[01:44:12] Сервер выключился [01:44:50] Сервер включился [04:44:26] Сервер выключился [04:45:07] Сервер включился [07:44:38] Сервер выключился [07:45:17] Сервер включился [09:50:58] Romanuch зашёл [09:50:59] Romanuch issued server command: /we cui [09:51:01] Romanuch issued server command: /we cui [09:53:21] Romanuch issued server command: /kit [09:57:05] Romanuch вышел [10:44:52] Сервер выключился [10:45:31] Сервер включился [11:04:16] astek2 зашёл [11:04:24] astek2 issued server command: /we cui [11:04:37] astek2 issued server command: /gm 1 [11:12:11] astek2 вышел [13:45:04] Сервер выключился [13:45:44] Сервер включился [14:59:59] TOGA зашёл [15:00:02] Dydre зашёл [15:00:03] asdadn зашёл [15:00:03] SimpleBoi зашёл [15:00:03] SimpleBoi вышел [15:00:03] ggwin зашёл [15:00:05] LeroySabo зашёл [15:00:05] Ic3berg зашёл [15:00:07] Dydre issued server command: /we cui [15:00:08] TurboLastGame зашёл [15:00:08] SimpleBoi зашёл [15:00:10] ggwin issued server command: /we cui [15:00:11] TOGA issued server command: /we cui [15:00:11] Suyumi зашёл [15:00:12] LeroySabo issued server command: /we cui [15:00:13] TurboLastGame issued server command: /we cui [15:00:13] flesziip зашёл [15:00:13] Vehitsel зашёл [15:00:14] Ribka зашёл [15:00:15] Ic3berg issued server command: /we cui [15:00:18] asdadn issued server command: /we cui [15:00:24] Ribka issued server command: /we cui [15:00:25] LeroySabo issued server command: /warp world [15:00:25] flesziip issued server command: /we cui [15:00:25] Ilayihoy зашёл [15:00:26] [L] Ic3berg: КУУ [15:00:26] LeroySabo issued server command: /we cui [15:00:26] SimpleBoi issued server command: /we cui [15:00:26] Suyumi issued server command: /we cui [15:00:27] LeroySabo issued server command: /rtp [15:00:28] Vehitsel issued server command: /we cui [15:00:29] slaim01 зашёл [15:00:31] FilyWay зашёл [15:00:31] TweeL1e зашёл [15:00:35] [L] LeroySabo: f [15:00:36] FlipSize зашёл [15:00:37] FreakFromThePub зашёл [15:00:39] Ilayihoy issued server command: /we cui [15:00:41] TweeL1e issued server command: /we cui [15:00:41] [G] TOGA: ! всем привет)) [15:00:42] FilyWay issued server command: /we cui [15:00:44] slaim01 issued server command: /we cui [15:00:44] [G] Suyumi: !хай [15:00:45] LeroySabo issued server command: /helpop flip lox [15:00:45] [G] Dydre: !ой старые добрые ребятишки играют [15:00:46] [G] SimpleBoi: !понеслась) [15:00:47] [L] TurboLastGame: спидран по майнкрафту погнали [15:00:50] slaim01 issued server command: /trade FreakFromThePub [15:00:50] FlipSize issued server command: /we cui [15:00:51] G0KO зашёл [15:00:54] Ribka issued server command: /rtp [15:00:55] PashaBis зашёл [15:00:55] FROST2137 зашёл [15:00:56] TurboLastGame issued server command: /cart gui [15:00:58] [L] TweeL1e: Freak лох [15:00:59] PashaBis issued server command: /we cui [15:01:00] LeroySabo issued server command: //chunk [15:01:00] LeroySabo issued server command: //outset 16 [15:01:00] LeroySabo issued server command: /zone [15:01:00] Suyumi issued server command: /clan list [15:01:02] TurboLastGame issued server command: /rtp [15:01:03] BJlaTnou зашёл [15:01:03] G0KO issued server command: /we cui [15:01:04] Ribka issued server command: /warp world [15:01:05] LeroySabo issued server command: /rg claim MoreMore1 [15:01:05] slaim01 issued server command: /warplist [15:01:05] Ribka issued server command: /we cui [15:01:06] FlipSize issued server command: /spawn [15:01:09] Ribka issued server command: /rtp [15:01:09] FreakFromThePub issued server command: /we cui [15:01:09] FlipSize issued server command: /we cui [15:01:09] slaim01 issued server command: /tpa Ribka [15:01:13] [L] Ribka: w [15:01:13] Suyumi issued server command: /clan info [15:01:15] Bradman зашёл [15:01:15] Bradman вышел [15:01:16] BJlaTnou issued server command: /we cui [15:01:16] PashaBis issued server command: /list [15:01:16] Ribka issued server command: /tpaccept [15:01:17] LeroySabo issued server command: /sethome [15:01:18] PashaBis issued server command: /money top [15:01:18] Vehitsel issued server command: /m PashaBis привет) [15:01:18] slaim01 issued server command: /we cui [15:01:20] TOGA issued server command: /warp world [15:01:20] TurboLastGame issued server command: /warp world [15:01:22] TOGA issued server command: /we cui [15:01:22] TurboLastGame issued server command: /we cui [15:01:22] slaim01 issued server command: /rtp [15:01:24] [G] FlipSize: ! TweeL1e не обзывайся в чате! [15:01:26] slaim01 issued server command: /god [15:01:27] FROST2137 issued server command: /we cui [15:01:28] Ribka issued server command: /rtp [15:01:28] slaim01 issued server command: /fly [15:01:28] SplaschGaming зашёл [15:01:28] Ilayihoy issued server command: /warp world [15:01:31] Ilayihoy issued server command: /we cui [15:01:32] Ilayihoy issued server command: /rtp [15:01:33] PashaBis issued server command: /r дратути [15:01:36] Suyumi issued server command: /spawn [15:01:36] LeroySabo issued server command: /helpop Flip day resov [15:01:36] Clockwise_Op зашёл [15:01:37] SimpleBoi issued server command: /warp world [15:01:38] Suyumi issued server command: /we cui [15:01:39] SimpleBoi issued server command: /we cui [15:01:40] slaim01 issued server command: //wand [15:01:43] TurboLastGame issued server command: /rtp [15:01:44] Clockwise_Op issued server command: /we cui [15:01:45] [G] TweeL1e: !Я будущий авторит, запомни меня! [15:01:46] SimpleBoi issued server command: /rtp [15:01:48] ggwin вышел [15:01:51] SplaschGaming issued server command: /we cui [15:01:51] Ic3berg issued server command: /кез [15:01:51] ggwin зашёл [15:01:52] [G] TweeL1e: !авторитет [15:01:53] ggwin issued server command: /we cui [15:01:54] Ribka issued server command: /rtp [15:01:56] FlipSize issued server command: /vanish [15:01:56] Akatsukioff зашёл [15:01:58] TOGA issued server command: /rtp [15:01:59] BJlaTnou issued server command: /rtp [15:02:01] Romanuch зашёл [15:02:02] TurboLastGame issued server command: /rtp [15:02:03] TurboLastGame issued server command: /rtp [15:02:04] BJlaTnou issued server command: /warp world [15:02:05] Ribka issued server command: /vampizda [15:02:05] Romanuch issued server command: /we cui [15:02:06] BJlaTnou issued server command: /we cui [15:02:06] PashaBis issued server command: /warp list [15:02:06] TOGA issued server command: /fly [15:02:06] flesziip issued server command: /warp world [15:02:07] Ic3berg issued server command: /kit start [15:02:08] PashaBis issued server command: /warp shop [15:02:08] flesziip issued server command: /we cui [15:02:09] BJlaTnou issued server command: /rtp [15:02:11] [L] Suyumi: хай романуч [15:02:11] [L] Clockwise_Op: УРА? [15:02:14] LeroySabo issued server command: //chunk [15:02:14] LeroySabo issued server command: //outset 16 [15:02:14] LeroySabo issued server command: /zone [15:02:14] [L] Ic3berg: ку [15:02:15] TOGA issued server command: /god [15:02:15] Clockwise_Op issued server command: /kit [15:02:16] TweeL1e issued server command: /warp world [15:02:16] TweeL1e issued server command: /we cui [15:02:19] LeroySabo issued server command: /rg claim MoreMore [15:02:19] Akatsukioff issued server command: /we cui [15:02:19] TweeL1e issued server command: /rtp [15:02:19] FilyWay issued server command: /rtp [15:02:19] G0KO issued server command: /rtp [15:02:20] Clockwise_Op issued server command: /fly [15:02:20] Ic3berg issued server command: /kit rat [15:02:21] FreakFromThePub issued server command: /warp world [15:02:21] [L] Suyumi: рома хай [15:02:21] asdadn issued server command: /fly [15:02:22] [G] slaim01: !.wand [15:02:22] FreakFromThePub issued server command: /we cui [15:02:23] Ic3berg issued server command: /kit eat [15:02:24] [L] Romanuch: Привет [15:02:24] Ic3berg issued server command: /kit [15:02:24] flesziip issued server command: /rtp [15:02:24] TweeL1e issued server command: /fly [15:02:25] asdadn вышел [15:02:25] Ribka issued server command: //wand [15:02:26] G0KO issued server command: /rp [15:02:26] TweeL1e issued server command: /god [15:02:26] Clockwise_Op issued server command: /god [15:02:27] [L] Romanuch: как дела [15:02:28] [L] Suyumi: работяга [15:02:29] FreakFromThePub issued server command: /rtp [15:02:29] [L] SplaschGaming: . [15:02:30] TheMaxLC зашёл [15:02:30] [L] Suyumi: отлично [15:02:31] [L] Romanuch: угу [15:02:31] asdadn зашёл [15:02:31] [L] Suyumi: а у тебя как [15:02:33] asdadn issued server command: /we cui [15:02:34] BJlaTnou issued server command: /rtp [15:02:34] slaim01 issued server command: /voteday [15:02:34] Clockwise_Op issued server command: /kit [15:02:34] flesziip issued server command: //chunk [15:02:34] flesziip issued server command: //outset 16 [15:02:34] flesziip issued server command: /zone [15:02:35] FreakFromThePub issued server command: /rtp [15:02:36] asdadn issued server command: /fly [15:02:37] Ilayihoy issued server command: /yes [15:02:37] BJlaTnou issued server command: /yes [15:02:38] SimpleBoi issued server command: /yes [15:02:38] [L] Romanuch: тоже норм [15:02:38] Clockwise_Op issued server command: /kit Novice [15:02:39] G0KO issued server command: /warp world [15:02:41] flesziip issued server command: /rg claim BlackSun_centre [15:02:41] G0KO issued server command: /we cui [15:02:41] TheMaxLC issued server command: /we cui [15:02:41] TweeL1e issued server command: /rtp [15:02:42] LeroySabo issued server command: //sel [15:02:43] G0KO issued server command: /rtp [15:02:43] TurboLastGame issued server command: /yes [15:02:43] [L] Suyumi: в какой тиме [15:02:44] [L] Suyumi: выживаеш [15:02:45] [L] Romanuch: щас буду играть [15:02:45] Vehitsel issued server command: /warp world [15:02:46] [L] Dydre: ща [15:02:47] Vehitsel issued server command: /we cui [15:02:48] diplomat_ зашёл [15:02:49] flesziip issued server command: /rg i [15:02:50] [L] Dydre: я делаю [15:02:50] FROST2137 issued server command: /rtp [15:02:50] SplaschGaming issued server command: /warp [15:02:52] diplomat_ issued server command: /we cui [15:02:53] SplaschGaming issued server command: /warp list [15:02:55] [L] Ic3berg: я на серве [15:02:55] [L] Dydre: пока ищи место хаты [15:02:57] SplaschGaming issued server command: /warp world [15:02:57] Ic3berg issued server command: /rtp [15:02:57] [L] Romanuch: я собрал свою тиму [15:02:59] ordo001 зашёл [15:02:59] SplaschGaming issued server command: /we cui [15:03:01] Clockwise_Op issued server command: /home [15:03:03] [L] Romanuch: меня никто не взял [15:03:03] Akatsukioff issued server command: /kit start [15:03:03] Suyumi issued server command: /report Clockwise_Op [15:03:05] Clockwise_Op issued server command: /warp world [15:03:06] Clockwise_Op issued server command: /we cui [15:03:06] ordo001 issued server command: /we cui [15:03:07] SplaschGaming issued server command: /rtp [15:03:08] ggwin issued server command: /m FreakFromThePub какими судьбаами сюда? [15:03:08] Ic3berg issued server command: /warp world [15:03:10] Clockwise_Op issued server command: /rtp [15:03:10] Ic3berg issued server command: /we cui [15:03:12] FilyWay issued server command: /world [15:03:12] Clockwise_Op issued server command: /fly [15:03:12] Ic3berg issued server command: /rtp [15:03:14] Akatsukioff issued server command: /warp world [15:03:14] TOGA issued server command: /rtp [15:03:15] FreakFromThePub issued server command: /r залетать будем [15:03:15] diplomat_ issued server command: /rtp [15:03:16] TheMaxLC issued server command: /warp world [15:03:16] FilyWay issued server command: /rtp [15:03:17] Akatsukioff issued server command: /we cui [15:03:17] FreakFromThePub issued server command: /rtp [15:03:18] TheMaxLC issued server command: /we cui [15:03:18] diplomat_ issued server command: /warp world [15:03:19] FilyWay issued server command: /rtp [15:03:20] TheMaxLC issued server command: /rtp [15:03:20] diplomat_ issued server command: /we cui [15:03:20] Ribka issued server command: /sethome [15:03:21] FlipSize issued server command: /whois Clockwise_Op [15:03:21] LeroySabo issued server command: /kits [15:03:21] diplomat_ issued server command: /rtp [15:03:21] Ic3berg issued server command: /rtp [15:03:22] Romanuch issued server command: /warp world [15:03:23] Romanuch issued server command: /we cui [15:03:24] Ic3berg issued server command: /warp shop [15:03:25] FROST2137 issued server command: /warp world [15:03:25] Ic3berg issued server command: /we cui [15:03:26] LeroySabo issued server command: /kit start [15:03:26] FlipSize issued server command: /list [15:03:29] FROST2137 issued server command: /we cui [15:03:30] FilyWay issued server command: /warp world [15:03:31] FilyWay issued server command: /we cui [15:03:32] Akatsukioff issued server command: /rtp [15:03:33] FlipSize issued server command: /screenall [15:03:33] ggwin issued server command: /r c TweeL1e ? [15:03:34] Romanuch issued server command: /rtp [15:03:35] Bomw зашёл [15:03:36] FROST2137 issued server command: /rtp [15:03:37] FreakFromThePub issued server command: /r нас 4 [15:03:39] FreakFromThePub issued server command: /rtp [15:03:41] Romanuch issued server command: /gly [15:03:44] FilyWay issued server command: /kit [15:03:44] diplomat_ issued server command: /rtp [15:03:46] Romanuch issued server command: /fly [15:03:46] FROST2137 issued server command: /rtp [15:03:49] Bomw issued server command: /we cui [15:03:49] Ic3berg issued server command: /warp world [15:03:50] Romanuch issued server command: /kit [15:03:50] FROST2137 issued server command: /rtp [15:03:51] Ilayihoy issued server command: /rtp [15:03:51] Ic3berg issued server command: /we cui [15:03:52] Suyumi issued server command: /call flesziip [15:03:52] Ic3berg issued server command: /rtp [15:03:54] ggwin issued server command: /r c TweeL1e тип с хайтека уходите? [15:03:54] flesziip issued server command: /tpaccept [15:03:55] FilyWay issued server command: /kit top [15:03:55] Clockwise_Op issued server command: /warp shop [15:03:56] Ic3berg issued server command: /rtp [15:03:56] Romanuch issued server command: /fly [15:03:57] Clockwise_Op issued server command: /we cui [15:03:57] Ic3berg issued server command: /rtp [15:03:57] Suyumi issued server command: /we cui [15:03:59] Romanuch issued server command: /fly [15:04:02] FreakFromThePub issued server command: /r ну мы там уже давно не играем) [15:04:04] diplomat_ issued server command: /rtp [15:04:06] TweeL1e issued server command: /rtp [15:04:06] Vehitsel issued server command: /rtp [15:04:09] FilyWay issued server command: /rtp [15:04:14] Bradman зашёл [15:04:16] Ribka issued server command: /rg claim krug [15:04:17] diplomat_ issued server command: /rtp [15:04:17] PashaBis issued server command: /m Vehitsel шо, играть тут будешь? [15:04:17] FROST2137 умер (ENTITY_ATTACK) [15:04:18] SimpleBoi issued server command: /tp SimpleBoi -1781 64 -2261 [15:04:22] ggwin issued server command: /r выж покупали у меня пеллеты недавно) [15:04:26] FROST2137 issued server command: /we cui [15:04:27] Vehitsel issued server command: /r да с друзьями порофлить чутка [15:04:28] Bradman issued server command: /we cui [15:04:28] FlipSize issued server command: /screen diplomat_ [15:04:29] Ribka issued server command: /delete home [15:04:30] FilyWay issued server command: /rtp [15:04:31] ggwin issued server command: /warp world [15:04:31] ggwin issued server command: /we cui [15:04:33] FlipSize issued server command: /warp world [15:04:33] FROST2137 issued server command: /warp world [15:04:34] FlipSize issued server command: /we cui [15:04:34] FreakFromThePub issued server command: /r ну так вам с эмами помогли) [15:04:35] ggwin issued server command: /rtp [15:04:35] Ribka issued server command: /remove home [15:04:36] TurboLastGame issued server command: /warp world [15:04:36] FreakFromThePub issued server command: /rtp [15:04:36] FROST2137 issued server command: /we cui [15:04:38] slaim01 issued server command: /rtp [15:04:39] TurboLastGame issued server command: /cart gui [15:04:39] PashaBis issued server command: /r Приват нужен? [15:04:40] LeroySabo issued server command: /rtp [15:04:40] Ribka issued server command: /sethome [15:04:42] FlipSize issued server command: /gm 1 [15:04:43] FreakFromThePub issued server command: /rtp [15:04:43] ggwin issued server command: /r понял) [15:04:43] TurboLastGame issued server command: /rtp [15:04:47] Clockwise_Op issued server command: /warp world [15:04:47] FROST2137 issued server command: /kit start [15:04:47] Bomw issued server command: /rtp [15:04:48] Clockwise_Op issued server command: /we cui [15:04:50] Clockwise_Op issued server command: /rtp [15:04:51] PashaBis issued server command: /mpcaseshop [15:04:51] SimpleBoi issued server command: /kit [15:04:51] Clockwise_Op issued server command: /fly [15:04:52] ggwin issued server command: /r пятый не нужен?) [15:04:52] Bomw issued server command: /warp world [15:04:54] PashaBis issued server command: /mpcaseview 6 [15:04:54] Bomw issued server command: /we cui [15:04:56] SimpleBoi issued server command: /kit top [15:04:56] Frunchesko зашёл [15:04:57] PashaBis issued server command: /mpcaseshop [15:04:57] Bradman issued server command: /Warp world [15:04:57] Pumple зашёл [15:04:58] G0KO вышел [15:04:58] asdadn issued server command: /warp world [15:04:59] Bomw issued server command: /rtp [15:04:59] Bradman issued server command: /we cui [15:04:59] SimpleBoi issued server command: /kit eat [15:05:00] asdadn issued server command: /we cui [15:05:00] PashaBis issued server command: /warp world [15:05:01] FreakFromThePub issued server command: /r Нужен! [15:05:02] TweeL1e issued server command: /rtp [15:05:02] PashaBis issued server command: /we cui [15:05:03] Bradman issued server command: /rtp [15:05:04] Vehitsel issued server command: /r всм? [15:05:04] G0KO зашёл [15:05:06] TweeL1e issued server command: /rtp [15:05:07] PashaBis issued server command: /rtp [15:05:07] asdadn issued server command: /fly [15:05:07] G0KO issued server command: /we cui [15:05:07] Pumple issued server command: /we cui [15:05:07] asdadn issued server command: /rtp [15:05:09] LeroySabo issued server command: /rtp [15:05:10] PashaBis issued server command: //chunk [15:05:10] PashaBis issued server command: //outset 16 [15:05:10] PashaBis issued server command: /zone [15:05:11] Frunchesko issued server command: /we cui [15:05:12] ggwin issued server command: /spawn [15:05:13] ggwin issued server command: /we cui [15:05:14] G0KO issued server command: /fly [15:05:16] PashaBis issued server command: //outset 32 [15:05:16] G0KO issued server command: /god [15:05:18] FreakFromThePub issued server command: /r а с рататуком что? [15:05:19] [G] Akatsukioff: !кто в дс [15:05:20] ggwin issued server command: /r вы по дс или как? [15:05:23] ordo001 issued server command: / [15:05:23] Bomw issued server command: /rtp [15:05:23] LeroySabo issued server command: /rtp [15:05:24] PashaBis issued server command: /rg define rr PashaBis [15:05:25] ggwin issued server command: /r сессия [15:05:26] FreakFromThePub issued server command: /r + [15:05:28] Ribka issued server command: /kit eat [15:05:28] PashaBis issued server command: /rg remove rr [15:05:32] ggwin issued server command: /r Declave#5957 [15:05:33] Ilayihoy issued server command: /rtp [15:05:35] Suyumi issued server command: /cart gui [15:05:41] ggwin issued server command: /kit [15:05:42] Bomw issued server command: /rtp [15:05:46] Bomw issued server command: /rtp [15:05:48] TurboLastGame issued server command: /rtp [15:05:48] slaim01 issued server command: /rtp [15:05:48] PashaBis issued server command: //sel [15:05:48] Bomw issued server command: /rtp [15:05:48] Clockwise_Op issued server command: /zset [15:05:50] ggwin issued server command: /kit top [15:05:51] LeroySabo issued server command: /rtp [15:05:54] TweeL1e issued server command: /rtp [15:05:59] Pumple issued server command: /warp world [15:06:00] Pumple issued server command: /we cui [15:06:01] FROST2137 issued server command: /tpa G0KO [15:06:03] Bomw issued server command: /cart gui [15:06:03] Pumple issued server command: /rtp [15:06:04] diplomat_ был кикнут [15:06:04] diplomat_ вышел [15:06:08] Bradman issued server command: /rtp [15:06:09] Ic3berg issued server command: /rtp [15:06:10] diplomat_ зашёл [15:06:11] diplomat_ issued server command: /we cui [15:06:15] Ribka issued server command: //sel [15:06:15] G0KO issued server command: /tpaccept [15:06:18] LeroySabo issued server command: /rtp [15:06:20] diplomat_ issued server command: /RTp [15:06:24] Pumple issued server command: /sethome [15:06:26] Clockwise_Op issued server command: /rtp [15:06:28] Pumple issued server command: /warp world [15:06:28] G0KO issued server command: /kit [15:06:31] LeroySabo issued server command: /rtp [15:06:33] G0KO issued server command: /kit SuperIhor [15:06:34] Suyumi issued server command: /report diplomat_ [15:06:34] LeroySabo issued server command: /home [15:06:34] Pumple issued server command: /home [15:06:36] LittleSvinka зашёл [15:06:36] ggwin issued server command: /r типы надёжные? [15:06:37] slaim01 issued server command: /rtp [15:06:37] LeroySabo issued server command: /mpcaseshop [15:06:39] G0KO issued server command: /kit SuperIchor [15:06:40] FilyWay issued server command: /rtp [15:06:41] LeroySabo issued server command: /warp mining [15:06:42] Bradman issued server command: /wand [15:06:42] Pumple issued server command: /warp world [15:06:42] LeroySabo issued server command: /we cui [15:06:44] FlipSize issued server command: /dtfhgytdfyghjhgvfdrfuyggvcghv [15:06:44] asdadn issued server command: //wand [15:06:44] FreakFromThePub умер (DROWNING) [15:06:45] LittleSvinka issued server command: /we cui [15:06:46] FlipSize issued server command: /vanish [15:06:48] TOGA issued server command: /rtp [15:06:48] FlipSize issued server command: /vanish [15:06:49] slaim01 issued server command: /rtp [15:06:52] G0KO issued server command: /rtp [15:06:53] FlipSize issued server command: /tp diplomat_ [15:06:53] asdadn issued server command: //expand 20 u [15:06:55] Pumple issued server command: /home [15:06:55] FreakFromThePub issued server command: /we cui [15:06:56] asdadn issued server command: /rg claim tot [15:06:56] Suyumi issued server command: /mpcaseshop [15:06:58] Suyumi issued server command: /mpcaseview 5 [15:06:59] Suyumi issued server command: /rollcase 5 [15:06:59] FlipSize issued server command: /screen diplomat_ [15:07:02] FlipSize issued server command: /whois diplomat_ [15:07:03] FilyWay issued server command: /rtp [15:07:05] Ilayihoy issued server command: /rtp [15:07:05] diplomat_ был кикнут [15:07:05] diplomat_ вышел [15:07:09] FreakFromThePub issued server command: /rtp [15:07:11] diplomat_ зашёл [15:07:12] Suyumi issued server command: /mpcaseview 5 [15:07:12] diplomat_ issued server command: /we cui [15:07:13] FreakFromThePub issued server command: /warp world [15:07:14] Suyumi issued server command: /mpcaseshop [15:07:14] [G] Akatsukioff: !кто в дс [15:07:14] diplomat_ был кикнут [15:07:14] diplomat_ вышел [15:07:14] Suyumi issued server command: /mpcaseview 5 [15:07:15] FreakFromThePub issued server command: /we cui [15:07:15] Suyumi issued server command: /rollcase 5 [15:07:17] slaim01 issued server command: /mpcaseshop [15:07:18] FlipSize issued server command: /ban diplomat_ 2.3 [15:07:19] diplomat_ зашёл [15:07:20] diplomat_ issued server command: /we cui [15:07:20] [G] Akatsukioff: !кто в дс [15:07:24] Akatsukioff issued server command: /rtp [15:07:24] [G] asdadn: !флип [15:07:27] Suyumi issued server command: /mpcaseview 5 [15:07:28] diplomat_ issued server command: /rtp [15:07:29] FlipSize issued server command: /kick diplomat_ -s [15:07:29] diplomat_ был кикнут [15:07:29] diplomat_ вышел [15:07:32] TurboLastGame issued server command: //wand [15:07:33] SplaschGaming issued server command: /kit [15:07:36] FilyWay issued server command: /rtp [15:07:36] SplaschGaming issued server command: /rtp [15:07:36] FlipSize issued server command: /seen diplomat_ [15:07:38] Dydre issued server command: /info 2.3 [15:07:39] Vehitsel issued server command: /kit [15:07:45] Ic3berg issued server command: /mpcaseshop [15:07:46] slaim01 issued server command: /rtp [15:07:48] LittleSvinka issued server command: /kits [15:07:49] Ic3berg issued server command: /mpcaseview 5 [15:07:49] slaim01 issued server command: /rtp [15:07:50] G0KO issued server command: /kit [15:07:50] asdadn issued server command: /rtp [15:07:53] LittleSvinka issued server command: /rtp [15:07:54] Ic3berg issued server command: /mpcaseshop [15:07:55] LittleSvinka issued server command: /warp world [15:07:55] Bomw вышел [15:07:56] LittleSvinka issued server command: /we cui [15:07:56] Bradman issued server command: //expand 50 up [15:07:59] LittleSvinka issued server command: /rtp [15:08:01] TOGA issued server command: /rtp [15:08:02] Bomw зашёл [15:08:03] Pumple issued server command: /fly [15:08:03] Bomw issued server command: /we cui [15:08:03] TurboLastGame issued server command: //expand 2 [15:08:05] iamfriendly зашёл [15:08:06] SplaschGaming issued server command: /tell asdadn ну и как тебе крафтики? [15:08:06] Bradman issued server command: //expand 70 down [15:08:06] TurboLastGame issued server command: //expand 2 [15:08:07] Bomw issued server command: /fly [15:08:07] ggwin issued server command: /call FreakFromThePub [15:08:09] FilyWay issued server command: /rtp [15:08:11] FlipSize issued server command: /dupeip diplomat_ [15:08:11] FreakFromThePub issued server command: /rtp [15:08:11] TurboLastGame issued server command: //expand 2 [15:08:13] Bradman issued server command: /rg calim zyd [15:08:14] TurboLastGame issued server command: //expand 2 [15:08:15] Meednait зашёл [15:08:17] Suyumi issued server command: /cart gui [15:08:17] TurboLastGame issued server command: /rg claim konor [15:08:18] G0KO issued server command: /kit top [15:08:20] Frunchesko issued server command: /rtp [15:08:21] Bradman issued server command: /rg claim zyd [15:08:22] iamfriendly issued server command: /we cui [15:08:26] TweeL1e issued server command: /rtp [15:08:28] FlipSize issued server command: /banip diplomat_ 2.3 [15:08:28] Bomw issued server command: /rtp [15:08:30] FlipSize issued server command: /inf 2.3 [15:08:37] Meednait issued server command: /we cui [15:08:37] FreakFromThePub issued server command: /rtp [15:08:39] Romanuch issued server command: /u есть инфа о спавнерах?) [15:08:41] Pumple issued server command: /fly [15:08:42] Pumple issued server command: /fly [15:08:43] ggwin issued server command: /warp world [15:08:43] Vehitsel issued server command: /kit [15:08:44] ggwin issued server command: /we cui [15:08:44] Vehitsel issued server command: /r всм? [15:08:44] Clockwise_Op issued server command: /rtp [15:08:44] G0KO issued server command: /kit Exstratools [15:08:45] ggwin issued server command: /rtp [15:08:46] TurboLastGame issued server command: /rtp [15:08:46] Pumple issued server command: /rtp [15:08:47] G0KO issued server command: /kit Exstratols [15:08:48] Vehitsel issued server command: /r ой мисклик [15:08:50] Vehitsel issued server command: /rtp [15:08:53] Romanuch issued server command: //chunk [15:08:53] Romanuch issued server command: //outset 16 [15:08:53] Romanuch issued server command: /zone [15:08:55] TurboLastGame вышел [15:08:55] slaim01 issued server command: /ender [15:08:55] Bradman issued server command: /sell [15:08:55] Bradman issued server command: /sel [15:08:55] PashaBis issued server command: /rtp [15:08:56] asdadn issued server command: /mpcaseshop [15:08:57] Bradman issued server command: //sel [15:08:58] asdadn issued server command: /mpcaseview 1 [15:08:59] asdadn issued server command: /mpcaseshop [15:09:00] asdadn issued server command: /mpcaseview 2 [15:09:00] Romanuch issued server command: /rg claim witch [15:09:00] G0KO issued server command: /kit extrarools [15:09:01] asdadn issued server command: /mpcaseshop [15:09:01] asdadn issued server command: /mpcaseview 5 [15:09:01] SplaschGaming issued server command: /r спавнер вроде есть [15:09:02] asdadn issued server command: /mpcaseshop [15:09:03] asdadn issued server command: /mpcaseview 8 [15:09:03] FlipSize issued server command: /banhwid diplomat_ net.internet_explorer.Handler.exite_code_5 [15:09:04] asdadn issued server command: /mpcaseshop [15:09:04] G0KO issued server command: /kit Extrarools [15:09:05] asdadn issued server command: /mpcaseview 7 [15:09:06] asdadn issued server command: /mpcaseshop [15:09:06] asdadn issued server command: /mpcaseview 6 [15:09:08] FreakFromThePub issued server command: /rtp TweeL1e [15:09:08] asdadn issued server command: /mpcaseshop [15:09:09] asdadn issued server command: /mpcaseview 9 [15:09:09] asdadn issued server command: /mpcaseshop [15:09:10] iamfriendly issued server command: /kit [15:09:11] G0KO issued server command: /kit Extratools [15:09:12] FlipSize issued server command: /u неа, мне ничего не говорили( [15:09:12] iamfriendly issued server command: /kit start [15:09:16] Romanuch issued server command: //wand [15:09:16] Frunchesko issued server command: /spawn [15:09:16] FreakFromThePub issued server command: /tpa TweeL1e [15:09:16] TheMaxLC issued server command: //set [15:09:17] iamfriendly issued server command: /kit eat [15:09:20] TheMaxLC issued server command: //wand [15:09:20] iamfriendly issued server command: /kit hunter [15:09:21] Ic3berg issued server command: /rtp [15:09:22] [L] FlipSize: .дшые [15:09:22] LittleSvinka issued server command: /rtp [15:09:23] Frunchesko issued server command: /warp world [15:09:24] FlipSize issued server command: /list [15:09:25] Frunchesko issued server command: /we cui [15:09:26] Vehitsel issued server command: /rtp [15:09:26] slaim01 issued server command: /rtp [15:09:27] Frunchesko issued server command: /rtp [15:09:29] Romanuch issued server command: //pos2 [15:09:30] TweeL1e issued server command: /tpaccept [15:09:32] Romanuch issued server command: /rg claim witch [15:09:34] Romanuch issued server command: //sel [15:09:37] LeroySabo issued server command: /home [15:09:38] LeroySabo issued server command: /we cui [15:09:47] FlipSize issued server command: /screenall [15:09:47] Ic3berg issued server command: /sethome [15:09:50] TheMaxLC issued server command: /rg claim 123 [15:09:54] TheMaxLC issued server command: //sel [15:09:57] Krantzg зашёл [15:10:10] FilyWay issued server command: /call TweeL1e [15:10:11] TweeL1e issued server command: /zwand [15:10:14] asdadn issued server command: /ec [15:10:14] [L] FROST2137: h [15:10:14] TweeL1e issued server command: /tpaccept [15:10:19] FROST2137 вышел [15:10:21] Meednait issued server command: /money [15:10:21] FreakFromThePub issued server command: /tpaccept [15:10:21] TweeL1e issued server command: //chunk [15:10:21] TweeL1e issued server command: //outset 16 [15:10:21] TweeL1e issued server command: /zone [15:10:23] Ic3berg issued server command: //wand [15:10:24] Krantzg issued server command: /we cui [15:10:26] Ic3berg issued server command: //wand [15:10:27] LeroySabo issued server command: /rg flag Moremore1 pvp deny [15:10:27] ivanneronov159 зашёл [15:10:28] Vehitsel issued server command: /rtp [15:10:32] Meednait issued server command: /cart gui [15:10:33] FROST2137 зашёл [15:10:34] TweeL1e issued server command: /rg claim tweel1e [15:10:38] Ic3berg issued server command: /rg claim g1 [15:10:38] FROST2137 issued server command: /we cui [15:10:40] FlipSize issued server command: /warp world [15:10:40] ggwin issued server command: /call FreakFromThePub [15:10:40] TOGA issued server command: //wand [15:10:41] FlipSize issued server command: /gm 1 [15:10:43] FreakFromThePub issued server command: /tpaccpe [15:10:43] TweeL1e issued server command: /rg addmember tweel1e FilyWay [15:10:47] TweeL1e issued server command: /rg addmember tweel1e FreakFromThePub [15:10:47] FreakFromThePub issued server command: /tpaccept [15:10:47] FlipSize вышел [15:10:51] [L] FROST2137: d [15:10:52] LeroySabo issued server command: /rtp [15:10:53] TOGA issued server command: //wand [15:10:54] FlipSize зашёл [15:10:56] FROST2137 issued server command: /god [15:10:56] TweeL1e issued server command: /rg addmember tweel1e ggwin [15:10:59] ivanneronov159 issued server command: /we cui [15:10:59] FlipSize issued server command: /we cui [15:11:01] TurboLastGame зашёл [15:11:01] iamfriendly issued server command: /warp [15:11:02] FROST2137 issued server command: /fly [15:11:03] TurboLastGame issued server command: /we cui [15:11:05] iamfriendly issued server command: /warp list [15:11:07] TurboLastGame issued server command: /fly [15:11:11] iamfriendly issued server command: /warp world [15:11:12] [G] FlipSize: !7 [15:11:13] iamfriendly issued server command: /we cui [15:11:14] Romanuch issued server command: //chunk [15:11:14] Romanuch issued server command: //outset 16 [15:11:14] Romanuch issued server command: /zone [15:11:15] TweeL1e issued server command: //chunk [15:11:15] TweeL1e issued server command: //outset 16 [15:11:15] TweeL1e issued server command: /zone [15:11:15] [G] FlipSize: !? [15:11:16] [G] Romanuch: ! q [15:11:16] FROST2137 issued server command: /rtp [15:11:19] FlipSize issued server command: /vanish [15:11:20] [G] FlipSize: !q [15:11:22] [G] Akatsukioff: !ку [15:11:24] [G] LeroySabo: !Привет, Рома [15:11:26] Ic3berg issued server command: /rtp [15:11:27] TweeL1e issued server command: /rg claim tweel1e1 [15:11:27] [G] Ilayihoy: !q [15:11:28] ivanneronov159 issued server command: /кез [15:11:29] [G] PashaBis: ! Кто приютит? [15:11:29] Ilayihoy issued server command: /rtp [15:11:30] Krantzg вышел [15:11:30] G0KO issued server command: /rtp [15:11:31] TweeL1e issued server command: /rg claim tweel1e1 FilyWay [15:11:37] Bradman issued server command: /kit [15:11:37] LittleSvinka issued server command: //wand [15:11:38] ggwin issued server command: /rg s [15:11:39] Bradman issued server command: /kit wat [15:11:40] [G] SplaschGaming: !когда вайп? [15:11:40] TOGA issued server command: /rg claim visp [15:11:41] [G] Romanuch: ! Привет, Ян [15:11:42] Bradman issued server command: /kit eat [15:11:47] [G] Dydre: !гений [15:11:48] KotAgresor зашёл [15:11:48] Meednait issued server command: /m FlipSize привет, 3 квантовые панели из кейсов можете вернуть? [15:11:48] TweeL1e issued server command: /rg addmember tweel1e1 ggwin [15:11:52] TweeL1e issued server command: /rg addmember tweel1e1 FilyWay [15:11:53] TurboLastGame issued server command: /sethome [15:11:53] Bomw issued server command: /rtp [15:11:56] Meednait issued server command: /m FlipSize привет, 3 квантовые панели из кейсов можете вернуть? [15:11:57] TurboLastGame issued server command: /home invite Bomw [15:11:58] [G] Akatsukioff: !+ [15:11:58] LittleSvinka issued server command: //expand 20 up [15:11:58] FlipSize issued server command: /clan invite flesziip [15:12:00] flesziip issued server command: /clan accept FlipSize [15:12:01] LittleSvinka issued server command: //expand 30 d [15:12:01] BJlaTnou issued server command: /rtp [15:12:04] Beerl зашёл [15:12:04] Romanuch issued server command: //pos1 [15:12:04] KotAgresor issued server command: /we cui [15:12:08] iamfriendly issued server command: /warp world [15:12:08] [L] ivanneronov159: .кез [15:12:09] [G] Meednait: ! FlipSize привет, 3 квантовые панели из кейсов можете вернуть? [15:12:14] iamfriendly issued server command: /rtp [15:12:14] LittleSvinka issued server command: /rg claim sobaka [15:12:14] TOGA issued server command: //sel [15:12:14] [L] ivanneronov159: .rtp [15:12:15] TweeL1e issued server command: /rg addmember tweel1e1 FreakFromThePub [15:12:17] Clockwise_Op issued server command: /rtp [15:12:18] Beerl issued server command: /we cui [15:12:22] LittleSvinka issued server command: //sel [15:12:23] Bomw issued server command: /call TurboLastGame [15:12:23] TweeL1e issued server command: //chunk [15:12:23] TweeL1e issued server command: //outset 16 [15:12:23] TweeL1e issued server command: /zone [15:12:25] [G] Akatsukioff: !и мне мои 2 [15:12:25] LittleSvinka issued server command: /sethome [15:12:29] [G] FlipSize: !Конечно, отпиши в дс. FlipSize#6314 [15:12:30] Clockwise_Op issued server command: /rtp [15:12:31] Bomw issued server command: /home TurboLastGame [15:12:33] TheMaxLC issued server command: /kit eat [15:12:35] ggwin issued server command: /warplist [15:12:35] LeroySabo issued server command: /rtp [15:12:36] TurboLastGame issued server command: /kit [15:12:37] ggwin issued server command: /warp list [15:12:41] TurboLastGame issued server command: /kit novice [15:12:45] TweeL1e issued server command: /rg claim tweel1e2 [15:12:45] ggwin issued server command: /sethome [15:12:46] iamfriendly issued server command: /rtp [15:12:46] Romanuch issued server command: //pos2 [15:12:51] Suyumi issued server command: /mpcaseshop [15:12:52] Ic3berg issued server command: /rg claim home [15:12:52] SplaschGaming issued server command: /tell asdadn я сундуки ищу в маг лесу [15:12:52] Suyumi issued server command: /mpcaseview 5 [15:12:53] Suyumi issued server command: /rollcase 5 [15:12:55] FreakFromThePub issued server command: /warp shop [15:12:55] ggwin issued server command: /warp sop [15:12:57] Zanda зашёл [15:12:57] FreakFromThePub issued server command: /we cui [15:12:57] iamfriendly issued server command: /sethome [15:12:57] ggwin issued server command: /warp shop [15:12:59] ggwin issued server command: /we cui [15:12:59] Bomw issued server command: /kit start [15:12:59] TweeL1e issued server command: /rg claim tweel1e2 FilyWay [15:13:02] EvgenPvP зашёл [15:13:02] [L] TurboLastGame: ./kit novice [15:13:03] iamfriendly issued server command: /home [15:13:06] iamfriendly issued server command: /warp world [15:13:06] TurboLastGame issued server command: /tpaccept [15:13:06] SplaschGaming issued server command: /r угу [15:13:07] PashaBis issued server command: /list [15:13:08] Zik4 зашёл [15:13:08] Zanda issued server command: /we cui [15:13:09] iamfriendly issued server command: /spawn [15:13:09] [L] TurboLastGame: ./kit novice [15:13:10] iamfriendly issued server command: /we cui [15:13:11] LeroySabo issued server command: /rtp [15:13:12] Romanuch issued server command: //pos1 [15:13:13] [L] flesziip: .кп ш [15:13:14] flesziip issued server command: /rgi [15:13:15] flesziip issued server command: /rg i [15:13:17] Romanuch issued server command: //pos1 [15:13:17] Zik4 issued server command: /we cui [15:13:19] FreakFromThePub issued server command: /warp shop [15:13:20] EvgenPvP issued server command: /we cui [15:13:24] Romanuch issued server command: /rg claim romanuch [15:13:24] TweeL1e issued server command: /rg addmember tweel1e2 FilyWay [15:13:26] iamfriendly issued server command: /home [15:13:27] iamfriendly issued server command: /we cui [15:13:28] TweeL1e issued server command: /rg addmember tweel1e2 ggwin [15:13:28] Romanuch issued server command: //sel [15:13:28] Suyumi issued server command: /mpcaseshop [15:13:28] LeroySabo issued server command: /rtp [15:13:29] Suyumi issued server command: /mpcaseview 2 [15:13:30] Suyumi issued server command: /mpcaseshop [15:13:30] BJlaTnou умер (ENTITY_ATTACK) [15:13:31] TweeL1e issued server command: /rg addmember tweel1e2 FreakFromThePub [15:13:32] flesziip issued server command: /rg addmember blacksun_centre Suyumi [15:13:32] LittleSvinka issued server command: /kits [15:13:32] Suyumi issued server command: /mpcaseview 8 [15:13:33] Suyumi issued server command: /mpcaseshop [15:13:33] [G] Beerl: !qq all [15:13:34] BJlaTnou issued server command: /we cui [15:13:34] Suyumi issued server command: /mpcaseview 7 [15:13:34] LittleSvinka issued server command: /kit start [15:13:34] KotAgresor issued server command: /rtp [15:13:35] Suyumi issued server command: /mpcaseshop [15:13:35] Suyumi issued server command: /mpcaseview 6 [15:13:36] FilyWay issued server command: /warp shop [15:13:36] LeroySabo issued server command: /rtp [15:13:36] Romanuch issued server command: /sethome [15:13:37] Suyumi issued server command: /mpcaseshop [15:13:37] Pumple issued server command: /home Romanuch [15:13:38] slaim01 issued server command: /voteday [15:13:38] FilyWay issued server command: /we cui [15:13:39] TweeL1e issued server command: //chunk [15:13:39] TweeL1e issued server command: //outset 16 [15:13:39] TweeL1e issued server command: /zone [15:13:39] Akatsukioff issued server command: /m dydre в дс го? [15:13:40] asdadn issued server command: /yes [15:13:40] Pumple issued server command: /home Romanuch [15:13:41] Pumple issued server command: /yes [15:13:42] KotAgresor issued server command: /warp world [15:13:42] Ribka issued server command: /yes [15:13:42] Ribka issued server command: /yes [15:13:42] Beerl issued server command: /no [15:13:43] Romanuch issued server command: /home invite Pumple [15:13:43] [G] BJlaTnou: !Прикольно.. невидимка убил [15:13:43] KotAgresor issued server command: /we cui [15:13:44] TheMaxLC issued server command: /rg i 123 [15:13:44] LeroySabo issued server command: /home [15:13:44] Pumple issued server command: /home Romanuch [15:13:45] Ilayihoy issued server command: /yes [15:13:45] Suyumi issued server command: /RG I [15:13:45] iamfriendly issued server command: /yes [15:13:46] TweeL1e issued server command: /rg claim tweel1e3 [15:13:47] KotAgresor issued server command: /rtp [15:13:47] [G] BJlaTnou: !Мне уже тут нравится [15:13:48] Romanuch issued server command: /home invite Zanda [15:13:49] TurboLastGame issued server command: /yes [15:13:50] LittleSvinka issued server command: /yes [15:13:50] FROST2137 issued server command: /yes [15:13:51] LeroySabo вышел [15:13:51] [G] Beerl: !Когда был вайп [15:13:53] TOGA issued server command: /enderchest [15:13:53] SplaschGaming issued server command: /tell asdadn кста крафт ядра не такой и сложный [15:13:55] LeroySabo зашёл [15:13:55] TweeL1e issued server command: /rg addmember tweel1e3 FreakFromThePub [15:13:56] LeroySabo issued server command: /we cui [15:13:57] ivanneronov159 issued server command: /rtp [15:13:59] LeroySabo issued server command: /kits [15:13:59] TweeL1e issued server command: /rg addmember tweel1e3 FilyWay [15:14:02] iamfriendly issued server command: /warp mining [15:14:02] ivanneronov159 issued server command: /warp [15:14:03] TweeL1e issued server command: /rg addmember tweel1e3 ggwin\ [15:14:03] SplaschGaming issued server command: /r он вроде не такой большой [15:14:03] BJlaTnou issued server command: /rtp [15:14:03] iamfriendly issued server command: /we cui [15:14:05] ivanneronov159 issued server command: /warp list [15:14:07] TweeL1e issued server command: /rg addmember tweel1e3 ggwin [15:14:07] FreakFromThePub issued server command: /warp shop [15:14:07] Romanuch issued server command: /rg addmember romanuch Pumple [15:14:07] LeroySabo issued server command: /kit novice [15:14:08] BJlaTnou issued server command: /warp world [15:14:08] iamfriendly issued server command: /rtp [15:14:09] BJlaTnou issued server command: /we cui [15:14:09] Zanda issued server command: /mpcaseshop [15:14:10] [G] Beerl: ! А Алиса не робит получается [15:14:10] G0KO issued server command: /rtp [15:14:10] Zanda issued server command: /mpcaseview 1 [15:14:11] Clockwise_Op issued server command: /rtp [15:14:11] Zanda issued server command: /rollcase 1 [15:14:13] Zanda issued server command: /mpcaseshop [15:14:13] Suyumi issued server command: /rg s [15:14:14] Zanda issued server command: /mpcaseview 1 [15:14:14] BJlaTnou issued server command: /rtp [15:14:14] Zanda issued server command: /rollcase 1 [15:14:15] Bomw issued server command: /kit [15:14:15] iamfriendly issued server command: /rtp [15:14:15] Zanda issued server command: /mpcaseshop [15:14:16] [G] FlipSize: !Вайп был 14 минут назад [15:14:16] Zanda issued server command: /mpcaseview 1 [15:14:17] [G] ggwin: !Фрагменты на фулл изучение таума тут есть? [15:14:17] Zanda issued server command: /rollcase 1 [15:14:17] Meednait issued server command: /rtp [15:14:18] Zanda issued server command: /mpcaseshop [15:14:19] Zanda issued server command: /mpcaseview 1 [15:14:19] Zanda issued server command: /rollcase 1 [15:14:20] Zanda issued server command: /mpcaseshop [15:14:21] Zanda issued server command: /mpcaseview 1 [15:14:22] ivanneronov159 issued server command: /warp portal [15:14:22] [G] Beerl: !Да я в теме [15:14:22] TOGA issued server command: /enderchest [15:14:22] Zanda issued server command: /rollcase 1 [15:14:22] Fantasy404 зашёл [15:14:22] Bomw issued server command: /kit novice [15:14:24] Meednait issued server command: /world [15:14:26] Zanda issued server command: /mpcaseshop [15:14:27] Pumple issued server command: /rtp [15:14:27] Zanda issued server command: /mpcaseview 1 [15:14:27] Zanda issued server command: /rollcase 1 [15:14:28] Zanda issued server command: /mpcaseshop [15:14:29] Zanda issued server command: /mpcaseview 1 [15:14:30] FreakFromThePub issued server command: /kit novice [15:14:30] TweeL1e issued server command: //chunk [15:14:30] TweeL1e issued server command: //outset 16 [15:14:30] TweeL1e issued server command: /zone [15:14:31] SplaschGaming issued server command: /r там крафт вроде не меняли [15:14:32] Bradman issued server command: /rtp [15:14:33] FreakFromThePub issued server command: /kits [15:14:35] Zanda вышел [15:14:35] Meednait issued server command: /warp world [15:14:35] [G] Beerl: !Мы тестить пришли) [15:14:36] [G] Akatsukioff: !ggwin Го в дс [15:14:37] Meednait issued server command: /we cui [15:14:38] ivanneronov159 issued server command: /we cui [15:14:39] [G] FlipSize: ! ggwin вроде тут таких нет [15:14:39] [G] EvgenPvP: ! флип за что прошлый дом сетнул [15:14:41] TweeL1e issued server command: /rg claim tweel1e4 [15:14:42] Fantasy404 issued server command: /we cui [15:14:44] [G] Beerl: !Что нас ждёт через неделю [15:14:45] G0KO issued server command: /warp world [15:14:46] [G] FlipSize: ! EvgenPvP не понравился он мне [15:14:47] slaim01 issued server command: /rtp [15:14:48] Meednait issued server command: /rtp [15:14:49] TweeL1e issued server command: /rg addmember tweel1e4 ggwin [15:14:49] Romanuch issued server command: /kit [15:14:52] TweeL1e issued server command: /rg addmember tweel1e4 FreakFromThePub [15:14:53] Clockwise_Op issued server command: //set [15:14:53] [G] EvgenPvP: ! красивый был [15:14:54] ivanneronov159 issued server command: /rtp [15:14:56] ivanneronov159 issued server command: /rtp [15:14:56] Krantzg зашёл [15:14:57] TweeL1e issued server command: /rg addmember tweel1e4 FilyWay [15:14:57] [G] LeroySabo: !Квартирный вопрос пришел к вам [15:14:57] ivanneronov159 issued server command: /rtp [15:14:58] Ilayihoy issued server command: /spawn [15:14:58] Clockwise_Op issued server command: /wand [15:14:59] ivanneronov159 issued server command: /rtp [15:15:00] Ilayihoy issued server command: /we cui [15:15:00] coffe_lite2 зашёл [15:15:01] Romanuch issued server command: /kit thaum [15:15:02] Clockwise_Op issued server command: //wand [15:15:05] Pumple issued server command: /rtp [15:15:06] BJlaTnou issued server command: /rtp [15:15:06] Krantzg issued server command: /we cui [15:15:09] [G] LeroySabo: !О я новенький [15:15:09] FilyWay issued server command: /mpcaseshop [15:15:11] Clockwise_Op issued server command: //wand [15:15:13] TweeL1e issued server command: //chunk [15:15:13] TweeL1e issued server command: //outset 16 [15:15:13] TweeL1e issued server command: /zone [15:15:14] SplaschGaming issued server command: /r стойкий трутень [15:15:17] KotAgresor issued server command: /rt[ [15:15:18] FilyWay issued server command: /mpcaseview 1 [15:15:18] Krantzg issued server command: /call asdadn [15:15:18] KotAgresor issued server command: /rtp [15:15:19] TweeL1e issued server command: /rg claim tweel1e5 [15:15:19] FilyWay issued server command: /buycase 1 [15:15:20] Pumple issued server command: /rtp [15:15:21] Meednait issued server command: /rtp [15:15:22] [G] Bomw: !) [15:15:22] G0KO issued server command: /rtp [15:15:22] asdadn issued server command: /tpaccept [15:15:23] SplaschGaming issued server command: /r ну лан [15:15:24] Krantzg issued server command: /we cui [15:15:24] [L] Suyumi: . [15:15:25] LeroySabo issued server command: /rtp [15:15:26] Suyumi вышел [15:15:26] Pumple issued server command: /rtp [15:15:26] Fantasy404 issued server command: /mpcaseshop [15:15:27] Ic3berg issued server command: /rtp [15:15:28] Pumple issued server command: /rtp [15:15:28] TweeL1e issued server command: /rg addmember tweel1e5 FilyWay [15:15:30] Fantasy404 issued server command: /mpcaseview 1 [15:15:31] FilyWay issued server command: /mpcaseshop [15:15:32] TweeL1e issued server command: /rg addmember tweel1e5 FreakFromThePub [15:15:33] Bradman issued server command: /rtp [15:15:33] Suyumi зашёл [15:15:33] Fantasy404 issued server command: /mpcaseshop [15:15:33] Meednait issued server command: /fly [15:15:34] [G] PashaBis: ! Продам Vehitsel за стак дуба [15:15:35] [L] Vehitsel: хых [15:15:35] FilyWay issued server command: /mpcaseview 6 [15:15:35] [G] Akatsukioff: !m LeroySabo го в дс [15:15:35] Bomw issued server command: //chunk [15:15:35] Bomw issued server command: //outset 16 [15:15:35] Bomw issued server command: /zone [15:15:35] coffe_lite2 issued server command: /we cui [15:15:36] Suyumi issued server command: /we cui [15:15:36] TweeL1e issued server command: /rg addmember tweel1e5 ggwin [15:15:37] Fantasy404 issued server command: /mpcaseview 1 [15:15:39] Bomw issued server command: /rg claim remos [15:15:41] LeroySabo issued server command: /clan chat Опа [15:15:41] Bomw issued server command: /sethome [15:15:43] [G] Vehitsel: !Я ток за железо [15:15:43] [L] Suyumi: . [15:15:43] TweeL1e issued server command: //chunk [15:15:43] TweeL1e issued server command: //outset 16 [15:15:43] TweeL1e issued server command: /zone [15:15:44] Fantasy404 issued server command: /rtp [15:15:45] KotAgresor issued server command: /rtp [15:15:47] Krantzg issued server command: /kit eat [15:15:47] Romanuch issued server command: /rtp [15:15:48] TweeL1e issued server command: /rg claim tweel1e6 [15:15:48] Akatsukioff issued server command: /m LeroySabo го в дс [15:15:50] Bomw issued server command: /rg addmember remos TurboLastGame [15:15:50] Fantasy404 issued server command: /warp world [15:15:50] SplaschGaming issued server command: /r мне приватить теру под дом? [15:15:51] Krantzg issued server command: /fly [15:15:51] FilyWay issued server command: /mpcaseshop [15:15:52] Suyumi issued server command: /clan chat клан не удалился xd [15:15:53] [G] Clockwise_Op: !ребят, а скок приватов у новичка? [15:15:53] Fantasy404 issued server command: /we cui [15:15:55] FilyWay issued server command: /mpcaseview 9 [15:15:56] Fantasy404 issued server command: /rtp [15:15:57] TheMaxLC issued server command: /fly [15:15:58] TweeL1e issued server command: /rg addmember tweel1e6 ggwin [15:16:00] FilyWay issued server command: /mpcaseshop [15:16:00] LeroySabo issued server command: /clan chat та норм [15:16:00] PashaBis issued server command: /кез [15:16:01] FilyWay issued server command: /mpcaseview 8 [15:16:01] TweeL1e issued server command: /rg addmember tweel1e6 FreakFromThePub [15:16:02] SplaschGaming issued server command: /r ну я как раз там [15:16:02] PashaBis issued server command: /rtp [15:16:03] Clockwise_Op issued server command: //expand 50 up [15:16:05] TweeL1e issued server command: /rg addmember tweel1e6 FilyWay [15:16:06] TurboLastGame issued server command: /home [15:16:07] Clockwise_Op issued server command: //expand 50 down [15:16:07] FilyWay issued server command: /mpcaseshop [15:16:07] LeroySabo issued server command: /rtp [15:16:08] BJlaTnou issued server command: /kit [15:16:08] SplaschGaming issued server command: //wand [15:16:08] FilyWay issued server command: /mpcaseview 7 [15:16:09] Romanuch issued server command: /kit start [15:16:12] BJlaTnou issued server command: /kit start [15:16:13] Clockwise_Op issued server command: /rg claim Clockwise_Op [15:16:13] TurboLastGame issued server command: /sethome [15:16:13] ivanneronov159 issued server command: /rtp [15:16:14] SplaschGaming issued server command: //expand 50 [15:16:15] Ic3berg issued server command: /rtp [15:16:16] Fantasy404 issued server command: /rtp [15:16:17] SplaschGaming issued server command: //expand 50 [15:16:18] Bomw issued server command: //sel [15:16:20] FilyWay issued server command: /mpcaseshop [15:16:22] SplaschGaming issued server command: //expand 30 [15:16:22] LeroySabo issued server command: /rtp [15:16:23] FilyWay issued server command: /mpcaseview 5 [15:16:24] [G] BJlaTnou: !Как там новичка получить? [15:16:25] LeroySabo issued server command: /rtp [15:16:25] TweeL1e issued server command: //chunk [15:16:25] TweeL1e issued server command: //outset 16 [15:16:25] TweeL1e issued server command: /zone [15:16:25] SplaschGaming issued server command: //expand 10 [15:16:26] LeroySabo issued server command: /rtp [15:16:27] SplaschGaming issued server command: //expand 10 [15:16:29] Zanda зашёл [15:16:29] TweeL1e issued server command: /rg claim tweel1e7 [15:16:30] FilyWay issued server command: /mpcaseshop [15:16:33] SplaschGaming issued server command: //size [15:16:34] Fantasy404 issued server command: /rtp [15:16:34] [G] iamfriendly: ! Код нужен [15:16:35] G0KO issued server command: /rtp [15:16:35] FROST2137 issued server command: /tpa KotAgresor [15:16:35] Ilayihoy issued server command: /mpcaseshop [15:16:35] Ic3berg issued server command: /rtp [15:16:36] KotAgresor issued server command: /tpaccept [15:16:36] ggwin issued server command: /mpcaseshop [15:16:36] Ilayihoy issued server command: /mpcaseview 1 [15:16:37] [G] Clockwise_Op: !промокоды в дс [15:16:40] [G] iamfriendly: !кстати всем привет [15:16:40] SplaschGaming issued server command: /rg claim Os96 [15:16:40] ggwin issued server command: /mpcaseview 7 [15:16:40] Bradman issued server command: //expand 10 up [15:16:40] Zanda issued server command: /we cui [15:16:42] TweeL1e issued server command: /rg addmember tweel1e7 FilyWay [15:16:43] ggwin issued server command: /mpcaseshop [15:16:44] Bradman issued server command: //expand 10 dpwn [15:16:45] Fantasy404 issued server command: /rtp [15:16:46] ggwin issued server command: /mpcaseview 6 [15:16:46] Bomw issued server command: /rtp [15:16:46] TweeL1e issued server command: /rg addmember tweel1e7 FreakFromThePub [15:16:47] Ilayihoy issued server command: /mpcaseshop [15:16:48] Ilayihoy issued server command: /mpcaseview 1 [15:16:48] [G] LeroySabo: !Привет [15:16:48] Ilayihoy issued server command: /rollcase 1 [15:16:49] ggwin issued server command: /mpcaseshop [15:16:50] SplaschGaming issued server command: /r какой там макс размер? [15:16:50] Zanda issued server command: /mpcaseshop [15:16:51] TweeL1e issued server command: /rg addmember tweel1e7 ggwin [15:16:51] Zanda issued server command: /mpcaseview 1 [15:16:52] Zanda issued server command: /rollcase 1 [15:16:53] Bradman issued server command: /rg claim zyd2 [15:16:54] SplaschGaming issued server command: /rg i [15:16:54] Zanda issued server command: /mpcaseshop [15:16:57] TweeL1e issued server command: //chunk [15:16:57] TweeL1e issued server command: //outset 16 [15:16:57] TweeL1e issued server command: /zone [15:16:57] Romanuch issued server command: /m Zanda я пригласил на хом [15:16:57] Zanda issued server command: /mpcaseview 1 [15:16:57] Zanda issued server command: /mpcaseview 1 [15:16:58] SplaschGaming issued server command: /r окс [15:16:58] Zanda issued server command: /rollcase 1 [15:16:59] Zanda issued server command: /mpcaseshop [15:16:59] Ilayihoy issued server command: /mpcaseshop [15:17:00] Zanda issued server command: /mpcaseview 1 [15:17:01] Ilayihoy issued server command: /mpcaseview 1 [15:17:01] Zanda issued server command: /rollcase 1 [15:17:01] Ilayihoy issued server command: /mpcaseview 1 [15:17:01] Romanuch issued server command: /rg addmember romanuch Zanda [15:17:02] Ilayihoy issued server command: /rollcase 1 [15:17:02] TweeL1e issued server command: /rg claim tweel1e8 [15:17:02] SplaschGaming issued server command: /sethome [15:17:04] coffe_lite2 issued server command: /warp world [15:17:04] ggwin issued server command: /home [15:17:05] Zanda issued server command: /home Romanuch [15:17:06] ggwin issued server command: /we cui [15:17:06] Zanda issued server command: /we cui [15:17:06] coffe_lite2 issued server command: /we cui [15:17:07] _CTALKER_ зашёл [15:17:10] TweeL1e issued server command: /rg addmember tweel1e8 FreakFromThePub [15:17:12] Ilayihoy issued server command: /mpcaseshop [15:17:12] SplaschGaming issued server command: /home invite asdadn [15:17:12] [G] asdadn: !флип чек дс [15:17:13] Ilayihoy issued server command: /mpcaseview 1 [15:17:13] Ilayihoy issued server command: /mpcaseview 1 [15:17:13] Ilayihoy issued server command: /rollcase 1 [15:17:14] TweeL1e issued server command: /rg addmember tweel1e8 FilyWay [15:17:15] _CTALKER_ issued server command: /we cui [15:17:16] SplaschGaming issued server command: /home invite Krantzg [15:17:19] Zanda issued server command: /mpcaseshop [15:17:19] Zanda issued server command: /mpcaseshop [15:17:19] Zanda issued server command: /mpcaseview 1 [15:17:20] TweeL1e issued server command: /rg addmember tweel1e8 ggwin [15:17:20] Zanda issued server command: /rollcase 1 [15:17:22] Zanda issued server command: /mpcaseshop [15:17:22] Bomw issued server command: /home [15:17:22] SplaschGaming issued server command: /rg remove os96 [15:17:23] Zanda issued server command: /mpcaseview 1 [15:17:24] FilyWay issued server command: /m TweeL1e [15:17:24] Zanda issued server command: /rollcase 1 [15:17:25] Bomw issued server command: /mpcaseshop [15:17:25] Zanda issued server command: /mpcaseshop [15:17:26] G0KO issued server command: /rtp [15:17:26] Zanda issued server command: /mpcaseview 1 [15:17:26] Zanda issued server command: /rollcase 1 [15:17:27] Bomw issued server command: /mpcaseview 1 [15:17:28] Ic3berg issued server command: /rtp [15:17:28] FilyWay issued server command: /call TweeL1e [15:17:30] FreakFromThePub issued server command: /tpa TweeL1e [15:17:31] SplaschGaming issued server command: //expand 30 [15:17:31] Ic3berg issued server command: /rtp [15:17:31] LeroySabo issued server command: /кез [15:17:31] PashaBis issued server command: /rtp [15:17:32] LeroySabo issued server command: /rtp [15:17:32] Ic3berg issued server command: /rtp [15:17:33] EvgenPvP issued server command: /mods [15:17:34] Ic3berg issued server command: /rtp [15:17:34] SplaschGaming issued server command: //expand 30 [15:17:35] Ic3berg issued server command: /rtp [15:17:35] TweeL1e issued server command: /tpaccept [15:17:36] Ic3berg issued server command: /rtp [15:17:36] SplaschGaming issued server command: //expand 30 [15:17:36] FreakFromThePub issued server command: /we cui [15:17:39] Zanda issued server command: /mpcaseshop [15:17:40] Zanda issued server command: /mpcaseview 1 [15:17:40] Meednait issued server command: /cart gui [15:17:40] _CTALKER_ issued server command: /fly [15:17:41] Zanda issued server command: /rollcase 1 [15:17:41] SplaschGaming issued server command: /rg claim os95 [15:17:43] ggwin issued server command: /mpcaseshop [15:17:43] SplaschGaming issued server command: /rg i [15:17:44] ggwin issued server command: /mpcaseview 1 [15:17:44] Ilayihoy issued server command: /tp Ribka [15:17:45] _CTALKER_ issued server command: /admins [15:17:46] licoLOM1337 зашёл [15:17:46] Zanda issued server command: /tp Romanuch [15:17:47] FilyWay issued server command: /mpcaseshop [15:17:47] Vladimirytska зашёл [15:17:48] FilyWay issued server command: /mpcaseview 1 [15:17:49] Meednait issued server command: /kit res [15:17:49] SimpleBoi вышел [15:17:49] TweeL1e issued server command: //chunk [15:17:49] TweeL1e issued server command: //outset 16 [15:17:49] TweeL1e issued server command: /zone [15:17:50] _CTALKER_ issued server command: /moders [15:17:51] FilyWay issued server command: /mpcaseshop [15:17:51] Zanda issued server command: /mpcaseshop [15:17:51] Ilayihoy issued server command: /tpa Ribka [15:17:52] Zanda issued server command: /mpcaseview 1 [15:17:52] Zanda issued server command: /rollcase 1 [15:17:54] licoLOM1337 issued server command: /we cui [15:17:54] _CTALKER_ issued server command: /rtp [15:17:54] FilyWay issued server command: /mpcaseview 8 [15:17:55] FilyWay issued server command: /mpcaseshop [15:17:55] Zanda issued server command: /mpcaseshop [15:17:56] Zanda issued server command: /mpcaseview 1 [15:17:56] FilyWay issued server command: /mpcaseview 7 [15:17:57] TweeL1e issued server command: /rg claim tweel1e9 [15:17:57] Zanda issued server command: /rollcase 1 [15:17:58] asdadn issued server command: /rtp [15:18:00] Ic3berg issued server command: /rtp [15:18:00] Zanda issued server command: /mpcaseshop [15:18:01] Zanda issued server command: /mpcaseview 1 [15:18:01] [L] Romanuch: тп на мой хом [15:18:02] bukoval зашёл [15:18:02] Zanda issued server command: /rollcase 1 [15:18:02] FilyWay issued server command: /mpcaseshop [15:18:03] FilyWay issued server command: /mpcaseview 6 [15:18:04] TweeL1e issued server command: /rg addmember tweel1e9 ggwin [15:18:05] [L] Romanuch: там есть база [15:18:05] [L] Zanda: хорошо [15:18:07] TweeL1e issued server command: /rg addmember tweel1e9 FreakFromThePub [15:18:08] Clockwise_Op issued server command: /rg flag Clockwise_Op pvp deny [15:18:08] Zanda issued server command: /home romanuch [15:18:09] _CTALKER_ issued server command: /money topo [15:18:10] _CTALKER_ issued server command: /money top [15:18:10] asdadn issued server command: /cart [15:18:11] LeroySabo issued server command: /mpcaseshop [15:18:12] Vladimirytska issued server command: /we cui [15:18:12] bukoval issued server command: /we cui [15:18:13] Bradman issued server command: //sel [15:18:13] LeroySabo issued server command: /HOME [15:18:13] TweeL1e issued server command: /rg addmember tweel1e9 FilyWay [15:18:13] SplaschGaming issued server command: //shift 20 [15:18:13] asdadn issued server command: /cart gui [15:18:16] LeroySabo issued server command: /mpcaseshop [15:18:16] FlipSize issued server command: /gm 1 [15:18:16] LeroySabo issued server command: /mpcaseview 1 [15:18:17] TweeL1e issued server command: /sel [15:18:17] LeroySabo issued server command: /rollcase 1 [15:18:18] Zanda issued server command: /mpcaseshop [15:18:18] LeroySabo issued server command: /mpcaseshop [15:18:19] Zanda issued server command: /mpcaseview 1 [15:18:19] Clockwise_Op issued server command: /rg flag Clockwise_Op invincible allow [15:18:19] LeroySabo issued server command: /mpcaseview 1 [15:18:21] Ilayihoy issued server command: /rtp [15:18:21] TweeL1e issued server command: /sell [15:18:21] PashaBis issued server command: /rtp [15:18:21] LeroySabo issued server command: /rollcase 1 [15:18:21] LeroySabo issued server command: /mpcaseshop [15:18:21] Zanda issued server command: /rollcase 1 [15:18:21] TweeL1e issued server command: //sel [15:18:21] LeroySabo issued server command: /mpcaseshop [15:18:22] LeroySabo issued server command: /mpcaseview 1 [15:18:22] LeroySabo issued server command: /mpcaseview 1 [15:18:23] Zanda issued server command: /mpcaseshop [15:18:23] MrRubin4ik зашёл [15:18:24] Zanda issued server command: /mpcaseview 1 [15:18:24] Zanda issued server command: /mpcaseview 1 [15:18:25] Zanda issued server command: /rollcase 1 [15:18:25] Ilayihoy issued server command: /warp world [15:18:26] Zanda issued server command: /mpcaseshop [15:18:27] Zanda issued server command: /mpcaseview 1 [15:18:27] Ilayihoy issued server command: /we cui [15:18:27] LeroySabo вышел [15:18:27] Zanda issued server command: /rollcase 1 [15:18:29] PashaBis issued server command: /rtp [15:18:29] [G] Beerl: !Как тут маленькие осколки фармить [15:18:31] Ilayihoy issued server command: /rtp [15:18:33] Zanda issued server command: /mpcaseshop [15:18:34] PashaBis issued server command: /rtp [15:18:34] Zanda issued server command: /mpcaseview 1 [15:18:35] Zanda issued server command: /rollcase 1 [15:18:35] Bomw issued server command: /mpcaseshop [15:18:35] FilyWay issued server command: /mpcaseshop [15:18:35] [G] Beerl: !Или вообще хаоса? [15:18:36] Zanda issued server command: /mpcaseshop [15:18:36] FilyWay issued server command: /mpcaseview 7 [15:18:37] [G] bukoval: !ну что черти, поиграем? [15:18:37] coffe_lite2 issued server command: /rtp Ribka [15:18:37] Bomw issued server command: /mpcaseview 1 [15:18:38] Bomw issued server command: /rollcase 1 [15:18:39] Zanda issued server command: /mpcaseview 1 [15:18:40] Zanda issued server command: /rollcase 1 [15:18:42] Zanda issued server command: /mpcaseshop [15:18:42] FlipSize issued server command: /dtfhgytdfyghjhgvfdrfuyggvcghv [15:18:42] _CTALKER_ issued server command: /warp list [15:18:43] Zanda issued server command: /mpcaseview 1 [15:18:44] Zanda issued server command: /rollcase 1 [15:18:45] MrRubin4ik issued server command: /we cui [15:18:46] _CTALKER_ issued server command: /warp list 2 [15:18:46] Zanda issued server command: /mpcaseshop [15:18:46] Zanda issued server command: /mpcaseview 1 [15:18:47] Zanda issued server command: /rollcase 1 [15:18:48] Clockwise_Op issued server command: /sethome [15:18:49] Zanda issued server command: /mpcaseshop [15:18:50] _CTALKER_ issued server command: /watp npc [15:18:50] Zanda issued server command: /mpcaseview 1 [15:18:50] Ic3berg issued server command: /rtp [15:18:50] Bomw issued server command: /mpcaseview 1 [15:18:51] Zanda issued server command: /rollcase 1 [15:18:51] bukoval issued server command: /warp world [15:18:52] bukoval issued server command: /we cui [15:18:53] _CTALKER_ issued server command: /warp npc [15:18:56] Ribka issued server command: /tp slaim [15:18:56] TurboLastGame issued server command: /mpcaseshop [15:18:58] TurboLastGame issued server command: /mpcaseview 1 [15:18:59] FlipSize issued server command: /gm 1 [15:19:00] SplaschGaming issued server command: //expand 10 [15:19:00] Ribka issued server command: /call slaim [15:19:03] TweeL1e issued server command: /set 0 [15:19:03] SplaschGaming issued server command: //expand 10 [15:19:03] SplaschGaming issued server command: //expand 10 [15:19:03] slaim01 issued server command: /tpaccept [15:19:03] Zanda issued server command: /mpcaseshop [15:19:04] Ilayihoy issued server command: /tpa slaim01 [15:19:04] Zanda issued server command: /mpcaseview 1 [15:19:05] tH0R зашёл [15:19:05] Zanda issued server command: /rollcase 1 [15:19:05] coffe_lite2 issued server command: /tp slaim01 [15:19:06] SplaschGaming issued server command: //expand 5 [15:19:07] slaim01 issued server command: //wand [15:19:07] licoLOM1337 issued server command: /кез [15:19:08] _CTALKER_ issued server command: /warp shop [15:19:09] slaim01 issued server command: /tpaccept [15:19:09] licoLOM1337 issued server command: /rtp [15:19:09] Zanda issued server command: /cart gui [15:19:09] SplaschGaming issued server command: //expand 50 [15:19:10] SplaschGaming issued server command: //expand 50 [15:19:11] FlipSize issued server command: /gm 0 [15:19:12] __KotuKen зашёл [15:19:12] G0KO issued server command: /repiar [15:19:13] Bomw issued server command: /rtp [15:19:13] Zanda issued server command: /mpcaseshop [15:19:14] Zanda issued server command: /mpcaseview 1 [15:19:15] Zanda issued server command: /rollcase 1 [15:19:15] SplaschGaming issued server command: /rg claim os95 [15:19:17] Zanda issued server command: /mpcaseshop [15:19:17] G0KO issued server command: /repair [15:19:18] Zanda issued server command: /mpcaseview 1 [15:19:18] FovorFrost зашёл [15:19:18] SplaschGaming issued server command: /rg claim os96 [15:19:19] Zanda issued server command: /rollcase 1 [15:19:19] SplaschGaming issued server command: /rg i [15:19:21] slaim01 issued server command: /rg claim zopa [15:19:24] TOGA issued server command: /rtp [15:19:25] SplaschGaming issued server command: /rg addmember os95 asdadn [15:19:26] tH0R issued server command: /we cui [15:19:27] FovorFrost issued server command: /we cui [15:19:27] Zanda issued server command: /msg Romanuch У меня там столько говна в карт гуи [15:19:28] pash123 зашёл [15:19:28] SplaschGaming issued server command: /rg addmember os95 Krantzg [15:19:28] Zanda issued server command: /mpcaseshop [15:19:29] Zanda issued server command: /mpcaseview 1 [15:19:30] Zanda issued server command: /rollcase 1 [15:19:31] slaim01 issued server command: /rg addmember zopa Ilayihoy [15:19:32] [L] Dydre: а [15:19:33] __KotuKen issued server command: /we cui [15:19:33] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [15:19:34] Dydre вышел [15:19:35] SplaschGaming issued server command: /rg addmember os96 Krantzg [15:19:36] coffe_lite2 issued server command: /tpa Ribka [15:19:36] Zanda issued server command: /cart gui [15:19:36] GoooDDoG зашёл [15:19:37] licoLOM1337 issued server command: /warps [15:19:38] slaim01 issued server command: /rg addmember zopa Ribka [15:19:38] licoLOM1337 issued server command: /warp [15:19:38] FilyWay issued server command: /call TweeL1e [15:19:40] SplaschGaming issued server command: /rg addmember os96 asdadn [15:19:40] licoLOM1337 issued server command: /warp list [15:19:40] Dydre зашёл [15:19:40] Romanuch issued server command: /r не забирай пока что [15:19:41] Dydre issued server command: /we cui [15:19:42] pash123 issued server command: /we cui [15:19:43] [L] Dydre: а [15:19:43] licoLOM1337 issued server command: /warp portal [15:19:43] Ic3berg issued server command: /rtp [15:19:43] TweeL1e issued server command: /tpaccept [15:19:45] FilyWay issued server command: /we cui [15:19:47] Ribka issued server command: /tpaccept [15:19:47] Zanda issued server command: /r ля я забрал меч дк [15:19:47] SplaschGaming issued server command: /rg i [15:19:48] slaim01 issued server command: /sethome [15:19:49] [G] Dydre: !ну теперь поехали [15:19:50] Ic3berg issued server command: /rtp [15:19:50] Zanda issued server command: /mpcaseshop [15:19:51] PashaBis issued server command: /tpahere Vehitsel [15:19:51] Zanda issued server command: /mpcaseview 1 [15:19:51] [G] __KotuKen: !дарова [15:19:52] Ic3berg issued server command: /rtp [15:19:52] Zanda issued server command: /rollcase 1 [15:19:52] Dydre issued server command: /fly [15:19:52] licoLOM1337 issued server command: /we cui [15:19:53] Zanda issued server command: /mpcaseshop [15:19:53] [G] __KotuKen: !роботяги [15:19:54] Zanda issued server command: /mpcaseview 1 [15:19:54] PashaBis issued server command: //chunk [15:19:54] PashaBis issued server command: //outset 16 [15:19:54] PashaBis issued server command: /zone [15:19:55] Zanda issued server command: /rollcase 1 [15:19:55] Dydre issued server command: /god [15:19:55] SplaschGaming issued server command: /tell asdadn ну я сделал 2 рг на 450 и 470 [15:19:55] GoooDDoG issued server command: /we cui [15:19:59] __KotuKen issued server command: /warp world [15:19:59] [G] Akatsukioff: !re [15:20:00] Romanuch issued server command: /r это старт место [15:20:00] PashaBis issued server command: //outset 128 [15:20:00] [G] _CTALKER_: ! Ну нифига вас [15:20:01] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [15:20:01] __KotuKen issued server command: /we cui [15:20:02] [G] FovorFrost: !:) [15:20:02] licoLOM1337 issued server command: /warp portal [15:20:03] [G] Akatsukioff: !q [15:20:03] licoLOM1337 issued server command: /we cui [15:20:04] [G] Romanuch: !q [15:20:04] Dydre issued server command: /call Ic3berg [15:20:06] [G] Zanda: ! __KotuKen Мы тебя не уважаем. [15:20:07] __KotuKen issued server command: /rtp [15:20:07] Zanda issued server command: /mpcaseshop [15:20:07] asdadn issued server command: /home SplaschGaming [15:20:08] Zanda issued server command: /mpcaseview 1 [15:20:08] Zanda issued server command: /mpcaseview 1 [15:20:10] Ic3berg issued server command: /tpaccept [15:20:10] slaim01 issued server command: //sel [15:20:11] FreakFromThePub issued server command: /tpa TweeL1e [15:20:12] Dydre issued server command: /we cui [15:20:12] Fantasy404 issued server command: /rtp [15:20:12] slaim01 issued server command: /rtp [15:20:13] Vehitsel issued server command: /tpaccept [15:20:14] ggwin issued server command: /home [15:20:14] [G] _CTALKER_: ! Эмм [15:20:16] TweeL1e issued server command: /tpaccept [15:20:17] SplaschGaming issued server command: /r :D [15:20:19] SplaschGaming issued server command: /home [15:20:19] [G] __KotuKen: !mm [15:20:19] Dydre issued server command: /fly [15:20:20] licoLOM1337 issued server command: /we cui [15:20:20] Zanda issued server command: /kit [15:20:22] [G] _CTALKER_: ! Котикен самый лучший [15:20:22] Dydre issued server command: /god [15:20:22] [G] __KotuKen: !Panemay [15:20:23] Zanda issued server command: /kit mod [15:20:24] ggwin issued server command: /sell [15:20:25] [L] Dydre: вот [15:20:28] ggwin issued server command: //sel [15:20:28] [L] Dydre: давайй тут [15:20:29] [G] _CTALKER_: ! Он мне 2 недели назад слизь дал [15:20:29] SplaschGaming issued server command: /home invite Krantzg [15:20:29] Ilayihoy issued server command: /sethome [15:20:30] FROST2137 вышел [15:20:30] PashaBis issued server command: /rg define vorzheleza Vehitsel [15:20:32] Ilayihoy issued server command: /rtp [15:20:33] [L] SplaschGaming: а кто с нами в дс [15:20:33] [L] PashaBis: Держи [15:20:33] GoooDDoG issued server command: /rtp [15:20:34] [L] Ic3berg: вижу [15:20:35] [G] __KotuKen: !r[t [15:20:35] PashaBis issued server command: /rg i [15:20:36] [L] SplaschGaming: я его ник не знаю [15:20:36] [G] __KotuKen: !кхе [15:20:37] Ribka issued server command: /rtp [15:20:38] [G] __KotuKen: !продл [15:20:40] [G] __KotuKen: !продал* [15:20:41] KotAgresor issued server command: /sethome [15:20:42] Bradman issued server command: /rtp [15:20:43] slaim01 issued server command: /rtp [15:20:43] [G] Dydre: !как приватить [15:20:44] GoooDDoG issued server command: /warp world [15:20:44] tH0R issued server command: /warp world [15:20:45] KotAgresor issued server command: /tpa G0KO [15:20:45] slaim01 issued server command: /home [15:20:46] tH0R issued server command: /we cui [15:20:46] GoooDDoG issued server command: /we cui [15:20:48] GoooDDoG issued server command: /rtp [15:20:49] [G] Zanda: !Опа вот вы и спалились [15:20:50] [G] Zanda: !нарушители [15:20:50] [L] FovorFrost: .кез [15:20:51] tH0R issued server command: /rtp [15:20:54] GoooDDoG issued server command: /rtp [15:20:54] [L] flesziip: as [15:20:54] Dydre issued server command: //chunk [15:20:54] Dydre issued server command: //outset 16 [15:20:54] Dydre issued server command: /zone [15:20:54] FovorFrost issued server command: /rtp [15:20:55] [L] PashaBis: рг готов [15:20:56] GoooDDoG issued server command: /rtp [15:20:56] slaim01 issued server command: /rtp [15:20:56] GoooDDoG issued server command: /rtp [15:20:57] [L] PashaBis: я пошёл [15:20:57] TheMaxLC issued server command: /trade Krantzg [15:20:57] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [15:20:57] GoooDDoG issued server command: /rtp [15:20:59] G0KO issued server command: /tpaccept [15:20:59] MrRubin4ik issued server command: /warp world [15:20:59] Krantzg issued server command: /trade accept [15:20:59] [G] __KotuKen: !ну так [15:21:01] FovorFrost issued server command: /rtp [15:21:02] flesziip вышел [15:21:03] MrRubin4ik issued server command: /we cui [15:21:04] Zanda issued server command: /kit [15:21:04] [G] __KotuKen: !это было того вайпа [15:21:05] Vehitsel issued server command: /rg s [15:21:05] GoooDDoG issued server command: /tpa Fantasy404 [15:21:06] Zanda issued server command: /kit shard [15:21:07] flesziip зашёл [15:21:09] slaim01 issued server command: /home invite Ribka [15:21:09] Fantasy404 issued server command: /tpaccept [15:21:09] Suyumi issued server command: /fly [15:21:09] flesziip issued server command: /we cui [15:21:09] PashaBis вышел [15:21:09] [L] Ic3berg: подойди на секу [15:21:10] FovorFrost issued server command: /warp world [15:21:10] G0KO issued server command: //wand [15:21:10] slaim01 issued server command: /rtp [15:21:11] LeroySabo зашёл [15:21:11] Zanda issued server command: /kit top [15:21:11] FovorFrost issued server command: /we cui [15:21:11] Suyumi issued server command: /kit [15:21:12] [G] __KotuKen: !а ну так я ему дал слизь [15:21:13] slaim01 issued server command: /rtp [15:21:14] _CTALKER_ issued server command: /warp world [15:21:14] [G] __KotuKen: !За изумруды [15:21:14] Suyumi issued server command: /kit novice [15:21:15] TheMaxLC issued server command: /trade Krantzg [15:21:15] _CTALKER_ issued server command: /we cui [15:21:15] [L] Dydre: of [15:21:16] ggwin issued server command: /home [15:21:16] Krantzg issued server command: /trade accept [15:21:17] [L] Dydre: ща [15:21:17] Zanda issued server command: /kit Quant [15:21:17] LeroySabo issued server command: /we cui [15:21:18] Vladimirytska issued server command: /help [15:21:21] Ilayihoy issued server command: /home invite Ribka [15:21:21] SplaschGaming issued server command: /kit top [15:21:21] _CTALKER_ issued server command: /fly [15:21:23] LeroySabo issued server command: /cart gui [15:21:24] Bradman issued server command: /rtp [15:21:24] Ilayihoy issued server command: /home invite coffe_lite2 [15:21:25] TheMaxLC issued server command: /sethome [15:21:25] SplaschGaming issued server command: /kit [15:21:28] Vladimirytska issued server command: /help 2 [15:21:28] FreakFromThePub issued server command: /tpa ggwin [15:21:31] SplaschGaming issued server command: /kit start [15:21:31] TheMaxLC issued server command: /tpa Krantzg [15:21:31] G0KO issued server command: //expand 50 [15:21:31] __KotuKen issued server command: /fly [15:21:31] FovorFrost issued server command: /rtp [15:21:32] KotAgresor issued server command: /home [15:21:32] G0KO issued server command: //expand 50 [15:21:32] Krantzg issued server command: /tpaccept [15:21:33] ggwin issued server command: /tpaccept [15:21:33] G0KO issued server command: //expand 50 [15:21:34] ivanneronov159 issued server command: /rtp [15:21:35] G0KO issued server command: //expand 50 [15:21:36] SimpleBoi зашёл [15:21:37] Vehitsel issued server command: /rg i [15:21:37] [G] _CTALKER_: ! У меня даже метка на твой дом стоит [15:21:38] Zanda issued server command: /msg Romanuch Я киты в дк сундук сложу [15:21:38] TheMaxLC issued server command: /home [15:21:38] [G] Akatsukioff: !с кем поиграть можно в дс го [15:21:41] Ilayihoy issued server command: /rtp [15:21:43] G0KO issued server command: /rg clain h1 [15:21:44] LeroySabo issued server command: /rtp [15:21:45] Zanda issued server command: /r Он всё равно огромный [15:21:46] Romanuch issued server command: /r kk [15:21:48] Zanda issued server command: /kit [15:21:48] G0KO issued server command: /rg claim h1 [15:21:49] [L] SplaschGaming: так какой у него ник [15:21:49] Dydre issued server command: /rg claim nik003 [15:21:50] Zanda issued server command: /kit Mobs [15:21:52] [G] __KotuKen: !у меня тоже остались [15:21:52] SimpleBoi issued server command: /we cui [15:21:53] Bomw issued server command: /call TurboLastGame [15:21:54] Vehitsel issued server command: /tpahere Zik4 [15:21:55] FovorFrost issued server command: /rtp [15:21:56] [L] asdadn: Krantzg [15:22:00] SplaschGaming issued server command: /rg i [15:22:00] G0KO issued server command: //expand 50 [15:22:00] TurboLastGame issued server command: /tpaccept [15:22:00] Zanda issued server command: /kit Badmobs [15:22:01] G0KO issued server command: //expand 50 [15:22:02] Vladimirytska issued server command: /tpa MrRubin4ik [15:22:02] Bradman issued server command: /rtp [15:22:03] G0KO issued server command: //expand 50 [15:22:03] [L] Ic3berg: посмотри крафт гравика 0_0 [15:22:04] [L] SplaschGaming: да не [15:22:05] Zanda issued server command: /kit Wool [15:22:05] G0KO issued server command: //expand 50 [15:22:05] asdadn issued server command: /sethome [15:22:05] FlipSize issued server command: /tps [15:22:06] Dydre issued server command: /rg addmember Ic3berg nik003 [15:22:06] [L] SplaschGaming: флипаклипа [15:22:08] FilyWay issued server command: /sethome [15:22:09] Zanda issued server command: /kit [15:22:10] G0KO issued server command: /rg claim h2 [15:22:12] ggwin issued server command: /rtp [15:22:12] LeroySabo убил TurboLastGame (IRON_SWORD) [15:22:13] Zanda issued server command: /kit Tools [15:22:14] TurboLastGame issued server command: /we cui [15:22:14] [L] SplaschGaming: да в дс чел [15:22:18] Zanda issued server command: /kit Jetpack [15:22:18] Dydre issued server command: /rg addmember nik003 Ic3berg [15:22:18] Demaglhf зашёл [15:22:18] LeroySabo issued server command: /ec [15:22:18] [G] __KotuKen: !кто в тиму возьмет [15:22:20] [L] Dydre: посмотри [15:22:20] Zanda issued server command: /kit Nano [15:22:22] G0KO issued server command: //expand 50 [15:22:22] [L] Dydre: добавил? [15:22:22] [G] __KotuKen: !Хорошо знаю моды [15:22:22] [G] TheMaxLC: !1 [15:22:22] [G] _CTALKER_: ! Го!!! [15:22:24] G0KO issued server command: //expand 50 [15:22:25] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0\ [15:22:26] G0KO issued server command: //expand 50 [15:22:27] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [15:22:30] TurboLastGame issued server command: /tpa bomw [15:22:30] G0KO issued server command: //expand 50 [15:22:31] [L] Beerl: @busa [15:22:32] [G] licoLOM1337: !Кто научит играть? [15:22:32] Zanda issued server command: /kit [15:22:32] [G] Akatsukioff: !котикен го [15:22:33] FilyWay issued server command: /rtp [15:22:33] TurboLastGame issued server command: /fly [15:22:34] Zanda issued server command: /kit Res [15:22:35] Demaglhf issued server command: /we cui [15:22:37] Zanda issued server command: /kit Ae_Shadow [15:22:39] [L] Bomw: ты шо [15:22:40] SplaschGaming issued server command: /home invite TheMaxLC [15:22:40] asdadn issued server command: /rtp [15:22:40] G0KO issued server command: /rg claim h3 [15:22:42] Bomw issued server command: /tpaccept [15:22:43] Zanda issued server command: /kit [15:22:44] [G] iamfriendly: ! __KotuKen я не против, у меня её впринципе и не было [15:22:45] Zanda issued server command: /kit Tree [15:22:45] [L] Dydre: так [15:22:46] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [15:22:46] SplaschGaming issued server command: /rg addmember os95 TheMaxLC [15:22:48] LeroySabo issued server command: /trade Bomw [15:22:48] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [15:22:48] G0KO issued server command: //expand 50 [15:22:48] LeroySabo issued server command: /trade Bomw [15:22:49] SplaschGaming issued server command: /rg addmember os96 TheMaxLC [15:22:50] G0KO issued server command: //expand 50 [15:22:50] [L] Dydre: расставляй везде [15:22:50] [G] __KotuKen: !-. = [15:22:51] Zanda issued server command: /kit Extratools [15:22:52] SplaschGaming issued server command: /tpa asdadn [15:22:52] LeroySabo убил TurboLastGame (IRON_SWORD) [15:22:52] G0KO issued server command: //expand 50 [15:22:53] [L] Dydre: сундуки [15:22:53] TurboLastGame issued server command: /we cui [15:22:54] ggwin issued server command: /home [15:22:54] G0KO issued server command: //expand 50 [15:22:54] asdadn issued server command: /tpaccept [15:22:56] [L] Dydre: я буду шмотье класть [15:22:58] Zanda issued server command: /kit [15:22:58] G0KO issued server command: /rg claim h4 [15:22:59] [G] _CTALKER_: ! А со мной? [15:23:00] [L] SplaschGaming: ezzz mew [15:23:01] TurboLastGame issued server command: /tpa bomw [15:23:01] Zanda issued server command: /kit Ultranano [15:23:01] TurboLastGame issued server command: /fly [15:23:01] [L] LeroySabo: хай [15:23:02] [L] LeroySabo: чу [15:23:02] [G] Akatsukioff: !го свою зделоем [15:23:03] Dydre issued server command: /rg info [15:23:04] Bomw issued server command: /tpaccept [15:23:04] LeroySabo issued server command: /fly [15:23:05] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [15:23:05] pash123 issued server command: /m pash123 огурец [15:23:06] Demaglhf issued server command: /rtp [15:23:06] ggwin issued server command: /kit eat [15:23:07] [G] __KotuKen: ! я уже [15:23:07] Zanda issued server command: /kit [15:23:08] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [15:23:09] [G] iamfriendly: ! _CTALKER_ со всеми пойду [15:23:09] [L] Ic3berg: 0_) [15:23:09] Clockwise_Op issued server command: /rtp [15:23:10] KotAgresor issued server command: /tpa G0KO [15:23:10] [G] __KotuKen: !со сталкером [15:23:11] [L] SplaschGaming: на хом крч я всех пригласил [15:23:11] ggwin issued server command: /kit [15:23:11] Zanda issued server command: /kit Extraarmor [15:23:12] [L] Ic3berg: 0_0 [15:23:13] [G] Beerl: !А буса спит? [15:23:13] LittleSvinka issued server command: /home [15:23:14] [G] _CTALKER_: ! Ура!! [15:23:14] Zanda issued server command: /kit [15:23:14] FreakFromThePub issued server command: /kit novice [15:23:14] Solordiy зашёл [15:23:14] Frunchesko issued server command: /rtp [15:23:15] FilyWay issued server command: /kit [15:23:16] pash123 issued server command: /rtp [15:23:16] [G] _CTALKER_: ! Говори вк [15:23:17] ggwin issued server command: /kit novice [15:23:17] tH0R issued server command: //zone [15:23:17] [G] __KotuKen: !ромчик [15:23:17] licoLOM1337 был кикнут [15:23:17] licoLOM1337 вышел [15:23:18] [L] Ic3berg: ааааааа [15:23:19] Vladimirytska issued server command: /warp list [15:23:19] Zanda issued server command: /kit Superichor [15:23:21] FreakFromThePub вышел [15:23:21] tH0R issued server command: //chunk [15:23:21] tH0R issued server command: //outset 16 [15:23:21] tH0R issued server command: /zone [15:23:22] Zanda issued server command: /kit Focus [15:23:22] FilyWay issued server command: /kit eat [15:23:23] licoLOM1337 зашёл [15:23:23] G0KO issued server command: /tpaccept [15:23:24] [L] Ic3berg: аварития... [15:23:24] Demaglhf issued server command: /kits [15:23:24] licoLOM1337 issued server command: /we cui [15:23:25] [G] Romanuch: !? [15:23:25] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [15:23:26] [L] Ic3berg: АААААА [15:23:27] tH0R issued server command: /rg claim ff [15:23:27] Solordiy issued server command: /we cui [15:23:27] [G] __KotuKen: !я блока нашел [15:23:28] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [15:23:29] Zanda issued server command: /kit [15:23:29] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [15:23:31] [G] __KotuKen: !Ты же ещё на посту [15:23:31] FreakFromThePub зашёл [15:23:32] Demaglhf issued server command: /kit top [15:23:33] [G] __KotuKen: !или по псж [15:23:33] flesziip issued server command: /адн [15:23:33] FilyWay issued server command: /kit novis [15:23:34] FreakFromThePub issued server command: /we cui [15:23:34] flesziip issued server command: /god [15:23:35] ivanneronov159 issued server command: /rtp [15:23:35] flesziip issued server command: /fly [15:23:36] Zanda issued server command: /kit Ae_mod [15:23:36] [G] __KotuKen: !ушел [15:23:36] [L] flesziip: 1 [15:23:36] G0KO issued server command: //wand [15:23:39] [G] ggwin: !/kit novice [15:23:40] [G] Romanuch: ! я игрок [15:23:41] [L] LeroySabo: чу [15:23:42] [L] Dydre: делай сундуки [15:23:43] FilyWay issued server command: /kit novise [15:23:43] asdadn issued server command: /rtp [15:23:43] G0KO issued server command: /rg sel [15:23:43] [G] __KotuKen: !а ну блен [15:23:44] Zanda issued server command: /kit [15:23:44] FilyWay issued server command: /kit novice [15:23:45] Akatsukioff issued server command: /m iamfriendly го со мной пж [15:23:45] Dydre issued server command: /kit [15:23:46] Vehitsel issued server command: /tpahere Zik4 [15:23:46] [L] Bomw: ку кста [15:23:47] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [15:23:47] Zanda issued server command: /kit Thaum [15:23:48] Demaglhf issued server command: /kit novice [15:23:48] [L] LeroySabo: ку [15:23:48] FilyWay вышел [15:23:48] [G] ordo001: ! __KotuKen хай [15:23:48] SplaschGaming issued server command: /home [15:23:49] Razy зашёл [15:23:49] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [15:23:50] FreakFromThePub issued server command: /kit novice [15:23:52] licoLOM1337 был кикнут [15:23:52] licoLOM1337 вышел [15:23:53] [G] _CTALKER_: ! Говори вк [15:23:54] [G] __KotuKen: !ку орд [15:23:54] FilyWay зашёл [15:23:54] Zanda issued server command: /kit [15:23:54] [L] LeroySabo: как жизнь младая [15:23:55] LeroySabo issued server command: /mpcaseshop [15:23:56] licoLOM1337 зашёл [15:23:56] FilyWay issued server command: /we cui [15:23:56] [G] __KotuKen: !щас [15:23:56] Zanda issued server command: /kit SuperThaum [15:23:57] licoLOM1337 issued server command: /we cui [15:23:59] Ilayihoy issued server command: /rtp [15:23:59] G0KO issued server command: /rg addmember h2 KotAgresor [15:24:00] ggwin issued server command: /fly [15:24:02] Zanda issued server command: /kit [15:24:02] FilyWay issued server command: /kit novece [15:24:03] [L] Bomw: какая молодая [15:24:04] Ilayihoy умер (FALL) [15:24:04] G0KO issued server command: //expand 50 [15:24:04] SplaschGaming issued server command: /tell asdadn чёт твои сундуки загриферили мою точку хома) [15:24:05] FilyWay issued server command: /kit novice [15:24:06] Zanda issued server command: /kit eat [15:24:06] G0KO issued server command: //expand 50 [15:24:07] Ilayihoy issued server command: /we cui [15:24:07] Dydre issued server command: /kit quant [15:24:07] Zanda issued server command: /kit start [15:24:08] [L] Bomw: старая уже [15:24:08] G0KO issued server command: //expand 50 [15:24:09] FilyWay issued server command: /home [15:24:10] SplaschGaming issued server command: /home [15:24:10] G0KO issued server command: //expand 50 [15:24:11] FilyWay issued server command: /fly [15:24:12] MrRubin4ik issued server command: /warp list [15:24:12] licoLOM1337 был кикнут [15:24:12] licoLOM1337 вышел [15:24:12] [L] Ic3berg: Сука аварития нахуй [15:24:13] Ilayihoy issued server command: /rtp [15:24:14] [L] LeroySabo: :D [15:24:14] FreakFromThePub вышел [15:24:16] FilyWay вышел [15:24:16] tH0R issued server command: //sel [15:24:16] licoLOM1337 зашёл [15:24:17] Zanda issued server command: /fly [15:24:18] SplaschGaming issued server command: /sethome [15:24:18] Razy issued server command: /we cui [15:24:18] licoLOM1337 issued server command: /we cui [15:24:18] Zanda issued server command: /god [15:24:18] [L] Dydre: кто? [15:24:18] [L] LeroySabo: Та норм [15:24:19] Pumple issued server command: /voteday [15:24:21] ggwin issued server command: /rtp [15:24:21] Akatsukioff issued server command: /m iamfriendly го со мной пж [15:24:21] slaim01 issued server command: /tpahere Ribka [15:24:23] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [15:24:23] SplaschGaming issued server command: /home invite asdadn [15:24:23] tH0R issued server command: /kit [15:24:27] tH0R issued server command: /kit top [15:24:27] TurboLastGame issued server command: /home [15:24:28] ivanneronov159 issued server command: /rtp [15:24:28] [L] LeroySabo: Ну я полетел [15:24:29] Solordiy issued server command: /rtp [15:24:29] G0KO issued server command: /ag claim h5 [15:24:29] Demaglhf issued server command: /warp world [15:24:30] [L] Ic3berg: чекни avar [15:24:31] Demaglhf issued server command: /we cui [15:24:33] [L] LeroySabo: Получаецап [15:24:34] Akatsukioff умер (ENTITY_ATTACK) [15:24:34] SplaschGaming issued server command: /; [15:24:36] Demaglhf issued server command: /rtp [15:24:36] flesziip issued server command: /kit [15:24:36] G0KO issued server command: /ar claim h5 [15:24:39] Akatsukioff issued server command: /we cui [15:24:39] Zanda issued server command: /sethome [15:24:39] [L] Ic3berg: и посмотри крафты на броню бесконечн6ости [15:24:39] [L] Bomw: лети [15:24:40] LeroySabo issued server command: /rtp [15:24:41] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [15:24:41] Bradman issued server command: /home [15:24:41] flesziip issued server command: /kit novice [15:24:41] [L] Bomw: я тоже [15:24:41] LittleSvinka issued server command: /MSG Solordiy Я уже нашёл нам терру [15:24:43] G0KO issued server command: /rg claim h5 [15:24:43] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [15:24:43] Bradman issued server command: /home [15:24:44] [G] licoLOM1337: !Кто научит играть? [15:24:44] Clockwise_Op issued server command: /rtp [15:24:45] Vladimirytska issued server command: /warp npcshop [15:24:47] MrRubin4ik issued server command: /warp list [15:24:47] Razy issued server command: /rtp [15:24:51] TOGA issued server command: /rg claim vedm [15:24:51] Razy issued server command: /warp world [15:24:51] Solordiy issued server command: /warp world [15:24:53] Akatsukioff issued server command: /rtp [15:24:53] [G] Ilayihoy: !гайды [15:24:53] Solordiy issued server command: /we cui [15:24:53] G0KO issued server command: //expand 50 [15:24:53] asdadn issued server command: /rtp [15:24:53] Razy issued server command: /we cui [15:24:54] [L] pash123: f [15:24:55] G0KO issued server command: //expand 50 [15:24:55] iamfriendly issued server command: /m Akatsukioff я не против [15:24:56] [G] __KotuKen: ! licoLOM1337 [15:24:56] Razy issued server command: /rtp [15:24:56] Bomw убил Krantzg (DIAMOND_SWORD) [15:24:57] G0KO issued server command: //expand 50 [15:24:57] [G] __KotuKen: ! [15:24:58] Vehitsel issued server command: /rg flag vorzheleza pvp deny [15:24:59] [L] Dydre: что то жесткое [15:24:59] G0KO issued server command: //expand 50 [15:24:59] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [15:25:00] SimpleBoi issued server command: /rtp [15:25:00] licoLOM1337 issued server command: /sethome [15:25:02] [G] Akatsukioff: !ромчик помогииии [15:25:02] TurboLastGame issued server command: /tpa bomw [15:25:02] G0KO issued server command: /rg claim h6 [15:25:02] Krantzg issued server command: /we cui [15:25:03] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [15:25:04] MrRubin4ik issued server command: /warp list 2 [15:25:04] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [15:25:04] Dydre issued server command: /kit res [15:25:05] Vehitsel issued server command: /rg flag vorzheleza p [15:25:05] iamfriendly issued server command: /m Akatsukioff ДС есть? [15:25:05] pash123 issued server command: /KITS [15:25:07] [G] _CTALKER_: ! Дай ссылкой в лс пж [15:25:08] Krantzg issued server command: /fly [15:25:09] [G] __KotuKen: !смотри гайды на форуме проекта или гайды на ютубе [15:25:09] Clockwise_Op issued server command: /rtp [15:25:09] G0KO issued server command: //expand 50 [15:25:10] Ilayihoy issued server command: /rtp [15:25:10] SplaschGaming issued server command: /tell Krantzg :D [15:25:11] G0KO issued server command: //expand 50 [15:25:11] Solordiy вышел [15:25:11] [L] Ic3berg: на меч и на его дамаг посмотри [15:25:11] KotAgresor issued server command: /sethome [15:25:12] LeroySabo issued server command: /rtp [15:25:12] G0KO issued server command: //expand 50 [15:25:13] Meednait issued server command: /time sun 2000 [15:25:14] G0KO issued server command: //expand 50 [15:25:15] [G] _CTALKER_: ! А ой [15:25:15] Krantzg issued server command: /kit [15:25:18] TOGA issued server command: //sel [15:25:18] Pumple issued server command: /voteday [15:25:18] EvgenPvP вышел [15:25:18] G0KO issued server command: /rg claim h7 [15:25:19] [L] Ilayihoy: дарова [15:25:19] Krantzg issued server command: /kit novice [15:25:20] [L] Demaglhf: fd [15:25:20] Romanuch issued server command: /yes [15:25:20] iamfriendly issued server command: /yes [15:25:21] SimpleBoi issued server command: /yes [15:25:21] LittleSvinka issued server command: /yes [15:25:21] Bomw issued server command: /home [15:25:21] __KotuKen issued server command: /m _CTALKER_ @my_money2021 [15:25:22] [L] Dydre: ты кто [15:25:22] ivanneronov159 issued server command: /rg [15:25:22] Krantzg issued server command: /call SplaschGaming [15:25:22] Suyumi issued server command: /rg s [15:25:23] G0KO issued server command: //expand 50 [15:25:24] Ilayihoy issued server command: /yes [15:25:24] licoLOM1337 убил BJlaTnou (IRON_SWORD) [15:25:24] LeroySabo issued server command: /rtp [15:25:24] TheMaxLC issued server command: /home SplaschGaming [15:25:25] SimpleBoi issued server command: /yes [15:25:25] G0KO issued server command: //expand 50 [15:25:25] __KotuKen issued server command: /r vk [15:25:26] pash123 issued server command: /kit novice [15:25:26] __KotuKen issued server command: /r ds [15:25:28] SplaschGaming issued server command: /r я тебя на хом пригласил и так [15:25:28] G0KO issued server command: //expand 50 [15:25:28] SimpleBoi issued server command: /rtp [15:25:30] G0KO issued server command: //expand 50 [15:25:30] slaim01 issued server command: /rtp [15:25:30] Zanda issued server command: /no [15:25:30] [L] Ilayihoy: хз я на рандом тепнулся [15:25:30] Zanda issued server command: /no [15:25:30] Akatsukioff issued server command: /m iamfriendly да Падре#8007 [15:25:31] tH0R issued server command: /rg info [15:25:31] Clockwise_Op issued server command: /rtp [15:25:34] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [15:25:35] __KotuKen issued server command: /r Dima Крокодил#2560 [15:25:36] LittleSvinka issued server command: /MSG Solordiy игорь, ты живой? [15:25:36] Krantzg issued server command: /home SplaschGaming [15:25:37] ivanneronov159 issued server command: //wand [15:25:37] Dydre issued server command: /kit [15:25:38] Krantzg issued server command: /we cui [15:25:38] LeroySabo issued server command: /rtp [15:25:38] asdadn issued server command: /rtp [15:25:40] LeroySabo issued server command: /rtp [15:25:41] Vladimirytska issued server command: /warp world [15:25:41] LeroySabo issued server command: /rtp [15:25:41] pash123 issued server command: /kits [15:25:43] TurboLastGame вышел [15:25:43] Krantzg issued server command: /sethome [15:25:43] Dydre issued server command: /kit emerald [15:25:44] Vladimirytska issued server command: /we cui [15:25:44] [G] Akatsukioff: !хеллперы помогите [15:25:44] Clockwise_Op issued server command: /rtp [15:25:44] G0KO issued server command: /rg claim h8 [15:25:46] Clockwise_Op issued server command: /rtp [15:25:46] pash123 issued server command: /kit top [15:25:47] _CTALKER_ issued server command: /r Мы без дс играем [15:25:48] Romanuch issued server command: /home [15:25:50] G0KO issued server command: //expand 50 [15:25:50] Razy issued server command: /rtp [15:25:50] [G] FlipSize: !? [15:25:52] G0KO issued server command: /rg claim h8 [15:25:52] SimpleBoi issued server command: /rtp [15:25:55] G0KO issued server command: //expand 50 [15:25:57] pash123 issued server command: /kit start [15:25:57] G0KO issued server command: //expand 50 [15:25:59] Demaglhf issued server command: /tpa razy [15:25:59] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [15:25:59] G0KO issued server command: //expand 50 [15:26:00] TheMaxLC issued server command: /kit [15:26:01] Ilayihoy issued server command: /rtp [15:26:01] SimpleBoi issued server command: /rtp [15:26:02] [G] __KotuKen: !фли дарова [15:26:02] Razy issued server command: /tpaccept [15:26:02] Krantzg issued server command: /fly [15:26:04] G0KO issued server command: /rg claim h9 [15:26:05] [G] Akatsukioff: !на точку смерти мою тп плз куча ресов просрал [15:26:06] Ilayihoy issued server command: /tp coffe_lite2 [15:26:07] TheMaxLC issued server command: /kit Nivice [15:26:07] LeroySabo issued server command: /lits [15:26:08] LeroySabo issued server command: /list [15:26:09] [G] FlipSize: !ку [15:26:10] Dydre issued server command: /m Ic3berg 1 [15:26:10] Vehitsel issued server command: /rg i [15:26:10] Akatsukioff issued server command: /tpa flip [15:26:11] Ilayihoy issued server command: /tpa coffe_lite2 [15:26:12] Romanuch issued server command: /tp Pumple [15:26:12] Meednait issued server command: /cart gui [15:26:13] TheMaxLC issued server command: /kit Novice [15:26:13] G0KO issued server command: /rg addmember h1 KotAgresor [15:26:13] Ilayihoy issued server command: /rtp [15:26:14] LeroySabo issued server command: /rtp [15:26:14] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [15:26:14] Krantzg issued server command: /kit eat [15:26:15] Akatsukioff issued server command: /tpa flipsixe [15:26:15] pash123 issued server command: /kit eat [15:26:16] _CTALKER_ issued server command: /r принимай [15:26:17] G0KO issued server command: /rg addmember h3 KotAgresor [15:26:17] Dydre issued server command: /m Ic3berg кильни его [15:26:17] [G] FlipSize: !Первый и последний раз. [15:26:18] Akatsukioff issued server command: /tpa flipsize [15:26:18] slaim01 issued server command: /rtp [15:26:19] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [15:26:20] FilyWay зашёл [15:26:20] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [15:26:21] [G] asdadn: !флип чекни дс пж [15:26:21] [G] _CTALKER_: ! Флип, любовь моя [15:26:21] G0KO issued server command: /rg addmember h4 KotAgresor [15:26:22] [G] Akatsukioff: !спс [15:26:23] BJlaTnou issued server command: /we cui [15:26:23] Bomw issued server command: /rtp [15:26:24] bukoval issued server command: /rtp [15:26:24] [G] FlipSize: !В следующий раз аккуратней будь. [15:26:24] G0KO issued server command: /rg addmember h5 KotAgresor [15:26:26] Akatsukioff issued server command: /tpa flipsize [15:26:27] ivanneronov159 issued server command: //expand [15:26:27] [G] _CTALKER_: ! Мы так свадьбу не сыграли [15:26:28] [L] BJlaTnou: ю [15:26:28] [G] Akatsukioff: !ок [15:26:29] TheMaxLC issued server command: /rtp [15:26:29] pash123 issued server command: /mpcaseshop [15:26:29] slaim01 issued server command: /rtp [15:26:30] [L] Ic3berg: а нет его [15:26:31] [G] Zik4: !чё делать если с шейдерами тресёт? [15:26:31] G0KO issued server command: /rg addmember h6 KotAgresor [15:26:31] ivanneronov159 issued server command: //expand 1 [15:26:31] Krantzg issued server command: /rtp [15:26:31] LeroySabo issued server command: /mpcaseshop [15:26:31] FilyWay issued server command: /we cui [15:26:32] slaim01 issued server command: /rtp [15:26:32] LeroySabo issued server command: /mpcaseview 1 [15:26:33] Ic3berg issued server command: /near [15:26:33] LeroySabo issued server command: /rollcase 1 [15:26:34] G0KO issued server command: /rg addmember h7 KotAgresor [15:26:36] ivanneronov159 issued server command: //expand 1 [15:26:36] ivanneronov159 issued server command: //expand 1 [15:26:36] Akatsukioff issued server command: /warp world [15:26:36] ivanneronov159 issued server command: //expand 1 [15:26:37] ivanneronov159 issued server command: //expand 1 [15:26:37] ivanneronov159 issued server command: //expand 1 [15:26:38] ivanneronov159 issued server command: //expand 1 [15:26:38] ivanneronov159 issued server command: //expand 1 [15:26:38] Akatsukioff issued server command: /we cui [15:26:39] G0KO issued server command: /rg addmember h8 KotAgresor [15:26:39] FilyWay issued server command: /kit novice [15:26:40] ggwin issued server command: /home [15:26:41] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [15:26:41] ivanneronov159 issued server command: //expand 1 [15:26:41] ivanneronov159 issued server command: //expand 1 [15:26:41] ivanneronov159 issued server command: //expand 1 [15:26:42] ivanneronov159 issued server command: //expand 1 [15:26:42] Akatsukioff issued server command: /tpa flipsize [15:26:42] ivanneronov159 issued server command: //expand 1 [15:26:42] ivanneronov159 issued server command: //expand 1 [15:26:43] G0KO issued server command: /rg addmember h9 KotAgresor [15:26:43] ivanneronov159 issued server command: //expand 1 [15:26:43] ivanneronov159 issued server command: //expand 1 [15:26:43] ivanneronov159 issued server command: //expand 1 [15:26:44] ivanneronov159 issued server command: //expand 1 [15:26:44] ivanneronov159 issued server command: //expand 1 [15:26:45] ivanneronov159 issued server command: //expand 1 [15:26:45] ivanneronov159 был кикнут [15:26:45] ivanneronov159 вышел [15:26:45] LeroySabo issued server command: /mpcaseshop [15:26:46] MrRubin4ik issued server command: /rtp [15:26:46] Vehitsel issued server command: /tpahere Zik4 [15:26:46] LeroySabo issued server command: /mpcaseview 1 [15:26:47] LeroySabo issued server command: /rollcase 1 [15:26:47] TheMaxLC issued server command: /rtp [15:26:51] Akatsukioff issued server command: /tpa Flip [15:26:51] Dydre issued server command: /kit [15:26:53] FlipSize issued server command: /tppos -2197 100 242 [15:26:54] [L] BJlaTnou: . [15:26:56] Dydre issued server command: /kit ultranano [15:26:56] TOGA issued server command: /enderchest [15:26:58] FlipSize issued server command: /gm 1 [15:26:59] ivanneronov159 зашёл [15:26:59] BJlaTnou issued server command: /kit [15:26:59] [L] Ic3berg: выдай киты [15:26:59] Clockwise_Op issued server command: /rtp [15:26:59] FlipSize issued server command: /god [15:27:00] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [15:27:00] [G] FilyWay: !. [15:27:01] [G] Akatsukioff: !почему я к тебе тп немогу [15:27:02] Vladimirytska issued server command: /tpa MrRubin4ik [15:27:02] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [15:27:02] FovorFrost issued server command: /rtp [15:27:03] ivanneronov159 issued server command: /we cui [15:27:04] Zik4 issued server command: /tpaccept [15:27:04] Dydre issued server command: /kit [15:27:05] BJlaTnou issued server command: /warp world [15:27:05] Zik4 issued server command: /we cui [15:27:06] BJlaTnou issued server command: /we cui [15:27:06] [L] Ic3berg: есть какая нибудь броня [15:27:07] MrRubin4ik issued server command: /tpaccept [15:27:07] _CTALKER_ вышел [15:27:07] LeroySabo issued server command: /rtp [15:27:08] __KotuKen issued server command: /tpa _CTALKER_ [15:27:08] Dydre issued server command: /kit ichor [15:27:11] Demaglhf issued server command: /balance [15:27:11] LeroySabo issued server command: /mpcaseshop [15:27:11] Frunchesko issued server command: /rtp [15:27:11] __KotuKen issued server command: /tpa _CTALKER_ [15:27:12] LeroySabo issued server command: /mpcaseview 1 [15:27:14] BJlaTnou issued server command: /fly [15:27:14] FlipSize issued server command: /tppos -2197 100 242 [15:27:14] LeroySabo issued server command: /rollcase 1 [15:27:15] Demaglhf issued server command: /money Demaglhf [15:27:15] _CTALKER_ зашёл [15:27:16] FlipSize issued server command: /tppos -2197 66 242 [15:27:17] [G] pash123: !как выфйти со спавна? [15:27:17] _CTALKER_ issued server command: /we cui [15:27:17] [L] Ic3berg: я возьму нанку? [15:27:18] Dydre issued server command: /kit exraarmor [15:27:18] ivanneronov159 issued server command: //expand 1 [15:27:22] [G] BJlaTnou: !А что промокод дает? Я ввел вроде [15:27:23] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [15:27:23] G0KO issued server command: /cart all [15:27:23] FlipSize issued server command: /gm 0 [15:27:23] FilyWay issued server command: /rtp [15:27:23] ivanneronov159 issued server command: //expand 2 [15:27:23] FROST2137 зашёл [15:27:24] KotAgresor issued server command: /cart [15:27:25] [G] iamfriendly: ! /warp world [15:27:25] ivanneronov159 issued server command: //expand 2 [15:27:25] Dydre issued server command: /kit extraarmor [15:27:26] _CTALKER_ issued server command: /fly [15:27:26] [G] __KotuKen: !/warp world -> /rtp [15:27:26] KotAgresor issued server command: /cart all [15:27:27] [G] FlipSize: !/warp world > /rtp [15:27:27] ivanneronov159 issued server command: //expand 2 [15:27:28] ivanneronov159 issued server command: //expand 2 [15:27:29] [G] BJlaTnou: !Перезайти нужно? [15:27:29] ivanneronov159 issued server command: //expand 2 [15:27:30] ivanneronov159 issued server command: //expand 2 [15:27:30] FlipSize issued server command: /s Akatsukioff [15:27:32] [L] Dydre: бери [15:27:34] [G] pash123: !спасибо [15:27:35] [L] Dydre: все что угодно [15:27:36] ivanneronov159 issued server command: //expand 2 [15:27:36] ggwin issued server command: /rtp [15:27:37] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [15:27:37] Bradman issued server command: /rtp [15:27:38] [G] Clockwise_Op: !промокоды ограничены [15:27:40] pash123 issued server command: /warp world [15:27:40] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [15:27:41] pash123 issued server command: /we cui [15:27:42] licoLOM1337 issued server command: /sethome [15:27:42] _CTALKER_ issued server command: /gm [15:27:42] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [15:27:43] LeroySabo issued server command: /rtp [15:27:43] ivanneronov159 issued server command: //expand 2 [15:27:44] Vladimirytska умер (ENTITY_ATTACK) [15:27:44] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [15:27:44] ivanneronov159 issued server command: //expand 2 [15:27:44] _CTALKER_ issued server command: /good [15:27:44] [G] Ic3berg: !ааа ребят Авварития ... мне страшно [15:27:44] ivanneronov159 issued server command: //expand 2 [15:27:45] __KotuKen issued server command: /tpa __KotuKen [15:27:46] _CTALKER_ issued server command: /god [15:27:46] TheMaxLC issued server command: /kit eat [15:27:49] __KotuKen issued server command: /tpa _CTALKER_ [15:27:49] [G] Clockwise_Op: !не успел-опоздал [15:27:49] Vladimirytska issued server command: /we cui [15:27:51] __KotuKen issued server command: /money top [15:27:52] ivanneronov159 issued server command: /rg claim super [15:27:54] _CTALKER_ issued server command: /tpaccept [15:27:55] [G] BJlaTnou: !Я понимаю. но мне написало, что уже активировал [15:27:56] [L] Akatsukioff: тут эсенсия [15:27:57] [L] _CTALKER_: канаву прочитай [15:27:57] FROST2137 issued server command: /we cui [15:27:59] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [15:27:59] [L] Akatsukioff: какая злая [15:27:59] [L] FlipSize: ? [15:28:02] [L] FlipSize: _ [15:28:03] [L] Akatsukioff: убей ее [15:28:04] Demaglhf issued server command: /tpa razy [15:28:05] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [15:28:05] Solordiy зашёл [15:28:05] G0KO issued server command: /kit ae_Shadow [15:28:06] Razy issued server command: /tpaccept [15:28:06] [L] FlipSize: Сам [15:28:07] [L] Akatsukioff: спасибо [15:28:10] Vladimirytska issued server command: /tpa MrRubin4ik [15:28:10] FlipSize issued server command: /warp world [15:28:12] Ilayihoy issued server command: /rtp [15:28:12] [G] Clockwise_Op: !если написало, что тебе дало привелегию, то перезайди [15:28:14] LittleSvinka issued server command: /MSG Solordiy игорь, ты живой? [15:28:15] Solordiy issued server command: /we cui [15:28:15] MrRubin4ik issued server command: /tpaccept [15:28:16] pash123 issued server command: /rtp [15:28:16] LeroySabo issued server command: /rtp [15:28:18] Vladimirytska issued server command: /we cui [15:28:18] Dydre issued server command: /rg flag nik003 pvp deny [15:28:20] BJlaTnou вышел [15:28:20] pash123 issued server command: /rtp [15:28:22] [L] bukoval: wa [15:28:24] SplaschGaming issued server command: /tell asdadn а они не из визера падают? [15:28:24] ivanneronov159 issued server command: //sel [15:28:24] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [15:28:24] Dydre issued server command: /kit [15:28:25] bukoval вышел [15:28:25] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [15:28:26] Ilayihoy issued server command: /tpa Ribka [15:28:26] BJlaTnou зашёл [15:28:27] Vehitsel issued server command: /rg addmember vorzheleza Zik4 [15:28:28] BJlaTnou issued server command: /we cui [15:28:28] bukoval зашёл [15:28:29] Ribka issued server command: /tpaccept [15:28:30] bukoval issued server command: /we cui [15:28:31] Ic3berg умер (FALL) [15:28:31] [L] BJlaTnou: ю [15:28:31] Dydre issued server command: /kit shard [15:28:32] Ic3berg issued server command: /we cui [15:28:33] FilyWay убил SimpleBoi (IRON_SWORD) [15:28:34] [G] BJlaTnou: !Спасибо [15:28:35] BJlaTnou issued server command: /fly [15:28:35] asdadn issued server command: /rtp [15:28:36] licoLOM1337 issued server command: /rtp [15:28:36] Solordiy вышел [15:28:38] BJlaTnou issued server command: /rtp [15:28:38] Ic3berg issued server command: /call dydre [15:28:38] SimpleBoi issued server command: /we cui [15:28:40] [G] Clockwise_Op: !бз б [15:28:40] [L] bukoval: wda [15:28:45] Romanuch issued server command: /home [15:28:45] Dydre issued server command: /tpaccept [15:28:45] bukoval issued server command: /адн [15:28:46] bukoval issued server command: /fly [15:28:47] ivanneronov159 issued server command: /kit [15:28:48] TOGA issued server command: /rtp [15:28:48] FROST2137 issued server command: /tpa G0KO [15:28:48] Ilayihoy issued server command: /home [15:28:49] licoLOM1337 issued server command: /sethome [15:28:51] G0KO issued server command: /kit Shadow [15:28:51] [L] Dydre: че умер [15:28:53] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [15:28:54] ivanneronov159 issued server command: /kit eat [15:28:54] G0KO issued server command: /tpaccept [15:28:56] TurboLastGame зашёл [15:28:56] ivanneronov159 issued server command: /kit start [15:28:58] Fantasy404 issued server command: //expand 40 [15:28:59] Ilayihoy issued server command: /kit eat [15:28:59] licoLOM1337 issued server command: //wand [15:28:59] Romanuch issued server command: /back [15:28:59] [L] Ic3berg: да не заряжено не чего [15:29:01] pash123 issued server command: /rtp [15:29:02] Fantasy404 issued server command: //expand 40 up [15:29:04] ggwin issued server command: /call FilyWay [15:29:04] G0KO issued server command: /rg addmember h9 FROST2137 [15:29:05] [L] Dydre: ну так [15:29:07] ivanneronov159 issued server command: /kit Novice [15:29:07] [L] Dydre: ща поставим [15:29:08] Romanuch был кикнут [15:29:08] Romanuch вышел [15:29:08] FilyWay issued server command: /tpaccept [15:29:08] SplaschGaming issued server command: /r да какой таум [15:29:08] TurboLastGame issued server command: /we cui [15:29:10] pash123 issued server command: /rtp [15:29:10] SimpleBoi issued server command: /warp world [15:29:10] Ilayihoy issued server command: /rtp [15:29:10] ordo001 issued server command: /tp Beerl [15:29:10] G0KO issued server command: /rg addmember h8 FROST2137 [15:29:11] FROST2137 issued server command: /god [15:29:12] SplaschGaming issued server command: /r на витчери))) [15:29:12] Ilayihoy issued server command: /rtp [15:29:12] ordo001 issued server command: /warp world [15:29:12] SimpleBoi issued server command: /we cui [15:29:13] Beerl issued server command: /warp world [15:29:14] ordo001 issued server command: /we cui [15:29:14] G0KO issued server command: /rg addmember h7 FROST2137 [15:29:15] Beerl issued server command: /we cui [15:29:15] ordo001 issued server command: /tp Beerl [15:29:15] Fantasy404 issued server command: //expand 10 down [15:29:16] pash123 issued server command: /rtp [15:29:16] Romanuch зашёл [15:29:17] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [15:29:17] ordo001 issued server command: /rtp [15:29:18] SimpleBoi issued server command: /rtp [15:29:18] Romanuch issued server command: /we cui [15:29:19] ordo001 issued server command: /tp Beerl [15:29:19] G0KO issued server command: /rg addmember h6 FROST2137 [15:29:19] slaim01 issued server command: /rtp [15:29:19] pash123 issued server command: /rtp [15:29:19] TurboLastGame issued server command: /tpa bomw [15:29:24] ordo001 issued server command: /tpa Beerl [15:29:25] FROST2137 issued server command: /fly [15:29:26] Bomw issued server command: /tpaccept [15:29:27] G0KO issued server command: /rg addmember h5 FROST2137 [15:29:27] Beerl issued server command: /tpaccept [15:29:27] TurboLastGame issued server command: /fly [15:29:27] FROST2137 issued server command: /god [15:29:28] [L] Dydre: ммм [15:29:29] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [15:29:29] Fantasy404 issued server command: /rg claim Fantasy404 [15:29:32] G0KO issued server command: /rg addmember h4 FROST2137 [15:29:32] SplaschGaming issued server command: /rtp [15:29:34] Romanuch issued server command: /fly [15:29:34] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [15:29:34] SimpleBoi issued server command: /kit start [15:29:35] G0KO issued server command: /rg addmember h3 FROST2137 [15:29:36] pash123 issued server command: //wandx [15:29:36] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [15:29:37] LeroySabo issued server command: /rg i [15:29:37] pash123 issued server command: //wand [15:29:38] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [15:29:38] G0KO issued server command: /rg addmember h2 FROST2137 [15:29:40] Akatsukioff issued server command: //wand [15:29:41] G0KO issued server command: /rg addmember h1 FROST2137 [15:29:42] ggwin issued server command: /home [15:29:43] FROST2137 issued server command: /kit nano [15:29:43] BJlaTnou issued server command: /kit [15:29:43] Romanuch issued server command: /rtp [15:29:44] licoLOM1337 issued server command: /sethome [15:29:45] FovorFrost issued server command: /rtp [15:29:45] LeroySabo issued server command: /rtp [15:29:48] ordo001 issued server command: /fly [15:29:49] Ilayihoy issued server command: /rtp [15:29:50] BJlaTnou issued server command: /kit novice [15:29:50] Akatsukioff issued server command: //wand [15:29:52] Ilayihoy issued server command: /home [15:29:54] Vacample зашёл [15:29:57] Krantzg issued server command: /home [15:29:58] [L] Dydre: все иди [15:29:59] SimpleBoi issued server command: /tp SimpleBoi 251 65 -960 [15:30:00] FROST2137 issued server command: /kit supernano [15:30:02] [L] Dydre: заряжай [15:30:04] Frunchesko issued server command: /rtp [15:30:07] Dydre issued server command: /god [15:30:07] Zik4 issued server command: /rg s [15:30:10] Bradman issued server command: /kit start [15:30:10] Krantzg issued server command: /rg sel [15:30:10] Vacample issued server command: /we cui [15:30:11] Meednait issued server command: //chunk [15:30:11] Meednait issued server command: //outset 16 [15:30:11] Meednait issued server command: /zone [15:30:12] pash123 issued server command: //expand vert [15:30:12] Ilayihoy issued server command: /rtp [15:30:14] FROST2137 issued server command: /kits [15:30:16] ggwin issued server command: /call FilyWay [15:30:20] FilyWay issued server command: /tpaccept [15:30:21] Fantasy404 issued server command: /rg addmember GoooDDoG Fantasy404 [15:30:21] pash123 issued server command: /rg claim [15:30:22] [G] Dydre: !серв новый баги старые) [15:30:22] [L] Vacample: 1 [15:30:24] Vacample issued server command: /fly [15:30:26] iamfriendly issued server command: //sel [15:30:32] Dydre issued server command: /kit wool [15:30:32] Fantasy404 issued server command: /rg addmember Fantasy404 GoooDDoG [15:30:32] FROST2137 issued server command: /kit ultranano [15:30:37] TurboLastGame issued server command: /home [15:30:37] pash123 issued server command: /rg claim klop123 [15:30:40] Vacample issued server command: /warp world [15:30:40] licoLOM1337 issued server command: //expdand 50u [15:30:42] Vacample issued server command: /we cui [15:30:43] licoLOM1337 issued server command: //expdand 50 u [15:30:44] Dydre issued server command: /kit tools [15:30:45] Vacample issued server command: /rtp [15:30:45] iamfriendly issued server command: /rg help [15:30:47] [G] Akatsukioff: !как заприватить в верх и в низ много блоков [15:30:47] bukoval вышел [15:30:47] [G] FlipSize: !и лучше их не обсуждать, а высказывать на форум.е [15:30:48] SplaschGaming issued server command: /rtp [15:30:49] licoLOM1337 issued server command: //expand 50 up [15:30:50] Vacample issued server command: /fly [15:30:52] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [15:30:53] licoLOM1337 issued server command: //expand 50 d [15:30:53] TurboLastGame issued server command: /rtp [15:30:54] __KotuKen issued server command: /tpa _CTALKER_ [15:30:54] Frunchesko issued server command: /rtp [15:30:55] licoLOM1337 issued server command: /rg claim mtz [15:30:55] Vacample issued server command: /kit [15:30:56] Meednait issued server command: /rg claim meednait [15:30:57] pash123 issued server command: //ящту [15:31:00] Bomw issued server command: /sethome [15:31:00] _CTALKER_ issued server command: /tpaccept [15:31:01] Meednait issued server command: //sel [15:31:01] Clockwise_Op issued server command: //chunk [15:31:01] Clockwise_Op issued server command: //outset 16 [15:31:01] Clockwise_Op issued server command: /zone [15:31:02] pash123 issued server command: //chunk [15:31:02] pash123 issued server command: //outset 16 [15:31:02] pash123 issued server command: /zone [15:31:05] TurboLastGame issued server command: /kit [15:31:08] Ilayihoy issued server command: /kirs [15:31:08] _CTALKER_ issued server command: /clan [15:31:10] Clockwise_Op issued server command: /rg claim Clockwise_Op1 [15:31:10] Ilayihoy issued server command: /kits [15:31:14] Ilayihoy issued server command: /kit top [15:31:14] Frunchesko issued server command: /rtp [15:31:14] _CTALKER_ issued server command: /clan invite __ko [15:31:14] SplaschGaming issued server command: /tell asdadn про грозу кнш жалко [15:31:15] Bomw issued server command: /home invite TurboLastGame [15:31:15] G0KO issued server command: /kit [15:31:17] [G] Dydre: !да помню все не зря же пару месяцев отпахал помощником [15:31:17] Vacample issued server command: //word [15:31:17] __KotuKen issued server command: /kit [15:31:18] _CTALKER_ issued server command: /clan invite __KotuKen [15:31:19] Pumple issued server command: /home Romanuch [15:31:20] G0KO issued server command: /kit mobs [15:31:20] Vacample issued server command: //ward [15:31:21] __KotuKen issued server command: /clan accept _CTALKER_ [15:31:22] licoLOM1337 issued server command: //sel [15:31:22] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [15:31:24] LeroySabo issued server command: /rtp [15:31:24] [G] FlipSize: !)0 [15:31:24] Dydre issued server command: /kit [15:31:25] Clockwise_Op issued server command: /home [15:31:28] Vacample issued server command: //chunk [15:31:28] Vacample issued server command: //outset 16 [15:31:28] Vacample issued server command: /zone [15:31:29] Clockwise_Op issued server command: /rg delete Clockwise_Op [15:31:29] Dydre issued server command: /kit nano [15:31:31] Clockwise_Op issued server command: //chunk [15:31:31] Clockwise_Op issued server command: //outset 16 [15:31:31] Clockwise_Op issued server command: /zone [15:31:32] Vacample issued server command: //sel [15:31:33] [G] Beerl: !А что так долго? [15:31:35] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [15:31:36] slaim01 issued server command: /rtp [15:31:36] G0KO issued server command: /kit badmods [15:31:38] licoLOM1337 issued server command: /rg flag mtz pvp deny [15:31:40] Dydre issued server command: /kit [15:31:40] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [15:31:41] Zanda issued server command: /kick Zanda -s [15:31:41] Zanda был кикнут [15:31:41] Zanda вышел [15:31:42] Clockwise_Op issued server command: /rg claim Clockwise_Op [15:31:42] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [15:31:42] [L] _CTALKER_: Тут был твой дом [15:31:42] [L] Ic3berg: я ща [15:31:43] [G] Beerl: !На модера не тянул? [15:31:43] FreakFromThePub зашёл [15:31:43] G0KO issued server command: /kit badmobs [15:31:43] Suyumi issued server command: /votesun [15:31:43] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [15:31:44] Fantasy404 issued server command: /mpcaseshop [15:31:46] Fantasy404 issued server command: /mpcaseview 1 [15:31:46] Vacample issued server command: /yes [15:31:46] Fantasy404 issued server command: /buycase 1 [15:31:46] ivanneronov159 issued server command: /no [15:31:47] Ilayihoy issued server command: /yes [15:31:47] Bradman issued server command: /rg delete zyd [15:31:48] Dydre issued server command: /kit extratools [15:31:48] ivanneronov159 issued server command: /yes [15:31:48] Clockwise_Op issued server command: /rg flag Clockwise_Op pvp deny [15:31:49] Vladimirytska issued server command: /yes [15:31:49] Vehitsel issued server command: /yes [15:31:49] Vehitsel issued server command: /yes [15:31:49] Zanda зашёл [15:31:49] Pumple issued server command: /rtp [15:31:50] FovorFrost issued server command: /no [15:31:51] __KotuKen issued server command: /tpa _CTALKER_ [15:31:51] Zanda issued server command: /we cui [15:31:52] BJlaTnou issued server command: /yes [15:31:52] G0KO issued server command: /kit bad wool [15:31:52] slaim01 issued server command: /home [15:31:53] Meednait issued server command: /kit [15:31:53] Clockwise_Op issued server command: /rtp [15:31:53] Vacample issued server command: /warp [15:31:53] [G] Dydre: !+ [15:31:56] Ilayihoy issued server command: /rtp [15:31:56] SimpleBoi issued server command: /rtp [15:31:56] FreakFromThePub issued server command: /we cui [15:31:56] TurboLastGame issued server command: /home [15:31:56] FROST2137 issued server command: /yes [15:31:58] Fantasy404 issued server command: /mpcaseshop [15:31:58] _CTALKER_ issued server command: /tpaccept [15:31:59] G0KO issued server command: /kit bad Wool [15:31:59] Zanda issued server command: /u Миссфаер [15:32:01] Fantasy404 issued server command: /mpcaseview 1 [15:32:01] Zanda issued server command: /god [15:32:02] Fantasy404 issued server command: /buycase 1 [15:32:02] Zanda issued server command: /god [15:32:03] G0KO issued server command: /kit Wool [15:32:03] Zanda issued server command: /fly [15:32:04] [L] _CTALKER_: Все, я офф [15:32:06] [L] _CTALKER_: Я спать [15:32:07] [L] Dydre: ебать лаги)) [15:32:07] slaim01 issued server command: /rtp [15:32:09] [L] __KotuKen: tt [15:32:10] TurboLastGame issued server command: /rtp [15:32:10] [L] __KotuKen: eee [15:32:10] [L] _CTALKER_: Вся активность завтра [15:32:11] asdadn issued server command: /кез [15:32:11] [G] LittleSvinka: !с диамондом шмотки после смерти падают? [15:32:12] asdadn issued server command: /rtp [15:32:13] LeroySabo issued server command: /rtp [15:32:17] [L] _CTALKER_: Чао, пупсик [15:32:19] Vehitsel issued server command: /rg i [15:32:19] Romanuch issued server command: /rtp [15:32:19] Solordiy зашёл [15:32:20] [G] Dydre: !да [15:32:21] slaim01 issued server command: /rtp [15:32:22] Pumple issued server command: /mpcaseshop [15:32:22] [G] FlipSize: !50/50 [15:32:23] [L] Ic3berg: го дс [15:32:23] Pumple issued server command: /mpcaseview 1 [15:32:23] Dydre issued server command: /kit [15:32:24] Romanuch issued server command: /rtp [15:32:24] Pumple issued server command: /rollcase 1 [15:32:28] Meednait issued server command: /kit ae_shadow [15:32:29] LeroySabo issued server command: /rtp [15:32:29] G0KO issued server command: /kit [15:32:30] Solordiy issued server command: /we cui [15:32:30] [L] Dydre: ща [15:32:30] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [15:32:34] G0KO issued server command: /kit eat [15:32:39] slaim01 issued server command: /tpa coffe_lite2 [15:32:39] Pumple issued server command: /mpcaseview 1 [15:32:39] G0KO issued server command: /kit tools [15:32:39] iamfriendly issued server command: /spawn [15:32:39] Pumple issued server command: /mpcaseshop [15:32:40] Pumple issued server command: /mpcaseview 1 [15:32:40] Akatsukioff issued server command: /rg claim yzel [15:32:41] Pumple issued server command: /rollcase 1 [15:32:41] iamfriendly issued server command: /we cui [15:32:47] [L] _CTALKER_: Все пок [15:32:48] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [15:32:48] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [15:32:48] G0KO issued server command: /kit jetpack [15:32:48] KotAgresor issued server command: /cart all [15:32:48] LeroySabo issued server command: /mpcaseshop [15:32:49] FROST2137 был кикнут [15:32:49] FROST2137 вышел [15:32:49] _CTALKER_ вышел [15:32:49] LeroySabo issued server command: /mpcaseview 1 [15:32:49] Romanuch был кикнут [15:32:49] Romanuch вышел [15:32:51] G0KO issued server command: /kit nano [15:32:51] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [15:32:51] KotAgresor вышел [15:32:51] FROST2137 зашёл [15:32:52] [L] FlipSize: .пс [15:32:53] Pumple issued server command: /mpcaseview 1 [15:32:54] pash123 issued server command: /rg claim klop123 [15:32:54] FlipSize issued server command: /gc [15:32:54] Pumple issued server command: /rollcase 1 [15:32:54] MrRubin4ik issued server command: /kit eat [15:32:55] LeroySabo вышел [15:32:55] FreakFromThePub issued server command: /KIT NOVICE [15:32:55] Romanuch зашёл [15:32:55] FROST2137 issued server command: /we cui [15:32:56] G0KO issued server command: /kit res [15:32:56] Romanuch issued server command: /we cui [15:32:58] licoLOM1337 issued server command: /warp shop [15:32:59] Vacample вышел [15:32:59] KotAgresor зашёл [15:32:59] SplaschGaming issued server command: /r я помню они где-то именно с визера падают [15:32:59] licoLOM1337 issued server command: /we cui [15:33:02] KotAgresor issued server command: /we cui [15:33:02] Solordiy issued server command: /mpcaseshop [15:33:05] Pumple issued server command: /mpcaseview 1 [15:33:05] Solordiy issued server command: /mpcaseview 1 [15:33:07] GoooDDoG вышел [15:33:07] KotAgresor issued server command: /cart all [15:33:07] Pumple issued server command: /rollcase 1 [15:33:07] Solordiy issued server command: /buycase 1 [15:33:08] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [15:33:08] coffe_lite2 issued server command: /tpaccpt [15:33:08] Romanuch issued server command: /fly [15:33:10] G0KO issued server command: /kit tree [15:33:11] Romanuch issued server command: /god [15:33:12] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [15:33:12] Clockwise_Op issued server command: /rtp [15:33:14] Vladimirytska issued server command: /kit [15:33:14] Meednait issued server command: /kit ichor [15:33:14] Bradman вышел [15:33:20] Vladimirytska issued server command: /kit eat [15:33:20] Pumple issued server command: /mpcaseview 1 [15:33:21] coffe_lite2 issued server command: /tpaccept [15:33:21] Pumple issued server command: /rollcase 1 [15:33:22] FROST2137 issued server command: /kits [15:33:29] G0KO issued server command: /kit ichor [15:33:30] [G] __KotuKen: ! Zanda а з чего вдруг я такой плохой? [15:33:31] FROST2137 issued server command: /kit quant [15:33:33] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [15:33:33] Romanuch issued server command: /rtp [15:33:34] Solordiy issued server command: /buycase 1 [15:33:35] G0KO issued server command: /kit [15:33:36] TOGA issued server command: //chunk [15:33:36] TOGA issued server command: //outset 16 [15:33:36] TOGA issued server command: /zone [15:33:37] Krantzg issued server command: //sel [15:33:38] Bradman зашёл [15:33:39] slaim01 issued server command: /rtp [15:33:40] Zanda issued server command: /u Романыч, дерево крутое из таумкрафта нада? [15:33:40] Dydre issued server command: /kit [15:33:41] Bradman issued server command: /we cui [15:33:41] asdadn issued server command: /rtp [15:33:42] Bradman умер (ENTITY_ATTACK) [15:33:43] G0KO issued server command: /kit extraarmor [15:33:44] Zanda issued server command: /u Великое которое [15:33:48] Dydre issued server command: /kit superthaum [15:33:50] Bradman issued server command: /we cui [15:33:53] Solordiy issued server command: /mpcaseshop [15:33:55] Solordiy issued server command: /mpcaseview 1 [15:33:55] Romanuch issued server command: /u у нас есть саженец [15:33:56] Solordiy issued server command: /rollcase 1 [15:33:59] Bradman issued server command: /warp world [15:34:01] Romanuch issued server command: /rtp [15:34:01] Bradman issued server command: /we cui [15:34:02] [L] Ic3berg: сделай тут хом и кинь мне инвайт на хом [15:34:03] iamfriendly issued server command: /home [15:34:03] FROST2137 issued server command: /kit thaum [15:34:05] iamfriendly issued server command: /we cui [15:34:05] [G] FovorFrost: !DeZeR появлялся тут? [15:34:06] TweeL1e issued server command: /kits [15:34:09] Bradman issued server command: /rtp [15:34:09] LeroySabo зашёл [15:34:10] Vehitsel issued server command: //sel [15:34:11] SplaschGaming issued server command: /r ведьмин круг [15:34:12] Solordiy issued server command: /mpcaseview 1 [15:34:14] [G] Zanda: ! __KotuKen Просто по-приколу [15:34:14] SplaschGaming issued server command: //wand [15:34:15] Ilayihoy issued server command: /home [15:34:15] FreakFromThePub issued server command: /kit novice [15:34:16] G0KO issued server command: /kit [15:34:17] LeroySabo issued server command: /we cui [15:34:17] TheMaxLC issued server command: /tpa asdadn [15:34:18] Meednait issued server command: /kit [15:34:19] asdadn issued server command: /co i [15:34:20] LeroySabo умер (FALL) [15:34:20] [G] __KotuKen: !аа понимаю [15:34:21] Razy вышел [15:34:21] G0KO issued server command: /kit quant [15:34:22] LeroySabo issued server command: /we cui [15:34:22] Romanuch issued server command: /home [15:34:24] Fantasy404 issued server command: //sel [15:34:24] asdadn issued server command: /co i [15:34:25] LeroySabo issued server command: /back [15:34:26] Krantzg issued server command: /rtp [15:34:26] pash123 issued server command: /sa [15:34:27] SplaschGaming issued server command: //expand 6 [15:34:31] SplaschGaming issued server command: //expand 6 [15:34:31] pash123 issued server command: /sethome [15:34:31] pash123 issued server command: /sethome [15:34:31] LeroySabo issued server command: /rtp [15:34:32] FreakFromThePub issued server command: /kit novice [15:34:32] Meednait issued server command: /kit extraarmor [15:34:33] Ilayihoy issued server command: /rtp [15:34:33] SplaschGaming issued server command: //expand 6 [15:34:33] FreakFromThePub вышел [15:34:34] LeroySabo issued server command: /fly [15:34:34] G0KO issued server command: /kit ultranano [15:34:38] Clockwise_Op issued server command: /warp list [15:34:38] FROST2137 issued server command: /kit super thaum [15:34:39] asdadn issued server command: /rtp [15:34:39] LeroySabo issued server command: /fly [15:34:40] SplaschGaming issued server command: //expand 6 [15:34:40] LeroySabo issued server command: /fly [15:34:41] Ic3berg issued server command: /home dydre [15:34:41] FreakFromThePub зашёл [15:34:42] asdadn issued server command: /rtp [15:34:43] SplaschGaming issued server command: //expand 6 [15:34:43] G0KO issued server command: /kit [15:34:44] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [15:34:44] FreakFromThePub issued server command: /we cui [15:34:44] SplaschGaming issued server command: //expand 6 [15:34:45] Clockwise_Op issued server command: /warp npcshop [15:34:45] FROST2137 issued server command: /kit superthaum [15:34:45] Frunchesko issued server command: //wand [15:34:45] Fantasy404 issued server command: /sethome [15:34:46] Clockwise_Op issued server command: /we cui [15:34:48] licoLOM1337 issued server command: /quest [15:34:48] G0KO issued server command: /kit thaum [15:34:48] Bradman issued server command: /rtp [15:34:49] SplaschGaming issued server command: //expand 6 [15:34:51] [G] BJlaTnou: !Хобгоблинов находил кто? [15:34:52] FreakFromThePub issued server command: /kit novice [15:34:52] SplaschGaming issued server command: //expand 6 [15:34:53] Meednait issued server command: /kit [15:34:53] Solordiy issued server command: /mpcaseshop [15:34:54] SplaschGaming issued server command: //expand 6 [15:34:55] SplaschGaming issued server command: //expand 6 [15:34:55] Fantasy404 issued server command: /home [15:34:57] [G] FlipSize: !