnake_ issued server command: /we cui [13:36:36] [L] bumhik: 2 [13:36:54] [L] bumhik: 0.4 [13:37:12] [L] bumhik: 5 [13:37:52] Yunia issued server command: /home [13:37:53] SHIZAFRENIAA issued server command: /eat [13:37:54] Yunia issued server command: /we cui [13:38:05] bumhik issued server command: /we cui [13:38:17] Yunia issued server command: /home [13:38:28] Yunia issued server command: /warp ad [13:38:29] Yunia issued server command: /we cui [13:40:09] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /home [13:40:35] Flysnake_ issued server command: /home [13:40:49] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /randomtp [13:40:49] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /rtp [13:40:50] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /home [13:41:02] Healthy issued server command: /randomtp [13:41:02] Healthy issued server command: /rtp [13:41:26] Flysnake_ вышел [13:41:38] Healthy issued server command: /randomtp [13:41:38] Healthy issued server command: /rtp [13:41:44] Healthy issued server command: /home [13:41:47] Flysnake_ зашёл [13:41:54] Flysnake_ issued server command: /we cui [13:41:59] mirov22 issued server command: /home [13:41:59] [G] SHIZAFRENIAA: !куплю нитки [13:42:01] mirov22 issued server command: /we cui [13:42:19] Yunia умер (ENTITY_ATTACK) [13:42:23] Yunia issued server command: /we cui [13:42:25] Yunia issued server command: /warp ad [13:42:26] Yunia issued server command: /we cui [13:42:32] SHIZAFRENIAA issued server command: /votedat [13:42:37] SHIZAFRENIAA issued server command: /voteday [13:42:40] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /yes [13:42:48] mirov22 issued server command: /warp end [13:42:50] mirov22 issued server command: /we cui [13:42:56] mirov22 issued server command: /tpa bumhik [13:42:58] bumhik issued server command: /tpaccept [13:43:01] bumhik issued server command: /tpaccept [13:43:05] bumhik issued server command: /tpaccept [13:43:07] [G] Yunia: !помогите тп на точку смерти плс [13:43:31] Healthy вышел [13:43:37] Healthy зашёл [13:43:38] Healthy issued server command: /we cui [13:44:05] Yunia умер (FALL) [13:44:09] Yunia issued server command: /we cui [13:44:16] Yunia issued server command: /warp ad [13:44:17] Yunia issued server command: /we cui [13:44:25] [G] Yunia: !пожалуйста [13:45:11] mirov22 issued server command: /home [13:45:12] [G] SHIZAFRENIAA: !куплю нитки [13:45:13] mirov22 issued server command: /we cui [13:45:27] mirov22 issued server command: /we cui [13:45:34] Yunia умер (FALL) [13:45:38] Yunia issued server command: /we cui [13:45:41] [G] BOBAHBEPTYXA: !F [13:45:47] Yunia issued server command: /warp ad [13:45:48] Yunia issued server command: /we cui [13:46:34] Yunia умер (FIRE_TICK) [13:46:38] Yunia issued server command: /we cui [13:46:53] Yunia issued server command: /warp ad [13:46:54] Yunia issued server command: /we cui [13:47:43] mirov22 issued server command: /home [13:47:45] mirov22 issued server command: /we cui [13:47:50] bumhik issued server command: /HOME [13:47:54] bumhik issued server command: /we cui [13:48:09] Yunia умер (ENTITY_ATTACK) [13:48:13] Yunia issued server command: /we cui [13:48:17] Yunia issued server command: /warp ad [13:48:18] Yunia issued server command: /we cui [13:48:44] SHIZAFRENIAA issued server command: /eat [13:49:27] [L] bumhik: 4 [13:49:42] Yunia issued server command: /home [13:49:43] Yunia issued server command: /we cui [13:50:13] SHIZAFRENIAA issued server command: /randomtp [13:50:13] SHIZAFRENIAA issued server command: /rtp [13:50:28] SHIZAFRENIAA issued server command: /randomtp [13:50:28] SHIZAFRENIAA issued server command: /rtp [13:50:35] SHIZAFRENIAA issued server command: /randomtp [13:50:35] SHIZAFRENIAA issued server command: /rtp [13:50:36] [G] Yunia: !нужна ещё нить? [13:50:41] [G] SHIZAFRENIAA: !да [13:50:43] SHIZAFRENIAA issued server command: /home [13:50:50] [G] SHIZAFRENIAA: !сколько есть? [13:50:54] Flysnake_ вышел [13:51:02] [G] Yunia: !а сколько нужно? [13:51:06] [G] SHIZAFRENIAA: !30 [13:51:14] [G] Yunia: !стак найдётся [13:51:23] Yunia issued server command: /tpa SHIZAFRENIAA [13:51:28] SHIZAFRENIAA issued server command: /tpaccept [13:51:52] [L] SHIZAFRENIAA: надо что то за нити? [13:52:00] [L] Yunia: давай 5 [13:52:05] SHIZAFRENIAA issued server command: /money [13:52:18] SHIZAFRENIAA issued server command: /money pay Yunia 5 [13:52:22] Yunia issued server command: /warp ad [13:52:22] [L] SHIZAFRENIAA: все [13:52:23] Yunia issued server command: /we cui [13:52:27] [L] SHIZAFRENIAA: спасибо [13:52:36] bumhik issued server command: /warp ad [13:52:39] bumhik issued server command: /we cui [13:54:25] SHIZAFRENIAA issued server command: /home [13:54:40] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /randomtp [13:54:40] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /rtp [13:54:41] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /home [13:54:45] SHIZAFRENIAA issued server command: /eat [13:54:45] [L] SHIZAFRENIAA: .уфе [13:54:57] bumhik issued server command: /home [13:55:00] bumhik issued server command: /we cui [13:55:34] mirov22 issued server command: /warp ad [13:55:36] bumhik issued server command: /warp ad [13:55:37] mirov22 issued server command: /we cui [13:55:39] bumhik issued server command: /we cui [13:56:07] SHIZAFRENIAA issued server command: /voteday [13:56:11] bumhik issued server command: /no [13:56:44] AYLIEXEC зашёл [13:56:54] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /we cui [13:58:29] [G] BOBAHBEPTYXA: !Почему не получается изучить дракониевый меч? [13:59:00] [G] BOBAHBEPTYXA: !Пишет "записки исследований добавлены к вам в инвентарь", но они не добавляются [13:59:17] SHIZAFRENIAA issued server command: /money top [13:59:18] Exetorics зашёл [13:59:28] Exetorics issued server command: /we cui [14:00:07] Heia зашёл [14:00:19] Heia issued server command: /we cui [14:00:52] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /randomtp [14:00:52] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /rtp [14:01:02] Exetorics issued server command: /warp ad [14:01:04] Exetorics issued server command: /we cui [14:01:07] Exetorics issued server command: /tp Exetorics 3081 46 2310 [14:01:07] Exetorics issued server command: /tppos 3081 46 2310 [14:01:23] Exetorics issued server command: /home [14:01:25] Exetorics issued server command: /we cui [14:01:29] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /home [14:01:33] bumhik issued server command: /home [14:01:37] bumhik issued server command: /we cui [14:01:40] bumhik issued server command: /randomtp [14:01:40] bumhik issued server command: /rtp [14:01:47] mirov22 issued server command: /home [14:01:49] mirov22 issued server command: /we cui [14:01:56] Bukycbka issued server command: /home [14:01:56] [L] Bukycbka: .рщьу [14:02:00] Exetorics issued server command: /back [14:02:02] Exetorics issued server command: /we cui [14:02:22] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /we cui [14:02:28] SHIZAFRENIAA issued server command: /eat [14:03:02] SHIZAFRENIAA issued server command: /money [14:03:43] Bukycbka issued server command: /home [14:03:43] [L] Bukycbka: .рщьу [14:03:50] bumhik issued server command: /home [14:04:37] SHIZAFRENIAA issued server command: /randomtp [14:04:37] SHIZAFRENIAA issued server command: /rtp [14:05:34] Exetorics issued server command: /home [14:05:36] Exetorics issued server command: /we cui [14:05:49] SHIZAFRENIAA issued server command: /randomtp [14:05:49] SHIZAFRENIAA issued server command: /rtp [14:06:19] SHIZAFRENIAA issued server command: /eat [14:07:09] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /home [14:07:11] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /we cui [14:07:17] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /randomtp [14:07:17] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /rtp [14:07:19] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /home [14:07:29] mirov22 issued server command: /warp end [14:07:32] mirov22 issued server command: /we cui [14:07:33] bumhik issued server command: /warp end [14:07:36] bumhik issued server command: /we cui [14:07:39] [G] BOBAHBEPTYXA: !Какая броня кроме ихора тут полет дает? [14:07:46] [G] BOBAHBEPTYXA: !ну и драконика конечно) [14:07:54] [G] BOBAHBEPTYXA: !Что-то подешевле бы [14:08:00] SHIZAFRENIAA issued server command: /eat [14:08:22] [G] SHIZAFRENIAA: !из ботании есть крилья которые дают полет за ману [14:08:30] [G] BOBAHBEPTYXA: !О, спасибо [14:08:55] SHIZAFRENIAA issued server command: /randomtp [14:08:55] SHIZAFRENIAA issued server command: /rtp [14:09:12] SHIZAFRENIAA issued server command: /randomtp [14:09:12] SHIZAFRENIAA issued server command: /rtp [14:09:13] SHIZAFRENIAA issued server command: /home [14:10:19] Healthy issued server command: /spawn [14:10:20] Healthy issued server command: /we cui [14:11:01] Exetorics issued server command: /warp end [14:11:02] Exetorics issued server command: /we cui [14:11:36] SHIZAFRENIAA issued server command: /trash [14:11:42] Healthy issued server command: /home [14:11:43] Healthy issued server command: /we cui [14:11:50] SHIZAFRENIAA issued server command: /eat [14:12:15] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /home [14:12:31] Bukycbka issued server command: /mpcaseshop [14:12:31] SHIZAFRENIAA issued server command: /warp forest [14:12:33] Bukycbka issued server command: /mpcaseview 70 [14:12:33] SHIZAFRENIAA issued server command: /we cui [14:12:34] Bukycbka issued server command: /buycase 70 [14:12:35] Bukycbka issued server command: /rollcase 70 [14:12:37] Healthy issued server command: /mpcaseshop [14:12:39] Healthy issued server command: /mpcaseview 70 [14:12:40] Exetorics issued server command: /home [14:12:41] Healthy issued server command: /buycase 70 [14:12:41] Exetorics issued server command: /we cui [14:12:42] Healthy issued server command: /rollcase 70 [14:12:57] Healthy issued server command: /mpcaseview 70 [14:12:58] Bukycbka issued server command: /money [14:12:59] Healthy issued server command: /buycase 70 [14:13:01] Healthy issued server command: /rollcase 70 [14:13:03] SHIZAFRENIAA issued server command: /we cui [14:13:14] SHIZAFRENIAA issued server command: /we cui [14:13:15] Healthy issued server command: /mpcaseview 70 [14:13:16] Healthy issued server command: /buycase 70 [14:13:18] Healthy issued server command: /rollcase 70 [14:13:24] SHIZAFRENIAA issued server command: /we cui [14:13:33] Healthy issued server command: /mpcaseview 70 [14:13:34] Healthy issued server command: /buycase 70 [14:13:35] Healthy issued server command: /buycase 70 [14:13:40] Healthy issued server command: /money [14:13:54] Exetorics issued server command: /warp neth [14:13:55] Exetorics issued server command: /warp ad [14:13:57] Exetorics issued server command: /we cui [14:14:03] Exetorics issued server command: /tp Exetorics 3081 46 2310 [14:14:03] Exetorics issued server command: /tppos 3081 46 2310 [14:15:20] Exetorics issued server command: /back [14:15:22] Exetorics issued server command: /home [14:15:23] Exetorics issued server command: /we cui [14:15:42] Yunia issued server command: /home [14:15:43] Yunia issued server command: /we cui [14:15:57] Jabuti зашёл [14:16:10] Jabuti issued server command: /we cui [14:17:13] Yunia issued server command: /warp ad [14:17:14] Yunia issued server command: /we cui [14:17:21] Bukycbka issued server command: /money [14:17:28] Bukycbka issued server command: /mpcaseshop [14:17:31] Bukycbka issued server command: /mpcaseview 70 [14:17:32] Bukycbka issued server command: /buycase 70 [14:17:33] SHIZAFRENIAA issued server command: /eat [14:17:33] Bukycbka issued server command: /rollcase 70 [14:17:52] mirov22 issued server command: /home [14:17:54] Bukycbka issued server command: /mpcaseshop [14:17:54] mirov22 issued server command: /we cui [14:17:55] Bukycbka issued server command: /mpcaseview 70 [14:17:57] Bukycbka issued server command: /buycase 70 [14:17:59] Bukycbka issued server command: /rollcase 70 [14:18:15] Bukycbka issued server command: /mpcaseshop [14:18:17] Bukycbka issued server command: /mpcaseview 70 [14:18:18] Bukycbka issued server command: /buycase 70 [14:18:19] Bukycbka issued server command: /rollcase 70 [14:18:30] [G] Exetorics: !оформление стола зачара готово :D [14:18:38] Bukycbka issued server command: /mpcaseshop [14:18:39] Bukycbka issued server command: /mpcaseview 70 [14:18:41] [G] SHIZAFRENIAA: !ура [14:18:42] Bukycbka issued server command: /buycase 70 [14:18:42] Bukycbka issued server command: /rollcase 70 [14:18:49] [G] Exetorics: !тп оцени :D [14:18:55] Bukycbka issued server command: /money [14:19:03] [G] SHIZAFRENIAA: !ща [14:19:28] Jabuti issued server command: /call AYLIEXEC [14:19:31] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /tpaccept [14:19:34] Heia вышел [14:19:58] SHIZAFRENIAA issued server command: /tpa Exetorics [14:20:01] bumhik issued server command: /home [14:20:01] Exetorics issued server command: /tpaccept [14:20:03] SHIZAFRENIAA issued server command: /we cui [14:20:05] bumhik issued server command: /we cui [14:20:20] [L] SHIZAFRENIAA: прикольно [14:20:55] SHIZAFRENIAA issued server command: /home [14:21:14] [G] Exetorics: !по 10 бальной шкале сколько даш?) [14:21:18] [G] BOBAHBEPTYXA: !Чаво? [14:21:20] [G] SHIZAFRENIAA: !10 [14:21:26] [G] BOBAHBEPTYXA: !Сервер дал мне изучение [14:21:37] [G] BOBAHBEPTYXA: !спасибо сервер [14:22:04] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /money [14:22:07] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /mpcaseshop [14:22:08] [G] Exetorics: ! BOBAHBEPTYXA это искажение тебе дало [14:22:08] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /mpcaseview 70 [14:22:10] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /buycase 70 [14:22:11] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /rollcase 70 [14:22:27] [G] BOBAHBEPTYXA: !Не, в чат написало что сервер дал [14:22:52] [G] Exetorics: !Нет, это искажение [14:22:53] [G] BOBAHBEPTYXA: !"Server gave you DEDGSWORD research and its requisites" [14:22:55] [G] Exetorics: !xD [14:22:56] bumhik issued server command: /tp Jabuti [14:23:06] bumhik issued server command: /tp AYLIEXEC [14:23:14] bumhik issued server command: /tp Bukycbka [14:23:15] [G] BOBAHBEPTYXA: !Так это не древние знания же [14:23:18] mirov22 issued server command: /money [14:23:23] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /list [14:23:23] bumhik issued server command: /home [14:23:40] mirov22 issued server command: /money pay bumhik 113 [14:23:45] bumhik issued server command: /money [14:24:38] SHIZAFRENIAA issued server command: /warp mining [14:24:40] SHIZAFRENIAA issued server command: /we cui [14:24:49] Exetorics issued server command: /w BOBAHBEPTYXA чек дк меч в тауме (condesce) [14:24:55] SHIZAFRENIAA issued server command: /randomtp [14:24:55] SHIZAFRENIAA issued server command: /rtp [14:25:14] SHIZAFRENIAA issued server command: /randomtp [14:25:14] SHIZAFRENIAA issued server command: /rtp [14:25:16] SHIZAFRENIAA issued server command: /warp forest [14:25:17] SHIZAFRENIAA issued server command: /we cui [14:25:18] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /r ? [14:25:25] SHIZAFRENIAA issued server command: /we cui [14:25:32] Exetorics issued server command: /r глянь на Дк меч в тауме [14:25:52] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /r глянул [14:26:01] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /r А что такое? [14:26:23] Exetorics issued server command: /r я вообще хз, я как почтальён передаю сообщение [14:26:37] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /r Открылся он. Спасибо [14:28:00] [G] BOBAHBEPTYXA: !Продам багровые ритуалы по 10 эмов за книгу [14:28:06] [G] Exetorics: !Воу воу воу [14:28:11] [G] BOBAHBEPTYXA: !вру [14:28:13] [G] BOBAHBEPTYXA: !30 [14:28:16] [G] bumhik: ! бан сразу [14:28:19] [G] Exetorics: !Бан [14:28:22] [G] BOBAHBEPTYXA: !Промазал [14:28:30] [G] BOBAHBEPTYXA: !по кнопке [14:28:32] [G] BOBAHBEPTYXA: !отвечаю [14:28:41] Bukycbka issued server command: /randomtp [14:28:41] Bukycbka issued server command: /rtp [14:29:02] [G] Exetorics: !смотри мне тут [14:29:48] [G] bumhik: ! кто в блуд шарит [14:29:59] [G] BOBAHBEPTYXA: !Чутка [14:30:03] Bukycbka issued server command: /home [14:30:23] [G] bumhik: ! как кирку через блуд чарить [14:30:50] [G] BOBAHBEPTYXA: !Ритуал из blood arsenal'a есть (должен быть) [14:31:23] [G] bumhik: ! да я в этом просто вообще не шарю типо и не знаю как зачарить) [14:31:38] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /randomtp [14:31:38] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /rtp [14:31:43] SHIZAFRENIAA issued server command: /eat [14:31:43] [L] SHIZAFRENIAA: .уфе [14:31:47] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /home [14:32:56] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /home [14:33:14] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /home [14:33:15] Jabuti issued server command: /home [14:33:28] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /we cui [14:33:28] Mass1ime зашёл [14:34:00] Exetorics issued server command: /w Yunia хочешь оценить стол зачара?) [14:34:06] Lana_Luna зашёл [14:34:07] Exetorics issued server command: /r я закончил его оформление [14:34:22] Mass1ime issued server command: /we cui [14:34:30] Yunia issued server command: /m Exetorics ща, соберу кобольд и портнусь [14:34:30] Lana_Luna issued server command: /we cui [14:34:38] BOBAHBEPTYXA вышел [14:34:42] Mass1ime issued server command: /home [14:34:44] BOBAHBEPTYXA зашёл [14:34:45] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /we cui [14:34:47] Mass1ime issued server command: /we cui [14:35:43] SHIZAFRENIAA issued server command: /home [14:35:45] SHIZAFRENIAA issued server command: /we cui [14:35:52] Bukycbka issued server command: /randomtp [14:35:52] Bukycbka issued server command: /rtp [14:36:03] Jabuti issued server command: /home [14:36:13] Bukycbka issued server command: /randomtp [14:36:13] Bukycbka issued server command: /rtp [14:36:13] Yunia issued server command: /home [14:36:14] Yunia issued server command: /we cui [14:36:15] Bukycbka issued server command: /randomtp [14:36:15] Bukycbka issued server command: /rtp [14:36:15] Mass1ime умер (ENTITY_ATTACK) [14:36:18] Bukycbka issued server command: /randomtp [14:36:18] Bukycbka issued server command: /rtp [14:36:18] Mass1ime issued server command: /we cui [14:36:19] Lana_Luna вышел [14:36:36] bumhik issued server command: /home [14:36:39] mirov22 issued server command: /home [14:36:42] Yunia issued server command: /tpa Exetorics [14:36:48] Exetorics issued server command: /tpacccept [14:36:51] Exetorics issued server command: /tpaccept [14:36:53] Lana_Luna зашёл [14:36:58] Lana_Luna issued server command: /we cui [14:37:00] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /home [14:37:01] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /we cui [14:37:02] Exetorics issued server command: /zs 12 [14:37:07] Bukycbka issued server command: /randomtp [14:37:07] Bukycbka issued server command: /rtp [14:37:17] [L] Yunia: боюсь представить сколько времени это заняло) [14:37:23] [L] Exetorics: чуть чуть) [14:37:44] [L] Exetorics: больше времени заняла добыча блоков [14:37:46] [L] Yunia: зато соклько проку)) [14:37:58] [L] Yunia: вот да, я это и имела в виду) [14:37:59] Jabuti issued server command: /home [14:38:08] SHIZAFRENIAA issued server command: /eat [14:38:12] SHIZAFRENIAA issued server command: /voteday [14:38:14] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /yes [14:38:14] bumhik issued server command: /no [14:38:15] Yunia issued server command: /yes [14:38:16] Jabuti issued server command: /no [14:38:17] Bukycbka issued server command: /yes [14:38:18] mirov22 issued server command: /no [14:38:24] [L] Exetorics: теперь надо песка накопать xD [14:38:28] Bukycbka issued server command: /randomtp [14:38:28] Bukycbka issued server command: /rtp [14:38:31] [L] Yunia: ты стены так и оставишь?) [14:38:40] [L] Exetorics: нет [14:38:46] [L] Yunia: уф [14:38:48] [L] Exetorics: тут всё будет преобразовано [14:38:57] [L] Exetorics: я к слову ещё модами даже не начинал заниматься [14:39:05] Bukycbka issued server command: /randomtp [14:39:05] Bukycbka issued server command: /rtp [14:39:12] [L] Yunia: как же кто-то идёт в стиль, в строительство [14:39:24] [L] Exetorics: тематический стиль :D [14:39:27] Mass1ime issued server command: /warp ad [14:39:32] Mass1ime issued server command: /we cui [14:39:40] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /home [14:39:40] [L] Yunia: и я которая выбрала крохотный домик в деревне и теперь не может никак ресурсы распределить) [14:39:49] Heia зашёл [14:39:54] [L] Exetorics: ну сортировка мне ещё предстоит :D [14:40:01] Heia issued server command: /we cui [14:40:07] [L] Exetorics: а я пойду теперь пустыню грабить равноценным обменом xD [14:40:12] Heia issued server command: /home [14:40:12] Heia issued server command: /we cui [14:40:13] Mass1ime issued server command: /kit eat [14:40:26] Exetorics issued server command: /tp Exetorics -4177 72 -9 [14:40:26] Exetorics issued server command: /tppos -4177 72 -9 [14:40:27] [L] Yunia: хоршо хоть саженец сорт дерева нашла, теперь надо будет сделать место для хранения всего добра) [14:40:32] SHIZAFRENIAA вышел [14:40:35] Heia issued server command: /warp forest [14:40:36] Heia issued server command: /we cui [14:40:40] Heia issued server command: /we cui [14:40:40] SHIZAFRENIAA зашёл [14:40:42] SHIZAFRENIAA issued server command: /we cui [14:41:02] Yunia issued server command: /home [14:41:17] mirov22 issued server command: /warp forest [14:41:17] SHIZAFRENIAA issued server command: /voteday [14:41:19] mirov22 issued server command: /we cui [14:41:23] mirov22 issued server command: /we cui [14:41:33] Yunia issued server command: /m Exetorics тебе нужна лопата, копающая 3х3? [14:41:44] Exetorics issued server command: /r у меня равноценный обмен и куча булыги xD [14:41:58] Exetorics issued server command: /home [14:42:07] Exetorics issued server command: /back [14:42:17] Yunia issued server command: /home [14:42:19] Exetorics issued server command: /r если не знаешь что такое равноценный обмен тп покажу xD [14:42:25] Yunia issued server command: /tpa Exetorics [14:42:28] Lana_Luna вышел [14:42:29] Exetorics issued server command: /tpaccept [14:42:32] SHIZAFRENIAA issued server command: /trash [14:42:52] [L] Yunia: а зачем? [14:42:59] [L] Exetorics: куча песка :D [14:43:01] [L] Yunia: тебе не песок разве нужен? [14:43:07] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /home [14:43:08] [L] Exetorics: так я получаю его [14:43:13] [L] Yunia: ааааааааа [14:43:16] Lana_Luna зашёл [14:43:20] Lana_Luna issued server command: /we cui [14:43:34] [L] Exetorics: суть в том что я обмениваю блоки на другие блоки [14:43:41] [L] Yunia: поняла)) [14:43:57] [L] Exetorics: тоесть к примеру у меня есть булыга но нужно собрать песок как сейчас, пкм и булыга уходит а песок [14:43:58] [L] Exetorics: приходит в инвентарь) [14:44:06] [L] Exetorics: быстро и дешёго [14:44:16] [L] Yunia: звучит оченнь удобно) [14:44:30] [L] Exetorics: ещё бы скрафтить наболт перемещения [14:44:33] [L] Exetorics: и было бы вообще супер [14:44:41] SHIZAFRENIAA issued server command: /eat [14:44:47] [L] Yunia: могу понять) [14:44:50] Yunia issued server command: /home [14:45:07] Exetorics issued server command: /money [14:45:14] Bukycbka issued server command: /rpt [14:45:16] Bukycbka issued server command: /home [14:45:25] Exetorics issued server command: /echest [14:45:26] Yunia issued server command: /home [14:46:08] Exetorics issued server command: /echest [14:46:37] bumhik issued server command: /tp mirov22 [14:46:41] bumhik issued server command: /we cui [14:47:02] Lana_Luna вышел [14:47:11] Lana_Luna зашёл [14:47:15] Lana_Luna issued server command: /we cui [14:47:19] Mass1ime issued server command: /home [14:47:20] Lana_Luna issued server command: /home [14:47:27] Mass1ime issued server command: /we cui [14:48:19] Lana_Luna issued server command: /mpcaseshop [14:48:28] Yunia issued server command: /warp ad [14:48:30] Yunia issued server command: /we cui [14:48:32] Lana_Luna issued server command: /mpcaseshop [14:48:42] Lana_Luna issued server command: /mpcaseview 70 [14:48:45] Lana_Luna issued server command: /buycase 70 [14:48:48] Lana_Luna issued server command: /rollcase 70 [14:49:01] Lana_Luna issued server command: /mpcaseview 70 [14:49:03] Lana_Luna issued server command: /buycase 70 [14:49:06] Lana_Luna issued server command: /rollcase 70 [14:49:17] Lana_Luna issued server command: /mpcaseview 70 [14:49:18] Lana_Luna issued server command: /mpcaseshop [14:49:24] Lana_Luna issued server command: /mpcaseview 71 [14:49:31] Lana_Luna issued server command: /buycase 71 [14:49:52] Lana_Luna issued server command: /mpcaseshop [14:49:53] bumhik issued server command: /vanish [14:50:00] bumhik issued server command: /tp Heia [14:50:31] bumhik issued server command: /tp Healthy [14:50:33] Lana_Luna вышел [14:50:33] bumhik issued server command: /we cui [14:51:30] bumhik issued server command: /tp Mass1ime [14:51:43] bumhik issued server command: /tp Yunia [14:51:47] bumhik issued server command: /we cui [14:52:15] bumhik issued server command: /tp SHIZAFRENIAA [14:52:18] bumhik issued server command: /we cui [14:53:26] bumhik issued server command: /tp BOBAHBEPTYXA [14:53:51] Bukycbka issued server command: /randomtp [14:53:51] Bukycbka issued server command: /rtp [14:54:08] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /home [14:54:32] Bukycbka issued server command: /randomtp [14:54:32] Bukycbka issued server command: /rtp [14:54:41] bumhik issued server command: /tp AYLIEXEC [14:54:42] I_Quantum_I зашёл [14:54:49] I_Quantum_I issued server command: /we cui [14:54:50] Bukycbka issued server command: /home [14:55:10] Healthy issued server command: /warp shop [14:55:12] Healthy issued server command: /we cui [14:55:15] Exetorics issued server command: /home [14:55:23] Heia вышел [14:55:24] I_Quantum_I issued server command: /god [14:55:26] I_Quantum_I issued server command: /god [14:55:56] Exetorics issued server command: /echest [14:56:01] Exetorics issued server command: /echest [14:56:05] Heia зашёл [14:56:07] Heia issued server command: /we cui [14:56:08] Exetorics issued server command: /money [14:56:10] Exetorics issued server command: /spawn [14:56:12] Exetorics issued server command: /we cui [14:56:14] Lana_Luna зашёл [14:56:31] Healthy issued server command: /home [14:56:33] Healthy issued server command: /we cui [14:56:39] Lana_Luna issued server command: /we cui [14:56:41] Healthy вышел [14:56:45] bumhik issued server command: /m I_Quantum_I как зачарить алм кирку пропитаную кровью? [14:56:51] bumhik issued server command: /tp I_Quantum_I [14:57:04] SHIZAFRENIAA issued server command: /eat [14:57:04] [L] SHIZAFRENIAA: .уфе [14:57:29] Lana_Luna issued server command: /mpcaseshop [14:57:34] bumhik issued server command: /tp I_Quantum_I [14:57:55] [L] bumhik: хаха [14:58:06] [L] bumhik: да гений гений [14:58:12] [L] I_Quantum_I: ну [14:58:20] bumhik issued server command: /vanish [14:58:24] [L] I_Quantum_I: если на осмате не получается [14:58:28] [L] I_Quantum_I: тогда книгами [14:58:40] [L] I_Quantum_I: если и книгами не получаептся, тогда удачи в жизни [14:58:42] [L] bumhik: внатуре щас попробую [14:58:43] Yunia issued server command: /home [14:58:44] Yunia issued server command: /we cui [14:58:52] bumhik issued server command: /home [14:59:06] I_Quantum_I вышел [14:59:13] mirov22 issued server command: /warp forest [14:59:15] mirov22 issued server command: /we cui [14:59:19] mirov22 issued server command: /we cui [14:59:21] Exetorics issued server command: /home [14:59:23] Exetorics issued server command: /we cui [14:59:26] SHIZAFRENIAA вышел [14:59:38] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /home [14:59:47] bumhik issued server command: /tp mirov22 [14:59:51] bumhik issued server command: /we cui [15:00:04] bumhik issued server command: /tp mirov22 [15:00:24] bumhik issued server command: /tp mirov22 [15:00:47] Go_Pro123 зашёл [15:00:49] Go_Pro123 issued server command: /we cui [15:00:52] Yunia issued server command: /home [15:00:57] bumhik issued server command: /home [15:01:00] bumhik issued server command: /we cui [15:01:29] bumhik issued server command: /tp I_Quantum_I [15:01:32] Yunia issued server command: /warp ad [15:01:33] Yunia issued server command: /we cui [15:02:11] Heia вышел [15:02:34] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /home [15:02:55] Exetorics issued server command: /workbench [15:03:25] Exetorics issued server command: /workbench [15:04:00] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /randomtp [15:04:00] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /rtp [15:04:11] Exetorics issued server command: /home [15:04:14] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /randomtp [15:04:14] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /rtp [15:04:21] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /randomtp [15:04:21] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /rtp [15:04:22] Exetorics issued server command: /back [15:04:23] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /randomtp [15:04:23] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /rtp [15:04:25] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /randomtp [15:04:25] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /rtp [15:04:26] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /randomtp [15:04:26] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /rtp [15:04:28] Exetorics issued server command: /back [15:04:31] bumhik issued server command: /vanish [15:04:35] Exetorics issued server command: /back [15:04:38] bumhik issued server command: /tp Exetorics [15:04:39] Exetorics issued server command: /back [15:04:55] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /we cui [15:05:41] bumhik issued server command: /home [15:06:09] Exetorics issued server command: /back [15:06:49] I_Quantum_I зашёл [15:06:52] I_Quantum_I issued server command: /we cui [15:07:03] I_Quantum_I issued server command: /s Go_Pro123 [15:07:06] Yunia issued server command: /home [15:07:07] Yunia issued server command: /we cui [15:07:18] Yunia умер (FIRE_TICK) [15:07:20] [L] I_Quantum_I: бот [15:07:21] Yunia issued server command: /we cui [15:07:22] bumhik issued server command: /vanish [15:07:39] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /home [15:07:41] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /we cui [15:08:22] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /randomtp [15:08:22] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /rtp [15:08:33] Yunia issued server command: /home [15:08:34] bumhik issued server command: /tp Go_Pro123 [15:08:41] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /home [15:08:41] bumhik issued server command: /home [15:08:51] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /randomtp [15:08:51] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /rtp [15:09:02] Yunia issued server command: /home [15:09:08] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /randomtp [15:09:08] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /rtp [15:09:11] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /randomtp [15:09:11] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /rtp [15:09:14] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /randomtp [15:09:14] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /rtp [15:09:17] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /randomtp [15:09:17] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /rtp [15:09:25] Yunia issued server command: /warp ad [15:09:26] Yunia issued server command: /we cui [15:09:40] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /we cui [15:09:54] I_Quantum_I issued server command: /rg addmember tytyty22 Go_Pro123 [15:09:57] Jabuti issued server command: /kit eat [15:09:59] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /home [15:10:00] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /we cui [15:10:07] [G] BOBAHBEPTYXA: !Нормальная тема [15:10:18] [G] BOBAHBEPTYXA: !Зашел в элдрич, начал падать вниз [15:10:25] bumhik вышел [15:10:37] Exetorics issued server command: /back [15:10:47] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /money [15:10:54] [L] Go_Pro123: Твои киты? [15:10:59] [L] I_Quantum_I: да [15:11:03] [G] BOBAHBEPTYXA: !Может кто-то манастили продать за глаза древних? [15:11:05] Exetorics issued server command: /back [15:11:06] [L] Go_Pro123: Пизда [15:11:17] [L] I_Quantum_I: не материтес) [15:11:25] [G] BOBAHBEPTYXA: !Или сколько манастали я смогу купить на 4 эмеральда? [15:11:52] [L] Go_Pro123: Зачаруй мне [15:12:09] [L] I_Quantum_I: неа, будем скоро переезжать [15:12:13] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /randomtp [15:12:13] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /rtp [15:12:15] [L] Go_Pro123: ??? [15:12:19] Jabuti issued server command: /msg BOBAHBEPTYXA сколько ты хоч манастали за 4 глаза ? [15:12:23] [L] I_Quantum_I: поэтому не активирую [15:12:26] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /home [15:12:31] [L] I_Quantum_I: палка на нуле [15:12:35] [L] Go_Pro123: Зачем переезжать? [15:12:45] [L] I_Quantum_I: к другому стажеру [15:12:47] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /call Jabuti [15:12:49] [L] I_Quantum_I: там будем крутиться [15:12:55] Jabuti issued server command: /tpaccept [15:13:22] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /home [15:13:55] Heia зашёл [15:13:57] Heia issued server command: /we cui [15:14:02] Heia issued server command: /home [15:14:03] Heia issued server command: /we cui [15:15:07] [G] I_Quantum_I: !