[00:00:17] [G] Luas: ! На варп пве же падают кристаллы босса с этих мобов? [00:00:18] Luas issued server command: /home [00:00:21] Luas issued server command: /we cui [00:00:36] MomenTs issued server command: /warp pve [00:00:40] MomenTs issued server command: /we cui [00:01:09] zxcmonster228 issued server command: /warp pve [00:01:12] zxcmonster228 issued server command: /we cui [00:01:45] [G] Lasx: !Почему виверн кирка не улучшается на область капания? виверн ядра есть 4шт [00:01:58] zxcmonster228 issued server command: /home [00:02:02] zxcmonster228 issued server command: /we cui [00:02:49] MomenTs issued server command: /home [00:02:51] MomenTs issued server command: /we cui [00:03:37] zxcmonster228 вышел [00:05:30] [G] hais3: !ребят а куда провод к реактору ядерному подключать [00:05:31] hais3 issued server command: /feed [00:06:11] [G] hais3: !подскажите пж.... [00:06:45] [G] Luas: ! Разве не в любое место? [00:06:54] Luas issued server command: /home [00:06:59] [G] hais3: !я хз просто такое чувство что провод не подключается [00:07:22] [G] Luas: ! Он у тебя сам-то работает? Рычаг есть? Жидкостный или обычный? [00:07:31] [G] hais3: !все есть [00:07:38] MomenTs вышел [00:07:39] [G] hais3: !можешь сделать тп подсказать все ли ок [00:07:42] MomenTs зашёл [00:07:45] MomenTs issued server command: /we cui [00:07:56] Luas issued server command: /tp hais3 [00:08:02] Luas issued server command: /tpa hais3 [00:08:06] hais3 issued server command: /tpaccept [00:08:19] [L] Luas: Так) А вот в такомя не шарю) [00:08:29] [L] Luas: Тут я бессилен) [00:08:32] [L] hais3: ((( [00:08:36] [L] Luas: ты же по видосу делал? [00:08:52] [G] hais3: !какой-то гайд нашел на просторах инет [00:09:07] [L] Luas: Я максимум делал 6камерный, обычный [00:09:11] [L] Luas: Такой не запускал, сорри [00:09:40] [L] Luas: Сколько же энергии он может давать? [00:09:47] [L] hais3: 1к+ [00:10:07] [L] Luas: Удачи разобраться, прости, что не могу подсказать) [00:10:11] [L] hais3: ща вопрос [00:10:12] Luas issued server command: /home [00:10:20] Luas issued server command: /M hais3 Да? [00:10:27] Luas issued server command: /M hais3 я улетел просто) [00:10:51] Luas issued server command: /home [00:10:52] hais3 issued server command: /m luas разогнанный или улучшенный теплоотвод лучше? [00:11:12] Luas issued server command: /home [00:11:32] Mok1Cho issued server command: /home [00:11:43] Luas issued server command: /home [00:13:31] Luas issued server command: /home [00:14:03] Luas issued server command: /home [00:14:15] Luas issued server command: /home [00:15:08] Luas issued server command: /home [00:16:22] Luas issued server command: /home [00:18:09] Luas issued server command: /home [00:19:14] Luas issued server command: /home [00:19:43] Lasx вышел [00:20:16] Luas issued server command: /home [00:21:23] [G] hais3: !кто-то шарит за дижкостный генератор? [00:21:31] Deviat зашёл [00:21:44] Deviat issued server command: /we cui [00:21:58] Luas issued server command: /home [00:22:34] Lasx зашёл [00:22:36] Lasx issued server command: /we cui [00:22:48] [G] Lasx: !Почему виверн кирка не улучшается на область капания? виверн ядра есть 4шт [00:22:55] [L] Mok1Cho: 1 [00:23:10] Mok1Cho issued server command: /money top [00:23:19] Luas issued server command: /home [00:23:24] Mok1Cho issued server command: /warp minim [00:24:20] Mok1Cho issued server command: /warp pve [00:24:23] Luas issued server command: /home [00:24:24] Mok1Cho issued server command: /we cui [00:24:28] Lasx issued server command: /home Luas [00:25:06] Mok1Cho issued server command: /home [00:25:11] Mok1Cho issued server command: /we cui [00:25:31] vlvd_oss зашёл [00:25:49] vlvd_oss issued server command: /we cui [00:26:34] hais3 issued server command: /enderchest [00:27:34] Mok1Cho issued server command: /warp portal [00:27:37] Mok1Cho issued server command: /we cui [00:27:44] Mok1Cho issued server command: /warp world [00:27:49] Mok1Cho issued server command: /we cui [00:27:56] Mok1Cho issued server command: /we cui [00:28:12] hais3 issued server command: /enderchest [00:28:28] Mok1Cho issued server command: /home [00:28:31] Mok1Cho issued server command: /we cui [00:28:54] Mok1Cho issued server command: /warp world [00:29:05] Mok1Cho issued server command: /we cui [00:29:21] hais3 issued server command: /waro 69 [00:29:24] hais3 issued server command: /warp 69 [00:29:37] hais3 issued server command: /warp shop [00:29:38] hais3 issued server command: /we cui [00:29:51] hais3 issued server command: /money [00:29:59] [G] hais3: !может кто лазурит продать? [00:30:01] hais3 issued server command: /home [00:30:02] hais3 issued server command: /we cui [00:30:06] [G] vlvd_oss: !скок [00:30:09] [G] vlvd_oss: !надо [00:30:17] [G] hais3: !стаков 8 [00:30:23] hais3 issued server command: /feed [00:30:24] [G] vlvd_oss: !ща гляну [00:30:29] Luas issued server command: /home [00:30:40] Mok1Cho issued server command: /clan invite hais3 [00:30:43] [G] hais3: !я тут реактор просто уничттожил чутка заново все крафтить [00:30:46] hais3 issued server command: /clan accept Mok1Cho [00:30:49] hais3 issued server command: /clan accept Mok1Cho [00:31:10] [G] vlvd_oss: !Есть почти 5 стаков [00:31:19] [G] hais3: !скок хочешь? [00:31:22] [G] hais3: !эмов [00:31:28] Mok1Cho issued server command: /money hais3 [00:31:39] [G] vlvd_oss: !ну предложи [00:31:43] Mok1Cho issued server command: /home [00:31:47] Mok1Cho issued server command: /we cui [00:31:48] [G] hais3: !15? [00:31:51] [G] hais3: !20 [00:31:58] [G] Mok1Cho: ! мало [00:32:03] hais3 issued server command: /money [00:32:07] [G] hais3: !30? [00:32:22] vlvd_oss issued server command: /m Mok1Cho мало? [00:32:34] vlvd_oss issued server command: /m Mok1Cho просто в экономике эмов не шарю [00:33:12] hais3 issued server command: /enderchest [00:33:33] vlvd_oss issued server command: /m hais3 маловато [00:33:34] xx0gers зашёл [00:33:48] vlvd_oss issued server command: /m hais3 думаю около 40 [00:33:50] xx0gers issued server command: /we cui [00:33:58] hais3 issued server command: /m vlvd_oss сколько за 20 эмов скиншь? [00:34:19] vlvd_oss issued server command: /m hais3 2 с половиной стака [00:34:27] hais3 issued server command: /m vlvd_oss давай [00:34:30] hais3 issued server command: /tpa vlvd_oss [00:34:36] hais3 issued server command: /money pay vlvd_oss 20 [00:34:47] vlvd_oss issued server command: /tpaccept [00:34:56] [L] hais3: я скинул [00:35:05] hais3 issued server command: /home [00:35:14] vlvd_oss issued server command: /bal [00:35:17] vlvd_oss issued server command: /money [00:35:29] vlvd_oss issued server command: /shop [00:35:33] vlvd_oss issued server command: /warp shop [00:35:36] vlvd_oss issued server command: /we cui [00:36:22] vlvd_oss issued server command: /home [00:36:23] vlvd_oss issued server command: /we cui [00:36:24] Luas issued server command: /home [00:37:11] hais3 issued server command: /warp 69 [00:37:16] hais3 issued server command: /money [00:37:20] [L] hais3: 50 [00:37:23] hais3 issued server command: /money [00:37:30] [L] hais3: 50 [00:37:38] hais3 issued server command: /money [00:37:42] [L] hais3: 25 [00:37:44] hais3 issued server command: /money [00:37:48] hais3 issued server command: /10 [00:37:51] [L] hais3: 10 [00:37:54] hais3 issued server command: /money [00:37:55] hais3 issued server command: /home [00:37:56] vlvd_oss issued server command: /warp shop [00:37:58] vlvd_oss issued server command: /we cui [00:38:01] MomenTs issued server command: /warp pve [00:38:04] MomenTs issued server command: /we cui [00:38:50] [L] vlvd_oss: 150 [00:39:14] [G] vlvd_oss: !Ребят а можно ли продать вещи где-то? [00:39:23] [G] Deviat: ! смотря какие [00:39:29] [G] Deviat: ! другим игрокам можно [00:39:34] [G] vlvd_oss: !Фрагмент первого уровня [00:39:41] [G] vlvd_oss: !Ну и алмазы может быть [00:39:58] [G] Mok1Cho: !как гаю призвать? [00:40:09] MomenTs issued server command: /home [00:40:11] MomenTs issued server command: /we cui [00:40:15] Lasx issued server command: /warp portal [00:40:17] Lasx issued server command: /we cui [00:40:20] [G] Mok1Cho: !чем надо кликнуть? [00:40:24] Lasx issued server command: /we cui [00:40:31] Lasx issued server command: /warp portal [00:40:34] Lasx issued server command: /we cui [00:40:40] Lasx issued server command: /we cui [00:40:41] [G] Mok1Cho: !тип конструкция есть но хз как призватьц [00:40:46] [L] vlvd_oss: 1 [00:40:58] Mok1Cho issued server command: /home [00:40:59] [G] MomenTs: ! Терасталь вроде [00:41:02] [G] Mok1Cho: !ок [00:41:34] hais3 issued server command: /enderchest [00:41:45] vlvd_oss issued server command: /warp list [00:41:48] [G] Mok1Cho: !ооо [00:41:49] vlvd_oss issued server command: /warp list2 [00:41:51] vlvd_oss issued server command: /warp list 2 [00:41:56] vlvd_oss issued server command: /warp case [00:41:58] vlvd_oss issued server command: /we cui [00:42:09] vlvd_oss issued server command: /warp list 3 [00:42:12] hais3 issued server command: /enderchest [00:42:14] vlvd_oss issued server command: /warp godshop [00:42:17] vlvd_oss issued server command: /we cui [00:42:31] Luas issued server command: /home [00:42:41] Luas issued server command: /home [00:43:16] Luas issued server command: /home [00:43:28] [L] vlvd_oss: 1 [00:44:30] Deviat issued server command: /voteday [00:44:34] Lasx issued server command: /yes [00:44:55] [G] vlvd_oss: !Куплю посох путешественника [00:45:19] [G] Deviat: ! что дашь за него ? [00:45:23] vlvd_oss issued server command: /home [00:45:27] vlvd_oss issued server command: /m Deviat эмы [00:45:30] vlvd_oss issued server command: /money [00:45:37] Deviat issued server command: /m vlvd_oss сколькго ? [00:45:44] vlvd_oss issued server command: /m Deviat 17,58 [00:45:56] Deviat issued server command: /m vlvd_oss ок , ща сделаю [00:46:09] Luas issued server command: /home [00:46:21] Luas issued server command: /home [00:46:22] vlvd_oss issued server command: /warp portal [00:46:24] vlvd_oss issued server command: /we cui [00:46:40] Mok1Cho issued server command: /home [00:46:41] Lasx issued server command: /home Luas [00:46:44] Lasx issued server command: /we cui [00:47:25] vlvd_oss issued server command: /m Deviat можешь еще порошок из жемчуга края сделать? [00:47:35] vlvd_oss issued server command: /m Deviat 1 [00:47:42] Deviat issued server command: /m vlvd_oss могу [00:47:47] vlvd_oss issued server command: /m Deviat спасибо [00:47:57] vlvd_oss issued server command: /home [00:48:00] Luas issued server command: /home [00:48:00] vlvd_oss issued server command: /we cui [00:48:21] Luas issued server command: /home [00:48:36] MomenTs issued server command: /home [00:49:01] Lasx issued server command: /home Luas [00:49:42] Lasx issued server command: /we cui [00:50:12] vlvd_oss issued server command: /m hais3 тебе еще лазурит нужен? [00:51:17] Luas issued server command: /home [00:51:26] Deviat issued server command: /warp nether [00:51:27] Deviat issued server command: /we cui [00:51:28] Luas issued server command: /home [00:51:34] Deviat issued server command: /warp world [00:51:35] Deviat issued server command: /we cui [00:51:46] Deviat issued server command: /we cui [00:51:56] Mok1Cho issued server command: /warp worldцццццццццццц [00:52:01] Mok1Cho issued server command: /warp worl [00:52:02] Luas issued server command: /home [00:52:04] Deviat issued server command: /home [00:52:06] Deviat issued server command: /we cui [00:52:15] vlvd_oss issued server command: /home [00:52:19] [G] Mok1Cho: !продаю все за еми [00:52:25] Mok1Cho issued server command: /home [00:52:43] Mok1Cho issued server command: /warp worl [00:52:53] Mok1Cho issued server command: /we cui [00:53:15] Luas issued server command: /home [00:53:39] Luas issued server command: /home [00:54:03] xx0gers issued server command: /home [00:54:11] vlvd_oss issued server command: /m MomenTs ну как там? [00:54:14] vlvd_oss issued server command: /home [00:54:23] MomenTs issued server command: /r ? [00:54:35] Luas issued server command: /home [00:54:37] vlvd_oss issued server command: /m MomenTs посох [00:54:42] [G] Mok1Cho: !киньте по трейду кто то факел [00:54:47] MomenTs issued server command: /r Какой? [00:54:52] vlvd_oss issued server command: /m Deviat ну как там? [00:54:56] xx0gers вышел [00:55:24] Deviat issued server command: /m vlvd_oss в энд бегал за эндерменами , все готово почти , сейчас кину трейд [00:56:41] Deviat issued server command: /trade vlvd_oss [00:56:46] vlvd_oss issued server command: /trade accept [00:56:59] Mok1Cho issued server command: /home [00:57:04] Mok1Cho issued server command: /we cui [00:57:19] Lasx issued server command: /home Luas [00:57:21] Lasx issued server command: /we cui [00:57:25] vlvd_oss issued server command: /m Deviat спасибо [00:57:27] Deviat issued server command: /m vlvd_oss благодарю [00:57:27] Mok1Cho issued server command: /warp worl [00:57:29] vlvd_oss issued server command: /warp portal [00:57:31] Luas issued server command: /voteday [00:57:32] vlvd_oss issued server command: /we cui [00:57:37] Mok1Cho issued server command: /we cui [00:57:38] vlvd_oss issued server command: /home [00:57:41] vlvd_oss issued server command: /we cui [00:57:47] vlvd_oss issued server command: /warp portal [00:57:49] vlvd_oss issued server command: /we cui [00:58:02] Deviat issued server command: /m vlvd_oss обращайся если что нужно будет , вижу ты парень не наглый , все по минималке сделаю [00:58:06] Luas issued server command: /home [00:58:14] vlvd_oss issued server command: /home [00:58:16] vlvd_oss issued server command: /we cui [00:58:28] vlvd_oss issued server command: /warp portal [00:58:29] vlvd_oss issued server command: /we cui [00:58:47] Mok1Cho issued server command: /rg info [00:58:51] Mok1Cho issued server command: /rg [00:59:04] Luas issued server command: /home [00:59:09] Mok1Cho issued server command: /home [00:59:13] Mok1Cho issued server command: /we cui [00:59:38] vlvd_oss issued server command: /home [00:59:41] vlvd_oss issued server command: /we cui [01:00:00] vlvd_oss issued server command: /warp portal [01:00:03] vlvd_oss issued server command: /we cui [01:00:15] vlvd_oss issued server command: /we cui [01:00:27] [G] Mok1Cho: !как зделать пб блоки из серца дракона? [01:01:02] Lasx issued server command: /warp world [01:01:09] Lasx issued server command: /we cui [01:02:30] Luas вышел [01:03:34] Mok1Cho issued server command: /home [01:03:49] Lasx issued server command: /home Luas [01:03:52] Lasx issued server command: /we cui [01:04:12] Deviat issued server command: /рщьу [01:04:14] Deviat issued server command: /home [01:06:02] [G] Lasx: !Кто книгу на удачу 3 продаст? [01:06:08] [G] vlvd_oss: !удачу 2 могу [01:06:20] [G] Deviat: ! а что ты хочешь зачаровать ? [01:06:22] [G] Mok1Cho: !могу удачу 3 [01:06:37] xx0gers зашёл [01:06:38] [G] Deviat: ! могу просто зачарить что угодно на что угодно [01:06:40] [G] Lasx: !На виверн кирку кинуть [01:06:53] xx0gers issued server command: /we cui [01:06:54] [G] Lasx: !За скок продашь? [01:07:07] xx0gers issued server command: /home [01:10:48] xx0gers issued server command: /tpa vlvd_oss [01:10:53] vlvd_oss issued server command: /tpaccept [01:10:54] xx0gers issued server command: /we cui [01:12:17] Mok1Cho issued server command: /home [01:17:18] Lasx issued server command: /warp world [01:17:24] Lasx issued server command: /warp portal [01:17:26] Lasx issued server command: /we cui [01:17:30] Lasx issued server command: /we cui [01:17:44] Deviat issued server command: /voteday [01:17:57] vlvd_oss issued server command: /home [01:18:00] vlvd_oss issued server command: /we cui [01:18:29] [G] Deviat: ! эу ребят , голосуйте за смену ночи на день [01:18:37] Lasx issued server command: /yes [01:18:38] [G] Deviat: ! пожалуйста хд [01:18:41] Deviat issued server command: /voteday [01:19:00] [G] Deviat: ! /voteday кто-нибудь напишите [01:19:10] Mok1Cho issued server command: /voteday [01:19:24] xx0gers issued server command: /home [01:19:57] xx0gers вышел [01:20:22] Deviat issued server command: /voteday [01:20:26] vlvd_oss issued server command: /warp portal [01:20:29] vlvd_oss issued server command: /we cui [01:20:41] vlvd_oss issued server command: /we cui [01:20:46] Deviat issued server command: /m vlvd_oss можешь мне немножко помочь ? хд [01:20:47] Lasx issued server command: /home Luas [01:20:49] Lasx issued server command: /we cui [01:20:55] vlvd_oss issued server command: /m Deviat чем?) [01:20:55] xx0gers зашёл [01:20:58] xx0gers issued server command: /we cui [01:21:08] Deviat issued server command: /m vlvd_oss напиши команду /voteday [01:21:13] MomenTs issued server command: /warp pve [01:21:13] vlvd_oss issued server command: /voteday [01:21:15] MomenTs issued server command: /we cui [01:21:16] xx0gers issued server command: /tpa vlvd_oss [01:21:20] vlvd_oss issued server command: /tpaccept [01:21:23] xx0gers issued server command: /we cui [01:21:26] vlvd_oss issued server command: /m Deviat кд [01:22:03] Deviat issued server command: /m vlvd_oss понял , в любом случае благодарю [01:22:24] Deviat issued server command: /rtp [01:22:51] Lasx issued server command: /home Luas [01:23:00] Deviat issued server command: /home [01:24:36] MomenTs issued server command: /home [01:24:38] MomenTs issued server command: /we cui [01:24:53] vlvd_oss issued server command: /home [01:24:54] MomenTs issued server command: /spawn [01:24:55] vlvd_oss issued server command: /we cui [01:24:57] MomenTs issued server command: /we cui [01:24:59] xx0gers issued server command: /home [01:25:00] xx0gers issued server command: /we cui [01:25:13] MomenTs issued server command: /warp case [01:25:15] MomenTs issued server command: /we cui [01:26:18] Deviat issued server command: /warp abyss [01:26:31] [L] Deviat: 1 [01:26:33] Deviat issued server command: /рщьу [01:26:35] Deviat issued server command: /home [01:27:15] [G] Mok1Cho: !Всем бб [01:27:48] Mok1Cho вышел [01:28:10] Lasx issued server command: /home Luas [01:28:14] vlvd_oss issued server command: /warp portal [01:28:17] vlvd_oss issued server command: /we cui [01:28:42] Lasx вышел [01:29:40] xx0gers issued server command: /tpa vlvd_oss [01:29:46] vlvd_oss issued server command: /we cui [01:29:48] vlvd_oss issued server command: /tpaccept [01:29:51] xx0gers issued server command: /we cui [01:30:34] xx0gers issued server command: /home [01:30:36] xx0gers issued server command: /we cui [01:30:41] MomenTs issued server command: /home [01:30:43] MomenTs issued server command: /we cui [01:30:49] xx0gers issued server command: /tpa vlvd_oss [01:30:52] vlvd_oss issued server command: /tpaccept [01:30:54] xx0gers issued server command: /we cui [01:31:52] Deviat issued server command: /warp abyss [01:32:05] [L] Deviat: 2 [01:32:44] Deviat issued server command: /home [01:34:51] xx0gers вышел [01:34:59] xx0gers зашёл [01:35:02] xx0gers issued server command: /we cui [01:36:31] xx0gers issued server command: /home [01:36:42] xx0gers issued server command: /we cui [01:37:27] xx0gers вышел [01:37:58] Deviat issued server command: /warp abyss [01:38:13] [L] Deviat: 2 [01:38:17] [L] Deviat: 2 [01:38:19] Deviat issued server command: /home [01:38:22] Deviat issued server command: /ьщтун [01:38:24] Deviat issued server command: /money [01:40:49] Deviat issued server command: /voteday [01:40:52] Deviat issued server command: /yes [01:41:03] vlvd_oss issued server command: /home [01:41:06] vlvd_oss issued server command: /we cui [01:41:26] [G] Deviat: ! ((( [01:45:00] vlvd_oss issued server command: /warp portal [01:45:02] vlvd_oss issued server command: /we cui [01:45:22] vlvd_oss issued server command: /we cui [01:49:15] Deviat вышел [01:57:38] MomenTs issued server command: /warp pve [01:57:40] MomenTs issued server command: /we cui [02:00:34] MomenTs issued server command: /home [02:00:36] MomenTs issued server command: /we cui [02:02:27] MomenTs issued server command: /voteday [02:03:42] BaRaBiRKA зашёл [02:03:55] BaRaBiRKA issued server command: /we cui [02:04:22] vlvd_oss issued server command: /home [02:04:53] vlvd_oss вышел [02:08:29] BaRaBiRKA issued server command: /rtp [02:11:13] BaRaBiRKA issued server command: /spawn [02:12:55] BaRaBiRKA вышел [02:25:28] MomenTs вышел [02:57:53] hais3 был кикнут [02:57:53] hais3 вышел [02:57:56] Сервер выключился [02:58:37] Сервер включился [03:37:01] kitsqwer зашёл [03:37:11] kitsqwer issued server command: /we cui [03:37:46] kitsqwer вышел [03:56:18] ToxicTrofi зашёл [03:56:32] ToxicTrofi issued server command: /we cui [03:57:01] ToxicTrofi issued server command: /rtp [03:57:17] ToxicTrofi issued server command: /warp world [03:57:19] ToxicTrofi issued server command: /we cui [03:57:22] ToxicTrofi issued server command: /rtp [03:57:27] ToxicTrofi issued server command: /rtp [03:57:45] KicX зашёл [03:57:55] ToxicTrofi issued server command: /rtp [03:57:58] KicX issued server command: /we cui [03:58:07] ToxicTrofi issued server command: /rtp [03:58:14] KicX issued server command: /home [03:58:40] KicX issued server command: /kit [03:58:50] ToxicTrofi issued server command: /rtp [03:58:51] KicX issued server command: /kit diamond [03:59:08] ToxicTrofi issued server command: /rtp [03:59:47] ToxicTrofi вышел [04:00:40] KicX issued server command: /heal [04:00:44] iTentacle зашёл [04:00:56] iTentacle issued server command: /we cui [04:03:19] KicX issued server command: /warp sp1 [04:03:21] KicX issued server command: /we cui [04:03:53] KicX issued server command: /home [04:03:55] KicX issued server command: /we cui [04:04:18] KicX issued server command: /warp world [04:04:24] KicX issued server command: /we cui [04:04:41] Area1337 зашёл [04:04:58] Area1337 issued server command: /we cui [04:10:17] KicX issued server command: /kit eat [04:13:18] Area1337 issued server command: /warp world [04:13:26] Area1337 issued server command: /we cui [04:16:27] KicX issued server command: /enderchest [04:17:38] Area1337 issued server command: /home KicX [04:17:40] Area1337 issued server command: /we cui [04:17:41] iTentacle вышел [04:17:50] iTentacle зашёл [04:17:52] iTentacle issued server command: /we cui [04:18:01] iTentacle issued server command: /money [04:18:15] KicX issued server command: /enderchest [04:18:57] iTentacle issued server command: /warp bees [04:22:11] Area1337 issued server command: /warp world [04:22:19] Area1337 issued server command: /we cui [04:23:06] Area1337 issued server command: /home KicX [04:23:08] Area1337 issued server command: /we cui [04:23:20] [L] iTentacle: 20 [04:23:28] Area1337 issued server command: /warp world [04:23:32] iTentacle issued server command: /home [04:23:32] iTentacle вышел [04:23:36] Area1337 issued server command: /we cui [04:23:40] iTentacle зашёл [04:23:42] iTentacle issued server command: /we cui [04:23:58] KicX issued server command: /enderchest [04:24:20] Area1337 issued server command: /call KicX [04:24:21] KicX issued server command: /tpaccept [04:25:17] iTentacle issued server command: /warp mining [04:25:19] iTentacle issued server command: /we cui [04:25:47] KicX issued server command: /home [04:25:49] KicX issued server command: /we cui [04:26:26] KicX issued server command: /enderchest [04:26:52] KicX вышел [04:26:52] Area1337 вышел [04:26:52] iTentacle вышел [04:26:56] iTentacle зашёл [04:26:57] KicX зашёл [04:26:58] iTentacle issued server command: /we cui [04:26:58] Area1337 зашёл [04:26:59] KicX issued server command: /we cui [04:27:01] Area1337 issued server command: /we cui [04:27:47] KicX issued server command: /heal [04:27:59] KicX issued server command: /call Area1337 [04:28:07] Area1337 issued server command: /tapacccept [04:28:10] Area1337 issued server command: /tapaccept [04:28:19] Area1337 issued server command: /tpaccept [04:28:21] KicX issued server command: /we cui [04:30:39] iTentacle issued server command: /home [04:30:41] iTentacle issued server command: /we cui [04:36:00] Area1337 issued server command: /warp portal [04:36:02] Area1337 issued server command: /we cui [04:36:10] Area1337 issued server command: /we cui [04:36:24] Area1337 issued server command: /home [04:38:47] macroholms зашёл [04:38:56] macroholms issued server command: /we cui [04:41:44] macroholms issued server command: /money [04:42:07] macroholms issued server command: /warp minimarket [04:42:50] [L] macroholms: 1 [04:42:56] macroholms issued server command: /home [04:43:44] macroholms issued server command: /warp minimarket [04:44:01] [L] macroholms: 3 [04:44:05] macroholms issued server command: /home [04:52:16] KicX issued server command: /enderchest [04:56:35] mrggame зашёл [04:56:45] mrggame issued server command: /we cui [04:57:32] KicX вышел [04:57:47] Area1337 вышел [04:58:01] [G] mrggame: !куплю 3 черепа физера [04:58:26] mrggame issued server command: /kit top [04:58:49] mrggame issued server command: /warp shop [04:58:50] mrggame issued server command: /we cui [04:59:02] [L] mrggame: 3 [04:59:12] mrggame issued server command: /home [04:59:14] mrggame issued server command: /we cui [05:00:05] KicX зашёл [05:00:07] KicX issued server command: /we cui [05:00:27] KicX issued server command: /enderchest [05:00:46] KicX issued server command: /enderchest [05:01:29] [G] macroholms: !1077 [05:01:53] KicX issued server command: /home [05:01:55] KicX issued server command: /we cui [05:02:00] KicX issued server command: /heal [05:02:07] KicX issued server command: /enderchest [05:03:06] KicX issued server command: /warp world [05:03:12] KicX issued server command: /we cui [05:03:43] animeshka66 зашёл [05:04:02] animeshka66 issued server command: /we cui [05:05:24] DimaBloger зашёл [05:06:02] DimaBloger issued server command: /we cui [05:06:35] Area1337 зашёл [05:06:38] Area1337 issued server command: /we cui [05:06:40] DimaBloger issued server command: /rg select [05:06:46] DimaBloger issued server command: /rg delete dominator228 [05:06:50] DimaBloger issued server command: /rg select dominator228 [05:06:57] DimaBloger issued server command: /rg claim dominator228 [05:07:58] DimaBloger issued server command: /home [05:08:47] Dark_Monarch зашёл [05:09:13] animeshka66 issued server command: /home [05:09:55] DimaBloger issued server command: /rtp [05:09:57] Dark_Monarch issued server command: /we cui [05:10:15] DimaBloger issued server command: /rtp [05:10:16] Dark_Monarch issued server command: /rg f __global__ deny-spawn witchery_goblin,horse,Thaumcraft_Pech [05:10:19] mrggame issued server command: /home [05:10:22] Dark_Monarch issued server command: /op Dark_monarch [05:10:23] Dark_Monarch issued server command: /gm 1 [05:10:42] DimaBloger issued server command: /kit eat [05:10:44] DimaBloger issued server command: /kit eat [05:10:59] macroholms issued server command: /home [05:11:06] Dark_Monarch issued server command: /warp mining [05:11:11] Dark_Monarch issued server command: /we cui [05:11:19] Dark_Monarch issued server command: /rg f __global__ deny-spawn witchery_goblin,horse,Thaumcraft_Pech [05:11:20] mrggame issued server command: /rtp [05:11:27] Dark_Monarch issued server command: /warp portal [05:11:31] Dark_Monarch issued server command: /we cui [05:11:49] Dark_Monarch issued server command: /we cui [05:11:54] Dark_Monarch issued server command: /rg f __global__ deny-spawn witchery_goblin,horse,Thaumcraft_Pech [05:11:56] Dark_Monarch issued server command: /warp portal [05:11:58] mrggame issued server command: /rtp [05:12:00] Dark_Monarch issued server command: /we cui [05:12:18] Dark_Monarch issued server command: /we cui [05:12:20] mrggame issued server command: /rtp [05:12:21] Dark_Monarch issued server command: /rg f __global__ deny-spawn witchery_goblin,horse,Thaumcraft_Pech [05:12:26] Dark_Monarch issued server command: /warp portal [05:12:29] Dark_Monarch issued server command: /we cui [05:12:47] Dark_Monarch issued server command: /we cui [05:12:53] Dark_Monarch issued server command: /rg f __global__ deny-spawn witchery_goblin,horse,Thaumcraft_Pech [05:12:54] Dark_Monarch issued server command: /warp portal [05:12:58] Dark_Monarch issued server command: /we cui [05:13:11] Dark_Monarch issued server command: /we cui [05:13:14] Dark_Monarch issued server command: /rg f __global__ deny-spawn witchery_goblin,horse,Thaumcraft_Pech [05:13:16] Dark_Monarch issued server command: /warp portal [05:13:21] Dark_Monarch issued server command: /we cui [05:13:35] Dark_Monarch issued server command: /we cui [05:13:37] Dark_Monarch issued server command: /rg f __global__ deny-spawn witchery_goblin,horse,Thaumcraft_Pech [05:13:40] Dark_Monarch issued server command: /warp portal [05:13:43] Dark_Monarch issued server command: /we cui [05:13:50] mrggame issued server command: /rtp [05:13:55] Dark_Monarch issued server command: /we cui [05:13:59] Dark_Monarch issued server command: /rg f __global__ deny-spawn witchery_goblin,horse,Thaumcraft_Pech [05:14:07] Dark_Monarch issued server command: /WARP WORLD [05:14:11] Dark_Monarch issued server command: /we cui [05:14:19] DimaBloger issued server command: /home [05:14:31] mrggame issued server command: /rtp [05:14:37] mrggame issued server command: /rtp [05:14:38] DimaBloger issued server command: /kit start [05:14:43] Dark_Monarch issued server command: /we cui [05:14:44] mrggame issued server command: /rtp [05:14:45] mrggame issued server command: /rtp [05:14:47] Dark_Monarch issued server command: /rg f __global__ deny-spawn witchery_goblin,horse,Thaumcraft_Pech [05:14:48] mrggame issued server command: /warp shop [05:14:51] mrggame issued server command: /we cui [05:15:00] [L] mrggame: 1 [05:15:03] Dark_Monarch issued server command: /screenall [05:15:06] [L] mrggame: 1 [05:15:06] Dark_Monarch issued server command: /WARP WORLD [05:15:11] Dark_Monarch issued server command: /we cui [05:15:11] mrggame issued server command: /rtp [05:15:14] mrggame issued server command: /rtp [05:15:31] DimaBloger issued server command: /money [05:15:58] [L] mrggame: 2 [05:16:01] mrggame issued server command: /rtp [05:16:19] mrggame issued server command: /rtp [05:16:22] mrggame issued server command: /home [05:16:24] mrggame issued server command: /we cui [05:16:42] mrggame issued server command: /home [05:16:44] mrggame issued server command: /rtp [05:16:56] mrggame issued server command: /rtp [05:17:24] Dark_Monarch вышел [05:18:59] animeshka66 вышел [05:19:23] mrggame issued server command: /rtp [05:20:03] DimaBloger issued server command: /home [05:20:09] mrggame issued server command: /rtp [05:20:10] BloodInferno зашёл [05:20:11] KicX issued server command: /home [05:20:11] KicX issued server command: /heal [05:20:13] KicX issued server command: /we cui [05:20:14] KicX issued server command: /warp world [05:20:21] KicX issued server command: /we cui [05:20:21] mrggame issued server command: /rtp [05:20:24] mrggame issued server command: /rtp [05:20:33] BloodInferno issued server command: /we cui [05:20:41] Area1337 issued server command: /home [05:20:43] Area1337 вышел [05:20:50] mrggame issued server command: /rtp [05:21:01] mrggame issued server command: /rtp [05:21:31] mrggame issued server command: /rtp [05:21:38] BloodInferno issued server command: /spawn [05:21:41] BloodInferno issued server command: /we cui [05:21:58] BloodInferno issued server command: /home [05:22:00] BloodInferno issued server command: /we cui [05:22:07] macroholms issued server command: /money [05:22:12] BloodInferno issued server command: /warp портал [05:22:17] BloodInferno issued server command: /warp end [05:22:21] BloodInferno issued server command: /we cui [05:23:01] mrggame issued server command: /rtp [05:23:28] Area1337 зашёл [05:23:31] Area1337 issued server command: /we cui [05:23:57] mrggame issued server command: /home [05:24:02] KicX issued server command: /enderchest [05:24:06] MoRkBa_UA_ зашёл [05:24:14] KicX issued server command: /kit eat [05:24:16] [L] DimaBloger: f [05:24:16] mrggame issued server command: /home [05:24:25] MoRkBa_UA_ issued server command: /we cui [05:27:09] Stroof4 зашёл [05:27:31] Stroof4 issued server command: /we cui [05:28:01] DimaBloger issued server command: /sel [05:28:03] DimaBloger issued server command: //sel [05:28:06] macroholms issued server command: /home [05:28:50] mrggame вышел [05:29:16] [G] DimaBloger: !Cпавнер [05:30:28] iTentacle issued server command: /warp bees [05:30:47] iTentacle issued server command: /home [05:30:50] mrggame зашёл [05:30:51] mrggame issued server command: /we cui [05:31:02] iTentacle issued server command: /warp bees [05:31:21] [G] iTentacle: !Пополнение на /warp bees - всё для создания биг улья. [05:31:27] iTentacle issued server command: /home [05:31:35] macroholms issued server command: /home [05:31:39] macroholms умер (FIRE_TICK) [05:31:41] macroholms issued server command: /we cui [05:32:14] DimaBloger умер (ENTITY_ATTACK) [05:32:15] DimaBloger issued server command: /we cui [05:32:29] DimaBloger issued server command: /home [05:32:36] [G] DimaBloger: !Классно [05:32:42] [G] DimaBloger: !Меня пауки зажали и убили [05:32:54] DimaBloger вышел [05:33:28] KicX issued server command: /home [05:33:30] KicX issued server command: /we cui [05:33:58] Area1337 issued server command: /home KicX [05:34:01] Area1337 issued server command: /we cui [05:34:46] Flerion зашёл [05:34:55] mrggame issued server command: /home [05:35:07] Flerion issued server command: /we cui [05:35:33] [L] MoRkBa_UA_: ку [05:35:38] [L] Flerion: здароооваааааааааааа [05:35:48] KicX issued server command: /warp world [05:35:50] mrggame issued server command: /home [05:35:53] KicX issued server command: /we cui [05:35:54] Area1337 вышел [05:35:55] mrggame issued server command: /warp shop [05:35:57] mrggame issued server command: /we cui [05:36:05] [L] mrggame: 1 [05:36:15] [L] Flerion: ого подземелье [05:36:22] [L] MoRkBa_UA_: ето ище початок [05:36:23] [L] Flerion: а зачем снизу строить [05:36:31] [L] MoRkBa_UA_: так легче [05:36:35] [L] MoRkBa_UA_: будет [05:36:36] mrggame issued server command: /home [05:36:37] mrggame issued server command: /we cui [05:36:39] [L] Flerion: на выпало [05:36:41] macroholms issued server command: /home [05:36:42] [L] Flerion: с ежедневки [05:36:44] [L] MoRkBa_UA_: никто мешать не будет [05:36:48] [L] MoRkBa_UA_: уже стак [05:37:19] [L] MoRkBa_UA_: ля квести не могу посмотреть [05:37:33] [L] MoRkBa_UA_: а не все [05:37:42] [L] Flerion: а их нету вроде [05:37:50] [L] Flerion: или есьб [05:37:52] [L] MoRkBa_UA_: есть [05:37:59] [L] Flerion: какая кнопка [05:38:04] [L] MoRkBa_UA_: в настройках поменяй букву [05:38:39] [L] Flerion: ага [05:39:35] MoRkBa_UA_ issued server command: /home [05:39:50] [L] Flerion: откуда [05:39:52] [L] Flerion: алмы [05:40:03] [L] MoRkBa_UA_: дали [05:40:07] macroholms вышел [05:40:09] [L] MoRkBa_UA_: в ежедневках [05:40:09] [L] Flerion: кто [05:40:17] [L] Flerion: круто [05:40:21] [L] Flerion: а мне материю [05:40:23] [L] MoRkBa_UA_: 10 алмов [05:42:18] [L] Flerion: тут есть халит бронь [05:42:23] [L] MoRkBa_UA_: угу [05:42:41] [L] MoRkBa_UA_: такс ти покашто розвивайся а я копать пищеру нам [05:42:42] [L] Flerion: мы играли на экскалибуре дивайн то я его хорошо знаю [05:42:53] mrggame issued server command: /warp godshop [05:43:48] [L] Flerion: дай дуб [05:43:54] Flerion issued server command: /trade MoRkBa_UA_ [05:43:56] [L] MoRkBa_UA_: в сундуках смотри [05:43:59] MoRkBa_UA_ issued server command: /trade accept [05:44:00] mrggame issued server command: /home [05:44:29] forksel зашёл [05:44:40] forksel issued server command: /we cui [05:45:37] iTentacle вышел [05:45:54] forksel issued server command: /home [05:46:31] [L] MoRkBa_UA_: шо ти бля делаиш [05:46:59] [L] Flerion: еды дай пожрать [05:47:09] SHRC зашёл [05:47:23] [L] Flerion: у меня немного лагант [05:47:24] [L] Flerion: у меня немного лагает [05:47:27] SHRC issued server command: /we cui [05:47:28] [L] MoRkBa_UA_: у меня нет [05:47:37] [L] Flerion: потомучто я видео включил [05:47:43] [L] MoRkBa_UA_: нафига [05:47:47] [L] Flerion: и у меня на максиум графика [05:47:59] [L] MoRkBa_UA_: )))) [05:48:04] [L] MoRkBa_UA_: у меня тоже [05:48:18] [L] Flerion: а у тебя на миниум графика и всё выключено и даже в земле построился чтобы меньше лагов было [05:48:27] CHANCHIBAYKA зашёл [05:48:27] KicX issued server command: /home [05:48:29] KicX issued server command: /we cui [05:48:32] [L] MoRkBa_UA_: не [05:48:36] [L] MoRkBa_UA_: бля [05:48:38] CHANCHIBAYKA issued server command: /we cui [05:48:43] [L] MoRkBa_UA_: для удобства [05:48:47] [L] MoRkBa_UA_: я ето делаю [05:48:48] KicX issued server command: /enderchest [05:48:52] [L] Flerion: ого а как ты зачарил [05:48:54] [L] Flerion: кирку [05:48:59] KicX issued server command: /heal [05:49:00] [L] MoRkBa_UA_: на варпах [05:49:11] [L] Flerion: а чо за варпы есть [05:49:14] [L] MoRkBa_UA_: да [05:49:25] CHANCHIBAYKA issued server command: /mpcaseshop [05:49:26] [L] Flerion: название каких варпов [05:49:29] [L] MoRkBa_UA_: бля [05:49:36] [L] MoRkBa_UA_: напиши warp list [05:49:38] [L] Flerion: о тут маты разрешены [05:49:38] KicX issued server command: /kit [05:49:40] [L] Flerion: пиздец [05:49:44] [L] Flerion: ой как хорошо [05:49:58] [L] MoRkBa_UA_: я ща [05:50:29] KicX issued server command: /enderchest [05:51:00] [L] Flerion: сделай мне кирку [05:51:07] [L] Flerion: алм [05:52:07] CHANCHIBAYKA issued server command: //wand [05:52:23] [L] MoRkBa_UA_: все я тут [05:52:23] [L] MoRkBa_UA_: не [05:52:37] [L] Flerion: что не [05:52:49] [L] MoRkBa_UA_: у меня и так их 3 [05:52:51] CHANCHIBAYKA issued server command: /expand 60 up [05:52:53] [L] Flerion: кого [05:52:56] [L] MoRkBa_UA_: алма [05:53:08] [L] Flerion: ладно [05:53:24] [L] Flerion: подожди а куда ты 5 алмов потратил [05:53:29] [L] MoRkBa_UA_: 7 [05:53:29] CHANCHIBAYKA issued server command: //expand 60 up [05:53:29] [L] Flerion: 5 на кирку и меч а куда ещё 5 [05:53:36] [L] MoRkBa_UA_: меч я не делал [05:53:42] [L] Flerion: ну 3 [05:53:48] [L] Flerion: ну 3 на кирку а где ещё 4 [05:53:57] CHANCHIBAYKA issued server command: //expand 60 down [05:53:58] [L] MoRkBa_UA_: 2 кирки и 1 лопату [05:54:07] [L] Flerion: дай 1 [05:54:10] [L] Flerion: кирку [05:54:14] [L] MoRkBa_UA_: ? [05:54:15] [L] MoRkBa_UA_: не [05:54:22] [L] Flerion: смльот [05:54:25] [L] Flerion: смотри [05:54:27] [L] Flerion: шахта [05:54:28] CHANCHIBAYKA issued server command: /rg claim mimimishka [05:54:32] [L] Flerion: а не это просто тунель [05:54:40] [L] MoRkBa_UA_: тут конец привата [05:54:45] [L] Flerion: гже [05:54:51] CHANCHIBAYKA issued server command: /sell [05:54:54] CHANCHIBAYKA issued server command: //sell [05:54:57] Flerion issued server command: /rg info [05:54:58] Flerion issued server command: /rg info [05:55:02] Flerion issued server command: /rg info [05:57:56] forksel issued server command: /warp end [05:57:58] forksel issued server command: /we cui [05:58:08] KicX был кикнут [05:58:08] KicX вышел [05:58:08] BloodInferno был кикнут [05:58:08] BloodInferno вышел [05:58:08] MoRkBa_UA_ был кикнут [05:58:08] MoRkBa_UA_ вышел [05:58:08] Stroof4 был кикнут [05:58:08] Stroof4 вышел [05:58:08] mrggame был кикнут [05:58:08] mrggame вышел [05:58:08] Flerion был кикнут [05:58:08] Flerion вышел [05:58:08] forksel был кикнут [05:58:08] forksel вышел [05:58:08] SHRC был кикнут [05:58:08] SHRC вышел [05:58:08] CHANCHIBAYKA был кикнут [05:58:08] CHANCHIBAYKA вышел [05:58:11] Сервер выключился [05:58:55] Сервер включился [05:59:23] forksel зашёл [05:59:24] forksel issued server command: /we cui [05:59:25] mrggame зашёл [05:59:26] mrggame issued server command: /we cui [05:59:29] KicX зашёл [05:59:30] KicX issued server command: /we cui [05:59:33] SHRC зашёл [05:59:36] SHRC issued server command: /we cui [06:00:02] BloodInferno зашёл [06:00:05] BloodInferno issued server command: /we cui [06:00:07] [G] forksel: !462 [06:00:39] MoRkBa_UA_ зашёл [06:00:44] MoRkBa_UA_ issued server command: /we cui [06:00:48] mrggame issued server command: /warp shop [06:00:49] mrggame issued server command: /we cui [06:00:50] SHRC issued server command: /warp shop [06:00:52] SHRC issued server command: /we cui [06:01:04] Flerion зашёл [06:01:08] Flerion issued server command: /we cui [06:01:10] [L] SHRC: 2 [06:01:19] mrggame issued server command: /home [06:01:20] SHRC issued server command: /home [06:01:20] mrggame issued server command: /we cui [06:01:22] SHRC issued server command: /we cui [06:01:41] mrggame issued server command: /warp net [06:01:42] mrggame issued server command: /we cui [06:01:51] SHRC issued server command: /warp nether [06:01:54] SHRC issued server command: /we cui [06:02:03] [L] MoRkBa_UA_: все [06:02:07] SHRC issued server command: /home [06:02:09] SHRC issued server command: /we cui [06:02:21] mrggame issued server command: /home [06:02:23] mrggame issued server command: /we cui [06:03:13] [L] Flerion: что [06:03:14] [L] MoRkBa_UA_: у меня проблема [06:03:17] [L] Flerion: какая [06:03:19] [L] MoRkBa_UA_: огромная [06:03:31] [L] Flerion: ну я жду [06:03:33] [L] MoRkBa_UA_: лаги при откривании чегото [06:03:39] [L] Flerion: у меня тоже [06:03:46] [L] MoRkBa_UA_: провисает 1 2 фпс [06:03:53] [L] Flerion: да тоже [06:03:56] SHRC issued server command: /voteday [06:04:05] CHANCHIBAYKA зашёл [06:04:06] CHANCHIBAYKA issued server command: /we cui [06:04:12] [L] Flerion: это с сервером проблемы [06:04:24] MoRkBa_UA_ issued server command: /yes [06:04:33] MoRkBa_UA_ issued server command: /yes [06:04:42] SHRC issued server command: /voteday [06:04:48] Stroof4 зашёл [06:04:49] mrggame issued server command: /yes [06:04:53] Stroof4 issued server command: /we cui [06:04:54] [L] MoRkBa_UA_: мне нафига [06:04:54] [L] Flerion: а у меня же алмы [06:04:55] [L] Flerion: были [06:05:03] [L] Flerion: даладно бля а я не заметил [06:05:17] [L] MoRkBa_UA_: Ахахахаха [06:05:51] [L] Flerion: сюда ложи руды [06:05:52] Stroof4 issued server command: /money [06:05:55] Flerion issued server command: /trade MoRkBa_UA_ [06:05:55] Flerion issued server command: /trade MoRkBa_UA_ [06:05:55] Flerion issued server command: /trade MoRkBa_UA_ [06:05:55] Flerion issued server command: /trade MoRkBa_UA_ [06:06:06] [L] Flerion: вот [06:07:02] SHRC issued server command: /kit eat [06:07:02] Stroof4 issued server command: /home [06:07:13] mrggame issued server command: /yes [06:07:14] vihni зашёл [06:07:22] vihni issued server command: /we cui [06:07:24] [L] SHRC: ./voteday [06:07:29] mrggame issued server command: /voteday [06:07:38] SHRC issued server command: /voteday [06:08:37] CHANCHIBAYKA issued server command: /rtp [06:09:42] [L] Flerion: что [06:09:55] [L] MoRkBa_UA_: ничег [06:09:56] [L] Flerion: тебя замутили? [06:10:01] [L] Flerion: а я думал мут дали [06:10:58] MoRkBa_UA_ issued server command: /warp list [06:11:18] [G] MoRkBa_UA_: !есть варп с фармилкой? [06:12:20] mrggame issued server command: /home [06:12:57] Stroof4 issued server command: /kits [06:13:03] [L] Stroof4: s [06:13:13] SHRC вышел [06:13:21] SHRC зашёл [06:13:24] SHRC issued server command: /we cui [06:14:03] Stroof4 issued server command: / [06:14:05] Stroof4 issued server command: /home [06:14:10] Stroof4 issued server command: /kit tools [06:14:16] mrggame issued server command: /warp partal [06:14:18] Stroof4 issued server command: /kit tools [06:14:18] mrggame issued server command: /warp pa [06:14:20] mrggame issued server command: /warp po [06:14:23] mrggame issued server command: /warp port [06:14:24] mrggame issued server command: /we cui [06:14:29] Stroof4 issued server command: /kit mobs [06:14:53] mrggame issued server command: /we cui [06:15:01] mrggame issued server command: /home [06:15:02] mrggame issued server command: /we cui [06:15:45] mrggame issued server command: /kit eat [06:16:08] mrggame issued server command: /warp gods [06:16:18] mrggame issued server command: /home [06:16:31] Stroof4 issued server command: /home [06:16:51] forksel issued server command: /home [06:16:52] forksel issued server command: /we cui [06:17:22] Flerion issued server command: /afk [06:17:28] BloodInferno issued server command: /home [06:17:32] BloodInferno issued server command: /we cui [06:17:40] mrggame issued server command: /warp gods [06:17:55] mrggame issued server command: /home [06:19:07] SHRC issued server command: /warp godshop [06:19:19] mrggame issued server command: /home [06:19:26] [L] Flerion: смотри сундук для крафта [06:19:35] SHRC issued server command: /home [06:19:38] [L] MoRkBa_UA_: ууг [06:19:40] [L] MoRkBa_UA_: угу [06:19:44] [L] Flerion: если чо то крафтишь и ресы ложить надо сюда ложишь [06:19:48] SHRC вышел [06:19:56] SHRC зашёл [06:19:56] MoRkBa_UA_ issued server command: /trade Flerion [06:19:59] SHRC issued server command: /we cui [06:20:01] Flerion issued server command: /trade accept [06:20:06] forksel issued server command: /warp end [06:20:10] forksel issued server command: /warp 69 [06:20:16] [L] Flerion: отдай яблоко бля [06:20:23] forksel issued server command: /we cui [06:20:30] forksel issued server command: /rg info [06:20:30] [L] Flerion: а что [06:20:33] forksel issued server command: //wand [06:20:38] Flerion issued server command: /trade accept [06:21:37] forksel issued server command: //expan 20 [06:21:42] forksel issued server command: //expand 20 [06:21:45] forksel issued server command: //expand 20 [06:21:57] forksel issued server command: //expan 20 [06:22:00] forksel issued server command: //expand 20 [06:22:02] forksel issued server command: //expand 20 [06:22:05] forksel issued server command: //expand 20 [06:22:13] Stroof4 issued server command: /home [06:22:14] forksel issued server command: //expand 8 [06:22:21] forksel issued server command: /rg claim fork [06:22:25] Stroof4 issued server command: /warp abyss [06:22:40] forksel issued server command: /rg create fork [06:22:46] forksel issued server command: //sel [06:22:46] SHRC умер (ENTITY_ATTACK) [06:22:48] SHRC issued server command: /we cui [06:22:56] [G] Stroof4: !куплю 5 тотемов [06:23:12] [L] Flerion: что бля [06:23:23] [L] Flerion: что случилось [06:23:42] GorbatiyLyag зашёл [06:23:42] mrggame issued server command: /home [06:23:47] Stroof4 issued server command: /home [06:23:57] MoRkBa_UA_ убил Flerion (IRON_SWORD) [06:24:01] Flerion issued server command: /we cui [06:24:03] [L] MoRkBa_UA_: ххахаха [06:24:03] vihni issued server command: /home [06:24:14] [L] Flerion: оо ты [06:24:28] [L] Flerion: здарова [06:24:28] GorbatiyLyag issued server command: /we cui [06:24:28] [L] Flerion: тп [06:24:33] SHRC issued server command: /home [06:24:46] [L] GorbatiyLyag: Привет [06:24:52] [L] Flerion: тп [06:24:54] [L] GorbatiyLyag: Щас графику настрою с управлением [06:24:54] Flerion issued server command: /home [06:25:05] Flerion issued server command: /call fan [06:25:07] macroholms зашёл [06:25:09] Flerion issued server command: /call Mor [06:25:14] MoRkBa_UA_ issued server command: /tpyes [06:25:16] macroholms issued server command: /we cui [06:25:17] Stroof4 issued server command: /home [06:25:18] Flerion issued server command: /we cui [06:25:25] [L] Flerion: ресы отдай пидар [06:25:31] macroholms issued server command: /spawn [06:25:33] macroholms issued server command: /we cui [06:25:39] [L] Flerion: а где алм [06:25:52] [L] Flerion: ой отдай меч [06:25:53] macroholms issued server command: /we cui [06:25:54] vihni issued server command: /home [06:26:03] [L] MoRkBa_UA_: о лаги прошли [06:26:13] [L] Flerion: стей отдай [06:26:16] [L] Flerion: у меня было 2 [06:26:21] [L] MoRkBa_UA_: шо одать [06:26:28] [L] Flerion: свининку [06:26:30] [L] Flerion: свинину [06:26:46] [L] Flerion: с нами будет выживать ещё 1 игрок [06:26:54] [L] MoRkBa_UA_: кто [06:26:54] [L] Flerion: ок? [06:26:55] vihni issued server command: /home [06:27:04] [L] Flerion: горбатыйляг я с ним играл на экскалибуре [06:27:07] SHRC issued server command: /voteday [06:27:08] mrggame issued server command: /yes [06:27:08] [L] MoRkBa_UA_: мне чесно поф [06:27:11] [L] MoRkBa_UA_: и где он [06:27:13] MoRkBa_UA_ issued server command: /yes [06:27:14] [L] Flerion: на спавне [06:27:17] Flerion issued server command: /sethome [06:27:23] Flerion issued server command: /spawn [06:27:24] [L] MoRkBa_UA_: хай тепешеться [06:27:26] Flerion issued server command: /we cui [06:27:34] [L] Flerion: здарова [06:27:39] [L] Flerion: ты настроил? [06:27:49] [L] GorbatiyLyag: Вроде [06:27:53] [L] GorbatiyLyag: Ток лагает немного [06:27:55] macroholms issued server command: /home [06:27:56] macroholms issued server command: /we cui [06:27:56] [L] Flerion: сервер крутой получше чем лемон [06:27:59] [L] GorbatiyLyag: Так куда тп [06:28:00] [L] Flerion: но немного подлагивает [06:28:09] [L] Flerion: тп кидай мне [06:28:13] [L] GorbatiyLyag: Ок [06:28:19] Flerion issued server command: /home [06:28:20] GorbatiyLyag issued server command: /tpa Flerion [06:28:22] Flerion issued server command: /we cui [06:28:32] Flerion issued server command: /tpaccept [06:28:35] GorbatiyLyag issued server command: /we cui [06:28:37] SHRC вышел [06:28:40] [L] GorbatiyLyag: Опа [06:28:46] SHRC зашёл [06:28:47] [L] GorbatiyLyag: Хеллоу [06:28:48] SHRC issued server command: /we cui [06:28:50] [L] MoRkBa_UA_: ку [06:29:00] [L] Flerion: ему стоко лет как и тебе вроде [06:29:02] forksel вышел [06:29:06] [L] GorbatiyLyag: Прикольненко [06:29:14] MoRkBa_UA_ issued server command: /rg addmember GorbatiyLyag fan [06:29:14] [L] GorbatiyLyag: Понятно [06:29:19] MoRkBa_UA_ issued server command: /rg addmember fan GorbatiyLyag [06:29:24] [L] MoRkBa_UA_: все ти в рг [06:29:30] [L] GorbatiyLyag: Спс [06:29:33] [L] MoRkBa_UA_: нез [06:29:35] [L] GorbatiyLyag: Так [06:29:41] [L] GorbatiyLyag: Что делать будем [06:29:47] [L] Flerion: мы если что живём в деревне [06:29:50] [L] Flerion: выйди наверх [06:29:56] [L] GorbatiyLyag: нифига [06:30:00] [L] Flerion: тут все моды [06:30:02] [L] GorbatiyLyag: круто [06:30:10] [L] Flerion: тут таум индастриал драконик и даже дивайн [06:30:20] [L] MoRkBa_UA_: такс крч [06:30:22] [L] GorbatiyLyag: Ага [06:30:23] [L] Flerion: тут все моды [06:30:38] [L] MoRkBa_UA_: кто что будет делать? [06:30:46] [L] GorbatiyLyag: Я за ресами [06:30:50] [L] GorbatiyLyag: В шахту пойду [06:30:53] [L] MoRkBa_UA_: угу [06:30:55] [L] Flerion: я незнаю я таум изучать [06:31:14] [L] Flerion: пусть он изучаеь дивайн он всё в нём знает [06:31:31] JuliaMag зашёл [06:31:33] JuliaMag issued server command: /we cui [06:31:56] SHRC issued server command: /money [06:33:00] mrggame issued server command: /warp gods [06:33:19] [L] Flerion: а я тут [06:33:27] mrggame issued server command: /home [06:36:16] vihni issued server command: /home [06:36:40] [L] Flerion: я тут [06:36:43] [L] GorbatiyLyag: ага [06:36:45] Flerion issued server command: /m gor ты где [06:36:50] [L] MoRkBa_UA_: угу [06:36:53] GorbatiyLyag issued server command: /msg Flerion в шахте [06:37:07] Flerion issued server command: /r в какой [06:37:08] GorbatiyLyag issued server command: /msg Flerion рядом с домом разлом [06:37:09] Flerion issued server command: /call gor [06:37:20] GorbatiyLyag issued server command: /tpaccept [06:37:37] [L] Flerion: го ты будешь дивайн изучать [06:37:44] [L] GorbatiyLyag: нуу [06:37:47] [L] GorbatiyLyag: Давай [06:37:51] [L] GorbatiyLyag: Ток ресы добуду [06:38:02] [L] GorbatiyLyag: жалко в руку переложить факел нельзя [06:38:03] [L] Flerion: токо надо сделать нормальный дом [06:38:10] [L] Flerion: а то мы как бомжи [06:38:12] [L] GorbatiyLyag: ага [06:38:35] [L] MoRkBa_UA_: такс [06:38:40] BloodInferno issued server command: /rtp [06:38:52] [L] MoRkBa_UA_: я буду изучать драконик и индустрал [06:38:53] BloodInferno issued server command: /rtp [06:38:55] JuliaMag issued server command: /voteday [06:38:57] JuliaMag issued server command: /yes [06:38:57] macroholms issued server command: /yes [06:38:58] [L] GorbatiyLyag: Ок [06:39:00] MoRkBa_UA_ issued server command: /yes [06:39:00] GorbatiyLyag issued server command: /yes [06:39:01] [L] Flerion: я таум [06:39:05] BloodInferno issued server command: /rtp [06:39:09] BloodInferno issued server command: /home [06:39:22] [L] Flerion: знаешь зачем ти моды надо изучтаь [06:39:27] [L] Flerion: посмотр икрафт драконьей брони [06:39:39] [L] Flerion: там нужна и халит броня и ихор и квант грудак [06:39:52] [L] GorbatiyLyag: НИХУЯ [06:39:57] JuliaMag issued server command: /ec [06:39:59] [L] MoRkBa_UA_: + [06:40:03] [L] MoRkBa_UA_: АХУЕТЬ [06:40:06] JuliaMag issued server command: /ec [06:40:07] [L] GorbatiyLyag: Там сингулярность нужна [06:40:14] [L] GorbatiyLyag: А это пиздец как много вещей [06:40:16] [L] MoRkBa_UA_: иди в пизду с ней [06:40:24] mrggame issued server command: /home [06:40:45] CHANCHIBAYKA issued server command: /home [06:40:55] MoRkBa_UA_ issued server command: /warp pve [06:40:56] [L] Flerion: а что сакое сингулярность [06:41:00] MoRkBa_UA_ issued server command: /we cui [06:41:06] [L] GorbatiyLyag: Тут она немного легче кравтится [06:41:11] [L] GorbatiyLyag: А так это пиздец [06:41:12] MoRkBa_UA_ умер (PROJECTILE) [06:41:18] MoRkBa_UA_ issued server command: /we cui [06:41:18] CHANCHIBAYKA вышел [06:41:20] MoRkBa_UA_ issued server command: /warp pve [06:41:21] MoRkBa_UA_ issued server command: /we cui [06:41:31] MoRkBa_UA_ issued server command: /home [06:41:32] [L] GorbatiyLyag: реальный крафт лучше не знать [06:41:33] MoRkBa_UA_ issued server command: /we cui [06:41:50] [L] Flerion: я не6 понял чем она тяжёлая тут надо всего 9 нестабильных слитков [06:41:56] [L] GorbatiyLyag: Так [06:42:02] [L] Flerion: а они создаются с алма железа и сигила деления [06:42:02] [L] MoRkBa_UA_: где ви [06:42:03] [L] GorbatiyLyag: Слитки взрываюстя [06:42:15] [L] GorbatiyLyag: 10 сек есть [06:42:19] [L] MoRkBa_UA_: угу [06:42:22] [L] Flerion: ну очень быстро скрафтить [06:42:24] Flerion issued server command: /home [06:42:25] [L] GorbatiyLyag: Ага [06:42:32] [L] GorbatiyLyag: Там 9 штук в блок надо [06:43:04] [L] MoRkBa_UA_: крч кто в шахту [06:43:08] [L] GorbatiyLyag: Я в ней [06:43:09] [G] BloodInferno: ! куплю 1 красный суп [06:43:15] [L] MoRkBa_UA_: копай железо [06:43:18] [L] MoRkBa_UA_: много [06:43:21] [L] GorbatiyLyag: Ага,копаю [06:43:24] [L] GorbatiyLyag: Скок надо? [06:43:26] [L] MoRkBa_UA_: много [06:43:30] [L] MoRkBa_UA_: скок сможеш [06:43:32] [L] GorbatiyLyag: Ок [06:43:37] [G] Stroof4: !куплю 5 тотемов [06:43:39] mrggame issued server command: /home [06:43:45] SHRC issued server command: /home [06:44:01] [L] Flerion: а понял для квеста [06:44:03] [L] Flerion: стак надо [06:44:09] mrggame issued server command: /trade SHRC [06:44:18] SHRC issued server command: /trade accept [06:45:03] [L] Flerion: дай [06:45:34] [L] Flerion: делай всё с досок [06:46:16] JuliaMag issued server command: /warp nether [06:46:19] JuliaMag issued server command: /we cui [06:46:20] [L] GorbatiyLyag: Пока токо 46 [06:46:23] [L] GorbatiyLyag: Железа [06:46:24] KicX issued server command: /home [06:46:25] JuliaMag issued server command: /warp world [06:46:26] JuliaMag issued server command: /we cui [06:46:31] [L] MoRkBa_UA_: крч привать ище й низ [06:46:32] JuliaMag issued server command: /we cui [06:46:35] [L] MoRkBa_UA_: кирил [06:46:48] vihni вышел [06:47:07] JuliaMag issued server command: /ec [06:47:07] [L] MoRkBa_UA_: круто [06:47:14] [L] Flerion: как удалить метки [06:47:15] JuliaMag issued server command: /ec [06:47:17] [L] Flerion: что круто [06:47:35] [L] MoRkBa_UA_: о/j [06:48:02] [L] Flerion: о а тут крутая карта [06:48:05] vihni зашёл [06:48:09] CHANCHIBAYKA зашёл [06:48:11] CHANCHIBAYKA issued server command: /we cui [06:48:14] [L] Flerion: а что круто [06:48:14] vihni issued server command: /we cui [06:48:22] [L] MoRkBa_UA_: ну 46 железа [06:48:26] JuliaMag issued server command: /home [06:48:27] JuliaMag issued server command: /we cui [06:48:29] [L] Flerion: где [06:48:32] [L] GorbatiyLyag: щас [06:48:33] [L] MoRkBa_UA_: блять у него [06:48:38] [L] Flerion: а круто [06:48:50] Stroof4 issued server command: /tpaccept [06:49:01] vihni issued server command: /call Stroof4 [06:49:02] Stroof4 issued server command: /tpaccept [06:49:04] [L] MoRkBa_UA_: кирил резина нада [06:49:09] [L] Flerion: нахуй [06:49:22] [L] MoRkBa_UA_: блять для проводов и для крафтов [06:49:31] [L] MoRkBa_UA_: для индустрала [06:49:31] JuliaMag issued server command: /voteday [06:49:33] JuliaMag issued server command: /yes [06:49:34] MoRkBa_UA_ issued server command: /yes [06:49:34] [L] Flerion: а ок [06:49:35] GorbatiyLyag issued server command: /yes [06:49:36] Stroof4 issued server command: /yes [06:49:39] vihni issued server command: /yes [06:49:40] [L] Flerion: а гевея есть саженцы [06:49:45] [L] MoRkBa_UA_: не [06:49:52] [L] MoRkBa_UA_: еба [06:49:53] [L] GorbatiyLyag: меня воздух отравил [06:49:58] [L] MoRkBa_UA_: что с тобой [06:50:03] [L] MoRkBa_UA_: спс [06:50:23] [L] GorbatiyLyag: Я иду и отравление [06:50:29] vihni issued server command: /home [06:50:32] [L] Flerion: а кто отравил [06:50:43] [L] GorbatiyLyag: хз [06:51:14] [L] Flerion: о тут есть ангельское кольцо [06:51:17] mrggame issued server command: /home [06:51:18] [L] Flerion: но у него пиздец крафт [06:51:23] [L] MoRkBa_UA_: с ним летать можно [06:51:52] [L] Flerion: я знаю мы когда то крафтили когда выживали на острове [06:51:59] [L] Flerion: нам чел их дал [06:52:14] [L] MoRkBa_UA_: да я помню [06:52:26] Stroof4 issued server command: /sethome [06:52:35] Stroof4 issued server command: /home vihni [06:52:42] HontouDesuKa зашёл [06:52:53] HontouDesuKa issued server command: /we cui [06:53:01] [L] Flerion: надо подписать сундуки для модов [06:53:06] [L] GorbatiyLyag: надо [06:53:09] [L] MoRkBa_UA_: потом [06:53:09] [L] Flerion: дай таблички [06:54:22] [L] GorbatiyLyag: куда кристаллы? [06:54:25] Stroof4 issued server command: /home [06:54:26] [L] GorbatiyLyag: Из таума [06:54:27] [L] Flerion: какие [06:54:30] [L] Flerion: в руды [06:54:35] [L] MoRkBa_UA_: не в таум [06:54:36] Stroof4 issued server command: /home vihni [06:54:39] [L] Flerion: ну ок [06:54:48] [L] GorbatiyLyag: Откуда материя? [06:54:49] Stroof4 issued server command: /home [06:54:50] Stroof4 issued server command: /home [06:55:07] [L] MoRkBa_UA_: с ежедневних [06:55:10] [L] MoRkBa_UA_: наград [06:55:11] [L] GorbatiyLyag: ок [06:55:15] JuliaMag issued server command: /warp world [06:55:20] [L] Flerion: а тут есть квесты как на лемоне [06:55:21] Stroof4 issued server command: /home [06:55:25] [L] Flerion: токо другая кнопка посмотри [06:55:27] HontouDesuKa issued server command: /warp list [06:55:28] JuliaMag issued server command: /we cui [06:55:28] [L] Flerion: в управление [06:55:34] Stroof4 issued server command: /home [06:55:35] HontouDesuKa issued server command: /warp gold [06:55:35] Stroof4 issued server command: /home [06:55:35] Stroof4 issued server command: /home [06:55:36] HontouDesuKa issued server command: /we cui [06:55:37] Stroof4 issued server command: /home [06:55:42] KicX issued server command: /home [06:55:46] [L] MoRkBa_UA_: поставить на другую кнопку нада [06:55:50] [L] MoRkBa_UA_: там самого верху [06:55:51] HontouDesuKa issued server command: /warp mtg [06:56:02] [L] Flerion: дай железо [06:56:07] KicX issued server command: /home [06:56:10] HontouDesuKa issued server command: /warp list 2 [06:56:16] macroholms issued server command: /warp minimarket [06:56:17] HontouDesuKa issued server command: /warp anime [06:56:22] [L] MoRkBa_UA_: там [06:56:28] HontouDesuKa issued server command: /warp case [06:56:29] HontouDesuKa issued server command: /we cui [06:56:34] macroholms issued server command: /home [06:56:38] fresh123q зашёл [06:56:38] [L] GorbatiyLyag: я щас приду [06:56:40] vihni issued server command: /home [06:56:42] [L] GorbatiyLyag: пока стоять буду [06:56:42] [L] MoRkBa_UA_: угу [06:57:13] vihni issued server command: /home [06:57:15] fresh123q issued server command: /we cui [06:57:16] KicX issued server command: /home [06:57:21] MoRkBa_UA_ issued server command: /warp list [06:57:25] vihni issued server command: /home [06:57:27] MoRkBa_UA_ issued server command: /warp Abuss [06:57:29] MoRkBa_UA_ issued server command: /warp Abyss [06:57:32] HontouDesuKa issued server command: /warp chacha [06:57:33] HontouDesuKa issued server command: /we cui [06:57:38] KicX issued server command: /home [06:57:57] vihni issued server command: /home [06:58:05] MoRkBa_UA_ issued server command: /home [06:58:06] KicX issued server command: /home [06:58:11] KicX issued server command: /home [06:58:33] [L] Flerion: посмотри можно улучшить халит броню [06:58:43] KicX issued server command: /home [06:58:51] HontouDesuKa issued server command: /warp list 3 [06:58:52] [L] Flerion: го стремиться к халит броне [06:58:58] HontouDesuKa issued server command: /warp danone [06:59:01] HontouDesuKa issued server command: /warp danon [06:59:13] [L] Flerion: она слабая но если поолный набор даёт прибавку к урону [06:59:14] HontouDesuKa issued server command: /warp godshop [06:59:19] [L] Flerion: будешь на 27 урона больше наносить [06:59:19] [L] MoRkBa_UA_: угу [06:59:40] KicX issued server command: /home [06:59:49] [L] Flerion: а не у 1 лвла токо на 16 [06:59:55] [L] Flerion: на 27 это у 4 лвла [07:00:09] [L] MoRkBa_UA_: такс я [07:00:11] GorbatiyLyag вышел [07:00:15] [G] macroholms: !1301 [07:00:15] x_NevadA_x зашёл [07:00:20] [G] SHRC: !1302 [07:00:21] [G] SHRC: !1303 [07:00:22] [G] SHRC: !130 [07:00:24] [G] macroholms: !1311 [07:00:24] [G] MoRkBa_UA_: !1312 [07:00:24] [G] Flerion: !1321 [07:00:28] x_NevadA_x issued server command: /we cui [07:00:29] [L] MoRkBa_UA_: бля [07:00:38] macroholms issued server command: /home [07:00:38] [L] MoRkBa_UA_: цифрой ошибся [07:00:40] macroholms issued server command: /money [07:00:50] [L] Flerion: я таум изучать [07:00:53] HontouDesuKa issued server command: /money [07:00:55] [L] MoRkBa_UA_: угу [07:00:58] KicX issued server command: /home [07:01:14] MoRkBa_UA_ issued server command: //wand [07:02:07] [L] Flerion: у меня палочка есть [07:02:22] TrYlKiN зашёл [07:02:27] TrYlKiN issued server command: /we cui [07:02:40] MoRkBa_UA_ issued server command: /rg claim fan2 [07:02:47] SHRC issued server command: /voteday [07:02:50] fresh123q issued server command: /yes [07:02:50] macroholms issued server command: /yes [07:02:54] MoRkBa_UA_ issued server command: /rg addmember fan2 Flerion [07:02:55] [L] Flerion: ты где [07:03:01] TrYlKiN вышел [07:03:10] KicX issued server command: /home [07:03:14] Flerion issued server command: /call mor [07:03:15] TrYlKiN зашёл [07:03:16] TrYlKiN issued server command: /we cui [07:03:17] [G] fresh123q: !куплю пре [07:03:17] [L] MoRkBa_UA_: рг новий привачу [07:03:22] MoRkBa_UA_ issued server command: /home [07:03:26] TrYlKiN issued server command: /home [07:03:27] TrYlKiN issued server command: /home [07:03:29] [L] Flerion: ты под землёй [07:03:30] [G] fresh123q: !куплю прессы аплед энерджетикс [07:03:30] [L] Flerion: ты под землёй? [07:03:33] [L] MoRkBa_UA_: yt [07:03:33] TrYlKiN issued server command: /home [07:03:44] [L] MoRkBa_UA_: не [07:03:52] [L] MoRkBa_UA_: я тебя довавил [07:03:57] [L] Flerion: ок [07:04:02] KicX issued server command: /home [07:04:05] [G] vihni: ! почему осмотический стол не работает ? [07:04:08] TrYlKiN вышел [07:04:22] MoRkBa_UA_ issued server command: /homer [07:04:23] TrYlKiN зашёл [07:04:23] MoRkBa_UA_ issued server command: /home [07:04:26] TrYlKiN issued server command: /we cui [07:04:37] [L] Flerion: чо ты сделал [07:04:38] [L] Flerion: зачем [07:04:53] KicX issued server command: /home [07:05:01] MoRkBa_UA_ убил Flerion (IRON_SWORD) [07:05:01] Flerion убил MoRkBa_UA_ (AIR) [07:05:06] MoRkBa_UA_ issued server command: /we cui [07:05:06] Flerion issued server command: /we cui [07:05:10] KicX issued server command: /home [07:05:18] [L] MoRkBa_UA_: гандон [07:05:20] [L] Flerion: пошёл нахуййййййййййй [07:05:21] [L] MoRkBa_UA_: вещи [07:05:25] [L] Flerion: ладно на [07:05:34] [L] MoRkBa_UA_: щас с рг удалу нахуй [07:05:35] [L] Flerion: а [07:05:40] [L] MoRkBa_UA_: а лсми [07:05:41] [L] Flerion: ах ты сука кирка эффективноость 2 [07:05:42] [L] MoRkBa_UA_: алми [07:05:49] [L] MoRkBa_UA_: лол [07:05:57] [L] MoRkBa_UA_: уровень зачарки осталса [07:06:13] [L] MoRkBa_UA_: алми [07:06:17] [L] MoRkBa_UA_: 3 штуки [07:06:19] [L] Flerion: нету [07:06:25] [L] Flerion: не бей сука [07:06:26] [L] MoRkBa_UA_: не пизди [07:06:31] [L] Flerion: нету сука [07:06:39] Flerion issued server command: /trade MoRkBa_UA_ [07:06:40] Flerion issued server command: /trade MoRkBa_UA_ [07:06:40] Flerion issued server command: /trade MoRkBa_UA_ [07:06:40] Flerion issued server command: /trade MoRkBa_UA_ [07:06:40] [L] MoRkBa_UA_: ща проверю [07:06:52] [L] MoRkBa_UA_: лан я пошутил [07:06:56] [L] Flerion: что [07:07:21] [L] Flerion: хули у тебя железо делает [07:07:22] [G] TrYlKiN: !qq all [07:07:28] [L] MoRkBa_UA_: и [07:07:28] [L] Flerion: на вёдра [07:07:31] [L] MoRkBa_UA_: не [07:07:32] [L] Flerion: отдай мне [07:07:33] Stroof4 issued server command: /home [07:07:40] Stroof4 issued server command: /home vihni [07:07:47] vihni issued server command: /qq all [07:07:53] [L] MoRkBa_UA_: хах [07:07:55] [L] Stroof4: 1689 [07:08:00] fresh123q issued server command: /home [07:08:00] Flerion issued server command: /home [07:08:03] KicX issued server command: /home [07:08:08] HontouDesuKa issued server command: /mpcaseshop [07:08:10] [L] Flerion: что [07:08:10] HontouDesuKa issued server command: /mpcaseview 1 [07:08:12] HontouDesuKa issued server command: /buycase 1 [07:08:12] TrYlKiN issued server command: /spawn [07:08:14] TrYlKiN issued server command: /we cui [07:08:17] [L] Flerion: что там [07:08:18] [L] MoRkBa_UA_: рг огромний [07:08:20] HontouDesuKa issued server command: /mpcaseshop [07:08:23] HontouDesuKa issued server command: /mpcaseview 9 [07:08:25] HontouDesuKa issued server command: /mpcaseshop [07:08:27] HontouDesuKa issued server command: /mpcaseview 8 [07:08:27] TrYlKiN issued server command: /home [07:08:31] HontouDesuKa issued server command: /mpcaseshop [07:08:31] TrYlKiN issued server command: /we cui [07:08:32] warvis зашёл [07:08:32] HontouDesuKa issued server command: /mpcaseview 7 [07:08:36] HontouDesuKa issued server command: /mpcaseshop [07:08:37] HontouDesuKa issued server command: /mpcaseview 6 [07:08:39] TrYlKiN issued server command: /home [07:08:40] HontouDesuKa issued server command: /mpcaseshop [07:08:41] HontouDesuKa issued server command: /mpcaseview 5 [07:08:46] HontouDesuKa issued server command: /mpcaseshop [07:08:47] HontouDesuKa issued server command: /mpcaseview 2 [07:08:48] TrYlKiN issued server command: /home [07:08:54] warvis issued server command: /we cui [07:09:16] warvis вышел [07:09:26] forksel зашёл [07:09:28] warvis зашёл [07:09:29] x_NevadA_x issued server command: /kit start [07:09:31] HontouDesuKa issued server command: /warp list 3 [07:09:31] warvis issued server command: /we cui [07:09:33] warves55 зашёл [07:09:34] TrYlKiN вышел [07:09:35] warves55 issued server command: /we cui [07:09:36] HontouDesuKa issued server command: /warp list 4 [07:09:38] x_NevadA_x issued server command: /kit eat [07:09:44] forksel issued server command: /we cui [07:09:45] [L] Flerion: чо делаешь [07:09:46] TrYlKiN зашёл [07:09:48] TrYlKiN issued server command: /we cui [07:09:50] HontouDesuKa issued server command: /warp minimarket [07:09:51] warves55 issued server command: /RTPO [07:09:55] warves55 issued server command: /WARP [07:09:56] HontouDesuKa issued server command: /warp list 5 [07:09:58] [L] MoRkBa_UA_: спуск [07:10:01] warves55 issued server command: /WARPS [07:10:02] [L] MoRkBa_UA_: в новий рг [07:10:03] [L] Flerion: кудац [07:10:05] warves55 issued server command: /warp world [07:10:06] warves55 issued server command: /we cui [07:10:06] HontouDesuKa issued server command: /warp pokemons [07:10:11] CHANCHIBAYKA был кикнут [07:10:11] CHANCHIBAYKA вышел [07:10:12] HontouDesuKa issued server command: /warp shop [07:10:14] HontouDesuKa issued server command: /we cui [07:10:18] CHANCHIBAYKA зашёл [07:10:20] warves55 issued server command: /rtp [07:10:20] CHANCHIBAYKA issued server command: /we cui [07:10:27] warvis issued server command: /warp world [07:10:30] warvis issued server command: /we cui [07:10:51] warves55 issued server command: /rtp [07:10:52] [L] MoRkBa_UA_: я скин менять [07:10:54] warves55 issued server command: /rtp [07:10:55] warves55 issued server command: /rtp [07:10:55] [L] MoRkBa_UA_: иди [07:10:57] SHRC issued server command: /warp godshop [07:10:58] [L] MoRkBa_UA_: иду* [07:10:58] x_NevadA_x issued server command: /warp mining [07:11:00] x_NevadA_x issued server command: /we cui [07:11:10] [L] Flerion: мне надо выполнить квест жеоех [07:11:10] SHRC issued server command: /home [07:11:14] [L] Flerion: мне надо выполнить квест железа [07:11:16] [L] warves55: 1 [07:11:17] [L] Flerion: отдай железо [07:11:21] [L] MoRkBa_UA_: скоко [07:11:22] HontouDesuKa issued server command: /warp list 6 [07:11:24] [L] Flerion: 51 [07:11:26] RTXGames123lol зашёл [07:11:26] [L] Flerion: у меня [07:11:29] [L] Flerion: надо ещё 13 [07:11:32] HontouDesuKa issued server command: /rtp [07:11:35] [L] MoRkBa_UA_: положи [07:11:40] warvis issued server command: /tpa warves55 [07:11:40] RTXGames123lol issued server command: /we cui [07:11:41] HontouDesuKa issued server command: /warp minimarket [07:11:43] HontouDesuKa issued server command: /we cui [07:11:44] HontouDesuKa issued server command: /rtp [07:11:46] warves55 issued server command: /tpa [07:11:50] [L] MoRkBa_UA_: я скин менять [07:11:50] [L] Flerion: я тоже скин поменяю [07:11:55] Stroof4 issued server command: /home [07:11:59] Stroof4 issued server command: /home vihni [07:12:04] HontouDesuKa issued server command: /money [07:12:07] fresh123q issued server command: /kit eat [07:12:11] Flerion вышел [07:12:26] mrggame issued server command: //zone [07:12:31] fresh123q issued server command: /call RTXGames123lol [07:12:32] mrggame issued server command: //chunk [07:12:32] mrggame issued server command: //outset 16 [07:12:32] mrggame issued server command: /zone [07:12:39] RTXGames123lol issued server command: /tpaccept [07:12:43] warvis issued server command: /rtp [07:12:43] HontouDesuKa issued server command: /warp [07:12:46] HontouDesuKa issued server command: /warp list [07:12:48] mrggame issued server command: //sel [07:12:49] vihni issued server command: /home [07:12:50] HontouDesuKa issued server command: /warp mtg [07:12:52] Stroof4 issued server command: /home [07:12:56] HontouDesuKa issued server command: /warp abuss [07:12:57] warves55 issued server command: /rtp warvis [07:13:00] HontouDesuKa issued server command: /warp abyss [07:13:03] warves55 issued server command: /tpa warvis [07:13:12] TrYlKiN issued server command: /spawn [07:13:13] TrYlKiN issued server command: /home [07:13:14] warvis issued server command: /tpaacept [07:13:20] TrYlKiN вышел [07:13:36] Stroof4 issued server command: /home [07:13:36] MoRkBa_UA_ вышел [07:14:02] warvis issued server command: /tpaccept [07:14:22] warvis issued server command: /rtp [07:14:26] HontouDesuKa issued server command: /warp list 2 [07:14:30] warves55 issued server command: /tpa warvis [07:14:31] HontouDesuKa issued server command: /warp aura [07:14:32] vihni issued server command: /home [07:14:33] HontouDesuKa issued server command: /we cui [07:14:37] warvis issued server command: /tpaacept [07:14:39] HontouDesuKa issued server command: /warp bees [07:14:41] HontouDesuKa issued server command: /we cui [07:14:42] warvis issued server command: /tpaccept [07:15:02] HontouDesuKa issued server command: /warp boss228 [07:15:08] HontouDesuKa issued server command: /warp list 3 [07:15:15] HontouDesuKa issued server command: /warp fars [07:15:19] HontouDesuKa issued server command: /warp five [07:16:04] SHRC issued server command: /voteday [07:16:07] RTXGames123lol issued server command: /yes [07:16:09] JuliaMag issued server command: /yes [07:16:10] mrggame issued server command: /yes [07:16:13] vihni issued server command: /home [07:16:34] HontouDesuKa issued server command: /warp gym [07:16:39] HontouDesuKa issued server command: /warp list 4 [07:16:46] HontouDesuKa issued server command: /warp magnit [07:16:55] JuliaMag issued server command: /ec [07:17:08] JuliaMag issued server command: /ec [07:17:59] HontouDesuKa issued server command: /warp list 4 [07:18:07] HontouDesuKa issued server command: /warp neonik [07:18:27] HontouDesuKa issued server command: /warp grandt [07:18:33] HontouDesuKa issued server command: /warp grand [07:18:40] HontouDesuKa issued server command: /warp list 5 [07:18:50] HontouDesuKa issued server command: /warp list 6 [07:18:59] HontouDesuKa issued server command: /warp udalil [07:19:12] KicX issued server command: /home [07:19:23] HontouDesuKa issued server command: /warp list [07:19:26] KicX issued server command: /home [07:19:28] HontouDesuKa issued server command: /warp abyss [07:19:28] JuliaMag issued server command: /home [07:19:30] JuliaMag issued server command: /we cui [07:19:34] HontouDesuKa issued server command: /warp gold [07:19:38] HontouDesuKa issued server command: /warp 69 [07:19:50] KicX issued server command: /home [07:19:55] GorbatiyLyag зашёл [07:20:19] GorbatiyLyag issued server command: /we cui [07:20:31] [L] GorbatiyLyag: я тут [07:20:32] HontouDesuKa issued server command: /warp mtg [07:20:34] HontouDesuKa issued server command: /warp ad [07:20:41] HontouDesuKa issued server command: /warp list 2 [07:20:49] HontouDesuKa issued server command: /warp chacha [07:20:58] warves55 вышел [07:21:04] warvis вышел [07:21:20] KicX issued server command: /home [07:21:26] HontouDesuKa issued server command: /warp list 3 [07:21:32] HontouDesuKa issued server command: /warp danon [07:21:35] Stroof4 issued server command: /home vihni [07:21:44] HontouDesuKa issued server command: /warp fars [07:21:47] KicX issued server command: /home [07:21:47] HontouDesuKa issued server command: /warp five [07:21:49] Stroof4 issued server command: /home [07:21:54] HontouDesuKa issued server command: /warp godshop [07:21:59] RTXGames123lol issued server command: /call fresh123q [07:22:00] fresh123q issued server command: /tpaccept [07:22:01] HontouDesuKa issued server command: /warp list 4 [07:22:11] vihni issued server command: /home [07:22:14] HontouDesuKa issued server command: /warp magnit [07:22:32] HontouDesuKa issued server command: /warp list 5 [07:22:33] GorbatiyLyag issued server command: /wand [07:22:38] GorbatiyLyag issued server command: //wand [07:22:42] HontouDesuKa issued server command: /warp list 6 [07:22:47] vihni issued server command: /call Stroof4 [07:22:53] HontouDesuKa вышел [07:23:08] Flerion зашёл [07:23:14] Stroof4 issued server command: /home [07:23:26] [L] GorbatiyLyag: Чё там внизу?ц [07:23:28] Flerion issued server command: /we cui [07:23:30] KicX issued server command: /home [07:23:39] Stroof4 issued server command: /home vihni [07:23:53] Flerion issued server command: /mpcaseshop [07:24:02] Area1337 зашёл [07:24:04] [L] Flerion: ну как скин [07:24:07] SHRC issued server command: /home [07:24:11] [L] GorbatiyLyag: Прикольный [07:24:11] CHANCHIBAYKA issued server command: /warp nether [07:24:13] CHANCHIBAYKA issued server command: /we cui [07:24:14] vihni issued server command: /home [07:24:16] [L] GorbatiyLyag: А тот челик где? [07:24:20] Area1337 issued server command: /we cui [07:24:20] vihni issued server command: /warp 69 [07:24:25] [L] Flerion: скин тоже меняет [07:24:28] [L] Flerion: его зовут витя [07:24:31] CHANCHIBAYKA issued server command: /home [07:24:32] CHANCHIBAYKA issued server command: /we cui [07:24:38] [L] GorbatiyLyag: Понятно [07:24:53] Area1337 вышел [07:24:56] [L] Flerion: что ты говорил что внизу [07:24:57] KicX issued server command: /home [07:25:01] [L] GorbatiyLyag: лю [07:25:05] [L] GorbatiyLyag: люк [07:25:07] [L] Flerion: а он приват сделал ещё [07:25:12] [L] Flerion: там внизу новый приват [07:25:12] [L] GorbatiyLyag: круто [07:25:14] Stroof4 issued server command: /rg info [07:25:29] vihni issued server command: /home [07:25:33] Area1337 зашёл [07:25:35] Area1337 issued server command: /we cui [07:25:37] MoRkBa_UA_ зашёл [07:25:40] vihni issued server command: /home [07:25:44] Greshnick1488 зашёл [07:25:46] [L] Flerion: ахахаха лол [07:25:51] [L] GorbatiyLyag: Гыыыыыыыыыыыыыыыыы [07:25:54] MoRkBa_UA_ issued server command: /we cui [07:25:56] fresh123q вышел [07:25:57] Stroof4 issued server command: /rg sel [07:26:00] Stroof4 issued server command: /rg sell [07:26:05] [L] GorbatiyLyag: Пиццус [07:26:07] Stroof4 issued server command: /rg [07:26:08] [L] MoRkBa_UA_: хехе [07:26:09] KicX issued server command: /home [07:26:09] fresh123q зашёл [07:26:11] [L] Flerion: а тебе как мой ник [07:26:13] Greshnick1488 issued server command: /we cui [07:26:14] fresh123q issued server command: /we cui [07:26:14] [L] Flerion: а тебе как мой скин [07:26:17] Stroof4 issued server command: /rg claim 3333 [07:26:23] [L] MoRkBa_UA_: ХЕХЕ [07:26:26] [L] Flerion: анимешкик блять [07:26:31] [L] GorbatiyLyag: )))))))))))) [07:26:32] Stroof4 issued server command: /rg info [07:26:32] CHANCHIBAYKA issued server command: /rtp [07:26:34] [L] MoRkBa_UA_: ето хентай [07:26:36] [G] Greshnick1488: !Тут шейдеры есть? [07:26:37] RTXGames123lol issued server command: /warp [07:26:49] [G] Stroof4: !как сетку разместить что-бы заприватить? [07:26:52] KicX issued server command: /home [07:26:53] [L] Flerion: даладно у тебя и вроблоксе скин с аниме и играешь ты в анимешные игры [07:26:57] Stroof4 issued server command: //chunk [07:26:57] Stroof4 issued server command: //outset 16 [07:26:57] Stroof4 issued server command: /zone [07:27:06] BloodInferno issued server command: //chunk [07:27:06] BloodInferno issued server command: //outset 16 [07:27:06] BloodInferno issued server command: /zone [07:27:11] Stroof4 issued server command: //chunk [07:27:11] Stroof4 issued server command: //outset 16 [07:27:11] Stroof4 issued server command: /zone [07:27:14] BloodInferno issued server command: //sel [07:27:17] [L] Flerion: видно сразу что с украины [07:27:23] BloodInferno вышел [07:27:27] [L] GorbatiyLyag: А украина тут причём? [07:27:28] [L] MoRkBa_UA_: ) [07:27:31] KicX issued server command: /home [07:27:32] [L] MoRkBa_UA_: угу [07:27:35] [L] MoRkBa_UA_: причем [07:27:42] [L] Flerion: ну там анимешники [07:27:48] Stroof4 issued server command: /rg claim st [07:27:51] [L] MoRkBa_UA_: и в роблоксе у меня не аниме скин [07:27:59] [L] Flerion: любят всё блять иностранное [07:27:59] [L] GorbatiyLyag: Везде есть анимешники [07:28:01] valera_zakon зашёл [07:28:02] Stroof4 issued server command: /rg addowner st vihni [07:28:06] Stroof4 issued server command: /rg addowner st vihni [07:28:12] valera_zakon issued server command: /we cui [07:28:18] [L] Flerion: ладно го изучать моды [07:28:27] MoRkBa_UA_ issued server command: /rg addmember fan2 GorbatiyLyag [07:28:28] [L] Flerion: ну скин мне нравится не обычный [07:28:31] [L] MoRkBa_UA_: кста [07:28:32] [L] GorbatiyLyag: я щас тоже плащ поставлю [07:28:33] [L] Flerion: а плащ не [07:28:40] [L] MoRkBa_UA_: я ище 1 рг зделал [07:28:47] Stroof4 issued server command: /rg delete st [07:28:53] [L] MoRkBa_UA_: и вас добавил [07:28:53] Stroof4 issued server command: //sel [07:28:57] [L] Flerion: ок [07:28:59] Stroof4 issued server command: /home [07:29:02] [L] GorbatiyLyag: ага [07:29:10] [L] GorbatiyLyag: щас плащ поставлю и приду [07:29:13] vihni issued server command: /warp 69 [07:29:15] [L] MoRkBa_UA_: угу [07:29:15] vihni issued server command: /call Stroof4 [07:29:19] macroholms issued server command: /warp case [07:29:19] Stroof4 issued server command: /tpaccept [07:29:20] macroholms issued server command: /we cui [07:29:30] x_NevadA_x issued server command: /home [07:29:32] x_NevadA_x issued server command: /we cui [07:29:35] [L] Flerion: посомтри на халит броню [07:29:38] [L] Flerion: её можно улучшить [07:29:44] [L] MoRkBa_UA_: да да видел [07:29:49] [L] Flerion: есть 4 лвл халит брони [07:29:53] [L] Flerion: а как улучшать [07:29:56] [L] MoRkBa_UA_: хз [07:30:02] [L] Flerion: я подумал что будем крафтить халит броню она мощная [07:30:13] GorbatiyLyag вышел [07:30:13] vihni issued server command: /call Stroof4 [07:30:14] Stroof4 issued server command: /tpaccept [07:30:22] KicX issued server command: /heal [07:30:40] [L] MoRkBa_UA_: ее бля хлеб верни мой [07:30:47] [L] MoRkBa_UA_: у меня 13 штук било [07:30:48] macroholms issued server command: /home [07:30:50] macroholms issued server command: /we cui [07:30:55] vihni issued server command: /rtp [07:30:59] [L] Flerion: а чо [07:31:03] [L] MoRkBa_UA_: и стейки [07:31:08] [L] Flerion: стейки мои [07:31:12] [L] MoRkBa_UA_: ок [07:31:19] valera_zakon issued server command: /we cui [07:31:21] [L] MoRkBa_UA_: бля [07:31:28] [L] MoRkBa_UA_: нахера ти пришол [07:31:34] [L] MoRkBa_UA_: не мешай [07:31:43] Greshnick1488 issued server command: /heal [07:31:50] vihni issued server command: /call Stroof4 [07:31:50] Stroof4 issued server command: /tpaccept [07:32:13] KicX issued server command: /enderchest [07:32:18] KicX issued server command: /enderchest [07:32:26] Stroof4 issued server command: /home vihni [07:32:38] forksel вышел [07:32:52] Stroof4 issued server command: /call vihni [07:32:54] vihni issued server command: /tpaccept [07:33:25] [L] MoRkBa_UA_: так шахта будет в низу [07:33:36] KicX issued server command: /home [07:34:22] vihni issued server command: /rtp [07:34:27] [L] MoRkBa_UA_: я в шахту [07:34:38] [L] Flerion: где ты чарил кирку [07:34:39] x_NevadA_x issued server command: /warp mining [07:34:41] x_NevadA_x issued server command: /we cui [07:34:42] [L] Flerion: какой варп [07:34:47] Flerion issued server command: /warp list [07:34:50] vihni issued server command: /rtp [07:34:51] [L] MoRkBa_UA_: на варпе Abyss [07:34:52] vihni issued server command: /tpaccept [07:34:53] vihni issued server command: /tpaccept [07:34:55] Flerion issued server command: /warp abyss [07:34:56] vihni issued server command: /home [07:34:59] vihni issued server command: /call Stroof4 [07:35:00] Stroof4 issued server command: /tpaccept [07:35:05] [G] Greshnick1488: !Кто нарисует ритуал [07:35:15] vihni issued server command: /rtp [07:35:21] vihni issued server command: /rtp [07:35:24] KicX issued server command: /home [07:35:24] vihni issued server command: /rtp [07:35:25] _Top7_ зашёл [07:35:48] _Top7_ issued server command: /we cui [07:35:49] dixi_As зашёл [07:36:01] dixi_As issued server command: /we cui [07:36:03] Flerion issued server command: /money [07:36:44] Flerion issued server command: /home [07:36:48] JuliaMag issued server command: /we cui [07:36:53] _Top7_ issued server command: /warp end [07:36:54] RTXGames123lol issued server command: /trade fresh123q [07:36:55] _Top7_ issued server command: /we cui [07:37:03] fresh123q issued server command: /home [07:37:05] RTXGames123lol issued server command: /home [07:37:06] JuliaMag issued server command: /home [07:37:07] JuliaMag issued server command: /we cui [07:37:46] SHRC issued server command: /warp shop [07:37:48] SHRC issued server command: /we cui [07:37:55] [L] Flerion: есть железо? [07:37:58] [L] MoRkBa_UA_: да [07:38:02] [L] SHRC: 3 [07:38:04] [L] Flerion: дай [07:38:04] [L] MoRkBa_UA_: 8 штук [07:38:08] GorbatiyLyag зашёл [07:38:08] [L] SHRC: 2 [07:38:12] [L] SHRC: 2 [07:38:16] SHRC issued server command: /home [07:38:16] [L] MoRkBa_UA_: иди комне [07:38:17] SHRC issued server command: /we cui [07:38:21] [L] Flerion: давай [07:38:30] [L] MoRkBa_UA_: там ище в сундуке 8 [07:38:42] Flerion issued server command: /home [07:38:49] GorbatiyLyag issued server command: /we cui [07:38:50] [L] Stroof4: .СФДД [07:38:55] Stroof4 issued server command: /call vihni [07:38:56] vihni issued server command: /tpaccept [07:39:02] [L] GorbatiyLyag: Я тут [07:39:04] [L] Flerion: ого ac dc [07:39:05] [L] MoRkBa_UA_: угу [07:39:13] [L] Flerion: ты слушаешь ас дс? [07:39:19] JuliaMag issued server command: /we cui [07:39:26] x_NevadA_x вышел [07:39:41] [L] Flerion: ты слушаешь аси диси? [07:39:50] RTXGames123lol issued server command: /rtp [07:39:50] [L] Flerion: у тебя на плаще написано [07:40:02] [L] GorbatiyLyag: Неееее) [07:40:13] [L] Flerion: а я слушаю [07:40:17] JuliaMag issued server command: /home [07:40:18] JuliaMag issued server command: /we cui [07:40:25] [L] Flerion: ну не слушаю нравится песни [07:40:27] Stroof4 issued server command: /sethome [07:40:32] [L] GorbatiyLyag: понятно [07:40:32] [L] Flerion: а посмотри на мой плащ [07:40:34] Stroof4 issued server command: /home vihni [07:40:40] [L] GorbatiyLyag: Ммм [07:40:40] [L] Flerion: ну как [07:40:44] [L] Flerion: скайрим [07:40:45] [L] GorbatiyLyag: Круто [07:40:47] RTXGames123lol issued server command: /rtp [07:40:50] RTXGames123lol issued server command: /rtp [07:41:02] [L] GorbatiyLyag: чё делать будем? [07:41:07] vihni issued server command: /home [07:41:08] [L] Flerion: а ты находил в шахте руды с дивайна [07:41:15] [L] GorbatiyLyag: только 1 реалмит [07:41:17] [G] fresh123q: !куплю яйца [07:41:18] [L] MoRkBa_UA_: у меня есть [07:41:21] [L] MoRkBa_UA_: парочку [07:41:22] [L] Flerion: а значит есть [07:41:27] [L] Flerion: создай бронь [07:41:28] KicX issued server command: /heal [07:41:29] [L] MoRkBa_UA_: арлемит [07:41:30] [L] MoRkBa_UA_: и [07:41:35] [L] MoRkBa_UA_: реалмит [07:41:42] [L] MoRkBa_UA_: арлимит мой [07:41:42] Flerion issued server command: /home [07:41:45] Area1337 issued server command: /warp world [07:41:53] vihni issued server command: /call Stroof4 [07:41:54] Area1337 issued server command: /we cui [07:41:55] KicX issued server command: /call Area1337 [07:41:58] [L] Flerion: нахуй тебе реалмит [07:42:00] Stroof4 issued server command: /home [07:42:03] Stroof4 issued server command: /tpaccept [07:42:04] [L] Flerion: и арлемит [07:42:09] [L] MoRkBa_UA_: для кирки [07:42:12] [L] Flerion: ты не занимаешься модом дивайн [07:42:16] [L] Flerion: а понятно [07:42:17] fresh123q issued server command: /rtp [07:42:20] [L] MoRkBa_UA_: да мне пофиг [07:42:22] [L] MoRkBa_UA_: ето руда [07:42:25] Area1337 issued server command: /tpaccept [07:42:27] KicX issued server command: /we cui [07:42:37] [L] MoRkBa_UA_: ти вобще портали делаиш [07:42:51] [L] GorbatiyLyag: я буду витчери изучать? [07:42:52] Area1337 issued server command: /wand [07:42:54] Area1337 issued server command: //wand [07:42:55] [L] Flerion: ок [07:42:58] [L] MoRkBa_UA_: угу [07:43:01] [L] GorbatiyLyag: ок [07:43:03] KicX issued server command: /home [07:43:05] KicX issued server command: /we cui [07:43:07] [L] GorbatiyLyag: я в шахту [07:43:11] GorbatiyLyag issued server command: /sethome [07:43:11] [L] MoRkBa_UA_: тп [07:43:13] [L] MoRkBa_UA_: комне [07:43:17] mrggame умер (ENTITY_ATTACK) [07:43:19] mrggame issued server command: /we cui [07:43:26] [L] GorbatiyLyag: ты кому именно? [07:43:28] [L] Flerion: стой [07:43:30] [L] MoRkBa_UA_: мне [07:43:30] [G] fresh123q: !куплю яйца [07:43:31] Area1337 issued server command: /rg claim zxc [07:43:31] [L] Flerion: а где железо [07:43:36] [L] GorbatiyLyag: На [07:43:37] [L] MoRkBa_UA_: даун [07:43:39] [L] Flerion: спс [07:43:43] RTXGames123lol вышел [07:43:46] Area1337 issued server command: /rg claim zxc666 [07:43:49] [L] Flerion: надо порталы делать с дивайна [07:43:53] Area1337 issued server command: /rg claim dom2 [07:44:01] [L] MoRkBa_UA_: тп комне [07:44:04] [L] MoRkBa_UA_: я в шахте [07:44:06] Area1337 issued server command: /rg claim 1223123123123 [07:44:11] Area1337 issued server command: //sell [07:44:15] vihni issued server command: /home [07:44:16] Area1337 issued server command: /sel [07:44:18] Area1337 issued server command: //sel [07:44:24] RTXGames123lol зашёл [07:44:26] KicX issued server command: /call Area1337 [07:44:27] Stroof4 issued server command: //chunk [07:44:27] Stroof4 issued server command: //outset 16 [07:44:27] Stroof4 issued server command: /zone [07:44:28] RTXGames123lol issued server command: /we cui [07:44:31] Area1337 issued server command: /tpaccept [07:44:33] KicX issued server command: /we cui [07:44:35] RTXGames123lol issued server command: /mpcaseshop [07:44:38] RTXGames123lol issued server command: /mpcaseview 1 [07:44:40] RTXGames123lol issued server command: /buycase 1 [07:44:42] KicX issued server command: //wend [07:44:49] MoRkBa_UA_ issued server command: /home [07:44:50] Stroof4 issued server command: /RG CLAIM st [07:44:50] vihni issued server command: /call Stroof4 [07:44:51] x_NevadA_x зашёл [07:44:52] Stroof4 issued server command: /tpaccept [07:44:53] x_NevadA_x issued server command: /we cui [07:44:57] RTXGames123lol issued server command: /buycase 1 [07:45:01] fresh123q issued server command: /rtp [07:45:09] RTXGames123lol issued server command: /home [07:45:12] valera_zakon issued server command: /warp ez [07:45:13] KicX issued server command: /rg claim graga [07:45:14] valera_zakon issued server command: /we cui [07:45:18] SHRC issued server command: /home [07:45:18] KicX issued server command: /rg claim 2 [07:45:19] dixi_As issued server command: /home [07:45:29] KicX issued server command: /rg claim 2 [07:45:32] Stroof4 issued server command: /rg addowner st vihni [07:45:40] valera_zakon issued server command: /home anf [07:45:41] valera_zakon issued server command: /home and [07:45:42] Stroof4 issued server command: /rg addmember st vihni [07:45:43] [L] Flerion: тебе нужна палочка с таума? [07:45:43] KicX issued server command: /enderchest [07:45:50] Stroof4 issued server command: //chunk [07:45:50] Stroof4 issued server command: //outset 16 [07:45:50] Stroof4 issued server command: /zone [07:45:52] valera_zakon issued server command: /home anf [07:45:52] Flerion issued server command: /m gor тебе нужна палочка с таума? [07:45:53] valera_zakon issued server command: /warp ez [07:45:56] Stroof4 issued server command: //chunk [07:45:56] Stroof4 issued server command: //outset 16 [07:45:56] Stroof4 issued server command: /zone [07:45:58] GorbatiyLyag умер (ENTITY_ATTACK) [07:45:59] Stroof4 issued server command: //chunk [07:45:59] Stroof4 issued server command: //outset 16 [07:45:59] Stroof4 issued server command: /zone [07:45:59] GorbatiyLyag issued server command: /we cui [07:46:04] [L] GorbatiyLyag: дава [07:46:10] [L] Flerion: а то я 2 скрафтил [07:46:13] [L] MoRkBa_UA_: юхууу [07:46:17] [L] MoRkBa_UA_: новая кирка [07:46:22] Stroof4 issued server command: /RG CLAIM st2 [07:46:27] RTXGames123lol issued server command: /mpcaseshop [07:46:28] Stroof4 issued server command: /rg addmember st2 vihni [07:46:29] [L] Flerion: ага [07:46:31] RTXGames123lol issued server command: /mpcaseview 1 [07:46:32] RTXGames123lol issued server command: /buycase 1 [07:46:47] Flerion issued server command: /r надо рупий найти [07:46:47] [L] MoRkBa_UA_: я мульти инструмент хочу зделать [07:46:54] Flerion issued server command: /r сделать нам рупиевые [07:47:33] macroholms вышел [07:47:49] [L] Flerion: мне дали бесплатно тауномикон [07:47:51] DeadWolfWar зашёл [07:47:53] [L] MoRkBa_UA_: угу [07:47:57] dixi_As issued server command: /money [07:48:03] DeadWolfWar issued server command: /we cui [07:48:25] Greshnick1488 issued server command: /kit [07:48:33] GorbatiyLyag умер (ENTITY_ATTACK) [07:48:34] GorbatiyLyag issued server command: /we cui [07:48:40] [L] MoRkBa_UA_: кирил [07:48:48] [L] MoRkBa_UA_: я для тебя рупий нашол [07:48:48] [L] Flerion: а что [07:48:54] [L] Flerion: круто [07:48:56] [L] MoRkBa_UA_: он лутше за арлемит [07:49:00] [L] Flerion: ага [07:49:01] [L] MoRkBa_UA_: ии алми [07:49:02] [L] Flerion: я знаю [07:49:14] [L] MoRkBa_UA_: 4 алмаза [07:49:16] [L] Flerion: рупий круче чем арлемит [07:49:21] Greshnick1488 вышел [07:49:26] GorbatiyLyag умер (ENTITY_ATTACK) [07:49:27] GorbatiyLyag issued server command: /we cui [07:49:34] Flerion issued server command: /home [07:49:36] [G] fresh123q: !куплю rehbyst zqwf [07:49:45] [G] fresh123q: !куплю куриные яйца [07:49:55] [L] Flerion: как сделать магический верстак [07:50:13] vihni issued server command: //chunk [07:50:13] vihni issued server command: //outset 16 [07:50:13] vihni issued server command: /zone [07:50:15] [L] Flerion: а надо магия в жезл [07:50:16] Stroof4 issued server command: //chunk [07:50:16] Stroof4 issued server command: //outset 16 [07:50:16] Stroof4 issued server command: /zone [07:50:21] Flerion issued server command: /warp list [07:50:25] Stroof4 issued server command: //chunk [07:50:25] Stroof4 issued server command: //outset 16 [07:50:25] Stroof4 issued server command: /zone [07:50:25] vihni issued server command: //chunk [07:50:25] vihni issued server command: //outset 16 [07:50:25] vihni issued server command: /zone [07:50:27] Stroof4 issued server command: /rg addmember st2 vihni [07:50:30] GorbatiyLyag issued server command: /kit start [07:50:30] RTXGames123lol issued server command: /kit [07:50:32] Stroof4 issued server command: //chunk [07:50:32] Stroof4 issued server command: //outset 16 [07:50:32] Stroof4 issued server command: /zone [07:50:35] Flerion issued server command: /warp gold [07:50:45] RTXGames123lol issued server command: /kit food [07:50:46] Flerion issued server command: /home [07:51:02] [G] Flerion: !На каком варпе можно зачарить жезл [07:51:06] warves55 зашёл [07:51:16] warves55 issued server command: /we cui [07:51:26] RTXGames123lol issued server command: /home [07:51:33] Stroof4 issued server command: /RG SEL [07:51:34] RTXGames123lol issued server command: /rtp [07:51:34] GorbatiyLyag issued server command: /rtp [07:51:54] GorbatiyLyag issued server command: /home [07:51:59] [L] Stroof4: c [07:52:04] RTXGames123lol issued server command: /rtp [07:52:05] warves55 issued server command: /SETHOME 1 [07:52:07] vihni issued server command: /rg claim st1 [07:52:17] Area1337 issued server command: /home KicX [07:52:17] KicX issued server command: /enderchest [07:52:21] Area1337 issued server command: /we cui [07:52:30] Area1337 issued server command: /call KicX [07:52:34] KicX issued server command: /tpaccpe [07:52:37] KicX issued server command: /tpaccpt [07:52:42] KicX issued server command: /tpaccept [07:52:43] vihni issued server command: //chunk [07:52:43] vihni issued server command: //outset 16 [07:52:43] vihni issued server command: /zone [07:52:44] Area1337 issued server command: /we cui [07:52:53] vihni issued server command: //chunk [07:52:53] vihni issued server command: //outset 16 [07:52:53] vihni issued server command: /zone [07:52:54] mrggame issued server command: /warp par [07:52:56] mrggame issued server command: /warp pa [07:52:58] mrggame issued server command: /warp p [07:53:01] mrggame issued server command: /warp por [07:53:01] [L] Flerion: помоги [07:53:04] mrggame issued server command: /we cui [07:53:06] [L] GorbatiyLyag: как [07:53:08] vihni issued server command: /rg claim st3 [07:53:08] [L] Flerion: я не могу сделать магический [07:53:10] [L] Flerion: верстак [07:53:12] RTXGames123lol issued server command: /home [07:53:15] dixi_As issued server command: /warp [07:53:19] dixi_As issued server command: /warp name [07:53:21] [L] GorbatiyLyag: Вис в жезле есть? [07:53:22] dixi_As issued server command: /warp portal [07:53:24] CHANCHIBAYKA issued server command: /home [07:53:24] dixi_As issued server command: /we cui [07:53:24] [L] Flerion: нет [07:53:27] SHRC issued server command: /warp portal [07:53:28] [L] Flerion: а где найти [07:53:28] [L] GorbatiyLyag: Нужна [07:53:29] SHRC issued server command: /we cui [07:53:36] Stroof4 issued server command: //chunk [07:53:36] Stroof4 issued server command: //outset 16 [07:53:36] Stroof4 issued server command: /zone [07:53:38] [L] GorbatiyLyag: узлы ауры ищи [07:53:39] Stroof4 issued server command: //chunk [07:53:39] Stroof4 issued server command: //outset 16 [07:53:39] Stroof4 issued server command: /zone [07:53:41] [G] JuliaMag: !) [07:53:52] [G] JuliaMag: !вывела драконью пчелку [07:53:54] vihni issued server command: /home [07:54:05] Flerion issued server command: /rtp [07:54:13] [G] JuliaMag: !