вехитс хейтер [15:34:57] SplaschGaming issued server command: //expand 6 [15:34:58] SplaschGaming issued server command: //expand 6 [15:34:59] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [15:35:00] Fantasy404 issued server command: /rtp [15:35:00] [G] Zanda: !Тпшну к ним за 120 эммов [15:35:01] SplaschGaming issued server command: /rg claim rrt [15:35:03] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [15:35:05] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [15:35:05] Frunchesko issued server command: //expand 20 up [15:35:06] Romanuch issued server command: /rtp [15:35:07] Frunchesko issued server command: //expand 20 down [15:35:08] Dydre issued server command: /kit [15:35:08] SplaschGaming issued server command: /r а так у меня уже 2 рг [15:35:09] Meednait issued server command: /kit superichor [15:35:10] Frunchesko issued server command: /rg claim durka [15:35:13] Frunchesko issued server command: //sel [15:35:14] Dydre issued server command: /sethome [15:35:15] TOGA issued server command: /rg claim toga [15:35:15] LittleSvinka issued server command: /msg Solordiy tp [15:35:16] asdadn issued server command: /call SplaschGaming [15:35:17] G0KO issued server command: /kit superthaum [15:35:17] LeroySabo issued server command: /rtp [15:35:18] FovorFrost issued server command: /money [15:35:19] ggwin issued server command: /home [15:35:19] SplaschGaming issued server command: /etpaccept [15:35:21] asdadn issued server command: //wand [15:35:24] licoLOM1337 issued server command: /home [15:35:25] Bradman issued server command: /rtp [15:35:26] licoLOM1337 issued server command: /we cui [15:35:26] [G] LeroySabo: ! Чувствую развод [15:35:26] Solordiy вышел [15:35:27] FROST2137 issued server command: /kit shard [15:35:27] [L] SplaschGaming: так вот же [15:35:29] LittleSvinka issued server command: /home invite solordiy [15:35:30] flesziip issued server command: //sel [15:35:30] [G] LeroySabo: ! В твоих словах [15:35:34] SplaschGaming issued server command: /; [15:35:34] asdadn issued server command: //expand 20 d [15:35:35] __KotuKen issued server command: /gpd [15:35:35] asdadn issued server command: //expand 20 u [15:35:35] G0KO issued server command: /kit shard [15:35:36] LeroySabo issued server command: /rtp [15:35:37] Krakiin зашёл [15:35:37] tH0R умер (ENTITY_ATTACK) [15:35:38] LittleSvinka issued server command: /rg addmebmer sobaka Solordiy [15:35:38] asdadn issued server command: /rg claim asdadn1 [15:35:40] asdadn issued server command: //sel [15:35:41] tH0R issued server command: /we cui [15:35:42] LittleSvinka issued server command: /rg addmember sobaka Solordiy [15:35:43] [G] Zanda: !За развод положено наказание [15:35:43] Meednait issued server command: /kit quant [15:35:44] Krakiin issued server command: /we cui [15:35:45] licoLOM1337 issued server command: /sethome [15:35:45] LittleSvinka issued server command: /home [15:35:46] [G] Zanda: !Так что ноу [15:35:46] G0KO issued server command: /kit top [15:35:52] tH0R issued server command: /warp world [15:35:53] tH0R issued server command: /we cui [15:35:55] Clockwise_Op issued server command: /rtp [15:35:56] FROST2137 issued server command: /kit emerald [15:35:57] tH0R issued server command: /кез [15:35:58] TweeL1e issued server command: /kit [15:35:58] Clockwise_Op issued server command: /warp world [15:35:59] tH0R issued server command: /rtp [15:35:59] Clockwise_Op issued server command: /we cui [15:35:59] SplaschGaming issued server command: /home [15:36:00] Dydre issued server command: /kit [15:36:00] Ilayihoy issued server command: /home [15:36:01] Clockwise_Op issued server command: /rtp [15:36:02] slaim01 issued server command: /rtp [15:36:02] TweeL1e issued server command: /kit mobs [15:36:03] FlipSize issued server command: /gamemode 1 [15:36:04] [G] __KotuKen: !куплю мульти инструмент1 [15:36:05] tH0R issued server command: /rtp [15:36:06] Frunchesko issued server command: /sethome [15:36:09] Fantasy404 issued server command: /rtp [15:36:11] TweeL1e issued server command: /kits [15:36:12] [G] pash123: !cKoKo cToЯт ОбСиДиАнОвЫе ТоТеМы? [15:36:14] FreakFromThePub issued server command: /fly [15:36:16] Ilayihoy issued server command: /rtp [15:36:16] Clockwise_Op issued server command: /warp casino [15:36:17] TweeL1e issued server command: /kit badmobs [15:36:21] Meednait issued server command: //kit [15:36:22] iamfriendly вышел [15:36:22] Clockwise_Op issued server command: /home [15:36:23] Pumple issued server command: /rtp [15:36:23] [G] Demaglhf: !как приватить? [15:36:24] TweeL1e issued server command: /kits [15:36:27] TweeL1e issued server command: /kit wool [15:36:28] tH0R issued server command: /rtp [15:36:29] Meednait issued server command: /kit [15:36:29] Fantasy404 issued server command: /kit [15:36:30] Clockwise_Op issued server command: /rtp [15:36:33] LeroySabo issued server command: /rtp [15:36:35] LeroySabo issued server command: /rtp [15:36:38] Fantasy404 issued server command: /kit eat [15:36:38] LeroySabo issued server command: /rtp [15:36:39] asdadn issued server command: /tpaccept [15:36:40] Clockwise_Op issued server command: /fly [15:36:40] SplaschGaming issued server command: /tpa asdadn [15:36:42] asdadn issued server command: /tpaccept [15:36:46] FROST2137 issued server command: /kit eat [15:36:47] FreakFromThePub issued server command: /kit [15:36:49] Meednait issued server command: /kit top [15:36:49] slaim01 issued server command: /rtp [15:36:50] LeroySabo issued server command: /mpcaseshop [15:36:51] tH0R issued server command: /rtp [15:36:51] LeroySabo issued server command: /mpcaseview 1 [15:36:52] LeroySabo issued server command: /rollcase 1 [15:36:58] Meednait issued server command: /kit shadow [15:36:58] FlipSize issued server command: /cases list [15:36:58] Bradman issued server command: /mpcaseshop [15:37:00] Clockwise_Op вышел [15:37:02] SplaschGaming issued server command: /tell Krantzg 30 [15:37:05] FROST2137 issued server command: /kit wood [15:37:05] tH0R issued server command: /rtp [15:37:05] slaim01 issued server command: /rtp [15:37:07] Ic3berg issued server command: /home dydre [15:37:07] LeroySabo issued server command: /mpcaseshop [15:37:08] TweeL1e issued server command: /kits [15:37:08] LeroySabo issued server command: /mpcaseview 1 [15:37:09] LeroySabo issued server command: /rollcase 1 [15:37:10] SplaschGaming issued server command: /r да эт много для меня [15:37:10] Ilayihoy issued server command: /rtp [15:37:11] TweeL1e issued server command: /kits start [15:37:12] FROST2137 issued server command: /kits [15:37:14] Ic3berg issued server command: /home dydre [15:37:14] tH0R issued server command: /kit eay [15:37:16] SplaschGaming issued server command: /r я играю в маленьком окне просто [15:37:17] Bomw issued server command: /home [15:37:17] tH0R issued server command: /kit eat [15:37:17] Pumple issued server command: /voteday [15:37:19] TweeL1e issued server command: /kits [15:37:19] FROST2137 issued server command: /kit mob [15:37:19] Romanuch issued server command: /yes [15:37:20] ivanneronov159 issued server command: /yes [15:37:20] Akatsukioff issued server command: /yes [15:37:20] Vehitsel issued server command: /yes [15:37:20] ggwin issued server command: /yes [15:37:20] Dydre issued server command: /home invite Ic3berg [15:37:20] Zanda issued server command: /no [15:37:20] licoLOM1337 issued server command: /home [15:37:21] TurboLastGame issued server command: /yes [15:37:22] BJlaTnou issued server command: /yes [15:37:22] FROST2137 issued server command: /kit mobs [15:37:22] Ic3berg issued server command: /home dydre [15:37:22] Bomw issued server command: /home TurboLastGame [15:37:23] iamfriendly зашёл [15:37:23] TweeL1e issued server command: /kit Tools [15:37:25] tH0R issued server command: /yes [15:37:25] LeroySabo issued server command: /mpcaseshop [15:37:26] licoLOM1337 issued server command: /warp shop [15:37:26] iamfriendly issued server command: /we cui [15:37:26] LeroySabo issued server command: /mpcaseview 1 [15:37:27] licoLOM1337 issued server command: /we cui [15:37:28] LeroySabo issued server command: /rollcase 1 [15:37:29] TweeL1e issued server command: /kits [15:37:32] LeroySabo issued server command: /rtp [15:37:33] asdadn issued server command: /rtp [15:37:33] FROST2137 issued server command: /kit badmobs [15:37:34] TweeL1e issued server command: /kit jetpack [15:37:34] Dydre issued server command: /kit tree [15:37:35] LeroySabo issued server command: /rtp [15:37:36] LeroySabo issued server command: /rtp [15:37:37] Krakiin issued server command: /warp world [15:37:37] LeroySabo issued server command: /rtp [15:37:38] Ilayihoy issued server command: /rtp\ [15:37:38] TweeL1e issued server command: /kit nano [15:37:38] Krakiin issued server command: /we cui [15:37:38] LeroySabo issued server command: /rtp [15:37:41] Ilayihoy issued server command: /rtp\ [15:37:41] FreakFromThePub issued server command: /kit start [15:37:41] Krakiin issued server command: /rtp [15:37:42] FROST2137 issued server command: /kit tools [15:37:43] Ilayihoy issued server command: /rtp [15:37:46] LeroySabo issued server command: /mpcaseshop [15:37:47] LeroySabo issued server command: /mpcaseview 1 [15:37:48] LeroySabo issued server command: /rollcase 1 [15:37:49] FROST2137 issued server command: /kit top [15:37:49] TweeL1e issued server command: /kit Res [15:37:51] [G] FovorFrost: !Ищу какую-нибудь патьку) Хочу пчелок разводить и немного таум изучать) [15:37:58] TweeL1e issued server command: /kits [15:37:58] LittleSvinka issued server command: /tpaccpet [15:37:58] ggwin issued server command: /call FilyWay [15:38:01] LittleSvinka issued server command: /tpaccept [15:38:02] FilyWay issued server command: /tpaccept [15:38:02] LeroySabo issued server command: /rtp [15:38:03] TweeL1e issued server command: /kit tree [15:38:04] FROST2137 issued server command: /kit jetpack [15:38:05] LeroySabo issued server command: /mpcaseshop [15:38:10] licoLOM1337 issued server command: /home [15:38:10] FilyWay issued server command: /home [15:38:10] LeroySabo issued server command: /mpcaseview 1 [15:38:11] licoLOM1337 issued server command: /we cui [15:38:11] LeroySabo issued server command: /rollcase 1 [15:38:13] Beerl issued server command: /call ordo001 [15:38:14] LeroySabo issued server command: /rtp [15:38:18] ordo001 issued server command: /tpaccept [15:38:19] TweeL1e issued server command: /kits [15:38:21] Zanda issued server command: /near [15:38:22] FROST2137 issued server command: /kit tree [15:38:22] SplaschGaming issued server command: /tell asdadn опа [15:38:23] iamfriendly issued server command: //chunk [15:38:23] iamfriendly issued server command: //outset 16 [15:38:23] iamfriendly issued server command: /zone [15:38:27] Ic3berg issued server command: /home [15:38:27] TweeL1e issued server command: /kit Ae_shadow [15:38:27] SplaschGaming issued server command: /tell asdadn спект пыль [15:38:27] G0KO issued server command: /fly [15:38:27] Dydre issued server command: /kit top [15:38:27] Demaglhf issued server command: //chunk [15:38:27] Demaglhf issued server command: //outset 16 [15:38:27] Demaglhf issued server command: /zone [15:38:27] LeroySabo issued server command: /mpcaseshop [15:38:28] LeroySabo issued server command: /mpcaseview 1 [15:38:28] FROST2137 issued server command: /kit ichor [15:38:29] Zanda issued server command: /heal [15:38:29] LeroySabo issued server command: /rollcase 1 [15:38:31] LeroySabo issued server command: /rtp [15:38:33] Romanuch issued server command: /tp Pumple [15:38:33] SplaschGaming issued server command: /tell asdadn не надо будет вызивать свинку [15:38:34] G0KO issued server command: /rtp [15:38:35] Romanuch issued server command: /trade Pumple [15:38:35] Demaglhf issued server command: /rg claim demich [15:38:36] LeroySabo issued server command: /rtp [15:38:36] [G] Suyumi: ! Лерой, ты в какой тиме? [15:38:36] FROST2137 issued server command: /kit extraarmor [15:38:38] LeroySabo issued server command: /rtp [15:38:39] LeroySabo issued server command: /rtp [15:38:39] Dydre issued server command: /home nik003 [15:38:39] FilyWay issued server command: /kit novice [15:38:40] G0KO issued server command: /call KotAgresor [15:38:43] Demaglhf issued server command: /rg flag [15:38:43] SplaschGaming issued server command: /r в доме жителя было [15:38:44] Dydre issued server command: /home [15:38:44] KotAgresor issued server command: /tpaccept [15:38:46] [G] LeroySabo: ! Адин я [15:38:48] [G] iamfriendly: !как приватить? [15:38:49] [G] Suyumi: !а [15:38:49] Demaglhf issued server command: /rg flag demich pvp deny [15:38:49] FovorFrost issued server command: /rtp [15:38:50] FilyWay issued server command: /call ggwin [15:38:51] Solordiy зашёл [15:38:51] G0KO issued server command: /sethome [15:38:52] SimpleBoi issued server command: /rtp [15:38:52] Meednait issued server command: /kit [15:38:55] Ic3berg issued server command: /home [15:38:55] Razy зашёл [15:38:56] iamfriendly issued server command: /rg claim iamfriendly [15:38:57] Ic3berg issued server command: /home dydre [15:38:59] Krantzg issued server command: /call SplaschGaming [15:39:00] FreakFromThePub issued server command: /kit start [15:39:01] Solordiy issued server command: /we cui [15:39:02] Frunchesko issued server command: /home [15:39:03] Meednait issued server command: /kit shard [15:39:05] iamfriendly issued server command: //sell [15:39:05] Bradman issued server command: /kit [15:39:05] ggwin issued server command: /tpaccept [15:39:07] FROST2137 issued server command: /kit extratools [15:39:09] Frunchesko issued server command: /rtp [15:39:09] iamfriendly issued server command: //sel [15:39:10] [G] Suyumi: !я думала ты в команде занды [15:39:10] SplaschGaming issued server command: /tpaccept [15:39:10] slaim01 issued server command: /rtp [15:39:13] iamfriendly issued server command: /sethome [15:39:14] LeroySabo issued server command: /mpcaseshop [15:39:14] TweeL1e issued server command: /kits [15:39:15] LeroySabo issued server command: /mpcaseview 1 [15:39:15] LeroySabo issued server command: /rollcase 1 [15:39:18] FreakFromThePub issued server command: /fly [15:39:19] [L] SplaschGaming: и тут еще второй [15:39:20] TweeL1e issued server command: /kit Extratools [15:39:20] FreakFromThePub issued server command: /fly [15:39:22] Demaglhf issued server command: /sethome [15:39:22] [G] LeroySabo: !По опен кейсу?) [15:39:24] Dydre issued server command: /kit [15:39:24] Razy issued server command: /we cui [15:39:25] FreakFromThePub issued server command: /kit strat [15:39:26] TweeL1e issued server command: /kits [15:39:27] Meednait issued server command: /kit [15:39:27] __KotuKen issued server command: /sethome [15:39:28] TOGA issued server command: //sel [15:39:30] [G] Suyumi: !ага [15:39:31] __KotuKen issued server command: //chunk [15:39:31] __KotuKen issued server command: //outset 16 [15:39:31] __KotuKen issued server command: /zone [15:39:31] TurboLastGame issued server command: /home invite sow [15:39:31] FreakFromThePub issued server command: /kit eat [15:39:31] [L] SplaschGaming: ну я тогда дальше пойду [15:39:31] FROST2137 issued server command: /kit res [15:39:31] TweeL1e issued server command: /kit Inchor [15:39:32] FovorFrost issued server command: /mpcaseshop [15:39:32] LeroySabo issued server command: /mpcaseshop [15:39:33] LeroySabo issued server command: /mpcaseview 1 [15:39:34] __KotuKen issued server command: /rg claim donation [15:39:34] LeroySabo issued server command: /rollcase 1 [15:39:35] licoLOM1337 был кикнут [15:39:35] licoLOM1337 вышел [15:39:36] TweeL1e issued server command: /kit Ichor [15:39:37] LeroySabo issued server command: /mpcaseshop [15:39:38] [G] Suyumi: ! Рома, ты с пампл? [15:39:39] TheMaxLC issued server command: /sethome [15:39:39] Razy issued server command: /tpa Demaglhf [15:39:39] [L] Meednait: kit tree [15:39:39] FovorFrost issued server command: /mpcaseview 2 [15:39:42] TheMaxLC issued server command: /tpa Krantzg [15:39:42] G0KO issued server command: /rg sel [15:39:42] LeroySabo issued server command: /rtp [15:39:43] TweeL1e issued server command: /kits [15:39:43] FovorFrost issued server command: /mpcaseshop [15:39:44] TOGA issued server command: //chunk [15:39:44] TOGA issued server command: //outset 16 [15:39:44] TOGA issued server command: /zone [15:39:44] Krantzg issued server command: /tpaccept [15:39:44] FovorFrost issued server command: /mpcaseview 1 [15:39:49] TweeL1e issued server command: /kit Extraarmor [15:39:52] SplaschGaming issued server command: /home [15:39:52] Demaglhf issued server command: /tpaccept [15:39:53] Ilayihoy issued server command: /rtp [15:39:54] Meednait issued server command: /kit tree [15:39:55] TweeL1e issued server command: /kits [15:39:56] LeroySabo issued server command: /warp pset [15:39:56] TheMaxLC issued server command: /home [15:39:57] slaim01 issued server command: /rtp [15:39:58] GoooDDoG зашёл [15:39:58] TweeL1e issued server command: /kit Quant [15:40:04] LeroySabo issued server command: /warp pset jungle [15:40:06] Demaglhf issued server command: /rg addmember demich razy [15:40:07] Razy issued server command: /rg i [15:40:08] Ic3berg issued server command: /rtp [15:40:08] ivanneronov159 issued server command: /set [15:40:09] SimpleBoi issued server command: /rtp [15:40:09] Pumple issued server command: /voteday [15:40:10] Pumple issued server command: /rtp [15:40:11] TOGA issued server command: /rg claim toga2 [15:40:11] TweeL1e issued server command: /kits [15:40:15] GoooDDoG issued server command: /we cui [15:40:15] TheMaxLC issued server command: /tpa Krantzg [15:40:16] TweeL1e issued server command: /kit Ultranano [15:40:17] LeroySabo issued server command: /warp list [15:40:17] Krantzg issued server command: /tpaccept [15:40:17] __KotuKen issued server command: /kit [15:40:20] __KotuKen issued server command: /kit start [15:40:20] slaim01 issued server command: /rtp [15:40:20] LeroySabo issued server command: /warp list 2 [15:40:24] TheMaxLC issued server command: /home SplaschGaming [15:40:25] LeroySabo issued server command: /warp pset jungle [15:40:26] __KotuKen issued server command: /kit eat [15:40:27] BJlaTnou issued server command: /rtp [15:40:31] Meednait issued server command: /kit extratools [15:40:34] TweeL1e issued server command: /kits [15:40:35] G0KO issued server command: /rg sel [15:40:35] ivanneronov159 issued server command: /sethome [15:40:37] FovorFrost issued server command: /rtp [15:40:37] LittleSvinka issued server command: /msg Solordiy тп ко мне [15:40:39] tH0R issued server command: /kit start [15:40:40] Solordiy issued server command: /tp LittleSvinka [15:40:41] LittleSvinka issued server command: /tpaccept [15:40:41] TweeL1e issued server command: /kit Superichor [15:40:43] Frunchesko issued server command: /rtp [15:40:43] FlipSize issued server command: /cases add Meednait [15:40:47] Krantzg вышел [15:40:48] FlipSize issued server command: /cases add Meednait 8 5 [15:40:50] __KotuKen issued server command: /kit [15:40:50] TweeL1e issued server command: /kits [15:40:52] __KotuKen issued server command: /kit bovice [15:40:53] GoooDDoG issued server command: /mpcaseshop [15:40:53] TweeL1e issued server command: /kit Thaum [15:40:56] Solordiy issued server command: /tpa LittleSvinka [15:40:56] GoooDDoG issued server command: /mpcaseview 1 [15:40:57] __KotuKen issued server command: /kit novice [15:40:58] GoooDDoG issued server command: /rollcase 1 [15:40:58] LittleSvinka issued server command: /tpaccept [15:41:01] FlipSize issued server command: /cases add Meednait 9 7 [15:41:04] [L] LittleSvinka: в регион уже добавил [15:41:05] TweeL1e issued server command: /kits [15:41:06] Ilayihoy issued server command: /rtp [15:41:07] SplaschGaming issued server command: /sethome [15:41:10] FlipSize issued server command: /gm 0 [15:41:11] SplaschGaming issued server command: /tell asdadn да нормально [15:41:11] FilyWay issued server command: /home [15:41:11] TweeL1e issued server command: /kit Superthaum [15:41:12] LeroySabo issued server command: /mpcaseshop [15:41:14] LeroySabo issued server command: /mpcaseview 1 [15:41:14] LeroySabo issued server command: /rollcase 1 [15:41:16] FreakFromThePub issued server command: /Sethome [15:41:17] asdadn issued server command: /rtp [15:41:19] TweeL1e issued server command: /kits [15:41:20] GoooDDoG issued server command: /mpcaseshop [15:41:21] GoooDDoG issued server command: /mpcaseview 1 [15:41:22] Romanuch issued server command: /time set night [15:41:22] FilyWay вышел [15:41:22] GoooDDoG issued server command: /rollcase 1 [15:41:23] TweeL1e issued server command: /kit Shard [15:41:24] Dydre issued server command: /spawn [15:41:24] __KotuKen issued server command: //sel [15:41:24] TheMaxLC issued server command: /rtp [15:41:26] Dydre issued server command: /we cui [15:41:27] slaim01 issued server command: /voteday [15:41:27] Krakiin issued server command: /list [15:41:29] asdadn issued server command: /voteday [15:41:31] SplaschGaming issued server command: /rtp [15:41:32] TweeL1e issued server command: /kits Shadow [15:41:34] __KotuKen issued server command: /warp world [15:41:34] LeroySabo issued server command: /rtp [15:41:38] slaim01 issued server command: /rtp [15:41:38] Ilayihoy issued server command: /home [15:41:38] Krakiin issued server command: /sethome [15:41:38] LeroySabo issued server command: /mpcaseshop [15:41:39] FlipSize issued server command: /oi Meednaite [15:41:39] GoooDDoG issued server command: /mpcaseshop [15:41:39] LeroySabo issued server command: /mpcaseview 1 [15:41:40] LeroySabo issued server command: /rollcase 1 [15:41:41] GoooDDoG issued server command: /mpcaseview 1 [15:41:41] FlipSize issued server command: /oi Meednait [15:41:41] __KotuKen issued server command: /we cui [15:41:42] Dydre issued server command: /fly [15:41:42] GoooDDoG issued server command: /rollcase 1 [15:41:42] Ic3berg issued server command: /rtp [15:41:44] asdadn issued server command: /rtp [15:41:45] Demaglhf issued server command: /zsell [15:41:51] TurboLastGame issued server command: /home [15:41:51] BJlaTnou issued server command: /m Zanda А хобы в обычном мире спавнятся? [15:41:52] FlipSize issued server command: /m Meednait все кейсы выдал [15:41:54] __KotuKen вышел [15:42:00] FovorFrost issued server command: /mpcaseshop [15:42:00] GoooDDoG issued server command: /mpcaseshop [15:42:02] GoooDDoG issued server command: /mpcaseview 1 [15:42:03] [G] Dydre: !эндер мир есть? [15:42:04] GoooDDoG issued server command: /rollcase 1 [15:42:04] Razy issued server command: /kits [15:42:04] SimpleBoi issued server command: /rtp [15:42:06] SplaschGaming issued server command: /kit eat [15:42:06] iamfriendly issued server command: /kit start [15:42:09] iamfriendly issued server command: /kit eat [15:42:09] Razy issued server command: /kit eat [15:42:10] Beerl issued server command: /warp end [15:42:10] [G] FlipSize: !/warp world > и назад иди [15:42:12] 69Loqiemean96 зашёл [15:42:12] Meednait issued server command: /cart gui [15:42:13] Ic3berg issued server command: /warp end [15:42:13] TOGA issued server command: //sel [15:42:13] slaim01 issued server command: /rtp [15:42:15] TurboLastGame issued server command: /rtp [15:42:17] TweeL1e issued server command: /kits [15:42:17] GoooDDoG issued server command: /mpcaseview 1 [15:42:18] SplaschGaming issued server command: /tell asdadn логично просто бы было что алмазной [15:42:20] TOGA issued server command: //chunk [15:42:20] TOGA issued server command: //outset 16 [15:42:20] TOGA issued server command: /zone [15:42:20] TweeL1e issued server command: /kit Top [15:42:20] Dydre issued server command: /warp world [15:42:20] Razy issued server command: /kit novice [15:42:21] 69Loqiemean96 issued server command: /we cui [15:42:22] Dydre issued server command: /we cui [15:42:23] [G] LeroySabo: ! Flip, да поставь ты прогрузчик [15:42:24] Meednait issued server command: /cart gui [15:42:25] Akatsukioff issued server command: /kit eat [15:42:26] Krantzg зашёл [15:42:28] TOGA issued server command: /rg claim toga3 [15:42:28] Krantzg issued server command: /we cui [15:42:29] slaim01 issued server command: /rtp [15:42:29] Suyumi issued server command: /sethome [15:42:33] Suyumi issued server command: /rg s [15:42:36] Romanuch issued server command: /time set day [15:42:36] [G] Krakiin: ! flipSize, можешь в лс написать? [15:42:36] Suyumi issued server command: //sel [15:42:36] Dydre issued server command: /we cui [15:42:38] SplaschGaming issued server command: /tell Krantzg чарка уже дома [15:42:38] Krantzg issued server command: /fly [15:42:39] [G] FlipSize: !Занят пока [15:42:41] asdadn issued server command: /co i [15:42:42] Razy issued server command: /sethome [15:42:42] __KotuKen зашёл [15:42:42] iamfriendly умер (ENTITY_ATTACK) [15:42:43] GoooDDoG issued server command: /mpcaseshop [15:42:43] slaim01 issued server command: /rtp [15:42:44] asdadn issued server command: /co i [15:42:45] GoooDDoG issued server command: /mpcaseview 1 [15:42:45] Dydre issued server command: /fly [15:42:45] iamfriendly issued server command: /we cui [15:42:45] __KotuKen issued server command: /we cui [15:42:45] __KotuKen issued server command: /home [15:42:46] SplaschGaming issued server command: /r + [15:42:46] GoooDDoG issued server command: /rollcase 1 [15:42:48] Ic3berg issued server command: /home dydre [15:42:49] __KotuKen issued server command: /we cui [15:42:49] __KotuKen умер (FALL) [15:42:51] SimpleBoi issued server command: /rtp [15:42:51] __KotuKen issued server command: /we cui [15:42:54] [L] FlipSize: Лс в данный момент только в дискорд - FlipSize#6314 [15:42:56] Krantzg issued server command: /sethome [15:42:56] __KotuKen issued server command: /warp world [15:42:56] Sowkand зашёл [15:42:58] G0KO issued server command: //sel [15:42:58] GoooDDoG issued server command: /mpcaseview 1 [15:42:58] Razy issued server command: /mpcaseshop [15:42:58] Krantzg issued server command: /call SplaschGaming [15:42:59] GoooDDoG issued server command: /rollcase 1 [15:43:00] __KotuKen issued server command: /fly [15:43:03] Gelix000 зашёл [15:43:04] SplaschGaming issued server command: /home [15:43:05] Razy issued server command: /mpcaseview 9 [15:43:05] __KotuKen issued server command: /we cui [15:43:05] Bradman умер (ENTITY_ATTACK) [15:43:05] SplaschGaming issued server command: /etpaccept [15:43:07] [L] Solordiy: я тогда в шахту [15:43:07] [G] FlipSize: !Лс &cв данный момент &fтолько в дискорд - FlipSize#6314 [15:43:09] BJlaTnou issued server command: /warp portals [15:43:09] Bradman issued server command: /we cui [15:43:09] [L] LittleSvinka: кк [15:43:09] Demaglhf issued server command: /mpcaseshop [15:43:10] ggwin issued server command: /home [15:43:11] Demaglhf issued server command: /mpcaseview 1 [15:43:11] __KotuKen issued server command: /fly [15:43:11] BJlaTnou issued server command: /warp list [15:43:12] Demaglhf issued server command: /rollcase 1 [15:43:12] Sowkand issued server command: /we cui [15:43:12] GoooDDoG issued server command: /mpcaseview 1 [15:43:13] Bradman issued server command: /warp world [15:43:13] GoooDDoG issued server command: /rollcase 1 [15:43:14] Gelix000 issued server command: /we cui [15:43:14] BJlaTnou issued server command: /warp portal [15:43:15] Bradman issued server command: /we cui [15:43:16] BJlaTnou issued server command: /we cui [15:43:16] Razy issued server command: /mpcaseshop [15:43:19] Bradman issued server command: /rtp [15:43:21] Razy issued server command: /mpcaseview 8 [15:43:22] FilyWay зашёл [15:43:22] Romanuch issued server command: /rtp [15:43:26] TOGA issued server command: //sel [15:43:27] [G] Sowkand: !О здарова [15:43:32] Razy issued server command: /mpcaseshop [15:43:32] GoooDDoG issued server command: /mpcaseview 1 [15:43:33] FilyWay issued server command: /we cui [15:43:33] GoooDDoG issued server command: /mpcaseshop [15:43:34] GoooDDoG issued server command: /mpcaseview 1 [15:43:35] TOGA issued server command: //chunk [15:43:35] TOGA issued server command: //outset 16 [15:43:35] TOGA issued server command: /zone [15:43:35] _CTALKER_ зашёл [15:43:36] GoooDDoG issued server command: /rollcase 1 [15:43:41] Demaglhf issued server command: /mpcaseshop [15:43:41] FilyWay issued server command: /kit novice [15:43:43] Demaglhf issued server command: /mpcaseview 1 [15:43:43] TOGA issued server command: /rg claim toga4 [15:43:46] MrRubin4ik issued server command: //chunk [15:43:46] MrRubin4ik issued server command: //outset 16 [15:43:46] MrRubin4ik issued server command: /zone [15:43:46] FilyWay issued server command: /fly [15:43:46] _CTALKER_ issued server command: /we cui [15:43:47] GoooDDoG issued server command: /mpcaseview 1 [15:43:50] TurboLastGame issued server command: /home invite Sowkand [15:43:50] Razy issued server command: /mpcaseshop [15:43:50] Razy issued server command: /mpcaseshop [15:43:50] GoooDDoG issued server command: /rollcase 1 [15:43:51] [G] Demaglhf: !как забрать предмет который выпал с кейса? [15:43:52] Razy issued server command: /mpcaseview 2 [15:43:55] Sowkand issued server command: /home TurboLastGame [15:43:56] iamfriendly issued server command: /home [15:43:57] _CTALKER_ issued server command: /call __ko [15:43:57] MrRubin4ik issued server command: //chunk [15:43:57] MrRubin4ik issued server command: //outset 16 [15:43:57] MrRubin4ik issued server command: /zone [15:43:57] Sowkand issued server command: /we cui [15:43:57] Demaglhf issued server command: /kit start [15:43:58] [G] FlipSize: !/cart gui [15:43:58] Vehitsel issued server command: /mh set [15:43:59] Frunchesko issued server command: /kit [15:43:59] BJlaTnou issued server command: /back [15:44:01] WildHare зашёл [15:44:01] ordo001 issued server command: /cart gui [15:44:02] Akatsukioff умер (ENTITY_ATTACK) [15:44:02] GoooDDoG issued server command: /mpcaseview 1 [15:44:02] __KotuKen issued server command: /home [15:44:03] BJlaTnou issued server command: /warp wortls [15:44:03] Frunchesko issued server command: /kit start [15:44:03] Razy issued server command: /mpcaseshop [15:44:03] asdadn issued server command: /rtp [15:44:04] Meednait issued server command: /cart gui [15:44:04] __KotuKen issued server command: /we cui [15:44:05] BJlaTnou issued server command: /warp world [15:44:05] GoooDDoG issued server command: /rollcase 1 [15:44:06] Krantzg issued server command: /home [15:44:07] BJlaTnou issued server command: /we cui [15:44:07] [G] LeroySabo: !Работяга на Ст [15:44:07] Sowkand issued server command: /cart gue [15:44:08] Akatsukioff issued server command: /we cui [15:44:09] __KotuKen issued server command: /tpaccept [15:44:09] Bradman issued server command: /rtp [15:44:11] Demaglhf issued server command: /cart gui [15:44:11] BJlaTnou issued server command: /fly [15:44:11] KotAgresor issued server command: /rtp [15:44:12] Sowkand issued server command: /cart gui [15:44:12] WildHare issued server command: /we cui [15:44:13] Vehitsel issued server command: /home invite Zik4 [15:44:13] Razy issued server command: /mpcaseview 1 [15:44:14] [L] __KotuKen: гони киты [15:44:15] slaim01 issued server command: /tpa Ilayihoy [15:44:15] _CTALKER_ issued server command: /kit Extratools [15:44:19] [G] Zanda: !реальна [15:44:19] 69Loqiemean96 issued server command: /fly [15:44:19] GoooDDoG issued server command: /mpcaseview 1 [15:44:20] BJlaTnou issued server command: /rtp [15:44:20] [G] ordo001: ! 69Loqiemean96 [15:44:20] Akatsukioff issued server command: /warp world [15:44:21] [L] _CTALKER_: Больше не пиши [15:44:22] Vehitsel issued server command: /home invite WildHare [15:44:22] [L] __KotuKen: пасибо [15:44:22] [G] ordo001: ! :D [15:44:22] Akatsukioff issued server command: /we cui [15:44:22] Bradman issued server command: /rtp [15:44:22] GoooDDoG issued server command: /rollcase 1 [15:44:23] [G] asdadn: !флип, а что на счет награды за тот дюп? [15:44:23] [L] _CTALKER_: Я спат [15:44:24] [G] Zanda: !Один за весь аул хреначит [15:44:25] [L] __KotuKen: напишу [15:44:25] TOGA issued server command: //sel [15:44:25] _CTALKER_ вышел [15:44:26] Pumple issued server command: /rtp [15:44:29] slaim01 issued server command: /rtp [15:44:30] Bomw issued server command: /rtp [15:44:32] Ic3berg issued server command: /call dydre [15:44:32] Romanuch issued server command: /rtp [15:44:33] Vehitsel issued server command: /rg addmember vorzheleza WildHare [15:44:33] [G] LeroySabo: !Ряльна [15:44:34] [G] Akatsukioff: !занда помоги пожалуйсттта [15:44:36] [G] Zanda: !Все чисто кинули [15:44:36] GoooDDoG issued server command: /mpcaseview 1 [15:44:37] [G] Gelix000: !Сказали что донат вернут и где у меня 12 дней осталось [15:44:37] __KotuKen issued server command: /tpa 69Loqiemean96 [15:44:38] GoooDDoG issued server command: /rollcase 1 [15:44:39] Dydre issued server command: /tpaccept [15:44:41] Ic3berg issued server command: /we cui [15:44:41] __KotuKen issued server command: /fly [15:44:47] Gelix000 issued server command: /kit [15:44:49] __KotuKen issued server command: /warp world [15:44:49] asdadn issued server command: /mpcaseshop [15:44:50] asdadn issued server command: /mpcaseview 1 [15:44:51] [G] FlipSize: ! asdadn, я уже вроде отписывал, мне информацию не передали. [15:44:53] Ic3berg issued server command: /home dydre [15:44:53] SplaschGaming issued server command: /home [15:44:53] GoooDDoG issued server command: /mpcaseview 1 [15:44:54] Bradman issued server command: /rtp [15:44:55] GoooDDoG issued server command: /rollcase 1 [15:44:55] asdadn issued server command: /mpcaseshop [15:44:55] Ic3berg issued server command: /we cui [15:44:56] asdadn issued server command: /mpcaseview 2 [15:44:56] ordo001 issued server command: /near [15:44:56] nusha зашёл [15:44:56] __KotuKen issued server command: /we cui [15:44:57] asdadn issued server command: /mpcaseshop [15:44:57] Ic3berg issued server command: /call dydre [15:44:57] Romanuch issued server command: /rtp [15:44:57] asdadn issued server command: /mpcaseview 5 [15:44:58] asdadn issued server command: /mpcaseshop [15:44:58] Bomw issued server command: /rg addmember remos Sowkand [15:44:59] asdadn issued server command: /mpcaseview 8 [15:45:00] Romanuch issued server command: /home [15:45:00] asdadn issued server command: /mpcaseshop [15:45:01] Dydre issued server command: /tpaccept [15:45:02] Ic3berg issued server command: /we cui [15:45:02] WildHare issued server command: /home Vehitsel [15:45:02] [G] Demaglhf: !как приватить? [15:45:02] Sowkand issued server command: /kit [15:45:03] WildHare issued server command: /we cui [15:45:04] __KotuKen issued server command: /fly [15:45:06] Ilayihoy вышел [15:45:07] Nikitawrik зашёл [15:45:08] GoooDDoG issued server command: /mpcaseview 1 [15:45:08] Demaglhf issued server command: //sell [15:45:08] Ic3berg issued server command: /home dydre [15:45:08] [G] Zanda: ! Akatsukioff? [15:45:09] GoooDDoG issued server command: /rollcase 1 [15:45:09] Sowkand issued server command: /mpcaseshop [15:45:09] [L] iamfriendly: cnjq [15:45:10] Demaglhf issued server command: //sel [15:45:10] Zanda issued server command: /tp Akatsukioff [15:45:10] [G] asdadn: !после этого и сливай дюпы администрации [15:45:11] [L] iamfriendly: стой [15:45:11] Ic3berg issued server command: /home dydre [15:45:11] Sowkand issued server command: /mpcaseview 1 [15:45:11] nusha issued server command: /we cui [15:45:12] [L] iamfriendly: не бей [15:45:12] Gelix000 issued server command: /home [15:45:12] [L] Zanda: шо [15:45:15] SplaschGaming issued server command: /tpa Krantzg [15:45:15] Romanuch issued server command: //pos1 [15:45:16] Sowkand issued server command: /buycase 1 [15:45:16] FilyWay issued server command: /speed 5 [15:45:17] Krantzg issued server command: /tpaccept [15:45:19] Gelix000 issued server command: /rtp [15:45:22] [L] SplaschGaming: на [15:45:22] GoooDDoG issued server command: /mpcaseview 1 [15:45:23] [G] Akatsukioff: !помоги с ресами меня невидимое дропнуло [15:45:24] LeroySabo issued server command: /rtp [15:45:26] [G] Zanda: !Так отпиши там в соотвествующий раздел на форуме [15:45:27] [L] Vehitsel: ./rg s [15:45:27] zloy_cool зашёл [15:45:28] [L] Akatsukioff: на метку сметри мое тп [15:45:28] iamfriendly issued server command: /warp world [15:45:29] GoooDDoG issued server command: /rollcase 1 [15:45:29] G0KO issued server command: /rg sel [15:45:29] LittleSvinka issued server command: /home [15:45:30] Bradman issued server command: /rtp [15:45:30] Romanuch issued server command: //pos2 [15:45:31] ggwin issued server command: /trade FilyWay [15:45:31] Ic3berg issued server command: /home dydre [15:45:32] WildHare issued server command: /rg s [15:45:33] [L] Akatsukioff: там мои ресы куча [15:45:33] [G] FlipSize: !Я отпишу дарку, если даст ответ - отпишу в дс. [15:45:34] LeroySabo issued server command: /home [15:45:36] Romanuch issued server command: //set 0 [15:45:37] Gelix000 issued server command: /warp world [15:45:38] [L] Zanda: я такое не умею [15:45:39] FROST2137 issued server command: /fly [15:45:39] Gelix000 issued server command: /we cui [15:45:39] [L] Akatsukioff: помоги пж [15:45:39] Nikitawrik issued server command: /we cui [15:45:40] [L] Zanda: я донатный модер [15:45:40] ivanneronov159 issued server command: /balance [15:45:41] Romanuch issued server command: /zset 0 [15:45:42] [G] __KotuKen: !тёма ку [15:45:43] GoooDDoG issued server command: /mpcaseview 1 [15:45:43] [L] Zanda: а не состав [15:45:45] [G] FovorFrost: !Ищу какую-нибудь патьку) Хочу пчелок разводить и немного таум изучать) [15:45:46] GoooDDoG issued server command: /mpcaseshop [15:45:47] ivanneronov159 issued server command: /money [15:45:47] [L] Akatsukioff: дай ресов пж [15:45:47] zloy_cool issued server command: /we cui [15:45:51] iamfriendly issued server command: /spawn [15:45:51] [L] Zanda: бб [15:45:52] iamfriendly issued server command: /we cui [15:45:52] [L] Zanda: не дам [15:45:53] Gelix000 issued server command: /fly [15:45:53] Bomw issued server command: /rtp [15:45:55] Zanda issued server command: /home [15:45:57] TurboLastGame issued server command: /home [15:45:57] Gelix000 issued server command: /god [15:46:02] ivanneronov159 issued server command: /warp shop [15:46:02] GoooDDoG issued server command: /cart gui [15:46:05] Gelix000 issued server command: /rtp [15:46:05] [L] Zanda: пиздец [15:46:06] [G] Akatsukioff: !флип помоги пж ещо раз меня читак в инвизе убил [15:46:10] ivanneronov159 issued server command: /we cui [15:46:12] slaim01 issued server command: /rtp [15:46:12] Ribka issued server command: /sethome [15:46:12] Pumple issued server command: /rtp [15:46:12] Frunchesko issued server command: /home [15:46:12] KotAgresor issued server command: /rtp [15:46:13] [L] Zanda: чел попросил к нему тп [15:46:13] [L] Romanuch: ? [15:46:15] Ribka issued server command: /home slaim [15:46:15] nusha issued server command: /gamemode 1 [15:46:16] [L] Zanda: по итогу тупо шмот выпрашивал [15:46:17] [L] Romanuch: и? [15:46:18] [L] Zanda: )0)0 [15:46:19] FilyWay issued server command: /home [15:46:20] FlipSize issued server command: /cases list [15:46:21] [L] Zanda: попомчь ему надо было [15:46:22] [L] Romanuch: аххах [15:46:22] Bradman issued server command: /rtp [15:46:24] Nikitawrik issued server command: /list [15:46:26] FlipSize issued server command: /cases add animeshka2009 [15:46:28] zloy_cool issued server command: /rtp [15:46:29] Frunchesko issued server command: /rtp [15:46:30] [L] Romanuch: Привет Тёма [15:46:30] Sowkand issued server command: /mpcaseshop [15:46:30] FlipSize issued server command: /cases add animeshka2009 2 4 [15:46:32] Sowkand issued server command: /cart gui [15:46:33] zloy_cool issued server command: /warp world [15:46:33] Vehitsel issued server command: /rg s [15:46:34] [L] SplaschGaming: а ты сделай маленькое окно)) [15:46:34] Ribka issued server command: /home [15:46:34] zloy_cool issued server command: /we cui [15:46:37] FlipSize issued server command: /cases add animeshka2009 7 1 [15:46:37] RigidAM зашёл [15:46:38] Bradman issued server command: /rtp [15:46:38] [L] Zanda: Хэллоу Монарх [15:46:39] Vehitsel issued server command: /we cui] [15:46:40] zloy_cool issued server command: /rtp [15:46:41] Sowkand issued server command: /cart gui [15:46:42] Vehitsel issued server command: /we cui [15:46:46] [G] nusha: !Доброго вечера всем) [15:46:46] zloy_cool issued server command: /rtp [15:46:48] RigidAM issued server command: /we cui [15:46:50] [G] Krakiin: ! Dark [15:46:51] [G] __KotuKen: !ку [15:46:53] [G] LeroySabo: !И тебе [15:46:54] Bradman issued server command: /home set [15:46:55] FlipSize issued server command: /screenall [15:46:58] KotAgresor issued server command: /rtp [15:46:58] G0KO issued server command: /rg sel [15:46:58] slaim01 issued server command: /rtp [15:46:58] [G] Nikitawrik: !ку [15:47:00] zloy_cool issued server command: /rtp [15:47:02] Akatsukioff issued server command: /rtp [15:47:09] Gelix000 issued server command: /rtp [15:47:10] [G] Zanda: !хай [15:47:10] Romanuch issued server command: /zset 0 [15:47:11] [G] FovorFrost: !Хмммм [15:47:11] FlipSize issued server command: /cases list [15:47:14] slaim01 issued server command: /rtp [15:47:14] Romanuch issued server command: /zset 0 [15:47:16] Ic3berg issued server command: /home dydre [15:47:17] Ic3berg issued server command: /we cui [15:47:17] zloy_cool issued server command: /rtp [15:47:19] Bomw issued server command: /rtp [15:47:22] Romanuch issued server command: //sel [15:47:22] zloy_cool issued server command: /rpt [15:47:22] zloy_cool issued server command: /rtp [15:47:23] FlipSize issued server command: /cases add VremaValery 2 2 [15:47:25] zloy_cool вышел [15:47:26] FreakFromThePub issued server command: /tpa FilyWay [15:47:27] [G] Akatsukioff: !флип помоги пж ещо раз меня читак в инвизе убил [15:47:27] Ribka issued server command: /homew [15:47:28] Zanda issued server command: /zwand [15:47:29] FilyWay issued server command: /tpaccept [15:47:29] Ribka issued server command: /home [15:47:33] zloy_cool зашёл [15:47:34] Beerl умер (CONTACT) [15:47:35] [G] TweeL1e: !почему квантовая кираса не заряжает ваджру? [15:47:36] zloy_cool issued server command: /we cui [15:47:36] Romanuch issued server command: /zset 3 [15:47:36] FreakFromThePub issued server command: /home [15:47:38] Beerl issued server command: /we cui [15:47:38] zloy_cool issued server command: /rtp [15:47:40] bukoval зашёл [15:47:41] ivanneronov159 вышел [15:47:42] bukoval issued server command: /we cui [15:47:42] Bradman умер (ENTITY_ATTACK) [15:47:43] FovorFrost issued server command: /rtp [15:47:44] Bradman issued server command: /we cui [15:47:46] MrRubin4ik issued server command: //chunk [15:47:46] MrRubin4ik issued server command: //outset 16 [15:47:46] MrRubin4ik issued server command: /zone [15:47:51] asdadn issued server command: /rtp [15:47:51] ivanneronov159 зашёл [15:47:51] Romanuch issued server command: /zset 0 [15:47:52] TOGA issued server command: /enderchest [15:47:54] [L] Solordiy: Я кажется нашел нефть [15:47:54] ivanneronov159 issued server command: /we cui [15:47:55] Romanuch issued server command: /zset 0 [15:47:57] Romanuch issued server command: /zset 0 [15:47:59] Romanuch issued server command: //sel [15:48:00] Sowkand issued server command: /fly [15:48:00] [L] TurboLastGame: a [15:48:00] Krantzg issued server command: /call TheMaxLC [15:48:01] MrRubin4ik issued server command: /rg claim MrRubin4ik [15:48:02] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [15:48:03] [G] FlipSize: ! Ник [15:48:04] TheMaxLC issued server command: /tpaccept [15:48:04] Sowkand issued server command: /god [15:48:05] Akatsukioff issued server command: /rtp [15:48:09] [L] Solordiy: А не ті ее раньше нашел [15:48:13] Romanuch issued server command: /zset 2 [15:48:14] Bradman issued server command: //sel [15:48:14] Zanda issued server command: /report 69Loqiemean96 [15:48:15] MrRubin4ik issued server command: /rg addmember Vladimirytska [15:48:15] LeroySabo issued server command: /kits [15:48:16] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [15:48:16] Zanda issued server command: /report Akatsukioff [15:48:17] KotAgresor issued server command: /home [15:48:18] [G] Akatsukioff: !yt edblb kyt gjrfpsdftn ybult [15:48:19] Zanda issued server command: /report BJlaTnou [15:48:20] Nikitawrik issued server command: /fly [15:48:21] Vehitsel issued server command: /mh [15:48:21] Zanda issued server command: /report Beerl [15:48:21] Sowkand issued server command: /mpcaseshop [15:48:22] FlipSize issued server command: /tp Akatsukioff [15:48:22] Sowkand issued server command: /mpcaseview 1 [15:48:22] [G] __KotuKen: ! __KotuKen [15:48:23] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [15:48:23] Zanda issued server command: /report Bomw [15:48:23] Sowkand issued server command: /rollcase 1 [15:48:26] FlipSize issued server command: /fly [15:48:27] Fantasy404 issued server command: /home [15:48:27] TurboLastGame вышел [15:48:27] Zanda issued server command: /report Bomw [15:48:29] [G] Akatsukioff: !не показывает не где он меня с 5 тык убил [15:48:30] Zanda issued server command: /screen [15:48:30] MrRubin4ik issued server command: /rg addmember MrRubin4ik Vladimirytska [15:48:31] zloy_cool issued server command: /warp [15:48:36] [G] __KotuKen: !он 100% в инвизе бет всех [15:48:36] Zanda issued server command: /report Demaglhf [15:48:37] Sowkand issued server command: /mpcaseview 1 [15:48:38] Sowkand issued server command: /rollcase 1 [15:48:39] Zanda issued server command: /report Demaglhf [15:48:42] Zanda issued server command: /report Dydre [15:48:44] FlipSize issued server command: /money [15:48:46] Zanda issued server command: /report FROST2137 [15:48:48] FlipSize issued server command: /money set FlipSize 1000 [15:48:48] Zanda issued server command: /report Fantasy404 [15:48:49] [G] TweeL1e: !почему квантовая кираса не заряжает ваджру? [15:48:55] Akatsukioff issued server command: /rtp [15:48:55] FlipSize issued server command: /money pay Merildew 400 [15:48:55] FovorFrost issued server command: /mpcaseshop [15:48:55] Demaglhf issued server command: /tpa razy [15:48:55] Zanda issued server command: /report FilyWay [15:48:55] Romanuch issued server command: /u дракона убили? [15:48:56] Razy issued server command: /tpaccept [15:48:56] Ribka issued server command: /emu [15:48:56] Vladimirytska issued server command: //chunk [15:48:56] Vladimirytska issued server command: //outset 16 [15:48:56] Vladimirytska issued server command: /zone [15:48:57] FovorFrost issued server command: /mpcaseview 1 [15:48:57] SplaschGaming issued server command: /home [15:48:58] Bradman issued server command: //expand 60 down [15:48:58] Ribka issued server command: /menu [15:48:58] Bomw issued server command: /rtp [15:48:58] FovorFrost issued server command: /buycase 1 [15:48:58] Romanuch issued server command: /zset 2 [15:49:00] Zanda issued server command: /report FovorFrost [15:49:01] Bradman issued server command: //expand 60 up [15:49:01] SimpleBoi issued server command: /rg claim imperia [15:49:02] Zanda issued server command: /report FROST2137 [15:49:02] MrRubin4ik issued server command: /sethome [15:49:03] Sowkand issued server command: /kit novice [15:49:03] Romanuch issued server command: //sel [15:49:04] [G] Dydre: !потому что только гравик ее заряжает ели не ошибаюсь [15:49:05] Zanda issued server command: /report FreakFromThePub [15:49:06] slaim01 issued server command: /bp [15:49:06] [G] Akatsukioff: !тп меня на место смерти может он не забрал все [15:49:06] Bomw issued server command: /home [15:49:08] Bradman issued server command: /rg calim zyd [15:49:08] slaim01 issued server command: /rtp [15:49:10] Zanda issued server command: /report Frunchesko [15:49:13] [G] TweeL1e: !мдаа [15:49:13] Akatsukioff issued server command: /rtp [15:49:13] Bradman issued server command: /rg claim zyd [15:49:15] Nikitawrik issued server command: /we cui [15:49:16] Zanda issued server command: /report Ic3berg [15:49:16] zloy_cool issued server command: /rtp [15:49:17] Bomw issued server command: /home turbo [15:49:17] G0KO issued server command: /rg sel [15:49:17] [G] iamfriendly: !Тут есть книга по таум крафту за эмы? (Которая сразу все изучения даёт) [15:49:18] SplaschGaming вышел [15:49:18] FlipSize issued server command: /cases list [15:49:19] FovorFrost issued server command: /mpcaseshop [15:49:20] Dydre issued server command: /home [15:49:21] FovorFrost issued server command: /mpcaseview 1 [15:49:22] Suyumi issued server command: /warp end [15:49:23] Zanda issued server command: /report Gelix000 [15:49:23] Dydre issued server command: /we cui [15:49:23] Nikitawrik issued server command: /spawn [15:49:24] FlipSize issued server command: /m Zanda не флуди, пожалуйста, репортами [15:49:24] __KotuKen issued server command: /m TweeL1e не хоч в тиму?) [15:49:24] FovorFrost issued server command: /rollcase 1 [15:49:26] Suyumi issued server command: /we cui [15:49:26] Nikitawrik issued server command: /we cui [15:49:27] slaim01 issued server command: /home [15:49:28] FlipSize issued server command: /r z ltkf. htuekzhyj crhbyijns [15:49:30] Dydre issued server command: /fly [15:49:35] FlipSize issued server command: /r я делаю регулярно скрины [15:49:35] Bradman issued server command: //sel [15:49:35] Suyumi issued server command: /fly [15:49:36] [G] LeroySabo: ! iamfriendly, только за рубли [15:49:37] Zanda issued server command: /msg flesziip хорошо [15:49:38] Demaglhf issued server command: /home [15:49:40] Romanuch issued server command: /kit [15:49:40] Razy issued server command: /home [15:49:42] Romanuch issued server command: /kit mod [15:49:42] TweeL1e issued server command: /m __KotuKen я сам в тиме [15:49:44] Vladimirytska issued server command: //chunk [15:49:44] Vladimirytska issued server command: //outset 16 [15:49:44] Vladimirytska issued server command: /zone [15:49:45] WildHare issued server command: /home Vehitsel [15:49:46] Akatsukioff issued server command: /rtp [15:49:48] FlipSize issued server command: /tp Nikitawrik [15:49:48] __KotuKen issued server command: /r a ok [15:49:50] __KotuKen issued server command: /tpa Romanuch [15:49:51] FlipSize issued server command: /we cui [15:49:53] [L] ivanneronov159: 1 [15:49:55] Romanuch issued server command: /tpyes [15:49:58] __KotuKen issued server command: /we cui [15:49:58] FlipSize issued server command: /gm 1 [15:50:00] ivanneronov159 issued server command: /money [15:50:02] MrRubin4ik issued server command: //chunk [15:50:02] MrRubin4ik issued server command: //outset 16 [15:50:02] MrRubin4ik issued server command: /zone list [15:50:02] slaim01 issued server command: /rtp [15:50:03] [L] __KotuKen: q [15:50:06] FlipSize issued server command: /cases list [15:50:08] BJlaTnou issued server command: /warp portal [15:50:09] [L] __KotuKen: na hmarku [15:50:09] BJlaTnou issued server command: /we cui [15:50:10] slaim01 issued server command: /rtp [15:50:10] [L] Romanuch: q [15:50:11] Suyumi issued server command: /home [15:50:13] Suyumi issued server command: /we cui [15:50:13] [L] ivanneronov159: 1 [15:50:14] Akatsukioff issued server command: /rtp [15:50:14] FlipSize issued server command: /cases add Gelix000 2 13 [15:50:14] Razy убил FovorFrost (IRON_SWORD) [15:50:16] Gelix000 issued server command: /rtp [15:50:17] Pumple issued server command: /rtp [15:50:17] Romanuch был кикнут [15:50:17] Romanuch вышел [15:50:21] FovorFrost issued server command: /we cui [15:50:21] BJlaTnou issued server command: /we cui [15:50:23] Romanuch зашёл [15:50:25] Romanuch issued server command: /we cui [15:50:26] [G] FovorFrost: !хммм [15:50:27] Demaglhf issued server command: /tpa razy [15:50:27] BJlaTnou issued server command: /fly [15:50:29] Razy issued server command: /tpaccept [15:50:31] FlipSize issued server command: /cases add _CTALKER_ 2 1 [15:50:31] [L] Zanda: А у вас облака в энде тоже есть? [15:50:32] iamfriendly issued server command: /warp world [15:50:33] SimpleBoi issued server command: //sel [15:50:33] [G] FovorFrost: !ну ладно) [15:50:34] Nikitawrik issued server command: /fly [15:50:34] iamfriendly issued server command: /we cui [15:50:36] [G] Razy: !) [15:50:37] [L] __KotuKen: + [15:50:38] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [15:50:38] [L] Zanda: или там чел с искреем гоняет [15:50:39] [L] Romanuch: хз [15:50:40] iamfriendly issued server command: /rtp [15:50:41] [L] __KotuKen: ya tam i nashel [15:50:42] SimpleBoi issued server command: /sethome [15:50:43] bukoval issued server command: /home [15:50:45] bukoval issued server command: /home [15:50:46] [L] ivanneronov159: 1 [15:50:46] Razy issued server command: /home [15:50:47] Demaglhf issued server command: /home [15:50:50] Sowkand issued server command: /sethome [15:50:52] FovorFrost issued server command: /mpcaseshop [15:50:53] Krantzg issued server command: /home [15:50:53] FovorFrost issued server command: /mpcaseview 1 [15:50:54] FROST2137 issued server command: / [15:50:54] FovorFrost issued server command: /buycase 1 [15:50:58] [L] FlipSize: .пь 0 [15:50:59] [L] __KotuKen: ya komet iskal [15:51:00] FlipSize issued server command: /gm 0 [15:51:00] ivanneronov159 issued server command: /money [15:51:00] FROST2137 issued server command: /ah [15:51:00] [L] __KotuKen: 0 [15:51:01] MrRubin4ik issued server command: /sell [15:51:01] Sowkand issued server command: /home invite Bomw [15:51:02] Akatsukioff умер (FALL) [15:51:02] Zanda issued server command: /msg flipsize хорошо [15:51:03] bukoval был кикнут [15:51:03] bukoval вышел [15:51:04] TOGA issued server command: /zset 0 [15:51:05] Pumple issued server command: /home Romanuch [15:51:05] FlipSize issued server command: /oi floppus [15:51:06] Akatsukioff issued server command: /we cui [15:51:08] FlipSize issued server command: /oe floppus [15:51:09] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [15:51:09] Ic3berg был кикнут [15:51:09] Ic3berg вышел [15:51:10] Ic3berg зашёл [15:51:12] Ic3berg issued server command: /we cui [15:51:13] Zanda issued server command: /rg info [15:51:14] Akatsukioff issued server command: /tpa iam [15:51:14] FovorFrost issued server command: /mpcaseshop [15:51:15] FovorFrost issued server command: /mpcaseview 1 [15:51:16] Ic3berg issued server command: /spawn [15:51:17] Ic3berg issued server command: /we cui [15:51:19] Sowkand issued server command: /rtp [15:51:19] Ic3berg вышел [15:51:20] Bomw issued server command: /кез [15:51:20] MrRubin4ik issued server command: //sel [15:51:21] [L] __KotuKen: vso [15:51:21] Pumple вышел [15:51:21] Demaglhf вышел [15:51:21] Bomw issued server command: /rtp [15:51:21] iamfriendly issued server command: /tpaccept [15:51:23] Akatsukioff issued server command: /we cui [15:51:24] FovorFrost issued server command: /warp world [15:51:25] FlipSize issued server command: /seen Mr_Gifgame26 [15:51:25] [L] __KotuKen: slomal? [15:51:25] FovorFrost issued server command: /we cui [15:51:28] FovorFrost issued server command: /mpcaseshop [15:51:29] TheMaxLC issued server command: /rtp [15:51:29] FovorFrost issued server command: /mpcaseview 1 [15:51:29] [L] ivanneronov159: 1 [15:51:30] FovorFrost issued server command: /buycase 1 [15:51:32] Bradman issued server command: /home set [15:51:34] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [15:51:36] Demaglhf зашёл [15:51:37] slaim01 issued server command: /rtp [15:51:38] Demaglhf issued server command: /we cui [15:51:38] [L] ivanneronov159: 1 [15:51:42] Krantzg issued server command: /home spla [15:51:43] FreakFromThePub issued server command: /warp nether [15:51:43] [L] __KotuKen: kapets u vas v time kto> [15:51:46] [L] __KotuKen: kto& [15:51:46] SergoPHS зашёл [15:51:47] Krantzg issued server command: /sethome [15:51:49] FovorFrost вышел [15:51:49] FreakFromThePub issued server command: /we cui [15:51:49] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [15:51:50] slaim01 issued server command: /money top [15:51:50] [L] __KotuKen: kto? [15:51:51] coffe_lite2 issued server command: /tpa Ribka [15:51:52] FlipSize issued server command: /seen KoTHaTaHke [15:51:53] TOGA issued server command: /zset 0 [15:51:53] Demaglhf issued server command: /kits [15:51:54] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [15:51:54] FovorFrost зашёл [15:51:55] FovorFrost issued server command: /we cui [15:51:56] [L] Zanda: нас много [15:51:56] SergoPHS issued server command: /we cui [15:51:56] Akatsukioff issued server command: /kit start [15:51:58] Ribka issued server command: /tpaccept [15:51:59] tH0R issued server command: /sethome [15:51:59] FovorFrost issued server command: /mpcaseshop [15:51:59] [L] Zanda: нас целый легион [15:52:00] FreakFromThePub issued server command: /fly [15:52:01] Bomw issued server command: /rtp [15:52:01] FovorFrost issued server command: /mpcaseview 1 [15:52:03] [L] __KotuKen: 0-0 [15:52:04] Nikitawrik issued server command: /cart gui [15:52:05] Frunchesko issued server command: /рщьу [15:52:06] zloy_cool issued server command: /warp [15:52:06] [L] __KotuKen: nas 4 [15:52:07] Frunchesko issued server command: /home [15:52:08] [L] __KotuKen: i to [15:52:12] FovorFrost issued server command: /mpcaseshop [15:52:13] [L] __KotuKen: ya znat [15:52:13] FlipSize issued server command: /cases add KongHaakon 2 33 [15:52:13] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [15:52:13] RigidAM вышел [15:52:14] zloy_cool issued server command: /warp list [15:52:15] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [15:52:15] [L] Zanda: мы будем строить аналог коммунизма [15:52:15] [L] __KotuKen: tok [15:52:18] [L] __KotuKen: stalker [15:52:20] [L] 69Loqiemean96: Шо? [15:52:23] [L] Zanda: Социал-демократическую партию [15:52:23] FlipSize issued server command: /cases add KongHaakon 5 2 [15:52:24] [L] Zanda: Шаришь? [15:52:27] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [15:52:30] Ic3berg зашёл [15:52:30] ivanneronov159 issued server command: /warp casino [15:52:31] Ic3berg issued server command: /we cui [15:52:31] FlipSize issued server command: /cases add KongHaakon 8 2 [15:52:32] FlipSize issued server command: /cases add KongHaakon 8 [15:52:33] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [15:52:34] Ic3berg issued server command: /rtp [15:52:35] ivanneronov159 issued server command: /home [15:52:35] WildHare вышел [15:52:35] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [15:52:35] [L] __KotuKen: tipo da [15:52:37] ivanneronov159 issued server command: /we cui [15:52:37] Ic3berg issued server command: /warp world [15:52:38] FlipSize issued server command: /cases add KongHaakon 6 1 [15:52:39] Ic3berg issued server command: /we cui [15:52:40] FlipSize issued server command: /cases add KongHaakon 6 1 [15:52:41] Ic3berg issued server command: /rtp [15:52:42] [L] Zanda: Весь сервер будет под нашим ЦК КПСС [15:52:50] MrRubin4ik issued server command: //chunk [15:52:50] MrRubin4ik issued server command: //outset 16 [15:52:50] MrRubin4ik issued server command: /zone [15:52:51] Demaglhf issued server command: /eat [15:52:52] [L] __KotuKen: aga [15:52:53] Ic3berg issued server command: /tpaccept [15:52:54] Demaglhf issued server command: /zwand [15:52:54] SergoPHS issued server command: /call ggwin [15:52:54] WildHare зашёл [15:52:55] Bomw issued server command: /call Sowkand [15:52:55] Dydre issued server command: /call Ic3berg [15:52:55] WildHare issued server command: /we cui [15:52:56] iamfriendly issued server command: /spawn [15:52:56] [L] __KotuKen: krome me [15:52:57] ggwin issued server command: /tpaccept [15:52:57] iamfriendly issued server command: /we cui [15:52:58] SergoPHS issued server command: /we cui [15:53:01] Ic3berg issued server command: /rtp [15:53:03] Frunchesko issued server command: /rtp [15:53:04] slaim01 issued server command: /tpa Ribka [15:53:07] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [15:53:07] [L] Zanda: Романыч будет тем самым грузином, который будет отправлять всех в ГУЛАГ [15:53:08] Ribka issued server command: /tpaccept [15:53:08] Ic3berg issued server command: /tpaccept [15:53:09] Sowkand issued server command: /tpaccept [15:53:11] asdadn issued server command: /home [15:53:17] FlipSize issued server command: /cases info KoTHaTaHke [15:53:17] Demaglhf issued server command: /god [15:53:18] Demaglhf issued server command: /fly [15:53:19] tH0R issued server command: /home [15:53:20] [L] __KotuKen: udachi [15:53:21] BJlaTnou issued server command: /enderchest [15:53:25] FlipSize issued server command: /cases add KoTHaTaHke 7 1 [15:53:27] [L] Romanuch: я и так всех в гулаг отправляю [15:53:29] asdadn issued server command: /call TheMaxLC [15:53:31] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [15:53:31] TheMaxLC issued server command: /tpaccept [15:53:32] G0KO issued server command: /rg sel [15:53:35] [L] __KotuKen: a ya budu [15:53:40] [L] __KotuKen: tem komu ne budet [15:53:43] [L] Zanda: я буду расстрелочной командой [15:53:44] Nikitawrik issued server command: /kit [15:53:44] Ic3berg issued server command: /home dydre [15:53:45] [L] __KotuKen: nravitsa vi [15:53:47] tH0R issued server command: /home [15:53:48] Romanuch был кикнут [15:53:48] Romanuch вышел [15:53:50] SplaschGaming зашёл [15:53:51] Dydre issued server command: /home [15:53:52] [L] Zanda: Ну или Ульяновым на крайняк [15:53:52] [L] __KotuKen: i ya budu teme zalovatsa [15:53:53] Romanuch зашёл [15:53:54] Oniflavor зашёл [15:53:54] Romanuch issued server command: /we cui [15:53:54] TOGA issued server command: /zset 0 [15:53:57] Vladimirytska issued server command: //chunk [15:53:57] Vladimirytska issued server command: //outset 16 [15:53:57] Vladimirytska issued server command: /zone [15:53:59] Demaglhf issued server command: /kit ichor [15:54:01] G0KO issued server command: /rg sel [15:54:04] Oniflavor issued server command: /we cui [15:54:04] FlipSize issued server command: /cases info K1aYs [15:54:05] FovorFrost issued server command: /cart gui [15:54:06] [G] BJlaTnou: !Кто то хобов находил? [15:54:07] FlipSize issued server command: /cases list [15:54:08] [L] Zanda: Партию не остановит никто [15:54:09] TweeL1e issued server command: /rg addmember tweel1e SergoPHS [15:54:09] Vladimirytska issued server command: //chunk [15:54:09] Vladimirytska issued server command: //outset 16 [15:54:09] Vladimirytska issued server command: /zone [15:54:10] SplaschGaming issued server command: /we cui [15:54:10] [L] Zanda: Уж поверь [15:54:11] FovorFrost issued server command: /mpcaseshop [15:54:15] FlipSize issued server command: /cases add K1aYs 2 1 [15:54:15] [L] Zanda: Мы учтём старые ошибки [15:54:15] KotAgresor вышел [15:54:15] Sowkand issued server command: /home [15:54:15] FovorFrost issued server command: /mpcaseview 1 [15:54:15] FovorFrost issued server command: /mpcaseview 1 [15:54:15] FovorFrost issued server command: /mpcaseview 1 [15:54:17] slaim01 issued server command: /rtp [15:54:18] FovorFrost issued server command: /mpcaseshop [15:54:20] FovorFrost issued server command: /mpcaseview 2 [15:54:20] Oniflavor issued server command: /warp world [15:54:21] [L] __KotuKen: всех в бан [15:54:21] KotAgresor зашёл [15:54:22] Oniflavor issued server command: /we cui [15:54:23] FovorFrost issued server command: /mpcaseshop [15:54:23] [L] __KotuKen: и все [15:54:24] TweeL1e issued server command: /rg addmember tweel1e5 SergoPHS [15:54:24] Akatsukioff issued server command: /tpa iam [15:54:24] KotAgresor issued server command: /we cui [15:54:25] FovorFrost issued server command: /mpcaseview 9 [15:54:26] Krantzg issued server command: /call TheMaxLC [15:54:26] Demaglhf issued server command: /kit shadow [15:54:27] FovorFrost issued server command: /mpcaseshop [15:54:27] TweeL1e issued server command: /rg addmember tweel1e1 SergoPHS [15:54:28] [L] __KotuKen: Xd [15:54:28] FovorFrost issued server command: /mpcaseview 5 [15:54:29] tH0R issued server command: /rtp [15:54:29] Oniflavor issued server command: /fly [15:54:29] FovorFrost issued server command: /mpcaseshop [15:54:29] ivanneronov159 issued server command: /home [15:54:30] [L] Zanda: Все будут работать на каторгах [15:54:31] [G] Nikitawrik: !ку [15:54:31] [G] __KotuKen: ! aslanchik [15:54:32] FovorFrost issued server command: /mpcaseview 6 [15:54:32] FovorFrost issued server command: /mpcaseview 6 [15:54:32] Oniflavor issued server command: /rtp [15:54:32] [L] Romanuch: Привет, Аслан [15:54:32] TweeL1e issued server command: /rg addmember tweel1e2 SergoPHS [15:54:33] TOGA issued server command: /zset 0 [15:54:33] [G] Krakiin: !Добрый [15:54:34] Oniflavor issued server command: /god [15:54:34] Vladimirytska issued server command: //chunk [15:54:34] Vladimirytska issued server command: //outset 16 [15:54:34] Vladimirytska issued server command: /zone [15:54:34] iamfriendly issued server command: /warp world [15:54:34] iamfriendly issued server command: /we cui [15:54:35] FlipSize issued server command: /cases info zeelmun [15:54:36] TweeL1e issued server command: /rg addmember tweel1e3 SergoPHS [15:54:36] iamfriendly issued server command: /rtp [15:54:37] TheMaxLC issued server command: /tpaccept [15:54:39] G0KO issued server command: //sel [15:54:39] TweeL1e issued server command: /rg addmember tweel1e4 SergoPHS [15:54:40] [G] __KotuKen: !privet dorogoy [15:54:41] FlipSize issued server command: /cases add zeelmun 2 2 [15:54:44] TweeL1e issued server command: /rg addmember tweel1e5 SergoPHS [15:54:46] iamfriendly issued server command: /tpaccept [15:54:49] TweeL1e issued server command: /rg addmember tweel1e6 SergoPHS [15:54:50] FlipSize issued server command: /cases info Gelix000 [15:54:51] asdadn issued server command: /co i [15:54:54] TweeL1e issued server command: /rg addmember tweel1e7 SergoPHS [15:54:55] Ribka issued server command: /rtp [15:54:55] Razy issued server command: /home [15:54:56] FlipSize issued server command: /cases info animeshka2009 [15:54:57] asdadn issued server command: /co i [15:54:57] TweeL1e issued server command: /rg addmember tweel1e8 SergoPHS [15:55:00] [L] Zanda: О, хэллоу Аслан [15:55:01] TweeL1e issued server command: /rg addmember tweel1e9 SergoPHS [15:55:04] Vehitsel issued server command: //sel [15:55:05] Krakiin issued server command: //wand [15:55:08] FlipSize issued server command: /cases info Tokeshi [15:55:08] Ribka issued server command: /home slaim [15:55:09] Romanuch был кикнут [15:55:09] Romanuch вышел [15:55:15] [L] __KotuKen: ponimaesh [15:55:15] Romanuch зашёл [15:55:16] FlipSize issued server command: /cases add Tokeshi 2 1 [15:55:16] asdadn issued server command: /rtp [15:55:17] SplaschGaming вышел [15:55:17] Romanuch issued server command: /we cui [15:55:17] slaim01 issued server command: /rtp [15:55:18] TOGA issued server command: /zset 0 [15:55:19] slaim01 issued server command: /rtp [15:55:20] Zanda issued server command: /zwand [15:55:23] SergoPHS issued server command: /warp shop [15:55:24] [L] __KotuKen: 4to vashu sharashku [15:55:24] SergoPHS issued server command: /we cui [15:55:27] FlipSize issued server command: /cases info Gazirovka_ [15:55:27] [L] __KotuKen: nacroet [15:55:31] [L] Frunchesko: здаров [15:55:32] [L] __KotuKen: 1 kompashka [15:55:34] FlipSize issued server command: /cases add Gazirovka_ 5 2 [15:55:34] FovorFrost issued server command: /we cui [15:55:37] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [15:55:37] [L] Zanda: какая? [15:55:38] Romanuch был кикнут [15:55:38] Romanuch вышел [15:55:43] coffe_lite2 issued server command: /tpa Ribka [15:55:43] Romanuch зашёл [15:55:44] FlipSize issued server command: /cases info KoTHaTaHke [15:55:45] Romanuch issued server command: /we cui [15:55:47] Ribka issued server command: /tpaccept [15:55:48] iamfriendly issued server command: /rtp [15:55:50] BJlaTnou issued server command: /m Zanda Тут? [15:55:50] TheMaxLC issued server command: /sethome [15:55:50] FlipSize issued server command: /cases info _CTALKER_ [15:55:50] [L] __KotuKen: vishiy mod. sostav [15:55:51] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [15:55:52] FovorFrost issued server command: /warp world [15:55:52] [L] Zanda: эссеровцы вы грязные [15:55:54] FovorFrost issued server command: /we cui [15:55:55] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [15:55:56] Suyumi issued server command: /fly [15:55:59] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [15:55:59] Akatsukioff issued server command: /rtp [15:55:59] FlipSize issued server command: /cases info MR_LIFI [15:56:00] [L] Zanda: вы нам не помеха [15:56:01] Romanuch был кикнут [15:56:01] Romanuch вышел [15:56:01] LittleSvinka issued server command: /case [15:56:03] Krantzg issued server command: /call asdadn [15:56:03] Suyumi issued server command: /warp mi [15:56:06] TheMaxLC issued server command: /tpa asdadn [15:56:06] Suyumi issued server command: /we cui [15:56:08] [L] __KotuKen: v sebe poviriv [15:56:09] [L] __KotuKen: ? [15:56:10] asdadn issued server command: /tpaccept [15:56:12] Zanda issued server command: /zset 0 [15:56:12] FlipSize issued server command: /cases add MR_LIFI 6 4 [15:56:12] Krantzg issued server command: /call asdadn [15:56:13] [L] __KotuKen: onige [15:56:13] asdadn issued server command: /tpaccept [15:56:16] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [15:56:16] [L] Zanda: да [15:56:16] [L] __KotuKen: tebe [15:56:17] KotAgresor вышел [15:56:18] slaim01 issued server command: /tpa Ribka [15:56:19] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [15:56:19] Dydre issued server command: /kit [15:56:19] Gelix000 issued server command: /rtp [15:56:20] Demaglhf issued server command: /kit mobs [15:56:20] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [15:56:20] [L] __KotuKen: posadyat [15:56:24] KotAgresor зашёл [15:56:25] Dydre issued server command: /kit thaum [15:56:25] FlipSize issued server command: /cases add Zanda 6 1 [15:56:27] KotAgresor issued server command: /we cui [15:56:27] [L] __KotuKen: ti budes [15:56:27] [L] Zanda: Я уже в Сибири [15:56:28] Suyumi issued server command: /fly [15:56:28] FlipSize issued server command: /cases list [15:56:30] [L] Zanda: Меня не куда ссылать [15:56:33] [L] __KotuKen: u nih [15:56:33] LeroySabo issued server command: /home [15:56:35] FovorFrost вышел [15:56:37] [L] __KotuKen: v klenta [15:56:38] FlipSize issued server command: /cases add IamBANANA 5 4 [15:56:39] [L] __KotuKen: kak [15:56:41] Gelix000 issued server command: /kit [15:56:43] [L] __KotuKen: sobaka v budke [15:56:44] Frunchesko issued server command: /кез [15:56:44] FlipSize issued server command: /cases add IamBANANA 6 11 [15:56:46] Frunchesko issued server command: /rtp [15:56:46] Bomw issued server command: //chunk [15:56:46] Bomw issued server command: //outset 16 [15:56:46] Bomw issued server command: /zone [15:56:46] asdadn issued server command: /rtp [15:56:47] FreakFromThePub issued server command: /home [15:56:48] iamfriendly issued server command: /rtp [15:56:49] Bomw issued server command: //chunk [15:56:49] Bomw issued server command: //outset 16 [15:56:49] Bomw issued server command: /zone [15:56:49] slaim01 issued server command: /rg addmember zopa coffe_lite2 [15:56:50] FreakFromThePub issued server command: /we cui [15:56:50] Gelix000 issued server command: /kit tools [15:56:51] [L] Zanda: Тебе кстати по-русски религия или мозг не позволяет? [15:56:57] [L] Zanda: чисто интересно [15:56:58] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [15:56:58] [L] __KotuKen: mne len [15:56:59] FlipSize issued server command: /cases add Arsenggh 2 2 [15:57:00] ggwin issued server command: /trade FreakFromThePub [15:57:00] ggwin issued server command: /trade FreakFromThePub [15:57:00] ggwin issued server command: /trade FreakFromThePub [15:57:00] ggwin issued server command: /trade FreakFromThePub [15:57:00] Bomw issued server command: /rg claim rem [15:57:00] ggwin issued server command: /trade FreakFromThePub [15:57:00] ggwin issued server command: /trade FreakFromThePub [15:57:00] ggwin issued server command: /trade FreakFromThePub [15:57:00] ggwin issued server command: /trade FreakFromThePub [15:57:01] ggwin issued server command: /trade FreakFromThePub [15:57:01] ggwin issued server command: /trade FreakFromThePub [15:57:01] ggwin issued server command: /trade FreakFromThePub [15:57:01] ggwin был кикнут [15:57:01] ggwin вышел [15:57:03] Zanda issued server command: //expand 20 down [15:57:03] FlipSize issued server command: /money animeshka2009 [15:57:04] TheMaxLC issued server command: /rtp [15:57:05] G0KO issued server command: /rg sel [15:57:07] ggwin зашёл [15:57:07] G0KO issued server command: /rg sel [15:57:08] ggwin issued server command: /we cui [15:57:08] [L] __KotuKen: Е [15:57:10] FlipSize issued server command: /seen animeshka2009 [15:57:12] [L] __KotuKen: все [15:57:12] FlipSize issued server command: /money top [15:57:13] [L] __KotuKen: я тута [15:57:14] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [15:57:15] [L] Zanda: Получаеца альтернативно-гениальный? [15:57:16] G0KO issued server command: /rg selete h1 [15:57:16] Suyumi issued server command: /money top [15:57:18] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [15:57:19] Krakiin умер (ENTITY_ATTACK) [15:57:19] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [15:57:19] G0KO issued server command: /rg delete h1 [15:57:20] [L] Zanda: aka ребёнок солнца? [15:57:21] slaim01 issued server command: /rtp [15:57:24] Suyumi issued server command: /clan info [15:57:24] WildHare issued server command: /kit food [15:57:24] ggwin issued server command: /fly [15:57:26] Suyumi issued server command: /clan [15:57:26] G0KO issued server command: //expand 3 [15:57:27] Zanda issued server command: /zset 0 [15:57:31] Suyumi issued server command: /clan stats [15:57:31] [L] __KotuKen: KotukenRA [15:57:33] MrRubin4ik issued server command: /warp list [15:57:33] FilyWay issued server command: /home [15:57:34] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [15:57:35] [L] __KotuKen: вот хто я [15:57:35] G0KO issued server command: /rg claim h1 [15:57:37] MrRubin4ik issued server command: /warp mining [15:57:38] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [15:57:38] WildHare issued server command: /kit eat [15:57:38] ordo001 умер (DROWNING) [15:57:39] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [15:57:42] Zik4 issued server command: /tp a Vehitsel [15:57:42] ordo001 issued server command: /we cui [15:57:43] G0KO issued server command: /rg addmember h1 KotAgresor [15:57:43] Lolota зашёл [15:57:47] [L] __KotuKen: Xd [15:57:48] G0KO issued server command: /rg addmember h1 FROST2137 [15:57:49] MrRubin4ik issued server command: /we cui [15:57:52] WildHare issued server command: /kit info [15:57:54] KotAgresor вышел [15:57:56] coffe_lite2 issued server command: /tp coffe_lite2 1076 68 347 [15:57:56] Ribka issued server command: /sethome [15:57:57] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [15:57:57] Nikitawrik issued server command: /tpa flesziip [15:57:58] [L] __KotuKen: 4ek [15:57:58] Lolota issued server command: /we cui [15:57:58] Ribka issued server command: /tp slaim [15:58:00] KotAgresor зашёл [15:58:00] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [15:58:02] asdadn issued server command: /rtp [15:58:02] [L] __KotuKen: my koftu [15:58:02] KotAgresor issued server command: /we cui [15:58:02] [L] Zanda: Приз за лучший юмор забираешь себе [15:58:03] G0KO issued server command: /rg sel [15:58:07] __KotuKen issued server command: /fly [15:58:08] [L] Zanda: не хочу [15:58:11] Zik4 issued server command: /call Vehitsel [15:58:11] G0KO issued server command: /rg delete h6 [15:58:12] Akatsukioff умер (ENTITY_ATTACK) [15:58:14] G0KO issued server command: //expand 3 [15:58:15] Demaglhf issued server command: /home [15:58:15] Vehitsel issued server command: /tpaccept [15:58:16] BJlaTnou issued server command: /m G0KO Тут? [15:58:16] termik зашёл [15:58:17] Zanda issued server command: //expand 20 downb [15:58:17] Akatsukioff issued server command: /we cui [15:58:18] G0KO issued server command: /rg claim h6 [15:58:19] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [15:58:20] Zanda issued server command: //expand 20 down [15:58:21] [L] __KotuKen: smaru [15:58:21] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [15:58:23] LeroySabo issued server command: /voteday [15:58:23] [L] __KotuKen: smari [15:58:23] Demaglhf issued server command: /sethome [15:58:25] FlipSize issued server command: /money Merildew [15:58:26] __KotuKen issued server command: /yes [15:58:28] Nikitawrik issued server command: /yes [15:58:28] G0KO issued server command: /rg addmember h6 KotAgresor [15:58:28] ggwin issued server command: /yes [15:58:28] Vehitsel issued server command: /no [15:58:28] ivanneronov159 issued server command: /yes [15:58:31] Akatsukioff issued server command: /tpa iam [15:58:32] FROST2137 issued server command: /yes [15:58:32] Lolota issued server command: /rtp [15:58:32] G0KO issued server command: /rg addmember h6 FROST2137 [15:58:35] Akatsukioff issued server command: /yes [15:58:36] Demaglhf issued server command: /kit ae_shadow [15:58:36] Zanda issued server command: /zset 0 [15:58:37] G0KO issued server command: /r ты кто? [15:58:37] iamfriendly issued server command: /tpaccept [15:58:39] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [15:58:39] Akatsukioff issued server command: /we cui [15:58:40] [L] __KotuKen: aa bluet [15:58:42] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [15:58:43] termik issued server command: /we cui [15:58:45] [L] __KotuKen: moya nog [15:58:45] MrRubin4ik issued server command: /rtp [15:58:45] Nikitawrik issued server command: /cart gui [15:58:51] BJlaTnou issued server command: /r Глупый вопрос. Ты хобов не находил? [15:58:53] Zanda issued server command: /zset 0 [15:58:54] Demaglhf issued server command: /kit superichor [15:58:54] l0Sa зашёл [15:58:55] Zanda issued server command: /zset 0 [15:58:56] [L] __KotuKen: plati za operatio [15:58:56] Zanda issued server command: /zset 0 [15:58:57] Zanda issued server command: /zset 0 [15:58:58] FlipSize issued server command: /money set Merildew 231 [15:58:59] Frunchesko issued server command: /rtp [15:59:00] G0KO issued server command: /r ты кто такой? [15:59:01] [L] Zanda: Слышишь ты [15:59:03] [L] Zanda: капиталист [15:59:04] l0Sa issued server command: /we cui [15:59:04] Romanuch зашёл [15:59:04] TheMaxLC issued server command: /home [15:59:07] SergoPHS issued server command: /call ggwin [15:59:08] [L] __KotuKen: aaaa [15:59:11] [L] Zanda: Я не буду платить [15:59:11] [L] __KotuKen: noga [15:59:13] Romanuch issued server command: /we cui [15:59:14] BJlaTnou issued server command: /r Как по твойму я должен ответить на твой вопрос? [15:59:14] ggwin issued server command: /tpaccept [15:59:16] SergoPHS issued server command: /we cui [15:59:16] Razy вышел [15:59:17] [L] __KotuKen: nu i idi [15:59:20] [L] __KotuKen: von [15:59:20] zloy_cool issued server command: /warp [15:59:21] SergoPHS issued server command: /sethome [15:59:22] zloy_cool issued server command: /rtp [15:59:22] [L] __KotuKen: otsuda [15:59:23] FreakFromThePub issued server command: /fly [15:59:24] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [15:59:25] Zanda issued server command: /zset 0 [15:59:25] Gelix000 issued server command: /ec [15:59:26] SplaschGaming зашёл [15:59:27] Romanuch issued server command: /kit [15:59:28] Demaglhf issued server command: /rg flag demich invicible allow [15:59:29] [L] __KotuKen: roma prodolzim [15:59:33] termik issued server command: /rtp [15:59:33] [L] __KotuKen: kak tvoi dila [15:59:41] G0KO issued server command: /r ну для меня ты рандомный чел который написал просто так [15:59:42] [L] Romanuch: ploxo [15:59:42] TOGA issued server command: /zset 97:2 [15:59:43] [L] __KotuKen: 4to tam marus [15:59:43] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [15:59:43] He11Star зашёл [15:59:45] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [15:59:45] SplaschGaming issued server command: /we cui [15:59:47] zloy_cool issued server command: /rtp [15:59:49] G0KO issued server command: /r нет не находил хобов [15:59:50] [L] Romanuch: marus propal [15:59:52] [L] __KotuKen: 4to [15:59:54] Demaglhf issued server command: /rg flags [15:59:54] He11Star issued server command: /we cui [15:59:54] Zanda issued server command: /zset 0 [15:59:57] FreakFromThePub issued server command: /home [15:59:57] termik issued server command: /warp world [15:59:57] l0Sa issued server command: /mpcaseshop [15:59:59] termik issued server command: /we cui [16:00:00] ivanneronov159 умер (PROJECTILE) [16:00:00] BJlaTnou issued server command: /r Я вопрос задал, а не просто так [16:00:02] termik issued server command: /rtp [16:00:04] [L] Romanuch: давно с ним не общаюсь [16:00:05] BJlaTnou issued server command: /r Cgfcb,j [16:00:05] [L] __KotuKen: Zanda v rabi vzal> [16:00:05] termik issued server command: /rtp [16:00:05] Gelix000 issued server command: /ec [16:00:06] Zanda issued server command: /zset 0 [16:00:07] [L] __KotuKen: ?* [16:00:08] G0KO issued server command: /rg sel [16:00:08] BJlaTnou issued server command: /r Спасибо* [16:00:08] Zanda issued server command: /zset 0 [16:00:09] Gelix000 issued server command: /kit [16:00:10] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [16:00:10] Oniflavor issued server command: /rtp [16:00:11] FROST2137 issued server command: /rg info [16:00:13] Gelix000 issued server command: /rtp [16:00:14] Krakiin issued server command: /we cui [16:00:14] [L] __KotuKen: nabit evo [16:00:17] [L] Romanuch: я был рабом у Занды [16:00:19] l0Sa issued server command: /лше [16:00:21] l0Sa issued server command: /kit [16:00:22] zloy_cool issued server command: /rtp [16:00:23] l0Sa issued server command: /kit top [16:00:23] Zanda issued server command: /zset 0 [16:00:25] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [16:00:26] KotAgresor вышел [16:00:26] asdadn issued server command: /rtp [16:00:28] l0Sa issued server command: /warp list [16:00:30] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [16:00:30] [L] Romanuch: щас у нас равные права [16:00:31] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [16:00:33] l0Sa issued server command: /warp npsshop [16:00:33] KotAgresor зашёл [16:00:36] KotAgresor issued server command: /we cui [16:00:36] l0Sa issued server command: /warp npcshop [16:00:37] TheMaxLC issued server command: /tpa Krantzg [16:00:37] [L] __KotuKen: mm [16:00:39] 69Loqiemean96 issued server command: /warp world [16:00:39] Krantzg issued server command: /tpaccept [16:00:40] 69Loqiemean96 issued server command: /we cui [16:00:40] Romanuch issued server command: /kit [16:00:44] slaim01 issued server command: /home [16:00:44] [L] __KotuKen: bu ti [16:00:46] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [16:00:48] [L] Zanda: Потому что социал-демократия [16:00:49] 69Loqiemean96 issued server command: /fly [16:00:50] [L] __KotuKen: smotri [16:00:50] ivanneronov159 issued server command: /we cui [16:00:50] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [16:00:50] flesziip issued server command: /tpaccept [16:00:51] [L] __KotuKen: Zanda [16:00:52] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [16:00:55] Romanuch issued server command: /kit ae_mod [16:00:56] termik issued server command: /rtp [16:00:56] SplaschGaming issued server command: /rtp [16:00:59] zloy_cool issued server command: /rtp [16:01:01] [L] __KotuKen: romu zayky [16:01:02] [L] Zanda: я могу тебе только в писю подудеть, не буду смотреть [16:01:02] iamfriendly вышел [16:01:02] Nikitawrik issued server command: /tpa flesziip [16:01:05] flesziip issued server command: /tpaccept [16:01:05] [L] __KotuKen: ne dopushu bit [16:01:07] Nikitawrik issued server command: /we cui [16:01:13] Zanda issued server command: /zset 0 [16:01:14] TOGA issued server command: /zset 98 [16:01:19] G0KO issued server command: /r а забей я идиот, я просто сегодня акк новый регал из-за того что ник новый придумал, а он занят [16:01:20] G0KO issued server command: /r был, написал 0, а не О думал ты знакомый того чела [16:01:22] Vehitsel issued server command: /kit [16:01:22] Akatsukioff issued server command: /kit eat [16:01:22] G0KO issued server command: /r сорян [16:01:23] [L] FreakFromThePub: отеец [16:01:24] [L] __KotuKen: moy BLO [16:01:25] Vehitsel issued server command: /kit eat [16:01:26] FilyWay issued server command: /warp end [16:01:28] Zanda issued server command: /zset 0 [16:01:29] Demaglhf issued server command: /rg flag greeting hi my friend ^_^ [16:01:30] Zanda issued server command: /zset 0 [16:01:32] zloy_cool issued server command: /rtp [16:01:36] FilyWay issued server command: /spawn [16:01:36] He11Star issued server command: /call Bomw [16:01:37] [G] Zanda: !Социал-демократия!!! [16:01:37] FilyWay issued server command: /we cui [16:01:38] [G] __KotuKen: !4to eto? [16:01:38] Ribka issued server command: /tp slaim [16:01:41] Bomw issued server command: /tpaccept [16:01:41] Romanuch issued server command: /kit ae_shadow [16:01:42] He11Star issued server command: /we cui [16:01:43] Zanda issued server command: /zset 0 [16:01:44] Ribka issued server command: /call slaim [16:01:46] BJlaTnou issued server command: /r Бывает [16:01:46] [G] __KotuKen: !zekovoy regim [16:01:46] slaim01 issued server command: /tpaccept [16:01:46] Demaglhf issued server command: /rg flag invincible allow [16:01:50] l0Sa вышел [16:01:53] [G] __KotuKen: !z 12:00 [16:01:58] Vehitsel issued server command: /tpa WildHare [16:01:58] [G] __KotuKen: !server otkrit [16:01:58] Bradman вышел [16:02:01] ggwin issued server command: /warp list [16:02:02] [G] __KotuKen: !kak kletkit [16:02:04] [G] __KotuKen: !potom [16:02:05] ggwin issued server command: /warp list 2 [16:02:06] Bradman зашёл [16:02:09] He11Star вышел [16:02:09] Bradman issued server command: /we cui [16:02:11] [G] __KotuKen: !v 21:00 [16:02:11] FilyWay issued server command: /warp end [16:02:13] WildHare issued server command: //sel [16:02:14] FilyWay issued server command: /warp list [16:02:15] [G] __KotuKen: !kushat vse [16:02:17] LeroySabo issued server command: /kit eat [16:02:19] TOGA issued server command: /zset 98 [16:02:19] [G] __KotuKen: !i spat [16:02:19] FilyWay issued server command: /warp end [16:02:19] Demaglhf issued server command: /rg flag TestRegion invincible allow [16:02:20] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [16:02:22] Romanuch issued server command: /fly [16:02:23] KotAgresor вышел [16:02:24] Romanuch issued server command: /god [16:02:26] Romanuch issued server command: /god [16:02:27] ordo001 issued server command: /tpaccept [16:02:27] Bradman issued server command: /kit [16:02:28] FilyWay issued server command: /home [16:02:29] Demaglhf issued server command: /rg flag demich invincible allow [16:02:29] WildHare issued server command: /tpaccept [16:02:29] ordo001 issued server command: /fly [16:02:29] FilyWay issued server command: /we cui [16:02:30] [G] __KotuKen: !Xd [16:02:32] Fantasy404 issued server command: /home [16:02:32] KotAgresor зашёл [16:02:35] KotAgresor issued server command: /we cui [16:02:36] Lolota issued server command: /m BJlaTnou q [16:02:39] [L] __KotuKen: roma [16:02:39] Demaglhf issued server command: /kit thaum [16:02:40] Lolota issued server command: /tpa BJlaTnou [16:02:40] [L] __KotuKen: a ti [16:02:42] zloy_cool issued server command: /rtp [16:02:43] [L] __KotuKen: pomnish [16:02:43] Lolota issued server command: /kits [16:02:43] Sowkand issued server command: /ignore __KotuKen [16:02:44] BJlaTnou issued server command: /tpaccept [16:02:44] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [16:02:44] TheMaxLC issued server command: /home SplaschGaming [16:02:45] Lolota issued server command: /we cui [16:02:46] [L] __KotuKen: 69Loqiemean96 [16:02:47] [L] BJlaTnou: Ты промокод ввел? [16:02:48] G0KO issued server command: /rg delete h7 [16:02:49] [L] __KotuKen: kto eto [16:02:50] [L] Romanuch: ну да [16:02:52] Sowkand issued server command: /rtp [16:02:54] G0KO issued server command: //expand 3 [16:02:54] Bradman issued server command: /kit res [16:02:54] asdadn issued server command: /tpaccept [16:02:56] Suyumi issued server command: /warp npc [16:02:56] FROST2137 issued server command: /rg info [16:02:59] Suyumi issued server command: /we cui [16:03:00] [L] Lolota: не [16:03:01] G0KO issued server command: //expand 3 [16:03:02] [L] BJlaTnou: Мда [16:03:04] G0KO issued server command: //expand 3 [16:03:04] Sowkand issued server command: /home [16:03:04] __KotuKen issued server command: /tpa 69Loqiemean96 [16:03:04] [L] BJlaTnou: Ну красавец [16:03:05] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [16:03:06] [L] Lolota: -_- [16:03:06] Dydre issued server command: /kit [16:03:06] Sowkand issued server command: /ignore __KotuKen [16:03:06] Zanda issued server command: /zset 0 [16:03:07] [L] Romanuch: уффф [16:03:07] G0KO issued server command: //expand 1 [16:03:09] TOGA issued server command: /zset 98 [16:03:10] ivanneronov159 issued server command: /home [16:03:16] 69Loqiemean96 issued server command: /rtp [16:03:16] Demaglhf issued server command: /kits [16:03:17] [L] BJlaTnou: Это шахтерский мир если что [16:03:17] G0KO issued server command: /rg claim h7 [16:03:18] [L] Lolota: ты мне сказал псоле [16:03:18] [L] __KotuKen: ya zabit [16:03:22] Demaglhf issued server command: /kit superthaum [16:03:24] Bradman issued server command: /kit diamond [16:03:24] Suyumi issued server command: /home [16:03:27] G0KO issued server command: /rg addmember h7 KotAgresor [16:03:27] Suyumi issued server command: /we cui [16:03:27] [L] Lolota: а давай [16:03:27] Romanuch issued server command: /zset 0 [16:03:28] flesziip issued server command: /rg addmember blacksun_centre Nikitawrik [16:03:30] Zanda issued server command: /zset 0 [16:03:30] LeroySabo issued server command: /home [16:03:30] [L] Lolota: заново зарегаю [16:03:31] TheMaxLC issued server command: /rtp [16:03:33] [L] Lolota: аккк [16:03:33] Romanuch issued server command: /zset 0 [16:03:33] G0KO issued server command: /rg addmember h7 FROST2137 [16:03:35] [L] Lolota: и всё [16:03:36] [L] __KotuKen: uuu [16:03:36] [L] BJlaTnou: Нет [16:03:37] slaim01 issued server command: /rtp [16:03:37] zloy_cool issued server command: /rtp [16:03:38] He11Star зашёл [16:03:38] [L] __KotuKen: eto ge [16:03:39] Romanuch issued server command: /zset 0 [16:03:39] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [16:03:39] [L] __KotuKen: ban [16:03:40] He11Star issued server command: /we cui [16:03:40] G0KO issued server command: /rg sel [16:03:41] [L] BJlaTnou: Промокоды ограничены [16:03:43] 69Loqiemean96 issued server command: /rtp [16:03:45] [L] BJlaTnou: При открытии сервера [16:03:46] zloy_cool issued server command: /rtp [16:03:47] [L] Lolota: аа [16:03:47] Sowkand issued server command: /rtp [16:03:48] G0KO issued server command: /rg delete h8 [16:03:48] Zanda issued server command: /zset 95:5 [16:03:49] [L] BJlaTnou: Дают новичка [16:03:49] SplaschGaming issued server command: /tell Krantzg чекни что нашёл [16:03:50] Sowkand issued server command: /rtp [16:03:51] Zanda issued server command: /zset 95:5 [16:03:52] Sowkand issued server command: /rtp [16:03:52] SplaschGaming issued server command: /r а не [16:03:53] Sowkand issued server command: /rtp [16:03:55] SplaschGaming issued server command: /r оно пропало [16:03:56] [L] __KotuKen: 4to za [16:03:57] asdadn вышел [16:03:58] G0KO issued server command: //expand 7 [16:04:02] Romanuch issued server command: /zset 0 [16:04:02] G0KO issued server command: /rg claim h8 [16:04:02] [L] __KotuKen: propost [16:04:04] TOGA issued server command: /zset 98 [16:04:04] __KotuKen issued server command: /playtime [16:04:04] __KotuKen issued server command: /playtimetop [16:04:04] Fantasy404 issued server command: /tpa GoooDDoG [16:04:07] termik issued server command: /mpcaseshop [16:04:07] G0KO issued server command: /rg addmember h8 FROST2137 [16:04:07] Romanuch issued server command: /zset 0 [16:04:08] slaim01 issued server command: /mpcaseshop [16:04:12] Bradman issued server command: /kit extratools [16:04:12] [L] __KotuKen: a 4to [16:04:13] flesziip issued server command: /trade Suyumi [16:04:14] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [16:04:14] slaim01 issued server command: /rtp [16:04:14] Demaglhf issued server command: /kit tools [16:04:15] [L] __KotuKen: dobavili [16:04:15] Zanda issued server command: /zset 0 [16:04:15] G0KO issued server command: /rg addmember h8 KotAgresor [16:04:19] SimpleBoi issued server command: /hme [16:04:19] [L] __KotuKen: ogranichenie [16:04:20] [L] __KotuKen: ? [16:04:21] SimpleBoi issued server command: /home [16:04:22] Ribka issued server command: /mpcaseshop [16:04:23] Zanda issued server command: /zset 0 [16:04:23] termik issued server command: /s [16:04:25] [L] Romanuch: на что? [16:04:26] GoooDDoG issued server command: /tpaccept [16:04:26] termik issued server command: /ah [16:04:27] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [16:04:29] termik issued server command: /auc [16:04:30] Demaglhf issued server command: /warp list [16:04:30] [L] __KotuKen: na set [16:04:30] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [16:04:30] SimpleBoi issued server command: /sethome [16:04:32] Bomw issued server command: /rg delete rem [16:04:32] Sowkand issued server command: /home [16:04:32] [L] __KotuKen: zset* [16:04:33] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [16:04:35] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [16:04:35] SimpleBoi issued server command: /rtp [16:04:35] Ribka issued server command: /mpcaseview 8 [16:04:38] G0KO issued server command: /rg sel [16:04:40] [L] Romanuch: давно уже [16:04:41] Ribka issued server command: /mpcaseshop [16:04:41] Ribka issued server command: /mpcaseshop [16:04:41] slaim01 issued server command: /rtp [16:04:41] Bomw issued server command: //sel [16:04:41] Zanda issued server command: /zset 0 [16:04:41] Sowkand issued server command: /cart gui [16:04:43] Zanda issued server command: /zset 0 [16:04:44] [L] __KotuKen: kapets [16:04:44] G0KO issued server command: /rg delete h9 [16:04:46] [L] __KotuKen: u vas [16:04:47] Bradman issued server command: /kit extraarmor [16:04:48] [L] __KotuKen: me [16:04:49] Zanda issued server command: /zset 0 [16:04:51] Sowkand issued server command: /cart gui [16:04:53] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [16:04:54] [L] __KotuKen: ladno [16:04:55] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [16:04:56] G0KO issued server command: //expand 7 [16:04:58] Oniflavor issued server command: //wand [16:05:00] [L] __KotuKen: zavtra zaidu [16:05:02] G0KO issued server command: //expand 3 [16:05:05] [G] __KotuKen: !bb all [16:05:08] [L] Romanuch: бб [16:05:10] [G] Demaglhf: !бб [16:05:10] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [16:05:11] G0KO issued server command: //expand 1 [16:05:11] Bradman issued server command: /kit tools [16:05:12] [L] __KotuKen: romu ne obizhat [16:05:13] [G] LeroySabo: !бб [16:05:13] __KotuKen вышел [16:05:14] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [16:05:14] iamfriendly зашёл [16:05:16] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [16:05:17] G0KO issued server command: /rg claim h9 [16:05:18] Sowkand issued server command: /rtp [16:05:18] Bradman issued server command: /kit [16:05:19] asdadn зашёл [16:05:19] asdadn вышел [16:05:19] Dydre issued server command: //sel [16:05:21] BJlaTnou issued server command: /m Lolota В обычный мир сходи поищи. /warp world [16:05:21] FlipSize issued server command: /prefix [16:05:23] Oniflavor issued server command: //expand down 1000 [16:05:23] [L] Lolota: а [16:05:28] G0KO issued server command: /rg addmember h9 KotAgresor [16:05:28] FlipSize issued server command: /prefix flesziip [16:05:28] Bradman issued server command: /kit jatpack [16:05:28] iamfriendly issued server command: /we cui [16:05:28] Lolota issued server command: /warp world [16:05:29] Oniflavor issued server command: //expand 1000 down [16:05:30] Lolota issued server command: /we cui [16:05:30] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [16:05:31] G0KO issued server command: /rg addmember h9 FROST2137 [16:05:32] SimpleBoi issued server command: /rtp [16:05:33] asdadn зашёл [16:05:33] Bradman issued server command: /kit jetpack [16:05:35] Lolota issued server command: /cart [16:05:35] SimpleBoi issued server command: /rtp [16:05:35] zloy_cool issued server command: /rtp [16:05:35] asdadn issued server command: /we cui [16:05:36] FlipSize issued server command: /prefix clear FlipSize [16:05:37] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [16:05:37] asdadn умер (FALL) [16:05:38] G0KO issued server command: /rg sel [16:05:39] Frunchesko issued server command: /home [16:05:39] Lolota issued server command: /cart all [16:05:39] Bradman issued server command: /kit nano [16:05:39] asdadn issued server command: /we cui [16:05:40] asdadn issued server command: /fly [16:05:41] FlipSize issued server command: /prefix help [16:05:42] [L] FlipSize: 1 [16:05:45] G0KO issued server command: /rg delete h9 [16:05:46] TOGA issued server command: /zset 98 [16:05:46] FlipSize issued server command: /prefix [16:05:50] iamfriendly issued server command: /rtp [16:05:53] FlipSize issued server command: /prefix FlipSize clear [16:05:54] [L] FlipSize: 1 [16:05:55] Frunchesko issued server command: /kit [16:05:57] Frunchesko issued server command: /kit eatr [16:05:58] Frunchesko issued server command: /kit eat [16:06:00] Fantasy404 issued server command: /home [16:06:00] Frunchesko issued server command: /kit top [16:06:01] Bradman issued server command: /kit ichor [16:06:03] Nikitawrik issued server command: /cart all [16:06:06] Oniflavor issued server command: /rg claim kokosokot [16:06:07] Lolota issued server command: /r я вроде активировал [16:06:08] slaim01 issued server command: /rtp [16:06:08] tH0R issued server command: /home [16:06:09] Frunchesko issued server command: /rtp [16:06:09] FlipSize issued server command: /colors [16:06:11] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [16:06:11] TheMaxLC issued server command: /rtp [16:06:13] Bomw issued server command: /rtp [16:06:13] Lolota issued server command: /r промо [16:06:13] Bradman issued server command: /kit ultranano [16:06:13] BJlaTnou issued server command: /r Перезайди [16:06:15] Lolota вышел [16:06:19] Demaglhf issued server command: /kit res [16:06:23] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [16:06:26] G0KO issued server command: //expand 4 [16:06:26] Suyumi issued server command: /cart gui [16:06:28] Fantasy404 issued server command: /tpa GoooDDoG [16:06:28] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [16:06:29] Demaglhf вышел [16:06:29] FlipSize issued server command: /prefix flesziip &8Чел [16:06:30] SimpleBoi issued server command: /rtp [16:06:31] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [16:06:31] [L] flesziip: к\ [16:06:32] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [16:06:33] Bradman issued server command: /kit [16:06:34] GoooDDoG issued server command: /tpaccept [16:06:36] Demaglhf зашёл [16:06:36] SimpleBoi issued server command: /rtp [16:06:36] [G] termik: !Тут ведь квестов нету? [16:06:38] Demaglhf issued server command: /we cui [16:06:42] G0KO issued server command: /rg delete h4 [16:06:44] TOGA issued server command: /zset 98 [16:06:45] Bradman issued server command: /kit thaum [16:06:45] Lolota зашёл [16:06:47] Lolota issued server command: /we cui [16:06:48] FlipSize issued server command: /prefix Suyumi &6Лиса [16:06:49] termik issued server command: //wand [16:06:49] G0KO issued server command: /rg claim h4 [16:06:49] TheMaxLC issued server command: /rtp [16:06:50] Lolota issued server command: /fly [16:06:51] [L] Gelix000: не убьешь [16:06:52] [G] slaim01: !vrode nety [16:06:52] [L] Suyumi: . [16:06:52] TheMaxLC issued server command: /home [16:06:52] zloy_cool issued server command: /rtp [16:06:52] Bradman issued server command: /kit superthaum [16:06:55] Lolota issued server command: /r усё [16:06:55] Frunchesko issued server command: /rtp [16:06:56] [L] Lolota: а [16:06:57] Frunchesko issued server command: /home [16:06:57] G0KO issued server command: /rg addmember h4 FROST2137 [16:06:59] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [16:07:01] termik issued server command: /rg claim xata [16:07:01] ivanneronov159 issued server command: /warp list [16:07:03] G0KO issued server command: /rg addmember h4 KotAgresor [16:07:03] slaim01 issued server command: /rtp [16:07:06] Oniflavor issued server command: /cart gui [16:07:07] slaim01 issued server command: /rtp [16:07:07] termik issued server command: /rg remove xata [16:07:08] He11Star issued server command: /call Bomw [16:07:10] slaim01 issued server command: /rto [16:07:10] G0KO issued server command: /rg sel [16:07:10] BJlaTnou issued server command: /list [16:07:12] slaim01 issued server command: /rtp [16:07:13] ivanneronov159 issued server command: /warp npcshop [16:07:16] G0KO issued server command: /rg delete h3 [16:07:16] ivanneronov159 issued server command: /we cui [16:07:19] Bradman issued server command: /kit shard [16:07:20] G0KO issued server command: //expand 4 [16:07:21] TOGA issued server command: /zset 98 [16:07:23] slaim01 issued server command: /tpa coffe_lite2 [16:07:24] G0KO issued server command: /rg claim h3 [16:07:25] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [16:07:26] Nikitawrik issued server command: /kit [16:07:27] Frunchesko issued server command: /rtp [16:07:30] Bomw issued server command: /tpaccept [16:07:30] G0KO issued server command: /rg addmember h3 FROST2137 [16:07:32] [G] termik: !Ок [16:07:34] G0KO issued server command: /rg addmember h3 KotAgresor [16:07:36] [G] termik: !Спасибо [16:07:37] Oniflavor issued server command: /sethome 1 [16:07:37] Lolota issued server command: /rtp [16:07:38] Nikitawrik issued server command: /kit novice [16:07:38] ivanneronov159 issued server command: /warp mining [16:07:38] asdadn issued server command: /rtp [16:07:39] coffe_lite2 issued server command: /tpacceptept [16:07:39] Romanuch issued server command: /kit [16:07:39] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [16:07:41] SplaschGaming issued server command: /rtp [16:07:41] Fantasy404 умер (ENTITY_ATTACK) [16:07:42] ivanneronov159 issued server command: /we cui [16:07:43] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [16:07:44] Fantasy404 issued server command: /we cui [16:07:46] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [16:07:47] Fantasy404 issued server command: /tpa GoooDDoG [16:07:48] coffe_lite2 issued server command: /tpaccept [16:07:50] SimpleBoi issued server command: /rtp [16:07:50] GoooDDoG issued server command: /tpaccept [16:07:53] TOGA issued server command: /zset 98 [16:07:54] Bomw issued server command: /rtp [16:07:54] He11Star issued server command: /rtp [16:07:54] LittleSvinka issued server command: /home [16:07:59] termik issued server command: //expand 20 u [16:07:59] Lolota issued server command: /kits [16:07:59] G0KO issued server command: /rg sel [16:07:59] Lolota issued server command: /ps [16:08:00] KotAgresor issued server command: /money [16:08:01] termik issued server command: //expand 20 d [16:08:03] G0KO issued server command: /rg sel [16:08:03] Lolota issued server command: /kit top [16:08:06] Romanuch issued server command: /kit superthaum [16:08:07] G0KO issued server command: /rg sel [16:08:08] Lolota issued server command: /pvp off [16:08:11] BJlaTnou issued server command: /sethome [16:08:12] Lolota issued server command: /kit novice [16:08:14] BJlaTnou issued server command: /warp shop [16:08:15] iamfriendly issued server command: /kit eat [16:08:15] termik issued server command: //expand 10 u [16:08:15] BJlaTnou issued server command: /we cui [16:08:16] Suyumi issued server command: /mpcaseshop [16:08:17] Suyumi issued server command: /mpcaseview 2 [16:08:17] G0KO issued server command: /rg sel [16:08:18] Akatsukioff issued server command: /tpa iam [16:08:19] termik issued server command: /rg claim xata [16:08:20] G0KO issued server command: /rg sel [16:08:22] ivanneronov159 issued server command: /warp world [16:08:23] Suyumi issued server command: /mpcaseshop [16:08:24] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [16:08:24] iamfriendly issued server command: /spawn [16:08:25] ivanneronov159 issued server command: /we cui [16:08:26] iamfriendly issued server command: /we cui [16:08:27] termik issued server command: /rg sel [16:08:30] G0KO issued server command: /rg sel [16:08:30] Suyumi issued server command: /mpcaseshop [16:08:31] Suyumi issued server command: /mpcaseview 2 [16:08:31] flesziip issued server command: /mpcaseshop [16:08:33] flesziip issued server command: /mpcaseview 1 [16:08:34] flesziip issued server command: /mpcaseshop [16:08:35] flesziip issued server command: /mpcaseview 1 [16:08:36] TurboLastGame зашёл [16:08:40] flesziip issued server command: /cart gui [16:08:40] termik issued server command: /rg claim xataa [16:08:40] iamfriendly issued server command: /tpaccept [16:08:43] TOGA issued server command: /zset 98 [16:08:43] zloy_cool issued server command: /rtp [16:08:43] G0KO issued server command: //wand [16:08:43] Akatsukioff issued server command: /we cui [16:08:46] termik issued server command: /rg remove xataa [16:08:46] ivanneronov159 issued server command: /help [16:08:47] Krantzg issued server command: /home [16:08:48] FlipSize issued server command: /tp flesziip [16:08:49] FlipSize issued server command: /we cui [16:08:51] FlipSize issued server command: /vanish [16:08:51] SimpleBoi issued server command: /rtp [16:08:52] TurboLastGame issued server command: /we cui [16:08:52] TOGA issued server command: /zset 98 [16:08:53] Vladimirytska issued server command: /tpa MrRubin4ik [16:08:53] termik issued server command: /rg sel [16:08:57] Bomw issued server command: /rtp [16:08:57] ivanneronov159 issued server command: /help 2 [16:08:58] FlipSize issued server command: /gm 1 [16:09:02] G0KO issued server command: /rg sel [16:09:02] FlipSize issued server command: /vanish [16:09:03] ivanneronov159 issued server command: /help 3 [16:09:04] He11Star issued server command: /rtp [16:09:05] SplaschGaming issued server command: /tell asdadn меня чуть дом жителя не убил [16:09:05] TurboLastGame issued server command: /fly [16:09:06] MrRubin4ik issued server command: /tpaccept [16:09:06] Romanuch issued server command: /zset 3 [16:09:08] ivanneronov159 issued server command: /spawn [16:09:09] FlipSize issued server command: /gm 0 [16:09:09] Romanuch issued server command: /zset 2 [16:09:11] Razy зашёл [16:09:12] ivanneronov159 issued server command: /we cui [16:09:13] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [16:09:13] Frunchesko issued server command: /кез [16:09:14] coffe_lite2 issued server command: /home [16:09:15] Topioka зашёл [16:09:15] Vladimirytska issued server command: /we cui [16:09:16] Frunchesko issued server command: /rtp [16:09:16] SplaschGaming issued server command: /r вот тепнись [16:09:20] 69Loqiemean96 issued server command: /god [16:09:22] G0KO issued server command: //expand 50 [16:09:22] asdadn issued server command: /call SplaschGaming [16:09:23] SplaschGaming issued server command: /tpaccept [16:09:24] G0KO issued server command: //expand 50 [16:09:27] termik issued server command: //expand 30 u [16:09:28] LeroySabo issued server command: /рщьу [16:09:29] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [16:09:30] TOGA issued server command: /zset 98 [16:09:30] LeroySabo issued server command: /home [16:09:31] termik issued server command: //expand 20 d [16:09:32] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [16:09:33] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [16:09:34] Topioka issued server command: /we cui [16:09:35] Ic3berg issued server command: /kit eat [16:09:35] termik issued server command: /rg claim xataa [16:09:35] Suyumi issued server command: /trade flesziip [16:09:36] Demaglhf issued server command: /kits [16:09:36] Oniflavor issued server command: /vote day [16:09:39] Oniflavor issued server command: /voteday [16:09:40] G0KO issued server command: /rg claim h9 [16:09:41] [L] SplaschGaming: как [16:09:43] Vehitsel issued server command: /no [16:09:43] Sowkand issued server command: /yes [16:09:43] WildHare issued server command: /no [16:09:43] Bradman issued server command: /yes [16:09:43] TurboLastGame issued server command: /no [16:09:43] Razy issued server command: /we cui [16:09:43] WildHare issued server command: /no [16:09:44] Demaglhf issued server command: /kit badmobs [16:09:44] iamfriendly issued server command: /yes [16:09:46] TweeL1e issued server command: /yes [16:09:46] WildHare issued server command: /trade Vehitsel [16:09:46] termik issued server command: /rg claim xaaaa [16:09:46] G0KO issued server command: /rg addmember h9 KotAgresor [16:09:48] Akatsukioff issued server command: /rtp [16:09:50] Zik4 issued server command: /no [16:09:50] G0KO issued server command: /rg addmember h9 FROST2137 [16:09:50] Vehitsel issued server command: /trade accept [16:09:51] LeroySabo issued server command: /voteday [16:09:53] WildHare issued server command: /trade Vehitsel [16:09:54] termik issued server command: /rg sel [16:09:55] [G] Sowkand: !Ясно [16:09:56] Akatsukioff issued server command: /warp world [16:09:56] Zik4 issued server command: /no [16:09:57] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [16:09:57] Zik4 issued server command: /no [16:09:58] termik issued server command: /rg sels [16:09:58] Akatsukioff issued server command: /we cui [16:09:58] KotAgresor вышел [16:09:59] WildHare issued server command: /no [16:09:59] Demaglhf issued server command: /kit wool [16:09:59] termik issued server command: /rg sell [16:10:01] Vehitsel issued server command: /no [16:10:01] Zik4 issued server command: /no [16:10:01] Akatsukioff issued server command: /rtp [16:10:02] Fantasy404 issued server command: /home invite GoooDDoG [16:10:03] [G] Romanuch: ! 0_0 [16:10:04] SimpleBoi issued server command: /rtp [16:10:04] termik issued server command: /rg sel [16:10:06] Ilayihoy зашёл [16:10:09] [L] SplaschGaming: ок [16:10:10] coffe_lite2 issued server command: /tpa Ilayihoy [16:10:11] termik issued server command: /rg sel [16:10:12] Lolota issued server command: /yes [16:10:13] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [16:10:14] termik issued server command: /rg sel [16:10:16] termik issued server command: /rg sel [16:10:16] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [16:10:17] BJlaTnou issued server command: /m Romanuch А ты хоб гоблинов не находил? [16:10:18] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [16:10:19] Ilayihoy issued server command: /we cui [16:10:20] Krakiin умер (ENTITY_ATTACK) [16:10:22] GoooDDoG issued server command: /home Fantasy404 [16:10:24] Bomw issued server command: /rtp [16:10:24] FlipSize issued server command: /vanis [16:10:26] FlipSize issued server command: /vanish [16:10:26] termik issued server command: /rg sel [16:10:27] Demaglhf issued server command: /world mining [16:10:28] Ilayihoy issued server command: /tpaccept [16:10:33] TheMaxLC issued server command: /rtp [16:10:33] Romanuch issued server command: /r тут запретили [16:10:33] He11Star issued server command: /rtp [16:10:33] slaim01 issued server command: /home [16:10:33] G0KO issued server command: //sel [16:10:35] ivanneronov159 issued server command: /spawn [16:10:39] TOGA issued server command: /zset 98 [16:10:40] Demaglhf issued server command: /warp mining [16:10:42] Demaglhf issued server command: /we cui [16:10:44] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [16:10:46] Lolota issued server command: /ec [16:10:50] Demaglhf issued server command: /rtp [16:10:51] Akatsukioff issued server command: /rtp [16:10:54] [G] Dydre: !куплю заряженные кристалы истинного кварца [16:10:55] BJlaTnou issued server command: /r Вообще всех? В чате кто то писал, что тепнуть к ним может [16:10:58] TurboLastGame issued server command: /rtp [16:11:00] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [16:11:01] TheMaxLC issued server command: /rtp [16:11:02] FlipSize issued server command: /vanish [16:11:03] iamfriendly issued server command: /warp list [16:11:04] Krakiin issued server command: /we cui [16:11:04] termik issued server command: /sethome [16:11:06] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [16:11:06] GoooDDoG issued server command: /sethome [16:11:13] iamfriendly issued server command: /warp npcshop [16:11:13] Oniflavor issued server command: /home invite GinJo [16:11:14] flesziip issued server command: /no [16:11:17] flesziip issued server command: /voteday [16:11:18] Romanuch issued server command: /r вроде как взаимодействие запрещено [16:11:19] [L] Bomw: ку рома [16:11:19] Demaglhf issued server command: /kit nano [16:11:19] FROST2137 был кикнут [16:11:19] FROST2137 вышел [16:11:21] ivanneronov159 issued server command: /warp shop [16:11:22] FROST2137 зашёл [16:11:22] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [16:11:25] [L] Romanuch: привет [16:11:26] FROST2137 issued server command: /we cui [16:11:27] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [16:11:28] He11Star issued server command: /rtp [16:11:30] Krantzg issued server command: /warp mining [16:11:32] Sowkand issued server command: /home [16:11:32] Krantzg issued server command: /we cui [16:11:33] termik issued server command: /kit [16:11:36] termik issued server command: /kit start [16:11:37] [G] flesziip: !Куплю землю. [16:11:38] BJlaTnou issued server command: /call Lolota [16:11:39] zloy_cool issued server command: /rtp [16:11:39] Krantzg issued server command: /fly [16:11:42] TOGA issued server command: /zset 98 [16:11:43] Romanuch issued server command: /zset 2 [16:11:45] termik issued server command: /kit food [16:11:47] Romanuch issued server command: //sel [16:11:48] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [16:11:48] termik issued server command: /kit fod [16:11:50] Bomw issued server command: /m He11Star я рому нашел ) [16:11:51] termik issued server command: /kit [16:11:55] termik issued server command: /kit eat [16:11:56] Suyumi issued server command: /mpcaseshop [16:11:57] Suyumi issued server command: /mpcaseview 2 [16:11:58] SplaschGaming вышел [16:11:58] Suyumi issued server command: /mpcaseshop [16:11:59] Suyumi issued server command: /mpcaseview 1 [16:11:59] Ilayihoy умер (ENTITY_ATTACK) [16:12:01] Ilayihoy issued server command: /we cui [16:12:01] termik issued server command: /kit top [16:12:02] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [16:12:02] He11Star issued server command: /m Bomw бъем палками?) [16:12:04] Zanda issued server command: /zset 0 [16:12:05] [G] BJlaTnou: !Тут телепорт в везею через кровать? [16:12:05] Romanuch issued server command: /god [16:12:06] Lolota issued server command: /tpaccept [16:12:06] Romanuch issued server command: /god [16:12:08] BJlaTnou issued server command: /we cui [16:12:08] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [16:12:08] [G] flesziip: !Да. [16:12:10] Bomw issued server command: /m He11Star тп [16:12:10] tH0R умер (ENTITY_ATTACK) [16:12:11] SplaschGaming зашёл [16:12:11] slaim01 issued server command: /rtp [16:12:13] tH0R issued server command: /we cui [16:12:14] termik issued server command: /sell [16:12:16] SplaschGaming issued server command: /we cui [16:12:17] BJlaTnou issued server command: /fly [16:12:17] [L] SplaschGaming: ю [16:12:17] termik issued server command: //sel [16:12:17] He11Star issued server command: /call Bomw [16:12:19] [L] SplaschGaming: о [16:12:19] SimpleBoi issued server command: /rtp [16:12:20] [L] BJlaTnou: Рашим [16:12:20] Bomw issued server command: /tpaccept [16:12:21] [L] Romanuch: я афк на 5 мин [16:12:22] Ic3berg умер (ENTITY_ATTACK) [16:12:22] FlipSize issued server command: /screenall [16:12:22] termik issued server command: /spawn [16:12:23] SplaschGaming issued server command: /fly [16:12:23] [L] BJlaTnou: Дивайн [16:12:26] termik issued server command: /we cui [16:12:27] zloy_cool issued server command: /rtp [16:12:29] [L] BJlaTnou: Жить где? [16:12:29] [G] iamfriendly: !Админы ТМРПГ когда вы добавите остальных ботов? [16:12:30] [L] He11Star: крутой блеат [16:12:32] me3jack зашёл [16:12:34] [L] SplaschGaming: она разве редкая? [16:12:35] zloy_cool issued server command: /rtp [16:12:35] termik issued server command: /warp list [16:12:37] zloy_cool issued server command: /rtp [16:12:38] zloy_cool issued server command: /rtp [16:12:39] zloy_cool issued server command: /rtp [16:12:39] ivanneronov159 issued server command: /rtp\ [16:12:39] TOGA issued server command: /zset 98 [16:12:40] me3jack issued server command: /we cui [16:12:42] ivanneronov159 issued server command: /rtp [16:12:43] TheMaxLC issued server command: /home SplaschGaming [16:12:45] Zanda issued server command: /zset 0 [16:12:45] slaim01 issued server command: /rtp [16:12:48] Lolota issued server command: /r без разницы [16:12:50] Zanda issued server command: /zset 0 [16:12:51] ivanneronov159 issued server command: /warp world [16:12:51] [G] FlipSize: ! iamfriendly что за боты? [16:12:53] ivanneronov159 issued server command: /we cui [16:12:58] ivanneronov159 issued server command: /rtp [16:12:58] Ilayihoy issued server command: /trade Ribka [16:12:58] Ilayihoy issued server command: /trade Ribka [16:12:58] SimpleBoi issued server command: /rtp [16:13:00] Krantzg issued server command: /co i [16:13:01] [G] LeroySabo: !Ясно, ботоводство [16:13:01] Ilayihoy issued server command: /trade Ribka [16:13:01] Ilayihoy issued server command: /trade Ribka [16:13:01] ivanneronov159 issued server command: /rtp [16:13:01] [G] iamfriendly: ! /warp npc shop [16:13:02] Solordiy умер (ENTITY_ATTACK) [16:13:02] SimpleBoi issued server command: /home [16:13:03] Dydre issued server command: /warp shop [16:13:05] [G] He11Star: ! Vehitsel где мана [16:13:05] Lolota issued server command: /r я пчёл собираю [16:13:06] Dydre issued server command: /we cui [16:13:06] asdadn вышел [16:13:06] slaim01 issued server command: /rtp [16:13:07] Solordiy issued server command: /we cui [16:13:07] ivanneronov159 issued server command: /case [16:13:09] slaim01 issued server command: /rtp [16:13:09] [G] FlipSize: !Там пока не будет их. [16:13:09] ivanneronov159 issued server command: /home [16:13:10] slaim01 issued server command: /rtp [16:13:11] BJlaTnou issued server command: /r Найди место какое нибудь [16:13:12] slaim01 issued server command: /rtp [16:13:12] TheMaxLC issued server command: /kit eat [16:13:13] [G] iamfriendly: ! /warp npcshop [16:13:13] asdadn зашёл [16:13:14] Zanda issued server command: /zset 0 [16:13:15] asdadn issued server command: /we cui [16:13:15] [G] Vehitsel: !Какая мана? [16:13:17] TheMaxLC issued server command: /rtp [16:13:18] asdadn issued server command: /fly [16:13:24] Zanda issued server command: /zset 0 [16:13:24] Krantzg issued server command: /co i [16:13:25] Ilayihoy issued server command: /tp slaim01 [16:13:25] me3jack issued server command: /warp mining [16:13:25] TheMaxLC issued server command: /warp mining [16:13:26] me3jack issued server command: /we cui [16:13:26] flesziip issued server command: /rg f [16:13:29] KotAgresor зашёл [16:13:29] TheMaxLC issued server command: /we cui [16:13:29] [G] He11Star: !в бассейне маны [16:13:30] Ilayihoy issued server command: /tpa slaim01 [16:13:31] GoooDDoG issued server command: /tpa Fantasy404 [16:13:31] flesziip issued server command: /rg f blacksun_centre [16:13:33] flesziip issued server command: /rg f blacksun_centre sads [16:13:33] slaim01 issued server command: /tpaccept [16:13:33] Bomw issued server command: /rtp [16:13:34] TheMaxLC issued server command: /fly [16:13:37] tH0R issued server command: /лше уфе [16:13:37] TOGA issued server command: /zset 98 [16:13:38] Krantzg issued server command: /co i [16:13:38] [G] ivanneronov159: !Кейсы тута есть? [16:13:38] termik issued server command: /warp shop [16:13:38] Solordiy issued server command: /home LittleSvinka [16:13:39] Zanda issued server command: /zset 0 [16:13:41] tH0R issued server command: /kit eat [16:13:43] slaim01 issued server command: //wadn [16:13:43] TheMaxLC issued server command: /mpcaseshop [16:13:43] He11Star issued server command: /rtp [16:13:43] KotAgresor issued server command: /we cui [16:13:43] Solordiy issued server command: /home LittleSvinka [16:13:44] SplaschGaming issued server command: /kit [16:13:44] GoooDDoG умер (FALL) [16:13:45] iamfriendly issued server command: /spawn [16:13:45] slaim01 issued server command: //wand [16:13:46] GoooDDoG issued server command: /we cui [16:13:46] [G] FlipSize: !Да, F6 или /mpcaseshop [16:13:47] ordo001 вышел [16:13:49] ivanneronov159 issued server command: /mpcaseshop [16:13:50] SplaschGaming issued server command: /home [16:13:51] Zanda issued server command: /zset 0 [16:13:51] iamfriendly issued server command: /warp list [16:13:52] Ilayihoy issued server command: /mpcaseshop [16:13:52] Ilayihoy issued server command: /mpcaseview 1 [16:13:53] Ilayihoy issued server command: /buycase 1 [16:13:54] Zanda issued server command: /zset 0 [16:13:55] Zanda issued server command: /zset 0 [16:13:57] [G] Vehitsel: !Хелстар а когда мана будет? [16:13:57] iamfriendly issued server command: /warp list 2 [16:13:57] Fantasy404 issued server command: /kit eat [16:13:58] BJlaTnou issued server command: /m flesziip А вещи в везею как переносить? [16:14:00] Zanda issued server command: /zset 0 [16:14:03] termik issued server command: /bal [16:14:04] SplaschGaming issued server command: /kit novice [16:14:06] termik issued server command: /maney [16:14:09] ivanneronov159 issued server command: /mpcasesop [16:14:09] TOGA issued server command: /zset 98 [16:14:09] termik issued server command: /may [16:14:10] Ilayihoy issued server command: /home [16:14:11] Krantzg issued server command: /co i [16:14:12] ivanneronov159 issued server command: /mpcaseshop [16:14:13] Krantzg issued server command: /co i [16:14:17] [G] He11Star: !когда рак с горы свистнет [16:14:17] Krantzg issued server command: /co i [16:14:18] Zanda issued server command: /zset 95:1 [16:14:18] LittleSvinka issued server command: /rtp [16:14:18] ivanneronov159 issued server command: /mpcaseshop [16:14:20] slaim01 issued server command: /kit start [16:14:20] Zanda issued server command: /zset 95:1 [16:14:20] asdadn issued server command: /heal [16:14:21] Zanda issued server command: /zset 95:1 [16:14:22] flesziip issued server command: /r Не советую туда вещи таскать, могут пропасть. [16:14:22] Bomw issued server command: /rtp [16:14:25] termik issued server command: /home [16:14:28] termik issued server command: /we cui [16:14:28] TOGA issued server command: /zset 98 [16:14:29] zloy_cool issued server command: //wand [16:14:30] Zanda issued server command: /zset 95:5 [16:14:31] Dydre issued server command: /warp npcshop [16:14:34] Bomw issued server command: /rtp [16:14:41] coffe_lite2 issued server command: /set home [16:14:41] SplaschGaming issued server command: /rtp [16:14:43] GoooDDoG умер (ENTITY_ATTACK) [16:14:45] GoooDDoG issued server command: /we cui [16:14:45] Bradman issued server command: /home [16:14:47] slaim01 issued server command: /rg claim zalupa [16:14:47] ivanneronov159 issued server command: /rtp [16:14:48] Vehitsel умер (ENTITY_ATTACK) [16:14:48] coffe_lite2 issued server command: /home [16:14:50] BJlaTnou issued server command: /r А вообще как переносят? Через сундук эндер? [16:14:50] Vehitsel issued server command: /we cui [16:14:53] Zanda issued server command: /zset 95:5 [16:14:56] coffe_lite2 issued server command: /home set [16:14:57] tH0R issued server command: /home [16:14:57] GoooDDoG умер (FALL) [16:14:59] Solordiy issued server command: /home LittleSvinka [16:14:59] TOGA issued server command: /zset 98 [16:14:59] GoooDDoG issued server command: /we cui [16:15:00] flesziip issued server command: /r Эндер или /trade [16:15:00] slaim01 issued server command: /rg addmember zalupa Ilayihoy [16:15:00] Vehitsel issued server command: /tpa Zik4 [16:15:04] slaim01 issued server command: /rg addmember zalupa Ribka [16:15:05] ivanneronov159 issued server command: /rtp [16:15:05] [G] He11Star: !hoy moly [16:15:08] Ilayihoy issued server command: /tpa slaim01 [16:15:08] [G] He11Star: !holy* [16:15:10] LittleSvinka issued server command: /home invite Solordiy [16:15:10] BJlaTnou issued server command: /r Понял [16:15:12] slaim01 issued server command: /tpaccept [16:15:13] BJlaTnou issued server command: /r Cgfcb,j [16:15:15] Solordiy issued server command: /home LittleSvinka [16:15:16] BJlaTnou issued server command: /r Спасибо* [16:15:16] Solordiy issued server command: /we cui [16:15:19] Ilayihoy issued server command: /rg [16:15:22] Bradman вышел [16:15:23] BJlaTnou issued server command: /call Lolota [16:15:25] Ilayihoy issued server command: //sel [16:15:26] Zik4 issued server command: /tpaccept [16:15:26] Bomw issued server command: /rtp [16:15:28] Lolota issued server command: /tpaccpt [16:15:28] Frunchesko issued server command: /home [16:15:29] Fantasy404 issued server command: /tpaccept [16:15:30] Lolota issued server command: /tpaccept [16:15:30] TOGA issued server command: /zset 98 [16:15:32] [L] Lolota: инвентарь [16:15:32] Suyumi issued server command: /voteday [16:15:32] Zanda issued server command: /zset 0 [16:15:32] Ilayihoy issued server command: //sel zalupa [16:15:33] termik issued server command: /mpcaseshop [16:15:34] me3jack issued server command: /spawn [16:15:34] Bradman зашёл [16:15:35] termik issued server command: /mpcaseview 1 [16:15:35] flesziip issued server command: /yes [16:15:35] Vehitsel issued server command: /no [16:15:35] Vehitsel issued server command: /no [16:15:35] me3jack issued server command: /we cui [16:15:36] tH0R issued server command: /yes [16:15:36] [L] Lolota: свободный? [16:15:36] Bomw issued server command: /yes [16:15:37] Bradman issued server command: /we cui [16:15:37] ivanneronov159 issued server command: /rtp [16:15:38] Bomw issued server command: /rtp [16:15:38] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [16:15:39] He11Star issued server command: /rtp [16:15:39] Dydre issued server command: /home [16:15:39] Lolota issued server command: /yes [16:15:39] Zanda issued server command: /zset 0 [16:15:40] Ilayihoy issued server command: /coboid [16:15:41] me3jack issued server command: /warp world [16:15:41] GoooDDoG issued server command: /yes [16:15:41] Dydre issued server command: /we cui [16:15:42] me3jack issued server command: /we cui [16:15:42] Krantzg issued server command: /tpaccept [16:15:42] WildHare issued server command: /no [16:15:42] [L] BJlaTnou: фулл забит [16:15:42] Krantzg issued server command: /call asdadn [16:15:44] asdadn issued server command: /tpaccept [16:15:45] termik issued server command: /rollcase 1 [16:15:46] Krantzg issued server command: /we cui [16:15:46] Ilayihoy issued server command: /cuboid [16:15:49] [L] slaim01: .//sel [16:15:49] Razy issued server command: /yes [16:15:49] TOGA issued server command: /zset 98 [16:15:50] me3jack issued server command: /rtp [16:15:50] Zanda issued server command: /zset 0 [16:15:50] Ilayihoy issued server command: //sel [16:15:51] coffe_lite2 вышел [16:15:52] Zanda issued server command: /zset 0 [16:15:52] Krantzg issued server command: //zone [16:15:53] [L] slaim01: sel [16:15:53] TOGA issued server command: /zset 98 [16:15:53] Vehitsel issued server command: /kit start [16:15:54] Krantzg issued server command: //chunk [16:15:54] Krantzg issued server command: //outset 16 [16:15:54] Krantzg issued server command: /zone [16:15:55] zloy_cool issued server command: //expand 40 up [16:15:55] [L] slaim01: ./sel [16:15:55] Lolota issued server command: /r го построимся в деревне [16:15:56] Ilayihoy issued server command: /sel [16:15:57] Zanda issued server command: /zset 0 [16:16:02] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [16:16:02] Zanda issued server command: /zset 0 [16:16:02] Zanda issued server command: /zset 0 [16:16:02] zloy_cool issued server command: //expand 20 down [16:16:02] termik issued server command: /mpcaseview 1 [16:16:02] Ilayihoy issued server command: /sel [16:16:02] me3jack issued server command: //wand [16:16:02] Ilayihoy issued server command: /rg sel [16:16:03] Krantzg issued server command: /rg claim krantzg [16:16:03] termik issued server command: /rollcase 1 [16:16:04] BJlaTnou issued server command: /m Lolota тупо [16:16:05] Zanda issued server command: /zset 0 [16:16:07] zloy_cool issued server command: /rg claim zlo [16:16:08] Topioka issued server command: /tpa Solordiy [16:16:09] [L] LeroySabo: а [16:16:09] Lolota issued server command: /r разница [16:16:09] Zanda issued server command: /zset 0 [16:16:10] Lolota issued server command: /r где [16:16:13] Krantzg issued server command: /fly [16:16:14] He11Star issued server command: /kit [16:16:16] Fantasy404 умер (ENTITY_ATTACK) [16:16:19] TOGA issued server command: /zset 98 [16:16:19] Gelix000 issued server command: /mpcaseshop [16:16:19] termik issued server command: /mpcaseview 1 [16:16:19] He11Star issued server command: /kit novice [16:16:19] Fantasy404 issued server command: /we cui [16:16:20] [G] zloy_cool: !какой максимум у региона ? [16:16:22] Gelix000 issued server command: /mpcaseview 2 [16:16:26] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [16:16:27] Gelix000 issued server command: /mpcaseshop [16:16:27] termik issued server command: /cart gui [16:16:28] Fantasy404 issued server command: /tpa GoooDDoG [16:16:28] Gelix000 issued server command: /mpcaseview 1 [16:16:28] SplaschGaming issued server command: /tell asdadn +семья из ботании [16:16:29] Suyumi issued server command: /warp mi [16:16:29] Gelix000 issued server command: /mpcaseshop [16:16:30] Zanda issued server command: /zset 0 [16:16:30] Krantzg issued server command: //sel [16:16:30] LittleSvinka issued server command: /home invite TOGA [16:16:30] Gelix000 issued server command: /mpcaseview 5 [16:16:31] Suyumi issued server command: /we cui [16:16:31] Gelix000 issued server command: /mpcaseshop [16:16:32] Gelix000 issued server command: /mpcaseview 6 [16:16:33] Frunchesko issued server command: /rtp [16:16:34] Krantzg issued server command: /warp mining [16:16:34] LittleSvinka issued server command: /home invite Topioka [16:16:34] BJlaTnou issued server command: /tpahere Lolota [16:16:34] Gelix000 issued server command: /mpcaseshop [16:16:35] Oniflavor вышел [16:16:35] Krantzg issued server command: /we cui [16:16:35] Gelix000 issued server command: /mpcaseview 7 [16:16:36] Dydre issued server command: /fly [16:16:38] GoooDDoG issued server command: /tpaccept [16:16:38] Gelix000 issued server command: /mpcaseshop [16:16:38] Suyumi issued server command: /fly [16:16:38] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [16:16:39] Lolota issued server command: /tpaccept [16:16:41] Krantzg issued server command: /fly [16:16:42] Krantzg issued server command: /fly [16:16:43] [L] BJlaTnou: Тут [16:16:43] LittleSvinka issued server command: /home reinvite [16:16:43] Krantzg issued server command: /fly [16:16:44] Zanda issued server command: /zset 0 [16:16:46] Topioka issued server command: /home LittleSvinka [16:16:46] Nikitawrik issued server command: /mcshopcase [16:16:46] [L] BJlaTnou: сейчас запривачу [16:16:48] Topioka issued server command: /we cui [16:16:49] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [16:16:52] BJlaTnou issued server command: //wand [16:16:52] TOGA issued server command: /zset 98 [16:16:53] Nikitawrik issued server command: /mpshopcase [16:16:54] [L] Lolota: ок [16:16:58] Bomw issued server command: /rtp [16:16:59] [L] BJlaTnou: 3x3 пока [16:17:01] [L] Lolota: сегодня может даймонд [16:17:02] Nikitawrik issued server command: /mpcaseshop [16:17:04] [L] Lolota: оформлю [16:17:04] Nikitawrik issued server command: /mpcaseview 2 [16:17:07] flesziip issued server command: /rg s [16:17:08] Nikitawrik issued server command: /rollcase 2 [16:17:09] Zanda issued server command: /zset 0 [16:17:10] [L] Lolota: посмотрим [16:17:12] Sowkand issued server command: /rtp [16:17:16] BJlaTnou issued server command: //expand 20 up [16:17:18] BJlaTnou issued server command: //expand 20 down [16:17:19] Solordiy issued server command: /tpa LittleSvinka [16:17:20] Nikitawrik issued server command: /mpcaseview 2 [16:17:21] BJlaTnou issued server command: /rg claim BJlaTnou [16:17:24] 69Loqiemean96 issued server command: /kit [16:17:24] Nikitawrik issued server command: /rollcase 2 [16:17:24] termik issued server command: /warp mining [16:17:26] [G] zloy_cool: !привата* [16:17:27] termik issued server command: /we cui [16:17:27] BJlaTnou issued server command: /rg addmember BJlaTnou Lolota [16:17:27] LittleSvinka issued server command: /rg addmember sobaka Topioka [16:17:29] [L] BJlaTnou: + [16:17:30] LittleSvinka issued server command: /tpaccept [16:17:30] GoooDDoG issued server command: /trade Fantasy404 [16:17:30] Frunchesko issued server command: /rtp [16:17:30] Zanda issued server command: /zset 0 [16:17:33] Zanda issued server command: /zset 0 [16:17:33] Frunchesko issued server command: /rtp [16:17:34] asdadn issued server command: /home home [16:17:35] asdadn issued server command: /home [16:17:37] Bomw issued server command: /rtp [16:17:37] Nikitawrik issued server command: /mpcaseview 2 [16:17:38] MrRubin4ik issued server command: /mpcaseshop [16:17:39] Nikitawrik issued server command: /rollcase 2 [16:17:39] MrRubin4ik issued server command: /mpcaseview 1 [16:17:40] [G] flesziip: !587520 блоков [16:17:41] MrRubin4ik issued server command: /mpcaseshop [16:17:42] Solordiy issued server command: /home LittleSvinka [16:17:44] Zanda issued server command: /zset 0 [16:17:45] [G] zloy_cool: !спасибо [16:17:47] Zanda issued server command: /zset 0 [16:17:48] [G] flesziip: ! a.k.a 3x3 чанка [16:17:52] Zanda issued server command: /zset 0 [16:17:52] Nikitawrik issued server command: /mpcaseview 2 [16:17:53] Zanda issued server command: /zset 0 [16:17:54] Zanda issued server command: /zset 0 [16:17:56] Beerl вышел [16:17:56] Zik4 issued server command: /tp home [16:17:56] Nikitawrik issued server command: /rollcase 2 [16:17:58] termik issued server command: /rtp [16:17:59] [G] Razy: !