На 4 эма 10шт манастали [15:15:16] mirov22 issued server command: /home [15:15:18] mirov22 issued server command: /we cui [15:15:25] [G] I_Quantum_I: !мин цена манастали 0.4эм [15:15:37] Heia issued server command: /warp forest [15:15:38] Heia issued server command: /we cui [15:15:41] Heia issued server command: /we cui [15:15:48] Exetorics issued server command: /workbench [15:16:29] [G] Mass1ime: !На диван бы цены [15:16:53] [G] I_Quantum_I: !Ну, пока что они не рассчитаны) [15:17:15] [G] Mass1ime: !тоесть могу и за 0,01 продать xD [15:17:36] [G] Mass1ime: !Хотя мин стоимость от 0,5 [15:17:54] Exetorics issued server command: /back [15:17:57] [G] I_Quantum_I: !Нет, такое делать низя, сами рассчитываете и продаете [15:18:08] [G] BOBAHBEPTYXA: !памагите [15:18:20] [G] BOBAHBEPTYXA: !тут человек делает страшные вещи серверу [15:18:33] [G] Mass1ime: !А что лагает то? [15:18:35] Exetorics issued server command: /back [15:18:46] [G] I_Quantum_I: ! BOBAHBEPTYXA что случилось? [15:18:49] Exetorics issued server command: /bck [15:18:50] Exetorics issued server command: /back [15:18:55] [G] BOBAHBEPTYXA: !Меня человек ддусоит [15:18:59] I_Quantum_I issued server command: /tp BOBAHBEPTYXA [15:19:09] [G] BOBAHBEPTYXA: !Майкл Джексон [15:20:01] [L] I_Quantum_I: ема у вас тут лагает [15:20:10] Exetorics issued server command: /back [15:20:26] Exetorics issued server command: /back [15:20:27] [G] Mass1ime: !Блин [15:20:36] [G] Mass1ime: !обычная принцесса вышла [15:20:37] Exetorics issued server command: /back [15:20:39] Jabuti issued server command: /money [15:20:40] [G] Mass1ime: !=( [15:20:41] I_Quantum_I issued server command: /home [15:20:43] Exetorics issued server command: /back [15:20:49] Exetorics issued server command: /back [15:21:09] Exetorics issued server command: /back [15:21:13] Exetorics issued server command: /back [15:21:25] Exetorics issued server command: /back [15:21:48] Exetorics issued server command: /back [15:21:59] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /m I_Quantum_I Андрюха не лагай [15:22:26] I_Quantum_I issued server command: /m AYLIEXEC не только у меня лагало) [15:22:33] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /m I_Quantum_I а у кого ещё [15:22:39] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /m I_Quantum_I у меня 150 фпс [15:22:50] I_Quantum_I issued server command: /m AYLIEXEC масслайма [15:22:56] [L] BOBAHBEPTYXA: Фамилия, звание, цель прибытия [15:23:02] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /m I_Quantum_I 0-0 [15:23:03] Exetorics вышел [15:23:29] [L] BOBAHBEPTYXA: Лейтенант Боровой, вернулся в расположение роты [15:23:39] [L] BOBAHBEPTYXA: Дневальный!!!!!!!! [15:24:20] [L] I_Quantum_I: дс [15:24:27] [L] Go_Pro123: Уже [15:24:39] Heia вышел [15:24:44] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /home [15:24:44] Yunia issued server command: /home [15:24:46] Yunia issued server command: /we cui [15:25:05] Mass1ime issued server command: /warp forest [15:25:13] Mass1ime issued server command: /we cui [15:25:24] Mass1ime issued server command: /we cui [15:25:27] I_Quantum_I issued server command: /s Go_Pro123 [15:25:32] Yunia issued server command: /home [15:25:33] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /randomtp [15:25:33] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /rtp [15:25:41] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /randomtp [15:25:41] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /rtp [15:25:56] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /randomtp [15:25:56] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /rtp [15:25:59] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /randomtp [15:25:59] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /rtp [15:26:05] Yunia issued server command: /warp ad [15:26:06] Yunia issued server command: /we cui [15:26:13] mirov22 вышел [15:26:27] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /we cui [15:26:32] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /home [15:26:34] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /we cui [15:26:35] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /randomtp [15:26:35] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /rtp [15:27:12] Heia зашёл [15:27:14] Heia issued server command: /we cui [15:27:19] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /we cui [15:27:32] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /inf 2.7 [15:31:23] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /rg s [15:31:26] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /rg s [15:31:29] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /rg s [15:33:13] AYLIEXEC issued server command: //sel [15:33:29] I_Quantum_I issued server command: /s Go_Pro123 [15:33:34] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /home [15:33:36] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /we cui [15:33:37] Go_Pro123 issued server command: /home' [15:33:39] Go_Pro123 issued server command: /home [15:33:47] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /call BOBAHBEPTYXA [15:33:51] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /tpaccept [15:34:09] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /home [15:34:14] I_Quantum_I issued server command: /feed Go_Pro123 [15:34:27] I_Quantum_I issued server command: /feed Go_Pro123 [15:34:50] I_Quantum_I issued server command: /feed Go_Pro123 [15:35:05] I_Quantum_I issued server command: /feed Go_Pro123 [15:35:11] I_Quantum_I issued server command: /feed Go_Pro123 [15:35:14] I_Quantum_I issued server command: /feed Go_Pro123 [15:35:16] I_Quantum_I issued server command: /feed Go_Pro123 [15:35:20] I_Quantum_I issued server command: /s Go_Pro123 [15:35:23] Go_Pro123 issued server command: /home [15:35:32] I_Quantum_I issued server command: /tp go [15:35:44] Avakad зашёл [15:36:00] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /playtime [15:36:02] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /playtimetop clear [15:36:04] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /playtimetop [15:36:04] Avakad issued server command: /we cui [15:36:09] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /playtimetop clear [15:36:21] I_Quantum_I issued server command: /home [15:37:01] SHIZAFRENIAA зашёл [15:37:13] SHIZAFRENIAA issued server command: /we cui [15:37:15] I_Quantum_I issued server command: /tp go [15:37:33] I_Quantum_I issued server command: /home [15:37:44] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /voteday [15:37:47] Mass1ime issued server command: /yes [15:37:48] SHIZAFRENIAA issued server command: /yes [15:37:49] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /yes [15:37:49] Go_Pro123 issued server command: /yes [15:37:55] I_Quantum_I issued server command: /yes [15:37:56] [L] Avakad: сменить [15:37:56] Lana_Luna issued server command: /home [15:37:59] I_Quantum_I issued server command: /tp go [15:38:02] [G] Avakad: !Как голосовать? [15:38:14] [G] BOBAHBEPTYXA: !/votesun [15:38:22] [G] SHIZAFRENIAA: !./voteday [15:38:23] [G] Mass1ime: !на текст можно нажать если начали [15:38:27] Yunia issued server command: /yes [15:38:30] [G] Avakad: !Понял [15:38:41] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /home [15:39:01] I_Quantum_I issued server command: /home [15:42:02] I_Quantum_I issued server command: /heal Go_Pro123 [15:42:27] SHIZAFRENIAA issued server command: /warp list [15:42:45] [G] BOBAHBEPTYXA: !а че, а где [15:42:56] [G] BOBAHBEPTYXA: !9 стаков железных самородков пропала( [15:43:32] Heia issued server command: /home [15:43:33] Heia issued server command: /we cui [15:43:52] [L] SHIZAFRENIAA: e/at [15:43:52] [G] Mass1ime: !Аж сердца наги выкидывать приходится [15:43:53] SHIZAFRENIAA issued server command: /eat [15:44:49] [G] BOBAHBEPTYXA: !( [15:46:00] I_Quantum_I issued server command: /cart all [15:47:06] Heia issued server command: /warp forest [15:47:08] Heia issued server command: /we cui [15:47:13] Heia issued server command: /we cui [15:47:15] I_Quantum_I issued server command: /cart all [15:47:24] [G] Mass1ime: !Добываю ресурсы на заказ (в основном, только добыча) [15:47:25] I_Quantum_I issued server command: /tp Go_Pro123 [15:47:26] Avakad issued server command: /mpcaseshop [15:48:00] I_Quantum_I issued server command: /home [15:48:17] Yunia issued server command: /home [15:48:19] Yunia issued server command: /we cui [15:48:23] Lana_Luna вышел [15:48:34] Yunia issued server command: /home [15:49:07] Lana_Luna зашёл [15:49:07] SHIZAFRENIAA вышел [15:49:12] Lana_Luna issued server command: /we cui [15:49:19] SHIZAFRENIAA зашёл [15:49:21] SHIZAFRENIAA issued server command: /we cui [15:49:51] Yunia issued server command: /home [15:50:05] Heia вышел [15:50:36] Bukycbka issued server command: /ekit top [15:51:04] I_Quantum_I issued server command: /s Go_Pro123 [15:51:07] Jabuti issued server command: /call BOBAHBEPTYXA [15:51:22] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /tpaccept [15:52:00] SHIZAFRENIAA issued server command: /voteday [15:52:04] I_Quantum_I issued server command: /yes [15:52:04] Yunia issued server command: /yes [15:52:07] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /yes [15:52:07] Go_Pro123 issued server command: /yes [15:52:10] Go_Pro123 issued server command: /randomtp [15:52:10] Go_Pro123 issued server command: /rtp [15:52:14] Bukycbka issued server command: /yes [15:52:19] Go_Pro123 issued server command: /warp mining [15:52:21] Yunia issued server command: /home [15:52:21] Go_Pro123 issued server command: /we cui [15:52:25] Go_Pro123 issued server command: /randomtp [15:52:25] Go_Pro123 issued server command: /rtp [15:52:31] [G] Bukycbka: !У кого есть палочка на 100 [15:52:33] Go_Pro123 issued server command: /randomtp [15:52:33] Go_Pro123 issued server command: /rtp [15:52:34] Go_Pro123 issued server command: /randomtp [15:52:34] Go_Pro123 issued server command: /rtp [15:52:35] Go_Pro123 issued server command: /randomtp [15:52:35] Go_Pro123 issued server command: /rtp [15:52:36] Go_Pro123 issued server command: /randomtp [15:52:36] Go_Pro123 issued server command: /rtp [15:52:50] [G] Bukycbka: !Можете мне создать палочку на 150? [15:53:27] [G] I_Quantum_I: !Оказание услуг по типу (Дай зачарую и верну - ЗАПРЕЩЕНЫ) [15:53:44] [G] Bukycbka: !за эмервльды [15:53:49] [G] Bukycbka: !За ресурсы [15:53:56] [G] Bukycbka: !взаимовыгодный обмен [15:54:10] Cro_SS_O зашёл [15:54:20] [G] I_Quantum_I: !Хорошо [15:54:32] I_Quantum_I issued server command: /tp Go_Pro123 [15:54:46] Cro_SS_O issued server command: /we cui [15:54:47] I_Quantum_I issued server command: /we cui [15:55:09] Bukycbka issued server command: /spawn [15:55:09] [L] Bukycbka: .ызфцт [15:55:11] Bukycbka issued server command: /we cui [15:55:20] SHIZAFRENIAA issued server command: /eat [15:56:09] Bukycbka issued server command: /randomtp [15:56:09] Bukycbka issued server command: /rtp [15:56:13] Bukycbka issued server command: /warp world [15:56:14] Bukycbka issued server command: /we cui [15:56:21] Bukycbka issued server command: /randomtp [15:56:21] Bukycbka issued server command: /rtp [15:56:30] [L] I_Quantum_I: ./fly [15:56:33] I_Quantum_I issued server command: /fly [15:56:42] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /votesun [15:56:44] Jabuti вышел [15:56:45] Bukycbka issued server command: /yes [15:56:46] SHIZAFRENIAA issued server command: /yes [15:56:48] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /yes [15:56:50] Yunia issued server command: /yes [15:56:50] I_Quantum_I issued server command: /yes [15:57:24] Bukycbka issued server command: /rpt [15:57:27] Bukycbka issued server command: /randomtp [15:57:27] Bukycbka issued server command: /rtp [15:57:40] Yunia issued server command: /home [15:57:42] Yunia вышел [15:57:47] Bukycbka issued server command: /home [15:57:47] [L] Bukycbka: .рщьу [15:58:04] Avakad вышел [15:58:16] Bukycbka issued server command: /kit eat [15:58:50] Jabuti зашёл [15:59:00] SHIZAFRENIAA issued server command: /eat [15:59:04] Jabuti issued server command: /we cui [15:59:14] Lana_Luna issued server command: /home [15:59:26] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /home [16:02:18] Avakad зашёл [16:02:22] Avakad issued server command: /we cui [16:02:26] claus_cold1 зашёл [16:02:44] claus_cold1 issued server command: /we cui [16:02:55] Jabuti issued server command: /home [16:04:46] Lana_Luna issued server command: /tpa claus_cold1 [16:04:47] claus_cold1 issued server command: /tpaccept [16:04:59] Jabuti issued server command: /call AYLIEXEC [16:05:00] Lana_Luna issued server command: /home [16:05:01] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /tpaccept [16:05:21] I_Quantum_I issued server command: /s go [16:05:35] Lana_Luna issued server command: /tpa claus_cold1 [16:05:38] claus_cold1 issued server command: /tpaccept [16:06:02] Jabuti issued server command: /home [16:06:08] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /home [16:06:21] SHIZAFRENIAA вышел [16:07:05] I_Quantum_I issued server command: /tp Go_Pro123 [16:12:58] I_Quantum_I issued server command: /tp Go_Pro123 [16:13:21] Avakad issued server command: /kit start [16:13:38] MiyaGiUsbHub зашёл [16:13:59] MiyaGiUsbHub issued server command: /we cui [16:14:22] Bukycbka issued server command: /home [16:14:22] [L] Bukycbka: .рщьу [16:15:00] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /home [16:15:32] Avakad вышел [16:15:58] claus_cold1 issued server command: /home [16:16:08] Bukycbka issued server command: /money [16:16:10] Bukycbka issued server command: /mpcaseshop [16:16:14] Mass1ime issued server command: /home [16:16:21] Bukycbka issued server command: /warp shop [16:16:23] Bukycbka issued server command: /we cui [16:16:23] Mass1ime issued server command: /we cui [16:16:38] xx_VR_xxx зашёл [16:16:41] Bukycbka был кикнут [16:16:41] Bukycbka вышел [16:16:41] AYLIEXEC был кикнут [16:16:41] AYLIEXEC вышел [16:16:41] BOBAHBEPTYXA был кикнут [16:16:41] BOBAHBEPTYXA вышел [16:16:41] Mass1ime был кикнут [16:16:41] Mass1ime вышел [16:16:41] Go_Pro123 был кикнут [16:16:41] Go_Pro123 вышел [16:16:41] I_Quantum_I был кикнут [16:16:41] I_Quantum_I вышел [16:16:41] Lana_Luna был кикнут [16:16:41] Lana_Luna вышел [16:16:41] Cro_SS_O был кикнут [16:16:41] Cro_SS_O вышел [16:16:41] Jabuti был кикнут [16:16:41] Jabuti вышел [16:16:41] claus_cold1 был кикнут [16:16:41] claus_cold1 вышел [16:16:41] MiyaGiUsbHub был кикнут [16:16:41] MiyaGiUsbHub вышел [16:16:41] xx_VR_xxx был кикнут [16:16:41] xx_VR_xxx вышел [16:16:45] Сервер выключился [16:17:29] Сервер включился [16:17:50] I_Quantum_I зашёл [16:17:53] BOBAHBEPTYXA зашёл [16:17:54] I_Quantum_I issued server command: /we cui [16:17:55] AYLIEXEC зашёл [16:17:55] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /we cui [16:17:56] Cro_SS_O зашёл [16:17:56] Go_Pro123 зашёл [16:17:57] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /we cui [16:18:00] Cro_SS_O issued server command: /we cui [16:18:02] I_Quantum_I issued server command: /ly [16:18:02] Bukycbka зашёл [16:18:03] Go_Pro123 issued server command: /we cui [16:18:05] I_Quantum_I issued server command: /fly [16:18:06] Bukycbka issued server command: /we cui [16:18:10] Jabuti зашёл [16:18:13] Jabuti issued server command: /we cui [16:19:02] Avakad зашёл [16:19:05] Avakad issued server command: /we cui [16:19:14] Bukycbka issued server command: /home [16:19:14] [L] Bukycbka: .рщьу [16:19:16] Bukycbka issued server command: /we cui [16:19:34] xx_VR_xxx зашёл [16:19:37] Avakad issued server command: /kit eat [16:19:38] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /we cui [16:19:39] Bukycbka issued server command: /ekit top [16:19:46] [G] xx_VR_xxx: ! Весело однако [16:19:53] [G] I_Quantum_I: !?? [16:20:02] Mass1ime зашёл [16:20:06] [G] xx_VR_xxx: ! да я ищу активатор свой,похду он у тебя на базе [16:20:08] claus_cold1 зашёл [16:20:10] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /we cui [16:20:11] claus_cold1 issued server command: /we cui [16:20:14] I_Quantum_I issued server command: /home [16:20:15] Lana_Luna зашёл [16:20:16] I_Quantum_I issued server command: /we cui [16:20:18] Mass1ime issued server command: /we cui [16:20:19] Lana_Luna issued server command: /we cui [16:20:21] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /we cui [16:20:21] I_Quantum_I issued server command: /s Go_Pro123 [16:20:23] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /home [16:20:23] Go_Pro123 issued server command: /we cui [16:20:31] I_Quantum_I issued server command: /s xx_VR_xxx [16:20:32] [G] Bukycbka: !Ребят, подскажите, какие цветы из ботании лучше всего? [16:20:32] MiyaGiUsbHub зашёл [16:20:34] MiyaGiUsbHub issued server command: /we cui [16:20:36] [L] xx_VR_xxx: реально [16:20:39] [G] Mass1ime: !кого не поделили? [16:20:43] [L] Go_Pro123: Куст [16:20:45] [G] BOBAHBEPTYXA: !Тут гурмарилисы скорее всего [16:20:49] [L] xx_VR_xxx: крч на мой [16:20:54] [L] xx_VR_xxx: потом себе сделаю [16:21:06] Lana_Luna issued server command: /randomtp [16:21:06] Lana_Luna issued server command: /rtp [16:21:12] [G] Avakad: !Которые ману из еды дают? [16:21:13] [L] xx_VR_xxx: сказал же тебе гений [16:21:17] [G] BOBAHBEPTYXA: !угу [16:21:19] claus_cold1 issued server command: /warp ad [16:21:19] [L] xx_VR_xxx: получается абман [16:21:21] claus_cold1 issued server command: /we cui [16:21:21] [G] Bukycbka: !Спасибо [16:21:24] [L] I_Quantum_I: ты к нам или мы к вам? [16:21:24] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /randomtp [16:21:24] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /rtp [16:21:25] [G] Avakad: !Почему так решил? [16:21:32] [G] Avakad: !Из-за кита? [16:21:36] I_Quantum_I issued server command: /money pay xx_VR_xxx 19 [16:21:38] [G] BOBAHBEPTYXA: !Много дают, легко делаются [16:21:40] [L] xx_VR_xxx: да мне лень будет к вам переезжать еще и фулл тиму тащить так что вам проще [16:21:41] Lana_Luna issued server command: /randomtp [16:21:41] Lana_Luna issued server command: /rtp [16:21:42] [G] BOBAHBEPTYXA: !Не вянут [16:21:50] [L] Go_Pro123: Так го [16:21:50] [G] BOBAHBEPTYXA: !И еду легко получать из emc [16:21:55] [L] xx_VR_xxx: еще и блад алтарь,я че мазохист хд [16:22:02] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /randomtp [16:22:02] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /rtp [16:22:06] [G] Bukycbka: !Стоит на них семя разрастания тратить? [16:22:06] [G] BOBAHBEPTYXA: !Какого кита? [16:22:08] [L] I_Quantum_I: надо будет переприватить [16:22:12] [L] xx_VR_xxx: кого [16:22:14] [L] I_Quantum_I: у вас приваты кривые [16:22:16] [G] Avakad: !Кита еды [16:22:22] [G] BOBAHBEPTYXA: !Семя лучше потратить на водогортензию [16:22:22] Lana_Luna issued server command: /randomtp [16:22:22] Lana_Luna issued server command: /rtp [16:22:37] [G] BOBAHBEPTYXA: !Пусть пасивно генит ману [16:22:41] [G] Mass1ime: !не гниёт, в дождь эффективнее [16:22:50] [L] xx_VR_xxx: я приватил на скорую руку потому что мне лень высчитывать приваты [16:22:52] [G] Bukycbka: !Хорошо [16:22:59] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /randomtp [16:22:59] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /rtp [16:23:01] [L] I_Quantum_I: что их там высчитывать? [16:23:08] [L] I_Quantum_I: ф9 прожимаешь [16:23:09] [L] xx_VR_xxx: чтобы не скрещивались [16:23:13] [L] I_Quantum_I: смотришь по чанкам [16:23:15] Avakad вышел [16:23:18] [L] xx_VR_xxx: мне че делать нечего еще смотреть на чанки Хд [16:23:26] [L] xx_VR_xxx: я просто ритуалами застрою и будет мегаприват [16:23:37] I_Quantum_I issued server command: /fly [16:23:37] [L] I_Quantum_I: .адн [16:23:41] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /voteday [16:23:44] I_Quantum_I issued server command: /yes [16:23:45] Mass1ime issued server command: /yes [16:23:46] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /yes [16:23:47] Bukycbka issued server command: /yes [16:23:47] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /yes [16:24:01] [L] I_Quantum_I: короче, ждем твоего бомжика [16:24:04] [L] xx_VR_xxx: надо будет сюда планшет маны закинуть [16:24:06] [L] I_Quantum_I: это его приваты? [16:24:12] [L] xx_VR_xxx: видел матрицу? [16:24:17] [L] I_Quantum_I: нет [16:24:22] [L] xx_VR_xxx: у нас на базе матрица была [16:24:28] [L] xx_VR_xxx: вот там его приват только [16:24:29] [L] xx_VR_xxx: остальное мое [16:24:32] [L] I_Quantum_I: пон [16:24:35] Bukycbka issued server command: /randomtp [16:24:35] Bukycbka issued server command: /rtp [16:24:37] Bukycbka issued server command: /home [16:24:42] [L] I_Quantum_I: ну го к тебе на базу [16:24:48] MiyaGiUsbHub issued server command: /call AYLIEXEC [16:24:49] [L] xx_VR_xxx: щас [16:24:49] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /tpaccept [16:24:55] [L] xx_VR_xxx: норм [16:24:56] [L] xx_VR_xxx: мета [16:24:57] [L] AYLIEXEC: .//wand [16:25:00] [L] xx_VR_xxx: 16к мета [16:25:01] MiyaGiUsbHub issued server command: //chunk [16:25:01] MiyaGiUsbHub issued server command: //outset 16 [16:25:01] MiyaGiUsbHub issued server command: //wand [16:25:07] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /home [16:25:09] [L] AYLIEXEC: ./rg claim cec [16:25:14] MiyaGiUsbHub issued server command: /rg claim cec [16:25:15] [L] xx_VR_xxx: планшет маны найди у себя [16:25:18] [L] AYLIEXEC: ./rg addmember cec AYLIEXEC [16:25:18] [L] xx_VR_xxx: и кинь сюды [16:25:21] [L] I_Quantum_I: Говорю [16:25:23] [L] I_Quantum_I: Давай [16:25:24] [L] AYLIEXEC: ./rg addmember cec Jabuti [16:25:26] [L] I_Quantum_I: Переезжать [16:25:27] MiyaGiUsbHub issued server command: /rg addmember cec AYLIEXEC [16:25:30] [L] xx_VR_xxx: ману забрать надо [16:25:30] MiyaGiUsbHub issued server command: /rg addmember cec Jabuti [16:25:32] [L] I_Quantum_I: в глаза долбишься? [16:25:37] [L] I_Quantum_I: та потом [16:25:39] claus_cold1 issued server command: /home [16:25:41] claus_cold1 issued server command: /we cui [16:25:44] [G] Mass1ime: !хмм [16:25:45] [L] xx_VR_xxx: окееей [16:25:47] [L] xx_VR_xxx: идем [16:25:49] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /home [16:25:52] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /rg i [16:25:58] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /rg addmember dom4ik I_Quantum_I [16:26:05] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /rg i [16:26:07] I_Quantum_I issued server command: /tp xx_VR_xxx [16:26:10] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /rg i [16:26:15] [G] Mass1ime: !если в печку тинкера кинул 2 стака железной руды, то скок на выход выйдет? [16:26:16] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /rg i [16:26:17] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /rg i [16:26:21] I_Quantum_I issued server command: /rg info [16:26:24] [G] BOBAHBEPTYXA: !4 стака слитков [16:26:24] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /rg addmember dom4ik2 I_Quantum_I [16:26:26] Lana_Luna issued server command: /randomtp [16:26:26] Lana_Luna issued server command: /rtp [16:26:27] [L] Go_Pro123: 4 стака слитков [16:26:31] [L] I_Quantum_I: добавляй [16:26:33] [G] Go_Pro123: !))) [16:26:34] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /home [16:26:34] [L] xx_VR_xxx: сюда вечером добавит тот [16:26:38] [L] xx_VR_xxx: уже [16:26:42] [L] I_Quantum_I: пон [16:26:52] [L] I_Quantum_I: сделай алхим сундуки [16:27:03] [L] xx_VR_xxx: чекни лс щас [16:27:20] [L] I_Quantum_I: чекаю [16:27:25] Lana_Luna issued server command: /randomtp [16:27:25] Lana_Luna issued server command: /rtp [16:27:36] Lana_Luna issued server command: /tpa claus_cold1 [16:27:40] claus_cold1 issued server command: /tpaccept [16:27:48] Jabuti issued server command: /call AYLIEXEC [16:27:55] Jabuti issued server command: /call MiyaGiUsbHub [16:27:56] MiyaGiUsbHub issued server command: /set home [16:27:57] [L] xx_VR_xxx: какие алхиим сундуки впервые слышу [16:28:00] MiyaGiUsbHub issued server command: /sethome [16:28:01] [L] I_Quantum_I: шя [16:28:03] MiyaGiUsbHub issued server command: /tpaccept [16:28:11] [G] Mass1ime: !28 железных блоков\ [16:28:15] Jabuti issued server command: /home [16:28:20] [L] xx_VR_xxx: о госпаде [16:28:22] [L] xx_VR_xxx: этот кринж [16:28:24] [L] I_Quantum_I: алхимические сундуки [16:28:25] [L] xx_VR_xxx: с проджекта [16:28:29] [L] xx_VR_xxx: щас попить сгоняю [16:28:30] [L] Mass1ime: и пару мб жидкости внутри [16:28:36] [G] Mass1ime: !и пару мб жидкости внутри [16:28:43] [L] xx_VR_xxx: так сделай ресурсы тут должны быть на крафт [16:29:03] [L] xx_VR_xxx: еще в стола с тинкера смотри я их как сундуки юзаю иногда [16:29:07] Go_Pro123 вышел [16:29:20] [G] Mass1ime: !Чутка да 4 стаков не хватило [16:29:38] [G] BOBAHBEPTYXA: !Значит не 2 стака руды кидал [16:29:43] [G] BOBAHBEPTYXA: !там ровно должно быть [16:29:44] [G] Mass1ime: !2 ровно [16:30:01] Lana_Luna issued server command: /sethome [16:30:02] [G] BOBAHBEPTYXA: !Украли!!1 [16:30:02] [L] Mass1ime: И там в печке было 144 мб железа [16:30:07] [G] Mass1ime: !И там в печке было 144 мб железа [16:30:20] [G] Mass1ime: !Ща 720мб [16:31:11] [L] xx_VR_xxx: фига мажор с бездонко [16:32:21] [L] Mass1ime: 16 стаков железа [16:32:25] [G] Mass1ime: !16 стаков железа [16:32:26] Bukycbka issued server command: /spawn [16:32:26] [L] Bukycbka: .ызфцт [16:32:28] Bukycbka issued server command: /we cui [16:32:29] [G] Mass1ime: !Ммм [16:32:32] [G] BOBAHBEPTYXA: !жеееесть [16:32:47] [G] Mass1ime: !Это мало [16:33:03] [G] Mass1ime: !3 стака золота [16:33:11] Bukycbka issued server command: /money [16:33:19] claus_cold1 issued server command: /kit start [16:33:22] Bukycbka issued server command: /randomtp [16:33:22] Bukycbka issued server command: /rtp [16:33:22] [L] Bukycbka: .кез [16:33:24] Bukycbka issued server command: /home [16:33:27] Bukycbka issued server command: /we cui [16:33:31] Mass1ime issued server command: /randomtp [16:33:31] Mass1ime issued server command: /rtp [16:33:35] I_Quantum_I issued server command: /home [16:33:55] Mass1ime issued server command: /randomtp [16:33:55] Mass1ime issued server command: /rtp [16:34:03] Mass1ime issued server command: /randomtp [16:34:03] Mass1ime issued server command: /rtp [16:34:14] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /warp forest [16:34:16] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /we cui [16:34:20] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /we cui [16:34:59] Jabuti issued server command: /call BOBAHBEPTYXA [16:35:01] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /home [16:35:03] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /we cui [16:35:04] [G] Bukycbka: !У кого есть палочка на 100? [16:35:05] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /tpaccept [16:35:37] Bukycbka issued server command: /randomtp [16:35:37] Bukycbka issued server command: /rtp [16:35:37] [L] Bukycbka: .кез [16:35:41] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /call MiyaGiUsbHub [16:35:46] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /voteday [16:35:48] MiyaGiUsbHub issued server command: /tpaccept [16:35:51] MiyaGiUsbHub issued server command: /yes [16:35:53] I_Quantum_I issued server command: /yes [16:35:53] Bukycbka issued server command: /yes [16:35:54] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /yes [16:35:56] [G] Mass1ime: !фу [16:36:04] [G] Mass1ime: !реалмит руду нашёл [16:36:07] Bikqwe зашёл [16:36:09] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /warp for [16:36:11] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /we cui [16:36:14] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /we cui [16:36:39] Bikqwe issued server command: /we cui [16:36:47] [G] Jabuti: ! ты где ? [16:36:57] [G] Mass1ime: !в обычном мире [16:37:08] Jabuti issued server command: /msg BOBAHBEPTYXA ты куда ушел то ? [16:37:14] Lana_Luna issued server command: /home [16:37:20] Bikqwe был кикнут [16:37:20] Bikqwe вышел [16:37:26] Jabuti issued server command: /money pay BOBAHBEPTYXA 30 [16:37:29] Jabuti issued server command: /home [16:37:36] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /r копать нору [16:37:39] Jabuti issued server command: /money [16:37:39] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /r воу\ [16:37:46] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /r я богатей [16:38:02] Jabuti issued server command: /r ты ж можешь голосовать и каждый день по 80 получать [16:38:20] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /r я 2 день голосую. Все на кейсы спускаю [16:38:27] Bikqwe зашёл [16:38:28] Jabuti issued server command: /r аа [16:38:30] Bikqwe issued server command: /we cui [16:39:10] Bikqwe был кикнут [16:39:10] Bikqwe вышел [16:39:12] Bikqwe зашёл [16:39:15] Bikqwe issued server command: /we cui [16:39:59] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /playtime [16:40:01] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /playtimetop [16:40:02] Bikqwe issued server command: /home [16:40:04] Bikqwe issued server command: /we cui [16:40:30] Bikqwe вышел [16:40:50] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /home [16:41:13] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /call MiyaGiUsbHub [16:41:16] MiyaGiUsbHub issued server command: /tpaccept [16:41:41] [L] AYLIEXEC: ./voteday [16:41:51] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /home [16:41:51] MiyaGiUsbHub issued server command: /balance [16:42:00] claus_cold1 issued server command: /warp forest [16:42:02] MiyaGiUsbHub issued server command: /money [16:42:02] claus_cold1 issued server command: /we cui [16:42:06] claus_cold1 issued server command: /we cui [16:42:21] [G] MiyaGiUsbHub: ! А сколько стоит рюкзак землекопа? [16:42:35] Lana_Luna issued server command: /tpa claus_cold1 [16:42:39] Bikqwe зашёл [16:42:41] claus_cold1 issued server command: /tpaccept [16:42:42] Bikqwe issued server command: /we cui [16:42:44] Lana_Luna issued server command: /we cui [16:43:03] [G] I_Quantum_I: !около 1эма [16:43:04] Bikqwe issued server command: /kit top [16:43:05] [G] Mass1ime: !опа [16:43:09] Bikqwe issued server command: /warp shop [16:43:09] [G] Mass1ime: !креанит [16:43:10] Bikqwe issued server command: /we cui [16:43:15] [G] I_Quantum_I: !Оппа, харош [16:43:20] Bikqwe issued server command: /home [16:43:22] Bikqwe issued server command: /we cui [16:43:30] [G] MiyaGiUsbHub: ! А тканный рюкзак шахтера? [16:43:49] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /money [16:44:00] Bukycbka issued server command: /home [16:44:00] [L] Bukycbka: .рщьу [16:44:11] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /home [16:44:13] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /we cui [16:44:14] [G] Mass1ime: !Жалк что 3 [16:44:30] [G] I_Quantum_I: !около 8эм [16:44:43] [G] MiyaGiUsbHub: ! А продает кто сея рюкзак?) [16:44:43] [G] Mass1ime: !Тот, что делается не на верстаке лучше [16:45:17] [G] Mass1ime: !Тут даже если я сделаю тканный, то без проводов гемор [16:45:36] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /we cui [16:45:44] [G] Mass1ime: !Земля тебе пухом! [16:45:57] MiyaGiUsbHub issued server command: /voteday [16:46:00] MiyaGiUsbHub issued server command: /yes [16:46:00] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /yes [16:46:01] Mass1ime issued server command: /yes [16:46:03] I_Quantum_I issued server command: /yes [16:46:07] Jabuti issued server command: /yes [16:46:26] [G] MiyaGiUsbHub: ! thx [16:46:27] Mass1ime issued server command: /home [16:46:52] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /playtimestop [16:46:57] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /playtimetop clear [16:47:19] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /mpcaseshop [16:47:48] Jabuti issued server command: /home [16:48:11] Jabuti issued server command: /home [16:48:41] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /warp fore [16:48:42] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /we cui [16:48:46] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /we cui [16:49:07] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /call MiyaGiUsbHub [16:49:24] MiyaGiUsbHub issued server command: /tpaccept [16:49:44] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /home [16:49:45] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /we cui [16:50:24] [G] BOBAHBEPTYXA: !почему я не могу ставить железную руду? [16:50:32] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /home [16:50:32] [G] Mass1ime: !Все не могут [16:50:39] [G] Mass1ime: !видимо чтоп не дюпали [16:50:56] Lana_Luna issued server command: /tpa claus_cold1 [16:51:00] claus_cold1 issued server command: /tpaccept [16:51:01] [G] I_Quantum_I: !К сожалению да... [16:51:13] [G] I_Quantum_I: !Но ничего, тех админ всё починит) [16:51:30] [G] Mass1ime: !Пройдёт 2 года [16:51:30] [G] xx_VR_xxx: ! Зато классный лифт можно сделать [16:51:33] [L] Mass1ime: xD [16:51:37] [G] Mass1ime: !xD [16:51:55] Mass1ime issued server command: /kit eat [16:52:01] [G] AYLIEXEC: !Куплю таум-голема [16:52:02] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /warp forest [16:52:04] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /money [16:52:04] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /we cui [16:52:08] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /we cui [16:52:22] [G] xx_VR_xxx: ! его то поставить можно ,но не с руки [16:52:56] [G] xx_VR_xxx: ! попробую поставить [16:53:07] I_Quantum_I issued server command: /home [16:53:38] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /tpa I_Quantum_I [16:53:43] I_Quantum_I issued server command: /tpaccept [16:53:50] [L] I_Quantum_I: оке [16:53:51] [L] xx_VR_xxx: о [16:53:54] [L] xx_VR_xxx: я тут попробую [16:54:14] [L] xx_VR_xxx: блин забыл матер [16:54:15] [L] xx_VR_xxx: щас [16:54:17] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /home [16:54:21] Bikqwe issued server command: /we cui [16:54:58] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /randomtp [16:54:58] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /rtp [16:54:59] Bukycbka issued server command: /money [16:55:10] [G] Bikqwe: !