работает в обычном биоме) [07:54:14] Flerion issued server command: /r тп [07:54:15] mrggame issued server command: /we cui [07:54:19] GorbatiyLyag issued server command: /tpa Flerion [07:54:25] Flerion issued server command: /tpaccept [07:54:28] mrggame issued server command: /warp por [07:54:29] [L] Flerion: чо это за хуйня [07:54:30] mrggame issued server command: /we cui [07:54:30] [L] GorbatiyLyag: Что [07:54:34] Area1337 issued server command: /home KicX [07:54:34] [L] GorbatiyLyag: облако [07:54:37] Area1337 issued server command: /we cui [07:54:43] vihni issued server command: /home [07:54:45] [L] GorbatiyLyag: по нему не ходи [07:54:46] [L] Flerion: лол выпадает [07:54:47] Stroof4 issued server command: /RG CLAIM st3 [07:54:51] [L] GorbatiyLyag: упадёшь и помрёшь [07:54:52] vihni issued server command: /call Stroof4 [07:54:53] Stroof4 issued server command: /rg addmember st3 vihni [07:54:54] Stroof4 issued server command: /tpaccept [07:54:58] KicX issued server command: /home [07:54:58] Stroof4 issued server command: /sethome [07:54:59] KicX issued server command: /we cui [07:55:02] Stroof4 issued server command: /sethome [07:55:06] warvis зашёл [07:55:08] RTXGames123lol issued server command: /home [07:55:11] Stroof4 issued server command: /rg sel [07:55:12] [L] GorbatiyLyag: Пора делать вдв [07:55:18] [L] Flerion: кого [07:55:20] mrggame issued server command: /we cui [07:55:22] JuliaMag issued server command: /voteday [07:55:24] SHRC issued server command: /we cui [07:55:26] warvis issued server command: /we cui [07:55:31] [L] GorbatiyLyag: Прыгну ща [07:55:36] JuliaMag issued server command: /voteday [07:55:37] [L] Flerion: там воды нету [07:55:40] [L] GorbatiyLyag: есть [07:55:45] mrggame issued server command: /рщьу [07:55:51] mrggame issued server command: /рщьу [07:55:51] [L] GorbatiyLyag: видишь? [07:55:54] [L] Flerion: ага [07:55:55] KicX issued server command: /tpaccept [07:55:57] KicX issued server command: /enderchest [07:55:59] mrggame issued server command: /hpme [07:56:03] mrggame issued server command: /heme [07:56:07] mrggame issued server command: /home [07:56:16] [L] GorbatiyLyag: юхуу [07:56:18] [L] Flerion: ее [07:56:21] [L] Flerion: крутой сервер [07:56:33] [L] Flerion: тут круто что куча модов [07:56:39] [L] GorbatiyLyag: ага [07:56:40] Flerion issued server command: /home [07:56:42] Flerion issued server command: /rtp [07:56:47] dixi_As issued server command: /home [07:56:48] dixi_As issued server command: /we cui [07:56:53] dixi_As вышел [07:57:00] Flerion issued server command: /r тп походу нефть [07:57:00] Stroof4 issued server command: /home vihni [07:57:01] x_NevadA_x умер (ENTITY_ATTACK) [07:57:06] x_NevadA_x issued server command: /we cui [07:57:08] GorbatiyLyag issued server command: /msg Flerion ща [07:57:10] GorbatiyLyag issued server command: /tpa Flerion [07:57:14] Flerion issued server command: /tpaccept [07:57:18] x_NevadA_x issued server command: /warp mining [07:57:20] [L] GorbatiyLyag: Не нефть [07:57:20] x_NevadA_x issued server command: /we cui [07:57:22] [L] GorbatiyLyag: Смола [07:57:28] [L] Flerion: зачем она [07:57:29] Stroof4 issued server command: /home [07:57:30] mrggame вышел [07:57:30] SHRC issued server command: /home [07:57:30] Stroof4 issued server command: /home [07:57:32] SHRC вышел [07:57:36] [L] GorbatiyLyag: смерть жидкая это [07:57:42] [L] Flerion: а вот [07:57:46] [L] GorbatiyLyag: прыгнешь,сгоришь [07:57:49] MomenTs зашёл [07:57:59] [L] GorbatiyLyag: так [07:58:01] fresh123q issued server command: /home [07:58:04] [L] GorbatiyLyag: яд [07:58:04] MomenTs issued server command: /we cui [07:58:08] [L] Flerion: сорт [07:58:11] Stroof4 issued server command: /home [07:58:11] [L] Flerion: нечайно [07:58:12] KicX issued server command: /enderchest [07:58:15] warvis issued server command: /rtp [07:58:21] KicX issued server command: /home [07:58:22] Stroof4 issued server command: /RG SELL [07:58:27] Stroof4 issued server command: /rg sell [07:58:28] [L] GorbatiyLyag: иссушение даёт [07:58:29] Stroof4 issued server command: /rg sell [07:58:29] [L] GorbatiyLyag: спс [07:58:33] Stroof4 issued server command: /rg sel [07:58:44] [L] GorbatiyLyag: биом заражённый [07:58:45] [L] Flerion: помоги пж искать узлы [07:58:50] RTXGames123lol issued server command: /home [07:58:50] [L] Flerion: о круто [07:58:52] [L] GorbatiyLyag: нужны очки [07:59:00] [G] fresh123q: !куплю куриные яйца [07:59:05] [L] Flerion: чтобы скрафтить надо верстак [07:59:07] [L] GorbatiyLyag: или очень внимательно смотреть [07:59:16] [G] RTXGames123lol: !а как атрыть магазин [07:59:16] CHANCHIBAYKA issued server command: /kit top [07:59:17] KicX issued server command: /home [07:59:17] MoRkBa_UA_ issued server command: /sethome 2 [07:59:21] MoRkBa_UA_ issued server command: /home [07:59:26] MoRkBa_UA_ issued server command: /tpa Flerion [07:59:30] Flerion issued server command: /tpaccept [07:59:36] [L] Flerion: что [07:59:37] [L] MoRkBa_UA_: тп домой [07:59:41] [L] Flerion: зачем [07:59:44] KicX issued server command: /home [07:59:44] [L] MoRkBa_UA_: я хоме скинул [07:59:52] [L] Flerion: о божественная древесина [07:59:52] [L] MoRkBa_UA_: сбросил [07:59:54] [L] GorbatiyLyag: Щас домой пойду [07:59:57] GorbatiyLyag issued server command: /home [08:00:02] x_NevadA_x умер (ENTITY_ATTACK) [08:00:02] KicX issued server command: /home [08:00:03] [L] MoRkBa_UA_: ля бистрее [08:00:08] x_NevadA_x issued server command: /we cui [08:00:09] Flerion issued server command: /home [08:00:10] [G] MomenTs: !125 [08:00:12] [G] MomenTs: !135 [08:00:13] MoRkBa_UA_ issued server command: /tpa Flerion [08:00:16] RTXGames123lol issued server command: /mpcaseshop [08:00:17] fresh123q issued server command: /125 [08:00:17] Flerion issued server command: /tpaccept [08:00:20] [G] _Top7_: !235 [08:00:22] [G] MoRkBa_UA_: !235 [08:00:27] [G] MomenTs: ! ... [08:00:30] MoRkBa_UA_ issued server command: /sethome [08:00:31] [G] _Top7_: !) [08:00:31] KicX issued server command: /home [08:00:34] warves55 issued server command: /HONME [08:00:36] warves55 issued server command: /HOME [08:00:37] [G] MomenTs: ! Ток встал( [08:00:40] [L] MoRkBa_UA_: кирил [08:00:42] [L] Flerion: я хочу щас быстро изучать таум чтобы создать хоть какую то бронь [08:00:44] x_NevadA_x issued server command: /warp mining [08:00:45] [L] Flerion: еа [08:00:46] x_NevadA_x issued server command: /we cui [08:00:49] [G] _Top7_: !я тоже [08:00:52] [L] MoRkBa_UA_: я щас зделай нам мульти инстременти [08:00:56] KicX issued server command: /home [08:00:56] [L] Flerion: какие [08:01:03] [L] MoRkBa_UA_: мне рупевий))))) [08:01:06] fresh123q issued server command: /лше [08:01:08] fresh123q issued server command: /kit [08:01:08] [L] Flerion: мне рупиевый [08:01:13] fresh123q issued server command: /kit eat [08:01:16] KicX issued server command: /home [08:01:20] fresh123q issued server command: /kit eat [08:01:30] warves55 issued server command: /RTP [08:01:32] [L] Flerion: мне арлемитовый нахуй не нужен [08:01:33] Area1337 issued server command: /m JuliaMag привет, подскажи пожалуйста где взять халит меч? [08:01:40] [L] MoRkBa_UA_: не [08:01:40] GorbatiyLyag issued server command: /home [08:01:42] warvis issued server command: /rtp [08:01:55] fresh123q issued server command: /playtime [08:02:05] Stroof4 issued server command: /SELL [08:02:07] [L] Flerion: щас будут мультиинструменты [08:02:09] Stroof4 issued server command: //sel [08:02:25] [L] Flerion: он хочет себе сделать рупиевый [08:02:32] [L] MoRkBa_UA_: мне сначал рупевий а потом тебе [08:02:32] vihni issued server command: /home [08:02:38] GorbatiyLyag issued server command: /trade Flerion [08:02:38] GorbatiyLyag issued server command: /trade Flerion [08:02:38] GorbatiyLyag issued server command: /trade Flerion [08:02:38] GorbatiyLyag issued server command: /trade Flerion [08:02:38] GorbatiyLyag issued server command: /trade Flerion [08:02:38] GorbatiyLyag issued server command: /trade Flerion [08:02:38] GorbatiyLyag issued server command: /trade Flerion [08:02:38] GorbatiyLyag issued server command: /trade Flerion [08:02:38] GorbatiyLyag issued server command: /trade Flerion [08:02:38] GorbatiyLyag issued server command: /trade Flerion [08:02:39] [L] MoRkBa_UA_: или тебе [08:02:41] [L] MoRkBa_UA_: гор [08:02:42] [L] Flerion: мне не надо руамевый [08:02:44] [L] Flerion: ого откуда [08:02:47] [L] Flerion: мне [08:02:48] [L] GorbatiyLyag: сделал [08:02:49] [L] Flerion: я изучаю [08:02:51] MomenTs issued server command: /warp case [08:02:53] MomenTs issued server command: /we cui [08:02:53] vihni issued server command: /home [08:02:59] [L] Flerion: дай пж [08:03:01] [L] GorbatiyLyag: на [08:03:08] Greshnick1488 зашёл [08:03:19] [L] Flerion: мне нравятся инструменты с мира кошмара [08:03:25] [G] valera_zakon: !куплю уголь [08:03:30] [L] Flerion: они крутые дешёвыйе и нормальные [08:03:32] KicX issued server command: /heal [08:03:34] [L] MoRkBa_UA_: смотри [08:03:35] Greshnick1488 issued server command: /we cui [08:03:37] warves55 issued server command: /RTP [08:03:38] MomenTs issued server command: /we cui [08:03:41] [G] fresh123q: !куплю яйца [08:03:47] Stroof4 issued server command: /SE [08:03:48] [L] Flerion: а что [08:03:51] Stroof4 issued server command: /rg sel [08:03:51] [L] MoRkBa_UA_: тебе нада мульти инструм? [08:03:55] [L] GorbatiyLyag: давай [08:03:56] Flerion issued server command: /trade MoRkBa_UA_ [08:03:56] Flerion issued server command: /trade MoRkBa_UA_ [08:03:56] Flerion issued server command: /trade MoRkBa_UA_ [08:03:56] Flerion issued server command: /trade MoRkBa_UA_ [08:03:56] Flerion issued server command: /trade MoRkBa_UA_ [08:03:56] Flerion issued server command: /trade MoRkBa_UA_ [08:03:56] Flerion issued server command: /trade MoRkBa_UA_ [08:03:56] Flerion issued server command: /trade MoRkBa_UA_ [08:03:57] [L] MoRkBa_UA_: ща [08:04:00] valera_zakon issued server command: /m fresh123q стак хватит? [08:04:03] [G] Greshnick1488: !Есть варпы с магазином? [08:04:07] [L] GorbatiyLyag: я пока за узлами [08:04:17] fresh123q issued server command: /m valera_zakon да за скок продаш? [08:04:26] [L] MoRkBa_UA_: ти де [08:04:28] valera_zakon issued server command: /m fresh123q за уголь [08:04:30] warves55 issued server command: /RTP [08:04:38] warves55 issued server command: /RTP [08:04:38] [L] MoRkBa_UA_: на такой [08:04:39] valera_zakon issued server command: /m fresh123q стаков 4 норм? [08:04:44] [L] GorbatiyLyag: круто [08:04:45] [L] MoRkBa_UA_: потом будет рупевий [08:04:45] KicX issued server command: /home [08:04:49] [L] GorbatiyLyag: спс [08:04:52] [L] MoRkBa_UA_: нез [08:04:59] fresh123q issued server command: /m valera_zakon ну у меня ток стак [08:04:59] [L] Flerion: а как ты будешь искать узлы [08:05:03] [L] Flerion: у меня же таумометр [08:05:07] MoRkBa_UA_ issued server command: /warp Abyss [08:05:10] [L] GorbatiyLyag: таумометр и у меня [08:05:11] KicX issued server command: /heal [08:05:19] valera_zakon issued server command: /m fresh123q тогда 4 яйца за стак угля [08:05:19] [L] Flerion: давай вместе изучать таум [08:05:21] MoRkBa_UA_ issued server command: /home [08:05:32] [L] GorbatiyLyag: ну можно наверно [08:05:33] Flerion issued server command: /trade MoRkBa_UA_ [08:05:33] Flerion issued server command: /trade MoRkBa_UA_ [08:05:33] Flerion issued server command: /trade MoRkBa_UA_ [08:05:33] Flerion issued server command: /trade MoRkBa_UA_ [08:05:33] Flerion issued server command: /trade MoRkBa_UA_ [08:05:38] [L] MoRkBa_UA_: шо [08:05:40] fresh123q issued server command: /m valera_zakon ну это не выгодный обмен [08:05:46] RTXGames123lol issued server command: /rtp [08:05:54] valera_zakon issued server command: /m fresh123q предложи выгодный [08:06:00] [L] Flerion: не трать ресы для квестов с модов которые ты не изучаешь [08:06:02] Greshnick1488 вышел [08:06:05] Flerion issued server command: /trade MoRkBa_UA_ [08:06:06] RTXGames123lol issued server command: /rtp [08:06:06] [L] MoRkBa_UA_: ой бля [08:06:08] Flerion issued server command: /trade MoRkBa_UA_ [08:06:09] Flerion issued server command: /trade MoRkBa_UA_ [08:06:09] Flerion issued server command: /trade MoRkBa_UA_ [08:06:09] Flerion issued server command: /trade MoRkBa_UA_ [08:06:09] Flerion issued server command: /trade MoRkBa_UA_ [08:06:09] Flerion issued server command: /trade MoRkBa_UA_ [08:06:09] Flerion issued server command: /trade MoRkBa_UA_ [08:06:09] Flerion issued server command: /trade MoRkBa_UA_ [08:06:09] Flerion issued server command: /trade MoRkBa_UA_ [08:06:09] Flerion issued server command: /trade MoRkBa_UA_ [08:06:09] Flerion issued server command: /trade MoRkBa_UA_ [08:06:09] Flerion был кикнут [08:06:09] Flerion вышел [08:06:11] [L] MoRkBa_UA_: накопаим ище [08:06:12] fresh123q issued server command: /m valera_zakon ну хотябы то 10 за стак [08:06:13] fresh123q issued server command: /home [08:06:16] warves55 issued server command: /RTP [08:06:20] valera_zakon issued server command: /m fresh123q угараешь? [08:06:21] Flerion зашёл [08:06:23] warves55 issued server command: /RTP [08:06:24] Flerion issued server command: /we cui [08:06:25] valera_zakon issued server command: /m fresh123q стак угля стоит 0.3 [08:06:40] _Top7_ issued server command: /info 2.12 [08:06:41] fresh123q issued server command: /m valera_zakon ну jr [08:06:43] fresh123q issued server command: /m valera_zakon ну ок [08:06:44] _Top7_ issued server command: /inf 2.12 [08:06:48] [L] MoRkBa_UA_: где железо [08:06:52] [L] MoRkBa_UA_: а во [08:06:53] KicX issued server command: /heal [08:07:03] GorbatiyLyag issued server command: /msg Flerion я наш1л узел [08:07:12] RTXGames123lol issued server command: /kit [08:07:17] [L] Flerion: я тут [08:07:17] warves55 issued server command: /RTP [08:07:20] RTXGames123lol issued server command: /kit Eat [08:07:20] [L] MoRkBa_UA_: угу [08:07:23] Flerion issued server command: /tpa gor [08:07:25] [L] MoRkBa_UA_: я в шахту [08:07:26] [L] Flerion: не трать ресы для квестов с модов которые ты не изучаешь [08:07:28] GorbatiyLyag issued server command: /tpaccept [08:07:32] [L] GorbatiyLyag: вот он [08:07:35] vihni issued server command: /rg admembr st1 Stroof4 [08:07:40] warvis issued server command: /rtp [08:07:48] vihni issued server command: /rg abbmembr st1 Stroof4 [08:07:50] warves55 issued server command: /RTP [08:07:54] [L] Flerion: всё [08:07:58] vihni issued server command: /rg addmembr st1 Stroof4 [08:07:59] [L] GorbatiyLyag: Круто да? [08:08:02] [L] Flerion: ага [08:08:06] [L] _Top7_: а [08:08:06] [L] Flerion: токо изучать не могу [08:08:09] RTXGames123lol вышел [08:08:14] [L] GorbatiyLyag: ты весь узел съед [08:08:17] [L] GorbatiyLyag: я пока домой [08:08:18] [L] Flerion: да [08:08:23] GorbatiyLyag issued server command: /home [08:08:33] vihni issued server command: /rg addmember st1 Stroof4 [08:08:33] KicX issued server command: /home [08:08:34] [L] MoRkBa_UA_: я в шахту [08:08:42] _Top7_ issued server command: /home [08:08:43] Flerion issued server command: /home [08:08:45] _Top7_ issued server command: /we cui [08:08:54] [L] Flerion: не трать ресы для квестов с модов которые ты не изучаешь [08:09:01] [L] MoRkBa_UA_: ля отстань [08:09:07] KicX issued server command: /home [08:09:08] [L] MoRkBa_UA_: ти всеровне не копаиш их [08:09:15] [L] MoRkBa_UA_: ти всеровно не копаиш их [08:09:26] [L] Flerion: если хочешь изучать изучай я горвю не трать для квестов [08:09:32] [L] MoRkBa_UA_: ой бля [08:09:34] KicX issued server command: /home [08:09:37] [L] MoRkBa_UA_: че ти завелса [08:09:43] fresh123q issued server command: /m valera_zakon ну давай 4 за стак [08:09:55] [L] Flerion: не работает [08:09:58] [L] Flerion: помоги [08:10:02] [L] GorbatiyLyag: нужно больше [08:10:04] KicX issued server command: /warp five [08:10:12] [L] Flerion: давай ещё исктаь [08:10:12] _Top7_ issued server command: /warp end [08:10:15] [L] GorbatiyLyag: ага [08:10:19] _Top7_ issued server command: /warp world [08:10:20] [G] fresh123q: !куплю яйца [08:10:26] _Top7_ issued server command: /we cui [08:10:29] Flerion issued server command: /rtp [08:10:30] CHANCHIBAYKA вышел [08:10:47] warves55 issued server command: /RTP [08:10:57] x_NevadA_x issued server command: /home [08:10:59] x_NevadA_x issued server command: /we cui [08:11:09] KicX issued server command: /home [08:11:09] KicX issued server command: /home [08:11:26] Flerion issued server command: /rtp [08:11:27] valera_zakon issued server command: /m fresh123q кидай трейд [08:11:32] fresh123q issued server command: /trade [08:11:37] fresh123q issued server command: /trade valera_zakon [08:11:40] zxcmonster228 зашёл [08:11:41] valera_zakon issued server command: /trade accept [08:11:41] Flerion issued server command: /rtp [08:11:49] Flerion issued server command: /r деревня [08:11:50] KicX issued server command: /home [08:11:52] RTXGames123lol зашёл [08:11:54] warves55 issued server command: /RTP [08:11:55] GorbatiyLyag issued server command: /msg Flerion круто [08:12:07] RTXGames123lol issued server command: /we cui [08:12:08] fresh123q issued server command: /trade valera_zakon [08:12:11] valera_zakon issued server command: /trade accept [08:12:13] Flerion issued server command: /r я нашёл тотем с таума [08:12:20] GorbatiyLyag issued server command: /msg Flerion добывай [08:12:20] RTXGames123lol issued server command: /homw [08:12:20] fresh123q issued server command: /home [08:12:20] zxcmonster228 issued server command: /we cui [08:12:23] Flerion issued server command: /r токо разломаный остался один обсидиан [08:12:23] RTXGames123lol issued server command: /home [08:12:23] Stroof4 issued server command: /home [08:12:35] KicX issued server command: /home [08:12:50] x_NevadA_x вышел [08:12:53] warves55 issued server command: /SETHOME 1 [08:12:57] Flerion issued server command: /r скоко надо для портала [08:13:00] KicX issued server command: /enderchest [08:13:05] GorbatiyLyag issued server command: /msg Flerion в ад? [08:13:10] Flerion issued server command: /r да [08:13:14] GorbatiyLyag issued server command: /msg Flerion 10 [08:13:19] [L] warvis: techno [08:13:23] KicX issued server command: /enderchest [08:13:25] warves55 issued server command: //WARND [08:13:26] warves55 issued server command: //WAND [08:13:28] GorbatiyLyag issued server command: /msg Flerion я пока выйду [08:13:34] GorbatiyLyag issued server command: /msg Flerion может через час буду [08:13:36] GorbatiyLyag issued server command: /home [08:13:36] Flerion issued server command: /r а ты будешь делать портал в эдем? [08:13:38] GorbatiyLyag вышел [08:13:43] warves55 issued server command: //expand 20 [08:13:44] warves55 issued server command: //expand 20 [08:13:46] warves55 issued server command: //expand 20 [08:13:49] warves55 issued server command: //expand 20 [08:13:51] warves55 issued server command: //expand 20 [08:13:54] warves55 issued server command: //expand 20 [08:13:59] warvis issued server command: /tpaccept [08:14:00] MomenTs issued server command: /warp case [08:14:00] warves55 issued server command: /rg claim 823 [08:14:01] MomenTs issued server command: /we cui [08:14:09] MomenTs issued server command: /home [08:14:11] MomenTs issued server command: /we cui [08:14:18] KicX issued server command: /home [08:14:26] warves55 умер (PROJECTILE) [08:14:28] warves55 issued server command: /we cui [08:14:29] Flerion issued server command: /m mor он вышел [08:14:36] Flerion issued server command: /m mor если что будет играть через час [08:14:39] KicX issued server command: /home [08:14:40] fresh123q issued server command: /home [08:14:46] MoRkBa_UA_ issued server command: /m Flerion ок [08:14:51] Flerion issued server command: /r ты где [08:14:52] warvis issued server command: /tpa warves55 [08:14:54] warves55 issued server command: /tpaccept [08:14:55] Flerion issued server command: /r я обсидиан копаю [08:15:04] MomenTs issued server command: /votesun [08:15:07] warves55 issued server command: /rg addmember 823 warvis [08:15:08] zxcmonster228 issued server command: /yes [08:15:15] MoRkBa_UA_ issued server command: /yes [08:15:21] KicX issued server command: /home [08:15:21] zxcmonster228 issued server command: /voteday [08:15:25] Flerion issued server command: /r ты где [08:15:27] zxcmonster228 issued server command: /voteday [08:15:27] [L] MomenTs: votesun [08:15:29] RTXGames123lol issued server command: /yes [08:15:36] MomenTs issued server command: /yes [08:15:38] _Top7_ вышел [08:16:00] warves55 умер (PROJECTILE) [08:16:00] fresh123q issued server command: /warp nether [08:16:02] warves55 issued server command: /we cui [08:16:13] fresh123q issued server command: /we cui [08:16:25] kilerkin зашёл [08:16:27] Flerion issued server command: /call mor [08:16:30] kilerkin issued server command: /we cui [08:16:31] warvis умер (FIRE_TICK) [08:16:32] MoRkBa_UA_ issued server command: /tpyes [08:16:36] warvis issued server command: /we cui [08:16:38] [L] Flerion: смотри [08:16:39] warves55 умер (PROJECTILE) [08:16:41] warves55 issued server command: /we cui [08:16:45] [L] MoRkBa_UA_: дай факели [08:16:50] [L] Flerion: на [08:16:51] warvis issued server command: /tpa warves55 [08:16:53] warves55 issued server command: /tpaccept [08:16:56] [L] MoRkBa_UA_: спс [08:16:56] warvis issued server command: /we cui [08:17:11] kilerkin вышел [08:17:16] [L] Flerion: чо ты пропустил вот [08:17:19] [L] Flerion: реалмит и золото [08:17:24] warvis issued server command: /sethome 1 [08:17:28] [L] MoRkBa_UA_: я туда ище не ходи [08:17:29] [L] MoRkBa_UA_: л [08:17:33] [L] Flerion: ого титан [08:17:35] [L] Flerion: это что [08:17:39] fresh123q issued server command: /home [08:17:42] fresh123q issued server command: /we cui [08:17:45] [L] Flerion: вот [08:17:46] warves55 issued server command: /kits [08:17:49] warves55 issued server command: /kit start [08:17:53] warves55 issued server command: /kit eat [08:17:56] warves55 issued server command: /kit top [08:17:57] [L] Flerion: на [08:18:02] vihni issued server command: /call Stroof4 [08:18:04] Stroof4 issued server command: /tpaccept [08:18:09] warvis умер (PROJECTILE) [08:18:10] warvis issued server command: /we cui [08:18:31] KicX issued server command: /home [08:18:50] warves55 умер (PROJECTILE) [08:18:52] warves55 issued server command: /we cui [08:18:54] warvis умер (PROJECTILE) [08:18:57] warvis issued server command: /we cui [08:19:02] KicX issued server command: /home [08:19:17] KicX issued server command: /home [08:20:27] warves55 умер (FIRE_TICK) [08:20:28] warves55 issued server command: /we cui [08:20:29] Flerion issued server command: /home [08:20:29] warvis умер (FIRE_TICK) [08:20:31] warvis issued server command: /we cui [08:21:02] Flerion issued server command: /rtp [08:21:03] warves55 умер (PROJECTILE) [08:21:04] warves55 issued server command: /we cui [08:21:29] kilerkin зашёл [08:21:29] warves55 умер (PROJECTILE) [08:21:31] warves55 issued server command: /we cui [08:21:32] kilerkin issued server command: /we cui [08:21:34] KicX issued server command: /warp five [08:21:44] [L] KicX: 2 [08:21:44] KicX issued server command: /home [08:21:59] warves55 умер (PROJECTILE) [08:22:00] warves55 issued server command: /we cui [08:22:02] kilerkin вышел [08:22:24] warvis умер (PROJECTILE) [08:22:32] warvis issued server command: /we cui [08:22:47] KicX issued server command: /home [08:22:55] KicX issued server command: /heal [08:22:56] warves55 умер (PROJECTILE) [08:22:58] warves55 issued server command: /we cui [08:23:16] warves55 issued server command: /rtp [08:23:52] warves55 issued server command: /home [08:24:13] kilerkin зашёл [08:24:16] kilerkin issued server command: /we cui [08:24:40] Flerion issued server command: /r охуеть мне нужно ведро воды [08:24:45] kilerkin вышел [08:24:48] Flerion issued server command: /r тп [08:24:59] Flerion issued server command: /r ща спиздим ветрогенератор [08:25:47] zxcmonster228 issued server command: /voteday [08:25:50] MoRkBa_UA_ issued server command: /yes [08:25:52] RTXGames123lol issued server command: /yes [08:25:55] KicX issued server command: /home [08:26:04] Flerion issued server command: /r тп с ведром воды [08:26:19] MoRkBa_UA_ issued server command: /home [08:27:01] MoRkBa_UA_ issued server command: /tpa Flerion [08:27:04] Flerion issued server command: /tpaccept [08:27:09] warvis issued server command: /rtp [08:27:18] [L] Flerion: смотри тот ветрогенератор до него приват не достаёт [08:27:19] warvis issued server command: /rtp [08:27:23] [L] Flerion: скинь [08:27:26] warvis issued server command: /rtp [08:28:02] [L] MoRkBa_UA_: пхааа [08:28:03] [L] Flerion: бля не падает потому что приват [08:28:12] KicX issued server command: /warp five [08:28:12] [L] MoRkBa_UA_: еба [08:28:14] Stroof4 issued server command: /home [08:28:18] [L] MoRkBa_UA_: 2 хп [08:28:22] [L] zxcmonster228: ты ещё тут? [08:28:22] [L] Flerion: нужна куча блоков [08:28:26] [L] Flerion: принеси булыжник [08:28:31] [L] MomenTs: Почти нет [08:28:35] [L] MoRkBa_UA_: блять молчи [08:28:40] [L] Flerion: зачем [08:28:54] KicX issued server command: /warp дшые [08:28:57] KicX issued server command: /warp list [08:28:59] [L] Flerion: я домой крафтить ключ [08:29:00] KicX issued server command: /warp list 2 [08:29:01] Flerion issued server command: /home [08:29:04] [L] MoRkBa_UA_: угу [08:29:05] KicX issued server command: /warp list 3 [08:29:14] KicX issued server command: /warp godshop [08:29:21] Flerion issued server command: /call mor [08:29:24] warves55 умер (FIRE_TICK) [08:29:26] warves55 issued server command: /we cui [08:29:27] MoRkBa_UA_ issued server command: /tpyes [08:29:38] Flerion issued server command: /hom [08:29:39] Flerion issued server command: /home [08:30:02] Flerion issued server command: /hom [08:30:04] Flerion issued server command: /call mor [08:30:05] warves55 issued server command: /кез [08:30:06] MoRkBa_UA_ issued server command: /tpyes [08:30:06] warves55 issued server command: /rto [08:30:08] warves55 issued server command: /rtp [08:30:15] [L] Flerion: всё я скрафтил [08:30:19] [L] Flerion: ключ [08:30:21] Flerion issued server command: /call mor [08:30:24] RTXGames123lol issued server command: /rtp [08:30:25] [L] Flerion: прими и стой [08:30:26] [L] Flerion: на месте [08:30:27] [L] zxcmonster228: блять [08:30:33] Flerion issued server command: /call mor [08:30:34] MoRkBa_UA_ issued server command: /tpyes [08:30:37] warves55 issued server command: /rtp [08:30:48] MomenTs issued server command: /warp case [08:30:49] [L] Flerion: и провода кради [08:30:50] MomenTs issued server command: /we cui [08:30:56] KicX issued server command: /home [08:30:57] warves55 issued server command: /rtp [08:30:58] MomenTs issued server command: /home [08:31:00] MomenTs issued server command: /we cui [08:31:06] [L] MomenTs: чЁ [08:31:15] MoRkBa_UA_ вышел [08:31:16] [L] zxcmonster228: - [08:31:20] [L] zxcmonster228: все норм [08:31:26] Flerion issued server command: /r ты куда пропал [08:31:27] [L] zxcmonster228: то впроеврка хуеовго инета [08:31:41] fresh123q issued server command: /rtp [08:32:14] warves55 issued server command: /rtp [08:32:15] KicX issued server command: /heal [08:32:44] fresh123q issued server command: /rg selecty [08:32:46] fresh123q issued server command: /rg select [08:33:15] fresh123q issued server command: /home [08:33:21] fresh123q issued server command: /rtp [08:33:56] fresh123q issued server command: /rtp [08:34:05] warves55 issued server command: /rtp [08:34:10] Flerion issued server command: /warp create [08:34:15] Flerion issued server command: /warp create fasf [08:34:24] KicX issued server command: /enderchest [08:34:34] fresh123q issued server command: /rtp [08:34:40] fresh123q issued server command: /kit eat [08:34:46] warves55 issued server command: /rtp [08:34:56] warves55 issued server command: /rtp [08:34:58] fresh123q issued server command: /kit eat [08:35:00] fresh123q issued server command: /rtp [08:35:03] warves55 issued server command: /rtp [08:35:05] warves55 issued server command: /rtp [08:35:22] KicX issued server command: /home [08:36:00] fresh123q issued server command: /rtp [08:36:04] warves55 issued server command: /rtp [08:36:06] warves55 issued server command: /rtp [08:36:52] zxcmonster228 issued server command: /voteday [08:36:56] JuliaMag issued server command: /yes [08:36:59] Stroof4 issued server command: /yes [08:37:01] vihni issued server command: /yes [08:37:02] KicX issued server command: /home [08:37:03] RTXGames123lol issued server command: /rtp [08:37:08] RTXGames123lol issued server command: /home [08:37:25] fresh123q issued server command: /home [08:37:29] warves55 issued server command: /rtp [08:37:35] warves55 issued server command: /rtp [08:37:56] KicX issued server command: /enderchest [08:38:13] zxcmonster228 issued server command: /voterain [08:38:32] warves55 issued server command: /rtp [08:38:33] [G] zxcmonster228: !отключите дождек пжпжпжпжпжпж [08:38:36] Stroof4 issued server command: /VOTESUN [08:38:39] JuliaMag issued server command: /yes [08:38:42] zxcmonster228 issued server command: /yes [08:38:42] fresh123q issued server command: /yes [08:38:44] RTXGames123lol issued server command: /yes [08:38:45] warves55 issued server command: /yes [08:38:49] KicX issued server command: /home [08:39:15] warves55 issued server command: /yes [08:39:19] MoRkBa_UA_ зашёл [08:39:20] warves55 issued server command: /rtp [08:39:22] warves55 issued server command: /rtp [08:39:23] warves55 issued server command: /rtp [08:39:25] Flerion issued server command: /call mor [08:39:28] KicX issued server command: /home [08:39:37] MoRkBa_UA_ issued server command: /we cui [08:39:38] fresh123q issued server command: /rtp [08:39:41] [L] Flerion: ты хули вышел [08:39:43] KicX issued server command: /home [08:39:44] warves55 issued server command: /rtp [08:39:44] Flerion issued server command: /call mor [08:39:54] [L] MoRkBa_UA_: блять вилитело НАХУЙ [08:39:59] [L] Flerion: прими тп [08:40:02] KicX issued server command: /home [08:40:08] [L] Flerion: я спиздел уже солнечную панель [08:40:15] [L] Flerion: я спиздел уже солнечную панель 2 лвла [08:40:17] MoRkBa_UA_ issued server command: /tpyes [08:40:19] Flerion умер (FALL) [08:40:21] Flerion issued server command: /we cui [08:40:22] vihni issued server command: /home [08:40:24] Flerion issued server command: /call mor [08:40:27] MoRkBa_UA_ issued server command: /tpyes [08:40:37] Flerion умер (FALL) [08:40:38] Flerion issued server command: /we cui [08:40:41] Flerion issued server command: /call mor [08:40:46] warves55 issued server command: /tpa warvis [08:40:47] Flerion issued server command: /r бля надо спасти ресы [08:40:54] Flerion issued server command: /call mor [08:40:55] Flerion issued server command: /call mor [08:40:56] MoRkBa_UA_ issued server command: /tpyes [08:40:58] Flerion умер (FALL) [08:40:58] fresh123q issued server command: /home [08:41:00] Flerion issued server command: /we cui [08:41:01] Flerion issued server command: /call mor [08:41:04] MoRkBa_UA_ issued server command: /tpyes [08:41:11] [L] Flerion: давай [08:41:12] KicX issued server command: /home [08:41:14] [L] Flerion: мои ресы [08:41:15] [L] MoRkBa_UA_: все дома вещи одам [08:41:17] warvis issued server command: /tpaccept [08:41:24] [L] Flerion: всё украл? [08:41:29] [L] MoRkBa_UA_: да [08:41:39] [L] MoRkBa_UA_: пошли [08:41:43] MoRkBa_UA_ issued server command: /home [08:41:47] Flerion issued server command: /home [08:41:59] [L] Flerion: отдавай и дай то что украл [08:42:15] [L] MoRkBa_UA_: ХАХАХАА [08:42:16] [L] MoRkBa_UA_: ЕБА [08:42:18] GorbatiyLyag зашёл [08:42:20] [L] MoRkBa_UA_: + панель [08:42:22] warves55 issued server command: /tpa warvis [08:42:24] [L] Flerion: это я урал [08:42:28] [L] Flerion: а они тут мощнее [08:42:34] warves55 issued server command: /rtp [08:42:35] KicX issued server command: /home [08:42:39] GorbatiyLyag issued server command: /we cui [08:42:42] [L] Flerion: пиздец круто что нашёл то место [08:42:46] [L] MoRkBa_UA_: прикинь ми панель спиздили [08:42:47] [L] Flerion: мы теперь богатые энергитей [08:42:52] [L] Flerion: на что мы спиздели [08:42:52] [L] MoRkBa_UA_: как цигани [08:42:55] [L] GorbatiyLyag: Где спиздили? [08:42:56] [L] Flerion: ага [08:42:57] fresh123q issued server command: /home [08:43:09] [L] MoRkBa_UA_: хе хе [08:43:11] [L] Flerion: ну как [08:43:18] [L] GorbatiyLyag: Где украли? [08:43:21] Stroof4 issued server command: /home [08:43:22] [L] GorbatiyLyag: Кртуо конечно [08:43:23] [L] Flerion: мы цыгане [08:43:24] warvis issued server command: /kit eat [08:43:28] [L] MoRkBa_UA_: в чела [08:43:32] [L] Flerion: был дом здоровый а там приват не сильно высокий [08:43:35] vihni issued server command: /home [08:43:38] [L] Flerion: вытеряк стоял где привата не было [08:43:43] [L] GorbatiyLyag: Всё выкрали? [08:43:46] warves55 issued server command: /rtp [08:43:48] [L] Flerion: да [08:43:51] KicX issued server command: /home [08:43:54] [L] GorbatiyLyag: Круто [08:44:02] [L] MoRkBa_UA_: 2 стака железа накопал [08:44:09] [L] GorbatiyLyag: Я пока витчери начну изучать [08:44:18] [L] Flerion: у нас теперь энергия есть [08:44:21] [L] GorbatiyLyag: ага [08:44:27] [L] fresh123q: стой [08:44:34] KicX issued server command: /home [08:44:36] [L] fresh123q: ты кто [08:44:56] [L] fresh123q: ты кто [08:44:57] [L] Flerion: я на ртп искать жехды [08:44:59] [L] Flerion: я на ртп искать жезлы [08:45:02] [L] GorbatiyLyag: ок [08:45:03] [L] Flerion: ой узлы [08:45:07] Flerion issued server command: /rtp [08:45:16] Flerion issued server command: /home [08:45:26] [L] Flerion: бля я тепнулся а там чел был [08:45:32] [L] Flerion: чуть не обосрался [08:45:35] [L] MoRkBa_UA_: АХХАХАХА [08:45:38] KicX issued server command: /home [08:45:42] [L] Flerion: я тепнулся домой быстро [08:45:44] [L] GorbatiyLyag: на ртп чел? [08:45:52] warvis issued server command: /home 1 [08:45:54] [L] Flerion: я к дому челу тпнулся [08:45:58] [L] Flerion: на ртп [08:46:09] [L] Flerion: хорошо что он был в доме [08:46:15] [L] MoRkBa_UA_: ххахаха [08:46:23] Flerion issued server command: /rtp [08:46:28] KicX issued server command: /home [08:46:29] warvis issued server command: /home 1 [08:46:39] KicX issued server command: /heal [08:46:41] [L] GorbatiyLyag: есть саженцы рябины? [08:46:51] warvis issued server command: /home [08:46:54] warves55 issued server command: /rtp [08:46:59] KicX issued server command: /home [08:47:01] warvis issued server command: /home [08:47:03] vihni issued server command: /call Stroof4 [08:47:08] warves55 issued server command: /rtp [08:47:15] Stroof4 issued server command: /tpaccept [08:47:15] warves55 issued server command: /rtp [08:47:19] zxcmonster228 issued server command: /voteday [08:47:22] MoRkBa_UA_ issued server command: /yes [08:47:25] JuliaMag issued server command: /yes [08:47:26] warves55 issued server command: /yes [08:47:30] warves55 issued server command: /rtp [08:47:33] GorbatiyLyag issued server command: /yes [08:47:35] warves55 issued server command: /home [08:47:36] Flerion issued server command: /r го скрафтим адские мечи [08:47:54] [L] MoRkBa_UA_: я а шахту [08:48:05] MoRkBa_UA_ issued server command: /kit eat [08:48:07] Flerion issued server command: /r я нашёл руду циркония [08:48:08] KicX issued server command: /home [08:48:09] KicX issued server command: /heal [08:48:22] vihni issued server command: /home [08:48:25] [L] GorbatiyLyag: jr [08:48:30] Flerion issued server command: /r я нашёл навоз [08:48:37] Flerion issued server command: /m gor я нашёл навоз [08:48:46] KicX issued server command: /home [08:48:47] fresh123q issued server command: /rg info [08:48:49] GorbatiyLyag issued server command: /msg Flerion навоз??? [08:48:52] Flerion issued server command: /r да [08:48:54] Flerion issued server command: /r тп [08:49:00] GorbatiyLyag issued server command: /msg Flerion ок [08:49:02] GorbatiyLyag issued server command: /tpa Flerion [08:49:05] KicX issued server command: /home [08:49:06] Flerion issued server command: /tpaccept [08:49:16] fresh123q issued server command: /pvp [08:49:16] [L] GorbatiyLyag: Ааа [08:49:19] fresh123q issued server command: /pve [08:49:19] [L] Flerion: ты видишь название? [08:49:20] [L] GorbatiyLyag: траванулся [08:49:24] fresh123q issued server command: /warp pve [08:49:28] fresh123q issued server command: /we cui [08:49:28] warves55 issued server command: /home [08:49:29] RTXGames123lol issued server command: /warp pve [08:49:31] warves55 issued server command: /rtp [08:49:32] RTXGames123lol issued server command: /we cui [08:49:34] [L] Flerion: чо это [08:49:36] Mok1Cho зашёл [08:49:36] [L] Flerion: смотри [08:49:41] [L] Flerion: вот скинул [08:49:42] [L] Flerion: руду [08:49:45] [L] Flerion: циркония [08:49:48] MoRkBa_UA_ issued server command: /home [08:49:52] [L] Flerion: а ещё мы нашли в шахте руду титана [08:49:53] warves55 issued server command: /rtp [08:49:58] fresh123q issued server command: /warp pvp [08:49:58] warves55 issued server command: /rtp [08:50:02] RTXGames123lol issued server command: /warp pvp [08:50:04] [L] Flerion: зачем они [08:50:08] warves55 issued server command: /rtp [08:50:11] warves55 issued server command: /rtp [08:50:13] Mok1Cho issued server command: /we cui [08:50:15] [L] Flerion: зачем цирконий [08:50:30] [L] GorbatiyLyag: Для кравтов [08:50:39] KicX issued server command: /home [08:50:58] warves55 issued server command: /rtp [08:51:07] fresh123q issued server command: /pvp [08:51:13] fresh123q issued server command: /home [08:51:17] vihni issued server command: /home [08:51:18] warvis умер (PROJECTILE) [08:51:20] warvis issued server command: /we cui [08:51:20] vihni issued server command: /call Stroof4 [08:51:24] fresh123q issued server command: /pvp [08:51:27] fresh123q issued server command: /pvp [08:51:28] fresh123q issued server command: /home [08:51:31] [L] Flerion: дай еды [08:51:34] fresh123q issued server command: /home [08:51:37] fresh123q issued server command: /home [08:51:37] [L] GorbatiyLyag: нету [08:51:45] GorbatiyLyag issued server command: /warp list [08:51:48] GorbatiyLyag issued server command: /warp 45 [08:51:50] [L] Flerion: нашёл [08:51:50] GorbatiyLyag issued server command: /we cui [08:51:59] warves55 issued server command: /home [08:51:59] GorbatiyLyag issued server command: /home [08:51:59] fresh123q issued server command: /pvp [08:52:00] KicX issued server command: /home [08:52:00] fresh123q issued server command: /pvp [08:52:02] GorbatiyLyag issued server command: /we cui [08:52:10] GorbatiyLyag issued server command: /msg Flerion я в аду был [08:52:11] fresh123q issued server command: /home [08:52:13] vihni issued server command: /call Stroof4 [08:52:15] Flerion issued server command: /home [08:52:16] fresh123q issued server command: /spawn [08:52:18] Flerion issued server command: /r когда [08:52:19] fresh123q issued server command: /we cui [08:52:20] RTXGames123lol issued server command: /home [08:52:22] Stroof4 issued server command: /home [08:52:23] fresh123q issued server command: /pvp [08:52:23] Stroof4 issued server command: /tpaccept [08:52:26] GorbatiyLyag issued server command: /msg Flerion щас [08:52:27] RTXGames123lol issued server command: /spawn [08:52:29] RTXGames123lol issued server command: /we cui [08:52:30] [L] Flerion: а где портал [08:52:33] RTXGames123lol issued server command: /home [08:52:34] RTXGames123lol issued server command: /we cui [08:52:36] [G] fresh123q: !почему я не могу бить друга [08:52:36] Flerion issued server command: /kits [08:52:37] [L] GorbatiyLyag: тп на врап 45 [08:52:38] Flerion issued server command: /kit eat [08:52:41] KicX issued server command: /heal [08:52:41] GorbatiyLyag issued server command: /warp 45 [08:52:43] RTXGames123lol issued server command: /spawn [08:52:43] GorbatiyLyag issued server command: /we cui [08:52:45] RTXGames123lol issued server command: /we cui [08:52:47] [G] zxcmonster228: !слабый [08:52:48] Flerion issued server command: /warp 45 [08:52:51] Flerion issued server command: /we cui [08:52:56] [L] GorbatiyLyag: сюда [08:53:01] [L] GorbatiyLyag: НАЗАД [08:53:16] [L] Flerion: ааа [08:53:22] [L] GorbatiyLyag: на песке не стой [08:53:25] fresh123q issued server command: /home [08:53:26] [L] Flerion: смотрит [08:53:27] fresh123q issued server command: /we cui [08:53:28] [L] Flerion: крипер [08:53:34] [L] GorbatiyLyag: Ват? [08:53:41] [L] GorbatiyLyag: Он опасный [08:53:44] KicX issued server command: /home [08:53:46] [L] GorbatiyLyag: взрывается быстро [08:53:58] [L] GorbatiyLyag: голова [08:53:59] [L] Flerion: ого голова [08:54:04] RTXGames123lol issued server command: /home [08:54:05] vihni issued server command: /home [08:54:06] RTXGames123lol issued server command: /we cui [08:54:07] [L] Flerion: одень [08:54:10] [L] GorbatiyLyag: не [08:54:20] [L] Flerion: го крафтить адские мечи [08:54:27] [L] GorbatiyLyag: ЛИХАЧ [08:54:34] [L] Flerion: он же редкий [08:54:37] [L] GorbatiyLyag: убьём? [08:54:41] [L] Flerion: д [08:54:43] [L] Flerion: да [08:54:44] [L] GorbatiyLyag: Го [08:54:50] [L] GorbatiyLyag: песок [08:54:53] [L] Flerion: на [08:54:57] [L] Flerion: стой [08:55:03] [L] GorbatiyLyag: опа [08:55:05] [L] Flerion: сами сделаем порталд [08:55:30] vihni issued server command: /home [08:55:32] vihni issued server command: /call Stroof4 [08:55:34] Stroof4 issued server command: /tpaccept [08:55:39] [L] Mok1Cho: куплю ихорий за емиц [08:55:44] [G] Mok1Cho: !куплю ихорий за емиц [08:55:45] GorbatiyLyag issued server command: /home [08:55:48] GorbatiyLyag issued server command: /we cui [08:56:06] Flerion issued server command: /r тп [08:56:08] zxcmonster228 issued server command: /m Mok1Cho по чем? [08:56:09] KicX issued server command: /home [08:56:14] KicX issued server command: /enderchest [08:56:21] Mok1Cho issued server command: /r у тебя открит ихор? [08:56:22] Flerion умер (ENTITY_ATTACK) [08:56:24] RTXGames123lol умер (FALL) [08:56:25] RTXGames123lol issued server command: /we cui [08:56:27] Flerion issued server command: /we cui [08:56:37] zxcmonster228 issued server command: /m Mok1Cho у моего тиммейта [08:56:38] [L] Flerion: лихач слил [08:56:44] [L] Flerion: тп опять [08:56:47] KicX issued server command: /home [08:56:54] Mok1Cho issued server command: /r давай я тебе дам простой ихор ти переделаешь в ихорий и я тебе заплачу 50 ем [08:56:55] vihni вышел [08:56:58] [L] Flerion: тп [08:57:01] MoRkBa_UA_ issued server command: /home [08:57:04] [L] GorbatiyLyag: хп мало [08:57:04] Flerion issued server command: /warp 45 [08:57:06] Flerion issued server command: /we cui [08:57:14] fresh123q issued server command: /home [08:57:22] warvis issued server command: /mpcaseshop [08:57:25] Flerion issued server command: /kit start [08:57:36] kirill_ER5 зашёл [08:57:39] zxcmonster228 вышел [08:57:43] Flerion умер (ENTITY_ATTACK) [08:57:47] Flerion issued server command: /we cui [08:57:50] [L] Flerion: там пиздец [08:57:53] kirill_ER5 issued server command: /we cui [08:57:54] [L] MoRkBa_UA_: ult [08:57:54] [L] Flerion: там огненные пауки [08:57:55] KicX issued server command: /home [08:57:56] RTXGames123lol issued server command: /home [08:57:56] [L] Flerion: тп [08:57:57] [L] MoRkBa_UA_: где [08:57:57] JuliaMag issued server command: /ec [08:58:00] Mok1Cho issued server command: /r го? [08:58:01] [L] Flerion: варп 45 [08:58:05] [L] MoRkBa_UA_: и [08:58:07] JuliaMag issued server command: /ec [08:58:10] KicX issued server command: /heal [08:58:10] [L] MoRkBa_UA_: то ад [08:58:12] [L] Flerion: тп помоги [08:58:16] [L] GorbatiyLyag: ща [08:58:16] Flerion issued server command: /warp 45 [08:58:16] [G] Mok1Cho: !у кого ихор открит? [08:58:18] Flerion issued server command: /we cui [08:58:21] GorbatiyLyag issued server command: /warp 45 [08:58:22] KicX issued server command: /home [08:58:23] GorbatiyLyag issued server command: /we cui [08:58:24] KicX был кикнут [08:58:24] KicX вышел [08:58:24] Stroof4 был кикнут [08:58:24] Stroof4 вышел [08:58:24] JuliaMag был кикнут [08:58:24] JuliaMag вышел [08:58:24] Area1337 был кикнут [08:58:24] Area1337 вышел [08:58:24] fresh123q был кикнут [08:58:24] fresh123q вышел [08:58:24] valera_zakon был кикнут [08:58:24] valera_zakon вышел [08:58:24] DeadWolfWar был кикнут [08:58:24] DeadWolfWar вышел [08:58:24] MomenTs был кикнут [08:58:24] MomenTs вышел [08:58:24] warves55 был кикнут [08:58:24] warves55 вышел [08:58:25] MoRkBa_UA_ был кикнут [08:58:25] MoRkBa_UA_ вышел [08:58:25] GorbatiyLyag был кикнут [08:58:25] GorbatiyLyag вышел [08:58:25] Mok1Cho был кикнут [08:58:25] Mok1Cho вышел [08:58:25] warvis был кикнут [08:58:25] warvis вышел [08:58:25] RTXGames123lol был кикнут [08:58:25] RTXGames123lol вышел [08:58:25] kirill_ER5 был кикнут [08:58:25] kirill_ER5 вышел [08:58:25] Flerion был кикнут [08:58:25] Flerion вышел [08:58:28] Сервер выключился [08:59:24] Сервер включился [08:59:50] Mok1Cho зашёл [08:59:52] Mok1Cho issued server command: /we cui [08:59:53] fresh123q зашёл [08:59:57] GorbatiyLyag зашёл [08:59:58] fresh123q issued server command: /we cui [09:00:00] GorbatiyLyag issued server command: /we cui [09:00:02] [G] Mok1Cho: !у кого ихор открит? [09:00:02] Flerion зашёл [09:00:06] Flerion issued server command: /we cui [09:00:07] [L] Mok1Cho: 832 [09:00:20] Stroof4 зашёл [09:00:21] [G] fresh123q: !862 [09:00:23] [G] GorbatiyLyag: !862 [09:00:26] Stroof4 issued server command: /we cui [09:00:27] [G] Mok1Cho: !у кого ихор открит? [09:00:35] [G] Stroof4: !+ [09:00:37] [L] Flerion: на [09:00:39] RTXGames123lol зашёл [09:00:39] [L] Flerion: стой [09:00:42] KicX зашёл [09:00:43] RTXGames123lol issued server command: /we cui [09:00:44] KicX issued server command: /we cui [09:00:46] [L] GorbatiyLyag: вещи забрал? [09:00:47] Flerion умер (ENTITY_ATTACK) [09:00:49] GorbatiyLyag умер (ENTITY_ATTACK) [09:00:52] Flerion issued server command: /we cui [09:00:52] GorbatiyLyag issued server command: /we cui [09:00:55] [L] Flerion: кто слил [09:00:57] GorbatiyLyag issued server command: /warp 45 [09:00:58] GorbatiyLyag issued server command: /we cui [09:00:59] ReMmiFast зашёл [09:01:00] Flerion issued server command: /warp 45 [09:01:00] GorbatiyLyag умер (ENTITY_ATTACK) [09:01:01] Flerion умер (ENTITY_ATTACK) [09:01:03] Flerion issued server command: /we cui [09:01:04] GorbatiyLyag issued server command: /we cui [09:01:06] fresh123q issued server command: /home [09:01:07] GorbatiyLyag issued server command: /warp 45 [09:01:07] GorbatiyLyag умер (ENTITY_ATTACK) [09:01:08] Flerion issued server command: /we cui [09:01:08] GorbatiyLyag issued server command: /we cui [09:01:11] Flerion issued server command: /warp 45 [09:01:11] Flerion умер (ENTITY_ATTACK) [09:01:12] GorbatiyLyag issued server command: /we cui [09:01:14] Flerion issued server command: /we cui [09:01:14] ReMmiFast issued server command: /we cui [09:01:15] GorbatiyLyag issued server command: /warp 45 [09:01:15] GorbatiyLyag умер (ENTITY_ATTACK) [09:01:15] RTXGames123lol issued server command: /home [09:01:16] GorbatiyLyag issued server command: /we cui [09:01:18] GorbatiyLyag issued server command: /we cui [09:01:18] Flerion issued server command: /we cui [09:01:20] Flerion issued server command: /warp 45 [09:01:20] Flerion умер (ENTITY_ATTACK) [09:01:22] Mok1Cho issued server command: /w Stroof4 давай я тебе дам ихо и ти переделаешь в ихорий? и я тебе дам 50 ем [09:01:23] Flerion issued server command: /we cui [09:01:26] KicX issued server command: /enderchest [09:01:27] Flerion issued server command: /we cui [09:01:29] Mok1Cho issued server command: /w Stroof4 ок? [09:01:35] [L] GorbatiyLyag: свино зомби убивают [09:01:39] GorbatiyLyag issued server command: /warp 45 [09:01:39] [L] Flerion: всё пиздец нас бью свинзомби [09:01:40] GorbatiyLyag умер (ENTITY_ATTACK) [09:01:41] Flerion issued server command: /warp 45 [09:01:41] Flerion умер (ENTITY_ATTACK) [09:01:42] GorbatiyLyag issued server command: /we cui [09:01:45] fresh123q issued server command: /trade RTXGames123lol [09:01:45] Flerion issued server command: /we cui [09:01:45] GorbatiyLyag issued server command: /we cui [09:01:50] Flerion issued server command: /we cui [09:01:50] Stroof4 issued server command: /tell Mok1Cho через 15 мин я щас отойду [09:01:54] Flerion issued server command: /warp 45 [09:01:54] Flerion умер (ENTITY_ATTACK) [09:01:56] Mok1Cho issued server command: /r лади [09:01:57] Flerion issued server command: /we cui [09:01:57] [L] GorbatiyLyag: Убивают да? [09:01:57] MoRkBa_UA_ зашёл [09:02:00] MoRkBa_UA_ issued server command: /we cui [09:02:01] Flerion issued server command: /we cui [09:02:04] warvis зашёл [09:02:06] kirill_ER5 зашёл [09:02:08] warvis issued server command: /we cui [09:02:08] KicX issued server command: /home [09:02:09] GorbatiyLyag issued server command: /warp list [09:02:13] [L] Flerion: а если в 2 тепнемтся одновременно [09:02:14] GorbatiyLyag issued server command: /warp 45 [09:02:14] GorbatiyLyag умер (ENTITY_ATTACK) [09:02:16] Flerion issued server command: /warp 45 [09:02:16] Flerion умер (ENTITY_ATTACK) [09:02:16] GorbatiyLyag issued server command: /we cui [09:02:18] kirill_ER5 issued server command: /we cui [09:02:19] Flerion issued server command: /we cui [09:02:19] warves55 зашёл [09:02:19] GorbatiyLyag issued server command: /we cui [09:02:21] warves55 issued server command: /we cui [09:02:22] [L] GorbatiyLyag: опа [09:02:23] Flerion issued server command: /we cui [09:02:26] [L] GorbatiyLyag: давай [09:02:31] GorbatiyLyag issued server command: /warp 45 [09:02:31] Flerion issued server command: /warp 45 [09:02:33] GorbatiyLyag issued server command: /we cui [09:02:33] GorbatiyLyag умер (ENTITY_ATTACK) [09:02:34] Flerion issued server command: /we cui [09:02:34] Flerion умер (ENTITY_ATTACK) [09:02:37] GorbatiyLyag issued server command: /we cui [09:02:38] Flerion issued server command: /we cui [09:02:39] GorbatiyLyag issued server command: /warp 45 [09:02:39] GorbatiyLyag умер (ENTITY_ATTACK) [09:02:41] GorbatiyLyag issued server command: /we cui [09:02:43] SvetlanaSvet зашёл [09:02:45] GorbatiyLyag issued server command: /we cui [09:02:47] [L] Flerion: может ты тепнишься [09:02:49] Stroof4 issued server command: /home [09:02:54] warvis issued server command: /kit start [09:02:55] [L] Flerion: может тебя не будет сливать [09:02:56] [L] MoRkBa_UA_: не [09:03:02] GorbatiyLyag issued server command: /warp 45 [09:03:02] GorbatiyLyag умер (ENTITY_ATTACK) [09:03:04] Flerion issued server command: /warp 45 [09:03:04] Flerion умер (ENTITY_ATTACK) [09:03:04] GorbatiyLyag issued server command: /we cui [09:03:05] fresh123q issued server command: /trade RTXGames123lol [09:03:05] SvetlanaSvet issued server command: /we cui [09:03:07] Flerion issued server command: /we cui [09:03:09] GorbatiyLyag issued server command: /we cui [09:03:10] RTXGames123lol issued server command: /trade accept [09:03:11] Flerion issued server command: /we cui [09:03:20] GorbatiyLyag issued server command: /warp list [09:03:22] GorbatiyLyag issued server command: /warp ad [09:03:29] GorbatiyLyag issued server command: /warp 5 [09:03:29] Flerion issued server command: /warp 45 [09:03:29] Flerion умер (ENTITY_ATTACK) [09:03:32] Flerion issued server command: /we cui [09:03:35] Flerion issued server command: /we cui [09:03:37] GorbatiyLyag issued server command: /home [09:03:39] [L] MoRkBa_UA_: лол [09:03:43] [L] MoRkBa_UA_: XD [09:03:46] GorbatiyLyag issued server command: /warp 45 [09:03:46] GorbatiyLyag умер (ENTITY_ATTACK) [09:03:48] KicX issued server command: /home [09:03:49] GorbatiyLyag issued server command: /we cui [09:03:49] DeadWolfWar зашёл [09:03:49] [L] Flerion: бля он даже в шляпе и грулаке с 1 удара сливает [09:03:51] [L] Flerion: тп бля [09:03:51] DeadWolfWar issued server command: /we cui [09:03:52] GorbatiyLyag issued server command: /we cui [09:03:53] [L] Flerion: помоги [09:03:56] KicX issued server command: /heal [09:03:57] GorbatiyLyag issued server command: /warp list [09:04:00] [L] Flerion: вещи положи и тп [09:04:00] [L] MoRkBa_UA_: kz [09:04:06] [L] MoRkBa_UA_: ля [09:04:06] [L] Flerion: варп 45 [09:04:17] GorbatiyLyag issued server command: /msg 45 [09:04:20] MoRkBa_UA_ issued server command: /warp 45 [09:04:21] SvetlanaSvet issued server command: /warp word [09:04:21] GorbatiyLyag issued server command: /warp 45 [09:04:21] MoRkBa_UA_ умер (ENTITY_ATTACK) [09:04:22] GorbatiyLyag умер (ENTITY_ATTACK) [09:04:23] GorbatiyLyag issued server command: /we cui [09:04:23] MoRkBa_UA_ issued server command: /we cui [09:04:24] Flerion issued server command: /warp 45 [09:04:25] Flerion умер (ENTITY_ATTACK) [09:04:26] GorbatiyLyag issued server command: /we cui [09:04:27] Flerion issued server command: /we cui [09:04:30] GorbatiyLyag issued server command: /warp 45 [09:04:30] GorbatiyLyag умер (ENTITY_ATTACK) [09:04:32] MoRkBa_UA_ issued server command: /we cui [09:04:32] Flerion issued server command: /we cui [09:04:32] GorbatiyLyag issued server command: /we cui [09:04:35] GorbatiyLyag issued server command: /we cui [09:04:35] MoRkBa_UA_ issued server command: /warp 45 [09:04:35] MoRkBa_UA_ умер (ENTITY_ATTACK) [09:04:37] [L] Flerion: тоже слил? [09:04:37] MoRkBa_UA_ issued server command: /we cui [09:04:42] [L] GorbatiyLyag: не тп туда [09:04:45] [L] Flerion: и чо делать [09:04:45] MoRkBa_UA_ issued server command: /we cui [09:04:45] SvetlanaSvet issued server command: /warp world [09:04:48] [L] GorbatiyLyag: Я видел он отходил [09:04:49] SvetlanaSvet issued server command: /we cui [09:04:51] Mok1Cho issued server command: /warp pve [09:04:55] Mok1Cho issued server command: /we cui [09:04:57] [L] MoRkBa_UA_: а кто киляет? [09:05:02] [L] Flerion: свинозомби [09:05:04] [L] GorbatiyLyag: свинозомби [09:05:05] [L] MoRkBa_UA_: ясн [09:05:07] [L] GorbatiyLyag: с 1 удара [09:05:10] GorbatiyLyag issued server command: /warp 45 [09:05:10] GorbatiyLyag умер (ENTITY_ATTACK) [09:05:12] GorbatiyLyag issued server command: /we cui [09:05:14] Flerion issued server command: /warp 45 [09:05:14] Flerion умер (ENTITY_ATTACK) [09:05:14] ReMmiFast issued server command: /rtp [09:05:17] Flerion issued server command: /we cui [09:05:17] MoRkBa_UA_ issued server command: /warp 45 [09:05:17] MoRkBa_UA_ умер (ENTITY_ATTACK) [09:05:19] GorbatiyLyag issued server command: /we cui [09:05:20] MoRkBa_UA_ issued server command: /we cui [09:05:25] MoRkBa_UA_ issued server command: /we cui [09:05:26] Flerion issued server command: /we cui [09:05:38] GorbatiyLyag issued server command: /warp ad [09:05:40] [L] Flerion: бляяяяяяяяяяяяяяяяяяяяяяяяяяяяяяяяяя я же тебе скинул обсидиан [09:05:42] GorbatiyLyag issued server command: /warp list 2 [09:05:48] GorbatiyLyag issued server command: /warp list 3 [09:05:49] warves55 вышел [09:05:54] warvis вышел [09:05:55] ReMmiFast issued server command: /rtp [09:05:56] GorbatiyLyag issued server command: /warp list 4 [09:06:00] GorbatiyLyag issued server command: /warp list 5 [09:06:05] GorbatiyLyag issued server command: /warp nether [09:06:06] [L] Flerion: мы даже портал не можем построить [09:06:08] GorbatiyLyag issued server command: /we cui [09:06:09] Flerion issued server command: /warp 45 [09:06:09] Flerion умер (ENTITY_ATTACK) [09:06:12] Flerion issued server command: /we cui [09:06:14] warvis зашёл [09:06:15] warves55 зашёл [09:06:16] Flerion issued server command: /we cui [09:06:16] KicX issued server command: /home [09:06:16] warves55 issued server command: /we cui [09:06:17] warvis issued server command: /we cui [09:06:19] Flerion issued server command: /warp 45 [09:06:21] Flerion умер (ENTITY_ATTACK) [09:06:22] Flerion issued server command: /we cui [09:06:25] Flerion issued server command: /we cui [09:06:27] GorbatiyLyag issued server command: /warp 45 [09:06:27] GorbatiyLyag умер (ENTITY_ATTACK) [09:06:31] GorbatiyLyag issued server command: /we cui [09:06:31] [L] Flerion: а если тп и бить его [09:06:35] GorbatiyLyag issued server command: /warp 45 [09:06:35] GorbatiyLyag умер (ENTITY_ATTACK) [09:06:36] [L] Flerion: может сольём [09:06:37] KicX issued server command: /home [09:06:37] GorbatiyLyag issued server command: /we cui [09:06:38] Flerion issued server command: /warp 45 [09:06:38] ReMmiFast issued server command: /rtp [09:06:39] Flerion умер (ENTITY_ATTACK) [09:06:40] warves55 issued server command: /trade warvis [09:06:40] warves55 issued server command: /trade warvis [09:06:41] Flerion issued server command: /we cui [09:06:45] Flerion issued server command: /we cui [09:06:46] GorbatiyLyag issued server command: /we cui [09:06:51] [L] GorbatiyLyag: неа [09:06:52] [L] Flerion: когда тепаешься кликай мышью [09:07:00] [L] GorbatiyLyag: убивает сразу [09:07:00] [L] Flerion: может сможем его ударить [09:07:03] MoRkBa_UA_ issued server command: /warp 45 [09:07:03] MoRkBa_UA_ умер (ENTITY_ATTACK) [09:07:04] Flerion issued server command: /warp 45 [09:07:04] Flerion умер (ENTITY_ATTACK) [09:07:05] fresh123q issued server command: /kit eat [09:07:05] MoRkBa_UA_ issued server command: /we cui [09:07:07] Flerion issued server command: /we cui [09:07:08] warves55 issued server command: /rtp [09:07:10] zxcmonster228 зашёл [09:07:11] Mok1Cho issued server command: /home [09:07:11] Flerion issued server command: /we cui [09:07:12] [L] GorbatiyLyag: неполучится [09:07:12] MoRkBa_UA_ issued server command: /we cui [09:07:12] ReMmiFast issued server command: /tp SvetlanaSvet [09:07:14] zxcmonster228 issued server command: /we cui [09:07:14] [L] MoRkBa_UA_: сука [09:07:14] Mok1Cho issued server command: /we cui [09:07:16] [L] MoRkBa_UA_: я даун [09:07:19] warvis issued server command: /home [09:07:19] ReMmiFast issued server command: /tpr SvetlanaSvet [09:07:21] [L] MoRkBa_UA_: я с вещами тп [09:07:23] [L] GorbatiyLyag: когда только тп туда сразу убивает [09:07:25] [L] MoRkBa_UA_: я с вещами тп [09:07:25] [L] Flerion: может ещё есть порталлы [09:07:27] warvis issued server command: /rtp [09:07:27] MoRkBa_UA_ issued server command: /warp 45 [09:07:28] ReMmiFast issued server command: /tpa SvetlanaSvet [09:07:29] [L] Flerion: с какими [09:07:29] [L] GorbatiyLyag: естб [09:07:30] MoRkBa_UA_ issued server command: /we cui [09:07:30] MoRkBa_UA_ умер (ENTITY_ATTACK) [09:07:33] MoRkBa_UA_ issued server command: /we cui [09:07:34] [L] GorbatiyLyag: но далеко [09:07:36] [L] MoRkBa_UA_: почти [09:07:39] MoRkBa_UA_ issued server command: /warp 45 [09:07:39] MoRkBa_UA_ умер (ENTITY_ATTACK) [09:07:41] MoRkBa_UA_ issued server command: /we cui [09:07:43] MoRkBa_UA_ issued server command: /we cui [09:07:45] MoRkBa_UA_ issued server command: /warp 45 [09:07:46] zxcmonster228 issued server command: /voteday [09:07:46] MoRkBa_UA_ issued server command: /we cui [09:07:47] [L] Flerion: в 3 давайте тп [09:07:47] MoRkBa_UA_ умер (ENTITY_ATTACK) [09:07:48] SvetlanaSvet issued server command: /tpa ReMmiFast [09:07:51] Flerion issued server command: /warp 45 [09:07:51] Flerion умер (ENTITY_ATTACK) [09:07:51] MoRkBa_UA_ issued server command: /we cui [09:07:51] [L] GorbatiyLyag: там 3к метров до смерти [09:07:52] MoRkBa_UA_ issued server command: /warp 45 [09:07:52] MoRkBa_UA_ умер (ENTITY_ATTACK) [09:07:54] MoRkBa_UA_ issued server command: /we cui [09:07:54] Flerion issued server command: /we cui [09:07:54] GorbatiyLyag issued server command: /warp 45 [09:07:54] GorbatiyLyag умер (ENTITY_ATTACK) [09:07:56] zxcmonster228 issued server command: /voteday [09:07:56] GorbatiyLyag issued server command: /we cui [09:07:57] Flerion issued server command: /we cui [09:07:58] MoRkBa_UA_ issued server command: /we cui [09:07:59] GorbatiyLyag issued server command: /we cui [09:08:00] MoRkBa_UA_ issued server command: /warp 45 [09:08:00] MoRkBa_UA_ умер (ENTITY_ATTACK) [09:08:01] MoRkBa_UA_ issued server command: /we cui [09:08:02] Flerion issued server command: /warp 45 [09:08:02] Flerion умер (ENTITY_ATTACK) [09:08:05] Flerion issued server command: /we cui [09:08:06] MoRkBa_UA_ issued server command: /we cui [09:08:07] MoRkBa_UA_ issued server command: /warp 45 [09:08:08] MoRkBa_UA_ умер (ENTITY_ATTACK) [09:08:08] GorbatiyLyag issued server command: /warp 45 [09:08:08] Flerion issued server command: /we cui [09:08:09] GorbatiyLyag умер (ENTITY_ATTACK) [09:08:09] MoRkBa_UA_ issued server command: /we cui [09:08:10] GorbatiyLyag issued server command: /we cui [09:08:10] Flerion issued server command: /warp 45 [09:08:10] Flerion умер (ENTITY_ATTACK) [09:08:13] Flerion issued server command: /we cui [09:08:13] MoRkBa_UA_ issued server command: /we cui [09:08:14] GorbatiyLyag issued server command: /we cui [09:08:16] MoRkBa_UA_ issued server command: /warp 45 [09:08:16] MoRkBa_UA_ умер (ENTITY_ATTACK) [09:08:17] SvetlanaSvet issued server command: /rtp [09:08:18] Flerion issued server command: /we cui [09:08:18] MoRkBa_UA_ issued server command: /we cui [09:08:18] GorbatiyLyag issued server command: /arp nether [09:08:20] Flerion issued server command: /warp 45 [09:08:20] Flerion умер (ENTITY_ATTACK) [09:08:22] MoRkBa_UA_ issued server command: /we cui [09:08:22] Flerion issued server command: /we cui [09:08:23] GorbatiyLyag issued server command: /warp nether [09:08:23] SvetlanaSvet issued server command: /tpa ReMmiFast [09:08:25] GorbatiyLyag issued server command: /we cui [09:08:26] Flerion issued server command: /we cui [09:08:27] [L] MoRkBa_UA_: и че делать [09:08:32] [L] Flerion: тп на другой варп [09:08:34] [L] Flerion: и бежать [09:08:37] MoRkBa_UA_ issued server command: /warp 45 [09:08:38] MoRkBa_UA_ умер (ENTITY_ATTACK) [09:08:38] [L] Flerion: тут вроде нет очистки [09:08:39] MoRkBa_UA_ issued server command: /we cui [09:08:40] ReMmiFast issued server command: /tpaccept [09:08:45] MoRkBa_UA_ issued server command: /we cui [09:08:46] Flerion issued server command: /r какие ещё есть варпы [09:08:52] MoRkBa_UA_ issued server command: /warp list [09:08:54] [L] Flerion: какие тут ещё есть варпы [09:08:57] MoRkBa_UA_ issued server command: /warp 5 [09:09:02] MoRkBa_UA_ issued server command: /warp 69 [09:09:03] [L] warves55: где порталы [09:09:15] MoRkBa_UA_ issued server command: /warp ad [09:09:16] [G] warves55: !есть варп с порталами [09:09:17] ReMmiFast issued server command: /kit [09:09:19] MoRkBa_UA_ issued server command: /warp ad [09:09:23] ReMmiFast issued server command: /kit eat [09:09:24] MoRkBa_UA_ issued server command: /warp list [09:09:27] MoRkBa_UA_ issued server command: /warp 45 [09:09:27] [G] Mok1Cho: !./warp portal [09:09:28] MoRkBa_UA_ issued server command: /we cui [09:09:32] [G] warves55: !спс [09:09:35] GorbatiyLyag issued server command: /warp portal [09:09:37] GorbatiyLyag issued server command: /we cui [09:09:39] MoRkBa_UA_ умер (FALL) [09:09:40] Mok1Cho issued server command: /r ну что? когда трейд кидать? [09:09:44] MoRkBa_UA_ issued server command: /we cui [09:09:45] MoRkBa_UA_ issued server command: /warp 45 [09:09:47] MoRkBa_UA_ issued server command: /we cui [09:09:49] warves55 issued server command: /рщьу [09:09:51] GorbatiyLyag issued server command: /we cui [09:09:52] warves55 issued server command: /рщьу [09:09:54] warves55 issued server command: /home [09:10:05] MoRkBa_UA_ умер (FIRE_TICK) [09:10:09] MoRkBa_UA_ issued server command: /we cui [09:10:12] [L] MoRkBa_UA_: почти [09:10:16] [L] MoRkBa_UA_: отогнал [09:10:18] [L] MoRkBa_UA_: тп [09:10:20] MoRkBa_UA_ issued server command: /warp 45 [09:10:22] MoRkBa_UA_ issued server command: /we cui [09:10:27] kirill_ER5 issued server command: /kit start [09:10:38] Stroof4 issued server command: /home [09:10:45] MoRkBa_UA_ issued server command: /home [09:10:47] MoRkBa_UA_ issued server command: /we cui [09:10:52] [G] Mok1Cho: !у кого ихор открит? [09:10:52] warvis issued server command: /rtp [09:10:53] GorbatiyLyag issued server command: /warp 45 [09:10:56] [L] MoRkBa_UA_: ЗАБРАЛ [09:10:59] [G] Mok1Cho: !вигодное дело есть [09:11:03] [G] Stroof4: !я тебе говорю погоди малёх [09:11:12] GorbatiyLyag умер (ENTITY_ATTACK) [09:11:12] [G] Mok1Cho: !да скоко ждать? [09:11:15] GorbatiyLyag issued server command: /we cui [09:11:16] [L] MoRkBa_UA_: я забрал [09:11:19] GorbatiyLyag issued server command: /warp 45 [09:11:21] GorbatiyLyag issued server command: /we cui [09:11:22] [G] Stroof4: !и 5 мин не прошло [09:11:28] Mok1Cho issued server command: /clan invite Stroof4 [09:11:30] MoRkBa_UA_ issued server command: /warp 45 [09:11:32] MoRkBa_UA_ issued server command: /we cui [09:11:34] ReMmiFast issued server command: /rtp [09:11:39] [G] zxcmonster228: !я могу щас [09:11:49] [G] zxcmonster228: !моментально [09:11:53] Mok1Cho issued server command: /w zxcmonster228 можеш? [09:12:00] Mok1Cho issued server command: /w zxcmonster228 тогда кидаю трейд [09:12:02] [G] Stroof4: !Действуй [09:12:03] [L] Flerion: забрал? [09:12:06] Mok1Cho issued server command: /trade zxcmonster228 [09:12:06] GorbatiyLyag умер (ENTITY_ATTACK) [09:12:09] GorbatiyLyag issued server command: /we cui [09:12:09] MoRkBa_UA_ issued server command: /home [09:12:11] warvis issued server command: /kit start [09:12:11] Flerion issued server command: /m mor ты где [09:12:12] MoRkBa_UA_ issued server command: /we cui [09:12:12] GorbatiyLyag issued server command: /warp 45 [09:12:14] GorbatiyLyag issued server command: /we cui [09:12:14] Flerion issued server command: /m mor забрал? [09:12:19] [L] MoRkBa_UA_: я свои ресси забрал [09:12:22] zxcmonster228 issued server command: /trade accept [09:12:23] warvis issued server command: /home [09:12:24] SvetlanaSvet issued server command: /tpa ReMmiFast [09:12:25] [L] MoRkBa_UA_: и немного [09:12:26] ReMmiFast issued server command: /tpaccept [09:12:26] RTXGames123lol умер (ENTITY_ATTACK) [09:12:26] [L] Flerion: он ушёл? [09:12:28] RTXGames123lol issued server command: /we cui [09:12:28] [L] MoRkBa_UA_: да [09:12:31] Flerion issued server command: /warp 45 [09:12:34] Flerion issued server command: /we cui [09:12:37] MoRkBa_UA_ issued server command: /warp 45 [09:12:39] MoRkBa_UA_ issued server command: /we cui [09:12:46] RTXGames123lol issued server command: /home [09:12:48] [L] Flerion: о ты [09:12:50] MoRkBa_UA_ умер (ENTITY_ATTACK) [09:12:53] [G] zxcmonster228: !тебе 27 нада [09:12:54] MoRkBa_UA_ issued server command: /we cui [09:12:55] RTXGames123lol умер (ENTITY_ATTACK) [09:12:55] MoRkBa_UA_ issued server command: /warp 45 [09:12:57] RTXGames123lol issued server command: /we cui [09:12:57] Mok1Cho issued server command: /r я тебе кидаю предмети ти переделаешь [09:12:57] MoRkBa_UA_ issued server command: /we cui [09:12:59] GorbatiyLyag умер (ENTITY_ATTACK) [09:13:03] GorbatiyLyag issued server command: /we cui [09:13:06] GorbatiyLyag issued server command: /warp 45 [09:13:08] Flerion умер (PROJECTILE) [09:13:08] GorbatiyLyag issued server command: /we cui [09:13:09] MoRkBa_UA_ умер (ENTITY_ATTACK) [09:13:10] Mok1Cho issued server command: /r именно ихорий [09:13:11] zxcmonster228 issued server command: /r f cjhb?'nj yt rj vyt [09:13:11] Flerion issued server command: /we cui [09:13:13] MoRkBa_UA_ issued server command: /we cui [09:13:14] MoRkBa_UA_ issued server command: /warp 45 [09:13:14] MoRkBa_UA_ issued server command: /we cui [09:13:18] GorbatiyLyag умер (ENTITY_ATTACK) [09:13:21] GorbatiyLyag issued server command: /we cui [09:13:23] zxcmonster228 issued server command: /r а сори я перепутал,это не ко мнеъ [09:13:26] GorbatiyLyag issued server command: /warp 45 [09:13:28] GorbatiyLyag issued server command: /we cui [09:13:38] Mok1Cho issued server command: /r ок [09:13:40] MoRkBa_UA_ issued server command: /home [09:13:42] MoRkBa_UA_ issued server command: /we cui [09:13:45] GorbatiyLyag умер (ENTITY_ATTACK) [09:13:47] Mok1Cho issued server command: /w Stroof4 он отказался( [09:13:48] GorbatiyLyag issued server command: /we cui [09:13:50] [L] MoRkBa_UA_: забрал и ваши ресси [09:13:55] Mok1Cho issued server command: /w Stroof4 ну переделай по бирику [09:13:55] [L] GorbatiyLyag: Круто [09:14:08] fresh123q issued server command: /WARP case [09:14:11] Stroof4 issued server command: /TELL Mok1Cho СЕЙЧАС МОЙ КЕНТ ПРИЙДЕТ все будет [09:14:12] fresh123q issued server command: /we cui [09:14:15] [L] GorbatiyLyag: спс [09:14:19] RTXGames123lol issued server command: /warp case [09:14:21] RTXGames123lol issued server command: /we cui [09:14:21] [L] MoRkBa_UA_: нез [09:14:35] [L] Flerion: а мои ресы [09:14:39] Mok1Cho issued server command: /r за ето время я уже 16 пб блоков зделал блин [09:14:40] [L] Flerion: где мои [09:14:45] [L] Flerion: я сдох возле лчиа [09:14:46] [L] Flerion: я сдох возле лича [09:14:47] RTXGames123lol issued server command: /home [09:14:48] RTXGames123lol issued server command: /we cui [09:14:50] [L] Flerion: я сдох возле лихача [09:14:53] Stroof4 issued server command: /tell Mok1Cho ну сории [09:14:54] [L] Flerion: уебите его у него 20 хп [09:14:55] [L] GorbatiyLyag: Я там не был [09:14:59] [L] MoRkBa_UA_: я забрал ресси [09:14:59] [L] Flerion: я бил его [09:15:06] [L] Flerion: я сдох возле него [09:15:07] fresh123q issued server command: /home [09:15:09] Mok1Cho issued server command: /r просто оч надо() [09:15:09] [L] MoRkBa_UA_: бля [09:15:10] fresh123q issued server command: /we cui [09:15:12] Stroof4 issued server command: /tell Mok1Cho чо их делать то у меня автокрафт [09:15:14] [L] MoRkBa_UA_: я забрал вещи [09:15:15] [L] Flerion: дайте мне шляпу и меч я уебу его [09:15:20] Mok1Cho issued server command: /r у меня тоже [09:15:21] [L] Flerion: я сожх далеко [09:15:26] [L] Flerion: у тебя есть тауономикон таумометр [09:15:30] Mok1Cho issued server command: /r но хз не делаеться почемутоц [09:15:36] Stroof4 issued server command: /tell Mok1Cho ну вот ну рил кент я не могу ща кент зайдет [09:15:37] Marmelad_e зашёл [09:15:37] [L] MoRkBa_UA_: не я все одал ему [09:15:44] valera_zakon зашёл [09:15:45] valera_zakon issued server command: /we cui [09:15:47] [L] Flerion: тп на варп [09:15:48] [G] fresh123q: !куплю кожу [09:15:49] Stroof4 issued server command: /tell Mok1Cho тебе конкретно чо надо [09:15:50] Flerion issued server command: /warp 45 [09:15:50] Flerion issued server command: /we cui [09:15:50] RTXGames123lol issued server command: /rtp [09:15:52] GorbatiyLyag issued server command: /warp 45 [09:15:55] GorbatiyLyag issued server command: /we cui [09:15:55] [L] MoRkBa_UA_: нахера [09:15:57] Marmelad_e issued server command: /we cui [09:15:58] [L] Flerion: помоги слить [09:15:59] [L] MoRkBa_UA_: я все забрал [09:16:00] [L] Flerion: его [09:16:00] Mok1Cho issued server command: /r ихорий [09:16:02] [L] GorbatiyLyag: пошли [09:16:08] [L] MoRkBa_UA_: и дал гору [09:16:18] Flerion умер (ENTITY_ATTACK) [09:16:22] Flerion issued server command: /we cui [09:16:26] Flerion issued server command: /warp 45 [09:16:28] Flerion issued server command: /we cui [09:16:30] RTXGames123lol issued server command: /rtp [09:16:41] [L] Flerion: еее [09:16:45] [L] Flerion: мы убили этого пидара [09:16:51] RTXGames123lol issued server command: /rtp [09:16:51] [L] GorbatiyLyag: Лихач [09:16:53] [L] GorbatiyLyag: Вон [09:16:55] [L] Flerion: небесная кара [09:17:10] [L] GorbatiyLyag: забирай [09:17:25] GorbatiyLyag issued server command: /home [09:17:26] [L] Flerion: оно чо сгорело [09:17:26] GorbatiyLyag issued server command: /we cui [09:17:28] Stroof4 issued server command: /tell Mok1Cho напши vihni [09:17:34] Flerion умер (FIRE) [09:17:39] Flerion issued server command: /we cui [09:17:41] Stroof4 issued server command: /tell Mok1Cho он уже грузиться [09:17:44] fresh123q issued server command: /rtp [09:17:56] [L] GorbatiyLyag: забраЛ? [09:17:58] [L] Flerion: нет [09:17:59] [L] Flerion: песок слил [09:18:04] [L] GorbatiyLyag: плохо [09:18:07] [L] Flerion: го ещё тп [09:18:09] GorbatiyLyag issued server command: /warp 45 [09:18:10] Flerion issued server command: /warp 45 [09:18:12] GorbatiyLyag issued server command: /we cui [09:18:13] Flerion issued server command: /we cui [09:18:14] Mok1Cho вышел [09:18:18] GorbatiyLyag умер (FIRE) [09:18:21] GorbatiyLyag issued server command: /we cui [09:18:23] RTXGames123lol issued server command: /rtp [09:18:23] Mok1Cho зашёл [09:18:24] vihni зашёл [09:18:27] GorbatiyLyag issued server command: /warp 45 [09:18:27] Mok1Cho issued server command: /we cui [09:18:28] fresh123q issued server command: /rtp [09:18:29] GorbatiyLyag issued server command: /we cui [09:18:33] vihni issued server command: /we cui [09:18:43] [L] Flerion: тут нету очистки [09:18:48] valera_zakon issued server command: /warp end [09:18:49] [L] Flerion: тп в дом [09:18:51] Flerion issued server command: /home [09:18:51] valera_zakon issued server command: /warp 69 [09:18:52] [L] GorbatiyLyag: отдай [09:18:54] GorbatiyLyag issued server command: /home [09:18:54] Flerion issued server command: /we cui [09:18:55] GorbatiyLyag issued server command: /we cui [09:18:58] [L] Flerion: нп [09:19:00] [L] Flerion: на [09:19:03] [L] Flerion: и пошои [09:19:04] JuliaMag зашёл [09:19:08] fresh123q issued server command: /rtp [09:19:11] Mok1Cho issued server command: /w vihni привет [09:19:12] JuliaMag issued server command: /we cui [09:19:12] ReMmiFast issued server command: /set home [09:19:14] zxcmonster228 issued server command: /voteday [09:19:17] kirill_ER5 issued server command: /yes [09:19:18] ReMmiFast issued server command: /sethome [09:19:19] Stroof4 issued server command: /yes [09:19:20] GorbatiyLyag issued server command: /yes [09:19:22] JuliaMag issued server command: /yes [09:19:28] fresh123q issued server command: /rtp [09:19:28] Mok1Cho issued server command: /r переделай ихор в ихорий пж заплачу 50 емц [09:19:30] [G] fresh123q: !куплю кожу [09:19:32] valera_zakon issued server command: /warp world [09:19:35] ReMmiFast issued server command: /home invite SvetlanaSvet [09:19:38] valera_zakon issued server command: /we cui [09:19:38] Mok1Cho issued server command: /money vihni [09:19:40] Flerion issued server command: /warp 45 [09:19:42] Flerion issued server command: /we cui [09:19:50] [L] GorbatiyLyag: я ща [09:20:15] Stroof4 issued server command: /home [09:20:29] Flerion issued server command: /r адская собака [09:20:30] vihni issued server command: / tll Mok1Cho привет [09:20:38] [L] Stroof4: Ю/TELL [09:20:40] fresh123q issued server command: /rtp [09:20:41] RTXGames123lol issued server command: /rtp [09:20:42] vihni issued server command: /m Mok1Cho привет [09:20:43] [L] Stroof4: ./tell [09:20:45] Mok1Cho issued server command: /r переделай ихор в ихорий пж заплачу 50 емц [09:20:47] MoRkBa_UA_ issued server command: /m Flerion и [09:20:53] Flerion issued server command: /m gor адская собака [09:20:54] Mok1Cho issued server command: /trade vihni [09:20:57] Flerion issued server command: /r нету их бля [09:21:04] GorbatiyLyag issued server command: /msg Flerion вещей7 [09:21:07] Flerion issued server command: /r тп [09:21:11] MoRkBa_UA_ issued server command: /tpa Flerion [09:21:13] GorbatiyLyag issued server command: /tpa Flerion [09:21:16] Flerion issued server command: /r я токо которые недавние подобрал [09:21:19] Flerion issued server command: /tpaccept [09:21:21] GorbatiyLyag issued server command: /we cui [09:21:28] vihni issued server command: /trade accept [09:21:31] Mok1Cho issued server command: /r зделаешь? [09:21:32] [L] Flerion: бля нет [09:21:32] fresh123q issued server command: /rtp [09:21:34] [L] Flerion: бля нету [09:21:36] [L] Flerion: на [09:21:36] Mok1Cho issued server command: /trade vihni [09:21:46] vihni issued server command: /m Mok1Cho количество ? какое [09:21:48] [L] Flerion: это что тут нашёл [09:21:49] vihni issued server command: /home [09:21:52] [L] Flerion: дай еды [09:21:57] vihni issued server command: /trade accept [09:21:59] fresh123q issued server command: /rtp [09:22:01] warvis issued server command: /rtp [09:22:04] RTXGames123lol issued server command: /rtp [09:22:09] [L] Flerion: есть тауномикон? [09:22:11] [G] fresh123q: !куплю кожу [09:22:11] [L] GorbatiyLyag: неа [09:22:22] Mok1Cho issued server command: /r на весь ихор [09:22:25] ReMmiFast issued server command: /rg claim Romka [09:22:29] Marmelad_e вышел [09:22:29] RTXGames123lol issued server command: /momey [09:22:32] [L] Flerion: ёбаный аж [09:22:33] [L] GorbatiyLyag: ААААААААААААААААА [09:22:36] RTXGames123lol issued server command: /memoy [09:22:37] Marmelad_e зашёл [09:22:38] valera_zakon issued server command: /warp ez [09:22:39] valera_zakon issued server command: /we cui [09:22:40] zxcmonster228 issued server command: /m fresh123q скок и за что [09:22:40] Marmelad_e issued server command: /we cui [09:22:44] RTXGames123lol issued server command: /nomey [09:22:44] ReMmiFast issued server command: /sel [09:22:48] ReMmiFast issued server command: /sell [09:22:59] ReMmiFast issued server command: //sel [09:23:07] RTXGames123lol issued server command: /nomey [09:23:10] RTXGames123lol issued server command: /rtp [09:23:11] fresh123q issued server command: /m zxcmonster228 4 ну хз [09:23:13] KicX issued server command: /home [09:23:14] Flerion issued server command: /home [09:23:17] vihni issued server command: /traid Mok1Cho [09:23:17] Flerion issued server command: /we cui [09:23:26] GorbatiyLyag issued server command: /home [09:23:27] GorbatiyLyag issued server command: /we cui [09:23:29] [L] Stroof4: ./TRADE [09:23:40] vihni issued server command: /tradi Mok1Cho [09:23:41] ReMmiFast issued server command: /rg addmember Romka SvetlanaSvet [09:23:45] RTXGames123lol вышел [09:23:48] fresh123q issued server command: /m zxcmonster228 ну давай за эмы [09:23:52] vihni issued server command: /tradi Mok1Cho [09:24:01] Lasx зашёл [09:24:03] warvis issued server command: /rtp [09:24:14] Lasx issued server command: /we cui [09:24:17] vihni issued server command: /m Mok1Cho тп ко мне [09:24:17] warvis issued server command: /home [09:24:17] [L] GorbatiyLyag: есть семена подснежника артишока водного мандрагорры и беладонны? [09:24:23] [G] valera_zakon: !куплю уголь [09:24:26] Mok1Cho issued server command: /tpa vihni [09:24:29] vihni issued server command: /tpaccept [09:24:41] vihni issued server command: /trade Mok1Cho [09:24:41] vihni issued server command: /trade Mok1Cho [09:24:41] vihni issued server command: /trade Mok1Cho [09:24:41] vihni issued server command: /trade Mok1Cho [09:24:42] kitsqwer зашёл [09:24:47] vihni issued server command: /trade Mok1Cho [09:24:47] vihni issued server command: /trade Mok1Cho [09:24:48] Mok1Cho issued server command: /trade cancel [09:24:49] Mok1Cho issued server command: /trade cancel [09:24:52] warvis умер (FALL) [09:24:52] fresh123q issued server command: /m zxcmonster228 ау за что продашь [09:24:53] kitsqwer issued server command: /we cui [09:24:53] warvis issued server command: /we cui [09:24:55] vihni issued server command: /trade Mok1Cho [09:24:58] [L] Stroof4: ./TRADE Mok1Cho [09:24:59] Mok1Cho issued server command: /trade accept [09:25:02] vihni issued server command: /trade Mok1Cho [09:25:04] Mok1Cho issued server command: /trade accept [09:25:05] [L] MoRkBa_UA_: стой [09:25:17] [L] MoRkBa_UA_: ти куда [09:25:20] [L] vihni: 50 м [09:25:22] [L] GorbatiyLyag: за семенами [09:25:22] [L] Mok1Cho: а [09:25:24] [L] Mok1Cho: ок [09:25:25] vihni issued server command: /trade Mok1Cho [09:25:26] [L] MoRkBa_UA_: ок [09:25:27] Mok1Cho issued server command: /trade accept [09:25:37] kitsqwer issued server command: /рщьу [09:25:41] kitsqwer issued server command: /home [09:25:41] [L] vihni: спс [09:25:43] [L] Mok1Cho: спс [09:25:46] [L] vihni: оброщайся [09:25:56] [L] Mok1Cho: у тебя есть кристлалл босса? [09:26:04] [L] Mok1Cho: такой [09:26:05] [G] fresh123q: !куплю кожу [09:26:13] RTXGames123lol зашёл [09:26:17] RTXGames123lol issued server command: /we cui [09:26:20] zxcmonster228 issued server command: /m fresh123q заэмы могу [09:26:21] [L] vihni: не нету [09:26:25] [L] Mok1Cho: ок [09:26:27] Mok1Cho issued server command: /home [09:26:33] fresh123q issued server command: /m zxcmonster228 за скок? [09:26:34] [L] Flerion: z nen [09:26:37] [L] Flerion: я тут [09:26:40] Flerion issued server command: /r ты где [09:26:40] [L] MoRkBa_UA_: угу [09:26:45] zxcmonster228 issued server command: /m fresh123q тебе 4 кожи надо? [09:26:48] __KotuKen зашёл [09:26:49] GorbatiyLyag issued server command: /msg Flerion семена добываюц [09:26:52] fresh123q issued server command: /m zxcmonster228 + [09:27:04] zxcmonster228 issued server command: /m fresh123q 4 эма [09:27:07] [L] Flerion: я добыл книгу [09:27:11] [L] MoRkBa_UA_: угу [09:27:11] [L] Flerion: на небесную кару 1 [09:27:15] __KotuKen issued server command: /we cui [09:27:15] fresh123q issued server command: /trade zxcmonster228 [09:27:17] Marmelad_e issued server command: /mpcaseshop [09:27:20] Marmelad_e issued server command: /mpcaseview 1 [09:27:38] fresh123q issued server command: /m zxcmonster228 принимай трейд [09:27:39] zxcmonster228 issued server command: /trade cancel [09:27:41] zxcmonster228 issued server command: /trade accept [09:27:42] [L] Flerion: сделай мультиинструмент мне пж [09:27:42] [L] MoRkBa_UA_: найди мне гевею [09:27:46] zxcmonster228 issued server command: /m fresh123q кинь [09:27:47] warves55 issued server command: /trade warvis [09:27:52] fresh123q issued server command: /trade zxcmonster228 [09:27:56] zxcmonster228 issued server command: /trade accept [09:28:12] kirill_ER5 issued server command: /warp [09:28:14] [G] Mok1Cho: !как очень бистро переделать eu в rf? [09:28:22] GorbatiyLyag issued server command: /rtp [09:28:23] fresh123q issued server command: /trade zxcmonster228 [09:28:29] zxcmonster228 issued server command: /trade accept [09:28:30] [G] Mok1Cho: !а то есть 3 квг а рф мало( [09:28:31] Stroof4 issued server command: /home [09:28:32] kirill_ER5 issued server command: /warp help [09:28:33] [G] __KotuKen: !силовой конвентор [09:28:45] [G] JuliaMag: !ред нет провод прямо в выход мфэ [09:28:50] Marmelad_e issued server command: /kit [09:28:51] [G] JuliaMag: !:D [09:28:51] fresh123q issued server command: /home [09:28:51] [G] Mok1Cho: !ок [09:28:52] kirill_ER5 issued server command: /warp lean [09:29:00] Marmelad_e issued server command: /kit res [09:29:00] kirill_ER5 issued server command: /warp shop [09:29:01] kirill_ER5 issued server command: /we cui [09:29:07] GorbatiyLyag issued server command: /home [09:29:12] Marmelad_e issued server command: /enderchest [09:29:14] Flerion issued server command: /m mor сделай мультинструмент мне [09:29:14] S3RL зашёл [09:29:16] warves55 issued server command: /kit eat [09:29:19] warves55 умер (SUFFOCATION) [09:29:20] warves55 issued server command: /we cui [09:29:24] S3RL issued server command: /we cui [09:29:27] [L] GorbatiyLyag: кости есть? [09:29:28] Flerion issued server command: /r ты когда горвишь подобрла ресы наши ты подобрал алмазные инструменты [09:29:30] MoRkBa_UA_ issued server command: /m Flerion а ти найди мне пару гевей [09:29:31] [L] Flerion: неа [09:29:31] warves55 issued server command: /tpa warvis [09:29:35] [L] GorbatiyLyag: блин [09:29:40] Flerion issued server command: /rtp [09:29:45] GorbatiyLyag issued server command: /warp list 2 [09:29:49] GorbatiyLyag issued server command: /warp portal [09:29:50] [L] __KotuKen: ой блять [09:29:50] warvis issued server command: /tpaccept [09:29:52] [L] __KotuKen: ты надоел [09:29:52] GorbatiyLyag issued server command: /we cui [09:29:54] [L] __KotuKen: я обосрался [09:30:01] Marmelad_e issued server command: /enderchest [09:30:05] [L] __KotuKen: етоже инфаркт можно получить [09:30:08] [L] __KotuKen: я посмотрел вверх [09:30:09] Flerion issued server command: /kit start [09:30:11] [L] __KotuKen: вижу что-то стоит [09:30:11] Flerion issued server command: /home [09:30:11] GorbatiyLyag issued server command: /we cui [09:30:12] kirill_ER5 issued server command: /home [09:30:14] kirill_ER5 issued server command: /we cui [09:30:15] [L] __KotuKen: оно движется [09:30:16] [L] __KotuKen: никане вижу [09:30:24] [L] __KotuKen: я обосрался [09:30:27] Flerion issued server command: /r скрафть мультиинструмент [09:30:35] Marmelad_e issued server command: /enderchest [09:30:37] fresh123q issued server command: /home [09:30:37] MoRkBa_UA_ issued server command: /m Flerion ок блять [09:30:45] MoRkBa_UA_ issued server command: /m Flerion найди мне гевею [09:30:47] [G] Mok1Cho: !шото не работаетц [09:30:51] Flerion issued server command: /m gor скрафть мультиинструмент [09:30:51] [G] kirill_ER5: !какие есть варпы [09:30:56] Marmelad_e issued server command: /kit [09:30:56] [G] JuliaMag: !энергетический [09:31:03] Flerion issued server command: /m mor её не найдёшь [09:31:07] Flerion issued server command: /rtp [09:31:08] Marmelad_e issued server command: /kit extratools [09:31:16] zxcmonster228 issued server command: /voteday [09:31:18] Marmelad_e issued server command: /kit ultranano [09:31:19] __KotuKen issued server command: /yes [09:31:19] RTXGames123lol issued server command: /yes [09:31:19] kirill_ER5 issued server command: /yes [09:31:20] Lasx issued server command: /yes [09:31:20] kitsqwer issued server command: /yes [09:31:21] JuliaMag issued server command: /yes [09:31:21] MoRkBa_UA_ issued server command: /m Flerion кто тебе такое сказал? [09:31:24] [L] __KotuKen: Антом [09:31:25] [L] __KotuKen: Антон* [09:31:26] fresh123q issued server command: /yes [09:31:26] fresh123q issued server command: /yes [09:31:26] valera_zakon issued server command: /yes [09:31:31] Flerion issued server command: /r она не дикая [09:31:32] [L] S3RL: sho [09:31:34] Lasx issued server command: /home Luas [09:31:37] valera_zakon issued server command: /home and [09:31:40] [L] __KotuKen: ты донатил? [09:31:45] MoRkBa_UA_ issued server command: /m Flerion ЕТО САЖЕНЕЦ [09:31:46] [G] zxcmonster228: !скок меч бури стоит? [09:31:49] Flerion issued server command: /home [09:31:50] Mok1Cho issued server command: /home [09:32:06] GorbatiyLyag вышел [09:32:18] Flerion issued server command: /m gor еда нужна [09:32:21] Flerion issued server command: /kit eat [09:32:25] [L] S3RL: 4e [09:32:31] [L] __KotuKen: неа [09:32:34] [L] __KotuKen: не так спросил [09:32:34] valera_zakon issued server command: /warp ez [09:32:39] [L] __KotuKen: тебе выпадал хаос ядро [09:32:43] [L] S3RL: ne [09:32:46] [L] __KotuKen: да бл [09:32:52] S3RL issued server command: /mpcaseshop [09:32:53] S3RL issued server command: /mpcaseview 6 [09:32:57] [L] __KotuKen: его крафтить [09:33:01] [L] __KotuKen: серовно что подтвердить [09:33:07] RTXGames123lol issued server command: /home [09:33:09] Stroof4 issued server command: /home [09:33:11] [L] __KotuKen: 24 часа челендж копаю драконий [09:33:15] valera_zakon issued server command: /we cui [09:33:31] Mok1Cho issued server command: /home [09:33:41] Flerion issued server command: /r отдай мне рупий [09:33:46] Flerion issued server command: /r я сам скрафчу [09:33:48] [G] Mok1Cho: !продам граик [09:33:52] fresh123q вышел [09:33:52] [G] Mok1Cho: !гравик* [09:33:58] MoRkBa_UA_ issued server command: /m Flerion тебе не хватит [09:33:59] [G] Stroof4: !цена [09:34:03] Lasx issued server command: /home Luas [09:34:03] Flerion issued server command: /r отдай [09:34:05] Flerion issued server command: /r рупий [09:34:10] Flerion issued server command: /call mor [09:34:12] [G] Mok1Cho: !какая минка у него? [09:34:14] MoRkBa_UA_ issued server command: /m Flerion ну в сундуке [09:34:18] zxcmonster228 issued server command: /warp abyss [09:34:18] Mok1Cho issued server command: /home [09:34:22] kirill_ER5 issued server command: /home [09:34:23] MoRkBa_UA_ issued server command: /m Flerion у меня нету [09:34:24] mrggame зашёл [09:34:27] [L] __KotuKen: как дела анто [09:34:27] [L] __KotuKen: н [09:34:34] mrggame issued server command: /we cui [09:34:55] Lexamon зашёл [09:35:06] Lexamon issued server command: /we cui [09:35:12] [G] Mok1Cho: !не red net кабель медленноц [09:35:17] zxcmonster228 issued server command: /home [09:35:28] Lasx issued server command: /warp pve [09:35:30] Lasx issued server command: /we cui [09:35:35] [G] __KotuKen: !панелей [09:35:38] [G] __KotuKen: !много [09:35:41] warvis умер (LAVA) [09:35:43] [G] __KotuKen: !5 лвл поставь [09:35:45] warvis issued server command: /we cui [09:35:47] [G] Mok1Cho: !и так много [09:35:49] [G] __KotuKen: !рф полетит [09:35:52] [G] Mok1Cho: !стоит 5 [09:35:57] Flerion issued server command: /call mor [09:35:57] [G] Mok1Cho: !но мне бистрее надоц [09:36:02] [G] __KotuKen: !неа типо [09:36:03] MoRkBa_UA_ issued server command: /tpyes [09:36:06] S3RL issued server command: /mpcaseshop [09:36:07] S3RL issued server command: /mpcaseview 6 [09:36:08] [G] __KotuKen: !с термала вроде [09:36:08] S3RL issued server command: /rollcase 6 [09:36:08] [L] Flerion: нужна поомщь [09:36:10] [L] Flerion: на [09:36:13] [L] __KotuKen: покажи скин [09:36:17] [G] Mok1Cho: !ну я с термала и поставил [09:36:20] S3RL issued server command: /mpcaseview 6 [09:36:21] [G] JuliaMag: !3449:13 [09:36:23] [L] Flerion: квест выполнился? [09:36:25] [G] __KotuKen: !а ну тогда не знаю [09:36:27] warvis issued server command: /tpa warves55 [09:36:27] [L] Flerion: отдай [09:36:28] [L] __KotuKen: -. = [09:36:30] warves55 issued server command: /tpaccept [09:36:31] [G] JuliaMag: !скрафти это [09:36:32] [L] __KotuKen: дядь ты чо [09:36:32] [L] S3RL: осколок нада [09:36:36] [L] Flerion: и выполни квест тауномико [09:36:37] [L] S3RL: .сфке пгш [09:36:38] [L] Flerion: и выполни квест тауномикон [09:36:41] S3RL issued server command: /cart gui [09:36:48] S3RL вышел [09:36:51] Lexamon issued server command: /kit start [09:36:51] [L] __KotuKen: окуратно [09:36:54] [G] Mok1Cho: !ок [09:37:01] RTXGames123lol issued server command: /kit [09:37:04] [L] Flerion: выполни квест тауномикон [09:37:09] RTXGames123lol issued server command: /kit Top [09:37:13] Lexamon issued server command: /kit eat [09:37:14] [L] MoRkBa_UA_: ДА БЛЯТЬ ВИПОЛНИВ [09:37:16] Lexamon issued server command: /kits [09:37:18] [L] Flerion: отдай [09:37:21] Lexamon issued server command: /kit top [09:37:22] [L] MoRkBa_UA_: шо [09:37:22] [L] Flerion: тауномикон [09:37:25] RTXGames123lol issued server command: /kit start [09:37:29] __KotuKen issued server command: /online [09:37:31] [L] MoRkBa_UA_: який блять [09:37:32] Lexamon issued server command: /warp nether [09:37:33] Lexamon issued server command: /we cui [09:37:37] [L] Flerion: сука тебе дали его [09:37:41] [L] MoRkBa_UA_: не [09:37:43] [L] MoRkBa_UA_: нихуя [09:37:45] [L] Flerion: да [09:37:50] [L] Flerion: стой [09:37:57] [L] Flerion: прими [09:38:01] [G] __KotuKen: !-. = [09:38:01] [L] Flerion: торговлю [09:38:03] Lasx issued server command: /home Luas [09:38:05] Lasx issued server command: /we cui [09:38:14] MoRkBa_UA_ issued server command: /trade Flerion [09:38:15] Stroof4 issued server command: /home [09:38:17] Flerion issued server command: /trade accept [09:38:21] GorbatiyLyag зашёл [09:38:24] GorbatiyLyag issued server command: /we cui [09:38:36] [L] Flerion: тебе сука дали тауномикон [09:38:41] [L] MoRkBa_UA_: НЕ [09:38:46] [L] Flerion: ты выполнил квест тауномикон? [09:38:48] [L] Flerion: сука [09:38:48] Marmelad_e issued server command: /warp list [09:38:50] [L] Flerion: зайди в квесты [09:38:54] Marmelad_e issued server command: /warp altar [09:38:57] Marmelad_e issued server command: /warp altar2 [09:38:58] [L] Flerion: видишь там тауномиконнаисован [09:39:03] Marmelad_e issued server command: /we cui [09:39:05] GorbatiyLyag issued server command: /msg Flerion я тут [09:39:11] Flerion issued server command: /r круто [09:39:19] [L] Flerion: всё [09:39:20] Lasx issued server command: /home Luas [09:39:21] GorbatiyLyag умер (ENTITY_ATTACK) [09:39:23] [L] Flerion: спс [09:39:24] GorbatiyLyag issued server command: /we cui [09:39:25] [L] Flerion: долбаёб [09:39:26] __KotuKen issued server command: /mods [09:39:27] Flerion issued server command: /home [09:39:28] GorbatiyLyag issued server command: /warp portal [09:39:29] __KotuKen issued server command: /online [09:39:30] GorbatiyLyag issued server command: /we cui [09:39:37] vihni issued server command: /call Stroof4 [09:39:38] GorbatiyLyag issued server command: /we cui [09:39:55] Stroof4 issued server command: /tpaccept [09:40:01] Flerion issued server command: /m gor я ресы делаю с себе с таума [09:40:10] GorbatiyLyag issued server command: /msg Flerion jr [09:40:12] Flerion issued server command: /m gor токо жезл теперь не зачаренный [09:40:13] Lasx issued server command: /home Luas [09:40:18] Flerion issued server command: /r бля я просрал таумометр [09:40:54] fresh123q зашёл [09:40:58] Lasx issued server command: /home Luas [09:41:02] mrggame issued server command: /warp [09:41:33] fresh123q issued server command: /we cui [09:41:41] Stroof4 issued server command: /home [09:41:47] Flerion issued server command: /r всё скрафтил [09:41:47] Stroof4 issued server command: /HOME VIHNI [09:42:14] zxcmonster228 issued server command: /voteday [09:42:18] GorbatiyLyag issued server command: /yes [09:42:18] JuliaMag issued server command: /yes [09:42:20] Lasx issued server command: /home Luas [09:42:20] kitsqwer issued server command: /yes [09:42:25] warvis issued server command: /tpa warves55 [09:42:31] warves55 issued server command: /tpaccept [09:42:48] Lasx issued server command: /yes [09:42:50] Lasx issued server command: /yes [09:42:51] Lasx issued server command: /yes [09:42:53] Flerion issued server command: /r я тебе дал пламменную нить посмотри зачем она нужна [09:43:01] GorbatiyLyag issued server command: /msg Flerion ща [09:43:08] GorbatiyLyag issued server command: /msg Flerion луки [09:43:12] Flerion issued server command: /r у тебя заряженный жезл? [09:43:17] ReMmiFast issued server command: /kit [09:43:25] ReMmiFast issued server command: /kit start [09:43:29] GorbatiyLyag issued server command: /msg Flerion неа [09:43:31] vihni issued server command: /home [09:43:33] GorbatiyLyag issued server command: /rtp [09:43:38] ReMmiFast issued server command: /kit TOP [09:43:40] Flerion issued server command: /r а куда ты дел книгу [09:43:42] ReMmiFast issued server command: /kit Top [09:43:47] Flerion issued server command: /rtp [09:43:48] ReMmiFast issued server command: /kit Top [09:43:49] GorbatiyLyag issued server command: /msg Flerion она со мной [09:43:59] ReMmiFast issued server command: /kit eat [09:44:00] Flerion issued server command: /r я нашёл шлам [09:44:02] Stroof4 issued server command: /home [09:44:10] GorbatiyLyag issued server command: /msg Flerion какой [09:44:17] Flerion issued server command: /r о сакуру нашёл [09:44:33] Stroof4 issued server command: /HOME VIHNI [09:44:35] vihni issued server command: /home [09:44:40] [G] fresh123q: !куплю голову скелета [09:44:48] [G] Mok1Cho: !продам [09:44:49] zxcmonster228 вышел [09:45:02] [G] Mok1Cho: !а не не продам [09:45:07] JuliaMag issued server command: /ec [09:46:11] Flerion issued server command: /r эм посмотри чо можно скрафтить с древесины сакуры [09:46:18] GorbatiyLyag issued server command: /msg Flerion ща [09:46:49] [L] fresh123q: ты чо молчиш [09:46:52] Flerion issued server command: /r та какойто меч [09:46:57] VadimScorpion зашёл [09:47:14] GorbatiyLyag issued server command: /msg Flerion 0_0 [09:47:17] JuliaMag issued server command: /warp mag [09:47:19] JuliaMag issued server command: /we cui [09:47:20] VadimScorpion issued server command: /we cui [09:47:23] Flerion issued server command: /r что это за меч [09:47:34] GorbatiyLyag issued server command: /msg Flerion хз [09:47:38] fresh123q issued server command: /kit eat [09:47:46] GorbatiyLyag issued server command: /warp set GORB [09:47:47] [G] fresh123q: !куплю голову скелета [09:47:49] __KotuKen issued server command: /tpa pve [09:47:53] __KotuKen issued server command: /warp pve [09:47:55] valera_zakon issued server command: /warp ez [09:47:57] __KotuKen issued server command: /we cui [09:47:58] valera_zakon issued server command: /we cui [09:48:08] vihni issued server command: /home [09:48:32] ReMmiFast вышел [09:48:37] Flerion issued server command: /r что это за меч [09:48:41] MoRkBa_UA_ умер (LAVA) [09:48:41] Flerion issued server command: /rtp [09:48:43] MoRkBa_UA_ issued server command: /we cui [09:48:46] GorbatiyLyag issued server command: /msg Flerion ХЗ [09:48:46] [L] MoRkBa_UA_: ахует [09:48:50] vihni issued server command: /home [09:48:57] fresh123q issued server command: /trade RTXGames123lol [09:48:58] fresh123q issued server command: /trade RTXGames123lol [09:48:58] fresh123q issued server command: /trade RTXGames123lol [09:48:58] fresh123q issued server command: /trade RTXGames123lol [09:48:58] fresh123q issued server command: /trade RTXGames123lol [09:48:58] fresh123q issued server command: /trade RTXGames123lol [09:49:02] [L] kirill_ER5: в дм [09:49:03] MoRkBa_UA_ issued server command: /m Flerion я проебав все вещи [09:49:05] [L] kirill_ER5: дс [09:49:18] Flerion issued server command: /r как [09:49:18] MoRkBa_UA_ issued server command: /kit start [09:49:20] Stroof4 issued server command: /home [09:49:27] MoRkBa_UA_ issued server command: /m Flerion в лаве [09:49:27] Flerion issued server command: /rtp [09:49:29] fresh123q issued server command: /rg removemember kiki r [09:49:38] GorbatiyLyag issued server command: /home [09:49:39] Flerion issued server command: /m gor он проебал вещи [09:49:40] GorbatiyLyag issued server command: /we cui [09:49:42] Flerion issued server command: /home [09:49:46] vihni issued server command: /call Stroof4 [09:49:47] Stroof4 issued server command: /tpaccept [09:49:51] GorbatiyLyag issued server command: /msg Flerion плохо [09:49:58] SIlver_MrGrizz зашёл [09:50:01] fresh123q issued server command: /warp nether [09:50:04] fresh123q issued server command: /we cui [09:50:09] Flerion issued server command: /trade GorbatiyLyag [09:50:09] Flerion issued server command: /trade GorbatiyLyag [09:50:11] [G] fresh123q: !куплю голову скелета [09:50:13] GorbatiyLyag issued server command: /trade accept [09:50:19] [L] Flerion: будем вампирами? [09:50:31] SIlver_MrGrizz issued server command: /we cui [09:50:41] MoRkBa_UA_ issued server command: /home [09:50:41] [L] GorbatiyLyag: ? [09:50:46] [L] Flerion: будем вампирами? [09:50:49] [L] GorbatiyLyag: Тут нет этого мода [09:50:50] [L] Flerion: с витчери [09:50:54] [L] GorbatiyLyag: а [09:50:55] [L] Flerion: есть это витчери [09:50:56] [L] MoRkBa_UA_: не [09:51:03] [G] SIlver_MrGrizz: !