Куплю чернильные мешки [16:18:02] asdadn issued server command: /call Krakiin [16:18:02] 69Loqiemean96 issued server command: /kit Mod [16:18:06] asdadn issued server command: /call Krantzg [16:18:08] ivanneronov159 issued server command: /home [16:18:09] Nikitawrik issued server command: /mpcaseview 2 [16:18:10] TOGA issued server command: /zset 2 [16:18:10] Nikitawrik issued server command: /rollcase 2 [16:18:13] LeroySabo issued server command: /mpcaseshop [16:18:14] LeroySabo issued server command: /mpcaseview 2 [16:18:15] Krantzg issued server command: /tpaccept [16:18:15] LeroySabo issued server command: /mpcaseshop [16:18:15] Krantzg issued server command: /tpaccept [16:18:16] LeroySabo issued server command: /mpcaseview 5 [16:18:17] Zik4 issued server command: /home Vehitsel [16:18:17] Ic3berg issued server command: /we cui [16:18:17] asdadn issued server command: /we cui [16:18:17] LeroySabo issued server command: /mpcaseshop [16:18:19] Zanda issued server command: /zset 0 [16:18:20] slaim01 issued server command: /kits [16:18:22] Ic3berg issued server command: /home dydre [16:18:22] Nikitawrik issued server command: /mpcaseview 2 [16:18:25] BJlaTnou issued server command: /sethome [16:18:25] TOGA issued server command: /zset 2 [16:18:26] slaim01 issued server command: /kit Res [16:18:26] He11Star issued server command: /money top [16:18:27] [L] BJlaTnou: такс [16:18:31] zloy_cool issued server command: /rg remove zlo [16:18:31] Zanda issued server command: /zset 0 [16:18:35] Bomw issued server command: /rtp [16:18:37] asdadn issued server command: /fly [16:18:38] Zanda issued server command: /zset 0 [16:18:40] [L] BJlaTnou: Лопата есть? [16:18:40] Zanda issued server command: /zset 0 [16:18:40] He11Star issued server command: /mpcaseshop [16:18:41] [G] ggwin: !Тут грейд на дк или вив шмот есть? Или урезан? [16:18:42] He11Star issued server command: /mpcaseview 1 [16:18:43] Nikitawrik issued server command: /cart gui [16:18:43] Ilayihoy issued server command: /sethome 2 [16:18:44] BJlaTnou issued server command: //sel [16:18:44] He11Star issued server command: /mpcaseshop [16:18:44] Gelix000 issued server command: /rtp [16:18:44] slaim01 issued server command: /kits [16:18:45] Ilayihoy issued server command: /home [16:18:47] TOGA issued server command: /zset 2 [16:18:47] He11Star issued server command: /mpcaseview 1 [16:18:48] Krantzg убил Vladimirytska (IC2_ITEMTOOLBRONZESWORD) [16:18:50] slaim01 issued server command: /kit Emerald [16:18:51] Ilayihoy issued server command: /tpa Ribka [16:18:52] He11Star issued server command: /buycase 1 [16:18:53] Ic3berg issued server command: /kit start [16:18:54] Krantzg убил MrRubin4ik (IC2_ITEMTOOLBRONZESWORD) [16:18:55] Vladimirytska issued server command: /we cui [16:18:56] Zanda issued server command: /zset 0 [16:18:58] [G] flesziip: !Neti [16:18:59] Zanda issued server command: /zset 0 [16:19:01] Zanda issued server command: /zset 0 [16:19:01] [G] flesziip: !Netu [16:19:01] MrRubin4ik issued server command: /we cui [16:19:03] Vladimirytska issued server command: /tpa MrRubin4ik [16:19:06] [L] Romanuch: я тут [16:19:09] Zik4 issued server command: /call Vehitsel [16:19:12] Sowkand issued server command: /rg s [16:19:13] Vehitsel issued server command: /tpaccept [16:19:13] He11Star issued server command: /mpcaseshop [16:19:14] Zanda issued server command: /zset 95:2 [16:19:14] He11Star issued server command: /mpcaseview 1 [16:19:15] [L] Zanda: КК [16:19:15] He11Star issued server command: /rollcase 1 [16:19:15] termik issued server command: /home [16:19:17] [L] Zanda: КК [16:19:17] termik issued server command: /we cui [16:19:17] TweeL1e issued server command: /rg delete TweeL1e8 [16:19:19] [L] BJlaTnou: Я за снегом [16:19:20] [L] Romanuch: кк [16:19:20] Zanda issued server command: /zset 95:2 [16:19:21] termik issued server command: /rtp [16:19:21] Gelix000 issued server command: //chunk [16:19:21] Gelix000 issued server command: //outset 16 [16:19:21] Gelix000 issued server command: /zone [16:19:23] me3jack issued server command: /rg help [16:19:24] [L] Zanda: случайна [16:19:26] Zanda issued server command: /zset 95:2 [16:19:26] me3jack issued server command: /help [16:19:28] Sowkand issued server command: /trade bomw [16:19:29] He11Star issued server command: /mpcaseview 1 [16:19:30] He11Star issued server command: /rollcase 1 [16:19:33] slaim01 issued server command: /kits [16:19:33] me3jack issued server command: /help 2 [16:19:35] Gelix000 issued server command: /rg claim sad123 [16:19:35] filen2 зашёл [16:19:38] me3jack issued server command: /help 3 [16:19:39] Bomw issued server command: /trade accept [16:19:39] He11Star issued server command: /mpcaseshop [16:19:40] slaim01 issued server command: /kit Quant [16:19:40] He11Star issued server command: /mpcaseview 1 [16:19:41] He11Star issued server command: /rollcase 1 [16:19:41] TweeL1e issued server command: //chunk [16:19:41] TweeL1e issued server command: //outset 16 [16:19:41] TweeL1e issued server command: /zone [16:19:43] Dydre issued server command: /call Ic3berg [16:19:45] filen2 issued server command: /we cui [16:19:46] Ic3berg issued server command: /tpaccept [16:19:47] He11Star issued server command: /mpcaseshop [16:19:48] He11Star issued server command: /mpcaseview 1 [16:19:48] Frunchesko issued server command: /rtp [16:19:49] He11Star issued server command: /rollcase 1 [16:19:50] TOGA issued server command: /zset 2 [16:19:50] He11Star issued server command: /mpcaseshop [16:19:51] He11Star issued server command: /mpcaseview 1 [16:19:52] He11Star issued server command: /rollcase 1 [16:19:52] MrRubin4ik issued server command: /kit start [16:19:55] Vladimirytska issued server command: /tpa MrRubin4ik [16:19:55] Gelix000 issued server command: /wb [16:19:56] [L] Romanuch: не сетни только сундуки kekw [16:19:57] 69Loqiemean96 issued server command: //zone [16:20:00] MrRubin4ik issued server command: /tpaccept [16:20:02] Zanda issued server command: /zset 0 [16:20:02] 69Loqiemean96 issued server command: //zone [16:20:04] Vladimirytska issued server command: /we cui [16:20:04] [L] Zanda: lulz [16:20:05] TweeL1e issued server command: //chunk [16:20:05] TweeL1e issued server command: //outset 16 [16:20:05] TweeL1e issued server command: /zone [16:20:05] 69Loqiemean96 issued server command: //chunk [16:20:05] 69Loqiemean96 issued server command: //outset 16 [16:20:05] 69Loqiemean96 issued server command: /zone [16:20:06] Bomw issued server command: /rg addmember remos He11Star [16:20:08] [L] Ilayihoy: .//expand 20 up [16:20:11] TurboLastGame issued server command: /home invite filen2 [16:20:13] TOGA issued server command: /zset 2 [16:20:13] [G] Vehitsel: !откуда сток кейсов? [16:20:14] [L] Ilayihoy: .//expand 20 down [16:20:14] GoooDDoG умер (ENTITY_ATTACK) [16:20:14] [G] me3jack: ! часто тут не залутаную не заприваченую деревню можно найти? [16:20:16] GoooDDoG issued server command: /we cui [16:20:17] [G] Vehitsel: !маны бы купил [16:20:17] Ic3berg issued server command: /call dydre [16:20:17] slaim01 issued server command: /rg delete zalupa [16:20:20] GoooDDoG issued server command: /tpa Fantasy404 [16:20:20] Dydre issued server command: /tpaccept [16:20:21] BJlaTnou issued server command: /home [16:20:22] slaim01 issued server command: //wand [16:20:25] zloy_cool issued server command: //expand 70 up [16:20:26] LittleSvinka issued server command: /home [16:20:27] [G] He11Star: !так их сделал с помощью маны [16:20:29] Bomw issued server command: /rtp [16:20:29] Fantasy404 issued server command: /tpaccept [16:20:29] zloy_cool issued server command: /rg claim zlo [16:20:32] 69Loqiemean96 issued server command: /rg claim место [16:20:33] TweeL1e issued server command: //chunk [16:20:33] TweeL1e issued server command: //outset 16 [16:20:33] TweeL1e issued server command: /zone [16:20:34] Gelix000 issued server command: /mpcaseshop [16:20:35] Gelix000 issued server command: /mpcaseview 2 [16:20:36] [G] He11Star: !научить? [16:20:38] slaim01 issued server command: //expand 20 down [16:20:38] Gelix000 issued server command: /rollcase 2 [16:20:38] [G] Razy: !Эндер мир ограничен* [16:20:39] LeroySabo issued server command: /home [16:20:40] SplaschGaming issued server command: /rtp [16:20:43] filen2 issued server command: /rtp [16:20:43] Vladimirytska issued server command: /kit start [16:20:45] filen2 issued server command: /warp 1 [16:20:46] He11Star issued server command: /mpcaseshop [16:20:46] slaim01 issued server command: /expand 20 up [16:20:48] He11Star issued server command: /mpcaseview 2 [16:20:54] Nikitawrik issued server command: /mpcaseshop [16:20:55] 69Loqiemean96 issued server command: /rg claim mesto [16:20:56] Nikitawrik issued server command: /mpcaseview 1 [16:20:57] Nikitawrik issued server command: /rollcase 1 [16:21:00] FreakFromThePub issued server command: /mpcaseshop [16:21:00] Gelix000 issued server command: /mpcaseshop [16:21:00] Ic3berg issued server command: /home [16:21:01] Gelix000 issued server command: /mpcaseview 2 [16:21:02] TweeL1e issued server command: /rg claim tweel1e8 [16:21:02] Gelix000 issued server command: /rollcase 2 [16:21:02] Zanda issued server command: /zset 0 [16:21:03] slaim01 issued server command: //expand 20 up [16:21:04] FreakFromThePub issued server command: /mpcaseview 1 [16:21:04] Ic3berg issued server command: /home dydre [16:21:06] 69Loqiemean96 issued server command: /sel [16:21:06] FreakFromThePub issued server command: /rollcase 1 [16:21:06] Ilayihoy issued server command: /kit eat [16:21:08] TweeL1e issued server command: //sel [16:21:08] Nikitawrik issued server command: /mpcaseview 1 [16:21:09] 69Loqiemean96 issued server command: //sel [16:21:09] He11Star issued server command: /mpcaseshop [16:21:10] Nikitawrik issued server command: /rollcase 1 [16:21:10] He11Star issued server command: /mpcaseview 2 [16:21:11] He11Star issued server command: /rollcase 2 [16:21:13] slaim01 issued server command: /rg claim zalupa [16:21:13] zloy_cool issued server command: //expand 40 up [16:21:13] Zanda issued server command: /zset 0 [16:21:13] Nikitawrik issued server command: /mpcaseshop [16:21:14] Krantzg issued server command: /kit eat [16:21:14] Nikitawrik issued server command: /mpcaseview 1 [16:21:16] Krantzg issued server command: /home [16:21:16] [G] me3jack: ! пацыны абисните, деревня незаприваченая это редкость? [16:21:16] TOGA issued server command: /zset 2 [16:21:17] Krantzg issued server command: /we cui [16:21:20] FreakFromThePub issued server command: /mpcaseview 1 [16:21:20] zloy_cool issued server command: /rg claim zlott [16:21:22] Gelix000 issued server command: /mpcaseview 2 [16:21:22] slaim01 issued server command: /rg addmember zalupa Ilayihoy [16:21:23] Gelix000 issued server command: /rollcase 2 [16:21:27] [G] Vehitsel: !редкость [16:21:29] Krantzg issued server command: /kit eat [16:21:30] Nikitawrik issued server command: /mpcaseshop [16:21:30] Krantzg issued server command: /sethome [16:21:31] Nikitawrik issued server command: /mpcaseview 1 [16:21:32] [G] me3jack: ! класс [16:21:32] Nikitawrik issued server command: /rollcase 1 [16:21:33] Zanda issued server command: /zset 0 [16:21:33] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [16:21:34] slaim01 issued server command: /rg addmember zalupa Ribka [16:21:34] asdadn issued server command: /rtp [16:21:34] Nikitawrik issued server command: /mpcaseshop [16:21:35] Nikitawrik issued server command: /mpcaseview 1 [16:21:36] [G] Vehitsel: !я думаю можешь продать даже [16:21:36] Nikitawrik issued server command: /rollcase 1 [16:21:36] Gelix000 issued server command: /mpcaseview 2 [16:21:37] Sowkand issued server command: /mpcaseshop [16:21:38] Gelix000 issued server command: /rollcase 2 [16:21:38] Nikitawrik issued server command: /mpcaseshop [16:21:39] Sowkand issued server command: /mpcaseview 2 [16:21:39] Nikitawrik issued server command: /mpcaseview 1 [16:21:39] asdadn issued server command: /home [16:21:39] Sowkand issued server command: /mpcaseshop [16:21:40] Sowkand issued server command: /mpcaseview 5 [16:21:40] Nikitawrik issued server command: /rollcase 1 [16:21:40] TOGA issued server command: /zset 2 [16:21:41] asdadn issued server command: /we cui [16:21:41] Sowkand issued server command: /mpcaseshop [16:21:42] Sowkand issued server command: /mpcaseview 6 [16:21:42] Bomw issued server command: /rtp [16:21:46] Sowkand issued server command: /mpcaseshop [16:21:46] Nikitawrik issued server command: /mpcaseshop [16:21:46] TurboLastGame issued server command: /home [16:21:46] Ilayihoy issued server command: /rg sel [16:21:47] Nikitawrik issued server command: /mpcaseview 1 [16:21:47] Sowkand issued server command: /mpcaseview 8 [16:21:48] Nikitawrik issued server command: /rollcase 1 [16:21:48] Krantzg issued server command: /fly [16:21:48] zloy_cool issued server command: /sethome [16:21:48] [G] me3jack: ! я гений полкчается, только зашел, ртп и деревня [16:21:48] Sowkand issued server command: /mpcaseshop [16:21:49] Sowkand issued server command: /mpcaseview 7 [16:21:50] slaim01 issued server command: /kits [16:21:50] Sowkand issued server command: /mpcaseshop [16:21:51] Gelix000 issued server command: /mpcaseshop [16:21:51] Sowkand issued server command: /mpcaseview 9 [16:21:51] Sowkand issued server command: /mpcaseview 9 [16:21:52] Gelix000 issued server command: /mpcaseview 2 [16:21:53] [G] me3jack: ! первая попытка [16:21:53] Gelix000 issued server command: /rollcase 2 [16:21:53] He11Star issued server command: /mpcaseshop [16:21:54] asdadn issued server command: /kit novice [16:21:55] He11Star issued server command: /mpcaseview 1 [16:21:55] He11Star issued server command: /rollcase 1 [16:21:56] slaim01 issued server command: /kit Extraarmor [16:21:56] FreakFromThePub issued server command: /mpcaseshop [16:21:56] He11Star issued server command: /mpcaseshop [16:21:57] He11Star issued server command: /mpcaseview 1 [16:21:57] FreakFromThePub issued server command: /mpcaseview 1 [16:21:58] He11Star issued server command: /rollcase 1 [16:21:58] ivanneronov159 вышел [16:21:58] FreakFromThePub issued server command: /rollcase 1 [16:21:58] He11Star issued server command: /mpcaseshop [16:21:59] He11Star issued server command: /mpcaseview 1 [16:22:00] He11Star issued server command: /rollcase 1 [16:22:00] He11Star issued server command: /mpcaseshop [16:22:01] He11Star issued server command: /mpcaseview 1 [16:22:02] He11Star issued server command: /rollcase 1 [16:22:02] He11Star issued server command: /mpcaseshop [16:22:03] He11Star issued server command: /mpcaseview 1 [16:22:03] He11Star issued server command: /rollcase 1 [16:22:04] Nikitawrik issued server command: /mpcaseshop [16:22:06] [G] Dydre: !куплю изменчивые или заряженные кристалы [16:22:07] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 3 [16:22:08] Gelix000 issued server command: /mpcaseview 2 [16:22:08] Nikitawrik issued server command: /mpcaseview 1 [16:22:08] Nikitawrik issued server command: /mpcaseview 1 [16:22:08] Nikitawrik issued server command: /mpcaseview 1 [16:22:08] slaim01 issued server command: //sel [16:22:08] Nikitawrik issued server command: /rollcase 1 [16:22:09] Vladimirytska issued server command: /trade MrRubin4ik [16:22:09] Vladimirytska issued server command: /trade MrRubin4ik [16:22:09] Vladimirytska issued server command: /trade MrRubin4ik [16:22:09] Vladimirytska issued server command: /trade MrRubin4ik [16:22:09] Vladimirytska issued server command: /trade MrRubin4ik [16:22:09] Vladimirytska issued server command: /trade MrRubin4ik [16:22:09] Vladimirytska issued server command: /trade MrRubin4ik [16:22:09] Vladimirytska issued server command: /trade MrRubin4ik [16:22:09] Vladimirytska issued server command: /trade MrRubin4ik [16:22:09] Vladimirytska issued server command: /trade MrRubin4ik [16:22:09] Vladimirytska issued server command: /trade MrRubin4ik [16:22:09] Vladimirytska был кикнут [16:22:09] Vladimirytska вышел [16:22:09] Gelix000 issued server command: /rollcase 2 [16:22:10] Nikitawrik issued server command: /mpcaseshop [16:22:11] MrRubin4ik issued server command: /mpcaseshop [16:22:11] FreakFromThePub issued server command: /mpcaseview 1 [16:22:11] Nikitawrik issued server command: /mpcaseview 1 [16:22:12] filen2 issued server command: /warp 1 [16:22:12] FreakFromThePub issued server command: /rollcase 1 [16:22:12] Nikitawrik issued server command: /rollcase 1 [16:22:14] Vehitsel умер (ENTITY_ATTACK) [16:22:14] Nikitawrik issued server command: /mpcaseshop [16:22:14] FROST2137 issued server command: /kit top [16:22:15] Nikitawrik issued server command: /mpcaseview 1 [16:22:15] Vehitsel issued server command: /we cui [16:22:16] Nikitawrik issued server command: /rollcase 1 [16:22:17] filen2 issued server command: /warp world [16:22:18] Nikitawrik issued server command: /mpcaseshop [16:22:19] TOGA issued server command: /zset 2 [16:22:19] filen2 issued server command: /we cui [16:22:20] Nikitawrik issued server command: /mpcaseview 1 [16:22:20] Nikitawrik issued server command: /rollcase 1 [16:22:21] slaim01 issued server command: /kits [16:22:22] Nikitawrik issued server command: /mpcaseshop [16:22:23] Demaglhf issued server command: /HOME [16:22:23] Nikitawrik issued server command: /mpcaseview 1 [16:22:24] Nikitawrik issued server command: /rollcase 1 [16:22:24] FreakFromThePub issued server command: /mpcaseview 1 [16:22:25] SplaschGaming issued server command: /tell asdadn :D [16:22:25] Demaglhf issued server command: /we cui [16:22:25] FreakFromThePub issued server command: /rollcase 1 [16:22:26] Vladimirytska зашёл [16:22:26] [L] BJlaTnou: 4х9 [16:22:28] [G] Gelix000: !оооо да [16:22:28] slaim01 issued server command: /kit Nano [16:22:30] Vladimirytska issued server command: /we cui [16:22:31] [L] Lolota: так-с [16:22:31] [L] BJlaTnou: 36 [16:22:31] Gelix000 issued server command: /mpcaseshop [16:22:32] [L] Lolota: смотри [16:22:33] Gelix000 issued server command: /mpcaseview 2 [16:22:33] [L] BJlaTnou: Золота [16:22:34] Gelix000 issued server command: /rollcase 2 [16:22:34] zloy_cool issued server command: //expand 10 down [16:22:34] Vehitsel issued server command: /mh set [16:22:36] [G] He11Star: !давайте работяги! [16:22:36] Vehitsel issued server command: /tpa WildHare [16:22:38] LeroySabo issued server command: /home [16:22:38] MrRubin4ik issued server command: /mpcaseshop [16:22:38] [L] Lolota: я думаю взять Emerald [16:22:39] slaim01 issued server command: /kits [16:22:39] MrRubin4ik issued server command: /mpcaseview 1 [16:22:40] FreakFromThePub issued server command: /mpcaseview 1 [16:22:40] tH0R issued server command: /mpcaseshop [16:22:41] FreakFromThePub issued server command: /rollcase 1 [16:22:41] MrRubin4ik issued server command: /rollcase 1 [16:22:41] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [16:22:41] WildHare issued server command: /tpaccept [16:22:41] zloy_cool issued server command: /rg claim lo [16:22:42] [L] Lolota: там god [16:22:42] tH0R issued server command: /mpcaseview 1 [16:22:43] Nikitawrik issued server command: /mpcaseshop [16:22:43] [G] Krakiin: !Бред какой-то [16:22:43] Frunchesko issued server command: /rtp [16:22:44] tH0R issued server command: /mpcaseshop [16:22:44] Demaglhf issued server command: /kits [16:22:44] Nikitawrik issued server command: /mpcaseview 1 [16:22:45] Nikitawrik issued server command: /rollcase 1 [16:22:46] tH0R issued server command: /mpcaseview 2 [16:22:46] [L] BJlaTnou: Сейчас тебе это не нужно [16:22:47] tH0R issued server command: /mpcaseshop [16:22:47] slaim01 issued server command: /kit Extratools [16:22:48] Gelix000 issued server command: /mpcaseview 2 [16:22:48] [G] Romanuch: ! hehebou [16:22:50] SplaschGaming issued server command: /home [16:22:50] Gelix000 issued server command: /rollcase 2 [16:22:50] Demaglhf issued server command: /kit jetpack [16:22:53] Demaglhf issued server command: /kit tree [16:22:53] FreakFromThePub issued server command: /mpcaseview 1 [16:22:54] FreakFromThePub issued server command: /rollcase 1 [16:22:55] MrRubin4ik issued server command: /mpcaseview 1 [16:22:56] MrRubin4ik issued server command: /rollcase 1 [16:22:56] [G] Romanuch: !bou* [16:22:58] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [16:22:59] Nikitawrik issued server command: /mpcaseview 1 [16:23:01] [G] Romanuch: !boy* [16:23:03] Nikitawrik issued server command: /rollcase 1 [16:23:03] Gelix000 issued server command: /mpcaseview 2 [16:23:03] [G] iamfriendly: !Молодцы, проиграли все деньги : D [16:23:04] SergoPHS issued server command: /warp mining [16:23:04] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [16:23:04] Gelix000 issued server command: /rollcase 2 [16:23:04] Bomw issued server command: /rtp [16:23:04] slaim01 issued server command: /kits [16:23:05] SergoPHS issued server command: /we cui [16:23:05] [G] Romanuch: !-_- [16:23:07] FreakFromThePub issued server command: /mpcaseview 1 [16:23:07] SergoPHS issued server command: /rtp [16:23:08] FreakFromThePub issued server command: /rollcase 1 [16:23:09] Demaglhf issued server command: /kit tree [16:23:09] [G] He11Star: ! heheboys [16:23:09] slaim01 issued server command: /kit Ichor [16:23:09] Demaglhf issued server command: /kit tree [16:23:10] MrRubin4ik issued server command: /mpcaseview 1 [16:23:12] SergoPHS issued server command: /rtp [16:23:12] Demaglhf issued server command: /kits [16:23:12] [L] Lolota: я пчёлок [16:23:13] [L] Lolota: фармить [16:23:14] [L] Lolota: полетел [16:23:14] Nikitawrik issued server command: /mpcaseshop [16:23:14] filen2 issued server command: /cart gui [16:23:15] He11Star issued server command: /mpcaseshop [16:23:16] Nikitawrik issued server command: /mpcaseview 1 [16:23:16] Zik4 issued server command: /home Vehitsel [16:23:16] He11Star issued server command: /mpcaseview 1 [16:23:16] slaim01 issued server command: /kits [16:23:17] Nikitawrik issued server command: /rollcase 1 [16:23:17] He11Star issued server command: /rollcase 1 [16:23:17] Gelix000 issued server command: /mpcaseview 2 [16:23:18] Gelix000 issued server command: /rollcase 2 [16:23:19] MrRubin4ik issued server command: /rollcase 1 [16:23:19] He11Star issued server command: /mpcaseshop [16:23:20] FreakFromThePub issued server command: /mpcaseview 1 [16:23:20] He11Star issued server command: /mpcaseview 1 [16:23:20] Bomw issued server command: /rg addmember remos filen2 [16:23:21] He11Star issued server command: /rollcase 1 [16:23:21] He11Star issued server command: /mpcaseshop [16:23:21] Demaglhf issued server command: /kit extratools [16:23:22] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [16:23:22] He11Star issued server command: /mpcaseview 1 [16:23:22] slaim01 issued server command: /kit Thaum [16:23:23] SergoPHS issued server command: /home [16:23:23] He11Star issued server command: /rollcase 1 [16:23:23] Sowkand issued server command: /home invite filen2 [16:23:23] He11Star issued server command: /mpcaseshop [16:23:24] SergoPHS issued server command: /we cui [16:23:24] He11Star issued server command: /mpcaseview 1 [16:23:25] TOGA issued server command: /zset 2 [16:23:25] He11Star issued server command: /rollcase 1 [16:23:25] He11Star issued server command: /mpcaseshop [16:23:26] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [16:23:26] He11Star issued server command: /mpcaseview 1 [16:23:26] asdadn issued server command: /fly [16:23:27] He11Star issued server command: /rollcase 1 [16:23:28] SergoPHS issued server command: /rtp [16:23:28] [G] me3jack: ! так эта деревня еще большая пипец [16:23:31] Gelix000 issued server command: /mpcaseview 2 [16:23:31] filen2 issued server command: /mh Sowkand [16:23:33] slaim01 issued server command: /kit Tools [16:23:33] MrRubin4ik issued server command: /mpcaseview 1 [16:23:33] Gelix000 issued server command: /rollcase 2 [16:23:33] TurboLastGame issued server command: /money top [16:23:35] [G] me3jack: !она как 2 деревни [16:23:39] [L] SplaschGaming: f gaaa [16:23:46] Bomw issued server command: /rtp [16:23:46] BJlaTnou issued server command: /m Lolota ПОмочь мне не хочешь? [16:23:46] Gelix000 issued server command: /mpcaseview 2 [16:23:46] Nikitawrik issued server command: /mpcaseview 1 [16:23:46] Nikitawrik issued server command: /mpcaseshop [16:23:46] Demaglhf issued server command: /kits [16:23:46] Lolota issued server command: /sethomee [16:23:47] [L] SplaschGaming: а пфффф [16:23:47] Lolota issued server command: /sethome [16:23:47] [G] me3jack: ! она как 2 деревни [16:23:47] Gelix000 issued server command: /rollcase 2 [16:23:47] Nikitawrik issued server command: /mpcaseview 1 [16:23:48] He11Star issued server command: /cart gui [16:23:48] Nikitawrik issued server command: /rollcase 1 [16:23:48] Vladimirytska issued server command: /mpcaseshop [16:23:50] MrRubin4ik issued server command: /mpcaseshop [16:23:50] Vladimirytska issued server command: /mpcaseview 1 [16:23:50] Nikitawrik issued server command: /mpcaseshop [16:23:51] FreakFromThePub вышел [16:23:51] MrRubin4ik issued server command: /mpcaseview 1 [16:23:52] Nikitawrik issued server command: /mpcaseview 1 [16:23:52] Vladimirytska issued server command: /buycase 1 [16:23:52] Lolota issued server command: /r ? [16:23:52] Demaglhf issued server command: /kit extraarmor [16:23:52] MrRubin4ik issued server command: /rollcase 1 [16:23:52] Nikitawrik issued server command: /rollcase 1 [16:23:53] [L] SplaschGaming: а в чём тогда смысл хаоса [16:23:54] Nikitawrik issued server command: /mpcaseshop [16:23:54] He11Star issued server command: /cart gui [16:24:06] Gelix000 issued server command: /mpcaseview 2 [16:24:06] Gelix000 issued server command: /mpcaseshop [16:24:06] Gelix000 issued server command: /mpcaseshop [16:24:06] Nikitawrik issued server command: /mpcaseshop [16:24:06] termik вышел [16:24:06] He11Star issued server command: /warp shop [16:24:06] Vladimirytska issued server command: /mpcaseshop [16:24:06] Bomw issued server command: /monet top [16:24:06] Bomw issued server command: /money top [16:24:07] MrRubin4ik issued server command: /mpcaseview 1 [16:24:07] Gelix000 issued server command: /mpcaseshop [16:24:07] Gelix000 issued server command: /mpcaseshop [16:24:07] Gelix000 issued server command: /mpcaseview 2 [16:24:08] He11Star issued server command: /we cui [16:24:08] Nikitawrik issued server command: /mpcaseview 1 [16:24:08] Gelix000 issued server command: /rollcase 2 [16:24:08] FreakFromThePub зашёл [16:24:19] [G] LittleSvinka: !сервер накушался? [16:24:39] TOGA вышел [16:24:39] Vehitsel вышел [16:24:39] Ribka вышел [16:24:39] slaim01 вышел [16:24:39] TweeL1e вышел [16:24:39] Akatsukioff вышел [16:24:39] TheMaxLC вышел [16:24:39] Frunchesko вышел [16:24:39] Bomw вышел [16:24:39] Meednait вышел [16:24:39] FlipSize вышел [16:24:39] Zik4 вышел [16:24:39] Fantasy404 вышел [16:24:39] Suyumi вышел [16:24:39] MrRubin4ik вышел [16:24:39] tH0R вышел [16:24:39] pash123 вышел [16:24:39] Dydre вышел [16:24:39] flesziip вышел [16:24:39] SimpleBoi вышел [16:24:39] BJlaTnou вышел [16:24:39] Zanda вышел [16:24:39] LeroySabo вышел [16:24:39] Krakiin вышел [16:24:39] GoooDDoG вышел [16:24:39] 69Loqiemean96 вышел [16:24:39] Krantzg вышел [16:24:39] Sowkand вышел [16:24:39] Gelix000 вышел [16:24:39] FilyWay вышел [16:24:39] nusha вышел [16:24:39] Nikitawrik issued server command: /rollcase 1 [16:24:39] zloy_cool вышел [16:24:39] SergoPHS вышел [16:24:39] Romanuch вышел [16:24:39] He11Star вышел [16:24:39] iamfriendly вышел [16:24:39] Demaglhf вышел [16:24:39] Lolota вышел [16:24:39] TurboLastGame вышел [16:24:39] Razy вышел [16:24:39] Ilayihoy вышел [16:24:39] FROST2137 вышел [16:24:39] SplaschGaming вышел [16:24:39] me3jack вышел [16:24:39] asdadn вышел [16:24:39] KotAgresor вышел [16:24:39] Bradman вышел [16:24:39] filen2 вышел [16:24:39] Vladimirytska вышел [16:24:39] FreakFromThePub вышел [16:24:39] G0KO вышел [16:24:39] LittleSvinka вышел [16:24:39] Solordiy вышел [16:24:39] Nikitawrik вышел [16:24:39] ggwin вышел [16:24:39] Topioka вышел [16:24:40] WildHare был кикнут [16:24:40] WildHare вышел [16:24:40] Ic3berg был кикнут [16:24:40] Ic3berg вышел [16:24:40] me3jack зашёл [16:24:40] He11Star зашёл [16:24:41] WildHare зашёл [16:24:41] TOGA зашёл [16:24:41] Demaglhf зашёл [16:24:41] filen2 зашёл [16:24:41] ggwin зашёл [16:24:41] Sowkand зашёл [16:24:41] FreakFromThePub зашёл [16:24:41] BJlaTnou зашёл [16:24:41] Ic3berg зашёл [16:24:41] Suyumi зашёл [16:24:41] Ilayihoy зашёл [16:24:41] 69Loqiemean96 зашёл [16:24:41] Gelix000 зашёл [16:24:41] TheMaxLC зашёл [16:24:41] zloy_cool зашёл [16:24:42] me3jack issued server command: /we cui [16:24:42] He11Star issued server command: /we cui [16:24:42] ggwin issued server command: /we cui [16:24:42] WildHare issued server command: /we cui [16:24:42] Ic3berg issued server command: /we cui [16:24:42] Vehitsel зашёл [16:24:42] TurboLastGame зашёл [16:24:42] TOGA issued server command: /we cui [16:24:43] filen2 issued server command: /we cui [16:24:43] 69Loqiemean96 issued server command: /we cui [16:24:43] Gelix000 issued server command: /we cui [16:24:43] SplaschGaming зашёл [16:24:43] KotAgresor зашёл [16:24:43] BJlaTnou issued server command: /we cui [16:24:43] Sowkand issued server command: /we cui [16:24:43] FreakFromThePub issued server command: /we cui [16:24:43] Demaglhf issued server command: /we cui [16:24:43] zloy_cool issued server command: /we cui [16:24:43] tH0R зашёл [16:24:44] Ilayihoy issued server command: /we cui [16:24:44] FROST2137 зашёл [16:24:44] MrRubin4ik зашёл [16:24:45] Suyumi issued server command: /we cui [16:24:45] KotAgresor issued server command: /we cui [16:24:45] Vehitsel issued server command: /we cui [16:24:45] TurboLastGame issued server command: /we cui [16:24:45] TweeL1e зашёл [16:24:45] TheMaxLC issued server command: /we cui [16:24:46] Gelix000 issued server command: /mpcaseshop [16:24:46] tH0R issued server command: /we cui [16:24:46] asdadn зашёл [16:24:46] SplaschGaming issued server command: /we cui [16:24:47] FROST2137 issued server command: /we cui [16:24:47] BJlaTnou issued server command: /fly [16:24:48] Demaglhf issued server command: /kits [16:24:48] Gelix000 issued server command: /mpcaseview 2 [16:24:48] Suyumi issued server command: /fly [16:24:49] SplaschGaming умер (FALL) [16:24:49] MrRubin4ik issued server command: /we cui [16:24:49] TweeL1e issued server command: /we cui [16:24:49] asdadn issued server command: /we cui [16:24:50] [L] Ilayihoy: -1 tps [16:24:50] Gelix000 issued server command: /mpcaseshop [16:24:50] ggwin issued server command: /fly [16:24:51] asdadn issued server command: /fly [16:24:51] GoooDDoG зашёл [16:24:51] Gelix000 issued server command: /mpcaseview 1 [16:24:52] TurboLastGame issued server command: /fly [16:24:52] SplaschGaming issued server command: /we cui [16:24:52] TweeL1e issued server command: /fly [16:24:52] Gelix000 issued server command: /mpcaseshop [16:24:54] Demaglhf issued server command: /kit quant [16:24:54] TweeL1e issued server command: /god [16:24:54] GoooDDoG issued server command: /we cui [16:24:55] [G] Ilayihoy: !-1 tps [16:24:55] Gelix000 issued server command: /mpcaseview 6 [16:24:56] Gelix000 issued server command: /mpcaseshop [16:24:56] termik зашёл [16:24:57] Gelix000 issued server command: /mpcaseview 7 [16:24:57] Sowkand issued server command: /fly [16:24:58] Gelix000 issued server command: /mpcaseshop [16:24:58] 69Loqiemean96 issued server command: /fly [16:24:58] Krantzg зашёл [16:24:58] flesziip зашёл [16:24:58] Gelix000 issued server command: /mpcaseview 8 [16:24:59] termik issued server command: /we cui [16:25:00] Gelix000 issued server command: /mpcaseshop [16:25:00] flesziip issued server command: /we cui [16:25:00] Krantzg issued server command: /we cui [16:25:00] KotAgresor issued server command: /tps [16:25:00] zloy_cool issued server command: //expand 40 up [16:25:01] Gelix000 issued server command: /mpcaseview 8 [16:25:03] Vladimirytska зашёл [16:25:04] Dydre зашёл [16:25:04] Gelix000 issued server command: /mpcaseshop [16:25:05] Bomw зашёл [16:25:05] Gelix000 issued server command: /mpcaseview 9 [16:25:05] Suyumi issued server command: /home [16:25:08] Suyumi issued server command: /we cui [16:25:08] Vladimirytska issued server command: /we cui [16:25:08] Dydre issued server command: /we cui [16:25:08] Bomw issued server command: /we cui [16:25:09] Gelix000 issued server command: /mpcaseshop [16:25:09] LeroySabo зашёл [16:25:09] MrRubin4ik issued server command: /cart gui [16:25:10] Nikitawrik зашёл [16:25:10] Ic3berg issued server command: /kit eat [16:25:10] LeroySabo issued server command: /we cui [16:25:10] slaim01 зашёл [16:25:11] Krantzg issued server command: /fly [16:25:11] Demaglhf issued server command: /kits [16:25:12] Vehitsel issued server command: /tpaccept [16:25:12] zloy_cool issued server command: /rg claim zlo [16:25:13] FlipSize зашёл [16:25:13] Nikitawrik issued server command: /we cui [16:25:13] Bomw issued server command: /home [16:25:13] slaim01 issued server command: /we cui [16:25:13] Dydre issued server command: /fly [16:25:15] FlipSize issued server command: /we cui [16:25:16] Bradman зашёл [16:25:16] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [16:25:17] Demaglhf issued server command: /kit ultranano [16:25:18] LeroySabo issued server command: /fly [16:25:18] Gelix000 issued server command: /cart [16:25:19] Bomw issued server command: /home turbo [16:25:19] Bradman issued server command: /we cui [16:25:20] SergoPHS зашёл [16:25:21] Bomw issued server command: /fly [16:25:21] Nikitawrik issued server command: /mpshopcase [16:25:22] SergoPHS issued server command: /we cui [16:25:22] Gelix000 issued server command: /cart [16:25:23] Razy зашёл [16:25:25] Nikitawrik issued server command: /mpcaseshop [16:25:25] SergoPHS issued server command: /rtp [16:25:26] Topioka зашёл [16:25:26] Romanuch зашёл [16:25:27] Nikitawrik issued server command: /mpcaseview 1 [16:25:28] Romanuch issued server command: /we cui [16:25:28] Nikitawrik issued server command: /rollcase 1 [16:25:28] Razy issued server command: /we cui [16:25:30] zloy_cool issued server command: //expand 39 up [16:25:30] Nikitawrik issued server command: /mpcaseshop [16:25:30] Topioka issued server command: /we cui [16:25:30] [G] me3jack: ! сколько приватов без привелегии? [16:25:30] Demaglhf issued server command: /kit shard [16:25:30] Krantzg issued server command: /b[ [16:25:31] Nikitawrik issued server command: /mpcaseview 1 [16:25:32] Krantzg issued server command: /bp [16:25:32] Nikitawrik issued server command: /rollcase 1 [16:25:32] zloy_cool issued server command: /rg claim zlo [16:25:32] Gelix000 issued server command: /ec [16:25:32] G0KO зашёл [16:25:33] TweeL1e issued server command: /god [16:25:33] Nikitawrik issued server command: /mpcaseshop [16:25:34] FlipSize issued server command: /vansih [16:25:34] G0KO issued server command: /we cui [16:25:34] [G] LeroySabo: ! 2 [16:25:35] Nikitawrik issued server command: /mpcaseview 1 [16:25:35] Nikitawrik issued server command: /rollcase 1 [16:25:36] Romanuch issued server command: /fly [16:25:36] TweeL1e issued server command: /set 0 [16:25:37] slaim01 issued server command: /fly [16:25:38] slaim01 issued server command: /god [16:25:38] FlipSize issued server command: /vanish [16:25:40] asdadn issued server command: /fly [16:25:40] [G] me3jack: ! благодарю [16:25:40] slaim01 issued server command: /god [16:25:40] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [16:25:42] slaim01 issued server command: /kits [16:25:43] asdadn issued server command: /fly [16:25:43] Suyumi issued server command: /warp mining [16:25:44] Gelix000 issued server command: /kit [16:25:45] TheOldIniquity зашёл [16:25:46] filen2 вышел [16:25:46] asdadn issued server command: /fly [16:25:46] Suyumi issued server command: /we cui [16:25:48] Gelix000 issued server command: /kit mobs [16:25:48] asdadn умер (FALL) [16:25:48] Demaglhf issued server command: /kits [16:25:50] filen2 зашёл [16:25:50] slaim01 issued server command: /kit Jetpack [16:25:50] nusha зашёл [16:25:50] asdadn issued server command: /we cui [16:25:51] Suyumi issued server command: /fl [16:25:51] filen2 issued server command: /we cui [16:25:51] nusha issued server command: /we cui [16:25:52] Suyumi issued server command: /fly [16:25:55] slaim01 issued server command: /kits [16:25:56] TheOldIniquity issued server command: /we cui [16:25:58] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [16:25:59] [G] LeroySabo: ! Romanuch, чекай что нашел [16:25:59] asdadn issued server command: /fly [16:26:00] G0KO issued server command: /fly [16:26:00] slaim01 issued server command: /kit Ultranano [16:26:01] Gelix000 issued server command: /kit badmobs [16:26:02] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [16:26:04] G0KO issued server command: /god [16:26:04] TOGA issued server command: /fly [16:26:07] Sowkand issued server command: /mpcaseshop [16:26:07] He11Star вышел [16:26:09] slaim01 issued server command: /kits [16:26:09] Demaglhf issued server command: /kit start [16:26:10] 69Loqiemean96 issued server command: /m flesziip Оригинальный ник :D [16:26:10] [G] Romanuch: !0_0 [16:26:10] [L] SplaschGaming: ) [16:26:11] Gelix000 issued server command: /kit wool [16:26:12] Topioka issued server command: /sethome [16:26:12] Demaglhf issued server command: /rg i [16:26:12] MrRubin4ik issued server command: /mpcaseshop [16:26:13] MrRubin4ik issued server command: /mpcaseview 1 [16:26:14] [G] Romanuch: !Продай [16:26:14] MrRubin4ik issued server command: /rollcase 1 [16:26:16] TheMaxLC issued server command: /sethome [16:26:17] slaim01 issued server command: /kit Superthaum [16:26:18] [G] Sowkand: !ты чо делаешь [16:26:18] [G] LeroySabo: !:D [16:26:20] TheMaxLC issued server command: /home SplaschGaming [16:26:21] iamfriendly зашёл [16:26:23] TheMaxLC issued server command: /we cui [16:26:23] Demaglhf issued server command: /rg i [16:26:24] iamfriendly issued server command: /we cui [16:26:25] Gelix000 issued server command: /kit [16:26:29] Demaglhf issued server command: /rg i [16:26:29] MrRubin4ik issued server command: /mpcaseview 1 [16:26:31] Gelix000 issued server command: /kit nano [16:26:31] MrRubin4ik issued server command: /rollcase 1 [16:26:33] flesziip issued server command: /fly [16:26:33] WildHare вышел [16:26:34] Gelix000 issued server command: /kit res [16:26:37] Gelix000 issued server command: /kit tree [16:26:38] Demaglhf issued server command: /rg i [16:26:39] FreakFromThePub issued server command: /fly [16:26:42] Demaglhf issued server command: /rg i [16:26:42] MrRubin4ik issued server command: /mpcaseview 1 [16:26:43] filen2 issued server command: /mpcaseshop [16:26:43] MrRubin4ik issued server command: /rollcase 1 [16:26:45] filen2 issued server command: /mpcaseview 1 [16:26:48] Demaglhf issued server command: /rg i [16:26:51] [L] SplaschGaming: асдадн дс [16:26:52] TOGA issued server command: /zset2 [16:26:52] TheOldIniquity issued server command: /call Dydre [16:26:56] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [16:26:57] Demaglhf issued server command: /rg i [16:26:58] TOGA issued server command: /zset 2 [16:27:01] Gelix000 issued server command: /kit jetpack [16:27:02] SplaschGaming issued server command: /fly [16:27:03] TheMaxLC issued server command: /trade Krantzg [16:27:03] filen2 issued server command: /mpcaseshop [16:27:05] filen2 issued server command: /mpcaseview 1 [16:27:09] Dydre issued server command: /home [16:27:11] SergoPHS issued server command: /sethome [16:27:11] filen2 issued server command: /mpcaseshop [16:27:13] Vehitsel issued server command: /mh [16:27:13] TheOldIniquity issued server command: /call Dydre [16:27:14] Gelix000 issued server command: /kit extratools [16:27:14] SergoPHS issued server command: /call ggwin [16:27:16] [G] me3jack: ! пацаны, это пиздец [16:27:17] Nikitawrik issued server command: /cart gui [16:27:18] Dydre issued server command: /tpaccept [16:27:19] ggwin issued server command: /tpaccept [16:27:19] TOGA issued server command: /zset 2 [16:27:19] TheOldIniquity issued server command: /we cui [16:27:22] [G] Demaglhf: !на каком варпе уже можно заряжаться? [16:27:22] [G] flesziip: !согласен [16:27:23] [G] LeroySabo: !Ряльно [16:27:23] Gelix000 issued server command: /kit ichor [16:27:28] filen2 issued server command: /sethome [16:27:31] [G] flesziip: !spawn [16:27:32] [L] SplaschGaming: меня [16:27:36] [G] Demaglhf: !на спавне? [16:27:36] Ilayihoy issued server command: /home invite slaim01 [16:27:39] [G] LeroySabo: !В секретном месте спавна [16:27:40] [G] LeroySabo: !:D [16:27:40] slaim01 issued server command: /home [16:27:41] FreakFromThePub issued server command: /home [16:27:42] Gelix000 issued server command: /kit extraarmor [16:27:43] [G] flesziip: !мб мб)0 [16:27:47] FROST2137 issued server command: /fly [16:27:48] [G] Demaglhf: !давайте серьезнее) [16:27:49] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [16:27:50] Frunchesko зашёл [16:27:52] Gelix000 issued server command: /kit [16:27:53] [G] LeroySabo: !Вы поизучайте спавн [16:27:54] Vladimirytska issued server command: /mpcaseshop [16:27:55] [G] LeroySabo: !Побольше [16:27:57] Vladimirytska issued server command: /mpcaseview 1 [16:27:57] Demaglhf issued server command: /rg i [16:27:58] [G] flesziip: !Я серьезен, если заплатишь) [16:27:58] Solordiy зашёл [16:27:59] Vladimirytska issued server command: /rollcase 1 [16:27:59] Gelix000 issued server command: /kit quant [16:28:00] Solordiy issued server command: /we cui [16:28:00] slaim01 issued server command: /home Ilayihoy [16:28:00] Demaglhf issued server command: /rg i [16:28:02] [G] GoooDDoG: !ребят а дракон живой еще? [16:28:02] Frunchesko issued server command: /we cui [16:28:07] Demaglhf issued server command: /rg i [16:28:07] Gelix000 issued server command: /kit ultranano [16:28:10] Dydre issued server command: /rg addmember nik003 TheOldIniquity [16:28:11] Vladimirytska issued server command: /mpcaseview 1 [16:28:11] Frunchesko issued server command: /vote [16:28:13] TOGA issued server command: /zset 2 [16:28:13] Frunchesko issued server command: /voteday [16:28:14] Vladimirytska issued server command: /rollcase 1 [16:28:15] Gelix000 issued server command: /kit thaum [16:28:16] Bomw issued server command: /yes [16:28:16] Demaglhf issued server command: /rg i [16:28:18] Vehitsel issued server command: /no [16:28:18] Vehitsel issued server command: /no [16:28:18] Vehitsel issued server command: /no [16:28:18] Vehitsel issued server command: /no [16:28:18] slaim01 issued server command: /home [16:28:21] GoooDDoG issued server command: /yes [16:28:21] G0KO issued server command: /rg sel [16:28:25] filen2 issued server command: /rtp [16:28:25] Vladimirytska issued server command: /mpcaseview 1 [16:28:27] Vladimirytska issued server command: /rollcase 1 [16:28:30] termik issued server command: /mpcaseshop [16:28:31] Bomw issued server command: /rtp [16:28:33] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [16:28:35] LittleSvinka зашёл [16:28:36] LittleSvinka issued server command: /we cui [16:28:37] Frunchesko issued server command: /vote кейс [16:28:38] Fantasy404 зашёл [16:28:38] Gelix000 issued server command: /kit superthaum [16:28:44] [L] SplaschGaming: грудак первым [16:28:50] Vladimirytska issued server command: /mpcaseview 1 [16:28:50] Nikitawrik issued server command: /cart gui [16:28:50] G0KO issued server command: //sel [16:28:50] Frunchesko issued server command: /votecase [16:28:50] Frunchesko issued server command: /vote case [16:28:50] Fantasy404 issued server command: /we cui [16:28:50] Razy issued server command: /spawn [16:28:53] Vladimirytska issued server command: /rollcase 1 [16:28:54] Razy issued server command: /we cui [16:28:56] [G] LittleSvinka: !что с сервером? [16:29:00] [L] TOGA: re)) [16:29:00] [G] flesziip: !? [16:29:01] Zik4 зашёл [16:29:02] Zik4 issued server command: /we cui [16:29:03] [L] SplaschGaming: ))) [16:29:05] [G] Demaglhf: !а роба стратосферы норм тема?) [16:29:06] TOGA issued server command: /zset 2 [16:29:07] [G] Frunchesko: !а как получить кейс? [16:29:08] Gelix000 issued server command: /kit shard [16:29:10] Frunchesko issued server command: /vote [16:29:11] Vladimirytska issued server command: /mpcaseshop [16:29:12] Vladimirytska issued server command: /mpcaseview 1 [16:29:13] [L] SplaschGaming: каво 4 [16:29:13] Vladimirytska issued server command: /rollcase 1 [16:29:15] [G] Vehitsel: !никак [16:29:15] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [16:29:16] Gelix000 issued server command: /kit [16:29:17] Zanda зашёл [16:29:18] [L] SplaschGaming: через него зефирку можна [16:29:19] Zanda issued server command: /we cui [16:29:20] Bomw issued server command: /home [16:29:21] Nikitawrik issued server command: /fly [16:29:23] Demaglhf issued server command: /zset 20 [16:29:23] SergoPHS issued server command: /home [16:29:24] [G] LeroySabo: !Ряльно хейтер [16:29:25] [G] flesziip: ! Frunchesko F6 или /mpcaseshop [16:29:25] Gelix000 issued server command: /kit emerald [16:29:26] Vladimirytska issued server command: /mpcaseview 1 [16:29:26] [L] SplaschGaming: так что 6 [16:29:27] Vladimirytska issued server command: /mpcaseshop [16:29:27] [L] SplaschGaming: угу [16:29:29] Ribka зашёл [16:29:32] Frunchesko issued server command: /mpcaseshop [16:29:32] Ribka issued server command: /we cui [16:29:33] Demaglhf issued server command: /zset 20 [16:29:34] Frunchesko issued server command: /mpcaseview 1 [16:29:34] Demaglhf issued server command: /zset 20 [16:29:35] [L] SplaschGaming: нет [16:29:35] FlipSize issued server command: /clan invite Nikitawrik [16:29:35] Frunchesko issued server command: /rollcase 1 [16:29:36] zloy_cool issued server command: /mpcaseshop [16:29:36] asdadn issued server command: /cart gui [16:29:38] Nikitawrik issued server command: /clan accept FlipSize [16:29:39] zloy_cool issued server command: /mpcaseview 1 [16:29:40] TOGA issued server command: /zset 2 [16:29:40] Ribka issued server command: /kits [16:29:40] Gelix000 issued server command: /kit top [16:29:40] zloy_cool issued server command: /mpcaseshop [16:29:41] [L] Nikitawrik: ggg [16:29:43] Vladimirytska issued server command: /cart gui [16:29:43] Lolota зашёл [16:29:44] Demaglhf issued server command: /zset 20 [16:29:44] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [16:29:45] Lolota issued server command: /we cui [16:29:48] Lolota issued server command: /fly [16:29:50] Frunchesko issued server command: /mpcaseview 1 [16:29:52] Frunchesko issued server command: /mpcaseshop [16:29:53] asdadn issued server command: /cart gui [16:29:53] Lolota issued server command: /m BJlaTnou я тут [16:30:01] [G] LittleSvinka: !люди заходят, так что нет [16:30:04] TurboLastGame issued server command: /home [16:30:04] Bomw issued server command: /home [16:30:04] Bomw issued server command: /home turbo [16:30:05] Frunchesko issued server command: /cart gui [16:30:05] BJlaTnou issued server command: /m lolota душ же [16:30:05] [G] Demaglhf: !продам наносеты, инструменты, сетаю теру за ресы или эмы [16:30:06] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [16:30:07] Demaglhf issued server command: /zset 20 [16:30:23] zloy_cool issued server command: /sethome [16:30:23] Razy issued server command: /tell gondar1 есть зарядка на спавне? [16:30:23] Zanda issued server command: /fly [16:30:23] Lolota issued server command: /r через 30 минут схожу [16:30:23] Lolota issued server command: /r там занято уже [16:30:23] TOGA issued server command: /zset 2 [16:30:30] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [16:30:31] [G] Zanda: !+- [16:30:31] Ribka issued server command: /tp slaim [16:30:32] LeroySabo issued server command: /server [16:30:32] Sowkand issued server command: /home [16:30:35] Ribka issued server command: /call slaim [16:30:35] [G] Zanda: !Лучше чем на хтц явно [16:30:35] Razy issued server command: /warps [16:30:37] BJlaTnou issued server command: /tpahere Lolota [16:30:37] Lolota issued server command: /sethome [16:30:37] Demaglhf issued server command: /zset 20 [16:30:37] Razy issued server command: /warp list [16:30:38] slaim01 issued server command: /tpaccept [16:30:39] [G] Zanda: !Но и не 19 тпс [16:30:45] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [16:30:46] [G] TheOldIniquity: !Админ, когда лагать перестанет? [16:30:47] Lolota issued server command: /tpaccept [16:30:47] Ilayihoy issued server command: /home invite Ribka [16:30:49] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [16:30:51] Razy issued server command: /warp list 2 [16:30:51] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [16:30:53] [G] Vehitsel: !тпс это всеволиш цыфра [16:30:58] Razy issued server command: /home [16:30:59] [L] Lolota: улей [16:31:01] Razy issued server command: /we cui [16:31:02] [L] Lolota: где был? [16:31:03] [L] SplaschGaming: чек дс [16:31:04] Zanda issued server command: /zset 0 [16:31:06] Ribka issued server command: /home [16:31:09] Zanda issued server command: /zset 0 [16:31:11] tH0R issued server command: /home [16:31:12] [L] BJlaTnou: был.. [16:31:13] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [16:31:15] [L] BJlaTnou: забей уже [16:31:16] SimpleBoi зашёл [16:31:17] Frunchesko issued server command: /rtp [16:31:17] [L] BJlaTnou: не найду [16:31:18] SimpleBoi issued server command: /we cui [16:31:22] [L] Lolota: нам золото же [16:31:22] Dydre issued server command: /kit start [16:31:23] [L] Lolota: надо [16:31:23] [G] Demaglhf: !как приватить [16:31:24] Ribka issued server command: /home slaim [16:31:24] TheOldIniquity issued server command: /kit start [16:31:27] Demaglhf issued server command: //chunk [16:31:27] Demaglhf issued server command: //outset 16 [16:31:27] Demaglhf issued server command: /zone [16:31:28] [L] BJlaTnou: ну [16:31:29] Ribka issued server command: /tp slaim01 [16:31:30] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [16:31:30] 69Loqiemean96 issued server command: /gc [16:31:32] Ribka issued server command: /call slaim [16:31:33] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [16:31:38] slaim01 issued server command: /tpaccept [16:31:38] Demaglhf issued server command: /rg claim demich2 [16:31:45] Demaglhf issued server command: //chunk [16:31:45] Demaglhf issued server command: //outset 16 [16:31:45] Demaglhf issued server command: /zone [16:31:45] [G] filen2: !как включить освещение от факела? [16:31:48] Demaglhf issued server command: //chunk [16:31:48] Demaglhf issued server command: //outset 16 [16:31:48] Demaglhf issued server command: /zone [16:31:54] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [16:31:55] Demaglhf issued server command: /rg claim demich3 [16:31:56] Zanda issued server command: /zset 0 [16:31:57] [G] flesziip: !В настройках - динамическое освещение [16:31:57] [G] Vehitsel: !никак [16:32:00] Zanda issued server command: /zset 0 [16:32:00] [G] Vehitsel: !( [16:32:03] Demaglhf issued server command: //chunk [16:32:03] Demaglhf issued server command: //outset 16 [16:32:03] Demaglhf issued server command: /zone [16:32:05] [G] filen2: !а почему [16:32:05] [G] Zanda: !Спокойной, Аслан [16:32:07] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [16:32:07] Demaglhf issued server command: /rg claim demich4 [16:32:09] TheMaxLC issued server command: /rtp [16:32:11] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [16:32:12] zloy_cool issued server command: //sell [16:32:13] MrRubin4ik вышел [16:32:14] zloy_cool issued server command: /sell [16:32:14] Ribka issued server command: /home [16:32:14] TheMaxLC issued server command: /warp mining [16:32:14] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [16:32:16] Demaglhf issued server command: //chunk [16:32:16] Demaglhf issued server command: //outset 16 [16:32:16] Demaglhf issued server command: /zone [16:32:16] Zanda issued server command: /zset 0 [16:32:16] zloy_cool issued server command: //sel [16:32:18] TheMaxLC issued server command: /we cui [16:32:19] G0KO issued server command: /god [16:32:19] Zanda issued server command: /zset 0 [16:32:20] Demaglhf issued server command: /rg claim demich5 [16:32:20] Ribka issued server command: /kits [16:32:21] Zanda issued server command: /zset 0 [16:32:24] TheMaxLC issued server command: /fly [16:32:26] termik убил GoooDDoG (IRON_SWORD) [16:32:29] Ribka issued server command: /kit mobs [16:32:31] GoooDDoG issued server command: /we cui [16:32:38] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [16:32:42] [L] SplaschGaming: )) [16:32:43] zloy_cool issued server command: /home [16:32:45] ggwin issued server command: /rtp [16:32:45] Ribka issued server command: /kits [16:32:50] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [16:32:52] LeroySabo вышел [16:32:52] flesziip issued server command: /.ыуд [16:32:53] flesziip issued server command: //sel [16:32:56] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [16:32:59] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [16:33:00] Bomw issued server command: /rtp [16:33:00] Lolota issued server command: /heal [16:33:07] [L] SplaschGaming: а в форестри какая энергия? [16:33:08] LeroySabo зашёл [16:33:10] Razy issued server command: /home [16:33:10] LeroySabo issued server command: /we cui [16:33:11] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [16:33:15] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [16:33:16] Ribka issued server command: /ki badmobs [16:33:20] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [16:33:20] Zanda issued server command: /zset 0 [16:33:23] GoooDDoG issued server command: /kit start [16:33:23] Ribka issued server command: /kit badmobs [16:33:30] Ribka issued server command: /kit start [16:33:32] Solordiy issued server command: /mpcaseshop [16:33:33] Solordiy issued server command: /mpcaseview 1 [16:33:34] Solordiy issued server command: /buycase 1 [16:33:36] Frunchesko issued server command: /home [16:33:39] Krantzg вышел [16:33:40] Zanda issued server command: /zset 0 [16:33:41] Solordiy issued server command: /mpcaseshop [16:33:44] Demaglhf issued server command: //chunk [16:33:44] Demaglhf issued server command: //outset 16 [16:33:44] Demaglhf issued server command: /zone [16:33:44] Ribka issued server command: /kit eat [16:33:47] Razy issued server command: /home [16:33:48] TOGA issued server command: /sethome [16:33:48] Zanda issued server command: /zset 0 [16:33:50] Demaglhf issued server command: /rg claim demich6 [16:33:51] Ribka issued server command: /kit tools [16:33:56] iamfriendly issued server command: /warp world [16:33:57] Bomw issued server command: /warp mini [16:33:57] iamfriendly issued server command: /we cui [16:33:58] Bomw issued server command: /we cui [16:33:58] iamfriendly issued server command: /rtp [16:33:59] [G] GoooDDoG: !ребят у нас тут чел бегает в инвизе убивает, что за гон? [16:34:01] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [16:34:02] Bomw issued server command: /fly [16:34:04] Ribka issued server command: /kit jetpack [16:34:04] Demaglhf issued server command: //chunk [16:34:04] Demaglhf issued server command: //outset 16 [16:34:04] Demaglhf issued server command: /zone [16:34:06] [G] Ilayihoy: !продам наблюдение бессмертных за 101 эм [16:34:06] Zanda issued server command: /tp GoooDDoG [16:34:07] Zanda issued server command: /near [16:34:08] [G] Demaglhf: !читы [16:34:10] iamfriendly issued server command: /rtp [16:34:11] zloy_cool issued server command: /kit eat [16:34:11] Bomw issued server command: /home turbo [16:34:12] FROST2137 issued server command: /vanish [16:34:13] Zanda issued server command: /near [16:34:13] Bomw issued server command: /we cui [16:34:15] Ribka issued server command: /kit nano [16:34:16] Razy issued server command: /rtp [16:34:16] Demaglhf issued server command: /rg claim demich7 [16:34:17] Bomw issued server command: /fly [16:34:19] zloy_cool issued server command: /kit info [16:34:21] zloy_cool issued server command: /ki [16:34:22] 69Loqiemean96 issued server command: /warpset potom [16:34:22] [G] Dydre: !куплю кристаллы истинного кварца заряженные за эмы [16:34:22] Razy issued server command: /rtp [16:34:23] zloy_cool issued server command: /kit [16:34:24] Ribka issued server command: /kit res [16:34:27] Zanda issued server command: /near [16:34:27] Bomw issued server command: /home turbo [16:34:27] zloy_cool issued server command: /kit top [16:34:28] [G] Dydre: !любое количество [16:34:28] 69Loqiemean96 issued server command: /setwarp potom [16:34:30] Demaglhf issued server command: //chunk [16:34:30] Demaglhf issued server command: //outset 16 [16:34:30] Demaglhf issued server command: /zone [16:34:33] Demaglhf issued server command: /rg claim demich8 [16:34:33] Suyumi issued server command: /home [16:34:34] FlipSize issued server command: /tp GoooDDoG [16:34:34] Zanda issued server command: /report termik [16:34:35] zloy_cool issued server command: /kit start [16:34:35] Suyumi issued server command: /we cui [16:34:36] 69Loqiemean96 issued server command: /warp [16:34:36] FlipSize issued server command: /screenall [16:34:37] [L] SplaschGaming: ну сплав ресов [16:34:37] Zanda issued server command: /report Fantasy404 [16:34:37] iamfriendly issued server command: /warp world [16:34:39] iamfriendly issued server command: /rtp [16:34:45] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [16:34:46] SergoPHS issued server command: /sethome [16:34:47] TurboLastGame issued server command: /sethome [16:34:48] Ribka issued server command: /kit exrtratools [16:34:49] Demaglhf issued server command: //chunk [16:34:49] Demaglhf issued server command: //outset 16 [16:34:49] Demaglhf issued server command: /zone [16:34:50] SergoPHS issued server command: /call ggwin [16:34:51] Nikitawrik issued server command: /mpcaseshop [16:34:53] Demaglhf issued server command: /rg claim demich9 [16:34:53] Nikitawrik issued server command: /mpcaseview 1 [16:34:53] ggwin issued server command: /tpaccept [16:34:53] Dydre issued server command: /trade Ic3berg [16:34:54] Ribka issued server command: /kit extratools [16:34:54] Nikitawrik issued server command: /rollcase 1 [16:34:54] G0KO issued server command: /v [16:34:55] Nikitawrik issued server command: /mpcaseshop [16:34:56] Nikitawrik issued server command: /mpcaseview 1 [16:34:58] slaim01 issued server command: /kits [16:34:59] Nikitawrik issued server command: /mpcaseshop [16:34:59] G0KO issued server command: /vanish [16:35:00] Nikitawrik issued server command: /mpcaseview 1 [16:35:01] Nikitawrik issued server command: /rollcase 1 [16:35:03] Nikitawrik issued server command: /mpcaseshop [16:35:04] Nikitawrik issued server command: /mpcaseview 1 [16:35:04] Demaglhf issued server command: /rg i [16:35:04] Nikitawrik issued server command: /rollcase 1 [16:35:06] Nikitawrik issued server command: /mpcaseshop [16:35:07] Nikitawrik issued server command: /mpcaseview 1 [16:35:07] Ribka issued server command: / [16:35:08] Nikitawrik issued server command: /rollcase 1 [16:35:09] slaim01 issued server command: /kit shard [16:35:09] Nikitawrik issued server command: /mpcaseshop [16:35:10] iamfriendly issued server command: /rtp [16:35:11] Nikitawrik issued server command: /mpcaseview 1 [16:35:14] Nikitawrik issued server command: /rollcase 1 [16:35:14] Ribka issued server command: /kit ichor [16:35:21] Ribka issued server command: /kit extraarmor [16:35:22] slaim01 issued server command: /kits [16:35:24] 69Loqiemean96 issued server command: /warp create potom [16:35:25] TheMaxLC вышел [16:35:25] SergoPHS issued server command: /call FreakFromThePub [16:35:25] LEHbDYMATb зашёл [16:35:27] Ribka issued server command: /kit ultranano [16:35:28] Bomw issued server command: /call filen2 [16:35:29] Nikitawrik issued server command: /mpcaseshop [16:35:30] slaim01 issued server command: /kit mobs [16:35:31] Nikitawrik issued server command: /mpcaseview 1 [16:35:32] filen2 issued server command: /tpaccept [16:35:32] FreakFromThePub issued server command: /tpaccept [16:35:33] slaim01 issued server command: /kit badmobs [16:35:35] SimpleBoi issued server command: /home [16:35:36] SplaschGaming issued server command: /rtp [16:35:37] slaim01 issued server command: /kit Tree [16:35:38] Ribka issued server command: /kits [16:35:40] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [16:35:42] Ribka issued server command: /kit tree [16:35:42] Nikitawrik вышел [16:35:45] 69Loqiemean96 issued server command: /warp private potom [16:35:46] Zanda issued server command: /tp Gelix000 [16:35:47] Lolota issued server command: /r ezz [16:35:48] Zanda issued server command: /tp GoooDDoG [16:35:50] [L] Zanda: стой [16:35:52] Lolota issued server command: /r доблестная принцесса [16:35:53] [L] Zanda: скажи время убийства [16:35:56] tH0R вышел [16:35:56] Lolota issued server command: /r чистая порода [16:35:58] LEHbDYMATb issued server command: /we cui [16:35:58] BJlaTnou issued server command: /r Грац [16:36:01] [L] Zanda: GoooDDoG [16:36:01] asdadn issued server command: /rtp [16:36:02] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [16:36:03] SimpleBoi issued server command: /rtp [16:36:03] Sowkand issued server command: /tpa filen2 [16:36:06] filen2 issued server command: /tpaccept [16:36:11] Ribka issued server command: /kit thaum [16:36:13] [L] GoooDDoG: привет [16:36:16] Dydre issued server command: /kit [16:36:16] 69Loqiemean96 issued server command: /rtp [16:36:16] Lolota issued server command: /r а чё у меня хп больше 10 сердец [16:36:17] [L] Zanda: привет [16:36:18] SplaschGaming issued server command: /tell asdadn вроде нет [16:36:19] Lolota issued server command: /r на половинку [16:36:20] BJlaTnou issued server command: /r В деревнях золото в замках чекай [16:36:20] [L] Zanda: время убийства скажи [16:36:21] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [16:36:23] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [16:36:24] Ribka issued server command: /kit superthaum [16:36:24] [L] Zanda: дабы наказать челика с инвизом [16:36:25] Razy issued server command: /home [16:36:26] Dydre issued server command: /kit mobs [16:36:27] nusha issued server command: /spawn [16:36:28] Lolota issued server command: /home [16:36:31] SplaschGaming issued server command: /r так на него удача не работает [16:36:31] nusha issued server command: /we cui [16:36:34] Ribka issued server command: /kit shard [16:36:36] Dydre issued server command: /kit badmobs [16:36:37] [L] GoooDDoG: поможешь его найти? [16:36:39] SplaschGaming issued server command: /r + [16:36:39] Ribka issued server command: /kit diamond [16:36:42] Lolota issued server command: /r 8 руды [16:36:42] [L] 69Loqiemean96: Чел [16:36:42] ggwin issued server command: //chunk [16:36:42] ggwin issued server command: //outset 16 [16:36:42] ggwin issued server command: /zone [16:36:43] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [16:36:47] SplaschGaming issued server command: /r ну [16:36:48] Razy issued server command: /rtp [16:36:48] [L] Zanda: помогу [16:36:49] Suyumi issued server command: /rtp [16:36:49] [L] Zanda: ты скажи [16:36:52] [L] Zanda: время убийства [16:36:53] Suyumi issued server command: /fly [16:36:53] [L] Zanda: твоего [16:36:54] ggwin issued server command: /rg claim ggwinuzel [16:36:54] asdadn issued server command: /home home [16:36:55] Ribka issued server command: /kit top [16:36:55] [L] GoooDDoG: я бегал копался он меня тупо в лаву скинул( [16:36:56] TOGA issued server command: /kit [16:36:57] asdadn issued server command: /home [16:36:57] Lolota issued server command: /rtp [16:36:58] Ribka issued server command: /kits [16:37:01] TurboLastGame вышел [16:37:07] TurboLastGame зашёл [16:37:08] Vladimirytska вышел [16:37:08] BJlaTnou issued server command: /r Рупий есть? [16:37:09] TurboLastGame issued server command: /we cui [16:37:12] zloy_cool issued server command: /home [16:37:15] TOGA issued server command: /kit mod [16:37:19] Lolota issued server command: /r алм кирка нужно сделать [16:37:22] asdadn issued server command: /kit start [16:37:25] [L] GoooDDoG: ресов уже прилично было теперь вообще ноль( [16:37:30] 69Loqiemean96 issued server command: /rtp [16:37:32] BJlaTnou issued server command: /r В ките алмазы были [16:37:35] Lolota issued server command: /r + [16:37:38] Razy issued server command: /rtp [16:37:39] Lolota issued server command: /home [16:37:41] TurboLastGame issued server command: /fly [16:37:44] Lolota issued server command: /r кирку делать тепнулся [16:37:44] BJlaTnou issued server command: /tpahere Lolota [16:37:47] ggwin issued server command: //sel [16:37:47] SimpleBoi issued server command: /rtp [16:37:50] Zanda issued server command: /home [16:37:56] LEHbDYMATb вышел [16:37:56] [L] GoooDDoG: ты куда [16:38:00] Lolota issued server command: /tpaccept [16:38:05] Gelix000 issued server command: /kit [16:38:12] Ic3berg issued server command: /rtp [16:38:16] 69Loqiemean96 issued server command: /rtp [16:38:21] Ilayihoy issued server command: /trade slaim01 [16:38:21] Ilayihoy issued server command: /trade slaim01 [16:38:21] Ilayihoy issued server command: /trade slaim01 [16:38:21] Ilayihoy issued server command: /trade slaim01 [16:38:21] Ilayihoy issued server command: /trade slaim01 [16:38:21] Ilayihoy issued server command: /trade slaim01 [16:38:21] Ilayihoy issued server command: /trade slaim01 [16:38:21] Ilayihoy issued server command: /trade slaim01 [16:38:21] Ilayihoy issued server command: /trade slaim01 [16:38:22] Ilayihoy issued server command: /trade slaim01 [16:38:22] Ilayihoy issued server command: /trade slaim01 [16:38:22] Ilayihoy был кикнут [16:38:22] Ilayihoy вышел [16:38:23] [L] BJlaTnou: на [16:38:25] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [16:38:29] Ilayihoy зашёл [16:38:31] Ilayihoy issued server command: /we cui [16:38:32] SimpleBoi issued server command: /rtp [16:38:39] 69Loqiemean96 issued server command: /rtp [16:38:41] Zanda вышел [16:38:41] SplaschGaming issued server command: /r а чё поверхности получается можна? [16:38:46] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [16:38:47] [L] Lolota: я уже на 1 сет [16:38:48] [L] Lolota: накопал [16:38:49] SergoPHS issued server command: /home [16:38:49] [L] Lolota: реалмита [16:38:51] SplaschGaming issued server command: /r ну там нет вроде [16:38:53] SimpleBoi issued server command: /rtp [16:38:55] [L] BJlaTnou: А рупия? [16:39:01] [L] Lolota: не видел [16:39:03] SplaschGaming issued server command: /r :D [16:39:03] FlipSize issued server command: /gm 1 [16:39:03] [L] Lolota: пока что [16:39:05] nusha issued server command: /gamemode 1 [16:39:05] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [16:39:05] Ribka issued server command: /sel [16:39:08] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [16:39:08] Ribka issued server command: //sel [16:39:12] SplaschGaming issued server command: /r так есть еще 1 [16:39:14] 69Loqiemean96 issued server command: //chunk [16:39:14] 69Loqiemean96 issued server command: //outset 16 [16:39:14] 69Loqiemean96 issued server command: /zone [16:39:15] Ribka issued server command: /rg sel [16:39:18] FlipSize issued server command: /dtfhgytdfyghjhgvfdrfuyggvcghv [16:39:18] FROST2137 issued server command: /tpahere [16:39:19] FlipSize issued server command: /gm 1 [16:39:21] LEHbDYMATb зашёл [16:39:21] [G] iamfriendly: !Кому ведьму из Витчери? [16:39:21] SplaschGaming issued server command: /r дракон [16:39:26] LEHbDYMATb issued server command: /we cui [16:39:27] LittleSvinka issued server command: /tpa Topioka [16:39:29] FlipSize issued server command: /tp FlipSize [16:39:30] SplaschGaming issued server command: /r ну там не сложно же [16:39:32] FlipSize issued server command: /tp su [16:39:33] Topioka issued server command: /tpaccept [16:39:33] Ribka issued server command: /kits [16:39:34] [L] BJlaTnou: 3 штуки рупия еще нужно мне [16:39:35] Razy issued server command: /home [16:39:36] SimpleBoi issued server command: /rtp [16:39:37] [G] Dydre: !куплю заряженные кристалы [16:39:37] termik убил Fantasy404 (IRON_SWORD) [16:39:37] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [16:39:39] Fantasy404 issued server command: /we cui [16:39:39] [L] Lolota: ок [16:39:42] SimpleBoi issued server command: /rtp [16:39:43] SimpleBoi issued server command: /rtp [16:39:43] Gelix000 вышел [16:39:46] FlipSize issued server command: /vanish [16:39:48] SimpleBoi issued server command: /rtp [16:39:51] pash123 зашёл [16:39:52] FlipSize issued server command: /tp Suyumi [16:39:52] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [16:39:52] SimpleBoi issued server command: /rtp [16:39:53] G0KO issued server command: /m LEHbDYMATb тута [16:39:53] SplaschGaming issued server command: /r молодец! [16:39:53] pash123 issued server command: /we cui [16:39:53] SimpleBoi issued server command: /rtp [16:39:56] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [16:39:58] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [16:40:01] pash123 issued server command: /fly [16:40:03] Fantasy404 issued server command: /m termik ну и нах так крысить???? [16:40:04] SplaschGaming issued server command: /r мб когда будет меньш? [16:40:12] SplaschGaming issued server command: /home [16:40:15] SplaschGaming issued server command: /r ну лан [16:40:16] FreakFromThePub issued server command: /home [16:40:16] 69Loqiemean96 issued server command: /rg claim moonrisee [16:40:26] [G] GoooDDoG: !ребят termik грифер [16:40:27] 69Loqiemean96 issued server command: /sel [16:40:29] FlipSize issued server command: /vanish [16:40:29] 69Loqiemean96 issued server command: //sel [16:40:31] [L] SplaschGaming: хпхпхп [16:40:34] TOGA issued server command: /kit ae_mod [16:40:35] pash123 issued server command: /kits [16:40:35] [G] Vehitsel: !правдо? [16:40:37] LEHbDYMATb issued server command: /warp world [16:40:37] 69Loqiemean96 issued server command: /sethome [16:40:38] SimpleBoi issued server command: /home [16:40:40] SimpleBoi вышел [16:40:41] LEHbDYMATb issued server command: /we cui [16:40:41] pash123 issued server command: /fly [16:40:43] pash123 issued server command: /fly [16:40:52] G0KO issued server command: /fly [16:40:52] Demaglhf issued server command: /rg list [16:40:53] Suyumi issued server command: /home [16:40:55] [G] GoooDDoG: !он меня и друга убил( [16:41:00] [L] pash123: мой приват [16:41:00] Suyumi issued server command: /voteday [16:41:01] LEHbDYMATb issued server command: /tpa G0KO [16:41:02] [G] flesziip: !грифффеер!! [16:41:03] ggwin issued server command: /yes [16:41:03] Vehitsel issued server command: /no [16:41:04] termik issued server command: /home [16:41:04] Lolota issued server command: /yes [16:41:04] Razy issued server command: /yes [16:41:05] GoooDDoG issued server command: /yes [16:41:08] Demaglhf issued server command: /rg flag demich2 pvp deny [16:41:09] Demaglhf issued server command: /rg flag demich3 pvp deny [16:41:10] Ilayihoy issued server command: //sel [16:41:11] [G] iamfriendly: ! GoooDDoG c какими он ресами? [16:41:11] [L] pash123: .God [16:41:14] iamfriendly issued server command: /yes [16:41:14] Demaglhf issued server command: /rg flag demich4 pvp deny [16:41:15] pash123 issued server command: /God [16:41:15] [G] Ic3berg: !hahaha [16:41:17] Demaglhf issued server command: /rg flag demich5 pvp deny [16:41:18] LEHbDYMATb issued server command: /tpa FROST2137 [16:41:18] FROST2137 issued server command: /tpahere LEHbDYMATb [16:41:20] Demaglhf issued server command: /rg flag demich6 pvp deny [16:41:22] pash123 issued server command: /gamemode 1 [16:41:23] Demaglhf issued server command: /rg flag demich7 pvp deny [16:41:23] [G] 69Loqiemean96: !Кто? [16:41:26] Demaglhf issued server command: /rg flag demich8 pvp deny [16:41:28] [G] GoooDDoG: !я хз я даже не успел увидить он меня убил( [16:41:29] LEHbDYMATb issued server command: /tpaccept [16:41:30] [L] SplaschGaming: а разве не 4 над? [16:41:32] Demaglhf issued server command: /rg flag demich9 pvp deny [16:41:35] Ribka issued server command: /trade slaim01 [16:41:35] Ribka issued server command: /trade slaim01 [16:41:35] Ribka issued server command: /trade slaim01 [16:41:35] Ribka issued server command: /trade slaim01 [16:41:35] Ribka issued server command: /trade slaim01 [16:41:35] Ribka issued server command: /trade slaim01 [16:41:35] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [16:41:36] pash123 issued server command: /time set night [16:41:37] [G] GoooDDoG: !termik [16:41:38] Sowkand вышел [16:41:39] Ic3berg issued server command: /home dydre [16:41:40] pash123 issued server command: /ptime set night [16:41:43] Suyumi issued server command: /rtp [16:41:52] pash123 issued server command: /mpcaseshop [16:41:52] iamfriendly issued server command: /warp world [16:41:54] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [16:41:56] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [16:41:57] [L] SplaschGaming: ну есть еще ферма [16:41:59] Ribka issued server command: /home [16:42:05] G0KO issued server command: /rg addmember h1 LEHbDYMATb [16:42:07] [L] SplaschGaming: да проверим [16:42:10] G0KO issued server command: /rg addmember h2 LEHbDYMATb [16:42:10] Ilayihoy issued server command: /trade slaim01 [16:42:10] Ilayihoy issued server command: /trade slaim01 [16:42:10] Ilayihoy issued server command: /trade slaim01 [16:42:10] Ilayihoy issued server command: /trade slaim01 [16:42:10] Ilayihoy issued server command: /trade slaim01 [16:42:10] Ilayihoy issued server command: /trade slaim01 [16:42:10] Ilayihoy issued server command: /trade slaim01 [16:42:10] Ilayihoy issued server command: /trade slaim01 [16:42:10] Ilayihoy issued server command: /trade slaim01 [16:42:10] Ilayihoy issued server command: /trade slaim01 [16:42:10] Ilayihoy issued server command: /trade slaim01 [16:42:10] Ilayihoy был кикнут [16:42:10] Ilayihoy вышел [16:42:11] G0KO issued server command: /rg addmember h3 LEHbDYMATb [16:42:14] G0KO issued server command: /rg addmember h4 LEHbDYMATb [16:42:16] zloy_cool issued server command: /sethome [16:42:17] Ilayihoy зашёл [16:42:17] G0KO issued server command: /rg addmember h5 LEHbDYMATb [16:42:17] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [16:42:19] Ilayihoy issued server command: /we cui [16:42:20] G0KO issued server command: /rg addmember h6 LEHbDYMATb [16:42:23] G0KO issued server command: /rg addmember h7 LEHbDYMATb [16:42:24] 69Loqiemean96 issued server command: /home [16:42:24] Ribka issued server command: /call slaim [16:42:25] [L] SplaschGaming: открой адский хлеб) [16:42:26] G0KO issued server command: /rg addmember h8 LEHbDYMATb [16:42:28] Demaglhf issued server command: /fly [16:42:28] Lolota issued server command: /ex [16:42:29] slaim01 issued server command: /tpaccept [16:42:31] 69Loqiemean96 issued server command: /warp potom [16:42:31] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [16:42:31] G0KO issued server command: /rg addmember h9 LEHbDYMATb [16:42:31] [L] pash123: да [16:42:36] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [16:42:38] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [16:42:45] [L] pash123: нет [16:42:47] Ribka issued server command: /home [16:42:47] asdadn вышел [16:42:49] me3jack issued server command: /sethome [16:42:51] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [16:42:58] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [16:42:59] GoooDDoG умер (ENTITY_ATTACK) [16:43:00] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [16:43:01] GoooDDoG issued server command: /we cui [16:43:05] [L] pash123: ок [16:43:08] Lolota issued server command: /r страшна [16:43:12] Ribka issued server command: /call slaim [16:43:12] Lolota issued server command: /r тут огр [16:43:12] Inotik зашёл [16:43:14] slaim01 issued server command: /tpaccept [16:43:14] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [16:43:16] pash123 issued server command: /tp BJlaTnou [16:43:19] BJlaTnou issued server command: /r С него золото падает [16:43:20] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [16:43:21] Vedro_kotyat_dag зашёл [16:43:21] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [16:43:23] 69Loqiemean96 issued server command: /home [16:43:26] Lolota issued server command: /r не выпало [16:43:28] Ribka issued server command: /home [16:43:33] 69Loqiemean96 issued server command: /kit start [16:43:33] Vedro_kotyat_dag issued server command: /we cui [16:43:35] [G] Ic3berg: !Дарк ты тут? [16:43:38] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [16:43:40] pash123 issued server command: /rg addmember klop123 vedro_kotyat_DAG [16:43:41] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [16:43:43] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [16:43:43] Ribka issued server command: /tp slaim [16:43:44] [G] zloy_cool: !магазинов еще нету ? ))) [16:43:47] pash123 issued server command: /rg addmember klop123 Vedro_kotyat_dag [16:43:47] TheMaxLC зашёл [16:43:48] Ribka issued server command: /call slaim [16:43:49] [G] iamfriendly: ! zloy_cool да [16:43:50] TheMaxLC issued server command: /we cui [16:43:52] [G] Demaglhf: !хз) [16:43:54] [G] Ic3berg: !дааарк [16:43:59] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [16:44:00] slaim01 issued server command: /tpaccept [16:44:00] pash123 issued server command: /m Vedro_kotyat_dag пиши /kits [16:44:02] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [16:44:02] [G] G0KO: !Ну да, час 42 минуты с вайпа, будут магазины тебе уже [16:44:04] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [16:44:09] TurboLastGame issued server command: /tpa Bomw [16:44:10] TheMaxLC issued server command: /msg SplaschGaming а куда все свалили? [16:44:11] Inotik issued server command: /we cui [16:44:11] [L] me3jack: d [16:44:16] Ribka issued server command: /home [16:44:17] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [16:44:18] TOGA issued server command: /workbench [16:44:19] KotAgresor вышел [16:44:19] iamfriendly issued server command: /spawn [16:44:21] iamfriendly issued server command: /we cui [16:44:21] [G] zloy_cool: !ну а вдруг ))) [16:44:24] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [16:44:28] Vedro_kotyat_dag issued server command: /tp pash123 [16:44:30] TurboLastGame issued server command: /tpa filen2 [16:44:32] TheMaxLC issued server command: /gly [16:44:37] G0KO issued server command: /цфкз дшые [16:44:37] filen2 issued server command: /tpaccept [16:44:37] Vedro_kotyat_dag issued server command: /tpa pash123 [16:44:37] TheMaxLC issued server command: /fly [16:44:38] pash123 issued server command: /tpaccept [16:44:39] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [16:44:39] Vedro_kotyat_dag issued server command: /we cui [16:44:41] SplaschGaming issued server command: /r кушать асдадн пошёл [16:44:42] G0KO issued server command: /warp list [16:44:43] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [16:44:44] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [16:44:45] BJlaTnou issued server command: /r Сколько золота? [16:44:45] TurboLastGame issued server command: /home [16:44:49] [L] pash123: ну эт прикольно что флай [16:44:49] Lolota issued server command: /r 13 [16:44:51] Lolota issued server command: /r и 8 дома [16:44:53] Lolota issued server command: /r выложил [16:44:55] Ribka issued server command: /tp slaim [16:44:57] [L] pash123: киты прописывай [16:44:58] Ribka issued server command: /call slaim [16:45:00] BJlaTnou issued server command: /r 21 у меня [16:45:01] slaim01 issued server command: /tpaccept [16:45:04] TurboLastGame issued server command: /spawn [16:45:07] TurboLastGame issued server command: /we cui [16:45:11] [L] pash123: держи новичка [16:45:13] Lolota issued server command: /r А надо 36 [16:45:15] me3jack был кикнут [16:45:15] me3jack вышел [16:45:15] TOGA был кикнут [16:45:15] TOGA вышел [16:45:15] Demaglhf был кикнут [16:45:15] Demaglhf вышел [16:45:15] ggwin был кикнут [16:45:15] ggwin вышел [16:45:15] FreakFromThePub был кикнут [16:45:15] FreakFromThePub вышел [16:45:15] BJlaTnou был кикнут [16:45:15] BJlaTnou вышел [16:45:15] Ic3berg был кикнут [16:45:15] Ic3berg вышел [16:45:15] Suyumi был кикнут [16:45:15] Suyumi вышел [16:45:15] 69Loqiemean96 был кикнут [16:45:15] 69Loqiemean96 вышел [16:45:15] zloy_cool был кикнут [16:45:15] zloy_cool вышел [16:45:15] Vehitsel был кикнут [16:45:15] Vehitsel вышел [16:45:15] FROST2137 был кикнут [16:45:15] FROST2137 вышел [16:45:15] TweeL1e был кикнут [16:45:15] TweeL1e вышел [16:45:15] SplaschGaming был кикнут [16:45:15] SplaschGaming вышел [16:45:15] termik был кикнут [16:45:15] termik вышел [16:45:15] flesziip был кикнут [16:45:15] flesziip вышел [16:45:15] Dydre был кикнут [16:45:15] Dydre вышел [16:45:15] Bomw был кикнут [16:45:15] Bomw вышел [16:45:15] slaim01 был кикнут [16:45:15] slaim01 вышел [16:45:15] FlipSize был кикнут [16:45:15] FlipSize вышел [16:45:15] Bradman был кикнут [16:45:15] Bradman вышел [16:45:15] SergoPHS был кикнут [16:45:15] SergoPHS вышел [16:45:15] Razy был кикнут [16:45:15] Razy вышел [16:45:15] Topioka был кикнут [16:45:15] Topioka вышел [16:45:15] Romanuch был кикнут [16:45:15] Romanuch вышел [16:45:15] G0KO был кикнут [16:45:15] G0KO вышел [16:45:15] TheOldIniquity был кикнут [16:45:15] TheOldIniquity вышел [16:45:15] filen2 был кикнут [16:45:15] filen2 вышел [16:45:15] nusha был кикнут [16:45:15] nusha вышел [16:45:15] iamfriendly был кикнут [16:45:15] iamfriendly вышел [16:45:15] Frunchesko был кикнут [16:45:15] Frunchesko вышел [16:45:15] Solordiy был кикнут [16:45:15] Solordiy вышел [16:45:15] LittleSvinka был кикнут [16:45:15] LittleSvinka вышел [16:45:15] Zik4 был кикнут [16:45:15] Zik4 вышел [16:45:15] Ribka был кикнут [16:45:15] Ribka вышел [16:45:15] Lolota был кикнут [16:45:15] Lolota вышел [16:45:15] LeroySabo был кикнут [16:45:15] LeroySabo вышел [16:45:15] TurboLastGame был кикнут [16:45:15] TurboLastGame вышел [16:45:15] LEHbDYMATb был кикнут [16:45:15] LEHbDYMATb вышел [16:45:15] Fantasy404 был кикнут [16:45:15] Fantasy404 вышел [16:45:15] pash123 был кикнут [16:45:15] pash123 вышел [16:45:15] Ilayihoy был кикнут [16:45:15] Ilayihoy вышел [16:45:15] GoooDDoG был кикнут [16:45:15] GoooDDoG вышел [16:45:15] Inotik был кикнут [16:45:15] Inotik вышел [16:45:15] Vedro_kotyat_dag был кикнут [16:45:15] Vedro_kotyat_dag вышел [16:45:15] TheMaxLC был кикнут [16:45:15] TheMaxLC вышел [16:45:18] Сервер выключился [16:46:14] Сервер включился [16:46:34] me3jack зашёл [16:46:35] me3jack issued server command: /we cui [16:46:37] Ribka зашёл [16:46:38] Lolota зашёл [16:46:39] pash123 зашёл [16:46:39] SergoPHS зашёл [16:46:39] Demaglhf зашёл [16:46:39] Ribka issued server command: /we cui [16:46:40] BJlaTnou зашёл [16:46:40] Lolota issued server command: /we cui [16:46:40] TheMaxLC зашёл [16:46:40] SplaschGaming зашёл [16:46:41] SergoPHS issued server command: /we cui [16:46:41] Topioka зашёл [16:46:41] pash123 issued server command: /we cui [16:46:41] Demaglhf issued server command: /we cui [16:46:42] TweeL1e зашёл [16:46:42] BJlaTnou issued server command: /we cui [16:46:43] slaim01 зашёл [16:46:43] FreakFromThePub зашёл [16:46:43] Lolota issued server command: /fly [16:46:43] TweeL1e issued server command: /we cui [16:46:44] Vedro_kotyat_dag зашёл [16:46:44] TheMaxLC issued server command: /we cui [16:46:44] flesziip зашёл [16:46:45] slaim01 issued server command: /we cui [16:46:45] Topioka issued server command: /we cui [16:46:45] 69Loqiemean96 зашёл [16:46:45] Fantasy404 зашёл [16:46:46] SplaschGaming issued server command: /we cui [16:46:46] Vedro_kotyat_dag issued server command: /we cui [16:46:46] flesziip issued server command: /we cui [16:46:46] 69Loqiemean96 issued server command: /we cui [16:46:46] FreakFromThePub issued server command: /we cui [16:46:47] TweeL1e issued server command: /fly [16:46:47] TweeL1e issued server command: /god [16:46:48] BJlaTnou issued server command: /fly [16:46:48] Ribka issued server command: /home [16:46:48] Ilayihoy зашёл [16:46:49] Dydre зашёл [16:46:49] pash123 issued server command: /fly [16:46:49] Fantasy404 issued server command: /we cui [16:46:50] FROST2137 зашёл [16:46:50] GoooDDoG зашёл [16:46:50] TweeL1e issued server command: /god [16:46:50] Ilayihoy issued server command: /we cui [16:46:53] GoooDDoG issued server command: /we cui [16:46:53] Dydre issued server command: /we cui [16:46:54] TurboLastGame зашёл [16:46:54] Suyumi зашёл [16:46:54] [G] me3jack: ! метеорит это редкость? [16:46:55] FROST2137 issued server command: /we cui [16:46:55] Romanuch зашёл [16:46:56] slaim01 issued server command: /fly [16:46:57] Romanuch issued server command: /we cui [16:46:57] 69Loqiemean96 issued server command: /fly [16:46:57] Topioka issued server command: /home [16:46:58] Suyumi issued server command: /we cui [16:46:58] Vedro_kotyat_dag issued server command: /fly [16:46:59] [L] pash123: напиши чёто в чат [16:47:00] TurboLastGame issued server command: /we cui [16:47:02] Solordiy зашёл [16:47:03] slaim01 issued server command: /warp list [16:47:04] Solordiy issued server command: /we cui [16:47:04] Romanuch issued server command: /fly [16:47:04] [L] Vedro_kotyat_dag: gh [16:47:05] [G] me3jack: ! метеорит это редкость? [16:47:06] Dydre issued server command: /fly [16:47:07] zloy_cool зашёл [16:47:09] zloy_cool issued server command: /we cui [16:47:09] Suyumi issued server command: /fly [16:47:09] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [16:47:11] slaim01 issued server command: /warp end [16:47:11] FROST2137 issued server command: /god [16:47:13] [L] pash123: во новечёк) [16:47:13] Ribka issued server command: /tp slaim [16:47:14] FROST2137 issued server command: /god [16:47:15] filen2 зашёл [16:47:17] filen2 issued server command: /we cui [16:47:17] slaim01 issued server command: /warp end [16:47:17] Ribka issued server command: /call slaim [16:47:18] FROST2137 issued server command: /fly [16:47:20] slaim01 issued server command: /tpaccept [16:47:21] TheMaxLC issued server command: /home SplaschGaming [16:47:23] TheMaxLC issued server command: /we cui [16:47:23] ggwin зашёл [16:47:25] ggwin issued server command: /we cui [16:47:25] Suyumi issued server command: /rtp [16:47:30] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [16:47:34] SplaschGaming issued server command: /fly [16:47:34] ggwin issued server command: /fly [16:47:36] Bomw зашёл [16:47:37] FROST2137 issued server command: /fly [16:47:38] Bomw issued server command: /we cui [16:47:39] TOGA зашёл [16:47:40] FROST2137 issued server command: /fly [16:47:41] TOGA issued server command: /we cui [16:47:46] Ribka issued server command: /kit eat [16:47:48] flesziip issued server command: /heal [16:47:52] flesziip issued server command: /kit eat [16:47:53] Bomw issued server command: /fly [16:47:54] TurboLastGame issued server command: /fly [16:47:56] TOGA issued server command: /kit [16:47:57] Lolota issued server command: /r тут кразябры [16:47:57] TheOldIniquity зашёл [16:47:59] TheOldIniquity issued server command: /we cui [16:48:01] ggwin вышел [16:48:05] Lolota issued server command: /m BJlaTnou тут краказябры [16:48:08] Lolota issued server command: /r эти [16:48:09] Bomw issued server command: /home [16:48:11] Lolota issued server command: /r с которых шарды [16:48:11] [L] pash123: пропиши киты блин [16:48:12] Lolota issued server command: /r падают [16:48:19] Ic3berg зашёл [16:48:20] Ic3berg issued server command: /we cui [16:48:21] Vehitsel зашёл [16:48:22] LEHbDYMATb зашёл [16:48:22] Vehitsel issued server command: /we cui [16:48:23] Lolota issued server command: /r тп [16:48:25] [G] Dydre: !а что с пвп тут? [16:48:25] Bomw issued server command: /home turbo [16:48:27] LEHbDYMATb issued server command: /we cui [16:48:30] [G] Dydre: !почему задержки на тп нет [16:48:32] [G] me3jack: ! метеорит это редкость? [16:48:33] BJlaTnou issued server command: /r Минуту. Спавнер [16:48:37] TOGA issued server command: /kit ae_shadow [16:48:37] TheMaxLC issued server command: /mpcaseshop [16:48:38] TurboLastGame issued server command: /home [16:48:38] TheMaxLC issued server command: /mpcaseview 1 [16:48:40] TheMaxLC issued server command: /rollcase 1 [16:48:40] [G] FreakFromThePub: ! как забрать то что с кейсов ввыпало? [16:48:41] TurboLastGame issued server command: /we cui [16:48:45] Ribka issued server command: /sel [16:48:47] Lolota issued server command: /r забей [16:48:48] Ribka issued server command: /rg sel [16:48:48] [G] Vehitsel: !никак [16:48:49] [G] Bomw: !а вот нечего меня убивать [16:48:50] Lolota issued server command: /r они тупые [16:48:52] FlipSize зашёл [16:48:53] [G] Vehitsel: !это был симулятор [16:48:54] FlipSize issued server command: /we cui [16:48:57] TheMaxLC issued server command: /cart gui [16:48:58] [G] me3jack: ! метеорит это редкость? [16:48:58] [G] flesziip: ! Vehitsel, харош вводить игроков в заблуждение [16:49:01] Dark_Monarch зашёл [16:49:04] BJlaTnou issued server command: /call Lolota [16:49:06] zloy_cool issued server command: /home [16:49:06] [G] Suyumi: ! FreakFromThePub , /cart gui [16:49:08] Lolota issued server command: /tpaccept [16:49:12] [G] Suyumi: ! me3jack , вроде нет [16:49:13] [G] me3jack: ! метеорит это редкость? ау [16:49:14] [L] SplaschGaming: ну норм [16:49:14] FreakFromThePub issued server command: /cart gui [16:49:16] Ic3berg issued server command: /cart goi [16:49:16] [G] me3jack: ! ок [16:49:17] ggwin зашёл [16:49:19] Ic3berg issued server command: /cart gui [16:49:24] ggwin issued server command: /we cui [16:49:25] [L] SplaschGaming: о эт надо [16:49:26] [G] flesziip: ! me3jack, метеориты не урезаны на серве [16:49:26] LittleSvinka зашёл [16:49:27] G0KO зашёл [16:49:28] LittleSvinka issued server command: /we cui [16:49:29] ggwin issued server command: /fly [16:49:29] G0KO issued server command: /we cui [16:49:30] Sowkand зашёл [16:49:33] G0KO issued server command: /fly [16:49:33] TOGA issued server command: /kit [16:49:34] Ilayihoy issued server command: /cart gui [16:49:35] G0KO issued server command: /god [16:49:37] G0KO issued server command: /god [16:49:38] [G] Vehitsel: !всм ввожу в заблуждение? [16:49:38] Dark_Monarch issued server command: /we cui [16:49:40] FlipSize issued server command: /gm 1 [16:49:41] [L] SplaschGaming: не над [16:49:44] Sowkand issued server command: /we cui [16:49:48] G0KO issued server command: /vanish [16:49:51] [L] pash123: нет [16:49:52] Fantasy404 вышел [16:49:53] [G] me3jack: ! прост тут такая ситуация, я нашел 2 деревни размером с 4 деревни и еще песчаный дандж крипера [16:49:54] [L] me3jack: рядом [16:49:56] TOGA issued server command: /kit quant [16:49:58] Sowkand issued server command: /home [16:49:59] [L] Dydre: ( [16:50:00] termik зашёл [16:50:01] GoooDDoG вышел [16:50:03] termik issued server command: /we cui [16:50:05] [L] pash123: жора скушал обс тотемы( [16:50:05] [G] me3jack: ! это пипец [16:50:05] slaim01 issued server command: /home [16:50:06] [L] Dydre: я так не играю [16:50:07] [G] me3jack: ! как [16:50:14] slaim01 issued server command: /rg delete zopa [16:50:15] [L] SplaschGaming: я данж крипера кста [16:50:21] FlipSize issued server command: /vanish [16:50:22] iamfriendly зашёл [16:50:24] iamfriendly issued server command: /we cui [16:50:26] Sowkand issued server command: /fly [16:50:27] [L] pash123: жора скушал обс тотемы( [16:50:28] slaim01 issued server command: /hove Ribka [16:50:32] slaim01 issued server command: /home Ilayihoy [16:50:38] BJlaTnou issued server command: /home [16:50:38] slaim01 issued server command: /sethome [16:50:39] [L] SplaschGaming: пойти может за пчёлками [16:50:40] TOGA issued server command: /kit superichor [16:50:44] pash123 issued server command: /feed [16:50:47] Demaglhf issued server command: /home [16:50:50] SplaschGaming issued server command: /rtp [16:50:56] pash123 issued server command: /help [16:50:59] slaim01 issued server command: /rtp [16:50:59] TheMaxLC issued server command: /fly [16:51:04] me3jack issued server command: //wand [16:51:06] [L] pash123: ок го [16:51:10] TOGA issued server command: /kit ichor [16:51:11] [L] pash123: стой [16:51:12] TheMaxLC issued server command: /rtp [16:51:16] [L] pash123: пропиши киты [16:51:20] iamfriendly issued server command: /warp world [16:51:22] iamfriendly issued server command: /we cui [16:51:29] filen2 issued server command: /warp 1 [16:51:29] iamfriendly issued server command: /rtp [16:51:30] Suyumi issued server command: /home [16:51:31] filen2 issued server command: /home [16:51:38] Nikitawrik зашёл [16:51:44] TOGA issued server command: /kit thaum [16:51:45] Razy зашёл [16:51:48] Demaglhf issued server command: /warp portals [16:51:49] Razy issued server command: /we cui [16:51:52] [L] Lolota: fd [16:51:52] Vedro_kotyat_dag issued server command: /kits [16:51:54] Demaglhf issued server command: /warp portals [16:51:56] Nikitawrik issued server command: /we cui [16:52:00] Vedro_kotyat_dag issued server command: /kit top [16:52:01] SergoPHS issued server command: /sethome [16:52:01] Demaglhf issued server command: /warp portals [16:52:07] Dark_Monarch issued server command: /op Dark_Monarch [16:52:07] [L] pash123: Novice пиши [16:52:09] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [16:52:10] Lolota issued server command: /r + рупий [16:52:13] Lolota issued server command: /r с моба [16:52:13] AngryHardGame зашёл [16:52:15] SergoPHS issued server command: /call FreakFromThePub [16:52:16] BJlaTnou issued server command: /r Сколько? [16:52:18] FreakFromThePub issued server command: /tpaccept [16:52:20] Lolota issued server command: /r 1 [16:52:20] slaim01 issued server command: //wand [16:52:22] Vedro_kotyat_dag issued server command: /kit Novice [16:52:22] Demaglhf issued server command: /home [16:52:24] BJlaTnou issued server command: /r malo [16:52:24] AngryHardGame issued server command: /we cui [16:52:25] TOGA issued server command: /kit superthaum [16:52:25] termik issued server command: /rtp [16:52:29] Dydre issued server command: /home [16:52:36] TurboLastGame issued server command: /fly [16:52:39] [G] AngryHardGame: ! всем привет ._. [16:52:41] slaim01 issued server command: /god [16:52:41] Ic3berg issued server command: /home [16:52:43] slaim01 issued server command: /god [16:52:45] Ic3berg issued server command: /home dydre [16:52:45] [L] pash123: он разрёжен [16:52:46] Demaglhf issued server command: /spawn [16:52:47] [G] flesziip: !q [16:52:48] [G] Nikitawrik: !ку [16:52:49] Demaglhf issued server command: /we cui [16:52:56] AngryHardGame issued server command: /warp world [16:52:57] AngryHardGame issued server command: /we cui [16:53:00] AngryHardGame issued server command: /rtp [16:53:03] filen2 issued server command: /rtp [16:53:04] TOGA issued server command: /kit [16:53:07] Demaglhf issued server command: /home [16:53:09] AngryHardGame issued server command: /warp shop [16:53:09] Demaglhf issued server command: /we cui [16:53:09] Lolota issued server command: /rtp [16:53:10] AngryHardGame issued server command: /we cui [16:53:10] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [16:53:13] Bradman зашёл [16:53:15] Bradman issued server command: /we cui [16:53:15] TOGA issued server command: /kit top [16:53:18] TheOldIniquity issued server command: /botania-share botania.entry.welcome [16:53:24] TOGA issued server command: /kit shard [16:53:26] Suyumi issued server command: /home [16:53:27] BJlaTnou issued server command: /call Lolota [16:53:34] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [16:53:34] Lolota issued server command: /r я на ртп [16:53:39] iamfriendly issued server command: /rtp [16:53:40] BJlaTnou issued server command: /r Золото дай [16:53:42] slaim01 issued server command: /rg claim gavnaet [16:53:46] SergoPHS issued server command: /kit eat [16:53:47] Bomw issued server command: /rtp [16:53:47] Sowkand issued server command: /hat [16:53:47] [L] pash123: фу [16:53:47] Dark_Monarch issued server command: /u ля на Дарка зашел а на Енота нет [16:53:48] Lolota issued server command: /tpaccept [16:53:49] iamfriendly вышел [16:53:50] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [16:53:53] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [16:53:53] filen2 issued server command: /hat [16:53:54] BJlaTnou issued server command: /back [16:53:54] Sowkand issued server command: /mpcaseshop [16:53:55] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [16:53:56] flesziip issued server command: /u асуждаю [16:53:56] BJlaTnou issued server command: /home [16:53:57] Ic3berg issued server command: /home dydre [16:54:00] flesziip issued server command: /helpop асуждаю [16:54:00] Bomw issued server command: /spawn [16:54:03] Bomw issued server command: /we cui [16:54:07] Bomw issued server command: /fly [16:54:09] FROST2137 issued server command: /cart all [16:54:09] Lolota issued server command: /home [16:54:10] Nikitawrik issued server command: /mpcaseshop [16:54:11] Sowkand issued server command: /mpcaseshop [16:54:12] FROST2137 вышел [16:54:12] Nikitawrik issued server command: /mpcaseview 1 [16:54:13] Sowkand issued server command: /mpcaseview 1 [16:54:13] LittleSvinka issued server command: /home [16:54:13] Nikitawrik issued server command: /rollcase 1 [16:54:17] Dark_Monarch issued server command: /u ты шо модку на твинка купил ? [16:54:19] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [16:54:21] FreakFromThePub issued server command: /fly [16:54:21] Lolota issued server command: /кез [16:54:22] Lolota issued server command: /rtp [16:54:22] Demaglhf issued server command: /zset 0 [16:54:23] [L] pash123: да [16:54:24] FROST2137 зашёл [16:54:24] FlipSize issued server command: /u - [16:54:27] Nikitawrik issued server command: /mpcaseshop [16:54:28] FROST2137 issued server command: /we cui [16:54:28] Nikitawrik issued server command: /mpcaseview 1 [16:54:29] Nikitawrik issued server command: /rollcase 1 [16:54:29] Bomw issued server command: /warp char [16:54:31] Nikitawrik issued server command: /mpcaseshop [16:54:31] Bomw issued server command: /warp ch [16:54:32] Demaglhf issued server command: /rg i [16:54:33] Nikitawrik issued server command: /mpcaseview 1 [16:54:33] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [16:54:34] Nikitawrik issued server command: /rollcase 1 [16:54:34] Bomw issued server command: /warp list [16:54:36] Nikitawrik issued server command: /mpcaseshop [16:54:37] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [16:54:37] Nikitawrik issued server command: /mpcaseview 1 [16:54:37] FROST2137 issued server command: /cart all [16:54:38] Demaglhf issued server command: /rg i [16:54:38] Nikitawrik issued server command: /rollcase 1 [16:54:38] me3jack issued server command: //expand 50 up [16:54:39] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [16:54:40] Demaglhf issued server command: /rg i [16:54:40] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [16:54:40] me3jack issued server command: //expand 50 d [16:54:42] Bomw issued server command: /warp shop [16:54:42] slaim01 issued server command: /sell [16:54:43] Demaglhf issued server command: /rg i [16:54:44] [L] pash123: лава тикёт [16:54:45] slaim01 issued server command: //sel [16:54:46] Demaglhf issued server command: /rg i [16:54:48] Sowkand issued server command: /warp shop [16:54:49] SplaschGaming issued server command: /rtp [16:54:50] TOGA issued server command: /kit focus [16:54:50] Sowkand issued server command: /we cui [16:54:52] TheMaxLC issued server command: /home SplaschGaming [16:54:54] Demaglhf issued server command: /rg i [16:54:56] me3jack issued server command: /rg claim village_wooden [16:54:56] Nikitawrik issued server command: /mpcaseshop [16:54:58] Nikitawrik issued server command: /mpcaseview 1 [16:54:59] Nikitawrik issued server command: /rollcase 1 [16:54:59] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [16:55:01] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [16:55:01] Nikitawrik issued server command: /mpcaseshop [16:55:01] Ic3berg issued server command: /rtp [16:55:02] Nikitawrik issued server command: /mpcaseview 1 [16:55:03] Nikitawrik issued server command: /rollcase 1 [16:55:05] [G] AngryHardGame: ! хмъ купить кейсов на 4к эмов чтоль [16:55:07] LittleSvinka issued server command: //chunk [16:55:07] LittleSvinka issued server command: //outset 16 [16:55:07] LittleSvinka issued server command: /zone [16:55:09] slaim01 issued server command: /rtp [16:55:09] termik умер (ENTITY_ATTACK) [16:55:11] ggwin вышел [16:55:12] me3jack issued server command: //expand 25 d [16:55:13] termik issued server command: /we cui [16:55:13] Dydre issued server command: /cart gui [16:55:14] SplaschGaming issued server command: /rg flag [16:55:14] LittleSvinka issued server command: //sel [16:55:14] ggwin зашёл [16:55:16] ggwin issued server command: /we cui [16:55:16] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [16:55:17] Nikitawrik issued server command: /mpcaseshop [16:55:18] SplaschGaming issued server command: /rg flag sss [16:55:18] Nikitawrik issued server command: /mpcaseview 1 [16:55:19] ggwin issued server command: /fly [16:55:20] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [16:55:21] Nikitawrik issued server command: /rollcase 1 [16:55:21] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [16:55:22] [L] pash123: хочу неопознаный объект [16:55:22] SplaschGaming issued server command: /rg flag os95 sss [16:55:26] Ic3berg issued server command: /kit eat [16:55:27] Suyumi issued server command: /fly [16:55:27] [G] BJlaTnou: !Почему портал в снежный мир сделать не могу? [16:55:33] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [16:55:34] Nikitawrik issued server command: /mpcaseshop [16:55:34] termik issued server command: /rtp [16:55:35] Bomw issued server command: /warp npsshop [16:55:35] Nikitawrik issued server command: /mpcaseview 1 [16:55:36] TheMaxLC issued server command: /home SplaschGaming [16:55:37] [L] pash123: ну облака [16:55:37] Nikitawrik issued server command: /rollcase 1 [16:55:38] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [16:55:38] Bomw issued server command: /warp npshop [16:55:39] [G] FlipSize: !Какими часами зажигаешь7 [16:55:41] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [16:55:43] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [16:55:43] FlipSize issued server command: /oi BJlaTnou [16:55:44] termik issued server command: /warp [16:55:45] FROST2137 issued server command: /mpcaseshop [16:55:46] [G] BJlaTnou: !Сумеречные [16:55:46] termik issued server command: /warp list [16:55:50] Bomw issued server command: /warp npcshop [16:55:50] termik issued server command: /warp world [16:55:50] Nikitawrik issued server command: /mpcaseshop [16:55:51] Nikitawrik issued server command: /mpcaseview 1 [16:55:52] Nikitawrik issued server command: /rollcase 1 [16:55:54] [G] FlipSize: !Снежным шаром нужно [16:55:55] Nikitawrik issued server command: /mpcaseshop [16:55:56] Nikitawrik issued server command: /mpcaseview 1 [16:55:57] Nikitawrik issued server command: /rollcase 1 [16:55:58] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [16:55:58] Romanuch issued server command: /kit [16:55:59] Nikitawrik issued server command: /mpcaseshop [16:56:01] Nikitawrik issued server command: /mpcaseview 1 [16:56:01] Nikitawrik issued server command: /rollcase 1 [16:56:02] TOGA issued server command: /kit [16:56:02] TurboLastGame issued server command: /warp npcshop [16:56:04] [G] BJlaTnou: !О как [16:56:04] [G] Vehitsel: !Стыдно не знать [16:56:04] TurboLastGame issued server command: /we cui [16:56:05] Dark_Monarch вышел [16:56:05] AngryHardGame issued server command: /warp world [16:56:06] AngryHardGame issued server command: /we cui [16:56:06] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [16:56:07] termik issued server command: /warp list 2 [16:56:08] AngryHardGame issued server command: /rtp [16:56:10] termik issued server command: /warp list [16:56:14] Nikitawrik issued server command: /mpcaseshop [16:56:15] Nikitawrik issued server command: /mpcaseview 1 [16:56:16] Ilayihoy issued server command: /tp slaim01 [16:56:16] Nikitawrik issued server command: /rollcase 1 [16:56:17] SergoPHS issued server command: /home [16:56:20] termik issued server command: /warp pvp [16:56:23] TheMaxLC issued server command: /rtp [16:56:23] termik issued server command: /we cui [16:56:24] Romanuch issued server command: /kit [16:56:24] Ilayihoy issued server command: /tpa slaim01 [16:56:28] slaim01 issued server command: /tpaccetp [16:56:29] TOGA issued server command: /kit nano [16:56:31] slaim01 issued server command: /tpaccept [16:56:32] Nikitawrik issued server command: /mpcaseshop [16:56:33] Nikitawrik issued server command: /mpcaseview 1 [16:56:34] Nikitawrik issued server command: /rollcase 1 [16:56:34] termik issued server command: /home [16:56:35] Romanuch issued server command: /kit quant [16:56:35] [L] pash123: шо [16:56:36] termik issued server command: /we cui [16:56:37] Demaglhf issued server command: /zset 0 [16:56:38] Ribka умер (ENTITY_ATTACK) [16:56:39] Suyumi issued server command: /warp npc [16:56:42] Sowkand issued server command: /warp shop [16:56:42] Suyumi issued server command: /we cui [16:56:44] Sowkand issued server command: /home [16:56:46] Sowkand issued server command: /we cui [16:56:47] Demaglhf issued server command: /zset 0 [16:56:48] zloy_cool issued server command: /home [16:56:48] Demaglhf issued server command: /zset 0 [16:56:52] Nikitawrik issued server command: /mpcaseshop [16:56:56] TOGA issued server command: /kit ultranano [16:56:56] Nikitawrik issued server command: /mpcaseview 1 [16:56:56] Nikitawrik issued server command: /mpcaseview 1 [16:56:56] FlipSize issued server command: /warp shop [16:56:57] Nikitawrik issued server command: /rollcase 1 [16:56:57] FlipSize issued server command: /we cui [16:57:02] FlipSize issued server command: /vanish [16:57:04] [L] Lolota: fd [16:57:07] FROST2137 issued server command: /mpcaseshop [16:57:08] SplaschGaming issued server command: /rtp [16:57:08] Demaglhf issued server command: /zset 0 [16:57:09] termik issued server command: /rtp [16:57:10] FROST2137 issued server command: /mpcaseview 1 [16:57:11] [L] Bomw: ку [16:57:12] [L] pash123: дак это текстурпак) [16:57:13] FROST2137 issued server command: /rollcase 1 [16:57:16] BJlaTnou issued server command: /home [16:57:17] slaim01 issued server command: /rtp [16:57:18] Nikitawrik issued server command: /mpcaseshop [16:57:19] Nikitawrik issued server command: /mpcaseview 1 [16:57:20] Nikitawrik issued server command: /rollcase 1 [16:57:24] FlipSize issued server command: /dtfhgytdfyghjhgvfdrfuyggvcghv [16:57:25] Sowkand issued server command: /fly [16:57:25] zloy_cool issued server command: /warp shop [16:57:26] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [16:57:27] zloy_cool issued server command: /we cui [16:57:37] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [16:57:39] Nikitawrik issued server command: /cart gui [16:57:40] FROST2137 issued server command: /mpcaseshop [16:57:41] Bomw issued server command: /рщьу [16:57:42] zloy_cool issued server command: /money [16:57:42] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [16:57:45] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [16:57:45] Bomw issued server command: /home turbo [16:57:46] FROST2137 issued server command: /mpcaseview 2 [16:57:47] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [16:57:47] Bomw issued server command: /we cui [16:57:53] Suyumi issued server command: /warp world [16:57:53] Demaglhf issued server command: /zset 0 [16:57:55] TheOldIniquity issued server command: /rtp [16:57:56] Suyumi issued server command: /we cui [16:57:58] TOGA issued server command: /kit [16:57:59] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [16:58:01] termik issued server command: /rtp [16:58:05] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [16:58:05] [L] Vedro_kotyat_dag: сек [16:58:05] Ic3berg issued server command: /home [16:58:05] Bomw issued server command: /fly [16:58:06] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [16:58:08] Ic3berg issued server command: /home dydre [16:58:08] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [16:58:12] Ilayihoy вышел [16:58:15] termik issued server command: /rtp [16:58:15] SergoPHS вышел [16:58:20] Akatsukioff зашёл [16:58:20] TOGA issued server command: /kit extratools [16:58:23] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [16:58:23] Akatsukioff issued server command: /we cui [16:58:26] FROST2137 issued server command: /rollcase 2 [16:58:26] Demaglhf issued server command: /rg i [16:58:27] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [16:58:28] Demaglhf issued server command: /rg i [16:58:29] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [16:58:30] Topioka issued server command: /trade LittleSvinka [16:58:30] Topioka issued server command: /trade LittleSvinka [16:58:30] Topioka issued server command: /trade LittleSvinka [16:58:30] Topioka issued server command: /trade LittleSvinka [16:58:30] Topioka issued server command: /trade LittleSvinka [16:58:30] Topioka issued server command: /trade LittleSvinka [16:58:30] Topioka issued server command: /trade LittleSvinka [16:58:30] Topioka issued server command: /trade LittleSvinka [16:58:30] Topioka issued server command: /trade LittleSvinka [16:58:30] Topioka issued server command: /trade LittleSvinka [16:58:30] Topioka issued server command: /trade LittleSvinka [16:58:30] Topioka был кикнут [16:58:30] Topioka вышел [16:58:31] Demaglhf issued server command: /rg i [16:58:33] TOGA issued server command: /kit extrafrmor [16:58:33] Demaglhf issued server command: /rg i [16:58:35] Demaglhf issued server command: /rg i [16:58:37] Demaglhf issued server command: /rg i [16:58:42] Demaglhf issued server command: /rg i [16:58:44] SplaschGaming issued server command: /tell TheMaxLC 3 преса в одном сундуке [16:58:44] Demaglhf issued server command: /rg i [16:58:44] Topioka зашёл [16:58:46] TOGA issued server command: /kit extraarmor [16:58:46] Demaglhf issued server command: /rg i [16:58:47] Topioka issued server command: /we cui [16:58:48] FROST2137 issued server command: /mpcaseshop [16:58:50] Demaglhf issued server command: /rg i [16:58:51] [L] FlipSize: 10 [16:58:51] Topioka issued server command: /trade LittleSvinka [16:58:52] FROST2137 issued server command: /mpcaseview 2 [16:58:53] FROST2137 issued server command: /rollcase 2 [16:58:56] slaim01 вышел [16:58:58] FlipSize issued server command: /qs unlimited [16:59:00] AngryHardGame issued server command: /kit [16:59:06] [G] Demaglhf: !продам наносеты, инстурменты, сетаю теру за ресы или эмы [16:59:06] AngryHardGame issued server command: /kit novice [16:59:07] Ilayihoy зашёл [16:59:09] Ilayihoy issued server command: /we cui [16:59:14] TurboLastGame issued server command: /home [16:59:15] Suyumi issued server command: /home [16:59:15] FlipSize issued server command: /gamemode 1 [16:59:17] TurboLastGame issued server command: /we cui [16:59:20] FlipSize issued server command: /gamemode 0 [16:59:24] Demaglhf issued server command: /rg i [16:59:24] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [16:59:25] Demaglhf issued server command: /rg i [16:59:27] Demaglhf issued server command: /rg i [16:59:30] Demaglhf issued server command: /rg i [16:59:32] Demaglhf issued server command: /rg i [16:59:35] TurboLastGame вышел [16:59:35] TheMaxLC issued server command: /home SplaschGaming [16:59:39] Nikitawrik issued server command: /warp shop [16:59:39] Demaglhf issued server command: /zset 20 [16:59:41] FlipSize issued server command: /gamemode 1 [16:59:41] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [16:59:41] Nikitawrik issued server command: /we cui [16:59:42] Romanuch issued server command: /tp 69Loqiemean96 [16:59:45] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [16:59:45] FlipSize issued server command: /gamemode 0 [16:59:49] Demaglhf issued server command: /rg i [16:59:50] Demaglhf issued server command: /rg i [16:59:52] Demaglhf issued server command: /rg i [16:59:55] TOGA issued server command: /kit [16:59:55] Demaglhf issued server command: /rg i [16:59:56] FROST2137 issued server command: /cart all [16:59:57] [L] Romanuch: бу [16:59:57] filen2 issued server command: /fly [16:59:57] Demaglhf issued server command: /rg i [16:59:59] Demaglhf issued server command: /rg i [17:00:00] [G] AngryHardGame: ! кто может дк кирку за эмы продать [17:00:02] BJlaTnou issued server command: /m Lolota С кого там боджественные осколки падают? [17:00:02] [L] 69Loqiemean96: тю [17:00:06] Demaglhf issued server command: /zset 20 [17:00:07] TOGA issued server command: /kit tree [17:00:07] [L] 69Loqiemean96: Напугал [17:00:08] Sowkand issued server command: /tpa filen2 [17:00:11] filen2 issued server command: /tpaccept [17:00:11] [G] Romanuch: ! 100к [17:00:16] [L] FlipSize: 10 [17:00:16] Lolota issued server command: /r орда [17:00:18] FlipSize issued server command: /qs unlimited [17:00:19] Demaglhf issued server command: /rg i [17:00:20] Lolota issued server command: /kit start [17:00:22] Demaglhf issued server command: /rg i [17:00:23] Romanuch issued server command: /cart gui [17:00:24] Demaglhf issued server command: /rg i [17:00:27] Demaglhf issued server command: /rg i [17:00:30] Demaglhf issued server command: /rg i [17:00:30] asdadn зашёл [17:00:33] [G] AngryHardGame: ! ладно, совсем без эмов оставляешь [17:00:36] iamfriendly зашёл [17:00:36] me3jack issued server command: //expand 100 down [17:00:38] iamfriendly issued server command: /we cui [17:00:39] [L] FlipSize: 10 [17:00:40] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [17:00:43] FlipSize issued server command: /qs unlimited [17:00:44] Demaglhf issued server command: /zset 20 [17:00:44] filen2 issued server command: /warp 1 [17:00:45] [G] Romanuch: !ладно [17:00:45] me3jack issued server command: /rg claim ff [17:00:46] filen2 issued server command: /home [17:00:47] asdadn issued server command: /we cui [17:00:48] pash123 issued server command: /m Vedro_kotyat_dag я на твоём стриме всем привет сказал) [17:00:49] SplaschGaming issued server command: /home [17:00:49] [G] Romanuch: ! 99990 [17:00:54] Vehitsel issued server command: /playtime [17:00:56] Romanuch issued server command: /home [17:00:57] Demaglhf issued server command: /rg i [17:00:58] BJlaTnou issued server command: /r ид призывалки? [17:00:59] TOGA issued server command: /kit [17:01:00] Demaglhf issued server command: /rg i [17:01:01] [L] FlipSize: 100 [17:01:02] Akatsukioff issued server command: /kit start [17:01:04] asdadn issued server command: /fly [17:01:07] [G] AngryHardGame: ! 99980 я еще кейс купить хочу [17:01:07] Demaglhf issued server command: /zset 20 [17:01:07] TOGA issued server command: /kit res [17:01:08] SergoPHS зашёл [17:01:08] FlipSize issued server command: /qs unlimited [17:01:09] SergoPHS issued server command: /we cui [17:01:11] BJlaTnou issued server command: /r рог орды? [17:01:15] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [17:01:17] Lolota issued server command: /r + [17:01:19] Demaglhf issued server command: /rg i [17:01:21] AngryHardGame issued server command: //chunk [17:01:21] AngryHardGame issued server command: //outset 16 [17:01:21] AngryHardGame issued server command: /zone [17:01:23] me3jack issued server command: /expand 70 up [17:01:23] trololo1991 зашёл [17:01:26] [L] SplaschGaming: асдыдик [17:01:27] me3jack issued server command: //expand 70 up [17:01:27] Dydre issued server command: /home [17:01:27] Demaglhf issued server command: /rg i [17:01:27] [L] SplaschGaming: на [17:01:28] zloy_cool issued server command: /home [17:01:29] me3jack issued server command: //expand 70 d [17:01:29] AngryHardGame issued server command: /rg claim anreal [17:01:30] zloy_cool issued server command: /we cui [17:01:30] termik issued server command: /home [17:01:34] [L] FlipSize: 10 [17:01:34] BJlaTnou issued server command: /r Сколько нужно их для портала в эдем? [17:01:34] TOGA issued server command: /kit [17:01:36] trololo1991 issued server command: /we cui [17:01:36] me3jack issued server command: /rg claim village_wooden [17:01:40] FlipSize issued server command: /qs unlimited [17:01:40] Ic3berg issued server command: /call TheOldIniquity [17:01:42] termik issued server command: /rtp [17:01:45] TOGA issued server command: /kit tools [17:01:46] Demaglhf issued server command: /rg i [17:01:48] BJlaTnou issued server command: /warp portal [17:01:48] TheOldIniquity issued server command: /tpaccept [17:01:49] Ilayihoy issued server command: /home [17:01:50] LeroySabo зашёл [17:01:52] LeroySabo issued server command: /we cui [17:01:53] [L] SplaschGaming: поч [17:01:55] Dydre issued server command: /spawn [17:01:57] Demaglhf issued server command: /rg i [17:01:58] Dydre issued server command: /we cui [17:01:58] Demaglhf issued server command: /rg i [17:01:59] TOGA issued server command: /kit jetpack [17:02:02] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [17:02:03] Demaglhf issued server command: /rg i [17:02:04] filen2 умер (PROJECTILE) [17:02:06] trololo1991 issued server command: /warp world [17:02:06] filen2 issued server command: /we cui [17:02:08] [L] SplaschGaming: они теперь в большом верстаке крафт [17:02:10] Dydre issued server command: /fly [17:02:10] trololo1991 issued server command: /we cui [17:02:12] [L] SplaschGaming: не? [17:02:14] trololo1991 issued server command: /rtp [17:02:14] FlipSize issued server command: /tp flesziip [17:02:17] FlipSize issued server command: /we cui [17:02:19] filen2 умер (ENTITY_ATTACK) [17:02:19] Demaglhf issued server command: /rg i [17:02:20] BJlaTnou вышел [17:02:20] filen2 issued server command: /we cui [17:02:26] Lolota issued server command: /r Хз.Давно оч не играл в такие сборки [17:02:27] filen2 умер (PROJECTILE) [17:02:28] filen2 issued server command: /we cui [17:02:30] Demaglhf issued server command: /rg i [17:02:32] Demaglhf issued server command: /rg i [17:02:33] Ic3berg issued server command: /e ia [17:02:33] Dydre issued server command: /home [17:02:34] [L] SplaschGaming: напиши мб про хлеб [17:02:34] Demaglhf issued server command: /rg i [17:02:34] FlipSize issued server command: /tp Suyumi [17:02:35] Lolota issued server command: /r Хз.Давно оч не играл в такие сборки [17:02:36] Dydre issued server command: /we cui [17:02:37] Lolota issued server command: /home [17:02:38] FlipSize issued server command: /vanish [17:02:38] [L] SplaschGaming: чтобы фиксанули [17:02:41] Demaglhf issued server command: /rg i [17:02:41] TOGA issued server command: /kit mobs [17:02:43] [L] SplaschGaming: флипу кнш [17:02:45] Demaglhf issued server command: /zoen [17:02:47] Demaglhf issued server command: //chunk [17:02:47] Demaglhf issued server command: //outset 16 [17:02:47] Demaglhf issued server command: /zone [17:02:47] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 35:7 [17:02:47] Ribka issued server command: /we cui [17:02:50] [L] SplaschGaming: поч [17:02:52] Demaglhf issued server command: /rg i [17:02:54] FreakFromThePub issued server command: /warp end [17:02:54] [L] SplaschGaming: да нормально [17:02:56] Dydre issued server command: /fly [17:02:56] Akatsukioff issued server command: /kit eat [17:02:56] Demaglhf issued server command: /rg i [17:02:57] IVAHEN зашёл [17:02:58] TweeL1e issued server command: /sethome [17:02:59] Ribka issued server command: /tp slaim [17:03:00] trololo1991 issued server command: /rtp [17:03:00] FreakFromThePub issued server command: /warp list -p [17:03:01] Wonxderixng зашёл [17:03:03] Demaglhf issued server command: /rg i [17:03:03] FlipSize issued server command: //wand [17:03:04] Suyumi вышел [17:03:06] IVAHEN issued server command: /we cui [17:03:06] TOGA issued server command: /kit badmobs [17:03:07] [L] SplaschGaming: чтобы он работал [17:03:07] Ribka issued server command: /call ilaiyhooy [17:03:08] Demaglhf issued server command: /rg i [17:03:09] TurboLastGame зашёл [17:03:09] TheOldIniquity issued server command: /call Dydre [17:03:09] ggwin issued server command: /home [17:03:09] Akatsukioff issued server command: /tpa iam [17:03:13] Dydre issued server command: /tpaccept [17:03:13] Wonxderixng issued server command: /we cui [17:03:13] FreakFromThePub issued server command: /warp list -p 2 [17:03:16] iamfriendly issued server command: /tpaccept [17:03:17] TheOldIniquity issued server command: /sethome [17:03:19] Lolota issued server command: /back [17:03:19] Ribka issued server command: /call ilayhooy [17:03:21] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [17:03:21] Lolota issued server command: /rtp [17:03:24] TurboLastGame issued server command: /we cui [17:03:25] TOGA issued server command: /kit wool [17:03:25] IVAHEN issued server command: /rtp [17:03:29] [L] SplaschGaming: ну как знаеш [17:03:30] AngryHardGame умер (ENTITY_ATTACK) [17:03:30] Ribka issued server command: /call ilaihooy [17:03:32] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [17:03:34] TurboLastGame issued server command: /fly [17:03:34] Lolota вышел [17:03:36] AngryHardGame issued server command: /we cui [17:03:36] IVAHEN вышел [17:03:37] [L] SplaschGaming: надо сделать место под дом [17:03:38] Demaglhf issued server command: /rg list [17:03:41] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [17:03:42] Wonxderixng issued server command: /fly [17:03:42] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [17:03:42] Demaglhf issued server command: /rg claim demich10 [17:03:44] Wonxderixng issued server command: /god [17:03:45] [G] Romanuch: ! Wonxderixng q [17:03:45] [L] SplaschGaming: а то я платформу в небе не хочу [17:03:47] Demaglhf issued server command: /zset 20 [17:03:48] [G] Ilayihoy: !1 [17:03:54] FlipSize issued server command: //sel [17:03:55] [G] Wonxderixng: !Ну и шо тут у нас? [17:03:56] Ribka issued server command: /call ilayihooy [17:03:57] Demaglhf issued server command: //chunk [17:03:57] Demaglhf issued server command: //outset 16 [17:03:57] Demaglhf issued server command: /zone [17:03:58] trololo1991 issued server command: /rtp [17:03:59] TheOldIniquity issued server command: /tpahere Ic3berg [17:04:01] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [17:04:01] Ribka issued server command: /call ilayihoy [17:04:01] Demaglhf issued server command: //chunk [17:04:01] Demaglhf issued server command: //outset 16 [17:04:01] Demaglhf issued server command: /zone [17:04:03] filen2 issued server command: /rtp [17:04:03] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [17:04:04] Ic3berg issued server command: /home [17:04:06] Ilayihoy issued server command: /tpaccept [17:04:07] Ic3berg issued server command: /home dydre [17:04:10] filen2 issued server command: /fly [17:04:11] TOGA issued server command: /kit [17:04:11] slaim01 зашёл [17:04:12] Demaglhf issued server command: /rg i [17:04:16] Demaglhf issued server command: /rg i [17:04:18] FreakFromThePub issued server command: /home [17:04:20] AngryHardGame issued server command: /rg info anreal [17:04:24] slaim01 issued server command: /we cui [17:04:24] AngryHardGame issued server command: /warp world [17:04:26] AngryHardGame issued server command: /we cui [17:04:26] Demaglhf issued server command: /rg i [17:04:28] Demaglhf issued server command: /rg i [17:04:29] AngryHardGame issued server command: /rtp [17:04:29] [L] Nikitawrik: 68 [17:04:32] Demaglhf issued server command: /rg i [17:04:34] [G] Wonxderixng: !Прывет всем [17:04:34] Demaglhf issued server command: /rg i [17:04:34] [L] SplaschGaming: хорошо что флакон есть [17:04:38] Demaglhf issued server command: /rg i [17:04:40] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [17:04:44] AngryHardGame issued server command: /fly [17:04:45] Demaglhf issued server command: /rg i [17:04:46] [L] SplaschGaming: ну так прикольно же [17:04:47] Demaglhf issued server command: /rg i [17:04:48] [L] Nikitawrik: 4 [17:04:48] Demaglhf issued server command: /rg i [17:04:55] [L] SplaschGaming: )) [17:04:55] Wonxderixng issued server command: /tp Nikitawrik [17:04:57] [G] flesziip: ! ez модка)) [17:05:04] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [17:05:04] [L] Wonxderixng: Шопишься? [17:05:08] [L] Wonxderixng: Шоппинг? [17:05:08] [L] SplaschGaming: о моя любимая книга [17:05:11] [L] Nikitawrik: ага [17:05:19] trololo1991 вышел [17:05:23] Nikitawrik issued server command: /money [17:05:26] trololo1991 зашёл [17:05:26] [G] Vehitsel: !нифига тут памошники есть [17:05:27] trololo1991 issued server command: /we cui [17:05:30] Dydre issued server command: /warp world [17:05:36] [L] SplaschGaming: на почитай [17:05:39] TurboLastGame issued server command: /home [17:05:43] [L] SplaschGaming: хорошая книга [17:05:45] [G] Wonxderixng: !А ты чей хейтер? [17:05:59] zloy_cool issued server command: /mpcaseshop [17:06:00] zloy_cool issued server command: /mpcaseview 1 [17:06:00] Demaglhf issued server command: /zset 20 [17:06:01] zloy_cool issued server command: /rollcase 1 [17:06:02] [G] Vehitsel: !бусы [17:06:09] G0KO issued server command: //wand [17:06:15] zloy_cool issued server command: /mpcaseview 1 [17:06:16] [L] Ilayihoy: паможник помоги обкекатся [17:06:16] Dydre issued server command: /warp [17:06:18] Demaglhf issued server command: /zset 20 [17:06:18] G0KO issued server command: /set 0 [17:06:20] Demaglhf issued server command: /zset 20 [17:06:20] Dydre issued server command: /warp list [17:06:20] [G] Ilayihoy: !паможник помоги обкекатся [17:06:21] Demaglhf issued server command: /zset 20 [17:06:22] G0KO issued server command: /set0 [17:06:23] me3jack умер (PROJECTILE) [17:06:24] zloy_cool issued server command: /cart gui [17:06:24] me3jack issued server command: /we cui [17:06:27] LeroySabo issued server command: /rg i [17:06:28] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [17:06:28] Dydre issued server command: /warp end [17:06:32] TOGA issued server command: /warp world [17:06:38] [L] SplaschGaming: хз [17:06:39] [G] Dydre: !а че нету ада чтоли [17:06:39] AngryHardGame issued server command: /sethome [17:06:40] [L] Nikitawrik: 64 [17:06:40] Demaglhf issued server command: /zset 20 [17:06:44] Demaglhf issued server command: /zset 20 [17:06:45] [G] flesziip: !/warp nether [17:06:46] [G] Vehitsel: !нету [17:06:49] TOGA issued server command: /vanish [17:06:49] [G] flesziip: !/warp portal [17:06:51] Dydre issued server command: /warp nether [17:06:53] [G] Razy: !Почему не делается аспект permutatio? [17:06:53] Dydre issued server command: /we cui [17:06:54] TOGA issued server command: /we cui [17:06:57] [L] SplaschGaming: паука пещерного [17:06:59] Dydre issued server command: /fly [17:07:05] Sowkand issued server command: /home [17:07:06] Demaglhf issued server command: /zset 20 [17:07:07] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [17:07:08] [G] Razy: !он же из аква + мотус делается? [17:07:08] AngryHardGame issued server command: /sethome [17:07:11] asdadn issued server command: /fly [17:07:11] SplaschGaming issued server command: /kit [17:07:13] asdadn умер (FALL) [17:07:14] Nikitawrik issued server command: /money [17:07:14] trololo1991 issued server command: /rtp [17:07:14] G0KO issued server command: /zset [17:07:14] asdadn issued server command: /we cui [17:07:15] SplaschGaming issued server command: /kit eat [17:07:17] G0KO issued server command: /zset 1 [17:07:23] [L] Nikitawrik: 2 [17:07:23] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [17:07:26] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [17:07:28] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [17:07:31] asdadn issued server command: /fly [17:07:34] G0KO issued server command: /zset 0 [17:07:36] Demaglhf issued server command: /zset 20 [17:07:37] slaim01 issued server command: /fly [17:07:38] SplaschGaming issued server command: /fly [17:07:40] SplaschGaming умер (FALL) [17:07:40] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [17:07:41] asdadn issued server command: /rtp [17:07:41] SplaschGaming issued server command: /we cui [17:07:41] 69Loqiemean96 issued server command: /kit start [17:07:43] Gazirovka_ зашёл [17:07:44] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [17:07:46] Suyumi зашёл [17:07:48] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [17:07:49] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [17:07:49] Wonxderixng issued server command: /tp Gazirovka_ [17:07:55] [L] Nikitawrik: 64 [17:07:57] slaim01 issued server command: /home [17:07:57] G0KO issued server command: /zwand [17:07:58] Gazirovka_ issued server command: /we cui [17:08:01] Suyumi issued server command: /we cui [17:08:01] [L] Wonxderixng: ты че ток зашел? [17:08:07] SplaschGaming issued server command: /fly [17:08:09] G0KO issued server command: /zset 0 [17:08:09] Demaglhf issued server command: /zset 20 [17:08:11] 69Loqiemean96 issued server command: /kit Extratools [17:08:11] [G] Suyumi: !ы [17:08:11] SplaschGaming issued server command: /fly [17:08:12] pash123 issued server command: /call Vedro_kotyat_dag [17:08:13] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [17:08:15] zloy_cool issued server command: /spawn [17:08:15] SplaschGaming issued server command: /fly [17:08:17] SplaschGaming issued server command: /fly [17:08:17] zloy_cool issued server command: /we cui [17:08:18] SplaschGaming умер (FALL) [17:08:19] SplaschGaming issued server command: /we cui [17:08:19] Bomw issued server command: /home [17:08:23] [G] Sowkand: !}{AQ [17:08:25] [G] Suyumi: !сори шо украла модку [17:08:25] Vedro_kotyat_dag issued server command: /tpaccept [17:08:25] Bomw issued server command: /home turbo [17:08:25] Gazirovka_ issued server command: /wasrp world [17:08:26] termik issued server command: /home [17:08:27] Krantzg зашёл [17:08:28] Suyumi issued server command: /fly [17:08:29] Krantzg issued server command: /we cui [17:08:29] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [17:08:32] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [17:08:33] G0KO issued server command: //sel [17:08:33] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [17:08:34] [L] flesziip: Vehitsel [17:08:34] SplaschGaming issued server command: /fly [17:08:37] [L] pash123: лаги [17:08:41] Bomw issued server command: /rg addmember remos Gazirovka_ [17:08:42] Gazirovka_ issued server command: /kit [17:08:42] slaim01 вышел [17:08:43] Wonxderixng issued server command: /tp Suyumi [17:08:43] Demaglhf issued server command: /zset 20 [17:08:45] Wonxderixng issued server command: /we cui [17:08:48] FlipSize issued server command: /prefix Vehitsel clear [17:08:49] dimdima зашёл [17:08:50] G0KO issued server command: /rg sel [17:08:51] Krantzg issued server command: /cart gui [17:08:51] slaim01 зашёл [17:08:53] [L] Wonxderixng: прив [17:08:53] zloy_cool issued server command: /warp enc [17:08:54] slaim01 issued server command: /we cui [17:08:57] Demaglhf issued server command: /zset 20 [17:08:57] [L] Suyumi: ты как сюда попал [17:08:57] Gazirovka_ issued server command: /tp Bomw [17:08:58] Wonxderixng issued server command: /fly [17:08:58] zloy_cool issued server command: /warp list [17:08:59] trololo1991 issued server command: /kit eat [17:08:59] Gazirovka_ issued server command: /we cui [17:08:59] Gazirovka_ issued server command: /gm 1 [17:08:59] Demaglhf issued server command: /zset 20 [17:09:00] slaim01 issued server command: /fly [17:09:00] filen2 issued server command: /home [17:09:00] trololo1991 issued server command: /rtp [17:09:00] Demaglhf issued server command: /zset 20 [17:09:01] TurboLastGame вышел [17:09:03] [L] Demaglhf: ыфв [17:09:04] filen2 issued server command: /kit [17:09:04] [L] Demaglhf: ыфв [17:09:05] [L] Demaglhf: ыфв [17:09:07] Demaglhf issued server command: /zset 20 [17:09:07] [L] Wonxderixng: проник [17:09:09] [L] pash123: да [17:09:10] asdadn issued server command: /rtp [17:09:10] Krantzg issued server command: /fly [17:09:10] TheOldIniquity issued server command: /home [17:09:11] [G] flesziip: !Vehitsel больше не хейтер [17:09:12] filen2 issued server command: /kit novice [17:09:13] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [17:09:15] zloy_cool issued server command: /warp npcshop [17:09:17] dimdima issued server command: /we cui [17:09:18] SergoPHS вышел [17:09:23] TheMaxLC issued server command: /warp mining [17:09:26] TheMaxLC issued server command: /we cui [17:09:28] Krantzg issued server command: /rtp [17:09:29] [L] pash123: да кину [17:09:30] Nikitawrik issued server command: /tpa Suyumi [17:09:32] TheMaxLC issued server command: /fly [17:09:34] [L] Suyumi: ты ведь знаешь что нельзя телепортироваться без причины [17:09:34] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [17:09:36] Suyumi issued server command: /tpaccept [17:09:37] Sowkand issued server command: /online [17:09:38] Nikitawrik issued server command: /we cui [17:09:47] Demaglhf issued server command: /zset 20 [17:09:53] Demaglhf issued server command: /zsell [17:09:56] Nikitawrik issued server command: /fly [17:09:56] [G] Gazirovka_: ! Vehitsel дадова братан [17:09:58] FROST2137 issued server command: /fly [17:09:59] Demaglhf issued server command: //sel [17:10:07] Gazirovka_ issued server command: /kit [17:10:09] Gazirovka_ issued server command: /kit res [17:10:10] Suyumi issued server command: /rg s [17:10:11] G0KO issued server command: //zsel [17:10:14] me3jack issued server command: //sel [17:10:15] G0KO issued server command: //sel [17:10:16] FROST2137 issued server command: /fly [17:10:17] G0KO issued server command: //sel [17:10:23] FROST2137 issued server command: /fly [17:10:28] Gazirovka_ issued server command: /kit mobs [17:10:32] zloy_cool issued server command: /home [17:10:34] zloy_cool issued server command: /we cui [17:10:35] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [17:10:36] flesziip issued server command: /rg remove blacksun_centre [17:10:37] Razy issued server command: /trade Demaglhf [17:10:37] Suyumi issued server command: /rg claim Blacksun_centre flesziip [17:10:41] Gazirovka_ issued server command: /kit badmobs [17:10:41] [L] pash123: кит [17:10:41] termik issued server command: /rtp [17:10:49] [L] flesziip: invincible [17:10:49] Vedro_kotyat_dag умер (ENTITY_ATTACK) [17:10:50] [L] Demaglhf: отклонить [17:10:51] pash123 умер (ENTITY_ATTACK) [17:10:52] [L] flesziip: allow [17:10:52] Vedro_kotyat_dag issued server command: /we cui [17:10:52] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [17:10:52] pash123 issued server command: /we cui [17:10:53] Demaglhf issued server command: /trade cancel [17:10:54] Gazirovka_ issued server command: /kit wool [17:10:55] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [17:10:56] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [17:10:57] Vedro_kotyat_dag issued server command: /tpa pash123 [17:10:58] iamfriendly issued server command: /rtp [17:11:00] Suyumi issued server command: /rg flag Blacksun_centre invinvible allow [17:11:01] pash123 issued server command: /tpaccept [17:11:02] KotAgresor зашёл [17:11:03] SplaschGaming issued server command: /tell asdadn еще можна в данжах джангл [17:11:03] Vedro_kotyat_dag issued server command: /we cui [17:11:03] iamfriendly вышел [17:11:04] [L] pash123: я муер( [17:11:05] KotAgresor issued server command: /we cui [17:11:06] G0KO issued server command: /zset 0 [17:11:06] Suyumi issued server command: /rg flag Blacksun_centre invincible allow [17:11:07] Gazirovka_ issued server command: /kit tools [17:11:10] G0KO issued server command: /zset 0 [17:11:10] Suyumi issued server command: //sel [17:11:11] [L] pash123: эт недалеко [17:11:12] G0KO issued server command: /zset 0 [17:11:13] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [17:11:14] Vedro_kotyat_dag issued server command: /sethome [17:11:15] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [17:11:17] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [17:11:22] [L] pash123: эт недалеко [17:11:23] Gazirovka_ issued server command: /tphere Wonxderixng [17:11:24] Solordiy issued server command: /home LittleSvinka [17:11:26] pash123 issued server command: /fly [17:11:27] Vedro_kotyat_dag issued server command: /fly [17:11:31] Suyumi issued server command: /rg addmember blacksun_centre Nikitawrik [17:11:31] Gazirovka_ issued server command: /kit jetpack [17:11:32] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [17:11:35] [L] pash123: да всеголишь [17:11:36] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [17:11:37] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [17:11:38] filen2 issued server command: /rg o [17:11:39] filen2 issued server command: /rg i [17:11:39] KotAgresor issued server command: /trade FROST2137 [17:11:39] G0KO issued server command: /call LEHbDYMATb [17:11:40] [L] pash123: ну да [17:11:42] Nikitawrik issued server command: /rg i [17:11:42] KotAgresor issued server command: /trade FROST2137 [17:11:45] Bomw issued server command: /rg addmember remos Wonxderixng [17:11:45] LittleSvinka умер (LAVA) [17:11:46] LEHbDYMATb issued server command: /tpaccept [17:11:47] Suyumi issued server command: //sel [17:11:47] Lolota зашёл [17:11:50] [L] pash123: говорю что мало [17:11:55] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [17:11:55] Wonxderixng вышел [17:11:56] Ribka issued server command: /warp lits [17:11:57] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [17:11:58] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [17:11:59] Gazirovka_ issued server command: /kit nano [17:11:59] Suyumi issued server command: /kit [17:11:59] Ribka issued server command: /warl list [17:12:00] Lolota issued server command: /we cui [17:12:01] Wonxderixng зашёл [17:12:01] LittleSvinka issued server command: /we cui [17:12:03] Wonxderixng issued server command: /we cui [17:12:07] Ribka issued server command: /list warp [17:12:07] Gazirovka_ issued server command: /kit res [17:12:10] Suyumi issued server command: /kit res [17:12:10] Wonxderixng issued server command: /god [17:12:11] Gazirovka_ issued server command: /kit ae_shadow [17:12:12] Wonxderixng issued server command: /god [17:12:13] Ribka issued server command: /warp ad [17:12:13] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [17:12:14] Wonxderixng issued server command: /fly [17:12:14] Lolota issued server command: /fly [17:12:14] Gazirovka_ issued server command: /kit tree [17:12:16] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [17:12:16] LittleSvinka issued server command: /KITS [17:12:16] Ribka issued server command: /warp nether [17:12:17] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [17:12:18] LittleSvinka issued server command: /kits top [17:12:18] Gazirovka_ issued server command: /kit extratools [17:12:19] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [17:12:19] Ribka issued server command: /we cui [17:12:21] Gazirovka_ issued server command: /kit ichor [17:12:22] Suyumi issued server command: /kit mobs [17:12:25] Ilayihoy issued server command: /rtp [17:12:26] SplaschGaming issued server command: /tell asdadn для блоков на -фпс [17:12:27] Gazirovka_ issued server command: /kit extraarmor [17:12:30] Gazirovka_ issued server command: /kit quant [17:12:35] Gazirovka_ issued server command: /kit ultranano [17:12:43] [L] pash123: я свои сорбрал [17:12:44] G0KO issued server command: /home [17:12:46] slaim01 issued server command: /rtp [17:12:47] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [17:12:48] me3jack issued server command: /HOME [17:12:57] [L] pash123: крабик [17:12:58] Gazirovka_ issued server command: /kit superichor [17:12:58] ggwin вышел [17:13:05] Suyumi issued server command: /feed Nikitawrik [17:13:06] BJlaTnou зашёл [17:13:11] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [17:13:12] Gazirovka_ issued server command: /kit [17:13:15] Gazirovka_ issued server command: /kit focus [17:13:16] [G] Vehitsel: !