На какой высоте искать незериум? [16:55:22] [G] I_Quantum_I: !На поверхности [16:55:22] [G] xx_VR_xxx: ! он в аду на поверхности появляется [16:55:39] [G] xx_VR_xxx: ! на поверхности на стенах на вверхушках [16:55:42] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /tpa I_Quantum_I [16:55:45] I_Quantum_I issued server command: /tpaccept [16:56:03] [L] xx_VR_xxx: черт,надо предсказатель улучшить ыыы [16:56:20] [L] I_Quantum_I: улучшай [16:56:21] claus_cold1 issued server command: /home [16:56:23] claus_cold1 issued server command: /we cui [16:56:31] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /home [16:57:00] Condesce зашёл [16:57:14] I_Quantum_I issued server command: /playtime [16:57:16] Condesce issued server command: /we cui [16:57:20] claus_cold1 issued server command: /tpa Lana_Luna [16:57:20] Lana_Luna issued server command: /tpaccept [16:57:22] claus_cold1 issued server command: /we cui [16:58:03] Condesce issued server command: /history Mass1ime [16:58:28] Condesce issued server command: /tp AYLIEXEC [16:58:31] I_Quantum_I issued server command: /tp xx_VR_xxx [16:58:46] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /home [16:58:48] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /we cui [16:59:40] [L] I_Quantum_I: надо будет тут всё подрасчистить [16:59:45] [L] I_Quantum_I: и отсортировать [16:59:59] Bukycbka issued server command: /randomtp [16:59:59] Bukycbka issued server command: /rtp [17:00:03] [L] xx_VR_xxx: тепни к себе на базу [17:00:07] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /tpa I_Quantum_I [17:00:15] [L] I_Quantum_I: подождешь [17:00:19] [L] I_Quantum_I: я ресы переношу [17:00:21] Jabuti issued server command: /home [17:00:42] Bukycbka issued server command: /randomtp [17:00:42] Bukycbka issued server command: /rtp [17:00:52] MiyaGiUsbHub issued server command: /voteday [17:00:55] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /yes [17:00:56] I_Quantum_I issued server command: /yes [17:00:56] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /yes [17:00:57] Condesce issued server command: /tp Jabuti [17:00:57] Mass1ime issued server command: /yes [17:00:57] I_Quantum_I issued server command: /home [17:00:59] I_Quantum_I issued server command: /tpaccept [17:01:06] Mass1ime issued server command: /randomtp [17:01:06] Mass1ime issued server command: /rtp [17:01:27] Bikqwe issued server command: /home [17:01:29] Bikqwe issued server command: /we cui [17:01:34] OXI_ANIME зашёл [17:01:44] Heia зашёл [17:01:54] Bukycbka issued server command: /home [17:01:54] [L] Bukycbka: .рщьу [17:01:54] OXI_ANIME issued server command: /we cui [17:01:55] Heia issued server command: /we cui [17:02:11] OXI_ANIME issued server command: /kit start [17:02:16] [L] I_Quantum_I: шо ты тут делаешь? [17:02:30] OXI_ANIME issued server command: /randomtp [17:02:30] OXI_ANIME issued server command: /rtp [17:02:42] OXI_ANIME issued server command: /warp world [17:02:44] OXI_ANIME issued server command: /we cui [17:02:55] OXI_ANIME issued server command: /randomtp [17:02:55] OXI_ANIME issued server command: /rtp [17:02:55] [L] xx_VR_xxx: дайл юбые блоки [17:02:59] I_Quantum_I issued server command: /tp I_Quantum_I 555 76 1492 [17:02:59] I_Quantum_I issued server command: /tppos 555 76 1492 [17:03:27] Mass1ime issued server command: /randomtp [17:03:27] Mass1ime issued server command: /rtp [17:03:35] Bikqwe issued server command: /mpcaseshop [17:03:36] OXI_ANIME issued server command: /randomtp [17:03:36] OXI_ANIME issued server command: /rtp [17:03:37] Bikqwe issued server command: /mpcaseview 70 [17:04:17] OXI_ANIME issued server command: /randomtp [17:04:17] OXI_ANIME issued server command: /rtp [17:04:21] I_Quantum_I issued server command: /home [17:04:27] [G] xx_VR_xxx: ! I_Quantum_I поставил хд [17:04:36] [L] I_Quantum_I: зачем? [17:04:40] [L] I_Quantum_I: ааа [17:04:41] [L] I_Quantum_I: ахахах [17:04:42] [L] I_Quantum_I: лол [17:05:00] I_Quantum_I issued server command: /tp I_Quantum_I 555 76 1492 [17:05:00] I_Quantum_I issued server command: /tppos 555 76 1492 [17:05:11] I_Quantum_I issued server command: /home [17:06:28] OXI_ANIME issued server command: //chunk [17:06:28] OXI_ANIME issued server command: //outset 16 [17:06:28] OXI_ANIME issued server command: /zone [17:06:32] I_Quantum_I issued server command: /tp I_Quantum_I 555 76 1492 [17:06:32] I_Quantum_I issued server command: /tppos 555 76 1492 [17:06:40] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /home [17:06:45] [G] Bikqwe: !Куплю сбалансированный кристалл [17:06:52] MiyaGiUsbHub issued server command: /voteday [17:06:58] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /msg Bikqwe сколько? [17:07:02] Bikqwe issued server command: /r 2 [17:07:05] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /r tp [17:07:12] Bikqwe issued server command: /tpa BOBAHBEPTYXA [17:07:13] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /r за минималку продам [17:07:16] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /tpaccept [17:07:17] [G] Mass1ime: !да, жалко что нельзя варп со спавнерами тут устроить =) [17:07:18] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /home [17:07:24] Bikqwe issued server command: /money pay BOBAHBEPTYXA 2 [17:07:26] Bikqwe issued server command: /home [17:07:34] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /call MiyaGiUsbHub [17:07:36] MiyaGiUsbHub issued server command: /tpaccept [17:07:41] I_Quantum_I issued server command: /home [17:07:44] [G] Condesce: !ты можешь продавать доступ к этим спаунерам [17:07:51] [G] xx_VR_xxx: ! Bikqwe продам [17:07:56] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /home [17:07:58] [G] Bikqwe: !Поздно [17:07:59] [G] Mass1ime: !Это не то уже [17:08:01] [G] Bikqwe: !Уже купил [17:08:04] [G] xx_VR_xxx: ! :/ [17:08:07] [G] Mass1ime: !+ ток 1 приват вроде [17:08:16] [G] Condesce: !2 привата у простого игрока [17:08:19] [L] xx_VR_xxx: блин если купили сложно написать в чат что куплено уже [17:08:25] [G] Mass1ime: !а да? [17:08:26] Bikqwe issued server command: /randomtp [17:08:26] Bikqwe issued server command: /rtp [17:08:27] [G] Mass1ime: !ну ладно [17:08:28] Avakad зашёл [17:08:30] claus_cold1 issued server command: /tpa Lana_Luna [17:08:31] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /warp fore [17:08:32] Avakad issued server command: /we cui [17:08:32] Condesce issued server command: /screenall [17:08:32] Lana_Luna issued server command: /tpaccept [17:08:33] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /we cui [17:08:37] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /we cui [17:08:44] Bikqwe issued server command: /randomtp [17:08:44] Bikqwe issued server command: /rtp [17:08:56] I_Quantum_I issued server command: /tp I_Quantum_I 555 76 1492 [17:08:56] I_Quantum_I issued server command: /tppos 555 76 1492 [17:09:04] [G] Mass1ime: !значит надо заприватить или деревню, или данж с зомбаками [17:09:12] Bikqwe issued server command: /rtpp [17:09:14] Bikqwe issued server command: /randomtp [17:09:14] Bikqwe issued server command: /rtp [17:09:39] claus_cold1 issued server command: /tpa Lana_Luna [17:09:40] Lana_Luna issued server command: /tpaccept [17:09:48] [G] Bikqwe: !ХАх [17:10:01] [G] Bikqwe: !С первого древнего глаз выпал [17:10:05] [G] Mass1ime: !что смешного? [17:10:05] Bukycbka issued server command: /randomtp [17:10:05] Bukycbka issued server command: /rtp [17:10:05] [L] Bukycbka: .кез [17:10:05] I_Quantum_I issued server command: /home [17:10:07] [G] Mass1ime: !аа [17:10:08] Bikqwe issued server command: /kit eat [17:10:19] [G] Mass1ime: !молодец [17:10:42] I_Quantum_I issued server command: /tp I_Quantum_I 555 76 1492 [17:10:42] I_Quantum_I issued server command: /tppos 555 76 1492 [17:10:54] [L] I_Quantum_I: всё [17:10:58] [L] I_Quantum_I: всё перенёс [17:11:11] Bikqwe issued server command: /randomtp [17:11:11] Bikqwe issued server command: /rtp [17:11:19] I_Quantum_I issued server command: /zset 0 [17:11:23] I_Quantum_I issued server command: /zset 0 [17:11:27] I_Quantum_I issued server command: /zset 0 [17:11:33] MiyaGiUsbHub issued server command: /voteday [17:11:35] I_Quantum_I issued server command: /zset 0 [17:11:37] Bikqwe issued server command: /no [17:11:39] Bukycbka issued server command: /yes [17:11:41] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /yes [17:11:42] I_Quantum_I issued server command: /zset 0 [17:11:44] Heia умер (ENTITY_ATTACK) [17:11:46] Heia issued server command: /we cui [17:11:56] I_Quantum_I issued server command: /zset 0 [17:12:01] I_Quantum_I issued server command: /zset 0 [17:12:02] I_Quantum_I issued server command: /zset 0 [17:12:07] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /home [17:12:07] Bikqwe issued server command: /no [17:12:09] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /we cui [17:12:10] Bikqwe issued server command: /randomtp [17:12:10] Bikqwe issued server command: /rtp [17:12:40] Heia issued server command: /kit start [17:13:13] I_Quantum_I issued server command: /zset 0 [17:13:21] I_Quantum_I issued server command: /zset 0 [17:13:21] Bikqwe issued server command: /randomtp [17:13:21] Bikqwe issued server command: /rtp [17:13:25] I_Quantum_I issued server command: /zset 0 [17:13:36] MiyaGiUsbHub issued server command: //sel [17:13:44] I_Quantum_I issued server command: /zset 0 [17:13:44] Mass1ime issued server command: /randomtp [17:13:44] Mass1ime issued server command: /rtp [17:13:51] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /call MiyaGiUsbHub [17:13:51] I_Quantum_I issued server command: /zset 0 [17:13:53] Avakad issued server command: /home [17:13:55] I_Quantum_I issued server command: /zset 0 [17:13:55] MiyaGiUsbHub issued server command: /tpaccept [17:13:56] Avakad issued server command: /we cui [17:13:59] I_Quantum_I issued server command: /zset 0 [17:14:01] I_Quantum_I issued server command: /zset 0 [17:14:09] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /m Condesce тп сюда срочно [17:14:10] I_Quantum_I issued server command: /zset 0 [17:14:13] Bikqwe issued server command: /randomtp [17:14:13] Bikqwe issued server command: /rtp [17:14:14] I_Quantum_I issued server command: /zset 0 [17:14:14] Condesce issued server command: /tp AYLIEXEC [17:14:16] I_Quantum_I issued server command: /zset 0 [17:14:16] Mass1ime issued server command: /randomtp [17:14:16] Mass1ime issued server command: /rtp [17:14:26] I_Quantum_I issued server command: /zset 0 [17:14:29] [L] AYLIEXEC: куст с вх [17:14:32] [L] MiyaGiUsbHub: + [17:14:33] I_Quantum_I issued server command: /zset 0 [17:14:37] I_Quantum_I issued server command: /zset 0 [17:14:41] I_Quantum_I issued server command: /zset 0 [17:14:41] [L] Condesce: у меня все норм [17:14:44] I_Quantum_I issued server command: /zset 0 [17:14:47] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /warp for [17:14:50] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /we cui [17:14:50] I_Quantum_I issued server command: /zset 0 [17:14:51] [L] MiyaGiUsbHub: чек дс [17:14:53] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /we cui [17:14:53] [L] AYLIEXEC: у нас куст просвечивает породу [17:14:59] Bikqwe issued server command: /randomtp [17:14:59] Bikqwe issued server command: /rtp [17:15:00] [L] AYLIEXEC: сделай скрин экранов [17:15:02] [G] Mass1ime: !толи сумки начать делать? [17:15:11] [L] Condesce: вижу [17:15:15] Mass1ime issued server command: /randomtp [17:15:15] Mass1ime issued server command: /rtp [17:15:16] Bukycbka issued server command: /randomtp [17:15:16] Bukycbka issued server command: /rtp [17:15:16] Bikqwe issued server command: /randomtp [17:15:16] Bikqwe issued server command: /rtp [17:15:27] Lana_Luna issued server command: /tpa claus_cold1 [17:15:29] claus_cold1 issued server command: /tpaccept [17:15:37] Avakad issued server command: /money [17:15:40] Avakad issued server command: /mpcaseshop [17:15:43] [G] Heia: !чого лампа огня запрещена? [17:15:43] Avakad issued server command: /mpcaseview 70 [17:15:45] Avakad issued server command: /buycase 70 [17:15:46] Avakad issued server command: /rollcase 70 [17:15:46] I_Quantum_I issued server command: /zset 0 [17:15:46] Bikqwe issued server command: /randomtp [17:15:46] Bikqwe issued server command: /rtp [17:15:56] I_Quantum_I issued server command: /zset 0 [17:15:59] Avakad issued server command: /mpcaseview 70 [17:16:00] Avakad issued server command: /buycase 70 [17:16:01] Avakad issued server command: /rollcase 70 [17:16:07] Bukycbka issued server command: /rpt [17:16:09] Bukycbka issued server command: /randomtp [17:16:09] Bukycbka issued server command: /rtp [17:16:12] I_Quantum_I issued server command: /zset 5:1 [17:16:14] Avakad issued server command: /mpcaseview 70 [17:16:15] Avakad issued server command: /buycase 70 [17:16:17] Avakad issued server command: /rollcase 70 [17:16:19] I_Quantum_I issued server command: /zset 5 [17:16:21] [G] Condesce: !Багнута [17:16:30] Avakad issued server command: /mpcaseview 70 [17:16:33] Avakad issued server command: /buycase 70 [17:16:34] Avakad issued server command: /rollcase 70 [17:16:37] [G] Heia: !поняв спс [17:16:37] [G] Bikqwe: !) [17:16:41] [G] Mass1ime: !Мои поздравления [17:16:43] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /home [17:16:45] [L] Bikqwe: Сек [17:16:49] [G] Avakad: !) [17:16:56] Condesce issued server command: /home [17:17:02] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /home [17:17:03] [G] Avakad: !Неожиданно и приятно) [17:17:04] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /we cui [17:17:13] Mass1ime issued server command: /randomtp [17:17:13] Mass1ime issued server command: /rtp [17:17:13] I_Quantum_I issued server command: /zset 0 [17:17:27] I_Quantum_I issued server command: /zset 0 [17:17:28] [G] Avakad: !+ полет [17:17:33] [G] Mass1ime: !=( [17:17:35] I_Quantum_I issued server command: /zset 0 [17:17:42] Mass1ime issued server command: /randomtp [17:17:42] Mass1ime issued server command: /rtp [17:17:54] Avakad issued server command: /warp shop [17:17:55] Bukycbka issued server command: /randomtp [17:17:55] Bukycbka issued server command: /rtp [17:17:56] Avakad issued server command: /we cui [17:18:10] Mass1ime issued server command: /randomtp [17:18:10] Mass1ime issued server command: /rtp [17:18:22] I_Quantum_I issued server command: /zset 0 [17:18:26] claus_cold1 issued server command: /tpa Lana_Luna [17:18:27] Lana_Luna issued server command: /tpaccept [17:18:27] I_Quantum_I issued server command: /zset 0 [17:18:31] Mass1ime issued server command: /randomtp [17:18:31] Mass1ime issued server command: /rtp [17:18:31] I_Quantum_I issued server command: /zset 0 [17:18:32] Mass1ime issued server command: /randomtp [17:18:32] Mass1ime issued server command: /rtp [17:18:34] Mass1ime issued server command: /randomtp [17:18:34] Mass1ime issued server command: /rtp [17:18:35] I_Quantum_I issued server command: /zset 0 [17:18:39] Mass1ime issued server command: /randomtp [17:18:39] Mass1ime issued server command: /rtp [17:18:39] I_Quantum_I issued server command: /zset 0 [17:18:42] I_Quantum_I issued server command: /zset 0 [17:18:59] I_Quantum_I issued server command: /zset 0 [17:19:11] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /call MiyaGiUsbHub [17:19:18] Bikqwe вышел [17:19:20] MiyaGiUsbHub issued server command: /tpaccept [17:19:26] Bikqwe зашёл [17:19:28] Bikqwe issued server command: /we cui [17:19:41] Bukycbka issued server command: /randomtp [17:19:41] Bukycbka issued server command: /rtp [17:19:41] [L] Bukycbka: .кез [17:19:57] I_Quantum_I issued server command: /zset 0 [17:20:14] Bikqwe issued server command: /mpcaseshop [17:20:34] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /home [17:20:35] [G] Bukycbka: !а зачем нужен связывающий реагент [17:20:38] I_Quantum_I issued server command: /zset 0 [17:20:42] I_Quantum_I issued server command: /zset 0 [17:20:44] I_Quantum_I issued server command: /zset 0 [17:20:58] [G] xx_VR_xxx: ! Для создания зелий в Blood Magic [17:21:12] [G] Bukycbka: !она безполезна? [17:21:15] Lana_Luna issued server command: /warp forest [17:21:18] Lana_Luna issued server command: /we cui [17:21:20] [L] Bikqwe: Сейчас перезайду [17:21:22] Bikqwe вышел [17:21:24] claus_cold1 issued server command: /warp forest [17:21:26] Lana_Luna issued server command: /we cui [17:21:26] claus_cold1 issued server command: /we cui [17:21:31] claus_cold1 issued server command: /we cui [17:21:36] Bukycbka issued server command: /randomtp [17:21:36] Bukycbka issued server command: /rtp [17:21:40] [G] xx_VR_xxx: ! Можно делать зелья полета,регенерации восстановления, шипы. сила, [17:21:47] MiyaGiUsbHub issued server command: /voteday [17:21:48] I_Quantum_I issued server command: /zset 0 [17:21:51] [G] Condesce: !И так же их можно объединять [17:21:51] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /yes [17:21:57] I_Quantum_I issued server command: /zset 0 [17:22:01] Heia issued server command: /kit eat [17:22:05] KitKas зашёл [17:22:09] I_Quantum_I issued server command: /zset 0 [17:22:09] [G] Bukycbka: !кому-то нужно? [17:22:11] Avakad issued server command: /no [17:22:12] [G] Bukycbka: !Продам [17:22:16] I_Quantum_I issued server command: /zset 0 [17:22:23] I_Quantum_I issued server command: /zset 0 [17:22:27] Avakad issued server command: /home [17:22:29] I_Quantum_I issued server command: /zset 0 [17:22:30] Avakad issued server command: /we cui [17:22:34] Avakad issued server command: /money [17:22:38] I_Quantum_I issued server command: /zset 0 [17:22:44] KitKas issued server command: /we cui [17:22:45] I_Quantum_I issued server command: /zset 0 [17:22:56] I_Quantum_I issued server command: /zset 0 [17:22:59] [G] Avakad: !Продам тотем [17:23:16] I_Quantum_I issued server command: /zset 0 [17:23:24] MiyaGiUsbHub issued server command: /mpcaseshop [17:23:25] Avakad issued server command: /rg info [17:23:27] MiyaGiUsbHub issued server command: /mpcaseview 70 [17:23:29] MiyaGiUsbHub issued server command: /buycase 70 [17:23:31] MiyaGiUsbHub issued server command: /rollcase 70 [17:23:46] Bukycbka issued server command: /home\ [17:23:46] [L] Bukycbka: .рщьу\ [17:23:47] MiyaGiUsbHub issued server command: /mpcaseview 70 [17:23:49] Bukycbka issued server command: /home [17:23:49] [L] Bukycbka: .рщьу [17:23:53] Condesce issued server command: /thru [17:24:19] [G] AYLIEXEC: !Куплю таум голема [17:24:22] [G] Avakad: !Продам что-то за 1 эм [17:24:27] [G] Avakad: !Нужен 1 эм [17:24:28] Bikqwe зашёл [17:24:31] Avakad issued server command: /money [17:24:55] Bikqwe issued server command: /we cui [17:24:56] KitKas issued server command: /randomtp [17:24:56] KitKas issued server command: /rtp [17:25:06] [G] Avakad: !Продам черный лотос [17:25:07] [G] Bukycbka: !Зачем нужен филиал с концентратом чародея? [17:25:21] [G] Condesce: !зажать пкм им в руке, ты его выпьешь и получишь опыт [17:25:33] Cro_SS_O вышел [17:25:47] OXI_ANIME вышел [17:26:05] KitKas issued server command: /randomtp [17:26:05] KitKas issued server command: /rtp [17:26:13] Cro_SS_O зашёл [17:26:17] Cro_SS_O issued server command: /we cui [17:26:32] OXI_ANIME зашёл [17:26:35] OXI_ANIME issued server command: /we cui [17:26:55] [G] Avakad: !Как продать что-то, иногда просто в чате что-то пишется [17:27:00] Bikqwe issued server command: /randomtp [17:27:00] Bikqwe issued server command: /rtp [17:27:05] [G] Avakad: !Когда бегаю с чем-ниюудь [17:27:17] Bukycbka issued server command: /spawn [17:27:17] [L] Bukycbka: .ызфцт [17:27:22] [G] Condesce: !ты можешь нажимать случайно лкм по сундуку [17:27:26] Bukycbka issued server command: /we cui [17:27:42] [G] Condesce: !и у тебя высвечивается "за сколько выставить эту вещь на продажу" [17:27:45] KitKas issued server command: /home [17:27:46] MiyaGiUsbHub issued server command: /kit food [17:27:48] MiyaGiUsbHub issued server command: /kit eat [17:27:50] [G] Bikqwe: !С предметом в руке [17:27:54] Bikqwe issued server command: /randomtp [17:27:54] Bikqwe issued server command: /rtp [17:28:01] [G] Condesce: !Это продажа не серверу или игрокам на какой-то площадке [17:28:04] [G] Avakad: !Тоесть, надо в сундук положить и нажать? [17:28:18] [G] Condesce: !нажать, ввести сумму в чат и положить [17:28:21] Bukycbka issued server command: /warp shop [17:28:23] Bukycbka issued server command: /money [17:28:30] I_Quantum_I issued server command: /we cui [17:28:40] I_Quantum_I issued server command: /we cui [17:28:40] Bikqwe issued server command: /randomtp [17:28:40] Bikqwe issued server command: /rtp [17:28:42] Mass1ime issued server command: /home [17:28:44] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /m Condesce почему голема биркой нельзя переименовать [17:28:45] Zero09 зашёл [17:28:49] I_Quantum_I issued server command: /fly [17:28:53] Condesce issued server command: /r это не обязательно [17:28:55] Zero09 issued server command: /we cui [17:29:06] [L] Avakad: 5 [17:29:08] Condesce issued server command: /r и ты должен быть его владельцем [17:29:11] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /m Condesce я зрчу назвать его пипячонок, обязатльно [17:29:24] Bikqwe issued server command: /home [17:29:33] Condesce issued server command: /ipreport [17:29:36] Zero09 вышел [17:29:53] [G] Avakad: !А как теперь сломать этот сундук?) [17:30:07] [G] Avakad: !А все [17:30:10] [G] Condesce: !просто сломать топором [17:30:19] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /m Condesce валера пипячока убил [17:30:25] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /m Condesce он теперь не живой [17:30:54] OXI_ANIME issued server command: /rg claim oxi [17:31:05] Bukycbka issued server command: /home [17:31:10] Bukycbka issued server command: /we cui [17:31:10] Avakad issued server command: /spawn [17:31:14] Avakad issued server command: /we cui [17:31:15] OXI_ANIME issued server command: /sethome [17:31:46] Avakad issued server command: /home [17:31:49] Avakad issued server command: /we cui [17:31:51] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /m Condesce ;-; [17:32:02] Avakad вышел [17:32:04] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /warp ad [17:32:07] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /we cui [17:32:08] Cro_SS_O вышел [17:32:11] MiyaGiUsbHub issued server command: /kit food [17:32:12] MiyaGiUsbHub issued server command: /voteday [17:32:15] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /yes [17:32:16] Bukycbka issued server command: /yes [17:32:19] Jabuti issued server command: /we cui [17:32:21] I_Quantum_I issued server command: /yes [17:32:30] l1ch зашёл [17:32:33] Jabuti issued server command: /home [17:32:34] Jabuti issued server command: /we cui [17:32:36] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /home [17:32:38] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /we cui [17:32:50] l1ch issued server command: /we cui [17:32:53] Heia issued server command: /home [17:32:54] Heia issued server command: /we cui [17:33:44] l1ch issued server command: /tpa Mass1ime [17:34:01] Mass1ime issued server command: /tpaccept [17:34:02] l1ch issued server command: /we cui [17:34:13] Heia вышел [17:34:34] Mass1ime убил l1ch (DIVINERPG_NETHERIUMSWORD) [17:34:38] l1ch issued server command: /we cui [17:34:40] l1ch issued server command: /tpa Mass1ime [17:34:45] Mass1ime issued server command: /tpaccept [17:34:46] l1ch issued server command: /we cui [17:34:51] l1ch убил Mass1ime (IRON_SWORD) [17:34:56] Mass1ime issued server command: /we cui [17:35:44] l1ch issued server command: /randomtp [17:35:44] l1ch issued server command: /rtp [17:36:16] l1ch issued server command: /tpa Mass1ime [17:36:28] Mass1ime issued server command: /tpaccept [17:37:08] edmond_s02 зашёл [17:37:17] Condesce issued server command: /ipreport [17:37:31] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: / [17:37:31] [L] xx_VR_xxx: . [17:37:36] edmond_s02 issued server command: /we cui [17:37:48] edmond_s02 issued server command: /kit eat [17:37:49] Mass1ime убил l1ch (DIVINERPG_NETHERIUMSWORD) [17:37:51] edmond_s02 issued server command: /kit start [17:37:53] l1ch issued server command: /we cui [17:37:55] l1ch issued server command: /tpa Mass1ime [17:37:57] Mass1ime issued server command: /tpaccept [17:38:02] l1ch issued server command: /mpcaseshop [17:38:04] l1ch issued server command: /mpcaseview 71 [17:38:17] Mass1ime issued server command: /tpaccept [17:38:18] l1ch issued server command: /we cui [17:38:22] l1ch issued server command: /mpcaseshop [17:38:24] Mass1ime issued server command: /mpcaseshop [17:38:30] Mass1ime issued server command: /mpcaseview 74 [17:38:38] Nekit192 зашёл [17:38:40] Mass1ime issued server command: /mpcaseshop [17:39:01] Nekit192 issued server command: /we cui [17:39:19] Bikqwe issued server command: /home [17:39:25] l1ch убил Mass1ime (IRON_SWORD) [17:39:28] edmond_s02 issued server command: /tpa OXI_ANIME [17:39:29] Mass1ime issued server command: /we cui [17:39:32] OXI_ANIME issued server command: /tpaccept [17:39:34] edmond_s02 issued server command: /we cui [17:40:21] OXI_ANIME issued server command: /rg addmember [17:40:37] l1ch issued server command: //sel [17:40:46] l1ch вышел [17:40:51] l1ch зашёл [17:40:53] OXI_ANIME issued server command: /rg addmember oxi edmond_s02 [17:40:53] l1ch issued server command: /we cui [17:41:05] Nekit192 issued server command: /warp ad [17:41:07] Nekit192 issued server command: /we cui [17:41:58] Mass1ime issued server command: /home [17:42:22] MiyaGiUsbHub issued server command: /voteday [17:42:34] Mass1ime issued server command: /home [17:42:35] MiyaGiUsbHub issued server command: /voteday [17:42:38] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /yes [17:42:38] I_Quantum_I issued server command: /yes [17:42:40] l1ch issued server command: /yes [17:42:41] [G] Bikqwe: !Не надо [17:42:43] Bikqwe issued server command: /no [17:42:45] Condesce issued server command: /no [17:42:45] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /yes [17:42:45] Mass1ime issued server command: /no [17:43:23] l1ch issued server command: /spawn [17:43:25] l1ch issued server command: /we cui [17:43:26] l1ch issued server command: /kit eat [17:43:37] l1ch issued server command: /tpa Mass1ime [17:44:03] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /m Condesce ты чем занята там [17:44:04] Mass1ime issued server command: /tpaccept [17:44:06] l1ch issued server command: /we cui [17:44:11] Mass1ime убил l1ch (DIVINERPG_NETHERIUMSWORD) [17:44:15] l1ch issued server command: /we cui [17:44:16] l1ch issued server command: /tpa Mass1ime [17:44:18] Condesce issued server command: /r объясняю стажорам правила [17:44:24] Mass1ime issued server command: /tpaccept [17:44:25] I_Quantum_I issued server command: /vanish [17:44:26] l1ch issued server command: /we cui [17:44:27] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /m Condesce 0-0 [17:44:30] I_Quantum_I issued server command: /tp l1ch [17:44:32] MiyaGiUsbHub issued server command: /votesun [17:44:34] Jabuti issued server command: /yes [17:44:34] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /yes [17:44:36] Condesce issued server command: /yes [17:44:39] Bikqwe issued server command: /yes [17:44:44] edmond_s02 issued server command: /yes [17:44:45] OXI_ANIME issued server command: /yes [17:44:47] OXI_ANIME issued server command: /yes [17:45:19] Condesce issued server command: /localspy [17:45:36] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /m Condesce как с голема улучшение снять [17:45:49] [G] Mass1ime: !а чо [17:45:56] [G] Mass1ime: !через дверь урон идёт? [17:46:00] Condesce issued server command: /r шифт+пкм колокольчиком по нему [17:46:01] [L] I_Quantum_I: Ребятушки если вы будете спамить смертями, то я выдам вам варн и кикну с сервера по п. 3.7 [17:46:03] [G] Bikqwe: !Куплю энтропийный и ледяные кристаллы [17:46:10] [G] Bikqwe: !10шт [17:46:15] [L] I_Quantum_I: просто предупреждение [17:46:18] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /m Condesce мы допёрли [17:46:20] Jabuti вышел [17:46:25] Jabuti зашёл [17:46:27] Jabuti issued server command: /we cui [17:47:05] Lana_Luna issued server command: /tpa claus_cold1 [17:47:06] claus_cold1 issued server command: /tpaccept [17:47:17] Lana_Luna issued server command: /home [17:47:20] Lana_Luna issued server command: /we cui [17:47:35] [G] xx_VR_xxx: ! Bikqwe в следующий раз пиши в 1 сообщение куплю/продажу(п 3.1.1) [17:47:35] Mass1ime issued server command: /randomtp [17:47:35] Mass1ime issued server command: /rtp [17:47:45] Bukycbka issued server command: /home [17:47:45] [L] Bukycbka: .рщьу [17:48:00] I_Quantum_I issued server command: /home [17:48:04] Mass1ime issued server command: /randomtp [17:48:04] Mass1ime issued server command: /rtp [17:48:18] I_Quantum_I issued server command: /tp I_Quantum_I 555 76 1492 [17:48:18] I_Quantum_I issued server command: /tppos 555 76 1492 [17:48:24] I_Quantum_I issued server command: /vanish [17:48:33] [L] I_Quantum_I: дадада [17:48:42] Lana_Luna issued server command: /tpa claus_cold1 [17:48:55] claus_cold1 issued server command: /tpaccept [17:48:58] Lana_Luna issued server command: /we cui [17:49:15] Bukycbka issued server command: /randomtp [17:49:15] Bukycbka issued server command: /rtp [17:49:15] [L] Bukycbka: .кез [17:49:16] Nekit192 issued server command: /home [17:49:19] Nekit192 issued server command: /we cui [17:49:30] Bukycbka вышел [17:49:44] Bukycbka зашёл [17:49:47] Bukycbka issued server command: /we cui [17:49:58] OXI_ANIME issued server command: /tpa Bikqwe [17:50:07] Bikqwe issued server command: /tpaccept [17:50:21] Condesce issued server command: /rg flag Condesce mob-spawning deny [17:50:26] Condesce issued server command: /thru [17:50:35] [L] OXI_ANIME: дай камень [17:50:44] [L] Bikqwe: Булыгу? [17:50:51] [L] OXI_ANIME: ага [17:50:55] [L] Bikqwe: Сам копай [17:51:05] [L] Bikqwe: Мне самому надо( [17:51:08] Bukycbka вышел [17:51:12] Condesce issued server command: /thru [17:51:19] Bukycbka зашёл [17:51:22] Bukycbka issued server command: /we cui [17:51:32] claus_cold1 issued server command: /tpa Lana_Luna [17:51:36] Bukycbka вышел [17:51:36] Lana_Luna issued server command: /tpaccept [17:51:37] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /call MiyaGiUsbHub [17:51:38] MiyaGiUsbHub issued server command: /tpaccept [17:51:42] l1ch вышел [17:51:44] [G] Mass1ime: !+ ещё 2 креонита [17:51:51] [G] xx_VR_xxx: ! 10 стаков креанита [17:51:52] [L] Bikqwe: 1 [17:52:04] [G] Bikqwe: !Куплю энтропийный и ледяные кристаллы 10шт каждого [17:52:17] Mass1ime issued server command: /home [17:52:20] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /home [17:52:34] [G] OXI_ANIME: !кто даст булыг стака 2 иль 4 [17:52:34] [G] Mass1ime: !могу продать за эмы [17:52:37] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /money [17:52:46] [L] Mass1ime: и кристалы и булыгу [17:52:50] [G] Mass1ime: !и кристалы и булыгу [17:52:53] Nekit192 issued server command: /warp ad [17:52:55] Nekit192 issued server command: /we cui [17:53:00] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /mpcaseshop [17:53:02] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /mpcaseview 70 [17:53:03] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /buycase 70 [17:53:04] MiyaGiUsbHub issued server command: /voteday [17:53:04] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /rollcase 70 [17:53:04] Bikqwe issued server command: /tpa Mass1ime [17:53:10] I_Quantum_I issued server command: /yes [17:53:12] OXI_ANIME issued server command: /yes [17:53:16] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /mpcaseview 70 [17:53:17] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /buycase 70 [17:53:18] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /buycase 70 [17:53:19] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /rollcase 70 [17:53:28] Mass1ime issued server command: /tpaccept [17:53:28] [G] MiyaGiUsbHub: ! thx [17:53:32] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /mpcaseview 70 [17:53:33] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /rollcase 70 [17:53:43] [L] Bikqwe: 4 эма сойдёт? [17:53:47] [G] OXI_ANIME: !токо булыгу но от кристалов не откажусь [17:53:47] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /mpcaseview 70 [17:53:47] [L] Mass1ime: 4 эма [17:53:49] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /buycase 70 [17:53:50] [L] Mass1ime: =) [17:53:50] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /rollcase 70 [17:53:53] Bikqwe issued server command: /money pay Mass1ime 4 [17:53:54] Nekit192 умер (FALL) [17:53:59] Nekit192 issued server command: /we cui [17:54:04] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /mpcaseview 70 [17:54:05] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /buycase 70 [17:54:05] [L] Mass1ime: =) [17:54:06] OXI_ANIME issued server command: /home [17:54:06] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /rollcase 70 [17:54:10] Nekit192 issued server command: /warp ad [17:54:12] Nekit192 issued server command: /we cui [17:54:19] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /mpcaseview 70 [17:54:20] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /buycase 70 [17:54:21] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /mpcaseshop [17:54:31] [L] Bikqwe: А мне земляные нужны? [17:54:36] [L] Bikqwe: А они у тебя есть? [17:54:43] [G] Mass1ime: !