всем ку [09:51:06] [L] Flerion: ты что 1 раз изучаешь его [09:51:19] MoRkBa_UA_ issued server command: /warp Shyss [09:51:23] [L] Flerion: или оборотнями лучше стать [09:51:25] MoRkBa_UA_ issued server command: /warp list [09:51:28] [L] GorbatiyLyag: ну я его не сильно изучал [09:51:31] MoRkBa_UA_ issued server command: /warp Abyss [09:51:31] [L] Flerion: оборотни они крепкие [09:51:39] [L] GorbatiyLyag: Ну давай оборотнями [09:51:41] [L] Flerion: токо броню нельзя изучать [09:51:51] MoRkBa_UA_ issued server command: /home [09:51:53] [L] Flerion: но они рукой ебашат всех броня крепкая и 3 шкалы здоровья [09:52:07] [L] Flerion: токо есть против оборотней то чего они боятся [09:52:08] Mok1Cho issued server command: /warp pve [09:52:10] GorbatiyLyag issued server command: /warp 45 [09:52:11] warves55 вышел [09:52:11] [L] Flerion: серебряный меч и лава [09:52:11] Mok1Cho issued server command: /we cui [09:52:12] GorbatiyLyag issued server command: /we cui [09:52:17] MoRkBa_UA_ issued server command: /warp Abyss [09:52:27] fresh123q вышел [09:52:30] Zenli зашёл [09:52:32] GorbatiyLyag issued server command: /home [09:52:34] GorbatiyLyag issued server command: /we cui [09:52:42] Pro100ky зашёл [09:52:45] fresh123q зашёл [09:52:45] Zenli issued server command: /we cui [09:52:48] fresh123q issued server command: /we cui [09:52:52] MoRkBa_UA_ issued server command: /home [09:52:55] Pro100ky issued server command: /we cui [09:52:55] Mok1Cho issued server command: /home [09:52:59] Mok1Cho issued server command: /we cui [09:53:09] JuliaMag issued server command: /ec [09:53:12] fresh123q issued server command: /hub [09:53:13] [L] Flerion: я тут [09:53:15] fresh123q issued server command: /home [09:53:17] [L] GorbatiyLyag: ага [09:53:18] fresh123q issued server command: /we cui [09:53:19] SIlver_MrGrizz issued server command: /warp chacha [09:53:25] Stroof4 issued server command: /WARP ABYSS [09:53:26] fresh123q issued server command: /trade RTXGames123lol [09:53:26] fresh123q issued server command: /trade RTXGames123lol [09:53:26] fresh123q issued server command: /trade RTXGames123lol [09:53:28] Zenli вышел [09:53:28] fresh123q issued server command: /trade RTXGames123lol [09:53:28] fresh123q issued server command: /trade RTXGames123lol [09:53:28] fresh123q issued server command: /trade RTXGames123lol [09:53:28] fresh123q issued server command: /trade RTXGames123lol [09:53:28] fresh123q issued server command: /trade RTXGames123lol [09:53:28] fresh123q issued server command: /trade RTXGames123lol [09:53:28] fresh123q issued server command: /trade RTXGames123lol [09:53:28] fresh123q issued server command: /trade RTXGames123lol [09:53:28] fresh123q issued server command: /trade RTXGames123lol [09:53:28] fresh123q был кикнут [09:53:28] fresh123q вышел [09:53:30] [L] Flerion: если будем оборотнями нас легко убьют челы с серебряными мечами [09:53:35] [L] GorbatiyLyag: да [09:53:43] fresh123q зашёл [09:53:46] kitsqwer issued server command: /playtime [09:53:47] fresh123q issued server command: /we cui [09:53:50] [L] Stroof4: 1 [09:53:52] Stroof4 issued server command: /home [09:53:53] TrYlKiN зашёл [09:53:56] Marmelad_e issued server command: /рщьу [09:53:56] TrYlKiN issued server command: /we cui [09:54:01] SIlver_MrGrizz issued server command: /home [09:54:01] jmka зашёл [09:54:02] Marmelad_e issued server command: /home [09:54:05] Marmelad_e issued server command: /we cui [09:54:06] __KotuKen issued server command: /warp pve [09:54:10] Flerion issued server command: /rtp [09:54:10] [L] TrYlKiN: qq [09:54:14] warves55 зашёл [09:54:16] [L] Mok1Cho: о привет [09:54:24] warves55 issued server command: /we cui [09:54:28] jmka issued server command: /we cui [09:54:28] [L] GorbatiyLyag: глина есть? [09:54:40] [L] MoRkBa_UA_: не [09:54:44] [L] GorbatiyLyag: блин [09:54:46] [G] jmka: !Всем qq [09:54:55] [G] __KotuKen: !q [09:54:57] GorbatiyLyag issued server command: /kit start [09:55:00] warvis issued server command: /home [09:55:01] [L] Mok1Cho: блин компресор нейтрония немогу найтиц [09:55:16] fresh123q issued server command: /trade RTXGames123lol [09:55:16] fresh123q issued server command: /trade RTXGames123lol [09:55:16] fresh123q issued server command: /trade RTXGames123lol [09:55:16] fresh123q issued server command: /trade RTXGames123lol [09:55:16] fresh123q issued server command: /trade RTXGames123lol [09:55:16] fresh123q issued server command: /trade RTXGames123lol [09:55:16] fresh123q issued server command: /trade RTXGames123lol [09:55:16] fresh123q issued server command: /trade RTXGames123lol [09:55:16] fresh123q issued server command: /trade RTXGames123lol [09:55:16] fresh123q issued server command: /trade RTXGames123lol [09:55:17] Lasx issued server command: /home Luas [09:55:17] fresh123q issued server command: /trade RTXGames123lol [09:55:17] fresh123q был кикнут [09:55:17] fresh123q вышел [09:55:21] warves55 issued server command: /home 1 [09:55:23] GorbatiyLyag issued server command: /rtp [09:55:23] warves55 issued server command: /home [09:55:26] [L] Mok1Cho: о [09:55:29] fresh123q зашёл [09:55:44] fresh123q issued server command: /we cui [09:55:45] kitsqwer вышел [09:55:48] warves55 issued server command: /home [09:55:49] Lasx issued server command: /home Luas [09:55:49] kitsqwer зашёл [09:55:51] kitsqwer issued server command: /we cui [09:55:51] jmka issued server command: /home [09:55:51] Flerion issued server command: /r метеорит [09:55:52] warves55 issued server command: /home [09:55:52] Lexamon умер (ENTITY_ATTACK) [09:55:55] warves55 issued server command: /home [09:55:57] [G] fresh123q: !куплю голову скелета [09:55:58] Flerion issued server command: /r токо поломанный [09:55:58] Lasx issued server command: /home Luas [09:55:58] warves55 issued server command: /home [09:56:00] GorbatiyLyag issued server command: /msg Flerion опа [09:56:05] Lexamon issued server command: /we cui [09:56:16] warves55 issued server command: /home [09:56:18] warves55 issued server command: /home [09:56:19] GorbatiyLyag issued server command: /home [09:56:20] warves55 issued server command: /home [09:56:20] fresh123q issued server command: /trade RTXGames123lol [09:56:20] fresh123q issued server command: /trade RTXGames123lol [09:56:21] fresh123q issued server command: /trade RTXGames123lol [09:56:21] fresh123q issued server command: /trade RTXGames123lol [09:56:21] fresh123q issued server command: /trade RTXGames123lol [09:56:21] fresh123q issued server command: /trade RTXGames123lol [09:56:21] warves55 issued server command: /home [09:56:23] Flerion issued server command: /rtp [09:56:45] Flerion вышел [09:56:45] Stroof4 вышел [09:56:45] KicX вышел [09:56:45] MoRkBa_UA_ вышел [09:56:45] kirill_ER5 вышел [09:56:45] SvetlanaSvet вышел [09:56:45] DeadWolfWar вышел [09:56:45] warvis вышел [09:56:45] valera_zakon вышел [09:56:45] Mok1Cho вышел [09:56:45] vihni вышел [09:56:45] JuliaMag вышел [09:56:45] Marmelad_e вышел [09:56:45] Lasx вышел [09:56:45] RTXGames123lol вышел [09:56:45] __KotuKen вышел [09:56:46] mrggame вышел [09:56:46] Lexamon вышел [09:56:46] GorbatiyLyag вышел [09:56:46] VadimScorpion вышел [09:56:46] SIlver_MrGrizz вышел [09:56:46] Pro100ky вышел [09:56:46] TrYlKiN вышел [09:56:46] jmka вышел [09:56:46] warves55 вышел [09:56:46] fresh123q вышел [09:56:46] kitsqwer вышел [09:56:47] JuliaMag зашёл [09:56:48] JuliaMag issued server command: /we cui [09:56:49] Pro100ky зашёл [09:56:50] vihni зашёл [09:56:51] kitsqwer зашёл [09:56:51] vihni issued server command: /we cui [09:56:51] Pro100ky issued server command: /we cui [09:56:51] kirill_ER5 зашёл [09:56:52] Lasx зашёл [09:56:52] kitsqwer issued server command: /we cui [09:56:52] GorbatiyLyag зашёл [09:56:52] TrYlKiN зашёл [09:56:53] Marmelad_e зашёл [09:56:53] __KotuKen зашёл [09:56:53] kirill_ER5 issued server command: /we cui [09:56:53] Lasx issued server command: /we cui [09:56:54] TrYlKiN issued server command: /we cui [09:56:54] GorbatiyLyag issued server command: /we cui [09:56:54] Flerion зашёл [09:56:55] Mok1Cho зашёл [09:56:55] Marmelad_e issued server command: /we cui [09:56:55] RTXGames123lol зашёл [09:56:56] __KotuKen issued server command: /we cui [09:56:56] Flerion issued server command: /we cui [09:56:57] mrggame зашёл [09:56:57] fresh123q зашёл [09:56:57] Mok1Cho issued server command: /we cui [09:56:58] warvis зашёл [09:56:58] valera_zakon зашёл [09:56:59] mrggame issued server command: /we cui [09:56:59] RTXGames123lol issued server command: /we cui [09:57:00] valera_zakon issued server command: /we cui [09:57:00] jmka зашёл [09:57:00] fresh123q issued server command: /we cui [09:57:01] SIlver_MrGrizz зашёл [09:57:02] warvis issued server command: /we cui [09:57:04] jmka issued server command: /we cui [09:57:06] SIlver_MrGrizz issued server command: /we cui [09:57:10] Lexamon зашёл [09:57:14] Lexamon issued server command: /we cui [09:57:15] Lasx issued server command: /home Luas [09:57:16] Lexamon issued server command: /warp nether [09:57:17] kirill_ER5 issued server command: /рщьу [09:57:18] Lexamon issued server command: /we cui [09:57:20] MoRkBa_UA_ зашёл [09:57:22] kirill_ER5 issued server command: /home [09:57:23] MoRkBa_UA_ issued server command: /we cui [09:57:33] [G] jmka: !Сколько штук [09:57:42] [L] Mok1Cho: кста знаешь чем я занимался? [09:57:45] warvis issued server command: /kit start [09:57:46] Stroof4 зашёл [09:57:47] [L] TrYlKiN: чем [09:57:50] Stroof4 issued server command: /we cui [09:57:50] [L] Mok1Cho: на [09:57:52] VadimScorpion зашёл [09:57:55] VadimScorpion issued server command: /we cui [09:57:59] [L] Mok1Cho: ги) [09:58:01] S3RL зашёл [09:58:03] [G] Flerion: !тут есть варпы где можно зарядить жезл [09:58:12] S3RL issued server command: /we cui [09:58:12] Stroof4 вышел [09:58:13] [L] Mok1Cho: я уже начал дк крафтить [09:58:18] VadimScorpion issued server command: /home [09:58:18] Lasx issued server command: /home Luas [09:58:22] Lasx issued server command: /home Luas [09:58:23] Stroof4 зашёл [09:58:24] jmka issued server command: /m Flerion тп заряжу [09:58:28] Stroof4 issued server command: /we cui [09:58:28] Flerion issued server command: /home [09:58:29] [L] Mok1Cho: знаешь что самое печальное? [09:58:33] [G] __KotuKen: !ай пойду делать зарядку [09:58:33] [L] TrYlKiN: нам нужна вечная сингулярность [09:58:34] __KotuKen issued server command: /home [09:58:37] __KotuKen issued server command: /we cui [09:58:43] Stroof4 issued server command: /HOME VIHNI [09:58:47] JuliaMag issued server command: /home [09:58:48] [L] Mok1Cho: надо 60 ихория( [09:58:49] JuliaMag issued server command: /we cui [09:58:49] Flerion issued server command: /call jm [09:58:54] [L] Flerion: я к 1 челу тп он зарядит [09:58:59] S3RL issued server command: /mpcaseshop [09:59:00] jmka issued server command: /tpaccept [09:59:00] jmka issued server command: /tpaccept [09:59:01] [L] TrYlKiN: ну таумщик тут ты [09:59:03] S3RL issued server command: /mpcaseview 2 [09:59:04] [L] GorbatiyLyag: ок [09:59:05] S3RL issued server command: /rollcase 2 [09:59:10] [L] Flerion: на [09:59:10] Marmelad_e вышел [09:59:16] JuliaMag issued server command: /ec [09:59:16] kirill_ER5 вышел [09:59:16] [L] Mok1Cho: ето да но ихор не откил ещоц [09:59:19] Marmelad_e зашёл [09:59:26] Lexamon issued server command: /spawn [09:59:26] S3RL issued server command: /mpcaseview 2 [09:59:26] Marmelad_e issued server command: /we cui [09:59:26] kitsqwer вышел [09:59:26] warvis вышел [09:59:30] Lexamon issued server command: /we cui [09:59:46] [G] JuliaMag: !так [09:59:49] SIlver_MrGrizz issued server command: /kit [09:59:49] Lexamon issued server command: /kit eat [09:59:49] VadimScorpion issued server command: /kit start [09:59:49] S3RL issued server command: /rollcase 2 [09:59:49] Flerion issued server command: /m gor интеренет лагает [09:59:49] jmka вышел [09:59:49] mrggame вышел [09:59:54] [G] JuliaMag: !что вы там делаете? [09:59:57] [G] Stroof4: !чё с сервом? [09:59:57] [G] __KotuKen: !? [09:59:57] Lexamon issued server command: /kit eat [10:00:02] [G] MoRkBa_UA_: !+ [10:00:03] warvis зашёл [10:00:03] [G] __KotuKen: !дюпает кто-то [10:00:04] [G] JuliaMag: !прекращайте! [10:00:04] [G] Mok1Cho: !+ [10:00:06] mrggame зашёл [10:00:08] warvis issued server command: /we cui [10:00:08] mrggame issued server command: /we cui [10:00:10] [G] Stroof4: !594 [10:00:11] [L] TrYlKiN: да куплю я этот ихорий [10:00:14] [G] __KotuKen: ! юля ваниш и тепайся к людям [10:00:14] GorbatiyLyag issued server command: /msg Flerion сервер лагает [10:00:18] [G] MoRkBa_UA_: !494 [10:00:20] [L] Mok1Cho: у меня тоже еми есть [10:00:23] Mok1Cho issued server command: /money [10:00:26] [G] __KotuKen: !не реально играть [10:00:26] Stroof4 issued server command: /money [10:00:28] [L] TrYlKiN: я не за эмы [10:00:28] [L] Mok1Cho: 1000 tv [10:00:29] [L] Flerion: ну ты зарядил? [10:00:29] S3RL issued server command: /mpcaseshop [10:00:30] S3RL issued server command: /mpcaseview 2 [10:00:32] [L] TrYlKiN: за иридий [10:00:34] [L] Mok1Cho: у меня 1000 ем [10:00:36] vihni issued server command: /home [10:00:39] vihni issued server command: /call Stroof4 [10:00:40] [G] JuliaMag: !кто то думает только за себя одного [10:00:41] Stroof4 issued server command: /tpaccept [10:00:41] [L] TrYlKiN: у меня 4500 [10:00:44] [G] Mok1Cho: !куплю ихорий за иридий [10:00:47] [G] Mok1Cho: !ето много [10:00:51] TrYlKiN issued server command: /m JuliaMag есть ихорий? [10:00:54] [L] Mok1Cho: ой [10:00:56] Flerion issued server command: /m j ты зарядил? [10:00:58] Stroof4 issued server command: /home [10:01:04] vihni issued server command: /call Stroof4 [10:01:04] Stroof4 issued server command: /tpaccept [10:01:10] Flerion issued server command: /m jm ты зарядил? [10:01:12] GorbatiyLyag issued server command: /home [10:01:14] Stroof4 issued server command: /HOME VIHNI [10:01:16] kitsqwer зашёл [10:01:31] [L] Mok1Cho: кста хочешь оборотнем зделаю? [10:01:40] JuliaMag вышел [10:01:40] Pro100ky вышел [10:01:40] vihni вышел [10:01:40] Lasx вышел [10:01:40] GorbatiyLyag вышел [10:01:40] RTXGames123lol вышел [10:01:40] TrYlKiN вышел [10:01:40] __KotuKen вышел [10:01:40] fresh123q вышел [10:01:40] Flerion вышел [10:01:40] valera_zakon вышел [10:01:40] SIlver_MrGrizz вышел [10:01:40] Lexamon вышел [10:01:40] MoRkBa_UA_ вышел [10:01:40] VadimScorpion вышел [10:01:40] S3RL вышел [10:01:40] Stroof4 вышел [10:01:40] Marmelad_e вышел [10:01:40] warvis вышел [10:01:40] mrggame вышел [10:01:40] kitsqwer вышел [10:01:41] Mok1Cho вышел [10:01:43] Stroof4 зашёл [10:01:43] vihni зашёл [10:01:43] JuliaMag зашёл [10:01:44] kitsqwer зашёл [10:01:44] vihni issued server command: /we cui [10:01:45] JuliaMag issued server command: /we cui [10:01:45] Marmelad_e зашёл [10:01:45] __KotuKen зашёл [10:01:46] kitsqwer issued server command: /we cui [10:01:47] GorbatiyLyag зашёл [10:01:47] Stroof4 issued server command: /we cui [10:01:47] Lexamon зашёл [10:01:48] Mok1Cho зашёл [10:01:48] valera_zakon зашёл [10:01:48] __KotuKen issued server command: /we cui [10:01:48] jmka зашёл [10:01:48] Marmelad_e issued server command: /we cui [10:01:48] Lexamon issued server command: /we cui [10:01:49] Flerion зашёл [10:01:49] GorbatiyLyag issued server command: /we cui [10:01:50] valera_zakon issued server command: /we cui [10:01:50] mrggame зашёл [10:01:51] JuliaMag issued server command: /ev [10:01:51] Mok1Cho issued server command: /we cui [10:01:51] mrggame issued server command: /we cui [10:01:52] Flerion issued server command: /we cui [10:01:52] jmka issued server command: /we cui [10:01:54] [L] Mok1Cho: кста хочешь оборотнем зделаю? [10:01:54] JuliaMag issued server command: /tp vihni [10:01:55] fresh123q зашёл [10:01:56] SIlver_MrGrizz зашёл [10:01:58] [L] Flerion: ты зарядил? [10:01:58] fresh123q issued server command: /we cui [10:02:01] SIlver_MrGrizz issued server command: /we cui [10:02:03] JuliaMag issued server command: /tp Stroof4 [10:02:04] MoRkBa_UA_ зашёл [10:02:07] MoRkBa_UA_ issued server command: /we cui [10:02:08] VadimScorpion зашёл [10:02:10] VadimScorpion issued server command: /we cui [10:02:13] JuliaMag issued server command: /tp Flerion [10:02:20] RTXGames123lol зашёл [10:02:24] RTXGames123lol issued server command: /we cui [10:02:30] JuliaMag issued server command: /tp mrggame [10:02:34] [L] Flerion: спс [10:02:42] [L] Flerion: с золотом это мне? [10:02:52] [L] jmka: да [10:02:54] [L] Flerion: спс [10:02:56] Flerion issued server command: /home [10:02:58] [L] __KotuKen: .... [10:03:05] [L] jmka: что? [10:03:07] [L] Flerion: мне чел подарил жезл золотой [10:03:10] [L] __KotuKen: ещё раз увижу [10:03:10] [L] Flerion: на [10:03:13] [L] __KotuKen: уйдёш с рг [10:03:14] Marmelad_e issued server command: /kit [10:03:15] [L] GorbatiyLyag: Мне яйца нужны [10:03:20] [L] Flerion: я дал заряженный [10:03:20] JuliaMag issued server command: /tp Mok1Cho [10:03:25] [L] jmka: что увижу [10:03:29] Marmelad_e issued server command: /enderchest [10:03:30] JuliaMag issued server command: /tp VadimScorpion [10:03:30] Stroof4 issued server command: /VOTEDAY [10:03:34] kitsqwer issued server command: /yes [10:03:34] [L] Flerion: ну не работает [10:03:35] [L] __KotuKen: с золотыми наконечниками [10:03:37] GorbatiyLyag issued server command: /no [10:03:38] [L] Flerion: не могу всёравно [10:03:38] [L] __KotuKen: ето буст [10:03:38] vihni issued server command: /yes [10:03:39] [L] jmka: то что я дал иму свою палочку на 50вис [10:03:43] [L] __KotuKen: у него токо железная [10:03:44] [G] Mok1Cho: !куплю ихорий за иридий [10:03:48] [L] GorbatiyLyag: нужен таумономикон [10:03:48] [L] __KotuKen: ну и [10:03:50] [L] __KotuKen: ето буст [10:03:53] [L] jmka: кот [10:03:54] [L] __KotuKen: = 2.7.3 [10:03:56] [L] jmka: поч ты такой [10:03:57] [L] GorbatiyLyag: то есть 3 книги [10:03:58] [L] jmka: злой [10:04:01] __KotuKen issued server command: /inf 2.7.3 [10:04:06] Enotik_imba зашёл [10:04:11] [L] __KotuKen: я законопослушный [10:04:14] SIlver_MrGrizz issued server command: /home [10:04:15] DeadWolfWar зашёл [10:04:15] [L] jmka: ты злой [10:04:17] DeadWolfWar issued server command: /we cui [10:04:17] [L] __KotuKen: и не хочу чтобы тима нарушала [10:04:21] Enotik_imba issued server command: /we cui [10:04:28] [L] jmka: го в дс [10:04:30] [L] GorbatiyLyag: не верстак [10:04:31] [L] __KotuKen: - [10:04:32] [L] GorbatiyLyag: стол [10:04:34] [L] jmka: поч [10:04:39] MoRkBa_UA_ issued server command: /home [10:04:43] [L] __KotuKen: лень запускаь [10:04:48] [L] jmka: понял [10:04:54] Stroof4 issued server command: /home [10:04:55] Marmelad_e был кикнут [10:04:55] Marmelad_e вышел [10:04:56] Marmelad_e зашёл [10:04:58] Marmelad_e issued server command: /we cui [10:05:03] [L] GorbatiyLyag: вот [10:05:05] [L] jmka: ладно сори больше так не буду делать [10:05:08] [L] Flerion: там у друга который зарядил жезлы такой же скин [10:05:12] [L] Flerion: ой плащ аниме [10:05:15] Stroof4 issued server command: /HOME VIHNI [10:05:19] jmka issued server command: /rtp [10:05:19] [L] MoRkBa_UA_: лол [10:05:20] [L] GorbatiyLyag: ммм [10:05:25] [L] MoRkBa_UA_: ето хентай [10:05:31] [L] Flerion: да похуй [10:05:34] [L] MoRkBa_UA_: не [10:05:50] JuliaMag вышел [10:05:53] Marmelad_e issued server command: /enderchest [10:05:58] Stroof4 issued server command: /home [10:05:59] Stroof4 issued server command: /home [10:06:05] [L] GorbatiyLyag: нам ферма какая то нужна [10:06:08] [L] GorbatiyLyag: Животных точно [10:06:19] [L] Flerion: я нечайно 2 скрафтил [10:06:21] [L] GorbatiyLyag: а то для витчери нужны яйца [10:06:21] Stroof4 issued server command: /home [10:06:25] [L] GorbatiyLyag: То есть курици [10:06:31] [L] GorbatiyLyag: ДА БЛЯ [10:06:38] Stroof4 issued server command: /HOME VIHNI [10:06:50] Stroof4 issued server command: /home [10:06:52] Marmelad_e вышел [10:06:58] Marmelad_e зашёл [10:07:01] Marmelad_e issued server command: /we cui [10:07:05] jmka issued server command: /rtp [10:07:14] Stroof4 issued server command: /home [10:07:17] [L] GorbatiyLyag: перо и мешок чернил нужен [10:07:18] Stroof4 issued server command: /home [10:07:18] JuliaMag зашёл [10:07:25] Marmelad_e issued server command: /enderchest [10:07:27] JuliaMag issued server command: /we cui [10:07:28] fresh123q issued server command: /kit eat [10:07:28] [L] GorbatiyLyag: я наигрался [10:07:30] [L] GorbatiyLyag: гудбац [10:07:32] GorbatiyLyag вышел [10:07:40] Lexamon issued server command: /warp nether [10:07:41] [G] fresh123q: !куплю саженец гевеи [10:07:42] Lexamon issued server command: /we cui [10:07:43] JuliaMag issued server command: /ум [10:07:47] JuliaMag issued server command: /ev [10:07:49] Stroof4 issued server command: /home [10:07:58] jmka issued server command: /home [10:08:13] Stroof4 issued server command: /HOME VIHNI [10:08:15] JuliaMag issued server command: /tp Enotik_imba [10:08:19] Marmelad_e был кикнут [10:08:19] Marmelad_e вышел [10:08:26] [G] Mok1Cho: !куплю брошеного трутня [10:08:30] Stroof4 issued server command: /home [10:08:30] JuliaMag issued server command: /tp DeadWolfWar [10:08:30] Marmelad_e зашёл [10:08:31] Marmelad_e вышел [10:08:35] MoRkBa_UA_ issued server command: /home [10:08:35] Marmelad_e зашёл [10:08:38] Marmelad_e issued server command: /we cui [10:08:42] [L] Flerion: он вышел [10:08:47] MoRkBa_UA_ issued server command: / [10:09:02] Stroof4 issued server command: /home [10:09:03] JuliaMag issued server command: /tp fresh123q [10:09:15] Stroof4 issued server command: /home [10:09:21] JuliaMag issued server command: /tp jmka [10:09:24] Pro100ky зашёл [10:09:27] Pro100ky issued server command: /we cui [10:09:34] [L] Flerion: есть перо или чернила [10:09:34] RTXGames123lol issued server command: /rtp [10:09:43] [L] Pro100ky: кей дулая я твой парень детка ты просто тупая [10:09:45] fresh123q issued server command: /call RTXGames123lol [10:09:46] Marmelad_e issued server command: /enderchest [10:09:47] __KotuKen issued server command: /warp minimarket [10:10:01] Flerion issued server command: /rtp [10:10:06] fresh123q issued server command: /call RTXGames123lol [10:10:13] RTXGames123lol issued server command: /tpaccept [10:10:39] Lexamon issued server command: /spawn [10:10:40] Lexamon issued server command: /we cui [10:10:45] Lexamon issued server command: /home [10:10:47] Lexamon issued server command: /we cui [10:10:52] Stroof4 issued server command: /rg [10:10:52] JuliaMag issued server command: /tp Marmelad_e [10:10:56] __KotuKen issued server command: /online [10:10:58] warves55 зашёл [10:10:58] fresh123q issued server command: /home [10:11:01] Stroof4 issued server command: /rg st2 pvp flag [10:11:04] Stroof4 issued server command: /rg st2 pvp flag done [10:11:07] RTXGames123lol issued server command: /rtp [10:11:09] warves55 issued server command: /we cui [10:11:10] Flerion issued server command: /rtp [10:11:14] [G] Stroof4: !как пвп выключить в регионе [10:11:27] kitsqwer issued server command: /home [10:11:32] JuliaMag issued server command: /tp warves55 [10:11:37] mrggame вышел [10:11:40] Flerion issued server command: /m mor есть перья? [10:11:49] MoRkBa_UA_ умер (FIRE_TICK) [10:11:51] MoRkBa_UA_ issued server command: /we cui [10:11:57] RTXGames123lol issued server command: /home [10:11:58] kitsqwer вышел [10:11:58] TrYlKiN зашёл [10:11:59] JuliaMag issued server command: /tp Pro100ky [10:12:01] TrYlKiN issued server command: /we cui [10:12:03] Lexamon issued server command: /spawn [10:12:04] Lexamon issued server command: /we cui [10:12:13] Flerion issued server command: /rtp [10:12:14] [G] __KotuKen: !/rg flag (name) pvp deny [10:12:33] fresh123q issued server command: /rg flag kiki pvp deny [10:12:41] Lexamon issued server command: /warp world [10:12:43] Lexamon issued server command: /we cui [10:12:45] Lexamon issued server command: /rtp [10:12:53] fresh123q issued server command: /rg flag kiki pvp off [10:13:00] Lasx зашёл [10:13:01] fresh123q issued server command: /rg flag kiki pvp none [10:13:03] Lasx issued server command: /we cui [10:13:16] JuliaMag issued server command: /tp Lexamon [10:13:17] MoRkBa_UA_ issued server command: /home [10:13:24] Marmelad_e issued server command: /warp grand [10:13:24] Flerion issued server command: /rtp [10:13:28] fresh123q issued server command: /rg flag kiki pvp allow [10:13:29] Marmelad_e issued server command: /warp five [10:13:33] JuliaMag issued server command: /tp fresh123q [10:13:34] fresh123q issued server command: /trade RTXGames123lol [10:13:34] fresh123q issued server command: /trade RTXGames123lol [10:13:34] fresh123q issued server command: /trade RTXGames123lol [10:13:34] fresh123q issued server command: /trade RTXGames123lol [10:13:34] fresh123q issued server command: /trade RTXGames123lol [10:13:34] fresh123q issued server command: /trade RTXGames123lol [10:13:34] fresh123q issued server command: /trade RTXGames123lol [10:13:40] Neosha_ зашёл [10:13:48] Marmelad_e issued server command: /money [10:13:53] fresh123q issued server command: /rg flag kiki pvp deny [10:13:57] Stroof4 issued server command: /war set [10:14:01] Enotik_imba issued server command: /mpcaseshop [10:14:01] JuliaMag issued server command: /home [10:14:01] Stroof4 issued server command: /warp set [10:14:02] Enotik_imba issued server command: /mpcaseview 1 [10:14:05] Enotik_imba issued server command: /buycase 1 [10:14:05] Neosha_ issued server command: /we cui [10:14:07] Pro100ky issued server command: /mpcaseshop [10:14:09] Stroof4 issued server command: /warp set St [10:14:09] SIlver_MrGrizz issued server command: /money [10:14:10] Pro100ky issued server command: /mpcaseshop [10:14:11] Pro100ky issued server command: /mpcaseview 1 [10:14:14] Pro100ky issued server command: /mpcaseshop [10:14:15] TrYlKiN issued server command: /we cui [10:14:19] Enotik_imba issued server command: /mpcaseshop [10:14:20] Stroof4 issued server command: /warp private st [10:14:21] Enotik_imba issued server command: /mpcaseview 1 [10:14:22] Enotik_imba issued server command: /rollcase 1 [10:14:29] Stroof4 issued server command: /warp invite vihni st [10:14:38] Enotik_imba issued server command: /mpcaseview 1 [10:14:48] vihni issued server command: /warp st [10:15:26] [L] Marmelad_e: 16 [10:15:35] Pro100ky issued server command: /mpcaseshop [10:15:36] Pro100ky issued server command: /mpcaseview 1 [10:15:37] Pro100ky issued server command: /rollcase 1 [10:15:59] [L] warves55: куплю б [10:16:13] [G] warves55: !куплю бирюзовый мистик цветок [10:16:15] TrYlKiN issued server command: /home [10:16:17] TrYlKiN issued server command: /we cui [10:16:18] Pro100ky issued server command: /cart gue [10:16:23] Pro100ky issued server command: /cart get [10:16:25] Pro100ky issued server command: /cart geu [10:16:34] Pro100ky issued server command: /cart ggei [10:16:36] Pro100ky issued server command: /cart gei [10:16:37] Marmelad_e вышел [10:16:45] Lexamon issued server command: /home [10:16:50] [L] Enotik_imba: crat gui [10:16:53] Pro100ky issued server command: /cart gui [10:16:53] TrYlKiN issued server command: /spawn [10:16:55] TrYlKiN issued server command: /we cui [10:17:00] Flerion issued server command: /home [10:17:12] TrYlKiN issued server command: /home [10:17:12] Mok1Cho issued server command: /warp pve [10:17:14] TrYlKiN issued server command: /we cui [10:17:22] TrYlKiN issued server command: /spawn [10:17:24] TrYlKiN issued server command: /we cui [10:17:26] TrYlKiN issued server command: /home [10:17:28] TrYlKiN issued server command: /we cui [10:17:34] Mok1Cho вышел [10:17:34] TrYlKiN issued server command: /spawn [10:17:36] TrYlKiN issued server command: /we cui [10:17:38] TrYlKiN issued server command: /home [10:17:40] TrYlKiN issued server command: /we cui [10:17:40] [G] SIlver_MrGrizz: !продам железо? [10:17:41] JuliaMag issued server command: /warp nether [10:17:42] JuliaMag issued server command: /we cui [10:17:44] Mok1Cho зашёл [10:17:48] Mok1Cho issued server command: /we cui [10:17:49] TrYlKiN issued server command: /spawn [10:17:50] TrYlKiN issued server command: /we cui [10:17:52] TrYlKiN issued server command: /home [10:17:54] TrYlKiN issued server command: /we cui [10:17:58] Mok1Cho issued server command: /warp pve [10:18:01] Mok1Cho issued server command: /we cui [10:18:03] MoRkBa_UA_ issued server command: /home [10:18:09] fresh123q issued server command: /kit eat [10:18:10] warves55 issued server command: /кез [10:18:11] warves55 issued server command: /rtp [10:18:14] RTXGames123lol issued server command: /kit Eat [10:18:22] [G] warves55: !куплю бирюзовый мистик цветок [10:18:26] RTXGames123lol issued server command: /kit Eat [10:18:31] [L] Flerion: yf [10:18:32] [L] Flerion: на [10:18:36] [L] Flerion: убил куриц [10:18:41] [L] MoRkBa_UA_: нафига [10:18:46] [L] Flerion: я скинул курятину [10:18:52] [L] MoRkBa_UA_: мне не нада [10:18:53] Flerion issued server command: /home [10:18:58] RTXGames123lol issued server command: /call fresh123q [10:19:02] RTXGames123lol issued server command: /call fresh123q [10:19:03] RTXGames123lol issued server command: /call fresh123q [10:19:05] Neosha_ вышел [10:19:05] RTXGames123lol issued server command: /call fresh123q [10:19:05] RTXGames123lol issued server command: /call fresh123q [10:19:06] RTXGames123lol issued server command: /call fresh123q [10:19:07] RTXGames123lol issued server command: /call fresh123q [10:19:07] fresh123q issued server command: /tpaccept [10:19:08] RTXGames123lol issued server command: /call fresh123q [10:19:19] JuliaMag issued server command: /ev [10:19:23] JuliaMag issued server command: /rg list [10:19:32] JuliaMag issued server command: //chunk [10:19:32] JuliaMag issued server command: //outset 16 [10:19:32] JuliaMag issued server command: /zone [10:19:44] Mok1Cho issued server command: /home [10:19:46] JuliaMag issued server command: /rg claim lmag [10:19:47] Mok1Cho issued server command: /we cui [10:19:49] JuliaMag issued server command: //sel [10:19:50] Enotik_imba issued server command: /warp 69 [10:19:54] TrYlKiN issued server command: /m Mok1Cho ты где [10:19:58] [L] Mok1Cho: тут [10:20:02] Enotik_imba issued server command: /we cui [10:20:03] [L] TrYlKiN: ок [10:20:09] [L] Mok1Cho: видишь как бистро) [10:20:13] [L] TrYlKiN: ага [10:20:42] [L] Mok1Cho: а то на том я задолбался ждать думаю нормально зделаю что би бистроц [10:20:52] [L] Mok1Cho: я в шахту [10:20:59] [L] TrYlKiN: ок [10:21:10] Mok1Cho issued server command: /we cui [10:21:11] Pro100ky issued server command: /home [10:21:29] MoRkBa_UA_ issued server command: /home [10:21:32] Enotik_imba issued server command: /heal [10:21:35] [L] MoRkBa_UA_: лан пока [10:22:01] Marmelad_e зашёл [10:22:03] Marmelad_e issued server command: /we cui [10:22:03] [L] Flerion: пока [10:22:07] MoRkBa_UA_ вышел [10:22:16] Marmelad_e issued server command: /money [10:22:22] [L] Marmelad_e: 16 [10:22:26] Marmelad_e issued server command: /money [10:22:43] KicX зашёл [10:22:45] KicX issued server command: /we cui [10:23:06] Marmelad_e issued server command: /home [10:23:14] __KotuKen issued server command: /home [10:23:18] Stroof4 issued server command: /home [10:23:34] Enotik_imba issued server command: /heal [10:23:55] TrYlKiN issued server command: /spawn [10:23:56] warves55 issued server command: /rtp [10:23:57] TrYlKiN issued server command: /we cui [10:23:57] TrYlKiN issued server command: /home [10:23:59] TrYlKiN issued server command: /we cui [10:24:05] __KotuKen issued server command: /home [10:24:06] __KotuKen issued server command: /warp minimarket [10:24:31] Enotik_imba issued server command: /warp an [10:24:34] Enotik_imba issued server command: /we cui [10:24:48] __KotuKen issued server command: /warp minimarket [10:24:49] __KotuKen issued server command: /home [10:24:54] cps_died зашёл [10:24:58] warves55 issued server command: /rtp [10:25:05] cps_died issued server command: /we cui [10:25:12] __KotuKen issued server command: /warp minimarket [10:25:27] Lasx вышел [10:25:53] [L] cps_died: в [10:25:57] warves55 issued server command: /rtp [10:25:59] warves55 issued server command: /rtp [10:26:01] cps_died issued server command: /god [10:26:10] cps_died issued server command: /rg i [10:26:32] fresh123q умер (ENTITY_ATTACK) [10:26:33] __KotuKen issued server command: //wand [10:26:34] fresh123q issued server command: /we cui [10:26:37] VadimScorpion умер (ENTITY_ATTACK) [10:26:42] VadimScorpion issued server command: /we cui [10:26:50] JuliaMag issued server command: /home [10:26:52] JuliaMag issued server command: /we cui [10:26:53] Mok1Cho issued server command: /home [10:26:53] Stroof4 issued server command: /home [10:26:54] fresh123q issued server command: /home [10:26:55] __KotuKen issued server command: /rg claim lordiks3 [10:26:56] Mok1Cho issued server command: /we cui [10:26:58] Stroof4 issued server command: /home vihni [10:27:02] __KotuKen issued server command: /rg list -p [10:27:05] __KotuKen issued server command: /rg list [10:27:11] __KotuKen issued server command: /rg list 2 [10:27:17] Stroof4 issued server command: /home [10:27:20] __KotuKen issued server command: /rg delete klov1 [10:27:23] __KotuKen issued server command: /rg claim lordiks3 [10:27:30] [L] TrYlKiN: я тоже копать пойду [10:27:33] __KotuKen issued server command: //sel [10:27:34] [L] Mok1Cho: ок [10:27:35] __KotuKen issued server command: /warp minimarket [10:27:42] Lasx зашёл [10:27:54] Lasx issued server command: /we cui [10:27:57] Mok1Cho вышел [10:28:09] Mok1Cho зашёл [10:28:10] ZAFKIEL1 зашёл [10:28:10] ZAFKIEL1 вышел [10:28:12] Mok1Cho issued server command: /we cui [10:28:18] VadimScorpion умер (FALL) [10:28:20] VadimScorpion issued server command: /we cui [10:28:24] Lasx вышел [10:28:30] __KotuKen issued server command: /m Mok1Cho иди на варп minimarket но возьми жезл с собой [10:28:32] RTXGames123lol вышел [10:28:37] TrYlKiN issued server command: /we cui [10:28:45] __KotuKen issued server command: /home [10:28:51] Mok1Cho issued server command: /warp minim [10:28:56] JuliaMag issued server command: /back [10:29:02] JuliaMag issued server command: /warp nether [10:29:03] JuliaMag issued server command: /we cui [10:29:04] Stroof4 issued server command: /home [10:29:10] [L] __KotuKen: что за гавно прогрузка [10:29:12] ZAFKIEL1 зашёл [10:29:13] [L] __KotuKen: ты где стоиш [10:29:14] Mok1Cho issued server command: /r я там но зачем? [10:29:24] [L] Mok1Cho: я тут [10:29:26] ZAFKIEL1 issued server command: /we cui [10:29:26] __KotuKen issued server command: /warp minimarket [10:29:28] warves55 issued server command: /rtp [10:29:31] Enotik_imba issued server command: /warp an [10:29:35] TrYlKiN issued server command: /warp ad [10:29:37] Enotik_imba issued server command: /heal [10:29:41] vihni issued server command: /home [10:29:41] TrYlKiN issued server command: /warp portal [10:29:41] [L] Mok1Cho: чо делать? [10:29:41] [L] __KotuKen: кидай [10:29:42] [L] __KotuKen: палку [10:29:43] TrYlKiN issued server command: /we cui [10:29:43] warves55 issued server command: /rtp [10:29:43] [G] cps_died: !salam [10:29:46] [G] warves55: !куплю бирюзовый мистик цветок [10:29:47] [L] __KotuKen: жди [10:29:48] TrYlKiN issued server command: /we cui [10:29:48] ZAFKIEL1 вышел [10:29:53] [L] Mok1Cho: жду [10:29:53] [L] __KotuKen: она не зарядженая? [10:29:53] fresh123q умер (LAVA) [10:29:55] fresh123q issued server command: /we cui [10:29:56] [L] Mok1Cho: не [10:29:58] [L] __KotuKen: и ставай на плиту [10:29:58] [G] cps_died: !кто знает чё произошло с хатой lorday? [10:29:59] vihni issued server command: /warp st [10:30:04] [L] __KotuKen: жди [10:30:05] [G] warves55: !куплю бирюзовый мистик цветок [10:30:06] [L] Mok1Cho: нету прав [10:30:08] [L] __KotuKen: или не можеш [10:30:09] [L] __KotuKen: кхм [10:30:10] [L] __KotuKen: щас [10:30:12] [G] JuliaMag: !переехали вроде как [10:30:13] [L] __KotuKen: стой тута [10:30:13] __KotuKen issued server command: /warp minimarket [10:30:13] warves55 issued server command: /rtp [10:30:14] __KotuKen issued server command: /home [10:30:21] [G] cps_died: !Спасибо [10:30:23] warves55 issued server command: /rtp [10:30:24] Lasx зашёл [10:30:24] warves55 issued server command: /rtp [10:30:36] Lasx issued server command: /we cui [10:30:39] __KotuKen issued server command: /warp minimarket [10:30:46] [L] __KotuKen: можеш открыть [10:30:46] [L] __KotuKen: мне [10:30:50] Marmelad_e issued server command: /home [10:30:57] [L] __KotuKen: пробуй [10:30:57] Marmelad_e вышел [10:31:04] [L] __KotuKen: есть права? [10:31:05] VadimScorpion issued server command: /home [10:31:06] [L] Mok1Cho: о [10:31:09] [L] Mok1Cho: да [10:31:10] [L] __KotuKen: выдает? [10:31:19] [L] __KotuKen: всё [10:31:20] [L] Mok1Cho: да [10:31:22] [L] __KotuKen: порешал вопрос [10:31:24] Stroof4 issued server command: /home [10:31:31] [L] Mok1Cho: хах [10:31:38] cps_died issued server command: /home lorday [10:31:40] Lasx issued server command: /home Luas [10:31:41] Lexamon issued server command: /home [10:31:44] cps_died issued server command: /home shush [10:31:45] Mok1Cho issued server command: /r есть кристалл босса? [10:31:47] cps_died issued server command: /home shkush [10:31:51] VadimScorpion issued server command: /kit eat [10:31:51] cps_died issued server command: /home skush [10:31:53] __KotuKen issued server command: /r самому надо [10:31:58] cps_died issued server command: /home skush [10:32:00] cps_died issued server command: /home skash [10:32:00] Mok1Cho issued server command: /r пон [10:32:02] Mok1Cho issued server command: /home [10:32:17] cps_died issued server command: /home shkash [10:32:18] Pro100ky issued server command: /home [10:32:21] warves55 issued server command: /rtp [10:32:30] RTXGames123lol зашёл [10:32:30] [G] __KotuKen: !Кто там хотел позаряджать палку [10:32:32] cps_died issued server command: /call shkash [10:32:34] RTXGames123lol issued server command: /we cui [10:32:34] [G] __KotuKen: !свой жезл [10:32:35] cps_died issued server command: /c info [10:32:41] cps_died issued server command: /call __KotuKen [10:32:48] Lexamon issued server command: /warp nether [10:32:49] Lexamon issued server command: /we cui [10:32:50] __KotuKen issued server command: /m cps_died /warp minimarket [10:32:56] cps_died issued server command: /warp minimarket [10:33:10] [L] __KotuKen: hello [10:33:10] [L] cps_died: вы чё переехали? [10:33:12] [L] __KotuKen: - [10:33:15] [L] __KotuKen: а да [10:33:22] [L] cps_died: а [10:33:28] [L] cps_died: я думал грифанули [10:33:31] [L] __KotuKen: - [10:33:33] [L] __KotuKen: переезд [10:33:39] Pro100ky issued server command: /home [10:33:41] [L] cps_died: Понятно [10:33:43] Marmelad_e зашёл [10:33:47] [L] cps_died: ля донат закончился [10:33:48] [L] cps_died: хах [10:33:52] [L] __KotuKen: гг [10:33:54] JuliaMag issued server command: /home [10:33:55] [L] cps_died: давненько не заходил я [10:33:56] JuliaMag issued server command: /we cui [10:34:02] Marmelad_e issued server command: /we cui [10:34:16] [L] __KotuKen: делал щас [10:34:17] [L] cps_died: а чё когда лорд зайдёт не знаешь? [10:34:24] [L] __KotuKen: не знаю [10:34:28] [L] __KotuKen: но в рг не к нему [10:34:30] AZOV зашёл [10:34:32] [L] __KotuKen: а к s3rl [10:34:36] [L] cps_died: а [10:34:40] [L] __KotuKen: ну лорду [10:34:41] [L] __KotuKen: напиши [10:34:46] [L] __KotuKen: пусть он напишет [10:34:53] [L] cps_died: тпни в рг меня [10:34:57] Mok1Cho issued server command: /we cui [10:35:03] AZOV issued server command: /we cui [10:35:08] cps_died issued server command: /call __KotuKen [10:35:09] __KotuKen issued server command: /warp minimarket [10:35:09] __KotuKen issued server command: /home [10:35:15] __KotuKen issued server command: /tpaccept [10:35:22] TrYlKiN issued server command: /home [10:35:24] TrYlKiN issued server command: /we cui [10:35:35] [L] cps_died: eba [10:35:42] [L] __KotuKen: na verh [10:35:56] [L] cps_died: о ядро [10:36:09] AZOV issued server command: /rtp [10:36:16] AZOV issued server command: /wap world [10:36:20] AZOV issued server command: /warp [10:36:24] [G] warves55: !куплю бирюзовый мистик цветок [10:36:25] warves55 issued server command: /rtp [10:36:26] [L] cps_died: а эта чё за зона [10:36:26] vihni issued server command: /home [10:36:36] vihni issued server command: /home [10:36:41] vihni issued server command: /warp st [10:36:42] [L] __KotuKen: тимейт делает драконий [10:36:44] Mok1Cho issued server command: /home [10:36:46] Marmelad_e issued server command: /kit tree [10:36:46] Mok1Cho issued server command: /we cui [10:36:48] [L] cps_died: мм [10:36:54] AZOV issued server command: /warp world [10:36:55] [L] __KotuKen: тута воруют [10:36:57] AZOV issued server command: /we cui [10:36:59] [L] __KotuKen: а там [10:36:59] warves55 issued server command: /rtp [10:37:00] AZOV issued server command: /rtp [10:37:01] fresh123q issued server command: /home [10:37:01] [L] __KotuKen: только он [10:37:02] vihni issued server command: /home [10:37:07] [L] __KotuKen: ну мы делаем посох [10:37:09] AZOV issued server command: /rtp [10:37:11] [L] __KotuKen: и я могу тебе сказать [10:37:12] VadimScorpion issued server command: /home [10:37:17] AZOV issued server command: /rtp [10:37:21] [L] cps_died: о [10:37:23] Pro100ky issued server command: /rg s [10:37:25] Pro100ky issued server command: //se; [10:37:25] [L] cps_died: балдеж [10:37:27] Pro100ky issued server command: //se [10:37:30] Pro100ky issued server command: //sel [10:37:37] Mok1Cho issued server command: /we cui [10:37:38] [L] cps_died: приколдес [10:37:44] [L] __KotuKen: мы уже суп почти сделали [10:37:44] vihni issued server command: /warp st [10:37:47] [L] cps_died: а кто дракоником занимается? [10:37:49] [L] __KotuKen: и сингу делаем [10:37:54] [L] __KotuKen: топ дюпает [10:37:55] warves55 issued server command: /rtp [10:38:01] [L] __KotuKen: драконик [10:38:03] Mok1Cho issued server command: /we cui [10:38:04] [L] __KotuKen: а так все [10:38:06] AZOV issued server command: /rtp [10:38:18] AZOV issued server command: /rtp [10:38:22] cps_died issued server command: /rg i [10:38:25] Stroof4 issued server command: /voteady [10:38:28] AZOV issued server command: /rtp [10:38:29] Stroof4 issued server command: /voteday [10:38:32] AZOV issued server command: /no [10:38:33] vihni issued server command: /yes [10:38:35] warves55 issued server command: /yes [10:38:42] VadimScorpion issued server command: /yes [10:38:43] [L] cps_died: жестко [10:38:50] vihni issued server command: /home [10:38:53] [L] __KotuKen: угу [10:39:03] vihni issued server command: /home [10:39:08] Mok1Cho issued server command: /we cui [10:39:12] warves55 issued server command: /kit eat [10:39:24] VadimScorpion issued server command: /home [10:39:25] [L] __KotuKen: а ну ещё [10:39:27] warves55 issued server command: /kit eat [10:39:28] vihni issued server command: /home [10:39:30] warves55 issued server command: /yes [10:39:30] [L] __KotuKen: у нас 50к лвл опыта [10:39:33] warves55 issued server command: /rtp [10:39:39] Marmelad_e issued server command: /mpcaseshop [10:39:40] Stroof4 issued server command: /warp abyss [10:39:40] [L] __KotuKen: и донатер [10:39:41] [L] cps_died: gde [10:39:47] Stroof4 issued server command: /home [10:39:56] [L] cps_died: q [10:39:58] [L] jmka: q [10:40:07] [G] fresh123q: !куплю прессы из аплед енерджетикс [10:40:25] TrYlKiN issued server command: /m __KotuKen помоги [10:40:31] __KotuKen issued server command: /r ? [10:40:34] Marmelad_e issued server command: /warp shop [10:40:36] Marmelad_e issued server command: /we cui [10:40:38] Blak_loner зашёл [10:40:41] TrYlKiN issued server command: /m __KotuKen таум востановитель не чинит [10:40:46] vihni issued server command: /warp st [10:40:50] __KotuKen issued server command: /tpa TrYlKiN [10:40:54] TrYlKiN issued server command: /tpyes [10:40:54] fresh123q issued server command: /home [10:41:02] Enotik_imba issued server command: /w fresh123q 8 [10:41:03] AZOV issued server command: /no [10:41:06] AZOV issued server command: /rtp [10:41:11] [L] TrYlKiN: вот [10:41:12] [L] __KotuKen: где [10:41:12] Enotik_imba issued server command: /w fresh123q эм [10:41:17] Enotik_imba issued server command: /w fresh123q Берёшь? [10:41:20] [L] __KotuKen: так ты подключи [10:41:21] [L] __KotuKen: трубу [10:41:21] fresh123q issued server command: /m Enotik_imba + [10:41:23] [L] __KotuKen: из таума [10:41:24] [L] __KotuKen: к нему [10:41:25] [L] __KotuKen: и банку [10:41:29] [L] __KotuKen: с эсенцией [10:41:29] fresh123q issued server command: /trade Enotik_imba [10:41:32] Enotik_imba issued server command: /trade accept [10:41:33] [L] __KotuKen: которую оно просит [10:41:33] [L] TrYlKiN: он и так не работает [10:41:36] Blak_loner issued server command: /we cui [10:41:42] [L] __KotuKen: не так [10:41:45] [L] __KotuKen: только через банку [10:41:47] AZOV issued server command: /rtp [10:41:53] [L] __KotuKen: оно по другому не делает [10:42:01] Pro100ky issued server command: /home [10:42:03] Mok1Cho issued server command: /we cui [10:42:06] fresh123q issued server command: /m Enotik_imba а у тебя только 1? [10:42:06] RTXGames123lol issued server command: /home [10:42:07] AZOV issued server command: /rtp [10:42:08] [L] TrYlKiN: вот [10:42:13] [L] TrYlKiN: не работает [10:42:13] [L] __KotuKen: кхм [10:42:14] [L] cps_died: квант гены [10:42:17] [L] cps_died: нихуя [10:42:18] Enotik_imba issued server command: /w fresh123q 4 [10:42:28] fresh123q issued server command: /money [10:42:31] [L] TrYlKiN: что делать [10:42:33] vihni issued server command: /home [10:42:35] [L] __KotuKen: ну что сказать [10:42:35] AZOV issued server command: /rtp [10:42:39] [L] Mok1Cho: что случилось? [10:42:41] [L] __KotuKen: попробуй отдельно [10:42:42] [L] Mok1Cho: аа [10:42:43] fresh123q issued server command: /m Enotik_imba а за сколько 2 продаш? [10:42:48] [L] __KotuKen: поставь отдельно [10:42:52] Stroof4 issued server command: /HOME VIHNI [10:42:55] [L] __KotuKen: тута поставь [10:42:56] JuliaMag issued server command: /we cui [10:42:57] Stroof4 issued server command: /home [10:43:00] Enotik_imba issued server command: /w fresh123q 18 [10:43:03] AZOV issued server command: /rtp [10:43:06] fresh123q issued server command: /trade Enotik_imba [10:43:06] [L] __KotuKen: и подсоидини 1 трубу [10:43:09] AZOV issued server command: /rtp [10:43:16] [L] __KotuKen: сверху [10:43:18] [L] __KotuKen: сначала банку [10:43:24] Stroof4 issued server command: /home [10:43:31] [L] __KotuKen: на трубу [10:43:32] fresh123q issued server command: /m Enotik_imba 2 беру [10:43:32] Stroof4 issued server command: /home [10:43:39] AZOV issued server command: /rtp [10:43:40] Enotik_imba issued server command: /trade accept [10:43:47] fresh123q issued server command: /trade Enotik_imba [10:43:48] Enotik_imba issued server command: /w fresh123q кинь ещё [10:43:55] [L] __KotuKen: странно [10:43:58] Enotik_imba issued server command: /trade accept [10:43:58] AZOV issued server command: /rtp [10:44:00] Stroof4 issued server command: /warp st [10:44:01] Flerion issued server command: /home [10:44:03] [L] Mok1Cho: ето капец как странноц [10:44:06] vihni issued server command: /home [10:44:11] [L] __KotuKen: щас пойду [10:44:12] AZOV issued server command: /rtp [10:44:17] [L] __KotuKen: у себя сделаю [10:44:26] __KotuKen issued server command: /warp minimarket [10:44:28] Mok1Cho issued server command: /warp pve [10:44:28] __KotuKen issued server command: /home [10:44:31] Mok1Cho issued server command: /we cui [10:44:32] fresh123q issued server command: /m Enotik_imba мне нужны разные [10:44:35] Stroof4 issued server command: /trade vihni [10:44:35] Pro100ky issued server command: /home [10:44:40] Enotik_imba issued server command: /w fresh123q ок [10:44:44] fresh123q issued server command: /trade Enotik_imba [10:44:48] Enotik_imba issued server command: /trade accept [10:45:02] Stroof4 issued server command: /trade vihni [10:45:05] Marmelad_e issued server command: /warp five [10:45:08] Marmelad_e issued server command: /we cui [10:45:10] Enotik_imba issued server command: /money [10:45:11] AZOV issued server command: /rtp [10:45:12] vihni issued server command: /trade cancel [10:45:20] AZOV issued server command: /rtp [10:45:20] Blak_loner issued server command: /mpcaseshop [10:45:22] Stroof4 issued server command: /trade vihni [10:45:26] Blak_loner issued server command: /mpcaseview 1 [10:45:28] Blak_loner issued server command: /rollcase 1 [10:45:38] fresh123q issued server command: /trade RTXGames123lol [10:45:38] fresh123q issued server command: /trade RTXGames123lol [10:45:42] Blak_loner issued server command: /mpcaseview 1 [10:45:44] Blak_loner issued server command: /rollcase 1 [10:45:52] VadimScorpion issued server command: /rtp [10:45:55] Mok1Cho issued server command: /home [10:45:57] Blak_loner issued server command: /mpcaseview 1 [10:45:59] Blak_loner issued server command: /rollcase 1 [10:45:59] Mok1Cho issued server command: /we cui [10:46:01] AZOV issued server command: /rtp [10:46:13] Blak_loner issued server command: /mpcaseview 1 [10:46:15] Blak_loner issued server command: /rollcase 1 [10:46:18] AZOV issued server command: /rtp [10:46:26] Stroof4 issued server command: /home vihni [10:46:26] Blak_loner issued server command: /mpcaseview 1 [10:46:29] AZOV issued server command: /rtp [10:46:36] Pro100ky issued server command: /home [10:46:40] valera_zakon issued server command: /mpcaseshop [10:46:42] valera_zakon issued server command: /mpcaseview 1 [10:46:43] Blak_loner issued server command: /cart giu [10:46:49] Marmelad_e issued server command: /warp kist 2 [10:46:51] fresh123q issued server command: /warp nether [10:46:52] vihni issued server command: /home [10:46:54] Marmelad_e issued server command: /warp list 2 [10:46:54] valera_zakon issued server command: /mpcaseshop [10:46:54] Blak_loner issued server command: /cart gui [10:46:57] valera_zakon issued server command: /mpcaseview 7 [10:47:00] Marmelad_e issued server command: /warp chacha [10:47:00] fresh123q issued server command: /we cui [10:47:02] VadimScorpion issued server command: /home [10:47:07] Mok1Cho issued server command: /warp case [10:47:08] fresh123q issued server command: /rtp [10:47:11] Mok1Cho issued server command: /we cui [10:47:11] AZOV issued server command: /rtp [10:47:13] valera_zakon issued server command: /mpcaseshop [10:47:14] valera_zakon issued server command: /mpcaseview 8 [10:47:18] valera_zakon issued server command: /mpcaseshop [10:47:19] valera_zakon issued server command: /mpcaseview 9 [10:47:21] XZMagic зашёл [10:47:22] valera_zakon issued server command: /mpcaseshop [10:47:23] valera_zakon issued server command: /mpcaseview 6 [10:47:27] vihni issued server command: /warp st [10:47:27] Stroof4 issued server command: /home [10:47:30] AZOV issued server command: /rtp [10:47:30] Pro100ky issued server command: /home [10:47:37] valera_zakon issued server command: /mpcaseshop [10:47:43] Enotik_imba issued server command: /warp an [10:47:47] Lexamon issued server command: /home [10:47:49] Lexamon issued server command: /we cui [10:47:57] [G] warves55: !куплю бирюзовый мистик цветок [10:47:57] XZMagic issued server command: /we cui [10:47:58] AZOV issued server command: /rtp [10:48:08] fresh123q issued server command: /home [10:48:08] AZOV issued server command: /rtp [10:48:11] fresh123q issued server command: /we cui [10:48:11] DeadWolfWar issued server command: /warp end [10:48:12] DeadWolfWar issued server command: /warp end [10:48:14] [G] valera_zakon: !продам [10:48:14] DeadWolfWar issued server command: /warp end [10:48:14] DeadWolfWar issued server command: /warp end [10:48:15] DeadWolfWar issued server command: /warp end [10:48:16] DeadWolfWar issued server command: / [10:48:17] DeadWolfWar issued server command: / [10:48:18] [L] warves55: crjkrj [10:48:19] DeadWolfWar issued server command: /warp end [10:48:23] [G] warves55: !сколько [10:48:26] warves55 issued server command: /home [10:48:30] DeadWolfWar issued server command: /warp end [10:48:30] AZOV issued server command: /rtp [10:48:30] [G] valera_zakon: !сколько надо? [10:48:44] Mok1Cho issued server command: /warp minim [10:48:48] DeadWolfWar issued server command: /warp end [10:48:48] Mok1Cho issued server command: /we cui [10:49:07] AZOV issued server command: /rtp [10:49:08] [G] warves55: !cyjuj [10:49:11] [G] warves55: !много [10:49:14] DeadWolfWar issued server command: /warp end [10:49:15] AZOV issued server command: /rtp [10:49:17] [G] valera_zakon: !пол стака могу [10:49:17] [G] warves55: !) [10:49:22] [G] warves55: !за что [10:49:25] [L] Marmelad_e: 17 [10:49:31] Marmelad_e issued server command: /money [10:49:32] AZOV issued server command: /rtp [10:49:33] [G] valera_zakon: !уголь [10:49:38] [G] valera_zakon: !много угля [10:49:46] [L] warves55: у меня его мало [10:49:49] DeadWolfWar вышел [10:49:52] Andreibrooo зашёл [10:49:54] DeadWolfWar зашёл [10:49:56] DeadWolfWar issued server command: /we cui [10:49:56] [G] warves55: !у меня мало угля может алм [10:50:00] DeadWolfWar issued server command: /warp end [10:50:02] DeadWolfWar issued server command: /warp end [10:50:02] DeadWolfWar issued server command: /warp end [10:50:05] __KotuKen issued server command: /m TrYlKiN дай свою рамку [10:50:05] Andreibrooo issued server command: /we cui [10:50:07] DeadWolfWar issued server command: /home [10:50:08] [G] valera_zakon: !тогда за валюту [10:50:13] [G] valera_zakon: !алмов много есть [10:50:14] warves55 issued server command: /money [10:50:17] [G] valera_zakon: !у меня [10:50:21] [G] warves55: !бл [10:50:21] [G] Andreibrooo: ! у меня [10:50:22] [G] AZOV: !очком возьмешь? [10:50:23] Pro100ky issued server command: /home [10:50:23] Marmelad_e issued server command: /warp list 2 [10:50:28] TrYlKiN issued server command: /tpa __KotuKen [10:50:31] [G] Mok1Cho: !кто пвп? [10:50:31] Marmelad_e issued server command: /warp boss228 [10:50:34] Mok1Cho issued server command: /home [10:50:36] __KotuKen issued server command: /tpaccept [10:50:38] Marmelad_e issued server command: /warp case [10:50:41] Marmelad_e issued server command: /we cui [10:50:51] [L] valera_zakon: бебренок [10:50:54] AZOV issued server command: /sethome [10:50:54] [L] valera_zakon: хай дс [10:51:01] SIlver_MrGrizz issued server command: /we cui [10:51:01] Droness зашёл [10:51:04] [G] Mok1Cho: !Все на /warp pvpe [10:51:06] [G] Mok1Cho: !Все на /warp pvp [10:51:10] Mok1Cho issued server command: /warp pvp [10:51:10] [G] warves55: !ща пафармлю угля [10:51:13] Mok1Cho issued server command: /we cui [10:51:17] Droness issued server command: /we cui [10:51:22] Andreibrooo issued server command: /warp pvp [10:51:24] Andreibrooo issued server command: /we cui [10:51:26] Pro100ky issued server command: /home [10:51:30] [L] __KotuKen: кхмм [10:51:37] [L] Mok1Cho: го [10:51:47] [L] Andreibrooo: а какой у тебя сет? [10:51:52] [G] warves55: !стака 2 пойдет [10:51:55] Stroof4 вышел [10:51:56] [G] VadimScorpion: ! где находятса парталы ? [10:52:00] Droness вышел [10:52:01] [L] Mok1Cho: квант с гравиком [10:52:02] valera_zakon issued server command: /m warves55 мало [10:52:04] [G] Andreibrooo: !warp portal [10:52:05] [G] warves55: !warp portal [10:52:09] [G] VadimScorpion: ! спс [10:52:10] [L] Andreibrooo: покажи [10:52:10] warves55 issued server command: /r а сколько [10:52:11] valera_zakon issued server command: /m warves55 2 стака угля только 1 эм [10:52:12] AZOV умер (ENTITY_ATTACK) [10:52:14] mrggame зашёл [10:52:14] AZOV issued server command: /we cui [10:52:18] mrggame issued server command: /we cui [10:52:19] valera_zakon issued server command: /m warves55 хотябы стаков 20 [10:52:20] [L] Andreibrooo: что за сумка у тебя? [10:52:23] VadimScorpion issued server command: /warp portal [10:52:23] AZOV вышел [10:52:29] [L] Mok1Cho: ну простая сумка [10:52:32] Flerion issued server command: /warp portal [10:52:32] VadimScorpion issued server command: /we cui [10:52:34] RTXGames123lol вышел [10:52:34] [L] Andreibrooo: как называется? [10:52:35] Flerion issued server command: /we cui [10:52:36] warves55 issued server command: /m бля в пизду у меня только алм кирка и все [10:52:39] [L] Mok1Cho: сумка [10:52:44] [L] Andreibrooo: а чар? [10:52:49] Flerion issued server command: /we cui [10:52:54] [L] Mok1Cho: удержание 3 [10:52:54] Flerion issued server command: /warp portal [10:52:56] VadimScorpion issued server command: /we cui [10:52:56] Flerion issued server command: /we cui [10:53:01] [L] Mok1Cho: и все [10:53:04] [L] Andreibrooo: окей [10:53:06] Andreibrooo issued server command: /warp ez [10:53:08] [L] Mok1Cho: го? [10:53:08] Andreibrooo issued server command: /spawn [10:53:10] Andreibrooo issued server command: /we cui [10:53:13] Andreibrooo issued server command: /warp ez [10:53:13] warves55 issued server command: /pm valera_zakon бля в пизду у меня только алм кирка и все [10:53:14] Andreibrooo issued server command: /we cui [10:53:16] [L] __KotuKen: всё [10:53:23] [L] __KotuKen: крч [10:53:28] [L] __KotuKen: исапользуй [10:53:32] [L] __KotuKen: инструментум [10:53:38] Mok1Cho issued server command: /w Andreibrooo ну го пвп? [10:53:39] [L] __KotuKen: вот [10:53:40] Mok1Cho issued server command: /home [10:53:41] vihni issued server command: /home [10:53:46] VadimScorpion issued server command: /home [10:53:48] VadimScorpion issued server command: /we cui [10:53:53] [L] TrYlKiN: там пердитио писало [10:53:55] [L] __KotuKen: всё [10:53:56] Mok1Cho issued server command: /spawn [10:53:58] [L] __KotuKen: ето баг [10:53:58] VadimScorpion умер (FIRE_TICK) [10:53:59] [L] __KotuKen: уже [10:54:00] VadimScorpion issued server command: /we cui [10:54:01] Mok1Cho issued server command: /we cui [10:54:01] [L] TrYlKiN: пон [10:54:01] XZMagic issued server command: /kit start [10:54:02] Mok1Cho issued server command: /home [10:54:02] [L] __KotuKen: давно [10:54:03] [L] TrYlKiN: спс [10:54:06] Mok1Cho issued server command: /we cui [10:54:08] Marmelad_e issued server command: /home [10:54:10] TrYlKiN issued server command: /home [10:54:11] Marmelad_e issued server command: /we cui [10:54:11] [L] __KotuKen: не за что [10:54:17] [L] TrYlKiN: инструментум нужен [10:54:18] [G] Andreibrooo: !Куплю книгу на удержание 3 [10:54:20] [G] fresh123q: !куплю слизь [10:54:22] VadimScorpion issued server command: /warp portal [10:54:22] VadimScorpion issued server command: /we cui [10:54:23] [L] TrYlKiN: а не пердитио [10:54:25] [L] TrYlKiN: баг [10:54:31] vihni issued server command: /warp st [10:54:31] VadimScorpion issued server command: /we cui [10:54:35] Andreibrooo issued server command: /M fresh123q скок? [10:54:46] fresh123q issued server command: /m Andreibrooo 4 [10:54:49] Mok1Cho issued server command: /warp pvp [10:54:52] Mok1Cho issued server command: /we cui [10:54:58] Andreibrooo issued server command: /r за что купишь? [10:55:00] Lexamon issued server command: /rtp [10:55:07] [G] Mok1Cho: ! Andreibrooo ти где? [10:55:09] fresh123q issued server command: /money [10:55:18] fresh123q issued server command: /m Andreibrooo ну продаш за 3 эма [10:55:26] [G] Mok1Cho: !ну [10:55:26] __KotuKen issued server command: /warp pve [10:55:27] Andreibrooo issued server command: /r оу ноу [10:55:31] Marmelad_e issued server command: /warp chacha [10:55:31] VadimScorpion issued server command: /rtp [10:55:31] __KotuKen issued server command: /we cui [10:55:47] Marmelad_e issued server command: /home [10:55:59] fresh123q issued server command: /m Andreibrooo а за что тогда? [10:56:07] warves55 issued server command: /r а за стака сколко дашь [10:56:08] [G] Mok1Cho: !Все на /warp pvp [10:56:13] warves55 issued server command: /r 3 [10:56:36] fresh123q issued server command: /m Andreibrooo ау [10:56:40] cps_died вышел [10:56:41] Andreibrooo issued server command: /r эмы [10:56:43] valera_zakon issued server command: /m warves55 кидай трейд [10:56:53] fresh123q issued server command: /m Andreibrooo а 2 за скок продаш [10:56:55] warves55 issued server command: /r минуты 3 [10:56:57] Mok1Cho issued server command: /spawn [10:57:00] Mok1Cho issued server command: /we cui [10:57:03] Mok1Cho issued server command: /home [10:57:05] TrYlKiN issued server command: /warp pvp [10:57:07] valera_zakon issued server command: /m warves55 всё равно мне не нужны эти цветки [10:57:08] Mok1Cho issued server command: /we cui [10:57:11] vihni issued server command: /home [10:57:17] warves55 issued server command: /trade valera_zakon [10:57:20] TrYlKiN issued server command: /we cui [10:57:24] valera_zakon issued server command: /trade cancel [10:57:24] valera_zakon issued server command: /trade accept [10:57:24] valera_zakon issued server command: /trade accept [10:57:31] Lexamon issued server command: /rtp [10:57:33] valera_zakon issued server command: /trade warves55 [10:57:42] Mok1Cho issued server command: /warp pvp [10:57:43] Marmelad_e issued server command: /warp list 2 [10:57:45] Mok1Cho issued server command: /we cui [10:57:45] warves55 issued server command: /trade accept [10:57:49] [G] Mok1Cho: !Все на /warp pvp [10:57:52] Marmelad_e issued server command: /warp aura [10:57:53] [L] Mok1Cho: о [10:57:54] fresh123q issued server command: /m Andreibrooo а 2 за скок продаш [10:57:55] Marmelad_e issued server command: /we cui [10:58:00] Andreibrooo issued server command: /r 5 эмов [10:58:06] [G] warves55: !спасибо [10:58:07] Marmelad_e issued server command: /warp aura 2 [10:58:08] [L] TrYlKiN: не в кобине [10:58:09] warves55 issued server command: /home [10:58:09] JuliaMag issued server command: /home [10:58:10] Marmelad_e issued server command: /we cui [10:58:11] JuliaMag issued server command: /we cui [10:58:11] DimaBloger зашёл [10:58:19] [L] Mok1Cho: не го в кабинку [10:58:26] [L] TrYlKiN: я на арене [10:58:26] Enotik_imba issued server command: /warp pvp [10:58:27] Marmelad_e issued server command: /warp anime [10:58:28] Enotik_imba issued server command: /we cui [10:58:57] [L] Mok1Cho: я боюсьц [10:59:11] DimaBloger issued server command: /we cui [10:59:13] [L] TrYlKiN: какой у тебя меч Enotik_imba [10:59:19] [L] TrYlKiN: ого [10:59:27] [L] Mok1Cho: нам капут [10:59:33] [L] Mok1Cho: енотика нам не победить [10:59:34] [G] DimaBloger: !Строю дома на заказ [10:59:35] VadimScorpion issued server command: /home [10:59:37] VadimScorpion issued server command: /we cui [10:59:38] vihni issued server command: /home [10:59:41] [L] TrYlKiN: да он весь в топке [10:59:41] vihni issued server command: /warp st [10:59:44] [L] Mok1Cho: + [10:59:49] [G] Andreibrooo: ! реально? [11:00:12] [G] DimaBloger: !Да [11:00:13] [L] Mok1Cho: поч не могу? [11:00:16] [L] Enotik_imba: что у тебя за меч [11:00:17] [G] SIlver_MrGrizz: !143 [11:00:18] [L] Mok1Cho: го кабинку [11:00:18] [G] Andreibrooo: !капец ты крутой [11:00:20] [G] DimaBloger: !-143 [11:00:24] [G] fresh123q: !190 [11:00:26] [L] TrYlKiN: вот [11:00:26] [G] Andreibrooo: !-190 [11:00:29] [G] DimaBloger: !-146 [11:00:30] [L] TrYlKiN: ваджара 20 урона [11:00:31] [G] fresh123q: !-190 [11:00:32] [L] Mok1Cho: го кабинку [11:00:34] [G] DimaBloger: !-116 [11:00:37] [G] Andreibrooo: !-104 [11:00:38] [G] fresh123q: ! -190 [11:00:40] [G] Andreibrooo: !-194 [11:00:47] [G] DimaBloger: !Строю дома на заказ [11:00:47] [L] Mok1Cho: го кабинку [11:00:51] Andreibrooo issued server command: /money [11:00:51] XZMagic issued server command: /expand d30 [11:00:56] [L] Mok1Cho: енотик иди за мной [11:01:00] Lexamon issued server command: /rtp [11:01:01] [L] Enotik_imba: можно ударить [11:01:01] XZMagic issued server command: /expand d 30 [11:01:04] [L] Enotik_imba: 1 раз [11:01:05] [L] Mok1Cho: енотик иди за мной [11:01:09] [L] TrYlKiN: ударь [11:01:17] XZMagic issued server command: /help [11:01:19] [L] Enotik_imba: ) [11:01:25] jmka issued server command: /кез [11:01:27] [L] TrYlKiN: бл [11:01:27] jmka issued server command: /rtp [11:01:28] [L] Mok1Cho: он чуть не здох [11:01:32] [L] TrYlKiN: а больно ударил [11:01:32] Mok1Cho убил Enotik_imba (DIVINEADDON_HALITEBLADE2) [11:01:35] Andreibrooo issued server command: /rg info [11:01:35] XZMagic issued server command: /home [11:01:36] Enotik_imba issued server command: /we cui [11:01:40] [L] Mok1Cho: з 1 удара) [11:01:42] [L] TrYlKiN: больше 1 строчки снес [11:01:42] Enotik_imba issued server command: /warp pvp [11:01:43] SIlver_MrGrizz issued server command: /we cui [11:01:44] Enotik_imba issued server command: /we cui [11:01:44] Andreibrooo issued server command: /kit mobs [11:01:45] [L] Mok1Cho: убил [11:01:49] JuliaMag issued server command: /we cui [11:01:49] [G] DimaBloger: !Строю дома на заказ [11:01:55] [L] TrYlKiN: не рили говорю [11:01:57] XZMagic issued server command: /help 2 [11:02:04] [L] TrYlKiN: что то халит это не оч [11:02:04] [L] Mok1Cho: он чуть не здох [11:02:14] XZMagic issued server command: /help 3 [11:02:18] JuliaMag issued server command: /tppos 100 100 100 [11:02:23] Mok1Cho убил Enotik_imba (DIVINEADDON_HALITEBLADE2) [11:02:26] Enotik_imba issued server command: /we cui [11:02:27] Enotik_imba issued server command: /warp pvp [11:02:28] [L] Mok1Cho: хехе [11:02:29] Enotik_imba issued server command: /we cui [11:02:34] jmka issued server command: /home [11:02:35] vihni issued server command: /warp abyss [11:02:38] [G] DimaBloger: !Продаю дерево [11:02:40] [L] Mok1Cho: почему не могу ударить? [11:02:46] [L] TrYlKiN: мы в клане [11:02:48] [L] Mok1Cho: ааа [11:02:49] [L] vihni: 15 [11:02:54] vihni issued server command: /warp st [11:02:56] Mok1Cho issued server command: /clan [11:03:02] [L] XZMagic: как приватить [11:03:10] [L] Enotik_imba: стань человеком [11:03:11] Lexamon issued server command: /rtp [11:03:25] [L] Enotik_imba: ты без брони ? [11:03:30] [L] Mok1Cho: lf [11:03:31] [L] Mok1Cho: да [11:03:33] vihni issued server command: /warp abyss [11:03:36] [G] DimaBloger: !Продаю дерево [11:03:37] jmka вышел [11:03:38] [L] Enotik_imba: только руный щит [11:03:41] DimaBloger issued server command: /kit start [11:03:44] [L] vihni: 15 [11:03:45] mrggame issued server command: /home [11:03:48] [L] Mok1Cho: нету рунного щита [11:03:48] Andreibrooo issued server command: /kit [11:03:49] DimaBloger issued server command: /kit eat [11:03:51] [L] vihni: 10 [11:03:51] Andreibrooo issued server command: /kit tools [11:03:56] [L] Enotik_imba: ух [11:04:00] Andreibrooo issued server command: /kit tree [11:04:02] [L] vihni: 5 [11:04:06] [G] XZMagic: !как приватить в высоту [11:04:07] [L] vihni: 3 [11:04:11] Andreibrooo issued server command: /kit thaum [11:04:16] [L] vihni: 1 [11:04:20] [G] XZMagic: !как приватить в высоту [11:04:21] [L] vihni: 1 [11:04:25] fresh123q issued server command: //chunk [11:04:25] fresh123q issued server command: //outset 16 [11:04:25] fresh123q issued server command: /ZONE [11:04:26] [L] Mok1Cho: та иди на него итак вещи из тебя не падают [11:04:28] vihni issued server command: /warp abyss [11:04:31] vihni issued server command: /warp st [11:04:37] Mok1Cho убил Enotik_imba (DIVINEADDON_HALITEBLADE2) [11:04:40] Witherion зашёл [11:04:40] Enotik_imba issued server command: /we cui [11:04:42] [L] Mok1Cho: 1 удар [11:04:46] Enotik_imba issued server command: /warp an [11:04:47] [L] TrYlKiN: у меня зато падают [11:04:48] Enotik_imba issued server command: /we cui [11:04:52] [L] Mok1Cho: хах [11:04:55] Witherion issued server command: /we cui [11:04:56] vihni issued server command: /warp abyss [11:04:57] Lexamon issued server command: /rtp [11:04:59] fresh123q issued server command: //SEL [11:05:02] [L] Mok1Cho: у меня тоже [11:05:02] [G] DimaBloger: !Напишип zone [11:05:10] Mok1Cho issued server command: /spawn [11:05:15] Mok1Cho issued server command: /we cui [11:05:20] Mok1Cho issued server command: /clan [11:05:22] TrYlKiN issued server command: /home [11:05:27] Mok1Cho issued server command: /clan kick TrYlKiN [11:05:30] [L] vihni: 15 [11:05:32] Pro100ky issued server command: /home [11:05:35] Mok1Cho issued server command: /home [11:05:37] [L] vihni: 10 [11:05:38] TrYlKiN issued server command: /spawn [11:05:38] Mok1Cho issued server command: /we cui [11:05:45] TrYlKiN issued server command: /we cui [11:05:46] vihni issued server command: /warp st [11:05:46] DimaBloger issued server command: /home [11:05:47] TrYlKiN issued server command: /home [11:05:47] TrYlKiN issued server command: /we cui [11:05:56] [L] TrYlKiN: зач выкинул [11:05:57] Enotik_imba issued server command: /warp pvp [11:05:59] Enotik_imba issued server command: /we cui [11:06:07] [L] Mok1Cho: хочу пвп [11:06:15] Lexamon issued server command: /home [11:06:18] [L] TrYlKiN: у меня нету брони [11:06:23] Mok1Cho issued server command: /clan invite TrYlKiN [11:06:26] TrYlKiN issued server command: /clan accept Mok1Cho [11:06:39] vihni issued server command: /warp abyss [11:06:45] [G] Enotik_imba: !/warp pvp [11:06:50] [L] vihni: 13 [11:06:54] [G] DimaBloger: !Почему лук края не стреляет? [11:06:57] Mok1Cho вышел [11:07:05] vihni issued server command: /warp st [11:07:10] Witherion issued server command: /msg DimaBloger Для стрельбы нужна стрела. [11:07:15] DimaBloger issued server command: /r какая [11:07:21] Witherion issued server command: /msg DimaBloger Обычная. [11:07:22] [G] __KotuKen: !кому палку зарядить? [11:07:23] Marmelad_e issued server command: /rg info [11:07:33] warves55 вышел [11:07:39] warves55 зашёл [11:07:41] warves55 issued server command: /we cui [11:07:43] [G] Enotik_imba: !/warp pvp [11:08:08] __KotuKen issued server command: /home [11:08:11] __KotuKen issued server command: /we cui [11:08:16] Witherion issued server command: /warp mining [11:08:17] Witherion issued server command: /we cui [11:08:24] Enotik_imba issued server command: /warp pve [11:08:29] Enotik_imba issued server command: /spawn [11:08:31] Enotik_imba issued server command: /we cui [11:08:38] valera_zakon issued server command: /m Andreibrooo хуй [11:08:44] Witherion issued server command: /home [11:08:44] DimaBloger issued server command: /home [11:08:46] Witherion issued server command: /we cui [11:08:48] Enotik_imba issued server command: /wkit top [11:08:49] Lexamon issued server command: /home [11:08:53] Enotik_imba issued server command: /kit top [11:08:55] __KotuKen issued server command: /warp minim [11:09:04] JuliaMag issued server command: /home [11:09:04] [G] DimaBloger: !У меня молот тора [11:09:06] JuliaMag issued server command: /we cui [11:09:12] Enotik_imba issued server command: /warp pve [11:09:14] Enotik_imba issued server command: /we cui [11:09:22] vihni issued server command: /home [11:09:24] JuliaMag issued server command: /we cui [11:09:32] AZOV зашёл [11:09:33] Enotik_imba issued server command: /heal [11:09:35] vihni issued server command: /warp st [11:09:35] Enotik_imba умер (PROJECTILE) [11:09:38] [G] DimaBloger: !Кому plank9 [11:09:39] Enotik_imba issued server command: /we cui [11:09:43] [G] DimaBloger: !Кому plan9k [11:09:48] Enotik_imba issued server command: /home [11:09:52] [G] DimaBloger: !Operation System [11:09:53] AZOV issued server command: /we cui [11:10:06] [G] fresh123q: !куплю алмазы [11:10:09] Enotik_imba issued server command: /home Pro100ky [11:10:11] Enotik_imba issued server command: /we cui [11:10:24] Enotik_imba issued server command: /w fresh123q Продам [11:10:41] Enotik_imba issued server command: /w fresh123q 1.6 [11:10:41] fresh123q issued server command: /m Enotik_imba мне нужен 1 [11:10:41] Flerion issued server command: /warp npcshop [11:10:47] Enotik_imba issued server command: /w fresh123q кидай [11:10:50] Flerion issued server command: /warp NPCshop [11:10:51] __KotuKen issued server command: /m Witherion возьми незарядженую палку и + /warp minimarket [11:10:53] fresh123q issued server command: /trade Enotik_imba [11:10:56] Enotik_imba issued server command: /trade accept [11:11:01] Flerion issued server command: /warp NPCShop [11:11:08] Lexamon вышел [11:11:10] vihni issued server command: /home [11:11:14] SIlver_MrGrizz issued server command: /we cui [11:11:16] __KotuKen issued server command: /mods [11:11:17] __KotuKen issued server command: /server [11:11:19] Flerion issued server command: /home [11:11:22] Flerion issued server command: /we cui [11:11:26] vihni issued server command: /home [11:11:30] vihni issued server command: /warp st [11:11:32] Flerion issued server command: /rtp [11:11:48] [L] Enotik_imba: .рщьу [11:11:50] Enotik_imba issued server command: /home [11:11:52] Enotik_imba issued server command: /we cui [11:11:54] warves55 issued server command: / [11:11:57] warves55 issued server command: /rtp [11:12:16] JuliaMag issued server command: /home [11:12:17] JuliaMag issued server command: /we cui [11:12:33] vihni issued server command: /home [11:13:00] Witherion issued server command: /warp portal [11:13:02] Witherion issued server command: /we cui [11:13:11] VadimScorpion issued server command: /home [11:13:14] Witherion issued server command: /msg __KotuKen Зач? [11:13:17] Enotik_imba issued server command: /heal [11:13:17] JuliaMag issued server command: /we cui [11:13:29] vihni issued server command: /warp st [11:13:29] __KotuKen issued server command: /r протестить [11:13:29] __KotuKen issued server command: /r зарядку палки [11:13:29] DimaBloger вышел [11:13:29] warves55 issued server command: /rtp [11:13:36] Witherion issued server command: /msg __KotuKen К. [11:13:37] Witherion issued server command: /home [11:13:40] Witherion issued server command: /we cui [11:13:50] warves55 issued server command: /rtp [11:13:53] Witherion issued server command: /warp minimarket [11:13:58] AZOV вышел [11:14:14] [L] __KotuKen: зайди [11:14:17] [L] __KotuKen: кинь палку [11:14:19] [L] __KotuKen: подожди [11:14:23] Enotik_imba issued server command: /heal [11:14:28] [L] __KotuKen: и наэми на пдиту [11:14:36] warves55 issued server command: /rtp [11:14:39] [L] __KotuKen: неа [11:14:45] [L] __KotuKen: кинь ближе к сундуку [11:14:55] TrYlKiN вышел [11:15:02] Enotik_imba issued server command: /home [11:15:05] [L] __KotuKen: выдало палку [11:15:10] Enotik_imba issued server command: /warp an [11:15:13] Enotik_imba issued server command: /we cui [11:15:21] [L] Witherion: :/ [11:15:21] [L] __KotuKen: должно было выкинуть палку [11:15:25] Marmelad_e issued server command: /home [11:15:26] [L] Witherion: Не выкинуло... [11:15:44] [L] __KotuKen: какая палка была? [11:15:46] warves55 issued server command: /рщьу [11:15:48] warves55 issued server command: /home [11:15:57] SIlver_MrGrizz issued server command: /we cui [11:15:59] mrggame issued server command: /warp net [11:16:01] mrggame issued server command: /we cui [11:16:03] [L] Witherion: 4345:54 [11:16:14] Marmelad_e вышел [11:16:25] [L] __KotuKen: на 100 вис [11:16:28] Flerion issued server command: /home [11:16:34] Enotik_imba issued server command: /warp pvp [11:16:36] Enotik_imba issued server command: /we cui [11:16:41] vihni issued server command: /home [11:16:59] Pro100ky issued server command: /home [11:17:01] [L] __KotuKen: кхм [11:17:02] AZOV зашёл [11:17:07] Enotik_imba issued server command: /warp an [11:17:07] AZOV issued server command: /we cui [11:17:07] [G] SIlver_MrGrizz: !кто продаст лишайник [11:17:13] vihni issued server command: /warp st [11:17:18] Enotik_imba issued server command: /spawn [11:17:18] DeadWolfWar issued server command: /warp shop [11:17:19] AZOV вышел [11:17:20] DeadWolfWar issued server command: /we cui [11:17:21] Enotik_imba issued server command: /spawn [11:17:23] [L] __KotuKen: надо будет [11:17:24] [G] SIlver_MrGrizz: !и сверкающий сорняк [11:17:28] Enotik_imba issued server command: /spawn [11:17:29] [L] __KotuKen: поменять систему [11:17:30] Enotik_imba issued server command: /we cui [11:17:33] Enotik_imba issued server command: /warp an [11:17:34] [L] __KotuKen: я щас тебе сделаю новую палку [11:17:34] Enotik_imba issued server command: /we cui [11:17:39] [L] Witherion: К. [11:17:42] [L] __KotuKen: щас [11:17:44] [L] __KotuKen: постой тут [11:17:45] __KotuKen issued server command: /home [11:17:55] DeadWolfWar issued server command: /warp 4ch [11:18:02] DeadWolfWar issued server command: /warp end [11:18:04] [G] fresh123q: !куплю прессы ля высекателя [11:18:06] DeadWolfWar issued server command: /home [11:18:07] DeadWolfWar issued server command: /we cui [11:18:14] JuliaMag issued server command: /home [11:18:15] JuliaMag issued server command: /we cui [11:18:21] [G] SIlver_MrGrizz: !кто продаст лишайник и сверкаюций сорняк [11:18:29] __KotuKen issued server command: /home [11:18:31] JuliaMag issued server command: /we cui [11:18:37] vihni issued server command: /home [11:18:44] JuliaMag issued server command: /home [11:18:45] JuliaMag issued server command: /we cui [11:18:50] __KotuKen issued server command: /home [11:18:51] vihni issued server command: /warp st [11:18:51] __KotuKen issued server command: /warp minimarket [11:18:54] __KotuKen issued server command: /home [11:18:58] JuliaMag issued server command: /we cui [11:19:00] [G] fresh123q: !куплю прессы ля высекателя [11:19:10] JuliaMag issued server command: /home [11:19:12] JuliaMag issued server command: /we cui [11:19:16] __KotuKen issued server command: /home [11:19:17] __KotuKen issued server command: /warp minimarket [11:19:18] __KotuKen issued server command: /warp minimarket [11:19:20] Enotik_imba issued server command: /w fresh123q продам [11:19:25] mrggame issued server command: /home [11:19:26] JuliaMag issued server command: /we cui [11:19:26] mrggame issued server command: /we cui [11:19:27] [L] __KotuKen: ырф [11:19:28] [L] __KotuKen: щас [11:19:34] Flerion вышел [11:19:40] JuliaMag issued server command: /home [11:19:42] JuliaMag issued server command: /we cui [11:19:49] Lexamon зашёл [11:19:52] Lexamon issued server command: /we cui [11:19:59] JuliaMag issued server command: /we cui [11:20:05] fresh123q issued server command: /m Enotik_imba за сколько продаш 4 [11:20:08] hais3 зашёл [11:20:10] hais3 issued server command: /we cui [11:20:11] DeadWolfWar issued server command: /kit [11:20:13] AZOV зашёл [11:20:16] JuliaMag issued server command: /home [11:20:18] JuliaMag issued server command: /we cui [11:20:18] AZOV issued server command: /we cui [11:20:53] fresh123q issued server command: /money [11:20:59] fresh123q issued server command: /m Enotik_imba за сколько продаш 4 [11:21:40] fresh123q issued server command: /m Enotik_imba ау [11:21:44] [L] __KotuKen: кхм [11:21:59] Enotik_imba issued server command: /w fresh123q 30 [11:22:04] DeadWolfWar issued server command: /home [11:22:05] Andreibrooo issued server command: /rg flag Andreibrooohome pvp deny [11:22:05] fresh123q issued server command: /trade Enotik_imba [11:22:08] Andreibrooo issued server command: /rg flag Andreibrooohome pvp allow [11:22:08] Andreibrooo убил valera_zakon (DRACONICEVOLUTION_DRACONICSWORD) [11:22:10] mrggame умер (ENTITY_ATTACK) [11:22:11] mrggame issued server command: /home [11:22:12] valera_zakon issued server command: /we cui [11:22:12] Andreibrooo issued server command: /rg flag Andreibrooohome pvp deny [11:22:12] mrggame issued server command: /we cui [11:22:13] Enotik_imba issued server command: /w fresh123q за3 [11:22:17] valera_zakon issued server command: /warp ez [11:22:18] Enotik_imba issued server command: /w fresh123q 38 [11:22:18] valera_zakon issued server command: /we cui [11:22:21] Enotik_imba issued server command: /w fresh123q за4 [11:22:24] Enotik_imba issued server command: /trade accept [11:22:27] Andreibrooo issued server command: /rg info [11:22:37] mrggame issued server command: /home [11:22:45] fresh123q issued server command: /trade Enotik_imba [11:22:47] Enotik_imba issued server command: /trade accept [11:22:57] valera_zakon вышел [11:23:01] valera_zakon зашёл [11:23:03] valera_zakon issued server command: /we cui [11:23:13] Enotik_imba issued server command: /warp an [11:23:21] XZMagic вышел [11:23:23] vihni issued server command: /home [11:23:27] valera_zakon issued server command: /we cui [11:23:28] JuliaMag issued server command: /we cui [11:23:40] vihni issued server command: /warp st [11:23:58] [L] __KotuKen: ща [11:24:02] PokeMon4728 зашёл [11:24:05] Pro100ky issued server command: /rpt [11:24:07] __KotuKen issued server command: /home [11:24:07] Pro100ky issued server command: /rtp [11:24:14] PokeMon4728 issued server command: /we cui [11:24:23] Enotik_imba issued server command: /rtp [11:24:28] Enotik_imba issued server command: /money [11:24:34] Enotik_imba issued server command: /warp shop [11:24:36] Enotik_imba issued server command: /we cui [11:24:39] Lexamon issued server command: /spawn [11:24:40] Lexamon issued server command: /we cui [11:24:57] KnightMare зашёл [11:25:07] Lexamon issued server command: /home [11:25:08] KnightMare issued server command: /we cui [11:25:09] Lexamon issued server command: /we cui [11:25:15] vihni issued server command: /home [11:25:25] mrggame issued server command: /home [11:25:28] Enotik_imba issued server command: /rtp [11:25:32] Enotik_imba issued server command: /home [11:25:35] Enotik_imba issued server command: /we cui [11:25:38] Enotik_imba issued server command: /warp an [11:25:40] Enotik_imba issued server command: /we cui [11:25:46] Enotik_imba issued server command: /rtp [11:25:53] DeadWolfWar issued server command: /home [11:25:57] Pro100ky issued server command: /home [11:26:01] vihni issued server command: /warp st [11:26:07] Pro100ky issued server command: /rtp [11:26:12] Enotik_imba issued server command: /rtp [11:26:26] Enotik_imba issued server command: /rtp [11:26:27] Enotik_imba issued server command: /rtp [11:26:29] Enotik_imba issued server command: /rtp [11:26:43] AZOV issued server command: //wand [11:26:43] PokeMon4728 вышел [11:27:02] AZOV issued server command: //expand 10 up [11:27:07] AZOV issued server command: //expand 10 down [11:27:15] AZOV issued server command: //expand 10 up [11:27:16] AZOV issued server command: //expand 10 up [11:27:18] AZOV issued server command: //expand 10 down [11:27:28] AZOV issued server command: /rg claim UK [11:27:49] AZOV issued server command: //sel [11:28:03] AZOV issued server command: /sel [11:28:07] AZOV issued server command: /rg sel [11:28:14] AZOV issued server command: /rg delete UK [11:28:21] AZOV issued server command: //expand 10 left [11:28:28] AZOV issued server command: //expand 10 east [11:28:33] AZOV issued server command: //expand 10 west [11:28:36] __KotuKen issued server command: /m Witherion [11:28:41] AZOV issued server command: //expand 10 south [11:28:42] warves55 issued server command: /kits [11:28:45] AZOV issued server command: //expand 10 north [11:28:45] warves55 issued server command: /kit start [11:28:46] Lasx issued server command: /home Luas [11:28:47] mrggame issued server command: /home [11:28:50] AZOV issued server command: /rg claim uk [11:29:09] DeadWolfWar умер (DROWNING) [11:29:36] mrggame issued server command: /home [11:29:46] vihni issued server command: /home [11:29:50] DeadWolfWar issued server command: /we cui [11:30:07] KnightMare вышел [11:30:23] Lexamon умер (ENTITY_ATTACK) [11:30:26] Lexamon issued server command: /we cui [11:30:42] mrggame issued server command: /home [11:31:04] mrggame issued server command: /kit eat [11:31:04] AZOV issued server command: //sel [11:31:15] Witherion issued server command: /warp mining [11:31:17] Witherion issued server command: /we cui [11:31:23] Witherion issued server command: /warp portal [11:31:25] Witherion issued server command: /we cui [11:31:41] Witherion issued server command: /we cui [11:31:43] PokeMon4728 зашёл [11:31:44] vihni issued server command: /warp st [11:31:44] PokeMon4728 issued server command: /we cui [11:31:50] [G] warves55: !куплю 6 дуба [11:33:26] fresh123q issued server command: /home [11:33:47] AZOV issued server command: /ping [11:34:14] [G] AZOV: !Это у меня пинг, или сервак? [11:34:21] [G] Witherion: ! Cерв. [11:34:26] mrggame issued server command: /warp farm [11:34:27] [G] AZOV: !ясн [11:34:28] mrggame issued server command: /warp fa [11:34:31] mrggame issued server command: /warp list [11:34:40] AZOV issued server command: /rg sel [11:34:43] Witherion issued server command: /home [11:34:46] Witherion issued server command: /we cui [11:35:12] AZOV issued server command: //sel [11:35:27] Lexamon умер (PROJECTILE) [11:35:28] Lexamon issued server command: /we cui [11:35:39] AZOV issued server command: /rg sel [11:35:50] Witherion issued server command: /warp Mining [11:35:51] AZOV issued server command: //sel [11:35:52] Witherion issued server command: /we cui [11:35:57] vihni issued server command: /home [11:36:07] vihni issued server command: /warp st [11:36:15] Witherion issued server command: /home [11:36:17] Witherion issued server command: /we cui [11:36:35] Witherion issued server command: /warp Mining [11:36:37] Witherion issued server command: /we cui [11:36:47] mrggame issued server command: /home [11:37:02] warves55 issued server command: /home [11:37:30] Lexamon issued server command: /warp Lexamon [11:37:41] Lexamon issued server command: /warp nether [11:37:42] Lexamon issued server command: /we cui [11:37:56] KicX issued server command: /home [11:38:04] valera_zakon issued server command: /warp ez [11:38:05] valera_zakon issued server command: /we cui [11:38:07] valera_zakon issued server command: /m Andreibrooo хуй [11:38:13] mrggame issued server command: /home [11:38:15] warves55 issued server command: /rg info [11:38:16] warves55 issued server command: /rg info [11:38:16] warves55 issued server command: /rg info [11:38:18] warves55 issued server command: /rg info [11:38:19] warves55 issued server command: /rg info [11:38:20] warves55 issued server command: /rg infow [11:38:21] warves55 issued server command: /rg infow [11:38:22] valera_zakon issued server command: /m Andreibrooo хуй [11:38:22] valera_zakon issued server command: /m Andreibrooo хуй [11:38:22] valera_zakon issued server command: /m Andreibrooo хуй [11:38:23] valera_zakon issued server command: /m Andreibrooo хуй [11:38:23] valera_zakon issued server command: /m Andreibrooo хуй [11:38:24] valera_zakon issued server command: /m Andreibrooo хуй [11:38:24] valera_zakon issued server command: /m Andreibrooo хуй [11:38:25] warves55 issued server command: /rg infow [11:38:25] valera_zakon issued server command: /m Andreibrooo хуй [11:38:26] warves55 issued server command: /rg infow [11:38:26] KicX issued server command: /kit [11:38:27] warves55 issued server command: /rg infow [11:38:29] warves55 issued server command: /rg infow [11:38:32] warves55 issued server command: /rg infow [11:38:33] warves55 issued server command: /rg infow [11:38:35] warves55 issued server command: /rg infow [11:38:36] warves55 issued server command: /rg info [11:38:37] warves55 issued server command: /rg info [11:38:38] mrggame issued server command: /warp gods [11:38:39] warves55 issued server command: /rg info [11:38:40] warves55 issued server command: /rg info [11:38:41] warves55 issued server command: /rg info [11:38:41] fresh123q issued server command: /home [11:38:44] warves55 issued server command: /rg info [11:38:45] warves55 issued server command: /rg info [11:38:46] warves55 issued server command: /rg info [11:38:47] vihni issued server command: /home [11:38:47] warves55 issued server command: /rg info [11:38:48] warves55 issued server command: /rg info [11:38:49] vihni issued server command: /warp st [11:38:49] KnightMare зашёл [11:38:51] warves55 issued server command: /rg info [11:38:52] KnightMare issued server command: /we cui [11:38:53] Pro100ky issued server command: /home [11:38:55] warves55 issued server command: /rg info [11:38:59] Enotik_imba issued server command: /warp an [11:39:09] warves55 issued server command: /rg info [11:39:10] Witherion issued server command: /msg __KotuKen Ну что там? [11:39:12] Enotik_imba issued server command: /heal [11:39:15] warves55 issued server command: /rg info [11:39:15] warves55 issued server command: /rg info [11:39:16] warves55 issued server command: /rg info [11:39:30] KicX issued server command: /heal [11:39:42] Pro100ky issued server command: /home [11:39:46] KicX issued server command: /home [11:39:55] warves55 умер (PROJECTILE) [11:39:56] warves55 issued server command: /we cui [11:40:05] Pro100ky issued server command: /home [11:40:21] warves55 issued server command: /rg info [11:40:23] warves55 issued server command: /rg info [11:40:25] warves55 issued server command: /rg info [11:40:27] warves55 issued server command: /rg info [11:40:28] warves55 issued server command: /rg info [11:40:29] warves55 issued server command: /rg info [11:40:29] warves55 issued server command: /rg info [11:40:33] warves55 issued server command: /rg info [11:40:34] [G] fresh123q: !куплю алмазы [11:40:38] warves55 issued server command: /rg info [11:40:39] warves55 issued server command: /rg info [11:40:40] warves55 issued server command: /rg info [11:40:41] Andreibrooo issued server command: /m fresh123q продам [11:40:44] fresh123q issued server command: /money [11:40:46] JuliaMag issued server command: /home [11:40:47] warves55 issued server command: /rg info [11:40:48] JuliaMag issued server command: /we cui [11:40:49] warves55 issued server command: /rg info [11:41:01] JuliaMag issued server command: /we cui [11:41:05] PokeMon4728 issued server command: /warp shop [11:41:07] PokeMon4728 issued server command: /we cui [11:41:51] mrggame вышел [11:41:56] JuliaMag issued server command: /home [11:41:58] JuliaMag issued server command: /we cui [11:41:58] KicX issued server command: /home [11:42:03] KicX issued server command: /home [11:42:15] KicX issued server command: /home [11:42:37] JuliaMag issued server command: /we cui [11:42:39] fresh123q issued server command: /money [11:42:41] [G] warves55: !прдам алмы за булыгу [11:42:57] fresh123q issued server command: /m warves55 скок булыги [11:43:05] warves55 issued server command: /r стака 4 [11:43:11] warves55 issued server command: /r 20алм [11:43:24] KicX issued server command: /home [11:43:24] fresh123q issued server command: /trade warves55 [11:43:29] warves55 issued server command: /trade accept [11:44:08] __KotuKen issued server command: /r я тута [11:44:13] __KotuKen issued server command: /r зарядку ходил забирал [11:44:51] mrsuperman69 зашёл [11:44:59] mrsuperman69 issued server command: /we cui [11:45:06] __KotuKen issued server command: /warp minimarket [11:45:10] Enotik_imba issued server command: /warp an [11:45:11] mrsuperman69 issued server command: /kit top [11:45:18] mrsuperman69 issued server command: /kit [11:45:26] __KotuKen issued server command: /home [11:45:32] Cebyrator зашёл [11:45:36] AZOV умер (PROJECTILE) [11:45:38] AZOV issued server command: /we cui [11:45:47] Cebyrator issued server command: /we cui [11:45:48] fresh123q issued server command: /warp nether [11:45:51] fresh123q issued server command: /we cui [11:45:54] mrsuperman69 issued server command: /warp abyss [11:45:56] __KotuKen issued server command: /warp nether [11:45:59] __KotuKen issued server command: /we cui [11:46:23] vihni issued server command: /home [11:46:31] KnightMare issued server command: /warp 69 [11:46:33] mrsuperman69 issued server command: /home [11:46:37] JuliaMag вышел [11:46:39] KnightMare issued server command: /we cui [11:46:43] JuliaMag зашёл [11:46:44] JuliaMag issued server command: /we cui [11:46:48] __KotuKen issued server command: /home [11:46:50] warves55 issued server command: /rg info [11:46:50] Enotik_imba issued server command: /rtp [11:46:51] __KotuKen issued server command: /we cui [11:46:59] valera_zakon issued server command: /voteday [11:47:06] AZOV issued server command: /sethome [11:47:06] vihni issued server command: /warp st [11:47:12] fresh123q issued server command: /warp nether [11:47:15] AZOV issued server command: /rtp [11:47:18] __KotuKen issued server command: /home [11:47:22] Witherion issued server command: /msg __KotuKen Скажи когда подлетать. [11:47:33] PokeMon4728 issued server command: /WARP 69 [11:47:35] PokeMon4728 issued server command: /we cui [11:47:35] KicX issued server command: /home [11:47:37] AZOV issued server command: /rtp [11:48:22] __KotuKen issued server command: /warp minimarket [11:48:26] mrsuperman69 вышел [11:48:32] PokeMon4728 issued server command: /we cui [11:48:44] __KotuKen issued server command: /home [11:48:48] fresh123q умер (ENTITY_ATTACK) [11:48:49] __KotuKen issued server command: /warp minimarket [11:48:53] fresh123q issued server command: /we cui [11:48:58] fresh123q issued server command: /warp nether [11:48:59] AZOV issued server command: /call [11:49:03] fresh123q issued server command: /we cui [11:49:10] vihni issued server command: /home [11:49:14] Cebyrator issued server command: /call AZOV [11:49:19] AZOV issued server command: /tpaccept [11:49:21] Cebyrator issued server command: /we cui [11:49:26] __KotuKen issued server command: /home [11:49:34] __KotuKen issued server command: /m Witherion на варп иди [11:49:35] __KotuKen issued server command: /home [11:49:35] __KotuKen issued server command: /warp minimarket [11:49:42] vihni issued server command: /warp st [11:49:49] [G] Lasx: !Почему виверн кирку нельзя на 5х5 область капания улучшить? Ограничение сервера? [11:49:54] fresh123q умер (ENTITY_ATTACK) [11:49:59] fresh123q issued server command: /we cui [11:50:03] AZOV issued server command: /home [11:50:07] AZOV issued server command: /home invite Cebyrator [11:50:10] Witherion issued server command: /msg __KotuKen Скинь название ещё раз. [11:50:16] __KotuKen issued server command: /r minimarket [11:50:17] __KotuKen issued server command: /home [11:50:23] Witherion issued server command: /warp minimarket [11:50:23] Lasx issued server command: /home Luas [11:50:26] Witherion issued server command: /we cui [11:50:33] fresh123q issued server command: /warp nether [11:50:35] fresh123q issued server command: /we cui [11:50:36] __KotuKen issued server command: /warp minimarket [11:50:45] [G] warves55: !вроде нет огронечение сервера(я не за драгон эволюшин) [11:50:48] Cebyrator issued server command: /home AZOV [11:50:50] [G] SIlver_MrGrizz: !