О хай [17:13:17] BJlaTnou issued server command: /we cui [17:13:19] [L] flesziip: ./food [17:13:22] [L] flesziip: ./heal [17:13:23] Demaglhf issued server command: /home [17:13:28] Dydre issued server command: /home [17:13:29] Gazirovka_ issued server command: /kit ae_mod [17:13:29] Lolota issued server command: /rtp [17:13:30] Suyumi issued server command: /food flesziip [17:13:30] Dydre issued server command: /we cui [17:13:32] filen2 issued server command: /mpcaseshop [17:13:33] BJlaTnou issued server command: /we cui [17:13:35] [L] Suyumi: feed [17:13:36] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [17:13:38] BJlaTnou issued server command: /fly [17:13:40] flesziip issued server command: /eat [17:13:41] SplaschGaming issued server command: /r у нас изумрудов нет? [17:13:43] [L] flesziip: ./eat [17:13:43] G0KO issued server command: /кп ыуд [17:13:43] [L] pash123: ещё крабик) [17:13:43] Gazirovka_ issued server command: /kit thaum [17:13:46] Suyumi issued server command: /heal flesziip [17:13:48] Dydre issued server command: /fly [17:13:52] Gazirovka_ issued server command: /kit novice [17:13:55] G0KO issued server command: /rg sel [17:13:55] [L] pash123: знаю [17:13:56] Gazirovka_ issued server command: /kit superichor [17:13:57] SplaschGaming issued server command: /r жаль [17:13:58] Gazirovka_ issued server command: /kit [17:14:02] pash123 issued server command: /call Vedro_kotyat_dag [17:14:02] Gazirovka_ issued server command: /kit superthaum [17:14:03] [G] AngryHardGame: ! кто продаст дк/виверн кирку за эмы ? [17:14:07] Suyumi issued server command: //zwand [17:14:07] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [17:14:08] Gazirovka_ issued server command: /kit shard [17:14:09] Suyumi issued server command: /zwand [17:14:12] ggwin зашёл [17:14:14] Gazirovka_ issued server command: /kit diamond [17:14:14] me3jack умер (FALL) [17:14:15] [G] Dydre: !отдыхай у тебя не хватит [17:14:17] Suyumi issued server command: /zset 1 [17:14:17] me3jack issued server command: /we cui [17:14:18] ggwin issued server command: /we cui [17:14:19] Gazirovka_ issued server command: /kit emerald [17:14:19] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [17:14:20] G0KO issued server command: //sel [17:14:22] Gazirovka_ issued server command: /kit mod [17:14:22] ggwin issued server command: /fly [17:14:23] [G] AngryHardGame: ! а че скок [17:14:26] [L] pash123: кит [17:14:29] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [17:14:30] Suyumi issued server command: /rg s [17:14:31] [L] pash123: 2 кита [17:14:32] SplaschGaming issued server command: /r я тебе в дс кинул крафт [17:14:32] Ribka issued server command: /home [17:14:34] Ribka issued server command: /we cui [17:14:34] [G] Dydre: !5к виверн стоит [17:14:37] Ribka issued server command: /tp slaim [17:14:38] slaim01 issued server command: /home [17:14:41] [L] Dydre: зарядник [17:14:45] flesziip issued server command: /god [17:14:48] [G] AngryHardGame: ! ну на виверн то хватит ;) [17:14:48] flesziip issued server command: /fly [17:14:57] slaim01 issued server command: /tpaccept [17:15:00] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [17:15:03] TOGA issued server command: /home [17:15:04] Ribka issued server command: /call slaim [17:15:05] Gazirovka_ issued server command: /kit [17:15:05] Romanuch issued server command: /m AngryHardGame продам виверн [17:15:05] TOGA issued server command: /we cui [17:15:07] Suyumi issued server command: /zset 159:9 [17:15:07] slaim01 issued server command: /tpaccept [17:15:08] Vedro_kotyat_dag issued server command: /home [17:15:08] TheOldIniquity issued server command: /home [17:15:15] LeroySabo вышел [17:15:17] Meinshoke зашёл [17:15:19] AngryHardGame issued server command: /r чуть попозже ток [17:15:21] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [17:15:23] Lolota issued server command: /rtp [17:15:25] Vedro_kotyat_dag issued server command: /tpa pash123 [17:15:26] G0KO issued server command: /zset 0 [17:15:28] SplaschGaming issued server command: /r - [17:15:29] pash123 issued server command: /tpaccewpt [17:15:31] Meinshoke issued server command: /we cui [17:15:33] SplaschGaming issued server command: /r я в дс так же написал что это [17:15:35] Topioka issued server command: /trade Solordiy [17:15:38] Suyumi issued server command: //sel [17:15:40] pash123 issued server command: /tpaccept [17:15:43] SplaschGaming issued server command: /r вроде это то про что ты и говорил [17:15:44] [L] pash123: на [17:15:44] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [17:15:47] [G] AngryHardGame: ! а тут виверн кирку бафать можн ? [17:15:48] [L] pash123: нет я [17:15:48] SergoPHS зашёл [17:15:49] Suyumi issued server command: /kit [17:15:50] SergoPHS issued server command: /we cui [17:15:50] G0KO issued server command: /zset 0 [17:15:54] [L] pash123: я залутал его я [17:15:55] Suyumi issued server command: /kit badmobs [17:15:56] Ribka issued server command: /sethome [17:15:56] Akatsukioff вышел [17:15:56] [G] Dydre: !дк можно [17:15:56] SplaschGaming issued server command: /r ну так спавнер без спавна мобов [17:15:57] [L] pash123: а [17:15:57] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [17:15:59] Vedro_kotyat_dag issued server command: /kit [17:16:00] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [17:16:00] [G] flesziip: !дк и далее [17:16:01] Suyumi issued server command: /kit eat [17:16:02] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [17:16:02] asdadn issued server command: /rtp [17:16:03] Vedro_kotyat_dag issued server command: /kit start [17:16:04] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [17:16:05] Suyumi issued server command: /kit tools [17:16:05] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [17:16:05] [L] pash123: там китц [17:16:06] Akatsukioff зашёл [17:16:07] [G] Demaglhf: !продам виверн кирку [17:16:08] Akatsukioff issued server command: /we cui [17:16:11] Demaglhf issued server command: /spawn [17:16:13] [L] pash123: во [17:16:14] TOGA issued server command: /money AngryHardGame [17:16:16] G0KO issued server command: /zset 0 [17:16:17] Demaglhf issued server command: /we cui [17:16:17] [L] Lolota: 2 [17:16:17] Suyumi issued server command: /kit jetpack [17:16:17] Meinshoke issued server command: /rtp [17:16:18] Nikitawrik issued server command: /trade flesziip [17:16:18] Gazirovka_ issued server command: /rg i [17:16:22] Gazirovka_ issued server command: /rg s [17:16:22] Suyumi issued server command: /kit nano [17:16:22] [L] pash123: с зади чёрн дома [17:16:25] AngryHardGame вышел [17:16:25] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [17:16:27] [L] Lolota: s [17:16:32] Meinshoke issued server command: /warp world [17:16:33] Meinshoke issued server command: /we cui [17:16:34] dimdima issued server command: /tpa KotAgresor [17:16:37] Suyumi issued server command: /kit ae_shadow [17:16:39] Meinshoke issued server command: /rtp [17:16:39] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [17:16:44] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [17:16:44] Vedro_kotyat_dag умер (ENTITY_ATTACK) [17:16:45] KotAgresor issued server command: /tpaccept [17:16:46] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [17:16:46] Vedro_kotyat_dag issued server command: /we cui [17:16:47] dimdima issued server command: /we cui [17:16:49] Vedro_kotyat_dag issued server command: /tpa pash123 [17:16:55] Sowkand issued server command: /rg s [17:16:56] Vedro_kotyat_dag issued server command: /fly [17:16:56] pash123 issued server command: /tpaccept [17:16:56] Suyumi issued server command: /kit extratools [17:16:59] [L] dimdima: привет [17:17:00] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [17:17:01] pash123 умер (ENTITY_ATTACK) [17:17:03] [L] KotAgresor: здраствуй друг [17:17:03] pash123 issued server command: /we cui [17:17:03] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [17:17:03] Suyumi issued server command: /kit ichor [17:17:06] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [17:17:06] pash123 issued server command: /call Vedro_kotyat_dag [17:17:07] G0KO issued server command: /zset 0 [17:17:07] Lolota issued server command: /rrtp [17:17:09] Lolota issued server command: /rtp [17:17:10] Suyumi issued server command: /kit quant [17:17:10] TOGA issued server command: /warp world [17:17:16] Vedro_kotyat_dag issued server command: /tpaccept [17:17:17] TOGA issued server command: /we cui [17:17:17] pash123 issued server command: /адн [17:17:18] G0KO issued server command: /zset 0 [17:17:20] pash123 issued server command: /fly [17:17:21] Sowkand issued server command: //sel [17:17:25] Suyumi issued server command: /kit ultranano [17:17:25] FreakFromThePub issued server command: /kit eat [17:17:27] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [17:17:32] G0KO issued server command: /zset 0 [17:17:34] Suyumi issued server command: /kit superichor [17:17:39] [L] pash123: tls [17:17:51] G0KO issued server command: /zset 0 [17:17:52] [L] pash123: еды [17:17:53] G0KO issued server command: /zset 0 [17:17:54] Demaglhf issued server command: /warp list [17:17:59] Suyumi issued server command: /kit focus [17:18:00] TheOldIniquity issued server command: /home [17:18:05] [L] pash123: спс [17:18:05] Demaglhf issued server command: /warp portal [17:18:12] SplaschGaming issued server command: /kit eat [17:18:14] BJlaTnou issued server command: /warp portal [17:18:14] BJlaTnou issued server command: /we cui [17:18:19] G0KO issued server command: /zset 0 [17:18:20] Meinshoke issued server command: /rtp [17:18:23] Suyumi issued server command: /kit ae_mod [17:18:27] [L] pash123: да [17:18:29] BJlaTnou issued server command: /we cui [17:18:31] [L] pash123: голова [17:18:33] MrRomaLol зашёл [17:18:34] Krantzg вышел [17:18:36] Gazirovka_ issued server command: //chunk [17:18:36] Gazirovka_ issued server command: //outset 16 [17:18:36] Gazirovka_ issued server command: /zone [17:18:37] BJlaTnou issued server command: /fly [17:18:39] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [17:18:39] AngryHardGame зашёл [17:18:41] AngryHardGame issued server command: /we cui [17:18:43] LEHbDYMATb issued server command: /tpa KotAgresor [17:18:43] MrRomaLol issued server command: /we cui [17:18:43] Suyumi issued server command: /kit [17:18:43] asdadn issued server command: /home [17:18:43] Vedro_kotyat_dag умер (ENTITY_ATTACK) [17:18:44] AngryHardGame issued server command: /mpcaseshop [17:18:45] SplaschGaming issued server command: //chunk [17:18:45] Vedro_kotyat_dag issued server command: /we cui [17:18:46] AngryHardGame issued server command: /mpcaseview 6 [17:18:48] zloy_cool issued server command: /home [17:18:48] AngryHardGame issued server command: /rollcase 6 [17:18:49] Suyumi issued server command: /kit extraarmor [17:18:52] Vedro_kotyat_dag issued server command: /tpa pash123 [17:18:52] Demaglhf issued server command: /home [17:18:52] asdadn issued server command: /back [17:18:54] Demaglhf issued server command: /we cui [17:18:55] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [17:18:57] pash123 issued server command: /tpaccept [17:18:57] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [17:18:58] SplaschGaming issued server command: /; [17:18:58] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [17:18:59] KotAgresor issued server command: /tpaccept [17:19:00] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [17:19:01] AngryHardGame issued server command: /mpcaseview 6 [17:19:03] Suyumi issued server command: /kit [17:19:08] Meinshoke issued server command: /sethome [17:19:08] Suyumi issued server command: /kit thaum [17:19:09] G0KO issued server command: /zset 0 [17:19:10] [G] AngryHardGame: ! а ладно так проще пожалуй [17:19:12] [G] Romanuch: !xD [17:19:12] [L] pash123: Ytpyf. [17:19:15] G0KO issued server command: /zset 0 [17:19:16] [L] pash123: незнаю [17:19:16] pash123 issued server command: /mpcaseshop [17:19:17] Meinshoke issued server command: /home [17:19:17] Vedro_kotyat_dag issued server command: /fly [17:19:21] pash123 issued server command: /mpcaseview 6 [17:19:25] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [17:19:26] Suyumi issued server command: /kit superthaum [17:19:28] [L] KotAgresor: dimdima заходи в дс [17:19:32] [L] pash123: мало хп [17:19:34] Suyumi issued server command: /kit shard [17:19:38] [L] dimdima: 5 сек [17:19:46] Suyumi issued server command: /kit mod [17:19:49] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [17:19:50] [L] pash123: кит [17:19:50] Meinshoke issued server command: //wand [17:19:50] G0KO issued server command: /zset 0 [17:20:01] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [17:20:02] MrRomaLol issued server command: /tp Meinshoke [17:20:03] [G] AngryHardGame: ! хм теперь бы еще ее зарядить .-. [17:20:06] G0KO issued server command: /zset 0 [17:20:07] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [17:20:07] [G] Demaglhf: !как переключить режим на буре [17:20:08] MrRomaLol issued server command: /tpa Meinshoke [17:20:09] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [17:20:12] G0KO issued server command: /zset 0 [17:20:15] Inotik зашёл [17:20:16] [G] flesziip: !M + ПКМ [17:20:16] Meinshoke issued server command: /tpaccept [17:20:17] Bomw issued server command: /rg delete remos [17:20:17] MrRomaLol issued server command: /we cui [17:20:18] Vehitsel issued server command: /rg i [17:20:18] Gazirovka_ issued server command: /rg claim baza Bomw Wonxderixng he11star Sowkand [17:20:22] Vedro_kotyat_dag issued server command: /trade pash123 [17:20:22] Vedro_kotyat_dag issued server command: /trade pash123 [17:20:22] Vedro_kotyat_dag issued server command: /trade pash123 [17:20:22] Vedro_kotyat_dag issued server command: /trade pash123 [17:20:22] Vedro_kotyat_dag issued server command: /trade pash123 [17:20:22] Vedro_kotyat_dag issued server command: /trade pash123 [17:20:22] Vedro_kotyat_dag issued server command: /trade pash123 [17:20:22] Vedro_kotyat_dag issued server command: /trade pash123 [17:20:23] Vedro_kotyat_dag issued server command: /trade pash123 [17:20:23] Gazirovka_ issued server command: /rg i [17:20:27] Inotik issued server command: /we cui [17:20:27] Romanuch issued server command: /home invite Inotik [17:20:27] Bomw issued server command: /rg info [17:20:29] Sowkand issued server command: /rg info [17:20:30] G0KO issued server command: /zset 0 [17:20:31] pash123 issued server command: /trade accept [17:20:32] G0KO issued server command: /zset 0 [17:20:37] TheMaxLC issued server command: /home SplaschGaming [17:20:37] Topioka issued server command: /tpa LittleSvinka [17:20:39] Vedro_kotyat_dag issued server command: /trade pash123 [17:20:39] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [17:20:39] TheMaxLC issued server command: /we cui [17:20:41] LittleSvinka issued server command: /tpaccept [17:20:42] pash123 issued server command: /trade accept [17:20:46] G0KO issued server command: /zset 0 [17:20:46] Topioka issued server command: /home [17:20:49] G0KO issued server command: /zset 0 [17:20:49] [L] Gazirovka_: 1 [17:20:50] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [17:20:50] G0KO issued server command: /zset 0 [17:20:51] G0KO issued server command: /zset 0 [17:20:52] Inotik issued server command: /tp roma [17:20:52] G0KO issued server command: /zset 0 [17:20:56] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [17:20:57] Inotik issued server command: /we cui [17:20:59] Sowkand issued server command: /rg addmember baza filen2 [17:20:59] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [17:21:01] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [17:21:03] filen2 issued server command: /rg i [17:21:03] Gazirovka_ issued server command: /rg i [17:21:08] [G] Inotik: ! rfdj [17:21:10] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [17:21:10] [G] Inotik: ! каво [17:21:13] [L] pash123: нет [17:21:13] TheMaxLC issued server command: /kit start [17:21:14] SimpleBoi зашёл [17:21:15] [G] Demaglhf: ! @flesziip спс [17:21:15] [L] Dydre: где стекло бля [17:21:16] Lolota issued server command: /home [17:21:17] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [17:21:19] SimpleBoi issued server command: /we cui [17:21:20] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [17:21:21] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [17:21:22] [L] pash123: я не трейдил ни как [17:21:24] [G] flesziip: ! таво [17:21:27] Gazirovka_ issued server command: /god [17:21:28] Gazirovka_ issued server command: /fly [17:21:29] G0KO issued server command: /zset 0 [17:21:32] [L] pash123: я отайду [17:21:34] [L] Inotik: не туда [17:21:36] Demaglhf issued server command: /kits [17:21:40] G0KO issued server command: /zset 0 [17:21:40] [L] Inotik: я в бездну упал [17:21:41] G0KO issued server command: /zset 0 [17:21:46] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [17:21:51] Gazirovka_ issued server command: //chunk [17:21:51] Gazirovka_ issued server command: //outset 16 [17:21:51] Gazirovka_ issued server command: /zone [17:21:53] Gazirovka_ issued server command: /rg claim baza1 Bomw Wonxderixng he11star Sowkand filen2 [17:21:55] Wonxderixng issued server command: /kit [17:21:55] SplaschGaming issued server command: /rtp [17:21:59] SimpleBoi issued server command: /rtp [17:22:00] G0KO issued server command: /zset 0 [17:22:01] Gazirovka_ issued server command: //chunk [17:22:01] Gazirovka_ issued server command: //outset 16 [17:22:01] Gazirovka_ issued server command: /zone [17:22:01] SplaschGaming issued server command: /tell asdadn + [17:22:03] Romanuch issued server command: /sethome [17:22:03] asdadn вышел [17:22:04] [L] Romanuch: тп [17:22:04] Gazirovka_ issued server command: /rg claim baza2 Bomw Wonxderixng he11star Sowkand filen2 [17:22:04] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [17:22:07] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [17:22:08] SergoPHS issued server command: /call ggwin [17:22:09] [L] Romanuch: на хом [17:22:11] Gazirovka_ issued server command: //chunk [17:22:11] Gazirovka_ issued server command: //outset 16 [17:22:11] Gazirovka_ issued server command: /zone [17:22:12] SergoPHS issued server command: /sethome [17:22:12] Vehitsel issued server command: /playtime FlipSize [17:22:12] Wonxderixng issued server command: /kit diamond [17:22:12] Inotik issued server command: /tp roma [17:22:13] ggwin issued server command: /tpaccept [17:22:13] TheMaxLC issued server command: /fly [17:22:14] me3jack issued server command: /menu [17:22:17] me3jack issued server command: /donate [17:22:18] Gazirovka_ issued server command: /rg claim baza3 Bomw Wonxderixng he11star Sowkand filen2 [17:22:19] Inotik issued server command: /ыуерщьу [17:22:22] [L] Inotik: .sethome [17:22:22] G0KO issued server command: /zset 0 [17:22:24] me3jack issued server command: /sethome [17:22:25] Gazirovka_ issued server command: //chunk [17:22:25] Gazirovka_ issued server command: //outset 16 [17:22:25] Gazirovka_ issued server command: /zone [17:22:25] Inotik issued server command: /sethome [17:22:25] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [17:22:27] AngryHardGame issued server command: /mpcaseshop [17:22:27] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [17:22:29] AngryHardGame issued server command: /mpcaseview 6 [17:22:29] me3jack issued server command: /spawn [17:22:30] Gazirovka_ issued server command: /rg claim baza4 Bomw Wonxderixng he11star Sowkand filen2 [17:22:30] me3jack issued server command: /we cui [17:22:30] Romanuch issued server command: /rg addmember romanuch Inotik [17:22:31] AngryHardGame issued server command: /rollcase 6 [17:22:31] Vehitsel issued server command: /playtime [17:22:32] [L] Inotik: v rg [17:22:34] Inotik issued server command: /sethome [17:22:35] Gazirovka_ issued server command: //chunk [17:22:35] Gazirovka_ issued server command: //outset 16 [17:22:35] Gazirovka_ issued server command: /zone [17:22:38] dimdima issued server command: /rg info [17:22:39] Gazirovka_ issued server command: /rg claim baza5 Bomw Wonxderixng he11star Sowkand filen2 [17:22:40] [L] Romanuch: уже [17:22:41] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [17:22:43] AngryHardGame issued server command: /mpcaseview 6 [17:22:44] Gazirovka_ issued server command: //chunk [17:22:44] Gazirovka_ issued server command: //outset 16 [17:22:44] Gazirovka_ issued server command: /zone [17:22:45] G0KO issued server command: /zset 0 [17:22:45] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [17:22:46] Lolota вышел [17:22:48] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [17:22:48] KotAgresor issued server command: /home [17:22:50] TheMaxLC issued server command: /warp nether [17:22:51] Ribka issued server command: /kit eat [17:22:53] TheMaxLC issued server command: /we cui [17:22:53] Gazirovka_ issued server command: /rg claim baza6 Bomw Wonxderixng he11star Sowkand filen2 [17:22:55] Inotik issued server command: /kit [17:22:56] KotAgresor issued server command: /sethome [17:22:57] termik issued server command: /рщьу [17:22:59] termik issued server command: /home [17:22:59] Inotik issued server command: /kit Mod [17:23:02] TheMaxLC issued server command: /fly [17:23:02] Ic3berg issued server command: /pt [17:23:03] G0KO issued server command: /zset 0 [17:23:03] Gazirovka_ issued server command: //chunk [17:23:03] Gazirovka_ issued server command: //outset 16 [17:23:03] Gazirovka_ issued server command: /zone [17:23:03] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [17:23:03] Ilayihoy issued server command: /home [17:23:03] Gazirovka_ issued server command: /rg claim baza7 Bomw Wonxderixng he11star Sowkand filen2 [17:23:03] MR_NEON зашёл [17:23:04] [G] AngryHardGame: ! кто может зарядить ? [17:23:05] G0KO issued server command: /zset 0 [17:23:06] Ic3berg issued server command: /play time [17:23:07] trololo1991 issued server command: /кез [17:23:07] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [17:23:08] Ic3berg issued server command: /playtime [17:23:08] trololo1991 issued server command: /rtp [17:23:09] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [17:23:09] Gazirovka_ issued server command: //chunk [17:23:09] Gazirovka_ issued server command: //outset 16 [17:23:09] Gazirovka_ issued server command: /zone [17:23:09] [G] flesziip: !что [17:23:12] asdadn зашёл [17:23:12] Gazirovka_ issued server command: /rg claim baza8 Bomw Wonxderixng he11star Sowkand filen2 [17:23:13] [G] AngryHardGame: ! кондер [17:23:13] MrRomaLol issued server command: /tpaccpet [17:23:14] asdadn issued server command: /we cui [17:23:16] asdadn issued server command: /fly [17:23:17] [G] Vehitsel: !да зарядки на каждом варпе [17:23:17] [G] flesziip: !рф или еу? [17:23:17] MrRomaLol issued server command: /tpaccept [17:23:17] Meinshoke issued server command: /tpa MrRomaLol [17:23:19] [G] Demaglhf: !ну да [17:23:19] MrRomaLol issued server command: /tpaccept [17:23:21] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [17:23:22] [G] Demaglhf: !250 млн энергии [17:23:23] G0KO issued server command: /zset 0 [17:23:24] [G] Demaglhf: !на старте [17:23:27] [G] AngryHardGame: ! аче [17:23:28] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [17:23:28] asdadn вышел [17:23:29] [G] Gazirovka_: ! Vehitsel внатуре на каждом)) [17:23:29] G0KO issued server command: /sethome [17:23:30] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [17:23:31] [G] Gazirovka_: !которых нет [17:23:34] G0KO issued server command: /zset 0 [17:23:37] Wonxderixng issued server command: /kit emerald [17:23:39] [G] AngryHardGame: ! так сделой Gazirovka_ [17:23:40] FilyWay зашёл [17:23:41] nusha зашёл [17:23:43] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [17:23:43] FilyWay issued server command: /we cui [17:23:43] nusha issued server command: /we cui [17:23:46] [G] Vehitsel: !да я давно не играл прост забыл( [17:23:47] MR_NEON issued server command: /we cui [17:23:48] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [17:23:48] G0KO issued server command: /zset 0 [17:23:49] [G] Gazirovka_: !уже строю магаз [17:23:49] Demaglhf issued server command: /rg list [17:23:50] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [17:23:53] [G] Vehitsel: !реально газировка где варп? [17:23:59] G0KO issued server command: /zset 0 [17:24:03] [G] AngryHardGame: ! прекрасно [17:24:05] Demaglhf issued server command: /rg addmember demich razy [17:24:09] Demaglhf issued server command: /rg addmember demich10 razy [17:24:13] FilyWay issued server command: /fly [17:24:14] Demaglhf issued server command: /rg addmember demich2 razy [17:24:16] Gazirovka_ issued server command: /rg s [17:24:16] Demaglhf issued server command: /rg addmember demich3 razy [17:24:17] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [17:24:20] Demaglhf issued server command: /rg addmember demich4 razy [17:24:22] Demaglhf issued server command: /rg addmember demich5 razy [17:24:23] Gazirovka_ issued server command: //chunk [17:24:23] Gazirovka_ issued server command: //outset 16 [17:24:23] Gazirovka_ issued server command: /zone [17:24:25] FilyWay issued server command: /warp end [17:24:25] Demaglhf issued server command: /rg addmember demich6 razy [17:24:27] Gazirovka_ issued server command: /rg claim baza9 Bomw Wonxderixng he11star Sowkand filen2 [17:24:27] FilyWay issued server command: /we cui [17:24:28] Demaglhf issued server command: /rg addmember demich7 razy [17:24:28] G0KO issued server command: /zset 0 [17:24:30] [G] Vedro_kotyat_dag: !f rjulf dfq ,sk [17:24:30] AngryHardGame issued server command: /warp npcshop [17:24:31] FilyWay issued server command: /home [17:24:31] Demaglhf issued server command: /rg addmember demich8 razy [17:24:31] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [17:24:32] AngryHardGame issued server command: /we cui [17:24:32] FilyWay issued server command: /we cui [17:24:32] Gazirovka_ issued server command: //chunk [17:24:32] Gazirovka_ issued server command: //outset 16 [17:24:32] Gazirovka_ issued server command: /zone [17:24:33] Wonxderixng issued server command: /kit superthaum [17:24:35] Gazirovka_ issued server command: /rg claim baza10 Bomw Wonxderixng he11star Sowkand filen2 [17:24:36] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [17:24:38] [G] Vedro_kotyat_dag: !а когда вайп был [17:24:38] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [17:24:40] Demaglhf issued server command: /rg addmember demich9 razy [17:24:41] G0KO issued server command: /zset 0 [17:24:45] [G] Vehitsel: !давно [17:24:48] me3jack issued server command: /case [17:24:48] [G] AngryHardGame: ! блин давно был [17:24:49] G0KO issued server command: /zset 0 [17:24:49] [G] Gazirovka_: !пару часов назад [17:24:52] me3jack issued server command: /help [17:24:54] termik issued server command: /rtp [17:24:54] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [17:24:55] Wonxderixng issued server command: /kit [17:24:56] Meinshoke умер (ENTITY_ATTACK) [17:24:57] G0KO issued server command: /zset 0 [17:24:57] Meinshoke issued server command: /we cui [17:24:58] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [17:24:59] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [17:25:01] hakya зашёл [17:25:01] [G] Gazirovka_: !а ложную инфу о вайпе не распространять прошу [17:25:02] G0KO issued server command: /zset 0 [17:25:03] TurboLastGame зашёл [17:25:04] Ic3berg issued server command: /call TheOldIniquity [17:25:04] Wonxderixng issued server command: /kit thaum [17:25:06] TurboLastGame issued server command: /we cui [17:25:07] TheOldIniquity issued server command: /tpaccept [17:25:08] me3jack issued server command: /kit [17:25:12] [G] Vehitsel: !всм ложную [17:25:14] Demaglhf issued server command: /rg flag invicible demich allow [17:25:14] Dydre issued server command: /call TheOldIniquity [17:25:17] G0KO issued server command: /zset 0 [17:25:19] TheOldIniquity issued server command: /tpaccept [17:25:20] [G] AngryHardGame: ! я живу 2года в час, для меня это давно [17:25:20] TurboLastGame issued server command: /fly [17:25:21] trololo1991 issued server command: /кез [17:25:22] me3jack issued server command: /help 2 [17:25:22] trololo1991 issued server command: /rtp [17:25:25] BJlaTnou issued server command: /home [17:25:26] G0KO issued server command: //sel [17:25:26] [G] Gazirovka_: !ух ты [17:25:27] BJlaTnou issued server command: /we cui [17:25:28] Gazirovka_ issued server command: //chunk [17:25:28] Gazirovka_ issued server command: //outset 16 [17:25:28] Gazirovka_ issued server command: /zone [17:25:28] hakya issued server command: /we cui [17:25:29] BJlaTnou умер (FALL) [17:25:30] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [17:25:30] KotAgresor issued server command: /home [17:25:30] Demaglhf issued server command: /rg flag demich invicible allow [17:25:31] BJlaTnou issued server command: /we cui [17:25:33] SimpleBoi issued server command: /home [17:25:34] Gazirovka_ issued server command: /rg claim baza11 Bomw Wonxderixng he11star Sowkand filen2 [17:25:34] [G] Vedro_kotyat_dag: !ух [17:25:38] KotAgresor issued server command: /tpa LEHbDYMATb [17:25:39] LEHbDYMATb issued server command: /tpaccept [17:25:39] BJlaTnou issued server command: /fly [17:25:40] Wonxderixng issued server command: /kit ichor [17:25:40] G0KO issued server command: /zset 0 [17:25:41] Gazirovka_ issued server command: //chunk [17:25:41] Gazirovka_ issued server command: //outset 16 [17:25:41] Gazirovka_ issued server command: /zone [17:25:42] Ic3berg issued server command: /trade TheOldIniquity [17:25:42] Ic3berg issued server command: /trade TheOldIniquity [17:25:42] Ic3berg issued server command: /trade TheOldIniquity [17:25:42] Ic3berg issued server command: /trade TheOldIniquity [17:25:42] Ic3berg issued server command: /trade TheOldIniquity [17:25:42] Ic3berg issued server command: /trade TheOldIniquity [17:25:42] Ic3berg issued server command: /trade TheOldIniquity [17:25:42] Ic3berg issued server command: /trade TheOldIniquity [17:25:42] Ic3berg issued server command: /trade TheOldIniquity [17:25:42] Ic3berg issued server command: /trade TheOldIniquity [17:25:42] Ic3berg issued server command: /trade TheOldIniquity [17:25:42] Ic3berg был кикнут [17:25:42] Ic3berg вышел [17:25:43] nusha issued server command: /gamemode 1 [17:25:43] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [17:25:47] Gazirovka_ issued server command: /rg claim baza12 Bomw Wonxderixng he11star Sowkand filen2 [17:25:47] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [17:25:49] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [17:25:50] [G] Vehitsel: !у каджого своё понимание давно или недавно [17:25:51] KotAgresor issued server command: /home [17:25:51] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [17:25:53] G0KO issued server command: /zset 0 [17:25:56] TheOldIniquity issued server command: /call Dydre [17:25:57] Gazirovka_ issued server command: //chunk [17:25:57] Gazirovka_ issued server command: //outset 16 [17:25:57] Gazirovka_ issued server command: /zone [17:25:57] AngryHardGame issued server command: /home [17:25:57] G0KO issued server command: /zset 0 [17:25:58] Ic3berg зашёл [17:25:58] AngryHardGame issued server command: /we cui [17:25:59] Ic3berg issued server command: /we cui [17:26:00] Dydre issued server command: /tpaccept [17:26:00] Solordiy умер (ENTITY_ATTACK) [17:26:01] G0KO issued server command: /zset 0 [17:26:02] Wonxderixng issued server command: /kit [17:26:04] MR_NEON issued server command: /warp shop [17:26:04] Solordiy issued server command: /we cui [17:26:04] Gazirovka_ issued server command: /rg claim baza13 Bomw Wonxderixng he11star Sowkand filen2 [17:26:05] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [17:26:05] pash123 issued server command: /m Vedro_kotyat_dag он был 20 мин назад)\ [17:26:08] Solordiy issued server command: /home LittleSvinka [17:26:08] Meinshoke issued server command: /tpa MrRomaLol [17:26:09] Solordiy issued server command: /we cui [17:26:10] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [17:26:11] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [17:26:11] Razy issued server command: /rg i [17:26:11] TheOldIniquity issued server command: /tpahere Ic3berg [17:26:12] trololo1991 issued server command: /rtp [17:26:12] G0KO issued server command: /zset 0 [17:26:12] trololo1991 issued server command: /rtp [17:26:13] pash123 issued server command: /m Vedro_kotyat_dag я тут [17:26:14] MrRomaLol issued server command: /tpaccept [17:26:14] slaim01 issued server command: /trade Ilayihoy [17:26:15] Gazirovka_ issued server command: //chunk [17:26:15] Gazirovka_ issued server command: //outset 16 [17:26:15] Gazirovka_ issued server command: /zone [17:26:15] Wonxderixng issued server command: /kit quant [17:26:15] [L] Razy: invincible [17:26:16] G0KO issued server command: /zset 0 [17:26:17] G0KO issued server command: /zset 0 [17:26:17] MrRomaLol issued server command: /sethome [17:26:18] G0KO issued server command: /zset 0 [17:26:18] Gazirovka_ issued server command: /rg claim baza14 Bomw Wonxderixng he11star Sowkand filen2 [17:26:19] Ilayihoy issued server command: /trade accept [17:26:20] G0KO issued server command: /zset 0 [17:26:21] G0KO issued server command: /zset 0 [17:26:22] trololo1991 issued server command: /rtp [17:26:23] [G] AngryHardGame: ! а на меня уже наняли киллера что бы украсть мою дк кирку ? [17:26:24] Demaglhf issued server command: /rg flag demich invincible allow [17:26:25] Gazirovka_ issued server command: //chunk [17:26:25] Gazirovka_ issued server command: //outset 16 [17:26:25] Gazirovka_ issued server command: /zone [17:26:29] Demaglhf issued server command: /rg flag demich1 invincible allow [17:26:29] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [17:26:30] asdadn зашёл [17:26:30] Gazirovka_ issued server command: //chunk [17:26:30] Gazirovka_ issued server command: //outset 16 [17:26:30] Gazirovka_ issued server command: /zone [17:26:31] MrRomaLol issued server command: /home Invite Meinshoke [17:26:31] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [17:26:32] Wonxderixng issued server command: /kit shard [17:26:32] Demaglhf issued server command: /rg flag demich2 invincible allow [17:26:33] [L] Romanuch: надо рф [17:26:34] Solordiy умер (ENTITY_ATTACK) [17:26:35] Demaglhf issued server command: /rg flag demich3 invincible allow [17:26:35] zloy_cool issued server command: /home [17:26:36] Solordiy issued server command: /we cui [17:26:36] Gazirovka_ issued server command: /rg s [17:26:38] Solordiy issued server command: /home LittleSvinka [17:26:39] Demaglhf issued server command: /rg flag demich4 invincible allow [17:26:39] Razy issued server command: /rg l [17:26:41] SimpleBoi issued server command: /home [17:26:41] Razy issued server command: /rg list [17:26:41] Gazirovka_ issued server command: //chunk [17:26:41] Gazirovka_ issued server command: //outset 16 [17:26:41] Gazirovka_ issued server command: /zone [17:26:41] [G] Akatsukioff: !++ [17:26:42] Demaglhf issued server command: /rg flag demich5 invincible allow [17:26:43] trololo1991 issued server command: //chunk [17:26:43] trololo1991 issued server command: //outset 16 [17:26:43] trololo1991 issued server command: /zone [17:26:43] [L] Inotik: угу [17:26:43] Solordiy issued server command: /home LittleSvinka [17:26:44] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [17:26:45] Demaglhf issued server command: /rg flag demich6 invincible allow [17:26:45] asdadn issued server command: /we cui [17:26:45] Wonxderixng issued server command: /kit [17:26:49] pash123 issued server command: /m Vedro_kotyat_dag нту [17:26:49] Demaglhf issued server command: /rg flag demich7 invincible allow [17:26:49] Bomw issued server command: /home [17:26:49] [G] Dydre: !да пока спи спокойно братик [17:26:50] Solordiy issued server command: /home LittleSvinka [17:26:50] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [17:26:50] Wonxderixng issued server command: /rg info [17:26:52] Demaglhf issued server command: /rg flag demich8 invincible allow [17:26:52] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [17:26:53] Bomw issued server command: /home turbo [17:26:53] Gazirovka_ issued server command: //chunk [17:26:53] Gazirovka_ issued server command: //outset 16 [17:26:53] Gazirovka_ issued server command: /zone [17:26:56] me3jack issued server command: /home [17:26:57] me3jack issued server command: /we cui [17:26:57] FreakFromThePub issued server command: /home [17:26:57] Ic3berg issued server command: /home dydre [17:26:57] Demaglhf issued server command: /rg flag demich9 invincible allow [17:26:57] [G] Suyumi: !инот блин [17:26:58] TheMaxLC issued server command: /home SplaschGaming [17:26:58] [G] Dydre: !завтра подойдем к тебе [17:26:58] G0KO issued server command: /zset 0 [17:26:59] Solordiy issued server command: /home LittleSvinka [17:27:01] TheMaxLC issued server command: /we cui [17:27:01] Gazirovka_ issued server command: /rg claim baza15 Bomw Wonxderixng he11star Sowkand filen2 [17:27:01] [L] Romanuch: как быстро получить? [17:27:02] Demaglhf issued server command: /rg flag demich10 invincible allow [17:27:02] pash123 issued server command: /call v [17:27:05] pash123 issued server command: /m Vedro_kotyat_dag нту [17:27:10] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [17:27:10] G0KO issued server command: /zset 0 [17:27:10] slaim01 issued server command: /trade Ribka [17:27:12] hakya issued server command: /mpcaseshop [17:27:12] asdadn issued server command: /fly [17:27:12] [G] AngryHardGame: ! ладно убедил покупаю флаг [17:27:12] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [17:27:15] hakya issued server command: /mpcaseview 1 [17:27:16] Demaglhf issued server command: /warp mining] [17:27:16] Ribka issued server command: /trade accept [17:27:17] slaim01 issued server command: /trade Ribka [17:27:18] Demaglhf issued server command: /warp mining [17:27:19] slaim01 issued server command: /trade Ribka [17:27:19] slaim01 issued server command: /trade Ribka [17:27:19] slaim01 issued server command: /trade Ribka [17:27:19] slaim01 issued server command: /trade Ribka [17:27:19] slaim01 issued server command: /trade Ribka [17:27:19] slaim01 issued server command: /trade Ribka [17:27:19] slaim01 issued server command: /trade Ribka [17:27:19] MrRomaLol issued server command: //expand [17:27:19] Solordiy issued server command: /tpa LittleSvinka [17:27:20] G0KO issued server command: /zset 0 [17:27:21] Demaglhf issued server command: /we cui [17:27:24] Demaglhf issued server command: /rtp [17:27:24] [L] Inotik: смотри [17:27:25] Meinshoke issued server command: //expand 225 [17:27:26] Vehitsel issued server command: /m pash123 ? [17:27:26] Gazirovka_ issued server command: //chunk [17:27:26] Gazirovka_ issued server command: //outset 16 [17:27:26] Gazirovka_ issued server command: /zone [17:27:28] [L] Romanuch: ? [17:27:29] Wonxderixng issued server command: /kit [17:27:32] [L] Inotik: для рф том генератор кухонныи [17:27:32] Gazirovka_ issued server command: /rg claim baza16 Bomw Wonxderixng he11star Sowkand filen2 [17:27:33] Sowkand issued server command: /rg addmember baza TurboLastGame [17:27:34] Solordiy issued server command: /tpa Topioka [17:27:34] Meinshoke issued server command: //expand 225 [17:27:36] [L] FilyWay: серега [17:27:36] Wonxderixng issued server command: /kit mobs [17:27:38] Gazirovka_ issued server command: //chunk [17:27:38] Gazirovka_ issued server command: //outset 16 [17:27:38] Gazirovka_ issued server command: /zone [17:27:38] [G] Vehitsel: !а какой флаг ты покупешь? [17:27:39] Wonxderixng issued server command: /kit badmobs [17:27:40] TheMaxLC issued server command: /fly [17:27:41] Topioka issued server command: /tpaccept [17:27:42] FilyWay issued server command: /warp end [17:27:43] Solordiy issued server command: /we cui [17:27:44] Gazirovka_ issued server command: /rg claim baza17 Bomw Wonxderixng he11star Sowkand filen2 [17:27:45] FilyWay issued server command: /we cui [17:27:46] Bomw issued server command: /rg addmember baza TurboLastGame [17:27:46] pash123 issued server command: /m Vehitsel ой сори я не тебе хотел [17:27:47] TheMaxLC issued server command: /fly [17:27:47] TurboLastGame issued server command: /rg info [17:27:47] G0KO issued server command: /zset 0 [17:27:48] [L] Inotik: он читерныи потому что работает от еды и последнии генерит дафига [17:27:48] TheMaxLC умер (FALL) [17:27:49] Wonxderixng issued server command: /kit wool [17:27:50] [G] AngryHardGame: ! российский конечно же [17:27:51] FilyWay issued server command: /fle [17:27:51] [G] MR_NEON: ! о Suyumi привет!!! [17:27:52] FilyWay issued server command: /fly [17:27:52] [L] hakya: . [17:27:53] TheMaxLC issued server command: /we cui [17:27:53] Vehitsel issued server command: /tpdeny [17:27:54] [L] Inotik: я думал его запретить [17:27:55] [G] Suyumi: ! Q [17:27:55] Meinshoke issued server command: /rg claim anime_hata [17:27:57] pash123 issued server command: /m Vedro_kotyat_dag пасеки беру [17:27:57] TheMaxLC issued server command: /home SplaschGaming [17:27:59] TheMaxLC issued server command: /home SplaschGaming [17:28:00] [G] AngryHardGame: ! потому что я патриот [17:28:01] TheMaxLC issued server command: /we cui [17:28:05] [G] flesziip: ! MR_NEON привет [17:28:06] G0KO issued server command: /zset 0 [17:28:06] Wonxderixng issued server command: /kit [17:28:06] [G] Vehitsel: !я тоже [17:28:08] G0KO issued server command: /zset 0 [17:28:09] Gazirovka_ issued server command: //chunk [17:28:09] Gazirovka_ issued server command: //outset 16 [17:28:09] Gazirovka_ issued server command: /zone [17:28:12] Wonxderixng issued server command: /kit tools [17:28:13] [G] Vehitsel: !а ты уже чипировался? [17:28:16] [L] Romanuch: щас будет [17:28:19] Inotik issued server command: /пщв [17:28:20] Gazirovka_ issued server command: /rg claim baza18 Bomw Wonxderixng he11star Sowkand filen2 [17:28:20] Meinshoke issued server command: /set [17:28:21] [L] Inotik: .god [17:28:22] MrRomaLol issued server command: //sel [17:28:23] Wonxderixng issued server command: /kit [17:28:25] Meinshoke issued server command: //sel [17:28:26] Inotik issued server command: /god [17:28:26] [G] MR_NEON: ! привет [17:28:29] Demaglhf issued server command: /trash [17:28:30] SplaschGaming issued server command: /tell asdadn + [17:28:31] Wonxderixng issued server command: /kit jetpack [17:28:32] [G] AngryHardGame: ! конечно, в 3 местах [17:28:33] Gazirovka_ issued server command: //chunk [17:28:33] Gazirovka_ issued server command: //outset 16 [17:28:33] Gazirovka_ issued server command: /zone [17:28:34] Wonxderixng issued server command: /kit nano [17:28:37] Inotik issued server command: /fly [17:28:37] Gazirovka_ issued server command: /rg claim baza19 Bomw Wonxderixng he11star Sowkand filen2 [17:28:39] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [17:28:40] [G] AngryHardGame: ! ведь это для моего же блага [17:28:42] Wonxderixng issued server command: /kit tree [17:28:43] BJlaTnou issued server command: /warp list [17:28:44] Gazirovka_ issued server command: //chunk [17:28:44] Gazirovka_ issued server command: //outset 16 [17:28:44] Gazirovka_ issued server command: /zone [17:28:44] pash123 issued server command: /call Vedro_kotyat_dag [17:28:47] Gazirovka_ issued server command: /rg claim baza20 Bomw Wonxderixng he11star Sowkand filen2 [17:28:49] Wonxderixng issued server command: /kit extratools [17:28:50] Vedro_kotyat_dag issued server command: /fly [17:28:50] G0KO issued server command: /zset 0 [17:28:52] Vedro_kotyat_dag issued server command: /fly [17:28:53] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [17:28:53] Gazirovka_ issued server command: //chunk [17:28:53] Gazirovka_ issued server command: //outset 16 [17:28:53] Gazirovka_ issued server command: /zone [17:28:55] Vedro_kotyat_dag issued server command: /tpaccept [17:28:57] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [17:28:57] G0KO issued server command: /zset 0 [17:28:58] Gazirovka_ issued server command: /rg claim baza21 Bomw Wonxderixng he11star Sowkand filen2 [17:29:00] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [17:29:00] [G] Vehitsel: !а в коронавирус веришь? [17:29:00] [G] BJlaTnou: !Кто то может меч зачарить? [17:29:05] G0KO issued server command: /zset 0 [17:29:09] Demaglhf issued server command: /home [17:29:09] Gazirovka_ issued server command: //chunk [17:29:09] Gazirovka_ issued server command: //outset 16 [17:29:09] Gazirovka_ issued server command: /zone [17:29:10] Demaglhf issued server command: /we cui [17:29:11] G0KO issued server command: /zset 0 [17:29:13] zloy_cool issued server command: /home [17:29:13] Wonxderixng issued server command: /kit [17:29:13] Gazirovka_ issued server command: /rg claim baza22 Bomw Wonxderixng he11star Sowkand filen2 [17:29:18] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [17:29:18] G0KO issued server command: /zset 0 [17:29:19] SplaschGaming issued server command: /r угу [17:29:20] Inotik был кикнут [17:29:20] Inotik вышел [17:29:20] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [17:29:21] MR_NEON issued server command: /m flesziip а ты меня знаешь? [17:29:21] Wonxderixng issued server command: /kit extraarmor [17:29:21] TheMaxLC issued server command: /fly [17:29:23] Gazirovka_ issued server command: //chunk [17:29:23] Gazirovka_ issued server command: //outset 16 [17:29:23] Gazirovka_ issued server command: /zone [17:29:23] TheMaxLC issued server command: /sethome [17:29:24] trololo1991 issued server command: /rg claim trololo1991 [17:29:24] flesziip issued server command: /r нет [17:29:27] [G] AngryHardGame: ! короновирус подкинули нам американцы [17:29:28] Gazirovka_ issued server command: /rg claim baza23 Bomw Wonxderixng he11star Sowkand filen2 [17:29:29] Wonxderixng issued server command: /kit ultranano [17:29:31] trololo1991 issued server command: //sel [17:29:31] SplaschGaming issued server command: /r да я не помню сильно уже [17:29:31] TheMaxLC issued server command: /fly [17:29:33] [G] Vehitsel: !это то понятно и так [17:29:34] Gazirovka_ issued server command: //chunk [17:29:34] Gazirovka_ issued server command: //outset 16 [17:29:34] Gazirovka_ issued server command: /zone [17:29:35] TheMaxLC issued server command: /fly [17:29:35] [L] Romanuch: хахаха [17:29:36] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [17:29:37] Gazirovka_ issued server command: /rg claim baza24 Bomw Wonxderixng he11star Sowkand filen2 [17:29:39] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [17:29:40] [L] Romanuch: 6 хрома [17:29:40] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [17:29:41] SplaschGaming issued server command: /r я в этих ваших техно модах не оч шарю [17:29:42] G0KO issued server command: /zset 0 [17:29:42] TheMaxLC issued server command: /fly [17:29:43] TheMaxLC умер (FALL) [17:29:44] Wonxderixng issued server command: /kit [17:29:45] KotAgresor issued server command: /home [17:29:45] TheMaxLC issued server command: /we cui [17:29:46] SplaschGaming issued server command: /r ток в эндер ио +- [17:29:46] G0KO issued server command: /zset 0 [17:29:49] Wonxderixng issued server command: /kit res [17:29:50] BJlaTnou issued server command: /rtp [17:29:56] Vedro_kotyat_dag issued server command: /tpaccept [17:29:56] pash123 issued server command: /m Vedro_kotyat_dag z ytpy ult ns z yt edbltk [17:29:56] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [17:29:57] pash123 issued server command: /call Vedro_kotyat_dag [17:29:59] Vedro_kotyat_dag issued server command: /tpaccept [17:29:59] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [17:30:01] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [17:30:06] Ic3berg issued server command: /home dydre [17:30:08] [L] pash123: я незн где ты был [17:30:09] Sowkand issued server command: /trade Bomw [17:30:09] Sowkand issued server command: /trade Bomw [17:30:09] Sowkand issued server command: /trade Bomw [17:30:09] Sowkand issued server command: /trade Bomw [17:30:09] Sowkand issued server command: /trade Bomw [17:30:09] Sowkand issued server command: /trade TurboLastGame [17:30:09] Sowkand issued server command: /trade TurboLastGame [17:30:09] Sowkand issued server command: /trade TurboLastGame [17:30:09] Sowkand issued server command: /trade TurboLastGame [17:30:09] Sowkand issued server command: /trade TurboLastGame [17:30:09] Sowkand issued server command: /trade TurboLastGame [17:30:09] Sowkand был кикнут [17:30:09] Sowkand вышел [17:30:09] AngryHardGame issued server command: /rg falg [17:30:13] termik issued server command: /home [17:30:14] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [17:30:14] TurboLastGame issued server command: /trade cancel [17:30:14] TurboLastGame issued server command: /trade cancel [17:30:14] TurboLastGame issued server command: /trade cancel [17:30:14] TurboLastGame issued server command: /trade cancel [17:30:15] AngryHardGame issued server command: /rg flag [17:30:15] TurboLastGame issued server command: /trade cancel [17:30:16] TurboLastGame issued server command: /trade cancel [17:30:16] TurboLastGame issued server command: /trade cancel [17:30:16] [G] Vehitsel: !а чо кстати этот новичок даёт? [17:30:17] Sowkand зашёл [17:30:20] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [17:30:20] MR_NEON issued server command: /m Romanuch привет [17:30:20] Sowkand issued server command: /we cui [17:30:21] AngryHardGame issued server command: /rg flag anreal1 pvp [17:30:21] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [17:30:24] [G] ggwin: !кит+флай [17:30:24] [G] AngryHardGame: ! кит [17:30:25] [G] Demaglhf: !где рф энергию можно взять? [17:30:25] Romanuch issued server command: /r q [17:30:29] Vehitsel issued server command: /fly [17:30:35] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [17:30:37] [G] Suyumi: !из solar [17:30:38] dimdima issued server command: /fly [17:30:40] [G] AngryHardGame: ! из пальца высасываешь [17:30:41] TheMaxLC issued server command: /fly [17:30:42] TheMaxLC issued server command: /fly [17:30:42] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [17:30:43] [G] Vehitsel: !а какой кит? [17:30:43] dimdima issued server command: /kit [17:30:43] TheMaxLC issued server command: /fly [17:30:44] [G] Demaglhf: !камон [17:30:45] G0KO issued server command: /zset 0 [17:30:45] Vehitsel issued server command: /kit [17:30:45] [L] pash123: а где метеор? [17:30:47] [G] AngryHardGame: ! novice [17:30:47] [G] Demaglhf: !я с хайтеча пришел [17:30:49] TheMaxLC issued server command: /fly [17:30:49] MR_NEON вышел [17:30:50] [G] Suyumi: !solar flux [17:30:50] TheMaxLC умер (FALL) [17:30:52] [G] Demaglhf: !тут вайп был 2 часа назад [17:30:52] Ilayihoy issued server command: /rtp [17:30:52] TheMaxLC issued server command: /we cui [17:30:56] G0KO issued server command: /zset 0 [17:30:57] [G] AngryHardGame: ! да я понимаю я оттуда же [17:30:58] [L] pash123: зажжували файлы) [17:30:59] [G] Demaglhf: !я спрашиваю где зарядиться можно [17:31:04] Ribka issued server command: /fly [17:31:06] [G] Demaglhf: !че вы строите из себя умных [17:31:07] G0KO issued server command: /zset 0 [17:31:09] [G] Vehitsel: !на топ варпах посмотри [17:31:11] KotAgresor issued server command: /shop [17:31:13] [G] Vehitsel: !там зарядки обычно [17:31:15] AngryHardGame issued server command: /warp top [17:31:17] [G] Vehitsel: !не тупи друг [17:31:17] Demaglhf issued server command: /warp list [17:31:17] Gazirovka_ issued server command: /rg addmember TurboLastGame baza [17:31:18] SimpleBoi issued server command: /warp top [17:31:18] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [17:31:19] MrRomaLol вышел [17:31:19] AngryHardGame issued server command: /warp list [17:31:22] Gazirovka_ issued server command: /rg addmember baza TurboLastGame [17:31:23] Vehitsel issued server command: /kit novice [17:31:24] [L] Ribka: 1 [17:31:24] TheMaxLC issued server command: /fly [17:31:25] [G] Suyumi: !где я строила из себя умной, логично что зарядиться ещё нельзя нигде [17:31:25] Gazirovka_ issued server command: /rg addmember baz1 TurboLastGame [17:31:26] Romanuch вышел [17:31:28] [G] Suyumi: !ибо был вайп [17:31:28] AngryHardGame issued server command: /warp list 2 [17:31:29] TheMaxLC issued server command: /fly [17:31:30] Gazirovka_ issued server command: /rg addmember baza1 TurboLastGame [17:31:30] SplaschGaming issued server command: /tell asdadn нет [17:31:30] SimpleBoi issued server command: / [17:31:32] [G] BJlaTnou: !Вайп пару часов назадбыл [17:31:32] TheMaxLC issued server command: /fly [17:31:33] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [17:31:33] SplaschGaming issued server command: /tell asdadn маначарка [17:31:34] [L] pash123: З [17:31:36] MR_NEON зашёл [17:31:36] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [17:31:37] KotAgresor issued server command: /home [17:31:37] TheMaxLC issued server command: /fly [17:31:37] [G] BJlaTnou: !Какие топ варпы [17:31:38] MR_NEON issued server command: /we cui [17:31:38] Gazirovka_ issued server command: /rg addmember baza2 TurboLastGame [17:31:38] Razy вышел [17:31:38] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [17:31:39] SplaschGaming issued server command: /r да [17:31:39] TheMaxLC умер (FALL) [17:31:39] [G] Demaglhf: !мало ли кто-то силовой конвертер [17:31:39] G0KO issued server command: /zset 0 [17:31:40] TheMaxLC issued server command: /we cui [17:31:41] [G] Demaglhf: !уже сделал [17:31:43] Gazirovka_ issued server command: /rg addmember baza3 TurboLastGame [17:31:45] trololo1991 issued server command: /rtp [17:31:47] Gazirovka_ issued server command: /rg addmember baza4 TurboLastGame [17:31:47] [G] AngryHardGame: ! через недельку приходи все будет [17:31:51] Gazirovka_ issued server command: /rg addmember baza5 TurboLastGame [17:31:52] G0KO issued server command: /zset 0 [17:31:54] G0KO issued server command: /zset 0 [17:31:55] Gazirovka_ issued server command: /rg addmember baza6 TurboLastGame [17:31:55] G0KO issued server command: /zset 0 [17:31:56] TheMaxLC issued server command: /fly [17:31:56] Dydre issued server command: /home [17:31:56] G0KO issued server command: /zset 0 [17:31:58] Gazirovka_ issued server command: /rg addmember baza7 TurboLastGame [17:31:59] SplaschGaming issued server command: /r ну ток маны надо [17:32:00] G0KO issued server command: /zset 0 [17:32:01] Gazirovka_ issued server command: /rg addmember baza8 TurboLastGame [17:32:03] TheMaxLC issued server command: /fly [17:32:03] SimpleBoi issued server command: /home [17:32:04] Gazirovka_ issued server command: /rg addmember baza9 TurboLastGame [17:32:05] Meinshoke issued server command: //sel [17:32:05] TheMaxLC умер (FALL) [17:32:06] SplaschGaming issued server command: /r не помню [17:32:07] TheMaxLC issued server command: /we cui [17:32:07] Gazirovka_ issued server command: /rg addmember baza10 TurboLastGame [17:32:09] Vehitsel issued server command: /warp list -p [17:32:11] Gazirovka_ issued server command: /rg addmember baza11 TurboLastGame [17:32:12] G0KO issued server command: /zset 0 [17:32:14] Gazirovka_ issued server command: /rg addmember baza12 TurboLastGame [17:32:15] asdadn issued server command: /home [17:32:17] Gazirovka_ issued server command: /rg addmember baza13 TurboLastGame [17:32:17] Razy зашёл [17:32:18] G0KO issued server command: /zset 0 [17:32:19] Gazirovka_ issued server command: /rg addmember baza14 TurboLastGame [17:32:20] G0KO issued server command: /zset 0 [17:32:20] SplaschGaming issued server command: /r ну когда я чарил себе фул вещи на 10 то жрало много [17:32:20] BJlaTnou issued server command: /rtp [17:32:21] TheMaxLC issued server command: /fly [17:32:21] G0KO issued server command: /zset 0 [17:32:21] Razy issued server command: /we cui [17:32:22] Sowkand issued server command: /fly [17:32:22] [L] pash123: плавники [17:32:24] Wonxderixng issued server command: /rg info [17:32:25] TheMaxLC issued server command: /fly [17:32:25] Gazirovka_ issued server command: /rg addmember baza15 TurboLastGame [17:32:26] G0KO issued server command: /zset 0 [17:32:26] TheMaxLC умер (FALL) [17:32:28] TheMaxLC issued server command: /we cui [17:32:28] Vedro_kotyat_dag issued server command: /help [17:32:33] Gazirovka_ issued server command: /rg addmember baza16 TurboLastGame [17:32:33] Ic3berg issued server command: /home dydre [17:32:34] SplaschGaming issued server command: /r но там и чаров было по 3-4 [17:32:35] Suyumi issued server command: /warp list [17:32:36] G0KO issued server command: /zset 0 [17:32:36] Gazirovka_ issued server command: /rg addmember baza17 TurboLastGame [17:32:39] [G] me3jack: ! тут в ближайшее время вайпа не будет? [17:32:40] Gazirovka_ issued server command: /rg addmember baza18 TurboLastGame [17:32:40] Vedro_kotyat_dag issued server command: /help 2 [17:32:41] TheMaxLC issued server command: /fly [17:32:42] G0KO issued server command: /zset 0 [17:32:45] AngryHardGame issued server command: /buyflag [17:32:45] TheMaxLC issued server command: /fly [17:32:46] TOGA issued server command: /home [17:32:47] [L] pash123: ааааааааа [17:32:47] iamfriendly зашёл [17:32:47] TheMaxLC умер (FALL) [17:32:48] TOGA issued server command: /we cui [17:32:48] [G] Gazirovka_: !не должно быть [17:32:49] TheMaxLC issued server command: /we cui [17:32:50] iamfriendly issued server command: /we cui [17:32:53] [L] pash123: кит [17:32:56] SplaschGaming issued server command: /kit [17:32:57] AngryHardGame issued server command: /rg flag anreal pvp deny [17:32:58] [G] Ilayihoy: !+- 3 месяца не должно быть [17:32:58] [L] pash123: он наменя [17:32:59] [G] Demaglhf: !продам кирку виверны, наносеты, сетаю теру за ресы [17:33:00] asdadn issued server command: /fly [17:33:02] Suyumi issued server command: /warp pset bs [17:33:02] Gazirovka_ issued server command: /rg addmember baza19 TurboLastGame [17:33:02] asdadn умер (FALL) [17:33:06] asdadn issued server command: /we cui [17:33:06] [G] AngryHardGame: ! а стоп тут флаг бесплатно ставится [17:33:06] TheMaxLC issued server command: /fly [17:33:07] Gazirovka_ issued server command: /rg addmember baza20 TurboLastGame [17:33:09] G0KO issued server command: /zset 0 [17:33:09] Vehitsel был кикнут [17:33:09] Vehitsel вышел [17:33:09] [G] AngryHardGame: ! с кайфом [17:33:09] MrRomaLol зашёл [17:33:10] Vehitsel зашёл [17:33:10] Suyumi issued server command: /warp invite flesziip [17:33:11] [G] Gazirovka_: !ага [17:33:11] TheMaxLC issued server command: /fly [17:33:11] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [17:33:13] Vehitsel issued server command: /we cui [17:33:14] TheMaxLC issued server command: /fly [17:33:14] Akatsukioff issued server command: /kit start [17:33:14] asdadn issued server command: /fly [17:33:14] Vehitsel умер (FALL) [17:33:17] TheMaxLC issued server command: /fly [17:33:17] G0KO issued server command: /zset 0 [17:33:18] Suyumi issued server command: /warp invite flesziip bs [17:33:18] [G] Gazirovka_: !только привелегии нужны для всех [17:33:18] TheMaxLC умер (FALL) [17:33:19] MrRomaLol issued server command: /we cui [17:33:19] Vehitsel issued server command: /we cui [17:33:20] TheMaxLC issued server command: /we cui [17:33:21] SplaschGaming issued server command: /tell asdadn можеш сундук метеора залутать а то я без кирки [17:33:22] Suyumi issued server command: /warp invite Nikitawrik bs [17:33:22] Gazirovka_ issued server command: /rg addmember baza21 TurboLastGame [17:33:23] [L] pash123: токо плавники [17:33:23] BJlaTnou issued server command: /m Demaglhf Чарить не можешь? [17:33:24] Vedro_kotyat_dag issued server command: /regen [17:33:25] [G] AngryHardGame: ! нафиг только эмы перевел [17:33:26] Vedro_kotyat_dag issued server command: /rege [17:33:27] Gazirovka_ issued server command: /rg addmember baza22 TurboLastGame [17:33:30] pash123 issued server command: /hp [17:33:30] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [17:33:30] G0KO issued server command: /zset 0 [17:33:30] asdadn issued server command: /call SplaschGaming [17:33:31] [G] Vehitsel: !а тоесть тут флай при перезаходе слетает))) [17:33:31] SplaschGaming issued server command: /tpaccept [17:33:31] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [17:33:32] Gazirovka_ issued server command: /rg addmember baza23 TurboLastGame [17:33:33] hakya issued server command: /rtp [17:33:35] Demaglhf issued server command: /r что чарить? [17:33:35] [G] AngryHardGame: ! да мне только пвп нужен [17:33:38] TheMaxLC issued server command: /fly [17:33:39] Suyumi issued server command: /warp list [17:33:39] BJlaTnou issued server command: /r Меч [17:33:39] Gazirovka_ issued server command: /rg addmember baza24 TurboLastGame [17:33:42] Topioka issued server command: /trade Solordiy [17:33:43] TheMaxLC issued server command: /fly [17:33:44] TheMaxLC умер (FALL) [17:33:45] Gazirovka_ issued server command: /rg addmember baza25 TurboLastGame [17:33:46] TheMaxLC issued server command: /we cui [17:33:48] Demaglhf issued server command: /r какой и на что? [17:33:48] me3jack issued server command: /home [17:33:50] [G] AngryHardGame: ! а если в воздухе остаться ? [17:33:51] TOGA issued server command: /rtp [17:33:51] G0KO issued server command: /zset 0 [17:33:51] Inotik зашёл [17:33:57] Inotik issued server command: /we cui [17:33:57] Gazirovka_ issued server command: /rg i [17:33:57] AngryHardGame issued server command: /fly [17:33:57] asdadn issued server command: /home [17:33:58] pash123 issued server command: /trade Vedro_kotyat_dag [17:33:59] LittleSvinka issued server command: /rg flag fly [17:34:01] BJlaTnou issued server command: /r рупиевая рапира [17:34:02] Nikitawrik issued server command: /warp bs [17:34:04] LittleSvinka issued server command: /rg flag sobaka fly [17:34:05] pash123 issued server command: /trade Vedro_kotyat_dag [17:34:06] MR_NEON issued server command: /m Gazirovka_ привет тут также нету огранечения налюдей в регионе? [17:34:06] G0KO issued server command: /zset 0 [17:34:07] BJlaTnou issued server command: /r Острота, добыча [17:34:08] [G] Vedro_kotyat_dag: !а как получать водяные гранулы [17:34:10] BJlaTnou issued server command: /r Прочность [17:34:12] Vedro_kotyat_dag issued server command: /trade accept [17:34:12] pash123 issued server command: /trade Vedro_kotyat_dag [17:34:13] Suyumi issued server command: /clan [17:34:13] Inotik был кикнут [17:34:13] Inotik вышел [17:34:15] KotAgresor issued server command: /spawn [17:34:15] AngryHardGame вышел [17:34:16] Gazirovka_ issued server command: /r нет [17:34:16] Suyumi issued server command: /clan list [17:34:16] [G] Ilayihoy: !крабов убиывать [17:34:16] G0KO issued server command: /zset 0 [17:34:17] KotAgresor issued server command: /we cui [17:34:18] iamfriendly issued server command: /call Akatsukioff [17:34:20] AngryHardGame зашёл [17:34:22] AngryHardGame issued server command: /we cui [17:34:22] me3jack issued server command: /home [17:34:23] Akatsukioff issued server command: /tpaccep [17:34:25] [G] Ic3berg: !У кого уже сколько квг? [17:34:25] Akatsukioff issued server command: /tpaccept [17:34:31] zloy_cool вышел [17:34:34] G0KO issued server command: /zset 0 [17:34:34] Demaglhf issued server command: /r не, пока не могу [17:34:34] [G] TweeL1e: !8 [17:34:35] [G] AngryHardGame: ! блин я думал буду абузить флай весь вайп [17:34:36] G0KO issued server command: /zset 0 [17:34:38] G0KO issued server command: /zset 0 [17:34:38] Vehitsel issued server command: /fly [17:34:41] MR_NEON issued server command: /m Gazirovka_ нет типо хоть сколько людей можно? [17:34:46] [G] Sowkand: !айсберг, ты что тут забыл [17:34:47] Gazirovka_ issued server command: /r да [17:34:49] iamfriendly issued server command: /spawn [17:34:49] TweeL1e вышел [17:34:50] iamfriendly issued server command: /we cui [17:34:55] TheMaxLC issued server command: /fly [17:34:56] [G] Ic3berg: !всм 0_0 [17:34:58] TweeL1e зашёл [17:35:00] TweeL1e issued server command: /we cui [17:35:00] TheMaxLC issued server command: /fly [17:35:02] TheMaxLC умер (FALL) [17:35:02] SergoPHS issued server command: /home [17:35:03] [G] AngryHardGame: ! сколько миллионов долларов вы уже потратили что бы их получить ? [17:35:03] flesziip issued server command: /адн [17:35:03] TheMaxLC issued server command: /we cui [17:35:04] flesziip issued server command: /fly [17:35:04] TweeL1e issued server command: /fly [17:35:05] TweeL1e issued server command: /god [17:35:06] SplaschGaming issued server command: /home [17:35:07] TweeL1e issued server command: /god [17:35:08] MrRomaLol issued server command: /tpa Meinshoke [17:35:11] G0KO issued server command: /zset 0 [17:35:12] Meinshoke issued server command: /tpaccept [17:35:17] [L] pash123: блин [17:35:18] KotAgresor вышел [17:35:19] TheOldIniquity issued server command: /home [17:35:20] [L] pash123: ок [17:35:21] flesziip issued server command: /voteday [17:35:23] iamfriendly issued server command: /yes [17:35:24] Vehitsel issued server command: /no [17:35:24] AngryHardGame issued server command: /yes [17:35:25] ggwin issued server command: /yes [17:35:25] pash123 issued server command: /yes [17:35:28] KotAgresor зашёл [17:35:28] SplaschGaming issued server command: /rtp [17:35:28] Akatsukioff issued server command: /yes [17:35:28] Vedro_kotyat_dag issued server command: /no [17:35:30] KotAgresor issued server command: /we cui [17:35:30] BJlaTnou issued server command: /warp end [17:35:31] SergoPHS issued server command: /yes [17:35:32] Ilayihoy issued server command: /home [17:35:32] BJlaTnou issued server command: /we cui [17:35:36] [L] pash123: смена на день [17:35:36] AngryHardGame issued server command: /fly [17:35:37] BJlaTnou issued server command: /fly [17:35:37] Gazirovka_ issued server command: /yes [17:35:38] Inotik зашёл [17:35:39] MrRomaLol вышел [17:35:45] Inotik issued server command: /we cui [17:35:47] [L] pash123: ура [17:35:49] Demaglhf issued server command: /zwand [17:35:51] termik issued server command: /mpcaseshop [17:35:51] [G] AngryHardGame: ! ехх рука так и чешется еще один кейсик купить [17:35:53] Gazirovka_ issued server command: /rg f baza1 invincible allow [17:35:54] iamfriendly issued server command: /warp world [17:35:55] LittleSvinka issued server command: /homer [17:35:55] Gazirovka_ issued server command: /rg f baza invincible allow [17:35:56] LittleSvinka issued server command: /home [17:35:56] iamfriendly issued server command: /we cui [17:35:56] Ilayihoy issued server command: /tpa slaim01 [17:35:57] termik issued server command: /mpcaseview 6 [17:35:59] [L] pash123: ты где [17:35:59] Demaglhf issued server command: /zset 20 [17:36:01] Gazirovka_ issued server command: /rg f baza2 invincible allow [17:36:01] slaim01 issued server command: /tpaccept [17:36:02] me3jack issued server command: /home [17:36:03] Gazirovka_ issued server command: /rg f baza3 invincible allow [17:36:03] KotAgresor issued server command: /warp list [17:36:04] [G] Vehitsel: !одумайся [17:36:06] [G] AngryHardGame: ! а денег все меньше и меньше ._. [17:36:06] KotAgresor issued server command: /warp portal [17:36:06] Gazirovka_ issued server command: /rg f baza4 invincible allow [17:36:08] SergoPHS вышел [17:36:08] FreakFromThePub issued server command: /warp nether [17:36:11] Gazirovka_ issued server command: /rg f baza5 invincible allow [17:36:12] pash123 issued server command: /m Vedro_kotyat_dag ты гдк [17:36:13] trololo1991 issued server command: /home [17:36:14] Gazirovka_ issued server command: /rg f baza6 invincible allow [17:36:14] FreakFromThePub issued server command: /we cui [17:36:15] SplaschGaming issued server command: /tpa asdadn [17:36:17] iamfriendly issued server command: /rtp [17:36:17] asdadn issued server command: /tpaccept [17:36:18] Inotik был кикнут [17:36:18] Inotik вышел [17:36:18] SimpleBoi issued server command: /homr [17:36:19] TheMaxLC issued server command: /fly [17:36:20] FreakFromThePub issued server command: /fly [17:36:20] Gazirovka_ issued server command: /rg f baza7 invincible allow [17:36:22] SimpleBoi issued server command: /home [17:36:25] TheMaxLC issued server command: /fly [17:36:26] [G] Vehitsel: !лучше во вкусняшки вложиться [17:36:27] TheMaxLC умер (FALL) [17:36:27] pash123 issued server command: /call Vedro_kotyat_dag [17:36:28] TheMaxLC issued server command: /we cui [17:36:29] KotAgresor issued server command: /we cui [17:36:34] Vedro_kotyat_dag issued server command: /tpaccept [17:36:34] MR_NEON issued server command: /m flesziip ты какие мады знаешь и шаришь? [17:36:39] Ilayihoy issued server command: /home [17:36:41] flesziip issued server command: /r никакие [17:36:43] Krantzg зашёл [17:36:43] BJlaTnou issued server command: /spawn [17:36:43] [G] AngryHardGame: ! я и так каждый месяц по неск косарей во вкусняшки вкладываю [17:36:45] filen2 issued server command: /mpcaseshop [17:36:45] Krantzg issued server command: /we cui [17:36:45] BJlaTnou issued server command: /we cui [17:36:46] Suyumi вышел [17:36:46] KotAgresor issued server command: /we cui [17:36:46] TheMaxLC issued server command: /fly [17:36:49] filen2 issued server command: /rtp [17:36:51] Dydre issued server command: /trade Ic3berg [17:36:51] termik issued server command: /rtp [17:36:52] TheMaxLC issued server command: /fly [17:36:52] Ic3berg issued server command: /trade dydre [17:36:54] TheMaxLC умер (FALL) [17:36:55] Gazirovka_ issued server command: /rg f baza8 invincible allow [17:36:55] TheMaxLC issued server command: /we cui [17:36:56] [L] pash123: абоба на оборот абоба [17:36:58] Gazirovka_ issued server command: /rg f baza9 invincible allow [17:37:02] Gazirovka_ issued server command: /rg f baza10 invincible allow [17:37:03] iamfriendly issued server command: /rtp [17:37:03] Krantzg issued server command: /fly [17:37:05] Gazirovka_ issued server command: /rg f baza11 invincible allow [17:37:08] Gazirovka_ issued server command: /rg f baza12 invincible allow [17:37:11] Gazirovka_ issued server command: /rg f baza13 invincible allow [17:37:12] Vedro_kotyat_dag issued server command: /home [17:37:18] TheMaxLC issued server command: /fly [17:37:18] BJlaTnou issued server command: /warp list [17:37:19] KotAgresor issued server command: /warp portal [17:37:20] [G] AngryHardGame: ! почему так страшно прописывать /cart gui что бы забрать дк вещи [17:37:21] KotAgresor issued server command: /we cui [17:37:22] Gazirovka_ issued server command: /rg f baza14 invincible allow [17:37:22] BJlaTnou issued server command: /warp list 2 [17:37:23] Ic3berg issued server command: /trade dydre [17:37:24] TheMaxLC issued server command: /fly [17:37:26] Gazirovka_ issued server command: /rg f baza15 invincible allow [17:37:26] TheMaxLC умер (FALL) [17:37:26] [G] AngryHardGame: ! у меня параноя [17:37:26] KotAgresor issued server command: /home [17:37:27] [G] Demaglhf: !хз [17:37:27] TheMaxLC issued server command: /we cui [17:37:28] Dydre issued server command: /trade accept [17:37:28] KotAgresor issued server command: /we cui [17:37:30] Demaglhf issued server command: /cart gui [17:37:30] MrRomaLol зашёл [17:37:30] Gazirovka_ issued server command: /rg f baza16 invincible allow [17:37:31] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [17:37:31] [G] flesziip: !на видос сделай [17:37:31] LittleSvinka issued server command: /cart gui [17:37:32] dimdima умер (ENTITY_ATTACK) [17:37:34] Gazirovka_ issued server command: /rg f baza17 invincible allow [17:37:34] [G] flesziip: !и страшилок не будет [17:37:37] Gazirovka_ issued server command: /rg f baza18 invincible allow [17:37:39] MrRomaLol issued server command: /we cui [17:37:41] dimdima issued server command: /we cui [17:37:41] Gazirovka_ issued server command: /rg f baza19 invincible allow [17:37:42] [G] AngryHardGame: ! та не я в плане кокнут тут же [17:37:42] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [17:37:43] [G] BJlaTnou: !Мужик, ты не устал в чат по кд писать? [17:37:46] Gazirovka_ issued server command: /rg f baza20 invincible allow [17:37:47] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [17:37:48] [G] BJlaTnou: !Сходи погулять сходи [17:37:48] TheMaxLC issued server command: /fly [17:37:48] Ribka вышел [17:37:48] dimdima вышел [17:37:49] Gazirovka_ issued server command: /rg f baza21 invincible allow [17:37:49] asdadn issued server command: /home [17:37:49] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [17:37:51] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [17:37:52] Gazirovka_ issued server command: /rg f baza22 invincible allow [17:37:55] Gazirovka_ issued server command: /rg f baza23 invincible allow [17:37:55] TheMaxLC issued server command: /fly [17:37:56] [G] AngryHardGame: ! я уже нагулял сегодня [17:37:57] TheMaxLC умер (FALL) [17:37:57] Gazirovka_ issued server command: /rg f baza24 invincible allow [17:37:58] TheMaxLC issued server command: /we cui [17:37:59] Meinshoke умер (WITHER) [17:38:00] Inotik зашёл [17:38:00] [L] SplaschGaming: там сундук мешал просто [17:38:01] Solordiy issued server command: /kit eat [17:38:02] Meinshoke issued server command: /we cui [17:38:04] Inotik issued server command: /we cui [17:38:05] hakya issued server command: /warp world [17:38:07] hakya issued server command: /we cui [17:38:10] KotAgresor issued server command: /warp portal [17:38:11] trololo1991 issued server command: /rtp [17:38:12] G0KO issued server command: /zset 0 [17:38:12] hakya issued server command: /rtp [17:38:12] KotAgresor issued server command: /we cui [17:38:14] pash123 issued server command: /m Vedro_kotyat_dag а с кокого [17:38:21] KotAgresor issued server command: /we cui [17:38:21] TheMaxLC issued server command: /fly [17:38:22] Inotik был кикнут [17:38:22] Inotik вышел [17:38:30] TheMaxLC issued server command: /fly [17:38:32] TheMaxLC умер (FALL) [17:38:33] TheMaxLC issued server command: /we cui [17:38:34] slaim01 issued server command: /home [17:38:36] pash123 issued server command: /m Vedro_kotyat_dag цеклопский жезл [17:38:37] Vedro_kotyat_dag issued server command: /tpa pash123 [17:38:42] hakya issued server command: /kit eat [17:38:42] BJlaTnou issued server command: /home [17:38:46] pash123 issued server command: /tpaccept [17:38:46] BJlaTnou issued server command: /we cui [17:38:50] BJlaTnou issued server command: /fly [17:38:50] asdadn issued server command: /fly [17:38:52] G0KO issued server command: /zset 0 [17:38:52] asdadn умер (FALL) [17:38:53] Suyumi зашёл [17:38:54] asdadn issued server command: /we cui [17:38:54] TheMaxLC issued server command: /fly [17:38:55] Bomw issued server command: /call filen2 [17:38:56] Suyumi issued server command: /we cui [17:38:58] Gazirovka_ issued server command: /warp end [17:39:00] Gazirovka_ issued server command: /we cui [17:39:00] Gazirovka_ issued server command: /gm 1 [17:39:04] TheMaxLC issued server command: /fly [17:39:04] filen2 issued server command: /tpacept [17:39:06] TheMaxLC умер (FALL) [17:39:06] filen2 issued server command: /tpaccept [17:39:06] Gazirovka_ issued server command: /fly [17:39:07] Bomw issued server command: /warp end [17:39:08] TheMaxLC issued server command: /we cui [17:39:10] Bomw issued server command: /we cui [17:39:11] MrRomaLol issued server command: /rtp [17:39:13] Meinshoke issued server command: /rtp [17:39:14] MrRomaLol issued server command: /rtp [17:39:15] iamfriendly issued server command: /spawn [17:39:15] asdadn issued server command: /fly [17:39:15] me3jack issued server command: /warp [17:39:16] iamfriendly issued server command: /we cui [17:39:19] TheMaxLC issued server command: /fly [17:39:20] asdadn issued server command: /fly [17:39:21] [L] pash123: ) [17:39:22] asdadn умер (FALL) [17:39:22] Krantzg issued server command: /home [17:39:23] asdadn issued server command: /we cui [17:39:24] TheMaxLC issued server command: / [17:39:25] Ilayihoy вышел [17:39:27] me3jack issued server command: /top [17:39:27] TurboLastGame issued server command: /rtp [17:39:27] iamfriendly issued server command: /warp world [17:39:29] trololo1991 issued server command: /rtp [17:39:30] iamfriendly issued server command: /we cui [17:39:30] TheMaxLC issued server command: /fly [17:39:31] me3jack issued server command: /warp top [17:39:31] iamfriendly issued server command: /rtp [17:39:32] TheMaxLC умер (FALL) [17:39:32] Bomw issued server command: /call filen2 [17:39:33] MR_NEON issued server command: /m Wonxderixng приветъ\ [17:39:34] TheMaxLC issued server command: /we cui [17:39:34] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [17:39:34] Dydre issued server command: /home [17:39:35] me3jack issued server command: /warp [17:39:37] filen2 issued server command: /tpaccept [17:39:39] Bomw issued server command: /we cui [17:39:40] [G] AngryHardGame: ! эхх долбаный азарт [17:39:40] Wonxderixng issued server command: /r ку [17:39:41] AngryHardGame issued server command: /mpcaseshop [17:39:43] AngryHardGame issued server command: /mpcaseview 6 [17:39:44] AngryHardGame issued server command: /rollcase 6 [17:39:44] [L] pash123: нет незнаю [17:39:44] asdadn issued server command: /fly [17:39:44] Inotik зашёл [17:39:45] TweeL1e issued server command: /tpa FreakFromThePub [17:39:45] Meinshoke issued server command: /tpa MrRomaLol [17:39:46] [G] me3jack: ! как чекнуть какие варпы есть [17:39:49] asdadn issued server command: /fly [17:39:49] Gazirovka_ issued server command: /warp q [17:39:50] [G] Demaglhf: !привелегию бы лучше себе купил [17:39:51] asdadn умер (FALL) [17:39:51] Inotik issued server command: /we cui [17:39:51] [G] Vehitsel: !никак [17:39:52] asdadn issued server command: /we cui [17:39:53] [G] Wonxderixng: !/warp list [17:39:54] MrRomaLol issued server command: /rtp [17:39:55] Gazirovka_ issued server command: /tp Bomw [17:39:56] [L] pash123: я на хом [17:39:56] Gazirovka_ issued server command: /we cui [17:39:56] Gazirovka_ issued server command: /gm 1 [17:39:56] TheMaxLC issued server command: /fly [17:39:56] AngryHardGame issued server command: /mpcaseview 6 [17:39:57] pash123 issued server command: /home [17:40:00] MrRomaLol issued server command: /tpaccept [17:40:01] TheMaxLC issued server command: /fly [17:40:01] Gazirovka_ issued server command: /sethome [17:40:02] TheMaxLC умер (FALL) [17:40:03] [G] me3jack: ! Vehitsel крутой тип [17:40:04] TheMaxLC issued server command: /we cui [17:40:05] [G] Gazirovka_: !ммм [17:40:09] asdadn issued server command: /fly [17:40:09] me3jack issued server command: /warp list [17:40:10] [G] iamfriendly: !Ммммммм [17:40:11] Gazirovka_ issued server command: /tp Wonxderixng [17:40:13] [G] AngryHardGame: ! вкусна поел спасибо [17:40:13] asdadn issued server command: /fly [17:40:14] Gazirovka_ issued server command: //sel [17:40:15] asdadn умер (FALL) [17:40:15] FilyWay issued server command: /m TweeL1e 1 [17:40:16] asdadn issued server command: /we cui [17:40:17] [G] AngryHardGame: ! о привет iamfriendly [17:40:19] TheMaxLC issued server command: /fly [17:40:21] TweeL1e issued server command: /tpa FilyWay [17:40:22] MrRomaLol issued server command: /rtp [17:40:24] TheMaxLC issued server command: /fly [17:40:24] FilyWay issued server command: /tpaccept [17:40:25] TheMaxLC умер (FALL) [17:40:25] [L] iamfriendly: здрасте [17:40:26] TweeL1e issued server command: /we cui [17:40:27] TheMaxLC issued server command: /we cui [17:40:31] [G] Vehitsel: !а чо они плохие? [17:40:33] asdadn issued server command: /fly [17:40:34] pash123 issued server command: /call Vedro_kotyat_dag [17:40:34] SplaschGaming issued server command: /tell asdadn арлемит над? [17:40:34] TweeL1e issued server command: /god [17:40:38] TweeL1e issued server command: /god [17:40:38] me3jack issued server command: /warp npcshop [17:40:39] asdadn issued server command: /fly [17:40:39] me3jack issued server command: /we cui [17:40:40] TweeL1e issued server command: /fly [17:40:41] asdadn умер (FALL) [17:40:41] TheMaxLC issued server command: /fly [17:40:42] TurboLastGame issued server command: /home [17:40:43] asdadn issued server command: /we cui [17:40:45] TheMaxLC issued server command: /fly [17:40:47] BJlaTnou вышел [17:40:47] SplaschGaming issued server command: /r ну ток у меня железная кирка [17:40:48] TheMaxLC issued server command: /fly [17:40:49] [G] Gazirovka_: !ну они немного бесполезные [17:40:51] me3jack issued server command: /warp list 2 [17:40:51] TheMaxLC issued server command: /fly [17:40:52] TheMaxLC умер (FALL) [17:40:52] SplaschGaming issued server command: /r хз [17:40:53] TheMaxLC issued server command: /we cui [17:40:56] [G] AngryHardGame: ! ну блин я вообще посох хотел [17:40:56] SplaschGaming issued server command: /r ща чекну( [17:40:57] Vedro_kotyat_dag issued server command: /tpaccept [17:41:00] FreakFromThePub issued server command: /home [17:41:01] asdadn issued server command: /fly [17:41:01] MR_NEON issued server command: /m Inotik привет пойдёшь с нами жить? [17:41:02] FreakFromThePub issued server command: /we cui [17:41:02] hakya issued server command: /rtp [17:41:03] MrRomaLol issued server command: /rtp [17:41:03] [G] Gazirovka_: !)) [17:41:04] SplaschGaming issued server command: /r нельзя( [17:41:05] asdadn issued server command: /fly [17:41:07] asdadn умер (FALL) [17:41:08] TheMaxLC issued server command: /fly [17:41:08] asdadn issued server command: /we cui [17:41:09] [G] Demaglhf: !хоти [17:41:09] TweeL1e issued server command: /home [17:41:10] hakya issued server command: /rtp [17:41:11] TweeL1e issued server command: /we cui [17:41:13] [G] AngryHardGame: ! и буду [17:41:13] TheMaxLC issued server command: /fly [17:41:14] Inotik issued server command: /r привет я живу уже с другом :) [17:41:15] TheMaxLC умер (FALL) [17:41:16] [G] iamfriendly: ! AngryHardGame прив [17:41:16] TheMaxLC issued server command: /we cui [17:41:18] asdadn issued server command: /trade SplaschGaming [17:41:18] TweeL1e issued server command: /fly [17:41:19] G0KO issued server command: /zset 0 [17:41:20] trololo1991 issued server command: /rtp [17:41:22] SplaschGaming issued server command: /trade accept [17:41:22] me3jack issued server command: /warp light [17:41:26] MrRomaLol issued server command: /rtp [17:41:41] asdadn issued server command: /fly [17:41:42] FreakFromThePub issued server command: /fly [17:41:45] asdadn issued server command: /fly [17:41:45] SergoPHS зашёл [17:41:46] me3jack issued server command: /warp charge [17:41:46] asdadn умер (FALL) [17:41:47] SergoPHS issued server command: /we cui [17:41:47] iamfriendly issued server command: /tpa Akatsukioff [17:41:48] asdadn issued server command: /we cui [17:41:49] G0KO issued server command: /zset 0 [17:41:49] Akatsukioff issued server command: /tpaccept [17:41:50] [L] pash123: Т ыгде [17:41:53] TurboLastGame issued server command: /tpa fi [17:41:55] Bomw issued server command: /home turbo [17:41:55] MR_NEON issued server command: /m Inotik ясно если хочешь потом к нам обращайся [17:41:56] MrRomaLol issued server command: /rtp [17:41:57] SimpleBoi issued server command: /home [17:41:58] [G] me3jack: ! где палку зарядить [17:41:58] [L] pash123: а вот [17:41:58] MrRomaLol issued server command: /rtp [17:41:58] filen2 issued server command: /tppaccept [17:41:59] MrRomaLol issued server command: /rtp [17:42:00] filen2 issued server command: /tpaccept [17:42:00] MrRomaLol issued server command: / [17:42:01] G0KO issued server command: /zset 0 [17:42:01] MrRomaLol issued server command: / [17:42:03] MrRomaLol issued server command: / [17:42:04] Topioka issued server command: /home [17:42:05] [G] AngryHardGame: ! пока что нигде [17:42:06] G0KO issued server command: /zset 0 [17:42:07] Bomw issued server command: /call filen2 [17:42:08] [G] AngryHardGame: ! варповв нет [17:42:10] G0KO issued server command: /zset 0 [17:42:11] [G] me3jack: ! супер [17:42:14] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [17:42:15] FreakFromThePub issued server command: /home [17:42:16] [G] AngryHardGame: ! да [17:42:18] G0KO issued server command: /zset 0 [17:42:18] FROST2137 вышел [17:42:20] me3jack issued server command: /home [17:42:21] me3jack issued server command: /we cui [17:42:21] Razy issued server command: /playtime [17:42:22] MrRomaLol issued server command: /rtp [17:42:24] MR_NEON issued server command: /m TweeL1e привет будешь с нами жить? [17:42:25] G0KO issued server command: /zset 0 [17:42:28] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [17:42:28] Razy issued server command: /playtime stats [17:42:31] asdadn issued server command: /fly [17:42:32] [G] me3jack: ! у меня рядом с домом кактус с ртом [17:42:34] G0KO issued server command: /zset 0 [17:42:34] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [17:42:35] asdadn issued server command: /fly [17:42:35] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [17:42:36] asdadn умер (FALL) [17:42:37] FROST2137 зашёл [17:42:37] [G] me3jack: ! что за дичь [17:42:38] iamfriendly issued server command: /spawn [17:42:38] asdadn issued server command: /we cui [17:42:39] iamfriendly issued server command: /we cui [17:42:40] Vipo4ek зашёл [17:42:40] [G] AngryHardGame: ! о это мой [17:42:42] TweeL1e issued server command: /m MR_NEON привет, я в тиме [17:42:43] FROST2137 issued server command: /we cui [17:42:44] MrRomaLol issued server command: /rtp [17:42:45] [G] 69Loqiemean96: !Классно [17:42:45] [G] me3jack: ! забери [17:42:46] MrRomaLol умер (FALL) [17:42:49] MrRomaLol issued server command: /we cui [17:42:50] iamfriendly issued server command: /warp world [17:42:51] asdadn issued server command: /fly [17:42:52] iamfriendly issued server command: /we cui [17:42:55] [G] me3jack: ! не, а серьезнор [17:42:55] asdadn issued server command: /fly [17:42:55] Gazirovka_ issued server command: /mpcaseshop [17:42:55] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [17:42:56] Gazirovka_ issued server command: /mpcaseview 1 [17:42:56] [L] pash123: ооо босс [17:42:56] Vipo4ek issued server command: /we cui [17:42:57] Gazirovka_ issued server command: /mpcaseshop [17:42:58] iamfriendly issued server command: /spawn [17:42:58] Gazirovka_ issued server command: /mpcaseview 2 [17:42:58] FROST2137 issued server command: /fly [17:42:58] asdadn issued server command: /fly [17:42:58] Gazirovka_ issued server command: /mpcaseshop [17:42:59] iamfriendly issued server command: /we cui [17:42:59] Gazirovka_ issued server command: /mpcaseview 5 [17:43:00] [G] AngryHardGame: ! мимик [17:43:00] [G] me3jack: ! он через стены бьет [17:43:00] Ic3berg issued server command: /home dydre [17:43:00] Gazirovka_ issued server command: /rollcase 5 [17:43:01] asdadn issued server command: /fly [17:43:01] Razy вышел [17:43:02] asdadn умер (FALL) [17:43:02] iamfriendly issued server command: /tpa Akatsukioff [17:43:03] pash123 issued server command: /m Vedro_kotyat_dag нашёл когото [17:43:03] asdadn issued server command: /we cui [17:43:05] Wonxderixng issued server command: /mpcaseshop [17:43:06] hakya issued server command: /rtp [17:43:07] TurboLastGame issued server command: /home [17:43:07] TurboLastGame issued server command: /mpcaseshop [17:43:07] Sowkand issued server command: /mpcaseshop [17:43:08] Akatsukioff issued server command: /tpaccept [17:43:08] [G] Suyumi: !это из дивайна рпг [17:43:09] Bomw issued server command: /mpcaseshop [17:43:10] iamfriendly issued server command: /we cui [17:43:10] Sowkand issued server command: /mpcaseview 5 [17:43:11] TurboLastGame issued server command: /mpcaseview 5 [17:43:13] Bomw issued server command: /mpcaseview 5 [17:43:13] pash123 issued server command: /tpaccept [17:43:13] Meinshoke issued server command: /rtp [17:43:15] MR_NEON issued server command: /m FROST2137 привет будешь с нами жить? [17:43:16] Gazirovka_ issued server command: /mpcaseshop [17:43:16] [G] me3jack: ! класс [17:43:17] Gazirovka_ issued server command: /mpcaseview 5 [17:43:18] Gazirovka_ issued server command: /rollcase 5 [17:43:18] G0KO issued server command: /zset 0 [17:43:19] asdadn issued server command: /fly [17:43:19] pash123 issued server command: /m Vedro_kotyat_dag тп [17:43:20] Vipo4ek issued server command: /warp world [17:43:22] Vipo4ek issued server command: /we cui [17:43:22] asdadn issued server command: /fly [17:43:23] termik issued server command: /mpcaseshop [17:43:23] Vipo4ek issued server command: /rtp [17:43:24] Sowkand issued server command: /mpcaseshop [17:43:25] [G] me3jack: ! он какойто черной пыльцой стреляет [17:43:25] [G] AngryHardGame: ! землякрушитяль [17:43:26] Sowkand issued server command: /mpcaseview 5 [17:43:26] asdadn issued server command: /fly [17:43:26] Sowkand issued server command: /mpcaseview 5 [17:43:26] termik issued server command: /mpcaseview 5 [17:43:28] asdadn issued server command: /fly [17:43:29] TurboLastGame issued server command: /mpcaseshop [17:43:29] asdadn умер (FALL) [17:43:30] [G] me3jack: ! как из дома выйти [17:43:31] asdadn issued server command: /we cui [17:43:31] MrRomaLol issued server command: /rtp [17:43:32] [G] AngryHardGame: ! это типо шипы [17:43:33] Gazirovka_ issued server command: /mpcaseshop [17:43:34] Gazirovka_ issued server command: /mpcaseview 6 [17:43:34] G0KO issued server command: /zset 0 [17:43:36] Gazirovka_ issued server command: /mpcaseshop [17:43:36] MrRomaLol issued server command: /rtp [17:43:37] Demaglhf issued server command: /god [17:43:37] Gazirovka_ issued server command: /mpcaseview 7 [17:43:37] MrRomaLol issued server command: /rtp [17:43:39] Gazirovka_ issued server command: /mpcaseshop [17:43:39] MrRomaLol issued server command: /rtp [17:43:40] Gazirovka_ issued server command: /mpcaseview 8 [17:43:40] MrRomaLol issued server command: /rtp [17:43:40] Gazirovka_ issued server command: /mpcaseshop [17:43:40] FROST2137 issued server command: /fly [17:43:41] Gazirovka_ issued server command: /mpcaseview 9 [17:43:42] G0KO issued server command: /zset 0 [17:43:43] FROST2137 issued server command: /fly [17:43:43] pash123 issued server command: /m Vedro_kotyat_dag нет из дивайна ктото [17:43:44] [L] Dydre: удачи [17:43:44] SimpleBoi issued server command: /home [17:43:44] Vipo4ek issued server command: /rtp [17:43:44] MrRomaLol issued server command: /rtp [17:43:45] Gazirovka_ issued server command: /ec [17:43:45] MrRomaLol issued server command: /rtp [17:43:48] asdadn issued server command: /fly [17:43:49] [L] Demaglhf: давай [17:43:49] TheMaxLC issued server command: /fly [17:43:49] Wonxderixng issued server command: /mpcaseshop [17:43:50] pash123 issued server command: /tpaccept [17:43:51] G0KO issued server command: /zset 0 [17:43:51] Gazirovka_ issued server command: /kit [17:43:51] me3jack умер (PROJECTILE) [17:43:52] asdadn issued server command: /fly [17:43:53] Vipo4ek issued server command: /m MR_NEON я тут [17:43:53] me3jack issued server command: /we cui [17:43:53] Inotik issued server command: /rg i [17:43:54] TheMaxLC issued server command: /fly [17:43:54] asdadn умер (FALL) [17:43:55] TheMaxLC умер (FALL) [17:43:55] asdadn issued server command: /we cui [17:43:57] Wonxderixng issued server command: /mpcaseshop [17:43:58] MrRomaLol issued server command: /tpa Meinshoke [17:43:58] TheMaxLC issued server command: /we cui [17:44:01] pash123 issued server command: /m Vedro_kotyat_dag 2 [17:44:02] Gazirovka_ issued server command: /mpcaseshop [17:44:02] trololo1991 issued server command: /rtp [17:44:02] Gazirovka_ issued server command: /mpcaseview 5 [17:44:03] Wonxderixng issued server command: /mpcaseview 9 [17:44:03] Sowkand issued server command: /mpcaseshop [17:44:04] Meinshoke issued server command: /tpaccept [17:44:04] Sowkand issued server command: /mpcaseview 9 [17:44:05] Sowkand issued server command: /mpcaseshop [17:44:05] Wonxderixng issued server command: /mpcaseshop [17:44:06] Sowkand issued server command: /mpcaseview 8 [17:44:06] Wonxderixng issued server command: /mpcaseview 8 [17:44:07] Sowkand issued server command: /mpcaseshop [17:44:07] Sowkand issued server command: /mpcaseview 7 [17:44:08] [G] AngryHardGame: ! Gazirovka_ это ты за свои деньги, или за свои модераторские баллы [17:44:08] MR_NEON issued server command: /m Vipo4ek я вижу) [17:44:08] Sowkand issued server command: /mpcaseshop [17:44:09] Sowkand issued server command: /mpcaseview 6 [17:44:09] Wonxderixng issued server command: /mpcaseshop [17:44:10] MrRomaLol issued server command: /rtp [17:44:11] Sowkand issued server command: /mpcaseshop [17:44:12] Sowkand issued server command: /mpcaseview 5 [17:44:13] Sowkand issued server command: /mpcaseshop [17:44:13] Sowkand issued server command: /mpcaseview 2 [17:44:14] Sowkand issued server command: /mpcaseview 2 [17:44:14] [G] Gazirovka_: !свои [17:44:14] trololo1991 умер (ENTITY_ATTACK) [17:44:15] Vedro_kotyat_dag issued server command: /tpa pash123 [17:44:15] pash123 issued server command: /tpaccept [17:44:16] TOGA issued server command: /enderchest [17:44:17] [G] me3jack: ! как палку зарядить блинб [17:44:17] MrRomaLol issued server command: /rtp [17:44:19] MrRomaLol issued server command: /rtp [17:44:19] asdadn issued server command: /fly [17:44:20] MrRomaLol issued server command: /rtp [17:44:22] Bomw issued server command: /rtp [17:44:22] trololo1991 issued server command: /we cui [17:44:22] Vipo4ek issued server command: /кез [17:44:22] Vipo4ek issued server command: /rtp [17:44:23] asdadn issued server command: /fly [17:44:24] Vipo4ek issued server command: /rtp [17:44:24] [G] AngryHardGame: ! ибо чет супер рандом кейс не окупается как по мне [17:44:26] asdadn issued server command: /fly [17:44:28] [G] TurboLastGame: !через USB [17:44:28] [G] Vehitsel: !газировка а ты давно модер? [17:44:28] asdadn issued server command: /fly [17:44:29] asdadn умер (FALL) [17:44:29] MR_NEON issued server command: /m FROST2137 привет будешь с нами жить? [17:44:31] asdadn issued server command: /we cui [17:44:32] trololo1991 issued server command: /warp world [17:44:32] [G] me3jack: ! я с этим модом 2 года не играл [17:44:34] trololo1991 issued server command: /we cui [17:44:35] MrRomaLol issued server command: /rtp [17:44:36] [G] me3jack: ! как палку зарядить блинб [17:44:36] MrRomaLol issued server command: /rtp [17:44:37] MrRomaLol issued server command: /rtp [17:44:38] [L] 69Loqiemean96: ааааа [17:44:39] MrRomaLol issued server command: /rtp [17:44:39] [G] Gazirovka_: !мне в прошлом вайпе со второго кейса этого мод выпал на месяц [17:44:39] [G] TurboLastGame: !через USB [17:44:39] FROST2137 issued server command: /r - [17:44:40] MrRomaLol issued server command: /rtp [17:44:43] [G] Vehitsel: !никак не зарядить [17:44:44] [L] pash123: житель умрир [17:44:44] [G] me3jack: ! спасибо [17:44:45] [G] Gazirovka_: !ну такое, вроде норм [17:44:45] MrRomaLol issued server command: /rtp [17:44:45] trololo1991 issued server command: /rtp [17:44:46] MrRomaLol issued server command: /rtp [17:44:46] [G] Vehitsel: !смирись [17:44:49] Gazirovka_ issued server command: /zset [17:44:51] [G] me3jack: ! какие вы все позитивные [17:44:51] Gazirovka_ issued server command: /zwand [17:44:52] [L] pash123: нет [17:44:52] Vipo4ek issued server command: /rtp [17:44:53] asdadn issued server command: /fly [17:44:57] asdadn issued server command: /fly [17:44:59] asdadn умер (FALL) [17:44:59] [L] pash123: у него хп 1к [17:45:00] asdadn issued server command: /we cui [17:45:02] MrRomaLol issued server command: /afk [17:45:05] Vipo4ek issued server command: /rtp [17:45:05] SimpleBoi issued server command: /rtp [17:45:09] trololo1991 issued server command: /kit start [17:45:10] Vipo4ek issued server command: /rtp [17:45:12] [G] Gazirovka_: ! AngryHardGame + я их в прошлом вайпе брал [17:45:15] trololo1991 issued server command: /rtp [17:45:17] MrRomaLol issued server command: /rtp [17:45:18] [G] Gazirovka_: !тут вернули [17:45:19] Vipo4ek issued server command: /rtp [17:45:21] [G] AngryHardGame: ! а ладно [17:45:21] Vipo4ek issued server command: /rtp [17:45:21] asdadn issued server command: /fly [17:45:23] Vipo4ek issued server command: /rtp [17:45:25] Vipo4ek issued server command: /rtp [17:45:25] asdadn issued server command: /fly [17:45:27] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [17:45:27] Vedro_kotyat_dag issued server command: /tpaccept [17:45:28] Vedro_kotyat_dag issued server command: /tpaccept [17:45:28] asdadn issued server command: /fly [17:45:28] [G] me3jack: ! аааааааааааааааааааа [17:45:29] Vedro_kotyat_dag issued server command: /tpaccept/ [17:45:30] asdadn issued server command: /fly [17:45:31] Gazirovka_ issued server command: /cart gui [17:45:31] [G] me3jack: ! как палку зарядить блинб [17:45:31] Vedro_kotyat_dag issued server command: /tpaccept [17:45:31] asdadn умер (FALL) [17:45:33] MrRomaLol issued server command: /rtp [17:45:33] asdadn issued server command: /we cui [17:45:34] MrRomaLol issued server command: /rtp [17:45:40] TheMaxLC issued server command: /fly [17:45:40] KotAgresor issued server command: /home [17:45:40] MrRomaLol issued server command: /rtp [17:45:40] [G] AngryHardGame: ! а зачем тебе конкретно сейчас палка ? [17:45:41] MR_NEON issued server command: /m filen2 привет будешь с нами жить? [17:45:41] pash123 issued server command: /call Vedro_kotyat_dag [17:45:41] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [17:45:42] KotAgresor issued server command: /we cui [17:45:42] MrRomaLol issued server command: / [17:45:44] MrRomaLol issued server command: /rtp [17:45:44] Vedro_kotyat_dag issued server command: /tpaccept [17:45:47] TheMaxLC issued server command: /fly [17:45:47] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [17:45:47] MrRomaLol issued server command: /rtp [17:45:47] MrRomaLol issued server command: /rtp [17:45:47] MrRomaLol issued server command: /rtp [17:45:48] TheMaxLC умер (FALL) [17:45:49] Meinshoke issued server command: //expand 225 [17:45:49] [G] me3jack: ! чтобы сделать магический верстак [17:45:50] TheMaxLC issued server command: /we cui [17:45:52] Bomw issued server command: /home tirbo [17:45:55] Meinshoke issued server command: //expand 225 [17:45:55] [G] me3jack: ! я играю 20 минут [17:45:56] asdadn issued server command: /fly [17:45:56] Vipo4ek issued server command: /rtp [17:45:58] KotAgresor issued server command: /warp portal [17:45:58] Bomw issued server command: /home turbo [17:45:58] Gazirovka_ issued server command: /vanish [17:45:59] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [17:45:59] [G] Vehitsel: !чел ты [17:46:00] KotAgresor issued server command: /we cui [17:46:00] [G] AngryHardGame: ! а, ищи узел ауры [17:46:00] asdadn issued server command: /fly [17:46:02] asdadn умер (FALL) [17:46:03] asdadn issued server command: /we cui [17:46:05] [G] AngryHardGame: ! и пкм зажимай [17:46:06] [G] Vedro_kotyat_dag: !а как получать водяные гранулы [17:46:08] TheMaxLC issued server command: /fly [17:46:09] [G] me3jack: ! чел ты [17:46:11] KotAgresor issued server command: /we cui [17:46:11] Gazirovka_ issued server command: /vanish [17:46:12] Inotik issued server command: //chunk [17:46:12] Inotik issued server command: //outset 16 [17:46:12] Inotik issued server command: /zone [17:46:13] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [17:46:14] TheMaxLC issued server command: /fly [17:46:15] SimpleBoi issued server command: /рщьу [17:46:15] Gazirovka_ issued server command: /inv Sowkand [17:46:16] TheMaxLC умер (FALL) [17:46:16] SimpleBoi issued server command: /home [17:46:17] Inotik issued server command: /rg claim dark [17:46:17] [G] me3jack: ! AngryHardGame пасибо [17:46:18] TheMaxLC issued server command: /we cui [17:46:18] asdadn issued server command: /fly [17:46:18] [G] AngryHardGame: ! это такие еле видные шары света [17:46:21] Meinshoke issued server command: /sethome [17:46:22] asdadn issued server command: /fly [17:46:24] asdadn умер (FALL) [17:46:24] TurboLastGame issued server command: /trade Bomw [17:46:25] asdadn issued server command: /we cui [17:46:30] Vipo4ek issued server command: /rg claim bandatop [17:46:33] Vipo4ek issued server command: //chunk [17:46:33] Vipo4ek issued server command: //outset 16 [17:46:33] Vipo4ek issued server command: /zone [17:46:39] asdadn issued server command: /fly [17:46:39] Vipo4ek issued server command: //chunk [17:46:39] Vipo4ek issued server command: //outset 16 [17:46:39] Vipo4ek issued server command: /zone [17:46:41] me3jack issued server command: /home [17:46:42] [G] AngryHardGame: ! потом сделай таумометр/очки откровения и будешь норм их видеть [17:46:42] Vipo4ek issued server command: /rg claim bandatop [17:46:43] Gazirovka_ issued server command: /voteday [17:46:43] asdadn issued server command: /fly [17:46:45] hakya issued server command: /yes [17:46:45] asdadn умер (FALL) [17:46:45] Meinshoke issued server command: //expand 225 [17:46:46] Vehitsel issued server command: /no [17:46:46] TurboLastGame issued server command: /yes [17:46:46] asdadn issued server command: /we cui [17:46:47] [G] me3jack: ! мама вкусно готовит [17:46:50] termik issued server command: /yes [17:46:50] AngryHardGame issued server command: /yes [17:46:51] [G] Vedro_kotyat_dag: !а как получать водяные гранулы [17:46:52] Akatsukioff issued server command: /yes [17:46:56] ggwin issued server command: /rtp [17:46:58] Gazirovka_ issued server command: /fly [17:46:59] Meinshoke issued server command: /rg claim anime_hata [17:46:59] Vipo4ek issued server command: /m MR_NEON ng [17:47:00] pash123 issued server command: /m Vedro_kotyat_dag я того парня киллять [17:47:00] Vipo4ek issued server command: /m MR_NEON тп [17:47:02] TheMaxLC issued server command: /fly [17:47:02] MrRomaLol issued server command: /rtp [17:47:02] [L] TweeL1e: Сейчас бан дам [17:47:06] asdadn issued server command: /fly [17:47:07] TweeL1e вышел [17:47:07] TheMaxLC issued server command: /fly [17:47:07] [L] FreakFromThePub: аккуратнее [17:47:08] MR_NEON issued server command: /tpa Vipo4ek [17:47:09] TheMaxLC умер (FALL) [17:47:11] [G] me3jack: ! я ща такое мяско вкусное поем [17:47:11] asdadn issued server command: /fly [17:47:11] slaim01 issued server command: /rtp [17:47:11] TheMaxLC issued server command: /we cui [17:47:12] pash123 issued server command: /m Vedro_kotyat_dag фермера) [17:47:13] Vipo4ek issued server command: /rg addmember bandatop MR_NEON [17:47:13] asdadn умер (FALL) [17:47:13] TweeL1e зашёл [17:47:14] Vipo4ek issued server command: /home [17:47:14] asdadn issued server command: /we cui [17:47:15] Razy зашёл [17:47:15] Vipo4ek issued server command: /tpaccept [17:47:15] TweeL1e issued server command: /we cui [17:47:18] TweeL1e issued server command: /fly [17:47:18] iamfriendly issued server command: /tpa Akatsukioff [17:47:19] TweeL1e issued server command: /god [17:47:20] Vipo4ek issued server command: /sethome [17:47:21] Razy issued server command: /we cui [17:47:21] Akatsukioff issued server command: /tpaccept [17:47:24] [L] Vipo4ek: ку [17:47:25] [G] AngryHardGame: ! Гранулы можно добыть только как дроп с короля крабов в размере от одной до трёх [17:47:26] [L] TweeL1e: забинтЬ? [17:47:27] MR_NEON issued server command: /we cui [17:47:27] asdadn issued server command: /fly [17:47:29] trololo1991 issued server command: //chunk [17:47:29] trololo1991 issued server command: //outset 16 [17:47:29] trololo1991 issued server command: /zone [17:47:30] pash123 issued server command: /call Vedro_kotyat_dag [17:47:30] Inotik issued server command: /u время биндов, обьяву о наборе каждые 15 минут кидаите [17:47:32] asdadn issued server command: /fly [17:47:32] [G] AngryHardGame: ! и еще там с кого то [17:47:34] asdadn умер (FALL) [17:47:34] TheMaxLC issued server command: /fly [17:47:35] [G] Vedro_kotyat_dag: !cgfcb, [17:47:35] asdadn issued server command: /we cui [17:47:38] Meinshoke issued server command: //expand 225 [17:47:39] TheMaxLC issued server command: / [17:47:40] Meinshoke issued server command: /rg claim anime_hata [17:47:40] KotAgresor issued server command: /home [17:47:40] TheMaxLC issued server command: /fly [17:47:41] Gazirovka_ issued server command: /u а ты бинд дай [17:47:42] KotAgresor issued server command: /we cui [17:47:42] TheMaxLC умер (FALL) [17:47:43] Inotik issued server command: /u куда КОля ушел ток он могет кидать [17:47:44] TheMaxLC issued server command: /we cui [17:47:45] Razy issued server command: /mpcaseshop [17:47:47] filen2 вышел [17:47:49] Gazirovka_ issued server command: /u я тута [17:47:50] [G] Vedro_kotyat_dag: !а где короли крабов обитают [17:47:52] asdadn issued server command: /fly [17:47:53] Razy issued server command: /mpcaseview 1 [17:47:54] filen2 зашёл [17:47:54] Vedro_kotyat_dag issued server command: /tpaccept [17:47:54] Gazirovka_ issued server command: /u xD [17:47:54] Razy issued server command: /rollcase 1 [17:47:55] Meinshoke issued server command: //expand 225 [17:47:55] [G] AngryHardGame: ! на пляже [17:47:55] TOGA issued server command: /enderchest [17:47:56] filen2 issued server command: /we cui [17:47:57] asdadn issued server command: /fly [17:47:58] [G] flesziip: !beach [17:47:59] asdadn умер (FALL) [17:48:00] asdadn issued server command: /we cui [17:48:00] Inotik issued server command: /u але я тя тапком за ваниш ушата. [17:48:05] [G] me3jack: ! продам две огромные деревни в одном месте + дандж крипера за ресы [17:48:06] TheMaxLC issued server command: /fly [17:48:08] Razy issued server command: /mpcaseview 1 [17:48:08] [G] AngryHardGame: ! не матирисб [17:48:09] Meinshoke issued server command: /rg claim anime_hata [17:48:09] Gazirovka_ issued server command: /u а у меня баг, ща перезайду [17:48:10] Inotik issued server command: /u бинды в закрепе [17:48:11] Razy issued server command: /mpcaseshop [17:48:11] TheMaxLC issued server command: /fly [17:48:13] [L] Vipo4ek: все7 [17:48:14] TheMaxLC умер (FALL) [17:48:14] Gazirovka_ вышел [17:48:14] MrRomaLol issued server command: /rtp [17:48:14] [G] Vedro_kotyat_dag: !а тут спаун рейт фикс или нет [17:48:16] TheMaxLC issued server command: /we cui [17:48:17] [L] Vipo4ek: все? [17:48:17] asdadn issued server command: /fly [17:48:19] Gazirovka_ зашёл [17:48:21] Gazirovka_ issued server command: /we cui [17:48:21] Gazirovka_ issued server command: /gm 1 [17:48:21] [L] Vipo4ek: я пошел [17:48:21] slaim01 issued server command: /rtp [17:48:22] asdadn issued server command: /fly [17:48:22] KotAgresor issued server command: /warp portal [17:48:23] asdadn умер (FALL) [17:48:24] MR_NEON issued server command: /m filen2 привет будешь с нами жить? [17:48:24] [L] Vipo4ek: завтра зайду [17:48:25] KotAgresor issued server command: /we cui [17:48:25] asdadn issued server command: /we cui [17:48:28] [G] me3jack: !какой рейт ты болен? [17:48:29] [L] MR_NEON: иди [17:48:29] Topioka issued server command: /trade LittleSvinka [17:48:29] Topioka issued server command: /trade LittleSvinka [17:48:30] Topioka issued server command: /trade LittleSvinka [17:48:31] Vipo4ek вышел [17:48:32] Gazirovka_ issued server command: /u ща видно? [17:48:32] [G] AngryHardGame: ! незнаю, но вроде не должен [17:48:34] [L] MR_NEON: ок [17:48:35] [L] pash123: блин мне супер скоро спать( [17:48:36] TheMaxLC issued server command: /fly [17:48:40] Inotik issued server command: /u + [17:48:40] SimpleBoi issued server command: /rtp [17:48:41] asdadn issued server command: /fly [17:48:41] TheMaxLC issued server command: /fly [17:48:42] KotAgresor issued server command: /we cui [17:48:43] TheMaxLC умер (FALL) [17:48:43] [G] Vedro_kotyat_dag: !пон [17:48:44] TheMaxLC issued server command: /we cui [17:48:46] asdadn issued server command: /fly [17:48:47] asdadn умер (FALL) [17:48:48] [G] Vehitsel: !эх в первый вайп тут был топ спавнрейт [17:48:49] asdadn issued server command: /we cui [17:48:50] [G] me3jack: ! пацаны подарите очечи чтобы узлы найти [17:48:52] SimpleBoi issued server command: /home [17:48:57] TweeL1e issued server command: /kits [17:48:57] MrRomaLol issued server command: /rtp [17:48:58] slaim01 issued server command: /home [17:49:02] TheMaxLC issued server command: /fly [17:49:02] Topioka issued server command: /mpcaseshop [17:49:04] TweeL1e issued server command: /kit Focus [17:49:05] asdadn issued server command: /fly [17:49:06] Bradman вышел [17:49:06] TheMaxLC issued server command: / [17:49:07] [L] pash123: храм [17:49:07] Topioka issued server command: /trade Solordiy [17:49:08] TheMaxLC issued server command: /fly [17:49:08] asdadn issued server command: /fly [17:49:09] LittleSvinka issued server command: /trade Solordiy [17:49:09] [G] AngryHardGame: ! на старом rpg сервере, вот где был топ спавнрейт [17:49:10] TheMaxLC умер (FALL) [17:49:10] [G] Wonxderixng: !Раздачи запрещены) [17:49:11] TheMaxLC issued server command: /we cui [17:49:12] asdadn issued server command: /fly [17:49:14] asdadn issued server command: /fly [17:49:17] asdadn умер (FALL) [17:49:18] [G] me3jack: ! так это не раздача [17:49:21] G0KO issued server command: /zset 0 [17:49:21] asdadn issued server command: /we cui [17:49:22] Inotik issued server command: /inf 1.17 [17:49:22] Bradman зашёл [17:49:24] TOGA issued server command: /home [17:49:24] [G] me3jack: ! это торговля воздухом [17:49:25] Bradman issued server command: /we cui [17:49:28] SimpleBoi issued server command: /rtp [17:49:31] TheMaxLC issued server command: /fly [17:49:32] trololo1991 issued server command: //sel [17:49:33] [G] AngryHardGame: ! проголосуй на сайте, и купи они мега дешево стоят [17:49:33] filen2 issued server command: /warp 1 [17:49:34] [G] Wonxderixng: !Равносильно [17:49:35] filen2 issued server command: /home [17:49:36] TheMaxLC issued server command: /fly [17:49:37] SimpleBoi issued server command: /rtp [17:49:38] TheMaxLC умер (FALL) [17:49:39] TheMaxLC issued server command: /we cui [17:49:42] SimpleBoi issued server command: /rtp [17:49:44] TOGA issued server command: /enderchest [17:49:45] trololo1991 issued server command: /rg claim trololo [17:49:47] asdadn issued server command: /fly [17:49:48] TweeL1e issued server command: /kits [17:49:49] [G] me3jack: ! AngryHardGame спс [17:49:51] asdadn issued server command: /fly [17:49:53] TweeL1e issued server command: /kit Ae_mod [17:49:53] asdadn умер (FALL) [17:49:54] pash123 issued server command: /call Vedro_kotyat_dag [17:49:54] MrRomaLol issued server command: /rtp [17:49:55] Meinshoke issued server command: //sel [17:49:55] asdadn issued server command: /we cui [17:49:56] Vedro_kotyat_dag убил me3jack (IC2_ITEMTOOLBRONZEAXE) [17:49:57] me3jack issued server command: /we cui [17:49:57] trololo1991 issued server command: /rg delete trololo1991 [17:49:59] MR_NEON issued server command: /m AngryHardGame будешь с нами жить? [17:50:03] TheMaxLC issued server command: /trade Krantzg [17:50:04] Krantzg issued server command: /trade accept [17:50:04] Vedro_kotyat_dag убил me3jack (IC2_ITEMTOOLBRONZEAXE) [17:50:05] trololo1991 issued server command: /rg claim trololo1991 [17:50:06] me3jack issued server command: /we cui [17:50:08] AngryHardGame issued server command: /r мм а сколько вас ? [17:50:08] Vedro_kotyat_dag issued server command: /tpaccept [17:50:09] asdadn issued server command: /fly [17:50:10] me3jack убил Vedro_kotyat_dag (IC2_ITEMTOOLBRONZESWORD) [17:50:12] ggwin issued server command: /home [17:50:12] Vedro_kotyat_dag issued server command: /we cui [17:50:12] QWEBOI зашёл [17:50:13] SplaschGaming issued server command: /tell asdadn на изюм же удача не работает? [17:50:13] asdadn issued server command: /fly [17:50:14] G0KO issued server command: /zset 0 [17:50:15] asdadn умер (FALL) [17:50:16] slaim01 issued server command: /rtp [17:50:16] asdadn issued server command: /we cui [17:50:17] pash123 убил me3jack (IRON_SWORD) [17:50:18] trololo1991 issued server command: //chunk [17:50:18] trololo1991 issued server command: //outset 16 [17:50:18] trololo1991 issued server command: /zone [17:50:18] me3jack issued server command: /we cui [17:50:18] TheMaxLC issued server command: /trade Krantzg [17:50:19] TweeL1e issued server command: /kits [17:50:20] TheMaxLC issued server command: /fly [17:50:20] Vedro_kotyat_dag issued server command: /tpa pash123 [17:50:24] SplaschGaming issued server command: /r а ну тогда тепайся с удачей [17:50:24] TweeL1e issued server command: /kit Mod [17:50:24] Gazirovka_ issued server command: /u /bc &6Дорогие игроки, ведется набор в &4модерацию&6, заявку можно оставить [17:50:24] G0KO issued server command: /zset 0 [17:50:24] TheMaxLC issued server command: /fly [17:50:25] pash123 убил me3jack (IRON_SWORD) [17:50:25] hakya issued server command: /rtp [17:50:26] TheMaxLC умер (FALL) [17:50:27] trololo1991 issued server command: /rg claim trololo1991 [17:50:27] me3jack issued server command: /we cui [17:50:27] TheMaxLC issued server command: /we cui [17:50:28] Vedro_kotyat_dag issued server command: /fly [17:50:28] [L] pash123: .езфссузе [17:50:29] QWEBOI issued server command: /we cui [17:50:29] trololo1991 issued server command: //sel [17:50:31] Gazirovka_ issued server command: /u на форуме - это? [17:50:31] asdadn issued server command: /call SplaschGaming [17:50:32] pash123 убил me3jack (IRON_SWORD) [17:50:33] me3jack issued server command: /we cui [17:50:35] SplaschGaming issued server command: /tpaccept [17:50:35] me3jack убил pash123 (WOOD_AXE) [17:50:36] Inotik issued server command: /u дадада [17:50:37] pash123 issued server command: /we cui [17:50:38] [L] SplaschGaming: даже без х-рея [17:50:41] asdadn issued server command: /fly [17:50:43] [L] SimpleBoi: дарова [17:50:46] pash123 issued server command: /m me3jack вор [17:50:47] G0KO issued server command: /zset 0 [17:50:47] TOGA issued server command: /WARP MINING [17:50:48] TOGA issued server command: /we cui [17:50:49] MR_NEON issued server command: /m AngryHardGame мы набераем людей 4 [17:50:52] [L] SplaschGaming: повезло повезло [17:50:53] [L] pash123: я принемал [17:50:58] asdadn issued server command: /home [17:50:59] Vedro_kotyat_dag issued server command: /kit [17:51:00] iamfriendly issued server command: /spawn [17:51:01] G0KO issued server command: /zset 0 [17:51:02] iamfriendly issued server command: /we cui [17:51:02] Topioka вышел [17:51:03] Gazirovka_ issued server command: /bc &6Дорогие игроки, ведется набор в &4модерацию&6, заявку можно оставить на &3форуме сервера [17:51:03] MrRomaLol issued server command: /rtp [17:51:06] pash123 issued server command: /call me3jack [17:51:10] AngryHardGame issued server command: /r а че по опыту игры там ? [17:51:17] asdadn issued server command: /fly [17:51:18] slaim01 issued server command: /home [17:51:18] asdadn умер (FALL) [17:51:18] pash123 issued server command: /адн [17:51:18] [G] Inotik: ! Ну шо пацаны кто первыи посох скрафтит ? [17:51:20] asdadn issued server command: /we cui [17:51:23] pash123 issued server command: /fly [17:51:24] [G] Vehitsel: !Эх щя бы в модеры [17:51:25] [G] Gazirovka_: !ты [17:51:28] me3jack убил Vedro_kotyat_dag (IRON_SWORD) [17:51:29] Vedro_kotyat_dag issued server command: /we cui [17:51:30] QWEBOI issued server command: /кез [17:51:31] MR_NEON issued server command: /set home [17:51:31] QWEBOI issued server command: /rtp [17:51:32] [G] Demaglhf: !думаю в течении недели будет [17:51:32] MrRomaLol issued server command: /rtp [17:51:33] Vedro_kotyat_dag issued server command: /fly [17:51:34] me3jack issued server command: //wand [17:51:37] MR_NEON issued server command: /sethome [17:51:37] MrRomaLol issued server command: /rtp [17:51:39] MrRomaLol issued server command: /rtp [17:51:39] iamfriendly issued server command: /warp world [17:51:41] asdadn issued server command: /fly [17:51:42] iamfriendly issued server command: /we cui [17:51:42] MrRomaLol issued server command: /rtp [17:51:43] MR_NEON issued server command: /home [17:51:43] MrRomaLol issued server command: /rtp [17:51:48] TheMaxLC issued server command: /fly [17:51:50] MrRomaLol issued server command: /tpa Meinshoke [17:51:52] TheMaxLC issued server command: /fly [17:51:53] hakya issued server command: /rtp [17:51:54] TheMaxLC умер (FALL) [17:51:54] MrRomaLol issued server command: /rtp [17:51:55] TheMaxLC issued server command: /we cui [17:51:56] Meinshoke issued server command: /rtp [17:51:59] MrRomaLol issued server command: /rtp [17:52:00] Inotik issued server command: //chunk [17:52:00] Inotik issued server command: //outset 16 [17:52:00] Inotik issued server command: /zone [17:52:01] MrRomaLol issued server command: /rtp [17:52:01] estate зашёл [17:52:02] me3jack issued server command: //expand 50 up [17:52:02] MrRomaLol issued server command: /rtp [17:52:02] QWEBOI issued server command: /rtp [17:52:03] Meinshoke issued server command: /tpaccept [17:52:03] MrRomaLol issued server command: /rtp [17:52:04] me3jack issued server command: //expand 50 down [17:52:05] Ic3berg issued server command: /home dydre [17:52:08] trololo1991 issued server command: /home set [17:52:08] iamfriendly issued server command: /rtp [17:52:08] Inotik issued server command: /rg claim dark2 [17:52:08] me3jack issued server command: /rg claim orsgoan [17:52:08] MrRomaLol issued server command: /tpa Meinshoke [17:52:11] [G] Vehitsel: !а скок нынче модеры должны часов фигарить? [17:52:12] Meinshoke issued server command: /tpaccept [17:52:13] trololo1991 issued server command: /home [17:52:14] QWEBOI issued server command: /mpcaseshop [17:52:16] pash123 убил me3jack (IRON_SWORD) [17:52:17] QWEBOI issued server command: /mpcaseview 1 [17:52:17] estate issued server command: /we cui [17:52:17] umpalumpik зашёл [17:52:17] ggwin issued server command: /rtp [17:52:18] me3jack issued server command: /we cui [17:52:18] MR_NEON issued server command: /m AngryHardGame я тут еже 7 вайп играю [17:52:20] TheMaxLC issued server command: /fly [17:52:22] MrRomaLol issued server command: /tpa Meinshoke [17:52:24] MrRomaLol issued server command: /rtp [17:52:24] Akatsukioff issued server command: /rtp [17:52:25] TheMaxLC issued server command: /fly [17:52:26] Krantzg issued server command: /kit eat [17:52:27] TheMaxLC умер (FALL) [17:52:27] [L] pash123: ресы вернёшь? [17:52:30] TheMaxLC issued server command: /we cui [17:52:30] [G] Gazirovka_: !подай и узнаешь) [17:52:32] FilyWay issued server command: /home [17:52:34] FilyWay issued server command: /we cui [17:52:34] umpalumpik issued server command: /we cui [17:52:34] [L] me3jack: 2 грифера [17:52:37] [L] me3jack: нашлись [17:52:38] G0KO issued server command: /zset 0 [17:52:39] QWEBOI issued server command: /rtp [17:52:39] Meinshoke issued server command: /home [17:52:42] QWEBOI issued server command: /spawn [17:52:43] [G] Vehitsel: !так не интересно [17:52:44] [L] Vedro_kotyat_dag: xnj [17:52:45] MrRomaLol issued server command: /rtp [17:52:50] Vedro_kotyat_dag убил me3jack (IRON_SWORD) [17:52:51] Inotik issued server command: //chunk [17:52:51] Inotik issued server command: //outset 16 [17:52:51] Inotik issued server command: /zone [17:52:52] me3jack issued server command: /we cui [17:52:53] Inotik issued server command: /rg claim dark3 [17:52:53] termik issued server command: /ome [17:52:53] Gazirovka_ issued server command: /u а я могу например это сказать ему? [17:52:54] Lolota зашёл [17:52:54] termik issued server command: /home [17:52:55] Vedro_kotyat_dag убил me3jack (IRON_SWORD) [17:52:57] umpalumpik issued server command: /case [17:52:57] me3jack issued server command: /we cui [17:52:58] Ic3berg issued server command: /home dydre [17:52:58] Inotik issued server command: /u неа [17:52:59] Ic3berg умер (DROWNING) [17:52:59] me3jack issued server command: /spawn [17:52:59] [L] pash123: верни ресы [17:53:00] me3jack issued server command: /we cui [17:53:00] Ic3berg issued server command: /we cui [17:53:02] Ic3berg issued server command: /home dydre [17:53:03] Ic3berg issued server command: /home dydre [17:53:04] umpalumpik issued server command: /collect all [17:53:05] Ic3berg issued server command: /home dydre [17:53:07] Lolota issued server command: /we cui [17:53:09] hakya issued server command: /rtp [17:53:10] [G] Vehitsel: !ну сложно чтоль скзаать? [17:53:11] [L] pash123: нет [17:53:12] Inotik issued server command: /u эта инфа только на форуме или от гма так что нет [17:53:14] QWEBOI issued server command: /warp world [17:53:16] TheOldIniquity вышел [17:53:17] QWEBOI issued server command: /we cui [17:53:18] KotAgresor issued server command: /sethome [17:53:18] MrRomaLol issued server command: /rtp [17:53:20] me3jack вышел [17:53:20] Gazirovka_ issued server command: /fly [17:53:20] QWEBOI issued server command: /rtp [17:53:22] Suyumi issued server command: /kit [17:53:23] G0KO issued server command: /zset 1 [17:53:27] MR_NEON issued server command: /m AngryHardGame пойдёшь? [17:53:31] TurboLastGame issued server command: /rtp [17:53:31] [L] pash123: вышел( [17:53:33] Ic3berg issued server command: /home dydre [17:53:33] Suyumi issued server command: /kit shadow [17:53:33] QWEBOI issued server command: /rtp [17:53:34] KotAgresor issued server command: /tpa FROST2137 [17:53:36] Ic3berg issued server command: /home [17:53:37] AngryHardGame issued server command: /r подумаю пока что [17:53:37] Ic3berg умер (DROWNING) [17:53:39] Ic3berg issued server command: /we cui [17:53:39] Gazirovka_ issued server command: /zset 2 [17:53:40] QWEBOI issued server command: /rtp [17:53:40] umpalumpik issued server command: /mpcaseshop [17:53:41] FROST2137 issued server command: /tpaccept [17:53:42] G0KO issued server command: /zset 2 [17:53:43] umpalumpik issued server command: /mpcaseview 1 [17:53:43] KotAgresor issued server command: /we cui [17:53:44] QWEBOI issued server command: /mpcaseshop [17:53:44] umpalumpik issued server command: /rollcase 1 [17:53:44] TurboLastGame issued server command: /home [17:53:45] QWEBOI issued server command: /mpcaseview 1 [17:53:45] Dydre issued server command: /call Ic3berg [17:53:46] QWEBOI issued server command: /rollcase 1 [17:53:48] Ic3berg issued server command: /home dydre [17:53:49] TheMaxLC issued server command: /fly [17:53:49] Ic3berg issued server command: /home dydre [17:53:50] Ic3berg issued server command: /home dydre [17:53:51] Ic3berg issued server command: /home dydre [17:53:51] Bomw issued server command: /rtp [17:53:52] Ic3berg issued server command: /home dydre [17:53:53] TheMaxLC issued server command: /fly [17:53:55] TheMaxLC умер (FALL) [17:53:55] Gazirovka_ issued server command: /zset 3 [17:53:56] G0KO issued server command: /zset 2 [17:53:56] Vedro_kotyat_dag умер (PROJECTILE) [17:53:56] TheMaxLC issued server command: /we cui [17:53:57] Ic3berg issued server command: /tpaccept [17:53:58] Vedro_kotyat_dag issued server command: /we cui [17:54:00] Gazirovka_ issued server command: /zset 3 [17:54:00] G0KO issued server command: /zset 2 [17:54:00] QWEBOI issued server command: /mpcaseview 1 [17:54:01] G0KO issued server command: /zset 2 [17:54:02] QWEBOI issued server command: /rollcase 1 [17:54:02] umpalumpik issued server command: /mpcaseshop [17:54:02] Ic3berg issued server command: /home dydre [17:54:02] Vedro_kotyat_dag issued server command: /fly [17:54:02] G0KO issued server command: /zset 2 [17:54:03] umpalumpik issued server command: /mpcaseview 1 [17:54:03] G0KO issued server command: /zset 2 [17:54:04] Ic3berg issued server command: /home dydre [17:54:04] umpalumpik issued server command: /rollcase 1 [17:54:06] Dydre issued server command: /home [17:54:09] SplaschGaming issued server command: /r опять изюм [17:54:10] LittleSvinka issued server command: //chunk [17:54:10] LittleSvinka issued server command: //outset 16 [17:54:10] LittleSvinka issued server command: /zone [17:54:11] SplaschGaming умер (ENTITY_ATTACK) [17:54:11] Meinshoke issued server command: /cases [17:54:12] FROST2137 issued server command: /tpahere LEHbDYMATb [17:54:14] TheMaxLC issued server command: /fly [17:54:15] hakya issued server command: /rtp [17:54:15] MR_NEON issued server command: /m AngryHardGame ладно думай если пойдёшь завтра друк добавит? [17:54:15] QWEBOI issued server command: /mpcaseview 1 [17:54:15] umpalumpik issued server command: /mpcaseshop [17:54:15] SplaschGaming issued server command: /we cui [17:54:15] asdadn issued server command: /call SplaschGaming [17:54:16] QWEBOI issued server command: /rollcase 1 [17:54:16] umpalumpik issued server command: /mpcaseview 1 [17:54:16] umpalumpik issued server command: /mpcaseview 1 [17:54:17] umpalumpik issued server command: /rollcase 1 [17:54:17] G0KO issued server command: /zset 2 [17:54:17] Inotik issued server command: //chunk [17:54:17] Inotik issued server command: //outset 16 [17:54:17] Inotik issued server command: /zone [17:54:18] Akatsukioff issued server command: /rtp [17:54:18] SplaschGaming issued server command: /r хпхпхпх [17:54:18] LEHbDYMATb issued server command: /tpa KotAgresor [17:54:19] LittleSvinka issued server command: /rg select [17:54:20] Inotik issued server command: /rg claim dark4 [17:54:20] TheMaxLC issued server command: /fly [17:54:21] Meinshoke issued server command: /cases list [17:54:22] TheMaxLC умер (FALL) [17:54:22] SplaschGaming issued server command: /r меня зомби убил [17:54:23] TheMaxLC issued server command: /we cui [17:54:25] LEHbDYMATb issued server command: /tpaccept [17:54:25] LittleSvinka issued server command: //sel [17:54:26] iamfriendly issued server command: /warp world [17:54:27] KotAgresor issued server command: /tpaccept [17:54:27] iamfriendly issued server command: /rtp [17:54:29] SplaschGaming issued server command: /fly [17:54:29] Ic3berg issued server command: /call dydre [17:54:30] QWEBOI issued server command: /mpcaseview 1 [17:54:30] umpalumpik issued server command: /mpcaseshop [17:54:31] Meinshoke issued server command: /cases info [17:54:32] umpalumpik issued server command: /mpcaseview 1 [17:54:32] QWEBOI issued server command: /rollcase 1 [17:54:33] umpalumpik issued server command: /rollcase 1 [17:54:33] G0KO issued server command: /zset 2 [17:54:33] SplaschGaming issued server command: /r точка смерти вроде да [17:54:34] Lolota issued server command: /fly [17:54:36] Dydre issued server command: /tpaccept [17:54:41] Meinshoke issued server command: /cases help [17:54:41] Meinshoke issued server command: /cases help [17:54:41] Meinshoke issued server command: /cases help [17:54:44] QWEBOI issued server command: /mpcaseview 1 [17:54:45] [L] pash123: на [17:54:45] QWEBOI issued server command: /rollcase 1 [17:54:46] umpalumpik issued server command: /mpcaseshop [17:54:47] umpalumpik issued server command: /mpcaseview 1 [17:54:48] umpalumpik issued server command: /rollcase 1 [17:54:50] Meinshoke issued server command: /case [17:54:51] G0KO issued server command: /zset 2 [17:54:56] Meinshoke issued server command: /casesreload [17:54:56] TweeL1e issued server command: /kits [17:54:56] QWEBOI issued server command: /mpcaseview 1 [17:54:57] QWEBOI issued server command: /rollcase 1 [17:54:57] umpalumpik issued server command: /mpcaseshop [17:54:58] umpalumpik issued server command: /mpcaseview 1 [17:54:59] G0KO issued server command: /zset 1 [17:55:00] umpalumpik issued server command: /rollcase 1 [17:55:04] Ic3berg issued server command: /home dydre [17:55:06] MR_NEON вышел [17:55:09] QWEBOI issued server command: /mpcaseview 1 [17:55:12] umpalumpik issued server command: /mpcaseshop [17:55:13] umpalumpik issued server command: /mpcaseview 1 [17:55:13] Meinshoke issued server command: /:rollcase [17:55:14] umpalumpik issued server command: /rollcase 1 [17:55:14] Vehitsel issued server command: /m Gazirovka_ ну чо ты реально не скажешь скок вы часов сидите? [17:55:19] G0KO issued server command: /zset 2 [17:55:20] estate issued server command: /rtp [17:55:25] LittleSvinka вышел [17:55:26] KotAgresor issued server command: /home [17:55:26] umpalumpik issued server command: /mpcaseshop [17:55:27] umpalumpik issued server command: /mpcaseview 1 [17:55:28] umpalumpik issued server command: /rollcase 1 [17:55:28] Gazirovka_ issued server command: /r низя [17:55:28] KotAgresor issued server command: /we cui [17:55:30] [L] pash123: 5 жел и уголь с его печьки ехееххехехехехееххе [17:55:34] LittleSvinka зашёл [17:55:35] TheMaxLC issued server command: /warp mining [17:55:35] LittleSvinka issued server command: /we cui [17:55:40] TheMaxLC issued server command: /we cui [17:55:40] LittleSvinka issued server command: /fly [17:55:41] Bomw issued server command: /fly [17:55:42] Akatsukioff issued server command: /tpa iam [17:55:45] TheMaxLC issued server command: /fly [17:55:46] Gazirovka_ issued server command: /zset 2 [17:55:47] iamfriendly issued server command: /tpaccept [17:55:49] umpalumpik issued server command: /tpa QWEBOI [17:55:49] TweeL1e issued server command: /kit Mobs [17:55:51] SplaschGaming issued server command: /tpaccept [17:55:52] QWEBOI issued server command: /tpaccept [17:55:52] MrRomaLol issued server command: /rtp [17:55:53] [L] pash123: в привате ток сундуки [17:55:53] umpalumpik issued server command: /we cui [17:55:54] me3jack зашёл [17:55:56] Vehitsel issued server command: /list [17:55:56] estate issued server command: /kit [17:55:58] filen2 issued server command: /rtp [17:56:00] me3jack issued server command: /we cui [17:56:04] [L] pash123: го ломать его дом) [17:56:05] SplaschGaming issued server command: /home [17:56:05] Ic3berg вышел [17:56:06] SergoPHS issued server command: /call ggwin [17:56:06] Inotik issued server command: /kit [17:56:07] asdadn issued server command: /home [17:56:09] G0KO issued server command: /zset 2 [17:56:10] Demaglhf issued server command: /home [17:56:10] me3jack issued server command: /home [17:56:11] me3jack issued server command: /we cui [17:56:13] G0KO issued server command: /zset 2 [17:56:16] filen2 был кикнут [17:56:16] filen2 вышел [17:56:18] Gazirovka_ issued server command: /kit [17:56:20] AngryHardGame issued server command: /warp list [17:56:22] filen2 зашёл [17:56:23] filen2 issued server command: /we cui [17:56:27] filen2 issued server command: /warp 1 [17:56:27] filen2 issued server command: /home [17:56:28] SergoPHS issued server command: /call TweeL1e [17:56:30] G0KO issued server command: /zset 0 [17:56:31] AngryHardGame issued server command: /warp portal [17:56:33] AngryHardGame issued server command: /we cui [17:56:35] LittleSvinka issued server command: /kits [17:56:36] filen2 issued server command: /m Gazirovka_ варпик можно? [17:56:36] pash123 issued server command: /m Vedro_kotyat_dag сори мне пора спать( [17:56:39] MrRomaLol issued server command: /money [17:56:40] G0KO issued server command: /zset 0 [17:56:45] LittleSvinka issued server command: /god [17:56:45] Gazirovka_ issued server command: /warp pset 1 [17:56:46] Vedro_kotyat_dag issued server command: /home [17:56:49] LittleSvinka issued server command: //wand [17:56:51] Gazirovka_ issued server command: /warp update 1 [17:56:52] SergoPHS issued server command: /call FilyWay [17:56:54] pash123 issued server command: /m Vedro_kotyat_dag завтра ему отомстим пока [17:56:55] FilyWay issued server command: /tpaccept [17:56:56] [L] me3jack: крутыен ресы [17:56:58] trololo1991 issued server command: /home [17:56:59] [L] me3jack: где нашел [17:57:00] Vehitsel issued server command: /r кста а не знаешь за что у меня флип забрал префикс? [17:57:01] Gazirovka_ issued server command: /warp invite filen2 1 [17:57:02] pash123 убил me3jack (IRON_SWORD) [17:57:04] flesziip issued server command: /warp nether [17:57:04] me3jack issued server command: /we cui [17:57:11] G0KO issued server command: /zset 0 [17:57:11] LittleSvinka issued server command: //expand 50 up [17:57:12] flesziip issued server command: /we cui [17:57:13] Gazirovka_ issued server command: /r хз, я не в войсе с ними [17:57:13] LittleSvinka issued server command: //expand 20 d [17:57:14] G0KO issued server command: /zset 0 [17:57:15] [L] pash123: htcs jnlfim [17:57:16] Vedro_kotyat_dag issued server command: /tpa pash123 [17:57:17] flesziip issued server command: /fly [17:57:18] Gazirovka_ issued server command: /r спроси [17:57:19] [L] SplaschGaming: ну узнаем [17:57:19] pash123 issued server command: /езфссузе [17:57:19] LittleSvinka issued server command: /rg delete sobaka [17:57:21] MrRomaLol issued server command: /money [17:57:22] pash123 issued server command: /tpaccept [17:57:23] MrRomaLol issued server command: /rtp [17:57:23] LittleSvinka issued server command: /rg claim sobaka [17:57:25] Demaglhf issued server command: /home [17:57:25] [L] SplaschGaming: хз [17:57:27] me3jack issued server command: /admin [17:57:29] Vehitsel issued server command: /r мне впадлу этому челу хоть чтото пистаь вообще [17:57:29] LittleSvinka issued server command: /rg addmebmer sobaka Solordiy [17:57:29] [L] pash123: Наши ресы дашь? [17:57:31] Vedro_kotyat_dag убил me3jack (IRON_SWORD) [17:57:31] G0KO issued server command: /zset 0 [17:57:32] hakya issued server command: /rtp [17:57:33] me3jack issued server command: /we cui [17:57:34] [L] SplaschGaming: да [17:57:35] LEHbDYMATb вышел [17:57:37] LittleSvinka issued server command: /rg addmember sobaka Solordiy [17:57:38] MrRomaLol issued server command: /shop [17:57:41] LittleSvinka issued server command: /rg addmember sobaka Topioka [17:57:41] [L] me3jack: ща [17:57:41] tH0R зашёл [17:57:43] termik issued server command: /home [17:57:43] [L] me3jack: дай напишу [17:57:44] MrRomaLol issued server command: /qs buy [17:57:45] G0KO issued server command: /zset 2 [17:57:46] [L] Vedro_kotyat_dag: отдай ресы и отстанем [17:57:48] G0KO issued server command: /zset 2 [17:57:51] G0KO issued server command: /zset 2 [17:57:52] [L] me3jack: а зачем вы меня убивать начали?