могу продать от 0,2 за каждый кри из таума () [17:54:45] [L] Mass1ime: есть [17:54:46] MiyaGiUsbHub issued server command: /votesun [17:54:50] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /yes [17:54:51] OXI_ANIME issued server command: /yes [17:54:51] edmond_s02 issued server command: /yes [17:54:52] Bikqwe issued server command: /money pay Mass1ime 2 [17:54:52] edmond_s02 issued server command: /yes [17:55:05] [L] Mass1ime: ещё стак даже есть\ [17:55:11] Bikqwe issued server command: /homew [17:55:13] Bikqwe issued server command: /home [17:55:21] Nekit192 issued server command: /home [17:55:24] Nekit192 issued server command: /we cui [17:55:43] [G] MiyaGiUsbHub: ! Найс дождь выключился... [17:55:51] [G] I_Quantum_I: !изи [17:55:55] MiyaGiUsbHub issued server command: /voteday [17:55:59] [G] Mass1ime: !Так, по суди обьявления у меня не было [17:56:06] [G] Mass1ime: !Надо что то выложить [17:56:11] MiyaGiUsbHub issued server command: /votesun [17:56:17] OXI_ANIME вышел [17:56:21] Nekit192 issued server command: /warp ad [17:56:23] Nekit192 issued server command: /we cui [17:56:34] MiyaGiUsbHub issued server command: /votesun [17:57:03] [G] MiyaGiUsbHub: ! А почему дождь идет, хотя голосование было против него и оно прошло... [17:57:14] [G] I_Quantum_I: !Система сервера [17:57:21] [G] MiyaGiUsbHub: ! thx [17:57:38] [G] Mass1ime: !продам ресурсы (железо золото, кри из таума) [17:57:41] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /m Condesce тп срочно [17:57:42] Lana_Luna умер (FALL) [17:57:44] Lana_Luna issued server command: /we cui [17:57:45] Condesce issued server command: /tp ay [17:57:48] [L] Condesce: что [17:58:00] claus_cold1 issued server command: /warp forest [17:58:02] claus_cold1 issued server command: /we cui [17:58:02] Nekit192 умер (ENTITY_ATTACK) [17:58:07] Nekit192 issued server command: /we cui [17:58:10] [L] AYLIEXEC: ахиреть [17:58:11] Mass1ime issued server command: /money top [17:58:11] Condesce issued server command: /oi AYLIEXEC [17:58:12] claus_cold1 issued server command: /we cui [17:58:16] Nekit192 issued server command: /warp ad [17:58:16] Nekit192 issued server command: /we cui [17:58:20] [L] AYLIEXEC: а с картошкой так же можешь? [17:58:26] [L] AYLIEXEC: ой [17:58:27] I_Quantum_I issued server command: /money [17:58:29] I_Quantum_I issued server command: /money top [17:58:39] Nekit192 issued server command: /home [17:58:39] Condesce issued server command: /oi AYLIEXEC [17:58:41] Nekit192 issued server command: /we cui [17:58:44] Condesce issued server command: /oi AYLIEXEC [17:58:50] Nekit192 умер (FIRE_TICK) [17:58:52] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /m Condesce я был 100% клубникой [17:58:53] Nekit192 issued server command: /we cui [17:58:58] [L] Condesce: ) [17:59:11] [L] AYLIEXEC: э [17:59:12] Bikqwe issued server command: /rg list [17:59:13] [L] AYLIEXEC: я тебе дал [17:59:15] [L] AYLIEXEC: чё бросилв [17:59:17] Nekit192 issued server command: /warp ad [17:59:18] [L] Condesce: f [17:59:19] Nekit192 issued server command: /we cui [17:59:19] [L] Condesce: а [17:59:35] Nekit192 вышел [17:59:50] [L] AYLIEXEC: всё еш [17:59:52] OXI_ANIME зашёл [17:59:54] OXI_ANIME issued server command: /we cui [18:00:00] Nekit192 зашёл [18:00:04] Nekit192 issued server command: /we cui [18:00:19] [L] AYLIEXEC: сюда [18:00:24] Condesce issued server command: /thru [18:00:54] KitKas issued server command: /money [18:00:56] Nekit192 issued server command: /home [18:00:59] Nekit192 issued server command: /we cui [18:01:27] Bikqwe вышел [18:01:29] Bukycbka зашёл [18:01:29] Condesce умер (VOID) [18:01:32] Condesce issued server command: /we cui [18:01:39] Condesce issued server command: /tp AYLIEXEC [18:01:46] Bukycbka issued server command: /we cui [18:01:51] [G] Nekit192: !Есть тот, кто может зачарить кирку? [18:02:54] KitKas issued server command: /randomtp [18:02:54] KitKas issued server command: /rtp [18:03:07] MiyaGiUsbHub issued server command: /voteday [18:03:18] MiyaGiUsbHub issued server command: /voteday [18:03:20] Jabuti issued server command: /yes [18:03:20] AYLIEXEC issued server command: /yes [18:03:29] Cro_SS_O зашёл [18:03:29] Mass1ime умер (VOID) [18:03:32] Mass1ime issued server command: /we cui [18:03:34] Cro_SS_O issued server command: /we cui [18:03:50] Mass1ime умер (VOID) [18:03:53] Mass1ime issued server command: /we cui [18:03:54] Bukycbka issued server command: /randomtp [18:03:54] Bukycbka issued server command: /rtp [18:03:57] KitKas issued server command: /home [18:04:14] Nekit192 issued server command: /warp ad [18:04:17] Nekit192 issued server command: /we cui [18:04:28] [G] Mass1ime: !Амм [18:04:32] Jabuti вышел [18:04:38] [G] Mass1ime: !а что печка сразу убивает [18:04:43] MiyaGiUsbHub вышел [18:04:45] AYLIEXEC вышел [18:05:19] [G] Condesce: !Если нужна кровь - плавь гнилую плоть [18:05:40] [G] Mass1ime: !Не, я про то, что уронил кое что [18:05:42] Lana_Luna issued server command: /tpa claus_cold1 [18:05:52] [G] Mass1ime: !но уже не важно [18:05:52] claus_cold1 issued server command: /tpaccept [18:05:53] Bukycbka issued server command: /randomtp [18:05:53] Bukycbka issued server command: /rtp [18:07:37] Bukycbka issued server command: /randomtp [18:07:37] Bukycbka issued server command: /rtp [18:08:21] I_Quantum_I issued server command: /playtime [18:08:35] OXI_ANIME issued server command: /home [18:08:38] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /playtime [18:08:56] edmond_s02 вышел [18:09:03] edmond_s02 зашёл [18:09:04] Nekit192 issued server command: /home [18:09:06] edmond_s02 issued server command: /we cui [18:09:07] Nekit192 issued server command: /we cui [18:09:16] Nekit192 issued server command: /warp ad [18:09:18] Nekit192 issued server command: /we cui [18:09:31] Bukycbka issued server command: /randomtp [18:09:31] Bukycbka issued server command: /rtp [18:10:45] Bukycbka issued server command: /randomtp [18:10:45] Bukycbka issued server command: /rtp [18:10:45] OXI_ANIME issued server command: /menay [18:10:56] OXI_ANIME issued server command: /warp shop [18:10:59] OXI_ANIME issued server command: /we cui [18:11:03] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /money pay I_Quantum_I 19 [18:11:12] Bukycbka issued server command: /ekit top [18:11:12] [L] Bukycbka: .улше ещз [18:11:19] Bukycbka issued server command: /ekit top [18:11:21] Mass1ime issued server command: /randomtp [18:11:21] Mass1ime issued server command: /rtp [18:11:44] Lana_Luna issued server command: /tpa claus_cold1 [18:11:45] claus_cold1 issued server command: /tpaccept [18:11:52] [G] Bukycbka: !На сервере есть прогрузчик чанков? [18:11:59] Mass1ime issued server command: /kit eat [18:12:02] [G] I_Quantum_I: !Неть( [18:12:13] Lana_Luna issued server command: /home [18:12:16] Lana_Luna issued server command: /we cui [18:12:33] Nekit192 умер (ENTITY_ATTACK) [18:12:38] Nekit192 issued server command: /we cui [18:12:45] Nekit192 issued server command: /warp ad [18:12:48] Nekit192 issued server command: /we cui [18:12:48] OXI_ANIME issued server command: /maney [18:12:58] OXI_ANIME issued server command: /help [18:13:06] OXI_ANIME issued server command: /help [18:13:37] Bukycbka issued server command: /randomtp [18:13:37] Bukycbka issued server command: /rtp [18:13:37] [L] Bukycbka: .кез [18:13:46] Mass1ime issued server command: /randomtp [18:13:46] Mass1ime issued server command: /rtp [18:14:01] Bukycbka issued server command: /randomtp [18:14:01] Bukycbka issued server command: /rtp [18:14:03] Bukycbka issued server command: /rpt [18:14:05] Bukycbka issued server command: /randomtp [18:14:05] Bukycbka issued server command: /rtp [18:14:33] OXI_ANIME issued server command: /home [18:14:35] OXI_ANIME issued server command: /we cui [18:14:44] edmond_s02 умер (ENTITY_ATTACK) [18:14:47] Condesce issued server command: /s I_Quantum_I [18:14:49] edmond_s02 issued server command: /we cui [18:14:58] Condesce issued server command: /back I_Quantum_I [18:15:00] edmond_s02 issued server command: /tpa OXI_ANIME [18:15:03] Condesce issued server command: /back I_Quantum_I [18:15:03] OXI_ANIME issued server command: /tpaccept [18:15:05] I_Quantum_I issued server command: /back [18:15:06] edmond_s02 issued server command: /we cui [18:15:30] Lana_Luna issued server command: /tpa claus_cold1 [18:15:31] edmond_s02 issued server command: /sethome 1 [18:15:35] claus_cold1 issued server command: /tpaccept [18:15:38] Lana_Luna issued server command: /we cui [18:15:40] I_Quantum_I issued server command: /co [18:15:43] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /co i [18:15:52] OXI_ANIME умер (ENTITY_ATTACK) [18:15:55] OXI_ANIME issued server command: /we cui [18:15:57] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /co i [18:15:59] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: / [18:15:59] [L] xx_VR_xxx: . [18:16:09] Bukycbka issued server command: /randomtp [18:16:09] Bukycbka issued server command: /rtp [18:16:31] Bukycbka issued server command: /home [18:16:31] [L] Bukycbka: .рщьу [18:16:49] Mass1ime issued server command: /randomtp [18:16:49] Mass1ime issued server command: /rtp [18:17:36] Nekit192 issued server command: /home [18:17:38] Nekit192 issued server command: /we cui [18:17:46] Bukycbka issued server command: /rpt [18:17:48] Bukycbka issued server command: /randomtp [18:17:48] Bukycbka issued server command: /rtp [18:17:49] OXI_ANIME issued server command: /home [18:17:56] Nekit192 issued server command: /spawn [18:17:59] Nekit192 issued server command: /we cui [18:18:02] Go_Pro123 зашёл [18:18:04] Go_Pro123 issued server command: /we cui [18:18:12] I_Quantum_I issued server command: /s Go_Pro123 [18:18:24] Nekit192 issued server command: /home [18:18:26] Nekit192 issued server command: /we cui [18:18:28] [L] Go_Pro123: Чуть позже в дс [18:18:36] [L] I_Quantum_I: это твоя [18:18:39] [L] Go_Pro123: + [18:18:43] Bukycbka issued server command: /randomtp [18:18:43] Bukycbka issued server command: /rtp [18:18:59] [L] Go_Pro123: В рг закиньте [18:19:09] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /rg addmember dom4ik Go_Pro123 [18:19:13] Nekit192 issued server command: /warp ad [18:19:15] Nekit192 issued server command: /we cui [18:19:15] [L] xx_VR_xxx: yes [18:19:23] [L] Go_Pro123: Потом зайду [18:19:30] Go_Pro123 вышел [18:19:34] [L] I_Quantum_I: оке [18:20:16] pro100killer03 зашёл [18:20:24] Condesce issued server command: /screenall [18:20:32] pro100killer03 issued server command: /we cui [18:21:14] claus_cold1 issued server command: /tpahere Lana_Luna [18:21:16] Nekit192 issued server command: /home [18:21:17] claus_cold1 issued server command: /kit eat [18:21:19] Nekit192 issued server command: /we cui [18:21:20] Feltaxa зашёл [18:21:33] Feltaxa issued server command: /we cui [18:21:52] OXI_ANIME issued server command: /home [18:21:54] Condesce issued server command: /mods [18:22:31] Lana_Luna issued server command: /tpa claus_cold1 [18:22:32] claus_cold1 issued server command: /tpaccept [18:23:23] Condesce issued server command: /alisa playtimereport [18:23:43] I_Quantum_I issued server command: /mods [18:23:43] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /mosd [18:24:49] Mass1ime issued server command: /home [18:25:12] Mass1ime вышел [18:25:36] OXI_ANIME issued server command: /home [18:26:33] Lana_Luna issued server command: /tpa claus_cold1 [18:26:36] claus_cold1 issued server command: /tpaccept [18:26:45] Condesce issued server command: /tp xx_VR_xxx [18:27:05] OXI_ANIME issued server command: /home [18:27:45] [L] xx_VR_xxx: у тебя нет заряженного дк [18:27:46] Condesce issued server command: /oi I_Quantum_I [18:27:48] Feltaxa issued server command: /randomtp [18:27:48] Feltaxa issued server command: /rtp [18:28:03] Nekit192 issued server command: /home [18:28:10] Condesce issued server command: /oi I_Quantum_I [18:28:14] Feltaxa issued server command: //home [18:28:15] Feltaxa issued server command: /home [18:28:21] Nekit192 issued server command: /warp ad [18:28:24] Nekit192 issued server command: /we cui [18:28:24] Bukycbka issued server command: /home [18:28:26] Condesce issued server command: /oi I_Quantum_I [18:28:31] Bukycbka вышел [18:28:36] Condesce issued server command: /oi I_Quantum_I [18:28:43] claus_cold1 вышел [18:28:48] Condesce issued server command: /oi I_Quantum_I [18:28:51] claus_cold1 зашёл [18:28:53] claus_cold1 issued server command: /we cui [18:29:18] Condesce issued server command: /oi I_Quantum_I [18:29:20] Lana_Luna issued server command: /tpa claus_cold1 [18:29:21] claus_cold1 issued server command: /tpaccept [18:29:42] Condesce issued server command: /oi xx_VR_xxx [18:29:58] Condesce issued server command: /oi xx_VR_xxx [18:30:24] OXI_ANIME issued server command: /we cui [18:30:27] Nekit192 умер (FIRE_TICK) [18:30:30] OXI_ANIME умер (VOID) [18:30:32] Condesce issued server command: /tp pro100killer03 [18:30:33] Nekit192 issued server command: /we cui [18:30:36] OXI_ANIME issued server command: /we cui [18:30:37] [G] Feltaxa: !-_- [18:30:38] [L] Condesce: шуня [18:30:40] [L] Condesce: привет [18:30:41] Nekit192 issued server command: /warp ad [18:30:43] Nekit192 issued server command: /we cui [18:30:49] Nekit192 issued server command: /mpcaseshop [18:30:50] Nekit192 issued server command: /mpcaseview 70 [18:30:56] I_Quantum_I issued server command: /playtime [18:30:57] OXI_ANIME issued server command: /kit start [18:31:00] Nekit192 issued server command: /buycase 70 [18:31:01] Nekit192 issued server command: /rollcase 70 [18:31:01] Condesce issued server command: /thru [18:31:10] [L] Condesce: чат [18:31:12] [L] pro100killer03: чо [18:31:15] [L] Condesce: привет [18:31:17] [L] Condesce: как дела [18:31:24] [L] pro100killer03: сидел мангу читал [18:31:35] [L] Condesce: що за манга [18:31:51] [L] pro100killer03: посредственный персонаж собственной истории [18:32:02] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /rg remove dom4ik [18:32:04] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /rg remove dom4ik2 [18:32:05] [L] Condesce: ладно) [18:32:11] I_Quantum_I вышел [18:32:21] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: //chunk [18:32:21] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: //outset 16 [18:32:21] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: //wand [18:32:24] edmond_s02 issued server command: /tpa OXI_ANIME [18:32:35] OXI_ANIME issued server command: /tpaccept [18:32:36] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /rg claim dom4ik [18:32:54] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: //chunk [18:32:54] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: //outset 16 [18:32:54] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /zone [18:33:02] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: //chunk [18:33:02] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: //outset 16 [18:33:02] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /zone [18:33:10] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /rg claim dom4ik2 [18:33:17] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: //sel [18:33:20] pro100killer03 issued server command: /zset 12 [18:33:38] [L] pro100killer03: ты нахрена пиздюков открыла? [18:33:49] [L] Condesce: они сами как бы умеют открывать двери [18:34:14] [L] pro100killer03: я не за это, тут блок был [18:34:19] [L] Condesce: разве? [18:34:21] Condesce issued server command: /gm 0 [18:34:22] [L] pro100killer03: как тот что я только что поставил [18:34:23] Condesce issued server command: /co i [18:34:31] [L] Condesce: по логам ничего [18:34:33] Condesce issued server command: /gm 1 [18:34:37] pro100killer03 issued server command: /co i [18:34:39] [L] Condesce: ) [18:34:46] [L] Condesce: ./co i [18:34:49] OXI_ANIME issued server command: /home [18:34:59] pro100killer03 issued server command: /co i [18:35:02] pro100killer03 issued server command: /co i [18:35:06] pro100killer03 issued server command: /co i [18:35:19] OXI_ANIME issued server command: /home [18:35:29] Cro_SS_O вышел [18:35:38] Condesce issued server command: /co i [18:35:57] [L] pro100killer03: и чего тебе надо? своих дел нет? [18:36:02] [L] Condesce: не-а [18:36:12] Condesce issued server command: /pickup [18:36:13] [L] pro100killer03: ну так найди [18:36:19] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /rg addmember dom4ik KitKas [18:36:24] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /rg addmember dom4ik2 KitKas [18:36:25] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: //sel [18:36:30] [L] Condesce: ну ок [18:36:33] Condesce issued server command: /vanish [18:36:39] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /rg i [18:36:43] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /rg i [18:36:43] Condesce issued server command: /home [18:36:44] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /sel [18:36:45] Condesce issued server command: /thru [18:36:46] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /rg sel [18:36:50] Condesce вышел [18:36:51] Nekit192 умер (PROJECTILE) [18:36:56] Nekit192 issued server command: /we cui [18:37:04] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: //sel [18:37:07] Nekit192 issued server command: /warp ad [18:37:10] Nekit192 issued server command: /we cui [18:38:08] pro100killer03 issued server command: /zwand [18:38:29] pro100killer03 issued server command: /zset 12 [18:38:44] pro100killer03 issued server command: /zset 12 [18:38:51] Feltaxa умер (ENTITY_ATTACK) [18:38:54] OXI_ANIME issued server command: /tpaccept [18:38:54] Feltaxa issued server command: /we cui [18:38:56] edmond_s02 issued server command: /tpa OXI_ANIME [18:39:20] Feltaxa issued server command: /home [18:39:22] Feltaxa issued server command: /spawm [18:39:24] Feltaxa issued server command: /spawn [18:39:25] Feltaxa issued server command: /we cui [18:39:33] Feltaxa issued server command: /home [18:39:35] Feltaxa issued server command: /we cui [18:39:51] pro100killer03 вышел [18:39:55] [G] Feltaxa: !C каких пор эндермены такие сильные? [18:40:02] [G] xx_VR_xxx: !С этого вайпа их усилили [18:40:09] [G] Feltaxa: !жесть xD [18:40:16] [G] xx_VR_xxx: ! пробивают?) [18:40:28] [G] Feltaxa: !С моей бронёй ваншотнул [18:40:38] [G] xx_VR_xxx: ! они даже с диванй за 2-3 прокста сносят [18:40:44] [G] xx_VR_xxx: ! дивайновской* [18:40:59] Feltaxa вышел [18:41:20] [G] xx_VR_xxx: ! а ты перлы фармишь? [18:41:44] SimpleMimpl зашёл [18:41:50] [G] xx_VR_xxx: ! Если перлы нужны,лучше накопать в шахте креонитовой руды и скрафтить из них жемчуги [18:42:09] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /we cui [18:42:37] [G] SimpleMimpl: ! &2Добрый вечер :3 [18:42:44] [G] xx_VR_xxx: ! Добрый вечер [18:42:48] [G] SimpleMimpl: !опа [18:42:50] [G] SimpleMimpl: !Ты стажер) [18:42:55] [G] xx_VR_xxx: ! Получается так [18:43:01] [G] SimpleMimpl: !хреново получается хаха) [18:43:03] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /fly [18:43:03] [L] SimpleMimpl: .адн [18:43:12] [G] xx_VR_xxx: ! Прошу не выражаться так:) [18:43:17] [G] SimpleMimpl: !ну началось [18:43:18] [G] SimpleMimpl: !Да [18:43:24] [G] SimpleMimpl: !понимаю [18:43:34] SimpleMimpl issued server command: / [18:43:34] [L] SimpleMimpl: . [18:43:49] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /kit [18:43:49] [L] SimpleMimpl: .лше [18:44:02] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /home [18:44:02] [L] SimpleMimpl: .рщьу [18:44:22] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /warp home [18:44:22] [L] SimpleMimpl: .цфкз рщьу [18:44:31] [G] SimpleMimpl: ! вован который с вертухи бьёт [18:44:33] [G] SimpleMimpl: !дай крови хаха [18:44:34] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /kit [18:44:34] [L] SimpleMimpl: .лше [18:44:43] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /kit [18:44:43] [L] SimpleMimpl: .лше [18:45:42] Feltaxa зашёл [18:45:44] Feltaxa issued server command: /we cui [18:45:49] [G] SimpleMimpl: !есть те кому не жалко крови?) [18:45:53] [G] SimpleMimpl: !дайте выпью хаах [18:45:53] [G] xx_VR_xxx: ! Мне [18:46:04] KitKas issued server command: /mpcaseshop [18:46:10] [G] SimpleMimpl: !иди сюда) [18:46:15] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /tpa SimpleMimpl [18:46:17] Nekit192 issued server command: /home [18:46:19] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /tpaccept [18:46:19] [L] SimpleMimpl: .езфссузе [18:46:20] Nekit192 issued server command: /we cui [18:46:21] Nekit192 issued server command: /spawn [18:46:24] Nekit192 issued server command: /we cui [18:46:30] Nekit192 issued server command: /home [18:46:33] Nekit192 issued server command: /we cui [18:46:43] [L] SimpleMimpl: зацени [18:47:00] [L] xx_VR_xxx: пустотка? [18:47:05] [L] SimpleMimpl: ранец хаха [18:47:10] [L] xx_VR_xxx: жестко [18:47:11] [L] SimpleMimpl: два дня назад начал [18:47:14] Nekit192 issued server command: /spawn [18:47:15] [L] SimpleMimpl: до сих пор доделываю [18:47:16] [L] SimpleMimpl: лень [18:47:17] Nekit192 issued server command: /we cui [18:47:21] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /home [18:47:40] [G] SimpleMimpl: !&4Господа товарисчи, кому не жалко кровь. Приму в дар, высосу. [18:47:50] Nekit192 issued server command: /we cui [18:48:07] OXI_ANIME issued server command: /home [18:48:13] Nekit192 issued server command: /warp ad [18:48:15] Nekit192 issued server command: /we cui [18:48:24] Bikqwe зашёл [18:48:27] Bikqwe issued server command: /we cui [18:48:33] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /money top [18:48:37] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /money [18:49:08] [G] SimpleMimpl: !что всем жалко? [18:49:10] Bikqwe issued server command: /rg info privet1 [18:49:15] [G] SimpleMimpl: !плохие вы какие то) [18:49:17] [G] xx_VR_xxx: ! мне нет [18:49:19] [G] Bikqwe: !Чего жалко? [18:49:21] [G] SimpleMimpl: !ты пустая) [18:49:24] claus_cold1 issued server command: /tpaccept [18:49:24] [G] SimpleMimpl: !крови надо) [18:49:24] Lana_Luna issued server command: /tpa claus_cold1 [18:49:26] [G] xx_VR_xxx: ! ая? [18:49:32] claus_cold1 issued server command: /tpaccept [18:49:34] [G] SimpleMimpl: !я ж высосал тебя ) [18:49:53] [G] xx_VR_xxx: ! я про само окончание слова [18:50:19] [G] SimpleMimpl: !пустой [18:50:22] MrDimonsterR зашёл [18:50:34] Go_Pro123 зашёл [18:50:36] Go_Pro123 issued server command: /we cui [18:50:38] MrDimonsterR issued server command: /we cui [18:50:47] [G] SimpleMimpl: !не понял [18:50:55] [G] SimpleMimpl: ! Witchin magic это где в таумониконе7 [18:51:05] claus_cold1 умер (PROJECTILE) [18:51:08] claus_cold1 issued server command: /we cui [18:51:12] [G] xx_VR_xxx: ! Кто? [18:51:14] [L] Go_Pro123: Понял [18:51:21] claus_cold1 issued server command: /tpa Lana_Luna [18:51:22] Lana_Luna issued server command: /tpaccept [18:51:26] [L] xx_VR_xxx: а [18:51:27] [G] SimpleMimpl: ! Witching Gadgets [18:51:28] [G] SimpleMimpl: !о [18:51:28] [G] Feltaxa: !Колдовские устройства скорее всего [18:51:30] [L] xx_VR_xxx: я ж ток переприватил [18:51:34] [L] Go_Pro123: Аааа [18:51:39] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /rg addmember dom4ik Go_Pro123 [18:51:45] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /rg addmember dom4ik2 Go_Pro123 [18:51:56] [L] xx_VR_xxx: я тебя еще при старых добавил а щас надо было переприватить [18:51:56] [G] Feltaxa: !Англичане блиан [18:51:59] [G] Feltaxa: !Налетели [18:52:03] [L] xx_VR_xxx: все уже [18:52:04] [G] Feltaxa: !Стервятники xd [18:52:07] [G] SimpleMimpl: !да вообще ровно хаха [18:52:08] [L] Go_Pro123: Понял [18:52:13] [G] SimpleMimpl: !что это [18:52:14] [G] SimpleMimpl: !Знать надо [18:52:18] [L] Go_Pro123: Дом строить будете? [18:52:40] [L] xx_VR_xxx: не,пока просто базу обустроим потиху [18:52:49] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /tpahere BOBAHBEPTYXA [18:53:18] Feltaxa issued server command: /voteday [18:53:25] Feltaxa issued server command: /mpcaseshop [18:53:27] Feltaxa issued server command: /mpcaseview 70 [18:53:28] Feltaxa issued server command: /buycase 70 [18:53:31] Feltaxa issued server command: /money [18:53:45] [L] Go_Pro123: Найс меч [18:53:46] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /god [18:53:46] [L] SimpleMimpl: .пщв [18:53:47] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /god [18:53:47] [L] SimpleMimpl: .пщв [18:53:50] [L] xx_VR_xxx: фигня [18:54:08] [G] SimpleMimpl: !о [18:54:11] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /fly [18:54:11] [L] SimpleMimpl: .адн [18:54:20] [L] Go_Pro123: Блять [18:54:31] [L] Go_Pro123: ой [18:54:35] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /tpa Feltaxa [18:54:43] [L] xx_VR_xxx: мм [18:54:48] [L] xx_VR_xxx: жестка [18:54:54] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /god [18:54:54] [L] SimpleMimpl: .пщв [18:54:55] SimpleMimpl умер (VOID) [18:54:56] [L] Go_Pro123: Кирка СПАСИБА [18:54:58] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /we cui [18:55:03] [G] SimpleMimpl: !жестко [18:55:06] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /warp home [18:55:06] [L] SimpleMimpl: .цфкз рщьу [18:55:08] [L] xx_VR_xxx: поэтому ее на базе деактивирую [18:55:12] Nekit192 issued server command: /home [18:55:15] Nekit192 issued server command: /we cui [18:55:16] Feltaxa issued server command: /randomtp [18:55:16] Feltaxa issued server command: /rtp [18:55:24] Feltaxa issued server command: /tpaccept [18:55:28] [L] Feltaxa: чего тебе? [18:55:32] [L] Feltaxa: Кровь нужна? [18:55:36] Feltaxa issued server command: /home [18:55:36] Nekit192 issued server command: /spawn [18:55:39] Nekit192 issued server command: /we cui [18:55:40] [G] SimpleMimpl: !дай попью [18:55:42] [G] SimpleMimpl: !ну что такое [18:55:43] [G] Feltaxa: !Мог бы и спросить [18:55:46] [G] SimpleMimpl: !:( [18:55:46] [G] Feltaxa: !уууууууууу [18:55:48] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /fly [18:55:48] [L] SimpleMimpl: .адн [18:55:55] [G] Feltaxa: !Без спроса. Понятно всё с тобой [18:55:56] [G] SimpleMimpl: !это же не смертельно [18:56:09] Nekit192 issued server command: /home [18:56:11] Nekit192 issued server command: /we cui [18:56:11] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /kit [18:56:11] [L] SimpleMimpl: .лше [18:56:17] edmond_s02 issued server command: /kit start [18:56:21] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /warp home [18:56:21] [L] SimpleMimpl: .цфкз рщьу [18:56:42] Nekit192 issued server command: /playtime [18:56:50] Nekit192 issued server command: /money [18:56:55] [G] SimpleMimpl: !злые вы какие то [18:56:56] [G] SimpleMimpl: !и жадные [18:56:56] Feltaxa issued server command: /home [18:56:59] [G] SimpleMimpl: !тьфу на вас [18:57:15] [G] Feltaxa: !Ты кидаешь тп не говоря ни слова и потом сразу высасываешь кровь [18:57:27] [G] Feltaxa: !Архиеписком греха жадности xd [18:57:42] [G] SimpleMimpl: !ну тебя же это не убьёт [18:57:43] Feltaxa issued server command: /voteday [18:57:44] [G] SimpleMimpl: !в чем проблема [18:57:46] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /no [18:57:48] Bikqwe issued server command: /no [18:57:50] [G] Bikqwe: !Нет! [18:57:51] Nekit192 issued server command: /yes [18:57:51] [G] SimpleMimpl: !ещё и день делает [18:57:53] [G] SimpleMimpl: !вот [18:57:55] [G] SimpleMimpl: !козёль [18:57:58] [G] Feltaxa: !Ну типо ты мог что-нить за это предложить [18:58:00] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /m Bikqwe вампир? [18:58:20] [G] Feltaxa: !(0_-) не обижай плез [18:58:23] Nekit192 issued server command: /warp ad [18:58:25] Nekit192 issued server command: /we cui [18:59:11] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /god [18:59:11] [L] SimpleMimpl: .пщв [18:59:53] [G] SimpleMimpl: !Куплю череп скелета обычного [19:00:14] OXI_ANIME issued server command: /home [19:01:28] [L] Go_Pro123: Адскую печь не делали? [19:01:31] Nekit192 issued server command: /home [19:01:33] Nekit192 issued server command: /we cui [19:01:34] Feltaxa issued server command: /home [19:01:34] Nekit192 умер (FIRE_TICK) [19:01:37] Nekit192 issued server command: /we cui [19:01:39] [L] xx_VR_xxx: тауматург сегодня пашет в реале к ночи зайдет [19:01:48] Nekit192 issued server command: /warp ad [19:01:49] [L] Go_Pro123: Квантум? [19:01:50] [L] xx_VR_xxx: у него фулл таум уже есть [19:01:50] Nekit192 issued server command: /we cui [19:01:52] [L] xx_VR_xxx: не [19:01:55] [L] Go_Pro123: Аааа [19:01:59] [G] SimpleMimpl: !как там топор для выбивания голов? [19:02:03] [L] xx_VR_xxx: я ему фулл таум дал и он у нас тауматург [19:02:10] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /rg i [19:02:23] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /tpa BOBAHBEPTYXA [19:02:35] KitKas issued server command: /money [19:02:35] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /money [19:03:11] [L] Go_Pro123: Какую музыку любите? [19:03:27] [L] xx_VR_xxx: да хз у меня очень специфичные вкус [19:03:31] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /warp ad [19:03:33] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /we cui [19:03:34] [L] Go_Pro123: Какой? [19:03:40] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /fly [19:03:40] [L] SimpleMimpl: .адн [19:03:44] [L] xx_VR_xxx: да давай не знаю фонк бахни хахах,по приколу чисто [19:04:08] edmond_s02 вышел [19:04:31] [G] Feltaxa: !Из тинкера лучше [19:04:34] OXI_ANIME вышел [19:04:35] [G] SimpleMimpl: !ну как называется? [19:04:37] [G] SimpleMimpl: !не тесак [19:04:46] KitKas issued server command: /money pay xx_VR_xxx 36 [19:04:47] [G] Feltaxa: !дк вроде же тесак [19:04:51] [G] xx_VR_xxx: ! топор собиирателя черепов лучше всего будет [19:04:52] [G] SimpleMimpl: !он щас не выбивает [19:04:52] KitKas issued server command: /money [19:04:53] [G] SimpleMimpl: !а во [19:04:56] Bikqwe issued server command: /randomtp [19:04:56] Bikqwe issued server command: /rtp [19:05:01] [G] Feltaxa: !а, да? xx_VR_xxx [19:05:01] [G] xx_VR_xxx: ! я кушать всем удачки [19:05:05] [G] SimpleMimpl: !стой [19:05:06] [G] SimpleMimpl: !где он [19:05:08] [G] SimpleMimpl: !в каком разделе [19:05:10] Bikqwe issued server command: /randomtp [19:05:10] Bikqwe issued server command: /rtp [19:05:11] [G] xx_VR_xxx: ! в форбиден [19:05:12] Bikqwe issued server command: /randomtp [19:05:12] Bikqwe issued server command: /rtp [19:05:13] KitKas вышел [19:05:13] [G] xx_VR_xxx: ! вроде [19:05:19] [G] SimpleMimpl: !в таумониконе [19:05:20] [G] SimpleMimpl: !Где [19:05:21] [G] SimpleMimpl: !Хаха [19:05:23] Bikqwe issued server command: /randomtp [19:05:23] Bikqwe issued server command: /rtp [19:05:27] [G] Feltaxa: !Апокрифы [19:05:28] [G] xx_VR_xxx: !Запретная магия вроде [19:05:38] [G] xx_VR_xxx: ! Делается легк [19:05:40] [G] SimpleMimpl: !нашёл [19:05:40] xx_VR_xxx вышел [19:05:49] Bikqwe issued server command: /randomtp [19:05:49] Bikqwe issued server command: /rtp [19:05:50] [G] SimpleMimpl: !Благодарю [19:05:53] [G] Feltaxa: !+ [19:06:08] Bikqwe issued server command: /home [19:06:09] Feltaxa issued server command: /rg select [19:07:07] [G] Feltaxa: ! SimpleMimpl тебе же кровь нужна была? [19:07:12] [G] Bikqwe: !ААААА [19:07:14] [G] SimpleMimpl: !ага [19:07:23] [G] Feltaxa: !Зачаришь мне шлем на ночное зрение? [19:07:24] Lana_Luna вышел [19:07:27] claus_cold1 вышел [19:07:30] [G] Bikqwe: !Хана алтарю наполнения [19:07:31] [G] SimpleMimpl: !я осмат не делал ещё( [19:07:37] [G] Feltaxa: ! : ( [19:07:40] [G] SimpleMimpl: !мне лень из таума делать что нибудь) [19:07:46] [G] SimpleMimpl: !что то вот прям лень [19:07:56] [G] Feltaxa: !В который раз как говорится [19:08:16] Feltaxa issued server command: /randomtp [19:08:16] Feltaxa issued server command: /rtp [19:08:30] [G] SimpleMimpl: !вроде на 6лвл повыситься 10 ифритов убить [19:08:34] [G] SimpleMimpl: !что то не повышаюсь) [19:09:36] MrDimonsterR issued server command: /randomtp [19:09:36] MrDimonsterR issued server command: /rtp [19:09:53] Bikqwe умер (ENTITY_ATTACK) [19:09:56] Bikqwe issued server command: /we cui [19:09:59] Bikqwe issued server command: /home [19:10:01] Bikqwe issued server command: /spawn [19:10:04] Nekit192 issued server command: /home [19:10:04] Bikqwe issued server command: /we cui [19:10:07] Nekit192 issued server command: /we cui [19:10:07] Bikqwe issued server command: /home [19:10:08] Bikqwe issued server command: /we cui [19:10:40] Nekit192 issued server command: /spawn [19:10:42] KitKas зашёл [19:10:43] Nekit192 issued server command: /we cui [19:10:44] KitKas issued server command: /we cui [19:11:05] Nekit192 issued server command: /home [19:11:08] Nekit192 issued server command: /we cui [19:11:09] MrDimonsterR issued server command: /randomtp [19:11:09] MrDimonsterR issued server command: /rtp [19:11:21] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /fly [19:11:21] [L] SimpleMimpl: .адн [19:11:25] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /warp home [19:11:25] [L] SimpleMimpl: .цфкз рщьу [19:11:28] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /we cui [19:11:39] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /fly [19:11:39] [L] SimpleMimpl: .адн [19:11:48] MrDimonsterR issued server command: /randomtp [19:11:48] MrDimonsterR issued server command: /rtp [19:12:13] [L] Bikqwe: О привет [19:12:19] [L] MrDimonsterR: привет [19:12:33] [L] MrDimonsterR: я тут первый раз когото вижу [19:12:35] KitKas issued server command: /money [19:12:57] [L] MrDimonsterR: я играю уже 4 часа и первый раз вижу когото [19:13:01] [L] Bikqwe: ) [19:13:08] Flysnake_ зашёл [19:13:12] [G] SimpleMimpl: !есть мак у кого?) [19:13:19] [G] Feltaxa: !