кто продаст лишайник и сверкаюций сорняк [11:50:51] [L] __KotuKen: зайдеш [11:50:52] [L] __KotuKen: постоиш [11:50:54] [L] __KotuKen: забереш [11:50:54] __KotuKen issued server command: /home [11:51:09] AZOV issued server command: /rg addmember uk Cebyrator [11:51:10] [L] __KotuKen: скажеш если зарядилось [11:51:15] __KotuKen issued server command: /warp minimarket [11:51:16] [L] Witherion: К. [11:51:21] [L] __KotuKen: забирай [11:51:23] fresh123q issued server command: /home [11:51:24] [L] __KotuKen: пробуй [11:51:26] fresh123q issued server command: /we cui [11:51:27] vihni issued server command: /home [11:51:27] [L] __KotuKen: всё? [11:51:33] [L] Witherion: Не, не зарядилось. [11:51:36] [L] __KotuKen: ааа щас [11:51:39] [L] __KotuKen: точно провод [11:51:41] [L] __KotuKen: стой там [11:51:42] __KotuKen issued server command: /home [11:51:44] [L] Witherion: К. [11:51:51] fresh123q issued server command: /kit eat [11:51:59] __KotuKen issued server command: /warp minimarket [11:52:11] Lasx issued server command: /home Luas [11:52:11] [L] __KotuKen: кидай [11:52:15] fresh123q issued server command: /warp nether\ [11:52:15] [L] __KotuKen: на сундук [11:52:17] fresh123q issued server command: /warp nether [11:52:19] fresh123q issued server command: /we cui [11:52:21] [L] __KotuKen: стой тута [11:52:24] [L] __KotuKen: я на базу [11:52:27] [L] __KotuKen: грузить [11:52:28] __KotuKen issued server command: /home [11:52:28] [L] Witherion: К. [11:52:36] vihni issued server command: /warp st [11:52:42] [L] __KotuKen: проверяй [11:52:42] __KotuKen issued server command: /warp minimarket [11:52:54] [L] Witherion: Угу-сь, зарядилась. [11:52:57] [L] __KotuKen: оо [11:52:58] [L] __KotuKen: кайф [11:53:22] AZOV умер (ENTITY_ATTACK) [11:53:23] [L] __KotuKen: кхм [11:53:24] AZOV issued server command: /we cui [11:53:28] fresh123q issued server command: /warp nether\ [11:53:31] Cebyrator issued server command: /sethome [11:53:41] [L] Witherion: ? [11:53:45] fresh123q issued server command: /home [11:53:48] [L] __KotuKen: постой ещё [11:53:48] fresh123q issued server command: /we cui [11:53:51] [L] Witherion: К. [11:53:55] [L] __KotuKen: хочу [11:53:57] [L] __KotuKen: понастраивать [11:53:58] [L] __KotuKen: проверить [11:54:04] [L] __KotuKen: за тестировку дам 20 емо [11:54:05] [L] __KotuKen: в [11:54:07] [L] __KotuKen: за помощь [11:54:09] [L] __KotuKen: в тестеровке [11:54:10] __KotuKen issued server command: /warp minimarket [11:54:10] __KotuKen issued server command: /home [11:54:14] [L] Witherion: Ничего не надо. [11:54:22] [L] Witherion: Я по своей воле сюда пришёл. [11:54:24] __KotuKen issued server command: /warp minimarket [11:55:03] warves55 issued server command: /home [11:55:09] __KotuKen issued server command: /warp minimarket [11:55:10] Cebyrator умер (ENTITY_ATTACK) [11:55:10] __KotuKen issued server command: /home [11:55:11] Cebyrator issued server command: /we cui [11:55:15] __KotuKen issued server command: /warp minimarket [11:55:32] Andreibrooo issued server command: /цфкз уя [11:55:33] Andreibrooo issued server command: /warp ez [11:55:34] Andreibrooo issued server command: /home [11:55:43] AZOV issued server command: /rtp [11:55:43] KnightMare issued server command: /home [11:55:43] [L] __KotuKen: стань тута [11:55:45] KnightMare issued server command: /we cui [11:55:54] AZOV issued server command: /kit [11:55:57] AZOV issued server command: /kit start [11:55:58] AZOV issued server command: /home [11:55:58] warves55 issued server command: /rg info [11:55:59] [L] __KotuKen: кайф [11:56:01] warves55 issued server command: /rg info [11:56:02] warves55 issued server command: /rg info [11:56:08] warves55 issued server command: //wand [11:56:08] AZOV issued server command: /kit eat [11:56:11] Lasx issued server command: /rtp [11:56:12] KnightMare issued server command: /warp 69 [11:56:25] KnightMare issued server command: /we cui [11:56:26] warves55 issued server command: //expand 10 [11:56:27] warves55 issued server command: //expand 10 [11:56:29] warves55 issued server command: / [11:56:31] AZOV issued server command: /rtp [11:56:32] warves55 issued server command: //expand 10 [11:56:34] warves55 issued server command: //expand 10 [11:56:35] MoRkBa_UA_ зашёл [11:56:36] warves55 issued server command: //expand 10 [11:56:39] warves55 issued server command: //expand 5 [11:56:44] warves55 issued server command: //expand 5 [11:56:51] AZOV issued server command: /rtp [11:56:51] warves55 issued server command: //rg claim farm [11:56:53] MoRkBa_UA_ issued server command: /we cui [11:56:56] Lexamon issued server command: /home [11:56:57] warves55 issued server command: /rg claim farm [11:56:58] Lexamon issued server command: /we cui [11:57:04] warves55 issued server command: /rg claim farm_pauk [11:57:16] AZOV issued server command: /rtp [11:57:22] MoRkBa_UA_ issued server command: /kit eat [11:57:22] Andreibrooo issued server command: /warp ez [11:57:25] Cebyrator issued server command: /rtp [11:57:29] AZOV issued server command: /rtp [11:57:32] Stroof4 зашёл [11:57:33] Enotik_imba issued server command: /heal [11:57:35] Stroof4 issued server command: /we cui [11:57:41] AZOV issued server command: /rtp [11:57:45] AZOV issued server command: /rtp [11:57:54] AZOV issued server command: /rtp [11:58:05] KnightMare issued server command: /home [11:58:07] KnightMare issued server command: /we cui [11:58:08] JuliaMag issued server command: /home [11:58:09] JuliaMag issued server command: /we cui [11:58:11] Enotik_imba issued server command: /warp an [11:58:22] AZOV issued server command: /rtp [11:58:26] PokeMon4728 вышел [11:58:29] JuliaMag вышел [11:58:33] AZOV issued server command: /rtp [11:58:42] fresh123q вышел [11:58:46] AZOV issued server command: /rtp [11:58:50] Stroof4 issued server command: /SETHOME [11:58:51] valera_zakon вышел [11:58:52] Witherion вышел [11:58:52] vihni был кикнут [11:58:52] vihni вышел [11:58:52] __KotuKen был кикнут [11:58:52] __KotuKen вышел [11:58:52] SIlver_MrGrizz был кикнут [11:58:52] SIlver_MrGrizz вышел [11:58:52] Pro100ky был кикнут [11:58:52] Pro100ky вышел [11:58:52] KicX был кикнут [11:58:52] KicX вышел [11:58:52] Lasx был кикнут [11:58:52] Lasx вышел [11:58:52] Blak_loner был кикнут [11:58:52] Blak_loner вышел [11:58:52] Andreibrooo был кикнут [11:58:52] Andreibrooo вышел [11:58:52] VadimScorpion был кикнут [11:58:52] VadimScorpion вышел [11:58:52] Enotik_imba был кикнут [11:58:52] Enotik_imba вышел [11:58:52] hais3 был кикнут [11:58:52] hais3 вышел [11:58:52] DeadWolfWar был кикнут [11:58:52] DeadWolfWar вышел [11:58:52] Lexamon был кикнут [11:58:52] Lexamon вышел [11:58:52] KnightMare был кикнут [11:58:52] KnightMare вышел [11:58:52] warves55 был кикнут [11:58:52] warves55 вышел [11:58:52] AZOV был кикнут [11:58:52] AZOV вышел [11:58:52] Cebyrator был кикнут [11:58:52] Cebyrator вышел [11:58:52] MoRkBa_UA_ был кикнут [11:58:52] MoRkBa_UA_ вышел [11:58:52] Stroof4 был кикнут [11:58:52] Stroof4 вышел [11:58:55] Сервер выключился [11:59:54] Сервер включился [12:00:19] Andreibrooo зашёл [12:00:20] MoRkBa_UA_ зашёл [12:00:20] Witherion зашёл [12:00:21] Andreibrooo issued server command: /we cui [12:00:22] SIlver_MrGrizz зашёл [12:00:22] Stroof4 зашёл [12:00:23] Witherion issued server command: /we cui [12:00:23] MoRkBa_UA_ issued server command: /we cui [12:00:25] Stroof4 issued server command: /we cui [12:00:26] SIlver_MrGrizz issued server command: /we cui [12:00:29] warves55 зашёл [12:00:31] warves55 issued server command: /we cui [12:00:33] Witherion issued server command: /home [12:00:36] [L] MoRkBa_UA_: 879 [12:00:43] AZOV зашёл [12:00:43] [G] MoRkBa_UA_: !879 [12:00:46] Lasx зашёл [12:00:48] Lasx issued server command: /we cui [12:00:48] AZOV issued server command: /we cui [12:01:00] fresh123q зашёл [12:01:05] fresh123q issued server command: /we cui [12:01:10] valera_zakon зашёл [12:01:12] valera_zakon issued server command: /we cui [12:01:42] vihni зашёл [12:01:51] vihni issued server command: /we cui [12:01:58] Stroof4 issued server command: /home [12:02:04] Stroof4 issued server command: /home vihni [12:02:36] warves55 issued server command: /home [12:02:52] Cebyrator зашёл [12:03:05] Cebyrator issued server command: /we cui [12:03:14] Pro100ky зашёл [12:03:17] Pro100ky issued server command: /we cui [12:03:49] Lexamon зашёл [12:04:01] Lexamon issued server command: /we cui [12:04:07] Stroof4 issued server command: /home [12:04:08] SvetlanaSvet зашёл [12:04:11] SvetlanaSvet issued server command: /we cui [12:04:13] JuliaMag зашёл [12:04:15] JuliaMag issued server command: /we cui [12:04:20] Witherion issued server command: /warp minimarket [12:04:24] [G] fresh123q: !куплю небесный камень [12:04:36] Witherion issued server command: /msg fresh123q Сколько? [12:04:44] __KotuKen зашёл [12:04:44] fresh123q issued server command: /m Witherion 10 [12:04:47] [G] SIlver_MrGrizz: !продам [12:04:48] __KotuKen issued server command: /we cui [12:04:53] Witherion issued server command: /msg fresh123q /spawn, щяс прийду [12:04:54] Witherion issued server command: /home [12:05:00] fresh123q issued server command: /spawn [12:05:03] fresh123q issued server command: /we cui [12:05:08] Witherion issued server command: /spawn [12:05:10] Witherion issued server command: /we cui [12:05:26] fresh123q issued server command: /pay 10 [12:05:27] Pro100ky issued server command: /rtp [12:05:32] Lexamon issued server command: /rtp [12:05:32] fresh123q issued server command: /pay Witherion 10 [12:05:37] Lasx issued server command: /home Luas [12:05:37] [G] __KotuKen: !всё вроде [12:05:40] AZOV issued server command: /home [12:05:42] [G] __KotuKen: !зарядка жезлов роботает [12:05:44] __KotuKen issued server command: /home [12:05:47] warves55 issued server command: /home [12:05:47] [L] fresh123q: сколько сменя [12:05:50] [L] Witherion: Ni сколько, подарок :З [12:05:56] [L] fresh123q: спс [12:05:57] fresh123q issued server command: /home [12:05:59] KicX зашёл [12:06:00] fresh123q issued server command: /we cui [12:06:01] KicX issued server command: /we cui [12:06:09] vihni issued server command: /home [12:06:23] Witherion issued server command: /msg __KotuKen Как хелпа нужна будет - просто зови, стоять скучно. [12:06:38] __KotuKen issued server command: /r okay [12:06:40] vihni issued server command: /home [12:06:45] Witherion issued server command: /warp mining [12:06:47] Witherion issued server command: /we cui [12:06:48] Pro100ky issued server command: /home [12:07:05] vihni issued server command: /warp st [12:07:30] warves55 умер (PROJECTILE) [12:07:32] warves55 issued server command: /we cui [12:07:41] __KotuKen issued server command: /m JuliaMag за скоко 5 виспи трутней продаш? [12:07:45] Pro100ky issued server command: /home [12:07:48] __KotuKen issued server command: /money [12:07:50] [G] warves55: !сука [12:08:16] Stroof4 issued server command: /home vihni [12:08:19] vihni issued server command: /home [12:08:30] JuliaMag issued server command: /m __KotuKen сам выводи, я пчел продавать не собираюсь [12:08:34] Pro100ky issued server command: /home [12:08:37] __KotuKen issued server command: /r ( [12:08:46] Lasx issued server command: /home Luas [12:08:55] Pro100ky issued server command: /home [12:09:03] mrsuperman69 зашёл [12:09:05] mrsuperman69 issued server command: /we cui [12:09:08] Stroof4 issued server command: /home [12:09:13] Witherion issued server command: /home [12:09:14] __KotuKen issued server command: /r я то заказал у человека но человек то етот заходит раз в 7 дней [12:09:15] Witherion issued server command: /we cui [12:09:35] Cebyrator issued server command: /home [12:09:45] vihni issued server command: /warp st [12:09:50] Cebyrator вышел [12:09:54] KicX issued server command: /home [12:09:55] Cebyrator зашёл [12:09:57] Cebyrator issued server command: /we cui [12:10:06] Enotik_imba зашёл [12:10:09] Enotik_imba issued server command: /we cui [12:10:16] Pro100ky issued server command: /home [12:10:19] Pro100ky issued server command: /playtime [12:10:28] mrsuperman69 issued server command: /home [12:11:00] Lexamon issued server command: /rtp [12:11:07] Stroof4 issued server command: /home [12:11:07] hais3 зашёл [12:11:09] hais3 issued server command: /we cui [12:11:20] Lasx issued server command: /home Luas [12:11:27] [G] fresh123q: !куплю терминал создание [12:11:39] Stroof4 issued server command: /kit eat [12:11:57] hais3 issued server command: /enderchest [12:12:46] Lasx issued server command: /home Luas [12:13:20] Lexamon issued server command: /rtp [12:13:21] fresh123q issued server command: /money\ [12:13:22] fresh123q issued server command: /money [12:13:35] warves55 issued server command: /kit eat [12:13:36] Witherion issued server command: /warp mining [12:13:39] Witherion issued server command: /we cui [12:13:58] Lasx issued server command: /wapr portal [12:14:03] Lasx issued server command: /warp portal [12:14:05] Lasx issued server command: /we cui [12:14:05] Lexamon issued server command: /rtp [12:14:10] Lasx issued server command: /we cui [12:14:20] [G] hais3: !нет команды чтобы не поднимать мусор? [12:14:23] zxcmonster228 зашёл [12:14:31] [G] __KotuKen: !всм [12:14:33] Lexamon issued server command: /rtp [12:14:41] [G] hais3: !ну булыгу землю [12:14:47] [G] __KotuKen: !нету [12:14:50] Enotik_imba issued server command: /warp an [12:14:54] [G] hais3: !эх.... [12:14:56] zxcmonster228 issued server command: /we cui [12:15:05] [G] fresh123q: !куплю терминал создание [12:15:31] zxcmonster228 issued server command: /home [12:15:36] Enotik_imba issued server command: /w fresh123q Продам [12:15:58] fresh123q issued server command: /m Enotik_imba за скок? [12:16:03] Lexamon issued server command: /rtp [12:16:17] ReMmiFast зашёл [12:16:19] Enotik_imba issued server command: /w fresh123q 3 [12:16:27] fresh123q issued server command: /trade Enotik_imba [12:16:29] Enotik_imba issued server command: /trade accept [12:16:32] ReMmiFast issued server command: /we cui [12:16:48] SvetlanaSvet issued server command: /sethome [12:16:52] SvetlanaSvet issued server command: /home [12:16:53] Enotik_imba issued server command: /money [12:17:04] zxcmonster228 issued server command: /voteday [12:17:07] SvetlanaSvet issued server command: /home [12:17:07] Lasx issued server command: /yes [12:17:08] Witherion issued server command: /yes [12:17:14] Stroof4 issued server command: /yes [12:17:14] fresh123q вышел [12:17:22] AZOV issued server command: /rg info [12:17:24] AZOV issued server command: /rg sel [12:17:24] Enotik_imba issued server command: /rtp [12:17:29] AZOV issued server command: //sel [12:17:52] Lasx issued server command: /home Luas [12:17:54] Lasx issued server command: /we cui [12:18:11] Lexamon issued server command: /rtp [12:18:50] Stroof4 issued server command: /home vihni [12:18:57] Lexamon issued server command: /rtp [12:18:59] Lexamon issued server command: /rtp [12:19:00] Lexamon issued server command: /rtp [12:19:00] Lexamon issued server command: /rtp [12:19:01] Lexamon issued server command: /rtp [12:19:02] Lexamon issued server command: /rtp [12:19:02] Lexamon issued server command: /rtp [12:19:03] Lexamon issued server command: / [12:19:04] Lexamon issued server command: / [12:19:06] Lexamon issued server command: /rtp [12:19:07] Lexamon issued server command: /rtp [12:19:08] Lexamon issued server command: /rtp [12:19:09] Lexamon issued server command: /rtp [12:19:10] Lexamon issued server command: /rtp [12:19:10] Andreibrooo issued server command: /m valera_zakon allo [12:19:11] Lexamon issued server command: /rtp [12:19:12] Lexamon issued server command: /rtp [12:19:20] KicX issued server command: /home [12:19:31] zxcmonster228 issued server command: /money [12:19:37] Stroof4 issued server command: /home [12:19:43] hais3 issued server command: /feed [12:19:52] AZOV issued server command: /rtp [12:20:00] AZOV issued server command: /rtp [12:20:03] Enotik_imba issued server command: /warp an [12:20:05] Stroof4 issued server command: /home [12:20:10] Cebyrator issued server command: /rtp [12:20:15] AZOV issued server command: /rtp [12:20:23] Cebyrator issued server command: /rtp [12:20:28] AZOV issued server command: /rtp [12:20:38] AZOV issued server command: /rtp [12:20:48] Stroof4 issued server command: /home vihni [12:21:07] AZOV issued server command: /rtp [12:21:16] Stroof4 issued server command: /home [12:21:27] AZOV issued server command: /home [12:21:29] hais3 issued server command: /home [12:21:35] SvetlanaSvet issued server command: /home [12:21:37] Lexamon issued server command: /rtp [12:21:53] SIlver_MrGrizz issued server command: /home [12:21:55] mrsuperman69 issued server command: /home [12:22:01] Stroof4 issued server command: /home [12:22:31] Cebyrator issued server command: /kitstart [12:22:36] Cebyrator issued server command: /kit start [12:22:40] Lexamon issued server command: /rtp [12:23:19] warves55 issued server command: /рщьу [12:23:20] warves55 issued server command: /home [12:23:36] Lexamon issued server command: /rtp [12:24:05] Lexamon issued server command: /rtp [12:24:08] [G] zxcmonster228: !блок в качестве основы,это под пасек ставить? [12:24:22] hgufj2 зашёл [12:24:54] Lasx issued server command: /home Luas [12:25:13] SIlver_MrGrizz issued server command: /home [12:25:31] Lexamon issued server command: /rtp [12:26:15] hgufj2 issued server command: /we cui [12:26:24] MoRkBa_UA_ issued server command: /home [12:26:25] Lexamon issued server command: /rtp [12:26:28] Lexamon issued server command: /rtp [12:26:31] Lexamon issued server command: /rtp [12:26:32] Lexamon issued server command: /rtp [12:26:46] Stroof4 вышел [12:26:59] Stroof4 зашёл [12:27:01] warves55 вышел [12:27:02] Stroof4 issued server command: /we cui [12:27:07] warves55 зашёл [12:27:08] warves55 issued server command: /we cui [12:27:18] zxcmonster228 issued server command: /voteday [12:27:20] Witherion issued server command: /yes [12:27:20] hais3 issued server command: /yes [12:27:22] Cebyrator issued server command: /yes [12:27:22] warves55 issued server command: /yes [12:27:41] SvetlanaSvet issued server command: /home [12:27:45] MoRkBa_UA_ issued server command: /yes [12:27:49] Stroof4 issued server command: /home [12:27:54] hais3 issued server command: /feed [12:28:03] warves55 умер (PROJECTILE) [12:28:05] warves55 issued server command: /we cui [12:28:06] SvetlanaSvet умер (ENTITY_ATTACK) [12:28:12] SvetlanaSvet issued server command: /we cui [12:28:19] DimaBloger зашёл [12:28:23] [G] zxcmonster228: !блок в качестве основы,это под пасеку ставить? [12:28:55] MoRkBa_UA_ issued server command: /home [12:29:00] ReMmiFast умер (ENTITY_ATTACK) [12:29:04] ReMmiFast issued server command: /we cui [12:29:05] Pro100ky issued server command: /home [12:29:06] DeadWolfWar зашёл [12:29:08] DeadWolfWar issued server command: /we cui [12:29:10] ReMmiFast умер (ENTITY_ATTACK) [12:29:15] SvetlanaSvet умер (ENTITY_ATTACK) [12:29:18] DimaBloger issued server command: /we cui [12:29:23] SvetlanaSvet issued server command: /we cui [12:29:38] DimaBloger issued server command: /rg info [12:29:47] DimaBloger issued server command: /rg addmember dominator228 hgufj2 [12:29:53] [G] AZOV: !Куплю 8 тонн песка, ну или песчаника [12:30:26] AZOV issued server command: /rtp [12:30:26] zxcmonster228 issued server command: /m AZOV тонн? [12:30:45] hais3 issued server command: /home [12:30:46] AZOV issued server command: /m zxcmonster228 это обобщение, просто много песка [12:30:53] zxcmonster228 issued server command: /m AZOV ааа) [12:30:54] Cebyrator issued server command: /home [12:30:56] DimaBloger issued server command: /home [12:31:01] zxcmonster228 issued server command: /m AZOV за что покупаешь? [12:31:03] monctor555 зашёл [12:31:04] AZOV issued server command: /home [12:31:06] MoRkBa_UA_ issued server command: /home [12:31:11] AZOV issued server command: /m zxcmonster228 хз, что кому надо [12:31:18] zxcmonster228 issued server command: /m AZOV эмы? [12:31:20] monctor555 issued server command: /we cui [12:31:25] AZOV issued server command: /m zxcmonster228 - [12:31:34] AZOV issued server command: /shop [12:31:42] Stroof4 issued server command: /home [12:31:43] zxcmonster228 issued server command: /m AZOV лазурит? [12:31:49] Stroof4 issued server command: /SETHOME [12:31:59] AZOV issued server command: /m zxcmonster228 уже купил, ненад [12:32:09] young4life зашёл [12:32:11] zxcmonster228 issued server command: /votesun [12:32:12] Blak_loner зашёл [12:32:14] Witherion issued server command: /yes [12:32:15] MoRkBa_UA_ issued server command: /yes [12:32:15] Cebyrator issued server command: /yes [12:32:18] DimaBloger issued server command: /no [12:32:19] hais3 issued server command: /yes [12:32:24] young4life issued server command: /we cui [12:32:44] [L] DimaBloger: f [12:32:51] Blak_loner issued server command: /we cui [12:32:51] young4life вышел [12:33:39] hgufj2 issued server command: /home dima [12:33:45] Stroof4 issued server command: /voteday [12:34:01] monctor555 вышел [12:34:15] mrggame зашёл [12:34:26] mrggame issued server command: /we cui [12:34:31] DimaBloger issued server command: /home [12:34:34] Lexamon issued server command: /rtp [12:34:48] mrggame issued server command: /warp ent [12:34:51] mrggame issued server command: /warp e [12:34:55] mrggame issued server command: /warp [12:34:58] hgufj2 issued server command: /home dima [12:35:00] hais3 issued server command: /feed [12:35:00] mrggame issued server command: /warp en [12:35:03] mrggame issued server command: /warp ent [12:35:13] mrggame issued server command: /spawen [12:35:16] mrggame issued server command: /spawe [12:35:19] mrggame issued server command: /spawn [12:35:20] mrggame issued server command: /we cui [12:35:23] DimaBloger issued server command: /home [12:35:23] hais3 issued server command: /home [12:35:35] DimaBloger issued server command: /home [12:35:39] Pro100ky issued server command: /rtp [12:35:50] Lexamon issued server command: /rtp [12:36:42] DimaBloger issued server command: /trade hgufj2 [12:36:42] DimaBloger issued server command: /trade hgufj2 [12:36:42] DimaBloger issued server command: /trade hgufj2 [12:36:42] DimaBloger issued server command: /trade hgufj2 [12:36:42] DimaBloger issued server command: /trade hgufj2 [12:36:46] hgufj2 issued server command: /trade DimaBloger [12:36:49] Lexamon issued server command: /rtp [12:36:51] Lexamon issued server command: /rtp [12:36:54] mrsuperman69 issued server command: /kit start [12:37:27] Lexamon issued server command: /rtp [12:37:28] Pro100ky issued server command: /hoem [12:37:30] Pro100ky issued server command: /home [12:37:39] zxcmonster228 issued server command: /voteday [12:37:39] Stroof4 issued server command: /home [12:37:41] hais3 issued server command: /yes [12:37:41] Witherion issued server command: /yes [12:37:42] Cebyrator issued server command: /yes [12:37:43] MoRkBa_UA_ issued server command: /yes [12:37:47] Lexamon issued server command: /yes [12:37:47] mrggame issued server command: /home [12:37:48] mrggame issued server command: /we cui [12:37:59] DimaBloger issued server command: /home [12:38:35] DeadWolfWar issued server command: /kit eat [12:38:40] Stroof4 issued server command: /home [12:38:44] Stroof4 issued server command: /home vihni [12:39:41] Stroof4 issued server command: /home [12:39:43] Stroof4 issued server command: /home [12:39:43] Stroof4 issued server command: /home [12:39:44] Stroof4 issued server command: /home [12:39:47] DeadWolfWar issued server command: /wartp mining [12:39:50] Andreibrooo issued server command: /m valera_zakon ало ало ало лао [12:39:53] DeadWolfWar issued server command: /warp mining [12:39:54] DeadWolfWar issued server command: /we cui [12:39:59] Stroof4 issued server command: /home [12:40:04] DeadWolfWar issued server command: /rtp [12:40:05] hais3 issued server command: /heal [12:40:07] Stroof4 issued server command: /home vihni [12:40:10] Lexamon issued server command: /yes [12:40:12] Blak_loner issued server command: /rtp DeadWolfWar [12:40:14] Lexamon issued server command: /rtp [12:40:20] DeadWolfWar issued server command: /tpaccept [12:40:31] Stroof4 issued server command: /home [12:40:33] Blak_loner issued server command: /tpa DeadWolfWar [12:40:33] Stroof4 issued server command: /warp st [12:40:34] DeadWolfWar issued server command: /tpaccept [12:40:34] Blak_loner issued server command: /we cui [12:40:53] Lasx вышел [12:41:08] Lexamon issued server command: /rtp [12:41:09] Blak_loner вышел [12:41:13] hais3 issued server command: /home [12:41:15] hais3 issued server command: /heal [12:41:19] hgufj2 issued server command: /home [12:41:21] Blak_loner зашёл [12:41:22] Stroof4 issued server command: /home [12:41:24] Stroof4 issued server command: /home vihni [12:41:26] Blak_loner issued server command: /we cui [12:41:47] Stroof4 issued server command: /home [12:41:50] Stroof4 issued server command: /warp st [12:41:53] hais3 issued server command: /warp 69 [12:41:57] [G] SIlver_MrGrizz: !кто продаст зелля предущого духа [12:41:59] Stroof4 issued server command: /WARP st delete [12:42:04] Stroof4 issued server command: /WARP delete st [12:42:10] [G] SIlver_MrGrizz: !преследузего [12:42:16] hais3 issued server command: /home [12:42:20] Stroof4 issued server command: /warp set private [12:42:22] hgufj2 issued server command: /home dima [12:42:24] vihni issued server command: /warp 69 [12:42:33] Stroof4 issued server command: /warp private st set [12:42:38] Lexamon issued server command: /rtp [12:42:40] Stroof4 issued server command: /warp set st [12:42:47] Stroof4 issued server command: /warp private st [12:43:03] Stroof4 issued server command: /warp invite st vihni [12:43:12] [G] warves55: !куплю чернила и перья [12:43:15] SvetlanaSvet вышел [12:43:19] Stroof4 issued server command: /warp invite vihni st [12:43:21] hgufj2 issued server command: /tpa dima [12:43:24] DimaBloger issued server command: /tpyes [12:43:47] Witherion issued server command: /msg warves55 Скок надо? [12:44:03] warves55 issued server command: /r хз только начел таум изучать [12:44:04] [L] DimaBloger: f [12:44:19] Witherion issued server command: /msg warves55 /spawn, сейчас подойду. [12:44:24] Witherion issued server command: /home [12:44:25] warves55 issued server command: /spawn [12:44:26] Witherion issued server command: /we cui [12:44:26] warves55 issued server command: /we cui [12:44:28] pixx зашёл [12:44:38] pixx issued server command: /we cui [12:44:45] hais3 issued server command: /feed [12:44:50] Pro100ky вышел [12:45:07] Witherion issued server command: /spawn [12:45:10] Witherion issued server command: /we cui [12:45:25] VadimScorpion зашёл [12:45:25] Lexamon issued server command: /rtp [12:45:27] Enotik_imba issued server command: /warp an [12:45:27] VadimScorpion issued server command: /we cui [12:45:30] KicX issued server command: /home [12:46:00] [L] warves55: спс [12:46:03] [L] Witherion: Np. [12:46:05] Witherion issued server command: /home [12:46:07] Witherion issued server command: /we cui [12:46:08] warves55 issued server command: /home 1 [12:46:09] SIlver_MrGrizz issued server command: /home [12:46:12] warves55 issued server command: /we cui [12:46:15] Stroof4 issued server command: /home vihni [12:46:24] warves55 issued server command: /home [12:46:26] mrggame issued server command: /home [12:46:31] DimaBloger issued server command: /home [12:46:35] hgufj2 issued server command: /HOME DIMA [12:46:36] pixx issued server command: /help [12:46:37] ReMmiFast issued server command: /we cui [12:46:38] hais3 issued server command: /home [12:46:44] pixx issued server command: /kit [12:46:49] pixx issued server command: /kit top [12:46:56] pixx issued server command: /kit start [12:47:07] Lexamon issued server command: /rtp [12:47:19] SIlver_MrGrizz issued server command: /home [12:47:20] hgufj2 issued server command: /warp 69 [12:47:22] Stroof4 issued server command: /home [12:47:38] zxcmonster228 вышел [12:47:59] Lexamon issued server command: /rtp [12:48:00] zxcmonster228 зашёл [12:48:05] Lexamon issued server command: /rtp [12:48:06] zxcmonster228 issued server command: /we cui [12:48:07] Lexamon issued server command: /rtp [12:48:24] hgufj2 issued server command: /home dima [12:48:26] Enotik_imba issued server command: /warp an [12:48:33] vihni issued server command: /home [12:48:36] zxcmonster228 issued server command: /voteday [12:48:36] Blak_loner issued server command: /kit staer [12:48:38] Cebyrator issued server command: /yes [12:48:39] MoRkBa_UA_ issued server command: /yes [12:48:39] hais3 issued server command: /yes [12:48:40] Witherion issued server command: /yes [12:48:41] mrggame issued server command: /warp ner [12:48:41] warves55 issued server command: /yes [12:48:42] mrggame issued server command: /warp net [12:48:43] Blak_loner issued server command: /kit start [12:48:44] mrggame issued server command: /we cui [12:48:45] pixx issued server command: /rtp [12:48:52] Stroof4 issued server command: /home vihni [12:48:56] pixx issued server command: /rtp [12:48:59] JuliaMag вышел [12:48:59] warves55 issued server command: /home [12:49:07] SIlver_MrGrizz issued server command: /home [12:49:12] pixx issued server command: /warp world [12:49:13] pixx issued server command: /we cui [12:49:23] pixx issued server command: /rtp [12:49:30] pixx issued server command: /rtp [12:49:30] Stroof4 issued server command: /home [12:49:31] Stroof4 issued server command: /home [12:49:34] Stroof4 issued server command: /WARP ST [12:49:43] [G] DimaBloger: !Я мышку учебником зажму ок? [12:49:46] pixx issued server command: /rtp [12:49:49] [G] DimaBloger: !Можно? [12:49:58] mrggame issued server command: /home [12:49:59] Stroof4 issued server command: /home vihni [12:49:59] mrggame issued server command: /we cui [12:50:03] MoRkBa_UA_ issued server command: /home [12:50:04] hais3 issued server command: /home [12:50:04] hgufj2 issued server command: /home [12:50:05] [G] zxcmonster228: !максросс шутка какая та [12:50:06] hais3 issued server command: /feed [12:50:08] hais3 issued server command: /heal [12:50:12] Enotik_imba вышел [12:50:14] warves55 issued server command: /warp farp [12:50:18] Enotik_imba зашёл [12:50:19] warves55 issued server command: /warp farm [12:50:19] Enotik_imba issued server command: /we cui [12:50:19] ReMmiFast умер (ENTITY_ATTACK) [12:50:22] ReMmiFast issued server command: /we cui [12:50:22] warves55 issued server command: /warp portal [12:50:23] warves55 issued server command: /we cui [12:50:25] Stroof4 issued server command: /home [12:50:28] vihni issued server command: /warp st [12:50:28] Stroof4 issued server command: /WARP ST [12:50:52] Witherion issued server command: /msg DimaBloger Не советую, по триггер-боту можешь в бан улететь и никто разбираться не будет. [12:50:58] Stroof4 issued server command: /home [12:50:59] AZOV умер (PROJECTILE) [12:51:01] Stroof4 issued server command: /home vihni [12:51:01] AZOV issued server command: /we cui [12:51:02] warves55 issued server command: /we cui [12:51:02] pixx issued server command: /rtp [12:51:18] DeadWolfWar issued server command: /kit start [12:51:29] Queneazi зашёл [12:51:40] Queneazi issued server command: /we cui [12:51:48] Stroof4 issued server command: /home [12:51:51] mrggame умер (ENTITY_ATTACK) [12:51:51] Stroof4 issued server command: /WARP ST [12:51:53] mrggame issued server command: /we cui [12:51:56] Enotik_imba issued server command: /yes [12:52:04] pixx issued server command: /rtp [12:52:06] warves55 issued server command: /r а можно у тебя портал в эдем сломать [12:52:13] Cebyrator убил AZOV (IRON_SWORD) [12:52:15] AZOV issued server command: /we cui [12:52:18] AZOV вышел [12:52:22] DimaBloger issued server command: /home [12:52:25] Witherion issued server command: /msg warves55 К. [12:52:28] SvetlanaSvet зашёл [12:52:28] Witherion issued server command: /warp portal [12:52:32] Witherion issued server command: /we cui [12:52:32] hais3 issued server command: /heal [12:52:32] SvetlanaSvet issued server command: /we cui [12:52:33] Cebyrator умер (ENTITY_ATTACK) [12:52:36] Cebyrator issued server command: /we cui [12:52:41] Cebyrator вышел [12:52:41] Witherion issued server command: /we cui [12:52:42] warves55 issued server command: /home [12:52:43] mrggame issued server command: /home [12:52:43] warves55 issued server command: /we cui [12:52:53] Witherion issued server command: /msg warves55 Тп, через минуту уйду [12:52:55] hgufj2 issued server command: /home dima [12:53:01] [L] DimaBloger: Ты кто [12:53:02] Witherion issued server command: /msg warves55 Из Эдема* [12:53:03] [G] Queneazi: !новичек на сервере, кто может приютить ?) [12:53:04] x_NevadA_x зашёл [12:53:05] [L] pixx: ку емае [12:53:08] warves55 issued server command: /tp Witherion [12:53:14] warves55 issued server command: /tpa Witherion [12:53:15] hais3 issued server command: /heal [12:53:15] [L] hgufj2: ты кто [12:53:17] x_NevadA_x issued server command: /we cui [12:53:17] hais3 issued server command: /home [12:53:17] Witherion issued server command: /tpaccept [12:53:18] hais3 issued server command: /feed [12:53:19] warves55 issued server command: /we cui [12:53:27] [L] pixx: я на ртп с.да попал [12:53:30] [L] DimaBloger: Уйди [12:53:33] MoRkBa_UA_ issued server command: /home [12:53:34] [L] hgufj2: бери [12:53:35] [L] Witherion: Ну-с? [12:53:40] hgufj2 убил pixx (DIVINERPG_DEATHBRINGER) [12:53:41] Stroof4 issued server command: /home [12:53:45] pixx issued server command: /we cui [12:53:45] Queneazi issued server command: /rtp [12:53:49] [L] warves55: запрещёный предмет [12:53:49] pixx issued server command: /кез [12:53:51] Queneazi issued server command: /warp world [12:53:52] pixx issued server command: /rtp [12:53:52] Queneazi issued server command: /we cui [12:53:56] DimaBloger issued server command: /home [12:54:00] [L] warves55: а где ты его взял [12:54:06] [L] Witherion: ./warp portal [12:54:07] Queneazi issued server command: /rtp [12:54:13] [L] Witherion: КВ сдаёшь и получаешь доступ [12:54:15] pixx issued server command: /warp world [12:54:16] pixx issued server command: /we cui [12:54:20] DimaBloger issued server command: /home [12:54:20] pixx issued server command: /rtp [12:54:21] DimaBloger issued server command: /home [12:54:22] DimaBloger issued server command: /home [12:54:34] [L] warves55: ясно [12:54:38] Witherion issued server command: /warp Mining [12:54:40] Witherion issued server command: /we cui [12:54:46] pixx issued server command: /kit start [12:54:57] Blak_loner вышел [12:54:58] pixx issued server command: /rtp [12:55:06] [G] Stroof4: !куплю электро ключ или гравитул [12:55:09] hais3 issued server command: /feed [12:55:12] hais3 issued server command: /heal [12:55:18] zxcmonster228 issued server command: /m Stroof4 за что? [12:55:19] warves55 issued server command: /home [12:55:21] warves55 issued server command: /we cui [12:55:27] Queneazi issued server command: /rtp [12:55:30] Stroof4 issued server command: /tell zxcmonster228 электро ключ 5 эмов [12:55:32] DeadWolfWar вышел [12:55:48] SvetlanaSvet умер (LAVA) [12:55:50] SvetlanaSvet issued server command: /we cui [12:55:54] zxcmonster228 issued server command: /trade Stroof4 [12:55:58] mrsuperman69 issued server command: /home [12:56:02] fresh123q зашёл [12:56:06] [L] DimaBloger: а [12:56:07] Stroof4 issued server command: /trade accept [12:56:15] Stroof4 issued server command: /trade zxcmonster228 [12:56:16] warves55 issued server command: /warp pve [12:56:18] warves55 issued server command: /we cui [12:56:18] zxcmonster228 issued server command: /trade accept [12:56:20] pixx issued server command: /rtp [12:56:28] fresh123q issued server command: /we cui [12:56:37] [L] DimaBloger: а [12:56:37] warves55 issued server command: /home [12:56:39] warves55 issued server command: /we cui [12:56:45] mrggame issued server command: /home [12:56:49] Lexamon issued server command: /home [12:56:54] pixx issued server command: /kit food [12:56:58] Stroof4 issued server command: /home vihni [12:56:58] pixx issued server command: /kit [12:57:04] pixx issued server command: /kit eat [12:57:09] Enotik_imba вышел [12:57:13] pixx issued server command: /rtp [12:57:25] KicX issued server command: /kit [12:57:26] pixx issued server command: /rtp [12:57:29] DimaBloger вышел [12:57:38] DeadWolfWar зашёл [12:57:40] DeadWolfWar issued server command: /we cui [12:57:42] [G] fresh123q: !куплю ячейку на 4к [12:57:48] Queneazi issued server command: /rtp [12:57:49] KicX issued server command: /home [12:57:52] Stroof4 issued server command: /warp 69 [12:57:55] zxcmonster228 issued server command: /m fresh123q за что? [12:58:05] Stroof4 issued server command: /home vihni [12:58:09] hais3 issued server command: /home [12:58:11] hais3 issued server command: /feed [12:58:13] fresh123q issued server command: /m zxcmonster228 за эмы [12:58:13] hais3 issued server command: /heal [12:58:27] VadimScorpion issued server command: /warp portal [12:58:28] Stroof4 issued server command: /home [12:58:30] VadimScorpion issued server command: /we cui [12:58:34] Stroof4 issued server command: /WARP ST [12:58:36] zxcmonster228 issued server command: /m fresh123q 4к мэ компонент хранения? [12:58:37] VadimScorpion issued server command: /we cui [12:58:43] Lexamon issued server command: /kit eat [12:58:47] hgufj2 issued server command: /home [12:58:59] pixx issued server command: /rtp [12:59:01] fresh123q issued server command: /m zxcmonster228 4к мэ хранение [12:59:07] DimaBloger зашёл [12:59:21] KicX issued server command: /home [12:59:23] KicX issued server command: /heal [12:59:25] zxcmonster228 issued server command: /m fresh123q за скок? и сколько [12:59:28] DimaBloger был кикнут [12:59:28] DimaBloger вышел [12:59:30] DimaBloger зашёл [12:59:30] hgufj2 issued server command: /home dima [12:59:33] DimaBloger issued server command: /we cui [12:59:34] Lexamon issued server command: /rtp [12:59:35] ReMmiFast issued server command: /kit [12:59:40] fresh123q issued server command: /m zxcmonster228 две за 20 [12:59:56] pixx issued server command: /rtp [12:59:56] pixx issued server command: /rtp [12:59:56] SvetlanaSvet issued server command: /home [12:59:56] SvetlanaSvet issued server command: /home [12:59:59] pixx issued server command: /rtp [13:00:02] hgufj2 issued server command: //chunk [13:00:02] hgufj2 issued server command: //outset 16 [13:00:02] hgufj2 issued server command: /zone [13:00:03] pixx issued server command: /rtp [13:00:04] DimaBloger был кикнут [13:00:04] DimaBloger вышел [13:00:05] hgufj2 issued server command: //chunk [13:00:05] hgufj2 issued server command: //outset 16 [13:00:05] hgufj2 issued server command: /zone [13:00:06] DimaBloger зашёл [13:00:09] hgufj2 issued server command: //chunk [13:00:09] hgufj2 issued server command: //outset 16 [13:00:09] hgufj2 issued server command: /zone [13:00:12] DimaBloger issued server command: /we cui [13:00:18] SvetlanaSvet issued server command: /kit [13:00:20] [G] Stroof4: !772 [13:00:20] VadimScorpion умер (ENTITY_ATTACK) [13:00:21] [G] hais3: !682 [13:00:23] [L] mrsuperman69: 672 [13:00:24] VadimScorpion issued server command: /we cui [13:00:24] [G] hais3: !782 [13:00:25] zxcmonster228 issued server command: /m fresh123q го [13:00:25] hgufj2 issued server command: /rg claim fresh123q [13:00:26] [G] Witherion: ! 672 [13:00:26] [L] Queneazi: 672 [13:00:33] [L] DimaBloger: а [13:00:37] Lexamon issued server command: /rtp [13:00:38] SvetlanaSvet issued server command: / [13:00:41] MoRkBa_UA_ issued server command: /money [13:00:42] VadimScorpion issued server command: /warp portal [13:00:44] VadimScorpion issued server command: /we cui [13:00:50] pixx issued server command: /rtp [13:00:50] zxcmonster228 issued server command: /m fresh123q го [13:00:50] [L] Queneazi: 672 [13:00:51] ReMmiFast issued server command: /home [13:00:51] MoRkBa_UA_ issued server command: /warp list [13:00:52] Queneazi issued server command: /rtp [13:00:53] zxcmonster228 issued server command: /voteday [13:00:53] [L] mrsuperman69: wtf??? [13:00:56] VadimScorpion issued server command: /we cui [13:00:56] SvetlanaSvet issued server command: /kit start [13:00:56] Witherion issued server command: /yes [13:00:57] MoRkBa_UA_ issued server command: /warp Mtg [13:00:57] pixx issued server command: /rtp [13:00:58] Stroof4 issued server command: /yes [13:00:58] Queneazi issued server command: /yes [13:00:58] Queneazi issued server command: /yes [13:00:58] Queneazi issued server command: /yes [13:00:59] Lexamon issued server command: /yes [13:01:00] pixx issued server command: /rtp [13:01:01] hais3 issued server command: /yes [13:01:02] pixx issued server command: /rtp [13:01:04] pixx issued server command: /rtp [13:01:22] zxcmonster228 issued server command: /m fresh123q покупать буш? [13:01:24] fresh123q issued server command: /trade zxcmonster228 [13:01:27] zxcmonster228 issued server command: /trade accept [13:01:32] Queneazi issued server command: /warp list [13:01:37] Queneazi issued server command: /warp list 2 [13:01:40] VadimScorpion умер (FIRE_TICK) [13:01:40] ReMmiFast issued server command: /kit eat [13:01:41] Queneazi issued server command: /warp list 3 [13:01:44] VadimScorpion issued server command: /we cui [13:01:50] KicX issued server command: /home [13:01:50] KicX issued server command: /home [13:01:50] Queneazi issued server command: /warp godshop\ [13:01:51] Queneazi issued server command: /warp godshop [13:01:54] fresh123q issued server command: /trade zxcmonster228 [13:01:58] VadimScorpion issued server command: /warp portal [13:01:59] Lexamon issued server command: /yes [13:01:59] MoRkBa_UA_ issued server command: /warp Abuss [13:02:00] VadimScorpion issued server command: /we cui [13:02:01] Lexamon issued server command: /rtp [13:02:05] zxcmonster228 issued server command: /trade accept [13:02:06] MoRkBa_UA_ issued server command: /warp Abyss [13:02:07] VadimScorpion issued server command: /we cui [13:02:14] vihni issued server command: /warp abyss [13:02:32] valera_zakon issued server command: /m Andreibrooo хуй [13:02:49] pixx issued server command: /rtp [13:02:52] Queneazi issued server command: /warp gym [13:02:54] __KotuKen вышел [13:02:58] Queneazi issued server command: /warp five [13:02:59] Lexamon issued server command: /rtp [13:03:01] Stroof4 issued server command: /home vihni [13:03:01] Lexamon issued server command: /rtp [13:03:04] VadimScorpion issued server command: /home [13:03:06] VadimScorpion issued server command: /we cui [13:03:36] vihni issued server command: /warp st [13:03:54] pixx issued server command: /rtp [13:03:58] Lexamon issued server command: /rtp [13:04:00] Lexamon issued server command: /rtp [13:04:01] Lexamon issued server command: /rtp [13:04:02] Queneazi issued server command: /warp 45 [13:04:02] Lexamon issued server command: /rtp [13:04:03] Queneazi issued server command: /we cui [13:04:04] valera_zakon issued server command: /we cui [13:04:07] vihni issued server command: /warp abyss [13:04:09] pixx умер (FALL) [13:04:11] pixx issued server command: /we cui [13:04:12] Queneazi issued server command: /warp gold [13:04:13] Queneazi issued server command: /we cui [13:04:19] pixx issued server command: /warp world [13:04:20] pixx issued server command: /we cui [13:04:25] pixx issued server command: /rtp [13:04:27] Stroof4 issued server command: /home [13:04:29] vihni issued server command: /spawn [13:04:30] vihni issued server command: /we cui [13:04:40] Lexamon issued server command: /rtp [13:04:41] Queneazi issued server command: /warp 69 [13:04:41] Lexamon issued server command: /rtp [13:04:42] Lexamon issued server command: /rtp [13:04:42] DimaBloger issued server command: /home [13:04:42] pixx вышел [13:04:42] SIlver_MrGrizz issued server command: /home [13:04:42] Lexamon issued server command: /rtp [13:04:43] Lexamon issued server command: /rtp [13:04:43] Lexamon issued server command: /rtp [13:04:44] Lexamon issued server command: /rtp [13:04:44] Lexamon issued server command: /rtp [13:04:44] Lexamon issued server command: /rtp/ [13:04:45] Lexamon issued server command: / [13:04:49] Lexamon issued server command: /rtp/ [13:04:50] Lexamon issued server command: /rtp/ [13:04:52] Lexamon issued server command: /rtp [13:04:52] MoRkBa_UA_ issued server command: /warp 5 [13:04:53] Lexamon issued server command: /rtp [13:04:53] Lexamon issued server command: /rtp [13:04:54] Lexamon issued server command: /rtp [13:04:54] Lexamon issued server command: /rtp [13:04:55] Lexamon issued server command: /rtp [13:04:56] Lexamon issued server command: /rtp [13:04:56] Lexamon issued server command: /rtp [13:04:57] Lexamon issued server command: /rtp [13:04:58] Lexamon issued server command: /rtp [13:04:58] VadimScorpion вышел [13:04:58] Lexamon issued server command: /rtp [13:04:59] Lexamon issued server command: /rtp [13:05:00] Lexamon issued server command: /rtp [13:05:02] Lexamon issued server command: /rtp [13:05:02] MoRkBa_UA_ issued server command: /warp 69 [13:05:03] Lexamon issued server command: /rtp [13:05:20] Queneazi issued server command: /warp fars [13:05:21] hgufj2 issued server command: /home [13:05:27] SvetlanaSvet issued server command: /kit start [13:05:29] Queneazi issued server command: /warp anime [13:05:36] ReMmiFast issued server command: /home [13:05:37] Queneazi issued server command: /rtp [13:05:39] hgufj2 issued server command: /home dima [13:05:45] SvetlanaSvet issued server command: /home [13:05:48] Lexamon issued server command: /rtp [13:05:48] Witherion вышел [13:05:49] Lexamon issued server command: /rtp [13:05:49] Queneazi вышел [13:05:50] Lexamon issued server command: /rtp [13:05:50] Lexamon issued server command: /rtp [13:05:51] Stroof4 issued server command: /home vihni [13:05:51] Lexamon issued server command: /rtp [13:05:52] Lexamon issued server command: /rtp [13:05:53] Lexamon issued server command: /rtp [13:05:53] Lexamon issued server command: /rtp [13:05:54] Lexamon issued server command: /rtp [13:05:54] Lexamon issued server command: /rtp [13:05:55] Lexamon issued server command: /rtp [13:05:56] Lexamon issued server command: /rtp [13:05:56] Lexamon issued server command: /rtp [13:05:57] Lexamon issued server command: /rtp [13:05:58] Lexamon issued server command: /rtp [13:05:58] Lexamon issued server command: /rtp [13:05:58] Lexamon issued server command: /rtp/ [13:05:59] Lexamon issued server command: / [13:06:00] Lexamon issued server command: / [13:06:01] Lexamon issued server command: /rtp/ [13:06:04] Lexamon issued server command: /rtp [13:06:05] Witherion зашёл [13:06:09] Witherion issued server command: /we cui [13:06:10] hgufj2 issued server command: /home [13:06:12] SIlver_MrGrizz вышел [13:06:16] fresh123q issued server command: /rtp [13:06:24] Stroof4 issued server command: /home [13:06:28] Stroof4 issued server command: /WARP ST [13:06:32] Flerion зашёл [13:06:40] MoRkBa_UA_ issued server command: /home [13:06:44] Lexamon вышел [13:06:44] [L] MoRkBa_UA_: ку [13:06:53] Flerion issued server command: /we cui [13:07:05] [L] Flerion: здарова [13:07:12] [L] MoRkBa_UA_: ку [13:07:19] [L] MoRkBa_UA_: ) [13:07:21] [L] Flerion: спс [13:07:26] [L] MoRkBa_UA_: нез [13:07:30] [L] MoRkBa_UA_: у меня тоже [13:07:32] [L] MoRkBa_UA_: есть [13:07:35] [L] Flerion: круто [13:07:39] [L] Flerion: а он заходил? [13:07:41] hgufj2 вышел [13:07:44] fresh123q issued server command: /home [13:07:51] fresh123q issued server command: /rtp [13:08:04] Сервер выключился [13:08:48] Сервер включился [13:09:12] mrsuperman69 зашёл [13:09:12] mrggame зашёл [13:09:12] x_NevadA_x зашёл [13:09:13] mrsuperman69 issued server command: /we cui [13:09:14] mrggame issued server command: /we cui [13:09:15] x_NevadA_x issued server command: /we cui [13:09:15] ReMmiFast зашёл [13:09:16] hais3 зашёл [13:09:17] ReMmiFast issued server command: /we cui [13:09:17] hais3 issued server command: /we cui [13:09:26] SvetlanaSvet зашёл [13:09:30] SvetlanaSvet issued server command: /we cui [13:09:40] mrggame issued server command: /home [13:09:41] fresh123q зашёл [13:09:45] fresh123q issued server command: /we cui [13:09:55] DimaBloger зашёл [13:09:58] Stroof4 зашёл [13:10:00] DimaBloger issued server command: /we cui [13:10:01] Stroof4 issued server command: /we cui [13:10:01] vihni зашёл [13:10:09] vihni issued server command: /we cui [13:10:10] mrggame issued server command: /home [13:10:16] Stroof4 issued server command: /home [13:10:19] zxcmonster228 зашёл [13:10:20] Stroof4 issued server command: /home vihni [13:10:21] [G] DimaBloger: !Кого кикнуло? [13:10:22] vihni issued server command: /home [13:10:23] vihni issued server command: /we cui [13:10:23] zxcmonster228 issued server command: /we cui [13:10:28] [G] fresh123q: !+ [13:10:28] Witherion зашёл [13:10:30] Witherion issued server command: /we cui [13:10:34] hais3 issued server command: /heal [13:10:37] hgufj2 зашёл [13:10:40] [G] Stroof4: !+ [13:10:41] Stroof4 issued server command: /home [13:10:44] Blak_loner зашёл [13:10:46] vihni issued server command: /home [13:10:46] hgufj2 issued server command: /we cui [13:10:46] Stroof4 issued server command: /WARP ST [13:10:54] vihni issued server command: /warp st [13:11:01] hais3 issued server command: /home [13:11:03] Flerion зашёл [13:11:07] Flerion issued server command: /we cui [13:11:14] vihni issued server command: /home [13:11:16] DimaBloger issued server command: /rg select [13:11:20] valera_zakon зашёл [13:11:22] DeadWolfWar зашёл [13:11:22] valera_zakon issued server command: /we cui [13:11:22] Stroof4 issued server command: /home [13:11:22] fresh123q issued server command: /home [13:11:34] DeadWolfWar issued server command: /we cui [13:11:38] Blak_loner issued server command: /we cui [13:11:39] Stroof4 issued server command: /home [13:12:40] hgufj2 issued server command: /home [13:13:15] Blak_loner issued server command: /home [13:13:22] Blak_loner issued server command: /we cui [13:13:32] [G] Stroof4: !куплю плотные провода мэ [13:13:40] hais3 issued server command: /feed [13:14:06] DeadWolfWar issued server command: /home [13:14:07] DeadWolfWar issued server command: /we cui [13:14:13] hgufj2 issued server command: /home dima [13:14:15] zxcmonster228 issued server command: /m Stroof4 плотный кабель? [13:14:24] Stroof4 issued server command: /tell zxcmonster228 да [13:14:33] zxcmonster228 issued server command: /m Stroof4 за эмы? [13:14:37] vihni issued server command: /warp st [13:14:37] hgufj2 issued server command: /home [13:14:51] Stroof4 issued server command: /tell zxcmonster228 могу за эмы могу за предметы эмов не так много [13:15:04] zxcmonster228 issued server command: /m Stroof4 лазуриты? [13:15:14] Stroof4 issued server command: /tell zxcmonster228 устраивает тп [13:15:19] vihni issued server command: /warp st [13:15:20] Stroof4 issued server command: /home [13:15:27] mrggame issued server command: /home [13:15:28] zxcmonster228 issued server command: /m Stroof4 скок кабеля надо? [13:15:43] Stroof4 issued server command: /tell zxcmonster228 много оч [13:15:45] DeadWolfWar issued server command: /warp mining [13:15:47] DeadWolfWar issued server command: /we cui [13:15:57] Stroof4 issued server command: /tell zxcmonster228 принеси 3 стака на месте о цене договоримся [13:15:58] mrsuperman69 вышел [13:16:06] zxcmonster228 issued server command: /m Stroof4 делаю [13:16:30] ReMmiFast умер (PROJECTILE) [13:16:32] Blak_loner issued server command: /tpa DeadWolfWar [13:16:33] DeadWolfWar issued server command: /tpaccept [13:16:36] ReMmiFast issued server command: /we cui [13:16:38] Blak_loner issued server command: /we cui [13:16:50] hais3 issued server command: /heal [13:16:52] hgufj2 issued server command: /home [13:16:55] zxcmonster228 issued server command: /m Stroof4 могу только стак [13:17:02] Stroof4 issued server command: /tell zxcmonster228 ок [13:17:06] Stroof4 issued server command: /home [13:17:17] Stroof4 issued server command: /tpaccept [13:17:26] mrsuperman69 зашёл [13:17:34] mrsuperman69 issued server command: /we cui [13:17:36] zxcmonster228 issued server command: /m Stroof4 за 1 кабель 10 лазурита устроит? [13:17:44] [G] fresh123q: !rtp [13:17:46] fresh123q issued server command: /rtp [13:17:48] Stroof4 issued server command: /tell zxcmonster228 давай [13:17:48] mrsuperman69 вышел [13:17:50] KicX зашёл [13:17:52] KicX issued server command: /we cui [13:18:05] zxcmonster228 issued server command: /m Stroof4 тогда 10 стакво лазурита выходит [13:18:11] hais3 issued server command: /home [13:18:12] zxcmonster228 issued server command: /trade Stroof4 [13:18:14] Stroof4 issued server command: /tell zxcmonster228 да [13:18:21] hgufj2 issued server command: /home dima [13:18:29] Stroof4 issued server command: /trade accept [13:18:49] zxcmonster228 issued server command: /m Stroof4 спасибо [13:18:57] Stroof4 issued server command: /tell zxcmonster228 тебе спасибо [13:19:08] ReMmiFast issued server command: /kit eat [13:19:33] ReMmiFast issued server command: /kit start [13:19:54] Stroof4 issued server command: /home [13:19:56] mrsuperman69 зашёл [13:19:59] zxcmonster228 issued server command: /money [13:20:04] mrsuperman69 issued server command: /we cui [13:20:09] zxcmonster228 issued server command: /warp case [13:20:13] zxcmonster228 issued server command: /we cui [13:20:16] Stroof4 issued server command: /home [13:20:35] Stroof4 issued server command: /home vihni [13:21:07] fresh123q issued server command: /hone [13:21:09] fresh123q issued server command: /home [13:21:18] Stroof4 issued server command: /home [13:21:19] zxcmonster228 issued server command: /home [13:21:19] Stroof4 issued server command: /home [13:21:22] Stroof4 issued server command: /warp st [13:21:23] zxcmonster228 issued server command: /we cui [13:21:24] hais3 issued server command: /feed [13:21:42] Andreibrooo зашёл [13:21:44] Andreibrooo issued server command: /we cui [13:21:56] Blak_loner вышел [13:22:20] Stroof4 issued server command: /home [13:22:31] warves55 зашёл [13:22:33] kitsqwer зашёл [13:22:38] DimaBloger issued server command: /kit eat [13:22:40] DimaBloger issued server command: /kit start [13:22:41] Stroof4 issued server command: /home [13:22:41] warves55 issued server command: /we cui [13:22:43] kitsqwer issued server command: /we cui [13:22:52] zxcmonster228 issued server command: /home [13:22:53] DimaBloger issued server command: //sel [13:22:57] hgufj2 issued server command: /home [13:23:01] [G] warves55: !ребят срочная инфа нужна кокой это таум по типу 4.06 [13:23:10] hgufj2 issued server command: /TPA DIMA [13:23:14] DimaBloger issued server command: /tpyes [13:23:20] DimaBloger issued server command: /home [13:23:25] hgufj2 issued server command: /home dima [13:23:26] Stroof4 issued server command: /WARP VIHNI [13:23:30] Stroof4 issued server command: /warp vihni [13:23:37] Stroof4 issued server command: /home vihni [13:23:49] DimaBloger issued server command: /home [13:23:57] Andreibrooo issued server command: /рщьу [13:23:57] Andreibrooo issued server command: /home [13:24:41] valera_zakon issued server command: /warp ez [13:24:43] valera_zakon issued server command: /we cui [13:24:52] Stroof4 issued server command: /home [13:25:21] Stroof4 issued server command: /home [13:25:23] Stroof4 issued server command: /home vihni [13:25:32] [G] warves55: !как получить аспект мозг [13:25:47] Witherion issued server command: /msg warves55 Изучить бумагу/опыт. [13:26:15] vihni issued server command: /home [13:26:26] Witherion issued server command: /msg warves55 Либо скрестить игнис+спиритус на столе. [13:26:37] warves55 issued server command: /r спасибо [13:26:38] hgufj2 issued server command: /home [13:26:42] Witherion issued server command: /msg warves55 Np. [13:26:49] Stroof4 issued server command: /home [13:26:53] vihni issued server command: /warp st [13:27:28] Andreibrooo issued server command: /warp ez [13:27:30] Stroof4 issued server command: /home vihni [13:27:32] vihni issued server command: /warp st [13:27:34] vihni issued server command: /home [13:27:37] hgufj2 issued server command: /home dima [13:27:38] zxcmonster228 вышел [13:27:46] vihni issued server command: /set hom [13:27:50] vihni issued server command: /set home [13:27:54] Stroof4 issued server command: /home [13:27:55] Stroof4 issued server command: /home [13:27:55] DimaBloger issued server command: /home [13:27:57] vihni issued server command: /home srt [13:27:57] Stroof4 issued server command: /WARP ST [13:28:18] vihni issued server command: /home set [13:28:18] vihni issued server command: /home set [13:28:41] mrsuperman69 вышел [13:28:43] vihni issued server command: /home set [13:28:45] vihni issued server command: /home [13:28:46] [G] hgufj2: ! за сколько можно купить 16 незеритовых кусков? [13:28:47] Andreibrooo issued server command: /warp ez [13:28:48] Andreibrooo issued server command: /home [13:28:50] vihni issued server command: /warp st [13:28:51] mrsuperman69 зашёл [13:28:51] Stroof4 issued server command: /home vihni [13:28:52] mrsuperman69 issued server command: /we cui [13:29:02] Witherion issued server command: /msg hgufj2 КВ? [13:29:05] warves55 issued server command: /r а можно у тебе на басу поизучать [13:29:12] vihni issued server command: /home [13:29:14] Stroof4 issued server command: /home [13:29:15] Stroof4 issued server command: /home [13:29:17] Stroof4 issued server command: /WARP ST [13:29:18] Andreibrooo issued server command: /warp ez [13:29:20] valera_zakon issued server command: /trade hgufj2 [13:29:20] warves55 issued server command: /r базу [13:29:23] hgufj2 issued server command: /m Witherion из дивайн рпг незеритовые куски [13:29:25] Witherion issued server command: /msg warves55 У меня там изучать нечего) [13:29:25] hgufj2 issued server command: /trade accept [13:29:29] MoRkBa_UA_ зашёл [13:29:32] Witherion issued server command: /msg hgufj2 Я знаю, тебе на квест? [13:29:34] vihni issued server command: /home [13:29:37] vihni issued server command: /warp st [13:29:40] Andreibrooo issued server command: /home [13:29:42] warves55 issued server command: /r технике нет? [13:29:42] hgufj2 issued server command: /m Witherion да [13:29:44] fresh123q вышел [13:29:45] MoRkBa_UA_ issued server command: /we cui [13:29:47] warves55 умер (PROJECTILE) [13:29:49] warves55 issued server command: /we cui [13:29:51] Stroof4 issued server command: /WARP ST [13:29:53] Andreibrooo issued server command: /sethome [13:29:54] Stroof4 issued server command: /home vihni [13:29:55] Witherion issued server command: /msg hgufj2 Могу дать подержать с обратным возвратом, [13:30:04] hgufj2 issued server command: /m Witherion jr [13:30:10] hgufj2 issued server command: /trade Witherion [13:30:14] [L] MoRkBa_UA_: ку [13:30:15] Witherion issued server command: /msg hgufj2 Мин. [13:30:15] mrsuperman69 вышел [13:30:21] vihni issued server command: /home [13:30:22] Stroof4 issued server command: /WARP ST [13:30:22] Andreibrooo issued server command: /warp ez [13:30:30] valera_zakon issued server command: /home Andreibrooo [13:30:33] vihni issued server command: /warp st [13:30:37] Andreibrooo issued server command: /home [13:30:43] [L] Flerion: ты чо вышел [13:30:52] [L] MoRkBa_UA_: вилитело НАХУЙ [13:30:54] mrggame issued server command: /home [13:30:59] valera_zakon issued server command: /warp ez [13:31:02] [L] MoRkBa_UA_: сервак залагал [13:31:04] Witherion issued server command: /warp create [13:31:06] [L] Flerion: мне нужны кристаллы порядка [13:31:07] [L] MoRkBa_UA_: у меня [13:31:08] hgufj2 issued server command: /trade Witherion [13:31:11] [L] Flerion: смотри скоко скрафтил уже [13:31:11] Andreibrooo issued server command: /warp ez [13:31:12] Witherion issued server command: /warp create Obelisk [13:31:17] [L] MoRkBa_UA_: я тут в не игре [13:31:23] Witherion issued server command: /msg hgufj2 Да подожди... [13:31:28] [L] Flerion: не понял это как [13:31:30] [L] Flerion: не в игр [13:31:33] Witherion issued server command: /warp create Obelist [13:31:34] [L] Flerion: не в игре [13:31:58] Stroof4 issued server command: /home vihni [13:32:01] mrggame issued server command: /home [13:32:06] [L] MoRkBa_UA_: шо ти твориш [13:32:10] [L] Flerion: это как не в игре [13:32:11] Stroof4 issued server command: /home [13:32:12] [L] MoRkBa_UA_: БЛЯТЬ [13:32:12] Witherion issued server command: /home [13:32:13] Stroof4 issued server command: /WARP ST [13:32:15] Witherion issued server command: /we cui [13:32:18] ReMmiFast issued server command: /home [13:32:19] vihni issued server command: /home [13:32:26] [L] MoRkBa_UA_: ну я ето делать не буду [13:32:29] Witherion issued server command: /trade accept [13:32:34] Witherion issued server command: /trade hgufj2 [13:32:35] [L] Flerion: кого [13:32:36] hgufj2 issued server command: /trade accept [13:32:39] vewelon зашёл [13:32:42] valera_zakon issued server command: /we cui [13:32:44] [L] MoRkBa_UA_: лан проехали [13:32:47] hgufj2 issued server command: /trade accept [13:32:47] [L] MoRkBa_UA_: бля [13:32:49] hgufj2 issued server command: /trade Witherion [13:32:51] Witherion issued server command: /trade accept [13:32:51] [L] MoRkBa_UA_: витерай [13:33:05] [L] MoRkBa_UA_: че ти бутилочки не лелаиш [13:33:08] vewelon issued server command: /we cui [13:33:16] [L] MoRkBa_UA_: с есенциями [13:33:33] [L] Flerion: надо кристаллы порядка [13:33:40] [L] MoRkBa_UA_: сам [13:33:45] [L] Flerion: добудь в шахте бля [13:33:46] MoRkBa_UA_ issued server command: /money [13:34:10] [L] MoRkBa_UA_: скок у тебя денег [13:34:17] Stroof4 issued server command: /home [13:34:17] vewelon issued server command: /mpcaseshop [13:34:19] [L] Flerion: поменяй плащ противно смотреть [13:34:21] [L] Flerion: 0 у меня [13:34:24] Flerion issued server command: /money [13:34:31] Stroof4 issued server command: /home vihni [13:34:32] [L] MoRkBa_UA_: хочу ихор бронь купить [13:34:41] [L] Flerion: скоко у тебя [13:34:41] [L] MoRkBa_UA_: у меня 25 [13:34:50] [L] Flerion: как их получить [13:34:59] [L] MoRkBa_UA_: ну в чате [13:35:05] [L] Flerion: что в чате [13:35:07] vihni issued server command: /warp st [13:35:11] [L] MoRkBa_UA_: там упражнения [13:35:14] [L] Flerion: а отвечать [13:35:19] [L] Flerion: поменяй плащ [13:35:22] hgufj2 issued server command: /home [13:35:23] [L] MoRkBa_UA_: не [13:35:30] [L] MoRkBa_UA_: ) [13:35:35] [L] Flerion: уёбок [13:35:37] [G] DimaBloger: !Какие провода провдят rf? [13:35:40] forksel зашёл [13:35:42] [L] MoRkBa_UA_: ой ой ой [13:35:48] warves55 issued server command: /m x_NevadA_x можно у тебя дома поизучать [13:36:09] forksel issued server command: /we cui [13:36:23] warves55 issued server command: /m x_NevadA_x ;q [13:36:28] hgufj2 issued server command: /home dima [13:36:30] warves55 issued server command: /m x_NevadA_x эй ответь [13:36:35] Stroof4 issued server command: /home [13:36:36] [L] MoRkBa_UA_: лан я щас [13:36:40] Flerion issued server command: /trade MoRkBa_UA_ [13:36:40] MoRkBa_UA_ вышел [13:37:05] Flerion issued server command: /rtp [13:37:09] DeadWolfWar вышел [13:37:10] Stroof4 issued server command: /home [13:37:14] Flerion issued server command: /warp list [13:37:18] Flerion issued server command: /warp abyss [13:37:33] Stroof4 issued server command: /home [13:37:45] Flerion issued server command: /rtp [13:37:47] Flerion issued server command: /home [13:38:20] vewelon issued server command: /money [13:38:24] vewelon вышел [13:38:38] SvetlanaSvet issued server command: /home [13:39:18] mrggame issued server command: /voteday [13:39:21] Witherion issued server command: /yes [13:39:21] mrggame issued server command: /yes [13:39:23] hgufj2 issued server command: /home dima [13:39:23] warves55 issued server command: /yes [13:39:25] warves55 issued server command: /m x_NevadA_x эй ответь [13:39:26] warves55 issued server command: /m x_NevadA_x эй ответь [13:39:55] Stroof4 issued server command: /home [13:39:57] hgufj2 issued server command: /home dima [13:40:00] hgufj2 issued server command: / [13:40:02] hgufj2 issued server command: /home [13:40:03] hgufj2 умер (ENTITY_ATTACK) [13:40:06] hgufj2 issued server command: /we cui [13:40:10] hgufj2 issued server command: /home dima [13:40:12] hgufj2 issued server command: /home dima [13:40:12] hgufj2 issued server command: / [13:40:14] hgufj2 issued server command: /home dima [13:40:15] Mok1Cho зашёл [13:40:16] hgufj2 issued server command: /home dima [13:40:16] hgufj2 issued server command: / [13:40:18] hgufj2 issued server command: /home dima [13:40:20] hgufj2 issued server command: /home dima [13:40:23] ReMmiFast issued server command: /home [13:40:27] hgufj2 issued server command: /home dima [13:40:42] [L] warves55: эй [13:40:44] [L] warves55: блять [13:40:46] [L] warves55: ответь [13:40:50] [L] warves55: заебал [13:41:02] Mok1Cho issued server command: /we cui [13:41:23] DeadWolfWar зашёл [13:41:24] Stroof4 issued server command: /home vihni [13:41:25] DeadWolfWar issued server command: /we cui [13:41:26] Flerion issued server command: /rtp [13:41:37] DeadWolfWar вышел [13:42:08] Flerion issued server command: /rtp [13:42:18] mrggame issued server command: /warp gods [13:42:33] Stroof4 issued server command: /home [13:42:38] Mok1Cho issued server command: /warp pve [13:42:42] Mok1Cho issued server command: /we cui [13:42:45] kitsqwer вышел [13:43:20] mrggame issued server command: /home [13:43:23] DimaBloger issued server command: /home [13:43:31] DeadWolfWar зашёл [13:43:33] DeadWolfWar issued server command: /we cui [13:43:56] warves55 issued server command: /кез [13:43:58] warves55 issued server command: /rtp [13:44:07] Blak_loner зашёл [13:44:57] Blak_loner issued server command: /we cui [13:45:00] DimaBloger issued server command: /rtp [13:45:27] Flerion issued server command: /kit start [13:45:27] mrggame issued server command: /warp net [13:45:29] mrggame issued server command: /we cui [13:45:42] DimaBloger issued server command: /rtp [13:45:52] forksel issued server command: /tpaccept [13:46:04] forksel issued server command: /tpaccept [13:46:07] vihni issued server command: /call forksel [13:46:09] forksel issued server command: /tpaccept [13:46:10] vihni issued server command: /we cui [13:46:16] DimaBloger issued server command: /rtp [13:46:17] Witherion issued server command: /msg Mok1Cho Yo. [13:46:24] Mok1Cho issued server command: /r пр [13:46:25] KicX issued server command: /home [13:46:33] DimaBloger issued server command: /rtp [13:46:33] hais3 issued server command: /enderchest [13:46:35] Witherion issued server command: /msg Mok1Cho Есть 4 углепластика? Потом отдам. [13:46:38] Mok1Cho issued server command: /r прикинь у меня 3 квг цесть [13:46:42] Mok1Cho issued server command: /home [13:46:44] Mok1Cho issued server command: /we cui [13:46:52] Witherion issued server command: /msg Mok1Cho квг? [13:47:10] DeadWolfWar вышел [13:47:14] DeadWolfWar зашёл [13:47:15] DeadWolfWar issued server command: /we cui [13:47:16] Mok1Cho issued server command: /trade Witherion [13:47:18] Witherion issued server command: /trade accept [13:47:23] DimaBloger вышел [13:47:32] mrggame issued server command: /warp net [13:47:37] Mok1Cho issued server command: /r да квг [13:47:40] Witherion issued server command: /msg Mok1Cho Погодь, сможешь сразу репликатор скрафтить? [13:47:41] [G] Flerion: !Как скрафтить стол улучшений [13:47:44] Witherion issued server command: /msg Mok1Cho Что за КВГ?)) [13:47:54] mrggame issued server command: /home [13:47:54] warves55 issued server command: /home [13:47:56] mrggame issued server command: /we cui [13:47:58] [G] Andreibrooo: !могу продать [13:47:58] Mok1Cho issued server command: /r квантовий генератор [13:48:08] Andreibrooo issued server command: /money Flerion [13:48:09] Witherion issued server command: /msg Mok1Cho Не шарю за это) [13:48:16] Stroof4 issued server command: /home [13:48:20] Witherion issued server command: /msg Mok1Cho Ибо я хз скок он выдаётЮ [13:48:28] Flerion issued server command: /m and а как получить его [13:48:35] Mok1Cho issued server command: /r 32к eu в тик [13:48:35] Andreibrooo issued server command: /r потный крафт там [13:48:40] Stroof4 issued server command: /home [13:48:51] Flerion issued server command: /r какой [13:48:55] Mok1Cho issued server command: /trade Witherion [13:48:57] Witherion issued server command: /msg Mok1Cho Жостко. [13:48:58] Witherion issued server command: /trade accept [13:49:06] Andreibrooo issued server command: /r ну вообще пиздец какой [13:49:11] Witherion issued server command: /msg Mok1Cho О, спасибо огромное! Потом верну. [13:49:19] Mok1Cho issued server command: /r да не надо) [13:49:46] Flerion issued server command: /r крафта нету [13:49:48] Flerion issued server command: /r крафта нету его [13:49:56] Andreibrooo issued server command: /r там целый таум изучить надо для него [13:49:56] warves55 issued server command: /home [13:50:01] Stroof4 issued server command: /home [13:50:17] Flerion issued server command: /r а таум надо изучать [13:50:24] Stroof4 issued server command: /home [13:50:25] Andreibrooo issued server command: /r da [13:50:43] Stroof4 issued server command: /home [13:50:47] kilerkin зашёл [13:50:53] kilerkin issued server command: /we cui [13:51:01] MoRkBa_UA_ зашёл [13:51:07] Stroof4 issued server command: /home [13:51:14] Flerion issued server command: /home [13:51:17] MoRkBa_UA_ issued server command: /we cui [13:51:19] [L] Flerion: лол [13:51:23] MoRkBa_UA_ issued server command: /mpcaseshop [13:51:24] [L] Flerion: о норм [13:51:26] MoRkBa_UA_ issued server command: /mpcaseshop [13:51:28] Mok1Cho issued server command: /r можно тебе что то подарить? [13:51:33] [L] MoRkBa_UA_: я хокаге [13:51:35] MoRkBa_UA_ issued server command: /mpcaseshop [13:51:37] [L] Flerion: кто [13:51:43] Mok1Cho issued server command: /trade Witherion [13:51:44] [L] MoRkBa_UA_: а ти незнаеш [13:51:48] [L] MoRkBa_UA_: ну тогда пох [13:51:49] Witherion issued server command: /msg Mok1Cho Не-не, сяп)) Мне репликатора уже как офигенный подарок хватило! Спасибо! ^^ [13:51:49] Blak_loner issued server command: /home [13:51:52] kilerkin issued server command: /we cui [13:51:54] Blak_loner issued server command: /we cui [13:51:56] Stroof4 issued server command: /home [13:52:00] [L] Flerion: анимешник [13:52:00] Stroof4 issued server command: /WARP VIHNI [13:52:02] DeadWolfWar вышел [13:52:06] Stroof4 issued server command: /home vihni [13:52:07] Mok1Cho issued server command: /r да ни кому я не скажу я тоже бан не хочу [13:52:10] [L] MoRkBa_UA_: уберай ето [13:52:11] Witherion issued server command: /trade accept [13:52:13] [L] Flerion: я узнал как построить стол улчшений с дивайна [13:52:17] [L] Flerion: потом [13:52:23] [L] Flerion: надо таум изучить [13:52:23] [L] MoRkBa_UA_: зараз [13:52:30] [L] MoRkBa_UA_: ето заражения [13:52:32] Witherion issued server command: /msg Mok1Cho Ох ёпт...Спасибо огроменное!! [13:52:32] Andreibrooo issued server command: /home [13:52:33] Mok1Cho issued server command: /r пользуйся) [13:52:38] Witherion issued server command: /msg Mok1Cho А нафига он нужен? xD [13:52:46] Mok1Cho issued server command: /r летать [13:52:48] Andreibrooo issued server command: /warp ez [13:52:57] [L] Flerion: есть халитовая драконья броня [13:53:00] Mok1Cho issued server command: /r ну воопще вещь дорогая [13:53:00] [L] MoRkBa_UA_: и [13:53:01] Andreibrooo issued server command: /warp ez [13:53:01] [L] Flerion: посмотри халит нагрудник [13:53:02] Witherion issued server command: /msg Mok1Cho Так крылья же есть) [13:53:02] Andreibrooo issued server command: /home [13:53:06] ReMmiFast умер (ENTITY_ATTACK) [13:53:08] ReMmiFast issued server command: /we cui [13:53:10] Mok1Cho issued server command: /r ти крафт глянь) [13:53:12] Stroof4 issued server command: /home [13:53:14] kilerkin issued server command: /kit eat [13:53:25] [L] MoRkBa_UA_: нихуя [13:53:29] Witherion issued server command: /msg Mok1Cho А, ужасающий. [13:53:38] [L] MoRkBa_UA_: почти 6800 емеральдов [13:53:38] Andreibrooo issued server command: /tpa valera_zakon [13:53:39] [L] Flerion: чтобы создать стол улучшений надо изучить весь таум [13:53:42] Witherion issued server command: /msg Mok1Cho Мутный крафт) [13:53:43] Mok1Cho issued server command: /r ага) ещо 4 таких в ме лежит [13:53:45] valera_zakon issued server command: /tpaccept [13:53:47] Andreibrooo issued server command: /we cui [13:53:49] Witherion issued server command: /msg Mok1Cho На ужасающем все крафты мутные. [13:53:58] Blak_loner issued server command: /tpa [13:54:00] valera_zakon issued server command: /warp ez [13:54:02] valera_zakon issued server command: /we cui [13:54:04] Witherion issued server command: /msg Mok1Cho Пздц, 70км и ни одного обелиска :/ [13:54:13] [L] MoRkBa_UA_: у нас дохуя железа [13:54:15] Mok1Cho issued server command: /r хах [13:54:16] [L] Flerion: ага [13:54:22] [L] Flerion: ты посмотри цену стола [13:54:22] Stroof4 issued server command: /home [13:54:24] [L] Flerion: улучшений [13:54:24] SvetlanaSvet issued server command: /home [13:54:25] DeadWolfWar зашёл [13:54:25] Mok1Cho issued server command: /r тебе сингулярка надо? [13:54:26] DeadWolfWar issued server command: /we cui [13:54:34] Andreibrooo issued server command: /warp ez [13:54:35] Blak_loner issued server command: /tpa DeadWolfWar [13:54:36] DeadWolfWar issued server command: /tpaccept [13:54:37] Andreibrooo issued server command: /we cui [13:54:37] Blak_loner issued server command: /we cui [13:54:37] Witherion issued server command: /msg Mok1Cho Данж сам с Багровым Порталом. [13:54:53] [L] Flerion: и я знаю какая самая броня мощная на сервере [13:54:56] Mok1Cho issued server command: /r ну там синг жемчужина добиваеться [13:54:56] Blak_loner issued server command: /tpa [13:54:58] Blak_loner issued server command: /home [13:55:03] Blak_loner issued server command: /we cui [13:55:07] Witherion issued server command: /msg Mok1Cho Мне нужен лишь багровый портал а не жемчуг) [13:55:13] Stroof4 issued server command: /home [13:55:15] Mok1Cho issued server command: /r аа [13:55:30] [L] MoRkBa_UA_: стол улучшений? [13:55:35] Blak_loner issued server command: /tpa DeadWolfWar [13:55:41] [L] MoRkBa_UA_: аууу [13:55:44] Mok1Cho issued server command: /r есть небесний камень? [13:55:48] DeadWolfWar issued server command: /tpaccept [13:55:49] Stroof4 issued server command: /home [13:55:51] Blak_loner issued server command: /we cui [13:55:56] Witherion issued server command: /msg Mok1Cho Сколько? [13:55:59] [L] Flerion: да [13:56:02] Mok1Cho issued server command: /r а много есть? [13:56:04] [L] Flerion: стол улучшений [13:56:07] [L] Flerion: с дивайна [13:56:10] [L] MoRkBa_UA_: минимальная цена [13:56:12] Mok1Cho issued server command: /r ну стака 4 надоц [13:56:12] Andreibrooo issued server command: /warp world [13:56:16] Witherion issued server command: /msg Mok1Cho 22 штук) [13:56:19] [L] Flerion: ну увидел [13:56:19] [L] MoRkBa_UA_: 954 емеральда [13:56:20] Andreibrooo issued server command: /we cui [13:56:28] Stroof4 issued server command: /home [13:56:28] Mok1Cho issued server command: /r хах тогда не надоц [13:56:29] [L] Flerion: мне чел хотел продатть [13:56:33] valera_zakon issued server command: /home and [13:56:34] [L] MoRkBa_UA_: за скок [13:56:36] [L] Flerion: незнаю [13:56:41] [L] MoRkBa_UA_: пхаахаха [13:56:45] [L] Flerion: я спросил надо весь таум изучить [13:56:48] [L] Flerion: мы бомжи [13:56:50] [L] MoRkBa_UA_: а ок [13:56:52] [L] Flerion: легче скрафтить [13:56:53] Stroof4 issued server command: /home [13:57:00] Mok1Cho issued server command: /r у меня тут база новая)ц [13:57:03] [L] MoRkBa_UA_: угу [13:57:03] [L] Flerion: я знаю самую мощную броню [13:57:04] Mok1Cho issued server command: /rtp [13:57:06] DeadWolfWar issued server command: /home [13:57:08] valera_zakon issued server command: /warp ez [13:57:08] DeadWolfWar issued server command: /we cui [13:57:10] [L] Flerion: туцт типо надоподобие дмонической брони [13:57:14] [L] Flerion: называется хаотическая [13:57:22] [L] Flerion: посомтри крафт хаотического нагрудника [13:57:23] ReMmiFast issued server command: /shop [13:57:28] Stroof4 issued server command: /home vihni [13:57:29] Blak_loner issued server command: /tp accept [13:57:34] ReMmiFast issued server command: /wsrp shop [13:57:36] [L] MoRkBa_UA_: нету крафта [13:57:41] [L] Flerion: хаотический [13:57:44] [L] Flerion: нагрудник [13:57:47] [L] Flerion: крафт есть [13:57:49] [L] ReMmiFast: кто продаст тросника ? [13:57:58] [L] MoRkBa_UA_: мм [13:57:59] [G] ReMmiFast: ! кто продаст тросника ? [13:58:02] [L] MoRkBa_UA_: ето ПИЗДЕЦ [13:58:08] [L] Flerion: покруче чем драконья [13:58:11] DeadWolfWar issued server command: /tpa Blak_loner [13:58:19] [G] Mok1Cho: !я продам [13:58:21] Mok1Cho issued server command: /home [13:58:21] Blak_loner issued server command: /tpaccept [13:58:22] DeadWolfWar issued server command: /we cui [13:58:22] [L] MoRkBa_UA_: ОН и так из драк делаитса [13:58:32] [L] Flerion: это возможно получить токо если ты донатер [13:58:34] [G] Mok1Cho: !скоко надо? [13:58:39] [L] Flerion: кто сказал что из драконье [13:58:39] [L] MoRkBa_UA_: не [13:58:41] [L] Flerion: ты смотрел крафт [13:58:47] [L] Flerion: совсем не с драконьи [13:58:47] Witherion issued server command: /msg Mok1Cho Сколько ядерный генератор выдаёт? [13:58:48] [G] ReMmiFast: ! пол стака есть ? [13:58:55] [L] MoRkBa_UA_: а не [13:58:55] Mok1Cho issued server command: /trade ReMmiFast [13:59:00] Mok1Cho issued server command: /r хз [13:59:01] [L] Flerion: да [13:59:02] KuKeys зашёл [13:59:07] hais3 issued server command: /voteday [13:59:10] ReMmiFast issued server command: /trade cancel [13:59:10] Witherion issued server command: /msg Mok1Cho Блин, вот думаю - стоит ли его ставить вообще... [13:59:11] [G] Mok1Cho: !да есть [13:59:13] ReMmiFast issued server command: /trade accept [13:59:13] KuKeys issued server command: /we cui [13:59:14] Mok1Cho issued server command: /trade ReMmiFast [13:59:15] [L] Flerion: там нужна часть которая продаётся за пыль на варпе корая выбивается с кейсов за рубли [13:59:19] ReMmiFast issued server command: /trade accept [13:59:28] DimaBloger зашёл [13:59:33] [L] Flerion: вон видишь в броне есть фрагменты [13:59:35] [L] Flerion: тп [13:59:38] [L] MoRkBa_UA_: кста в аваритии есть меч на беск урону [13:59:40] Flerion issued server command: /spawn [13:59:43] Flerion issued server command: /we cui [13:59:47] MoRkBa_UA_ issued server command: /tpa Flerion [13:59:49] Flerion issued server command: /m mor ого [13:59:53] Flerion issued server command: /m mor а как скрафтить [13:59:56] Mok1Cho issued server command: /r если енергии мало то ставь [13:59:56] Flerion issued server command: /tpaccept [13:59:57] [G] ReMmiFast: ! спасибо [14:00:01] MoRkBa_UA_ issued server command: /we cui [14:00:11] [G] forksel: !982 [14:00:24] DimaBloger issued server command: /we cui [14:00:28] [G] ReMmiFast: ! может я тебе чтонибудь да [14:00:42] Stroof4 issued server command: /home [14:00:42] Stroof4 issued server command: /home [14:00:42] Flerion issued server command: /r у него чо есть крафт [14:00:46] [L] DimaBloger: а [14:00:48] [L] Flerion: сюда [14:00:50] Flerion issued server command: /trade MoRkBa_UA_ [14:00:50] Flerion issued server command: /trade MoRkBa_UA_ [14:00:50] Flerion issued server command: /trade MoRkBa_UA_ [14:00:53] [L] MoRkBa_UA_: там пизд а не крафт [14:01:02] [L] ReMmiFast: Mok1Cho я только начал развиваться многово нет [14:01:07] [L] Flerion: ты видел хаотический нагрудник крафт [14:01:13] [L] Flerion: ого [14:01:14] [L] MoRkBa_UA_: да [14:01:17] Flerion issued server command: /kit top [14:01:22] [L] Flerion: сюда [14:01:39] [L] Flerion: сюда [14:01:47] [L] Flerion: вот он [14:01:57] Stroof4 issued server command: /home vihni [14:01:58] [L] MoRkBa_UA_: и [14:02:12] [L] Flerion: фрагменты выдишь брони [14:02:15] Andreibrooo issued server command: /цфкз уя [14:02:16] Andreibrooo issued server command: /warp ez [14:02:18] Andreibrooo issued server command: /we cui [14:02:20] [L] Flerion: они покупаются за пыль [14:02:21] MoRkBa_UA_ issued server command: /warp NPCshop [14:02:26] Stroof4 issued server command: /home [14:02:26] [L] Flerion: которая покупается за рубли [14:02:27] MoRkBa_UA_ issued server command: /warp NPCShop [14:02:27] Stroof4 issued server command: /home [14:02:30] Stroof4 issued server command: /WARP ST [14:02:43] KuKeys issued server command: /qesy [14:02:53] Andreibrooo issued server command: /home [14:03:00] [L] Flerion: меч легче крафтится чем хаотическая броня [14:03:10] Mok1Cho issued server command: /r пойду дракона отпизджу [14:03:14] Witherion issued server command: /msg Mok1Cho ? [14:03:15] Mok1Cho issued server command: /warp world [14:03:22] KuKeys issued server command: /kit [14:03:23] Witherion issued server command: /msg Mok1Cho Воскрешение? [14:03:26] KuKeys issued server command: /kit start [14:03:27] Mok1Cho issued server command: /r да [14:03:30] KuKeys issued server command: / [14:03:33] Witherion issued server command: /msg Mok1Cho Удачи ^^ [14:03:33] [L] Flerion: чо то тупо что меч на бесконечность урона [14:03:36] KuKeys issued server command: /kit top [14:03:37] [L] Flerion: это нечестно как то [14:03:41] Mok1Cho issued server command: /r если хочешь посмотрецтьц тп в енд [14:03:46] [L] KuKeys: Люди а тут квесты есть? [14:03:49] [L] Flerion: есди у чела есть он он убьёт кто в хаотичесакой броне [14:03:53] [L] MoRkBa_UA_: всм [14:03:54] Witherion issued server command: /msg Mok1Cho Да не, мне энергию делать надо. [14:03:56] Mok1Cho issued server command: /we cui [14:03:56] Witherion issued server command: /msg Mok1Cho А то пздц [14:04:01] [L] Flerion: с 1 удара [14:04:05] [L] MoRkBa_UA_: там крафт пиздец [14:04:05] [L] Flerion: квесты да [14:04:08] Andreibrooo issued server command: /warp ez [14:04:11] Mok1Cho issued server command: /r как убю дракона помогу з енергией го в енд [14:04:12] [L] KuKeys: а как посмотреть [14:04:14] [L] Flerion: ты посомтр ихаотическую бронь ты не сомтрел её крафт [14:04:22] [L] Flerion: зайди в управление [14:04:22] [L] MoRkBa_UA_: и бронь с того мода тоже топ [14:04:29] Witherion issued server command: /msg Mok1Cho Да а смысл смотреть...Я нелюблю смотреть))) [14:04:38] Mok1Cho issued server command: /r поможешьц [14:04:39] KicX вышел [14:04:42] Witherion issued server command: /msg Mok1Cho А с энергией сам справлюсь как-нить. [14:04:48] Witherion issued server command: /msg Mok1Cho Да от меня помощи то и не будет) [14:04:51] Mok1Cho issued server command: /r лади [14:04:54] MoRkBa_UA_ issued server command: /home [14:04:56] MoRkBa_UA_ issued server command: /we cui [14:05:23] DimaBloger issued server command: /home [14:05:25] Mok1Cho issued server command: /r воскрешения началось) [14:05:25] forksel вышел [14:05:27] Flerion issued server command: /home [14:05:29] Flerion issued server command: /we cui [14:05:42] Andreibrooo issued server command: /цфкз уя [14:05:43] Andreibrooo issued server command: /home [14:06:02] vewelon зашёл [14:06:10] Andreibrooo issued server command: /warp ez [14:06:14] [G] ReMmiFast: ! кто продаст кожи [14:06:18] vewelon issued server command: /we cui [14:06:22] macroholms зашёл [14:06:27] Flerion issued server command: /r ты где [14:06:31] macroholms issued server command: /we cui [14:06:40] MoRkBa_UA_ issued server command: /home [14:06:42] valera_zakon issued server command: /home and [14:06:43] Andreibrooo issued server command: /рщьу [14:06:44] mrggame issued server command: /home [14:06:44] Andreibrooo issued server command: /home [14:06:46] [G] ReMmiFast: ! кто продаст кожи. за урановую руду [14:06:51] [L] MoRkBa_UA_: шо ти бля делаиш [14:07:12] [L] Flerion: го будем крафтить вместо драконьей брони халит [14:07:16] Andreibrooo вышел [14:07:18] [L] MoRkBa_UA_: -_- [14:07:22] [L] Flerion: что [14:07:23] Andreibrooo зашёл [14:07:25] Andreibrooo issued server command: /we cui [14:07:26] Stroof4 issued server command: /home [14:07:26] [G] ReMmiFast: ! кто продаст кожи. за урановую руду [14:07:31] [L] MoRkBa_UA_: ти блять с ракети ебанулса [14:07:34] Mok1Cho issued server command: /r дракон отпизджен) [14:07:35] vewelon issued server command: /warp magnit [14:07:35] [L] Flerion: почему [14:07:39] Witherion issued server command: /msg Mok1Cho Грац) [14:07:43] [L] MoRkBa_UA_: там крафт пиздец [14:07:43] Stroof4 issued server command: /home [14:07:47] Andreibrooo issued server command: /warp ez [14:07:52] [L] Flerion: у кого [14:07:54] [L] Flerion: халит? [14:07:55] Andreibrooo issued server command: /цфкз уя [14:07:56] Andreibrooo issued server command: /ohme [14:07:57] [L] MoRkBa_UA_: + тут крафт другой [14:07:57] Andreibrooo issued server command: /home [14:08:00] [L] Flerion: я говрю не хотический [14:08:01] Mok1Cho issued server command: /r кинь факел по трейду пж яйцо заберу [14:08:04] [L] Flerion: дебил блять [14:08:08] [L] Flerion: а халитовый [14:08:08] vewelon issued server command: /home [14:08:11] [L] MoRkBa_UA_: ой бля [14:08:14] [L] Flerion: который делается в столе улучшения [14:08:17] [L] MoRkBa_UA_: сам тогда делай [14:08:23] [G] hgufj2: ! куплю очки откровения [14:08:24] Mok1Cho issued server command: /r пцж [14:08:31] Andreibrooo issued server command: /warp ez [14:08:31] valera_zakon issued server command: /warp ez [14:08:34] Witherion issued server command: /trade Mok1Cho [14:08:36] Mok1Cho issued server command: /trade accept [14:08:41] Andreibrooo issued server command: /цфкз уя [14:08:43] Andreibrooo issued server command: /home [14:08:44] [L] Flerion: это потом в будущем [14:08:48] [L] Flerion: ща мы не сможем скрафтить [14:08:53] [L] MoRkBa_UA_: ето и так понятно [14:09:03] [L] Flerion: мне нравится алит броня [14:09:07] [L] Flerion: знаешь в чём есё прикол [14:09:13] [L] Flerion: она слабая но добавляет урона [14:09:14] [L] MoRkBa_UA_: и [14:09:15] Andreibrooo issued server command: /warp [14:09:15] valera_zakon issued server command: /home [14:09:16] DimaBloger issued server command: /home [14:09:17] valera_zakon issued server command: /we cui [14:09:17] Mok1Cho issued server command: /home [14:09:19] warves55 issued server command: /kit [14:09:21] [L] Flerion: так что 1 лвл халит брони уже добавляет 16 урона [14:09:21] Mok1Cho issued server command: /we cui [14:09:21] Andreibrooo issued server command: /warp ez [14:09:22] warves55 issued server command: /kit eat [14:09:29] [L] Flerion: предаставь ты будешь деревяной лопатой наносить 18 урона [14:09:39] valera_zakon issued server command: /home [14:09:43] Stroof4 issued server command: /home [14:09:45] [L] MoRkBa_UA_: я меч би купилби [14:09:49] kilerkin вышел [14:09:49] Andreibrooo issued server command: /home [14:09:49] DimaBloger issued server command: /home [14:09:49] valera_zakon issued server command: /home [14:09:55] [L] Flerion: какой [14:09:56] Stroof4 issued server command: /home vihni [14:10:01] [L] MoRkBa_UA_: ХАЛИТОВИЙ [14:10:02] Stroof4 issued server command: /home [14:10:02] [L] MoRkBa_UA_: БЛЯТЬ [14:10:04] Stroof4 issued server command: /WARP ST [14:10:08] [L] Flerion: иии [14:10:13] [L] Flerion: я тоже буду с ним ходить [14:10:19] Stroof4 issued server command: /home [14:10:20] vewelon issued server command: /warp end [14:10:22] Stroof4 issued server command: /WARP ST [14:10:23] vewelon issued server command: /we cui [14:10:23] [L] Flerion: ты будешь себе крафтить дракнью или халит [14:10:34] hgufj2 вышел [14:10:37] MoRkBa_UA_ issued server command: /home [14:10:45] Blak_loner issued server command: /tpaccept [14:10:49] Blak_loner issued server command: /tpa DeadWolfWar [14:10:52] DeadWolfWar issued server command: /tpaccept [14:10:54] [L] MoRkBa_UA_: ничего [14:10:58] hais3 issued server command: /money [14:11:04] Andreibrooo issued server command: /warp [14:11:08] Andreibrooo issued server command: /warp ez [14:11:11] [L] Flerion: ты что будеь ходить голым [14:11:14] Andreibrooo issued server command: / [14:11:14] [L] MoRkBa_UA_: блять [14:11:22] [L] MoRkBa_UA_: ЩАС НАХУЙ РЕСОВ нет [14:11:24] Andreibrooo issued server command: /home valera_zakon [14:11:24] Witherion issued server command: /msg Mok1Cho БлЭт, как от Радиации избавиться?) [14:11:25] Andreibrooo issued server command: /we cui [14:11:29] Andreibrooo issued server command: //wand [14:11:32] [G] hais3: !продам пол стака алмазных блоков [14:11:32] Mok1Cho issued server command: /r молочка попей [14:11:36] [L] Flerion: я знаю блять [14:11:37] KicX зашёл [14:11:44] Stroof4 issued server command: /home [14:11:46] Stroof4 issued server command: /WARP ST [14:11:46] forksel зашёл [14:11:47] Stroof4 issued server command: /home vihni [14:11:49] KicX issued server command: /we cui [14:11:53] Witherion issued server command: /msg Mok1Cho Вроде не бьёт но висит, боюсь в любую секунду помереть)) [14:11:53] MoRkBa_UA_ issued server command: /home [14:12:01] mrggame вышел [14:12:01] Andreibrooo issued server command: //expand 50 u [14:12:03] Andreibrooo issued server command: //expand 50 d [14:12:12] forksel issued server command: /we cui [14:12:14] Andreibrooo issued server command: /rg claim farm4el [14:12:26] Mok1Cho issued server command: /r ну ето да [14:12:27] Andreibrooo issued server command: /rg addmember farm4el valera_zakon [14:12:37] Witherion issued server command: /msg Mok1Cho Тоесть я могу за фулл хп умереть? [14:12:40] Andreibrooo issued server command: //sel [14:12:41] valera_zakon issued server command: /hom [14:12:42] Mok1Cho issued server command: /r есть кристалл босса? 1 шт за еми куплю) [14:12:44] valera_zakon issued server command: /home [14:12:49] Andreibrooo issued server command: /warp ez [14:12:51] Andreibrooo issued server command: /we cui [14:12:56] Mok1Cho issued server command: /r ну хз или умрешь [14:12:59] Witherion issued server command: /msg Mok1Cho Нету. [14:13:03] hais3 issued server command: /feed [14:13:08] [G] Mok1Cho: !куплю кристалл боса 1 шт за еми [14:13:15] KuKeys вышел [14:13:15] Witherion issued server command: /msg Mok1Cho Висит и висит, молоко не пьётся :( [14:13:19] KicX issued server command: /home [14:13:20] Lasx зашёл [14:13:26] Mok1Cho issued server command: /r пофиг тогда [14:13:32] Lasx issued server command: /we cui [14:13:34] KicX issued server command: /heal [14:13:44] Andreibrooo issued server command: /home valera_zakon [14:13:45] Stroof4 issued server command: /home [14:13:45] Mok1Cho issued server command: /r базу не хочешь посмотреть? [14:13:46] SvetlanaSvet issued server command: /home [14:13:46] Andreibrooo issued server command: /we cui [14:13:56] Andreibrooo issued server command: / [14:13:59] Andreibrooo issued server command: /setwarp [14:14:01] Witherion issued server command: /msg Mok1Cho Мин. [14:14:04] Andreibrooo issued server command: /warp create [14:14:05] KicX issued server command: /home [14:14:11] Andreibrooo issued server command: /warp create farmer [14:14:19] Andreibrooo issued server command: /warp list [14:14:21] Flerion issued server command: /r ты накопал кристаллы порядка [14:14:21] Andreibrooo issued server command: /warp list 2 [14:14:22] Andreibrooo issued server command: /warp list 3 [14:14:25] hgufj2 зашёл [14:14:25] Andreibrooo issued server command: /warp list 4 [14:14:27] Andreibrooo issued server command: /warp list 5 [14:14:29] Andreibrooo issued server command: /warp list 6 [14:14:30] Andreibrooo issued server command: /warp list 7 [14:14:45] hgufj2 issued server command: /we cui [14:14:49] [G] Mok1Cho: !как работает магический сборщик? [14:14:50] KicX issued server command: /home [14:14:51] valera_zakon issued server command: /warp create pig [14:15:14] Flerion issued server command: /r ты накопал кристаллы порядка [14:15:14] MoRkBa_UA_ issued server command: /home [14:15:16] Flerion issued server command: /call mor [14:15:22] [L] MoRkBa_UA_: блять [14:15:22] KicX issued server command: /home [14:15:26] [L] MoRkBa_UA_: нахуя они мне [14:15:32] valera_zakon issued server command: /warp ez [14:15:34] valera_zakon issued server command: /we cui [14:15:43] [L] Flerion: мне нужны [14:15:43] valera_zakon issued server command: /home [14:15:45] valera_zakon issued server command: /we cui [14:15:47] Witherion вышел [14:15:57] Witherion зашёл [14:15:59] Witherion issued server command: /we cui [14:16:00] KicX issued server command: /home [14:16:03] [L] MoRkBa_UA_: мне саженец гевеи нада [14:16:06] [L] MoRkBa_UA_: ГДЕ ОН [14:16:07] jkasse1 зашёл [14:16:09] [L] Flerion: кто [14:16:10] valera_zakon issued server command: /warp ez [14:16:11] [L] MoRkBa_UA_: А Я ТЕБЯ ПРОСИЛ [14:16:12] valera_zakon issued server command: /we cui [14:16:24] jkasse1 issued server command: /we cui [14:16:25] [L] Flerion: ии я нашёл гевеи но запривачены [14:16:33] [L] Flerion: ГДЕ СУКА кристаллы [14:16:50] [L] MoRkBa_UA_: блять в шахте [14:16:53] hais3 issued server command: /wari mine [14:16:55] jkasse1 issued server command: /warp [14:16:56] hais3 issued server command: /warp mine [14:16:57] Andreibrooo issued server command: /warp e [14:16:58] [L] Flerion: ищи [14:16:58] Andreibrooo issued server command: /warp ez [14:16:59] hais3 issued server command: /warp cave [14:16:59] jkasse1 issued server command: /warptop [14:17:00] Andreibrooo issued server command: /we cui [14:17:03] jkasse1 issued server command: /warp list [14:17:09] jkasse1 issued server command: /warp gold [14:17:11] jkasse1 issued server command: /we cui [14:17:11] [G] hais3: !какой варс для добычи ресурсов? [14:17:16] [G] Mok1Cho: !куплю кристалл боса 1 шт за еми [14:17:18] Flerion issued server command: /trade MoRkBa_UA_ [14:17:18] Flerion issued server command: /trade MoRkBa_UA_ [14:17:28] Stroof4 issued server command: /home [14:17:31] jkasse1 issued server command: /warp top [14:18:02] macroholms issued server command: /spawn [14:18:03] hgufj2 issued server command: /voteday [14:18:04] macroholms issued server command: /we cui [14:18:04] Flerion issued server command: /rtp [14:18:05] hais3 issued server command: /yes [14:18:05] vewelon issued server command: /yes [14:18:07] macroholms issued server command: /yes [14:18:18] Witherion issued server command: /tpa Mok1Cho [14:18:19] Witherion issued server command: /yes [14:18:26] Witherion issued server command: /msg Mok1Cho Ток я по фасту [14:18:26] Mok1Cho issued server command: /tpaccept [14:18:32] [G] MoRkBa_UA_: !кто даст саженец гевеи? [14:18:34] macroholms issued server command: /we cui [14:18:40] hais3 issued server command: /feed [14:18:45] hais3 issued server command: /home [14:18:48] hgufj2 issued server command: /warp 69 [14:18:59] [G] hais3: !продать могу [14:19:01] Andreibrooo issued server command: /home zakon [14:19:02] Andreibrooo issued server command: /we cui [14:19:06] [G] MoRkBa_UA_: !за скок [14:19:09] [G] hais3: !3 [14:19:19] [L] Mok1Cho: ну как? [14:19:22] [G] hais3: !за 1 скину чисто [14:19:23] [L] MoRkBa_UA_: 3 чего [14:19:29] [G] MoRkBa_UA_: !ок [14:19:35] MoRkBa_UA_ issued server command: /tpa hais3 [14:19:39] Mok1Cho issued server command: /warp 69 [14:19:40] hais3 issued server command: /tpaccept [14:19:43] hgufj2 issued server command: /home [14:19:47] Mok1Cho issued server command: /home [14:19:48] hgufj2 issued server command: /home dima [14:19:48] [L] MoRkBa_UA_: как переводить? [14:19:49] [L] Witherion: Я за дизайн расцениваю, поэтому ничего не скажу) [14:19:58] hgufj2 issued server command: /warp 69 [14:19:59] [L] hais3: *money pay hais3 1 [14:20:02] [L] Mok1Cho: хах [14:20:16] Mok1Cho issued server command: /warp 69 [14:20:16] MomenTs зашёл [14:20:18] KicX issued server command: /heal [14:20:18] MomenTs issued server command: /we cui [14:20:18] MoRkBa_UA_ issued server command: /money pay hais3 1 [14:20:21] [L] MoRkBa_UA_: все [14:20:22] [L] Mok1Cho: привет [14:20:25] [L] MoRkBa_UA_: спс [14:20:25] hgufj2 issued server command: /tpa DimaBloger [14:20:28] [L] Mok1Cho: ей [14:20:28] MoRkBa_UA_ issued server command: /home [14:20:32] [L] hgufj2: ку [14:20:35] [L] Mok1Cho: смотри [14:20:43] [L] DimaBloger: к [14:20:49] DimaBloger issued server command: /tpyes [14:20:49] [L] Witherion: Я погнал, разбираться с энергией надо. [14:20:51] Witherion issued server command: /home [14:20:52] Flerion issued server command: /home [14:20:57] Mok1Cho issued server command: /warp 69 [14:20:58] Enotik_imba зашёл [14:20:59] MomenTs issued server command: /warp ppve [14:21:00] [L] Flerion: купил? [14:21:00] MomenTs issued server command: /warp pve [14:21:03] MomenTs issued server command: /we cui [14:21:13] Flerion issued server command: /rtp [14:21:13] Enotik_imba issued server command: /we cui [14:21:19] KicX issued server command: /home [14:21:23] Flerion issued server command: /r нашёл [14:21:27] Mok1Cho issued server command: /money anrymono [14:21:31] MoRkBa_UA_ issued server command: /m Flerion шо [14:21:32] Flerion issued server command: /r тп [14:21:37] MoRkBa_UA_ issued server command: /m Flerion шо нашол [14:21:39] Flerion issued server command: /r гевея [14:21:45] MoRkBa_UA_ issued server command: /m Flerion уже не нада [14:21:52] jkasse1 issued server command: /warp list [14:21:57] Blak_loner issued server command: /tpa DeadWolfWar [14:21:58] Flerion issued server command: /r сукаааа тп [14:22:06] MoRkBa_UA_ issued server command: /m Flerion блять уже не нада [14:22:06] Mok1Cho issued server command: /r кста у меня есть доступ к /warp 69 [14:22:10] Flerion issued server command: /r тп [14:22:13] DeadWolfWar issued server command: /tpaccept [14:22:14] macroholms issued server command: /home [14:22:16] macroholms issued server command: /we cui [14:22:16] MoRkBa_UA_ issued server command: /tpa Flerion [14:22:17] Flerion issued server command: /r тп блять [14:22:17] Witherion issued server command: /msg Mok1Cho "Доступ" в плане? [14:22:19] Flerion issued server command: /tpaccept [14:22:25] [L] Flerion: а спс [14:22:25] Mok1Cho issued server command: /r иди на варп [14:22:33] forksel issued server command: /tpa Stroof4 [14:22:34] [L] MoRkBa_UA_: sps [14:22:42] Stroof4 issued server command: /tpaccept [14:22:44] Witherion issued server command: /warp 69 [14:22:45] forksel issued server command: /we cui [14:22:45] Mok1Cho issued server command: /r нууу [14:22:48] jkasse1 issued server command: /warp list [14:22:49] MomenTs issued server command: /home [14:22:49] [L] Mok1Cho: смотри [14:22:51] MomenTs issued server command: /we cui [14:22:54] [L] Witherion: LoL. [14:23:04] [L] Mok1Cho: хах [14:23:06] jkasse1 issued server command: /warp list 2 [14:23:10] [L] Mok1Cho: иди за мной [14:23:13] jkasse1 issued server command: /warp anime [14:23:24] ReMmiFast issued server command: /лше ыефке [14:23:26] jkasse1 issued server command: /warp case [14:23:28] jkasse1 issued server command: /we cui [14:23:33] ReMmiFast issued server command: /kit start [14:23:36] [L] Mok1Cho: сотри [14:23:44] KicX issued server command: /home [14:23:46] MoRkBa_UA_ issued server command: /home [14:23:49] DeadWolfWar issued server command: /home [14:23:51] [L] Mok1Cho: тут все вещи варпа [14:23:51] DeadWolfWar issued server command: /we cui [14:24:05] KicX issued server command: /enderchest [14:24:06] Andreibrooo issued server command: /warp ez [14:24:07] Andreibrooo issued server command: /we cui [14:24:08] Stroof4 issued server command: /rg addmember st2 forksel [14:24:13] Stroof4 issued server command: /rg addmember st forksel [14:24:28] jkasse1 issued server command: /warp chacha [14:24:30] jkasse1 issued server command: /we cui [14:24:34] [L] Witherion: Ты ему с постройкой помогал что доступ есть? [14:24:47] [L] Mok1Cho: нетц [14:24:48] [G] ReMmiFast: ! кто сможет продать кожи [14:24:52] Andreibrooo issued server command: /warp ez [14:24:53] Andreibrooo issued server command: /home [14:25:03] [G] hais3: !сколько нажо [14:25:05] [L] Mok1Cho: прикинь прибиль с варпа 700 дк пили [14:25:07] DeadWolfWar issued server command: /tpa Blak_loner [14:25:11] Stroof4 issued server command: /home [14:25:12] [L] Mok1Cho: норм [14:25:15] Andreibrooo issued server command: / [14:25:19] [L] Witherion: Экономикой не интересуюсь) [14:25:20] [G] hais3: !