\ [17:57:53] tH0R issued server command: /we cui [17:57:57] [L] Vedro_kotyat_dag: отдай ресы и отстанем [17:57:59] [L] me3jack: а зачем вы меня убивать начали?\ [17:58:03] [L] me3jack: вопрос [17:58:03] [G] Demaglhf: !я какаю в туалете [17:58:04] [L] SplaschGaming: прийдем через 3 часика и проверим [17:58:05] [L] Vedro_kotyat_dag: отдай ресы и отстанем [17:58:05] Inotik issued server command: /m flesziip кста что решили на счет портала в шахт мир ? [17:58:09] Inotik issued server command: /home [17:58:11] MrRomaLol issued server command: /rtp [17:58:13] me3jack issued server command: /admin list [17:58:14] [G] AngryHardGame: ! я всегда это знал [17:58:14] Akatsukioff issued server command: /rtp [17:58:14] tH0R issued server command: /warp list [17:58:15] [L] Vedro_kotyat_dag: просто [17:58:16] [L] iamfriendly: Дарова [17:58:17] estate issued server command: /tp [17:58:17] Gazirovka_ issued server command: /warp invite Bomw 1 [17:58:19] flesziip issued server command: /R а чу с ним, робит жи [17:58:19] LittleSvinka issued server command: //expand 50 up [17:58:20] QWEBOI issued server command: //wand [17:58:20] [L] SplaschGaming: кто книгу выбросил? [17:58:20] estate issued server command: /rtp [17:58:21] [L] me3jack: djn [17:58:22] G0KO issued server command: /zset 2 [17:58:22] tH0R issued server command: /warp list 2 [17:58:22] LittleSvinka issued server command: //expand 20 d [17:58:23] Gazirovka_ issued server command: /warp invite TurboLastGame 1 [17:58:23] [L] me3jack: все [17:58:24] filen2 issued server command: /rtp [17:58:24] [L] me3jack: ? [17:58:26] [G] TheMaxLC: !сы так похожи [17:58:26] LittleSvinka issued server command: /rg claim sobaka2 [17:58:27] Gazirovka_ issued server command: /warp invite Sowkand 1 [17:58:28] [L] Vedro_kotyat_dag: а остальные [17:58:28] Inotik issued server command: /r говорили крашит [17:58:30] [L] pash123: ага ага [17:58:30] [G] TheMaxLC: !мы* [17:58:30] G0KO issued server command: /zset 0 [17:58:30] LittleSvinka issued server command: /rg addmember sobaka2 Topioka [17:58:34] flesziip issued server command: /r ща чекну [17:58:34] G0KO issued server command: /zset 0 [17:58:34] Gazirovka_ issued server command: /warp invite Wonxderixng 1 [17:58:35] LittleSvinka issued server command: /rg addmember sobaka2 Solordiy [17:58:35] [G] TheMaxLC: !выходи за меня [17:58:35] MrRomaLol issued server command: /rtp [17:58:35] G0KO issued server command: /zset 0 [17:58:36] G0KO issued server command: /zset 0 [17:58:37] TurboLastGame issued server command: /home [17:58:37] G0KO issued server command: /zset 0 [17:58:38] LittleSvinka issued server command: //sel [17:58:38] G0KO issued server command: /zset 0 [17:58:39] hakya issued server command: /rtp [17:58:39] [L] Vedro_kotyat_dag: а остальные [17:58:41] G0KO issued server command: /zset 0 [17:58:42] G0KO issued server command: /zset 0 [17:58:43] [L] pash123: ты тут не рофли [17:58:43] [L] Vedro_kotyat_dag: а остальные [17:58:45] [L] me3jack: вроде все [17:58:47] [L] Vedro_kotyat_dag: а остальные [17:58:47] [L] me3jack: там пусто [17:58:52] [L] Vedro_kotyat_dag: ты ахуел [17:58:54] [L] Lolota: fd [17:58:55] [L] me3jack: откуда флай чел [17:58:55] G0KO issued server command: /zset 0 [17:58:58] Lolota issued server command: /cart all [17:59:01] LittleSvinka issued server command: //rg sel [17:59:01] G0KO issued server command: /zset 0 [17:59:02] [L] Vedro_kotyat_dag: привелегия [17:59:03] LittleSvinka issued server command: /rg sel [17:59:03] MrRomaLol issued server command: /rtp [17:59:03] Lolota issued server command: /case [17:59:04] G0KO issued server command: /zset 0 [17:59:04] umpalumpik issued server command: /kit [17:59:06] hakya issued server command: /rtp [17:59:06] AngryHardGame issued server command: /we cui [17:59:06] Lolota issued server command: /cases [17:59:06] TurboLastGame issued server command: /warp 1 [17:59:06] [L] pash123: от кода [17:59:07] LittleSvinka issued server command: //sel [17:59:07] [L] me3jack: крутые [17:59:08] umpalumpik issued server command: /kit top [17:59:08] Meinshoke issued server command: /case [17:59:08] asdadn issued server command: /home home [17:59:08] Wonxderixng issued server command: /rg info [17:59:09] [L] SplaschGaming: хз [17:59:10] Meinshoke issued server command: /cases [17:59:10] MrRomaLol issued server command: /cases [17:59:11] asdadn issued server command: /home [17:59:11] iamfriendly issued server command: /rtp [17:59:11] [L] SplaschGaming: попробуй [17:59:11] Lolota issued server command: /cases help [17:59:12] Suyumi issued server command: /vanish [17:59:14] Demaglhf issued server command: /god [17:59:14] QWEBOI issued server command: //expand 20 up [17:59:14] [L] me3jack: а зачем вы меня убивали [17:59:15] G0KO issued server command: /zset 2 [17:59:16] Meinshoke issued server command: /casesreload [17:59:16] MrRomaLol issued server command: /cases help [17:59:16] LittleSvinka issued server command: /kits [17:59:17] [L] me3jack: ребят [17:59:17] QWEBOI issued server command: //expand 20 d [17:59:18] [L] Vedro_kotyat_dag: а теперь все ресы на бочку [17:59:20] Meinshoke умер (ENTITY_ATTACK) [17:59:21] Bomw issued server command: /warp topshop [17:59:21] MrRomaLol issued server command: /cases list [17:59:22] Meinshoke issued server command: /we cui [17:59:22] hakya issued server command: /rtp [17:59:22] [L] Vedro_kotyat_dag: гони [17:59:22] LittleSvinka issued server command: /kit nano [17:59:24] Suyumi issued server command: /co i [17:59:24] LittleSvinka issued server command: /kit res [17:59:24] Bomw issued server command: /warp mod [17:59:27] QWEBOI issued server command: /region claim QWEBOI [17:59:28] [G] Demaglhf: !оч жестко лагает серв) [17:59:29] Lolota issued server command: /cases info Lolota [17:59:30] SimpleBoi issued server command: /home [17:59:30] MrRomaLol issued server command: /open [17:59:30] [L] me3jack: за тебя свечку поставил [17:59:33] MrRomaLol issued server command: /open Meinshoke [17:59:34] [G] flesziip: !у меня все ок [17:59:37] Vedro_kotyat_dag issued server command: /ты тут со мной не шути [17:59:37] G0KO issued server command: /zset 2 [17:59:37] Sowkand issued server command: /warp 1 [17:59:37] Sowkand issued server command: /warp 1 [17:59:37] Sowkand issued server command: /warp 1 [17:59:37] Sowkand issued server command: /warp 1 [17:59:37] Sowkand issued server command: /warp 1 [17:59:37] Sowkand issued server command: /warp 1 [17:59:38] Sowkand issued server command: /warp 1 [17:59:38] Dydre issued server command: /home [17:59:38] hakya issued server command: /rtp [17:59:39] iamfriendly issued server command: /rtp [17:59:39] QWEBOI issued server command: /region addmember QWEBOI umpalumpik [17:59:40] LittleSvinka issued server command: /kit wool [17:59:40] QWEBOI issued server command: //sel [17:59:40] hakya issued server command: /rtp [17:59:43] [G] Vehitsel: !аххаха [17:59:43] [L] Vedro_kotyat_dag: ты тут со мной не шути [17:59:44] LittleSvinka issued server command: /kit badmobs [17:59:44] TweeL1e issued server command: /forcespawn FreakFromThePub [17:59:47] Sowkand issued server command: /warp 1 [17:59:47] LittleSvinka issued server command: /kit mobs [17:59:49] [G] Lolota: !а где кейс открыть [17:59:50] [L] me3jack: а то что? [17:59:50] Meinshoke умер (ENTITY_ATTACK) [17:59:50] [L] Vedro_kotyat_dag: а теперь все ресы на бочку [17:59:51] [G] Lolota: !Можно [17:59:52] Meinshoke issued server command: /we cui [17:59:52] Solordiy issued server command: /sethome [17:59:53] estate issued server command: /randomtp [17:59:53] [G] Gazirovka_: !F6 [17:59:53] [G] Inotik: ! походу у тя проблема [17:59:56] Lolota issued server command: /mpcaseshop [17:59:56] Meinshoke issued server command: /mpcaseshop [17:59:56] AngryHardGame issued server command: /home [17:59:58] [L] Vedro_kotyat_dag: то [17:59:59] Meinshoke issued server command: /mpcaseview 1 [17:59:59] asdadn issued server command: /mpcaseshop [17:59:59] AngryHardGame issued server command: /we cui [17:59:59] MrRomaLol issued server command: /mpcaseshop [17:59:59] estate issued server command: /mpcaseshop [17:59:59] Lolota issued server command: /mpcaseview 1 [18:00:00] Solordiy issued server command: /home [18:00:00] umpalumpik issued server command: /mpcaseshop [18:00:02] [G] Inotik: ! у меня нет лагов [18:00:04] Meinshoke issued server command: /rollcase 1 [18:00:04] asdadn issued server command: /mpcaseview 7 [18:00:04] MrRomaLol issued server command: /mpcaseview 1 [18:00:04] Lolota issued server command: /rollcase 1 [18:00:05] FilyWay issued server command: /playtime [18:00:05] asdadn issued server command: /mpcaseshop [18:00:05] MrRomaLol issued server command: /rollcase 1 [18:00:06] LittleSvinka issued server command: /kit tools [18:00:07] asdadn issued server command: /mpcaseview 5 [18:00:07] umpalumpik issued server command: /mpcaseshop [18:00:08] asdadn issued server command: /mpcaseshop [18:00:08] G0KO issued server command: /zset 0 [18:00:09] asdadn issued server command: /mpcaseview 2 [18:00:09] tH0R issued server command: /money [18:00:10] asdadn issued server command: /mpcaseshop [18:00:10] [G] AngryHardGame: ! охх не знаешь ты что такое жоско лагает серв [18:00:11] QWEBOI issued server command: /mpcaseshop [18:00:14] asdadn issued server command: /mpcaseshop [18:00:14] [L] SplaschGaming: ну или надо больше времени или реал ток на писифуле [18:00:15] LittleSvinka issued server command: /warp list [18:00:15] asdadn issued server command: /mpcaseshop [18:00:16] me3jack issued server command: /M TweeL1e тп челы домогаются, угрозы привилегией [18:00:17] G0KO issued server command: /zset 2 [18:00:18] Lolota issued server command: /mpcaseview 1 [18:00:19] Meinshoke issued server command: /mpcaseview 1 [18:00:20] SimpleBoi issued server command: /home [18:00:20] pash123 issued server command: /m Vedro_kotyat_dag ) мы можем порнями сдвинуть сундуки))))) [18:00:20] flesziip issued server command: /warp mining [18:00:20] asdadn issued server command: /mpcaseshop [18:00:20] Lolota issued server command: /mpcaseshop [18:00:21] G0KO issued server command: /zset 2 [18:00:22] flesziip issued server command: /we cui [18:00:22] asdadn issued server command: /mpcaseshop [18:00:22] Lolota issued server command: /mpcaseview 9 [18:00:22] [G] Vehitsel: !вы чо рофлите сейчас же подлагивает немного [18:00:25] FreakFromThePub issued server command: /Money top [18:00:25] FilyWay issued server command: /playtime top [18:00:25] asdadn issued server command: /mpcaseshop [18:00:25] KotAgresor issued server command: /home [18:00:25] Inotik issued server command: /home [18:00:25] QWEBOI issued server command: /kit [18:00:26] MrRomaLol issued server command: /mpcaseshop [18:00:26] estate issued server command: /help [18:00:27] MrRomaLol issued server command: /mpcaseview 1 [18:00:27] flesziip issued server command: /warp portal [18:00:27] LittleSvinka issued server command: /warp list 2 [18:00:28] MrRomaLol issued server command: /mpcaseshop [18:00:28] asdadn issued server command: /mpcaseshop [18:00:29] flesziip issued server command: /we cui [18:00:29] umpalumpik issued server command: /kit start [18:00:29] KotAgresor issued server command: /tpa FROST2137 [18:00:29] G0KO issued server command: /zset 2 [18:00:30] QWEBOI issued server command: /kit start [18:00:30] [G] Demaglhf: !+ [18:00:30] FreakFromThePub issued server command: /playtime top [18:00:33] FilyWay issued server command: /playtimetop [18:00:36] [L] Vedro_kotyat_dag: ресы гони [18:00:36] estate issued server command: /help 2 [18:00:38] Meinshoke issued server command: /mpcaseshop [18:00:39] [G] AngryHardGame: ! вот конец вайпа техномагика в 2018 вот что жоско лагает серв [18:00:39] [L] pash123: гони ресы [18:00:39] Meinshoke issued server command: /mpcaseview 1 [18:00:41] flesziip issued server command: /we cui [18:00:41] MrRomaLol issued server command: /rtp [18:00:41] Meinshoke issued server command: /mpcaseshop [18:00:43] [L] FilyWay: playtimetop [18:00:43] FROST2137 issued server command: /tpaccept [18:00:43] [G] Gazirovka_: !ну в начале вайпа это норма [18:00:43] [G] Dydre: !подлагивает немного это когда ты скрафтил вещь [18:00:45] estate issued server command: /help 3 [18:00:45] KotAgresor issued server command: /we cui [18:00:46] [L] Vedro_kotyat_dag: ресы гони [18:00:47] FreakFromThePub issued server command: /playtimetop [18:00:47] LittleSvinka issued server command: /kits [18:00:48] [L] me3jack: шляпа деда [18:00:49] [G] Gazirovka_: !люди бегают и прогружают миры [18:00:49] [G] Dydre: !а через секунду она пропала [18:00:50] Suyumi issued server command: /rg i [18:00:50] SimpleBoi issued server command: /rtp [18:00:50] estate issued server command: /help 1 [18:00:51] QWEBOI issued server command: /kit eat [18:00:51] flesziip issued server command: /m Inotik всё ок с порталом [18:00:52] Lolota вышел [18:00:52] [G] AngryHardGame: ! щас мир прогружают еще [18:00:53] iamfriendly issued server command: /rtp [18:00:53] LittleSvinka issued server command: /kit extratools [18:00:53] [L] SplaschGaming: ну пусть стоит [18:00:53] Vedro_kotyat_dag убил me3jack (IRON_SWORD) [18:00:56] me3jack issued server command: /we cui [18:00:58] [G] Dydre: !вместе с теми ресами из которого крафтил ее [18:00:59] [L] Vedro_kotyat_dag: ресы гони [18:01:02] [L] pash123: мусо нам даёшь да? [18:01:02] [G] Vehitsel: !а чо серв стартанули с непрогруженными мираами? [18:01:02] MrRomaLol issued server command: /rtp [18:01:03] [L] me3jack: зачем [18:01:04] [G] Dydre: !вот это немного подлагивает [18:01:05] [L] pash123: мусо нам даёшь да? [18:01:06] trololo1991 issued server command: /home [18:01:06] [L] FilyWay: playtimetop [18:01:06] [L] pash123: мусо нам даёшь да? [18:01:08] [L] me3jack: ресы вам [18:01:08] FilyWay issued server command: /playtimetop [18:01:08] LittleSvinka issued server command: /warp ichor [18:01:10] [L] Vedro_kotyat_dag: ресы гони [18:01:10] MrRomaLol issued server command: /rtp [18:01:10] [L] Vedro_kotyat_dag: ресы гони [18:01:10] [L] Vedro_kotyat_dag: ресы гони [18:01:11] [L] Vedro_kotyat_dag: ресы гони [18:01:11] MrRomaLol issued server command: /rtp [18:01:11] LittleSvinka issued server command: /warp extraarmor [18:01:11] G0KO issued server command: /zset 2 [18:01:12] flesziip issued server command: /home [18:01:13] [L] Vedro_kotyat_dag: мои [18:01:13] [L] pash123: а себе топку нашу берёшь [18:01:13] FilyWay issued server command: /playtimetop clear [18:01:14] [G] AngryHardGame: ! продам блоцки небесного терна [18:01:15] LittleSvinka issued server command: /kit ichor [18:01:17] Wonxderixng issued server command: /warp list [18:01:17] flesziip issued server command: /warp bs [18:01:18] flesziip issued server command: /we cui [18:01:19] LittleSvinka issued server command: /kit extraarmor [18:01:20] hakya вышел [18:01:20] [L] me3jack: свечу отдай [18:01:20] flesziip issued server command: /sethome [18:01:21] FreakFromThePub issued server command: /playtimetop [18:01:21] MrRomaLol issued server command: /rtp [18:01:21] [L] Vedro_kotyat_dag: мои [18:01:21] [L] Vedro_kotyat_dag: мои [18:01:22] G0KO issued server command: /zset 0 [18:01:23] [L] Vedro_kotyat_dag: мои [18:01:24] FreakFromThePub issued server command: /playtimetop cleat [18:01:24] Wonxderixng issued server command: /warp list 2 [18:01:25] FreakFromThePub issued server command: /playtimetop cleae [18:01:25] termik issued server command: /rtp [18:01:27] [G] Vehitsel: !если бы миры прогружали всё было бы хуже мне кажется [18:01:27] FreakFromThePub issued server command: /playtimetop clear [18:01:27] G0KO issued server command: /zset 0 [18:01:27] [L] pash123: панельки генерыы ячека [18:01:28] [L] SplaschGaming: понял [18:01:28] [G] Demaglhf: !продам наносет, инструменты, сетаю теру за ресы [18:01:28] Meinshoke issued server command: /mpcaseshop [18:01:28] [L] pash123: панельки генерыы ячека [18:01:29] [L] pash123: панельки генерыы ячека [18:01:29] [L] pash123: панельки генерыы ячека [18:01:30] [L] pash123: панельки генерыы ячека [18:01:30] MrRomaLol issued server command: /mpcaseshop [18:01:32] G0KO issued server command: /zset 0 [18:01:33] FlipSize issued server command: /tp Suyumi [18:01:40] LittleSvinka issued server command: /kits [18:01:40] FlipSize issued server command: /trade Suyumi [18:01:40] FlipSize issued server command: /trade Suyumi [18:01:40] FlipSize issued server command: /trade Suyumi [18:01:41] [L] Vedro_kotyat_dag: ресы гони [18:01:43] Vedro_kotyat_dag убил me3jack (IRON_SWORD) [18:01:43] LittleSvinka issued server command: /kit quant [18:01:44] me3jack issued server command: /we cui [18:01:48] [L] SplaschGaming: там полнолуние над [18:01:49] [L] pash123: ты с нами не шцти [18:01:50] G0KO issued server command: /zset 0 [18:01:51] LittleSvinka issued server command: /kit ultranano [18:01:52] [G] Inotik: ! я такая же фигня [18:01:53] estate issued server command: /spawn [18:01:53] G0KO issued server command: /zset 0 [18:01:54] [G] Vehitsel: !блин если очень постараться тут добрые люди хаты под 0 сетают [18:01:57] [L] SplaschGaming: и корову [18:01:57] FlipSize issued server command: /localspy [18:01:58] [G] MrRomaLol: !как придмет взать которой с кейса випол? [18:01:59] [L] pash123: мы тут недалеко живм) [18:02:00] FlipSize issued server command: /socialspy [18:02:00] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 35:7 [18:02:01] estate issued server command: /rtp [18:02:02] Akatsukioff issued server command: /rtp [18:02:02] [L] me3jack: ВЫБЕРИТЕ ОДНУ ВЕЩЬ [18:02:02] [L] SplaschGaming: или другое животное [18:02:05] LittleSvinka issued server command: /kit superthaum [18:02:07] [L] me3jack: которую я отдам [18:02:09] [G] Vehitsel: !никак [18:02:10] [L] Vedro_kotyat_dag: все гони [18:02:11] [G] Gazirovka_: !/cart gui [18:02:12] Vedro_kotyat_dag убил me3jack (IRON_SWORD) [18:02:15] me3jack issued server command: /we cui [18:02:16] MrRomaLol issued server command: /cart gui [18:02:18] LittleSvinka issued server command: /kit shard [18:02:19] Vedro_kotyat_dag убил me3jack (IRON_SWORD) [18:02:19] [L] FlipSize: гопники [18:02:20] estate issued server command: /warp world [18:02:20] Inotik issued server command: /cart gui [18:02:21] LittleSvinka issued server command: /kit emerald [18:02:21] me3jack issued server command: /we cui [18:02:21] estate issued server command: /we cui [18:02:22] [L] pash123: наши ресы гони [18:02:23] Gazirovka_ issued server command: /rtp [18:02:25] Meinshoke issued server command: /cart gui [18:02:25] Vedro_kotyat_dag убил me3jack (IRON_SWORD) [18:02:27] me3jack issued server command: /we cui [18:02:29] me3jack issued server command: /spawn [18:02:29] tH0R issued server command: /cart gui [18:02:30] [G] MrRomaLol: !ага спасибки) [18:02:32] iamfriendly issued server command: /rtp [18:02:32] me3jack issued server command: /we cui [18:02:37] Demaglhf issued server command: /home [18:02:40] SimpleBoi issued server command: /home [18:02:40] MrRomaLol issued server command: /back [18:02:40] Vehitsel issued server command: /cart all [18:02:40] me3jack issued server command: /m Vedro_kotyat_dag хах [18:02:42] MrRomaLol issued server command: /rtp [18:02:43] me3jack issued server command: /m Vedro_kotyat_dag умница [18:02:45] Vehitsel issued server command: /cart gui [18:02:47] [L] SplaschGaming: я ща прийду [18:02:47] Vehitsel issued server command: /cart [18:02:49] [L] pash123: me3jack [18:02:49] Meinshoke issued server command: /tpaccept [18:02:49] Vehitsel issued server command: /cart ? [18:02:49] flesziip issued server command: /адн [18:02:50] Meinshoke issued server command: /tpaccept [18:02:50] flesziip issued server command: /flu [18:02:50] MR_NEON зашёл [18:02:51] flesziip issued server command: /fly [18:02:54] estate issued server command: /rtp [18:02:54] MR_NEON issued server command: /we cui [18:02:55] MrRomaLol issued server command: /tpa Meinshoke [18:02:58] FROST2137 issued server command: /r - [18:02:59] [L] Suyumi: вы шо вдвоем напали на одного [18:03:00] Vehitsel issued server command: /cart put [18:03:00] me3jack issued server command: /m Vedro_kotyat_dag кста, угрозы домогательства это бан [18:03:01] Meinshoke issued server command: /rtp [18:03:01] FROST2137 issued server command: /tpaccept [18:03:05] Meinshoke issued server command: /rtp [18:03:06] Meinshoke issued server command: /tpaccept [18:03:08] FROST2137 issued server command: /fly [18:03:10] me3jack issued server command: /m Vedro_kotyat_dag на 7 дней [18:03:10] FROST2137 issued server command: /fly [18:03:11] [G] LittleSvinka: ! а зарядки нет нигде ещё? [18:03:11] Gazirovka_ issued server command: //chunk [18:03:11] Gazirovka_ issued server command: //outset 16 [18:03:11] Gazirovka_ issued server command: /zone [18:03:11] estate issued server command: /rtp [18:03:13] [G] AngryHardGame: ! куплю сумеречные часы [18:03:15] [G] AngryHardGame: ! нет [18:03:15] Vedro_kotyat_dag issued server command: /W me3jack и [18:03:15] QWEBOI issued server command: /shop [18:03:15] Inotik issued server command: /r ебал я этот ужасающии верстак видел бы раньше его крафт облегчил бы [18:03:20] Vedro_kotyat_dag issued server command: /W me3jack ебанатка [18:03:24] flesziip issued server command: /r xD [18:03:26] [L] QWEBOI: qs buy [18:03:28] MrRomaLol issued server command: /home [18:03:28] me3jack issued server command: /m Vedro_kotyat_dag ну сам ресы достань [18:03:29] Suyumi issued server command: /co i [18:03:30] iamfriendly issued server command: /rtp [18:03:30] QWEBOI issued server command: /qs buy [18:03:30] flesziip issued server command: /R весь вайп впередм [18:03:32] MrRomaLol issued server command: /tpa Meinshoke [18:03:33] iamfriendly issued server command: /rtp [18:03:33] Gazirovka_ issued server command: /rg claim spawner [18:03:34] QWEBOI issued server command: /qs [18:03:36] [G] AngryHardGame: ! варпов еще никаких нет [18:03:36] me3jack issued server command: /m Vedro_kotyat_dag я не мешаю [18:03:36] Vedro_kotyat_dag issued server command: /W me3jack натрий выебал [18:03:40] Inotik issued server command: /r :( [18:03:44] Dydre issued server command: /home [18:03:46] me3jack issued server command: /m Vedro_kotyat_dag да я с горла ебнул [18:03:46] Vedro_kotyat_dag issued server command: /W me3jack ты даун тут приват [18:03:50] [G] AngryHardGame: ! Gazirovka_ ты сегодня уже собираешься открыть варп ? [18:03:53] Vehitsel issued server command: /mw list -p [18:03:53] [G] Demaglhf: ! @AngryHardGame я могу продать [18:03:57] me3jack issued server command: /m Vedro_kotyat_dag это не мой [18:03:57] me3jack issued server command: /m Vedro_kotyat_dag это не мой [18:03:59] KotAgresor вышел [18:04:01] [G] AngryHardGame: ! за емы ? [18:04:01] [G] Gazirovka_: !не, пока что рано [18:04:04] [G] AngryHardGame: ! кк [18:04:05] me3jack issued server command: /m Vedro_kotyat_dag сколько тебе лет? [18:04:06] [G] Vehitsel: !а когда? [18:04:08] hakya зашёл [18:04:11] [G] Vehitsel: !ты надежда сервера [18:04:11] hakya issued server command: /we cui [18:04:12] MrRomaLol issued server command: /rtp [18:04:13] [G] Gazirovka_: !нужно хотя бы чтоб игроки эмы перевели на сервер или заработали [18:04:16] MrRomaLol issued server command: /rtp [18:04:18] Demaglhf issued server command: /m AngryHardGame скок емов? [18:04:21] Suyumi issued server command: /home [18:04:21] MrRomaLol issued server command: /tpa Meinshoke [18:04:22] tH0R был кикнут [18:04:22] tH0R вышел [18:04:22] me3jack issued server command: /admin [18:04:23] [G] Gazirovka_: !а потом можно и варп [18:04:23] tH0R зашёл [18:04:23] Suyumi issued server command: /vanish [18:04:25] Vedro_kotyat_dag issued server command: /W me3jack просто ресы отдай [18:04:25] tH0R issued server command: /we cui [18:04:28] AngryHardGame issued server command: /r ну блин для тебя 20 [18:04:28] termik issued server command: /home [18:04:31] Vedro_kotyat_dag issued server command: /W me3jack мои [18:04:32] me3jack issued server command: /m Vedro_kotyat_dag сколько тебе лет? [18:04:42] [G] AngryHardGame: ! у меня 7к емов куда больше то [18:04:43] [L] SplaschGaming: я тут [18:04:45] Wonxderixng issued server command: /kit [18:04:45] [L] SplaschGaming: леги были? [18:04:47] iamfriendly issued server command: /spawn [18:04:48] iamfriendly issued server command: /we cui [18:04:50] Vedro_kotyat_dag issued server command: /W me3jack тебе должно быть похуй [18:04:50] [G] Vehitsel: !блин открыть бы варп xp как в старые добрые [18:04:56] Demaglhf issued server command: /r тп [18:04:56] me3jack issued server command: /m Vedro_kotyat_dag 12? [18:04:57] [G] Gazirovka_: !9к на сайте [18:05:02] Suyumi issued server command: /zwand [18:05:07] me3jack issued server command: /m Vedro_kotyat_dag или > [18:05:09] SergoPHS issued server command: /sethome [18:05:09] Vedro_kotyat_dag issued server command: /W me3jack ага конечно [18:05:10] asdadn issued server command: /co i [18:05:10] Gazirovka_ issued server command: //chunk [18:05:10] Gazirovka_ issued server command: //outset 16 [18:05:10] Gazirovka_ issued server command: /zone [18:05:12] SergoPHS issued server command: /rtp [18:05:14] asdadn issued server command: /co i [18:05:14] Gazirovka_ issued server command: /rg claim spawner1 [18:05:15] MrRomaLol умер (MAGIC) [18:05:16] AngryHardGame issued server command: /call Demaglhf [18:05:16] TheOldIniquity зашёл [18:05:17] Vedro_kotyat_dag issued server command: /W me3jack 0 блять [18:05:19] TheOldIniquity issued server command: /we cui [18:05:20] TOGA issued server command: /money AngryHardGame [18:05:22] [L] SplaschGaming: м [18:05:22] termik issued server command: /rtp [18:05:23] TheOldIniquity issued server command: /home [18:05:23] Suyumi issued server command: /zset 1 [18:05:23] MrRomaLol issued server command: /we cui [18:05:27] Gazirovka_ issued server command: //sel [18:05:28] umpalumpik issued server command: /ping [18:05:28] Inotik issued server command: /r я надеюсь яицо Лилит нет в магазе ? [18:05:31] [L] SplaschGaming: чтобы мобов небыло [18:05:32] Demaglhf issued server command: /tpaccept [18:05:33] Razy issued server command: /trade Demaglhf [18:05:34] Razy issued server command: /trade Demaglhf [18:05:34] Razy issued server command: /trade Demaglhf [18:05:34] Razy issued server command: /trade Demaglhf [18:05:35] Razy issued server command: /trade Demaglhf [18:05:36] Razy issued server command: /trade Demaglhf [18:05:36] [L] pash123: мы упорные да? [18:05:36] Razy issued server command: /trade Demaglhf [18:05:36] Razy issued server command: /trade Demaglhf [18:05:38] [G] AngryHardGame: ! хм а тут тоже есть рейд боссы ? [18:05:38] Razy issued server command: /trade Demaglhf [18:05:38] Razy issued server command: /trade Demaglhf [18:05:39] Razy issued server command: /trade Demaglhf [18:05:39] Razy issued server command: /trade Demaglhf [18:05:39] umpalumpik issued server command: /ping [18:05:39] [L] SplaschGaming: ты кто [18:05:39] Razy issued server command: /trade Demaglhf [18:05:39] Razy issued server command: /trade Demaglhf [18:05:40] Razy issued server command: /trade Demaglhf [18:05:40] Akatsukioff issued server command: /rtp [18:05:40] MrRomaLol issued server command: /cart gui [18:05:40] Razy issued server command: /trade Demaglhf [18:05:40] Razy issued server command: /trade Demaglhf [18:05:40] Razy был кикнут [18:05:40] Razy вышел [18:05:41] umpalumpik issued server command: /ping [18:05:42] [L] SplaschGaming: а [18:05:43] MrRomaLol issued server command: /rtp [18:05:43] [L] SplaschGaming: ну лан [18:05:48] [L] AngryHardGame: какая там команда [18:05:49] filen2 вышел [18:05:57] SergoPHS issued server command: //chunk [18:05:57] SergoPHS issued server command: //outset 16 [18:05:57] SergoPHS issued server command: /zone [18:05:59] [L] Demaglhf: ./money pay demaglhf 20 [18:06:03] SergoPHS issued server command: /rg claim sp2 [18:06:03] [L] SplaschGaming: там не надо вроде ровная [18:06:03] Vedro_kotyat_dag issued server command: /W me3jack 0 блять [18:06:04] [L] AngryHardGame: кк [18:06:06] TurboLastGame issued server command: /tpa Gazirovka_ [18:06:10] SergoPHS issued server command: //sel [18:06:10] pash123 issued server command: /m me3jack ресы наши дай и мы отцтанем [18:06:12] AngryHardGame issued server command: /money pay Demaglhf 20 [18:06:12] Wonxderixng issued server command: /msg Inotik [18:06:15] [L] pash123: го [18:06:16] Suyumi issued server command: /zset 12 [18:06:17] SimpleBoi issued server command: /home [18:06:20] Wonxderixng issued server command: /msg Inotik рейд боссы где, уасся??)))) [18:06:20] [L] AngryHardGame: ясна данатир [18:06:21] Inotik issued server command: /fly [18:06:22] Gazirovka_ issued server command: /tpaccept [18:06:29] [L] Demaglhf: ага [18:06:31] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [18:06:31] [L] Demaglhf: он самый [18:06:31] [L] AngryHardGame: вот у меня честного игрока только хаот поножи [18:06:31] Sowkand issued server command: /trade Bomw [18:06:36] [L] Demaglhf: ага [18:06:36] me3jack issued server command: /m Vedro_kotyat_dag я загадал число от 0 до 10, угадываешь - удаляю приват [18:06:36] Suyumi issued server command: /zset 0 [18:06:37] [L] Demaglhf: и дк кирка [18:06:42] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [18:06:42] Gazirovka_ issued server command: /tphere TurboLastGame [18:06:44] Vedro_kotyat_dag issued server command: /W me3jack 0 [18:06:45] hakya issued server command: /rtp [18:06:46] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [18:06:47] MR_NEON issued server command: /m Dydre привет пойдешь к нам жить? [18:06:47] [L] AngryHardGame: они никак не бустят мое развитие [18:06:48] [L] SplaschGaming: не ночи [18:06:49] filen2 зашёл [18:06:49] me3jack issued server command: /m Vedro_kotyat_dag нет [18:06:49] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [18:06:49] Wonxderixng issued server command: /msg Inotik *вовсе не напомниаю про пве* [18:06:51] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [18:06:51] LittleSvinka issued server command: /kit diamond [18:06:51] filen2 issued server command: /we cui [18:06:51] [L] SplaschGaming: а полнолуния [18:06:52] Inotik issued server command: /r я писал что после того как Аслан сетнул я ничу не строю чу не понятно ?( [18:06:52] Vedro_kotyat_dag issued server command: /W me3jack 1 [18:06:52] MrRomaLol issued server command: /kit start [18:06:52] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [18:06:53] LittleSvinka issued server command: /kits [18:06:53] me3jack issued server command: /home [18:06:53] [L] Demaglhf: с чего бы? [18:06:54] Meinshoke issued server command: /home [18:06:54] me3jack issued server command: /we cui [18:06:55] [L] AngryHardGame: их бы еще зарядить ._. [18:06:57] LittleSvinka issued server command: /kit thaum [18:06:58] [L] SplaschGaming: а [18:06:59] Wonxderixng issued server command: /msg Inotik [18:06:59] [L] SplaschGaming: да? [18:07:01] MrRomaLol issued server command: /kit [18:07:02] [L] Demaglhf: пхаха [18:07:02] iamfriendly issued server command: /tpa Akatsukioff [18:07:03] [L] Demaglhf: удачи [18:07:03] [L] SplaschGaming: корову еще надо [18:07:04] MrRomaLol issued server command: /kit eat [18:07:04] Meinshoke issued server command: /kit start [18:07:06] Gazirovka_ issued server command: /tphere TurboLastGame [18:07:06] MrRomaLol issued server command: /kit top [18:07:06] Akatsukioff issued server command: /tpaccept [18:07:07] iamfriendly issued server command: /we cui [18:07:08] Ic3berg зашёл [18:07:08] estate issued server command: /spawan [18:07:08] Vedro_kotyat_dag issued server command: /W me3jack 2 [18:07:09] [L] SplaschGaming: ну любого [18:07:09] Ic3berg issued server command: /we cui [18:07:09] [L] pash123: 7 [18:07:10] Akatsukioff убил estate (IRON_SWORD) [18:07:12] [L] SplaschGaming: притащить то над [18:07:12] Meinshoke issued server command: /kit eat [18:07:13] Suyumi issued server command: /zset 1 [18:07:13] Wonxderixng issued server command: /msg Inotik помиритесь мизинчиками [18:07:15] estate issued server command: /we cui [18:07:16] Vedro_kotyat_dag issued server command: /W me3jack 7 [18:07:16] [L] AngryHardGame: у блин [18:07:16] Meinshoke issued server command: /kit eat [18:07:19] Wonxderixng issued server command: /msg Inotik [18:07:21] Meinshoke issued server command: /kit start [18:07:22] Gazirovka_ issued server command: /tphere TurboLastGame [18:07:22] Krantzg issued server command: /home [18:07:23] MrRomaLol issued server command: /kit top [18:07:25] estate issued server command: /warp world [18:07:25] MrRomaLol issued server command: /kit eat [18:07:26] estate issued server command: /we cui [18:07:27] Inotik issued server command: /r будет лока я поставлю нпс нет локи нет нпс [18:07:28] [L] SplaschGaming: да [18:07:32] estate issued server command: /kit start [18:07:32] Suyumi issued server command: /zset 12 [18:07:36] [L] AngryHardGame: надо бы за месяц хотя бы 4 место занять [18:07:36] Suyumi issued server command: /zset 12 [18:07:37] [L] Vedro_kotyat_dag: 7 [18:07:38] estate issued server command: /rtp [18:07:39] MrRomaLol issued server command: /sethome [18:07:44] [L] Demaglhf: мы за неделю посох скрафтим [18:07:46] [L] SimpleBoi: шо [18:07:46] [L] AngryHardGame: в топе голосов [18:07:48] Suyumi issued server command: /zset 0 [18:07:56] [L] Vedro_kotyat_dag: ну [18:07:56] [L] AngryHardGame: да это понятно [18:07:57] [L] Vedro_kotyat_dag: ну [18:07:58] zloy_cool зашёл [18:07:59] [L] Vedro_kotyat_dag: 7 [18:08:01] zloy_cool issued server command: /we cui [18:08:03] SergoPHS issued server command: /home [18:08:03] Suyumi issued server command: /zset 0 [18:08:05] [L] me3jack: палки гну [18:08:09] SimpleBoi issued server command: /кез [18:08:10] Meinshoke issued server command: /home invite MrRomaLol [18:08:11] SimpleBoi issued server command: /rtp [18:08:14] [L] Vedro_kotyat_dag: и тебе вьебу [18:08:14] TheMaxLC issued server command: /home SplaschGaming [18:08:15] [L] AngryHardGame: а если задонить на фул изучение таума еще быстрее [18:08:17] [L] me3jack: откуда вы тут такие взялись пацаны [18:08:17] TheMaxLC issued server command: /we cui [18:08:17] Gazirovka_ issued server command: /tphere TurboLastGame [18:08:19] [L] Vedro_kotyat_dag: отвечай [18:08:24] TheOldIniquity issued server command: /call Dydre [18:08:28] Dydre issued server command: /tpaccept [18:08:28] [L] me3jack: палки на чай [18:08:29] Inotik issued server command: /rtp [18:08:33] iamfriendly issued server command: /warp world [18:08:39] Akatsukioff issued server command: /tpaccept [18:08:40] trololo1991 issued server command: /home [18:08:41] Akatsukioff issued server command: /rtp [18:08:41] MR_NEON issued server command: /m AngryHardGame надумал? [18:08:41] BabyTalk зашёл [18:08:41] [L] AngryHardGame: хотя там часов 20 если по четкому пути идти [18:08:43] [L] Vedro_kotyat_dag: с раЙОна епте [18:08:46] [L] Demaglhf: хз хз [18:08:49] [L] pash123: а люлей не надо? [18:08:50] [L] me3jack: видно [18:08:50] AngryHardGame issued server command: /r не я пока что в соло буду [18:08:50] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [18:08:55] TheMaxLC issued server command: /fly [18:08:57] FilyWay issued server command: /rtp [18:08:57] [L] me3jack: слаборазвитые индивидумы [18:08:58] Gazirovka_ issued server command: /rtp [18:09:01] BabyTalk issued server command: /we cui [18:09:02] [L] AngryHardGame: ладно бб [18:09:04] AngryHardGame issued server command: /home [18:09:05] [L] Demaglhf: бб [18:09:08] [L] Vedro_kotyat_dag: ну у тебя поучились [18:09:09] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [18:09:09] [L] SplaschGaming: ( [18:09:10] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [18:09:12] [L] pash123: к чаю вкусный люлей и лещь вкуснинький лещь [18:09:16] flesziip issued server command: /trade Nikitawrik [18:09:20] Nikitawrik issued server command: /trade accept [18:09:21] [L] Vedro_kotyat_dag: ресы отдай [18:09:24] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [18:09:25] FilyWay issued server command: /fly [18:09:27] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [18:09:28] MR_NEON issued server command: /m AngryHardGame ну знай когда одby так дольше [18:09:29] termik issued server command: /rtp [18:09:30] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [18:09:30] BabyTalk issued server command: /warp world [18:09:30] Dydre вышел [18:09:31] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [18:09:33] BabyTalk issued server command: /we cui [18:09:39] [L] Vedro_kotyat_dag: ресы отдай [18:09:41] Vedro_kotyat_dag убил me3jack (WORKBENCH) [18:09:43] [L] SplaschGaming: о тут еще руда [18:09:43] me3jack issued server command: /we cui [18:09:44] AngryHardGame issued server command: /r да знаю [18:09:44] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [18:09:45] Krantzg вышел [18:09:47] [G] Inotik: ! Куплю мэ терминал [18:09:47] BabyTalk issued server command: /rtp [18:09:48] [L] SplaschGaming: угу [18:09:51] Vedro_kotyat_dag убил me3jack (IRON_SWORD) [18:09:52] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [18:09:53] me3jack issued server command: /we cui [18:09:57] TOGA issued server command: /enderchest [18:10:01] [L] SplaschGaming: ласо? [18:10:02] pash123 убил me3jack (IRON_SWORD) [18:10:03] [G] Inotik: ! Реид боссов нема [18:10:04] me3jack issued server command: /we cui [18:10:09] [G] AngryHardGame: ! ы блин [18:10:12] [L] SplaschGaming: сумка? [18:10:13] SimpleBoi issued server command: /rtp [18:10:14] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [18:10:15] [G] AngryHardGame: ! а будет потом ? [18:10:18] [L] me3jack: ща достану ресы [18:10:20] [L] me3jack: погоди [18:10:21] [G] Inotik: ! мб когда нибуть вернут [18:10:21] [L] Vedro_kotyat_dag: ок [18:10:27] FreakFromThePub issued server command: /tpa FilyWay [18:10:28] TOGA issued server command: /enderchest [18:10:29] Akatsukioff issued server command: /rtp [18:10:30] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [18:10:30] FilyWay issued server command: /tpaccept [18:10:33] slaim01 issued server command: /rtp [18:10:33] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [18:10:34] FreakFromThePub issued server command: /home [18:10:34] [L] pash123: еды пж [18:10:35] [G] AngryHardGame: ! я вайпа 4 назад заходил мне понравилось [18:10:35] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [18:10:41] iamfriendly issued server command: /rtp [18:10:43] [L] flesziip: suqa [18:10:45] SimpleBoi issued server command: /home [18:10:49] Vedro_kotyat_dag issued server command: /kit eat [18:10:49] pash123 issued server command: /Kit eat [18:10:49] pash123 issued server command: /Kit eat [18:10:50] [G] Vehitsel: !а чо за рейд босы? [18:10:55] FlipSize issued server command: /tp Nikitawrik [18:10:58] [L] FlipSize: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/37i9dQZF1E38mVpEsKhD0i?si=8e921cca723c477e [18:10:59] TheOldIniquity вышел [18:11:00] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [18:11:01] [G] AngryHardGame: ! ну там рпг составляющая сервера так скажем [18:11:02] FlipSize issued server command: /vanish [18:11:03] SimpleBoi issued server command: /home [18:11:03] [L] Vedro_kotyat_dag: ye [18:11:05] iamfriendly issued server command: /tpa Akatsukioff [18:11:06] SimpleBoi issued server command: /rtp [18:11:06] [L] Vedro_kotyat_dag: ну [18:11:08] FlipSize вышел [18:11:08] [L] pash123: ну [18:11:10] Akatsukioff issued server command: /rtp [18:11:10] Sowkand issued server command: /trade Gazirovka_ [18:11:10] [L] pash123: ну [18:11:10] [L] pash123: ну [18:11:11] [L] me3jack: а ты мне все ресы верни [18:11:12] iamfriendly issued server command: /rtp [18:11:12] Akatsukioff issued server command: /tpaccept [18:11:14] SimpleBoi issued server command: /rtp [18:11:14] Gazirovka_ issued server command: /trade accept [18:11:15] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [18:11:18] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [18:11:19] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [18:11:20] [G] AngryHardGame: ! тупо мощные челы которых ты фигачишь толпой с друзьями [18:11:20] [L] Vedro_kotyat_dag: какие [18:11:20] Ic3berg вышел [18:11:21] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [18:11:22] [L] pash123: какие [18:11:22] FlipSize зашёл [18:11:24] FlipSize issued server command: /we cui [18:11:27] MrRomaLol issued server command: /home Meinshoke [18:11:27] OxlomoH зашёл [18:11:32] [G] AngryHardGame: ! ну или как одинокий гуль sss ранга [18:11:33] [L] SplaschGaming: у нас шёлк есть? [18:11:33] [L] me3jack: все [18:11:35] BabyTalk issued server command: /rtp [18:11:37] Manik_Pro зашёл [18:11:37] [G] Vehitsel: !а всё вспомнил [18:11:37] asdadn issued server command: /kit eat [18:11:38] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [18:11:38] Razy зашёл [18:11:39] [L] SplaschGaming: а надо [18:11:40] umpalumpik issued server command: /sethome 1 [18:11:41] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [18:11:41] [L] me3jack: ты все свои я тебе все мои [18:11:41] [G] Inotik: ! ) [18:11:42] Razy issued server command: /we cui [18:11:42] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [18:11:43] OxlomoH issued server command: /we cui [18:11:43] [L] pash123: у тя небыло их [18:11:44] [L] Vedro_kotyat_dag: с тебя выпал мечь и всё [18:11:44] hakya issued server command: /rtp [18:11:45] FROST2137 issued server command: /fly [18:11:46] [L] SplaschGaming: так там будет проклятая земля [18:11:46] [G] AngryHardGame: ! в фул хаот сете и 10 кондерами [18:11:47] FROST2137 issued server command: / [18:11:50] [G] Vehitsel: !а чо ты трипл s ранг? [18:11:51] Meinshoke issued server command: /rg addmember MrRomaLol [18:11:51] umpalumpik issued server command: /cart gui [18:11:54] MrRomaLol issued server command: /rg info [18:11:54] FROST2137 issued server command: /fly [18:11:54] FlipSize issued server command: /vanish [18:11:56] [L] me3jack: хуй [18:11:56] [G] AngryHardGame: ! sss+ [18:11:56] [L] SplaschGaming: накопаем штук 4-5 [18:11:58] me3jack убил Vedro_kotyat_dag (IRON_SWORD) [18:12:00] pash123 убил me3jack (IRON_SWORD) [18:12:00] Vedro_kotyat_dag issued server command: /we cui [18:12:01] me3jack issued server command: /we cui [18:12:02] [G] MR_NEON: ! куплю пб ихор кирку!!!по минемалке [18:12:03] Meinshoke issued server command: /rg addmember anime_hata MrRomaLol [18:12:04] TurboLastGame issued server command: /home [18:12:06] pash123 убил me3jack (IRON_SWORD) [18:12:07] [L] SplaschGaming: так факелами потом сожжем [18:12:08] me3jack issued server command: /we cui [18:12:08] Manik_Pro issued server command: /we cui [18:12:12] [G] Vehitsel: !ничоси крутой [18:12:14] Gazirovka_ issued server command: /screenall [18:12:16] Vedro_kotyat_dag issued server command: /tpa pash123 [18:12:18] [G] Vehitsel: !а ты деад инсайд? [18:12:20] pash123 issued server command: /tpaccept [18:12:20] trololo1991 issued server command: /kit start [18:12:21] [G] MrRomaLol: !в себя поверил)) [18:12:22] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [18:12:24] [G] Demaglhf: !куплю мэ терминал [18:12:28] Vedro_kotyat_dag убил me3jack (IRON_SWORD) [18:12:29] Manik_Pro issued server command: /rtp [18:12:30] me3jack issued server command: /we cui [18:12:32] TheMaxLC issued server command: /warp mining [18:12:36] TheMaxLC issued server command: /we cui [18:12:36] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [18:12:39] TheMaxLC issued server command: /fly [18:12:39] pash123 убил me3jack (IRON_SWORD) [18:12:40] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [18:12:40] me3jack issued server command: /we cui [18:12:41] MrRomaLol issued server command: /sethome [18:12:42] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [18:12:45] Vedro_kotyat_dag убил me3jack (IRON_SWORD) [18:12:45] LittleSvinka issued server command: /rg select [18:12:46] me3jack issued server command: /we cui [18:12:48] [L] SplaschGaming: лопатку [18:12:49] SimpleBoi issued server command: /rtp [18:12:52] hakya issued server command: /rtp [18:12:53] [L] SplaschGaming: я хз можна ли киркой [18:12:53] pash123 убил me3jack (IRON_SWORD) [18:12:54] me3jack issued server command: /we cui [18:12:55] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [18:12:55] [G] MR_NEON: ! кирки нету неукого?куплю за 250 даже? [18:12:56] [G] AngryHardGame: ! да, а еще у меня волосы светлокоричневого цвета [18:12:58] asdadn issued server command: /fly [18:12:58] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [18:12:58] filen2 issued server command: /warp 1 [18:12:58] filen2 issued server command: /home [18:13:01] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [18:13:02] asdadn issued server command: /fly [18:13:03] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [18:13:04] asdadn issued server command: /fly [18:13:05] iamfriendly issued server command: /warp world [18:13:05] asdadn умер (FALL) [18:13:07] asdadn issued server command: /we cui [18:13:07] zloy_cool issued server command: /home [18:13:08] Inotik issued server command: /u фас [18:13:08] Vedro_kotyat_dag issued server command: /fly [18:13:11] Akatsukioff issued server command: /rtp [18:13:15] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [18:13:15] Inotik issued server command: /home [18:13:17] pash123 убил me3jack (IRON_SWORD) [18:13:18] me3jack issued server command: /we cui [18:13:20] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [18:13:22] asdadn issued server command: /fly [18:13:22] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [18:13:24] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [18:13:24] [G] Vehitsel: !а на сфе бахаешь? [18:13:25] LittleSvinka issued server command: //sel [18:13:26] asdadn issued server command: /fly [18:13:27] asdadn умер (FALL) [18:13:28] Vedro_kotyat_dag убил me3jack (IRON_SWORD) [18:13:29] asdadn issued server command: /we cui [18:13:29] [L] pash123: ну сори мне пора спать [18:13:29] me3jack issued server command: /we cui [18:13:31] OxlomoH вышел [18:13:35] Vedro_kotyat_dag убил me3jack (IRON_SWORD) [18:13:35] Gazirovka_ issued server command: /u ??? [18:13:36] me3jack issued server command: /we cui [18:13:40] SimpleBoi issued server command: /home [18:13:40] asdadn issued server command: /fly [18:13:44] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [18:13:44] [G] Inotik: ! MR_NEON реклама купли продажи раз в 5 минут [18:13:46] asdadn issued server command: /fly [18:13:46] Vedro_kotyat_dag убил me3jack (IRON_SWORD) [18:13:47] [L] SplaschGaming: пхпхпххпхп [18:13:47] me3jack issued server command: /we cui [18:13:48] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [18:13:49] asdadn issued server command: /fly [18:13:49] [L] pash123: ну сори мне пора спать [18:13:52] asdadn issued server command: /fly [18:13:52] [G] flesziip: !Модераторы не спите! [18:13:53] FROST2137 issued server command: /fly [18:13:53] asdadn умер (FALL) [18:13:53] SplaschGaming issued server command: /rtp [18:13:54] asdadn issued server command: /we cui [18:13:55] Vedro_kotyat_dag убил me3jack (IRON_SWORD) [18:13:56] FROST2137 issued server command: /fly [18:13:56] [L] pash123: пока [18:13:56] me3jack issued server command: /we cui [18:13:57] Bomw issued server command: /home [18:13:58] pash123 вышел [18:14:01] Bomw issued server command: /warp 1 [18:14:01] me3jack issued server command: /spawn [18:14:02] me3jack issued server command: /we cui [18:14:03] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [18:14:03] Wonxderixng issued server command: /trade Sowkand [18:14:03] Manik_Pro issued server command: /tpa trololo1991 [18:14:04] Wonxderixng issued server command: /trade Sowkand [18:14:04] Wonxderixng issued server command: /trade Sowkand [18:14:04] Wonxderixng issued server command: /trade Sowkand [18:14:04] Wonxderixng issued server command: /trade Sowkand [18:14:04] Wonxderixng issued server command: /trade Sowkand [18:14:04] Wonxderixng issued server command: /trade Sowkand [18:14:04] Wonxderixng issued server command: /trade Sowkand [18:14:04] Wonxderixng issued server command: /trade Sowkand [18:14:04] Wonxderixng issued server command: /trade Sowkand [18:14:04] Wonxderixng issued server command: /trade Sowkand [18:14:04] Wonxderixng был кикнут [18:14:04] Wonxderixng вышел [18:14:04] [L] Vedro_kotyat_dag: ресы гони [18:14:06] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [18:14:06] asdadn issued server command: /fly [18:14:08] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [18:14:09] trololo1991 issued server command: /tpaccept [18:14:09] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [18:14:10] asdadn issued server command: /fly [18:14:12] [G] AngryHardGame: ! отправляю в мортум недорога [18:14:12] Manik_Pro issued server command: /we cui [18:14:13] [L] Vedro_kotyat_dag: тварь [18:14:13] Wonxderixng зашёл [18:14:13] slaim01 issued server command: /rtp [18:14:13] asdadn issued server command: /fly [18:14:14] iamfriendly issued server command: /tpa Akatsukioff [18:14:15] Wonxderixng issued server command: /we cui [18:14:16] asdadn issued server command: /fly [18:14:16] Akatsukioff issued server command: /tpaccept [18:14:17] asdadn умер (FALL) [18:14:18] asdadn issued server command: /we cui [18:14:18] MrRomaLol issued server command: /warp [18:14:18] [G] Razy: !Куплю тросник [18:14:21] MrRomaLol issued server command: /warp list [18:14:21] [G] Vehitsel: !а там круто? [18:14:22] SplaschGaming issued server command: /home [18:14:22] Wonxderixng issued server command: /fly [18:14:26] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [18:14:27] me3jack issued server command: /m Vedro_kotyat_dag когда спать ? [18:14:28] asdadn issued server command: /fly [18:14:28] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [18:14:30] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [18:14:31] [L] Manik_Pro: стоять логает [18:14:32] asdadn issued server command: /fly [18:14:33] asdadn умер (FALL) [18:14:33] LittleSvinka вышел [18:14:35] asdadn issued server command: /we cui [18:14:35] [G] AngryHardGame: ! ну для деад инсайдов самое то [18:14:38] LittleSvinka зашёл [18:14:39] LittleSvinka issued server command: /we cui [18:14:43] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [18:14:44] me3jack issued server command: /m Vedro_kotyat_dag ты же понимаешь что я ресы не отдам? [18:14:44] asdadn issued server command: /fly [18:14:47] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [18:14:49] asdadn issued server command: /fly [18:14:49] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [18:14:49] Vedro_kotyat_dag issued server command: /W me3jack не скоро [18:14:50] asdadn умер (FALL) [18:14:51] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [18:14:51] me3jack issued server command: /m Vedro_kotyat_dag мне это не выгодно [18:14:52] asdadn issued server command: /we cui [18:14:53] [G] AngryHardGame: ! правда по попе бьют больно [18:14:55] Vedro_kotyat_dag issued server command: /W me3jack ты ахуел [18:15:00] MrRomaLol issued server command: /yes [18:15:03] iamfriendly issued server command: /mpcaseshop [18:15:03] me3jack issued server command: /m Vedro_kotyat_dag да [18:15:05] Vedro_kotyat_dag issued server command: /W me3jack пидор малолетний [18:15:06] me3jack issued server command: /m Vedro_kotyat_dag мне это не выгодно [18:15:07] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [18:15:08] tH0R вышел [18:15:09] hakya issued server command: /rtp [18:15:10] me3jack issued server command: /m Vedro_kotyat_dag мне 14 [18:15:10] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [18:15:11] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [18:15:12] Vedro_kotyat_dag issued server command: /W me3jack и [18:15:16] [G] Vehitsel: !в миду тоже больно стоять [18:15:19] Vedro_kotyat_dag issued server command: /W me3jack малолетка [18:15:19] me3jack issued server command: /m Vedro_kotyat_dag хуи [18:15:20] asdadn issued server command: /fly [18:15:22] [L] SplaschGaming: пойду за овцой или коровой [18:15:24] Vedro_kotyat_dag issued server command: /W me3jack соси [18:15:25] [G] Vehitsel: !а чо там в мортуме ваще? [18:15:25] me3jack issued server command: /m Vedro_kotyat_dag тебе сколько [18:15:29] [L] SplaschGaming: есть ласо [18:15:30] Vedro_kotyat_dag issued server command: /W me3jack 17 [18:15:30] MrRomaLol issued server command: /r ага [18:15:33] [L] Manik_Pro: оооо все ебать красота [18:15:36] me3jack issued server command: /m Vedro_kotyat_dag по твоему словарному запасу тебе 1 [18:15:37] Vedro_kotyat_dag issued server command: /W me3jack почти [18:15:37] [G] Vehitsel: !это до везеи? [18:15:38] me3jack issued server command: /m Vedro_kotyat_dag по твоему словарному запасу тебе 13 [18:15:40] LittleSvinka issued server command: /fly [18:15:43] [G] AngryHardGame: ! ну вообще измерение для призыва боссов с которых падает халитка [18:15:44] [G] Vehitsel: !ласт мир? [18:15:46] [G] Gazirovka_: !кроме боссов для халита особо ничего нет [18:15:48] [L] SplaschGaming: спидран по проклятой земле [18:15:50] Vedro_kotyat_dag issued server command: /W me3jack ну у тебя поичиться нечему [18:15:51] Akatsukioff умер (ENTITY_ATTACK) [18:15:52] MrRomaLol issued server command: /mpcaseshop [18:15:57] me3jack issued server command: /m Vedro_kotyat_dag в 17 таким быть только с лишней хромосомой [18:15:58] [L] SplaschGaming: звезды то нет и так [18:15:59] Vedro_kotyat_dag issued server command: /W me3jack ну у тебя поучиться нечему [18:16:00] Akatsukioff issued server command: /we cui [18:16:00] Razy issued server command: /rtp [18:16:01] [L] SplaschGaming: так что нет кольца [18:16:03] Gazirovka_ issued server command: /warp 1 [18:16:07] hakya issued server command: /rtp [18:16:11] trololo1991 issued server command: //chunk [18:16:11] trololo1991 issued server command: //outset 16 [18:16:11] trololo1991 issued server command: /zone [18:16:11] Akatsukioff issued server command: /call iam [18:16:11] me3jack issued server command: /home [18:16:11] [L] Manik_Pro: где мне дом патроить можно [18:16:11] hakya issued server command: /rtp [18:16:11] hakya issued server command: /rtp [18:16:12] me3jack issued server command: /we cui [18:16:15] Vedro_kotyat_dag убил me3jack (IRON_SWORD) [18:16:15] [L] SplaschGaming: ))) [18:16:16] ggwin issued server command: /home [18:16:16] Gazirovka_ issued server command: /trade Wonxderixng [18:16:16] iamfriendly issued server command: /tpaccept [18:16:16] me3jack issued server command: /we cui [18:16:18] [G] AngryHardGame: ! а как жи сделать мощнуб мортум кирку [18:16:19] Akatsukioff issued server command: /we cui [18:16:20] [L] SplaschGaming: и по строителю [18:16:21] Vedro_kotyat_dag убил me3jack (IRON_SWORD) [18:16:22] me3jack issued server command: /we cui [18:16:23] [G] AngryHardGame: ! неплохой буст для начала [18:16:31] iamfriendly issued server command: /warp world [18:16:33] flesziip issued server command: /spawn [18:16:34] Krantzg зашёл [18:16:35] Krantzg issued server command: /we cui [18:16:36] flesziip issued server command: /we cui [18:16:40] [L] SplaschGaming: повезло повезло [18:16:43] Krantzg issued server command: /fly [18:16:45] zloy_cool вышел [18:16:45] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [18:16:48] trololo1991 issued server command: //sel [18:16:48] [G] LittleSvinka: !а это нормально что у меня бур не копает землю: [18:16:52] [L] Vedro_kotyat_dag: вот сука [18:16:52] Inotik issued server command: /kit mob [18:16:52] Manik_Pro issued server command: //chunk [18:16:52] Manik_Pro issued server command: //outset 16 [18:16:52] Manik_Pro issued server command: /zone [18:16:54] zloy_cool зашёл [18:16:54] [G] Gazirovka_: !ну рупиевый мультик ван лав) [18:16:55] Inotik issued server command: /kit [18:16:55] me3jack issued server command: /home [18:16:56] Vedro_kotyat_dag умер (WITHER) [18:16:56] zloy_cool issued server command: /we cui [18:16:57] [G] AngryHardGame: ! а он заряжен ? [18:16:58] Vedro_kotyat_dag issued server command: /we cui [18:16:59] Inotik issued server command: /kit mobs [18:16:59] [G] AngryHardGame: ! согл [18:17:00] [L] SplaschGaming: ну [18:17:00] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [18:17:02] iamfriendly issued server command: /tpa Akatsukioff [18:17:02] [L] Manik_Pro: ай ебать [18:17:02] Gazirovka_ issued server command: /inv LittleSvinka [18:17:03] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [18:17:03] [L] SplaschGaming: так это норма [18:17:05] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [18:17:06] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [18:17:08] Akatsukioff issued server command: /tpaccept [18:17:10] [G] LittleSvinka: !да, в плане, блоки пропадают, но на пкм появляются [18:17:10] [G] AngryHardGame: ! с 2016 юзаю его [18:17:15] [L] me3jack: сои [18:17:17] [L] SplaschGaming: и жнеца [18:17:18] [L] me3jack: соси [18:17:19] Manik_Pro issued server command: /rg claim qaz123 [18:17:22] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [18:17:24] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [18:17:26] [G] asdadn: !не скипайте ночь пж [18:17:26] Vedro_kotyat_dag issued server command: /fly [18:17:26] [G] Gazirovka_: ! LittleSvinka баг из-за слишком быстрого копания [18:17:27] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [18:17:29] Razy issued server command: /home [18:17:30] [G] SplaschGaming: !пжпж [18:17:33] [G] Gazirovka_: !перезаход иногда лечит [18:17:37] [G] AngryHardGame: ! там еще был раньше мод на рпг, где удачу 10 можно было накинуть [18:17:40] termik issued server command: /home [18:17:42] Vehitsel issued server command: /kit eat [18:17:51] [L] LittleSvinka: ку [18:17:51] [L] SplaschGaming: и чё мне казалось что надо именно полнолуние [18:17:51] estate issued server command: /spawn [18:17:54] estate issued server command: /we cui [18:17:55] [L] hakya: привет [18:17:58] [G] Gazirovka_: !всегда ее на пустотную кирку покупал за 250 рублей :) [18:18:05] [L] me3jack: хах [18:18:08] [G] Gazirovka_: !раньше :( [18:18:10] [L] me3jack: лох [18:18:16] [L] SplaschGaming: а это считай овца [18:18:17] MrRomaLol умер (ENTITY_ATTACK) [18:18:18] Meinshoke умер (ENTITY_ATTACK) [18:18:19] MrRomaLol issued server command: /we cui [18:18:20] Meinshoke issued server command: /we cui [18:18:21] [G] Vehitsel: !эх удача 10 [18:18:31] [L] Vedro_kotyat_dag: в жопе подсох [18:18:34] trololo1991 issued server command: /kit eat [18:18:35] QWEBOI issued server command: /кез [18:18:36] hakya issued server command: /rtp [18:18:37] QWEBOI issued server command: /rtp [18:18:37] [L] SplaschGaming: сделай себе ласо тоже [18:18:40] [L] Manik_Pro: я же кактусы все равно атпижу [18:18:43] flesziip issued server command: /tpaccept [18:18:43] [L] SplaschGaming: я хочу кое-что чекнуть [18:18:43] estate issued server command: /kit [18:18:44] [G] AngryHardGame: ! эхх а еще амулетики с evil craft на поглащение и сопру 5 на бесконечно [18:18:46] slaim01 issued server command: /rtp [18:18:47] estate issued server command: /kit start [18:18:48] iamfriendly issued server command: /trade Akatsukioff [18:18:48] iamfriendly issued server command: /trade Akatsukioff [18:18:48] iamfriendly issued server command: /trade Akatsukioff [18:18:48] iamfriendly issued server command: /trade Akatsukioff [18:18:49] BabyTalk issued server command: //wand [18:18:50] Suyumi issued server command: /tp flesziip [18:18:51] [G] Gazirovka_: !говорят если очень чего-то хочется можно в предложку на форум написать и если [18:18:51] MrRomaLol issued server command: /rg flag [18:18:52] [L] Vedro_kotyat_dag: ремы гони и мы отстанем [18:18:54] Suyumi issued server command: /we cui [18:18:54] Akatsukioff issued server command: /trade accept [18:18:55] [L] SplaschGaming: был [18:18:56] Nikitawrik issued server command: /tpa flesziip [18:18:57] [L] me3jack: кто мы [18:18:57] [L] Vedro_kotyat_dag: ресы [18:18:58] estate issued server command: /kit eat [18:18:58] flesziip issued server command: /tpaccept [18:19:00] SimpleBoi issued server command: /home [18:19:00] [L] me3jack: ты один [18:19:02] MrRomaLol issued server command: /rg flag anime_hata pvp allow [18:19:03] Manik_Pro issued server command: /sethome qaz123 [18:19:05] [L] Vedro_kotyat_dag: я и друг [18:19:06] Nikitawrik issued server command: /we cui [18:19:07] [G] AngryHardGame: ! evil craft сюда не вернут [18:19:08] [G] Gazirovka_: !высшие силы будут добры могут добавить [18:19:12] estate issued server command: /kit eat [18:19:15] BabyTalk issued server command: //expand 70 up [18:19:15] [G] me3jack: !ты лох [18:19:18] estate issued server command: /kit top [18:19:19] [G] AngryHardGame: ! а если вернут вырежут половину [18:19:19] Manik_Pro issued server command: /home [18:19:20] BabyTalk issued server command: //expand 70 down [18:19:21] Vedro_kotyat_dag issued server command: /trade me3jack [18:19:21] Vedro_kotyat_dag issued server command: /trade me3jack [18:19:21] Vedro_kotyat_dag issued server command: /trade me3jack [18:19:21] Vedro_kotyat_dag issued server command: /trade me3jack [18:19:21] Vedro_kotyat_dag issued server command: /trade me3jack [18:19:21] Vedro_kotyat_dag issued server command: /trade me3jack [18:19:21] Vedro_kotyat_dag issued server command: /trade me3jack [18:19:21] Vedro_kotyat_dag issued server command: /trade me3jack [18:19:21] Vedro_kotyat_dag issued server command: /trade me3jack [18:19:21] Vedro_kotyat_dag issued server command: /trade me3jack [18:19:21] Vedro_kotyat_dag issued server command: /trade me3jack [18:19:21] Vedro_kotyat_dag был кикнут [18:19:21] Vedro_kotyat_dag вышел [18:19:22] flesziip issued server command: /trade Suyumi [18:19:22] flesziip issued server command: /trade Suyumi [18:19:22] flesziip issued server command: /trade Suyumi [18:19:22] flesziip issued server command: /trade Suyumi [18:19:22] flesziip issued server command: /trade Suyumi [18:19:22] flesziip issued server command: /trade Suyumi [18:19:22] flesziip issued server command: /trade Suyumi [18:19:22] flesziip issued server command: /trade Suyumi [18:19:22] flesziip issued server command: /trade Suyumi [18:19:22] flesziip issued server command: /trade Suyumi [18:19:22] flesziip issued server command: /trade Suyumi [18:19:22] flesziip был кикнут [18:19:22] flesziip вышел [18:19:22] [G] AngryHardGame: ! непонел [18:19:23] Psix0z зашёл [18:19:27] [G] Gazirovka_: ! me3jack не оскорбляй [18:19:28] flesziip зашёл [18:19:30] flesziip issued server command: /we cui [18:19:32] filen2 issued server command: /warp npc [18:19:33] BabyTalk issued server command: /rg claim myhome [18:19:33] Vedro_kotyat_dag зашёл [18:19:35] Vedro_kotyat_dag issued server command: /we cui [18:19:35] filen2 issued server command: /we cui [18:19:36] BabyTalk issued server command: //sel [18:19:37] trololo1991 issued server command: /rtp [18:19:37] Suyumi issued server command: /home [18:19:38] flesziip issued server command: /warp bs [18:19:39] FilyWay вышел [18:19:39] Suyumi issued server command: /we cui [18:19:39] [G] me3jack: ! прастити [18:19:40] flesziip issued server command: /we cui [18:19:41] Psix0z issued server command: /we cui [18:19:42] Nikitawrik issued server command: /warp bs [18:19:43] [L] flesziip: оаоаоааоаооа [18:19:44] Vedro_kotyat_dag issued server command: /fly [18:19:45] Nikitawrik issued server command: /we cui [18:19:45] [L] flesziip: slaim01 [18:19:47] [L] flesziip: ты хто [18:19:48] filen2 issued server command: /warp shop [18:19:49] [L] Suyumi: попался [18:19:50] Krantzg issued server command: /home [18:19:50] [G] me3jack: ! вы лучше ко мне тп тут чел так оскорбляет [18:19:50] FilyWay зашёл [18:19:52] FilyWay issued server command: /we cui [18:19:54] slaim01 issued server command: /trade Suyumi [18:19:54] slaim01 issued server command: /trade Suyumi [18:19:54] slaim01 issued server command: /trade Suyumi [18:19:54] slaim01 issued server command: /trade Suyumi [18:19:54] slaim01 issued server command: /trade Suyumi [18:19:54] slaim01 issued server command: /trade Suyumi [18:19:54] slaim01 issued server command: /trade Suyumi [18:19:54] slaim01 issued server command: /trade Suyumi [18:19:54] slaim01 issued server command: /trade Suyumi [18:19:54] slaim01 issued server command: /trade Suyumi [18:19:54] slaim01 issued server command: /trade Suyumi [18:19:54] slaim01 был кикнут [18:19:54] slaim01 вышел [18:19:59] [G] me3jack: ! интерестный [18:19:59] hakya issued server command: /rtp [18:20:03] [G] AngryHardGame: ! в локальном можно [18:20:05] Gazirovka_ issued server command: /bc &6Дорогие игроки, ведется набор в &4модерацию&6, заявку можно оставить на &3форуме сервера [18:20:05] [G] me3jack: ! требует ресы [18:20:05] slaim01 зашёл [18:20:08] slaim01 issued server command: /we cui [18:20:08] Nikitawrik issued server command: /fly [18:20:09] slaim01 issued server command: /mpcaseshop [18:20:10] [G] me3jack: ! убивает [18:20:10] Krantzg issued server command: /home [18:20:12] [G] AngryHardGame: ! ну только не про маму [18:20:15] [L] slaim01: ахаё [18:20:20] [G] Vedro_kotyat_dag: !jy vjb htcs pf,hfk [18:20:20] 69Loqiemean96 issued server command: /kit [18:20:21] filen2 issued server command: /home [18:20:21] [L] Suyumi: ахаё [18:20:23] filen2 issued server command: /we cui [18:20:23] [L] flesziip: конфеты или смерть? [18:20:26] [G] me3jack: ! про маму ни слова [18:20:27] [G] AngryHardGame: ! или в локале можно и про родителей ? [18:20:28] Psix0z issued server command: /kit start [18:20:28] Bomw вышел [18:20:30] [L] SplaschGaming: угу [18:20:30] [G] Gazirovka_: !можешь подать на него жалобу на фору [18:20:30] [L] slaim01: деньги [18:20:32] [L] flesziip: давай [18:20:37] [L] SplaschGaming: иди сюда [18:20:39] [G] me3jack: ! як [18:20:40] Bomw зашёл [18:20:40] 69Loqiemean96 issued server command: /warp potom [18:20:41] [L] SplaschGaming: зажимай просто [18:20:42] Bomw issued server command: /we cui [18:20:43] [G] Gazirovka_: !в локале разрешено не грубое нарушение [18:20:45] Psix0z issued server command: /mpcaseshop [18:20:46] [G] Vedro_kotyat_dag: !и что это даст) [18:20:46] hakya issued server command: /rtp [18:20:47] Manik_Pro умер (PROJECTILE) [18:20:48] Psix0z issued server command: /mpcaseview 2 [18:20:49] Manik_Pro issued server command: /we cui [18:20:49] Psix0z issued server command: /rollcase 2 [18:20:50] me3jack issued server command: /report [18:20:52] [G] Gazirovka_: !если место не является публичным [18:20:53] FilyWay issued server command: /fly [18:20:53] me3jack issued server command: /report Vedro_kotyat_dag [18:20:54] iamfriendly issued server command: /warp world [18:20:56] [G] Vehitsel: !так про мать в локале можно или нет? [18:21:00] hakya issued server command: /kit eat [18:21:02] [G] zloy_cool: !смысл разводить мобов есть ? [18:21:02] Psix0z issued server command: /mpcaseview 2 [18:21:03] Psix0z issued server command: /rollcase 2 [18:21:04] iamfriendly issued server command: /kit eat [18:21:05] BabyTalk issued server command: /sethome [18:21:12] Frunchesko зашёл [18:21:13] trololo1991 issued server command: /rtp [18:21:13] Frunchesko issued server command: /we cui [18:21:16] 69Loqiemean96 issued server command: /kit ae_mod [18:21:17] [G] Gazirovka_: ! Vehitsel родителей лучше вообще не упоминать [18:21:19] slaim01 issued server command: /fly [18:21:20] Bradman умер (ENTITY_ATTACK) [18:21:23] Bradman issued server command: /we cui [18:21:24] [L] slaim01: aboba? [18:21:29] 69Loqiemean96 issued server command: /home [18:21:30] Gazirovka_ issued server command: /ch myonline [18:21:31] [G] me3jack: ! мама [18:21:33] TOGA issued server command: /enderchest [18:21:34] [G] me3jack: ! бан чтоли [18:21:37] [G] me3jack: ! не надо [18:21:37] hakya issued server command: //wand [18:21:39] [L] SplaschGaming: мы не открыли дощечку [18:21:40] trololo1991 issued server command: /home [18:21:41] termik issued server command: /rtp [18:21:44] [G] me3jack: ! @мама [18:21:49] [G] me3jack: ! упомянул [18:21:50] [G] AngryHardGame: ! чего тебе [18:21:55] [G] Vehitsel: !с родителями как с мёртвыми либо хорошо либо никак [18:21:58] [G] Vehitsel: !я понял [18:22:03] [L] SplaschGaming: похоже больше на ритуал превращения в волка [18:22:03] [G] me3jack: ! вкусная картошка пасибо [18:22:03] Vedro_kotyat_dag issued server command: /ban [18:22:06] Psix0z issued server command: /spawn [18:22:08] [G] Vehitsel: !а когда вообще правила последний раз менялись? [18:22:09] Vedro_kotyat_dag issued server command: /ban 69Loqiemean96 [18:22:10] [L] slaim01: ладн [18:22:10] Inotik был кикнут [18:22:10] Inotik вышел [18:22:11] [G] AngryHardGame: ! ауйф [18:22:11] [L] slaim01: пока [18:22:17] trololo1991 issued server command: /rtp [18:22:18] [G] AngryHardGame: ! недавно [18:22:20] [L] Suyumi: пока [18:22:34] [L] SplaschGaming: мб уже? [18:22:37] Inotik зашёл [18:22:38] hakya issued server command: /region [18:22:38] [G] AngryHardGame: ! ну в этом полугодии вроде чето менялось [18:22:40] BJlaTnou зашёл [18:22:42] Frunchesko issued server command: /рщьу [18:22:42] Inotik issued server command: /we cui [18:22:43] estate issued server command: /mpcaseshop [18:22:43] [G] AngryHardGame: ! хотя я особо не следил [18:22:43] Frunchesko issued server command: /home [18:22:44] hakya issued server command: /rg claim [18:22:45] estate issued server command: /mpcaseview 1 [18:22:45] slaim01 issued server command: /home [18:22:47] estate issued server command: /rollcase 1 [18:22:48] iamfriendly issued server command: /spawn [18:22:48] [L] me3jack: там все твои ресы были7 [18:22:51] BJlaTnou issued server command: /we cui [18:22:51] iamfriendly issued server command: /we cui [18:22:52] GHOST31_28 зашёл [18:22:52] Vedro_kotyat_dag issued server command: /trade me3jack [18:22:52] Vedro_kotyat_dag issued server command: /trade me3jack [18:22:52] Vedro_kotyat_dag issued server command: /trade me3jack [18:22:52] Vedro_kotyat_dag issued server command: /trade me3jack [18:22:52] Vedro_kotyat_dag issued server command: /trade me3jack [18:22:52] Vedro_kotyat_dag issued server command: /trade me3jack [18:22:53] Vedro_kotyat_dag issued server command: /trade me3jack [18:22:53] Vedro_kotyat_dag issued server command: /trade me3jack [18:22:54] MR_NEON умер (ENTITY_ATTACK) [18:22:55] [L] Vedro_kotyat_dag: почти [18:22:56] MR_NEON issued server command: /we cui [18:22:57] filen2 issued server command: /warp shop [18:22:57] hakya issued server command: /rg claim spawner hakya [18:22:57] Psix0z issued server command: /money [18:22:58] [L] me3jack: какой обмен [18:22:59] filen2 issued server command: /we cui [18:23:00] Psix0z issued server command: /rtp [18:23:00] Frunchesko issued server command: /spawn [18:23:01] estate issued server command: /mpcaseview 1 [18:23:02] Frunchesko issued server command: /we cui [18:23:02] GHOST31_28 issued server command: /we cui [18:23:03] hakya issued server command: /rg claim spawner11 hakya [18:23:04] slaim01 issued server command: /pm flesziip голодный узел нужен? [18:23:05] estate issued server command: /mpcaseshop [18:23:05] MrRomaLol умер (ENTITY_ATTACK) [18:23:06] Inotik был кикнут [18:23:06] Inotik вышел [18:23:06] [L] me3jack: больной чтоли [18:23:06] [L] Vedro_kotyat_dag: я случайно [18:23:07] MrRomaLol issued server command: /we cui [18:23:09] Psix0z issued server command: /warp world [18:23:11] estate issued server command: /cart gui [18:23:11] Psix0z issued server command: /we cui [18:23:11] Frunchesko issued server command: /warp mining [18:23:13] Vedro_kotyat_dag issued server command: /trade me3jack [18:23:13] [L] filen2: 1 [18:23:13] Frunchesko issued server command: /we cui [18:23:14] Vedro_kotyat_dag issued server command: /trade me3jack [18:23:14] Vedro_kotyat_dag issued server command: /trade me3jack [18:23:14] Vedro_kotyat_dag issued server command: /trade me3jack [18:23:14] Vedro_kotyat_dag issued server command: /trade me3jack [18:23:14] Vedro_kotyat_dag issued server command: /trade me3jack [18:23:14] Vedro_kotyat_dag issued server command: /trade me3jack [18:23:14] Vedro_kotyat_dag issued server command: /trade me3jack [18:23:14] Vedro_kotyat_dag issued server command: /trade me3jack [18:23:14] Vedro_kotyat_dag issued server command: /trade me3jack [18:23:14] Vedro_kotyat_dag issued server command: /trade me3jack [18:23:14] Vedro_kotyat_dag issued server command: /trade me3jack [18:23:14] Vedro_kotyat_dag был кикнут [18:23:14] Vedro_kotyat_dag вышел [18:23:15] filen2 issued server command: /warp 1 [18:23:17] filen2 issued server command: /we cui [18:23:18] SplaschGaming умер (LIGHTNING) [18:23:20] Akatsukioff issued server command: /rtp [18:23:21] SplaschGaming issued server command: /we cui [18:23:23] Psix0z issued server command: /rtp [18:23:23] Vedro_kotyat_dag зашёл [18:23:25] [L] me3jack: извинись за то что ты меня гриф и я отдам [18:23:25] Vedro_kotyat_dag issued server command: /we cui [18:23:25] [L] filen2: хопа [18:23:28] BabyTalk вышел [18:23:29] [G] AngryHardGame: ! открою 10 кейсиков чтоль для мусора в инвентаре [18:23:29] [L] filen2: я купиль [18:23:31] AngryHardGame issued server command: /mpcaseshop [18:23:33] AngryHardGame issued server command: /mpcaseview 1 [18:23:35] [L] Sowkand: кого [18:23:36] AngryHardGame issued server command: /rollcase 1 [18:23:41] MrRomaLol умер (ENTITY_ATTACK) [18:23:42] [L] Vedro_kotyat_dag: извинаюсь [18:23:42] MrRomaLol issued server command: /we cui [18:23:42] [G] Demaglhf: !пахах [18:23:42] [L] Bomw: >? [18:23:43] Inotik зашёл [18:23:43] flesziip issued server command: /fly [18:23:45] Psix0z issued server command: /rtp [18:23:47] [L] Bomw: роба ? [18:23:47] Manik_Pro умер (ENTITY_ATTACK) [18:23:49] Inotik issued server command: /we cui [18:23:49] Manik_Pro issued server command: /we cui [18:23:49] AngryHardGame issued server command: /mpcaseview 1 [18:23:50] [L] me3jack: я не прощаю [18:23:51] Bomw issued server command: /trade TurboLastGame [18:23:52] [L] TurboLastGame: why? [18:23:56] Gazirovka_ issued server command: /warp shop [18:23:56] [G] AngryHardGame: ! вот он мой любимый [18:23:56] slaim01 issued server command: /money [18:23:57] SplaschGaming issued server command: /fly [18:23:58] Gazirovka_ issued server command: /we cui [18:23:58] Gazirovka_ issued server command: /gm 1 [18:23:59] flesziip issued server command: /r за скок? [18:23:59] [L] Vedro_kotyat_dag: а ты прости [18:23:59] Psix0z issued server command: /rtp [18:24:01] Psix0z issued server command: /rtp [18:24:01] [L] SplaschGaming: чуствительность к свету [18:24:02] MrRomaLol issued server command: /shop gui [18:24:03] [L] Sowkand: ХАРООООШ [18:24:04] [L] me3jack: а нет [18:24:05] AngryHardGame issued server command: /mpcaseshop [18:24:06] AngryHardGame issued server command: /mpcaseview 1 [18:24:06] [L] SplaschGaming: я факела поставил [18:24:07] AngryHardGame issued server command: /rollcase 1 [18:24:07] [L] me3jack: ты - крыса [18:24:07] [L] SplaschGaming: угу [18:24:08] slaim01 issued server command: /pm flesziip эмов? [18:24:08] [L] Vedro_kotyat_dag: а дв [18:24:10] MrRomaLol issued server command: /show gui [18:24:11] hakya issued server command: //set [18:24:12] [L] Vedro_kotyat_dag: да [18:24:16] Gazirovka_ issued server command: /fly [18:24:16] [L] Vedro_kotyat_dag: и [18:24:17] [L] SplaschGaming: днём бы тоже пропала [18:24:21] AngryHardGame issued server command: /mpcaseview 1 [18:24:22] [L] Vedro_kotyat_dag: что с этого [18:24:23] MrRomaLol issued server command: /cart gui [18:24:27] [G] AngryHardGame: ! больше обсы больше [18:24:27] [G] hakya: !как сетку убрать? [18:24:27] Akatsukioff issued server command: /rtp [18:24:30] AngryHardGame issued server command: /mpcaseshop [18:24:32] AngryHardGame issued server command: /mpcaseview 1 [18:24:33] AngryHardGame issued server command: /rollcase 1 [18:24:33] TurboLastGame issued server command: /trade Wonxderixng [18:24:35] BJlaTnou issued server command: /warp end [18:24:39] BJlaTnou issued server command: /warp end [18:24:40] [L] SplaschGaming: сигил сделался? [18:24:42] Meinshoke умер (ENTITY_ATTACK) [18:24:42] BJlaTnou issued server command: /warp list [18:24:43] trololo1991 issued server command: /home [18:24:44] BJlaTnou issued server command: /warp end [18:24:47] Meinshoke issued server command: /we cui [18:24:47] AngryHardGame issued server command: /mpcaseshop [18:24:47] MrRomaLol issued server command: /yes [18:24:47] Inotik issued server command: /kit res [18:24:48] AngryHardGame issued server command: /mpcaseview 1 [18:24:49] AngryHardGame issued server command: /rollcase 1 [18:24:50] [L] SplaschGaming: скипаем ночь получается [18:24:50] GHOST31_28 issued server command: /tpo trololo1991 [18:24:54] BJlaTnou issued server command: /warp portal [18:24:56] BJlaTnou issued server command: /we cui [18:24:57] asdadn issued server command: /voteday [18:24:59] SplaschGaming issued server command: /yes [18:24:59] LittleSvinka issued server command: /yes [18:25:00] AngryHardGame issued server command: /mpcaseshop [18:25:00] hakya issued server command: /yes [18:25:00] Vehitsel issued server command: /no [18:25:01] AngryHardGame issued server command: /mpcaseview 1 [18:25:01] Vedro_kotyat_dag issued server command: /yes [18:25:01] AngryHardGame issued server command: /rollcase 1 [18:25:02] Suyumi был кикнут [18:25:02] Suyumi вышел [18:25:02] [L] me3jack: подсказку дать? [18:25:03] Demaglhf issued server command: /no [18:25:03] iamfriendly issued server command: /yes [18:25:04] AngryHardGame issued server command: /mpcaseshop [18:25:05] AngryHardGame issued server command: /mpcaseview 1 [18:25:05] Akatsukioff issued server command: /yes [18:25:06] MrRomaLol issued server command: /yes [18:25:06] AngryHardGame issued server command: /rollcase 1 [18:25:06] MrRomaLol issued server command: /yes [18:25:08] [G] Vehitsel: !какая же прекрасная ночь [18:25:08] GHOST31_28 issued server command: /call tp trololo1991 [18:25:09] AngryHardGame issued server command: /mpcaseshop [18:25:10] [L] Vedro_kotyat_dag: ну [18:25:10] AngryHardGame issued server command: /mpcaseview 1 [18:25:10] AngryHardGame issued server command: /rollcase 1 [18:25:11] Suyumi зашёл [18:25:13] AngryHardGame issued server command: /mpcaseshop [18:25:14] Suyumi issued server command: /we cui [18:25:14] AngryHardGame issued server command: /mpcaseview 1 [18:25:15] AngryHardGame issued server command: /rollcase 1 [18:25:16] GHOST31_28 issued server command: /call tp trololo1991 [18:25:17] AngryHardGame issued server command: /mpcaseshop [18:25:19] AngryHardGame issued server command: /mpcaseview 1 [18:25:19] slaim01 issued server command: /pm flesziip за эмы продам [18:25:20] [G] BJlaTnou: !Порталы сломались? [18:25:20] MR_NEON issued server command: /kit start [18:25:20] AngryHardGame issued server command: /rollcase 1 [18:25:22] [L] SplaschGaming: мы позже сделаем эндер ио [18:25:23] [L] me3jack: ты можешь рельсы проложить и вагонеткой низжий сундук залутать [18:25:23] AngryHardGame issued server command: /mpcaseshop [18:25:24] AngryHardGame issued server command: /mpcaseview 1 [18:25:25] AngryHardGame issued server command: /rollcase 1 [18:25:25] [G] BJlaTnou: !end не работает [18:25:25] [L] SplaschGaming: забей пока [18:25:26] Frunchesko issued server command: /rtp [18:25:31] hakya issued server command: /rg delete [18:25:32] trololo1991 issued server command: /rtp [18:25:34] [L] SplaschGaming: строитель [18:25:36] flesziip issued server command: /r скок? [18:25:38] [L] Vedro_kotyat_dag: ага были бы рельсы [18:25:41] trololo1991 issued server command: /kits [18:25:41] hakya issued server command: /rg delete spawner11 [18:25:41] Gazirovka_ issued server command: /money [18:25:42] MrRomaLol issued server command: /mpcaseshop [18:25:44] MrRomaLol issued server command: /mpcaseview 1 [18:25:44] [G] AngryHardGame: ! .-. я вас понял [18:25:44] trololo1991 issued server command: /kit top [18:25:50] [L] Gazirovka_: 2 [18:25:50] [L] SplaschGaming: на [18:25:51] slaim01 issued server command: /pm flesziip 1к? [18:25:51] Suyumi issued server command: /warp min [18:25:52] [L] me3jack: не мои проблемы [18:25:53] Suyumi issued server command: /we cui [18:25:54] MrRomaLol issued server command: /mpcaseshop [18:25:54] [G] Vehitsel: !повезло крч да? [18:25:55] MrRomaLol issued server command: /mpcaseview 9 [18:25:56] hakya вышел [18:25:56] Gazirovka_ issued server command: /warp 1 [18:25:57] FilyWay вышел [18:25:58] FlipSize issued server command: /warp shop [18:25:58] Gazirovka_ issued server command: /we cui [18:25:58] Gazirovka_ issued server command: /gm 1 [18:25:59] MrRomaLol issued server command: /mpcaseshop [18:26:00] FlipSize issued server command: /we cui [18:26:00] MrRomaLol issued server command: /mpcaseview 9 [18:26:01] Gazirovka_ issued server command: /trade Wonxderixng [18:26:04] [G] AngryHardGame: ! на cart gui там можно выборочно доставать вещи ? [18:26:06] [G] me3jack: ! Vedro_kotyat_dag - крыса [18:26:08] BJlaTnou issued server command: /home [18:26:09] FilyWay зашёл [18:26:10] BJlaTnou issued server command: /we cui [18:26:10] [L] Vedro_kotyat_dag: и [18:26:10] flesziip issued server command: /r у нас дегняг нетууу [18:26:11] FilyWay issued server command: /we cui [18:26:12] [G] Gazirovka_: !да [18:26:12] SimpleBoi вышел [18:26:12] [L] SplaschGaming: обса [18:26:13] nusha вышел [18:26:13] [G] AngryHardGame: ! или все сразу выдает [18:26:14] [L] SplaschGaming: вот бери [18:26:17] [L] Vedro_kotyat_dag: разрешено [18:26:18] [G] Gazirovka_: !по одному предмету [18:26:20] SimpleBoi зашёл [18:26:23] filen2 issued server command: /warp shop [18:26:23] slaim01 issued server command: /money flesziip [18:26:23] SimpleBoi issued server command: /we cui [18:26:26] filen2 issued server command: /we cui [18:26:27] GHOST31_28 issued server command: /rtp [18:26:27] [G] AngryHardGame: ! а после вайпа cart gui тоже вайпается ? [18:26:29] [G] Vehitsel: !/cart all напиши и всё залутай [18:26:31] [G] me3jack: ! Gazirovka_ это ты на мое да ответил? [18:26:32] BJlaTnou issued server command: /fly [18:26:32] QWEBOI issued server command: /home [18:26:33] [G] Suyumi: ! me3jack , создай регион через - /zone , и поставь флаг чтобы не могли убивать [18:26:37] GHOST31_28 issued server command: /call tp trololo1991 [18:26:38] MrRomaLol issued server command: /mpcaseshop [18:26:40] [G] Gazirovka_: ! me3jack нет [18:26:40] MrRomaLol issued server command: /mpcaseview 8 [18:26:40] [L] SplaschGaming: (( [18:26:41] GHOST31_28 issued server command: /tpo trololo1991 [18:26:42] Psix0z issued server command: /rtp [18:26:46] Wonxderixng issued server command: /warp shop [18:26:46] MrRomaLol issued server command: /mpcaseshop [18:26:50] MrRomaLol issued server command: /mpcaseview 7 [18:26:50] MrRomaLol issued server command: /mpcaseview 7 [18:26:50] me3jack issued server command: //chunk [18:26:50] me3jack issued server command: //outset 16 [18:26:50] me3jack issued server command: /zone [18:26:50] Wonxderixng issued server command: /we cui [18:26:50] Inotik был кикнут [18:26:50] Inotik вышел [18:26:52] [L] SplaschGaming: - [18:26:53] [G] AngryHardGame: ! пока норм зарядка не появится дк шмот доставать не буду пожалуй [18:26:56] FlipSize issued server command: /dtfhgytdfyghjhgvfdrfuyggvcghv [18:26:56] GHOST31_28 issued server command: /tpo trololo1991 [18:26:57] Demaglhf issued server command: /home [18:26:58] MrRomaLol issued server command: /mpcaseshop [18:26:59] MrRomaLol issued server command: /mpcaseview 6 [18:27:00] slaim01 issued server command: /pm flesziip ихор пробуд есть? [18:27:02] [L] FlipSize: 10 [18:27:04] GHOST31_28 issued server command: /tpo trololo1991 [18:27:05] Nutherbadgames зашёл [18:27:05] [G] me3jack: ! спасибо Suyumi [18:27:10] [G] Suyumi: !угу [18:27:12] FilyWay issued server command: /sthome [18:27:14] [G] AngryHardGame: ! а то на меня Dydre криво смотрит [18:27:15] FlipSize issued server command: /qs unlimited [18:27:15] Inotik зашёл [18:27:17] FilyWay issued server command: /sethome [18:27:18] MrRomaLol issued server command: /mpcaseshop [18:27:19] [G] Vehitsel: !скорее бы газировка открыл зарядку [18:27:19] iamfriendly issued server command: /warp world [18:27:19] me3jack issued server command: /rg flag pvpoff [18:27:20] Inotik issued server command: /we cui [18:27:21] iamfriendly issued server command: /we cui [18:27:21] umpalumpik issued server command: /home [18:27:21] FilyWay issued server command: /call ggwin [18:27:22] Nutherbadgames issued server command: /we cui [18:27:22] me3jack issued server command: /rg flag pvp [18:27:23] [G] Suyumi: !а ещё можешь переехать оттуда подальше чтобы не могли найти тебя [18:27:25] me3jack issued server command: /rg flag pvp off [18:27:27] Nikitawrik issued server command: /warp shop [18:27:29] Nikitawrik issued server command: /we cui [18:27:31] ggwin issued server command: /tpaccept [18:27:32] Inotik issued server command: /fly [18:27:32] Wonxderixng issued server command: /tp Gazirovka_ [18:27:33] G0KO issued server command: /set 2 [18:27:34] Wonxderixng issued server command: /we cui [18:27:35] iamfriendly issued server command: /rtp [18:27:35] [L] Vedro_kotyat_dag: ресы [18:27:38] [G] AngryHardGame: ! под землю вопщем как и всегда [18:27:38] G0KO issued server command: /zset 2 [18:27:39] flesziip issued server command: /r пока не торгусь [18:27:41] Wonxderixng issued server command: /sethome [18:27:43] [L] FilyWay: че с лвлом делать? [18:27:43] trololo1991 issued server command: /home [18:27:43] [G] Gazirovka_: !скорее бы я захотел это сделать [18:27:43] me3jack issued server command: /rg flag orsgoan pvp off [18:27:44] QWEBOI issued server command: /tpa umpalumpik [18:27:45] [L] SplaschGaming: 3х3 [18:27:46] me3jack issued server command: /rg flag orsgoan pvp [18:27:46] [G] Vedro_kotyat_dag: !он мои ресы спиздил [18:27:46] Wonxderixng issued server command: /fly [18:27:49] umpalumpik issued server command: /tpacept [18:27:49] G0KO issued server command: /zset 2 [18:27:50] [L] FilyWay: я пока без дс [18:27:50] me3jack issued server command: /rg flag orsgoan pvp [18:27:52] umpalumpik issued server command: /tpaccept [18:27:52] [G] Vehitsel: !а ты не хочешь? [18:27:54] Inotik issued server command: /warp portals [18:27:56] Inotik issued server command: /warp portal [18:27:58] [L] SplaschGaming: не надо [18:27:58] G0KO issued server command: /zset 2 [18:28:01] Inotik issued server command: /we cui [18:28:04] [G] AngryHardGame: ! апайся до ст модера и не хоти [18:28:04] [G] Gazirovka_: !в первую ночь желания не особо хочу [18:28:07] [L] SplaschGaming: сундуки можна ставить [18:28:08] Vedro_kotyat_dag issued server command: /fly [18:28:09] G0KO issued server command: //sel [18:28:10] GHOST31_28 issued server command: /tpa trololo1991 [18:28:13] [G] Nutherbadgames: !Кто научит играть? [18:28:13] G0KO issued server command: /zset 0 [18:28:14] [G] Gazirovka_: ! Vedro_kotyat_dag не ругайся в чате [18:28:14] trololo1991 issued server command: /tpaccept [18:28:16] GHOST31_28 issued server command: /we cui [18:28:16] [G] AngryHardGame: ! хочет он тут [18:28:16] Vedro_kotyat_dag issued server command: /flyspeed 9 [18:28:18] [G] slaim01: !продам голод узел [18:28:23] [G] Demaglhf: !куплю мэ терминал [18:28:24] [L] Nikitawrik: 5 [18:28:24] QWEBOI issued server command: /shop [18:28:29] QWEBOI issued server command: /store [18:28:29] [G] Vedro_kotyat_dag: !он мои ресы erhfk [18:28:29] Nikitawrik issued server command: /warp bs [18:28:30] MR_NEON умер (FIRE) [18:28:30] Manik_Pro issued server command: //chunk [18:28:30] Manik_Pro issued server command: //outset 16 [18:28:30] Manik_Pro issued server command: /zone [18:28:30] G0KO issued server command: /zset 0 [18:28:31] MR_NEON issued server command: /we cui [18:28:32] Nikitawrik issued server command: /we cui [18:28:33] [L] SplaschGaming: асдадн [18:28:33] Demaglhf issued server command: /zwand [18:28:33] QWEBOI issued server command: /store [18:28:35] Inotik issued server command: /we cui [18:28:35] [L] SplaschGaming: дай кондики [18:28:37] Manik_Pro issued server command: //chunk [18:28:37] Manik_Pro issued server command: //outset 16 [18:28:37] Manik_Pro issued server command: /zone [18:28:37] [G] Vedro_kotyat_dag: !он мои ресы украл и бьёт [18:28:44] QWEBOI issued server command: /cart guy [18:28:44] Vedro_kotyat_dag issued server command: /trade me3jack [18:28:45] [G] Vehitsel: !бей в ответ [18:28:47] QWEBOI issued server command: /cart gui [18:28:47] filen2 issued server command: /warp 1 [18:28:48] [G] me3jack: ! так чего ты приват на ресы не поставил клоун [18:28:48] Gazirovka_ issued server command: /tp Vedro_kotyat_dag [18:28:49] filen2 issued server command: /we cui [18:28:51] [G] AngryHardGame: ! стоп а ст модер может в креатив ? [18:28:53] Gazirovka_ issued server command: /fly [18:28:56] [G] Vedro_kotyat_dag: !он в привате [18:28:59] Demaglhf issued server command: /zset 20 [18:29:01] G0KO issued server command: /zset 2 [18:29:04] Nikitawrik issued server command: /fly [18:29:04] Nutherbadgames issued server command: /tpa Meinshoke [18:29:04] [G] Vehitsel: !ст модер может префикс отжать( [18:29:12] [G] AngryHardGame: ! :o [18:29:15] Demaglhf issued server command: /zset 20 [18:29:15] TheMaxLC issued server command: /home SplaschGaming [18:29:17] [L] Vedro_kotyat_dag: а [18:29:18] TheMaxLC issued server command: /we cui [18:29:19] TOGA issued server command: /enderchest [18:29:20] Demaglhf issued server command: /zset 20 [18:29:22] Krantzg issued server command: /rg sel [18:29:25] TheMaxLC issued server command: /fly [18:29:26] G0KO issued server command: /zset 0 [18:29:30] Vedro_kotyat_dag убил me3jack (IC2_ITEMTOOLBRONZESWORD) [18:29:32] Nutherbadgames issued server command: /tpa me3jack [18:29:32] me3jack issued server command: /we cui [18:29:34] AngryHardGame issued server command: /warp portals [18:29:36] AngryHardGame issued server command: /warp portal [18:29:38] [L] Vedro_kotyat_dag: за то что бил [18:29:38] AngryHardGame issued server command: /we cui [18:29:41] [L] me3jack: гений [18:30:04] G0KO issued server command: /zset 0 [18:30:04] termik вышел [18:30:04] Nikitawrik вышел [18:30:04] trololo1991 вышел [18:30:04] ggwin вышел [18:30:04] Meinshoke вышел [18:30:04] Akatsukioff вышел [18:30:04] TurboLastGame вышел [18:30:04] asdadn вышел [18:30:04] Sowkand вышел [18:30:04] iamfriendly вышел [18:30:04] Vehitsel вышел [18:30:04] AngryHardGame вышел [18:30:04] MrRomaLol вышел [18:30:04] SergoPHS вышел [18:30:04] FROST2137 вышел [18:30:04] TweeL1e вышел [18:30:04] Gazirovka_ вышел [18:30:04] Bradman вышел [18:30:04] QWEBOI вышел [18:30:04] estate вышел [18:30:04] umpalumpik вышел [18:30:04] me3jack вышел [18:30:04] MR_NEON вышел [18:30:04] Manik_Pro вышел [18:30:04] FlipSize вышел [18:30:04] Razy вышел [18:30:04] Wonxderixng вышел [18:30:04] LittleSvinka вышел [18:30:04] zloy_cool вышел [18:30:04] Psix0z вышел [18:30:04] flesziip вышел [18:30:04] slaim01 вышел [18:30:04] Bomw вышел [18:30:04] Frunchesko вышел [18:30:04] BJlaTnou вышел [18:30:04] GHOST31_28 вышел [18:30:04] Vedro_kotyat_dag вышел [18:30:04] FilyWay вышел [18:30:04] SimpleBoi вышел [18:30:04] Nutherbadgames вышел [18:30:04] Inotik issued server command: /rg sel [18:30:05] Demaglhf вышел [18:30:05] TheMaxLC вышел [18:30:05] SplaschGaming вышел [18:30:05] FreakFromThePub вышел [18:30:05] 69Loqiemean96 вышел [18:30:05] Solordiy вышел [18:30:05] G0KO вышел [18:30:05] filen2 вышел [18:30:05] Krantzg вышел [18:30:05] Suyumi вышел [18:30:05] Inotik вышел [18:30:09] me3jack зашёл [18:30:20] zloy_cool зашёл [18:30:20] me3jack issued server command: /we cui [18:30:21] filen2 зашёл [18:30:21] MrRomaLol зашёл [18:30:21] Psix0z зашёл [18:30:21] trololo1991 зашёл [18:30:21] GHOST31_28 зашёл [18:30:21] ggwin зашёл [18:30:21] TurboLastGame зашёл [18:30:22] ggwin вышел [18:30:22] Bradman зашёл [18:30:22] AngryHardGame зашёл [18:30:22] Vehitsel зашёл [18:30:22] Wonxderixng зашёл [18:30:22] Sowkand зашёл [18:30:22] BJlaTnou зашёл [18:30:22] SimpleBoi зашёл [18:30:22] MrRomaLol issued server command: /we cui [18:30:22] zloy_cool issued server command: /we cui [18:30:23] MR_NEON зашёл [18:30:23] trololo1991 issued server command: /we cui [18:30:23] Meinshoke зашёл [18:30:23] Inotik зашёл [18:30:23] filen2 issued server command: /we cui [18:30:23] GHOST31_28 issued server command: /we cui [18:30:23] Vehitsel issued server command: /we cui [18:30:23] AngryHardGame issued server command: /we cui [18:30:24] Bradman issued server command: /we cui [18:30:24] Psix0z issued server command: /we cui [18:30:24] Manik_Pro зашёл [18:30:24] TurboLastGame issued server command: /we cui [18:30:24] Wonxderixng issued server command: /we cui [18:30:24] Frunchesko зашёл [18:30:24] QWEBOI зашёл [18:30:24] G0KO зашёл [18:30:25] MR_NEON issued server command: /we cui [18:30:25] BJlaTnou issued server command: /we cui [18:30:25] Sowkand issued server command: /we cui [18:30:25] SimpleBoi issued server command: /we cui [18:30:25] Bomw зашёл [18:30:25] Gazirovka_ зашёл [18:30:25] Meinshoke issued server command: /we cui [18:30:25] Krantzg зашёл [18:30:26] G0KO issued server command: /we cui [18:30:27] Frunchesko issued server command: /we cui [18:30:27] Demaglhf зашёл [18:30:27] Krantzg issued server command: /we cui [18:30:27] Gazirovka_ issued server command: /we cui [18:30:27] Gazirovka_ issued server command: /gm 1 [18:30:28] slaim01 зашёл [18:30:28] Bomw issued server command: /we cui [18:30:28] Vedro_kotyat_dag зашёл [18:30:28] Akatsukioff зашёл [18:30:28] Manik_Pro issued server command: /we cui [18:30:28] Suyumi зашёл [18:30:28] QWEBOI issued server command: /we cui [18:30:29] TOGA issued server command: /enderchest [18:30:29] slaim01 issued server command: /we cui [18:30:29] Vedro_kotyat_dag issued server command: /we cui [18:30:30] Inotik issued server command: /we cui [18:30:30] Demaglhf issued server command: /we cui [18:30:30] Suyumi issued server command: /we cui [18:30:31] Akatsukioff issued server command: /we cui [18:30:31] FreakFromThePub зашёл [18:30:31] Krantzg issued server command: /fly [18:30:32] Gazirovka_ issued server command: /fly [18:30:33] BJlaTnou issued server command: /fly [18:30:34] TurboLastGame issued server command: /kit [18:30:34] Wonxderixng issued server command: /fly [18:30:34] FreakFromThePub issued server command: /we cui [18:30:36] filen2 issued server command: /warp shop [18:30:37] Gazirovka_ issued server command: /warp 1 [18:30:38] Vedro_kotyat_dag issued server command: /fly [18:30:38] TurboLastGame issued server command: /kit top [18:30:38] filen2 issued server command: /we cui [18:30:39] SplaschGaming зашёл [18:30:40] Inotik issued server command: /rg sel [18:30:40] FreakFromThePub issued server command: /адн [18:30:40] FreakFromThePub умер (FALL) [18:30:40] [L] Vedro_kotyat_dag: g [18:30:41] SplaschGaming issued server command: /we cui [18:30:42] MR_NEON issued server command: /home [18:30:43] FreakFromThePub issued server command: /we cui [18:30:45] GHOST31_28 issued server command: /кез [18:30:46] G0KO issued server command: /zset 0 [18:30:47] GHOST31_28 issued server command: /rtp [18:30:47] SplaschGaming issued server command: /fly [18:30:48] ggwin зашёл [18:30:48] FreakFromThePub issued server command: /fly [18:30:49] ggwin issued server command: /we cui [18:30:50] [L] me3jack: Gazirovka_ я вижу тут сверхразумы играют [18:30:50] 69Loqiemean96 зашёл [18:30:51] 69Loqiemean96 issued server command: /we cui [18:30:52] ggwin issued server command: /fly [18:30:54] [G] Vehitsel: !а чо чел сетнул и серв решил что сложно? [18:30:55] loyadik зашёл [18:30:56] Vehitsel issued server command: /fly [18:30:58] [L] Vedro_kotyat_dag: лох [18:30:58] Nutherbadgames зашёл [18:30:58] [L] me3jack: по типу Vedro_kotyat_dag [18:30:59] ggwin issued server command: /playtime top [18:31:00] [G] AngryHardGame: ! ясно газировка ребутнул серв что бы никто не увидел как он дюпоет [18:31:01] Nutherbadgames issued server command: /we cui [18:31:03] G0KO issued server command: /zset 0 [18:31:03] TurboLastGame issued server command: /fly [18:31:03] ggwin issued server command: /playtimetop [18:31:04] loyadik issued server command: /we cui [18:31:06] iamfriendly зашёл [18:31:06] TheMaxLC зашёл [18:31:07] [G] slaim01: !продам голодный узел [18:31:08] [G] Gazirovka_: !-_- [18:31:08] SergoPHS зашёл [18:31:09] iamfriendly issued server command: /we cui [18:31:09] SergoPHS issued server command: /we cui [18:31:10] G0KO issued server command: /zset 0 [18:31:10] Nutherbadgames issued server command: /rpt [18:31:10] TheMaxLC issued server command: /we cui [18:31:12] slaim01 issued server command: /fly [18:31:12] Nikitawrik зашёл [18:31:12] zloy_cool вышел [18:31:13] hakya зашёл [18:31:14] ggwin issued server command: /playtimetop clear [18:31:15] hakya issued server command: /we cui [18:31:16] Nikitawrik issued server command: /we cui [18:31:16] 69Loqiemean96 issued server command: /fly [18:31:20] filen2 issued server command: /warp 1 [18:31:20] QWEBOI issued server command: /rtp [18:31:21] [L] loyadik: .кез [18:31:22] filen2 issued server command: /we cui [18:31:23] loyadik issued server command: /rtp [18:31:24] zloy_cool зашёл [18:31:24] TheMaxLC issued server command: /fly [18:31:25] loyadik issued server command: /home [18:31:25] G0KO issued server command: /zset 0 [18:31:26] zloy_cool issued server command: /we cui [18:31:27] loyadik issued server command: /warp [18:31:27] Nutherbadgames issued server command: /warp world [18:31:29] [L] Vedro_kotyat_dag: ахуел? [18:31:29] Nutherbadgames issued server command: /we cui [18:31:30] G0KO issued server command: /zset 0 [18:31:30] Gazirovka_ issued server command: /warp info 1 [18:31:31] iamfriendly issued server command: /rtp [18:31:31] loyadik issued server command: /warp world [18:31:32] G0KO issued server command: /zset 0 [18:31:32] Nutherbadgames issued server command: /rt[ [18:31:32] GHOST31_28 issued server command: /kit start [18:31:33] loyadik issued server command: /we cui [18:31:35] Wonxderixng issued server command: /warp nether [18:31:36] loyadik issued server command: /rtp [18:31:36] Nutherbadgames issued server command: /rtp [18:31:36] Vedro_kotyat_dag issued server command: /лше [18:31:36] Wonxderixng issued server command: /we cui [18:31:38] Vedro_kotyat_dag issued server command: /kit [18:31:39] [G] hakya: !как сетку привата убрать? [18:31:42] Wonxderixng issued server command: /fly [18:31:44] AngryHardGame issued server command: /we cui [18:31:44] slaim01 issued server command: /rtp [18:31:44] Vedro_kotyat_dag issued server command: /kit top [18:31:44] loyadik issued server command: /mpcaseshop [18:31:45] G0KO issued server command: /zset 2 [18:31:45] hakya issued server command: //sel [18:31:46] FreakFromThePub issued server command: /sethome [18:31:47] loyadik issued server command: /mpcaseview 2 [18:31:48] loyadik issued server command: /rollcase 2 [18:31:50] MR_NEON issued server command: /m slaim01 привет у тебя есть пб ихор кирка? [18:31:52] G0KO issued server command: /zset 2 [18:31:53] G0KO issued server command: /zset 2 [18:31:58] Demaglhf issued server command: /zset 20 [18:31:59] LittleSvinka зашёл [18:32:00] loyadik issued server command: /mpcaseview 2 [18:32:00] Wonxderixng issued server command: /rtp [18:32:01] LittleSvinka issued server command: /we cui [18:32:01] loyadik issued server command: /rollcase 2 [18:32:05] LittleSvinka issued server command: /fly [18:32:09] Suyumi issued server command: /home [18:32:10] Psix0z issued server command: /rg set [18:32:10] Wonxderixng issued server command: /home [18:32:11] [G] Vehitsel: !газировка а ты реально на модерке не дюпаешь? [18:32:12] Suyumi issued server command: /we cui [18:32:12] Wonxderixng issued server command: /we cui [18:32:13] trololo1991 issued server command: //chunk [18:32:13] trololo1991 issued server command: //outset 16 [18:32:13] trololo1991 issued server command: /zone [18:32:14] Psix0z issued server command: //rg set [18:32:14] hakya issued server command: /rtp [18:32:14] loyadik issued server command: /mpcaseview 2 [18:32:15] iamfriendly issued server command: /rtp [18:32:15] loyadik issued server command: /rollcase 2 [18:32:18] G0KO issued server command: /zset 0 [18:32:19] trololo1991 issued server command: //sel [18:32:19] Psix0z issued server command: /rg claim [18:32:21] Wonxderixng issued server command: /fly [18:32:21] Demaglhf issued server command: /zset 20 [18:32:22] Psix0z issued server command: /rg set [18:32:22] [G] Gazirovka_: !логично, что нет [18:32:27] loyadik issued server command: /mpcaseview 2 [18:32:28] slaim01 issued server command: /home [18:32:28] Frunchesko issued server command: /home [18:32:29] loyadik issued server command: /rollcase 2 [18:32:29] iamfriendly issued server command: /rtp [18:32:29] Bomw issued server command: /rtp [18:32:30] AngryHardGame issued server command: /fly [18:32:30] MR_NEON issued server command: /m slaim01 кст ты помниш меня? [18:32:30] Frunchesko issued server command: /we cui [18:32:31] iamfriendly issued server command: /rtp [18:32:32] iamfriendly issued server command: /rtp [18:32:35] [G] Vehitsel: !позер [18:32:36] Bomw issued server command: /warp 1 [18:32:36] Manik_Pro issued server command: //sel [18:32:36] [L] me3jack: otsosal [18:32:38] [G] AngryHardGame: ! вообще не логично [18:32:39] Psix0z issued server command: //wand [18:32:40] G0KO issued server command: /zset 0 [18:32:41] [G] Gazirovka_: !мне не охото просто так слетать с модерки и отлетать навсегда [18:32:41] Nutherbadgames умер (LAVA) [18:32:41] loyadik issued server command: /mpcaseview 2 [18:32:42] loyadik issued server command: /rollcase 2 [18:32:43] [L] Vedro_kotyat_dag: ну ты да [18:32:46] Suyumi issued server command: /warp nether [18:32:46] Nutherbadgames issued server command: /we cui [18:32:46] Nikitawrik issued server command: /fly [18:32:50] TOGA issued server command: /home [18:32:50] Bomw issued server command: /rtp [18:32:50] Suyumi issued server command: /we cui [18:32:50] Nutherbadgames issued server command: /rtp [18:32:52] TOGA issued server command: /we cui [18:32:53] Nutherbadgames issued server command: /warp world [18:32:53] [L] me3jack: ну я то с ресами остался [18:32:53] loyadik issued server command: /mpcaseview 2 [18:32:54] loyadik issued server command: /rollcase 2 [18:32:55] Nutherbadgames issued server command: /we cui [18:32:55] [L] me3jack: а ты без [18:32:56] Inotik issued server command: /fly [18:32:56] Psix0z issued server command: /sethome [18:32:57] G0KO issued server command: /zset 0 [18:32:58] Nutherbadgames issued server command: /rtp [18:32:59] Suyumi issued server command: /rg i [18:33:00] [G] Vehitsel: !ну навсегда ты наверное преувеличил [18:33:01] G0KO issued server command: /zset 0 [18:33:05] loyadik issued server command: /mpcaseview 2 [18:33:05] loyadik issued server command: /rollcase 2 [18:33:06] [G] Gazirovka_: !ну нет [18:33:08] [L] Vedro_kotyat_dag: уверен) [18:33:12] Bomw issued server command: /rtp [18:33:13] [L] Vedro_kotyat_dag: хахахаха [18:33:14] SplaschGaming вышел [18:33:15] G0KO issued server command: /zset 0 [18:33:15] Krantzg issued server command: //sel [18:33:17] [G] AngryHardGame: ! хехе а я вот после пермача возвращался [18:33:17] Sowkand issued server command: /fly [18:33:20] loyadik issued server command: /mpcaseview 2 [18:33:21] loyadik issued server command: /rollcase 2 [18:33:21] [G] Wonxderixng: !А с чего ему вообще дюпать? [18:33:22] Bomw issued server command: /warp 1 [18:33:23] [L] Vedro_kotyat_dag: во тебе подарок [18:33:24] SplaschGaming зашёл [18:33:24] G0KO issued server command: /zset 0 [18:33:24] Frunchesko issued server command: /rtp [18:33:26] AngryHardGame issued server command: /home [18:33:26] Suyumi issued server command: /rg s [18:33:26] iamfriendly issued server command: /rtp [18:33:27] SplaschGaming issued server command: /we cui [18:33:27] AngryHardGame issued server command: /we cui [18:33:28] Psix0z issued server command: /home [18:33:30] [G] Vehitsel: !не вникай [18:33:32] AngryHardGame issued server command: /fly [18:33:33] loyadik issued server command: /mpcaseview 2 [18:33:34] [L] Vedro_kotyat_dag: sosi [18:33:34] loyadik issued server command: /rollcase 2 [18:33:37] [G] Nutherbadgames: !Ребят кто научит играть? [18:33:39] [G] Gazirovka_: !во Wonxderixng есть, ему вопросы задавайте [18:33:39] SplaschGaming умер (FALL) [18:33:40] G0KO issued server command: /zset 0 [18:33:41] SplaschGaming issued server command: /we cui [18:33:43] iamfriendly issued server command: /rtp [18:33:43] BJlaTnou issued server command: /m G0KO За что сможешь терру сетнуть? [18:33:44] G0KO issued server command: /zset 0 [18:33:46] [G] Vehitsel: !я его не знаю [18:33:48] loyadik issued server command: /mpcaseview 2 [18:33:49] loyadik issued server command: /mpcaseshop [18:33:51] SplaschGaming issued server command: /fly [18:33:53] loyadik issued server command: /rtp [18:33:54] [G] Vehitsel: !вдруг он какой-то странный [18:33:57] Nutherbadgames issued server command: /дфн [18:34:02] MR_NEON issued server command: /m slaim01 кст ты помниш меня? [18:34:02] Nutherbadgames issued server command: /lay [18:34:05] [G] Gazirovka_: ! Nutherbadgames только гайды, научить играть с нуля почти невозможно [18:34:08] G0KO issued server command: /r я не сетаю теру [18:34:09] [G] LittleSvinka: ! Nutherbadgames ты уже пытаешься на протяжении 2-ух часов научиться, мб гайды посмотришь? [18:34:12] Psix0z issued server command: /rg claim psix0z [18:34:12] G0KO issued server command: /zset 0 [18:34:16] AngryHardGame issued server command: /warp portal [18:34:17] AngryHardGame issued server command: /we cui [18:34:20] Nutherbadgames issued server command: /rtp [18:34:23] Psix0z issued server command: /home [18:34:24] Gazirovka_ issued server command: /warp nether [18:34:26] Gazirovka_ issued server command: /we cui [18:34:26] Gazirovka_ issued server command: /gm 1 [18:34:26] [L] Vedro_kotyat_dag: sosi [18:34:28] Gazirovka_ issued server command: /rg i [18:34:28] [G] Vehitsel: !газировка а мы с тобой на тме же пересеклись впервые? [18:34:45] G0KO issued server command: /zset 0 [18:34:46] TOGA issued server command: /rtp [18:34:49] AngryHardGame issued server command: /we cui [18:34:49] Psix0z issued server command: /rg flag psix0z pvp deny [18:34:51] Suyumi issued server command: /warp nether [18:34:53] MrRomaLol умер (ENTITY_ATTACK) [18:34:53] AngryHardGame issued server command: /fly [18:34:54] MrRomaLol issued server command: /we cui [18:34:56] [G] Gazirovka_: !я не помню, вроде еще на хайтече [18:34:58] MrRomaLol issued server command: /tp Meinshoke [18:35:00] MrRomaLol issued server command: /tpa Meinshoke [18:35:00] Vedro_kotyat_dag issued server command: //chunk [18:35:00] Vedro_kotyat_dag issued server command: //outset 16 [18:35:00] Vedro_kotyat_dag issued server command: /zone [18:35:02] Gazirovka_ issued server command: /fly [18:35:06] Meinshoke issued server command: /tpaccept [18:35:07] G0KO issued server command: /zset 2 [18:35:09] Vedro_kotyat_dag issued server command: /rg claim sosi [18:35:14] Vedro_kotyat_dag issued server command: //chunk [18:35:14] Vedro_kotyat_dag issued server command: //outset 16 [18:35:14] Vedro_kotyat_dag issued server command: /zone [18:35:16] Vedro_kotyat_dag issued server command: / [18:35:18] Gazirovka_ issued server command: /rg s [18:35:18] Vedro_kotyat_dag issued server command: /s [18:35:20] Vedro_kotyat_dag issued server command: //chunk [18:35:20] Vedro_kotyat_dag issued server command: //outset 16 [18:35:20] Vedro_kotyat_dag issued server command: /zone [18:35:22] hakya issued server command: //wand [18:35:24] [L] Inotik: опа [18:35:25] Gazirovka_ issued server command: /warp 1 [18:35:26] [L] Inotik: рыбка [18:35:27] Gazirovka_ issued server command: /we cui [18:35:27] Gazirovka_ issued server command: /gm 1 [18:35:29] Manik_Pro issued server command: /home [18:35:30] Vedro_kotyat_dag issued server command: /rg claim sosi [18:35:32] Demaglhf issued server command: /home [18:35:35] [G] Nutherbadgames: !РЕбят а тут есть мод на привращение в мобов? [18:35:38] Vedro_kotyat_dag issued server command: /sell [18:35:40] [G] Gazirovka_: !нет [18:35:41] Vedro_kotyat_dag issued server command: //sel [18:35:41] [G] TheMaxLC: !- [18:35:42] iamfriendly issued server command: /tpa Akatsukioff [18:35:48] loyadik issued server command: /rtp [18:35:51] Akatsukioff issued server command: /tpaccept [18:35:54] Solordiy зашёл [18:35:55] SimpleBoi вышел [18:35:55] [G] Nutherbadgames: !печаль [18:35:56] Solordiy issued server command: /we cui [18:35:56] [L] Vedro_kotyat_dag: зырь какой приват [18:36:01] TheMaxLC issued server command: /fly [18:36:01] [G] AngryHardGame: ! и слава богу [18:36:03] TheMaxLC умер (FALL) [18:36:04] TheMaxLC issued server command: /we cui [18:36:14] [L] me3jack: кактй [18:36:15] SplaschGaming issued server command: /trade Krantzg [18:36:15] SplaschGaming issued server command: /trade Krantzg [18:36:15] SplaschGaming issued server command: /trade Krantzg [18:36:15] SplaschGaming issued server command: /trade Krantzg [18:36:15] SplaschGaming issued server command: /trade Krantzg [18:36:15] SplaschGaming issued server command: /trade Krantzg [18:36:16] TOGA issued server command: /rtp [18:36:17] [L] me3jack: какой [18:36:19] hakya issued server command: //rg claim hakya [18:36:20] G0KO issued server command: /zset 2 [18:36:24] [L] Vedro_kotyat_dag: вот тут ты подойди [18:36:26] kustikWHO зашёл [18:36:27] [G] AngryHardGame: ! представь чел в чешуйницу превратится , и в хаот сете с хаот посохом будет носиться по миру и [18:36:28] TheMaxLC issued server command: /fly [18:36:28] [L] AngryHardGame: кокать всех [18:36:28] hakya issued server command: //rg claim hakya hakya [18:36:29] G0KO issued server command: /zset 0 [18:36:29] me3jack issued server command: //sel [18:36:33] [G] AngryHardGame: ! кокать всех [18:36:33] kustikWHO issued server command: /we cui [18:36:34] hakya issued server command: //rg claim [18:36:36] TheMaxLC issued server command: /fly [18:36:39] TheMaxLC умер (FALL) [18:36:40] hakya issued server command: /rg claim hakya [18:36:41] TheMaxLC issued server command: /we cui [18:36:41] G0KO issued server command: /zset 0 [18:36:44] Vedro_kotyat_dag убил me3jack (IC2_ITEMTOOLBRONZESWORD) [18:36:47] me3jack issued server command: /we cui [18:36:49] FilyWay зашёл [18:36:51] FilyWay issued server command: /we cui [18:36:52] Nutherbadgames вышел [18:36:55] [L] me3jack: shutnik [18:36:56] [L] SplaschGaming: кпц [18:36:58] [L] SplaschGaming: читер [18:36:58] AngryHardGame issued server command: /home [18:37:00] AngryHardGame issued server command: /we cui [18:37:00] G0KO issued server command: /zset 2 [18:37:02] G0KO issued server command: /zset 2 [18:37:05] AngryHardGame issued server command: /fly [18:37:09] FilyWay issued server command: /fly [18:37:12] Psix0z issued server command: /kit starter [18:37:13] G0KO issued server command: /zset 0 [18:37:17] Psix0z issued server command: /kit top [18:37:20] G0KO issued server command: /zset 0 [18:37:21] G0KO issued server command: /zset 0 [18:37:22] MR_NEON issued server command: /m slaim01 я помню вы меня грифанули [18:37:22] G0KO issued server command: /zset 0 [18:37:23] Psix0z issued server command: /kit don [18:37:25] hakya issued server command: /sel [18:37:25] Vedro_kotyat_dag issued server command: /gamemode 1 [18:37:29] hakya issued server command: //sel [18:37:30] [G] Vehitsel: !было бы прикольно [18:37:33] umpalumpik зашёл [18:37:34] Vedro_kotyat_dag issued server command: /gu [18:37:36] Manik_Pro issued server command: /yes [18:37:37] Manik_Pro issued server command: /yes [18:37:37] Manik_Pro issued server command: /yes [18:37:37] umpalumpik issued server command: /we cui [18:37:39] iamfriendly вышел [18:37:40] [G] hakya: !Заходим на /warp Hogwarts.Товары из таума,ботании и драконика.Качалка и порталы из рпг [18:37:41] Suyumi issued server command: /zsel [18:37:42] [L] SplaschGaming: свет и дух вроде [18:37:43] G0KO issued server command: /zset 2 [18:37:43] kustikWHO issued server command: /warp world [18:37:44] kustikWHO issued server command: /we cui [18:37:48] Suyumi issued server command: /zset 0 [18:37:48] [G] AngryHardGame: ! net не прикольно ;( [18:37:50] Psix0z issued server command: /rtp [18:37:52] kustikWHO issued server command: /rtp [18:37:52] Gazirovka_ issued server command: /warp hogwarts [18:37:54] [G] hakya: !сорян бинд старый [18:37:55] Gazirovka_ issued server command: /warp hogwar [18:37:56] FreakFromThePub issued server command: /warp hogwarts [18:37:59] G0KO issued server command: /zset 0 [18:38:00] Inotik issued server command: /рщьу [18:38:02] [G] AngryHardGame: ! а жаль(( [18:38:02] G0KO issued server command: /zset 0 [18:38:02] TheMaxLC issued server command: /fly [18:38:02] G0KO issued server command: /zset 0 [18:38:02] Inotik issued server command: /home [18:38:05] [L] Vedro_kotyat_dag: ладно гуляй чел [18:38:06] [G] AngryHardGame: ! я уже обрадовался [18:38:06] Akatsukioff issued server command: /rtp [18:38:06] G0KO issued server command: /zset 0 [18:38:06] G0KO issued server command: /zset 0 [18:38:06] Inotik issued server command: /we cui [18:38:08] Vedro_kotyat_dag issued server command: /ho,e [18:38:13] Psix0z issued server command: /home [18:38:14] [G] Gazirovka_: !я больше удивился [18:38:17] Vedro_kotyat_dag issued server command: /home [18:38:18] [L] SplaschGaming: хочу больше овец [18:38:22] worfi42 зашёл [18:38:23] [G] AngryHardGame: ! Gazirovka_ если я всем по 200 эм накину ты откроешь варп ? [18:38:29] worfi42 issued server command: /we cui [18:38:32] [G] Gazirovka_: !нит [18:38:34] me3jack issued server command: /tp kustikWHO [18:38:36] G0KO issued server command: /zset 2 [18:38:37] Ginjo зашёл [18:38:38] me3jack issued server command: /help [18:38:41] [G] AngryHardGame: ! ;( справебыдла [18:38:43] me3jack issued server command: /help 2 [18:38:47] [G] Gazirovka_: !так... [18:38:48] iamfriendly зашёл [18:38:48] me3jack issued server command: /tpa kustikWHO [18:38:50] iamfriendly issued server command: /we cui [18:38:50] Demaglhf issued server command: /kits [18:38:51] Ginjo issued server command: /we cui [18:38:53] [G] Gazirovka_: !не обзывайся [18:38:54] Psix0z issued server command: /rtp [18:38:57] iamfriendly issued server command: /tpa Akatsukioff [18:38:59] Akatsukioff issued server command: /tpaccept [18:39:00] [G] Demaglhf: !где есть инфа о кит топе? [18:39:02] [G] TurboLastGame: !XD [18:39:03] me3jack issued server command: /tpa kustikWHO [18:39:04] G0KO issued server command: /zset 0 [18:39:09] [G] Gazirovka_: !24 часа нужно отыграть для кит топа [18:39:09] [G] Suyumi: !на спавне [18:39:09] MrRomaLol issued server command: /play [18:39:11] MrRomaLol issued server command: /timw [18:39:12] MrRomaLol issued server command: /time [18:39:14] G0KO issued server command: /zset 2 [18:39:20] iamfriendly issued server command: //chunk [18:39:20] iamfriendly issued server command: //outset 16 [18:39:20] iamfriendly issued server command: /zone [18:39:21] Inotik issued server command: /warp mining [18:39:21] TheMaxLC issued server command: /fly [18:39:21] kustikWHO issued server command: /tpaccept [18:39:21] G0KO issued server command: /zset 2 [18:39:23] TheMaxLC issued server command: /fly [18:39:23] G0KO issued server command: /zset 2 [18:39:24] iamfriendly issued server command: /rg claim iamfriendly2 [18:39:25] G0KO issued server command: /zset 2 [18:39:26] [G] AngryHardGame: ! варп с порталами открывать же можно ? [18:39:29] Inotik issued server command: /we cui [18:39:29] TheMaxLC issued server command: /fly [18:39:32] TheMaxLC умер (FALL) [18:39:32] filen2 issued server command: /warp 1 [18:39:33] TheMaxLC issued server command: /we cui [18:39:39] hakya issued server command: /case [18:39:43] iamfriendly issued server command: /rg claim iamfriendly2 [18:39:45] Manik_Pro issued server command: /rtp [18:39:46] iamfriendly issued server command: //chunk [18:39:46] iamfriendly issued server command: //outset 16 [18:39:46] iamfriendly issued server command: /zone [18:39:47] Meinshoke умер (LAVA) [18:39:48] iamfriendly issued server command: /rg claim iamfriendly2 [18:39:50] Meinshoke issued server command: /we cui [18:39:51] iamfriendly issued server command: //chunk [18:39:51] iamfriendly issued server command: //outset 16 [18:39:51] iamfriendly issued server command: /zone [18:39:52] Psix0z issued server command: /inv [18:39:52] iamfriendly issued server command: /rg claim iamfriendly2 [18:39:55] Ginjo issued server command: /home Oniflavor [18:39:55] Vehitsel issued server command: /playtimepot [18:39:59] Vehitsel issued server command: /playtimetop [18:40:02] qudmen_YT зашёл [18:40:02] G0KO issued server command: /zset 0 [18:40:08] loyadik issued server command: /rg claim [18:40:12] Vehitsel issued server command: /playtimetop cleat [18:40:13] loyadik issued server command: /rg addmember [18:40:14] Psix0z issued server command: /case [18:40:14] Vehitsel issued server command: /playtimetop clear [18:40:14] loyadik issued server command: //wand [18:40:18] Inotik issued server command: /fly [18:40:19] LittleSvinka issued server command: /rg flag sobaka mobspawning deny [18:40:22] Ginjo issued server command: /home Oniflavor [18:40:22] LittleSvinka issued server command: /rg flag sobaka2 mobspawning deny [18:40:22] Vehitsel issued server command: /playtime [18:40:25] [G] Gazirovka_: !можно [18:40:26] qudmen_YT issued server command: /we cui [18:40:27] trololo1991 умер (ENTITY_ATTACK) [18:40:32] LittleSvinka issued server command: /rg sel [18:40:34] GHOST31_28 issued server command: / [18:40:34] Ginjo issued server command: /warp world [18:40:35] Ginjo issued server command: /we cui [18:40:44] flesziip зашёл [18:40:45] loyadik issued server command: //expand 50 up [18:40:46] LittleSvinka issued server command: //sel [18:40:46] flesziip issued server command: /we cui [18:40:46] Ginjo issued server command: /home Oniflavor [18:40:47] loyadik issued server command: //expand 50 doun [18:40:50] hakya issued server command: /mpcaseshop [18:40:50] loyadik issued server command: /rg claim zalupa [18:40:51] hakya issued server command: /mpcaseview 1 [18:40:53] hakya issued server command: /rollcase 1 [18:40:53] flesziip issued server command: /warp nether [18:40:55] flesziip issued server command: /we cui [18:40:55] loyadik issued server command: /rg claim zalupamala [18:40:58] LittleSvinka issued server command: /rg select [18:40:58] Meinshoke issued server command: /home [18:40:59] TheMaxLC issued server command: /fly [18:40:59] Meinshoke issued server command: /home [18:41:00] Meinshoke issued server command: /home [18:41:00] G0KO issued server command: /zset 0 [18:41:00] loyadik issued server command: /sethome [18:41:01] loyadik issued server command: //sel [18:41:03] Krantzg вышел [18:41:05] hakya issued server command: /mpcaseview 1 [18:41:06] G0KO issued server command: /zset 0 [18:41:06] me3jack issued server command: /home [18:41:06] flesziip issued server command: /rg removemember nether Suyumi [18:41:07] hakya issued server command: /mpcaseshop [18:41:08] LittleSvinka issued server command: //sel [18:41:08] flesziip issued server command: /dtfhgytdfyghjhgvfdrfuyggvcghv [18:41:12] FROST2137 зашёл [18:41:14] Ginjo issued server command: /rg info [18:41:17] FlipSize зашёл [18:41:18] SplaschGaming issued server command: /trade TheMaxLC [18:41:19] FlipSize issued server command: /we cui [18:41:20] G0KO issued server command: /zset 0 [18:41:20] hakya issued server command: /cart hui [18:41:24] Ginjo issued server command: /rg info kokosokot [18:41:25] FlipSize issued server command: /warp nether [18:41:26] G0KO issued server command: /zset 0 [18:41:26] FlipSize issued server command: /we cui [18:41:27] TheMaxLC issued server command: /trade accept [18:41:28] Demaglhf issued server command: /god [18:41:28] FlipSize issued server command: /dtfhgytdfyghjhgvfdrfuyggvcghv [18:41:29] BJlaTnou issued server command: /warp end [18:41:30] hakya issued server command: /cart gui [18:41:34] FlipSize issued server command: /rg removemember nether Suyumi [18:41:35] slaim01 вышел [18:41:35] G0KO issued server command: /zset 0 [18:41:38] FlipSize issued server command: /rg s [18:41:39] BJlaTnou issued server command: /m FlipSize /warp end не работает [18:41:40] Vehitsel issued server command: /m FlipSize а за что если не секрет ты префикс забрал? [18:41:41] hakya issued server command: /cart gui [18:41:41] G0KO issued server command: /zset 0 [18:41:42] FROST2137 issued server command: /we cui [18:41:42] kustikWHO issued server command: /rtp [18:41:42] Gazirovka_ issued server command: /fly [18:41:43] G0KO issued server command: /zset 0 [18:41:45] Gazirovka_ issued server command: /god [18:41:46] BJlaTnou issued server command: /r Через портал тоже [18:41:46] Gazirovka_ issued server command: /god [18:41:46] iamfriendly issued server command: /rtp [18:41:46] G0KO issued server command: /zset 0 [18:41:48] Ginjo вышел [18:41:51] Gazirovka_ issued server command: /heal [18:41:56] TurboLastGame issued server command: /rtp [18:41:58] TOGA issued server command: /home [18:41:59] [G] AngryHardGame: ! а стоп, тут же бронь из аваритии является верхом развития ? [18:42:03] Vedro_kotyat_dag убил me3jack (IC2_ITEMTOOLBRONZESWORD) [18:42:04] loyadik вышел [18:42:06] [G] Gazirovka_: !нет [18:42:07] me3jack issued server command: /we cui [18:42:08] loyadik зашёл [18:42:09] G0KO issued server command: /zset 0 [18:42:09] loyadik issued server command: /we cui [18:42:10] kustikWHO issued server command: /rtp [18:42:10] [L] me3jack: lol [18:42:10] SplaschGaming issued server command: /trade TheMaxLC [18:42:11] [G] Gazirovka_: !хаот является [18:42:14] iamfriendly issued server command: /rtp [18:42:18] TOGA issued server command: /enderchest [18:42:21] iamfriendly issued server command: /rtp [18:42:21] [L] me3jack: много налутал? [18:42:28] Bradman умер (ENTITY_ATTACK) [18:42:28] FROST2137 issued server command: /fly [18:42:29] hakya issued server command: /sethome [18:42:30] Bradman issued server command: /we cui [18:42:30] G0KO issued server command: /zset 0 [18:42:30] SplaschGaming issued server command: /trade TheMaxLC [18:42:30] SplaschGaming issued server command: /trade TheMaxLC [18:42:30] iamfriendly issued server command: /rtp [18:42:31] [G] AngryHardGame: ! хм ладно [18:42:32] [G] Psix0z: !а где дроп из кйсов?) [18:42:32] TheMaxLC issued server command: /trade cancel [18:42:34] TheMaxLC issued server command: /trade accept [18:42:34] qudmen_YT issued server command: /warp world [18:42:34] TheMaxLC issued server command: /trade accept [18:42:37] qudmen_YT issued server command: /we cui [18:42:38] [G] Gazirovka_: !/cart gui [18:42:39] [G] Inotik: ! Куплю заряж кварц [18:42:39] Bradman вышел [18:42:40] [G] FreakFromThePub: ! cart gui [18:42:40] FROST2137 issued server command: /god [18:42:41] [G] Vehitsel: !а хаос посох допили или нет? [18:42:43] Demaglhf issued server command: /m Psix0z а ты шо тут делаешь? [18:42:43] MrRomaLol issued server command: /home [18:42:44] G0KO issued server command: /zset 0 [18:42:45] Psix0z issued server command: /cart gui [18:42:48] Suyumi issued server command: /warp shop [18:42:48] Vedro_kotyat_dag убил me3jack (IC2_ITEMTOOLBRONZESWORD) [18:42:49] G0KO issued server command: /zset 0 [18:42:50] me3jack issued server command: /we cui [18:42:51] G0KO issued server command: /zset 0 [18:42:51] Suyumi issued server command: /we cui [18:42:52] Ginjo зашёл [18:42:52] FROST2137 issued server command: /god [18:42:53] qudmen_YT issued server command: /rtp [18:42:55] [G] Gazirovka_: !не знаю [18:42:55] Ginjo issued server command: /we cui [18:42:56] [G] AngryHardGame: ! сняли ограничения вроде ? [18:43:03] loyadik issued server command: /case [18:43:04] Psix0z issued server command: /w Demaglhf о хеллоу) [18:43:05] Frunchesko issued server command: /home [18:43:05] loyadik issued server command: /cart [18:43:05] qudmen_YT issued server command: /rtp [18:43:06] [G] AngryHardGame: ! или это с обычного посоха ? [18:43:08] G0KO issued server command: /zset 2 [18:43:09] [G] Gazirovka_: !на обычный сняли [18:43:11] G0KO issued server command: /zset 2 [18:43:13] Demaglhf issued server command: /r какими судьбами?) [18:43:14] Psix0z issued server command: /w Demaglhf да тут же вайп был [18:43:14] loyadik issued server command: /cart 32021 [18:43:15] loyadik issued server command: /cart 32021 [18:43:16] Frunchesko issued server command: /rtp [18:43:18] FlipSize issued server command: //contract [18:43:21] Psix0z issued server command: /w Demaglhf смотрю шо как [18:43:21] Gazirovka_ issued server command: /voteday [18:43:23] [G] AngryHardGame: ! а ок , а обычный на фул=хаот ? [18:43:25] BJlaTnou issued server command: /no [18:43:25] TurboLastGame issued server command: /yes [18:43:25] MrRomaLol issued server command: /yes [18:43:25] MrRomaLol issued server command: /yes [18:43:25] MrRomaLol issued server command: /yes [18:43:25] MrRomaLol issued server command: /yes [18:43:26] Sowkand issued server command: /yes [18:43:26] Demaglhf issued server command: /r пару часов назад [18:43:26] Ginjo issued server command: /yes [18:43:26] FlipSize issued server command: //contract 25 [18:43:27] umpalumpik issued server command: /yes [18:43:27] Ginjo issued server command: /yes [18:43:27] Akatsukioff issued server command: /yes [18:43:27] loyadik issued server command: /cart all [18:43:28] iamfriendly issued server command: /yes [18:43:30] QWEBOI issued server command: /yes [18:43:30] FlipSize issued server command: //contract 25 [18:43:32] FlipSize issued server command: //contract 25 [18:43:32] G0KO issued server command: /zset 0 [18:43:32] qudmen_YT issued server command: /yes [18:43:33] FlipSize issued server command: //contract 25 [18:43:34] FlipSize issued server command: //contract 25 [18:43:36] worfi42 issued server command: /yes [18:43:40] worfi42 issued server command: /tp qudmen [18:43:41] Vedro_kotyat_dag убил me3jack (IC2_ITEMTOOLBRONZESWORD) [18:43:42] FlipSize issued server command: //expand 25 [18:43:43] me3jack issued server command: /we cui [18:43:46] Psix0z issued server command: /w Demaglhf а ты тут шо торчишь?) [18:43:48] Vedro_kotyat_dag убил me3jack (IC2_ITEMTOOLBRONZESWORD) [18:43:51] [G] Gazirovka_: !не знаю) [18:43:51] me3jack issued server command: /we cui [18:43:51] G0KO issued server command: /zset 2 [18:43:53] G0KO issued server command: /zset 2 [18:43:54] [L] me3jack: лох [18:43:54] Demaglhf issued server command: /r да вот думаем сюда перейти) [18:43:54] [L] Suyumi: 3 [18:43:55] worfi42 issued server command: /call qudmen [18:43:55] FlipSize issued server command: //contract 25 [18:43:55] Vedro_kotyat_dag убил me3jack (IC2_ITEMTOOLBRONZESWORD) [18:43:56] FlipSize issued server command: //contract 25 [18:43:56] Ginjo issued server command: /mpcaseshop [18:43:57] FlipSize issued server command: //contract 25 [18:43:57] me3jack issued server command: /we cui [18:43:57] iamfriendly issued server command: /rtp [18:43:58] [L] SplaschGaming: ну ты и скелет [18:43:59] Ginjo issued server command: /mpcaseview 1 [18:44:00] FlipSize issued server command: //contract 25 [18:44:00] FlipSize issued server command: //contract 25 [18:44:00] Ginjo issued server command: /mpcaseshop [18:44:01] FlipSize issued server command: //contract 25 [18:44:01] qudmen_YT issued server command: /tpaccept [18:44:02] worfi42 issued server command: /we cui [18:44:05] [L] Vedro_kotyat_dag: и [18:44:07] Suyumi issued server command: /warp nether [18:44:07] FlipSize issued server command: //contract 25 [18:44:07] FlipSize issued server command: //contract 25 [18:44:08] FlipSize issued server command: //contract 25 [18:44:08] Psix0z issued server command: /w Demaglhf ммм [18:44:09] G0KO issued server command: /zset 0 [18:44:10] Suyumi issued server command: /we cui [18:44:12] [G] Vehitsel: !блин когда я последний раз играл хаос посох был в запрете( [18:44:13] [L] me3jack: хуи [18:44:14] G0KO issued server command: /zset 0 [18:44:14] [L] Vedro_kotyat_dag: я просто хочу пвп [18:44:18] [L] me3jack: гений [18:44:19] [L] Vedro_kotyat_dag: соси [18:44:21] Ginjo issued server command: /cart gui [18:44:21] [L] me3jack: с голым челом [18:44:22] FlipSize issued server command: /rg redefine nether [18:44:24] G0KO issued server command: /rg sel [18:44:26] [L] Vedro_kotyat_dag: и [18:44:27] [L] SplaschGaming: ну ты и урод [18:44:29] Demaglhf issued server command: /r получи привелегию новичок [18:44:29] FlipSize issued server command: /rg s [18:44:31] [L] Vedro_kotyat_dag: сне пох [18:44:31] Psix0z issued server command: /w Demaglhf новенького захотелось?) [18:44:31] SimpleBoi зашёл [18:44:33] SimpleBoi issued server command: /we cui [18:44:34] [L] Vedro_kotyat_dag: мне [18:44:34] Demaglhf issued server command: /r да [18:44:37] Razy зашёл [18:44:38] Suyumi issued server command: //sel [18:44:38] Psix0z issued server command: /w Demaglhf так уже [18:44:40] [L] SplaschGaming: надо иссушителя [18:44:44] Psix0z issued server command: /w Demaglhf а че она дает? [18:44:44] G0KO issued server command: /zset 0 [18:44:50] Demaglhf issued server command: /r киты дает флай [18:44:56] G0KO issued server command: /zset 0 [18:45:01] Oniflavor зашёл [18:45:02] Suyumi issued server command: /home [18:45:02] G0KO issued server command: /zset 0 [18:45:04] Suyumi issued server command: /we cui [18:45:04] [L] Vedro_kotyat_dag: лан удачи ххаххах [18:45:05] [G] AngryHardGame: ! когда я последний раз играл тут его даже не было [18:45:07] G0KO issued server command: /zset 0 [18:45:11] Psix0z issued server command: /w Demaglhf так... а тут поподробней) [18:45:13] [L] SplaschGaming: череп как бы надо [18:45:15] Oniflavor issued server command: /we cui [18:45:16] FlipSize issued server command: /warp bs [18:45:17] Inotik issued server command: /hoe [18:45:18] Razy issued server command: /we cui [18:45:18] FlipSize issued server command: /we cui [18:45:20] Inotik issued server command: /home [18:45:21] [G] AngryHardGame: ! да и сервера тмрпг впринципе [18:45:21] Psix0z issued server command: /fly [18:45:22] FROST2137 issued server command: /fly [18:45:26] Inotik issued server command: /we cui [18:45:28] Arsenggh зашёл [18:45:28] FROST2137 issued server command: /fly [18:45:28] G0KO issued server command: /zset 0 [18:45:32] FlipSize issued server command: /vanish [18:45:32] Meinshoke issued server command: /home [18:45:33] Demaglhf issued server command: /r бля сам не очень знаю, поспрашивай у модератора [18:45:33] Meinshoke issued server command: /home [18:45:36] flesziip issued server command: /warp bs [18:45:37] flesziip issued server command: /we cui [18:45:40] Oniflavor issued server command: /home invite Ginjo [18:45:40] Arsenggh issued server command: /we cui [18:45:50] G0KO issued server command: /zset 0 [18:45:50] Suyumi issued server command: /rtp [18:45:50] Manik_Pro issued server command: /home [18:45:52] [G] Psix0z: !а шо дает привилегия новичка? [18:45:53] Inotik issued server command: /fly [18:45:53] qudmen_YT issued server command: /rtp [18:45:54] me3jack issued server command: /sethome [18:45:55] [G] AngryHardGame: ! а у меча космоса ряльно бесконечно урона ? [18:45:59] Ginjo issued server command: /home Oniflavor [18:46:01] [G] AngryHardGame: ! кит novice и флай [18:46:04] [G] Gazirovka_: ! Psix0z /fly и киты [18:46:06] BJlaTnou issued server command: /home [18:46:08] BJlaTnou issued server command: /kit top [18:46:09] Arsenggh issued server command: /kit [18:46:10] worfi42 issued server command: /rtp [18:46:10] FlipSize issued server command: /screenall [18:46:10] Psix0z issued server command: /home [18:46:14] [L] SplaschGaming: в каких модах ты шаришь? [18:46:15] [L] Arsenggh: 1 [18:46:15] Vedro_kotyat_dag вышел [18:46:17] Psix0z issued server command: /kit novise [18:46:20] [G] Vehitsel: !жаль что флай без сохранения после перезахода [18:46:20] Psix0z issued server command: /kit novice [18:46:22] TurboLastGame issued server command: /home [18:46:22] qudmen_YT issued server command: /rtp [18:46:26] MrRomaLol issued server command: /fly [18:46:27] Oniflavor issued server command: /rg addmember kokosokot Ginjo [18:46:31] MrRomaLol issued server command: /fly [18:46:34] [G] Vehitsel: !летай так скзаать не высоко [18:46:34] [G] AngryHardGame: ! да я бы полетал весь вайп, а так.. не интересно [18:46:36] TurboLastGame вышел [18:46:37] Oniflavor вышел [18:46:40] G0KO issued server command: /zset 2 [18:46:43] Meinshoke issued server command: /kit eat [18:46:49] G0KO issued server command: /zset 2 [18:46:51] Arsenggh issued server command: /m Gazirovka_ посматри какой у меня донат [18:46:52] Ginjo issued server command: /kit novice [18:46:55] MR_NEON issued server command: /home [18:46:58] G0KO issued server command: /zset 2 [18:46:59] [L] SplaschGaming: это я [18:47:00] G0KO issued server command: /zset 2 [18:47:00] [G] Vehitsel: !