А что нужно? [19:13:29] Flysnake_ issued server command: /we cui [19:13:29] [G] SimpleMimpl: !Дэ [19:13:39] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /enderchest [19:13:39] [L] SimpleMimpl: .утвуксруые [19:13:42] Go_Pro123 вышел [19:13:47] Bikqwe issued server command: /money [19:14:20] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /tpaccept [19:14:26] xx_VR_xxx зашёл [19:14:34] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /money top [19:14:34] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /we cui [19:14:35] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /money [19:14:38] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /playtime [19:14:40] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /playtimetop [19:14:42] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /playtimetop clear [19:14:49] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /home [19:14:49] [L] SimpleMimpl: .рщьу [19:15:04] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /kit [19:15:04] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /pvptoggle [19:15:04] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /pvp [19:15:05] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /god [19:15:06] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /god [19:15:07] Feltaxa issued server command: /kit [19:15:15] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /spawn [19:15:17] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /we cui [19:15:24] KitKas issued server command: /money [19:15:32] Feltaxa issued server command: /kit [19:15:32] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /home [19:15:35] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /we cui [19:15:37] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /ekit [19:15:38] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /warp home [19:15:38] [L] SimpleMimpl: .цфкз рщьу [19:15:40] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /ekit top [19:15:40] [L] MrDimonsterR: слушай может подскажешь как найти в ютубе этот мод , я в нем совсем не могу разобраться [19:15:52] [L] Bikqwe: thaumcraft [19:16:06] [L] MrDimonsterR: это название мода [19:16:09] [L] Bikqwe: + [19:16:16] [L] MrDimonsterR: понял спасибо [19:16:41] MrDimonsterR issued server command: /randomtp [19:16:41] MrDimonsterR issued server command: /rtp [19:17:03] BOBAHBEPTYXA был кикнут [19:17:03] BOBAHBEPTYXA вышел [19:17:03] Feltaxa был кикнут [19:17:03] Feltaxa вышел [19:17:03] MrDimonsterR был кикнут [19:17:03] MrDimonsterR вышел [19:17:03] SimpleMimpl был кикнут [19:17:03] SimpleMimpl вышел [19:17:03] Nekit192 был кикнут [19:17:03] Nekit192 вышел [19:17:03] Bikqwe был кикнут [19:17:03] Bikqwe вышел [19:17:03] KitKas был кикнут [19:17:03] KitKas вышел [19:17:03] Flysnake_ был кикнут [19:17:03] Flysnake_ вышел [19:17:03] xx_VR_xxx был кикнут [19:17:03] xx_VR_xxx вышел [19:17:07] Сервер выключился [19:17:46] Сервер включился [19:18:07] SimpleMimpl зашёл [19:18:08] Bikqwe зашёл [19:18:08] BOBAHBEPTYXA зашёл [19:18:09] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /we cui [19:18:10] Flysnake_ зашёл [19:18:10] Nekit192 зашёл [19:18:10] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /we cui [19:18:13] Flysnake_ issued server command: /we cui [19:18:13] Nekit192 issued server command: /we cui [19:18:19] Bikqwe issued server command: /we cui [19:18:20] Feltaxa зашёл [19:18:23] Feltaxa issued server command: /we cui [19:18:35] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /warp home [19:18:35] [L] SimpleMimpl: .цфкз рщьу [19:19:23] [G] SimpleMimpl: ! Ira аспект в чем есть? [19:19:34] [G] Bikqwe: !Куплю узел стабилизатор и узел преобразователь за 50 эмов [19:19:39] [G] SimpleMimpl: !продам [19:19:43] KitKas зашёл [19:19:49] KitKas issued server command: /we cui [19:20:00] KitKas issued server command: /home [19:20:02] Bikqwe issued server command: /tpa SimpleMimpl [19:20:06] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /tpaccept [19:20:06] [L] SimpleMimpl: .езфссузе [19:20:14] [G] BOBAHBEPTYXA: !огненый шар [19:20:21] [L] Bikqwe: У тебя с кита? [19:20:23] [L] SimpleMimpl: ага [19:20:29] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /fly [19:20:29] [L] SimpleMimpl: .адн [19:20:32] [L] Bikqwe: Может тогда по минималке? [19:20:47] [L] SimpleMimpl: не интересно так же) [19:20:48] [L] SimpleMimpl: давай 25 [19:20:50] xx_VR_xxx зашёл [19:20:51] [L] Bikqwe: Ок [19:20:56] Bikqwe issued server command: /money pay SimpleMimpl 25 [19:21:04] [L] SimpleMimpl: ауры надо? [19:21:13] [L] Bikqwe: Два редстоун блока есть? [19:21:16] [L] Bikqwe: Ауры? [19:21:19] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /we cui [19:21:22] Feltaxa issued server command: /m xx_VR_xxx здесь дерево времени ускоряет рост? [19:21:26] [L] Bikqwe: Не не надо [19:21:38] [L] Bikqwe: Удачи [19:21:41] Bikqwe issued server command: /home [19:21:41] [L] SimpleMimpl: и тебе [19:21:48] [G] SimpleMimpl: !о вован [19:21:49] [G] SimpleMimpl: !ты тута [19:21:51] [G] SimpleMimpl: !и я тута) [19:21:53] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /tpahere BOBAHBEPTYXA [19:21:54] [G] BOBAHBEPTYXA: !привет [19:21:57] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /tpaccept [19:21:59] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /r дерево времени запрещено [19:22:00] [L] SimpleMimpl: как ты как жинзь [19:22:15] [L] BOBAHBEPTYXA: Похоже меня будут кусать [19:22:37] [L] SimpleMimpl: да не [19:22:52] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /home [19:23:03] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /r в неи можешь ввести Запрещ и там покажутся запреты [19:23:17] [G] SimpleMimpl: !ты куда Вован?) [19:23:27] [G] BOBAHBEPTYXA: !Домой [19:23:31] Feltaxa issued server command: /m xx_VR_xxx Слушай, а чем можно ускорить рост наполненных семян? [19:23:48] [G] SimpleMimpl: !а ну ладненько) [19:23:57] Feltaxa issued server command: /r т.к растут ооооочень долго [19:24:26] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /r есть ритуал с Blood Magic/светильник роста с таумкрафта [19:24:33] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /m BOBAHBEPTYXA у тебя осмат есть? [19:24:37] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /r но работают ли они на семена я не скажу точно [19:24:46] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /r да [19:24:49] [G] Bikqwe: !Куплю 30 железа [19:25:00] Feltaxa issued server command: /m xx_VR_xxx Окей. Тестить тогда буду. Не подкскажешь что за ритуал? [19:25:01] Flysnake_ issued server command: /mpcaseshop [19:25:04] Flysnake_ issued server command: /mpcaseview 70 [19:25:05] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /m BOBAHBEPTYXA и ткань поглощения если есть, одолжи на пару минут я зачару шмутки [19:25:08] Flysnake_ issued server command: /money [19:25:12] [L] KitKas: продам [19:25:15] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /r ок [19:25:18] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /m BOBAHBEPTYXA я заплачу [19:25:30] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /r не плакай( [19:25:34] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /warp home [19:25:34] [L] SimpleMimpl: .цфкз рщьу [19:25:43] [G] xx_VR_xxx: ! продам [19:25:50] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /r щас минуточку [19:25:53] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /m BOBAHBEPTYXA ах ты бля хаха [19:25:56] Feltaxa issued server command: /r спасибо [19:25:57] Bikqwe issued server command: /tpa xx_VR_xxx [19:26:01] Flysnake_ issued server command: /warp quest [19:26:03] Flysnake_ issued server command: /we cui [19:26:04] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /m BOBAHBEPTYXA сначала не понял, &4а потом как понял [19:26:04] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /tpyes [19:26:18] [L] Bikqwe: 3 эма? [19:26:20] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /kit top [19:26:20] [L] SimpleMimpl: .лше ещз [19:26:38] [L] xx_VR_xxx: 0.2x30 [19:26:41] [L] xx_VR_xxx: 6 [19:26:43] [L] Bikqwe: 6 [19:26:44] [L] xx_VR_xxx: минималка [19:26:50] Bikqwe issued server command: /money pay xx_VR_xxx 6 [19:26:53] [L] xx_VR_xxx: благодарю [19:27:23] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /m BOBAHBEPTYXA нитор возьми 5штучек -_- [19:27:24] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /r Ritual of the Green Grove [19:27:38] Feltaxa issued server command: /m xx_VR_xxx Мерси боку [19:27:44] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /r куда зачем? [19:27:54] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /m BOBAHBEPTYXA на тотемы хаха) [19:27:55] [L] Bikqwe: У тебя сколько слоёв мерцающих грибов? [19:28:00] [L] Bikqwe: И можно жнлнзо? [19:28:12] [L] xx_VR_xxx: смысле [19:28:36] [L] xx_VR_xxx: а,это у тауматурга,все там лежат [19:28:40] Feltaxa issued server command: /home [19:28:45] [L] xx_VR_xxx: тут нету,а приват его [19:28:55] [L] xx_VR_xxx: да тут нету [19:29:06] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /call SimpleMimpl [19:29:24] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /tpaccept [19:29:24] [L] SimpleMimpl: .езфссузе [19:29:26] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /money [19:29:28] [L] Bikqwe: Железо ты мне дашь [19:29:29] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /trade SimpleMimpl [19:29:32] [L] SimpleMimpl: мое тело уляля [19:29:33] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /trade accept [19:29:41] [L] xx_VR_xxx: так давал же ты подобрал там за 40 [19:29:51] [L] BOBAHBEPTYXA: Мне весь чат зафлудил нитор [19:29:55] [L] Bikqwe: А куда ты бросал [19:29:56] [L] xx_VR_xxx: извиняюсь [19:30:00] [L] xx_VR_xxx: ща [19:30:03] [L] Bikqwe: Всё [19:30:05] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /home [19:30:05] [L] xx_VR_xxx: косяк [19:30:05] [L] Bikqwe: Тут [19:30:05] Feltaxa вышел [19:30:08] [L] SimpleMimpl: ))) [19:30:11] [L] SimpleMimpl: а осмат [19:30:12] Feltaxa зашёл [19:30:14] Feltaxa issued server command: /we cui [19:30:21] [L] SimpleMimpl: ай [19:30:25] Bikqwe issued server command: /money pay xx_VR_xxx 2 [19:30:27] Bikqwe issued server command: /home [19:31:10] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /warp shop [19:31:19] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /we cui [19:32:05] Bikqwe умер (MAGIC) [19:32:08] Bikqwe issued server command: /we cui [19:32:19] Bikqwe умер (MAGIC) [19:32:22] Bikqwe issued server command: /we cui [19:32:22] [G] SimpleMimpl: !Воваааааааан братааан [19:32:24] [G] SimpleMimpl: !хаха [19:32:28] [G] BOBAHBEPTYXA: !? [19:32:32] [G] SimpleMimpl: ! ты мне осмат дашь?) [19:32:32] Bikqwe умер (MAGIC) [19:32:38] Bikqwe issued server command: /we cui [19:32:44] [G] BOBAHBEPTYXA: !0)0) [19:32:47] [G] SimpleMimpl: !ы [19:32:48] [G] SimpleMimpl: !хаха [19:33:07] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /call SimpleMimpl [19:33:12] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /tpaccept [19:33:12] [L] SimpleMimpl: .езфссузе [19:33:34] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /money [19:33:37] [L] SimpleMimpl: вампиризм че даёт? [19:33:39] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /home [19:33:46] [L] BOBAHBEPTYXA: Вампиризм дает [19:33:49] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /we cui [19:33:51] [L] BOBAHBEPTYXA: Хилл от урона мечем [19:34:50] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /enderchest [19:34:50] [L] SimpleMimpl: .утвуксруые [19:34:59] [L] BOBAHBEPTYXA: утвуксруые [19:35:00] Bikqwe issued server command: /spawn [19:35:02] Bikqwe issued server command: /we cui [19:35:04] Bikqwe issued server command: /home [19:35:07] [L] SimpleMimpl: да это эндерсундук [19:35:08] [L] SimpleMimpl: хаха [19:35:08] Bikqwe issued server command: /we cui [19:35:14] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /playtime [19:35:18] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /playtimetop [19:35:20] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /playtimetop clear [19:35:23] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /money [19:35:25] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /mpcaseshop [19:35:26] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /mpcaseview 70 [19:35:27] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /buycase 70 [19:35:28] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /rollcase 70 [19:35:39] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /mpcaseshop [19:35:40] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /mpcaseview 70 [19:35:41] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /buycase 70 [19:35:41] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /buycase 70 [19:35:42] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /rollcase 70 [19:35:42] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /enderchest [19:35:42] [L] SimpleMimpl: .утвуксруые [19:35:49] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /mpcaseshop [19:35:50] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /mpcaseview 70 [19:35:52] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /rollcase 70 [19:36:00] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /mpcaseshop [19:36:01] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /mpcaseview 70 [19:36:02] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /buycase 70 [19:36:03] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /buycase 70 [19:36:16] [L] BOBAHBEPTYXA: Нормальный узел [19:36:18] Flysnake_ issued server command: /kit start [19:36:22] [L] BOBAHBEPTYXA: Где такие берутся? [19:36:27] [L] SimpleMimpl: с набора [19:36:50] Bikqwe вышел [19:37:17] Nekit192 вышел [19:37:29] [L] BOBAHBEPTYXA: Точняк [19:37:32] [L] SimpleMimpl: м [19:37:34] [L] BOBAHBEPTYXA: Надо клеймор сделать [19:38:03] [L] SimpleMimpl: че один стоял [19:38:05] [L] SimpleMimpl: что два стоит [19:38:08] [L] SimpleMimpl: всё равно медленно заряжает [19:38:15] [L] SimpleMimpl: по 0.5 [19:38:27] [L] BOBAHBEPTYXA: Предел этой конструкции [19:38:30] Feltaxa issued server command: /randomtp [19:38:30] Feltaxa issued server command: /rtp [19:38:31] [L] SimpleMimpl: ну [19:38:35] [L] BOBAHBEPTYXA: У алхим печи предел 100 сантивис [19:38:46] [L] BOBAHBEPTYXA: У заряжалки 5 [19:38:53] Bikqwe зашёл [19:39:00] [L] BOBAHBEPTYXA: У верстака для набалдашников 100 [19:39:03] [L] SimpleMimpl: да я уже всё забыл [19:39:04] Bikqwe issued server command: /we cui [19:39:20] [L] BOBAHBEPTYXA: У магического терминала и магического сборщика предела нет *-* [19:39:25] [L] BOBAHBEPTYXA: Но идет /2 [19:39:36] [L] SimpleMimpl: надо ща лилит убить [19:39:39] [L] SimpleMimpl: желание есть помочь хаха [19:39:51] [L] BOBAHBEPTYXA: А в чем проблема? [19:39:58] [L] SimpleMimpl: у неё реген бешенный [19:40:01] Feltaxa issued server command: /home [19:40:04] [L] BOBAHBEPTYXA: Так это [19:40:06] [L] SimpleMimpl: я минуты две бил этим мечём [19:40:24] [L] BOBAHBEPTYXA: Давай в обычном призовем и в два ствола её того [19:40:27] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /enderchest [19:40:27] [L] SimpleMimpl: .утвуксруые [19:40:32] [L] SimpleMimpl: я про это же [19:40:32] [L] SimpleMimpl: ) [19:40:36] [L] BOBAHBEPTYXA: утвуксруые [19:40:37] [L] SimpleMimpl: поводком повожу её [19:40:45] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /enderchet [19:40:45] [L] SimpleMimpl: .утвуксруе [19:40:48] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /enderchest [19:40:48] [L] SimpleMimpl: .утвуксруые [19:40:49] [L] BOBAHBEPTYXA: утвуксруые [19:41:07] Feltaxa issued server command: /money [19:41:13] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /enderchest [19:41:13] [L] SimpleMimpl: .утвуксруые [19:41:18] [L] SimpleMimpl: Держи [19:41:20] [L] BOBAHBEPTYXA: У меня 2 раза в секунду пишет сообщения что я не могу тут ничего делать) [19:41:23] KitKas issued server command: /we cui [19:41:23] [L] BOBAHBEPTYXA: Чат летит) [19:41:29] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /we cui [19:41:31] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /enderchest [19:41:31] [L] SimpleMimpl: .утвуксруые [19:41:33] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /home [19:41:51] [G] SimpleMimpl: !мак ест ьвован? [19:42:04] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /call SimpleMimpl [19:42:10] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /tpaccept [19:42:10] [L] SimpleMimpl: .езфссузе [19:42:23] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /tpaccept [19:42:23] [L] SimpleMimpl: .езфссузе [19:42:25] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /enderchest [19:42:25] [L] SimpleMimpl: .утвуксруые [19:42:33] Flysnake_ умер (ENTITY_ATTACK) [19:42:34] [L] BOBAHBEPTYXA: езфссезе [19:42:40] Flysnake_ issued server command: /we cui [19:42:41] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /god KitKas [19:42:42] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /god KitKas [19:42:45] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /home [19:42:48] KitKas issued server command: /home [19:42:50] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /we cui [19:42:52] KitKas issued server command: /we cui [19:43:03] Flysnake_ issued server command: /warp quest [19:43:05] Flysnake_ issued server command: /we cui [19:43:40] [L] SimpleMimpl: день настал жопа [19:43:51] [L] SimpleMimpl: ну чо ты коза [19:43:54] [L] SimpleMimpl: дай мамку [19:43:55] [L] BOBAHBEPTYXA: Ты ее дома к забору привяжи [19:44:01] Flysnake_ issued server command: /kit eat [19:44:09] [L] BOBAHBEPTYXA: Ни умирай [19:45:01] [L] BOBAHBEPTYXA: Немного не так [19:45:11] [L] BOBAHBEPTYXA: Она вроде должна к тебе идти, но быть привязанной [19:45:28] [L] SimpleMimpl: ночь будет сча) [19:45:32] [L] SimpleMimpl: надо обрядом ночь сделать [19:45:54] [L] SimpleMimpl: ща ночь подожду [19:45:56] [L] SimpleMimpl: пойду покурю пока [19:46:03] [L] BOBAHBEPTYXA: Людей кусать меньше надо просто [19:46:14] [L] SimpleMimpl: я потом 9 лвл буду [19:46:16] [L] SimpleMimpl: тебе кровь дам) [19:46:25] [L] BOBAHBEPTYXA: Дай мне пожалуйста элли на поводке [19:46:35] Flysnake_ умер (ENTITY_ATTACK) [19:46:35] [L] BOBAHBEPTYXA: Вот эту вот [19:46:40] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /rg addmember milfa228 BOBAHBEPTYXA [19:46:40] Flysnake_ issued server command: /we cui [19:46:41] [L] SimpleMimpl: бери [19:47:14] [L] SimpleMimpl: стриптизёрша [19:47:18] [L] BOBAHBEPTYXA: xD [19:47:30] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /rg removemember milfa228 BOBAHBEPTYXA [19:47:57] [L] SimpleMimpl: бракованная какая то [19:47:59] [L] SimpleMimpl: неужели только в аду [19:48:01] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /rg i [19:48:07] [L] BOBAHBEPTYXA: Не должно [19:48:10] [L] SimpleMimpl: дая помню [19:48:11] [L] SimpleMimpl: что тут можно [19:48:14] [L] SimpleMimpl: за поводок потаскать её [19:48:56] Flysnake_ issued server command: /kit start [19:48:58] [L] SimpleMimpl: ночь ей надо походу [19:49:07] [L] SimpleMimpl: ты кричи если что я покурю [19:49:15] [L] BOBAHBEPTYXA: Ты зови) [19:49:18] [L] BOBAHBEPTYXA: Я пока в дом [19:49:20] Flysnake_ issued server command: /warp quest [19:49:20] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /home [19:49:22] Flysnake_ issued server command: /we cui [19:49:53] Condesce зашёл [19:49:55] Condesce issued server command: /we cui [19:50:08] Condesce issued server command: /history Bikqwe [19:51:42] MrDimonsterR зашёл [19:51:45] MrDimonsterR issued server command: /we cui [19:51:52] Condesce issued server command: /screenall [19:53:45] [G] SimpleMimpl: !там не ночь ещё? [19:53:48] MrDimonsterR issued server command: /randomtp [19:53:48] MrDimonsterR issued server command: /rtp [19:53:52] [G] BOBAHBEPTYXA: !дождь [19:53:54] [G] Condesce: !дождь [19:53:54] Feltaxa issued server command: /voteday [19:54:15] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /call SimpleMimpl [19:54:18] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /tpaccept [19:54:18] [L] SimpleMimpl: .езфссузе [19:54:35] [L] SimpleMimpl: ща лаву принесу хаха [19:54:50] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /we cui [19:54:54] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /we cui [19:54:56] Cro_SS_O зашёл [19:55:01] Cro_SS_O issued server command: /we cui [19:55:02] [L] SimpleMimpl: дай поводок [19:55:06] Condesce issued server command: /bc Уважаемые игроки! Ивенты начнутся через 5 минут! [19:55:15] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /fly [19:55:15] [L] SimpleMimpl: .адн [19:55:20] MrDimonsterR issued server command: /randomtp [19:55:20] MrDimonsterR issued server command: /rtp [19:55:25] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /playtime [19:55:27] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /playtimetop [19:55:44] [L] SimpleMimpl: о [19:55:45] [L] SimpleMimpl: ништяк [19:55:46] MrDimonsterR issued server command: /randomtp [19:55:46] MrDimonsterR issued server command: /rtp [19:55:48] [L] SimpleMimpl: пасиба [19:55:49] [L] SimpleMimpl: а чо у тя [19:55:51] [L] SimpleMimpl: рапира [19:55:53] [L] SimpleMimpl: на скок урона [19:55:55] [L] BOBAHBEPTYXA: 13 [19:56:09] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /home [19:56:11] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /we cui [19:56:16] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /we cui [19:56:30] Condesce issued server command: /co i [19:56:47] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /fly [19:56:47] [L] SimpleMimpl: .адн [19:56:55] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /warp home [19:56:55] [L] SimpleMimpl: .цфкз рщьу [19:57:16] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /randomtp [19:57:16] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /rtp [19:57:16] [L] SimpleMimpl: .кез [19:57:26] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /tpahere BOBAHBEPTYXA [19:57:28] Condesce issued server command: /gc [19:57:31] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /tpaccept [19:57:44] d1zz3rIP зашёл [19:57:44] d1zz3rIP вышел [19:58:04] [L] SimpleMimpl: я полетле [19:58:06] [L] BOBAHBEPTYXA: пошли смотреть на мой ковер? [19:58:07] d1zz3rIP зашёл [19:58:08] Condesce issued server command: /dupeip d1zz3rip [19:58:09] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /home [19:58:11] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /tpa BOBAHBEPTYXA [19:58:13] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /tpahere SimpleMimpl [19:58:14] Bikqwe issued server command: /tpahere d1zz3rIP [19:58:17] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /tpaccept [19:58:17] [L] SimpleMimpl: .езфссузе [19:58:18] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /tpaccept [19:58:21] d1zz3rIP issued server command: /we cui [19:58:23] [L] SimpleMimpl: о [19:58:24] MrDimonsterR issued server command: /randomtp [19:58:24] MrDimonsterR issued server command: /rtp [19:58:25] [L] SimpleMimpl: как у бабушки [19:58:25] Condesce issued server command: /screen d1zz3rIP [19:58:29] [L] BOBAHBEPTYXA: =) [19:58:30] [G] xx_VR_xxx: ! Ура дошли руки до брони наконецто [19:58:32] [L] SimpleMimpl: о чо за [19:58:54] [L] BOBAHBEPTYXA: Пока бомжую [19:58:57] [L] SimpleMimpl: порталы какие то [19:58:58] Bikqwe issued server command: /spawn [19:59:00] Bikqwe issued server command: /we cui [19:59:14] [L] BOBAHBEPTYXA: Хочу нормальный полет сделать, но пока только ковёр получился [19:59:19] [L] BOBAHBEPTYXA: И тот не самолет [19:59:24] d1zz3rIP умер (DROWNING) [19:59:25] MrDimonsterR issued server command: /randomtp [19:59:25] MrDimonsterR issued server command: /rtp [19:59:28] d1zz3rIP issued server command: /we cui [19:59:30] [L] SimpleMimpl: какие то штуки [19:59:31] [L] SimpleMimpl: понаделал [19:59:33] Condesce issued server command: /pickup [19:59:34] I_Quantum_I зашёл [19:59:35] Bukycbka зашёл [19:59:38] Condesce issued server command: /vanish [19:59:40] I_Quantum_I issued server command: /we cui [19:59:41] [L] SimpleMimpl: чувствую себя тупым [19:59:41] Condesce issued server command: /tp d1zz3rIP [19:59:43] Condesce issued server command: /we cui [19:59:52] Bukycbka issued server command: /we cui [19:59:58] [L] xx_VR_xxx: Квантум [19:59:59] [L] xx_VR_xxx: зырь [20:00:13] [L] I_Quantum_I: ооо харош [20:00:19] [L] xx_VR_xxx: она еще не чареная [20:00:25] [L] I_Quantum_I: красавец [20:00:31] Cro_SS_O issued server command: /money [20:00:35] Condesce issued server command: /enew spleef [20:00:35] [L] xx_VR_xxx: щас помогу сестре с витчери и может чарку сделаю на книжках [20:00:38] Condesce issued server command: /bc С правилами ивентов можно ознакомиться у NPC, прописав /eobs. [20:00:39] Condesce issued server command: /bc Не забудьте очистить свои инвентари! [20:00:41] Condesce issued server command: /eobs [20:00:42] [L] I_Quantum_I: такс, я хавать. позже зайду [20:00:44] Condesce вышел [20:00:49] [G] Bikqwe: !Подождёшь нас [20:00:50] [L] xx_VR_xxx: приятного [20:00:51] Condesce зашёл [20:00:51] [L] SimpleMimpl: деревня есть тут рядом? [20:00:52] [L] I_Quantum_I: оки [20:00:53] Condesce issued server command: /we cui [20:00:55] [L] I_Quantum_I: спасибки [20:00:55] [G] Bikqwe: !И из инвиза выйди [20:00:56] Condesce issued server command: /ejoin [20:00:58] [G] Bikqwe: !) [20:01:00] Feltaxa issued server command: /home [20:01:01] I_Quantum_I вышел [20:01:01] Condesce issued server command: /ejoin [20:01:04] [L] BOBAHBEPTYXA: Нет вроде [20:01:06] Condesce issued server command: /ejoin [20:01:08] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /ejoin [20:01:10] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /we cui [20:01:17] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /randomtp [20:01:17] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /rtp [20:01:17] [L] SimpleMimpl: .кез [20:01:25] MrDimonsterR issued server command: /randomtp [20:01:25] MrDimonsterR issued server command: /rtp [20:01:26] Feltaxa issued server command: /warp shop [20:01:27] Feltaxa issued server command: /we cui [20:01:28] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /randomtp [20:01:28] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /rtp [20:01:28] [L] SimpleMimpl: .кез [20:01:36] Flysnake_ issued server command: /home [20:01:37] [L] Condesce: выдается на старте [20:01:38] Flysnake_ issued server command: /we cui [20:01:39] MrDimonsterR issued server command: /home [20:01:45] MrDimonsterR issued server command: /kit eat [20:01:45] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /randomtp [20:01:45] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /rtp [20:01:45] [L] SimpleMimpl: .кез [20:01:47] Feltaxa issued server command: /ejoin [20:01:51] Bikqwe issued server command: /ejoin [20:02:06] [L] BOBAHBEPTYXA: ты с деревни? [20:02:08] Flysnake_ issued server command: /enjoi [20:02:11] Flysnake_ issued server command: /enjo [20:02:13] [G] Condesce: !За победу а ивентах выдаются награды которые можно обменять на /warp shop [20:02:14] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /randomtp [20:02:14] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /rtp [20:02:14] [L] SimpleMimpl: .кез [20:02:17] [L] Bikqwe: Cмотри как могу [20:02:20] [L] Feltaxa: ? [20:02:23] Flysnake_ issued server command: /enjoin [20:02:26] [L] Condesce: смотри как могу [20:02:27] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /warp home [20:02:27] [L] SimpleMimpl: .цфкз рщьу [20:02:31] [L] Feltaxa: Это из старого мультика [20:02:38] Condesce issued server command: /co i [20:02:39] Bikqwe issued server command: /ejoin [20:02:44] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /ejoin [20:02:45] Flysnake_ issued server command: /enjoi [20:02:46] [L] Bikqwe: Открой [20:02:48] Condesce issued server command: /ejoin [20:02:51] MrDimonsterR issued server command: /randomtp [20:02:51] MrDimonsterR issued server command: /rtp [20:02:53] [G] SimpleMimpl: !куплю 2 яйца спавна жителей [20:02:54] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /ejoin [20:03:17] Condesce issued server command: /ejoin [20:03:18] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /fly [20:03:18] [L] SimpleMimpl: .адн [20:03:23] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /msg SimpleMimpl пошли на ивент [20:03:30] Flysnake_ issued server command: /enjoi [20:03:30] [G] Condesce: !При 5 людях ведется 2 круга ивентов! [20:03:36] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /r ты же вампир! У тебя все шансы победить! [20:03:37] [L] Bikqwe: Сейчас мой друг подойдёт [20:03:38] Bukycbka issued server command: /randomtp [20:03:38] Bukycbka issued server command: /rtp [20:03:38] [L] Bukycbka: .кез [20:03:39] [G] Feltaxa: !ок [20:03:45] Flysnake_ issued server command: /engoin [20:03:45] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /ejoin [20:03:49] Condesce issued server command: /eday [20:03:56] [L] Bikqwe: Он после доты в настройках разбирается [20:03:58] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /ejoin [20:03:59] [G] Feltaxa: !При 5 людях меня какая-нибудь тима откопает [20:04:00] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /we cui [20:04:05] [G] Condesce: !А если вампиры будут юзать свои абилки -вылетят с ивентов [20:04:07] Flysnake_ issued server command: /enjoy [20:04:08] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /m BOBAHBEPTYXA я тут [20:04:10] [L] SimpleMimpl: хфывхфых [20:04:11] [L] SimpleMimpl: ты [20:04:13] [L] SimpleMimpl: чо так сразу [20:04:15] [L] SimpleMimpl: нельзя рак [20:04:24] [L] Condesce: SimpleMimpl [20:04:25] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /r блин! Он читаит мысли [20:04:28] [L] SimpleMimpl: это не я [20:04:29] [G] Bikqwe: !/ejoin [20:04:30] [L] SimpleMimpl: отвечаю [20:04:31] [G] xx_VR_xxx: ! И Ликантропы тоже хд [20:04:32] [L] Condesce: Видео [20:04:34] [L] Condesce: как бы [20:04:35] Flysnake_ issued server command: /ejoin [20:04:37] Flysnake_ issued server command: /we cui [20:04:38] [L] Condesce: ну лааадно) [20:04:38] d1zz3rIP issued server command: /ejin [20:04:46] d1zz3rIP issued server command: /ejoin [20:05:01] [G] Condesce: !Все кто хотел пришли? [20:05:02] [L] SimpleMimpl: да у меня кровь закончилась хахаах [20:05:06] [G] xx_VR_xxx: ! SimpleMimpl еще покупаешь? [20:05:07] MrDimonsterR issued server command: /randomtp [20:05:07] MrDimonsterR issued server command: /rtp [20:05:08] [L] SimpleMimpl: стой вован [20:05:09] Condesce issued server command: /screenall [20:05:11] [L] Condesce: &cСтартую [20:05:12] [G] SimpleMimpl: !да [20:05:15] [L] SimpleMimpl: а незя [20:05:15] Condesce issued server command: /estart [20:05:18] [G] xx_VR_xxx: ! за что или за сколько [20:05:31] Condesce issued server command: /gm 0 [20:05:34] [L] Condesce: SimpleMimpl [20:05:44] [L] SimpleMimpl: ну арина [20:05:55] [L] SimpleMimpl: не дала побаловаться [20:06:01] KitKas issued server command: /playtime [20:06:03] MrDimonsterR issued server command: /randomtp [20:06:03] MrDimonsterR issued server command: /rtp [20:06:06] [L] SimpleMimpl: бука [20:06:13] [L] Feltaxa: -_0 [20:06:13] [L] Condesce: твое баловство нарушает п.п. 2.8 [20:06:20] Condesce issued server command: /ereward Feltaxa [20:06:26] Condesce issued server command: /estop [20:06:28] Condesce issued server command: /enew tntrun [20:06:28] Bikqwe issued server command: /ejoin [20:06:29] Feltaxa issued server command: /home [20:06:30] Condesce issued server command: /ejoin [20:06:30] Feltaxa issued server command: /we cui [20:06:32] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /ejoin [20:06:33] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /warp home [20:06:33] [L] SimpleMimpl: .цфкз рщьу [20:06:34] Flysnake_ issued server command: /ejoin [20:06:35] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /we cui [20:06:39] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /ejoin [20:06:39] [L] SimpleMimpl: .уощшт [20:06:40] Feltaxa issued server command: /rjoin [20:06:42] Bukycbka issued server command: /home [20:06:43] Feltaxa issued server command: /ejoin [20:06:44] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /we cui [20:06:45] d1zz3rIP issued server command: /ejoin [20:06:46] Feltaxa issued server command: /ejoin [20:06:48] Feltaxa issued server command: /we cui [20:06:54] Bukycbka issued server command: /home [20:06:56] Bukycbka issued server command: /rt [20:06:56] [L] Bukycbka: .ке [20:06:56] [L] SimpleMimpl: )) [20:06:57] [L] Condesce: &cСтартую [20:06:57] Bukycbka issued server command: /randomtp [20:06:57] Bukycbka issued server command: /rtp [20:06:58] [L] Bikqwe: Го [20:07:00] [L] Feltaxa: Ой сейчас у меня пк в космос улетит [20:07:02] Condesce issued server command: /estart [20:07:17] Bukycbka issued server command: /home [20:07:39] [L] SimpleMimpl: ай [20:07:39] [L] SimpleMimpl: хваыфхвыфхфыв [20:07:43] [L] SimpleMimpl: вфыххфых победил ещё [20:07:45] [L] SimpleMimpl: упал в конце [20:07:50] Condesce issued server command: /ereward SimpleMimpl [20:07:52] Condesce issued server command: /estop [20:07:53] Condesce issued server command: /enew Listva [20:07:55] Bikqwe issued server command: /ejoin [20:07:55] Condesce issued server command: /ejoin [20:07:56] Feltaxa issued server command: /ejoin [20:07:57] Flysnake_ issued server command: /ejoin [20:07:57] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /ejoin [20:08:00] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /ejoin [20:08:00] [L] SimpleMimpl: .уощшт [20:08:01] Flysnake_ issued server command: /ejoin [20:08:06] d1zz3rIP issued server command: /ejoin [20:08:07] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /ejoin [20:08:07] [L] SimpleMimpl: .