могу 52 штуки продать [14:25:29] jkasse1 issued server command: /balance [14:25:31] [G] ReMmiFast: ! давай что нужно [14:25:35] jkasse1 issued server command: /coin [14:25:37] DeadWolfWar issued server command: /tpa Blak_loner [14:25:38] jkasse1 issued server command: /warp shop [14:25:38] [L] Mok1Cho: кста ти знал что радио можно в репликаторе делать? [14:25:39] vewelon вышел [14:25:39] jkasse1 issued server command: /we cui [14:25:40] [G] hais3: !tpa ReMmiFast [14:25:42] Blak_loner issued server command: /tpaccept [14:25:43] hais3 issued server command: /tpa ReMmiFast [14:25:43] DeadWolfWar issued server command: /we cui [14:25:48] [L] Mok1Cho: о тут что? [14:25:51] ReMmiFast issued server command: /home [14:25:57] x_NevadA_x issued server command: /kit eat [14:26:00] ReMmiFast issued server command: /tpaccept [14:26:04] [L] hais3: железо есть? [14:26:10] vewelon зашёл [14:26:12] vewelon issued server command: /we cui [14:26:16] forksel issued server command: /home [14:26:17] KicX issued server command: /home [14:26:18] [L] Witherion: Так-с я пойду [14:26:27] jkasse1 issued server command: /warp list 3 [14:26:29] [L] Mok1Cho: могу все нахуй поломать) [14:26:30] x_NevadA_x issued server command: /warp mining [14:26:32] jkasse1 issued server command: /warp godshop [14:26:33] x_NevadA_x issued server command: /we cui [14:26:33] KicX issued server command: /enderchest [14:26:34] jkasse1 issued server command: /we cui [14:26:36] [L] hais3: ? [14:26:37] [L] ReMmiFast: 18 [14:26:37] Witherion issued server command: /home [14:26:43] [L] Mok1Cho: но не буду) [14:26:49] [L] hais3: 18 кожи надо или 18 железа есть? [14:26:52] Witherion issued server command: /msg Mok1Cho Он потом ЖБ же кинет) [14:26:53] MomenTs issued server command: /home [14:26:56] x_NevadA_x issued server command: /rtp [14:27:00] DimaBloger issued server command: /call hgufj2 [14:27:04] jkasse1 issued server command: /sell [14:27:07] Mok1Cho issued server command: /r да я ж не грифер какой то [14:27:08] Mok1Cho issued server command: /home [14:27:09] [L] hais3: на вопрос ответишь ил инет [14:27:09] hgufj2 issued server command: /tpaccept [14:27:10] jkasse1 issued server command: /shop [14:27:15] [L] ReMmiFast: 18 железа есть [14:27:21] [L] hais3: не братик иди коров руби [14:27:25] hais3 issued server command: /home [14:27:48] KicX issued server command: /home [14:27:50] SvetlanaSvet умер (ENTITY_ATTACK) [14:27:56] SvetlanaSvet issued server command: /we cui [14:27:57] Mok1Cho issued server command: /warp minim [14:27:58] Stroof4 issued server command: /home [14:28:01] Flerion issued server command: /home [14:28:03] jkasse1 issued server command: /qs [14:28:06] [L] Flerion: на [14:28:09] ReMmiFast умер (ENTITY_ATTACK) [14:28:09] hais3 issued server command: /spawn [14:28:10] hais3 issued server command: /we cui [14:28:11] ReMmiFast issued server command: /we cui [14:28:12] Witherion issued server command: /msg Mok1Cho Как этот генератор то работает?) [14:28:16] vewelon issued server command: /home [14:28:16] [L] MoRkBa_UA_: Мне нафига [14:28:18] Witherion issued server command: /msg Mok1Cho Нифига не пойму) [14:28:18] vewelon issued server command: /we cui [14:28:20] [L] Flerion: на [14:28:21] Mok1Cho issued server command: /r квантовой? [14:28:22] hais3 issued server command: /kits [14:28:24] KicX issued server command: /home [14:28:26] Witherion issued server command: /msg Mok1Cho Ядерка [14:28:28] [L] Flerion: то что накопал [14:28:35] hais3 issued server command: /kit tools [14:28:35] Mok1Cho issued server command: /r а ето в нете надо смотреть [14:28:40] [L] MoRkBa_UA_: че в сундук сложно положить [14:28:41] DeadWolfWar issued server command: /home [14:28:41] hais3 issued server command: /home [14:28:42] DeadWolfWar issued server command: /we cui [14:28:42] jkasse1 вышел [14:28:42] hais3 issued server command: /we cui [14:28:47] [G] DimaBloger: !Копал железо,нашёл доак [14:28:49] [G] DimaBloger: !Копал железо,нашёл драк [14:28:51] KicX issued server command: /home [14:28:54] Stroof4 issued server command: /home [14:28:55] [G] Mok1Cho: !харош [14:28:59] [L] Mok1Cho: 20 [14:29:01] hais3 issued server command: /kits [14:29:09] Stroof4 issued server command: /home [14:29:10] [L] Mok1Cho: 20 [14:29:19] Mok1Cho issued server command: /home [14:29:25] hais3 issued server command: /rtp [14:29:33] warves55 issued server command: /home [14:29:33] Stroof4 issued server command: /home [14:29:43] [L] Flerion: тауномикон есть? [14:29:47] [L] MoRkBa_UA_: не [14:29:48] hais3 issued server command: /heal [14:30:02] Stroof4 issued server command: /home [14:30:10] DeadWolfWar issued server command: /tpa Blak_loner [14:30:14] Blak_loner issued server command: /tpaccept [14:30:15] DeadWolfWar issued server command: /we cui [14:30:51] KicX issued server command: /home [14:31:10] hais3 issued server command: /home [14:31:27] Witherion issued server command: /msg Mok1Cho Страшно юзать его чёт...Дохера всего надо [14:31:35] Flerion issued server command: /rtp [14:31:40] vewelon issued server command: /home [14:31:44] Stroof4 issued server command: /home [14:31:49] Mok1Cho issued server command: /r хах [14:32:00] hais3 issued server command: /home [14:32:01] hais3 issued server command: /feed [14:32:03] KicX issued server command: /home [14:32:03] hais3 issued server command: /spawn 69 [14:32:03] Flerion issued server command: /rtp [14:32:04] hais3 issued server command: /we cui [14:32:07] hais3 issued server command: /warp 69 [14:32:07] vewelon issued server command: /home [14:32:09] hais3 issued server command: /we cui [14:32:11] KicX issued server command: /heal [14:32:29] Flerion issued server command: /rtp [14:32:31] MomenTs issued server command: /home [14:32:37] hais3 issued server command: /home [14:32:41] _HarkycbI_ зашёл [14:32:42] Stroof4 issued server command: /home [14:32:44] Flerion issued server command: /rtp [14:32:51] hais3 issued server command: /rtp [14:32:57] _HarkycbI_ issued server command: /we cui [14:33:10] MomenTs issued server command: /home [14:33:10] MomenTs issued server command: /home [14:33:16] Stroof4 issued server command: /home [14:33:18] _HarkycbI_ issued server command: /warp abyss [14:33:21] _HarkycbI_ issued server command: /we cui [14:33:32] Flerion issued server command: /home [14:33:40] vewelon вышел [14:33:48] Witherion issued server command: /msg Mok1Cho БлЭть, если он всё же йобнет будет обидно. [14:34:04] DeadWolfWar issued server command: /tpa Blak_loner [14:34:08] Blak_loner issued server command: /tpaccept [14:34:35] Stroof4 issued server command: /home [14:34:55] KicX issued server command: /home [14:34:56] forksel issued server command: /home [14:35:04] forksel issued server command: /tpa Stroof4 [14:35:21] Stroof4 issued server command: /tpaccept [14:35:22] warves55 issued server command: /home [14:35:35] forksel issued server command: /home [14:35:42] ReMmiFast issued server command: /m Mok1Cho привет у тебя нет кожи чуть чуть ? купить хочу [14:35:45] Stroof4 issued server command: /WARP 69 [14:36:12] MoRkBa_UA_ issued server command: /home [14:36:28] ReMmiFast issued server command: /m Mok1Cho привет у тебя нет кожи чуть чуть ? купить хочу [14:36:35] KicX issued server command: /home [14:36:36] KicX issued server command: /home [14:36:36] hais3 issued server command: /feed [14:36:39] hais3 issued server command: /heal [14:36:41] Stroof4 issued server command: /CALL forksel [14:36:42] Mok1Cho issued server command: /r есть [14:36:46] forksel issued server command: /tpaccept [14:36:49] _HarkycbI_ issued server command: /warp pve [14:36:51] _HarkycbI_ issued server command: /we cui [14:36:54] hgufj2 issued server command: /tpa dima [14:36:54] _HarkycbI_ issued server command: /warp case [14:36:58] DimaBloger issued server command: /tpyes [14:36:58] ReMmiFast issued server command: /m Mok1Cho что тебе дать [14:37:01] hais3 issued server command: /home [14:37:02] KicX issued server command: /home [14:37:16] SvetlanaSvet issued server command: // [14:37:16] SvetlanaSvet issued server command: // [14:37:29] _HarkycbI_ issued server command: /warp home [14:37:31] _HarkycbI_ issued server command: /we cui [14:37:42] DimaBloger issued server command: /tpyes [14:37:42] DimaBloger issued server command: /tpyes [14:37:42] DimaBloger issued server command: /tpyes [14:37:44] Stroof4 issued server command: /home [14:37:59] Stroof4 issued server command: /HOME vihni [14:38:03] forksel issued server command: /we cui [14:38:11] ReMmiFast issued server command: /m Mok1Cho у меня есть только всего по чуть чуть [14:38:15] Veles0 зашёл [14:38:18] forksel issued server command: /home [14:38:20] Flerion issued server command: /r мне кожа нужна [14:38:20] forksel issued server command: /we cui [14:38:21] Flerion issued server command: /rtp [14:38:26] Veles0 issued server command: /we cui [14:38:27] forksel issued server command: /we cui [14:38:32] MoRkBa_UA_ issued server command: /m Flerion нету [14:38:34] macroholms вышел [14:38:49] Enotik_imba issued server command: /warp pvp [14:38:51] Enotik_imba issued server command: /we cui [14:39:10] Stroof4 issued server command: /home [14:39:11] [G] Enotik_imba: !/warp pvp [14:39:16] MomenTs issued server command: /home [14:39:23] Flerion issued server command: /home [14:39:33] _HarkycbI_ issued server command: /warp pvp [14:39:34] _HarkycbI_ issued server command: /we cui [14:39:41] hais3 issued server command: /rtp [14:39:44] forksel умер (FIRE_TICK) [14:39:48] forksel issued server command: /we cui [14:39:55] forksel issued server command: /we cui [14:39:55] _HarkycbI_ убил Enotik_imba (DIVINEADDON_HALITEBLADE2) [14:39:58] MomenTs issued server command: /warp pvp [14:39:59] Enotik_imba issued server command: /we cui [14:40:00] MomenTs issued server command: /we cui [14:40:01] Enotik_imba issued server command: /warp pvp [14:40:03] Enotik_imba issued server command: /we cui [14:40:04] forksel умер (ENTITY_ATTACK) [14:40:08] forksel issued server command: /we cui [14:40:13] DimaBloger issued server command: /home [14:40:14] KicX issued server command: /home [14:40:17] forksel issued server command: /we cui [14:40:19] _HarkycbI_ убил Enotik_imba (DIVINEADDON_HALITEBLADE2) [14:40:22] Enotik_imba issued server command: /we cui [14:40:23] Enotik_imba issued server command: /warp pvp [14:40:25] Enotik_imba issued server command: /we cui [14:40:29] Enotik_imba issued server command: /warpan [14:40:33] Enotik_imba issued server command: /warp an [14:40:36] Enotik_imba issued server command: /spawn [14:40:38] Enotik_imba issued server command: /we cui [14:40:38] forksel умер (ENTITY_ATTACK) [14:40:40] hais3 issued server command: /heal [14:40:40] Enotik_imba issued server command: /warp an [14:40:41] forksel issued server command: /we cui [14:40:42] Enotik_imba issued server command: /we cui [14:40:47] forksel issued server command: /we cui [14:40:50] ReMmiFast issued server command: /m Mok1Cho кинь обмен [14:40:50] hais3 issued server command: /rtp [14:40:57] Stroof4 issued server command: /home [14:40:58] Enotik_imba issued server command: /warp pvp [14:41:00] Enotik_imba issued server command: /we cui [14:41:00] Mok1Cho issued server command: /r щас немогу [14:41:02] Veles0 issued server command: /craft [14:41:13] ReMmiFast issued server command: /m Mok1Cho занят [14:41:13] [G] Mok1Cho: !блин мє коротнуло [14:41:14] [G] Enotik_imba: !/warp pvp [14:41:14] [L] _HarkycbI_: залета [14:41:19] [G] Mok1Cho: !хз почему [14:41:23] [L] MomenTs: Нет ты [14:41:24] Witherion issued server command: /warp Mining [14:41:27] [L] _HarkycbI_: нет я? [14:41:28] Witherion issued server command: /we cui [14:41:28] Stroof4 issued server command: /home [14:41:30] [L] MomenTs: Да [14:41:33] [L] _HarkycbI_: что я [14:41:34] MomenTs убил Enotik_imba (DIVINEADDON_HALITEBLADE2) [14:41:37] Enotik_imba issued server command: /we cui [14:41:38] Enotik_imba issued server command: /warp pvp [14:41:39] ReMmiFast issued server command: /warp pvp [14:41:40] Enotik_imba issued server command: /we cui [14:41:41] ReMmiFast issued server command: /we cui [14:41:45] forksel issued server command: /home [14:41:48] forksel issued server command: /we cui [14:41:50] [L] _HarkycbI_: ты слабый [14:41:51] [L] _HarkycbI_: сиди в пве [14:41:56] [L] Enotik_imba: почему [14:41:58] [L] MomenTs: Сиди на хую [14:41:59] [L] Enotik_imba: без урона [14:42:00] [L] MomenTs: Епта [14:42:00] [L] _HarkycbI_: я не тебе [14:42:03] forksel issued server command: /we cui [14:42:06] [G] Mok1Cho: !помогите -ме [14:42:08] vlvd_oss зашёл [14:42:08] MomenTs issued server command: /home [14:42:09] Stroof4 issued server command: /home [14:42:11] MomenTs issued server command: /spawn [14:42:13] MomenTs issued server command: /we cui [14:42:18] Enotik_imba убил ReMmiFast (DIVINERPG_HALITEBLADE) [14:42:22] ReMmiFast issued server command: /we cui [14:42:24] [L] Enotik_imba: ? [14:42:26] ReMmiFast issued server command: /warp pvp [14:42:26] vlvd_oss issued server command: /we cui [14:42:27] ReMmiFast issued server command: /we cui [14:42:28] hgufj2 issued server command: /home dima [14:42:28] [L] _HarkycbI_: посмотри на сет [14:42:29] [L] _HarkycbI_: мой [14:42:29] [L] Enotik_imba: ща [14:42:32] MomenTs issued server command: /home [14:42:35] MomenTs issued server command: /we cui [14:42:41] MomenTs issued server command: /warp pve [14:42:42] Enotik_imba issued server command: /spawn [14:42:43] MomenTs issued server command: /we cui [14:42:43] Enotik_imba issued server command: /we cui [14:42:48] Enotik_imba issued server command: /warp an [14:42:50] Enotik_imba issued server command: /we cui [14:42:52] hgufj2 issued server command: /home dima [14:42:59] forksel умер (FIRE_TICK) [14:42:59] Enotik_imba issued server command: /warp pvp [14:43:01] Enotik_imba issued server command: /we cui [14:43:04] forksel issued server command: /we cui [14:43:06] hgufj2 issued server command: /home dima [14:43:09] _HarkycbI_ убил ReMmiFast (DIVINEADDON_HALITEBLADE2) [14:43:11] forksel issued server command: /we cui [14:43:12] ReMmiFast issued server command: /we cui [14:43:15] [L] _HarkycbI_: и шо твоя сила даст [14:43:21] [L] _HarkycbI_: я всё-равно бессмертный [14:43:23] hais3 issued server command: /feed [14:43:24] [L] Enotik_imba: ( [14:43:25] hgufj2 issued server command: /home dima [14:43:25] _HarkycbI_ убил Enotik_imba (DIVINEADDON_HALITEBLADE2) [14:43:26] hgufj2 issued server command: /home dima [14:43:27] hgufj2 issued server command: / [14:43:29] Enotik_imba issued server command: /we cui [14:43:29] hgufj2 issued server command: /home dima [14:43:32] Enotik_imba issued server command: /warp pvp [14:43:34] Enotik_imba issued server command: /we cui [14:43:38] Stroof4 issued server command: /home [14:43:41] [G] _HarkycbI_: !/warp pvp all [14:43:42] [L] Enotik_imba: а что за мет [14:43:46] [G] Mok1Cho: !ща [14:43:50] MomenTs issued server command: /home [14:43:53] MomenTs issued server command: /we cui [14:43:54] [L] _HarkycbI_: халит макс лвл [14:43:54] [G] Stroof4: !как в рг пвп выключить [14:44:03] [L] Enotik_imba: А как его апать? [14:44:13] [L] _HarkycbI_: фрагментами [14:44:14] Mok1Cho issued server command: /warp pvp [14:44:17] Mok1Cho issued server command: /we cui [14:44:17] [G] Veles0: !/buy flag pvp deny [14:44:19] [L] Enotik_imba: у меня есть халит [14:44:20] vihni issued server command: /m Stroof4 ты в дискорд смотришь ? [14:44:27] DeadWolfWar issued server command: /tpa Blak_loner [14:44:34] Blak_loner issued server command: /tpaccept [14:44:36] [L] Enotik_imba: можешь раздел сказать [14:44:37] Stroof4 issued server command: /home [14:44:44] _HarkycbI_ убил Mok1Cho (DIVINEADDON_HALITEBLADE2) [14:44:49] _HarkycbI_ убил Enotik_imba (DIVINEADDON_HALITEBLADE2) [14:44:51] Stroof4 issued server command: /TRADE vih [14:44:52] [G] _HarkycbI_: !м [14:44:52] Enotik_imba issued server command: /we cui [14:44:53] Mok1Cho issued server command: /we cui [14:44:57] [G] _HarkycbI_: !норм так [14:45:00] Stroof4 issued server command: /trade vihni [14:45:01] Enotik_imba issued server command: /warp pvp [14:45:02] Enotik_imba issued server command: /we cui [14:45:06] DimaBloger issued server command: /kit top [14:45:08] hgufj2 issued server command: /playtime [14:45:08] vlvd_oss issued server command: /warp magnit [14:45:08] [G] Mok1Cho: !чево блять [14:45:09] hais3 issued server command: /set warp home 2 [14:45:09] DimaBloger issued server command: /time [14:45:11] hgufj2 issued server command: /mpcaseshop [14:45:13] hais3 issued server command: /setwarp home2 [14:45:13] vihni issued server command: /trade accept [14:45:13] [G] _HarkycbI_: !кого я шотнул ? [14:45:16] hais3 issued server command: /warpset home 2 [14:45:18] [G] _HarkycbI_: !бедный волк :D [14:45:19] DimaBloger issued server command: /top [14:45:20] [L] Enotik_imba: а что [14:45:21] hgufj2 issued server command: /playtime DimaBloger [14:45:22] [G] Mok1Cho: !меня [14:45:24] [L] Enotik_imba: у него за сет [14:45:25] [L] Enotik_imba: был [14:45:29] [L] _HarkycbI_: [p [14:45:32] [L] _HarkycbI_: он голый был [14:45:34] [L] _HarkycbI_: в форме волка [14:45:34] hais3 issued server command: /warp set home2 [14:45:36] Flerion issued server command: /r ты где бля [14:45:36] [L] Enotik_imba: лол [14:45:37] vihni issued server command: /m Stroof4 от дужши [14:45:37] Flerion issued server command: /rtp [14:45:39] Blak_loner issued server command: /tpa DeadWolfWar [14:45:39] hais3 issued server command: /warp set home4 [14:45:41] [G] Mok1Cho: !у меня мє коротнуло и ещо убили [14:45:43] hais3 issued server command: /home [14:45:44] DeadWolfWar issued server command: /tpaccept [14:45:46] [G] Mok1Cho: !как жить так? [14:45:46] [L] Enotik_imba: раздел [14:45:47] vlvd_oss issued server command: /money [14:45:48] MoRkBa_UA_ issued server command: /m Flerion в шахте блять [14:45:56] [G] _HarkycbI_: !вот так [14:45:57] MomenTs issued server command: /home [14:46:00] [L] _HarkycbI_: раздал? [14:46:00] Witherion issued server command: /home [14:46:02] Witherion issued server command: /we cui [14:46:05] [L] _HarkycbI_: раздел* [14:46:08] [L] _HarkycbI_: ?? [14:46:10] MomenTs issued server command: /home [14:46:11] [L] Enotik_imba: для апа [14:46:13] [L] _HarkycbI_: а [14:46:14] [L] Enotik_imba: халита [14:46:18] [L] _HarkycbI_: адский хлебушек в таумономиконе [14:46:19] Stroof4 issued server command: /home [14:46:21] MomenTs issued server command: /home [14:46:22] [L] _HarkycbI_: там крафт фрагментов [14:46:24] GRANDMOTHER044 зашёл [14:46:28] Flerion issued server command: /r гевея [14:46:29] [L] _HarkycbI_: а улучать это в столе улучшений [14:46:31] [G] DimaBloger: !Какие есть печки rf? [14:46:32] [G] Mok1Cho: !скоро мозги випадут [14:46:33] DimaBloger issued server command: /menuy [14:46:33] MoRkBa_UA_ issued server command: /m Flerion шо [14:46:34] DimaBloger issued server command: /menu [14:46:36] MomenTs issued server command: /home [14:46:36] DimaBloger issued server command: /meny [14:46:37] MoRkBa_UA_ issued server command: /m Flerion гевея [14:46:41] [L] Enotik_imba: У меня нету хлеба в тауме [14:46:46] Blak_loner issued server command: /tpa DeadWolfWar [14:46:47] MomenTs issued server command: /home [14:46:49] [L] _HarkycbI_: должен быть [14:46:49] DeadWolfWar issued server command: /tpaccept [14:46:51] [L] _HarkycbI_: вкладка там [14:46:55] forksel issued server command: /home [14:46:56] KicX issued server command: /home [14:46:58] forksel issued server command: /we cui [14:47:01] forksel issued server command: /tpa Stroof4 [14:47:01] vlvd_oss issued server command: /warp portal [14:47:03] Stroof4 issued server command: /tpaccept [14:47:05] vlvd_oss issued server command: /we cui [14:47:06] [L] Enotik_imba: ааа [14:47:06] [G] _HarkycbI_: !/warp pvp all [14:47:08] [L] _HarkycbI_: ага [14:47:12] _HarkycbI_ issued server command: /warp home [14:47:14] [L] Enotik_imba: а это что [14:47:23] [L] _HarkycbI_: корона [14:47:25] vlvd_oss issued server command: /we cui [14:47:26] [L] _HarkycbI_: просто прикольная штучка [14:47:28] [L] _HarkycbI_: она просто так [14:47:36] _HarkycbI_ issued server command: /warp home [14:47:38] _HarkycbI_ issued server command: /spawn [14:47:40] _HarkycbI_ issued server command: /we cui [14:47:40] GRANDMOTHER044 issued server command: /we cui [14:47:42] _HarkycbI_ issued server command: /warp home [14:47:42] [L] Enotik_imba: понял [14:47:44] _HarkycbI_ issued server command: /we cui [14:47:44] [L] Enotik_imba: спс [14:47:47] _HarkycbI_ issued server command: /trade Mok1Cho [14:47:50] Mok1Cho issued server command: /trade accept [14:47:50] Enotik_imba issued server command: /spawn [14:47:53] Enotik_imba issued server command: /we cui [14:47:57] hgufj2 issued server command: /home [14:47:58] forksel issued server command: /trade Stroof4 [14:47:58] forksel issued server command: /trade Stroof4 [14:47:58] forksel issued server command: /trade Stroof4 [14:47:58] forksel issued server command: /trade Stroof4 [14:47:58] Flerion issued server command: /14 [14:47:58] forksel issued server command: /trade Stroof4 [14:47:58] forksel issued server command: /trade Stroof4 [14:47:58] forksel issued server command: /trade Stroof4 [14:47:58] forksel issued server command: /trade Stroof4 [14:48:01] Flerion issued server command: /r 14 [14:48:04] Enotik_imba issued server command: /warp an [14:48:06] Flerion issued server command: /r 14 саженцев [14:48:06] Enotik_imba issued server command: /we cui [14:48:10] MoRkBa_UA_ issued server command: /home [14:48:10] _HarkycbI_ issued server command: /tell Mok1Cho :) [14:48:13] [L] MoRkBa_UA_: где [14:48:14] Stroof4 issued server command: /home [14:48:15] Pro100ky зашёл [14:48:18] Mok1Cho issued server command: /r () [14:48:28] MoRkBa_UA_ issued server command: /m Flerion где [14:48:29] Pro100ky issued server command: /we cui [14:48:29] _HarkycbI_ issued server command: /warp pvp [14:48:30] MomenTs issued server command: /home [14:48:31] _HarkycbI_ issued server command: /we cui [14:48:33] Flerion issued server command: /r я добыл [14:48:36] Flerion issued server command: /r гевеи [14:48:40] _HarkycbI_ issued server command: /spawn [14:48:46] _HarkycbI_ issued server command: /spawn [14:48:46] Flerion issued server command: /r ещё есть [14:48:47] _HarkycbI_ issued server command: /spawn [14:48:48] Flerion issued server command: /r тп [14:48:51] [G] _HarkycbI_: !/warp pvp ребят го [14:48:52] vihni issued server command: /warp 69 [14:48:53] [L] Pro100ky: ты думала я твой парень нет детка ты просто тупая [14:48:54] vihni issued server command: /we cui [14:48:55] MoRkBa_UA_ issued server command: /tpa Flerion [14:48:58] Flerion issued server command: /tpaccept [14:48:58] hgufj2 issued server command: /home dima [14:49:01] vihni issued server command: /we cui [14:49:01] [L] Flerion: вон ещё есть [14:49:01] [L] Flerion: на [14:49:03] _HarkycbI_ issued server command: /r меч продать? [14:49:04] _HarkycbI_ issued server command: /r ) [14:49:06] [L] Flerion: стой [14:49:08] [L] Flerion: вот [14:49:10] vlvd_oss issued server command: /home [14:49:11] vlvd_oss issued server command: /we cui [14:49:13] Mok1Cho issued server command: /r за скоко? [14:49:18] [L] Flerion: зади [14:49:20] _HarkycbI_ issued server command: /r по минке [14:49:20] forksel issued server command: /home [14:49:22] GRANDMOTHER044 issued server command: /help [14:49:27] GRANDMOTHER044 issued server command: /tp [14:49:27] _HarkycbI_ issued server command: /r с чарами это +-730 эмов [14:49:29] Stroof4 issued server command: /home [14:49:33] Mok1Cho issued server command: /r хах [14:49:33] [L] Flerion: у нас теперь будет большая ферма [14:49:35] forksel issued server command: /we cui [14:49:38] hgufj2 issued server command: /home [14:49:38] [L] MoRkBa_UA_: eue [14:49:40] Mok1Cho issued server command: /r его зделать легче) [14:49:41] [L] MoRkBa_UA_: угу [14:49:44] _HarkycbI_ issued server command: /r ну такое [14:49:47] _HarkycbI_ issued server command: /r это мин. цена [14:49:49] Pro100ky issued server command: /rtp [14:49:51] Mok1Cho issued server command: /r та забей у меня 3 квг [14:49:52] [G] hgufj2: ! куплю 1 адский камень [14:50:03] forksel issued server command: /tpa Stroof4 [14:50:04] _HarkycbI_ issued server command: /r и? :D [14:50:11] [L] Flerion: а стой [14:50:13] [L] MoRkBa_UA_: шо [14:50:16] Mok1Cho issued server command: /r зачем мне ету фигню [14:50:25] Mok1Cho issued server command: /r бля ме сеть коротнуло [14:50:25] Stroof4 issued server command: /home [14:50:25] Flerion умер (ENTITY_ATTACK) [14:50:26] forksel умер (ENTITY_ATTACK) [14:50:30] forksel issued server command: /we cui [14:50:33] _HarkycbI_ issued server command: /r го ещё пвп [14:50:36] forksel issued server command: /we cui [14:50:42] Mok1Cho issued server command: /r смисл? [14:50:46] _HarkycbI_ issued server command: /r просто [14:50:46] Pro100ky вышел [14:50:48] _HarkycbI_ issued server command: /warp home [14:50:49] _HarkycbI_ issued server command: /spawn [14:50:51] _HarkycbI_ issued server command: /we cui [14:50:52] Pro100ky зашёл [14:50:52] [G] warves55: !го день [14:50:53] _HarkycbI_ issued server command: /warp home [14:50:54] Pro100ky issued server command: /we cui [14:50:56] warves55 issued server command: /day [14:50:56] _HarkycbI_ issued server command: /we cui [14:50:57] Stroof4 issued server command: /home [14:50:59] _HarkycbI_ issued server command: /voteday [14:51:02] MoRkBa_UA_ issued server command: /yes [14:51:02] warves55 issued server command: /yes [14:51:08] Flerion issued server command: /we cui [14:51:09] hgufj2 issued server command: /yes [14:51:10] Witherion issued server command: /yes [14:51:12] Flerion issued server command: /call mor [14:51:19] MoRkBa_UA_ issued server command: /tpyes [14:51:19] hgufj2 issued server command: /home [14:51:23] Blak_loner issued server command: /рщьу [14:51:25] [L] Flerion: отдай [14:51:31] vlvd_oss issued server command: /warp portal [14:51:32] Blak_loner issued server command: /home [14:51:34] vlvd_oss issued server command: /we cui [14:51:35] [L] MoRkBa_UA_: of [14:51:36] _HarkycbI_ issued server command: /warp world [14:51:37] [L] MoRkBa_UA_: ща [14:51:40] warves55 умер (PROJECTILE) [14:51:40] _HarkycbI_ issued server command: /we cui [14:51:42] warves55 issued server command: /we cui [14:51:43] [L] MoRkBa_UA_: а [14:51:44] [L] Flerion: ресы дай [14:51:44] hgufj2 issued server command: /home di [14:51:45] [L] MoRkBa_UA_: ето те [14:51:45] vlvd_oss issued server command: /we cui [14:51:50] [L] MoRkBa_UA_: из таума [14:51:55] _HarkycbI_ issued server command: /rg list [14:51:57] [L] Flerion: давай ресы [14:51:58] hgufj2 issued server command: /home di [14:52:01] _HarkycbI_ issued server command: /rg list [14:52:01] _HarkycbI_ issued server command: /rg info [14:52:01] GRANDMOTHER044 issued server command: /spawn [14:52:06] Blak_loner вышел [14:52:08] hgufj2 вышел [14:52:11] GRANDMOTHER044 issued server command: /rtp [14:52:17] [L] Flerion: еда [14:52:22] GRANDMOTHER044 issued server command: /warp world [14:52:25] [L] MoRkBa_UA_: какая? [14:52:27] x_NevadA_x issued server command: /home [14:52:29] [L] Flerion: моя [14:52:30] x_NevadA_x issued server command: /we cui [14:52:35] [L] MoRkBa_UA_: не что било [14:52:37] [L] Flerion: курица стейки [14:52:42] _HarkycbI_ issued server command: //wand [14:52:43] Pro100ky issued server command: /home [14:52:43] GRANDMOTHER044 вышел [14:52:55] [L] Flerion: а кожа [14:53:00] [L] MoRkBa_UA_: ох как круто [14:53:06] [L] Flerion: что круто [14:53:09] [L] MoRkBa_UA_: 2 строчки хп [14:53:10] Enotik_imba issued server command: /warp 69 [14:53:13] Mok1Cho issued server command: /home [14:53:13] [L] Flerion: у кого [14:53:16] [L] MoRkBa_UA_: у меня [14:53:17] GRANDMOTHER044 зашёл [14:53:18] _HarkycbI_ issued server command: //expand 40 u [14:53:18] _HarkycbI_ issued server command: //expand 40 d [14:53:20] GRANDMOTHER044 issued server command: /we cui [14:53:20] valera_zakon issued server command: /warp nether [14:53:22] valera_zakon issued server command: /we cui [14:53:24] _HarkycbI_ issued server command: /rg claim hark [14:53:25] [L] Flerion: как [14:53:28] [L] Flerion: отдай кожу [14:53:28] [L] MoRkBa_UA_: ) [14:53:30] _HarkycbI_ вышел [14:53:32] [L] MoRkBa_UA_: я одал [14:53:33] [L] Flerion: а всё [14:53:35] GRANDMOTHER044 issued server command: /rtp [14:53:35] _HarkycbI_ зашёл [14:53:36] [L] Flerion: откуда [14:53:38] _HarkycbI_ issued server command: /we cui [14:53:38] [L] Flerion: 2 строчка [14:53:39] [L] Flerion: скажи [14:53:40] _HarkycbI_ issued server command: /rg claim hark [14:53:42] Enotik_imba issued server command: /warp pvp [14:53:44] [L] MoRkBa_UA_: шо [14:53:45] Enotik_imba issued server command: /we cui [14:53:47] DeadWolfWar вышел [14:53:50] [L] Flerion: где нашёл хп [14:53:54] [L] MoRkBa_UA_: я хз как [14:53:54] _HarkycbI_ issued server command: //sel [14:53:55] [L] MoRkBa_UA_: ето [14:53:59] [L] MoRkBa_UA_: я домой [14:54:01] _HarkycbI_ issued server command: /warp home [14:54:03] _HarkycbI_ issued server command: /we cui [14:54:04] valera_zakon issued server command: /warp ez [14:54:05] MoRkBa_UA_ issued server command: /home [14:54:06] valera_zakon issued server command: /we cui [14:54:12] Enotik_imba issued server command: /warp 69 [14:54:14] forksel issued server command: /home [14:54:17] forksel issued server command: /we cui [14:54:22] Enotik_imba issued server command: /warp 69 [14:54:24] valera_zakon issued server command: /home Andreibrooo [14:54:25] Enotik_imba issued server command: /spawn [14:54:27] Enotik_imba issued server command: /we cui [14:54:42] _HarkycbI_ issued server command: /warp world [14:54:43] warves55 умер (PROJECTILE) [14:54:46] warves55 issued server command: /we cui [14:54:51] Enotik_imba issued server command: /kit top [14:54:51] _HarkycbI_ issued server command: /we cui [14:54:51] forksel issued server command: /tpa Stroof4 [14:54:54] _HarkycbI_ issued server command: /home akenodxd [14:55:09] Witherion вышел [14:55:11] hais3 issued server command: /home [14:55:16] Enotik_imba issued server command: /warp an [14:55:18] Enotik_imba issued server command: /we cui [14:55:21] Pro100ky issued server command: /kit top [14:55:27] valera_zakon issued server command: /warp ez [14:55:30] hais3 issued server command: /warp 69 [14:55:36] Flerion issued server command: /home [14:55:45] Flerion issued server command: /r что это [14:55:46] hais3 issued server command: /home [14:55:50] forksel issued server command: /we cui [14:55:51] valera_zakon issued server command: /home Andreibrooo [14:55:51] Flerion issued server command: /r как 2 строчка [14:55:52] GRANDMOTHER044 issued server command: /rtp [14:55:55] Stroof4 issued server command: /tpaccept [14:55:58] forksel issued server command: /we cui [14:55:58] GRANDMOTHER044 issued server command: /rtp [14:56:03] MoRkBa_UA_ issued server command: /m Flerion ну 40 хп [14:56:08] Witherion зашёл [14:56:09] Flerion issued server command: /r как [14:56:10] Witherion issued server command: /we cui [14:56:12] [L] MoRkBa_UA_: хз [14:56:13] Flerion issued server command: /r у меня было 24 [14:56:25] [L] MoRkBa_UA_: а ну когда наверн копаиш [14:56:28] [L] MoRkBa_UA_: в шахте [14:56:33] valera_zakon issued server command: /warp ez [14:56:46] [L] Flerion: мне ещё нужна 1 кожа [14:56:49] Flerion issued server command: /rtp [14:56:54] valera_zakon issued server command: /warp nether [14:56:55] valera_zakon issued server command: /we cui [14:57:56] GRANDMOTHER044 issued server command: /rtp [14:58:11] valera_zakon issued server command: /warp ez [14:58:13] valera_zakon issued server command: /we cui [14:58:23] Flerion issued server command: /r о появились хп [14:58:26] Flerion issued server command: /r 24 [14:58:29] [L] MoRkBa_UA_: угу [14:58:30] Stroof4 issued server command: /warp vihni [14:58:30] Flerion issued server command: /r 12 сердце [14:58:32] Flerion issued server command: /r 12 сердец [14:58:34] Stroof4 issued server command: /home vihni [14:58:40] MoRkBa_UA_ issued server command: /m Flerion eue [14:58:43] MoRkBa_UA_ issued server command: /m Flerion угу [14:58:55] Stroof4 issued server command: /home [14:58:58] Flerion issued server command: /rtp [14:59:03] Stroof4 issued server command: /WARP ST [14:59:21] valera_zakon issued server command: /warp nether [14:59:23] valera_zakon issued server command: /we cui [14:59:29] [G] hais3: !кто шарит за жидкостный ядерный реактор? [14:59:34] GRANDMOTHER044 issued server command: /rtp [14:59:34] [G] DimaBloger: !Как сделать стол расщепленя [14:59:34] hais3 issued server command: /Feed [14:59:44] Stroof4 issued server command: /home vihni [14:59:59] forksel issued server command: /tpa Stroof4 [15:00:02] Stroof4 issued server command: /tpaccept [15:00:10] [G] hais3: !899 [15:00:10] valera_zakon issued server command: /warp ez [15:00:12] valera_zakon issued server command: /we cui [15:00:12] [G] forksel: !902 [15:00:13] [G] Stroof4: !900 [15:00:29] GRANDMOTHER044 issued server command: /rtp [15:00:32] GRANDMOTHER044 issued server command: /rtp [15:00:33] forksel issued server command: /home [15:00:35] GRANDMOTHER044 issued server command: /rtp [15:00:44] hgufj2 зашёл [15:00:50] hais3 issued server command: /enderchesst [15:00:53] hais3 issued server command: /enderchest [15:01:03] hgufj2 issued server command: /we cui [15:01:05] GRANDMOTHER044 issued server command: /wand [15:01:12] GRANDMOTHER044 issued server command: //wand [15:01:48] [G] DimaBloger: !Где резину купить можно? [15:01:57] DimaBloger issued server command: /trade [15:02:00] DimaBloger issued server command: /trade help [15:02:18] Stroof4 issued server command: /home [15:02:19] [G] DimaBloger: !Куплю 3 стака резины за 12 железа [15:02:24] GRANDMOTHER044 issued server command: /rg claim 969198 [15:02:32] GRANDMOTHER044 issued server command: /sel [15:02:32] Stroof4 issued server command: /home vihni [15:02:37] GRANDMOTHER044 issued server command: //sel [15:02:39] [G] vlvd_oss: !:) [15:02:42] GRANDMOTHER044 issued server command: /sethome [15:02:46] warves55 умер (PROJECTILE) [15:02:47] warves55 issued server command: /we cui [15:02:49] DimaBloger вышел [15:02:53] Stroof4 issued server command: /home [15:02:56] Stroof4 issued server command: /WARP ST [15:04:10] akelettoyung зашёл [15:04:11] Flerion issued server command: /home [15:04:11] vlvd_oss issued server command: /home [15:04:13] vewelon зашёл [15:04:14] vlvd_oss issued server command: /we cui [15:04:17] [L] Flerion: на посади [15:04:19] [L] Flerion: рядом [15:04:23] akelettoyung issued server command: /we cui [15:04:26] Stroof4 issued server command: /home [15:04:26] vewelon issued server command: /we cui [15:04:35] [L] Flerion: дома посади [15:04:47] [L] Flerion: я нашёл великое дерево [15:05:10] KicX issued server command: /heal [15:05:26] Stroof4 вышел [15:05:35] [L] Flerion: ты где посадил [15:05:45] ReMmiFast issued server command: /trade SvetlanaSvet [15:05:45] ReMmiFast issued server command: /trade SvetlanaSvet [15:05:45] ReMmiFast issued server command: /trade SvetlanaSvet [15:05:45] ReMmiFast issued server command: /trade SvetlanaSvet [15:05:45] ReMmiFast issued server command: /trade SvetlanaSvet [15:05:45] ReMmiFast issued server command: /trade SvetlanaSvet [15:05:45] ReMmiFast issued server command: /trade SvetlanaSvet [15:05:46] ReMmiFast issued server command: /trade SvetlanaSvet [15:05:46] ReMmiFast issued server command: /trade SvetlanaSvet [15:05:46] ReMmiFast issued server command: /trade SvetlanaSvet [15:05:46] ReMmiFast issued server command: /trade SvetlanaSvet [15:05:46] ReMmiFast был кикнут [15:05:46] ReMmiFast вышел [15:05:48] [L] MoRkBa_UA_: нигде [15:05:56] ReMmiFast зашёл [15:05:56] [L] Flerion: посади [15:05:58] ReMmiFast issued server command: /we cui [15:06:00] Flerion issued server command: /rtp [15:06:07] [L] MoRkBa_UA_: я виравниваю [15:06:08] akelettoyung issued server command: /sethome [15:06:08] valera_zakon issued server command: /warp nether [15:06:10] valera_zakon issued server command: /we cui [15:06:14] Flerion issued server command: /rtp [15:06:24] vlvd_oss issued server command: /m hais3 привет, у тебя книжек случайно нет? [15:06:37] vewelon issued server command: /warp chacha [15:06:38] vlvd_oss issued server command: /m hais3 или тростника [15:06:46] Flerion issued server command: /rtp [15:06:47] akelettoyung issued server command: /tpa vewelon [15:06:50] vewelon issued server command: /tpaccepty [15:06:52] vewelon issued server command: /tpaccept [15:06:58] valera_zakon issued server command: /warp ez [15:06:58] [G] hais3: !m vlvd_oss сек чекну [15:06:59] Flerion issued server command: /rtp [15:07:00] valera_zakon issued server command: /we cui [15:07:01] Flerion issued server command: /rtp [15:07:11] [G] akelettoyung: !Кто пвп ботики? [15:07:16] [G] _HarkycbI_: !go [15:07:20] forksel issued server command: /tpa Stroof4 [15:07:30] [G] akelettoyung: !Ты в чем? [15:07:31] _HarkycbI_ issued server command: /warp home [15:07:33] _HarkycbI_ issued server command: /we cui [15:07:42] hais3 issued server command: /m vlvd_oss не сори нет [15:07:55] [G] _HarkycbI_: !фулл сет [15:07:58] [G] akelettoyung: !Гоу [15:07:58] akelettoyung issued server command: /home [15:08:07] vewelon issued server command: /home [15:08:08] forksel issued server command: /warp endd [15:08:15] _HarkycbI_ issued server command: /warp pvp [15:08:17] _HarkycbI_ issued server command: /we cui [15:08:17] valera_zakon issued server command: /warp nether [15:08:19] Flerion issued server command: /rtp [15:08:19] valera_zakon issued server command: /we cui [15:08:19] DeadWolfWar зашёл [15:08:21] DeadWolfWar issued server command: /we cui [15:08:27] vlvd_oss issued server command: /warp portal [15:08:29] vlvd_oss issued server command: /we cui [15:08:30] [G] _HarkycbI_: !го /warp pvp [15:08:30] Mok1Cho issued server command: /warp pve [15:08:32] DeadWolfWar вышел [15:08:34] Mok1Cho issued server command: /we cui [15:08:36] Flerion issued server command: /home [15:08:37] Mok1Cho issued server command: /warp pvp [15:08:38] [G] akelettoyung: !ща иду [15:08:48] forksel issued server command: /warp end [15:08:51] forksel issued server command: /we cui [15:08:51] akelettoyung issued server command: /trade vewelon [15:08:54] Pro100ky issued server command: /home [15:08:55] Enotik_imba issued server command: /warp pvp [15:08:58] Enotik_imba issued server command: /we cui [15:09:02] vlvd_oss issued server command: /we cui [15:09:05] [L] Mok1Cho: ти вамп? [15:09:05] [L] Flerion: саженец надо вместе садить [15:09:06] [L] Flerion: в 4 [15:09:09] [L] _HarkycbI_: я обыч человек [15:09:09] vlvd_oss issued server command: /warp portal [15:09:11] vlvd_oss issued server command: /we cui [15:09:11] hgufj2 issued server command: /home [15:09:12] [L] Flerion: оно в 1 не растёт [15:09:12] [L] Enotik_imba: vyt [15:09:12] valera_zakon issued server command: /warp ez [15:09:14] valera_zakon issued server command: /we cui [15:09:15] [L] Mok1Cho: аг конечно [15:09:15] SvetlanaSvet умер (ENTITY_ATTACK) [15:09:17] [L] _HarkycbI_: го дм [15:09:18] [L] _HarkycbI_: дс [15:09:19] [L] _HarkycbI_: покажу [15:09:20] [L] Enotik_imba: аспектов не хватило( [15:09:21] SvetlanaSvet issued server command: /we cui [15:09:27] [L] Flerion: дай [15:09:28] valera_zakon issued server command: /voteday [15:09:30] [L] Flerion: саженцы [15:09:30] Witherion issued server command: /yes [15:09:32] vlvd_oss issued server command: /we cui [15:09:32] hais3 issued server command: /yes [15:09:33] Enotik_imba issued server command: /yes [15:09:34] [L] Mok1Cho: а ти под бафами я понял [15:09:36] [L] Flerion: да [15:09:41] [G] akelettoyung: !Умираешь - отдаешь вещи [15:09:41] [L] _HarkycbI_: силка и всё .-. [15:09:42] KicX issued server command: /enderchest [15:09:48] [L] Mok1Cho: ага ага [15:09:53] [L] _HarkycbI_: скрин? [15:09:55] _HarkycbI_ issued server command: /mpcaseshop [15:09:58] [L] Mok1Cho: бот [15:09:59] Mok1Cho issued server command: /home [15:09:59] [L] Flerion: костная мука нужа [15:10:04] Mok1Cho issued server command: /spawn [15:10:05] akelettoyung issued server command: /warp pvp [15:10:06] akelettoyung issued server command: /we cui [15:10:08] Mok1Cho issued server command: /we cui [15:10:10] Mok1Cho issued server command: /home [15:10:11] [L] _HarkycbI_: имба :D [15:10:13] Mok1Cho issued server command: /we cui [15:10:14] DimaBloger зашёл [15:10:20] warves55 issued server command: /rtp [15:10:23] _HarkycbI_ убил Enotik_imba (DIVINEADDON_HALITEBLADE2) [15:10:24] Flerion issued server command: /rtp [15:10:26] Enotik_imba issued server command: /we cui [15:10:29] Enotik_imba issued server command: /warp an [15:10:31] Enotik_imba issued server command: /we cui [15:10:35] Enotik_imba issued server command: /warp pvp [15:10:35] [L] _HarkycbI_: дк фул [15:10:36] [L] akelettoyung: ну и что убежал? [15:10:37] Enotik_imba issued server command: /we cui [15:10:37] [L] _HarkycbI_: крутой [15:10:39] [L] akelettoyung: и? [15:10:40] [L] _HarkycbI_: с посохом ещё [15:10:47] warves55 issued server command: /rtp [15:10:47] [G] vewelon: ! ай ай ай [15:10:50] [G] vewelon: ! c: [15:10:50] [L] _HarkycbI_: ща-ща [15:10:52] _HarkycbI_ issued server command: /warp home [15:10:53] _HarkycbI_ issued server command: /spawn [15:10:53] warves55 issued server command: /rtp [15:10:55] _HarkycbI_ issued server command: /we cui [15:10:57] [L] Enotik_imba: что тут просиходит) [15:10:59] forksel issued server command: /home [15:11:02] _HarkycbI_ issued server command: /warp pvp [15:11:03] forksel issued server command: /we cui [15:11:04] _HarkycbI_ issued server command: /we cui [15:11:07] valera_zakon issued server command: /warp nether [15:11:08] valera_zakon issued server command: /we cui [15:11:10] [L] Enotik_imba: почему тебя ударить нельзя [15:11:13] DimaBloger issued server command: /we cui [15:11:16] MomenTs issued server command: /home [15:11:31] [L] _HarkycbI_: жёстко [15:11:34] [L] Enotik_imba: пипец [15:11:38] [L] _HarkycbI_: я тебе хоть щит сношу? [15:11:38] [L] _HarkycbI_: ;D [15:11:44] [L] akelettoyung: такое [15:11:45] akelettoyung убил Enotik_imba (DRACONICEVOLUTION_DRACONICBOW) [15:11:47] forksel issued server command: /warp end [15:11:48] Enotik_imba issued server command: /we cui [15:11:49] forksel issued server command: /we cui [15:11:51] [L] _HarkycbI_: ну я тут без шансов [15:11:52] Enotik_imba issued server command: /warp pvp [15:11:54] Enotik_imba issued server command: /we cui [15:11:54] valera_zakon issued server command: /warp ez [15:11:56] valera_zakon issued server command: /we cui [15:12:02] [L] akelettoyung: я в твоей броне гонял [15:12:03] [G] DimaBloger: !Куплю 3 стака резины за 12 желез [15:12:05] vlvd_oss issued server command: /home [15:12:07] vlvd_oss issued server command: /we cui [15:12:12] [L] akelettoyung: но она была на месте фейк брони :) [15:12:16] [G] hais3: !железа или блоков железа? [15:12:21] [G] DimaBloger: !Слитков [15:12:24] [G] hais3: !xd [15:12:25] vlvd_oss issued server command: /warp portal [15:12:28] vlvd_oss issued server command: /we cui [15:12:28] [L] Enotik_imba: утяб щас фек? [15:12:31] [G] hgufj2: ! куплю 4 саженца серебрянного дерева [15:12:32] [L] akelettoyung: Нет [15:12:33] [L] akelettoyung: Нормальная [15:12:41] [L] Enotik_imba: а почему я тебя не проношшу [15:12:41] [G] vewelon: ! удачи покупать [15:12:41] warves55 issued server command: /rtp [15:12:41] vlvd_oss issued server command: /we cui [15:12:43] [L] _HarkycbI_: дк сет у него [15:12:43] [L] akelettoyung: Могу хоть так [15:12:47] [G] DimaBloger: !Куплю 3 стака резины за железные слитки [15:12:48] DimaBloger issued server command: /home [15:12:48] [G] MoRkBa_UA_: !скоко железа нада? [15:12:50] [L] akelettoyung: ну [15:12:52] [L] Enotik_imba: ударить? [15:12:53] [L] _HarkycbI_: шо ну [15:12:54] [L] akelettoyung: да [15:12:57] akelettoyung убил _HarkycbI_ (DRACONICEVOLUTION_DRACONICDISTRUCTIONSTAFF) [15:12:59] [G] hais3: !слушай может тебе нанку продать за 20 железных слитков? [15:13:00] _HarkycbI_ issued server command: /we cui [15:13:02] vewelon issued server command: /home [15:13:04] [G] DimaBloger: !Давай [15:13:06] akelettoyung убил Enotik_imba (DRACONICEVOLUTION_DRACONICDISTRUCTIONSTAFF) [15:13:08] [G] _HarkycbI_: !гений [15:13:09] Enotik_imba issued server command: /we cui [15:13:09] _HarkycbI_ issued server command: /warp home [15:13:13] Enotik_imba issued server command: /warp pvp [15:13:15] Enotik_imba issued server command: /we cui [15:13:16] [G] hais3: !да не даже 15 [15:13:22] Lexamon зашёл [15:13:23] [G] hais3: !железо дико редкий ресурс [15:13:27] _HarkycbI_ issued server command: /clan [15:13:30] [L] Enotik_imba: почему [15:13:33] [G] DimaBloger: !Куплю 3 стака резины за железные слитки [15:13:33] Lexamon issued server command: /we cui [15:13:36] [L] Enotik_imba: я тебя не убил [15:13:37] Veles0 issued server command: /craft [15:13:38] [L] Enotik_imba: ? [15:13:39] [L] akelettoyung: бей [15:13:42] [G] hais3: !xd xd xd [15:13:43] [L] Enotik_imba: ты же без брони [15:13:46] Lasx issued server command: /home Luas [15:13:46] [L] akelettoyung: бееей [15:13:53] [L] Enotik_imba: ? [15:13:54] Witherion issued server command: /warp end [15:13:56] Witherion issued server command: /we cui [15:13:58] [L] Enotik_imba: как так-то [15:14:04] [G] hais3: !есть люди которые шарят за ядерный реактор? [15:14:06] vewelon issued server command: /tpa akelettoyung [15:14:09] akelettoyung issued server command: /tpyes [15:14:12] akelettoyung issued server command: /tpyes [15:14:16] [G] hgufj2: ! куплю 3 стака резины за стак железа [15:14:18] [L] Enotik_imba: ты вампир? [15:14:22] DimaBloger issued server command: /m hais3 продай резину [15:14:24] forksel issued server command: /home [15:14:24] vewelon issued server command: /warp pvp [15:14:26] [L] akelettoyung: nea [15:14:26] vewelon issued server command: /we cui [15:14:28] forksel issued server command: /we cui [15:14:31] [L] akelettoyung: я просто akelettoyung [15:14:32] Witherion issued server command: /msg hais3 Тоже ядерку сделал? :D [15:14:33] [L] Enotik_imba: а под зельем 2 уровня [15:14:42] [L] Enotik_imba: я пробью? [15:14:45] [G] akelettoyung: !Кольцо пантеона надо? _HarkycbI_ [15:14:48] vihni вышел [15:14:52] vihni зашёл [15:14:53] [G] _HarkycbI_: !давай [15:14:54] vihni issued server command: /we cui [15:14:54] Witherion issued server command: /home [15:14:57] Witherion issued server command: /we cui [15:14:57] [G] hais3: !m Witherion да короче вчера сделал она чисто бубум сделала вот переделал а элиектричество не дает [15:15:00] [L] hais3: да ля [15:15:02] [G] hais3: !ля [15:15:06] akelettoyung issued server command: /trade Enotik_imba [15:15:06] akelettoyung issued server command: /trade Enotik_imba [15:15:06] akelettoyung issued server command: /trade Enotik_imba [15:15:07] [G] hais3: !пальцы миссуют [15:15:07] akelettoyung issued server command: /trade Enotik_imba [15:15:08] forksel issued server command: /warp end [15:15:10] forksel issued server command: /we cui [15:15:14] _HarkycbI_ issued server command: /warp pvp [15:15:16] _HarkycbI_ issued server command: /we cui [15:15:19] Witherion issued server command: /msg hais3 Ну я щяс в неё модулей понапихал вроде норм [15:15:22] GRANDMOTHER044 issued server command: /warp [15:15:26] GRANDMOTHER044 issued server command: /sapwn [15:15:29] GRANDMOTHER044 issued server command: /spawn [15:15:29] Witherion issued server command: /msg hais3 Ток электро выдаёт слабину, ибо стержней лишь 4. [15:15:30] Flerion issued server command: /home [15:15:35] [L] vewelon: ну шо [15:15:36] hais3 issued server command: /m Witherion я жидокстный сделал а нихера не выдает [15:15:37] [L] _HarkycbI_: кольцо отдай просто .-. [15:15:38] [L] Flerion: пиздец там чел был рядом со мной [15:15:40] [L] vewelon: договор был [15:15:42] [L] Flerion: в чате увидел [15:15:43] Witherion issued server command: /msg hais3 Жидкостный херня. [15:15:47] hais3 issued server command: /m Witherion мейби не понимаю куда в нее провод сувать [15:15:49] [L] akelettoyung: вещи гони :) [15:15:50] [L] vewelon: ты умираешь. отдаешь все вещи [15:15:53] [L] Flerion: ой на карте [15:15:55] [L] _HarkycbI_: нет ) [15:16:00] [L] vewelon: договор был) [15:16:00] hgufj2 issued server command: /home di [15:16:01] [L] _HarkycbI_: я вещи сегодня другу отдам [15:16:01] GRANDMOTHER044 вышел [15:16:03] [L] _HarkycbI_: базу и уйду [15:16:03] [L] akelettoyung: на банановые острова [15:16:03] [L] _HarkycbI_: ) [15:16:10] [L] _HarkycbI_: мне на вас как-то всё равно) [15:16:11] [L] akelettoyung: Друга твоего отправим [15:16:14] [L] akelettoyung: ща сек [15:16:15] Andreibrooo issued server command: /warp ez [15:16:24] hais3 issued server command: /m Witherion выглядит он красиво... [15:16:30] ReMmiFast issued server command: /spawn [15:16:32] ReMmiFast issued server command: /we cui [15:16:32] Witherion issued server command: /warp end [15:16:34] Witherion issued server command: /we cui [15:16:38] Witherion issued server command: /msg hais3 xD [15:16:42] vihni issued server command: /rtp [15:16:47] [L] Enotik_imba: а тут блуд есть? [15:16:57] DeadWolfWar зашёл [15:16:59] DeadWolfWar issued server command: /we cui [15:17:01] hais3 issued server command: /m Witherion однако если к обычному понятно просто провод подвести тут хер его знает куда сувать [15:17:01] hais3 issued server command: /m провод [15:17:03] RTXGames123lol зашёл [15:17:06] akelettoyung убил _HarkycbI_ (DRACONICEVOLUTION_DRACONICDISTRUCTIONSTAFF) [15:17:08] ReMmiFast issued server command: /kit Top [15:17:09] _HarkycbI_ issued server command: /we cui [15:17:09] Witherion issued server command: /msg hais3 Непойму, драконий улей не берётся сачком, wtf? [15:17:10] TrYlKiN зашёл [15:17:13] _HarkycbI_ issued server command: /warp home [15:17:15] SvetlanaSvet вышел [15:17:16] Lasx issued server command: /home Luas [15:17:18] KicX issued server command: /warp five [15:17:18] RTXGames123lol issued server command: /we cui [15:17:24] Blak_loner зашёл [15:17:32] vlvd_oss issued server command: /warp portal [15:17:32] DimaBloger вышел [15:17:34] vewelon issued server command: /home [15:17:35] vlvd_oss issued server command: /we cui [15:17:37] Lasx issued server command: /rtp [15:17:37] vewelon issued server command: /spawn [15:17:38] Flerion issued server command: /rtp [15:17:38] forksel issued server command: /home [15:17:39] vewelon issued server command: /we cui [15:17:39] TrYlKiN issued server command: /we cui [15:17:39] akelettoyung issued server command: /spawn [15:17:41] forksel issued server command: /we cui [15:17:42] akelettoyung issued server command: /we cui [15:17:44] hais3 issued server command: /m Witherion я этих пчел никогда не понимал суета какая-то [15:17:44] vewelon issued server command: /home [15:17:45] vewelon issued server command: /we cui [15:17:47] akelettoyung issued server command: /home [15:17:48] akelettoyung issued server command: /we cui [15:17:50] vlvd_oss issued server command: /we cui [15:17:53] Mok1Cho вышел [15:17:59] Enotik_imba issued server command: /spawn [15:17:59] Witherion issued server command: /msg hais3 Улей охота забрать просто) [15:18:01] Enotik_imba issued server command: /we cui [15:18:03] akelettoyung issued server command: /rg flag mercy8 pvp allow [15:18:06] akelettoyung issued server command: /rg i [15:18:06] Mok1Cho зашёл [15:18:07] Enotik_imba issued server command: /warp an [15:18:07] vewelon issued server command: /pm TrYlKiN покупать будешь посох? [15:18:09] Enotik_imba issued server command: /we cui [15:18:11] Mok1Cho issued server command: /we cui [15:18:16] akelettoyung issued server command: /rg flag mercy8 invincible deny [15:18:17] _HarkycbI_ issued server command: /money top [15:18:19] [L] Mok1Cho: привет( [15:18:21] TrYlKiN issued server command: /r готов? [15:18:28] vewelon issued server command: /r da [15:18:34] vewelon issued server command: /r tp [15:18:35] Blak_loner issued server command: /we cui [15:18:39] _HarkycbI_ вышел [15:18:39] akelettoyung issued server command: /clan kick vewelon [15:18:41] [L] Mok1Cho: коротнуло [15:18:43] TrYlKiN вышел [15:18:44] [L] vewelon: 1 [15:18:44] Mok1Cho issued server command: /home [15:18:49] KicX issued server command: /home [15:18:50] akelettoyung issued server command: /clan invite vewelon [15:19:00] hais3 issued server command: /m Witherion жидкостный реактор такой бред работает однако ток вообще не выдает что это такое [15:19:03] vlvd_oss issued server command: /home [15:19:05] vlvd_oss issued server command: /we cui [15:19:20] vewelon issued server command: /clan accept akelettoyung [15:19:25] Witherion issued server command: /msg hais3 За жидкостный особо не парился, ибо выдаёт мало( [15:19:32] Enotik_imba issued server command: /warp an [15:19:42] hais3 issued server command: /m Witherion а чо обычный лучше выдает? [15:19:45] vewelon issued server command: /rtp [15:19:53] Witherion issued server command: /msg hais3 До 5-7к разогнать можно [15:19:53] hais3 issued server command: /m Witherion я просто нашел гайд на 1300 за тик [15:19:53] Flerion issued server command: /home [15:20:00] Pro100ky issued server command: /home [15:20:04] [L] Flerion: опа [15:20:04] [L] Flerion: на [15:20:05] Andreibrooo issued server command: /warpe [15:20:07] Andreibrooo issued server command: /warpeh [15:20:08] Andreibrooo issued server command: /home [15:20:08] vlvd_oss issued server command: /warp portal [15:20:10] vlvd_oss issued server command: /we cui [15:20:17] Witherion issued server command: /msg hais3 Там нужно куча охладителся [15:20:21] Witherion issued server command: /msg hais3 Охладителя* [15:20:21] Enotik_imba issued server command: /warp an [15:20:27] vlvd_oss issued server command: /we cui [15:20:29] [L] Flerion: я знаю чтобы у нас было куча резины [15:20:30] ReMmiFast issued server command: /kit eat [15:20:30] Witherion issued server command: /msg hais3 Ибо бум-бум за 1 секунду будет) [15:20:32] [L] Flerion: просто пиздец [15:20:36] [G] hais3: !да хладогент это изи [15:20:37] akelettoyung issued server command: /tpa vewelon [15:20:38] vewelon issued server command: /tpaccpet [15:20:41] vewelon issued server command: /tpaccept [15:20:44] [L] Flerion: на [15:20:50] [L] vewelon: 1 [15:20:50] akelettoyung issued server command: /clan kick vewelon [15:20:52] Andreibrooo issued server command: /warp ez [15:20:57] hais3 issued server command: /m Witherion у меня этих капсул хладоегнта стаков 10 есть [15:21:00] akelettoyung issued server command: /good [15:21:01] [L] Flerion: на [15:21:03] Witherion issued server command: /msg hais3 60к? [15:21:03] akelettoyung issued server command: /god [15:21:07] KicX issued server command: /home [15:21:08] [L] MoRkBa_UA_: блять [15:21:10] KicX issued server command: /heal [15:21:13] vlvd_oss issued server command: /home [15:21:15] [L] Flerion: что [15:21:15] vlvd_oss issued server command: /we cui [15:21:15] akelettoyung убил vewelon (DRACONICEVOLUTION_DRACONICDISTRUCTIONSTAFF) [15:21:16] vewelon issued server command: /we cui [15:21:17] Lasx issued server command: /home Luas [15:21:23] Witherion issued server command: /рщьу [15:21:25] Witherion issued server command: /home [15:21:26] vewelon issued server command: /tpa akelettoyung [15:21:27] Witherion issued server command: /we cui [15:21:27] akelettoyung issued server command: /tpyes [15:21:37] Andreibrooo issued server command: /цфкз уя [15:21:38] Andreibrooo issued server command: /warp ez [15:21:40] Andreibrooo issued server command: /home [15:21:42] hais3 issued server command: /m Witherion в капсулах ъраню мне сложно с жикостями работать так не понимаю ничего [15:21:42] [L] MoRkBa_UA_: попроси хай дощ вирублять [15:21:46] GRANDMOTHER044 зашёл [15:21:47] vlvd_oss issued server command: /warp portal [15:21:50] vlvd_oss issued server command: /we cui [15:21:55] GRANDMOTHER044 issued server command: /we cui [15:21:58] [L] Flerion: ты видел скоко я скинул [15:21:59] [L] Flerion: резины [15:22:03] [L] MoRkBa_UA_: да [15:22:05] Witherion issued server command: /msg hais3 6-12 штук 60к для ядерки нужно. [15:22:06] Veles0 issued server command: /craft [15:22:09] [L] Flerion: знаешь где добыл [15:22:10] [L] MoRkBa_UA_: немогу играть лагает [15:22:11] vlvd_oss issued server command: /we cui [15:22:12] Pro100ky issued server command: /home [15:22:12] Enotik_imba issued server command: /warp pvp [15:22:14] Enotik_imba issued server command: /we cui [15:22:23] GRANDMOTHER044 issued server command: /warp mining [15:22:23] [L] Flerion: а как они выеключат дождь [15:22:26] GRANDMOTHER044 issued server command: /we cui [15:22:27] [L] Flerion: что мне надо писать [15:22:28] [L] MoRkBa_UA_: блять [15:22:32] Lasx issued server command: /home Luas [15:22:36] RTXGames123lol issued server command: /rtp [15:22:37] [L] Flerion: стой смотри [15:22:38] [G] MoRkBa_UA_: !вирубите дощ пж [15:22:43] Enotik_imba issued server command: /warp an [15:22:45] [L] Flerion: ща скажу как самому выключить [15:22:47] Enotik_imba issued server command: /spawn [15:22:48] Blak_loner issued server command: /tpa DeadWolfWar [15:22:49] DeadWolfWar issued server command: /tpaccept [15:22:49] Enotik_imba issued server command: /we cui [15:22:55] MomenTs issued server command: /votesun [15:22:55] Blak_loner issued server command: /we cui [15:22:55] vewelon issued server command: /rg info [15:22:58] traktorist720 зашёл [15:22:59] Witherion issued server command: /yes [15:23:00] MoRkBa_UA_ issued server command: /yes [15:23:01] Mok1Cho issued server command: /yes [15:23:02] Pro100ky issued server command: /home [15:23:03] Flerion issued server command: /yes [15:23:05] vihni issued server command: /home [15:23:06] vihni issued server command: /we cui [15:23:06] hais3 issued server command: /m Witherion а если оыбчный реактор делать как его охлаждать? [15:23:10] RTXGames123lol issued server command: /rtp [15:23:12] vewelon issued server command: /wand [15:23:13] Enotik_imba issued server command: /warp an [15:23:14] DeadWolfWar issued server command: /home [15:23:15] [L] Flerion: проголусуй [15:23:16] hais3 issued server command: /yes [15:23:16] vewelon issued server command: //wand [15:23:16] traktorist720 issued server command: /we cui [15:23:16] Enotik_imba issued server command: /we cui [15:23:16] DeadWolfWar issued server command: /we cui [15:23:16] ReMmiFast issued server command: /home [15:23:16] [G] hgufj2: ! куплю 2 тигеля за 20 железа [15:23:18] ReMmiFast issued server command: /we cui [15:23:18] vihni issued server command: /warp st [15:23:23] TrYlKiN зашёл [15:23:24] DimaBloger зашёл [15:23:30] [L] Flerion: всё? [15:23:33] Witherion issued server command: /msg hais3 Там хз как. [15:23:41] Pro100ky issued server command: /home [15:23:42] Enotik_imba issued server command: /warp an [15:23:44] Mok1Cho issued server command: /home [15:23:44] vewelon issued server command: /rg claim domik [15:23:53] [L] Mok1Cho: коротнуло мє [15:23:57] [L] Mok1Cho: ти тут? [15:23:59] [L] Flerion: ну [15:24:04] [L] Mok1Cho: мє чинить надо [15:24:08] [L] Mok1Cho: коротнуло [15:24:11] DeadWolfWar issued server command: /tpa Blak_loner [15:24:17] MomenTs issued server command: /warp bee [15:24:17] vlvd_oss issued server command: /warp portal [15:24:19] [L] Mok1Cho: я уже час питаюсь починить( [15:24:20] vlvd_oss issued server command: /we cui [15:24:20] akelettoyung issued server command: /m vewelon /rg flag felor pvp allow [15:24:21] Blak_loner issued server command: /tpaccept [15:24:22] MoRkBa_UA_ вышел [15:24:23] DeadWolfWar issued server command: /we cui [15:24:24] [L] Mok1Cho: ей [15:24:29] DimaBloger issued server command: /we cui [15:24:30] [L] Mok1Cho: ти тут? [15:24:31] MakaronKing зашёл [15:24:33] TrYlKiN issued server command: /we cui [15:24:36] akelettoyung issued server command: /tpa vewelon [15:24:37] Blak_loner issued server command: /rtp [15:24:37] Pro100ky issued server command: /home [15:24:37] vlvd_oss issued server command: /we cui [15:24:38] [G] hgufj2: ! куплю 2 тигеля за 20 железа [15:24:39] vewelon issued server command: /rg flag domik pvpv allow [15:24:42] MakaronKing issued server command: /we cui [15:24:43] vewelon issued server command: /rg flag domik pvp allow [15:24:46] vewelon issued server command: /tpaccepty [15:24:47] vewelon issued server command: /tpaccept [15:25:03] Flerion issued server command: /r ты где [15:25:05] [L] TrYlKiN: тут [15:25:08] [L] MomenTs: 100 [15:25:08] MakaronKing issued server command: /warp world [15:25:10] MakaronKing issued server command: /we cui [15:25:12] MomenTs issued server command: /home [15:25:14] vewelon issued server command: /pm TrYlKiN покупать будешь? [15:25:16] MakaronKing issued server command: /rtp [15:25:16] DimaBloger вышел [15:25:19] Flerion issued server command: /rtp [15:25:24] vewelon issued server command: /rg flag domik pvp deny [15:25:29] TrYlKiN issued server command: /r да [15:25:30] [L] Mok1Cho: коротнуло ме [15:25:33] vewelon issued server command: /r тп [15:25:33] SvetlanaSvet зашёл [15:25:34] Mok1Cho вышел [15:25:37] SvetlanaSvet issued server command: /we cui [15:25:39] Lasx issued server command: /home Luas [15:25:40] Lasx issued server command: /home Luas [15:25:42] Veles0 issued server command: /eat [15:25:43] TrYlKiN issued server command: /r что ещё предложишь к посоху? [15:25:49] hais3 issued server command: /m Witherion боже я такая чушка я забыл жилкостные темплообменники закинуть в реактор [15:25:54] vewelon issued server command: /r квп предлагаю [15:25:59] traktorist720 issued server command: /rtp [15:26:01] TrYlKiN вышел [15:26:07] Witherion issued server command: /msg hais3 Хах) [15:26:14] hais3 issued server command: /m Witherion сдохну их крафтить и так все железо потратил [15:26:16] vewelon issued server command: /r ny [15:26:17] [G] ReMmiFast: ! продайте пожалуйста кожу 5 шт [15:26:28] Witherion issued server command: /msg hais3 Жиза...Тоже по металлам 0) [15:26:35] traktorist720 issued server command: /wand [15:26:39] SvetlanaSvet issued server command: /home [15:26:43] Mok1Cho зашёл [15:26:43] MakaronKing issued server command: //zone [15:26:46] MakaronKing issued server command: //wand [15:26:47] Mok1Cho issued server command: /we cui [15:26:47] traktorist720 issued server command: /help [15:26:47] Witherion issued server command: /msg hais3 Прийдётся в шахту маршеровать, bruh. [15:26:48] MomenTs issued server command: /voteday [15:26:50] Witherion issued server command: /yes [15:26:51] hais3 issued server command: /yes [15:26:52] ReMmiFast issued server command: /yes [15:26:53] Lasx issued server command: /warp world [15:26:54] MakaronKing issued server command: //chunk [15:26:54] MakaronKing issued server command: //outset 16 [15:26:54] MakaronKing issued server command: /zone [15:26:55] Lasx issued server command: /yes [15:26:55] vewelon issued server command: //sel [15:26:56] warves55 issued server command: /yes [15:26:57] SvetlanaSvet issued server command: // [15:27:02] Lasx issued server command: /we cui [15:27:03] traktorist720 issued server command: /home [15:27:06] fresh123q зашёл [15:27:08] hais3 issued server command: /m Witherion я уже пол своего региона уничтожил ради железа [15:27:09] [G] ReMmiFast: ! продайте пожалуйста кожу 5 шт [15:27:13] traktorist720 issued server command: /spawn [15:27:16] KicX issued server command: /home [15:27:18] Marmelad_e зашёл [15:27:22] Pro100ky issued server command: /home [15:27:26] DeadWolfWar issued server command: /home [15:27:28] DeadWolfWar issued server command: /we cui [15:27:30] Flerion issued server command: /rtp [15:27:37] Marmelad_e issued server command: /we cui [15:27:50] SvetlanaSvet вышел [15:27:50] Veles0 issued server command: /craft [15:27:50] fresh123q issued server command: /we cui [15:27:52] forksel issued server command: /tpa vihni [15:27:53] vihni issued server command: /tpaccept [15:27:58] traktorist720 issued server command: /warp world [15:27:59] traktorist720 issued server command: /we cui [15:28:06] Flerion issued server command: /rtp [15:28:06] vihni issued server command: /home [15:28:14] [G] Flerion: !Кто продаст 1 кожу [15:28:15] vihni issued server command: /warp st [15:28:18] traktorist720 issued server command: /rtp [15:28:26] MakaronKing issued server command: /region claim madara [15:28:31] MakaronKing issued server command: //cel [15:28:33] Andreibrooo issued server command: /home [15:28:34] MakaronKing issued server command: /sell [15:28:35] Witherion issued server command: /msg Flerion /spawn [15:28:35] KicX issued server command: /w Flerion warp five [15:28:36] MakaronKing issued server command: //sell [15:28:39] MakaronKing issued server command: /sell [15:28:40] Flerion issued server command: /spawn [15:28:41] Witherion issued server command: /spawn [15:28:43] Witherion issued server command: /we cui [15:28:44] Flerion issued server command: /we cui [15:28:45] hgufj2 вышел [15:28:46] MakaronKing issued server command: //cell [15:28:50] MakaronKing issued server command: /cell [15:28:52] [L] Flerion: о спс [15:28:53] MakaronKing issued server command: /cel [15:28:55] MakaronKing issued server command: /sell [15:28:57] Flerion issued server command: /home [15:28:58] MakaronKing issued server command: /sel [15:28:59] [L] Witherion: Np) [15:29:00] Flerion issued server command: /we cui [15:29:01] Witherion issued server command: /home [15:29:02] MakaronKing issued server command: //sell [15:29:03] MakaronKing issued server command: //sel [15:29:04] Witherion issued server command: /we cui [15:29:20] [G] Andreibrooo: ! вам кожа нужна для брони? [15:29:20] DeadWolfWar issued server command: /tpa Blak_loner [15:29:20] Flerion issued server command: /rtp [15:29:24] Blak_loner issued server command: /rtp [15:29:28] warves55 issued server command: /home [15:29:28] Blak_loner issued server command: /tpaccept [15:29:29] DeadWolfWar issued server command: /we cui [15:29:33] Andreibrooo issued server command: /kit [15:29:49] MakaronKing issued server command: /sethome 1 [15:29:50] TrYlKiN зашёл [15:29:50] vewelon issued server command: /r ny [15:29:51] animeshka66 зашёл [15:29:51] traktorist720 issued server command: /delhome [15:29:53] Veles0 issued server command: /craft [15:30:09] MomenTs issued server command: /home [15:30:09] traktorist720 issued server command: /wand [15:30:09] animeshka66 issued server command: /we cui [15:30:12] traktorist720 issued server command: /help [15:30:15] TrYlKiN issued server command: /we cui [15:30:19] [L] Mok1Cho: наполовину ме крашнулась [15:30:20] traktorist720 issued server command: /help 2 [15:30:22] Andreibrooo issued server command: /warp ez [15:30:23] vewelon issued server command: /trade akelettoyung [15:30:26] warves55 вышел [15:30:31] fresh123q issued server command: /kit eat [15:30:32] Andreibrooo issued server command: /цфкз уя [15:30:32] ReMmiFast вышел [15:30:35] warves55 зашёл [15:30:37] KicX issued server command: /home [15:30:37] warves55 issued server command: /we cui [15:30:39] [L] TrYlKiN: чини [15:30:40] Andreibrooo issued server command: / [15:30:41] fresh123q issued server command: /call RTXGames123lol [15:30:44] [L] TrYlKiN: ты контролеры поломал [15:30:45] vewelon issued server command: /r трулкин [15:30:46] traktorist720 issued server command: /sethome [15:30:47] Andreibrooo issued server command: /warp o [15:30:47] Andreibrooo issued server command: /home [15:30:48] [L] Mok1Cho: ага [15:30:53] MomenTs issued server command: /home [15:30:53] [L] Mok1Cho: половину восстановил [15:30:55] Veles0 issued server command: /craft [15:31:00] MoRkBa_UA_ зашёл [15:31:11] traktorist720 issued server command: /home [15:31:13] TrYlKiN вышел [15:31:16] MoRkBa_UA_ issued server command: /we cui [15:31:20] traktorist720 issued server command: /spawn [15:31:22] traktorist720 issued server command: /we cui [15:31:33] fresh123q issued server command: /call RTXGames123lol [15:31:36] MomenTs issued server command: /warp ad [15:31:38] GRANDMOTHER044 issued server command: /home [15:31:39] [G] Flerion: !Кто продаст тауномикон [15:31:41] MomenTs issued server command: /warp portal [15:31:42] GRANDMOTHER044 issued server command: /we cui [15:31:43] MomenTs issued server command: /we cui [15:31:48] vewelon issued server command: /r трулкин [15:31:49] Witherion issued server command: /msg Flerion /spawn) [15:31:49] MomenTs issued server command: /we cui [15:31:50] Witherion issued server command: /home [15:32:01] Flerion issued server command: /spawn [15:32:01] Flerion issued server command: /spawn [15:32:01] Flerion issued server command: /spawn [15:32:01] MomenTs issued server command: /home [15:32:01] Witherion issued server command: /spawn [15:32:01] Witherion issued server command: /spawn [15:32:01] RTXGames123lol issued server command: /tpaccept [15:32:03] MomenTs issued server command: /we cui [15:32:03] Witherion issued server command: /we cui [15:32:03] Flerion issued server command: /we cui [15:32:06] Veles0 issued server command: /craft [15:32:12] [L] Flerion: спс [15:32:15] [L] Witherion: Np) [15:32:17] Flerion issued server command: /home [15:32:19] hgufj2 зашёл [15:32:20] Flerion issued server command: /we cui [15:32:21] Witherion issued server command: /home [15:32:22] traktorist720 issued server command: /warp mining [15:32:23] Witherion issued server command: /we cui [15:32:23] MoRkBa_UA_ issued server command: /warp case [15:32:24] traktorist720 issued server command: /we cui [15:32:28] MoRkBa_UA_ issued server command: /we cui [15:32:44] MomenTs issued server command: /home [15:32:52] hgufj2 issued server command: /we cui [15:32:52] traktorist720 issued server command: /rtp [15:32:58] MoRkBa_UA_ issued server command: /home [15:32:59] Witherion issued server command: /msg Mok1Cho Пздц [15:33:01] MoRkBa_UA_ issued server command: /we cui [15:33:03] Witherion issued server command: /msg Mok1Cho Этот реактор... [15:33:06] forksel issued server command: /home [15:33:08] Mok1Cho issued server command: /r бам? [15:33:17] KicX issued server command: /heal [15:33:18] [L] Flerion: надо тростник посадить [15:33:19] Lasx issued server command: /home Luas [15:33:21] Lasx issued server command: /we cui [15:33:21] forksel issued server command: /we cui [15:33:24] MomenTs issued server command: /home [15:33:24] Witherion issued server command: /msg Mok1Cho Мне делает ♂Fisting Ass♂ :( [15:33:24] forksel issued server command: /home [15:33:27] forksel issued server command: /we cui [15:33:30] MomenTs issued server command: /warp portal [15:33:30] [L] Flerion: на ещё резины [15:33:32] MomenTs issued server command: /we cui [15:33:36] [L] Flerion: и вот тростник [15:33:36] [L] MoRkBa_UA_: cgc [15:33:37] fresh123q issued server command: /call RTXGames123lol [15:33:38] [L] MoRkBa_UA_: sps [15:33:39] MomenTs issued server command: /we cui [15:33:46] [L] Flerion: я знаю как посадить [15:33:48] RTXGames123lol issued server command: /tpaccept [15:33:48] MomenTs issued server command: /home [15:33:49] [L] Flerion: я знаю как получить [15:33:50] MomenTs issued server command: /we cui [15:33:51] [L] Flerion: я знаю как получить резину [15:33:55] DeadWolfWar issued server command: /tpa Blak_loner [15:34:01] Blak_loner issued server command: /tpaccept [15:34:10] GRANDMOTHER044 issued server command: /KIT FOOD [15:34:13] Witherion issued server command: /msg Mok1Cho Пздц как много ему нужно всего> [15:34:14] MomenTs issued server command: /warp portal [15:34:15] MomenTs issued server command: /we cui [15:34:21] GRANDMOTHER044 issued server command: /KIT START [15:34:21] [L] Flerion: короче надо ломать деревья гевеи с мода майнфактори выпадает сырая резина ложишь в верстак и резина [15:34:21] [L] Flerion: с индастриала [15:34:22] MomenTs issued server command: /we cui [15:34:24] Mok1Cho issued server command: /r ага [15:34:24] Blak_loner issued server command: /tpa DeadWolfWar [15:34:25] DeadWolfWar issued server command: /tpaccept [15:34:26] [G] hais3: !куплю железа за алмахы [15:34:27] fresh123q issued server command: /call RTXGames123lol [15:34:27] Andreibrooo issued server command: /warp rz [15:34:29] MakaronKing умер (ENTITY_ATTACK) [15:34:29] RTXGames123lol issued server command: /tpaccept [15:34:29] warves55 issued server command: /home [15:34:29] Andreibrooo issued server command: /warp ez [15:34:30] [L] MoRkBa_UA_: угу [15:34:30] MomenTs issued server command: /home [15:34:31] MomenTs issued server command: /we cui [15:34:32] MakaronKing issued server command: /we cui [15:34:33] vewelon issued server command: /r трулкин [15:34:37] MakaronKing issued server command: /home 1 [15:34:41] Witherion issued server command: /msg Mok1Cho Тупо слышу "ЖРАААААААААТЬ!", "ЖРААААААААААТЬ!" каждую секунду из-за температуры в [15:34:42] Witherion issued server command: /msg Mok1Cho нём... [15:34:42] Andreibrooo issued server command: /hhome [15:34:43] Andreibrooo issued server command: /home [15:34:44] fresh123q issued server command: /home [15:34:45] [L] Flerion: посдаи его [15:34:47] MakaronKing issued server command: /home 1 [15:34:51] [L] Flerion: будет куча резины [15:34:53] Andreibrooo issued server command: /warp ez [15:34:58] fresh123q issued server command: /call RTXGames123lol [15:35:00] RTXGames123lol issued server command: /tpaccept [15:35:01] Andreibrooo issued server command: /warp ez [15:35:02] Andreibrooo issued server command: /home [15:35:04] Mok1Cho issued server command: /r хах у меня тут ме полетело [15:35:06] [L] MoRkBa_UA_: хмммм [15:35:08] Witherion issued server command: /msg Mok1Cho ? [15:35:08] Blak_loner issued server command: /tpa DeadWolfWar [15:35:16] DeadWolfWar issued server command: /tpaccept [15:35:19] Mok1Cho issued server command: /r не работает - [15:35:25] Witherion issued server command: /msg Mok1Cho А чего так? [15:35:38] vewelon issued server command: /r трулкин [15:35:39] Mok1Cho issued server command: /r а вот ето хуй знает [15:35:41] hgufj2 вышел [15:35:43] MakaronKing issued server command: /home [15:35:44] Witherion issued server command: /msg Mok1Cho Щяс прийду. [15:35:47] warves55 issued server command: //wand [15:35:55] Mok1Cho issued server command: /r шаришь в ме сети? [15:35:56] Droness зашёл [15:35:57] KeW1N зашёл [15:35:58] warves55 issued server command: //expand 30 [15:36:00] TrYlKiN зашёл [15:36:04] GRANDMOTHER044 issued server command: /RTP [15:36:05] warves55 issued server command: //expand 30 [15:36:05] Witherion issued server command: /tpa Mok1Cho [15:36:09] warves55 issued server command: //expand 20 [15:36:10] warves55 issued server command: //expand 20 [15:36:12] Droness issued server command: /we cui [15:36:12] warves55 issued server command: //expand 20 [15:36:15] hais3 issued server command: /money [15:36:16] RTXGames123lol вышел [15:36:19] TrYlKiN issued server command: /we cui [15:36:20] [L] Mok1Cho: кажеться починил [15:36:21] warves55 issued server command: /rg delete farm_pauk [15:36:26] Witherion issued server command: /msg Mok1Cho Принима-а-а-а-ай. [15:36:26] KeW1N issued server command: /we cui [15:36:27] MakaronKing issued server command: /warp mining [15:36:27] Mok1Cho issued server command: /r починил вроде) [15:36:28] warves55 issued server command: /rp claim babam [15:36:28] MakaronKing issued server command: /we cui [15:36:31] TrYlKiN issued server command: /home [15:36:33] Witherion issued server command: /msg Mok1Cho Да йобаный :/ [15:36:34] MakaronKing issued server command: /rtp [15:36:34] warves55 issued server command: /rg claim babam [15:36:35] TrYlKiN issued server command: /rtp [15:36:40] MomenTs issued server command: /home [15:36:55] Mok1Cho issued server command: /r а не на половину бля [15:36:56] vewelon issued server command: /r трулкин [15:36:59] Witherion issued server command: /msg Mok1Cho xD [15:37:04] vewelon issued server command: /r квп предлагаю [15:37:06] Mok1Cho issued server command: /r авто крафти не работают [15:37:08] Blak_loner issued server command: /tpa DeadWolfWar [15:37:09] DeadWolfWar issued server command: /tpaccept [15:37:13] KeW1N issued server command: /rtp [15:37:15] Mok1Cho issued server command: /tpaccept [15:37:19] Witherion issued server command: /msg Mok1Cho А, авто-крафты, тогда не принимай xDD [15:37:19] GRANDMOTHER044 issued server command: /RTP [15:37:19] KeW1N issued server command: /warp world [15:37:21] KeW1N issued server command: /we cui [15:37:22] [L] Witherion: Да йоп) [15:37:28] hais3 issued server command: /feed [15:37:30] akelettoyung issued server command: /m TrYlKiN ты берешь? [15:37:33] [L] MoRkBa_UA_: крч [15:37:37] [L] Flerion: что [15:37:37] KeW1N issued server command: /rtp [15:37:41] gosha3214 зашёл [15:37:41] RTXGames123lol зашёл [15:37:42] TrYlKiN issued server command: /m vewelon трейдом [15:37:42] [L] MoRkBa_UA_: нада ветро генератор поставить [15:37:45] RTXGames123lol issued server command: /we cui [15:37:46] [L] Flerion: ок [15:37:48] TrYlKiN issued server command: /m vewelon у меня жуткие лаги [15:37:51] [L] Flerion: а что уже есть мехи? [15:37:52] vlvd_oss issued server command: /home [15:37:57] vlvd_oss issued server command: /we cui [15:37:57] Witherion вышел [15:37:57] vewelon issued server command: /r тп я в чистом месте [15:38:00] [L] Flerion: и панель ставь [15:38:00] gosha3214 issued server command: /we cui [15:38:02] vewelon issued server command: /r я тоже с рг ушел [15:38:02] KeW1N issued server command: /mpcaseshop [15:38:04] KeW1N issued server command: /mpcaseview 1 [15:38:06] KeW1N issued server command: /rollcase 1 [15:38:06] forksel issued server command: /warp nether [15:38:09] forksel issued server command: /we cui [15:38:10] warves55 issued server command: //expand 20 [15:38:10] Mok1Cho issued server command: /r о авто крафти вернулись [15:38:11] vewelon issued server command: /r у меня лагает на базе [15:38:14] TrYlKiN issued server command: /tpa vewelon [15:38:15] warves55 issued server command: /rg delete baban [15:38:19] warves55 issued server command: /rg delete babam [15:38:21] vewelon issued server command: /tpaccept [15:38:22] warves55 issued server command: /rg claim babam [15:38:28] KeW1N issued server command: /rtp [15:38:31] DeadWolfWar issued server command: /home [15:38:32] [L] akelettoyung: сек не вижу [15:38:33] akelettoyung вышел [15:38:33] DeadWolfWar issued server command: /we cui [15:38:35] Blak_loner issued server command: /tpa DeadWolfWar [15:38:39] [L] vewelon: ща [15:38:39] [L] TrYlKiN: так обмен [15:38:42] akelettoyung зашёл [15:38:45] akelettoyung issued server command: /we cui [15:38:50] [L] akelettoyung: не фейк? [15:38:51] Enotik_imba issued server command: /home [15:38:53] Enotik_imba issued server command: /we cui [15:38:55] vihni issued server command: /warp 69 [15:38:57] [L] TrYlKiN: нет [15:38:58] vewelon issued server command: /rg flag domik pvp allow [15:39:02] akelettoyung убил TrYlKiN (DRACONICEVOLUTION_DRACONICDISTRUCTIONSTAFF) [15:39:05] TrYlKiN issued server command: /we cui [15:39:14] vlvd_oss issued server command: /warp portal [15:39:15] Pro100ky issued server command: /home [15:39:16] GRANDMOTHER044 issued server command: /RTP [15:39:16] vlvd_oss issued server command: /we cui [15:39:18] [L] TrYlKiN: щас буду бан кидать [15:39:23] [L] Mok1Cho: большая половина готова [15:39:26] [G] TrYlKiN: !чел я же бан кину [15:39:26] Enotik_imba вышел [15:39:26] hais3 issued server command: /home [15:39:29] [G] gosha3214: ! здесь сумрачный лес есть ? [15:39:29] [L] Mok1Cho: какой бан? [15:39:32] vlvd_oss issued server command: /warp portal [15:39:32] Enotik_imba зашёл [15:39:33] [G] Andreibrooo: !- [15:39:34] DeadWolfWar issued server command: /tpa Blak_loner [15:39:35] Enotik_imba issued server command: /we cui [15:39:35] [G] akelettoyung: !Кидай сейчас все сожгу [15:39:36] vlvd_oss issued server command: /home [15:39:38] vlvd_oss issued server command: /we cui [15:39:39] Blak_loner issued server command: /tpaccept [15:39:40] vlvd_oss issued server command: /warp portal [15:39:40] DeadWolfWar issued server command: /we cui [15:39:43] vlvd_oss issued server command: /we cui [15:39:44] akelettoyung issued server command: /home [15:39:48] vewelon issued server command: /home [15:39:48] [L] Mok1Cho: тебя отпиздили? [15:39:50] TrYlKiN вышел [15:39:56] vlvd_oss issued server command: /we cui [15:40:01] Enotik_imba issued server command: /heal [15:40:05] Blak_loner issued server command: /tpa DeadWolfWar [15:40:05] DeadWolfWar issued server command: /tpaccept [15:40:06] vihni issued server command: /home [15:40:17] GRANDMOTHER044 вышел [15:40:30] hais3 issued server command: /voteday [15:40:30] MoRkBa_UA_ вышел [15:40:32] MomenTs issued server command: /home [15:40:37] MakaronKing issued server command: /yes [15:40:37] warves55 issued server command: /yes [15:40:39] RTXGames123lol issued server command: /yes [15:40:40] KeW1N issued server command: /yes [15:40:50] [G] akelettoyung: !откисай сосямба :) [15:40:55] gosha3214 issued server command: /rtp [15:40:57] vihni issued server command: /warp st [15:41:17] Witherion зашёл [15:41:26] KeW1N issued server command: /mpcaseshop [15:41:27] KeW1N issued server command: /mpcaseview 1 [15:41:28] KeW1N issued server command: /buycase 1 [15:41:31] [G] akelettoyung: !Всё откисайте [15:41:32] Witherion issued server command: /we cui [15:41:32] akelettoyung вышел [15:41:44] Witherion issued server command: /home [15:41:45] MakaronKing умер (LAVA) [15:41:50] [L] Mok1Cho: пойду авто крафти возращать) [15:41:51] MakaronKing issued server command: /we cui [15:41:54] vewelon issued server command: /rtp [15:41:56] MakaronKing issued server command: /kit [15:42:00] MakaronKing issued server command: /kit start [15:42:33] gosha3214 вышел [15:42:40] forksel issued server command: /home [15:42:43] forksel issued server command: /we cui [15:42:43] RTXGames123lol вышел [15:42:52] DimaBloger зашёл [15:42:53] hgufj2 зашёл [15:42:54] vihni issued server command: /home [15:42:55] fresh123q issued server command: /emerald [15:42:56] vewelon issued server command: /home [15:42:59] fresh123q issued server command: /money [15:43:08] hgufj2 issued server command: /we cui [15:43:13] KeW1N issued server command: /rtp [15:43:22] MakaronKing issued server command: /warp -p [15:43:28] MakaronKing issued server command: /warp list -p [15:43:33] KicX вышел [15:43:35] MakaronKing issued server command: /warp pve [15:43:36] KeW1N issued server command: /rtp [15:43:37] MakaronKing issued server command: /we cui [15:43:42] MakaronKing умер (PROJECTILE) [15:43:43] DimaBloger был кикнут [15:43:43] DimaBloger вышел [15:43:46] DimaBloger зашёл [15:43:47] MakaronKing issued server command: /we cui [15:43:48] MakaronKing issued server command: /warp pve [15:43:49] warves55 issued server command: /kits [15:43:49] MakaronKing issued server command: /we cui [15:43:50] vewelon issued server command: /rtp [15:43:51] Andreibrooo issued server command: /warpez [15:43:51] warves55 issued server command: /kit start [15:43:52] Enotik_imba issued server command: /heal [15:43:53] DimaBloger issued server command: /we cui [15:43:54] Andreibrooo issued server command: /warp ez [15:43:57] Vasyusha зашёл [15:44:00] MakaronKing issued server command: /warp 69 [15:44:02] MakaronKing issued server command: /we cui [15:44:06] KeW1N issued server command: /rtp [15:44:09] MoRkBa_UA_ зашёл [15:44:12] Vasyusha issued server command: /we cui [15:44:18] fresh123q issued server command: /home [15:44:24] KeW1N issued server command: /rtp [15:44:26] Pro100ky issued server command: /home [15:44:26] fresh123q умер (FIRE_TICK) [15:44:26] MoRkBa_UA_ issued server command: /we cui [15:44:27] fresh123q issued server command: /we cui [15:44:30] Witherion issued server command: /msg Mok1Cho У тебя квг'шку можно на сек. одолжить? [15:44:32] Enotik_imba issued server command: /warp an [15:44:34] Enotik_imba issued server command: /we cui [15:44:44] DimaBloger был кикнут [15:44:44] DimaBloger вышел [15:44:45] [L] vewelon: 1 [15:44:46] DimaBloger зашёл [15:44:51] Mok1Cho issued server command: /r ну ето хз [15:44:53] MakaronKing issued server command: /warp case [15:44:55] [L] Flerion: мы уже норм прокчались [15:44:55] MakaronKing issued server command: /we cui [15:44:55] Andreibrooo issued server command: /warp e [15:44:55] Andreibrooo issued server command: /home [15:44:56] Mok1Cho issued server command: /r а для чего? [15:45:01] Witherion issued server command: /msg Mok1Cho Переработать звезду. [15:45:03] DimaBloger был кикнут [15:45:03] DimaBloger вышел [15:45:09] Andreibrooo issued server command: /warp ez [15:45:17] DimaBloger зашёл [15:45:22] DimaBloger issued server command: /we cui [15:45:29] Mok1Cho issued server command: /r кинь по трейду переработаю [15:45:32] Lasx issued server command: /home Luas [15:46:01] Witherion issued server command: /msg Mok1Cho +сможешь в сонариум блоки ещё закинуть? [15:46:09] forksel issued server command: /home [15:46:09] Pro100ky issued server command: /home [15:46:11] Witherion issued server command: /trade Mok1Cho [15:46:15] vewelon issued server command: /rtp [15:46:17] Mok1Cho issued server command: /r да [15:46:19] Mok1Cho issued server command: /trade accept [15:46:30] KeW1N умер (ENTITY_ATTACK) [15:46:35] KeW1N issued server command: /we cui [15:46:36] Witherion issued server command: /msg Mok1Cho А стоп [15:46:38] Witherion issued server command: /msg Mok1Cho Б*я [15:46:40] Witherion issued server command: /msg Mok1Cho Что?!)) [15:46:40] MakaronKing issued server command: /warp list -p [15:46:41] MoRkBa_UA_ issued server command: /home [15:46:44] Mok1Cho issued server command: /r ахахах [15:46:45] Witherion issued server command: /msg Mok1Cho Зачем... [15:46:45] KeW1N issued server command: /warp world [15:46:46] KeW1N issued server command: /we cui [15:46:48] MakaronKing issued server command: /warp magnit [15:46:49] MakaronKing issued server command: /we cui [15:46:50] KeW1N issued server command: /rtp [15:46:50] Stroof4 зашёл [15:46:54] Witherion issued server command: /msg Mok1Cho Пздц байт...Ну нафига?)) [15:46:55] [L] vewelon: 1 [15:46:55] Veles0 issued server command: /craft [15:46:55] Stroof4 issued server command: /we cui [15:47:04] Enotik_imba issued server command: /warp pvp [15:47:05] Mok1Cho issued server command: /trade Witherion [15:47:06] Enotik_imba issued server command: /we cui [15:47:08] Witherion issued server command: /trade accept [15:47:08] KeW1N issued server command: /rtp [15:47:16] Veles0 issued server command: /craft [15:47:21] [G] Enotik_imba: !/warp pvp [15:47:23] KeW1N issued server command: /rtp [15:47:24] Witherion issued server command: /msg Mok1Cho Спасибо большое! ^^ [15:47:25] KeW1N issued server command: /rtp [15:47:26] fresh123q issued server command: //wand [15:47:27] KeW1N issued server command: /rtp [15:47:32] Stroof4 вышел [15:47:35] Mok1Cho issued server command: /r () [15:47:36] KeW1N issued server command: /rtp [15:47:38] fresh123q issued server command: /rg claim kiki2 [15:47:41] KeW1N issued server command: /rtp [15:47:41] vewelon issued server command: /home [15:47:43] fresh123q issued server command: //sel [15:47:45] [G] hgufj2: ! кто продаст кольцо ангела драконьи крылья? [15:47:47] KeW1N issued server command: /rtp [15:47:48] DimaBloger вышел [15:47:48] vewelon issued server command: /home [15:47:49] Veles0 issued server command: /craft [15:47:49] KeW1N issued server command: /rtp [15:47:51] KeW1N issued server command: /rtp [15:47:54] DimaBloger зашёл [15:47:55] MomenTs issued server command: /w hgufj2 За сколько? [15:47:55] MakaronKing issued server command: /h [15:47:59] MakaronKing issued server command: /home [15:48:01] DimaBloger issued server command: /we cui [15:48:10] hgufj2 issued server command: /m MomenTs 1 звезда [15:48:21] Witherion issued server command: /msg Mok1Cho Хочу уже хотя-бы 4-ые лвлы сделать... [15:48:23] MomenTs issued server command: /r 40 эм и го [15:48:24] Veles0 issued server command: /craft [15:48:28] Witherion issued server command: /msg Mok1Cho А то ядерка пугает ещё больше [15:48:30] [G] Enotik_imba: !/warp pvp [15:48:30] traktorist720 issued server command: /HOME [15:48:32] traktorist720 issued server command: /we cui [15:48:43] hgufj2 issued server command: /m MomenTs 1 звезду дам эмов нет [15:48:43] Mok1Cho issued server command: /r ех с квг все изи [15:48:43] KeW1N issued server command: /rtp [15:48:47] KeW1N issued server command: /rtp [15:48:49] mrggame зашёл [15:48:49] KeW1N issued server command: /rtp [15:48:51] mrggame issued server command: /we cui [15:48:52] KeW1N issued server command: /rtp [15:48:54] Witherion issued server command: /msg Mok1Cho Ну у тебя их 3)) [15:48:56] vewelon issued server command: /warp pve [15:49:01] vewelon issued server command: /we cui [15:49:02] hgufj2 issued server command: /trade MomenTs [15:49:11] MomenTs issued server command: /r 5 тогда , 1 в крафте участвует , смысл мне от 1? [15:49:11] RTXGames123lol зашёл [15:49:11] DeadWolfWar вышел [15:49:13] Witherion issued server command: /msg Mok1Cho Я то с 2-мя 2-ыми и 2-мя 1-ыми сижу xD [15:49:14] Mok1Cho issued server command: /home [15:49:18] DeadWolfWar зашёл [15:49:20] DeadWolfWar issued server command: /we cui [15:49:22] Enotik_imba issued server command: /spawn [15:49:23] Mok1Cho issued server command: /r ахах [15:49:24] Enotik_imba issued server command: /we cui [15:49:30] RTXGames123lol issued server command: /we cui [15:49:35] Andreibrooo issued server command: /рщьу [15:49:35] hgufj2 issued server command: /m MomenTs какие 5 звезд [15:49:36] Andreibrooo issued server command: /warp ez [15:49:37] vihni issued server command: /warp st [15:49:39] Mok1Cho issued server command: /r ща попробую найти может гдн 4 лвл потерялся) [15:49:41] KeW1N issued server command: /rtp [15:49:43] KeW1N issued server command: /rtp [15:49:46] KeW1N issued server command: /rtp [15:49:48] KeW1N issued server command: /rtp [15:49:52] KeW1N issued server command: /rtp [15:49:55] Enotik_imba issued server command: /warp an [15:49:57] Enotik_imba issued server command: /we cui [15:50:07] KeW1N issued server command: /kit start [15:50:07] Mok1Cho issued server command: /trade Witherion [15:50:11] vlvd_oss issued server command: /home [15:50:14] vlvd_oss issued server command: /we cui [15:50:19] Lexamon issued server command: /sethome [15:50:22] hgufj2 issued server command: /m MomenTs 40 эм давай и все [15:50:24] Pro100ky issued server command: /warp portal [15:50:24] Mok1Cho issued server command: /trade Witherion [15:50:26] Pro100ky issued server command: /we cui [15:50:31] MomenTs issued server command: /r Ок , сча будет [15:50:32] RTXGames123lol issued server command: /money [15:50:33] Pro100ky issued server command: /we cui [15:50:36] MomenTs issued server command: /r Так бы сразу [15:50:36] MomenTs issued server command: /home [15:50:38] warves55 issued server command: /kit eat [15:50:42] Andreibrooo issued server command: /цфкз уя [15:50:42] Witherion issued server command: /msg Mok1Cho Не, ненад...И так много с чем помог. [15:50:43] Andreibrooo issued server command: /warp ez [15:50:43] warves55 issued server command: /warp portal [15:50:45] warves55 issued server command: /we cui [15:50:47] Veles0 issued server command: /craft [15:50:49] [G] Flerion: !Где можно зарядить жезл [15:50:51] Mok1Cho issued server command: /r та прими йомайо [15:50:52] Mok1Cho issued server command: / [15:50:54] Witherion issued server command: /trade accept [15:50:55] Mok1Cho issued server command: /trade Witherion [15:50:59] warves55 issued server command: /we cui [15:50:59] Veles0 issued server command: /craft [15:51:14] Witherion issued server command: /msg Mok1Cho Ну это пздц... [15:51:15] Veles0 issued server command: /warp mining [15:51:18] Veles0 issued server command: /we cui [15:51:19] Mok1Cho issued server command: /r теперь легче будет жить) [15:51:20] Blak_loner умер (PROJECTILE) [15:51:23] Witherion issued server command: /msg Mok1Cho Я потом верну же! Сбасибо огромнейшее! ^^ [15:51:29] vlvd_oss issued server command: /warp portal [15:51:31] vlvd_oss issued server command: /we cui [15:51:42] vlvd_oss issued server command: /we cui [15:51:54] Witherion issued server command: /msg Mok1Cho Ой [15:51:54] Blak_loner вышел [15:51:59] Witherion issued server command: /msg Mok1Cho Взорвался :/ [15:52:00] MomenTs issued server command: /trade accept [15:52:01] warves55 issued server command: /rtp [15:52:01] [L] Flerion: ты построил уже ветряк? [15:52:12] RTXGames123lol issued server command: /home [15:52:13] Flerion issued server command: /rtp [15:52:13] MomenTs issued server command: /trade hgufj2 [15:52:18] [L] MoRkBa_UA_: не мешай [15:52:24] warves55 issued server command: /pm Witherion не найдется свето пыли [15:52:25] Andreibrooo issued server command: /warp enderfarm [15:52:27] Andreibrooo issued server command: /warp farmender [15:52:32] Andreibrooo issued server command: /warp world [15:52:32] Veles0 issued server command: /craft [15:52:33] Andreibrooo issued server command: //wand [15:52:38] Andreibrooo issued server command: /we cui [15:52:42] Andreibrooo issued server command: /warp world [15:52:43] Marmelad_e вышел [15:52:44] Andreibrooo issued server command: /we cui [15:52:50] Andreibrooo issued server command: /we cui [15:52:51] MomenTs issued server command: /trade hgufj2 [15:52:52] Andreibrooo issued server command: /warp farmender [15:52:58] Stroof4 зашёл [15:53:00] vewelon issued server command: /home [15:53:00] Mok1Cho issued server command: /r базу взорвало? [15:53:00] Stroof4 issued server command: /we cui [15:53:02] vewelon issued server command: /we cui [15:53:06] Stroof4 issued server command: /home [15:53:08] warves55 issued server command: /warp portal [15:53:09] warves55 issued server command: /we cui [15:53:09] DeadWolfWar вышел [15:53:11] Witherion issued server command: /msg Mok1Cho Ток реактор йобнул и убил меня [15:53:13] Andreibrooo issued server command: //expand 50 u [15:53:14] Andreibrooo issued server command: //expand 50 d [15:53:20] Andreibrooo issued server command: /rg claim farmsuk [15:53:23] Pro100ky issued server command: /home [15:53:23] warves55 issued server command: /we cui [15:53:24] Witherion issued server command: /msg warves55 Сколько? [15:53:25] Pro100ky issued server command: /we cui [15:53:25] KicX зашёл [15:53:25] traktorist720 умер (MAGIC) [15:53:27] KicX issued server command: /we cui [15:53:27] traktorist720 issued server command: /we cui [15:53:30] Andreibrooo issued server command: /rg claim farmsuk [15:53:32] hgufj2 issued server command: /m MomenTs ща выведу [15:53:32] Andreibrooo issued server command: //sel [15:53:32] Stroof4 issued server command: /voteday [15:53:36] Veles0 issued server command: /no [15:53:37] MomenTs issued server command: /yes [15:53:37] vihni issued server command: /yes [15:53:37] Witherion issued server command: /yes [15:53:38] Lexamon issued server command: /yes [15:53:38] KeW1N issued server command: /yes [15:53:39] warves55 issued server command: /r Witherion сколько не жалко я пытаюсь понель сделать [15:53:40] MoRkBa_UA_ issued server command: /home [15:53:41] hais3 issued server command: /yes [15:53:44] vlvd_oss issued server command: /home [15:53:46] vlvd_oss issued server command: /we cui [15:53:47] [L] vihni: как те [15:53:51] VadimScorpion зашёл [15:53:57] Witherion issued server command: /trade warves55 [15:54:00] warves55 issued server command: /trade accept [15:54:04] vlvd_oss issued server command: /warp portal [15:54:04] Andreibrooo issued server command: /warp ez [15:54:06] vlvd_oss issued server command: /we cui [15:54:06] Andreibrooo issued server command: /we cui [15:54:10] KeW1N issued server command: /rtp [15:54:10] VadimScorpion issued server command: /we cui [15:54:13] hgufj2 issued server command: /money4 [15:54:14] hgufj2 issued server command: /money [15:54:16] warves55 issued server command: /r бля ты лучший [15:54:16] Witherion issued server command: /msg warves55 Будет мало - скажи. [15:54:17] Flerion issued server command: /home [15:54:21] warves55 issued server command: /home [15:54:22] [G] hgufj2: ! как посмотреть баланс? [15:54:22] vlvd_oss issued server command: /we cui [15:54:22] warves55 issued server command: /we cui [15:54:28] [G] MomenTs: ! .ьщтун [15:54:30] forksel issued server command: /tpa vihni [15:54:31] [L] vihni: не копай [15:54:32] [G] Veles0: !