да просто умирать не хочется от того что серв подлагал [18:47:01] G0KO issued server command: /zset 2 [18:47:03] [L] SplaschGaming: дс залагал [18:47:13] Gazirovka_ issued server command: /list [18:47:18] G0KO issued server command: /zset 2 [18:47:18] Meinshoke умер (FALL) [18:47:19] G0KO issued server command: /zset 2 [18:47:20] Meinshoke issued server command: /we cui [18:47:20] G0KO issued server command: /zset 2 [18:47:21] G0KO issued server command: /zset 2 [18:47:22] G0KO issued server command: /zset 2 [18:47:27] Gazirovka_ issued server command: /r эмеральд [18:47:27] Demaglhf issued server command: /home [18:47:31] Suyumi issued server command: /home [18:47:31] Manik_Pro issued server command: /rtp [18:47:32] Arsenggh issued server command: /m Gazirovka_ спс [18:47:34] G0KO issued server command: //sel [18:47:35] [L] umpalumpik: e [18:47:35] [G] AngryHardGame: ! еще бы давали god на первые 2 дня вайпа , что бы я халит нафармил вообще шикарно былоб [18:47:35] Gazirovka_ issued server command: /r /list [18:47:39] [L] SplaschGaming: ну ты крутой получается [18:47:43] Arsenggh issued server command: /list [18:47:49] G0KO issued server command: /zset 2 [18:48:00] MR_NEON issued server command: /warp ead [18:48:05] MR_NEON issued server command: /warp list [18:48:06] [L] SplaschGaming: 1 лучше чем 0 [18:48:11] Arsenggh вышел [18:48:13] MR_NEON issued server command: /warp end [18:48:14] G0KO issued server command: /kit [18:48:17] G0KO issued server command: /kit top [18:48:21] Inotik был кикнут [18:48:21] Inotik вышел [18:48:22] qudmen_YT issued server command: /rtp [18:48:23] MR_NEON issued server command: /warp world [18:48:32] Ginjo issued server command: /cart gui [18:48:34] GHOST31_28 issued server command: /rtp [18:48:36] [L] SplaschGaming: держи овцу [18:48:38] BJlaTnou issued server command: /m 69Loqiemean96 Тут? [18:48:41] MR_NEON issued server command: /we cui [18:48:41] Frunchesko issued server command: /kit [18:48:41] Inotik зашёл [18:48:45] G0KO issued server command: //sel [18:48:46] LittleSvinka issued server command: /rg sel [18:48:46] Frunchesko issued server command: /kit start [18:48:47] Akatsukioff issued server command: /warp world [18:48:48] Inotik вышел [18:48:48] LittleSvinka issued server command: //sel [18:48:49] [L] SplaschGaming: реал [18:48:49] G0KO issued server command: /zset 2 [18:48:54] AngryHardGame issued server command: /warp portal [18:48:56] AngryHardGame issued server command: /we cui [18:48:57] iamfriendly issued server command: /spawn [18:48:57] Ginjo issued server command: /cart gui [18:48:59] iamfriendly issued server command: /we cui [18:49:02] 69Loqiemean96 issued server command: /m BJlaTnou Эм. Ну да.. А ты кто? [18:49:06] Akatsukioff issued server command: /spawn [18:49:06] worfi42 issued server command: /rtp [18:49:07] SimpleBoi issued server command: /rtp [18:49:08] Akatsukioff issued server command: /we cui [18:49:16] Psix0z issued server command: /rtp [18:49:24] MR_NEON вышел [18:49:27] zloy_cool issued server command: /home [18:49:31] BJlaTnou issued server command: /r Ну для тебя никто получается. Сможешь мне турру сетнуть? [18:49:32] me3jack issued server command: /home [18:49:34] [L] LittleSvinka: не нужно выше [18:49:36] [L] LittleSvinka: строить [18:49:40] SimpleBoi issued server command: /home [18:49:40] [L] LittleSvinka: и так многа [18:49:42] [G] Demaglhf: !у кого какая палель? что по развитию вообще ? [18:49:43] Miff1337 зашёл [18:49:45] Manik_Pro issued server command: /rtp [18:49:48] Suyumi issued server command: /heal [18:49:51] QWEBOI умер (ENTITY_ATTACK) [18:49:52] Inotik зашёл [18:49:55] AngryHardGame issued server command: /we cui [18:49:55] 69Loqiemean96 issued server command: /m BJlaTnou Прости. Нет. [18:49:58] Inotik issued server command: /we cui [18:49:59] AngryHardGame issued server command: /fly [18:49:59] qudmen_YT issued server command: /call worfi42 [18:50:00] Krantzg зашёл [18:50:02] Krantzg issued server command: /we cui [18:50:02] Miff1337 issued server command: /we cui [18:50:04] QWEBOI issued server command: /we cui [18:50:06] QWEBOI issued server command: /home [18:50:08] worfi42 issued server command: /tpaccept [18:50:08] SimpleBoi issued server command: /rtp [18:50:11] [G] FreakFromThePub: ! 2 лвл сделал а что? [18:50:14] QWEBOI issued server command: /tpa umpalumpik [18:50:17] Krantzg issued server command: /fly [18:50:20] qudmen_YT issued server command: //wand [18:50:24] [G] AngryHardGame: ! не в понелях щастье [18:50:30] umpalumpik issued server command: /home 1 [18:50:31] [G] Miff1337: !э [18:50:32] umpalumpik issued server command: /home [18:50:34] umpalumpik issued server command: /tpaccept [18:50:37] [G] TheMaxLC: !а в электрическве от панелей [18:50:37] QWEBOI issued server command: /we cui [18:50:41] QWEBOI issued server command: /sethome [18:50:41] [G] Miff1337: !кубические [18:50:42] [G] TheMaxLC: !) [18:50:42] Akatsukioff issued server command: /rtp [18:50:43] [G] AngryHardGame: ! а в хаот поножах [18:50:44] Ginjo issued server command: /fly [18:50:44] Frunchesko issued server command: /home [18:50:46] Akatsukioff issued server command: /warp world [18:50:46] [G] Miff1337: !дед зашёл [18:50:46] zloy_cool issued server command: /home [18:50:47] [L] SplaschGaming: сначало адский хлеб [18:50:48] Akatsukioff issued server command: /we cui [18:50:52] Akatsukioff issued server command: /warp world [18:50:54] QWEBOI issued server command: /tp QWEBOI 603 16 1538 [18:50:54] Akatsukioff issued server command: /rtp [18:51:00] [G] qudmen_YT: !Сколько на сколько здесь можно крафтить? [18:51:03] TurboLastGame зашёл [18:51:09] [G] qudmen_YT: !приватить? [18:51:11] [G] qudmen_YT: !* [18:51:13] Miff1337 issued server command: /rtp [18:51:13] Bomw issued server command: /rtp [18:51:14] [G] Vehitsel: !да [18:51:17] QWEBOI issued server command: /kit eat [18:51:18] TurboLastGame issued server command: /we cui [18:51:19] Miff1337 issued server command: //chunk [18:51:19] Miff1337 issued server command: //outset 16 [18:51:19] Miff1337 issued server command: /zone [18:51:22] QWEBOI issued server command: /rtp [18:51:23] [G] Gazirovka_: !/zone 3х3 чанка [18:51:25] QWEBOI issued server command: /home [18:51:29] [G] Gazirovka_: !2 привата [18:51:29] TOGA issued server command: /kit start [18:51:29] [G] Miff1337: !Газик [18:51:31] [G] qudmen_YT: !Спасибо [18:51:31] [G] AngryHardGame: ! Gazirovka_ когда уже добавят крафт посоха 100 на 100 ? [18:51:32] TurboLastGame issued server command: /fly [18:51:32] [G] Miff1337: !Кыс кыс кыс [18:51:34] Miff1337 issued server command: //sel [18:51:36] Miff1337 issued server command: /rtp [18:51:40] Akatsukioff issued server command: /rtp [18:51:41] Psix0z issued server command: /warp list [18:51:41] Miff1337 issued server command: /warp world [18:51:42] Topioka зашёл [18:51:43] Miff1337 issued server command: /we cui [18:51:43] Akatsukioff issued server command: /rtp [18:51:44] [G] Gazirovka_: !это к бусе вопросы [18:51:45] [G] Demaglhf: !ема [18:51:46] Topioka issued server command: /we cui [18:51:50] Miff1337 issued server command: /rtp [18:51:55] filen2 issued server command: /trade Wonxderixng [18:51:56] qudmen_YT issued server command: //expand 100 up [18:51:59] [G] Vehitsel: !а чо буса на них отвечает?) [18:52:05] qudmen_YT issued server command: //expand 68 down [18:52:07] [G] AngryHardGame: ! гагаг конечно [18:52:07] Psix0z issued server command: /home [18:52:08] qudmen_YT issued server command: /rg claim [18:52:09] [G] Miff1337: !Нет) [18:52:11] [G] Gazirovka_: !хех, ну тут как повезет [18:52:15] iamfriendly issued server command: /tpa Akatsukioff [18:52:16] Akatsukioff issued server command: /tpaccept [18:52:18] iamfriendly issued server command: /we cui [18:52:18] Frunchesko issued server command: /rtp [18:52:19] loyadik issued server command: /home [18:52:19] Bomw issued server command: /rtp [18:52:20] qudmen_YT issued server command: /rg claim basa [18:52:21] Psix0z issued server command: /rtp [18:52:21] Frunchesko issued server command: /warp ad [18:52:25] Frunchesko issued server command: /warp ad [18:52:28] Miff1337 issued server command: /кез [18:52:30] [L] Miff1337: .кез [18:52:31] iamfriendly issued server command: /rtp [18:52:34] Miff1337 issued server command: /rtp [18:52:35] Inotik был кикнут [18:52:35] Inotik вышел [18:52:36] [L] SplaschGaming: я забыл что хотел делать [18:52:43] SimpleBoi issued server command: /home [18:52:45] trololo1991 вышел [18:52:55] Akatsukioff issued server command: /tpaccept [18:52:55] Inotik зашёл [18:52:55] [G] Miff1337: !газ [18:52:57] [L] SplaschGaming: из рупия нет [18:52:59] [G] Gazirovka_: !что? [18:52:59] Akatsukioff issued server command: /tpa iam [18:53:00] loyadik вышел [18:53:01] GHOST31_28 issued server command: /rtp [18:53:01] Inotik вышел [18:53:01] iamfriendly issued server command: /rg delete iamfriendly [18:53:06] iamfriendly issued server command: /tpaccept [18:53:08] [G] AngryHardGame: ! эхх жаль за бусты дискорд сервера больше плюшки не дают(( [18:53:09] [L] SplaschGaming: арлемит [18:53:10] [G] Miff1337: !а нихуя)0)0 похуй на мут) [18:53:11] Wonxderixng issued server command: /warp shop [18:53:12] [L] SplaschGaming: но он ломается [18:53:12] Wonxderixng issued server command: /we cui [18:53:13] qudmen_YT issued server command: /rg addmember basa worfi42 [18:53:13] [L] LittleSvinka: п [18:53:15] iamfriendly issued server command: /rtp [18:53:17] iamfriendly issued server command: /warp world [18:53:20] Manik_Pro issued server command: /home [18:53:23] [G] AngryHardGame: ! ай ай ай плохой мальчик, что он делает [18:53:28] AngryHardGame issued server command: /home [18:53:29] [L] GHOST31_28: p [18:53:29] LittleSvinka issued server command: /rg sel [18:53:29] AngryHardGame issued server command: /we cui [18:53:33] GHOST31_28 issued server command: /rtp [18:53:33] AngryHardGame issued server command: /fly [18:53:33] zloy_cool issued server command: /spawn [18:53:36] zloy_cool issued server command: /we cui [18:53:37] Psix0z issued server command: /rtp [18:53:38] hakya вышел [18:53:40] iamfriendly issued server command: /rtp [18:53:41] AngryHardGame issued server command: /sethome [18:53:41] Miff1337 issued server command: /rtp [18:53:43] SimpleBoi issued server command: /kit eat [18:53:44] Bomw issued server command: /rtp [18:53:48] Krantzg issued server command: /kit eat [18:53:48] TOGA issued server command: /home [18:53:50] Inotik зашёл [18:53:51] worfi42 issued server command: /call qudmen [18:53:55] Inotik issued server command: /we cui [18:53:55] qudmen_YT issued server command: /tpaccept [18:54:01] Psix0z issued server command: /home [18:54:01] FreakFromThePub issued server command: /home [18:54:01] Razy вышел [18:54:01] Akatsukioff issued server command: /tpa iam [18:54:02] Inotik был кикнут [18:54:02] Inotik вышел [18:54:05] [L] SplaschGaming: кто книгу выбросил [18:54:08] G0KO issued server command: /cart gui [18:54:11] Psix0z вышел [18:54:13] [L] SplaschGaming: они для крафта надо [18:54:13] TurboLastGame issued server command: /rtp [18:54:13] G0KO вышел [18:54:15] Suyumi issued server command: /sethome [18:54:16] Suyumi issued server command: /home [18:54:17] [L] SplaschGaming: чар книгу [18:54:19] Suyumi issued server command: /warp bs [18:54:19] iamfriendly issued server command: /tpaccept [18:54:19] G0KO зашёл [18:54:21] G0KO issued server command: /we cui [18:54:29] G0KO issued server command: /сфке пгш [18:54:29] Demaglhf issued server command: /playtimetop [18:54:32] Miff1337 issued server command: //chunk [18:54:32] Miff1337 issued server command: //outset 16 [18:54:32] Miff1337 issued server command: /zone [18:54:32] LittleSvinka issued server command: //sel [18:54:33] G0KO issued server command: /cart gui [18:54:37] qudmen_YT issued server command: /call worfi42 [18:54:37] G0KO issued server command: /carl [18:54:37] Miff1337 issued server command: /rg claim lophimen [18:54:38] worfi42 issued server command: /tpaccept [18:54:39] Demaglhf issued server command: /playtime Demaglhf [18:54:39] Suyumi issued server command: /home [18:54:39] Miff1337 issued server command: //sel [18:54:43] TurboLastGame issued server command: /rtp [18:54:43] G0KO issued server command: /cart all [18:54:43] Bomw issued server command: /home [18:54:43] [G] AngryHardGame: ! хм а я варп вообще поставить могу ? [18:54:44] Miff1337 issued server command: /sethome [18:54:45] TurboLastGame issued server command: /warp 1 [18:54:47] G0KO issued server command: /mpcaseshop [18:54:49] Bomw issued server command: /warp 1 [18:54:49] Miff1337 issued server command: /rg f lophimen pvp deny [18:54:49] [G] Demaglhf: !вродь нет [18:54:50] [G] AngryHardGame: ! или айрон придется покупать [18:54:52] G0KO issued server command: /mpcaseview 9 [18:54:52] me3jack issued server command: /home [18:54:54] [G] BJlaTnou: !Тут кирка из блуды как копает? [18:54:55] G0KO issued server command: /rollcase 9 [18:54:56] worfi42 issued server command: /home [18:54:58] [G] Gazirovka_: !/warp set попробуй [18:54:58] Suyumi issued server command: /home [18:55:01] Suyumi issued server command: /warp bs [18:55:01] worfi42 issued server command: /set home [18:55:04] umpalumpik issued server command: /kit eda [18:55:04] AngryHardGame issued server command: /warp set [18:55:05] qudmen_YT issued server command: /sethome [18:55:05] worfi42 issued server command: /set home [18:55:05] zloy_cool issued server command: /warp end [18:55:06] umpalumpik issued server command: /kit [18:55:09] umpalumpik issued server command: /kit eat [18:55:10] Vehitsel issued server command: /mw set gf [18:55:10] worfi42 issued server command: /sethome [18:55:14] trololo1991 зашёл [18:55:15] zloy_cool issued server command: /warp list [18:55:17] AngryHardGame issued server command: /warp set portalis [18:55:19] G0KO issued server command: /mpcaseshop [18:55:20] iamfriendly issued server command: /warp world [18:55:22] G0KO issued server command: /mpcaseview 2 [18:55:22] umpalumpik issued server command: /warp [18:55:23] [G] AngryHardGame: ! нет не могу [18:55:23] G0KO issued server command: /rollcase 2 [18:55:24] Wonxderixng issued server command: /fly [18:55:25] umpalumpik issued server command: /warp list [18:55:25] zloy_cool issued server command: /warp shop [18:55:26] iamfriendly issued server command: /spawn [18:55:27] Akatsukioff issued server command: /rtp [18:55:29] iamfriendly issued server command: /we cui [18:55:29] trololo1991 issued server command: /we cui [18:55:29] [G] AngryHardGame: ! ну значит без порталов сидите [18:55:30] umpalumpik issued server command: /warp shop [18:55:31] umpalumpik issued server command: /we cui [18:55:31] zloy_cool issued server command: /trade Wonxderixng [18:55:31] zloy_cool issued server command: /trade Wonxderixng [18:55:31] zloy_cool issued server command: /trade Wonxderixng [18:55:33] G0KO issued server command: /mpcaseshop [18:55:37] TheMaxLC issued server command: /home SplaschGaming [18:55:37] G0KO issued server command: /mpcaseview 8 [18:55:40] G0KO issued server command: /rollcase 8 [18:55:40] flesziip issued server command: /fly [18:55:42] [G] Vehitsel: ! а чо хом открыть нельзя? [18:55:52] [G] AngryHardGame: ! нет уже как пятьсот лет вроде же ? [18:55:53] G0KO issued server command: /mpcaseview 8 [18:55:53] TurboLastGame issued server command: /rtp [18:55:54] iamfriendly issued server command: /tpa Akatsukioff [18:55:54] G0KO issued server command: /mpcaseshop [18:55:54] Gazirovka_ issued server command: /home info [18:55:56] G0KO issued server command: /mpcaseview 1 [18:55:59] Vehitsel issued server command: /mh public [18:56:01] Akatsukioff issued server command: /tpaccept [18:56:02] iamfriendly issued server command: /we cui [18:56:08] [L] SplaschGaming: я помню что я не помню [18:56:09] flesziip issued server command: /mpcaseshop [18:56:10] Vehitsel issued server command: /home private [18:56:14] Vehitsel issued server command: /home public [18:56:15] QWEBOI issued server command: /kit start [18:56:17] QWEBOI issued server command: / [18:56:17] iamfriendly issued server command: //chunk [18:56:17] iamfriendly issued server command: //outset 16 [18:56:17] iamfriendly issued server command: /zone [18:56:19] QWEBOI issued server command: /kit eat [18:56:19] G0KO issued server command: /cart gui [18:56:19] Sava360 зашёл [18:56:22] iamfriendly issued server command: /sethome [18:56:22] Miff1337 issued server command: /kit start [18:56:25] [G] AngryHardGame: ! хотя тмрпг вообще выделяется на фоне остальных серверов так что все возможно [18:56:27] [L] umpalumpik: 1 [18:56:30] Vehitsel issued server command: /home private [18:56:33] Sava360 issued server command: /we cui [18:56:38] TurboLastGame issued server command: /warp 1 [18:56:39] Vehitsel issued server command: /home invite Zik4 [18:56:39] Azenord зашёл [18:56:44] umpalumpik issued server command: /warp list [18:56:46] umpalumpik issued server command: /warp list 2 [18:56:47] Azenord issued server command: /we cui [18:56:47] Vehitsel issued server command: /home AngryHardGame [18:56:51] me3jack умер (PROJECTILE) [18:56:54] me3jack issued server command: /we cui [18:56:55] AngryHardGame issued server command: /warp portal [18:56:55] filen2 issued server command: /home [18:56:56] filen2 issued server command: /warp 1 [18:56:56] AngryHardGame issued server command: /we cui [18:56:58] filen2 issued server command: /rtp [18:56:58] umpalumpik issued server command: /warp npcshop [18:57:00] filen2 issued server command: /warp 1 [18:57:01] G0KO issued server command: /warp nps [18:57:02] trololo1991 issued server command: /rtp [18:57:04] AngryHardGame issued server command: /fly [18:57:07] iamfriendly issued server command: /rg claim iamfriendly [18:57:08] G0KO issued server command: /warp npsshop [18:57:13] umpalumpik issued server command: /warp set [18:57:15] G0KO issued server command: /warp NPSshop [18:57:23] [G] umpalumpik: ! где можно зачариться? варп какой нибудь [18:57:23] G0KO issued server command: /warp NPCshop [18:57:25] G0KO issued server command: /we cui [18:57:25] umpalumpik issued server command: /spawn [18:57:25] MrRomaLol issued server command: /vote [18:57:28] zloy_cool issued server command: /home [18:57:28] [G] Gazirovka_: !нет [18:57:28] MrRomaLol issued server command: /callvote [18:57:30] zloy_cool issued server command: /we cui [18:57:32] [G] Manik_Pro: !кто продаст книгу [18:57:33] G0KO вышел [18:57:34] MrRomaLol issued server command: /day [18:57:39] Miff1337 issued server command: /m Manik_Pro [18:57:39] G0KO зашёл [18:57:40] Suyumi issued server command: /heal [18:57:41] G0KO issued server command: /we cui [18:57:45] [G] Demaglhf: !варпов нет [18:57:49] Miff1337 issued server command: /trade Manik_Pro [18:57:55] Wonxderixng issued server command: /trade G0KO [18:57:55] Wonxderixng issued server command: /trade G0KO [18:57:55] Wonxderixng issued server command: /trade G0KO [18:57:55] Wonxderixng issued server command: /trade G0KO [18:57:55] Wonxderixng issued server command: /trade G0KO [18:57:55] Wonxderixng issued server command: /trade G0KO [18:57:55] Wonxderixng issued server command: /trade G0KO [18:57:55] Wonxderixng issued server command: /trade G0KO [18:57:55] Wonxderixng issued server command: /trade G0KO [18:57:57] [G] Demaglhf: !пока что [18:57:58] AngryHardGame issued server command: /we cui [18:57:58] Manik_Pro issued server command: /money [18:57:58] Vehitsel issued server command: /warp list -n [18:57:58] Vehitsel issued server command: /warp list [18:57:59] AngryHardGame issued server command: /fly [18:58:00] [L] Wonxderixng: соре [18:58:00] Manik_Pro issued server command: /trade accept [18:58:05] filen2 issued server command: /feed [18:58:06] Vehitsel issued server command: /warp list -w [18:58:10] [L] SplaschGaming: --- [18:58:10] Vehitsel issued server command: /warp list -w world [18:58:10] SplaschGaming issued server command: / [18:58:11] filen2 issued server command: /rtp [18:58:18] iamfriendly issued server command: /kit eat [18:58:21] umpalumpik issued server command: /tpa QWEBOI [18:58:22] QWEBOI issued server command: /tpaccept [18:58:22] umpalumpik issued server command: /we cui [18:58:23] [L] SplaschGaming: где он [18:58:26] Azenord issued server command: /rtp [18:58:27] Vehitsel issued server command: /list [18:58:29] Manik_Pro issued server command: /rtp [18:58:37] flesziip умер (ENTITY_ATTACK) [18:58:38] filen2 issued server command: /warp 1 [18:58:39] flesziip issued server command: /we cui [18:58:43] flesziip issued server command: /call Suyumi [18:58:45] trololo1991 issued server command: /rtp [18:58:45] filen2 issued server command: /rtp [18:58:46] AngryHardGame issued server command: /warp portal [18:58:47] AngryHardGame issued server command: /we cui [18:58:51] [L] SplaschGaming: тьху [18:58:52] AngryHardGame issued server command: /fly [18:58:53] Suyumi issued server command: /day [18:58:54] [L] SplaschGaming: я же писал - [18:58:57] Frunchesko issued server command: /рщьу [18:58:58] flesziip issued server command: /call Suyumi [18:58:58] filen2 issued server command: //wand [18:58:58] Frunchesko issued server command: /home [18:58:59] Bomw issued server command: /rtp [18:58:59] flesziip issued server command: /call Suyumi [18:58:59] flesziip issued server command: /call Suyumi [18:58:59] flesziip issued server command: /call Suyumi [18:59:00] flesziip issued server command: /call Suyumi [18:59:00] flesziip issued server command: /call Suyumi [18:59:00] [L] SplaschGaming: мне он надо [18:59:01] flesziip issued server command: /call Suyumi [18:59:03] Sava360 issued server command: /warp world [18:59:04] Sava360 issued server command: /we cui [18:59:07] SplaschGaming умер (ENTITY_ATTACK) [18:59:09] SplaschGaming issued server command: /we cui [18:59:12] [L] SplaschGaming: меня убили( [18:59:15] Frunchesko issued server command: /spawb [18:59:15] Frunchesko issued server command: /spawn [18:59:16] Sava360 issued server command: /rtp [18:59:18] Frunchesko issued server command: /we cui [18:59:19] TOGA issued server command: /cart all [18:59:22] Wonxderixng вышел [18:59:25] filen2 issued server command: //expand 40 up [18:59:27] filen2 issued server command: //expand 40 d [18:59:28] 69Loqiemean96 issued server command: /warp potom [18:59:32] SplaschGaming issued server command: /fly [18:59:38] Bomw issued server command: /rtp [18:59:38] filen2 issued server command: /rg claim filen2 [18:59:39] MR_NEON зашёл [18:59:40] TOGA вышел [18:59:44] iamfriendly issued server command: /mpcaseshop [18:59:50] MR_NEON issued server command: /we cui [18:59:51] Azenord issued server command: /warp world [18:59:52] Frunchesko issued server command: /warp nether [18:59:52] Azenord issued server command: /we cui [18:59:53] Frunchesko issued server command: /we cui [18:59:54] Bomw issued server command: /rtp [18:59:54] flesziip issued server command: /god [18:59:57] Bomw issued server command: /rtp [18:59:57] flesziip issued server command: /fly [18:59:57] Azenord issued server command: /rtp [18:59:58] TurboLastGame issued server command: /rg info [18:59:58] Bomw issued server command: /rtp [18:59:58] Sowkand issued server command: /rg info [19:00:00] Bomw issued server command: /rtp [19:00:00] qudmen_YT issued server command: /mpcaseshop [19:00:01] Sowkand issued server command: /rg list [19:00:01] Akatsukioff issued server command: /trade iamfriendly [19:00:01] Akatsukioff issued server command: /trade iamfriendly [19:00:02] Akatsukioff issued server command: /trade iamfriendly [19:00:02] Akatsukioff issued server command: /trade iamfriendly [19:00:02] Akatsukioff issued server command: /trade iamfriendly [19:00:02] Akatsukioff issued server command: /trade iamfriendly [19:00:02] Vehitsel вышел [19:00:02] filen2 issued server command: /rg list [19:00:02] Frunchesko issued server command: /rtp [19:00:03] MR_NEON issued server command: /fly [19:00:04] qudmen_YT issued server command: //sel [19:00:05] iamfriendly issued server command: /trade accept [19:00:05] [G] me3jack: ! как убирать метки смерти, а то меня додо 50 раз убил в одном месте [19:00:05] TurboLastGame issued server command: /rg list [19:00:07] [L] SplaschGaming: а [19:00:09] G0KO issued server command: /home [19:00:10] TurboLastGame issued server command: /rg list [19:00:11] Azenord issued server command: /kit [19:00:11] G0KO issued server command: /we cui [19:00:11] [G] Gazirovka_: ! j > метки [19:00:12] [L] SplaschGaming: это считается как агр моб [19:00:15] [L] SplaschGaming: можна убивать тогда [19:00:16] me3jack issued server command: /j [19:00:19] GHOST31_28 issued server command: /rtp [19:00:21] AngryHardGame issued server command: /we cui [19:00:23] Gazirovka_ issued server command: /tp filen2 [19:00:24] AngryHardGame issued server command: /fly [19:00:28] AngryHardGame issued server command: /we cui [19:00:30] FreakFromThePub issued server command: /kit eat [19:00:31] filen2 issued server command: //sell [19:00:37] filen2 issued server command: /sell [19:00:38] MrRomaLol issued server command: /tp2p Meinshoke [19:00:40] Gazirovka_ issued server command: //chunk [19:00:40] Gazirovka_ issued server command: //outset 16 [19:00:40] Gazirovka_ issued server command: /zone [19:00:42] AngryHardGame issued server command: /fly [19:00:42] filen2 issued server command: //sell [19:00:44] filen2 issued server command: //sel [19:00:47] MrRomaLol issued server command: /tpa Meinshoke [19:00:47] Gazirovka_ issued server command: /rg claim spawner2 [19:00:51] Gazirovka_ issued server command: //sel [19:00:53] Manik_Pro issued server command: /home [19:00:54] Meinshoke issued server command: /tpaccept [19:01:01] AngryHardGame issued server command: /home [19:01:01] worfi42 issued server command: /call qudmen [19:01:05] 69Loqiemean96 issued server command: /home [19:01:05] qudmen_YT issued server command: /tpaccept [19:01:16] FlipSize issued server command: /mpcaseshop [19:01:23] TheMaxLC issued server command: /tpa Krantzg [19:01:23] Krantzg issued server command: /tpaccept [19:01:24] BabyTalk зашёл [19:01:26] BabyTalk issued server command: /we cui [19:01:27] SplaschGaming issued server command: /warp nether [19:01:32] SplaschGaming issued server command: /we cui [19:01:39] Ginjo issued server command: /home [19:01:39] SplaschGaming issued server command: /fly [19:01:42] TheMaxLC issued server command: /home SplaschGaming [19:01:45] Azenord issued server command: /kit [19:01:47] Azenord issued server command: /rtp [19:01:48] MrRomaLol issued server command: /hu_holo [19:01:50] Ginjo issued server command: /home set 1 [19:01:50] MrRomaLol issued server command: /tps [19:01:52] Manik_Pro issued server command: /tpa trololo1991 [19:01:56] Ginjo issued server command: /set home 1 [19:02:00] Ginjo issued server command: /sethome 1 [19:02:03] Krantzg issued server command: /home [19:02:03] Ginjo issued server command: /home Oniflavor [19:02:14] Akatsukioff issued server command: /kit eat [19:02:16] Inotik зашёл [19:02:24] trololo1991 issued server command: /m Manik_Pro я в шахте, я не дома [19:02:24] Manik_Pro issued server command: /tpa trololo1991 [19:02:27] [G] AngryHardGame: ! эххх халит мэч хочеца [19:02:27] [L] LittleSvinka: игорб [19:02:28] filen2 issued server command: /trade TurboLastGame [19:02:29] [L] LittleSvinka: епт [19:02:32] trololo1991 issued server command: /tpaccept [19:02:34] TurboLastGame issued server command: /trade accept [19:02:34] [L] LittleSvinka: я же говорил [19:02:35] [L] LittleSvinka: не строй [19:02:37] [L] LittleSvinka: больше [19:02:39] Topioka issued server command: /kit [19:02:40] [L] LittleSvinka: много и так слишком [19:02:41] [L] Solordiy: Ааа понял [19:02:41] [G] AngryHardGame: ! а еще рф зарядку [19:02:42] Topioka issued server command: /kit eat [19:02:43] [L] Manik_Pro: сари [19:02:44] [L] LittleSvinka: нам не нужно так много [19:02:45] Suyumi issued server command: /home [19:02:48] Suyumi issued server command: /warp q [19:02:49] TheMaxLC issued server command: /warp nether [19:02:50] Suyumi issued server command: /warp bs [19:02:52] Suyumi issued server command: /sethome [19:02:52] TheMaxLC issued server command: /we cui [19:02:53] Topioka issued server command: /warp [19:02:53] filen2 issued server command: /trade TurboLastGame [19:02:55] TurboLastGame issued server command: /trade accept [19:02:56] TheMaxLC issued server command: /fly [19:02:58] [L] Manik_Pro: эта вещь без неё маен не прайдеш [19:02:59] Inotik issued server command: /we cui [19:03:00] Suyumi issued server command: /ec [19:03:02] Topioka issued server command: /spawn [19:03:05] Topioka issued server command: /we cui [19:03:06] me3jack issued server command: /rtp [19:03:12] SplaschGaming issued server command: /home [19:03:14] TheMaxLC issued server command: /home SplaschGaming [19:03:15] SplaschGaming issued server command: /we cui [19:03:18] TheMaxLC issued server command: /we cui [19:03:27] Topioka issued server command: /warp nether [19:03:31] Topioka issued server command: /we cui [19:03:34] [L] SplaschGaming: я там решу наверн [19:03:35] [L] Manik_Pro: там топ вещи в батание [19:03:39] [L] SplaschGaming: сначало сделаем мэ и тд [19:03:39] [L] Manik_Pro: ну ок [19:03:42] Manik_Pro issued server command: /home [19:03:51] SplaschGaming issued server command: /fly [19:03:54] Bomw issued server command: /warp 1 [19:03:58] kustikWHO issued server command: /tpa me3jack [19:04:00] [L] SplaschGaming: сюда поставь просто [19:04:00] Suyumi issued server command: /ec [19:04:04] me3jack issued server command: /tpaccept [19:04:17] MR_NEON умер (ENTITY_ATTACK) [19:04:20] MR_NEON issued server command: /we cui [19:04:28] MR_NEON issued server command: /warp world [19:04:31] [G] AngryHardGame: ! кому нужно в миры дивана, тп(пвп в регионе оффнуто естественно) [19:04:33] TOGA зашёл [19:04:38] [L] SplaschGaming: я все услышал [19:04:40] [G] AngryHardGame: ! кроме арканы мне лень [19:04:42] MR_NEON issued server command: /fly [19:04:44] TOGA issued server command: /we cui [19:04:46] MR_NEON issued server command: /we cui [19:04:47] Demaglhf issued server command: /tpa angry [19:04:50] Demaglhf issued server command: /god [19:04:52] AngryHardGame issued server command: /tpaccept [19:04:54] MR_NEON issued server command: /fly [19:04:54] [L] SplaschGaming: я ничё не слышал [19:04:56] SimpleBoi issued server command: /home [19:04:58] [L] Demaglhf: ничоси [19:05:02] Gazirovka_ issued server command: /tp AngryHardGame [19:05:10] [L] AngryHardGame: фарм душ произведен успешна [19:05:11] Suyumi был кикнут [19:05:11] Suyumi вышел [19:05:11] [L] Demaglhf: пойду [19:05:13] Akatsukioff issued server command: //wand [19:05:13] Azenord issued server command: /rtp [19:05:16] Gazirovka_ issued server command: /we cui [19:05:16] Gazirovka_ issued server command: /gm 1 [19:05:19] Demaglhf issued server command: /we cui [19:05:19] estate зашёл [19:05:20] Suyumi зашёл [19:05:22] Suyumi issued server command: /we cui [19:05:23] estate issued server command: /we cui [19:05:25] TheMaxLC issued server command: /fly [19:05:26] Suyumi issued server command: /fly [19:05:27] Gazirovka_ issued server command: /zwand [19:05:33] Gazirovka_ issued server command: /zset 0 [19:05:35] Gazirovka_ issued server command: /tppos [19:05:44] [G] Miff1337: ! Suyumi [19:05:49] umpalumpik issued server command: /home [19:05:51] [G] Demaglhf: !доп миры из дивайна тоже же 15 вайпаются? [19:05:53] Topioka issued server command: /kit start [19:05:55] [G] flesziip: !+ [19:05:55] GHOST31_28 issued server command: /SET home [19:05:57] Gazirovka_ issued server command: /ttpos 100 50 100 [19:06:00] GHOST31_28 issued server command: /sethome [19:06:05] Azenord issued server command: /rtp [19:06:06] Gazirovka_ issued server command: /tppos 100 50 100 [19:06:06] Suyumi issued server command: /ec [19:06:06] iamfriendly issued server command: /kit start [19:06:10] Azenord issued server command: /rtp [19:06:11] Azenord issued server command: /rtp [19:06:12] iamfriendly issued server command: /kit eat [19:06:12] Gazirovka_ issued server command: /fly [19:06:12] Azenord issued server command: /rtp [19:06:13] Azenord issued server command: /rtp [19:06:19] [L] SplaschGaming: время делать фигню! [19:06:20] Meinshoke issued server command: /home [19:06:30] Ginjo issued server command: /home [19:06:37] Topioka issued server command: /home [19:06:39] Ginjo issued server command: /del home 1 [19:06:39] Topioka issued server command: /we cui [19:06:40] [G] AngryHardGame: ! вроде только боссовые миры из витчери не вайпаются [19:06:42] [L] SplaschGaming: я гей да [19:06:44] 69Loqiemean96 issued server command: /rtp [19:06:44] Ginjo issued server command: /delhome 1 [19:06:48] Inotik issued server command: /fly [19:06:50] Ginjo issued server command: /delhome [19:06:56] trololo1991 issued server command: /home [19:06:57] [G] AngryHardGame: ! я там свои вещи хранил [19:07:00] Ginjo issued server command: /homes [19:07:01] MrRomaLol issued server command: /home [19:07:08] BJlaTnou вышел [19:07:11] [L] SplaschGaming: кварц есть? [19:07:11] Ginjo issued server command: /delhome Ginjo 1 [19:07:16] BJlaTnou зашёл [19:07:18] BJlaTnou issued server command: /we cui [19:07:22] [L] SplaschGaming: я уже нашёл [19:07:23] BJlaTnou issued server command: /fly [19:07:23] Ginjo issued server command: /delhome 1 [19:07:25] Krantzg issued server command: /home [19:07:25] [L] MR_NEON: t/home [19:07:28] Akatsukioff issued server command: /rg claim kakuzo [19:07:28] [L] SplaschGaming: ладно [19:07:29] MR_NEON issued server command: /home [19:07:30] MR_NEON issued server command: /we cui [19:07:30] MR_NEON умер (FALL) [19:07:32] Demaglhf issued server command: /fly [19:07:33] MR_NEON issued server command: /we cui [19:07:35] trololo1991 issued server command: /zene [19:07:36] Ginjo issued server command: /delhome home [19:07:38] Akatsukioff issued server command: /sethome home [19:07:38] astek2 зашёл [19:07:38] trololo1991 issued server command: //chunk [19:07:38] trololo1991 issued server command: //outset 16 [19:07:38] trololo1991 issued server command: /zone [19:07:45] astek2 issued server command: /we cui [19:07:46] [G] BJlaTnou: !Что то со спавном [19:07:49] iamfriendly issued server command: /sethome [19:07:50] MR_NEON вышел [19:07:51] Ginjo issued server command: /home help [19:07:52] trololo1991 issued server command: //sel [19:07:56] iamfriendly умер (ENTITY_ATTACK) [19:07:58] iamfriendly issued server command: /we cui [19:07:58] [G] Gazirovka_: !что с ним? [19:07:58] [G] AngryHardGame: ! я его сломал простите [19:08:02] Ginjo issued server command: /home list [19:08:02] filen2 вышел [19:08:03] Azenord issued server command: /rtp [19:08:05] iamfriendly умер (ENTITY_ATTACK) [19:08:06] iamfriendly issued server command: /we cui [19:08:09] [G] BJlaTnou: !Перезайти пришлось чтобы спруты заспавнились [19:08:09] [G] AngryHardGame: ! (рофел шутка не баньте [19:08:12] GHOST31_28 issued server command: //expand 30up [19:08:14] filen2 зашёл [19:08:16] filen2 issued server command: /we cui [19:08:22] Ginjo issued server command: /home delete [19:08:22] GHOST31_28 issued server command: //expand 30 up [19:08:25] BJlaTnou issued server command: /home [19:08:27] Akatsukioff issued server command: /flag kakuzo pvp deny [19:08:30] GHOST31_28 issued server command: //expand 30 down [19:08:34] Gazirovka_ issued server command: /tppos 100 50 100 [19:08:38] astek2 issued server command: /gm 1 [19:08:38] trololo1991 issued server command: /rtp [19:08:39] GHOST31_28 issued server command: /rg claim justy2008 [19:08:40] [G] AngryHardGame: ! иногда мобы невидимые пока не перезайдешь [19:08:41] iamfriendly умер (ENTITY_ATTACK) [19:08:42] iamfriendly issued server command: /we cui [19:08:46] Manik_Pro issued server command: /rtp [19:08:46] astek2 issued server command: /tpa FlipSize [19:08:57] [G] BJlaTnou: !Таких единицы [19:08:58] [G] AngryHardGame: ! особенно актуально с боссами дивана [19:09:00] iamfriendly умер (ENTITY_ATTACK) [19:09:01] iamfriendly issued server command: /we cui [19:09:10] iamfriendly умер (ENTITY_ATTACK) [19:09:12] iamfriendly issued server command: /we cui [19:09:13] [G] astek2: ! всем привет малыши [19:09:13] SimpleBoi issued server command: /home [19:09:15] [L] SplaschGaming: это из эндер ио [19:09:15] [L] LittleSvinka: АХАЛАЙ МАХАЛАЙ [19:09:15] SimpleBoi вышел [19:09:17] [L] SplaschGaming: а зач тебе? [19:09:21] Suyumi умер (скорее всего команда) [19:09:22] [G] Gazirovka_: !ну привет [19:09:23] Suyumi issued server command: /we cui [19:09:23] [G] AngryHardGame: ! привет [19:09:24] trololo1991 issued server command: //wand [19:09:31] [L] SplaschGaming: на [19:09:33] FreakFromThePub issued server command: /trade FilyWay [19:09:34] [G] Gazirovka_: !не бань пж [19:09:37] trololo1991 issued server command: //sel [19:09:39] [G] astek2: ! как у вас тут дела ? [19:09:40] iamfriendly умер (ENTITY_ATTACK) [19:09:41] iamfriendly issued server command: /we cui [19:09:47] [L] SplaschGaming: я надеюсь ты знаеш зач он? [19:09:53] GHOST31_28 issued server command: //sel [19:09:53] TurboLastGame issued server command: /votesun [19:09:54] [L] SplaschGaming: а [19:09:54] Suyumi умер (скорее всего команда) [19:09:55] TurboLastGame issued server command: /voteday [19:09:56] Suyumi issued server command: /we cui [19:09:56] [G] astek2: ! хорошо малыш [19:09:58] LittleSvinka issued server command: /warp end [19:09:58] GHOST31_28 issued server command: //sell [19:10:04] LittleSvinka issued server command: /spawn [19:10:06] LittleSvinka issued server command: /we cui [19:10:08] LittleSvinka issued server command: /warp portal [19:10:12] [L] SplaschGaming: пкм флаконом по корове [19:10:14] TurboLastGame issued server command: /voteday [19:10:16] Bomw issued server command: /yes [19:10:17] Miff1337 issued server command: /no [19:10:18] QWEBOI issued server command: /yes [19:10:19] trololo1991 issued server command: /no [19:10:19] iamfriendly issued server command: /yes [19:10:20] astek2 issued server command: /yes [19:10:20] filen2 issued server command: /yes [19:10:21] ggwin issued server command: /yes [19:10:21] Gazirovka_ issued server command: /yes [19:10:22] Akatsukioff issued server command: /yes [19:10:35] [G] AngryHardGame: ! жесть какая , наблюдаю как жители мочат кактусы [19:10:36] [G] LittleSvinka: !а че в энд можно тп? [19:10:37] Manik_Pro issued server command: /home [19:10:39] SimpleBoi зашёл [19:10:41] iamfriendly умер (ENTITY_ATTACK) [19:10:41] SimpleBoi issued server command: /we cui [19:10:42] Suyumi умер (скорее всего команда) [19:10:43] iamfriendly issued server command: /we cui [19:10:43] filen2 вышел [19:10:43] [G] Gazirovka_: ! /warp end [19:10:44] LittleSvinka issued server command: /we cui [19:10:44] Suyumi issued server command: /we cui [19:10:45] [G] AngryHardGame: ! да но советую god врубить [19:10:45] Manik_Pro issued server command: /home [19:10:47] filen2 зашёл [19:10:49] Suyumi issued server command: /ec [19:10:50] filen2 issued server command: /we cui [19:10:51] LittleSvinka issued server command: /fly [19:10:53] Krantzg issued server command: /trade TheMaxLC [19:10:56] Gazirovka_ issued server command: /craft [19:11:00] astek2 issued server command: /warp end [19:11:03] Krantzg вышел [19:11:06] Azenord issued server command: //wand [19:11:09] kustikWHO вышел [19:11:09] [G] AngryHardGame: ! а то летают тут всякие [19:11:10] Krantzg зашёл [19:11:10] Azenord issued server command: //rg claim [19:11:12] Krantzg issued server command: /we cui [19:11:15] astek2 issued server command: /warp end [19:11:17] Azenord issued server command: /rg claim nord [19:11:20] Suyumi issued server command: /rtp [19:11:22] [G] Azenord: ! Сколько тут приват? [19:11:23] astek2 issued server command: /tp Gazirovka_ [19:11:24] astek2 issued server command: /we cui [19:11:29] Krantzg issued server command: /fly [19:11:30] filen2 issued server command: /warp 1 [19:11:30] [G] zloy_cool: !600000 [19:11:33] [G] Gazirovka_: !/zone 3х3 чанка [19:11:34] LittleSvinka вышел [19:11:35] [L] SplaschGaming: ничё что у нас тут рф? [19:11:40] LittleSvinka зашёл [19:11:41] astek2 issued server command: /tp Gazirovka_ [19:11:41] LittleSvinka issued server command: /we cui [19:11:44] LittleSvinka issued server command: /god [19:11:44] Frunchesko issued server command: /рщьу [19:11:44] Azenord issued server command: //chunk [19:11:44] Azenord issued server command: //outset 16 [19:11:44] Azenord issued server command: /zone [19:11:45] LittleSvinka issued server command: /gpd [19:11:45] Suyumi issued server command: /home [19:11:45] Frunchesko issued server command: /home [19:11:46] LittleSvinka issued server command: /god [19:11:46] LittleSvinka issued server command: /fly [19:11:47] Azenord issued server command: /rg claim nord [19:11:47] Frunchesko issued server command: /we cui [19:11:48] Sowkand issued server command: /cart gui [19:11:50] [G] AngryHardGame: ! кому нибудь еще над в миры дивана(можно зайти и сломать портал с той стороны, а потом поставить [19:11:50] [L] AngryHardGame: его у себя) [19:11:55] astek2 issued server command: /warp [19:11:57] [G] AngryHardGame: ! его у себя) [19:11:58] Meinshoke issued server command: //chunk [19:11:58] Meinshoke issued server command: //outset 16 [19:11:58] Meinshoke issued server command: /zone 3x3 [19:12:01] astek2 issued server command: /warp info [19:12:12] astek2 issued server command: /spawn [19:12:13] astek2 issued server command: /we cui [19:12:17] Meinshoke issued server command: //sel [19:12:25] Miff1337 issued server command: /home [19:12:26] Akatsukioff issued server command: /home home [19:12:27] Demaglhf issued server command: /we cui [19:12:28] Akatsukioff issued server command: /home home [19:12:29] [L] iamfriendly: f [19:12:32] Frunchesko вышел [19:12:36] Demaglhf issued server command: /we cui [19:12:39] Azenord issued server command: /sethome [19:12:46] Demaglhf issued server command: /fly [19:12:50] Demaglhf issued server command: /god [19:12:52] Demaglhf issued server command: /god [19:12:55] TheMaxLC issued server command: /fly [19:12:56] TheMaxLC issued server command: /fly [19:13:00] TheMaxLC issued server command: /fly [19:13:02] TheMaxLC умер (FALL) [19:13:04] TheMaxLC issued server command: /we cui [19:13:04] Akatsukioff issued server command: /sethome home [19:13:05] [L] SplaschGaming: тебе флакон над? [19:13:07] Akatsukioff issued server command: /sethome home [19:13:07] Azenord issued server command: //sel [19:13:12] Solordiy вышел [19:13:17] MrRomaLol issued server command: //chunk [19:13:17] MrRomaLol issued server command: //outset 16 [19:13:17] MrRomaLol issued server command: /zone [19:13:22] [G] AngryHardGame: ! непонел Demaglhf ты че хом рядом с моим домом поставил :o [19:13:28] MrRomaLol issued server command: //sel [19:13:32] astek2 issued server command: /warp world [19:13:33] astek2 issued server command: /we cui [19:13:33] worfi42 issued server command: /home [19:13:34] [L] SplaschGaming: так надо или нет? [19:13:34] qudmen_YT issued server command: /home [19:13:34] me3jack умер (ENTITY_ATTACK) [19:13:34] [G] Demaglhf: !нет из портала вышел и зашел просто) [19:13:36] estate issued server command: /money [19:13:37] FROST2137 issued server command: /fly [19:13:42] FROST2137 issued server command: /fly [19:13:43] [G] AngryHardGame: ! страшно [19:13:51] iamfriendly issued server command: /kit novice [19:13:52] [L] SplaschGaming: мобов жрать [19:13:57] Akatsukioff issued server command: /spawn [19:13:59] Akatsukioff issued server command: /we cui [19:14:01] astek2 issued server command: /we cui [19:14:03] FROST2137 issued server command: /fly [19:14:05] FROST2137 issued server command: /fly [19:14:06] [L] SplaschGaming: пкм по мобу [19:14:07] AngryHardGame issued server command: /kit eat [19:14:07] 69Loqiemean96 issued server command: /home [19:14:14] [L] SplaschGaming: и еще раз пкм [19:14:22] [L] SplaschGaming: любого моба почти [19:14:25] Azenord issued server command: /kit start [19:14:28] Akatsukioff issued server command: /home home [19:14:32] Azenord issued server command: /kit eat [19:14:33] Azenord issued server command: /kit eat [19:14:34] [G] iamfriendly: !Как выключить пвп в рг? [19:14:36] Azenord issued server command: /kit top [19:14:36] Akatsukioff issued server command: /home home [19:14:38] [L] Miff1337: t [19:14:43] Gazirovka_ issued server command: /warp f [19:14:46] Akatsukioff issued server command: /tpa iam [19:14:47] Gazirovka_ issued server command: /rg f [19:14:48] [G] Miff1337: !/rg f [название] pvp deny [19:14:50] iamfriendly issued server command: /tpaccept [19:14:53] Akatsukioff issued server command: /we cui [19:14:55] Suyumi issued server command: /warp nether [19:14:58] Suyumi issued server command: /we cui [19:15:00] FreakFromThePub issued server command: /home [19:15:03] Azenord issued server command: /rg f nord pvp deny [19:15:04] TheMaxLC issued server command: /fly [19:15:04] 69Loqiemean96 issued server command: /rtp [19:15:07] [G] Miff1337: ! Даже Suyumi тут, АХАХАХ [19:15:08] SplaschGaming умер (ENTITY_ATTACK) [19:15:11] Azenord issued server command: /sethome [19:15:15] Demaglhf issued server command: /home [19:15:15] SplaschGaming issued server command: /we cui [19:15:16] Azenord issued server command: /warp mining [19:15:17] Azenord issued server command: /we cui [19:15:17] Meinshoke умер (ENTITY_ATTACK) [19:15:17] Demaglhf issued server command: /we cui [19:15:18] Meinshoke issued server command: /we cui [19:15:21] me3jack вышел [19:15:24] TheMaxLC issued server command: /fly [19:15:26] TheMaxLC умер (FALL) [19:15:28] TheMaxLC issued server command: /we cui [19:15:30] astek2 issued server command: /buyflag [19:15:36] Demaglhf вышел [19:15:38] hakya зашёл [19:15:38] Meinshoke умер (ENTITY_ATTACK) [19:15:40] Meinshoke issued server command: /we cui [19:15:41] astek2 issued server command: /tp Suyumi [19:15:41] hakya issued server command: /we cui [19:15:42] astek2 issued server command: /we cui [19:15:44] [G] AngryHardGame: ! все теперь я бомж и умру с голода ._. [19:15:44] TheMaxLC issued server command: /fly [19:15:44] AngryHardGame issued server command: /mpcaseshop [19:15:46] AngryHardGame issued server command: /mpcaseview 6 [19:15:46] astek2 issued server command: /tp Suyumi [19:15:47] AngryHardGame issued server command: /rollcase 6 [19:15:48] [G] Miff1337: !Честно, я плакал, когда про псж узнал [19:15:51] astek2 issued server command: /tp Suyumi [19:15:53] [L] astek2: fuf [19:15:58] iamfriendly issued server command: /tpahere Akatsukioff [19:16:01] astek2 issued server command: /tp Suyumi [19:16:01] AngryHardGame issued server command: /mpcaseview 6 [19:16:02] Manik_Pro вышел [19:16:06] Azenord issued server command: /rtp [19:16:07] [G] AngryHardGame: ! я плакалъ [19:16:10] TheMaxLC issued server command: /fly [19:16:11] TheMaxLC умер (FALL) [19:16:13] TheMaxLC issued server command: /we cui [19:16:15] [G] Gazirovka_: !продай ядро( [19:16:16] [G] Miff1337: !ты какаль [19:16:22] [G] flesziip: !ти кака [19:16:32] [G] Miff1337: !газ, ты играешь в этом вайпе? ого [19:16:32] [G] AngryHardGame: ! кто титикака [19:16:37] iamfriendly issued server command: /tpahere Akatsukioff [19:16:37] SplaschGaming issued server command: /fly [19:16:40] iamfriendly issued server command: /tpahere Akatsukioff [19:16:42] iamfriendly issued server command: /tpahere Akatsukioff [19:16:43] Krantzg вышел [19:16:43] TOGA issued server command: /home [19:16:43] iamfriendly issued server command: /tpahere Akatsukioff [19:16:43] Suyumi issued server command: /ec [19:16:44] iamfriendly issued server command: /tpahere Akatsukioff [19:16:44] iamfriendly issued server command: /tpahere Akatsukioff [19:16:45] iamfriendly issued server command: /tpahere Akatsukioff [19:16:46] iamfriendly issued server command: /tpahere Akatsukioff [19:16:48] Krantzg зашёл [19:16:49] GHOST31_28 умер (ENTITY_ATTACK) [19:16:49] Ginjo issued server command: /home Oniflavor [19:16:50] Krantzg issued server command: /we cui [19:16:50] GHOST31_28 issued server command: /we cui [19:16:51] Akatsukioff issued server command: /rg f kakuzo pvp deny [19:16:52] TheMaxLC issued server command: /fly [19:16:53] astek2 issued server command: /tp Suyumi [19:16:56] Meinshoke issued server command: /pvp on [19:17:00] Azenord вышел [19:17:00] Krantzg issued server command: /fly [19:17:00] Akatsukioff issued server command: /tpaccept [19:17:04] Gazirovka_ issued server command: /craft [19:17:08] Akatsukioff issued server command: /home [19:17:10] Gazirovka_ issued server command: /warp 1 [19:17:12] Gazirovka_ issued server command: /we cui [19:17:12] Gazirovka_ issued server command: /gm 1 [19:17:14] astek2 issued server command: /tp Gazirovka_ [19:17:15] [G] AngryHardGame: ! а хаот ядром можно бафать кирки там ? [19:17:15] tH0R зашёл [19:17:15] astek2 issued server command: /we cui [19:17:20] Meinshoke умер (ENTITY_ATTACK) [19:17:22] [G] Gazirovka_: !нет [19:17:22] Meinshoke issued server command: /we cui [19:17:22] MiStOr_NaKoVaLnA зашёл [19:17:26] [G] AngryHardGame: ! бесполезность [19:17:26] tH0R issued server command: /we cui [19:17:27] [G] Gazirovka_: !пб макс [19:17:28] iamfriendly issued server command: /tpahere Akatsukioff [19:17:28] me3jack зашёл [19:17:35] [G] Gazirovka_: !ну для посоха силы в крафте [19:17:37] me3jack issued server command: /we cui [19:17:38] Akatsukioff issued server command: /tpaccept [19:17:39] Akatsukioff issued server command: /home [19:17:42] MiStOr_NaKoVaLnA issued server command: /we cui [19:17:49] iamfriendly вышел [19:17:52] TheMaxLC умер (ENTITY_ATTACK) [19:17:54] TheMaxLC issued server command: /we cui [19:17:56] iamfriendly зашёл [19:17:58] iamfriendly issued server command: /we cui [19:17:59] Nikitawrik issued server command: /warp shop [19:18:00] [G] AngryHardGame: ! все равно бесполезность ;( [19:18:02] SplaschGaming умер (ENTITY_ATTACK) [19:18:03] iamfriendly issued server command: /tpahere [19:18:03] TheMaxLC умер (ENTITY_ATTACK) [19:18:04] SplaschGaming issued server command: /we cui [19:18:05] TheMaxLC issued server command: /we cui [19:18:07] iamfriendly issued server command: /tpahere Akatsukioff [19:18:11] TheMaxLC issued server command: /fly [19:18:13] Gazirovka_ issued server command: /fly [19:18:14] estate issued server command: /kit eat [19:18:15] iamfriendly issued server command: /tpahere Akatsukioff [19:18:18] iamfriendly issued server command: /tpahere Akatsukioff [19:18:19] estate issued server command: /kit eat [19:18:22] BJlaTnou issued server command: /rtp [19:18:24] SplaschGaming issued server command: /fly [19:18:26] FilyWay issued server command: /home [19:18:29] Nikitawrik вышел [19:18:31] FilyWay issued server command: /call ggwin [19:18:32] Miff1337 issued server command: /home [19:18:35] ggwin issued server command: /tpaccept [19:18:39] SimpleBoi issued server command: /rtp [19:18:39] iamfriendly issued server command: /tpahere Akatsukioff [19:18:47] 69Loqiemean96 issued server command: /home [19:18:49] AngryHardGame issued server command: /mpcaseshop [19:18:49] TheMaxLC issued server command: / [19:18:50] AngryHardGame issued server command: /mpcaseview 6 [19:18:50] FilyWay issued server command: /warp nether [19:18:51] AngryHardGame issued server command: /rollcase 6 [19:18:52] FilyWay issued server command: /we cui [19:18:53] TheMaxLC issued server command: /fly [19:18:55] TheMaxLC умер (FALL) [19:18:55] Akatsukioff issued server command: /tpaccept [19:18:56] TheMaxLC issued server command: /we cui [19:19:03] Akatsukioff issued server command: /tpaccept [19:19:04] AngryHardGame issued server command: /mpcaseview 6 [19:19:10] [G] AngryHardGame: ! куда катится этот мир [19:19:11] TheMaxLC issued server command: /fly [19:19:15] Nikitawrik зашёл [19:19:15] Akatsukioff issued server command: /home [19:19:16] TheMaxLC issued server command: /fly [19:19:17] TheMaxLC умер (FALL) [19:19:19] TheMaxLC issued server command: /we cui [19:19:20] Nikitawrik issued server command: /we cui [19:19:22] iamfriendly issued server command: /rg info [19:19:24] trololo1991 issued server command: /rtp [19:19:32] hakya issued server command: /rtp [19:19:32] [G] Gazirovka_: !если будет краш не бейте :( [19:19:39] [L] SplaschGaming: глоустоун есть? [19:19:41] [G] flesziip: !по железу [19:19:41] [G] Miff1337: !буду [19:19:42] [G] AngryHardGame: ! ясно дюпоет сто процентна [19:19:46] [L] Nikitawrik: 45 [19:20:00] [G] MrRomaLol: !но но но дюпать [19:20:02] [G] Miff1337: !найс [19:20:19] Gazirovka_ issued server command: /gm 1 [19:20:19] Gazirovka_ issued server command: /we cui [19:20:19] TheMaxLC вышел [19:20:19] zloy_cool вышел [19:20:19] FilyWay issued server command: /rtp [19:20:19] LittleSvinka issued server command: /home [19:20:20] iamfriendly вышел [19:20:20] [G] MrRomaLol: !server rip [19:20:20] [G] AngryHardGame: ! а если я в энде летать буду, ты крашнешь и я упаду ;( [19:20:20] GHOST31_28 вышел [19:20:20] Akatsukioff вышел [19:20:20] Meinshoke вышел [19:20:20] QWEBOI вышел [19:20:20] FreakFromThePub вышел [19:20:20] SergoPHS вышел [19:20:20] FilyWay вышел [19:20:20] FROST2137 вышел [19:20:20] Ginjo вышел [19:20:21] Topioka вышел [19:20:21] trololo1991 вышел [19:20:21] Suyumi вышел [19:20:21] BJlaTnou вышел [19:20:21] MiStOr_NaKoVaLnA вышел [19:20:21] me3jack вышел [19:20:21] Nikitawrik вышел [19:20:21] FlipSize issued server command: /tp gaz [19:20:21] LittleSvinka issued server command: /we cui [19:20:22] Ginjo зашёл [19:20:22] astek2 issued server command: /tp Akatsukioff [19:20:22] TheMaxLC зашёл [19:20:23] Suyumi зашёл [19:20:23] Suyumi вышел [19:20:23] FlipSize issued server command: /we cui [19:20:24] Ginjo issued server command: /we cui [19:20:26] TheMaxLC issued server command: /we cui [19:20:26] zloy_cool зашёл [19:20:27] Meinshoke зашёл [19:20:27] QWEBOI зашёл [19:20:27] [G] Miff1337: !ну и на этом спасибо [19:20:27] BJlaTnou зашёл [19:20:27] trololo1991 зашёл [19:20:28] Suyumi зашёл [19:20:28] Akatsukioff зашёл [19:20:28] trololo1991 issued server command: /we cui [19:20:29] zloy_cool issued server command: /we cui [19:20:29] Meinshoke issued server command: /we cui [19:20:29] iamfriendly зашёл [19:20:29] FilyWay зашёл [19:20:29] BJlaTnou issued server command: /we cui [19:20:30] Akatsukioff issued server command: /we cui [19:20:30] Topioka зашёл [19:20:30] iamfriendly issued server command: /we cui [19:20:31] QWEBOI issued server command: /we cui [19:20:31] Suyumi issued server command: /we cui [19:20:32] BJlaTnou issued server command: /fly [19:20:32] FilyWay issued server command: /we cui [19:20:33] astek2 issued server command: /tp AngryHardGame [19:20:33] FROST2137 зашёл [19:20:34] Topioka issued server command: /we cui [19:20:34] Ginjo issued server command: /fly [19:20:36] Krantzg issued server command: /warp nether [19:20:37] me3jack зашёл [19:20:37] Krantzg issued server command: /we cui [19:20:38] Nikitawrik зашёл [19:20:38] FROST2137 issued server command: /we cui [19:20:38] me3jack issued server command: /we cui [19:20:40] [G] BJlaTnou: !Боже [19:20:40] Nikitawrik issued server command: /we cui [19:20:44] [G] BJlaTnou: !Зачем ты это делаешь? [19:20:49] FreakFromThePub зашёл [19:20:52] FreakFromThePub issued server command: /we cui [19:20:56] [L] Nikitawrik: 45 [19:20:59] Krantzg issued server command: /fly [19:21:00] FlipSize issued server command: /rg i [19:21:00] [G] Gazirovka_: !я лишь тепнулся в мир [19:21:01] iamfriendly issued server command: /tpa Akatsukioff [19:21:02] Suyumi issued server command: /warp world [19:21:04] Suyumi issued server command: /we cui [19:21:05] FlipSize issued server command: /warp world [19:21:08] FlipSize issued server command: /we cui [19:21:11] Gazirovka_ issued server command: /fly [19:21:12] [L] Nikitawrik: 3 [19:21:12] astek2 issued server command: /tp G0KO [19:21:14] SplaschGaming issued server command: /warp nether [19:21:14] SplaschGaming issued server command: /we cui [19:21:15] Kajoshi зашёл [19:21:19] Nikitawrik issued server command: /warp bs [19:21:19] [G] BJlaTnou: !Если ты знаешь, что он крашит [19:21:20] astek2 issued server command: /tp ggwin [19:21:22] SplaschGaming issued server command: /fly [19:21:22] [G] BJlaTnou: !То зачем? [19:21:22] Nikitawrik issued server command: /we cui [19:21:22] FlipSize issued server command: /gm 1 [19:21:23] TheMaxLC умер (ENTITY_ATTACK) [19:21:24] [G] AngryHardGame: ! в кокой мир можно было так тепнется [19:21:25] TheMaxLC issued server command: /we cui [19:21:25] Suyumi issued server command: /m Gazirovka_ ты как тепнулся туда [19:21:29] Kajoshi issued server command: /we cui [19:21:31] [G] AngryHardGame: ! что бы потом не крашило [19:21:32] Gazirovka_ issued server command: /r сделал кровать [19:21:33] Nikitawrik issued server command: /trade Suyumi [19:21:37] Suyumi issued server command: /trade accept [19:21:37] TheMaxLC issued server command: /fly [19:21:40] me3jack issued server command: /rtp [19:21:40] [G] Gazirovka_: !везея [19:21:42] TheMaxLC issued server command: /fly [19:21:42] Suyumi issued server command: /кез [19:21:42] astek2 issued server command: /tp Gazirovka_ [19:21:43] Suyumi issued server command: /rtp [19:21:43] TheMaxLC умер (FALL) [19:21:43] astek2 issued server command: /we cui [19:21:45] TheMaxLC issued server command: /we cui [19:21:53] Nikitawrik issued server command: /fly [19:21:55] QWEBOI issued server command: /home [19:21:57] FilyWay issued server command: /home [19:21:58] FilyWay issued server command: /we cui [19:22:03] me3jack issued server command: /rtp [19:22:04] TheMaxLC issued server command: /fly [19:22:06] FilyWay issued server command: /warp nether [19:22:08] FilyWay issued server command: /we cui [19:22:08] [G] Miff1337: !газик [19:22:08] TheMaxLC issued server command: /fly [19:22:09] astek2 issued server command: /tp worfi42 [19:22:10] [G] AngryHardGame: ! газировка го пивипи на 3 этаже везеи на руках в 4:19 утра [19:22:11] astek2 issued server command: /we cui [19:22:11] TheMaxLC умер (FALL) [19:22:11] SplaschGaming умер (ENTITY_ATTACK) [19:22:12] [G] Miff1337: !тебе привет от драгона [19:22:12] [G] Gazirovka_: !а? [19:22:13] TheMaxLC issued server command: /we cui [19:22:15] tH0R issued server command: /rtp [19:22:19] SplaschGaming issued server command: /we cui [19:22:19] LittleSvinka issued server command: /fly [19:22:20] FilyWay issued server command: /fly [19:22:21] BJlaTnou issued server command: /m Gazirovka_ У вас кровать туда уже есть? [19:22:22] [G] me3jack: ! у меня вонючий газик, пукни [19:22:23] FreakFromThePub issued server command: /home invite FilyWay [19:22:27] [G] Gazirovka_: !и ему тоже [19:22:27] estate issued server command: /warp world [19:22:30] estate issued server command: /we cui [19:22:31] astek2 issued server command: /tp AngryHardGame [19:22:34] estate issued server command: /rtp [19:22:34] iamfriendly issued server command: /kit start [19:22:37] ggwin issued server command: /home invite FilyWay [19:22:38] Bomw issued server command: /кез [19:22:40] Bomw issued server command: /rtp [19:22:41] Gazirovka_ issued server command: /r да сделал по фасту) [19:22:46] FROST2137 issued server command: / [19:22:49] [G] me3jack: ! у меня вонючий газик, пукни [19:22:50] tH0R issued server command: /home [19:22:53] me3jack issued server command: /rtp [19:22:53] BJlaTnou issued server command: /r Сможешь продать? [19:22:54] FROST2137 issued server command: /fly [19:22:55] SplaschGaming issued server command: /warp nether [19:22:56] Gazirovka_ issued server command: /r - [19:22:56] BJlaTnou issued server command: /r Кровать [19:22:58] SplaschGaming issued server command: /we cui [19:23:02] SplaschGaming issued server command: /fly [19:23:04] BabyTalk issued server command: /home [19:23:05] [G] astek2: ! пук пук [19:23:05] [G] me3jack: ! какакатб [19:23:06] BabyTalk issued server command: /home [19:23:07] BabyTalk issued server command: /home [19:23:07] [G] AngryHardGame: ! >:o кто то открывает мои сундуки прямо перед моим лицом [19:23:16] BJlaTnou issued server command: /r А в порталы за что пускаешь? [19:23:18] Suyumi issued server command: /ec [19:23:18] [G] filen2: !ты сам [19:23:19] Akatsukioff умер (ENTITY_ATTACK) [19:23:21] Akatsukioff issued server command: /we cui [19:23:21] [G] me3jack: ! у меня тоже кст :) [19:23:24] Gazirovka_ issued server command: /r у AngryHardGame порталы [19:23:25] Kajoshi issued server command: /warp world [19:23:26] Kajoshi issued server command: /we cui [19:23:29] BabyTalk вышел [19:23:32] astek2 issued server command: /tp Miff1337 [19:23:35] [G] AngryHardGame: ! это вторжение в личную жизнь [19:23:39] iamfriendly issued server command: /kit start [19:23:41] astek2 issued server command: /tp TOGA [19:23:42] iamfriendly issued server command: /kit eat [19:23:43] Kajoshi issued server command: /rtp [19:23:44] [G] AngryHardGame: ! где ваш ордер на обыск [19:23:44] iamfriendly issued server command: /home [19:23:46] Suyumi issued server command: /near [19:23:46] BJlaTnou issued server command: /m AngryHardGame За что в порталы пускаешь? [19:23:46] QWEBOI issued server command: /trade [19:23:51] BJlaTnou issued server command: /r Дивайна [19:23:51] QWEBOI issued server command: /trade umpalumpik [19:23:58] FlipSize issued server command: /warp bs [19:24:01] LittleSvinka issued server command: /warp portal [19:24:01] SplaschGaming issued server command: /home [19:24:02] AngryHardGame issued server command: /r просто так , можешь 5 эмов кинуть если не жалко [19:24:03] LittleSvinka issued server command: /we cui [19:24:03] Gazirovka_ issued server command: /sethome [19:24:05] SplaschGaming issued server command: /we cui [19:24:06] AngryHardGame issued server command: /r тп [19:24:07] Bomw issued server command: /warp 1 [19:24:09] me3jack issued server command: /rtp [19:24:09] BJlaTnou issued server command: /money [19:24:10] astek2 issued server command: /tp Bomw [19:24:11] Gazirovka_ issued server command: /warp pset son [19:24:12] BJlaTnou issued server command: /call AngryHardGame [19:24:12] SplaschGaming issued server command: /fly [19:24:12] QWEBOI issued server command: /trade umpalumpik [19:24:13] iamfriendly issued server command: /spawn [19:24:16] AngryHardGame issued server command: /tpaccept [19:24:16] Gazirovka_ issued server command: /warp 1 [19:24:16] LittleSvinka issued server command: /warp end [19:24:16] iamfriendly issued server command: /we cui [19:24:17] umpalumpik issued server command: /trade cancel [19:24:17] LittleSvinka issued server command: /home [19:24:18] Gazirovka_ issued server command: /we cui [19:24:18] Gazirovka_ issued server command: /gm 1 [19:24:19] LittleSvinka issued server command: /we cui [19:24:19] QWEBOI issued server command: /trade umpalumpik [19:24:19] umpalumpik issued server command: /trade accept [19:24:20] LittleSvinka issued server command: /warp end [19:24:21] me3jack issued server command: /kit start [19:24:21] trololo1991 issued server command: /money [19:24:25] [L] BJlaTnou: Алмазиков держи. Эконов 0 [19:24:27] [G] LittleSvinka: !А почему меня в энд не тпхает? [19:24:29] iamfriendly issued server command: /warp list [19:24:32] Akatsukioff был кикнут [19:24:32] Akatsukioff вышел [19:24:32] [L] AngryHardGame: ladno [19:24:33] iamfriendly issued server command: /warp list 2 [19:24:33] Suyumi issued server command: /trade flesziip [19:24:33] Akatsukioff зашёл [19:24:36] [G] Gazirovka_: !/warp world портал там есть [19:24:36] [G] FreakFromThePub: ! слабый [19:24:36] Akatsukioff issued server command: /we cui [19:24:39] worfi42 вышел [19:24:41] Gazirovka_ issued server command: /ec [19:24:42] [L] BJlaTnou: А там меня сразу убьют? [19:24:45] LittleSvinka issued server command: /warp world [19:24:46] TheMaxLC issued server command: /trade Krantzg [19:24:47] Krantzg issued server command: /trade accept [19:24:51] [L] AngryHardGame: ну не [19:24:51] Gazirovka_ issued server command: /home [19:24:53] flesziip issued server command: /trade Suyumi [19:24:55] qudmen_YT вышел [19:24:58] Gazirovka_ issued server command: /warp son [19:25:01] [L] AngryHardGame: вроде шотнуть не должны точно [19:25:01] [L] BJlaTnou: Выложусь на всякий [19:25:03] Suyumi issued server command: /home [19:25:04] BJlaTnou issued server command: /home [19:25:09] LittleSvinka вышел [19:25:12] SimpleBoi issued server command: /rtp [19:25:13] LittleSvinka зашёл [19:25:14] LittleSvinka issued server command: /we cui [19:25:15] SplaschGaming issued server command: /tell Krantzg ) [19:25:21] BJlaTnou issued server command: /call AngryHardGame [19:26:54] Сервер выключился [19:31:25] Сервер включился [19:31:46] Gazirovka_ зашёл [19:31:47] Topioka зашёл [19:31:47] zloy_cool зашёл [19:31:48] Miff1337 зашёл [19:31:48] Gazirovka_ issued server command: /gm 1 [19:31:48] Gazirovka_ issued server command: /we cui [19:31:49] Bomw зашёл [19:31:49] He11Star зашёл [19:31:49] zloy_cool issued server command: /we cui [19:31:50] Topioka issued server command: /we cui [19:31:51] QWEBOI зашёл [19:31:51] Bomw issued server command: /we cui [19:31:52] Miff1337 issued server command: /we cui [19:31:52] umpalumpik зашёл [19:31:53] FROST2137 зашёл [19:31:54] estate зашёл [19:31:54] hakya зашёл [19:31:55] Akatsukioff зашёл [19:31:55] QWEBOI issued server command: /we cui [19:31:55] umpalumpik issued server command: /we cui [19:31:56] Kajoshi зашёл [19:31:56] SplaschGaming зашёл [19:31:56] Suyumi зашёл [19:31:56] hakya issued server command: /we cui [19:31:57] estate issued server command: /we cui [19:31:59] He11Star issued server command: /we cui [19:31:59] FROST2137 issued server command: /we cui [19:31:59] Kajoshi issued server command: /we cui [19:31:59] TOGA зашёл [19:31:59] Suyumi issued server command: /we cui [19:32:01] TOGA issued server command: /we cui [19:32:01] SplaschGaming issued server command: /we cui [19:32:04] LittleSvinka зашёл [19:32:04] Inotik зашёл [19:32:05] G0KO зашёл [19:32:05] Sava360 зашёл [19:32:06] LittleSvinka issued server command: /we cui [19:32:07] G0KO issued server command: /we cui [19:32:07] Sava360 issued server command: /we cui [19:32:09] Inotik issued server command: /we cui [19:32:10] me3jack зашёл [19:32:11] FlipSize зашёл [19:32:12] He11Star issued server command: /m Inotik гей u [19:32:12] FlipSize issued server command: /we cui [19:32:16] Krantzg зашёл [19:32:16] me3jack issued server command: /we cui [19:32:17] Akatsukioff issued server command: /we cui [19:32:17] flesziip зашёл [19:32:17] Inotik issued server command: /r ти [19:32:19] Miff1337 issued server command: /kit eat [19:32:19] Krantzg issued server command: /we cui [19:32:19] flesziip issued server command: /we cui [19:32:24] filen2 зашёл [19:32:24] me3jack issued server command: /rtp [19:32:24] FlipSize issued server command: /tp Gazirovka_ [19:32:25] filen2 issued server command: /we cui [19:32:26] Gazirovka_ issued server command: /fly [19:32:26] FlipSize issued server command: /we cui [19:32:29] FlipSize issued server command: /rg i [19:32:29] LittleSvinka issued server command: /msg FlipSize это нормально что на спавне можно водичку украсть? [19:32:34] FlipSize issued server command: /r ??? [19:32:34] He11Star issued server command: /call hakya [19:32:35] FlipSize issued server command: /r сек [19:32:37] Krantzg issued server command: /fly [19:32:41] FlipSize issued server command: /rg f __global__ entry deny [19:32:41] SimpleBoi зашёл [19:32:43] SimpleBoi issued server command: /we cui [19:32:48] Gazirovka_ issued server command: /warp 1 [19:32:48] hakya issued server command: /home [19:32:49] FlipSize issued server command: /near [19:32:49] Gazirovka_ issued server command: /we cui [19:32:49] Gazirovka_ issued server command: /gm 1 [19:32:50] SimpleBoi issued server command: /rtp [19:32:50] LittleSvinka issued server command: /msg FlipSize покажу как тпшнешься [19:32:53] hakya issued server command: /tpaccept [19:32:54] He11Star issued server command: /we cui [19:32:55] FlipSize issued server command: /r 1 мин [19:32:58] astek2 зашёл [19:32:58] Gazirovka_ issued server command: /ec [19:32:59] astek2 issued server command: /we cui [19:33:00] Nikitawrik зашёл [19:33:01] hakya issued server command: /mpcaseshop [19:33:02] Gazirovka_ issued server command: /ec [19:33:03] Nikitawrik issued server command: /we cui [19:33:05] hakya issued server command: /mpcaseview 9 [19:33:06] FlipSize issued server command: /dtfhgytdfyghjhgvfdrfuyggvcghv [19:33:07] hakya issued server command: /buycase 9 [19:33:08] astek2 issued server command: /tp Gazirovka_ [19:33:11] hakya issued server command: /mpcaseshop [19:33:14] astek2 issued server command: /gm 1 [19:33:14] Nikitawrik issued server command: /warp shop [19:33:16] Nikitawrik issued server command: /we cui [19:33:23] zloy_cool issued server command: /home [19:33:33] _Dimaxa_ зашёл [19:33:34] Gazirovka_ issued server command: /fly [19:33:34] FreakFromThePub зашёл [19:33:34] SplaschGaming issued server command: /fly [19:33:34] Suyumi issued server command: /rtp [19:33:36] Akatsukioff умер (LAVA) [19:33:36] Akatsukioff issued server command: /home [19:33:38] He11Star issued server command: /mpcaseshop [19:33:38] Akatsukioff issued server command: /we cui [19:33:38] FreakFromThePub issued server command: /we cui [19:33:39] He11Star issued server command: /mpcaseview 1 [19:33:42] He11Star issued server command: /rollcase 1 [19:33:42] He11Star issued server command: /mpcaseshop [19:33:43] He11Star issued server command: /mpcaseview 1 [19:33:49] He11Star вышел [19:33:49] Ginjo зашёл [19:33:49] FilyWay зашёл [19:33:51] FilyWay issued server command: /we cui [19:33:51] Ginjo issued server command: /we cui [19:33:52] FilyWay issued server command: /home [19:33:52] Suyumi issued server command: /home [19:33:52] ggwin зашёл [19:33:52] Ginjo умер (FALL) [19:33:53] Akatsukioff умер (FALL) [19:33:53] ggwin issued server command: /we cui [19:33:53] ggwin issued server command: /home [19:33:54] FilyWay issued server command: /we cui [19:33:54] Akatsukioff issued server command: /we cui [19:33:55] TOGA issued server command: /zset 20 [19:33:57] Ginjo issued server command: /we cui [19:33:59] Ginjo issued server command: /fly [19:34:02] Ginjo issued server command: /back [19:34:04] LittleSvinka issued server command: /case [19:34:08] SimpleBoi issued server command: /rtp [19:34:11] FreakFromThePub issued server command: /fly [19:34:11] FilyWay issued server command: /warp nether [19:34:13] FilyWay issued server command: /we cui [19:34:14] SplaschGaming issued server command: /sethome [19:34:17] Ginjo issued server command: /home Oniflavor [19:34:18] _Dimaxa_ issued server command: /we cui [19:34:18] Ginjo issued server command: /we cui [19:34:25] FilyWay issued server command: /home [19:34:27] FilyWay issued server command: /we cui [19:34:27] Ginjo issued server command: /fly [19:34:29] FlipSize issued server command: /xb [19:34:29] Akatsukioff умер (FALL) [19:34:31] Akatsukioff issued server command: /we cui [19:34:34] FilyWay issued server command: /home ggwin [19:34:37] SplaschGaming issued server command: /fly [19:34:37] Akatsukioff умер (FALL) [19:34:37] FlipSize issued server command: /xb add временно [19:34:38] Akatsukioff issued server command: /we cui [19:34:40] SplaschGaming issued server command: /fly [19:34:41] [G] Miff1337: !гу гу гучи флип флап [19:34:41] LittleSvinka issued server command: /shop [19:34:43] SplaschGaming issued server command: /fly [19:34:43] ggwin issued server command: /fly [19:34:43] iamfriendly зашёл [19:34:44] SplaschGaming умер (FALL) [19:34:44] LittleSvinka issued server command: /help [19:34:44] hakya issued server command: /voteday [19:34:44] me3jack issued server command: /homes [19:34:45] SplaschGaming issued server command: /we cui [19:34:47] 69Loqiemean96 зашёл [19:34:47] Akatsukioff issued server command: /yes [19:34:47] _Dimaxa_ issued server command: /pl [19:34:48] 69Loqiemean96 issued server command: /we cui [19:34:48] AngryHardGame зашёл [19:34:49] estate issued server command: /yes [19:34:49] AngryHardGame issued server command: /we cui [19:34:50] Kajoshi issued server command: /yes [19:34:50] me3jack issued server command: /homess [19:34:50] ggwin issued server command: /yes [19:34:51] [G] Miff1337: !"хорошая сборка, сэр" [19:34:52] FROST2137 issued server command: /fly [19:34:52] SimpleBoi issued server command: /yes [19:34:54] Suyumi issued server command: /tp Nikitawrik [19:34:54] hakya issued server command: /yes [19:34:54] me3jack issued server command: /homer [19:34:55] QWEBOI issued server command: /yes [19:34:57] Suyumi issued server command: /we cui [19:34:57] G0KO issued server command: /bal [19:34:57] 69Loqiemean96 issued server command: /fly [19:34:58] me3jack issued server command: /rtp [19:35:00] ekstazi_ зашёл [19:35:00] astek2 issued server command: /tp He [19:35:00] G0KO issued server command: /money [19:35:00] iamfriendly issued server command: /we cui [19:35:01] Akatsukioff умер (FALL) [19:35:03] Akatsukioff issued server command: /we cui [19:35:06] FlipSize issued server command: /tp LittleSvinka [19:35:08] FlipSize issued server command: /we cui [19:35:08] SplaschGaming issued server command: /fly [19:35:09] Akatsukioff issued server command: /home [19:35:09] Suyumi issued server command: /trade Nikitawrik [19:35:11] ekstazi_ issued server command: /we cui [19:35:12] Nikitawrik issued server command: /trade accept [19:35:12] [L] FlipSize: tuta [19:35:16] [L] 69Loqiemean96: сложно [19:35:16] SplaschGaming issued server command: /fly [19:35:17] iamfriendly issued server command: /yes [19:35:18] me3jack issued server command: /rtp [19:35:19] FlipSize issued server command: /rg i [19:35:19] SplaschGaming умер (FALL) [19:35:21] SplaschGaming issued server command: /we cui [19:35:23] SimpleBoi issued server command: /yes [19:35:24] FilyWay issued server command: /warp nether [19:35:25] SimpleBoi issued server command: /rtp [19:35:25] FilyWay issued server command: /we cui [19:35:26] [L] FlipSize: 1 [19:35:27] FilyWay issued server command: /flu [19:35:27] Ginjo issued server command: /home Oniflavor [19:35:28] FilyWay issued server command: /fly [19:35:35] SplaschGaming issued server command: /fly [19:35:42] QWEBOI issued server command: /trade umpalumpik [19:35:44] [L] LittleSvinka: fdsf [19:35:45] He11Star зашёл [19:35:46] [L] LittleSvinka: ща [19:35:50] [L] LittleSvinka: ведро [19:35:51] Akatsukioff умер (FALL) [19:35:52] Akatsukioff issued server command: /we cui [19:35:53] He11Star issued server command: /we cui [19:36:00] [L] LittleSvinka: ми [19:36:04] umpalumpik issued server command: /home [19:36:05] [L] LittleSvinka: вот тут есть: [19:36:06] [L] LittleSvinka: ? [19:36:08] He11Star issued server command: /mpcaseshop [19:36:09] He11Star issued server command: /mpcaseview 1 [19:36:10] He11Star issued server command: /rollcase 1 [19:36:11] me3jack issued server command: /rtp [19:36:11] He11Star issued server command: /mpcaseshop [19:36:12] He11Star issued server command: /mpcaseview 1 [19:36:13] He11Star issued server command: /rollcase 1 [19:36:13] zloy_cool issued server command: /rtp [19:36:13] He11Star issued server command: /mpcaseshop [19:36:14] He11Star issued server command: /mpcaseview 1 [19:36:15] He11Star issued server command: /rollcase 1 [19:36:15] Miff1337 issued server command: /home [19:36:15] He11Star issued server command: /mpcaseshop [19:36:16] He11Star issued server command: /mpcaseview 1 [19:36:16] He11Star issued server command: /rollcase 1 [19:36:17] He11Star issued server command: /mpcaseshop [19:36:18] He11Star issued server command: /mpcaseview 1 [19:36:18] He11Star issued server command: /rollcase 1 [19:36:19] He11Star issued server command: /mpcaseshop [19:36:20] He11Star issued server command: /mpcaseview 1 [19:36:20] hakya issued server command: //rg add He11Star [19:36:20] He11Star issued server command: /rollcase 1 [19:36:20] He11Star issued server command: /mpcaseshop [19:36:21] He11Star issued server command: /mpcaseview 1 [19:36:22] He11Star issued server command: /rollcase 1 [19:36:22] He11Star issued server command: /mpcaseshop [19:36:24] TOGA issued server command: /vanish [19:36:24] He11Star issued server command: /mpcaseview 1 [19:36:24] He11Star issued server command: /rollcase 1 [19:36:25] He11Star issued server command: /mpcaseshop [19:36:25] He11Star issued server command: /mpcaseview 1 [19:36:26] He11Star issued server command: /rollcase 1 [19:36:27] He11Star issued server command: /mpcaseshop [19:36:27] hakya issued server command: //rg addmember He11Star [19:36:27] FlipSize issued server command: /oi LittleSvinka [19:36:30] [L] FlipSize: ?? [19:36:30] SimpleBoi issued server command: /rtp [19:36:31] [L] LittleSvinka: хз короче у меня пропало, видимо я дебил [19:36:33] [L] LittleSvinka: сори [19:36:35] [L] FlipSize: xD [19:36:37] FlipSize issued server command: /OI LittleSvinka [19:36:37] astek2 issued server command: /tp He11Star [19:36:40] [L] LittleSvinka: павпх [19:36:46] Death_Str0be зашёл [19:36:47] TurboLastGame зашёл [19:36:51] [G] G0KO: !Куплю палку на 50 вис [19:36:51] Inotik issued server command: /kit [19:36:51] FlipSize issued server command: /TP SU [19:36:51] He11Star issued server command: /cart gui [19:36:51] TurboLastGame issued server command: /we cui [19:36:52] LittleSvinka issued server command: /we cui [19:36:53] FlipSize issued server command: /we cui [19:36:55] LittleSvinka issued server command: /fly [19:36:56] iamfriendly вышел [19:36:57] Inotik issued server command: /kit Ae_mod [19:37:03] Inotik issued server command: /kit Ae_shadow [19:37:04] [L] He11Star: ./rg addmember рг ник [19:37:09] Death_Str0be issued server command: /we cui [19:37:11] [G] Miff1337: !/kit thaum [19:37:14] astek2 issued server command: /tp Death_Str0be [19:37:14] FilyWay issued server command: /home [19:37:14] TOGA issued server command: /tp AngryHardGame [19:37:15] astek2 issued server command: /we cui [19:37:15] He11Star issued server command: /kit [19:37:16] FilyWay issued server command: /we cui [19:37:16] Gazirovka_ issued server command: /rg i [19:37:19] me3jack issued server command: /kit taum [19:37:19] FilyWay issued server command: /HOME GGWIN [19:37:19] [G] AngryHardGame: ! не у кого еще хотя бы какой то работающей рф зарядки не появилось ? [19:37:21] hakya issued server command: /rg addmember hakya He11Star [19:37:21] TurboLastGame issued server command: /fly [19:37:21] zloy_cool issued server command: /kit thaum [19:37:23] Bomw issued server command: /trade TurboLastGame [19:37:23] me3jack issued server command: /kit thaum [19:37:23] He11Star issued server command: /rg sel [19:37:25] AngryHardGame issued server command: /kit thaum [19:37:31] filen2 issued server command: /rg i [19:37:32] TurboLastGame issued server command: /trade accept [19:37:33] [G] FreakFromThePub: !kit mod пиши [19:37:33] SimpleBoi issued server command: /rtp [19:37:43] [G] AngryHardGame: ! kit sorry сразу [19:37:49] Miff1337 issued server command: /kit [19:37:50] Akatsukioff issued server command: /kit start [19:37:50] G0KO issued server command: /kit sorry [19:37:51] QWEBOI issued server command: /rtp [19:37:51] 69Loqiemean96 issued server command: /warp potom [19:37:55] G0KO issued server command: /kit top [19:37:58] He11Star issued server command: /kit sorry [19:38:01] tH0R зашёл [19:38:01] hakya issued server command: /kits [19:38:03] tH0R issued server command: /we cui [19:38:06] hakya issued server command: /kit eat [19:38:12] SimpleBoi issued server command: /rtp [19:38:19] [G] Death_Str0be: !всем привет) [19:38:21] ekstazi_ issued server command: /call Kajoshi [19:38:21] He11Star issued server command: /cart all [19:38:24] [G] FlipSize: !зай [19:38:24] _Miss_s зашёл [19:38:25] [G] AngryHardGame: ! прив [19:38:25] Gazirovka_ issued server command: /rg removeowner baza he11star [19:38:27] [G] FlipSize: !хай [19:38:28] Kajoshi issued server command: /tpaccept [19:38:29] ekstazi_ issued server command: /we cui [19:38:29] zloy_cool issued server command: /home [19:38:29] Ginjo issued server command: /home Oniflavor [19:38:32] Sava360 issued server command: /rg sel [19:38:34] [G] AngryHardGame: ! FlipSize я твой фанат [19:38:35] _Miss_s issued server command: /we cui [19:38:35] He11Star issued server command: /mpcaseshop [19:38:37] He11Star issued server command: /mpcaseview 1 [19:38:38] TweeL1e зашёл [19:38:40] TweeL1e issued server command: /we cui [19:38:41] Death_Str0be issued server command: /warp world [19:38:42] [G] AngryHardGame: ! распишись на левой голени [19:38:42] [G] FlipSize: !крутои [19:38:43] Death_Str0be issued server command: /we cui [19:38:50] TweeL1e issued server command: /fly [19:38:50] [G] _Miss_s: !Хто приютит? [19:38:51] TweeL1e issued server command: /god [19:38:52] Death_Str0be issued server command: /rtp [19:38:52] Gazirovka_ issued server command: /m FlipSize есть возможность овнера из рг удалить у тебя? [19:38:54] estate issued server command: /call Kajoshi [19:38:57] Kajoshi issued server command: /tpaccept [19:38:58] He11Star issued server command: /mpcaseshop [19:38:59] He11Star issued server command: /mpcaseview 1 [19:39:00] FlipSize issued server command: /r с разрешение дарка [19:39:00] He11Star issued server command: /rollcase 1 [19:39:00] He11Star issued server command: /mpcaseshop [19:39:01] He11Star issued server command: /mpcaseview 1 [19:39:02] SimpleBoi issued server command: /rtp [19:39:02] He11Star issued server command: /rollcase 1 [19:39:02] Topioka вышел [19:39:02] Inotik issued server command: /fly [19:39:03] He11Star issued server command: /mpcaseshop [19:39:03] 69Loqiemean96 issued server command: /home [19:39:03] He11Star issued server command: /mpcaseview 1 [19:39:04] [G] FilyWay: !пхпхпххп [19:39:06] estate issued server command: //wand [19:39:06] [G] FilyWay: !и ты тут [19:39:07] [G] _Miss_s: !пхвахпвах [19:39:08] FlipSize issued server command: /r разрешением*? [19:39:09] He11Star вышел [19:39:09] FlipSize issued server command: /mpcaseshop [19:39:10] astek2 issued server command: /tp FlipSize [19:39:10] [G] _Miss_s: !Можно тп? [19:39:12] [G] _Miss_s: !Филя [19:39:14] [G] me3jack: ! кто я [19:39:15] _Miss_s issued server command: /call FilyWay [19:39:16] [G] FilyWay: !не-а [19:39:19] [G] _Miss_s: !А шо? [19:39:21] SplaschGaming issued server command: /tell Krantzg они +- часто чёт падают [19:39:21] Sava360 issued server command: /help [19:39:22] [G] _Miss_s: !Боишся? [19:39:22] astek2 issued server command: /tp FlipSize [19:39:22] datNoodles зашёл [19:39:23] [G] _Miss_s: !-_- [19:39:26] estate issued server command: //wand [19:39:28] datNoodles issued server command: /we cui [19:39:28] [G] FilyWay: !я все еще помню... [19:39:31] astek2 issued server command: /tp FlipSize [19:39:34] astek2 issued server command: /tp FlipSize [19:39:35] Gazirovka_ issued server command: /r приват мой я туда Максима вписал, он сказал, что не будет с нами [19:39:36] astek2 issued server command: /tp FlipSize [19:39:36] SplaschGaming issued server command: /r ну нам оно оч надо [19:39:37] [G] _Miss_s: !И Death_Str0be [19:39:39] [G] _Miss_s: !Тут [19:39:40] [G] _Miss_s: !Ваще [19:39:43] [G] G0KO: !Есть какой нибудь топор который дерево сразу рубит? [19:39:43] SplaschGaming issued server command: /r это считай флай же [19:39:47] zloy_cool issued server command: /rtp [19:39:48] [G] _Miss_s: !Собрание с хайтеча [19:39:50] FlipSize issued server command: /r Yfpdfybt [19:39:53] FlipSize issued server command: /r НАЗВАНИЕ [19:39:55] datNoodles issued server command: /kit [19:39:55] [G] ggwin: !Туса чиста [19:39:56] [G] AngryHardGame: ! дк топор, могу продать [19:39:56] _Miss_s issued server command: /w FilyWay Филя [19:39:58] _Miss_s issued server command: /w FilyWay Ну прости [19:39:59] estate issued server command: /rg claim [19:40:00] Gazirovka_ issued server command: /r baza [19:40:02] _Miss_s issued server command: /w FilyWay Я больше не буду [19:40:04] _Miss_s issued server command: /w FilyWay Обещаю [19:40:07] FilyWay issued server command: /fly [19:40:08] datNoodles issued server command: /kit start [19:40:10] estate issued server command: //expand 20 up [19:40:10] SplaschGaming issued server command: /r щас бы кнш витчери изученный норм [19:40:11] datNoodles issued server command: /kit eat [19:40:11] [L] TOGA: .еззщы 274 74 -705 [19:40:13] G0KO issued server command: /m AngryHardGame цена? [19:40:16] estate issued server command: //expand 20 down [19:40:16] datNoodles issued server command: /kit top [19:40:18] FilyWay issued server command: /r та у меня тима из 5 человек, уже некуда [19:40:19] [G] AngryHardGame: ! за three hundred bucks [19:40:21] [L] FlipSize: 200 [19:40:21] SplaschGaming issued server command: /r там вроде за 2 головы можна призвать визера [19:40:22] _Miss_s issued server command: /w FilyWay Плиз)) [19:40:27] [L] _Miss_s: Филип [19:40:27] estate issued server command: /rg claim estate-1 [19:40:27] datNoodles issued server command: /warp world [19:40:28] datNoodles issued server command: /we cui [19:40:31] datNoodles issued server command: /rtp [19:40:32] Death_Str0be issued server command: /kit [19:40:34] FlipSize issued server command: /qs unlimiyted [19:40:37] FlipSize issued server command: /qs unlimiyted [19:40:42] AngryHardGame issued server command: /r хз 8к эмов ? или скок он там стоит [19:40:43] FlipSize issued server command: /qs unlimited [19:40:43] Sava360 issued server command: /rg privat [19:40:45] _Miss_s issued server command: /call FilyWay [19:40:52] G0KO issued server command: /r ресы мб? эмов нет [19:40:53] Death_Str0be issued server command: /rtp [19:40:54] TOGA issued server command: /tppos 274 74 -705 [19:40:54] [L] Nikitawrik: 2 [19:40:54] SplaschGaming issued server command: /r можем сделать кнш электро спавнер для скелетов [19:40:55] Sava360 issued server command: /region [19:40:58] tH0R issued server command: /home [19:40:58] FlipSize issued server command: /r удалить максима из овнеров? [19:41:01] _Miss_s issued server command: /fly [19:41:01] SplaschGaming issued server command: /r но хз хватит ли ресов [19:41:04] Gazirovka_ issued server command: /r + [19:41:04] Sava360 issued server command: /expand [19:41:05] AngryHardGame issued server command: /r блин по ресам тогда вообще хз [19:41:07] Gazirovka_ issued server command: /zset 0 [19:41:09] Death_Str0be issued server command: /rtp [19:41:12] _Miss_s issued server command: /w FlipSize Флип [19:41:13] _Miss_s issued server command: /w FlipSize У меня читы [19:41:18] _Miss_s issued server command: /w FlipSize Помнишь меня кстати? [19:41:18] SplaschGaming issued server command: /r ну тип нам звёзд куча надо [19:41:23] FilyWay issued server command: /r мейты тебя не примут [19:41:26] TOGA issued server command: /we cui [19:41:27] SplaschGaming issued server command: /r принеси 1 палку ифрита кста да [19:41:32] _Miss_s issued server command: /w FilyWay Рядом можно? [19:41:32] SplaschGaming issued server command: /r на варку зельки [19:41:34] He11Star зашёл [19:41:36] Gazirovka_ issued server command: /zset 0 [19:41:36] Kajoshi issued server command: /call estate [19:41:37] SimpleBoi issued server command: /rtp [19:41:38] [G] FlipSize: !&6На &c&l/warp shop &6продается &d&nminers amulet. [19:41:39] tH0R issued server command: /rtp [19:41:40] _Miss_s issued server command: /rtp [19:41:41] estate issued server command: /tpaccept [19:41:44] Krantzg issued server command: /home [19:41:45] AngryHardGame issued server command: /warp shop [19:41:45] _Miss_s issued server command: /warp world [19:41:45] He11Star issued server command: /we cui [19:41:46] tH0R issued server command: /warp shop [19:41:46] Krantzg issued server command: /we cui [19:41:46] _Miss_s issued server command: /we cui [19:41:46] AngryHardGame issued server command: /we cui [19:41:48] tH0R issued server command: /we cui [19:41:48] Gazirovka_ issued server command: /warp shhop [19:41:48] Ginjo issued server command: /warps [19:41:48] He11Star issued server command: /mpcaseshop [19:41:48] _Miss_s issued server command: /rtp [19:41:49] Bomw issued server command: /warp shop [19:41:50] He11Star issued server command: /mpcaseshop [19:41:50] Gazirovka_ issued server command: /warp shop [19:41:50] Ginjo issued server command: /warp list [19:41:51] [G] Death_Str0be: !Что это? [19:41:51] [G] AngryHardGame: ! спасибо папаша [19:41:51] [G] ggwin: !Это шо такое? [19:41:52] Bomw issued server command: /we cui [19:41:52] Kajoshi issued server command: /kit food [19:41:52] He11Star issued server command: /mpcaseview 1 [19:41:53] Gazirovka_ issued server command: /we cui [19:41:53] Gazirovka_ issued server command: /gm 1 [19:41:53] He11Star issued server command: /rollcase 1 [19:41:54] Krantzg issued server command: /fly [19:41:54] Ginjo issued server command: /warp shop [19:41:54] _Miss_s issued server command: /fly [19:41:54] He11Star issued server command: /mpcaseshop [19:41:55] He11Star issued server command: /mpcaseview 1 [19:41:58] [G] AngryHardGame: ! это ускор 2 дает [19:41:59] Kajoshi issued server command: /kit feed [19:41:59] Ginjo issued server command: /we cui [19:41:59] He11Star issued server command: /rollcase 1 [19:41:59] He11Star issued server command: /mpcaseshop [19:42:00] He11Star issued server command: /mpcaseview 1 [19:42:00] Kajoshi issued server command: /kit eat [19:42:04] _Miss_s issued server command: /w Death_Str0be Привет [19:42:05] TweeL1e issued server command: /kits [19:42:05] [L] Gazirovka_: 7 [19:42:06] He11Star вышел [19:42:07] _Miss_s issued server command: /call Death_Str0be [19:42:09] G0KO issued server command: /m AngryHardGame мб за панельку которая улучшенная синяя такая, она 13к стоит, с доплатой ресами? [19:42:11] Death_Str0be issued server command: /r ку [19:42:11] _Miss_s issued server command: /w Death_Str0be Помнишь меня? [19:42:12] FilyWay issued server command: /money [19:42:13] [G] AngryHardGame: ! копать будете как опытные кладо искатели [19:42:17] Death_Str0be issued server command: /r да [19:42:18] Gazirovka_ issued server command: /warp 1 [19:42:19] ekstazi_ issued server command: /feed [19:42:20] Gazirovka_ issued server command: /we cui [19:42:20] Gazirovka_ issued server command: /gm 1 [19:42:21] _Miss_s issued server command: /w Death_Str0be Тепни [19:42:21] ggwin issued server command: /warp sho [19:42:23] Gazirovka_ issued server command: /money [19:42:25] Sava360 issued server command: /wand [19:42:25] ggwin issued server command: /warp shop [19:42:26] ggwin issued server command: /we cui [19:42:27] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [19:42:28] AngryHardGame issued server command: /r хм давай [19:42:30] ekstazi_ issued server command: /help [19:42:31] umpalumpik issued server command: /warp shop [19:42:31] [L] SplaschGaming: тебе мб сделать меч? [19:42:31] ggwin issued server command: /fly [19:42:31] AngryHardGame issued server command: /home [19:42:32] Death_Str0be issued server command: /tpa _Miss_s [19:42:32] AngryHardGame issued server command: /we cui [19:42:33] Sava360 issued server command: /help [19:42:33] umpalumpik issued server command: /we cui [19:42:35] LittleSvinka issued server command: /home [19:42:36] LittleSvinka issued server command: /we cui [19:42:37] Bomw issued server command: /warp 1 [19:42:38] SimpleBoi issued server command: /rtp [19:42:39] [L] SplaschGaming: чтобы голов больше было [19:42:39] _Miss_s issued server command: /w Death_Str0be Я на спавне [19:42:39] AngryHardGame issued server command: /cart gui [19:42:39] Bomw issued server command: /we cui [19:42:40] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [19:42:42] ekstazi_ issued server command: /kit [19:42:43] Sava360 issued server command: /help [19:42:43] Death_Str0be issued server command: /spawn [19:42:43] estate issued server command: /help [19:42:44] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [19:42:44] G0KO issued server command: /r с тебя в смысле доплата, раз топор 8к [19:42:46] Death_Str0be issued server command: /we cui [19:42:46] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [19:42:47] _Miss_s issued server command: /w Death_Str0be К себе можешь тепнуть или у тебя дома нету? [19:42:47] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [19:42:48] [L] SplaschGaming: а зач он [19:42:49] Sava360 issued server command: /help2 [19:42:49] G0KO issued server command: /call AngryHardGame [19:42:50] [L] SplaschGaming: а [19:42:51] estate issued server command: /help 2 [19:42:52] Ginjo issued server command: /home Oniflavor [19:42:54] Ginjo issued server command: /we cui [19:42:55] [L] Gazirovka_: никита [19:42:55] [L] SplaschGaming: а на другие не может? [19:42:56] Kajoshi issued server command: /sethome [19:42:56] _Dimaxa_ вышел [19:42:56] [L] Gazirovka_: тут [19:42:59] Kajoshi issued server command: /spawn [19:43:00] Death_Str0be issued server command: /r я токо зашел [19:43:00] estate issued server command: /sethome [19:43:00] Sava360 issued server command: //sel [19:43:01] Kajoshi issued server command: /we cui [19:43:02] 69Loqiemean96 issued server command: /kit [19:43:02] FlipSize issued server command: /r da [19:43:04] ekstazi_ issued server command: /Start Eat Top [19:43:06] _Miss_s issued server command: /w Death_Str0be Давай вместе выживать? [19:43:08] 69Loqiemean96 issued server command: /kit start [19:43:11] Death_Str0be issued server command: /warp shop [19:43:12] zloy_cool issued server command: /rtp [19:43:12] MRSTRM зашёл [19:43:13] _Miss_s issued server command: /w Death_Str0be Я тоже тока зашла [19:43:14] tH0R issued server command: /home [19:43:14] _Miss_s issued server command: /rtp [19:43:14] AngryHardGame issued server command: /r а стоп мб тогда эмами доплачу [19:43:16] Kajoshi issued server command: /home [19:43:16] ekstazi_ issued server command: /kit start eat top [19:43:16] tH0R issued server command: /we cui [19:43:17] Kajoshi issued server command: /we cui [19:43:19] [L] SplaschGaming: острота же ток 4 макс не? [19:43:20] tH0R issued server command: /rtp [19:43:21] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [19:43:22] LittleSvinka issued server command: /fly [19:43:23] [L] SplaschGaming: из чарки [19:43:25] Dydre зашёл [19:43:25] G0KO issued server command: /r давай [19:43:25] _Miss_s issued server command: /w Death_Str0be Я деревню нашла [19:43:26] 69Loqiemean96 issued server command: /kit start [19:43:28] _Miss_s issued server command: /tpyes [19:43:31] 69Loqiemean96 issued server command: /kit start [19:43:33] AngryHardGame issued server command: /r ток не всю разницу пару косарей [19:43:33] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [19:43:34] 69Loqiemean96 issued server command: /kit start [19:43:36] Death_Str0be issued server command: /we cui [19:43:36] Dydre issued server command: /we cui [19:43:37] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [19:43:37] G0KO issued server command: /r окей [19:43:38] tH0R issued server command: /home [19:43:38] Manik_Pro зашёл [19:43:39] [L] SplaschGaming: понял [19:43:40] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [19:43:42] Sava360 issued server command: /help 2 [19:43:43] [L] _Miss_s: Тут тотем [19:43:44] [L] _Miss_s: Найс [19:43:46] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [19:43:47] [L] _Miss_s: Приватим [19:43:48] [G] Gazirovka_: ! Dydre а я тебя помню [19:43:48] G0KO issued server command: /call AngryHardGame [19:43:48] ekstazi_ issued server command: /kit start eat top [19:43:49] MRSTRM issued server command: /we cui [19:43:49] AngryHardGame issued server command: /tpaccept [19:43:51] [L] _Miss_s: Или ты заприватишь? [19:43:53] tH0R issued server command: /rtp [19:43:54] QWEBOI issued server command: /bal [19:43:55] umpalumpik issued server command: /bal [19:43:57] umpalumpik issued server command: /balance [19:43:57] QWEBOI issued server command: /balance [19:43:58] ekstazi_ issued server command: /call Kajoshi [19:43:58] [G] _Miss_s: !А меня помнишь? [19:43:59] [L] AngryHardGame: а блин эта панель [19:44:00] QWEBOI issued server command: /balance [19:44:00] Nikitawrik issued server command: /warp bs [19:44:01] [G] _Miss_s: !Газировка) [19:44:02] Nikitawrik issued server command: /we cui [19:44:02] QWEBOI issued server command: /balance QWEBOI [19:44:03] [G] Gazirovka_: !да [19:44:03] ggwin issued server command: /m FlipSize так шо амулет делает? [19:44:04] [L] TurboLastGame: если чо я тут [19:44:04] Manik_Pro issued server command: /we cui [19:44:04] Suyumi issued server command: /home [19:44:04] Kajoshi issued server command: /tpaccept [19:44:05] QWEBOI issued server command: /shop [19:44:06] Suyumi issued server command: /we cui [19:44:08] Dydre issued server command: /m MRSTRM тп [19:44:10] [G] _Miss_s: !А я нет :) [19:44:12] [L] Gazirovka_: майнинг амулет из мэ возьми [19:44:13] [L] AngryHardGame: стремная конечно [19:44:14] Death_Str0be issued server command: //sel [19:44:15] [L] SplaschGaming: так что [19:44:17] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [19:44:17] [G] Gazirovka_: !грусна( [19:44:18] [L] _Miss_s: Приватишь? [19:44:19] Sava360 issued server command: /wand [19:44:19] SimpleBoi issued server command: /rtp [19:44:19] [G] _Miss_s: !Шучу [19:44:20] [L] SplaschGaming: тебе делать меч для голов? [19:44:20] Death_Str0be issued server command: //wand [19:44:20] AngryHardGame issued server command: /cart gui [19:44:21] _Miss_s issued server command: /rg i [19:44:23] [G] _Miss_s: !Помню кнш [19:44:23] [L] umpalumpik: FlipSize [19:44:24] FlipSize issued server command: /r ускорение 3 для копки [19:44:27] MRSTRM issued server command: /tpa Dydre [19:44:29] MRSTRM issued server command: /clan [19:44:29] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [19:44:35] Dydre issued server command: /tpaccept [19:44:36] tH0R issued server command: / [19:44:37] MRSTRM issued server command: /we cui [19:44:37] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [19:44:37] [L] _Miss_s: У тя флая нету? [19:44:37] tH0R issued server command: /rtp [19:44:38] [L] umpalumpik: сделаешь место где чариться можно?) [19:44:38] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [19:44:39] [L] SplaschGaming: зач [19:44:41] [L] G0KO: тут обмен есть какой то [19:44:41] [L] AngryHardGame: хм не неохота чет [19:44:43] [L] _Miss_s: Новичка код введи [19:44:43] Gazirovka_ issued server command: /rg i [19:44:43] Death_Str0be issued server command: /адн [19:44:46] [L] _Miss_s: Флай будет [19:44:48] [L] SplaschGaming: да в любом ставь тогда [19:44:48] Death_Str0be issued server command: /fly [19:44:49] MRSTRM issued server command: /CLAN create NLand [19:44:50] [G] Manik_Pro: !падскажыте как кейс аткрыть каторый на сайте купил [19:44:50] [L] FlipSize: неа [19:44:50] [L] G0KO: мб без доплаты тогда? [19:44:52] [L] Death_Str0be: щя [19:44:53] ggwin issued server command: /m FlipSize он навсегда или 1 проюз* [19:44:54] [L] FlipSize: эта уже сами) [19:44:55] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [19:44:56] [G] Gazirovka_: ! F6 [19:44:57] umpalumpik issued server command: /rtp [19:44:57] Sava360 issued server command: //wand [19:44:59] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [19:44:59] [L] _Miss_s: Смотри голда не въеби [19:44:59] SimpleBoi issued server command: /home [19:45:00] MRSTRM issued server command: /clan invite Dydre [19:45:01] umpalumpik issued server command: /home [19:45:02] [G] _Miss_s: !Газировка [19:45:02] FlipSize issued server command: /r навсегда [19:45:02] umpalumpik issued server command: /we cui [19:45:04] Dydre issued server command: /clan accept MRSTRM [19:45:04] Miff1337 issued server command: /hoke [19:45:04] [L] SplaschGaming: там разницы нет если временно [19:45:05] umpalumpik issued server command: /rtp [19:45:05] G0KO issued server command: /trade AngryHardGame [19:45:06] Miff1337 issued server command: /hoke [19:45:07] [G] Gazirovka_: !* [19:45:09] AngryHardGame issued server command: /trade accept [19:45:09] Manik_Pro issued server command: /mpcaseshop [19:45:10] [G] Gazirovka_: !?* [19:45:10] datNoodles issued server command: /mpcaseshop [19:45:10] Miff1337 issued server command: /home [19:45:10] [G] _Miss_s: !А если у игрока донат и он прописывает код новичка [19:45:12] datNoodles issued server command: /mpcaseview 1 [19:45:14] datNoodles issued server command: /buycase 1 [19:45:15] Dydre issued server command: /rg addmember nik003 MRSTRM [19:45:16] Manik_Pro issued server command: /mpcaseview 1 [19:45:17] Nikitawrik issued server command: /tpa flesziip [19:45:17] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [19:45:18] me3jack issued server command: /rtp [19:45:18] Manik_Pro issued server command: /rollcase 1 [19:45:19] [G] _Miss_s: !У него новичок или голд и новичок [19:45:20] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [19:45:20] [G] _Miss_s: !? [19:45:20] flesziip issued server command: /tpaccept [19:45:21] [L] AngryHardGame: ладно [19:45:22] [L] Dydre: все я добав ил тебя [19:45:23] [L] G0KO: спс [19:45:25] [L] Dydre: тут пвп нет [19:45:25] He11Star зашёл [19:45:26] [G] MRSTRM: !че спавн так лагает? [19:45:26] [G] Gazirovka_: !и то и то [19:45:28] G0KO issued server command: /home [19:45:29] [L] Dydre: так что не парься [19:45:31] [G] _Miss_s: !Хух:) [19:45:32] ggwin issued server command: /home [19:45:33] Manik_Pro issued server command: /mpcaseview 1 [19:45:33] ggwin issued server command: /we cui [19:45:34] [L] MRSTRM: понял [19:45:35] estate issued server command: /region addmember ekstazi_ estate-1 [19:45:35] He11Star issued server command: /we cui [19:45:38] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [19:45:40] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [19:45:41] Manik_Pro issued server command: /mpcaseshop [19:45:43] Nikitawrik issued server command: /warp bs [19:45:44] estate issued server command: /region addmember estate-1 ekstazi_ [19:45:44] [L] Dydre: ну все [19:45:46] [L] Dydre: бери себе бронь [19:45:47] estate issued server command: /region addmember estate-1 Kajoshi [19:45:51] He11Star issued server command: /mpcaseshop [19:45:53] [L] Dydre: на [19:45:53] He11Star issued server command: /mpcaseview 1 [19:45:55] He11Star issued server command: /rollcase 1 [19:45:59] [L] Dydre: если нужен [19:46:00] [G] Manik_Pro: !а как приз забрать [19:46:01] [L] Dydre: я спать [19:46:03] [G] tH0R: !_Miss_s как же тут спокойно без тафора)) [19:46:04] [G] Gazirovka_: !/cart gui [19:46:05] He11Star issued server command: /mpcaseshop [19:46:06] [G] flesziip: !/cart gui [19:46:07] ggwin issued server command: /warp shop [19:46:07] [L] Death_Str0be: истек [19:46:07] Kajoshi issued server command: /mpcaseshop [19:46:08] ggwin issued server command: /we cui [19:46:09] He11Star issued server command: /mpcaseview 1 [19:46:10] He11Star issued server command: /rollcase 1 [19:46:10] Kajoshi issued server command: /mpcaseview 1 [19:46:12] Kajoshi issued server command: /rollcase 1 [19:46:12] [L] ekstazi_: понял [19:46:13] [G] MRSTRM: !люблю дудре [19:46:14] Manik_Pro issued server command: /cart gui [19:46:15] LittleSvinka issued server command: /cart [19:46:16] [G] me3jack: ! серебряное дерево это рар? [19:46:18] Nikitawrik issued server command: /warp bs [19:46:19] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [19:46:21] He11Star issued server command: /mpcaseshop [19:46:22] Nikitawrik issued server command: /tpa flesziip [19:46:22] He11Star issued server command: /mpcaseview 1 [19:46:23] Miff1337 issued server command: /home [19:46:24] flesziip issued server command: /tpaccept [19:46:24] He11Star issued server command: /rollcase 1 [19:46:25] [L] ggwin: 1 [19:46:25] me3jack умер (ENTITY_ATTACK) [19:46:27] Kajoshi issued server command: /mpcaseview 1 [19:46:29] me3jack issued server command: /we cui [19:46:30] Kajoshi issued server command: /mpcaseshop [19:46:30] G0KO issued server command: /vanish [19:46:32] ggwin issued server command: /home [19:46:32] [L] Dydre: все сам порыскаешь тут [19:46:32] ggwin issued server command: /we cui [19:46:34] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [19:46:37] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [19:46:37] ekstazi_ issued server command: /mpcaseshop [19:46:39] [G] AngryHardGame: ! панелька 5 лвл ночью бачит ? [19:46:39] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [19:46:40] ggwin issued server command: /fly [19:46:40] [G] me3jack: ! серебряное дерево это рар? [19:46:43] He11Star issued server command: /cart all [19:46:44] Kajoshi issued server command: /cart gui [19:46:46] asdadn зашёл [19:46:48] Dydre вышел [19:46:49] [G] Gazirovka_: ! AngryHardGame да [19:46:50] ekstazi_ issued server command: /mpcaseshop [19:46:51] ekstazi_ issued server command: /mpcaseview 1 [19:46:51] Miff1337 issued server command: /rtp [19:46:53] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [19:46:54] ekstazi_ issued server command: /buycase 1 [19:46:54] FROST2137 issued server command: /fly [19:46:55] _Miss_s issued server command: /rg i [19:46:55] [G] AngryHardGame: ! прекрасно [19:46:56] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [19:46:58] Miff1337 issued server command: /voteday [19:46:58] [L] _Miss_s: Приватишь? [19:47:00] FROST2137 issued server command: /fly [19:47:00] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [19:47:01] asdadn issued server command: /we cui [19:47:03] [L] Death_Str0be: как вверх поднять [19:47:06] [L] SplaschGaming: асдадн [19:47:06] me3jack issued server command: /yes [19:47:06] me3jack issued server command: /yes [19:47:08] [L] SplaschGaming: на [19:47:08] asdadn issued server command: /fly [19:47:08] hakya issued server command: /yes [19:47:09] [G] Gazirovka_: ! me3jack в магическом лесу они частенько спавнятся [19:47:10] [L] Death_Str0be: команда [19:47:13] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [19:47:15] [L] _Miss_s: .//expand 90 up [19:47:17] [L] _Miss_s: 90 это высота [19:47:17] estate issued server command: //expand 20 up [19:47:18] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [19:47:19] [L] _Miss_s: Блоков [19:47:20] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [19:47:23] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [19:47:23] estate issued server command: //expand 20 down [19:47:25] [G] AngryHardGame: ! а ее киркай ломать можно ? [19:47:31] estate issued server command: /rg claim estate-2 [19:47:33] [L] SplaschGaming: через него не получется опыт делать [19:47:37] G0KO issued server command: /repair [19:47:37] [L] _Miss_s: А вниз //expand 40 down [19:47:37] [L] SplaschGaming: так что зря делал [19:47:38] FlipSize issued server command: /vanish [19:47:39] ggwin issued server command: /yes [19:47:42] [G] Gazirovka_: !мультиинструментом да, про кирку не знаю [19:47:45] Death_Str0be issued server command: //expand 90 up [19:47:48] [G] MRSTRM: !кста народ, видел кто игрока с ником Apostol_009? [19:47:49] Death_Str0be issued server command: //expand 40 down [19:47:51] [G] AngryHardGame: ! проверишь ради меня ? [19:47:59] [G] Manik_Pro: !ghjlfqnt rhfcye. gskm g; [19:48:00] Death_Str0be issued server command: /rg claim sqvad [19:48:01] [L] SplaschGaming: я щас буду делать солнечную панель из эндер ио [19:48:15] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [19:48:16] [G] Gazirovka_: !выпадает панель киркой [19:48:20] estate issued server command: /rg addmember estate-2 Kajoshi [19:48:25] estate issued server command: /rg addmember estate-2 ekstazi_ [19:48:26] [L] SplaschGaming: ну лан [19:48:29] [G] me3jack: ! серебряное дерево это рар? [19:48:32] Kajoshi issued server command: /sethome [19:48:32] Suyumi issued server command: /home [19:48:32] [L] _Miss_s: Бля [19:48:33] [G] G0KO: !_ [19:48:34] [L] SplaschGaming: тогда начну делать электро спавнера [19:48:35] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [19:48:35] [L] _Miss_s: Эту деревню на половину [19:48:36] [G] G0KO: !-* [19:48:37] [L] _Miss_s: Обчистили [19:48:39] [G] Gazirovka_: !я выше ответил [19:48:40] [G] Manik_Pro: !продайте красную пыль пж [19:48:40] [L] SplaschGaming: да крафт изи [19:48:45] [L] SplaschGaming: нам надо головы [19:48:49] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [19:48:50] [G] me3jack: ! спс [19:48:52] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [19:48:53] Suyumi issued server command: /ec [19:48:53] zloy_cool issued server command: /home [19:48:54] estate issued server command: /spawn [19:48:54] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [19:48:56] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [19:48:56] estate issued server command: /we cui [19:48:57] [L] SplaschGaming: ну так на визера [19:48:58] Suyumi issued server command: /rtp [19:48:59] [L] SplaschGaming: сделаем спавнер себе [19:49:01] Death_Str0be issued server command: //expand 80 up [19:49:05] Death_Str0be issued server command: //expand 30 down [19:49:10] He11Star issued server command: /kit eat [19:49:11] Death_Str0be issued server command: /rg claim sqvad [19:49:11] estate issued server command: /home [19:49:14] estate issued server command: /we cui [19:49:15] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [19:49:17] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [19:49:18] hakya issued server command: /kit eat [19:49:20] [L] SplaschGaming: за чем [19:49:21] asdadn issued server command: /warp nether [19:49:22] Death_Str0be issued server command: //expand 60 up [19:49:23] asdadn issued server command: /we cui [19:49:24] Suyumi issued server command: /warp shop [19:49:28] Suyumi issued server command: /we cui [19:49:28] asdadn issued server command: /fly [19:49:28] Death_Str0be issued server command: //expand 30 down [19:49:30] He11Star issued server command: /rtp [19:49:33] [G] AngryHardGame: ! ъеъ еще даже в шахту не ходил а инвент уже на 100к с чем то эмов :o [19:49:33] Death_Str0be issued server command: /rg claim sqvad [19:49:34] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [19:49:34] hakya issued server command: /rtp [19:49:36] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [19:49:37] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [19:49:45] Gazirovka_ issued server command: /cart gui [19:49:46] [G] AngryHardGame: ! и все такое юзлесс [19:49:46] [G] Manik_Pro: !продайте красную пыль пж [19:49:48] Death_Str0be issued server command: //expand 50 up [19:49:49] Suyumi issued server command: /warp world [19:49:51] Suyumi issued server command: /we cui [19:49:54] Suyumi issued server command: /rtp [19:49:57] [G] Gazirovka_: ! Manik_Pro сообщения купли/продажи раз в 5 минут [19:49:57] Suyumi issued server command: /rtp [19:49:59] Death_Str0be issued server command: /rg claim sqvad [19:50:00] Sava360 issued server command: /expand me 20 [19:50:02] Suyumi issued server command: /rtp [19:50:03] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [19:50:05] [L] _Miss_s: Ты заприватил? [19:50:06] asdadn issued server command: /co i [19:50:07] _Miss_s issued server command: /rg i [19:50:09] SplaschGaming issued server command: /tell asdadn можеш кста накопать песка душ? [19:50:09] asdadn issued server command: /co i [19:50:12] Death_Str0be issued server command: //expand 0 down [19:50:16] astek2 issued server command: /tp asdadn [19:50:17] astek2 issued server command: /we cui [19:50:17] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [19:50:20] estate issued server command: //sel [19:50:20] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [19:50:21] astek2 issued server command: /tp asdadn [19:50:21] [L] Death_Str0be: запривать ты [19:50:21] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [19:50:23] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [19:50:24] [L] Death_Str0be: я не могу) [19:50:25] [L] _Miss_s: Давай [19:50:26] zloy_cool issued server command: /warp [19:50:29] zloy_cool issued server command: /warp list [19:50:31] ekstazi_ issued server command: /mpcaseshop [19:50:32] ekstazi_ issued server command: /mpcaseview 1 [19:50:35] [G] Manik_Pro: !продайте красную пыль пж за 2 алмаза [19:50:37] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [19:50:38] zloy_cool issued server command: /warp portal [19:50:40] [L] Death_Str0be: ограничение по блокам [19:50:40] AngryHardGame issued server command: /warp npcshop [19:50:41] zloy_cool issued server command: /we cui [19:50:42] AngryHardGame issued server command: /we cui [19:50:42] [G] LittleSvinka: !тут есть панельки с рф энергией? [19:50:43] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [19:50:44] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [19:50:44] astek2 issued server command: /spawn [19:50:46] astek2 issued server command: /we cui [19:50:51] SimpleBoi issued server command: /tell Manik_Pro скоко [19:50:52] Gazirovka_ issued server command: /warn Manik_Pro 3.3 [19:50:54] _Miss_s issued server command: //expand 40 yp [19:50:55] _Miss_s issued server command: //expand 40 up [19:50:58] _Miss_s issued server command: //expand 20 domh [19:51:02] [L] SplaschGaming: я отрублю их [19:51:02] _Miss_s issued server command: /rg claim _Miss_s [19:51:05] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [19:51:05] [L] _Miss_s: Всё [19:51:07] zloy_cool issued server command: /we cui [19:51:07] hakya issued server command: /spawn [19:51:11] _Miss_s issued server command: /rg addmember _Miss_s Death_Str0be [19:51:14] Manik_Pro issued server command: /msg SimpleBoi ну 20 [19:51:15] [L] _Miss_s: Добавила [19:51:16] [G] Gazirovka_: !solax flux панели на рф [19:51:18] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [19:51:21] Suyumi issued server command: /rtp [19:51:22] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [19:51:23] [G] LittleSvinka: !ty [19:51:24] [L] ekstazi_: подстава [19:51:25] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [19:51:27] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [19:51:28] ekstazi_ issued server command: /mpcaseshop [19:51:30] ekstazi_ issued server command: /mpcaseview 1 [19:51:31] ekstazi_ issued server command: /rollcase 1 [19:51:33] [L] SplaschGaming: ты говорил что гаста убил [19:51:36] [L] SplaschGaming: слеза выпала? [19:51:38] hakya вышел [19:51:38] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [19:51:40] Romanuch зашёл [19:51:40] _Miss_s issued server command: //sel [19:51:43] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [19:51:45] ekstazi_ issued server command: /mpcaseview 1 [19:51:45] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [19:51:47] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [19:51:47] [L] 69Loqiemean96: Дверь испарилась О-О [19:51:48] Death_Str0be issued server command: /mpcaseshop [19:51:49] Romanuch issued server command: /we cui [19:51:49] Death_Str0be issued server command: /mpcaseview 1 [19:51:51] flesziip issued server command: /home [19:51:52] astek2 issued server command: /tp Romanuch [19:51:52] Death_Str0be issued server command: /mpcaseshop [19:51:53] [G] AngryHardGame: ! хм стоит ли взять гравик за дк пыль [19:51:53] astek2 issued server command: /we cui [19:51:55] Death_Str0be issued server command: /mpcaseview 1 [19:51:55] [L] ekstazi_: камень нужен был? [19:51:56] Death_Str0be issued server command: /buycase 1 [19:51:59] _Miss_s issued server command: /kit [19:52:01] _Miss_s issued server command: /kit novice [19:52:04] Manik_Pro issued server command: /money [19:52:05] [G] AngryHardGame: ! а у дк пыли есть стоимость в эмах ? [19:52:06] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [19:52:06] [L] ekstazi_: обожженный [19:52:09] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [19:52:12] [G] AngryHardGame: ! звездная* [19:52:15] Inotik issued server command: /rtp [19:52:15] ekstazi_ issued server command: /mpcaseshop [19:52:15] Manik_Pro issued server command: /msg SimpleBoi нe ghjlfi [19:52:18] flesziip issued server command: /tpa Nikitawrik [19:52:20] [G] Gazirovka_: !игроки устанавливают ее [19:52:20] [L] ekstazi_: камень бля [19:52:24] Manik_Pro issued server command: /msg SimpleBoi ну продаш [19:52:24] hakya зашёл [19:52:26] SplaschGaming issued server command: /warp nether [19:52:26] Nikitawrik issued server command: /tpaccept [19:52:27] hakya issued server command: /we cui [19:52:28] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [19:52:29] SplaschGaming issued server command: /we cui [19:52:29] Kajoshi issued server command: /home [19:52:31] [L] ekstazi_: НАУШНИКИИИИИИИ [19:52:31] SimpleBoi issued server command: /tell Manik_Pro да [19:52:31] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [19:52:33] SplaschGaming issued server command: /fly [19:52:37] SimpleBoi issued server command: /tell Manik_Pro тп ко мне [19:52:37] Ginjo issued server command: /home Oniflavor [19:52:41] Death_Str0be issued server command: /kit [19:52:41] [G] Gazirovka_: !ну конкретной стоимости нет короч [19:52:44] Death_Str0be issued server command: /kit gold [19:52:46] Suyumi issued server command: /home [19:52:48] FreakFromThePub вышел [19:52:55] Gazirovka_ issued server command: /zset 0 [19:52:57] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [19:52:58] Suyumi issued server command: /rtp [19:52:59] zloy_cool issued server command: /warp portal [19:53:00] zloy_cool issued server command: /we cui [19:53:05] [L] ekstazi_: сели в ноль короче [19:53:05] [L] SplaschGaming: я за гастом [19:53:06] He11Star issued server command: /rtp [19:53:09] Death_Str0be issued server command: /kit [19:53:12] zloy_cool issued server command: /we cui [19:53:12] Gazirovka_ issued server command: /zset 0 [19:53:12] Death_Str0be issued server command: /kit shard [19:53:14] Manik_Pro issued server command: /tpa SimpleBoi [19:53:15] zloy_cool issued server command: /warp portal [19:53:16] zloy_cool issued server command: /we cui [19:53:17] Gazirovka_ issued server command: /zset 0 [19:53:18] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [19:53:18] SimpleBoi issued server command: /home [19:53:21] zloy_cool issued server command: /home [19:53:21] Death_Str0be issued server command: /kit [19:53:21] SimpleBoi issued server command: /tpaccept [19:53:23] zloy_cool issued server command: /we cui [19:53:24] _Miss_s issued server command: /kit [19:53:25] _Miss_s issued server command: /kit start [19:53:26] Death_Str0be issued server command: /kit thaum [19:53:29] [G] AngryHardGame: ! могу посчитать конечно, правда скорее всего как и со стоимостью 1eu будет зависить относительно [19:53:30] [L] AngryHardGame: чего брать [19:53:30] SplaschGaming issued server command: /tell asdadn сделаем потом из слезы гаста большой факел [19:53:33] Gazirovka_ issued server command: /fly [19:53:35] [G] AngryHardGame: ! чего брать [19:53:36] Sava360 issued server command: /expand 20 me [19:53:36] [L] _Miss_s: Оо [19:53:38] SplaschGaming issued server command: /r + [19:53:40] [L] _Miss_s: А можно я возьму боевой таум [19:53:43] SplaschGaming issued server command: /r он в радиусе 64 отрубает спавн им [19:53:43] [L] _Miss_s: Пойду игроков [19:53:45] [L] _Miss_s: Посливаю [19:53:46] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [19:53:49] SplaschGaming issued server command: /r и [19:53:50] Sava360 issued server command: //expand 20 me [19:53:50] [L] Death_Str0be: бери [19:53:51] [G] MRSTRM: !так вроде стоимость дк. пыли есть на форуме [19:53:52] hakya issued server command: /home [19:53:54] hakya issued server command: /we cui [19:53:55] Death_Str0be issued server command: /kit [19:53:57] Gazirovka_ issued server command: /zset 0 [19:53:58] Death_Str0be issued server command: /kit tree [19:53:59] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [19:54:00] SplaschGaming issued server command: /r да отлететь на 64 блока просто [19:54:03] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [19:54:03] [G] AngryHardGame: ! ща чекну [19:54:05] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [19:54:06] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [19:54:07] G0KO issued server command: /rtp [19:54:07] [G] Gazirovka_: !нет [19:54:07] Sava360 issued server command: //expand 20 me [19:54:08] _Miss_s issued server command: /sethome [19:54:10] _Miss_s issued server command: /home [19:54:10] Manik_Pro issued server command: /home [19:54:13] Death_Str0be issued server command: /kit res [19:54:18] _Miss_s issued server command: /home invite Death_Str0be [19:54:18] [L] ekstazi_: какой плохой человпек щабрал печь с едой [19:54:19] SplaschGaming issued server command: /r всм воронку [19:54:20] Sava360 issued server command: //expand 20 me [19:54:21] _Miss_s issued server command: /home list [19:54:23] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [19:54:25] SplaschGaming issued server command: /r я не это хотел [19:54:25] Death_Str0be issued server command: /sethome [19:54:26] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [19:54:27] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [19:54:27] _Miss_s issued server command: /rtp [19:54:32] [G] MRSTRM: !ну не знаю короче, год практически не играл в майн [19:54:33] SplaschGaming issued server command: /r сжёчь его [19:54:33] FlipSize issued server command: /warp bs] [19:54:34] hakya issued server command: /rtp [19:54:34] Sava360 issued server command: //expand 20 me [19:54:34] Romanuch issued server command: /zset 2 [19:54:37] [L] ekstazi_: ссука [19:54:37] Romanuch issued server command: //sel [19:54:38] SplaschGaming issued server command: /r и торгануть шмот [19:54:42] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [19:54:44] Gazirovka_ issued server command: /zset 0 [19:54:44] Death_Str0be issued server command: /kit nano [19:54:45] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [19:54:47] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [19:54:48] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [19:54:52] me3jack умер (ENTITY_ATTACK) [19:54:52] SplaschGaming issued server command: /r + [19:54:54] Sava360 issued server command: //expand 20 d [19:54:54] me3jack issued server command: /we cui [19:54:57] FlipSize issued server command: /warp bs [19:54:57] FreakFromThePub зашёл [19:54:58] FlipSize issued server command: /we cui [19:54:59] Romanuch issued server command: /kit [19:55:01] [G] me3jack: ! этот рпг ваш это пиздец [19:55:01] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [19:55:03] Romanuch issued server command: /kit tree [19:55:03] Death_Str0be issued server command: /kit [19:55:04] [G] Miff1337: !Роман [19:55:04] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [19:55:06] FlipSize issued server command: /cases list [19:55:06] FreakFromThePub issued server command: /we cui [19:55:07] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [19:55:08] Death_Str0be issued server command: /kit jetpack [19:55:08] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [19:55:09] [G] Miff1337: !Ты зашёл сюда играть? [19:55:10] TOGA issued server command: /home [19:55:12] TOGA issued server command: /we cui [19:55:12] FlipSize issued server command: /cases add FlipSize 6 60 [19:55:15] [G] Romanuch: ! + [19:55:15] Inotik issued server command: /home [19:55:15] me3jack issued server command: /rtp [19:55:15] FlipSize issued server command: /mpcaseshop [19:55:15] ekstazi_ issued server command: /sethome [19:55:15] _Miss_s issued server command: /rtp [19:55:15] Gazirovka_ issued server command: /zset 0 [19:55:15] FlipSize issued server command: /mpcaseshop [19:55:16] FlipSize issued server command: /mpcaseview 6 [19:55:17] FlipSize issued server command: /rollcase 6 [19:55:17] Death_Str0be issued server command: /kit tools [19:55:19] FlipSize issued server command: /mpcaseshop [19:55:21] FlipSize issued server command: /mpcaseview 6 [19:55:21] FlipSize issued server command: /rollcase 6 [19:55:21] [G] Miff1337: !Привет, сладких) [19:55:22] FlipSize issued server command: /mpcaseshop [19:55:22] FlipSize issued server command: /mpcaseview 6 [19:55:23] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [19:55:23] FlipSize issued server command: /rollcase 6 [19:55:24] Death_Str0be issued server command: /kit [19:55:24] FlipSize issued server command: /mpcaseshop [19:55:24] Bomw issued server command: /rtp [19:55:25] FlipSize issued server command: /mpcaseview 6 [19:55:26] [G] Miff1337: !й* [19:55:26] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [19:55:28] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [19:55:28] [G] AngryHardGame: ! а сколько гравик ~стоит ? [19:55:29] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [19:55:29] Death_Str0be issued server command: /kit top [19:55:34] [G] 69Loqiemean96: ! О-О [19:55:38] FlipSize issued server command: /rollcase 6 [19:55:39] FlipSize issued server command: /mpcaseshop [19:55:40] FlipSize issued server command: /mpcaseview 6 [19:55:40] [G] _Miss_s: !эээ [19:55:40] FlipSize issued server command: /rollcase 6 [19:55:41] SimpleBoi вышел [19:55:41] FlipSize issued server command: /mpcaseshop [19:55:42] FlipSize issued server command: /mpcaseview 6 [19:55:42] [G] _Miss_s: !А мне? [19:55:42] FlipSize issued server command: /rollcase 6 [19:55:43] [L] _Miss_s: 1павхпавх [19:55:43] FlipSize issued server command: /mpcaseshop [19:55:43] He11Star был кикнут [19:55:43] He11Star вышел [19:55:43] Gazirovka_ issued server command: /zset 0 [19:55:43] FlipSize issued server command: /mpcaseview 6 [19:55:43] He11Star зашёл [19:55:45] [G] _Miss_s: !павхпвах [19:55:45] [G] AngryHardGame: ! блин даже боты хаоса получше чем поножи [19:55:45] He11Star issued server command: /we cui [19:55:46] astek2 issued server command: /tp FlipSize [19:55:48] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [19:55:52] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [19:55:53] [G] Miff1337: !Получается [19:55:53] [G] _Miss_s: !Я тоже хочу дк кейсы [19:55:56] Bomw issued server command: /warp 1 [19:55:56] me3jack issued server command: /rtp [19:55:58] zloy_cool issued server command: /mpcaseshop [19:55:59] [G] AngryHardGame: ! о ахах повезло повезло [19:56:01] [G] Miff1337: !Роман, заходи на тмрпг дис [19:56:02] FlipSize issued server command: /rollcase 6 [19:56:02] [L] ekstazi_: + [19:56:02] [G] Gazirovka_: !задонатить) [19:56:02] FlipSize issued server command: /mpcaseshop [19:56:03] [G] Death_Str0be: !устрой раздачу [19:56:03] zloy_cool issued server command: /mpcaseview 9 [19:56:04] FlipSize issued server command: /mpcaseview 6 [19:56:05] FlipSize issued server command: /rollcase 6 [19:56:06] FlipSize issued server command: /mpcaseshop [19:56:06] FlipSize issued server command: /mpcaseview 6 [19:56:07] FlipSize issued server command: /rollcase 6 [19:56:07] FlipSize issued server command: /mpcaseshop [19:56:08] FlipSize issued server command: /mpcaseview 6 [19:56:09] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [19:56:10] zloy_cool issued server command: /mpcaseshop [19:56:11] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [19:56:12] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [19:56:14] FreakFromThePub issued server command: /fly [19:56:16] me3jack issued server command: /rtp [19:56:26] Gazirovka_ issued server command: /zset 0 [19:56:29] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [19:56:32] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [19:56:37] FlipSize issued server command: /rollcase 6 [19:56:38] _Miss_s issued server command: /home [19:56:40] _Miss_s issued server command: /rg i [19:56:41] FlipSize issued server command: /near [19:56:45] [L] FlipSize: astek2 [19:56:46] _Miss_s issued server command: /rg flag _Miss_s pvp deny [19:56:47] [L] FlipSize: а ну кыш [19:56:48] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [19:56:48] Sava360 issued server command: //expand u 20 [19:56:48] _Miss_s issued server command: /rg i [19:56:50] [L] _Miss_s: Аа понимаю [19:56:51] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [19:56:53] [L] astek2: меня нету [19:56:53] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [19:56:55] [L] _Miss_s: Бесплатный флаг [19:56:55] FilyWay issued server command: /home gg [19:56:57] [L] FlipSize: агага [19:56:57] [L] _Miss_s: pvp deny [19:56:59] [L] _Miss_s: Найс [19:57:00] _Miss_s issued server command: /rtp [19:57:02] Gazirovka_ issued server command: /zset 0 [19:57:06] Death_Str0be issued server command: //sel [19:57:08] [L] Inotik: nfr [19:57:09] [L] Inotik: так [19:57:11] [L] astek2: я музыку слушаю ) [19:57:11] zloy_cool issued server command: /warp portal [19:57:13] zloy_cool issued server command: /we cui [19:57:14] [L] FlipSize: чВ [19:57:15] [L] Inotik: палка на 50 вис [19:57:16] Sava360 issued server command: //expand t 20 [19:57:18] hakya issued server command: /rtp [19:57:19] [L] FlipSize: говорю же топовая [19:57:20] [L] Inotik: потом эффективность [19:57:21] Gazirovka_ issued server command: /zset 0 [19:57:21] [L] Romanuch: буду тростник выводить [19:57:25] Gazirovka_ issued server command: /zset 0 [19:57:27] zloy_cool issued server command: /we cui [19:57:32] _Miss_s issued server command: /rtp [19:57:33] Sava360 issued server command: //expand 20 t [19:57:34] Suyumi issued server command: /home [19:57:36] [L] Inotik: и пизда копченому миру [19:57:37] Bomw issued server command: /rtp [19:57:37] Death_Str0be issued server command: /m _Miss_s ты в тауме шариш? [19:57:38] [L] Inotik: кк [19:57:40] [L] ekstazi_: не из-за шахты [19:57:41] Gazirovka_ issued server command: /zset 0 [19:57:43] _Miss_s issued server command: /w Death_Str0be Да [19:57:46] Gazirovka_ issued server command: /zset 0 [19:57:48] Sava360 issued server command: //expand 20 u [19:57:49] [L] ekstazi_: просто лагает [19:57:51] [L] astek2: че за броня [19:57:51] [G] _Miss_s: !TweeL1e [19:57:57] [L] ekstazi_: ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) [19:58:07] Gazirovka_ issued server command: /zset 0 [19:58:10] [G] _Miss_s: !tweel1a8 [19:58:10] Sava360 issued server command: /rg claim [19:58:10] [G] FreakFromThePub: ! Он тебе отказал у него супруга есть [19:58:12] [L] Romanuch: а тут в китоооаооох нету панелей на рф? [19:58:13] Death_Str0be issued server command: /warp list [19:58:15] [G] _Miss_s: !tweel1e8* [19:58:19] [L] Inotik: - [19:58:20] [G] _Miss_s: !Это твой рг? [19:58:23] [L] Romanuch: жаль [19:58:23] asdadn умер (ENTITY_ATTACK) [19:58:24] [L] ekstazi_: русский езык [19:58:24] Miff1337 умер (ENTITY_ATTACK) [19:58:25] [L] Inotik: ну этот геник топ [19:58:26] Miff1337 issued server command: /we cui [19:58:27] [L] ekstazi_: АПХАХПХАХП [19:58:27] asdadn issued server command: /we cui [19:58:31] asdadn issued server command: /warp nether [19:58:32] Miff1337 issued server command: /rtp [19:58:33] asdadn issued server command: /we cui [19:58:34] 69Loqiemean96 issued server command: /rtp [19:58:37] asdadn issued server command: /fly [19:58:38] [L] _Miss_s: Походу да [19:58:42] Death_Str0be issued server command: /mpcaseshop [19:58:44] LittleSvinka issued server command: /home [19:58:45] [G] MRSTRM: ! _Miss_s /rg info работает вроде [19:58:47] Sava360 issued server command: /rg claim Dark_Hill [19:58:49] _Miss_s issued server command: /rg i [19:58:51] Gazirovka_ issued server command: /zset 0 [19:58:52] [L] ekstazi_: ПХХХПАХА [19:58:54] MRSTRM issued server command: /rg info [19:58:55] [L] FlipSize: дай [19:58:55] zloy_cool issued server command: /home [19:58:56] zloy_cool issued server command: /we cui [19:58:57] [L] ekstazi_: НИФИГА [19:58:57] [L] FlipSize: стикеры [19:59:03] Sava360 issued server command: //sel [19:59:05] [L] _Miss_s: Шо? [19:59:06] [L] _Miss_s: -_- [19:59:06] [L] astek2: ) [19:59:07] Gazirovka_ issued server command: /zset 0 [19:59:08] Suyumi issued server command: /trade Nikitawrik [19:59:12] Gazirovka_ issued server command: /zset 0 [19:59:12] Nikitawrik issued server command: /trade accept [19:59:16] _Miss_s issued server command: /home [19:59:19] Miff1337 issued server command: /rtp [19:59:20] ggwin issued server command: /home [19:59:21] [G] AngryHardGame: ! блин флипсайс не хочешь продать дк лук за 4 звездных пыли ;) [19:59:24] [L] astek2: они запрешены [19:59:28] _Miss_s issued server command: /rtp [19:59:30] Nikitawrik issued server command: /trade accept [19:59:30] [G] ggwin: !а шо такое? [19:59:31] [G] FlipSize: !не хочу [19:59:32] Suyumi issued server command: /tp Nikitawrik [19:59:32] kitsqwer зашёл [19:59:33] [G] FlipSize: !)) [19:59:34] Nikitawrik issued server command: /trade accept [19:59:35] kitsqwer issued server command: /we cui [19:59:40] Suyumi issued server command: /home [19:59:40] [G] AngryHardGame: ! жаль что не хочешь конечно(( [19:59:43] hakya issued server command: /rtp [19:59:44] [G] Death_Str0be: !почему привелегию не продлили? [19:59:48] [G] AngryHardGame: ! придется гравик все же покупать [19:59:54] workbench2 зашёл [19:59:59] Miff1337 issued server command: /rtp [20:00:11] [G] AngryHardGame: ! 2 уровень пыль кста [20:00:19] Gazirovka_ issued server command: /zset 0 [20:00:20] workbench2 issued server command: /we cui [20:00:23] _Miss_s issued server command: /rtp [20:00:27] _Miss_s issued server command: /home [20:00:34] hakya issued server command: /tpa he11star [20:00:35] Gazirovka_ issued server command: /zset 0 [20:00:38] Kajoshi issued server command: /home [20:00:40] He11Star issued server command: /tpaccept [20:00:41] Suyumi issued server command: /ec [20:00:42] Gazirovka_ issued server command: /zset 0 [20:00:55] Gazirovka_ issued server command: /zset 0 [20:00:57] [L] ekstazi_: романтично [20:01:02] Gazirovka_ issued server command: /zset 0 [20:01:07] Sava360 issued server command: /sethome [20:01:07] astek2 issued server command: /trade FlipSize [20:01:07] astek2 issued server command: /trade FlipSize [20:01:07] astek2 issued server command: /trade FlipSize [20:01:14] [G] MRSTRM: !какой радиус у сеятеля? [20:01:15] kitsqwer issued server command: /warp list [20:01:15] [L] Death_Str0be: може кейс открыть [20:01:16] QWEBOI вышел [20:01:17] Krantzg вышел [20:01:18] [G] AngryHardGame: ! оххх лучше бы я вместо последних двух кейсов купил фул изучение таума [20:01:19] G0KO issued server command: /rtp [20:01:21] [L] _Miss_s: Какой [20:01:24] [L] Death_Str0be: дк [20:01:27] [G] Miff1337: !7х7 вроде [20:01:28] QWEBOI зашёл [20:01:28] Sava360 issued server command: /sethome [20:01:29] [L] _Miss_s: У тебя есть дк кейс? [20:01:30] [G] Miff1337: !или 11х11 [20:01:30] Akatsukioff issued server command: /home [20:01:32] QWEBOI issued server command: /we cui [20:01:33] flesziip issued server command: /home [20:01:34] [L] ekstazi_: нет [20:01:39] Nikitawrik issued server command: /warp s [20:01:39] [L] ekstazi_: я за едой ушла [20:01:42] Nikitawrik issued server command: /warp bs [20:01:42] [G] Gazirovka_: ! 7х7, но его улучшениями можно улучшать [20:01:43] [G] MRSTRM: !без улучшения [20:01:43] _Miss_s вышел [20:01:44] Akatsukioff issued server command: //sel [20:01:45] Gazirovka_ issued server command: /zset 0 [20:01:47] Sava360 issued server command: /home [20:01:48] _Miss_s зашёл [20:01:51] _Miss_s issued server command: /we cui [20:01:52] Akatsukioff issued server command: /rg sel [20:01:54] AngryHardGame issued server command: /home [20:01:55] _Miss_s issued server command: /fly [20:01:55] AngryHardGame issued server command: /we cui [20:01:57] TurboLastGame issued server command: /rtp [20:01:58] [L] _Miss_s: Я прошу у друга деньги [20:02:00] [G] MRSTRM: !