уощшт [20:08:07] Flysnake_ issued server command: /ejoin [20:08:11] [L] SimpleMimpl: я тут умер вчера [20:08:14] [L] SimpleMimpl: даже не успев начать [20:08:15] Bukycbka issued server command: /randomtp [20:08:15] Bukycbka issued server command: /rtp [20:08:18] [L] Condesce: &cСтартую [20:08:23] Condesce issued server command: /estart [20:08:43] [L] Condesce: и ща все 4 пропадают [20:08:56] Bukycbka issued server command: /randomtp [20:08:56] Bukycbka issued server command: /rtp [20:09:14] [L] SimpleMimpl: труба [20:09:18] [L] SimpleMimpl: памагити [20:09:25] [L] SimpleMimpl: хвыффывх [20:09:42] Condesce issued server command: /ereward Feltaxa [20:09:43] Condesce issued server command: /estop [20:09:44] Condesce issued server command: /enew Kovriki [20:09:44] Feltaxa issued server command: /home [20:09:46] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /ejoin [20:09:46] Feltaxa issued server command: /we cui [20:09:46] Condesce issued server command: /ejoin [20:09:47] Flysnake_ issued server command: /ejoin [20:09:48] Bikqwe issued server command: /ejoin [20:09:48] d1zz3rIP issued server command: /ejoin [20:09:49] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /ejoin [20:09:49] [L] SimpleMimpl: .уощшт [20:09:54] [L] SimpleMimpl: а тут чо делать [20:09:55] Feltaxa issued server command: /ejoin [20:09:56] Feltaxa issued server command: /we cui [20:10:07] [L] Condesce: встать на цвет, котоырй будет показан в чате [20:10:13] [L] SimpleMimpl: &4крансый [20:10:15] [L] SimpleMimpl: хыфвхфы [20:10:28] [L] Condesce: будешь так писать - будешь на спавне весь ивент [20:10:37] [L] SimpleMimpl: Что за злая [20:10:39] MrDimonsterR issued server command: /randomtp [20:10:39] MrDimonsterR issued server command: /rtp [20:10:39] [L] Condesce: с &cмутом [20:10:48] [L] Condesce: &cСтартую [20:10:52] Condesce issued server command: /estart [20:10:57] MrDimonsterR issued server command: /randomtp [20:10:57] MrDimonsterR issued server command: /rtp [20:11:10] MrDimonsterR issued server command: /randomtp [20:11:10] MrDimonsterR issued server command: /rtp [20:11:21] Healthy зашёл [20:11:33] Healthy issued server command: /we cui [20:11:50] MrDimonsterR issued server command: /randomtp [20:11:50] MrDimonsterR issued server command: /rtp [20:11:51] [L] SimpleMimpl: ай [20:11:52] [L] SimpleMimpl: ну чо [20:11:59] [L] SimpleMimpl: на вован [20:12:09] Condesce issued server command: /ereward Feltaxa [20:12:15] Feltaxa issued server command: /home [20:12:17] Condesce issued server command: /estop [20:12:17] Feltaxa issued server command: /we cui [20:12:20] Condesce issued server command: /enew Kovriki [20:12:22] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /ejoin [20:12:22] Bikqwe issued server command: /ejoin [20:12:23] Flysnake_ issued server command: /ejoin [20:12:23] Feltaxa issued server command: /ejoin [20:12:25] Feltaxa issued server command: /we cui [20:12:26] [L] Condesce: &7Ускоренные [20:12:26] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /ejoin [20:12:26] [L] SimpleMimpl: .уощшт [20:12:28] Condesce issued server command: /ejoin [20:12:30] d1zz3rIP issued server command: /EJOIN [20:12:33] [L] Bikqwe: Го [20:12:34] Healthy issued server command: /ejoin [20:12:35] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /fly [20:12:35] [L] SimpleMimpl: .адн [20:12:39] Healthy issued server command: /ejoin [20:12:41] Healthy issued server command: /we cui [20:12:42] [L] Condesce: SimpleMimpl [20:12:47] [L] SimpleMimpl: ну что снова [20:12:51] [L] SimpleMimpl: не летаю я [20:12:56] [L] Condesce: последнее предупреждение [20:13:02] [L] SimpleMimpl: да тут мне вырубает флай [20:13:03] [L] SimpleMimpl: автоматом [20:13:08] Bukycbka issued server command: /randomtp [20:13:08] Bukycbka issued server command: /rtp [20:13:09] [L] Condesce: &cСтартую [20:13:13] Condesce issued server command: /estart fast [20:13:47] [L] SimpleMimpl: жестко [20:13:55] Condesce issued server command: /ereward BOBAHBEPTYXA [20:13:57] Condesce issued server command: /estop [20:13:58] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /warp home [20:13:58] [L] SimpleMimpl: .цфкз рщьу [20:13:59] Condesce issued server command: /enew TNTBow [20:14:00] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /we cui [20:14:01] [L] Bikqwe: Го [20:14:01] Feltaxa issued server command: /ejoin [20:14:02] Healthy issued server command: /ejoin [20:14:02] Condesce issued server command: /ejoin [20:14:02] Flysnake_ issued server command: /ejoin [20:14:03] SimpleMimpl умер (FIRE_TICK) [20:14:04] Bikqwe issued server command: /ejoin [20:14:07] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /we cui [20:14:08] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /god [20:14:08] [L] SimpleMimpl: .пщв [20:14:08] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /ejoin [20:14:10] d1zz3rIP issued server command: /enjoin [20:14:10] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /fly [20:14:10] [L] SimpleMimpl: .адн [20:14:12] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /warp home [20:14:12] [L] SimpleMimpl: .цфкз рщьу [20:14:14] [L] Condesce: я выиграла [20:14:15] d1zz3rIP issued server command: /enjoin [20:14:20] [L] Condesce: я не могу давать себе награду [20:14:21] d1zz3rIP issued server command: /ejoin [20:14:32] [L] Condesce: так что поучает второе место награду за меня [20:14:33] MrDimonsterR issued server command: /home [20:14:39] [L] Condesce: &cСтартую [20:14:42] Condesce issued server command: /estart [20:15:00] MrDimonsterR issued server command: /kit eat [20:15:04] Condesce issued server command: /fly [20:15:09] [G] SimpleMimpl: ! xx_VR_xxx ты продаешь ещё 2 яйа? [20:15:14] MrDimonsterR issued server command: /randomtp [20:15:14] MrDimonsterR issued server command: /rtp [20:15:25] [G] xx_VR_xxx: ! да [20:15:32] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /enderchest [20:15:32] [L] SimpleMimpl: .утвуксруые [20:15:37] [G] SimpleMimpl: !по чем [20:15:55] [G] xx_VR_xxx: ! хм [20:15:55] [L] Healthy: ОНИ ТИМИЛИС_ АЛЛО [20:15:58] [L] Healthy: че за хуета [20:16:08] MrDimonsterR issued server command: /randomtp [20:16:08] MrDimonsterR issued server command: /rtp [20:16:10] [L] Condesce: Healthy [20:16:16] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /msg SimpleMimpl что предложишь? [20:16:18] [L] Condesce: без мата и капса [20:16:21] [G] SimpleMimpl: !эмы тлько( [20:16:24] [L] Healthy: окей [20:16:27] [G] xx_VR_xxx: ! Сколько [20:16:36] [L] Healthy: это нормально что они оба меня фокусили?) [20:16:44] [L] Feltaxa: А ну бывает такое [20:16:45] [L] Condesce: нормально [20:16:51] Condesce issued server command: /ereward d1zz3rIP [20:16:53] Condesce issued server command: /estop [20:16:54] Condesce issued server command: /enew Archery [20:16:57] Healthy issued server command: /ejoin [20:16:58] Condesce issued server command: /ejoin [20:16:59] Flysnake_ issued server command: /ejoin [20:17:00] [L] Feltaxa: Я против тим по кд играю xD поэтому коврики или листву люблю [20:17:01] Bikqwe issued server command: /ejoin [20:17:01] MrDimonsterR issued server command: /randomtp [20:17:01] MrDimonsterR issued server command: /rtp [20:17:02] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /ejoin [20:17:03] Feltaxa issued server command: /ejoin [20:17:09] d1zz3rIP issued server command: /ejoin [20:17:11] [L] Condesce: на тебя могли и все ополчиться [20:17:26] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /enderchest [20:17:26] [L] SimpleMimpl: .утвуксруые [20:17:31] [L] Condesce: &cСтартую [20:17:31] [G] SimpleMimpl: !я не знаю по чем они [20:17:33] [L] Bikqwe: В меня на ТНТ луках все фокусили [20:17:34] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /enderchest [20:17:34] [L] SimpleMimpl: .утвуксруые [20:17:35] Condesce issued server command: /estart 60 [20:17:38] [L] Healthy: это адекватно когда все, но не когда последние оба тимятся [20:17:39] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /Цarp home [20:17:39] [L] SimpleMimpl: .Цфкз рщьу [20:17:41] [L] Bikqwe: Мне тогда всех обвинять в тиме? [20:17:43] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /warp home [20:17:43] [L] SimpleMimpl: .цфкз рщьу [20:17:55] [G] Condesce: !Яйца призыва и их цену можно посмотреть на спавне у &cАйболита [20:18:07] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /warp shop [20:18:20] KitKas issued server command: /home [20:18:28] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /we cui [20:18:33] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /spawn [20:18:33] [L] SimpleMimpl: .ызфцт [20:18:35] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /we cui [20:18:43] Condesce issued server command: /ereward BOBAHBEPTYXA [20:18:43] Bukycbka issued server command: /randomtp [20:18:43] Bukycbka issued server command: /rtp [20:18:45] Condesce issued server command: /estop [20:18:51] [L] Condesce: Второй круг будем? [20:18:53] [L] Bikqwe: + [20:18:56] [L] Feltaxa: а давай [20:19:00] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /warp shop [20:19:00] [L] SimpleMimpl: .цфкз ырщз [20:19:04] Condesce issued server command: /enew spleef [20:19:06] Condesce issued server command: /ejoin [20:19:08] Healthy issued server command: /ejoni [20:19:08] Flysnake_ issued server command: /ejoin [20:19:08] Feltaxa issued server command: /ejoin [20:19:08] Bikqwe issued server command: /ejoin [20:19:09] Healthy issued server command: /ejoin [20:19:13] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /ejoin [20:19:15] d1zz3rIP issued server command: /ejoin [20:19:31] [L] SimpleMimpl: ничоси [20:19:32] [L] SimpleMimpl: 32 [20:19:42] [L] SimpleMimpl: :( [20:19:52] [L] Condesce: &cСтартую [20:19:55] Condesce issued server command: /estart [20:19:58] [L] xx_VR_xxx: могу по 28 продать каждую,а эмы недостающие можешь ресами дать [20:20:08] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /money [20:20:12] KitKas issued server command: /randomtp [20:20:12] KitKas issued server command: /rtp [20:20:13] [L] SimpleMimpl: у меня 55.80 на счету [20:20:24] [G] xx_VR_xxx: ! 1-2 эма какими нибудь ресурсами [20:20:33] [L] xx_VR_xxx: блен глобал заюзал [20:20:38] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /waro home [20:20:38] [L] SimpleMimpl: .цфкщ рщьу [20:20:41] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /warp home [20:20:41] [L] SimpleMimpl: .цфкз рщьу [20:20:41] KitKas issued server command: /randomtp [20:20:41] KitKas issued server command: /rtp [20:20:43] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /home [20:20:44] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /we cui [20:20:48] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /we cui [20:20:48] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /tpahere xx_VR_xxx [20:21:00] KitKas issued server command: /home [20:21:03] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /tpyes [20:21:04] Condesce issued server command: /ereward Bikqwe [20:21:05] Bukycbka issued server command: /home [20:21:05] [L] Bukycbka: .рщьу [20:21:07] Condesce issued server command: /estop [20:21:08] [L] SimpleMimpl: можно я тебя попью чучуть [20:21:09] Condesce issued server command: /enew tntrun [20:21:10] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /ejoin [20:21:11] Condesce issued server command: /ejoin [20:21:11] Bikqwe issued server command: /ejoin [20:21:11] Flysnake_ issued server command: /ejoin [20:21:12] Healthy issued server command: /ejoin [20:21:14] d1zz3rIP issued server command: /ejoin [20:21:16] [L] xx_VR_xxx: ага [20:21:16] Feltaxa issued server command: /ejoin [20:21:21] Feltaxa issued server command: /ejoin [20:21:28] Bukycbka issued server command: /enjoin [20:21:28] [L] Condesce: &cСтартую [20:21:29] [G] Feltaxa: !What u gonna do when it's blood in the water? [20:21:31] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /money pay xx_VR_xxx 55.80 [20:21:32] Bukycbka issued server command: /enjoin [20:21:33] [L] SimpleMimpl: вот [20:21:35] Condesce issued server command: /estart [20:21:37] Bukycbka issued server command: /ejoin [20:21:43] [L] xx_VR_xxx: благодарю за покупку [20:21:46] [L] SimpleMimpl: вот [20:21:49] [L] SimpleMimpl: в расчёте [20:21:51] [L] SimpleMimpl: пасиба [20:21:55] [L] xx_VR_xxx: не за что! [20:21:56] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /home [20:22:13] Condesce issued server command: /ereward Healthy [20:22:16] Condesce issued server command: /estop [20:22:18] Condesce issued server command: /enew Listva [20:22:19] MrDimonsterR умер (ENTITY_ATTACK) [20:22:19] Bikqwe issued server command: /ejoin [20:22:20] Condesce issued server command: /ejoin [20:22:20] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /ejoin [20:22:21] Flysnake_ issued server command: /ejoin [20:22:22] MrDimonsterR issued server command: /we cui [20:22:24] Healthy issued server command: /ejoin [20:22:24] d1zz3rIP issued server command: /ejoin [20:22:27] Flysnake_ issued server command: /ejoin [20:22:28] Bukycbka issued server command: /ejoin [20:22:32] Feltaxa issued server command: /ejoin [20:22:34] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /warp home [20:22:34] [L] SimpleMimpl: .цфкз рщьу [20:22:35] Feltaxa issued server command: /ejoin [20:22:36] Bukycbka issued server command: /ejoin [20:22:37] MrDimonsterR issued server command: /randomtp [20:22:37] MrDimonsterR issued server command: /rtp [20:22:38] Bukycbka issued server command: /we cui [20:22:38] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /kit start [20:22:39] [L] Condesce: конечно [20:22:44] [L] Condesce: ща шансы подкручу [20:22:49] [L] Condesce: &cСтартую [20:22:54] Condesce issued server command: /estart [20:22:58] MrDimonsterR issued server command: /randomtp [20:22:58] MrDimonsterR issued server command: /rtp [20:23:02] MrDimonsterR issued server command: /randomtp [20:23:02] MrDimonsterR issued server command: /rtp [20:23:29] MrDimonsterR issued server command: /randomtp [20:23:29] MrDimonsterR issued server command: /rtp [20:23:50] MrDimonsterR issued server command: /randomtp [20:23:50] MrDimonsterR issued server command: /rtp [20:23:53] MrDimonsterR issued server command: /randomtp [20:23:53] MrDimonsterR issued server command: /rtp [20:23:54] MrDimonsterR issued server command: /randomtp [20:23:54] MrDimonsterR issued server command: /rtp [20:23:56] MrDimonsterR issued server command: /randomtp [20:23:56] MrDimonsterR issued server command: /rtp [20:24:06] MrDimonsterR issued server command: /randomtp [20:24:06] MrDimonsterR issued server command: /rtp [20:24:11] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /fly [20:24:11] [L] SimpleMimpl: .адн [20:24:20] MrDimonsterR issued server command: /randomtp [20:24:20] MrDimonsterR issued server command: /rtp [20:24:26] MrDimonsterR issued server command: /randomtp [20:24:26] MrDimonsterR issued server command: /rtp [20:24:28] Condesce issued server command: /ereward BOBAHBEPTYXA [20:24:29] Bikqwe issued server command: /trade BOBAHBEPTYXA [20:24:29] Bikqwe issued server command: /trade BOBAHBEPTYXA [20:24:29] Bikqwe issued server command: /trade BOBAHBEPTYXA [20:24:29] Bikqwe issued server command: /trade BOBAHBEPTYXA [20:24:29] Bikqwe issued server command: /trade BOBAHBEPTYXA [20:24:29] Bikqwe issued server command: /trade BOBAHBEPTYXA [20:24:29] Bikqwe issued server command: /trade BOBAHBEPTYXA [20:24:29] Bikqwe issued server command: /trade BOBAHBEPTYXA [20:24:29] Bikqwe issued server command: /trade BOBAHBEPTYXA [20:24:29] Bikqwe issued server command: /trade BOBAHBEPTYXA [20:24:29] Bikqwe issued server command: /trade BOBAHBEPTYXA [20:24:29] Bikqwe был кикнут [20:24:29] Bikqwe вышел [20:24:29] Condesce issued server command: /estop [20:24:31] Condesce issued server command: /enew Kovriki [20:24:33] Feltaxa issued server command: /ejoin [20:24:33] Condesce issued server command: /ejoin [20:24:33] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /ejoin [20:24:33] d1zz3rIP issued server command: /spawn [20:24:35] Healthy issued server command: /ejoin [20:24:37] Bukycbka issued server command: /ejoin [20:24:38] Bikqwe зашёл [20:24:38] Flysnake_ issued server command: /ejoin [20:24:40] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /money [20:24:40] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /enderchest [20:24:40] [L] SimpleMimpl: .утвуксруые [20:24:42] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /playtime [20:24:42] MrDimonsterR issued server command: /randomtp [20:24:42] MrDimonsterR issued server command: /rtp [20:24:50] Bikqwe issued server command: /we cui [20:24:51] MrDimonsterR issued server command: /randomtp [20:24:51] MrDimonsterR issued server command: /rtp [20:24:53] MrDimonsterR issued server command: /randomtp [20:24:53] MrDimonsterR issued server command: /rtp [20:25:06] [L] Condesce: это шутка была [20:25:08] [L] Condesce: &cСтартую [20:25:09] Bikqwe issued server command: /home [20:25:12] Condesce issued server command: /estart [20:25:12] Bikqwe issued server command: /we cui [20:25:16] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /rg i [20:25:18] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: //sel [20:25:19] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /fly [20:25:19] [L] SimpleMimpl: .адн [20:25:20] Condesce issued server command: /screenall [20:25:33] MrDimonsterR issued server command: /randomtp [20:25:33] MrDimonsterR issued server command: /rtp [20:25:35] d1zz3rIP issued server command: /warp world [20:25:37] d1zz3rIP issued server command: /we cui [20:25:42] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /enderchest [20:25:42] [L] SimpleMimpl: .утвуксруые [20:25:42] MrDimonsterR issued server command: /kit eat [20:25:42] Bikqwe issued server command: /tpahere d1zz3rIP [20:25:45] MrDimonsterR issued server command: /randomtp [20:25:45] MrDimonsterR issued server command: /rtp [20:25:45] [G] SimpleMimpl: !о [20:25:46] MrDimonsterR issued server command: /home [20:25:47] [G] SimpleMimpl: !вампир 10лвл) [20:25:51] d1zz3rIP issued server command: /tpaccept [20:25:53] [G] xx_VR_xxx: ! мощно [20:25:54] KitKas вышел [20:25:59] [G] SimpleMimpl: !жестко) [20:25:59] MrDimonsterR issued server command: /kit start [20:26:01] Bikqwe issued server command: /rg addmember d1zz3rIP privet1 [20:26:07] Bikqwe issued server command: /rg addmember privet1 d1zz3rIP [20:26:10] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /playtimetop [20:26:17] MrDimonsterR issued server command: /randomtp [20:26:17] MrDimonsterR issued server command: /rtp [20:26:17] [L] Bikqwe: ./sethome [20:26:27] Condesce issued server command: /ereward Feltaxa [20:26:27] [L] Feltaxa: -_0 [20:26:29] Feltaxa issued server command: /home [20:26:29] Condesce issued server command: /estop [20:26:30] Condesce issued server command: /enew Kovriki [20:26:31] Feltaxa issued server command: /we cui [20:26:31] MrDimonsterR issued server command: /randomtp [20:26:31] MrDimonsterR issued server command: /rtp [20:26:32] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /ejoin [20:26:34] Bukycbka issued server command: /ejoin [20:26:34] d1zz3rIP issued server command: /sethome [20:26:34] Healthy issued server command: /ejoin [20:26:35] Flysnake_ issued server command: /ejoin [20:26:36] Feltaxa issued server command: /ejoin [20:26:37] [L] Condesce: &6Ускоренные [20:26:38] Feltaxa issued server command: /we cui [20:26:39] MrDimonsterR issued server command: /randomtp [20:26:39] MrDimonsterR issued server command: /rtp [20:26:40] Condesce issued server command: /ejoin [20:26:40] [G] Bikqwe: !В чём есть пердитио есть? [20:26:41] MrDimonsterR issued server command: /randomtp [20:26:41] MrDimonsterR issued server command: /rtp [20:26:42] MrDimonsterR issued server command: /randomtp [20:26:42] MrDimonsterR issued server command: /rtp [20:26:46] [G] BOBAHBEPTYXA: !Булыжник [20:26:47] [G] Feltaxa: !Песчанник [20:26:52] [G] Condesce: !В булыжнике и сухих кустиках [20:27:03] [G] Feltaxa: !песчаник* [20:27:06] [L] Condesce: &cСтартую [20:27:07] MrDimonsterR issued server command: /randomtp [20:27:07] MrDimonsterR issued server command: /rtp [20:27:08] [L] Bikqwe: ./warp shop [20:27:09] Condesce issued server command: /estart fast [20:27:12] Bikqwe issued server command: /warp shop [20:27:13] Bikqwe issued server command: /we cui [20:27:16] d1zz3rIP issued server command: /warp shop [20:27:17] d1zz3rIP issued server command: /we cui [20:27:26] MrDimonsterR issued server command: /randomtp [20:27:26] MrDimonsterR issued server command: /rtp [20:27:31] MrDimonsterR issued server command: /randomtp [20:27:31] MrDimonsterR issued server command: /rtp [20:27:33] MrDimonsterR issued server command: /randomtp [20:27:33] MrDimonsterR issued server command: /rtp [20:27:45] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /enderchest [20:27:45] [L] SimpleMimpl: .утвуксруые [20:27:53] [L] Feltaxa: xd [20:27:54] Condesce issued server command: /ereward Feltaxa [20:27:56] Feltaxa issued server command: /home [20:27:57] Condesce issued server command: /estop [20:27:58] Feltaxa issued server command: /we cui [20:27:58] Condesce issued server command: /enew TNTBow [20:27:59] [L] BOBAHBEPTYXA: =( [20:28:00] Condesce issued server command: /ejoin [20:28:01] Flysnake_ issued server command: /ejoin [20:28:02] Bukycbka issued server command: /ejoin [20:28:02] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /ejoin [20:28:02] Healthy issued server command: /ejoin [20:28:02] MrDimonsterR issued server command: /randomtp [20:28:02] MrDimonsterR issued server command: /rtp [20:28:04] Feltaxa issued server command: /ejoin [20:28:06] Feltaxa issued server command: /we cui [20:28:10] [G] xx_VR_xxx: !Порох,печь раздатчик,каменные инструменты [20:28:14] Bikqwe issued server command: /home [20:28:14] KitKas зашёл [20:28:16] Bikqwe issued server command: /we cui [20:28:17] KitKas issued server command: /we cui [20:28:18] [L] Condesce: &cСтартую [20:28:19] [G] xx_VR_xxx: ! Тнт [20:28:23] Condesce issued server command: /estart [20:28:26] MrDimonsterR issued server command: /randomtp [20:28:26] MrDimonsterR issued server command: /rtp [20:28:29] MrDimonsterR issued server command: /randomtp [20:28:29] MrDimonsterR issued server command: /rtp [20:29:05] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /repair [20:29:09] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /money [20:29:34] [G] SimpleMimpl: !вован нужна твоя кровь) [20:29:47] [G] BOBAHBEPTYXA: !Я её проливаю на ивентах [20:29:57] [G] SimpleMimpl: !Это прискорбно [20:30:01] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /money top [20:30:06] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /money [20:30:07] [G] BOBAHBEPTYXA: !Съешь гимотогенку [20:30:18] [L] Feltaxa: жесть [20:30:19] Condesce issued server command: /ereward Feltaxa [20:30:21] Condesce issued server command: /estop [20:30:22] Condesce issued server command: /enew Archery [20:30:24] [G] Feltaxa: !А Healthy хорош xd [20:30:24] Condesce issued server command: /ejoin [20:30:25] Bukycbka issued server command: /ejoin [20:30:25] Flysnake_ issued server command: /ejoin [20:30:26] Feltaxa issued server command: /home [20:30:26] Feltaxa issued server command: /we cui [20:30:28] [L] Healthy: пробежался по воздуху типуля)) [20:30:28] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /ejoin [20:30:31] Healthy issued server command: / [20:30:33] Feltaxa issued server command: /ejoin [20:30:34] Condesce issued server command: /oi BOBAHBEPTYXA [20:30:35] Feltaxa issued server command: /we cui [20:30:42] Condesce issued server command: /oi Bukycbka [20:30:46] d1zz3rIP issued server command: /home' [20:30:51] d1zz3rIP issued server command: /home [20:30:51] Condesce issued server command: /oi BOBAHBEPTYXA [20:30:53] d1zz3rIP issued server command: /we cui [20:31:01] Condesce issued server command: /oi Bukycbka [20:31:09] Condesce issued server command: /oi fe [20:31:16] [L] Condesce: &cСтартую [20:31:23] Condesce issued server command: /estart 60 [20:31:39] MrDimonsterR issued server command: /home [20:31:55] MrDimonsterR issued server command: /randomtp [20:31:55] MrDimonsterR issued server command: /rtp [20:32:43] Condesce issued server command: /ereward Feltaxa [20:32:45] Condesce issued server command: /estop [20:32:46] Condesce issued server command: /bc Уважаемые игроки! Ивенты окончены! [20:32:49] Feltaxa issued server command: /home [20:32:49] MrDimonsterR issued server command: /randomtp [20:32:49] MrDimonsterR issued server command: /rtp [20:32:50] Condesce issued server command: /gm 1 [20:32:51] Feltaxa issued server command: /we cui [20:32:52] Healthy issued server command: /home [20:32:53] [L] BOBAHBEPTYXA: бблилилилин [20:32:54] Healthy issued server command: /we cui [20:32:55] Feltaxa issued server command: /ejoin [20:32:57] Feltaxa issued server command: /ejoin [20:32:59] Feltaxa issued server command: /ejoin [20:33:01] Feltaxa умер (FALL) [20:33:04] Feltaxa issued server command: /we cui [20:33:06] Feltaxa issued server command: /spawn [20:33:07] Condesce issued server command: /oi Feltaxa [20:33:08] Feltaxa issued server command: /we cui [20:33:15] MrDimonsterR issued server command: /randomtp [20:33:15] MrDimonsterR issued server command: /rtp [20:33:18] [G] Feltaxa: !Спасибо за ивенты [20:33:20] [G] Condesce: ! Feltaxa [20:33:24] [G] Feltaxa: !?\ [20:33:29] [G] Feltaxa: !Я дропнулся на ртп [20:33:33] Healthy issued server command: /warp shop [20:33:34] [G] Condesce: ! отдай награду Flysnake_ [20:33:35] Healthy issued server command: /we cui [20:33:36] Bukycbka issued server command: /home [20:33:38] Bukycbka issued server command: /we cui [20:33:40] [L] Flysnake_: xd [20:33:40] [G] Condesce: !Случайно была выдана [20:33:44] [G] Feltaxa: !Так я же дропнулся как мне отдать [20:33:50] MrDimonsterR issued server command: /randomtp [20:33:50] MrDimonsterR issued server command: /rtp [20:33:52] [G] Condesce: !положи к себе в инвентарь [20:33:55] [G] Feltaxa: !Типо предыдущую? [20:33:55] Condesce issued server command: /oi Feltaxa [20:34:03] [G] Feltaxa: !За луки которую получил я с ней умер [20:34:11] [G] Feltaxa: !Типо за коврики отдать? [20:34:18] [G] Condesce: !просто положи [20:34:18] Flysnake_ issued server command: /home [20:34:21] Flysnake_ issued server command: /we cui [20:34:24] [G] Feltaxa: !-_0 [20:34:26] Condesce issued server command: /oi Feltaxa [20:34:37] MrDimonsterR issued server command: /randomtp [20:34:37] MrDimonsterR issued server command: /rtp [20:34:37] Condesce issued server command: /ereward Condesce [20:34:43] Condesce issued server command: /oi Feltaxa [20:34:44] [G] Feltaxa: !Ну ок за коврики тогда верну. :( Сча [20:34:46] Feltaxa issued server command: /home [20:34:48] Feltaxa issued server command: /we cui [20:34:54] [G] Condesce: !просто положи в инвентарь [20:34:56] [G] xx_VR_xxx: ! Так назови корды смерти где ты умер [20:34:56] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /tpahere BOBAHBEPTYXA [20:34:57] Condesce issued server command: /oi Feltaxa [20:35:00] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /tpaccept [20:35:02] [G] Feltaxa: !Я положил [20:35:03] [G] xx_VR_xxx: ! Я прилечу посмотрю [20:35:04] Condesce issued server command: /oi Feltaxa [20:35:11] Condesce issued server command: /tp Feltaxa [20:35:14] Condesce issued server command: /we cui [20:35:18] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /home [20:35:20] Condesce issued server command: /tp Feltaxa [20:35:20] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /we cui [20:35:23] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /tpaccept [20:35:26] [L] Feltaxa: У меня сейчас [20:35:26] [G] SimpleMimpl: !ребята двое тпшнитесь) надо крови попить [20:35:28] Condesce issued server command: /oi Feltaxa [20:35:30] [L] Feltaxa: Я жу положил [20:35:33] Healthy issued server command: /home [20:35:34] Healthy issued server command: /we cui [20:35:35] [L] Feltaxa: Забери через invsee [20:35:38] [L] Feltaxa: хотя держи [20:35:39] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /msg Feltaxa назови координаты смерти [20:35:46] [L] Condesce: пустой инвантарь [20:35:49] [L] BOBAHBEPTYXA: Заведи себе жителей чтоль [20:35:52] [L] Feltaxa: ТАК Я ДПщшлраыводлшыаволдавыолдавыо [20:35:53] [L] Feltaxa: Сча [20:35:54] MrDimonsterR issued server command: /home [20:35:56] Condesce issued server command: /oi Feltaxa [20:35:56] [L] Feltaxa: держи [20:35:58] [L] Feltaxa: x[dx[dxplkdkpdsk\ [20:35:59] Condesce issued server command: /pickup [20:36:01] [L] SimpleMimpl: вот ещё одна жертва нужна [20:36:04] Condesce issued server command: /oi Feltaxa [20:36:08] [G] SimpleMimpl: ! xx_VR_xxx у тебя кровь восстановилась?)) [20:36:10] Flysnake_ умер (ENTITY_ATTACK) [20:36:11] [L] Condesce: пояс? [20:36:13] Flysnake_ issued server command: /we cui [20:36:13] Condesce issued server command: /oi Feltaxa [20:36:14] [G] xx_VR_xxx: ! я откуда знаю [20:36:14] MrDimonsterR issued server command: /randomtp [20:36:14] MrDimonsterR issued server command: /rtp [20:36:17] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /tpahere xx_VR_xxx [20:36:18] [G] BOBAHBEPTYXA: ! xx_VR_xxx помогите! [20:36:22] [L] Feltaxa: А давай [20:36:25] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /tpa BOBAHBEPTYXA [20:36:25] [G] BOBAHBEPTYXA: !тп пожалуйста тут не получается [20:36:25] Condesce issued server command: /oi Flysnake_ [20:36:28] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /tpaccept [20:36:31] Condesce issued server command: /vanish [20:36:32] [L] BOBAHBEPTYXA: как тут делать [20:36:39] MrDimonsterR issued server command: /randomtp [20:36:39] MrDimonsterR issued server command: /rtp [20:36:42] MrDimonsterR issued server command: /randomtp [20:36:42] MrDimonsterR issued server command: /rtp [20:36:43] I_Quantum_I зашёл [20:36:43] [L] BOBAHBEPTYXA: Я делаю у меня не нажимается [20:36:44] [G] Condesce: ! Flysnake_, награда в инвентаре [20:36:46] [L] xx_VR_xxx: а что надо [20:36:47] [L] BOBAHBEPTYXA: пишет нельзя [20:36:47] I_Quantum_I issued server command: /we cui [20:36:53] [G] Flysnake_: !) [20:36:54] [L] BOBAHBEPTYXA: надо сделать чтобы как унего была [20:36:57] [G] Feltaxa: !( [20:37:02] Feltaxa issued server command: /warp shop [20:37:02] [L] xx_VR_xxx: окровавленная шерсть? [20:37:04] Feltaxa issued server command: /we cui [20:37:05] [L] BOBAHBEPTYXA: вот у него получалась [20:37:08] MrDimonsterR issued server command: /randomtp [20:37:08] MrDimonsterR issued server command: /rtp [20:37:16] [L] BOBAHBEPTYXA: Все. Я заговорил ему зубы [20:37:16] I_Quantum_I issued server command: /enderchest [20:37:18] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /enderchest [20:37:18] [L] SimpleMimpl: .утвуксруые [20:37:22] [L] BOBAHBEPTYXA: Спасбиа хелпер [20:37:24] I_Quantum_I issued server command: /enderchest [20:37:29] [L] BOBAHBEPTYXA: у нас получилась [20:37:32] I_Quantum_I issued server command: /ejoin [20:37:36] [L] xx_VR_xxx: интересно ну ладно [20:37:41] [L] xx_VR_xxx: Удачки вам [20:37:46] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /home [20:37:49] [G] BOBAHBEPTYXA: !Откуда мне награда капнула? [20:38:01] Feltaxa issued server command: /money [20:38:12] I_Quantum_I issued server command: /ejoin [20:38:13] I_Quantum_I issued server command: /ejoin [20:38:14] Condesce issued server command: /m Feltaxa и на момент смерти у тебя был пустой инвентарь [20:38:18] [G] xx_VR_xxx: ! Тебе ее кинул SimpleMimpl [20:38:25] I_Quantum_I issued server command: /enderchest [20:38:26] [L] SimpleMimpl: ахаха [20:38:33] [G] Feltaxa: ! Condesce я не могу тебе писать в лс [20:38:38] [L] SimpleMimpl: а [20:38:39] [L] SimpleMimpl: какой [20:38:42] Condesce issued server command: /localspy [20:38:42] [L] SimpleMimpl: блатата [20:38:47] [G] I_Quantum_I: !Пиши мне) [20:39:00] Cro_SS_O issued server command: /money [20:39:03] [L] xx_VR_xxx: кстати [20:39:07] Bukycbka issued server command: /kit eat [20:39:12] [L] SimpleMimpl: интересно ты меня убьёшь [20:39:12] [L] xx_VR_xxx: покажи скок тебе сносит [20:39:14] [L] I_Quantum_I: ой ой ой [20:39:17] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /god [20:39:17] [L] SimpleMimpl: .пщв [20:39:17] [G] Bikqwe: !В каких вещах есть потентиа [20:39:17] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /fly [20:39:17] [L] SimpleMimpl: .адн [20:39:19] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /pvptoggle [20:39:19] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /pvp [20:39:19] [L] SimpleMimpl: .змз [20:39:23] [L] I_Quantum_I: добавь [20:39:24] [G] Healthy: ! Уголь [20:39:24] [G] Condesce: !редстоунЮ уголь [20:39:24] [L] SimpleMimpl: рукой [20:39:28] [L] xx_VR_xxx: а,щас [20:39:29] [L] SimpleMimpl: давай попробуем [20:39:30] [L] SimpleMimpl: я рукой [20:39:33] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /rg addmember dom4ik I_Quantum_I [20:39:34] Condesce issued server command: /tp SimpleMimpl [20:39:42] [L] SimpleMimpl: чо за [20:39:46] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /rg addmember dom4ik2 I_Quantum_I [20:39:47] [L] xx_VR_xxx: vse [20:39:47] [L] SimpleMimpl: не опня [20:39:58] [L] I_Quantum_I: 1 сердце [20:40:00] [L] xx_VR_xxx: 5 раз кликай [20:40:02] [L] xx_VR_xxx: зажимая [20:40:03] [L] SimpleMimpl: стырил хахаа [20:40:05] Condesce issued server command: /oi SimpleMimpl [20:40:05] [L] SimpleMimpl: смотри [20:40:09] [L] SimpleMimpl: Арина [20:40:10] Bikqwe issued server command: /we cui [20:40:11] [L] SimpleMimpl: адай [20:40:12] [G] Feltaxa: !