/money [15:54:33] [L] vihni: те [15:54:33] [G] MomenTs: ! /money [15:54:39] Stroof4 вышел [15:54:43] vihni issued server command: /tpaccept [15:54:44] x_NevadA_x issued server command: /money [15:54:48] hgufj2 issued server command: /help [15:54:48] KicX issued server command: /home [15:54:50] KicX issued server command: /heal [15:54:51] MoRkBa_UA_ issued server command: /home [15:54:57] x_NevadA_x issued server command: /money [15:54:57] Vasyusha вышел [15:54:58] vewelon issued server command: /home [15:55:05] hgufj2 issued server command: /kit [15:55:08] [L] vihni: нет [15:55:11] [L] vihni: сто [15:55:31] DeadWolfWar зашёл [15:55:32] DeadWolfWar issued server command: /we cui [15:55:34] MoRkBa_UA_ issued server command: /home [15:55:36] Lexamon issued server command: /sethome [15:55:39] forksel issued server command: /trade vihni [15:55:39] forksel issued server command: /trade vihni [15:55:53] forksel issued server command: /home [15:55:56] Lexamon вышел [15:55:59] forksel issued server command: /home [15:56:01] Droness issued server command: /warp abyss [15:56:02] vewelon issued server command: /spawn [15:56:05] vewelon issued server command: /we cui [15:56:10] forksel issued server command: /home [15:56:10] Blak_loner зашёл [15:56:17] VadimScorpion вышел [15:56:17] Mok1Cho issued server command: /home [15:56:24] Blak_loner issued server command: /we cui [15:56:26] VadimScorpion зашёл [15:56:27] _ViktoriyaYanch_ зашёл [15:56:28] Enotik_imba issued server command: /heal [15:56:28] VadimScorpion issued server command: /we cui [15:56:37] Blak_loner issued server command: /tpa DeadWolfWar [15:56:37] _ViktoriyaYanch_ issued server command: /we cui [15:56:37] traktorist720 вышел [15:56:39] forksel issued server command: /home [15:56:43] vewelon issued server command: /home [15:56:43] DeadWolfWar issued server command: /tpaccept [15:56:44] vewelon issued server command: /we cui [15:56:47] Blak_loner issued server command: /we cui [15:56:52] vewelon issued server command: /rg remove domik [15:57:11] MoRkBa_UA_ issued server command: /wand [15:57:12] Witherion вышел [15:57:16] MoRkBa_UA_ issued server command: //wand [15:57:21] Witherion зашёл [15:57:23] Witherion issued server command: /we cui [15:57:24] mrggame issued server command: /home [15:57:25] KicX issued server command: /home [15:57:27] RTXGames123lol вышел [15:57:30] _ViktoriyaYanch_ issued server command: /кез [15:57:32] _ViktoriyaYanch_ issued server command: /rtp [15:57:35] _ViktoriyaYanch_ issued server command: /tpr [15:57:35] hgufj2 issued server command: /trade MomenTs [15:57:38] Witherion вышел [15:57:42] MomenTs issued server command: /trade accept [15:57:45] _ViktoriyaYanch_ issued server command: /warp world [15:57:46] _ViktoriyaYanch_ issued server command: /we cui [15:57:48] _ViktoriyaYanch_ issued server command: /rtp [15:57:55] KeW1N issued server command: /rtp [15:57:59] MakaronKing issued server command: /home [15:57:59] Witherion зашёл [15:58:02] Witherion issued server command: /we cui [15:58:04] Droness issued server command: /home [15:58:06] [L] MoRkBa_UA_: нифига [15:58:15] Mok1Cho issued server command: /home [15:58:15] MomenTs issued server command: /r ? -_- [15:58:17] hgufj2 issued server command: /money [15:58:18] _ViktoriyaYanch_ issued server command: /rtp [15:58:22] hgufj2 issued server command: /trade MomenTs [15:58:23] Veles0 issued server command: /rtp [15:58:25] MomenTs issued server command: /trade accept [15:58:25] Droness issued server command: /botania-share botania.entry.terrasteel [15:58:29] [L] Flerion: что [15:58:37] [L] MoRkBa_UA_: посмотри на дерево [15:58:44] [L] Flerion: ебать [15:58:52] [L] Flerion: добудь его [15:58:53] [L] MoRkBa_UA_: за 110 [15:58:56] [L] MoRkBa_UA_: не [15:59:03] [L] Flerion: стой тп на хом [15:59:04] warvis зашёл [15:59:06] [L] Flerion: я покажу [15:59:12] MoRkBa_UA_ issued server command: /rg claim fan3 [15:59:12] vihni issued server command: /rtp [15:59:22] Veles0 issued server command: /heal [15:59:25] Blak_loner issued server command: /tpa DeadWolfWar [15:59:26] [L] Flerion: я покажу прикол [15:59:26] DeadWolfWar issued server command: /tpaccept [15:59:28] vlvd_oss issued server command: /home [15:59:30] _ViktoriyaYanch_ issued server command: /rtp [15:59:31] vlvd_oss issued server command: /we cui [15:59:34] Andreibrooo issued server command: /home [15:59:38] Flerion issued server command: /call mor [15:59:42] MoRkBa_UA_ issued server command: /rg claim fan3 [15:59:47] MoRkBa_UA_ issued server command: /tpyes [15:59:49] _ViktoriyaYanch_ issued server command: /rtp [15:59:51] vihni issued server command: /home [15:59:52] [L] Flerion: смотри [15:59:53] _ViktoriyaYanch_ issued server command: /wand [15:59:53] [L] MoRkBa_UA_: приватни [15:59:55] _ViktoriyaYanch_ issued server command: //wand [15:59:55] vihni issued server command: /warp st [15:59:58] [L] Flerion: сюда иди [16:00:02] [L] MoRkBa_UA_: блять [16:00:02] _ViktoriyaYanch_ issued server command: //sel [16:00:06] [G] forksel: !806 [16:00:17] [L] MoRkBa_UA_: зделай приват [16:00:19] Mok1Cho issued server command: /warp pve [16:00:22] [L] Flerion: где [16:00:23] Mok1Cho issued server command: /we cui [16:00:26] [L] Flerion: топор дай [16:00:37] [L] MoRkBa_UA_: ето для генератора [16:00:44] [L] Flerion: топор дай [16:00:45] [L] MoRkBa_UA_: от сбда до [16:01:01] [L] MoRkBa_UA_: до туда [16:01:04] Witherion issued server command: /msg Mok1Cho Кста, а у кого ты КВГ'хи купил? [16:01:04] [L] Flerion: где лестица [16:01:06] vlvd_oss issued server command: /mpcaseshop [16:01:07] [L] Flerion: где лестница [16:01:08] [L] MoRkBa_UA_: да [16:01:10] Enotik_imba issued server command: /heal [16:01:12] [L] Flerion: дай [16:01:12] Lasx issued server command: /home Luas [16:01:14] [L] Flerion: топор [16:01:15] Mok1Cho issued server command: /r били [16:01:15] vlvd_oss issued server command: /mpcaseview 1 [16:01:18] vlvd_oss issued server command: /mpcaseshop [16:01:20] Lexamon зашёл [16:01:22] Lexamon issued server command: /we cui [16:01:23] [L] MoRkBa_UA_: дал уже [16:01:28] Witherion issued server command: /msg Mok1Cho Били? Это кто? [16:01:29] [L] Flerion: где [16:01:35] VadimScorpion issued server command: /warp portal [16:01:38] warvis вышел [16:01:38] VadimScorpion issued server command: /we cui [16:01:40] vewelon issued server command: /warp case [16:01:41] [L] Flerion: а всё [16:01:42] vewelon issued server command: /we cui [16:01:43] Witherion issued server command: /msg Mok1Cho Он онлайн? [16:01:44] hgufj2 issued server command: /home [16:01:49] VadimScorpion issued server command: /we cui [16:01:51] Flerion issued server command: /home [16:01:54] vihni issued server command: /rtp [16:01:58] Mok1Cho issued server command: /home [16:01:58] KeW1N умер (ENTITY_ATTACK) [16:02:02] KeW1N issued server command: /we cui [16:02:03] Mok1Cho issued server command: /we cui [16:02:17] KeW1N issued server command: /kit start [16:02:20] vlvd_oss issued server command: /home [16:02:24] KeW1N issued server command: /warp mining [16:02:25] Veles0 issued server command: /eat [16:02:26] KeW1N issued server command: /we cui [16:02:27] Flerion issued server command: /rg claim Flerion [16:02:31] _PisuN_ зашёл [16:02:33] vlvd_oss вышел [16:02:36] Mok1Cho вышел [16:02:37] [L] MoRkBa_UA_: инвайтни [16:02:42] DeadWolfWar вышел [16:02:43] Blak_loner issued server command: /tpa DeadWolfWar [16:02:43] _PisuN_ issued server command: /we cui [16:02:44] hgufj2 issued server command: /home di [16:02:46] Flerion issued server command: /rg addmember Flerion MoRkBa_UA_ [16:02:48] DeadWolfWar зашёл [16:02:49] [L] Flerion: всё [16:02:50] DeadWolfWar issued server command: /we cui [16:02:51] mrsuperman69 зашёл [16:02:55] [L] MoRkBa_UA_: спс [16:02:56] Flerion issued server command: //sel [16:02:58] mrsuperman69 issued server command: /we cui [16:03:00] mrggame issued server command: /home [16:03:01] vewelon issued server command: /money [16:03:02] [L] MoRkBa_UA_: дайно топор [16:03:05] DeadWolfWar вышел [16:03:07] MoRkBa_UA_ issued server command: /home [16:03:07] Blak_loner issued server command: / [16:03:07] vihni issued server command: /rtp [16:03:09] DeadWolfWar зашёл [16:03:10] DeadWolfWar issued server command: /we cui [16:03:12] Blak_loner issued server command: /tpa DeadWolfWar [16:03:15] DeadWolfWar issued server command: /tpaccept [16:03:19] DeadWolfWar вышел [16:03:23] DeadWolfWar зашёл [16:03:24] DeadWolfWar issued server command: /we cui [16:03:26] MomenTs issued server command: /home [16:03:26] [L] MoRkBa_UA_: где ти [16:03:30] [L] Flerion: на [16:03:31] KeW1N issued server command: /rtp [16:03:33] [L] MoRkBa_UA_: дайно топор [16:03:38] [L] MoRkBa_UA_: спс [16:03:43] Pro100ky issued server command: /home [16:03:48] forksel issued server command: /home [16:03:48] hais3 issued server command: /feed [16:03:50] [L] Flerion: сюда [16:03:58] [L] Flerion: смотри [16:04:06] [L] Flerion: сюда [16:04:08] hais3 вышел [16:04:15] vihni issued server command: /home [16:04:16] [L] Flerion: стойц [16:04:17] vihni issued server command: /warp st [16:04:19] [L] Flerion: сюда [16:04:20] Blak_loner issued server command: /hom [16:04:22] [L] Flerion: сломай [16:04:24] Blak_loner issued server command: /home [16:04:27] Blak_loner issued server command: /we cui [16:04:28] [L] MoRkBa_UA_: не [16:04:28] [L] Flerion: это [16:04:31] KeW1N issued server command: /kit [16:04:32] Blak_loner issued server command: /tpa DeadWolfWar [16:04:34] DeadWolfWar issued server command: /tpaccept [16:04:35] KeW1N issued server command: /kit eat [16:04:35] [L] Flerion: видишь резина выпала [16:04:36] gosha3214 зашёл [16:04:37] [L] Flerion: сюда [16:04:37] [L] MoRkBa_UA_: лол [16:04:38] Blak_loner issued server command: /we cui [16:04:47] warvis зашёл [16:04:53] _PisuN_ issued server command: /rtp [16:04:56] gosha3214 issued server command: /we cui [16:04:59] [L] Flerion: ложи её в верстак [16:05:01] [L] Flerion: резину [16:05:04] MakaronKing умер (ENTITY_ATTACK) [16:05:05] MakaronKing issued server command: /we cui [16:05:07] warvis issued server command: /we cui [16:05:10] forksel вышел [16:05:11] [L] Flerion: дай мне [16:05:19] [L] Flerion: ну как [16:05:23] forksel зашёл [16:05:25] KicX issued server command: /home [16:05:27] forksel issued server command: /we cui [16:05:29] Andreibrooo issued server command: /warp ez [16:05:31] fresh123q issued server command: /rtp [16:05:34] [L] Flerion: за какждый блок дерева этой гевеи 1 резина [16:05:42] [L] Flerion: ну как [16:05:47] [L] MoRkBa_UA_: круто [16:06:09] mrggame issued server command: /home [16:06:24] [G] warves55: !куплю бумагу [16:06:26] [L] _PisuN_: ass [16:06:28] RTXGames123lol зашёл [16:06:31] Pro100ky issued server command: /home [16:06:41] vewelon issued server command: /home [16:06:42] vewelon issued server command: /we cui [16:06:44] RTXGames123lol issued server command: /we cui [16:06:55] fresh123q issued server command: /home [16:07:02] fresh123q issued server command: /trade RTXGames123lol [16:07:02] fresh123q issued server command: /trade RTXGames123lol [16:07:02] fresh123q issued server command: /trade RTXGames123lol [16:07:06] Droness вышел [16:07:12] Blak_loner issued server command: /tpa DeadWolfWar [16:07:19] DeadWolfWar issued server command: /tpaccept [16:07:51] Witherion вышел [16:07:54] MomenTs issued server command: /voteday [16:07:58] RTXGames123lol issued server command: /rtp [16:07:59] _ViktoriyaYanch_ issued server command: /yes [16:08:00] KeW1N issued server command: /yes [16:08:01] mrggame issued server command: /home [16:08:05] [L] warves55: 806 [16:08:08] [G] warves55: !806 [16:08:09] vewelon issued server command: /warp end [16:08:14] [G] warves55: !796 [16:08:14] KicX был кикнут [16:08:14] KicX вышел [16:08:15] vihni issued server command: /home [16:08:16] x_NevadA_x был кикнут [16:08:16] x_NevadA_x вышел [16:08:16] valera_zakon был кикнут [16:08:16] valera_zakon вышел [16:08:16] Andreibrooo был кикнут [16:08:16] Andreibrooo вышел [16:08:16] Lasx был кикнут [16:08:16] Lasx вышел [16:08:16] MomenTs был кикнут [16:08:16] MomenTs вышел [16:08:16] Veles0 был кикнут [16:08:16] Veles0 вышел [16:08:16] Pro100ky был кикнут [16:08:16] Pro100ky вышел [16:08:17] Flerion был кикнут [16:08:17] Flerion вышел [16:08:17] vihni был кикнут [16:08:17] vihni вышел [16:08:17] vewelon был кикнут [16:08:17] vewelon вышел [16:08:17] animeshka66 был кикнут [16:08:17] animeshka66 вышел [16:08:17] warves55 был кикнут [16:08:17] warves55 вышел [16:08:17] Enotik_imba был кикнут [16:08:17] Enotik_imba вышел [16:08:17] hgufj2 был кикнут [16:08:17] hgufj2 вышел [16:08:17] MoRkBa_UA_ был кикнут [16:08:17] MoRkBa_UA_ вышел [16:08:17] fresh123q был кикнут [16:08:17] fresh123q вышел [16:08:17] DimaBloger был кикнут [16:08:17] DimaBloger вышел [16:08:17] mrggame был кикнут [16:08:17] mrggame вышел [16:08:17] Blak_loner был кикнут [16:08:17] Blak_loner вышел [16:08:17] VadimScorpion был кикнут [16:08:17] VadimScorpion вышел [16:08:17] _ViktoriyaYanch_ был кикнут [16:08:17] _ViktoriyaYanch_ вышел [16:08:17] Lexamon был кикнут [16:08:17] Lexamon вышел [16:08:17] KeW1N был кикнут [16:08:17] KeW1N вышел [16:08:17] _PisuN_ был кикнут [16:08:17] _PisuN_ вышел [16:08:17] mrsuperman69 был кикнут [16:08:17] mrsuperman69 вышел [16:08:17] DeadWolfWar был кикнут [16:08:17] DeadWolfWar вышел [16:08:17] gosha3214 был кикнут [16:08:17] gosha3214 вышел [16:08:17] warvis был кикнут [16:08:17] warvis вышел [16:08:17] MakaronKing был кикнут [16:08:17] MakaronKing вышел [16:08:17] forksel был кикнут [16:08:17] forksel вышел [16:08:17] RTXGames123lol был кикнут [16:08:17] RTXGames123lol вышел [16:08:19] Сервер выключился [16:09:17] Сервер включился [16:09:42] Lexamon зашёл [16:09:42] mrsuperman69 зашёл [16:09:43] Blak_loner зашёл [16:09:43] mrsuperman69 issued server command: /we cui [16:09:43] forksel зашёл [16:09:43] Lexamon issued server command: /we cui [16:09:45] Enotik_imba зашёл [16:09:46] warvis зашёл [16:09:46] forksel issued server command: /we cui [16:09:48] Blak_loner issued server command: /we cui [16:09:48] Enotik_imba issued server command: /we cui [16:09:48] RTXGames123lol зашёл [16:09:50] RTXGames123lol issued server command: /we cui [16:09:51] warvis issued server command: /we cui [16:09:53] KeW1N зашёл [16:09:55] mrggame зашёл [16:09:55] warvis умер (PROJECTILE) [16:09:55] KeW1N issued server command: /we cui [16:09:56] MoRkBa_UA_ зашёл [16:09:56] mrggame issued server command: /we cui [16:09:57] warvis issued server command: /we cui [16:09:58] fresh123q зашёл [16:10:00] DimaBloger зашёл [16:10:00] gosha3214 зашёл [16:10:02] MoRkBa_UA_ issued server command: /we cui [16:10:02] fresh123q issued server command: /we cui [16:10:04] gosha3214 issued server command: /we cui [16:10:06] DimaBloger issued server command: /we cui [16:10:06] Lexamon issued server command: /sethome [16:10:09] x_NevadA_x зашёл [16:10:11] x_NevadA_x issued server command: /we cui [16:10:32] vihni зашёл [16:10:37] vewelon зашёл [16:10:39] vihni issued server command: /we cui [16:10:40] vewelon issued server command: /we cui [16:10:42] VadimScorpion зашёл [16:10:44] DeadWolfWar зашёл [16:10:45] VadimScorpion issued server command: /we cui [16:10:46] DeadWolfWar issued server command: /we cui [16:10:49] Enotik_imba issued server command: /heal [16:10:52] Witherion зашёл [16:10:54] Witherion issued server command: /we cui [16:10:59] Flerion зашёл [16:11:01] vihni issued server command: /warp st [16:11:03] Flerion issued server command: /we cui [16:11:13] KeW1N issued server command: /rtp [16:11:13] hgufj2 зашёл [16:11:33] Blak_loner issued server command: /home [16:11:35] Blak_loner issued server command: /we cui [16:11:36] hgufj2 issued server command: /we cui [16:11:37] _PisuN_ зашёл [16:11:39] _PisuN_ issued server command: /we cui [16:11:39] DeadWolfWar issued server command: /home [16:11:41] DeadWolfWar issued server command: /we cui [16:11:41] MakaronKing зашёл [16:11:42] MakaronKing issued server command: /we cui [16:11:43] forksel issued server command: /home [16:11:55] animeshka66 зашёл [16:11:58] animeshka66 issued server command: /we cui [16:12:00] Pro100ky зашёл [16:12:02] mrsuperman69 issued server command: /kit start [16:12:02] Pro100ky issued server command: /we cui [16:12:08] vewelon issued server command: /warp wordl [16:12:10] vewelon issued server command: /warp world [16:12:15] Lasx зашёл [16:12:16] vewelon issued server command: /we cui [16:12:17] Lasx issued server command: /we cui [16:12:22] _ViktoriyaYanch_ зашёл [16:12:22] [L] MoRkBa_UA_: на [16:12:23] DimaBloger issued server command: /kit eat [16:12:23] _ViktoriyaYanch_ issued server command: /we cui [16:12:29] animeshka66 issued server command: /home [16:12:29] KicX зашёл [16:12:31] KicX issued server command: /we cui [16:12:33] [L] Flerion: кого [16:12:36] RTXGames123lol issued server command: /home [16:12:37] [L] Flerion: круто [16:12:42] [L] MoRkBa_UA_: голову крипера [16:12:57] Lasx issued server command: /home Luas [16:12:58] TrYlKiN зашёл [16:13:01] animeshka66 issued server command: /home [16:13:03] warves55 зашёл [16:13:05] warves55 issued server command: /we cui [16:13:06] [G] DimaBloger: !Сколько эмов стоить панель 2 лвла? [16:13:17] TrYlKiN issued server command: /we cui [16:13:30] TrYlKiN issued server command: /rtp [16:13:35] Lexamon issued server command: /sethome [16:13:36] MoRkBa_UA_ issued server command: /home [16:13:49] [G] animeshka66: !+-100 эм ов [16:13:58] [G] forksel: !куплю 80 сонариума [16:14:04] [G] animeshka66: !продам [16:14:13] [G] forksel: ! цена [16:14:19] [G] animeshka66: !минималка [16:14:26] forksel issued server command: /trade animeshka66 [16:14:27] Enotik_imba issued server command: /home [16:14:29] Enotik_imba issued server command: /we cui [16:14:32] DimaBloger issued server command: /rtp [16:14:38] [G] animeshka66: !щас 5 сек [16:14:42] Witherion issued server command: /msg Mok1Cho Нифига не пойму [16:14:59] animeshka66 issued server command: /home [16:15:21] MomenTs зашёл [16:15:23] MomenTs issued server command: /we cui [16:15:36] TrYlKiN issued server command: /home [16:15:41] [G] hgufj2: ! куплю 3 серебряного саженца [16:15:46] warves55 issued server command: /trade warvis [16:15:46] warves55 issued server command: /trade warvis [16:15:47] TrYlKiN вышел [16:15:50] animeshka66 issued server command: /trade accept [16:15:53] Pro100ky вышел [16:15:59] Pro100ky зашёл [16:16:01] Pro100ky issued server command: /we cui [16:16:01] animeshka66 issued server command: /trade forksel [16:16:03] forksel issued server command: /tell hgufj2 по минималке продам [16:16:05] forksel issued server command: /trade accept [16:16:14] hgufj2 issued server command: /m forksel за что? [16:16:22] DimaBloger issued server command: /rtp [16:16:37] _PisuN_ issued server command: /warp world [16:16:37] gosha3214 issued server command: /warp world [16:16:38] _PisuN_ issued server command: /we cui [16:16:39] gosha3214 issued server command: /we cui [16:16:48] forksel issued server command: /tell animeshka66 токого давай 40 [16:16:54] warvis issued server command: /kit start [16:16:54] [G] animeshka66: !ок [16:16:59] forksel issued server command: /trade accept [16:16:59] gosha3214 issued server command: /rtp [16:16:59] _PisuN_ issued server command: /rtp [16:17:01] [G] animeshka66: !ок [16:17:03] animeshka66 issued server command: /trade forksel [16:17:05] forksel issued server command: /trade accept [16:17:14] animeshka66 issued server command: /money [16:17:24] VadimScorpion issued server command: /home [16:17:26] VadimScorpion issued server command: /we cui [16:17:34] forksel issued server command: /tell hgufj2 по минимальной цене продам саженцы [16:17:38] hgufj2 issued server command: /mpcaseshop [16:17:38] MakaronKing issued server command: /home [16:17:46] [L] Flerion: бля потратил стак великого дерева а получил токо 4 таум слиткпа [16:17:46] hgufj2 issued server command: /m forksel за сколько [16:17:55] DimaBloger issued server command: /home [16:17:56] warvis вышел [16:18:02] forksel issued server command: /r 10 минималка эмов [16:18:07] gosha3214 issued server command: /rtp [16:18:23] Veles0 зашёл [16:18:24] Veles0 issued server command: /we cui [16:18:29] Veles0 issued server command: /eat [16:18:32] Veles0 issued server command: /heal [16:18:34] Enotik_imba issued server command: /heal [16:18:40] Veles0 умер (FALL) [16:18:42] Veles0 issued server command: /we cui [16:18:44] Korinff зашёл [16:18:49] KeW1N вышел [16:18:55] Korinff issued server command: /we cui [16:18:57] _PisuN_ issued server command: /rtp [16:19:05] gosha3214 issued server command: /rtp [16:19:08] gosha3214 issued server command: /rtp [16:19:12] kirill_ER5 зашёл [16:19:12] fresh123q issued server command: /trade RTXGames123lol [16:19:21] forksel issued server command: /home [16:19:22] warves55 issued server command: /pm Witherion блять в пизду кирку виверны делать [16:19:25] kirill_ER5 issued server command: /we cui [16:19:43] Lasx issued server command: /home Luas [16:19:44] _PisuN_ issued server command: /rtp [16:19:44] Witherion issued server command: /msg warves55 ? :D [16:19:46] MomenTs issued server command: /voteday [16:19:52] Lexamon issued server command: /yes [16:19:53] Enotik_imba issued server command: / [16:19:53] warves55 issued server command: /r есть кокиета кирки которыя я могу скрафтить 3 на 3 [16:19:58] Stroof4 зашёл [16:20:02] _PisuN_ issued server command: /rtp [16:20:03] Stroof4 issued server command: /we cui [16:20:04] Veles0 issued server command: /rtp [16:20:10] kirill_ER5 issued server command: /home [16:20:14] VadimScorpion issued server command: /home [16:20:14] KicX issued server command: /enderchest [16:20:19] MakaronKing вышел [16:20:20] Enotik_imba issued server command: /home [16:20:23] Witherion issued server command: /msg warves55 Алмазный бур, ПБ кирка. [16:20:27] Enotik_imba issued server command: /warp an [16:20:30] Enotik_imba issued server command: /we cui [16:20:32] gosha3214 issued server command: /tpa _PisuN_ [16:20:41] _PisuN_ issued server command: /tpaccent [16:20:47] animeshka66 issued server command: /warp anime [16:20:48] _PisuN_ issued server command: /tpaccept [16:21:11] animeshka66 issued server command: /home [16:21:20] Lexamon issued server command: /sethome [16:21:26] KicX issued server command: /home [16:21:45] [L] Flerion: как бля смотреть [16:21:45] Korinff issued server command: /warp mining [16:21:46] Korinff issued server command: /we cui [16:21:50] [L] Flerion: что в тигели [16:22:01] gosha3214 умер (FALL) [16:22:02] warves55 issued server command: /r все долга я только 1 углепластик [16:22:03] [L] MoRkBa_UA_: таум очки [16:22:05] gosha3214 issued server command: /we cui [16:22:06] Stroof4 issued server command: /home [16:22:08] gosha3214 issued server command: /tpa _PisuN_ [16:22:11] _PisuN_ issued server command: /tpaccept [16:22:13] [L] Flerion: а ок спс [16:22:13] Veles0 issued server command: /time [16:22:14] gosha3214 issued server command: /we cui [16:22:18] warves55 issued server command: /r +фармила ливнула [16:22:21] [L] MoRkBa_UA_: нез [16:22:23] Veles0 issued server command: /playertime [16:22:36] Veles0 issued server command: /player time [16:22:38] Wh1teFox зашёл [16:22:48] VadimScorpion issued server command: /home [16:22:52] kirill_ER5 issued server command: /homne [16:22:59] kirill_ER5 issued server command: /home [16:23:00] Wh1teFox issued server command: /we cui [16:23:03] warves55 issued server command: /home 1 [16:23:18] warves55 issued server command: /home [16:23:20] _PisuN_ issued server command: /tp gosha3214 [16:23:29] warves55 issued server command: /home [16:23:35] Wh1teFox issued server command: /fly [16:23:35] Wh1teFox issued server command: /god [16:23:38] KicX issued server command: /home [16:23:39] Wh1teFox issued server command: /god [16:23:42] _PisuN_ issued server command: /tpa gosha3214 [16:23:44] Wh1teFox issued server command: /rg list -p vewelon [16:23:47] Wh1teFox issued server command: /rg i felor [16:23:49] gosha3214 issued server command: /tpacetp [16:23:51] Wh1teFox issued server command: /rg i mercy [16:23:54] gosha3214 issued server command: /tpaccept [16:23:55] Enotik_imba issued server command: /heal [16:23:57] Wh1teFox issued server command: /dupeip akelettoyung [16:24:05] Wh1teFox issued server command: /report gosha3214 [16:24:25] warves55 issued server command: /home [16:24:46] Wh1teFox issued server command: /dupeip MomenTs [16:24:54] Wh1teFox issued server command: /list [16:24:55] __KotuKen зашёл [16:25:04] forksel issued server command: /home [16:25:13] VadimScorpion issued server command: /home [16:25:13] Wh1teFox issued server command: /report MoRkBa_UA_ [16:25:18] mrsuperman69 вышел [16:25:19] __KotuKen issued server command: /we cui [16:25:20] RTXGames123lol issued server command: /rtp [16:25:22] mrsuperman69 зашёл [16:25:23] Flerion issued server command: /rtp [16:25:23] mrsuperman69 issued server command: /we cui [16:25:25] Veles0 issued server command: /eat [16:25:36] Pro100ky issued server command: /rtp [16:25:49] Pro100ky issued server command: /home [16:25:53] Veles0 issued server command: /rtp [16:26:02] DeadWolfWar issued server command: /home [16:26:03] Enotik_imba issued server command: /warp shop [16:26:05] Enotik_imba issued server command: /we cui [16:26:08] KicX issued server command: /heal [16:26:10] Wh1teFox issued server command: /dupeip hgufj2 [16:26:16] kirill_ER5 issued server command: /kit start [16:26:17] Wh1teFox issued server command: /playtime kirill_ER5 [16:26:18] RTXGames123lol вышел [16:26:21] [G] DimaBloger: !Что такое ценности? [16:26:25] Wh1teFox issued server command: /playtime warves55 [16:26:26] Enotik_imba issued server command: /warp an [16:26:28] Enotik_imba issued server command: /we cui [16:26:45] forksel issued server command: /home [16:26:47] Wh1teFox issued server command: /playtime _PisuN_ [16:26:51] Wh1teFox issued server command: /playtime _ViktoriyaYanch_ [16:26:51] Lexamon вышел [16:26:52] [L] __KotuKen: re [16:26:53] [L] __KotuKen: ку [16:27:00] Wh1teFox issued server command: /report _PisuN_ [16:27:08] [L] __KotuKen: скачал геншит импакт [16:27:09] [L] __KotuKen: значит [16:27:17] [L] __KotuKen: и проиграл пол дня [16:27:21] RTXGames123lol зашёл [16:27:24] RTXGames123lol issued server command: /we cui [16:27:25] [L] __KotuKen: вот ето капец [16:27:29] Stroof4 issued server command: /home [16:27:36] KicX issued server command: /home [16:27:43] [L] animeshka66: ку [16:27:46] [L] animeshka66: че так [16:27:47] Wh1teFox issued server command: / [16:27:47] KicX issued server command: /home [16:27:51] Stroof4 issued server command: /home [16:27:59] [L] __KotuKen: не ебу [16:28:01] maksonnnn зашёл [16:28:08] [L] __KotuKen: но аслан сказал что норм игруха [16:28:08] Flerion issued server command: /rtp [16:28:12] Witherion issued server command: /msg warves55 Можешь без вещей тпнуться? [16:28:16] Witherion issued server command: /msg warves55 Я хочу баф проверить. [16:28:21] [L] __KotuKen: и я ебать [16:28:23] [L] __KotuKen: затянулся [16:28:28] Veles0 issued server command: /heal [16:28:29] maksonnnn issued server command: /we cui [16:28:35] VadimScorpion issued server command: /kit start [16:28:36] _PisuN_ умер (FALL) [16:28:43] _PisuN_ issued server command: /we cui [16:28:47] Stroof4 issued server command: /home [16:28:48] _PisuN_ issued server command: /tpa gosha3214 [16:28:52] gosha3214 issued server command: /tpaccept [16:28:53] DeadWolfWar issued server command: /home [16:28:53] _PisuN_ issued server command: /we cui [16:28:54] Flerion issued server command: /rtp [16:29:04] Stroof4 issued server command: /home [16:29:06] Witherion issued server command: /warp mining [16:29:07] [L] __KotuKen: и всё [16:29:07] Wh1teFox issued server command: /report _ViktoriyaYanch_ [16:29:08] [G] Flerion: !Кто продаст кожу [16:29:10] Witherion issued server command: /we cui [16:29:14] [G] Flerion: !Кто продаст кожу 1 штуку [16:29:15] Korinff issued server command: /home [16:29:17] Korinff issued server command: /we cui [16:29:24] [G] __KotuKen: ! комерция 1 раз в 5 минут [16:29:32] [L] Veles0: узел [16:29:34] Witherion issued server command: /msg Flerion Тпнись без вещей, проверю баф а потом кожу дам [16:29:40] Flerion issued server command: /home [16:30:02] [L] __KotuKen: ну и всё [16:30:03] MoRkBa_UA_ вышел [16:30:04] [L] __KotuKen: а ктстаи [16:30:07] MomenTs issued server command: /voteday [16:30:09] [L] __KotuKen: го к мэ [16:30:10] MomenTs issued server command: /voteday [16:30:11] MomenTs issued server command: /voteday [16:30:11] Stroof4 issued server command: /HOME VIHNI [16:30:12] Lasx issued server command: /home Luas [16:30:12] Veles0 issued server command: /eat [16:30:13] Flerion issued server command: /call with [16:30:14] Lasx issued server command: /yes [16:30:14] kirill_ER5 issued server command: /no [16:30:14] _ViktoriyaYanch_ issued server command: /yes [16:30:14] RTXGames123lol issued server command: /no [16:30:15] Veles0 issued server command: /no [16:30:15] [L] __KotuKen: покажу тебе письку [16:30:21] Witherion issued server command: /tpaccept [16:30:21] Veles0 issued server command: /heal [16:30:21] maksonnnn issued server command: /yes [16:30:21] maksonnnn issued server command: /yes [16:30:21] maksonnnn issued server command: /yes [16:30:21] maksonnnn issued server command: /yes [16:30:21] maksonnnn issued server command: /yes [16:30:22] Stroof4 issued server command: /yes [16:30:24] Flerion issued server command: /we cui [16:30:29] __KotuKen issued server command: /warp minimarket [16:30:31] __KotuKen issued server command: /home [16:30:40] [L] Witherion: А ну посмотри в глаза [16:30:51] mrggame умер (ENTITY_ATTACK) [16:30:52] mrggame issued server command: /we cui [16:30:58] _PisuN_ issued server command: /rtp [16:31:01] RTXGames123lol issued server command: /home [16:31:05] Korinff issued server command: /warp mining [16:31:07] Korinff issued server command: /we cui [16:31:17] mrggame issued server command: /kit start [16:31:17] [L] Witherion: Блин, не работает :( [16:31:17] [L] Flerion: ye [16:31:25] [L] Witherion: Ладно, щяс трейд кину [16:31:30] Witherion issued server command: /home [16:31:32] Witherion issued server command: /we cui [16:31:33] Lasx issued server command: /warp portal [16:31:34] mrggame умер (ENTITY_ATTACK) [16:31:36] mrggame issued server command: /we cui [16:31:36] Lasx issued server command: /we cui [16:31:37] forksel issued server command: /home [16:31:40] Witherion issued server command: /trade Flerion [16:31:41] Lasx issued server command: /we cui [16:31:43] Flerion issued server command: /trade accept [16:31:49] Veles0 issued server command: /warp shop [16:31:50] MomenTs issued server command: /home [16:31:50] Veles0 issued server command: /we cui [16:31:54] [L] Flerion: спс [16:31:56] Flerion issued server command: /home [16:31:59] Flerion issued server command: /we cui [16:32:09] mrggame умер (ENTITY_ATTACK) [16:32:09] KicX issued server command: /home [16:32:10] mrggame issued server command: /we cui [16:32:32] Veles0 issued server command: /spawn [16:32:36] DimaBloger issued server command: /trade hgufj2 [16:32:36] DimaBloger issued server command: /trade hgufj2 [16:32:36] DimaBloger issued server command: /trade hgufj2 [16:32:36] DimaBloger issued server command: /trade hgufj2 [16:32:36] DimaBloger issued server command: /trade hgufj2 [16:32:39] MomenTs issued server command: /home [16:32:40] DimaBloger issued server command: /trade hgufj2 [16:32:42] maksonnnn умер (FALL) [16:32:46] maksonnnn issued server command: /we cui [16:32:51] _PisuN_ issued server command: /rtp [16:32:58] _PisuN_ issued server command: /tpa gosha3214 [16:33:00] DeadWolfWar issued server command: /home [16:33:06] gosha3214 issued server command: /tpaccept [16:33:31] [G] Lasx: !Кто может продать книгу на удачу 3 и за сколько? [16:33:40] Witherion issued server command: /home [16:33:44] MomenTs issued server command: /w Lasx го за 40 [16:33:49] Lasx issued server command: /home Luas [16:33:50] Lasx issued server command: /we cui [16:33:52] forksel issued server command: /t Lasx продам 18эм [16:33:52] fresh123q issued server command: /rtp [16:33:54] Enotik_imba issued server command: /heal [16:33:56] forksel issued server command: /tell Lasx продам 18эм [16:34:08] KicX был кикнут [16:34:08] KicX вышел [16:34:15] KicX зашёл [16:34:17] KicX issued server command: /we cui [16:34:23] Veles0 issued server command: /warp pve [16:34:24] DeadWolfWar issued server command: /home [16:34:24] Veles0 issued server command: /we cui [16:34:30] Lasx issued server command: /trade forksel [16:34:38] forksel issued server command: /trade accept [16:34:55] MomenTs issued server command: /home [16:34:58] Wh1teFox issued server command: /report maksonnnn [16:34:59] Veles0 issued server command: /heal [16:35:02] Veles0 умер (PROJECTILE) [16:35:05] Veles0 issued server command: /we cui [16:35:09] _PisuN_ issued server command: /tpa gosha3214 [16:35:12] gosha3214 issued server command: /tpaccept [16:35:16] warves55 issued server command: /r есть продвинуты еорпус механизма [16:35:24] Witherion issued server command: /msg warves55 Не-а. [16:35:29] DimaBloger issued server command: /home [16:35:33] warves55 issued server command: /r ок [16:35:33] fresh123q issued server command: /home [16:35:35] [L] __KotuKen: чек [16:35:38] Witherion issued server command: /msg warves55 Буквально час назад все потратил) [16:35:43] [L] animeshka66: ? [16:35:52] [L] animeshka66: класс [16:35:52] hgufj2 issued server command: /home di [16:35:54] warves55 issued server command: /r эх не успел [16:35:55] Witherion был кикнут [16:35:55] Witherion вышел [16:35:56] Lasx issued server command: /warp portal [16:35:58] Lasx issued server command: /we cui [16:36:00] [L] __KotuKen: а если так [16:36:04] Lasx issued server command: /we cui [16:36:08] [L] animeshka66: ахуеть [16:36:09] Pro100ky issued server command: /home [16:36:13] [L] __KotuKen: ) [16:36:16] Veles0 issued server command: /craft [16:36:21] MomenTs issued server command: /w __KotuKen А есть блок который сам коров доит? [16:36:22] maksonnnn issued server command: /home [16:36:31] warves55 issued server command: /r а просто хочу бур алм бур а там нужно закалёное железо [16:36:32] __KotuKen issued server command: /r -. = точно сказать не могу [16:36:33] DimaBloger issued server command: /spawn [16:36:37] DimaBloger issued server command: /we cui [16:36:40] __KotuKen issued server command: /home [16:36:49] MomenTs issued server command: /r А через что вы драк дублируете? [16:36:58] __KotuKen issued server command: /r таум [16:37:10] MomenTs issued server command: /r А сано , хорошо , спрошу поконкретнее [16:37:23] __KotuKen issued server command: /r не ко мне ето уже [16:37:27] Veles0 issued server command: /enderchest [16:37:44] Korinff issued server command: /home [16:37:44] Korinff issued server command: /we cui [16:37:44] __KotuKen issued server command: /r я только знаю что через таум [16:37:50] __KotuKen issued server command: /r етим занимается топ [16:37:51] DimaBloger issued server command: /home [16:37:54] SIlver_MrGrizz зашёл [16:37:57] DimaBloger issued server command: /we cui [16:38:02] Veles0 issued server command: /craft [16:38:14] Veles0 issued server command: /rtp [16:38:21] gosha3214 вышел [16:38:21] RTXGames123lol issued server command: /rtp [16:38:24] KicX issued server command: /warp five [16:38:25] _PisuN_ вышел [16:38:27] KicX issued server command: /home [16:38:29] SIlver_MrGrizz issued server command: /we cui [16:38:29] [L] __KotuKen: ОЙ ДУРАК [16:38:31] [L] __KotuKen: я тупой [16:38:32] [L] __KotuKen: даун [16:38:33] DeadWolfWar issued server command: /home [16:38:46] vewelon issued server command: /we cui [16:39:00] SIlver_MrGrizz issued server command: /mpcaseshop [16:39:01] SIlver_MrGrizz issued server command: /mpcaseview 2 [16:39:05] SIlver_MrGrizz issued server command: /rollcase 2 [16:39:14] SIlver_MrGrizz issued server command: /mpcaseview 2 [16:39:15] RTXGames123lol issued server command: /home [16:39:20] SIlver_MrGrizz issued server command: /rollcase 2 [16:39:31] SIlver_MrGrizz issued server command: /mpcaseview 2 [16:39:45] SIlver_MrGrizz issued server command: /cart gui [16:39:47] Flerion issued server command: /m mor ты где [16:39:51] Veles0 issued server command: /rtp [16:39:57] KicX issued server command: /enderchest [16:40:09] SIlver_MrGrizz issued server command: /mpcaseshop [16:40:10] SIlver_MrGrizz issued server command: /mpcaseview 6 [16:40:13] SIlver_MrGrizz issued server command: /mpcaseshop [16:40:14] SIlver_MrGrizz issued server command: /mpcaseview 8 [16:40:16] SIlver_MrGrizz issued server command: /mpcaseshop [16:40:16] SIlver_MrGrizz issued server command: /mpcaseview 5 [16:40:29] SIlver_MrGrizz issued server command: /mpcaseshop [16:40:32] SIlver_MrGrizz issued server command: /mpcaseview 7 [16:40:32] Veles0 issued server command: /kit start [16:40:35] SIlver_MrGrizz issued server command: /mpcaseshop [16:40:36] SIlver_MrGrizz issued server command: /mpcaseview 5 [16:40:42] SIlver_MrGrizz issued server command: /mpcaseshop [16:40:42] SIlver_MrGrizz issued server command: /mpcaseshop [16:40:56] KicX issued server command: /enderchest [16:41:07] maksonnnn issued server command: /home [16:41:11] [G] __KotuKen: !куплю тонкий шёлк [16:41:19] KicX issued server command: /home [16:41:40] SIlver_MrGrizz issued server command: /mpcaseshop [16:41:42] SIlver_MrGrizz issued server command: /mpcaseview 6 [16:42:04] Enotik_imba issued server command: /heal [16:42:06] SIlver_MrGrizz issued server command: /mpcaseshop [16:42:14] invalid4 зашёл [16:42:17] KicX issued server command: /enderchest [16:42:18] Stroof4 вышел [16:42:27] invalid4 issued server command: /we cui [16:42:35] __KotuKen issued server command: /mods [16:42:40] warves55 issued server command: /HOME [16:42:40] [G] __KotuKen: !сидел я перу дней [16:42:46] Blak_loner issued server command: /warp mining [16:42:51] Blak_loner issued server command: /we cui [16:42:57] Witherion зашёл [16:43:00] Witherion issued server command: /we cui [16:43:00] [G] __KotuKen: !пару* [16:43:07] KicX issued server command: /home [16:43:07] [G] __KotuKen: !и думаю почему мирта не выводится [16:43:13] [G] __KotuKen: !и решил я проверить почему же [16:43:23] MomenTs issued server command: /voteday [16:43:25] Wh1teFox issued server command: /кез [16:43:25] Wh1teFox issued server command: /rtp [16:43:26] kirill_ER5 issued server command: /no [16:43:28] Korinff issued server command: /yes [16:43:28] RTXGames123lol issued server command: /no [16:43:30] [G] __KotuKen: !смотрю а там не тёмное дерево а джунгивское [16:43:36] Enotik_imba issued server command: /home [16:43:38] Enotik_imba issued server command: /we cui [16:43:44] __KotuKen issued server command: /yes [16:43:54] Wh1teFox issued server command: /home irochka_100 [16:44:13] KicX issued server command: /warp five [16:44:16] Pro100ky issued server command: /home Enotik_imba [16:44:18] Pro100ky issued server command: /we cui [16:44:19] [L] KicX: 2 [16:44:20] KicX issued server command: /home [16:44:24] Pro100ky issued server command: /tpa Enotik_imba [16:44:28] Pro100ky issued server command: /home [16:44:31] Pro100ky issued server command: /home [16:44:41] maksonnnn issued server command: /warp minimarket [16:44:43] Pro100ky issued server command: /home [16:44:47] vewelon вышел [16:44:52] Enotik_imba issued server command: /warp an [16:44:54] Enotik_imba issued server command: /we cui [16:44:54] vewelon зашёл [16:44:57] vewelon issued server command: /we cui [16:44:57] Pro100ky issued server command: /home [16:45:01] Pro100ky issued server command: /tpa Enotik_imba [16:45:01] __KotuKen issued server command: /yes [16:45:02] Enotik_imba issued server command: /heal [16:45:06] __KotuKen issued server command: /warp world [16:45:19] Pro100ky issued server command: /tpa Enotik_imba [16:45:21] Pro100ky issued server command: /home [16:45:23] Pro100ky issued server command: /we cui [16:45:23] vewelon вышел [16:45:31] vewelon зашёл [16:45:33] vewelon issued server command: /we cui [16:45:39] fresh123q issued server command: /rtp [16:45:40] vewelon вышел [16:45:44] __KotuKen вышел [16:45:50] vewelon зашёл [16:45:51] KicX был кикнут [16:45:51] KicX вышел [16:45:53] vewelon issued server command: /we cui [16:45:53] vewelon вышел [16:45:57] Blak_loner issued server command: /tpaccept [16:45:58] maksonnnn issued server command: /home [16:45:59] KicX зашёл [16:46:02] KicX issued server command: /we cui [16:46:08] KicX issued server command: /home [16:46:13] _ViktoriyaYanch_ issued server command: /spawn [16:46:16] fresh123q issued server command: /rtp [16:46:16] _ViktoriyaYanch_ issued server command: /we cui [16:46:18] [G] SIlver_MrGrizz: !продам железо,череп визера,золото [16:46:30] KicX issued server command: /heal [16:46:33] DeadWolfWar issued server command: /tpa Blak_loner [16:46:34] hais3 зашёл [16:46:36] hais3 issued server command: /we cui [16:46:39] Blak_loner issued server command: /tpaccept [16:46:39] Veles0 issued server command: //chunk [16:46:39] Veles0 issued server command: //outset 16 [16:46:39] Veles0 issued server command: /zone [16:46:40] DeadWolfWar issued server command: /we cui [16:46:42] __KotuKen зашёл [16:46:46] __KotuKen issued server command: /we cui [16:46:55] macroholms зашёл [16:46:55] Veles0 issued server command: /rg claim V1 [16:46:55] maksonnnn issued server command: /kit start [16:46:58] [G] hais3: !ядерная бомба разрешена? [16:47:03] mrggame умер (ENTITY_ATTACK) [16:47:03] macroholms issued server command: /we cui [16:47:04] Veles0 issued server command: //sel [16:47:05] mrggame issued server command: /we cui [16:47:12] [G] __KotuKen: !проверь [16:47:14] Witherion issued server command: /msg hais3 Da. [16:47:19] Witherion issued server command: /msg hais3 Но смысл с неё тебе?) [16:47:21] __KotuKen issued server command: /home [16:47:23] __KotuKen issued server command: /we cui [16:47:30] DeadWolfWar issued server command: /tpa Blak_loner [16:47:30] [G] Wh1teFox: !&e hais3 da, но мб не бахает [16:47:39] hais3 issued server command: /w Witherion да просто есть желание что-то уничтожить...... [16:47:41] Blak_loner issued server command: /tpaccept [16:47:50] Witherion issued server command: /msg hais3 Не, блоки не рушит, увы :( [16:47:52] hgufj2 issued server command: /trade DimaBloger [16:47:52] hgufj2 issued server command: /trade DimaBloger [16:47:52] hgufj2 issued server command: /trade DimaBloger [16:47:52] hgufj2 issued server command: /trade DimaBloger [16:47:52] hgufj2 issued server command: /trade DimaBloger [16:47:52] hgufj2 issued server command: /trade DimaBloger [16:47:52] hgufj2 issued server command: /trade DimaBloger [16:47:52] hgufj2 issued server command: /trade DimaBloger [16:48:00] Witherion issued server command: /msg hais3 Но убиться на ней можно xD [16:48:06] DimaBloger issued server command: /trade hgufj2 [16:48:06] DimaBloger issued server command: /trade hgufj2 [16:48:07] DimaBloger issued server command: /trade hgufj2 [16:48:08] DimaBloger issued server command: /trade hgufj2 [16:48:08] DimaBloger issued server command: /trade hgufj2 [16:48:09] DimaBloger issued server command: /trade hgufj2 [16:48:09] DimaBloger issued server command: /trade hgufj2 [16:48:09] DimaBloger issued server command: /trade hgufj2 [16:48:09] DimaBloger issued server command: /trade hgufj2 [16:48:10] DimaBloger issued server command: /trade hgufj2 [16:48:10] hais3 issued server command: /m Witherion эх грусть и только грусть [16:48:10] DimaBloger issued server command: /trade hgufj2 [16:48:10] DimaBloger issued server command: /trade hgufj2 [16:48:10] DimaBloger issued server command: /trade hgufj2 [16:48:11] DimaBloger issued server command: /trade hgufj2 [16:48:11] DimaBloger issued server command: /trade hgufj2 [16:48:11] DimaBloger был кикнут [16:48:11] DimaBloger вышел [16:48:18] Witherion issued server command: /msg hais3 Ну как сказать... [16:48:22] Witherion issued server command: /msg hais3 Ловушка офигенная))) [16:48:26] DimaBloger зашёл [16:48:30] DimaBloger issued server command: /we cui [16:48:35] DimaBloger issued server command: /trade hgufj2 [16:48:38] Veles0 issued server command: /kit jetpack [16:48:42] _ViktoriyaYanch_ issued server command: /kits [16:48:46] _ViktoriyaYanch_ issued server command: /kit eat [16:48:47] Witherion issued server command: /msg hais3 Поставил под 1 слоем земли, активировал да убежал за границы чанков, кто-то пришёл, начал [16:48:48] Witherion issued server command: /msg hais3 прогружать и как раз его йобнет) [16:48:48] hais3 issued server command: /m Witherion посидел я в лобби и понял что алмазные теплоопоглатители или как их там хуже чем [16:48:49] hais3 issued server command: /m разогнанные [16:48:52] _ViktoriyaYanch_ issued server command: /rtp [16:48:55] fresh123q issued server command: /home [16:49:00] _ViktoriyaYanch_ issued server command: /warp world [16:49:01] Veles0 issued server command: /sethome [16:49:02] _ViktoriyaYanch_ issued server command: /we cui [16:49:03] DimaBloger issued server command: /trade h2g [16:49:03] DimaBloger issued server command: /trade h2g [16:49:04] DimaBloger issued server command: /trade h2g [16:49:04] DimaBloger issued server command: /trade h2g [16:49:04] DimaBloger issued server command: /trade h2g [16:49:05] DimaBloger issued server command: /trade h2g [16:49:05] DimaBloger issued server command: /trade h2g [16:49:05] DimaBloger issued server command: /trade h2g [16:49:05] DimaBloger issued server command: /trade h2g [16:49:06] DimaBloger issued server command: /trade h2g [16:49:06] DimaBloger issued server command: /trade h2g [16:49:12] Veles0 issued server command: /home [16:49:19] macroholms issued server command: /home [16:49:24] _ViktoriyaYanch_ issued server command: /rtp [16:49:42] hais3 issued server command: /m Witherion это мне снова теперь фармить куча железа [16:49:51] hais3 issued server command: /m Witherion ненавижу жизнь [16:49:52] DimaBloger issued server command: /kit start [16:49:55] Witherion issued server command: /msg hais3 :D [16:49:59] mrggame issued server command: /home [16:50:15] DimaBloger вышел [16:50:22] [G] hais3: !никто не хочет обменять улучшенный теплоотвод на обычный....? [16:50:26] Witherion issued server command: /msg hais3 Не парься так) Это просто игра. [16:50:34] Veles0 issued server command: /warp set [16:50:40] Veles0 issued server command: /warp set V1 [16:50:45] _ViktoriyaYanch_ issued server command: /rtp [16:50:47] fresh123q issued server command: /money [16:50:49] Flerion issued server command: /rtp [16:50:49] hais3 issued server command: /m Witherion да если бы я не потратил бы на это все 12 часов жизни не парился бы... [16:50:58] Witherion issued server command: /msg hais3 Жостко. [16:51:02] Veles0 issued server command: /warp private V1 [16:51:10] Witherion issued server command: /playtime hais3 [16:51:13] Witherion issued server command: /playtime [16:51:15] Veles0 issued server command: /warp V1 [16:51:25] KicX был кикнут [16:51:25] KicX вышел [16:51:28] forksel issued server command: /home [16:51:31] KicX зашёл [16:51:33] KicX issued server command: /we cui [16:51:37] macroholms issued server command: /home [16:51:55] Witherion issued server command: /msg hais3 У меня вон - бабахнул реактор 20 минут назад унеся меня с собой xD [16:51:58] vihni issued server command: /warp st [16:52:07] invalid4 issued server command: /rtp [16:52:14] Veles0 умер (FALL) [16:52:15] Veles0 issued server command: /we cui [16:52:20] Flerion issued server command: /rtp [16:52:24] Flerion issued server command: /homew [16:52:24] invalid4 issued server command: /warp world [16:52:25] Flerion issued server command: /home [16:52:26] invalid4 issued server command: /we cui [16:52:36] invalid4 issued server command: /rtp [16:52:45] forksel issued server command: /home [16:52:46] Witherion issued server command: /msg hais3 Поржал с этого и сделал нормальную панельку) [16:52:55] Flerion issued server command: /rtp [16:52:57] RTXGames123lol issued server command: /rtp [16:52:59] Veles0 issued server command: /rg list [16:53:15] SIlver_MrGrizz issued server command: /кез [16:53:16] Flerion issued server command: /home [16:53:17] SIlver_MrGrizz issued server command: /кез [16:53:18] Flerion issued server command: /rtp [16:53:19] SIlver_MrGrizz issued server command: /rtp [16:53:19] [G] Veles0: !как узнать координаты своего привата? [16:53:20] Flerion issued server command: /rtp [16:53:21] Flerion issued server command: /rtp [16:53:25] KicX issued server command: /home [16:53:26] [G] Wh1teFox: !&e/rg i [16:53:33] Veles0 issued server command: /rg i V0 [16:53:34] _ViktoriyaYanch_ issued server command: /kit start [16:53:36] [G] forksel: ! rg list /rg info название [16:53:49] Wh1teFox issued server command: /report invalid4 [16:54:07] SIlver_MrGrizz issued server command: /rtp [16:54:13] valera_zakon зашёл [16:54:17] Andreibrooo зашёл [16:54:21] Flerion issued server command: /kit eat [16:54:24] valera_zakon issued server command: /we cui [16:54:28] maksonnnn issued server command: /tpa macroholms [16:54:30] [G] Veles0: !спасибо [16:54:30] Andreibrooo issued server command: /we cui [16:54:31] Flerion issued server command: /kit top [16:54:31] macroholms issued server command: /tpaccept [16:54:31] KicX issued server command: /home [16:54:43] Flerion issued server command: /playtime [16:54:45] hgufj2 вышел [16:54:46] Pro100ky issued server command: /kit [16:54:48] Pro100ky issued server command: /kit top [16:54:53] Pro100ky issued server command: /playtime [16:54:56] Pro100ky issued server command: /kit [16:55:00] Witherion issued server command: /msg Veles0 О, так ты тут) [16:55:10] invalid4 issued server command: /rtp [16:55:33] KicX issued server command: /home [16:55:37] valera_zakon issued server command: /warp lalala [16:55:39] valera_zakon issued server command: /warp lalal [16:55:40] Veles0 issued server command: /r и вам не хворать [16:55:41] valera_zakon issued server command: /warp lala [16:55:45] Witherion issued server command: /playtime Veles0 [16:55:48] Veles0 issued server command: /r с кем имею честь? [16:55:55] KicX issued server command: /home [16:56:01] [L] animeshka66: кот [16:56:01] invalid4 вышел [16:56:08] [L] animeshka66: чекай как тебе? [16:56:25] macroholms issued server command: /home [16:56:33] Veles0 issued server command: /tp Veles0 -1376 128 0 [16:56:44] Flerion issued server command: /rtp [16:57:07] _ViktoriyaYanch_ issued server command: /tpa invalid4 [16:57:11] fresh123q issued server command: /home [16:57:17] Witherion issued server command: /msg Veles0 Cоветую проверить ДС) [16:57:17] valera_zakon issued server command: /home Andreibrooo [16:57:22] DeadWolfWar issued server command: /home [16:57:24] Flerion issued server command: /rtp [16:57:24] DeadWolfWar issued server command: /we cui [16:57:24] valera_zakon issued server command: /warp ez [16:57:29] _ViktoriyaYanch_ issued server command: /tpa invalid4 [16:57:31] SIlver_MrGrizz issued server command: /home [16:57:33] Flerion issued server command: /rtp [16:57:38] _ViktoriyaYanch_ issued server command: /we cui [16:57:41] DeadWolfWar issued server command: /tpa Blak_loner [16:57:42] Blak_loner issued server command: /tpaccept [16:57:43] Flerion issued server command: /rtp [16:57:43] DeadWolfWar issued server command: /we cui [16:57:44] Flerion issued server command: /rtp [16:57:49] Dark_Monarch зашёл [16:58:09] vihni issued server command: /warp st [16:58:32] kirill_ER5 issued server command: /home [16:58:35] _ViktoriyaYanch_ issued server command: /spawn [16:58:37] VadimScorpion issued server command: /home [16:58:37] _ViktoriyaYanch_ issued server command: /we cui [16:58:37] Dark_Monarch issued server command: /we cui [16:58:44] warves55 умер (PROJECTILE) [16:58:44] invalid4 зашёл [16:58:45] warves55 issued server command: /we cui [16:58:50] _ViktoriyaYanch_ issued server command: /tpa invalid4 [16:58:52] DeadWolfWar issued server command: /home [16:58:54] DeadWolfWar issued server command: /we cui [16:58:55] [L] __KotuKen: что [16:58:55] invalid4 issued server command: /we cui [16:58:58] KicX issued server command: /home [16:59:01] [L] animeshka66: чекай как тебе? [16:59:05] invalid4 issued server command: /tpaccept [16:59:06] [L] animeshka66: иди на варп [16:59:07] _ViktoriyaYanch_ issued server command: /we cui [16:59:07] [L] __KotuKen: нормально [16:59:13] Korinff issued server command: /warp mining [16:59:14] [L] animeshka66: взлети [16:59:15] Korinff issued server command: /we cui [16:59:19] [L] __KotuKen: только [16:59:23] [L] __KotuKen: есть 1 притензия [16:59:24] macroholms issued server command: /tpa maksonnnn [16:59:28] maksonnnn issued server command: /tpaccept [16:59:30] [L] __KotuKen: полублоков [16:59:31] [L] __KotuKen: ступенек [16:59:33] Dark_Monarch issued server command: /tempban vewelon 3 day 2.6.1+2.4 [16:59:34] [L] __KotuKen: сверху не хватает [16:59:41] __KotuKen issued server command: /inf 2.6.1 [16:59:48] invalid4 умер (ENTITY_ATTACK) [16:59:50] __KotuKen issued server command: /inf 2. [16:59:51] KicX issued server command: /inf 2.6.1 [16:59:51] _ViktoriyaYanch_ умер (ENTITY_ATTACK) [16:59:52] Korinff issued server command: /inf 2.6.1 [16:59:52] __KotuKen issued server command: /inf 2.4 [16:59:54] invalid4 issued server command: /we cui [16:59:56] _ViktoriyaYanch_ issued server command: /we cui [16:59:57] forksel issued server command: /trade vihni [16:59:59] _ViktoriyaYanch_ issued server command: /rtp [17:00:07] [L] __KotuKen: чот не ровно [17:00:08] [L] __KotuKen: -. = [17:00:09] _ViktoriyaYanch_ issued server command: /warp world [17:00:10] KicX issued server command: /inf 2.4 [17:00:10] _ViktoriyaYanch_ issued server command: /we cui [17:00:12] [L] __KotuKen: или ето я тупой [17:00:13] [G] macroholms: !397 [17:00:14] [G] forksel: !283 [17:00:14] _ViktoriyaYanch_ issued server command: /rtp [17:00:14] Witherion issued server command: /tpa Veles0 [17:00:14] [G] Wh1teFox: !283 [17:00:14] Korinff issued server command: /inf 2.4 [17:00:16] warves55 issued server command: /warp end [17:00:17] [G] Wh1teFox: !&e:( [17:00:23] Veles0 issued server command: /tpaccept [17:00:24] Flerion issued server command: /home [17:00:25] [L] animeshka66: ты тупой [17:00:27] [L] animeshka66: ) [17:00:30] [L] Veles0: ооо [17:00:31] [L] Witherion: Туда? [17:00:37] [L] Veles0: так ты продвинутый))) [17:00:41] KicX issued server command: /warp end [17:00:41] [L] Veles0: туда [17:00:43] [L] __KotuKen: ( [17:00:45] [L] Witherion: Какой продвинутый...Я - двинутый xD [17:00:49] KicX issued server command: /warp portal [17:00:49] [L] __KotuKen: а я смогу [17:00:50] mrggame issued server command: /home [17:00:51] KicX issued server command: /we cui [17:00:53] KicX issued server command: /heal [17:00:55] [L] __KotuKen: в билдера [17:00:57] [L] __KotuKen: устроится [17:00:57] KicX issued server command: /we cui [17:01:00] [L] __KotuKen: ? [17:01:05] Witherion issued server command: /msg Veles0 Пиши сюда [17:01:07] Dark_Monarch issued server command: /tempban akelettoyung 1 day 2.6.1 [17:01:09] warves55 issued server command: /warps [17:01:09] Witherion issued server command: /msg Veles0 А то отлетел уже [17:01:09] [L] __KotuKen: мнение о том если я стану [17:01:10] warves55 issued server command: /warp [17:01:13] warves55 issued server command: /warp end [17:01:14] [L] __KotuKen: билдером [17:01:15] __KotuKen issued server command: /mods [17:01:15] Dark_Monarch issued server command: /oi akelettoyung [17:01:17] Andreibrooo issued server command: /рщьу [17:01:18] Andreibrooo issued server command: /home [17:01:29] Veles0 issued server command: /r хоть бы скорость вампа была, уже было бы легче [17:01:29] Andreibrooo issued server command: /warp ez [17:01:30] Dark_Monarch issued server command: /oi vewelon [17:01:36] [L] __KotuKen: а можеш немного разных блоков [17:01:40] [L] __KotuKen: накидать [17:01:44] [L] __KotuKen: тута однотонно [17:01:49] macroholms issued server command: /home [17:01:50] maksonnnn issued server command: /home [17:01:57] Veles0 issued server command: /r надо бы на форум написать что бы алису порезали [17:02:02] Witherion issued server command: /msg Veles0 Тп. [17:02:02] macroholms умер (FALL) [17:02:03] [G] __KotuKen: !тём ку [17:02:04] macroholms issued server command: /we cui [17:02:10] Veles0 issued server command: /call Witherion [17:02:11] Witherion issued server command: /tpaccept [17:02:13] [L] Witherion: Этот? [17:02:18] macroholms issued server command: /home [17:02:21] _ViktoriyaYanch_ issued server command: /kits [17:02:22] maksonnnn issued server command: /home [17:02:24] _ViktoriyaYanch_ issued server command: /kit top [17:02:25] Flerion issued server command: /rtp [17:02:26] [L] Veles0: неа [17:02:28] Dydre зашёл [17:02:28] RTXGames123lol issued server command: /rtp [17:02:29] [L] Veles0: v0 [17:02:32] _ViktoriyaYanch_ issued server command: /rtp [17:02:32] [L] Witherion: Куда топать? [17:02:39] warves55 вышел [17:02:41] [L] Veles0: hjdyj yf ctdth [17:02:44] Dydre issued server command: /we cui [17:02:46] Witherion issued server command: /msg Veles0 ? [17:02:46] [L] Veles0: ровно на север [17:02:59] Veles0 issued server command: /r ровно на север [17:03:03] fresh123q умер (FALL) [17:03:05] fresh123q issued server command: /we cui [17:03:08] Korinff issued server command: /home [17:03:09] maksonnnn issued server command: /money [17:03:10] Korinff issued server command: /we cui [17:03:16] Veles0 issued server command: /eat [17:03:21] [L] __KotuKen: ладно пойду [17:03:21] KicX issued server command: /home [17:03:23] KicX issued server command: /we cui [17:03:25] KicX issued server command: /heal [17:03:45] Korinff issued server command: /warp mining [17:03:46] Korinff issued server command: /we cui [17:03:56] Dark_Monarch issued server command: /warp end [17:04:09] Dark_Monarch issued server command: /we cui [17:04:14] Veles0 issued server command: /sethome [17:04:17] DeadWolfWar issued server command: /tpa Blak_loner [17:04:20] Blak_loner issued server command: /tpaccept [17:04:21] DeadWolfWar issued server command: /we cui [17:04:29] fresh123q issued server command: /home [17:04:31] DeadWolfWar issued server command: /home [17:04:31] KicX issued server command: /home [17:04:32] DeadWolfWar issued server command: /we cui [17:04:40] Dark_Monarch issued server command: /co i [17:04:45] Dark_Monarch issued server command: /op Dark_monarch [17:04:54] Dydre issued server command: /warp magnit [17:04:58] Dark_Monarch issued server command: /s Lasx [17:05:00] Lasx issued server command: /we cui [17:05:01] forksel issued server command: /home [17:05:05] Dark_Monarch issued server command: /vanish [17:05:05] Dydre issued server command: /money top [17:05:08] [L] Dark_Monarch: привет [17:05:10] Andreibrooo issued server command: /spawn [17:05:13] Andreibrooo issued server command: /we cui [17:05:15] [L] Lasx: привет [17:05:23] valera_zakon issued server command: /spawn [17:05:24] valera_zakon issued server command: /we cui [17:05:25] Dydre issued server command: /home [17:05:27] [G] Enotik_imba: !Кто обратит в оборотня [17:05:30] KicX issued server command: /home [17:05:38] Witherion issued server command: /msg Veles0 Тп [17:05:39] [L] Dark_Monarch: зайди на форуме в разделе сервера в доп. правила [17:05:42] Witherion issued server command: /msg Veles0 Нашёл) [17:05:42] Flerion issued server command: /home [17:05:44] [L] Andreibrooo: верни плутоний [17:05:44] mrggame issued server command: /voteday [17:05:45] DeadWolfWar issued server command: /tpa Blak_loner [17:05:46] Veles0 issued server command: /call Witherion [17:05:46] mrggame issued server command: /yes [17:05:46] [L] Andreibrooo: грифер [17:05:47] Witherion issued server command: /TPACCEPT [17:05:47] kirill_ER5 issued server command: /yes [17:05:47] [L] Dark_Monarch: и прочти 2.12.1 [17:05:47] Blak_loner issued server command: /tpaccept [17:05:48] RTXGames123lol issued server command: /no [17:05:48] __KotuKen issued server command: /yes [17:05:48] Witherion issued server command: /yes [17:05:48] Veles0 issued server command: /no [17:05:49] DeadWolfWar issued server command: /we cui [17:05:49] Korinff issued server command: /yes [17:05:50] [G] __KotuKen: !-. = [17:05:55] Wh1teFox issued server command: /yes [17:05:57] [G] __KotuKen: !я шабашек поубивал своих [17:06:01] [L] Witherion: Или не это? [17:06:02] [L] Lasx: Сейчас [17:06:02] fresh123q issued server command: /home [17:06:02] valera_zakon issued server command: /warp ez [17:06:04] valera_zakon issued server command: /we cui [17:06:07] [G] Wh1teFox: !&eпоздравляю [17:06:07] [L] Veles0: еще 300 метров [17:06:10] [G] Enotik_imba: !А черз укус? [17:06:11] _ViktoriyaYanch_ issued server command: /sethome [17:06:13] [L] Witherion: Да блин, я предположил из прошлого дома что этот xD [17:06:15] KicX issued server command: /home [17:06:17] [G] __KotuKen: !нельзя [17:06:21] [G] __KotuKen: !я не вампир [17:06:22] Stroof4 зашёл [17:06:25] Dydre вышел [17:06:28] _Top7_ зашёл [17:06:33] [G] Enotik_imba: !Так оборотень с руки [17:06:36] forksel issued server command: /home [17:06:36] Witherion issued server command: /msg Veles0 Всё, тЭпЭ. [17:06:36] vihni issued server command: /warp st [17:06:37] [G] __KotuKen: !чтобы кусать [17:06:41] [G] __KotuKen: !а заразить [17:06:41] Veles0 issued server command: /no [17:06:42] [G] Enotik_imba: !Может обратить [17:06:42] [G] __KotuKen: !нельзя [17:06:46] [G] Enotik_imba: !да [17:06:46] Veles0 issued server command: /call Witherion [17:06:46] Stroof4 issued server command: /we cui [17:06:46] _Top7_ issued server command: /we cui [17:06:47] Witherion issued server command: /tpaccept [17:06:49] [G] __KotuKen: !тута урезали ету возможность [17:06:54] [L] Veles0: он)) [17:06:54] _ViktoriyaYanch_ issued server command: //wand [17:06:57] SIlver_MrGrizz вышел [17:06:58] [G] Enotik_imba: !Пон [17:07:00] Dark_Monarch issued server command: /unban vewelon -s [17:07:01] [L] Lasx: Зашел на форум [17:07:05] DeadWolfWar issued server command: /home [17:07:07] DeadWolfWar issued server command: /we cui [17:07:07] macroholms issued server command: /home [17:07:08] Wh1teFox issued server command: /u .-. [17:07:11] [G] __KotuKen: !только ритуалом [17:07:13] DeadWolfWar issued server command: /tpa Blak_loner [17:07:14] Blak_loner issued server command: /tpaccept [17:07:15] Dark_Monarch issued server command: /tempban vewelon 5 day 2.6.1+2.4+2.12.1 [17:07:15] DeadWolfWar issued server command: /we cui [17:07:16] Flerion вышел [17:07:17] maksonnnn issued server command: /home [17:07:19] Veles0 issued server command: /rg addmember V0 Witherion [17:07:19] [G] __KotuKen: !-. = [17:07:21] [G] __KotuKen: !8 суток уже [17:07:22] [G] Witherion: ! F. [17:07:29] Flerion зашёл [17:07:30] __KotuKen issued server command: /inf 2.12.2 [17:07:32] Flerion issued server command: /we cui [17:07:32] __KotuKen issued server command: /inf 2.12.1 [17:07:33] _Top7_ issued server command: /inf 2.6.1 [17:07:33] [L] Veles0: ntgthm ns nen ghjgbcfy [17:07:34] Korinff issued server command: /inf 2.12.1 [17:07:36] [G] __KotuKen: !тёма [17:07:40] _Top7_ issued server command: /inf 2.4 [17:07:40] [L] Veles0: теперь ты тут прописан [17:07:45] fresh123q issued server command: /home [17:07:45] SIlver_MrGrizz зашёл [17:07:46] [G] __KotuKen: !такого пункта [17:07:51] SIlver_MrGrizz issued server command: /we cui [17:07:51] [L] Witherion: Ёп, не пугай так)) [17:07:52] [G] __KotuKen: !2.12.1 [17:07:52] _ViktoriyaYanch_ issued server command: //expand 20 up [17:07:53] _ViktoriyaYanch_ issued server command: //expand 20 up [17:07:55] [L] Veles0: ))) [17:07:56] Wh1teFox issued server command: /u ещё лучше :D [17:07:57] [L] Witherion: У меня звук на 20)% врублен) [17:07:59] _ViktoriyaYanch_ issued server command: //expand 40 down [17:08:00] [L] Witherion: 200% [17:08:01] Lasx issued server command: /home Luas [17:08:03] Lasx issued server command: /we cui [17:08:07] [G] Dark_Monarch: ! Прочти данный пункт на форуме в доп. правилах [17:08:09] _ViktoriyaYanch_ issued server command: /rg claim trpr [17:08:09] Veles0 issued server command: /set home [17:08:13] SIlver_MrGrizz issued server command: /home [17:08:13] Veles0 issued server command: /sethome [17:08:16] SIlver_MrGrizz issued server command: /we cui [17:08:18] [G] __KotuKen: !окей, дядька Артем [17:08:19] [G] Dark_Monarch: ! если его нет в inf не значит что его нету [17:08:23] [L] Veles0: ты в тауме сильно продвинутый? [17:08:25] [G] __KotuKen: !а когда будут ивенты [17:08:29] Andreibrooo issued server command: /Inf [17:08:29] SIlver_MrGrizz issued server command: /mpcaseshop [17:08:30] SIlver_MrGrizz issued server command: /mpcaseview 2 [17:08:34] Blak_loner issued server command: /tpa DeadWolfWar [17:08:36] [G] _Top7_: !+ [17:08:37] Andreibrooo issued server command: /inf 2.12.1 [17:08:37] [G] __KotuKen: !? [17:08:37] [G] Wh1teFox: !&eзачем тебе ивенты? [17:08:38] DeadWolfWar issued server command: /tpaccept [17:08:38] [L] Witherion: Фулл изучил) [17:08:42] [G] __KotuKen: !деньги надо [17:08:43] [L] Witherion: В первый же день xD [17:08:45] DeadWolfWar issued server command: /home [17:08:46] DeadWolfWar issued server command: /we cui [17:08:47] Andreibrooo issued server command: /inf 2.6.1 [17:08:48] [L] Dark_Monarch: главное чтобы это не мешало игрокам [17:08:51] KicX issued server command: /inf 2.6.1 [17:08:53] [G] Wh1teFox: !&eустройся на работу и задонать)) [17:08:55] mrggame issued server command: /mpcaseshop [17:08:57] mrggame issued server command: /mpcaseview 1 [17:08:57] [L] _Top7_: ты мне? [17:08:58] [G] __KotuKen: !... [17:08:59] mrggame issued server command: /buycase 1 [17:09:00] Andreibrooo issued server command: /inf 2.4 [17:09:00] [G] __KotuKen: !мне 14 [17:09:01] [L] Dark_Monarch: если это не мешает можешь ломать эндер мир [17:09:03] [L] Dark_Monarch: + [17:09:06] [L] _Top7_: а ок [17:09:09] invalid4 issued server command: /tpa _ViktoriyaYanch_ [17:09:10] Veles0 issued server command: /w Dark_Monarch здравствуйте, возможно ли вам задать вопрос. касательно алисы и витчери? [17:09:15] animeshka66 issued server command: /home [17:09:18] KicX issued server command: /inf 2.12.1 [17:09:18] _ViktoriyaYanch_ issued server command: /tpaccept [17:09:19] [G] __KotuKen: !донатить не выгодно [17:09:19] fresh123q issued server command: /home [17:09:20] [G] Wh1teFox: !&eну, заводу все возрасты покорны [17:09:20] invalid4 issued server command: /we cui [17:09:21] [L] Dark_Monarch: т.е не делай дырки и все топ будет [17:09:26] [L] __KotuKen: -. = [17:09:27] [L] _Top7_: ок [17:09:28] [G] __KotuKen: !-. = [17:09:35] [L] _Top7_: мне кот сказал [17:09:36] _ViktoriyaYanch_ issued server command: /rg addmember trpr invalid4 [17:09:38] _ViktoriyaYanch_ issued server command: /sethome [17:09:40] [L] _Top7_: что ломать энд нельзя [17:09:41] Andreibrooo issued server command: /m invalid4 верни плутоний вор [17:09:43] Dark_Monarch issued server command: /r Привет, да можно [17:09:47] [L] _Top7_: я и начал строить обратно [17:09:50] [L] Dark_Monarch: прочти 2.12.1 [17:09:52] [G] __KotuKen: !кирпчик упадет на голову [17:09:53] [L] Dark_Monarch: на форуме [17:09:55] Korinff issued server command: /home [17:09:56] KicX issued server command: /enderchest [17:09:57] [G] __KotuKen: !и всё [17:09:57] Korinff issued server command: /we cui [17:09:59] _Top7_ issued server command: /inf 2.12.1 [17:10:03] [G] __KotuKen: !кирпич* [17:10:07] [L] _Top7_: ок [17:10:10] [G] Wh1teFox: !&eэто уже более возможно на стройке [17:10:11] Dark_Monarch issued server command: /gm 1 [17:10:14] macroholms issued server command: /spawn [17:10:14] Andreibrooo issued server command: /цфкз у [17:10:15] RTXGames123lol issued server command: /home [17:10:15] Andreibrooo issued server command: /warp ez [17:10:15] macroholms issued server command: /we cui [17:10:16] Andreibrooo issued server command: /we cui [17:10:16] SIlver_MrGrizz issued server command: /mpcaseshop [17:10:18] SIlver_MrGrizz issued server command: /mpcaseview 7 [17:10:20] [L] Witherion: Пойду что-нить делать...Ты если что - пиши. [17:10:23] Veles0 issued server command: /r из-за алисы не представляется возможным игры за вампира, так как она имеет функцию смены времени [17:10:23] Veles0 issued server command: /r суток [17:10:29] Witherion issued server command: /home [17:10:33] [G] __KotuKen: !ну заводов кстати у нас нету в городе [17:10:35] _Top7_ issued server command: /home [17:10:36] macroholms issued server command: /we cui [17:10:37] _Top7_ issued server command: /we cui [17:10:39] [G] __KotuKen: !-. = [17:10:41] Stroof4 issued server command: /home [17:10:42] invalid4 issued server command: /tp invalid4 144 64 799 [17:10:48] Veles0 issued server command: /r возможно ли это как то исправить? [17:10:59] fresh123q issued server command: /home [17:11:05] [G] Wh1teFox: !&eа ты построй и открой [17:11:07] Witherion issued server command: /tpa Veles0 [17:11:10] Dark_Monarch issued server command: /r -, это решил сделать тех [17:11:10] Veles0 issued server command: /tpaccept [17:11:13] Stroof4 issued server command: /home [17:11:15] [G] __KotuKen: !Денег надо много [17:11:20] [L] Witherion: Подарочек) [17:11:25] [G] Wh1teFox: !&eзато работать на собственном заводе будешь)) [17:11:25] [L] Witherion: Не боись, не проклят xD [17:11:29] mrsuperman69 issued server command: /home [17:11:30] [G] __KotuKen: !вау [17:11:36] [G] __KotuKen: !выгодно [17:11:39] Dark_Monarch issued server command: //co i [17:11:42] [G] __KotuKen: !зп тоже себе буду платить [17:11:45] Stroof4 issued server command: /votesun [17:11:46] _ViktoriyaYanch_ issued server command: //expand 20 up [17:11:47] Witherion issued server command: /yes [17:11:47] vihni issued server command: /yes [17:11:48] Veles0 issued server command: /r то есть я правильно понял, что нужно писать на форум заявку? [17:11:48] macroholms issued server command: /yes [17:11:51] Veles0 issued server command: /no [17:11:52] Lasx issued server command: /yes [17:11:53] Korinff issued server command: /yes [17:12:02] [L] __KotuKen: топ [17:12:02] _ViktoriyaYanch_ issued server command: //expand 20 up [17:12:03] [G] _Top7_: !в чем есть много tempusa и мало других аспектов кроме часов [17:12:04] [L] _Top7_: а? [17:12:06] [L] __KotuKen: хочу покажу свое малыша [17:12:06] _ViktoriyaYanch_ issued server command: //expand 40 down [17:12:11] _ViktoriyaYanch_ issued server command: /rg claim trpr2 [17:12:13] [L] _Top7_: я видел [17:12:20] _ViktoriyaYanch_ issued server command: /rg addmember trpr2 invalid4 [17:12:21] _ViktoriyaYanch_ issued server command: /home [17:12:23] [G] Wh1teFox: !&eу нас кстати молодой челик летом завод приобрёл [17:12:23] _ViktoriyaYanch_ issued server command: //sel [17:12:28] Witherion issued server command: /home [17:12:29] [L] __KotuKen: бой small denis [17:12:29] _ViktoriyaYanch_ issued server command: /tpa invalid4 [17:12:29] [G] Wh1teFox: !&eи на тот момент уже лям срубил [17:12:32] Dark_Monarch issued server command: /r ну напишешь ты, но это ничего не изменит, были уже предложения убрать голосование но его не [17:12:33] Dark_Monarch issued server command: /r убрали [17:12:33] [L] __KotuKen: мой* [17:12:33] invalid4 issued server command: /tpa [17:12:35] [L] _Top7_: )) [17:12:39] invalid4 issued server command: /tpaccept [17:12:41] Dark_Monarch issued server command: /co i [17:12:42] [L] _Top7_: где взял? [17:12:47] Lasx issued server command: /home Luas [17:12:47] RTXGames123lol issued server command: /trade fresh123q [17:12:47] RTXGames123lol issued server command: /trade fresh123q [17:12:47] RTXGames123lol issued server command: /trade fresh123q [17:12:47] RTXGames123lol issued server command: /trade fresh123q [17:12:50] [L] __KotuKen: small black denis [17:12:53] Pro100ky issued server command: /warp gold [17:12:54] [L] __KotuKen: на меня похож [17:12:56] RTXGames123lol issued server command: /home [17:12:57] [L] _Top7_: ) [17:12:59] Flerion issued server command: /rtp [17:13:01] [L] _Top7_: где взял? [17:13:03] DeadWolfWar issued server command: /tpa Blak_loner [17:13:04] Stroof4 вышел [17:13:06] Blak_loner issued server command: /tpa DeadWolfWar [17:13:07] [L] __KotuKen: крч [17:13:07] [L] _Top7_: хоть не дюп? [17:13:09] Blak_loner issued server command: /tpaccept [17:13:10] DeadWolfWar issued server command: /we cui [17:13:11] [G] Wh1teFox: !&e _Top7_ в дк пыли есть :) [17:13:13] [L] __KotuKen: сказал я антону [17:13:14] Pro100ky вышел [17:13:15] [L] _Top7_: отойди от терминала [17:13:15] [L] __KotuKen: что [17:13:19] [G] _Top7_: !) [17:13:19] [L] __KotuKen: нам надо [17:13:22] [G] _Top7_: !смешно [17:13:23] Stroof4 зашёл [17:13:24] [L] __KotuKen: 1 хаотик ядро [17:13:26] DeadWolfWar issued server command: /home [17:13:27] Stroof4 issued server command: /we cui [17:13:28] Witherion issued server command: /warp Mining [17:13:28] DeadWolfWar issued server command: /we cui [17:13:28] Dark_Monarch issued server command: /co l u:vewelon a:-block t:1h r:#DIM1 b:121 [17:13:29] [L] __KotuKen: он вышел [17:13:30] Witherion issued server command: /we cui [17:13:32] [L] __KotuKen: приходит [17:13:32] [G] Wh1teFox: !&eтак я серьёзно) [17:13:35] [L] __KotuKen: открывает 1 кейс [17:13:42] macroholms issued server command: /home [17:13:43] macroholms issued server command: /we cui [17:13:43] [L] __KotuKen: и дропает хаос осколок [17:13:46] Enotik_imba issued server command: /warp goold [17:13:47] [L] _Top7_: кто вышед [17:13:49] [L] _Top7_: вышел [17:13:49] Enotik_imba issued server command: /warp gold [17:13:50] [L] _Top7_: ты кому [17:13:54] [L] __KotuKen: тебе [17:13:55] [L] _Top7_: про кого* [17:13:58] [L] __KotuKen: выше читай [17:14:00] Veles0 issued server command: /r а жаль, ведь из-за фнкции смены времени суто, пропадает львиная доля контента игры за вампиров [17:14:00] [L] macroholms: чупачи мунянё [17:14:02] [L] __KotuKen: про антона [17:14:02] _ViktoriyaYanch_ issued server command: //wand [17:14:03] Wh1teFox вышел [17:14:04] [L] __KotuKen: и донат его [17:14:05] [L] __KotuKen: 1 разовый [17:14:08] [L] _Top7_: аа [17:14:09] [L] _Top7_: пон [17:14:12] _ViktoriyaYanch_ issued server command: /rg claim sdsd [17:14:13] [L] __KotuKen: как буд-то [17:14:15] _ViktoriyaYanch_ issued server command: //sel [17:14:16] [L] __KotuKen: кейс подкрученый [17:14:19] [L] __KotuKen: xD [17:14:21] [L] __KotuKen: кстати на выполни [17:14:23] [L] __KotuKen: будеш иметь [17:14:28] [L] _Top7_: давай [17:14:30] _ViktoriyaYanch_ issued server command: /home [17:14:32] macroholms issued server command: /msg maksonnnn чупачи мунянё [17:14:34] valera_zakon issued server command: /home Andreibrooo [17:14:37] _ViktoriyaYanch_ issued server command: /spawn [17:14:39] _ViktoriyaYanch_ issued server command: /we cui [17:14:40] [L] _Top7_: дай [17:14:40] Enotik_imba issued server command: /warp an [17:14:42] [L] __KotuKen: своие small x2 top8 [17:14:42] [L] _Top7_: ау [17:14:44] Dark_Monarch issued server command: /co rollback [17:14:47] [L] __KotuKen: токо окуратно [17:14:47] Dark_Monarch issued server command: //sel [17:14:48] valera_zakon issued server command: /warp ez [17:14:50] [L] __KotuKen: не нажимай пкм [17:14:51] Enotik_imba issued server command: /warp gold [17:14:51] Dark_Monarch issued server command: /co rollback 10 [17:14:53] [L] _Top7_: е бейби) [17:14:53] [L] __KotuKen: рванет нахуй [17:14:55] valera_zakon issued server command: /home Andreibrooo [17:14:59] _ViktoriyaYanch_ issued server command: /home [17:15:00] _ViktoriyaYanch_ issued server command: /we cui [17:15:01] valera_zakon issued server command: /warp la [17:15:03] [L] __KotuKen: все вещи пропадут [17:15:05] valera_zakon issued server command: /warp lalalala [17:15:05] [L] _Top7_: есть хаот ядро? [17:15:06] [L] __KotuKen: осколок пропадёт [17:15:07] Dark_Monarch issued server command: /co rollback 1 hour [17:15:07] valera_zakon issued server command: /warp lalalal [17:15:07] Veles0 issued server command: /r к тому же если не брать в голову удаление алисы, возможно ли добавть правило как было на [17:15:07] Veles0 issued server command: /r маджикРПГ, касательно сего инциндента? [17:15:07] Flerion issued server command: /rtp [17:15:08] valera_zakon issued server command: /warp lalala [17:15:09] [L] __KotuKen: - [17:15:13] [L] _Top7_: так скрафти [17:15:14] [L] __KotuKen: только хаос осколок [17:15:14] valera_zakon issued server command: /home Andreibrooo [17:15:20] [L] __KotuKen: у меня нету столько всего [17:15:20] DeadWolfWar issued server command: /tpa Blak_loner [17:15:21] [L] _Top7_: лан я займусь [17:15:24] _ViktoriyaYanch_ issued server command: /tpa invalid4 [17:15:25] [L] __KotuKen: 4 пб ядер [17:15:25] Dark_Monarch issued server command: /r ? [17:15:27] [L] _Top7_: только ихор нужен [17:15:27] Blak_loner issued server command: /tpaccept [17:15:29] DeadWolfWar issued server command: /we cui [17:15:29] invalid4 issued server command: /tpaccept [17:15:30] Stroof4 issued server command: /HOME VIHNI [17:15:33] [L] _Top7_: ихор слитки [17:15:34] KrozikSHIT зашёл [17:15:34] Witherion issued server command: /home [17:15:35] valera_zakon issued server command: /home Andreibrooo [17:15:37] Witherion issued server command: /we cui [17:15:37] x_NevadA_x issued server command: /kit start [17:15:38] [L] __KotuKen: дай денег [17:15:40] _ViktoriyaYanch_ issued server command: /home [17:15:41] Stroof4 issued server command: /home [17:15:42] Dark_Monarch issued server command: /co rollback 1 р [17:15:45] Stroof4 issued server command: /warp st [17:15:45] Dark_Monarch issued server command: /co rollback 1 h [17:15:45] _Top7_ issued server command: /money& [17:15:46] _Top7_ issued server command: /money [17:15:46] [L] __KotuKen: сделаю [17:15:49] [L] __KotuKen: xD [17:15:54] Dark_Monarch issued server command: /co rollback 1h [17:15:56] [L] __KotuKen: ладно я афк [17:15:57] valera_zakon issued server command: /warp ez [17:15:57] Witherion issued server command: /msg Veles0 Кста, будь настороже - тут вещи пропадают с честов. [17:15:58] Veles0 issued server command: /r там было правило, запрещающее менять время суто/погоду, чаще чем 1 раз в час [17:15:59] _Top7_ issued server command: /money pay __KotuKen 125 [17:16:00] KrozikSHIT issued server command: /we cui [17:16:00] [L] _Top7_: на [17:16:05] fresh123q issued server command: /home [17:16:05] __KotuKen issued server command: /warp abyss [17:16:06] [L] _Top7_: по 5 кристаллов купи [17:16:07] Dark_Monarch issued server command: /co rollback u:vewelon t:1h [17:16:08] DeadWolfWar issued server command: /home [17:16:10] DeadWolfWar issued server command: /we cui [17:16:10] Witherion issued server command: /msg Veles0 Ну тут такого нету, увы. [17:16:15] Witherion issued server command: /msg Veles0 Техно-магия же. [17:16:15] Dark_Monarch issued server command: /co rollback u:vewelon t:1h [17:16:18] [L] __KotuKen: 9 [17:16:19] __KotuKen issued server command: /home [17:16:21] Dark_Monarch issued server command: /co rollback u:vewelon t:1h [17:16:25] _Top7_ issued server command: /m __KotuKen по 5 кристаллов купи [17:16:25] Veles0 issued server command: /w там было правило, запрещающее менять время суто/погоду, чаще чем 1 раз в час [17:16:26] [L] __KotuKen: ещё дай 120 [17:16:26] Dark_Monarch issued server command: /co rollback u:vewelon t:1h [17:16:28] Enotik_imba issued server command: //rtp [17:16:29] [L] __KotuKen: на [17:16:30] kirill_ER5 issued server command: /home [17:16:30] Stroof4 вышел [17:16:31] Enotik_imba issued server command: /rtp [17:16:33] RTXGames123lol умер (FALL) [17:16:35] Veles0 issued server command: /w Dark_Monarch там было правило, запрещающее менять время суто/погоду, чаще чем 1 раз в час [17:16:35] RTXGames123lol issued server command: /we cui [17:16:35] Dark_Monarch issued server command: /co rollback u:vewelon t:1h [17:16:37] Pro100ky зашёл [17:16:40] [L] _Top7_: ты идиот [17:16:40] [L] __KotuKen: 9 слитков хватит? [17:16:41] Witherion issued server command: /msg Veles0 Людям часто свет нужен для мехов и панелей. [17:16:41] Dark_Monarch issued server command: /co i [17:16:43] [L] __KotuKen: всм [17:16:43] [L] _Top7_: кристалы бы купил [17:16:44] [L] __KotuKen: ._. [17:16:45] SIlver_MrGrizz issued server command: /mpcaseshop [17:16:46] [L] __KotuKen: а [17:16:47] SIlver_MrGrizz issued server command: /mpcaseview 7 [17:16:48] SIlver_MrGrizz issued server command: /rollcase 7 [17:16:49] [L] __KotuKen: дай ещё денег [17:16:49] Dark_Monarch issued server command: /co i [17:16:51] __KotuKen issued server command: /money [17:16:52] Pro100ky issued server command: /we cui [17:16:55] Dark_Monarch issued server command: /co i [17:16:57] __KotuKen issued server command: /money _Top7_ [17:17:00] DeadWolfWar issued server command: /tpa Blak_loner [17:17:00] Pro100ky issued server command: /home [17:17:00] Dark_Monarch issued server command: /co i [17:17:01] _Top7_ issued server command: /money pay __KotuKen 75 [17:17:02] Flerion issued server command: /rtp [17:17:03] Pro100ky issued server command: /home [17:17:04] [L] __KotuKen: я то отдал половину [17:17:04] [L] _Top7_: по 3 [17:17:05] [L] __KotuKen: емов [17:17:07] [L] _Top7_: купи [17:17:08] Dark_Monarch issued server command: /co rollback u:vewelon t:1h [17:17:08] SIlver_MrGrizz issued server command: /cart gui [17:17:08] Pro100ky issued server command: /home [17:17:08] Pro100ky issued server command: /warp and [17:17:09] [L] __KotuKen: своей бывшей [17:17:10] [L] __KotuKen: хахахахаха [17:17:10] Dark_Monarch issued server command: /co rollback u:vewelon t:1h [17:17:16] Blak_loner issued server command: /tpaccept [17:17:17] DeadWolfWar issued server command: /we cui [17:17:20] [L] __KotuKen: я ещё не знал тогда [17:17:23] Veles0 issued server command: /w Witherion я с модератором беседу веду, пол часа текст вбивал, только энтр нажать хотел тут ты мне [17:17:24] Veles0 issued server command: /w сообщение прислал, вот тебе и отправил [17:17:25] Dark_Monarch issued server command: /co rollback u:vewelon t:1h [17:17:26] __KotuKen issued server command: /warp five [17:17:30] Dark_Monarch issued server command: /co rollback u:vewelon t:1h [17:17:31] __KotuKen issued server command: /warp magnit [17:17:33] Dark_Monarch issued server command: /co rollback u:vewelon t:1h [17:17:34] maksonnnn issued server command: /rtp [17:17:36] [L] __KotuKen: 5 [17:17:37] Witherion issued server command: /msg Veles0 Упс...Sry) [17:17:38] [L] __KotuKen: 5 [17:17:38] DeadWolfWar issued server command: /home [17:17:39] __KotuKen issued server command: /home [17:17:39] macroholms issued server command: /кез [17:17:40] DeadWolfWar issued server command: /we cui [17:17:40] Dark_Monarch issued server command: /co rollback u:vewelon t:1h [17:17:41] macroholms issued server command: /rtp [17:17:49] [L] __KotuKen: 125 вышло [17:17:51] [L] __KotuKen: а ты мне дал [17:17:56] [L] __KotuKen: 75 [17:17:57] Veles0 issued server command: /w Witherion что поделаешь, сру [17:17:57] Dark_Monarch issued server command: /co rollback u:vewelon t:1h [17:17:58] [L] __KotuKen: гони ещё 50 [17:18:00] [L] _Top7_: я сказал по 3 [17:18:01] [L] _Top7_: ау [17:18:03] Dark_Monarch issued server command: /co rollback u:vewelon t:1h [17:18:04] [L] _Top7_: почитай выще [17:18:06] [L] __KotuKen: ты заебал [17:18:07] Dark_Monarch issued server command: /co rollback u:vewelon t:1h [17:18:08] [L] __KotuKen: иди в пень [17:18:10] [L] _Top7_: ) [17:18:12] Dark_Monarch issued server command: /co rollback u:vewelon t:1h [17:18:12] Witherion issued server command: /msg Veles0 Яж не спецом :( [17:18:15] [L] __KotuKen: скамер ебаный [17:18:17] Dark_Monarch issued server command: /co rollback u:vewelon t:1h [17:18:20] [L] __KotuKen: у меня с вами денег е останется [17:18:20] Dark_Monarch issued server command: /co rollback u:vewelon t:1h [17:18:22] Veles0 issued server command: /r )) [17:18:24] [L] _Top7_: та ладно [17:18:26] Dark_Monarch issued server command: /co rollback u:vewelon t:1h [17:18:31] Enotik_imba issued server command: /rtp [17:18:32] [L] __KotuKen: всё плак плак [17:18:32] [L] _Top7_: че ты мне их дал [17:18:33] [L] __KotuKen: я афк [17:18:34] [L] __KotuKen: кстати [17:18:35] [L] _Top7_: иди крафти [17:18:37] [L] __KotuKen: неа [17:18:38] forksel issued server command: /home [17:18:39] Flerion issued server command: /home [17:18:40] [L] __KotuKen: я занят [17:18:40] Dark_Monarch issued server command: /co rollback u:vewelon t:1h [17:18:43] [L] __KotuKen: у меня фильмец [17:18:43] [L] _Top7_: афк [17:18:43] Witherion issued server command: /warp Mining [17:18:45] Witherion issued server command: /we cui [17:18:46] [L] _Top7_: это занят [17:18:47] Enotik_imba issued server command: /warp an [17:18:52] Dark_Monarch issued server command: /co rollback u:vewelon t:1h [17:18:53] [L] __KotuKen: у меня фильмец [17:18:56] [L] _Top7_: мне п**уй [17:18:58] Dark_Monarch issued server command: /co rollback u:vewelon t:1h [17:18:59] [L] __KotuKen: мне тоже [17:19:01] Dark_Monarch issued server command: /co rollback u:vewelon t:1h [17:19:03] Veles0 issued server command: /w Witherion у тебя таумонекона не завалялось? [17:19:05] [L] __KotuKen: я строю [17:19:05] Dark_Monarch issued server command: /co rollback u:vewelon t:1h [17:19:07] [L] __KotuKen: шаттл [17:19:08] Dark_Monarch issued server command: /co rollback u:vewelon t:1h [17:19:09] __KotuKen issued server command: /mods [17:19:11] Witherion issued server command: /msg Veles0 Штук 200 заволялось... [17:19:12] Dark_Monarch issued server command: /co rollback u:vewelon t:1h [17:19:12] Witherion issued server command: /home [17:19:14] Witherion issued server command: /we cui [17:19:18] Veles0 issued server command: /r продай 1 [17:19:19] Dark_Monarch issued server command: /co rollback u:vewelon t:1h [17:19:20] [L] __KotuKen: большой шатл [17:19:23] [L] __KotuKen: шаттл [17:19:28] Witherion issued server command: /trade Veles0 [17:19:34] Veles0 issued server command: /trade accept [17:19:34] [L] __KotuKen: а ты что делаешь [17:19:36] [L] __KotuKen: я вообше [17:19:39] [L] __KotuKen: вон щас пойду играть [17:19:41] [L] __KotuKen: в геншит импакт [17:19:44] [L] __KotuKen: иди в пень [17:19:45] [L] __KotuKen: всё [17:19:47] [L] __KotuKen: я афк [17:19:47] Witherion issued server command: /msg Veles0 не, я тебе его подарил) [17:19:47] __KotuKen issued server command: /home [17:19:52] Witherion issued server command: /trade Veles0 [17:19:56] Veles0 issued server command: /trade accept [17:20:02] Pro100ky issued server command: /home Enotik_imba [17:20:04] Pro100ky issued server command: /we cui [17:20:05] Blak_loner issued server command: /home [17:20:12] hais3 issued server command: /voteday [17:20:12] Witherion issued server command: /msg Veles0 :/ [17:20:14] macroholms issued server command: /yes [17:20:14] RTXGames123lol issued server command: /no [17:20:16] Witherion issued server command: /tpa Veles0 [17:20:17] kirill_ER5 issued server command: /yes [17:20:17] Witherion issued server command: /yes [17:20:19] mrggame issued server command: /yes [17:20:20] Veles0 issued server command: /tpaccept [17:20:23] animeshka66 issued server command: /home [17:20:26] [L] Witherion: WTF [17:20:27] Lasx issued server command: /home Luas [17:20:29] [L] Witherion: Куда пропал... [17:20:33] hais3 issued server command: /warp home4 [17:20:35] [L] Veles0: хрен пойми ваши обменики [17:20:36] [L] Witherion: А вот [17:20:37] Blak_loner вышел [17:20:45] _ViktoriyaYanch_ issued server command: /rtp [17:20:52] [L] Witherion: Тимейтам платить не надо) [17:21:03] [L] Witherion: А подарки - уж тем более не оплачиваются) [17:21:12] [L] Veles0: вот теперь я могу заняться тем делом в котором что то понимаю [17:21:14] mrsuperman69 issued server command: /рщьу [17:21:17] mrsuperman69 issued server command: /home [17:21:20] [L] Witherion: :D [17:21:21] [L] Veles0: в ргш добавишь? [17:21:25] Lasx issued server command: /warp portal [17:21:27] Lasx issued server command: /we cui [17:21:34] Lasx issued server command: /we cui [17:21:34] macroholms issued server command: /home [17:21:42] Dark_Monarch issued server command: /give Dark_Monarch DIVINEADDON_HALITEBLADE2 1 [17:21:47] Dark_Monarch issued server command: /give Dark_Monarch DIVINEADDON_HALITEBLADE2 1 [17:21:49] mrggame issued server command: /warpt [17:21:54] mrggame issued server command: /warp por [17:21:54] _ViktoriyaYanch_ issued server command: /home [17:21:54] maksonnnn issued server command: /rtp [17:21:57] mrggame issued server command: /we cui [17:22:01] [L] Witherion: Лучше ты меня с РГ вычеркни xD [17:22:07] [L] Witherion: Чтобы проблем не было с пропажей) [17:22:08] Dark_Monarch issued server command: /give Dark_Monarch THERMALEXPANSION_SATCHEL 1 [17:22:09] [L] Veles0: зачем? [17:22:21] [L] Veles0: с какой пропажей? [17:22:23] [L] Witherion: Ибо у всех игроков с честов/инвентарей вещи пропадают [17:22:30] hais3 issued server command: /home [17:22:31] [G] macroholms: !Куплю 9 шариков розовой слизи [17:22:36] [L] Veles0: а я при чем? [17:22:36] [L] Witherion: Причина понятная - над сервом не работают. [17:22:38] Dark_Monarch issued server command: /give Dark_Monarch BADVANCEDSOLARPANEL_BLOCKADVSOLARPANEL 1 [17:22:38] SIlver_MrGrizz issued server command: /home [17:22:40] macroholms issued server command: /money [17:22:42] VadimScorpion issued server command: /trade kirill_ER5 [17:22:42] VadimScorpion issued server command: /trade kirill_ER5 [17:22:42] VadimScorpion issued server command: /trade kirill_ER5 [17:22:42] VadimScorpion issued server command: /trade kirill_ER5 [17:22:42] VadimScorpion issued server command: /trade kirill_ER5 [17:22:42] VadimScorpion issued server command: /trade kirill_ER5 [17:22:42] VadimScorpion issued server command: /trade kirill_ER5 [17:22:48] kirill_ER5 issued server command: /trade cancel [17:22:51] vihni вышел [17:22:57] [L] Witherion: Хз, один писал что тима его мёртвая, в РГ 4 человек - вещи пропадали быстрее [17:23:12] _Top7_ issued server command: /home [17:23:15] macroholms issued server command: /rtp [17:23:22] mrggame issued server command: /we cui [17:23:27] [L] Witherion: Самый прикол что 2 дня назад у меня молекулярка прямо на глаза пропала спустя минуту как её [17:23:28] [L] Witherion: поставил. [17:23:29] forksel issued server command: /home [17:23:30] macroholms issued server command: /rtp [17:23:39] [L] Veles0: так мне же с этого не холодно не жарко, у меня 2 чела в одном рг, но у меня 2 рг [17:23:44] Dark_Monarch issued server command: /ch online [17:23:52] VadimScorpion умер (ENTITY_ATTACK) [17:23:53] Dark_Monarch issued server command: /ch online Wh1teFox [17:23:54] VadimScorpion issued server command: /we cui [17:24:05] [L] Witherion: 2 дома? А нафига так делиться на пополам? xD [17:24:15] [L] Witherion: Ты же чанки 2-х прогружать не сможешь. [17:24:32] [L] Veles0: так на том варп стоит с узлами, на мой взгляд топовыми [17:24:35] Dark_Monarch issued server command: /co rollback u:vewelon t:1h [17:24:40] Dark_Monarch issued server command: /co rollback u:vewelon t:1h [17:24:40] VadimScorpion умер (ENTITY_ATTACK) [17:24:42] VadimScorpion issued server command: /we cui [17:24:48] Dark_Monarch issued server command: /home vewelon [17:24:49] [L] Witherion: Тут о узлах забыть можно) [17:24:53] Dark_Monarch issued server command: /we cui [17:25:00] [L] Veles0: неа, я по старинке лучше [17:25:02] [L] Witherion: Сделал станцию - кайфуешь) [17:25:11] [L] Witherion: 1 блок - компактен) [17:25:14] [L] Veles0: покажи че за станция [17:25:17] [L] Witherion: Тп [17:25:18] Witherion issued server command: /home [17:25:23] Veles0 issued server command: /call Witherion [17:25:26] Witherion issued server command: /tpaccept [17:25:35] [L] Witherion: Вот [17:25:41] Veles0 issued server command: /heal [17:25:50] invalid4 issued server command: /sethome [17:25:55] [L] Veles0: да фигня [17:25:59] [L] Witherion: Ток энергию требует, и всё) [17:26:03] [L] Veles0: я лучше чисто в таум пойду [17:26:08] [L] Witherion: Ну к) [17:26:24] [L] Witherion: А ну постой [17:26:33] macroholms issued server command: /rtp [17:27:18] [L] Veles0: нифига ты далеко живешь [17:27:28] [L] Veles0: 3 с половино км топать [17:27:38] nusha зашёл [17:27:40] [L] Witherion: Мне лететь и тебе лететь*) [17:27:51] macroholms issued server command: /warp magnit [17:27:54] Enotik_imba issued server command: /home [17:27:55] [L] Veles0: точно [17:27:57] Enotik_imba issued server command: /we cui [17:27:57] fresh123q issued server command: /trade RTXGames123lol [17:27:57] fresh123q issued server command: /trade RTXGames123lol [17:27:57] fresh123q issued server command: /trade RTXGames123lol [17:27:57] fresh123q issued server command: /trade RTXGames123lol [17:28:00] nusha issued server command: /we cui [17:28:02] Pro100ky issued server command: /home [17:28:02] Dark_Monarch issued server command: /give Dark_Monarch 2456:4 1 [17:28:04] Pro100ky issued server command: /we cui [17:28:04] [L] Veles0: в ботании же крыт=лья были [17:28:10] Enotik_imba issued server command: /home [17:28:12] Enotik_imba issued server command: /warp an [17:28:15] Enotik_imba issued server command: /we cui [17:28:15] Pro100ky issued server command: /rtp [17:28:30] [L] Witherion: На) [17:28:30] Enotik_imba issued server command: /heal [17:28:37] [L] Witherion: 2-жды пробел [17:28:40] Dark_Monarch вышел [17:28:40] Pro100ky issued server command: /home [17:28:43] nusha issued server command: /gm 1 [17:28:44] Blak_loner зашёл [17:28:45] [L] Witherion: :) [17:28:49] Blak_loner issued server command: /we cui [17:28:55] [L] Veles0: а их что не обязательно в слот ставить? [17:28:59] [L] Witherion: Нет) [17:29:02] Dark_Monarch зашёл [17:29:05] macroholms issued server command: /warp shop [17:29:05] Droness зашёл [17:29:06] [L] Witherion: В инвентаре присутствует и летаешь) [17:29:06] macroholms issued server command: /we cui [17:29:08] Dark_Monarch issued server command: /we cui [17:29:09] [L] Veles0: значит не потеряю [17:29:13] [L] Witherion: Урона от падения нету. [17:29:16] kirill_ER5 issued server command: /home [17:29:18] maksonnnn вышел [17:29:21] [L] Veles0: ммм [17:29:21] Droness issued server command: /we cui [17:29:25] hais3 issued server command: /home [17:29:26] [L] Veles0: как ангелка [17:29:29] [L] Witherion: + [17:29:41] [L] Witherion: Но занимают лишь 1 слот кольца либо же просто 1 слот в инвентаре [17:29:47] Dark_Monarch issued server command: /whois dark_Monarch [17:29:51] macroholms issued server command: /warp minimarket [17:29:53] macroholms issued server command: /we cui [17:29:55] Anchik зашёл [17:30:07] [L] Veles0: я только один слиток не могу см=делать из их карфта [17:30:08] hais3 issued server command: /feed [17:30:13] [L] Witherion: ? [17:30:16] [L] Witherion: Нестабильный? [17:30:26] Droness issued server command: /warp 69 [17:30:26] [L] Veles0: 8188 [17:30:27] Anchik issued server command: /we cui [17:30:36] [L] Witherion: Ну да, нестабилка [17:30:41] [L] Witherion: Выбивается из Сушки [17:30:45] [L] Witherion: (Лишь в ближнем бою) [17:30:52] perelom800kk зашёл [17:30:55] [L] Witherion: Могу дать, у меня лишний есть [17:31:02] hais3 issued server command: /voteday [17:31:03] [L] Witherion: Ток там ритуал нужен [17:31:04] macroholms issued server command: /yes [17:31:05] Dark_Monarch issued server command: /gc [17:31:05] Korinff issued server command: /yes [17:31:06] [L] Veles0: неа. спасибо [17:31:07] [L] Witherion: О, как раз. [17:31:11] Anchik issued server command: /yes [17:31:13] Blak_loner вышел [17:31:14] [L] Witherion: Ну смотри сам [17:31:17] perelom800kk issued server command: /we cui [17:31:20] [L] Witherion: Если что надо - говори. [17:31:21] kirill_ER5 issued server command: /yes [17:31:24] [L] Veles0: я пока только начал, еще на дне так что просто осваиваюсь [17:31:25] KrozikSHIT issued server command: /home [17:31:34] Droness issued server command: /home [17:31:35] [L] Veles0: страно конечно на хайтече с магией играть [17:31:44] [L] Veles0: летать сколько можно? [17:31:50] [L] Witherion: Бесконечно) [17:32:01] Korinff issued server command: /warp mining [17:32:03] Korinff issued server command: /we cui [17:32:06] [L] Veles0: ооо, я если что буду пользовать матрицу? [17:32:11] [L] Witherion: К) [17:32:29] [L] Veles0: пока свою не отгрохаю, [17:32:30] [L] Witherion: Ток тут пока 49% стаблы. [17:32:47] Droness issued server command: /warp 69 [17:32:50] [L] Veles0: да мне осмат что бы можно было скрафтить [17:32:52] Droness issued server command: /home [17:32:57] [L] Witherion: Могу скрафтить) [17:33:04] Pro100ky issued server command: /home [17:33:04] Droness issued server command: /warp 69 [17:33:15] [L] Veles0: а тотемы, я за 5 дней еще ни одного не нащшел [17:33:16] Korinff issued server command: /home [17:33:16] Droness issued server command: /home [17:33:18] Korinff issued server command: /we cui [17:33:26] [L] Witherion: 6 стака их сегодня надыбал xD [17:33:27] Dark_Monarch вышел [17:33:31] macroholms issued server command: /warp list [17:33:35] macroholms issued server command: /warp 2 [17:33:37] [L] Veles0: сколько? [17:33:38] macroholms issued server command: /warp list 2 [17:33:40] [L] Witherion: 6) [17:33:47] macroholms issued server command: /warp anime [17:33:49] Dark_Monarch зашёл [17:33:56] Dark_Monarch issued server command: /we cui [17:34:03] [L] Veles0: нифига ты продвинутый, сразу видно челявэк давно играет [17:34:09] [L] Witherion: Не давно) [17:34:12] [L] Veles0: лядно я таум изучать пошел [17:34:12] fresh123q issued server command: /rtp [17:34:16] [L] animeshka66: q [17:34:21] [L] macroholms: qq [17:34:23] [L] Witherion: Ок-с, удачи ^^ [17:34:25] Enotik_imba issued server command: /heal [17:34:27] Anchik issued server command: /kit eat [17:34:34] [L] Witherion: Если что - заходи) [17:34:34] [L] animeshka66: у нас еще строительство [17:34:35] zxcmonster228 зашёл [17:34:39] zxcmonster228 issued server command: /we cui [17:34:42] animeshka66 issued server command: /home [17:34:42] [L] macroholms: я понял... [17:34:49] [L] Veles0: но должен признать что скорость меньше чем от вампа [17:34:51] [L] macroholms: Удачи! [17:34:53] Enotik_imba issued server command: /warp an [17:34:53] [L] Witherion: Кста, держи) [17:34:55] macroholms issued server command: /home [17:35:04] macroholms issued server command: /warp bees [17:35:10] [L] Witherion: В слот "Оборудования" [17:35:24] [L] Veles0: я понял, но не помню что дает [17:35:26] MomenTs issued server command: /warp pvt [17:35:29] MomenTs issued server command: /warp pve [17:35:31] MomenTs issued server command: /we cui [17:35:34] [L] Witherion: Ну как у меня сверху название) [17:35:43] [L] Witherion: Просто декор) [17:35:44] fresh123q issued server command: /home [17:35:53] hais3 issued server command: /warp 69 [17:36:01] [L] Witherion: Я сейчас по данжам летаю всё зачищаю, нахожу кучу всего. [17:36:03] [L] Veles0: ой, прошу прощения товарищь аркканцлер)) [17:36:07] [L] Witherion: )) [17:36:10] hais3 issued server command: /home [17:36:10] mrggame issued server command: /rtp [17:36:12] perelom800kk issued server command: /rtp [17:36:22] Anchik issued server command: /warp list [17:36:26] perelom800kk issued server command: /rtp [17:36:28] Anchik issued server command: /warp list 2 [17:36:36] Anchik issued server command: /warp list 3 [17:36:36] [L] Veles0: в ботании разобрался? [17:36:39] [L] Witherion: Праведный защитник, служи честью и ♂Ass'ом♂ ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) [17:36:45] macroholms issued server command: /aura [17:36:46] [L] Veles0: ))) [17:36:48] Dark_Monarch issued server command: /gm 1 [17:36:49] Anchik issued server command: /warp godsho [17:36:49] macroholms issued server command: /warp aura [17:36:50] macroholms issued server command: /we cui [17:36:51] perelom800kk issued server command: /rtp [17:36:54] perelom800kk issued server command: /rtp [17:36:54] perelom800kk issued server command: /rtp [17:36:54] perelom800kk issued server command: /rtp [17:36:55] perelom800kk issued server command: /rtp [17:36:55] perelom800kk issued server command: /rtp [17:36:56] macroholms issued server command: /home [17:36:56] perelom800kk issued server command: /rtp [17:36:56] perelom800kk issued server command: /rtp [17:36:57] perelom800kk issued server command: /rtp [17:36:57] macroholms issued server command: /we cui [17:37:00] perelom800kk issued server command: /rtp [17:37:01] perelom800kk issued server command: /rtp [17:37:01] [L] Witherion: Da. [17:37:02] perelom800kk issued server command: /rtp [17:37:03] perelom800kk issued server command: /rtp [17:37:03] macroholms issued server command: /warp list 3 [17:37:04] perelom800kk issued server command: /rtp [17:37:05] perelom800kk issued server command: /rtp [17:37:06] perelom800kk issued server command: /rtp [17:37:07] perelom800kk issued server command: /rtp [17:37:07] perelom800kk issued server command: /rtp [17:37:08] perelom800kk issued server command: /rtp [17:37:09] macroholms issued server command: /warp danon [17:37:09] perelom800kk issued server command: /rtp [17:37:10] perelom800kk issued server command: /rtp [17:37:11] perelom800kk issued server command: /rtp [17:37:12] perelom800kk issued server command: /rtp [17:37:13] perelom800kk issued server command: /rtp [17:37:20] [L] Witherion: Ток ботанией пока некогда страдать [17:37:21] fresh123q issued server command: /rtp [17:37:22] macroholms issued server command: /home [17:37:24] [L] Witherion: Мне нужны панели... [17:37:26] mrggame issued server command: /home [17:37:27] mrggame issued server command: /we cui [17:37:30] macroholms issued server command: /warp dragon [17:37:32] [L] Witherion: Много....