спасибо [20:02:00] Akatsukioff issued server command: /rg sel kakuzo [20:02:00] [L] ekstazi_: ААХАХ ЗОЛУШКА [20:02:01] [L] Death_Str0be: я могу купить [20:02:01] G0KO issued server command: /rtp [20:02:03] [L] _Miss_s: Чтобы дк кейс [20:02:04] [L] _Miss_s: Купить [20:02:05] [L] _Miss_s: :D [20:02:07] [L] _Miss_s: Ну купи [20:02:09] [L] _Miss_s: Если хочешь [20:02:09] [L] astek2: а что за гей пати [20:02:11] TOGA issued server command: /warp mining [20:02:12] [L] astek2: ? [20:02:12] Miff1337 issued server command: /m TurboLastGame Ты куда [20:02:12] TOGA issued server command: /we cui [20:02:12] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [20:02:13] SplaschGaming issued server command: /tell asdadn тп тут визер скелет [20:02:13] [L] _Miss_s: Думаю тебе модерка выпадет [20:02:14] [L] _Miss_s: павхпхав [20:02:16] [G] workbench2: ! всем ку .тут небуло челика Demaglhf ? [20:02:17] Miff1337 issued server command: /r Полетел [20:02:18] asdadn issued server command: /call SplaschGaming [20:02:19] SplaschGaming issued server command: /tpaccept [20:02:19] Miff1337 issued server command: /r вернись [20:02:20] [L] flesziip: где [20:02:21] tH0R issued server command: /home [20:02:21] [G] _Miss_s: !Нет [20:02:23] ggwin issued server command: /home [20:02:23] [G] AngryHardGame: ! был [20:02:24] [G] Gazirovka_: !был [20:02:25] [G] MRSTRM: !7х7 и с изумрудным изучением будет 18х18? [20:02:25] TurboLastGame issued server command: /w Miff1337 дерево рубить [20:02:26] [G] _Miss_s: !Я тока зашла [20:02:28] [G] _Miss_s: !Не видела [20:02:28] Miff1337 issued server command: /r :D [20:02:31] Gazirovka_ issued server command: /zset 0 [20:02:31] [L] SplaschGaming: а [20:02:31] Miff1337 issued server command: /r Есть хавануть? [20:02:32] [G] workbench2: ! о ку [20:02:34] [L] SplaschGaming: я его не вижу просто [20:02:35] [G] _Miss_s: !Ага [20:02:37] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [20:02:38] [G] _Miss_s: !Знакомы? [20:02:39] SplaschGaming вышел [20:02:40] [L] astek2: black sun [20:02:40] [G] _Miss_s: !Если что тепайся [20:02:42] [G] _Miss_s: !пхавпхав [20:02:44] [G] AngryHardGame: ! афигет воркбенч [20:02:45] Gazirovka_ issued server command: /zset 0 [20:02:47] Miff1337 issued server command: /r Дай хавану [20:02:47] [L] flesziip: ну черное солнце [20:02:48] TurboLastGame issued server command: /home [20:02:48] [G] workbench2: ! хахах [20:02:49] [L] flesziip: ыы [20:02:49] SplaschGaming зашёл [20:02:50] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [20:02:54] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [20:02:54] SplaschGaming issued server command: /we cui [20:02:54] SplaschGaming умер (FALL) [20:02:54] Gazirovka_ issued server command: /zset 0 [20:02:55] [G] AngryHardGame: ! я тоже твой фанат [20:02:56] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [20:02:58] [G] MRSTRM: !когда я спросил о челе, никто не ответил [20:02:59] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [20:02:59] SplaschGaming issued server command: /we cui [20:03:02] [G] AngryHardGame: ! легенда моего детства [20:03:03] [L] astek2: ясно геи [20:03:03] SplaschGaming issued server command: /tpa asdadn [20:03:06] asdadn issued server command: /tpaccept [20:03:08] [L] flesziip: ааа [20:03:09] [L] flesziip: дааа [20:03:09] SplaschGaming issued server command: /we cui [20:03:09] Gazirovka_ issued server command: /zset 0 [20:03:10] Kajoshi вышел [20:03:10] LittleSvinka issued server command: /rtp [20:03:12] Miff1337 issued server command: /m Gazirovka_ Проверь TurboLastGame на читы [20:03:14] [G] Manik_Pro: !а через што зарежать бур ранец и т.д [20:03:15] Miff1337 issued server command: /r или онли форум? [20:03:15] SplaschGaming issued server command: /fly [20:03:17] [G] AngryHardGame: ! а ты про кого спрашивал ? [20:03:18] Suyumi issued server command: /ec [20:03:18] Miff1337 issued server command: /rtp [20:03:21] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [20:03:21] Gazirovka_ issued server command: /r а что с ним? [20:03:23] Sava360 умер (ENTITY_ATTACK) [20:03:23] Gazirovka_ issued server command: /zset 0 [20:03:23] Krantzg зашёл [20:03:25] Sava360 issued server command: /we cui [20:03:26] [G] workbench2: ! да друг [20:03:28] 69Loqiemean96 issued server command: /home [20:03:29] Kajoshi зашёл [20:03:30] [G] MRSTRM: !Apostol_009 [20:03:30] Kajoshi issued server command: /we cui [20:03:33] [L] SplaschGaming: забери в флакон [20:03:33] Krantzg issued server command: /we cui [20:03:35] [L] ekstazi_: пиздец копить уже негде [20:03:38] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [20:03:38] [G] AngryHardGame: ! не знаю такого [20:03:41] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [20:03:42] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [20:03:47] QWEBOI вышел [20:03:55] QWEBOI зашёл [20:03:58] kitsqwer вышел [20:03:58] umpalumpik вышел [20:03:59] LittleSvinka issued server command: /home [20:03:59] QWEBOI issued server command: /we cui [20:03:59] [G] MRSTRM: !может быть заходил, в дс 9 месяцев как мертв [20:04:01] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [20:04:02] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [20:04:05] workbench2 issued server command: /kit [20:04:08] QWEBOI issued server command: /home [20:04:11] filen2 вышел [20:04:12] me3jack issued server command: /home [20:04:12] [G] AngryHardGame: ! как видишь вообще походу никто не знает [20:04:14] Suyumi issued server command: /rtp [20:04:14] workbench2 issued server command: /kit start [20:04:15] umpalumpik зашёл [20:04:18] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [20:04:18] Miff1337 issued server command: /hopme [20:04:19] Gazirovka_ issued server command: /r если ты про замену блоков, это была палка с равноценным обменом) [20:04:19] filen2 зашёл [20:04:20] umpalumpik issued server command: /we cui [20:04:20] Miff1337 issued server command: /home [20:04:20] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [20:04:21] filen2 issued server command: /we cui [20:04:22] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [20:04:23] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [20:04:25] Gazirovka_ issued server command: /zset 0 [20:04:25] Suyumi issued server command: /warp min [20:04:25] Death_Str0be issued server command: /mpcaseshop [20:04:26] [L] SplaschGaming: тут скелет [20:04:27] Death_Str0be issued server command: /mpcaseview 6 [20:04:29] Suyumi issued server command: /we cui [20:04:30] Death_Str0be issued server command: /rollcase 6 [20:04:31] Krantzg issued server command: /fly [20:04:32] Miff1337 issued server command: /r Она меняет 1х1? [20:04:33] hakya issued server command: /kit eat [20:04:34] [L] _Miss_s: Ты купил?* [20:04:41] ekstazi_ вышел [20:04:41] Death_Str0be issued server command: /mpcaseview 6 [20:04:42] Death_Str0be issued server command: /mpcaseshop [20:04:42] Miff1337 issued server command: /r Он поменял всё дерево за 2 секунды [20:04:45] [L] Death_Str0be: да [20:04:45] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [20:04:48] [L] _Miss_s: Найс [20:04:50] Miff1337 issued server command: /r А, или там меняет областью? [20:04:51] tH0R issued server command: /rtp [20:04:54] Gazirovka_ issued server command: /r областью [20:04:54] [L] _Miss_s: Ты тока 1 купил?) [20:05:00] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [20:05:00] [L] Death_Str0be: да [20:05:00] SplaschGaming умер (ENTITY_EXPLOSION) [20:05:02] Gazirovka_ issued server command: /zset 0 [20:05:02] [L] _Miss_s: Хех [20:05:03] Miff1337 issued server command: /r Всё, не грусти [20:05:03] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [20:05:04] ekstazi_ зашёл [20:05:05] SplaschGaming issued server command: /we cui [20:05:06] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [20:05:06] ekstazi_ issued server command: /we cui [20:05:07] [L] _Miss_s: Покажи [20:05:07] tH0R issued server command: /home [20:05:08] SplaschGaming issued server command: /tpa asdadn [20:05:08] [L] _Miss_s: Ботиночки [20:05:13] [G] AngryHardGame: ! куплю пажилой конвертер энергии(желательно несколько) и какие нибудь провода за эмы [20:05:13] QWEBOI issued server command: /warp shop [20:05:13] asdadn issued server command: /tpaccept [20:05:15] [L] Death_Str0be: а как [20:05:15] Gazirovka_ issued server command: /r он мой тиммейт)) [20:05:16] _Miss_s issued server command: /cart [20:05:16] QWEBOI issued server command: /we cui [20:05:16] SplaschGaming issued server command: /we cui [20:05:17] [L] ekstazi_: залетело обратно [20:05:17] _Miss_s issued server command: /cart gui [20:05:19] [L] Death_Str0be: забрать [20:05:19] [G] MRSTRM: !ну умереть впринципе не сложно, когда у тебя дитя и жена [20:05:20] Miff1337 issued server command: /r Принял [20:05:21] [L] _Miss_s: ./cart gui [20:05:22] Death_Str0be issued server command: /cat hiu [20:05:24] Gazirovka_ issued server command: /zset 0 [20:05:25] Death_Str0be issued server command: /cat gui [20:05:26] SplaschGaming issued server command: /flu [20:05:28] Krantzg issued server command: /home [20:05:28] SplaschGaming issued server command: /fly [20:05:30] Death_Str0be issued server command: /cart gui [20:05:33] [G] AngryHardGame: ! уф [20:05:34] Miff1337 issued server command: /r Залетайте на тмрпг дис [20:05:36] [G] workbench2: ! ахахах. как получать звездную піль?)) [20:05:37] Miff1337 issued server command: /r Скучно [20:05:39] [G] MRSTRM: !жаль его кнш [20:05:41] [G] _Miss_s: !Из космоса [20:05:42] [G] _Miss_s: !павхпавхх [20:05:44] He11Star issued server command: /home [20:05:47] Gazirovka_ issued server command: /zset 0 [20:05:48] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [20:05:51] [L] _Miss_s: Они не заряжены [20:05:53] [G] AngryHardGame: ! прости я ее всю вынюхал уже, больше нет [20:05:56] [L] Death_Str0be: Lf [20:05:57] tH0R issued server command: /rtp [20:05:57] [L] Death_Str0be: Да [20:05:58] [L] _Miss_s: Если что можешь в сундук положить [20:05:58] [L] ekstazi_: ПИПЕЦ [20:06:00] Gazirovka_ issued server command: /zset 0 [20:06:01] [L] ekstazi_: Я [20:06:01] [L] Death_Str0be: разряжены [20:06:02] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [20:06:02] ekstazi_ issued server command: / [20:06:05] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [20:06:05] filen2 issued server command: /warp 1 [20:06:05] [G] AngryHardGame: ! stardust получается [20:06:06] [L] ekstazi_: ОООООООООООООООООООООЙ [20:06:06] [G] workbench2: ! а чем пахнеть?? [20:06:07] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [20:06:08] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [20:06:12] MRSTRM issued server command: /sethome [20:06:15] [L] _Miss_s: Надо бур покуптаь [20:06:18] Gazirovka_ issued server command: /zset 0 [20:06:19] [L] Death_Str0be: есть [20:06:22] [G] AngryHardGame: ! спроси у флипсайса, он ее тоннами ест [20:06:23] Gazirovka_ issued server command: /r не [20:06:25] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [20:06:27] tH0R issued server command: /rtp [20:06:28] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [20:06:28] [L] _Miss_s: Найс [20:06:29] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [20:06:31] QWEBOI issued server command: /warp shop [20:06:34] [L] _Miss_s: Я тогда в шахту пойду [20:06:38] [L] ekstazi_: я убила шабашную ведьму........... [20:06:44] asdadn issued server command: /home home [20:06:46] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [20:06:46] He11Star вышел [20:06:46] asdadn issued server command: /home [20:06:47] [G] Gazirovka_: ! workbench2 из донат кейсов падает она [20:06:48] Krantzg issued server command: /WARP NETHER [20:06:48] asdadn issued server command: /we cui [20:06:50] Krantzg issued server command: /we cui [20:06:50] tH0R issued server command: /rtp [20:06:50] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [20:06:51] workbench2 issued server command: /warp world [20:06:53] Miff1337 issued server command: /rtp [20:06:54] workbench2 issued server command: /we cui [20:06:55] Krantzg issued server command: /fly [20:06:57] tH0R issued server command: /rtp [20:07:02] [L] QWEBOI: 1 [20:07:03] [G] AngryHardGame: ! а с каких нибудь дон кейсов 3 лвл пыль падает ? [20:07:04] [G] workbench2: !спс [20:07:04] asdadn issued server command: /fly [20:07:08] Gazirovka_ issued server command: /zset 0 [20:07:09] workbench2 issued server command: /rtp [20:07:13] [G] AngryHardGame: ! или из всех 2 лвл ? [20:07:13] asdadn issued server command: /fly [20:07:15] asdadn умер (FALL) [20:07:16] [G] Gazirovka_: !да, с дк точно падает [20:07:17] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [20:07:17] asdadn issued server command: /we cui [20:07:19] [G] Gazirovka_: !там рандом [20:07:27] [G] workbench2: ! ля мира красивіе [20:07:29] Jo_ryan зашёл [20:07:30] [G] me3jack: ! у дефолт 2 сетхома или 1? [20:07:32] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [20:07:33] tH0R issued server command: /rtp [20:07:34] asdadn issued server command: /fly [20:07:35] hakya issued server command: /hom [20:07:35] [G] AngryHardGame: ! непонял как я на рандом 4 пыли 2 лвл вытащил ._. [20:07:35] [L] Death_Str0be: бери [20:07:35] Miff1337 issued server command: /r Получается, вы главные конкуренты на серве?) [20:07:36] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [20:07:36] asdadn issued server command: /warp nether [20:07:36] hakya issued server command: /home [20:07:38] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [20:07:38] asdadn issued server command: /we cui [20:07:38] [L] ekstazi_: я не поняла [20:07:39] asdadn issued server command: /warp nether [20:07:39] FilyWay issued server command: /home gg [20:07:42] [G] AngryHardGame: ! хреновый рандом [20:07:42] asdadn issued server command: /fly [20:07:44] [G] flesziip: !куплю заряженные кристалы [20:07:45] Gazirovka_ issued server command: /r ты конкурент, пха не смеши) [20:07:46] [L] ekstazi_: вам шабашные ведьмы не нужны? [20:07:46] SplaschGaming issued server command: /home [20:07:48] SplaschGaming issued server command: /we cui [20:07:50] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [20:07:50] [L] Death_Str0be: он не заряжает [20:07:51] Gazirovka_ issued server command: /zset 0 [20:07:51] QWEBOI issued server command: /warp list [20:07:52] Miff1337 issued server command: /r АХАХХ [20:07:58] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [20:07:58] Jo_ryan issued server command: /we cui [20:08:01] [L] _Miss_s: Заряжает [20:08:02] QWEBOI issued server command: /warp list 2 [20:08:04] Miff1337 issued server command: /r Главное мэ мне построй, хащзпзхХЗАПхза [20:08:05] SplaschGaming issued server command: /fly [20:08:07] [L] _Miss_s: Если чё так [20:08:09] tH0R issued server command: /rtp [20:08:11] [L] Death_Str0be: чекни [20:08:15] Gazirovka_ issued server command: /r а еще что? [20:08:20] Miff1337 issued server command: /r ору [20:08:20] [L] Death_Str0be: надень и покопай буром [20:08:20] Miff1337 issued server command: /rtp [20:08:23] [G] AngryHardGame: ! кому нибудь еще нужны порталы в диван ? [20:08:26] SimpleBoi зашёл [20:08:27] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [20:08:28] SimpleBoi issued server command: /we cui [20:08:30] umpalumpik issued server command: /home [20:08:31] Gazirovka_ issued server command: /zset 0 [20:08:32] [G] AngryHardGame: ! все кроме везеи и арканы* [20:08:33] [L] _Miss_s: Блять [20:08:36] [L] _Miss_s: А как режим менять [20:08:36] [L] _Miss_s: пхавпвах [20:08:38] [G] umpalumpik: ! почем? [20:08:40] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [20:08:41] [G] MRSTRM: !диван лаганныц? [20:08:42] me3jack issued server command: /donate [20:08:44] me3jack issued server command: /donat [20:08:44] [G] _Miss_s: !А как менять режим на буре? [20:08:46] Miff1337 issued server command: /r Когда квг намечается? [20:08:47] [G] AngryHardGame: ! тп просто [20:08:48] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [20:08:49] 69Loqiemean96 issued server command: /warp set [20:08:51] [G] Gazirovka_: !m+пкм [20:08:53] [G] AngryHardGame: ! я бы варп поставил но немагу [20:08:54] tH0R issued server command: /rtp [20:09:01] [G] Manik_Pro: !кто заредит бур пж пж пж [20:09:02] [L] _Miss_s: Заряжает [20:09:07] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [20:09:07] [L] _Miss_s: С чего ты взял.. [20:09:08] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [20:09:10] [L] Death_Str0be: тю [20:09:17] asdadn issued server command: /call Krantzg [20:09:18] Krantzg issued server command: /tpaccept [20:09:20] Gazirovka_ issued server command: /zset 0 [20:09:23] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [20:09:26] zloy_cool issued server command: /home [20:09:26] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [20:09:27] [G] Jo_ryan: !кто приютит? [20:09:28] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [20:09:28] MRSTRM issued server command: /rtp [20:09:29] Jo_ryan issued server command: /кез [20:09:30] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [20:09:32] Jo_ryan issued server command: /кез [20:09:34] [G] Miff1337: !детдом [20:09:34] Manik_Pro вышел [20:09:34] Jo_ryan issued server command: /rtp [20:09:39] Jo_ryan issued server command: /warp world [20:09:40] [G] AngryHardGame: ! гулаг [20:09:41] F4LL3N зашёл [20:09:41] tH0R issued server command: /rtp [20:09:43] [G] _Miss_s: !Мб я [20:09:43] Jo_ryan issued server command: /we cui [20:09:45] Gazirovka_ issued server command: /zset 0 [20:09:46] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [20:09:49] _Miss_s issued server command: /w Death_Str0be Го сольём [20:09:49] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [20:09:51] [G] AngryHardGame: ! блин тихий дон заставили читать [20:09:51] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [20:09:51] _Miss_s issued server command: /w Death_Str0be Jo_ryan [20:09:52] Jo_ryan issued server command: /msg _Miss_s ты ? [20:09:53] F4LL3N issued server command: /we cui [20:09:55] Miff1337 issued server command: /rtp [20:09:56] [G] AngryHardGame: ! ну и нудятина [20:09:56] tH0R issued server command: /kit eat [20:09:58] _Miss_s issued server command: /w Death_Str0be м? [20:10:01] Suyumi issued server command: /home [20:10:01] [L] Death_Str0be: чем [20:10:03] Suyumi issued server command: /we cui [20:10:03] [G] AngryHardGame: ! потом еще архипелаг гулаг [20:10:04] _Miss_s issued server command: /w Jo_ryan Ну да [20:10:07] Gazirovka_ issued server command: /zset 0 [20:10:08] [L] _Miss_s: Саблей [20:10:09] Ginjo issued server command: /home [20:10:09] [L] _Miss_s: Я солью [20:10:11] F4LL3N issued server command: /rtp [20:10:11] [L] _Miss_s: Он тока зашёл [20:10:12] Ginjo issued server command: /home Oniflavor [20:10:15] [L] _Miss_s: Приютить [20:10:17] [L] _Miss_s: Просит [20:10:18] F4LL3N issued server command: /warp world [20:10:19] Krantzg issued server command: /kit eat [20:10:19] F4LL3N issued server command: /we cui [20:10:21] Gazirovka_ issued server command: /zset 0 [20:10:22] F4LL3N issued server command: /rtp [20:10:24] F4LL3N issued server command: /rtp [20:10:27] Gazirovka_ issued server command: /zset 0 [20:10:27] F4LL3N issued server command: /fly [20:10:29] Gazirovka_ issued server command: /zset 0 [20:10:29] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [20:10:31] [G] MRSTRM: !не помню такого [20:10:32] [G] workbench2: ! кто нанку продаст ? [20:10:40] Jo_ryan issued server command: /call _Miss_s [20:10:42] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [20:10:43] _Miss_s issued server command: /w workbench2 Ворк [20:10:45] Gazirovka_ issued server command: /zset 0 [20:10:45] _Miss_s issued server command: /w workbench2 Го с нами [20:10:45] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [20:10:46] Romanuch issued server command: /m workbench2 могу продать [20:10:47] _Miss_s issued server command: /w workbench2 С Death_Str0be [20:10:48] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [20:10:48] _Miss_s issued server command: /w workbench2 Выживать [20:10:49] [G] AngryHardGame: ! ага что бы ты бегал и вбивал всех(( [20:10:49] _Miss_s issued server command: /w workbench2 ? [20:10:50] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [20:10:51] QWEBOI issued server command: /warp mining [20:10:54] Gazirovka_ issued server command: /strike [20:10:55] QWEBOI issued server command: /we cui [20:10:55] _Miss_s issued server command: /rg flag _Miss_s pvp allow [20:10:58] [L] _Miss_s: Я тепаю его [20:10:59] Gazirovka_ issued server command: /zset 0 [20:10:59] Suyumi issued server command: /warp min [20:11:00] _Miss_s issued server command: /tpyes [20:11:00] workbench2 issued server command: /m _Miss_s ну го [20:11:02] [G] MRSTRM: !нанка мусор [20:11:03] Suyumi issued server command: /we cui [20:11:05] _Miss_s issued server command: /w workbench2 Тп [20:11:05] Miff1337 issued server command: /rtp [20:11:05] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [20:11:08] me3jack issued server command: /home [20:11:09] [G] AngryHardGame: ! извинись [20:11:09] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [20:11:10] [G] Akatsukioff: !кто то нашол обелиски, [20:11:11] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [20:11:11] [G] Jo_ryan: !ты щас сервак пропиарел AngryHardGame [20:11:14] [G] Akatsukioff: !кто то нашол обелиски? [20:11:19] [G] me3jack: ! у дефолт 2 сетхома или 1? [20:11:20] [L] Jo_ryan: ку [20:11:24] _Miss_s issued server command: /w Death_Str0be Сливай его xD [20:11:24] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [20:11:25] workbench2 issued server command: /teleport _Miss_s [20:11:25] [G] Gazirovka_: !обелиски на /warp mining [20:11:25] [G] AngryHardGame: ! непонел [20:11:29] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [20:11:30] [G] Jo_ryan: !гулаг [20:11:30] astek2 issued server command: /Warp end [20:11:30] G0KO issued server command: /rtp [20:11:31] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [20:11:31] TOGA issued server command: /enderchest [20:11:32] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [20:11:33] [G] Jo_ryan: !сервак есть [20:11:35] Death_Str0be issued server command: /r так он нулевый [20:11:39] _Miss_s issued server command: /w Death_Str0be Тк похуй [20:11:43] _Miss_s issued server command: /w Death_Str0be Кит старт халявный [20:11:44] workbench2 issued server command: /m _Miss_s телепор мис? .команда? [20:11:45] astek2 issued server command: /warp [20:11:45] _Miss_s issued server command: /w Death_Str0be Или го [20:11:47] [G] AngryHardGame: ! это ты сейчас рекламишь его [20:11:48] Death_Str0be issued server command: /r 2 мин выжидаем [20:11:49] _Miss_s issued server command: /w Death_Str0be Он рядом [20:11:50] [G] Jo_ryan: !нет [20:11:51] _Miss_s issued server command: /w Death_Str0be Построится [20:11:52] [G] Jo_ryan: !ты первее [20:11:53] astek2 issued server command: /warp info [20:11:54] _Miss_s issued server command: /w Death_Str0be Потом сольём [20:11:55] [L] _Miss_s: Jo_ryan [20:11:58] [L] _Miss_s: Го ты рядом построишся [20:11:59] [G] Jo_ryan: !я написал что ты написал [20:12:08] Gazirovka_ issued server command: /zset 0 [20:12:09] astek2 issued server command: /warp world [20:12:09] astek2 issued server command: /warp worl [20:12:09] astek2 issued server command: /spawn [20:12:09] filen2 issued server command: /rtp [20:12:09] [L] Jo_ryan: ? [20:12:09] Death_Str0be issued server command: /r ок [20:12:10] astek2 issued server command: /we cui [20:12:12] [G] MRSTRM: !так он о книжке вроде бы писал [20:12:13] _Miss_s issued server command: /w workbench2 /call _Miss_s [20:12:14] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [20:12:20] [G] MRSTRM: !а ты о серве [20:12:21] [L] Jo_ryan: лан пойду другого искать [20:12:21] workbench2 issued server command: /m _Miss_s аахах [20:12:23] astek2 issued server command: /warp world [20:12:24] Gazirovka_ issued server command: /zset 0 [20:12:24] astek2 issued server command: /we cui [20:12:25] _Miss_s issued server command: /w workbench2 пхавхпва [20:12:26] G0KO issued server command: /rtp [20:12:26] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [20:12:28] _Miss_s issued server command: /home invite workbench2 [20:12:29] workbench2 issued server command: /call _Miss_s [20:12:30] Gazirovka_ issued server command: /zset 0 [20:12:31] Bomw issued server command: /home [20:12:32] _Miss_s issued server command: /tpyes [20:12:33] Death_Str0be убил Jo_ryan (IC2_ITEMNANOSABER) [20:12:33] Bomw issued server command: /warp 1 [20:12:36] Jo_ryan issued server command: /we cui [20:12:36] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [20:12:38] astek2 issued server command: /we cui [20:12:39] F4LL3N issued server command: /clear [20:12:40] [L] workbench2: re [20:12:42] _Miss_s issued server command: /rg addmember _Miss_s workbench2 [20:12:43] [L] _Miss_s: Ку [20:12:46] [L] _Miss_s: Ты в рг [20:12:46] [L] Death_Str0be: ку [20:12:47] [G] Jo_ryan: !лан забьем [20:12:48] [L] _Miss_s: Если шо [20:12:49] Gazirovka_ issued server command: /zset 0 [20:12:50] TOGA issued server command: /home [20:12:51] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [20:12:52] [L] Romanuch: аоаоа [20:12:52] Gazirovka_ issued server command: /zset 0 [20:12:53] TOGA issued server command: /we cui [20:12:53] F4LL3N issued server command: /kit [20:12:54] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [20:12:55] astek2 issued server command: /warp end [20:12:57] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [20:13:00] Death_Str0be issued server command: /rg info [20:13:03] astek2 issued server command: /warp [20:13:07] Gazirovka_ issued server command: /zset 0 [20:13:08] Sava360 issued server command: /home [20:13:08] [L] Romanuch: как же сложно с ограничениями на чанк [20:13:09] [G] Jo_ryan: !кто приютит? [20:13:11] astek2 issued server command: /warp endd [20:13:14] [G] AngryHardGame: ! прихожу в библеотеку за этим гулагом, а мне говорят что она 18+, и дают в итоге урезанную версию [20:13:15] [G] _Miss_s: !Тебе же сказали [20:13:16] [L] Inotik: xD [20:13:17] [G] _Miss_s: !Детдом [20:13:18] astek2 issued server command: /warp set endd [20:13:21] F4LL3N issued server command: /kit [20:13:22] umpalumpik issued server command: /trade QWEBOI [20:13:24] Gazirovka_ issued server command: /zset 0 [20:13:25] QWEBOI issued server command: /trade cancel [20:13:29] [G] Akatsukioff: ![ds[d[d[f[d жоско [20:13:29] QWEBOI issued server command: /trade accept [20:13:29] umpalumpik issued server command: /trade QWEBOI [20:13:29] F4LL3N issued server command: /kit Superichor [20:13:29] [L] Romanuch: не могу норм интерфейс поставить [20:13:30] QWEBOI issued server command: /trade accept [20:13:35] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [20:13:39] astek2 issued server command: /warp info [20:13:40] G0KO issued server command: /vanish [20:13:41] F4LL3N issued server command: /gly [20:13:43] FilyWay issued server command: /kit start [20:13:43] F4LL3N issued server command: /fly [20:13:45] Suyumi issued server command: /home [20:13:45] astek2 issued server command: /warp endd [20:13:47] [L] _Miss_s: Кряч [20:13:48] Suyumi issued server command: /we cui [20:13:48] Gazirovka_ issued server command: /zset 0 [20:13:49] astek2 issued server command: /warp endd [20:13:50] [L] _Miss_s: Нам нужно олово [20:13:50] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [20:13:51] TOGA issued server command: /enderchest [20:13:53] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [20:13:53] [L] _Miss_s: Генераторы [20:13:53] FROST2137 issued server command: /tpa G0KO [20:13:53] Jo_ryan вышел [20:13:54] [L] _Miss_s: Поставлю [20:13:54] astek2 issued server command: /warp endd [20:13:54] G0KO issued server command: /tpaccept [20:13:55] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [20:13:59] [L] _Miss_s: Чтобы энергии больше было [20:14:03] F4LL3N issued server command: /kit [20:14:04] astek2 issued server command: /spawn [20:14:04] [L] Romanuch: хачу тоже [20:14:05] astek2 issued server command: /we cui [20:14:07] [L] Romanuch: xD [20:14:07] Sava360 вышел [20:14:07] astek2 issued server command: /warp endd [20:14:11] F4LL3N issued server command: /kit Superthaum [20:14:11] [L] Death_Str0be: workbench2 ты донатиш? [20:14:14] Gazirovka_ issued server command: /zset 0 [20:14:17] [L] Inotik: а чу не робит [20:14:22] [L] workbench2: - [20:14:23] F4LL3N issued server command: /kit [20:14:24] [L] Romanuch: сек [20:14:25] G0KO issued server command: /rtp [20:14:26] [L] Inotik: 50 вис же должно работать [20:14:31] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [20:14:35] [L] Death_Str0be: если бельгия выиграет я куплю ещё один кейс) [20:14:39] G0KO issued server command: /rtp [20:14:42] astek2 issued server command: /tp FilyWay [20:14:43] astek2 issued server command: /we cui [20:14:43] Krantzg issued server command: /home [20:14:43] Miff1337 issued server command: /rtp [20:14:44] F4LL3N issued server command: /kit Ae_shadow [20:14:45] Krantzg issued server command: /we cui [20:14:45] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [20:14:46] [L] workbench2: ахахахах [20:14:47] MRSTRM issued server command: /homr [20:14:49] MRSTRM issued server command: /home [20:14:51] Ginjo issued server command: /cart gui [20:14:51] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [20:14:51] F4LL3N issued server command: /kit [20:14:52] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [20:14:53] [L] Inotik: ща главное ресов накопать [20:14:56] astek2 issued server command: /tp FlipSize [20:14:57] [L] Death_Str0be: хули нам бизнесменам [20:14:57] Gazirovka_ issued server command: /zset 0 [20:14:57] F4LL3N issued server command: /rtp [20:14:57] [L] _Miss_s: + мультик [20:14:58] [L] _Miss_s: ) [20:14:59] F4LL3N issued server command: /rtp [20:15:00] asdadn issued server command: /warp minng [20:15:02] G0KO issued server command: /rtp [20:15:03] asdadn issued server command: /warp mining [20:15:05] asdadn issued server command: /we cui [20:15:07] [L] Death_Str0be: откудава [20:15:08] [L] Inotik: чтобы потом сидеть на хате смирно и изучать [20:15:08] asdadn issued server command: /fly [20:15:11] [L] _Miss_s: Сделала [20:15:12] F4LL3N issued server command: /godmode [20:15:16] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [20:15:16] [L] _Miss_s: А шо [20:15:16] FreakFromThePub issued server command: /trade FilyWay [20:15:17] [L] _Miss_s: павхпхав [20:15:17] [G] G0KO: !Квестов нет на сервере? [20:15:20] [L] _Miss_s: Щас я [20:15:21] [L] _Miss_s: За эмы [20:15:22] [L] workbench2: тут ток вайп біл? [20:15:23] [L] _Miss_s: Куплю [20:15:24] [L] _Miss_s: Кейсы [20:15:24] [G] Gazirovka_: !нет [20:15:24] G0KO issued server command: /rtp [20:15:26] [L] _Miss_s: Да [20:15:28] G0KO issued server command: /rtp [20:15:31] F4LL3N issued server command: /vanish [20:15:33] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [20:15:35] Suyumi issued server command: /warp min [20:15:35] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [20:15:37] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [20:15:37] [L] Romanuch: во [20:15:37] Suyumi issued server command: /we cui [20:15:38] [L] Death_Str0be: да сегодня в 6 запустили [20:15:38] [G] me3jack: ! у дефолт 2 сетхома или 1? [20:15:38] [L] workbench2: был* [20:15:40] F4LL3N issued server command: /vanish [20:15:42] [L] Inotik: угу [20:15:42] [L] Romanuch: я просто тупой [20:15:47] [L] Inotik: да не [20:15:51] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [20:15:52] estate issued server command: /home [20:15:53] [G] Death_Str0be: !газировка [20:15:53] [G] me3jack: ! ао [20:15:54] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [20:15:56] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [20:15:58] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [20:15:58] MRSTRM issued server command: /rg set [20:16:00] [L] Inotik: там нужно 12 тотемов и на верх нитор [20:16:02] [G] me3jack: ! у дефолт 2 сетхома или 1? [20:16:02] [G] Death_Str0be: !почему привилегию не продлили [20:16:04] MRSTRM issued server command: /rg sell [20:16:08] [L] _Miss_s: Прикинь [20:16:09] MRSTRM issued server command: /rg sel [20:16:10] [G] Gazirovka_: !сетхом 1 [20:16:10] [L] _Miss_s: Гравик выпадет [20:16:11] [L] _Miss_s: хпавхпх [20:16:12] _Miss_s issued server command: /mpcaseshop [20:16:15] _Miss_s issued server command: /mpcaseshop [20:16:16] _Miss_s issued server command: /mpcaseview 1 [20:16:17] _Miss_s issued server command: /rollcase 1 [20:16:18] asdadn issued server command: /home [20:16:19] [G] me3jack: ! благодарб [20:16:20] asdadn issued server command: /we cui [20:16:20] Krantzg issued server command: /fly [20:16:20] [G] Gazirovka_: !с привилегиями на форум [20:16:25] [G] me3jack: ! blagoдарю [20:16:25] [L] workbench2: дам я даж не знаю што такое хаотическая броня...... [20:16:31] asdadn issued server command: /fly [20:16:34] [L] _Miss_s: Она круче [20:16:34] [L] _Miss_s: Дк [20:16:35] [G] Akatsukioff: !f [20:16:36] [L] _Miss_s: Такая как дк [20:16:37] [G] AngryHardGame: ! G0KO вообще есть один на варпе portal [20:16:38] [L] _Miss_s: Только круче [20:16:39] [G] Gazirovka_: !а можно 1 раз писать в чат? [20:16:41] [L] _Miss_s: И притом [20:16:43] [L] _Miss_s: Хуйня дорогая [20:16:44] [L] _Miss_s: Очень [20:16:45] [L] SplaschGaming: она не работает или я тупой? [20:16:48] F4LL3N issued server command: /rtp [20:16:48] [L] _Miss_s: 100к эмов [20:16:52] _Miss_s issued server command: /cart gui [20:16:58] _Miss_s issued server command: /cart gui [20:17:00] [L] SplaschGaming: тот же вопрос [20:17:02] ordo001 зашёл [20:17:04] [L] _Miss_s: Мешки кстати [20:17:05] [L] _Miss_s: Чернильные [20:17:08] [L] _Miss_s: Это имба [20:17:09] ordo001 issued server command: /we cui [20:17:09] [L] SplaschGaming: там кремний должен быть [20:17:12] [G] AngryHardGame: ! но легче самому эти порталы скрафтить [20:17:14] Gazirovka_ issued server command: /zset 1 [20:17:15] [L] _Miss_s: Под чернильницу [20:17:18] [G] Akatsukioff: !кто даст перьев [20:17:30] [G] AngryHardGame: ! не даст а продаст вообще то [20:17:31] [L] SplaschGaming: мне этот блок говорит что тут херобрин [20:17:37] astek2 issued server command: /spawn [20:17:38] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [20:17:39] astek2 issued server command: /we cui [20:17:40] [G] me3jack: ! торговля воздухом [20:17:42] Inotik issued server command: /u биндите, по вопросам возврат привилегии пишите Dark_Monarch#9926 [20:17:42] [L] Death_Str0be: workbench2 шо ты там скучаешь [20:17:42] [G] Gazirovka_: ! Akatsukioff запрещены раздачи, только продажа [20:17:47] [L] _Miss_s: Ворк [20:17:47] [G] me3jack: ! кто продаст за ничего надо писать [20:17:49] [L] workbench2: ? [20:17:54] [L] Death_Str0be: ты в модах шариш? [20:17:55] Gazirovka_ issued server command: /u ok [20:17:55] Bomw issued server command: /warp 1 [20:17:59] [L] _Miss_s: Поищи куирцу [20:18:13] [L] SplaschGaming: есть [20:18:15] [G] MRSTRM: !задыхаюсь, дайте воздуха [20:18:27] zloy_cool вышел [20:18:27] Miff1337 вышел [20:18:27] Bomw вышел [20:18:27] FROST2137 вышел [20:18:27] estate вышел [20:18:27] Inotik вышел [20:18:27] LittleSvinka вышел [20:18:27] me3jack вышел [20:18:27] FlipSize вышел [20:18:27] astek2 вышел [20:18:27] Nikitawrik вышел [20:18:27] Ginjo вышел [20:18:27] 69Loqiemean96 вышел [20:18:27] AngryHardGame вышел [20:18:27] Death_Str0be вышел [20:18:27] TurboLastGame вышел [20:18:27] tH0R вышел [20:18:27] TweeL1e вышел [20:18:28] asdadn вышел [20:18:28] Romanuch вышел [20:18:28] FreakFromThePub вышел [20:18:28] Krantzg вышел [20:18:28] Kajoshi вышел [20:18:28] QWEBOI вышел [20:18:28] umpalumpik вышел [20:18:28] SimpleBoi вышел [20:18:28] F4LL3N вышел [20:18:28] ordo001 вышел [20:18:28] [L] _Miss_s: Курицу [20:18:28] [L] _Miss_s: Выбьи с неё перья [20:18:28] [L] SplaschGaming: я выбивал [20:18:28] Gazirovka_ вышел [20:18:28] Suyumi вышел [20:18:28] G0KO вышел [20:18:28] FilyWay вышел [20:18:28] MRSTRM вышел [20:18:28] filen2 вышел [20:18:28] [L] _Miss_s: Плиз [20:18:28] Akatsukioff вышел [20:18:28] TOGA вышел [20:18:28] flesziip вышел [20:18:28] ggwin вышел [20:18:28] datNoodles вышел [20:18:28] hakya вышел [20:18:28] workbench2 вышел [20:18:28] _Miss_s вышел [20:18:28] SplaschGaming вышел [20:18:28] ekstazi_ вышел [20:18:29] datNoodles зашёл [20:18:30] Ginjo зашёл [20:18:30] datNoodles issued server command: /we cui [20:18:30] SimpleBoi зашёл [20:18:31] zloy_cool зашёл [20:18:32] Ginjo issued server command: /we cui [20:18:32] SimpleBoi issued server command: /we cui [20:18:33] Kajoshi зашёл [20:18:33] zloy_cool issued server command: /we cui [20:18:33] umpalumpik зашёл [20:18:34] Romanuch зашёл [20:18:34] Kajoshi issued server command: /we cui [20:18:34] estate зашёл [20:18:34] ordo001 зашёл [20:18:34] TweeL1e зашёл [20:18:35] FilyWay зашёл [20:18:35] tH0R зашёл [20:18:35] ordo001 issued server command: /we cui [20:18:35] QWEBOI зашёл [20:18:36] Romanuch issued server command: /we cui [20:18:36] estate issued server command: /we cui [20:18:36] Death_Str0be зашёл [20:18:36] ekstazi_ зашёл [20:18:36] Suyumi зашёл [20:18:37] umpalumpik issued server command: /we cui [20:18:37] tH0R issued server command: /we cui [20:18:37] workbench2 зашёл [20:18:37] F4LL3N зашёл [20:18:37] FilyWay issued server command: /we cui [20:18:37] filen2 зашёл [20:18:37] TweeL1e issued server command: /we cui [20:18:38] astek2 зашёл [20:18:38] ekstazi_ issued server command: /we cui [20:18:39] F4LL3N issued server command: /we cui [20:18:39] filen2 issued server command: /we cui [20:18:39] astek2 issued server command: /we cui [20:18:39] Bomw зашёл [20:18:39] Suyumi issued server command: /we cui [20:18:39] FROST2137 зашёл [20:18:39] QWEBOI issued server command: /we cui [20:18:40] Death_Str0be issued server command: /we cui [20:18:40] workbench2 issued server command: /we cui [20:18:41] Bomw issued server command: /we cui [20:18:41] FreakFromThePub зашёл [20:18:42] TweeL1e issued server command: /fly [20:18:42] TurboLastGame зашёл [20:18:43] me3jack зашёл [20:18:43] asdadn зашёл [20:18:43] _Miss_s зашёл [20:18:44] SplaschGaming зашёл [20:18:44] TurboLastGame issued server command: /we cui [20:18:44] me3jack issued server command: /we cui [20:18:44] asdadn issued server command: /we cui [20:18:44] FROST2137 issued server command: /we cui [20:18:44] FreakFromThePub issued server command: /we cui [20:18:45] _Miss_s issued server command: /we cui [20:18:47] SplaschGaming issued server command: /we cui [20:18:48] flesziip зашёл [20:18:49] Inotik зашёл [20:18:49] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [20:18:49] flesziip issued server command: /we cui [20:18:52] TOGA зашёл [20:18:52] G0KO зашёл [20:18:52] astek2 issued server command: /gm 1 [20:18:55] Inotik issued server command: /we cui [20:18:55] G0KO issued server command: /we cui [20:18:55] TOGA issued server command: /we cui [20:18:55] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [20:18:57] F4LL3N issued server command: /rtp [20:18:57] FlipSize зашёл [20:18:58] [L] SplaschGaming: да я и хочу [20:19:00] FlipSize issued server command: /we cui [20:19:02] [L] SplaschGaming: а он мне массу дает [20:19:04] Gazirovka_ зашёл [20:19:05] Akatsukioff зашёл [20:19:05] FlipSize issued server command: /vanish [20:19:06] Gazirovka_ issued server command: /we cui [20:19:06] Gazirovka_ issued server command: /gm 1 [20:19:07] Akatsukioff issued server command: /we cui [20:19:08] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [20:19:09] Miff1337 зашёл [20:19:10] [L] SplaschGaming: выйди [20:19:10] G0KO issued server command: /tpahere FROST2137 [20:19:11] 69Loqiemean96 зашёл [20:19:12] Miff1337 issued server command: /we cui [20:19:12] 69Loqiemean96 issued server command: /we cui [20:19:14] Krantzg зашёл [20:19:15] [G] umpalumpik: ! никто книги на эффективность 4-5 и удача 3 не продает? [20:19:16] asdadn issued server command: /fly [20:19:16] Gazirovka_ issued server command: /zset 1 [20:19:16] Krantzg issued server command: /we cui [20:19:18] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [20:19:18] FROST2137 issued server command: /tpaccept [20:19:19] [L] _Miss_s: Тек [20:19:21] [L] ekstazi_: я их потом подальше поубивала [20:19:22] TurboLastGame issued server command: /fly [20:19:22] 69Loqiemean96 issued server command: /fly [20:19:23] _Miss_s issued server command: /fly [20:19:24] Krantzg issued server command: /fly [20:19:25] [L] _Miss_s: Кароче [20:19:26] FilyWay issued server command: /fly [20:19:27] [L] _Miss_s: Мне надо перо [20:19:27] [L] ekstazi_: а саженец при мне аха [20:19:29] [L] workbench2: на этом сервере нет ну кром драконик и все што на хайтеч [20:19:30] [L] _Miss_s: Выбьешь? [20:19:33] [L] SplaschGaming: а как тогда получить кремний? [20:19:35] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [20:19:38] [L] _Miss_s: Таумкрафт [20:19:38] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [20:19:39] [L] _Miss_s: Есть [20:19:41] [L] _Miss_s: Рпг [20:19:45] [L] _Miss_s: Чего тебе ещё не хватает [20:19:46] [L] _Miss_s: ? [20:19:49] FreakFromThePub issued server command: /fly [20:19:50] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [20:19:52] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [20:19:53] [L] SplaschGaming: можна глиной [20:19:54] [L] Death_Str0be: ща перо принесу [20:19:55] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [20:19:57] Death_Str0be issued server command: /rtp [20:19:57] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [20:19:58] SplaschGaming issued server command: /fly [20:19:59] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [20:19:59] LittleSvinka зашёл [20:20:01] LittleSvinka issued server command: /we cui [20:20:04] LittleSvinka issued server command: /fly [20:20:05] Gazirovka_ issued server command: /fly [20:20:08] [L] SplaschGaming: шёлк есть? [20:20:26] Demaglhf зашёл [20:20:28] [L] SplaschGaming: спс [20:20:29] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [20:20:40] Death_Str0be issued server command: /home [20:20:42] Demaglhf issued server command: /we cui [20:20:45] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [20:20:46] FROST2137 issued server command: /fly [20:20:46] [L] _Miss_s: Ведьма отравила? [20:20:47] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [20:20:48] MRSTRM зашёл [20:20:49] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [20:20:52] [L] Death_Str0be: вода [20:20:53] MRSTRM issued server command: /we cui [20:20:55] Ginjo issued server command: /voteday [20:20:57] Ginjo issued server command: /yes [20:20:57] Bomw issued server command: /yes [20:20:57] [L] Death_Str0be: коричневая [20:20:58] umpalumpik issued server command: /yes [20:20:58] Miff1337 issued server command: /yes [20:20:58] Demaglhf issued server command: /m workbench2 ку [20:20:59] Akatsukioff issued server command: /yes [20:20:59] Death_Str0be issued server command: /yes [20:20:59] QWEBOI issued server command: /yes [20:21:00] [L] _Miss_s: пхапха [20:21:01] QWEBOI issued server command: /home [20:21:02] [L] _Miss_s: Злая вода [20:21:03] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [20:21:04] QWEBOI issued server command: /we cui [20:21:06] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [20:21:08] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [20:21:09] datNoodles issued server command: /yes [20:21:09] workbench2 issued server command: /m Demaglhf о ку) [20:21:10] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [20:21:12] Kajoshi issued server command: /call ekstazi_ [20:21:14] Demaglhf issued server command: /r искал? [20:21:15] [L] SplaschGaming: в рецептах её нет [20:21:18] [L] SplaschGaming: в этом прикол [20:21:21] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [20:21:22] ekstazi_ issued server command: /tpaccept [20:21:24] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [20:21:26] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [20:21:26] F4LL3N issued server command: /rtp [20:21:29] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [20:21:30] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [20:21:30] FilyWay issued server command: /rtp [20:21:32] workbench2 issued server command: /m Demaglhf +. там ротор твой дом вытащил [20:21:33] Romanuch issued server command: /rg s [20:21:35] [L] Inotik: я копать [20:21:36] Romanuch issued server command: /rg i [20:21:39] [L] Romanuch: kk [20:21:42] Demaglhf issued server command: /r грифанул? [20:21:43] [L] SplaschGaming: на камень мб [20:21:45] ordo001 issued server command: /warp angel [20:21:46] [L] ekstazi_: че это летает [20:21:46] Romanuch issued server command: //sel [20:21:47] [L] _Miss_s: Кароче [20:21:48] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [20:21:48] [L] _Miss_s: Займёмся [20:21:50] ordo001 issued server command: /warp list - [20:21:50] [L] _Miss_s: Ветряками [20:21:50] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [20:21:51] ordo001 issued server command: /warp list -p [20:21:51] workbench2 issued server command: /m Demaglhf квг нет [20:21:51] [L] _Miss_s: :) [20:21:51] astek2 issued server command: /Warp ang [20:21:53] [L] ekstazi_: блин [20:21:55] ordo001 issued server command: /warp list -p 2 [20:21:55] [L] _Miss_s: Death_Str0be [20:21:57] astek2 issued server command: /Warp angel [20:22:00] [L] _Miss_s: Лучше бы ты квг нам выбил [20:22:02] [L] _Miss_s: Ваще имба была бы [20:22:05] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [20:22:07] me3jack issued server command: /rtp [20:22:08] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [20:22:10] tH0R умер (ENTITY_ATTACK) [20:22:10] Nikitawrik зашёл [20:22:11] _Miss_s issued server command: /mpcaseshop [20:22:11] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [20:22:12] zloy_cool issued server command: /home [20:22:13] workbench2 issued server command: /call Demaglhf [20:22:13] _Miss_s issued server command: /mpcaseview 6 [20:22:13] Demaglhf issued server command: /r он спрашивал можно ли ресы взять, мб подумал что мы ушли окончательно [20:22:14] Nikitawrik issued server command: /we cui [20:22:14] tH0R issued server command: /we cui [20:22:15] datNoodles issued server command: /spawn [20:22:16] datNoodles issued server command: /we cui [20:22:16] [L] Death_Str0be: ооо [20:22:17] F4LL3N issued server command: /warp list [20:22:18] [L] _Miss_s: А его там нету [20:22:18] Demaglhf issued server command: /tpaccept [20:22:19] _Miss_s issued server command: /mpcaseshop [20:22:20] [L] Death_Str0be: бельгия [20:22:21] _Miss_s issued server command: /mpcaseview 9 [20:22:23] tH0R issued server command: /kir start [20:22:23] asdadn issued server command: /fly [20:22:25] Inotik issued server command: /warp mining [20:22:25] asdadn умер (FALL) [20:22:25] astek2 issued server command: /tp FlipSize [20:22:26] F4LL3N issued server command: /warp npcshop [20:22:27] astek2 issued server command: /we cui [20:22:27] asdadn issued server command: /we cui [20:22:27] F4LL3N issued server command: /we cui [20:22:28] [L] SplaschGaming: а это зач [20:22:28] [L] Death_Str0be: забила [20:22:29] tH0R issued server command: /kit start [20:22:31] FilyWay issued server command: /rtp [20:22:31] Inotik issued server command: /we cui [20:22:32] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [20:22:32] [L] astek2: тут [20:22:35] [L] _Miss_s: Задонать на кейс с панелями [20:22:36] Ganja1488 зашёл [20:22:36] tH0R issued server command: /rtp [20:22:37] FreakFromThePub issued server command: /кез [20:22:37] [L] _Miss_s: Так лучше будет [20:22:37] [L] Death_Str0be: 1:0 [20:22:38] FreakFromThePub issued server command: /rtp [20:22:38] [L] _Miss_s: пававх [20:22:39] [L] _Miss_s: ) [20:22:39] asdadn issued server command: /fly [20:22:40] _Miss_s issued server command: /mpcaseshop [20:22:43] _Miss_s issued server command: /mpcaseview 8 [20:22:46] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [20:22:46] asdadn issued server command: /fly [20:22:47] [L] ekstazi_: ищу вот [20:22:48] [L] SplaschGaming: угу [20:22:48] asdadn умер (FALL) [20:22:49] Ganja1488 issued server command: /we cui [20:22:49] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [20:22:49] asdadn issued server command: /we cui [20:22:50] [L] FlipSize: ? [20:22:51] me3jack issued server command: /rtp [20:22:51] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [20:22:52] Ginjo issued server command: /fly [20:22:53] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [20:22:54] tH0R issued server command: /tp tH0R -911 30 351 [20:22:55] [L] SplaschGaming: там снизу блоки просто [20:22:57] me3jack issued server command: /rtp [20:22:59] me3jack issued server command: /rtp [20:23:00] [L] astek2: тут же есть тихий спавнер [20:23:04] asdadn issued server command: /fly [20:23:05] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [20:23:05] me3jack issued server command: /rtp [20:23:05] [L] astek2: как он называеться ? [20:23:05] tH0R issued server command: /rtp [20:23:08] me3jack issued server command: /rtp [20:23:09] Ganja1488 issued server command: /home [20:23:09] asdadn issued server command: /fly [20:23:10] Inotik issued server command: /fly [20:23:11] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [20:23:11] asdadn умер (FALL) [20:23:11] [L] FlipSize: ну вроде как да, но никто не знает как он называется [20:23:12] G0KO issued server command: /tpahere FROST2137 [20:23:13] asdadn issued server command: /we cui [20:23:14] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [20:23:16] Ganja1488 вышел [20:23:16] QWEBOI issued server command: /store [20:23:16] Death_Str0be issued server command: /warp [20:23:17] tH0R issued server command: /rtp [20:23:17] [L] astek2: ахахха [20:23:18] [L] workbench2: я тут ваще кром индаст и всего што на хайтеч ну и таум . не знаю) [20:23:19] QWEBOI issued server command: /cart all [20:23:22] filen2 issued server command: /warp 1 [20:23:26] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [20:23:27] [L] Death_Str0be: Бля [20:23:29] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [20:23:29] [L] Death_Str0be: офсайд [20:23:30] asdadn issued server command: /fly [20:23:31] [L] Death_Str0be: похолду [20:23:32] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [20:23:32] FreakFromThePub issued server command: /rtp [20:23:33] FROST2137 issued server command: /tpaccept [20:23:33] tH0R issued server command: /rtp [20:23:34] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [20:23:36] tH0R issued server command: /rtp [20:23:37] tH0R issued server command: /rtp [20:23:39] [L] SplaschGaming: найди мне гаста [20:23:40] FreakFromThePub issued server command: /rpt [20:23:40] asdadn issued server command: /kit eat [20:23:41] FreakFromThePub issued server command: /rtp [20:23:42] F4LL3N issued server command: /home [20:23:46] F4LL3N issued server command: /rt[ [20:23:48] F4LL3N issued server command: /rtp [20:23:48] Death_Str0be issued server command: /warp npcshop [20:23:49] [G] Akatsukioff: !продам шабащную ведьму [20:23:50] Death_Str0be issued server command: /we cui [20:23:51] [L] Demaglhf: та я тож [20:23:51] F4LL3N issued server command: /warp wor;d [20:23:53] FilyWay issued server command: /rtp [20:23:55] F4LL3N issued server command: /warp world [20:23:56] [L] ekstazi_: ил [20:23:56] F4LL3N issued server command: /we cui [20:23:58] [L] Demaglhf: у меня тиммейт Razy шарит за все почти) [20:23:58] F4LL3N issued server command: /rtp [20:24:00] [L] SplaschGaming: мне слеза именно [20:24:02] [L] ekstazi_: инвентарь свободен? [20:24:02] asdadn issued server command: /warp nether [20:24:03] [L] workbench2: ахахахахаах [20:24:05] asdadn issued server command: /we cui [20:24:06] asdadn issued server command: /fly [20:24:11] G0KO issued server command: /home invite FROST2137 [20:24:13] [L] ekstazi_: лутай жрачку [20:24:20] tH0R issued server command: /rtp [20:24:25] [L] workbench2: у тебя уже нет на прошлой хате нечего уже) [20:24:27] FreakFromThePub issued server command: /tpa FilyWay [20:24:29] FROST2137 issued server command: /sethome [20:24:34] FilyWay issued server command: /tpaccept [20:24:34] tH0R issued server command: /rtp [20:24:39] tH0R issued server command: /rtp [20:24:41] [L] Demaglhf: всм? [20:24:45] [L] ekstazi_: расти большой [20:24:48] [L] Demaglhf: на хайтече? [20:24:49] FROST2137 issued server command: /home G0KO [20:24:49] Miff1337 issued server command: /home [20:24:53] astek2 issued server command: /warp list [20:24:54] [L] workbench2: + [20:24:58] [L] Demaglhf: ну ка давай зайдем [20:25:02] [L] Demaglhf: спросим у них [20:25:02] F4LL3N issued server command: /kit [20:25:07] RealOlegMongol зашёл [20:25:08] [L] workbench2: стой [20:25:09] FreakFromThePub issued server command: /home [20:25:11] ggwin зашёл [20:25:12] ggwin issued server command: /we cui [20:25:12] ordo001 issued server command: /warp end [20:25:14] tH0R issued server command: /rtp [20:25:14] _Miss_s issued server command: /mpcaseshop [20:25:16] RealOlegMongol issued server command: /we cui [20:25:16] SplaschGaming issued server command: /tell asdadn а и еще песок душ если будет рядом [20:25:21] _Miss_s issued server command: /w Demaglhf О привет [20:25:22] _Miss_s issued server command: /list [20:25:23] Bomw issued server command: /warp shop [20:25:25] [G] Death_Str0be: !а что с минималками на панели? [20:25:26] FROST2137 issued server command: /sethome 2 [20:25:29] Bomw issued server command: /we cui [20:25:30] Demaglhf issued server command: /r и ты тут) [20:25:33] _Miss_s issued server command: /w Demaglhf Дя [20:25:33] ggwin issued server command: /fly [20:25:35] F4LL3N issued server command: /money [20:25:35] _Miss_s issued server command: /w Demaglhf У тя хата есть? [20:25:37] Demaglhf issued server command: /r умница [20:25:37] [L] workbench2: это ротор пиздел што ты розрешил все забератЬ? [20:25:46] [L] Demaglhf: dsa [20:25:48] Suyumi issued server command: /home [20:25:48] Demaglhf issued server command: /r да +- [20:25:49] tH0R issued server command: /rtp [20:25:49] FROST2137 issued server command: /home [20:25:49] FROST2137 issued server command: /home [20:25:49] _Miss_s issued server command: /w Demaglhf Я с Death_Str0be развиваюсь [20:25:49] tH0R issued server command: /rtp [20:25:49] ekstazi_ умер (ENTITY_ATTACK) [20:25:51] AngryHardGame зашёл [20:25:51] Suyumi issued server command: /we cui [20:25:52] ekstazi_ issued server command: /we cui [20:25:53] AngryHardGame issued server command: /we cui [20:25:55] astek2 issued server command: /mvtp DIM1 [20:25:55] _Miss_s issued server command: /w Demaglhf И workbench2 [20:25:58] [L] workbench2: даммм [20:25:59] [L] Demaglhf: не разрешал [20:26:01] G0KO issued server command: /warp portals [20:26:03] RealOlegMongol вышел [20:26:05] datNoodles issued server command: /rtp [20:26:05] G0KO issued server command: /warp list [20:26:06] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [20:26:07] _Miss_s issued server command: /w Demaglhf Не хочешь присоединиться? [20:26:10] ekstazi_ issued server command: /call Kajoshi [20:26:11] G0KO issued server command: /warp portal [20:26:12] Death_Str0be issued server command: /home [20:26:13] [L] workbench2: уже ни квг ни ресов в мэ [20:26:13] G0KO issued server command: /we cui [20:26:13] datNoodles issued server command: /warp world [20:26:14] datNoodles issued server command: /we cui [20:26:15] Death_Str0be issued server command: /we cui [20:26:16] Demaglhf issued server command: /r та я тоже уже начал [20:26:16] F4LL3N issued server command: /rtp [20:26:16] Kajoshi issued server command: /tpaccept [20:26:16] datNoodles issued server command: /rtp [20:26:17] F4LL3N issued server command: /tp [20:26:19] FROST2137 issued server command: /home G0KO [20:26:20] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [20:26:21] [L] Demaglhf: го их пизданем [20:26:23] estate issued server command: /home [20:26:23] AngryHardGame issued server command: /warp shop [20:26:24] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [20:26:25] AngryHardGame issued server command: /we cui [20:26:26] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [20:26:29] Bomw issued server command: /warp npcshop [20:26:29] astek2 issued server command: /warp worl [20:26:30] [L] SplaschGaming: угу [20:26:32] [L] ekstazi_: ДА [20:26:35] G0KO issued server command: /we cui [20:26:36] astek2 issued server command: /we cui [20:26:39] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [20:26:41] [L] workbench2: их для начала над выманить)) [20:26:41] G0KO issued server command: /rtp [20:26:41] [L] Demaglhf: погнали [20:26:44] [L] Demaglhf: пизда им [20:26:46] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [20:26:46] Bomw issued server command: /warp 1 [20:26:47] [L] workbench2: ну гоо) [20:26:47] astek2 issued server command: /warp end [20:26:48] Bomw issued server command: /we cui [20:26:49] [L] workbench2: стой [20:26:50] ordo001 issued server command: /warp workd [20:26:51] He11Star зашёл [20:26:51] ordo001 issued server command: /warp world [20:26:51] astek2 issued server command: /spawn [20:26:52] [L] ekstazi_: нет [20:26:52] ordo001 issued server command: /we cui [20:26:53] astek2 issued server command: /we cui [20:26:53] He11Star issued server command: /we cui [20:26:54] astek2 issued server command: /warp end [20:26:56] [G] Death_Str0be: !квантавая солнечная панель стоит 1кк эмов? [20:26:57] Demaglhf issued server command: /r ща лохов ебаных выебу на хайтече [20:26:58] [L] workbench2: тыт тут буш? [20:27:01] Romanuch issued server command: /kit [20:27:03] estate issued server command: /call Kajoshi [20:27:04] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [20:27:04] [L] Demaglhf: да завтра тут [20:27:06] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [20:27:07] [G] Gazirovka_: !да [20:27:09] Kajoshi issued server command: /tpaccept [20:27:09] [L] ekstazi_: сука а ведь да [20:27:11] Romanuch issued server command: /kit superichor [20:27:13] ordo001 issued server command: /we cui [20:27:15] [G] Gazirovka_: !хорошая цена [20:27:17] hakya зашёл [20:27:20] hakya issued server command: /we cui [20:27:20] ordo001 issued server command: /fly [20:27:21] [L] ekstazi_: я смачно получила по жопе от железного хера [20:27:21] datNoodles issued server command: /rtp [20:27:21] [G] Death_Str0be: !отличная [20:27:22] FROST2137 issued server command: /home [20:27:25] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [20:27:26] He11Star issued server command: /call hakya [20:27:27] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [20:27:31] [G] AngryHardGame: ! я бы только за такую цену и продавал [20:27:34] FROST2137 issued server command: /home G0KO [20:27:35] hakya issued server command: /tpaccept [20:27:35] estate issued server command: /home [20:27:37] [L] AngryHardGame: 1 [20:27:37] [G] LittleSvinka: !вот такими бы были суды при анкапе [20:27:38] [L] workbench2: ну тогда я тож может перейду суда .но я тут как первый раз и игре) [20:27:41] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [20:27:44] [L] AngryHardGame: 1 [20:27:44] [L] Demaglhf: я тоже [20:27:45] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [20:27:46] [L] Demaglhf: пока изучаем [20:27:47] [L] SplaschGaming: я случайно [20:27:48] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [20:27:55] [L] AngryHardGame: 5 [20:27:56] [L] Demaglhf: го зайдем на хайтеч [20:27:59] [L] Demaglhf: интересно че там [20:28:00] [L] workbench2: го [20:28:00] He11Star issued server command: /rtp [20:28:02] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [20:28:04] [L] ekstazi_: ИВЗАРЕЩНЦЫ [20:28:05] Demaglhf вышел [20:28:05] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [20:28:06] SplaschGaming issued server command: /r нашёл песок душ? [20:28:07] hakya issued server command: /rtp [20:28:08] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [20:28:11] workbench2 вышел [20:28:13] [G] Death_Str0be: !54 года нужно голосовать каждый день [20:28:15] SplaschGaming issued server command: / :D [20:28:21] [G] AngryHardGame: ! ээ а че мэ кабель на шопе спавна такой дорогой (( не stonks чета [20:28:24] [G] Death_Str0be: !что бы с голосования её получить [20:28:24] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [20:28:25] [L] ekstazi_: ИЛ КНИГИ ИДИ ЗАБИРАЙ [20:28:28] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [20:28:29] me3jack issued server command: /home [20:28:30] [L] AngryHardGame: 2 [20:28:30] [L] ekstazi_: ой капс [20:28:32] Akatsukioff issued server command: /home [20:28:33] [L] AngryHardGame: 1 [20:28:38] [L] ekstazi_: у меня инвент заполнен [20:28:39] LeroySabo зашёл [20:28:42] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [20:28:43] _Miss_s issued server command: /w Demaglhf Каких [20:28:45] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [20:28:46] [L] SplaschGaming: всм [20:28:46] LeroySabo issued server command: /we cui [20:28:47] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [20:28:49] [L] _Miss_s: Слушай [20:28:50] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [20:28:50] [L] _Miss_s: Death_Str0be [20:28:52] [L] Death_Str0be: да [20:28:53] [L] _Miss_s: Я думаю [20:29:01] Akatsukioff issued server command: /rtp [20:29:01] [L] _Miss_s: Demaglhf к нам присоединиться? [20:29:02] [L] ekstazi_: понимаю [20:29:02] [G] F4LL3N: ! Кто продаст маул Кароса? [20:29:03] hakya issued server command: /home [20:29:08] [L] SplaschGaming: я не помню про что ты [20:29:08] [L] _Miss_s: Он там щас выебет лохов на хайтече [20:29:10] [L] _Miss_s: И зайдёт [20:29:13] Romanuch issued server command: /tphere LeroySabo [20:29:15] [L] _Miss_s: Он нам нужен? [20:29:16] filen2 issued server command: /warp 1 [20:29:18] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [20:29:19] [L] AngryHardGame: 1 [20:29:22] [L] ekstazi_: у них хорошая охрана нихуя не бедные [20:29:24] [G] Inotik: ! Везея времено закрыта [20:29:24] [L] Death_Str0be: ты его знаешь? [20:29:26] 69Loqiemean96 issued server command: /kit Gold [20:29:27] [L] _Miss_s: Знаю [20:29:28] Ginjo issued server command: /home Oniflavor [20:29:28] AngryHardGame issued server command: /home [20:29:29] [G] F4LL3N: ! А, панимаю [20:29:30] [L] _Miss_s: С хайтеча [20:29:30] AngryHardGame issued server command: /we cui [20:29:32] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [20:29:33] me3jack issued server command: /rtp [20:29:34] [L] Death_Str0be: можно доверять? [20:29:35] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [20:29:35] 69Loqiemean96 issued server command: /kit [20:29:37] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [20:29:37] SplaschGaming issued server command: /r это тебе свифт скручивает шанс [20:29:39] hakya issued server command: /trade he11star [20:29:39] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [20:29:40] astek2 issued server command: /tp F4LL3N [20:29:40] [L] _Miss_s: Он мне яблоки зачар давал [20:29:41] He11Star issued server command: /trade accept [20:29:41] astek2 issued server command: /we cui [20:29:41] [L] Death_Str0be: если да то почему бы и нет [20:29:41] [L] _Miss_s: Дохуя [20:29:42] [G] F4LL3N: ! А из за чего? [20:29:42] Romanuch issued server command: /trade LeroySabo [20:29:44] LeroySabo issued server command: /trade accept [20:29:45] [G] flesziip: ! AngryHardGame а сами делайте [20:29:46] [L] _Miss_s: Я ему дк сердце [20:29:46] [G] F4LL3N: ! если не секрет [20:29:48] [L] _Miss_s: Давала [20:29:50] [L] _Miss_s: Он меня не убивал [20:29:53] [L] _Miss_s: И я его тоже [20:29:54] LeroySabo issued server command: /home [20:29:55] [L] _Miss_s: Он мне доверял же [20:29:59] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [20:29:59] [L] Death_Str0be: ну гоо [20:30:00] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [20:30:00] Gazirovka_ issued server command: /zset 0 [20:30:01] [L] _Miss_s: Ну посмотрим это его решение [20:30:03] [L] _Miss_s: Если он захочет [20:30:03] [L] ekstazi_: кто? [20:30:05] Kajoshi issued server command: /home [20:30:06] [G] Inotik: ! хз написано времено [20:30:08] [G] AngryHardGame: ! да мне то пофик я о простом советском народе волнуюсь [20:30:11] FilyWay issued server command: /home gg [20:30:12] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [20:30:15] hakya issued server command: /rtp [20:30:16] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [20:30:17] Ic3berg зашёл [20:30:18] LittleSvinka issued server command: /warp nether [20:30:19] LittleSvinka issued server command: /we cui [20:30:19] filen2 issued server command: /warp 1 [20:30:20] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [20:30:20] FreakFromThePub issued server command: /кез [20:30:21] LittleSvinka issued server command: /fly [20:30:21] FreakFromThePub issued server command: /rtp [20:30:22] SplaschGaming issued server command: /tpa asdadn [20:30:22] hakya issued server command: /kit eat [20:30:23] [L] ekstazi_: мазохист [20:30:27] Ic3berg issued server command: /we cui [20:30:28] _Miss_s issued server command: /w Suyumi Сьюми [20:30:29] Inotik issued server command: /home [20:30:29] asdadn issued server command: /tpaccept [20:30:31] Gazirovka_ issued server command: /zset 0 [20:30:31] _Miss_s issued server command: /w Suyumi Это же ты? [20:30:33] Inotik issued server command: /we cui [20:30:34] SplaschGaming issued server command: /we cui [20:30:36] Ic3berg issued server command: /god [20:30:37] [L] ekstazi_: а? [20:30:37] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [20:30:37] SplaschGaming issued server command: /fly [20:30:37] FreakFromThePub issued server command: /home [20:30:38] Ic3berg issued server command: /fly [20:30:39] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [20:30:40] _Miss_s issued server command: /w Suyumi Мечты сбываютсяя [20:30:41] [L] ekstazi_: слышно плохо [20:30:41] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [20:30:45] [L] ekstazi_: я ускакала [20:30:46] astek2 issued server command: /sdpawn [20:30:49] astek2 issued server command: /spawn [20:30:49] [G] AngryHardGame: ! кому нужны порталы в миры дивайна тп ко мне(пвп вырублено) [20:30:50] astek2 issued server command: /we cui [20:30:51] [L] SplaschGaming: дай угадаю [20:30:54] [L] SplaschGaming: черепов не будет [20:30:55] [L] SplaschGaming: а [20:30:57] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [20:30:57] QWEBOI issued server command: /sethome 2 [20:30:57] astek2 вышел [20:30:59] QWEBOI issued server command: /home 2 [20:31:00] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [20:31:01] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [20:31:02] QWEBOI issued server command: /home [20:31:08] [L] SplaschGaming: 2 да [20:31:10] [G] Akatsukioff: !для чего нуден сплав из красного камня [20:31:10] Romanuch issued server command: /trade LeroySabo [20:31:10] QWEBOI issued server command: /sethome [20:31:14] Gazirovka_ issued server command: /zset 0 [20:31:14] LeroySabo issued server command: /trade accept [20:31:16] [L] SplaschGaming: в лаве [20:31:17] [L] SplaschGaming: 2 [20:31:20] [L] Ic3berg: mrst го дс [20:31:22] 69Loqiemean96 issued server command: /kit ae_shadow [20:31:26] [L] SplaschGaming: бутылкой [20:31:37] [G] F4LL3N: ! Кто продаст халит клинок макс уровня? [20:31:38] Suyumi issued server command: /r ? [20:31:38] AngryHardGame issued server command: /fly [20:31:38] [L] SplaschGaming: у меня она заполнена [20:31:41] [G] Gazirovka_: !для крафтов [20:31:42] [L] SplaschGaming: скелетом [20:31:43] Ic3berg issued server command: /kit emerald [20:31:44] [G] F4LL3N: ! Никто скорее всего [20:31:45] [L] SplaschGaming: я его для спавнера [20:31:46] [G] AngryHardGame: ! фига че захотел [20:31:49] [G] Gazirovka_: !xD [20:31:50] _Miss_s issued server command: /w Suyumi Помнишь меня?:) [20:31:55] Suyumi issued server command: /r возможно [20:31:59] QWEBOI issued server command: /sethome [20:31:59] [G] _Miss_s: !А у кого он есть? [20:32:00] Suyumi issued server command: /u але инот [20:32:01] [G] AngryHardGame: ! могу хаотическое ядро продать [20:32:01] [L] SplaschGaming: пххпхпхп [20:32:04] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [20:32:09] [G] me3jack: ! помню раньше на sidemc играл, когда там онлайн норм был, там так сильно ценилось золото и [20:32:09] [L] me3jack: серебряное дерево 0_0 [20:32:11] _Miss_s issued server command: /call AngryHardGame [20:32:12] Gazirovka_ issued server command: /zset 0 [20:32:13] [G] F4LL3N: ! А второго лвла есть у кого то? [20:32:14] Ic3berg issued server command: /kit [20:32:14] Suyumi issued server command: /u чо нельзя чарить теперь вив кирку в столе зачарования? [20:32:16] [L] SplaschGaming: так это скелет [20:32:17] [L] ekstazi_: вы щас умреет что я нашла [20:32:19] AngryHardGame issued server command: /tpaccept [20:32:19] Ic3berg issued server command: /kit ichor [20:32:19] hakya issued server command: /hom [20:32:20] hakya issued server command: /home [20:32:21] [L] SplaschGaming: ему пофиг он и так умер [20:32:21] [L] _Miss_s: Адаай [20:32:22] [L] _Miss_s: :) [20:32:22] [G] me3jack: ! помню раньше на sidemc играл, когда там онлайн норм был, там так сильно ценилось золото и [20:32:22] [G] me3jack: !серебряное дерево 0_0 [20:32:23] [L] _Miss_s: Ядро [20:32:24] [L] _Miss_s: пхавпхва [20:32:25] [G] F4LL3N: ! Ой, я наверное слишком часто о коммерции пишу [20:32:26] FreakFromThePub issued server command: /home [20:32:26] [L] AngryHardGame: каво адай [20:32:27] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [20:32:27] TOGA issued server command: /enderchest [20:32:28] Ic3berg issued server command: /kit tree [20:32:29] ggwin issued server command: /home [20:32:31] [L] He11Star: найс [20:32:33] [L] He11Star: нашел вас [20:32:34] [L] AngryHardGame: я бомж вообще [20:32:34] Ic3berg issued server command: /kit extra [20:32:35] [G] Gazirovka_: ! me3jack не упоминай сторонние проекты [20:32:35] [L] _Miss_s: А пригласи [20:32:36] [L] _Miss_s: На хом [20:32:39] [L] _Miss_s: Я буду по порталам [20:32:40] [L] _Miss_s: Ходить [20:32:40] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [20:32:41] Ic3berg issued server command: /kit extratools [20:32:44] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [20:32:45] [L] AngryHardGame: это был байт я тебя убю [20:32:47] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [20:32:49] [L] _Miss_s: (( [20:32:49] [L] AngryHardGame: ладно щас [20:32:50] [G] Gazirovka_: ! F4LL3N да, коммерция раз в 5 минут [20:32:51] [G] me3jack: ! Это же тех же создателей проект 0_o [20:32:52] TOGA issued server command: /warp mining [20:32:54] TOGA issued server command: /we cui [20:32:56] Ilayihoy зашёл [20:32:56] He11Star issued server command: /call hakya [20:32:57] [L] _Miss_s: А тебе есть чем убивать?) [20:32:58] me3jack issued server command: /home [20:32:58] Ic3berg issued server command: /kit [20:33:01] Ic3berg issued server command: /kit mobs [20:33:02] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [20:33:02] hakya issued server command: /tpaccept [20:33:02] AngryHardGame issued server command: /home invite _Miss_s [20:33:06] Bomw issued server command: /warp 1 [20:33:06] [L] AngryHardGame: да [20:33:06] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [20:33:07] Ic3berg issued server command: /kit badmobs [20:33:08] Ilayihoy issued server command: /we cui [20:33:08] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [20:33:09] [G] Gazirovka_: !запрещено любое упоминание сторонних проектов [20:33:16] [G] me3jack: ! понял [20:33:19] Gazirovka_ issued server command: /zset 0 [20:33:20] Ic3berg issued server command: /kit wool [20:33:25] [L] AngryHardGame: это лигиндарный меч [20:33:26] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [20:33:28] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [20:33:29] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [20:33:32] Gazirovka_ issued server command: /zset 0 [20:33:32] [L] ekstazi_: и за маты [20:33:34] Ic3berg issued server command: /kit start [20:33:38] SplaschGaming issued server command: /tell asdadn я уже ненавижу натуру [20:33:38] [L] Inotik: а слизи нема [20:33:40] hakya issued server command: /rtp [20:33:42] Gazirovka_ issued server command: /zset 0 [20:33:45] LittleSvinka issued server command: /home [20:33:45] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [20:33:46] Ic3berg issued server command: /kit tools [20:33:46] [L] Inotik: ты кто [20:33:46] He11Star issued server command: /sethome [20:33:47] LittleSvinka issued server command: /we cui [20:33:47] [L] Romanuch: тебе зачем? [20:33:48] SplaschGaming issued server command: /r она шанс спавна песка душ как будто на 0 ставит [20:33:48] ggwin issued server command: /warp nether [20:33:49] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [20:33:49] [G] flesziip: !еноотттттттт [20:33:50] ggwin issued server command: /we cui [20:33:50] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [20:33:51] [L] Miff1337: Я твой отец [20:33:51] [L] Inotik: кышь отсюдава [20:33:52] LittleSvinka issued server command: /fly [20:33:52] [G] flesziip: !приеееем [20:33:54] [L] AngryHardGame: блин кпц ты плоская(( даже убивать неохота [20:33:54] ggwin issued server command: /fly [20:33:55] [G] Ilayihoy: !Кароче вот шадоу крафт лучше чем shadowcraft [20:33:56] [L] Miff1337: Ты готов к инцесту? [20:33:57] Ic3berg issued server command: /kit jetpack [20:33:58] [G] Inotik: ! ? [20:33:59] Gazirovka_ issued server command: /zset 0 [20:34:02] Ic3berg issued server command: /kit nano [20:34:02] asdadn умер (ENTITY_ATTACK) [20:34:05] [L] Miff1337: Не кричи [20:34:06] Ic3berg issued server command: /kit quant [20:34:06] asdadn issued server command: /we cui [20:34:07] [L] Miff1337: Пупсик [20:34:08] ggwin issued server command: /home [20:34:09] ggwin issued server command: /we cui [20:34:10] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [20:34:11] [G] Suyumi: !чо нельзя чарить теперь вив кирку в столе зачарования? [20:34:14] ggwin issued server command: /fly [20:34:20] [G] AngryHardGame: ! давно уж [20:34:25] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [20:34:26] [G] Miff1337: !Псжшникам нельзя [20:34:26] [G] AngryHardGame: ! так книжки фармили [20:34:28] Gazirovka_ issued server command: /zset 0 [20:34:29] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [20:34:31] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [20:34:31] [G] F4LL3N: ! А дивайн аддон сюда засунули чтобы пробивать дк? [20:34:34] Ic3berg issued server command: /kit ultranano [20:34:36] SplaschGaming issued server command: /home [20:34:38] [G] Suyumi: !вообще можно было чарить [20:34:39] SplaschGaming issued server command: /we cui [20:34:40] [G] AngryHardGame: ! ненадо таких аддонов [20:34:41] [L] Romanuch: зачем слизь? [20:34:41] Ginjo issued server command: /cartgui [20:34:46] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [20:34:46] Ginjo issued server command: /cart gui [20:34:49] hakya issued server command: /rtp [20:34:50] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [20:34:51] [G] AngryHardGame: ! я че зря хаот поножи выбивал [20:34:51] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [20:34:55] Ic3berg issued server command: /kit [20:35:02] Akatsukioff issued server command: /rtp [20:35:02] Ic3berg issued server command: /kit extraarmor [20:35:07] [L] Miff1337: Инот [20:35:09] [L] Miff1337: Ты грустный( [20:35:09] FreakFromThePub issued server command: /rtp [20:35:09] Inotik issued server command: /m flesziip ? [20:35:14] asdadn issued server command: /kit eat [20:35:15] FreakFromThePub issued server command: /home [20:35:15] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [20:35:15] flesziip issued server command: /R тама Лиса в чате [20:35:17] ordo001 вышел [20:35:23] [G] Ilayihoy: !сколько стоит зачарить на осмате ? [20:35:24] flesziip issued server command: /r на счёт чара виверновой кирки [20:35:26] asdadn issued server command: /fly [20:35:27] zloy_cool вышел [20:35:28] Gazirovka_ issued server command: /zset 0 [20:35:29] [L] ekstazi_: ? [20:35:30] Bomw вышел [20:35:31] astek2 зашёл [20:35:31] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [20:35:32] astek2 issued server command: /we cui [20:35:35] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [20:35:36] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [20:35:36] [L] SplaschGaming: хорошо что печать душ есть [20:35:38] hakya issued server command: /rtp [20:35:41] astek2 issued server command: /gm 1 [20:35:42] SplaschGaming issued server command: /fly [20:35:45] Inotik issued server command: /r а я открыл отдельныи чат и не видел а я хз на счет этого [20:35:47] Ic3berg issued server command: /kit shard [20:35:47] [L] SplaschGaming: эт моя да [20:35:47] tH0R умер (LAVA) [20:35:50] flesziip issued server command: /r ok [20:35:51] Death_Str0be issued server command: /time set day [20:35:51] astek2 issued server command: /tp FlipSize [20:35:52] astek2 issued server command: /we cui [20:35:52] [L] SplaschGaming: угу [20:35:56] Death_Str0be issued server command: /tday [20:35:58] [L] SplaschGaming: пофиг [20:35:58] Death_Str0be issued server command: /day [20:36:00] Gazirovka_ issued server command: /m Ilayihoy https://clck.ru/TBBgK вот ссылка на минималки, там цены на чары [20:36:01] Death_Str0be issued server command: /help [20:36:02] [L] SplaschGaming: еще 1 есть [20:36:03] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [20:36:03] tH0R issued server command: /we cui [20:36:04] He11Star issued server command: /rtp [20:36:05] [L] astek2: малыш ты тут [20:36:06] Death_Str0be issued server command: /help 2 [20:36:07] 69Loqiemean96 issued server command: /warp potom [20:36:07] FreakFromThePub issued server command: /кез [20:36:08] Ic3berg issued server command: /kit thaum [20:36:09] He11Star issued server command: /home [20:36:10] Death_Str0be issued server command: /help 3 [20:36:13] [L] Suyumi: кто [20:36:17] tH0R вышел [20:36:18] [L] _Miss_s: Хмм [20:36:18] Ginjo вышел [20:36:19] Gazirovka_ issued server command: /warp 1 [20:36:19] [L] AngryHardGame: че стоишь та [20:36:19] [L] _Miss_s: пахавх [20:36:19] [L] astek2: не ты [20:36:20] Inotik issued server command: /rtp [20:36:22] [G] Death_Str0be: !врубите день [20:36:24] [L] _Miss_s: Слушай [20:36:24] [L] FlipSize: 7&&7 [20:36:24] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [20:36:24] LittleSvinka issued server command: /rg sel [20:36:26] LittleSvinka issued server command: /rg sel [20:36:26] [L] FlipSize: y&&&?? [20:36:27] Ic3berg issued server command: /kit [20:36:29] [G] Gazirovka_: !/voteday [20:36:30] [L] _Miss_s: А ты не хочешь с нами выживать? [20:36:33] [L] astek2: можно тебя немного задрочить [20:36:33] LeroySabo issued server command: /voteday [20:36:33] Ic3berg issued server command: /kit res [20:36:33] He11Star issued server command: /call hakya [20:36:33] [L] _Miss_s: с Death_Str0be [20:36:35] Ilayihoy issued server command: /m Gazirovka_ можешь просто сказать ? у меня комп слабый [20:36:35] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [20:36:35] Death_Str0be issued server command: /yes [20:36:37] hakya issued server command: /tpaccept [20:36:38] [L] _Miss_s: ? [20:36:39] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [20:36:42] G0KO вышел [20:36:42] [L] FlipSize: kak [20:36:43] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [20:36:44] _Miss_s issued server command: /clan [20:36:45] LeroySabo issued server command: /trade Romanuch [20:36:46] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [20:36:46] Akatsukioff умер (PROJECTILE) [20:36:46] [L] AngryHardGame: хм втроем [20:36:47] _Miss_s issued server command: /clan create [20:36:47] [L] astek2: поставь прогрузку на end [20:36:48] Akatsukioff issued server command: /we cui [20:36:49] datNoodles issued server command: /yes [20:36:52] Romanuch issued server command: /trade accept [20:36:52] [L] astek2: чанка [20:36:53] [L] _Miss_s: workbench2 [20:36:53] [L] AngryHardGame: тройничек получается [20:36:55] [L] _Miss_s: Ещё [20:36:56] [L] _Miss_s: С нами [20:36:59] Inotik issued server command: /home [20:36:59] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [20:37:00] [L] flesziip: kak [20:37:01] Ic3berg issued server command: /kit [20:37:02] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [20:37:05] [L] FlipSize: kak [20:37:06] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [20:37:07] hakya issued server command: /rtp [20:37:08] Ic3berg issued server command: /kit superthaum [20:37:08] [G] Ilayihoy: !кто зачарит на осмате ? [20:37:11] _Miss_s issued server command: /clan create LS [20:37:13] Gazirovka_ issued server command: /r 10 эмов + эмы за каждый отдельный чар [20:37:13] [G] Romanuch: ! я могу [20:37:18] _Miss_s issued server command: /clan delete [20:37:19] LittleSvinka issued server command: //sel [20:37:20] _Miss_s issued server command: /clan create LQS [20:37:21] [G] Akatsukioff: !модеры есть тут? [20:37:24] [L] astek2: вообще не как не сделать [20:37:26] _Miss_s issued server command: /clan invite Death_Str0be [20:37:28] [G] Gazirovka_: !ну вроде бы [20:37:30] [L] AngryHardGame: можно впринципе а вы прям вообще бомжи ? [20:37:31] 69Loqiemean96 issued server command: /kit [20:37:34] [L] FlipSize: ну прогрузчик из майнфактори не робит [20:37:36] Ilayihoy issued server command: /m Romanuch за 10 эмов на удачу 3 сможешь , [20:37:37] [L] ekstazi_: знаешь куда иди [20:37:41] [G] Akatsukioff: !газировка тп пж [20:37:41] [L] FlipSize: говорили есть какие то мехи [20:37:42] [L] ekstazi_: орифлейм [20:37:43] [L] FlipSize: иб робят [20:37:44] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [20:37:45] [L] FlipSize: но я не помню какие [20:37:47] [L] astek2: а через rg [20:37:48] Gazirovka_ issued server command: /tp Akatsukioff [20:37:49] [L] Death_Str0be: lqs [20:37:51] [L] Gazirovka_: ? [20:37:53] SplaschGaming issued server command: /kit eat [20:37:53] 69Loqiemean96 issued server command: /kit Shard [20:37:54] Romanuch issued server command: /r 30 минимум [20:37:55] [L] FlipSize: а как через рг [20:37:59] Death_Str0be issued server command: /m _Miss_s как принять [20:38:00] [L] _Miss_s: Ye [20:38:01] [L] _Miss_s: Ну [20:38:01] Miff1337 issued server command: /home [20:38:02] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [20:38:02] [L] _Miss_s: Как тебе сказать [20:38:04] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [20:38:04] [G] F4LL3N: ! Кто продаст халитовый клинок второго лвла или обычный за эмы? [20:38:07] [L] _Miss_s: Дк ботинки [20:38:08] [L] _Miss_s: Есть [20:38:09] LeroySabo issued server command: /home [20:38:12] [L] Akatsukioff: мож на метку сметри токо гто моей меня кто то слил за 1 удар в инвихе [20:38:17] [L] AngryHardGame: хм прикольна [20:38:17] 69Loqiemean96 issued server command: /kit Quant [20:38:18] Ic3berg issued server command: /kit [20:38:18] [L] Akatsukioff: там мои ресыы [20:38:20] [L] _Miss_s: Панельки тоже [20:38:20] TweeL1e issued server command: /kit start [20:38:21] [L] Akatsukioff: топовые [20:38:22] filen2 вышел [20:38:23] [L] _Miss_s: Ну если надумаешь [20:38:23] [L] Gazirovka_: пиши корды [20:38:24] [L] _Miss_s: Напиши в лс [20:38:24] [L] AngryHardGame: а зарядить их есть где ? [20:38:25] [L] Akatsukioff: помоги пж [20:38:27] asdadn issued server command: /warp nether [20:38:28] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [20:38:28] asdadn issued server command: /we cui [20:38:29] [L] _Miss_s: нету [20:38:29] hakya issued server command: /rtp [20:38:30] asdadn issued server command: /fly [20:38:30] Ilayihoy issued server command: /m Gazirovka_ романыч пишет 30 минум за удачу 3 [20:38:30] SimpleBoi issued server command: /rtp [20:38:30] 69Loqiemean96 issued server command: /kit Thaum [20:38:32] [L] _Miss_s: Потом сделаем [20:38:34] [L] Akatsukioff: у тяс логи [20:38:35] [L] _Miss_s: Если что пиши [20:38:36] _Miss_s issued server command: /home [20:38:36] Inotik issued server command: /fly [20:38:44] [L] Death_Str0be: как в клан вступить [20:38:45] AngryHardGame issued server command: /m _Miss_s я согласен впринципе [20:38:46] Ilayihoy issued server command: /m Gazirovka_ минималка [20:38:50] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [20:38:52] [L] _Miss_s: ./clan accept [20:38:54] 69Loqiemean96 issued server command: /kit Res [20:38:55] _Miss_s issued server command: /w AngryHardGame Отлично [20:38:59] QWEBOI issued server command: /home [20:39:01] _Miss_s issued server command: /home invite AngryHardGame [20:39:01] QWEBOI issued server command: //wabd [20:39:01] Death_Str0be issued server command: /clan accept [20:39:02] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [20:39:04] Ilayihoy issued server command: /rtp [20:39:05] QWEBOI issued server command: //wand [20:39:07] SimpleBoi issued server command: /home [20:39:08] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [20:39:08] [L] Akatsukioff: бля шяс разберусь [20:39:10] SimpleBoi вышел [20:39:10] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [20:39:13] _Miss_s issued server command: /w AngryHardGame Ну можешь впринципе переносить я тебя добавила [20:39:13] hakya issued server command: /rtp [20:39:16] SplaschGaming issued server command: /r + [20:39:18] _Miss_s issued server command: /w Death_Str0be КРч [20:39:19] Death_Str0be issued server command: /clan accept [20:39:21] [L] astek2: щас узнал походу не как ) [20:39:24] SplaschGaming issued server command: /r да-да [20:39:24] 69Loqiemean96 issued server command: /kit Tools [20:39:24] _Miss_s issued server command: /w Death_Str0be Я челику предложила [20:39:24] Gazirovka_ issued server command: /r ну он предложил свою цену [20:39:25] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [20:39:27] _Miss_s issued server command: /w Death_Str0be AngryHardGame [20:39:28] AngryHardGame issued server command: /r у тебя кирки нет нормальной что бы порталы забрать ? [20:39:29] hakya issued server command: /rtp [20:39:30] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [20:39:30] _Miss_s issued server command: /w Death_Str0be К нам переехать [20:39:30] Gazirovka_ issued server command: /r минималка 17 эмов [20:39:31] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [20:39:31] hakya issued server command: /rtp [20:39:34] _Miss_s issued server command: /w Death_Str0be Он согласился [20:39:36] [L] astek2: с мс сказали как то можно через нпс но хз как [20:39:38] _Miss_s issued server command: /w Death_Str0be Порталы у него есть [20:39:40] 69Loqiemean96 issued server command: /kit top [20:39:40] _Miss_s issued server command: /w Death_Str0be Это класс [20:39:43] hakya issued server command: /home [20:39:44] _Miss_s issued server command: /home AngryHardGame [20:39:46] Ilayihoy issued server command: /warp list [20:39:46] [L] Death_Str0be: давай [20:39:47] [L] _Miss_s: Yf [20:39:48] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [20:39:48] [L] _Miss_s: На [20:39:50] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [20:39:52] Ilayihoy issued server command: /home [20:39:52] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [20:39:54] 69Loqiemean96 issued server command: /spawn [20:39:54] Death_Str0be issued server command: /clan [20:39:55] 69Loqiemean96 issued server command: /we cui [20:39:57] Ilayihoy issued server command: /warp shop [20:39:58] Ilayihoy issued server command: /we cui [20:40:05] Death_Str0be issued server command: /clan accept [20:40:05] QWEBOI issued server command: //expand 20 up [20:40:07] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [20:40:09] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [20:40:12] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [20:40:13] QWEBOI issued server command: //expand 50 d [20:40:13] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [20:40:17] Death_Str0be issued server command: /clan chat j [20:40:20] QWEBOI issued server command: //expand 10 d [20:40:30] Death_Str0be issued server command: /clan accept Death_Str0be [20:40:30] He11Star issued server command: /kit eat [20:40:33] [L] FlipSize: ща [20:40:36] QWEBOI issued server command: //region remove qweboi [20:40:36] [L] Akatsukioff: х 893 z -1383 [20:40:37] Death_Str0be issued server command: /clan accept _Miss_s [20:40:41] [L] Gazirovka_: ща [20:40:43] Death_Str0be issued server command: /clan chat воо [20:40:44] LeroySabo issued server command: /home [20:40:44] QWEBOI issued server command: /region remove qweboi [20:40:46] [L] Akatsukioff: 64 вроде высота [20:40:48] Gazirovka_ issued server command: /tppos 893 -1383 100 [20:40:50] QWEBOI issued server command: /region claim qweboi [20:40:51] Akatsukioff issued server command: /tpa gazi [20:40:51] Gazirovka_ issued server command: /warp 1 [20:40:55] _Miss_s issued server command: /w Death_Str0be Я дк ботинки забрала я боюсь просто что он их спиздит) [20:40:58] Gazirovka_ issued server command: /tppos 893 100 -1383 [20:40:58] QWEBOI issued server command: /region addmember QWEBOI umpalumpik [20:40:59] F4LL3N issued server command: /rtp [20:40:59] Miff1337 убил me3jack (IRON_SWORD) [20:40:59] Death_Str0be issued server command: /clan list [20:41:00] QWEBOI issued server command: //sel [20:41:00] _Miss_s issued server command: /w Death_Str0be Я сундук нам сделаю [20:41:03] _Miss_s issued server command: /w Death_Str0be Чтобы он не нашёл [20:41:05] Death_Str0be issued server command: /r ок [20:41:05] _Miss_s issued server command: /w Death_Str0be Или сейф [20:41:14] [L] Akatsukioff: ye [20:41:15] [G] Ilayihoy: !кто зачарить вещь на удачу 3 за 10 эмов ? [20:41:16] [L] Akatsukioff: ну и [20:41:17] [L] _Miss_s: Помочь? [20:41:18] Ilayihoy issued server command: /home [20:41:18] [L] Gazirovka_: это в 20 блоках от тебя [20:41:19] [L] _Miss_s: Перенести [20:41:19] Ilayihoy issued server command: /we cui [20:41:24] [L] _Miss_s: Или это всё? [20:41:25] [L] AngryHardGame: у меня все поместилось [20:41:28] [L] Akatsukioff: всм [20:41:28] [L] _Miss_s: Ок [20:41:29] [L] _Miss_s: Тп [20:41:30] _Miss_s issued server command: /home [20:41:30] [L] AngryHardGame: :) [20:41:33] [L] Gazirovka_: ну ты скинул корды [20:41:34] AngryHardGame issued server command: /home _Miss_s [20:41:35] _Miss_s issued server command: /clan invite AngryHardGame [20:41:35] [L] Gazirovka_: вот они тут [20:41:41] SplaschGaming issued server command: /r уже [20:41:44] [G] F4LL3N: ! Кому шабашку за бесплатно тп [20:41:48] [L] Akatsukioff: нет [20:41:51] SplaschGaming issued server command: /r осталось наверн ток кристалы [20:41:52] [G] _Miss_s: !Зачем [20:41:52] Gazirovka_ issued server command: /tppos 893 64 -1383 [20:41:53] [L] AngryHardGame: как принять [20:41:55] [L] Akatsukioff: а вот [20:41:55] [G] _Miss_s: !Камня пророка нету [20:41:56] [L] ekstazi_: тут [20:41:58] hakya issued server command: /rtp [20:41:59] [L] ekstazi_: да [20:42:00] [L] _Miss_s: ./clan accept [20:42:00] PandaRenba зашёл [20:42:02] [L] Akatsukioff: -509 и -900 [20:42:02] astek2 issued server command: /tp LeroySabo [20:42:03] [L] ekstazi_: да [20:42:05] [G] F4LL3N: ! А ну ок [20:42:05] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 159:11 [20:42:09] [L] Death_Str0be: дарова [20:42:09] [L] Akatsukioff: -509 и -960 [20:42:09] Gazirovka_ issued server command: /tppos -509 100 -900 [20:42:11] SplaschGaming issued server command: /r какой у тебя кста лвл? [20:42:12] He11Star вышел [20:42:14] [L] AngryHardGame: привет отец [20:42:14] Gazirovka_ issued server command: /tppos -509 100 -950 [20:42:15] PandaRenba issued server command: /we cui [20:42:17] Gazirovka_ issued server command: /tppos -509 100 -960 [20:42:17] Akatsukioff issued server command: /tpa gazi [20:42:18] [L] _Miss_s: Отец [20:42:20] [L] _Miss_s: Понял да? [20:42:21] [L] _Miss_s: XD [20:42:23] F4LL3N issued server command: /rtp [20:42:25] SplaschGaming issued server command: /r ну значит ты и будеш связывать спавнер [20:42:27] Nikitawrik issued server command: /warp shop [20:42:27] Gazirovka_ issued server command: /tpaccept [20:42:27] [L] Death_Str0be: ого [20:42:29] Nikitawrik issued server command: /we cui [20:42:30] [L] AngryHardGame: да [20:42:38] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 159:4 [20:42:38] 69Loqiemean96 issued server command: /fly [20:42:40] [L] _Miss_s: Энгри [20:42:41] [L] AngryHardGame: добавьте там [20:42:43] [L] _Miss_s: А ты до этого [20:42:44] Suyumi issued server command: /god [20:42:48] [L] _Miss_s: С кем то жил [20:42:48] [L] Akatsukioff: ты топ [20:42:48] SplaschGaming issued server command: /r 21 [20:42:48] [L] _Miss_s: ? [20:42:51] [L] Akatsukioff: стой [20:42:51] [L] _Miss_s: А ты в рг [20:42:52] _Miss_s issued server command: /rg i [20:42:52] Suyumi умер (FALL) [20:42:53] Suyumi issued server command: /we cui [20:42:54] [L] Akatsukioff: на подарок [20:42:54] [L] _Miss_s: А [20:42:55] [L] _Miss_s: Стоп [20:42:56] SplaschGaming issued server command: /r там вроде 30 [20:42:57] hakya issued server command: /rtp [20:42:58] [L] Gazirovka_: не надо [20:43:00] _Miss_s issued server command: /rg addmember _Miss_s AngryHardGame [20:43:00] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 159:4 [20:43:02] [L] _Miss_s: Всё [20:43:02] [L] Akatsukioff: бери [20:43:02] [L] AngryHardGame: с Dodora на техномагике [20:43:04] hakya issued server command: /rtp [20:43:07] astek2 issued server command: /tp FlipSize [20:43:08] [L] ekstazi_: ...................................................... [20:43:09] [L] Gazirovka_: просто пожалуйста [20:43:09] [L] Akatsukioff: я хз чо ээто [20:43:09] Gazirovka_ issued server command: /warp 1 [20:43:12] [L] _Miss_s: А здесь? [20:43:16] [L] AngryHardGame: нет [20:43:17] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 159:4 [20:43:20] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 159:4 [20:43:21] [L] AngryHardGame: почти первый опыт [20:43:21] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 159:4 [20:43:26] [L] _Miss_s: Понятно [20:43:26] [G] SplaschGaming: !спидран по тауму [20:43:28] [L] AngryHardGame: поставь порталы [20:43:28] [L] ekstazi_: ПИЗДЕЦ [20:43:29] SplaschGaming issued server command: /warp end [20:43:34] SplaschGaming issued server command: /warp portal [20:43:34] [L] _Miss_s: Ок [20:43:38] SplaschGaming issued server command: /we cui [20:43:40] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 159:4 [20:43:42] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 159:4 [20:43:46] [L] Inotik: как же не привычно [20:43:49] [G] F4LL3N: ! О повезло повезло (слился) не повезло не повезло [20:43:53] [L] _Miss_s: Не хватает [20:43:53] [L] _Miss_s: Чё то [20:43:56] SplaschGaming issued server command: /warp world [20:43:57] SergoPHS зашёл [20:43:58] [L] AngryHardGame: э [20:43:59] SergoPHS issued server command: /we cui [20:43:59] SplaschGaming issued server command: /we cui [20:44:00] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 159:4 [20:44:02] [L] AngryHardGame: говно какое та [20:44:02] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 159:4 [20:44:03] Gazirovka_ issued server command: /zset 0 [20:44:04] [L] AngryHardGame: ща погодь [20:44:06] SplaschGaming issued server command: /fly [20:44:06] AngryHardGame issued server command: /home [20:44:15] SplaschGaming issued server command: /we cui [20:44:15] PandaRenba issued server command: /rt[p [20:44:17] hakya issued server command: /rtp [20:44:20] AngryHardGame issued server command: /home _Miss_s [20:44:20] PandaRenba issued server command: /rtp [20:44:24] SplaschGaming issued server command: /fly [20:44:34] [L] Death_Str0be: AngryHardGame это ты кейс открыл? [20:44:34] [L] ekstazi_: другой майнкрафт блять? [20:44:35] Gazirovka_ issued server command: /zset 0 [20:44:48] Akatsukioff issued server command: /home [20:44:48] [L] _Miss_s: Я пвп [20:44:50] [L] _Miss_s: Отключу [20:44:50] Gazirovka_ issued server command: /zset 0 [20:44:51] [L] AngryHardGame: я 4-5 кейсов открыл [20:44:51] SergoPHS issued server command: /call ggwin [20:44:51] ggwin issued server command: /tpaccept [20:44:55] _Miss_s issued server command: /rg flag _Miss_s pvp deny [20:44:57] [L] AngryHardGame: да неплоха бы [20:44:58] [L] _Miss_s: И что выпало? [20:44:59] SergoPHS issued server command: /sethome [20:45:00] Gazirovka_ issued server command: /zset 0 [20:45:02] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 159:4 [20:45:03] [L] ekstazi_: овцы нужны? [20:45:03] hakya issued server command: /rtp [20:45:07] [L] AngryHardGame: хаотические поножи [20:45:09] [L] AngryHardGame: дк кирка [20:45:09] F4LL3N issued server command: /rtp [20:45:09] PandaRenba issued server command: /kit start [20:45:10] [L] ekstazi_: пффффффффффф [20:45:12] [L] _Miss_s: Покажи [20:45:12] [L] Death_Str0be: ооооо [20:45:13] [L] _Miss_s: XD [20:45:13] [L] ekstazi_: а [20:45:13] hakya issued server command: /rtp [20:45:15] hakya issued server command: /rtp [20:45:16] [L] ekstazi_: я далеко [20:45:16] hakya issued server command: /rtp [20:45:17] Ilayihoy issued server command: /warp list [20:45:17] hakya issued server command: /rtp [20:45:18] [L] AngryHardGame: я их не достаю пока что [20:45:20] [L] ekstazi_: есть [20:45:23] PandaRenba вышел [20:45:24] [L] _Miss_s: Не доверяешь?) [20:45:25] [L] AngryHardGame: заряжать все равно негде [20:45:25] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 159:4 [20:45:28] Ilayihoy issued server command: /warp list 2 [20:45:28] Nikitawrik issued server command: /warp bs [20:45:28] F4LL3N issued server command: /rtp [20:45:29] [L] _Miss_s: Аа [20:45:30] F4LL3N issued server command: /rtp [20:45:30] [L] _Miss_s: Ок [20:45:31] Nikitawrik issued server command: /we cui [20:45:35] [L] AngryHardGame: не, просто зная себя я их проебу [20:45:40] [L] ekstazi_: коровки коровки коровки [20:45:53] [L] AngryHardGame: еще хаот ядро вывалилось [20:45:59] F4LL3N issued server command: /rtp [20:46:01] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 159:4 [20:46:01] Suyumi умер (FALL) [20:46:03] Suyumi issued server command: /we cui [20:46:04] [L] _Miss_s: Ясненько [20:46:06] FreakFromThePub issued server command: /home [20:46:06] [L] AngryHardGame: и дк топор [20:46:10] [L] ekstazi_: волки в цирке не выступают [20:46:10] [L] AngryHardGame: но я его продал за панель [20:46:15] SplaschGaming issued server command: /kit [20:46:18] [L] ekstazi_: АХХПХПХ [20:46:19] SplaschGaming issued server command: /kit start [20:46:20] [L] _Miss_s: Ну за панель это хорошо [20:46:20] Suyumi умер (FALL) [20:46:20] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 159:4 [20:46:21] [L] ekstazi_: АУФ [20:46:22] Suyumi issued server command: /we cui [20:46:22] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 159:4 [20:46:22] [L] AngryHardGame: как по мне stonks [20:46:31] Ilayihoy issued server command: /home [20:46:31] [L] ekstazi_: поп ит сквиш [20:46:33] Gazirovka_ issued server command: /zset 0 [20:46:37] Suyumi умер (FALL) [20:46:38] F4LL3N issued server command: /rtp [20:46:38] [L] _Miss_s: Нам бы узел [20:46:39] Suyumi issued server command: /we cui [20:46:39] [L] _Miss_s: Уже [20:46:40] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 159:4 [20:46:41] Ic3berg issued server command: /warp portal [20:46:43] [L] AngryHardGame: я чет неосознанно немного обманул чела [20:46:43] Ic3berg issued server command: /we cui [20:46:43] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 159:4 [20:46:48] Gazirovka_ issued server command: /zset 0 [20:46:52] [G] _Miss_s: !Куплю узел ауры [20:46:52] [L] AngryHardGame: и заломил цену [20:46:55] Gazirovka_ issued server command: /zset 0 [20:46:57] [G] Akatsukioff: !кьто продайст 1 перо [20:46:59] Ic3berg issued server command: /warp portal [20:47:00] SplaschGaming issued server command: /home [20:47:03] SplaschGaming issued server command: /we cui [20:47:06] [L] AngryHardGame: еще у меня гравик эсть [20:47:06] _Miss_s issued server command: /money TurboLastGame [20:47:07] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 159:4 [20:47:08] [L] Death_Str0be: ты ещё донатить будеш? [20:47:10] ekstazi_ issued server command: /home [20:47:11] _Miss_s issued server command: /money Death_Str0be [20:47:12] Gazirovka_ issued server command: /zset 0 [20:47:12] [L] _Miss_s: А ты? [20:47:13] [L] _Miss_s: павххпав [20:47:13] [G] Akatsukioff: !мисс за мкоко [20:47:15] [L] AngryHardGame: не все степуху проебал [20:47:17] Gazirovka_ issued server command: /zset 0 [20:47:20] [G] _Miss_s: !За 100 эмов по минималке [20:47:21] Ic3berg issued server command: /warp warpld [20:47:24] Ic3berg issued server command: /warp end [20:47:26] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 159:4 [20:47:26] [L] ekstazi_: у нас малые до 10 лет одноразки курят [20:47:27] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 159:4 [20:47:28] [L] _Miss_s: Кстати [20:47:28] Ic3berg issued server command: /warp world [20:47:30] Ic3berg issued server command: /we cui [20:47:31] Ic3berg issued server command: /warp end [20:47:32] [L] AngryHardGame: эмы остались только [20:47:34] [L] _Miss_s: Гравик можно зарядить [20:47:36] _Miss_s issued server command: /money AngryHardGame [20:47:42] Gazirovka_ issued server command: /zset 0 [20:47:43] Ic3berg issued server command: /fly [20:47:46] [L] _Miss_s: А нельзя [20:47:47] [L] _Miss_s: МФЭХ нужен [20:47:49] Ic3berg issued server command: /we cui [20:47:51] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 159:4 [20:47:52] Suyumi умер (FALL) [20:47:53] Suyumi issued server command: /we cui [20:47:54] [L] AngryHardGame: я его в панель вставлю [20:47:57] Ic3berg issued server command: /fly [20:47:57] estate issued server command: /home [20:47:59] [L] AngryHardGame: лет через 5 зарядится [20:48:00] Gazirovka_ issued server command: /zset 0 [20:48:01] [L] _Miss_s: Ок [20:48:05] SplaschGaming issued server command: /tell asdadn тьху [20:48:07] [L] _Miss_s: павхпавх [20:48:08] estate issued server command: /trade ekstazi_ [20:48:08] estate issued server command: /trade ekstazi_ [20:48:08] estate issued server command: /trade ekstazi_ [20:48:08] estate issued server command: /trade ekstazi_ [20:48:08] estate issued server command: /trade ekstazi_ [20:48:08] estate issued server command: /trade ekstazi_ [20:48:08] estate issued server command: /trade ekstazi_ [20:48:08] estate issued server command: /trade ekstazi_ [20:48:08] estate issued server command: /trade ekstazi_ [20:48:08] estate issued server command: /trade ekstazi_ [20:48:08] Gazirovka_ issued server command: /zset 0 [20:48:09] estate issued server command: /trade ekstazi_ [20:48:09] estate был кикнут [20:48:09] estate вышел [20:48:09] QWEBOI issued server command: /home [20:48:11] [L] _Miss_s: По очереди будем носить? [20:48:12] [L] _Miss_s: Для шахты [20:48:13] [L] _Miss_s: Чисто [20:48:14] SplaschGaming issued server command: /tell asdadn я забыл что надо еще сделать фигню для соединения [20:48:15] TOGA issued server command: /enderchest [20:48:15] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 159:4 [20:48:17] ekstazi_ issued server command: /trade accept [20:48:17] estate зашёл [20:48:18] [L] AngryHardGame: да [20:48:19] estate issued server command: /we cui [20:48:19] SplaschGaming issued server command: /r спавнера и душ [20:48:20] [G] Akatsukioff: !го кидай и тп [20:48:22] [L] AngryHardGame: общее все [20:48:22] Suyumi умер (FALL) [20:48:23] _Miss_s issued server command: /clan invite AngryHardGame [20:48:24] Suyumi issued server command: /we cui [20:48:28] [L] _Miss_s: AngryHardGame [20:48:34] [L] _Miss_s: Пропиши /clan accept [20:48:39] AngryHardGame issued server command: /c accept [20:48:43] AngryHardGame issued server command: /clan accept [20:48:47] [L] AngryHardGame: все [20:48:47] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 159:4 [20:48:50] [L] AngryHardGame: вроде [20:48:54] SplaschGaming issued server command: /r думаеш меч хуже? [20:48:54] estate issued server command: /trade ekstazi_ [20:48:56] Gelix000 зашёл [20:48:59] estate issued server command: /trade Kajoshi [20:49:01] [G] Ilayihoy: ! Akatsukioff он говорит про свою покупку что купит за 100 эмов [20:49:01] Death_Str0be issued server command: /clan list [20:49:02] SplaschGaming issued server command: /r но на него добычу можна [20:49:02] Kajoshi issued server command: /trade accept [20:49:03] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 159:4 [20:49:03] F4LL3N issued server command: /rtp [20:49:03] _Miss_s issued server command: /clan invite AngryHardGame [20:49:04] [L] Death_Str0be: нет [20:49:07] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 159:4 [20:49:07] Gelix000 issued server command: /we cui [20:49:08] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 159:4 [20:49:09] [L] AngryHardGame: а еще дк кондер выпал [20:49:14] [L] _Miss_s: Опа [20:49:15] QWEBOI issued server command: /home [20:49:15] [L] _Miss_s: Кондик [20:49:16] Gelix000 вышел [20:49:17] [L] _Miss_s: Это топ [20:49:20] [L] Death_Str0be: rg accept _Miss_s [20:49:20] [L] AngryHardGame: да [20:49:21] SplaschGaming issued server command: /fly [20:49:22] [L] Death_Str0be: отак [20:49:23] [G] Akatsukioff: !ну я продам [20:49:26] TOGA issued server command: /home [20:49:26] [L] ekstazi_: ОТДАЙЙЙ [20:49:26] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 159:4 [20:49:27] TOGA issued server command: /we cui [20:49:29] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 159:4 [20:49:30] SplaschGaming issued server command: /r но щас он дороже [20:49:32] [G] F4LL3N: ! Кто продаст халитовый клинок(обычный)? [20:49:33] [L] Death_Str0be: ебать так мы топами будем [20:49:41] [L] _Miss_s: Не факт [20:49:42] F4LL3N issued server command: /rtp [20:49:44] [L] _Miss_s: Меня там ваще [20:49:45] [L] _Miss_s: FilyWay [20:49:46] Miff1337 issued server command: /home [20:49:47] [L] _Miss_s: Слить выпался [20:49:50] [L] _Miss_s: пытался* [20:49:51] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 159:4 [20:49:56] [L] _Miss_s: Он в кванте [20:49:57] [L] _Miss_s: Хуле [20:49:58] SplaschGaming issued server command: /r о тут гном бегает [20:50:07] [L] Death_Str0be: я если продам свою базу на хайтеч смогу около 15 кейсов открыть [20:50:07] Akatsukioff вышел [20:50:09] [L] AngryHardGame: там у челов квг уже или квант панель [20:50:13] SplaschGaming issued server command: /r да я щас зомби ищу [20:50:15] [L] _Miss_s: Death_Str0be [20:50:18] Suyumi умер (FALL) [20:50:19] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 159:4 [20:50:20] Suyumi issued server command: /we cui [20:50:25] [L] Death_Str0be: да [20:50:25] [L] _Miss_s: За реальные деньги чтоли? [20:50:28] F4LL3N issued server command: /rtp [20:50:29] [L] Death_Str0be: да) [20:50:32] [L] _Miss_s: AngryHardGame У каких? [20:50:33] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 159:4 [20:50:37] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 159:4 [20:50:38] [L] AngryHardGame: жесть ребята за это садят в тюрьму вообще то [20:50:38] Gazirovka_ issued server command: /zset 0 [20:50:39] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 159:4 [20:50:43] [L] _Miss_s: Death_Str0be за реальные деньги не кто не купит( [20:50:44] [L] AngryHardGame: я не помню чел в чате показывал [20:50:51] [L] Death_Str0be: я посох уже продал [20:50:52] [L] _Miss_s: Ну выбил челик [20:50:53] Krantzg issued server command: /call asdadn [20:50:54] SplaschGaming issued server command: /r меньше вопросов больше смертей скелетов [20:50:56] [L] Death_Str0be: с 10 заточкой [20:50:56] asdadn issued server command: /tpaccept [20:50:58] astek2 issued server command: /tp Gazirovka_ [20:50:59] Suyumi умер (FALL) [20:51:00] Krantzg issued server command: /we cui [20:51:00] Suyumi issued server command: /we cui [20:51:02] [L] Death_Str0be: за 1.5к рублей [20:51:04] Krantzg issued server command: /fly [20:51:04] Gazirovka_ issued server command: /zset 0 [20:51:04] Miff1337 issued server command: /rtp [20:51:05] [L] _Miss_s: Ема [20:51:10] FROST2137 issued server command: /home G0KO [20:51:10] [L] _Miss_s: Слы [20:51:15] [L] _Miss_s: Тыж там [20:51:16] [L] _Miss_s: Хотекл [20:51:18] [L] AngryHardGame: мдэ не ценят ребята деньги [20:51:19] [L] _Miss_s: Ещё открывать кейсы [20:51:20] SergoPHS issued server command: /home [20:51:21] Suyumi умер (FALL) [20:51:21] [L] _Miss_s: Открывай [20:51:23] Suyumi issued server command: /we cui [20:51:23] [L] _Miss_s: :D [20:51:28] [L] Death_Str0be: та не седня уже [20:51:31] [L] Death_Str0be: я 5 мин и все [20:51:33] Gazirovka_ issued server command: /zset 0 [20:51:35] FROST2137 вышел [20:51:35] ekstazi_ вышел [20:51:36] [L] Death_Str0be: завтра в шарагу [20:51:37] Miff1337 issued server command: /rtp [20:51:39] SplaschGaming issued server command: /r фарми фарми [20:51:40] LeroySabo issued server command: /co i [20:51:40] astek2 issued server command: /tp Romanuch [20:51:42] LeroySabo issued server command: /co i [20:51:43] [L] _Miss_s: Школа [20:51:44] [L] _Miss_s: Ждёт [20:51:44] [L] _Miss_s: пхавпха [20:51:45] Suyumi умер (FALL) [20:51:46] [L] AngryHardGame: понимб [20:51:47] Suyumi issued server command: /we cui [20:51:47] [L] Death_Str0be: коледж [20:51:49] [L] Death_Str0be: мне 17 [20:51:53] Gazirovka_ issued server command: /zset 0 [20:51:55] F4LL3N issued server command: /rtp [20:51:55] Gazirovka_ issued server command: /zset 0 [20:51:55] [L] AngryHardGame: мнэ тоже [20:51:56] SergoPHS issued server command: /home [20:52:01] Suyumi умер (FALL) [20:52:01] asdadn issued server command: //wand [20:52:02] [L] _Miss_s: Вам по 17? [20:52:03] [L] _Miss_s: Та ну [20:52:04] Suyumi issued server command: /we cui [20:52:05] [L] Death_Str0be: да [20:52:05] [L] _Miss_s: Мне тока 16 [20:52:05] me3jack issued server command: /we cui [20:52:06] [L] _Miss_s: ( [20:52:08] F4LL3N issued server command: /rtp [20:52:09] [L] AngryHardGame: малолетка [20:52:10] asdadn issued server command: //expand 50 [20:52:10] [L] _Miss_s: Завтра [20:52:10] Gazirovka_ issued server command: /zset 0 [20:52:11] [L] _Miss_s: 17 [20:52:12] [L] _Miss_s: Будет [20:52:12] [L] Death_Str0be: 14 июня 17 исполнилось [20:52:13] [L] AngryHardGame: нас посадят(( [20:52:13] asdadn issued server command: //expand 30 [20:52:13] hakya issued server command: /hom [20:52:14] [L] _Miss_s: Сам ты малолетка( [20:52:15] hakya issued server command: /home [20:52:15] LeroySabo issued server command: /warp q [20:52:16] asdadn issued server command: //expand 30 [20:52:16] Krantzg issued server command: /home [20:52:18] Krantzg issued server command: /we cui [20:52:18] LeroySabo issued server command: /home [20:52:18] Gazirovka_ issued server command: /zset 0 [20:52:18] Krantzg умер (FALL) [20:52:19] asdadn issued server command: //expand 30 [20:52:21] asdadn issued server command: //expand 30 [20:52:21] Krantzg issued server command: /we cui [20:52:22] [L] _Miss_s: Завтра у меня др [20:52:23] Suyumi умер (FALL) [20:52:23] asdadn issued server command: //expand 30 [20:52:23] [L] _Miss_s: Хехехе [20:52:24] Suyumi issued server command: /we cui [20:52:28] asdadn issued server command: /rg claim wither [20:52:29] asdadn issued server command: //sel [20:52:30] QWEBOI issued server command: /home [20:52:32] SplaschGaming issued server command: /r 2 гнома в одном месте [20:52:33] [L] _Miss_s: А не кто не помнит [20:52:35] [L] _Miss_s: Досих пор [20:52:38] Suyumi умер (FALL) [20:52:39] [L] _Miss_s: Когда у меня др [20:52:40] me3jack issued server command: /home [20:52:40] Suyumi issued server command: /we cui [20:52:43] umpalumpik issued server command: /home [20:52:45] Krantzg issued server command: /fly [20:52:50] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [20:52:53] SplaschGaming issued server command: /r да щас нет чем [20:52:54] Gelix000 зашёл [20:52:58] Suyumi умер (FALL) [20:52:58] Gazirovka_ issued server command: /zset 0 [20:52:59] Ic3berg issued server command: /home [20:53:00] Suyumi issued server command: /we cui [20:53:01] [L] AngryHardGame: а че вы эту каку не снесли [20:53:01] QWEBOI issued server command: /home [20:53:01] Ic3berg issued server command: /we cui [20:53:02] [L] _Miss_s: А у кого щас гравик? [20:53:03] Gelix000 issued server command: /we cui [20:53:05] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [20:53:05] [L] AngryHardGame: у меня [20:53:09] [L] _Miss_s: Какую [20:53:09] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [20:53:10] SplaschGaming issued server command: /r монет [20:53:10] [L] _Miss_s: Эту? [20:53:11] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [20:53:12] [L] _Miss_s: Зомби [20:53:13] Ic3berg issued server command: /home dydre [20:53:15] [L] _Miss_s: А мозги [20:53:17] [L] _Miss_s: И плоть [20:53:18] Gazirovka_ issued server command: /zset 0 [20:53:18] [L] _Miss_s: Нужны [20:53:19] SplaschGaming issued server command: /r а да? [20:53:19] [L] _Miss_s: Мб будут [20:53:19] [L] AngryHardGame: а пон [20:53:20] F4LL3N issued server command: /rtp [20:53:20] Gazirovka_ issued server command: /zset 0 [20:53:22] [L] _Miss_s: Точнее [20:53:23] TOGA issued server command: /enderchest [20:53:24] [L] _Miss_s: Сокровище [20:53:26] [G] Gelix000: ! изи моней евро2020 [20:53:26] [L] _Miss_s: Выбивать [20:53:27] [L] _Miss_s: С них [20:53:29] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [20:53:32] [L] _Miss_s: Фармилк [20:53:33] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [20:53:34] [L] _Miss_s: Потом сделаю [20:53:39] [G] Death_Str0be: !бельгия принесла мне дк кейс [20:53:39] Ic3berg issued server command: /fly [20:53:41] [L] AngryHardGame: поставьте света чтоль туда [20:53:43] estate был кикнут [20:53:43] estate вышел [20:53:45] [G] me3jack: ! 4 1 [20:53:45] LeroySabo issued server command: /mpcaseshop [20:53:47] LeroySabo issued server command: /mpcaseview 6 [20:53:51] estate зашёл [20:53:51] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [20:53:52] [G] me3jack: ! ну крутые русские [20:53:53] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [20:53:53] estate issued server command: /we cui [20:53:55] [G] Death_Str0be: !а украина слила экспрес с кф 20 [20:53:56] [L] _Miss_s: Думаю разницы нет [20:53:57] [L] _Miss_s: xD [20:54:00] Suyumi умер (FALL) [20:54:01] _Miss_s issued server command: /voteday [20:54:03] Suyumi issued server command: /we cui [20:54:03] Death_Str0be issued server command: /yes [20:54:05] QWEBOI issued server command: /yes [20:54:05] Ilayihoy issued server command: /yes [20:54:05] Ilayihoy issued server command: /yes [20:54:06] me3jack issued server command: /yes [20:54:11] AngryHardGame issued server command: /yes [20:54:13] datNoodles issued server command: /yes [20:54:17] [L] FilyWay: я пока все [20:54:17] SplaschGaming issued server command: /home [20:54:18] datNoodles issued server command: /rtp [20:54:18] F4LL3N issued server command: /rtp [20:54:23] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [20:54:25] Gazirovka_ issued server command: /zset 0 [20:54:30] F4LL3N issued server command: /rtp [20:54:33] [G] Ilayihoy: !а почему гравий буром улучшеным не ломается ? [20:54:37] MRSTRM умер (DROWNING) [20:54:38] Gazirovka_ issued server command: //sel [20:54:42] [L] AngryHardGame: кр4 гравик немного юзлесс пока что [20:54:43] 69Loqiemean96 issued server command: /home [20:54:44] Gazirovka_ issued server command: /zsel [20:54:44] 69Loqiemean96 issued server command: /we cui [20:54:47] Gazirovka_ issued server command: //zsel [20:54:47] [L] AngryHardGame: нужен или квант сет [20:54:49] FreakFromThePub issued server command: /РЩЬУ [20:54:51] FreakFromThePub issued server command: /home [20:54:51] TOGA issued server command: /zset 471:6 [20:54:54] F4LL3N issued server command: /rtp [20:54:55] [L] _Miss_s: Тока нанка [20:54:59] [L] Death_Str0be: тут эндерио есть [20:55:00] Gazirovka_ issued server command: /zset 0 [20:55:03] [L] AngryHardGame: да вроде [20:55:04] estate вышел [20:55:07] 69Loqiemean96 issued server command: /fly [20:55:07] [L] Death_Str0be: это вроде сохранение инвентаря [20:55:09] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [20:55:11] [L] Death_Str0be: я с хайтека ещё помнб [20:55:21] Kajoshi вышел [20:55:22] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [20:55:26] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [20:55:27] [G] _Miss_s: !Куплю узел аурыы [20:55:28] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [20:55:32] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [20:55:32] [L] AngryHardGame: халит сетик бы [20:55:33] hakya issued server command: /rtp [20:55:38] [L] _Miss_s: Он тебя не спасёт) [20:55:40] hakya issued server command: /home [20:55:41] [L] Death_Str0be: тоесть зачар который делает что бы эта вещь не выпадала при смерти [20:55:45] Gazirovka_ issued server command: /zset 0 [20:55:45] Gelix000 issued server command: /fly [20:55:46] [L] _Miss_s: Если я ваншотаю превращаясь в волка [20:55:46] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [20:55:50] [L] _Miss_s: В оборотня* [20:55:54] Miff1337 issued server command: /home [20:55:57] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [20:55:58] [L] _Miss_s: Я могу [20:55:59] [L] _Miss_s: Ихор [20:56:01] [L] _Miss_s: Раздеть [20:56:03] [L] _Miss_s: пхавхпавх [20:56:06] [L] AngryHardGame: о братья [20:56:08] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [20:56:10] [L] AngryHardGame: благо вы не вампиры [20:56:15] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [20:56:16] [L] _Miss_s: Я вампиров ненавижу [20:56:18] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [20:56:22] [L] _Miss_s: С ними хуйня происходит [20:56:22] [L] AngryHardGame: согл [20:56:24] [L] _Miss_s: Багоюизт [20:56:24] hakya issued server command: /home [20:56:26] hakya issued server command: /rtp [20:56:29] [L] _Miss_s: Багоюзит [20:56:29] hakya issued server command: /rtp [20:56:31] Romanuch issued server command: /tp 69Loqiemean96 [20:56:31] hakya issued server command: /rtp [20:56:33] hakya issued server command: /rtp [20:56:38] [L] AngryHardGame: вы витчери не начинали ? [20:56:39] astek2 issued server command: /tp Romanuch [20:56:42] hakya issued server command: /home [20:56:42] [L] _Miss_s: Пока нет [20:56:43] Death_Str0be issued server command: /mpcaseshop [20:56:44] [L] _Miss_s: Я начну [20:56:45] [L] _Miss_s: Потом [20:56:45] Death_Str0be issued server command: /mpcaseview 6 [20:56:46] Gazirovka_ issued server command: /zset 0 [20:56:46] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [20:56:49] ggwin issued server command: /home [20:56:52] [L] AngryHardGame: да я тоже могу заняться [20:56:52] [L] 69Loqiemean96: Мэ на самом верху [20:56:54] [L] _Miss_s: А щас я схожу за мороженым [20:56:54] SplaschGaming issued server command: /trade asdadn [20:56:55] [L] _Miss_s: :) [20:56:58] [L] _Miss_s: Давайте так [20:56:58] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [20:57:00] F4LL3N issued server command: //chunk [20:57:00] F4LL3N issued server command: //outset 16 [20:57:00] F4LL3N issued server command: /zone [20:57:00] [L] 69Loqiemean96: В небесах [20:57:01] asdadn issued server command: /trade accept [20:57:01] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [20:57:02] Gazirovka_ issued server command: /zset 0 [20:57:03] [L] _Miss_s: Я ботанию и таум на себя беру [20:57:04] Gelix000 issued server command: /cart all [20:57:05] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [20:57:06] Gazirovka_ issued server command: /zset 0 [20:57:06] [L] _Miss_s: Death_Str0be Ты на хайтече [20:57:07] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [20:57:09] [L] Death_Str0be: ок [20:57:12] [G] AngryHardGame: ! в 00:00 за мороженым [20:57:13] SplaschGaming issued server command: /trade asdadn [20:57:13] [L] _Miss_s: А AngryHardGame ты на витчери и рпг [20:57:15] [L] _Miss_s: Ок? [20:57:15] asdadn issued server command: /trade accept [20:57:15] Suyumi умер (FALL) [20:57:16] astek2 issued server command: /tp Romanuch [20:57:16] Gelix000 issued server command: /ec [20:57:17] Suyumi issued server command: /we cui [20:57:17] [L] _Miss_s: Ну да [20:57:17] [L] AngryHardGame: кк [20:57:18] [L] _Miss_s: хпавхпавх [20:57:19] F4LL3N issued server command: /rg claim f4ll3n [20:57:21] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [20:57:22] [G] me3jack: ! а хуле [20:57:24] Romanuch issued server command: /home [20:57:25] F4LL3N issued server command: //sel [20:57:26] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [20:57:26] SplaschGaming issued server command: /trade asdadn [20:57:26] Suyumi вышел [20:57:28] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [20:57:28] asdadn issued server command: /trade accept [20:57:28] astek2 issued server command: /tp Romanuch [20:57:32] [L] _Miss_s: Death_Str0be [20:57:33] F4LL3N issued server command: //chunk [20:57:33] F4LL3N issued server command: //outset 16 [20:57:33] F4LL3N issued server command: /zone [20:57:34] umpalumpik issued server command: /home [20:57:34] [G] Ilayihoy: !продам ваджару [20:57:37] [L] _Miss_s: Ты хоть знаешь как автокрафты делать [20:57:38] Suyumi зашёл [20:57:38] [L] _Miss_s: ?:) [20:57:40] Suyumi issued server command: /we cui [20:57:41] Gazirovka_ issued server command: /warp me3jack 3.2 [20:57:42] [L] Death_Str0be: знаю [20:57:43] [L] _Miss_s: Ок [20:57:44] [L] _Miss_s: )) [20:57:45] [L] AngryHardGame: я могу мэ поставить кста [20:57:45] F4LL3N issued server command: /rg claim f4ll3n2 [20:57:46] Gazirovka_ issued server command: /warn me3jack 3.2 [20:57:47] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [20:57:50] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [20:57:50] [L] _Miss_s: У тебя МЭ есть? [20:57:51] Gazirovka_ issued server command: /history [20:57:52] F4LL3N issued server command: //sel [20:57:53] [L] AngryHardGame: да [20:57:57] [L] _Miss_s: Го [20:58:00] [G] me3jack: ! это не мат ( [20:58:03] [L] AngryHardGame: так а как запитать бы [20:58:04] F4LL3N issued server command: //chunk [20:58:04] F4LL3N issued server command: //outset 16 [20:58:04] F4LL3N issued server command: /zone [20:58:04] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [20:58:07] [G] me3jack: ! газированый [20:58:08] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [20:58:09] [L] _Miss_s: На [20:58:11] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [20:58:11] [L] _Miss_s: Провод [20:58:12] F4LL3N issued server command: /rg claim f4ll3n3 [20:58:15] Suyumi умер (FALL) [20:58:16] Suyumi issued server command: /we cui [20:58:22] Death_Str0be issued server command: /kit eat [20:58:25] SergoPHS issued server command: /home [20:58:26] [G] me3jack: ! ((( [20:58:28] [L] AngryHardGame: поставь кр4 [20:58:32] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [20:58:32] F4LL3N issued server command: //chunk [20:58:32] F4LL3N issued server command: //outset 16 [20:58:32] F4LL3N issued server command: /zone [20:58:33] QWEBOI issued server command: /home [20:58:40] hakya вышел [20:58:40] F4LL3N issued server command: /rg claim f4ll3n 4 [20:58:45] [G] Gazirovka_: !возможно и не мат, но употреблять его в общем чате не корректно [20:58:48] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [20:58:48] F4LL3N issued server command: /rg claim f4ll3n4 [20:58:51] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [20:58:52] F4LL3N issued server command: //sel [20:58:53] Gelix000 issued server command: /money [20:58:54] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [20:58:58] [G] AngryHardGame: ! мат это [20:59:10] TOGA issued server command: /zset 471:6 [20:59:12] [L] Death_Str0be: терминал [20:59:15] [G] Gazirovka_: !типо, если есть вопросы на форум [20:59:17] [L] AngryHardGame: а [20:59:22] [L] AngryHardGame: терминала нет ;) [20:59:25] Miff1337 issued server command: /rtp [20:59:31] [G] Gelix000: ! у каво есть чарка кирку чарнуть [20:59:33] SergoPHS issued server command: /rtp [20:59:37] [L] AngryHardGame: он не продавался вроде [20:59:39] [L] _Miss_s: Кхм [20:59:42] [L] AngryHardGame: ща чекну [20:59:42] [L] Death_Str0be: бля там процесорі [20:59:43] LeroySabo issued server command: /cart gui [20:59:44] [G] _Miss_s: !Куплю МЭ терминал [20:59:45] F4LL3N issued server command: /kit [20:59:46] [G] _Miss_s: !:D [20:59:48] F4LL3N issued server command: /kit thaum [20:59:53] AngryHardGame issued server command: /warp shop [20:59:55] umpalumpik issued server command: /home [20:59:55] AngryHardGame issued server command: /we cui [20:59:58] [G] Ilayihoy: !у меня есть но нету палочки XD [21:00:01] [L] Death_Str0be: чистые кристал [21:00:05] astek2 issued server command: /tp AngryHardGame [21:00:06] [G] _Miss_s: !Какой палочки? [21:00:07] astek2 issued server command: /we cui [21:00:09] [G] Gelix000: !+ [21:00:13] [G] Ilayihoy: !на 100 вис [21:00:18] [G] _Miss_s: !А зачем она [21:00:22] [G] _Miss_s: !Мне тока терминал нужен [21:00:29] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 35:7 [21:00:31] F4LL3N issued server command: /kit [21:00:31] F4LL3N issued server command: /kit [21:00:31] 69Loqiemean96 issued server command: /kit Wools [21:00:34] 69Loqiemean96 issued server command: /kit [21:00:37] Miff1337 issued server command: /trade le [21:00:39] 69Loqiemean96 issued server command: /kit Wool [21:00:39] F4LL3N issued server command: /kit shadow [21:00:40] Miff1337 issued server command: /trade LeroySabo [21:00:42] LeroySabo issued server command: /trade accept [21:00:46] SergoPHS issued server command: /home [21:00:46] [L] AngryHardGame: 1 [21:00:46] [G] Ilayihoy: !не я про сообщение Gelix000 [21:00:50] SplaschGaming issued server command: /tell asdadn ты бы видел мою топ ферму [21:00:50] AngryHardGame issued server command: /home _Miss_s [21:00:53] AngryHardGame issued server command: /we cui [21:00:54] astek2 issued server command: /tp AngryHardGame [21:00:55] Miff1337 issued server command: /home [21:00:56] astek2 issued server command: /we cui [21:00:56] [G] _Miss_s: !Аа [21:00:58] SplaschGaming issued server command: /r 1 [21:00:58] [G] Gelix000: ! =( [21:00:58] [L] AngryHardGame: да не продается [21:01:00] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 35:7 [21:01:14] ggwin issued server command: /home [21:01:19] [G] Ilayihoy: !кому продать наблюдение за бессмертными [21:01:20] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 35:7 [21:01:26] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 35:7 [21:01:29] [G] AngryHardGame: ! фуловое ? [21:01:33] umpalumpik issued server command: /home [21:01:48] [G] AngryHardGame: ! или просто пустую книжку ? [21:01:54] [G] Ilayihoy: !ну хз там каторое за 100$ [21:02:01] Romanuch issued server command: /near [21:02:05] [G] AngryHardGame: ! мда информативно [21:02:07] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 35:7 [21:02:07] Gazirovka_ issued server command: /screenall [21:02:11] Gelix000 issued server command: /warp shop [21:02:12] Gelix000 issued server command: /we cui [21:02:18] FreakFromThePub issued server command: /РЩЬУ [21:02:19] [L] Ilayihoy: 5951 [21:02:19] FreakFromThePub issued server command: /HOME [21:02:21] SergoPHS issued server command: /home [21:02:25] astek2 issued server command: /tp Suyumi [21:02:28] SplaschGaming issued server command: /r кпц ферма то работает [21:02:29] [L] Death_Str0be: в кит тулс нету ключа? [21:02:31] [G] Ilayihoy: !5951 так будет лучше [21:02:34] [L] _Miss_s: Я дала [21:02:34] [L] _Miss_s: Тебе [21:02:35] [L] _Miss_s: Ключ [21:02:36] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 35:7 [21:02:39] [L] _Miss_s: --- [21:02:39] SplaschGaming issued server command: /r всм [21:02:39] [L] _Miss_s: -_- [21:02:40] kustikWHO зашёл [21:02:45] SplaschGaming issued server command: /r мою [21:02:47] kustikWHO issued server command: /we cui [21:02:50] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 35:7 [21:02:55] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 35:7 [21:02:56] Suyumi issued server command: /god [21:02:56] SplaschGaming issued server command: /r - [21:02:58] Suyumi issued server command: /god\ [21:02:58] F4LL3N issued server command: /kit [21:02:58] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 35:7 [21:02:59] TOGA вышел [21:02:59] Suyumi issued server command: /god [21:03:00] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 35:7 [21:03:02] F4LL3N issued server command: /kit top [21:03:02] flesziip issued server command: /clan kick us [21:03:02] Miff1337 issued server command: /rtp [21:03:03] flesziip issued server command: /clan kick Suyumi [21:03:05] SplaschGaming issued server command: /r ну увидеш [21:03:05] [L] _Miss_s: Где ты -_- [21:03:07] Gelix000 issued server command: /rtp [21:03:09] [L] FlipSize: vanish [21:03:10] [L] AngryHardGame: так блинб я вообще витчери забыл за пол года [21:03:11] FlipSize issued server command: /tp Suyumi [21:03:12] FlipSize issued server command: /clan kick Suyumi [21:03:13] F4LL3N issued server command: /kit shard [21:03:16] Suyumi убил flesziip (IC2_ITEMNANOSABER) [21:03:17] Inotik issued server command: /warp mining [21:03:18] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 35:7 [21:03:20] flesziip issued server command: /we cui [21:03:23] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 35:7 [21:03:25] [G] Ilayihoy: !точнее 5951:9 так она нужне тебе или нет ? [21:03:26] [L] _Miss_s: Бывает [21:03:26] Inotik issued server command: /we cui [21:03:26] umpalumpik issued server command: /home [21:03:32] [L] _Miss_s: А чё лучше [21:03:33] [L] _Miss_s: Нанка [21:03:35] umpalumpik был кикнут [21:03:35] umpalumpik вышел [21:03:36] [L] _Miss_s: Или боевой таум [21:03:36] [L] _Miss_s: ? [21:03:36] QWEBOI issued server command: /home [21:03:39] astek2 issued server command: /tp FlipSize [21:03:40] [L] AngryHardGame: хм [21:03:40] me3jack issued server command: /tpa kustikWHO [21:03:47] [L] AngryHardGame: боевой таум как по мне получше [21:03:47] umpalumpik зашёл [21:03:50] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 35:7 [21:03:51] umpalumpik issued server command: /we cui [21:03:52] [L] AngryHardGame: хотя [21:03:53] Gelix000 issued server command: /warp world [21:03:55] Gelix000 issued server command: /we cui [21:03:56] kustikWHO issued server command: /tpaccept [21:03:56] [L] _Miss_s: Я тоже думаю [21:03:59] Gelix000 issued server command: /rtp [21:04:00] [L] _Miss_s: Меня с чарами не ваншотали [21:04:01] LeroySabo issued server command: /kits [21:04:01] [L] _Miss_s: С халит [21:04:02] umpalumpik issued server command: /kit [21:04:03] [L] _Miss_s: Клинка [21:04:04] [L] _Miss_s: На [21:04:06] [L] _Miss_s: Энгри [21:04:07] umpalumpik issued server command: /kit top [21:04:08] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 35:7 [21:04:10] FlipSize issued server command: /clan invite Suyumi [21:04:10] Inotik issued server command: /fly [21:04:11] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 35:7 [21:04:12] Suyumi issued server command: /clan accept FlipSize [21:04:14] Gelix000 issued server command: /rtp [21:04:15] [L] AngryHardGame: ладно спасибо [21:04:15] F4LL3N issued server command: /sethome [21:04:17] Gelix000 issued server command: /fly [21:04:19] F4LL3N issued server command: /warp list [21:04:20] Gelix000 issued server command: /god [21:04:20] Miff1337 issued server command: /home [21:04:21] Gelix000 issued server command: /god [21:04:26] F4LL3N issued server command: /warp list 2 [21:04:26] [L] _Miss_s: А у тебя Death_Str0be дк ботинки [21:04:27] [L] _Miss_s: :D [21:04:30] F4LL3N issued server command: /warp shop [21:04:31] Ilayihoy issued server command: /m AngryHardGame так тебе она нужна ? фуловое 5951:9 айди его [21:04:32] F4LL3N issued server command: /we cui [21:04:32] me3jack issued server command: /home [21:04:46] AngryHardGame issued server command: /r хз, за 100 ? [21:04:47] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 35:7 [21:04:51] Gazirovka_ issued server command: /ch myonline [21:04:57] [L] Death_Str0be: как полет врубить [21:05:00] [L] Death_Str0be: f не пашет [21:05:00] Ilayihoy issued server command: /m AngryHardGame могу поменьчше если ток некому не рассказывать [21:05:05] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 35:7 [21:05:07] [L] _Miss_s: r? [21:05:07] LeroySabo issued server command: /rtp [21:05:07] Nikitawrik вышел [21:05:09] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 35:7 [21:05:11] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 35:7 [21:05:15] [L] Death_Str0be: yt [21:05:16] [L] Death_Str0be: не [21:05:17] me3jack issued server command: /rtp [21:05:22] AngryHardGame issued server command: /r ладно, правда держу вкурсе лс модеры все равно видят [21:05:25] Gelix000 вышел [21:05:30] Gazirovka_ issued server command: /rg i [21:05:31] LeroySabo issued server command: /home [21:05:31] me3jack issued server command: /vote day [21:05:31] umpalumpik issued server command: /home [21:05:32] _Miss_s issued server command: /w Gazirovka_ Газировка [21:05:35] AngryHardGame issued server command: /r и в логах тоже любой посмотрит [21:05:36] F4LL3N issued server command: /home [21:05:38] Gazirovka_ issued server command: /r ? [21:05:38] F4LL3N issued server command: /we cui [21:05:40] _Miss_s issued server command: /w Gazirovka_ Как настроить дк ботинки [21:05:43] [G] me3jack: ! как сделать голосование за день [21:05:48] [L] Death_Str0be: у меня сбилось [21:05:49] [G] Gazirovka_: !/voteday [21:05:51] _Miss_s issued server command: /w Gazirovka_ На какую кнопку нажать чтобы появился типо инвентарь [21:05:51] F4LL3N issued server command: /kit [21:05:52] Ilayihoy issued server command: /m AngryHardGame а ты хочешь купить за 100% [21:05:56] Death_Str0be issued server command: /voteday [21:05:58] Ilayihoy issued server command: /voteday [21:05:59] F4LL3N issued server command: /kit res [21:05:59] me3jack issued server command: /yes [21:06:00] AngryHardGame issued server command: /call Ilayihoy [21:06:01] _Miss_s issued server command: /yes [21:06:01] _Miss_s issued server command: /yes [21:06:02] umpalumpik issued server command: /home [21:06:02] QWEBOI issued server command: /home [21:06:02] datNoodles issued server command: /yes [21:06:03] Gazirovka_ issued server command: /r c [21:06:11] Ilayihoy issued server command: /tpaccept [21:06:11] Suyumi issued server command: /home [21:06:15] [L] _Miss_s: О [21:06:16] me3jack issued server command: /yes [21:06:17] [G] umpalumpik: ! а че если на рг не спавнятся враждебные мобы? [21:06:18] AngryHardGame issued server command: /money [21:06:18] [L] _Miss_s: Смари [21:06:20] [G] me3jack: ! как сделать голосование за день [21:06:25] QWEBOI issued server command: /region flag [21:06:28] me3jack issued server command: /rtp [21:06:28] F4LL3N issued server command: /kit [21:06:30] AngryHardGame issued server command: /money pay Ilayihoy 70 [21:06:33] QWEBOI issued server command: /region flag mob [21:06:34] F4LL3N issued server command: /kit extratools [21:06:36] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 35:7 [21:06:37] [G] ggwin: !