Есть желающие обменять эмы на алмазы с ивента? [20:40:15] [L] xx_VR_xxx: а дай теперь мн и смотри на мои хп [20:40:19] [G] Feltaxa: !1 к 16 как-то не [20:40:22] Bikqwe issued server command: /kit eat [20:40:26] Condesce issued server command: /oi SimpleMimpl [20:40:31] [L] I_Quantum_I: ого [20:40:31] [L] xx_VR_xxx: хд [20:40:35] [L] I_Quantum_I: почти не умираешь [20:40:39] [L] xx_VR_xxx: почти кинжал дефает [20:40:41] [L] I_Quantum_I: харош [20:40:41] [L] SimpleMimpl: чо происходит [20:40:44] [L] xx_VR_xxx: и это броня еще не чареная [20:40:46] [L] SimpleMimpl: на мне [20:40:46] Flysnake_ issued server command: /home [20:40:47] [L] SimpleMimpl: надеты [20:40:53] [L] SimpleMimpl: топор [20:40:58] [L] SimpleMimpl: топор кирка меч [20:41:00] [L] SimpleMimpl: и тауометр [20:41:00] Bikqwe issued server command: /home [20:41:02] Bikqwe issued server command: /we cui [20:41:02] [L] SimpleMimpl: вместо одежды [20:41:11] [L] xx_VR_xxx: ты прям знаешь когда я выключаю звуки игры [20:41:21] Condesce issued server command: /oi SimpleMimpl [20:41:21] [L] SimpleMimpl: поймал? [20:41:23] [L] I_Quantum_I: там музычка [20:41:26] [L] xx_VR_xxx: теперь включил [20:41:28] [G] Feltaxa: !ну ок. Condesce здесь бладмагик ускоряет наполненные семена? [20:41:31] Condesce issued server command: /oi BOBAHBEPTYXA [20:41:45] [G] SimpleMimpl: !Кто пвп? [20:41:50] [L] xx_VR_xxx: ахахахах,топчик [20:42:08] [G] Feltaxa: !Ну усё, я впал в немилость [20:42:09] Condesce issued server command: /heal BOBAHBEPTYXA [20:42:18] Bikqwe issued server command: /we cui [20:42:19] [G] I_Quantum_I: !Симплич [20:42:27] Condesce вышел [20:42:28] [G] SimpleMimpl: !м [20:42:28] [G] I_Quantum_I: !Тебе показать господа? [20:42:35] [L] xx_VR_xxx: кто это [20:42:43] [G] SimpleMimpl: !дывай [20:42:57] [L] xx_VR_xxx: ааахахх так она почти не задефает тебя [20:42:57] Bukycbka issued server command: /randomtp [20:42:57] Bukycbka issued server command: /RTP [20:42:59] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /fly [20:42:59] [L] SimpleMimpl: .адн [20:43:03] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /call SimpleMimpl [20:43:07] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /tpaccept [20:43:07] [L] SimpleMimpl: .езфссузе [20:43:07] Bikqwe issued server command: /home [20:43:10] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /call SimpleMimpl [20:43:10] Bikqwe issued server command: /we cui [20:43:14] [G] I_Quantum_I: !Тп [20:43:14] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /tpaccept [20:43:14] [L] SimpleMimpl: .езфссузе [20:43:23] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /call SimpleMimpl [20:43:25] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /tpaccept [20:43:25] [L] SimpleMimpl: .езфссузе [20:43:29] I_Quantum_I issued server command: /god [20:43:30] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /call SimpleMimpl [20:43:31] I_Quantum_I issued server command: /god [20:43:33] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /tpaccept [20:43:33] [L] SimpleMimpl: .езфссузе [20:43:38] [L] SimpleMimpl: ты сам тп просишь [20:43:46] [L] SimpleMimpl: а [20:43:54] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /god [20:43:54] [L] SimpleMimpl: .пщв [20:43:55] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /fly [20:43:55] [L] SimpleMimpl: .адн [20:43:56] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /pvptoggle [20:43:56] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /pvp [20:43:56] [L] SimpleMimpl: .змз [20:44:02] [G] Bikqwe: !Куплю 1 обсидиановый тотем [20:44:05] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /fly [20:44:05] [L] SimpleMimpl: .адн [20:44:06] [L] I_Quantum_I: а я не буду пвп)) [20:44:06] [G] Feltaxa: !продам [20:44:08] Feltaxa issued server command: /home [20:44:10] Feltaxa issued server command: /we cui [20:44:11] Bikqwe issued server command: /tpa Feltaxa [20:44:15] Bikqwe issued server command: /money pay Feltaxa 10 [20:44:16] [G] I_Quantum_I: !Симпл, что там? [20:44:19] [G] SimpleMimpl: !шо [20:44:21] Feltaxa issued server command: /tpaccepty [20:44:22] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /tpa I_Quantum_I [20:44:24] Feltaxa issued server command: /tpaccept [20:44:24] MrDimonsterR issued server command: /home [20:44:26] I_Quantum_I issued server command: /tpaccept [20:44:30] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /call SimpleMimpl [20:44:33] Bikqwe issued server command: /home [20:44:35] [L] I_Quantum_I: вот он [20:44:36] [L] SimpleMimpl: ты издеваешься хаах [20:44:44] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /tpaccept [20:44:44] [L] SimpleMimpl: .езфссузе [20:44:46] [L] I_Quantum_I: хочешь ещё пып? [20:44:53] Bukycbka issued server command: /ERP [20:44:54] [L] SimpleMimpl: да [20:44:54] [L] I_Quantum_I: пвп [20:44:55] Bukycbka issued server command: /RPT [20:44:56] [L] SimpleMimpl: только на арене [20:44:57] Bukycbka issued server command: /randomtp [20:44:57] Bukycbka issued server command: /RTP [20:44:57] MrDimonsterR вышел [20:45:02] [L] I_Quantum_I: уверен? [20:45:08] [L] SimpleMimpl: да что терять нечего ахаха [20:45:11] [L] SimpleMimpl: на арену пошли [20:45:12] [L] I_Quantum_I: )) [20:45:13] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /warp pvp [20:45:13] [L] SimpleMimpl: .цфкз змз [20:45:16] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /we cui [20:45:19] [G] I_Quantum_I: !Не, не буду) [20:45:20] [L] xx_VR_xxx: а ты как тут оказался [20:45:22] Feltaxa issued server command: /warp shop [20:45:24] Feltaxa issued server command: /we cui [20:45:25] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /enderchest [20:45:25] [L] SimpleMimpl: .утвуксруые [20:45:27] [G] I_Quantum_I: !Мне страшна) [20:45:32] [L] I_Quantum_I: вова [20:45:35] Healthy issued server command: /randomtp [20:45:35] Healthy issued server command: /rtp [20:45:38] [G] SimpleMimpl: !давай попробуем) [20:45:39] [G] SimpleMimpl: !интересно [20:45:40] [L] I_Quantum_I: Ухади по хорошему) [20:45:40] [L] xx_VR_xxx: Андрей [20:45:43] [G] SimpleMimpl: !насколько щас вампир силён [20:45:48] [L] I_Quantum_I: ? [20:46:14] [G] BOBAHBEPTYXA: !памагити у меня кристал украли [20:46:15] Feltaxa issued server command: /m I_Quantum_I А где стоит терминал для перевода долларов как айтемы в эммы? [20:46:22] Healthy issued server command: /randomtp [20:46:22] Healthy issued server command: /rtp [20:46:32] [L] I_Quantum_I: А как ты его туда положил? [20:46:36] [L] xx_VR_xxx: воронку [20:46:42] [L] I_Quantum_I: а да [20:46:50] Flysnake_ issued server command: /home [20:46:55] [L] xx_VR_xxx: воронка к алтарю присоединена [20:46:56] I_Quantum_I issued server command: /warp shop [20:46:57] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /we cui [20:47:00] I_Quantum_I issued server command: /we cui [20:47:02] [L] Feltaxa: я тоже здесь [20:47:06] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /home [20:47:08] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /we cui [20:47:33] [L] Feltaxa: спасибо [20:47:42] I_Quantum_I issued server command: /tp xx_VR_xxx [20:47:45] Bukycbka issued server command: /RPT [20:47:46] I_Quantum_I issued server command: /home [20:47:47] Bukycbka issued server command: /randomtp [20:47:47] Bukycbka issued server command: /RTP [20:47:48] I_Quantum_I issued server command: /we cui [20:47:49] I_Quantum_I issued server command: /tp xx_VR_xxx [20:47:50] Feltaxa issued server command: /oney [20:47:51] Feltaxa issued server command: /money [20:47:56] Feltaxa issued server command: /home [20:47:58] Feltaxa issued server command: /we cui [20:48:01] Healthy issued server command: /randomtp [20:48:01] Healthy issued server command: /rtp [20:48:11] Healthy issued server command: /tpa Bukycbka [20:48:12] Feltaxa issued server command: /mpcaseshop [20:48:14] Feltaxa issued server command: /mpcaseview 70 [20:48:15] Bukycbka issued server command: /TPACCEPT [20:48:15] Feltaxa issued server command: /buycase 70 [20:48:15] [L] I_Quantum_I: 5 на 5 [20:48:16] Feltaxa issued server command: /rollcase 70 [20:48:18] [L] I_Quantum_I: 7 на 7 [20:48:21] [L] I_Quantum_I: 11 на 11 [20:48:25] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /randomtp [20:48:25] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /rtp [20:48:25] [L] SimpleMimpl: .кез [20:48:28] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /warp ome [20:48:28] [L] SimpleMimpl: .цфкз щьу [20:48:29] [L] xx_VR_xxx: эм [20:48:29] Feltaxa issued server command: /mpcaseview 70 [20:48:30] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /we cui [20:48:32] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /randomtp [20:48:32] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /rtp [20:48:32] [L] SimpleMimpl: .кез [20:48:33] Feltaxa issued server command: /mpcaseshop [20:48:34] Healthy issued server command: /randomtp [20:48:34] Healthy issued server command: /rtp [20:48:34] Feltaxa issued server command: /mpcaseview 70 [20:48:35] Feltaxa issued server command: /buycase 70 [20:48:36] Feltaxa issued server command: /rollcase 70 [20:48:39] [L] I_Quantum_I: эм [20:48:46] [L] xx_VR_xxx: 7х7 11х11 15х15 есть [20:48:50] Feltaxa issued server command: /mpcaseview 70 [20:48:50] Feltaxa issued server command: /buycase 70 [20:48:51] Bukycbka issued server command: /randomtp [20:48:51] Bukycbka issued server command: /RTP [20:48:51] Feltaxa issued server command: /rollcase 70 [20:48:51] [L] I_Quantum_I: ой дадада [20:48:56] [L] I_Quantum_I: )) [20:49:06] Feltaxa issued server command: /mpcaseview 70 [20:49:06] [L] xx_VR_xxx: тебя даже дк фулл заряженный не спасет [20:49:07] Feltaxa issued server command: /buycase 70 [20:49:08] Feltaxa issued server command: /rollcase 70 [20:49:12] [L] I_Quantum_I: спасёт [20:49:19] [L] xx_VR_xxx: ну ну [20:49:22] Feltaxa issued server command: /mpcaseview 70 [20:49:24] Feltaxa issued server command: /buycase 70 [20:49:24] Feltaxa issued server command: /rollcase 70 [20:49:26] [L] I_Quantum_I: так там защита [20:49:29] [L] I_Quantum_I: убийственная [20:49:30] MrDimonsterR зашёл [20:49:30] Healthy issued server command: /randomtp [20:49:30] Healthy issued server command: /rtp [20:49:37] Feltaxa issued server command: /mpcaseview 70 [20:49:37] [L] I_Quantum_I: а если прокачать [20:49:37] [L] xx_VR_xxx: меня фулл дк под 255 силой бил [20:49:38] Feltaxa issued server command: /buycase 70 [20:49:38] Feltaxa issued server command: /buycase 70 [20:49:41] Feltaxa issued server command: /rollcase 70 [20:49:42] Bukycbka issued server command: /randomtp [20:49:42] Bukycbka issued server command: /RTP [20:49:45] MrDimonsterR issued server command: /we cui [20:49:49] [L] I_Quantum_I: ты не шаришь) [20:49:58] [L] xx_VR_xxx: Realno [20:50:03] [L] I_Quantum_I: Да [20:50:05] [L] I_Quantum_I: рональдо [20:50:06] [L] I_Quantum_I: )) [20:50:11] [L] xx_VR_xxx: я который сражался с дк не шарю почему они такие слабые [20:50:28] [L] I_Quantum_I: Тут по другому [20:50:30] [L] I_Quantum_I: )) [20:50:32] [G] SimpleMimpl: !ништяк [20:50:36] [G] SimpleMimpl: !все жители деревни во дном доме) [20:50:39] [L] xx_VR_xxx: да хоть на локалке [20:50:40] [G] SimpleMimpl: !сразу 12 капелек заполнил) [20:50:47] Healthy issued server command: /randomtp [20:50:47] Healthy issued server command: /rtp [20:50:55] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /enderchest [20:50:55] [L] SimpleMimpl: .утвуксруые [20:51:01] Feltaxa issued server command: /iot [20:51:02] Feltaxa issued server command: /kit [20:51:18] Healthy issued server command: /randomtp [20:51:18] Healthy issued server command: /rtp [20:51:26] Feltaxa вышел [20:51:47] [L] xx_VR_xxx: наверное через 10-15 минут перезапущу лаунчер [20:51:50] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /warp home [20:51:50] [L] SimpleMimpl: .цфкз рщьу [20:51:57] [L] I_Quantum_I: удачи в жизни)) [20:52:07] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /fly [20:52:07] [L] SimpleMimpl: .адн [20:52:08] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /god [20:52:08] [L] SimpleMimpl: .пщв [20:52:10] Healthy issued server command: /randomtp [20:52:10] Healthy issued server command: /rtp [20:52:10] Bukycbka issued server command: /randomtp [20:52:10] Bukycbka issued server command: /RTP [20:52:10] SimpleMimpl issued server command: /god [20:52:10] [L] SimpleMimpl: .пщв [20:52:13] [L] xx_VR_xxx: вот что значит 5-7 часов не выключать лаунчер [20:52:33] [G] BOBAHBEPTYXA: !помогите пожалуйста [20:52:39] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /tpa BOBAHBEPTYXA [20:52:43] d1zz3rIP issued server command: /home [20:52:51] Bukycbka issued server command: /randomtp [20:52:51] Bukycbka issued server command: /RTP [20:52:52] [G] xx_VR_xxx: ! С чем? [20:52:53] [G] BOBAHBEPTYXA: !Как сделать талисман возвышения если запрещенна грозовая стрела? Она там в крафте используется [20:53:09] [L] xx_VR_xxx: реально хахаха [20:53:12] [L] I_Quantum_I: ахах [20:53:15] [L] I_Quantum_I: никак [20:53:17] [L] I_Quantum_I: )) [20:53:30] [G] xx_VR_xxx: ! Щас передам [20:53:34] [L] I_Quantum_I: спроси у аринян [20:53:38] [L] I_Quantum_I: бля [20:53:41] [L] I_Quantum_I: Арины* [20:53:45] [L] xx_VR_xxx: так я ей и пишу [20:53:50] [L] I_Quantum_I: удачи [20:53:55] [L] xx_VR_xxx: матюкаешься в локале ууу [20:54:00] [L] I_Quantum_I: Ой [20:54:00] [L] xx_VR_xxx: а сам говорил на меня [20:54:05] [L] I_Quantum_I: Я услучайна [20:54:09] Bukycbka issued server command: /randomtp [20:54:09] Bukycbka issued server command: /RTP [20:54:12] [L] I_Quantum_I: Не убивайте меня [20:54:14] Healthy issued server command: /randomtp [20:54:14] Healthy issued server command: /rtp [20:54:20] [L] I_Quantum_I: я на тебя не говорил [20:54:21] [L] I_Quantum_I: )) [20:54:24] [L] xx_VR_xxx: ахах [20:54:54] Bukycbka issued server command: /randomtp [20:54:54] Bukycbka issued server command: /RTP [20:54:59] Healthy issued server command: /randomtp [20:54:59] Healthy issued server command: /rtp [20:55:01] Flysnake_ issued server command: /kit start [20:55:23] [L] xx_VR_xxx: разузнаю [20:55:33] Bukycbka issued server command: /randomtp [20:55:33] Bukycbka issued server command: /RTP [20:55:37] [L] I_Quantum_I: Оке) [20:56:09] I_Quantum_I issued server command: /home [20:56:10] Bukycbka issued server command: /randomtp [20:56:10] Bukycbka issued server command: /RTP [20:56:36] I_Quantum_I issued server command: /enderchest [20:57:01] I_Quantum_I issued server command: /fly [20:57:10] [G] xx_VR_xxx: !В каком крафте используется талисман возвышения? [20:57:11] I_Quantum_I issued server command: /tp xx [20:57:22] [G] BOBAHBEPTYXA: !Не талисман, а стрела [20:57:23] Flysnake_ issued server command: /warp quest [20:57:31] [G] xx_VR_xxx: ! стрела* [20:57:33] [L] I_Quantum_I: он талик хочет скрафтить [20:57:34] [G] BOBAHBEPTYXA: !Грозовая стрела в крафте талисмана используется [20:57:41] [G] BOBAHBEPTYXA: !талисмана возвышения [20:57:54] Flysnake_ вышел [20:58:15] [G] xx_VR_xxx: ! Если говорить коротко талисман тоже запрещен, есть аналоги по типу тиары из ботании зелье из блада [20:58:15] [L] xx_VR_xxx: на полет,воздушный сигил [20:58:25] [G] xx_VR_xxx: ! на полет и воздушный сигил [20:58:32] Healthy issued server command: /playtimetop [20:58:32] Bukycbka issued server command: /tpa Healthy [20:58:37] Healthy issued server command: /tpaccept [20:58:39] Healthy issued server command: /home [20:58:39] SimpleMimpl вышел [20:58:44] [G] BOBAHBEPTYXA: !Зелье каждый раз сбрасывается как в новый мир вхожу( [20:58:53] [G] xx_VR_xxx: ! Всмысле сбрасывается? [20:59:13] [G] BOBAHBEPTYXA: !Эффект с меня пропадает когда в дивайн миры вхожу [20:59:13] Flysnake_ зашёл [20:59:15] Bikqwe вышел [20:59:16] Healthy issued server command: /tpa Bukycbka [20:59:18] Flysnake_ issued server command: /we cui [20:59:22] Bukycbka issued server command: /TPACCEPT [20:59:22] [G] xx_VR_xxx: ! зелье можно чинить очень легко [20:59:24] [G] BOBAHBEPTYXA: !Зря крч время потратил и сингулярку [20:59:27] [G] BOBAHBEPTYXA: !Да я знаю [20:59:29] [L] xx_VR_xxx: хахахахахааха [20:59:32] [L] xx_VR_xxx: сингулярка [20:59:34] [G] BOBAHBEPTYXA: !Просто хочу нормальный полет [20:59:35] [L] xx_VR_xxx: - синга ахахахаха [20:59:36] [L] I_Quantum_I: )) [20:59:41] [G] BOBAHBEPTYXA: !Чтобы 1 раз сделать и забыть [20:59:47] [G] I_Quantum_I: !купи модку) [20:59:52] [G] BOBAHBEPTYXA: !Гений [20:59:53] [L] xx_VR_xxx: солидно [20:59:58] [G] I_Quantum_I: !)) [20:59:58] Bukycbka issued server command: /HOME [20:59:59] Healthy issued server command: /randomtp [20:59:59] Healthy issued server command: /rtp [21:00:03] [G] xx_VR_xxx: ! Воздушный сигил? [21:00:10] [G] BOBAHBEPTYXA: !Бред же) [21:00:14] [G] xx_VR_xxx: ! Им можно летать быстрее чем в креат полете [21:00:20] [G] xx_VR_xxx: ! Пользуюсь им и не жалуюсь [21:00:29] Bukycbka issued server command: /SPAWN [21:00:32] [G] BOBAHBEPTYXA: !Так у тебя вроде и флай есть) [21:00:33] Bukycbka issued server command: /we cui [21:00:37] [G] Cro_SS_O: !сколько стоит на серве том заклинаний купить? [21:00:37] [G] I_Quantum_I: !Нету))) [21:00:38] [G] xx_VR_xxx: ! У меня его нету [21:00:42] [G] I_Quantum_I: !ахахаха [21:00:48] [G] BOBAHBEPTYXA: !Тогда ты извращенец [21:00:53] [G] xx_VR_xxx: ! Я бладер [21:01:02] Bukycbka issued server command: /HOME [21:01:04] [G] Cro_SS_O: !сколько стоит на серве том заклинаний купить? в эмах? [21:01:04] Bukycbka issued server command: /we cui [21:01:09] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /randomtp [21:01:09] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /rtp [21:01:11] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /home [21:01:20] MrDimonsterR вышел [21:01:25] [G] xx_VR_xxx: ! минималка 800 эм [21:01:40] [G] Cro_SS_O: !а как за 800 купить? [21:01:44] Bukycbka issued server command: /randomtp [21:01:44] Bukycbka issued server command: /RTP [21:01:45] [G] Cro_SS_O: !на варпе 1000 [21:01:53] [G] xx_VR_xxx: ! Искать тех кто продает тома за 800 [21:02:01] [G] I_Quantum_I: !в магазине на сайте [21:02:06] [G] Cro_SS_O: !понял спс [21:02:08] [G] I_Quantum_I: !Там он продается за 800 [21:02:13] Flysnake_ умер (ENTITY_ATTACK) [21:02:15] [G] Cro_SS_O: !та на сайте у меня 0 [21:02:21] [G] I_Quantum_I: !Press F [21:02:21] Flysnake_ issued server command: /we cui [21:02:24] Bukycbka issued server command: /randomtp [21:02:24] Bukycbka issued server command: /RTP [21:02:29] Flysnake_ issued server command: /warp quest [21:02:31] Flysnake_ issued server command: /we cui [21:02:36] [G] I_Quantum_I: !Голосуй, и будет 800) [21:02:57] [G] Cro_SS_O: !я все деньги на серв переводил) [21:03:04] [G] xx_VR_xxx: ! Грустно [21:03:09] [G] I_Quantum_I: !Ну, удачи в жизни)) [21:03:11] [G] Cro_SS_O: !еще 10 дней жать не кайф [21:03:27] I_Quantum_I issued server command: /money top [21:03:36] Bukycbka issued server command: /RPT [21:03:37] [G] I_Quantum_I: !Могу продать за 1100 [21:03:38] Bukycbka issued server command: /randomtp [21:03:38] Bukycbka issued server command: /RTP [21:03:49] Flysnake_ умер (ENTITY_ATTACK) [21:03:51] [L] xx_VR_xxx: 199 IQ mega Move Luxury Edition [21:03:53] Flysnake_ issued server command: /we cui [21:03:55] [L] I_Quantum_I: ахахха [21:04:02] Healthy issued server command: /randomtp [21:04:02] Healthy issued server command: /rtp [21:04:10] Bukycbka issued server command: /randomtp [21:04:10] Bukycbka issued server command: /RTP [21:04:59] [L] I_Quantum_I: развивай ботанку [21:05:13] [L] xx_VR_xxx: фермы нужны [21:05:19] [L] I_Quantum_I: фермы чего? [21:05:24] [L] I_Quantum_I: )) [21:05:29] [L] xx_VR_xxx: или ты на водогортензиях будешь [21:05:31] Healthy issued server command: /playtimetop [21:05:41] Healthy issued server command: /playtimetop clear [21:05:41] [L] I_Quantum_I: Ну, варик их сделать [21:05:46] [L] xx_VR_xxx: оверсиды есть? [21:05:54] [L] I_Quantum_I: для призыва гайи много не надо [21:06:04] Flysnake_ issued server command: /warp quest [21:06:06] Flysnake_ issued server command: /we cui [21:06:09] [L] xx_VR_xxx: терасталь для его призыва нужна [21:06:20] [L] I_Quantum_I: террасталь изи [21:06:32] [L] I_Quantum_I: что такое оверсиды? [21:06:37] [L] xx_VR_xxx: семя разрастания [21:06:42] [L] I_Quantum_I: ааа [21:06:45] [L] I_Quantum_I: это изи [21:06:55] [L] I_Quantum_I: портал надо [21:07:00] [L] xx_VR_xxx: ага [21:07:04] Bukycbka issued server command: /HOME [21:07:05] [L] xx_VR_xxx: нужно терру для ботании [21:07:06] [L] I_Quantum_I: в мир ушастых [21:07:23] [L] xx_VR_xxx: найди тут место для ботании [21:07:35] [L] I_Quantum_I: где сетнуть? [21:07:47] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /rg sel [21:07:55] [L] xx_VR_xxx: тут конец привата [21:08:04] [L] I_Quantum_I: чего не выделил приват? [21:08:15] [L] xx_VR_xxx: л.е.н.ь [21:08:20] I_Quantum_I issued server command: /rg info [21:08:22] [L] xx_VR_xxx: я щас расширю его [21:08:29] I_Quantum_I issued server command: /rg info [21:08:31] I_Quantum_I issued server command: /rg info [21:08:34] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: //chunk [21:08:34] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: //outset 16 [21:08:34] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /zone [21:08:40] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: //chunk [21:08:40] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: //outset 16 [21:08:40] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /zone [21:08:51] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /rg claoim dom4ik3 [21:08:53] I_Quantum_I issued server command: /rg info [21:08:55] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /rg claim dom4ik3 [21:08:55] Cro_SS_O issued server command: /playtime [21:08:56] I_Quantum_I issued server command: /rg info [21:09:00] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /rg addmember dom4ik3 I_Quantum_I [21:09:01] [L] xx_VR_xxx: na [21:09:01] I_Quantum_I issued server command: /rg info [21:09:09] Cro_SS_O issued server command: /mpcaseshop [21:09:09] I_Quantum_I issued server command: /s xx_VR_xxx [21:09:14] [L] I_Quantum_I: тиут нет рега [21:09:22] Bukycbka issued server command: /tpa Healthy [21:09:23] Cro_SS_O issued server command: /mpcaseview 70 [21:09:24] [L] xx_VR_xxx: я знаю,тут почти ничего нету [21:09:25] Healthy issued server command: /tpaccept [21:09:33] Cro_SS_O issued server command: /mpcaseshop [21:09:35] Cro_SS_O issued server command: /mpcaseview 74 [21:09:36] I_Quantum_I issued server command: /rg info [21:09:40] Healthy вышел [21:09:42] I_Quantum_I issued server command: /rg info [21:09:42] Cro_SS_O issued server command: /mpcaseshop [21:09:51] Bukycbka issued server command: /HO [21:09:54] d1zz3rIP issued server command: /home [21:10:01] Healthy зашёл [21:10:03] [L] xx_VR_xxx: сюды иди [21:10:03] I_Quantum_I issued server command: /rg info [21:10:03] Healthy issued server command: /we cui [21:10:06] I_Quantum_I issued server command: /rg info [21:10:09] Bukycbka issued server command: /HOME [21:10:12] I_Quantum_I issued server command: /rg info [21:10:18] Bukycbka issued server command: /tpa Healthy [21:10:20] Healthy issued server command: /tpaccept [21:10:22] I_Quantum_I issued server command: /rg info [21:10:47] [L] xx_VR_xxx: я тебе пометил [21:11:08] [L] I_Quantum_I: я начинаю чистить тут фулл территори [21:11:15] [L] xx_VR_xxx: я тебе вон пометил [21:11:25] I_Quantum_I issued server command: /zset 0 [21:11:29] I_Quantum_I issued server command: /zset 0 [21:11:42] I_Quantum_I issued server command: /zset 0 [21:11:51] I_Quantum_I issued server command: /zset 0 [21:12:05] I_Quantum_I issued server command: /zset 0 [21:12:13] I_Quantum_I issued server command: /zset 0 [21:12:33] I_Quantum_I issued server command: //expand 10up [21:12:35] I_Quantum_I issued server command: //expand 10 up [21:12:39] I_Quantum_I issued server command: //exxpand 10 up [21:12:45] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /rg sel [21:12:50] I_Quantum_I issued server command: //zexpand 10 up [21:12:52] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: //sel [21:13:05] Bukycbka issued server command: /HOME [21:13:10] I_Quantum_I issued server command: /zset 0 [21:13:31] I_Quantum_I issued server command: /zset 0 [21:13:35] I_Quantum_I issued server command: /zset 0 [21:13:51] I_Quantum_I issued server command: /zset 3 [21:14:04] I_Quantum_I issued server command: /zset 3 [21:14:07] I_Quantum_I issued server command: /zset 0 [21:14:12] I_Quantum_I issued server command: /zset 0 [21:14:34] I_Quantum_I issued server command: /zset 0 [21:14:44] I_Quantum_I issued server command: /zset 3 [21:14:51] I_Quantum_I issued server command: /zset 0 [21:15:04] I_Quantum_I issued server command: /zset 0 [21:15:14] I_Quantum_I issued server command: /rg info [21:15:14] Bukycbka issued server command: /tpa Healthy [21:15:16] I_Quantum_I issued server command: /rg info [21:15:20] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /voteday [21:15:23] Healthy issued server command: /tpaccept [21:15:24] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /yes [21:15:25] KitKas issued server command: /yes [21:15:35] I_Quantum_I issued server command: /zset 0 [21:15:41] I_Quantum_I issued server command: /zset 0 [21:15:45] I_Quantum_I issued server command: /zset 0 [21:15:58] I_Quantum_I issued server command: /zset 0 [21:16:13] I_Quantum_I issued server command: /zset 0 [21:16:20] Bukycbka issued server command: /randomtp [21:16:20] Bukycbka issued server command: /RTP [21:16:22] I_Quantum_I issued server command: /zset 0 [21:16:23] Healthy issued server command: /home [21:16:32] I_Quantum_I issued server command: /rg info [21:16:36] I_Quantum_I issued server command: /rg info [21:16:39] I_Quantum_I issued server command: /rg info [21:16:41] I_Quantum_I issued server command: /rg info [21:16:47] I_Quantum_I issued server command: /zset 0 [21:16:59] I_Quantum_I issued server command: /zset 0 [21:17:06] I_Quantum_I issued server command: /zset 0 [21:17:15] I_Quantum_I issued server command: /zset 0 [21:17:36] I_Quantum_I issued server command: /zset 0 [21:17:43] I_Quantum_I issued server command: /zset 0 [21:17:44] Bukycbka issued server command: /randomtp [21:17:44] Bukycbka issued server command: /RTP [21:17:50] I_Quantum_I issued server command: /zset 0 [21:17:59] I_Quantum_I issued server command: /zset 0 [21:18:05] I_Quantum_I issued server command: /zset 0 [21:18:10] d1zz3rIP issued server command: /home [21:18:14] I_Quantum_I issued server command: /zset 0 [21:18:20] I_Quantum_I issued server command: /zset 0 [21:18:32] I_Quantum_I issued server command: /zset 0 [21:18:40] I_Quantum_I issued server command: /zset 0 [21:18:45] I_Quantum_I issued server command: /zset 0 [21:18:51] I_Quantum_I issued server command: /zset 0 [21:18:56] I_Quantum_I issued server command: /zset 0 [21:19:04] I_Quantum_I issued server command: /zset 0 [21:19:11] I_Quantum_I issued server command: /zset 0 [21:19:20] I_Quantum_I issued server command: /zset 0 [21:19:32] I_Quantum_I issued server command: /zset 0 [21:19:38] I_Quantum_I issued server command: /zset 0 [21:19:41] I_Quantum_I issued server command: /zset 0 [21:19:43] I_Quantum_I issued server command: /zset 0 [21:19:50] I_Quantum_I issued server command: /zset 0 [21:19:54] I_Quantum_I issued server command: /zset 0 [21:19:57] I_Quantum_I issued server command: /zset 0 [21:20:05] I_Quantum_I issued server command: /zset 0 [21:20:12] I_Quantum_I issued server command: /zset 0 [21:20:22] Flysnake_ issued server command: /warp quest [21:20:25] I_Quantum_I issued server command: /zset 0 [21:20:29] I_Quantum_I issued server command: /zset 0 [21:20:31] I_Quantum_I issued server command: /zset 0 [21:20:33] Healthy вышел [21:20:41] I_Quantum_I issued server command: /zset 0 [21:20:51] I_Quantum_I issued server command: /zset 0 [21:20:57] I_Quantum_I issued server command: /zset 0 [21:21:00] I_Quantum_I issued server command: /zset 0 [21:21:05] I_Quantum_I issued server command: /zset 0 [21:21:12] I_Quantum_I issued server command: /zset 0 [21:21:13] Cro_SS_O issued server command: /kit start [21:21:32] I_Quantum_I issued server command: /zset 3 [21:21:45] [L] I_Quantum_I: кстаи [21:21:47] [L] I_Quantum_I: сорян [21:21:55] [L] I_Quantum_I: если слетит разметка [21:21:58] [L] I_Quantum_I: )) [21:21:59] Bukycbka issued server command: /randomtp [21:21:59] Bukycbka issued server command: /RTP [21:22:02] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: // [21:22:02] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: // [21:22:02] [L] xx_VR_xxx: ... [21:22:07] I_Quantum_I issued server command: /zset 3 [21:22:12] [L] I_Quantum_I: норм [21:22:25] I_Quantum_I issued server command: /zset 3 [21:22:38] I_Quantum_I issued server command: /zset 3 [21:22:41] Bukycbka issued server command: /RPT [21:22:43] Bukycbka issued server command: /randomtp [21:22:43] Bukycbka issued server command: /RTP [21:22:51] I_Quantum_I issued server command: /zset 0 [21:23:05] I_Quantum_I issued server command: /zset 3 [21:23:12] I_Quantum_I issued server command: /zset 3 [21:23:36] I_Quantum_I issued server command: /zset 5 [21:23:43] Bukycbka issued server command: /randomtp [21:23:43] Bukycbka issued server command: /RTP [21:23:49] I_Quantum_I issued server command: /zset 5 [21:24:01] I_Quantum_I issued server command: /zset 5 [21:24:08] I_Quantum_I issued server command: /zset 5 [21:24:10] Bukycbka issued server command: /RPT [21:24:12] d1zz3rIP issued server command: /home [21:24:13] Bukycbka issued server command: /randomtp [21:24:13] Bukycbka issued server command: /RTP [21:24:16] [L] I_Quantum_I: бля [21:24:17] [L] I_Quantum_I: ой [21:24:21] [L] I_Quantum_I: случайно [21:24:26] Cro_SS_O issued server command: /kit eat [21:24:48] [L] I_Quantum_I: треш [21:24:50] [L] I_Quantum_I: )) [21:24:58] Bukycbka issued server command: /randomtp [21:24:58] Bukycbka issued server command: /RTP [21:24:59] [L] xx_VR_xxx: ты гений [21:25:16] [L] xx_VR_xxx: ты сломал алтарь.. [21:25:20] I_Quantum_I issued server command: /zset 0 [21:25:27] [L] I_Quantum_I: там есть ещё [21:25:28] [L] I_Quantum_I: шя [21:25:57] I_Quantum_I issued server command: /zset 0 [21:26:05] Bukycbka issued server command: /HOME [21:26:07] I_Quantum_I issued server command: /zset 0 [21:26:19] I_Quantum_I issued server command: /zset 0 [21:26:27] I_Quantum_I issued server command: /zset 0 [21:26:36] I_Quantum_I issued server command: /zset 0 [21:26:49] I_Quantum_I issued server command: /zset 0 [21:26:58] I_Quantum_I issued server command: /zset 0 [21:27:03] I_Quantum_I issued server command: /zset 0 [21:27:04] I_Quantum_I issued server command: /zset 0 [21:28:11] [G] xx_VR_xxx: ! Куплю адский нарост [21:28:12] KitKas issued server command: /money [21:28:14] Bukycbka issued server command: /RPT [21:28:18] Bukycbka issued server command: /randomtp [21:28:18] Bukycbka issued server command: /RTP [21:28:29] [L] I_Quantum_I: кста [21:28:38] [L] I_Quantum_I: вы сможете круг перенести в чанк? [21:28:44] [L] xx_VR_xxx: Net [21:28:50] [L] xx_VR_xxx: мела мало [21:28:50] [L] I_Quantum_I: а жаль [21:28:58] [L] xx_VR_xxx: дашь мел перенесем [21:28:59] Bukycbka issued server command: /RPT [21:29:01] Bukycbka issued server command: /randomtp [21:29:01] Bukycbka issued server command: /RTP [21:29:11] [L] I_Quantum_I: нема [21:29:17] [L] xx_VR_xxx: ну вот и разговор [21:29:31] Bukycbka issued server command: /randomtp [21:29:31] Bukycbka issued server command: /RTP [21:29:44] I_Quantum_I issued server command: /zset 6 [21:29:48] I_Quantum_I issued server command: /zset 7 [21:29:50] I_Quantum_I issued server command: /zset 8 [21:29:53] I_Quantum_I issued server command: /zset 9 [21:29:56] I_Quantum_I issued server command: /zset 01 [21:30:05] I_Quantum_I issued server command: /zset 10 [21:30:14] [L] xx_VR_xxx: ты сетами полтора косаря просадил [21:30:18] Bukycbka issued server command: /randomtp [21:30:18] Bukycbka issued server command: /RTP [21:30:30] [L] I_Quantum_I: всм полтора касаря?Г [21:30:34] [L] xx_VR_xxx: силы алтаря [21:30:40] Bukycbka issued server command: /RPT [21:30:40] [L] I_Quantum_I: ааа [21:30:42] [L] I_Quantum_I: соре [21:30:49] Bukycbka issued server command: /randomtp [21:30:49] Bukycbka issued server command: /RTP [21:31:21] xx_VR_xxx вышел [21:31:24] KitKas issued server command: /money [21:31:30] Bukycbka issued server command: /randomtp [21:31:30] Bukycbka issued server command: /RTP [21:32:04] d1zz3rIP issued server command: /home [21:32:16] Bukycbka issued server command: /RT0P [21:32:17] Bukycbka issued server command: /RPT [21:32:18] Bukycbka issued server command: /randomtp [21:32:18] Bukycbka issued server command: /RTP [21:33:02] Bukycbka issued server command: /randomtp [21:33:02] Bukycbka issued server command: /RTP [21:33:25] Cro_SS_O issued server command: /warp shop [21:33:36] Cro_SS_O issued server command: /we cui [21:33:39] Flysnake_ вышел [21:33:41] Bukycbka issued server command: /HOME [21:33:45] Bukycbka вышел [21:34:27] I_Quantum_I issued server command: /zset 5 [21:35:43] I_Quantum_I issued server command: /zset 5 [21:35:56] Cro_SS_O issued server command: /home [21:36:01] Cro_SS_O issued server command: /we cui [21:36:57] Cro_SS_O issued server command: /randomtp [21:36:57] Cro_SS_O issued server command: /rtp [21:37:14] Cro_SS_O issued server command: /home [21:37:25] I_Quantum_I issued server command: /cart all [21:37:36] I_Quantum_I issued server command: /mpcaseshop [21:37:41] I_Quantum_I issued server command: /mpcaseview 74 [21:37:44] I_Quantum_I issued server command: /rollcase 74 [21:37:55] I_Quantum_I issued server command: /mpcaseview 74 [21:37:57] I_Quantum_I issued server command: /rollcase 74 [21:38:07] I_Quantum_I issued server command: /mpcaseview 74 [21:38:09] I_Quantum_I issued server command: /rollcase 74 [21:38:14] KitKas вышел [21:38:19] I_Quantum_I issued server command: /mpcaseview 74 [21:38:20] I_Quantum_I issued server command: /rollcase 74 [21:38:33] I_Quantum_I issued server command: /mpcaseview 74 [21:38:45] I_Quantum_I issued server command: /rollcase 74 [21:38:59] I_Quantum_I issued server command: /mpcaseview 74 [21:39:27] I_Quantum_I issued server command: /rollcase 74 [21:39:38] I_Quantum_I issued server command: /mpcaseview 74 [21:39:42] I_Quantum_I issued server command: /rollcase 74 [21:39:55] I_Quantum_I issued server command: /mpcaseview 74 [21:39:59] I_Quantum_I issued server command: /rollcase 74 [21:40:12] [G] Cro_SS_O: !