МНО-О-ОГО панелей... [17:37:33] [L] Veles0: не напомниш как одеть его? [17:38:01] [L] Witherion: Там в инвентаре напротив Баблс значка слева есть книжки значёк "Оборудование" [17:38:04] fresh123q issued server command: /rtp [17:38:10] Pro100ky вышел [17:38:17] Pro100ky зашёл [17:38:18] fresh123q issued server command: /rtp [17:38:20] Pro100ky issued server command: /we cui [17:38:21] [L] Witherion: Рядом с кольцом свиток вставляется [17:38:21] fresh123q issued server command: /rtp [17:38:23] fresh123q issued server command: /rtp [17:38:36] [L] Witherion: Вставил? [17:38:40] [L] Witherion: Во) [17:38:42] [G] hais3: !есть тут такая чара как автоплавка? [17:38:43] [L] Veles0: в рг не ставилось [17:38:47] [L] Witherion: Странно [17:38:50] [L] Witherion: А. [17:38:51] [G] SIlver_MrGrizz: !да [17:38:51] Dark_Monarch issued server command: /home [17:38:54] macroholms issued server command: /warp fars [17:39:01] macroholms issued server command: /warp five [17:39:03] Anchik issued server command: /warp list 3 [17:39:06] [L] Veles0: о, эти твари и здесь есть)) [17:39:08] Anchik issued server command: /warp list 4 [17:39:23] Anchik issued server command: /warp minimarket [17:39:28] mrsuperman69 issued server command: /home [17:39:32] perelom800kk вышел [17:39:32] [L] Witherion: Вот эта вещь кстати крутая) [17:39:36] Anchik issued server command: /warp magnit [17:39:37] [L] Veles0: ладно я полетел [17:39:38] kirill_ER5 вышел [17:39:44] [L] macroholms: 1 [17:39:44] [L] Veles0: земля? [17:39:47] [L] Witherion: + [17:39:54] Dark_Monarch вышел [17:39:57] Flerion вышел [17:40:02] Enotik_imba issued server command: /warp an [17:40:04] MomenTs issued server command: /home [17:40:06] MomenTs issued server command: /we cui [17:40:11] [L] Witherion: Как наступит ночь на ней хаос начинает творится) [17:40:21] fresh123q issued server command: /home [17:40:23] invalid4 issued server command: //WAND [17:40:23] Gazirovka_ зашёл [17:40:32] [L] Veles0: фиг его занает, мне надо пока выучить то что я уже знаю, как бы тупо это не звучало [17:40:38] Gazirovka_ issued server command: /we cui [17:40:43] [L] Witherion: Лейка пропала [17:40:45] [L] Witherion: Ппц( [17:40:51] Dark_Monarch зашёл [17:40:53] [L] macroholms: 18 [17:40:56] Gazirovka_ issued server command: /warp world [17:40:56] Dark_Monarch issued server command: /we cui [17:41:00] Anchik issued server command: /warp list 4 [17:41:00] VadimScorpion вышел [17:41:05] Anchik issued server command: /warp list 5 [17:41:06] Gazirovka_ issued server command: /dtfhgytdfyghjhgvfdrfuyggvcghv [17:41:08] hais3 issued server command: /feed [17:41:09] Veles0 issued server command: /rg remember V0 Witherion [17:41:11] [L] Witherion: Да йоб.. [17:41:13] Anchik issued server command: /warp list 6 [17:41:22] [L] Veles0: rfrfz ktqrf& [17:41:24] macroholms issued server command: /money [17:41:25] Droness issued server command: /home [17:41:28] [L] Veles0: какая лейка? [17:41:29] maksonnnn зашёл [17:41:32] mrggame issued server command: /home [17:41:33] Anchik issued server command: /warp tmpr1 [17:41:34] _ViktoriyaYanch_ issued server command: /рщьу [17:41:36] _ViktoriyaYanch_ issued server command: /home [17:41:42] [L] Witherion: А вот [17:41:44] Anchik issued server command: /we cui [17:41:44] [L] Witherion: Пошли) [17:41:47] Anchik issued server command: /warp list 5 [17:41:52] Dark_Monarch issued server command: /prefix Gazirovka_ &6Работяга [17:41:52] Anchik issued server command: /yes [17:41:54] [L] Witherion: Покажу как раз для чего земля [17:41:55] Anchik issued server command: /ршьу [17:41:56] maksonnnn issued server command: /we cui [17:41:58] Anchik issued server command: /home [17:41:58] [L] Veles0: а чего ты деревянные сундуки столько складываешь? не проще поставить стеклынные? [17:42:02] Anchik issued server command: /we cui [17:42:03] Enotik_imba вышел [17:42:04] Dark_Monarch issued server command: /ctags player Gazirovka_ &7 [17:42:07] maksonnnn issued server command: /home [17:42:08] Dark_Monarch issued server command: /ctags player Gazirovka_ &f [17:42:11] [L] Witherion: Лишь в деревянных логи чекаются на пропажу вещей [17:42:12] zxcmonster228 issued server command: /voteday [17:42:14] hais3 issued server command: /yes [17:42:15] Veles0 issued server command: /no [17:42:16] Anchik issued server command: /yes [17:42:18] mrggame issued server command: /yes [17:42:20] [L] Witherion: Лучше взлети) [17:42:21] [L] fresh123q: 123 [17:42:21] Witherion issued server command: /no [17:42:24] Gazirovka_ issued server command: /rtp [17:42:24] [L] Dark_Monarch: права остались ? [17:42:26] invalid4 issued server command: /ecpand up 60 [17:42:30] [L] macroholms: 20 [17:42:31] Dark_Monarch issued server command: /near [17:42:39] [L] Witherion: Зараза [17:42:39] invalid4 issued server command: /expand up 60 [17:42:43] [L] Witherion: Вовремя утро сделали -_- [17:42:43] Dark_Monarch issued server command: /m Gazirovka_ права остались ? [17:42:45] [G] Anchik: !тут есть нормальные магазины? [17:42:46] KrozikSHIT issued server command: /home [17:42:47] Gazirovka_ issued server command: /r - [17:42:49] invalid4 issued server command: //expand up 60 [17:42:51] [L] Gazirovka_: 1 [17:42:51] [L] Veles0: а я о чем? [17:42:58] Dark_Monarch issued server command: /home vewelon [17:43:01] Gazirovka_ issued server command: /god [17:43:06] Gazirovka_ issued server command: /kit [17:43:10] [L] Witherion: Мда уж... [17:43:13] Gazirovka_ issued server command: /r обычный игрок [17:43:17] invalid4 issued server command: //expand 60 up [17:43:18] [L] Witherion: Ладно не буду отвлекать тогда. [17:43:24] [L] Witherion: Самому нужно панели фигачить [17:43:27] Gazirovka_ issued server command: /r с креатив вещами xD [17:43:30] invalid4 issued server command: //expand 60 down [17:43:41] [L] Veles0: надо бы сервер сменить, на тот где нету смены времени [17:43:43] fresh123q issued server command: /trade RTXGames123lol [17:43:48] RTXGames123lol issued server command: /trade accept [17:43:53] [L] Witherion: Ну я пока тут буду) [17:43:54] maksonnnn вышел [17:43:59] invalid4 issued server command: /rg claim tuturu [17:44:00] [L] Witherion: Хз скок и на скок... [17:44:07] Dark_Monarch вышел [17:44:08] [L] Veles0: так и я тоже, но все же [17:44:17] Gazirovka_ issued server command: /rg i [17:44:36] Dark_Monarch зашёл [17:44:43] Dark_Monarch issued server command: /we cui [17:44:49] mrggame issued server command: /home [17:44:57] Dark_Monarch issued server command: /whois vewelon [17:44:58] Witherion issued server command: /msg Veles0 Кста, у тебя есть узел креативный? [17:45:05] Dark_Monarch issued server command: /seen vewelon [17:45:06] invalid4 issued server command: //expand 60 up [17:45:07] [G] fresh123q: !тут есть трубы по которым предметы передаются [17:45:07] Veles0 issued server command: /r нету [17:45:11] Witherion issued server command: /msg Veles0 Ппц. [17:45:14] invalid4 issued server command: //expand 60 down [17:45:15] Witherion issued server command: /msg Veles0 А ты кв делаешь? [17:45:17] Dark_Monarch issued server command: /tppos 2798 89 5257 [17:45:23] Veles0 issued server command: /r rfrjq& [17:45:28] Veles0 issued server command: /r rfrjq& [17:45:29] invalid4 issued server command: /rg claim tuturu1 [17:45:30] Gazirovka_ issued server command: /socialspy [17:45:35] Veles0 issued server command: /r какой? [17:45:35] mrggame вышел [17:45:41] Witherion issued server command: /msg Veles0 Ну вообще КВ выполняешь? [17:45:43] Dark_Monarch issued server command: /s gazirovka_ [17:45:49] invalid4 issued server command: /home [17:45:50] Veles0 issued server command: /r неа [17:45:54] hais3 issued server command: /feed [17:45:55] Witherion issued server command: /msg Veles0 0_о [17:45:58] Witherion issued server command: /msg Veles0 А зря)) [17:45:59] Gazirovka_ issued server command: /r норм рг [17:46:02] Witherion issued server command: /msg Veles0 Там плюшки неплохие. [17:46:17] hais3 issued server command: /home [17:46:20] hais3 issued server command: /feed [17:46:26] invalid4 issued server command: /rg delete tuturu1 [17:46:26] [G] MomenTs: ! Продам пару пб кирок)( [17:46:30] KrozikSHIT issued server command: /home [17:46:37] invalid4 issued server command: /rg delete tuturu [17:46:41] KrozikSHIT issued server command: /home [17:46:41] Gazirovka_ issued server command: /history [17:46:50] Witherion issued server command: /msg Veles0 Настройка->Управление->BetterQuesting - смени бинд и просто чекни. [17:47:03] Veles0 issued server command: /r у меня проблема со зрением [17:47:03] KrozikSHIT issued server command: /home [17:47:14] Witherion issued server command: /msg Veles0 Ухудшилось? [17:47:20] [G] SIlver_MrGrizz: !кто продаст зелля из витчери преследуючего духа пж оч надо [17:47:25] Veles0 issued server command: /r не вижу смысла [17:47:36] animeshka66 issued server command: /warp shop [17:47:37] [G] zxcmonster228: !могу душу демона продать [17:47:39] macroholms issued server command: /money [17:47:39] animeshka66 issued server command: /we cui [17:47:42] KrozikSHIT issued server command: /home [17:47:46] [G] hais3: ! обменяю 21 драконьеву пыль на железо [17:47:46] [G] SIlver_MrGrizz: !нет [17:47:50] invalid4 issued server command: //expand 100 [17:47:54] Witherion issued server command: /msg Veles0 Так интерес хоть какой-то может появится) [17:47:58] fresh123q issued server command: /warp nethert [17:47:59] MomenTs issued server command: /w hais3 На сколько? [17:48:00] fresh123q issued server command: /warp nether [17:48:01] [G] SIlver_MrGrizz: !давай hais3 [17:48:13] macroholms issued server command: /home [17:48:14] fresh123q issued server command: /we cui [17:48:14] [G] hais3: !сколько дашь? [17:48:14] KrozikSHIT issued server command: /home [17:48:25] [G] SIlver_MrGrizz: !сколька хочеш [17:48:27] KrozikSHIT issued server command: /home [17:48:29] MomenTs issued server command: /r Стаков 6 [17:48:31] SIlver_MrGrizz issued server command: /home [17:48:39] hais3 issued server command: /tpa MomenTs [17:48:40] Witherion issued server command: /msg Veles0 Кста, лишняя палка на 25 нужна? xD [17:48:43] MomenTs issued server command: /tpaccept [17:48:43] Veles0 issued server command: /r ладно, прогуляюсь мельком по квестам, может реал что то интересное для себя найду [17:48:47] Witherion issued server command: /msg Veles0 А то мне место засоряет. [17:48:55] [L] hais3: скинул [17:48:56] animeshka66 issued server command: /home [17:48:59] animeshka66 issued server command: /we cui [17:49:05] invalid4 issued server command: //expand 2 up [17:49:08] hais3 issued server command: /home [17:49:09] _ViktoriyaYanch_ issued server command: /home [17:49:09] Veles0 issued server command: /r не откажусь, ибо мне щас любая палка нужно [17:49:11] invalid4 issued server command: //expand 98 up [17:49:21] [G] SIlver_MrGrizz: !ну сколька [17:49:27] invalid4 issued server command: //expand 70 down [17:49:35] [G] hais3: !братан все не успел [17:49:35] Witherion issued server command: /trade Veles0 [17:49:38] invalid4 issued server command: /rg claim tuturu [17:49:39] [G] hais3: !увы быстрее купили [17:49:40] Veles0 issued server command: /trade accept [17:49:43] [G] hais3: !я думать не люблю [17:49:55] [G] SIlver_MrGrizz: !кто продаст зелля из витчери преследуючего духа пж оч надо [17:50:00] fresh123q issued server command: /home [17:50:02] Witherion issued server command: /msg Veles0 У тебя места 0 [17:50:03] fresh123q issued server command: /we cui [17:50:11] Veles0 issued server command: /r 1 ckjn cdj,jlysq [17:50:20] Veles0 issued server command: /r 1 ckjn cdj,jlysq [17:50:28] Veles0 issued server command: /r ааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааа [17:50:31] Witherion issued server command: /msg Veles0 )) [17:50:38] Veles0 issued server command: /r 1 слот свободный [17:50:42] Witherion issued server command: /msg Veles0 Надо 2 [17:50:54] Veles0 issued server command: /r уже освободиол [17:51:01] Witherion issued server command: /trade Veles0 [17:51:02] Gazirovka_ вышел [17:51:04] Veles0 issued server command: /trade accept [17:51:14] invalid4 issued server command: //expand 100 up [17:51:23] Veles0 issued server command: /r звучит как лекарство)) [17:51:26] invalid4 issued server command: //expand 100 down [17:51:27] Gazirovka_ зашёл [17:51:29] Gazirovka_ issued server command: /we cui [17:51:29] Gazirovka_ issued server command: /gm 1 [17:51:30] [L] __KotuKen: привет беброк [17:51:32] Witherion issued server command: /msg Veles0 & [17:51:34] Witherion issued server command: /msg Veles0 ?* [17:51:36] MomenTs issued server command: /w _Top7_ Тут? [17:51:38] invalid4 issued server command: /rg claim tuturu1 [17:51:41] Gazirovka_ issued server command: /dtfhgytdfyghjhgvfdrfuyggvcghv [17:51:42] _Top7_ issued server command: /m MomenTs ла [17:51:44] _Top7_ issued server command: /m MomenTs да [17:51:44] [L] __KotuKen: Щас заскринюсь [17:51:45] Gazirovka_ issued server command: /dtfhgytdfyghjhgvfdrfuyggvcghv [17:51:47] macroholms issued server command: /home [17:51:49] MomenTs issued server command: /home [17:51:50] Veles0 issued server command: /r выше прочитай)) [17:51:58] [L] _Top7_: с тебя 2 пб ядра [17:51:59] MomenTs issued server command: /w А с чего ты сано добываешь? [17:52:04] [L] __KotuKen: всм [17:52:04] Witherion issued server command: /msg Veles0 Ничего не понял, sryl [17:52:05] MomenTs issued server command: /r А с чего ты сано добываешь? [17:52:10] Witherion issued server command: /msg Veles0 Кста, жезл не забрал :/ [17:52:11] RTXGames123lol issued server command: /home [17:52:16] [L] _Top7_: я потратил кучу ресов ради 4 ядер [17:52:18] Witherion issued server command: /tpa Veles0 [17:52:25] Veles0 issued server command: /r уже освободиол** [17:52:27] Veles0 issued server command: /tpaccept [17:52:27] Gazirovka_ issued server command: /s Dark_Monarch [17:52:31] _Top7_ issued server command: /m MomenTs яблоки золотые или зелья лечения [17:52:34] [L] __KotuKen: неа [17:52:35] [L] __KotuKen: они мои [17:52:40] [L] _Top7_: 1 тогда давай [17:52:43] [L] Veles0: прочитал? [17:52:55] [L] Witherion: Да, но я ничего не понял. [17:52:57] [L] _Top7_: пь [17:53:00] [L] _Top7_: пб [17:53:00] [L] __KotuKen: неа [17:53:01] [L] Witherion: У меня с шутками туго. [17:53:03] [L] _Top7_: даа [17:53:03] [L] __KotuKen: мне тоже надо [17:53:04] Gazirovka_ issued server command: /near [17:53:10] [L] Veles0: прчитай по слогам)) [17:53:10] Gazirovka_ issued server command: /m Dark_Monarch жив? [17:53:10] zxcmonster228 issued server command: /voteday [17:53:12] [L] _Top7_: тогда давай 2 виверн [17:53:13] macroholms issued server command: /yes [17:53:14] Veles0 issued server command: /no [17:53:14] MomenTs issued server command: /yes [17:53:18] Gazirovka_ issued server command: /inv a [17:53:20] hais3 issued server command: /yes [17:53:20] Anchik issued server command: /yes [17:53:20] Korinff issued server command: /yes [17:53:21] [L] __KotuKen: где я тебе 2вив ядра возьму [17:53:26] [L] Witherion: Прочитал. [17:53:27] [L] _Top7_: скрафти [17:53:30] Gazirovka_ issued server command: /inv akelettoyung [17:53:30] [L] Witherion: Нифига не понял, sry :( [17:53:32] Witherion issued server command: /yes [17:53:37] [L] __KotuKen: у меня дракония нету [17:53:53] [L] __KotuKen: на [17:53:54] MomenTs issued server command: /warp mining [17:53:56] MomenTs issued server command: /we cui [17:53:58] [L] _Top7_: о спс) [17:53:58] [L] __KotuKen: хватит с тебя [17:54:01] [L] Veles0: ладно проехали. видимо в разных странах лекарства окончание другое имеют [17:54:12] [L] Veles0: ладно проехали. видимо в разных странах лекарства окончание другое имеют [17:54:13] [L] __KotuKen: больше нету -. = [17:54:15] invalid4 issued server command: /rg delete tuturu [17:54:18] [L] _Top7_: без б [17:54:22] [L] Witherion: Не шарю за лекарства особо. [17:54:29] _ViktoriyaYanch_ issued server command: /rtp [17:54:30] [L] __KotuKen: и так по фулу залутал [17:54:33] [L] __KotuKen: матеорит 1 [17:54:34] [L] __KotuKen: + [17:54:37] [L] __KotuKen: немного [17:54:39] macroholms issued server command: /home [17:54:41] _ViktoriyaYanch_ issued server command: /home [17:54:46] [L] __KotuKen: подсосал на самом енд острове [17:55:06] [L] _ViktoriyaYanch_: hoke [17:55:06] Witherion issued server command: /home [17:55:09] _ViktoriyaYanch_ issued server command: /home [17:55:16] [L] __KotuKen: я ща [17:55:19] invalid4 issued server command: //expand 100 up [17:55:26] invalid4 issued server command: //expand 100 down [17:55:26] maksonnnn зашёл [17:55:31] animeshka66 issued server command: /home [17:55:32] Gazirovka_ issued server command: /ec akelettoyung [17:55:33] maksonnnn issued server command: /we cui [17:55:36] Gazirovka_ issued server command: /щу akelettoyung [17:55:39] zxcmonster228 issued server command: /trade MomenTs [17:55:40] Gazirovka_ issued server command: /oe akelettoyung [17:55:42] MomenTs issued server command: /trade accept [17:55:46] Veles0 issued server command: /r здесь щитается нормой, то что глыбы углерода под облаками обитают? [17:55:46] Gazirovka_ issued server command: /forcespawn Dark_Monarch [17:55:47] Gazirovka_ issued server command: /forcespawn Dark_Monarch [17:55:48] Gazirovka_ issued server command: /forcespawn Dark_Monarch [17:55:50] maksonnnn issued server command: /money [17:55:54] invalid4 issued server command: /rg claim tuturu [17:55:55] Witherion issued server command: /msg Veles0 Da. [17:56:00] Lasx issued server command: /home Luas [17:56:03] Lasx issued server command: /we cui [17:56:10] Witherion issued server command: /msg Veles0 По лору тут все принимают "Радостин". [17:56:16] KoZmOWed зашёл [17:56:20] Pro100ky issued server command: /home [17:56:23] Gazirovka_ issued server command: /inv akelettoyung [17:56:28] maksonnnn issued server command: /money pay macroholms [17:56:37] maksonnnn issued server command: /money pay macroholms 60 [17:56:38] Dark_Monarch вышел [17:56:42] KoZmOWed issued server command: /we cui [17:56:47] Veles0 issued server command: /r наркота какаято? [17:56:55] macroholms issued server command: /warp five [17:56:56] maksonnnn issued server command: /home [17:56:56] Gazirovka_ issued server command: /inv vewelon [17:57:04] Witherion issued server command: /msg Veles0 Если в "We happy, happy, few" играл - поймёшь) [17:57:04] invalid4 issued server command: //expand 100 down [17:57:08] invalid4 issued server command: //expand 100 down [17:57:08] [L] macroholms: 1 [17:57:10] Droness issued server command: /home [17:57:11] invalid4 issued server command: //expand 100 up [17:57:14] invalid4 issued server command: /rg claim tuturu [17:57:16] SIlver_MrGrizz issued server command: /home [17:57:18] macroholms issued server command: /money [17:57:22] _Top7_ issued server command: /home [17:57:23] macroholms issued server command: /home [17:57:25] fresh123q issued server command: /trade RTXGames123lol [17:57:25] fresh123q issued server command: /trade RTXGames123lol [17:57:25] fresh123q issued server command: /trade RTXGames123lol [17:57:25] fresh123q issued server command: /trade RTXGames123lol [17:57:25] invalid4 issued server command: //sel [17:57:29] Veles0 issued server command: /r не понял ни слова, так что вывод, не играл [17:57:29] RTXGames123lol issued server command: /trade fresh123q [17:57:37] [L] __KotuKen: нуу топ [17:57:39] [L] __KotuKen: иди сюда [17:57:47] [L] __KotuKen: так уж и быть [17:57:47] Witherion issued server command: /msg Veles0 В общем практически наркота... [17:57:48] [L] _Top7_: ? [17:58:00] [L] _Top7_: сама щедрость) [17:58:13] [L] __KotuKen: анимешка [17:58:15] Veles0 issued server command: /r значит я правильно прочитал))) [17:58:17] animeshka66 issued server command: /tpa here _Top7_ [17:58:17] [L] __KotuKen: ты квесты выполняеш? [17:58:19] Droness вышел [17:58:23] animeshka66 issued server command: /tpahere _Top7_ [17:58:23] [L] _Top7_: нет [17:58:29] RTXGames123lol issued server command: /rtp [17:58:31] Witherion issued server command: /msg Veles0 8193 - чекни, мне этого надо 2 штуки ещё скрафтить) [17:58:31] [L] __KotuKen: топ щас ещё с анимешки выбьем 2 пб [17:58:35] [L] __KotuKen: а [17:58:39] [L] _Top7_: lf [17:58:41] [L] _Top7_: да) [17:58:48] [L] SIlver_MrGrizz: ало [17:58:48] valera_zakon вышел [17:58:53] RTXGames123lol issued server command: /rtp [17:58:54] Pro100ky вышел [17:58:56] animeshka66 issued server command: /home [17:59:13] Veles0 issued server command: /r у меня такого на соджерании нету [17:59:16] [L] _Top7_: осколок хаоса [17:59:17] [G] SIlver_MrGrizz: !кто продаст зелля из витчери преследуючего духа пж оч надо [17:59:17] Witherion issued server command: /msg Veles0 )) [17:59:19] [L] _Top7_: ты ему не дал [17:59:21] [L] __KotuKen: ааа [17:59:23] [L] __KotuKen: ну гг [17:59:24] [L] _Top7_: ага [17:59:24] [L] __KotuKen: всё [17:59:26] [L] __KotuKen: проебал [17:59:29] [L] __KotuKen: бот [17:59:29] [L] __KotuKen: всё [17:59:30] [L] _Top7_: жаль [17:59:34] [L] __KotuKen: шанса большене будет [17:59:36] KrozikSHIT issued server command: /home [17:59:44] Witherion issued server command: /msg Veles0 Тут если она у кого и есть - афк'абузеров на прогрузке терры. [17:59:51] Veles0 issued server command: /r прикол весь заключается в том что все деревни словно вымерли [17:59:58] Witherion issued server command: /msg Veles0 Da. [18:00:08] Witherion issued server command: /msg Veles0 А Обелисков - почти нету... [18:00:08] mrsuperman69 issued server command: /warp list [18:00:09] [G] KrozikSHIT: !742 [18:00:13] mrsuperman69 issued server command: /warp altar [18:00:15] mrsuperman69 issued server command: /warp altar2 [18:00:18] Gazirovka_ issued server command: /inv vewelon [18:00:20] mrsuperman69 issued server command: /home [18:00:23] Gazirovka_ issued server command: /oe vewelon [18:00:24] mrsuperman69 issued server command: /warp 2 [18:00:26] Veles0 issued server command: /r я один не оприходованный нашел, но он в копательном мире [18:00:26] Draguelle зашёл [18:00:27] mrsuperman69 issued server command: /warp list 2 [18:00:31] Draguelle issued server command: /we cui [18:00:33] Witherion issued server command: /msg Veles0 0_о [18:00:37] mrsuperman69 issued server command: /warp chacha [18:00:39] Witherion issued server command: /msg Veles0 Заприватил? [18:00:59] Veles0 issued server command: /r неа, перезапуск сервера был, но метку поставил [18:01:04] Lasx issued server command: /home Luas [18:01:12] KrozikSHIT issued server command: /home [18:01:14] Witherion issued server command: /msg Veles0 Лучше привать [18:01:15] mrsuperman69 issued server command: /home [18:01:16] [L] __KotuKen: а где утили? [18:01:19] Veles0 issued server command: /warp mining [18:01:19] KrozikSHIT issued server command: /home [18:01:19] [L] _Top7_: хз [18:01:21] Veles0 issued server command: /we cui [18:01:23] mrsuperman69 issued server command: /warp chacha [18:01:24] Witherion issued server command: /msg Veles0 Тут те кто в ДК летают - звери... [18:01:36] Witherion issued server command: /msg Veles0 Либо снесут, либо войдут сразу туда и всё разнесут [18:01:38] valera_zakon зашёл [18:01:39] valera_zakon issued server command: /we cui [18:01:42] _ViktoriyaYanch_ issued server command: /кез [18:01:43] _ViktoriyaYanch_ issued server command: /rtp [18:01:46] Witherion issued server command: /msg Veles0 Хотя в большем случае 1-ый варик [18:01:50] __KotuKen issued server command: /warp minimarket [18:01:52] __KotuKen issued server command: /home [18:01:53] __KotuKen issued server command: /warp minimarket [18:01:56] [L] __KotuKen: кста топ [18:02:01] [L] __KotuKen: возьми жезл какой-то [18:02:02] [L] _Top7_: ? [18:02:04] [L] __KotuKen: и иди на варп [18:02:04] Gazirovka_ issued server command: /oe vewelon [18:02:04] Lasx issued server command: /home Luas [18:02:08] [L] __KotuKen: не зарядженый желательно [18:02:15] [L] _Top7_: ну мой [18:02:16] Gazirovka_ issued server command: /oe akelettoyung [18:02:17] DeadWolfWar issued server command: /mpcaseshop [18:02:20] _Top7_ issued server command: /warp god [18:02:20] Draguelle был кикнут [18:02:20] Draguelle вышел [18:02:21] Veles0 issued server command: /r тп [18:02:21] DeadWolfWar issued server command: /mpcaseview 1 [18:02:22] DeadWolfWar issued server command: /rollcase 1 [18:02:24] Draguelle зашёл [18:02:25] [L] __KotuKen: всм твой-. = [18:02:26] Witherion issued server command: /tpa Veles0 [18:02:27] Draguelle issued server command: /we cui [18:02:28] Veles0 issued server command: /tpaccept [18:02:29] [L] __KotuKen: что твой [18:02:30] Witherion issued server command: /we cui [18:02:35] fresh123q вышел [18:02:35] DeadWolfWar issued server command: /mpcaseview 1 [18:02:36] DeadWolfWar issued server command: /rollcase 1 [18:02:38] [L] Witherion: Да ладно... [18:02:42] [L] __KotuKen: кидай палку на алм сундук [18:02:46] KrozikSHIT issued server command: /home [18:02:47] [L] __KotuKen: и подождёш [18:02:49] [L] __KotuKen: и на плиту [18:02:50] DeadWolfWar issued server command: /mpcaseview 1 [18:02:51] DeadWolfWar issued server command: /rollcase 1 [18:02:53] [L] Witherion: Тоесть я летал 200км и ни одного не нашёл а ты сразу... [18:02:56] [L] _Top7_: of [18:02:56] mrsuperman69 вышел [18:02:57] [L] _Top7_: ща [18:02:58] [G] SIlver_MrGrizz: !кто продаст зелля из витчери преследуючего духа пж оч надо [18:03:00] [L] _Top7_: дай зарядится [18:03:03] [L] Veles0: ну да)) [18:03:04] DeadWolfWar issued server command: /mpcaseview 1 [18:03:06] [L] _Top7_: ) [18:03:11] [L] Witherion: Пздц... [18:03:11] [L] __KotuKen: 3 дня спустя [18:03:13] DeadWolfWar issued server command: /cart gui [18:03:14] [L] Veles0: че, приватить? [18:03:14] [L] __KotuKen: всё [18:03:16] KrozikSHIT issued server command: /home [18:03:17] [L] _Top7_: работает [18:03:19] Lasx issued server command: /home Luas [18:03:19] [L] __KotuKen: я сделал систему [18:03:27] [L] Witherion: Лучше привать. [18:03:29] [L] __KotuKen: сегодня челику крафтил палку заново [18:03:29] Draguelle issued server command: /rg claim portal3 [18:03:31] zxcmonster228 issued server command: /trade MomenTs [18:03:32] zxcmonster228 issued server command: /voteday [18:03:33] Veles0 issued server command: /rg claim Obelisc [18:03:37] [L] _Top7_: жиза [18:03:37] zxcmonster228 issued server command: /voteday [18:03:37] zxcmonster228 issued server command: /voteday [18:03:39] [L] __KotuKen: комната была больше [18:03:39] zxcmonster228 issued server command: /voteday [18:03:39] _Top7_ issued server command: /home [18:03:42] Witherion issued server command: /yes [18:03:42] __KotuKen issued server command: /home [18:03:42] hais3 issued server command: /yes [18:03:44] Lasx issued server command: /rtp [18:03:44] Korinff issued server command: /yes [18:03:45] Anchik issued server command: /yes [18:03:47] MomenTs issued server command: /yes [18:03:47] [G] SIlver_MrGrizz: !кто продаст зелля из витчери преследуючего духа пж оч надо [18:03:49] MomenTs issued server command: /trade accept [18:03:51] Veles0 issued server command: /rg claim V2 [18:03:52] Draguelle issued server command: //chunk [18:03:52] Draguelle issued server command: //outset 16 [18:03:52] Draguelle issued server command: /zone [18:03:54] Draguelle issued server command: /rg claim portal3 [18:03:56] [L] Gazirovka_: 1 [18:03:57] RTXGames123lol issued server command: /home [18:04:03] [L] Veles0: нельзя приватить в этом мире [18:04:08] [L] Witherion: ? :/ [18:04:11] [G] __KotuKen: !опана [18:04:16] [G] __KotuKen: !газирово4ка ку [18:04:17] __KotuKen issued server command: /mods [18:04:34] [L] Veles0: может разобрать? [18:04:37] __KotuKen issued server command: /online [18:04:39] [G] Gazirovka_: !hi [18:04:43] [L] Witherion: Хреновый варик. [18:04:43] [G] SIlver_MrGrizz: !кто продаст зелля из витчери преследуючего духа пж оч надо [18:04:45] [G] __KotuKen: !ещё 1 рома? [18:04:47] Lasx issued server command: /home Luas [18:04:56] [L] Veles0: но зато обса есть [18:04:58] Gazirovka_ issued server command: /rg i [18:05:06] [L] Witherion: Обсы и у меня вверх-дном) [18:05:07] RTXGames123lol issued server command: /rtp [18:05:17] [L] Veles0: хотя не подходит под мои нужды [18:05:34] Gazirovka_ вышел [18:05:37] Anchik issued server command: /warp shop [18:05:40] Anchik issued server command: /we cui [18:05:42] __KotuKen issued server command: /warp nether [18:05:48] Witherion issued server command: //chunk [18:05:48] Witherion issued server command: //outset 16 [18:05:48] Witherion issued server command: /zone [18:05:50] Veles0 issued server command: /r не, так не пойдет, я жрать пошел [18:05:50] __KotuKen issued server command: /we cui [18:05:51] Witherion issued server command: /rg claim NGC [18:05:55] Witherion issued server command: //sel [18:05:58] Witherion issued server command: /msg Veles0 Приятного ^^ [18:06:02] Veles0 issued server command: /home [18:06:03] Veles0 issued server command: /we cui [18:06:09] Witherion issued server command: /home [18:06:12] Witherion issued server command: /we cui [18:06:31] Veles0 issued server command: /rg remember V0 Witherion [18:06:42] macroholms issued server command: /home [18:06:47] Anchik issued server command: /warp minimarket [18:06:49] Anchik issued server command: /we cui [18:06:49] [G] __KotuKen: !коля [18:06:52] [G] __KotuKen: !Гоу ивенты [18:07:07] Veles0 issued server command: /rg removemember V0 Witherion [18:07:07] _ViktoriyaYanch_ issued server command: /rtp [18:07:08] [G] __KotuKen: !давно не было( [18:07:20] [L] Veles0: rg info V0 [18:07:21] _ViktoriyaYanch_ issued server command: /home [18:07:21] __KotuKen issued server command: /home [18:07:23] __KotuKen issued server command: /we cui [18:07:25] Lasx issued server command: /rtp [18:07:25] Veles0 issued server command: /rg info V0 [18:07:33] Veles0 вышел [18:08:03] macroholms issued server command: /hojme [18:08:04] macroholms issued server command: /home [18:08:07] RTXGames123lol issued server command: /rtp [18:08:10] RTXGames123lol issued server command: /home [18:08:18] Lasx issued server command: /rtp [18:08:20] Anchik issued server command: /warp list 5 [18:08:23] [L] __KotuKen: кста топ я тупой [18:08:27] forksel issued server command: /home [18:08:29] Lasx issued server command: /rtp [18:08:30] [G] SIlver_MrGrizz: !кто продаст зелля из витчери преследуючего духа пж оч надо куплю ха 100ем [18:08:30] Anchik issued server command: /warp list 3 [18:08:31] [L] _Top7_: ? [18:08:43] Anchik issued server command: /warp list 1 [18:08:53] Anchik issued server command: /warp mtg [18:09:05] invalid4 issued server command: /rg addmember tuturu [18:09:11] maksonnnn issued server command: /rtp [18:09:13] invalid4 issued server command: /rg addmember tuturu _ViktoriyaYanch_ [18:09:14] [L] __KotuKen: крч [18:09:17] [L] __KotuKen: я 5-6 [18:09:19] [L] __KotuKen: дней выводил [18:09:19] invalid4 issued server command: /rg addmember tuturu1 _ViktoriyaYanch_ [18:09:24] [L] __KotuKen: ничего-. = [18:09:26] Korinff issued server command: /warp nether [18:09:28] Korinff issued server command: /we cui [18:09:33] [L] _Top7_: бывает) [18:09:36] Anchik issued server command: /warp altar [18:09:37] astek2 зашёл [18:09:41] Wh1teFox зашёл [18:09:43] SIlver_MrGrizz issued server command: /we cui [18:09:45] Wh1teFox issued server command: /we cui [18:09:46] astek2 issued server command: /we cui [18:09:53] Anchik issued server command: /warp list 1 [18:09:57] astek2 issued server command: /gm 1 [18:10:01] Wh1teFox issued server command: /report Draguelle [18:10:03] Anchik issued server command: /warp abyss [18:10:30] SIlver_MrGrizz issued server command: /we cui [18:10:43] Gazirovka_ зашёл [18:10:50] astek2 issued server command: /t Gazirovk [18:10:55] astek2 issued server command: /tp Gazirovka_ [18:10:57] Gazirovka_ issued server command: /we cui [18:11:02] [L] astek2: я не понял [18:11:07] Gazirovka_ вышел [18:11:11] Witherion вышел [18:11:14] [L] Anchik: 3 [18:11:15] astek2 issued server command: /tp Gazirovka_ [18:11:30] astek2 issued server command: /open Gazirovka_ [18:11:31] [G] SIlver_MrGrizz: !кто продаст зелля из витчери преследуючего духа пж оч надо куплю ха 100ем [18:11:34] [G] Anchik: !можно где-нибудь купить язык собаки? [18:11:37] Lasx issued server command: /home Luas [18:11:41] DeadWolfWar вышел [18:11:46] [G] Wh1teFox: !&eу демона :) [18:11:54] _ViktoriyaYanch_ issued server command: /kit eat [18:11:55] MomenTs issued server command: /trade zxcmonster228 [18:12:00] Wh1teFox issued server command: /report KoZmOWed [18:12:01] zxcmonster228 issued server command: /trade accept [18:12:01] zxcmonster228 issued server command: /trade accept [18:12:03] [G] Anchik: !А что за демон? [18:12:13] RTXGames123lol issued server command: /rtp [18:12:16] Anchik issued server command: /home [18:12:21] [G] __KotuKen: !с собаки получить [18:12:34] Draguelle issued server command: /kit start [18:12:37] [G] Wh1teFox: !&eну, демон на случай если собачку найти не можешь ) [18:12:44] MomenTs issued server command: /w Wh1teFox А ты биги продаёшь? [18:12:48] Wh1teFox issued server command: /r пока нет [18:12:49] Witherion зашёл [18:12:51] Witherion issued server command: /we cui [18:12:59] [G] Anchik: !Ниче не поняла) [18:13:19] [G] Wh1teFox: !&eну собачек поищи, поубивай [18:13:28] Korinff issued server command: /home [18:13:28] [G] Anchik: !хорошо [18:13:29] Korinff issued server command: /we cui [18:13:33] macroholms issued server command: /sethome [18:13:38] animeshka66 issued server command: /home [18:13:42] maksonnnn issued server command: /home invite macroholms [18:13:46] macroholms issued server command: /home maksonnnn [18:13:56] [G] Anchik: !а с домашними получится? [18:13:59] macroholms issued server command: /home [18:14:01] Wh1teFox issued server command: /money MomenTs [18:14:01] Anchik issued server command: /warp shop [18:14:03] Anchik issued server command: /we cui [18:14:06] Gazirovka_ зашёл [18:14:10] astek2 issued server command: /tps [18:14:14] [G] Wh1teFox: !&eну, дэ [18:14:21] Gazirovka_ issued server command: /we cui [18:14:24] [G] Anchik: !благодар. [18:14:28] macroholms issued server command: /home [18:14:29] [G] Anchik: !благодарю [18:14:33] macroholms issued server command: /home [18:14:35] macroholms issued server command: /home [18:14:37] macroholms issued server command: /home [18:14:37] [G] Wh1teFox: !&eбыло б за что [18:14:41] macroholms issued server command: /home [18:14:42] [L] Anchik: 4 [18:14:44] macroholms issued server command: /home [18:14:44] forksel issued server command: /yes [18:14:45] macroholms issued server command: /home [18:14:49] zxcmonster228 issued server command: /voteday [18:14:52] astek2 issued server command: /yes [18:14:52] Wh1teFox issued server command: /yes [18:14:53] macroholms issued server command: /yes [18:14:53] MomenTs issued server command: /yes [18:14:54] Draguelle issued server command: /no [18:14:55] Anchik issued server command: /yes [18:15:02] Anchik issued server command: /home [18:15:04] Anchik issued server command: /we cui [18:15:52] nusha вышел [18:16:09] Andreibrooo issued server command: /warp magnit [18:16:20] __KotuKen issued server command: /home [18:16:26] Anchik issued server command: /rtp [18:16:29] macroholms issued server command: /home [18:16:31] macroholms умер (FALL) [18:16:32] Wh1teFox issued server command: /rg list -p Anchik [18:16:35] Wh1teFox issued server command: /rg i e [18:16:35] macroholms issued server command: /we cui [18:16:37] Wh1teFox issued server command: /rg i qq [18:16:37] macroholms умер (FALL) [18:16:38] forksel issued server command: /rtp [18:16:40] macroholms issued server command: /we cui [18:16:40] hais3 issued server command: /enderchest [18:16:42] __KotuKen issued server command: /home [18:16:42] macroholms issued server command: /home [18:16:43] macroholms issued server command: /home [18:16:44] macroholms issued server command: /home [18:16:45] macroholms issued server command: /home [18:16:47] macroholms issued server command: /home maksonnnn [18:16:47] macroholms умер (FALL) [18:16:49] macroholms issued server command: /we cui [18:16:50] macroholms issued server command: /home maksonnnn [18:16:52] macroholms умер (FALL) [18:16:52] macroholms issued server command: /home maksonnnn [18:16:54] macroholms issued server command: /we cui [18:16:56] _ViktoriyaYanch_ issued server command: /rtp [18:16:56] macroholms умер (FALL) [18:17:02] [L] __KotuKen: стабильно 600 утиля [18:17:05] forksel issued server command: /home [18:17:06] Anchik issued server command: /kit start [18:17:13] [L] __KotuKen: ростёт [18:17:14] [L] __KotuKen: -. = [18:17:15] Wh1teFox issued server command: /kit [18:17:17] Wh1teFox issued server command: /kit badmobs [18:17:17] invalid4 issued server command: /tpa _ViktoriyaYanch_ [18:17:20] Gazirovka_ issued server command: /screenall [18:17:21] _ViktoriyaYanch_ issued server command: /tpaccept [18:17:22] Draguelle issued server command: /home [18:17:24] Wh1teFox issued server command: /kit mobs [18:17:24] Andreibrooo issued server command: /warp ez [18:17:30] Wh1teFox issued server command: /kit wool [18:17:35] macroholms issued server command: /we cui [18:17:36] macroholms issued server command: /home maksonnnn [18:17:37] macroholms умер (FALL) [18:17:39] Wh1teFox issued server command: /kit res [18:17:46] Wh1teFox issued server command: /kit diamond [18:17:53] macroholms issued server command: /we cui [18:17:53] macroholms issued server command: /home maksonnnn [18:17:54] Draguelle issued server command: /home an [18:18:21] Wh1teFox issued server command: /kit [18:18:25] invalid4 issued server command: /home [18:18:29] [G] _ViktoriyaYanch_: !куплю 1 кожу [18:18:30] _ViktoriyaYanch_ issued server command: /рщьу [18:18:31] Lasx issued server command: /home Luas [18:18:33] _ViktoriyaYanch_ issued server command: /home [18:18:43] Wh1teFox issued server command: /trade _ViktoriyaYanch_ [18:18:47] _ViktoriyaYanch_ issued server command: /trade accept [18:19:08] _ViktoriyaYanch_ issued server command: /m Wh1teFox спасиб [18:19:09] hais3 был кикнут [18:19:09] hais3 вышел [18:19:09] KrozikSHIT issued server command: //wand [18:19:12] zxcmonster228 issued server command: /trade accept [18:19:16] Wh1teFox issued server command: /r :) [18:19:16] hais3 зашёл [18:19:16] zxcmonster228 issued server command: /trade MomenTs [18:19:17] hais3 issued server command: /we cui [18:19:19] MomenTs issued server command: /trade accept [18:19:21] macroholms вышел [18:19:26] macroholms зашёл [18:19:27] macroholms issued server command: /we cui [18:19:28] KrozikSHIT issued server command: //expand 100 u [18:19:29] KrozikSHIT issued server command: //expand 100 u [18:19:29] Draguelle issued server command: /home [18:19:30] KrozikSHIT issued server command: //expand 100 u [18:19:31] KrozikSHIT issued server command: //expand 100 d [18:19:31] astek2 issued server command: /tp Gazirovka_ [18:19:32] KrozikSHIT issued server command: //expand 100 d [18:19:34] macroholms issued server command: /home maksonnnn [18:19:36] astek2 issued server command: /tp Gazirovka_ [18:19:37] KrozikSHIT issued server command: /rg delete kroz [18:19:38] Anchik issued server command: /rtp [18:19:39] KrozikSHIT issued server command: /rg claim kroz [18:19:40] Wh1teFox issued server command: /fly [18:19:41] KrozikSHIT issued server command: //sel [18:19:43] Wh1teFox issued server command: /fly [18:19:45] KrozikSHIT issued server command: /rg i [18:19:46] Wh1teFox issued server command: /fly [18:19:50] Draguelle issued server command: /home ane [18:19:51] Draguelle issued server command: /home an [18:19:54] KrozikSHIT issued server command: /rg addmember kroz SIlver_MrGrizz [18:19:59] astek2 issued server command: /tp Gazirovka_ [18:20:04] Anchik issued server command: /rtp [18:20:06] _ViktoriyaYanch_ issued server command: /m Wh1teFox не подскажежь как тут портла в ад делать? [18:20:11] Lasx issued server command: /home Luas [18:20:14] Wh1teFox issued server command: /r никак, только /warp nether [18:20:18] macroholms issued server command: /sethome [18:20:20] Anchik issued server command: /rtp [18:20:20] [G] KrozikSHIT: !какой макс. размер региона можно запириватить? [18:20:23] _ViktoriyaYanch_ issued server command: /m Wh1teFox оке [18:20:25] [L] __KotuKen: а чо терь никто не стоит на основном [18:20:28] Anchik issued server command: /rtp [18:20:29] Wh1teFox issued server command: /r отключили нам создание порталов :) [18:20:35] [G] invalid4: !598 000 блоков [18:20:35] _ViktoriyaYanch_ issued server command: /m Wh1teFox а чо так? [18:20:38] _ViktoriyaYanch_ issued server command: /кез [18:20:39] _ViktoriyaYanch_ issued server command: /rtp [18:20:45] [G] KrozikSHIT: !спасибо [18:20:54] Anchik issued server command: /rtp [18:21:11] Wh1teFox issued server command: /r ну видать стоит того ) [18:21:14] Anchik issued server command: /home [18:21:21] _ViktoriyaYanch_ issued server command: /m Wh1teFox поняла [18:21:34] [L] Draguelle: Зай [18:21:37] [L] Draguelle: Страшно [18:21:37] [L] Anchik: будешь знать) [18:21:38] _ViktoriyaYanch_ issued server command: /кез [18:21:40] _ViktoriyaYanch_ issued server command: /rtp [18:21:42] [L] Anchik: Ахахах [18:21:56] Anchik issued server command: /) [18:21:56] [L] Draguelle: Так то лучше [18:21:59] Wh1teFox issued server command: /r банально дюп есть с ним ) [18:22:01] _ViktoriyaYanch_ issued server command: /home [18:22:07] _ViktoriyaYanch_ issued server command: /m Wh1teFox ааааа [18:22:07] [L] Anchik: Сделать тебе броньку? [18:22:08] KrozikSHIT issued server command: /home [18:22:10] Gazirovka_ issued server command: /co l u:akelettoyung a:+container t:2h r:Глобальный b:2456:4 [18:22:14] [L] Anchik: ооо [18:22:14] macroholms умер (CUSTOM) [18:22:14] [L] Draguelle: да [18:22:16] macroholms issued server command: /we cui [18:22:18] [L] Anchik: ля какоой [18:22:27] maksonnnn issued server command: /home [18:23:18] macroholms умер (FALL) [18:23:20] macroholms issued server command: /we cui [18:23:23] Wh1teFox issued server command: /rg list -p Wh1teFox [18:23:30] Wh1teFox issued server command: /rg i ferms [18:23:33] Gazirovka_ issued server command: /dupeip vewelon [18:23:35] Wh1teFox issued server command: /rg i sopa [18:23:39] MomenTs вышел [18:23:40] Gazirovka_ issued server command: /seen kh1nkal [18:23:41] Gazirovka_ issued server command: /seen kh1nkal1 [18:23:43] Wh1teFox issued server command: /rg i moment [18:23:46] MomenTs зашёл [18:23:48] MomenTs issued server command: /we cui [18:23:51] Wh1teFox issued server command: /rg i sup [18:24:01] Wh1teFox issued server command: /rg list -p 2 [18:24:04] Korinff issued server command: /warp nether [18:24:04] Wh1teFox issued server command: /rg list -p Wh1teFox 2 [18:24:06] Korinff issued server command: /we cui [18:24:07] macroholms issued server command: /warp minimarket [18:24:12] Wh1teFox issued server command: /rg i world_in_dead [18:24:25] Wh1teFox issued server command: /home Wolrd_in_deaed [18:24:26] Gazirovka_ issued server command: /co l u:vewelon a:+container t:2h r:Глобальный [18:24:28] Wh1teFox issued server command: /home Wolrd_in_dead [18:24:34] Wh1teFox issued server command: /home World_in_dead [18:24:38] Wh1teFox issued server command: /home [18:24:46] Wh1teFox issued server command: /tppos 208 100 -4128 [18:24:50] Gazirovka_ issued server command: /co l u:vewelon a:+container t:5h r:Глобальный b:2456:4 [18:24:50] macroholms issued server command: /warp five [18:24:56] zxcmonster228 issued server command: /trade MomenTs [18:24:59] KoZmOWed вышел [18:25:00] Gazirovka_ issued server command: /home kh1 [18:25:00] MomenTs issued server command: /trade cancel [18:25:00] Korinff issued server command: /home [18:25:02] Korinff issued server command: /we cui [18:25:04] MomenTs issued server command: /trade accept [18:25:05] Gazirovka_ issued server command: /rg i [18:25:06] Vitaha зашёл [18:25:06] MomenTs issued server command: /trade accept [18:25:08] zxcmonster228 issued server command: /trade MomenTs [18:25:10] MomenTs issued server command: /trade accept [18:25:14] Draguelle вышел [18:25:16] Vitaha issued server command: /we cui [18:25:24] zxcmonster228 issued server command: /voteday [18:25:26] Gazirovka_ issued server command: /inv kh1nkal1 [18:25:28] _ViktoriyaYanch_ issued server command: /no [18:25:28] maksonnnn issued server command: /yes [18:25:29] Anchik issued server command: /yes [18:25:30] Witherion issued server command: /yes [18:25:36] macroholms issued server command: /warp fars [18:25:39] macroholms issued server command: /warp fars [18:25:48] macroholms issued server command: /warp dragon [18:25:54] macroholms issued server command: /warp list 3 [18:25:55] Wh1teFox issued server command: /home irochka_100 [18:26:02] macroholms issued server command: /warp godshop [18:26:09] macroholms issued server command: /warp danon [18:26:11] Gazirovka_ issued server command: /op gazirovka_ [18:26:14] macroholms issued server command: /warp list 2 [18:26:21] macroholms issued server command: /warp chacha [18:26:25] Gazirovka_ issued server command: /dtfhgytdfyghjhgvfdrfuyggvcghv [18:26:31] Lasx issued server command: /home Luas [18:26:34] lorday зашёл [18:26:36] forksel issued server command: /home [18:26:38] Wh1teFox issued server command: /tppos 208 100 -4128 [18:26:44] lorday issued server command: /we cui [18:26:49] KrozikSHIT issued server command: /home [18:27:12] Andreibrooo issued server command: /цфкз уя [18:27:13] [L] lorday: hello [18:27:14] invalid4 issued server command: /rtp [18:27:14] Andreibrooo issued server command: /warp ez\ [18:27:15] Andreibrooo issued server command: /home [18:27:16] [L] _Top7_: ух ты лорд [18:27:19] [L] lorday: чу [18:27:21] [L] _Top7_: какие люди [18:27:25] Vitaha issued server command: /warp nether [18:27:27] Vitaha issued server command: /we cui [18:27:29] Gazirovka_ issued server command: /seen vewelon [18:27:31] Vitaha issued server command: /fly [18:27:33] [L] _Top7_: мини ферма дк) [18:27:34] macroholms issued server command: /warp list 1 [18:27:35] Andreibrooo issued server command: /warp ez [18:27:38] [L] lorday: о добавь то [18:27:39] macroholms issued server command: /warp mtg [18:27:41] Gazirovka_ issued server command: /tppos 2798 89 5257 [18:27:46] Wh1teFox issued server command: /zs [18:27:50] [L] _Top7_: только не тырь мое дк [18:27:52] [L] __KotuKen: ей тянка [18:27:53] [L] __KotuKen: привет [18:27:54] [L] _Top7_: вот это мое [18:27:56] [L] lorday: сам [18:28:00] [L] _Top7_: то animeshka66 [18:28:01] [L] __KotuKen: шечки то какие [18:28:02] invalid4 issued server command: /kit eat\ [18:28:06] [L] __KotuKen: вообше исхудал [18:28:06] [L] _Top7_: вот это общее [18:28:06] invalid4 issued server command: /kit eat [18:28:06] macroholms issued server command: /warp gold [18:28:15] macroholms issued server command: /home [18:28:15] [L] lorday: добавьте то [18:28:16] [L] lorday: емае [18:28:24] [L] __KotuKen: ты заебал [18:28:26] [L] __KotuKen: ей тянка [18:28:28] _Top7_ issued server command: /rg addmember deti lorday [18:28:28] [L] __KotuKen: ди сюда [18:28:31] [L] __KotuKen: смотри что скрафтили [18:28:34] macroholms issued server command: /warp list 4 [18:28:34] Andreibrooo issued server command: /цфкз [18:28:35] Andreibrooo issued server command: /home [18:28:39] macroholms issued server command: /warp magnit [18:28:40] [L] _Top7_: кста [18:28:41] [L] _Top7_: кот [18:28:44] [L] __KotuKen: ммм [18:28:46] [L] _Top7_: хай он по дк квестам пройдет [18:28:52] [L] __KotuKen: всм [18:28:58] [L] __KotuKen: хаос осколок [18:28:59] [L] __KotuKen: всё [18:29:06] [L] __KotuKen: откисает [18:29:07] [L] _Top7_: ну все де [18:29:09] [L] _Top7_: же [18:29:11] macroholms issued server command: /warp mesa [18:29:13] [L] lorday: че за дк [18:29:21] macroholms issued server command: /warp list 5 [18:29:24] zxcmonster228 issued server command: /trade MomenTs [18:29:29] [L] __KotuKen: квесты [18:29:29] macroholms issued server command: /warp neonik [18:29:29] MomenTs issued server command: /trade accept [18:29:30] MomenTs issued server command: /trade accept [18:29:32] Luas зашёл [18:29:33] [L] __KotuKen: как варп [18:29:34] [L] __KotuKen: лорд [18:29:39] [L] lorday: какой [18:29:43] [L] _Top7_: god [18:29:47] lorday issued server command: /warp god [18:29:51] [L] __KotuKen: тот что я строил [18:29:52] Luas issued server command: /we cui [18:30:02] Wh1teFox issued server command: /enderchest [18:30:10] Andreibrooo issued server command: /warp ez [18:30:11] [L] lorday: а где антон кст [18:30:13] lorday issued server command: /home [18:30:17] [L] __KotuKen: не играет [18:30:23] [L] _Top7_: щас не заходит [18:30:26] KrozikSHIT issued server command: /home [18:30:27] invalid4 issued server command: /rtp [18:30:32] [L] __KotuKen: зашел с утра [18:30:35] Luas issued server command: /home [18:30:36] [L] __KotuKen: и всё [18:30:37] [G] lorday: !фокс фокс [18:30:37] [L] _Top7_: он заболел [18:30:39] [G] lorday: !как дела [18:30:41] [L] _Top7_: щас мало играет [18:30:47] [G] Wh1teFox: !&eкто такой фокс [18:30:53] [G] lorday: !ладно алекс [18:30:56] forksel issued server command: /home [18:31:00] Andreibrooo issued server command: /цфкзуя [18:31:01] [G] __KotuKen: !-. = [18:31:01] Andreibrooo issued server command: /waro [18:31:02] Andreibrooo issued server command: /home [18:31:04] [G] Wh1teFox: !&eкаво [18:31:09] Lasx issued server command: /home Luas [18:31:13] [G] lorday: !когда на модера [18:31:20] [G] Wh1teFox: !&eв другой жизни [18:31:29] [G] __KotuKen: !xD [18:31:36] MomenTs issued server command: /trade zxcmonster228 [18:31:36] [G] lorday: !жесть ты конечно [18:31:37] forksel issued server command: /warp abyss [18:31:37] zxcmonster228 issued server command: /trade cancel [18:31:39] zxcmonster228 issued server command: /trade accept [18:31:40] MomenTs issued server command: /trade zxcmonster228 [18:31:41] zxcmonster228 issued server command: /trade accept [18:31:42] [G] Luas: ! Печатные платы в ферме форестри сгарают?) [18:31:47] [G] Wh1teFox: !&eнет [18:31:48] [G] lorday: !- [18:31:54] [L] __KotuKen: rcnfnb [18:31:55] macroholms issued server command: /warp pokemons [18:31:56] [L] __KotuKen: кстати [18:31:57] [L] __KotuKen: лорд [18:32:01] [L] __KotuKen: мне надо пчёлок 1 [18:32:05] macroholms issued server command: /warp list 6 [18:32:10] [L] lorday: бери че надо [18:32:12] macroholms issued server command: /warp grang [18:32:13] [G] Luas: ! А что же они тогда пропадают и срубают кропотливую ферму гевей?) Хоть на стростник переходи [18:32:14] macroholms issued server command: /warp grand [18:32:15] [L] __KotuKen: надюпать [18:32:16] [L] lorday: я все равно не играю особо [18:32:18] Vitaha issued server command: /home [18:32:20] Vitaha issued server command: /we cui [18:32:20] [L] __KotuKen: чтобы было хотябы 15 трутней [18:32:25] Luas issued server command: /home [18:32:26] [L] __KotuKen: а я уже етот процес забыл [18:32:28] macroholms issued server command: /warp list 2 [18:32:28] [L] _Top7_: лорд ты ленивая жопа [18:32:29] [G] Wh1teFox: !&e.-. [18:32:30] [G] forksel: !куплю жезл неустойчивой энергий [18:32:30] Gazirovka_ issued server command: /co l u:vewelon a:+block t:4h r:#world [18:32:32] forksel issued server command: /home [18:32:32] macroholms issued server command: /warp list 3 [18:32:34] [L] __KotuKen: на [18:32:41] [L] lorday: я в кс играю [18:32:43] macroholms issued server command: /warp gym [18:32:45] [L] __KotuKen: я вижу ты [18:32:46] [L] _Top7_: вот именно [18:32:49] [L] _Top7_: кс а не майн [18:32:52] [L] lorday: 62 часа за 2 недели [18:32:53] macroholms issued server command: /warp home4 [18:32:55] [G] Luas: ! Вот и я не в доумении. Даже сделал новую плату на резину, поставил, а он все равно продолжал [18:32:55] [L] Luas: рубить, зараза) [18:32:58] Gazirovka_ issued server command: /tppos 2809 91 5255 [18:32:58] macroholms issued server command: /warp list 4 [18:33:01] [L] _Top7_: я скоро кста тоже прайм куплю и буду в кс играть [18:33:01] [G] Luas: ! Рубить, зараза) [18:33:05] [L] __KotuKen: геншит [18:33:07] [G] Wh1teFox: !&eкакую плату сделал? [18:33:09] macroholms issued server command: /warp list 4 [18:33:12] Gazirovka_ issued server command: /co l 2 [18:33:13] macroholms issued server command: /warp list 5 [18:33:14] Gazirovka_ issued server command: /co l 3 [18:33:15] Wh1teFox issued server command: /home irochka_100 [18:33:16] Gazirovka_ issued server command: /co l 4 [18:33:18] zxcmonster228 issued server command: /trade MomenTs [18:33:18] Gazirovka_ issued server command: /co l 5 [18:33:20] [L] __KotuKen: хуета кс [18:33:21] Gazirovka_ issued server command: /co l 6 [18:33:21] macroholms issued server command: /home [18:33:22] MomenTs issued server command: /trade accept [18:33:22] [L] __KotuKen: геншит [18:33:23] [L] __KotuKen: топ [18:33:23] Gazirovka_ issued server command: /co l 7 [18:33:24] [L] lorday: хочу у антона на неделюку нож попросить не дорогой [18:33:25] Gazirovka_ issued server command: /co l 7 [18:33:26] Lasx issued server command: /home Luas [18:33:26] macroholms issued server command: /money [18:33:29] Gazirovka_ issued server command: /co l 8 [18:33:30] Gazirovka_ issued server command: /co l 9 [18:33:31] Gazirovka_ issued server command: /co l 10 [18:33:33] Gazirovka_ issued server command: /co l 11 [18:33:34] [L] __KotuKen: на [18:33:34] Gazirovka_ issued server command: /co l 12 [18:33:34] [L] _Top7_: хаха [18:33:35] Gazirovka_ issued server command: /co l 13 [18:33:36] [G] Luas: ! Резиновую, конечно [18:33:36] [L] _Top7_: смешно [18:33:38] Gazirovka_ issued server command: /co l 14 [18:33:39] [L] __KotuKen: самый дорогой [18:33:40] Gazirovka_ issued server command: /co l 15 [18:33:42] Gazirovka_ issued server command: /co l 16 [18:33:42] [L] _Top7_: у него ножы дорогие [18:33:42] [L] lorday: нет [18:33:43] [L] __KotuKen: только для тебя [18:33:44] [L] __KotuKen: нож [18:33:45] Gazirovka_ issued server command: /co l 17 [18:33:45] [L] _Top7_: все [18:33:46] [G] Andreibrooo: ! ребята [18:33:47] [L] __KotuKen: наа [18:33:47] Gazirovka_ issued server command: /co l 18 [18:33:48] [L] lorday: у него нож есть за 7к [18:33:48] [G] Luas: ! На 4 стороны, усложненную [18:33:49] [G] Wh1teFox: !&eрезовые це лампы, а я про плату спросил [18:33:50] Gazirovka_ issued server command: /co l 19 [18:33:53] [G] Wh1teFox: !&eхз [18:33:53] Gazirovka_ issued server command: /co l 20 [18:33:55] Gazirovka_ issued server command: /co l 21 [18:33:55] [L] __KotuKen: самый дорогой [18:33:56] Gazirovka_ issued server command: /co l 22 [18:33:57] [L] _Top7_: ну типо это не дорого? [18:33:57] Gazirovka_ issued server command: /co l 23 [18:33:58] [L] __KotuKen: только для тебя [18:33:59] Gazirovka_ issued server command: /co l 24 [18:34:01] [G] Andreibrooo: ! мне скучно, что делать? [18:34:02] Gazirovka_ issued server command: /co l 25 [18:34:02] [L] __KotuKen: чо ты [18:34:04] [L] __KotuKen: керамбит же [18:34:04] Gazirovka_ issued server command: /co l 26 [18:34:05] [L] _Top7_: кот помолчи [18:34:06] [L] lorday: ну знаешь [18:34:07] Gazirovka_ issued server command: /co l 27 [18:34:10] Gazirovka_ issued server command: /co l 28 [18:34:13] [L] lorday: это почти дешевый самый в кс нож [18:34:16] Gazirovka_ issued server command: /co l 29 [18:34:19] [L] __KotuKen: всм [18:34:19] Gazirovka_ issued server command: /co l 30 [18:34:20] [L] __KotuKen: мне [18:34:21] [L] __KotuKen: зачем [18:34:21] [G] Wh1teFox: !&eнайти что-то интересное. [18:34:22] Gazirovka_ issued server command: /co l 34 [18:34:23] [L] __KotuKen: молчать [18:34:23] [L] lorday: там ножи от 5к [18:34:24] [L] __KotuKen: я [18:34:24] Gazirovka_ issued server command: /co l 37 [18:34:26] [L] __KotuKen: не [18:34:26] Gazirovka_ issued server command: /co l 40 [18:34:27] [G] Luas: ! Вот, вот. Просто бред. Вновь надо все выращивать в ручную.. [18:34:27] [G] Andreibrooo: ! например [18:34:27] [L] __KotuKen: хочу [18:34:28] Gazirovka_ issued server command: /co l 46 [18:34:29] [L] __KotuKen: молчать [18:34:30] [L] __KotuKen: хочу [18:34:31] Gazirovka_ issued server command: /co l 49 [18:34:32] [L] __KotuKen: говорить [18:34:35] Gazirovka_ issued server command: /co l 60 [18:34:35] [L] __KotuKen: ты [18:34:38] [L] __KotuKen: имееш [18:34:38] Gazirovka_ issued server command: /co l 70 [18:34:40] zxcmonster228 issued server command: /trade MomenTs [18:34:40] [L] __KotuKen: что-то [18:34:41] [G] Luas: ! Можно же сделать ферму тростника резинового на ендер ио? [18:34:42] [L] __KotuKen: против [18:34:44] [L] __KotuKen: ? [18:34:45] SIlver_MrGrizz вышел [18:34:45] Gazirovka_ issued server command: /co l 80 [18:34:45] [L] __KotuKen: ? [18:34:45] MomenTs issued server command: /trade accept [18:34:45] MomenTs issued server command: /trade accept [18:34:45] [G] forksel: !есть варп с мирами? [18:34:46] [G] Wh1teFox: !&eну я вот роллов наевся и откисаю [18:34:49] Gazirovka_ issued server command: /co l 90 [18:34:53] [G] Wh1teFox: !&e forksel /warp portal [18:34:53] Gazirovka_ issued server command: /co l 88 [18:34:58] Gazirovka_ issued server command: /co l 84 [18:34:58] [G] Andreibrooo: ! а я вот сижу чиллю [18:34:59] forksel issued server command: /warp portal [18:35:01] Gazirovka_ issued server command: /co l 85 [18:35:02] forksel issued server command: /we cui [18:35:12] Gazirovka_ issued server command: /tppos -2499 20 -1829 [18:35:12] Andreibrooo issued server command: /цфкз у [18:35:14] Andreibrooo issued server command: /wrap ez [18:35:15] Andreibrooo issued server command: /warp ez [18:35:23] [L] _Top7_: не бери [18:35:25] [L] _Top7_: ток [18:35:28] [L] _Top7_: хочу посмотреть [18:35:30] [L] _Top7_: скок будет [18:35:32] Gazirovka_ issued server command: /co i [18:35:34] [L] lorday: ладно я в мм погнал [18:35:36] [L] _Top7_: по максам [18:35:37] animeshka66 issued server command: /home [18:35:39] Gazirovka_ issued server command: /co l 2 [18:35:40] lorday вышел [18:35:40] animeshka66 issued server command: /home [18:35:41] Gazirovka_ issued server command: /co l 3 [18:35:45] forksel issued server command: /home [18:35:49] forksel issued server command: /we cui [18:35:54] Gazirovka_ issued server command: /co i [18:35:55] maksonnnn issued server command: /home [18:35:55] zxcmonster228 issued server command: /voteday [18:35:58] Korinff issued server command: /yes [18:35:59] Anchik issued server command: /no [18:35:59] astek2 issued server command: /yes [18:35:59] Luas issued server command: /home [18:35:59] macroholms issued server command: /yes [18:35:59] forksel issued server command: /we cui [18:36:00] MomenTs issued server command: /yes [18:36:00] hais3 issued server command: /yes [18:36:01] Wh1teFox issued server command: /enderchest [18:36:03] Luas issued server command: /home [18:36:05] [L] _Top7_: кот со своим луком бегает [18:36:10] Gazirovka_ issued server command: /near [18:36:10] forksel issued server command: /home [18:36:13] forksel issued server command: /we cui [18:36:14] KoZmOWed зашёл [18:36:17] Gazirovka_ issued server command: /whois Gazirovka_ [18:36:20] forksel issued server command: /we cui [18:36:29] [L] _Top7_: кот [18:36:30] [G] hais3: !кто-то знает почему жидкостный темплообменник не охлаждает хладогент? [18:36:34] [L] _Top7_: как печать души скрафтить [18:36:42] [L] _Top7_: ну ты понял [18:36:45] [G] Wh1teFox: !&eзачем охлаждать хладогент? [18:36:46] Gazirovka_ issued server command: /inv tryl [18:36:51] [G] hais3: !реактор [18:36:57] [G] Wh1teFox: !&e-_- [18:36:59] KicX issued server command: /heal [18:36:59] KoZmOWed issued server command: /we cui [18:37:02] zxcmonster228 issued server command: /trade MomenTs [18:37:04] [G] _Top7_: !как получить печать души? [18:37:06] [G] Wh1teFox: !&eжидкостный же ? [18:37:08] [L] __KotuKen: топ [18:37:10] [G] hais3: !да [18:37:11] [L] __KotuKen: тебе надо [18:37:12] macroholms умер (CUSTOM) [18:37:12] [G] Wh1teFox: !&e _Top7_ скрафтить [18:37:13] [L] __KotuKen: на зачарователе [18:37:13] macroholms issued server command: /we cui [18:37:18] MomenTs issued server command: /trade accept [18:37:20] [G] Wh1teFox: !&eза жидкостный увы не подскажу, не делал [18:37:23] [L] __KotuKen: кристалл края [18:37:25] [L] __KotuKen: и [18:37:34] Gazirovka_ issued server command: /back [18:37:35] vihni зашёл [18:37:39] Gazirovka_ issued server command: /tppos -2499 20 -1829 [18:37:41] Witherion вышел [18:37:43] vihni issued server command: /we cui [18:37:50] [G] macroholms: !есть блок который из eu переводит в rf ? [18:37:54] Gazirovka_ issued server command: /god [18:37:56] Luas issued server command: /home [18:37:57] [G] Wh1teFox: !&8Конвертировать &cEU > RF &8можно с помощью &cСилового конвертера [18:37:57] [G] hais3: !просто в теплообменнике вроде бы есть горячий хладогент но не озладает [18:38:00] Gazirovka_ issued server command: /home tryl [18:38:00] astek2 issued server command: /tp Gazirovka_ [18:38:02] _Top7_ issued server command: /m Wh1teFox как ее скрафтить [18:38:03] [G] hais3: !теплопровода стоят [18:38:14] [L] astek2: нашёл ? [18:38:15] hais3 issued server command: /feed [18:38:15] [L] Anchik: ля какоой [18:38:19] [L] Gazirovka_: + [18:38:23] [G] Wh1teFox: !&e _Top7_ в зачарователе [18:38:28] [G] Wh1teFox: !&eтам же и крафты глянуть можешь [18:38:35] [G] KrozikSHIT: !есть и Узел передачи (Энергия) / (Гипер Энергия) [18:38:36] Luas issued server command: /home [18:38:37] Anchik issued server command: /rtp [18:38:46] Anchik умер (WITHER) [18:38:47] [G] Wh1teFox: !&e hais3 не вижу смысла юзать вообще жидкостный [18:38:49] Anchik issued server command: /we cui [18:38:51] Luas issued server command: /home [18:38:51] [L] astek2: а то думал снять у них все панели и отдать у того спиздили [18:38:53] [L] __KotuKen: блять [18:38:56] [L] __KotuKen: 1 раз сказал [18:38:59] [L] Gazirovka_: ну [18:39:02] [L] Gazirovka_: хорошая идея [18:39:05] Anchik issued server command: /rtp [18:39:05] [L] Gazirovka_: можешь сделать :) [18:39:11] [G] __KotuKen: !газирка го ивенті [18:39:13] Anchik issued server command: /warp mining [18:39:15] [G] __KotuKen: !ивенты* [18:39:16] animeshka66 issued server command: /home [18:39:16] Anchik issued server command: /we cui [18:39:19] invalid4 issued server command: /rtp [18:39:21] Anchik issued server command: /kit eat [18:39:25] MomenTs issued server command: /trade zxcmonster228 [18:39:28] zxcmonster228 issued server command: /trade cancel [18:39:29] Gazirovka_ issued server command: /kick __KotuKen ацтань -s [18:39:29] __KotuKen был кикнут [18:39:29] __KotuKen вышел [18:39:30] zxcmonster228 issued server command: /trade cancel [18:39:31] MomenTs issued server command: /trade zxcmonster228 [18:39:35] zxcmonster228 issued server command: /trade accept [18:39:37] Anchik issued server command: /home [18:39:39] Anchik issued server command: /we cui [18:39:42] __KotuKen зашёл [18:39:43] [L] astek2: так я не в теме что у кого [18:39:45] __KotuKen issued server command: /we cui [18:39:48] [G] Wh1teFox: !&e__KotuKen ahah) [18:39:49] [L] __KotuKen: ... [18:39:49] Anchik issued server command: /rtp [18:39:55] [G] __KotuKen: !справедливо [18:40:00] [G] __KotuKen: !злюка [18:40:02] hais3 был кикнут [18:40:02] hais3 вышел [18:40:03] animeshka66 issued server command: /home [18:40:16] [G] Gazirovka_: !я больше тут не модер [18:40:18] Luas issued server command: /home [18:40:19] [G] Gazirovka_: !просто держу в курсе [18:40:26] [G] astek2: ! он раб ) [18:40:30] [G] __KotuKen: !ага кнш [18:40:38] [G] __KotuKen: !а че права есть [18:40:45] [G] __KotuKen: !и в онлайне глмодер [18:40:45] [G] Wh1teFox: !&eтебе показалось [18:40:46] [G] Gazirovka_: !нужно было помочь зайти [18:40:47] _Top7_ issued server command: /home [18:40:48] Gazirovka_ issued server command: /mpcaseshop [18:40:49] Gazirovka_ issued server command: /mpcaseview 1 [18:40:49] Gazirovka_ issued server command: /mpcaseshop [18:40:50] Gazirovka_ issued server command: /mpcaseview 2 [18:40:51] Gazirovka_ issued server command: /mpcaseshop [18:40:52] Gazirovka_ issued server command: /mpcaseview 5 [18:40:52] Gazirovka_ issued server command: /mpcaseshop [18:40:53] Gazirovka_ issued server command: /mpcaseview 6 [18:40:53] [L] Luas: Надо делать нормальный спавнер скелетов через душу [18:40:54] Gazirovka_ issued server command: /mpcaseshop [18:40:54] Gazirovka_ issued server command: /mpcaseview 7 [18:40:55] __KotuKen issued server command: /online [18:40:55] Wh1teFox issued server command: /list [18:40:55] Gazirovka_ issued server command: /mpcaseshop [18:40:56] Gazirovka_ issued server command: /mpcaseview 8 [18:40:56] Gazirovka_ issued server command: /mpcaseshop [18:40:57] Gazirovka_ issued server command: /mpcaseview 9 [18:40:58] Gazirovka_ issued server command: /mpcaseshop [18:41:01] [G] __KotuKen: ! Wh1teFox /online [18:41:05] Wh1teFox issued server command: /list [18:41:05] [G] __KotuKen: !посмотри у него ещё опка [18:41:06] Gazirovka_ issued server command: /cart gui [18:41:11] [G] Gazirovka_: !ой все [18:41:11] animeshka66 issued server command: /home [18:41:11] [G] Wh1teFox: !&eнету [18:41:13] Gazirovka_ issued server command: /list [18:41:15] MomenTs issued server command: /online [18:41:16] __KotuKen issued server command: /online [18:41:19] maksonnnn issued server command: /home [18:41:25] invalid4 issued server command: /home [18:41:27] Vitaha вышел [18:41:32] MomenTs issued server command: /w Wh1teFox А какие рамки топ на продукцию не знаешь? [18:41:35] forksel issued server command: /home [18:41:38] forksel issued server command: /we cui [18:41:40] Wh1teFox issued server command: /r в плане на топ? [18:41:46] Wh1teFox issued server command: /r а, понял [18:41:47] Gazirovka_ issued server command: /cart gui [18:41:48] MomenTs issued server command: /w Wh1teFox + [18:41:48] Wh1teFox issued server command: /r эластичные [18:41:54] animeshka66 issued server command: /warp abyss [18:42:04] [G] forksel: !куплю поврежденный кристал за ресы иридий или дк слитки [18:42:08] [L] animeshka66: 1 [18:42:11] animeshka66 issued server command: /home [18:42:29] [G] KrozikSHIT: !стоит стабилизированый спаунер коров, но коровы не спавнятся, почему так? [18:42:33] Gazirovka_ issued server command: /tppos -2499 20 -1829 [18:42:42] [G] Wh1teFox: !&eмб правила спавна блочат [18:42:43] MomenTs issued server command: /home [18:42:44] macroholms issued server command: /рщьу [18:42:45] MomenTs issued server command: /we cui [18:42:45] macroholms issued server command: /home [18:42:46] [G] Wh1teFox: !&eзвёздочку закинь [18:42:52] KrozikSHIT issued server command: /home [18:43:01] [G] KrozikSHIT: !было так-же с ротатиками [18:43:05] [G] KrozikSHIT: !кинул звезду не помогло [18:43:05] MomenTs issued server command: /w Wh1teFox А монашья есть? [18:43:15] Wh1teFox issued server command: /r ну, есть куча жителей-пчеловодов [18:43:18] Gazirovka_ issued server command: /warp world [18:43:22] Wh1teFox issued server command: /r пока не трейдил её [18:43:25] Gazirovka_ issued server command: /screenall [18:43:28] Wh1teFox issued server command: /tp KrozikSHIT [18:43:28] MomenTs issued server command: /w Wh1teFox Можно попользываться7) [18:43:40] [L] Wh1teFox: gde [18:43:52] [L] KrozikSHIT: что где?) можно поточнее? [18:43:54] Luas issued server command: /home [18:44:03] [L] Wh1teFox: спавнер с коровкой [18:44:04] [L] KrozikSHIT: ротатиков я убрал, если ты об этом [18:44:20] [L] Luas: где все книги? [18:44:23] [L] Wh1teFox: так комнатку бы больше [18:44:24] [L] KrozikSHIT: ну возможно это из-за того что не на земле [18:44:27] [L] forksel: слушай а есть осколки разбитых кристалов или сами они [18:44:35] [L] KrozikSHIT: окей [18:44:35] invalid4 вышел [18:44:37] [L] Wh1teFox: не в земле дело, мб пространство мелкое [18:44:44] [L] vihni: не знаю [18:44:48] [L] Wh1teFox: у меня в воздухе всё чудесно спавнит [18:44:55] _Top7_ issued server command: /warp world [18:45:02] [L] KrozikSHIT: у меня были проблемы с ротатиками [18:45:06] _Top7_ issued server command: /we cui [18:45:12] forksel issued server command: /home [18:45:13] Wh1teFox issued server command: /m _ViktoriyaYanch_ так'c, ты тут? [18:45:18] _Top7_ issued server command: //wand [18:45:21] [L] KrozikSHIT: стояли там же где и спаунер големов и не спавнились ротатики [18:45:21] KoZmOWed умер (ENTITY_ATTACK) [18:45:21] forksel issued server command: /home [18:45:23] Luas issued server command: /home [18:45:27] _ViktoriyaYanch_ issued server command: /m Wh1teFox да [18:45:30] KoZmOWed issued server command: /we cui [18:45:37] Wh1teFox issued server command: /r а сколько тебе годиков, если не секрет? [18:45:42] _ViktoriyaYanch_ issued server command: /m Wh1teFox 16 [18:45:49] Wh1teFox issued server command: /r дискордик есть? [18:46:00] KoZmOWed issued server command: /rtp [18:46:02] _ViktoriyaYanch_ issued server command: /m Wh1teFox дапустим [18:46:06] [G] forksel: !куплю поврежденный кристал за ресы иридий или дк слитки [18:46:16] Wh1teFox issued server command: /r а дальнейшие действия думаю предсказуемы :) [18:46:19] animeshka66 issued server command: /warp world [18:46:21] KoZmOWed issued server command: /rtp [18:46:26] animeshka66 issued server command: /we cui [18:46:27] [G] Wh1teFox: !&eты минутку не выждал [18:46:30] KoZmOWed issued server command: /warp altar2 [18:46:39] KoZmOWed issued server command: /home [18:46:41] zxcmonster228 issued server command: /voteday [18:46:44] astek2 issued server command: /no [18:46:46] forksel issued server command: /yes [18:46:47] KoZmOWed issued server command: /rtp [18:46:50] MomenTs issued server command: /yes [18:46:53] x_NevadA_x issued server command: /warp 69 [18:46:57] macroholms issued server command: /home [18:47:00] KoZmOWed issued server command: /rtp [18:47:03] KoZmOWed issued server command: /rtp [18:47:04] [G] Anchik: !давайте голосовать хотя бы не каждую ночь [18:47:11] x_NevadA_x issued server command: /we cui [18:47:13] [G] Wh1teFox: !&eну ты предупреждай, если тебе ночь нужна [18:47:13] KoZmOWed issued server command: /home [18:47:19] _ViktoriyaYanch_ issued server command: /m Wh1teFox но я не сама играю [18:47:20] [G] Anchik: !ладушк [18:47:26] Luas issued server command: /home [18:47:28] [G] Wh1teFox: !&eмы люди вроде благородные :) [18:47:37] Korinff issued server command: /warp nether [18:47:38] KoZmOWed issued server command: /rtp [18:47:39] Korinff issued server command: /we cui [18:47:45] Gazirovka_ issued server command: /heal [18:47:45] Gazirovka_ issued server command: /heal [18:47:49] KoZmOWed issued server command: /rtp [18:47:52] KoZmOWed issued server command: /rtp [18:47:54] astek2 issued server command: /warp ca [18:47:56] astek2 issued server command: /we cui [18:47:58] Wh1teFox issued server command: /r ясненько [18:48:01] Gazirovka_ issued server command: /tp __KotuKen [18:48:02] KoZmOWed issued server command: /rtp [18:48:04] KoZmOWed issued server command: /rtp [18:48:06] [L] Gazirovka_: че [18:48:09] [L] Gazirovka_: афкашник [18:48:11] KoZmOWed issued server command: /home [18:48:18] KoZmOWed issued server command: /kit eat [18:48:19] Luas issued server command: /home [18:48:24] Gazirovka_ issued server command: /inv __KotuKen [18:48:36] Korinff issued server command: /home [18:48:36] forksel issued server command: /home [18:48:38] Korinff issued server command: /we cui [18:48:42] _ViktoriyaYanch_ issued server command: /m Wh1teFox ну можем позже в дс пойти када она спать пойдет [18:48:52] Gazirovka_ issued server command: /rtp [18:49:03] [L] _Top7_: уйди чел [18:49:05] KoZmOWed issued server command: /rtp [18:49:06] invalid4 зашёл [18:49:06] Wh1teFox issued server command: /r можем ) [18:49:08] invalid4 issued server command: /we cui [18:49:14] KoZmOWed issued server command: /warp list [18:49:15] Anchik issued server command: /home [18:49:16] forksel issued server command: /warp ьштшьфклуе [18:49:17] Gazirovka_ issued server command: /i 5904:6 1 name:&4&k123_&3Ст.Модератор_&4&kqwe [18:49:22] forksel issued server command: /warp minimarket [18:49:27] forksel issued server command: /money [18:49:44] strelok5 зашёл [18:49:46] macroholms issued server command: /rtp [18:49:46] _ViktoriyaYanch_ issued server command: /m Wh1teFox ViktoriyaYANCH#6744 [18:49:53] Gazirovka_ issued server command: /i 5904:6 1 name:&4&k123_&3Вечный_модератор&4&kqwe [18:49:55] KoZmOWed issued server command: /m Wh1teFox Можешь помочь телепортироваться по координатам я просто умер, или так нельзя? [18:49:59] strelok5 issued server command: /we cui [18:50:00] Gazirovka_ issued server command: /i 5904:6 1 name:&4&k123_&3_Вечный_модератор&4&kqwe [18:50:12] Wh1teFox issued server command: /r могу [18:50:14] Gazirovka_ issued server command: /i 5904:6 1 name:&4&k123&3Вечный_модератор&4&kqwe [18:50:14] SIlver_MrGrizz зашёл [18:50:19] macroholms issued server command: /rtp [18:50:22] maksonnnn issued server command: /home [18:50:31] strelok5 issued server command: /money [18:50:40] Andreibrooo issued server command: /рщьу [18:50:41] Andreibrooo issued server command: /home [18:50:44] strelok5 issued server command: /clan invite MomenTs [18:50:48] MomenTs issued server command: /clan accept strelok5 [18:50:53] SIlver_MrGrizz issued server command: /we cui [18:50:53] maksonnnn вышел [18:51:04] Wh1teFox issued server command: /tppos -9567 70 -5095 [18:51:07] Wh1teFox issued server command: /rtp [18:51:09] Wh1teFox issued server command: /tppos -9567 70 -5095 [18:51:17] Wh1teFox issued server command: /tpahere KoZmOWed [18:51:22] animeshka66 issued server command: /home [18:51:23] Andreibrooo issued server command: /warp ez [18:51:25] animeshka66 issued server command: /we cui [18:51:28] KoZmOWed issued server command: /m Wh1teFox -9563 -5091 [18:51:29] _Top7_ issued server command: /home [18:51:33] _Top7_ issued server command: /we cui [18:51:36] Wh1teFox issued server command: /r тп прими [18:51:37] [G] Andreibrooo: ! что мне делать??/ [18:51:38] KoZmOWed issued server command: /tpaccept [18:51:39] macroholms issued server command: /rtp [18:51:41] Wh1teFox issued server command: /r корды сам найти способен) [18:51:53] [G] Wh1teFox: !&eа зачем что-то делать ? [18:51:53] forksel issued server command: /warp abyss [18:51:56] Gazirovka_ issued server command: /color [18:51:57] Gazirovka_ issued server command: /colors [18:52:03] [G] valera_zakon: !согласен [18:52:03] [G] Andreibrooo: ! чтоб скучно не было [18:52:06] Wh1teFox issued server command: /home irochka_100 [18:52:13] macroholms issued server command: /rtp [18:52:16] RTXGames123lol issued server command: /home [18:52:17] [L] KoZmOWed: Спасибо большое [18:52:22] astek2 вышел [18:52:25] Gazirovka_ issued server command: /i 5904:6 1 name:&4&k123&6Вечный_модератор&4&kqwe [18:52:34] _Top7_ issued server command: /home [18:52:35] KrozikSHIT issued server command: /home [18:52:36] KicX issued server command: /home [18:52:44] macroholms issued server command: /rtp [18:52:58] [G] forksel: !куплю поврежденный кристал за ресы иридий или дк слитки [18:52:58] KoZmOWed issued server command: /home [18:53:03] KoZmOWed вышел [18:53:07] [G] Wh1teFox: !&e1 кристалл? [18:53:10] KicX issued server command: /home [18:53:20] [G] forksel: ! жилательно пол стака [18:53:22] forksel issued server command: /home [18:53:25] [G] Wh1teFox: !&eне проблема [18:53:40] KicX issued server command: /home [18:53:43] Gazirovka_ issued server command: /i 5904:6 1 name:&4&k123&6Вечный_модератор&4&kqwe [18:53:49] [G] Andreibrooo: ! а что за кристалл? [18:53:52] [G] Wh1teFox: !&e48 дк слитков [18:53:57] [G] forksel: ! jr [18:54:13] forksel issued server command: /trade Wh1teFox [18:54:19] strelok5 issued server command: /votesun [18:54:22] Gazirovka_ issued server command: /colors [18:54:22] forksel issued server command: /yes [18:54:23] KicX issued server command: /home [18:54:26] Lasx issued server command: /yes [18:54:28] [G] Wh1teFox: !&e Andreibrooo с динозаврика в пещерах падают осколки [18:54:29] Anchik issued server command: /yes [18:54:32] macroholms issued server command: /rtp [18:54:36] [G] Andreibrooo: ! а так да я шарю [18:54:47] Wh1teFox issued server command: /yes [18:54:48] Wh1teFox issued server command: /trade accept [18:54:53] Wh1teFox issued server command: /trade forksel [18:54:55] forksel issued server command: /trade accept [18:55:01] Gazirovka_ issued server command: /mods [18:55:02] Wh1teFox issued server command: /money [18:55:04] Gazirovka_ issued server command: /alisa [18:55:08] Gazirovka_ issued server command: /alisa mods [18:55:20] Gazirovka_ issued server command: /alisa mods remove Gazirovka_ [18:55:22] Gazirovka_ issued server command: /alisa mods [18:55:24] Gazirovka_ issued server command: /alisa [18:55:27] Gazirovka_ issued server command: /mods [18:55:29] Lasx issued server command: /we cui [18:55:32] Gazirovka_ issued server command: /ch [18:55:34] Gazirovka_ issued server command: /ch help [18:55:52] _HarkycbI_ зашёл [18:55:55] Luas issued server command: /home [18:55:59] Gazirovka_ issued server command: /cases list [18:56:07] _HarkycbI_ issued server command: /we cui [18:56:08] Gazirovka_ issued server command: /ch online [18:56:13] Gazirovka_ issued server command: /ch online all [18:56:21] _HarkycbI_ issued server command: /money [18:56:23] KrozikSHIT issued server command: /home [18:56:31] Gazirovka_ issued server command: /ch list [18:56:39] Gazirovka_ issued server command: /ch delete Gazirovka_ [18:56:41] _HarkycbI_ issued server command: /warp pvp [18:56:43] [G] Andreibrooo: ! invalid4 а кто первый, кто второй, кто третий? [18:56:43] _HarkycbI_ issued server command: /we cui [18:56:51] zxcmonster228 issued server command: /voteday [18:56:59] _HarkycbI_ issued server command: /tell __KotuKen го махаться [18:57:02] _HarkycbI_ issued server command: /tell __KotuKen го махаться [18:57:04] _HarkycbI_ issued server command: /spawn [18:57:06] _HarkycbI_ issued server command: /we cui [18:57:06] [G] invalid4: ! z bydfkbl 4 cnttgtyb [18:57:08] _HarkycbI_ issued server command: /tell __KotuKen го махаться [18:57:08] [G] Wh1teFox: !&e.-. [18:57:12] _HarkycbI_ issued server command: /warp abyss [18:57:14] _HarkycbI_ issued server command: /we cui [18:57:22] _HarkycbI_ issued server command: /r ахуеть [18:57:23] _HarkycbI_ issued server command: /r я волк [18:57:25] KrozikSHIT issued server command: /home [18:57:26] _HarkycbI_ issued server command: /r а как [18:57:28] KrozikSHIT issued server command: /mpcaseshop [18:57:29] RTXGames123lol issued server command: /rtp [18:57:29] [G] invalid4: !я инвалид 4 группы [18:57:29] _HarkycbI_ issued server command: /r меня челик 1 раз убил [18:57:31] _HarkycbI_ issued server command: /r а я волк [18:57:32] _HarkycbI_ issued server command: /r что [18:57:34] _HarkycbI_ issued server command: /r xd [18:57:35] Gazirovka_ issued server command: /mvtp [18:57:37] zxcmonster228 issued server command: /voteday [18:57:38] [G] strelok5: ! Дцп? [18:57:38] Gazirovka_ issued server command: /mvtp dard [18:57:39] Gazirovka_ issued server command: /mvtp dark [18:57:40] KrozikSHIT вышел [18:57:40] Anchik issued server command: /yes [18:57:41] strelok5 issued server command: /yes [18:57:41] _ViktoriyaYanch_ issued server command: /no [18:57:43] Gazirovka_ issued server command: /we cui [18:57:47] [G] invalid4: ! фпс [18:57:55] Gazirovka_ issued server command: /rg [18:57:56] Gazirovka_ issued server command: /rg i [18:58:02] [G] Andreibrooo: ! фсб? [18:58:02] Gazirovka_ issued server command: /rg remove gazirovka [18:58:03] RTXGames123lol issued server command: /home [18:58:07] Gazirovka_ issued server command: //chunk [18:58:10] Gazirovka_ issued server command: //sel [18:58:14] _HarkycbI_ issued server command: /tell Wh1teFox слушай, а можно как-то из волка обратно в человека? [18:58:20] Wh1teFox issued server command: /r так-же ритуал [18:58:21] [G] invalid4: ! днз [18:58:21] _HarkycbI_ issued server command: /r а то меня челик убил и превратил в волка [18:58:23] Gazirovka_ issued server command: //wand [18:58:25] Wh1teFox issued server command: /r в полнолуние, дальше полистай [18:58:30] animeshka66 вышел [18:58:37] Wh1teFox issued server command: /r в книжке "ведьмовство: магия кругов" [18:58:40] animeshka66 зашёл [18:58:41] _HarkycbI_ issued server command: /r окей.. [18:58:43] animeshka66 issued server command: /we cui [18:58:43] Gazirovka_ issued server command: //expand 1000 u [18:58:49] _HarkycbI_ issued server command: /r заставили витчери начать изучать [18:58:50] hais3 зашёл [18:58:52] hais3 issued server command: /we cui [18:58:55] Gazirovka_ issued server command: //wand [18:58:58] Gazirovka_ issued server command: //expand 1000 u [18:59:00] Gazirovka_ issued server command: //expand 1000 d [18:59:00] _HarkycbI_ issued server command: /tell __KotuKen слыш [18:59:01] animeshka66 issued server command: /money [18:59:01] _HarkycbI_ issued server command: /r котук [18:59:06] _HarkycbI_ issued server command: /r сделай меня человеком [18:59:07] SIlver_MrGrizz issued server command: /mpcaseshop [18:59:07] Gazirovka_ issued server command: /rg claim Gazirovka_ [18:59:08] SIlver_MrGrizz issued server command: /mpcaseview 7 [18:59:09] SIlver_MrGrizz issued server command: /mpcaseshop [18:59:10] Gazirovka_ issued server command: /rg i [18:59:11] SIlver_MrGrizz issued server command: /mpcaseview 2 [18:59:11] SIlver_MrGrizz issued server command: /mpcaseview 2 [18:59:11] SIlver_MrGrizz issued server command: /mpcaseshop [18:59:12] Gazirovka_ issued server command: /rg i Gazirovka_ [18:59:14] [G] Wh1teFox: !&cСкриптонит, Райда - Baby mama [18:59:42] animeshka66 issued server command: /money [18:59:44] Gazirovka_ issued server command: /rg i [18:59:47] animeshka66 issued server command: /warp abyss [18:59:49] Gazirovka_ issued server command: /rg s [18:59:50] _HarkycbI_ issued server command: /warp pvp [18:59:52] _HarkycbI_ issued server command: /we cui [18:59:53] Wh1teFox issued server command: /r ну, если тебе с нуля, то терпения ) [18:59:54] Luas issued server command: /home [18:59:54] Gazirovka_ issued server command: //expand 10 u [18:59:55] [L] animeshka66: 9 [18:59:57] Gazirovka_ issued server command: //expand 10 d [18:59:57] [L] animeshka66: 9 [18:59:59] _HarkycbI_ issued server command: /warp home [18:59:59] Gazirovka_ issued server command: //expand 50 d [19:00:01] Luas issued server command: /home [19:00:01] _HarkycbI_ issued server command: /spawn [19:00:03] Gazirovka_ issued server command: /cases set Gazirovka_ 5 50 [19:00:04] [L] animeshka66: 7 [19:00:06] Wh1teFox issued server command: /r с фулл шабашом, алтарём на 15к и чем-то там ещё ) [19:00:09] animeshka66 issued server command: /home [19:00:09] _HarkycbI_ issued server command: /spawn [19:00:10] [G] Wh1teFox: !359 [19:00:11] _HarkycbI_ issued server command: /spawn [19:00:11] _HarkycbI_ issued server command: /spawn [19:00:13] _HarkycbI_ issued server command: /we cui [19:00:14] Gazirovka_ issued server command: /rg list [19:00:17] _HarkycbI_ issued server command: /r ага, с нуля.. [19:00:18] Andreibrooo issued server command: /money Wh1teFox [19:00:23] Andreibrooo issued server command: /money [19:00:23] Gazirovka_ issued server command: /rg f Gazirovka_ [19:00:26] _HarkycbI_ issued server command: /r повезло что хоть разбираюсь в моде [19:00:27] _Top7_ issued server command: /home [19:00:27] Gazirovka_ issued server command: /rg f Gazirovka_ pvp-deny [19:00:30] Andreibrooo issued server command: /money valera_zakon [19:00:31] Gazirovka_ issued server command: /rg f Gazirovka_ pvp deny [19:00:32] hais3 был кикнут [19:00:32] hais3 вышел [19:00:37] hais3 зашёл [19:00:37] _HarkycbI_ issued server command: /r хотя, думаю можно попросить людей [19:00:38] Gazirovka_ issued server command: /rg f Gazirovka_ mob-spawning deny [19:00:38] hais3 issued server command: /we cui [19:00:41] x_NevadA_x умер (VOID) [19:00:45] _HarkycbI_ issued server command: /r так же можно? ;ZD [19:00:50] Wh1teFox issued server command: /r за плату да [19:00:53] x_NevadA_x issued server command: /we cui [19:00:54] _HarkycbI_ issued server command: /r а [19:00:57] zxcmonster228 вышел [19:00:58] _HarkycbI_ issued server command: /r тогда всё ещё проше [19:01:03] _HarkycbI_ issued server command: /r проще* [19:01:19] [G] Andreibrooo: ! когда можно будет приватить в энде? [19:01:19] _HarkycbI_ issued server command: /tpa Lasx [19:01:20] Wh1teFox issued server command: /r ну я б за эмов 50 провернул бы ритуал, чисто для ориентира в ценнике [19:01:27] _HarkycbI_ issued server command: /r ого [19:01:31] [G] Wh1teFox: !&eмечтай) [19:01:34] _HarkycbI_ issued server command: /r хм, попрошу котука за 20 [19:01:39] _HarkycbI_ issued server command: /r :D [19:01:39] [G] Wh1teFox: !&eпо идее оффнут приваты в энде вообще [19:01:42] _HarkycbI_ issued server command: /warp end [19:01:43] _HarkycbI_ issued server command: /warp world [19:01:46] [G] Andreibrooo: ! их оффнули уже [19:01:46] Wh1teFox issued server command: /r мало как-то [19:01:46] _HarkycbI_ issued server command: /we cui [19:01:51] [G] SIlver_MrGrizz: !кто продаст зелля из витчеры преследуючего духа дам за нього 100ем [19:01:57] _HarkycbI_ issued server command: /r та лан, я ему корону подарил [19:02:00] Wh1teFox issued server command: /r сам рассуди, фулл шабаш, алтарь - время и старания [19:02:01] _HarkycbI_ issued server command: /we cui [19:02:03] _HarkycbI_ issued server command: /r так что норм [19:02:07] SIlver_MrGrizz issued server command: /mpcaseshop [19:02:08] SIlver_MrGrizz issued server command: /mpcaseview 7 [19:02:13] Gazirovka_ issued server command: /inv Gazirovka_ [19:02:15] x_NevadA_x issued server command: /kit eat [19:02:16] SIlver_MrGrizz issued server command: /mpcaseshop [19:02:16] Gazirovka_ issued server command: /oe Gazirovka_ [19:02:19] SIlver_MrGrizz issued server command: /mpcaseview 7 [19:02:23] [G] Wh1teFox: !&e SIlver_MrGrizz, а сам чего не сделаешь?) [19:02:26] forksel умер (ENTITY_ATTACK) [19:02:28] forksel issued server command: /we cui [19:02:30] Lasx issued server command: /tpaccept [19:02:32] _HarkycbI_ issued server command: /we cui [19:02:34] x_NevadA_x issued server command: /kit eat [19:02:36] [G] SIlver_MrGrizz: !я незнаю как [19:02:37] x_NevadA_x issued server command: /warp 69 [19:02:38] forksel умер (ENTITY_ATTACK) [19:02:40] forksel issued server command: /we cui [19:02:51] [G] Wh1teFox: !&eв хорошем сне [19:02:55] [G] SIlver_MrGrizz: !а как [19:02:55] x_NevadA_x issued server command: /we cui [19:03:03] Gazirovka_ issued server command: /warp pve [19:03:05] [G] SIlver_MrGrizz: !все вещи пропадают [19:03:06] Gazirovka_ issued server command: /we cui [19:03:09] [G] Wh1teFox: !&eну тип, идёшь сначала в обычный мир снов - с кошмаром [19:03:12] [G] Wh1teFox: !&eну так ты бери ток вещи с витчери [19:03:22] [G] Wh1teFox: !&eи сосульку самое главное [19:03:33] _HarkycbI_ issued server command: /tpa Lasx [19:03:34] Gazirovka_ issued server command: /hd [19:03:35] [G] Wh1teFox: !&eтак вот, сначала к кошмару [19:03:36] Gazirovka_ issued server command: /hd help [19:03:40] invalid4 issued server command: /spawn [19:03:42] invalid4 issued server command: /we cui [19:03:43] Gazirovka_ issued server command: /hd near 10 [19:03:44] x_NevadA_x умер (VOID) [19:03:46] Anchik issued server command: /warp shop [19:03:49] Anchik issued server command: /we cui [19:03:51] [G] Wh1teFox: !&eсобирай сколько успеешь порванного шёлка, нужен будет на ловец снов: кошмаров [19:03:55] x_NevadA_x issued server command: /we cui [19:03:59] animeshka66 issued server command: /money [19:04:03] macroholms issued server command: /home [19:04:21] Gazirovka_ issued server command: /cases set Gazirovka_ 5 20 [19:04:23] [G] Anchik: !а есть магазины с witchery& [19:04:27] Anchik issued server command: /home [19:04:28] _HarkycbI_ issued server command: /tpahere Lasx [19:04:29] Anchik issued server command: /we cui [19:04:33] [G] Wh1teFox: !&eА что интересует?) [19:04:39] Luas issued server command: /home [19:04:40] [G] SIlver_MrGrizz: !я Його зробив ловець кошмаров [19:04:43] Gazirovka_ issued server command: /cases set Gazirovka_ 9 20 [19:04:44] _HarkycbI_ issued server command: /kit [19:04:46] _HarkycbI_ issued server command: /kit start [19:04:50] Gazirovka_ issued server command: /cases set Gazirovka_ 6 20 [19:04:53] [G] Anchik: !шерсть мышек [19:04:55] Gazirovka_ issued server command: /hd near 10 [19:05:02] forksel issued server command: /we cui [19:05:03] Gazirovka_ issued server command: /hd movehere pve_rules [19:05:09] [G] Wh1teFox: !&eтак сложно в пещере побегать и мышей побить?) [19:05:10] Gazirovka_ issued server command: /hd movehere pve_rules [19:05:11] _HarkycbI_ issued server command: /tpahere Lasx [19:05:17] Gazirovka_ issued server command: /hd movehere pve_rules [19:05:23] animeshka66 вышел [19:05:24] [G] Anchik: !пффф, прикалываешься?) [19:05:30] Gazirovka_ issued server command: /hd near 10 [19:05:31] [G] SIlver_MrGrizz: ! а как туда вещи перенести [19:05:35] [G] Wh1teFox: !&eа почему бы и нет?) [19:05:40] _HarkycbI_ issued server command: /kit [19:05:42] _HarkycbI_ issued server command: /kit iron [19:05:44] _HarkycbI_ issued server command: /kit thaum [19:05:44] [G] invalid4: ! на спавне есть чарка ? [19:05:50] [G] Wh1teFox: !&e SIlver_MrGrizz ну я говорю, обычные без привилегии ты не перенесёшь [19:06:03] Gazirovka_ вышел [19:06:03] Luas issued server command: /home [19:06:05] [G] Wh1teFox: !&eсобственно только witchery шмотки туда взять можешь, типо не пропадут [19:06:10] [G] invalid4: ! на спавне есть чарка ? [19:06:12] Anchik вышел [19:06:13] [G] Wh1teFox: !&eнету [19:06:24] strelok5 вышел [19:06:29] [G] SIlver_MrGrizz: !я брал не виходить [19:06:31] invalid4 issued server command: /home [19:06:32] invalid4 issued server command: /we cui [19:06:36] _HarkycbI_ issued server command: /tpa vihni [19:06:38] [G] Wh1teFox: !&eну так ты сосульку только возьми [19:06:43] [G] SIlver_MrGrizz: !ок [19:06:43] MomenTs issued server command: /warp magnit [19:06:44] Anchik зашёл [19:06:46] Anchik issued server command: /we cui [19:06:46] [G] Wh1teFox: !&eловец снов: кошмары ты сделал? [19:06:50] _HarkycbI_ issued server command: /tell __KotuKen котук [19:06:51] [G] SIlver_MrGrizz: !да [19:06:58] _HarkycbI_ issued server command: /warp home [19:06:59] [G] Wh1teFox: !&eа, ну разве котелок пропадает? [19:07:00] _HarkycbI_ issued server command: /we cui [19:07:05] Gazirovka_ зашёл [19:07:06] [G] Wh1teFox: !&eи пузырьки с ингридиентами на зельку [19:07:07] Gazirovka_ issued server command: /we cui [19:07:11] hais3 вышел [19:07:12] Gazirovka_ issued server command: /hod [19:07:13] Gazirovka_ issued server command: /god [19:07:16] Luas issued server command: /home [19:07:19] Gazirovka_ issued server command: /fly [19:07:22] Gazirovka_ issued server command: /rg i [19:07:27] SIlver_MrGrizz issued server command: /mpcaseshop [19:07:29] SIlver_MrGrizz issued server command: /mpcaseview 7 [19:07:30] KrozikSHIT зашёл [19:07:30] SIlver_MrGrizz issued server command: /rollcase 7 [19:07:32] Gazirovka_ issued server command: /inv [19:07:38] _Top7_ issued server command: /warp str [19:07:44] SIlver_MrGrizz issued server command: /mpcaseview 7 [19:07:52] MomenTs issued server command: /mpcaseshop [19:07:52] [G] _HarkycbI_: !/warp pvp [19:07:52] Gazirovka_ issued server command: /history [19:07:54] _HarkycbI_ issued server command: /warp pvp [19:07:54] [G] Wh1teFox: !&eвхвх [19:07:55] MomenTs issued server command: /mpcaseview 7 [19:07:56] KrozikSHIT issued server command: /we cui [19:07:56] _HarkycbI_ issued server command: /we cui [19:07:57] [L] SIlver_MrGrizz: е [19:07:57] _Top7_ issued server command: /tpa vihni [19:07:59] vihni issued server command: /tpaccept [19:08:02] Anchik issued server command: /home [19:08:06] [L] _Top7_: вы переехаил? [19:08:07] [L] vihni: привет [19:08:07] [G] Wh1teFox: !&eжаль там эндерчеста нету) [19:08:07] [L] _Top7_: ли? [19:08:10] [L] _Top7_: привет [19:08:10] [L] vihni: ага [19:08:11] MomenTs issued server command: /home [19:08:13] [L] _Top7_: кста [19:08:14] [L] _Top7_: хоч [19:08:17] SIlver_MrGrizz issued server command: /cart gui [19:08:18] [L] _Top7_: кучу дк [19:08:28] [L] SIlver_MrGrizz: t [19:08:28] [L] vihni: что нужно сделать [19:08:29] [L] vihni: ) [19:08:31] SIlver_MrGrizz issued server command: /kit [19:08:35] [L] _Top7_: на [19:08:36] [L] _Top7_: копай [19:08:38] [L] _Top7_: этим [19:08:39] [L] _Top7_: руду [19:08:45] [L] _Top7_: и все [19:08:46] Lasx был кикнут [19:08:46] Lasx вышел [19:08:46] Korinff был кикнут [19:08:46] Korinff вышел [19:08:46] KicX был кикнут [19:08:46] KicX вышел [19:08:46] Andreibrooo был кикнут [19:08:46] Andreibrooo вышел [19:08:46] _ViktoriyaYanch_ был кикнут [19:08:46] _ViktoriyaYanch_ вышел [19:08:46] _Top7_ был кикнут [19:08:46] _Top7_ вышел [19:08:46] RTXGames123lol был кикнут [19:08:46] RTXGames123lol вышел [19:08:46] valera_zakon был кикнут [19:08:46] valera_zakon вышел [19:08:46] Wh1teFox был кикнут [19:08:46] Wh1teFox вышел [19:08:46] MomenTs был кикнут [19:08:46] MomenTs вышел [19:08:46] Luas был кикнут [19:08:46] Luas вышел [19:08:46] macroholms был кикнут [19:08:46] macroholms вышел [19:08:46] vihni был кикнут [19:08:46] vihni вышел [19:08:46] __KotuKen был кикнут [19:08:46] __KotuKen вышел [19:08:46] invalid4 был кикнут [19:08:46] invalid4 вышел [19:08:46] SIlver_MrGrizz был кикнут [19:08:46] SIlver_MrGrizz вышел [19:08:46] _HarkycbI_ был кикнут [19:08:46] _HarkycbI_ вышел [19:08:46] forksel был кикнут [19:08:46] forksel вышел [19:08:46] x_NevadA_x был кикнут [19:08:46] x_NevadA_x вышел [19:08:46] Anchik был кикнут [19:08:46] Anchik вышел [19:08:46] Gazirovka_ был кикнут [19:08:46] Gazirovka_ вышел [19:08:46] KrozikSHIT был кикнут [19:08:46] KrozikSHIT вышел [19:08:49] Сервер выключился [19:09:49] Сервер включился [19:10:14] _Top7_ зашёл [19:10:15] macroholms зашёл [19:10:15] forksel зашёл [19:10:16] _Top7_ issued server command: /we cui [19:10:16] macroholms issued server command: /we cui [19:10:16] hais3 зашёл [19:10:17] valera_zakon зашёл [19:10:18] hais3 issued server command: /we cui [19:10:18] vihni зашёл [19:10:19] valera_zakon issued server command: /we cui [19:10:19] vihni issued server command: /we cui [19:10:19] forksel issued server command: /we cui [19:10:19] RTXGames123lol зашёл [19:10:20] Andreibrooo зашёл [19:10:21] RTXGames123lol issued server command: /we cui [19:10:22] Andreibrooo issued server command: /we cui [19:10:23] KrozikSHIT зашёл [19:10:24] x_NevadA_x зашёл [19:10:27] SIlver_MrGrizz зашёл [19:10:27] x_NevadA_x issued server command: /we cui [19:10:28] KrozikSHIT issued server command: /we cui [19:10:28] Luas зашёл [19:10:30] SIlver_MrGrizz issued server command: /we cui [19:10:31] Luas issued server command: /we cui [19:10:35] [L] _Top7_: есть вив меч? [19:10:37] [L] vihni: ненадо [19:10:40] [L] _Top7_: ? [19:10:43] [L] vihni: я делаю какраз [19:10:45] [L] _Top7_: аа [19:10:49] [L] _Top7_: есть вив меч? [19:10:51] [L] vihni: ) спасибо [19:10:51] SIlver_MrGrizz issued server command: /kit [19:10:52] Luas issued server command: /home [19:10:55] SIlver_MrGrizz issued server command: /kit tools [19:10:56] Korinff зашёл [19:10:56] Lasx зашёл [19:10:57] [L] vihni: неа ( [19:10:57] Korinff issued server command: /we cui [19:10:58] _HarkycbI_ зашёл [19:10:58] Lasx issued server command: /we cui [19:11:00] _HarkycbI_ issued server command: /we cui [19:11:08] [L] _Top7_: блин [19:11:11] SIlver_MrGrizz issued server command: /kit Jetpack [19:11:14] [L] vihni: как подключить \ [19:11:23] [L] _Top7_: там мех нужен [19:11:25] [L] _Top7_: какой то [19:11:25] SIlver_MrGrizz issued server command: /kit nano [19:11:27] [G] _HarkycbI_: !