/votedau [21:06:37] [L] Ilayihoy: стой ща 2 мин [21:06:39] QWEBOI issued server command: /region flag QWEBOI [21:06:39] umpalumpik issued server command: /rg flag [21:06:41] _Miss_s issued server command: /w Gazirovka_ Зарядишь ботиночки?:) [21:06:43] [L] SplaschGaming: были [21:06:44] [G] Miff1337: !n [21:06:44] [G] ggwin: !day* [21:06:44] Krantzg issued server command: /rtp [21:06:46] QWEBOI issued server command: /region flag QWEBOI mobspawn [21:06:47] F4LL3N issued server command: /kit [21:06:47] TweeL1e issued server command: /sethome [21:06:48] Gazirovka_ issued server command: /r нечем [21:06:48] umpalumpik issued server command: /rg flag QWEBOI [21:06:53] F4LL3N issued server command: /kit ultranano [21:06:55] _Miss_s issued server command: /w ggwin Ку [21:06:59] F4LL3N issued server command: /kit [21:07:01] [L] Ilayihoy: ну [21:07:02] _Miss_s issued server command: /w ggwin У вас есть чем заряжать дк? [21:07:03] F4LL3N issued server command: /kit ichor [21:07:03] [L] Ilayihoy: бери [21:07:06] umpalumpik issued server command: /rg info [21:07:10] kustikWHO issued server command: /rtp [21:07:11] [L] Ilayihoy: всё сенкс [21:07:12] AngryHardGame issued server command: /home _Miss_s [21:07:12] F4LL3N issued server command: /kit [21:07:13] QWEBOI issued server command: /flag [21:07:17] F4LL3N issued server command: /kit quant [21:07:17] ggwin issued server command: /r нет [21:07:21] Ilayihoy issued server command: /m AngryHardGame а можно вопрос [21:07:21] [L] AngryHardGame: купил говно какое то [21:07:22] _Miss_s issued server command: /w ggwin Жаль [21:07:22] F4LL3N issued server command: /kit [21:07:28] [L] _Miss_s: За 100 эмов? [21:07:29] SergoPHS issued server command: /home [21:07:30] F4LL3N issued server command: /kit extraarmor [21:07:30] [L] _Miss_s: Ты угараешь [21:07:31] [L] _Miss_s: -_- [21:07:33] [L] AngryHardGame: нее ты че [21:07:38] [L] _Miss_s: Ясно) [21:07:40] [L] Death_Str0be: 150) [21:07:42] [L] AngryHardGame: да [21:07:43] F4LL3N issued server command: /kit [21:07:47] [L] _Miss_s: Епона мать [21:07:47] [L] _Miss_s: -_ [21:07:47] AngryHardGame issued server command: /r давай [21:07:49] F4LL3N issued server command: /kit nano [21:07:54] Krantzg issued server command: /home [21:07:59] Ilayihoy issued server command: /m AngryHardGame зачем она фуловая нужна ? [21:07:59] F4LL3N issued server command: /kit [21:08:05] F4LL3N issued server command: /kit tree [21:08:09] AngryHardGame issued server command: /r там что бы вампиром стать [21:08:14] AngryHardGame issued server command: /r но это все сложно [21:08:16] F4LL3N issued server command: /kit [21:08:23] F4LL3N issued server command: /kit jetpack [21:08:27] F4LL3N issued server command: /kit [21:08:28] SergoPHS issued server command: /home [21:08:32] F4LL3N issued server command: /kit mobs [21:08:33] QWEBOI issued server command: /rtp [21:08:33] Ilayihoy issued server command: /m AngryHardGame а он тут фиксанутый ? [21:08:36] Gazirovka_ вышел [21:08:40] F4LL3N issued server command: /kit badmobs [21:08:42] LeroySabo issued server command: /co i [21:08:42] AngryHardGame issued server command: /r посмотри гайды в ютубе [21:08:43] Gazirovka_ зашёл [21:08:43] LeroySabo issued server command: /co i [21:08:45] Gazirovka_ issued server command: /we cui [21:08:45] Gazirovka_ issued server command: /gm 1 [21:08:49] F4LL3N issued server command: /kit wool [21:08:49] AngryHardGame issued server command: /r не особо [21:08:53] LeroySabo issued server command: /rtp [21:08:57] F4LL3N issued server command: /kit [21:08:59] astek2 issued server command: /tp Krantzg [21:08:59] [L] AngryHardGame: ну во первых за 40 [21:09:00] flesziip issued server command: /near [21:09:01] F4LL3N issued server command: /kit tools [21:09:02] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 95:15 [21:09:04] FlipSize issued server command: /near [21:09:04] [L] AngryHardGame: во вторых у меня эмов 5к [21:09:07] F4LL3N issued server command: /kit [21:09:08] FlipSize issued server command: /list [21:09:12] Death_Str0be issued server command: /money AngryHardGame [21:09:15] [L] AngryHardGame: так что могу себе позволить пока что [21:09:15] F4LL3N issued server command: /kit eat [21:09:18] astek2 issued server command: /tp kustikWHO [21:09:22] F4LL3N issued server command: /kit start [21:09:26] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 35:7 [21:09:26] kustikWHO issued server command: /tpa me3jack [21:09:27] me3jack issued server command: /tpaccept [21:09:31] [L] AngryHardGame: хотя потом бы когда вайп на тм будет метнуться туда [21:09:31] Inotik issued server command: /рщьу [21:09:33] [L] Inotik: .home [21:09:35] [L] Death_Str0be: у тебя 22 эма [21:09:36] Inotik issued server command: /home [21:09:36] Ilayihoy issued server command: /m Romanuch а фулл чары будут стоить 60 ? [21:09:39] [L] AngryHardGame: не лк [21:09:39] astek2 issued server command: /tp q [21:09:40] Inotik issued server command: /we cui [21:09:42] FreakFromThePub issued server command: /рщьу [21:09:43] [L] AngryHardGame: на лк* [21:09:43] FreakFromThePub issued server command: /home [21:09:43] FlipSize issued server command: /cart gui [21:09:47] [L] AngryHardGame: на сайте короче [21:09:55] [L] Death_Str0be: ты шо за реал бабки купил? [21:09:58] me3jack issued server command: /home [21:10:00] [L] AngryHardGame: я с нескольких аккаунтов голосую [21:10:05] [L] AngryHardGame: плюс я пол года не играл [21:10:06] Romanuch issued server command: /trade Miff1337 [21:10:06] loyadik зашёл [21:10:07] [L] Death_Str0be: а [21:10:07] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 95:15 [21:10:07] astek2 issued server command: /tp SergoPHS [21:10:15] _Miss_s issued server command: /money top [21:10:15] loyadik issued server command: /we cui [21:10:16] [L] AngryHardGame: скопилось [21:10:17] Gazirovka_ issued server command: /tp Romanuch [21:10:18] [L] _Miss_s: Кстати [21:10:19] Gazirovka_ issued server command: /rg i [21:10:20] [L] _Miss_s: Он может топ 1 [21:10:21] [L] _Miss_s: Богачей [21:10:22] [L] _Miss_s: Занять [21:10:24] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 95:15 [21:10:25] Gazirovka_ issued server command: /fly [21:10:26] SergoPHS issued server command: /rtp [21:10:27] [L] AngryHardGame: нее ты че [21:10:28] [L] _Miss_s: И получить шадоу [21:10:29] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 95:15 [21:10:32] [L] _Miss_s: Ты топе [21:10:33] [L] _Miss_s: Будешь [21:10:34] [G] Ilayihoy: ! кто зачарит на осмате ? [21:10:36] [L] AngryHardGame: тут топ богачей далеко за 5к уходит [21:10:36] [L] _Miss_s: Если у тебя 5к [21:10:39] Romanuch issued server command: /r + [21:10:39] Death_Str0be issued server command: /Money top [21:10:44] FlipSize issued server command: /clan kick Suyumi [21:10:44] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 95:15 [21:10:46] Inotik issued server command: /home [21:10:48] Suyumi убил flesziip (DIVINERPG_RUPEESHICKAXE) [21:10:49] [L] _Miss_s: Тут богачей тока до 2к [21:10:49] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 95:15 [21:10:50] [L] _Miss_s: Щас [21:10:51] MRSTRM вышел [21:10:53] FreakFromThePub issued server command: /home [21:10:53] Miff1337 issued server command: /trade accept [21:10:53] LeroySabo issued server command: /home [21:10:53] flesziip issued server command: /we cui [21:10:53] me3jack issued server command: /tpa kustikWHO [21:10:56] [L] Death_Str0be: щас уже у топ 1 265280 ємов [21:10:59] Romanuch issued server command: /trade Miff1337 [21:11:00] Miff1337 issued server command: /trade accept [21:11:02] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 95:15 [21:11:06] me3jack issued server command: /tpa kustikWHO [21:11:08] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 95:15 [21:11:10] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 95:15 [21:11:11] kustikWHO issued server command: /tpa [21:11:11] [L] AngryHardGame: kavo [21:11:11] [G] loyadik: !куплю уголь за алмазы [21:11:12] [L] _Miss_s: Хде ты такое нашёл? [21:11:13] [L] _Miss_s: -_- [21:11:19] kustikWHO issued server command: /tpaccept [21:11:20] AngryHardGame issued server command: /money top [21:11:20] [L] Death_Str0be: 2,6к [21:11:25] Suyumi умер (FALL) [21:11:26] [L] AngryHardGame: не пугай [21:11:27] Suyumi issued server command: /we cui [21:11:27] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 95:15 [21:11:30] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 95:15 [21:11:31] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 95:15 [21:11:33] [L] Death_Str0be: запятую не поставил [21:11:47] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 95:15 [21:11:47] [L] Death_Str0be: ладно [21:11:49] [L] Death_Str0be: я пошел [21:11:50] [L] _Miss_s: Я сливать игроков:) [21:11:50] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 95:15 [21:11:51] _Miss_s issued server command: /rtp [21:11:52] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 95:15 [21:11:53] [L] Death_Str0be: завтра всретимся [21:11:53] [L] AngryHardGame: под конец вайпа там у челов по 20к [21:11:57] [L] AngryHardGame: пака [21:12:00] Inotik issued server command: /fly [21:12:03] [L] Death_Str0be: пок [21:12:07] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 95:15 [21:12:10] [L] Gazirovka_: человек на иноте [21:12:11] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 95:15 [21:12:12] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 95:15 [21:12:13] Death_Str0be вышел [21:12:14] Suyumi умер (FALL) [21:12:15] [L] Gazirovka_: в дс можете ответить [21:12:16] Suyumi issued server command: /we cui [21:12:20] me3jack issued server command: /home [21:12:24] FreakFromThePub issued server command: /warp nether [21:12:25] me3jack issued server command: /tpa kustikWHO [21:12:25] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 95:15 [21:12:30] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 95:15 [21:12:33] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 95:15 [21:12:34] [L] Inotik: я пытаюсь тут играть сонныи [21:12:35] FreakFromThePub issued server command: /we cui [21:12:35] FlipSize issued server command: /gm 1 [21:12:35] kustikWHO issued server command: /tpaccept [21:12:38] astek2 issued server command: /tp loyadik [21:12:42] [L] Inotik: сделаю эту ебучую шину и спать [21:12:45] FlipSize issued server command: /dtfhgytdfyghjhgvfdrfuyggvcghv [21:12:48] FreakFromThePub issued server command: /fly [21:12:48] [L] Gazirovka_: x [21:12:48] Sowkand зашёл [21:12:49] [L] Gazirovka_: D [21:12:50] LeroySabo issued server command: /home [21:12:54] [L] Gazirovka_: ответь на вопрос [21:12:54] FlipSize issued server command: /gm 1 [21:12:56] [L] Gazirovka_: и усе [21:12:56] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 95:15 [21:13:01] _Miss_s issued server command: /trade loyadik [21:13:01] _Miss_s issued server command: /trade loyadik [21:13:04] _Miss_s убил loyadik (IC2_ITEMNANOSABER) [21:13:04] Sowkand issued server command: /we cui [21:13:05] _Miss_s issued server command: /trade loyadik [21:13:05] _Miss_s issued server command: /trade loyadik [21:13:05] _Miss_s issued server command: /trade loyadik [21:13:05] _Miss_s issued server command: /trade loyadik [21:13:05] _Miss_s issued server command: /trade loyadik [21:13:05] _Miss_s issued server command: /trade loyadik [21:13:09] loyadik issued server command: /we cui [21:13:11] Suyumi умер (FALL) [21:13:12] Suyumi issued server command: /we cui [21:13:14] FreakFromThePub issued server command: /home [21:13:19] FreakFromThePub issued server command: /we cui [21:13:20] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 95:15 [21:13:20] _Miss_s issued server command: /trade loyadik [21:13:20] _Miss_s issued server command: /trade loyadik [21:13:20] _Miss_s issued server command: /trade loyadik [21:13:20] _Miss_s issued server command: /trade loyadik [21:13:20] _Miss_s issued server command: /trade loyadik [21:13:20] _Miss_s issued server command: /trade loyadik [21:13:22] LittleSvinka issued server command: /rg sel [21:13:22] [G] AngryHardGame: ! куплю чар добычи 3/+- норм меч с ним [21:13:24] loyadik issued server command: /trade cancel [21:13:26] FreakFromThePub умер (FALL) [21:13:28] FreakFromThePub issued server command: /we cui [21:13:31] FreakFromThePub issued server command: /адн [21:13:33] _Miss_s issued server command: /home [21:13:33] FreakFromThePub issued server command: /fly [21:13:35] [L] _Miss_s: - [21:13:36] Gazirovka_ issued server command: /warp 1 [21:13:36] [L] _Miss_s: Алмазник [21:13:37] [L] _Miss_s: ИПзи [21:13:40] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 95:15 [21:13:41] [L] Inotik: ура блят [21:13:42] [L] AngryHardGame: жесть какая [21:13:43] [L] Gazirovka_: бери [21:13:45] [L] Romanuch: ? [21:13:47] LittleSvinka issued server command: //sel [21:13:51] [L] Inotik: Ром я сделал автокрафт процесов [21:13:51] [L] AngryHardGame: ой не [21:13:55] Krantzg issued server command: /kit aet [21:13:55] [L] Inotik: но ток процесов [21:13:56] umpalumpik issued server command: /home [21:13:56] Krantzg issued server command: /kit eat [21:13:58] [L] Romanuch: найс [21:13:58] [L] AngryHardGame: каки какие та [21:14:01] [L] Inotik: там шины нужны [21:14:01] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 95:15 [21:14:01] Krantzg issued server command: /rtp [21:14:05] [L] _Miss_s: Да [21:14:06] [L] _Miss_s: ) [21:14:06] SplaschGaming issued server command: /tell asdadn 4 же [21:14:07] _Miss_s issued server command: /rtp [21:14:16] F4LL3N issued server command: /mpcaseshop [21:14:16] F4LL3N issued server command: /mpcaseshop [21:14:18] loyadik issued server command: /home [21:14:21] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 95:15 [21:14:21] Gazirovka_ issued server command: /ch myonline [21:14:22] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 95:15 [21:14:37] SplaschGaming issued server command: /r спавнер готов осталось подождать прогресс соединения [21:14:38] FreakFromThePub issued server command: /warp nether [21:14:40] FreakFromThePub issued server command: /we cui [21:14:41] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 95:15 [21:14:43] Sowkand issued server command: /fly [21:14:43] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 95:15 [21:14:45] FreakFromThePub issued server command: /fly [21:14:47] astek2 issued server command: /tp _Miss_s [21:14:52] umpalumpik вышел [21:14:55] AngryHardGame issued server command: /m _Miss_s мне бы меч на добычу я халита нафармлю [21:14:55] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 95:15 [21:14:57] loyadik issued server command: /pvp [21:15:01] loyadik issued server command: /pvp off [21:15:04] _Miss_s issued server command: /w AngryHardGame На добычу нема [21:15:05] _Miss_s issued server command: /w AngryHardGame ( [21:15:06] F4LL3N issued server command: /effect [21:15:09] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 95:15 [21:15:12] FreakFromThePub issued server command: /home [21:15:12] FreakFromThePub issued server command: /we cui [21:15:14] _Miss_s issued server command: /w AngryHardGame А халит с боссов падает [21:15:14] F4LL3N issued server command: /help [21:15:16] SplaschGaming issued server command: /r кпц долго кнш делается [21:15:19] FreakFromThePub issued server command: /fly [21:15:20] AngryHardGame issued server command: /r да [21:15:24] F4LL3N issued server command: /help 2 [21:15:26] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 95:15 [21:15:26] _Miss_s issued server command: /w AngryHardGame А добыча зачем7 [21:15:26] loyadik issued server command: /home [21:15:29] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 95:15 [21:15:29] AngryHardGame issued server command: /r там души для крафта призывалки нужны [21:15:30] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 95:15 [21:15:30] _Miss_s issued server command: /w AngryHardGame Впринципе и так норм [21:15:34] F4LL3N issued server command: /hat [21:15:34] AngryHardGame issued server command: /r а души с мобов [21:15:36] SplaschGaming issued server command: /r уже минут 5 делается и ток 57% [21:15:38] F4LL3N issued server command: /hat [21:15:41] loyadik issued server command: /warp [21:15:42] [L] Sowkand: ебать [21:15:42] Krantzg issued server command: /tpaccept [21:15:43] loyadik issued server command: /warp list [21:15:44] Krantzg issued server command: /call asdadn [21:15:45] SergoPHS issued server command: /home [21:15:45] SergoPHS issued server command: /home [21:15:45] asdadn issued server command: /tpaccept [21:15:45] SergoPHS issued server command: /home [21:15:46] [L] TurboLastGame: ? [21:15:47] [L] Sowkand: что за нарния [21:15:48] Krantzg issued server command: /we cui [21:15:49] loyadik issued server command: /warp list2 [21:15:51] loyadik issued server command: /warp list 2 [21:15:51] F4LL3N issued server command: /hat [21:15:52] Gazirovka_ issued server command: /fly [21:15:55] astek2 issued server command: /tp FlipSize [21:15:57] [L] TurboLastGame: да норм [21:15:57] Gazirovka_ issued server command: /fly [21:15:58] Inotik issued server command: /rtp [21:16:02] [L] Gazirovka_: я думал больше [21:16:04] Krantzg issued server command: /fly [21:16:04] [L] Gazirovka_: но мне лень [21:16:09] [G] datNoodles: !2 вопроса: почему я не могу брать кольцо Всевластия и ценен ли иридий?) [21:16:11] loyadik issued server command: /warp hpcshop [21:16:12] [L] Sowkand: да больше не надо [21:16:13] F4LL3N issued server command: /help 3 [21:16:15] loyadik issued server command: /warp shop [21:16:17] loyadik issued server command: /we cui [21:16:17] [G] datNoodles: !Объясните нубу, пожалуйста [21:16:29] [G] TweeL1e: !Одмен! [21:16:30] [G] Gazirovka_: !1. запрещено 2. достаточно для крафтов [21:16:33] loyadik issued server command: /money [21:16:34] F4LL3N issued server command: /help 4 [21:16:35] [G] FlipSize: !? [21:16:37] SplaschGaming issued server command: /r в покебол чтоли? [21:16:38] [G] datNoodles: !Спасибо) [21:16:39] loyadik issued server command: /warp char [21:16:42] loyadik issued server command: /home [21:16:44] loyadik issued server command: /we cui [21:16:45] SplaschGaming issued server command: /r хид? [21:16:47] [G] TweeL1e: !почему радио нету? как слушать музыку 90х? [21:16:48] F4LL3N issued server command: /workbench [21:16:53] astek2 issued server command: /tp Romanuch [21:16:54] [G] FlipSize: !На сайте можно купить [21:16:56] [G] AngryHardGame: ! согласен бунд [21:16:56] [G] _Miss_s: !Куплю 3 повреждённых камня [21:16:56] [G] Ilayihoy: !донатить [21:17:01] SplaschGaming issued server command: /r о я понял чё так долго [21:17:08] Miff1337 issued server command: /home [21:17:09] Inotik issued server command: /home [21:17:10] SplaschGaming issued server command: /r у нас энергия просто кончилась [21:17:16] Ilayihoy issued server command: /warp portals [21:17:19] Ilayihoy issued server command: /warp portal [21:17:21] Ilayihoy issued server command: /we cui [21:17:24] astek2 issued server command: /tp Gazirovka_ [21:17:29] AngryHardGame issued server command: /m _Miss_s а зачем тебе поврежденные камни ? [21:17:34] Romanuch вышел [21:17:35] _Miss_s issued server command: /w AngryHardGame Мистические часыц [21:17:39] loyadik issued server command: /kit [21:17:41] loyadik issued server command: /kit start [21:17:45] AngryHardGame issued server command: /fly [21:17:57] [L] Sowkand: это что за хуйня [21:18:00] [L] Sowkand: сейчас была [21:18:02] AngryHardGame issued server command: /r а че с него падало там ? божественные осколки ? [21:18:04] [L] Gazirovka_: да так)) [21:18:07] [L] Sowkand: я испугался [21:18:08] _Miss_s issued server command: /w AngryHardGame Да [21:18:08] SergoPHS issued server command: /home [21:18:08] [L] Sowkand: колись [21:18:09] astek2 issued server command: /tp Romanuch [21:18:12] [L] Gazirovka_: читеры какие-то летают [21:18:14] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 35:7 [21:18:16] Miff1337 вышел [21:18:16] [L] Gazirovka_: ставят предметы [21:18:19] AngryHardGame issued server command: /r так их вроде дохрена надо [21:18:23] [L] Sowkand: ясно [21:18:26] F4LL3N вышел [21:18:45] loyadik issued server command: /home [21:18:55] AngryHardGame issued server command: /we cui [21:18:58] AngryHardGame issued server command: /fly [21:19:02] datNoodles умер (FALL) [21:19:08] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 35:7 [21:19:09] [G] Ilayihoy: !куплю 3 палки ифрита и сингулярность из AE2 [21:19:11] Ilayihoy issued server command: /home [21:19:13] Ilayihoy issued server command: /we cui [21:19:31] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 35:7 [21:19:43] datNoodles вышел [21:19:53] [G] _Miss_s: !Кому нужны серебрянные деревья? [21:19:55] SplaschGaming issued server command: /r где будем брать энергию на спавнер? [21:19:57] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 35:7 [21:20:08] AngryHardGame issued server command: /kit start [21:20:08] SplaschGaming issued server command: /voteday [21:20:12] loyadik вышел [21:20:14] AngryHardGame issued server command: /home _Miss_s [21:20:16] AngryHardGame issued server command: /we cui [21:20:18] SergoPHS issued server command: /home [21:20:20] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 35:7 [21:20:21] [L] Sowkand: наруби деревьев [21:20:22] [L] Sowkand: )) [21:20:27] TheOldIniquity зашёл [21:20:28] SplaschGaming issued server command: /yes [21:20:28] TheOldIniquity issued server command: /we cui [21:20:37] SergoPHS issued server command: /warp end [21:20:40] Ilayihoy issued server command: /voteday [21:20:42] [L] Gazirovka_: я спать [21:20:44] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 35:7 [21:20:46] [L] TheOldIniquity: ахует [21:20:46] SergoPHS issued server command: /spawn [21:20:46] _Miss_s issued server command: /home [21:20:48] [L] Sowkand: та нее [21:20:48] SergoPHS issued server command: /we cui [21:20:50] [L] TheOldIniquity: Ты чего не спишь [21:20:51] SergoPHS issued server command: /rp port [21:20:53] AngryHardGame issued server command: /we cui [21:20:54] SergoPHS issued server command: /warp list [21:20:55] AngryHardGame issued server command: /fly [21:21:00] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 35:7 [21:21:01] [L] _Miss_s: Смари [21:21:02] SergoPHS issued server command: /warp portal [21:21:03] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 35:7 [21:21:05] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 35:7 [21:21:07] [L] Ic3berg: ку [21:21:09] [L] Ic3berg: дс го [21:21:10] [L] Gazirovka_: пб меч в мэ [21:21:10] [L] TheOldIniquity: Ну ну [21:21:14] [L] TheOldIniquity: Нет [21:21:16] [L] Gazirovka_: желательно с возвратом [21:21:18] [L] Ic3berg: поч [21:21:22] _Miss_s issued server command: /rtp [21:21:28] [L] Ic3berg: кст я емеральд теперт [21:21:29] [L] TheOldIniquity: 3:21 щас [21:21:30] _Miss_s issued server command: /home [21:21:36] [L] TheOldIniquity: ясно [21:21:39] [G] TweeL1e: !какой флаг на отключение мобов в привате? [21:21:39] Suyumi issued server command: /warp nether [21:21:40] [L] Ic3berg: аа это у ваС ) [21:21:45] Suyumi issued server command: /we cui [21:21:45] loyadik зашёл [21:21:46] [G] flesziip: !mob-spawning [21:21:47] [G] Gazirovka_: !mob-spawning [21:21:52] loyadik умер (ENTITY_ATTACK) [21:21:54] loyadik issued server command: /we cui [21:21:58] loyadik issued server command: /we cui [21:21:58] [G] SergoPHS: !почему порталы в миры не работают? [21:22:03] QWEBOI issued server command: /region flag QWEBOI mob-spawning [21:22:04] [G] flesziip: !/warp portal? [21:22:07] [G] SergoPHS: !да [21:22:08] astek2 issued server command: /spawn [21:22:08] Suyumi issued server command: /trade flesziip [21:22:09] Romanuch зашёл [21:22:09] astek2 issued server command: /we cui [21:22:10] flesziip issued server command: /trade accept [21:22:12] QWEBOI issued server command: /region flag QWEBOI mob-spawning true [21:22:14] Ilayihoy issued server command: /warp portal [21:22:16] Ilayihoy issued server command: /we cui [21:22:17] QWEBOI issued server command: /region QWEBOI flag [21:22:18] Romanuch issued server command: /we cui [21:22:19] flesziip issued server command: /warp portal [21:22:21] Gazirovka_ issued server command: /tp astek2 [21:22:24] Gazirovka_ issued server command: /we cui [21:22:24] flesziip issued server command: /we cui [21:22:24] Gazirovka_ issued server command: /gm 1 [21:22:25] [G] _Miss_s: !Потому что ты серго:) [21:22:27] [L] flesziip: какой из них? [21:22:27] LeroySabo issued server command: /spawn [21:22:29] LeroySabo issued server command: /we cui [21:22:30] Miff1337 зашёл [21:22:35] AngryHardGame issued server command: /home _Miss_s [21:22:37] AngryHardGame issued server command: /we cui [21:22:37] SplaschGaming issued server command: /tell asdadn через витчери ток [21:22:40] AngryHardGame issued server command: /sethome [21:22:43] QWEBOI issued server command: /home [21:22:45] Miff1337 issued server command: /we cui [21:22:48] [L] Ilayihoy: ./warp end [21:22:53] [G] SergoPHS: !видишь) [21:22:53] FlipSize issued server command: /tp flesziip [21:22:54] [L] Ilayihoy: пропиши [21:22:54] TweeL1e issued server command: /rg flag tweel1e mob-spawning deny [21:22:56] SplaschGaming issued server command: /r ща поищу в книге [21:22:56] FlipSize issued server command: /we cui [21:22:57] [G] _Miss_s: !Вижу [21:22:58] [G] _Miss_s: !пхвпах [21:23:00] [L] FlipSize: все [21:23:00] Miff1337 вышел [21:23:02] [L] SergoPHS: нету мира такого [21:23:04] TweeL1e issued server command: /rg flag tweel1e7 mob-spawning deny [21:23:06] [L] FlipSize: не работаютГ? [21:23:12] TweeL1e issued server command: /rg flag tweel1e6 mob-spawning deny [21:23:15] [L] SergoPHS: на варпе да [21:23:15] [L] AngryHardGame: с кайфом это гавно железным мечем фармить [21:23:17] [L] Ilayihoy: угу [21:23:19] FlipSize issued server command: /vanish] [21:23:19] [L] AngryHardGame: а о спс [21:23:19] Gazirovka_ issued server command: /fly [21:23:20] FlipSize issued server command: /vanish [21:23:21] TweeL1e issued server command: /rg flag tweel1e5 mob-spawning deny [21:23:21] [L] SergoPHS: а через варп енд нету мира пишет [21:23:25] Suyumi issued server command: /home [21:23:27] Suyumi issued server command: /we cui [21:23:27] FlipSize issued server command: /we cui [21:23:28] [L] _Miss_s: Ина [21:23:29] [L] _Miss_s: И на [21:23:30] TweeL1e issued server command: /rg flag tweel1e4 mob-spawning deny [21:23:30] FlipSize issued server command: /tp SergoPHS [21:23:31] FlipSize issued server command: /we cui [21:23:33] [L] _Miss_s: Побегай [21:23:36] [L] AngryHardGame: не помнишь с кого халит клинок падает [21:23:38] FlipSize issued server command: /we cui [21:23:38] fgygv зашёл [21:23:39] SplaschGaming issued server command: /r ритуал книги нет так что не узнаем) [21:23:40] TweeL1e issued server command: /rg flag tweel1e3 mob-spawning deny [21:23:40] FlipSize issued server command: /tp SergoPHS [21:23:42] FlipSize issued server command: /we cui [21:23:46] [L] Inotik: Ром если не поидешь спать то сделаи пж ферму дерева на гевеи из маинфактори [21:23:47] [L] FlipSize: все остальные робят [21:23:48] [L] AngryHardGame: та не мне и нанки хватит [21:23:48] TweeL1e issued server command: /rg flag tweel1e2 mob-spawning deny [21:23:50] me3jack issued server command: /home [21:23:54] [L] Inotik: а меня вырубает [21:23:55] TweeL1e issued server command: /rg flag tweel1e1 mob-spawning deny [21:23:58] [L] FlipSize: проверьте [21:23:59] Ilayihoy issued server command: /we cui [21:24:03] 69Loqiemean96 issued server command: /rg flag [21:24:04] TweeL1e issued server command: /rg flag tweel1e8 mob-spawning deny [21:24:09] fgygv issued server command: /we cui [21:24:09] [L] Inotik: автокрафт процесоров ясделал все тип топ [21:24:10] FlipSize issued server command: /mv [21:24:11] Gazirovka_ issued server command: /warp 1 [21:24:11] Ilayihoy issued server command: /home [21:24:12] TweeL1e issued server command: /rg flag tweel1e7 mob-spawning deny [21:24:12] Gazirovka_ issued server command: /we cui [21:24:12] [L] _Miss_s: Вамашерон [21:24:12] Gazirovka_ issued server command: /gm 1 [21:24:12] Ilayihoy issued server command: /we cui [21:24:13] FlipSize issued server command: /mw [21:24:14] [L] _Miss_s: Вроде [21:24:17] [L] Romanuch: окей [21:24:18] [L] AngryHardGame: а ок [21:24:21] [L] Inotik: ток редстоуна нема [21:24:27] me3jack issued server command: /tpa kustikWHO [21:24:29] asdadn issued server command: /home [21:24:31] asdadn issued server command: /we cui [21:24:31] [L] _Miss_s: Стой [21:24:32] [L] Inotik: на кирку на всякии а я афк [21:24:32] 69Loqiemean96 issued server command: /region flag mob-spawning moonrisee [21:24:35] asdadn issued server command: /fly [21:24:36] [L] _Miss_s: Дай мне бронь [21:24:39] [L] _Miss_s: Я с тобой пойду [21:24:44] [L] AngryHardGame: я ее скинул в сундук [21:24:47] kustikWHO issued server command: /tpaccept [21:24:47] SergoPHS issued server command: /warp end [21:24:49] 69Loqiemean96 issued server command: /region flag moonrisee mob-spawning [21:24:55] [L] SplaschGaming: иди сюда [21:24:56] [L] SplaschGaming: оцени [21:24:59] [L] SplaschGaming: от 1 до 10 [21:25:00] 69Loqiemean96 issued server command: /region flag moonrisee mob-spawning [21:25:01] [L] Romanuch: надо много рф [21:25:01] [L] SergoPHS: через варп пишет (мир не создан) [21:25:08] Krantzg issued server command: /home [21:25:09] FlipSize issued server command: /mvp [21:25:09] Krantzg issued server command: /we cui [21:25:13] Gazirovka_ вышел [21:25:14] Krantzg issued server command: /fly [21:25:14] [L] SplaschGaming: хз [21:25:15] [L] _Miss_s: Пошли [21:25:19] [L] FlipSize: тепайтеь в энд через /warp world [21:25:20] astek2 issued server command: /spawn [21:25:21] [L] SplaschGaming: там света много [21:25:22] AngryHardGame issued server command: /we cui [21:25:24] [L] Romanuch: у меня есть [21:25:24] _Miss_s issued server command: /we cui [21:25:27] FlipSize issued server command: /mvp [21:25:30] [L] Inotik: чареная ? [21:25:31] SergoPHS issued server command: /warp world [21:25:32] [L] Romanuch: да [21:25:33] SergoPHS issued server command: /we cui [21:25:34] AngryHardGame issued server command: /fly [21:25:34] [L] Inotik: о топ [21:25:34] FlipSize issued server command: /mvp create [21:25:36] SergoPHS issued server command: /warp end [21:25:37] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 35:7 [21:25:39] [L] SplaschGaming: 60%! [21:25:40] [L] Inotik: тода я спаттт [21:25:42] _Miss_s issued server command: /fly [21:25:44] [L] Romanuch: спокойной [21:25:46] [L] AngryHardGame: фарми души мортума кр4 [21:25:49] [L] Inotik: и тебе [21:25:49] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 35:7 [21:25:52] [L] _Miss_s: Ок [21:25:53] 69Loqiemean96 issued server command: /region flag dom greeting \nДобро пожаловать. [21:25:54] FlipSize issued server command: /mvp create end [21:25:54] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 35:7 [21:25:55] SergoPHS issued server command: /m FlipSize пишет (не создан) [21:25:57] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 35:7 [21:25:58] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 35:7 [21:26:01] SergoPHS issued server command: /warp portal [21:26:02] SergoPHS issued server command: /we cui [21:26:04] [L] SplaschGaming: он жрёт много видимо [21:26:05] FlipSize issued server command: /r /warp world? [21:26:09] [L] SergoPHS: lf [21:26:11] 69Loqiemean96 issued server command: /region flag moonrisee greeting \nДобро пожаловать. [21:26:11] [L] SergoPHS: да [21:26:14] [L] AngryHardGame: долбаная граница мира [21:26:15] [L] SplaschGaming: дай слезу я отрублю спавн мобов [21:26:17] FlipSize issued server command: /warp world [21:26:18] [L] AngryHardGame: она че повсюду [21:26:18] [L] _Miss_s: хпавхпвха [21:26:19] FlipSize issued server command: /we cui [21:26:25] SergoPHS issued server command: /warp portal [21:26:28] SergoPHS issued server command: /warp portal [21:26:28] FlipSize issued server command: /sudo SergoPHS warp world [21:26:30] SergoPHS issued server command: /we cui [21:26:31] 69Loqiemean96 вышел [21:26:32] [L] FlipSize: ну [21:26:36] [L] FlipSize: робит же [21:26:40] [L] SergoPHS: вот отсюда в енд пишет не создан [21:26:41] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 35:7 [21:26:46] [L] FlipSize: вот [21:26:47] [L] SergoPHS: не так вырозился [21:26:48] [L] FlipSize: тут портал [21:26:49] [L] SplaschGaming: там блитз спавнится [21:26:53] [L] SergoPHS: ааа [21:26:55] [L] FlipSize: )0 [21:26:58] SergoPHS issued server command: /we cui [21:26:59] fgygv issued server command: /world [21:27:04] [L] SplaschGaming: пауков не будет [21:27:06] FreakFromThePub issued server command: /hom [21:27:07] FreakFromThePub issued server command: /home [21:27:10] fgygv issued server command: /warp world [21:27:12] SergoPHS issued server command: /home [21:27:13] fgygv issued server command: /we cui [21:27:14] SergoPHS issued server command: /we cui [21:27:21] fgygv issued server command: /rtv [21:27:22] FlipSize issued server command: /screenall [21:27:22] astek2 issued server command: /tp TheOldIniquity [21:27:23] astek2 issued server command: /we cui [21:27:23] [L] AngryHardGame: сойдет [21:27:26] [L] _Miss_s: Еба [21:27:30] [L] AngryHardGame: лучники [21:27:32] SergoPHS issued server command: /warp world [21:27:32] fgygv issued server command: /rtp [21:27:33] [L] AngryHardGame: нахуй их [21:27:39] SergoPHS issued server command: /we cui [21:27:41] [L] _Miss_s: Там граница [21:27:42] Suyumi issued server command: /rtp [21:27:42] [L] _Miss_s: Ебанная) [21:27:45] [L] AngryHardGame: хы [21:27:52] [L] AngryHardGame: скок душ ? [21:27:54] FreakFromThePub issued server command: /home [21:27:55] [L] _Miss_s: 6 [21:28:02] [L] SplaschGaming: всм [21:28:02] [L] AngryHardGame: хватает на вамашерона [21:28:03] astek2 issued server command: /tp FlipSize [21:28:12] [L] AngryHardGame: меч выбьем а там дальше проще пойдет [21:28:12] LeroySabo issued server command: /helpop Флип!!11 на кладбище нет заборов [21:28:12] [L] _Miss_s: Погнали [21:28:14] _Miss_s issued server command: /home [21:28:16] _Miss_s issued server command: /we cui [21:28:17] AngryHardGame issued server command: /home [21:28:18] AngryHardGame issued server command: /we cui [21:28:21] [L] SplaschGaming: это что [21:28:24] astek2 issued server command: /tp LeroySabo [21:28:25] astek2 issued server command: /we cui [21:28:28] QWEBOI вышел [21:28:28] Romanuch issued server command: /tp LeroySabo [21:28:29] Suyumi issued server command: /home [21:28:30] Romanuch issued server command: /we cui [21:28:34] _Miss_s issued server command: /fly [21:28:36] [L] _Miss_s: Флай [21:28:37] [L] _Miss_s: Включай [21:28:38] [L] _Miss_s: ) [21:28:41] [L] _Miss_s: А его тут [21:28:42] [L] _Miss_s: Вроде [21:28:43] [L] _Miss_s: Можно [21:28:43] [L] AngryHardGame: а так не тут [21:28:45] [L] SplaschGaming: относительно изи [21:28:46] [L] _Miss_s: А не7 [21:28:48] [L] _Miss_s: А где [21:28:48] [L] AngryHardGame: в мортуме [21:28:50] TweeL1e вышел [21:28:52] [L] SplaschGaming: обсидиана над много ток [21:28:53] [L] AngryHardGame: там арену построим [21:28:56] FlipSize issued server command: /tp LeroySabo [21:28:57] FlipSize issued server command: /we cui [21:28:58] [L] AngryHardGame: что бы он нас не херачил [21:28:59] [L] _Miss_s: Блоки в ноги [21:29:00] [L] _Miss_s: пхавпхва [21:29:00] [L] LeroySabo: Делай [21:29:01] TweeL1e зашёл [21:29:02] [L] AngryHardGame: да [21:29:03] TweeL1e issued server command: /we cui [21:29:03] _Miss_s issued server command: /we cui [21:29:06] FlipSize issued server command: /gm 1 [21:29:08] AngryHardGame issued server command: /we cui [21:29:08] TweeL1e issued server command: /адн [21:29:10] [L] SplaschGaming: 65%! [21:29:10] _Miss_s issued server command: /fly [21:29:12] AngryHardGame issued server command: /адн [21:29:13] TweeL1e issued server command: /fly [21:29:14] AngryHardGame issued server command: /fly [21:29:18] [L] _Miss_s: На [21:29:27] [L] AngryHardGame: так [21:29:43] [L] AngryHardGame: я ебу [21:29:48] [L] SplaschGaming: я могу пока вот это поставит [21:29:49] Sowkand вышел [21:29:50] [L] SplaschGaming: ь [21:29:51] [L] _Miss_s: Туда [21:29:55] [L] SplaschGaming: ток радиус не 64 а 16 [21:30:14] [L] AngryHardGame: хм [21:30:20] FlipSize issued server command: /vanish [21:30:22] [L] _Miss_s: Строй [21:30:23] [L] _Miss_s: Тут [21:30:33] flesziip issued server command: /tpa Suyumi [21:30:37] Suyumi issued server command: /tpaccept [21:30:38] [L] SplaschGaming: ну теперь мобов не должно быть [21:30:39] flesziip issued server command: /we cui [21:30:54] TweeL1e вышел [21:31:00] Romanuch issued server command: /warp world [21:31:01] Romanuch issued server command: /we cui [21:31:01] TweeL1e зашёл [21:31:04] TweeL1e issued server command: /we cui [21:31:04] TheOldIniquity вышел [21:31:09] flesziip issued server command: /we cui [21:31:14] astek2 issued server command: /tp LeroySabo [21:31:14] Suyumi issued server command: /we cui [21:31:14] TurboLastGame issued server command: /warp 1 [21:31:40] [G] Ilayihoy: !кто ботанию изучает ? [21:31:49] [G] SplaschGaming: !ботаники [21:31:50] FreakFromThePub issued server command: /home [21:31:51] LeroySabo issued server command: /warp world [21:31:52] [G] TurboLastGame: !+ [21:31:52] LeroySabo issued server command: /we cui [21:31:53] astek2 issued server command: /tp TweeL1e [21:31:55] astek2 issued server command: /we cui [21:31:57] [L] _Miss_s: -_- [21:32:12] [L] _Miss_s: Призывать?:) [21:32:15] [G] Ilayihoy: !у кого есть мана из батании? [21:32:16] [L] AngryHardGame: не [21:32:16] TweeL1e вышел [21:32:17] FlipSize issued server command: /whois flesziip [21:32:26] [G] TurboLastGame: !что ты хочешь можешь сказать сразу [21:32:29] astek2 issued server command: /tp FlipSize [21:32:29] [L] AngryHardGame: хм на скок блоков мы дотягиваемся [21:32:30] astek2 issued server command: /we cui [21:32:33] Romanuch issued server command: /home [21:32:38] [L] SplaschGaming: хз [21:32:39] astek2 issued server command: /tp FlipSize [21:32:44] ggwin issued server command: /rtp [21:32:48] FreakFromThePub issued server command: /tpa SergoPHS [21:33:03] [G] Ilayihoy: !мана парошок [21:33:06] ggwin issued server command: /tp ggwin 2327 77 -1095 [21:33:09] ggwin issued server command: /rtp [21:33:10] Suyumi issued server command: /we cui [21:33:13] FreakFromThePub issued server command: /tpa SergoPHS [21:33:13] SergoPHS issued server command: /tpaccept [21:33:13] FreakFromThePub issued server command: /we cui [21:33:16] SergoPHS issued server command: /tpaccept [21:33:17] FlipSize issued server command: /wb list [21:33:17] Suyumi issued server command: /home [21:33:19] FreakFromThePub issued server command: /fly [21:33:21] [G] TurboLastGame: !ну так сделай сам там капля маны над всего [21:33:23] LittleSvinka issued server command: /rg sel [21:33:35] [L] SplaschGaming: видимо мои остались [21:33:36] [L] Ilayihoy: я не хочу искать цветы для дневного цветка [21:33:41] [G] Ilayihoy: !я не хочу искать цветы для дневного цветка [21:33:49] FlipSize issued server command: /warp portal [21:33:50] Ic3berg issued server command: /м [21:33:51] ggwin issued server command: /rtp [21:33:52] [L] AngryHardGame: так [21:33:52] [L] _Miss_s: Всё? [21:33:52] Ic3berg issued server command: /v [21:33:54] [L] AngryHardGame: вроде сойдет [21:33:54] FlipSize issued server command: /we cui [21:33:57] [L] SplaschGaming: 75%!!!! [21:33:58] [L] AngryHardGame: туда призывай его [21:33:58] FlipSize issued server command: /warp portal [21:34:00] FlipSize issued server command: /we cui [21:34:00] [L] _Miss_s: И где [21:34:00] SergoPHS вышел [21:34:01] [L] _Miss_s: Он [21:34:02] LittleSvinka issued server command: //sel [21:34:02] [L] SplaschGaming: я [21:34:06] TurboLastGame issued server command: /warp 1 [21:34:06] TurboLastGame issued server command: /warp 1 [21:34:06] [L] _Miss_s: Ай бля [21:34:07] FlipSize issued server command: /gm 1 [21:34:08] [L] SplaschGaming: стак вроде [21:34:09] FreakFromThePub issued server command: /home [21:34:09] SergoPHS зашёл [21:34:09] [L] AngryHardGame: ясно перезаход [21:34:11] SergoPHS issued server command: /we cui [21:34:12] _Miss_s вышел [21:34:12] [L] AngryHardGame: он невидимый [21:34:14] AngryHardGame вышел [21:34:14] FreakFromThePub issued server command: /we cui [21:34:17] _Miss_s зашёл [21:34:18] SergoPHS issued server command: /kit eat [21:34:19] AngryHardGame зашёл [21:34:19] _Miss_s issued server command: /we cui [21:34:21] AngryHardGame issued server command: /we cui [21:34:22] FlipSize issued server command: /alisa [21:34:23] _Miss_s issued server command: /fly [21:34:25] AngryHardGame issued server command: /fly [21:34:28] FlipSize issued server command: /alisa loadchunks [21:34:30] ggwin issued server command: /rtp [21:34:33] FlipSize issued server command: /warp end [21:34:35] FlipSize issued server command: /we cui [21:34:36] TurboLastGame вышел [21:34:39] FlipSize issued server command: /alisa loadchunks 25 [21:34:40] Suyumi issued server command: /god [21:34:41] FlipSize issued server command: /alisa loadchunks 6 [21:34:43] TweeL1e зашёл [21:34:44] [L] Suyumi: . [21:34:49] [L] SplaschGaming: 2 рф в тик кнш сильно [21:34:50] [L] Ilayihoy: ай поxuyп пойду в доту [21:34:53] FreakFromThePub issued server command: /адн [21:34:53] FlipSize issued server command: /clan invite Suyumi [21:34:53] TweeL1e issued server command: /we cui [21:34:54] FreakFromThePub issued server command: /fly [21:34:54] Suyumi issued server command: /clan accept FlipSize [21:34:55] FlipSize issued server command: /near [21:34:55] [G] Ilayihoy: !ай поxuyп пойду в доту [21:35:01] FlipSize issued server command: /alisa loadchunks [21:35:03] FreakFromThePub issued server command: /home [21:35:03] FlipSize issued server command: /alisa loadchunks 6 [21:35:03] TweeL1e issued server command: /fly [21:35:05] TweeL1e issued server command: /god [21:35:06] [L] SplaschGaming: прям путь к инфинити вещам [21:35:07] TweeL1e issued server command: /god [21:35:09] Ilayihoy вышел [21:35:10] ggwin issued server command: /rtp [21:35:10] FlipSize issued server command: /alisa unloadchunks [21:35:11] [L] SplaschGaming: есть [21:35:14] [L] SplaschGaming: я выбивал в энде [21:35:23] [L] _Miss_s: Ты его бьёшь? [21:35:25] FlipSize issued server command: /alisa loadchunks 3 [21:35:29] [L] AngryHardGame: da [21:35:36] FlipSize issued server command: /alisa unloadchunks [21:35:38] FlipSize issued server command: /alisa unloadchunks 2 [21:35:42] Suyumi issued server command: /home [21:35:42] FlipSize issued server command: /alisa loadchunks 2 [21:35:48] FlipSize issued server command: /warp portal [21:35:48] [L] AngryHardGame: все [21:35:51] [L] AngryHardGame: с кайфом [21:35:51] [L] _Miss_s: Ещё [21:35:51] astek2 issued server command: /tp fgygv [21:35:52] FlipSize issued server command: /we cui [21:35:53] astek2 issued server command: /we cui [21:35:54] [L] _Miss_s: Одного [21:35:54] kustikWHO умер (PROJECTILE) [21:35:55] [L] _Miss_s: Надо [21:35:55] [L] _Miss_s: ) [21:35:57] FlipSize issued server command: /gc [21:35:58] kustikWHO issued server command: /we cui [21:35:59] Krantzg вышел [21:36:02] [L] AngryHardGame: надо фармить души опять [21:36:04] kustikWHO issued server command: /rtp [21:36:05] LittleSvinka issued server command: /rtp [21:36:10] [L] _Miss_s: Тока терна [21:36:12] [L] _Miss_s: Надо [21:36:16] _Miss_s issued server command: /home [21:36:17] _Miss_s issued server command: /we cui [21:36:22] AngryHardGame issued server command: /sethome [21:36:22] FlipSize issued server command: /we cui [21:36:24] [L] SplaschGaming: блин я так кайфую от эндер ио [21:36:28] _Miss_s issued server command: /fly [21:36:32] FreakFromThePub issued server command: /tpa SergoPHS [21:36:32] TweeL1e issued server command: /tppos 2327 -1095 77 [21:36:33] _Miss_s issued server command: /we cui [21:36:33] AngryHardGame issued server command: /m _Miss_s я хом на этой арене поставил ес че [21:36:38] ggwin issued server command: /call TweeL1e [21:36:39] _Miss_s issued server command: /fly [21:36:39] AngryHardGame issued server command: /home _Miss_s [21:36:40] SergoPHS issued server command: /tpaccept [21:36:41] AngryHardGame issued server command: /we cui [21:36:42] FreakFromThePub issued server command: /we cui [21:36:45] kustikWHO issued server command: /warp world [21:36:46] kustikWHO issued server command: /we cui [21:36:46] [L] SplaschGaming: и визеры тоже кайфуфют [21:36:49] TweeL1e issued server command: /home [21:36:53] _Miss_s issued server command: /w AngryHardGame кк [21:36:53] FreakFromThePub issued server command: /home [21:36:56] FreakFromThePub issued server command: /we cui [21:37:05] kustikWHO issued server command: /tpa me3jack [21:37:06] FreakFromThePub issued server command: /fly [21:37:10] me3jack issued server command: /TPACCEPT [21:37:17] TweeL1e issued server command: /tppos 2327 77 -1095 [21:37:24] TweeL1e issued server command: /tpaccpet [21:37:27] [L] SplaschGaming: повезло повезло [21:37:27] TweeL1e issued server command: /tpaccept [21:37:29] _Miss_s issued server command: /w ggwin У вас есть осматка? [21:37:31] AngryHardGame issued server command: /home [21:37:36] AngryHardGame issued server command: /home [21:37:36] [L] SplaschGaming: но и скорость сгорания 133 [21:37:40] FreakFromThePub issued server command: /home [21:37:40] AngryHardGame issued server command: /home [21:37:41] LittleSvinka issued server command: /rtp [21:37:45] AngryHardGame issued server command: /we cui [21:37:46] AngryHardGame issued server command: /home [21:37:47] [L] SplaschGaming: у вас шиза? [21:37:47] me3jack issued server command: /HOME [21:37:58] AngryHardGame issued server command: /fly [21:37:59] [L] SplaschGaming: да [21:38:00] FlipSize issued server command: /alisa loadchunks 1 [21:38:03] astek2 issued server command: /spawn [21:38:04] [L] SplaschGaming: мне надо была голова зомби [21:38:04] astek2 issued server command: /we cui [21:38:08] TweeL1e issued server command: /home [21:38:08] astek2 issued server command: /warp end [21:38:10] astek2 issued server command: /we cui [21:38:11] me3jack issued server command: /tpa kustikWHO [21:38:13] FlipSize issued server command: /neatr [21:38:14] FlipSize issued server command: /near [21:38:20] FlipSize issued server command: /u astek2 [21:38:21] kustikWHO issued server command: /tpaccept [21:38:23] FlipSize issued server command: /u gjrbym 'yl [21:38:27] FlipSize issued server command: /u покинь \нд [21:38:28] Sowkand зашёл [21:38:30] Suyumi issued server command: /home [21:38:31] FlipSize issued server command: /u покинь энд [21:38:33] LeroySabo issued server command: /helpop Ты поставил прогрузчик чанков в энд? [21:38:35] astek2 issued server command: /spawn [21:38:36] astek2 issued server command: /we cui [21:38:38] FlipSize issued server command: /u иб прогрузку поставил [21:38:40] [L] SplaschGaming: я вот сравниваю это с индастриалом [21:38:41] FlipSize issued server command: /u мб* [21:38:43] Sowkand issued server command: /we cui [21:38:44] _Miss_s issued server command: /w FilyWay У вас есть осматка? [21:38:48] SergoPHS issued server command: /home [21:38:49] SergoPHS issued server command: /we cui [21:38:54] FlipSize issued server command: /tp Suyumi [21:38:56] FlipSize issued server command: /we cui [21:39:04] [L] SplaschGaming: сделаем потом посох ленивого человека [21:39:04] kustikWHO issued server command: /sethome [21:39:06] FlipSize issued server command: /warp bs [21:39:07] astek2 issued server command: /u вроде все робит [21:39:07] [L] SplaschGaming: и даже двигатся не будем [21:39:29] [L] SplaschGaming: а там есть блок который позволяет на расстоянии открывать сундуки,захдить в вещи и тд [21:39:33] FreakFromThePub issued server command: /warp shop [21:39:36] FreakFromThePub issued server command: /we cui [21:39:37] [L] SplaschGaming: нет [21:39:41] [L] SplaschGaming: ну наверн нет [21:39:44] flesziip issued server command: /цфкз иы [21:39:46] flesziip issued server command: /home [21:39:48] flesziip issued server command: /we cui [21:39:52] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [21:39:55] [L] SplaschGaming: скипнем ночь? [21:39:59] SplaschGaming issued server command: /voteday [21:40:00] _Miss_s issued server command: /home [21:40:00] AngryHardGame issued server command: //chunk [21:40:00] AngryHardGame issued server command: //outset 16 [21:40:00] AngryHardGame issued server command: /zone [21:40:01] _Miss_s issued server command: /we cui [21:40:03] asdadn issued server command: /yes [21:40:04] astek2 issued server command: /no [21:40:04] fgygv issued server command: /yes [21:40:05] fgygv issued server command: /yes [21:40:06] _Miss_s issued server command: /w TweeL1e У вас есть осматка? [21:40:06] loyadik issued server command: /no [21:40:07] AngryHardGame issued server command: //sel [21:40:08] LeroySabo issued server command: /yes [21:40:10] AngryHardGame issued server command: /yes [21:40:11] Suyumi issued server command: /home [21:40:16] AngryHardGame issued server command: /vote [21:40:18] _Miss_s issued server command: /home AngryHardGame [21:40:20] _Miss_s issued server command: /we cui [21:40:21] SergoPHS вышел [21:40:23] [L] SplaschGaming: да у меня выброс предмета на контрл [21:40:24] [L] _Miss_s: .адн [21:40:25] _Miss_s issued server command: /fly [21:40:27] _Miss_s issued server command: /mpcaseshop [21:40:27] _Miss_s issued server command: /mpcaseshop [21:40:32] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [21:40:41] [L] SplaschGaming: )))) [21:40:42] [L] SplaschGaming: ну ты гей [21:40:48] [L] SplaschGaming: но запрет да? [21:40:51] [L] AngryHardGame: быстро [21:40:55] [L] AngryHardGame: кайф [21:40:57] astek2 issued server command: /tp Romanuch [21:40:59] astek2 issued server command: /we cui [21:40:59] [L] _Miss_s: Дыа [21:41:01] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [21:41:05] [L] _Miss_s: Домой погнали [21:41:06] _Miss_s issued server command: /home [21:41:09] [L] SplaschGaming: думаю можна [21:41:14] AngryHardGame issued server command: /home _Miss_s [21:41:15] _Miss_s issued server command: /home [21:41:15] AngryHardGame issued server command: /we cui [21:41:19] _Miss_s issued server command: /home [21:41:19] LittleSvinka issued server command: /rtp [21:41:22] _Miss_s issued server command: /we cui [21:41:22] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [21:41:25] [L] SplaschGaming: 98%!!! [21:41:26] _Miss_s issued server command: /w Inotik У тебя есть осматка? [21:41:29] _Miss_s issued server command: /fly [21:41:35] _Miss_s issued server command: /w LittleSvinka У тебя есть осматка? [21:41:39] [L] SplaschGaming: ура! [21:41:40] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [21:41:42] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [21:41:50] [L] SplaschGaming: 30 лвл да [21:41:57] [L] AngryHardGame: пойду душ терна пофармлю тогда [21:41:58] asdadn issued server command: /fly [21:41:59] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [21:42:00] FreakFromThePub issued server command: /home [21:42:02] asdadn issued server command: /fly [21:42:03] FreakFromThePub issued server command: /we cui [21:42:03] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [21:42:07] asdadn issued server command: /fly [21:42:08] [L] _Miss_s: Оки [21:42:09] asdadn умер (FALL) [21:42:10] asdadn issued server command: /we cui [21:42:11] AngryHardGame issued server command: /we cui [21:42:15] AngryHardGame issued server command: /fly [21:42:23] asdadn issued server command: /fly [21:42:26] _Miss_s issued server command: /warp npc [21:42:27] LittleSvinka issued server command: /home [21:42:27] _Miss_s issued server command: /we cui [21:42:30] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [21:42:35] _Miss_s issued server command: /fly [21:42:37] [L] SplaschGaming: дай [21:42:45] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [21:42:49] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [21:42:50] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [21:42:59] [L] SplaschGaming: :d [21:43:09] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [21:43:09] [L] SplaschGaming: потому что они из эндер ир [21:43:10] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [21:43:11] [L] SplaschGaming: ио* [21:43:18] [L] SplaschGaming: о сразу по 4 [21:43:25] _Miss_s issued server command: /home [21:43:25] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [21:43:27] _Miss_s issued server command: /we cui [21:43:29] FreakFromThePub issued server command: /fly [21:43:30] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [21:43:31] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [21:43:39] _Miss_s issued server command: /rtp [21:43:40] _Miss_s issued server command: /fly [21:43:42] astek2 issued server command: /tp _Miss_s [21:43:47] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [21:43:47] FreakFromThePub issued server command: /home [21:43:48] _Miss_s issued server command: /warp lsit [21:43:49] loyadik issued server command: /home [21:43:50] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [21:43:51] _Miss_s issued server command: /warp list [21:43:51] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [21:43:54] zloy_cool зашёл [21:44:03] _Miss_s issued server command: /clan invite AngryHardGame [21:44:08] zloy_cool issued server command: /we cui [21:44:09] _Miss_s issued server command: /warp endd [21:44:10] _Miss_s issued server command: /we cui [21:44:11] astek2 issued server command: /tp _Miss_s [21:44:12] [L] SplaschGaming: не зря делал да? [21:44:13] astek2 issued server command: /we cui [21:44:13] AngryHardGame issued server command: /clan accept [21:44:17] ggwin issued server command: /rtp [21:44:17] AngryHardGame issued server command: /clan [21:44:19] _Miss_s issued server command: /fly [21:44:22] [L] SplaschGaming: а так они уголь дропают [21:44:26] [L] SplaschGaming: вот тебе и энергия [21:44:29] AngryHardGame issued server command: /clan accept _Miss_s [21:44:35] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [21:44:37] [L] SplaschGaming: +) [21:44:48] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [21:44:49] AngryHardGame issued server command: /clam chat жесть какая [21:44:51] FreakFromThePub issued server command: /home' [21:44:52] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [21:44:54] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [21:44:55] FreakFromThePub issued server command: /home [21:44:56] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [21:44:57] [G] _Miss_s: !У кого есть осматка? [21:45:01] [L] SplaschGaming: да [21:45:07] flesziip issued server command: /home [21:45:10] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [21:45:13] astek2 issued server command: /we cui [21:45:14] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [21:45:16] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [21:45:26] AngryHardGame issued server command: /clan chat жоповыколуповылка [21:45:29] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [21:45:29] FreakFromThePub issued server command: /home [21:45:32] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [21:45:35] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [21:45:37] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [21:45:40] flesziip issued server command: /trade Suyumi [21:45:40] flesziip issued server command: /trade Suyumi [21:45:40] flesziip issued server command: /trade Suyumi [21:45:44] [L] SplaschGaming: 70 [21:45:47] FreakFromThePub issued server command: /home [21:45:48] [L] SplaschGaming: ну эт мало [21:46:02] _Miss_s issued server command: /home [21:46:04] _Miss_s issued server command: /we cui [21:46:06] loyadik issued server command: /home [21:46:07] astek2 issued server command: /tp _Miss_s [21:46:08] zloy_cool issued server command: /home [21:46:08] astek2 issued server command: /we cui [21:46:11] FreakFromThePub issued server command: /home [21:46:20] kustikWHO умер (FALL) [21:46:21] kustikWHO issued server command: /we cui [21:46:31] _Miss_s issued server command: /rtp [21:46:37] _Miss_s issued server command: /fly [21:46:44] fgygv issued server command: /rtp [21:46:48] flesziip issued server command: /s Suyumi [21:46:53] FlipSize issued server command: /s Suyumi [21:46:55] astek2 issued server command: /tp Sowkand [21:46:56] [L] SplaschGaming: ток где черепа [21:47:04] FlipSize issued server command: /trade Suyumi [21:47:04] FlipSize issued server command: /trade Suyumi [21:47:04] FlipSize issued server command: /trade Suyumi [21:47:04] FlipSize issued server command: /trade Suyumi [21:47:04] FlipSize issued server command: /trade Suyumi [21:47:04] FlipSize issued server command: /trade Suyumi [21:47:04] FlipSize issued server command: /trade Suyumi [21:47:04] FlipSize issued server command: /trade Suyumi [21:47:04] FlipSize issued server command: /trade Suyumi [21:47:04] FlipSize issued server command: /trade Suyumi [21:47:04] FlipSize issued server command: /trade Suyumi [21:47:04] FlipSize issued server command: /trade Suyumi [21:47:04] FlipSize issued server command: /trade Suyumi [21:47:04] FlipSize issued server command: /trade Suyumi [21:47:04] FlipSize issued server command: /trade Suyumi [21:47:04] FlipSize issued server command: /trade Suyumi [21:47:04] FlipSize issued server command: /trade Suyumi [21:47:04] FlipSize issued server command: /trade Suyumi [21:47:04] FlipSize issued server command: /trade Suyumi [21:47:04] FlipSize issued server command: /trade Suyumi [21:47:04] FlipSize issued server command: /trade Suyumi [21:47:04] FlipSize issued server command: /trade Suyumi [21:47:04] FlipSize issued server command: /trade Suyumi [21:47:04] FlipSize issued server command: /trade Suyumi [21:47:04] FlipSize issued server command: /trade Suyumi [21:47:04] FlipSize issued server command: /trade Suyumi [21:47:04] FlipSize issued server command: /trade Suyumi [21:47:04] FlipSize issued server command: /trade Suyumi [21:47:04] FlipSize issued server command: /trade Suyumi [21:47:04] FlipSize issued server command: /trade Suyumi [21:47:04] FlipSize issued server command: /trade Suyumi [21:47:04] FlipSize issued server command: /trade Suyumi [21:47:04] FlipSize issued server command: /trade Suyumi [21:47:04] FlipSize issued server command: /trade Suyumi [21:47:04] FlipSize issued server command: /trade Suyumi [21:47:04] FlipSize issued server command: /trade Suyumi [21:47:04] FlipSize issued server command: /trade Suyumi [21:47:04] FlipSize issued server command: /trade Suyumi [21:47:04] FlipSize issued server command: /trade Suyumi [21:47:04] FlipSize issued server command: /trade Suyumi [21:47:04] FlipSize issued server command: /trade Suyumi [21:47:04] FlipSize issued server command: /trade Suyumi [21:47:04] FlipSize issued server command: /trade Suyumi [21:47:04] FlipSize issued server command: /trade Suyumi [21:47:04] FlipSize issued server command: /trade Suyumi [21:47:04] FlipSize issued server command: /trade Suyumi [21:47:04] FlipSize issued server command: /trade Suyumi [21:47:04] FlipSize issued server command: /trade Suyumi [21:47:04] FlipSize issued server command: /trade Suyumi [21:47:04] FlipSize issued server command: /trade Suyumi [21:47:04] FlipSize issued server command: /trade Suyumi [21:47:04] FlipSize issued server command: /trade Suyumi [21:47:04] FlipSize issued server command: /trade Suyumi [21:47:04] FlipSize issued server command: /trade Suyumi [21:47:04] FlipSize issued server command: /trade Suyumi [21:47:04] FlipSize issued server command: /trade Suyumi [21:47:04] FlipSize issued server command: /trade Suyumi [21:47:04] FlipSize issued server command: /trade Suyumi [21:47:04] FlipSize issued server command: /trade Suyumi [21:47:04] FlipSize issued server command: /trade Suyumi [21:47:04] FlipSize issued server command: /trade Suyumi [21:47:04] FlipSize issued server command: /trade Suyumi [21:47:04] FlipSize issued server command: /trade Suyumi [21:47:04] FlipSize issued server command: /trade Suyumi [21:47:04] FlipSize issued server command: /trade Suyumi [21:47:04] FlipSize issued server command: /trade Suyumi [21:47:04] FlipSize issued server command: /trade Suyumi [21:47:04] FlipSize issued server command: /trade Suyumi [21:47:04] FlipSize issued server command: /trade Suyumi [21:47:04] FlipSize issued server command: /trade Suyumi [21:47:04] FlipSize issued server command: /trade Suyumi [21:47:04] FlipSize issued server command: /trade Suyumi [21:47:04] FlipSize issued server command: /trade Suyumi [21:47:04] FlipSize issued server command: /trade Suyumi [21:47:04] FlipSize issued server command: /trade Suyumi [21:47:04] FlipSize issued server command: /trade Suyumi [21:47:04] FlipSize issued server command: /trade Suyumi [21:47:04] FlipSize issued server command: /trade Suyumi [21:47:04] FlipSize issued server command: /trade Suyumi [21:47:04] FlipSize issued server command: /trade Suyumi [21:47:04] FlipSize issued server command: /trade Suyumi [21:47:04] FlipSize issued server command: /trade Suyumi [21:47:04] FlipSize issued server command: /trade Suyumi [21:47:04] FlipSize issued server command: /trade Suyumi [21:47:04] FlipSize issued server command: /trade Suyumi [21:47:04] FlipSize issued server command: /trade Suyumi [21:47:04] FlipSize issued server command: /trade Suyumi [21:47:04] FlipSize issued server command: /trade Suyumi [21:47:04] FlipSize issued server command: /trade Suyumi [21:47:04] FlipSize issued server command: /trade Suyumi [21:47:04] FlipSize issued server command: /trade Suyumi [21:47:04] FlipSize issued server command: /trade Suyumi [21:47:04] FlipSize issued server command: /trade Suyumi [21:47:04] FlipSize issued server command: /trade Suyumi [21:47:04] FlipSize issued server command: /trade Suyumi [21:47:04] FlipSize issued server command: /trade Suyumi [21:47:04] FlipSize issued server command: /trade Suyumi [21:47:04] FlipSize issued server command: /trade Suyumi [21:47:04] FlipSize issued server command: /trade Suyumi [21:47:10] astek2 issued server command: /tp FlipSize [21:47:10] asdadn issued server command: /votesun [21:47:11] FreakFromThePub issued server command: /home [21:47:14] SplaschGaming issued server command: /yes [21:47:14] _Miss_s issued server command: /yes [21:47:14] loyadik issued server command: /no [21:47:21] [L] SplaschGaming: но для топора надо портал [21:47:22] fgygv issued server command: /yes [21:47:23] _Miss_s issued server command: /voteweather [21:47:27] [L] SplaschGaming: а это уже как минимум басик маны [21:47:28] fgygv issued server command: /rtp [21:47:33] me3jack issued server command: /yes [21:47:34] FlipSize issued server command: /vanish [21:47:36] asdadn issued server command: /trade SplaschGaming [21:47:36] asdadn issued server command: /trade SplaschGaming [21:47:41] LeroySabo issued server command: /home [21:47:51] LeroySabo issued server command: /ec [21:47:51] [L] astek2: получаеться куколд ) [21:47:55] [G] ggwin: !Есть у кого на примете зловещий узел? [21:48:06] [L] FlipSize: получается что не так [21:48:07] fgygv issued server command: /rtp [21:48:08] [L] SplaschGaming: застроили бедный кондик фул [21:48:10] [L] astek2: ) [21:48:12] [L] SplaschGaming: даже зайти нельщя [21:48:13] [L] FlipSize: забанить?) [21:48:20] [L] astek2: а так можно [21:48:24] [L] FlipSize: даааа [21:48:25] fgygv issued server command: //chunk [21:48:25] fgygv issued server command: //outset 16 [21:48:25] fgygv issued server command: /zone [21:48:26] [L] FlipSize: алмазы дать? [21:48:30] [L] astek2: нее [21:48:32] ggwin issued server command: /rtp [21:48:40] LeroySabo issued server command: /money [21:48:44] [L] astek2: давай ради теста ) только 1 командой [21:48:46] Sowkand issued server command: /fly [21:48:50] [L] FlipSize: ща [21:48:50] loyadik issued server command: /home [21:48:56] [L] astek2: 1 только [21:49:01] [G] AngryHardGame: ! сервер здох [21:49:01] [L] astek2: не двумя [21:49:02] Romanuch issued server command: /trade LeroySabo [21:49:04] LeroySabo issued server command: /trade accept [21:49:06] [G] _Miss_s: !Afrn [21:49:07] [G] _Miss_s: !Факт [21:49:07] [G] SplaschGaming: !точно? [21:49:08] _Miss_s issued server command: /home [21:49:12] [G] AngryHardGame: ! или это только у меня [21:49:16] Sowkand вышел [21:49:22] [G] asdadn: !продам визер скелета с доставкой на дом [21:49:30] [G] SplaschGaming: !цена? [21:49:31] [G] me3jack: ! жив вроже [21:49:36] _Miss_s issued server command: /warp nether [21:49:38] _Miss_s issued server command: /we cui [21:49:39] [G] asdadn: !5 эмов [21:49:40] _Miss_s issued server command: /fly [21:49:46] [L] FlipSize: $${/immune astek2 false | /ban astek2}$$ [21:49:48] LeroySabo issued server command: /spawn [21:49:49] [L] FlipSize: так?) [21:49:50] LeroySabo issued server command: /we cui [21:49:58] [L] SplaschGaming: скелетный вор сплех [21:50:02] [G] AngryHardGame: ! а фигня просто какая то моб залагал [21:50:04] ggwin issued server command: /home [21:50:13] [L] astek2: нее [21:50:14] fgygv issued server command: /rg cleaim i [21:50:15] [L] astek2: ) [21:50:20] [L] SplaschGaming: скок черепов [21:50:22] [L] astek2: 1 командой [21:50:25] [G] _Miss_s: !Кто то тут кварц и кирпичи адские разбросал [21:50:26] [L] FlipSize: ща [21:50:26] [G] _Miss_s: !В аду [21:50:27] [L] SplaschGaming: и у меня 1 [21:50:28] [L] FlipSize: дай подумать [21:50:32] FreakFromThePub issued server command: /home [21:50:33] loyadik issued server command: /home [21:50:42] fgygv issued server command: /rg claim magic [21:50:45] FlipSize issued server command: /banhwid astek2 test [21:50:45] astek2 был кикнут [21:50:45] astek2 вышел [21:50:45] Suyumi issued server command: /trade FlipSize [21:50:45] Suyumi issued server command: /trade FlipSize [21:50:45] Suyumi issued server command: /trade FlipSize [21:50:53] fgygv issued server command: /sethome [21:51:08] FlipSize issued server command: /near [21:51:11] [L] SplaschGaming: убиваем 1 визера руками а дальше за лук и алм меч [21:51:23] [L] SplaschGaming: ну я хочу чекнуть дроп [21:51:25] LittleSvinka issued server command: /rg select [21:51:27] [L] SplaschGaming: а дальше через крафт [21:51:32] FlipSize issued server command: /unbanhwid astek2 test [21:51:35] zloy_cool issued server command: /warp shop [21:51:35] FlipSize issued server command: /unbanhwid astek2 [21:51:36] zloy_cool issued server command: /we cui [21:51:42] [L] SplaschGaming: да не там крафт такой есть [21:51:47] astek2 зашёл [21:51:49] astek2 issued server command: /we cui [21:51:51] loyadik issued server command: /home [21:51:52] [L] SplaschGaming: алм меч,лук,3 головы и 4 песка = звезда [21:51:53] astek2 issued server command: /gm 1 [21:52:01] [L] astek2: все таки работает [21:52:03] [L] astek2: ) [21:52:04] [L] FlipSize: )) [21:52:05] FreakFromThePub вышел [21:52:06] Sowkand зашёл [21:52:16] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 35 [21:52:16] [L] SplaschGaming: я бы взял за 300 [21:52:16] zloy_cool issued server command: /home [21:52:18] zloy_cool issued server command: /we cui [21:52:19] Sowkand issued server command: /we cui [21:52:20] [L] SplaschGaming: выглядит выгоднее [21:52:28] flesziip issued server command: /trade Suyumi [21:52:28] flesziip issued server command: /trade Suyumi [21:52:28] flesziip issued server command: /trade Suyumi [21:52:28] flesziip issued server command: /trade Suyumi [21:52:28] flesziip issued server command: /trade Suyumi [21:52:28] flesziip issued server command: /trade Suyumi [21:52:36] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 35 [21:52:43] Sowkand issued server command: /flt [21:52:44] Sowkand issued server command: /fly [21:52:50] FreakFromThePub зашёл [21:52:53] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 35 [21:52:55] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 35 [21:52:56] FreakFromThePub issued server command: /we cui [21:52:57] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 35 [21:53:21] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 35 [21:53:28] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 35 [21:53:32] [L] SplaschGaming: у тебя 13 да? [21:53:36] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 35 [21:53:40] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 35 [21:53:41] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 35 [21:53:45] [L] SplaschGaming: ну так у меня его череп [21:53:55] [L] SplaschGaming: да [21:53:57] Suyumi issued server command: /w arp end [21:53:59] Suyumi issued server command: /warp end [21:54:03] astek2 issued server command: /tp me3jack [21:54:04] Suyumi issued server command: /we cui [21:54:25] fgygv умер (ENTITY_ATTACK) [21:54:27] fgygv issued server command: /we cui [21:54:46] astek2 issued server command: /tp AngryHardGame [21:54:48] astek2 issued server command: /we cui [21:54:54] Suyumi issued server command: /home [21:54:56] Suyumi issued server command: /we cui [21:54:59] [L] SplaschGaming: на верстак? [21:55:02] [G] AngryHardGame: ! хм генератор 4 уровня челям+ эмов стоит ? [21:55:09] zloy_cool issued server command: /home [21:55:13] LittleSvinka issued server command: //sel [21:55:21] [L] SplaschGaming: ну почти полтора стака голов [21:55:25] [L] SplaschGaming: вообще возможно [21:55:29] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [21:55:30] astek2 issued server command: /tp LeroySabo [21:55:31] Suyumi умер (FIRE) [21:55:32] astek2 issued server command: /we cui [21:55:33] Suyumi issued server command: /we cui [21:55:39] FreakFromThePub issued server command: /fly [21:55:45] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [21:55:48] [L] SplaschGaming: у тебя добыча? [21:55:50] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [21:55:52] [L] Suyumi: ясно оставил с ботом раз на раз [21:55:55] Ic3berg issued server command: /playtime top [21:56:00] Ic3berg issued server command: /playtime [21:56:01] FreakFromThePub issued server command: /home [21:56:06] Ic3berg issued server command: /playtime list [21:56:07] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [21:56:08] AngryHardGame issued server command: /home _Miss_s [21:56:08] [L] SplaschGaming: прикольная кста штука [21:56:10] AngryHardGame issued server command: /we cui [21:56:10] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [21:56:11] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [21:56:16] Ic3berg issued server command: /playtimetop [21:56:25] flesziip issued server command: /co near [21:56:25] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [21:56:30] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [21:56:32] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [21:56:37] AngryHardGame issued server command: /r кр4 с горем пополам пол стака нафармил [21:56:41] _Miss_s issued server command: /HOME [21:56:42] _Miss_s issued server command: /we cui [21:56:51] [L] AngryHardGame: оу жесть ты горячая [21:56:51] Suyumi issued server command: /day [21:57:02] TweeL1e issued server command: /rg flag tweel1e mob-spawning allowed [21:57:06] TweeL1e issued server command: /rg flag tweel1e mob-spawning allow [21:57:18] [L] _Miss_s: Я спать [21:57:18] FreakFromThePub issued server command: /home [21:57:19] [L] _Miss_s: Пока)) [21:57:25] [L] AngryHardGame: я тоже пожалуй [21:57:27] [L] _Miss_s: Удачи тебе тута)) [21:57:29] [L] _Miss_s: А ок [21:57:29] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [21:57:31] [L] AngryHardGame: спокойной [21:57:31] [L] _Miss_s: Спокойной ночи [21:57:31] [L] SplaschGaming: ставь [21:57:31] [L] _Miss_s: )) [21:57:37] kustikWHO умер (FALL) [21:57:39] _Miss_s вышел [21:57:39] kustikWHO issued server command: /we cui [21:57:45] FreakFromThePub issued server command: /home [21:57:45] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [21:57:46] AngryHardGame вышел [21:57:48] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [21:57:49] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [21:57:52] kustikWHO умер (ENTITY_ATTACK) [21:57:53] kustikWHO issued server command: /we cui [21:57:59] [L] SplaschGaming: ну наверн [21:58:07] [L] SplaschGaming: чел ты в клетке [21:58:07] Suyumi issued server command: /rg s [21:58:08] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [21:58:08] [L] SplaschGaming: пон да? [21:58:10] [G] flesziip: !ясно, афкашер [21:58:10] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [21:58:15] LeroySabo issued server command: /helpop Ачу по админ магазу? [21:58:24] [L] FlipSize: .г , [21:58:26] FlipSize issued server command: /u? [21:58:28] FlipSize issued server command: /u ? [21:58:28] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [21:58:33] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [21:58:35] FlipSize issued server command: /home gazirovka [21:58:37] loyadik issued server command: /home [21:58:38] [L] SplaschGaming: я говорил! [21:58:42] [L] SplaschGaming: и звезда [21:58:44] LeroySabo issued server command: /helpop Дурак, я не вижу админ чат [21:58:46] FlipSize issued server command: /tp Romanuch [21:58:54] [L] SplaschGaming: ну лан [21:58:54] FlipSize issued server command: /u LeroySabo лох [21:58:57] Suyumi issued server command: /u ыЫЫыыЫ [21:58:57] FlipSize issued server command: /u и еще гей [21:59:00] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [21:59:01] [L] LeroySabo: @FlipSize [21:59:01] zloy_cool issued server command: /home [21:59:02] [L] LeroySabo: @FlipSize [21:59:02] [L] LeroySabo: @FlipSize [21:59:03] [L] LeroySabo: @FlipSize [21:59:03] FreakFromThePub issued server command: /home [21:59:04] [L] LeroySabo: @FlipSize [21:59:04] [L] LeroySabo: @FlipSize [21:59:05] zloy_cool issued server command: /warp [21:59:05] [L] LeroySabo: @FlipSize [21:59:05] [L] LeroySabo: @FlipSize [21:59:06] [L] LeroySabo: @FlipSize [21:59:07] [L] LeroySabo: @FlipSize [21:59:07] zloy_cool issued server command: /warp list [21:59:09] FlipSize issued server command: /u в придачу клоун [21:59:13] zloy_cool issued server command: /warp list 2 [21:59:17] [L] LeroySabo: @FlipSize [21:59:22] FlipSize issued server command: /rg i [21:59:22] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [21:59:29] Suyumi issued server command: //chunk [21:59:29] Suyumi issued server command: //outset 16 [21:59:29] Suyumi issued server command: /zone [21:59:30] me3jack умер (MAGIC) [21:59:31] FlipSize issued server command: /home gazirvka_ [21:59:31] loyadik issued server command: /home [21:59:32] LittleSvinka issued server command: /warp nether [21:59:32] zloy_cool issued server command: /warp pvp [21:59:33] me3jack issued server command: /we cui [21:59:34] LittleSvinka issued server command: /we cui [21:59:34] zloy_cool issued server command: /we cui [21:59:37] LittleSvinka issued server command: /fly [21:59:37] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [21:59:38] Ic3berg вышел [21:59:39] FlipSize issued server command: /seen gazirovka_ [21:59:41] me3jack issued server command: /tpa kustikWHO [21:59:42] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [21:59:43] FlipSize issued server command: /tppos -3034 66 3238 [21:59:43] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [21:59:45] FlipSize issued server command: /rg i [21:59:50] kustikWHO issued server command: /tpaccept [21:59:56] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [21:59:56] astek2 issued server command: /to ku [21:59:58] [L] SplaschGaming: ну рг решает [22:00:00] astek2 issued server command: /tp ku [22:00:01] zloy_cool issued server command: /warp endd [22:00:01] astek2 issued server command: /we cui [22:00:02] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [22:00:03] FlipSize issued server command: /rg removeowner baza he11star [22:00:03] zloy_cool issued server command: /we cui [22:00:03] [L] SplaschGaming: так бы было потно [22:00:03] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [22:00:15] zloy_cool issued server command: /home [22:00:15] FlipSize issued server command: /tp Suyumi [22:00:17] zloy_cool issued server command: /we cui [22:00:17] fgygv issued server command: //chunk [22:00:17] fgygv issued server command: //outset 16 [22:00:17] fgygv issued server command: /zone clear [22:00:18] [L] SplaschGaming: боссов нельзя никаких [22:00:21] flesziip issued server command: /home [22:00:24] [L] SplaschGaming: хз [22:00:25] asdadn умер (WITHER) [22:00:25] fgygv issued server command: /clear [22:00:27] asdadn issued server command: /we cui [22:00:33] FreakFromThePub issued server command: /home [22:00:37] [L] flesziip: eat [22:00:39] [L] flesziip: east [22:00:40] asdadn issued server command: /fly [22:00:41] fgygv issued server command: //chunk [22:00:41] fgygv issued server command: //outset 16 [22:00:41] fgygv issued server command: /zone sell [22:00:46] fgygv issued server command: /sell [22:00:46] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [22:00:47] SplaschGaming issued server command: /kit eat [22:00:50] fgygv issued server command: /sel [22:00:50] me3jack issued server command: /tp me3jack -1029 77 -2432 [22:00:53] fgygv issued server command: /sell [22:00:55] [L] SplaschGaming: еда кончилась просто [22:00:56] astek2 issued server command: /tp Suyumi [22:01:01] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [22:01:07] FreakFromThePub issued server command: /home [22:01:10] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [22:01:15] fgygv issued server command: //chunk [22:01:15] fgygv issued server command: //outset 16 [22:01:15] fgygv issued server command: /zone sell [22:01:18] me3jack issued server command: /home [22:01:19] Ic3berg зашёл [22:01:22] [L] SplaschGaming: куда сток сигилов [22:01:24] fgygv issued server command: /sell [22:01:25] zloy_cool issued server command: /home [22:01:28] Ic3berg issued server command: /we cui [22:01:29] loyadik issued server command: /home [22:01:32] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [22:01:40] Ic3berg вышел [22:01:48] LittleSvinka issued server command: /home [22:01:49] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [22:01:50] LittleSvinka issued server command: /we cui [22:01:50] FreakFromThePub issued server command: /home [22:01:50] LittleSvinka issued server command: /fly [22:01:52] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [22:02:00] me3jack issued server command: /tpa kustikWHO [22:02:07] kustikWHO issued server command: /tpaccept [22:02:07] Suyumi issued server command: /rg claim Blacksun_east flesziip [22:02:07] asdadn умер (WITHER) [22:02:08] loyadik вышел [22:02:09] asdadn issued server command: /we cui [22:02:09] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [22:02:13] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [22:02:14] Suyumi issued server command: //chunk [22:02:14] Suyumi issued server command: //outset 16 [22:02:14] Suyumi issued server command: /zone [22:02:14] asdadn issued server command: /fly [22:02:31] [G] LeroySabo: !Сам лысый [22:02:34] Suyumi issued server command: /rg claim Blacksun_South-east flesziip [22:02:39] [G] asdadn: !долгая реакция [22:02:42] Suyumi issued server command: //chunk [22:02:42] Suyumi issued server command: //outset 16 [22:02:42] Suyumi issued server command: /zone [22:02:48] Suyumi issued server command: /rg claim Blacksun_South flesziip [22:02:50] [G] FlipSize: !лысая бошка - дай пиражка [22:02:50] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [22:02:56] [G] LeroySabo: !:D [22:02:56] Suyumi issued server command: //chunk [22:02:56] Suyumi issued server command: //outset 16 [22:02:56] Suyumi issued server command: /zone [22:02:56] fgygv issued server command: //sel [22:03:05] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [22:03:12] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [22:03:12] Suyumi issued server command: /rg claim Blacksun_South-West flesziip [22:03:12] [L] FlipSize: ,туфк [22:03:14] FlipSize issued server command: /near [22:03:17] Suyumi issued server command: //chunk [22:03:17] Suyumi issued server command: //outset 16 [22:03:17] Suyumi issued server command: /zone [22:03:18] [L] astek2: кто там [22:03:25] [L] SplaschGaming: хз даж [22:03:25] [L] FlipSize: ya [22:03:27] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [22:03:28] [L] FlipSize: а там кто\ [22:03:30] Suyumi issued server command: /rg claim Blacksun_West flesziip [22:03:31] [L] SplaschGaming: нам бы сигил [22:03:32] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [22:03:37] Suyumi issued server command: //chunk [22:03:37] Suyumi issued server command: //outset 16 [22:03:37] Suyumi issued server command: /zone [22:03:38] [L] astek2: я [22:03:40] [G] LeroySabo: !Когда будут продаватся солнечные панели в админ шопе? [22:03:41] Ic3berg зашёл [22:03:42] [L] FlipSize: кто я [22:03:45] [L] FlipSize: назовись [22:03:47] [L] SplaschGaming: пойду за овцой [22:03:47] [G] Sowkand: !они продаются не? [22:03:50] Ic3berg issued server command: /we cui [22:03:51] [L] astek2: смотря кто спрашивает [22:03:53] [G] FlipSize: !кттс [22:03:57] Suyumi issued server command: /rg claim Blacksun_North-West flesziip [22:04:00] [G] FlipSize: !ну я [22:04:02] Suyumi issued server command: //chunk [22:04:02] Suyumi issued server command: //outset 16 [22:04:02] Suyumi issued server command: /zone [22:04:03] [L] FlipSize: ну я [22:04:05] [L] astek2: кто я [22:04:10] Suyumi issued server command: /rg claim Blacksun_North flesziip [22:04:11] [L] FlipSize: смотря кто спрашивает [22:04:11] FreakFromThePub issued server command: /home [22:04:21] [L] astek2: смотря кто отвечает [22:04:22] [G] LeroySabo: !Когда будут продаватся ядра дракона [22:04:23] ggwin issued server command: /sethome [22:04:25] Suyumi issued server command: /rg claim Blacksun_North-East flesziip [22:04:30] [L] FlipSize: смотря кто задает впорос [22:04:34] Suyumi issued server command: /rg i [22:04:36] [L] astek2: я [22:04:40] [L] FlipSize: кто я [22:04:43] zloy_cool issued server command: /rtp [22:04:50] [L] astek2: смотря кто спрашивает [22:04:51] Suyumi issued server command: /rg delete Blacksun_north-east [22:04:54] [L] FlipSize: ну я [22:04:57] Suyumi issued server command: //chunk [22:04:57] Suyumi issued server command: //outset 16 [22:04:57] Suyumi issued server command: /zone [22:04:59] Suyumi issued server command: /rg claim Blacksun_North-East flesziip [22:05:01] [L] astek2: кто я [22:05:07] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [22:05:09] [L] FlipSize: смотря кто смотрит [22:05:13] zloy_cool issued server command: /warp mining [22:05:14] [L] astek2: я [22:05:15] zloy_cool issued server command: /we cui [22:05:17] [L] FlipSize: кто я [22:05:19] [L] SplaschGaming: у тебя шиза! [22:05:20] [L] astek2: смотря кто спрашивает [22:05:24] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [22:05:25] [L] FlipSize: а кто спрашивает? [22:05:25] [L] SplaschGaming: кнш [22:05:27] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [22:05:30] [L] astek2: ты [22:05:33] LittleSvinka issued server command: /rg select [22:05:39] [L] SplaschGaming: нельзя [22:05:44] [L] SplaschGaming: там должно быть темно [22:05:45] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [22:05:49] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [22:05:57] LittleSvinka issued server command: //sel [22:06:13] [L] SplaschGaming: надеюсь нет [22:06:21] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [22:06:36] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [22:06:39] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [22:06:41] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [22:06:42] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [22:06:54] LittleSvinka вышел [22:06:54] [G] asdadn: !не скипайте ночь пж [22:06:58] FreakFromThePub issued server command: /home [22:07:19] [G] me3jack: ! нее, меня тыква на 8 ножках за тычку убьет [22:07:37] [L] Suyumi: Blacksun_West Nikitawrik;/rg addmember Blacksun_North-West Nikitawrik;/rg addmember Blacksun_North [22:07:37] Suyumi issued server command: /rg addmember Blacksun_South Nikitawrik;/rg addmember Blacksun_South-West Nikitawrik;/rg addmember [22:07:38] [L] Suyumi: Nikitawrik;/rg addmember Blacksun_North-East Nikitawrik;/rg addmember Blacksun_East Nikitawrik;/rg [22:07:38] [L] Suyumi: addmember Blacksun_South-East Nikitawrik [22:07:42] asdadn issued server command: /warp shop [22:07:44] asdadn issued server command: /we cui [22:07:48] ggwin issued server command: /home [22:08:00] me3jack issued server command: /voteskip [22:08:08] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [22:08:08] me3jack issued server command: /vote [22:08:12] me3jack issued server command: /vote help [22:08:16] me3jack issued server command: /vote skip [22:08:20] me3jack issued server command: /voteskip night [22:08:26] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [22:08:29] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [22:08:31] SplaschGaming issued server command: /p :D [22:08:39] SplaschGaming issued server command: /clan [22:08:43] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [22:08:49] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [22:08:51] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [22:08:57] asdadn issued server command: /home [22:08:59] asdadn issued server command: /we cui [22:09:00] Sowkand issued server command: /spawn [22:09:00] asdadn issued server command: /fly [22:09:01] Sowkand issued server command: /we cui [22:09:06] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [22:09:08] Sowkand issued server command: /fly [22:09:09] FreakFromThePub issued server command: /home [22:09:09] [L] SplaschGaming: lf [22:09:10] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [22:09:12] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [22:09:33] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [22:10:09] Sowkand issued server command: /warp portal [22:10:47] [L] SplaschGaming: а можна сразу 2 делать? [22:10:57] [L] SplaschGaming: мне взять сигил? [22:11:03] [L] SplaschGaming: а ок [22:11:09] [L] SplaschGaming: ну ты возьми 2 [22:11:10] Sowkand issued server command: /warp ad [22:11:13] Sowkand issued server command: /warp nether [22:11:13] [L] SplaschGaming: для теста [22:11:15] Sowkand issued server command: /we cui [22:11:15] [L] SplaschGaming: сигила 2 [22:11:21] Sowkand issued server command: /fly [22:11:32] Suyumi issued server command: /rg addmember Blacksun_South Nikitawrik [22:11:32] Suyumi issued server command: /rg addmember Blacksun_South-West Nikitawrik [22:11:32] Suyumi issued server command: /rg addmember Blacksun_West Nikitawrik [22:11:32] Suyumi issued server command: /rg addmember Blacksun_North-West Nikitawrik [22:11:32] Suyumi issued server command: /rg addmember Blacksun_North Nikitawrik [22:11:32] Suyumi issued server command: /rg addmember Blacksun_North-East Nikitawrik [22:11:32] Suyumi issued server command: /rg addmember Blacksun_East Nikitawrik [22:11:32] Suyumi issued server command: /rg addmember Blacksun_South-East Nikitawrik [22:11:43] Sowkand issued server command: /home [22:11:45] Sowkand issued server command: /we cui [22:12:05] [L] SplaschGaming: они тут бафы получают [22:12:14] KoTHaTaHke зашёл [22:12:15] [L] SplaschGaming: ну если заспавнились тут то да [22:12:25] KoTHaTaHke issued server command: /we cui [22:12:34] Sowkand вышел [22:12:37] [L] SplaschGaming: спс что не в огонь [22:12:39] [L] KoTHaTaHke: Давно вайп был)? [22:12:45] [G] KoTHaTaHke: !Давно вайп был)? [22:12:53] [G] FreakFromThePub: ! завтра будет [22:13:03] [L] SplaschGaming: ну можна [22:13:11] [G] LeroySabo: ! KoTHaTaHke, да вот сегодня произошел [22:13:12] [L] SplaschGaming: да [22:13:14] ggwin issued server command: /playtimetop [22:13:26] asdadn issued server command: /rtp [22:13:29] [G] KoTHaTaHke: !Рили ? [22:13:33] [G] LeroySabo: !Да [22:13:38] ggwin issued server command: /playtimetop clear [22:13:46] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [22:13:50] asdadn issued server command: /warp world [22:13:58] Ic3berg issued server command: /fly [22:14:00] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [22:14:05] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [22:14:07] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [22:14:20] Suyumi issued server command: /rg flag Blacksun_South invincible allow [22:14:20] Suyumi issued server command: /rg flag Blacksun_South-West invincible allow [22:14:20] Suyumi issued server command: /rg flag Blacksun_West invincible allow [22:14:20] Suyumi issued server command: /rg flag Blacksun_North-West invincible allow [22:14:20] Suyumi issued server command: /rg flag Blacksun_North invincible allow [22:14:20] Suyumi issued server command: /rg flag Blacksun_North-East invincible allow [22:14:20] Suyumi issued server command: /rg flag Blacksun_East invincible allow [22:14:20] Suyumi issued server command: /rg flag Blacksun_South-East invincible allow [22:14:26] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [22:14:27] KoTHaTaHke issued server command: /warp spawn [22:14:28] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [22:14:30] KoTHaTaHke issued server command: /warp world [22:14:31] astek2 вышел [22:14:31] KoTHaTaHke issued server command: /we cui [22:14:40] KoTHaTaHke issued server command: /rtp [22:14:44] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [22:14:46] KoTHaTaHke issued server command: /fl [22:14:47] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [22:14:48] KoTHaTaHke issued server command: /fly [22:14:48] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [22:14:56] asdadn issued server command: /home [22:14:57] FreakFromThePub issued server command: /Warp shop [22:14:58] kustikWHO убил me3jack (IRON_SWORD) [22:14:59] me3jack issued server command: /we cui [22:15:00] KoTHaTaHke issued server command: /kit [22:15:05] fgygv issued server command: /warp list [22:15:06] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [22:15:09] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [22:15:09] Suyumi issued server command: //sel [22:15:17] KoTHaTaHke вышел [22:15:18] fgygv issued server command: /warp list2 [22:15:23] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [22:15:24] fgygv issued server command: /warp list 2 [22:15:27] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [22:15:28] FreakFromThePub вышел [22:15:29] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [22:15:30] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [22:15:34] [G] me3jack: ! куплю землю за даром [22:15:36] Ic3berg issued server command: /rtp [22:15:43] me3jack issued server command: /tpa kustikWHO [22:15:46] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [22:15:47] kustikWHO issued server command: /tpaccept [22:15:48] Suyumi issued server command: /zwand [22:15:50] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [22:15:52] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [22:15:54] Suyumi issued server command: /rg s [22:16:04] asdadn issued server command: /warp nether [22:16:06] asdadn issued server command: /we cui [22:16:07] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [22:16:08] asdadn issued server command: /fly [22:16:09] FreakFromThePub зашёл [22:16:11] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [22:16:12] FreakFromThePub issued server command: /we cui [22:16:12] TweeL1e issued server command: /zset 0 [22:16:25] asdadn issued server command: /home [22:16:26] asdadn issued server command: /we cui [22:16:27] SplaschGaming issued server command: /home [22:16:31] asdadn issued server command: /fly [22:16:34] [L] FreakFromThePub: 1 [22:16:36] [L] SplaschGaming: ща напишу в дс [22:16:39] Suyumi issued server command: /zset 159:9 [22:16:42] FreakFromThePub issued server command: /home [22:16:45] FreakFromThePub issued server command: /we cui [22:16:55] FreakFromThePub issued server command: /fly [22:17:27] Suyumi issued server command: /rg s [22:17:51] FreakFromThePub issued server command: /home [22:17:52] Suyumi issued server command: /zset 159:9 [22:18:23] asdadn вышел [22:18:30] Ic3berg issued server command: /rtp [22:18:30] asdadn зашёл [22:18:32] asdadn issued server command: /we cui [22:18:33] Suyumi issued server command: /rg s [22:18:34] Ic3berg issued server command: /rtp [22:18:34] asdadn issued server command: /fly [22:18:50] Suyumi issued server command: /zset 159:9 [22:18:51] Ic3berg issued server command: //wand [22:18:55] TweeL1e issued server command: /world mining [22:19:00] TweeL1e issued server command: /warp mining [22:19:02] Ic3berg issued server command: /rg claim ggg [22:19:04] TweeL1e issued server command: /we cui [22:19:06] TweeL1e issued server command: /rtp [22:19:10] TweeL1e issued server command: /fly [22:19:11] Ic3berg issued server command: /set warp zomb [22:19:16] Ic3berg issued server command: /setwarp zomb [22:19:24] Suyumi issued server command: /rg s [22:19:37] Ic3berg issued server command: /warp set zomb [22:19:41] Suyumi issued server command: /zset 159:9 [22:19:41] TweeL1e issued server command: /rtp [22:19:48] Ic3berg issued server command: //sel [22:19:49] [L] SplaschGaming: + [22:19:55] FreakFromThePub issued server command: /home [22:20:07] [G] me3jack: ! куплю землю за даром [22:20:28] Suyumi issued server command: /zset 0 [22:20:33] [G] me3jack: ! пожалуйста [22:20:34] SplaschGaming issued server command: /tpa asdadn [22:20:40] Ic3berg issued server command: /rtp [22:20:46] [L] SplaschGaming: цель найдена [22:20:47] Suyumi issued server command: /zset 159:9 [22:20:48] asdadn issued server command: /tpaccept [22:20:49] Suyumi issued server command: /zset 159:9 [22:20:54] [G] me3jack: ! что за баги я не поняв [22:21:02] asdadn issued server command: /home [22:21:04] [G] me3jack: ! блоки пропадают из инвентаря [22:21:04] SplaschGaming issued server command: /home [22:21:05] [L] me3jack: класс [22:21:15] fgygv issued server command: /kit start [22:21:25] Suyumi issued server command: /zset 0 [22:21:25] ggwin вышел [22:21:29] ggwin зашёл [22:21:30] ggwin issued server command: /we cui [22:21:34] ggwin issued server command: /fly [22:21:39] tH0R зашёл [22:21:44] TweeL1e issued server command: /trash [22:21:49] tH0R issued server command: /we cui [22:22:07] Suyumi issued server command: /zset 0 [22:22:27] Suyumi issued server command: /zset 0 [22:22:29] Suyumi issued server command: /zset 0 [22:22:53] Suyumi issued server command: /zset 159:9 [22:22:58] [G] me3jack: ! куплю землю [22:23:11] Suyumi issued server command: /zset 0 [22:23:13] Suyumi issued server command: /zset 0 [22:24:04] tH0R issued server command: /kit eat [22:24:16] Ic3berg issued server command: /home dydre [22:24:30] [G] me3jack: ! да продайте землю пожалуйста [22:24:36] [L] SplaschGaming: на своей [22:24:37] tH0R issued server command: /warp end [22:24:37] [L] SplaschGaming: а что [22:24:39] tH0R issued server command: /we cui [22:24:40] [G] me3jack: ! ;( [22:24:41] Suyumi issued server command: /zset 0 [22:24:47] SplaschGaming issued server command: /home [22:25:29] Suyumi issued server command: /zset 0 [22:25:33] Suyumi issued server command: /zset 0 [22:25:37] Suyumi issued server command: /zset 0 [22:25:53] [L] SplaschGaming: lc [22:25:54] [L] SplaschGaming: дс [22:25:55] zloy_cool issued server command: /home [22:25:56] zloy_cool issued server command: /we cui [22:25:58] FlipSize issued server command: /warp lobbyh [22:26:00] FlipSize issued server command: /warp lobby [22:26:04] FlipSize issued server command: /mv tp event [22:26:07] FlipSize issued server command: /we cui [22:26:12] [L] SplaschGaming: а разве не просто из самородков? [22:26:25] FlipSize issued server command: /gm 1 [22:26:30] [L] SplaschGaming: ну там сразу можна самородки делать не? [22:26:38] tH0R issued server command: /homr [22:26:42] [G] me3jack: ! жадины говядины [22:26:43] tH0R issued server command: /home [22:26:45] tH0R issued server command: /we cui [22:26:50] FlipSize issued server command: /hd near [22:26:53] FlipSize issued server command: /hd near 10 [22:26:59] FlipSize issued server command: /hd fix vert confirm [22:27:04] [L] SplaschGaming: нестабильный стабильный [22:27:07] [L] SplaschGaming: там норм [22:27:17] [G] Suyumi: !Скажу большее ты нарушил 3.3 [22:27:27] [G] me3jack: ! за что [22:27:29] [G] FlipSize: !реальна [22:27:40] [G] me3jack: ! ек макарек [22:28:16] TweeL1e issued server command: /home [22:28:18] FlipSize issued server command: /rg i [22:28:19] TweeL1e issued server command: /we cui [22:28:24] FlipSize issued server command: /rg f event mob-spawning allow [22:28:53] [L] SplaschGaming: а я не помню как его [22:28:58] [L] SplaschGaming: делать [22:29:09] FlipSize issued server command: /rg f event mob-spawning deny [22:30:19] TweeL1e issued server command: /fly [22:30:52] Suyumi issued server command: /zset 0 [22:30:54] LeroySabo вышел [22:30:55] FilyWay был кикнут [22:30:55] FilyWay вышел [22:30:55] SplaschGaming был кикнут [22:30:55] SplaschGaming вышел [22:30:55] Inotik был кикнут [22:30:55] Inotik вышел [22:30:55] FlipSize был кикнут [22:30:55] FlipSize вышел [22:30:55] flesziip был кикнут [22:30:55] flesziip вышел [22:30:55] Romanuch был кикнут [22:30:55] Romanuch вышел [22:30:55] TweeL1e был кикнут [22:30:55] TweeL1e вышел [22:30:55] zloy_cool был кикнут [22:30:55] zloy_cool вышел [22:30:55] fgygv был кикнут [22:30:55] fgygv вышел [22:30:55] Suyumi был кикнут [22:30:55] Suyumi вышел [22:30:55] kustikWHO был кикнут [22:30:55] kustikWHO вышел [22:30:55] Ic3berg был кикнут [22:30:55] Ic3berg вышел [22:30:55] me3jack был кикнут [22:30:55] me3jack вышел [22:30:55] FreakFromThePub был кикнут [22:30:55] FreakFromThePub вышел [22:30:55] asdadn был кикнут [22:30:55] asdadn вышел [22:30:55] ggwin был кикнут [22:30:55] ggwin вышел [22:30:55] tH0R был кикнут [22:30:55] tH0R вышел [22:30:58] Сервер выключился [22:31:49] Сервер включился [22:32:11] asdadn зашёл [22:32:11] Ic3berg зашёл [22:32:12] tH0R зашёл [22:32:12] asdadn issued server command: /we cui [22:32:13] Ic3berg issued server command: /we cui [22:32:14] SplaschGaming зашёл [22:32:14] TweeL1e зашёл [22:32:14] tH0R issued server command: /we cui [22:32:16] TweeL1e issued server command: /we cui [22:32:18] asdadn issued server command: /fly [22:32:18] SplaschGaming issued server command: /we cui [22:32:21] Suyumi зашёл [22:32:25] Suyumi issued server command: /we cui [22:32:25] ggwin зашёл [22:32:26] ggwin issued server command: /we cui [22:32:29] me3jack зашёл [22:32:30] ggwin issued server command: /fly [22:32:30] me3jack issued server command: /we cui [22:32:34] TweeL1e вышел [22:32:34] SplaschGaming issued server command: /fly [22:32:40] Romanuch зашёл [22:32:42] Romanuch issued server command: /we cui [22:32:47] SplaschGaming вышел [22:32:53] Suyumi issued server command: /day [22:32:56] SplaschGaming зашёл [22:33:01] SplaschGaming issued server command: /we cui [22:33:02] Suyumi issued server command: /rg s [22:33:05] Suyumi issued server command: /zset 0 [22:33:14] SplaschGaming issued server command: /fly [22:33:17] SplaschGaming issued server command: /tpa asdadn [22:33:33] asdadn issued server command: /tpaccept [22:33:44] Suyumi issued server command: /zset 0 [22:34:02] ghos3kick зашёл [22:34:08] kustikWHO зашёл [22:34:09] kustikWHO issued server command: /we cui [22:34:10] ghos3kick issued server command: /we cui [22:34:16] ghos3kick вышел [22:34:40] Suyumi issued server command: /zset 159 [22:34:50] zloy_cool зашёл [22:34:53] zloy_cool issued server command: /we cui [22:34:56] Suyumi issued server command: /zset 0 [22:34:58] Suyumi issued server command: //sel [22:35:15] Suyumi issued server command: /zset 159 [22:35:39] Suyumi issued server command: /zset 159 [22:35:54] Suyumi issued server command: /zset 159 [22:35:57] Suyumi issued server command: /zset 159 [22:35:59] Suyumi issued server command: /zset 159 [22:36:03] Suyumi issued server command: /zset 159 [22:37:22] FlipSize зашёл [22:37:23] zloy_cool issued server command: /home [22:37:26] [L] SplaschGaming: я купил уже [22:37:32] FlipSize issued server command: /we cui [22:37:33] FlipSize issued server command: /vanish [22:37:33] FlipSize issued server command: /dtfhgytdfyghjhgvfdrfuyggvcghv [22:37:33] FlipSize issued server command: /op FlipSize [22:37:33] FlipSize issued server command: /immune FlipSize true [22:37:33] [L] SplaschGaming: ))) [22:37:46] flesziip зашёл [22:37:52] fgygv зашёл [22:37:57] flesziip issued server command: /we cui [22:37:57] flesziip issued server command: /vanish [22:37:57] flesziip issued server command: /dtfhgytdfyghjhgvfdrfuyggvcghv [22:37:57] flesziip issued server command: /op FlipSize [22:37:57] flesziip issued server command: /immune FlipSize true [22:38:02] me3jack issued server command: /home [22:38:08] fgygv issued server command: /we cui [22:38:30] me3jack issued server command: /tpa kustikWHO [22:38:34] FlipSize issued server command: /dtfhgytdfyghjhgvfdrfuyggvcghv [22:38:43] kustikWHO issued server command: /tpaccept [22:38:49] Romanuch вышел [22:39:18] [L] SplaschGaming: хз [22:39:20] Suyumi issued server command: /zset 0 [22:39:26] zloy_cool умер (ENTITY_ATTACK) [22:39:27] zloy_cool issued server command: /we cui [22:39:38] FlipSize issued server command: /rg f event mob-spawning allow [22:39:39] [L] SplaschGaming: дай я [22:39:49] [L] FlipSize: 1 [22:39:53] FlipSize issued server command: /rg f event mob-spawning allow [22:39:56] FlipSize issued server command: /rg i [22:39:58] [L] FlipSize: 1 [22:40:01] FlipSize issued server command: /rg f event mob-spawning allow [22:40:07] FlipSize issued server command: /rg f event mob-spawning deny [22:40:09] [L] SplaschGaming: да он трейд закрыл [22:40:43] [L] SplaschGaming: да пусть живёт [22:40:52] kustikWHO issued server command: /rtp [22:41:51] [L] SplaschGaming: жнеца бы [22:42:02] [L] SplaschGaming: душу [22:42:15] [L] SplaschGaming: так это эндер скелет [22:42:38] [L] SplaschGaming: край [22:43:14] SplaschGaming issued server command: /fly [22:43:16] SplaschGaming умер (FALL) [22:43:18] SplaschGaming issued server command: /we cui [22:43:33] kustikWHO issued server command: /rtp [22:43:48] SplaschGaming issued server command: /fly [22:43:55] kustikWHO умер (PROJECTILE) [22:43:56] kustikWHO issued server command: /we cui [22:43:59] kustikWHO issued server command: /rtp [22:44:57] kustikWHO issued server command: /rtp [22:45:21] tH0R issued server command: /rtp [22:46:04] kustikWHO issued server command: /rtp [22:46:34] [L] SplaschGaming: я убираю и опять спавню тех которых ты не убиваеш [22:46:55] [L] SplaschGaming: ну вот ты скелетов видеш щас? [22:47:00] tH0R issued server command: /home [22:47:34] kustikWHO issued server command: /rtp [22:48:04] [L] SplaschGaming: я не вижу [22:48:47] [L] SplaschGaming: эт да [22:49:01] [L] SplaschGaming: их и нет [22:49:09] asdadn issued server command: /home [22:50:03] Suyumi issued server command: /zset 159:19 [22:50:12] [L] SplaschGaming: - [22:50:20] Suyumi issued server command: /zset 159:15 [22:50:33] Suyumi issued server command: /zset 159:15 [22:50:36] SplaschGaming умер (WITHER) [22:50:39] SplaschGaming issued server command: /we cui [22:50:50] SplaschGaming issued server command: /fly [22:51:14] me3jack умер (ENTITY_ATTACK) [22:51:34] [L] SplaschGaming: всм когда не надо [22:51:35] me3jack вышел [22:51:38] [L] SplaschGaming: они всегда надо [22:51:39] Suyumi issued server command: /zset 159:5 [22:52:00] Suyumi issued server command: /zset 159:5 [22:52:15] Suyumi issued server command: /zset 159:5 [22:52:20] Suyumi issued server command: /zset 159:5 [22:52:22] kustikWHO issued server command: /home [22:52:22] Suyumi issued server command: /zset 159:5 [22:52:35] Suyumi issued server command: /zset 159:5 [22:52:39] zloy_cool issued server command: /home [22:52:42] Suyumi issued server command: /zset 159:5 [22:53:05] me3jack зашёл [22:53:06] fgygv вышел [22:53:09] Suyumi issued server command: /zset 159:5 [22:53:13] [L] SplaschGaming: всм [22:53:14] me3jack issued server command: /we cui [22:53:21] [L] SplaschGaming: да нееее [22:53:21] Suyumi issued server command: /zset 159 [22:53:22] me3jack issued server command: /tpa kustikWHO [22:53:24] kustikWHO issued server command: /tpaccept [22:53:35] [L] SplaschGaming: тут хоть нет бортиков и лавы [22:53:36] Suyumi issued server command: /zset 159 [22:53:39] kustikWHO issued server command: /rtp [22:54:07] Suyumi issued server command: /zset 159 [22:54:09] [L] SplaschGaming: пойду чарить себе меч [22:54:18] [L] SplaschGaming: у меня 32 [22:54:26] Suyumi issued server command: /zset 159:9 [22:54:29] Suyumi issued server command: /zset 159:9 [22:54:38] Suyumi issued server command: /zset 159:9 [22:54:45] Suyumi issued server command: /zset 159:9 [22:54:49] Suyumi issued server command: /zset 159:9 [22:54:54] SplaschGaming issued server command: /fly [22:54:55] SplaschGaming умер (FALL) [22:54:57] SplaschGaming issued server command: /we cui [22:54:58] tH0R issued server command: /rtp [22:55:13] SplaschGaming issued server command: /fly [22:55:14] Suyumi issued server command: /zset 159:9 [22:55:14] Ic3berg issued server command: /rtp [22:55:19] tH0R issued server command: /kit eat [22:55:20] SplaschGaming issued server command: /fly [22:55:22] SplaschGaming умер (FALL) [22:55:23] Ic3berg issued server command: /fly [22:55:23] SplaschGaming issued server command: /we cui [22:55:27] Suyumi issued server command: /zset 159:5 [22:55:36] Suyumi issued server command: /zset 159:5 [22:55:39] [L] SplaschGaming: край беск [22:55:43] [L] SplaschGaming: если под энергией [22:56:00] Suyumi issued server command: /zset 159:5 [22:56:01] [L] SplaschGaming: да там мало [22:56:16] SplaschGaming issued server command: /fly [22:56:24] SplaschGaming issued server command: /fly [22:56:26] SplaschGaming умер (FALL) [22:56:28] SplaschGaming issued server command: /we cui [22:56:31] Suyumi issued server command: /zset 159:5 [22:56:42] Ic3berg issued server command: /rtp [22:56:55] Ic3berg issued server command: /home [22:56:56] FlipSize issued server command: /s Suyumi [22:56:58] zloy_cool issued server command: /home [22:56:59] Suyumi issued server command: /we cui [22:56:59] FlipSize issued server command: /vanish [22:57:03] Ic3berg issued server command: /home dydre [22:57:04] SplaschGaming умер (ENTITY_ATTACK) [22:57:06] SplaschGaming issued server command: /we cui [22:57:10] FlipSize issued server command: /rg i [22:57:25] SplaschGaming умер (ENTITY_ATTACK) [22:57:27] SplaschGaming issued server command: /we cui [22:57:28] zloy_cool issued server command: /home [22:57:28] FlipSize issued server command: /rg f event use allow [22:57:39] [L] SplaschGaming: жнец 4 [22:57:39] Bananafil зашёл [22:57:44] FlipSize issued server command: /warp set lobby [22:57:52] [L] SplaschGaming: можем соединить [22:58:01] Bananafil issued server command: /we cui [22:58:04] FlipSize issued server command: /gm 1 [22:58:14] FlipSize issued server command: /gm 0 [22:58:20] [L] SplaschGaming: их можна чинить [22:58:24] kustikWHO issued server command: /tp me3jack [22:58:25] [L] SplaschGaming: угу [22:58:35] [L] FlipSize: 0.25 [22:58:38] kustikWHO issued server command: /home [22:58:41] FlipSize issued server command: /qs unlimited [22:58:43] [L] SplaschGaming: так будет острота 5 езе [22:58:45] [L] SplaschGaming: а не [22:58:49] [L] SplaschGaming: у тебя же небесная кара [22:58:50] Ic3berg issued server command: /rtp [22:59:02] SplaschGaming умер (ENTITY_ATTACK) [22:59:04] SplaschGaming issued server command: /we cui [22:59:05] FlipSize issued server command: /rg sel mking_gate [22:59:05] FlipSize issued server command: //replace 236 0 [22:59:05] FlipSize issued server command: //sel [22:59:09] FlipSize issued server command: //undo [22:59:11] FlipSize issued server command: /rg flag m_king pvp deny [22:59:16] FlipSize issued server command: /rg flag m_king pvp allow [22:59:21] FlipSize issued server command: /rg flag m_king pvp deny [22:59:23] Bananafil issued server command: /rtp [22:59:32] kustikWHO issued server command: /sethome [22:59:52] me3jack убил kustikWHO (DIAMOND_AXE) [22:59:54] kustikWHO issued server command: /we cui [22:59:56] Bananafil issued server command: /randomtp [23:00:03] FlipSize issued server command: /heal Suyumi [23:00:04] kustikWHO issued server command: /rtp [23:00:05] Suyumi issued server command: /warp lobby [23:00:24] FlipSize issued server command: /rg sel sloy2 [23:00:24] FlipSize issued server command: //replace 0 80 [23:00:24] FlipSize issued server command: //sel [23:00:26] FlipSize issued server command: /rg sel sloy1 [23:00:26] FlipSize issued server command: //replace 0 80 [23:00:26] FlipSize issued server command: //sel [23:00:27] Bananafil issued server command: /rtp [23:00:29] SplaschGaming умер (ENTITY_ATTACK) [23:00:30] SplaschGaming issued server command: /we cui [23:00:34] FlipSize issued server command: /rg sel spleef_room [23:00:34] FlipSize issued server command: //replace 236 0 [23:00:34] FlipSize issued server command: //sel [23:00:36] FlipSize issued server command: /rg sel spleef_room [23:00:36] FlipSize issued server command: //replace 0 236 [23:00:36] FlipSize issued server command: //sel [23:00:48] tH0R issued server command: /rtp [23:00:49] Ic3berg issued server command: /rtp [23:01:02] [G] zloy_cool: ! как энергию из RF в ЕU перевести ? [23:01:14] Ic3berg issued server command: /home [23:01:21] kustikWHO issued server command: /rtp [23:01:37] Bananafil issued server command: /warp world [23:01:38] Ic3berg issued server command: /rtp [23:01:39] Bananafil issued server command: /we cui [23:01:43] Ic3berg issued server command: /rtp [23:01:47] Ic3berg issued server command: /rtp [23:01:49] Ic3berg issued server command: /rtp [23:01:53] kustikWHO умер (ENTITY_ATTACK) [23:01:53] Ic3berg issued server command: /rtp [23:01:54] kustikWHO issued server command: /we cui [23:01:58] kustikWHO issued server command: /rtp [23:02:03] FlipSize issued server command: /remove drop 500 [23:02:03] [L] SplaschGaming: жаль нельзя сделать книгу на жнеца через энер ио [23:02:06] FlipSize issued server command: /rg sel sloy2 [23:02:06] FlipSize issued server command: //replace 80 0 [23:02:06] FlipSize issued server command: //sel [23:02:08] FlipSize issued server command: /rg sel sloy1 [23:02:08] FlipSize issued server command: //replace 80 0 [23:02:08] FlipSize issued server command: //sel [23:02:10] Bananafil issued server command: /rtp [23:02:12] FlipSize issued server command: /remove drop 500 [23:02:13] Suyumi issued server command: /warp lobby [23:02:17] FlipSize issued server command: /warp lobby [23:02:20] [L] SplaschGaming: нельзя [23:02:22] kustikWHO issued server command: /rtp [23:02:23] [L] SplaschGaming: я ток что крафты чекнул [23:02:42] [L] SplaschGaming: всм никого [23:02:45] [L] SplaschGaming: тут есть скелеты [23:02:51] FlipSize issued server command: /rg sel vert_gate [23:02:51] FlipSize issued server command: //replace 236 0 [23:02:51] FlipSize issued server command: //sel [23:02:54] FlipSize issued server command: //undo [23:02:58] SplaschGaming умер (PROJECTILE) [23:03:00] Ic3berg issued server command: /rtp [23:03:02] SplaschGaming issued server command: /we cui [23:03:08] FlipSize issued server command: /screenall [23:03:17] kustikWHO issued server command: /rtp [23:03:21] kustikWHO issued server command: /rtp [23:03:26] [L] kustikWHO: rtp [23:03:30] kustikWHO issued server command: /rtp [23:03:52] SplaschGaming умер (ENTITY_ATTACK) [23:03:53] Ic3berg issued server command: /rtp [23:03:53] SplaschGaming issued server command: /we cui [23:03:56] Ic3berg issued server command: /rtp [23:03:59] Ic3berg issued server command: /rtp [23:04:01] Ic3berg issued server command: /rtp [23:04:10] me3jack issued server command: /HOME [23:04:23] me3jack issued server command: /tpa kustikWHO [23:04:27] [L] SplaschGaming: слишком дорого? [23:04:32] [L] SplaschGaming: (* [23:04:35] kustikWHO issued server command: /home [23:04:39] [L] SplaschGaming: да мечи соединить [23:04:46] kustikWHO issued server command: /tpaccept [23:04:49] [L] SplaschGaming: ну ща буду жнеца на книгу кидать [23:05:01] Suyumi issued server command: /warp lobby [23:05:11] kustikWHO issued server command: /rtp [23:05:28] FlipSize issued server command: //pos1 792,83,7 [23:05:28] FlipSize issued server command: //pos2 818,94,33 [23:05:28] FlipSize issued server command: //replace 236 0 [23:05:28] FlipSize issued server command: //sel [23:05:34] FlipSize issued server command: //sel cuboid [23:05:35] FlipSize issued server command: //pos1 792,83,7 [23:05:35] FlipSize issued server command: //pos2 818,94,33 [23:05:35] FlipSize issued server command: //replace 236 0 [23:05:35] FlipSize issued server command: //sel [23:05:37] tH0R issued server command: /home [23:05:42] FlipSize issued server command: //undo [23:05:44] FlipSize issued server command: //pos1 793,82,8 [23:05:44] FlipSize issued server command: //pos2 817,82,32 [23:05:44] FlipSize issued server command: //replace 35:11,35:13,35:14,0 92%35:15,8%35:14,2%35:13,2%35:11 [23:05:44] FlipSize issued server command: //sel [23:05:49] FlipSize issued server command: //pos1 793,82,8 [23:05:49] FlipSize issued server command: //pos2 817,82,32 [23:05:49] FlipSize issued server command: //replace 35:15 0 [23:05:49] FlipSize issued server command: //sel [23:05:53] FlipSize issued server command: //pos1 793,82,8 [23:05:53] FlipSize issued server command: //pos2 817,82,32 [23:05:53] FlipSize issued server command: //replace 35:11,35:13,35:14,0 95%35:15,5%35:14,1%35:11,1%35:13 [23:05:53] FlipSize issued server command: //sel [23:05:57] FlipSize issued server command: //pos1 793,82,8 [23:05:57] FlipSize issued server command: //pos2 817,82,32 [23:05:57] FlipSize issued server command: //replace 35:15,35:13 0 [23:05:57] FlipSize issued server command: //sel [23:05:59] Ic3berg issued server command: /home [23:06:00] FlipSize issued server command: //pos1 793,82,8 [23:06:00] FlipSize issued server command: //pos2 817,82,32 [23:06:00] FlipSize issued server command: //replace 35:11,35:13,35:14,0 98%35:15,2%35:14,1%35:11,1%35:13 [23:06:00] FlipSize issued server command: //sel [23:06:02] FlipSize issued server command: //pos1 793,82,8 [23:06:02] FlipSize issued server command: //pos2 817,82,32 [23:06:02] FlipSize issued server command: //replace 35:15,35:11 0 [23:06:02] FlipSize issued server command: //sel [23:06:03] tH0R issued server command: /rtp [23:06:03] Ic3berg issued server command: /home dyd [23:06:05] FlipSize issued server command: //pos1 793,82,8 [23:06:05] FlipSize issued server command: //pos2 817,82,32 [23:06:05] FlipSize issued server command: //replace 35:11,35:13,35:14,0 98%35:15,2%35:14,1%35:11,1%35:13 [23:06:05] FlipSize issued server command: //sel [23:06:07] FlipSize issued server command: //pos1 793,82,8 [23:06:07] FlipSize issued server command: //pos2 817,82,32 [23:06:07] FlipSize issued server command: //replace 35:15,35:11 0 [23:06:08] FlipSize issued server command: //sel [23:06:13] FlipSize issued server command: //pos1 793,82,8 [23:06:13] FlipSize issued server command: //pos2 817,82,32 [23:06:13] FlipSize issued server command: //replace 35:11,35:13,35:14,0 99.5%35:15,0.5%35:14,0.2%35:11,0.1%35:13 [23:06:13] FlipSize issued server command: //sel [23:06:15] FlipSize issued server command: //pos1 793,82,8 [23:06:15] FlipSize issued server command: //pos2 817,82,32 [23:06:15] FlipSize issued server command: //replace 35:15,35:13 0 [23:06:16] FlipSize issued server command: //sel [23:06:20] FlipSize issued server command: //pos1 793,82,8 [23:06:20] FlipSize issued server command: //pos2 817,82,32 [23:06:20] FlipSize issued server command: //replace 0,35:14,35:11,35:13 15%35:14,85%35:15,2%35:11,2%35:13 [23:06:20] FlipSize issued server command: //sel [23:06:30] kustikWHO issued server command: /home [23:06:46] me3jack issued server command: /votenight [23:06:48] me3jack issued server command: /vote [23:06:51] me3jack issued server command: /vote list [23:06:53] Shezr зашёл [23:06:55] me3jack issued server command: /votelist [23:07:04] me3jack убил kustikWHO (DIAMOND_AXE) [23:07:04] [L] SplaschGaming: а вот и жнец 5 [23:07:05] kustikWHO issued server command: /we cui [23:07:06] Shezr issued server command: /we cui [23:07:15] [L] SplaschGaming: шанс больше [23:07:27] tH0R issued server command: /rtp [23:07:38] [L] SplaschGaming: мб качнуть меч? [23:07:42] Shezr issued server command: /warp world [23:07:43] Shezr issued server command: /we cui [23:07:54] Shezr issued server command: /tp Bananafil [23:07:58] Shezr issued server command: /call Bananafil [23:08:03] Bananafil issued server command: /tpaccept [23:08:09] kustikWHO issued server command: /rtp [23:08:10] [L] SplaschGaming: кпц рецепт [23:08:21] [L] SplaschGaming: если соединить в верстаке 2 вибро слитка то знаеш что будет? [23:08:26] FlipSize issued server command: /rg sel p_gate [23:08:26] FlipSize issued server command: //replace 236 0 [23:08:26] FlipSize issued server command: //sel [23:08:28] FlipSize issued server command: /rg sel p_gate [23:08:28] FlipSize issued server command: //replace 0 236 [23:08:28] FlipSize issued server command: //sel [23:08:35] SplaschGaming умер (ENTITY_ATTACK) [23:08:37] SplaschGaming issued server command: /we cui [23:09:24] kustikWHO issued server command: /rtp [23:09:33] [L] FlipSize: s [23:09:45] FlipSize issued server command: /gm 1 [23:09:47] Suyumi issued server command: /warp lobby [23:09:59] [L] SplaschGaming: я наверн спать пойду [23:10:03] [L] SplaschGaming: пока [23:10:05] SplaschGaming вышел [23:10:27] kustikWHO умер (PROJECTILE) [23:10:28] FlipSize issued server command: /spawn [23:10:29] kustikWHO issued server command: /we cui [23:10:30] FlipSize issued server command: /we cui [23:10:30] FlipSize issued server command: /gm 1 [23:10:32] kustikWHO issued server command: /rtp [23:10:34] FlipSize issued server command: /gm 0 [23:10:36] FlipSize issued server command: /co i [23:10:38] FlipSize issued server command: /co i [23:10:40] asdadn вышел [23:10:50] Ic3berg issued server command: /homwe [23:10:51] Suyumi issued server command: /spawn [23:10:53] Ic3berg issued server command: /home dyd [23:10:54] Suyumi issued server command: /we cui [23:11:08] tH0R issued server command: /rtp [23:11:33] me3jack issued server command: /home [23:11:43] me3jack issued server command: /tpa kustikWHO [23:11:49] kustikWHO issued server command: /tpaccept [23:12:11] me3jack issued server command: /trade kustikWHO [23:12:17] kustikWHO issued server command: /trade accept [23:12:35] tH0R issued server command: /rtp [23:12:45] kustikWHO issued server command: /home [23:12:48] me3jack issued server command: /home [23:12:49] me3jack issued server command: /tpa kustikWHO [23:12:54] kustikWHO issued server command: /tpaccept [23:13:01] Suyumi issued server command: /tppos -40 75 -39 [23:13:02] Suyumi issued server command: /tppos -42 75 -26 [23:13:03] kustikWHO issued server command: /rtp [23:13:04] Suyumi issued server command: /tppos -42 75 -23 [23:13:04] Suyumi issued server command: /tppos -43 75 -19 [23:13:33] Suyumi issued server command: /tppos -43 75 -14 [23:13:33] Suyumi issued server command: /tppos -43 75 -14 [23:13:45] tH0R issued server command: /rtp [23:13:52] FlipSize issued server command: /ctags help [23:13:55] ggwin issued server command: /rtp [23:14:00] FlipSize issued server command: /list [23:14:02] Bananafil issued server command: /call Shezr [23:14:05] FlipSize issued server command: /ctags player [23:14:10] FlipSize issued server command: /ctags player Mod [23:14:22] kustikWHO issued server command: /home [23:14:23] ggwin issued server command: /home [23:14:23] FlipSize issued server command: /ctags player Mod &a [23:14:26] FlipSize issued server command: /ctags player Mod &c [23:14:33] FlipSize issued server command: /ctags player Suyumi Mod [23:14:37] ggwin issued server command: /rtp [23:14:38] FlipSize issued server command: /ctags player Suyumi &c [23:14:56] me3jack убил kustikWHO (DIAMOND_AXE) [23:14:56] tH0R issued server command: /rtp [23:15:00] kustikWHO issued server command: /we cui [23:15:02] FlipSize issued server command: /ctags player [23:15:05] kustikWHO issued server command: /rtp [23:15:05] FlipSize issued server command: /ctags player Suyumi clear [23:15:08] FlipSize issued server command: /ctags player Suyumi reload [23:15:10] Shezr issued server command: /tpaccept [23:15:13] FlipSize issued server command: /ctags player Suyumi clear [23:15:16] FlipSize issued server command: /ctags player Suyumi &c [23:15:20] TweeL1e зашёл [23:15:23] tH0R issued server command: /kit eat [23:15:30] TweeL1e issued server command: /we cui [23:15:38] TweeL1e issued server command: /fly [23:15:59] FlipSize issued server command: /gm 1 [23:16:26] zloy_cool issued server command: /home [23:16:39] FlipSize issued server command: /list [23:16:44] FlipSize issued server command: /screen TweeL1e [23:16:44] kustikWHO issued server command: /rtp [23:17:18] Bananafil issued server command: /rtp [23:17:30] Shezr issued server command: /rtp [23:17:40] Bananafil issued server command: /rtp [23:18:00] zloy_cool issued server command: /home [23:18:03] zloy_cool умер (FIRE_TICK) [23:18:05] zloy_cool issued server command: /we cui [23:18:13] Suyumi issued server command: /ec [23:18:16] kustikWHO issued server command: /rtp [23:18:41] tH0R issued server command: /home [23:19:13] kustikWHO issued server command: /rtp [23:19:17] kustikWHO issued server command: /rtp [23:20:00] Bananafil умер (ENTITY_ATTACK) [23:20:09] Bananafil issued server command: /we cui [23:20:14] Bananafil issued server command: /call Shezr [23:20:20] Shezr issued server command: /tpaccept [23:20:20] kustikWHO issued server command: /rtp [23:20:22] Bananafil issued server command: /we cui [23:21:06] Suyumi issued server command: /ec [23:21:19] Suyumi issued server command: /ec [23:21:25] kustikWHO issued server command: /rtp [23:21:34] Suyumi issued server command: /ec [23:21:38] FlipSize issued server command: /trade Suyumi [23:21:50] kustikWHO issued server command: /home [23:22:28] Ic3berg был кикнут [23:22:28] Ic3berg вышел [23:22:29] Ic3berg зашёл [23:22:31] Ic3berg issued server command: /we cui [23:22:33] FlipSize issued server command: /gm 0 [23:22:47] FlipSize issued server command: /gm 1 [23:22:49] Bananafil issued server command: /rtp [23:22:49] Ic3berg вышел [23:23:08] me3jack убил kustikWHO (DIAMOND_AXE) [23:23:10] kustikWHO issued server command: /we cui [23:23:14] kustikWHO issued server command: /rtp [23:23:34] TweeL1e issued server command: /cart all [23:23:44] [L] TweeL1e: готов к вечеринке? [23:23:51] [L] ggwin: ахаха [23:23:54] kustikWHO issued server command: /rtp [23:23:57] Bananafil issued server command: /kit [23:24:03] Bananafil issued server command: /kit start [23:24:05] [L] TweeL1e: блять ссылки надо [23:24:17] kustikWHO issued server command: /rtp [23:24:17] Bananafil issued server command: /call Shezr [23:24:17] [L] ggwin: есть чилл [23:24:18] Shezr issued server command: /tpaccept [23:24:25] [L] TweeL1e: го [23:25:05] me3jack issued server command: /tpa kustikWHO [23:25:07] [L] TweeL1e: а есть дискотека 90х? [23:25:13] [L] ggwin: нит) [23:25:18] me3jack issued server command: /tpa kustikWHO [23:25:21] [L] TweeL1e: самого топового и нету( [23:25:37] kustikWHO issued server command: /tpaccept [23:26:07] FlipSize issued server command: /oi Suyumi [23:26:11] FlipSize issued server command: /gm 0 [23:26:37] kustikWHO issued server command: /кез [23:26:55] kustikWHO умер (CONTACT) [23:27:00] FlipSize issued server command: /trade Suyumi [23:27:01] FlipSize issued server command: /trade Suyumi [23:27:01] FlipSize issued server command: /trade Suyumi [23:27:01] FlipSize issued server command: /trade Suyumi [23:27:01] FlipSize issued server command: /trade Suyumi [23:27:01] FlipSize issued server command: /trade Suyumi [23:27:01] FlipSize issued server command: /trade Suyumi [23:27:02] FlipSize issued server command: /trade Suyumi [23:27:02] FlipSize issued server command: /trade Suyumi [23:27:02] FlipSize issued server command: /trade Suyumi [23:27:02] FlipSize issued server command: /trade Suyumi [23:27:02] FlipSize issued server command: /trade Suyumi [23:27:02] FlipSize issued server command: /trade Suyumi [23:27:02] FlipSize issued server command: /trade Suyumi [23:27:02] FlipSize issued server command: /trade Suyumi [23:27:02] FlipSize issued server command: /trade Suyumi [23:27:02] FlipSize issued server command: /trade Suyumi [23:27:02] FlipSize issued server command: /trade Suyumi [23:27:02] FlipSize issued server command: /trade Suyumi [23:27:02] FlipSize issued server command: /trade Suyumi [23:27:02] FlipSize issued server command: /trade Suyumi [23:27:02] FlipSize issued server command: /trade Suyumi [23:27:02] FlipSize issued server command: /trade Suyumi [23:27:02] FlipSize issued server command: /trade Suyumi [23:27:02] FlipSize issued server command: /trade Suyumi [23:27:02] FlipSize issued server command: /trade Suyumi [23:27:02] FlipSize issued server command: /trade Suyumi [23:27:03] FlipSize issued server command: /trade Suyumi [23:27:03] FlipSize issued server command: /trade Suyumi [23:27:03] FlipSize issued server command: /trade Suyumi [23:27:03] FlipSize issued server command: /trade Suyumi [23:27:03] FlipSize issued server command: /trade Suyumi [23:27:03] FlipSize issued server command: /trade Suyumi [23:27:03] FlipSize issued server command: /trade Suyumi [23:27:03] FlipSize issued server command: /trade Suyumi [23:27:03] FlipSize issued server command: /trade Suyumi [23:27:03] FlipSize issued server command: /trade Suyumi [23:27:03] FlipSize issued server command: /trade Suyumi [23:27:03] FlipSize issued server command: /trade Suyumi [23:27:03] FlipSize issued server command: /trade Suyumi [23:27:03] FlipSize issued server command: /trade Suyumi [23:27:03] FlipSize issued server command: /trade Suyumi [23:27:03] FlipSize issued server command: /trade Suyumi [23:27:03] FlipSize issued server command: /trade Suyumi [23:27:03] FlipSize issued server command: /trade Suyumi [23:27:03] FlipSize issued server command: /trade Suyumi [23:27:03] FlipSize issued server command: /trade Suyumi [23:27:03] FlipSize issued server command: /trade Suyumi [23:27:03] kustikWHO issued server command: /we cui [23:27:03] FlipSize issued server command: /trade Suyumi [23:27:03] FlipSize issued server command: /trade Suyumi [23:27:03] FlipSize issued server command: /trade Suyumi [23:27:03] FlipSize issued server command: /trade Suyumi [23:27:03] FlipSize issued server command: /trade Suyumi [23:27:03] FlipSize issued server command: /trade Suyumi [23:27:03] FlipSize issued server command: /trade Suyumi [23:27:03] FlipSize issued server command: /trade Suyumi [23:27:06] me3jack issued server command: /tpa kustikWHO [23:27:08] tH0R issued server command: /home [23:27:08] kustikWHO issued server command: /кез [23:27:14] kustikWHO issued server command: /rtp [23:27:33] Ic3berg зашёл [23:27:39] kustikWHO issued server command: /home [23:27:42] Ic3berg issued server command: /we cui [23:27:47] kustikWHO issued server command: /tpaccept [23:27:57] me3jack issued server command: /sethome [23:28:02] kustikWHO issued server command: /rtp [23:28:08] Bananafil issued server command: /rtp [23:28:16] kustikWHO issued server command: /sethome [23:28:17] Bananafil issued server command: /set home [23:28:20] kustikWHO issued server command: /rtp [23:28:20] Bananafil issued server command: /sethome [23:28:40] [G] Ic3berg: !Flip [23:28:43] [G] FlipSize: !, [23:28:44] [G] FlipSize: !7 [23:28:45] [G] FlipSize: !6 [23:28:46] [G] FlipSize: !? [23:29:06] [G] Ic3berg: !помоги разобраться плз [23:29:13] [G] FlipSize: !В чёс? [23:29:17] [G] FlipSize: !Чем* [23:29:23] [G] Ic3berg: !высекатель залагал [23:29:28] [G] Ic3berg: !не робит [23:29:30] kustikWHO issued server command: /rtp [23:29:31] FlipSize issued server command: /tp Ic3berg [23:29:33] FlipSize issued server command: /we cui [23:29:33] FlipSize issued server command: /gm 1 [23:29:41] TweeL1e issued server command: /rtp [23:29:42] Suyumi issued server command: /home [23:29:45] Suyumi issued server command: /we cui [23:29:56] [L] Ic3berg: о [23:29:58] [L] Ic3berg: спс [23:30:08] FlipSize issued server command: /tp Suyumi [23:30:10] TweeL1e issued server command: /home [23:30:11] [L] Ic3berg: а скажи сестно [23:30:31] [L] Ic3berg: вы сделали аваритию чтобы все игроки повесились [23:31:39] kustikWHO умер (ENTITY_ATTACK) [23:31:41] kustikWHO issued server command: /we cui [23:31:44] kustikWHO issued server command: /rtp [23:33:06] [L] ggwin: усё, я спать [23:33:08] Muradin зашёл [23:33:16] Ic3berg issued server command: /адн [23:33:17] [L] TweeL1e: Споконой [23:33:19] Ic3berg issued server command: /fly [23:33:20] Muradin issued server command: /we cui [23:33:22] ggwin вышел [23:33:28] kustikWHO умер (FALL) [23:33:31] kustikWHO issued server command: /we cui [23:34:07] kustikWHO умер (ENTITY_ATTACK) [23:34:07] Suyumi вышел [23:34:09] kustikWHO issued server command: /we cui [23:34:14] flesziip issued server command: //pos1 793,82,8 [23:34:14] flesziip issued server command: //pos2 817,82,32 [23:34:14] flesziip issued server command: //replace 35:11,35:13,35:14,0 98%35:15,2%35:14,1%35:11,1%35:13 [23:34:14] flesziip issued server command: //sel [23:34:14] FlipSize вышел [23:34:15] [G] TweeL1e: !здесб нету терминала безопасности? [23:34:20] [G] flesziip: !нет [23:34:24] flesziip вышел [23:34:29] Muradin issued server command: /warp would [23:34:34] Muradin issued server command: /warps [23:34:38] kustikWHO issued server command: /rtp [23:34:40] me3jack issued server command: //wand [23:34:40] kustikWHO умер (ENTITY_ATTACK) [23:34:43] kustikWHO issued server command: /we cui [23:34:45] [G] TweeL1e: !а что нужно для беспроводного терминала? [23:34:49] kustikWHO issued server command: /rtp [23:34:53] [G] TweeL1e: !только сам терминал и беспроводная точка доступа? [23:35:36] me3jack issued server command: //expand 70 up [23:35:37] me3jack issued server command: //expand 70 d [23:35:52] me3jack issued server command: /rg claim megaultrabaze [23:36:08] me3jack issued server command: /rg flag megaultrabaze pvp [23:36:26] me3jack issued server command: /rg flag megaultrabaze mob [23:36:42] Bananafil issued server command: /ward [23:36:51] Muradin issued server command: /warp list [23:36:58] Bananafil issued server command: //wand [23:36:58] Muradin issued server command: /warp portal [23:37:26] Bananafil умер (FALL) [23:37:28] Bananafil issued server command: /we cui [23:37:31] Bananafil issued server command: /home [23:37:39] me3jack issued server command: /rg flag megaultrabaze creeper-explosion [23:37:51] me3jack issued server command: /rg flag megaultrabaze mob-spawning [23:37:52] Muradin issued server command: /we cui [23:37:54] me3jack issued server command: /rg flag megaultrabaze mob-spawning [23:37:58] me3jack issued server command: /rg flag megaultrabaze mob-spawning [23:38:00] Shezr issued server command: /sethome [23:38:05] me3jack issued server command: /rg flag megaultrabaze mob-spawning [23:38:08] me3jack убил kustikWHO (DIAMOND_AXE) [23:38:09] Bananafil issued server command: /sethome [23:38:12] kustikWHO issued server command: /we cui [23:38:13] Bananafil issued server command: /home [23:38:23] me3jack убил kustikWHO (DIAMOND_AXE) [23:38:24] kustikWHO issued server command: /we cui [23:38:51] me3jack issued server command: /rg addmember megaultrabaze kustikWHO [23:39:08] tH0R issued server command: /кез [23:39:11] tH0R issued server command: /rtp [23:39:54] TweeL1e issued server command: /mpcaseshop [23:40:03] TweeL1e issued server command: /mpcaseshop [23:40:05] tH0R issued server command: /home [23:40:15] kustikWHO вышел [23:40:16] TweeL1e issued server command: /mpcaseshop [23:40:24] Ic3berg вышел [23:40:31] me3jack issued server command: //SEL [23:40:40] Bananafil issued server command: /sethome [23:40:47] Bananafil issued server command: /home tp Shezr [23:40:49] Shezr issued server command: /call Bananafil [23:40:59] Bananafil issued server command: /tpaccpet [23:41:04] zloy_cool вышел [23:41:07] Bananafil issued server command: /tpaccept [23:41:31] [G] me3jack: ! всем бб [23:41:47] me3jack вышел [23:41:49] Bananafil умер (FALL) [23:41:51] Bananafil issued server command: /we cui [23:42:01] TweeL1e issued server command: /spawn [23:42:04] TweeL1e issued server command: /we cui [23:42:05] Bananafil issued server command: /home [23:42:10] TweeL1e issued server command: /warp nether [23:42:10] zloy_cool зашёл [23:42:12] TweeL1e issued server command: /we cui [23:42:12] zloy_cool issued server command: /we cui [23:42:13] Shezr issued server command: /sethome [23:42:15] TweeL1e issued server command: /rtp [23:42:17] Shezr issued server command: /sethome [23:42:18] TweeL1e issued server command: /fly [23:42:22] Shezr issued server command: /rtp [23:43:24] Bananafil issued server command: //expand 50 up [23:43:32] Bananafil issued server command: /expand 40 down [23:43:32] Shezr issued server command: /rtp [23:43:38] Bananafil issued server command: //expand 40 down [23:43:56] zloy_cool issued server command: /rtp [23:43:59] Bananafil issued server command: /rg claim mork [23:44:03] Bananafil issued server command: //chunk [23:44:03] Bananafil issued server command: //outset 16 [23:44:03] Bananafil issued server command: /zone [23:44:26] Bananafil issued server command: /sell [23:44:29] Bananafil issued server command: //sell [23:44:32] Bananafil issued server command: //sel [23:44:36] Bananafil issued server command: /home [23:44:48] Bananafil issued server command: //sel [23:45:06] zloy_cool issued server command: /home [23:45:39] Bananafil issued server command: /rg addmember mork Shezr [23:45:54] Bananafil issued server command: /tp Shezr [23:46:00] Bananafil issued server command: /call Shezr [23:46:01] Shezr issued server command: /tpaccept [23:47:25] Bananafil issued server command: /home [23:47:36] Bananafil issued server command: /rtp [23:47:48] Muradin issued server command: /rtp [23:48:15] zloy_cool вышел [23:48:37] Shezr issued server command: /call Bananafil [23:48:41] Bananafil issued server command: /tpaccept [23:49:01] Muradin issued server command: /kit start [23:50:10] Shezr issued server command: /rtp [23:50:10] TweeL1e issued server command: /home [23:50:12] TweeL1e issued server command: /we cui [23:50:33] Shezr issued server command: /rtp [23:50:42] Shezr issued server command: /call Bananafil [23:50:48] Bananafil issued server command: /tpaccept [23:50:49] TweeL1e issued server command: /fly [23:50:52] Bananafil issued server command: /home [23:51:05] Bananafil issued server command: /acll Shezr [23:51:09] Bananafil issued server command: /call Shezr [23:51:17] Shezr issued server command: /tpaccept [23:51:58] Muradin issued server command: /kit start [23:51:58] Shezr issued server command: /rtp [23:52:29] Muradin issued server command: /из [23:52:31] Shezr issued server command: /tpaccept [23:52:31] Muradin issued server command: /bp [23:52:36] Muradin issued server command: /battle pass [23:53:01] tH0R умер (ENTITY_ATTACK) [23:53:02] tH0R issued server command: /we cui [23:54:05] Bananafil issued server command: /call Shezr [23:54:07] Shezr issued server command: /tpaccept [23:54:29] Shezr issued server command: /home [23:54:42] Bananafil умер (ENTITY_ATTACK) [23:54:47] Bananafil issued server command: /we cui [23:54:51] Bananafil issued server command: /rtp [23:55:12] TweeL1e issued server command: /cart all [23:56:00] Shezr issued server command: /rtp [23:56:41] Shezr issued server command: /sethome [23:57:13] Demaglhf зашёл [23:57:29] Demaglhf issued server command: /we cui [23:58:36] Demaglhf issued server command: /kits [23:58:46] Muradin вышел [23:58:49] TweeL1e issued server command: /home