продай за 800) [21:40:13] I_Quantum_I issued server command: /mpcaseview 74 [21:40:15] I_Quantum_I issued server command: /rollcase 74 [21:40:30] I_Quantum_I issued server command: /mpcaseview 74 [21:40:31] I_Quantum_I issued server command: /rollcase 74 [21:40:46] I_Quantum_I issued server command: /mpcaseview 74 [21:40:48] I_Quantum_I issued server command: /mpcaseshop [21:40:50] Heia зашёл [21:40:51] I_Quantum_I issued server command: /mpcaseview 70 [21:40:54] I_Quantum_I issued server command: /rollcase 70 [21:41:01] Heia issued server command: /we cui [21:41:06] I_Quantum_I issued server command: /mpcaseview 70 [21:41:07] I_Quantum_I issued server command: /rollcase 70 [21:41:20] I_Quantum_I issued server command: /mpcaseview 70 [21:41:22] I_Quantum_I issued server command: /rollcase 70 [21:41:34] I_Quantum_I issued server command: /mpcaseview 70 [21:41:36] I_Quantum_I issued server command: /rollcase 70 [21:41:49] I_Quantum_I issued server command: /mpcaseview 70 [21:41:51] I_Quantum_I issued server command: /rollcase 70 [21:42:06] I_Quantum_I issued server command: /mpcaseview 70 [21:42:07] I_Quantum_I issued server command: /rollcase 70 [21:42:09] Heia issued server command: /home [21:42:42] I_Quantum_I issued server command: /mpcaseview 70 [21:42:44] I_Quantum_I issued server command: /rollcase 70 [21:43:52] I_Quantum_I issued server command: /mpcaseshop [21:43:55] I_Quantum_I issued server command: /mpcaseview 70 [21:43:57] I_Quantum_I issued server command: /rollcase 70 [21:44:12] I_Quantum_I issued server command: /mpcaseshop [21:44:17] I_Quantum_I issued server command: /mpcaseview 70 [21:44:17] Bukycbka зашёл [21:44:18] MrDimonsterR зашёл [21:44:19] I_Quantum_I issued server command: /rollcase 70 [21:44:31] I_Quantum_I issued server command: /mpcaseview 70 [21:44:32] I_Quantum_I issued server command: /rollcase 70 [21:44:34] Bukycbka issued server command: /we cui [21:44:34] MrDimonsterR issued server command: /we cui [21:44:46] I_Quantum_I issued server command: /mpcaseview 70 [21:44:48] I_Quantum_I issued server command: /rollcase 70 [21:45:06] I_Quantum_I issued server command: /mpcaseview 70 [21:45:08] I_Quantum_I issued server command: /rollcase 70 [21:45:21] I_Quantum_I issued server command: /mpcaseview 70 [21:45:22] I_Quantum_I issued server command: /rollcase 70 [21:45:33] I_Quantum_I issued server command: /mpcaseview 70 [21:45:34] I_Quantum_I issued server command: /rollcase 70 [21:45:48] I_Quantum_I issued server command: /mpcaseview 70 [21:45:49] I_Quantum_I issued server command: /rollcase 70 [21:45:59] I_Quantum_I issued server command: /mpcaseview 70 [21:46:00] I_Quantum_I issued server command: /mpcaseshop [21:46:03] I_Quantum_I issued server command: /mpcaseview 72 [21:46:04] I_Quantum_I issued server command: /rollcase 72 [21:46:08] Heia issued server command: /warp mining [21:46:09] Heia issued server command: /we cui [21:46:11] Heia issued server command: /randomtp [21:46:11] Heia issued server command: /rtp [21:46:14] I_Quantum_I issued server command: /mpcaseview 72 [21:46:16] I_Quantum_I issued server command: /rollcase 72 [21:46:32] I_Quantum_I issued server command: /mpcaseshop [21:46:37] I_Quantum_I issued server command: /mpcaseview 72 [21:46:39] I_Quantum_I issued server command: /rollcase 72 [21:46:50] I_Quantum_I issued server command: /mpcaseview 72 [21:46:51] I_Quantum_I issued server command: /rollcase 72 [21:47:04] I_Quantum_I issued server command: /mpcaseview 72 [21:47:05] I_Quantum_I issued server command: /rollcase 72 [21:47:15] I_Quantum_I issued server command: /mpcaseview 72 [21:47:17] I_Quantum_I issued server command: /rollcase 72 [21:47:30] I_Quantum_I issued server command: /mpcaseview 72 [21:47:31] I_Quantum_I issued server command: /rollcase 72 [21:47:35] xx_VR_xxx зашёл [21:47:45] I_Quantum_I issued server command: /mpcaseview 72 [21:47:46] I_Quantum_I issued server command: /rollcase 72 [21:48:00] I_Quantum_I issued server command: /mpcaseview 72 [21:48:01] I_Quantum_I issued server command: /rollcase 72 [21:48:05] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /we cui [21:48:14] I_Quantum_I issued server command: /mpcaseview 72 [21:48:16] I_Quantum_I issued server command: /rollcase 72 [21:48:29] I_Quantum_I issued server command: /mpcaseview 72 [21:48:30] I_Quantum_I issued server command: /rollcase 72 [21:48:32] Heia issued server command: /m MrDimonsterR rg addmember назавние рг н_к [21:48:47] I_Quantum_I issued server command: /mpcaseview 72 [21:48:48] I_Quantum_I issued server command: /rollcase 72 [21:49:03] I_Quantum_I issued server command: /mpcaseview 72 [21:49:04] I_Quantum_I issued server command: /mpcaseshop [21:49:15] [L] xx_VR_xxx: буду себя инфузией проклинать [21:49:29] [L] I_Quantum_I: Давай, буду ждатть [21:49:33] Cro_SS_O issued server command: /warp ad [21:49:38] [L] xx_VR_xxx: надо только собрать вещи [21:49:40] Cro_SS_O issued server command: /we cui [21:49:41] MrDimonsterR issued server command: /rg addmember TiTi Heia [21:49:47] Heia issued server command: /randomtp [21:49:47] Heia issued server command: /rtp [21:49:50] I_Quantum_I issued server command: /mpcaseshop [21:49:53] I_Quantum_I issued server command: /mpcaseview 75 [21:49:56] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /warp shop [21:49:56] I_Quantum_I issued server command: /rollcase 75 [21:49:58] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /we cui [21:50:10] I_Quantum_I issued server command: /mpcaseview 75 [21:50:11] I_Quantum_I issued server command: /rollcase 75 [21:50:25] I_Quantum_I issued server command: /mpcaseview 75 [21:50:26] I_Quantum_I issued server command: /rollcase 75 [21:50:44] I_Quantum_I issued server command: /mpcaseview 75 [21:50:44] MrDimonsterR issued server command: /home [21:50:47] I_Quantum_I issued server command: /mpcaseshop [21:50:51] I_Quantum_I issued server command: /mpcaseview 76 [21:51:05] MrDimonsterR issued server command: /rg info [21:51:26] MrDimonsterR issued server command: /rg addmember tititi Heia [21:51:29] Cro_SS_O issued server command: /home [21:51:30] I_Quantum_I issued server command: /warp shop [21:51:32] MrDimonsterR issued server command: /tpahere Heia [21:51:34] Cro_SS_O issued server command: /we cui [21:51:35] Heia issued server command: /tpaccept [21:51:36] Heia issued server command: /we cui [21:51:46] I_Quantum_I issued server command: /we cui [21:52:28] Mautil зашёл [21:52:39] [L] xx_VR_xxx: скок у тебя их? [21:52:46] [L] I_Quantum_I: что лучше взять? [21:52:48] Mautil issued server command: /we cui [21:52:51] [L] I_Quantum_I: какой цветок? [21:53:01] [L] xx_VR_xxx: водо [21:53:17] [L] I_Quantum_I: сколько? [21:53:24] [G] Mautil: !qq aall [21:53:26] [L] xx_VR_xxx: тем лучше ферму хочешь [21:53:32] [G] xx_VR_xxx: ! О,тауматург наш [21:53:33] [G] BOBAHBEPTYXA: !q [21:53:38] [L] d1zz3rIP: qq [21:53:51] [L] I_Quantum_I: семя разрастания тоже надо? [21:53:56] [L] I_Quantum_I: чтобы она не умирала? [21:54:07] [L] xx_VR_xxx: da [21:55:13] [G] xx_VR_xxx: ! Я то думаю почему у меня пинг, торрент решил скачать игру по приколу [21:55:26] [G] xx_VR_xxx: ! Мегахорош [21:55:43] I_Quantum_I issued server command: /tp xx_VR_xxx [21:56:02] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /home [21:56:04] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /we cui [21:56:34] Cro_SS_O issued server command: /randomtp [21:56:34] Cro_SS_O issued server command: /rtp [21:56:39] [L] xx_VR_xxx: s [21:56:44] [L] xx_VR_xxx: test [21:57:02] [L] xx_VR_xxx: кстати зырь [21:57:04] [L] Mautil: а сет не пофиксили ммм [21:57:18] I_Quantum_I issued server command: /home [21:57:22] I_Quantum_I issued server command: /we cui [21:57:24] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /rg addmember dom4ik Mautil [21:57:27] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /rg addmember dom4ik2 Mautil [21:57:30] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /rg addmember dom4ik3 Mautil [21:57:30] [L] xx_VR_xxx: vse [21:57:33] I_Quantum_I issued server command: /tp xx_VR_xxx [21:57:35] [L] xx_VR_xxx: во все добавл [21:57:43] I_Quantum_I issued server command: /fly [21:57:47] [L] Mautil: ебатт [21:57:52] [L] xx_VR_xxx: не матерись [21:57:54] [L] I_Quantum_I: ++ [21:58:06] [L] Mautil: ладно, ладно, ты знаешь почему я матерюс [21:58:11] [L] xx_VR_xxx: ну это да [21:58:19] Bukycbka issued server command: /ekit top [21:58:22] [L] xx_VR_xxx: может ты нас добавшь в регион? [21:58:29] Mautil issued server command: /rg info [21:58:41] Mautil issued server command: /rg addmember thaum xx_VR_xxx [21:58:47] Mautil issued server command: /rg addmember thaum I_Quantum_I [21:58:48] [L] Mautil: vse [21:58:51] Cro_SS_O issued server command: /randomtp [21:58:51] Cro_SS_O issued server command: /rtp [21:58:55] [L] xx_VR_xxx: его тоже? [21:58:58] [L] Mautil: da [21:59:02] [L] xx_VR_xxx: Ультима смотри [21:59:06] [L] xx_VR_xxx: го еще поставим зарядку [21:59:11] [L] xx_VR_xxx: там у Квантума узел на 350 [21:59:19] [L] I_Quantum_I: нет смысла [21:59:20] [L] Mautil: погоди, погоди [21:59:23] [L] Mautil: не торопись [21:59:24] [L] Mautil: xD [21:59:26] [L] xx_VR_xxx: а чо так [21:59:32] [L] Mautil: Я не шустрый [21:59:34] Bukycbka issued server command: /rpt [21:59:35] Bukycbka issued server command: /randomtp [21:59:35] Bukycbka issued server command: /rtp [21:59:44] [L] I_Quantum_I: потому что даже если узел будет на 20 [21:59:51] [L] I_Quantum_I: всё равно быстрее заряжать не будет [22:00:23] [L] xx_VR_xxx: вторая зарядка будет [22:00:30] Cro_SS_O issued server command: /randomtp [22:00:30] Cro_SS_O issued server command: /rtp [22:01:07] Heia issued server command: /home [22:01:35] [L] xx_VR_xxx: адская враждебность говорите ага [22:01:58] Heia issued server command: /tpa MrDimonsterR [22:02:20] MrDimonsterR issued server command: /tpaccept [22:02:21] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /money [22:02:21] Bukycbka issued server command: /randomtp [22:02:21] Bukycbka issued server command: /rtp [22:02:23] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /playtime [22:02:25] [L] Mautil: 20 [22:02:26] [L] Mautil: аспектов [22:02:27] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /playtimetop [22:02:31] Heia issued server command: /home [22:02:33] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /playtimetop clear [22:02:44] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /rg i [22:02:47] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: //sel [22:03:25] Heia issued server command: /randomtp [22:03:25] Heia issued server command: /rtp [22:03:37] [L] xx_VR_xxx: хм какую же инфузию сделать на себя.. [22:03:38] Bukycbka issued server command: /randomtp [22:03:38] Bukycbka issued server command: /rtp [22:03:54] I_Quantum_I issued server command: /enderchest [22:03:57] Bukycbka issued server command: /home [22:04:03] [L] xx_VR_xxx: наверное адская все таки,другие чот скушные и для пивипи [22:04:07] Cro_SS_O issued server command: /randomtp [22:04:07] Cro_SS_O issued server command: /rtp [22:04:07] I_Quantum_I issued server command: /endersee [22:04:37] Bukycbka вышел [22:04:55] MrDimonsterR issued server command: /tpa Heia [22:05:19] Heia issued server command: /tpaccept [22:05:21] d1zz3rIP issued server command: /home [22:05:39] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /shop [22:05:41] MrDimonsterR issued server command: /home [22:05:42] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /warp shop [22:05:45] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /we cui [22:05:58] MrDimonsterR issued server command: /tpa Heia [22:05:59] Heia issued server command: /tpaccept [22:06:04] Cro_SS_O issued server command: /home [22:06:16] [G] xx_VR_xxx: ! Куплю мутандис [22:06:21] d1zz3rIP issued server command: /home [22:06:25] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /money [22:06:51] I_Quantum_I issued server command: /endersee [22:07:06] MrDimonsterR issued server command: /home [22:08:12] [L] Mautil: хелп [22:08:26] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /home [22:08:28] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /we cui [22:09:39] [L] I_Quantum_I: будешь делать резервуары? [22:09:57] [L] Mautil: я автомизацмю делать буду к каждой эссенции)) [22:10:06] [L] I_Quantum_I: нет смысла [22:10:15] [L] Mautil: ну я люблю так [22:10:19] [L] I_Quantum_I: есть кондёр [22:10:19] [L] Mautil: всегда делаю [22:10:30] Cro_SS_O вышел [22:10:55] [L] Mautil: Кондер? я не втеме [22:11:13] [L] I_Quantum_I: открой знания древних мастеров Арканы [22:11:17] [L] I_Quantum_I: там увидишь [22:11:40] [L] xx_VR_xxx: лишайник надо..ыыы [22:11:54] [G] xx_VR_xxx: !Куплю яйца [22:12:19] [G] BOBAHBEPTYXA: !сколько? [22:12:22] Heia вышел [22:12:27] [G] xx_VR_xxx: ! Сколько есть? [22:12:32] [L] Mautil: прочитал, такое чувство муторно [22:12:37] [G] BOBAHBEPTYXA: !4 стака [22:12:43] [G] xx_VR_xxx: ! сколько за стак? [22:12:47] [L] I_Quantum_I: Ну, тут крафт не сложный [22:12:54] [G] BOBAHBEPTYXA: !получается 32 эма [22:12:55] [L] I_Quantum_I: и хранит по 512 [22:12:58] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /money [22:13:01] [G] BOBAHBEPTYXA: !вру [22:13:06] [G] BOBAHBEPTYXA: !3.2 эма [22:13:16] [L] Mautil: давай, я по-своему, как всегда, не против же [22:13:23] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /home [22:13:26] [L] I_Quantum_I: делай [22:13:34] [G] xx_VR_xxx: ! щас деньги в виртуалку переведу [22:14:03] d1zz3rIP issued server command: /home [22:14:51] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /warp shop [22:14:54] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /we cui [22:15:16] I_Quantum_I issued server command: /zset 5 [22:15:23] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /tpa BOBAHBEPTYXA [22:15:24] I_Quantum_I issued server command: /zset 5 [22:15:27] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /tpaccept [22:15:29] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /we cui [22:15:33] I_Quantum_I issued server command: /zset 5 [22:15:42] [L] xx_VR_xxx: 3.2? [22:15:47] Nekit192 зашёл [22:15:49] [L] BOBAHBEPTYXA: да, за стак [22:15:52] Nekit192 issued server command: /we cui [22:16:06] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /money pay BOBAHBEPTYXA 3.2 [22:16:31] [L] BOBAHBEPTYXA: Ты мне за 1 стак только же перевел [22:16:34] [L] xx_VR_xxx: ааа [22:16:42] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /money pay BOBAHBEPTYXA 9.6 [22:16:46] [L] xx_VR_xxx: vo [22:17:19] BOBAHBEPTYXA был кикнут [22:17:19] BOBAHBEPTYXA вышел [22:17:19] d1zz3rIP был кикнут [22:17:19] d1zz3rIP вышел [22:17:19] I_Quantum_I был кикнут [22:17:19] I_Quantum_I вышел [22:17:19] MrDimonsterR был кикнут [22:17:19] MrDimonsterR вышел [22:17:19] xx_VR_xxx был кикнут [22:17:19] xx_VR_xxx вышел [22:17:19] Mautil был кикнут [22:17:19] Mautil вышел [22:17:19] Nekit192 был кикнут [22:17:19] Nekit192 вышел [22:17:23] Сервер выключился [22:18:02] Сервер включился [22:18:20] Mautil зашёл [22:18:20] Nekit192 зашёл [22:18:21] Mautil issued server command: /we cui [22:18:23] Nekit192 issued server command: /we cui [22:18:25] xx_VR_xxx зашёл [22:18:27] MrDimonsterR зашёл [22:18:28] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /we cui [22:18:30] MrDimonsterR issued server command: /we cui [22:18:32] I_Quantum_I зашёл [22:18:40] I_Quantum_I issued server command: /we cui [22:18:45] I_Quantum_I issued server command: /fly [22:18:58] BOBAHBEPTYXA зашёл [22:19:00] [L] Mautil: о ихор есть [22:19:01] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /we cui [22:19:05] [L] I_Quantum_I: да [22:19:05] Nekit192 issued server command: /warp ad [22:19:08] Nekit192 issued server command: /we cui [22:19:26] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /home [22:20:23] Cro_SS_O зашёл [22:20:49] [L] I_Quantum_I: нужно перенести эти порталы [22:20:58] Cro_SS_O issued server command: /we cui [22:20:58] [L] Mautil: да, обязательно [22:21:05] [L] Mautil: рук не хватает)) [22:21:10] Cro_SS_O issued server command: /kit start [22:21:14] Cro_SS_O issued server command: /kit eat [22:21:48] [L] Mautil: а где конденсатор энергии [22:21:58] I_Quantum_I issued server command: /home [22:22:21] Lana_Luna зашёл [22:22:25] I_Quantum_I issued server command: /tp I_Quantum_I 555 76 1492 [22:22:25] I_Quantum_I issued server command: /tppos 555 76 1492 [22:22:26] Lana_Luna issued server command: /we cui [22:22:34] Lana_Luna issued server command: /home [22:22:38] Lana_Luna issued server command: /we cui [22:22:46] I_Quantum_I issued server command: /home [22:23:00] I_Quantum_I issued server command: /tp xx_VR_xxx [22:23:00] [L] xx_VR_xxx: пипец лишайник не выпадает какой же гринд этот витчери [22:23:06] [L] xx_VR_xxx: кринж [22:23:14] [L] I_Quantum_I: на [22:23:34] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /randomtp [22:23:34] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /rtp [22:25:33] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /home [22:25:43] Nekit192 issued server command: /home [22:25:46] Nekit192 issued server command: /we cui [22:26:16] MrDimonsterR вышел [22:26:21] Nekit192 issued server command: /spawn [22:26:24] Nekit192 issued server command: /we cui [22:26:48] Nekit192 issued server command: /home [22:26:50] Nekit192 issued server command: /we cui [22:27:09] I_Quantum_I вышел [22:27:10] Nekit192 issued server command: /warp ad [22:27:12] Nekit192 issued server command: /we cui [22:28:38] [L] xx_VR_xxx: c [22:30:41] Lana_Luna issued server command: /home [22:32:31] Cro_SS_O issued server command: /home [22:34:03] Lana_Luna issued server command: /randomtp [22:34:03] Lana_Luna issued server command: /rtp [22:34:39] Lana_Luna issued server command: /randomtp [22:34:39] Lana_Luna issued server command: /rtp [22:35:00] Nekit192 issued server command: /home [22:35:02] Nekit192 issued server command: /we cui [22:35:19] Lana_Luna issued server command: /home [22:35:56] Nekit192 issued server command: /spawn [22:35:58] Nekit192 issued server command: /we cui [22:36:19] Mautil issued server command: /kit top [22:36:19] Nekit192 issued server command: /home [22:36:22] Nekit192 issued server command: /we cui [22:37:11] Nekit192 issued server command: /randomtp [22:37:11] Nekit192 issued server command: /rtp [22:41:01] [G] BOBAHBEPTYXA: !Сколько стоит клетка гнева? [22:41:04] [G] BOBAHBEPTYXA: !минимум [22:41:24] [L] xx_VR_xxx: Ультима покажи крафт ее [22:41:27] [G] xx_VR_xxx: ! Щас посмотрю [22:41:36] [L] xx_VR_xxx: дропни в дс крафт [22:43:26] Mautil issued server command: /kit eat [22:44:20] [G] xx_VR_xxx: ! около 37 это не учитывая аспекты [22:44:23] [L] Mautil: спаса [22:44:27] [L] Mautil: й [22:44:33] [G] BOBAHBEPTYXA: !продам клетку гнева за 37 эмеральдов [22:44:50] [L] Mautil: эти дивайн броники хрень.. [22:45:51] Nekit192 умер (ENTITY_ATTACK) [22:45:54] Nekit192 issued server command: /we cui [22:46:02] [G] BOBAHBEPTYXA: !F [22:46:33] Nekit192 issued server command: /randomtp [22:46:33] Nekit192 issued server command: /rtp [22:47:32] Cro_SS_O issued server command: /home [22:48:06] Nekit192 вышел [22:48:20] Cro_SS_O issued server command: /kit start [22:48:43] Nekit192 зашёл [22:48:46] Nekit192 issued server command: /we cui [22:49:32] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /playtimetop [22:50:17] [G] xx_VR_xxx: ! Куплю нарост [22:50:26] [G] BOBAHBEPTYXA: !Сколько? [22:50:43] [G] xx_VR_xxx: ! сколько есть? [22:50:49] [G] BOBAHBEPTYXA: !Ну много есть [22:50:58] [G] xx_VR_xxx: ! цена за штуку? [22:51:00] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /money [22:51:00] [G] BOBAHBEPTYXA: !Какая у него минималка? [22:51:20] Mautil issued server command: /we cui [22:51:26] [G] xx_VR_xxx: ! Хм.. [22:51:45] [G] xx_VR_xxx: !минуточку [22:52:55] Mautil issued server command: /home [22:52:57] Mautil issued server command: /we cui [22:53:02] Nekit192 issued server command: /home [22:53:29] Nekit192 issued server command: /warp forest [22:53:32] Nekit192 issued server command: /we cui [22:53:39] Nekit192 issued server command: /we cui [22:54:02] [G] xx_VR_xxx: ! 0.3 [22:54:09] Mautil issued server command: /we cui [22:54:43] [G] BOBAHBEPTYXA: !19.2 за стак получается [22:55:16] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /playtime [22:55:18] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /money [22:55:32] [G] xx_VR_xxx: ! я возьму пол стака [22:55:42] Mautil issued server command: /home [22:55:44] Mautil issued server command: /we cui [22:55:50] [G] BOBAHBEPTYXA: !9.6 [22:55:54] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /tpa BOBAHBEPTYXA [22:56:05] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /tpaccept [22:56:23] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /money pay BOBAHBEPTYXA 9.6 [22:56:24] Mautil issued server command: /we cui [22:56:31] [L] xx_VR_xxx: спасибо [22:56:35] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /trade xx_VR_xxx [22:56:38] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /trade accept [22:56:53] [L] BOBAHBEPTYXA: Мне интересно как выглядит безопасный обмен) [22:56:57] [L] BOBAHBEPTYXA: Прими пожалуйст [22:57:12] [L] xx_VR_xxx: я принял [22:57:15] [L] xx_VR_xxx: открылось [22:57:20] [L] BOBAHBEPTYXA: А что было? [22:57:25] [L] BOBAHBEPTYXA: Ничего не сделалось( [22:57:27] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /trade xx_VR_xxx [22:57:30] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /trade accept [22:57:31] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /trade accept [22:57:33] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /trade xx_VR_xxx [22:57:33] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /trade xx_VR_xxx [22:57:34] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /trade xx_VR_xxx [22:57:34] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /trade xx_VR_xxx [22:57:35] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /trade xx_VR_xxx [22:57:35] [L] xx_VR_xxx: пишет теперь что занят игрок [22:57:39] [L] xx_VR_xxx: видимо недоработано [22:57:41] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /trade xx_VR_xxx [22:57:42] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /trade xx_VR_xxx [22:57:42] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /trade xx_VR_xxx [22:57:42] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /trade xx_VR_xxx [22:57:42] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /trade xx_VR_xxx [22:57:42] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /trade xx_VR_xxx [22:57:42] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /trade xx_VR_xxx [22:57:42] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /trade xx_VR_xxx [22:57:42] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /trade xx_VR_xxx [22:57:42] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /trade xx_VR_xxx [22:57:42] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /trade xx_VR_xxx [22:57:42] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /trade xx_VR_xxx [22:57:42] BOBAHBEPTYXA был кикнут [22:57:42] BOBAHBEPTYXA вышел [22:57:49] BOBAHBEPTYXA зашёл [22:57:51] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /we cui [22:57:52] Mautil issued server command: /home [22:57:54] Mautil issued server command: /we cui [22:57:59] Mautil issued server command: /we cui [22:58:01] [L] xx_VR_xxx: Не стоит лучше спамить этим [22:58:13] [L] BOBAHBEPTYXA: Я просто кнопку не отпускал [22:58:24] [L] xx_VR_xxx: ага.а мне там прям заспамило [22:58:30] [L] BOBAHBEPTYXA: )) [23:00:02] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /home [23:00:22] Mautil issued server command: /home [23:00:23] Mautil issued server command: /we cui [23:01:04] Lana_Luna issued server command: /randomtp [23:01:04] Lana_Luna issued server command: /rtp [23:01:07] [G] Cro_SS_O: !есть у кого рыба? [23:01:12] [G] BOBAHBEPTYXA: !Да [23:01:21] [G] Cro_SS_O: !подгонишь? [23:01:25] Mautil вышел [23:01:28] [G] BOBAHBEPTYXA: !Какая на нее минималка? [23:01:34] [G] Cro_SS_O: !хз [23:01:42] [G] BOBAHBEPTYXA: !Стажер помогите [23:01:55] Lana_Luna issued server command: /randomtp [23:01:55] Lana_Luna issued server command: /rtp [23:02:13] [G] xx_VR_xxx: ! Щас минуточку [23:02:25] Lana_Luna issued server command: /randomtp [23:02:25] Lana_Luna issued server command: /rtp [23:02:27] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /money top [23:02:30] [G] Cro_SS_O: !ты реально не можешь ее дать или обменять? [23:02:47] [G] BOBAHBEPTYXA: !Продать могу [23:03:02] [G] Cro_SS_O: !8 [23:03:11] [G] xx_VR_xxx: ! 0.05-0.1 за штуку [23:03:26] [G] BOBAHBEPTYXA: !За 0.1 продам. Тебе сколько надо? [23:03:26] [G] Cro_SS_O: !че это значит? [23:03:33] [G] BOBAHBEPTYXA: !Сколько стоит 1 рыба [23:03:36] [G] xx_VR_xxx: ! курс за 1 штучку [23:03:41] Lana_Luna issued server command: /randomtp [23:03:41] Lana_Luna issued server command: /rtp [23:03:43] [G] xx_VR_xxx: ! может и до 1 доходить [23:03:46] [G] Cro_SS_O: !0.1 эм? [23:03:46] [G] xx_VR_xxx: ! за штуку [23:03:49] [G] xx_VR_xxx: ! Да [23:04:02] [G] Cro_SS_O: ! 10 рыб за 1 эм [23:04:13] [G] Cro_SS_O: !ахаах [23:04:18] [G] BOBAHBEPTYXA: !Да. Берешь? [23:04:21] [G] Cro_SS_O: !да [23:04:24] Lana_Luna issued server command: /home [23:04:24] [G] BOBAHBEPTYXA: !тп [23:04:30] Cro_SS_O issued server command: /tpa BOBAHBEPTYXA [23:04:33] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /tpaccept [23:04:34] Nekit192 issued server command: /home [23:04:36] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /kit [23:04:37] Nekit192 issued server command: /we cui [23:04:55] Cro_SS_O issued server command: /money pay BOBAHBEPTYXA 1 [23:05:21] Mautil зашёл [23:05:25] [G] Cro_SS_O: !как ты так быстро выращиваешь? [23:05:38] Mautil issued server command: /we cui [23:05:40] [G] Cro_SS_O: !как ты так быстро выращиваешь? [23:05:50] [L] BOBAHBEPTYXA: Оно само как-то( [23:06:08] [L] Cro_SS_O: не может быть [23:06:17] [L] BOBAHBEPTYXA: Ок [23:06:23] [L] Cro_SS_O: я до вайпа их выращивал [23:06:30] [L] Cro_SS_O: они оооочень долго растут [23:06:37] [L] Cro_SS_O: в чем секрет? [23:06:54] [L] BOBAHBEPTYXA: Чем больше эмов - тем круче [23:07:01] [L] BOBAHBEPTYXA: Или наоборот [23:07:05] [L] BOBAHBEPTYXA: У меня уже 1 [23:07:23] [L] Cro_SS_O: че ты несешь [23:07:27] Nekit192 issued server command: /randomtp [23:07:27] Nekit192 issued server command: /rtp [23:08:31] [L] Cro_SS_O: так ты скажешь [23:08:52] [L] xx_VR_xxx: прикол у нас сила то растет и растет но ничего не меняется [23:09:09] [L] Mautil: что не растет [23:09:10] [L] xx_VR_xxx: уменьшается* наверное даже [23:09:12] [L] xx_VR_xxx: сила [23:09:37] [L] Mautil: и че за бред тут под алтарем [23:09:42] [L] xx_VR_xxx: сестра делала [23:09:57] [L] Mautil: вниз 12 блокоа, в бок 23 вроде надо делать [23:09:57] [L] xx_VR_xxx: ей 10 лет,это норм [23:09:59] [L] Mautil: комнату [23:10:07] [L] Mautil: и там все разные блоки ставить [23:11:09] [L] xx_VR_xxx: Ультима как кидать в котел если там в крафте показано как крафт [23:11:23] [L] Mautil: какой крафт [23:11:26] [L] Mautil: чего именно [23:11:28] [L] xx_VR_xxx: адская враждебность [23:11:43] Nekit192 issued server command: /home [23:11:44] [L] Mautil: по порядку [23:11:48] [L] Mautil: НО [23:11:53] [L] xx_VR_xxx: какой порядок там крафт о.о [23:11:53] [L] Mautil: хватит ли энергия алтаря [23:12:04] Cro_SS_O issued server command: /home [23:12:06] [L] Mautil: сперва суп, сердце и т.д [23:12:50] Mautil вышел [23:12:56] Mautil зашёл [23:12:58] Mautil issued server command: /we cui [23:13:04] [G] BOBAHBEPTYXA: !продам клетку гнева 37 эмов [23:13:06] Mautil issued server command: /we cui [23:13:10] Mautil умер (VOID) [23:13:14] [L] xx_VR_xxx: по идеи должно так что ок [23:13:14] Mautil issued server command: /we cui [23:13:18] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /home [23:13:18] [L] Mautil: пиздеееееееееееееееееееу [23:13:19] [L] Mautil: ц [23:13:24] [L] Mautil: -весь лут [23:13:24] [L] xx_VR_xxx: че случилось? [23:13:25] [L] Mautil: мда [23:13:36] [L] Mautil: я в портал тепнулся и меня ваншотнули . [23:13:41] [L] Mautil: веь лут в бездн [23:13:56] [L] Mautil: да ну нахуй такон [23:13:59] [L] Mautil: такое [23:14:05] [L] Mautil: как такое играть [23:14:25] Cro_SS_O issued server command: /home [23:14:32] [L] xx_VR_xxx: и чем забирать то? [23:14:40] [L] Mautil: ведром вроде [23:14:49] [L] xx_VR_xxx: кажеься колбам наверн [23:14:54] [L] Mautil: или пузырек [23:15:10] [L] Mautil: играть дальше без меня. это меня все заебало. [23:15:15] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: // [23:15:15] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: // [23:15:15] [L] xx_VR_xxx: ... [23:15:21] [L] Mautil: мои нервы не стальные [23:15:32] [L] Mautil: такие недочеты.. [23:15:59] [L] Mautil: все зачаровал по фуллу и всрал же из-за тупост ваншота в портале [23:16:05] [L] xx_VR_xxx: в каком [23:16:10] [L] Mautil: дикий лес блять [23:16:20] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /we cui [23:16:38] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /home [23:16:41] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /we cui [23:17:01] [L] xx_VR_xxx: подождика [23:17:27] [L] Mautil: Я бы добавил бессмертие 5 с хотя бы при телепортировании в миры. [23:17:30] [L] Mautil: но нет [23:17:46] [L] Mautil: тебя ждет единорог и ебашит у порта [23:18:19] [L] Mautil: все, бывай [23:18:21] [L] Mautil: я пойду [23:19:34] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /god [23:20:18] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /randomtp [23:20:18] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /rtp [23:20:19] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /home [23:20:28] Cro_SS_O issued server command: /home [23:20:28] BOBAHBEPTYXA вышел [23:20:33] BOBAHBEPTYXA зашёл [23:20:35] Nekit192 issued server command: /warp ad [23:20:36] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /we cui [23:20:38] Nekit192 issued server command: /we cui [23:22:21] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /home [23:22:26] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /we cui [23:22:41] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /we cui [23:22:55] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /we cui [23:23:04] [L] Mautil: б-бомж [23:23:33] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /home [23:23:37] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /we cui [23:24:23] Nekit192 issued server command: /home [23:24:25] Nekit192 issued server command: /we cui [23:24:44] Nekit192 issued server command: /warp ad [23:24:46] Nekit192 issued server command: /we cui [23:25:08] Nekit192 issued server command: /home [23:25:09] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /warp end [23:25:11] Nekit192 issued server command: /we cui [23:25:12] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /we cui [23:25:25] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /god [23:27:09] Nekit192 issued server command: /home [23:27:20] Lana_Luna вышел [23:29:01] [G] xx_VR_xxx: ! Классная инфузия [23:29:36] Nekit192 issued server command: /home [23:30:17] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /home [23:30:18] Mautil issued server command: /we cui [23:30:19] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /we cui [23:30:21] Mautil issued server command: /home [23:30:23] Mautil issued server command: /we cui [23:31:01] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /we cui [23:32:51] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /randomtp [23:32:51] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /rtp [23:32:55] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /home [23:32:58] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /we cui [23:33:10] [G] Cro_SS_O: !есть осмат у кого нибудь? [23:34:57] Nekit192 умер (FIRE_TICK) [23:35:00] Nekit192 issued server command: /we cui [23:35:18] xx_VR_xxx issued server command: /home [23:35:35] Nekit192 issued server command: /home [23:35:48] Nekit192 вышел [23:37:00] Nekit192 зашёл [23:37:04] Nekit192 issued server command: /we cui [23:37:44] Cro_SS_O issued server command: /money [23:37:55] Nekit192 issued server command: /home [23:39:01] [L] Mautil: дай [23:45:39] Nekit192 issued server command: /home [23:46:51] Cro_SS_O issued server command: /money [23:49:04] Nekit192 issued server command: /home [23:49:14] [L] Mautil: ты осилишь ритуал роста? [23:49:24] [L] xx_VR_xxx: блада? [23:49:26] [L] Mautil: + [23:49:36] [L] xx_VR_xxx: ну если мы апнем до 5 лвл алтарь то вполне осилю [23:49:54] [L] Mautil: с помощью нее сделаем ферму моркови - морковь в гурмы пойдут = ферма маны изи [23:50:03] [L] xx_VR_xxx: ну да [23:50:12] [L] Mautil: а че для алтаря 5 надо [23:50:21] [L] xx_VR_xxx: маяки 4,и руны надо [23:50:30] [L] Mautil: я же дал черепа [23:50:39] [L] xx_VR_xxx: да маяки фигня сами руны ых [23:50:44] [L] Mautil: какие руны [23:50:53] [L] xx_VR_xxx: да хотя бы стоковые чтобы 5 лвл был [23:51:01] [L] Mautil: а че с моим лутом то [23:51:10] [L] xx_VR_xxx: пока решается то [23:51:35] [L] xx_VR_xxx: было бы забавно ритуал реинкарнации сделать может прокатило но не факт [23:53:08] Nekit192 issued server command: /home [23:56:10] [L] xx_VR_xxx: 13х4 [23:56:41] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /money [23:56:44] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /playtime [23:56:54] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /playtimetop [23:57:08] BOBAHBEPTYXA issued server command: /playtimetop clear [23:57:12] Nekit192 issued server command: /home [23:58:16] Mautil issued server command: /kit eat