/warp pvp [19:11:29] [L] _Top7_: специальный [19:11:33] [L] vihni: а я вспомнил [19:11:34] SIlver_MrGrizz issued server command: /kit res [19:11:37] [L] vihni: точно [19:11:44] [L] _Top7_: вам надо заменить вот это на алхимки [19:11:48] SIlver_MrGrizz issued server command: /kit tree [19:11:54] Wh1teFox зашёл [19:11:56] Wh1teFox issued server command: /we cui [19:11:58] Luas issued server command: /home [19:12:03] SIlver_MrGrizz issued server command: /kit thaum [19:12:14] SIlver_MrGrizz issued server command: /kit shard [19:12:17] [L] vihni: ? [19:12:21] [L] _Top7_: не нече [19:12:25] SIlver_MrGrizz issued server command: /kit gold [19:12:42] Lasx issued server command: /home Luas [19:12:43] [L] _Top7_: лан я пошел [19:12:43] Lasx issued server command: /we cui [19:12:46] _Top7_ issued server command: /home [19:12:53] forksel issued server command: /tell vihni слушай а за что сможешь сделать палочку на 150 вис? [19:12:54] _HarkycbI_ issued server command: /spawn [19:12:56] SIlver_MrGrizz issued server command: /kit [19:12:56] _HarkycbI_ issued server command: /we cui [19:12:57] Wh1teFox issued server command: /god [19:12:57] Wh1teFox issued server command: /god [19:13:02] Wh1teFox issued server command: /warp case [19:13:03] _HarkycbI_ issued server command: /tpa Lasx [19:13:05] SIlver_MrGrizz issued server command: /kit mobs [19:13:06] Wh1teFox issued server command: /we cui [19:13:17] SIlver_MrGrizz issued server command: /kit [19:13:24] SIlver_MrGrizz issued server command: /kit res [19:13:26] _HarkycbI_ issued server command: /tpa x_NevadA_x [19:13:29] _HarkycbI_ issued server command: /home list [19:13:30] vihni issued server command: /m forksel комне тп [19:13:38] _HarkycbI_ issued server command: /tpa RTXGames123lol [19:13:45] forksel issued server command: /r пока не могу в данже [19:13:45] _HarkycbI_ issued server command: /tpa macroholms [19:14:03] [G] Luas: ! Душа возвращается из стибилизированного спавнера, если сломать? [19:14:08] [G] _HarkycbI_: !- [19:14:11] [G] Wh1teFox: !&e- [19:14:15] Wh1teFox issued server command: /home irochka_100 [19:14:15] _HarkycbI_ issued server command: /warp pvp [19:14:17] _HarkycbI_ issued server command: /we cui [19:14:17] Wh1teFox issued server command: /we cui [19:14:23] [G] Wh1teFox: !&eпокой находит ) [19:14:24] hais3 issued server command: /enderchest [19:14:27] Wh1teFox issued server command: /fly [19:14:28] Anchik зашёл [19:14:35] Dark_Monarch зашёл [19:14:48] SIlver_MrGrizz issued server command: /v [19:14:50] _Top7_ issued server command: /m vihni вы будете вив меч делать? [19:14:53] SIlver_MrGrizz issued server command: /f [19:14:54] Anchik issued server command: /we cui [19:14:55] SIlver_MrGrizz issued server command: /god [19:14:57] _Top7_ issued server command: /m vihni и скоро ли [19:15:01] SIlver_MrGrizz issued server command: /help [19:15:09] __KotuKen зашёл [19:15:10] __KotuKen issued server command: /we cui [19:15:11] [L] Luas: Смотри [19:15:17] [G] _HarkycbI_: !/warp pvp [19:15:17] [L] Luas: хотя [19:15:18] [L] _Top7_: кот ленивая жопа [19:15:20] Andreibrooo issued server command: /фцк зм [19:15:21] Andreibrooo issued server command: /warp pvp [19:15:23] Andreibrooo issued server command: /we cui [19:15:25] [L] _Top7_: а он не узнает потому что афк) [19:15:28] Dark_Monarch issued server command: /we cui [19:15:30] [L] Luas: Джек наверное лучше головы фармит) [19:15:33] vihni issued server command: /m _Top7_ не знаю наврятли [19:15:39] [L] Lasx: Да [19:15:43] macroholms issued server command: /home [19:15:44] vihni issued server command: /m _Top7_ надо очень [19:15:50] vihni issued server command: /m _Top7_? [19:15:57] [L] Luas: Мало ресов падает [19:15:59] Dark_Monarch issued server command: /immune gazirovka_ false [19:16:03] _Top7_ issued server command: /m vihni надо очень? [19:16:05] Dark_Monarch issued server command: /immune Gazirovka_ false [19:16:15] [L] Lasx: Поэтому тот меч хотел сделать [19:16:21] [L] Lasx: тип 100% голова падает [19:16:26] Dark_Monarch issued server command: /ban Gazirovka_ 1.5 -s [19:16:32] [L] Luas: У джека просто меч стоит на добычу [19:16:33] [L] Lasx: Но хз можно ли его в джека поставить [19:16:34] macroholms вышел [19:16:53] [L] Luas: Здесь их много спавнится, но толку [19:16:58] Andreibrooo issued server command: /warp ez [19:16:58] hais3 issued server command: /voteday [19:17:01] Andreibrooo issued server command: /home [19:17:01] Lasx issued server command: /yes [19:17:01] [L] Luas: Самому если фармить только [19:17:03] Anchik issued server command: /yes [19:17:04] Andreibrooo issued server command: /spawn [19:17:04] Anchik issued server command: /yes [19:17:05] Anchik issued server command: /yes [19:17:05] Anchik issued server command: /yes [19:17:05] Andreibrooo issued server command: /we cui [19:17:05] Anchik issued server command: /yes [19:17:05] vihni issued server command: /m forksel алеее [19:17:06] Anchik issued server command: /yes [19:17:07] Andreibrooo issued server command: /warp ez [19:17:09] Andreibrooo issued server command: /we cui [19:17:09] Anchik issued server command: /yes [19:17:09] Anchik issued server command: /yes [19:17:09] vihni issued server command: /yes [19:17:12] Wh1teFox issued server command: /u со мной так-же будет?( [19:17:13] Anchik issued server command: /yes [19:17:14] [L] Luas: Только сванре не ломай [19:17:17] _HarkycbI_ issued server command: /spawn [19:17:18] [L] Luas: А то душа пропадет [19:17:19] _HarkycbI_ issued server command: /we cui [19:17:24] _HarkycbI_ issued server command: /tpa __KotuKen [19:17:32] Dark_Monarch issued server command: /u 1.5 до вайпа потому что у него была опка [19:17:34] Wh1teFox issued server command: /u угрожали кстати, что взломают меня к завтра [19:17:34] __KotuKen issued server command: /tpaccept [19:17:36] _HarkycbI_ issued server command: /we cui [19:17:36] [L] __KotuKen: чу [19:17:38] [L] __KotuKen: ? [19:17:40] forksel issued server command: /r пока не могу в данже [19:17:40] [L] _HarkycbI_: котук хелп [19:17:43] [L] __KotuKen: чем [19:17:44] [L] _HarkycbI_: в человека преврати [19:17:49] forksel issued server command: /r или срочно? [19:17:52] [L] _HarkycbI_: меня челик убил и в волка превратил [19:17:54] [L] _HarkycbI_: когда мы фанились [19:17:54] [L] Luas: Элекиричесива не хватает на спавнеры [19:17:59] [L] __KotuKen: кого [19:18:01] [L] __KotuKen: кто [19:18:04] [L] Luas: Малекулярный все забирает [19:18:05] [L] Lasx: Да с этим беда [19:18:06] Dark_Monarch issued server command: /u если взломают то это вина лично твоя [19:18:06] [L] _HarkycbI_: там ник длинный [19:18:07] forksel issued server command: /tpa vihni [19:18:11] forksel issued server command: /home [19:18:12] [L] _HarkycbI_: друг vewelon'a ещё [19:18:14] forksel issued server command: /we cui [19:18:18] [L] __KotuKen: он в бане [19:18:19] vihni issued server command: /tpaccept [19:18:22] [L] _HarkycbI_: та пох [19:18:22] [L] __KotuKen: вемелон за [19:18:26] Wh1teFox issued server command: /u ну двухфакторка есть, поэтому пожелал удачи [19:18:26] [L] _HarkycbI_: преврати в человека [19:18:27] [L] vihni: пойдет [19:18:30] [L] _HarkycbI_: я волк .-. [19:18:30] [L] Luas: Типо делать качалку иссушителей на головы - только через джека [19:18:30] [L] vihni: ?? [19:18:31] [L] __KotuKen: . [19:18:32] [L] _HarkycbI_: меня это бесит [19:18:33] [L] forksel: да спасибо [19:18:34] [L] Lasx: Сюда давай джека поставим? [19:18:35] [L] __KotuKen: ._. [19:18:37] SIlver_MrGrizz issued server command: /fly [19:18:39] [L] __KotuKen: бля [19:18:41] [L] __KotuKen: жди [19:18:44] Dark_Monarch issued server command: /u 45 символов пароль вот это топ [19:18:44] [L] Lasx: Пускай 2 будет [19:18:45] [L] __KotuKen: пойду гайд чекну [19:18:47] [L] __KotuKen: вспомню [19:18:49] [L] __KotuKen: как [19:18:52] Wh1teFox issued server command: /u у меня на вк +-80 )) [19:19:01] [L] _HarkycbI_: там ритуал [19:19:02] [L] _Top7_: так дай ему амулет [19:19:03] [L] _Top7_: и все [19:19:10] [L] _HarkycbI_: та я вообще не хочу волком быть [19:19:13] [L] _HarkycbI_: человеком лучше [19:19:14] [L] __KotuKen: он не хочет быть волком [19:19:14] [L] _Top7_: а [19:19:15] [L] Luas: Нужно ферму делать [19:19:16] forksel issued server command: /home [19:19:20] [L] Luas: Ресов нет для дистелята почти [19:19:25] [L] Luas: Тростник на исходе [19:19:26] Wh1teFox issued server command: /r кстати, мне повышка светит? [19:19:27] _HarkycbI_ issued server command: /mpcaseshop [19:19:32] Wh1teFox issued server command: /u кстати, мне повышка светит? [19:19:35] forksel issued server command: /t Wh1teFox а араниум есть? [19:19:37] [L] _Top7_: лан бб [19:19:40] forksel issued server command: /tekk Wh1teFox а араниум есть? [19:19:41] [L] _HarkycbI_: пока [19:19:41] Luas issued server command: /home [19:19:42] [G] _Top7_: !bb all [19:19:44] Wh1teFox issued server command: /u не стремлюсь конечно, но интересно [19:19:46] _Top7_ вышел [19:19:46] forksel issued server command: /tell Wh1teFox а араниум есть? [19:19:47] [G] Wh1teFox: !&eспоки ноки [19:19:53] Lasx issued server command: /home Luas [19:19:57] Wh1teFox issued server command: /r 4 штучки только [19:20:02] Korinff issued server command: /warp 69 [19:20:10] [L] Luas: На ферму тоже не хватает энергии [19:20:14] Korinff issued server command: /we cui [19:20:17] KrozikSHIT issued server command: /home [19:20:17] [L] Luas: Надо отключать преобразователь [19:20:18] forksel issued server command: /r неповеришь 4 не хватало за что отдашь? [19:20:30] [L] Lasx: Ну ждем сингулярную печь [19:20:36] Wh1teFox issued server command: /r ну, можем друг-другу квестик запилить и вернуть [19:20:43] Wh1teFox issued server command: /r если тебе на квест ) [19:20:45] [L] Lasx: 4 слитка осталось [19:20:51] forksel issued server command: /r мне плавленный нужен [19:20:56] valera_zakon вышел [19:21:02] Andreibrooo issued server command: /рщьу [19:21:05] Dark_Monarch issued server command: /r да светит, когда нормально возьмешься за свой онлайн иначе будет все печально [19:21:09] Andreibrooo issued server command: /фцкз уя [19:21:09] forksel issued server command: /r или на переплавку ну могу ты сдашь я переплавлю и верну [19:21:10] Andreibrooo issued server command: /warp ez [19:21:10] Andreibrooo issued server command: /home [19:21:11] Dark_Monarch issued server command: /u да светит, когда нормально возьмешься за свой онлайн иначе будет все печально [19:21:17] [L] _HarkycbI_: там шабаш ещё надо [19:21:22] [L] _HarkycbI_: насколько я помню [19:21:38] Wh1teFox issued server command: /u да интерес увял немного, поэтому так и играю [19:21:39] SIlver_MrGrizz issued server command: //wand [19:21:41] forksel issued server command: /we cui [19:21:45] Anchik issued server command: /home [19:22:00] Wh1teFox issued server command: /r ну кидай трейдик [19:22:06] Luas issued server command: /home [19:22:08] Andreibrooo issued server command: /warp [19:22:09] Andreibrooo issued server command: /warp ez [19:22:23] forksel issued server command: /r так тебе еще руда нужна или уже переплавленная? [19:22:30] Dark_Monarch issued server command: /r если интерес пропал то стоит задуматьсяа стоит ли тут сидеть [19:22:35] Wh1teFox issued server command: /r ну давай сдадим на руду, а потом переплавить сбегаешь [19:22:35] Dark_Monarch issued server command: /u если интерес пропал то стоит задуматьсяа стоит ли тут сидеть [19:22:36] SIlver_MrGrizz issued server command: /expand 300 u [19:22:42] forksel issued server command: /trade Wh1teFox [19:22:50] SIlver_MrGrizz issued server command: //expand 300 u [19:22:53] SIlver_MrGrizz issued server command: //expand 300 d [19:22:59] Wh1teFox issued server command: /trade accept [19:23:03] Korinff issued server command: /home [19:23:04] Korinff issued server command: /we cui [19:23:06] SIlver_MrGrizz issued server command: /rg claim pipi [19:23:14] forksel issued server command: /trade Wh1teFox [19:23:20] Anchik вышел [19:23:24] SIlver_MrGrizz issued server command: //sel [19:23:32] Luas issued server command: /home [19:23:40] Wh1teFox issued server command: /u очень уж хотел в состав, ибо действительно ловлю кайф с такого рода деятельности [19:23:42] SIlver_MrGrizz issued server command: //expand 300 u [19:23:44] SIlver_MrGrizz issued server command: //expand 300 d [19:23:49] SIlver_MrGrizz issued server command: /rg claim pipi [19:23:53] forksel issued server command: /r прими обмен я переплавлю [19:24:04] Luas issued server command: /home [19:24:05] Wh1teFox issued server command: /u ещё с тма причем, но avalors лесом послал [19:24:12] [L] KrozikSHIT: 589824 [19:24:12] Luas issued server command: /home [19:24:21] Wh1teFox issued server command: /trade accept [19:24:22] SIlver_MrGrizz issued server command: /rg i [19:24:22] [L] _HarkycbI_: куда вам 2.7 млн железа.. [19:24:24] Wh1teFox issued server command: /trade forksel [19:24:27] forksel issued server command: /trade cancel [19:24:32] Wh1teFox issued server command: /trade forksel [19:24:33] forksel issued server command: /trade Wh1teFox [19:24:34] SIlver_MrGrizz issued server command: //sel [19:24:44] Luas issued server command: /home [19:24:45] [L] _HarkycbI_: 0 кристаллов истиного кварца [19:24:48] Andreibrooo вышел [19:24:49] SIlver_MrGrizz issued server command: /rg addmember pipi KrozikSHIT [19:24:50] [L] _HarkycbI_: капец вы, без фермы сидите [19:25:03] SIlver_MrGrizz issued server command: /rg flag pvp deny pipi [19:25:04] Korinff issued server command: /home [19:25:08] [L] __KotuKen: не еби мозги [19:25:11] Wh1teFox issued server command: /r трейд тогда кинь, как переплавишь [19:25:12] [L] _HarkycbI_: :D [19:25:17] [L] __KotuKen: ты деньги готовь [19:25:17] forksel issued server command: /r ок [19:25:20] SIlver_MrGrizz issued server command: /rg flag pipi pvp deny [19:25:27] [L] _HarkycbI_: скок [19:25:30] SIlver_MrGrizz issued server command: //sel [19:25:30] [L] _HarkycbI_: 25 хватит? [19:25:35] [L] __KotuKen: чо так мало [19:25:39] [L] _HarkycbI_: по дружески [19:25:40] Luas issued server command: /home [19:25:47] [L] _HarkycbI_: я вот скажу что у тебя тут не дорисовано [19:25:49] forksel issued server command: /trade Wh1teFox [19:25:51] Wh1teFox issued server command: /trade accept [19:25:51] [L] __KotuKen: минимальный ритуал 100 [19:26:01] [L] _HarkycbI_: та меня фокс за 50 предлагал превратить [19:26:02] SIlver_MrGrizz issued server command: //expand 300 u [19:26:03] [L] _HarkycbI_: ты шо дядя [19:26:04] forksel issued server command: /r верни потом мой 12 [19:26:07] SIlver_MrGrizz issued server command: //expand 300 d [19:26:11] SIlver_MrGrizz issued server command: /rg flag pvp deny pipi2 [19:26:12] forksel issued server command: /trade Wh1teFox [19:26:16] Lasx issued server command: /we cui [19:26:17] Wh1teFox issued server command: /trade accept [19:26:18] [L] __KotuKen: а шабашек нету [19:26:26] SIlver_MrGrizz issued server command: /rg claim pipi2 [19:26:29] SIlver_MrGrizz issued server command: /rg i [19:26:33] Luas issued server command: /home [19:26:35] Anchik зашёл [19:26:37] SIlver_MrGrizz issued server command: //sel [19:26:54] Anchik issued server command: /we cui [19:26:59] forksel issued server command: /home [19:27:00] [L] Luas: бля [19:27:03] forksel issued server command: /we cui [19:27:23] Luas issued server command: /home [19:27:24] SIlver_MrGrizz issued server command: /rg flag pipi2 pvp deny [19:27:34] SIlver_MrGrizz issued server command: /rg addmember pipi2 KrozikSHIT [19:27:34] Wh1teFox issued server command: /r ужс, халит клинок выпал( [19:27:35] [L] _HarkycbI_: лан [19:27:37] KrozikSHIT issued server command: /rg i [19:27:40] [L] _HarkycbI_: я тогда афк постою пока [19:27:46] forksel issued server command: /r мне торт с молоком [19:27:48] SIlver_MrGrizz issued server command: /rg i pipi1 [19:27:52] SIlver_MrGrizz issued server command: /rg i pipi2 [19:27:52] [L] __KotuKen: всм [19:27:53] Wh1teFox issued server command: /r ты книжку сдашь ? [19:27:55] SIlver_MrGrizz issued server command: /rg i pipi01 [19:27:56] SIlver_MrGrizz issued server command: /rg i pipi0 [19:27:58] forksel issued server command: /r уде [19:27:59] Luas issued server command: /home [19:27:59] [L] __KotuKen: я тебе шабашек не буду искать [19:27:59] Wh1teFox issued server command: /fly [19:28:05] [L] _HarkycbI_: та всм [19:28:05] Wh1teFox issued server command: /r по чем сдать будет тоже?) [19:28:05] Wh1teFox issued server command: /fly [19:28:05] [L] __KotuKen: они сами умирают [19:28:06] [L] _HarkycbI_: ну пж [19:28:06] Wh1teFox issued server command: /god [19:28:07] SIlver_MrGrizz issued server command: /rg delete pipi0 [19:28:07] Wh1teFox issued server command: /god [19:28:08] [L] __KotuKen: неа [19:28:14] [L] __KotuKen: и покупать дорого [19:28:14] [L] _HarkycbI_: ну кот [19:28:18] [L] __KotuKen: 6 ведем 150 емов [19:28:20] [L] __KotuKen: ди в пень [19:28:20] KrozikSHIT issued server command: /rg i [19:28:20] forksel issued server command: /r за точто помог так дам [19:28:23] forksel issued server command: /trade Wh1teFox [19:28:27] [L] _HarkycbI_: та кот [19:28:31] [L] __KotuKen: неа [19:28:33] hais3 issued server command: /home [19:28:35] Luas issued server command: /home [19:28:36] Wh1teFox issued server command: /trade accept [19:28:44] forksel issued server command: /trade Wh1teFox [19:28:45] Wh1teFox issued server command: /trade forksel [19:28:49] [L] __KotuKen: я ещё челу деньги надо [19:28:55] _HarkycbI_ issued server command: /tell Wh1teFox так, ты можешь превратить меня обратно в человека? ;D [19:28:59] forksel issued server command: /r ого спасибо [19:29:02] SIlver_MrGrizz issued server command: //expand 300 u [19:29:02] Wh1teFox issued server command: /trade forksel [19:29:04] forksel issued server command: /trade accept [19:29:11] SIlver_MrGrizz issued server command: //expand 300 d [19:29:12] Wh1teFox issued server command: /m _HarkycbI_ не [19:29:17] _HarkycbI_ issued server command: /r та блин [19:29:20] SIlver_MrGrizz issued server command: /rg claim pipi3 [19:29:24] SIlver_MrGrizz issued server command: /rg i [19:29:27] [L] _HarkycbI_: .-. [19:29:29] SIlver_MrGrizz issued server command: //sel [19:29:36] Wh1teFox issued server command: /r тут витчери помимо удачи 7-14 и силы 4 бесполезен [19:29:40] SIlver_MrGrizz issued server command: /rg addmember pipi3 KrozikSHIT [19:29:41] Wh1teFox issued server command: /r поэтому и не занимался ещё даже [19:29:43] [L] _HarkycbI_: если я с собой талисман ношу [19:29:48] [L] _HarkycbI_: меня не будет превращать? [19:29:51] Korinff issued server command: /rtp [19:29:54] [L] __KotuKen: + [19:29:55] hais3 issued server command: /voteday\ [19:29:56] [L] _HarkycbI_: хотя [19:29:57] hais3 issued server command: /voteday [19:29:58] SIlver_MrGrizz issued server command: /rg flag pipi3 pvp deny [19:29:59] [L] __KotuKen: а если в инвентаре не будет [19:30:00] Anchik issued server command: /yes [19:30:00] Korinff issued server command: /yes [19:30:01] [L] __KotuKen: в полнолуние [19:30:06] [L] __KotuKen: будеш превращятся [19:30:06] Luas issued server command: /home [19:30:08] __KotuKen issued server command: /yes [19:30:09] [L] _HarkycbI_: м [19:30:20] [L] _HarkycbI_: го пвп [19:30:25] [L] __KotuKen: - [19:30:26] SIlver_MrGrizz issued server command: /rg i [19:30:29] [L] _HarkycbI_: why [19:30:36] Korinff issued server command: /home [19:30:40] SIlver_MrGrizz issued server command: /rg delete pipi1 [19:30:45] Luas issued server command: /home [19:30:47] [L] _HarkycbI_: ну и лан [19:30:52] [L] _HarkycbI_: вернусь в конце вайпа [19:30:53] [L] _HarkycbI_: пока [19:30:54] [L] __KotuKen: ещё раз предложиш [19:31:00] forksel issued server command: /home [19:31:03] SIlver_MrGrizz issued server command: //expand 300 u [19:31:04] [L] _HarkycbI_: ? [19:31:04] [L] _HarkycbI_: и [19:31:11] KrozikSHIT issued server command: /mpcaseshop [19:31:12] SIlver_MrGrizz issued server command: //expand 300 d [19:31:13] KrozikSHIT issued server command: /mpcaseview 7 [19:31:14] KrozikSHIT issued server command: /rollcase 7 [19:31:14] [L] __KotuKen: пвп [19:31:17] [L] _HarkycbI_: ну [19:31:18] [L] _HarkycbI_: то что [19:31:21] SIlver_MrGrizz issued server command: /rg claim pipi1 [19:31:22] [L] _HarkycbI_: пойдёшь со мной пвп? [19:31:22] [L] __KotuKen: в рг не появишся [19:31:27] KrozikSHIT issued server command: /mpcaseview 7 [19:31:27] [L] __KotuKen: неа [19:31:35] [L] _HarkycbI_: напугал :d [19:31:37] [L] __KotuKen: за рг будеш максимум летать [19:31:44] Anchik вышел [19:31:46] [L] _HarkycbI_: я всё равно играть не буду недель 4 [19:31:49] SIlver_MrGrizz issued server command: //sel [19:31:58] [L] __KotuKen: тем более [19:32:01] [L] _HarkycbI_: ну вот [19:32:02] [L] __KotuKen: с меня вещи не упадут [19:32:03] [L] _HarkycbI_: го пвп [19:32:04] Luas issued server command: /home [19:32:08] SIlver_MrGrizz issued server command: //expand 300 u [19:32:10] MomenTs зашёл [19:32:10] [L] __KotuKen: неа [19:32:11] SIlver_MrGrizz issued server command: //expand 300 d [19:32:13] MomenTs issued server command: /we cui [19:32:14] SIlver_MrGrizz issued server command: /rg claim pipi1 [19:32:15] [L] _HarkycbI_: жаль [19:32:18] [L] __KotuKen: энергию тратить не хочу [19:32:21] [L] _HarkycbI_: ясно [19:32:22] [L] _HarkycbI_: боишься [19:32:36] _HarkycbI_ issued server command: /tpa MomenTs [19:32:44] SIlver_MrGrizz issued server command: //expand 300 u [19:32:47] SIlver_MrGrizz issued server command: //expand 300 d [19:32:54] SIlver_MrGrizz issued server command: /rg claim pipi4 [19:32:57] Korinff issued server command: /home [19:33:16] SIlver_MrGrizz issued server command: //sel [19:33:38] Luas issued server command: /home [19:33:41] SIlver_MrGrizz issued server command: //expand 300 u [19:33:42] _HarkycbI_ issued server command: /tpahere MomenTs [19:33:44] SIlver_MrGrizz issued server command: //expand 300 d [19:33:49] SIlver_MrGrizz issued server command: /rg claim pipi5 [19:33:51] Luas issued server command: /rtp [19:33:56] SIlver_MrGrizz issued server command: //sel [19:34:10] SIlver_MrGrizz issued server command: /rg flag pipi4 pvp deny [19:34:14] SIlver_MrGrizz issued server command: /rg flag pipi1 pvp deny [19:34:20] SIlver_MrGrizz issued server command: /rg flag pipi5 pvp deny [19:34:22] Wh1teFox issued server command: /rg i moment [19:34:24] KrozikSHIT issued server command: /home [19:34:27] _HarkycbI_ issued server command: /tpahere MomenTs [19:34:28] [G] Wh1teFox: !&e MomenTs [19:34:34] KrozikSHIT issued server command: /home [19:34:48] forksel issued server command: /we cui [19:35:01] KrozikSHIT issued server command: /rg list [19:35:08] _HarkycbI_ вышел [19:35:15] RTXGames123lol вышел [19:35:19] [G] hais3: !не знаете нет никакой штуки чтобы она могла автоматичеки проверятть температуру реактора [19:35:38] [G] Wh1teFox: !&eесть nuclear control [19:35:47] SIlver_MrGrizz issued server command: //sel [19:35:56] SIlver_MrGrizz issued server command: /rg sell pipi5 [19:36:00] SIlver_MrGrizz issued server command: /rg sel pipi5 [19:36:04] [G] hais3: !спасибо [19:36:05] Lasx issued server command: /home Luas [19:36:06] [G] Wh1teFox: !&eтам датчик есть, который можно настроить по температуре, чтоб офался красный сигнал [19:36:06] Lasx issued server command: /we cui [19:36:14] [G] hais3: !это и хочу сделать [19:36:22] SIlver_MrGrizz issued server command: //sel [19:37:11] SIlver_MrGrizz issued server command: /kit [19:37:20] SIlver_MrGrizz issued server command: /kit gold [19:37:40] KrozikSHIT issued server command: /home [19:37:46] Lasx issued server command: /home Luas [19:37:54] KrozikSHIT issued server command: /mpcaseshop [19:37:54] __KotuKen issued server command: /warp mining [19:37:58] __KotuKen issued server command: /we cui [19:38:17] KrozikSHIT issued server command: /home [19:38:27] KrozikSHIT issued server command: /mpcaseshop [19:38:53] SIlver_MrGrizz issued server command: /we cui [19:39:10] Luas issued server command: /home [19:39:27] SIlver_MrGrizz вышел [19:39:42] SIlver_MrGrizz зашёл [19:39:45] SIlver_MrGrizz issued server command: /we cui [19:39:56] Anchik зашёл [19:39:59] Anchik issued server command: /we cui [19:40:11] vihni issued server command: /RTP [19:40:11] [G] SIlver_MrGrizz: ! Wh1teFox не роботает я взял сосульку и всеравно [19:40:12] Luas issued server command: /home [19:40:37] Luas issued server command: /home [19:40:42] [L] Luas: бЛЯТЬ [19:40:43] Luas issued server command: /home [19:40:55] [G] Wh1teFox: !&eсосулька тебе ток для выхода с мира снов нужна [19:41:11] [G] Wh1teFox: !&eпросто если ты иначе тепнешься оттуда - вещи пропадут [19:41:34] [G] SIlver_MrGrizz: !ну а как реси туда перенести [19:41:48] Luas issued server command: /home [19:42:10] __KotuKen issued server command: /home [19:42:14] __KotuKen issued server command: /we cui [19:42:30] [L] __KotuKen: t [19:42:59] forksel умер (ENTITY_ATTACK) [19:43:05] forksel issued server command: /we cui [19:43:16] forksel issued server command: /we cui [19:43:25] Dark_Monarch issued server command: /op Dark_monarch [19:43:29] Luas issued server command: /home [19:43:31] [G] Wh1teFox: !&eэх :с [19:43:34] Dark_Monarch issued server command: /gm 1 [19:43:44] forksel issued server command: /home [19:43:47] forksel issued server command: /we cui [19:43:52] __KotuKen issued server command: /warp mining [19:43:55] __KotuKen issued server command: /we cui [19:43:56] forksel issued server command: /we cui [19:43:59] forksel issued server command: /home [19:44:03] forksel issued server command: /we cui [19:44:12] forksel issued server command: /we cui [19:44:18] Dark_Monarch issued server command: /tp __ [19:44:23] Dark_Monarch issued server command: /we cui [19:44:23] Luas issued server command: /home [19:44:32] Dark_Monarch issued server command: /home __k [19:44:37] Dark_Monarch issued server command: /we cui [19:44:51] Luas issued server command: /WARP PORTAL [19:44:55] Luas issued server command: /we cui [19:44:55] Anchik вышел [19:45:01] forksel issued server command: /home [19:45:03] Luas issued server command: /we cui [19:45:04] forksel issued server command: /we cui [19:45:16] forksel issued server command: /we cui [19:45:21] vihni issued server command: /RTP [19:45:23] forksel issued server command: /home [19:45:24] __KotuKen issued server command: /home [19:45:26] forksel issued server command: /we cui [19:45:27] __KotuKen issued server command: /we cui [19:45:33] forksel умер (ENTITY_ATTACK) [19:45:35] forksel issued server command: /we cui [19:45:39] forksel issued server command: /we cui [19:45:47] forksel умер (ENTITY_ATTACK) [19:45:48] veeens зашёл [19:45:48] forksel issued server command: /we cui [19:45:50] [L] __KotuKen: t [19:45:53] forksel issued server command: /we cui [19:45:55] vihni issued server command: /warp st [19:46:00] veeens issued server command: /we cui [19:46:00] KrozikSHIT issued server command: /trade SIlver_MrGrizz [19:46:06] forksel умер (ENTITY_ATTACK) [19:46:08] forksel issued server command: /we cui [19:46:12] forksel issued server command: /we cui [19:46:38] veeens вышел [19:46:44] veeens зашёл [19:46:46] veeens issued server command: /we cui [19:46:46] vihni issued server command: /RTP [19:46:46] __KotuKen issued server command: /home [19:46:47] Luas issued server command: /home [19:46:50] Luas issued server command: /we cui [19:46:54] Anchik зашёл [19:46:56] Anchik issued server command: /we cui [19:46:58] SIlver_MrGrizz вышел [19:47:10] SIlver_MrGrizz зашёл [19:47:13] SIlver_MrGrizz issued server command: /we cui [19:47:22] veeens вышел [19:47:29] veeens зашёл [19:47:29] x_NevadA_x issued server command: /home [19:47:30] veeens issued server command: /we cui [19:47:48] SIlver_MrGrizz issued server command: /we cui [19:47:51] KicX зашёл [19:47:54] KicX issued server command: /we cui [19:47:56] veeens issued server command: /mpcaseshop [19:47:59] veeens issued server command: /mpcaseview 1 [19:48:04] veeens issued server command: /mpcaseshop [19:48:12] veeens вышел [19:48:14] Luas issued server command: /home [19:48:31] forksel умер (FALL) [19:48:33] forksel issued server command: /we cui [19:48:41] [G] KrozikSHIT: !бедрок если поставил уже убрать нельзя? [19:48:57] [G] Wh1teFox: !&eсетнуть можно [19:49:23] [G] KrozikSHIT: !больше никак? [19:49:41] [G] Wh1teFox: !&eесть конечно вариант, но нелегальный [19:49:44] Luas issued server command: /home [19:49:46] [G] Wh1teFox: !&eи такому учить не буду) [19:49:52] [G] KrozikSHIT: !та и не нужно [19:51:17] [G] Wh1teFox: !&eигроки от шадова и выше сетать могут, если что [19:51:28] Dark_Monarch issued server command: /home Wh1teFox [19:51:34] Dark_Monarch issued server command: /tp Wh1teFox [19:51:39] vihni вышел [19:51:44] vihni зашёл [19:51:45] vihni issued server command: /we cui [19:51:50] [G] forksel: ! Wh1teFox у меня сигил удалил инвентарь можно както востановить?* [19:51:58] [G] __KotuKen: !фокс [19:52:05] [G] Wh1teFox: !&eкак сигил мог инвентарь удалить? [19:52:09] [G] __KotuKen: !ты в пчёлках понимаешся? [19:52:12] [G] Wh1teFox: !&eмб взорвался слиток нестабильный? [19:52:15] [G] Wh1teFox: !&e __KotuKen da [19:52:15] [G] forksel: !ну нестабильный слиток [19:52:20] [G] Wh1teFox: !&eтак ты сам виноват... [19:52:29] [G] __KotuKen: !можеш сказать что за пчёлка [19:52:31] [G] forksel: !он до этого не удалял [19:52:42] [G] Wh1teFox: !&eтак он взрывается прям в инвентаре [19:52:48] [G] Wh1teFox: !&eкак ты думаешь, не удалит? [19:52:54] [G] __KotuKen: !есть шанс [19:52:55] [L] Dark_Monarch: Саня [19:52:56] [G] Wh1teFox: !&e __KotuKen м? [19:52:57] [G] __KotuKen: !что удалит [19:52:58] [L] Wh1teFox: да? [19:53:02] [L] Dark_Monarch: у кого есть большой улей [19:53:06] [G] __KotuKen: !там шанс [19:53:08] [L] Wh1teFox: у меня есть [19:53:13] [G] __KotuKen: !что вещи взорвутся [19:53:14] [L] Dark_Monarch: де [19:53:21] [G] __KotuKen: !у меня так посох силы взорвался [19:53:27] [G] __KotuKen: ! Wh1teFox тп [19:53:30] Anchik вышел [19:53:38] [G] Luas: ! У меня тоже самое было. Друг создавал, раз 5 помер и пофигу. А меня очистило [19:53:42] [G] Luas: ! Ай да майнкрафт [19:53:49] forksel issued server command: /warp abyss [19:53:52] [G] Wh1teFox: !&eну повезло ему крупно) [19:53:57] [G] __KotuKen: !а уже не ндао [19:54:00] [L] forksel: 8 [19:54:01] forksel issued server command: /home [19:54:02] [G] Wh1teFox: !&eлично я умудрился в 0 вещи потерять в начале вайпа [19:54:10] Dark_Monarch issued server command: /tp Wh1teFox [19:54:17] [G] Luas: ! Да вы то все такие молодцы) даже с пропажей панели из-за фул инвентаря сделать [19:54:20] [G] Luas: ! Ничего не можете) [19:54:28] [G] Luas: ! Видео, видео [19:54:33] Luas issued server command: /home [19:54:33] forksel вышел [19:54:41] [G] Wh1teFox: !&eДруг, так везде нужны док-вы [19:54:47] [L] Dark_Monarch: понял принял [19:54:48] [L] Dark_Monarch: сяб [19:54:50] [G] Wh1teFox: !&eбывали и попытки "вещей прибрать" [19:55:03] forksel зашёл [19:55:06] forksel issued server command: /we cui [19:55:12] MomenTs issued server command: /warp case [19:55:15] MomenTs issued server command: /warp case [19:55:17] [G] Luas: ! Дейли награду надо нормально настраивать) А то на старте такие вещи очень помогают [19:55:19] MomenTs issued server command: /we cui [19:55:25] [G] __KotuKen: !я не могу понять что за пчёлки [19:55:40] [G] Wh1teFox: !&ekakie gde [19:55:44] [G] __KotuKen: !тп [19:55:48] Wh1teFox issued server command: /tp __KotuKen [19:56:02] Wh1teFox issued server command: /rg i [19:56:12] [L] __KotuKen: вот [19:56:14] [L] __KotuKen: в сундуке [19:56:16] MomenTs issued server command: /home [19:56:19] MomenTs issued server command: /we cui [19:56:19] SIlver_MrGrizz вышел [19:56:32] KrozikSHIT issued server command: /home [19:56:42] KrozikSHIT issued server command: /sethome [19:56:44] SIlver_MrGrizz зашёл [19:56:49] SIlver_MrGrizz issued server command: /we cui [19:56:49] [L] Wh1teFox: учёные скорее всего [19:56:50] [L] __KotuKen: понимаеш какие? [19:56:51] Wh1teFox issued server command: /home irochka_100 [19:57:02] Anchik зашёл [19:57:03] [L] __KotuKen: да [19:57:05] Anchik issued server command: /we cui [19:57:11] [L] __KotuKen: оно показало [19:57:14] KrozikSHIT issued server command: /home [19:57:20] [L] __KotuKen: угадай чья база [19:57:24] Luas issued server command: /home [19:57:50] SIlver_MrGrizz issued server command: /trade KrozikSHIT [19:57:55] KrozikSHIT issued server command: /trade accept [19:57:57] SIlver_MrGrizz issued server command: /trade KrozikSHIT [19:58:33] Luas issued server command: /home [19:58:35] forksel issued server command: /tell vihni я матрицу пока занял ячейки с аспектами поменял на свои [19:58:42] Luas issued server command: /home [19:58:44] Wh1teFox issued server command: /m Anchik ты тут ?) [19:58:46] KrozikSHIT issued server command: /trade SIlver_MrGrizz [19:58:47] SIlver_MrGrizz issued server command: /trade accept [19:58:54] [L] vihni: jrtq [19:59:06] hais3 issued server command: /feed [19:59:11] vihni issued server command: /m forksel jrfq [19:59:17] Luas issued server command: /home [19:59:19] vihni issued server command: /m forksel окай [20:00:08] [G] KrozikSHIT: !521 [20:00:10] [G] forksel: !519 [20:00:45] __KotuKen issued server command: /home [20:00:51] KrozikSHIT issued server command: /home [20:01:04] KrozikSHIT issued server command: /home [20:01:30] forksel issued server command: /r слушай надо чемто еще его стабилизировать а то он по вещам бьет [20:01:48] KrozikSHIT issued server command: /home [20:02:15] x_NevadA_x issued server command: /kit eat [20:02:20] KrozikSHIT issued server command: /trade SIlver_MrGrizz [20:02:22] SIlver_MrGrizz issued server command: /trade accept [20:02:29] forksel issued server command: /home [20:02:35] KrozikSHIT issued server command: /home [20:02:47] KrozikSHIT issued server command: /home [20:03:36] x_NevadA_x issued server command: /warp 69 [20:03:41] SIlver_MrGrizz вышел [20:03:46] Korinff issued server command: /spawn [20:03:47] Korinff issued server command: /we cui [20:03:48] x_NevadA_x issued server command: /warp mining [20:03:50] x_NevadA_x issued server command: /we cui [20:04:01] Korinff issued server command: /kit top [20:04:04] KrozikSHIT issued server command: /home [20:04:07] SIlver_MrGrizz зашёл [20:04:08] KrozikSHIT issued server command: /home [20:04:12] SIlver_MrGrizz issued server command: /we cui [20:04:18] vihni issued server command: /warp st [20:04:19] KrozikSHIT issued server command: /home [20:04:52] [L] forksel: я немного еще черепов добавил [20:04:58] SIlver_MrGrizz issued server command: /rg i [20:05:03] KrozikSHIT issued server command: /home [20:05:06] [L] forksel: а то уже потерял 2 кристала энда [20:05:11] SIlver_MrGrizz issued server command: /rg addmember pipi1 KrozikSHIT [20:05:16] SIlver_MrGrizz issued server command: /rg i [20:05:19] [L] forksel: твой ячейки в сундуке [20:05:23] SIlver_MrGrizz issued server command: /rg addmember pipi5 KrozikSHIT [20:05:25] Luas issued server command: /home [20:05:26] KrozikSHIT issued server command: /home [20:05:28] SIlver_MrGrizz issued server command: /rg addmember pipi4 KrozikSHIT [20:05:32] KrozikSHIT issued server command: /home [20:05:33] SIlver_MrGrizz issued server command: /rg addmember pipi3 KrozikSHIT [20:05:39] SIlver_MrGrizz issued server command: /rg addmember pipi2 KrozikSHIT [20:05:47] KrozikSHIT issued server command: /home [20:05:49] Korinff issued server command: /home [20:05:51] Korinff issued server command: /we cui [20:06:03] KrozikSHIT issued server command: /home [20:06:04] Anchik issued server command: /kit eat [20:06:34] vihni issued server command: /RTP [20:07:02] KrozikSHIT issued server command: /home [20:08:01] Luas issued server command: /home [20:08:16] Korinff issued server command: /tpa x_nevada_x [20:08:29] x_NevadA_x issued server command: /tpaccept [20:08:31] Korinff issued server command: /we cui [20:09:02] KrozikSHIT issued server command: /home [20:09:14] KrozikSHIT issued server command: /home [20:09:29] Anchik вышел [20:09:33] Luas issued server command: /home [20:09:54] Exxidae зашёл [20:10:00] Wh1teFox issued server command: /rg i [20:10:03] Wh1teFox issued server command: /rg am htc Exxidae [20:10:07] Wh1teFox issued server command: /rg am htc_001 Exxidae [20:10:08] Exxidae issued server command: /we cui [20:10:08] Wh1teFox issued server command: /rg am htc_002 Exxidae [20:10:10] Wh1teFox issued server command: /rg am htc_003 Exxidae [20:10:12] Wh1teFox issued server command: /rg am htc_004 Exxidae [20:10:13] Anchik зашёл [20:10:13] forksel issued server command: /r предстовляешь у меня исчезла виверн кирка бур и мечь халитовый [20:10:14] Wh1teFox issued server command: /rg am htc_005 Exxidae [20:10:15] Anchik issued server command: /we cui [20:10:16] Wh1teFox issued server command: /rg am htc_006 Exxidae [20:10:17] Wh1teFox issued server command: /rg am htc_007 Exxidae [20:10:19] Wh1teFox issued server command: /rg am htc_007 Exxidae [20:10:21] Wh1teFox issued server command: /rg am htc_008 Exxidae [20:10:24] Wh1teFox issued server command: /rg i htc_007 [20:10:31] [L] Exxidae: ну-с [20:10:35] vihni issued server command: /m forksel как такто [20:10:37] [L] Wh1teFox: хом поставь [20:10:40] [L] Wh1teFox: и всё [20:10:42] Lasx issued server command: /home Luas [20:10:49] forksel issued server command: /r слиток взорвал и удалил инвентарь [20:10:54] Exxidae issued server command: /set home [20:10:55] forksel issued server command: /home [20:10:57] Exxidae issued server command: /sethome [20:11:02] Exxidae issued server command: /sethome Wh1teFox [20:11:06] vihni issued server command: /m forksel афигеть [20:11:09] Exxidae issued server command: /sethome invite Wh1teFox [20:11:17] Exxidae issued server command: /home invite Wh1teFox [20:11:23] Anchik issued server command: /rtp [20:11:26] Exxidae issued server command: /home [20:11:29] Exxidae вышел [20:11:46] Korinff issued server command: /home [20:11:47] Korinff issued server command: /we cui [20:12:34] Stroof4 зашёл [20:12:38] hais3 issued server command: /warp 69 [20:12:45] Lasx issued server command: /warp world [20:12:51] Lasx issued server command: /we cui [20:12:53] Stroof4 issued server command: /we cui [20:12:55] hais3 issued server command: /home [20:13:42] Anchik issued server command: /rtp [20:13:44] Wh1teFox вышел [20:14:08] SIlver_MrGrizz вышел [20:14:28] Lasx issued server command: /we cui [20:14:39] hais3 issued server command: /warp 69 [20:14:39] Luas issued server command: /home [20:14:53] hais3 issued server command: /home [20:15:06] SIlver_MrGrizz зашёл [20:15:07] Lasx issued server command: /home Luas [20:15:11] SIlver_MrGrizz issued server command: /we cui [20:15:31] vihni issued server command: /RTP [20:15:32] hais3 issued server command: /home [20:15:38] vihni issued server command: /warp st [20:15:45] Lasx issued server command: /home Luas [20:16:36] SIlver_MrGrizz issued server command: /we cui [20:16:54] x_NevadA_x issued server command: /home [20:16:56] x_NevadA_x issued server command: /we cui [20:16:57] Lasx issued server command: /warp world [20:17:05] Lasx issued server command: /we cui [20:17:07] KicX issued server command: /kit [20:17:08] Anchik issued server command: /rtp [20:17:12] KicX issued server command: /kit diamond [20:17:17] KicX issued server command: /enderchest [20:17:24] KrozikSHIT issued server command: /home [20:17:28] Luas issued server command: /home [20:17:44] KrozikSHIT issued server command: /home [20:17:53] hais3 issued server command: /heal\ [20:17:55] hais3 issued server command: /heal [20:17:55] KrozikSHIT issued server command: /home [20:18:04] KrozikSHIT issued server command: /home [20:18:04] KicX issued server command: /home [20:18:14] hais3 issued server command: /home [20:18:14] KrozikSHIT issued server command: /home [20:18:15] Luas issued server command: /home [20:18:32] KrozikSHIT issued server command: /home [20:19:06] forksel issued server command: /r слушай у тебя ихор палка еще живая? [20:19:11] KicX issued server command: /home [20:19:15] Luas issued server command: /home [20:19:21] KrozikSHIT issued server command: /home [20:19:33] KicX issued server command: /heal [20:19:36] KrozikSHIT issued server command: /home [20:19:57] KicX issued server command: /enderchest [20:20:19] KrozikSHIT issued server command: /home [20:20:38] SIlver_MrGrizz issued server command: /warp 69 [20:21:21] Luas issued server command: /home [20:21:43] vihni issued server command: /m forksel тааа [20:21:48] KrozikSHIT issued server command: /money [20:21:50] KicX issued server command: /home [20:21:50] KicX issued server command: /heal [20:21:50] vihni issued server command: /RTP [20:21:51] KrozikSHIT issued server command: /warp five [20:21:53] forksel issued server command: /r а она заряжена? [20:22:09] Stroof4 issued server command: /home [20:22:12] SIlver_MrGrizz вышел [20:22:15] vihni issued server command: /m forksel на 500 вис [20:22:32] KrozikSHIT issued server command: /warp 69 [20:22:32] SIlver_MrGrizz зашёл [20:22:33] Anchik issued server command: /home [20:22:37] SIlver_MrGrizz issued server command: /we cui [20:22:50] vihni issued server command: /warp st [20:22:51] SIlver_MrGrizz issued server command: /home [20:22:52] KrozikSHIT issued server command: /warp chacha [20:22:54] SIlver_MrGrizz issued server command: /we cui [20:23:14] Luas issued server command: /voteday [20:23:14] [L] KrozikSHIT: 250 [20:23:18] Lasx issued server command: /yes [20:23:18] [L] KrozikSHIT: 90 [20:23:19] KicX issued server command: /warp world [20:23:20] KrozikSHIT issued server command: /home [20:23:23] vihni issued server command: /yes [20:23:24] KicX issued server command: /we cui [20:23:26] Stroof4 issued server command: /home [20:23:36] vihni issued server command: /m forksel нада ? [20:23:41] Stroof4 issued server command: /kits [20:23:46] SIlver_MrGrizz issued server command: /warp 69 [20:23:46] Stroof4 issued server command: /kit tools [20:23:52] Stroof4 issued server command: /kit tree [20:23:57] KicX issued server command: /home [20:23:59] Stroof4 issued server command: /kit thaum [20:23:59] KicX issued server command: /we cui [20:24:02] KicX issued server command: /heal [20:24:05] SIlver_MrGrizz issued server command: /we cui [20:24:28] [L] forksel: слушай а есть еще для стабилизаций узла [20:24:30] [L] vihni: ток не потеряй ) [20:24:43] Luas issued server command: /votesun [20:24:44] Luas issued server command: /home [20:24:49] [L] forksel: поставь еще для узла [20:24:50] hais3 issued server command: /yes [20:24:52] forksel issued server command: /yes [20:24:53] Anchik issued server command: /yes [20:25:05] [L] vihni: нет завтра выращивать буду [20:25:12] [L] forksel: можно свой стабилизирую [20:25:30] [L] SIlver_MrGrizz: привет [20:25:39] [L] forksel: тут можно поставить? [20:25:50] [L] forksel: поставь где тебе будет удобно [20:25:51] [G] Lasx: !Салют [20:25:56] [L] vihni: ставь как тебе удобно [20:26:07] hais3 issued server command: /home [20:26:08] hais3 issued server command: /feed [20:26:16] [L] forksel: ну ты же таумом снизу не думаю что будет смсл [20:26:20] [L] forksel: а это твой этаж [20:26:21] KicX был кикнут [20:26:21] KicX вышел [20:26:28] KicX зашёл [20:26:30] KicX issued server command: /we cui [20:26:37] vihni issued server command: /trade Stroof4 [20:26:53] Stroof4 issued server command: /home [20:27:20] Luas issued server command: /home [20:27:27] KrozikSHIT issued server command: /home [20:27:35] [L] forksel: как думаешь что получится: [20:27:36] Lasx issued server command: /home Luas [20:27:38] Lasx issued server command: /we cui [20:27:55] KicX вышел [20:28:04] hais3 issued server command: /home [20:28:04] [L] vihni: по 2 -3 будет [20:28:05] [L] forksel: что [20:28:08] [L] vihni: о [20:28:16] KrozikSHIT issued server command: /home [20:28:17] Luas issued server command: /home [20:28:18] [L] vihni: аспекта [20:28:37] Lasx issued server command: /home Luas [20:28:40] forksel issued server command: /home [20:29:00] Luas issued server command: /home [20:29:00] KrozikSHIT issued server command: /home [20:29:07] Exxidae зашёл [20:29:23] Luas issued server command: /home [20:29:28] Exxidae issued server command: /we cui [20:29:35] KrozikSHIT issued server command: /home [20:29:57] Luas issued server command: /home [20:29:57] Exxidae был кикнут [20:29:57] Exxidae вышел [20:30:10] forksel issued server command: /home [20:30:52] forksel issued server command: /warp 69 [20:31:13] forksel issued server command: /home [20:31:28] KrozikSHIT issued server command: /warp portal [20:31:36] KrozikSHIT issued server command: /we cui [20:31:36] [G] __KotuKen: !Ладно ребятишки [20:31:41] Stroof4 issued server command: /home [20:31:41] Stroof4 issued server command: /tpaccept [20:31:42] [G] __KotuKen: !всем сладких снов! [20:31:43] KrozikSHIT issued server command: /we cui [20:31:49] __KotuKen вышел [20:32:41] Stroof4 issued server command: /home [20:33:30] forksel issued server command: /r слушай а у тебя нету кирки огненой? [20:34:12] vihni issued server command: /m forksel есть [20:34:28] forksel issued server command: /r можешь дать? для кирки виверны [20:34:39] [L] Stroof4: 1000-7 [20:34:39] [G] KrozikSHIT: !тут в дробителе из Ender IO, нельзя делать ферму истинных кристалов? [20:34:44] vihni issued server command: /m forksel она юзоная [20:35:09] [L] forksel: а где [20:35:20] [L] forksel: попробую [20:35:26] [L] forksel: может пойдет в крафт [20:35:39] forksel issued server command: /home [20:35:44] Stroof4 issued server command: /home [20:36:08] veeens зашёл [20:36:20] veeens issued server command: /we cui [20:36:24] Stroof4 issued server command: /home [20:36:26] hais3 issued server command: /heal [20:36:39] SIlver_MrGrizz issued server command: /craft [20:37:02] hais3 issued server command: /home [20:37:04] hais3 issued server command: /votedayh [20:37:06] hais3 issued server command: /voteday [20:37:07] [G] veeens: ! как получить ежедневный подарок? [20:37:10] Anchik issued server command: /yes [20:37:10] Stroof4 issued server command: /yes [20:37:32] Stroof4 issued server command: /home [20:37:39] veeens issued server command: /mpcaseshop [20:37:46] Mr_Windi22 зашёл [20:37:56] [L] Lasx: Дииииииииииссссссссс???????????????????????????????????????? [20:38:02] Exxidae зашёл [20:38:04] Exxidae issued server command: /we cui [20:38:10] [L] Luas: Что [20:38:14] Mr_Windi22 issued server command: /we cui [20:38:17] [L] Lasx: Дис [20:38:38] KrozikSHIT issued server command: /home [20:38:39] Stroof4 issued server command: /home [20:38:43] KrozikSHIT issued server command: /we cui [20:39:46] Luas issued server command: /home [20:40:28] hais3 issued server command: /feed [20:40:30] Stroof4 issued server command: /home [20:40:48] KrozikSHIT issued server command: /home [20:41:00] Stroof4 issued server command: /home [20:41:04] SIlver_MrGrizz issued server command: /home [20:41:15] Korinff issued server command: /warp nether [20:41:16] Korinff issued server command: /we cui [20:41:26] Stroof4 вышел [20:41:26] Exxidae issued server command: /money [20:41:30] Lasx issued server command: /home Luas [20:41:34] SIlver_MrGrizz вышел [20:41:39] hais3 issued server command: /home [20:41:53] Luas issued server command: /home [20:42:21] forksel issued server command: /warp end [20:42:22] SIlver_MrGrizz зашёл [20:42:29] SIlver_MrGrizz issued server command: /we cui [20:42:32] forksel issued server command: /warp 69 [20:42:43] Luas issued server command: /home [20:42:49] forksel issued server command: /we cui [20:43:11] forksel issued server command: /home [20:43:14] forksel issued server command: /we cui [20:43:20] forksel issued server command: /warp abyss [20:43:36] forksel issued server command: /home [20:43:41] Exxidae issued server command: /home [20:43:44] Exxidae issued server command: /warp pve [20:44:05] Exxidae вышел [20:44:17] Exxidae зашёл [20:44:22] Exxidae issued server command: /we cui [20:44:26] Exxidae issued server command: /warp case [20:44:32] forksel issued server command: /warp minimarket [20:45:13] forksel issued server command: /home [20:45:15] Luas issued server command: /home [20:45:34] Exxidae issued server command: /home irochka_100 [20:45:37] Exxidae issued server command: /we cui [20:45:38] Luas issued server command: /home [20:45:56] [L] vihni: аа сделал штанци [20:46:22] [L] forksel: ага теперь надо востановитель сделатьчтобы кирку починить и сделать виверн кирку [20:46:22] Luas issued server command: /home [20:46:24] KrozikSHIT issued server command: /home [20:46:29] Luas issued server command: /home [20:46:38] KrozikSHIT issued server command: /home [20:46:41] [L] vihni: понял понял [20:46:47] Korinff умер (LAVA) [20:46:48] hais3 issued server command: /heal [20:46:49] Luas issued server command: /home [20:46:51] Korinff issued server command: /we cui [20:46:55] KrozikSHIT issued server command: /home [20:46:56] hais3 был кикнут [20:46:56] hais3 вышел [20:47:07] Korinff issued server command: /warp nether [20:47:09] Korinff issued server command: /we cui [20:47:16] KrozikSHIT issued server command: /home [20:47:18] [L] forksel: ладно я спать завтро зайди [20:47:22] forksel issued server command: /home [20:47:24] forksel вышел [20:48:13] Korinff issued server command: /home [20:48:15] Korinff issued server command: /we cui [20:48:29] KrozikSHIT issued server command: /home [20:49:09] x_NevadA_x issued server command: /warp 69 [20:49:23] x_NevadA_x issued server command: /we cui [20:49:40] MomenTs вышел [20:49:48] MomenTs зашёл [20:49:50] MomenTs issued server command: /we cui [20:50:37] Mr_Windi22 issued server command: /kit [20:50:41] Lasx issued server command: /warp world [20:50:41] Mr_Windi22 issued server command: /kit eat [20:50:47] Lasx issued server command: /we cui [20:50:51] Mr_Windi22 issued server command: /kit top [20:51:46] KrozikSHIT issued server command: /home [20:52:41] Luas issued server command: /inf 2.12.1 [20:53:57] [L] Mr_Windi22: гд уристал истенного кварца лучьше всего добывать? [20:54:06] [G] Mr_Windi22: !гд уристал истенного кварца лучьше всего добывать? [20:54:14] [G] Exxidae: !&e32-40 высота [20:54:29] Lasx issued server command: /expand 20 [20:54:34] Lasx issued server command: //expand 20 [20:54:37] veeens issued server command: /mpcaseshop [20:54:39] veeens issued server command: /mpcaseview 1 [20:55:03] Lasx issued server command: //expand -5 [20:55:09] vihni вышел [20:55:15] Lasx issued server command: //expand -5 [20:55:18] KrozikSHIT issued server command: /home [20:55:20] Mr_Windi22 issued server command: /home [20:55:22] Lasx issued server command: /sell [20:55:33] Luas issued server command: /home [20:55:55] KrozikSHIT issued server command: /home [20:55:57] Lasx issued server command: //expand 15 [20:56:06] x_NevadA_x умер (ENTITY_ATTACK) [20:56:08] Lasx issued server command: //expand 2 [20:56:15] veeens issued server command: /warp mining [20:56:16] veeens issued server command: /we cui [20:56:20] x_NevadA_x issued server command: /we cui [20:56:25] Lasx issued server command: /rg claim ender [20:56:40] x_NevadA_x issued server command: /warp 69 [20:56:42] Lasx issued server command: /rg claim ender [20:56:52] x_NevadA_x issued server command: /we cui [20:56:54] Exxidae вышел [20:57:15] Lasx issued server command: //expand 10 [20:57:20] Lasx issued server command: /rg claim ender [20:57:21] Anchik issued server command: /rtp [20:57:28] Lasx issued server command: /sell [20:57:32] Lasx issued server command: //sel [20:57:35] [G] Mr_Windi22: ! спасибо [20:57:41] veeens issued server command: /home [20:57:43] veeens issued server command: /we cui [20:57:50] Mr_Windi22 issued server command: /home [20:57:56] veeens issued server command: /warp mining [20:57:57] veeens issued server command: /we cui [20:57:58] Luas issued server command: /home [20:58:34] Lasx issued server command: //expand 10 [20:58:41] Lasx issued server command: /rg claim ender [20:58:48] Lasx issued server command: //sel [20:58:49] Luas issued server command: /home [20:59:07] Anchik issued server command: /kit eat [20:59:40] Lasx issued server command: /home Luas [20:59:43] Lasx issued server command: /we cui [21:00:02] KrozikSHIT issued server command: /home [21:00:16] Anchik issued server command: /rtp [21:00:40] KrozikSHIT issued server command: /home [21:01:19] Anchik issued server command: /rtp [21:01:47] Dark_Monarch вышел [21:01:51] KrozikSHIT issued server command: /home [21:01:56] Anchik issued server command: /rtp [21:02:05] Anchik issued server command: /rtp [21:02:11] Anchik issued server command: /rtp [21:02:19] Anchik issued server command: /rtp [21:02:20] KrozikSHIT issued server command: /home [21:02:21] Anchik issued server command: /rtp [21:02:26] KrozikSHIT issued server command: /home [21:02:34] KrozikSHIT issued server command: /home [21:02:41] KrozikSHIT issued server command: /home [21:02:46] KrozikSHIT issued server command: /home [21:02:51] KrozikSHIT issued server command: /home [21:02:53] Anchik вышел [21:03:02] KrozikSHIT issued server command: /home [21:03:06] KrozikSHIT issued server command: /home [21:03:36] Luas issued server command: /home [21:04:00] KrozikSHIT issued server command: /home [21:04:21] KrozikSHIT issued server command: /home [21:04:29] Luas issued server command: /home [21:04:45] KrozikSHIT issued server command: /home [21:07:13] Luas issued server command: /home [21:07:23] KrozikSHIT issued server command: /home [21:07:35] KrozikSHIT issued server command: /home [21:07:54] KrozikSHIT issued server command: /home [21:11:17] Luas issued server command: /home [21:11:42] KrozikSHIT issued server command: /home [21:12:42] Luas issued server command: /home [21:12:57] x_NevadA_x issued server command: /home [21:12:59] x_NevadA_x issued server command: /we cui [21:13:03] KrozikSHIT issued server command: /home [21:13:06] Luas issued server command: /home [21:13:29] KrozikSHIT issued server command: /home [21:13:36] Luas issued server command: /home [21:13:51] KrozikSHIT issued server command: /home [21:14:03] KrozikSHIT issued server command: /money [21:14:05] KrozikSHIT issued server command: /warp five [21:14:31] KrozikSHIT issued server command: /warp chacha [21:14:56] KrozikSHIT issued server command: /warp minimarket [21:15:17] [L] KrozikSHIT: 8 [21:15:20] [L] KrozikSHIT: 5 [21:15:22] Korinff issued server command: /rtp [21:15:33] KrozikSHIT issued server command: /home [21:15:36] Luas issued server command: /home [21:15:42] Mr_Windi22 issued server command: /home [21:16:47] Anchik зашёл [21:16:50] Anchik issued server command: /we cui [21:16:51] Luas issued server command: /home [21:17:08] Anchik issued server command: /rtp [21:17:19] Korinff issued server command: /home [21:17:28] Korinff issued server command: /rtp [21:17:29] Mr_Windi22 issued server command: /warp nether [21:17:37] Mr_Windi22 issued server command: /we cui [21:18:00] Anchik issued server command: /rtp [21:18:10] Anchik issued server command: /rtp [21:18:22] KrozikSHIT issued server command: /home [21:18:32] KrozikSHIT issued server command: /home [21:18:40] KrozikSHIT issued server command: /home [21:18:50] Korinff issued server command: /rtp [21:18:59] KrozikSHIT issued server command: /home [21:19:05] KrozikSHIT issued server command: /home [21:19:34] Korinff issued server command: /home [21:19:41] KrozikSHIT issued server command: /home [21:20:06] Luas issued server command: /home [21:20:34] KrozikSHIT issued server command: /home [21:20:39] Mr_Windi22 issued server command: /home [21:20:41] Mr_Windi22 issued server command: /we cui [21:20:43] Lasx issued server command: /home Luas [21:21:00] KrozikSHIT issued server command: /home [21:21:15] Anchik issued server command: /rtp [21:21:42] Korinff issued server command: /home [21:21:50] KrozikSHIT issued server command: /home [21:22:55] Anchik issued server command: /rtp [21:22:59] veeens issued server command: /home [21:23:01] veeens issued server command: /we cui [21:23:36] Korinff issued server command: /home [21:23:39] Luas issued server command: /home [21:23:56] KrozikSHIT issued server command: /home [21:23:58] x_NevadA_x issued server command: /kit eat [21:24:23] Anchik issued server command: /rtp [21:24:38] KrozikSHIT issued server command: /home [21:25:06] Anchik issued server command: /home [21:25:28] Mr_Windi22 вышел [21:25:32] KrozikSHIT issued server command: /home [21:25:52] Luas issued server command: /home [21:26:03] [G] veeens: !как варп называется где контэйнеры? [21:26:07] KrozikSHIT issued server command: /home [21:26:20] Luas issued server command: /home [21:26:48] Luas issued server command: /home [21:27:01] KrozikSHIT issued server command: /home [21:28:26] KrozikSHIT issued server command: /home [21:28:36] Luas issued server command: /home [21:28:41] KrozikSHIT issued server command: /home [21:28:46] Luas issued server command: /home [21:29:20] Luas issued server command: /home [21:29:55] veeens issued server command: /playtime [21:30:09] veeens issued server command: /playtime [21:30:31] veeens issued server command: /playtime [21:30:38] veeens issued server command: /kit top [21:32:25] Pro100ky зашёл [21:32:39] Pro100ky issued server command: /we cui [21:32:47] Luas issued server command: /home [21:33:14] veeens issued server command: /playtime [21:33:21] Pro100ky issued server command: /home [21:33:56] Lasx issued server command: /warp abyss [21:35:31] Lasx issued server command: /warp list [21:36:29] Pro100ky issued server command: /home [21:36:32] Lasx issued server command: /warp 69 [21:37:10] Lasx issued server command: /warp altar [21:37:11] KrozikSHIT issued server command: /home [21:37:13] Lasx issued server command: /warp altar2 [21:37:21] Lasx issued server command: /warp mtg [21:37:27] Korinff issued server command: /tpa x_nevada_x [21:37:39] Lasx issued server command: /warp shop [21:37:40] x_NevadA_x issued server command: /tpaccept [21:37:41] Lasx issued server command: /we cui [21:38:03] KrozikSHIT issued server command: /home [21:38:15] KrozikSHIT issued server command: /home [21:38:20] Korinff issued server command: /home [21:38:23] KrozikSHIT issued server command: /home [21:38:38] Lasx issued server command: /home Luas [21:38:41] Lasx issued server command: /we cui [21:38:52] Pro100ky issued server command: /home [21:39:08] x_NevadA_x issued server command: /home [21:39:17] Luas issued server command: /home [21:39:33] ShtoTytPisat зашёл [21:39:38] KrozikSHIT issued server command: /home [21:39:55] ShtoTytPisat issued server command: /we cui [21:40:05] KrozikSHIT issued server command: /home [21:40:20] veeens issued server command: /warp 69 [21:40:36] Luas issued server command: /home [21:40:38] Korinff issued server command: /tpa x_nevada_x [21:40:43] Pro100ky issued server command: /home [21:40:48] x_NevadA_x issued server command: /tpaccept [21:40:55] Korinff issued server command: /home [21:40:56] KrozikSHIT issued server command: /home [21:41:04] Luas issued server command: /home [21:41:25] veeens issued server command: /Playtime [21:41:50] veeens issued server command: /home [21:41:56] KrozikSHIT issued server command: /home [21:42:30] Luas issued server command: /home [21:42:58] Pro100ky issued server command: /home [21:43:13] Luas issued server command: /home [21:43:26] Lasx issued server command: /warp world [21:43:32] Lasx issued server command: /we cui [21:43:51] Luas issued server command: /home [21:45:25] KrozikSHIT issued server command: /home [21:45:26] ShtoTytPisat issued server command: /warp haha [21:45:28] Luas issued server command: /home [21:45:28] Lasx issued server command: /home Luas [21:45:30] Lasx issued server command: /we cui [21:45:33] ShtoTytPisat issued server command: /we cui [21:45:42] ShtoTytPisat issued server command: /zwand [21:45:43] x_NevadA_x умер (FIRE_TICK) [21:45:52] ShtoTytPisat issued server command: /zset 0 [21:45:56] x_NevadA_x issued server command: /we cui [21:46:00] ShtoTytPisat issued server command: /zset 0 [21:46:13] ShtoTytPisat issued server command: /zset 0 [21:46:24] ShtoTytPisat issued server command: /zset 0 [21:46:26] Pro100ky issued server command: /home [21:46:32] ShtoTytPisat issued server command: /zset 0 [21:46:33] ShtoTytPisat issued server command: /zset 0 [21:46:56] ShtoTytPisat issued server command: /zset 0 [21:47:04] KrozikSHIT issued server command: /home [21:47:04] ShtoTytPisat issued server command: /zset 0 [21:47:18] ShtoTytPisat issued server command: /zset 0 [21:47:36] ShtoTytPisat issued server command: /zset 0 [21:47:40] ShtoTytPisat issued server command: /zset 0 [21:47:45] Luas issued server command: /home [21:48:09] KrozikSHIT issued server command: /home [21:48:17] ShtoTytPisat issued server command: /zset 0 [21:48:23] veeens issued server command: /mpcaseshop [21:48:25] veeens issued server command: /mpcaseview 1 [21:48:32] veeens issued server command: /rollcase 1 [21:48:36] Korinff issued server command: /home [21:48:39] Korinff умер (FIRE_TICK) [21:48:40] ShtoTytPisat issued server command: /zset 0 [21:48:41] Korinff issued server command: /we cui [21:48:48] veeens issued server command: /mpcaseview 1 [21:48:49] KrozikSHIT issued server command: /home [21:48:50] Witherion зашёл [21:48:52] veeens issued server command: /rollcase 1 [21:49:01] ShtoTytPisat issued server command: /list [21:49:04] ShtoTytPisat issued server command: /zset 0 [21:49:05] Witherion issued server command: /we cui [21:49:06] veeens issued server command: /mpcaseview 1 [21:49:11] veeens issued server command: /rollcase 1 [21:49:13] KrozikSHIT issued server command: /home [21:49:25] veeens issued server command: /mpcaseview 1 [21:49:26] KrozikSHIT issued server command: /home [21:49:30] veeens issued server command: /rollcase 1 [21:49:33] KrozikSHIT issued server command: /home [21:49:44] veeens issued server command: /mpcaseview 1 [21:49:45] Luas issued server command: /home [21:49:57] x_NevadA_x умер (LAVA) [21:50:01] x_NevadA_x issued server command: /we cui [21:50:30] KrozikSHIT issued server command: /home [21:50:58] veeens issued server command: /warp case [21:51:00] veeens issued server command: /we cui [21:51:00] x_NevadA_x issued server command: /kit eat [21:51:05] veeens issued server command: /mpcaseshop [21:51:07] veeens issued server command: /mpcaseshop [21:51:08] veeens issued server command: /mpcaseshop [21:51:08] veeens issued server command: /mpcaseshop [21:51:08] veeens issued server command: /mpcaseshop [21:51:08] veeens issued server command: /mpcaseshop [21:51:08] veeens issued server command: /mpcaseshop [21:51:09] Pro100ky issued server command: /rtp [21:51:27] ShtoTytPisat issued server command: /god [21:51:29] ShtoTytPisat issued server command: /god [21:52:18] Pro100ky issued server command: /home [21:52:36] mrsuperman69 зашёл [21:52:38] veeens issued server command: /vote case [21:52:43] mrsuperman69 issued server command: /we cui [21:53:01] mrsuperman69 issued server command: /home [21:54:15] Pro100ky issued server command: /home [21:54:22] KrozikSHIT issued server command: /home [21:54:41] [G] veeens: !как забирать что в кейсе выпало? [21:54:46] veeens issued server command: /home [21:54:48] veeens issued server command: /we cui [21:54:53] mrsuperman69 вышел [21:54:56] mrsuperman69 зашёл [21:54:57] mrsuperman69 issued server command: /we cui [21:55:07] MomenTs issued server command: /home [21:55:11] Witherion issued server command: /msg veeens /cart gui [21:55:36] veeens issued server command: /case [21:55:43] veeens issued server command: /case [21:55:48] KrozikSHIT issued server command: /home [21:55:52] KrozikSHIT issued server command: /home [21:55:54] [G] SIlver_MrGrizz: !продам ихор ботинки [21:56:13] KrozikSHIT issued server command: /home [21:56:15] MomenTs issued server command: /warp case [21:56:17] MomenTs issued server command: /we cui [21:56:27] Witherion issued server command: /warp Mining [21:56:29] Witherion issued server command: /we cui [21:56:32] KrozikSHIT issued server command: /home [21:56:39] [G] veeens: !может хоть кто подскажет? [21:56:40] MomenTs issued server command: /warp pve [21:57:00] [G] KrozikSHIT: !/cart gui [21:57:12] [G] veeens: !спасибо большое [21:57:21] veeens issued server command: /cart gui [21:57:29] KrozikSHIT issued server command: /home [21:57:33] SIlver_MrGrizz умер (CONTACT) [21:57:35] SIlver_MrGrizz issued server command: /we cui [21:58:00] Luas issued server command: /home [21:58:02] SIlver_MrGrizz issued server command: /sethome [21:58:07] KrozikSHIT issued server command: /home [21:58:22] SIlver_MrGrizz issued server command: /warp magnit [21:58:40] KrozikSHIT issued server command: /home [21:59:19] KrozikSHIT issued server command: /home [21:59:19] SIlver_MrGrizz issued server command: /home [21:59:33] [G] ShtoTytPisat: !&3А где взять руную скрижаль ? [21:59:35] KrozikSHIT issued server command: /home [21:59:38] SIlver_MrGrizz умер (CONTACT) [21:59:39] SIlver_MrGrizz issued server command: /we cui [21:59:42] SIlver_MrGrizz issued server command: /warp magnit [21:59:46] [G] ShtoTytPisat: !&3Если её нет на об месте [21:59:52] Witherion issued server command: /msg ShtoTytPisat Скрафтить можно. [22:00:01] [G] KrozikSHIT: !в портале древних нету? [22:00:04] [G] KrozikSHIT: !или как [22:00:04] Pro100ky issued server command: /home [22:00:07] ShtoTytPisat issued server command: /r ??? [22:00:10] KrozikSHIT issued server command: /home [22:00:11] SIlver_MrGrizz issued server command: /home [22:00:13] [G] ShtoTytPisat: !&3+ [22:00:23] SIlver_MrGrizz умер (CONTACT) [22:00:23] zxcmonster228 зашёл [22:00:25] SIlver_MrGrizz issued server command: /we cui [22:00:27] ShtoTytPisat issued server command: /r У меня не показывает крафт [22:00:27] SIlver_MrGrizz issued server command: /warp magnit [22:00:29] Witherion issued server command: /msg ShtoTytPisat Таумономиником: раздел "Адский хлебушек" (самый последний раздел). [22:00:33] [G] KrozikSHIT: !ну или залутан или чёт багнулось [22:00:37] Lasx issued server command: /home Luas [22:00:39] ShtoTytPisat issued server command: /home [22:00:42] ShtoTytPisat issued server command: /we cui [22:00:51] SIlver_MrGrizz issued server command: /home [22:00:53] Witherion issued server command: /msg ShtoTytPisat Крафт не самый приятный, Но справедливый. [22:00:56] zxcmonster228 issued server command: /we cui [22:01:03] SIlver_MrGrizz умер (ENTITY_ATTACK) [22:01:04] Witherion issued server command: /msg ShtoTytPisat Хотя в каком месте справедливый надо подумать... [22:01:05] SIlver_MrGrizz issued server command: /we cui [22:01:08] SIlver_MrGrizz issued server command: /warp magnit [22:01:11] ShtoTytPisat issued server command: /enderchest [22:01:23] Luas issued server command: /home [22:01:37] SIlver_MrGrizz issued server command: /warp magnit [22:01:38] SIlver_MrGrizz issued server command: /home [22:01:53] SIlver_MrGrizz умер (CONTACT) [22:01:54] SIlver_MrGrizz issued server command: /we cui [22:01:58] SIlver_MrGrizz issued server command: /warp magnit [22:02:15] ShtoTytPisat issued server command: /home [22:02:16] MomenTs issued server command: /home [22:02:19] MomenTs issued server command: /we cui [22:02:32] SIlver_MrGrizz issued server command: /home [22:02:46] MomenTs issued server command: /warp pve [22:02:47] SIlver_MrGrizz умер (CONTACT) [22:02:48] MomenTs issued server command: /we cui [22:02:50] SIlver_MrGrizz issued server command: /we cui [22:02:54] SIlver_MrGrizz issued server command: /warp magnit [22:02:58] Luas issued server command: /home [22:03:25] SIlver_MrGrizz issued server command: /home [22:03:39] SIlver_MrGrizz умер (ENTITY_ATTACK) [22:03:41] SIlver_MrGrizz issued server command: /we cui [22:03:45] SIlver_MrGrizz issued server command: /warp magnit [22:04:02] KrozikSHIT issued server command: /home [22:04:05] Luas issued server command: /home [22:04:07] KrozikSHIT issued server command: /home [22:04:15] SIlver_MrGrizz issued server command: /warp magnit [22:04:19] SIlver_MrGrizz issued server command: /home [22:04:25] Witherion issued server command: /msg ShtoTytPisat Кстати, ты же можешь бедрок удалять я так понимаю? [22:04:37] ShtoTytPisat issued server command: /r тип того [22:04:51] MomenTs issued server command: /home [22:04:53] MomenTs issued server command: /we cui [22:05:11] Luas issued server command: /home [22:05:12] KrozikSHIT issued server command: /home [22:05:22] MomenTs issued server command: /spawn [22:05:23] MomenTs issued server command: /we cui [22:05:26] Witherion issued server command: /msg ShtoTytPisat Так ты можешь тупо летать по всему Элдриху в другие данжи, у который явно скрижаль [22:05:27] Witherion issued server command: /msg ShtoTytPisat будет)) [22:05:35] Pro100ky issued server command: /home [22:05:37] MomenTs issued server command: /home [22:05:38] KrozikSHIT issued server command: /home [22:05:38] MomenTs issued server command: /we cui [22:05:43] Luas issued server command: /home [22:05:53] ShtoTytPisat issued server command: /r элдриху ?? [22:05:57] Witherion issued server command: /msg ShtoTytPisat Продалбливаешь потолочный портал с бедроком и вылетаешь. [22:05:58] ShtoTytPisat issued server command: /r не понял [22:06:07] Witherion issued server command: /msg ShtoTytPisat Ты сейчас где был?) [22:06:24] ShtoTytPisat issued server command: /r ну в лабиринте [22:06:26] Witherion issued server command: /msg ShtoTytPisat Говорил скрижали нету на месте, это называется - Элдрихом) [22:06:39] Luas вышел [22:06:58] SIlver_MrGrizz issued server command: /warp abyss [22:07:15] Witherion issued server command: /msg ShtoTytPisat Просто удаляй 2 слоя вверху и вылетай. [22:07:16] SIlver_MrGrizz issued server command: /money [22:07:35] ShtoTytPisat issued server command: /r ну и тип я смогу найти так другие такие лабиринты ?? [22:07:40] Witherion issued server command: /msg ShtoTytPisat + [22:07:53] Witherion issued server command: /msg ShtoTytPisat Без нудного поискать таких же алтарей ради 1 лабиринта. [22:08:02] KrozikSHIT issued server command: /home [22:08:02] ShtoTytPisat issued server command: /r Первый раз такое слышу [22:08:04] SIlver_MrGrizz issued server command: /warp five [22:08:16] Witherion issued server command: /msg ShtoTytPisat Ты первый раз "Слышишь", я не первый раз так делал) [22:08:21] KrozikSHIT issued server command: /home [22:08:37] [L] SIlver_MrGrizz: 1 [22:08:41] SIlver_MrGrizz issued server command: /home [22:08:48] Lasx issued server command: /money [22:08:57] ShtoTytPisat issued server command: /r Как сойденить тутамен с магией ?? [22:09:08] Witherion issued server command: /msg ShtoTytPisat Ток я хз привилегии свободно там летают по Элдриху или нет. [22:09:15] KrozikSHIT был кикнут [22:09:15] KrozikSHIT вышел [22:09:15] Lasx был кикнут [22:09:15] Lasx вышел [22:09:15] veeens был кикнут [22:09:15] veeens вышел [22:09:15] MomenTs был кикнут [22:09:15] MomenTs вышел [22:09:15] Anchik был кикнут [22:09:15] Anchik вышел [22:09:15] Pro100ky был кикнут [22:09:15] Pro100ky вышел [22:09:15] ShtoTytPisat был кикнут [22:09:15] ShtoTytPisat вышел [22:09:15] Korinff был кикнут [22:09:15] Korinff вышел [22:09:15] Witherion был кикнут [22:09:15] Witherion вышел [22:09:15] x_NevadA_x был кикнут [22:09:15] x_NevadA_x вышел [22:09:16] mrsuperman69 был кикнут [22:09:16] mrsuperman69 вышел [22:09:16] zxcmonster228 был кикнут [22:09:16] zxcmonster228 вышел [22:09:16] SIlver_MrGrizz был кикнут [22:09:16] SIlver_MrGrizz вышел [22:09:19] Сервер выключился [22:10:09] Сервер включился [22:10:33] MomenTs зашёл [22:10:34] zxcmonster228 зашёл [22:10:36] MomenTs issued server command: /we cui [22:10:39] ShtoTytPisat зашёл [22:10:39] zxcmonster228 issued server command: /we cui [22:10:42] Anchik зашёл [22:10:43] ShtoTytPisat issued server command: /we cui [22:10:44] Anchik issued server command: /we cui [22:10:45] SIlver_MrGrizz зашёл [22:10:47] veeens зашёл [22:10:47] mrsuperman69 зашёл [22:10:48] Pro100ky зашёл [22:10:48] mrsuperman69 issued server command: /we cui [22:10:48] veeens issued server command: /we cui [22:10:50] Pro100ky issued server command: /we cui [22:10:51] SIlver_MrGrizz issued server command: /we cui [22:11:02] ShtoTytPisat issued server command: /r нет, не могу там летать [22:11:22] Witherion зашёл [22:11:24] Witherion issued server command: /we cui [22:11:28] x_NevadA_x зашёл [22:11:29] x_NevadA_x issued server command: /we cui [22:11:30] ShtoTytPisat issued server command: /r нет, не могу там летать [22:11:42] Witherion issued server command: /msg ShtoTytPisat "Тутамен"? Ты про что? [22:11:46] Pro100ky issued server command: /home [22:11:46] MomenTs issued server command: /voteday [22:11:48] Witherion issued server command: /yes [22:11:49] zxcmonster228 issued server command: /yes [22:11:54] Anchik issued server command: /yes [22:12:02] KrozikSHIT зашёл [22:12:06] KrozikSHIT issued server command: /we cui [22:12:09] ShtoTytPisat issued server command: /r нет, не могу там летать [22:12:13] KrozikSHIT issued server command: /home [22:12:19] x_NevadA_x issued server command: /kit eat [22:12:20] Witherion issued server command: /msg ShtoTytPisat Тогда как и мы все смертные бери джет [22:12:23] SIlver_MrGrizz умер (ENTITY_ATTACK) [22:12:24] SIlver_MrGrizz issued server command: /we cui [22:12:25] ShtoTytPisat issued server command: /r делаю изучение той скрижали [22:12:27] Witherion issued server command: /msg ShtoTytPisat Он работает. [22:12:38] ShtoTytPisat issued server command: /r тут надо сойденить тутамен и магию [22:12:41] Korinff зашёл [22:12:43] Korinff issued server command: /we cui [22:12:45] Witherion issued server command: /msg ShtoTytPisat Щяс подскажу [22:12:46] Witherion issued server command: /home [22:12:48] KrozikSHIT issued server command: /home [22:12:48] Witherion issued server command: /we cui [22:12:53] ShtoTytPisat issued server command: /r Броню и магию* [22:13:09] Lasx зашёл [22:13:12] Lasx issued server command: /we cui [22:13:38] Witherion issued server command: /msg ShtoTytPisat Дай свиток крч) [22:13:42] Witherion issued server command: /trade ShtoTytPisat [22:13:45] ShtoTytPisat issued server command: /trade accept [22:13:59] KrozikSHIT issued server command: /home [22:14:09] ShtoTytPisat issued server command: /r Места нет у тебя [22:14:09] KrozikSHIT issued server command: /home [22:14:19] Witherion issued server command: /msg ShtoTytPisat Да ток заметил, уже очистил, go. [22:14:22] Witherion issued server command: /trade ShtoTytPisat [22:14:23] ShtoTytPisat issued server command: /trade accept [22:15:04] Witherion issued server command: /msg ShtoTytPisat Безысходность. Сделай ещё запись и скинь. [22:15:12] KrozikSHIT issued server command: /home [22:15:13] Witherion issued server command: /trade ShtoTytPisat [22:15:17] Witherion issued server command: /msg ShtoTytPisat Забери и сотри аспекты [22:15:20] ShtoTytPisat issued server command: /trade accept [22:15:42] Witherion issued server command: /msg ShtoTytPisat В этой тоже безысходка) [22:16:06] ShtoTytPisat issued server command: /r Что за безысходка ? [22:16:14] Witherion issued server command: /msg ShtoTytPisat Нет вариантов. [22:16:19] Witherion issued server command: /msg ShtoTytPisat Davai ещё. [22:16:33] ShtoTytPisat issued server command: /r Ля я понял [22:16:48] ShtoTytPisat issued server command: /r оно каждый раз клетки по разному спавнит [22:16:51] Witherion issued server command: /msg ShtoTytPisat + [22:17:20] Pro100ky issued server command: /home [22:17:22] x_NevadA_x issued server command: /kit start [22:18:26] KrozikSHIT issued server command: /home [22:19:31] KrozikSHIT issued server command: /home [22:19:59] KrozikSHIT issued server command: /home [22:20:02] Lasx issued server command: /home Luas [22:20:12] Pro100ky issued server command: /home [22:20:54] Lasx issued server command: /we cui [22:21:01] Pro100ky issued server command: /home [22:21:02] Korinff issued server command: /rtp [22:21:07] KrozikSHIT issued server command: /home [22:21:20] zxcmonster228 issued server command: /home [22:21:27] KrozikSHIT issued server command: /money [22:21:50] Korinff issued server command: /home [22:21:51] KrozikSHIT issued server command: /home [22:21:53] SIlver_MrGrizz вышел [22:22:04] [G] MomenTs: ! Кто шарит в форестри? [22:22:06] [G] zxcmonster228: !хелпера или модеры есть,помощь нужна [22:22:08] KrozikSHIT issued server command: /home [22:22:16] Pro100ky issued server command: /home [22:22:40] MomenTs issued server command: /voteday [22:22:42] Witherion issued server command: /yes [22:22:43] Anchik issued server command: /yes [22:22:45] Korinff issued server command: /yes [22:22:48] zxcmonster228 issued server command: /yes [22:23:21] Korinff issued server command: /rtp [22:23:44] Korinff issued server command: /home [22:24:13] x_NevadA_x issued server command: /home [22:24:33] Korinff issued server command: /kit eat [22:24:45] KrozikSHIT issued server command: /home [22:24:55] KrozikSHIT issued server command: /home [22:25:21] KrozikSHIT issued server command: /home [22:25:37] veeens issued server command: /home [22:25:38] Pro100ky issued server command: /home [22:25:46] KrozikSHIT issued server command: /home [22:25:51] ShtoTytPisat issued server command: /m Witherion Спустя стак безысходок, я смог изучить это [22:26:00] Witherion issued server command: /msg ShtoTytPisat Грац) [22:26:07] KrozikSHIT issued server command: /home [22:26:10] Witherion issued server command: /msg ShtoTytPisat Я также кристаллы хаоса изучал :D [22:26:22] KrozikSHIT issued server command: /home [22:27:18] ShtoTytPisat issued server command: /m Witherion Ну хоть крафт изи слава богу [22:27:46] Korinff issued server command: /rtp [22:27:50] veeens issued server command: /rg select [22:28:16] Witherion issued server command: /msg ShtoTytPisat Знаешь - кому как) [22:28:26] ShtoTytPisat issued server command: /m Witherion ))))) [22:28:41] Pro100ky issued server command: /home [22:28:42] Witherion issued server command: /msg ShtoTytPisat К примеру: я ни разу не добывал в истории всех вайпов ДК и вообще этим не [22:28:43] Witherion issued server command: /msg ShtoTytPisat занимался [22:28:54] ShtoTytPisat issued server command: /m Witherion F [22:28:56] Witherion issued server command: /msg ShtoTytPisat Ибо даже недавно доверенный ДК сет просрал у боссака) [22:29:10] Korinff issued server command: /home [22:29:30] Witherion issued server command: /msg ShtoTytPisat За что был выгнан из РГ...Хотя по сути я его скрафтил. [22:29:57] ShtoTytPisat issued server command: /m Witherion Могу ток посочувствовать (( [22:30:02] Pro100ky issued server command: /home [22:30:09] Witherion issued server command: /msg ShtoTytPisat Да пофиг) Игра ведь, всякое быть может. [22:30:53] Witherion issued server command: /msg ShtoTytPisat Но с другой стороны и обидно...Потраченное время на потраченный предмет) [22:31:08] ShtoTytPisat issued server command: /home [22:31:25] ShtoTytPisat issued server command: /m Witherion Тебе слёзы гаста не нужны? [22:31:30] MomenTs issued server command: /home [22:31:44] Witherion issued server command: /msg ShtoTytPisat Да не, спасиб) Если что вон - Электроспавнер+душу из флакона запихну. [22:31:53] MomenTs issued server command: /home [22:32:11] KrozikSHIT issued server command: /home [22:32:15] ShtoTytPisat issued server command: /m Witherion Хотел тебя отблагодарить за помощь ) ( но не монеткой ) хаха [22:32:22] KrozikSHIT issued server command: /home [22:32:54] Witherion issued server command: /msg ShtoTytPisat Да брось!) Какая помощь. А не я - и сам бы догадался что к чему через определённый [22:32:55] Witherion issued server command: /msg ShtoTytPisat промежуток времени) [22:33:16] zxcmonster228 issued server command: /voteday [22:33:22] MomenTs issued server command: /yes [22:33:25] Anchik issued server command: /yes [22:33:34] Witherion issued server command: /msg ShtoTytPisat Ну и не забывай насчёт джетпака и полёта через потолок) Варик надёжный, ток следи [22:33:34] Witherion issued server command: /msg ShtoTytPisat за топливом и высотой) [22:33:39] veeens issued server command: //desel [22:34:09] KrozikSHIT issued server command: /home [22:34:24] KrozikSHIT issued server command: /home [22:34:31] ShtoTytPisat issued server command: /m Witherion Ага спс, но если что, с меня ресы нее падают ))) [22:34:51] KrozikSHIT issued server command: /home [22:35:02] Witherion issued server command: /msg ShtoTytPisat Np) Да знаю я, ахах)) [22:35:41] KrozikSHIT issued server command: /home [22:35:42] ShtoTytPisat issued server command: /m Witherion Ладно... спасибо за помощь [22:35:52] ShtoTytPisat issued server command: /m Witherion я оф на сегодня [22:35:52] Witherion issued server command: /msg ShtoTytPisat Np. Удачи ^^ [22:36:06] KrozikSHIT issued server command: /home [22:36:22] KrozikSHIT вышел [22:37:20] Witherion вышел [22:37:27] Lasx issued server command: /home Luas [22:37:27] Witherion зашёл [22:37:29] Lasx issued server command: /we cui [22:37:30] Witherion issued server command: /we cui [22:37:32] Witherion issued server command: /spawn [22:37:34] Witherion issued server command: /we cui [22:38:05] Witherion issued server command: /msg ShtoTytPisat У тебя случаем не появился резкий туман на экране? [22:38:16] ShtoTytPisat issued server command: /m Witherion ЩАс нет [22:38:30] Witherion issued server command: /msg ShtoTytPisat Ппц, у меня хрень какая-то: всё туманно :/ [22:38:40] Witherion issued server command: /msg ShtoTytPisat О, прошло. [22:38:47] ShtoTytPisat issued server command: /m Witherion ет если не ошибаюсь, с мозгами у перса проблемы [22:39:15] ShtoTytPisat issued server command: /m Witherion Искажение [22:39:28] Lasx issued server command: /home Luas [22:39:32] Witherion issued server command: /msg ShtoTytPisat Разобрался с проблемой, Линчеватели через стену лупили) [22:40:01] Witherion issued server command: /msg ShtoTytPisat Как я ненавижу под проклятием бегать... [22:40:19] Lasx issued server command: /home Luas [22:40:21] Lasx issued server command: /home Luas [22:40:21] Lasx issued server command: /home Luas [22:40:22] Lasx issued server command: /home Luas [22:40:23] Lasx issued server command: /home Luas [22:40:24] Lasx issued server command: /home Luas [22:40:24] Lasx issued server command: /home Luas [22:40:29] Witherion issued server command: /home [22:40:31] Witherion issued server command: /we cui [22:40:47] ShtoTytPisat issued server command: /m Witherion ладно все, дорой ночи [22:40:53] ShtoTytPisat issued server command: /heal [22:41:00] Witherion issued server command: /msg ShtoTytPisat Взаимно ^^ [22:41:06] ShtoTytPisat issued server command: /m Witherion Доброй* [22:41:20] ShtoTytPisat issued server command: /money [22:41:41] Pro100ky вышел [22:42:09] ShtoTytPisat issued server command: /warp haha [22:42:21] ShtoTytPisat issued server command: /home [22:42:28] ShtoTytPisat вышел [22:43:13] mrsuperman69 issued server command: /home [22:43:27] zxcmonster228 issued server command: /voteday [22:43:30] zxcmonster228 issued server command: /voteday [22:43:32] Witherion issued server command: /yes [22:43:38] veeens issued server command: /yes [22:44:21] x_NevadA_x issued server command: /home [22:47:57] veeens issued server command: /home [22:48:06] MomenTs issued server command: /home [22:48:44] Anchik вышел [22:49:47] MomenTs issued server command: /home [22:50:16] MomenTs issued server command: /home [22:52:41] zxcmonster228 issued server command: /home [22:52:55] MomenTs issued server command: /home [22:52:58] x_NevadA_x issued server command: /home [22:53:03] Witherion issued server command: /warp mining [22:53:05] Witherion issued server command: /we cui [22:53:40] zxcmonster228 issued server command: /home [22:53:51] zxcmonster228 issued server command: /voteday [22:53:55] Witherion issued server command: /yes [22:53:57] MomenTs issued server command: /yes [22:54:08] MomenTs issued server command: /home [22:54:26] Lasx issued server command: /home Luas [22:54:34] MomenTs issued server command: /home [22:54:51] zxcmonster228 issued server command: /trade MomenTs [22:54:51] zxcmonster228 issued server command: /trade MomenTs [22:54:51] zxcmonster228 issued server command: /trade MomenTs [22:54:51] zxcmonster228 issued server command: /trade MomenTs [22:54:51] zxcmonster228 issued server command: /trade MomenTs [22:54:51] zxcmonster228 issued server command: /trade MomenTs [22:55:28] GRAZUKA зашёл [22:55:33] zxcmonster228 issued server command: /home [22:55:46] GRAZUKA issued server command: /we cui [22:57:13] [G] GRAZUKA: !всем ку тое зашол ищу тимейта [22:57:36] zxcmonster228 вышел [22:57:44] GRAZUKA issued server command: /rtp [22:57:59] GRAZUKA issued server command: /warp world [22:58:01] GRAZUKA issued server command: /we cui [22:58:06] GRAZUKA issued server command: /rtp [22:58:14] GRAZUKA issued server command: /home [22:58:24] GRAZUKA issued server command: /rtp [22:58:50] GRAZUKA issued server command: /rtp [23:01:37] _ViktoriyaYanch_ зашёл [23:01:48] _ViktoriyaYanch_ issued server command: /we cui [23:02:14] MomenTs issued server command: /warp pve [23:02:17] MomenTs issued server command: /we cui [23:02:55] GRAZUKA issued server command: /rtp [23:03:23] GRAZUKA issued server command: /kit [23:03:31] GRAZUKA issued server command: /kit eat [23:03:36] GRAZUKA issued server command: /kit top [23:03:38] Witherion issued server command: /home [23:03:41] Witherion issued server command: /we cui [23:03:57] GRAZUKA issued server command: /rtp [23:04:09] GRAZUKA issued server command: /warp hard [23:04:13] invalid4 зашёл [23:04:19] GRAZUKA issued server command: /warp mob [23:04:24] GRAZUKA issued server command: /warp 5 [23:04:27] invalid4 issued server command: /we cui [23:04:40] GRAZUKA issued server command: /rtp [23:04:55] GRAZUKA issued server command: /rtp [23:04:58] GRAZUKA issued server command: /rtp [23:05:15] Lasx issued server command: /home Luas [23:05:28] MomenTs issued server command: /home [23:05:30] MomenTs issued server command: /we cui [23:05:31] GRAZUKA issued server command: /rtp [23:05:38] GRAZUKA вышел [23:06:09] Korinff issued server command: /home [23:06:15] [G] invalid4: !у кого есть стол зачарований? [23:06:26] Witherion issued server command: /msg invalid4 Что нужно чарнуть? [23:06:33] [G] invalid4: ! лопату [23:06:36] Witherion issued server command: /msg invalid4 Тп. [23:06:39] [G] veeens: ! .warp 69 [23:06:42] MomenTs issued server command: /spawn [23:06:44] MomenTs issued server command: /we cui [23:06:54] Korinff issued server command: /kit eat [23:06:59] invalid4 issued server command: /tp Witherion [23:07:05] invalid4 issued server command: /tpa Witherion [23:07:07] MomenTs issued server command: /warp case [23:07:09] MomenTs issued server command: /we cui [23:07:12] Witherion issued server command: /tpaccept [23:07:44] [L] Witherion: Мин. [23:07:49] Witherion issued server command: /kill [23:07:50] [L] invalid4: ок [23:08:39] Witherion умер (SUFFOCATION) [23:08:42] Witherion issued server command: /we cui [23:09:11] [L] invalid4: спасибо огромное) [23:09:12] [L] Witherion: Np. [23:09:16] invalid4 issued server command: /home [23:10:20] veeens issued server command: /home [23:11:04] x_NevadA_x вышел [23:11:24] Witherion issued server command: /warp mining [23:11:26] Witherion issued server command: /we cui [23:12:11] Witherion issued server command: /home [23:12:13] Witherion issued server command: /we cui [23:12:18] MomenTs issued server command: /home [23:12:19] MomenTs issued server command: /we cui [23:12:34] Witherion issued server command: /warp mining [23:12:35] Witherion issued server command: /we cui [23:12:41] Lasx issued server command: /home Luas [23:13:43] Lasx issued server command: /home Luas [23:13:52] Lasx вышел [23:15:48] invalid4 issued server command: /home [23:19:08] [G] _ViktoriyaYanch_: !а когда вайп? [23:19:21] [G] Witherion: ! Неизвестно. [23:19:39] [G] _ViktoriyaYanch_: !а когда бил последний? [23:20:05] [G] Korinff: ! месяц назад, если верить сайту [23:20:12] [G] _ViktoriyaYanch_: !оке [23:21:36] Witherion issued server command: /home [23:21:38] Witherion issued server command: /we cui [23:22:46] _ViktoriyaYanch_ issued server command: /kit eat [23:23:12] Witherion issued server command: /warp Mining [23:23:14] Witherion issued server command: /we cui [23:23:44] _ViktoriyaYanch_ issued server command: /warp list [23:23:47] _ViktoriyaYanch_ issued server command: /warp 45 [23:23:48] _ViktoriyaYanch_ issued server command: /we cui [23:24:00] _ViktoriyaYanch_ issued server command: /warp 5 [23:24:02] _ViktoriyaYanch_ issued server command: /we cui [23:24:06] ReMmiFast зашёл [23:24:09] _ViktoriyaYanch_ issued server command: /warp Abyss [23:24:23] ReMmiFast issued server command: /we cui [23:25:00] _ViktoriyaYanch_ issued server command: /money [23:25:24] [G] ReMmiFast: ! всем привет кто продаст кожу ? [23:25:31] invalid4 issued server command: /home [23:25:39] _ViktoriyaYanch_ issued server command: /money [23:25:39] Witherion issued server command: /msg ReMmiFast Скок? [23:25:55] ReMmiFast issued server command: /m Witherion штук 5 [23:25:55] mrsuperman69 issued server command: /рщьу [23:25:59] mrsuperman69 issued server command: /home [23:26:04] Witherion issued server command: /msg ReMmiFast /spawn. [23:26:05] Witherion issued server command: /home [23:26:07] Witherion issued server command: /we cui [23:26:14] Witherion issued server command: /spawn [23:26:16] Witherion issued server command: /we cui [23:26:21] ReMmiFast issued server command: /m Witherion ок а тебе что нужно [23:26:35] Witherion issued server command: /msg ReMmiFast На месте договоримся. [23:26:38] ReMmiFast issued server command: /spawn [23:26:40] ReMmiFast issued server command: /we cui [23:26:59] [L] Witherion: Всё, можешь идти) [23:27:07] [L] Witherion: Не, не нужно) [23:27:17] _ViktoriyaYanch_ issued server command: /home [23:27:19] [L] ReMmiFast: спасиб [23:27:22] [L] Witherion: Np) [23:27:23] ReMmiFast issued server command: /home [23:27:24] _ViktoriyaYanch_ issued server command: /warp Abyss [23:27:24] ReMmiFast issued server command: /we cui [23:27:38] _ViktoriyaYanch_ issued server command: /home [23:27:40] _ViktoriyaYanch_ issued server command: /warp Abyss [23:28:01] [L] _ViktoriyaYanch_: 10 [23:28:05] [L] _ViktoriyaYanch_: 2 [23:28:11] [L] _ViktoriyaYanch_: 2 [23:28:17] [L] _ViktoriyaYanch_: 2 [23:28:24] Witherion issued server command: /home [23:28:25] Witherion issued server command: /we cui [23:28:47] _ViktoriyaYanch_ issued server command: /money [23:29:01] Witherion issued server command: /warp mining [23:29:03] Witherion issued server command: /we cui [23:30:09] _ViktoriyaYanch_ issued server command: /home [23:33:29] _ViktoriyaYanch_ issued server command: /home [23:34:09] [G] invalid4: ! кто может землю дать? [23:37:29] [G] invalid4: ! кто может землю дать? [23:37:35] _ViktoriyaYanch_ умер (FALL) [23:37:37] _ViktoriyaYanch_ issued server command: /we cui [23:38:30] Witherion issued server command: /home [23:38:32] Witherion issued server command: /we cui [23:42:01] _ViktoriyaYanch_ issued server command: /home [23:42:26] Witherion issued server command: /warp mining [23:42:29] Witherion issued server command: /we cui [23:44:05] Korinff issued server command: /kit eat [23:44:30] invalid4 issued server command: /home [23:44:52] ReMmiFast умер (PROJECTILE) [23:44:53] ReMmiFast issued server command: /we cui [23:44:59] invalid4 issued server command: /tpa _ViktoriyaYanch_ [23:45:05] _ViktoriyaYanch_ issued server command: /tpaccept [23:46:33] ReMmiFast issued server command: /kit start [23:47:56] _ViktoriyaYanch_ issued server command: /rtp [23:49:10] invalid4 issued server command: /home [23:49:20] _ViktoriyaYanch_ issued server command: /rtp [23:49:33] Korinff issued server command: /rtp [23:49:34] Witherion issued server command: /рщьу [23:49:38] Witherion issued server command: /home [23:49:40] Witherion issued server command: /we cui [23:49:46] Korinff issued server command: /home [23:50:08] Korinff issued server command: /rtp [23:50:25] Korinff issued server command: /rtp [23:50:33] Korinff issued server command: /rtp [23:50:34] Korinff issued server command: /rtp [23:51:58] Korinff issued server command: /rtp [23:51:59] _ViktoriyaYanch_ issued server command: /rtp [23:52:21] Korinff issued server command: /warp mining [23:52:22] Korinff issued server command: /we cui [23:52:42] invalid4 issued server command: /home [23:52:43] Witherion issued server command: /warp Mining [23:52:45] Witherion issued server command: /we cui [23:53:06] [G] ReMmiFast: ! кто может дать книгу Багрвые ритуалы вы учить ? [23:53:18] Witherion issued server command: /msg ReMmiFast /spawn, щяс прийду и дам [23:53:19] Witherion issued server command: /home [23:53:21] Witherion issued server command: /we cui [23:53:28] ReMmiFast issued server command: /spawn [23:53:31] ReMmiFast issued server command: /we cui [23:53:39] Witherion issued server command: /spawn [23:53:42] Witherion issued server command: /we cui [23:53:47] ReMmiFast issued server command: /m Witherion хорошо [23:53:52] [L] Witherion: Забирай. [23:54:06] [L] Witherion: Cебе бы забрал лучше) [23:54:10] [L] Witherion: Мне она не нужна. [23:54:17] ReMmiFast issued server command: /m Witherion тебе что уже не интересно играть [23:54:25] [L] ReMmiFast: спасибо [23:54:26] Witherion issued server command: /msg ReMmiFast ? [23:54:29] [L] Witherion: Np. [23:54:30] _ViktoriyaYanch_ issued server command: /rtp [23:54:34] Witherion issued server command: /warp Mining [23:54:36] Witherion issued server command: /we cui [23:54:46] ReMmiFast issued server command: /m Witherion ну раздаешь просто [23:54:52] ReMmiFast issued server command: /m Witherion отзываешься [23:55:01] Witherion issued server command: /msg ReMmiFast Я всем помогаю одинаково) [23:55:04] _ViktoriyaYanch_ issued server command: /rtp [23:55:04] ReMmiFast issued server command: /m Witherion на крик о помоши ) [23:55:14] Witherion issued server command: /msg ReMmiFast Ну а кто если не я?) [23:55:17] ReMmiFast issued server command: /m Witherion понял ну спасибо тебе большое [23:55:27] ReMmiFast issued server command: /m Witherion ну это тоже верно [23:55:31] Witherion issued server command: /msg ReMmiFast Как там было..."Чёрный плащ спешит на помощь!" :D [23:55:42] ReMmiFast issued server command: /m Witherion )))))))))))))) [23:55:51] ReMmiFast issued server command: /home [23:55:52] ReMmiFast issued server command: /we cui [23:55:54] Korinff issued server command: /home [23:55:56] Korinff issued server command: /we cui [23:56:00] _ViktoriyaYanch_ issued server command: /rtp [23:56:04] Witherion issued server command: /msg ReMmiFast А я его уже 18 лет не видел) [23:56:08] _ViktoriyaYanch_ issued server command: /home [23:56:19] _ViktoriyaYanch_ issued server command: /tpa invalid4 [23:56:28] invalid4 issued server command: /tpaccept [23:56:32] ReMmiFast issued server command: /m Witherion я 21 [23:57:13] Witherion issued server command: /msg ReMmiFast С 2000-ых? Нормально) [23:57:22] ReMmiFast issued server command: /m Witherion + [23:58:03] ReMmiFast issued server command: /m Witherion решил стареной тряхнуть с майне [23:58:28] Witherion issued server command: /msg ReMmiFast Мне пофиг где играть, главное чтобы рендер не грузило) [23:58:41] ReMmiFast issued server command: /m Witherion ) [23:59:07] Witherion issued server command: /msg ReMmiFast Ибо из доступных 248 сейчас лишь 69ГБ ОЗУ'шника) [23:59:38] ReMmiFast issued server command: /m Witherion ясненько, у тебя много чео дома есть можно поизучать ? [23:59:41] Witherion issued server command: /msg ReMmiFast Лишь сборки майна умеют жрать менее 6-8ГБ за раз, нежели тот же кастом. [23:59:59] Witherion issued server command: /msg ReMmiFast Практически нечего изучать, даже нечего)